The Slang Dictionary



☓ ~No good~; too poor, and know too much.

◠+ ~Stop~,—if you have what they want, they will buy. They are pretty
“_fly_” (knowing).

⊃— ~Go in this direction~, it is better than the other road. Nothing
that way.

◇ ~Bone~ (good). Safe for a “cold tatur,” if for nothing else. “_Cheese
your patter_” (don’t talk much) here.

▽ ~Cooper’d~ (spoilt) by too many tramps calling there.

□ ~Gammy~ (unfavourable), likely to have you taken up. Mind the dog.

⦿ ~Flummuxed~ (dangerous), sure of a month in “_quod_,” prison.

⊕ ~Religious~, but tidy on the whole. ]



  [Illustration: “THE WEDGE” AND THE “WOODEN SPOON.”]




Slang, like everything else, changes much in the course of time; and
though but fifteen years have elapsed since this Dictionary was first
introduced to the public, alterations have since then been many and
frequent in the subject of which it treats. The first issue of a work of
this kind is, too, ever beset with difficulties, and the compiler was
always aware that, though under the circumstances of its production the
book was an undoubted success, it necessarily lacked many of the
elements which would make that success lasting, and cause the “Slang
Dictionary” to be regarded as an authority and a work of reference not
merely among the uneducated, but among people of cultivated tastes and
inquiring minds. For though the vulgar use of the word Slang applies to
those words only which are used by the dangerous classes and the lowest
grades of society, the term has in reality, and should have—as every
one who has ever studied the subject knows—a much wider significance.
Bearing this in mind, the original publisher of this Dictionary lost no
opportunity of obtaining information of a useful kind, which could
hardly find place in any other book of reference, with the intention of
eventually bringing out an entirely new edition, in which all former
errors should be corrected and all fresh meanings and new words find a
place. His intention always was to give those words which are familiar
to all conversant with our colloquialisms and locutions, but which have
hitherto been connected with an unwritten tongue, a local habitation,
and to produce a book which, in its way, would be as useful to students
of philology, as well as to lovers of human nature in all its phases,
as any standard work in the English language. The squeamishness which
tries to ignore the existence of slang fails signally, for not only in
the streets and the prisons, but at the bar, on the bench, in the
pulpit, and in the Houses of Parliament, does slang make itself heard,
and, as the shortest and safest means to an end, understood too.

My predecessor, the original compiler, did not live to see his wish
become an actual fact; and, failing him, it devolved upon me to
undertake the task of revision and addition. How far this has been
accomplished, the curious reader who is possessed of a copy of each
edition can best judge for himself by comparing any couple of pages he
may select. Of my own share in the work I wish to say nothing, as I have
mainly benefited by the labours of others; but I may say that, when I
undertook the position of editor of what, with the smallest possible
stretch of fancy, may now be called a new book, I had no idea that the
alteration would be nearly so large or so manifest. However, as the work
is now done, it will best speak for itself, and, as good wine needs no
bush, I will leave it, in all hope of their tenderness, to those readers
who are best qualified to say how the task has been consummated.

In conclusion, it is but fair for me to thank, as strongly as weak words
will permit, those gentlemen who have in various ways assisted me. To
two of them, who are well known in the world of literature, and who have
not only aided me with advice, but have placed many new words and
etymologies at my service, I am under particular obligation. With this I
beg to subscribe myself, the reader’s most obedient servant,

        The Editor.

    _December 20, 1873._

    NOTE.—The reader will bear in mind that this is a Dictionary of
    _modern_ Slang,—a list of colloquial words and phrases in _present_
    use,—whether of ancient or modern formation. Whenever _Ancient_ is
    appended to a word, it means that the expression was in respectable
    use in or previous to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. _Old_ or _Old
    English_, affixed to a word, signifies that it was in general use as
    a proper expression in or previous to the reign of Charles II. _Old
    Cant_ indicates that the term was in use as a Cant word during or
    before the same reign.

_The Publishers will be much obliged by the receipt of any cant, slang,
or vulgar words not mentioned in the Dictionary. The probable origin, or
etymology, of any fashionable or unfashionable vulgarism, will also be
received with thanks._







  SOME ACCOUNT OF THE BACK SLANG                                     347

  GLOSSARY OF THE BACK SLANG                                         353

  SOME ACCOUNT OF THE RHYMING SLANG                                  358

  GLOSSARY OF THE RHYMING SLANG                                      365

  CENTRE SLANG                                                       369

  THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SLANG                                          371

“_All ridiculous words make their first entry into a language by
familiar phrases; I dare not answer for these that they will not in time
be looked upon as a part of our tongue._”—SPECTATOR.

“_Rabble-charming words, which carry so much wild fire wrapt up in

“_Slang derivations are generally indirect, turning upon metaphor and
fanciful allusions, and other than direct etymological connexion. Such
allusions and fancies are essentially temporary or local; they rapidly
pass out of the public mind: the word remains, while the key to its
origin is lost._”

“_Many of these [slang] words and phrases are but serving their
apprenticeship, and will eventually become the active strength of our
language._”—H. T. BUCKLE.




Cant and Slang are universal and world-wide. By their means is often
said in a sentence what would otherwise take an hour to express. Nearly
every nation on the face of the globe, polite and barbarous, has its
divisions and subdivisions of various ranks of society. These are
necessarily of many kinds, stationary and wandering, civilized and
uncivilized, respectable and disreputable,—those who have fixed abodes
and avail themselves of the refinements of civilization, and those who
go from place to place picking up a precarious livelihood by petty
sales, begging, or theft. This peculiarity is to be observed amongst the
heathen tribes of the southern hemisphere, as well as in the oldest and
most refined countries of Europe. In South Africa, the naked and
miserable Hottentots are pestered by the still more abject _Sonquas_;
and it may be some satisfaction for us to know that our old enemies at
the Cape, the Kaffirs, are troubled with a tribe of rascals called
_Fingoes_,—the former term, we are informed by travellers, signifying
beggars, and the latter wanderers and outcasts. In South America, and
among the islands of the Pacific, matters are pretty much the same.
Sleek rascals, without much inclination towards honesty, fatten, or
rather fasten, like the insects in the famous epigram, upon other
rascals, who would be equally sleek and fat but for their vagabond
dependents. Luckily for respectable persons, however, vagabonds, both at
home and abroad, generally show certain outward peculiarities which
distinguish them from the great mass of law-abiding people on whom they
subsist. Observation shows that the wandering races are remarkable for
an abnormal development of the bones of the face, as the jaws,
cheek-bones, &c., for high-crowned, stubborn-shaped heads, quick,
restless eyes,[1] and hands nervously itching to be doing; for their
love of gambling; for sensuality of all kinds; and for their use of a
CANT language with which to conceal their designs and plunderings.

The secret jargon, or rude speech, of the vagabonds who hang upon the
Hottentots is termed Cuze-cat. In Finland, the fellows who steal
seal-skins, pick the pockets of bear-skin overcoats, and talk cant, are
termed Lappes. In France, the secret language of highwaymen,
housebreakers, and pickpockets, is named Argot. The brigands and more
romantic rascals of Spain term their private tongue Germania,[2] or
Robbers’ Language. Rothwälsch,[3] or foreign-beggar-talk, is synonymous
with cant and thieves’ talk in Germany. The vulgar dialect of Malta, and
the Scala towns of the Levant—imported into this country and
incorporated with English cant—is known as the Lingua Franca, or
bastard Italian. And the crowds of lazy beggars that infest the streets
of Naples and Rome, as well as the brigands of Pompeii, use a secret
language termed Gergo. In England, as we all know, it is called
Cant—often improperly Slang.

Most nations, then, possess each a tongue, or series of tongues maybe,
each based on the national language, by which not only thieves, beggars,
and other outcasts communicate, but which is used more or less by all
classes. There is hardly any community in this country, hardly any
profession, but has its slang, and proficiency in this is the greatest
desideratum of an aspirant to the pleasures of Society, or the honours
of literature and art. The formation of these secret tongues varies, of
course, with the circumstances surrounding the speakers. A writer in
_Notes and Queries_ has well remarked that “the investigation of the
origin and principles of cant and slang language opens a curious field
of inquiry, replete with considerable interest to the philologist and
the philosopher. It affords a remarkable instance of lingual
contrivance, which, without the introduction of much arbitrary matter,
has developed a system of communicating ideas, having all the advantages
of a foreign language.”

“The terms Cant and Canting were probably derived from chaunt and
chaunting,—the whining tone, or modulation of voice adopted by
beggars, with intent to coax, wheedle, or cajole by pretensions of
wretchedness.”[4] For the origin of the other application of the word
Cant, pulpit hypocrisy, we are indebted to the _Spectator_—“Cant is by
some people derived from one Andrew Cant, who, they say, was a
Presbyterian minister in some illiterate part of Scotland, who, by
exercise and use, had obtained the faculty, alias gift, of talking in
the pulpit in such a dialect that ’tis said he was understood by none
but his own congregation,—and not by all of them. Since Master Cant’s
time it has been understood in a larger sense, and signifies all
exclamations, whinings, unusual tones, and, in fine, all praying and
preaching like the unlearned of the Presbyterians.” This anecdote is
curious, though it is but fair to assume that the preacher’s name was
taken from his practice, rather than that the practice was called after
the preacher. As far as we are concerned, however, in the present
inquiry, Cant was derived from chaunt, a beggar’s whine; “chaunting”
being the recognised term amongst beggars to this day for begging
orations and street whinings; and “chaunter,” a street talker and tramp,
is still the term used by strollers and patterers. This race is,
however, nearly obsolete. The use of the word Cant, amongst beggars,
must certainly have commenced at a very early date, for we find “To
cante, to speake,” in Harman’s list of Rogues’ Words in the year 1566;
and Harrison about the same time,[5] in speaking of beggars and
Gipsies, says, “they have devised a language among themselves which they
name Canting, but others Pedlars’ Frenche.”

Now, the word Cant in its old sense, and Slang[6] in its modern
application, although used by good writers and persons of education as
synonyms, are in reality quite distinct and separate terms. Cant, apart
from religious hypocrisy, refers to the old secret language of Gipsies,
thieves, tramps, and beggars. Slang represents that evanescent language,
ever changing with fashion and taste, which has principally come into
vogue during the last seventy or eighty years, spoken by persons in
every grade of life, rich and poor, honest and dishonest.[7] Cant is
old; Slang is always modern and ever changing. To illustrate the
difference: a thief in Cant language would term a horse a “prancer” or a
“prad;” while in Slang, a man of fashion would speak of it as a “bit of
blood,” a “spanker,” or a “neat tit.” A handkerchief, too, would be a
“billy,” a “fogle,” or a “Kent rag,” in the secret language of low
characters; whilst amongst the modern folk who affect Slang, it would be
called a “stook,” a “wipe,” a “fogle,” or a “clout.” Cant was formed for
purposes of secrecy. Slang, though it has a tendency the same way, is
still often indulged in from a mild desire to appear familiar with life,
gaiety, town-humour, and the transient nicknames and street jokes of the
day. Both Cant and Slang, we have before said, are often huddled
together as synonyms; but they are most certainly distinct, and as such
should be used.

To the Gipsies, beggars and thieves are in great measure indebted for
their Cant language. It is supposed that the Gipsies originally landed
in this country early in the reign of Henry VIII. They were at first
treated as conjurors and magicians,—indeed, they were hailed by the
populace with as much applause as a company of English performers
usually receives on arriving in a distant colony. They came here with
all their old Eastern arts of palmistry and second-sight, with their
factitious power of doubling money by incantation and burial,—shreds of
pagan idolatry; and they brought with them, also, the dishonesty of the
lower-caste Orientals, and the nomadic tastes they had acquired through
centuries of wandering over nearly the whole of the then known globe.
They possessed also a language quite distinct from anything that had
been heard in England up till their advent; they claimed the title of
Egyptians, and as such, when their thievish propensities became a public
nuisance, were cautioned and proscribed in a royal proclamation by Henry
VIII.[8] The Gipsies were not long in the country before they found
native imitators; and indeed the imitation is much more frequently found
nowadays, in the ranks of the so-called Gipsies, than is the genuine
article. Vagabondism is peculiarly catching, and the idle, the vagrant,
and the criminal soon caught the idea from the Gipsies, and learned from
them to tramp, sleep under hedges and trees, tell fortunes, and find
lost property for a consideration—frequently, as the saying runs,
having found it themselves before it was lost. They also learned the
value and application of a secret tongue; indeed, with the Gipsies came
in all the accompaniments of maunding and imposture, except thieving and
begging, which were well known in this country, and perhaps in every
other, long before visitors had an opportunity of teaching them.

Harman, in 1566, wrote a singular, not to say droll, book, entitled, _A
Caveat for commen Cvrsetors, vulgarly called Vagabones, newly augmented
and inlarged_, wherein the history and various descriptions of rogues
and vagabonds are given, together with their canting tongue. This book,
the earliest of the kind, gives the singular fact that within a dozen
years after the landing of the Gipsies, companies of English vagrants
were formed, places of meeting appointed, districts for plunder and
begging operations marked out, and rules agreed to for their common
management. In some cases Gipsies joined the English gangs; in others,
English vagrants joined the Gipsies. The fellowship was found convenient
and profitable, as both parties were aliens to the laws and customs of
the country, living in a great measure in the open air, apart from the
lawful public, and often meeting each other on the same by-path, or in
the same retired valley; but seldom intermarrying or entirely adopting
each other’s habits. The common people, too, soon began to consider them
as of one family,—all rogues, and from Egypt. This superstition must
have been very firmly imbedded, for it is still current. The secret
language spoken by the Gipsies, principally Hindoo, and extremely
barbarous to English ears, was found incomprehensible and very difficult
to learn. The Gipsies naturally found a similar difficulty with the
English language. A rude, rough, and singular, but under the
circumstances not unnatural, compromise was made, and a mixture of
Gipsy, old English, newly-coined words, and cribbings from any foreign,
and therefore secret, language, mixed and jumbled together, formed what
has ever since been known as the Canting Language, or Pedlar’s French;
or, during the past century, St. Giles’s Greek.

Such was the origin of Cant; and in illustration of its blending with
the Gipsy or Cingari tongue, we are enabled to give the accompanying
list of Gipsy, and often Hindoo, words, with, in many instances, their
English representatives:—

             _Gipsy._                            _English._

  ~Bamboozle~, to perplex or mislead    ~Bamboozle~, to delude, cheat,
    by hiding. _Modern Gipsy._            or make a fool of any one.

  ~Bosh~, rubbish, nonsense, offal.     ~Bosh~, stupidity, foolishness.
    _Gipsy and Persian._

  ~Cheese~, thing or article, “That’s   ~Cheese~, or CHEESY, a
    the CHEESE,” or thing. _Gipsy and     first-rate or very good
    Hindoo._                              article.

  ~Chive~, the tongue. _Gipsy._         ~Chive~, or CHIVEY, a shout. To
                                          CHIVEY, to hunt down with

  ~Cuta~, a gold coin. _Danubian_       ~Couter~, a sovereign, twenty
    _Gipsy._                              shillings.

  ~Dade~, or DADI, a father. _Gipsy._   ~Daddy~, nursery term for

  ~Distarabin~, a prison. _Gipsy._      ~Sturabin~, a prison.

  ~Gad~, or GADSI, a wife. _Gipsy._     ~Gad~, a female scold; a woman
                                          who tramps over the country
                                          with a beggar or hawker.

  ~Gibberish~, the language of          ~Gibberish~, rapid and unmeaning
    Gipsies, synonymous with SLANG.       speech.

  ~Ischur~, SCHUR, or CHUR, a thief.    ~Cur~, a mean or dishonest
    _Gipsy and Hindoo._                   man.(*)

  ~Lab~, a word. _Gipsy._               ~Lobs~, words.

  ~Lowe~, or LOWR, money. _Gipsy        ~Lowre~, money. _Ancient Cant._
    and Wallachian._

  ~Mami~, a grandmother. _Gipsy._       ~Mammy~, or MAMMA, a mother,
                                          formerly sometimes used for

  ~Mang~, or MAUNG, to beg. _Gipsy      ~Maund~, to beg.
    and Hindoo._

  ~Mort~, a free woman,—one for         ~Mot~, a prostitute.
    common use amongst the male
    Gipsies, so appointed by Gipsy
    custom. _Gipsy._

  ~Mu~, the mouth. _Gipsy and Hindoo._  ~Moo~, or MUN, the mouth.

  ~Mull~, to spoil or destroy. _Gipsy._ ~Mull~, to spoil, or bungle.(*)

  ~Pal~, a brother. _Gipsy._            ~Pal~, a partner, or relation.

  ~Pané~, water. _Gipsy._ _Hindoo_,     ~Parney~, rain.

  ~Rig~, a performance. _Gipsy._        ~Rig~, a frolic, or “spree.”

  ~Romany~, speech or language.         ~Romany~, the Gipsy language.
    _Spanish Gipsy._

  ~Rome~, or ROMM, a man. _Gipsy        ~Rum~, a good man, or thing. In
    and Coptic._                          the Robbers’ language of Spain
                                          (partly Gipsy), RUM signifies
                                          a harlot.

  ~Romee~, a woman. _Gipsy._            ~Rumy~, a good woman or girl.

  ~Slang~, the language spoken by       ~Slang~, low, vulgar,
    Gipsies. _Gipsy._                     unauthorized language.

  ~Tawno~, little. _Gipsy._             ~Tanny~, TEENY, little.

  ~Tschib~, or JIBB, the tongue.        ~Jibb~, the tongue; JABBER,[9]
    _Gipsy and Hindoo._                   quick-tongued, or fast talk.

[In those instances indicated by a (*), it is doubtful whether we are
indebted to the Gipsies for the terms. Dad, in Welsh, also signifies a
father. Cur is stated to be a mere term of reproach, like Dog, which in
all European languages has been applied in an abusive sense. Objections
may also be raised against Gad, Maund, and many other of these
parallels. We have, however, no wish to present them as infallible; our
idea is merely to call the reader’s attention to the undoubted
similarity between both the sound and the sense in most examples.]

Here, then, we have the remarkable fact of at least a few words of pure
Gipsy origin going the round of Europe, passing into this country before
the Reformation, and coming down to us through numerous generations
purely by the mouths of the people. They have seldom been written or
used in books, and it is simply as vulgarisms that they have reached us.
Only a few are now Cant, and some are household words. The word jockey,
as applied to a dealer or rider of horses, came from the Gipsy, and
means in that language a whip. The word, used as a verb, is an instance
of modern slang grown out of the ancient. Our standard dictionaries
give, of course, none but conjectural etymologies. Another word,
bamboozle, has been a sore difficulty with lexicographers. It is not in
the old dictionaries, although it is extensively used in familiar or
popular language for the last two centuries; and is, in fact, the very
kind of word that such writers as Swift, Butler, L’Estrange, and
Arbuthnot would pick out at once as a telling and most serviceable term.
It is, as we have seen, from the Gipsy; and here we must state that it
was Boucher who first drew attention to the fact, although in his
remarks on the dusky tongue he has made an evident mistake by concluding
it to be identical with its offspring, Cant. Other parallel instances,
with but slight variations from the old Gipsy meanings, might be
mentioned; but sufficient examples have been adduced to show that
Marsden, a great Oriental scholar in the last century, when he declared
before the Society of Antiquaries that the Cant of English thieves and
beggars had nothing to do with the language spoken by the despised
Gipsies, was in error. Had the Gipsy tongue been analysed and committed
to writing three centuries ago, there is every probability that many
scores of words now in common use could be at once traced to its source,
having been adopted as our language has developed towards its present
shape through many varied paths. Instances continually occur nowadays of
street vulgarisms ascending to the drawing-rooms of respectable society.
Who, then, can doubt that the Gipsy-vagabond alliance of three centuries
ago has contributed its quota of common words to popular speech?

Thomas Moore, in a humorous little book, _Tom Crib’s Memorial to
Congress_, 1819, says, “The Gipsy language, with the exception of such
terms as relate to their own peculiar customs, differs but little from
the regular Flash or Cant language.” But this was magnifying the
importance of the alliance. Moore, we should think, knew nothing of the
Gipsy tongue other than the few Cant words put into the mouths of the
beggars in Beaumont and Fletcher’s _Comedy of the Beggar’s Bush_, and
Ben Jonson’s _Masque of the Gipsies Metamorphosed_,—hence his
confounding Cant with Gipsy speech, and appealing to the Glossary of
Cant for so-called “Gipsy” words at the end of the _Life of Bamfylde
Moore Carew_, to bear him out in his assertion. Still his remark bears
much truth, and proof of this would have been found long ago if any
scholar had taken the trouble to examine the “barbarous jargon of Cant,”
and to have compared it with Gipsy speech. George Borrow, in his
_Account of the Gipsies in Spain_, thus eloquently concludes his second
volume; speaking of the connexion of the Gipsies with Europeans, he
says:—“Yet from this temporary association were produced two results;
European fraud became sharpened by coming into contact with Asiatic
craft; whilst European tongues, by imperceptible degrees, became
recruited with various words (some of them wonderfully expressive), many
of which have long been stumbling-blocks to the philologist, who, whilst
stigmatizing them as words of mere vulgar invention, or of unknown
origin, has been far from dreaming that a little more research or
reflection would have proved their affinity to the Sclavonic, Persian,
or Romaic, or perhaps to the mysterious object of his veneration, the
Sanscrit, the sacred tongue of the palm-covered regions of Ind; words
originally introduced into Europe by objects too miserable to occupy for
a moment his lettered attention—the despised denizens of the tents of
Roma.” These words might with very little alteration be ascribed to the
subject of which this volume is supposed—indeed hoped—to be a

But the Gipsies, their speech, their character—bad enough, as all the
world testifies, but yet not devoid of redeeming qualities—their
history, and their religious belief, have been totally disregarded, and
their poor persons buffeted and jostled about until it is a wonder that
any trace of origin or national speech remains. On the Continent they
received better attention at the hands of learned men. Their language
was taken down in writing and examined, their history was traced, and
their extraordinary customs and practice of living in the open air, and
eating raw, and often putrid meat, were explained. They ate reptiles and
told fortunes because they had learnt to do so through their forefathers
centuries back in Hindostan; and they devoured carrion because the
Hindoo proverb—“That which God kills is better than that killed by
man”[10]—was still in their remembrance. This is the sort of proverb,
we should imagine, that would hardly commend itself to any one who had
not an unnatural and ghoule-like tendency anxious for full development.
Grellman, a learned German, was their principal historian, and to him,
and those who have followed him, we are almost entirely indebted for the
little we know of their language. The first European settlement of the
Gipsies was in the provinces adjoining the Danube, Moldau and
Theiss, where M. Cogalniceano, in his _Essai sur les Cigains de la
Moldo-Valachie_, estimates them at 200,000. Not a few of our ancient and
modern Cant and Slang terms are Wallachian and Greek words, picked up by
these wanderers from the East, and added to their common stock.

Gipsy, then, started, and was partially merged into Cant; and the old
story told by Harrison and others, that the first inventor of canting
was hanged for his pains, would seem to be a humorous invention, for
jargon as it is, it was doubtless of gradual formation, like all other
languages or systems of speech. Most of the modern Gipsies know the old
Cant words as well as their own tongue—or rather what remains of it. As
Borrow says, “The dialect of the English Gipsies is mixed with English
words.”[11] Those of the tribe who frequent fairs, and mix with English
tramps, readily learn the new words, as they are adopted by what Harman
calls “the fraternity of vagabonds.” Indeed, the old Cant is a common
language to the vagrants of many descriptions and every possible origin
who are scattered over the British Isles.

English Cant has its mutabilities like every other system of speech, and
is considerably altered since the first dictionary was compiled by
Harman in 1566. A great many words are unknown in the present tramps’
and thieves’ vernacular. Some of them, however, still bear their old
definitions, while others have adopted fresh meanings. “Abraham-man” is
yet seen in our modern “sham Abraham,” or “play the old
soldier”—_i.e._, to feign sickness or distress. “Autum” is still a
church or chapel amongst Gipsies; and “beck,” a constable, is our modern
Cant and Slang “beak,” once a policeman, but now a magistrate. “Bene,”
or “bone,” stands for good in Seven Dials and the back streets of
Westminster; and “bowse” is our modern “booze,” to drink or fuddle. A
“bowsing ken” was the old Cant term for a public-house; and “boozing
ken,” in modern Cant, has precisely the same meaning. There is little
doubt, though, that the pronunciations were always as they are now, so
far at least as these two instances are concerned. “Cassan” is both old
and modern Cant for cheese; the same may be said of “chattes,” or
“chatts,” the gallows. “Cofe,” or “cove,” is still a vulgar synonym for
a man. “Dudes” was Cant for clothes; we now say “duds.” “Flag” is still
a fourpenny-piece; and “fylche” means to rob. “Ken” is a house, and
“lick” means to thrash; “prancer” is yet known amongst rogues as a
horse; and to “prig,” amongst high and low, is to steal. Three centuries
ago, if one beggar said anything disagreeable to another, the person
annoyed would say, “Stow you,” or hold your peace; low people now say,
“Stow it,” equivalent to “Be quiet.” There is, so far as the Slang goes,
no actual difference in the use of these phrases, the variation being in
the pronouns—in fact, in the direction. “Trine” is still to hang; “wyn”
yet stands for a penny. And many other words, as will be seen in the
Dictionary, still retain their ancient meaning.

As specimens of those words which have altered their original Cant
signification, may be instanced “chete,” now written cheat. “Chete” was
in ancient Cant what _chop_ is in the Canton-Chinese—an almost
inseparable adjunct. Everything was termed a “chete,” and qualified by a
substantive-adjective, which showed what kind of a “chete” was meant;
for instance, “crashing-chetes” were teeth; a “moffling-chete,” was a
napkin; a “topping-chete,” was the gallows, and a “grunting-chete,” was
a pig. Cheat nowadays means to cozen or defraud, and lexicographers have
tortured etymology for an original—but without success. _Escheats_ and
_escheatours_ have been named, but with great doubts; indeed, Stevens,
the learned commentator on Shakspeare, acknowledged that he “did not
recollect to have met with the word cheat in our ancient writers.”[12]
Cheat, to defraud, then, is no other than an old Cant term somewhat
altered in its meaning,[13] and as such it should be described in the
next etymological dictionary. Another instance of a change in the
meaning of the old Cant, but the retention of the word, is seen in
“cly,” formerly to take or steal, now a pocket; and with the remembrance
of a certain class of low characters, a curious connexion between the
two meanings is discovered. “Make” was a halfpenny: we now say
“mag,”—“make” being modern Cant for getting money by any possible
means, their apophthegm being—“Get money the best way you can, but
_make_ it somehow.” “Milling” stood for stealing; it ultimately became a
pugilistic term, and then faded into nothingness, “the cove wot loves a
mill,” being a thing of the past. “Nab” was a head,—low people now say
“nob,” the former meaning, in modern Cant, to steal or seize. “Pek” was
meat,—we still say “peckish,” when hungry. “Peckish” is though more
likely to be derived from the action of birds when eating, as all slang
has its origin in metaphor. “Prygges, dronken Tinkers or beastly
people,” as old Harman wrote, would scarcely be understood now; a
“prig,” in the 19th century, is a pickpocket or thief. He is also a
mean, contemptible little “cuss,” who is not, as a rule, found in low
life, but who could be very well spared from that of the middle and
upper classes. “Quier,” or “queer,” like cheat, was a very common
prefix, and meant bad or wicked,—it now means odd, curious, or strange;
but to the ancient Cant we are possibly indebted for the word, which
etymologists should remember.[14] “Rome,” or “rum,” formerly meant good,
or of the first quality, and was extensively used like cheat and
queer,—indeed as an adjective it was the opposite of the latter. “Rum”
now means curious, and is synonymous with queer; thus,—“rummy old
bloke,” or a “queer old man.” Here again we see the origin of an
every-day word, scouted by lexicographers and snubbed by respectable
persons, but still a word of frequent and popular use. “Yannam” meant
bread; “pannum” is the word now. Other instances could be pointed out,
but they will be observed in the Dictionary.

Several words are entirely obsolete. “Alybbeg” no longer means a bed,
nor “askew” a cup. “Booget,”[15] nowadays, would not be understood for a
basket; neither would “gan” pass current for mouth. “Fullams” was the
old Cant term for false or loaded dice, and although used by Shakspeare
in this sense, is now unknown and obsolete. Indeed, as Moore somewhere
remarks, the present Greeks of St. Giles’s themselves would be
thoroughly puzzled by many of the ancient canting songs,—taking, for
example, the first verse of an old favourite—

    “Bing out, bien Morts, and toure and toure,
      Bing out, bien Morts, and toure;
    For all your duds are bing’d awast;
      The bien cove hath the loure.”[16]

But perhaps we cannot do better than present to the reader at once an
entire copy of the first Canting Dictionary ever compiled. As before
mentioned, it was the work of one Thomas Harman, who lived in the days
of Queen Elizabeth. Some writers have remarked that Decker[17] was the
first to compile a dictionary of the vagabonds’ tongue; whilst
Borrow[18] and Moore stated that Richard Head performed that service in
his _Life of an English Rogue_, published in the year 1680. All these
statements are equally incorrect, for the first attempt was made more
than a century before the latter work was issued. The quaint spelling
and old-fashioned phraseology are preserved, and the initiated will
quickly recognise many vulgar street words as old acquaintances dressed
in antique garb.[19]

    ~Abraham-men~ be those that fayn themselves to have beene mad, and
    have bene kept either in Bethelem, or in some other pryson a good

    ~Alybbeg~, a bedde.

    ~Askew~, a cuppe.

    ~Autem~, a churche.

    ~Autem mortes~, married women as chaste as a cowe.

    ~Baudye baskets~ bee women who goe with baskets and capcases on
    their armes, wherein they have laces, pinnes, nedles, whyte inkel,
    and round sylke gyrdels of all colours.

    ~Beck~ [Beak, a magistrate], a constable.

    ~Belly-chete~, apron.

    ~Bene~, good. _Benar_, better.

    ~Benship~, very good.

    ~Bleting chete~, a calfe or sheepe.

    ~Booget~, a travelling tinker’s baskete.

    ~Borde~, a shilling.

    ~Boung~, a purse. [_Friesic_, pong; _Wallachian_, punga.] The oldest
    form of this word is in Ulphilas, puggs; it exists also in the
    _Greek_, πουγγὴ.

    ~Bowse~, drink.

    ~Bowsing ken~, an alehouse.

    ~Bufe~ [Buffer, a man], a dogge.

    ~Bynge a waste~ [Avast, get out of the way] go you hence.

    ~Cackling chete~, a coke [cock], or capon.

    ~Cassan~ [Cassam], cheese.

    ~Casters~ [Castor, a hat], a cloake.

    ~Cateth~, “the vpright Cofe _cateth_ to the Roge” [probably a
    shortening or misprint of _Canteth_].

    ~Chattes~, the gallowes.

    ~Chete~ [see what has been previously said about this word.]

    ~Cly~ [a pocket], to take, receive, or have.

    ~Cofe~ [cove], a person.

    ~Commission~ [mish], a shirt.

    ~Counterfet cranke~, these that do counterfet the Cranke be yong
    knaves and yonge harlots, that deeply dissemble the falling

    ~Cranke~ [cranky, foolish], falling evil [or wasting sickness].

    ~Crashing chetes~, teeth.

    ~Cuffen~, a manne. [A _cuif_ in Northumberland and Scotland
    signifies a lout or awkward fellow.]

    ~Darkemans~, the night.

    ~Dell~, a yonge wench.

    ~Dewse a vyle~, the countrey.

    ~Dock~, to deflower.

    ~Doxes~, harlots.

    ~Drawers~, hosen.

    ~Dudes~ [or duds], clothes.

    ~Fambles~, handes.

    ~Fambling chete~, a ring on one’s hand.

    ~Flagg~, a groat.

    ~Frater~, a beggar wyth a false paper.

    ~Freshe water mariners~, these kind of caterpillers counterfet great
    losses on the sea:—their shippes were drowned in the playne of

    ~Fylche~, to robbe: Fylch-man, a robber.

    ~Gage~, a quart pot.

    ~Gan~, a mouth.

    ~Gentry cofe~, a noble or gentle man.

    ~Gentry cofes ken~, a noble or gentle man’s house.

    ~Gentry mort~, a noble or gentle woman.

    ~Gerry~, excrement.

    ~Glasyers~, eyes.

    ~Glymmar~, fyer.

    ~Grannam~, corne.

    ~Grunting chete~, a pygge.

    ~Gyb~, a writing.

    ~Gyger~ [jigger], a dore.

    ~Hearing chetes~, eares.

    ~Jarke~, a seale.

    ~Jarkeman~, one who makes writings and sets seales for [counterfeit]
    licences and passports.

    ~Ken~, a house.

    ~Kynchen co~ [or cove], a young boye trained up like a “Kynching
    Morte.” [From the German diminutive, _Kindschen_.]

    ~Kynching morte~, is a little gyrle, carried at their mother’s backe
    in a slate, or sheete, who brings them up sauagely.

    ~Lag~, water.

    ~Lag of dudes~, a bucke [or basket] of clothes.

    ~Lage~, to washe.

    ~Lap~, butter mylke, or whey.

    ~Lightmans~, the day.

    ~Lowing chete~, a cowe.

    ~Lowre~, money. [From the Wallachian Gipsy word LOWE, coined money.
    _See_ M. Cogalniceano’s _Essai sur les Cigains de la

    ~Lubbares~,—“sturdy Lubbares,” country bumpkins, or men of a low

    ~Lyb-beg~, a bed.

    ~Lycke~ [lick], to beate.

    ~Lyp~, to lie down.

    ~Lypken~, a house to lye in.

    ~Make~ [mag], a halfpenny.

    ~Margeri prater~, a hen.

    ~Milling~, to steale [by sending a child in at a window].

    ~Moffling chete~, a napkin.

    ~Mortes~ [mots], harlots.

    ~Myll~, to robbe.

    ~Mynt~, gold.

    ~Nab~ [nob], a heade.

    ~Nabchet~, a hat or cap.

    ~Nase~, dronken.

    ~Nosegent~, a nunne.

    ~Pallyard~, a borne beggar [who counterfeits sickness, or incurable
    sores. They are mostly Welshmen, Harman says.]

    ~Param~, mylke.

    ~Patrico~, a priest.

    ~Patricos kinchen~, a pygge. [A satirical hit at the church, PATRICO
    meaning a parson or priest, and KINCHEN his little boy or girl.]

    ~Pek~, meat.

    ~Poppelars~, porrage.

    ~Prat~, a buttocke. [This word has its equivalent in modern slang.]

    ~Pratling chete~, a toung.

    ~Prauncer~, a horse.

    ~Prigger of prauncers~ be horse-stealers, for to prigge signifieth
    in their language to steale, and a PRAUNCER is a horse, so being put
    together, the matter was playn. [Thus writes old Thomas Harman, who
    concludes his description of this order of “pryggers,” by very
    quietly saying, “I had the best gelding stolen out of my pasture,
    that I had amongst others, whyle this book was first a-printing.”]

    ~Prygges~, dronken tinkers, or beastly people.

    ~Quacking chete~, a drake or duck.

    ~Quaromes~, a body.

    ~Quier~ [queer], badde. [_See ante_.]

    ~Quier cuffin~, the justice of peace.

    ~Quyer crampringes~, boltes or fetters.

    ~Quyer kyn~, a pryson house.

    ~Red shanke~, a drake or ducke.

    ~Roger~, a goose.

    ~Rome~, goode [now curious, noted, or remarkable in any way. _Rum_
    is the modern orthography].

    ~Rome bouse~ [rum booze], wyne. [A name probably applied by canters
    coming on it for the first time, and tasting it suddenly.]

    ~Rome mort~, the Queene [Elizabeth].

    ~Rome vyle~ [Rum-ville], London.

    ~Ruff peck~, baken [short bread, common in old times at

    ~Ruffmans~, the wood or bushes.

    ~Salomon~, an alter or masse.

    ~Skypper~, a barne.

    ~Slate~, a sheete or shetes.

    ~Smelling chete~, a nose.

    ~Smelling chete~, a garden or orchard.

    ~Snowt fayre~ [said of a woman who has a pretty face or is comely].

    ~Stall~ [to initiate a beggar or rogue into the rights and
    privileges of the canting order. Harman relates that when an upright
    man, or initiated first-class rogue, “mete any beggar, whether he be
    sturdy or impotent, he will demand of him whether ever he was
    ‘stalled to the roge,’ or no. If he say he was, he will know of
    whom, and his name yt stalled him. And if he be not learnedly able
    to shew him the whole circumstance thereof, he will spoyle him of
    his money, either of his best garment, if it be worth any money, and
    haue him to the bowsing-ken: which is, to some typling house next
    adjoyninge, and layth there to gage the best thing that he hath for
    twenty pence or two shillings: this man obeyeth for feare of
    beatinge. Then dooth this upright man call for a gage of bowse,
    which is a quarte potte of drink, and powres the same vpon his peld
    pate, adding these words,—I, _G.P._, do stalle thee, _W.T._, to
    the Roge, and that from henceforth it shall be lawfull for thee to
    cant, that is, to aske or begge for thi liuing in al places.”]

    ~Stampers~, shoes.

    ~Stampes~, legges.

    ~Stauling ken~, a house that will receyue stollen wares.

    ~Stawlinge kens~, tippling-houses.

    ~Stow you~ [stow it], hold your peace.

    ~Strike~, to steale.

    ~Strommell~, strawe.

    ~Swadder~, or PEDLER [a man who hawks goods].

    ~The high pad~, the highway.

    ~The ruffian cly thee~, the devil take thee.

    ~Togemans~ [tog], cloake.

    ~Togman~, a coate.

    ~To bowse~, to drinke.

    ~To cant~, to speake.

    ~To cly the gerke~, to be whipped.

    ~To couch a hogshead~, to lie down and slepe.

    ~To cut bene whyddes~, to speake or give good words.

    ~To cut benle~, to speak gentle.

    ~To cutte~, to say.

    ~To cutte quyer whyddes~, to giue euil words or euil language.

    ~To dup ye gyger~ [jigger], to open the dore.

    ~To fylche~, to robbe.

    ~To heue a bough~, to robbe or rifle a boweth [booth].

    ~To maunde~, to aske or require.

    ~To mill a ken~, to robbe a house.

    ~Tonygle~ [coition].

    ~To nyp a boung~, [nip, to steal], to cut a purse.

    ~To skower the crampringes~, to weare boltes or fetters.

    ~To stall~, to make or ordain.

    ~To the ruffian~, to the Devil.

    ~To towre~, to see.

    ~Tryning~, hanging.

    ~Tyb of the butery~, a goose.

    ~Walking morte~, womene [who pass for widows].

    ~Wapping~ [coition].

    ~Whyddes~, wordes.

    ~Wyn~, a penny. [A correspondent of _Notes and Queries_ suggests the
    connexion of this word with the Welsh, GWYN, white—_i.e._, the
    white silver penny. _See_ other examples under BLUNT, in the
    Dictionary; cf. also the Armorican, “GWENNEK,” a penny.]

    ~Yannam~, bread.

Turning attention more to the Cant of modern times, in connexion with
the old, it will be found that words have been drawn into the thieves’
vocabulary from every conceivable source. Hard or infrequent words,
vulgarly termed “crack-jaw,” or “jaw-breakers,” were very often used and
considered as Cant terms. And here it should be mentioned that at the
present day the most inconsistent and far-fetched terms are often used
for secret purposes, when they are known to be caviare to the million.
It is strange that such words as incongruous, insipid, interloper,
intriguing, indecorum, forestall, equip, hush, grapple, &c., &c., were
current Cant words a century and a half ago, if we are to judge by the
Dictionary of Canting Words at the end of _Bacchus and Venus_,[20] 1737.
It is but fair, however, to assume that the compiler of the dictionary
was but trading on the demand for Cant phrases, and was humbugging his
readers. The terms are inserted not as jokes or squibs, but as
selections from the veritable pocket dictionaries of the Jack Sheppards
and Dick Turpins of the day. If they were safely used as unknown and
cabalistic terms amongst the commonalty, the fact would form a very
curious illustration of the ignorance of our poor ancestors; but it
would be unfair and, indeed, idiotic to assume this without much
stronger proof than the book in question gives of itself.

Amongst those Cant words which have either altered their meanings, or
have become extinct, may be cited lady, formerly the Cant for “a very
crooked, deformed, and ill-shapen woman;”[21] and Harman, “a pair of
stocks, or a constable.” The former is a pleasant piece of sarcasm,
whilst the latter indicates a singular method of revenge, or else of
satire. Harman was the first author who specially wrote against English
vagabonds, and for his trouble his name, we are told, became synonymous
with a pair of stocks, or a policeman of the olden time.

Apart from the Gipsy element, we find that Cant abounds in terms from
foreign languages, and that it exhibits signs of a growth similar to
that of most recognised and completely-formed tongues,—the gathering of
words from foreign sources. In the reign of Elizabeth and of King James
I., several Dutch, Flemish, and Spanish words were introduced by
soldiers who had served in the Low Countries and sailors who had
returned from the Spanish Main, who, like “mine ancient Pistol,” were
fond of garnishing their speech with outlandish phrases. Many of these
were soon picked up and adopted by vagabonds and tramps in their Cant
language. The Anglo-Norman and the Anglo-Saxon, the Scotch, the French,
the Italian, and even the classic languages of ancient Italy and Greece,
besides the various provincial dialects of England, have contributed to
its list of words. Indeed, as has been remarked, English Cant seems to
be formed on the same basis as the Argot of the French and the
Roth-Sprach of the Germans—partly metaphorical, and partly by the
introduction of such corrupted foreign terms as are likely to be unknown
to the society amid which the Cant speakers exist. Argot is the London
thieves’ word for their secret language; it is, of course, from the
French, but that matters not, so long as it is incomprehensible to the
police and the mob. “Booze,” or “bouse,” is supposed to come from the
Dutch _buysen_, though the word has been in use in England for some
hundreds of years. “Domine,” a parson, is from the Spanish. “Donna and
feeles,” a woman and children, is from the Latin; and “don,” a clever
fellow, has been filched from the Lingua Franca, or bastard Italian,
although it sounds like an odd mixture of Spanish and French; whilst
“duds,” the vulgar term for clothes, may have been pilfered either from
the Gaelic or the Dutch. “Feele,” a daughter, from the French; and
“frow,” a girl or wife, from the German—are common tramps’ terms. So
are “gent,” silver, from the French _argent_; and “vial,” a country
town, also from the French. “Horrid-horn,” a fool, is believed to be
from the Erse; and “gloak,” a man, from the Scotch. As stated before,
the dictionary will supply numerous other instances.

The Celtic languages have contributed many Cant and vulgar words to our
popular vocabulary. These have come to us through the Gaelic and Irish
languages, so closely allied in their material as to be merely dialects
of a primitive common tongue. This element may arise from the Celtic
portion of our population, which, from its position as slaves or
servants to its ancient conquerors, has contributed so largely to the
lowest class of the community, therefore to our Slang, provincial, or
colloquial words; or it may be an importation from Irish immigrants, who
have contributed their fair proportion to our criminal stock.

There is one source, however, of secret street terms which in the first
edition of this work was entirely overlooked,—indeed, it was unknown to
the original compiler until pointed out by a correspondent,—the Lingua
Franca, or bastard Italian, spoken at Genoa, Trieste, Malta,
Constantinople, Smyrna, Alexandria, and all Mediterranean seaport towns.
The ingredients of this imported Cant are, as its name denotes, many.
Its foundation is Italian, with a mixture of modern Greek, German (from
the Austrian ports), Spanish, Turkish, and French. It has been
introduced to the notice of the London wandering tribes by the sailors,
foreign and English, who trade to and from the Mediterranean seaports,
but it must not be confounded with the mixture of Irish, English, and
Italian spoken in neighbourhoods like Saffron Hill and Leather Lane,
which are thronged with swarms of organ-grinders from all parts of
Italy, and makers of images from Rome and Florence,—all of whom, in
these dense thoroughfares, mingle with our lower orders. It would occupy
too much space here to give a list of the words used in either of these
Babel-like tongues, especially as the principal of them are noted in the

“There are several Hebrew terms in our Cant language, obtained, it
would appear, from the intercourse of the thieves with the Jew fences
(receivers of stolen goods); many of the Cant terms, again, are
Sanscrit, got from the Gipsies; many Latin, got by the beggars from the
Catholic prayers before the Reformation; and many again, Italian, got
from the wandering musicians and others; indeed, the showmen have but
lately introduced a number of Italian phrases into their Cant
language.”[22] The Hindostanee also contributes several words, and these
have been introduced by the Lascar sailors, who come over here in the
East Indiamen, and often lodge during their stay in the low tramps’
houses at the East-end of London. Speaking of the learned tongues, it
may be mentioned that, precarious and abandoned as the vagabonds’
existence is, many persons of classical or refined education have from
time to time joined the nomadic ranks,—occasionally from inclination,
as in the popular instance of Bamfylde Moore Carew, but generally
through indiscretions, which involve pecuniary difficulty and loss of
character.[23] This will in some measure account for numerous classical
and learned words figuring as Cant terms in the vulgar dictionary.

In the early part of the last century, when highwaymen and footpads were
plentiful, and when the dangerous classes were in larger proportion to
the bulk of the population than they are now, a great many new words
were added to the canting vocabulary, whilst several old terms fell into
disuse. “Cant,” for instance, as applied to thieves’ talk, was
supplanted by the word “flash.” In the North of England the Cant
employed by tramps and thieves is known as “Gammy.” It is mainly from
the old Gipsy corrupted. In the large towns of Ireland and Scotland this
secret language is also spoken, with of course additions peculiar to
each locality. All those words derived from “gammy” are inserted in the
dictionary as from the North country.

A singular feature, however, in vulgar language is the retention and the
revival of sterling old English words, long since laid up in ancient
manuscripts. Disraeli somewhere says, “The purest source of neology is
in the revival of old words”—

    “Words that wise Bacon or brave Rawleigh spake;”

and Dr. Latham remarks that “the thieves of London are the conservators
of Anglo-Saxonisms.” A young gentleman from Belgravia, who had lost his
watch or his pocket-handkerchief, would scarcely remark to his mamma
that it had been “boned”—yet “bone,” in old times, meant, amongst high
and low, to steal. And a young lady living in the precincts of dingy but
aristocratic Mayfair, although enraptured with a Jenny Lind or a
Ristori, would hardly think of turning back in the box to inform papa
that she (Ristori or Lind) “made no ‘bones’ of it”—yet the phrase was
most respectable and well-to-do before it met with a change of
circumstances. Possibly fashion, in its journey from east to west, left
certain phrases and metaphors behind, which being annexed by the
newcomers, sank gradually in the social scale until they ultimately
passed out of the written language altogether, and became “flash” or
Slang. “A ‘crack’ article,” however first-rate, would have greatly
displeased Dr. Johnson and Mr. Walker—yet both crack, in the sense of
excellent, and crack up, to boast or praise, were not considered
vulgarisms in the time of Henry VIII. The former term is used frequently
nowadays, as a kind of polite and modified Slang—as a “crack” regiment,
a “crack” shot, &c. “Dodge,” a cunning trick, is from the Anglo-Saxon;
and ancient nobles used to “get each other’s ‘dander’ up” before
appealing to their swords,—quite “flabbergasting” (also a respectable
old word) the half-score of lookers-on with the thumps and cuts of their
heavy weapons. “Gallivanting,” waiting upon the ladies, was as polite in
expression as in action; whilst a clergyman at Paule’s Crosse thought
nothing of bidding a noisy hearer “hold his ‘gab,’” or “shut up his
‘gob.’” But then the essence of preaching was to indulge in idiomatic
phrases and colloquialisms—a practice now almost peculiar to itinerant
“ranters.” “Gadding,” roaming about in an idle and vacant manner, was
used in an old translation of the Bible; and “to do anything ‘gingerly’”
was to do it with great care. Persons of modern affected tastes will be
shocked to know that the great Lord Bacon spoke of the lower part of a
man’s face as his “gills,” though the expression is not more
objectionable than the generality of metaphor, and is considerably more
respectable than many words admitted to the genteel—we use the word

Shakspeare also used many words which are now counted dreadfully vulgar.
“‘Clean’ gone,” in the sense of out of sight, or entirely away; “you
took me all ‘a-mort,’” or confounded me; “it wont ‘fadge,’” or suit, are
phrases taken at random from the great dramatist’s works. These phrases
are the natural outcome of the poet’s truth to life in the characters he
portrayed. A London costermonger, or inhabitant of the streets, instead
of saying, “I’ll make him yield,” or “give in,” in a fight or contest,
would say, “I’ll make him ‘buckle’ under.” Shakspeare in his _Henry the
Fourth_ (part ii. act i. scene 1), has the word; and Mr. Halliwell, one
of the greatest and most industrious of living antiquaries, informs us
that “the commentators do not supply another example.” If Shakspeare was
not a pugilist, he certainly anticipated the terms of the prize-ring—or
they were respectable words before the prize-ring was thought of—for he
has “pay,” to beat or thrash, and “pepper,” with a similar meaning; also
“fancy,” in the sense of pets and favourites,—pugilists are often
termed “the ‘fancy.’” The origin of the term, as applied to them, has,
however, never been satisfactorily decided, though Pierce Egan and
others since his time have speculated ingeniously on the subject. The
Cant word “prig,” from the Saxon _priccan_, to filch, is also
Shakspearian; so, indeed, is “piece,” a contemptuous term for a young
woman. Shakspeare was not the only vulgar dramatist of his time. Ben
Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, Brome, and other play-writers,
occasionally, and very naturally, put Cant words into the mouths of
their low characters, or employed old words which have since degenerated
into vulgarisms. “Crusty,” poor tempered; “two of a kidney,” two of a
sort; “lark,” a piece of fun; “lug,” to pull; “bung,” to give or pass;
“pickle,” a sad plight; “frump,” to mock, are a few specimens casually
picked from the works of the old histrionic writers.

One old English mode of canting, simple enough, but affected only by the
most miserable impostors, was the inserting a consonant betwixt each
syllable; thus, taking _g_, “How do you do?” would be “How_g_ do_g_
you_g_ do_g_?” The name very properly given to this disagreeable
nonsense, we are informed by Grose, was gibberish.

Another slang has been manufactured by transposing the initial letters
of words, so that a mutton chop becomes a _ch_utton _m_op, and a pint of
stout a _st_int of _p_out; but it is satisfactory to know that it has
gained no ground, as it is remarkable for nothing so much as poverty of
resource on the part of its inventors. This is called “Marrowskying,” or
“Medical Greek,” from its use by medical students at the hospitals.
Albert Smith termed it the “Gower Street Dialect,” and referred to it
occasionally in his best-known works.

The “Language of Ziph,” it may be noted, is another rude mode of
disguising English, in use among the students at Winchester College.
Some notices of this method of conveying secret information, with an
extensive Glossary of the Words, Phrases, Customs, &c., peculiar to the
College, may be found in Mr. Mansfield’s _School Life at Winchester
College_. It is certainly too puerile a specimen of work to find place


[1] “Swarms of vagabonds, whose eyes were so sharp as Lynx.”—_Bullein’s
Simples and Surgery_, 1562.

[2] Probably from the Gipsies, who were supposed to come from Germany
into Spain.

[3] From _Roter_, beggar, vagabond, and _wälsch_, foreign. See
Dictionary of Gipsy language in Pott’s _Zigeuner in Europa und Asien_,
vol. ii., Halle, 1844. The Italian cant is called Fourbesque, and the
Portuguese Calao. See Francisque-Michel, _Dictionnaire d’Argot_, Paris,

[4] Richardson’s _Dictionary_.

[5] _Description of England_, prefixed to Holinshed’s _Chronicle_.

[6] The word Slang, as will be seen in the chapter upon that subject, is
purely a Gipsy term, although nowadays it refers to low or vulgar
language of any kind, other than cant. Slang and Gibberish in the Gipsy
language are synonymous; but, as English adoptions, have meanings very
different from that given to them in their original.

[7] “The vulgar tongue consists of two parts; the first is the Cant
language; the second, those burlesque phrases, quaint allusions,
and nicknames for persons, things, and places, which, from long
uninterrupted usage, are made classical by prescription.”—Grose’s
_Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue_, 1st edition, 1785.

[8] “Outlandish people calling themselves Egyptians.”—1530.

[9] Jabber may be, after all, only another form of GABBER, GAB, very
common in Old English, from the _Anglo-Saxon_, GÆBBAN.

[10] This very proverb was mentioned by a young Gipsy to Crabb, some
years ago.—_Gipsies’ Advocate_, p. 14.

[11] _Gipsies in Spain_, vol. i. p. 18.

[12] Shaks. _Henry IV._, part ii. act ii. scene 4.

[13] It is but fair to imagine that cheat ultimately became synonymous
with “fraud,” when we remember that it was one of the most common words
of the greatest class of impostors in the country.

[14] We are aware that more than one eminent philologist states that the
origin of “queer” is seen in the German _quer_, crooked,—hence strange
and abnormal. While agreeing with this etymology, we have reason to
believe that the word was first used in this country in a Cant sense.

[15] Booget properly signifies a leathern wallet, and is probably
derived from the _low Latin_, BULGA. A tinker’s budget is from the same

[16] Which, freely translated into modern Slang, might read—especially
to those who know the manners and customs of the Dialites—thus:

    “Good girls, go out, and look about,
      Good girls, go out and see;
    For every clout is up the spout,
      The bloke’s gone on the spree.”

[17] Who wrote about the year 1610.

[18] _Gipsies in Spain_, vol. i. p. 18. Borrow further commits himself
by remarking that “Head’s Vocabulary has always been accepted as the
speech of the English Gipsies.” Nothing of the kind. Head professed to
have lived with the Gipsies, but in reality filched his words from
Decker and Brome.

[19] The modern meanings of a few of the old Cant words are given within

[20] This is a curious volume, and is worth from one to two guineas. The
Canting Dictionary was afterwards reprinted, word for word, with the
title of _The Scoundrel’s Dictionary_, in 1751. It was originally
published, without date, about the year 1710, by B. E., under the title
of _A Dictionary of the Canting Crew_.

[21] _Bacchus and Venus._—1737.

[22] _London Labour and the London Poor._

[23] Mayhew (vol. i. p. 217) speaks of a low lodging-house “in which
there were at one time five university men, three surgeons, and several
sorts of broken-down clerks.” But old Harman’s saying, that “a wylde
Roge is he that is _borne_ a roge,” will perhaps explain this seeming
anomaly. There is, whatever may be the reason, no disputing the truth of
this latter statement, as there is not, we venture to say, a common
lodging-house in London without broken-down gentlemen, who have been
gentlemen very often far beyond the conventional application of the term
to any one with a good coat on his back and money in his pocket.




One of the most singular chapters in a history of vagabondism would
certainly be “An Account of the Hieroglyphic Signs used by Tramps and
Thieves,” and it certainly would not be the least interesting. The
reader may be startled to know that, in addition to a secret language,
the wandering tribes of this country have private marks and symbols with
which to score their successes, failures, and advice to succeeding
beggars; in fact, there is no doubt that the country is really dotted
over with beggars’ finger-posts and guide-stones. The subject was not
long since brought under the attention of the Government by Mr.
Rawlinson.[24] “There is,” he says in his report, “a sort of
blackguards’ literature, and the initiated understand each other by
Slang [Cant] terms, by pantomimic signs, and by hieroglyphics. The
vagrant’s mark may be seen in Havant, on corners of streets, on
door-posts, on house-steps. Simple as these chalk-lines appear, they
inform the succeeding vagrants of all they require to know; and a few
white scratches may say, ‘Be importunate,’ or ‘Pass on.’”

Another very curious account was taken from a provincial newspaper,
published in 1849, and forwarded to _Notes and Queries_,[25] under the
head of Mendicant Freemasonry. “Persons,” remarks the writer,
“indiscreet enough to open their purses to the relief of the beggar
tribe, would do well to take a readily-learned lesson as to the folly of
that misguided benevolence which encourages and perpetuates vagabondism.
Every door or passage is pregnant with instruction as to the error
committed by the patron of beggars; as the beggar-marks show that a
system of freemasonry is followed, by which a beggar knows whether it
will be worth his while to call into a passage or knock at a door. Let
any one examine the entrances to the passages in any town, and there he
will find chalk marks, unintelligible to him, but significant enough to
beggars. If a thousand towns are examined, the same marks will be found
at every passage entrance. The passage mark is a cypher with a twisted
tail; in some cases the tail projects into the passage, in others
outwardly; thus seeming to indicate whether the houses down the passage
are worth calling at or not. Almost every door has its marks; these are
varied. In some cases there is a cross on the brickwork, in others a
cypher; the figures ~1, 2, 3~ are also used. Every person may for
himself test the accuracy of these statements by the examination of the
brickwork near his own doorway—thus demonstrating that mendicity is a
regular trade, carried out upon a system calculated to save time, and
realize the largest profits.” These remarks refer mainly to provincial
towns, London being looked upon as the tramps’ home, and therefore too
“fly” or experienced to be duped by such means. The title it obtains,
that of “the Start,” or first place in everything, is significant of

Provincial residents, who are more likely to view the foregoing extract
with an eye of suspicion than are those who live in a position
to constantly watch for and profit by evidences of the secret
intercommunication indulged in by the dangerous classes, should note, in
favour of the extract given, how significant is the practice of tramps
and beggars calling in unfrequented localities, and how obvious it is
that they are directed by a code of signals at once complete and
imperious. It is bad for a tramp who is discovered disobeying secret
orders. He is marked out and subjected to all kinds of annoyance by
means of decoy hieroglyphs, until his life becomes a burden to him, and
he is compelled to starve or—most horrible of alternatives—go to work.

The only other notice of the hieroglyphs of vagabonds worth remarking is
in Mayhew’s _London Labour and the London Poor_.[26] Mayhew obtained his
information from two tramps, who stated that hawkers employ these signs
as well as beggars. One tramp thus described the method of “working”[27]
a small town. “Two hawkers (‘pals’[27]) go together, but separate when
they enter a village, one taking one side of the road, and selling
different things, and so as to inform each other as to the character of
the people at whose houses they call, they chalk certain marks on their
door-posts.” Another informant stated that “if a ‘patterer’[27] has been
‘crabbed’” (that is, offended by refusal or exposure) “at any of the
‘cribs’” (houses), “he mostly chalks a signal at or near the door.”
These hawkers were not of the ordinary, but of the tramp, class, who
carried goods more as a blind to their real designs than for the
purposes of sale. They, in fact, represented the worst kinds of the two
classes. The law has comparatively recently improved these nondescript
gentry off the face of the country, and the hawker of the present day is
generally a man more sinned against than sinning.

Another use is also made of hieroglyphs. Charts of successful begging
neighbourhoods are rudely drawn, and symbolical signs attached to each
house to show whether benevolent or adverse.[28] “In many cases there is
over the kitchen mantelpiece” of a tramps’ lodging-house “a map of the
district, dotted here and there with memorandums of failure or success.”
A correct facsimile of one of these singular maps is given in this book.
It was obtained from the patterers and tramps who supplied a great many
words for this work, and who were employed by the original publisher in
collecting Old Ballads, Christmas Carols, Dying Speeches, and Last
Lamentations, as materials for a _History of Popular Literature_. The
reader will, no doubt, be amused with the drawing. The locality depicted
is near Maidstone, in Kent; and it was probably sketched by a wandering
Screever[29] in payment for a night’s lodging. The English practice of
marking everything, and scratching names on public property, extends
itself to the tribe of vagabonds. On the map, as may be seen in the
left-hand corner, some Traveller[29] has drawn a favourite or noted
female, singularly nicknamed Three-quarter Sarah. What were the peculiar
accomplishments of this lady to demand so uncommon a name, the reader
will be at a loss to discover; but a patterer says it probably refers to
a shuffling dance of that name, common in tramps’ lodging-houses, and in
which “3/4 Sarah” may have been a proficient. Above her, three beggars
or hawkers have reckoned their day’s earnings, amounting to 13s., and on
the right a tolerably correct sketch of a low hawker, or cadger, is
drawn. “To Dover, the _nigh_ way,” is the exact phraseology; and “hup
here,” a fair specimen of the self-acquired education of the
draughtsman. No key or explanation to the hieroglyphs was given in the
original, because it would have been superfluous, when every inmate of
the lodging-house knew the marks from his cradle—or rather his mother’s

Should there be no map, in most lodging-houses there is an old man who
is guide to every “walk” in the vicinity, and who can tell on every
round each house that is “good for a cold tatur.” The hieroglyphs that
are used are:—

☓ ~No good~; too poor, and know too much.

◠+ ~Stop~,—If you have what they want, they will buy. They are pretty
“fly” (knowing).

⊃— ~Go in this direction~, it is better than the other road. Nothing
that way.

◇ ~Bone~ (good). Safe for a “cold tatur,” if for nothing else. “Cheese
your patter” (don’t talk much) here.

▽ ~Cooper’d~ (spoilt), by too many tramps calling there.

□ ~Gammy~ (unfavourable), like to have you taken up. Mind the dog.

⦿ ~Flummuxed~ (dangerous), sure of a month in “quod” (prison).

⊕ ~Religious~, but tidy on the whole.

Where did these signs come from? and when were they first used? are
questions which have been asked again and again, and the answers have
been many and various. Knowing the character of the Gipsies, and
ascertaining from a tramp that they are well acquainted with the
hieroglyphs, “and have been as long ago as ever he could remember,”
there is little fear of being wrong in ascribing the invention to them.
How strange it would be if some modern Belzoni, or Champollion—say Mr.
George Smith, for instance—discovered in these beggars’ marks traces of
ancient Egyptian or Hindoo sign-writing!

That the Gipsies were in the habit of leaving memorials of the road they
had taken, and the successes that had befallen them, is upon record. In
an old book, _The Triumph of Wit_, 1724, there is a passage which
appears to have been copied from some older work, and it runs
thus:—“The Gipsies set out twice a year, and scatter all over England,
each parcel having their appointed stages, that they may not interfere,
nor hinder each other; and for that purpose, when they set forward in
the country, they stick up boughs in the way of divers kinds, according
as it is agreed among them, that one company may know which way another
is gone, and so take another road.” The works of Hoyland and Borrow
supply other instances.

It would be hardly fair to close this subject without drawing attention
to the extraordinary statement that, actually on the threshold of the
gibbet, the sign of the vagabond was to be met with! “The murderer’s
signal is even exhibited from the gallows; as a red handkerchief held in
the hand of the felon about to be executed is a token that he dies
without having betrayed any professional secrets.”[30] Private
executions have of course rendered this custom obsolete, even if it
ever existed.

       *       *       *       *       *

Since the first editions of this work were published, the publishers
have received from various parts of England numerous evidences of the
still active use of beggars’ marks and mendicant hieroglyphs. One
gentleman writes from Great Yarmouth to say that, whilst residing in
Norwich, he used frequently to see them on the houses and street corners
in the suburbs. Another gentleman, a clergyman, states that he has so
far made himself acquainted with the meanings of the signs employed,
that by himself marking the characters ◻ (gammy) and ⦿ (flummuxed) on
the gate-posts of his parsonage, he enjoys a singular immunity from
alms-seekers and cadgers on the tramp. This hint may not be lost on many
other sufferers from importunate beggars, yet its publication may lead
to the introduction of a new code.

       *       *       *       *       *

In a popular constable’s guide,[31] giving the practice of justices in
petty sessions, the following interesting paragraph is found,
corroborating what has just been said on the hieroglyphs used by

    “Gipsies follow their brethren by numerous marks, such as strewing
    handfuls of grass in the daytime at a four lane or cross roads; the
    grass being strewn down the road the gang have taken; also, by a
    cross being made on the ground with a stick or knife—the longest
    end of the cross denotes the route taken. In the night-time a cleft
    stick is placed in the fence at the cross roads, with an arm
    pointing down the road their comrades have taken. The marks are
    always placed on the left-hand side, so that the stragglers can
    easily and readily find them.”

From the cleft stick here alluded to, we learn the origin and use of ⊃—,
the third hieroglyph in the vagabond’s private list. And the extract
also proves that the “rule of the road” is the same with tramps as with
that body which is morally less but physically more dangerous, the
London drivers.


[24] Mr. Rawlinson’s _Report to the General Board of Health, Parish of
Havant, Hampshire_.

[25] Vol. v. p. 210.

[26] Vol. i. pp. 218 and 247.

[27] See Dictionary.

[28] Sometimes, as appears from the following, the names of persons and
houses are written instead. “In almost every one of the padding-kens, or
low lodging-houses in the country, there is a list of walks pasted up
over the kitchen mantelpiece. Now at St. Albans, for instance, at the
----, and at other places, there is a paper stuck up in each of the
kitchens. This paper is headed, ‘Walks out of this town’ and underneath
it is set down the names of the villages in the neighbourhood at which a
beggar may call when out on his walk, and they are so arranged as to
allow the cadger to make a round of about six miles each day, and return
the same night. In many of these papers there are sometimes twenty walks
set down. No villages that are in any way ‘gammy’ [bad] are ever
mentioned in these papers, and the cadger, if he feels inclined to stop
for a few days in the town, will be told by the lodging-house keeper, or
the other cadgers that he may meet there, what gentlemen’s seats or
private houses are of any account on the walk that he means to take. The
names of the good houses are not set down in the paper, for fear of the
police.”—_Mayhew_, vol. i. p. 418. [This business is also much altered
in consequence of the increase in the surveillance of the kens, an
increase which, though nominally for sanitary purposes, has a strong
moral effect. Besides this, Mr. Mayhew’s informants seem to have
possessed a fair share of that romance which is inherent among

[29] See Dictionary.

[30] Mr. Rawlinson’s _Report to the General Board of Health, Parish of
Havant, Hampshire_.

[31] Snowden’s _Magistrate’s Assistant_, 1852, p. 444.




Slang is the language of street humour, of fast, high, and low life.
Cant, as was stated in the chapter upon that subject, is the vulgar
language of secrecy. It must be admitted, however, that within the past
few years they have become almost indivisible. They are both universal
and ancient, and appear to have been, with certain exceptions, the
offspring of gay, vulgar, or worthless persons in every part of the
world at every period of time. Indeed, if we are to believe implicitly
the saying of the wise man, that “there is nothing new under the sun,”
the “bloods” of buried Nineveh, with their knotty and door-matty-looking
beards, may have cracked Slang jokes on the steps of Sennacherib’s
palace; while the stocks and stones of ancient Egypt, and the bricks of
venerable and used-up Babylon, may be covered with Slang hieroglyphs,
which, being perfectly unknown to modern antiquaries, have long been
stumbling-blocks to the philologist; so impossible is it at this day to
say what was then authorized, or what vulgar, language. The only
objection that can be raised to this idea is, that Slang was, so far as
can be discovered, traditional, and unwritten, until the appearance of
this volume, a state of things which accounts for its many changes, and
the doubtful orthography of even its best known and most permanent
forms. Slang is almost as old as speech, and must date from the
congregating together of people in cities. It is the result of crowding,
and excitement, and artificial life. We have traces of this as far as we
can refer back. Martial, the epigrammatist, is full of Slang. When an
uninvited guest accompanied his friend, the Slang of the day styled him
his “umbra;” when a man was trussed, neck and heels, it called him
jocosely “quadrupus.” Slang is nowadays very often the only vehicle by
which rodomontade may be avoided. It is often full of the most pungent
satire, and is always to the point. Without point Slang has no _raison

Old English Slang was coarser, and depended more upon downright
vulgarity than our modern Slang. It was a jesting speech, or humorous
indulgence for the thoughtless moment or the drunken hour, and it acted
as a vent-peg for a fit of temper or irritability; but it did not
interlard and permeate every description of conversation as now. It was
confined to nicknames and improper subjects, and encroached but to a
very small extent upon the domain of authorized speech. Indeed, it was
exceedingly limited when compared with the vast territory of Slang in
such general favour and complete circulation at the present day. Still,
although not an extensive institution, as in our time, Slang certainly
did exist in this country centuries ago, as we may see if we look down
the page of any respectable History of England. Cromwell was familiarly
called “Old Noll,”—in much the same way as Bonaparte was termed
“Boney,” and Wellington “Conkey” or “Nosey,” only a few years ago.[32]
His Legislature, too, was spoken of in a high-flavoured way as the
“Barebones” or “Rump” Parliament, and his followers were nicknamed
“Roundheads,” and the peculiar religious sects of his protectorate were
styled “Puritans” and “Quakers.”[33] The Civil War pamphlets, and the
satirical hits of the Cavaliers and the Commonwealth men, originated
numerous Slang words and vulgar similes in full use at the present
moment. Here is a field of inquiry for the Philological Society, indeed
a territory, for there are thirty thousand of these partisan tracts.
Later still, in the court of Charles II., the naughty ladies and the gay
lords, with Rochester at their head, talked Slang; and very naughty
Slang it was too. Fops in those days, when “over head and ears” in debt,
and in continual fear of arrest, termed their enemies, the bailiffs,
“Philistines”[34] or “Moabites.” At a later period, when collars were
worn detached from shirts, in order to save the expense of washing—an
object, it would seem, with needy “swells” in all ages—they obtained
the name of “Jacobites.” One-half of the coarse wit in Butler’s
_Hudibras_ lurks in the vulgar words and phrases which he was so fond of
employing. These Slang phrases contained the marrow of his arguments
stripped of all superfluous matter, and they fell with ponderous weight
and terrible effect upon his opponents. They were more homely and
forcible than the mild and elegant sentences of Cowley, and the people,
therefore, hurrahed them, and pronounced Butler one of themselves,—or,
as we should say, in a joyful moment, “a jolly good fellow.” Orator
Henley preached and prayed in Slang, and first charmed and then ruled
the dirty mobs in Lincoln’s Inn Fields by vulgarisms. Burly Grose
mentions Henley, with the remark that we owe a great many Slang phrases
to him, though even the worst Slang was refinement itself compared with
many of Henley’s most studied oratorical utterances, which proves that
the most blackguard parts of a blackguard speech may be perfectly free
from either Slang or Cant. Swift, and old Sir Roger L’Estrange, and
Arbuthnot, were all fond of vulgar or Slang language; indeed, we may see
from a Slang word used by the latter how curious is the gradual adoption
of vulgar terms in our standard dictionaries. The worthy doctor, in
order to annihilate (or, as we should say, with a fitting respect to the
subject under consideration, to “smash”) an opponent, thought proper on
an occasion to use the word “cabbage,” not in the ancient sense of a
flatulent vegetable of the kitchen-garden, but in the at once Slang
sense of purloining or cribbing. Johnson soon met with the word, looked
at it, examined it, weighed it, and shook his head, but out of respect
to a brother doctor inserted it in his dictionary, labelling it,
however, prominently “Cant;” whilst Walker and Webster, years after,
when all over England “to cabbage” was to pilfer, placed the term in
their dictionaries as an ancient and very respectable word. Another
Slang term, “gull,” to cheat, or delude, sometimes varied to “gully,” is
stated to be connected with the Dean of St. Patrick’s. “Gull,” a dupe,
or a fool, is often used by our old dramatists, and is generally
believed to have given rise to the verb; but a curious little edition of
_Bamfylde Moore Carew_, published in 1827, says that “to gull,” or
“gully,” is derived from the well-known Gulliver, the hero of the famous
Travels. It may be from the phrase, “You can’t come Gulliver over me,”
in use while the popularity of the book was hot. How crammed with Slang
are the dramatic works of the last century! The writers of the comedies
and farces in those days must have lived in the streets, and written
their plays in the public-houses, so filled are they with vulgarisms and
unauthorized words. The popular phrases, “I owe you one,” “That’s one
for his nob,” and “Keep moving, dad,” arose in this way.[35] The second
of these sayings was, doubtless, taken from the card-table, for at
cribbage the player who holds the knave of the suit turned up counts
“one for his nob,” and the dealer who turns up a knave counts “two for
his heels.” From a dramatic point of view, the use of these phrases is
perfectly correct, as they were in constant use among the people
supposed to be represented by the author’s characters.

In Mrs. Centlivre’s admirable comedy of _A Bold Stroke for a Wife_, we
see the origin of that popular phrase, the real Simon Pure. Simon Pure
is the Quaker name adopted by Colonel Feignwell as a trick to obtain the
hand of Mistress Anne Lovely in marriage. The veritable Quaker, the
“real Simon Pure,” recommended by Aminadab Holdfast, of Bristol, as a
fit sojourner with Obadiah Prim, arrives at last, to the discomfiture of
the Colonel, who, to maintain his position and gain time, concocts a
letter in which the real Quaker is spoken of as a housebreaker who had
travelled in the “leather conveniency” from Bristol, and adopted the
garb and name of the western Quaker in order to pass off as the “Real
Simon Pure,” but only for the purpose of robbing the house and cutting
the throat of the perplexed Obadiah. The scene in which the two Simon
Pures, the real and the counterfeit, meet, is one of the best in the

Tom Brown, of “facetious memory,” as his friends were wont to say, and
Ned Ward, who wrote humorous books, and when tired drew beer for his
customers at his alehouse in Long Acre,[36] were both great producers of
Slang in the last century, and to them we owe many popular current
phrases and household words.

Written Slang was checked, rather than advanced, by the pens of
Addison, Johnson, and Goldsmith; although Bee, the bottle-holder and
historiographer of the pugilistic band of brothers in the youthful days
of flat-nosed Tom Cribb, has gravely stated that Johnson, when young and
rakish, contributed to an early volume of the _Gentleman’s Magazine_ a
few pages, by way of specimen, of a slang dictionary, the result, Mr.
Bee says, “of his midnight ramblings!”[37] This statement is not only
improbable, but an investigation of the venerable magazine, though
strict and searching, produces no evidence in corroboration of Mr. Bee.
Goldsmith, even, certainly coined a few words as occasion required,
although as a rule his pen was pure and graceful, and adverse to
neologisms. The word “fudge,” it has been stated, was first used by him
in literary composition, although it probably originated with one
Captain Fudge, a notorious fibber, nearly a century before. Street
phrases, nicknames, and vulgar words were continually being added
to the great stock of popular Slang up to the commencement of
the present century, when it received numerous additions from pugilism,
horse-racing, and “fast” life generally, which suddenly came into great
public favour, and was at its height in the latter part of the reign of
George III., and in the early days of the Regency. Slang in those days
was generally termed “flash” language. It will thus be noted that the
term “flash” has in turn represented both Cant and Slang; now the word
Slang has become perfectly generic. So popular was “flash” with the
“bloods” of high life, that it constituted the best paying literary
capital for certain authors and dramatists. Pierce Egan issued
_Boxiana_, and _Life in London_, six portly octavo volumes, crammed with
Slang; and Moncrieff wrote the most popular farce of the day, _Tom and
Jerry_ (adapted from the latter work), which, to use newspaper Slang,
“took the town by storm,” and, with its then fashionable vulgarisms,
made the fortune of the old Adelphi Theatre, and was without exception
the most wonderful instance of a continuous theatrical run in ancient or
modern times. This also was brimful of Slang. Other authors helped to
popularize and extend Slang down to our own time, and it has now taken a
somewhat different turn, dropping many of the Cant and old vulgar words,
and assuming a certain quaint and fashionable phraseology—familiar,
utilitarian, and jovial. There can be no doubt that common speech is
greatly influenced by fashion, fresh manners, and that general change of
ideas which steals over a people once in a generation. But before
proceeding further into the region of Slang, it will be well to say
something on the etymology of the word.

The word Slang is only mentioned by two lexicographers—Webster and
Ogilvie.[38] Johnson, Walker, and the older compilers of dictionaries
give “slang” as the preterite of “sling,” but not a word about Slang in
the sense of low, vulgar, or unrecognised language. The origin of the
word has often been asked for in literary journals and books, but only
one man, until recently, ever hazarded an etymology—Jonathan Bee.[39]
With a recklessness peculiar to ignorance, Bee stated that Slang was
derived from “the _slangs_ or fetters worn by prisoners, having acquired
that name from the manner in which they were worn, as they required a
sling of string to keep them off the ground.” Bee had just been nettled
at Pierce Egan’s producing a new edition of Grose’s _Dictionary of the
Vulgar Tongue_, and was determined to excel in a vulgar dictionary of
his own, which should be more racy, more pugilistic, and more original.
How far he succeeded in this latter particular, his ridiculous etymology
of Slang will show. Slang is not an English word; it is the Gipsy term
for their secret language, and its synonym is Gibberish—another word
which was believed to have had no distinct origin.[40] Grose—stout and
burly Captain Grose—whom we may characterize as the greatest antiquary,
joker, and porter-drinker of his day, was the first lexicographer to
recognise the word “Slang.” It occurs in his _Classical Dictionary of
the Vulgar Tongue_, of 1785, with the statement that it implies “Cant or
vulgar language.” Grose was a great favourite with Burns, and so pleased
him by his extensive powers of story-telling and grog-imbibing, that the
companionable and humour-loving Scotch bard wrote for his fat
friend—or, to use his own words, “the fine, fat, fodgel wight”—the
immortal poem of _Tam O’ Shanter_.

It is not worth while troubling the reader with a long account of the
transformation into an English term of the word Slang, as it is easily
seen how we obtained it. Hucksters and beggars on tramp, or at fairs and
races, associate and frequently join in any rough enterprise with the
Gipsies. The word would be continually heard by them, and would in this
manner soon become part of their vocabulary,[41] and, when carried by
“fast” or vulgar fashionables from the society of thieves and low
characters to their own drawing-rooms, would as quickly become Slang,
and the representative term for all vulgar language. Modern philologists
give the word Slang as derived from the French _langue_. This is, at all
events, as likely as any other derivative.

Any sudden excitement or peculiar circumstance is quite sufficient to
originate and set going a score of Slang words. Nearly every election or
public agitation throws out offshoots of excitement, or scintillations
of humour in the shape of Slang terms—vulgar at first, but at length
adopted, if possessing sufficient hold on the public mind, as
semi-respectable from sheer force of habit. There is scarcely a
condition or calling in life that does not possess its own peculiar
Slang. The professions, legal and medical, have each familiar and
unauthorized terms for peculiar circumstances and things, and it is
quite certain that the clerical calling, or “the cloth”—in itself a
Slang term given at a time when the laity were more distinguished by
their gay dress from the clergy than they are now—is not entirely free
from this peculiarity. Every workshop, warehouse, factory, and mill
throughout the country has its Slang, and so have the public schools and
the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Sea Slang constitutes the
principal charm of a sailor’s “yarn;” and our soldiers have in turn
their peculiar nicknames and terms for things and subjects, proper and
improper. A writer in _Household Words_ (No. 183) has gone so far as to
remark, that a person “shall not read one single parliamentary debate,
as reported in a first-class newspaper, without meeting scores of Slang
words,” and “that from Mr. Speaker in his chair, to the Cabinet
Ministers whispering behind it—from mover to seconder, from true blue
Protectionist to extremest Radical—Mr. Barry’s New House echoes and
re-echoes with Slang.” This statement is most worthy of notice, as
showing how, with a very small sub-stratum of fact, a plausible, though
not the less gigantic, mis-statement may be built up.

The universality of Slang is extraordinary. Let any person for a short
time narrowly examine the conversation of his dearest and nearest
friends, or even analyse his own supposed correct talk, and he shall be
amazed at the numerous unauthorized, and what we can only call vulgar,
words in constant use. One peculiarity of the growth of Slang is the
finding of new meanings for old words. Take, for instance, the verbs
“do,” “cut,” “go,” and “take,” and see how they are used to express
fresh ideas, and then let us ask ourselves how is it possible for a
Frenchman or German, be he never so well educated, to avoid continually
blundering and floundering amongst our little words when trying to make
himself understood in an ordinary conversation? He may have studied our
language the required time, and have gone through the usual amount of
“grinding,” and practised the common allotment of patience, but all to
no purpose as far as accuracy is concerned. As, however, we do not make
our language, nor for the matter of that our Slang, for the convenience
or inconvenience of foreigners, we need not pursue this portion of the
subject further. “Jabber” and “hoax” were Slang and Cant terms in
Swift’s time; so, indeed, were “mob” and “sham.”[42] Words directly from
the Latin and Greek, framed in accordance with the rules which govern
the construction of the language, are not Slang, but are good English,
if not Saxon,—a term, by the way, which is as much misused as any
unfortunate word that can be remembered just now. Sound contributes many
Slang words—a source that etymologists frequently overlook. Nothing
pleases an ignorant person so much as a high-sounding term, “full of
fury.” How melodious and drum-like are those vulgar coruscations
“rumbumptious,” “slantingdicular,” “splendiferous,” “rumbustious,” and
“ferricadouzer.” What a “pull” the sharp-nosed lodging-house-keeper
thinks she has over her victims if she can but hurl such testimonies of
a liberal education at them when they are disputing her charges, and
threatening to “absquatulate!” In the United States the vulgar-genteel
even excel the poor “stuck-up” Cockneys in their formation of a native
fashionable language. How charming to a refined ear are “abskize,”
“catawampously,” “exflunctify,” “obscute,” “keslosh,” “kesouse,”
“keswollop,” and “kewhollux!”[43] It must not be forgotten, however,
that a great many new “Americanisms” are perfectly unknown in America,
and in this respect they resemble the manners and customs of our cousins
as found in books, and in books only. Vulgar words representing action
and brisk movement often owe their origin to sound, as has before been
remarked. Mispronunciation, too, is another great source of vulgar or
Slang words, and of this “ramshackle,” “shackly,” “nary-one” for neither
or neither one, “ottomy” or “atomy” for anatomy, “rench” for rinse, are
specimens. The commonalty dislike frequently-occurring words difficult
of pronunciation, and so we have the street abridgments of “bimeby” for
by-and-by, “caze” for because, “gin” for given, “hankercher” for
handkerchief, “ruma tiz” for rheumatism, “backer” for tobacco, and many
others, not perhaps Slang, but certainly, all vulgarisms. Whately, in
his _Remains of Bishop Copleston_, has inserted a leaf from the bishop’s
note-book on the popular corruption of names, mentioning, among others,
“kickshaws,” as from the French _quelques choses_; “beefeater,” the
grotesque guardian of royalty in a procession, and the envied devourer
of enormous beefsteaks, as but a vulgar pronunciation of the French
_buffetier_, and “George and Cannon,” the sign of a public-house, as
nothing but a corruption (although so soon!) of the popular premier of
the last generation, George Canning.[44] Literature has its Slang terms;
and the desire on the part of writers to say funny and startling things
in a novel and curious way contributes many unauthorized words to the
great stock of Slang.

Fashionable or Upper-class Slang is of several varieties. There is the
Belgravian, military and naval, parliamentary, dandy, and the reunion
and visiting Slang. English officers, civilians, and their families,
who have resided long in India, have contributed many terms from the
Hindostanee to our language. Several of these, such as “chit,” a letter,
and “tiffin,” lunch, are fast losing their Slang character, and becoming
regularly-recognised English words. “Jungle,” as a term for a forest or
wilderness, is now an English phrase; a few years past, however, it was
merely the Hindostanee “junkul.” This, being a perfectly legal
transition, having no other recognised form, can hardly be characterized
as Slang. The extension of trade in China, and the English settlement of
Hong Kong, have introduced among us several examples of Canton jargon,
that exceedingly curious Anglo-Chinese dialect spoken in the seaports of
the Celestial Empire. While these words have been carried as it were
into the families of the upper and middle classes, persons in a humbler
rank of life, through the sailors and soldiers and Lascar and Chinese
beggars that haunt the metropolis, have also adopted many Anglo-Indian
and Anglo-Chinese phrases. As this dictionary would have been incomplete
without them, they are carefully recorded in its pages. Concerning the
Slang of the fashionable world, it has been remarked that it is mostly
imported from France; and that an unmeaning gibberish of Gallicisms runs
through English fashionable conversation and fashionable novels, and
accounts of fashionable parties in the fashionable newspapers. Yet,
ludicrously enough, immediately the fashionable magnates of England
seize on any French idiom, the French themselves not only universally
abandon it to us, but positively repudiate it altogether from their
idiomatic vocabulary. If you were to tell a well-bred Frenchman that
such and such an aristocratic marriage was on the _tapis_, he would
stare with astonishment, and look down on the carpet in the startled
endeavour to find a marriage in so unusual a place. If you were to talk
to him of the _beau monde_, he would imagine you meant the world which
God made, not half-a-dozen streets and squares between Hyde Park Corner
and Chelsea Bun House. The _thé dansant_ would be completely
inexplicable to him. If you were to point out to him the Dowager Lady
Grimgriffin acting as _chaperon_ to Lady Amanda Creamville, he would
imagine you were referring to the _petit Chaperon rouge_—to little
Red-Riding Hood. He might just understand what was meant by _vis-à-vis_,
_entremets_, and some others of the flying horde of frivolous little
foreign slangisms hovering about fashionable cookery and fashionable
furniture; but three-fourths of them would seem to him as barbarous
French provincialisms, or, at best, but as antiquated and obsolete
expressions, picked out of the letters of Mademoiselle Scuderi, or the
tales of Crebillon “the younger.” Servants, too, appropriate the scraps
of French conversation which fall from their masters’ guests at the
dinner table, and forthwith in the world of flunkeydom the word “know”
is disused, and the lady’s-maid, in doubt on a particular point, asks
John whether or no he “saveys” it?[45] What, too, can be more abominable
than that heartless piece of fashionable newspaper Slang, regularly
employed when speaking of the successful courtship of young people in
the aristocratic world:—

    MARRIAGE IN HIGH LIFE.—We understand that a marriage is ARRANGED (!)
    betwixt the Lady, &c. &c., and the Honourable, &c. &c.

“Arranged!” Is that cold-blooded Smithfield or Mark Lane term for a sale
or a purchase the proper word to express the hopeful, joyous, golden
union of young and trustful hearts? Possibly, though, the word is often
used with a due regard to facts, for marriages, especially amongst our
upper classes, are not always “made in heaven.” Which is the proper way
to pronounce the names of great people, and what the correct authority?
Lord Cowper, we are often assured, is Lord _Cooper_—on this principle
Lord Cowley would certainly be Lord _Cooley_—and Mr. Carew, we are
told, should be Mr. _Carey_, Ponsonby should be _Punsunby_, Eyre should
be _Aire_, Cholmondeley should be _Chumley_, St. John _Sinjen_,
Beauchamp should be _Beachem_, Majoribanks _Marshbanks_, and Powell
should always be _Poel_. The pronunciation of proper names has long been
an anomaly in the conversation of the upper classes of this country.
Hodge and Podge, the clodhoppers of Shakspeare’s time, talked in their
mug-houses of the great Lords _Darbie_, _Barkelie_, and _Bartie_. In
Pall Mall and May Fair these personages are spoken of in exactly the
same manner at the present day, whilst in the City, and amongst the
_middle_ classes, we only hear of Derby, Berkeley, &c.,—the correct
pronunciations, if the spelling is worth aught. It must not be
forgotten, however, that the pronunciation of the upper classes, as
regards the names of places just mentioned, is a relic of old times when
the orthography was different. The middle-class man is satisfied to take
matters the modern way, but even he, when he wishes to be thought a
swell, alters his style. In fact, the old rule as to proper names being
pronounced according to individual taste, is, and ever will be, of
absolute necessity, not only as regards the upper and middle, but the
lower classes. A costermonger is ignorant of such a place as Birmingham,
but understands you in a moment if you talk of _Brummagem_. Why do not
Pall Mall exquisites join with the costermongers in this pronunciation?
It is the ancient one.[46]

_Parliamentary Slang_, excepting a few peculiar terms connected with
“_the_ House” (scarcely Slang), is mainly composed of fashionable,
literary, and learned Slang. When members get excited, and wish to be
forcible, they are now and again, but not very often, found guilty of
vulgarisms, and then may be not particular which of the street terms
they select, providing it carries, as good old Dr. South said, plenty of
“wildfire” in it. Lord Cairns when Sir Hugh, and a member of the Lower
House, spoke of “that homely but expressive phrase, ‘dodge.’” Out of
“the House,” several Slang terms are used in connexion with Parliament
or members of Parliament. If Lord Palmerston was familiar by name to the
tribes of the Caucasus and Asia Minor as a great foreign diplomatist,
when the name of our Queen was unknown to the inhabitants of those
parts—as was once stated in the _Times_—it is worthy of remark that,
amongst the costers and the wild inhabitants of the streets, he was at
that time better known as “Pam.” The cabmen on the “ranks” in Piccadilly
have been often heard to call each other’s attention to the great
leader of the Opposition in the following expressive manner—“Hollo,
there! de yer see old ‘Dizzy’ doing a stump?” A “plumper” is a single
vote at an election—not a “split-ticket;” and electors who had occupied
a house, no matter how small, and boiled a pot in it, thus qualifying
themselves for voting, used in the good old days to be termed
“potwallopers.” A quiet “walk over” is a re-election without opposition
and much cost; and is obtained from the sporting vocabulary, in which
the term is not Slang. A “caucus” meeting refers to the private
assembling of politicians before an election, when candidates are
chosen, and measures of action agreed upon. The term comes from America,
where caucus means a meeting simply. A “job,” in political phraseology,
is a Government office or contract obtained by secret influence or
favouritism; and is not a whit more objectionable in sound than is the
nefarious proceeding offensive to the sense of those who pay but do not
participate. The _Times_ once spoke of “the patriotic member of
Parliament ‘potted out’ in a dusty little lodging somewhere about Bury
Street.” But then the _Times_ was not always the mildly respectable
high-class paper it now is, as a reference to the columns devoted by it
to Macaulay’s official career will alone determine. These, which
appeared during the present reign, would be far below the lowest
journalistic taste nowadays; yet they are in keeping with the rest of
the political references made at that time by the now austere and
high-principled “leading journal.” The term “quockerwodger,” although
referring to a wooden toy figure which jerks its limbs about when pulled
by a string, has been supplemented with a political meaning. A
pseudo-politician, whose strings of action are pulled by somebody else,
is often termed a “quockerwodger.” From an early period politics and
partyism have attracted unto themselves quaint Slang terms. Horace
Walpole quotes a party nickname of February, 1742, as a Slang word of
the day:—“The Tories declare against any further prosecution, if Tories
there are, for now one hears of nothing but the ‘broad-bottom;’ it is
the reigning Cant word, and means the taking all parties and people,
indifferently, into the Ministry.” Thus “broad-bottom” in those days was
Slang for “coalition.” The term “rat,” too, in allusion to rats
deserting vessels about to sink, has long been employed towards those
turncoat politicians who change their party for interest. Who that
occasionally passes near the Houses of Parliament has not often noticed
stout or careful M.P.’s walk briskly through the Hall, and on the
kerb-stone in front, with umbrella or walking-cane uplifted, shout to
the cabmen on the rank, “Four-wheeler!” The term is both useful and
expressive; but it is none the less Slang, though of a better kind than
“growler,” used to denominate the same kind of vehicle, or “shoful,” the
street term for a hansom cab.

Military Slang is on a par, and of a character, with dandy Slang.
Inconvenient friends, or elderly and lecturing relatives, are pronounced
“dreadful bores.” This affectionate term, like most other Slang phrases
which have their rise in a certain section of society, has spread and
become of general application. Four-wheeled cabs are called “bounders;”
and a member of the Four-in-hand Club, driving to Epsom on the Derby
Day, would, using fashionable phraseology, speak of it as “tooling his
drag down to the Derby.” A vehicle, if not a “drag” (or dwag), is a
“trap,” or a “cask;” and if the “turn-out” happens to be in other than a
trim condition, it is pronounced at once as not “down the road,” unless
the critic should prefer to characterize the equipage as “dickey.” Your
City swell would say it is not “up to the mark;” whilst the costermonger
would call it a “wery snide affair.” In the army a barrack or military
station is known as a “lobster-box;” to “cram” for an examination is to
“mug-up” (this same term is much in vogue among actors, who regard
mugging-up as one of the fine arts of the profession); to reject from
the examination is to “spin;” and that part of the barrack occupied by
subalterns is frequently spoken of as the “rookery.” In dandy or swell
Slang, any celebrity, from the Poet-Laureate to the Pope of Rome, is a
“swell,”—“the old swell” now occupies the place once held by the
“guv’nor.” Wrinkled-faced old professors, who hold dress and fashionable
tailors in abhorrence, are called “awful swells,”—if they happen to be
very learned or clever. In this upper-class Slang, a title is termed a
“handle;” trousers, “inexpressibles,” and bags, or “howling bags,” when
of a large pattern;—a superior appearance, or anything above the common
cut, is styled “extensive;” a four-wheeled cab is called a “birdcage;” a
dance, a “hop;” dining at another man’s table, “sitting under his
mahogany;” anything flashy or showy, “loud;” the peculiar make or cut of
a coat, its “build;” full dress, “full fig;” wearing clothes which
represent the very extreme of fashion, “dressing to death;” a dinner or
supper party, a “spread;” a friend (or a “good fellow”), a “trump;” a
difficulty, a “screw loose;” and everything that is unpleasant, “from
bad sherry to a writ from a tailor,” “jeuced infernal.” The phrase, “to
send a man to Coventry,” or permit no person “in the set” to speak to
him, although an ancient saying, must still be considered Slang.

The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and the great public schools,
are the hotbeds of fashionable Slang. Growing boys and high-spirited
young fellows detest restraint of all kinds, and prefer making a dash at
life in a Slang phraseology of their own to all the set forms and
syntactical rules of _Alma Mater_. Many of the most expressive words in
a common chit-chat, or free-and-easy conversation, are old university
vulgarisms. “Cut,” in the sense of dropping an acquaintance, was
originally a Cambridge form of speech; and “hoax,” to deceive or
ridicule, we are informed by Grose, was many years since an Oxford term.
Among the words that fast society has borrowed from our great
scholastic—not establishments (they are sacred to linendrapery and
“gentlemanly assistants”)—institutions, is found “crib,” a house or
apartments; “dead men,” empty wine bottles; “drawing teeth,”[47]
wrenching off knockers,—an obsolete amusement; “fizzing,” first-rate,
or splendid; “governor,” or “relieving-officer,” the general term for a
male parent; “plucked,” defeated or turned back, now altered to
“plough;” “quiz,” to scrutinize, or a prying old fellow; and “row,” a
noisy disturbance. The Slang words in use at Oxford and Cambridge would
alone fill a volume. As examples let us take “scout,” which at Oxford
refers to an undergraduate’s valet, whilst the same menial at Cambridge
is termed a “gyp,”—popularly derived by the Cantabs from the Greek,
γὺψ, a vulture; “skull,” the head, or master, of a college; “battles,”
the Oxford term for rations, changed at Cambridge into “commons.” The
term “dickey,” a half-shirt, it is said, originated with the students of
Trinity College, Dublin, who at first styled it a “tommy,” from the
Greek τομὴ, a section,—the change from “tommy” to “dickey” requires no
explanation. “Crib,” a literal translation, is now universal; “grind”
refers to “working up” for an examination, also to a walk or
“constitutional;” “Hivite” is a student of St. Begh’s (St. Bee’s)
College, Cumberland; to “japan,” in this Slang speech, is to ordain;
“mortar board” is a square college cap; “sim,” a student of a
Methodistical turn—in allusion to the Rev. Charles Simeon; “sloggers,”
at Cambridge, refers to the second division of race-boats, known at
Oxford as “torpids;” “sport” is to show or exhibit; “trotter” is the
jocose term for a tailor’s man who goes round for orders; and “tufts”
are privileged students who dine with the “dons,” and are distinguished
by golden tufts, or tassels, in their caps. Hence we get the world-wide
Slang term “tuft-hunter,” one whose pride it is to be acquainted with
scions of the nobility—a sycophantic race unfortunately not confined
to any particular place or climate, nor peculiar to any age or either
sex. There are many terms in use at Oxford not known at Cambridge; and
such Slang names as “coach,” “gulf,” “harry-soph,” “poker,” or
“post-mortem,” common enough at Cambridge, are seldom or never heard
at the great sister University. For numerous other examples of college
Slang the reader is referred to the Dictionary.

Religious Slang, strange as the compound may appear, exists with other
descriptions of vulgar speech at the present day. _Punch_, in one of
those half-humorous, half-serious articles, once so characteristic of
the wits engaged on that paper, who were, as a rule, fond of lecturing
any national abuse or popular folly, remarked—“Slang has long since
penetrated into the Forum, and now we meet it in the Senate, and even
the pulpit itself is no longer free from its intrusion.” There is no
wish here, for one moment, to infer that the practice is general. On the
contrary, and in justice to the clergy, it must be said that the
principal disseminators of pure English throughout the country are the
ministers of our Established Church. Yet it cannot be denied that a
great deal of Slang phraseology and expressive vulgarism have gradually
crept into the very pulpits which should give forth as pure speech as
doctrine. This is an error which, however, has only to be noticed, to be

Dean Conybeare, in his able “Essay on Church Parties,”[48] has noticed
this addition of Slang to our pulpit speech. As stated in his Essay, the
practice appears to confine itself mainly to the exaggerated forms of
the High and Low Church—the Tractarians and the “Recordites.”[49] By
way of illustration, the Dean cites the evening parties, or social
meetings, common amongst the wealthier lay members of the Recordite
churches, where the principal topics discussed—one or more favourite
clergymen being present in a quasi-official manner—are “the merits and
demerits of different preachers, the approaching restoration of the
Jews, the date of the Millennium, the progress of the ‘Tractarian
heresy,’ and the anticipated ‘perversion’ of High Church neighbours.”
These subjects are canvassed in a dialect differing considerably from
English, as the word is generally understood. The terms “faithful,”
“tainted,” “acceptable,” “decided,” “legal,” and many others,
are used in a sense different from that given to any of them by the
lexicographers. We hear that Mr. A. has been more “owned” than Mr. B.;
and that Mr. C. has more “seals”[50] than Mr. D. Again, the word
“gracious” is invested with a meaning as extensive as that attached by
young ladies to nice. Thus, we hear of a “gracious sermon,” a “gracious
meeting,” a “gracious child,” and even a “gracious whipping.” The word
“dark” has also a new and peculiar usage. It is applied to every person,
book, or place not impregnated with Recordite principles. A ludicrous
misunderstanding resulting from this phraseology is on record (this is
not a joke). “What did you mean,” said A. to B., “by telling me that
---- was such a very ‘dark’ village? I rode over there to-day, and found
the street particularly broad and cheerful, and there is not a tree in
the place.” “The gospel is not preached there,” was B’s. laconic reply.
The conclusion of one of these singular evening parties is generally
marked by an “exposition”—an unseasonable sermon of nearly one hour’s
duration, circumscribed by no text, and delivered from the table by one
of the clerical visitors with a view to “improve the occasion.” This
same term, “improve the occasion,” is of Slang slangy, and is so mouthed
by Stigginses and Chadbands, and their followers, that it has become
peculiarly objectionable to persons of broad views. In the Essay to
which reference has been made, the religious Slang terms for the two
great divisions of the Established Church receive some explanation. The
old-fashioned High Church party—rich and “stagnant,” noted for its
“sluggish mediocrity, hatred of zeal, dread of innovation, abuse of
Dissent, blundering and languid utterance”—is called the “high and
dry;” whilst the opposing division, known as the Low Church—equally
stagnant with the former, but poorer, and more lazily inclined (from
absence of education) towards Dissent—receives the nickname of the “low
and slow.” These terms are among persons learned in the distinctions
shortened, in ordinary conversation, to the “dry” and the “slow.” The
Broad Church, or moderate division, is often spoken of as the “broad
and shallow.”

What can be more objectionable than the irreverent and offensive manner
in which many Dissenting ministers continually pronounce the names of
the Deity—God and Lord? God, instead of pronouncing in the plain and
beautiful simple old English way, “G‑o‑d,” they drawl out into “Gorde”
or “Gaude;” and Lord, instead of speaking in the proper way, they
desecrate into “Loard” or “Loerd,”—lingering on the _u_, or the _r_, as
the case may be, until an honest hearer feels disgusted, and almost
inclined to run the gauntlet of beadles and deacons, and pull the vulgar
preacher from his pulpit. This is, though a Christian impulse, hardly in
accordance with our modern times and tolerant habits. Many young
preachers strive hard to acquire this peculiar pronunciation, in
imitation of the older ministers. What, then, can more properly be
called Slang, or, indeed, the most objectionable of Slang, than this
studious endeavour to pronounce the most sacred names in a uniformly
vulgar and unbecoming manner? If the old-fashioned preacher whistled
Cant through his nose, the modern vulgar reverend whines Slang from the
more natural organ. These vagaries of speech will, perhaps, by an
apologist, be termed “pulpit peculiarities,” and the writer may be
impugned for having dared to intermeddle with a subject that is or
should be removed from his criticisms. Honesty of purpose and evident
truthfulness of remark will, however, overcome the most virulent
opposition. The terms used by the mob towards the Church, however
illiberal and satirically vulgar, are fairly within the province of an
inquiry such as the present. A clergyman, in vulgar language, is spoken
of as a “choker,” a “cushion-thumper,” a “dominie,” an “earwig,” a
“gospel-grinder,” a “grey-coat parson;” a “spouter,” a “white-choker,”
or a “warming-pan rector,” if he only holds the living _pro tempore_. If
he is a lessee of the great tithes, “one in ten;” or if spoken of by an
Anglo-Indian, a “rook.” If a Tractarian, his outer garment is rudely
spoken of as a “pygostole,” or “M. B. (mark of the beast) coat.” His
profession is termed “the cloth” (this item of Slang has been already
referred to), and his practice is called “tub-thumping.” This latter
term has of late years been almost peculiarly confined to itinerant
preachers. Should he belong to the Dissenting body, he is probably
styled a “pantiler,” or a “psalm smiter,” or perhaps, a “swaddler.”[51]
His chapel, too, is spoken of as a “schism shop.” A Roman Catholic is
coarsely named a “brisket-beater.”

Particular as lawyers generally are about the meanings of words, they
have not prevented an unauthorized phraseology from arising, which may
be termed legal Slang. So forcibly did this truth impress a late writer,
that he wrote in a popular journal, “You may hear Slang every day in
term from barristers in their robes, at every mess-table, at every
bar-mess, at every college commons, and in every club dining-room.”
Swift, in his _Art of Polite Conversation_ (p. 15), published a century
and a half ago, states that “vardi” was the Slang in his time for
“verdict.” A few of the most common and well-known terms used out of
doors, with reference to legal matters, are “cook,” to hash or make up a
balance-sheet; “dipped,” mortgaged; “dun” (from a famous writ or
process-server named Dunn), to solicit payment; “fullied,” to be “fully
committed for trial;” “land shark,” a sailor’s definition of a lawyer;
“limb of the law,” a milder term for the same “professional;” “monkey
with a long tail,” a mortgage; “mouthpiece,” the thief’s term for his
counsel; “to run through the ring,” to take advantage of the Insolvency
Act; “smash,” to become bankrupt; “snipe,” an attorney with a long bill;
and “whitewash,” to take the benefit of the Insolvent Act. Comparatively
recent legislation has rendered many of these terms obsolete, and “in
liquidation” is now the most ominous sound a creditor can hear. Lawyers,
from their connexion with the police courts, and transactions with
persons in every grade of society, have ample opportunities for
acquiring street Slang, of which, in cross-questioning and wrangling,
they frequently avail themselves.

It has been said there exists a literary Slang, or the Slang of
Criticism—dramatic, artistic, and scientific. This is composed of such
words as “æsthetic,” “transcendental,” “the harmonies,” “the unities,” a
“myth;” such phrases as “an exquisite _morceau_ on the big drum,” a
“scholarlike rendering of John the Baptist’s great toe,” “keeping
harmony,” “middle distance,” “aërial perspective,” “delicate handling,”
“nervous chiaroscuro,” and the like. It is easy to find fault with this
system of doing work, whilst it is not easy to discover another at once
so easily understood by educated readers, and so satisfactory to artists
themselves. Discretion must, of course, always be used, in fact always
is used by the best writers, with regard to the quantity of technical
Slang an article will hold comfortably. Overdone mannerism is always a
mistake, and generally defeats its own end. Properly used, these
technicalities are allowable as the generous inflections and bendings of
a bountiful language, for the purpose of expressing fresh phases of
thought, and ideas not yet provided with representative words.[52]
_Punch_ often employs a Slang term to give point to a joke, or humour to
a line of satire. In his best day he gave an original etymology of the
schoolboy-ism “slog.” “Slog,” said the classical and then clever
_Punch_, is derived from the Greek word “slogo,” to baste, to wallop, to
slaughter. To show his partiality to the subject, he once amused his
readers with two columns on Slang and Sanscrit, from which the following
is taken:—

    “The allegory which pervades the conversation of all Eastern nations
    is the foundation of Western Slang; and the increased number of
    students of the Oriental languages, especially since Sanscrit and
    Arabic have been made subjects for the Indian Civil Service
    examinations, may have contributed to supply the English language
    with a large portion of its new dialect. While, however, the spirit
    of allegory comes from the East, there is so great a difference
    between the brevity of Western expression and the more cumbrous
    diction of the Oriental, that the origin of a phrase becomes
    difficult to trace. Thus, for instance, whilst the Turkish merchant
    might address his friend somewhat as follows—‘That which seems good
    to my father is to his servant as the perfumed breath of the west
    wind in the calm night of the Arabian summer;’ the Western
    negotiator observes more briefly, ‘all serene!’”[53]

But the vulgar term, “brick,” _Punch_ remarks in illustration,

    “must be allowed to be an exception, its Greek derivation being
    universally admitted, corresponding so exactly as it does in its
    rectangular form and compactness to the perfection of manhood,
    according to the views of Plato and Simonides; but any deviation
    from the simple expression, in which locality is indicated—as, for
    instance, ‘a genuine Bath’—decidedly breathes the Oriental spirit.”

It is singular that what _Punch_ says unwittingly and in humour
respecting the Slang expression “bosh,” should be quite true. “Bosh,”
remarks _Punch_, after speaking of it as belonging to the stock of words
pilfered from the Turks, “is one whose innate force and beauty the
slangographer is reluctantly compelled to admit. It is the only word
which seems a proper appellation for a great deal which we are obliged
to hear and to read every day of our life.” “Bosh,” nonsense or
stupidity, is derived from the Gipsy and the Persian. The universality
of Slang is proved by its continual use in the pages of _Punch_. Who
ever thinks, unless belonging to a past generation, of asking a friend
to explain the stray vulgar words employed by the _London Charivari_?
Some of the jokes, though, might nowadays be accompanied by explanatory
notes, in similar style to that adopted by youthful artists who write “a
man,” “a horse,” &c., when rather uncertain as to whether or not their
efforts will meet with due appreciation.

The _Athenæum_, the _Saturday Review_, and other kindred “weeklies,”
often indulge in Slang words when force of expression or a little humour
is desired, or when the various writers wish to say something which is
better said in Slang, or so-called vulgar speech, than in the authorized
language. Bartlett, the compiler of the _Dictionary of Americanisms_,
continually cites the _Athenæum_ as using Slang and vulgar expressions;
but the magazine the American refers to is not the literary journal of
the present day,—it was a smaller, and now defunct, “weekly.” The
present possessor of the classic title is, though, by no means
behindhand in its devotion to colloquialisms. Many other highly
respectable journals often use Slang words and phrases. The _Times_ (or,
in Slang, the “Thunderer”) frequently employs unauthorized terms; and,
following a “leader”[54] of the purest and most eloquent composition, may
sometimes be seen another “article”[54] on a totally different subject,
containing, perhaps, a score or more of exceedingly questionable words.
Among the words and phrases which may be included under the head of
Literary Slang are, “balaam,” matter kept constantly in type about
monstrous productions of nature, to fill up spaces in newspapers;
“balaam-box,” the term given in _Blackwood_ to the repository for
rejected articles; and “slate,” to pelt with abuse, or “cut up” in a
review. “He’s the fellow to slate a piece” is often said of dramatic
critics, especially of those who through youth, inexperience, and the
process of unnatural selection which causes them to be critics, imagine
that to abuse all that is above their comprehension is to properly
exercise the critical faculty. This is, however, dangerous ground. The
Slang names given to newspapers are curious;—thus, the _Morning
Advertiser_ is known as the “Tap-tub,” the “’Tizer,” and was until
recently the “Gin and Gospel Gazette.” The _Morning Post_ has obtained
the suggestive sobriquet of “Jeames;” whilst the _Morning Herald_ was
long caricatured as “Mrs. Harris,” and the _Standard_ as “Mrs.

The _Stage_, of course, has its Slang—“both before and behind the
curtain,” as a journalist remarks. The stage-manager is familiarly
termed “daddy;” and an actor by profession, or a “professional,” is
called a “pro.” It is amusing at times to hear a young actor—who struts
about padded with copies of all newspapers that have mentioned his
name—talking, in a mixed company, of the stage as _the_ profession.
This is after all but natural, for to him “all the world’s a stage.” A
man who is occasionally hired at a trifling remuneration to come upon
the stage as one of a crowd, or when a number of actors are wanted to
give effect, is named a “supe,”—an abbreviation of “supernumerary.” A
“surf” is a third-rate actor, who frequently pursues another calling;
and the band, or orchestra between the pit and the stage, is generally
spoken of as the “menagerie.” A “ben” is a benefit; and “sal” is the
Slang abbreviation of “salary.” Should no money be forthcoming on the
Saturday night, it is said that the “ghost doesn’t walk;” or else the
statement goes abroad that there is “no treasury,” as though the coffers
themselves had departed. The travelling or provincial theatricals, who
perform in any large room that can be rented in a country village, are
called “barn-stormers.” A “length” is forty-two lines of any dramatic
composition; and a “run” is the continuous term of a piece’s
performance. A “saddle” is the additional charge made by a manager to an
actor or actress upon his or her benefit night. To “mug up” is to paint
one’s face, or arrange the person, to represent a particular character;
to “corpse,” or to “stick,” is to balk, or put the other actors out in
their parts by forgetting yours. A performance is spoken of as either a
“gooser” or a “screamer,” should it be a failure or a great success;—if
the latter, it is not infrequently termed a “hit.” To “goose” a
performance is to hiss it; and continued “goosing” generally ends, or
did end before managers refused to accept the verdict of audiences, in
the play or the players being “damned.” To “star it” is to perform as
the centre of attraction, with your name in large type, and none but
subordinates and indifferent actors in the same performance. The
expressive term “clap-trap,” high-sounding nonsense, is nothing but an
ancient theatrical term, and signified a “trap” to catch a “clap” by way
of applause. “Up amongst the ‘gods,’” refers to being among the
spectators in the gallery,—termed in French Slang “paradis.”

There exists, too, in the great territory of vulgar speech what may not
inappropriately be termed Civic Slang. It consists of mercantile and
Stock Exchange terms, and the Slang of good living and wealth. A turkey
hung with sausages is facetiously styled an “alderman in chains,”—a
term which has spread from the City and become general; and a
half-crown, perhaps from its rotundity, is often termed an “alderman.” A
“bear” is a speculator on the Exchange; and a “bull,” although of an
opposite order, follows a like profession. There is something very
humorous and applicable in the Slang term “lame duck,” a defaulter in
stock-jobbing speculations. The allusion to his “waddling out of the
Alley,” as they say, is excellent. “Breaking shins,” in City Slang, is
borrowing money; a rotten or unsound scheme is spoken of as “fishy;”
“rigging the market” means playing tricks with it; and “stag” was a
common term during the railway mania for a speculator without capital, a
seller of “scrip” in “Diddlesex Junction” and other equally safe lines.
At Tattersall’s a “monkey” is 500_l._, and in the City a “plum” is
100,000_l._, and a “marygold” is one million sterling. But before
proceeding further in a sketch of the different kinds of Slang, it may
be as well to speak here of the extraordinary number of Cant and Slang
terms in use to represent money—from farthings to bank-notes the value
of fortunes. Her Majesty’s coin, collectively or in the piece, is known
by more than one hundred and thirty distinct Slang words, from the
humble “brown” (a halfpenny) to “flimsies,” or “long-tailed ones”

“Money,” it has been well remarked, “the bare, simple word itself, has a
sonorous, significant ring in its sound,” and might have sufficed, one
would have imagined, for all ordinary purposes, excepting, of course,
those demanded by direct reference to specific sums. But a vulgar or
“fast” society has thought differently; and so we have the Slang
synonyms—“beans,” “blunt” (_i.e._, specie,—not soft or rags,
bank-notes), “brads,” “brass,” “bustle,” “coppers” (copper money, or
mixed pence), “chink,” “chinkers,” “chips,” “corks,” “dibbs,” “dinarly,”
“dimmock,” “dust,” “feathers,” “gent” (silver,—from argent), “haddock”
(a purse of money), “horse nails,” “huckster,” “loaver,” “lour” (the
oldest Cant term for money), “mopusses,” “needful,” “nobbings” (money
collected in a hat by street-performers), “ochre” (gold), “pewter,”
“palm oil,” “pieces,” “posh,” “queen’s pictures,” “quids,” “rags”
(bank-notes), “ready,” or “ready gilt,” “redge” (gold), “rhino,”
“rowdy,” “shiners” (sovereigns), “skin” (a purse of money), “stiff”
(checks, or bills of acceptance), “stuff,” “stumpy,” “tin” (silver),
“wedge” (silver), and “yellow-boys” (sovereigns);—just forty-three
vulgar equivalents for the simple word money. So attentive is Slang
speech to financial matters, that there are seven terms for bad, or
“bogus,” coin (as our friends the Americans call it): a “case” is a
counterfeit five-shilling piece; “half a case” represents half that sum;
“grays” are halfpence made specially for unfair gambling purposes;
“queer-soft” is counterfeit or lead coin; “schofel” refers to coated or
spurious coin; “sheen” is bad money of any description; and “sinkers”
bears the same and not inappropriate meaning. “Snide” is now the generic
term for all bad money, whether coined or in notes; and “snide-pitching”
or “schoful-tossing” is the term in use among the professors of that
pursuit for what is more generally known as “smashing.” “Flying the
kite,” or obtaining money on bills and promissory-notes, is closely
connected with the allegorical expression of “raising the wind,” which
is a well-known phrase for procuring money by immediate sale, pledging,
or by a forced loan. In winter or in summer any elderly gentleman who
may have prospered in life is pronounced “warm;” whilst an equivalent is
immediately at hand in the phrase “his pockets are well lined,” or “he
is well breeched.” Each separate piece of money has its own Slang term,
and often half a score of synonyms. To begin with that extremely humble
coin, a farthing: first we have “fadge,” then “fiddler;” then “gig,” and
lastly “quartereen.” A halfpenny is a “brown” or a “madzer (pronounced
‘medzer’) saltee” (Cant), or a “mag,” or a “posh,” or a “rap,”—whence
the popular phrase, “I don’t care a rap.” The useful and universal penny
has for Slang equivalents a “copper,” a “saltee” (Cant), and a “winn.”
Twopence is a “deuce,” and threepence is either “thrums” or “thrups.”
“Thrums” has a special peculiarity; for while “thrums-buskin” represents
threepence-halfpenny, the term “buskin” is not used in connexion with
any other number of pence. Fourpence, or a groat, may in vulgar speech
be termed a “bit,” a “flag,” or a “joey.” Sixpence is well represented
in street talk, and some of the slangisms are very comical—for
instance, “bandy,” “bender,” “cripple,” and “downer;” then we have
“buck,” “fye-b’ck,” “half a hog,” “kick” (thus “two and a ‘kick,’” or
2_s._ 6_d._), “lord of the manor,”[56] “pig,” “pot” (the price of a pot
of ale—thus half-a-crown is a “five ‘pot’ piece”), “snid,” “sprat,”
“sow’s baby,” “tanner,” “tester,” “tizzy,”—seventeen vulgar words to
one coin. Sevenpence being an uncommon amount has only one Slang
synonym, “setter.” The same remark applies to eightpence and ninepence,
the former being only represented by “otter,” and the latter by the
Cant phrase “nobba-saltee.” Tenpence is “dacha-saltee,” and elevenpence
“dacha-one,”—both Cant expressions. It is noticeable that coined
pieces, and sums which from their smallness or otherwise are mostly in
use, receive a commensurate amount of attention from promoters of Slang.
One shilling boasts eleven Slang equivalents; thus we have “beong,”
“bob,” “breaky-leg,” “deener,” “gen” (from the back Slang), “hog,”
“levy,” “peg,” “stag,” “teviss,” and “twelver.” One shilling and
sixpence is a “kye,” now and then an “eighteener.” It is noticeable that
so far the florin has escaped, and only receives the shilling titles
with the required numeral adjective prefixed. Half-a-crown is known as
an “alderman,” “half a bull,” “half a wheel,” “half a tusheroon,” and a
“madza (medzer) caroon;” whilst a crown piece, or five shillings, may be
called either a “bull,” a “caroon,” a “cartwheel,” or a “coachwheel,”
or, more generally than either, a “wheel” or a “tusheroon.” The word
“dollar” is in general use among costermongers and their customers, and
signifies exactly five shillings. Any term representing this amount
“takes in two,” and represents the half-crown by the addition of the
usual prefix. The next advance in Slang money is ten shillings, or
half-a-sovereign, which may be either pronounced as “half a bean,” “half
a couter,” “a madza poona,” “half a quid,” or “half a thick ’un.” A
sovereign, or twenty shillings, is a “bean,” “canary,” “couter,”
“foont,” “goldfinch,” “James” (from Jacobus), “poona,” “portrait,”
“quid,” “thick-un,” or “yellow-boy.” Guineas are nearly obsolete, yet
the terms “neds” and “half neds” are still in use. Bank-notes are
“flimsies,” “long-tailed ones,” or “soft.” A “fin,” or a “finnuf,” is a
five-pound note. Twenty-five pounds is a “pony,” and a hundred a
“century.” One hundred pounds (or any other “round sum”), quietly handed
over as payment for services performed, is curiously termed “a ‘cool’
hundred.” Thus ends, with several necessary omissions, this long list of
Slang terms for the coins of the realm which, for copiousness, it is not
too much to say, is not equalled by any other vulgar or unauthorized
language in Europe.

The antiquity of many of these Slang names is remarkable. “Winn” was the
vulgar term for a penny in the days of Queen Elizabeth; and “tester,” a
sixpence (formerly a shilling), was the correct name in the days of
Henry VIII. The reader, too, will have remarked the frequency of
animals’ names as Slang terms for money. Little, as a modern writer has
remarked, do the persons using these phrases know of their remote and
somewhat classical origin, which may, indeed, be traced to a period
anterior to that when monarchs monopolized the surface of coined money
with their own images and superscriptions. They are identical with the
very name of money among the early Romans, which was _pecunia_, from
_pecus_, a flock. The collections of coin-dealers amply show that the
figure of a “hog” was anciently placed on a small silver coin; and that
that of a “bull” decorated larger ones of the same metal. These coins
were frequently deeply crossed on the reverse; this was for the
convenience of easily breaking them into two or more pieces, should the
bargain for which they were employed require it, and the parties making
it had no smaller change handy to complete the transaction. Thus we find
that the “half bull” of the itinerant street-seller, or “traveller,” so
far from being a phrase of modern invention, as is generally supposed,
is in point of fact referable to an era extremely remote. This remark
will safely apply to most descriptions of money; and it must not be
forgotten that farthing is but a corruption of fourthing, or, literally,
fourth part of a penny. The representative coin of the realm was often
in olden times made to break up,—but this by the way. It is a reminder,
however, that the word “smash,” as used by the classes that speak Slang
from motives other than those of affectation, has nothing whatever to do
with base coin, as is generally supposed. It simply means to give
change. Thus:—“Can you smash a thick ’un for me?” means simply, “Can
you give me change for a sovereign?” We learn from Erizzo, in his
_Discorso_, a further illustration of the proverb “that there is nothing
new under the sun;” for he says that the Roman boys at the time of
Hadrian tossed up their coppers and cried, “Head or ship;” of which
tradition our “heads or tails,” and “man or woman,” or “a tanner I heads
’em,” is certainly a less refined version. We thence gather, however,
that the prow of a vessel would appear to have been the more ordinary
device of the reverse of the brass coin of that ancient period. There
are many other Cant words directly from a classic source, as will be
seen in the dictionary.

Shopkeepers’ Slang is perhaps the most offensive of all Slang, though
this is not intended to imply that shopkeepers are perhaps the most
offensive of people. This kind of Slang is not a casual eyesore, as
newspaper Slang, neither is it an occasional discomfort to the ear, as
in the case of some vulgar byword of the street; but it is a perpetual
nuisance, and stares you in the face on tradesmen’s invoices, on labels
in the shop-windows, and placards on the hoardings, in posters against
the house next to your own—if it happen to be empty for a few
weeks—and in bills thrust into your hand, as you peaceably walk through
the streets. Under your door, and down your area, Slang handbills are
dropped by some “pushing” tradesman; and for the thousandth time you are
called upon to learn that an “alarming sacrifice” is taking place in the
next street; that prices are “down again;” that, in consequence of some
other tradesman not “driving a roaring trade,” being in fact, “sold up,”
and for the time being a resident in “Burdon’s Hotel” (Whitecross-Street
Prison), the “pushing” tradesman wishes to sell out at “awfully low
prices,” to “the kind patrons, and numerous customers,” &c. &c., “that
have on every occasion,” &c. &c. These are, though, very venial
offenders compared with those ghouls, the advertising undertakers, who
employ boys, loaded with ghastly little books, to follow up the parish
doctor, and leave their horrible wares wherever he calls. But what can
be expected of ignorant undertakers when a London newspaper of large
circulation actually takes out the death records from the _Times_, and
sends a circular to each address therein, informing the bereaved persons
that the “----” charges so much per line for similar notices, and that
its circulation is most extensive? Surely the typical “death-hunter,”
hardened though he may be, is hardly down to that level. In shopkeeping
Slang any occupation or calling is termed a “line,”—thus, the “building
line.” A tailor usurps to himself a good deal of Slang. Amongst
operatives he is called a “snip,” a “steel-bar driver,” a “cabbage
contractor,” or a “goose persuader;” by the world, a “ninth part of a
man;” and by the young collegian, or “fast” man, a “sufferer.” If he
takes army contracts, it is “sank work;” if he is a “slop” tailor, he is
a “springer up,” and his garments are “blown together.” Perquisites with
him are “spiffs,” and remnants of cloth “peaking, or cabbage.” The
per-centage he allows to his assistants (or “counter jumpers”) on the
sale of old-fashioned articles is termed “tinge.” If he pays his workmen
in goods, or gives them tickets upon other tradesmen, with whom he
shares the profit, he is soon known as a “tommy master.” If his business
succeeds, it “takes;” if neglected, it becomes “shaky,” and “goes to
pot;” if he is deceived by a debtor (a by no means unusual
circumstance), he is “let in,” or, as it is sometimes varied, “taken
in.” It need scarcely be remarked that any credit he may give is termed

Operatives’ or workmen’s Slang, in quality, is but slightly removed from
tradesmen’s Slang. When belonging to the same shop or factory, they
“graft” there, and are “brother chips.” Among printers the favourite
term is “comps,”—not compositors, though the same contraction is used
for that word,—but companions, whether so in actual fact, or as members
of the same “companionship.” A companionship is the number of men
engaged on any one work, and this is in turn reduced to “ship:”
sometimes it is a “’stab ship,” _i.e._, paid by the week, therefore on
the establishment; sometimes it is “on the piece,” and anyhow it is an
extremely critical organization, so perhaps it would be better to
broaden the subject. Workmen generally dine at “slap-bang shops,” and
are often paid at “tommy shops.” At the nearest “pub,” or public-house,
they generally have a “score chalked up” against them, which has to be
“wiped off” regularly on the Saturday night. This is often known as a
“light.” When credit is bad the “light” is said to be out. When out of
work, they describe themselves as being “out of collar.” They term each
other “flints” and “dungs,” if they are “society” or “non-society” men.
Their salary is a “screw,” and to be discharged is to “get the sack,”
varied by the expression “get the bullet,” the connexion of which with
discharge is obvious, as the small lecturers—those at the Polytechnic
for instance—say, to the meanest capacity. When they quit work, they
“knock off;” and when out of employ, they ask if any “hands” are, or any
assistance is, wanted. “Fat” is the vulgar synonym for perquisites;
“elbow grease” signifies labour; and “Saint Monday” is the favourite day
of the week. Names of animals figure plentifully in the workman’s
vocabulary; thus we have “goose,” a tailor’s smoothing-iron;
“sheep’s-foot,” an iron hammer; “sow,” a receptacle for molten iron,
whilst the metal poured from it is termed “pig.” Many of the Slang terms
for money may have originally come from the workshop, thus—“brads,”
from the ironmonger; “chips,” from the carpenter; “dust,” from the
goldsmith; “feathers,” from the upholsterer; “horse-nails,” from the
farrier; “haddock,” from the fishmonger; and “tanner and skin” from the

If society, as has been remarked, is a sham, from the vulgar foundation
of commonalty to the crowning summit of royalty, then do we perceive the
justness of the remark in that most peculiar of peculiarities, the Slang
of makeshifts for oaths, and sham exclamations for passion and temper.
These apologies for feeling are an addition to our vernacular, and
though some argue that they are a disgrace, for the reason that no man
should pretend to swear or curse who does not do so, it is some
satisfaction to know that they serve the purpose of reducing the stock
of national profanity. “You be blowed,” or “I’ll be blowed if,” &c., is
an exclamation often heard in the streets. “Blazes,” or “like blazes,”
came probably from the army, unless, indeed, it came from the original
metaphor, afterwards corrupted, to serve all turns, “to smoke like
blazes.” “Blast,” too, although in general vulgar use, may have had an
engineering or military origin, and the phrase, “I wish I may be shot,
if,” smacks much of powder. “Blow me tight” is a very windy and common
exclamation. The same may be said of “strike me lucky,” “never trust
me,” and “so help me Davy;” the latter being evidently derived from the
truer old phrase, “I’ll take my Davy on’t”—_i.e._, my affidavit,
“Davy,” and sometimes “Alfred Davy,” being a corruption of that word.
“By Golly,” “Gol darn it,” and “so help”—generally pronounced “selp” or
“swelp”—“me Bob,” are evident shams for profane oaths. “Tarnation” is
but a softening of damnation; and “od,” whether used in “od drat it,” or
“od’s blood,” is but an apology for the name of the Deity. “Marry,” a
term of asseveration in common use, was originally, in Popish times, a
mode of swearing by the Virgin Mary;—so also “marrow-bones,” for the
knees. “I’ll bring him down upon his marrow-bones,”—_i.e._, I’ll make
him bend his knees as he does to the Virgin Mary. The Irish phrase, “Bad
scran to yer!” is equivalent to wishing a person bad food. “I’m
sniggered if you will,” and “I’m jiggered,” are other mild forms of
swearing among men fearful of committing an open profanity, yet slily
nibbling at the sin. Maybe, some day one of these adventurers will meet
with the object of his desires, and then when fairly “jiggered,”
whatever it may ultimately turn out to be, it is to be hoped he will
prove a fearful example to all persons with the will, but not the pluck,
to swear fierce oaths. Both “deuce” and “dickens” are vulgar old
synonyms for the devil; and “zounds” is an abbreviation of “God’s
wounds,”—a very ancient oath.

In a casual survey of the territory of Slang, it is curious to observe
how well represented are the familiar wants and failings of life. First,
there is money, with one hundred and odd Slang terms and synonyms; then
comes drink, from small beer to champagne; and next as a very natural
sequence, intoxication, and fuddlement generally, with some half a
hundred vulgar terms, graduating the scale of drunkenness, from a slight
inebriation to the soaky state which leads to the gutter, sometimes to
the stretcher, the station-house, the fine, and, most terrible of all,
the “caution.” The Slang synonyms for mild intoxication are certainly
very choice,—they are “beery,” “bemused,” “boozy,” “bosky,” “buffy,”
“corned,” “foggy,” “fou,” “fresh,” “hazy,” “elevated,” “kisky,” “lushy,”
“moony,” “muggy,” “muzzy,” “on,” “screwed,” “stewed,” “tight,” and
“winey.” A higher or more intense state of beastliness is represented by
the expressions, “podgy,” “beargered,” “blued,” “cut,” “primed,”
“lumpy,” “ploughed,” “muddled,” “obfuscated,” “swipey,” “three sheets in
the wind,” and “top-heavy.” But the climax of fuddlement is only
obtained when the “disguised” individual “can’t see a hole in a ladder,”
or when he is all “mops and brooms,” or “off his nut,” or with his
“main-brace well spliced,” or with the “sun in his eyes,” or when he
has “lapped the gutter,” and got the “gravel rash,” or is on the
“ran-tan,” or on the “ree-raw,” or when “sewed up,” and regularly
“scammered,”—then, and not till then, is he entitled, in vulgar
society, to the title of “lushington,” or recommended to “put in the
pin,” _i.e._, the linch-pin, to keep his legs steady.


[32] An outgrowth of this latter peculiarity consisted in anyone with a
high or prominent nose being, a few years back, called by the street
boys “Duke.”

[33] This term, with a singular literal downrightness, which would be
remarkable in any other people than the French, is translated by them as
the sect of _Trembleurs_.

[34] Swift alludes to this term in his _Art of Polite Conversation_, p.
14, 1738.

[35] See _Notes and Queries_, vol. i. p. 185. 1850.

[36] He afterwards kept a tavern at Wapping, mentioned by Pope in the

[37] _Sportsman’s Dictionary_, 1825, p. 15.

[38] This introduction was written in 1859, before the new edition of
_Worcester_, and Nuttall’s recent work, were published.

[39] Introduction to Bee’s _Sportsman’s Dictionary_, 1825.

[40] The Gipsies use the word Slang as the Anglican synonym for Romany,
the Continental (or rather Spanish) term for the Cingari or Gipsy
tongue. Crabb, who wrote the _Gipsies’ Advocate_ in 1831, thus mentions
the word:—“This language [Gipsy] _called by themselves_ Slang, or
Gibberish, invented, as they think, by their forefathers for secret
purposes, is not merely the language of one or a few of these wandering
tribes, which are found in the European nations, but is adopted by the
vast numbers who inhabit the earth.”

[41] The word Slang assumed various meanings amongst costermongers,
beggars, and vagabonds of all orders. It was, and is still, used to
express “cheating by false weights,” “a raree show,” “retiring by a back
door,” “a watch-chain,” their “secret language,” &c.

[42] North, in his _Examen_, p. 574, says, “I may note that the rabble
first changed their title, and were called the “mob” in the assemblies
of this [Green Ribbon] club. It was their beasts of burden, and called
first _mobile vulgus_, but fell naturally into the contraction of one
syllable, and ever since is become proper English.” In the same work, p.
231, the disgraceful origin of SHAM is given.

[43] I am afraid my predecessor was of a somewhat satirical turn of
mind, or else he had peculiar notions of melody.—ED.

[44] This latter is, as I take it, an error, as the sign was originally
intended to represent the king’s head and cross guns, and may still be
seen in parts of the country.—ED.

[45] Savez-vous cela?—[I fancy this is from the Spanish _sabe_. The
word is in great use in the Pacific States of America, and is obtained
through constant intercourse with the original settlers.—ED.]

[46] At page 24 of a curious old Civil War tract, entitled, _The Oxonian
Antippodes_, by I. B., Gent., 1644, the town is called Brummidgham, and
this was the general rendering in the printed literature of the
seventeenth century.—[This must have been the first known step towards
the present vulgar style of spelling, for properly the word is
Bromwich-ham, which has been corrupted into Brummagem, a term used to
express worthless or inferior goods, from the spurious jewellery, plate,
&c., manufactured there expressly for “duffers.”—ED.]

[47] This was more especially an amusement with medical students,
after the modern Mohocks had discarded it. The students are now a
comparatively mild and quiet race, with very little of the style of a
generation ago about them.

[48] _Edinburgh Review_, October, 1853.

[49] A term derived from the _Record_ newspaper, the exponent of this
singular section of the Low, or so-called Evangelical Church.

[50] A preacher is said, in this phraseology, to be “owned” when he
makes many converts, and his converts are called his “seals.” This is
Cant in its most objectionable form.

[51] “Swaddler” is also a phrase by which the low Irish Roman Catholics
denominate those of their body who in winter become Protestants, _pro
tem._, for the sake of the blankets, coals, &c., given by proselytizing
Protestants. It is hard to say which are the worse, those who refuse to
give unless the objects of their charity become converted, or those who
sham conversion to save themselves from starving, or the tender mercies
of the relieving officer. I am much afraid my sympathies are with the
“swaddlers,” who are also called “soupers.”—ED.

[52] “All our newspapers contain more or less colloquial words; in fact,
there seems no other way of expressing certain ideas connected with
passing events of every-day life with the requisite force and piquancy.
In the English newspapers the same thing is observable, and certain of
them contain more of the class denominated Slang words than our
own.”—_Bartlett’s Americanisms_, p. 10, edit. 1859.

[53] When this appeared, “all serene” was one of those street phrases
which periodically spring up, have their rage, and depart as suddenly as
they come into popularity. These sayings are generally of a most idiotic
nature, as their latest specimens, “I’ll warm yer,” “All serene,” and
“I’ll ’ave your hi”—used without any premonitory notice or regard to
context, and screeched out at the top of the voice—will testify. I
suppose we shall soon have another of these “ebullitions of popular

[54] The terms “leader” and “article” can scarcely be called Slang, yet
it would be desirable to know upon what authority they were first
employed in their present peculiar sense.

[55] The _Morning Herald_ was called “Mrs. Harris,” because it was said
that no one ever saw it, a peculiarity which, in common with its general
disregard for veracity, made it uncommonly like “Mrs. Gamp’s” invisible
friend as portrayed by Dickens. But the _Herald_ has long since departed
this life, and with it has gone the title of “Mrs. Gamp,” as applied to
the _Standard_, which is, though, as impulsive and Conservative as

[56] This is rhyming slang, and is corrupted into “lord” only.
“Touch-me,” a common term for a shilling, is also derived from the same
source, it being short for “touch-me-on-the-nob,” which is rhyming slang
for “bob” or shilling.



~A 1~, first-rate, the very best; “she’s a prime girl, she is; she is
A 1.”—_Sam Slick_. The highest classification of ships at Lloyd’s; common
term in the United States; also at Liverpool and other English seaports.
Another, even more intensitive form is “first-class, letter A, No. 1.”
Some people choose to say A I, for no reason, however, beyond that of
being different from others.

~Abigail~, a lady’s-maid; perhaps obtained from old comedies. Used in an
uncomplimentary sense. Some think the term is derived from Abigail Hill
(Mrs. Masham), lady-in-waiting to Queen Anne, and a typical ABIGAIL in
the way of intrigue.

~About Right~, “to do the thing ABOUT RIGHT,” _i.e._, to do it
properly, soundly, correctly; “he guv it ’im ABOUT RIGHT,” _i.e._, he
beat him severely.

~Abraham-man~, a vagabond, such as were driven to beg about the country
after the dissolution of the monasteries.—_See_ BESS O’ BEDLAM,
_infra_. They are well described under the title of _Bedlam
Beggars_.—_Shakspeare’s K. Lear_, ii. 3.

    “And these, what name or title e’er they bear,
    Jarkman, or Patrico, Cranke, or Clapper-dudgeon,
    Frater, or ABRAM-MAN; I speak to all
    That stand in fair election for the title
    Of king of beggars.”—_Beaumont and Fletcher’s Begg. Bush._ II. 1.

It appears to have been the practice in former days to allow certain
inmates of Bethlehem Hospital to have fixed days “to go begging:” hence
impostors were said to “SHAM ABRAHAM” (the Abraham Ward in Bedlam having
for its inmates these mendicant lunatics) when they pretended they were
licensed beggars in behalf of the hospital.

~Abraham-sham~, or SHAM ABRAHAM, to feign sickness or distress. From
ABRAHAM-MAN, the _ancient Cant_ term for a begging impostor, or one who
pretended to have been mad.—_Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy_, vol. i.
p. 360. When Abraham Newland was Cashier to the Bank of England, and
signed their notes, it was sung:—

        “I have heard people say
        That SHAM ABRAHAM you may,
    But you mustn’t SHAM ABRAHAM Newland.”

~Absquatulate~, to run away, or abscond; a hybrid _American_ expression,
from the Latin _ab_, and “squat” to settle.

~Acres~, a coward. From Bob Acres, in Sheridan’s _Rivals_.

~Adam’s Ale~, water.—_English._ The _Scotch_ term is ADAM’S WINE.

~Added to the List~, a euphuism current among sporting writers implying
that a horse has been gelded. As, “Sabinus has been ADDED TO THE LIST.”
Another form of expression in reference to this matter is that “the
knife has been brought into requisition.” “ADDED TO THE LIST” is simply
a contraction for “added to the list of geldings in training.”

~Addlepate~, a foolish fellow, a dullard.

~Admiral of the Red~, a person whose very red face evinces a fondness
for strong potations.

~Affygraphy.~ “It fits to an AFFYGRAPHY,” _i.e._, to a nicety—to a _T_.

~Afternoon Farmer~, one who wastes his best opportunity, and drives off
the large end of his work to the little end of his time.

~Against the Grain~, in opposition to the wish. “It went AGAINST THE
GRAIN to do it, but I knew I must,” is a common expression.

~Aggerawators~ (corruption of _Aggravators_), the greasy locks of hair
in vogue among costermongers and other street folk, worn twisted from
the temple back towards the ear. They are also, from a supposed
resemblance in form, termed NEWGATE KNOCKERS, and sometimes NUMBER
SIXES. This style of adorning the head is, however, fast dying out, and
the everyday costermonger or street thief has his hair cut like any one
else. The yearly militia drill may have had a good deal to do with this

~Akeybo~, a slang phrase used in the following manner:—“He beats
AKEYBO, and AKEYBO beat the devil.”

~Albertopolis~, a facetious appellation given by the Londoners to the
Kensington Gore district. Now obsolete.

~Alderman~, a half-crown—possibly from its rotundity. Also a long pipe.

~Alderman~, a turkey; “ALDERMAN IN CHAINS,” a turkey hung with sausages.

~All of a Hugh!~ all on one side; falling with a thump; the word HUGH
being pronounced with a grunt.—_Suffolk._

~All my Eye~, a remark of incredulity made in reference to an improbable
story; condensation of “ALL MY EYE AND BETTY MARTIN,” a vulgar phrase
constructed from the commencement of a Roman Catholic prayer to St.
Martin, “Oh, mihi, beate Martine,” which in common with many another
fell into discredit and ridicule after the Reformation.

~All out~, by far;—“he was ALL OUT the best of the lot.”
_Old_—frequently used by Burton in his _Anatomy of Melancholy_.

~All-overish~, neither sick nor well; the premonitory symptoms of
illness. Also the feeling which comes over a man at a critical moment,
say just when he is about to “pop the question.” Sometimes this is
called, “feeling all over alike, and touching nowhere.”

~All-rounder~, a shirt collar going all round the neck and meeting in
front. Once fashionable, but little worn now.

~All Serene~, an ejaculation of acquiescence. Some years back a popular
street cry. With or without application to actual fact, the words ALL
SERENE were bawled from morning to night without any reference to the
serenity of the unfortunate hearers.—_See_ SERENE.

~Alls~, tap-droppings, refuse spirits sold at a cheap rate in

~All There~, in strict fashion, first-rate, “up to the mark;” a vulgar
person would speak of a handsome, well-dressed woman as being ALL THERE.
An artisan would use the same phrase to express the capabilities of a
skillful fellow-workman. Sometimes ALL THE WAY THERE. Always used as a
term of encomium.

~All to Pieces~, utterly, excessively; “he beat him ALL TO PIECES,”
_i.e._, excelled or surpassed him exceedingly. Also a term much in use
among sporting men and expressing want of form, or decadence. A boat’s
crew are said to “go ALL TO PIECES” when they through distress lose
their regularity. A woman is vulgarly said to “fall to pieces,” or
“tumble to pieces,” when she is confined.

~All to Smash~, or “GONE ALL TO PIECES,” bankrupt, ruined.

~Almighty Dollar~, an _American_ expression representing the manner in
which money is worshipped. Modernly introduced by Washington Irving in
1837. The _idea_ of this phrase is, however, far older than the time of
_Irving_. _Ben Jonson’s Epistle to Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland_,
commences thus—

    “Whilst that for which all virtue now is sold,
    And almost every vice, _almightie gold_.”

It seems almost obvious that the term must have been applied, not to
dollars certainly, but to money, long before the time of Irving.

~American Tweezers~, an instrument used by an hotel-sneak which nips the
wards end of a key, and enables him to open a door from the opposite
side to that on which it has been locked.

~Andrew Millar~, a ship of war.—_Sea._

~Ain’t~, the vulgar abbreviation of “am not,” “are not,” or “is not.”

~Anointed~, _i.e._, eminent; used to express great rascality in any one;
“an ANOINTED scoundrel,” king among scoundrels.—_Irish._

~Anointing~, a good beating. A case for the application of salve.

~Anonyma~, a lady of the _demi-monde_, or worse; a “pretty
horsebreaker.” INCOGNITA was the term at first. Product of the
squeamishness of the age which tries to thrust away fact by the use of
fine words.

~Antiscriptural~, oaths, foul language. Anything unfit for ordinary
society conversation.

~Apartments to Let~, a term used in reference to one who has a somewhat
empty head. As, “He’s got APARTMENTS TO LET.”

~Apostle’s Grove~, the London district known as St. John’s Wood. Also

~Apostles~, THE TWELVE, the last twelve names on the Poll, or “Ordinary
Degree” List at the Cambridge Examinations, when it was arranged in
order of merit, and not alphabetically, and in classes, as at present;
so called from their being _post alios_, after the others.—_See_ POLL.
The last of all was called ST. PAUL (or Saint Poll), as being the least
of the apostles, and “not meet to be called an apostle” (_see_ 1 Cor.
xv. 9). As in the “Honour” list (_see_ GULF), students who had failed
only slightly in one or more subjects were occasionally allowed their
degrees, and these were termed ELEGANT EXTRACTS.—_Camb. Univ. Slang._

~Apple-pie Bed~, a trick played at schools on new comers, or on any boy
disliked by the rest. One of the sheets is removed, and the other is
doubled in the middle, so that both edges are brought to the top, and
look as if both sheets were there; but the unhappy occupant is prevented
getting more than half-way down, and he has to remake his bed as best he
can. This trick is sometimes played by children of a larger growth.

~Apple-Cart~, the human structure, so far as the phrases with which it
is connected are concerned. As “I’ll upset your APPLE-CART,” “down with

~Apple-pie Order~, in exact or very nice order.

~Appro~, contraction of approbation, a word much in use among jewellers.
Most of the extensive show of chains, watches, and trinkets in a shop
window is obtained “ON APPRO,” _i.e._, “on sale or return.”

~Area Sneak~, a thief who commits depredations upon kitchens and

~Argol-bargol~, to bandy words.—_Scotch._

~Article~, derisive term for a weak or insignificant specimen of

~Atomy~, a diminutive or deformed person. From ANATOMY, or ATOM.

~Attack~, to carve, or commence operations; “ATTACK that beef, and

~Attic~, the head; “queer in the ATTIC,” intoxicated or weak-minded.
Sometimes ATTIC is varied by “upper story.”

~Attic Salt~, wit, humour, pleasantry. Partly a reference to a
suggestive portion of Grecian literature, and partly a sly hit at the
well-known poverty of many writers.

~Auctioneer~, to “tip him the AUCTIONEER,” is to knock a man down. Tom
Sayers’s right hand was known to pugilistic fame as the AUCTIONEER.

~Audit Ale~, extra strong ale supposed to be drunk when the accounts are
audited.—_Camb. Univ._

~Auld-Reekie~, an affectionate term for the old town of Edinburgh.
Derived from its dingy appearance.

~Aunt Sally~, a favourite figure on racecourses and at fairs, consisting
of a wooden head mounted on a stick, firmly fixed in the ground; in the
nose of which, or rather where the nose should be, a tobacco-pipe is
inserted. The fun consists in standing at a distance and demolishing
AUNT SALLY’S pipe-clay projection with short bludgeons, very similar to
the halves of broom-handles. The Duke of Beaufort is a “crack hand” at
smashing pipe noses; and his performances some years ago on Brighton
racecourse, which brought the game into notoriety, are yet fresh in
remembrance. AUNT SALLY has, however, had her day, and once again the
inevitable “three shies a penny!” is chief among our outdoor amusements.

~Avast~, a sailor’s phrase for stop, shut up, go away,—apparently
connected with the _old Cant_, BYNGE A WASTE; or from the _Italian_,
BASTA, hold! enough.

~Awake~, or FLY, knowing, thoroughly understanding. “I’m awake,” _i.e._,
I know all. The phrase WIDE-AWAKE carries a similar meaning in ordinary
conversation, but has a more general reference.

~Awful~, a senseless expletive, used to intensify a description of
anything good or bad; “what an AWFUL fine woman!” “awfully jolly,”
“awfully sorry,” &c. The phrase is not confined to any section of

~Ax~, to ask. Sometimes pronounced arks.

~Babes~, the lowest order of KNOCK-OUTS (which _see_), who are prevailed
upon not to give opposing biddings at auctions, in consideration of
their receiving a small sum (from one shilling to half-a-crown), and a
certain quantity of beer. They can, however, even after this agreement,
be secured on the other side for a little longer price. There is no
honour among thieves—at all events not among auction thieves—nowadays.

~Back~, to support by means of money, on the turf or otherwise.—_See_

~Back~, “to get one’s BACK UP,” to annoy or enrage. Probably from the
action of a cat when preparing to give battle to an enemy.

~Back-end~, that portion of the year which commences with October. This
phrase is peculiar to the turf, and has its origin in the fact that
October was actually, and is now nearly, the finishing portion of the
racing season. Towards BACK-END the punters and “little men” generally
begin to look forward with anxiety to their winter prospects, and “going
for the gloves” is not only a frequent phrase, but a frequently
recurring practice.

~Back Out~, to retreat from a difficulty; reverse of GO AHEAD. Metaphor
borrowed from the stables.

~Back Slang It~, to go out the back way. Equivalent to “Sling your hook
out of the back-door,” _i.e._, get away quickly.

~Backslums~, the byeways and disreputable portions of a town.

~Back-Hander~, a blow on the face with the back of the hand, a
back-handed tip. Also a drink out of turn, as when a greedy person
delays the decanter to get a second glass. Anything done slyly or
secretly is said to be done in a back-handed manner.

~Backer~, one who places his money on a particular man or animal; a
supporter of one side in a contest. The great body of betting men is
divided into BOOKMAKERS and BACKERS.

~Back Jump~, a back window.—_Prison term._

~Bacon~, the body, “to save one’s BACON,” to escape.

~Bad~, “to go to the bad,” to deteriorate in character, to be ruined.
_Virgil_ has an almost similar phrase, _in pejus ruere_, which means, by
the way, to go to the worse.

~Bad~, hard, difficult. Word in use among sporting men who say, “He will
be BAD to beat,” when they mean that the man or horse to whom they refer
will about win.

~Bad Egg~, a scoundrel or rascal.

~Badger~, to tease, to annoy by “chaffing.” Suggestive of drawing a

~Bad Lot~, a term derived from auctioneering slang, and now generally
used to describe a man or woman of indifferent morals.

~Badminton~, blood,—properly a peculiar kind of claret-cup invented at
the Duke of Beaufort’s seat of that name. BADMINTON proper is made of
claret, sugar, spice, cucumber peel, and ice, and was sometimes used by
the patrons of the Prize Ring as a synonym for blood.

~Bad Words~, words not always bad of themselves but unpleasant to “ears
polite,” from their vulgar associations.

~Baffaty~, calico. Term used in the drapery trade.

~Bag~, to seize or steal, equivalent to “collar.”

~Bagman~, a commercial traveller. This word is used more in reference to
the old style of commercial travellers than to the present.

~Bags~, trousers. Trousers of an extensive pattern, or exaggerated
fashion, have sometimes been termed HOWLING-BAGS, but only when the
style has been very “loud.” The word is probably an abbreviation of
bumbags. “To have the BAGS off,” to be of age and one’s own master, to
have plenty of money. BAGS OF MYSTERY is another phrase in frequent use,
and refers to sausages and saveloys. BAG OF TRICKS, refers to the whole
of a means towards a result. “That’s the whole bag of tricks.”

~Baked~, seasoned, “he’s only HALF-BAKED,” _i.e._, soft, inexperienced.

~Baker’s Dozen~, thirteen. Originally the London bakers supplied the
retailers, _i.e._, chandlers’ shopkeepers and itinerants, with thirteen
loaves to the dozen, so as to make up what is known as the overweight,
the surplus number, called the _inbread_, being thrown in for fear of
incurring a penalty for short weight. To “give a man a BAKER’S DOZEN,”
in a slang sense, sometimes means to give him an extra good beating or

~Balaam~, printers’ slang for matter kept in type about monstrous
productions of nature, &c., to fill up spaces in newspapers that would
otherwise be vacant. The term BALAAM-BOX has often been used as the name
of a depository for rejected articles. Evidently from Scripture, and
referring to the “speech of an ass.”

~Bald-Faced Stag~, a term of derision applied to a person with a bald
head. Also, still more coarsely, “BLADDER-OF-LARD.”

~Bale up~, an Australian term equivalent to our “Shell out.” A demand
for instantaneous payment.

~Ballambangjang.~ The Straits of BALLAMBANGJANG, though unnoticed by
geographers, are frequently mentioned in sailors’ yarns as being so
narrow, and the rocks on each side so crowded with trees inhabited by
monkeys, that the ship’s yards cannot be squared, on account of the
monkey’s tails getting jammed into, and choking up, the brace

~Ballast~, money. A rich man is said to be well-ballasted. If not proud
and over-bearing he is said to carry his ballast well.

~Balmy~, weak-minded or idiotic (not insane).

~Balmy~, sleep; “have a dose of the BALMY.”

~Bamboozle~, to deceive, make fun of, or cheat a person; abbreviated to
BAM, which is sometimes used also as a substantive—a deception, a sham,
a “sell.” _Swift_ says BAMBOOZLE was invented by a nobleman in the reign
of Charles II.; but this is very likely an error. The probability is
that a nobleman then first _used_ it in polite society. The term is
derived from the _Gipsies_.

~Bandannah~, originally a peculiar kind of silk pocket-handkerchief, now
slang used to denote all sorts of “stooks,” “wipes,” and “fogles,” and
in fact the generic term for a kerchief, whether neck or pocket.

~Banded~, hungry. From the habit hungry folks have of tying themselves
tight round the middle.

~Bandy~, or CRIPPLE, a sixpence, so called from this coin being
generally bent or crooked; old term for flimsy or bad cloth, temp. Q.

~Bang~, to excel or surpass; BANGING, great or thumping.

~Bang-up~, first-rate, in the best possible style.

~Bank~, to put in a place of safety. “BANK the rag,” _i.e._, secure the
note. Also “to bank” is to go shares.

~Bank~, the total amount possessed by any one, “How’s the BANK?” “Not
very strong; about one and a buck.”

~Bantling~, a child; stated in _Bacchus and Venus_, 1737, and by
_Grose_, to be a cant term. This is hardly slang now-a-days, and modern
etymologists give its origin as that of bands or swaddling clothes.

~Banyan-Day~, a day on which no meat is served out for rations; probably
derived from the BANIANS, a Hindoo caste, who abstain from animal food.
Quite as probably from the sanitary arrangements which have in hot
climates counselled the eating of BANYANS and other fruits in preference
to meat on certain days.—_Sea._

~Bar~, or BARRING, excepting; in common use in the betting-ring; “Two to
one bar one,” _i.e._, two to one against any horse with the exception of
one. The Irish use of BARRIN’ is very similar, and the words BAR and
BARRING may now be regarded as general.

~Barber’s Cat~, a half-starved sickly-looking person. Term used in
connexion with an expression too coarse to print.

~Barber’s Clerk~, an overdressed shopboy who apes the manners of, and
tries to pass himself off as, a gentleman; a term of reproach applied
not to an artisan but to one of those who, being below, assume airs of
superiority over, handicraftsmen.

~Barge~, a term used among printers (compositors) to denote a case in
which there is an undue proportion of some letters and a corresponding
shortness of those which are most valuable.

~Bark~, an Irish person of either sex. From this term, much in use among
the London lower orders, but for which no etymology can be found,
Ireland is now and then playfully called Barkshire.

~Barker~, a man employed to cry at the doors of “gaffs,” shows, and
puffing shops, to entice people inside. Among touting photographers he
is called a doorsman.

~Barking-Iron~, or BARKER, a pistol. Term used by footpads and thieves

~Barnacles~, spectacles; possibly a corruption of binoculi; but derived
by some from the barnacle (_Lepas Anatifera_), a kind of conical shell
adhering to ships’ bottoms. Hence a marine term for goggles, which they
resemble in shape, and for which they are used by sailors in case of
ophthalmic derangement.

~Barney~, an unfair race of any kind: a sell or cross. Also a lark,
jollification, or outing. The word BARNEY is sometimes applied to a
swindle unconnected with the sporting world.

~Barn Stormers~, theatrical performers who travel the country and act in
barns, selecting short and tragic pieces to suit the rustic taste.

~Barrikin~, jargon, speech, or discourse; “We can’t tumble to that
BARRIKIN,” _i.e._, we don’t understand what he says. “Cheese your
BARRIKIN,” shut up. _Miege_ calls it “a sort of stuff;” _Old French_,

~Bash~, to beat, thrash; “BASHING a dona,” beating a woman; originally a
provincial word, applied to the practice of beating walnut trees, when
in bud, with long poles, to increase their productiveness. Hence the
West country proverb—

    “A woman, a whelp, and a walnut tree,
    The more you BASH ’em, the better they be.”

The word BASH, among thieves, signifies to flog with the cat or birch.
The worst that can happen to a brutal ruffian is to receive “a BASHING
in, and a BASHING out,”—a flogging at the commencement and another at
the close of his term of enforced virtue.

~Baste~, to beat, properly to pour gravy on roasting meat to keep it
from burning, and add to its flavour. Also a sewing term.

~Bastile~, the workhouse. General name for “the Union” amongst the lower
orders of the _North_. Formerly used to denote a prison, or “lock-up;”
but its abbreviated form, STEEL, is now the favourite expression with
the dangerous classes, some of whom have never heard of BASTILE,
familiar as they are with “steel.”

~Bat~, “on his own BAT,” on his own account. Evident modification of the
cricket term, “off his own bat,” though not connected therewith.—_See_

~Bat~, to take an innings at cricket. To “carry out one’s BAT” is to be
last in, _i.e._, to be “not out.” A man’s individual score is said to be
made “off his own BAT.”

~Bat~, pace at walking or running. As, “He went off at a good BAT.”

~Bats~, a pair of bad boots.

~Battells~, the weekly bills at Oxford. Probably originally wooden
tallies, and so a diminutive of bâton.—_University._

~Batter~, wear and tear; “can’t stand the BATTER,” _i.e._, not equal to
the task; “on the BATTER,” “on the streets,” “on the town,” or given up
to roystering and debauchery.

~Batty~, wages, perquisites. Derived from BATTA, an extra pay given to
soldiers while serving in _India_.

~Batty-Fang~, to beat; BATTY-FANGING, a beating; also BATTER-FANG. Used
metaphorically as early as 1630.

    “So _batter-fanged_ and belabour’d with tongue mettle, that he was
    weary of his life.”—_Taylor’s Works._

~Beach-Comber~, a fellow who prowls about the sea-shore to plunder
wrecks, and pick up waifs and strays of any kind.—_Sea._

~Beak~, originally a magistrate, judge, or policeman; now a magistrate
only; “to baffle the BEAK,” to get remanded. _Ancient Cant_, BECK.
_Saxon_, BEAG, a necklace or gold collar—emblem of authority. Sir John
Fielding was called the BLIND-BEAK in the last century. Maybe connected
with the Italian BECCO, which means a (bird’s) _beak_, and also a
_blockhead_.—_See_ WALKER.

~Beaker-Hunter~, or BEAK-HUNTER, a stealer of poultry.

~Beans~, money; “a haddock of BEANS,” a purse of money; formerly, BEAN
meant a guinea; _French_, BIENS, property.

~Bear~, one who contracts to deliver or sell a certain quantity of stock
in the public funds on a forthcoming day at a stated place, but who does
not possess it, trusting to a decline in public securities to enable him
to fulfil the agreement and realize a profit.—_See_ BULL. Both words
are slang terms on the Stock Exchange, and are frequently used in the
business columns of newspapers.

    “He who sells that of which he is not possessed is proverbially said
    to sell the skin before he has caught the BEAR. It was the practice
    of stock-jobbers, in the year 1720, to enter into a contract for
    transferring South Sea stock at a future time for a certain price;
    but he who contracted to sell had frequently no stock to transfer,
    nor did he who bought intend to receive any in consequence of his
    bargain; the seller was, therefore, called a BEAR, in allusion to
    the proverb, and the buyer a BULL, perhaps only as a similar
    distinction. The contract was merely a wager, to be determined by
    the rise or fall of stock; if it rose, the seller paid the
    difference to the buyer, proportioned to the sum determined by the
    same computation to the seller.”—_Dr. Warton on Pope._

These arrangements are nowadays called “time bargains,” and are as
fairly (or unfairly) gambling as any transactions at the Victoria Club
or Tattersall’s, or any of the doings which call for the intervention of
the police and the protestations of pompous City magistrates, who,
during their terms of office, try to be virtuous and make their names
immortal. Certainly BULLING and BEARING are as productive of bankruptcy
and misery as are BACKING and LAYING.

~Be-argered~, drunk. (The word is divided here simply to convey the

~Bear-Leader~, a tutor in a private family. In the old days of the
“grand tour” the term was much more in use and of course more
significant than it is now.

~Bear-up~ and ~Bearer-up~.—_See_ BONNET.

~Beat~, the allotted range traversed by a policeman on duty.

~Beat~, or BEAT-HOLLOW, to surpass or excel; also “BEAT into fits,” and
“BEAT badly.”

~Beat~, “DEAD-BEAT,” wholly worn out, done up.

~Beater-Cases~, boots. _Nearly obsolete._ TROTTER CASES is the term

~Beaver~, old street term for a hat; GOSS is the modern word, BEAVER,
except in the country, having fallen into disuse.

~Bebee~, a lady.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Be-Blowed~, a derisive instruction never carried into effect, as, “You
BE-BLOWED.” Used similarly to the old “Go to.” _See_ BLOW ME.

~Bed-Fagot~, a contemptuous term for a woman; generally applied to a
prostitute.—_See_ FAGOT.

~Bed-Post~, “in the twinkling of a BED-POST,” in a moment, or very
quickly. Originally BED-STAFF, a stick placed vertically in the frame of
a bed to keep the bedding in its place, and used sometimes as a
defensive weapon.

~Bee~, “to have a BEE in one’s bonnet,” _i.e._, to be not exactly sane;
to have a craze in one particular direction. Several otherwise sensible
and excellent M.P.’s are distinguished by the “BEE in his bonnet” each

~Beef-Headed~, stupid, fat-headed, dull.

~Beefy~, unduly thick or fat, commonly said of women’s ankles; also
rich, juicy, plenteous. To take the whole pool at loo, or to have any
particular run of luck at cards generally is said by players to be “very

~Beeline~, the straightest possible line of route to a given point. When
a bee is well laden, it makes a straight flight for home. Originally an
Americanism, but now general.

~Beery~, intoxicated, or fuddled with beer.

~Beeswax~, poor, soft cheese. Sometimes called “sweaty-toe cheese.”

~Beeswing~, the film which forms on the sides of bottles which contain
good old port wine. This breaks up into small pieces in the process of
decanting, and looks like BEES’ WINGS. Hence the term.

~Beetle-Crusher~, or SQUASHER, a large flat foot. The expression was
made popular by being once used by Leech.

~Beetle-Sticker~, an entomologist.

~Beggars’ Velvet~, downy particles which accumulate under furniture from
the negligence of housemaids. Otherwise called SLUTS’-WOOL.

~Belcher~, a blue bird’s-eye handkerchief.—_See_ BILLY.

~Bell~, a song. Tramps’ term. Simply diminutive of BELLOW.

~Bellows~, the lungs. BELLOWSER, a blow in the “wind,” or pit of the
stomach, taking one’s breath away.

~Bellowsed~, or LAGGED, transported.

~Bellows to Mend~, a person out of breath; especially a pugilist is said
to be “BELLOWS TO MEND” when winded. With the P.R., the word has fallen
into desuetude.

~Belly-Timber~, food, or “grub.”

~Belly-Vengeance~, small sour beer, apt to cause gastralgia.

~Bemuse~, to fuddle one’s self with drink, “BEMUSING himself with beer,”

~Ben~, a benefit.—_Theatrical._

~Ben Cull~, a friend, or “pal.” Expression used by thieves.

~Bend~, “that’s above my bend,” _i.e._, beyond my power, too expensive or
too difficult for me to perform.

~Bender~, a sixpence. Probably from its liability to bend. In the days
when the term was most in use sixpences were not kept in the excellent
state of preservation peculiar to the currency of the present day.

~Bender~, the arm; “over the BENDER,” synonymous with “over the
left.”—_See_ OVER.

~Bendigo~, a rough fur cap worn in the midland counties, called after a
noted pugilist of that name. “Hard Punchers” are caps worn by London
roughs and formerly by men in training. They are a modification of the
common Scotch cap, and have peaks.

~Bene~, good.—_Ancient Cant_; BENAR was the comparative.—_See_ BONE.

~Benedick~, a married man. _Shakspeare._

~Benjamin~, coat. Formerly termed a JOSEPH, in allusion, perhaps, to
Joseph’s coat of many colours.—_See_ UPPER-BENJAMIN.

~Ben Joltram~, brown bread and skimmed milk; a Norfolk term for a
ploughboy’s breakfast.

~Benjy~, a waistcoat, diminutive of BENJAMIN.

~Beong~, a shilling.—_See_ SALTEE.—_Lingua Franca._

~Bess-o’-Bedlam~, a lunatic vagrant.—_Norfolk._

~Best~, to get the better or BEST of a man in any way—not necessarily
to cheat—to have the best of a bargain. BESTED, taken in, or defrauded,
in reality worsted. BESTER, a low betting cheat, a fraudulent bookmaker.

~Better~, more; “how far is it to town?” “Oh, BETTER ’n a mile.”—_Saxon_
and _Old English_, now a vulgarism.

~Betting Round~, laying fairly and equally against nearly all the horses
in a race so that no great risk can be run. Commonly called getting
round. _See_ BOOK, and BOOKMAKING.

~Betty~, a skeleton key, or picklock.—_Old Prison Cant._

~B Flats~, bugs.—_Compare_ F SHARPS.

~Bible-Carrier~, a person who sells songs without singing them.—_Seven

~Biddy~, a general name applied to Irish stallwomen and milkmaids, in
the same manner that Mike is given to the labouring men. A big red-faced
Irish servant girl is known as a Bridget.

~Big~, “to look BIG,” to assume an inflated air or manner; “to talk
BIG,” _i.e._, boastingly.

~Big-Bird~, TO GET THE, _i.e._, to be hissed, as actors occasionally are
by the “gods.” BIG-BIRD is simply a metaphor for goose.—_Theat. Slang._

~Big House~, or LARGE HOUSE, the workhouse,—a phrase used by the very

~Big-wig~, a person in authority or office. Exchangeable with “GREAT

~Bilbo~, a sword; abbrev. of “BILBAO blade.” Spanish swords were
anciently very celebrated, especially those of Toledo, Bilbao, &c.

~Bilk~, a cheat, or a swindler. Formerly in general use, now confined to
the streets, where it is common, and mostly used in reference to
prostitutes. _Gothic_, BILAICAN.

~Bilk~, to defraud, or obtain goods, &c., without paying for them; “to
BILK the schoolmaster,” to get information or experience without paying
for it.

~Billingsgate~ (when applied to speech), foul and coarse language. Many
years since people used to visit Thames Street to hear the Billingsgate
fishwomen abuse each other. The anecdote of Dr. Johnson and the
Billingsgate virago is well known.

~Billingsgate Pheasant~, a red herring or bloater. This is also called a
“two-eyed steak.”

~Billy~, a silk pocket-handkerchief.—_Scotch._—_See_ WIPE.

⁂ A list of slang terms descriptive of the various patterns of
handkerchiefs, pocket and neck, is here subjoined:—

    BELCHER, darkish blue ground, large round white spots, with a spot
    in the centre of darker blue than the ground. This was adopted by
    Jem Belcher, the pugilist, as his “colours,” and soon became popular
    amongst “the fancy.”

    BIRD’S-EYE WIPE, a handkerchief of any colour, containing white
    spots. The blue bird’s-eye is similar to the Belcher except in the
    centre. Sometimes a BIRD’S-EYE WIPE has a white ground and blue


    BLUE BILLY, blue ground, generally with white figures.

    CREAM FANCY, any pattern on a white ground.

    KING’S MAN, yellow pattern on a green ground.

    RANDAL’S MAN, green, with white spots; named after the favourite
    colours of Jack Randal, pugilist.

    WATER’S MAN, sky coloured.

    YELLOW FANCY, yellow, with white spots.

    YELLOW MAN, all yellow.

~Billy~, a policeman’s staff. Also stolen metal of any kind.
BILLY-HUNTING is buying old metal. A BILLY-FENCER is a marine-store

~Billy-Barlow~, a street clown; sometimes termed a JIM CROW, or
SALTIMBANCO,—so called from the hero of a slang song. Billy was a real
person, semi-idiotic, and though in dirt and rags, fancied himself a
swell of the first water. Occasionally he came out with real witticisms.
He was a well-known street character about the East-end of London, and
died in Whitechapel Workhouse.

~Billy-Cock~, a soft felt hat of the Jim Crow or “wide-awake”

~Bingo~, brandy.—_Old Cant._

~Bingy~, a term largely used in the butter trade to denote bad, ropy
butter; nearly equivalent to VINNIED.

~Bird-Cage~, a four-wheeled cab.

~Birthday Suit~, the suit in which Adam and Eve first saw each other,
and “were not ashamed.”

~Bishop~, a warm drink composed of materials similar to those used in
the manufacture of “flip” and “purl.”

~Bit~, fourpence; in America a 12-1/2 cent piece is called a BIT, and a
defaced 20 cent piece is termed a LONG BIT. A BIT is the smallest coin
in Jamaica, equal to 6d. BIT usually means the smallest silver coin in
circulation; also a piece of money of any kind. Charles Bannister, the
witty singer and actor, one day meeting a Bow Street runner with a man
in custody, asked what the prisoner had done; and being told that he had
stolen a bridle, and had been detected in the act of selling it, said,
“Ah, then, he wanted to touch the BIT.”

~Bitch~, tea; “a BITCH party,” a tea-drinking. Probably because
undergraduates consider tea only fit for old women.—_Oxford._

~Bite~, a cheat; “a Yorkshire BITE,” a cheating fellow from that county.
The term BITE is also applied to a hard bargainer.—_North_; also _old
slang_—used by _Pope_. Swift says it originated with a nobleman in his

~Bite~, to cheat; “to be BITTEN,” to be taken in or imposed upon.
Originally a Gipsy term. CROSS-BITER, for a cheat, continually
occurs in writers of the sixteenth century. Bailey has CROSS-BITE, a
disappointment, probably the primary sense; and BITE is very probably a
contraction of this.

~Bit-Faker~, or TURNER OUT, a coiner of bad money.

~Bit-of-Stuff~, overdressed man; a man with full confidence in his
appearance and abilities; a young woman, who is also called a BIT OF

~Bitter~, diminutive of bitter beer; “to do a BITTER,” to drink
beer.—Originally _Oxford_, but now general.

~Bittock~, a distance of very undecided length. If a North countryman be
asked the distance to a place, he will most probably reply, “a mile and
a BITTOCK.” The latter may be considered any distance from one hundred
yards to ten miles.

~Bivvy~, or GATTER, beer; “shant of BIVVY,” a pot or quart of beer. In
Suffolk the afternoon refreshment of reapers is called BEVER. It is also
an old English term.

    “He is none of those same ordinary eaters, that will devour three
    breakfasts, and as many dinners, without any prejudice to their
    BEVERS, drinkings, or suppers.”—_Beaumont and Fletcher’s Woman
    Hater_, i. 3.

Both words are probably from the _Italian_, BEVERE, BERE. _Latin_,

~Biz~, contraction of the word business; a phrase much used in America
in writing as well as in conversation.

~B. K. S.~ Military officers in _mufti_, when out on a spree, and not
wishing their profession to be known, speak of their barracks as the
B. K. S.

~Black and White~, handwriting or print. “Let’s have it in BLACK AND
WHITE,” is often said with regard to an agreement when it is to the
advantage of one or both that it should be written.

~Black-a-vised~, having a very dark complexion.

~Blackberry-Swagger~, a person who hawks tapes, boot-laces, &c.

~Blackbirding~, slave-catching. Term most applied nowadays to the
Polynesian coolie traffic.

~Black Diamonds~, coals; talented persons of dingy or unpolished
exterior; rough jewels.

~Blackguard~, a low or dirty fellow; a rough or a hulking fellow,
capable of any meanness or cowardice.

    “A cant word amongst the vulgar, by which is implied a dirty fellow
    of the meanest kind, Dr. Johnson says, and he cites only the modern
    authority of Swift. But the introduction of this word into our
    language belongs not to the vulgar, and is more than a century prior
    to the time of Swift. Mr. Malone agrees with me in exhibiting the
    two first of the following examples:—The _black-guard_ is evidently
    designed to imply a fit attendant on the devil. Mr. Gifford,
    however, in his late edition of Ben Jonson’s works, assigns an
    origin of the name different from what the old examples which I have
    cited seem to countenance. It has been formed, he says, from those
    ‘mean and dirty dependants, in great houses, who were selected to
    carry coals to the kitchen, halls, &c. To this smutty regiment, who
    attended the progresses, and rode in the carts with the pots and
    kettles, which, with every other article of furniture, were then
    moved from palace to palace, the people, in derision, gave the name
    of _black guards_; a term since become sufficiently familiar, and
    never properly explained.’”—_Todd’s Johnson’s Dictionary._

Blackguard as an adjective is very powerful.

~Blackleg~, a rascal, swindler, or card cheat. The derivation of this
term was solemnly argued before the full Court of Queen’s Bench upon a
motion for a new trial for libel, but was not decided by the learned
tribunal. Probably it is from the custom of sporting and turf men
wearing black _top-boots_. Hence BLACKLEG came to be the phrase for a
professional sporting man, and thence for a professional sporting cheat.
The word is now in its worst sense diminished to “leg.”

~Black Maria~, the sombre van in which prisoners are conveyed from the
police court to prison.

~Black Monday~, the Monday on which boys return to school after the
holidays. Also a low term for the Monday on which an execution took

~Black Sheep~, a “bad lot,” “_mauvais sujet_;” sometimes “scabby sheep;”
also a workman who refuses to join in a strike.

~Black Strap~, port wine; especially that which is thick and sweet.

~Blackwork~, undertaking. The waiters met at public dinners are often
employed during the day as mutes, etc. Omnibus and cab drivers regard
BLACKWORK as a _dernier ressort_.

~Bladder-of-Lard~, a coarse, satirical nickname for a bald-headed
person. From similarity of appearance.

~Blade~, a man—in ancient times the term for a soldier; “knowing
BLADE,” a wide-awake, sharp, or cunning man.

~Blarney~, flattery, powers of persuasion. A castle in the county of
Cork. It is said that whoever kisses a certain stone in this castle will
be able to persuade others of whatever he or she pleases. The name of
the castle is derived from BLADH, a blossom, _i.e._, the flowery or
fertile demesne. BLADH is also flattery; hence the connexion. A more
than ordinarily persuasive Irishman is said to have “kissed the BLARNEY

~Blast~, to curse. Originally a _Military_ expression.

~Blaze~, to leave trace purposely of one’s way in a forest or unknown
path by marking trees or other objects.

~Blazes~, a low synonym for the infernal regions, and now almost for
anything. “Like BLAZES” is a phrase of intensification applied without
any reference to the original meaning. Also applied to the brilliant
habiliments of flunkeys, since the episode of Sam Weller and the

~Bleed~, to victimize, or extract money from a person, to sponge on, to
make suffer vindictively.

~Blest~, a vow; “BLEST if I’ll do it,” _i.e._, I am determined not to do
it; euphemism for CURST.

~Blether~, to bother, to annoy, to pester. “A BLETHERING old nuisance”
is a common expression for a garrulous old person.

~Blew~, or BLOW, to inform, or peach, to lose or spend money.

~Blewed~, a man who has lost or spent all his money is said to have
BLEWED it. Also used in cases of robbery from the person, as, “He’s
BLEWED his red ’un,” _i.e._, he’s been eased of his watch.

~Blewed~, got rid of, disposed of, spent.

~Blind~, a pretence, or make-believe.

~Blind-Half-Hundred~, the Fiftieth Regiment of Foot; so called through
their great sufferings from ophthalmia when serving in Egypt.

~Blind-Hookey~, a game at cards which has no recommendation beyond the
rapidity with which money can be won and lost at it; called also WILFUL

~Blind-Man’s-Holiday~, night, darkness. Sometimes applied to the period
“between the lights.”

~Blind Monkeys~, an imaginary collection at the Zoological Gardens,
which are supposed to receive care and attention from persons fitted by
nature for such office and for little else. An idle and useless person
is often told that he is only fit to lead the BLIND MONKEYS to evacuate.
Another form this elegant conversation takes, is for one man to tell
another that he knows of a suitable situation for him. “How much a week?
and what to do?” are natural questions, and then comes the scathing and
sarcastic reply, “Five bob a week at the doctor’s—you’re to stand
behind the door and make the patients sick. They wont want no physic
when they sees your mug.”

~Blinker~, a blackened eye.—_Norwich._ Also a hard blow in the eye.
BLINKERS, spectacles.

~Blink-Fencer~, a person who sells spectacles.

~Bloated Aristocrat~, a street term for any decently dressed person.
From the persistent abuse lavished on a “bloated and parasitical
aristocracy” by Hyde Park demagogues and a certain unpleasant portion of
the weekly press.

~Bloater.~—_See_ MILD.

~Blob~ (from BLAB), to talk. Beggars are of two kinds—those who SCREEVE
(introducing themselves with a FAKEMENT, or false document) and those
who BLOB, or state their case in their own truly “unvarnished” language.

~Block~, the head. “To BLOCK a hat,” is to knock a man’s hat down over
his eyes.—_See_ BONNET. Also a street obstruction.

~Block Ornaments~, the small dark-coloured and sometimes stinking pieces
of meat which used to be exposed on the cheap butchers’ blocks or
counters; matters of interest to all the sharp-visaged women in poor
neighbourhoods. Since the great rise in the price of meat there has been
little necessity for butchers to make block ornaments of their odds and
ends. They are bespoke beforehand.

~Bloke~, a man; “the BLOKE with the jasey,” the man with the wig,
_i.e._, the Judge. _Gipsy_ and _Hindoo_, LOKE. _North_, BLOACHER, any
large animal.

~Blood~, a fast or high-mettled man. Nearly obsolete, but much used in
George the Fourth’s time.

~Blood-money~, the money that used to be paid to any one who by
information or evidence led to a conviction for a capital offence.
Nowadays applied to all sums received by informers.

~Blood-Red Fancy~, a particular kind of handkerchief sometimes worn by
pugilists and frequenters of prize fights.—_See_ BILLY and COLOUR.

~Bloody~, an expletive used, without reference to meaning, as an
adjective and an adverb, simply for intensification.

~Bloody Jemmy~, an uncooked sheep’s head.—_See_ SANGUINARY JAMES. Also

~Blow~, to expose, or inform; “BLOW the gaff,” to inform against a

    “‘As for that,’ says Will, ‘I could tell it well enough, if I had
    it, but I must not be seen anywhere among my old acquaintances, for
    I am BLOWN, and they will all betray me.’”—_History of Colonel
    Jack_, 1723.

The expression would seem to have arisen from the belief that a flower
might be blighted if “BLOWN upon” by a foul wind or a corrupted breath.
See the condition of the flowers on a dinner-table by the time the
company rise. In _America_, “to BLOW” is slang for to lie in a boasting
manner, to brag or “gas” unduly.

~Blow a Cloud~, to smoke a cigar or pipe—a phrase used two centuries
ago. Most likely in use as long as tobacco here—an almost evident

~Blow Me~, or BLOW ME TIGHT, a vow, a ridiculous and unmeaning
ejaculation, inferring an appeal to the ejaculator; “I’m BLOWED if you
will” is a common expression among the lower orders; “BLOW ME UP” was
the term a century ago.—_See Parker’s Adventures_, 1781.—The
expression BE-BLOWED is now more general. Thomas Hood used to tell a

    “I was once asked to contribute to a new journal, not exactly
    gratuitously, but at a very small advance upon nothing—and avowedly
    because the work had been planned according to that estimate.
    However, I accepted the terms conditionally—that is to say,
    provided the principle could be properly carried out. Accordingly, I
    wrote to my butcher, baker, and other tradesmen, informing them that
    it was necessary, for the sake of cheap literature and the interest
    of the reading public, that they should furnish me with their
    several commodities at a very trifling per-centage above cost price.
    It will be sufficient to quote the answer of the
    butcher:—‘Sir,—Respectin’ your note, Cheap literater BE BLOWED!
    Butchers must live as well as other pepel—and if so be you or the
    readin’ publick wants to have meat at prime cost, you must buy your
    own beastesses, and kill yourselves.—I remane, etc.

    “‘JOHN STOKES.’”

~Blow Out~, or TUCK IN, a feast. Sometimes the expression is, “BLOW OUT
your bags.” A BLOW OUT is often called a tightener.

~Blow Up~, to make a noise, or scold; formerly a cant expression used
among thieves, now a recognised and respectable phrase. BLOWING UP, a
jobation, a scolding.

~Blowen~, originally a showy or flaunting female, now a prostitute only.
In _Wilts_, a BLOWEN is a blossom. _Germ._ BLÜHEN, to bloom. In
_German_, also, BUHLEN is to court, and BUHLE, a sweetheart.

    “O du _blühende_ Mädchen, viel schöne Willkomm!”—_German Song._

Possibly, however, the street term BLOWEN may mean one whose reputation
has been BLOWN UPON or damaged.

~Blower~, a girl; a contemptuous name in opposition to JOMER.—_Gipsy._

~Blowsey~, a word applied to a rough wench, or coarse woman.

~Bludger~, a low thief, who does not hesitate to use violence, literally
one who will use a bludgeon.

~Blue~, said of talk that is smutty or indecent. Probably from the
French, “Bibliothèque Bleu.” When the conversation has assumed an
entirely opposite character, it is then said to be BROWN or Quakerish.

~Blue~, a policeman; otherwise BLUE BOTTLE. From the colour of his

~Blue~, or BLEW, to pawn or pledge. Actually to get rid of.

~Blue~, confounded or surprised; “to look BLUE,” to look astonished,
annoyed, or disappointed.

~Blue Bellies~, a term applied by the Confederate soldiers during the
civil war in America to the Federals, the name being suggested by the
skyblue gaberdines worn by the Northern soldiers. On the other hand, the
“filthy BLUE BELLIES,” as the full title ran, dubbed the Confederates
“Greybacks,” the epithet cutting both ways, as the Southern soldiers not
only wore grey uniforms, but “greyback” is American as well as English
for a louse.

~Blue Billy~, the handkerchief (blue ground with white spots) sometimes
worn and used as a colour at prize-fights. Also, the refuse ammoniacal
lime from gas factories.

~Blue Blanket~, a rough overcoat made of coarse pilot cloth.

~Blue Bottle~, a policeman. This well-known slang term for a London
constable is used by _Shakspeare_. In Part ii. of _King Henry IV._, act
v. scene 4, Doll Tearsheet calls the beadle, who is dragging her in, a
“thin man in a censer, a BLUE-BOTTLE rogue.” This may at first seem
singular, but the reason is obvious. The beadles of Bridewell whose duty
it was to whip the women prisoners were clad in blue.

~Blue Butter~, mercurial ointment used for the destruction of parasites.

~Blued~, or BLEWED, tipsy, or drunk. Now given way to SLEWED.

~Blue Devils~, the apparitions supposed to be seen by habitual
drunkards. Form of _del. trem._

~Blue Moon~, an unlimited period. “Once in a blue moon.”

~Blue Murders.~ Probably from desperate or alarming cries. A term used
more to describe cries of terror or alarm than for any other purpose.
As, “I heard her calling BLUE MURDERS.”—MORBLEU.

~Blue-Pigeon-Flyer~, sometimes a journeyman plumber, glazier, or other
workman, who, when repairing houses, strips off the lead, and makes away
with it. This performance is, though, by no means confined to workmen.
An empty house is often entered and the whole of the roof in its
vicinity stripped, the only notice given to the folks below being
received by them on the occasion of a heavy downfall of rain. The term
FLYER has, indeed, of late years been more peculiarly applied to the man
who steals the lead in pursuance of his vocation as a thief, than to him
who takes it because it comes in the way of his work.

~Blue Ruin~, gin.

~Blues~, a fit of despondency.—_See_ BLUE DEVILS.

~Blues~, the police. Sometimes called the Royal Regiment of Foot-guards

~Bluey~, lead.—German, BLEI. Most likely, though, from the colour, as
the term is of the very lowest slang.

~Bluff~, an excuse; also the game at cards known as euchre in America.

~Bluff~, to turn aside, stop, or excuse.

~Blunt~, money. It has been said that this term is from the _French_
BLOND, sandy or golden colour, and that a parallel may be found in BROWN
or BROWNS, the slang for half-pence. Far-fetched as this etymology
seems, it may be correct, as it is borne out by the analogy of similar
expressions. Cf. BLANQUILLO, a word used in Morocco and Southern Spain
for a small Moorish coin. The “asper” (ἄσπρον) of Constantinople is
called by the Turks AKCHEH, _i.e._, “little white.”

~Blurt Out~, to speak from impulse, and without reflection, to let out

~B.N.C.~, for Brasenose, initials of Brazen Nose College. In spite of
the nose over the gate the probability is the real name was Brasinium.
It is still famous for its beer.—_University._

~Board-of-Green-Cloth~, a facetious synonym for a card or billiard

~Boat~, originally to transport; the term is now applied to penal
servitude. To “get the BOAT,” or to “be BOATED,” is to be sentenced to a
long term of imprisonment equivalent to transportation under the old

~Bob~, a shilling. Formerly BOBSTICK, which may have been the original.
BOB-A-NOB, a shilling a-head.

~Bob~, “s’help me BOB,” a street oath, equivalent to “so help me God.”
Other words are used in street language for a similarly evasive purpose,
_i.e._, CAT, GREENS, TATUR, &c., all equally ridiculous. Ignorant people
have a singular habit of saying “so help _my_,” instead of “_me_,”
whatever the following words may be. This shows how little they think of
the meanings of the phrases most in use among them. The words “so help”
are almost invariably pronounced “swelp.”

~Bobbery~, a squabble, tumult.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Bobbish~, very well, clever, spruce. “How are you doing?” “Oh! pretty

~Bobby~, a policeman: both BOBBY and PEELER were nicknames given to the
new police, in allusion to the Christian name and surname of the late
_Sir Robert Peel_, who was the prime mover in effecting their
introduction and improvement. The term BOBBY is, however, older than the
introduction of the new police. The official square-keeper, who is
always armed with a cane to drive away idle and disorderly urchins, has,
time out of mind, been called by the said urchins, “BOBBY the beadle.”

~Bodkin~, any one sitting between two others in a carriage, is said “to
ride BODKIN.” Amongst sporting men, applied to a person who takes his
turn between the sheets on alternate nights, when the hotel has twice as
many visitors as it can comfortably lodge; as, for instance, during a

~Body-Snatcher~, a bailiff or runner: SNATCH, the trick by which the
bailiff captures the delinquent. These terms are now almost obsolete, so
far as the pursuits mentioned are concerned.

~Bog~, or BOG-HOUSE, a privy, as distinguished from a water-closet.
Originally printers’ slang, but now very common, and not applied to any
particular form of _cabinet d’aisance_. “To BOG” is to ease oneself by

~Bog-Oranges~, potatoes. A phrase perhaps derived from the term “Irish
fruit,” which, by some strange peculiarity has been applied to potatoes;
for even the most ignorant Cockney could hardly believe that potatoes
grow in a bog. As, however, the majority of the lower classes of London
do believe that potatoes were indigenous to, and were first brought from
the soil of Ireland, which is also in some parts supposed to be capable
of growing nothing else, they may even believe that potatoes are
actually BOG-ORANGES.

~Bog-Trotter~, satirical name for an Irishman.—_Miege._ _Camden_,
however, speaking of the “debateable land” on the borders of England and
Scotland, says, “both these dales breed notable BOG-TROTTERS.”

~Bogus~, an American term for anything pretending to be that which it is
not—such as BOGUS degrees, BOGUS titles, &c.

~Boilers~, or BROMPTON BOILERS, a name originally given to the New
Kensington Museum and School of Art, in allusion to the peculiar form of
the buildings, and the fact of their being mainly composed of, and
covered with, sheet iron. This has been changed since the extensive
alterations in the building, or rather pile of buildings, and the words
are now the property of the Bethnal Green Museum.—_See_ PEPPER-BOXES.

~Boko~, the nose. Originally pugilistic slang, but now general.

~Bolt~, to run away, decamp, or abscond. Also to swallow without
chewing. To eat greedily.

~Bolus~, an apothecary. Origin evident.

~Bombay Ducks;~ in the East India Company’s army the Bombay regiments
were so designated. The name is now given to a dried fish (_bummelow_),
much eaten by natives and Europeans in Western India.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Bone~, to steal or appropriate what does not belong to you. BONED,
seized, apprehended.—_Old._

~Bone~, good, excellent. ◇, the vagabonds’ hieroglyphic for BONE, or
good, chalked by them on houses and street corners as a hint to
succeeding beggars.—_French_, BON.

~Bone-Grubber~, a person who hunts dust-holes, gutters, and all likely
spots for refuse bones, which he sells at the rag-shops, or to the
bone-grinders. The term was also applied to a resurrectionist. Cobbett
was therefore called “a BONE GRUBBER,” because he brought the remains of
Tom Paine from America.

~Bone-Picker~, a footman.

~Bones~, to rattle the BONES, to play at dice: also called St. Hugh’s

~Bones~, “he made no BONES of it,” he did not hesitate, _i.e._,
undertook and finished the work without difficulty, “found no BONES in
the jelly.”—_Ancient, vide Cotgrave._

~Boniface~, landlord of a tavern or inn.

~Bonnet~, or BONNETER, a gambling cheat. Sometimes called a “bearer-up.”
The BONNET plays as though he were a member of the general public, and
by his good luck, or by the force of his example, induces others to
venture their stakes. Bonneting is often done in much better society
than that to be found in the ordinary gaming rooms. A man who persuades
another to buy an article on which he receives commission or per-centage
is said to BONNET or bear-up for the seller. Also, a pretence, or
make-believe, a sham bidder at auctions, one who metaphorically blinds
or BONNETS others.

~Bonnet~, to strike a man’s cap or hat over his eyes. Also to “bear-up”
for another.

~Booby-Trap~, a favourite amusement of boys at school. It consists in
placing a pitcher of water on the top of a door set ajar for the
purpose; the person whom they wish to drench is then made to pass
through the door, and receives the pitcher and its contents on his
unlucky head. Books are sometimes used.

~Book~, an arrangement of bets against certain horses marked in a
pocket-book made for that purpose. “Making a BOOK upon it,” is a common
phrase to denote that a man is prepared to lay the odds against the
horses in a race. “That does not suit my BOOK,” _i.e._, does not accord
with my other arrangements. The principle of making a BOOK, or betting
round, as it is sometimes termed, is to lay a previously-determined sum
against every horse in the race, or as many horses as possible; and
should the bookmaker “get round,” _i.e._, succeed in laying against as
many horses as will more than balance the odds laid, he is certain to be
a winner. The BOOKMAKER is distinguished from the backer by its being
his particular business to bet against horses, or to lay, while the
backer, who is also often a professional gambler, stands by the chance
of a horse, or the chances of a set of horses about which he supposes
himself to be possessed of special information. A bookmaker rarely backs
horses for his own particular fancy—he may indeed put a sovereign or a
fiver on an animal about which he has been told something, but as a rule
if he specially fancies a horse, the bookmaker lets him “run for the
BOOK,” _i.e._, does not lay against him. When a bookmaker backs a horse
in the course of his regular business, it is because he has laid too
much against him, and finds it convenient to share the danger with other

~Booked~, caught, fixed, disposed of.—Term in _Book-keeping_.

~Bookmaker’s Pocket~, a breast-pocket made inside the waistcoat, for
notes of large amount.

~Books~, a pack of cards. Term used by professional card-players.—_See_

~Boom~, “to top one’s BOOM off,” to be off or start in a certain

~Boom-Passenger~, a sailor’s slang term for a convict on board ship.
Derived from the circumstance that prisoners on board convict ships were
chained to, or were made to crawl along or stand on the booms for
exercise or punishment.

~Boon-Companion~, a comrade in a drinking bout. BOON evidently
corruption of BON.

~Booze~, drink. _Ancient Cant_, BOWSE. BOOZE, or SUCK-CASA, a

~Booze~, to drink, or more properly, to use another slang term, to
“lush,” viz., to drink continually, until drunk, or nearly so. The term
is an old one. _Harman_, in Queen Elizabeth’s days, speaks of “BOUSING
(or boozing) and belly-cheere.” _Massinger_ also speaks of BOUSE. The
term was good English in the fourteenth century, and came from the
_Dutch_, BUYZEN, to tipple.

~Boozing-Ken~, a beer-shop, a low public-house.—_Ancient._

~Boozy~, intoxicated or fuddled.

~Bore~, a troublesome friend or acquaintance, perhaps so called from his
unvaried and pertinacious pushing; a nuisance; anything which wearies or
annoys. The _Gradus ad Cantabrigiam_ suggests the derivation of BORE
from the _Greek_ Βάρος, a burden. _Shakspeare_ uses it, _King Henry
VIII._, i. 1—

            “----at this instant
    He BORES me with some trick.”

_Grose_ speaks of this word as being much in fashion about the year
1780-81, and states that it vanished of a sudden without leaving a trace
behind. That this was not so, the constant use of the word nowadays will
prove. The late Prince Consort spoke as follows on the subject of BORES
in his address to the British Association, at Aberdeen, September 14,

    “I will not weary you by further examples, with which most of you
    are better acquainted than I am myself, but merely express my
    satisfaction that there should exist bodies of men who will bring
    the well-considered and understood wants of science before the
    public and the Government, who will even hand round the begging-box,
    and expose themselves to refusals and rebuffs, to which all beggars
    are liable, with the certainty besides of being considered great
    BORES. Please to recollect that this species of BORE is a most
    useful animal, well adapted for the ends for which nature intended
    him. He alone, by constantly returning to the charge, and repeating
    the same truths and the same requests, succeeds in awakening
    attention to the cause which he advocates, and obtains that hearing
    which is granted him at last for self-protection, as the minor evil
    compared to his importunity, but which is requisite to make his
    cause understood.”

~Bore~ (_Pugilistic_), to press a man to the ropes of the ring by
superior weight. In the world of athletics to BORE is to push an
opponent out of his course. This is a most heinous crime among rowers,
as it very often prevents a man having the full use of the tide, or
compels him to foul, in which case the decision of the race is left to
individual judgment, at times, of necessity, erroneous.

~Bosh~, nonsense, stupidity.—_Gipsy_ and _Persian_. Also pure
_Turkish_, BOSH LAKERDI, empty talk. The term was used in this country
as early as 1760, and may be found in the _Student_, vol. ii. p. 217. It
has been suggested, with what reason the reader must judge for himself,
that this colloquial expression is from the _German_ BOSH, or BOSSCH,
answering to our word “swipes.”

~Bosh~, a fiddle. This is a _Gipsy_ term, and so the exclamations
“Bosh!” and “Fiddle-de-dee!” may have some remote connexion.

~Bosh-Faker~, a violin player. Term principally used by itinerants.

~Bos-Ken~, a farmhouse. _Ancient._—_See_ KEN.

~Bosky~, inebriated. Not much in use now.

~Bosman~, a farmer: “faking a BOSMAN on the main toby,” robbing a farmer
on the highway. BOSS, a master.—_American._ Both terms from the
_Dutch_, BOSCH-MAN, one who lives in the woods; otherwise _Boschjeman_,
or _Bushman_.

~Boss-Eyed~, said of a person with one eye, or rather with one eye
injured, a person with an obliquity of vision. In this sense sometimes
varied by the term “swivel-eyed.”

~Bostruchyzer~, a small kind of comb for curling the whiskers.—_Oxford

~Botany Bay~, Worcester Coll. Oxon., so called from its remote

~Bother~, trouble or annoyance. Any one oppressed with business cares is
said to be BOTHERED. “Don’t BOTHER,” is a common expression. BLOTHER, an
old word, signifying to chatter idly.

~Botheration!~ trouble, annoyance; “BOTHERATION to it!” “confound it!”
or “deuce take it!”—an exclamation when irritated.

~Bottle-Holder~, originally a term in prize ring parlance for the second
who took charge of the water-bottle, which was an essential feature in
all pugilistic arrangements. This second used to hold the combatant on
his knee between the rounds, while the other or principal second
sponged, instructed, and advised; an abettor; also the bridegroom’s man
at a wedding. Slang term for Lord Palmerston, derived from a speech he
made some years ago when foreign secretary, in which he described
himself as acting the part of a judicious BOTTLE-HOLDER among the
foreign powers.

~Bottom~, stamina in a horse or man. Power to stand fatigue; endurance
to receive a good beating and still fight on. “A fellow of pluck, sound
wind, and good BOTTOM is fit to fight anything.” This was an old axiom
among prize fighters. Pierce Egan was very fond of the word.

~Bottom~, spirit placed in a glass before aërated water is poured in.
As, “a soda and a BOTTOM of brandy,” “soda and dark BOTTOM,” is American
for soda and brown brandy.

    “BOTTOMED well with brandy.”—_Bon Gaultier Ballads._

~Botts~, the colic or bellyache.—_Stable Slang._ _Burns_ uses it. _See
Death and Dr. Hornbook._

~Botty~, conceited, swaggering.—_Stable._ An infant’s

~Bounce~, impudence, cheek. A showy swindler, a bully.

~Bounce~, to boast, cheat, or bully.—_Old Cant._ Also to lie.

~Bounceable~, prone to bouncing or boasting.

~Bouncer~, a person who steals whilst bargaining with a tradesman, a
swindler, or a lie of more than ordinary dimensions.

~Bounder~, a four-wheeled cab. Because of its jumping motion over the
stones. Also a University term for a TRAP, which generally has a very
rough time of it on the country roads.

~Bow-Catcher~, or KISS-CURL, a small curl which a few years back used to
be, and probably will be again some day, twisted on the cheeks or
temples of young—and often old—girls, adhering to the face as if
gummed or pasted. Evidently a corruption of BEAU-CATCHER. In old times
this was called a lovelock, when it was the mark at which all the
Puritan and ranting preachers levelled their pulpit pop-guns, loaded
with sharp and virulent abuse. Hall and Prynne looked upon all women as
strumpets who dared to let the hair depart from a straight line
upon their cheeks. The French prettily termed these adornments
_accroche-cœurs_, whilst in the United States they were plainly and
unpleasantly called “spit-curls.” Bartlett says: “Spit-curl, a detached
lock of hair curled upon the temple; probably from having been at first
plastered into shape by the saliva.” It is now understood that the
mucilage of quince seed is used by the ladies for this purpose. When men
twist the hair on each side of their faces into ropes they are sometimes
called “bell-ropes,” as being wherewith to _draw the belles_. Whether
BELL-ROPES or BOW-CATCHERS, it is singular they should form part of a
prisoner’s adornment, and that a jaunty little kiss-curl should, of all
things in the world, ornament a jail dock; yet such was formerly the
case. Hunt, “the accomplice after the fact and King’s evidence against”
the murderer of Weare, on his trial appeared at the bar with a highly
pomatumed love-lock sticking tight to his forehead. In the days of the
Civil Wars, the very last thing a Cavalier would part with was his

~Bowdlerization~, a term used in literary circles to signify undue
strictness of treatment caused by over-modesty in editing a classic. To
BOWDLERIZE is to emasculate through squeamishness. From the name
(Bowdler) of one of Shakspeare’s “purifiers.”

~Bowlas~, round tarts made of sugar, apple, and bread, sold in the
streets, especially at the East-end of London.

~Bowles~, shoes.

~Bowl Out~, to put out of the game, to remove out of one’s way, to
detect.—Originally a _Cricketing term_, but now general.

~Box-Harry~, a term with bagmen or commercial travellers, implying
dinner and tea at one meal; also dining with “Duke Humphrey,” _i.e._,
going without—which _see_.

~Box the Compass~, to repeat the thirty-two points of the compass either
in succession or irregularly. The method used at sea to teach boys the
points of the mariner’s compass.—_Sea._

~Boy~, a hump on a man’s back. In low circles it is usual to speak of a
humpbacked man as two persons—“him and his BOY,” and from this much
coarse fun and personality are at times evolved.

~Bracelets~, handcuffs.

~Brace up~, to pawn stolen goods.

~Brads~, money. Properly a small kind of nails used by
cobblers.—_Compare_ HORSE NAILS.

~Brain-Pan~, the skull, and BRAIN-CANISTER, the head. Both pugilistic
and exchangeable terms.

~Bramble-Gelder~, a derisive appellation for an

~Brandy Pawnee~, brandy and water.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Brandy Smash~, one of the 365 American drinks, made of brandy and
crushed ice.

~Bran-New~, quite new. Properly _Brent_, BRAND or _Fire new_, _i.e._,
fresh from the anvil, or fresh with the manufacturer’s brand upon it.

~Brass~, money. “Tin” is also used, and so are most forms of metal.

~Brass~, impudence. In 1803 some artillerymen stationed at Norwich were
directed to prove some brass ordnance belonging to the city. To the
report delivered to the corporation was appended this note:—“_N.B._—It
is customary for the corporal to have the old metal when any of the
pieces burst.” _Answer._—“The corporation is of opinion that the
corporal does not want BRASS.”

~Brass-Knocker~, broken victuals. Used by tramps and cadgers.

~Brat~, a child of either sex. Generally used in an offensive sense.

~Brazen-Faced~, impudent, shameless. From BRASS. Such a person is
sometimes said “to have rubbed his face with a brass candlestick.”

~Brazil~, a hard red wood; “HARD AS BRAZIL,” a common expression.
_Quarles_ in his _Emblems_ says—

    “Thou know’st my brittle temper’s prone to break.
    Are my bones BRAZIL or my flesh of oak?”

~Bread-Bags~, a nickname given in the army and navy to any one connected
with the victualling department, as a purser or purveyor in the

~Bread Basket~, DUMPLING-DEPOT, VICTUALLING-OFFICE, &c., were terms
which in the old pugilistic days were given by the “Fancy” to the
digestive organs. Blows in this region were called “porridge
disturbers,” and other fancy names, which were supposed to rob them of
their hardness—to those who did not receive them.

~Break-Down~, a noisy dance, almost violent enough to break the floor
down; a jovial, social gathering, a “flare up;” in Ireland, a
wedding—_American_ so far as the dance is concerned.

~Break One’s Back~, a figurative expression, implying bankruptcy, or the
crippling of a person’s means.

    “A story is current of a fashionable author answering a late and
    rather violent knock at his door one evening. A coal-heaver wanted
    to know if the gentleman would like a cheap ton of coals; he was
    sorry for troubling him so late, but ‘the party as had a-ordered the
    two ton and a-half couldn’t be found,’ although he had driven his
    ‘waggon for six blessed hours up and down the neighbourhood.
    Five-and-twenty is the price, but yer shall have them for 20s.’ Our
    author was not to be tempted, he had heard of the trick before; so
    bidding the man go away from his house, he shut the door. The man,
    however, lingered there, expatiating on the quality of his
    coals—‘Acterly givin’ ’em away, and the gent wont have ’em,’ said
    he, addressing the neighbourhood in a loud voice: and the last that
    was heard of him was his anything but sweet voice whistling through
    the keyhole, ‘Will eighteen _bob_ BREAK YER BACK?’”

~Break Shins~, to borrow money. Probably from an older slang phrase,
“kick,” to ask for drink-money.

~Break the Ice~, to make a commencement, to plunge _in medias res_.

~Break Up~, the conclusion of a performance of any kind—originally a
school term.

~Breaky-Leg~, strong drink; “he’s been to Bungay fair, and broke both
his legs,” _i.e._, got drunk. In the ancient Egyptian language the
determinative character in the hieroglyphic verb “to be drank,” has the
significant form of the leg of a man being amputated. “Tangle Leg” is
the name given to New England rum.


~Breeched~, or TO HAVE THE BAGS OFF, to have plenty of money; “to be
well BREECHED,” to be in good circumstances. Also among schoolboys to be
well flogged.

~Breeches~, “to wear the BREECHES,” said of a wife who usurps the
husband’s prerogative. Equivalent to the remark that “the grey mare is
the better horse.”

~Breeching~, a flogging. Term in use among boys at several private

~Breef~, probably identical with BRIEF, a shortened card used for
cheating purposes; thus described in an old book of games of about

    “Take a pack of cards and open them, then take out all the honours
    ... and cut a little from the edges of the rest all alike, so as to
    make the honours broader than the rest, so that when your adversary
    cuts to you, you are certain of an honour. When you cut to your
    adversary cut at the ends, and then it is a chance if you cut him an
    honour, because the cards at the ends are all of a length. Thus you
    may make breefs end-ways as well as sideways.”

Modern card-players of a certain kind have considerably improved on

~Breeks~, breeches.—_Scotch_, now common.

~Brick~, a “jolly good fellow;” “a regular BRICK,” a staunch fellow.
About the highest compliment that in one word can be paid one man. Said
to be derived from an expression of Aristotle’s—τετραγωνος ἀνηρ.

~Bridge~, a cheating trick at cards, by which any particular card is cut
by previously curving it by the pressure of the hand. Used in France as
well as in England, and termed in the _Parisian Argot_ FAIRE LE PONT.

~Brief~, a pawnbroker’s duplicate; a raffle card, or a ticket of any

~Briefs~, cards constructed on a cheating principle. See BRIDGE,
_German_, BRIEFE, which Baron Heinecken says was the name given to the
cards manufactured at Ulm. BRIEF is also the synonym for a card in the
German _Rothwälsch_ dialect, and BRIEFEN to play at cards. “Item—beware
of the Joners, (gamblers,) who practice Beseflery with the BRIEF,
(cheating at cards,) who deal falsely and cut one for the other, cheat
with Boglein and spies, pick one BRIEF from the ground, and another from
a cupboard,” &c.—_Liber Vagatorum_, ed. by Martin Luther, in 1529.
English translation, by J. C. Hotten, 1860, p. 47. _See_ BREEF.

~Brim~, a violent irascible woman, as inflammable and unpleasant as
brimstone, from which the word is contracted.

~Briney~, the sea. A “dip in the BRINEY” once a year is a great
attraction to Cockney excursionists. A story is told of one excursionist
saying to another, as they stripped in a double machine, “Why, ’Arry,
what dirty feet you’ve got!” “’Ave I; well yer see I wasn’t down last

~Bring-up~, or BRING-TO, to stop suddenly, as a team of horses or a
vessel. To BRING-UP also means to feed, clothe, and educate a child. To
BRING-UP by hand is to bring up a newly-born child or animal without
assistance from the natural fount.

~Brisket-Beater~, a Roman Catholic.

~Broad and Shallow~, an epithet applied to the so-called “Broad Church,”
in contradistinction to the “High” and “Low” Churches. _See_ HIGH and

~Broad-Brim~, originally applied to a Quaker only, but now used in
reference to all quiet, sedate, respectable old men.

~Broad-Cooper~, a person employed by brewers to negotiate with

~Broad-Faking~, playing at cards. Generally used to denote “work” of the
three-card and kindred descriptions.

~Broad-Fencer~, a “k’rect card” seller at races.

~Broads~, cards. BROADSMAN, a card-sharper. _See_ BROAD-FAKING.

~Broadway Swell~, a New York term for a great dandy, Broadway being the
principal promenade in the “Empire City.”

~Broady~, cloth. Evidently a corruption of broadcloth. BROADY workers
are men who go round selling vile shoddy stuff under the pretence that
it is excellent material, which has been “got on the cross,” _i.e._

~Brolly~, an umbrella. Term used at both Oxford and Cambridge

~Brosier~, a bankrupt.—_Cheshire._ BROSIER-MY-DAME, school term,
implying a clearing of the housekeeper’s larder of provisions, in
revenge for stinginess.—_Eton._

~Brother-Chip~, originally fellow carpenter. Almost general now as
brother tradesman of any kind. Also, BROTHER-WHIP, a fellow coachman;
and BROTHER-BLADE, of the same occupation or calling—originally a

~Brother-Smut~, a term of familiarity. “Ditto, BROTHER SMUT,” _tu

~Broth of a Boy~, an Irish term for a jolly good fellow.

~Brown~, a halfpenny.—_See_ BLUNT.

~Brown~, “to do BROWN,” to do well or completely, “doing it BROWN,”
prolonging the frolic, or exceeding sober bounds; “done BROWN,” taken
in, deceived, or surprised.

~Brown Bess~, the old Government regulation musket; a musket with a
browned barrel; also BLACK BESS. A suggestion has been made that BESS
may be from the _German_ BUSCHE, or BOSCHE, a barrel. It is much more
likely, however, that the phrase is derived from the fact that “the
soldier is wedded to his weapon.”

~Brown-papermen~, low gamblers.

~Brown Study~, a reverie. Very common even in educated society, but
hardly admissible in writing, and therefore considered a vulgarism. It
is derived, by a writer in _Notes and Queries_, from BROW STUDY, and he
cites the old German BRAUN, or AUG-BRAUN, an eye-brow.—_Ben Jonson._

~Brown Talk~, conversation of an exceedingly proper character,
Quakerish. Compare BLUE.

~Brown to~, to understand, to comprehend.

~Bruiser~, a fighting man, a pugilist. _Shakspeare_ uses the word
BRUISING in a similar sense.

~Brum~, a counterfeit coin. _Nearly obsolete._ Corruption of
_Brummagem_, for meaning of which _see_ Introductory Chapter.

~Brush~, a fox’s tail, a house-painter. Also a scrimmage.

~Brush~, or BRUSH-OFF, to run away, or move on quickly.—_Old Cant._

~Bub~, drink of any kind.—_See_ GRUB. _Middleton_, the dramatist,
mentions BUBBER, a great drinker.

~Bub~, a teat, woman’s breast, plural BUBBIES; no doubt from BIBE. _See_

~Bubble~, to over-reach, deceive, to tempt by means of false
promises.—_Old._ (_Acta Regia_, ii. 248, 1726.)

~Bubble-and-Squeak~, a dish composed of pieces of cold roast or boiled
meat and greens, afterwards fried, which have thus first BUBBLED in the
_pot_, and then SQUEAKED or hissed in the _pan_.

~Bubble-Company~, a swindling association.

~Buckled~, to be married. Also to be taken in custody. Both uses of the
word common and exchangeable among the London lower classes.

~Bubbley-Jock~, a turkey, or silly boasting fellow; a prig.—_Scottish._
In the north of England the bird is called a BOBBLE-COCK. Both names, no
doubt, from its cry, which is supposed by imaginative persons to consist
of the two words exactly.

~Buck~, a gay or smart man; an unlicensed cabman; also a large marble
used by schoolboys.

~Buck~, sixpence. The word is rarely used by itself, but generally
denotes the sixpence attached to shillings in reference to cost, as,
“three and a BUCK,” three shillings and sixpence. Probably a corruption
of Fyebuck.

~Buckhorse~, a smart blow or box on the ear; derived from the name of a
celebrated “bruiser” of that name. Buckhorse was a man who either
possessed or professed insensibility to pain, and who would for a small
sum allow anyone to strike him with the utmost force on the side of the

~Buckle~, to bend; “I can’t BUCKLE to that.” I don’t understand it; to
yield or give in to a person. _Shakspeare_ uses the word in the latter
sense, _Henry IV._, i. 1; and _Halliwell_ says that “the commentators do
not supply another example.”

~Buckle-Beggar~, a COUPLE-BEGGAR, which _see_.

~Buckle-to~, to bend to one’s work, to begin at once, and with great
energy—from buckling-to one’s armour before a combat, or fastening on a

~Buckley~, “Who struck BUCKLEY?” a common phrase used to irritate
Irishmen. The story is that an Englishman having struck an Irishman
named Buckley, the latter made a great outcry, and one of his friends
rushed forth screaming, “Who struck Buckley?” “I did,” said the
Englishman, preparing for the apparently inevitable combat. “Then,” said
the ferocious Hibernian, after a careful investigation of the other’s
thews and sinews, “then, sarve him right.”

~Buckra~, a white man. The original of this term is a “flogging man,”
from the Hebrew, and the application of it to the whites by the West
Indian negroes is, therefore, rather interesting. They probably first
learned it from a missionary.

~Buckshish~, BUCKSHEESH or BACKSHEESH, a present of money. Over all
India, and the East generally, the natives lose no opportunity of asking
for BUCKSHISH. The usage is such a complete nuisance that the word is
sometimes answered by a blow; this is termed BAMBOO BUCKSHISH. BUCKSHISH
has taken up a very firm residence in Europe—may, in fact, on a much
larger scale than that of Asia, be said to have always had an existence
here. BUCKSHISH is a very important item in the revenues of officials
who hold positions of considerable importance, as well as in those of
their humbler brethren. During the recent visit of the Shah of Persia,
that potentate discovered that BUCKSHISH was by no means peculiar to the

~Budge~, to move, to “make tracks.”

~Budge~, strong drink; BUDGY, drunk; BUDGING-KEN, a public-house; “cove
of the BUDGING-KEN,” the landlord. Probably a corruption of BOOZE.
Probably also, on the lucus a non lucendo principle, because its use
made one incapable of budging.

~Buff~, the bare skin; “stripped to the BUFF.”

~Buff~, to swear to, or accuse; generally used in reference to a
wrongful accusation, as, “Oh, BUFF it on to him.” _Old_ word for
boasting, 1582.

~Buffer~, a navy term for a boatswain’s mate, one of whose duties it
is—or was—to administer the “cat.”

~Buffer~, a familiar expression for a jolly acquaintance, probably from
the _French_ BOUFFARD, a fool or clown; a “jolly old BUFFER,” said of a
good-humoured or liberal old man. In 1737, a BUFFER was a “rogue that
killed good sound horses for the sake of their skins, by running a long
wire into them.”—_Bacchus and Venus._ The term was once applied to
those who took false oaths for a consideration; but though the word has
fallen into disuse there is no particular reason for imagining that the
practice has.

~Buffer~, a woman employed in a Sheffield warehouse to give the final
polish to goods previously to their being plated.

~Buffer~, a dog. Dogs’ skins were formerly in great request—hence the
term BUFF, meaning in old English _to skin_. It is still used in the
ring, BUFFED meaning stripped naked, though the term BUFF, as applied to
the skin, is most likely due to its resemblance to the leather so
called. “Stripped to the BUFF,” cannot have any reference to dog
skinning, though it may have originally referred to the BUFF jerkins
worn under defensive armour. In Irish cant, BUFFER is a _boxer_. The
BUFFER of a railway-carriage doubtless received its very appropriate
name from the old pugilistic application of this term.

~Buffle-Head~, a stupid or obtuse person.—_Miege._ _German_,
BUFFELHAUPT, buffalo-headed. Occurs in _Plautus’ Comedies made English_,

~Buffs~, the Third Regiment of Foot in the British army. From their

~Buffy~, intoxicated.

~Buggy~, a gig, or light chaise. Common term in America and in India, as
well as in England.

~Bug-Hunter~, a low wretch who plunders drunken men.

~Bug-Walk~, a coarse term for a bed.

~Build~, applied in fashionable slang to the make or style of dress, &c.
“It’s a tidy BUILD, who made it?” A tailor is sometimes called a
“trousers’ BUILDER.”

~Bulger~, large; synonymous with BUSTER.

~Bulky~, a constable.—_North._

~Bull~, one who agrees to purchase stock at a future day, at a stated
price, but who simply speculates for a rise in public securities to
render the transaction a profitable one. Should stocks fall, the BULL is
then called upon to pay the difference. _See_ BEAR, who is the opposite
of a BULL, the former selling, the latter purchasing—the one operating
for a _fall_, the other for a _rise_.

~Bull~, a crown-piece, formerly BULL’S EYE. _See_ WORK.

~Bull~, term amongst prisoners for the meat served to them in jail. Also
very frequently used instead of the word beef. The costermonger often
speaks of his dinner, when he has beef, as a “bit o’ BULL,” without any
reference to its being either tough or tender, but he never speaks of
mutton as “sheep.”

~Bull-Beef~, a term of contempt; “as ugly as BULL-BEEF,” “go to the
billy-fencer, and sell yourself for BULL-BEEF.” Sometimes used to
indicate full size of anything. “There was he, as big as BULL-BEEF.”

~Bulldogs~, the runners who accompany the proctor in his perambulations,
and give chase to runaways.—_University._

~Bullet~, to discharge from a situation. To shake the BULLET at anyone,
is to threaten him with “the sack,” but not to give him actual notice to
leave. To get the BULLET is to get notice, while to get the instant
BULLET is to be discharged upon the spot. The use of the term is most
probably derived from a fancied connexion between it and the word

~Bullfinch~, a hunting term for a large, thick, quickset hedge,
difficult alike to “top” or burst through. Probably a corruption of
BULL-FENCE, a fence made to prevent cattle straying either in or out.

~Bull the Cask~, to pour hot water into an empty rum puncheon, and let
it stand until it extracts the spirit from the wood. The mixture is
drunk by sailors in default of something stronger.—_Sea._

~Bully~, a braggart; in the language of the streets, a man of the most
degraded morals, who protects fallen females, and lives off their
miserable earnings.—_Shakspeare_, in _A Midsummer Night’s Dream_, uses
the word in its old form, as a term of endearment. This epithet is often
applied in a commendable sense among the vulgar; thus—a good fellow or
a good horse will be termed “a BULLY fellow,” “a BULLY horse;” and “a
BULLY woman” signifies a right, good motherly old soul. Among Americans,
“BULLY for you,” is a commendatory phrase, and “that’s BULLY” is a
highly eulogistic term.

~Bullyrag~, to abuse or scold vehemently; to swindle one out of money by
intimidation and sheer abuse.

~Bum~, the part on which we sit.—_Shakspeare._ BUMBAGS, trousers;
_Gael._ BUN, a base or bottom; _Welsh_, BON, the lowest or worst part of

~Bum-Bailiff~, a sheriff’s-officer—a term, some say, derived from the
proximity which this gentleman generally maintains to his victims.
Blackstone says it is a corruption of “bound bailiff.” A BUM-BAILIFF was
generally called “bummy.”

~Bumble~, to muffle. BUMBLE-FOOTED, club-footed, or awkward in the gait.

~Bumble~, a beadle. Adopted from _Dickens’s_ character in _Oliver
Twist_. This and “BUMBLEDOM” are now common.

~Bumble-Puppy~, a game played in public-houses on a large stone, placed
in a slanting direction, on the lower end of which holes are excavated,
and numbered like the holes in a bagatelle-table. The player rolls a
stone ball, or marble, from the higher end, and according to the number
of the hole it falls into the game is counted. It is undoubtedly the
very ancient game of _Troule-in-madame_.

~Bumbles~, coverings for the eyes of horses that shy in harness.

~Bumbrusher~, an usher at a school.

~Bumclink~, in the Midland counties the inferior beer brewed for
haymakers and harvest labourers. Derivation obvious.

~Bum-Curtain~, an old name for academical gowns when they were worn
scant and short, especially those of the students of St. John’s
College.—_Camb. Univ._ Any ragged or short academical gown.

~Bummarees~, a term given to a class of speculating salesmen at
Billingsgate market, not recognised as such by the trade, but who get a
living by buying large quantities of fish from the salesmen and
re-selling them to smaller buyers. The word has been used in the
statutes and bye-laws of the market for upwards of 200 years. It has
been variously derived. Some persons think it may be from the _French_
BONNE MARÉE, good fresh fish! “Marée signifie toute sorte de poisson de
mer qui n’est pas sale; bonne marée—_marée fraîche_, vendeur de
marée.”—_Dict. de l’Acad. Franc._ The BUMMAREES are accused of many
trade tricks. One of them is to blow up codfish with a pipe until they
look double their actual size. Of course when the fish come to table
they are flabby, sunken, and half dwindled away. In Norwich, to BUMMAREE
one is to run up a score at a public-house just open, and is equivalent
to “running into debt with one.” One of the advertisements issued by Hy.
Robinson’s “Office,” over against Threadneedle Street, was this:—

    “Touching Advice from the OFFICE, you are desired to give and take
    notice as followeth:—

    “OF Monies to be taken up, or delivered on _Botto-maria_, commonly
    called _Bomarie_.

    “OF money to be put out or taken upon interest,” &c.

    —_The Publick Intelligencer_, numb. 17, 25th June, 1660.

~Bummer~, literally one who sits or idles about; a loafer; one who
sponges upon his acquaintances. In California, men who profess to be
journalists, and so obtain free dinners and drinks, are called “literary
BUMMERS.” Although the term is not much in use in this country, the
profession of bumming, both literary and otherwise, is freely practised.

~Bumper~, according to Johnson from “bump,” but probably from _French_
BON PÈRE, the fixed toast in monastic life of old, now used for “full
measure.” A match at quoits, bowls, &c., may end in a “BUMPER game,” if
the play and score be all on one side. BUMPER is used in sporting and
theatrical circles to denote a benefit which is one in reality as well
as in name.

~Bumptious~, arrogant, self-sufficient. One on very good terms with
himself is said to be BUMPTIOUS.

~Bunce~, costermongers’ perquisites; the money obtained by giving light
weight, &c.; costermongers’ goods sold by boys on commission. In fact
anything which is clear profit or gain is said to be “all BUNCE.”
Probably a corruption of _bonus_; BONE, or BONER, being the slang for
good. BUNCE, _Grose_ gives as the cant word for money.

~Bunch-of-Fives~, the hand, or fist.

~Bundle~, “to BUNDLE a person off,” _i.e._, to pack him off, send him

~Bundling~, men and women sleeping together, where the divisions of the
house will not permit of better or more decent accommodation, with all
their clothes on. BUNDLING was originally courting done in bed, the
lovers being tied or bundled up to prevent undue familiarities. The
practice still obtains in some parts of Wales.

~Bung~, the landlord of a public-house. Much in use among sporting men.

~Bung~, to give, pass, hand over, drink, or to perform almost any
action. BUNG up, to close up, as the eyes.—_Pugilistic._ “BUNG over the
rag,” hand over the money.—_Old_, used by _Beaumont_ and _Fletcher_,
and _Shakspeare_. Also, to deceive one by a lie, to CRAM, which _see_.

~Bunk~, to decamp. “BUNK it!” _i.e._, be off.

~Bunker~, beer.

~Bunkum~, an American importation, denoting false sentiments in
speaking, pretended enthusiasm, &c. The expression arose from a speech
made by a North Carolina senator named Buncombe.

~Bunter~, a prostitute, a street-walking female thief.

~Burdon’s Hotel~, Whitecross Street Prison, of which the Governor was a
Mr. Burdon. Almost every prison has a nickname of this kind, either from
the name of the Governor, or from some local circumstance. The Queen’s
Bench has also an immense number of names—SPIKE PARK, &c.; and every
Chief-Justice stands godfather to it.

~Burerk~, a lady, a showily-dressed woman.

~Burke~, to kill, to murder, secretly and without noise, by means of
strangulation. From Burke, the notorious Edinburgh murderer, who, with
an accomplice named Hare, used to decoy people into the den he
inhabited, kill them, and sell their bodies for dissection. The wretches
having been apprehended and tried, Burke was executed, while Hare,
having turned king’s evidence, was released. Bishop and Williams were
their London imitators. The term BURKE is now usually applied to any
project that is quietly stopped or stifled—as “the question has been
BURKED.” A book suppressed before publication is said to be BURKED.

~Burra~, great; as BURRA SAIB, a great man; BURRA KHANAII, a great

~Bury a Moll~, to run away from a mistress.

~Bus~, or BUSS, an abbreviation of “omnibus,” a public carriage. Also, a
kiss, abbreviation of _Fr._ BAISER. A Mr. Shillibeer started the first
BUS in London. A shillibeer is now a hearse and mourning coach all in
one, used by the very poorest mourners and shabbiest undertakers.

    Why is Temple Bar like a lady’s veil? Because it wants to be removed
    to make way for the BUSSES.

~Bus~, business (of which it is a contraction) or action on the stage,
so written, but pronounced BIZ.—_Theatrical._ _See_ BIZ.

~Business~, the action which accompanies dialogue. “His BUSINESS was
good.” Generally applied to byplay.—_Theatrical._

~Busk~, to sell obscene songs and books at the bars and in the tap-rooms
of public-houses. Sometimes it implies selling other articles. Also to
“work” public-houses and certain spots as an itinerant musician or

~Busker~, a man who sings or performs in a public-house; an itinerant.

~Bust~, or BURST, to tell tales, to SPLIT, to inform. BUSTING, informing
against accomplices when in custody.

~Buster~ (BURSTER), a small new loaf; “twopenny BUSTER,” a twopenny
loaf. “A penn’orth o’ BEES-WAX (cheese) and a penny BUSTER,” a common
snack at beershops. A halfpenny loaf is called a “starver.”

~Buster~, an extra size; “what a BUSTER,” _i.e._, what a large one; “in
for a BUSTER,” determined on an extensive frolic or spree. _Scotch_,
BUSTUOUS; _Icelandic_, BOSTRA.

~Bustle~, money; “to draw the BUSTLE.”

~Busy-Sack~, a carpet-bag.

~Butcha~, a Hindoo word in use among Englishmen for the young of any
animal. In England we ask after the children; in India the health of the
BUTCHAS is tenderly inquired for.

~Butcher~, the king in playing-cards. When card-playing in public houses
was common, the kings were called butchers, the queens bitches, and the
knaves jacks. The latter term is now in general use.

~Butcher’s Mourning~, a white hat with a black mourning hatband.
Probably because, under any circumstances, a butcher would rather not
wear a black hat. White hats and black bands have, however, become
genteel ever since the late Prince Consort patronized them, though they
retain a deal of the old sporting leaven.

~Butter~, or BATTER, praise or flattery. To BUTTER, to flatter, cajole.
Same as “soft soap” and “soft sawder.” Soft words generally. Maybe from
the old proverb, “Fine words butter no parsneps.”

~Butter-Fingered~, apt to let things fall; greasy or slippery-fingered.

~Button~, a decoy, sham purchaser, &c. At any mock or sham auction seedy
specimens may be seen. Probably from the connexion of buttons with
Brummagem, which is often used as a synonym for a sham.—_See_ BONNET.

~Buttoner~, a man who entices another to play.

~Buttons~, a page,—from the rows of gilt buttons which adorn his

~Buttons~, “not to have all one’s BUTTONS;” to be deficient in
intellect. To “make BUTTONS” means for some occult reason to look sorry
and sad. “He was making BUTTONS,” _i.e._, he was looking sorrowful.
Perhaps because button-making is a sorry occupation.

~Butty~, a word used in the mining districts to denote a kind of
overseer. Also used by the Royal Marines in the sense of comrade; a
policeman’s assistant, one of the staff in a _mêlée_.

~Buz~, to share equally the last of a bottle of wine, when there is not
enough for a full glass to each of the party.

~Buz~, a well-known public-house game, played as follows:—“The chairman
commences saying “one,” the next on the left hand “two,” the next
“three,” and so on to _seven_, when “BUZ” must be said. Every seven and
multiple of 7, as 14, 17, 21, 27, 28, &c., must not be mentioned, but
“BUZ” instead. Whoever breaks the rule pays a fine, which is thrown on
the table, and the accumulation expended in drink for the company. _See_
“SNOOKS and WALKER” for more complicated varieties of a similar game.
These “parlour pastimes” are often not only funny, but positively
ingenious. But the Licensing Act and a zealous police are fast clearing
them all out.

~Buz~, to pick pockets; BUZZING or BUZ-FAKING, robbing.

~Buz-Bloke~, a pickpocket who principally confines his attention to
purses and loose cash. _Grose_ gives BUZ-GLOAK, an ancient cant word.
GLOAK was old cant for a man. BUZ-NAPPER, a young pickpocket.

~Buz-man~, an informer; from BUZ, to whisper, but more generally a

~Buz-napper’s Academy~, a school in which young thieves were trained.
Figures were dressed up, and experienced tutors stood in various
difficult attitudes for the boys to practise upon. When clever enough
they were sent on the streets. Dickens gives full particulars of this
old style of business in _Oliver Twist_.

~Buzzer~, a pickpocket. _Grose_ gives BUZ-COVE and, as above mentioned,

~Byblow~, an illegitimate child.

~By George~, an exclamation similar to BY JOVE. The term is older than
is frequently imagined—vide _Bacchus and Venus_ (p. 117), 1737. “’Fore
(or by) GEORGE, I’d knock him down.” Originally in reference to Saint
George, the patron saint of England, or possibly to the House of

~By Golly~, an ejaculation, or oath; a compromise for “by God.” BY GUM
is another oblique oath. In the United States, small boys are permitted
by their guardians to say GOL DARN anything, but they are on no account
allowed to commit the profanity of G--d d----n anything. A manner of
“sailing close to the wind” which is objectionable to the honest mind. A
specimen ejaculation and moral waste-pipe for interior passion or wrath
is seen in the exclamation—BY THE EVER-LIVING JUMPING-MOSES—a harmless
and ridiculous phrase, that from its length is supposed to expend a
considerable quantity of fiery anger.

~By Jingo~, an oath or exclamation having no particular meaning, and no
positive etymology, though it is believed by some that JINGO is derived
from the Basque _jenco_, the devil.

~Cab~, in statutory language, “a hackney carriage drawn by one horse.”
Abbreviated from the _French_ CABRIOLET; originally meaning “a light low
chaise.” The wags of Paris playing upon the word (quasi _cabri_ au lait)
used to call a superior turn-out of the kind a _cabri au crême_. Our
abbreviation, which certainly smacks of slang, has been stamped with the
authority of the Legislature, and has been honoured by universal custom.

~Cab~, to stick together, to muck, or tumble up.—_Devonshire._

~Cabbage~, pieces of cloth said to be purloined by tailors. Any small
profits in the way of material.

~Cabbage~, to pilfer or purloin. Termed by _Johnson_ a “cant word,” but
adopted by later lexicographers as a respectable term. Said to have been
first used in the above sense by _Arbuthnot_.

~Cabbage-Head~, a soft-headed person.

~Cabby~, popular name for the driver of a cab. This title has almost
supplanted the more ancient one of jarvey.

~Caboose~, the galley or cook-house of a ship; a term used by tramps to
indicate a kitchen.

~Cackle-Tub~, a pulpit.

~Cackling-Cove~, an actor. Also called a MUMMERY-COVE.—_Theatrical._

~Cad~, or CADGER (from which it is shortened), a mean or vulgar fellow;
a beggar; one who would rather live on other people than work for
himself; a man who tries to worm something out of another, either money
or information. _Johnson_ uses the word, and gives _huckster_ as the
meaning, in which sense it was originally used. Apparently from CAGER,
or GAGER, the _old Cant_ term for a man. The exclusives at the English
Universities apply the term CAD to all non-members. It has also been
suggested that the word may be a contraction of the _French_ CADET.

~Cad~, an omnibus conductor. Of late years the term has been generically
applied to the objectionable class immortalized by Thackeray under the
title of snob. A great deal of caddism is, however, perpetrated by those
who profess to have the greatest horror of it—the upper classes—a fact
which goes far to prove that it is impossible to fairly ascribe a
distinctive feature to any grade of society.

~Cadge~, to beg in an artful, wheedling manner.—_North._ In Scotland to
CADGE is to wander, to go astray. _See_ under CODGER.

~Cadging~, begging, generally with an eye to pilfering when an
opportunity occurs. To be “on the cadge” is almost synonymous with “on
the make.”

~Cag~, to irritate, affront, anger. Schoolboy slang.

~Cage~, a minor kind of prison. A country lock-up which contained no

~Cagmag~, bad food, scraps, odds and ends; or that which no one could
relish. _Grose_ give CAGG MAGGS, old and tough Lincolnshire geese, sent
to London to feast the poor cockneys. _Gael._, _French_, and _Welsh_,
CAC, and MAGN. A correspondent at Trinity College, Dublin, considers
this as originally a University slang term for a _bad cook_, κακὸς
μάγειρος. There is also a _Latin_ word used by Pliny, MAGMA, denoting
dregs or dross.

~Cake~, a “flat;” a soft or doughy person, a fool.

~Cakey-Pannum-Fencer~, or PANNUM-FENCER, a man who sells street pastry.

~Calaboose~, a prison.—_Sea_ slang, from the Spanish.

~Calculate~, a word much in use among the inhabitants of the Western
States U.S., as “I CALCULATE you are a stranger here.” New Englanders
use the word “guess” instead of CALCULATE, while the Virginians prefer
to say “reckon.”

~Caleb Quotem~, a parish clerk; a jack of all trades. From a character
in _The Wags of Windsor_.

~California~, or CALIFORNIANS, money. Term generally applied to gold
only. Derivation very obvious.

~Call~, a notice of rehearsal, or any other occasion requiring the
company’s presence, posted up in a theatre. “We’re CALLED for eleven
to-morrow morning.”

~Call-a-Go~, in street “patter,” is to leave off trying to sell anything
and to remove to another spot, to desist. Also to give in, yield, at any
game or business. Probably from the “GO” call in cribbage.

~Cameronians~, THE, the Twenty-sixth Regiment of Foot in the British

~Camesa~, shirt or chemise.—_Span._ _See_ its abbreviated form, MISH,
from the _ancient Cant_, COMMISSION. Probably re-introduced by the
remains of De Lacy Evans’s Spanish Legion on their return. _See_
Somerville’s account of the Span. Leg., for the curious facility with
which the lower classes in England adopt foreign words as slang and cant
terms. _Italian_, CAMICIA. This latter is the more likely etymology, as
anyone who visits the various quarters where Irish, Italians, and a
mongrel mixture of half-a-dozen races congregate and pig together, will

~Camister~, a preacher, clergyman, or master.

~Canary~, a sovereign. From the colour. Very old slang indeed.

~Canister~, the head.—_Pugilistic._

~Canister-Cap~, a hat.

~Cannibals~, the training boats for the Cambridge freshmen, _i.e._,
“CANNOT-PULLS.” The term is applied both to boats and rowers.—_See_
SLOGGERS. Torpids is the usual term for the races in which these men and
machines figure.

~Cannikin~, a small can, similar to PANNIKIN. “And let the CANNIKIN

~Cant~, a blow or toss; “a CANT over the kisser,” a blow on the mouth;
“a CANT over the buttock,” a throw or toss in wrestling.

~Cantab~, a student at Cambridge.

~Cantankerous~, litigious, bad-tempered. An American corruption probably
of contentious. A reviewer of an early edition of this book derives it
from the _Anglo-Norman_ CONTEK, litigation or strife. Others have
suggested “cankerous” as the origin. _Bailey_ has CONTEKE, contention as
a Spenserian word, and there is the _O.E._ CONTEKORS, quarrelsome

~Cant of Togs~, a gift of clothes.

~Canvasseens~, sailors’ canvas trousers.

~Cap~, a false cover to a tossing coin. The term and the instrument are
both nearly obsolete. _See_ COVER-DOWN.

~Cap~, “to set her CAP.” A woman is said to set her CAP at a man when
she makes overt love to him.

~Cap~, to outdo or add to, as in capping jokes.

~Cape Cod Turkey~, salt fish.

~Caper-Merchant~, a dancing-master. Sometimes a hop-merchant.

~Capers~, dancing, frolicking; “to cut CAPER-SAUCE,” _i.e._, to dance
upon nothing—be hanged. Old thieves’ talk.

~Capper-Clawing~, female encounter, where caps are torn and nails freely
used. Sometimes it is pronounced CLAPPER-CLAW. The word occurs in
_Shakspeare_, _Troilus and Cressida_, act v. sc. 4.

~Caravan~, a railway train, especially a train expressly chartered to
convey people to a prize fight.

~Caravansera~, a railway station. In pugilistic phraseology a tip for
the starting point might have been given thus. “The SCRATCH must be TOED
at sharp five, so the CARAVAN will start at four from the CARAVANSERA.”

~Carboy~, a general term in most parts of the world for a very large
glass or earthenware bottle.

~Card~, a character. “A queer CARD,” _i.e._, an odd fish.

~Cardinal~, a lady’s red cloak. A cloak with this name was in fashion in
the year 1760. It received its title from its similarity in shape to one
of the vestments of a cardinal. Also mulled red wine.

~Cardwell’s Men~, officers promoted in pursuance of the new system of

~Carney~, soft hypocritical language. Also, to flatter, wheedle, or
insinuate oneself.—_Prov._

~Carnish~, meat, from the _Ital._ CARNE, flesh; a _Lingua Franca_
importation; CARNISH-KEN, a thieves’ eating-house; “cove of the
CARNISH-KEN,” the keeper thereof.—_North Country Cant._

~Caroon~, five shillings. _French_, COURONNE; _Gipsy_, COURNA;
_Spanish_, CORONA.

~Carpet~, “upon the CARPET,” any subject or matter that is uppermost for
discussion or conversation. Frequently quoted as _sur le tapis_, or more
generally “on the _tapis_,” but it does not seem to be at all known in
France. Also servants’ slang. When a domestic is summoned by the master
or mistress to receive a warning or reprimand, he or she is said to be
CARPETED. The corresponding term in commercial establishments is a

~Carpet-Knight~, an habitué of drawing-rooms, a “ladies’ man.”

~Carrier-Pigeon~, a swindler, one who formerly used to cheat
lottery-office keepers. Now used among betting men to describe one who
runs from place to place with “commissions.”

~Carriwitchet~, a hoaxing, puzzling question, not admitting of a
satisfactory answer, as—“How far is it from the first of July to London
Bridge?” “If a bushel of apples cost ten shillings, how long will it
take for an oyster to eat its way through a barrel of soap?”

~Carrot.~ “Take a CARROT!” a vulgar insulting phrase.

~Carrots~, the coarse and satirical term for red hair. An epigram gives
an illustration of the use of this term:—

    “Why scorn red hair? The Greeks, we know,
      (I note it here in charity)
    Had taste in beauty, and with them
      The graces were all Χάριται!”

Of late years CARROTY hair in all its shades has been voted beautiful,
_i.e._, fashionable.

~Carry Corn~, to bear success well and equally. It is said of a man who
breaks down under a sudden access of wealth—as successful horse-racing
men and unexpected legatees often do—or who becomes affected and
intolerant, that “he doesn’t CARRY CORN well.”

~Carry me Out!~ an exclamation of pretended astonishment on hearing news
too good to be true, or a story too marvellous to be believed. Sometimes
varied by “Let me die,” _i.e._, I can’t survive that. Profanely derived
from the _Nunc dimittis_ (Luke xi. 29). The Irish say, “CARRY ME OUT,
and bury me decently.”

~Carry-on~, to joke a person to excess, to CARRY ON a “spree” too far;
“how we CARRIED ON, to be sure!” _i.e._, what fun we had. _Nautical
term_—from carrying on sail.

~Carts~, a pair of shoes. In Norfolk the carapace of a crab is called a
_crab cart_; hence CARTS would be synonymous with CRAB SHELLS, which

~Cart-wheel~, a five-shilling piece. Generally condensed to “WHEEL.”

~Ca-sa~, a writ of _capias ad satisfaciendam_.—_Legal slang._

~Casa~, or CASE, a house, respectable or otherwise. Probably from the
Italian CASA.—_Old Cant._ The Dutch use the word KAST in a vulgar sense
for a house, _i.e._, MOTTEKAST, a brothel. CASE sometimes means a
water-closet, but is in general applied to a “house of accommodation.”
CASA is generally pronounced _carzey_.

~Cascade~, to vomit.

~Case.~ Some years ago the term CASE was applied generally to persons or
things; “what a CASE he is,” _i.e._, what a curious person; “a rum CASE
that,” or “you are a CASE,” both synonymous with the phrase “odd fish,”
common half a century ago. This would seem to have been originally a
“case” for the police-court; drunkenness, &c. Among young ladies at
boarding-schools a CASE means a love-affair. CASE now means any
unfortunate matter. “I’m afraid it’s a CASE with him.”

~Case~, a bad crown-piece. HALF-A-CASE, a counterfeit half-crown. There
are two sources, either of which may have contributed this slang term.
CASER is the Hebrew word for a crown; and silver coin is frequently
counterfeited by coating or CASING pewter or iron imitations with
silver. Possibly from its being “a CASE” with the unfortunate owner.

~Cask~, fashionable slang for a brougham, or other private carriage. Not
very general. “PILLBOX” is the more usual term.

~Cassam~, cheese—not CAFFAN, which Egan, in his edition of _Grose_, has
ridiculously inserted.—_Ancient Cant._ _Latin_, CASEUS. _Gael._ and
_Irish_, CAISE.

~Cast~, to assist by lightening labour. Men in small boats who want to
be towed behind steamers or sailing vessels, say “Give us a CAST.” Also
used by waggoners and others, who sometimes vary the performance by
asking, when stuck on a hill, for a pound, possibly a pound of flesh,
horse or human.

~Cast up Accounts~, to vomit.—_Old._

~Castor~, a hat. Mostly used in pugilistic circles. Indeed many
hangers-on of the P.R. have considered that the term arose from the
custom of casting the hat into the ring, before entering oneself. CASTOR
was the _Latin_ name for the animal now known as the BEAVER; and,
strange to add, BEAVER was the slang for CASTOR, or hat, many years ago,
before gossamer came into fashion.

~Cat~, a lady’s muff; “to free a CAT,” _i.e._, steal a muff.

~Cat~, to vomit like a cat. Perhaps from CATARACT; but _see_ SHOOT THE

~Cat~—CAT O’ NINE TAILS, a whip with that number of lashes used to
punish refractory sailors.—_Sea._ The “cat” is now a recognised term
for the punishmental whip.

~Catamaran~, a disagreeable old woman.—_Thackeray._

~Cat and Kitten Sneaking~, stealing pint and quart pots and small pewter
spirit measures from public-houses.

~Cataract~, once a black satin scarf arranged for the display of
jewellery, much in vogue among “commercial gents.” Now quite out of

~Catchbet~, a bet made for the purpose of entrapping the unwary by means
of a paltry subterfuge. _See_ CHERRY COLOUR.

~Catch-’em-Alive~, a humane trap; also a small-tooth comb. A piece of
paper smeared with a sweet sticky substance which is spread about where
flies most abound, and in this sense not particularly humane. The
CATCH-’EM-ALIVE trap for rats and other such animals is humane compared
with the gin trap.

~Catch-penny~, any temporary contrivance to obtain money from the
public; penny shows, or cheap exhibitions. Also descriptions of murders
which have never taken place.

~Catchy~ (similar formation to _touchy_), inclined to take an undue

~Caterwauling~, applied derisively to inharmonious singing; also
love-making, from the noise of cats similarly engaged.

~Catever~, a queer, or singular affair; anything poor, or very bad. From
the _Lingua Franca_, and _Italian_, CATTIVO, bad. Variously spelled by
the lower orders.—_See_ KERTEVER.

~Cat-faced~, a vulgar and very common expression of contempt in the
North of England.

~Catgut-Scraper~, a fiddler.

~Cat-in-the-Pan~, a traitor, a turncoat—derived by some from the
_Greek_, καταπαν, altogether; or—and more likely—from _cake in pan_, a
pan-cake, which is frequently turned from side to side.

~Cat-lap~, a contemptuous expression for weak drink. Anything a cat will
drink is very innocuous.

~Cats and Dogs.~ It is said to rain cats and dogs when a shower is
exceptionally heavy. Probably in ridicule of the remarkable showers
which used to find their way into the papers during the “silly season.”

~Cat’s-meat~, a coarse term for the lungs—the “lights” or lungs of
animals being usually sold to feed cats.

~Cat’s-paw~, a dupe or tool. From the old story of the monkey who used
the cat’s-paw to remove his roast chestnuts from the fire. A sea term,
meaning light and occasional breezes occurring in calm weather.

~Cat’s-water~, “old Tom,” or gin.

~Cattle~, a term of contempt applied to the mob, or to a lot of lazy,
helpless servants.

~Caucus~, a private meeting held for the purpose of concerting measures,
agreeing upon candidates for office before an election, &c. This is an
American term, and a corruption of CAULKER’S MEETING, being derived from
an association of the shipping interest at Boston, previous to the War
of Independence, who were very active in getting up opposition to
England.—_See Pickering’s Vocabulary._

~Caulk~, to take a surreptitious nap; sleep generally, from the ordinary
meaning of the term; stopping leaks, repairing damages, so as to come
out as good as new.—_Sea term._

~Caulker~, a dram. The term “caulker” is usually applied to a stiff
glass of grog—preferably brandy—finishing the potations of the
evening. _See_ WHITEWASH.

~Caulker~, a too marvellous story, a lie. CHOKER has the same sense.

~Caution~, anything out of the common way. “He’s a CAUTION,” is said of
an obdurate or argumentative man. The phrase is also used in many ways
in reference to places and things.

~Cavaulting~, a vulgar phrase equivalent to “horsing.” The _Italian_
CAVALLINO, signifies a rake or debauchee.—_Lingua Franca_, CAVOLTA.
From this comes the Americanism “cavorting,” running or riding round in
a heedless or purposeless manner.

~Cave~, or CAVE IN, to submit, shut up.—_American._ Metaphor taken from
the sinking of an abandoned mining shaft.

~Chaff~, to gammon, joke, quiz, or praise ironically. Originally “to
queer” represented our modern word “CHAFF.” CHAFF-bone, the
jaw-bone.—_Yorkshire._ CHAFF, jesting. In _Anglo-Saxon_, CEAF is chaff;
and CEAFL, bill, beak, or jaw. In the _Ancren Riwle_, A.D. 1221, CEAFLE
is used in the sense of idle discourse.

~Chaffer~, the mouth; “moisten your CHAFFER,” _i.e._, take something to

~Chal~, old Romany term for a man; CHIE was the name for a woman.

~Chalk out~, or CHALK DOWN, to mark out a line of conduct or action; to
make a rule or order. Phrase derived from the _Workshop_.

~Chalk up~, to credit, make entry in account books of indebtedness; “I
can’t pay you now, but you can CHALK IT UP,” _i.e._, charge me with the
article in your day-book. From the old practice of chalking one’s score
for drink behind the bar-doors of public-houses.

~Chalks~, “to walk one’s CHALKS,” to move off, or run away. An ordeal
for drunkenness used on board ship, to see whether the suspected person
can walk on a chalked line without overstepping it on either side.

~Chalks~, degrees, marks; so called from being made by a piece of chalk;
“to beat by long CHALKS,” _i.e._, to be superior by many degrees.
“Making CHALKS” is a term connected with the punishment of boys on board
ship, and in the Naval School at Greenwich. Two chalk lines are drawn
wide apart on the deck or floor, and the boy to be punished places a
foot on each of these lines, and stoops, thereby presenting a convenient
portion of his person to the boatswain or master.

~Chance the Ducks~, an expression signifying come what may. “I’ll do it,

~Chancery~, a pugilistic phrase for difficulties; “to get a man’s head
into CHANCERY,” _i.e._, to get an opponent’s head firmly under one’s
arm, where it can be pommelled with immense power, and without any
possibility of immediate extrication. From the helplessness of a suitor
in Chancery. This opportunity was of very rare occurrence when the
combatants were at all evenly matched.

~Change~, small money. The overplus returned after paying for a thing in
a round sum. Hence a slang expression used when a person receives a
“settler” in the shape of either a repartee or a blow—“Take your CHANGE
out of that!”

~Chap~, a fellow, a boy; “a low CHAP,” a low fellow—abbreviation of
CHAPMAN, a huckster. Used by _Byron_ in his _Critical Remarks_.

~Chapel~, a printers’ assembly, held for the purpose of discussing
differences between employer and workmen, trade regulations, or other
matters. The term is scarcely slang, but some “comps” ask its insertion
in this work.

~Chapel.~ An undergrad is expected to attend seven out of the fourteen
services in chapel each week, and to let four or five be morning
chapels. Occasionally a Don—the Dean as a rule—will “CHAPEL” him, that
is, order him to attend to worship his Creator twice daily. The Bible
clerk “pricks the list,” _i.e._, marks down the names of all

~Chapel-of-ease.~ _French_, CABINET D’AISANCE, a house of office.

~Chariot-buzzing~, picking pockets in an omnibus.

~Charley~, a watchman, a beadle. Almost obsolete now.

~Charley-pitcher~, a low, cheating gambler.

~Charlies~, a woman’s breasts. Also called dairies and bubbies.

~Chats~, lice, or body vermin. _Prov._, any small things of the same

~Chatter-basket~, common term for a prattling child amongst nurses.

~Chatter-box~, an incessant talker or chatterer.

~Chatty~, a filthy person, one whose clothes are not free from vermin;
CHATTY DOSS, a lousy bed. A CHATTY DOSSER or a CRUMMY DOSSER is a filthy
tramp or houseless wanderer.

~Chaunt~, to sing the contents of any paper in the streets. CANT, as
applied to vulgar language, may have been derived from CHAUNT.

~Chaunt~, “to CHAUNT the play,” to explain the tricks and manœuvres of

~Chaunter-culls~, a singular body of men who used to haunt certain
well-known public-houses, and write satirical or libellous ballads on
any person, or body of persons, for a consideration. 7_s._ 6_d._ was the
usual fee, and in three hours the ballad might be heard in St. Paul’s
Churchyard, or other public spot. Strange as it may appear, there are
actually two men in London at the present day who gain their living in
this way. Very recently they were singing before the establishment of a
fashionable tailor in Regent Street; and not long since they were
bawling their doggrel rhymes outside the mansion of a Norfolk M.P., in

~Chaunters~, those street sellers of ballads, last copies of verses, and
other broadsheets, who sang or bawled the contents of their papers. They
often termed themselves PAPER WORKERS. Cheap evening papers and private
executions have together combined to improve these folks’ occupations
off the face of the earth. _See_ HORSE-CHAUNTERS.

~Chaw~, to chew; CHAW UP, to get the better of one, finish him up;
CHAWED UP, utterly done for.

~Chaw-bacon~, a rustic. Derived from the popular idea that a countryman
lives entirely on bread and fat bacon. A country clown, a joskin, a
yokel, a clodcrusher. These terms are all exchangeable.

~Chaw over~, to repeat one’s words with a view to ridicule.

~Cheap~, “doing it on the CHEAP,” living economically, or keeping up a
showy appearance with very little means.

~Cheap Jacks~, or JOHNS, oratorical hucksters and patterers of hardware,
who put an article up at a high price, and then cheapen it by degrees,
indulging all the time in volleys of coarse wit, until it becomes to all
appearance a bargain, and as such it is bought by one of the crowd. The
popular idea is that the inverse method of auctioneering saves them
paying for the auction licence.—_See_ DUTCH AUCTION.

~Checks~, counters used in games at cards. In the Pacific States of
America a man who is dead is said to have handed (or passed) in his
checks. The gamblers there are responsible for many of the
colloquialisms current.

~Chee-Chee~, this word is used in a rather offensive manner to denote
Eurasians,[58] or children by an English father and native mother. It
takes its origin in a very common expression of half-caste females,
“CHEE-CHEE,” equivalent to our Oh, fie!—Nonsense!—For

~Cheek~, share or portion; “where’s my CHEEK?” where is my allowance?
“All to his own CHEEK,” all to himself.

~Cheek~, impudence, assurance; CHEEKY, saucy or forward.

~Cheek~, to irritate by impudence, to accuse.

~Cheek by Jowl~, side by side—said often of persons in such close
confabulation that their faces almost touch.

~Cheese~, anything good, first-rate in quality, genuine, pleasant, or
advantageous, is termed the CHEESE. The _London Guide_, 1818, says it
was from some young fellows translating “c’est une autre CHOSE” into
“that is another CHEESE.” But the expression CHEESE may be found in the
Gipsy vocabulary, and in the Hindostanee and Persian languages. In the
last CHIZ means a thing—that is the thing, _i.e._, the CHEESE.

~Cheese~, or CHEESE IT (evidently a corruption of _cease_), leave off,
or have done; “CHEESE your barrikin,” hold your noise. Term very common.

~Cheesecutter~, a prominent and aquiline nose. Also a large square peak
to a cap. Caps fitted with square peaks are called cheesecutter caps.

~Cheesemongers~, once a popular name for the First Lifeguards. Until the
Peninsular War the First Lifeguards, from their almost exclusive service
at home, were nicknamed CHEESEMONGERS. This term then fell into
desuetude; but at Waterloo the commanding officer of the regiment had
not forgotten it, and when leading his men to the charge, called out,
“Come on, you damned CHEESEMONGERS!” an invitation complied with so
readily, that the title was restored, with the difference that it was no
longer a word of reproach.

~Cheesy~, fine or showy. The opposite of “dusty.”

~Cherry-bums~, or CHERUBIMS, a nickname given to the 11th Hussars, from
their crimson trousers.

~Cherry-colour~, either red or black, as you wish; a term used in a
cheating trick at cards. When the cards are being dealt, a knowing one
offers to bet that he will tell the colour of the turn-up card. “Done!”
says Mr. Green. The sum being named, Mr. Sharp affirms that it will be
CHERRY-COLOUR; and as cherries are either black or red, he wins, leaving
his victim a wiser man, it is to be hoped, and not a _better_ for the
future. It may be as well for the habitually unfortunate to know that
wagers of this kind are not recoverable even according to the sporting
code, which disacknowledges all kinds of catch-bets.

~Cherry-merry~, a present of money. CHERRY-MERRY-BAMBOO, a

~Cherubs~, or still more vulgarly, CHERUBIMS, the chorister boys who
chaunt in the services at the abbeys and cathedrals. Possibly because in
some places their heads alone are visible.

~Cheshire Cat~, to grin like a CHESHIRE CAT, to display the teeth and
gums when laughing. Formerly the phrase was “to grin like a CHESHIRE CAT
eating cheese.” A hardly satisfactory explanation has been given of this
phrase—that Cheshire is a county palatine, and the cats, when they
think of it, are so tickled with the notion that they can’t help

~Chicken~, a term applied to anything young, small, or insignificant;
CHICKEN STAKES, small paltry stakes; “she’s no CHICKEN,” said of an old

~Chicken-hearted~, cowardly, fearful. With about the amount of pluck a
chicken in a fright might be supposed to possess.

~Chi-ike~, to hail in a rough though friendly manner; to support by
means of vociferation.

~Chi-ike~, a hail; a good loud word of hearty praise; term used by the
costermongers, who assist the sale of each other’s goods by a little
friendly, although noisy, commendation.

~Children’s Shoes~ (to make), to be made nought of.—_See_ SHOES.

~Chill~, to warm, as beer. This at first seems like reversing the order
of things, but it is only a contraction of “take the CHILL off.”

~Chimney-Sweep~, the aperient mixture commonly called a _black draught_.

~Chin-chin~, a salutation, a compliment.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Chink~, or CHINKERS, money.—_Ancient._ Derivation obvious.

~Chin-wag~, officious impertinence.

~Chip of the Old Block~, a child which physically or morally resembles
its father. BROTHER CHIP, one of the same trade or profession.
Originally brother carpenter, now general.

~Chips~, money; also a nickname for a carpenter.—_Sea._

~Chirp~, to give information, to “peach.”

~Chisel~, to cheat, to take a slice off anything. Hence the old
conundrum: “Why is a carpenter like a swindler?—Because he chisels a

~Chit~, a letter; corruption of a _Hindoo_ word.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Chitterlings~, the shirt frills once fashionable and worn still by
ancient beaux; properly the _entrails of a pig_, to which they are
supposed to bear some resemblance. _Belgian_ SCHYTERLINGH.

~Chivalry~, coition. Probably a corruption from the _Lingua Franca_.
Perhaps from CHEVAULCHER.

~Chive~, or CHIVEY, a shout, a halloo, or cheer; loud tongued. Probably
from CHEVY-CHASE, a boy’s game, in which the word CHEVY is bawled aloud.
Dickens uses the word CHIVEY in _Bleak House_ rather freely, but there
it is from the other phase of CHEVY-CHASE which follows.

~Chive~, a knife; also used as a verb, to knife. In all these cases the
word is pronounced as though written CHIV or CHIVVY.

~Chive-Fencer~, a street hawker of cutlery.

~Chivey~, to chase round, or hunt about. Apparently from
CHEVY-CHASE.—_See_ above.

~Choakee~, or CHOKEY, the black hole.—_Military Anglo-Indian._ Chokey
is also very vulgar slang for prison.

~Chock-Full~, full till the scale comes down with a shock. Originally
CHOKE-FULL, and used in reference to theatres and places of amusement.

~Choke Off~, to get rid of. Bulldogs can only be made to loose their
hold by choking them.[60] Suggestively to get rid of a man by saying
something to him which “sticks in his gizzard.”

~Choker~, a cravat, a neckerchief. WHITE-CHOKER, the white neckerchief
worn by mutes at a funeral, waiters at a tavern, and gentlemen in
evening costume. Clergymen and Exeter Hallites are frequently termed

~Choker~, or WIND-STOPPER, a garotter.

~Chonkeys~, a kind of mincemeat, baked in a crust, and sold in the

~Choops~, a corruption of CHOOPRAHO, keep silence.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Chootah~, small, insignificant.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Chop~, in the Canton jargon of _Anglo-Chinese_, this word has several
significations. It means an official seal, a permit, a boat load of
teas. FIRST CHOP signifies first quality; and CHOP-CHOP, to make haste.

~Chop~, to exchange, to “swop.” To CHOP and change, to be as variable as
the wind.

~Chops~, properly CHAPS, the mouth, or cheeks; “down in the CHOPS,” or
“down in the mouth,” _i.e._, sad or melancholy.

~Chouse~, to cheat out of one’s share or portion. _Hackluyt_, CHAUS;
_Massinger_, CHIAUS. From the _Turkish_, in which language it signifies
an interpreter. _Gifford_ gives a curious story as to its origin:—

    “In the year 1609 there was attached to the Turkish embassy in
    England an Interpreter, or CHIAOUS, who, by cunning, aided by his
    official position, managed to cheat the Turkish and Persian
    merchants, then in London, out of the large sum of £4000, then
    deemed an enormous amount. From the notoriety which attended the
    fraud, and the magnitude of the swindle, any one who cheated or
    defrauded was said to _chiaous_, or _chause_, or CHOUSE; to do, that
    is, as this _Chiaous_ had done.”—_See Trench, Eng. Past and

CHIAUS, according to _Sandys_ (_Travels_, p. 48), is “one who goes on
embassies, executes commandments,” &c. The particular Chiaus in question
is alluded to in _Ben Jonson’s Alchymist_, 1610.

    “_D._ What do you think of me?
            That I am a CHIAUS?
    _Face._                        What’s that?
    _D._ The Turk [who] was here.
            As one would say, do you think I am a Turk?”

~Chout~, an entertainment.—_East-end of London._

~Chovey~, a shop.—_Costermonger._

~Chow-Chow~, a mixture, food of any kind. Also chit-chat and

~Chowdar~, a fool.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Christening~, erasing the name of the maker, the number, or any other
mark, from a stolen watch, and inserting a fictitious one in its place.

~Chubby~, round-faced, plump. Probably from the same derivative as CHUB,
which means literally a fish with a big head.

~Chuck~, bread or meat; in fact, anything to eat. Also a particular kind
of beefsteak.

~Chuck~, a schoolboy’s treat.—_Westminster School._ Provision for an
entertainment. Hard CHUCK is sea biscuit.

~Chuck~, to throw or pitch.

~Chuck a Jolly~, to bear up or bonnet, as when a costermonger praises
the inferior article his mate or partner is trying to sell. _See_

~Chuck a Stall~, to attract a person’s attention while a confederate
picks his pockets, or otherwise robs him.

~Chuck in~, to challenge—from the pugilistic custom of throwing a hat
into the ring; a modern version of “throwing down the gauntlet.” This
term seems to have gone out of fashion with the custom which gave rise
to it.

~Chuckle-head~, much the same as “buffle head,” “cabbage head,” “chowder
head,” “cod’s head,”—all signifying that large abnormal form of skull
generally supposed to accompany stupidity and weakness of intellect; as
the Scotch proverb, “muckle head and little wit.”—Originally
Devonshire, but now general.

~Chucks!~ Schoolboy’s signal on the master’s approach.

~Chuck up~, to surrender, give in—from the custom of throwing up the
sponge at a prize-fight in token of yielding. This is very often
corrupted into “jack up.”

~Chuff it~, _i.e._, be off, or take it away, in answer to a street
seller who is importuning you to purchase. _Halliwell_ mentions CHUFF as
a “term of reproach,” surly, &c.

~Chull~, make haste. An abbreviation of the _Hindostanee_ CHULLO,
signifying “go along.” CHULL is very commonly used to accelerate the
motions of a servant, driver, or palanquin-bearer.

~Chum~, an intimate acquaintance. A recognised term, but in such
frequent use with slangists that it almost demands a place here. Stated
to be from the _Anglo-Saxon_, CUMA, a guest.

~Chum~, to occupy a joint lodging with another person. _Latin_, CUM.

~Chumming-up~, an old custom amongst prisoners before the present
regulations were in vogue, and before imprisonment for debt was
abolished; when a fresh man was admitted to their number, rough music
was made with pokers, tongs, sticks, and saucepans. For this ovation the
initiated prisoner had to pay, or “fork over,” half-a-crown—or submit
to a loss of coat and waistcoat.

~Chummy~, a chimney-sweep—probably connected with _chimney_; also a
low-crowned felt hat. Sometimes, but rarely, a sweep is called a
clergyman—from his colour.

~Chump~, the head or face. Also one end of a loin of mutton. A
half-idiotic or daft person is said to be off his chump.

~Chunk~, a thick or dumpy piece of any substance, as a CHUNK of bread or

~Church a yack~ (or watch), to take the works of a watch from its
original case, and put them into another one, to avoid detection.—_See_

~Churchwarden~, a long pipe, “a yard of clay;” probably so called from
the dignity which seems to hedge the smoker of a churchwarden, and the
responsibility attached to its use. Sometimes called an Alderman.

~Cinder~, any liquor used in connexion with soda-water, as to “take a
soda with a CINDER in it.” The cinder may be sherry, brandy, or any
other liquor.

~Circumbendibus~, a roundabout way, a long-winded story.

~Clack-box~, a garrulous person, so called from the rattle formerly used
by vagrants to make a rattling noise and attract attention.—_Norfolk._

⁂ A common proverb in this county is, “your tongue goes like A BAKER’S
CLAP-DISH,” which is evidently a modern corruption of the beggars’ CLAP
or CLACK-DISH mentioned in _Measure for Measure_. It was a wooden dish
with a movable cover.

~Claggum~, boiled treacle in a hardened state, hardbake.—_See_ CLIGGY.

~Clam, or clem~, to starve.—_North._

~Clap~, to place; “do you think you can CLAP your hand on him?” _i.e._,
find him out. CLAP is also a well-known form of a contagious disease.

~Clapper~, the tongue. Said of an over-talkative person, to be hung in
the middle and to sound with both ends.

~Clap-trap~, high-sounding nonsense. An ancient theatrical term for a
“TRAP to catch a CLAP by way of applause from the spectators at a
play.”—_Bailey’s Dictionary._

~Claret~, blood.—_Pugilistic._ Otherwise Badminton—which _see_.

~Clashy~, a low fellow, a labourer.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Class~, the highest quality or combination of highest qualities among
athletes. “He’s not CLASS enough,” _i.e._, not good enough. “There’s a
deal of CLASS about him,” _i.e._, a deal of quality. The term as used
this way obtains to a certain extent among turfites.

~Clawhammer coat~, an American term for a tail-coat used in evening
costume. Also known as a steel-pen coat.

~Clean~, quite, or entirely; “CLEAN gone,” entirely out of sight, or
away.—_Old_, see Cotgrave and Shakspeare. CLEAN CONTRARY, quite
different, opposite.

~Clean out~, to ruin, or make bankrupt any one; to take all he has got,
by purchase, chicane, or force. De Quincey, in his article on Richard
Bentley, speaking of the lawsuit between that great scholar and Dr.
Colbatch, remarks that the latter “must have been pretty well CLEANED
OUT.” The term is very general.

~Click~, a knock or blow. CLICK-HANDED, left-handed.—_Cornish._ A term
in Cumberland and Westmoreland wrestling for a peculiar kind of throw,
as “an inside CLICK,” or “an outside CLICK.”

~Click~, to snatch, to pull away something that belongs to another.

~Clicker~, a female touter at a bonnet shop. In Northamptonshire, the
cutter out in a shoemaking establishment. In the _Dictionary of the
Terms, Ancient and Modern, of the Canting Crew_, Lond. n. d. (but prior
to 1700), the CLICKER is described as “the shoemaker’s journeyman or
servant, that cutts out all the work, and stands at or walks before the
door, and saies—‘What d’ye lack, sir? what d’ye buy, madam?’” In a
printing-office, a man who makes up the pages, and who takes work and
receives money for himself and companions.

~Clift~, to steal.

~Cliggy~, or CLIDGY, sticky.—_Anglo-Saxon_, CLÆG, clay.—_See_

~Clinch~ (to get the), to be locked up in jail.

~Clincher~, that which rivets or confirms an argument, an
incontrovertible position. Also a lie which cannot be surpassed, a
stopper-up, said to be derived as follows:—Two notorious liars were
backed to outlie each other. “I drove a nail through the moon once,”
said the first. “Right,” said the other; “I recollect the circumstance
well, for I went round to the back part of the moon and _clinched_
it”—hence CLINCHER.

~Cling-rig~, stealing tankards from public-houses, &c.

~Clipper~, a fine fast-sailing vessel. Applied also as a term of
encomium to a handsome woman.

~Clipping~, excellent, very good. CLIPPER, anything showy or first-rate.

~Clock~, a watch. Watches are also distinguished by the terms “red
clock,” a gold watch, and “white clock,” a silver watch. Generally
modified into “red’un” and “white’un.”

~Clock~, “to know what’s O’CLOCK,” to be “up, down, fly and awake,” to
know everything about everything—a definition of knowingness in
general.—_See_ TIME O’ DAY.

~Clod-hopper~, a country clown.

~Cloud~, TO BE UNDER A, to be in difficulties, disgrace or disrepute; in
fact, to be in shady circumstances.

~Clout~, or RAG, a cotton pocket-handkerchief.—_Old Cant._ Now
“_clouts_” means a woman’s under-clothes, from the waist downwards,
_i.e._, petticoats when they are on the person; but the term is extended
to mean the whole unworn wardrobe. Probably St. Giles’s satire, having
reference to the fact that few women there possess a second gown.

~Clout~, an intentional heavy blow.

~Clover~, happiness, luck, a delightful position—from the supposed
extra enjoyment which attends cattle when they suddenly find their
quarters changed from a barren field to a meadow of clover. Among
betting men he who has arranged his wagerings so satisfactorily before
an event that he cannot possibly lose, and may win a good deal, is said
to be in clover, a phrase which is sometimes varied by the remark that
“he stands on velvet.” Any one who is provided for, so that he can look
forward to a term of ease and enjoyment for the rest of his life, is
also said to be in clover.

~Club~, in manœuvring troops, so to blunder in giving the word of
command that the soldiers get into a position from which they cannot
extricate themselves by ordinary tactical means. Young officers
frequently “CLUB” their men, and get consequently “wigged” by the
inspecting general.

~Clump~, to strike, to beat.—_Prov._

~Cly~, a pocket.—_Old Cant_ for to steal. A correspondent derives this
word from the _Old English_, CLEYES, claws; _Anglo-Saxon_, CLEA. This
pronunciation is still retained in Norfolk; thus, to CLY would mean to
pounce upon, to snatch.—_See_ FRISK. _Gael._, CLIAH (pronounced CLEE),
a basket.

~Cly-faker~, a pickpocket.

~Coach~, a private tutor. Originally University, but now general. Any
man who now trains or teaches another, or others, is called a coach. To
coach is to instruct as regards either physical or mental acquirements.
A private tutor is sometimes termed a RURAL COACH when he is not
connected with a college. At Rugby a flogging is termed a “coaching.”

~Coach-wheel~, or TUSHEROON, a crown-piece, or five shillings.

~Coal~, money; “post the COAL,” put down the money. The phrase was used
by Mr. Buckstone at the Theatrical Fund Dinner of 1863. From this is
derived the theatrical term COALING, profitable, very good, which an
actor will use if his part is full of good and telling speeches—thus,
“my part is full of COALING lines.” This term was used in the sporting
world long anterior to Mr. Buckstone’s speech. _See_ COAL.

~Coals~, “to haul (or pull) over the COALS,” to take to task, to scold.
Supposed by Jamieson to refer to the ordeal by fire. To “take one’s
coals in,” is a term used by sailors to express their having caught the
venereal disease. It means that they have gotten that which will keep
them hot for a good many months.

~Cobbing~, a punishment inflicted by sailors and soldiers among
themselves. _See_ Grose and Captain Marryat’s novels. A hand-saw is the
general instrument of punishment.

~Cock~, a familiar term of address; “jolly old COCK,” a jovial fellow,
“how are you, old COCK?” Frequently rendered nowadays, COCK-E-E, a
vulgar street salutation—probably a corruption of COCK-EYE. The latter
is frequently heard as a shout or street cry after a man or boy.

~Cock~, a smoking term; “COCKING a Broseley,” _i.e._, smoking a pipe.
Broseley in Shropshire is famous for “churchwardens.” A “COCK” is an
apocryphal story, generally, of a murder or elopement bawled about the
streets by the Seven Dials’ “patterers.”

~Cock~, a pugilistic term for a man who is knocked out of time. “Knocked
him a reg’lar COCK.” Sometimes used to signify knocked out of shape, as,
“Knocked him A-COCK,” probably connected with “cocked-hat shape.” A
horse who has been backed by the public, but who does not run, or,
running, does not persevere.

~Cock~, “to COCK your eye,” to shut or wink one eye, to make

~Cock-a-hoop~, in high spirits. Possibly the idea is from the fact that,
if a cock wins a fight, he will mount on anything near, and crow lustily
and jubilantly. It is noticeable that under these circumstances a cock
always gets off the ground-level if he can.

~Cockalorum~, or COCKYLORUM, amplification of cock or cocky.

~Cock and bull story~, a long, rambling anecdote.—_See_ Peroration to
_Tristram Shandy_.

~Cock-and-hen-club~, a free and easy gathering, or “sing-song,” where
females are admitted as well as males.

~Cock-and-pinch~, the old-fashioned beaver hat, affected by “swells” and
“sporting gents” forty years ago—COCKED back and front, and PINCHED up
at the sides.

~Cock-a-wax~, an amplification of the simple term COCK, sometimes “Lad
of WAX,” originally applied to a cobbler, but now general.

~Cocked-hat-club~, the principal clique amongst the members of the
Society of Antiquaries, who virtually decide whether any person proposed
shall be admitted or not. The term comes from the “cocked-hat” placed
before the president at the sittings. There was another cocked-hat club
in London not many years back, which had nothing peculiar about it
beyond the fact that every member wore during club sittings, a
“fore-and-aft” cocked-hat. Otherwise the proceedings were of the most
ordinary kind.

~Cocked-hat-shaped~, shapeless: Anything which has been altered beyond
recognition, or any man who has been put completely _hors de combat_, is
said to have been knocked into a COCKED-HAT.

~Cocker~, “It is all right, according to Cocker,” meaning that
everything has been done in accordance with the present system of
figures. The phrase refers to the celebrated writing-master of Charles
II.’s time, whose Arithmetic, Dictionary, &c., were long the standard
authorities. The Arithmetic was first published in 1677-8, and, though
it reached more than sixty editions, is considered a very scarce book.
Professor de Morgan says that the main goodness of Cocker’s _Tutor_
consists in his adopting the abbreviated system of division; and
suggests that it became a proverbial representative of arithmetic from
Murphy’s farce of _The Apprentice_, 1756, in which the strong point of
the old merchant, Wingate, is his extreme reverence for Cocker and his
arithmetic. A curious fact may here be mentioned in connexion with this
saying. It has been stated, and very well proved, that many words
popular in Shakspeare’s time, and now obsolete in this country, are
still in every-day use in the older English settlements of North
America. The original compiler of this work was surprised, when
travelling through Western Canada, to find that, instead of the renowned
Cocker, the people appealed to another and more learned authority.
“According to Gunter,” is a phrase in continual Transatlantic use. This
scientific worthy invented the sector in 1606; and in 1623, about the
time of the great Puritan exodus to North America, he brought out his
famous _Rule of Proportion_. This was popularly known as Gunter’s
Proportion, or _Gunter’s Line_, and the term soon became a vulgar
standard of appeal in cases of doubt or dispute.

~Cock-eye~, a term of opprobrium often applied to one that squints.

~Cockles~, “to rejoice the COCKLES of one’s heart,” a vulgar phrase
implying great pleasure. Also, to “warm one’s COCKLES,” said of any hot,
well-spiced drink, taken in cold weather. COCKLES altogether seem to be
an imaginary portion—of great importance—in the internal economy of
the human frame.

~Cockney~, a native of London. Originally, a spoilt or effeminate boy,
derived from COCKERING, or foolishly petting a person, rendering him of
soft and luxurious manners. Halliwell states, in his admirable essay
upon the word, that “some writers trace the word with much probability
to the imaginary land of COCKAYGNE, the lubber land of the olden times.”
Grose gives Minsheu’s absurd but comical derivation:—A citizen of
London being in the country, and hearing a horse neigh, exclaimed,
“Lord! how that horse laughs!” A bystander informed him that the noise
was called neighing. The next morning when the cock crowed, the citizen,
to show that he had not forgotten what was told him, cried out, “Do you
hear how the COCK NEIGHS?”—_See_ MARE’S NEST.

~Cock of the walk~, a master spirit, head of a party. Places where
poultry are fed are called WALKS, and the barn door cocks invariably
fight for the supremacy till one has obtained it. At schools where this
phrase was originally much used, it has been diminished to “COCK” only.

~Cock one’s toes~, to die. Otherwise “turn-up one’s toes.”

~Cock-robin shop~, a small printing-office, where cheap and nasty work
is done and low wages are paid.

~Cocks~, fictitious narratives, in verse or prose, of murders, fires,
and terrible accidents, sold in the streets as true accounts. The man
who hawks them, a patterer, often changes the scene of the awful event
to suit the taste of the neighbourhood he is trying to delude. Possibly
a corruption of _cook_, a cooked statement, or maybe “the story of a
cock and a bull” may have had something to do with the term.
Improvements in newspapers, especially in those published in the
evening, and increased scepticism on the part of the public, have
destroyed this branch of a once-flourishing business.

~Cockshy~, a game at fairs and races, where trinkets are set upon
sticks, and for one penny three throws at them are accorded, the thrower
keeping whatever he knocks off. From the ancient game of throwing or
“shying” at live cocks. Any prominent person abused in the newspapers is
said to be a common COCKSHY.

~Cocksure~, certain.

~Cocky~, pert, saucy.

~Cocoa-nut~, the head. A pugilistic term. Also, when anything is
explained to a man for the first time, it is not unusual for him to say,
“Ah, that accounts for the milk in the cocoa-nut”—a remark which has
its origin in a clever but not very moral story.

~Cocum~, shrewdness, ability, luck; “Jack’s got COCUM, he’s safe to get
on, he is,”—viz., he starts under favourable circumstances; “to fight
COCUM” is to be wily and cautious. Allied perhaps to the Scottish KEEK,
_German_, GUCKEN, to peep or pry into.

~Cod~, to hoax, to take a “rise” out of one. Used as a noun, a fool.

~Coddam~, a public-house game, much affected by medical students and
cabmen, generally three on each side. The game is “simplicity itself,”
but requires a great amount of low cunning and peculiar mental
ingenuity. It consists in guessing in which of the six hands displayed
on the table, a small piece of marked money lies hid. If the guesser
“brings it home,” his side takes the “piece,” and the centre man “works”
it. If the guess is wrong, a chalk is taken to the holders, who again
secrete the coin. Great fun is to be obtained from this game when it is
properly played.

~Codds~, the “poor brethren” of the Charter House. In _The Newcomes_,
Thackeray writes, “The Cistercian lads call these old gentlemen CODDS; I
know not wherefore.” A probable abbreviation of CODGER.

~Codger~, or COGER, an old man; “a rum old CODGER,” a curious old
fellow. CODGER is sometimes used as synonymous with CADGER, and then
signifies a person who gets his living in a questionable manner.
“COGERS,” the name of a debating society, formerly held in Shoe Lane,
Fleet Street, and still in existence. The term is probably a corruption

~Coffee-Shop~, a watercloset, or house of office.

~Cog~, to cheat at dice.—_Shakspeare._ Also, to agree with, as one
cog-wheel does with another, to crib from another’s book, as schoolboys
often do. This is called “cogging over.”

~Cogged~, loaded like false dice. Any one who has been hocussed or
cheated is sometimes said to have been COGGED.

~Coin~, “to post the COIN”—sometimes “post the coal”—a sporting phrase
meaning to make a deposit of money for a match of any kind.

~Cold blood~, a house licensed for the sale of beer “NOT to be drunk on
the premises.”

~Cold coffee~, misfortune; sometimes varied to COLD GRUEL. An unpleasant
return for a proffered kindness is sometimes called COLD COFFEE.—_Sea._

~Cold coffee~, an Oxford synonym for a “sell,” which _see_.

~Cold cook~, an undertaker. Cold cook’s shop, an undertaker’s.

~Cold meat~, a corpse. COLD-MEAT BOX, a coffin.

~Cold meat train~, the last train at night by which officers can reach
Aldershot per South Western Railway. So called because by this train
corpses are often conveyed on account of the Necropolis Company to

~Cold shoulder~, “to show or give any one the COLD SHOULDER” is to “cut”
in a modified form, to assume a distant manner towards anybody, to
evince a desire to cease acquaintanceship. Sometimes termed “COLD
SHOULDER of mutton.”

~Colfabias~, a Latinized Irish phrase signifying the closet of decency,
applied as a slang term to a place of resort in Trinity College, Dublin.

~Collar~, “out of COLLAR,” _i.e._, out of place, no work. Probably a
variation of the metaphorical expressions, “in, or out of harness,”
_i.e._, in or out of work—the horse being in collar when harnessed for
his work. COLLAR work is any very hard work, from the expression among
drivers. Any uphill journey is said to be all “COLLAR work” for the

~Collar~, to seize, to lay hold of. Thieves’ slang, _i.e._, to steal.

~Collar and elbow~, a term for a peculiar style of wrestling—the
Cornwall and Devon style.

~Collections~, the College examinations at the end of each term, when
undergraduates wear white ties and bands, and are trotted through the
subjects of the term’s lecture. These are the occasions when the dons
administer reproof or advice on the conduct of each individual
undergrad.—_Oxford University._

~Collogue~, to conspire, talk mysteriously together in low tones, plot
mischief. Connected with “colloquy” or “colleague.” Maybe mixture of

~Colly-wobbles~, the stomach-ache, a person’s bowels,—supposed by many
to be the seat of feeling and nutrition.—_Devonshire._

~Colour~, complexion, tint; “I’ve not seen the COLOUR of his money,”
_i.e._, he has never paid me any. In fortune-telling by cards, a
_diamond colour_ is the fairest; _heart-colour_, fair, but not so fair
as the last; _club colour_, rather dark; _spade colour_, an extremely
swarthy complexion.

~Colour~, a handkerchief worn by each of the supporters of a
professional athlete on the day of a match, so as to distinguish them
from the partizans of the other side. The professional chooses his
colours, and his backers, and as many of the general public as can be
persuaded to do so, take one each to wear on the eventful day, the
understanding being that the man is to be paid, say, a guinea if he
wins, and nothing if he loses. Some of these handkerchiefs used to be,
in the palmy days of pugilism and professional rowing on the Thames,
very fine specimens of work; but as their purveyors expected to be paid
whether they won or lost, and as the price was generally about four
times the intrinsic value, colours are rather shyly dealt with now. The
custom is, however, a very ancient one, and such men as Tom Sayers, Tom
King, Harry Kelley, and Bob Chambers have, even in these degenerate
days, received very large sums for their winning colours.

~Colt~, a murderous weapon, formed by slinging a small shot to the end
of a rather stiff piece of rope. It is the original of the misnamed

~Colt~, a person who sits as juryman for the first time. In Cork an
operative baker who does not belong to the union.

~Colt~, a professional cricketer during his first season. From the best
colts in the annual match are selected new county players.

~Colt~, to fine a new juryman a sum to be spent in drink, by way of
“wetting” his office; to make a person free of a new place, which is
done by his standing treat, and submitting to be struck on the sole of
the foot with a piece of board.

~Colt’s tooth~, elderly persons of juvenile tastes are said to have a
COLT’S TOOTH, _i.e._, a desire to shed their teeth once more, to see
life over again.

~Comb-cut~, mortified, disgraced, “down on one’s luck.”—_See_ CUT.

~Come~, a slang verb used in many phrases; “Aint he COMING IT?” _i.e._,
is he not proceeding at a great rate? “Don’t COME TRICKS here,” “don’t
COME THE OLD SOLDIER over me,” _i.e._, we are aware of your practices,
and “twig” your manœuvre. COMING IT STRONG, exaggerating, going ahead,
the opposite of “drawing it mild.” COMING IT also means informing or
disclosing. Also, in pugilistic phraseology, to COME IT means to show
fear; and in this respect, as well as in that of giving information, the
expression “COME IT” is best known to the lower and most dangerous

~Come down~, to pay down.

~Commemoration~, the end of Lent term at Oxford, when honorary degrees
are conferred and certain prizes given, and when men have friends “up.”

~Commission~, a shirt.—_Ancient Cant._ _Italian_, CAMICIA.

    “As from our beds, we doe oft cast our eyes,
    Cleane linnen yeelds a shirt before we rise,
    Which is a garment _shifting_ in condition;
    And in the _canting tongue_ is a COMMISSION.
    In weale or woe, in joy or dangerous drifts,
    A _shirt_ will put a man unto his _shifts_.”

        —_Taylor’s Works_, 1630.

For further particulars, _see_ CAMESA.

~Commister~, a chaplain or clergyman.—Originally _Old Cant_.

~Common sewer~, a DRAIN,—vulgar equivalent for a drink.

~Commons~, the allowance of anything sent out of the buttery or kitchen.
“A COMMONS of bread,” or “of cheese,” for instance.—_University._ SHORT
COMMONS (derived from the University slang term), a scanty meal, a

~Competition wallah~, one who entered the Indian Civil Service by
passing a competitive examination.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Compo~, a sailor’s term for his monthly advance of wages.

~Comprador~, a purveyor, an agent.—_Originally Spanish, now

~Concaves and convexes~, a pack of cards contrived for cheating, by
cutting all the cards from the two to the seven concave, and all from
the eight to the king convex. Then by cutting the pack breadthwise a
convex card is cut, and by cutting it lengthwise a concave is
secured.—_See_ LONGS AND SHORTS.


~Conjee~, a kind of gruel made of rice.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Conk~, a nose. Possibly from the _Latin_, CONCHA, a shell. _Greek_,
κόγχη—hence anything hollow. Somewhat of a parallel may be found in the
_Latin_, TESTA, an earthenware pot, a shell, and in later _Latin_, a
_skull_; from whence the _French_ TESTE, or TÊTE, head. CONKY, having a
projecting or remarkable nose. The first Duke of Wellington was
frequently termed “Old CONKY” in satirical papers and caricatures.

~Connaught Rangers~, the Eighty-eighth Regiment of Foot in the British

~Conshun’s price~, fair terms, without extortion. Probably conscience

~Constable~, “to overrun the CONSTABLE,” to exceed one’s income, or get
deep in debt. The origin of this phrase is unknown, but its use is very

~Constitutional~, a walk, or other exercise taken for the benefit of the

~Consumah~, a butler.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Contango~, among stockbrokers and jobbers, is a certain sum paid for
accommodating a buyer or seller, by carrying the engagement to pay money
or deliver shares over to the next account day.

~Continuations~, coverings for the legs, whether trousers or breeches. A
word belonging to the same squeamish, affected family as unmentionables,
inexpressibles, &c.

~Convey~, to steal; “CONVEY, the wise it call.”

~Conveyancer~, a pickpocket. Shakspeare uses the cant expression
CONVEYER, a thief. The same term is also French slang.

~Cooey~, the Australian bush-call, now not unfrequently heard in the
streets of London.

~Cook~, a term well known in the Bankruptcy Courts, in reference to
accounts that have been meddled with, or COOKED, by the bankrupt; also
to form a balance-sheet from general trade inferences; stated by a
correspondent to have been first used in reference to the celebrated
alteration of the accounts of the Eastern Counties Railway, by George
Hudson, the Railway King. Any unfair statements of accounts or reports
are now said to be COOKED.

~Cook~, in artistic circles, to dodge up a picture. Artists say that a
picture will not COOK when it is excellent and unconventional, and
beyond specious imitation.

~Cook one’s goose~, to kill or ruin a person.—_North._

~Cooler~, a glass of porter as a wind up, after drinking spirits and
water. This form of drinking is sometimes called “putting the beggar on
the gentleman.”

~Coolie~, a soldier, in allusion to the Hindoo COOLIES, or day

~Coon~, abbreviation of racoon.—_American._ A GONE COON—_ditto_, one
in an awful fix, past praying for. This expression is said to have
originated in the first American war with a spy, who dressed himself in
a racoon skin, and ensconced himself in a tree. An English rifleman
taking him for a veritable coon, levelled his piece at him, upon which
he exclaimed, “Don’t shoot, I’ll come down of myself, I know I’m a GONE
COON.” The Yankees say the Britisher was so “flummuxed,” that he flung
down his rifle and “made tracks” for home. The phrase is pretty general
in England. [There is one difficulty about this story—How big was the
man who dressed himself in a racoon skin?]

~Cooper~, “stout half-and-half,” _i.e._, half stout and half porter.
Derived from the coopers at breweries being allowed so much stout and so
much porter a day, which they take mixed.

~Cooper~, to destroy, spoil, settle, or finish. COOPERED, spoilt, “done
up,” synonymous with the Americanism caved in, fallen in, ruined. The
vagabonds’ hieroglyph ▽, chalked by them on gate posts and houses,
signifies that the place has been spoilt by too many tramps calling

~Cooper~, to forge, or imitate in writing; “COOPER a monniker,” to forge
a signature.

~Cooter~, “a sovereign.”—_See_ COUTER. Gipsy, CUTA.

~Cop~, to seize or lay hold of anything unpleasant; used in a similar
sense to _catch_ in the phrase “to COP (or catch) a beating.” “To get
COPT,” is to be taken by the police. Probable contraction of Lat.

~Cop~, beware, take care. A contraction of COPRADOR.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Coper~, properly HORSE-COUPER, a Scotch horse-dealer,—used to denote a
dishonest one. COPING, like jockeying, is suggestive of all kinds of

~Copper~, a policeman, _i.e._, one who COPS, which _see_.

~Copper~, a halfpenny. COPPERS, mixed pence.

~Coppernose~, a nose which is supposed to show a partiality on its
owner’s part for strong drink. Synonymous with “jolly nose.”
Grog-blossoms are the jewels often set in a jolly nose.

~Copus~, a Cambridge drink, consisting of ale combined with spices, and
varied by spirits, wines, &c. Corruption of HIPPOCRAS.

~Corduroy roads~, an American term for the rough roads made by simply
laying logs along a clearing.

~Corinthianism~, a term derived from the classics, much in vogue some
years ago, implying pugilism, high life, “sprees,” roystering,
&c.—Shakspeare, 1 _Hen. IV._ ii. 4. The immorality of _Corinth_ was
proverbial in Greece. Κορινθιάζεσθαι, to _Corinthianize_, indulge in
the company of courtezans, was a Greek slang expression. Hence the

    Οὐ παντὸς ἀνδρὸς εἰς Κόρινθον ἔσθ᾿ ὁ πλοῦς;

and _Horace_, Epist. lib. 1, xvii. 36—

    “Non cuivis hommi contingit adire Corinthum,”

in allusion to the spoliation practised by the “hetæræ” on those who
visited them. Pierce Egan, in his _Life in London_, is responsible for a
deal of the modern use of this word; and after him _Bell’s Life_, as the
oracle of Corinthian sport, was not idle.

~Cork~, a broken man, a bankrupt. Probably intended to refer to his
lightness, as being without “ballast.”

~Cork~, “to draw a CORK,” to give a bloody nose.—_Pugilistic._

~Corkage~, money charged when persons at an hotel provide their own
wine—sixpence being charged for each “cork” drawn.

~Corked~, said of wine which tastes of cork, from being badly decanted,
or which has lost flavour from various other obvious causes.

~Corker~, “that’s a CORKER,” _i.e._, that settles the question, or
closes the discussion.

~Corks~, a butler. Derivation very obvious.

~Corks~, money; “how are you off for CORKS?” a sailors’ term of a very
expressive kind, denoting the means of “keeping afloat.”

~Corned~, drunk or intoxicated. Possibly from soaking or pickling
oneself like CORNED beef.

~Corner~, “the CORNER,” Tattersall’s famous horse repository and betting
rooms, so called from the fact of its situation, which was at Hyde Park
Corner. Though Tattersall’s has been removed some distance, to Albert
Gate, it is still known to the older habitués of the Subscription Room
as “the CORNER.”

~Cornered~, hemmed in a corner, placed in a position from which there is
no escape.

~Corner-man~, the end singer of a corps of Ethiopian or nigger
minstrels. There are two corner men, one generally plays the bones and
the other the tambourine. Corner-men are the grotesques of a minstrel

~Corn in Egypt~, a popular expression which means a plentiful supply of
materials for a dinner, &c., or a good supply of money. Its origin is of
course Biblical.

~Corporation~, the protuberant front of an obese person. Probably from
the old announcements which used to be made, and are made now in some
towns where improvements are made by the municipal authorities, “Widened
at the expense of the CORPORATION.”

~Corpse~, to stick fast in the dialogue; to confuse, or put out the
actors by making a mistake.—_Theatrical._

~Cosh~, a neddy, a life-preserver; any short, loaded bludgeon.

~Cossack~, a policeman.

~Costard~, the head. A very old word, generally used in connexion with

~Coster~, the short and slang rendering of “costermonger,” or
“costardmonger,” who was originally an apple-seller. COSTERING, _i.e._,
costermongering, acting as a costermonger would.

~Costermonger~, a street seller of fish, fruit, vegetables, poultry,
&c. The London costermongers number more than 30,000. They form a
distinct class, occupying whole neighbourhoods, and were at one time cut
off from the rest of metropolitan society by their low habits, general
improvidence, pugnacity, love of gambling, total want of education,
disregard for lawful marriage ceremonies, and their use of a peculiar
slang language. They have changed a good deal of this, though, now.
COSTERMONGER _aliter_ COSTARDMONGER, _i.e._, an apple-seller. In Nares’s
_Glossary_ (Ed. H. & W.) they are said to have been frequently Irish.
So, Ben Jonson—

    “Her father was an Irish COSTAR-MONGER.”

        _Alchym._, iv. x.

    “In England, sir, troth I ever laugh when I think on ’t,
    ----Why, sir, there all the COSTER-MONGERS are Irish.”

        _2 P. Hen. IV., O. Pl._, iii. 375.

Their noisy manners are alluded to in Beaumont and Fletcher’s _Scornful
Lady_, iv. I.

    “And then he’ll rail like a rude COSTER-MONGER
    That school-boys had couzened of his apples,
    As loud and senseless.”

~Cotton~, to like, adhere to, or agree with any person; “to COTTON on to
a man,” to attach yourself to him, or fancy him, literally, to stick to
him as cotton would. _Vide_ Bartlett, who claims it as an Americanism,
and Halliwell, who terms it an archaism; also _Bacchus and Venus_, 1737.

    “Her heart’s as hard as taxes, and as bad;
    She does not even COTTON to her dad.”

        _Halliday and Lawrance_, _Kenilworth Burlesque_.

~Cotton Lord~, a Manchester manufacturer.

~Cottonopolis~, Manchester. A term much in use among the reporters of
the sporting press engaged in that locality.

~Council-of-ten~, the toes of a man who turns his feet inward.

~Counter~, to hit back, to exchange blows. A cross COUNTER is a blow
with the right hand given in exchange for one with the left, the
counterer preferring to strike rather than to “stop” the

~Counter-jumper~, a shopman, a draper’s assistant.

~Country-captain~, a spatch-cocked fowl, sprinkled with curry-powder. A
favourite breakfast dish with the captains of country-ships.—_Indian._

~Country-ship~, a ship belonging to the East Indies, and trading from
port to port in that country.

~County-crop~ (_i.e._, COUNTY-PRISON CROP), haircut close and round, as
if guided by a basin—an indication of having been in prison. Since
short hair has become fashionable the expression has fallen somewhat
into disuse. In the times when long hair was worn, a man with his hair
cut as described was said to have had it done with a knife and fork.

~Couple-beggar~, a degraded person, who officiated as a clergyman in
performing marriages in the Fleet Prison.

~Couter~, a sovereign. HALF-A-COUTER, half-a-sovereign. From the
Danubian-gipsy word CUTA, a gold coin.

~Cove~, or COVEY, a boy or man of any age or station. A term generally
preceded by an expressive adjective, thus a “flash COVE,” a “rum COVE,”
a “downy COVE,” &c. The feminine, COVESS, was once popular, but it has
fallen into disuse. Originally ancient cant (temp. Henry VII.), COFE, or
CUFFIN, altered in Decker’s time to COVE. _See Witts’ Recreations_,
1654: “there’s a gentry-COVE here,” _i.e._, a gentleman. Probably
connected with CUIF, which, in the North of England, signifies a lout or
awkward fellow. Amongst Negroes, CUFFEE.

~Coventry~, “to send a man to COVENTRY,” not to speak to or notice him.
Coventry was one of those towns in which the privilege of practising
most trades was anciently confined to certain privileged persons, as the
freemen, &c. Hence a stranger stood little chance of custom, or
countenance, and “to send a man to COVENTRY” came to be equivalent to
putting him out of the pale of society.

~Cover-down~, a tossing coin with a false cover, enabling either head or
tail to be shown, according as the cover is left on or taken off. The
cover is more generally called a CAP. This style of cheating is now
obsolete. A man who cannot manage to cheat at tossing without machinery
is a sorry rogue.

~Cowan~, a sneak, an inquisitive or prying person. _Greek_, κύων, a dog.
Term given by Freemasons to all uninitiated persons. Used in Anderson’s
_Constitutions_, edit. 1769, p. 97. If derived from κύων, its use was
probably suggested by such passages in the N. T. as Matt. vii. 6, and
Phil. iii. 2. The Moslems apply dog in a similar manner. It is probably
Oriental. Other authorities say it is from COWAN, or KIRWAN, a Scottish
word signifying a man who builds rough stone walls without mortar—a man
who, though he builds, is not a practical mason.

~Cow-cow~, to be very angry, to scold or reprimand

~Cow-hocked~, clumsy about the ankles; with large or awkward feet.

~Cow-lick~, the term given to the lock of hair which costermongers and
tramps usually twist forward from the ear; a large greasy curl upon the
cheek, seemingly licked into shape. These locks are also called NUMBER
SIXES, from their usual shape. The opposite of NEWGATE-KNOCKER, which

~Cow’s grease~, butter.

~Coxy-loxy~, good-tempered, drunk.—_Norfolk._

~Crab~, a disagreeable old person. Name of a wild and sour fruit.

~Crab~, “to catch a CRAB,” to fall backwards by missing a stroke in
rowing. From the crab-like or sprawling appearance of the man when in
the bottom of the boat.

~Crab~, to offend, or insult; to expose or defeat a robbery, to inform
against. CRAB, in the sense of “to offend,” is _Old English_.

    “If I think one thing and speak another,
    I will both CRAB Christ and our Ladie His mother.”

        _Packman’s Paternoster._

~Crabs~, in dicing, a pair of aces.

~Crabshells~, or TROTTER-CASES, shoes.—_See_ CARTS.

~Crack~, the favourite horse in a race. Steeplechase and hunting CRACKS
have been made the subjects of well-known pictures, and “the gallops of
the CRACKS” is a prominent line in the sporting papers.

~Crack~, first-rate, excellent; “a CRACK HAND,” an adept; a “CRACK
article,” a good one. “A CRACK regiment,” a fashionable one.—_Old._

~Crack~, dry firewood.—_Modern Gipsy._

~Crack~, “in a CRACK (of the finger and thumb),” in a moment.

~Crack~, to break into a house; “CRACK A CRIB,” to commit burglary.

~Crack a bottle~, to drink. Shakspeare uses CRUSH in the same slang

~Cracked up~, penniless or ruined.

~Cracking a crust~, rubbing along in the world. CRACKING A TIDY CRUST,
means doing very well. This is a very common expression among the lower

~Crackle~, or CRACKLING, the scored rind on a roast leg or loin of pork;
hence applied to the velvet bars on the gowns of the students at St.
John’s College, Cambridge, long called “Hogs,” and the covered bridge
which connects one of the courts with the grounds, Isthmus of Suez
(SUES, _Lat._ SUS, a swine).

~Cracksman~, a burglar, _i.e._, the man who CRACKS.

~Crack up~, to boast or praise.—_Ancient English._

~Cram~, to lie or deceive, implying to fill up or CRAM a person with
false stories; to impart or acquire learning quickly, to “grind” or
prepare for an examination.

~Crammer~, one skilled in rapidly preparing others for an examination.
One in the habit of telling lies.

~Crammer~, a lie.

~Cranky~, foolish, idiotic, rickety, capricious (not confined to
persons). _Ancient cant_, CRANKE, simulated sickness. _German_, KRANK,
sickly. A CRANK or CRANKY vessel is one which pitches very much.

~Crap~, to ease oneself by evacuation.

~Crapping case~, or KEN, the water-closet. Generally called

~Crawler~, a mean, contemptible, sycophantic fellow. Also a cab which is
driven slowly along while its driver looks out for a fare. Crawling is
by recent statute a punishable offence.

~Crawly mawly~, in an ailing, weakly, or sickly state.

~Craw thumper~, a Roman Catholic. Compare BRISKET-BEATER.

~Cream of the valley~, gin; as opposed to or distinguished from
“mountain dew,” whisky.

~Crib~, house, public or otherwise; lodgings, apartments; a situation.
Very general in the latter sense.

~Crib~, to steal or purloin; to appropriate small things.

~Crib~, a literal translation of a classic author.—_University._

~Crib biter~, an inveterate grumbler; properly said of a horse which has
this habit, a sign of its bad digestion.

~Cribbage-faced~, marked with the small-pox, full of holes like a
cribbage-board. Otherwise crumpet-face.

~Crikey~, profane exclamation of astonishment; “Oh, CRIKEY, you don’t
say so!” corruption of “O Christ!” Sometimes varied by “O crimes!”

~Cripple~, a bent sixpence.

~Cripple~, an awkward or clumsy person. Also one of dull wits.

~Croak~, to die—from the gurgling sound a person makes when the breath
of life is departing.

~Croaker~, one who takes a desponding view of everything, a misanthrope;
an alarmist. From the croaking of a raven.—_Ben Jonson._

~Croaker~, a beggar.

~Croaker~, a dying person beyond hope; a corpse. The latter is generally
called a “stiff’un.”

~Croaks~, last dying speeches, and murderers’ confessions.

~Crocodiles’ tears~, the tears of a hypocrite. An ancient phrase,
introduced into this country by Mandeville, or other early English
traveller, who believed that the crocodile made a weeping noise to
attract travellers, and then devoured them. See Shakspeare’s use of the
term in _Othello_.

~Crocus~, or CROAKUS, a quack or travelling doctor; CROCUS-CHOVEY, a
chemist’s shop.

~Crone~, a termagant or malicious old woman. CRONY, an intimate friend.

~Crooked~, a term used among dog-stealers and the “fancy” generally, to
denote anything stolen. “Got on the CROOK” is exchangeable with “Got on
the cross,” CROOK and cross generally being synonymous.

~Crooky~, to hang on to, to lead, to walk arm-in-arm; to court or pay
addresses to a girl.

~Cropped~, hanged. Sometimes topped. “May I be topped.”

~Cropper~, a heavy fall, a decided failure. Term originally used in the
hunting-field, but now general, and not at all confined to physical

~Cropper~, “to go a CROPPER,” or “to come a CROPPER,” _i.e._, to fail

~Croppie~, a person who has had his hair cut, or CROPPED, in prison.
Formerly those who had been CROPPED (_i.e._, had their ears cut off and
their noses slit) by the public executioner were called CROPPIES, then
the Puritans received the reversion of the title.

~Crop up~, to turn up in the course of conversation. “It CROPPED UP
while we were speaking.”

~Cross~, a deception—two persons pretending hostility or indifference
to each other, being all the while in concert for the purpose of
deceiving a third. In the sporting world a CROSS is an arrangement made
between two men that one shall win without reference to relative merits.
This is sometimes done with the backer’s consent for the public benefit,
at other times a backer is himself the sufferer, the men having “put
some one in to lay,” according to instructions.—_See_ DOUBLE CROSS.

~Cross~, a general term amongst thieves expressive of their plundering
profession, the opposite of square. “To get anything on the CROSS” is to
obtain it surreptitiously. “CROSS-FANNING in a crowd,” robbing persons
of their scarf-pins, so called from the peculiar position of the arms.
This style of thieving is not confined to the conveying of scarf-pins.
CROSSMAN, a thief, or one who lives by dishonest practices.

~Cross.~—For not paying his term bills to the bursar (treasurer), or
for cutting chapels, or lectures, or other offences, the undergrad can
be “CROSSED” at the buttery, or kitchen, or both, _i.e._, a CROSS is put
against his name by the Don, who wishes to see him, or to punish him. Of
course it is easy to get one’s buttery commons out in some one else’s
name, and to order dinner in from the confectioner’s. The porter is
supposed to allow no dinners to be sent in, but, between his winking and
a little disguise, it is possible. As another instance, a barrel of beer
will not be admitted; but if it is in a hamper it will pass!—_Oxford

~Cross-buttock~, an unexpected fling down or repulse; from a peculiar
throw practised by wrestlers.

~Cross cove and molisher~, a man and woman who live by thieving.

~Cross-crib~, a house frequented by thieves.

~Crossed~, prohibited from taking food from the buttery.—_University._

~Crow~, or COCK-CROW, to exult over another’s abasement, as a
fighting-cock does over his vanquished adversary.

~Crow~, “a regular CROW,” a success, a stroke of luck,—equivalent to a

~Crow~, one who watches whilst another commits a theft, a confederate in
a robbery. The CROW looks to see that the way is clear, whilst the
SNEAK, his partner, commits the depredation.

~Crow~, “I have a CROW to pick with you,” _i.e._, an explanation to
demand, a disagreeable matter to settle. Sometimes the article picked is
supposed to be a bone.

~Crowsfeet~, wrinkles which gather in the corners of the eyes of old or
dissipated people.

~Crug~, food. Christ’s Hospital boys apply it only to bread.

~Crumbs~, “to pick up one’s CRUMBS,” to begin to have an appetite after
an illness; to improve in health, circumstances, &c., after a loss

~Crummy~, fat, plump.—_North._ In London street slang, lousy.

~Crummy-doss~, a lousy or filthy bed.

~Crumpet-face~, a face pitted with small-pox marks.

~Crunch~, to crush. Perhaps from the sound of teeth grinding against
each other.

~Crush~, to run or decamp rapidly. CRUSH DOWN SIDES, run to a place of
safety, or the appointed rendezvous.—_North Country Cant._

~Crusher~, a policeman.

~Crushing~, excellent, first-rate.

~Crusty~, ill-tempered, petulant, morose.—_Old_, said to be a
corruption of the _Anglo-Norman_ CORUSEUX.

~Cub~, a mannerless uncouth lout.—_See_ UNLICKED.

~Cubitopolis~, an appellation, originally given by Londoners to the
Warwick and Eccleston Square districts. From the name of the builders.

~Cue~, properly the last word spoken by one actor, it being the CUE for
the other to reply. “Very often an actor knows nothing of a piece beyond
his own lines and the CUES.”

~Cull~, a man or boy.—_Old Cant._ RUM CULL, the manager of a theatre.

~Cullet~, broken glass. _French_, CUEILLETTE, a gathering or collection.

~Culling~, or CULING, stealing from the carriages at racecourses.

~Cully gorger~, a companion, a brother actor.—_Theatrical._ _See_

~Culver-headed~, weak and stupid.

~Cummer~, a gossip or acquaintance.

~Cumshaw~, a present or bribe.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Cupboard-headed~, an expressive designation of one whose head is both
wooden and hollow.—_Norfolk._

~Cupboard-love~, affection arising from interested motives.

    “A CUPBOARD LOVE is seldom true;
    A love sincere is found in few.”—_Poor Robin._

Cupboard is the fount-spring of the love supposed to exist among
policemen for the cooks upon their beats.

~Cup-tosser~, a person who professes to tell fortunes by examining the
grounds in tea or coffee cups. A cup or goblet, however, is the old
mystic symbol of a juggler. _French_, JOUEUR DE GOBELET.

~Cure~, an odd person; a contemptuous term, abridged from CURIOSITY,
which was formerly the favourite expression. The word cure, as
originally applied, was London street slang, and was, as just stated, an
abbreviation of curiosity, or, more correctly, of curious or queer
fellow. Of late years it has, however, been used to denote a funny,
humorous person, who can give and receive chaff.

~Curios~, a corruption of “curiosities;” any articles of vertu brought
from abroad. Used by naval and military travellers and others.

~Currency~, persons born in Australia are there termed CURRENCY, while
natives of England are termed STERLING. The allusion is to the
difference between colonial and imperial moneys, which it may be as well
to remark have no difference so far as actual value is concerned.

~Curse~, anything worthless. Corruption of the _Old English_ word KERSE,
a small sour wild cherry; _French_, CERISE; _German_, KIRSCH. _Vision of
Piers Ploughman_:—

    “Wisdom and witt nowe is _not worth_ a KERSE,
    But if it be carded with cootis as clothers
    Kembe their woole.”

The expression “not worth a CURSE,” used frequently nowadays, is
therefore not properly profane, though it is frequently intensified by a
profane expletive. Horne Tooke says from KERSE, or CRESS. The expression
“not worth a tinker’s CURSE,” may or may not have arisen from
misapplication of the word’s origin, though as now used it certainly
means curse in its usual sense. Tinkers do curse, unfortunately, and it
will take a good deal of school-board work to educate them out of it, as
well as a fair amount of time. The phrase “not worth a tinker’s damn,”
is evidently a variation of this, unless indeed it should be spelt
“dam,” and used as a reference to the general worthlessness of the wives
and mothers of tinkers. This latter is merely offered to those who are
speculative in such matters, and is not advanced as an opinion.

~Curse of Scotland~, the Nine of Diamonds. Various hypotheses have been
set up as to this appellation—that it was the card on which the
“Butcher Duke” wrote a cruel order with respect to the rebels after the
battle of Culloden; that the diamonds are the nine lozenges in the arms
of Dalrymple, Earl of Stair, detested for his share in the Massacre of
Glencoe; that it is a corruption of Cross of Scotland, the nine diamonds
being arranged somewhat after the fashion of a St. Andrew’s Cross. The
first supposition is evidently erroneous, for in Dr. Houston’s Memoirs
of his own Lifetime, 1747, p. 92, the Jacobite ladies are stated to have
nicknamed the Nine of Diamonds “the Justice Clerk,” after the rebellion
of 1715, in allusion to the Lord Justice-Clerk Ormistone, who, for his
severity in suppressing it, was called the Curse of Scotland. Gules a
cross of lozenges were also the arms of Colonel Packer, who attended
Charles I. on the scaffold, and commanded in Scotland afterwards with
great severity.—_See_ Chatto on the _Origin and History of Playing
Cards_, p. 267. The most probable explanation is, that in the game of
Pope Joan the nine of diamonds is the POPE, of whom the Scotch have an
especial horror.

~Curtail~, to cut off. Originally a Cant word—vide _Hudibras_, and
_Bacchus and Venus_, 1737. Evidently derived from the French _court

~Cushion~, to hide or conceal.

~Cushion-smiter~, polite rendering of tub-thumper, a clergyman, a

~Cushmawaunee~, never mind. Sailors and soldiers who have been in India
frequently say—

    If we cannot get arrack,
    We must drink pawnee.”


~Customer~, synonymous with CHAP, a fellow; “a rum CUSTOMER,” _i.e._, a
man likely to turn the tables on any one who attacked him, and therefore
better be let alone, or very warily proceeded with; an “odd fish,” or
curious person.—_Shakspeare._

~Customhouse-officer~, an aperient pill.

~Cut~, to run away, move off quickly; to cease doing anything; CUT AND
RUN, to quit work, or occupation, and start off at once—_Sea_ phrase,
“CUT the cable and RUN before the wind;” to CUT DIDOES, synonymous with
to CUT CAPERS; CUT A DASH, make a show; CUT A CAPER, to dance or show
off in a strange manner; CUT A FIGURE, to make either a good or bad
appearance; CUT IT, desist, be quiet, go away, leave what you are doing
and run; CUT IT SHORT, cease being prolix, “make short work” of what you
have in hand; CUT OUT, to excel, thus in affairs of gallantry one Adonis
is said to CUT the other out in the affections of the wished-for
lady—_Sea_ phrase, from CUTTING out a ship from the enemy’s port. CUT
THAT! be quiet, or stop; CUT OUT OF, done out of; CUT OF ONE’S JIB, the
expression or cast of his countenance [_see_ JIB]; TO CUT ONE’S COMB, to
take down a conceited person, from the practice of cutting the combs of
capons [_see_ COMB CUT]; CUT AND COME AGAIN, plenty, if one cut does not
suffice, plenty remains to come at again; CUT UP, to mortify, to
criticise severely, or expose; CUT UP SHINES, to play tricks; CUT ONE’S
STICK, to be off quickly, _i.e._, to be in readiness for a journey,
further elaborated into AMPUTATE YOUR MAHOGANY [_see_ STICK]; CUT IT
FAT, to exaggerate or show off in an extensive manner; to CUT UP FAT, or
CUT UP WELL, to die, leaving a large property; CUT UNDER, to undersell;
CUT YOUR LUCKY, to run off; CUT ONE’S CART, to expose unfair tricks; CUT
AN ACQUAINTANCE, to cease friendly intercourse with him; “CUT UP ROUGH,”
to become obstreperous and dangerous; to have “CUT ONE’S EYE-TEETH,”
_i.e._, to be wide awake, knowing; to DRAW CUTS, to cast lots with
papers of unequal lengths.

~Cut~, to take cards from a pack, with a view to decide by comparison
which persons shall be partners, or which players shall deal. Not less
than four cards must be picked up by the cutter, and the bottom one is
the CUT. When cutting for a “turn-up,” the residuum is called the CUT.

~Cut~, in theatrical language, means to strike out portions of a
dramatic piece, so as to render it shorter for representation. A late
treasurer of one of the so-called Patent Theatres when asked his opinion
of a new play, always gave utterance to the brief but safe piece of
criticism, “Wants cutting.”

~Cut~, tipsy.—_Old._

~Cut~, to compete in business; “a CUTTING trade,” one conducted on
competitive principles, where the profits are very closely shaved.

~Cut-throat~, a butcher, a cattle-slaughterer; a ruffian.

~Cute~, sharp, cunning. Abbreviation of ACUTE.

~Cutter~, a ruffian, a cut-purse. Of Robin Hood it was said—

    “So being outlaw’d (as ’tis told),
      He with a crew went forth
    Of lusty CUTTERS, bold and strong,
      And robbed in the north.”

CUTTER, a swashbuckler—_balaffreux taillebras, fendeur de

    “He’s out of cash, and thou know’st by CUTTER’S LAW,
    We are bound to relieve one another.”

        _Match at Midn._, O. Pl., vii. 553.

This ancient cant word now survives in the phrase, “to swear like a

~Cutting-shop~, a place where cheap rough goods are sold.

~Cutty-pipe~, a short clay pipe. _Scotch_, CUTTY, short.

~Cutty-sark~, a short chemise.—_Scotch._ A scantily-draped lady is so
called by Burns.

        “‘Weel done, CUTTY-SARK!’
    And in an instant all was dark.”

~Dab~, or DABSTER, an expert person. Most probably derived from the
Latin _adeptus_.

~Dab~, street term for small flat fish of any kind.—_Old._

~Dacha-saltee~, tenpence. Probably from the _Lingua Franca_. _Modern
Greek_, δέκα; _Italian_, DIECI SOLDI, tenpence; _Gipsy_, DIK, ten. So
also DACHA-ONE (oney), _i.e._, _dieci uno_, elevenpence.—_See_ SALTEE.

~Daddle~, the hand; “tip us your DADDLE,” _i.e._, shake hands.

~Daddy~, a stage manager.—_Theatrical._ Also the person who gives away
the bride at a wedding.

~Daddy;~ at mock raffles, lotteries, &c., the DADDY is an accomplice,
most commonly the getter-up of the swindle, and in all cases the person
that has been previously selected to win the prize.

~Daddy~, the old man in charge—generally an aged pauper—at casual
wards. Most people will remember “kind old DADDY.”

~Daffy~, gin. A term with monthly nurses, who are always extolling the
virtues of Daffy’s Elixir, and who occasionally comfort themselves with
a stronger medicine under Daffy’s name. Of late years the term has been
altered to “soothing syrup.”

~Dags~, feat or performance; “I’ll do your DAGS,” _i.e._, I will do
something that you cannot do. Corruption of DARINGS.

~Dairies~, a woman’s breasts, which are also called CHARLIES.

~Daisy-cutter~, a horse that trots or gallops without lifting its feet
much from the ground.

~Daisy-kicker~, the name ostlers at large inns used to give each other,
now nearly obsolete. DAISY-KICKER, or GROGHAM, was likewise the cant
term for a horse. The DAISY-KICKERS were sad rogues in the old posting
days; frequently the landlords rented the stables to them, as the only
plan to make them return a profit.

~Damage~, in the sense of recompense; “what’s the DAMAGE?” _i.e._, what
is to pay? or actually, what is the DAMAGE to my pocket?

~Damper~, a shop till; to DRAW A DAMPER, _i.e._, rob a till. A till is
more modernly called a “lob,” and stealing from tills is known as

~Dancer, or dancing-master~, a thief who prowls about the roofs of
houses, and effects an entrance by attic windows, &c. Called also a

~Dance upon nothing~, to be hanged.

~Dander~, passion or temper; “to get one’s DANDER up,” to rouse his
passion.—_Old_, but now much used in America.

~Dando~, a great eater, who cheats at hotels, eating shops,
oyster-cellars, &c., from a person of that name who lived many years
ago, and who was an enormous oyster-eater. According to the stories
related of him, Dando would visit an oyster-room, devour an almost
fabulous quantity of bivalves, with porter and bread and butter to
match, and then calmly state that he had no money.

~Dandy~, a fop, or fashionable nondescript. This word, in the sense of a
fop, is of modern origin. Egan says it was first used in 1820, and Bee
in 1816. Johnson does not mention it, although it is to be found in all
late dictionaries. DANDIES wore stays, studied a feminine style, and
tried to undo their manhood by all manner of affectations which were not
actually immoral. Lord Petersham headed them. At the present day dandies
of this stamp have almost entirely disappeared, but the new school of
muscular Christians is not altogether faultless. The feminine of DANDY
was DANDIZETTE, but the term only lived for a short season.

~Dandy~, a small glass of whisky.—_Irish._ “Dimidium cyathi vero apud
Metropolitanos Hibernicos dicitur DANDY.”—_Father Tom and the Pope_, in
_Blackwood’s Magazine_ for May 1838.

~Dandy~, a boatman.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Dandypratt~, a funny little fellow, a mannikin; originally a
half-farthing of the time of Henry VII.

~Danna~, human ordure; DANNA DRAG, a nightman’s or dustman’s cart;
hence DUNNA-KEN, which _see_.

~Darbies~, handcuffs.—_Old Cant._—_See_ JOHNNY DARBIES. Sir Walter
Scott mentions these, in the sense of fetters, in his _Peveril of the

    “‘Hark ye! Jem Clink will fetch you the DARBIES.’ ‘Derby!’
    interrupted Julian, ‘has the Earl or Countess’”----

Had Sir Walter known of any connexion between them and this family he
would undoubtedly have mentioned it. The mistake of Julian is corrected
in the next paragraph. It is said that handcuffs were, when used to keep
two prisoners together, called DARBIES and JOANS—a term which would
soon be shortened as a natural consequence.

~Darble~, the devil. _French_, DIABLE.

~Dark~, “keep it DARK,” _i.e._, secret. A DARK horse is, in racing
phraseology, a horse of whom nothing positive is known, but who is
generally supposed to have claims to the consideration of all
interested, whether bookmakers or backers.

~Darky~, twilight; also a negro. DARKMANS, the night.

~Darn~, vulgar corruption of DAMN.—_American._

~Dash~, to jot down suddenly. “Things I have DASHED off at a moment’s

~Dash~, fire, vigour, manliness. Literary and artistic work is often
said to be full of DASH.

~Dash~, an ejaculation, as “DASH my wig!” “DASH my buttons!” A relic of
the attempts made, when cursing was fashionable, to be in the mode
without using “bad words.”

~Dashing~, showy, fast.

~Daub~, in low language, an artist. Also a badly painted picture.

~David’s sow~, “as drunk as DAVID’S sow,” _i.e._, beastly drunk. _See_
origin of the phrase in Grose’s _Dictionary_.

~Davy~, “on my DAVY,” on my affidavit, of which it is a vulgar
corruption. Latterly DAVY has become synonymous in street language with
the name of the Deity; “so help me DAVY,” generally rendered, “swelp my
DAVY.” Slang version of the conclusion of the oath usually exacted of

~Davy’s locker~, or DAVY JONES’S LOCKER, the sea, the common receptacle
for all things thrown overboard;—a nautical phrase for death, is “gone
to DAVY JONES’S LOCKER,” which there means the other world.—_See_

~Dawdle~, to loiter, or fritter away time.

~Dawk~, the post.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Daylights~, eyes; “to darken his DAYLIGHTS,” to give a person black
eyes. Also the spaces left in glasses between the liquor and the
brim,—not allowed when bumpers are drunk. The toast-master in such
cases cries “no DAYLIGHTS or heeltaps!”

~Daze~, to confound or bewilder; an ancient form of dazzle used by
Spenser, Drayton, &c. This is more obsolete English than slang, though
its use nowadays might fairly bring it within the latter category.

~Dead-against~, decidedly opposed to.

~Dead-alive~, stupid, dull.

~Dead-amiss~, said of a horse that from illness is utterly unable to run
for a prize.

~Dead-beat~, utterly exhausted, utterly “done up.”

~Dead-heat~, when two horses run home so exactly equal that the judge
cannot place one before the other; consequently, a DEAD-HEAT is a heat
which counts for nothing, so far as the even runners are concerned, as
it has to be run over again. When a race between dead-heaters has been
unusually severe, or when the stake is sufficiently good to bear
division, it is usual to let one of the animals walk over the course so
as to make a deciding heat, and to divide the money. In such case all
bets are divided. Sometimes, however, when no arrangement can be made,
an owner will withdraw his horse, in which case the animal that walks
over wins the whole of the stake, and his backers the whole of their
money. Where the course is short and the money of small amount, the
DEAD-HEAT is run off, the second essay being called the decider, though
on certain occasions even the decider has resulted in a

~Dead-horse~, “to draw the DEAD-HORSE;” DEAD-HORSE work—working for
wages already paid; also any thankless or unassisted service.

~Dead-letter~, an action of no value or weight; an article, owing to
some mistake in its production, rendered utterly valueless,—often
applied to any instrument in writing, which by some apparently trivial
omission, becomes useless. At the general and large district
post-offices, there is a department for letters which have been
erroneously addressed, or for which, from many and various causes, there
are no receivers. These are called DEAD-LETTERS, and the office in
connexion with them is known as the DEAD-LETTER office.

~Dead-lock~, a permanent standstill, an inextricable entanglement.

~Dead-lurk~, entering a dwelling-house during divine service.

~Dead-man~, a baker. Properly speaking, it is an extra loaf smuggled
into the basket by the man who carries it out, to the loss of the
master. Sometimes the DEAD-MAN is charged to a customer, though never
delivered. Among London thieves and low people generally a “dead’un” is
a half-quartern loaf.

~Dead-men~, the term for wine bottles after they are emptied of their
contents.—_Old._—_See_ MARINES.

~Dead-men’s shoes~, property which cannot be claimed until after decease
of present holder. “To wait for a pair of DEAD-MEN’S SHOES,” is
considered a wearisome affair. It is used by Fletcher:—

    “And ’tis a general shrift, that most men use,
    But yet ’tis tedious waiting DEAD MEN’S SHOES.”

        _Fletcher’s Poems_, p. 256.

~Dead-set~, a pointed and persistent attack on a person.

~Dead’un~, a horse which will not run or will not try in a race, and
against which money may be betted with safety.—_See_ SAFE UN.

~Deaner~, a shilling. From DENIER.

~Death~, “to dress to DEATH,” _i.e._, to the very extreme of fashion,
perhaps so as to be killing.

~Death-hunter~, a running patterer, who vends last dying speeches and
confessions. More modernly the term is supposed to mean an undertaker,
or any one engaged in or concerned with burials.

~Deck~, a pack of cards. Used by Shakspeare, 3 _K. Hen. VI._, v. 1.
Probably because of DECKING or arranging the table for a game at cards.
General in the United States.

~Dee~, a pocket-book; term used by tramps.—_Gipsy._ DEE (properly D), a
detective policeman. “The DEES are about, so look out.”

~Delicate~, a false subscription-book carried by a LURKER.

~Demirep~ (or DEMIRIP), a courtezan. Contraction of DEMI-REPUTATION,
which is, in turn, a contraction for _demi-monde_ reputation.

~Derby-dog~, a masterless animal, who is sure to appear as soon as the
Epsom course is cleared for the great race of the season. No year passes
without a dog running between the two dense lines of spectators and
searching in vain for an outlet, and he is almost as eagerly looked for
as are the “preliminary canters.” It is said that when no DERBY-DOG
appears on the course between Tattenham Corner and the judge’s box, just
before the start, a dead-heat will take place between all the placed

~Derrick~, an apparatus for raising sunken ships, &c. The term is
curiously derived from a hangman of that name frequently mentioned in
Old Plays, as in the _Bellman of London_, 1616.

    “He rides circuit with the devil, and DERRICK must be his host, and
    Tyborne the inn at which he will light.”

The term is now almost general for all cranes used in loading ships, or
doing similar work of a heavy nature.

~Despatchers~, false dice with two sets of numbers, and, of course, no
low pips. So called because they bring the matter to a speedy issue.
Great skill in palming is necessary for their successful use.

~Deuce~, the devil.—_Old._ Stated by _Junius_ and others to be from

~Deuce~, twopence; DEUCE at cards or dice, one with two pips or spots.

~Devil~, among barristers, to get up the facts of a case for a leader;
to arrange everything in the most comprehensive form, so that the Q.C.
or Serjeant can absorb the question without much trouble. DEVILLING is
juniors’ work, but much depends on it, and on the ability with which it
is done.

~Devil~, a printer’s youngest apprentice, an errand-boy in a

~Devil dodger~, a clergyman; also a person who goes sometimes to church
and sometimes to meeting.

~Devil-may-care~, reckless, rash.

~Devil’s bed-posts~, the four of clubs. Otherwise Old Gentleman’s

~Devil’s books~, a pack of playing-cards; a phrase of Presbyterian
origin.—_See_ FOUR KINGS.

~Devil’s delight~, a noise or row of any description. Generally used
thus:—“They kicked up the DEVIL’S DELIGHT.”

~Devil’s dung~, the fetid drug assafœtida.

~Devil’s dust~, a term used in the manufacturing districts of Yorkshire
to denote shreds of old cloth torn up to re-manufacture; also called
SHODDY. Mr. Ferrand, in his speech in the House, March 4, 1842, produced
a piece of cloth made chiefly from DEVIL’S DUST, and tore it into shreds
to prove its worthlessness.—_See Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates_,
third series, vol. lxi. p. 140.

~Devil-scolder~, a clergyman.

~Devil’s livery~, black and yellow. From the mourning and quarantine
uses of the colours.

~Devil’s teeth~, or DEVIL’S BONES, dice.

~Devotional habits~, horses weak in the knees, and apt to stumble and
fall, are said to have these.—_Stable._

~Dew-beaters~, feet; “hold out your DEW-BEATERS till I take off the
darbies.”—_Peveril of the Peak._ Forby says the word is used in Norfolk
for heavy shoes to resist wet.

~Dew-drink~, a morning draught, such as is served out to labourers in
harvest time before commencing work.

~Dewskitch~, a good thrashing, perhaps from catching one’s due.

~Dibbs~, money; so called from the huckle bones of sheep, which have
been used from the earliest times for gambling purposes when money was
not obtainable—in one particular game being thrown up five at a time
and caught on the back of the hand like halfpence.

~Dick~, a riding whip; gold-headed DICK, one so ornamented.

~Dick~, abbreviation of “Dictionary,” but often euphemistically rendered
“Richard,”—fine language, long words. A man who uses fine words without
much judgment is said to have “swallowed the DICK.”

~Dickens~, synonymous with devil; “what the DICKENS are you after?” what
the devil are you doing? Used by Shakspeare in the _Merry Wives of
Windsor_. In many old stories his Satanic Majesty is called the DICKENS,
and by no other name, while in some others the word is spelt “diconce.”

~Dickey~, bad, sorry, or foolish; food or lodging is pronounced DICKEY
when of a poor description; “very DICKEY”, very inferior; “it’s all
DICKEY with him,” _i.e._, all over with him.

~Dickey~, formerly the cant for a worn-out shirt, but nowadays used for
a front or half-shirt. DICKEY was originally “tommy” (from the Greek,
τομή, a section), a name which was formerly used in Trinity College,
Dublin. The students are said to have invented the term, and love of
change and circumlocution soon changed it to DICKEY, in which dress it
is supposed to have been imported into England.

~Dickey~, a donkey.—_Norfolk._

~Dickey Sam~, a native of Liverpool.

~Dicking;~ “look! the bulky is DICKING,” _i.e._, the constable has his
eye on you.—_North Country Cant._

~Diddle~, old cant word for geneva, or gin.

~Diddle~, to cheat, or defraud.—_Old._ In _German_, DUDELN is to play
on the bagpipe; and the ideas of piping and cheating seem to have been
much connected. “Do you think I am easier played on than a pipe?” occurs
in _Hamlet_.

~Diddler~, or JEREMY DIDDLER, an artful swindler. A diddler is generally
one who borrows money without any intention of ever repaying it; the
sort of man who, having asked for half-a-crown and received only a
shilling, would consider that eighteenpence was owing to him.—From
_Raising the Wind_.

~Diddling~, cheating or swindling. Borrowing money without any intention
of repaying it. Edgar Allan Poe wrote a very amusing article once on
DIDDLING, which he seemed to regard as a rather high art.

~Didoes~, pranks or capers; “to cut up DIDOES,” to make pranks.

~Dig~, a hard blow. Generally in pugilistic circles applied to a
straight “left-hander,” delivered under the guard on the “mark.”

~Diggers~, spurs; also the spades on cards.

~Diggings~, lodgings, apartments, residence; an expression probably
imported from California, or Australia, with reference to the gold
diggings. It is very common nowadays for a man moving in very decent
society to call his abode or his office, or anyplace to which he
frequently resorts, his “DIGGINGS.”

~Dilly~, originally a coach, from _diligence_. Now a night-cart.

~Dilly-dally~, to trifle.

~Dimber~, neat or pretty.—_Worcestershire_, but old cant.

~Dimber-damber~, very pretty; a clever rogue who excels his fellows;
chief of a gang. _Old Cant_ in the latter sense.

~Dimmock~, money; “how are you off for DIMMOCK?” diminutive of DIME, a
small foreign silver coin, in the United States 10 cents.

~Dinarly~, money; “NANTEE DINARLY,” I have no money, corrupted from the
_Lingua Franca_, “NIENTE DINARO,” not a penny. _Turkish_, DINARI;
_Spanish_, DINERO; _Latin_, DENARIUS.

~Dine out~, to go without dinner. “I DINED OUT to-day,” would express
the same among the very lower classes that “dining with Duke Humphrey”
expresses among the middle and upper.

~Ding~, to strike; to throw away, or get rid of anything; to pass to a
confederate by throwing. _Old_, used in old plays.

    “The butcher’s axe (like great Alcides’ bat)
      _Dings_ deadly downe ten thousand thousand flat.”

        _Taylor’s Works_, 1630.

~Dingy~, a small boat. Generally the smallest boat carried by a ship.
The _g_ in this is pronounced hard.

~Dipped~, mortgaged.

~Dirt~, TO EAT, an expression derived from the East, nearly the same as
“to eat humble (_Umble_) pie,” to put up with a mortification or insult.

~Dirty Half-hundred~, a nickname given to the 50th Regiment on account
of their tattered and soiled appearance during the Peninsular War. A
term to be proud of, as it implies much work and little reward.

~Disguised~, intoxicated. A very old term is that of “DISGUISED in

    “Some say drinking does DISGUISE men.”—_Old Song._

    “The saylers and the shipmen all,
      Through foul excesse of wine,
    Were so DISGUISED that at the sea
      They shew’d themselves like swine.”

        _Thos. Deloney’s Strange Histories_, p. 14.

~Dish~, to stop, to do away with, to suppress; DISHED, done for,
floored, beaten, or silenced. To “do brown” and to “DISH,” both verbs
with very similar meanings, have an evident connexion so far as origin
is concerned, and most likely were both first used in the kitchen as
synonymous with “done for.” The late Lord Derby made the word “DISH”
famous by his latest public act, that of “DISHING the Whigs.”

~Dithers~, nervous or cold shiverings; “it gave me the DITHERS.”

~Dittoes~, A SUIT OF, coat, waistcoat, and trousers of the same
material.—_Tailor’s term._

~Ditty-bag~, the bag or huswife in which sailors keep needles, thread,
buttons, &c., for mending their clothes.

~Diver~, a pickpocket. Also applied to fingers, no doubt from a similar
reason. To DIVE is to pick pockets.

~Do~, this useful and industrious verb has for many years done service
as a slang term. To DO a person is to cheat him. Sometimes another tense
is employed, such as “I DONE him,” meaning, I cheated or “paid him out;”
this is only used in the lowest grades of society. DONE BROWN, cheated
thoroughly, befooled; DONE OVER, upset, cheated, knocked down, ruined.
Among thieves DONE OVER means that a man’s pockets have been all quietly
searched; the term also means among low people seduced; DONE UP, used
up, finished, or quieted. DONE also means convicted, or sentenced; so
does DONE-FOR. To DO a person in pugilism is to beat him. Humphreys, who
fought Mendoza, a Jew, wrote this laconic note to his supporter—“I have
DONE the Jew, and am in good health.—Rich. Humphreys.” Tourists use the
expression, “I have DONE France and Italy,” meaning I have been through
those countries.

~Dobie~, an Indian washerman; and though women wash clothes in this
country, Anglo-Indians speak of a washerwoman as a DOBIE.

~Doctor~, to adulterate or drug liquor; to poison, to hocus; also to
falsify accounts. A publican who sells bad liquors is said to keep the
DOCTOR in his cellars. On board ship the cook is always termed “the

~Doddy~, a term applied in Norfolk to any person of low stature.
Sometimes HODMANDOD and “HODDY-DODDY, all head and no body.” DODMAN in
the same dialect denotes a garden snail.

~Dodge~, a cunning trick. “DODGE, that homely but expressive
phrase.”—Sir Hugh Cairns on the Reform Bill, 2nd March, 1859.
_Anglo-Saxon_, DEOGIAN, to colour, to conceal. The TIDY DODGE, as it is
called by street-folk, consists in dressing up a family clean and tidy,
and parading in the streets to excite compassion and obtain alms.

~Dodger~, a dram. In Kent, a DODGER signifies a nightcap; which name is
often given to the last dram at night.

~Dodger~, a tricky person, or one who, to use the popular phrase, “knows
too much.” Also one who knows all phases of London life, and profits by
such knowledge.

~Dogberry~, a foolish constable.—_Shakspeare._

~Dog cheap~, or DOG-FOOLISH, very or singularly cheap, or foolish.
Latham, in his _English Language_, says:—“This has nothing to do with
dogs. The first syllable is god = _good_, transposed, and the second,
the ch‑‑p, is chapman, merchant: compare EASTCHEAP.”—_Old term._

~Doggery~, nonsense, transparent attempts to cheat.

~Dog gone~, a form of mild swearing used by boys.

~Dog in a blanket~, a kind of pudding, made of preserved fruit spread on
thin dough, and then rolled up and boiled. This pudding is also called
“rolly-polly” and “stocking.”

~Dog in the manger~, a scurvy, ill-conditioned, selfish fellow. From the
fable of that title.

~Dog Latin~, barbarous Latin, such as was formerly used by lawyers in
their pleadings. Now applied to medical Latin.

~Dogs~, TO GO TO THE, to be commercially or socially ruined. Originally
a stable term applied to old or worthless horses, sold to feed hounds.

~Dog’s body~, a kind of pease pudding.—_Sea._

~Dog’s ears~, the curled corners of the leaves of books, which have been
carelessly treated. The use of this term is so common that it is hardly
to be considered slang.

~Dog’s nose~, gin and beer, so called from the mixture being _cold_,
like a dog’s nose.

~Dog stealer~, a DOG DEALER. There is sometimes less difference between
the two trades than between “d” and “st.”

~Doing time~, working out a sentence in prison. “He’s done time,” is a
slang phrase used in reference to a man who is known to have been in

~Doldrums~, difficulties, low spirits, dumps.—_Sea._

~Dollop~, a lump or portion.—_Norfolk._ _Anglo-Saxon_, DALE, _dole_.

~Dollop~, to _dole up_, to give up a share.—_Ibid._

~Dolly~, a very mild gambling contrivance, generally used in sweetmeat
and other child’s-ware shops, until stopped by the authorities a few
years back, and consisting of a round board and the figure of an old man
or “DOLLY,” down which was a spiral hole. A marble dropped “down the
DOLLY,” would stop in one of the small holes or pits (numbered) on the
board. The bet was decided according as the marble stopped on a high or
low figure. _See_ DOLLY-SHOP.

~Dollymop~, a tawdrily-dressed maid-servant, a semi-professional

~Dolly shop~, an illegal pawnshop,—where goods, or stolen property, not
good enough for the pawnbroker, are received, and charged at so much per
day. If not redeemed the third day the goods are forfeited. Originally
these shops were rag shops as well, and were represented by the _black
doll_, the usual sign of a rag shop. Twenty years ago, a DOLLY SHOP was,
among boys, a small sweetstuff and fruit shop where a hollow wooden
figure, of the kind described above, was kept. A wager was made, and the
customer got double quantity for his money, or nothing. A paternal
legislature, and a police system worthy of the task, have long since
wiped this blot from a nation’s face. The amount at stake was generally
a halfpenny, sometimes less.

~Dominie~, a parson, or master at a grammar school.

~Domino~, a common ejaculation of soldiers and sailors when they receive
the last lash of a flogging. The allusion may be understood from the
game of dominoes. A DOMINO means either a blow, or the last of a series
of things, whether pleasant or otherwise, so the ejaculation savours
somewhat of wit.

~Dominoes~, the teeth.

~Don~, a clever fellow, the opposite of a muff; a person of distinction
in his line or walk. At the English Universities, the Masters and
Fellows are the DONS. DON is also used as an adjective, “a DON hand at a
knife and fork,” _i.e._, a first-rate feeder at a dinner-table.

~Dona and feeles~, a woman and children. _Italian_ or _Lingua Franca_,
DONNE E FIGLIE. The word DONA is usually pronounced DONER.

~Done!~ the expression used when a bet is accepted. To be DONE, is to be
considerably worsted.—_See_ also DO.

~Done up~, an equivalent expression to “dead beat.”

~Donkey~, “tuppence more and up goes the DONKEY,” a vulgar street phrase
for extracting as much money as possible before performing any task. The
phrase had its origin with a travelling showman, the finale of whose
performance was the hoisting of a DONKEY on a pole or ladder; but this
consummation was never arrived at unless the required amount was first
paid up, and “tuppence more” was generally the sum demanded.

~Donkey~, in printers’ slang, means a compositor. In the days before
steam machinery was invented, the men who worked at press—the
pressmen—were so dirty and drunken a body that they earned the name of
pigs. In revenge, and for no reason that can be discovered, they
christened the compositors DONKEYS.

~Don Pedro~, a game at cards. It is a compound of All Fours, and the
Irish game variously termed All Fives, Five and Ten, Fifteen,
Forty-five, &c. It was probably invented by the mixed English and Irish
rabble who fought in Portugal in 1832-3.

~Dookin~, fortune-telling. _Gipsy_, DUKKERIN.

~Dose~, three months’ imprisonment with hard labour.

~Doss~, a bed. Probably from DOZE, though quite as likely from DORSE,
the back. Least likely of all, as any one who knows aught about the
surrounding circumstances of those who use the term will admit, is it
from the Norman, DOSSEL, a hanging or bed canopy, from which some have
professed to derive it.

~Doss~, to sleep, formerly spelt DORSE. _Gael._, DOSAL, slumber. In the
old pugilistic days a man knocked down, or out of time, was said to be
“sent to DORSE,” but whether because he was senseless, or because he lay
on his back, is not known, though most likely the latter.

~Dossing-ken~, a lodging-house.

~Dot and go one~, a lame or limping man.

~Do the high~, to walk up and down High Street on Sunday evenings,
especially just after Church.—_Oxford University._

~Double~, “to tip (or give) the DOUBLE,” to run away from any person; to
double back, turn short round upon one’s pursuers, and so escape, as a
hare does.—_Sporting._

~Double cross~, a CROSS in which a man who has engaged to lose breaks
his engagement, and “goes straight” at the last moment. This proceeding
is called “doubling” or “putting the double on,” and is often productive
of much excitement in athletic circles.—_See_ CROSS.

~Double lines~, ship casualties. So called at Lloyd’s from the manner of
entering in books kept for the purpose.

~Double-shuffle~, a low, shuffling, noisy dance, common amongst
costermongers. Sometimes called “cellar flap,” from its being danced by
the impecunious on the cellar-flaps of public-houses, outside which they
must perforce remain.

~Doublet~, a spurious diamond, made up of two smaller stones for pawning
or duffing purposes. These articles are cleverly manufactured and
excellently set, and a practised eye can alone detect the
imposition.—_See_ MOSKENEER.

~Double up~, to pair off, or “chum” with another man; to beat severely,
so as to leave the sufferer “all of a heap.”

~Doughy~, a sufficiently obvious nickname for a baker.

~Douse~, to put out; “DOUSE that glim,” put out that candle. In Norfolk
this expression is DOUT, which is clearly for DO OUT. Sometimes DOUSE
means to rinse; and sometimes to throw water, clean or dirty, over any
one, is to “DOUSE it.”

~Dovercourt~, a noisy assemblage; “all talkers and no hearers, like
DOVERCOURT.” At Dovercourt, in Essex, a court is annually held; and as
the members principally consist of rude fishermen, the irregularity
noticed in the proverbial saying frequently prevails. Bramston in his
_Art of Politics_ says:—

    “Those who would captivate the well-bred throng,
    Should not too often speak, nor speak too long;
    Church, nor church matters, ever turn to sport,
    Nor make St. Stephen’s Chapel DOVER COURT.”

This would seem to be more properly applied to a Court of Dover people,

~Dove-tart~, a pigeon pie. A snake tart is an eel pie.

~Dowd~, a woman’s nightcap.—_Devonshire_: also an American term;
possibly from DOWDY, a slatternly woman.

~Dowlas~, a linendraper. DOWLAS is a sort of towelling.

~Down~, to be aware of, or awake to, any move—in this meaning,
exchangeable with UP; “DOWN upon one’s luck,” unfortunate; “DOWN in the
mouth,” disconsolate; “to be DOWN on one,” to treat him harshly or
suspiciously, to pounce upon him, or detect his tricks.

~Downer~, a sixpence; apparently the Gipsy word, TAWNO, “little one,” in
course of metamorphosis into the more usual “tanner.”

~Downs~, Tothill Fields’ Prison.

~Down the road~, stylish, showy, after the fashion.

~Down to the ground~, an American rendering of the word entirely; as,
“that suits me DOWN TO THE GROUND.”

~Downy~, knowing or cunning; “a DOWNY COVE,” a knowing or experienced
sharper. Literally, a DOWNY person is one who is “DOWN to every move on
the board.” In Norfolk, however, it means low-spirited, _i.e._, DOWN in
the mouth.

~Dowry~, a lot, a great deal; “DOWRY of parny,” lot of rain or
water.—_See_ PARNY. Probably from the Gipsy.

~Dowsers~, men who profess to tell fortunes, and who, by the use of the
divining rod, pretend to be able to discover treasure-trove.—_Cornish._

~Doxy~, the female companion of a tramp or beggar. In the West of
England, the women frequently call their little girls DOXIES, in a
familiar or endearing sense. _Orthodoxy_ has been described as being a
man’s own DOXY, and _heterodoxy_ another man’s DOXY.—_Ancient Cant._

~Drab~, a vulgar or low woman.—_Shakspeare._

~Drab~, poison.—_Romany._

~Draft on Aldgate Pump~, an old mercantile phrase for a fictitious
banknote or fraudulent bill.

~Drag~, a cart of any kind, term generally used to denote any
particularly well-appointed turnout, drawn by a pair or four horses,
especially at race meetings.

~Drag~, feminine attire worn by men. A recent notorious impersonation
case led to the publication of the word in that sense.

~Drag~, a street, or road; BACK-DRAG, back street.

~Drag~, or THREE MOON, three months in prison.

~Drag~, THE, a favourite pursuit with fast-hunting sets; as, THE DRAG
can be trailed over very stiff country.

~Dragging~, robbing carts, &c., by means of a light trap which follows
behind laden vehicles. Cabs are sometimes eased of trunks in this way,
though it is hard to say whether with or without the complicity of the

~Dragging time~, the evening of a country fair day, when the young
fellows begin pulling the wenches about.

~Draggletail~, a dirty, dissipated woman; a prostitute of the lowest

~Drain~, a drink; “to do a DRAIN,” to take a friendly drink—“do a wet;”
sometimes called a “common sewer.”

~Draw~, used in several senses:—1, of a theatre, new piece or
exhibition, when it attracts the public and succeeds; 2, to induce—as,
“DRAW him on;” 3, of pocket-picking—as, “DRAW his wipe,” “DRAW his
ticker.” In sporting parlance it is used with an ellipsis of “trigger,”
“I DREW on it as it rose.” In America to “DRAW on a man” is to produce
knife or pistol, and to use it as well. Where lethal weapons are used in
the States, no man raises his weapon till he means to use it, and a
celebrated American writer has recently given a dissertation on the
relative advantages of cocking and firing a pistol by an almost
simultaneous action as it is raised, and of cocking as the instrument is
raised, and of then dropping the muzzle slightly as the trigger is
pulled. The former way is more speedy, the latter more effective. “Come,
DRAW it mild!” _i.e._, don’t exaggerate; opposite of “come it strong,”
from the phraseology of the bar (of a “public”), where customers desire
the beer to be “drawn mild.”

~Draw-boy~, a cunning device used by puffing tradesmen. A really good
article is advertised or ticketed and exposed for sale in the shop
window at a very low price, with a view of drawing in customers to
purchase other and inferior articles at high prices. These gentry have
fortunately found to their cost, on one or two occasions, by means of
magisterial decisions, that DRAW-BOYS have drawn for their owners
something other than profit.

~Drawers~, formerly the ancient cant name for very long stockings.

~Drawing teeth~, wrenching off knockers.—_Medical Student slang._

~Drawlatch~, a loiterer.

~Draw off~, to throw back the body to give impetus to a blow; “he DREW
OFF, and delivered on the left drum.”—_Pugilistic._ A sailor would say,
“he hauled off and slipped in.”

~Draw the long bow~, to tell extravagant stories, to exaggerate
overmuch; same as “throw the hatchet.” From the extremely wonderful
stories which used to be told of the Norman archers, and more
subsequently of Indians’ skill with the tomahawk.

~Dress a hat~, TO, to rob in a manner very difficult of detection. The
business is managed by two or more servants or shopmen of different
employers, exchanging their master’s goods; as, for instance, a
shoemaker’s shopman receives shirts or other articles from a hosier’s,
in return for a pair of boots. Another very ingenious method may be
witnessed about eleven o’clock in the forenoon in any of the suburban
districts of London. A butcher’s boy, with a bit of steak filched from
his master’s shop, or from a customer, falls in with a neighbouring
baker’s man, who has a loaf obtained in a similar manner. Their mutual
friend, the potboy, in full expectation of their visit, has the tap-room
fire bright and clear, and not only cooks the steak, but again, by means
of collusion, this time with the barman or barmaid, “stands a shant of
gatter” as his share. So a capital luncheon is improvised for the three,
without the necessity of paying for it; and this practical communistic
operation is styled DRESSING A HAT. Most likely from the fact that a hat
receives the attention of three or four people before it is properly fit
for wear.

~Dripping~, a cook.

~Drive~, a term used by tradesmen in speaking of business; “he’s DRIVING
a roaring trade,” _i.e._, a very good one; hence, to succeed in a
bargain, “I DROVE a good bargain,” _i.e._, got the best end of it. To
“LET DRIVE at one,” to strike out. A man snoring hard is said to be
“DRIVING his pigs to market.”

~Drive at~, to aim at; “what is he DRIVING AT?” “what does he intend to
imply?” a phrase often used when a circuitous line of argument is
adopted by a barrister, or a strange set of questions asked, the purport
of which is not very evident.

~Driz~, lace. In a low lodging-house this singular autograph inscription
appeared over the mantelpiece. “Scotch Mary, with DRIZ [lace], bound to
Dover and back, please God.” It is a common thing for ignorant or
superstitious people to make some mark or sign before going on a
journey, and then to wonder whether it will be there when they return.

~Driz-fencer~, a person who sells lace.

~Drop~, “to DROP an acquaintance,” to relinquish a connexion, is very
polite slang. DROPPING is distinguished from cutting by being done
gradually and almost imperceptibly, whereas cutting has outward and
visible signs which may be unpleasantly resented. To “DROP money” at any
form of speculation or gambling, is to lose it.

~Drop~, to quit, go off, or turn aside; “DROP the main Toby,” go off the
main road.

~Drop~, “to DROP a man,” to knock him down; “to DROP into a person,” to
give him a thrashing. _See_ SLIP and WALK. “To DROP on a man,” to accuse
or rebuke him suddenly.

~Drop it~, synonymous with “cut it” or “cheese it.” Probably from the
signal given in the good old hanging days by the culprit, who used
generally to drop a handkerchief when he was ready for the cart to be
moved from under him.

~Drum~, a house, a lodging, a street; HAZARD-DRUM, a gambling-house;
FLASH-DRUM, a house of ill-fame.

~Drum~, the ear.—_Pugilistic._ An example of slang synecdoche.

~Drum~, as applied to the road, is doubtless from the Wallachian gipsy
word “DRUMRI,” derived from the _Greek_, δρόμος.

~Drum~, old slang for a ball or rout; afterwards called a hop.

~Drummer~, a robber who first makes his victims insensible by drugs or
violence, and then plunders them.

~Drumsticks~, legs; DRUMSTICK CASES, trousers. The leg of a fowl is
generally called a DRUMSTICK.

~Dryasdust~, an antiquary. From Scott.

~Dry lodging~, sleeping and sitting accommodation only, without board.
This is lodging-house keepers’ slang, and is generally used in reference
to rooms let to lodgers who take their meals at their clubs, or in the
City, according to their social positions.

~Dry nurse~, when an inferior officer on board ship carries on the duty,
on account of the captain’s ignorance of seamanship, the junior officer
is said to DRY-NURSE his captain. Majors and adjutants in the army also
not unfrequently DRY-NURSE the colonels of their regiments in a similar
manner. The sergeant who coaches very young officers, is called a “wet
nurse.” The abolition of purchase has, however, considerably modified
all this.

~D.T.~, a popular abbreviation of delirium tremens; sometimes written
and pronounced _del. trem._ D.T. also often represents the _Daily

~Dub~, to pay or give; “DUB UP,” pay up.

~Dubash~, a general agent.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Dubber~, the mouth or tongue; “mum your DUBBER,” hold your tongue.

~Dubsman~, or SCREW, a turnkey.—_Old Cant._

~Ducats~, money.—_Theatrical Slang._

~Duck~, a bundle of bits of the “stickings” of beef sold for food to the
London poor.—_See_ FAGGOT.

~Ducket~, a ticket of any kind. Generally applied to pawnbroker’s
duplicates and raffle cards. Probably from DOCKET.

~Ducks~, trousers. _Sea_ term. The expression most in use on land is
“white DUCKS,” _i.e._, white pantaloons or trousers.

~Ducks and Drakes~, “to make DUCKS AND DRAKES of one’s money,” to throw
it away childishly—derived from children “shying” flat stones on the
surface of a pool, which they call DUCKS AND DRAKES, according to the
number of skips they make.

~Dudder~, or DUDSMAN, a person who formerly travelled the country as a
pedlar, selling gown-pieces, silk waistcoats, &c., to countrymen. In
selling a waistcoat-piece, which cost him perhaps five shillings, for
thirty shillings or two pounds, he would show great fear of the revenue
officer, and beg the purchasing clodhopper to kneel down in a puddle of
water, crook his arm, and swear that it might never become straight if
he told an exciseman, or even his own wife. The term and practice are
nearly obsolete. In Liverpool, however, and at the East-end of London,
men dressed up as sailors, with pretended silk handkerchiefs and cigars
“only just smuggled from the Indies,” are still to be plentifully found.

~Dudeen~, or DUDHEEN, a short tobacco-pipe. Common term in Ireland and
the Irish quarters of London.

~Duds~, clothes, or personal property. _Gaelic_, DUD; _Ancient Cant_;
also _Dutch_.

~Duff~, to cheat, to sell spurious goods, often under pretence of their
being stolen or smuggled.

~Duff~, pudding; vulgar pronunciation of dough.—_Sea._

~Duffer~, a hawker of “Brummagem” or sham jewellery, or of shams of any
kind, a fool, a worthless person. DUFFER was formerly synonymous with
DUDDER, and was a general term given to pedlars. It is mentioned in the
_Frauds of London_ (1760) as a word in frequent use in the last century
to express cheats of all kinds.

~Duffer~, anything of no merit. A term applied by artists to a picture
below mediocrity, and by dealers in jewellery to any spurious article.
It is now general in its application to a worthless fellow.

~Duffing~, false, counterfeit, worthless.

~Duffy~, a term for a ghost or spirit among the West Indian negroes. In
all probability the DAVY JONES of sailors, and a contraction thereof

~Duke~, gin, a term amongst livery servants.

~Duke Humphrey.~ “To dine with DUKE HUMPHREY” is a euphuism for dining
not at all. Many reasons have been given for the saying, and the one
most worthy of credence is this:—Some visitors were inspecting the
abbey where the remains of Humphrey Duke of Gloucester lie, and one of
them was unfortunately shut in, and remained there _solus_ while his
companions were feasting at a neighbouring hostelry. He was afterwards
said to have dined with DUKE HUMPHREY, and the saying eventually passed
into a proverb.

~Dukes~, or DOOKS, the hands, originally modification of the rhyming
slang, “Duke of Yorks,” forks = fingers, hands—a long way round, but
quite true. The word is in very common use among low folk. “Put up your
DOOKS” is a kind invitation to fight.

~Dukey~, or DOOKEY, a penny gaff, which _see_.

~Dumbfound~, to perplex, to beat soundly till not able to speak.
Originally a cant word. Johnson cites the _Spectator_ for the earliest
use. _Scotch_, DUMBFOUNDER.

~Dummacker~, a knowing or acute person.

~Dummies~, empty bottles, and drawers in an apothecary’s shop, labelled
so as to give the idea of an extensive stock. Chandlers’ shop keepers
and small general dealers use dummies largely, half-tubs of butter,
bladders of lard, hams, cheeses, &c., being specially manufactured for
them. Dummies in libraries generally take the form of “Hume and
Smollett’s History of England” and other works not likely to tempt the
general reader.

~Dummy~, a deaf-and-dumb person; a clumsy, awkward fellow; any one
unusually thick-witted.

~Dummy~, in three-handed whist the person who holds two hands plays

~Dummy~, a pocket-book. In this word the derivation is obvious, being
connected with DUMB, _i.e._, that which makes no sound. As a thieves’
term for a pocket-book, it is peculiarly applicable, for the contents of
pocket-books, bank-notes and papers, make no noise, while the money in a
purse may betray its presence by chinking.

~Dump fencer~, a man who sells buttons.

~Dumpish~, sullen or gloomy.

~Dumpy~, short and stout.

~Dun~, to solicit payment.—_Old Cant_, from the French DONNEZ, give; or
from JOE DIN, or DUN, a famous bailiff; or simply a corruption of DIN,
from the _Anglo-Saxon_ DUNAN, to clamour.

~Dunderhead~, a blockhead.

~Dundreary~, an empty swell.

~Dung~, an operative who works for an employer who does not give full or
“society” wages.

~Dungaree~, low, common, coarse, vulgar.—_Anglo-Indian._ DUNGAREE is
the name of a disreputable suburb of Bombay, and also of a coarse blue
cloth worn by sailors.

    “As smart a young fellow as ever you’d see,
    In jacket and trousers of blue DUNGAREE.”

~Dunkhorned~, sneaking, shabby. DUNKHORN in Norfolk is the short, blunt
horn of a beast, and the adjective is applied to a cuckold who has not
spirit to resist his disgrace.

~Dunnage~, baggage, clothes. Also, a sea term for wood or loose faggots
laid at the bottom of ships, upon which is placed the cargo.

~Dunnyken~, originally DANNAKEN, a watercloset.—From DANNA and KEN,
which _see_.

~Durrynacking~, offering lace or any other article as an introduction to
fortune-telling; generally practised by women.

~Dust~, money; “down with the DUST,” put down the money.—_Ancient._
Dean Swift once took for his text, “He who giveth to the poor lendeth to
the Lord.” His sermon was short. “Now, my brethren,” said he, “if you
are satisfied with the security, down with the DUST.”

~Dust~, a disturbance, or noise, “to raise a DUST,” to make a row.

~Dust~, to beat; “DUST one’s jacket,” _i.e._, give him a beating.

~Dust-hole~, Sidney Sussex College at Cambridge.—_Univ. Slang._

~Dust-hole~, the Queen’s Theatre, Tottenham Court Road, was so called
until comparatively recently, when it was entirely renovated and
renamed, and now, as the Prince of Wales’s, it is one of the most
fortunate and fashionable theatres in London.

~Dustoorie~, commission, douceur, bribe.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Dusty~, a phrase used in answering a question where one expects
approbation. “What do you think of this?” “Well, it’s not so DUSTY,”
_i.e._, not so bad; sometimes varied to “none so DUSTY.”

~Dutch~, or DOUBLE DUTCH, gibberish, or any foreign tongue. “To talk
DOUBLE DUTCH backwards on a Sunday” is a humorous locution for
extraordinary linguistic facility.

~Dutch auction~, a method of selling goods, adopted by “CHEAP JOHNS,” to
evade the penalties for selling without a licence. The article is
offered all round at a high price, which is then dropped until it is
taken. DUTCH AUCTIONS need not be illegitimate transactions, and their
economy (as likewise that of puffing) will be found minutely explained
in Sugden (Lord St. Leonards) “On Vendors and Purchasers.”

~Dutch concert~, where each performer plays a different tune. Sometimes
called a DUTCH MEDLEY when vocal efforts only are used.

~Dutch consolation~, “thank God it is no worse.” “It might have been
worse,” said a man whom the devil was carrying to hell. “How?” asked a
neighbour. “Well, he’s carrying me—he might have made me carry him.”

~Dutch courage~, false courage, generally excited by drink—pot-valour.

~Dutch feast~, where the host gets drunk before his guest.

~Dutch uncle~, a personage often introduced in conversation, but
exceedingly difficult to describe; “I’ll talk to him like a DUTCH
UNCLE!” conveys the notion of anything but a desirable relation.

~Earl of Cork~, the ace of diamonds.—_Hibernicism._

    “‘What do you mean by the Earl of Cork?’ asked Mr. Squander. ‘The
    ace of diamonds, your honour. It’s the worst ace, and the poorest
    card in the pack, and is called the EARL OF CORK, because he’s the
    poorest nobleman in Ireland.’”—_Carleton’s Traits and Stories of
    the Irish Peasantry._

~Early~, “to get up EARLY,” to prepare for a difficult task. “You’ll
have to get up very EARLY in the morning to beat that.” Early rising and
ability seem also closely connected by certain modifications of this
expression. Possibly the belief is that a man who rises early for early
rising’s sake deserves to be clever. Perhaps the greatest enjoyment a
day labourer—whose work commences at six in the winter mornings, and
who may have to rise at half-past four and trudge off—can have, is a
“quiet snooze” after the usual time of rising. The early rising in “the
steel” is the chief terror of that institution in the minds of habitual

~Earwig~, a clergyman, also one who prompts another maliciously and

~Earwigging~, a private conversation; a rebuke in private; an attempt to
defame another unfairly, and without chance of appeal; a WIGGING is more

~Ease~, to rob; “EASING a bloke,” robbing a man.

~Eat his head off.~ A horse who is kept idle in the stable is said to
EAT HIS HEAD OFF. Of late the phrase has been applied to servants who
have little to do but constantly “dip their noses in the manger.”

~Eavesdropper~, a listener. The name is derived from the punishment
which, according to Oliver, was directed in the Lectures, at the revival
of Masonry in 1717, to be inflicted on a detected Cowan [g. v.], and
which was

    “To be placed under the eaves of the house in rainy weather, till
    the water runs in at his shoulders and out at his heels.”—_Mackey’s
    Lexicon of Freemasonry._

~Efter~, a thief who frequents theatres.

~Egg~, or EGG ON, to excite, stimulate, or provoke one person to quarrel
with another, &c. From the Anglo-Saxon _eggian_; or possibly a
corruption of EDGE, or EDGE ON, or even from _agere_, to

~Egg-flip~, or EGG-HOT, a drink made after the manner of purl and
bishop, with beer, eggs, and spirits made hot and sweetened.

~Elbow~, “to shake one’s ELBOW,” to play with dice; “to crook one’s
ELBOW,” to drink.

~Elbow grease~, labour, or industry. Anything that is rusty, or in
household work dirty or dingy, is said to require ELBOW GREASE.

~Elegant extracts~, a Cambridge University title for those students who
having failed only slightly in some one subject, and being “plucked”
accordingly, were allowed their degrees. This applied to the “Poll”
list, as the “Gulf” did to the “Honours.”

~Elephant~, “to have seen the ELEPHANT,” to be “_up_ to the latest
move,” or “_down_ to the last new trick;” to be knowing, and not
“green,” &c. Possibly a metaphor taken from the travelling menageries,
where the ELEPHANT is the finale of the exhibition.—Originally an
Americanism. Bartlett gives conflicting examples. General now, however.
A modification of this is “having seen the king.” When a man becomes
aware that he has been cheated or imposed on, and does not mean to stand
it any longer, he is said to have seen the king, _i.e._, to have seen
his adversary’s best card, and to be prepared for it.

~Elevated~, intoxicated. ELEVATION is the name of a drug-mixture much
used in the fen-counties for keeping up the spirits and preventing ague.
It consists mainly of opium.

~Enemy~, time, a clock, the ruthless enemy and tell-tale of idleness and
of mankind generally; “what says the ENEMY?” _i.e._, how goes the time?

~Essex lion~, a calf. A calf is probably the only lively animal to be
seen in a journey through Essex.

~Essex stile~, a ditch. A jocular allusion to the peculiarities of the
“low county.”

~Evaporate~, to go, or run away.

~Everlasting shoes~, the feet. The barefooted children about the Seven
Dials, and other low quarters of London, are said to wear EVERLASTING
SHOES and stockings. Another expression in connexion with this want is,
“the shoes and stockings their mothers gave them.”

~Everlasting staircase~, the treadmill. Sometimes, but very rarely now
called “Colonel Chesterton’s EVERLASTING STAIRCASE,” from the gallant
inventor or improver. Also known as “the STEPPER.”

~Exasperate~, to over-aspirate the letter H, or to aspirate it whenever
it commences a word, as is commonly done by under-educated people who
wish to show off their breeding. EXASPERATION does not refer to an
omission of the aspirate.

~Exes~, expenses. “Just enough to clear our exes.”

~Extensive~, frequently applied in a slang sense to a person’s
appearance or talk; “rather EXTENSIVE that!” intimating that the person
alluded to is showing off, or “cutting it fat.”

~Extracted~, placed on the list of “ELEGANT EXTRACTS.”—_Camb. Univ._

~Eye teeth~, supposed evidences of sharpness. A man is said to have, or
have not, cut his EYE TEETH, according to possession or want of

~Eye water~, gin. Term principally used by printers.

~Face~, credit at a public-house, impudence, confidence, brass; thus a
BRAZEN-FACE. “To run one’s FACE,” is to obtain credit in a bounceable
manner. “He’s got some FACE,” _i.e._, he has got lots of impudence.

~Face entry~, the entrée to a theatre. From the FACE being known, as
distinguished from free-list entry.

~Facer~, a blow on the face. In Ireland, a dram.

~Facer~, a tumbler of whisky-punch. Possibly from the suffusion of blood
to the face caused by it.

~Fad~, a hobby, a favourite pursuit.

~Fadge~, a farthing.

~Fadge~, a flat loaf.—_North._

~Fadge~, to suit or fit; “it wont FADGE,” it will not do. Used by
Shakspeare, but now heard only in the streets.

~Fadger~, a glazier’s frame. Otherwise called a “frail,” perhaps in
reference to the fragile nature of its contents.

~Fag~, a schoolboy who performs a servant’s offices to a superior
schoolmate. From FAG, to become weary or tired out. _Low German_, FAKK,

~Fag~, to beat.

~Faggot~, a bundle of bits of the “stickings” (hence probably its name)
sold for food to the London poor. It is sometimes called a duck. In
appearance it resembles a Scotch “haggis,” without, however, being
nearly so good as that fragrant article. Probably the FAG-END of a
thing, the inferior or remaining part, the refuse.

~Faggot~, a term of opprobrium used by low people to children and women;
“you little FAGGOT, you!” FAGGOT was originally a term of contempt for a
dry shrivelled old woman, whose bones were like a bundle of sticks, only
fit to burn.—Compare the French expression for a heretic, _sentir le

~Faggot briefs~, bundles of worthless papers tied up with red tape,
carried by unemployed barristers in the back rows of the courts to
simulate briefs.

~Faggot vote~, a phrase which belongs to the slang of politics, and
which was applied to a class of votes, by no means extinct even now,
though not so common as in the days preceding the first Reform Bill,
when constituencies were smaller, and individual votes were consequently
more valuable. FAGGOT VOTES were thus created:—A large landowner who
was blessed with, say, seven sons and seven brothers, and had also on
his estate fourteen labourers’ cottages worth about a shilling a week
each, would go through the form of sale of one cottage to each son and
each brother, it being perfectly understood that the title-deeds would
be returned when the occasion for their use was at an end. And thus the
squire would command fifteen votes instead of one. In a famous election
for the West Riding of Yorkshire during the third decade of the present
century, which cost upwards of half a million sterling, and ruined the
successful candidate, it was said that six hundred FAGGOT VOTES were
created by three noble lords. The origin of the term has been variously
explained. One ingenious writer has suggested that as a FAGGOT may be
split into a bundle of sticks, so was one estate thus split into a
bundle of votes. It is, however, more reasonable to suppose that it was
derived from the old word “FAGGOT,” which was used to describe a
“nominal soldier,” one, that is, whose name appeared on the muster-roll,
and for whom the colonel drew pay, but who was never to be found in the
ranks. The connexion is evident enough.

~Fake~, in the sporting world, means to hocus or poison. Fake is also a
mixture supposed to be used for purposes of “making safe.”

~Fake~, to cheat, or swindle; to do anything; to go on, or continue; to
make or construct; to steal or rob,—a verb variously used. FAKED, done,
or done for; “FAKE away, there’s no down;” go on, there is nobody
looking. From the _Latin_ FACERE.

~Fakement~, a false begging petition, any act of robbery, swindling, or
deception. FAKEMENT is a word of most general application among the
lower classes. Any things strange, and most things not strange, are
called FAKEMENTS, particularly if there is anything peculiar or artistic
in their production.

~Fakement Charley~, the owner’s private mark. FAKER, is one who makes or
FAKES anything. To “fake a cly,” is to pick a pocket.

~Fal-lals~, trumpery ornaments, gewgaws. Forby suggests as a derivation
the _Latin_ PHALERÆ, horse trappings.

~Fambles~, or FAMMS, the hands.—_Ancient Cant._ _German_, FANGEN.

~Family men~, or PEOPLE, thieves, or burglars.

~Fan~, a waistcoat.—_Houndsditch term._

~Fancy~, the favourite sports, pets, or pastime of a person, the ton of
low life. Pugilists are sometimes termed the FANCY. Shakspeare uses the
word in the sense of a favourite or pet; and the paramour of a
prostitute is still called her FANCY MAN.

~Fancy bloak~, a fancy or sporting man.

~Fanning~, a beating. FANNING is also stealing; CROSS-FANNING is
stealing with the arms crossed so as to distract attention, as in
stealing breast-pins, &c.

~Fanqui~, a European, literally foreign devil.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Fantail~, a dustman’s or coalheaver’s hat. So called from the shape.

~Farm~, to contract, after the manner of those who engage to feed and
lodge children belonging to the parish, at so much a head; a fruitful
cause of starvation and misery. _See Oliver Twist._ The baby farmings,
unconnected with the parishes in which they occurred, which ultimately
resulted in the trial and execution of Margaret Waters, on the 11th
October, 1870, have caused the word FARM as applied to any dealings with
children, parish or private, to be one of obloquy and reproach.

~Farmer.~ In Suffolk this term is applied to the eldest son of the
occupier of the farm. In London it is used derisively of a countryman,
and denotes a farm-labourer or clodpole. Both senses are different from
the proper meaning.

~Fast~, gay, spreeish, unsteady, thoughtless,—an Americanism that has
of late ascended from the streets to the drawing-room. The word has
certainly now a distinct meaning, which it had not thirty years ago.
QUICK is the synonym for FAST, but a QUICK MAN would not convey the
meaning of a FAST MAN,—a person who, by late hours, gaiety, and
continual rounds of pleasure, lives too fast, and wears himself out. In
polite society a FAST young lady is one who affects mannish habits, or
makes herself conspicuous by some unfeminine accomplishment,—talks
slang, drives about in London, smokes cigarettes, is knowing in dogs,
horses, &c. An amusing anecdote is told of a fast young lady, the
daughter of a right reverend prelate, who was an adept in horseflesh.
Being desirous of ascertaining the opinion of a candidate for
ordination, who had the look of a bird of the same feather, as to the
merits of some cattle just brought to her father’s palace for her to
select from, she was assured by him they were utterly unfit for a lady’s
use. With a knowing look at the horses’ points, she gave her decision in
these choice words, “Well, I agree with you; they _are_ a rum lot, as
the devil said of the ten commandments.” Charles Dickens once said that
“fast,” when applied to a young man, was only another word for loose, as
he understood the term; and a fast girl has been defined as a woman who
has lost her respect for men, and for whom men have lost their respect.

~Fast~, embarrassed, wanting money, tied up. Sometimes synonymous with
“hard up.”—_Yorkshire._

~Fast and loose~, to play FAST AND LOOSE with a man, is to treat him as
a fast friend in the days while he is useful, and to cast him loose
when he is no longer necessary; also, to equivocate or vacillate. In old
days it was the name of a vulgar pastime. _See_ PRICK THE GARTER.

~Fat~, a printer’s term signifying the void spaces on a page, for which
he is paid at the same rate as for full or unbroken pages. Occasionally
called “grease,” and applied variously, but always as showing some undue
or uncommon amount of advantage.

~Fat~, rich, abundant, &c.; “a FAT lot;” “to cut it FAT,” to exaggerate,
to show off in an extensive or grand manner, to assume undue importance;
“cut up FAT,” see under CUT. As a theatrical term, a part with plenty of
FAT in it is one which affords the actor an opportunity of effective

~Father~, or FENCE, a buyer of stolen property.

~Favourite~, the horse that has the lowest odds laid against it in the
betting list. When the FAVOURITE wins, the public or backers of horses
generally are the gainers. When an outsider wins, the ring, that is to
say, the persons who make a business of laying against the chances of
horses, are the gainers.

~Fawney~, a finger ring. _Irish_, FAINEE, a ring.

~Fawney bouncing~, selling rings for a pretended wager. This practice is
founded upon the old tale of a gentleman laying a wager that if he were
to offer “real gold sovereigns” at a penny a-piece at the foot of London
Bridge, the English public would be too incredulous to buy. The story
states that the gentleman stationed himself with sovereigns on a
tea-tray, and sold only two within the hour, thus winning the bet. This
tale the FAWNEY BOUNCERS tell the public, only offering brass,
double-gilt rings, instead of sovereigns.

~Fawney rig~, the ring-dropping trick. A few years ago this practice was
very common. A fellow purposely dropped a ring, or a pocket-book with
some little articles of jewellery, &c., in it, and when he saw any
person pick it up, ran to claim half. The ring found, the question of
how the booty was to be divided had then to be decided. The sharper
says, “If you will give me eight or nine shillings for my share, the
things are yours.” This the “flat” thinks very fair. The ring of course
is valueless, and the swallower of the bait discovers the trick too
late. For another way of doing this trick, _see_ RING-DROPPING.

~Feathers~, money, wealth; “in full FEATHER,” rich. FEATHERS is also a
term applied to dress; “in full FEATHER,” means very often in full
costume. It also means, at times, in high spirits.

~Feed~, a meal, generally a dinner. Originally stable slang, now pretty

~Feele~, a daughter, or child.—Corrupted _French_.

~Fellow-commoner~, uncomplimentary epithet used at Cambridge for an
empty bottle.

~Felt~, a hat.—_Old term_, in use in the sixteenth century.

~Fence~, a purchaser or receiver of stolen goods; also, the shop or
warehouse of a FENCER.—_Old Cant._

~Fen-nightingales~, toads and frogs, from their continued croaking at

~Feringee~, a European—that is, a Frank.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Ferricadouzer~, a knock-down blow, a good thrashing. Probably derived,
through the _Lingua Franca_, from the _Italian_, “far’ cader’ douser,”
to knock down. “Far’ cader’ morto,” is to knock down dead.

~Few~, used to signify the reverse, thus:—“Don’t you call this
considerably jolly?” “I believe you, my bo-o-oy, A FEW.” Sometimes the
reply is, “just a FEW.” Another expression of the same kind is RATHER,
which _see_.

~Fib~, to beat or strike.—_Old Cant._

~Fib~, to lie, to romance.

~Fibbing~, a series of blows delivered quickly, and at a short

~Fiddle~, a sharper, “a street mugger.” In America, a swindle or an

~Fiddle~, “to play second FIDDLE,” to act subordinately, or follow the
lead of another. From the orchestral practice.

~Fiddle-face~, a person with a wizened countenance.

~Fiddle-faddle~, twaddle, or trifling discourse.—_Old Cant._

~Fiddler~, a sharper, a cheat; also a careless, negligent, or dilatory
person. On board some ocean steamers the FIDDLER is the capstan-house,
the only place on board where passengers are permitted to smoke. The
term FIDDLER is easily traceable to the fact that, while the seamen are
working the capstan-bars, a man sometimes plays on the fiddle to cheer
them at their toil.

~Fiddler~, a sixpence. Fiddler’s money is small money; generally from
the old custom of each couple at a dance paying the fiddler sixpence.

~Fiddler~, or FADGE, a farthing.

~Fiddlers’ green~, the place where sailors expect to go when they die.
It is a place of fiddling, dancing, rum, and tobacco, and is undoubtedly
the “Land of Cocaigne,” mentioned in mediæval manuscripts. A story is
told of a drunken sailor who heard a street preacher threatening all
listeners with eternal damnation, and who went up and asked where he
(the sailor) was going after death. “To hell, of course,” replied the
preacher. “No, you lubberly son of a sea-cook!” shouted the seaman,
knocking the itinerant down; “I’m going to FIDDLER’S GREEN; and if you
say I’m not, I’ll throttle you.” Under compulsion, the preacher admitted
the existence of FIDDLER’S GREEN, _pro tempore_.

~Fiddles~, transverse pieces of wood used on shipboard to protect the
dishes at table during stormy weather. Swing tables obviate the use of

~Fiddle-sticks!~ an exclamation signifying nonsense. Sometimes

~Fiddling~, doing any odd jobs in the streets, holding horses, carrying
parcels, &c., for a living. Among the middle classes, FIDDLING means
idling away time, or trifling, and amongst sharpers it means gambling.

~Fid-fad~, a game similar to chequers, or drafts, played in the West of

~Field~, the whole of the runners in a race of any kind. “A FIELD of
fourteen runners was placed in care of the starter.” In betting
phraseology the FIELD represents the bulk of the horses, as opposed to
the favourite. “The FIELD for a pony,” means that the offerer will lay
25_l._ against the favourite, preferring the chances of a winner turning
up amongst the others. “Ten to one on the FIELD,” means that the price
named can be obtained about any horse in the race, that being the lowest
figure or favourite’s price. Laying against favourites is called
FIELDING, and bookmakers are often known as FIELDERS.

~Field~, “to look out,” at cricket. In the outings of an eleven the
FIELDERS are those who stand away from the wickets with a view to
checking the progress of the ball. FIELDING is a great essential to
cricket, and to be “a good FIELD” is no slight honour. Also to lay
against favourites in the betting.

~Field-lane duck~, a baked sheep’s head. Field Lane was a low London
thoroughfare leading from the foot of Holborn Hill to the purlieus of
Clerkenwell. It was formerly the market for stolen pocket-handkerchiefs.
Holborn Viaduct improved all but a small portion of Field Lane off the
face of the earth. There is but the smallest vestige of this famous (or
infamous) thoroughfare left. The neighbourhood has received an upheaval
within the past few years, and from one end the pedestrian must descend
to the remains of Field Lane by means of a flight of steps.

~Fieri-facias.~ A red-faced man is often jocularly said to have been
served with a writ of FIERI-FACIAS.

~Fi-fa~, a writ of Fieri-Facias.—_Legal._

~Fi-fi~, Thackeray’s term for Paul de Kock’s novels, and similar modern
French literature.

~Fig~, “in full FIG,” _i.e._, full-dress costume, “extensively got up.”
Possibly an allusion to the dress assumed by our first parents after
they were naked and not ashamed, or else an abbreviation of figure, in
the references to plates in books of fashions.

~Fig~, “to FIG a horse,” to play improper tricks with one in order to
make him lively. The FIG is a piece of wet ginger placed under a horse’s
tail for the purpose of making him appear lively, and enhance his price.

~Figaro~, a barber; from _Le Nozze di Figaro_.

~Fig-leaf~, a small apron worn by ladies.

~Figure~, “to cut a good or bad FIGURE,” to make good or indifferent
appearance; “what’s the FIGURE?” how much is to pay? FIGURE-HEAD, a
person’s face.—_Sea term._

~Filch~, to steal, or purloin. Originally a cant word, derived from the
FILCHES, or hooks, thieves used to carry, to hook clothes, or any
portable articles from open windows.—_Vide_ Decker. It was considered a
cant or gipsy term up to the beginning of the last century. Harman has
“FYLCHE, to robbe.” Probably from “FILICHI,” Romany for a handkerchief.

~File~, a deep or artful man, a jocose name for a cunning person.
Originally a term for a pickpocket, when to FILE was to cheat or rob.
FILE, an artful man, was used in the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries. To deal with an artful man is sometimes said to be like
biting a FILE.

~Filibuster~, an American adventurer, who, if successful, helps to
extend the boundaries of the United States, becomes a General, and
receives high honours, but who remains a FILIBUSTER, and is despised as
such, if he fails. The Texan, Nicaraguan, and kindred expeditions were

~Fillibrush~, to flatter, praise ironically.

~Fimble-famble~, a lame, prevaricating excuse.—_Scandinavian._

~Fin~, a hand; “come, tip us your FIN,” viz., let us shake

~Finder~, one who FINDS bacon and meat at the market before they are
lost, _i.e._, steals them.

~Finnuf~, a five-pound note. DOUBLE FINNUF, a ten-pound note.—_German_,
FUNF, five.

~Fire-eater~, a quarrelsome man, a braggadocio or turbulent person who
is always ready to fight.

~Firkytoodle~, to cuddle or fondle.

~First flight~, the first lot to finish in a foot or horse race, in a
fox hunt, &c.

~Fish~, a person; “a queer FISH,” “a loose FISH.” Term never used except
in doubtful cases, as those quoted.

~Fishfag~, originally a Billingsgate fishwife; now any scolding,
vixenish, foul-mouthed woman.

~Fishy~, doubtful, unsound, rotten; used to denote a suspicion of a
“screw being loose,” or “something rotten in the state of Denmark,” in
referring to any proposed speculation.

~Fit~, an Americanism denoting the preterite of the verb to fight. A
Yankee once came upon the words _nihil fit_, and he immediately wrote
off to the editor of the paper to which he subscribed to know “Who was
Nihil, who he fit, what amount he fit for, and if he won.”

~Five fingers~, the five of trumps, at the game of Five-cards, or Don.

~Fives~, “bunch of FIVES,” the fist.

~Fix~, a predicament, or dilemma; “an awful FIX,” a terrible position;
“to FIX one’s flint for him,” _i.e._, to “settle his hash,” to “put a
spoke in his wheel.”

~Fixings~, an Americanism, equivalent to our word “trimmings,” which

~Fiz~, champagne; any sparkling wine.

~Fizzing~, first-rate, very good, excellent; synonymous with “stunning.”

~Flabbergast~, or FLABBERGHAST, to astonish, or strike with wonder;
literally, to strike aghast.—_Old._

~Flag~, a groat, or 4_d._—_Ancient Cant._

~Flag~, an apron. People who wear their aprons when not at work, are
called “flag-flashers.”

~Flag of distress~, any overt sign of poverty; the end of a person’s
shirt when it protrudes through his trousers.

~Flam~, nonsense, blarney, a lie, humbug. “A regular FLAM,” a tale
devoid of truth.

~Flame~, a sweetheart.

~Flannel~, or HOT FLANNEL, the old term for gin and beer, drunk hot,
with nutmeg, sugar, &c.; a play on the old name “lambswool.” Also called
“flip.” There is an anecdote told of Goldsmith helping to drink a quart
of FLANNEL in a night-house, in company with George Parker, Ned Shuter,
and a demure, grave-looking gentleman, who continually introduced the
words “crap,” “stretch,” “scrag,” and “swing.” Upon the Doctor asking
who this strange person might be, and being told his profession, he
rushed from the place in a frenzy, exclaiming, “Good God! and have I
been sitting all this while with a hangman!”

~Flap~, lead used for the coverings of roofs.

~Flapper~, or FLIPPER, the hand.

~Flare up~, a jovial social gathering, a “breakdown,” a “row.”

~Flash~, showy, smart, knowing; a word with various meanings. A person
is said to be dressed FLASH when his garb is showy, and after a fashion,
but without taste. A person is said to be FLASH when he apes the
appearance or manners of his betters, or when he is trying to be
superior to his friends and relations. FLASH also means “fast,” roguish,
and sometimes infers counterfeit or deceptive—and this, perhaps, is its
general signification. As it is used by those who best understand it
nowadays, the word means that which is not what it appears to
be—anything spurious, as jewellery and shoddy clothes. “FLASH, my young
friend, or slang, as others call it, is the classical language of the
Holy Land; in other words, St. Giles’s Greek.”—_Tom and Jerry_, by
Moncreiff. Vulgar language was first termed FLASH in the year 1718, by
Hitchin, author of “_The Regulator of Thieves, &c., with account of
flash words_.” “FLASH” is sometimes exchangeable with “fancy.”

    “My FLASH man’s in quod,
    And I’m the gal that’s willin,
    So I’ll turn out to-night,
    And earn an honest shillin’.

    “Tooral, looral la,
    What are wealth’s possessions?
    Bless the man we love,
    And blow the b---- Sessions.”—_Lyra Flagitiosa._

~Flash it~, show it—said when any bargain is offered.

~Flash o’ lightning~, the gold band on an officer’s cap.—_Sea._ Also in
street slang, a glass of gin.

~Flat~, a fool, a silly or “soft” person; the opposite of “sharp.” The
terms appear to be shortenings for “sharp-witted” and “flat-witted.” Or,
maybe, from musical notes.

~Flat-feet~, the battalion companies in the Foot Guards.

~Flats~, playing cards; sometimes called “broads.” Also the storeys of
large houses, built on the “independent” principle, each flat having
its separate and peculiar offices, street-door, &c.

~Flatty~, a rustic, or uninitiated person.

~Flatty-ken~, a public-house the landlord of which is ignorant of the
practices of the thieves and tramps who frequent it.

~Flay the fox~, to vomit. Now replaced by the more popular “shoot the

~Flemish account.~—_Old._ Still used by sailors for a tangled and
unsatisfactory account or reckoning.

~Flesh and blood~, brandy and port in equal quantities.

~Flesh bag~, a shirt. American humourists call a white shirt a “clean
biled rag.” In the mining camps, and rough parts generally, a white
shirt is called a “biled shirt” to distinguish it from the usual woollen
garment, which cannot be boiled.

~Flick~, or OLD FLICK, a comical old chap or fellow. Term of endearment
among low people.

~Flick~, or FLIG, to whip by striking, and drawing the lash back at the
same time, which causes a stinging blow. A flicking is often
administered by schoolboys with a damp towel or pocket-handkerchief.

~Flies~, trickery, nonsense. “There are no FLIES about me, sir.”
Softening of lies.

~Flim-flamn~, idle story.—_Beaumont and Fletcher._

~Flimp~, to hustle, or rob.

~Flimsy~, a bank-note. Bank of Elegance notes are sometimes called soft
flimsies. In this particular case two good terms make a bad one, as both
“soft” and “flimsies” used separately refer to good notes.

~Flimsy~, the thin prepared copying-paper used by newspaper reporters
and “penny-a-liners” for making several copies at once, which enables
them to supply different papers with the same article without loss of

~Flint~, an operative who works for a “society” master, _i.e._, for full

~Flip~, corruption of FILLIP, a light blow. Also a hot drink. _See_

~Flip-flap~, a peculiar rollicking dance indulged in by costermongers
when merry or excited—better described, perhaps, as the “double-shuffle”
danced with an air of extreme _abandon_. Also, a kind of somersault,
in which the performer throws himself over on his hands and feet

~Flipper~, the hand; “give us your FLIPPER,” give me your hand.—_Sea._
Metaphor taken from the flipper or paddle of a turtle.

~Floater~, a small suet dumpling put into soup.—_Whitechapel._

~Floating academy~, the hulks.

~Flog~, to whip. Cited both by Grose and the author of _Bacchus and
Venus_ as a cant word. Many efforts have been made to ascertain the
earliest use; Richardson cites Lord Chesterfield. From _Flagellum_.
“Flawged,” for whipped, occurs in “The Presbyterian Lash, or Nockhoff’s
Maid Whipt,” published in 1663. Nockhoff was the anagram for the name
of the Rev. Zachary Crofton, who had scandalized the town by subjecting
his servant-maid to the discipline of the nursery. There is a good story
on the proper orthography of the convertible term for castigation
related in a newspaper of 1841. A county magistrate, who had sentenced a
boy to be birched, wrote in his warrant that the boy was to be “floged.”
The scrupulous gaoler hesitated to inflict the punishment, and sent back
the warrant to the justice for amendment, who thereupon drew his pen
through “floged,” and ordered the boy to be “wiped.”

~Flogger~, a whip.—_Almost obsolete._ FLOGGER is still the term applied
to a number of strips of cloth attached to a handle, and used in
theatrical painting rooms to beat off the dust of the charcoal used in
sketching a scene.

~Flogster~, one addicted to flogging. William IV., who was accused of
unduly and excessively punishing the sailors whom he commanded when in
the navy, was nicknamed in the newspapers “Prince William Henry

~Floor~, to knock down.—_Pugilistic._

~Floored~, when a picture is hung on the lowest row at the Exhibition of
the Royal Academy, it is, in artistic slang, said to be FLOORED, in
contradistinction to “skyed,” which _see_.

~Floorer~, a blow sufficiently strong to knock a man down, or bring him
to the floor. Often used in reference to sudden and unpleasant news.

~Flop~, to plump; “to go FLOP down,” to fall suddenly, with violence and

~Flowery~, lodging, or house entertainment; “square the omee for the
FLOWERY,” pay the master for the lodging.—_Lingua Franca._

~Flue-faker~, a chimney-sweep.

~Fluff it~, a term of disapprobation, implying “take it away, I don’t
want it.”

~Fluff~, railway ticket clerks’ slang for short change given by them.
The profits thus accruing are called “fluffings,” and the practice is
known as “fluffing.”

~Fluke~, at billiards, playing for one thing and getting another. Hence,
generally what one gets accidentally, as an unexpected advantage, “more
by luck than judgment.”

~Flummery~, flattery, gammon, genteel nonsense. In American ships a
peculiar kind of light sweet pudding.

~Flummux~, to perplex or hinder.

~Flummuxed~, done up, sure of a month in quod, or prison. In mendicant
freemasonry, the sign chalked by rogues and tramps upon a gate-post or
house corner, to express to succeeding vagabonds that it is unsafe for
them to call there, is known as ⦿, or FLUMMUXED, which signifies that
the only thing they would be likely to get upon applying for relief
would be a “month in quod.”—_See_ QUOD.

~Flunkey~, a footman or other man-servant.

~Flunkeyism~, blind worship of rank, birth, or riches, or of all three;

~Flush~, the opposite of “hard up,” in possession of money, not

~Flush~, to whip; “FLUSHED on the horse,” to be privately whipped in
gaol; to deluge with water, as in “FLUSHING the sewers;” to come upon
suddenly and completely,—“I came FLUSH upon him.”

~Flush~, a term in cribbage, signifying a hand of cards composed
entirely of one suit.

~Flutter~, to try hard in defence or pursuit of an object. “I’ll have a
FLUTTER for it,” means I’ll have a good try for it. Also to toss for
anything. Probably from the spinning of the coin.

~Fly~, knowing, wide-awake, fully understanding another’s meaning.

~Fly~, TO BE ON THE, to be out for a day’s drink or pleasure.

~Fly~, to lift, toss, or raise; “FLY the mags,” _i.e._, toss up the
halfpence; “to FLY a window,” _i.e._, to lift one for the purpose of

~Fly-boys~, men employed to clear the printed copies from the Hoe
machines, on which daily papers are “worked.” So called to distinguish
them from the “machine boys,” a superior grade of labourers who “lay on”
the sheets.

~Flying mare~, a throw in wrestling.

~Flying mess~, “to be in FLYING MESS” is a soldier’s phrase for being
hungry and having to mess where he can.

~Flying stationer~, a paper-worker, hawker of penny ballads; “Printed
for the Flying Stationers” is the _imprimatur_ on hundreds of penny
histories and sheet songs of the last and present centuries.

~Flymy~, knowing, cunning, roguish.—_Seven Dials and Low Life._

~Fly the kite~, or RAISE THE WIND, to obtain money on bills, whether
good or bad, probably in allusion to tossing paper about as children do

~Fly the kite~, to evacuate from a window,—term used in padding-kens,
or low lodging-houses.

~Fobbed~, old slang for robbed. From FOB, the ancient breeches-pocket
for the watch.

~Fogey~, or OLD FOGEY, a dullard, an old-fashioned or singular person.
Grose says it is a nickname for an invalid soldier, from the French
_fougueux_, fierce or fiery, but it has lost this signification now.

~Fogger~, old word for a huckster.

~Fogger~, a farm servant who feeds cattle. Probably a corruption of

~Foggy~, tipsy.

~Fogle~, a silk handkerchief,—not a clout, which is of cotton. It has
been hinted that this may have come from the German _Vogel_, a bird,
from the bird’s-eye spots on some handkerchiefs, but a more probable
derivation is the Italian slang (_Fourbesque_), FOGLIA, a pocket, or
purse; or from the French Argot, FOUILLE, also a pocket.

~Fogus~, tobacco.—_Ancient Cant._ FOGO, old word for stench.

~Follow-me-lads~, curls hanging over a lady’s shoulder.

~Foont~, a sovereign, or 20_s._ Probably a corruption of vingt.

~Footing~, “to pay FOOTING.” _See_ SHOE.

~Forakers~, the closet of decency, or house of office. Term used by the
boys at Winchester School. Very likely from “four acres,” the original
necessary having been in all likelihood a field behind the school.

~Force the voucher~, a term in use among sporting tricksters, who
advertise to send certain winners, and on receipt of letters enclose
vouchers similar to those sent out by respectable commission agents, but
with double or treble the current odds marked thereon, in reference to
the horse named. A plausible letter is sent with the voucher, and the
victim is informed that on account of early investments made by the
firm, which has of course a high-sounding title, the extra odds can be
laid by them, and a remittance to the amount named, or part of it, is
requested. Of course the firm “dries up” when claims become heavy, and,
with a new name and new address, appears in the next week’s advertising
columns. FORCING THE VOUCHER was a fine game when it was first started,
but it was soon overdone, as it required no particular ingenuity, and
offered special immunities, theft of this kind being rather favoured
than otherwise by the authorities. Certainly the law that punishes
honest betting men seems powerless with regard to these plunderers,
otherwise we should hardly be treated as often as we are to the
spectacle of one man being fined for honest dealing, while another
escapes simply because he is not a betting man, but a welcher.

~Fork out~, to bring out one’s money, to pay the bill, to “stand for” or
treat a friend; to hand over what does not belong to you—old cant term
for picking pockets, and very curious in its origin. In the early part
of the last century, a little book was published on purloining, and of
course it had to give the latest modes. FORKING was the newest mode, and
it consisted in thrusting the fingers stiff and open into the pocket,
and then quickly closing them and extracting any article thus caught.

~Forks~, or GRAPPLING-IRONS, fingers. Costermongers and other clumsy
feeders have a proverb which seems to justify their taking bones and
choice morsels in their hands during the progress of a meal. It is,
“Fingers were the first FORKS;” sometimes varied to “Fingers were made
before FORKS.”

~Form~, condition, training. “In good FORM” or “in bad FORM” refers to a
man’s or horse’s state of being in the sporting world. FORM has also had
a moral significance of late years, and with the qualifying adjectives
attached as occasion requires, is extensively used in general
conversation. As, “It was bad FORM of Brown to do that.” “That article
was bad FORM.” In the latter cases the word “in” rarely appears.

~Forty foot~, a derisive appellation for a very short person.

~Forty guts~, vulgar term for a fat man.

~Forty-twa~, the common place of retirement on a well-known French plan
at Edinburgh, so called from its accommodating that number of persons at

~Forty winks~, a short sleep or nap.

~Fou~, rather more than slightly intoxicated.—_Scotch._

    “We are na’ FOU, we are na’ FOU.”

~Foul~, to jostle or bore unfairly in a race. _See_ BORE. To touch any
foreign substance during a race—particularly a boat-race—is to FOUL

~Foul~, a touch, no matter how slight, of bodies or machinery in a race
of any kind. FOULS in boat-racing are often inevitable, and are not
always the result of boring or any other malicious practice.

~Foul riding~, riding which after a horse-race is made the subject of
complaint, such as refusing to let a competitor pass, boring him against
the rails, &c. Some jockeys are great adepts at this work, and are
invaluable to a confederacy as a means, not so much of attaining victory
themselves, as of preventing its attainment in others. Of course unless
proof of jostling can be given, or evidence of malicious intent shown,
jockeyship of this kind is not considered foul riding.

~Four-and-nine~, or FOUR-AND-NINEPENNY GOSS, a cheap hat, so called from
4_s._ 9_d._, the price at which a once noted advertising hat-maker sold
his hats—

    “Whene’er to slumber you incline,
    Take a short nap at 4 and 9.”

~Four-eyes~, a man or woman who habitually wears spectacles.

~Four kings~, HISTORY OF THE, an old name for a pack of playing cards.
_See_ Sir Thomas Urquhart’s _Translation of Rabelais_. In _Argot_, LIVRE

~Fourth~, or FOURTH COURT, the court appropriated to the waterclosets at
Cambridge; from its really being No. 4 at Trinity College. A man leaving
his room to go to the FOURTH COURT, writes on his door, in algebraic
notation, GONE^4, which expresses the Cambridge slang phrase, “gone to
the FOURTH.”

~Fourth estate~, the complete body of journalists of all descriptions.
This term is much in use among “liners.”

~Fox~, to cheat or rob.—_Eton College._ In London to watch closely and

~Foxed~, a term used by print and book collectors to denote the brown
spotted appearance produced by damp on paper.

~Foxing~, when one actor criticises another’s
performance.—_Theatrical._ Also in street slang FOXING means watching

~Fox’s Sleep~, or FOXING, a purposely assumed indifference to what is
going on. A fox, as well as a weasel, is said to sleep with one eye

~Foxy~, rank, tainted, from the odour of the animal.—_Lincolnshire._

~Foxy~, said also of a red-haired person.

~Frapping~, a beating. _French_, FRAPPER.

~Free-and-easy~, a club held at a low public-house, the members of which
meet in the tap-room or parlour for the purpose of drinking, smoking,
and hearing each other sing. These gatherings are generally called
harmonic meetings by the landlord, but FREE-AND-EASY best indicates the
character of the proceedings.

~Free fight~, a fight conducted on the Irishman’s principle—“Sure,
wherever you see a head, hit it.” The term is, however, American, so the
practice may be considered fairly general.

~Freeman’s quay~, “drinking at FREEMAN’S QUAY,” _i.e._, at another’s
cost. This quay was formerly a celebrated wharf near London Bridge, and
the saying arose from the beer which was given gratis to porters and
carmen who went there on business.

~French cream~, brandy.

~French gout~, a certain disease, which is also known as “ladies’

~French leave~, TO TAKE, to leave or depart slyly, without saying
anything; or obtaining permission.

~Fresh~, said of a person slightly intoxicated.

~Freshman~, a University man during his first year. The official
appellation for the students until they have passed the Previous or
First Cambridge Examination, otherwise called the Smalls or Little Go,
is Junior Sophs or Sophisters. After this they are Senior Sophs until
their last term, when they are Questionists, or preparing “_ad
respondendum quæstioni_.” At Oxford the title FRESHMAN lasts for the
first term.

~Friday-face~, a gloomy-looking man. Most likely from FRIDAY being a day
of meagre fare among Catholics and High Church Protestants.

~Frisk~, to search; FRISKED, searched by a constable or other officer.

~Frisk a cly~, to empty a pocket.

~Frog~, a policeman. Because, by a popular delusion, he is supposed to
pounce suddenly on delinquents.

~Frog’s march~, the manner in which four or more policemen carry a
drunken or turbulent man to the station-house. The victim is held face
downwards, one constable being at each shoulder, while the others hold
on above the knees. Often there is another active and intelligent
officer who beats time to the march on the recalcitrant hero’s

~Frontispiece~, the face.

~Frow~, a girl, or wife. _German_, FRAU; _Dutch_, VROUW.

~Frummagemmed~, annihilated, strangled, garrotted, or spoilt.—_Old

~Frump~, a slatternly woman, a gossip.—_Ancient._ In modern slang it is
the feminine of FOGEY, and means a prim old lady, who is generally
termed “a regular old FRUMP.”

~Frump~, to mock or insult.—_Beaumont and Fletcher._

~F sharps~, fleas. Compare B FLATS.

~Fudge~, nonsense, stupidity. Todd and Richardson only trace the word to
Goldsmith. Disraeli, however, gives the origin to a Captain Fudge, a
great fibber, who told monstrous stories, which made his crew say in
answer to any improbability, “You FUDGE it!”—_See Remarks on the Navy_,
1700. At page 87 of a collection of some papers of William Crouch (8vo,
1712), the Quaker, we find a mention of this Captain. Degory Marshall
informed Crouch that—

    “In the year 1664 we were sentenced for banishment to Jamaica by
    Judges Hyde and Twisden, and our number was 55. We were put on board
    the ship Black Eagle; the master’s name was FUDGE, by some called

Some persons believe that the word comes from the _Gaelic_, FFUG,

~Fuggies~, hot rolls.—_School._

~Full against~, opposed to. As, “I’m FULL AGAINST him,” I decidedly
object to, or dislike him, or I am opposed to him. The term originated
with the bookmakers; who, when they have laid all their money against a
certain horse, put a mark against his name, and reply to all inquiries,
“FULL AGAINST him.” This grew to “FULL AGAINST his winning,” and was
thus taken, when shortened, to express feeling the reverse of friendly.

~Fullams~, false dice, which always turn up high.—_Shakspeare._

~Full blast~, a term evidently borrowed from the technology of the
engine-room, and now frequently used to express the heyday or apogee of
anything. As, “By the middle of the day matters were in FULL BLAST, and
proceedings generally were very satisfactory.”

~Full feather~, good condition, high spirits. Also any one gaily dressed
is said to be in FULL FEATHER.

~Full fig~, full costume, male or female uniform or evening dress.

~Full of beans~, arrogant, purseproud. A person whom sudden prosperity
has made offensive and conceited, is said to be too “FULL OF BEANS.”
Originally stable slang.

~Fully~, “to be FULLIED,” to be committed for trial. Term in general use
among thieves. Possibly from the reports which, in the slang of the
penny-a-liner, say “the prisoner was FULLY committed for trial.” The
magistrates often say FULLY committed also, whatever that may mean.

~Funk~, trepidation, nervousness, cowardice. To FUNK, to be afraid or

~Funk~, to smoke out, or terrify.

~Funking the cobbler~, a bold schoolboy trick, performed with assafœtida
and cotton stuffed into a hollow tube or cow’s horn. The cotton being
lighted, the smoke is blown in through the keyhole of a door, or the
crannies of a cobbler’s stall. A funny song, much in vogue some years
back, gave all the agonies of a drunken cobbler, who believed the devil
had come for him, with all sorts of accessories, till

            “He was told by a shout
    That ’twas only some boys who’d been FUNKING him out.”

~Funny~, a rowing boat with both ends pointed and out of the water.

~Funny-bone~, the extremity of the elbow—or rather, the muscle which
passes round it between the two bones, a blow on which causes painful
tingling in the fingers. Facetiously derived, from its being the
extremity of the _humerus_ (humorous).

~Fye-buck~, a sixpence.—_Nearly obsolete._

~Gab~, GABBER or GABBLE, talk; “gift of the GAB,” loquacity, or natural
talent for speech-making.—_Anglo-Norman_; GAB is also found in the
_Danish_ and _Old Norse_.

~Gaby~, a simpleton, a country bumpkin. Probably from gape.

~Gad~, a trapesing slatternly woman.—_Gipsy._ _Anglo-Saxon_, GÆDELING.

~Gadding the hoof~, going without shoes. GADDING, roaming about,
although used in an old translation of the Bible, is now only heard
amongst the lower orders.

~Gaff~, a penny play-house, in which talking is not permitted on the
stage. _See_ PENNY GAFF.

~Gaffer~, a master, or employer; term used by “navvies,” and general in
Lancashire and North of England. Early English for an old man. _See_

~Gaffing~, tossing halfpence, or counters.—_North_, where it means
tossing up three halfpennies. One man tosses, and another calls.
Sometimes the coins are tossed from a stick, and the tosser keeps those
which fall heads uppermost.

~Gag~, a lie; “a GAG he told to the beak.”—_Thieves’ Cant._

~Gag~, language introduced by an actor into his part. In certain pieces
this is allowed by custom, and these are called GAG-PIECES. _The Critic,
or a Tragedy Rehearsed_, is chief among these. Many actors, however,
take French leave in this respect with most pieces.—_Theatrical slang._

    MR. ROBSON AT BELFAST.—We (_Northern Whig_) suspected a little bit
    of what is professionally termed GAG in Mr. Robson’s _Daddy
    Hardacre_ last night. He had occasion to say that one of the
    characters in the piece “understands me well enough,” to which he
    added—“I wish some other people did the same,” with an expressive
    glance at the pit; which we interpreted as having special reference
    to those appreciative persons in the audience whom we have already
    mentioned, who think it absolutely needful to roar with laughter at
    every sentence Mr. Robson utters, without the least regard to
    whether it be humorous or pathetic—only because Mr. Robson has fame
    as a comic actor.

When another Robson shall arise, no one will object to his GAGGING a
little. The public could afford that to such a man in these days of

~Gag~, to hoax, “take a rise” out of one; to “cod.”

~Gage~, a small quantity of anything; as “a GAGE of tobacco,” meaning a
pipeful; “a GAGE of gin,” a glassful. GAGE was, in the last century, a
chamber utensil.

~Galeny~, old cant term for a fowl of any kind; now a respectable word
in the West of England, signifying a Guinea fowl.—_Vide_ Grose.
_Latin_, GALLINA.

~Gallanty show~, an exhibition in which black figures are shown on a
white sheet to accompanying dialogue. Generally given at night by “Punch
and Judy” men.

~Gallimaufry~, a kind of stew, made up of scraps of various kinds. Sea
term, and probably meaning the galley scraps.

~Gallipot~, an apothecary.

~Gallivant~, to wait upon the ladies.—_Old._

~Gallows~, or GALLUS, very, or exceedingly—an unpleasant exclamation;
“GALLOWS poor,” very poor. Term originally applied to anything bad
enough to deserve hanging.

~Gallows bird~, an incorrigible thief; often applied to denote a
ruffian-like appearance.

~Gallowses~, in the North of England a pair of braces.

~Gally-yarn~, a sailor’s term for a hoaxing story. He expresses
disbelief by saying only “G. Y.”

~Galoot.~—_See_ GEELOOT.

~Galore~, abundance. _Irish_, GO LEOR, in plenty.

~Gamb~, a leg. Still used as an heraldic term, as well as by thieves,
who probably get it from the _Lingua Franca_. _Italian_, GAMBA;
_French_, JAMBE, a leg.

~Game~, a term variously applied; “are you GAME?” have you courage
enough? “what’s your little GAME?” what are you going to do? “come, none
of your GAMES,” be quiet, don’t annoy me; “on the GAME,” out thieving.
To “play the GAME” is among sporting men to do a thing thoroughly and

~Game leg~, a lame or wounded leg.

~Gameness~, pluck, endurance, courage generally.

~Gammon~, deceit, humbug, a false and ridiculous story. _Anglo-Saxon_,
GAMEN, game, sport.

~Gammon~, to hoax, to deceive merrily, to laugh at a person, to tell an
untrue but plausible story, to make game of, or, in the provincial
dialect, to make GAME on;—“who’s thou makin’ thy GAM’ on?” _i.e._, of
whom are you making a fool?—_Yorkshire._

~Gammy~, bad, unfavourable, poor tempered. Those householders who are
known enemies to the street folk and tramps are pronounced by them to be
GAMMY. GAMMY sometimes means forged, as “GAMMY-MONNIKER,” a forged
signature; GAMMY STUFF, spurious medicine; GAMMY LOWR, counterfeit coin.
_Hants_, GAMY, dirty. The hieroglyphic used by beggars and cadgers to
intimate to those of the tribe coming after that things are not very
favourable is known as □, or GAMMY. _Gaelic_, _Welsh_, and _Irish_, CAM
(GAM), crooked.

~Gammy-vial~ (Ville), a town where the police will not let persons hawk.

~Gander Month~, the period when the monthly nurse is in the ascendant,
and the husband has to shift for himself. Probably from the open choice
he has during that period.

~Ganger~, the person who superintends the work of a gang, or a number of

~Gape~, to stare about in an astonished manner. “GAPING about like a
country bumpkin.” Sometimes pronounced GARP. There is no reference in
the use of this phrase by Cockneys to GAPE in its correct sense.

~Gape-seed~, something to look at, cause for astonishment; a lazy
fellow, unmindful of his work, is said to be “looking for GAPE-SEED.”
Rustics are said to find plenty of “GAPE-SEED” in London streets.

~Gar~, euphuistic rendering of the title of the Deity; “be GAR, you
don’t say so!”—_Franco-English._

~Garden~, among tradesmen signifies Covent GARDEN Market; among
theatrical performers, Covent GARDEN Theatre.

~Gardener~, an awkward coachman; an insinuation that he is both coachman
and gardener, and understands the latter branch of service better than
the first; “get on, GARDENER,” is a most insulting expression from a
cabby to a real coachman. Men who in small families do the coach,
garden, and general work, are sometimes called “teakettle grooms,” or
“teakettle coachmen.”

~Gargle~, medical-student slang for drinkables.

~Garnish~, the douceur or fee which, before the time of Howard the
philanthropist, was openly exacted by the keepers of gaols from their
unfortunate prisoners for extra comforts. The practice of garnishing is
by no means so defunct as some folk seem to think, and its influence may
often be traced by those who wish.

~Garnish~, footing money.—_Yorkshire._

~Garreter~, a thief who crawls over the tops of houses, and enters
garret-windows. Called also a “dancer,” or “dancing-master,” from the
light and airy nature of his occupation.

~Garrotte~, a system of robbery with violence much practised on dark
winter nights by ruffians who during summer infest racecourses and
fairs. Their victims are generally weak men and delicate women. From the
Spanish GARROTTE, because the practice generally commences with a
throttling attack. Procedure is, however, various, these gentlemen being
possessed of much ingenuity in the way of torture. “The cat” has within
the past year or so done much to modify this offensive state of things,
but the sympathetic appeals of certain tenderhearted M.P.’s and other
philanthropists, who are not themselves likely to be garrotted, on
behalf of the garrotters, will probably before long result in a
withdrawal of the _lex talionis_, and a natural resumption of the
garrotte system, with new adornments.

~Garrotting~, a mode of cheating practised amongst card-sharpers, by
concealing certain cards at the back of the neck.

~Gas~, to give off superfluous conceit, to bounce or brag; “his game is
GAS.” “To give a person GAS,” is to scold him or give him a good
beating. Synonymous with “to give him Jessie.”

~Gassy~, or GASEOUS, liable to “flare up” at any offence.

~Gate~, THE, Billingsgate. Sometimes Newgate, according to the
occupation and condition of the speaker. In the same way Paternoster Row
is by publishers known as “the Row.”

~Gate~, to order an undergrad not to pass beyond the college GATE. As a
rule, the GATE begins after hall, but in extreme cases the offender is
GATED for the whole day.—_University._

~Gate-race~, among pedestrians a mock race, got up not so much for the
best runner to win, as for the money taken from spectators, at the gate.
This sort of business is not peculiar to pedestrians; there are such
things as gate-money meetings at horse-racing.

~Gatter~, beer; “shant of GATTER,” a pot of beer. A curious slang street
melody, known in Seven Dials as _Bet the Coaley’s Daughter_, thus
mentions the word in a favourite verse:—

    “But when I strove my flame to tell,
      Says she, ‘Come, stow that patter,
    If you’re a cove wot likes a gal,
      Vy don’t you stand some GATTER?’
    In course I instantly complied—
      Two brimming quarts of porter,
    With sev’ral goes of gin beside,
      Drain’d Bet the Coaley’s daughter.”

~Gaudy~, the annual dinner of the Fellows of a College, in memory of
founders and benefactors. From GAUDEAMUS.—_Oxford University._

~Gawfs~, cheap red-skinned apples, a favourite fruit with costermongers,
who rub them well with a piece of cloth, and find ready purchasers.

~Gawky~, a lanky, or awkward person; a fool. _Saxon_, GEAK; _Scotch_,

~Gay~, loose, dissipated; “GAY woman,” a kept mistress or prostitute.
Many people will remember Leech’s celebrated caricature of two wretched
females on an equally wretched night, and the question asked by one
woman of the other, “How long have you been GAY?”

~Gay tyke boy~, a dog-fancier.

~Gee~, to agree with, or be congenial to a person.

~Geeloot~, or GALOOT, a recruit, or awkward soldier. A clumsy person,
also a term of contempt in America.

~Gen~, a shilling. _See_ back-slang article.

~Gent~, a contraction of “gentleman,”—in more senses than one. A
dressy, showy, foppish man, with a little mind, who vulgarizes the
prevailing fashion.

~Gent~, silver. From the _French_, ARGENT.

~Gentleman of four outs;~ in Ireland when a vulgar, blustering fellow
asserts that he is a gentleman, the retort generally is, “Yes, a
GENTLEMAN OF FOUR OUTS”—that is, without wit, without money, without
credit, and without manners.

~Gentleman of three ins~,—that is, in debt, in danger, and in poverty.

~Geordie~, general term in Northumberland and Durham for a pitman, or
coal-miner. From the _Greek_, GEORGE meaning one who works the earth,
originally a cultivator; the term has been in use more than a century.

~German Duck~, a sheep’s-head stewed with onions; a favourite dish among
the German sugar-bakers in the East-end of London.

~German Ducks~, bugs.—_Yorkshire._

~Get up~, a person’s appearance or general arrangements. Probably
derived from the decorations of a play.

    “There’s so much GETTING UP to please the town,
    It takes a precious deal of coming down.”

        _Planché’s Mr. Buckstone’s Ascent of Parnassus._

~Ghost~, “the GHOST doesn’t walk,” a theatrical term which implies that
there is no money about, and that there will be no “treasury.”

~Gibberish~, unmeaning jargon; the language of the gipsies, synonymous
with SLANG, another Gipsy word. Somner says, “_French_, GABBER; _Dutch_,
GABBEREN; and our own GAB, GABBER; hence also, I take it, our GIBBERISH,
a kind of canting language used by a sort of rogues we vulgarly call
gipsies, a gibble-gabble understood only among themselves.” _See
Introduction._ The GIBBERISH of schoolboys is formed by placing a
consonant between each syllable of a word, and is called the GIBBERISH
of the letter inserted. Thus, if F were the letter, it would be termed
the F GIBBERISH; if L, the L GIBBERISH—as in the sentence, “How do you
do?—_Howl dol youl dol?_” A GIBBERISH is sometimes formed by adding
_vis_ to each word, in which the previous sentence would be—“_Howvis
dovis youvis dovis?_” These things are worthy of schoolboys, as they are
in ability far below the rhyming, the back, or the centre slang, each of
which is constructed by people possessing no claim to literary
excellence whatever. Schoolboys in France form a GIBBERISH, in a
somewhat similar manner, by elongating their words two syllables, in the
first of which an _r_, in the second a _g_, predominates. Thus the words
_vous êtes un fou_ are spoken, _vousdregue esdregue undregue foudregue_.
Fast persons in Paris, of both sexes, frequently adopt terminations of
this kind, from some popular song, actor, exhibition, or political
event. In 1830, the favourite termination was _mar_, saying _épicemar_
for épicier, _cafémar_ for café. In 1823, when the diorama created a
sensation in Paris, the people spoke in _rama_ (_on parlait en rama_.)
In Balzac’s beautiful tale, _Le Père Goriot_, the young painter at the
boarding-house dinner-table mystifies the landlady by saying, “What a
beautiful _soupeaurama_!” To which the old woman replies, to the great
laughter of the company, “I beg your pardon, sir, it is _une soupe à
choux_.” These adaptations can hardly be called slang, or we shall have
everybody making a slang of his own, and refusing to believe in any
one’s else—a sort of secondhand edition of the Tower of Babel.

~Gib-face~, a heavy, ugly face; GIB is properly the lower lip of a
horse; “to hang one’s GIB,” to pout the lower lip, to be angry or

~Gibus~, an opera hat. From the inventor of the crush hat.

~Giffle-gaffle~, or GIBBLE-GABBLE, nonsense. _See_ CHAFF. _Icelandic_,

~Gig~, a farthing. Formerly GRIG.

~Gig~, fun, frolic, a spree. _Old French_, GIGUE, a jig, a romp.

    “In search of lark, or some delicious GIG,
    The mind delights on, when ’tis in prime twig.”

        _Randall’s Diary_, 1820.

    “‘No heirs have I,’ said mournful Matt;
      But Tom, still fond of GIG,
    Cried out, ‘No hairs? don’t fret at that,
      When you can buy a wig.’”

~Gig lamps~, spectacles; also a person who wears spectacles is often
called GIG-LAMPS. Connexion obvious. This term has been in use probably
as long as GIG-LAMPS themselves—if GIG-LAMPS were invented after

~Gill~, or JILL, a homely woman; “Jack and Gill,” &c.

~Gills~, the lower part of the face.—_Bacon._ “To grease one’s GILLS,”
“to have a good feed,” or make a hearty meal. A man suffering from the
effects of a previous night’s debauch, is said to “look queer about the

~Gills~, overlarge shirt collars.

~Gilt~, money. _German_, GELD; _Dutch_, GELT.

~Gimcrack~, a bijou, a slim piece of mechanism. Old slang for “a spruce
wench.”—_New Bailey._ Any things which are gaudy and easily breakable,
are known now as GIMCRACKS.

~Ginger~, a showy, fast horse—as if he had been figged with GINGER
under his tail; a red-haired man. Term commonly used in depreciation of
a person’s appearance.

~Ginger hackled~, having flaxen, light yellow hair. Term originally used
to describe a certain colour or colours in game-cocks.—_See_ HACKLE.

~Gingerly~, to do anything with great care.—_Cotgrave._

~Gingham~, an umbrella. Term very common in London.

~Gingumbob~, a bauble.

~Gin-spinner~, a distiller, or rectifier of gin.

~Give~, to strike, to scold; “I’ll GIVE it to you,” _i.e._, I will
thrash you. To lead to, in the sense of directions. Thus, in one of the
Christmas numbers of _All the Year Round_ we are told that “a side
portal and a passage, dark at noon, GAVE upon Paradise Alley.” This
usage of the word, from the French idiomatic use of _donner_, is
becoming by no means uncommon.

~Give in~, to admit oneself defeated, to “throw up the sponge,” or
“strike one’s flag.”

~Give it mouth~, a rude request to an actor or orator, which means,
speak up. Low folk can fancy nothing higher in the way of encomium on an
actor than, “He’s the cove to GIVE IT MOUTH—rather!”

~Gladstone~, cheap claret. GLADSTONE reduced the duty on French wines.

~Glasgow magistrate~, a salt herring. When George IV. visited Scotland,
a wag placed some salt herrings on the iron guard of the carriage
belonging to a well-known GLASGOW MAGISTRATE, who made one of a
deputation to receive his Majesty.

~Glaze~, glass; generally applied to windows. To “star the GLAZE” is to
break a window.

~Glib~, a tongue; “slacken your GLIB,” _i.e._, “loosen your tongue.”

~Glim~, a light, a lamp; “dowse the GLIM,” put out the candle. _Sea and
Old Cant._ GLIMS, spectacles. _Gaelic_, GLINN, light. _German_
(provincial), GLIMM, a spark.

~Glim lurk~, a begging paper, giving a circumstantial account of a
dreadful fire—which never happened.

~Gloak~, a man. Term much used in old thieves’ cant.

~Glum~, sulky, stem; “to look GLUM,” to appear annoyed or disconcerted.

~Glump~, to sulk.

~Glumpish~, of a stubborn, sulky temper.

~Go~, a GO of gin, a quartern of that liquor. (This word, as applied to
a measure of liquor, is stated to have arisen from the following
circumstance:—Two well-known actors once met at the bar of a tavern to
have a “wet” together. “One more glass and then we’ll GO,” was repeated
so often on either hand, that in the end GO was out of the question with
both of them, and so the word passed into a saying.) GO is also
synonymous with circumstance or occurrence; “a rummy GO,” and “a great
GO,” signify curious and remarkable occurrences; “all the GO,” when
anything creates unusual interest, “no GO,” no good; “here’s a pretty
GO!” here’s a trouble; GO, a term in the game of cribbage; “to GO the
jump,” to enter a house by the window.—_See_ LITTLE GO; also

    “Gemmen (says he), you all well know
    The joy there is whene’er we meet;
    It’s what I call the primest GO,
    And rightly named, ’tis—‘quite a treat,’”

        _Jack Randall’s Diary_, 1820.

~Go along~, a fool, a cully, one of the most contemptuous terms in a
thieves’ vocabulary.

~Gob~ or GOBBET, a portion. Generally applied to meat by schoolboys.

~Gob~, the mouth, as in pugilistic slang “a spank on the GOB, drawing
the gravy.” Also mucus, or saliva. Sometimes used for GAB, talk—

    “There was a man called Job,
      Dwelt in the land of Uz;
    He had a good gift of the GOB;
      The same case happen us.”

        ZACH. BOYD.

_Gaelic_—GAB and GOB, a mouth. _See_ GAB.

~God bless the Duke Of Argyle!~ a Scottish insinuation made when one
shrugs his shoulders, of its being caused by parasites or cutaneous
affections.—_See_ SCOTCH FIDDLE, SCOTCH GREYS. It is said to have been
originally the thankful exclamation of the Glasgow folk, at finding a
certain row of iron posts, erected by his grace in that city to mark the
division of his property, very convenient to rub against. Some say the
posts were put up purposely for the benefit of the good folk of Glasgow,
who were at the time suffering from the “Scotch fiddle.” This is,
however, but a Southern scandal.

~Gods~, the people in the upper gallery of a theatre; “up amongst the
GODS,” a seat amongst the persons in the gallery—so named from the high
position of that part, and the blue sky generally painted on the ceiling
of the theatre; termed by the French, “paradis.”

~Gods~, the quadrats used by printers in throwing on the imposing stone,
similar to the movement in casting dice.—_Printers’ term._

~Go due north~, to become bankrupt, to go to Whitecross Street.—_Nearly

~Go for the gloves~, to lay against a horse on the chance of its losing,
without having the wherewithal to pay if it wins. Probably from the
custom of ladies who bet GLOVES, and expect, as the racing men say, to
“stand them to nothing,” _i.e._, to be paid if they win, but not to pay
if they lose. This is a last resource of the bankrupt turfite;
and the big handicaps at the end of the year, the Cesarewitch and
Cambridgeshire, offer both temptation and opportunity to those who can
only hope to recoup themselves for their previous losses by “GLOVING IT”
successfully. When, in the sporting papers it is stated that a settling
at Tattersall’s was more than usually unsatisfactory, it may be fairly
assumed that the GLOVES have not been won by those who most desired

~Go in~, to enter for, to apply oneself in pursuit of. Men at the
Universities are said to GO IN for honours, aquatics, or whatever their
chief desire or employment may be. The expression is now general.

~Go it~, a term of encouragement, implying, “keep it up!” Sometimes
amplified to “GO IT, ye cripples;” said to have been a facetious
rendering of the last line of Virgil’s _Eclogues_—

    “Ite domum saturæ, venit Hesperus, _ite capellæ_;”

or, “GO IT, ye cripples, crutches are cheap.”

~Goldbacked uns~, body lice. Sometimes called greybacked uns.

~Goldfinches~, sovereigns. Similar to Canaries.

~Gold-mine~, any profitable investment, from a fried-fish shop to a
remunerative speculation involving millions.

~Golgotha~, a hat, “place of a skull.” Hence the “Don’s gallery,” at St.
Mary’s, Cambridge, and that part of the theatre at Oxford where the
heads of houses sit.

~Gol-mol~, noise, commotion.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Golopshus~, splendid, delicious, luscious.—_Norwich._

~Gonnof~, an expert thief, a master of his craft; one of the greatest
compliments a London pickpocket can pay another is to say, “he’s a
reglar GONNOF.”—_See_ GUN. The word GONNOF is very old. During Kett’s
rebellion in Norfolk, in the reign of Edward VI., a song was sung by the
insurgents in which the term occurs—

    “The country GNOFFES, Hob, Dick, and Hick,
      With clubbes and clouted shoon,
    Shall fill up Dussyn dale
      With slaughter’d bodies soone.”

~Good people~, the name given by country folk, evidently from fear of
offending by any less decided term, to fairies, brownies, pixies, &c.
Mothers often say to querulous children, “I wish the GOOD PEOPLE would
run away with you.”

~Goods~, in the sporting world, men or horses. A horse or man of
exceptionable quality is called “good GOODS,” and a backer will speak of
either as being in his opinion “best GOODS,” as compared with others in
the race.

~Good time~, an expressive phrase, which means all earthly bliss to the
American mind. The finest reminiscence a Yankee can have is that of a
GOOD TIME, wherever it may have been spent. No moderate amount of
happiness is ever recorded in the register which denotes how often its
possessor has “had a GOOD TIME.”

~Good woman~, a not uncommon public-house sign, representing a woman
without a head,—the ungallant allusion is that she cannot scold. Maybe,
the publican does not think that it means also that she cannot drink.
The Honest Lawyer, another sign, is depicted in the same manner.

~Goose~, a tailor’s pressing iron. Originally a slang term, but now in
most dictionaries.

~Goose;~ “Paddy’s GOOSE,” _i.e._, the White Swan, a celebrated
public-house in Ratcliff Highway.

~Goose~, “to cook his GOOSE,” to kill him; the same as “to give him his
gruel,” or “settle his hash.”

~Goose~, “to get the GOOSE,” “to be GOOSED,” signifies to be hissed
while on the stage. The big-bird, the terror of actors. _See_ BIG

~Goose~, to ruin, or spoil; to hiss a play.—_Theatrical._ To be “sound
on the GOOSE” is in America to be orthodox in one’s political creed.

~Gooseberry~, to “play up old GOOSEBERRY” with any one, to defeat or
silence a person in a quick or summary manner.

~Gooseberry-pickers~, sharp children, who are ostensibly placed in
charge of their elder sisters, when the latter go out shopping, but who
are in reality a check on any chance of flirtation.

~Goosecap~, a simpleton, a booby, or noodle.—_Devonshire._

~Gooser~, a settler, or finishing blow.

~Go over~, in clerical slang, signifies to join the Church of Rome.

~Gorge~, to eat in a ravenous manner. “Rotten GORGERS” are those hungry
lads who hang about Covent Garden Market, and devour the discarded

~Gorger~, a swell, a well-dressed, or gorgeous man—probably derived
from the latter adjective. Sometimes used to denote an employer, or
principal, as the manager of a theatre.

~Gormed~, a Norfolk corruption of a profane oath. So used by Mr.
Peggotty in _David Copperfield_.

~Gospel grinder~, a City missionary, or tract-distributor.

~Gospel Shop~, an irreverent term for a church or chapel of any
denomination. Mostly in use among sailors.

~Goss~, a hat—from the gossamer silk of which modern hats are made.

~Goss~, “to give a man GOSS,” to requite an injury, to beat, or kill.
This is an Americanism, and is applied variously. A steamboat captain on
the Mississippi, determined to pass his rival, called out, so the story
goes, to the fireman, “Give her GOSS and let her rip, as I mean to pass
that boat, or bust.”

~Goth~, an uncultivated person. One who is ignorant of the ways of

~Go the whole pile~, to put all one’s bank on a solitary chance. An
Americanism which had its origin in the PILES of gold dust used as
circulating medium by gambling miners.

~Gourock ham~, a salt herring. GOUROCK, on the Clyde, about twenty-five
miles from Glasgow, was formerly a great fishing village.—_Scotch._

~Government sign-post~, the gallows. This is necessarily almost

~Governor~, a father, a master or superior person, an elder; “which way,
GUV’NER, to Cheapside?”

~Gowler~, a dog.—_North Country Cant._ _Query_, GROWLER.

~Gownsman~, a student at one of the universities, as distinguished from

~Grab~, to clutch, or seize; GRABBED, caught, apprehended.

~Grace-card~, the six of hearts, so termed in Ireland. A Kilkenny
gentleman, named GRACE, being solicited, with promises of royal favour,
to espouse the cause of William III., gave the following answer, written
on the back of the six of hearts, to an emissary of Marshal Schomberg’s,
who had been commissioned to make the proposal to him:—“Tell your
master I despise his offer; and that honour and conscience are dearer to
a gentleman than all the wealth and titles a prince can bestow.” This
would have been a much better story had James II. been a better King,
and had he not earned for himself, even among Catholic Irishmen, a
disgraceful name, through his craven conduct at the Battle of the Boyne.

~Graft~, work; “where are you GRAFTING?” _i.e._, where do you work?
“What GRAFT are you at?” what are you doing? Perhaps derived from
gardening phraseology; or a variation of _craft_.

~Granny~, a knot which will not hold, from its being wrongly and
clumsily tied.—_Sea._

~Granny~, to know, or recognise; “do ye GRANNY the bloke?” do you know
the man?

~Grappling irons~, fingers.—_Sea._

~Grass~, “gone to GRASS,” dead,—a coarse allusion to burial; absconded,
or disappeared suddenly; also, gone to waste; it is said of wasted limbs
that they have “gone to GRASS;” “oh, go to GRASS,” a common answer to a
troublesome or inquisitive person,—possibly a corruption of “go to
GRACE,” meaning, of course, a directly opposite fate.

~Grass~, to knock down. Also to throw in a wrestling-match. “He GRASSED
his man with a heavy righthander,” or “He brought his man to GRASS by
means of a swinging hipe.”

~Grass-comber~, a country fellow, a haymaker.

~Grasshopper~, a waiter at a tea-garden.

~Grass widow~, an unmarried mother; a deserted mistress. In the United
States, during the gold fever in California, it was common for an
adventurer to put both his wife (termed in his absence a GRASS-WIDOW)
and his children to school during his absence. Also a married woman,
resident in England, whose husband is in India or the colonies.

~Gravel~, to confound, to bother; “I’m GRAVELLED,” _i.e._, perplexed or
confused.—_Old._ Also, to prostrate, to beat to the ground.

~Gravel-rash~, a scratched face,—telling its tale of a drunken fall. A
person subject to this is called a GRAVEL-GRINDER.

~Gravesend sweetmeats~, shrimps. GRAVESEND TWINS are solid particles of

~Gray~, a halfpenny, with either two “heads” or two “tails”—both sides
alike. They are used for cheating the unwary at “Tommy Dodd,” or pitch
and toss. They are often “rung in” with a victim’s own money, so that
the caller of “heads” or “tails” cannot lose. Thus if A has to call, he
or a confederate manages to mix the selected GRAYS with B’s tossing
halfpence. There are various and almost obvious uses for them.

~Gray-coat parson~, a lay impropriator, or lessee of great tithes.

~Gray mare~, a wife who “wears the breeches.” From an old story in which
the point is to show that the “GRAY MARE,” the wife’s choice, “is the
better horse,” and by parity of reasoning that the wife is superior to
the husband.

~Grays~, or SCOTCH GRAYS, lice. These pretty little things are called by
many names, among others by those of GRAY-BACKS, and GOLD-BACKED UNS,
which are popular among those who have most interest in the matter.

~Grease spot~, a minute remnant, humorously the only distinguishable
remains of an antagonist after a terrific contest.

~Greasing~, bribing. Sometimes called “GREASING the palm” of a man’s

~Grecian bend~, modern milliner slang for an exaggerated bustle, the
effect of which is generally assisted by unnaturally high-heeled boots.

~Greek~, a wide-awake fellow, a sharper.

~Greek kalends~, an expression signifying an indefinite period; never.
Term used in making promises never intended to be carried out. The
Greeks had no KALENDS.

~Greeks~, the low Irish. St. Giles’s GREEK, slang or cant language.
Cotgrave gives merrie GREEK as a definition for a roystering fellow, a
drunkard. The GREEKS have always been regarded as a jolly, luxurious
race; so much so, that the Latins employed the verb _Græcari_ (lit. to
play the GREEK) to designate fine living and free potations, a sense in
which Horace frequently uses it; while Shakspeare often mentions the
merry GREEKS; and “as merry as a grig” (or GREEK) was long a favourite
allusion in old English authors. It is said by some that grig is in this
sense intended to represent the small eel of that name which from its
lively movements is supposed to be always merry; while others incline to
the belief that the cricket, which is also in some parts of the
provinces known as a grig, is meant. Readers may take their choice.

~Green~, ignorant, not wide-awake, inexperienced.—_Shakspeare._ “Do you
see any GREEN in my eye?” ironical question in a dispute.

~Greenbacks~, the paper money issued in the United States during the
war. The term was at first applied only to the notes for small amounts,
which were backed with green, but eventually the one word represented
all descriptions of what is now known in America as “currency.”

~Green-horn~, a fresh, simple, or uninitiated person.

~Greenlander~, an inexperienced person, a spoon. Sometimes an Irishman.

~Greenwich goose~, a pensioner of the Naval Hospital.

~Griddler~, a person who sings in the streets without a printed copy of
the words.—_Seven Dials._

~Gridiron~, a County Court summons. Originally a summons to the Court of
Westminster only; from the GRIDIRON arms. The Grafton Club is nearly
always known as the GRID or GRIDIRON, that instrument being brought into
requisition whenever possible in the cuisine.

~Gridiron and dough boys~, the flag of the United States, in allusion to
the stars and stripes.—_Sea._

~Grief~, “to come to GRIEF,” to meet with an accident, to be ruined.

~Griffin~, in India, a newly-arrived cadet; general for an inexperienced

~Grind~, “to take a GRIND,” _i.e._, a walk, or constitutional. The daily
grind is a term representing employment containing much routine. At
Oxford college sports are called sometimes the GRIND.

~Grind~, to work up for an examination, to cram by oneself, or with a
private tutor.

~Grinder~, private tutor, a coach.—_University._

~Grinder~, a tooth.

~Grindoff~, a miller. From _The Miller and his Men_.

~Gripes~, the stomach-ache. _See_ TRIPES.

~Grist to the mill~, money to the pocket, food to the family; anything
which is supposed to add to a man’s immediate prospects, to his income,
or to his benefit in any way, is said to “bring GRIST TO THE MILL.”

~Grizzle~, to fret or cry continuously.

~Grog blossoms~, pimples on the face, caused by hard drinking. Of such a
person it is often said, “He bears his blushing honours thick upon him.”

~Grog-fight~, a drinking party.—_Military._

~Groggy~, tipsy; when a prize-fighter becomes “weak on his pins,” and
nearly beaten, he is said to be GROGGY. The same term is applied to
horses that are overworked and unsteady. From similarity of appearance
to the peculiarity of gait consequent on imbibing too much GROG.

~Grove of the Evangelist~, a facetious name for St. John’s Wood.

~Growler~, a four-wheeled cab. It is generally supposed that drivers of
these vehicles take a less favourable view of life than do their Hansom

~Grub and bub~, victuals and drink of any kind,—GRUB signifying food,
and BUB, drink.

~Grubbing ken~, or SPINIKIN, a workhouse; a cook-shop.

~Grubby~, musty, or old-fashioned.—_Devonshire._

~Gruel~, “to give a person his GRUEL,” to kill him. An expression in all
probability derived from the report of a trial for poisoning, or from
the easiest manner of administering a dose of poison. In the old days a
similar phrase was “to drug a posset.” Compare “to settle his hash,” and
“cook his goose.”

~Guardevine~, a cellaret.—_Scotch._

~Guinea pigs~, habitual directors of public companies; special jurymen;
and engineer officers doing civil duty at the War Office, and paid a
GUINEA per diem.

~Guinea to a goose~, a sporting phrase, meaning long odds in favour of,
or against, anything under notice. In the City this state of things is
represented by the phrase, Lombard Street to a China orange. There are
also other colloquialisms on this subject, but their power is, as a
rule, mainly dependent upon their indecency.

~Gulfed~, originally a Cambridge term, denoting that a man is unable
to enter for the classical examination from having failed in the
mathematical. These men’s names appeared in the list of “Degrees
Allowed.” The name GULF for this list is said to have arisen from the
boast of a former “wooden spoon.” “I would have you to know there is a
great GULF between _me_ and the captain of the poll.” Candidates for
classical honours were compelled to go in for both examinations. From
the alteration of the arrangements, the term as thus applied is now
obsolete. The expression is common now in Oxford as descriptive of a man
who goes in for honours, and only gets a pass. An Honorary Fourth is
when a candidate who only tries for a pass does so well that he is
raised to the honours’ list.

~Gull~, to cheat, to deceive; also one easily cheated. From the easy
manner in which the bird of that name is deceived.

~Gullyfluff~, the waste—coagulated dust, crumbs, and hair—which
accumulates imperceptibly in the pockets of schoolboys.

~Gully rakers~, cattle thieves in Australia, the cattle being stolen out
of almost inaccessible valleys, there termed GULLIES.

~Gulpin~, a weak, credulous fellow, who will GULP down anything.

~Gummy~, thick, fat—generally applied to a woman’s ankles, or to a man
whose flabby person betokens him a drunkard.

~Gumption~, or RUMGUMPTION, comprehension, capacity. From GAUM, to
comprehend; “I canna gauge it, and I canna GAUM it,” as a Yorkshire
exciseman said of a hedgehog.

~Gun~, a magsman or street thief. Diminutive of gonnuf or gunnof. A
GUN’S practice is known as GUNOVING.

~Gunner’s daughter~, a term facetiously applied to the method of
punishing boys in the Royal Navy by tying them securely to the breech of
a cannon, so as to present the proper part convenient for the cat, and
flogging them. This is called “marrying” or “kissing” the GUNNER’S

~Gup~, gossip.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Gurrawaun~, a coachman, a native Indian corruption of the English word
coachman. For another curious corruption of a similar kind, _see_

~Gusher~, one overflowing with sentiment, a rhapsodizer. Romance-reading
young ladies are generally described as GUSHING, and of late years the
word GUSH has done duty as representing the newspaper work necessary for
a continuance of the “largest circulation.”

~Gut scraper~, a fiddler.

~Gutter blood~, a low or vulgar man.—_Scotch._

~Gutter lane~, the throat. Probably from GUTTUR.

~Guttle~, _see_ GUZZLE.

~Guy~, a fright, a dowdy, an ill-dressed person. Derived from the effigy
of Guy Fawkes carried about by boys on Nov. 5. “Hollo, boys, another

~Guy~, to get away. Same as HEDGE in street phraseology, which _see_.

~Guzzle~, to eat or drink to excess; to eat loudly, hastily, and

~Gyp~, an undergraduate’s servant at Cambridge. Popularly derived by
Cantabs from the _Greek_, GYPS, (γύψ), a vulture, from the dishonest
rapacity peculiar to GYPS. At Oxford servants are called scouts.

~Hackle~, pluck; “to show HACKLE,” to be willing to fight. HACKLES are
the long feathers on the back of a cock’s neck, which he erects when
angry,—hence the metaphor.

~Hackslaver~, to stammer in one’s speech, like a dunce at his lesson.

~Haddock~, a purse.—_See_ BEANS.

~Hair of the dog~, a “modest quencher,” taken the morning following a
debauch. Originally a “HAIR OF THE DOG that bit you.” This is very old,
and seems to show that homœopathy is by no means new, so far as topers,
at all events, are concerned.

~Half-a-bean~, half-a-sovereign.

~Half-a-bull~, two shillings and sixpence.

~Half-a-couter~, half-a-sovereign.

~Half-a-hog~, sixpence; sometimes termed HALF-A-GRUNTER.

~Half-and-half~, a mixture of ale and porter, much affected by medical
students; occasionally Latinized into “dimidium dimidiumque.” Cooper is
HALF-AND-HALF, made of stout and porter. The term of HALF-AND-HALF is
also applied to the issue of marriages between gipsies and “white

~Half-a-stretch~, six months in prison.

~Half-a-tusheroon~, half-a-crown.

~Half-baked~, soft, doughy, half-witted, silly. HALF-ROCKED has a
similar meaning.

~Half-foolish~, ridiculous; means often wholly foolish.

~Half Jack.~ _See_ JACKS.

~Half-mourning~, to have a black eye from a blow. As distinguished from
“whole-mourning,” two black eyes.

~Half-rocked~, silly, half-witted. Derived from a vulgar idea that in
the Westcountry children are nursed in a peculiar manner, which in
afterlife affects their wits. They are said to be nursed bottom upwards,
so as to sleep without much rocking. If this is inconsequent it is the
fault of the saying and not of the dictionary. Compare HALF-BAKED.

~Half-seas-over~, reeling drunk.—_Sea._ Used by Swift.

~Hall~, THE, Leadenhall Market, among folk who get their livings there,
in the same way as “The Garden” refers to Covent Garden.

~Hand~, a workman or helper, a person. “A cool HAND,” explained by Sir
Thomas Overbury to be “one who accounts bashfulness the wickedest thing
in the world, and therefore studies impudence.”

~Hander~, a second, or assistant. At some schools blows on the hand
administered with a cane are so called.

~Handicap~, an arrangement by which, in any description of sport, every
competitor in a race is supposed to have a chance of winning equal to
the chances of his opponents. HANDICAPPING, in horse-racing signifies
the adjudgment of various weights to horses differing in age, power, and
speed, so as to place them as much as possible on an equality. At other
sports this equalization is managed by means of starts.

The old game of HANDICAP (hand i’ the cap) is a very different affair;
and, as it is now almost obsolete, being only played by gentlemen in
Ireland, after hunting and racing dinners, when the wine has circulated
pretty freely, merits a description here. It is played by three persons,
in the following manner:—A wishes to obtain some article belonging to
B, say a horse; and offers to “challenge” his watch against it. B
agrees; and C is chosen as HANDICAPPER to “make the award”—that is, to
name the sum of money that the owner of the article of lesser value
shall give with it, in exchange for the more valuable one. The three
parties, A, B, and C, put down a certain stake each, and then the
HANDICAPPER makes his award. If A and B are both satisfied with the
award, the exchange is made between the horse and watch, and the
HANDICAPPER wins, and takes up the stakes. Or if neither be satisfied
with the award, the HANDICAPPER takes the stakes; but if A be satisfied
and B not, or _vice versâ_, the party who declares himself satisfied
gets the stakes. It is consequently the object of the HANDICAPPER to
make such award as will cause the challenger and challenged to be of the
same mind; and considerable ingenuity is required and exhibited on his
part. The challenge having been made, as stated, between A’s watch and
B’s horse, each party puts his HAND into a CAP or hat [or into his
pocket] while C makes the award, which he purposely does in as rapid and
complex a manner as possible. Thus, after humorously exaggerating the
various excellences of the articles, he may say—“The owner of the
superior gold lever watch shall give to the owner of the beautiful
thoroughbred bay horse, called Flyaway, the watch and fifteen
half-crowns, seven crowns, eighteen half-guineas, one hundred and forty
groats, thirteen sovereigns, fifty-nine pence, seventeen shillings and
sixty-three farthings. Draw, gentlemen!” A and B must instantly then
draw out and open their hands. If money appears in both, they are
agreed, and the award stands good; if money be in neither hand, they are
also agreed, but the award is rejected. If money be only in one hand,
they are not agreed, the award is off, and the stakes go as already
stated. Very frequently, neither A nor B is sufficiently quick in his
mental calculation to follow the HANDICAPPER, and not knowing on the
instant the total of the various sums in the award, prefers being “off,”
and, therefore, “draws” no money. As in this event the HANDICAPPER gets
the stakes, the reason for the complex nature of his award is obvious.

When HANDICAPPING has once commenced in a convivial party, it is
considered unsportsmanlike to refuse a challenge. So when the small
hours draw on, and the fun becomes fast and furious, coats, boots,
waistcoats, even shirts are challenged, HANDICAPPED, and exchanged,
amidst an almost indescribable scene of good humoured joviality and
stentorian laughter. This is the true HANDICAP. The application of the
term to horse-racing has arisen from one or more persons being chosen to
make the award between persons, who put down equal sums of money, on
entering horses unequal in power and speed for the same race. So that
the HANDICAP has ultimately come to be regarded as an arrangement of a
purely business-like nature, by which means affairs, no matter how much
they may differ in degree, may be arranged satisfactorily by all
parties. The use of the word is spreading rapidly, and it has already a
sense beyond that of mere sporting.

~Handicap~, to make even, as a Roland for an Oliver. Not long since in a
pedestrian enclosure, a pugilist who had been specially retained on one
side struck a member of the other party, who not being a fighting-man
received the blow with apparent contentment. The injured person had,
however, determined on being revenged, and about an hour afterwards he
knocked the professional down with a big stick, using the words at the
same time, “that HANDICAPS us” (that makes us even). The word is often
used thus also: A man finding himself inferior to another at fisticuffs
will, seizing a weapon, exclaim, “I’ll HANDICAP you,” _i.e._, I’ll bring
you to my level (or “level myself up”) with this.

~Handle~, a nose; the title appended to a person’s name; also a term in
boxing, “to HANDLE one’s fists,” to use them against an adversary.

~Handling~, a method of concealing certain cards in the palm of the
hand, or in fashionable long wristbands; one of the many modes of
cheating practised by sharpers.

~Hand-me-downs~, second-hand clothes. _See_ REACH-ME-DOWNS.

~Hand-saw~, or CHIVE FENCER, a man who sells razors and knives in the

~Handseller~, or CHEAP JACK, a street or open-air seller, a man who
carries goods to his customers, instead of waiting for his customers to
visit him.

~Hanging~, in difficulties. A man who is in great straits, and who is,
therefore, prepared to do anything desperate to retrieve his fortunes,
is said, among sporting men, to be “a man HANGING,” _i.e._, a man to
whom any change must be for the better.

~Hangman’s wages~, thirteenpence halfpenny.—_Old. 17th century._

    “’Sfoot, what a witty rogue was this to leave this fair
    thirteenpence halfpenny, and this old halter,” intimating aptly—

    “Had the hangman met us there, by these presages
    Here had been his work, and here his wages.”

        _Match at Midnight._

The clothes of the culprit were also the hangman’s wages. See one of
Lord Bacon’s aphorisms, beginning “A cursed page.”

~Hang out~, to reside,—in allusion to the ancient custom of hanging out

~Hang up~, to rob with violence, to garrotte. Most likely from
throttling associations in connexion with the practice of garrotting.

~Hannah~, “that’s the man as married HANNAH,” a Salopian phrase to
express a matter begun or ended satisfactorily. Meaning actually,
“that’s the thing.”

~Hansel~, or HANDSEL, the lucky money, or first money taken in the
morning by a pedlar.—_Cocker’s Dictionary_, 1724. “Legs of mutton
(street term for sheep’s trotters, or feet) two for a penny; who’ll give
me a HANSEL? who’ll give me a HANSEL?” Hence, earnest money,
first-fruits, &c. In Norfolk, HANSELLING a thing is using it for the
first time, as wearing a new coat, taking seisin of it, as it were.
Danish, HANDSEL; _Anglo-Saxon_, HANDSELEN.

~Ha’porth o’ coppers~, Habeas Corpus.—_Legal slang._

~Ha’porth o’ liveliness~, the music at a low concert, or theatre. Also a
dilatory person.

~Happy-go-lucky~, careless, indifferent as to the favours or reverses of

~Haramzadeh~, a very general Indian term of contempt, signifying

~Hard lines~, hardship, difficulty. Soldiers’ term for hard duty on the
lines in front of the enemy. LINES was formerly synonymous with _Lot_,
_see_ Ps. xvi. 6.—_Bible version_—“The LINES are fallen unto me in
pleasant places;” _Prayer-Book do._—“The LOT is fallen unto me in a
fair ground.”

~Hard mouthed un~, any one difficult to deal with, a sharp bargainer, an
obstinate person. Derivation obvious.

~Hard tack~, ship biscuits. This is a term used by sailors to
distinguish their ordinary sea-bread from that obtained on shore, which
is called soft TACK, or soft tommy. HARD TACK is also a phrase used by
the London lower classes to signify coarse or insufficient food.

~Hard-up~, a cigar-end finder, who collects the refuse pieces of smoked
cigars from the gutter, and having dried them, smokes them, or sells
them as tobacco to the very poor. _See_ TOPPER.

~Hard-up~, in distress, poverty-stricken.—_Sea._

~Hardy~, a stone.—_North._

~Harebrained~, reckless, unthinking.

~Harry~, or OLD HARRY, (_i.e._, Old Hairy?) the Devil; “to play OLD
HARRY with one,” _i.e._, ruin or annoy him.

~Harry-soph~, (ἐρίσοφος, very wise indeed), a student of law or physic
at Cambridge who, being of the same standing as the students in arts in
his year, is allowed to wear a full-sleeved gown when they assume their
B.A. gowns, though he does not obtain his actual degree so soon. An
undergraduate in his last year is a Senior Soph, in his last term a

~Harum-scarum~, wild, dissipated, reckless; four horses driven in a
line. This is also called SUICIDE. _See_ TANDEM, RANDEM, UNICORN, &c.

~Hash~, a mess, confusion; “a pretty HASH he made of it;” to HASH UP, to
jumble together without order or regularity. The term also occurs in the
phrase “to settle his HASH,” which is equivalent to “give him his
gruel,” or “cook his goose,” _i.e._, to kill him.

~Hatchet~, “to throw the HATCHET,” to tell lies. Same as “to draw the
long bow.”

~Hatchet~, “to sling the HATCHET,” to skulk.—_Sea._

~Hawbuck~, a vulgar, ignorant, country fellow, but one remove from the

~Hawse holes~, the apertures in a ship’s bows through which the cables
pass; “he has crept in through the HAWSE-HOLES,” said of an officer who
has risen from the grade of an ordinary seaman, whose original position
in the vessel was forward—before the mast.—_Navy._

~Hay bag~, a woman.

~Haymarket Hectors~, bullies who, in the interest of prostitutes, affect
the neighbourhood of Leicester Square and the Haymarket.

~Haze~, to confuse and annoy a subordinate by contradictory,
unnecessary, and perplexing orders.

~Hazy~, intoxicated, also dull and stupid.

~Head-beetler~, the bully of the workshop, who lords it over his
fellow-workmen by reason of superior strength, skill in fighting, &c.
Sometimes applied to the foreman.

~Header~, a plunge head foremost into water, or a fall in the same
posture from accident. Nowadays a theatrical expression for any
supposedly daring jump of hero or heroine in sensational dramas.

~Head or tail~, “I can’t make HEAD OR TAIL of it,” _i.e._, cannot make
it out. Originally a gambling phrase.

~Head-rails~, the teeth.—_Sea._

~Head-serag~, a master, overseer, or other important personage; from
SERANG, a boatswain.—_Bengalee_, and _Sea_.

~Heap~, “a HEAP of people,” a crowd; “struck all of a HEAP,” suddenly

~Heat~, a bout, or turn, in horse or foot racing. By means of heats the
field is gradually reduced.

~Heavy dragoons~, bugs, in contradistinction from fleas, which are
“light infantry.”—_Oxford University._

~Heavy wet~, malt liquor—because the more a man drinks of it, the
heavier and more stupid he becomes.

~Hedge~, to get away from any dangerous spot. “We saw the slop coming,
and HEDGED at once.”

~Hedge~, to secure oneself from loss over one bet by making others.
HEDGING, as a system of betting, is entirely dependent upon what happens
in the market after a horse has been backed. From information, or good
judgment, a backer selects, say, three horses, A, B, and C, whom he
thinks likely to advance in the betting, and takes 50 to 1—say £1000 to
£20—against each of them. As the race-day approaches the horse A may
fall out of the betting, from accident or other cause, and have to be
written off as a dead loss of £20. But the other two horses, as
anticipated, improve in public favour, and the backer, who now becomes a
HEDGER, succeeds in laying 5 to 1—say £500 to £100—against B, and 2 to
1—say 500 to £250—against C. The account then stands thus:—A is a
certain loss of £20; but if B wins, the HEDGER will receive £1000 and
pay £500; balance in favour, £500. If B loses, the HEDGER will receive
£100 and pay £20; balance in favour, £80. If C wins, the hedger will
receive £1000 and pay £500; balance in favour, £500. If C loses, the
HEDGER will receive £250 and pay £20; balance in favour, £230.
Deducting, then, the loss of £20 on A, the HEDGER’S winnings will be
considerable; and he cannot lose, providing his information or judgment
lead to the required result. It must be borne in mind that very often a
man who feels inclined to go in for a HEDGING speculation, may back half
a dozen horses, not one of which sees a short price or goes to the post;
besides which it must never be forgotten, that, however well turf
speculations may look on paper, they are subject to the contingency of
the bets being honourably paid on settling-day—the Monday after a
race—when unfortunately there are often more “receivers” than “payers”
at the clubs. However, turf transactions are among professionals
conducted at least as honourably as are any other business matters; and
it is only the fledgling swell, to whom the Legislature gives special
opportunities of losing his money, who is generally _non est_ when
paytime comes. “The Druid” in _Post and Paddock_ has remarked:—

    “The term HEDGING has been quite superseded by “laying off;” and we
    had, in fact, quite forgotten it till we saw it stated in the papers
    lately, by a clergyman, who did not answer a question on doctrine as
    the Bishop of Exeter exactly liked, that his lordship addressed him
    to this effect: ‘You are HEDGING, sir; you are HEDGING!’”

Usually correct as “The Druid” was, he seems to have fallen into an
error here, as HEDGING, and “laying off,” have been exchangeable terms,
as far as the oldest turfite can say. It should be remembered that
HEDGING is generally done with the man who has originally laid the odds;
for as a natural consequence, when the backer finds it convenient to
hedge, the layer finds it equally so to back the horse back,—the first
loss being considered always the best by bookmakers who _are_
bookmakers. Besides which, the layer has generally a lot of “dead
money”—money to the good over horses he has laid against, which have
since been struck out—and this he profitably expends in backing certain
horses back for the purpose of levelling up the book.

~Hedge-popping~, shooting small birds about the hedges, as boys do;
unsportsmanlike kind of shooting.

~Heel-tap~, the small quantity of wine or other beverage left in the
bottom of a glass, considered as a sign that the liquor is not liked,
and therefore unfriendly and unsocial to the host and the company. _See_

~Heigh-ho!~ a cant term for stolen yarn, from the expression used to
apprize the dishonest shopkeeper that the speaker had stolen yarn to
sell.—_Norwich Cant._

~Hell~, a fashionable gambling-house. Small places of this kind are
called “silver hells.” Reason obvious.

~Hell and Tommy~, utter destruction.

~Helter-skelter~, anyhow, without regard to order or precedence.

~Hempen cravat~, the hangman’s noose.

~Hen and Chickens~, large and small pewter pots.

~Hen-pecked~, said of one whose wife “wears the breeches.” From the
action of the hen in paired cage-birds.

~Herring-pond~, the sea; “to be sent across the HERRING-POND,” to be

~Hiding~, a thrashing. Webster gives this word, but not its root, HIDE,
to beat, to flay by whipping. Most likely from the part attacked. The
threat of thrashing is sometimes conveyed thus:—“I’ll tan (or dress)
your HIDE.”

~Higgledy-piggledy~, confusedly, all together,—as pigs lie.

~High and dry~, an epithet applied to the _soi-disant_ “orthodox” clergy
of the last century, for whom, while ill-paid curates did the work, the
comforts of the Establishment were its greatest charms.

    “Wherein are various ranks, and due degrees,
    The Bench for honour, and the Stall for ease.”

Though often confounded with, they are utterly dissimilar to, the modern
High Church or Anglo-Catholic party, who now receive the title at times;
while their opponents receive the corresponding appellation of “Low and
Slow,” and the so-called “Broad Church” is defined with equal felicity as
the “Broad and Shallow.” Humourists have divided these three portions of
one Church into Attitudinarians, Platitudinarians, and Latitudinarians.

~High Church~, term used in contradistinction from “Low Church.”

~Highfalutin’~, showy, affected, tinselled, affecting certain pompous or
fashionable airs, stuck up; “come, none of yer HIGHFALUTIN’ games,”
_i.e._, you must not show off or imitate the swell here.—_American_
slang, now common in Liverpool and the East-end of London. From the
_Dutch_, VERLOOTEN. Used generally now in the sense of fustian,
high-sounding, unmeaning eloquence, bombast.

~High-flier~, anything above the common order. Apt students, fast
coaches, and special trains are sufficient instances of the extreme
openness of the qualification.

~High-fly~, “ON THE HIGH-FLY,” on the genteel or letter-bearing begging

~High-flyer~, a genteel beggar or swindler. A begging-letter impostor.

~High-flyer~, a large swing, in frames, at fairs and races. The first
fast coaches were called high-flyers on account of their desperate

~High jinks~, “ON THE HIGH JINKS,” taking up an arrogant position,
assuming an undue superiority. Scott explains this game in _Guy
Mannering_. Nowadays HIGH JINKS is often used to mean a jollification.

~High-lows~, laced boots reaching a trifle higher than ankle-jacks.

~High-strikes~, corruption of _Hysterics_.

~Hipped~, bored, offended, crossed, low-spirited, &c. This may have been
originally hypped, and have had some connexion with hypochondriacal

~Hitched~, an Americanism for married. From the word HITCH, used in
America in the sense of to harness.

~Hittite~, a facetious sporting term for a prize-fighter. Derived from
the Bible.

~Hivite~, a student of St. Begh’s College, Cumberland, which is
pronounced and generally written St. Bee’s. Literally, Hive-ite.

~Hoax~, to deceive, or ridicule,—Grose says this was originally a
University cant word. Corruption of HOCUS, to cheat.

~Hob and nob~, to act in concert with another; to lay “heads together;”
to touch glasses in drinking; to fraternize in a convivial meeting or
merry-making. Originally meaning “foot and head,”—the touching of the
top of one glass with the bottom of another, and then reversing the
order. Nowadays it means simply to clink glasses together as a
salutation before imbibing.

~Hobbadehoy~, a youth who has ceased to regard himself as a boy, and is
not yet regarded as a man.

~Hobble~, trouble of any kind. A man is said to be in a HOBBLE when he
has offended the proprieties in any way, “from pitch and toss to

~Hobbled~, committed for trial; properly said of animals fed by the
wayside, with their forelegs fastened together. Hence people who gather
burdens about them are said to get into HOBBLES.

~Hob Collingwood~, according to Brockett, a north country term for the
four of hearts, considered an unlucky card.

~Hobson’s choice~, “this or none.” Hobson was a carrier at Cambridge,
and also a letter-out of horses for hire; and is said to have always
compelled his customers to take the horse that stood in the stall next
the stable-door or none at all. He was a benefactor to the town, and
Hobson’s Conduit still stands as a memorial of him.

~Hock-dockies~, shoes.

~Hocks~, the feet and ankles; CURBY HOCKS, round or clumsy feet and
ankles. Term originating with horsey men.

~Hocus~, to drug a person for purposes of robbery. The potion generally
consists of snuff and beer among rogues of the lowest class, and is by
them called “snuffing a bloke;” or sometimes, when the drug is
administered to a woman for purposes other than those of robbery,
“snuffing a blowen.”

~Hocus pocus~, gipsy words of magic, similar to the modern “presto fly.”
The gipsies pronounce “_Habeas Corpus_,” HAWCUS PACCUS (_see_ Crabb’s
_Gipsies’ Advocate_, p. 18); can this have anything to do with the
origin of HOCUS POCUS? Turner gives OCHUS BOCHUS, an old demon. Pegge,
however, states that it is a burlesque rendering of the words of the
Roman Catholic Church service at the delivery of the host, HOC EST
CORPUS, which the early Protestants considered as a species of
conjuring, and ridiculed accordingly.

~Hodge~, a countryman or provincial clown. Most country districts in
England have one or more families in the name of HODGE; indeed, GILES
and HODGE appear to be the favourite hobnail nomenclature. HODGE is said
to be simply an abbreviation of Roger.

~Hog~, a shilling.—_Old Cant._

~Hog~, “to go the whole HOG;” “the whole HOG or none,” to do anything
with a person’s entire strength, not “by halves;” realized by the phrase
“in for a penny in for a pound.” Bartlett claims this to be a pure
American phrase; whilst Ker, of course, gives it a Dutch origin.—_Old._
“To go the whole HOG” is frequently altered by those people who believe
there is wit in circumlocution, into “the entire animal,” or “the
complete swine!”

~Hoga~, do. “That wont HOGA,” _i.e._, that wont do, is one of the very
commonest of the Anglo-Indian slang phrases.

~Hogmagundy~, the process by which the population is increased.

    “There’s many a job that day begun
    That ends in Hogmagundy.”—_Burns._

~Hogmany night~, New Year’s Eve, when presents are solicited by the
young folk.—_Scotch._

~Hogo~, a tremendous stench. From _haut goût_. Now often pronounced

~Hoisting~, shoplifting.

~Hold hard~, an exclamation made when a sudden stoppage is desired.
Originally an expression used in riding or driving, now general.

~Hollow~, “to beat HOLLOW,” to excel.

~Holy Joe~, a sea-term for a parson.

~Holy Land~, a very old term for the Seven Dials,—where St. Giles’s
Greek is spoken.

~Homo~, a man. _Lingua Franca_; but _see_ OMEE, the more usual Cockney

~Hondey~, a Manchester name for an omnibus, and the abbreviation of
HONDEYBUSH, the original Lancashire pronunciation of the word.

~Honest Shilling~, a shilling earned by a process actually immoral, but
not positively illegal. The money earned by a prostitute is said to be
honest, as distinguished from that obtained by a thief. Probably from
the story of the converted burglar, who determined to sin no more
himself, and who lectured against dishonesty, but sent his wife out
regularly every evening with instructions to earn an HONEST SHILLING.

~Honey blobs~, a Scotch term for large ripe, yellow gooseberries.

~Honour bright~, an asseveration which means literally, “by my honour,
which is bright and unsullied.” It is often still further curtailed to
“HONOUR!” only.

~Hook~, an expression at Oxford, implying doubt, either connected with
Hookey Walker, or with a note of interrogation (?) “Yes, with a HOOK at
the end of it!” _i.e._, with some reservation, generally that of doubt,
by the speaker.

~Hook~, to steal or rob. _See_ the following.

~Hook or by crook~, by fair means or foul—in allusion to the hook with
which footpads used to steal from open windows, &c., and from which
HOOK, to take or steal, has been derived. Mentioned in _Hudibras_ as a
cant term.

~Hook it~, “get out of the way,” or “be off about your business;”
generally varied by “take your HOOK.” “To HOOK it,” to run away, to
decamp; “on one’s own HOOK,” dependent upon one’s own exertions.
Originally connected with the preceding, but now perfectly “on its own

~Hookey walker!~ ejaculation of incredulity, usually shortened to
WALKER!—which _see_.

~Hooks~, “dropped off the HOOKS,” said of a deceased person—possibly
derived from the ancient practice of suspending on hooks the quarters of
a traitor or felon sentenced by the old law to be hung, drawn, and
quartered, which dropped off the hooks as they decayed.

~Hook um snivey~ (formerly “HOOK and SNIVEY”), a low expression, meaning
to cheat by feigning sickness or other means. Also a piece of thick iron
wire crooked at one end, and fastened into a wooden handle, for the
purpose of undoing from the outside the wooden bolt of a door. Sometimes
used as an irrelevant answer by street boys. As, “who did that?”—“HOOK
UM SNIVEY”—actually no one.

~Hop~, a dance.—_Fashionable slang._

~Hop merchant~, a dancing master.

~Hop o’ my thumb~, an undersized person. From the story of that name.
Portion of a set of phrases established for the benefit of the small, in
which Tomtit, Little Breeches, Daniel Lambert, Sixfoot, Twentystun, &c.,
play a prominent part.

~Hopping Giles~, a cripple. St. Ægidius or Giles, himself similarly
afflicted, was the patron saint of lazars and cripples. The ancient
lazar houses were dedicated to him.

~Hoppo~, custom-house officer, or custom-house. Almost anything
connected with custom-house business.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Hop the twig~, to run away; also, a flippant expression meaning to die.
Many similar phrases are used by the thoughtless and jocose, as “laying
down one’s knife and fork,” “pegging out,” from the game of cribbage,
and “snuffing it.” A new form of this phraseology is to say that a man
has “given up” or “given in.”

~Hornswoggle~, nonsense, humbug. Believed to be of American origin.

~Horrors~, the low spirits, or “blue devils,” which follow intoxication.
Incipient _del. trem._

~Horse~, contraction of Horsemonger-Lane Gaol, also a slang term for a
five-pound note.

~Horse~, to flog. From the old wooden horse or flogging-stool.

~Horsebreaker.~ _See_ PRETTY HORSEBREAKER.

~Horse chaunter~, a dealer who takes worthless horses to country fairs
and disposes of them by artifice. He is generally an unprincipled
fellow, and will put in a glass eye, fill a beast with shot, plug him
with ginger, or in fact do anything so that he sells to advantage. _See_

~Horse marine~, an awkward person. In ancient times the “jollies,” or
Royal Marines, were the butts of the sailors, from their ignorance of
seamanship. “Tell that to the MARINES, the blue jackets wont believe
it!” was a common rejoinder to a “stiff yarn.” A HORSE MARINE (an
impossibility) was used to denote one more awkward even than an ordinary
“jolly.” Nowadays the MARINES are deservedly appreciated as one of the
finest regiments in the service.

~Horse nails.~ At the game of cribbage, when a player finds it his
policy to keep his antagonist back, rather than push himself forward,
and plays accordingly, he is sometimes said “to feed his opponent on

~Horse nails~, money.—_Compare_ BRADS.

~Horse’s nightcap~, a halter; “to die in a HORSE’S NIGHTCAP,” to be

~Horsey~, like a groom or jockey. Applied also to persons who affect the
turf in dress or conversation.

~Hot coppers~, the feverish sensations experienced in the morning by
those who have been drunk over-night.

~Hot tiger~, an Oxford mixture of hot-spiced ale and sherry.

~House of Commons~, a humorous term for the closet of decency.

~Houses;~ “safe as HOUSES,” an expression to satisfy a doubting person;
“Oh! it’s as safe as HOUSES,” _i.e._, perfectly safe, apparently in
allusion to the paying character of house property as an investment. It
is said the phrase originated when the railway bubbles began to burst,
and when people began to turn their attention to the more ancient forms
of speculation, which though slow were sure.

~Housewarming~, the first friendly gathering in a new or
freshly-occupied house.

~How-came-you-so?~ intoxicated.

~How much?~ A facetious way of asking for an explanation of any
difficult or pedantic expression. “Why don’t you cook your potatoes in
an anhydrohepsaterion?” A waggish listener might be excused for asking,
“An anhydro—HOW MUCH!”

~How’s your poor feet?~ an idiotic street cry with no meaning, much in
vogue a few years back.

~Hoxter~, an inside pocket.—_Old English_, OXTER. Probably the low
slang word HUXTER, money, is derived from this. OXTER is, among the
Irish, an armpit.

~Hubble bubble~, the Indian pipe termed a hookah is thus designated,
from the noise it makes when being smoked.

~Huey~, a town or village.—_Tramps’ term._

~Huff~, a dodge or trick; “don’t try that HUFF on me,” or “that HUFF
wont do.” Also a term in the game of draughts,—the penalty for failing
to take an opponent’s piece when an opportunity occurs.

~Huff~, to vex, to offend; a poor temper. HUFFY, easily offended.
HUFFED, annoyed, offended. Some folk are tersely and truly described as
easily HUFFED.

~Hugger-mugger~, underhand, sneaking. Also, “in a state of
HUGGER-MUGGER” means to be muddled.

~Hulk~, to hang about in hopes of an invitation. _See_ MOOCH.

~Hulky~, extra-sized.—_Shropshire._ From this and from hulk we probably
get our adjective HULKING, as applied to the great lazy ruffians who
infest low neighbourhoods.

~Hum and haw~, to hesitate, or raise objections.—_Old English._

~Humble pie~, to “eat HUMBLE PIE,” to knock under, to be submissive. The
UMBLES, or entrails, and other unprime parts of a deer, were anciently
made into a dish for servants, while their masters feasted off the

~Hum-box~, a pulpit. This is a very old term.

~Humbug~, an imposition, or a person who imposes upon others. A very
expressive but slang word, synonymous at one time with HUM AND HAW.
Lexicographers for a long time objected to the adoption of this term.
Richardson uses it frequently to express the meaning of other words,
but, strange to say, omits it in the alphabetical arrangement as
unworthy of recognition! In the first edition of this work, 1785 was
given as the earliest date at which the word could be found in a printed
book. Since then HUMBUG has been traced half a century further back, on
the title-page of a singular old jest-book—“_The Universal Jester_; or
a pocket companion for the Wits: being a choice collection of merry
conceits, facetious drolleries, &c., clenchers, closers, closures,
bon-mots, and HUMBUGS,” by Ferdinando Killigrew. London, about 1735-40.

The notorious Orator Henley was known to the mob as ORATOR HUMBUG. The
fact may be learned from an illustration in that exceedingly curious
little collection of _Caricatures_, published in 1757, many of which
were sketched by Lord Bolingbroke—Horace Walpole filling in the names
and explanations. Halliwell describes HUMBUG as “a person who hums,” and
cites Dean Milles’s MS., which was written about 1760. In the last
century, the game now known as double-dummy was termed HUMBUG. Lookup, a
notorious gambler, was struck down by apoplexy when playing at this
game. On the circumstance being reported to Foote, the wit said—“Ah, I
always thought he would be HUMBUGGED out of the world at last!” It has
been stated that the word is a corruption of Hamburgh, from which town
so many false bulletins and reports came during the war in the last
century. “Oh, that is _Hamburgh_ [or HUMBUG],” was the answer to any
fresh piece of news which smacked of improbability. Grose mentions it in
his Dictionary, 1785; and in a little printed squib, published in 1808,
entitled _Bath Characters_, by T. Goosequill, HUMBUG is thus mentioned
in a comical couplet on the title-page:—

    “Wee Thre Bath Deities bee,
    HUMBUG, Follie, and Varietee.”

Gradually from this time the word began to assume a place in periodical
literature, and in novels written by not over-precise authors. In the
preface to a flat, and most likely unprofitable poem, entitled, _The
Reign of HUMBUG, a Satire_, 8vo, 1836, the author thus apologizes for
the use of the word:—“I have used the term HUMBUG to designate this
principle [wretched sophistry of life generally], considering that, it
is now adopted into our language as much as the words dunce, jockey,
cheat, swindler, &c., which were formerly only colloquial terms.” A
correspondent, who in a number of _Adversaria_ ingeniously traced
bombast to the inflated Doctor Paracelsus Bombast, considers that HUMBUG
may, in like manner, be derived from Homberg, the distinguished chemist
of the court of the Duke of Orleans, who, according to the following
passage from Bishop Berkeley’s _Siris_, was an ardent and successful
seeker after the philosopher’s stone!

    “§194.—Of this there cannot be a better proof than the experiment
    of Monsieur Homberg, who made gold of mercury by introducing light
    into its pores, but at such trouble and expense that, I suppose,
    nobody will try the experiment for profit. By this injunction of
    light and mercury, both bodies became fixed, and produced a
    third different to either, to wit, real gold. For the truth
    of which fact I refer to the memoirs of the French Academy of
    Sciences.”—_Berkeley’s Works_, vol ii. p. 366 (Wright’s edition).

Another derivation suggested is that of AMBAGE, a Latin word adopted
into the English language _temp._ Charles I. (_see_ May’s translation
of Lucan’s _Pharsalia_), and meaning conduct the reverse of
straightforward. Again, in the (burlesque) _Loves of Hero and Leander_
(date 1642), we find “MUM-BUG, quoth he, ’twas known of yore,” a cant
expression, no doubt, commanding a person to “shut up,” or hold his
tongue, and evidently derived from the game of _mum-budget_ or
_silence_, upon which Halliwell (_Dict. Arch_.) has descanted.

    AMBAGE is also used in the sense of “circumlocution.” “Without any
    long studie or tedious AMBAGE.”—_Puttenham_, _Art of Poesie_.

    “Umh! y’ are full of AMBAGE.”—_Decker’s Whore of Babylon_, 1607.

    “Thus from her cell Cumæan Sibyl sings
    Ambiguous AMBAGES, the cloyster rings
    With the shrill sound thereof, in most dark strains.”

        _Vicar’s Virgil_, 1632.

De Quincey thus discourses upon the word:—

    “The word HUMBUG, for instance, rests upon a rich and comprehensive
    basis; it cannot be rendered adequately either by German or by
    Greek, the two richest of human languages; and without this
    expressive word we should all be disarmed for one great case,
    continually recurrent, of social enormity. A vast mass of villany,
    that cannot otherwise be reached by legal penalties, or brought
    within the rhetoric of scorn, would go at large with absolute
    impunity were it not through the stern Rhadamanthean aid of this
    virtuous and inexorable word.”—_Article on “Language.”_

The original collater of these notes purchased the collection of essays
known as the _Connoisseur_ at the sale of Thackeray’s library. At the
end of vol. i. he found a memorandum in the great humourist’s
handwriting—“p. 108, ‘HUMBUG,’ a new-coined expression.” On referring
to that page (in the 3rd edition, 1757) this paragraph was noted:—

    “The same conduct of keeping close to their ranks was observed at
    table, where the ladies seated themselves together. Their
    conversation was here also confined wholly to themselves, and seemed
    like the mysteries of the _Bona Dea_, in which men were forbidden to
    have any share. It was a continued laugh and whisper from the
    beginning to the end of dinner. A whole sentence was scarce ever
    spoken aloud. Single words, indeed, now and then broke forth; such
    as, odious, horrible, detestable, shocking, HUMBUG. This last
    new-coined expression, which is only to be found in the nonsensical
    vocabulary, sounds absurd and disagreeable whenever it is
    pronounced; but from the mouth of a lady it is ‘shocking,’
    ‘detestable,’ ‘horrible,’ and ‘odious.’”

The use of this term is almost universal; in California there is a town
called Humbug Flat—a name which gives a significant hint of the
acuteness of the first settler.

~Humdrum~, monotonous, tedious, tiresome, boring; “a society of
gentlemen who used to meet near the Charter House, and at the King’s
Head, St. John’s Street, Clerkenwell. They were characterized by less
mystery and more pleasantry than the Freemasons.”—_Bacchus and Venus_,
1737. In the West the term applies to a low cart.

~Humming~, strong as applied to drink. Extra strong ale is often
characterized as “HUMMING October.” Maybe from its effect on heads not
quite so strong.

~Hump~, low spirits. A costermonger who was annoyed or distressed about
anything would describe himself as having “the HUMP.”

~Hump~, to botch, or spoil.

~Hump up~, “to have one’s HUMP UP,” to be cross or ill-tempered—like a
cat with its back set up. _See_ BACK and MONKEY.

~Humpty-dumpty~, short and thick; all of a heap; all together, like an

    “HUMPTY-DUMPTY sat on a wall.”

Also a hunchback. HUMPTY is an abbreviated form of the expression.

~Hunch~, to shove, or jostle.

~Hunks~, a miserly fellow, a curmudgeon.

~Hunky~, an American term which means good, jolly, &c. As, “a HUNKY
boy,” a good jovial fellow; and “everything went off HUNKY.”

~Hunter pitching~, the game of cockshies—three throws a penny.—_See_

~Hurdy-gurdy~, a droning musical instrument shaped like a large fiddle,
and turned by a crank, used by Savoyards and other itinerant foreign
musicians in England, now nearly superseded by the hand-organ. From the
peculiar noise made by the instrument, which in Italy is called “viola.”

~Hurkaru~, a messenger.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Husbands’ boat~, the Saturday afternoon packet to Margate during the
summer season. So called for obvious reasons. The passengers by this
boat come in for an unusual share of attention from the cads peculiar to
this watering-place.

~Husbands’ tea~, very weak tea. _See_ WATER BEWITCHED.

~Hush-money~, a sum given to quash a prosecution or stay evidence. Money
given to any one for the purpose of quieting him.

~Hush-shop~, or CRIB, a shop where beer and spirits are sold “on the
quiet”—no licence being paid.

~Huxter~, money. Term much in use among costermongers and low sharpers.
Probably from OXTER or HOXTER.

~Hyps~, or HYPO, the blue devils. From HYPOCHONDRIASIS.—_Swift._

~Hy-yaw!~ an interjectional exclamation of

~Ikey~, a Jew “fence.” Corruption of Isaac, a common Hebrew name.

~Imperence~, servant-girl currency for impudence or impertinence. “Now,
then, Mr. IMPERENCE, leave off now, do,” seems, however, to have faded
away with Greenwich, Bartlemy, and kindred fairs.

~Improve the occasion~, a slang term much in use among Chadbands and
Stigginses, who never lose an opportunity of IMPROVING the condition of
either pockets or stomachs at the expense of the credulous.

~In~, “to be IN with a person,” to be even with, or up to him; also, to
be on intimate terms, or in partnership, with him.

UPONS, trousers, the nether garments. All affected terms, having their
origin in a most unpleasant squeamishness.

~Infantry~, nursery term for children; LIGHT INFANTRY, fleas.

~In for it~, in trouble or difficulty of any kind. As, “You’re IN FOR
IT, I wouldn’t stand in your shoes for a trifle.”

~In for patter~, waiting for trial, referring to the speeches of
counsel, the statements of witnesses, the summing up of the judge,
&c.,—the fuss of which the prisoner sets down as “all so much PATTER.”

~Innings~, earnings, good fortune; “he’s had a long INNINGS,” _i.e._, a
good run of luck, with plenty of cash flowing in. From the distinction
between INNINGS and outings at cricket and kindred games.

~Inside lining~, dinner, &c.

~Interesting~, “to be in an INTERESTING situation,” applied to females
when _enceinte_.

~Interview~, to inspect privately with a view to obtaining information
which shall be afterwards published. Both the verb and its use have
their origin with our Transatlantic cousins, and “interviewing” by means
of special reporters, who question most minutely, is of frequent
occurrence,—of occurrence whenever opportunity offers. Should a man be
found guilty of murder, or start as a candidate for the Presidency, he
will be INTERVIEWED by “our special correspondent,” and there are
already signs of this objectionable form of newspaper work finding its
way here. Should a visitor of importance arrive in New York, the
conversation which passes, or is supposed to pass, between him and the
reporter will be found minutely described, with an elaborate
introduction. It is but fair to Americans, however, to say that the
gentleman to whom the credit, or discredit, of the invention of this
system belongs was a native of Great Britain, who invented many other
startling Americanisms during his residence in New York.

~Into~, “hold my hat, Jim, I’ll be INTO him,” _i.e._, I will fight him.
In this sense equivalent to pitch INTO, or slip INTO.

~Invite~, an invitation—a corruption used by stuck-up people of
mushroom origin. Often used, also, by people who know better, from their
desire for slang of any kind.

~Ipsal dixal~, Cockney corruption of _ipse dixit_—said of one’s simple
uncorroborated assertion.

~Irish American~, an Irishman who has been for some time resident in the
States; sometimes a man born in America of Irish parents. The Irish
American body is a power in the United States, and is the fount-spring
as well as the maintaining power of all Fenianism.

~Irish apricots~, potatoes.

~Irish Cockney~, a child born of Irish parents in any part of the
southern counties of England. It is a singular fact that Irishmen born
profess great abhorrence of IRISH COCKNEYS, while the latter despise all
Irish, and use the word as one of reproach. IRISH COCKNEYS were
originally only Cockneys born of an Irish strain, but the term has
proved very elastic, and threatens soon to mean any English-born person
whose descent is Hibernian. Liverpool will, however, always prove an
exception to the rule, as the name “Liverpool Irishmen” is given to
those who would in any southern part be called Cockneys.

~Irish theatre~, the temporary prison, guard-room, or lock-up in a
barracks. The fond fancy of the soldier supplies it with other
figurative appellations, as “the mill,” “the jigger,” “the house that
Jack built.” In Edinburgh Castle it is termed “the dryroom.”

~Irons in the fire~, a man is said to have too many IRONS IN THE FIRE
when he turns his attention to too many occupations or enterprises at

~Isthmus of Suez~, the covered bridge at St. John’s College, Cambridge,
which connects the college with its grounds on the other side of the
river.—_See_ CRACKLE.

~Ivories~, teeth; “a box of IVORIES,” a set of teeth, the mouth; “wash
your IVORIES,” _i.e._, “drink.” The word is also used to denote dice.

~Jabber~, to talk, or chatter. A cant word in Swift’s time. Probably
from GIBBER.

~Jack~, the knave of trumps, at the game of all-fours.

~Jack-at-a-pinch~, one whose assistance is only sought on an emergency.
Jack-in-the-water, an attendant at the watermen’s stairs on the river
and sea-port towns, who does not mind wetting his feet for a customer’s
convenience, in consideration of a douceur.

~Jacked-up~, ruined, done for. To JACK-UP is to leave off doing anything
suddenly. _See_ CHUCK-UP.

~Jacket~, the skin of a potato which has not been pared before cooking.
In Ireland potatoes are generally served “with their JACKETS on.”

~Jacketing~, a thrashing. Similar term to leathering, cowhiding, &c.

~Jackey~, gin. _Seven Dials_ originally. Nearly general now.

~Jack-in-the-box~, a small but powerful kind of screw, used by burglars
to break open safes.

~Jack Ketch~, the public hangman.—_See_ KETCH.

~Jack Nasty-face~, a sailor.—_Sea._ NASTY-FACE is a term applied often
in London streets to an ugly or unpleasant-looking person.

~Jacks~, AND HALF-JACKS, card counters, resembling in size and
appearance sovereigns and half-sovereigns, for which they are
occasionally passed to simple persons. In large gambling establishments
the “heaps of gold” are frequently composed of JACKS. JACKS are not, as
they are sometimes supposed to be, counterfeit coins; they are simply
little medals, and so “magsmen” and “street muggers” carry them with
less concern than they would feel were their pockets loaded with
spurious money.

~Jack Sprat~, a diminutive boy or man.

~Jack Tar~, a sailor.

~Jacob~, a ladder. Grose says, from Jacob’s dream.—_Old Cant._

~Jacob’s ladder~, a longitudinal flaw in the leg of a ballet-girl’s

~Jagger~, a gentleman. _German_, JAGER, a sportsman.

~Jail-bird~, a prisoner, one who has been in jail.

~James~, a sovereign, or twenty shillings. From JACOBUS, the James II.

~Jannock~, sociable, fair dealing.—_Norfolk._ Generally now JONNICK,
which _see_.

~Japan~, to ordain. Having evident reference to the black clothes which
follow ordination.—_University._

~Jark~, a “safe-conduct” pass.—_Oxford._ Old cant for a seal.

~Jarvey~, the driver of a hackney-coach; “JARVEY’S upper Benjamin,” a
coachman’s overcoat, with many capes. An ingenious etymology has been
found for JARVEY, thus:—JARVEY, vernacular for Geoffrey, which was
often written Geo. (gee-ho), hence JARVEY. This is open to considerable
objection, as George is shortened in similar manner to that shown above.
Still it is worthy of record, independently of its ingenuity, being as
exact as many accepted derivations.

~Jaw~, speech, or talk; “hold your JAW,” don’t speak any more; “what are
you JAWING about?” _i.e._, what are you making a noise about?

~Jaw~, to talk without cessation, to scold vehemently.

~Jawbone~, credit.

    “We have a few persons whose pockets are to let—men who have more
    complaints than dollars—individuals who, in digger’s parlance, live
    on JAWBONE (credit), and are always to be found at saloons; a class
    of men who, when they are here, wish themselves yonder, and when
    yonder, wish themselves back.”—_Times Correspondent, San Francisco,
    Oct. 21, 1862._

~Jaw-breaker~, a hard or excessively long word. Also, in pugilistic
sense, a hard blow on the side of the face.

~Jaw-twister~, a hard or many-syllabled word. Elaboration of preceding.

~Jazey~, a wig. A corruption of JERSEY, the name for flax prepared in a
peculiar manner, of which common wigs were formerly made; “the cove with
the JAZEY,” _i.e._, the judge.

~Jeames~ (a generic for “flunkeys”), the _Morning Post_ newspaper—the
organ of Belgravia and the “Haristocracy.”

~Jehu~, old slang term for a coachman, or one fond of

~Jeminy O!~ a vulgar expression of surprise.

~Jemmy~, a sheep’s-head.—_See_ SANGUINARY JAMES.

~Jemmy~, a short crowbar, which generally takes to pieces, for the
convenience of housebreakers.

~Jemmy ducks~, the man whose business it is to look after the poultry on
board a ship.—_Sea._

~Jemmy Jessamy~, a dandy.

~Jemmy-John~, a jar for holding liquor; probably a corruption of
demi-gallon, by means of DEMI-JOHN.

~Jeremiad~, a lament; derived, of course, from the Book of Lamentations,
written by the Prophet Jeremiah.

~Jeremy Diddler~, an adept at raising the wind, _i.e._, at borrowing,
especially at borrowing with no intention of repaying. _See_ the farce
of _Raising the Wind_.

~Jericho~, an improper quarter of Oxford. A lady visitor once writing
her name down in the visitors’ book at the Bodleian or elsewhere, for a
joke put down her residence as “Jericho,” to the no small disgust of her
undergraduate friend.—_University._

~Jerry~, a chamber utensil; abbreviation of JEROBOAM.—_Swift._

~Jerry~, a watch. “JERRY nicking” or “JERRY sneaking” is watch-stealing,
which is a distinct form of street robbery, and requires both courage
and dexterity; for it is done, as the thieves say, “right afore a
bloke’s face.”

~Jerry~, to jibe or chaff cruelly. Development of jeer.

~Jerry-go-nimble~, the diarrhœa. Derivation apparent.

~Jerry Lynch~, a pig’s head pickled. Term usually applied to the long
Irish heads which are sent over here for sale in the poorer districts of
London, and which are vastly different from the heads of “dairy-fed”

~Jerry shop~, a beer-house. Contraction of “Tom and Jerry.”

~Jerry Sneak~, a hen-pecked husband,—a character in the _Mayor of
Garret_. Also, a stealer of watches.

~Jerusalem pony~, a donkey.

~Jessie~, “to give a person JESSIE,” to beat him soundly. _See_ GAS.

~Jew fencer~, a Jew street salesman.

~Jew’s eye~, a popular simile for anything valuable. Probably a
corruption of the _Italian_, GIOJE; _French_, JOAILLE, a jewel. In
ancient times, when a king was short of cash, he generally issued orders
for so many JEWS’ EYES, or equivalent sums of money. The Jews preferred
paying the ransom, although often very heavy. It is notorious that in
this country the order often went forth to draw Jews’ teeth in the
event of their refusing to contribute so much to the Exchequer. A
probable idea is, that as a Jew’s teeth brought in so much money, the
value of a JEW’S EYE must be something fabulous. Possibly, also, from
the _lex talionis_ so strongly believed in by Jews,—an eye for an eye,
and nothing less. The term is used by Shakspeare.

~Jezebel~, a showily-dressed woman of suspected character; derived, of
course, from 2 Kings ix. 30, but applied in this sense from the time of
the Puritans. Also, a hot-tempered female.

~Jib~, a first-year man.—_Dublin University._

~Jib~, or JIBBER, a horse that starts or shrinks. Shakspeare uses it in
the sense of a worn-out horse.

~Jib~, the face, or a person’s expression; “the cut of his JIB,” _i.e._,
his peculiar appearance. That sail of a ship, which in position and
shape, corresponds to the nose on a person’s face.—_Sea._ A vessel is
often known by the cut of the JIB sail; hence the popular phrase, “to
know a man by the cut of his JIB.”

~Jibb~, the tongue.—_Gipsy_ and _Hindoo_. (Tramps’ term.) Thence
extended to mean language.

~Jiffy~, “in a JIFFY,” in a moment.

~Jigger~, a door; “dub the JIGGER,” shut the door. _Ancient cant_,
GYGER. In billiards, the bridge or rest is often termed the JIGGER.
Also, the curtain of a theatre. JIGGER has many meanings, the word being
applied to any small mechanical contrivance. Printers use the word for a
little machine which guides the eye when copy is minute.

~Jigger~, a secret still for the manufacture of illicit spirits.

~Jigger~, “I’m JIGGERED if you will,” a common form of mild swearing.

~Jigger-dubber~, a term applied to a gaoler or turnkey.

~Jiggot o’ mutton~, a leg of mutton. From _Fr._ GIGOT.

~Jilt~, a crowbar or house-breaking implement.

~Jingo~, “by JINGO,” a common form of oath, said to be a corruption of
ST. GINGOULPH. _Vide_ Halliwell.

~Jo~, Scotticism for a man or lover. As “John Anderson, my JO, John.”

~Job~, “a JOB lot,” otherwise called a “sporting lot,” any miscellaneous
goods purchased at a cheap rate, or to be sold a bargain. Frequently
used to conceal the fact of their being stolen, or otherwise dishonestly

~Job~, a short piece of work, a prospect of employment. Johnson
describes JOB as a low word, without etymology. It is, and was, however,
a cant word; and a JOB, two centuries ago, was an arranged robbery. Even
at the present day it is mainly confined to the streets, in the sense of
employment for a short time. Amongst undertakers a JOB signifies a
funeral; “to do a JOB,” conduct any one’s funeral; “by the JOB,” _i.e._,
piece-work, as opposed to time-work. A JOB in political phraseology is a
Government office or contract, obtained by secret influence or
favouritism. Any unfair arrangement is now called a JOB.

~Job~, a sudden blow, as “a JOB in the eye.” Also used as a verb, “I’ll
JOB this here knife in your ribs.”

~Jobation~, a chiding, a reprimand, a trial of the hearer’s patience.

~Jobbery~, the arrangement of jobs, or unfair business proceedings.

~Job’s comfort~, reproof instead of consolation.

~Job’s comforter~, one who brings news of additional misfortunes. Both
these words are of Biblical origin.

~Job’s turkey~, “as poor as JOB’S TURKEY,” as thin and as badly fed as
that ill-conditioned and imaginary bird.

~Jocteleg~, a shut-up knife. Corruption of Jacques de Liège, a famous

~Joe~, a too marvellous tale, a lie, or a stale joke. Abbreviated from
JOE MILLER. The full name is occasionally used, as in the phrase “I
don’t see the JOE MILLER of it,” _i.e._, I don’t perceive the wit you
intend, or I don’t see the fun of doing it,—whatever may have been the

~Joey~, a fourpenny piece. The term is derived (like BOBBY from Sir
Robert Peel) from Joseph Hume. The explanation is thus given in
Hawkins’s _History of the Silver Coinage of England_:—

    “These pieces are said to have owed their existence to the pressing
    instance of Mr. Hume, from whence they, for some time, bore the
    nickname of JOEYS. As they were very convenient to pay short cab
    fares, the hon. M.P. was extremely unpopular with the drivers, who
    frequently received only a groat where otherwise they would have
    received a sixpence without any demand for change.”

The term, therefore, was originated by the London cabmen, who have
invented many other popular phrases. Fancy offering a modern hansom
cabman a JOEY!

~Jog-trot~, a slow but regular trot, or pace.

~Jogul~, to play up, at cards or other game. _Spanish_, JUGAR.

~John Blunt~, a straightforward, honest, outspoken man.

~Johnny~, half-a-glass of whisky.—_Irish._

~Johnny Darbies~, a nickname for policemen, an evident corruption of the
_French_ GENSDARMES. Also, a term applied to handcuffs.—_See_ DARBIES.

~Johnny Raw~, a newly-enlisted soldier.

~John Orderly~, the signal to shorten the performance at a show.
Whenever the master, who remains on the platform outside to take the
money and regulate the performance, desires to refill the booth, he
pokes his head inside and shouts, “Is JOHN ORDERLY there?” The actors
instantly cut the piece short, the curtain falls, and the spectators are
bundled out at the back, to make room for the fresh audience. According
to tradition, JOHN ORDERLY was a noted showman, who taught this move to
the no less noted Richardson. This is like the old story of the publican
who used to call out to his waiter, “A pot of ale, Robert,” when he
wished his customers to be served with the best; but “A pot of ale,
Bob,” when they had been drinking long enough not to distinguish good
stuff from the bad the latter order meant. One day after calling for Bob
many times, he reluctantly, at the request of a visitor, tasted the ale,
and found it was the best. Rushing out immediately afterwards, and
calling for Bob with all his voice, he was answered by his wife, who
said, “Why, Bob’s been out these three hours.”

~John Thomas~, a generic for “flunkeys,”—more especially footmen with
large calves and fine bushy whiskers.

~Jolly~, a Royal Marine.—_See_ HORSE MARINE.

~Jolly~, a word of praise, or favourable notice; “chuck Harry a JOLLY,
Bill,” _i.e._, go and praise up his goods, or buy of him, and speak well
of the article, that the crowd standing around his stall may think it a
good opportunity for laying out their money. This is called JOLLYING.
“Chuck a JOLLY,” lit. translated, is, throw “a shout” or “good word.”

~Jolly~, to abuse or vituperate, sometimes to “bear up” or “bonnet.” To
JOLLY a man often means to give him a piece of one’s mind. To JOLLY
“for” any one is another phase of the business mentioned in the
foregoing paragraph.

~Jomer~, a sweetheart, or favourite girl. _See_ BLOWER.

~Jonnick~, right, correct, proper. Said of a person or thing.

~Jordan~, a chamberpot. To throw the contents of a chamberpot over any
one is to christen him.

~Jorum~, a capacious vessel from which food is eaten, as broth or stew.

~Joskin~, a countryman.

~Jossop~, the syrup or juice in a fruit pie or pudding. Also, sauce or

~Jow~, be off, be gone immediately. If the word Jehanum be added, it
forms a peremptory order to go to a place unmentionable to ears
polite.—_Anglo-Indian._ Our phrase, “Go to Jericho,” is probably a
modification of the Jehanum business.

~Judas~, a deceitful person; JUDAS-HAIRED, red-haired, deceitful. It is
generally believed that JUDAS ISCARIOT was red-haired. Painters seem to
have accepted this idea, with modifications as to the exact amount of

~Jug~, a prison of any kind. Contraction of “stone jug.”

~Julep~, one of a set of drinks peculiar to America. Generally prepared
with mint, and called a MINT-JULEP. Originally JULEP was a pleasant
liquid, in which nauseous medicines were taken. Its literal meaning is
rosewater, and it is derived from the Arabic.

~Jump~, to seize, or rob; to “JUMP a man,” to pounce upon him, and
either rob or maltreat him; “to JUMP a house,” to rob it.

~Jumped-up~, conceited, arrogant, setting full value on oneself.

~Jump-up-behind~, to endorse an accommodation-bill.

~Juniper~, gin. Derivation obvious.

~Junk~, salt beef.—_See_ OLD HORSE.

~Juwaub~, literally, in Hindostanee, an answer; but in Anglo-Indian
slang signifying a refusal. If an officer asks for leave and is refused,
he is said to be JUWAUBED; if a gentleman unsuccessfully proposes for
the hand of a lady, he is said to have got the JUWAUB.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Karibat~, food, literally rice and curry; the staple dish of both
natives and Europeans in India.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Keel-hauling~, a good thrashing or mauling, rough treatment,—from the
old nautical custom of punishing offenders by throwing them overboard
with a rope attached, and hauling them up from under the ship’s keel.
See full description of this barbarous practice in Marryat’s

~Keep a pig~, an Oxford University phrase, which means to have a lodger.
A man whose rooms contain two bedchambers has sometimes, when his
college is full, to allow the use of one of them to a Freshman, who is
called under these circumstances a PIG. The original occupier is then
said to KEEP A PIG.

~Keep it up~, to prolong a debauch, or the occasion of a rejoicing,—a
metaphor drawn from the game of shuttlecock. People suffering from the
effects of drink are said to have been KEEPING IT UP.—_Grose._

~Kelter~, coin, money. Probably from GELT.

~Ken~, a house.—_Ancient cant._ KHAN, _Gipsy_ and _Oriental_.

⁂ All slang and cant words which end in KEN, such as SPIELKEN, SPINIKEN,
or BOOZINGKEN, refer to houses, and are mainly of Gipsy origin.

~Kennedy~, a poker; to “give KENNEDY” is to strike or kill with a poker.
A St. Giles’s term, so given from a man of that name being killed by a

~Kent rag~, or CLOUT, a cotton handkerchief.

~Kervorten~, a Cockneyism for QUARTERN or quarter-pint measure.
“KERVORTEN and three houts,” a quartern of liquor and glasses, each
holding a third of the quantity.

~Ketch~, or JACK KETCH, the popular name for a public hangman; derived
from a person of that name who officiated in the reign of Charles
II.—_See Macaulay’s History of England._

~Kettle of fish~, a mess or muddle of any kind. As, “Here’s a pretty

~Key of the street~, an imaginary instrument said to be possessed by any
one locked out of doors.

~Kibosh~, nonsense, stuff, humbug; “it’s all KIBOSH,” _i.e._, palaver or
nonsense; to “put on the KIBOSH,” to run down, slander, degrade, &c. To
put the KIBOSH on anything is, latterly, to put an effectual end or stop
to it.

~Kick~, a moment; “I’ll be there in a KICK,” _i.e._, in a moment.

~Kick~, a pocket; _Gaelic_, CUACH, a bowl, a nest; _Scotch_, QUAIGH.

~Kick~, a sixpence; “two and a KICK,” two shillings and sixpence.

~Kick the bucket~, to die.—_Norfolk._ According to Forby, a metaphor
taken from the descent of a well or mine, which is of course absurd. The
Rev. E. S. Taylor supplies the following note from his MS. additions to
the work of the East-Anglian lexicographer:—

    “The allusion is to the way in which a slaughtered pig is hung
    up—viz., by passing the ends of a bent piece of wood behind the
    tendons of the hind legs, and so suspending it to a hook in a beam
    above. This piece of wood is locally termed a BUCKET, and so by a
    coarse metaphor the phrase came to signify to die.”

Another correspondent says the real signification of this phrase is to
commit suicide by hanging, from a method planned and carried out by an
ostler at an inn on the Great North Road. Standing on a bucket, he tied
himself up to a beam in the stable; he then KICKED THE BUCKET away from
under his feet, and in a few seconds was dead. The natives of the West
Indies have converted the expression into “kickeraboo.”

~Kick over the traces~, to be over-extravagant. Any one who has come to
grief by fast living is said to have KICKED OVER THE TRACES.

~Kick up~, a noise or disturbance.

~Kick up~, “to KICK UP a row,” to create a tumult.

~Kickeraboo~, dead. A West Indian negro’s phrase. _See_ KICK THE BUCKET,
of which phrase it is a corruption.

~Kickseys~, or KICKSIES, trousers.

~Kickshaws~, trifles; made, or French dishes—not English or
substantial. Anything of a fancy description now. Corruption of the

~Kicksy~, troublesome, disagreeable. _German_, KECK, bold.

~Kid~, an infant, or child. From the German _kind_; or possibly from the
name for the young of a goat. Also, a shallow dish in which sailors
receive their portions of food.

~Kid~, to joke, to quiz, to hoax anybody. “No KID, now?” is a question
often asked by a man who thinks he is being hoaxed.

~Kidden~, or KIDKEN, a low lodging-house for boys.

~Kiddier~, a pork-butcher.

~Kiddily~, fashionably or showily; “KIDDILY togg’d,” showily dressed.

~Kiddleywink~, a small shop where are retailed the commodities of a
village store. Originally KIDDLE-A-WINK, from the offer made, with a
wink, to give you something out of the kettle or kiddle. In the west
country an alehouse. Also, a woman of unsteady habits.

~Kiddy~, a man, or boy. Formerly a low thief.

~Kiddyish~, frolicsome, jovial.

    “Think, on the KIDDYISH spree we had on such a day.”

        _Randall’s Diary, 1820._

~Kidment~, humbug, coarse chaff or jocularity.

~Kidnapper~, originally one who stole children. Now applied without
reference to the age or sex of those stolen. From “kid,” a child, and
“nab” (corrupted to “nap”), to steal, or seize.

~Kidney~, “of that KIDNEY,” of such a stamp; “strange KIDNEY,” odd
humour; “two of a KIDNEY,” two persons of a sort, or as like as two
peas, _i.e._, resembling each other like two kidneys in a bunch.—_Old._
“Attempt to put their hair out of KIDNEY.”—_Terræ Filius_, 1763.

~Kid-on~, to entice or incite a person to the perpetration of an act.

~Kidsman~, one who trains boys to thieve and pick pockets successfully.

~Kilkenny cat~, a popular simile for a voracious or desperate animal or
person, from the story of the two cats in that county, who are said to
have fought and bitten each other until a small portion of the tail of
one of them alone remained.

~Killing~, bewitching, fascinating. The term is akin to the phrase
“dressing to death.”

~Kilt~, an Irishism for badly beaten, but by no means equivalent with

~Kimbo~, or A-KIMBO, holding the arms in a bent position from the body,
and resting the hands upon the hips, in a bullying attitude. Said to be
from A SCHIMBO, bandy-legged, crooked, _Italian_; but more probably from
KIMBAW, the old cant for beating or bullying. _See Grose._ _Celtic_,
CAM, crooked.

~Kimmer~, a gossip, an acquaintance, same as CUMMER.—_Scotch._

    “What’s a’ the steer, KIMMER?”

~Kinchin~, a child.—_Old Cant._ From the _German_ diminutive, KINDCHEN,
a baby.

~Kinchin cove~, a man who robs children; a little man.—Ancient Cant.

~Kincob~, uniform, fine clothes, richly embroidered dresses. Really,
cloth of gold or silver.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Kingsman~, a handkerchief with yellow patterns upon a green ground, the
favourite coloured neckerchief of the costermongers. The women sometimes
wear KINGSMAN kerchiefs thrown over their shoulders. A coster will often
imagine his caste, or position, is at stake, if his KINGSMAN is not of
the most approved pattern. When he fights, his KINGSMAN is tied around
his waist as a belt. This partiality for a peculiar-coloured neckcloth
is part of the fondness for gaudy colours which at all times and in all
countries has been shown by the uncultivated. A strange similarity of
taste for certain colours exists amongst the Hindoos, Gipsies, and
London lower classes. Red and yellow (or orange) are the great
favourites, and in these hues the Hindoo selects his turban and his
robe; the gipsy his breeches, and his wife her shawl or gown; and the
costermonger, his plush waistcoat and favourite KINGSMAN. Among either
class, when a fight takes place, the greatest regard is paid to the
favourite coloured article of dress. The Hindoo lays aside his turban,
the gipsy folds up his fancy breeches or coat, whilst the pugilistic
costermonger of Covent Garden or Billingsgate removes his favourite
neckerchief to a part of his body, by the rules of the “ring,”
comparatively out of danger.

~King’s pictures~ (now, of course, QUEEN’S PICTURES), money.

~Kisky~, drunk, fuddled.

~Kiss-curl~, a small curl twisted on the temple. _See_ BOWCATCHER.

~Kisser~, the mouth.—_Pugilistic term._

~Kissing-crust~, the soft crust which marks where one loaf has been
broken from another.

~Kiss-me-quick~, the name given to the very small bonnets which have of
late years become fashionable.

~Kit~, a person’s baggage. Also, a collection of anything, “the whole
KIT of ’em,” the entire lot. _Anglo-Saxon_, KYTH.—_North._

~Kite~,—_see_ FLY THE KITE.

~Kitmegur~, an under-butler, a footman.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Kitna~, how much?—_Anglo-Indian._

~Knacker~, an old horse; a horse-slaughterer. Originally
_Gloucestershire_, but now general.

~Knap~, _i.q._, NAP, to break.—_Old English_, but nearly obsolete. _See
Ps_. xlvi. 9 (Prayer-book version), “He breaketh the bow, and KNAPPETH
the spear in sunder;” probably sibilated into “snap.”

~Knap~, to receive, to take. Generally applied to the receipt of
punishments; “oh, my! wont he just KNAP it when he gets home!”

~Knap~, to steal.—_Prison Cant._

~Knapping-jigger~, a turnpike gate; “to dub at the KNAPPING-JIGGER,” to
pay money at the turnpike.

~Knark~, a hard-hearted or savage person. The word is now usually spelt
NARK, and is applied to the lowest class of informers.

~Knife~, “to KNIFE a person,” to stab; an un-English custom, but a very
common expression.

~Knife-board~, the seat running along the roof of an omnibus.

            “On ’busses’ KNIFEBOARDS stretch’d,
    The City clerks all tongue-protruded lay.”

        _A Summer Idyll, by Arthur Smith._

~Knife it~, “cut it,” cease, stop, don’t proceed.

~Knight~, a common and ironical prefix to a man’s calling—thus, “KNIGHT
of the whip,” a coachman; “KNIGHT of the thimble,” a tailor.

~Knobstick~, a non-society workman. One who takes work under price.

~Knock about the bub~, to hand or pass about the drink. BUB is a very
old cant term for drink.

~Knock-down~, or KNOCK-ME-DOWN, strong ale.

~Knocked-up~, tired, jaded, used up, done for. In the United States,
amongst females, the phrase is equivalent to being _enceinte_, so that
Englishmen often unconsciously commit themselves when amongst our Yankee

~Knock-’em-downs~, the game of skittles.

~Knocker~, “up to the KNOCKER,” means finely or showily dressed, in the
height of fashion; proficient, equal to the task.

~Knocker-face~, an ugly face, _i.e._, like an old-fashioned

~Knock-in~, the game of loo.

~Knocking-in~, coming into college after time. A habit of KNOCKING-IN
late generally leads to some unpleasantness.—_Oxford University._

~Knocking-out.~ All visitors, on leaving a college after time, have to
state in whose rooms they have been, that his gate-bill may be scored up
for them. When a rackety party takes place, the visitors, or “out
college men,” are generally supplied with a list of the names of the
quietest men in college, so that the whereabouts of the party may not be
betrayed.—_Oxford University._

~Knock-it-down~, to show, in the “free and easy” style, approval of a
song or toast, by hammering with pot or glass on the table.

~Knock off~, to give over, or abandon. A saying used by workmen in
reference to dinner or other meal times, for upwards of two centuries.

~Knock out~, in racing parlance, to drive out of the quotations; as a
KNOCKED-OUT favourite. Also to make bankrupt; as a KNOCKED-OUT backer or
bookmaker. When a man cannot meet his engagements on the turf, he is
said to be KNOCKED OUT.

~Knock-outs~, or KNOCK-INS, disreputable persons who visit auction rooms
and unite to purchase the articles at their own prices. One of their
number is instructed to buy for the rest, and after a few small bids as
blinds to the auctioneer and bystanders, the lot is knocked down to the
KNOCK-OUT bidders, at a nominal price—the competition to result from an
auction being thus frustrated and set aside. At the conclusion of the
sale the goods are paid for, and carried to a neighbouring public-house,
where they are re-sold or KNOCKED-OUT among the confederates, and the
difference between the first purchase and the second—or tap-room
KNOCK-OUT—is divided amongst the gang. As generally happens with
ill-gotten gains, the money soon finds its way to the landlord’s pocket,
and the KNOCK-OUT is rewarded with a red nose and a bloated face.
Cunning tradesmen join the KNOCK-OUTS when an opportunity for
money-making presents itself. The lowest description of KNOCK-OUTS,
fellows with more tongue than capital, are termed BABES. Within the past
few years a few respectable auctioneers, assisted much by one or two
just and admirable magisterial decisions, have succeeded in considerably
limiting the efforts of the KNOCK-OUT fraternity.

~Knock-under~, to submit.

~Knowing~, sharp, shrewd, artful; “a KNOWING codger,” or “a KNOWING
blade,” one who can take you in, or cheat you, in any transaction you
may have with him. It implies also deep cunning and foresight, and
generally signifies dishonesty.

    “Who, on a spree with black-eyed Sal, his blowen,
    So swell, so prime, so nutty, and so KNOWING?”—_Don Juan._

KNOW, in this sense, enters into several slang phrases. “I KNOW
something,” expresses that I am not to be taken in by any shallow
device. “He KNOWS a thing or two,” _i.e._, he is a cunning fellow.

~Knowledge-box~, the head.—_Pugilistic._

~Knuckle~, to fight with fists, to pommel.

~Knuckle-duster~, a large, heavy, or over-gaudy ring; a ring which
attracts attention from its size.

~Knuckle-duster~, an iron or brass instrument which covers the knuckles
so as to protect them from injury when striking a blow, adding force to
it at the same time. Sometimes a KNUCKLE-DUSTER has knobs or points
projecting, so as to mutilate and disfigure the person struck. This
brutal invention is American, but has been made familiar here.

~Knuckle to~, or KNUCKLE UNDER, to yield or submit.

~Knuller~, old term for a chimney-sweep, who solicited jobs by ringing a
bell. From the _Saxon_, CNYLLAN, to knell, or sound a bell. _See_

~Kootee~, a house.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Kotoo~, to bow down before, to cringe, to flatter. From a Chinese

~Kubber~, news.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Kudos~, praise; KUDIZED, praised. _Greek_, κύδος.—_University._

~Kye~, eighteenpence.

~Kypsey~, a basket. A term generally used by gipsies.

~La!~ a euphuistic rendering of LORD! common amongst females and very
precise persons; imagined by many to be a corruption of LOOK! but this
is a mistake. Sometimes pronounced LAW, or LAWKS.

~Lac~, one hundred thousand.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Laced~, strengthened with ardent spirits. Tea or coffee in which brandy
is poured is said to be LACED.

~Lacing~, a beating. From the phrase, “I’ll lace your
jacket.”—_L’Estrange._ Perhaps to give a beating with a lace or lash.
Perhaps, also, a figurative phrase for ornamenting the article in
question with stripes.

~Ladder~, “can’t see a hole in a LADDER,” said of any one who is
intoxicated. It was once said that a man was never properly drunk until
he could not lie down without holding, could not see a hole through a
LADDER, or went to the pump to light his pipe.

~Ladies’ mile~, that part of Hyde Park where the feminine beauty, rank,
and fashion most do congregate during the airing hours of the London

~Lag~, a returned transport, or ticket-of-leave convict.

~Lag~, to void urine.—_Ancient Cant._ In modern slang to transport, as
regards bearing witness, and not in reference to the action of judge or

~Lagged~, imprisoned, apprehended, or transported for a crime. From the
Old Norse, LAGDA, “laid,”—laid by the leg.

~Lagger~, a sailor. Also, one who gives evidence; an informer.

~Lagging gage~, a chamber-pot.—_Ancient Cant._

~Lambasting~, a beating. Perhaps LUMB-BASTING, from the lumbar-regions.

~Lamb’s wool~, spiced ale, of which the butler at Brasenose every Shrove
Tuesday supplies as much as is required at Hall, with a copy of verses
on the subject, generally written by a Brasenose man. One of these poems

    Antiquum et vetus est {Ale Æn Nas} dicere laudes.
                          {alienas   }

        _Oxford University._

LAMB’S WOOL is also a hot drink, well known to the community for
centuries. Supposed by some to be derived from Lammas, at which time it
was drunk, and by others to be derived from the similarity between the
foam of the drink and the white wool obtained from lambs.

~Lame duck~, a stockjobber who speculates beyond his capital, and cannot
pay his losses. Upon retiring from the Exchange he is said to “waddle
out of the Alley.”

~Lamming~, a beating.—_Old English_, LAM; used by Beaumont and
Fletcher. Not as Sir Walter Scott supposed, from one Dr. Lamb, but from
the _Old Norse_, LAM, the hand; also, _Gaelic_.

~Lammy~, a blanket.

~Land-lubber~, sea term for “a landsman.” _See_ LOAFER.

~Land-shark~, a sailor’s definition of a lawyer.

~Lane~, a familiar term for Drury Lane Theatre, just as Covent Garden
Theatre is constantly spoken of as “the Garden.”

~Lap~, liquor, drink. LAP is the term invariably used in the ballet
girls’ dressing-room for gin.

~Lap~, one circuit of a pedestrian enclosure. In running a race of any
distance one man is said to LAP another when he is one entire circuit in

~Lap.~ LAP THE GUTTER, to get beastly and helplessly drunk. LAP means to
drink. LAP THE GATTER, to drink up the beer; a “rare LAPPER,” a hard

~Lark~, a frolic, a joke; “let’s have a jolly good LARK,” let us have a
piece of fun.—_Anglo-Saxon_, LAC, sport; but more probably from the
nautical term SKYLARKING, _i.e._, mounting to the highest yards and
sliding down the ropes for amusement, which is allowed on certain

~Lark~, to sport boisterously, to show a disposition for “going on the

~Larrence~, an imaginary being, supposed by the Scottish peasantry to
have power over indolent persons. Hence laziness is often called

~Larrup~, to beat or thrash.

~Larruping~, a good beating or hiding.—_Irish._

~Lashins~, large quantities; as, “LASHINS of whisky.” An Irishism in
common use.

~Latchpan~, the lower lip—properly a dripping-pan; “to hang one’s
LATCHPAN,” to pout, be sulky.—_Norfolk._

~Lavender~, “to be laid up in LAVENDER;” to be in pawn; to be out of the
way for an especial purpose. From the practice among housewives of
placing LAVENDER in drawers in which linen and clothes are to be kept
for any period.

~Law~, “to give LAW to an animal” is a sporting term signifying to give
the hare or stag a chance of escaping, by not setting on the hounds till
the quarry has run some distance. Also, used for giving any one a chance
of succeeding in a difficult undertaking by allowing him so much grace
or preliminary notice.

~Lay~, a pursuit or practice, a dodge. Term in this sense much used by

~Lay~, in wagering, to bet against a man or animal. Betters are divided
in racing slang into layers and takers; they are otherwise known as
bookmakers and backers.

~Lay~, some, a piece. “Tip me a LAY of pannum,” _i.e._, give me a slice
of bread.—_North._

~Lay~, to watch; “on the LAY,” on the look-out.—_Shakspeare._

~Lay down the knife and fork~, to die. Compare PEGGING-OUT, HOPPING THE
TWIG, and similar flippancies.

~Lead~, or FRIENDLY LEAD, a gathering at a low public-house, for the
purpose of assisting some one who is “in trouble” (in these cases
trouble always means imprisonment), who has just “come out of trouble,”
or who is in want of a “mouthpiece.” A LEAD is different from a raffle,
inasmuch as no article is put up or thrown for, but in the course of the
evening some friend of the troubled one LEADS OFF by putting a certain
sum in a plate, and the remainder of the party follow the LEAD with
whatever they can spare. Sometimes people pay as they enter the room,
but this does not alter the title or character of the meeting. In every
other respect a LEAD is similar to a raffle; songs, dances, drinking,
and a general desire to increase the bastardy averages being the most
conspicuous features of the entertainment. Irish LEADS and raffles are
characterized by less vice and more quarrelling than those of the lower
orders of English people.

~Leary~, flash, knowing, artful, sly.

~Leary bloke~, a clever or artful person.

~Leather~, to beat or thrash. Probably from allusion to the skin, which
is often called LEATHER. Some think the term is from the LEATHER belts
worn by soldiers, which are often used as weapons in street rows. Most
likely from there being “nothing like LEATHER” with which to administer
a thrashing.

~Leathern conveniency~, a carriage. A Quaker being reprimanded by the
Society of Friends for keeping a carriage, “contrary to the ancient
testimonies,” said, “it is not a carriage I keep, but merely a
LEATHERN-CONVENIENCY.” _See_ under SIMON PURE, in the Introduction.

~Leaving shop~, or DOLLY SHOP, an unlicensed house where goods are taken
into pawn at exorbitant rates of interest.

~Led captain~, a fashionable spunger, a “swell” who by artifice
ingratiates himself into the favours of the master of the house, and
lives at his table. Probably from the fact that a real captain leads,
but that a sham one is led—to the dinner-table.

~Leer~, empty.—_Oxfordshire._ Pure _German_, as is nearly so the next

~Leer~, print, newspaper. _German_, LEHREN, to instruct; hence _Old
English_, LERE, “spelt in the LEER.” _See_ SPELL.—_Old Cant._

~Leg~, a part of a game. In some old games there are so many LEGS to the
chalk, and so many chalks to the game. Sometimes the LEGS are called
chalks, and the chalks LEGS—one word is as good as another, provided an
agreement is made beforehand.

~Leg~, or BLACKLEG, a disreputable sporting character and racecourse
_habitué_; that is, one who is disreputable among sporting men.

~Leg-and-leg~, the state of a game when each player has won a LEG. In
Ireland a LEG is termed a horse, LEG-AND-LEG being there termed

~Leg bail~, the bail or security given by absence. To give LEG BAIL is
to run away.

~Leg it~, to run; “to give a LEG,” to assist, as when one mounts a
horse; “making a LEG,” a countryman’s bow,—projecting the LEG from
behind as a balance to the head bent forward.—_Shakspeare._

~Leg-of-mutton~, humorous street term for a sheep’s trotter, or foot.

~Leg of mutton fist~, a large, muscular or bony hand.

~Length~, forty-two lines of a dramatic composition.—_Theatrical._

~Length~, six months’ imprisonment. _See_ STRETCH.

~Let alone~, an expression which signifies “much less” as used in
comparative statement or argument. “I cannot afford five shillings, LET
ALONE five pounds.” Barham, in one of the Ingoldsby Legends, says:—

    “I have not had, this livelong day, one drop to cheer my heart,
    Nor brown to buy a bit of bread with—LET ALONE a tart.”

~Let drive~, to strike at, or attack with vigour.

~Let in~, to cheat or victimize. “He let me in heavily.”

~Let on~, to give an intimation of having some knowledge of a subject.
Ramsay employs the phrase in the _Gentle Shepherd_. Common in Scotland.

~Let the cat out~, or LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG, a common phrase, which
implies that a secret is to be or has been let out.

~Letty~, a bed. _Italian_, LETTO.—_Lingua Franca._

~Levanter~, a card-sharper, or defaulting gambler. It was formerly the
custom to give out to the creditors, when a person was in pecuniary
difficulties, and it was convenient for him to keep away, that he was
gone to the East, or the LEVANT; hence, when one loses a bet, and
decamps without settling, he is said to LEVANT. The LEVANT was also a
notorious place for queer customers, who would do anything rather than
pay. Its reputation is not particularly odorous even now.

~Levy~, a shilling.—_Liverpool._ Among labourers a LEVY is a sum
obtained before it is due, something to keep a man going till
Saturday-night comes, or his task is finished.

~Liberty~, ground let in parts of Yorkshire for shooting purposes.

~Lick~, a blow; LICKING, a beating; “to put in big LICKS,” a curious and
common phrase, meaning that great exertions are being made.—_Dryden_;

~Lick~, to excel, or overcome; “if you ain’t sharp, he’ll LICK you,”
_i.e._, be finished first. Signifies, also, to whip, chastise, or
conquer. _Ancient cant_, LYCKE. _Welsh_, LLACHIO, to strike.

~Lickspittle~, a coarse but singularly expressive term for a parasite,
who puts up with indignities for the sake of advantages.

~Lifer~, a convict who is sentenced to imprisonment for life.

~Lift~, to steal, pick pockets; “there’s a clock been LIFTED,” said when
a watch has been stolen. The word is as old as the Border forays, and is
used by Shakspeare. SHOPLIFTER is a recognised term. _Old Gothic_,
LLIFAN, to steal; _Lower Rhenish_, LÖFTEN.

~Lig~, a lie, a falsehood.—_Lancashire._ In old ballads the word “lie”
is often spelt “LIG.” In old Saxon, LIG is to lie, but to lie as in a

~Light~, credit, trust; “to get a LIGHT at a house” is to get credit.
When a man’s credit is stopped, his LIGHT is said to be put out. LIGHT
also means life. “I’ll put your LIGHT out” is a murderous threat.

~Light Bob~, a light infantry soldier.—_Military._

~Light Feeder~, a silver spoon.

~Lightning~, gin; “flash o’ LIGHTNING,” a glass of gin.

~Lights~, a worthless piece of meat; applied metaphorically to a fool, a
soft or stupid person.

~Lights~, the eyes. Also, the lungs; animals’ lungs are always so

~Lil~, a book, generally a pocket-book.—_Gipsy._

~Lily Benjamin~, a great white coat. _See_ BENJAMIN.

~Limb~, a troublesome or precocious child.

~Limb of the law~, a lawyer, or clerk articled to that profession.

~Limbo~, a prison, from LIMBUS or LIMBUS PATRUM, a mediæval theological
term for purgatory. The Catholic Church teaches that LIMBO was that part
of hell where holy people who died before the Redemption were kept.

~Line~, a hoax, a fool-trap; as, “to get him in a LINE,” _i.e._, to get
some sport out of him.

~Line~, calling, trade, profession; “what LINE are you in?” “the
building LINE.”

~Liner~, a casual reporter, paid by the line. Diminutive of

~Lingo~, talk, or language. Slang is termed LINGO amongst the lower
orders. _Italian_, LINGUA.—_Lingua Franca._

~Lint-scraper~, a young surgeon. Thackeray, in _Lovel the Widower_,
uses the phrase, and gives, also, the words “Æsculapius,”
“Pestle-grinder,” and “Vaccinator,” for the same character.

~Lionesses~, ladies visiting an Oxford man, especially at
“Commemoration,” which is the chief time for receiving feminine visitors
at the University.

~Lion-hunter~, one who hunts up, and has a devout veneration for, small
celebrities. Mrs. Leo Hunter, in _Pickwick_, is a splendid specimen of
this unpleasant creature.

~Lionize~, to make much of any visitor with small or moderate claims to
distinction; to conduct a stranger round the principal objects of
attraction in a place; to act as cicerone.

~Lions~, notabilities, either persons or sights worthy of inspection; an
expression dating from the times when the royal lions at the Tower,
before the existence of Zoological Gardens and travelling menageries,
were a London wonder, to visit which country cousins and strangers of
eminence were constantly taken. Visitors taken round at Cambridge to see
the sights are, or were, called LIONS. The origin of the Tower
collection was the three leopards sent by the Emperor Frederic to Henry
III., as a living illustration of the royal arms of England. In the roll
of John de Cravebeadell, constable of the Tower (_B. M. Top.
Collections_, iii. p. 153), is a charge of 3_d._ per day “in support of
the leopard of our lord the king.” Edward III., when Prince of Wales,
appears to have taken great interest in the animals; and after he became
king, there was not only the old leopard, but “one lion, one lioness,
and two cat-lions,” says Stowe, “in the said Tower, committed to the
custody of Robert, son of John Bowre.” The menagerie was only abolished
in 1834; and the practice was to allow any person to enter gratis who
brought with him a little dog to be thrown to the lions!—_Dr. Doran’s
Princes of Wales._

~Lip~, talk, bounce, impudence; “come, none o’ yer LIP!”

~Lip~, to sing; “LIP us a chant,” sing a song.

~Liquor~, or LIQUOR UP, to drink drams.—_Americanism._ In LIQUOR,
tipsy, or drunk.

~Little go~, the old term for the examination now called SMALLS.

~Little snakes-man~, a little thief, who is generally passed through a
small aperture to open a door and let in the rest of the gang.

~Liverpool Irishman~, any man born in Liverpool of Irish parents. See

~Liverpudlian~, a native of Liverpool.

~Live-stock~, vermin of the insect kind, especially of that more than
usually unpleasant kind found on tramps, &c.

~Loafer~, a lazy vagabond. Generally considered an Americanism. LOPER,
or LOAFER, however, was in general use as a cant term in the early part
of the last century. LANDLOPER was a vagabond who begged in the attire
of a sailor; and the sea-phrase, LAND-LUBBER, was doubtless synonymous.

~Loaver~, money. _See_ LOUR.—_Lingua Franca._

~Lob~, a till, or money-drawer.

~Lob-sneaking~, stealing money from tills; occasionally stealing tills
and all.

~Lobb~, the head.—_Pugilistic._

~Loblolly~, gruel.—_Old_: used by Markham as a sea-term for grit gruel,
or hasty pudding.

~Loblolly boy~, a derisive term for a surgeon’s mate in the navy.

    “LOB-LOLLY-BOY is a person who on board of a man-of-war attends the
    surgeon and his mates, and one who knows just as much of the
    business of a seaman as the author of this poem.”—_The Patent, a
    Poem_, 4to, 1776.

~Lobs!~ schoolboys’ signal on the master’s approach. Also, an assistant
watcher, an under gamekeeper.

~Lobs~, words, talk.—_Gipsy._

~Lobscouse~, a dish made of potatoes, meat, and biscuits, boiled

~Lobster~, a soldier. A policeman, from the colour of his coat, is
styled an unboiled, or raw LOBSTER.

~Lobster-box~, a barrack, or military station.

~Loggerheads~, “to come to LOGGERHEADS,” to come to blows.

~Logie~, theatrical jewellery, made mostly of tin.

~Loll~, to lie about lazily. “He would LOLL upon the handle of the
door,” said of an incorrigibly lazy fellow.

~Lolly~, the head. _See_ LOBB.—_Pugilistic._

~London ordinary~, the beach at Brighton, where the
“eight-hours-at-the-sea-side” excursionists dine in the open-air.

~Long-bow.~ _See_ DRAW THE LONG BOW.

~Long firm~, a gang of swindlers who obtain goods by false pretences.
They generally advertise or answer advertisements. The word LONG is
supposed to be from a playful allusion made by one of the firm to the
length of their credit.

~Long-ghost~, a tall, thin, awkward person. Sometimes called

~Long-headed~, far-seeing, clever, calculating.

~Long-hundred~, a Billingsgate expression for 120 fresh herrings, or
other small fish, the long-hundred being six score.

~Long-odds~, the odds which denote that the man or animal laid against
has, or is supposed to have, little or no chance.

~Long-shore butcher~, a coast-guardsman.—_Sea._ All people who get
their livings by the side of the Thames below bridge are called

~Long-tailed beggar~, a cat. The tale that hangs thereby runs thus:—A
boy, during his first very short voyage to sea, had become so entirely a
seaman, that on his return he had forgotten the name of the cat, and was
obliged, pointing to puss, to ask his mother “what she called that ’ere
LONG-TAILED BEGGAR?” Accordingly, sailors, when they hear a freshwater
tar discoursing too largely on nautical matters, are very apt to say,
“But how, mate, about that ’ere LONG-TAILED BEGGAR?”

~Long-tailed-one~, a bank-note or “flimsy” for a large amount.

~Long-tails~, among shooters, are pheasants; among coursers and
dog-fanciers they are greyhounds.

~Longs~, the latrine at Brasenose, so called because built by LADY
LONG.—_Oxford University._

~Longs-and-shorts~, cards made for cheating.

~Looking-glass~, a facetious synonym for a _pot de chambre_. This is
very old. The term arose from the fact that in ancient times this
utensil was the object of very frequent examination by the medical
fraternity. There is an old story of a lady who called at an inn, and
called for a LOOKING-GLASS to arrange her hair, and who was presented
with a chamber utensil.

~Loony~, a silly fellow, a natural. Corruption of LOONEY TICK (lunatic).
Sometimes corrupted to LOOBY.

~Loose.~ _See_ ON THE LOOSE.

~Loose-box~, a brougham or other vehicle kept for the use of a _dame de
compagnie_. A more vulgar appellation is “mot-cart,” the contemptuous
sobriquet applied by the envious mob to a one-horse covered carriage.

~Loose-box~, a stable in which a horse is not tethered, but remains

~Loot~, swag or plunder; also used as a verb. The word came much into
vogue during the latest Chinese campaign.

~Lope~, this old form of leap is often heard in the streets. To LOPE is
also to steal. _German_, LAUFEN.

~Lop-sided~, uneven, one side larger than the other. _See Jacob

~Lord~, a humpbacked man. _See_ MY LORD.

~Lord~, “drunk as a LORD,” a common saying, probably referring to the
facilities a man of fortune has for such a gratification; perhaps a sly
sarcasm at the supposed habits of the aristocracy. This phrase had its
origin in the old hard drinking days, when it was almost compulsory on a
man of fashion to get drunk regularly after dinner.

~Lord-mayor’s-fool~, an imaginary personage who likes everything that is
good, and plenty of it.

~Lothario~, a “gay” deceiver; generally a heartless, brainless villain.

~Loud~, flashy, showy, as applied to dress or manner. _See_ BAGS.

~Lour~, or LOWR, money; “gammy LOWR,” bad money. From the Wallachian
Gipsy word, LOWE, coined money. Possibly connected with the French,
LOUER, to hire.—_Ancient Cant_ and _Gipsy_.

~Louse-trap~, a small-tooth comb.—_Old Cant._ _See_ CATCH-’EM-ALIVE.

~Love~, at billiards, rackets, and many other games, nothing: five
points to none would be “five LOVE,”—a LOVE game being when one player
does not score at all. The term is also used at whist, “six LOVE,” “four
LOVE,” when one side has marked up six, four, or any other number, and
the other none. A writer in the _Gentleman’s Magazine_ for July, 1780,
derives it either from LUFF, an old Scotch word for the hand, or from
the _Dutch_, LOEF, the LOOF, weather-gauge (_Sewell’s Dutch Dictionary_,
4to, 1754); but it more probably, from the sense of the following,
denotes something done without reciprocity.

~Love~, “to do a thing for LOVE,” _i.e._, for nothing. A man is said to
marry for LOVE when he gets nothing with his wife; and an Irishman, with
the bitterest animosity against his antagonist, will fight him for LOVE,
_i.e._, for the mere satisfaction of beating him, and not for a stake.

~Loveage~, tap droppings, a mixture of stale spirits, sweetened and sold
to habitual dram-drinkers, principally females. Called also “alls.”

~Low-water~, but little money in pocket, when the finances are at a low

~Lubber~, a clown, or fool.—_Ancient Cant_, LUBBARE. Among seamen an
awkward fellow, a landsman.

~Lubber’s hole~, an aperture in the maintop of a ship, by which a timid
climber may avoid the difficulties of the “futtock shrouds;” hence as a
sea-term the LUBBER’S HOLE represents any cowardly way of evading duty.

~Luck~, “down on one’s LUCK,” wanting money, or in difficulty.

~Lucky~, “to cut one’s LUCKY,” to go away quickly. _See_ STRIKE.

~Ludlam’s dog.~ An indolent, inactive person is often said to be “as
lazy as LUDLAM’S DOG, which leaned its head against the wall to bark.”
Sailors say “as lazy as Joe the Marine, who laid down his musket to

~Lug~, “my togs are in LUG,” _i.e._, in pawn.

~Lug~, to pull, or slake thirst.—_Old._

~Lug chovey~, a pawnbroker’s shop.

~Luke~, nothing.—_North Country Cant._

~Lully~, a shirt.

~Lully prigger~, a rogue who steals wet clothes hung on lines to dry.

~Lumber~, to pawn or pledge. Probably from LOMBARD.

~Lumbered~, pawned; sometimes imprisoned.

~Lummy~, jolly, first-rate.

~Lump~, anything exceptionally large, “as a LUMP of a man,” “a great
LUMP of a fellow,” &c.

~Lump~, the workhouse; also called the Pan.

~Lump it~, to dislike it; “if you don’t like it, you may LUMP IT;”
sometimes varied to, “if you don’t like it, you may do the other thing.”
Probably from the fact that, in bulk or in lump, the good has to be
taken with the bad. What you don’t like must be reckoned with the LUMP.
To LUMP IT is also to take off at a draught, as medicine or a dram. “He
LUMPED IT down at once.”

~Lump the lighter~, to be transported.

~Lump work~, work contracted for, or taken by the LUMP.

~Lumper~, a contractor. On the river more especially a person who
contracts to deliver a ship laden with timber.

~Lumper~, a low thief who haunts wharves and docks, and robs vessels,
also a person who sells old goods as new.

~Lumpy~, intoxicated. Also used to signify _enceinte_.

~Lunan~, a girl.—_Gipsy._

~Lurch~, a term at the game of cribbage. A is said to LURCH B when the
former attains the end, or sixty-first hole, of the board before the
latter has pegged his thirty-first hole; or, in more familiar words,
before B has turned the corner. A LURCH sometimes, and then only by
agreement, counts as a double game or rub.

~Lurk~, a sham, swindle, or representation of feigned distress. An
imposition of any kind is a LURK.

~Lurker~, an impostor who travels the country with false certificates of
fires, shipwrecks, &c. Also, termed a SILVER BEGGAR, which _see_.

~Lush~, intoxicating drinks of all kinds, but generally used for beer.
It is generally allowed, as has been stated, that LUSH and its
derivatives claim Lushington, the brewer, as sponsor.

~Lush~, to drink, or get drunk.

~Lush-crib~, a public-house.

~Lushington~, a drunkard, or one who continually soaks himself with
lush. Some years since there was a LUSHINGTON CLUB in Bow Street, Covent

~Lushy~, intoxicated. Johnson says, “opposite to pale,” so red with
drink. He must, however, have been wrong, as the foregoing derivation

~Lylo~, come hither.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Lynch-law~, summary punishment. From an American judge famous for
hanging first and trying afterwards.

~Mab~, a cab, or hackney-coach.

~Mace~, to sponge, swindle, or beg, in a polite way: “give it him (a
shopkeeper) on the MACE,” _i.e._, obtain goods on credit and never pay
for them; also termed “striking the MACE.”

~Mace~, to welsh, to obtain money without any expectation of being able
to pay or intention of paying.

~Maceman~, or MACER, a welcher, magsman, or general swindler; a

~Madza~, half. _Italian_, MEZZA. This word enters into combination with
various cant phrases, mainly taken from the _Lingua Franca_, as MADZA
CAROON, half-a-crown, two-and-sixpence; MADZA SALTEE, a halfpenny [_see_
SALTEE]; MADZA POONA, half-a-sovereign; MADZA ROUND THE BULL, half a
pound of steak, &c. This word is, in street phraseology, invariably
pronounced MEDZER.

~Mag~, a halfpenny.—_Ancient Cant_, MAKE. MEGS were formerly
guineas.—_B. M. Carew._ MAKE, the old form, is still used by schoolboys
in Scotland. “Not a blessed MAG!” would be the phrase of a cadger down
on his luck to express his penniless state.

~Mag~, literary and printers’ slang for magazine.

~Mag~, to talk; hence MAGPIE. To MAG in thieves’ slang is to talk well
and persuasively.

~Maggoty~, fanciful, fidgety. Whims and fancies were formerly termed
MAGGOTS, from the popular belief that a maggot in the brain was the
cause of any odd notion or caprice a person might exhibit. Deer are
sometimes found to have maggots in their brains, which, perhaps,
accounts for the origin of the term.

~Magsman~, a street swindler, who watches for countrymen and “gullible”
persons, and persuades them out of their possessions. MAGSMEN are
wonderful actors. Their work is done in broad daylight, without any
stage accessories; and often a wink, a look, or a slip of the tongue
would betray their confederacy. Their ability and perseverance are truly
worthy of a better cause. MAGSMEN are very often men of superior
education. Those who “work” the tidal trains and boats are often
faultlessly dressed and highly accomplished.

~Mahcheen~, a merchant. Chinese pronunciation of the English

~Mahogany~, “to have one’s feet under another man’s MAHOGANY,” to sit at
his table, be supported on other than one’s own resources; “amputate
your MAHOGANY,” _i.e._, go away, elaboration of “cut your stick.”

~Mahogany flat~, a bug.

~Mail~, to post a letter; “this screeve is mailed by a sure hand.”

~Main-toby~, the highway, or the main road. _See_ TOBY.

~Make~, any one is said to be “on the MAKE” who asks too high a price
for his goods, or endeavours in any way to overreach.

~Make~, to steal, a successful theft or swindle. A man on the look-out
for swindling opportunities is said to be “on the MAKE.”

~Make tracks~, an Americanism synonymous with skedaddle; to make oneself

~Make-up~, personal appearance.—_Theatrical._

~Makings~, materials. A man is often said to have the MAKINGS of a good
politician (or whatever he may aspire to be) in him, if they were but
properly applied.

~Malapropism~, an ignorant, vulgar misapplication of language, so named
from Mrs. Malaprop, a character in Sheridan’s famous comedy of the
_Rivals_. Mrs. Partington afterwards succeeded to the mantle of Mrs.
Malaprop; but the phrase Partingtonism is as yet uncoined, for the
simple reason that Mrs. Malaprop was the original, Mrs. Partington the

~Malley~, a gardener.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Manablins~, broken victuals.

~Man a-hanging~, a man in difficulties. _See_ HANGING.

~Mandozy~, a term of endearment among East-end Jews; probably from the
valiant fighter named Mendoza.

~Mang~, to talk.—_Scotch._

~Man-handle~, to use a person roughly, as to take him prisoner, turn him
out of a room, or give him a beating.

~Man in the moon~, the gentleman who is supposed to find the “pieces” to
pay election expenditure and electors’ expenses, so long as the latter
vote his way. _See_ ELECTION INQUIRIES.

~Marbles~, furniture, movables; “money and MARBLES,” cash and personal

~Marchioness~, a little, dirty, old-fashioned maid-of-all-work; a title
now in regular use, but derived from the remarkable character in the
_Old Curiosity Shop_.

~Mare’s nest~, a supposed discovery of marvels, which turn out no
marvels at all; from a story similar to that about the cock neighing.
Three Cockneys, out ruralizing, had determined to find out something
about nests. Accordingly, when they ultimately came upon a dungheap,
they judged by the signs therein that it must be a MARE’S NEST,
especially as they could see the mare close handy. An old preacher in
Cornwall up to very lately employed a different simile, as, “It’s like a
cow calving up in a tree.”

~Marine~, or MARINE RECRUIT, an empty bottle. This expression having
once been used in the presence of an officer of marines, he was at first
inclined to take it as an insult, until some one adroitly appeased his
wrath by remarking that no offence could be meant, as all that it could
possibly imply was, “one who had done his duty, and was ready to do it

~Mark~, to make one’s MARK is to achieve a success literary, artistic,
or otherwise. Men of eminence are said to leave their MARKS on the
earth’s surface. An American poet has described this ambitious, albeit
somewhat rare, proceeding as leaving “footprints on the sands of time.”

~Marketeer~, a betting man who devotes himself, by means of special
information, to the study of favourites, and the diseases incident to
that condition of equine life. The MARKETEER is the principal agent in
all milking and knocking-out arrangements.

~Market-horse~, a horse simply kept in the betting-lists for the purpose
of being betted against.

~Marplot~, an officious bungler, who spoils everything he interferes

~Marriage lines~, a marriage certificate.—_Provincial._

~Marrow~, a mate, a fellow-workman, a pitman who works in a “shift” with
another.—_Northumberland and Durham._

~Marrow-bones~, the knees; “I’ll bring him down upon his MARROW BONES,”
_i.e._, I’ll make him bend his knees as he does to the Virgin Mary.
Supposed to be from Mary Bones, an objectionable term used by the first
Protestants in reference to the supposed adoration of the Virgin Mary by

~Marrowskying.~ _See_ MEDICAL GREEK.

~Marry~, a very old term of asseveration, originally (in Popish times) a
mode of swearing by the Virgin Mary; _q.d._, by Mary.

~Martingale~, a gambling term, which means the doubling of a stake every
time you lose; so that when you win once you win back all that you have
lost. So called from the fact that, as in all fair games you must win
once, you have a safe hold of fortune. The difficulty is to obtain a
bank large enough to do this effectively, or having the bank to find any
one who will follow you far enough, in a fair game.

~Mary Ann~, the title of the dea ex machinâ evolved from trades-unionism
at Sheffield, to the utter destruction of recalcitrant grinders. She is
supposed to do all the “blow-ups,” steal all the bands, and otherwise
terrorize over victims of the union.

~Marygold~, one million sterling. _See_ PLUM.

~Maskee~, never mind, no consequence.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Massacre of the innocents~, when the leader of the House of Commons
goes through the doleful operation of devoting to extinction a number of
useful measures at the end of the session, for want of time to pass
them. _Vide Times_, 20th July, 1859: Mr. C. Foster, on altering the time
of the legislative sessions.—_Parliamentary Slang._

~Master of the Mint~, a gardener.

~Master of the Rolls~, a baker.

~Mate~, the term a coster or low person applies to a friend, partner, or
companion; “me and my MATE did so and so,” is a common phrase with a low
Londoner. Originally a _sea term_.

~Matey~, a labourer in one of Her Majesty’s dockyards. Common
elaboration of the word MATE.

~Maudlin~, Magdalen College, Oxford. This is the old English
pronunciation of the word.

~Mauley~, a fist, that with which one strikes as with a

~Mauley~, a signature, from MAULEY, a fist; “put your fist to it,” is
sometimes said by a tradesman when desiring a fellow-trader to put his
signature to a bill or note.

~Maund~, to beg; “MAUNDERING on the fly,” begging of people in the
streets.—_Old Cant._ MAUNG, to beg, is a term in use amongst the
gipsies, and may also be found in the Hindoo vocabulary. MAUND, however,
is pure Anglo-Saxon, from MAND, a basket. Compare BEG, which is derived
from BAG—a curious parallel.

~Maw~, the mouth; “hold your MAW,” cease talking.

~Mawworm~, a hypocrite of the most unpleasant kind. From Bickerstaff’s
play of _The Hypocrite_. Originally a MAWWORM was a worm in the
stomach, the thread worm.

~Max~, gin; MAX upon tick, gin obtained upon credit.

~Mazarine~, the platform beneath the stage in large theatres. Probably
corruption of _Italian_, MEZZANINO.

~M. B. coat~, (_i.e._, Mark of the Beast,) a name given to the long
surtout worn by some of the clergy,—a modern Puritan form of abuse,
said to have been accidentally disclosed to a High Church customer by a
tailor’s orders to his foreman.

~Mealy-mouthed~, soft-spoken, plausible, deceitful. A specious liar is
said to be MEALY-MOUTHED.

~Mean white~, a term of contempt among negroes, in the old slavery days,
for white men without landed property. A white man in the Southern
States had no _locus standi_ unless he possessed property, and the
blackest of niggers would have felt insulted at any “poor white trash”
claiming to be “a man and brother.”

~Measley~, mean, miserable-looking, “seedy;” “what a MEASLEY-looking
man!” _i.e._, what a wretched, unhappy fellow.

~Medical Greek~, the slang used by medical students at the hospitals. At
the London University they have a way of disguising English, described
by Albert Smith as the Gower Street Dialect, which consists in
transposing the initials of words, _e.g._, “poke a smipe”—smoke a pipe;
“flutter-by”—butterfly, &c. This disagreeable nonsense, which has not
even the recommendation of a little ability in its composition, is often
termed Marrowskying. _See_ GREEK, ST. GILES’S GREEK, or the “_Ægidiac_”
dialect, Language of ZIPH, &c.

~Meisensang~, a missionary, Chinese pronunciation of the English

~Menagerie~, the orchestra of a theatre.—_Theatrical._

~Menavelings~, odd money remaining after the daily accounts are made up
at a railway booking-office,—usually divided among the clerks. _See_

~Men of Kent~, men born in that portion of the “garden of England” which
lies east of the Medway, as distinguished from Kentish men born the
other side. The MEN OF KENT are entitled to the benefit of the old laws
of the county, that of gavelkind particularly.

~Merkin~, a term usually applied to a woman’s privities. Originally
false hair for those parts.

~Merry Dun of Dover~, a large ship figuring in sailors’ yarns. She was
so large that when passing through the Straits of Dover her flying
jib-boom knocked down Calais steeple; while, at the same time, the fly
of her ensign swept a flock of sheep off Dover cliffs. She was so lofty
that a boy who attempted to go to her mast-head found himself a grey old
man when he reached the deck again. This yarn is founded on a story in
the Scandinavian mythology. There is also a legend among sailors of the
gallant Thunderbomb, which had “ninety-nine decks and no bottom.”

~Mesopotamia~, a name given to Eaton Square and neighbourhood when first
built. This part was also called Cubitopolis.—_Fashionable slang._

~Mess~, to interfere unduly. Costermongers refer to police supervision
as MESSING. Among sailors, a dead man is said to have lost the number of
his MESS.

~Metallician~, a racing bookmaker. Bookmakers use metallic books and

~Middy~, abbreviation of midshipman.—_Naval._

~Midge net~, a lady’s veil.

~Mike~, an Irish hodman, or general labourer.

~Mike~, to loiter; or “lazy about.” The term probably originated in St.
Giles’s, which is thronged with Irish labourers, who rarely or never
labour (MIKE being so common a term with them as to become a generic
appellation for Irishmen), and who loiter and lean against the
public-houses in the “Dials.” It has been said that the term is Old
English, MICHE, to skulk, to loiter; Old Norse, MAK, leisure, idleness.

    “Shall the blessed sun of heaven prove a MICHER?”

        _Shakspeare’s Hen. IV._, ii. 4.

Whatever may have been its origin, there can be now no doubt that the
word is supposed to have particular reference to the habits of the Irish
MIKES, or labourers, though now and again it is borrowed in the
interests of others.

~Mild~, second-rate, inferior. _See_ DRAW IT MILD. Also feeble,
inefficient, as “a MILD attempt.” Weak young men who keep bulldogs, and
dress in a “loud” stable style, from a belief that it is very becoming,
are sometimes called “MILD bloaters.”

~Milk~, a term used in connexion with racing; when a horse is entered in
a race for which his owner does not intend him to run, or at all events
in which he does not intend him to win, and bets against him, the animal
is said to “be MILKED.” MILKING, is keeping a horse a favourite, at
short odds, for a race in which he has no chance whatever, or in which
he will not be allowed to try, for the purpose of laying against him.

~Milky ones~, white linen rags.

~Mill~, a fight, or set to. _Ancient Cant_, MYLL, to rob. Probably
from the special opportunities afforded to pickpockets when the ring was
a “national institution.”

~Mill~, to fight or beat.

~Mill~, the old Insolvent Debtors’ Court. “To go through the MILL” was
equivalent to being “whitewashed.”

~Mill~, the tread-MILL.

~Miller.~ To drown the MILLER is to put too much water in anything. The
phrase was originally “to drown the MILLER’S thumb,” or go over the
specified mark, _i.e._, the thumb-mark, in adding water to ardent

~Miller.~ “To give the MILLER” is to engage a person in conversation of
an apparently friendly character, when all at once the bystanders
surround and pelt him with flour, grease, and filth of various kinds,
flour predominating. This mode of punishing spies, informers, and other
obnoxious individuals, is used by cabmen, omnibus conductors, _et hoc
genus omne_. Eggs are useful missiles in an engagement of this
description. If rotten eggs are not obtainable, ordinary ones will do.

~Miller.~ This word is frequently called out when a person relates a
stale joke. _See_ JOE.

~Milvader~, to beat.

~Mish~, a shirt, or chemise. From COMMISSION, the ancient cant for a
shirt, afterwards shortened to K’MISH or SMISH, and then to MISH.
_French_, CHEMISE; _Italian_, CAMICIA.

    “With his snowy CAMESE and his shaggy capote.”—_Byron._

~Mitey~, a cheesemonger.

~Mitten.~ “To get the MITTEN” is, in Canadian slang, to be jilted.

~Mittens~, the boxing gloves.

~Mizzle~, a frequentative form of MIST in both senses; as applied to
weather, it is used by John Gadbury in his _Ephemeris_ in 1695—MISTY
and MIZZLING—to come down as mist; while the other sense may be
expressed as to fade away like a mist.

~Mizzle~, to run away, or decamp; to disappear as in a mist. From
MIZZLE, a drizzling rain; a Scotch mist.

    “And then one MIZZLING Michaelmas night,
    The Count he MIZZLED too.”—_Hood._

~Mizzler~, or RUM-MIZZLER, a person who is clever at effecting an
escape, or getting out of a difficulty.

~Moab~, a name applied to the turban-shaped hat which was some
few years back fashionable among ladies, and ladylike swells of
the other sex. From the Scripture phrase, “MOAB is my washpot”
(Ps. lx. 8), which latter article the hat in question was supposed
to resemble.—_University._

~Mob.~ Swift informs us, in his _Art of Polite Conversation_, that MOB
was, in his time, the slang abbreviation of “mobility,” just as NOB is
of “nobility,” at the present day. _See_ SCHOOL.

    “It is perhaps this humour of speaking no more words than we needs
    must which has so miserably curtailed some of our words, that in
    familiar writings and conversation they often lose all but their
    first syllables, as in MOB., red., pos., incog., and the
    like.”—_Addison’s Spectator._

~Mob~, a thief’s immediate companions, as,—“our own MOB;” MOBSMAN, a
dressy swindler or pickpocket.

~Mob~, to hustle, crowd round, and annoy, necessarily the action of a
large party against a smaller one, or an individual. Mobbing is
generally a concomitant of street robbery.

~Mobility~, the populace; or, according to Burke, the “great unwashed.”
Johnson calls it a cant term, although Swift notices it as a proper

~Mockered~, holey, marked unpleasantly. A ragged handkerchief and a
blotched or pitted face are both said to be MOCKERED.

~Modest quencher~, a glass of spirits and water. Dick Swiveller was fond

~Moey~, the mouth.—_Gipsy_ and _Hindoo_. Shakspeare has MOE, to make

~Mofussilite~, an inhabitant of an up-country district.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Moisten your chaffer~, a slang phrase equivalent to “take something to
drink.” Also “moisten your clay,” originally applied to smokers, now
general, and supposed to have reference to the human clay.

~Moke~, a donkey.—_Gipsy_, but now general to all the lower orders. A
“coster” and his “moke” are almost inseparable terms. Probably derived
originally from the Arabic _al mocreve_, a carrier.

~Moko~, a name given by sportsmen to pheasants killed by mistake during
September, before the pheasant-shooting comes in. They pull out their
tails, and roundly assert that they are no pheasants at all, but MOKOS.

~Moll~, a girl; nickname for Mary.—_Old Cant._

~Molled~, followed, or accompanied by a woman. When a costermonger sees
a friend walking with a woman he does not know, he says on the first
opportunity afterwards, “I see yer the other night when yer was MOLLED
up and too proud to speak.”

~Mollisher~, a low girl or woman; generally a female cohabiting with a
man who gets his living by thieving.

~Mollsack~, a reticule, or market basket.

~Moll Thomson’s mark~, that is, M. T.—empty; as, “Take away this
bottle, it has MOLL THOMSON’S MARK on it.” _See_ M. T.

~Moll-tooler~, a female pickpocket.

~Mollycoddle~, an effeminate man; one who “coddles” amongst the women,
or does their work.

~Mollygrubs~, or MULLIGRUBS, stomach ache, or sorrow—which to the
costermonger is much the same, as he believes, like the ancients, that
the viscera is the seat of all feeling. Costermongers are not alone,
even in the present day, in this belief.

~Molrowing~, “out on the spree,” in company with so-called “gay women.”
In allusion to the amatory serenadings of the London cats. Another form
of this is, “out on the tiles.”

~Mondayish~, or Mondayfied, disinclined for work. “St. Monday” is a
great institution among artizans and small tradesmen.

~Monk~, a term of contempt; probably an abbreviation of MONKEY.

~Monkey~, spirit or ill temper; “to get one’s MONKEY up,” to rouse his
passion. A man is said to have his MONKEY up or the MONKEY on his back,
when he is “riled,” or out of temper; this is old, and was probably in
allusion originally to the evil spirit which was supposed to be always
present with a man; also under similar circumstances a man is said to
have his back or hump up.

~Monkey~, the instrument which drives a rocket.—_Army._

~Monkey~, 500_l._-_-Sporting Slang._

~Monkey~, the vessel in which a mess receives its full allowance of

~Monkey-board~, the place or step attached to an omnibus, on which the
conductor stands.

~Monkey-boat~, a peculiar, long, narrow, canal boat.

~Monkey with a long tail~, a mortgage.—_Legal._

~Monkey’s allowance~, to get blows instead of alms, more kicks than

~Monkery~, the country, or rural districts. Originally an old word for a
quiet or monastic life.—_Hall._

~Monniker~, a person’s name or signature.

~Month of Sundays~, an indefinite period, a long time.

~Mooch~, to sponge; to obtrude oneself upon friends just when they are
about to sit down to dinner, or other lucky time—of course quite
accidentally. Compare HULK. To slink away, and allow your friend to pay
for the entertainment. In Wiltshire, TO MOOCH is to shuffle. _See_ the

~Mooching~, or ON THE MOOCH, on the look-out for any articles or
circumstances which may be turned to a profitable account; watching in
the streets for odd jobs, horses to hold, &c.; also scraps of food,
drinks, old clothes, &c.

~Moon~, a month; generally used to express the length of time a person
has been sentenced by the magistrate; thus “one MOON” is one month of
four weeks. A calendar month is known as a “callingder” or long MOON. A
“lunar MOON,” ridiculous as the phrase may seem, is of constant use
among those who affect slang of this description.

~Mooney~, intoxicated, a name for a silly fellow.

~Mooning~, loitering, wandering about in a purposeless manner.

~Moonlight~, or MOONSHINE, smuggled spirits. From the night-work of

~Moon-raker~, a native of Wiltshire; because it is said that some men of
that county, seeing the reflection of the moon in a pond, took it to be
a cheese, and endeavoured to pull it out with a rake.

~Moonshee~, a learned man, professor, or teacher.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Moonshine~, palaver, deception, humbug.

~Mop~, a hiring place (or fair) for servants. Steps are often “about to
be taken” to put down these assemblies, which have been proved to be
greatly detrimental to the morality of the poor. They are supposed to
contribute largely to the bastardy percentages.

~Mop~, an habitual drunkard. Also a period of intoxication. “To be on
the MOP” is to be on the drink from day to day—to be perpetually
“stale drunk.”

~Mop up~, to drink, or empty a glass.—_Old Sea term._

~Mops and brooms~, intoxicated. Supposed by an imaginative person to be
the appearance presented by the world to a very drunken man. Possibly
the term was first used to express sea-sickness.

~Mopusses~, money; “MOPUSSES ran taper,” money ran short.

~Moral~, a forthcoming result which appears certain—originally MORAL
certainty. This is racing slang, as, “The race is a MORAL for Cremorne.”
These MORALS are often, however, of very uncertain tenure.

~More-ish.~ When there is scarcely enough of an eatable or drinkable, it
is said to taste MORE-ISH; as, “This wine is very good, but it has a
slight MORE-ISH flavour.”

~Morris~, to decamp, be off. Probably from the ancient MORESCO, of
MORRIS-DANCE. _See Shakspeare._

~Mortar-board~, a square college cap.

~Mortgage-deed~, a pawnbroker’s duplicate.

~Moskeneer~, to pawn with a view to obtaining more than the actual value
of an article. There are, in various parts of the country, men who make
MOSKENEERING a profession—that is, they buy jewellery which, though
fairly good, is not so good as it seems, and pawn it as opportunity
occurs. It is notorious that some men can obtain a much larger sum
on a given article than others can; though the smallest of these
professionals generally manage to get good livings, which does not say
much for the judgment of those constant inspectors of personal
property—pawnbrokers’ assistants.

~Mot~, a girl of indifferent character. Formerly, _Mort_. _Dutch_,
MOTT-KAST, a harlotry. MOT-CART, _see_ LOOSE-BOX.

~Mouchey~, a Jew.

~Mouldy~, grey-headed. Servants wearing hair-powder are usually termed
MOULDY-PATES by street boys.

~Mouldy-grubs~, travelling showmen, mountebanks who perform in the open
air without tent or covering. Doing this is called MOULDY-GRUBBING.

~Mount~, a saddle-horse. According to quality, “a good MOUNT,” or “a bad

~Mount~, in theatrical parlance, to prepare for production on the stage.
“The piece was excellently MOUNTED.”

~Mounter~, a false swearer. Derived from the borrowed clothes men used
to MOUNT, or dress in, when going to swear for a consideration.

~Mountain-dew~, whisky, advertised as from the Highlands.

~Mountain-pecker~, a sheep’s head. _See_ JEMMY.

~Mourning~, “a full suit of MOURNING,” two black eyes; HALF-MOURNING,
one black eye.

~Mouse~, a black eye. By a façon de parler, any one with “a MOUSE” is
supposed to have been to Blackwall.

~Mouth-almighty~, a noisy, talkative person.

~Mouthpiece~, a lawyer, or counsel. Thieves and their associates always
speak of a counsel as a MOUTHPIECE.

~Move~, a “dodge,” or cunning trick; “up to a MOVE or two,” acquainted
with tricks. Probably derived from the game of chess.

~M.P.~, member of the police, one of the slang titles of the Force.

~Mrs. Grundy~, the representative of the censorious world, “What will
MRS. GRUNDY say?” Originally a character in the comedy of _Speed the

~Mrs. Harris~ and ~Mrs. Gamp~, nicknames of the _Morning Herald_ and
_Standard_ newspapers, while united under the proprietorship of Mr.
Baldwin. MRS. GAMP, a monthly nurse, was a character in Charles
Dickens’s popular novel of _Martin Chuzzlewit_, who continually quoted
an imaginary MRS. HARRIS in attestation of the superiority of her
qualifications, and the infallibility of her opinions; and thus afforded
a parallel to the two newspapers, which appealed to each other as
independent authorities, being all the while the production of the same
editorial staff. _See_ introductory article.

~Mrs. Jones~, the house of office, a water-closet.

~M.T.~, railway slang used by porters and pointsmen for empties, or
empty carriages. _See_ MOLL THOMSON’S MARK.

~Much of a muchness~, alike, very much the same thing.

~Muck~, to beat, or excel. “It’s no use, his luck’s dead in; he’d MUCK a
thousand;” “he MUCKED me clean out,” &c. To RUN A MUCK, or GO A MUCKER,
to rush headlong into certain ruin. From a certain religious frenzy, or
intoxication caused by bhang, which is common among the Malays, and
which now and again causes an enthusiast, kreese in hand, to dash into a
crowd and devote every one he meets to death until he is himself killed,
or falls from exhaustion.—_Malay_, AMOK, slaughter.

~Muckender~, or MUCKENGER, a pocket-handkerchief.—_Old._ _Cf._
SNOTTINGER. The original name of the “Neckinger” in Bermondsey was “the
Devil’s Neck-handkerchief.” There is still a Neckinger Road and Messrs.
Bevington and Sons’ tannery in Bermondsey bears the name of the
Neckinger Mills.

~Mucker~, TO GO A, to go to grief, to ruin one’s prospects.—_Oxford

~Muck-out~, to clean out; often applied to one utterly ruining an
adversary in gambling.

~Muck-snipe~, one who has been “MUCKED OUT,” or beggared, at gambling.
_See_ MUCK.

~Mud-crusher~, a word of contempt, used by the cavalry in reference to
the infantry.

~Mudfog~, “The British Association for the Advancement of Science.” Term
first used by Charles Dickens in _Bentley’s Miscellany_, about 1836.

~Mud-lark~, a man or woman who, with clothes tucked above the knee,
grovels through the mud on the banks of the Thames, when the tide is
low, for silver or pewter spoons, old bottles, pieces of iron, coal, or
any articles of the least value, deposited by the retiring tide, either
from passing ships or the sewers. Occasionally applied to those men who
cleanse the sewers, and who wear great boots and sou’-wester hats. Those
who are employed in banks and counting-houses, in collecting and other
out-door duties, have also this appellation.

~Mud-student~, a farming pupil. The name given to the students at the
Agricultural College, Cirencester.

~Muff~, a silly or weak-minded person, a duffer; MUFF has been defined
to be “a soft thing that holds a lady’s hand without squeezing it.”

~Muffin-cap~, a cap similar to that worn by a charity-boy.

~Muffin-face~, a white, soft, delicate, or whiskerless face.

~Muffin-worry~, an old lady’s tea party.

~Mufti~, the civilian dress of a naval or military officer when off
duty.—_Anglo-Indian._ From an Eastern word signifying a clergyman or

~Mug~, the mouth, or face.—_Old._

    “‘GOBLET AND MUG.’—Topers should bear in mind that what they quaff
    from the goblet afterwards appears in the MUG.”

~Mug~, to strike in the face, or fight. Also, to rob or swindle.
_Gaelic_, MUIG, to suffocate, oppress; _Irish_, MUGAIM, to kill,

~Mug~, “to MUG oneself,” to get tipsy.

~Mugging~, a thrashing,—synonymous with “slogging,” both terms of the
“ring,” and frequently used by fighting men.

~Muggy~, drunk. Also, as applied to weather, stifling, oppressive.

~Mug-up~, to paint one’s face, or dress specially with a view to
impersonation.—_Theatrical._ To “cram” for an examination.—_Army._

~Mull~, “to make a MULL of it,” to spoil anything, or make a fool of

~Mulligrubs.~ _Vide_ MOLLYGRUBS.

~Mullingar heifer~, a girl with thick ankles.—_Irish._ The story goes
that a traveller, passing through Mullingar, was so struck with this
local peculiarity in the women, that he determined to accost the next
one he met. “May I ask,” said he, “if you wear hay in your shoes?”
“Faith an’ I do,” said the girl; “and what then?” “Because,” says the
traveller, “that accounts for the calves of your legs coming down to
feed on it.”

~Multee kertever~, very bad. _Italian_, MOLTO CATTIVO. Generally used
with the affix of bloke when referring to a man. Phrase much used by
circus riders.

~Mum~, “to keep MUM,” to hold one’s peace. Hence “MUM’S the word,”—a
phrase which implies to all hearers that the matter to which it refers
must remain secret.

~Mummer~, a performer at a travelling theatre.—_Ancient._ Rustic
performers at Christmas in the West of England.

~Mump~, to beg. In Lincolnshire, Boxing-day is known as MUMPING DAY.

~Mumper~, a beggar. A collector of holiday tribute.

~Mumps~, the miserables. To feel MUMPISH is to be heavy, dull, and

~Mundungus~, trashy, coarse tobacco. Sometimes used to represent
the half-soddened, half-calcined residuum at the bottom of an
all-but-smoked-out pipe, which, when knocked out, is vulgarly called the
TOPPER, _q.v. Spanish_, MONDONGO, black pudding.

~Mungarly~, bread, food. MUNG is an old word for mixed food, but
MUNGARLY is doubtless derived from the _Lingua Franca_, MANGIAR, to eat.
_See_ the following.

~Mungarly casa~, a baker’s shop; evidently a corruption of a Lingua
Franca phrase for an eating-house. The well-known “Nix Mangiare” stairs
at Malta derive their name from the endless beggars who lie there and
shout, “Nix mangiare,” _i.e._, “Nothing to eat,” to excite the
compassion of the English who land there,—an expression which exhibits
remarkably the mongrel composition of the _Lingua Franca_, MANGIARE
being Italian, and _Nix_ (_German_, NICHTS), an evident importation from
Trieste, or other Austrian seaport.

~Munging~, or MOUNGING, whining, begging, muttering.—_North._

~Muns~, the mouth. _German_, MUND.—_Old Cant._

~Murerk~, the mistress of the house. _See_ BURERK.

~Murkarker~, a monkey,—vulgar Cockney pronunciation of MACAUCO, a
species of monkey. Jacko Macauco, or Maccacco, as he was mostly called,
was the name of a famous fighting monkey, who used nearly fifty years
ago to display his prowess at the Westminster pit, where, after having
killed many dogs, he was at last “chawed up” by a bull terrier.

~Murphy~, a potato. Probably from the Irish national liking for
potatoes, MURPHY being a surname common amongst the Irish. MURPHIES
(edible) are sometimes called DONOVANS.

~Murphy~, “in the arms of MURPHY,” _i.e._, fast asleep. Corruption of

~Mush~, an umbrella. Contraction of MUSHROOM.

~Mush~ (or MUSHROOM) ~faker~, an itinerant mender of umbrellas.

~Mushroom~, a hat, shaped like the fungus from which it takes its name,
often worn by demure ladies.

~Muslin~, a woman or girl; “he picked up a bit of MUSLIN.”

~Musta~, or MUSTER, a pattern, one of a sort. Anglo-Indian term used in
describing the make or pattern of anything. A sample of any kind of
merchandize. This word is very generally used in commercial transactions
all over the world.

~Mutton~, a contemptuous term for a woman of bad character; sometimes
varied to LACED MUTTON. The expression was used as a cant term for a
“wild duck” in the reign of James I. As a slang term it was employed by
Ben Jonson in his masque of _Neptune’s Triumph_, which was written for
display at Court on Twelfth Night, 1623; “a fine LACED MUTTON or two,”
are the words applied to wantons. Shakspeare has the term. In that class
of English society which does not lay any claim to refinement, a fond
lover is often spoken of as being “fond of his MUTTON,” which, by the
way, in this place does not mean the woman so much as something else.

~Mutton chops~, a sheep’s-head. A man who has dined off sheep’s-head
dignifies his meal by calling it MUTTON CHOPS (chaps).

~Mutton-fist~, an uncomplimentary title for any one having a large and
muscular, bony, or coarse hand.

~Mutton-walk~, the saloon at Drury Lane Theatre. A vulgar appellation
applied to this place early in the last century, still in use in the
neighbourhood of Covent Garden, which was formerly the great resort for
the gay and giddy of both sexes.

~Muzzle~, the mouth.

~Muzzle~, to fight or thrash; to throttle or garrotte.

~Muzzler~, a blow in the mouth; a dram of spirits.

~Muzzy~, intoxicated.

~My aunt~, AUNT JONES, or MRS. JONES, the closet of decency, or house of

~My lord~, a nickname given to a hunchback.

~My tulip~, a term of endearment used by the lower orders to persons and
animals; “‘Kim up, MY TULIP,’ as the coster said to his donkey when
thrashing him with an ash stick.”

~My uncle~, the pawnbroker,—generally used when any person questions
the whereabouts of a domestic article. “Oh! only at MY UNCLE’S” is the
reply. “Up the spout” has the same meaning. It is worthy of remark that
the French call this useful relative “ma tante,” my aunt.

~Nab~, to catch, to seize; “NAB the rust,” to take offence.—_Ancient_,
fourteenth century. _See_ NAP.

~Nab the rust~, to take offence.

~Nabob~, an Eastern prince, a retired Indian official,—hence a slang
term for a capitalist. From Nawaub.

~Nabs~, self; my NABS, myself; his NABS, himself.—_North Country Cant._

~Nag~, to persistently talk in a scolding manner, after the manner of
Mrs. Caudle. NAGGING is supposed to be persistent, persevering,
passionless scolding.

~Nail~, to steal, or capture; “paid on the NAIL,” _i.e._, paid ready
money; NAILED, taken up, or caught,—probably in allusion to the
practice of NAILING bad money to the counter. We say, “as dead as a
door-NAIL;” most possibly because of “apt alliteration.” Shakspeare has
the expression in _Henry IV._—

    “_Falstaff._ What! is the old king dead?

    _Pistol._ As NAIL in door.”

Dickens, in that marvellous little book, _A Christmas Carol_, says:—

    “Old Marley was as dead as a DOOR-NAIL.

    “Mind! I don’t mean to say that I know of my own knowledge what
    there is particularly dead about a DOOR-NAIL. I might have been
    inclined myself to regard a COFFIN-NAIL as the deadest piece of
    ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the
    simile: and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the
    country’s done for. You will, therefore, permit me to repeat,
    emphatically, that Marley was as dead as a DOOR-NAIL.”

~Nail in one’s coffin~, a dram, “a drop o’ summat’ short,” a jocular,
but disrespectful phrase, used by the lower orders to each other at the
moment of lifting a glass of spirits to their lips. “Well, good luck!
here’s another NAIL IN MY COFFIN.” This is probably in ridicule of
teetotal or temperance preachers, and the arguments adduced by them.
Another phrase with old topers is “shedding a tear,” also “wiping an

~Namby-pamby~, particular, over-nice, effeminate. This was possibly of
Pope’s invention, and first applied by him to the affected short-lined
verses addressed by Ambrose Phillips to Lord Carteret’s infant children.
_See Johnson’s Life of Pope._

~Nammus~, or NAMOUS, to be off, to get away; “let’s NAMMUS, somebody’s
coming.” _See_ VAMOS.

~Nanny-shop~, a disreputable house.

~Nantee~, not any, or “I have none.” NANTEE also means “shut up!” or
“leave off!” _Italian_, NIENTE, nothing. _See_ DINARLY.—_Lingua

~Nantee palaver~, no conversation, _i.e._, hold your tongue. Very often
in this sense also shortened to NANTEE only. Originally _Lingua Franca_,
but now general.

~Nap~, or NAB, to take, steal, or receive; “you’ll NAP it,” _i.e._, you
will catch a beating.—_North_; also _Old Cant_.

~Nap~, to break, or rap with a hammer. _See_ KNAP.—_North._

~Nap~, or NAPPER, a hat. From “nab,” a hat, cap, or head.—_Old Cant._

~Nap nix~, a person who works at his trade, and occasionally goes on the
stage to act minor parts without receiving any pay. The derivation is
obvious. _See_ NAP and NIX, _i.e._, NICHTS.

~Nap one’s bib~, to cry, shed tears, or carry one’s point.

~Nap the regulars~, to divide the booty.

~Nap the teaze~, to be privately whipped in prison.

~Nark~, a person in the pay of the police; a common informer; one who
gets his living by laying traps for publicans, &c. Sometimes called a

~Nark~, to watch, or look after; “NARK the titter,” watch the girl.

~Narp~, a shirt.—_Scotch._

~Narrow~, mean, sordid.—_Scotch._ In common slang, dull of
comprehension, as distinguished from wide awake.

~Nasty~, ill-tempered, cross-grained. “He was very NASTY,” _i.e._, he
was ill-humoured.

~Nation~, or TARNATION, very, or exceedingly. Corruption of damnation.

~Natty~, pretty, neat, tidy.—_Old._

~Natural~, an idiot, a simpleton. Sometimes HALF-NATURAL.

~Navvy~, an excavator employed in making railways, canals, &c.
Originally slang, but now a recognised term. Short for navigator, a term
humorously applied to excavators when their chief work was that of
cutting and banking canals, making dykes to rivers, &c.

~N. C.~, “enough said,” being the initials of NUF CED. A certain
theatrical manager spells, it is said, in this style.

~Near~, mean and stingy.

~Neardy~, a person in authority over another; master, parent, or

~Neat~, unmixed with water. “Two half goes of gin, one NEAT, the other
cold,” meaning one as drawn, the other diluted with cold water. The
Americans use the word “straight” instead of NEAT: “I’ll take mine

~Neck~, to swallow. Neck-oil, drink of any kind.

~Neck and crop~, entirely, completely; “he chuck’d him NECK AND CROP out
of window.”

~Neck and neck.~ Horses run NECK AND NECK in a race when they are so
perfectly equal that one cannot be said to be before the other.

~Neck or nothing~, desperate. Originally a steeplechase phrase.

~Neck beef~, a synonym for coarseness. “As coarse as neck ends of beef.”

~Neckinger~, a cravat. _See_ MUCKENGER.

~Ned~, a guinea. HALF-NED, half-a-guinea.

~Neddy~, a considerable quantity, as “a NEDDY of fruit,” “a NEDDY of
fish,” &c.—_Irish slang._

~Neddy~, a donkey. On Sunday, when a costermonger, if at all well to do,
takes his family out for an airing in his “shallow,” the donkey is
called “Eddard.”

~Neddy~, a life preserver. Possibly contraction of Kennedy, the name of
the first man, it is said in St. Giles’s, who had his head broken by a

~Ned Stokes~, the four of spades.—_North Hants._ _See Gentleman’s
Magazine_ for 1791, p. 141.

~Needful~, money, cash; the “one thing NEEDFUL” for the accomplishment
of most pet designs.

~Needle~, to annoy. To “cop the NEEDLE” is to become vexed or annoyed.

~Needy mizzler~, a shabby person; a tramp who runs away without paying
for his lodging.

~Never trust me~, an ordinary phrase with low Londoners, and common in
Shakspeare’s time, _vide Twelfth Night_. It is generally used instead of
an oath, calling vengeance on the asseverator, if such-and-such does
not come to pass.

~Newgate fringe~, or FRILL, the collar of beard worn under the chin; so
called from its occupying the position of the rope when Jack Ketch
operates. Another name for it is a TYBURN COLLAR.

~Newgate Knocker~, the term given to the lock of hair which
costermongers and thieves usually twist back towards the ear. The shape
is supposed to resemble the knocker on the prisoners’ door at Newgate—a
resemblance that carries a rather unpleasant suggestion to the wearer.
Sometimes termed a COBBLER’S KNOT, or COW-LICK.

~Newmarket~, in tossing, when the game is “two out of three,” that is,
when he who gains the first two tosses wins. When the first toss is
decisive, the game is termed “sudden death.”

~Nibble~, to take, or steal. NIBBLER, a petty thief.

~Nib-cove~, a gentleman. NIBSOMEST CRIBS, best or gentlemen’s
houses.—_Beggar’s Cant._

~Nib-like~, gentlemanly.

~Nibs~, self. His NIBS, means any one who may be referred to. As, “I
told his NIBS,” or “stag his NIBS.” “Your NIBS,” yourself.

~Nick~, or OLD NICK, the devil.—_Scandinavian_, KNICKAR, one of the
names of Odin, as the destroying or evil principle.

~Nick~, to hit the mark; “he’s NICKED it,” _i.e._, won his point. Also
to steal. To be “out on the NICK,” is to be out thieving. Sometimes
described as being “on the pinch.”

~Nick-nack~, a trifle.—Originally _Cant_.

~Niggling~, trifling, or idling; taking short steps in

~Nightcap~, a glass of “warm with” taken the last thing at night.

~Night-hunter~, a poacher.—_North._ Also a London prostitute. Sometimes
in the latter capacity varied to night-hawk.

~Nil~, half; half profits, &c.

~Nilly-willy~, _i.e._, NILL YE, WILL YE, whether you will or no; a
familiar version of the _Latin_, NOLENS VOLENS. Generally written now,

~Nimming~, stealing. _Old English_, NIM, to take. Motherwell, the Scotch
poet, thought the old word NIM (to snatch or pick up) was derived from
_nam, nam_, the tiny words or cries of an infant, when eating anything
which pleases its little palate. A negro proverb has the word:—

    “Buckra man NAM crab,
    Cram NAM buckra man.”

Or, in the buckra man’s language—

    “White man eat [or steal] the crab,
    And then crab eat the white man.”

Shakspeare evidently had the word NIM in his head when he portrayed Nym.

~Nincompoop~, a fool, a hen-pecked husband, a “Jerry Sneak.”—Corruption
of _non compos mentis_.

~Nine corns~, a pipeful of tobacco.

~Ninepence~, “nice as NINEPENCE,” all right, right to a nicety. A
correspondent says:—“This most undoubtedly should be NINE-PINS. For at
the game of that name, in fairness to both parties, the nine pins must
always be set up with great accuracy. There is no nicety in NINEPENCE!”
Evidently this correspondent does not know how nice it is to have
ninepence, after being without money. At all events the phrase _is_
“nice as NINEPENCE.”

~Nines~, “dressed up to the NINES,” in a showy or _recherché_ manner. Up
to the NINES, up to the dodges and “wrinkles” of life.

~Nine Shillings~, cool audacity; most probably derived from the

~Ning-nang~, horse-coupers’ term for a worthless thoroughbred.

~Ninnyhammer~, a foolish, ignorant person. Generally shortened to NINNY.
NINNY is also short for nincompoop.

~Nip~, to steal, to take up quickly. _See_ NAP and NIB.

~Nipcheese~, a purser.—_Old Sea Slang._

~Nipper~, a sharp lad. Originally a superior grade among cut-purses.

~Nix~, nothing. _German_, NICHTS. _See_ MUNGARLY.

~Nix!~ the signal word of schoolboys and workpeople to each other that
the master, or other person in authority, is approaching.

~Nix my dolly~, once a very popular slang song, beginning—

    “In a box of a stone jug I was born,
        Of a hempen widow all forlorn;
    And my old dad, as I’ve heard say,
        Was a famous merchant in capers gay;
            NIX MY DOLLY, pals, fake away!”

“Capers” of course here refers to the mode of the old gentleman’s

~Niz-priz~, a writ of nisi-prius.—_Legal._

~Nizzie~, a fool, a coxcomb.—_Old Cant, vide Triumph of Wit_.

~Nob~, the head.—_Pugilistic_; “bob a NOB,” a shilling a head. _Ancient
Cant_, NEB. NOB is an early English word, and is used in the romance of
_Kynge Alinaunder_ (thirteenth century) for a head; originally, no
doubt, the same as _knob_.

~Nob~, a person of high position, a “swell,” a NOBleman,—of which word
it may be an abbreviation, or of NOBILIS. _See_ SNOB.

~Nob.~ When the knave of trumps is held at the game of cribbage, the
holder counts “one for his NOB.”

~Nobba~, nine. _Italian_, NOVE; _Spanish_, NOVA,—the _b_ and _v_ being
interchangeable, as in sa_b_e and sa_vv_ey. Slang introduced by the
“organ-grinders” from Italy.

~Nobba saltee~, ninepence. _Lingua Franca_, NOVE SOLDI.

~Nobbing cheat~, the gallows.—_Old Cant._

~Nobbing~, collecting money; “what NOBBINGS?” _i.e._, how much have you
got or collected from the crowd? This term is much used by “buskers.”

~Nobble~, to cheat, to overreach; to discover. In the racing world, to
“NOBBLE” a horse, is to “get at,” and lame or poison him.

~Nobbler~, a blow on the NOB, a finishing stroke; “that’s a NOBBLER for
him,” _i.e._, a settler.—_Pugilistic._

~Nobbler~, a confederate of thimble-riggers and card-sharpers, who plays
earnestly, as if a stranger to the “rig,” and thus draws unsuspecting
persons into a game. The same as a “bonnet” or “bearer-up.” In the North
of England, a low, cunning lawyer.

~Nobby~, or NOBBISH, fine or showy; NOBBILY, showily. _See_ SNOB for

~No flies~, an emphatic addition made to an assertion for the purpose of
giving it weight. It really means “no error” or “no mistake.” Both of
them popular; as, “A jolly fine girl, and NO FLIES!”

~No-fly~, artful, designing. Term much used among printers, who shorten
it to “N.F.”

~Noli-me-tangere~, the Scotch fiddle, or other contagious disease.

~Non-com~, a non-commissioned officer in the army.

~No odds~, no matter, of no consequence.—_Latimer’s Sermon before
Edward VI._

~Nooning~, an interval for rest and refreshment, taken at midday by
travellers in hot countries.

~Norfolk-Howards~, bugs; a person named Ephraim Bug some few years back
advertised, that for the future he would call himself by the more
aristocratic appellation of NORFOLK HOWARD.

~North~, cunning. The inhabitants of Yorkshire and the Northern counties
are supposed, like the canny Scots, to get the better of other people in
dealing; hence the phrase, “He’s too far NORTH for me,” _i.e._, too
cunning for me to deal with.

~North country compliment~, to give or offer anything that is not wanted
by either giver or receiver is to pass a NORTH COUNTRY COMPLIMENT.

~Norwicher~, more than one’s share; said of a person who leaves less
than half the contents of a tankard for his companion. In what way the
term originated, or why Norwich was selected before any other city is
not known. Most likely from the slanders which the inhabitants of one
town are always inventing about their neighbours.

~Nose~, a thief who turns informer; a paid spy; generally called a
policeman’s NOSE; “on the NOSE,” on the look-out.

~Nose~, to give information to the police, to turn approver.

~Nose~, “to pay through the NOSE,” to pay an extravagant price.

~Nose-bag~, a visitor at a watering-place, or house of refreshment, who
carries his own victuals. Term applied by waiters.

~Nose ’em~, or FOGUS, tobacco. NOSE ’EM is but a contraction of the
rhyming slang, which _see_.

~Nose-ender~, a straight blow delivered full on the nasal promontory.

~Nose in the manger~, TO PUT ONE’S, to sit down to eat. To “put on the
nose-bag” is to eat hurriedly, or to eat while continuing at work.

~Nose out of joint~, TO PUT ONE’S; to supplant, supersede, or mortify a
person by excelling him.

~Noser~, a hard blow, leading to a bloody or contused nose.—_Pugilistic._

~Notional~, imaginative, full of ideas. Used in America to express a
wife’s imaginations with regard to her husband’s doings.

~Nouse~, comprehension, perception.—_Old_, apparently from the _Greek_,
νοῦς. _Gaelic_ and _Irish_, NOS, knowledge, perception.

~Nowhere~, horses not placed in a race—that are neither first, second,
nor third—are said to be NOWHERE, especially when this lack of position
happens to favourites.

~Number of his mess~, when a man dies in the army or navy, he is said to
“lose the NUMBER OF HIS MESS.”

~Nurse~, a curious term applied to competition in omnibuses. Two
omnibuses are placed on the road to NURSE, or take care of, each
opposition “bus,” one before, the other behind. Of course the central or
NURSED bus has very little chance, unless it happens to be a favourite
with the public. Recent legislation and tramways have done much to do
away with NURSING. NURSE also means to cheat or swindle; trustees are
sometimes said to NURSE property, _i.e._, gradually eat it up

~Nut~, the head, in pugilistic slang. Used as an exclamation at a fight,
it means to strike on the head. In tossing it is a direction to hide the
head; to be “off one’s NUT,” to be crazed or idiotic.

~Nut-cut~, roguish, mischievous. A good-natured term of

~Nuts~, to be NUTS on anything or person is to be pleased with or fond
of it or him; a self-satisfied man is said to be NUTS on himself.
NUTTED, taken in by a man who professed to be NUTS on you.

~Nux~, the “plant,” or object in view. “Stoll up to the NUX?” “Do you
fully comprehend what is wanted?”—_North Country Cant._

~Oaf~, a lumbering, awkward fellow.

~Oak~, the outer door of college rooms; to “sport one’s OAK,” to be “not
at home” to visitors. _See_ SPORT.—_University._

[Illustration: A “Sporting Door,” or “Oak.”]

~Oar~, “to put in an OAR,” to interfere.

    “I put my OAR in no man’s boat.”—_Thackeray._

~Oat~, an atom. Probable corruption of iota, or perhaps from the small
size of an oat. “I never got an OAT of it,” I never received the
smallest portion.

~Oat-stealer~, an ostler.

~Obfuscated~, intoxicated.

~Obliquitous~, oblivious of distinction between right and

~Obstropolous~, Cockney corruption of obstreperous.

~Ochre~, money, generally applied to gold, for a very obvious reason.

~O’clock~, “like ONE O’CLOCK,” a favourite comparison with the lower
orders, implying briskness; otherwise “like winkin’.” “To know what’s
O’CLOCK” is to be wide-awake, sharp, and experienced.

~Odd man out~, a street or public-house game at tossing. The number of
players is three or more. Each tosses up a coin, and if two come down
head, and one comes tail, or _vice versâ_, the ODD MAN loses or wins, as
may have been agreed upon. Frequently used to victimize a “flat.” If all
be alike, then the toss goes for nothing, and the coppers are again
“skied.” It is easy for two men to arrange matters beforehand at this
game, and so swindle a third.

~Odd man~, a man who trains in company with a boat’s crew, so that in
the event of any one falling ill the seat will be fairly occupied.

~Odds~, a phrase equivalent to “consequence;” “what’s the ODDS?” _i.e._,
what is the expected result? “It’s no ODDS,” _i.e._, of no consequence.
ODDS, in sporting phraseology, refers to the proportions or differences
of a bet. One bookmaker will lay ODDS of “six to one” against such a
horse winning; whilst another, more speculative, or in the receipt of a
first-rate “tip” (information about the horse in question) will lay
“eight,” or even “ten to one.”

~Od rot it~ (_Colman’s Broad Grins_), DRAT IT, OD’S BLOOD, and all other
exclamations commencing with OD, are nothing but softened or suppressed
oaths. OD is a corruption of GOD, and DRAT of ROT.

~Off and on~, vacillating; “an OFF AND ON kind of a chap,” one who is
always undecided.

~Off at the head~, crazy.—_Oxfordshire._

~Off one’s chump.~ To be crazy is to be OFF ONE’S CHUMP; this is varied
by the word CHUMPY. A mild kind of lunatic is also said to be “off his
head,” which means of course exactly the same as the first phrase.

~Off one’s feed.~ To be unable to eat is to be OFF ONE’S FEED.
Originally stable slang.

~Off the horn~, a term used in reference to very hard steak, which is
fancifully said to be OFF THE HORN.

~Office~, “to give the OFFICE,” to give a hint dishonestly to a
confederate, thereby enabling him to win a game or bet, the profits
being shared. Also in sporting phraseology to give any information worth

~Offish~, distant, not familiar. Corruption of STAND-OFFISH.

~Ogle~, to look, or reconnoitre.

~Ogles~, eyes.—_Old Cant. French_, ŒIL.

~Oil of palms~, or PALM OIL, money.

~Ointment~, medical student slang for butter.

~O. K.~, a matter to be O. K. (OLL KORRECT, _i.e._, all correct), must
be on the “square,” and perfectly in order. This is an Americanism, and
is derived from the initials O. K., said to have been marked on a
document by an official to signify that all was right and proper.

~Old boots~, a simile as general in its application as it is irrelevant.
“Like OLD BOOTS” means like anything. “As cheeky as OLD BOOTS;” “As
quick as OLD BOOTS,” seem a little more reasonable, new boots being
somewhat unfavourable to speedy locomotion.

~Old dog~, a knowing blade, an experienced person. Butler uses the
phrase, _Hudibras_, part ii. canto iii. 208, where it was said of
Sidrophel, “And was OLD DOG at physiology.” An Irish proverb says, “OLD
DOG for hard road,” meaning that it requires an experienced person to
execute a difficult undertaking.

~Old gentleman~, the devil. Also a card almost imperceptibly longer than
the rest of the pack, used by sharpers for the purpose of cheating.

~Old gooseberry~ (_see_ GOOSEBERRY), OLD HARRY (_Old Hairy_), OLD
SCRATCH, all synonyms for the devil.

~Old gown~, smuggled tea.

~Old horse~, salt junk, or beef.—_Sea._

~Old hoss~, a term of endearment, originally an Americanism, but now in
common use here among friends.

~Old Lady in Threadneedle Street~, the Bank of England.

~Old man~, in American merchant ships, the master. The phrase is
becoming common in English ships.

~Old salt~, a thorough sailor.

~Old Tom~, extra strong gin; sometimes termed CAT’S WATER. Various
reasons are given for the use of the words OLD TOM. The distillers have
the sign of a tom cat on their illuminated placards. The origin of the
phrase is, however, in the fact that the managing clerk of a once
celebrated “gin-spinning” firm, who was known as OLD TOM, used to keep a
special bottle of extra good stuff with which to regale customers when
they settled their accounts. To get a drink of OLD TOM’S was then a
great favour. Gradually the title became popular as representing very
good strong gin.

~Oliver~, the moon; “OLIVER don’t widdle,” _i.e._, the moon does not
shine. _Nearly obsolete._

~Ollapod~, a country apothecary. From George Coleman’s comedy of _The
Poor Gentleman_.

~Omee~, a master or landlord; “the OMEE of the carsey’s a nark on the
pitch,” the master of the house will not let us perform. _Italian_,
UOMO, a man; “UOMO DELLA CASA,” the master of the house. _Latin_,
HOMO.—_Lingua Franca._

~Omnium gatherum~, an indiscriminate collection of articles; a numerous
and by no means select assemblage.

~On~, “to be ON,” in public-house or vulgar parlance, is synonymous with
getting “tight” or tipsy; “it’s St. Monday with him, I see he’s ON
again,” _i.e._, drunk as usual, or on the road to it. “I’m ON” also
expresses a person’s acceptance of an offered bet. To GET ON a horse or
a man is to make bets on it or him. “Try it ON,” a defiant challenge to
a person.

~On the fly~, getting one’s living by thieving or other illegitimate
means; the phrase is applied to men the same as “on the loose” is to
women. ON THE FLY also means on the drink.

~On the loose~, obtaining a living by prostitution; in reality, on the
streets. The term is applied to females only, excepting in the case of
“sprees,” when men carousing are sometimes said to be ON THE LOOSE.

~On the nose~, on the watch or look-out. _See_ NOSE.

~On the shelf~, transported. With old maids it has another and very
different meaning.

~On the tiles~, out all night “on the spree,” or carousing,—in allusion
to the London cats on their amatory excursions. _See_ CATERWAULING.

~One-er~, that which stands for ONE, a blow that requires no repeating.
In _The Old Curiosity Shop_, the “Marchioness” tells Dick Swiveller that
“her missus is a ONE-ER”—there a variation of “stunner.”

~One in ten~, a parson. In allusion to the tithing system.

~Onion~, a watch-seal.

~O. P.~ Publishers’ reply to an inquiry for a book or paper that is OUT

~Open the ball~, to commence anything.

~Oracle~, “to work the ORACLE,” to plan, manœuvre, to succeed by a wily

~Orate~, an Americanism, which means, to speak in public, or make an

~Organ-grinder~, an itinerant who is supposed to “GRIND” music out of a

~Originator~, an inventor of plans for the formation of joint-stock
companies. The originator submits his schemes to the promoter, who
accepts or rejects them.

~Otter~, eightpence. _Italian_, OTTO, eight.—_Lingua Franca._

~Ottomy~, a thin man, a skeleton, a dwarf. Vulgar pronunciation of
ANATOMY. Shakspeare has ATOMY.

~Out~, a dram glass. These glasses are two-OUT (half-quartern),
three-OUT, and four-OUT. An _habitué_ of a gin-shop, desirous of
treating a brace of friends, calls for “a quartern of gin and three
OUTS,” by which he means three glasses which will exactly contain the
quartern. Really, the word glasses is understood. The man actually
means, and one or more three-OUT glasses.

~Out~, in round games, where several play, and there can be but one
loser, the winners in succession STAND OUT, while the others PLAY OFF.

~Out and out~, prime, excellent, of the first quality; beyond measure.
OUT-AND-OUTER, one who is of an OUT-AND-OUT description, “up” to

An ancient MS. has this couplet, which shows the antiquity of the

    “The Kyng was good alle aboute,
    And she was wycked OUTE AND OUTE.”

~Outcry~, an auction.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Outing~, a day’s holiday. The Oxford and Cambridge boatrace, the Derby,
and other events of a like character, are each said to be simply excuses
to the Cockneys for a day’s OUTING.

~Out of collar~, out of place,—in allusion to servants. When in place,
the term is IN COLLAR. Most likely from “head in the COLLAR,” said of
horses when hard at work.

~Out on the loose~, “on the spree,” in search of adventures. _See_ ON

~Out on the pickaroon.~ PICARONE is Spanish for a thief, but this phrase
does not necessarily mean anything dishonest, but is often used to mean
readiness for anything in the way of excitement. It also means to be in
search of anything profitable, without much care as to honesty or

~Outsider~, a person who does not habitually bet, or is not admitted to
the “ring,” a duffer or good-for-nothing fellow. Also, a horse whose
name does not appear among the “favourites.”—_Sporting._

~Over!~ or OVER THE LEFT, _i.e._, the left shoulder—a common
exclamation of disbelief in what is being narrated,—sometimes implying
that the results of a proposed plan will be OVER THE LEFT, _i.e._, in
the wrong direction, loss instead of gain.

~Over~, generally used in connexion with come, as, “He came it rather
strong OVER me,” _i.e._, tried to intimidate or compel me. The same
phrase would also be used to imply that an excess of flattery or praise
was being employed for a similar purpose, but that the adulation was
being “laid on a little too thick” to be considered genuine. Also used
thus sometimes: “You mustn’t come Shakspeare OVER me,” _i.e._, “you
mustn’t assume an air of immeasurable literary superiority OVER me.”
“You mustn’t come Rothschild OVER me,” &c.

~Over~, in cricket, four balls delivered from one end to another. After
an OVER has been bowled, the fielders, wicket-keepers, &c., change ends,
and the bowling goes on from the recent batting wicket. A MAIDEN-OVER is
an OVER from which no runs are obtained. Four balls is the regulation
number to an OVER in all important matches; but little clubs and
practice elevens suit their own convenience.

~Overs~, the odd money remaining after the daily accounts are made up at
a banking-house,—usually divided amongst the clerks. _See_ MENAVELINGS

~Owned~, a slang expression used by the ultra-Evangelicals when a
popular preacher makes many converts. The converts themselves are called
his “seals.”

~P. P.~, an expression much in use among racing men, which means play or
pay, _i.e._, either go on with the arrangement or forfeit the money. The
following is a law of the turf on the subject:—

    The following races shall be considered “play or pay”:—The Derby
    and Oaks at Epsom, the St. Leger at Doncaster, the Two Thousand
    Guineas, the One Thousand Guineas, the Cesarewitch and
    Cambridgeshire, at Newmarket, the Ascot, Goodwood, and Doncaster
    Cups, and all handicaps above 200 sovs. value with two forfeits, the
    minor of which shall not be less than 5 sovs.; and the Committees of
    Tattersall’s, and of the Subscription Room at Newmarket, will take
    no cognisance of any disputes respecting “play or pay” bets on any
    other races, or of any bets made upon handicap races before the
    weights are published.

This is the exact law on the subject, but as a rule all bets on
horse-racing are considered P. P. unless otherwise arranged. In all
matches, though, whether turf, pedestrian, aquatic, or otherwise, a run
is given for the money in ordinary betting transactions.

~P’s and q’s~, particular points, precise behaviour; “mind your P’S and
Q’S,” be very careful. Originating, according to some, from the
similarity of P’S and Q’S in the hornbook alphabet, and therefore the
warning of an old dame to her pupils, or, according to others, of a
French dancing-master to his pupils, to mind their _pieds_ (feet) and
_queues_ (wigs) when bowing.

~Pack~, to go away; “now, then, PACK off there,” _i.e._, be off, don’t
stop here any longer.—_Old._ “Make speede to flee, be PACKING
awaie.”—_Baret’s Alvearie_, 1580. Contraction of “PACK up and be off.”
Sometimes the term “sent PACKING” is used to indicate a sudden
discharge, as of a servant or mistress.

~Packets~, hoaxing lies. Sometimes used as an exclamation of

~Pad~, “to stand PAD,” to beg with a small piece of paper pinned on the
breast, inscribed, “I am starving.”

~Pad~, the highway; also a tramp or itinerant musician.

~Pad the hoof~, to walk; “PADDING THE HOOF, on the high toby,” tramping
or walking on the high road.

    “Trudge, plod away o’ the HOOF.”—_Merry Wives_, i. 3.

~Padding~, the light articles in the monthly magazines, of which the
serial stories are the main attraction. Publishers of magazines seem to
think that if they get a serial story from a popular novelist they can
pack any amount of rubbish into the remaining pages. This is not so in
America, as magazines like the _Atlantic Monthly_ and the _Overland
Monthly_ show.

~Padding-ken~, or CRIB, tramps’ and boys’ lodging-house.

~Paddle~, to go or run away.—_American._

~Paddy~, PAT, or PADDY WHACK, an Irishman. A nickname of PATRICK.

    “I’m PADDY WHACK, from Ballyhack,
      Not long ago turn’d soldier;
    In storm and sack, in front attack,
      None other can be boulder.”—_Irish Song._

~Paddy’s goose~, the sign of the White Swan, a noted flash public-house
in the east of London, supposed to be Paddy’s idea of a GOOSE.

~Paddy’s land~, “ould Ireland.”

~Padre~, a clergyman. From the Portuguese.

~Pal~, a partner, acquaintance, friend, an accomplice. _Gipsy_, a

~Palampo~, a quilt or bed-cover. Probably from PALANPORE, a town in
India, renowned for its manufacture of chintz

~Palaver~, to ask, or talk—deceitfully or otherwise, as occasion
requires; “PALAVER to his nibs for a shant of bivvy,” ask the master for
a pot of beer. NANTEE PALAVER (pronounced PERLARVER), cease talking. In
this sense used by tramps. Derived from the Portuguese.

~Pall~, to stop; “PALL that,” spoken authoritatively, means, cease what
you are doing. From PALL, a small instrument which is used to stop the
windlass or capstan at sea. When a man says, “I am PALLED,” he
means he cannot or dare not say any more. A sailor, on receiving any
extraordinary intelligence, will say, “You PALL me,” _i.e._, you
confound me. Most likely from the order frequently given on board ship,
“Ease and PALL.”

~Palm~, to impose upon. “You can’t PALM that off upon me,” is said when
an intending purchaser is suspicious of the quality of the article

~Palm oil~, or PALM SOAP, money; also, a bribe.

~Palmer~, a swindler who used to visit shops under the pretence of
collecting harp halfpence. To induce shopkeepers to search for them, he
offered thirteenpence for one shilling’s-worth, when many persons were
silly enough to empty a large quantity of copper on their counters. The
PALMER, a proficient with his fingers, generally contrived to conceal
some before he left the shop.

~Palming~, robbing shops by pairs—one thief bargaining with apparent
intent to purchase, whilst the other watches his opportunity to steal.
The following anecdote will give an idea of their _modus operandi_. A
man once entered a “ready-made” boot and shoe shop, and desired to be
shown a pair of boots—his companion staying outside and amusing himself
by looking in at the window. The one who required to be fresh shod was
apparently of a humble and deferential turn, for he placed his hat on
the floor directly he stepped into the shop. Boot after boot was tried
on until at last a fit was obtained, when in rushed a man, snatched up
the customer’s hat left near the door, and ran down the street as fast
as his legs could carry him. Away went the customer after his hat, and
Crispin, standing at the door, clapped his hands, and shouted, “Go it,
you’ll catch him!”—little thinking that it was a concerted trick, and
that neither his boots nor the customer would ever return. Instances of
this kind of work frequently occur. PALMING sometimes refers to
secreting money or rings in the hand, as well as to bribing. PALMING is
also the generic term for all that kind of conjuring which depends on
manual dexterity, and which is totally distinct from the
mechanical-contrivance department.

~Pam~, the knave of clubs at the game of loo; or, in street phraseology,
while the “Judicious Bottleholder” was alive, Lord Palmerston.

~Pannikin~, a small pan.

~Pannum~, food, bread.—_Lingua Franca_, PANNEN; _Latin_, PANIS;
_Ancient Cant_, YANNAM.

~Pannum-bound~, said of a pauper or prisoner when his food is stopped.
PANNUM-STRUCK, very hungry, starving.

~Panny~, a house—public or otherwise; “flash PANNY,” a public-house
used by thieves; PANNY-MEN, housebreakers. PANNY, in thieves’ cant, also
signifies a burglary.

~Pantalettes~, the drawers worn in America by little girls.

~Pantile~, a hat. The term PANTILE is properly applied to the mould into
which the sugar is poured which is afterwards known as “loaf sugar.”
Thus, PANTILE, from whence comes the phrase, “a sugar-loaf hat,”
originally signified a tall, conical hat, in shape similar to that
usually represented as the head-gear of a bandit. From PANTILE the more
modern slang term TILE has been derived. Halliwell gives PANTILE SHOP, a
meeting-house, from the steeple-crowned or PANTILE hats of its
frequenters. PANTILE also means a flat cake with jam on it, given to
boys at boarding-schools instead of pudding.

~Pantiler~, a Dissenting preacher. Probably from the practice of the
Quakers, and many Dissenters, of not removing their hats in a place of
worship; or from the sugar-loaf hats originally worn by Puritans.
Another derivation is from the earthen tiles, technically PANTILES
(tiles hollowed in the middle, as distinguished from “pintiles,” the
older sort, which are flat, smaller, and pinned or nailed to the
rafters), with which meeting-houses of Dissenters are usually covered;
hence the meeting-house came to be called a PANTILE, and its frequenters

~Pants~, American term for trousers. Here used to represent the long
drawers worn underneath.

~Panupetaston~, a loose overcoat with wide sleeves, now out of
fashion.—_Oxford University._

~Paper-maker~, a rag-gatherer, or gutter-raker—similar to the
chiffonnier of Paris. Also, a man who tramps through the country, and
collects rags on the pretence that he is an agent to a paper mill.

~Paper-Worker~, a wandering vendor of street literature; one who sells
ballads, dying speeches, and confessions, sometimes termed a “running

~Parachute~, a parasol.

~Paradise~, French slang for the gallery of a theatre, “up amongst the
GODS,” which _see_.

~Parish lantern~, the moon.

~Parish prig~, or PARISH BULL, a parson.—_Thieves’ cant._

~Parney~, rain; “dowry of PARNEY,” a quantity of rain. _Anglo-Indian_
slang from the _Hindoo_, PANI, water; _Gipsy_, PANE. Old Indian officers
always call brandy-and-water “brandy PAWNEE.”

~Parson~, a signpost. Common term in the north, where they say that the
PARSON points, but does not lead. This is given, as the lawyers say,
“without prejudice.”

~Parson Trulliber~, a rude, vulgar, country clergyman, devoted to
agricultural pursuits; the race is most probably now extinct. From the
pig-feeding and pig-headed parson in _Joseph Andrews_.

~Parson’s nose~, the hind part of a goose—a savoury mouthful. Sometimes
called the POPE’S NOSE.

~Part~, to pay, restore, or give up; “he’s a right un, he is; I know’d
he’d PART,” _i.e._, he is a liberal (or punctual) person, and pays his
debts, or bestows gratuities. The term is in general use in sporting
circles, and is very commonly employed when speaking of the settlement
of bets after a race. It is probably derived from the very common
reference to stingy people, who are described as not liking to PART with
their money.

~Parter~, a free, liberal person. Sometimes called a “good PARTER.” Any
one who looks twice at his money, or who doesn’t pay it at all, is
called a “bad PARTER.”

~Party~, a person—term in very general use, similar in application to
the German pronoun, MAN, a person, people; “where’s the PARTY as ’ad a’
orter be lookin’ after this ’ere ’oss?” policeman’s inquiry of the wrong
cabman; “old PARTY,” an elderly person. The term is said to have arisen
in our old justice courts, where, to save “his worship” and the clerk of
the court any trouble in exercising their memories with the names of the
different plaintiffs, defendants, and witnesses, the word PARTY was
generally employed. Dean Alford remarked:—

    “The word PARTY for a man is especially offensive. Strange to say,
    the use is not altogether modern. It occurs in the English version
    of the Apocryphal book of Tobit, vi. 7. ‘If an evil spirit trouble
    any, one must make a smoke thereof before the man or the woman, and
    the PARTY shall be no more vexed.’”

In Shakspeare we find the term:—

    “_Stephano._ How now shall this be compassed? Canst thou bring me to
    the PARTY?”—_Tempest_, iii. 2.

This is not the only instance of the word being used by the immortal
bard. “I once heard,” said the Dean just quoted, “a venerable dignitary
pointed out by a railway porter as an old PARTY in a shovel.” The last
word is the vulgar term applied to the peculiar hat worn by clerical

~Pash~, to strike; now corrupted to BASH, which _see_.—_Shakspeare._

~Paste~, to beat, to thrash vigorously.

~Pasteboard~, a visiting card; “to PASTEBOARD a person,” to drop a card
at an absent person’s house.

~Paste-horn~, the nose. Shoemakers nickname any shopmate with a large
nose “old PASTE-HORN,” from the shape of the horn in which they keep
their paste.

~Pasty~, a bookbinder.

~Patch.~ This old English term of reproach, long obsolete in polite
language, may yet occasionally be heard in sentences like these:—“Why,
he’s not a PATCH upon him,” _i.e._, he is not to be compared with him;
“one’s not a PATCH on the other,” &c. Shakspeare uses the word in the
sense of a paltry fellow:—

    “What a pied ninny’s this? thou scurvy PATCH!”

In old English PATCH meant a fool, a wearer of patched clothes of

~Patent coats~, the first coat, with the pockets inside the skirt, were
so termed.

~Patter~, a speech or discourse, a pompous street oration, a judge’s
summing up, a trial. Ancient word for muttering. Probably from the
_Latin_, PATERNOSTER, or Lord’s Prayer. This was said, before the
Reformation, in a “low voice” by the priest, until he came to “and lead
us not into temptation,” to which the choir responded, “but deliver us
from evil.” In the reformed Prayer Book this was altered, and the Lord’s
Prayer directed to be said “with a _loud voice_.” Dr. Pusey takes this
view of the derivation in his _Letter to the Bishop of London_, p. 78,
1851. Scott uses the word twice, in _Ivanhoe_ and the _Bride of

~Patter~, to talk. PATTER FLASH, to speak the language of thieves, talk

~Patteran~, a gipsy trail, made by throwing down a handful of grass
occasionally, especially where they have turned off from the main road.

~Patter-crib~, a flash house.

~Patterer~, one of a race now nearly defunct, who cried last dying
speeches, &c., in the streets. The term is also applied to those who
help off their wares by long harangues in the public thoroughfares.
These men, to use their own term, “are the aristocracy of the street
sellers,” and despise the costermongers for their ignorance, boasting
that they live by their intellect, which, as they do not live
wonderfully well, is no particularly wise boast.

~Pattern~, a common vulgar phrase for “patent.”

~Paul Pry~, an inquisitive person. From the well-known comedy.

~Paw~, the hand. PAW-CASES, gloves. Boots are in some parts of Ireland
called “gloves for the feet.”

~Pay~, to beat a person, or “serve him out.” Originally a nautical term,
meaning to stop the seams of a vessel with pitch (_French_, POIX);
“here’s the d‑‑‑‑l to PAY, and no pitch hot,” said when any catastrophe
occurs which there is no means of averting; “to PAY over face and eyes,
as the cat did the monkey;” “to PAY through the nose,” to give a
ridiculous price,—an expressive phrase of which no one seems to know
the origin. Shakspeare uses PAY in the sense of to beat or thrash.

~Pay~, to deliver. “PAY that letter to Mr. So-and-so” is a very common
direction to a Chinese servant.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Pay-away~, “go on with your story, or discourse.” From the nautical
phrase PAY-AWAY, meaning to allow a rope to run out of a vessel. When
the hearer considers the story quite long enough, he, carrying out the
same metaphor, exclaims “hold on.”

~Peach~, an informer against omnibus conductors and drivers, one
especially hired by the proprietors to count passengers and stoppages.
The term is in frequent use amongst omnibus-men. This is about the only
instance known of the verb being used as a substantive.

~Peach~, to inform against or betray. Webster states that the word
“impeach” is now mostly used, and that PEACH is confined principally to
the conversation of thieves and the lower orders. The word was
originally “impeach,” though it was never until lately used in the same
way as its abridgment.

~Peacock horse~, amongst undertakers, is one with a showy tail and mane,
which holds its head up well. PEACOCKY refers to an objectionable high
action among racehorses.

~Peaking~, remnants of cloth. Term amongst drapers and cloth

~Peaky~, sickly, delicate.

~Pec~, a term used by the Eton boys for money, an abbreviation, of
course, of the _Latin_ PECUNIA.

~Peck~, food; “PECK and boose,” meat and drink.—_Lincolnshire._
_Ancient Cant_, PEK, meat.

~Peck~, to eat voraciously. A hearty eater is generally called “a rare
PECKER.” Originally PECK was to eat delicately, “but we have changed all
that now.”

~Peck-alley~, the throat.

~Pecker~, “keep your PECKER up,” _i.e._, don’t get down in the
mouth,—literally, keep your beak or head well up, “never say die!”

~Peckham~, a facetious usage of the name of this district, implying a
dinner; “all holiday at PECKHAM,” _i.e._, nothing to eat.

~Peckish~, hungry. _Old Cant_, PECKIDGE, meat.

~Peel~, to strip, or disrobe.—_Sporting._

~Peeler~, a policeman; so called from Sir Robert Peel (_see_ BOBBY);
properly applied to the Irish Constabulary rather than the Metropolitan
Police, the former force having been established by Sir Robert Peel.

~Peepers~, eyes; “painted PEEPERS,” eyes bruised or blackened from a

~Peery~, suspicious, or inquisitive.

~Peg~, brandy and soda-water. A PEG by which to pull oneself up again.
Also, a shilling.—_Scotch._

~Peg~, “to PEG away,” to strike, run, or drive away; “PEG a hack,” to
drive a cab; “to take him down a PEG or two,” to check an arrogant or
conceited person,—possibly derived from the use of PEG tankards. _See_

~Peg~, to drink frequently; generally used in reference to devotees of
“S. and B.”

~Peggers~, people who constantly stimulate themselves by means of brandy
and soda-water.

~Pegtops~, the loose trousers in fashion some years back, small at the
ankle and swelling upwards, in imitation of the Zouave costume.

~Penang-lawyer~, a long cane, sometimes carried by a footman.
PENANG-LAWYERS are also bludgeons which are carried by all classes in

~Pencil-fever~, a supposititious disease among racehorses, the
preliminary symptoms of which show that an animal has been pretty
considerably “milked.” PENCIL-FEVER sets in when, despite the efforts of
the “marketeers,” a horse can no longer be kept at a short price in the
lists, through his actual condition being discovered, and when every
layer of odds is anxious to write his name down. This disorder is also
called “milk-fever,” “market-fever,” and other suggestive names.

~Penny-a-liner~, a contributor of local news, accidents, fires, and
scandals to a newspaper; a man not regularly “on the paper;” one who is
popularly believed to be paid for each contribution at the rate of a
penny a line, and whose interest is, therefore, that his articles should
be stuffed with fine words and long sentences. This wonderful person, to
whom so much is daily attributed, is now generally called a LINER.

~Penny dreadfuls~, an expressive term for those penny publications which
depend more upon sensationalism than upon merit, artistic or literary,
for success.

~Penny gaff~, a shop turned into a temporary theatre (admission one
penny), at which dancing and singing take place every night. Sometimes
rude pictures of the performers are arranged outside to give the front a
gaudy and attractive look, and at night-time coloured lamps and
transparencies are displayed to draw an audience. Zest is given to these
entertainments by the fact that now and again the police make raids upon
the houses, and carry off both actors and spectators. These places are
also called “dukeys,” for no reason that can be discovered. _See_ GAFF.

~Penny starver~, a penny roll. _See_ BUSTER.

~Pen’orth~, value for money; as, “I’ll have my PEN’ORTH,”—given
irrespective of the actual amount.

~Pensioner~, a man of the most degraded condition who lives off the
miserable earnings of a prostitute. There is an unmentionable prefix to
the word PENSIONER. _See_ PONCE.

~Pepper~, to thrash, or strike.—_Pugilistic_, but used by
Shakspeare.—_Eastern Counties._

~Pepper-boxes~, the buildings of the Royal Academy and National Gallery
in Trafalgar Square. The name was first given by a wag, in allusion to
the cupolas erected by Wilkins, the architect, upon the roof, which,
from their form and awkward appearance, at a distance suggest to the
stranger the fact of their being enlarged PEPPER-BOXES. _See_ BOILERS.

~Perch~, or ROOST, a resting-place; “I’m off to PERCH,” _i.e._, I am
going to bed.

    “Nor yet a single perch, for which my lucky stars to thank,
    Except the _perch_ I’ve taken on this damp rheumatic bank.”

        _Lay of the Unsuccessful Angler._

~Perform~, to carry out a design, generally a dishonest one. To “PERFORM
on a flat” is to cozen a fool.

~Perkin~, beer. Dandy or affected shortening of the widely-known firm,
Barclay and Perkins.

~Perpendicular~, a lunch taken standing-up at a tavern bar. It is usual
to call it lunch, often as the PERPENDICULAR may take the place of

~Persuaders~, spurs.

~Pesky~, an intensitive expression, implying annoyance; as, “A PESKY,
troublesome fellow.” Corruption of PESTILENT; or, _Irish_, PEASGACH,
rough, rugged. PESKY has now become more American than English. _Pesky
Ike_ is the name of a popular American drama.

~Peter~, a partridge.—_Poacher’s term._

~Peter~, a bundle, or valise. Also, a cash-box.

~Peter~, to run short, or give out.—_American._

~Peter Funk~, an American term for a spurious auction or “knock-out.”

~Peter Grievous~, a miserable, melancholy fellow; a croaker.

~Petticoat~, a woman.

~Pewter~, money, like “tin,” used generally to signify silver; also a
tankard. “Let me have my beer in the PEWTER,” is a common request to
waiters, made by “City” men, and others who affect habits of rude
health. The pots for which rowing men contend are often called PEWTERS.

~Philadelphia-lawyer~, a Transatlantic limb of the law considered to be
the very acme of acuteness. Sailors relate many stories of his artful
abilities, none, however, short enough to find a place here. The phrase,
“Enough to puzzle a PHILADELPHIA-LAWYER,” means, enough to puzzle the
sharpest man in the world.

~Philander~, to ramble on incoherently; to write discursively and

~Philip~, a policeman. The word is loudly given as a signal that the
police are approaching.

~Philiper~, a thief’s accomplice, one who stands by and looks out for
the police while the others commit a robbery, and who calls out
“Philip!” when any one approaches.

~Philistine~, a policeman. The German students call all townspeople not
of their body “Philister,” as ours say “cads.” The departing student
says, mournfully, in one of the Burschenlieder—

    “Muss selber nun PHILISTER sein!”

_i.e._, “I must now myself PHILISTINE be!” Also, a man who is of a set
opposed to one’s own. Society is supposed to regard all outside its
bounds as belonging to the PHILISTINE world. Bohemians regard all
cleanly, orderly people who conform to conventionality as PHILISTINES.

~Physog~, or PHIZ, the face. Swift uses the latter word. Corruption of

~Picaroon~, a pirate or buccaneer originally; now an ordinary thief.

~Piccadilly butchers~, a satirical name applied by the crowd to the
regiment of Horse Guards, known as the “Royal Blues,” from their savage
onslaught upon the crowd on the occasion of the arrest of Sir Francis
Burdett at his house in Piccadilly, by order of the Speaker of the House
of Commons. _See_ CHEESEMONGERS.

~Piccadilly weepers~, long carefully combed-out whiskers of the
Dundreary fashion.

~Pick~, “to PICK oneself up,” to recover after a beating or illness,
sometimes varied to “PICK up one’s crumbs;” “to PICK a man up,” “to do,”
or cheat him.

~Pickaninny~, a young child is thus styled by the West Indian negroes.
The word is now completely naturalized among sailors and water-side
people in England.

~Pickers~, the hands.—_Shakspeare._

~Pickle~, a miserable or comical position; “he is in a sad PICKLE,” said
of any one who has fallen into the gutter, or got besmeared. “A PICKLE
herring,” a comical fellow, a merry-andrew.—_Old._ Also, a mischievous
boy; “what a PICKLE he is, to be sure!” Derived from his always getting
into a PICKLE, or mess.

~Pickles!~ gammon; also a jeering and insulting exclamation.

~Pick-me-up~, a revivifying drink taken after a debauch; a tonic.

~Piece~, a contemptuous term for a woman; a strumpet.—_Shakspeare._ Not
always objectionable nowadays. A “barber’s clerk” does not object to
hear his sweetheart or wife called “a nice PIECE;” and gentlemen of the
counter-jumping fraternity describe their “young ladies” as “nice PIECES
of goods.”

~Pieman.~ In tossing, the man who cries is called the PIEMAN. In the old
days when the itinerant PIEMAN’S duty was to toss or sell, and his call
was, “Hot pies, toss or buy, toss or buy,” he was always supposed to be
entitled to the cry, the intending eater “skying the copper.” An active
and efficient police have, however, improved tossing—so far, at all
events, as PIEMEN and poor people are concerned—off the face of the
earth, and gaming of all descriptions is now a luxury confined to the

~Pig~, a mass of metal,—so called from its being poured in a fluid
state from a SOW, which _see_.—_Workman’s term._

~Pig~, a policeman; an informer. The word is now almost exclusively
applied by London thieves to a plain-clothes man, or a “nose.”

~Pig~, a pressman in a printing office. _See_ DONKEY.

~Pig~, or SOW’S BABY, a sixpence.

~Pig~, to live in a crowded, filthy manner. The lower orders of Irish
are said to PIG together. A suggestive, if not elegant, expression.

~Pig and Tinder-box~, the vulgar rendering of the well-known tavern
sign, “Elephant and Castle.”

~Pigeon~, a gullible or soft person. The _French_ cant, or _Argot_, has
the word PIGEON, dupe—“PECHON, PESCHON DE RUBY, apprenti gueux, enfant
(sans doute dérobé)”. The vagabonds and brigands of Spain also used the
word in their _Germania_, or robbers’ language, PALOMO (PIGEON),
ignorant, simple. In the sporting world sharps and flats are often
called “rooks and PIGEONS” respectively—sometimes “spiders and flies.”

~Pigeon~, business, simply the Chinese pronunciation of the English

~Pigeon-English~, the English spoken by the natives of Canton and other
parts of China.

~Pigeon-flying~, or BLUEY CRACKING, breaking into empty houses and
stealing lead.

~Pigeon’s milk~, an imaginary fluid for which boys and simpletons are
frequently sent on the 1st of April.

~Pig-headed~, obstinate.

~Pig’s eye~, the ace of diamonds in cards.

~Pig’s whisper~, a low or inaudible whisper; also a short space of time,
synonymous with “cockstride,” _i.e._, cock’s tread.

~Pike~, a turnpike; “to bilk a PIKE,” to cheat the keeper of the
toll-gate. Mr. Tony Weller makes many amusing remarks on PIKES and
PIKE-keepers. Since the first edition of this work was published, PIKES
and PIKE-keepers have departed from amongst us, so far as London and its
immediate vicinity are concerned.

~Pike~, to run, to be off with speed.

~Pike it~, is said as a hasty and contemptuous, if not angry, dismissal,
“if you don’t like it, take a short stick and PIKE it.” This is but a
form of the attempts at rhyming smartness common in London.

    “Joe quickly his sand had sold, sir,
      And Bess got a basket of rags;
    Then up to St. Giles’s they roll’d, sir;
      To every bunter Bess brags.
    Then unto the gin-shop they PIKE IT,
      And Bess was admitted, we hear;
    For none of the crew dare but like it,
      As Joey, her kiddy, was there,”

        _The Sand-man’s Wedding_, a Cantata.

    “’Twas not our fault, dear Jack; we saw the watch going into the
    house the moment we came there, and we thought it proper to PIKE
    OFF.”—_The Prison Breaker_, a Farce.

~Pikey~, a tramp or gipsy. A PIKEY-cart is in various parts of the
country one of those habitable vehicles suggestive of a wandering life.
Possibly the term has reference to one who constantly uses the PIKE, or
turnpike road.

~Pile~, a sum of money; generally the whole of a man’s private means. A
term originally peculiar to Californian miners, in reference to their
accumulated dust and nuggets. American gamblers speak of “putting all
the PILE on” when they fancy anything very much. “To go the whole PILE”
runs level with our sporting phrase, “To go a raker.”

~Pill~, a doctor.—_Military._ PILL-DRIVER, a peddling apothecary.

~Pill~, to blackball a man at a club. Sometimes a man who is blackballed
is described as having received too much medicine.

~Pill-box~, a doctor’s carriage.

~Pin~, “to put in the PIN,” to refrain from drinking. From the ancient
peg tankard, which was furnished with a row of PINS, or pegs, to
regulate the amount which each person was to drink. Drunken people are
often requested to “put in the PIN,” from some remote connexion between
their unsteadiness and that of a carriage wheel which has lost its
linch-PIN. The popular cry, “Put in the PIN,” can have no connexion with
the drinking PIN or peg now, whatever it may originally have had. A
MERRY PIN, a roysterer. _See_ PEG.

~Pinch~, to steal or cheat; also, to catch, or apprehend.

~Pinchbeck~, inferior, deteriorated. Anything pretending to more than
its proper value is said to be PINCHBECK.

    “Where, in these PINCHBECK days, can we hope to find the old
    agricultural virtue in all its purity?”—_Framley Parsonage._

PINCHBECK was an inferior metal, compounded of copper and zinc, to
resemble gold. It was very fashionable in the last century, and derived
its name from a Mr. PINCHBECK, a well-known London tradesman, who
manufactured watches, buckles, and other articles out of it. PINCHBECK
first obtained his notoriety by the invention of an ingenious
candle-snuffers, which the author of _The Heroic Epistle to Sir William
Chambers_ made the vehicle of a facetious Ode that went through eight
editions. The title of this _jeu d’esprit_ ran thus:—

    “_Ode to Mr. Pinchbeck, upon his Newly-invented Candle-Snuffers, by_
    MALCOLM M’GREGOR, Esq., 1776.

    “Illustrious PINCHBECK! condescend,
    Thou well-beloved, and best king’s friend,
    These lyric lines to view;
    Oh, may they prompt thee, ere too late,
    To snuff the candle of the State,
    That burns a little blue!”

PINCHBECK published a poetical reply, and the two pamphlets were for a
long time the talk of the town.

~Pink~, the acme of perfection. The scarlet garb worn in the

~Pink~, to stab, or pierce. In the days of rapier-wearing a professed
duellist was said to be “a regular PINKER and driller.”

~Pinnel~, or PENNEL,—corruption of penal servitude. As, “four-year

~Pinner-up~, a seller of old songs, pinned against a wall or framed
canvas. Formerly many of these street salesmen carried on their little
“paper trade” in London. There are but one or two now left.

~Pins~, legs.

~Pipe~, to follow or dog a person; to watch, to notice.

~Pipe~, to shed tears, or bewail; “PIPE one’s eye.”—_Sea term._

    “He first began to eye his pipe.
    And then to PIPE his eye.”—_Hood._

Metaphor from the boatswain’s pipe, which calls to duty.

~Pipe~, “to put one’s PIPE out,” to traverse his plans, “to take a rise”
out of him. When any one meets with a rebuff or a sharp answer, he is
often told to “put that in his PIPE and smoke it,” _i.e._, to digest it

~Piper~, a person employed by an omnibus proprietor to act as a spy on
the conductor.

~Piper~, a broken-winded hack horse.

~Pipkin~, the stomach,—properly, an earthen round-bottomed

~Pips~, the marks, no matter of what suit, on playing cards. The ace is
often called “single PIP.”

~Pit~, a breast-pocket.

~Pitch~, a fixed locality where a patterer can hold forth to a gaping
multitude for at least some few minutes continuously; “to do a PITCH in
the drag,” to perform in the street. An itinerant is said to “make a
PITCH” whenever he attempts to do any business.

~Pitch~, to utter base coin. Smashers are known to themselves and their
friends, the rest of the dangerous classes, as “snide PITCHERS.” The
confederacy is divided into makers, buyers, holders, and pitchers. The
maker probably never sees the actual passers of base money, the buyer
being generally the intercommunicating medium. The holder is generally a
man who carries the bulk of the “snides,” and waits about; while the
pitcher, often a woman—indeed, more often than not—runs the actual

~Pitch~, to go to bed for less than the ordinary period. Journeymen
bakers, and others whose work is disjointed, call any short interval of
sleep a PITCH. Probably from the action.

~Pitch into~, to fight; “PITCH INTO him, Bill,” _i.e._, give him a

~Pitch the fork~, to tell a pitiful tale.

~Pitch the nob~, PRICK THE GARTER, which _see_.

~Place~, to name the first three horses in a race. This is the duty of
the judge, who sees nothing of the race but the finish. Sometimes an
official will place more than the first three, but this in no way
interferes with the meaning of the word as generally received. To run
“nowhere” is to be unplaced.

~Place~, first, second, or third position in a race. Sometimes a PLACE
is called a “situation” or a “shop.”

~Plant~, a dodge, a preconcerted swindle; a position in the street to
sell from. All bearings-up, bonnetings, and such like arrangements, are
the results of preconcerted schemes or PLANTS.

~Plant~, to mark a person out for plunder or robbery; to conceal or hide
money, &c.—_Old Cant._ In the sense of conceal, there is a similar word
in _Argot_, PLANQUER.

~Plant~, a hidden store of money or variables. To “spring a PLANT” is to
unearth another person’s hoard.

~Platform~, a standpoint in an argument, a statement of political or
general opinion. “Home rule’s my PLATFORM!” Originally _American_, but
now general.

~Play~, to strike for higher wages, to be out of work.—_North._

~Plebs~, a term used to stigmatize a tradesman’s son at Westminster
School. _Latin_, PLEBS, the vulgar.

~Plough.~ To be PLOUGHED is to fail to pass an examination. About
twenty years ago “pluck,” the word then used, began to be superseded
by PLOUGH. It is said to have arisen from a man who could not supply
the examiner with any quotation from Scripture, until at last he
blurted out, “And the ploughers ploughed on my back, and made long

~Ploughed~, drunk.

~Pluck~, the heart, liver, and lungs of an animal,—all that is PLUCKED
away in connexion with the windpipe, from the chest of a sheep or hog.

~Pluck~, to turn back at a University examination. The supposed origin
of PLUCK is, that when, on degree day, the proctor, after having read
the name of a candidate for a degree, walks down the hall and back, it
is to give any creditor the opportunity of plucking his sleeve, and
informing him of the candidate’s being in debt.

~Pluck~, courage, valour, stoutness. _See following._

~Plucked un~, a stout or brave fellow; “he’s a rare PLUCKED UN,” _i.e._,
he dares face anything.

During the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny PLUCKY, signifying
courageous, became a favourite term even among ladies; and the term
British PLUCK will probably live—slangy as is its origin—as long as
the language into which it has been adopted, for the history of the
deeds with which it is associated can never die, while, indeed, a
history remains to this country. The word met with great disfavour at
first from the “genteel,” but of course they followed when aristocracy
deigned to use it.

~Plum~, £100,000, usually applied to the dowry of a rich heiress, to a
legacy, or to a sum made in business or by a lucky speculation.

~Plum-cash~, prime cost.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Plummy~, round, sleek, jolly, or fat; excellent, very good, first-rate.

~Plumper~, a single vote at an election, not a “split ticket.”

~Plunder~, a common word in the horse trade to express profit. Also an
American term for baggage, luggage. In Lower Canada the French packmen
call luggage “butin.”

~Plunger~, a heavy cavalry-man.—_Military slang._

~Plutocracy~, the wealthy classes. The Manchester merchants are often
termed a millocracy, and words of a similar character are mobocracy and

~Pocket~, to put up with. A man who does not resent an affront is said
to POCKET it.

~Pocket-pistol~, a dram-flask.

~Podgy~, drunk; dumpy, short, and fat.

~Pogram~, a Dissenter, a fanatic, formalist, or humbug. So called from a
well-known enthusiast of this name.

~Poke~, a bag, or sack; “to buy a pig in a POKE,” to purchase anything
without seeing it. POKE was originally a pocket. Shakspeare says—

    “And then he pulled a dial from his POKE.”

~Poke.~ “Come, none of your POKING fun at me,” _i.e._, you must not
laugh at me.

~Poker.~ “By the holy POKER and the tumbling Tom!” an Irish oath.

~Pokers~, or SILVER POKERS, the Bedels of the Vice-Chancellor, who carry
silver maces, and accompany him through the streets. They are also
officers of his court.—_University._

    “Around, around, all, all around.
      On seats with velvet lined,
    Sat Heads of Houses in a row,
      And Deans and College Dons below,
    With a POKER or two behind.”

        _Rime of the New-made Baccalere_, 1841.

~Poky~, confined or cramped; “that corner is POKY and narrow.”
Housewives describe a small uncomfortable room as “a POKY hole.”
_Saxon_, POKE, a sack.

~Policeman~, a fly—more especially the kind known as “blue bottle.”
Also, among the dangerous classes, a man who is unworthy of confidence,
a sneak or mean fellow.

~Polish off~, to finish off anything quickly—a dinner, for instance;
also to finish off an adversary.—_Pugilistic._

~Poll~, at Cambridge, the “ordinary degree” candidates for the B.A.
Examination, who do not aspire to the “Honours” list. From the _Greek_,
οἱ πόλλοι, “the many.”

~Poll~, to beat or distance, as in a race; to utterly vanquish in
competition. Term much used by printers.

~Poll~, a female of unsteady character; “POLLED up,” means living with a
woman in a state of unmarried impropriety. Also, if a costermonger sees
one of his friends walking with a strange woman, he will say to him on
the earliest opportunity, “I saw yer when yer was POLLED up.”

~Poll~, or POLLING, one thief robbing another of part of the booty. In
use in ancient times, _vide Hall’s Union_, 1548.

~Poll parrot~, a talkative, gossiping woman. A term much used about
Ratcliff Highway.

~Polony~, Cockney shortening and vulgar pronunciation of Bologna
(sausage). The sausages which are sold under the name of POLONIES have,
however, no nearer connexion with Bologna sausages than that of the
word’s derivation.

~Pompadours~, the Fifty-sixth Regiment of Foot in the British army.

~Ponce~, a degraded man who lives upon a woman’s prostitution. Low-class
East-end thieves even will “draw the line” at PONCES, and object to
their presence in the boozing-kens.

~Pond~, or HERRING-POND, the sea; so called by those who were sent
across it at the national expense.

~Ponge~, or PONGELOW, beer, half-and-half; the term is also used as a
verb, as in the Cockney phrase, “let’s PONGELOW, shall we?”

~Pony~, twenty-five pounds.—_Sporting._

~Poona~, a sovereign. Corruption of “pound;” or from the _Lingua

~Pop~, to pawn or pledge; “to POP up the spout,” to pledge at the
pawnbroker’s,—an allusion to the spout up which the brokers send the
ticketed articles until such times as they shall be redeemed. The spout
runs from the ground-floor to the wareroom at the top of the house.
Ginger-beer is also known as POP.

~Pop the question~, to make an offer of marriage.

~Pope’s-eye~, a peculiar little part in a leg of mutton, much esteemed
by lovers of that joint.

~Pope’s nose~, the extremity of the rump of a roast fowl, sometimes
devilled as a dainty for epicures. Also known as “the parson’s NOSE.”

~Pops~, pocket-pistols.

~Porterhouse steak~, an American term for a steak which contains a small
bone. In the States, tender-loin steaks are much eaten. These are from
what we call the undercut of the sirloin.

~Portrait~, a sovereign. Modification of “Queen’s picture.”

~Posa~, a treasurer. A corruption of “purser,” the name given
to the treasurer in the large Anglo-Chinese mercantile

~Posh~, a halfpenny, or trifling coin. Also a generic term for money.

~Post~, to pay down; “POST the pony” signifies to place the stakes
played for on the table.

~Post-horn~, the nose. _See_ PASTE-HORN.

~Post-mortem~, at Cambridge, the second examination which men who have
been “plucked” have to undergo.—_University._

~Posted up~, well acquainted with the subject in question, “up to the
mark,”—metaphor drawn from the counting-house.

~Pot~, a favourite in the betting for a race. Probably so called because
it is usual to say that a heavily-backed horse carries “a POT of money.”
When a favourite is beaten the POT is said to be upset.

~Pot~, a sixpence, _i.e._, the price of a POT or quart of half-and-half.
A half-crown, in medical student slang, is a FIVE-POT piece.

~Pot~, TO GO TO POT, to die; from the classic custom of putting the
ashes of the dead in an urn; also, to be ruined or broken up,—often
applied to tradesmen who fail in business. “Go to POT!” _i.e._, go and
hang yourself, shut up and be quiet.—_L’Estrange._ “To put the POT on,”
to overcharge or exaggerate. “To go to POT” most probably means to go
out of all shape, as metal in the melting-pot.

~Pot~, to finish; “don’t POT me,” term used at billiards, when a player
holes his adversary’s ball—generally considered shabby play. This word
was much used by our soldiers in the Crimea in reference to shots from a
hole or ambush. These were called POT-SHOTS. The term is still used to
denote a shot taken sitting or at ease.

~Pot-boiler~, a picture hurriedly painted for the purpose of “keeping
the POT BOILING.”—_Artistic slang._

~Pot-faker~, a hawker of crockery and general earthenware.

~Pot-hat~, a low-crowned hat, as distinguished from the soft wideawake
and the stove-pipe.

~Pot-hunter~, a sportsman who shoots anything he comes across, having
more regard to filling his bag than to the rules which regulate the
sport. A man who fires at anything, regardless of the rules which govern
true sportsmen.

~Pot-hunter~, a man who gives his time up to rowing or punting, or
any sort of match in order to win the “pewters” which are given as
prizes.—_University._ The term is now much used in aquatic and athletic
circles; and is applied, in a derogatory sense, to men of good quality
who enter themselves in small races they are almost sure to win, and
thus deprive the juniors of small trophies which should be above the
attention of champions, though valuable to beginners. Also an unwelcome
guest, who manages to be just in time for dinner.

~Pot-luck~, just as it comes; to take POT-LUCK, _i.e._, one’s chance of
a dinner, or of what there is for dinner. A hearty term, used to signify
that whatever the pot contains the visitor is welcome to.

~Pot-valiant~, courageous through application to the bottle. Possessed
of Dutch courage.

~Pot-walloper~, an elector in certain boroughs before the passing
of the first Reform Bill, whose qualification consisted in being a
housekeeper,—to establish which it was only necessary to boil a pot
within the limits of the borough, by the aid of any temporary erection.
This implied that he was able to provide for himself, and not
necessitated to apply for parochial relief. Honiton, Tregoney,
Ilchester, Old Sarum, &c., had this privilege before the passing of the
first Reform Bill. Also, a scullion.

~Potato-trap~, the mouth.—Originally a Hibernicism.

~Potheen~, whisky made in an illicit still, once a favourite drink in
Ireland, now almost unattainable. People resident in England who read of
the charms of POTHEEN would be rather astonished if they were to taste
it. It is real “fire-water” flavoured with peat-smoke.

~Potted~, or POTTED OUT, cabined, confined, figurative of crammed into a
garden-pot. Also applied to burial,—a horticultural allusion.

~Potter~, to meddle without much judgment. Application various. A
gentleman may describe himself as “POTTERING about in his garden,” and
think the phrase pleasant. The gardener, who has to do the work all over
again, may, however, use the word in quite a different sense.

~Power~, a large quantity; “a POWER of money.”—_Irish_ at first, but
now general.

~Pow-wow~, a conference. Originally an Indian term.

~Prad~, a horse. PRAD-NAPPING was horse-stealing. Both these terms are
old cant.

~Prancer~, a horse.—_Ancient Cant._ In modern slang an officer of

~Praties~, potatoes.—_Irish._

~Precious~, used, in a slang sense, like very or exceeding; “a PRECIOUS
little of that,” _i.e._, a very little indeed; a PRECIOUS humbug,
rascal, &c., _i.e._, an eminent one.

~Pretty horsebreakers~, a phrase adopted some years back, in deference
to common squeamishness, to denote the _demi-monde_, who dress so well
and ride so daintily. Really, pretty heartbreakers.

~Prial~, a corruption of PAIR-ROYAL, a term at the game of cribbage,
meaning three cards of a similar description. Often used metaphorically
for three persons or things of a kind. DOUBLE-PRIAL, a corruption of
DOUBLE PAIR-ROYAL, means four cards, persons, or things of a similar

~Prick the garter~, or PITCH THE NOB, a gambling and cheating game
common at fairs, and generally practised by thimble-riggers. It consists
of a GARTER or a piece of list doubled, and then folded up tight. The
bet is made upon your asserting that you can, with a pin, PRICK the
point at which the garter is doubled. The garter is then unfolded, and
nine times out of ten you will find that you have been deceived, and
that one of the false folds has been pricked. The owner of the GARTER
holds the ends tightly with one hand, and there is little doubt that he
can make the “flat” lose and the “bonnet” win at pleasure. This was,
doubtless, originally a gipsy game, and we are informed by Brand that it
was much practised by the gipsies in the time of Shakspeare. In those
days it was termed PRICKING AT THE BELT, or FAST AND LOOSE.

~Prig~, a thief. Used by Addison in the sense of a coxcomb.—_Ancient
Cant_, probably from the _Saxon_, PRICC-AN, to filch, &c.—_Shakspeare._
PRIG, to steal or rob. PRIGGING, thieving. In Scotland the term PRIG is
used in a different sense from what it is in England. In Glasgow, or at
Aberdeen, “to PRIG a salmon” would be to cheapen it, or seek for an
abatement in the price. A story is told of two Scotchmen, visitors to
London, who got into sad trouble a few years ago by announcing their
intention of “PRIGGING a hat” which they had espied in a fashionable
manufacturer’s window, and which one of them thought he would like to

~Prig~, a conceited, stuck-up, over-knowing person; one who appropriates
or adopts a manner or costume not suited to him.

~Priggish~, conceited.

~Primed~, said of a person in that state of incipient intoxication that
if he took more drink it would become evident. Also, crammed for an

~Pro~, a professional.—_Theatrical._

~Pro~, the proproctor, or second in command in the proctorial police.
The two proctors generally appoint a certain number of proproctors
each.—_Oxford University._

~Proctorized~, TO BE, to be stopped by the Proctor, and told to call on

~Prog~, meat, food, &c. Johnson calls it “a low word.” He was fond of
“prog,” however.

~Proof~, the best ale at Magdalen College, Oxford.

~Prop~, a blow. As, “a PROP on the nose,”—more street slang than

~Prop~, a scarf pin.

~Prop-nailer~, a man who “sneaks,” or rather snatches, pins from
gentlemen’s scarves.

~Proper~, very, exceedingly, sometimes used ironically; “you are a
PROPER nice fellow,” meaning a great scamp. A “PROPER man” generally
means a perfect man, as far as can be known.

~Props~, crutches.

~Props~, stage properties.—_Theatrical._

~Pros~, a water-closet. Abbreviated form of πρὸς τινα τόπον. Some say,
πρὸς τον τόπον.—_Oxford University._

~Pross~, to break in or instruct a stage-infatuated youth. Also, to
spunge upon a comrade or stranger for drink. In this latter capacity the
word is in connexion with prostitute, a PROSSER being considered a most
degraded being, and the word being supposed by many to represent a man
who lives on a woman’s prostitution.

~Psalm-smiter~, a “Ranter,” one who sings at a conventicle. _See_

~Pub~, or PUBLIC, a public-house; “what PUB do you use?” _i.e._, which
inn or public-house do you frequent?

~Public patterers~, swell mobsmen who pretend to be Dissenting
preachers, and harangue in the open air to attract a crowd for their
confederates to rob.

~Pucker~, poor or bad temper, difficulty, _déshabillé_. PUCKER UP, to
get in a bad temper.

~Puckering~, talking privately.

~Puckerow~, to seize, to take hold of. From the _Hindostanee_,

~Pudding-snammer~, one who robs a cook-shop.

~Puff~, to blow up, or swell with praise; declared by a writer in the
_Weekly Register_, as far back as 1732, to be illegitimate.

    “PUFF has become a cant word, signifying the applause set forth by
    writers, &c. to increase the reputation and sale of a book, and is
    an excellent stratagem to excite the curiosity of gentle readers.”

Lord Bacon, however, used the word in a similar sense a century before.
Sheridan also seems to have remembered the use of the word, _vide_ Mr.

~Pug~, a fighting man’s idea of the contracted word to be produced from

~Pull~, an advantage, or hold upon another; “I’ve the PULL over (or of)
you,” _i.e._, you are in my power—perhaps an oblique allusion to the
judicial sense. See the following.

~Pull~, to have one apprehended; “to be PULLED up,” or more recently “to
be PULLED” only, to be taken before a magistrate. The police are
constantly “pulling” loitering, furiously driving, or drunken cabmen.

~Pull~, to drink; “come, take a PULL at it,” _i.e._, drink up.

~Pull~, to prevent a horse from winning, that is, so far as the rider’s
action is concerned.

~Pullet~, a young girl. Filly is an exchangeable term.

~Pummel~, to thrash,—from POMMEL.

~Pump~, to extract information by roundabout questioning.

~Pundit~, a person who assumes to be very grave and

~Punkah~, a fan, usually a fan of very large size, worked with a string,
and used to ventilate rooms.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Punt~, to gamble; PUNTING-SHOP, a gambling-house. Common in ancient
writers, but now disused. The word seems confined to playing for
“chicken stakes.” PUNT means now in the sporting world to back horses
for small stakes.

~Punter~, a small professional backer of horses.

~Pup and ringer~, _i.e._, the “Dog and Bell,” the sign of a flash

~Purdah~, a curtain.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Pure finders~, street-collectors of dogs’ dung.—_Humorous._

~Purl~, to spill; PURLED is a hunting and steeplechasing term synonymous
with “foaled,” or “spilt” (thrown); “he’ll get PURLED at the rails.”

~Purl~, a mixture of hot ale and sugar, with wormwood infused in it, a
favourite morning drink to produce an appetite; sometimes with gin and
spice added:—

    “Two penn’orth o’ PURL—
    Good ‘early PURL,’
    ’Gin all the world
    To put your hair into a curl,
    When you feel yourself queer of a mornin’.”

~Purler~, a heavy fall from a horse in the hunting or steeplechasing

~Push~, a robbery or swindle. “I’m in this PUSH,” the notice given by
one magsman to another that he means to “stand in.”

~Push~, a crowd.—_Old Cant._

~Pussey-cats~, corruption of Puseyites, a name constantly, but
improperly, given to the Tractarian party in the Church, from the Oxford
Regius Professor of Hebrew, who by no means approved of the Romanizing
tendencies of some of its leaders. The name still sticks, however, to
this day.

~Put~, a game at cards, once fashionable, but now played among thieves
and costermongers only.

~Put~, an obsolete slang term representing the modern “bloke” or “cove.”
It was generally applied to elderly persons.

~Put on~, to promise another money or valuables in the event of an
anticipated success. “You’re ON a quid if Kaiser wins,” might often have
been heard before last St. Leger. Many hangers-on of the turf live
almost entirely by what they are PUT ON, by bookmakers and backers for
whom they do odd work.

~Put that in your pipe and smoke it~, said of a blow or repartee, and
equivalent to take that and think over it, or digest it, or let it be a
warning to you.

~Put the pot on~, to put too much money upon one horse.—_Sporting._

~Put up~, to suggest, to incite, “he PUT me UP to it;” he prompted me to
do it. PUT UP, to stop at an hotel or a tavern for entertainment.

~Put up~, to inspect or plan out with a view of robbery. To obtain full
particulars with regard to a house and its occupants, so that danger
shall be reduced to a minimum, and the chances of success enlarged.

~Put upon~, cheated, victimized, oppressed.

~Putter up~, a man who travels about for the purpose of obtaining
information useful to professional burglars. A man of this description
will assume many characters, sometimes ingratiating himself with the
master of a house, sometimes with the servants, but all to one end, that
of robbery. He rarely or never joins in the actual burglary, his work
being simply to obtain full particulars as to how, when, and where, for
which he receives his full share of the “swag.”

~Puttun~, regiment.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Pyah~, weak, useless, paltry. This word, much in use among sailors, is
evidently derived from the Indian term PARIAH, signifying the lowest
caste of Hindoos. Thus the Pariah dogs in India are termed PYAH dogs;
and the Pariah descendants of the old Portuguese settlers are called
PYAH Portuguese. Sailors term the natives of St. Helena—a
wretched-looking set of individuals—PYAH Englishmen.

~Pygostole~, the least irreverent of names for the peculiar M. B. coats
worn by Tractarian curates:—

    “It is true that the wicked make sport
      Of our PYGOSTOLES, as we go by;
    And one gownsman, in Trinity Court,
      Went so far as to call me a ‘Guy.’”

_See_ M. B.

~Pyjands~, a kind of drawers or loose pantaloons.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Quad.~ _See_ QUOD.

~Quaker~, a lump of excrement.

~Quality~, gentry, the upper classes.

~Quandary~, described in the dictionaries as a “low word,” may fittingly
be given here. It illustrates, like “hocus-pocus,” and other compound
colloquialisms, the singular origin of slang expressions. QUANDARY, a
dilemma, a doubt, a difficulty, is from the French, QU’EN

~Quartereen~, a farthing.—_Gibraltar term._ _Italian_, QUATTRINO.

~Quaver~, a musician.

~Quean~, a strumpet. In Scotland, a lower-class woman. _Saxon_, CWEAN, a
barren old cow.

~Queen Bess~, the Queen of Clubs,—perhaps because that queen, history
says, was of a swarthy complexion.—_North Hants._ _See Gentleman’s
Magazine for 1791_, p. 141.

~Queen’s tobacco-pipe~, the kiln in which all contraband tobacco seized
by the Custom-house officers is burned.

~Queer~, an old cant word, once in continual use as a prefix, signifying
base, roguish, or worthless,—the opposite of RUM, which signified good
and genuine. QUEER, in all probability, is immediately derived from the
cant language. It has been mooted that it came into use from a _quære_
(?) being set before a man’s name; but it is more than probable that it
was brought into this country, by the gipsies, from Germany, where QUER
signifies “cross” or “crooked.” At all events it is believed to have
been first used in England as a cant word.

~Queer~, “to QUEER a flat,” to puzzle or confound a “gull,” or silly

    “Who in a row like Tom could lead the van,
      Booze in the ken, or at the spellken hustle?
    Who QUEER a flat,” &c.—_Don Juan_, xi. 19.

~Queer bail~, worthless persons who for a consideration formerly stood
bail for any one in court. Insolvent Jews generally performed this
office, which gave rise to the term JEW-BAIL, otherwise STRAW BAIL.

~Queer-bit-makers~, coiners.

~Queer cuffen~, a justice of the peace, or magistrate,—a very ancient
term, mentioned in the earliest slang dictionary. In this sense, as well
as in that of the verb just given, the term is evidently derived from
_quæro_, to inquire, to question. Quiz and _quis?_ have also an
undoubted connexion.

~Queer-soft~, bad notes.

~Queer-street~, “in QUEER STREET,” in difficulty or in want.

~Querier~, a chimney-sweep who calls from house to house soliciting
employment,—formerly termed KNULLER, which _see_.

~Qui-hi~, an English resident at Calcutta.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Quick sticks~, in a hurry, rapidly; “to cut QUICK STICKS,” to start off
hurriedly, or without more ado. _See_ CUT ONE’S STICK.

~Quid~, or THICK UN, a sovereign; “half a QUID,” half a sovereign;
QUIDS, money generally; “QUID for a QUOD,” one good turn for another.
The word is used by old French writers:—

    “Des testamens qu’on dit le maistre
    De mon fait n’aura QUID ne QUOD.”

        _Grand testament de Villon._

~Quid~, a small piece of tobacco—one mouthful. _Quid est hoc?_ asked
one, tapping the swelled cheek of another; _Hoc est quid_, promptly
replied the other, exhibiting at the same time a “chaw” of the weed. CUD
is probably a corruption. Derivation, _O. F._, or _Norman_, QUIDER, to

~Quid-nunc~, an inquisitive person, always seeking for news. The words
translated simply signify, “What now?”

~Quiet~, “on the QUIET,” clandestinely, so as to avoid observation,
“under the rose.”

~Quill-driver~, a scrivener, a clerk,—satirical phrase similar to
“steel bar driver,” a tailor.

~Quiller~, a parasite, a person who sucks neatly through a quill. _See_

~Quilt~, to thrash, or beat.

~Quisby~, bankrupt, poverty-stricken. Amplification of QUEER.

~Quisi~, roguish, low, obscene.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Qui-tam~, a solicitor. _He who_, _i.e._, “he who, as much for himself
as for the King,” seeks a conviction, the penalty for which goes half to
the informer and half to the Crown. The term would, therefore, with
greater propriety, be applied to a spy than to a solicitor.

~Quiz~, a prying person, an odd fellow. Originally Oxford slang, but now
general, and lately admitted into some dictionaries. _See_ QUEER CUFFEN.

~Quiz~, to pry, or joke; to hoax.

~Quizzical~, jocose, humorous.

~Quizzing-glass~, an eyeglass. This was applied to the old single
eyeglass, which was not stuck in the eye, as now, but was held in the

~Quockerwodger~, a wooden toy figure which, when pulled by a string,
jerks its limbs about. The term is used in a slang sense, to signify a
pseudo-politician, one whose strings of action are pulled by somebody

~Quod~, a prison, a lock-up; QUODDED, put in prison. QUOD is really a
shortening of quadrangle; so to be QUODDED is to be within four walls.
The expression is, however, seldom used now except to mean in prison. At
Oxford, where it is spelt QUAD, the word has its original signification.

~Quodger~, a contraction, or corruption rather, of the _Latin_ law
phrase, QUO JURE? by what law?—_Legal._

~R. M. D.~, cash down, immediate payment. The initial letters of READY
MONEY DOWN. Another version of this is P. Y. C. (pay your cash), often
seen in the market quotations,—as, “Meat fetched 6_s._ 4_d._ a stone,
P. Y. C., and 6_s._ 6_d._ for the account.”

~Rabbit~, when a person gets the worst of a bargain, he is said “to have
bought the RABBIT.” From an old story about a man selling a cat to a
foreigner for a rabbit.

~Racket~, a dodge, manœuvre, exhibition; a disturbance.

~Rackety~, wild or noisy.

~Racks~, the bones of a dead horse. Term used by horse-slaughterers.

~Raclan~, a married woman. Originally Gipsy, but now a term with English

~Rafe~, or RALPH, a pawnbroker’s duplicate.—_Norwich._

~Raff~, a dirty, dissipated fellow; RAFFISH, looking like a RAFF.

~Rag~, to divide or share; “let’s RAG IT,” or “go RAGS,” _i.e._, share
it equally between us.—_Norwich._

~Rag~, a bank-note.

~Rag and Famish~, the Army and Navy Club. From Ensign RAG and Captain
FAMISH, imaginary characters, out of whom Leech some years back obtained
much amusement.

~Rag-shop~, a bank.

~Rag-splawger~, a rich man.

~Ragamuffin~, an ill-clad vagabond, a tatterdemalion.

~Rain napper~, an umbrella.

~Raise the wind~, to obtain credit, or money,—generally by pawning or
selling property, but not unusually by borrowing. Sometimes varied to

~Raker~, TO GO A, is, in racing parlance, to put more money than usual
on a certain horse. “Going a RAKER” often leads to “coming a cropper.”

~Ramp~, to hustle, to rob with violence, to levy blackmail in a
ferocious manner; to extort by means of threats. RAMPING is generally
done in gangs.

~Rampage~, TO BE ON THE, on the drink, on the loose. Dickens, in _Great
Expectations_, refers to Mrs. Jo as being on the RAMPAGE when she is
worse tempered than usual.

~Ramper~, a ruffian of the most brutal description, who infests
racecourses and similar places on welching expeditions during summer,
and finds pleasure and profit in garrotte robberies during winter.

~Ramshackle~, queer, rickety, knocked about, as standing corn is after a
high wind. Corrupted from RAM-SHATTER, or possibly from RANSACK.

~Rancho~, originally a Spanish-American word, signifying a
hunting-lodge, or cattle-station, in a wood or desert far from the
haunts of men. A hunting or fishing station in the Highlands or
elsewhere. In Washington, with their accustomed ingenuity in corrupting
words and meanings, the Americans use the appellation for a place of
evil report. The word is generally pronounced RANCH now.

~Randals-man.~ _See_ BILLY.

~Randan~, a boat impelled by three rowers, the midship man sculling, and
the bowman and strokesman rowing with oars.

~Random~, three horses driven in line. _See_ TANDEM, SUDDEN DEATH,

~Randy~, rampant, violent, warm.—_North._ RANDY-BEGGAR, a gipsy tinker.

~Rank~, to cheat. Modification of RAMP.

~Ranker~, a commissioned officer in the army who has risen from the
ranks. Usually employed in a disparaging sense. Purely military. Also,
among street folk, a corruption of RANK DUFFER.

~Ran-tan~, “on the RAN-TAN,” drunk.

~Rantipoll~, a noisy rude girl, a madcap.

~Rap~, a halfpenny; frequently used generically for money, thus:—“I
haven’t a RAP,” _i.e._, I have no money whatever; “I don’t care a RAP,”
&c. Originally a species of counterfeit coin used for small change in
Ireland, against the use of which a proclamation was issued, 5th May,
1737. Small copper or base metal coins are still called RAPPEN in the
Swiss cantons. Irish robbers were formerly termed RAPPAREES.

~Rap~, to utter rapidly and vehemently; “he RAPPED out a volley of

~Rapping~, enormous; “a RAPPING big lie.”

~Rapscallion~, a low tattered wretch—not worth a RAP.

~Raree-show~, a collection of curiosities.

~Rat~, a sneak, an informer, a turn-coat, one who changes his party for
interest. The late Sir Robert Peel was called the RAT, or the TAMWORTH
RATCATCHER, for altering his views on the Roman Catholic question. From
RATS deserting vessels about to sink. The term is often used amongst
printers to denote one who works under price. Old cant for a clergyman.

~Rat~, TO SMELL A, to suspect something, to guess that there is
something amiss.

~Rather!~ a ridiculous street exclamation synonymous with yes; “Do you
like fried chickens?” “RATHER!” “Are you going out of town?” “RATHER!”
Very often pronounced “RAYTHER!”

~Rattening~, the punishment inflicted on non-unionists by Sheffield
grinders, through the instrumentality of “Mary Ann.” _See_ Parliamentary
Inquiry Report on the subject.

~Rattlecap~, an unsteady, volatile person. Generally applied to girls.

~Rattler~, a cab, coach, or cart.—_Old Cant._

~Rattletrap~, the mouth. Anything shaky and mean, but pretentious and
vulgar, is said to belong to the RATTLETRAP order of things.

~Rattling~, jolly, pleasant, well-appointed. “A RATTLING good spread”
means an excellent repast, while a true friend is said to be a “RATTLING
good fellow.”

~Raw~, a tender point, or foible; “to touch a man upon the RAW,” is to
irritate one by alluding to, or joking him on, anything on which he is
peculiarly susceptible or “thin-skinned.” Originally stable slang.

    “Liver and bacon, kidneys, ten pounds one!
    He thinks me RAW. I think I’m rather DONE.”

        _Phantom Barber._

~Raw~, uninitiated; a novice.—_Old._ Frequently JOHNNY RAW.

~Reach me downs~, or HAND ME DOWNS, clothes bought at secondhand shops.
From “REACH ME DOWN that, and let’s see if it fits.” In Houndsditch and
other celebrated old clothes’ marts, the goods are kept hanging on pegs
so as to be well within view of intending buyers.

~Reader~, a pocket-book; “Touch him for his READER,” _i.e._, rob him of
his pocket-book.

~Ready~, or READY GILT (maybe GELT), money. Used by Arbuthnot—“Lord
Strut was not very flush in READY.”

~Ready-reckoners~, the Highland regiments of the British army.

~Real jam~, a sporting phrase, meaning anything exceptionally good. It
is said to be REAL JAM for those who back a horse at a long price, when
the animal wins, or comes to a short figure.

~Recent incision~, the busy thoroughfare on the Surrey side of the
Thames, known to sober people as the New Cut. Even this latter name has
now been changed—if indeed the place ever was so called properly.
Although to the general public the street which runs from opposite
Rowland Hill’s Chapel to Westminster Bridge Road is known as the New
Cut, its name to the Board of Works is Lower Marsh.

~Redge~, gold.

~Red herring~, a soldier. The terms are exchangeable, the fish being
often called a “soldier.”

~Red lane~, the throat.

~Red liner~, an officer of the Mendicity Society.

~Red rag~, the tongue.

~Red un~, a gold watch.

~Redtape~, official routine. A term which was much in vogue during the
Crimean campaign, so famous for War Office blunderings.

~Regulars~, a thief’s fair share of plunder.

~Reliever~, a coat worn in turn by any party of poor devils whose
wardrobes are in pawn.

~Relieving Officer~, a significant term for a father.—_University._

~Renage~, to revoke, a word used in Ireland at the game of five-card.

~Rench~, vulgar pronunciation of RINSE. “(W)RENCH your mouth out,” said
a fashionable dentist one day.

~Re-raw~, “on the RE-RAW,” tipsy or drunk.

~Resurrection pie~, once a school but now a common phrase, used in
reference to a pie supposed to be made of the scraps and leavings that
have appeared before.

~Ret~, an abbreviation of the word REITERATION, used to denote the forme
which, in a printing-office, backs or perfects paper already printed on
one side.

~Rhino~, ready money.—_Old._

            “Some as I know,
    Have parted with their ready RINO.”

        _The Seaman’s Adieu_, Old Ballad, 1670.

~Rhinoceral~, rich, wealthy, abounding in RHINO. At first sound it would
seem as though it meant a man abounding in rhinoceroses.

~Rib~, a wife. Derivation, of course, Biblical.

~Ribbon~, gin, or other spirits. Modification of white satin.

~Ribbons~, the reins. “To handle the RIBBONS,” to drive.

~Ribroast~, to beat till the ribs are sore.—_Old_; but still in use:—

    “And he departs, not meanly boasting
    Of his magnificent RIBROASTING.”—_Hudibras._

~Rich~, spicy; also used in the sense of “too much of a good thing;” “a
RICH idea,” one too absurd or unreasonable to be adopted.

~Richard~, a dictionary. _See_ DICK.

~Ride~, “to RIDE the high horse,” or “RIDE roughshod over one,” to be
overbearing or oppressive; “to RIDE the black donkey,” to be in an ill

~Rider~, in a University examination, a problem or question appended to
another, as directly arising from or dependent on it;—beginning to be
generally used for any corollary or position which naturally arises from
any previous statement or evidence.

~Rider~, a supplementary clause in a document.

~Riff-raff~, low, vulgar rabble.

~Rig~, or trick, “spree,” or performance; “run a RIG,” to play a
trick.—_See_ JOHN GILPIN. “RIG the market,” in reality to play tricks
with it,—a mercantile slang phrase often used in the newspapers.

~Rigged~, “well RIGGED,” well dressed.—_Old Slang_, in use in 1736.
_See Bailey’s Dictionary.—Sea._

~Rigging~, a process well known in connexion with sales by auction, by
which articles are secured at prices considerably below their real
value. _See_ KNOCK-OUTS. To RIG the market is to do similar business on
a larger scale for the purpose of affecting the supplies, and thereby
increasing the profits on an original purchase of the goods thus made

~Right as ninepence~, or NICE AS NINEPENCE (possible corruption of
NINE-PINS), quite right, exactly right, comfortable. _See_ NINEPENCE.

~Right you are~, a phrase implying entire acquiescence in what has been
said or done. The expression is singularly frequent and general amongst
the lower and middle classes of the metropolis.

~Rights~, “to have one to RIGHTS,” to be even with him, to serve him out
properly. “TO RIGHTS” is also an ejaculation signifying satisfaction of
the highest order.

~Rigmarole~, a prolix story.

~Rile~, to offend, to render very cross, irritated, or vexed. Properly,
to render liquor turbid.

~Ring~, to change; “RINGING castors,” changing hats; “to RING the
changes,” in low life means to change bad money for good; in
respectable society the phrase is sometimes employed to denote that the
aggressor has been paid back in his own coin, as in practical joking,
when the laugh is turned against the jester. The expression originally
came from the belfry.

~Ring~, a generic term given to horse-racing and pugilism,—the latter
was sometimes termed the PRIZE-RING. From the rings used for betting and
fighting in, respectively.

~Ring~, formerly “to go through the RING,” to take advantage of the
Insolvency Act, or be “whitewashed.” Now obsolete.

~Ring~, the open space in front of a racecourse stand, which is used for
betting purposes. Betting men are nowadays known as members of the ring,
especially if they are in the habit of attending race-meetings. RING, in
America, is a combination of speculators whose object is to force the
market for their own especial benefit without any regard to order or
decency. We have similar arrangements here, but hitherto no one word has
fairly described them.

~Ringdropping~, is a pursuit to which London “magsmen” and
“street-muggers” are prone. A ring or other spurious article is supposed
to be found just in front of a “soft-looking party,” and he or she is
tempted to buy it at less than half its supposed value.

~Rip~, a rake, “an old RIP,” an old libertine, or a debauchee.
Corruption of REPROBATE.

~Rip~, to go at a rare pace. This is an American term, and often means
to burst up. “Let her RIP, I’m insured.”

~Ripper~, a first-rate man or article.—_Provincial._

~Ripping~, excellent, very good. Equivalent to “stunning.”

~Rise~, “to take a RISE out of a person.” A metaphor from fly-fishing,
the silly fish RISING to be caught by an artificial fly; to mortify,
outwit, or cheat him, by superior cunning.

    “There is only one thing, unfortunately, of which Oxford men are
    economical, and that is, their University experience. They not only
    think it fair that Freshmen should go through their ordeal unaided,
    but many have a sweet satisfaction in their distresses, and even
    busy themselves in obtaining elevations, or, as it is vulgarly
    termed, in ‘getting RISES out of them.’”—_Hints to Freshmen_,
    Oxford, 1843.

~Rise, or raise, a Barney~, to collect a mob; term used by patterers and
“schwassle-box” (Punch and Judy) men.

~Roarer~, a broken-winded horse; or, in the more polite speech of the
stable, “a high blower.” ROARING, as applied to horses, is often termed
“talking” by turf-men. It is often said delicately by sporting writers,
when speaking of a broken-winded racehorse, that “he makes a noise.”

~Roaring trade~, a very successful business.—_Shopkeepers’ Slang._

~Roast~, to expose a person to a running fire of jokes for the
amusement and with the assistance of a whole company. A performance not
indulged in by gentlemen. QUIZZING is done by a single person only.

~Robin redbreast~, the ancient Bow Street runner. So called from the
colour of his waistcoat.

~Rock-a-low~, an overcoat. Corruption of the _French_, ROQUELAURE.

~Rocked~, “he’s only HALF-ROCKED,” _i.e._, half-witted. _See_

~Rogue’s yarn~, a thread of red or blue worsted, worked into the ropes
manufactured in the Government dockyards, to identify them if stolen.
Also a blue thread worked into canvas, for the same purpose.

~Roll of snow~, a piece of linen, or bundle of underclothing.

~Romany~, a gipsy, or the gipsy language; the speech of the Roma or
Zincali.—_Spanish Gipsy._ “Can you patter ROMANY?” _i.e._, can you talk
“black,” or gipsy lingo?

~Rook~, a cheat, or tricky gambler; the opposite of “pigeon.”

~Rook~, to cheat, to play “rook” to another’s “pigeon.”

~Rook~, a clergyman, not only from his black attire, but also, perhaps,
from the old nursery favourite, the _History of Cock Robin_.

    “I, says the ROOK,
    With my little book,
    I’ll be the parson.”

~Rookery~, a low neighbourhood inhabited by dirty Irish and thieves—as
St. Giles’s ROOKERY.—_Old._ In military slang that part of the barracks
occupied by subalterns, often by no means a pattern of good order.

~Rooky~, rascally, rakish, scampish.

~Roost~, synonymous with PERCH, which _see_.

~Rooster~, a cock, whether bantam, game, barndoor, or of any other kind.
This is an Americanism which obtains full currency on the other side of
the Atlantic, though its use would infer that hens do not roost. As the
outcome of transpontine delicacy it must, however, be respected.

~Rooter~, anything good, or of a prime quality; “that is a ROOTER,”
_i.e._, a first-rate one of the sort.

~Rope~, to lose a race of any kind purposely, to swindle one’s backers
or the public by means of a “cross” or pre-arranged race, in which the
best man or best horse is made to ROPE, or run behind.

~Roper~, MISTRESS, “to marry MRS. ROPER” is to enlist in the Royal

~Ropes~, the ways of London lower life. “To know the ROPES,” is to be
conversant with the minutiæ of metropolitan dodges, as regards both the
streets and the sporting world.

~Roping~, the act of pulling or restraining a horse, by its rider, to
prevent its winning a race—a trick not unfrequently practised on the
turf. Also when a pedestrian or other athlete loses where he should have
won, according to his backer’s calculations, he is accused of ROPING.

~Rose~, “under the rose” (frequently used in its _Latin_ form, _sub
rosâ_), _i.e._, under the obligation of silence and secrecy, of which
the rose was anciently an emblem, perhaps, as Sir Thomas Browne remarks,
from the closeness with which its petals are enfolded in the bud. The
Rose of Venus was given, says the classic legend, to Harpocrates, the
God of Silence, by Cupid, as a bribe to keep silent about the goddess’s
amours. It was commonly sculptured on the ceilings of banqueting rooms,
as a sign that what was said in free conversation there was not
afterwards to be divulged; and about 1526 was placed over the Roman
confessionals as an emblem of secrecy. The White Rose was also an emblem
of the Pretender, whose health, as king, his secret adherents used to
drink “under the ROSE.”

~Rosin~, beer or other drink given to musicians at a dancing party.

~Rosin-the-bow~, a fiddler. From a famous old song of that name.

~Rot~, nonsense, anything bad, disagreeable, or useless.

~Rot-gut~, bad, small beer. _See_ BUMCLINK. In America, cheap whisky.

~Rough~, bad; “ROUGH fish,” bad or stinking fish.—_Billingsgate._

~Rough-it~, to put up with chance entertainment, to take pot-luck and
what accommodation “turns up,” without sighing for better.

~Roughs~, coarse, or vulgar men. By many thought to be RUFF, corruption

~Rouleau~, a packet of sovereigns.—_Gaming._

~Round~, to tell tales, to SPLIT, which _see_; “to ROUND on a man,” to
swear to him as being the person, &c. Synonymous with BUFF, which _see_.
Also to turn round upon and abuse or rate. Shakspeare has ROUNDING,

~Round~, “ROUND dealing,” honest trading; “ROUND sum,” a large sum.
Synonymous also, in a slang sense, with SQUARE, which _see_.

~Round~ (in the language of the street), the beat or usual walk of a
costermonger to sell his stock. A term used by street folk generally.

    “Watchmen, sometimes they made their sallies,
    And walk’d their ROUNDS through streets and allies.”

        _Ned Ward’s Vulgus Britannicus_, 1710.

The word “beat” has, so far as our modern guardians are concerned,
deposed “round.”

~Round robin~, a petition, or paper of remonstrance, with the signatures
written in a circle,—to prevent the first signer, or ringleader, from
being discovered.

~Round un~, an unblushingly given and well-proportioned lie. Sometimes
known as a “whacker.”

~Roundabout~, a large swing with four compartments, each the size, and
very much the shape, of the body of a cart, capable of seating six or
eight boys and girls, erected in a high frame, and turned round by men
at a windlass. Fairs and merry-makings generally abound with these
swings. The frames take to pieces, and are carried in vans from fair to
fair by miserable horses.

~Roundem~, a button.

~Row~, “the ROW,” _i.e._, Paternoster Row. The notorious Holywell Street
is now called by its denizens “Bookseller’s Row.”

~Row~, a noisy disturbance, tumult, or trouble. Originally Cambridge,
now universal. Seventy years ago it was written ROUE, which would almost
indicate a French origin, from _roué_, a profligate or disturber of the
peace.—_Vide_ George Parker’s _Life’s Painter_, 1789, p. 122. This is,
however, very unlikely, as the derivation of the French word shows.

~Rowdy~, money. In America, a ruffian, a brawler, a “rough.” Rowdyism is
the state of being of New York roughs and loafers.

~Rowdy-dow~, low, vulgar “not the CHEESE,” or thing.

~Rub~, a quarrel or impediment; “there’s the RUB,” _i.e._, that is the
difficulty.—_Shakspeare and L’Estrange._

~Rubbed out~, dead,—a melancholy expression, of late frequently used in
fashionable novels. RUBBED OUT is synonymous with WIPED OUT, which

~Rubber~, a term at whist, &c., the best of three games.

~Ruck~, the undistinguished crowd; “to come in with the RUCK,” to arrive
at the winning-post among the thick of the unplaced horses.—_Racing

~Ruction~, an Irish row. A faction fight.

~Ruggy~, fusty, frowsy.

~Rule.~ “To run the RULE over,” is, among thieves, to try all a person’s
pockets quietly, as done by themselves, or to search any one thoroughly,
as at the police-station.

~Rule the roast~, to be at the head of affairs, to be “cock of the

~Rum~, like its opposite, QUEER, was formerly a much-used prefix,
signifying fine, good, gallant, or valuable; perhaps in some
way connected with ROME. Nowadays it means indifferent, bad, or
questionable, and we often hear even persons in polite society use such
a phrase as, “What a RUM fellow he is, to be sure,” in speaking of a man
of singular habits or appearance. The term, from its frequent use, long
since claimed a place in our dictionaries; but, with the exception of
Johnson, who says RUM, a cant word for a clergyman(!), no lexicographer
has deigned to notice it.

    “Thus RUMLY floor’d, the kind Acestes ran,
    And pitying, raised from earth the game old man.”

        _Virgil’s Æneid_, book v., Translation _by Thomas Moore_.

~Rum cull~, the manager of a theatre, generally the master of a
travelling troop.

~Rumbler~, a four-wheeled cab. Not so common as BOUNDER. _See_ GROWLER.

~Rumbowling~, anything inferior or adulterated.—_Sea._

~Rumbumptious~, haughty, pugilistic.

~Rumbustious~, or RUMBUSTICAL, pompous, haughty, boisterous, careless of
the comfort of others.

~Rumgumption~, or GUMPTION, knowledge, capacity, capability,—hence,
RUMGUMPTIOUS, knowing, wide-awake, forward, positive, pert, blunt.

~Rum-mizzler~, Seven Dials cant for a person who is clever at making his
escape, or getting out of a difficulty.

~Rump~, to turn the back upon any one. A still more decided “cut direct”
than the “cold shoulder.”

~Rumpus~, a noise, disturbance, a “row.”

~Rum-slim~, or RUM SLING, rum punch.

~Rumy~, a good woman or girl.—_Gipsy Cant._ In the Continental _Gipsy_,
ROMI, a woman, a wife, is the feminine of RO, a man.

~Run~ (good or bad), the success or duration of a piece’s

~Run~, to comprehend, &c.; “I don’t RUN to it,” _i.e._, I can’t do it, I
don’t understand; also not money enough, as, “I should like to, but it
wont RUN to it.”

~Run~, “to get the RUN upon any person,” to have the upper hand, or be
able to laugh at him. RUN down, to abuse or backbite any one; to “lord
it,” or “drive over” him. Originally stable slang.

~Run for the money~, TO HAVE A, to have a start given in with a bet. As
20 to 1 against Doncaster, with a RUN given. _See_ P.P. To have a RUN
FOR ONE’S MONEY is also to have a good determined struggle for anything.

~Run-in~, to lock up in the station-house. The police are very fond of
threatening to RUN-IN any person to whom they may take exception, and,
as recent revelations have shown, are by no means averse from putting
their threats into execution.

~Running patterer~, a street seller who runs or moves briskly along,
calling aloud his wares.

~Running stationer~, a hawker of books, ballads, dying speeches, and
newspapers. Persons of this class formerly used to run with newspapers,
blowing a horn, when they were sometimes termed FLYING STATIONERS.
Nowadays, in the event of any political or social disturbance, the
miserable relics of these peripatetic newsmen bawl the heads of the
telegram or information in quiet London thoroughfares, to the
disturbance of the residents. The race is very nearly extinct, the
evening-paper boys having run them to earth.

~Rush~, to come upon suddenly, generally for the purpose of borrowing.
To “give a man the RUSH,” is to spunge upon him all day, and then borrow
money at the finish, or pursue some such similar mode of procedure.

~Rush~, “doing it on the RUSH,” running away, or making off.

~Rust~, “to nab the RUST,” to take offence. RUSTY, cross, ill-tempered,
morose; not able to go through life like a person of easy and “polished”

~Rustication~, the sending of an offender from the University for one
term or more, thus hindering his qualifying for a degree.

~Rusty guts~, a blunt, rough, old fellow. Corruption of RUSTICUS.

~Rye.~ Gipsy term for a young man. In the same parlance “rawnie” is a
young woman.

~Sack~, to “get the SACK,” to be discharged by an employer. Varied in
the North of England to “get the BAG.” In London it is sometimes spoken
of as “getting the EMPTY.” It is common now to speak of “getting the
BULLET,” an evident play on the word discharge.

~Sad dog~, a merry fellow, a joker, a “gay” or “fast” man.

~Saddle~, an additional charge made by the manager to a performer upon
his benefit night.—_Theatrical._

~Safe~, trusty, worthy of confidence. A SAFE card is a man who knows
“what’s o’clock.” A SAFE man among betters is one who is sure to fulfil
his engagements.

~Safe un~, a horse which will not run, or will not try, in a race. The
bookmakers in London have the information sent them by the touts in
their pay, and lay against the SAFE UN, who is also called a “stiff un,”
a “dead un,” or a “shtumer,” as often as they can, irrespective of the
state of their books. Sometimes a SAFE UN will win, owing to the owner
or trainer having, for various reasons, altered his mind. Such a result
then goes to prove the “glorious uncertainty of the turf,” a phrase in
very common use among sporting writers whenever a favourite is beaten,
or whenever a horse runs slow one day and loses, and very fast the next
day and wins.

~Sails~, nickname for the sail-maker on board ship.

~St. Martin’s lace~, imitation gold lace; stage tinsel.

~Saint Monday~, a holiday most religiously observed by journeymen
shoemakers and other mechanics. An Irishman observed that this saint’s
anniversary happened every week. In some parts of the country Monday is
termed Cobblers’ Sunday.

~Sal~, a salary.—_Theatrical._

~Salaam~, a compliment or salutation.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Salamander~, a street acrobat and juggler who eats fire.

~Saloop~, SALEP, or SALOP, a greasy-looking beverage, formerly sold on
stalls at early morning, prepared from a powder made of the root of the
_Orchis mascula_, or Red-handed Orchis. Coffee-stands have superseded
SALOOP stalls; but, in addition to other writers, Charles Lamb, in one
of his papers, has left some account of this drinkable, which he says
was of all preparations the most grateful to the stomachs of young
chimney-sweeps. The present generation has no knowledge of this drink,
except that derived from books. The word “slops”—as applied to weak,
warm drink—is very likely derived from the Cockney pronunciation of

~Salt~, a sailor.

~Salt~, “it’s rather too SALT,” said of an extravagant hotel bill. Also,
a sort of black mail or tribute levied on visitors or travellers by the
Eton boys, at their triennial festival called the “Montem,” by ancient
custom and privileges. It is now abolished. A periodical published at
Eton many years ago for circulation amongst the boys was called “_The
SALT-box_.” When a person about to sell a business connexion makes
fictitious entries in the books of accounts, to simulate that a much
more profitable trade is carried on than there really is, he is said to
SALT the books—SALTING and COOKING being somewhat similar operations.
At the gold diggings of Australia, miners sometimes SALT an unproductive
hole by sprinkling a few grains of gold-dust over it, and thus obtain a
good price from a “green hand.” Unpromising speculations are frequently
thus SALTED to entrap the unwary, the wildest ideas being rendered
palatable _cum grano salis_. And though old birds are not readily caught
by chaff, the efficacy of SALT in bird-catching, so far as the young are
concerned, is proverbial.

~Salt-box~, the condemned cell in Newgate.

~Salt junk~, navy salt beef. _See_ OLD HORSE.

~Saltee~, a penny. Pence, &c., are thus reckoned:—

 ONEY SALTEE, a penny, from the _Italian_,             UNO SOLDO.
 DOOE SALTEE, twopence                                 DUE SOLDI.
 TRAY SALTEE, threepence                               TRE SOLDI.
 QUARTERER SALTEE, fourpence                           QUATTRO SOLDI.
 CHINKER SALTEE, fivepence                             CINQUE SOLDI.
 SAY SALTEE, sixpence                                  SEI SOLDI.
 SAY DOOE SALTEE, or OTTER SALTEE, eightpence          OTTO SOLDI.
 SAY TRAY SALTEE, or NOBBA SALTEE, ninepence           NOVE SOLDI.
 ONEY BEONG, one shilling.
 A BEONG SAY SALTEE, one shilling and sixpence.
 DOOE BEONG SAY SALTEE, or MADZA CAROON, half-a-crown, or two
 shillings and sixpence.

⁂ This curious list of numerals in use among the London street folk is,
strange as it may seem, derived from the _Lingua Franca_, or bastard
_Italian_, of the Mediterranean seaports, of which other examples may be
found in the pages of this Dictionary. SALTEE, the cant term used by the
costermongers and others for a penny, is no other than the _Italian_,
SOLDO (plural, SOLDI), and the numerals—as may be seen by the _Italian_
equivalents—are a tolerably close imitation of the originals. After the
number six, a curious variation occurs, which is peculiar to the London
cant, seven being reckoned as SAY ONEY, _six-one_, SAY DOOE, _six-two_
= 8, and so on. DACHA is perhaps from the _Greek_ δέκα, ten, which, in
the Constantinopolitan _Lingua Franca_, is likely enough to have been
substituted for the _Italian_. MADZA is clearly the _Italian_ MEZZA. The
origin of BEONG has not yet been discovered, unless it be the _French_
BIEN, the application of which to a shilling is not so evident; but
amongst costermongers and other street folk it is quite immaterial what
foreign tongue contributes to their secret language. Providing the terms
are unknown to the police and the public generally, they care not a rush
whether the polite French, the gay Spaniards, or the cloudy Germans help
to swell their vocabulary. The numbers of low foreigners, however,
dragging out a miserable existence in our crowded neighbourhoods, organ
grinders and image sellers, foreign seamen from the vessels in the
river, and our own connexion with Malta and the Ionian Isles, may
explain, to a certain extent, the phenomenon of these Southern phrases
in the mouths of costers and tramps. Professor Ascoli, in his _Studj
Critici_, absurdly enough derives these words from the ancient
commercial importance of Italian settlers in England, when they gave a
name to Lombard Street!

~Salve~, praise, flattery, chaff.

~Sam~, _i.e._, DICKY-SAM, a native of Liverpool.

~Sam~, to “stand SAM,” to pay for refreshment or drink, to stand
paymaster for anything. An Americanism, originating in the letters U.S.
on the knapsacks of the United States’ soldiers, which letters were
jocularly said to be the initials of Uncle Sam (the Government), who
pays for all. In use in this country as early as 1827.

~Sammy~, a stupid fellow.

~Sampan~, a small boat.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Samshoo~, a fiery, noxious spirit, distilled from rice. Spirits

~Samson and Abel~, a group of wrestlers in the centre of Brasenose
quadrangle. Some said it represented Samson killing a Philistine; others
Cain killing Abel. So the matter was compromised as above.—_Oxford

~Sandwich~, a human advertising medium, placed between two boards
strapped, one on his breast the other on his shoulders. A “toad in the
hole” is the term applied to the same individual when his person is
confined by a four-sided box. A gentleman with a lady on each arm is
sometimes called a SANDWICH. The French phrase for this kind of
SANDWICH, _l’âne à deux pannières_, is expressive.

~Sanguinary James~, a raw sheep’s-head. _See_ BLOODY JEMMY.

~Sank work~, tailors’ phrase for soldiers’ clothes. Perhaps from the
_Norman_ SANC, blood,—in allusion either to the soldier’s calling, or
the colour of his coat.

~Sap~, or SAPSCULL, a poor green simpleton, with no heart for work.

~Sappy~, soft, foolish, namby-pamby, milk-and-watery. “It’s such a SAPPY

~Satin~, gin; “a yard of SATIN,” a glass of gin. Term used by females on
make-believe errands, when the real object of their departure from home
is to replenish the private bottle. With servants the words “tape” and
“ribbon” are more common, the purchase of these feminine requirements
being the general excuse for asking to “run out for a little while.”

~Saucebox~, a pert young person. In low life it also signifies the

~Save~, to give part of one bet for part of another. A. and B. have
backed different horses, and they agree that in the event of either one
winning he shall give the other, say, £5. This is called “SAVING a
fiver,” and generally is done when scratchings and knockings-out have
left the field so that one of the two speculators must be a winner. The
practice also obtains much in competitions decided in heats or rounds,
in the course of which backers and layers comparing their prospects
often “SAVE a bit” with each other. Saving is, therefore, a form of

~Saveloy~, a sausage of bread and chopped beef smoked, a minor kind of
POLONY, which _see_.

~Savvey~, to know; “do you SAVVEY that?” _Spanish_, SABE. In the nigger
and _Anglo-Chinese patois_, this is SABBY, “me no SABBY.” It is a
general word among the lower classes all over the world. It also means
acuteness or cleverness; as, “That fellow has plenty of SAVVEY.”

~Saw~, a term at whist. A SAW is established when two partners
alternately trump a suit, played to each other for the express purpose.

~Saw your timber~, “be off!” equivalent to “cut your stick.”
Occasionally varied, with mock refinement, to “amputate your mahogany.”
_See_ CUT.

~Sawbones~, a surgeon.

~Sawney~, or SANDY, a Scotchman. Corruption of Alexander.

~Sawney~, a simpleton; a gaping, awkward lout.

~Sawney~, bacon. SAWNEY HUNTER, one who steals bacon.

~Scab~, a worthless person.—_Old._ Shakspeare uses “scald” in a similar

~Scab-raiser~, a drummer in the army, so called from one of the duties
formerly pertaining to that office, viz., inflicting corporal punishment
on the soldiers.—_Military._

~Scabby neck~, a native of Denmark.—_Sea._

~Scabby-sheep~, epithet applied by the vulgar to a person who has been
in questionable society, or under unholy influence, and become tainted.
Also a mean disreputable fellow.

~Scaldrum dodge~, a dodge in use among begging impostors of burning the
body with a mixture of acids and gunpowder, so as to suit the hues and
complexions of any accident to be deplored by a confiding public.

~Scaly~, shabby, or mean. Perhaps anything which betokens the presence
of the “Old Serpent,” or it may be a variation of “fishy.”

~Scamander~, to wander about without a settled purpose;—possibly in
allusion to the winding course of the Homeric river of that name.

~Scammered~, drunk.

~Scamp~, a graceless fellow, a rascal; a wandering vagabond; scamping
was formerly the cant term for plundering and thieving. A ROYAL-SCAMP
was a highwayman, whilst a FOOT-SCAMP was an ordinary thief with nothing
but his legs to trust to in case of an attempt at capture. Some have
derived SCAMP from _qui ex campo exit_, one who leaves the field, a

~Scamp~, to give short measure or quantity; applied to dishonest
contractors. Also to hurry through a task in a way which precludes the
possibility of its being done well. Probably the same as SKIMP and

~Scandal-water~, tea; from old maids’ tea-parties being generally a
focus for scandal.

~Scaramouch~, properly a tumbler, or SALTIMBANCO. Also a disreputable

~Scarborough-warning~, a warning given too late to be taken advantage
of. When a person is driven over, and then told to keep out of the way,
he receives SCARBOROUGH-WARNING. Fuller says the proverb alludes to an
event which happened at that place in 1557, when Thomas Stafford seized
upon Scarborough Castle before the townsmen had the least notice of his

~Scarce~, TO MAKE ONESELF; to be off; to decamp.

~Scarlet fever~, the desire felt by young ladies to flirt with officers
in preference to civilians.

~Scarlet-town~, Reading, in Berkshire. As the name of this place is
pronounced Redding, SCARLET-TOWN is probably a rude pun upon it.

~Scarper~, to run away; _Spanish_, ESCAPAR, to escape, make off;
_Italian_, SCAPPARE. “SCARPER with the feeley of the donna of the
carzey,” to run away with the daughter of the landlady of the house;
CASA.”—_Seven Dials and Prison Cant_, from the _Lingua Franca_.

~Schism-shop~, a Dissenters’ meeting-house.—_University._

~Schofel~, bad money. _See_ SHOFUL.

~School~, a knot of men or boys; generally a body of idlers or street
gamblers. Also, two or more “patterers” working together in the streets.

~Schroff~, a banker, treasurer, or confidential clerk.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Schwassle box~, the street arrangement for Punch and Judy. _See_

~Sconce~, the head; judgment, sense.—_Dutch._

~Sconce~, to fine. Used by Dons as well as undergrads. The Dons fined or
SCONCED for small offences; _e.g._, five shillings for wearing a
coloured coat in hall at dinner-time. Among undergrads a pun, or an
oath, or an indecent remark, was SCONCED by the head of the table. If
the offender could, however, floor the tankard of beer which he was
SCONCED, he could retort on his SCONCER to the extent of twice the
amount he was SCONCED in.—_Oxford University._

~Score~, a reckoning, “to run up a SCORE at a public-house,” to obtain
credit there until pay-day, or a fixed time, when the debt must be
“wiped off.” From the old practice of scoring a tippler’s indebtedness
on the inside of a public-house door.

~Scorf~, to eat voraciously.

~Scot~, a quantity of anything, a lot, a share.—_Anglo-Saxon_, SCEAT,
pronounced SHOT.

~Scot~, temper, or passion,—from the irascible temperament of the
Scotch; “Oh! what a SCOT he was in,” _i.e._, what temper he showed.

~Scotch coffee~, biscuits toasted and boiled in water. A gross calumny
on the much-enduring Scotians; a supposed joke on their

~Scotch fiddle~, the itch; “to play the SCOTCH FIDDLE,” to work the
index finger of the right hand like a fiddlestick between the index and
middle finger of the left. This provokes a Scotchman in the highest
degree, as it implies that he is afflicted with the itch. It is supposed
that a continuous oatmeal diet is productive of cutaneous affection.

~Scotch greys~, lice. Our northern neighbours were calumniously
reported, in the “good old times” of ignorance and prejudice, to be
peculiarly liable to cutaneous eruptions and parasites.

~Scotches~, the legs; also synonymous with notches.

~Scout~, a college valet, or waiter.—_Oxford._ _See_ GYP.

~Scout~, the male servant, who generally has a staircase under his
charge, and waits on the men in each set of rooms. The female servant
(not unfrequently his wife or daughter) is the bedmaker.—_University._

~Scrag~, the neck.—_Old Cant._ _Scotch_, CRAIG. Still used by butchers.
Hence, SCRAG, to hang by the neck, and SCRAGGING, an execution,—also
_Old Cant_.

~Scran~, pieces of meat, broken victuals. Formerly the reckoning at a
public-house. SCRANNING, or “out on the SCRAN,” begging for broken
victuals. Also, an Irish malediction of a mild sort, “Bad SCRAN to yer!”
_i.e._, bad food to you.

~Scran-bag~, a soldier’s haversack.—_Military Slang._

~Scrap~, to fight. Also used as a substantive. Prize-fighters are often
known as SCRAPPERS.

~Scrape~, a difficulty; SCRAPE, low wit for a shave.

~Scrape~, cheap butter; also butter laid on bread in the thinnest
possible manner, as though it had been laid on and scraped off again.
“Bread and SCRAPE,” the bread and butter issued to schoolboys,—so
called from the manner in which the butter is laid on.

~Scratch~, an imaginary meeting-point in a fight, or verbal contest;
“coming up to the SCRATCH,” preparing to fight—literally approaching
the line which used to be chalked on the ground to divide the ring.
According to the rules of the prize ring, the toe should be placed at
the SCRATCH, so the phrase often is “toeing the SCRATCH.”

~Scratch~, “no great SCRATCH,” of little worth.

~Scratch~, to strike a horse’s name out of the list of runners in a
particular race. “Tomboy was SCRATCHED for the Derby at 10 a.m. on
Wednesday, from which period all bets made in reference to him are
void.” _See_ P.P.—_Turf._ One of Boz’s characters asks whether horses
are “really made more lively by being SCRATCHED.”

~Scratch-race~ (on the turf), a race at which the horses run at catch
weights, a race without restrictions. In boating, a race in which the
crew are picked up anyhow. A SCRATCH crew is a crew of all sorts.

~Screaming~, first-rate, splendid. Believed to have been first used in
the Adelphi play-bills; “a SCREAMING farce,” one calculated to make the
audience scream with laughter. Now a general expression.

~Screed~, an illogical or badly-written article or paper upon any

~Screeve~, a letter, a begging petition.

~Screeve~, to write, or devise; “to SCREEVE a fakement,” to concoct, or
write, a begging letter, or other impostor’s document. From the
_Dutch_, SCHRYVEN; _German_, SCHREIBEN, to write.

~Screever~, a man who draws with coloured chalks on the pavement figures
of our Saviour crowned with thorns, specimens of elaborate writing,
thunderstorms, ships on fire, &c. The men who attend these pavement
chalkings, and receive halfpence and sixpences from the admirers of
street art, are not always the draughtsmen. The artist or SCREEVER
draws, perhaps, in half-a-dozen places in the course of a morning, and
rents the spots out to as many cadaverous-looking men, who, when any one
looks hard at them, will commence to dabble clumsily with the short
pieces of chalks they always keep at hand. There are impostors of this
kind in higher walks of art.

~Screw~, an unsound or broken-down horse, that requires both whip and
spur to get him along. So called from the screw-like manner in which his
ribs generally show through the skin.

~Screw~, a mean or stingy person.

~Screw~, salary, or wages.

~Screw~, “to put on the SCREW,” to limit one’s credit, to be more exact
and precise; “to put under the SCREW;” to compel, to coerce, to
influence by strong pressure.

~Screw~, a small packet of tobacco. A “twist” of the “weed.”

~Screw~, a key—skeleton, or otherwise.

~Screw~, a turnkey.

~Screw loose.~ When friends become cold and distant towards each other,
it is said there is a SCREW LOOSE betwixt them; the same phrase is also
used when anything goes wrong with a person’s credit or reputation.

~Screwed~, intoxicated or drunk.

~Scrimmage~, or SCRUMMAGE, a disturbance or row.—_Ancient._ Probably a
corruption of SKIRMISH.

~Scrimshaw.~ Anything made by sailors for themselves in their leisure
hours at sea is termed SCRIMSHAW-WORK.

~Scrouge~, to crowd or squeeze.—_Wiltshire._

~Scruff~, the back part of the neck seized by the adversary in an
encounter. “I seized him by the SCRUFF of the neck, and chucked him
out.” Originally SCURF.

~Scrumptious~, nice, particular, beautiful.

~Scufter~, a policeman.—_North Country._

~Scull~, or SKULL, the head, or master of a college.—_University_, but
nearly obsolete; the gallery, however, in St. Mary’s (the Oxford
University church), where the “Heads of Houses” sit in solemn state, is
still nicknamed the “Golgotha” by the undergraduates.

~Scurf~, a mean fellow. Literally a scurvy fellow.

~Sea-connie~, the steersman of an Indian ship. By the insurance laws he
must be either a PYAH Portuguese, a European, or a Manilla man,—Lascars
not being allowed to be helmsmen.

~Sea-cook~, “son of a SEA-COOK,” an opprobrious phrase used on board
ship, differing from “son of a gun,” which is generally used admiringly
or approvingly.

~Seals~, a religious slang term for converts. Also a Mormon term for
wives. _See_ OWNED.

~See.~ Like “go” and “do,” this useful verb has long been supplemented
with a slang or unauthorized meaning. In street parlance, “to SEE” is to
know or believe; “I don’t SEE that,” _i.e._, “I don’t put faith in what
you offer, or I know what you say to be untrue.”

~See it out~, to stay out late or early, and see the gas put out. Also
to complete an undertaking.

~See the king.~ _See_ ELEPHANT.

~Seedy~, worn-out, poverty-stricken, used-up, shabby. Metaphorical
expression from the appearance of flowers when off bloom and running to
SEED; hence said of one who wears clothes until they crack and become
shabby. “How seedy he looks,” said of any man whose clothes are worn
threadbare, with greasy facings, and hat brightened up by perspiration
and continual polishing and wetting. When a man’s coat begins to look
worn-out and shabby he is said to look SEEDY and ready for cutting. This
term has been in common use for nearly two centuries, and latterly has
found its way into most dictionaries. Formerly slang, it is now a
recognised word, and one of the most expressive in the English language.
The French are always amused with it, they having no similar term.

    “Oh, let my hat be e’er sae brown,
      My coat be e’er sae SEEDY, O!
    My whole turn-out scarce worth a crown,
      Like gents well-bred, but needy, O!”

        _Fisher’s Garland for 1835._

~Seeley’s pigs~, blocks of iron in Government dockyards. Mr. Seeley,
M.P., was the first to call attention in the House of Commons to the
scandalous waste of pig-iron in the dockyards. Some of the yards were
found to be half paved with blocks of metal, which were thence called

~Sell~, a deception, or disappointment; also a lying joke.

~Sell~, to deceive, swindle, or play a practical joke upon a person. A
sham is a SELL in street parlance. “SOLD again, and got the money,” a
patterer cries after having successfully deceived somebody. Shakspeare
uses SELLING in a similar sense, viz., blinding or deceiving.

~Sensation~, a quartern of gin.

~Serene~, all right; “it’s all SERENE,” a street phrase of very modern
adoption, the burden of a song. SERENE, ALL SERENE! from the _Spanish_
SERENO, equivalent to the English “all’s well;” a countersign of
sentinels, supposed to have been acquired by some filibusters who were
imprisoned in Cuba, and liberated by the intercession of the British
ambassador. The Sereno, the Spanish night watchman, cries out, with the
hour, the state of the atmosphere. He was called the Sereno (clear),
from his announcing the usual fine (sereno) night—quite different from
the work of our old “Charlies,” whose usual call was one of foul

~Serve out~, to punish, or be revenged on any one.

~Setter~, sevenpence. _Italian_, SETTE. _See_ SALTEE.—_Lingua Franca._

~Setter~, a person employed by the vendor at an auction to run the
bidding up; to bid against _bona-fide_ bidders. Also the man who takes
the box at hazard, and “sets a go.”

~Setting jewels~, taking the best portions of a clever book not much
known to the general public, and incorporating them quietly with a new
work by a thoroughly original author. The credit of this term belongs to
Mr. Charles Reade, who explained that the process is accountable for the
presence of some writing by one Jonathan Swift, in a story published at
Christmas, 1872, and called _The Wandering Heir_.

~Settle~, to kill, ruin, or effectually quiet a person.

~Settled~, transported, or sent to penal servitude for life; sometimes
spoken of as WINDED-SETTLED.

~Set-to~, a sparring match, a fight; “a DEAD SET” is a determined
opposition in argument, or in movement.

~Sevendible~, a very curious word, used only in the North of Ireland, to
denote something particularly severe, strong, or sound. It is, no doubt,
derived from sevendouble—that is, sevenfold—and is applied to linen
cloth, a heavy beating, a harsh reprimand, &c.

~Seven-pennorth~, transportation for seven years.

~Seven-sided animal~, a one-eyed man, as he has an inside, outside, left
side, right side, foreside, backside, and blind side.

~Seven-up~, the game of all-fours, when played for seven chalks—that
is, when seven points or chalks have to be made to win the game.

~Sewed-up~, done up, used up, intoxicated. _Dutch_, SEEUWT, sick.

~Sewn-up~, quite worn-out, or “dead beat.”

~Shack~, a “chevalier d’industrie.” A scamp, a

~Shack-per-swaw~, every one for himself,—a phrase in use amongst the
lower orders at the East-end of London, derived apparently from the

~Shackly~, loose, rickety.—_Devonshire._

~Shady~, an expression implying decadence. On “the SHADY side of forty”
implies that a person is considerably older than forty. SHADY also means
inferiority in other senses. A “shady trick” is either a shabby one,
mean or trumpery, or else it is one contemptible from the want of
ability displayed. The SHADY side of a question is, and fairly enough
too, that which has no brightness to recommend it.

~Shake~, a disreputable man or woman.—_North._ In London a SHAKE is a

~Shake-down~, an improvised bed.

~Shake-lurk~, a false paper carried by an impostor, giving an account of
a “dreadful shipwreck.”

~Shake the elbow~, TO, a roundabout expression for dice-playing. To
“crook the ELBOW” is an Americanism for “to drink.”

~Shaker~, a shirt.

~Shakers~, a Puritanical sect, almost peculiar to America, and not
similar to our Quakers, as is generally believed. They have very strange
notions on things in general, and especially on marriage and the
connexion of the sexes.

~Shakes~, a bad bargain is said to be “no great SHAKES;” “pretty fair
SHAKES” is anything good or favourable.—_Byron._ In America, a fair
SHAKE is a fair trade or a good bargain.

~Shakes~, “in a brace of SHAKES,” _i.e._, in an instant.

~Shakester~, or SHICKSTER, a female. Amongst costermongers this term is
invariably applied to ladies, or the wives of tradesmen, and females
generally, of the classes immediately above them. Amongst Jews the word
signifies a woman of shady antecedents. Supposed to be derived from the
_Hebrew_, SHIKTZA. It is generally pronounced “shickser.”

~Shaky~, said of a person of questionable health, integrity, or
solvency; at the Universities, of one not likely to pass his

~Shaler~, a girl. Corrupt form of _Gaelic_, CAILLE, a young woman.

~Shalley-gonahey~, a smock-frock.—_Cornish._

~Shallow~, the peculiar barrow used by costermongers.

~Shallow~, a weak-minded country justice of the peace.—_Shakspeare._

~Shallow-cove~, a begging rascal, who goes about the country half naked,
with the most limited amount of rags upon his person, wearing neither
shoes, stockings, nor hat.

~Shallow-mot~, a ragged woman,—the frequent companion of the

~Shallows~, “to go on the SHALLOWS,” to go half naked.

~Sham~, contraction of champagne. In general use among the lower class
of sporting men. Sometimes extended to SHAMMY.

~Sham Abraham~, to feign sickness. _See_ ABRAHAM.

~Shandrydan~, an old-fashioned or rickety conveyance of the “shay”

~Shandy-gaff~, ale and gingerbeer. Origin unknown, but use very common.

~Shanks~, legs.

~Shanks’s mare~, “to ride SHANK’S MARE,” to go on foot.

~Shant~, a pot or quart; “SHANT of bivvy,” a quart of beer.

~Shanty~, a rude, temporary habitation. The word is principally employed
to designate the huts inhabited by navigators, when constructing large
lines of railway far distant from towns. It is derived from the _French_
CHANTIER, used by the Canadians for a log hut, and has travelled from
thence, by way of the United States, to England.

~Shanty~, a song. A term in use among sailors. From CHANTER.

~Shapes~, “to cut up” or “show SHAPES,” to exhibit pranks, or

~Shark~, a sharper, a swindler. Bow Street term in 1785, now in most
dictionaries.—_Friesic_ and _Danish_, SCHURK. _See_ LAND-SHARK.

~Sharp~, or SHARPER, a cunning cheat, a rogue,—the opposite of FLAT.

~Sharp~, a similar expression to “TWO PUN’ TEN” (which _see_), used by
assistants in shops to signify that a customer of suspected honesty is
amongst them. The shopman in this case would ask one of the assistants,
in a voice loud enough to be generally heard, “Has Mr. SHARP come in
yet?” “No,” would probably be the reply; “but he is expected every
minute.” The signal is at once understood, and a general look-out kept
upon the suspected party.

~Sharp’s-alley blood-worms~, beef sausages and black puddings. Sharp’s
Alley was, until City improvements caused it to be destroyed, a noted
slaughtering-place near Smithfield.

~Shave~, a false alarm, a hoax, a sell. This term was much in vogue in
the Crimea during the Russian campaign,—that is, though much used by
the military before then, the term did not, until that period, become
known to the general public.

~Shave~, a narrow escape. At Cambridge, “just SHAVING through,” or
“making a SHAVE,” is just escaping a “pluck” by coming out at the bottom
of the list.

    “My terms are anything but dear,
    Then read with me, and never fear;
    The examiners we’re sure to queer,
    And get through, if you make a SHAVE on’t.”

        _The Private Tutor._

~Shave;~ “to SHAVE a customer,” charge him more for an article than the
marked price. Used in the drapery trade. When the master sees an
opportunity of doing this, he strokes his chin, as a signal to his
assistant who is serving the customer.

~Shaver~, a sharp fellow; there are young and old SHAVERS.—_Sea._

~Shebeen~, an unlicensed place where spirituous liquors are illegally
sold. A word almost peculiar to Ireland.

~Shed a tear~, to take a dram, or glass of neat spirits; jocular phrase
used, with a sort of grim earnestness, by old topers to each other. “Now
then, old fellow, come and SHED A TEAR!” an invitation to take “summat
short.” The origin may have been that ardent spirits, taken neat by
younger persons, usually bring water to their eyes. With confirmed
drinkers, however, the phrase is used with an air of mingled humour and
regret at their own position. A still more pathetic phrase is—“putting
a NAIL IN ONE’S COFFIN,” which _see_. The term SHED A TEAR is probably
derived from “eye-water.”

~Sheen~, bad money.—_Scotch._

~Sheeny~, a Jew. This word is used by both Jew and Gentile at the
East-end of London, and is not considered objectionable on either side.

~Sheep’s eyes~, loving looks, “to make SHEEP’S EYES at a person,” to
cast amorous glances towards one on the sly.

    “But he, the beast, was casting SHEEP’S EYES at her
      Out of his bullock head.”

        _Colman, Broad Grins._

~Shelf~, “on the SHELF,” not yet disposed of; young ladies are said to
be so situated when they cannot meet with husbands. “On the SHELF” also
means pawned, or laid by in trust.

~Shell out~, to pay or count out money. Also a game played on a billiard
table, a variation of pool.

~Shepherd~, to look after carefully, to place under police surveillance.

~Shice~, nothing; “to do anything for SHICE,” to get no payment. The
term was first used by the Jews in the last century. Grose gives the
phrase CHICE-AM-A-TRICE, which has a synonymous meaning. _Spanish_,
CHICO, little; _Anglo-Saxon_, CHICHE, niggardly; or perhaps connected
with the _German_, SCHEISSEN.

~Shicer~, a mean man, a humbug, a “duffer,”—a worthless person, one who
will not work. This is the worst term one Jew can use to another. At the
diggings it means a hole which yields nothing.

~Shickery~, shabby, bad. From SHAKY, SHAKERY.

~Shickster~, a lady. _See_ SHAKESTER.

~Shickster-crabs~, ladies’ shoes.—_Tramps’ term._

~Shigs~, money, silver.—_East London._

~Shikaree~, a hunter, a sportsman.—_Anglo-Indian._ An English sportsman
who has seen many ups and downs in jungles of the East styles himself
“an OLD SHIKAREE.”—_Anglo-Indian._ Also spelt SHEKARRY.

~Shilly-shally~, to trifle or fritter away time; to be irresolute.
Corruption of “Shall I, shall I?”

~Shin~, an Americanism for walking. “I’m tired of SHINNING around.”

~Shindy~, a row, or noise. A SHINDY generally means a regular mêlée.

~Shine~, a row, or disturbance.

~Shine~, “to take the SHINE out of a person,” to surpass or excel him.

~Shiners~, sovereigns, or money.

~Shiney rag~, “to win the SHINEY RAG,” to be ruined,—said in gambling,
when any one continues betting after “luck has set in against him.”

~Shin-plaster~, a bank-note. Originally an Americanism.

~Shins.~ “To break one’s SHINS,” figurative expression meaning to borrow

~Ship-shape~, proper, in good order; sometimes the phrase is varied to
“SHIP-SHAPE and Bristol fashion.”—_Sea._ The latter portion of the
expression went out with Bristol’s fame as a seaport.

~Shirty~, ill-tempered, or cross. When one person makes another in an
ill-humour he is said to have “got his SHIRT out.”

~Shivering Jemmy~, the name given by street-folk to any cadger who
exposes himself, half naked, on a cold day, to obtain alms. The “game”
is unpleasant, but was, before exposure of a different kind spoilt it,
exceedingly lucrative.

~Shockhead~, a head of long, unkempt, and rough hair.

~Shoddy~, old cloth worked up into new; made from soldiers’ and
policemen’s coats. The old cloth is pulled to pieces, the yarn
unravelled and carded over again. This produces shoddy, which is very
short in the fibre, and from it are produced, on again twisting and
weaving, cloth fabrics used for ladies’ mantles, &c. Also, a term of
derision applied to workmen in woollen factories.—_Yorkshire._

~Shoddy~, the plutocracy created out of bogus contracts during the civil
war in the United States. The SHODDYITES enriched themselves at the
expense of their country in the most shameless manner, having most
likely studied under those contractors who should have supplied our
soldiers with necessaries during the Crimean War.

~Shoe~, to free or initiate a person,—a practice common in most trades
to a new-comer. The SHOEING consists in paying for beer, or other
liquor, which is drunk by the older hands. The cans emptied, and the
bill paid, the stranger is considered properly SHOD. SHOEING is a
variation of “paying one’s footing.”

~Shoe leather!~ a thief’s warning cry when he hears footsteps. This
exclamation is used in the spirit which animated the friend who, when he
suspected treachery towards Bruce at King Edward’s court, in 1306, sent
him a purse and a pair of spurs, as a sign that he should use them in
making his escape.

~Shoes~, “to die in one’s SHOES,” to be hanged. In the old hanging days
a highwayman would often kick off his shoes when the rope was round his
neck, so as—oh, vain and impotent attempt!—to defeat the prophecy that
had foreshadowed his present position.

~Shoes, children’s, to make~, to suffer oneself to be made sport of, or
depreciated. Commonly used in Norfolk.—_Cf._ Mrs. Behn’s comedy, _The

    _Hews._ “Who, pox! shall we stand MAKING CHILDREN’S SHOES all the
    year? No: let’s begin to settle the nation, I say, and go
    through-stitch with our work.”

~Shoful~, a Hansom cab. This favourite carriage was the invention of a
Mr. Hansom, afterwards connected with the _Builder_ newspaper. It has
been asserted that the term SHOFUL was derived from “shovel,” the
earliest slang term applied to Hansoms by other cab-drivers, who
conceived their shape to be after the fashion of a scoop or shovel. A
logical friend of the present Editor’s argues thus:—SHOFUL, full of
show, _ergo_, beautiful—handsome—Hansom. This is clever, but it
certainly never entered into the heads of those who gave the name of
SHOFUL to the Hansom cabs.

~Shoful~, bad or counterfeit money. Perhaps, as some think, from the
_Danish_, SKUFFE, to shove, to deceive, cheat; _Saxon_, SCUFAN,—whence
the _English_, SHOVE. The term, however, is possibly one of the many
street words from the _Hebrew_ (through the low Jews); SHEPHEL, in that
language, signifying a low or debased estate. _Chaldee_, SHAPHAL.—_See_
Psalm cxxxvi. 23, “in our low estate.” A correspondent suggests a very
probable derivation, from the _German_, SCHOFEL, trash, rubbish,—the
_German_ adjective, SCHOFELIG, being the nearest possible translation
of our shabby. SHOFUL means anything mock, as SHOFUL jewellery. A SHOFUL
is also a humbug, an impostor.

~Shoful-pitcher~, a passer of bad money. SHOFUL-PITCHING, passing bad
money. “Snide-pitcher” and “Snide-pitching” are terms exchangeable with
the preceding.

~Shoful pullet~, a “gay” or unsteady woman, especially a young woman.

~Sholl~, to bonnet one, or crush a person’s hat over his eyes.—_North._

~Shool~, to saunter idly, to become a vagabond, to beg rather than
work.—_Smollett’s Roderick Random_, vol. i., p. 262.

~Shool~, Jews’ term for their synagogue.

~Shoot the cat~, to vomit. From a story of a man being sick in the back
yard, and suffocating a cat and all her kittens.

~Shoot the moon~, to remove furniture from a house in the night without
paying the landlord.

~Shop.~ In racing slang, to secure first, second, or third position in a
race, is to get a SHOP. This is also known as a place, and as a
situation. _See_ PLACE.

~Shop~, a house. “How are they all at your SHOP?” is a common question
among small tradesmen.

~Shop~, the House of Commons. The only instance we have met with of the
use of this word in literature occurs in Mr. Trollope’s _Framley

    “‘If we are merely to do as we are bid, and have no voice of our
    own, I don’t see what’s the good of our going to the SHOP at all,’
    said Mr. Sowerby.”

~Shop~, to discharge a shopman. In military slang, to SHOP an officer is
to put him under arrest in the guard-room. In pugilistic slang, to
punish a man severely is “to knock him all over the SHOP,” _i.e._, the
ring, the place in which the work is done.

~Shop-bouncer~, or SHOP-LIFTER, a person generally respectably attired,
who, while being served with a small article at a shop, steals one of
more value. Shakspeare has the word LIFTER, a thief.

~Shop-walker~, a person employed to walk up and down a shop, to hand
seats to customers, and see that they are properly served. Contracted
also to WALKER.

~Shopping~, purchasing at shops. Termed by Todd a slang word, but used
by Cowper and Byron.

~Shoppy~, to be full of nothing but one’s own calling or profession; “to
talk SHOP,” to converse of nothing but professional subjects.

~Short~, when spirit is drunk without any admixture of water, it is said
to be taken “SHORT;” “summat SHORT,” a dram. A similar phrase is used at
the counters of banks; upon presenting a cheque, the clerk asks, “How
will you take it?” _i.e._, in gold, or notes. If in notes, long or
short? Should it be desired to receive it in notes for the largest
possible amount, the answer is, SHORT. A conductor of an omnibus, or any
other servant, is said to be SHORT when he does not give all the money
he receives to his master.

~Short~, hard-up; a polite term for impecuniosity used in clubs and
among military men.

~Short commons~, short allowance of food. _See_ COMMONS.

~Shorter~, one who makes a dishonest profit by reducing the coin of the
realm by clipping and filing. From a crown-piece a SHORTER could gain
5d. Another way was by chemical means: a guinea laid in aquafortis
would, in twelve hours, precipitate 9d.-worth of sediment; in
twenty-four, 1s. 6d.-worth.—_Rommany Rye._

~Shot~, from the modern sense of the word to SHOOT,—a guess, a random
conjecture; “to make a bad SHOT,” to expose one’s ignorance by making a
wrong guess, or random answer, without knowing whether it is right or

~Shot~, from the once general, but now provincial word, to SHOOT, to
subscribe, contribute in fair proportion;—a share, from the
_Anglo-Saxon_ word, SCEAT; “to pay one’s SHOT,” _i.e._, share of the
reckoning, &c.

    “Yet still while I have got
    Enough to pay the SHOT
    Of Boniface, both gruff and greedy O!”

        _Fisher’s Garland_ for 1835.

~Shot~, “I wish I may be SHOT, if,” &c., a common form of mild swearing.

~Shot~, a term used among horse chaunters. To SHOT a horse, is to give
him a lot of small shot, which will for a short time effectually “open
his pipes,” and make him appear sound in wind.

~Shot in the locker~, money in pocket, resource of any kind in

~Shoulder~, when a servant embezzles his master’s money, he is said to
SHOULDER his employer.

~Shout~, to pay for drink round. “It’s my SHOUT,” says he who pays.
Possibly because the payer originally SHOUTED to the bar-keeper of an
hotel to score the drink to him.—_Australian_, but now general.

~Shove-halfpenny~, a gambling pot-house pastime, played on a table. A
very old game, originally called push-penny.

~Shove in the mouth~, a glass of spirits, which is taken off quickly and
at once.

~Shovel~, a term applied by the vulgar crowd to the inelegant twisted
hats worn by the dignitaries of the Church. Dean Alford says, “I once
heard a venerable dignitary pointed out by a railway porter as “an old
party in a SHOVEL.”—_Queen’s English._

~Shrimp~, a diminutive person.—_Chaucer._

~Shtumer~, a horse against which money may be laid without risk. _See_

~Shunt~, to avoid, to turn aside from. From the railway term.

~Shut of~, or SHOT OF, _i.e._, rid of. A very common expression amongst
the London lower orders. One costermonger will say to another:—“Well,
Ike, did yer get SHUT O’ them there gawfs [apples]?” _i.e._, did you
sell them all?

~Shut up!~ be quiet, don’t make a noise; to stop short, to cease in a
summary manner, to silence effectually. The following is from a literary
paper:—“Only the other day we heard of a preacher who, speaking of the
scene with the doctors in the Temple, remarked that the Divine disputant
completely SHUT THEM UP!” SHUT UP, utterly exhausted, done for.

~Shy~, a throw. _See_ the following:—

~Shy~, to fling; COCK-SHY, a game at fairs, consisting of throwing short
sticks at trinkets or cocoanuts set upon other sticks,—both name and
practice derived from the old game of throwing or SHYING at live cocks.
This game is best known to the London public as “three shies a penny.”

~Shy.~ “To fight SHY of a person,” to avoid his society either from
dislike, fear, or other reason. SHY has also the sense of flighty,
unsteady, untrustworthy.

~Shy~, to stop suddenly, or turn off, as a horse does when frightened.

~Shyster~, a duffer, a vagabond. Variation of “shicer.”

~Sices~, or SIZES, a throw of sixes at dice.

~Sick as a horse~, a popular simile,—curious, because a horse never

~Sickener~, a dose too much of anything. Too much of even a good thing
will make a man sick.

~Side~, an affirmative expression in the cant language of the northern
towns. “Do you stoll the gammy?” (Do you understand cant?) “SIDE, cove”
(yes, mate).

~Side-boards~, or STICK-UPS, shirt collars. Name applied some years ago,
before the present style of collars came into fashion.

~Sift~, to embezzle small coins, those which might pass through a
sieve—as threepennies and fourpennies—and which are, therefore, not
likely to be missed.

~Sight~, “to take a SIGHT at a person,” a vulgar action employed by boys
and others to denote incredulity, or contempt for authority, by placing
the thumb against the nose and extending the fingers, which are agitated
in token of derision.

    “The sacristan he says no word that indicates a doubt,
    But he puts his finger to his nose, and spreads his fingers out.”

        _Nell Cook._

~Silly season~, the period when nobody is supposed to be in London, when
there are no parliamentary debates to publish, and when editors are at
their wits’-ends to fill their papers with readable matter. All kinds of
crazes on political and social subjects are then ventilated, gigantic
gooseberries, monstrous births, and strange showers then become
plentiful, columns are devoted to matters which would not at any other
time receive consideration, and, so far as the newspapers are concerned,
silliness is at a premium.

~Silver beggar~, or LURKER, a vagabond who travels through the country
with “briefs” containing false statements of losses by fire, shipwrecks,
accidents, &c. Forged documents are exhibited with signatures of
magistrates and clergymen. Accompanying these are sham subscription
books. The former, in beggar parlance, is termed “a sham,” whilst the
latter is denominated “a delicate.”

~Sim~, one of a Methodistical turn in religion; a Low Churchman;
originally a follower of the late Rev. Charles Simeon.—_Cambridge._

~Simon~, a sixpenny-piece.

~Simon~, or SIMPLE SIMON, a credulous, gullible person. A character in a
song, but now common.

~Simon Pure~, “the real SIMON PURE,” the genuine article. Those who have
witnessed Mr. Charles Mathews’s performance in Mrs. Centlivre’s
admirable comedy of _A Bold Stroke for a Wife_, and the laughable
coolness with which he, the false SIMON PURE, assuming the Quaker dress
and character of the real one, elbows that worthy out of his expected
entertainment, will at once perceive the origin of this phrase.—_See_
act v. scene i.

~Simpkin~, or SIMKIN, champagne.—_Anglo-Indian._ Derived from the
manner in which native servants pronounce champagne.

~Simpson~, water used in the dilution of milk. Term in use among
cow-keepers. From this the parish pump has been called Mrs. SIMPSON.

~Sing out~, to call aloud.—_Sea._

~Sing small~, to lessen one’s boasting, and turn arrogance into

~Sing-song~, a harmonic meeting at a pot-house, a free-and-easy.

~Sinkers~, bad money,—affording a man but little assistance in “keeping

~Sinks~, a throw of fives at dice. _French_, CINQ.

~Si quis~, a candidate for “orders.” From the notification commencing SI
QUIS—if any one.

~Sir Harry~, a close stool.

~Sir Reverence~, a corruption of the old phrase, SAVE YOUR REVERENCE, a
sort of apology for alluding to anything likely to shock one’s sense of
decency. _Latin_, SALVÂ REVERENTIÂ. _See_ Shakspeare’s _Romeo and
Juliet_, act i. scene iv. From this it came to mean the thing
itself—human ordure generally, but sometimes other indecencies.

~Siserara~, a hard blow.—_Suffolk._ Many derive this term from the
story of Sisera in the Old Testament, but it is probably a corruption of
CERTIORARI, a Chancery writ reciting a complaint of hard usage.

~Sit under~, a term employed in Dissenters’ meeting-houses, to denote
attendance on the ministry of any particular preacher.

~Sit upon~, to overcome or rebuke, to express contempt for a man in a
marked manner. Also, to chaff or “roast” a man consumedly.

~Sit-upons~, trousers. _See_ INEXPRESSIBLES.

~Sivvy~, “’pon my SIVVY,” _i.e._, upon my soul or honour. Corruption of
“asseveration,” like DAVY, which is an abridgment of “affidavit.”

~Sixes and sevens~, articles in confusion are said to be all SIXES AND
SEVENS. The Deity is mentioned in the _Towneley Mysteries_ as He that
“set all on seven,” _i.e._, set or appointed everything in seven days. A
similar phrase at this early date implied confusion and disorder, and
from these, Halliwell thinks, has been derived the phrase “to be at
SIXES AND SEVENS.” A Scotch correspondent, however, states that the
phrase probably came from the workshop, and that amongst needle-makers,
when the points and eyes are “heads and tails” (“heeds and thraws”), or
in confusion, they are said to be SIXES AND SEVENS, because those
numbers are the sizes most generally used, and in the course of
manufacture have frequently to be distinguished.

~Sixty~, “to go along like SIXTY,” _i.e._, at a good rate, briskly.

~Sixty-per-cent~, a bill-discounter. From the rate of interest generally
charged. If bill-discounters profess to do the business for less, they
generally make up the level sixty by extras.

~Six-water grog~, a sea-term for the weakest grog possible—six portions
of water to one of rum—hardly enough spirit to “swear by.”

~Size~, to order extras over and above the usual commons at the dinner
in college halls. Soup, pastry, &c., are SIZINGS, and are paid for at
a certain specified rate per SIZE, or portion, to the college cook.
Peculiar to Cambridge. Minsheu says, “SIZE, a farthing which schollers
in Cambridge have at the buttery, noted with the letter _s_.”

~Sizers~, or SIZARS, certain poor scholars at Cambridge, annually
elected, who got their dinners (including “sizings”) from what was left
at the upper, or Fellows’ table, free, or nearly so. They paid rent of
rooms, and some other fees, on a lower scale than the “Pensioners” or
ordinary students, and were equal with the “battlers” and “servitors” at

~Sizings.~ _See_ SIZE.

~Skedaddle~, to go off in a hurry. The American war introduced this new
and amusing word. A Northerner who retreated “retired upon his
supports,” but a Southerner was said to SKEDADDLE. The _Times_ remarked
on the word, and Lord Hill wrote to prove that it was excellent Scotch.
The Americans only misapply the word, which means, in Dumfries, “to
spill”—milkmaids, for example, saying, “You are SKEDADDLING all that
milk.” The Yankees therefore adopted the term, and altered the

~Skid~, a sovereign. Fashionable slang. Occasionally SKIV.

~Skid~, or SKIDPAN, an instrument for locking the wheel of a coach when
going down hill. It is often said that a talkative person might put the
SKID on, with advantage to his listeners, if not to himself.

~Skied~, or SKYED, thrown upwards, as “coppers” in tossing.

~Skied.~ Artists say that a picture is SKIED when it is hung on the
upper line at the Exhibition of the Royal Academy. _See_ FLOORED.

~Skilligolee~, prison gruel. Also sailors’ soup of many ingredients. The
term is occasionally used in London workhouses.

~Skilly~, abbreviation of SKILLIGOLEE.

~Skimmery~, St. Mary Hall, Oxford.—_University._

~Skin~, a purse. This term is mostly in use among thieves.

~Skin~, to abate, or lower the value of anything; “thin-SKINNED,”
sensitive, touchy, liable to be “raw” on certain subjects.

~Skin-the-lamb~, a game at cards, a very expressive corruption of the
term “lansquenet,” also a racing term. When a non-favourite wins a race,
bookmakers are said to SKIN THE LAMB, under the supposition that they
win all their bets, no person having backed the winner. This has been
corrupted into SKINNER.

~Skinflint~, an old and popular simile for a “close-fisted,” stingy
person. Sternberg, in his _Northamptonshire Glossary_, says the Eastern
languages have the same expression. Abdul-Malek, one of the Ommeyade
Khaliphs, noted for his extreme avarice, was surnamed Raschal-Hegiarah,
literally, “the SKINNER of a FLINT.”

~Skinner~, a term among bookmakers. “May we have a SKINNER,” _i.e._, may
we SKIN THE LAMB, which _see_.

~Skipper~, the master of a vessel. _Germ._, SCHIFFER, from SCHIFF, a
ship; sometimes used as synonymous with “governor.”

~Skipper~, a barn.—_Ancient Cant._ From the _Welsh_, YSGUBOR,
pronounced SCYBOR, or SCIBOR, the proper word in that language for a

~Skipper-birds~, or KEYHOLE-WHISTLERS, persons who sleep in barns or
outhouses from necessity or in preference to sleeping in lodging-houses.

~Skipper-it~, to sleep in the open air, or in a rough way.

~Skit~, a joke, a squib. Term generally used in reference to any pungent
or pointed political allusion.

~Skittles~, a game similar to that of Ten Pins, which, when interdicted
by the Government, was altered to Nine Pins, or SKITTLES. The pins are
set up in an alley, and thrown (not bowled) at with a round piece of
hard wood, shaped like a small flat cheese. The costers used to consider
themselves the best players in London, but they have been frequently
undeceived. SKITTLES has within the past few years received an awful
blow—quite a floorer—from “the powers that be.”

~Skow-banker~, a fellow who loiters about the premises of any one
willing to support him, and who objects to the necessity of working for
his living; a rogue, a rascal. Common in Melbourne, Australia.

~Skrouge~, to push or squeeze.—_North._

~Skull-thatcher~, a straw-bonnet-maker,—sometimes called “a

~Skunk~, a mean or paltry fellow, one whose name stinks.

~Sky~, a disagreeable person, an enemy.—_Westminster School._ The word
derived its origin from a corruption of the last syllable of the word
“VOLSCI:” Westminster boys being of course understood to be the Romans.

~Sky~, to toss up towards the SKY. Term used in tossing with halfpence;
“It’s all right, Jim SKIED the browns,” _i.e._, threw them up, a proof
that there could have been no collusion or cheating.

~Sky-blue~, London milk much diluted with water, or from which the cream
has been too closely skimmed.

    “Hence, Suffolk dairy wives run mad for cream,
    And leave their milk with nothing but the name;
    Its name derision and reproach pursue,
    And strangers tell of three-times-skimm’d—SKY-BLUE.”

        _Bloomfield’s Farmer’s Boy._

The recent Adulteration Act has done away with SKY-BLUE, and made
Simpson a relic of the past. SKY-BLUE formerly meant gin.

~Sky-lark.~ _See under_ LARK.

~Sky-parlour~, the garret.

~Sky-scraper~, a tall man; “Are you cold up there, old SKY-SCRAPER?”
Properly a sea-term. The light sails, which some adventurous skippers
set above the royals in calm latitudes, are termed SKY-SCRAPERS and

~Sky-wannocking~, unsteady frolicking.—_Norfolk._

~Slab~, thick, as gruel, porridge, &c.

~Slack~, “to hold on the SLACK,” to skulk; a slack rope not requiring to
be held.—_Sea._

~Slam~, a term at the game of whist. When two partners gain the whole
thirteen tricks, they win a SLAM, which is considered equal to a

~Slam~, to talk fluently. “He’s the bloke to SLAM.” From a term in use
among birdsingers at the East-end, by which they denote a certain style
of note in chaffinches.

~Slammock~, a slattern or awkward person.—_West_, and _Norfolk_.

~Slang~, low, vulgar, unwritten, or unauthorized language. _Gipsy_,
SLANG, the secret language of the gipsies, synonymous with GIBBERISH,
another gipsy word. The word is only to be found in the dictionaries of
Webster and Ogilvie. It is given, however, by Grose, in his _Dictionary
of the Vulgar Tongue_, 1785. SLANG, since it has been adopted as an
English word, generally implies vulgar language not known or recognised
as CANT; and latterly, when applied to speech, it has superseded the
word FLASH. Latterly, however, SLANG has become the generic term for all
unauthorized language. The earliest instance of the use of the word that
can be found, is the following:—

    “Let proper nurses be assigned, to take care of these babes of
    grace, [young thieves].... The master who teaches them should be a
    man well versed in the cant language commonly called the SLANG
    patter, in which they should by all means excel.”—_Jonathan Wild’s
    Advice to his Successor._ LONDON, _J. Scott_, 1758.

~Slang~, a travelling show.

~Slang~, to cheat, to abuse in foul language.

~Slang~, counterfeit or short weights and measures. A SLANG quart is a
pint and a half. SLANG measures are lent out at 2d. per day to street
salesmen. The term is used principally by costermongers.

~Slang~, a watch-chain. SUPER and SLANG, a watch and chain.

~Slang~, “out on the SLANG,” _i.e._, to travel with a hawker’s licence.

~Slang-whanger~, a long-winded speaker.—_Parliamentary._

~Slangy~, flashy, vulgar; loud in dress, manner, and conversation.

~Slantingdicular~, oblique, awry,—as opposed to PERPENDICULAR.
Originally an Americanism, now a part of the vocabulary of London “high
life below stairs.”

~Slap~, paint for the face, rouge.

~Slap~, exactly, precisely; “SLAP in the wind’s eye,” _i.e._, exactly to

~Slap-bang~, suddenly, violently. From the strike of a ball being felt
before the report reaches the ear,—the SLAP first, the BANG afterwards.

~Slap-bang-shops~, originally low eating-houses where the ready-money
was paid down with a SLAP-BANG.—_Grose._ A SLAP-BANG-SHOP is now a very
pretentious eating-house.

~Slap-dash~, immediately, or quickly; at a great rate.

~Slap-up~, first-rate, excellent, very good.

~Slasher~, a powerful roysterer, a game and clever pugilist.

~Slashers~, the Twenty-eighth Regiment of Foot in the British army.

~Slate~, “he has a SLATE loose,” _i.e._, he is slightly crazy.

~Slate~, to pelt with abuse, to beat, to “lick;” or, in the language of
the reviewers, to “cut up.” Also, among bettors, to lay heavily against
a particular man or animal in a race.

~Slate~, to knock the hat over one’s eyes, to bonnet.—_North._

~Slavey~, a maid-servant.

~Slawmineyeux~, a Dutchman. Probably a corruption of the Dutch, _ja,
mynheer_; or German, _ja, mein Herr_.—_Sea._

~Sleepless-hats~, those of a napless character, better known as

~Slender~, a simple country gentleman.—_Shakspeare._

~Slewed~, drunk, or intoxicated.—_Sea term._ When a vessel changes the
tack, she, as it were, staggers, the sails flap, she gradually heels
over, and the wind catching the waiting canvas, she glides off at
another angle. The course pursued by an intoxicated, or SLEWED, man, is
supposed to be analogous to that of the ship.

~Slick~, an Americanism, very prevalent in England since the publication
of Judge Haliburton’s facetious stories, which means rapidly,
effectually, utterly.

~Slick~, smooth, unctuous; abbreviation of sleek.

~Sling~, a drink peculiar to Americans, generally composed of gin,
soda-water, ice, and slices of lemon. At some houses in London
GIN-SLINGS may be obtained.

~Sling~, to pass from one person to another. To blow the nose with the
naked fingers.

~Sling your hook~, a polite invitation to move-on. “Sling your Daniel”
has the same meaning. The pronouns may be altered to suit the context.

~Slip~, “to give the SLIP,” to run away, or elude pursuit. Shakspeare
has, “You gave me the counterfeit,” in _Romeo and Juliet_. Giving the
SLIP, however, is a sea phrase, and refers to fastening an anchor and
chain cable to a floating buoy, or water-cask, until a time arrives when
it is convenient to return and take them on board. In fastening the
cable, the home end is SLIPPED through the hawse-pipe. Weighing anchor
is a noisy task, so that giving the SLIP infers leaving quietly.

~Slip~, or let SLIP; “to SLIP into a man,” to give him a sound beating,
“to let SLIP at a cove,” to rush violently upon him, and assault with

~Slipping~, a trick of card-sharpers, in the performance of which, by
dexterous manipulation, they place the cut card on the top, instead of
at the bottom of the pack. It is the _faire sauter la coupe_ of the
French. In pugilistic parlance, “to SLIP a man,” is to “duck and get
away” with great dexterity.

~Slips~, the sides of the gallery in a theatre are generally so called.

~Slog~, to beat or baste, to fight. _German_, SCHLACHTEN; or perhaps
from some connexion with the _Gaelic_ SLOGAN. The pretended _Greek_
derivation from σλογω is humbug, there being no such word in the

~Slogdollager~, an Americanism, meaning the same as our STOCKDOLLAGER,
which _see_.

~Sloggers~, _i.e._, SLOW-GOERS, the second division of race-boats at
Cambridge. At Oxford they are called TORPIDS.—_University._ A hard
hitter at cricket is termed a SLOGGER; so is a pugilist.

~Slogging~, a good beating.

~Slop~, a policeman. At first back slang, but now modified for general

~Slop~, cheap, or ready-made, as applied to clothing, is generally
supposed to be a modern appropriation; but it was used in this sense in
1691, by Maydman, in his _Naval Speculations_; and by Chaucer two
centuries before that. SLOPS properly signify sailors’ working clothes,
which are of a very cheap and inexpensive character.

~Slope~, to decamp, to run, or rather slip away. Some persons think it
came originally from LOPE, to make off; and that the _s_ probably became
affixed as a portion of the preceding word, as in the case of “Let’s
lope,” let us run. It is purely an Americanism, and is possibly but an
emendation of our own word elope. Lope, leap, and elope are kindred. A
humorous correspondent says that Tennyson is decidedly partial to slang,
and instances amongst other proofs a passage from the laureate’s famous
_Locksley Hall_:—

    “Many a night, from yonder ivied casement, ere I went to rest,
    Did I look on great Orion SLOPING slowly to the west.”

Though this correspondent may not have intended it, his joke has given
the key to the situation, and has shown how our cousins most probably
came to use the word in its present sense. “The sun is SLOPING fast.”

~Slops~, any weak, wet, and warm mixture. Hard drinkers regard all
effeminate beverages as SLOPS.

~Slops~, chests or packages of tea; “he shook a slum of SLOPS,” _i.e._,
stole a chest of tea. Also ready-made clothes—the substantive of SLOP.

~Slops~, liquid house-refuse.

~Slopshop~, a tailor’s shop where inferior work is done, and where cheap
goods are sold.

~Slour~, to lock, or fasten.—_Prison Cant._

~Sloured~, buttoned up; SLOURED HOXTER, an inside pocket buttoned up.

~Slowcoach~, a lumbering, dull person; one slow of comprehension.

~Slowed~, to be locked up (in prison).

~Slubberdegullion~, a paltry, dirty, sorry wretch.

    “Quoth she, although thou hast deserved,
    Base SLUBBERDEGULLION, to be served
    As thou didst vow to deal with me,
    If thou hadst got the victory”----


~Sluicery~, a gin-shop or public-house.

~Sluicing one’s bolt~, drinking.

~Slum~, a chest, or package. _See_ SLOPS.

~Slum~, a letter.—_Prison Cant._

~Slum~, an insinuation, a discreditable innuendo.

~Slum~, gammon, “up to SLUM,” wide awake, knowing.

    “And this, without more SLUM began,
    Over a flowing pot-house can,
    To settle, without botheration,
    The rigs of this here tip-top nation.”

        _Jack Randall’s Diary_, 1820.

~Slum~, or BACK SLUM, a dark retreat, a low neighbourhood; as
Westminster and East-end SLUMS, favourite haunts for thieves.

~Slum~, to hide, to pass to a confederate.

~Slum~, to saunter about, with a suspicion, perhaps, of immoral
pursuits.—_Cambridge University Slang_.

~Slum the gorger~, to cheat on the sly, to be an eye-servant. SLUM in
this sense is old cant.

~Slumgullion~, any cheap, nasty, washy beverage. An Americanism best
known in the Pacific States.

~Slumming~, passing bad money.

~Slush~, the grease obtained from boiling the salt pork eaten by seamen,
and generally the cook’s perquisite.

~Slushy~, a ship’s cook.

~Sluter~, butter.—_North._

~Smack smooth~, even, level with the surface, quickly.

~Small-beer;~ “he doesn’t think SMALL-BEER of himself,” _i.e._, he has a
great opinion of his own importance. SMALL COALS is also used in the
same sense.

~Small hours~, the early hours after midnight.

~Small potatoes~, a term of contempt. “He’s very SMALL POTATOES,” he’s a
nobody. Yet no one thinks of calling an important personage “large

~Smalls~, a University term for the first general examination of the
student. It is used at Cambridge, but properly belongs to Oxford. The
Cambridge term is “little go.”

~Smash~, to become bankrupt, or worthless; “to go all to SMASH,” to
break, “go to the dogs,” or fall in pieces.

~Smash~, to pass counterfeit money.

~Smasher~, one who passes bad coin, or forged notes.

~Smashfeeder~, a Britannia-metal spoon,—the best imitation shillings
are made from this metal.

~Smash-man-Geordie~, a pitman’s oath.—_Durham_ and _Northumberland._ _See_

~Smeller~, the nose; “a blow on the SMELLER” is often to be found in
pugilistic records. Otherwise a NOSE-ENDER.

~Smish~, a shirt, or chemise.

~Smithers~, or SMITHEREENS; “all to SMITHEREENS,” all to smash, SMITHER
is a Lincolnshire word for a fragment.

~Smock-face~, a white delicate face,—a face without whiskers.

~Smoke~, London. From the peculiar dense cloud which overhangs London.
The metropolis is by no means so smoky as Sheffield, Birmingham, &c.;
yet country-people, when going to London, frequently say they are on
their way to the SMOKE; and Londoners, when leaving for the country, say
they are going out of the SMOKE.

~Smoke~, to detect, or penetrate an artifice. Originally used by London
detectives, probably on account of their clouded intellects.

~Smudge~, to smear, obliterate, daub. Corruption of SMUTCH.

~Smug~, smuggling.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~Smug~, extremely neat, after the fashion, in order.

~Smug~, sleek, comfortable. Term often applied to a seemingly pious
humbug, more of the Chadband than the Stiggins.

~Smuggings~, snatchings, or purloinings,—shouted out by boys, when
snatching the tops, or small play property, of other lads, and then
running off at full speed.

    “Tops are in; spin ’em agin.
    Tops are out; SMUGGING’S about.”

~Smut~, a copper boiler. Also, the “blacks” from a furnace.

~Smutty~, obscene,—vulgar as applied to conversation. Variation of

~Snack~, a share or division of plunder. To “go SNACKS,” to divide
equally. Also, a light repast.—_Old Cant_ and _Gipsy term_.

~Snack~, to quiz or chaff with regard to a particular weakness or recent
transaction. As a substantive in this sense SNACK means an innuendo.

~Snaffle~, conversation on professional or private subjects which the
rest of the company cannot appreciate. In _East Anglia_, to SNAFFLE is
to talk foolishly.

~Snaffled~, arrested, “pulled up,”—so termed from a kind of horse’s
bit called a SNAFFLE.

~Snaggle teeth~, those that are uneven, and unpleasant looking.—_West._

~Snaggling~, angling after geese with a hook and line, the bait being a
worm or snail. The goose swallows the bait, and is quietly landed and
bagged. See Seymour’s _Sketches_.

~Snaggy~, cross, crotchety, malicious.

~Snam~, to snatch, or rob from the person. Mostly used to describe that
kind of theft which consists in picking up anything lying about, and
making off with it rapidly.

~Snaps~, share, portion; any articles or circumstances out of which
money may be made; “looking out for SNAPS,” waiting for windfalls, or
odd jobs.—_Old._ _Scotch_, CHITS, term also used for “coppers,” or

~Snapps~, spirits. _Dutch_, SCHNAPPS. The word, as originally
pronounced, is used by East-end Jews to describe any kind of spirits,
and the Gentiles get as near as they can.

~Sneaksman~, a shoplifter; a petty, cowardly thief.

~Sneeze-lurker~, a thief who throws snuff in a person’s face, and then
robs him.

~Sneezer~, a snuff-box; a pocket-handkerchief.

~Snell-fencer~, a street salesman of needles. SNELLS are needles.

~Snick-ersnee~, a knife.—_Sea._ Thackeray uses the term in his humorous
ballad of _Little Billee_.

~Snicker~, a drinking-cup. A HORN-SNICKER, a drinking-horn.

~Snid~, a sixpence.—_Scotch._

~Snide~, bad, spurious, contemptible. As, “a SNIDE fellow,” “SNIDE
coin,” &c. Also used as a substantive, as, “He’s a SNIDE,” though this
seems but a contraction of SNIDE ’UN.

~Snigger~, to laugh in a covert manner. Also a mild form of
swearing,—“I’m SNIGGERED if you will.” Another form of this latter is

~Sniggering~, laughing to oneself.—_East._

~Snip~, a tailor,—apparently from SNIPES, a pair of scissors, or from
the snipping sound made by scissors in cutting up anything.

~Snipe~, a long bill or account; also a term for attorneys,—a race with
a remarkable propensity for long bills.

~Snipes~, “a pair of SNIPES,” a pair of scissors. They are occasionally
made in the form of a snipe.

~Snitch~, to give information to the police, to turn approver. SNITCHING
is synonymous in thieves’ slang with “nosing” and “peaching.”

~Snitchers~, persons who turn Queen’s evidence, or who tell tales. In
_Scotland_, SNITCHERS signify handcuffs.

~Snob~, a low, vulgar, or affected person. Supposed to be from the
nickname usually applied to a cobbler or maker of shoes; but believed
by many in its later sense to be a contraction of the _Latin_, SINE
OBOLO. Others go to work for an etymology thus:—They assume that NOBS,
_i.e._, _nobiles_, was appended in lists to the names of persons of
gentle birth, whilst those who had not that distinction were marked down
as S NOB, _i.e._, _sine nobilitate_, without marks of gentility,—thus,
by a simple transposition, quite reversing the meaning. Others, again,
remark that, as at college sons of noblemen wrote after their names in
the admission lists, _fil. nob._, son of a lord, and hence all young
noblemen were called NOBS, and what they did NOBBY, so those who
imitated them would be called _quasi-nobs_, “like a nob,” which by a
process of contraction would be shortened to _si-nob_, and then SNOB,
one who pretends to be what he is not, and apes his betters. The short
and expressive terms which many think fitly represent the three great
estates of the realm—NOB, SNOB, and MOB—were all originally slang
words. The last has safely passed through the vulgar ordeal of the
streets, and found respectable quarters in the standard dictionaries.
For fuller particulars of the genus SNOB, in all its ramifications, the
reader cannot do better than apply to the general works of that great
master of the subject, William Makepeace Thackeray, though it may be as
well to remark that the SNOB for whom the novelist had such an aversion
is now very widely known as “cad.”

~Snobbish~, stuck up, proud, make-believe.

~Snob-Stick~, a workman who refuses to join in strikes, or trade-unions.
Amplification of KNOB-STICK.

~Snooks~, an imaginary personage often brought forward as the answer to
an idle question, or as the perpetrator of a senseless joke. Said to be
simply a shortening or abbreviation of “Sevenoaks,” the Kentish village.

~Snooze~, or SNOODGE (vulgar pronunciation), to sleep or doze.

~Snooze-case~, a pillow-slip.

~Snorter~, a blow on the nose. A hurry is sometimes called a “reg’lar

~Snot~, a term of reproach applied to persons by the vulgar when vexed
or annoyed, meaning really a person of the vilest description and
meanest capacity. In a Westminster school vocabulary for boys, published
in the last century, the term is curiously applied. Its proper meaning
is the glandular mucus discharged through the nose.

~Snot~, a small bream, a slimy kind of flat fish.—_Norwich._

~Snotter~, or WIPE-HAULER, a pickpocket whose chief fancy is for
gentlemen’s pocket-handkerchiefs.—_North._

~Snottinger~, a coarse word for a pocket-handkerchief. The German
_Schnupftuch_ is, however, nearly as plain. A handkerchief was also
anciently called a “muckinger” or “muckender,” and from that a
neckerchief was called a “neckinger.”

~Snow~, wet linen, or linen hung out to dry.—_Old Cant._

~Snow-gatherer~, or SNOW-DROPPER, a rogue who steals linen from hedges
and drying-grounds.

~Snuff~, “up to SNUFF,” knowing and sharp; “to take SNUFF,” to be
offended. Shakspeare uses SNUFF in the sense of anger, or passion.

~Snuff it~, to die. Term very common among the lower orders of London. A
fanciful variation of “putting one’s light out,” and used simply in
reference to the action of the person dying. Thus any one threatening to
murder another says, “I’ll put your light out,” or any one committing
suicide is said to “put his own light out;” but to “SNUFF IT” is always
to die from disease or accident. To “lay down one’s knife and fork,” to
“peg out,” or “give up,” are variations of this form of euphemism.

~Snuffy~, tipsy, drunk.

~Snuggle~, to lie closely and cosily.

~Snyder~, a tailor. _German_, SCHNEIDER.

~Soaker~, an habitual drunkard.

~Soap~, flattery. _See_ SOFT SOAP.

~Sober-water~, a jocular allusion to the uses of soda-water.

~Social evil~, a name for some years applied to our street-walking
system, in consequence of the articles in the newspapers which treat on
the evils of prostitution being so headed. A good story has been often
told on this subject, which will bear repeating:—“A well-known divine
and philanthropist was walking in a crowded street at night in order to
distribute tracts to promising subjects. A young woman was walking up
and down, and he accosted her. He pointed out to her the error of her
ways, implored her to reform, and tendered her a tract with fervent
entreaties to go home and read it. The girl stared at him for a moment
or two in sheer bewilderment; at last it dawned on her what he meant,
and for what he took her, and looking up in his face with simple
amazement, she exclaimed, ‘Lor’ bless you, sir, I ain’t a SOCIAL EVIL;
I’m waitin’ for the ’bus!’” The enthusiasm which was felt in this
direction a few years back has received considerable modification, as it
has been proved that the efforts of the promoters of midnight meetings
and other arrangements of a similar nature, praiseworthy though they
are, have little or no effect; and that the early-closing movement in
the Haymarket has done more to stamp out the SOCIAL EVIL than years of
preaching, even when accompanied by tea and buns, could ever have done.

~Sock~, the Eton College term for a treat, synonymous with “chuck” used
at Westminster and other schools. Believed to be derived from the
monkish word SOKE. An old writer speaks of a pious man “who did not SOKE
for three days,” meaning that he fasted. The word is still used by the
boys of Heriot’s Hospital School at Edinburgh, and signifies a
sweetmeat; being derived from the same source as sugar, _suck_, SUCRE,

~Sock~, credit. As, “He gets his goods on SOCK, while I pay ready.”

~Sock into him~, _i.e._, give him a good drubbing; “give him SOCK,”
_i.e._, thrash him well.

~Sockdolager.~ _See_ STOCKDOLLAGER.

~Socket-money~, money extorted by threats of exposure. To be applied to
for SOCKET-MONEY is perhaps one of the most terrible inflictions that
can befall a respectable man. SOCKETERS, as the applicants are called,
should be punished with the utmost possible severity.

~Sodom~, a nickname for Wadham, due to the similarity of the
sounds.—_Oxford University._

~Soft~, foolish, inexperienced. A term for bank-notes.

~Soft-horn~, a simpleton; literally a donkey, whose ears, the
substitutes of horns, are soft.

~Soft-sawder~, flattery easily laid on or received. Probably introduced
by Sam Slick.

~Soft-soap~, or soft-sawder, flattery, ironical praise.

~Soft-tack~, bread.—_Sea._

~Soft-tommy~, loaf-bread, in contradistinction to hard biscuit.

~Soiled doves~, the “Midnight Meeting” term for prostitutes and “gay”
ladies generally.

~Sold~, “SOLD again! and got the money,” gulled, deceived. _Vide_ SELL.

~Sold up~, or OUT, broken down, bankrupt.

~Soldier~, a red herring. Common term in seaport towns, where exchange
is made, a soldier being called by the fishy title.

~Something damp~, a dram, a drink.

~Son of a gun~, a familiar term for a man. Sometimes applied
eulogistically, never contemptuously. Generally said of an artful
person, and perhaps, originally, son of a “gun,” (or “gonnof”). In the
army it is sometimes applied to an artilleryman.

~Sonkey~, a clumsy, awkward fellow.

~Soor~, an abusive term. _Hindostanee_, a pig.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Soot-bag~, a reticule.

~Sop~, a soft or foolish man. Abbreviation of MILKSOP.

~Soph~ (abbreviation of “sophister”), a title peculiar to the University
of Cambridge. Undergraduates are junior SOPHS before passing their
“Little Go,” or first University examination,—senior SOPHS after that.

~Sort~, used in a slang sense thus—“That’s your SORT,” as a term of
approbation. “Pitch it into him, that’s your SORT,” _i.e._, that is the
proper kind of plan to adopt.

~So-so~, not particularly reputable. “A very SO-SO sort of a person,” a
person whom it is no advantage to know. “It was very SO-SO” (said of a
piece of work or an entertainment), it was neither good nor bad.

~Sound~, to pump, or draw information from a person in an artful manner.

~Souper~, an Irish Roman Catholic who pretends conversion—or
perversion—so as to obtain a share of the soup and blankets provided
for Protestants only by Christian missionaries. These recalcitrants are
also called “swaddlers.”

~Sou’-wester~, a hat with a projection behind. Much worn at sea in
“dirty” weather. A hat similar to that of a dustman or coalheaver, which
is called a “fantail.”

~Sov~, contraction of sovereign; much used in sporting parlance to
denote the amount of entrance money, forfeit, and added coin in
connexion with a race. In the published conditions of a race the word
SOVS is almost invariably used in preference to pounds, though in
reckoning the net value of a big stake, after its decision, the common £
is used.

~Sow~, the receptacle into which the liquid iron is poured in a
gun-foundry. The melted metal poured from it is termed PIG.

~Sow’s baby~, a pig; sixpence.

~Spanish~, money. Probably a relic of buccaneering days.

    “Save its synonyms SPANISH, blunt, stumpy, and rowdy.”—_Barham._

~Spank~, a smack, or hard slap.

~Spank~, to move along quickly; hence a fast horse or vessel is said to
be “a SPANKER to go.”

~Spanking~, large, fine, or strong; _e.g._, a SPANKING pace, a SPANKING
breeze, a SPANKING fellow.

~Sparks~, diamonds. Term much in use among the lower orders, and
generally applied to stones in rings and pins.

~Specklebellies~, Dissenters. A term used in Worcester and the North,
though the etymology seems unknown in either place.

~Specks~, damaged oranges.—_Costermonger’s term._

~Speech~, a tip or wrinkle on any subject. On the turf a man will wait
before investing on a horse until he “gets the SPEECH,” as to whether it
is going to try, or whether it has a good chance. To “give the SPEECH,”
is to communicate any special information of a private nature.

~Speel~, to run away, make off; “SPEEL the drum,” to go off with stolen

~Spell~, a turn of work, an interval of time. “Take a SPELL at the
capstern.”—_Sea._ “He took a long SPELL at that tankard.” “After a long

~Spell~, “to SPELL for a thing,” to hanker after it, to desire

~Spell~, to advertise, to put into print. “SPELT in the leer,” _i.e._,
advertised in the newspaper.

~Spell~, contracted from SPELLKEN. “Precious rum squeeze at the SPELL,”
_i.e._, a good evening’s work at the theatre, might be the remark of a
successful pickpocket.

~Spellken~, or SPEELKEN, a playhouse. German, SPIELEN. _See_ KEN.—_Don

~Spick and span~, applied to anything that is quite new and

~Spidireen~, the name of an imaginary ship, sometimes mentioned by
sailors. If a sailor be asked what ship he belongs to, and does not wish
to tell, he will most probably reply—“The SPIDIREEN frigate, with nine
decks, and ne’er a bottom.” _See_ MERRY DUN OF DOVER.

~Spierized~, to have your hair cut and shampooed, from the shop of
Spiers in High Street.—_Oxford University._

~Spiff~, a well-dressed man, a “swell.”

~Spiffed~, slightly intoxicated.—_Scotch Slang._

~Spiffs~, the per-centages allowed by drapers to their young men when
they effect a sale of old-fashioned or undesirable stock.

~Spiffy~, spruce, well-dressed, _tout à la mode_.

~Spifflicate~, to confound, silence, annihilate, or stifle. A corruption
of the last word, or of “suffocate.”

~Spike Park~, the Queen’s Bench Prison. _See_ BURDON’S HOTEL.

~Spill~, to throw from a horse or chaise. _See_ PURL.

~Spin~, to reject from an examination.—_Army._

~Spindleshanks~, a nickname for any one who has thin legs.

~Spin-’em rounds~, a street game consisting of a piece of brass, wood,
or iron, balanced on a pin, and turned quickly round on a board, when
the point, arrow-shaped, stops at a number, and decides the bet one way
or the other. The contrivance very much resembles a sea compass, and was
formerly the gambling accompaniment of London piemen. The apparatus then
was placed on the tin lids of their pie-cans, and the bets were
ostensibly for pies, but were frequently for “coppers,” or for beer when
two or three apprentices or porters happened to meet. An active and
efficient police have, however, changed all that now.

~Spiniken~, St. Giles’s Workhouse. “Lump,” Marylebone Workhouse. “Pan,”
St. Pancras. “Pan” and “Lump” are now terms applied to all workhouses by
tramps and costers.

~Spinning-house~, the place in Cambridge where street-walkers are locked
up, if found out after a certain time at night.

~Spirt~, or SPURT, “to put on a SPIRT,” to make an increased exertion
for a brief space, to attain one’s end; a nervous effort. Abbreviation
or shortening of SPIRIT, or allusion to a SPIRT of water, which dies
away as suddenly as it rises.

    “So here for a man to run well for a SPURT, and then to give over
    ... is enough to annul all his former proceedings, and to make him
    in no better estate than if he had never set foot into the good
    waies of God.”—_Gataker’s Spirituall Watch_, 4to. 1619, p. 10.

~Spitalfields’ breakfast.~ At the East-end of London this is understood
as consisting of a tight necktie and a short pipe. Amongst workmen it is
usual to tighten the apron string when no dinner is at hand. Hunters and
trappers always take in their belts when supplies are short. “An
Irishman’s dinner” is a low East-end term, and means a smoke and a visit
to the urinal. Sometimes the phrase is, “I’ll go out and count the
railings,” _i.e._, the park or area railings, mental instead of
maxillary exercise.

~Spitfire~, a passionate person.

~Splash~, complexion powder used by ladies to whiten their necks and
faces. The finest rice flour, termed in France _poudre de riz_, is
generally employed. _See_ SLAP.

~Splendiferous~, sumptuous, first-rate. SPLENDACIOUS sometimes used with
similar meanings.

~Splice~, to marry; “and the two shall become one flesh.”—_Sea._ Also,
a wife.

~Splice the main brace~, to take a drink.—_Sea._

~Split~, to inform against one’s companions, to tell tales. “To SPLIT
with a person,” to cease acquaintanceship; to quarrel. Also to divide a
bottle of aërated water; as, “two brandies and a soda SPLIT;” in which
case “to SPLIT with” a person has a very different meaning from that
just given.

~Split up~, long in the legs. Among athletes, a man with good length of
limb is said to be “well SPLIT UP.”

~Splodger~, a lout, an awkward countryman.

~Spoffy~, a bustling busybody is said to be SPOFFY.

~Sponge~, “to throw up the SPONGE,” to submit, to give over the
struggle,—from the practice of throwing up the SPONGE used to cleanse a
combatant’s face at a prize-fight, as a signal that the side on which
that particular SPONGE has been used has had enough—that the SPONGE is
no longer required.

~Spoon~, synonymous with SPOONEY. A SPOON has been defined to be “a
thing that touches a lady’s lips without kissing them.”

~Spooney~, a weak-minded and foolish person, effeminate or fond; “to be
SPOONEY on a girl,” to be foolishly attached to one.

~Spoons~, the condition of two persons who SPOON on each other, who are
deeply in love. “I see, it’s a case of SPOONS with them,” is a common
phrase when lovers are mentioned.

~Spoons~, a method of designating large sums of money, disclosed at the
Bankruptcy Court during the examination of the great leather failures of
Streatfield and Laurence in 1860-61. The origin of the phrase was stated
to be the reply of the bankrupt Laurence to an offer of accommodating
him with £5000,—“Oh, you are feeding me with a TEA-SPOON.” Hence, £5000
came to be known in the firm as a TEA-SPOON; £10,000, a DESSERT-SPOON;
£15,000, a TABLE-SPOON; and £20,000, as a GRAVY-SPOON. The public were
amused at this TEA-SPOON phraseology, but were disgusted that such
levity should cover a gigantic swindle of the kind. It came out in
evidence, however, that it was not the ordinary slang of the discount
world, but it may not improbably become so. To “take it with a SPOON,”
is to take anything in small quantities. The counsel for the defence in
the Tichborne perjury case was reminded a short time back by one of the
judges that he was using a TEA-SPOON instead of a shovel, to clear
through the evidence.

~Sport~, to exhibit, to wear, &c.,—a word which is made to do duty in a
variety of senses, especially at the Universities.—_See_ the _Gradus ad
Cantabrigiam_. “To SPORT a new tile;” “to SPORT an _Ægrotat_” (_i.e._, a
permission from the Dons to abstain from lectures, &c., on account of
illness); “to SPORT one’s oak,” to shut the outer door and exclude the
public,—especially duns and boring acquaintances. Common also in the
Inns of Court. _See Notes and Queries_, 2nd series, vol. viii. p. 492,
and _Gentleman’s Magazine_, December, 1794.

~Sport~, an American term for a gambler or turfite—more akin to our
sporting man than to our sportsman.

~Sporting door~, the outer door of chambers, also called the OAK. _See_
under SPORT.—_University._

~Spot~, to mark, to recognise. Originally an Americanism, but now
general. “I SPOTTED him (or it) at once.”

~Spotted~, to be known or marked by the police.

~Spout~, “up the SPOUT,” at the pawnbroker’s; SPOUTING, pawning. _See_
POP for origin.

~Spout~, to preach, or make speeches; SPOUTER, a preacher or lecturer.

~Sprat~, sixpence.

~Spread~, butter. Term with workmen and schoolboys. _See_ SCRAPE.

~Spread~, a lady’s shawl, an entertainment, a display of good things.

~Spread~, a meal. Sporting term for a dinner. A sporting man often
challenges another to compete with him at any athletic pursuit or
pastime, for so much wine and a SPREAD of large or small proportions.

~Spree~, a boisterous piece of merriment; “going on the SPREE,” starting
out with intent to have a frolic. _French_, ESPRIT. In the _Dutch_
language, SPREEUW is a jester.

~Springer-up~, a tailor who sells low-priced ready-made clothing, and
gives starvation wages to the poor men and women who “make up” for him.
The clothes are said to be SPRUNG-UP, or “blown together.”

~Sprint race~, a short-distance race, ran at the topmost speed
throughout. SPRINT is in the North synonymous with SPURT, and hence the

~Sprung~, inebriated sufficiently to become boisterous.

~Spry~, active, strong, manly. Much used in America, but originally

~Spuddy~, a seller of bad potatoes. In lower life, a SPUD is a raw
potato; and roasted SPUDS are those cooked in the cinders with their
skins on.

~Spun~, when a man has failed in his examination at Woolwich, he is said
to be SPUN; as at the Universities he is said to be “plucked” or

~Spunge~, a mean, paltry fellow, sometimes called a SPUNGER.

~Spunge~, to live at another’s expense in a mean and paltry manner.

~Spunging-house~, the sheriff’s officer’s house, where prisoners, when
arrested for debt, used to be taken. As extortionate charges were made
there for accommodation, the name was far from inappropriate.

~Spunk~, spirit, fire, courage, mettle, good humour.

    “In that snug room, where any man of SPUNK
    Would find it a hard matter to get drunk.”

        _Peter Pindar_, i. 245.

Common in America, and much used in some parts of Scotland.

~Spunk-fencer~, a lucifer-match seller.

~Spunks~, lucifer-matches.—_Herefordshire_; _Scotland_. SPUNK, says Urry,
in his MS. notes to Ray, “is the excrescency of some tree, of which they
make a sort of tinder to light their pipes with.”

~Spurt.~—_Old._ _See_ SPIRT.

~Squabby~, flat, short and thick. From SQUAB, a sofa.

~Square~, honest; “on the SQUARE,” _i.e._, fair and strictly honest; “to
turn SQUARE,” to reform, and get one’s living in an honest manner,—the
opposite of “cross.” The expression is, in all probability, derived from
the well-known masonic emblem the SQUARE, the symbol of evenness and

    “You must keep within the compass, and act upon the square with all
    mankind, for your masonry is but a dead letter if you do not
    habitually perform its reiterated injunctions.”—_Oliver’s Lectures
    on Signs and Symbols_, p. 190.

~Square~, “to be SQUARE with a man,” to be even with him, or to be
revenged; “to SQUARE up to a man,” to offer to fight him. Shakspeare
uses SQUARE in the sense of to quarrel.

~Square cove~, an honest man, as distinguished from “cross cove.”

~Square moll~, an honest woman, one who does not “batter.”

~Squaring his nibs~, giving a policeman, or any official, money for an
immoral or unlawful purpose. The term HIS NIBS has no reference to any
functionary, as the words mean simply “him,” and may be applied to any

~Square rigged~, well dressed.—_Sea._

~Square up~, to settle, to pay a debt.

~Squarum~, a cobbler’s lapstone.

~Squash~, to crush; “to go SQUASH,” to collapse.

~Squeak~, an escape. Generally used with regard to the avoidance of
casualties. Among thieves, too, a prisoner acquitted after a hard trial
is said to have had “a narrow SQUEAK for it.”

~Squeak on a person~, to inform against, to peach.

~Squeal~, to inform, to peach. A North country variation of squeak;
SQUEALER, an informer, also an illegitimate baby.

~Squeeze~, silk; also, by a very significant figure, a thief’s term for
the neck.

~Squib~, a _jeu d’esprit_, which, like the firework of that
denomination, sparkles, bounces, stinks, and vanishes.—_Grose._
Generally used in reference to political and electioneering attacks of a
smart kind, which sting for a moment and are then forgotten.

~Squibs~, paint-brushes.

~Squiffy~, slightly inebriated.

~Squinny-eyed~, said of one given to squinting.—_Shakspeare._

~Squirt~, a doctor, or chemist.

~Squish~, common term among University men for marmalade.

~Stab~, “STAB yourself and pass the dagger,” help yourself and pass the
bottle.—_Theatrical Slang._

~Stab~, “on the STAB,” _i.e._, paid by regular weekly wages on the
“establishment,” of which word STAB is an abridgment.—_Printer’s term._

~Stab-rag~, a regimental tailor.—_Military Slang._

~Stag~, a shilling.

~Stag~, a term applied during the railway mania to a speculator without
capital, who took “scrip” in proposed lines, got the shares up to a
premium, and then sold out. Caricaturists represented the house of
Hudson, “the Railway King,” at Albert Gate, with a STAG on it, in
allusion to this term.

~Stag~, to see, discover, or watch,—like a STAG at gaze; “STAG the
push,” look at the crowd. Also, to dun, or demand payment; to beg.

~Stage-whisper~, one loud enough to be heard. From the stage “asides.”

~Stagger~, to surprise. “He quite STAGGERED me with the information.”

~Stagger~, one who looks out, or watches.

~Staggering-bob~, an animal to whom the knife only just anticipates
death from natural disease or accident,—said of meat on that account
unfit for human food. Also a newly-born calf.

~Stale drunk~, unevaporated fumes of liquor. A man is said to be STALE
DRUNK when he has been drunk overnight, and has doctored himself with
stimulants a little too much in the morning—when he has tried too many
of the “hairs of the dog that bit him.” If this state of things is long
continued, it is often called “same OLD DRUNK,” from a well-known nigger
story. The nigger was cautioned by his master for being too often drunk
within a given period, when the “cullud pusson” replied, “Same old
drunk, massa—same old drunk.”

~Stalking-horse~, originally a horse covered with loose trappings, under
which the mediæval sportsman concealed himself with his bow, so as to
approach his game unobserved. Subsequently a canvas figure, made light,
so as to be easily moved with one hand. Now used to represent any
bugbear persistently paraded; any constant and unpleasant reference to
the possible consequences of an act.

~Stall~, to lodge, or put up at a public-house. Also, to act a

~Stall~, to frighten or discourage. In the days of dog-fighting and
pugilism, a dog or man who had originally shown great pluck would, after
a hard battle or two, show signs of cowardice. In such case he was said
to have been STALLED by his previous encounters. A STALL is a spurious
excuse or an imposition, a dodge, &c.

~Stall-off~, to put off by means of a device, to misdirect purposely.

~Stall off~, to blind, excuse, hide, to screen a robbery during the
perpetration of it by an accomplice.

~Stall your mug~, go away; spoken sharply by any one who wishes to get
rid of a troublesome or inconvenient person.

~Stallsman~, sometimes STALL, an accomplice.

~Stampers~, shoes.—_Ancient Cant._

~Stand~, “to STAND treat,” to pay for a friend’s entertainment; to bear
expense; to put up with treatment, good or ill, as, “Will you STAND
that?” a question often asked when a man has been struck or insulted.
Also in the sense of aggregate cost, as, “This house STOOD me in £1000;”
_i.e._, cost that sum; “to STAND pad,” to beg on the kerb with a small
piece of paper pinned on the breast, inscribed, “I am starving.”

~Stand in~, to make one of a party in a bet or other speculation; to
take a side in a dispute.

~Standing~, the position at a street corner, or on the kerb of a market
street, regularly occupied by a costermonger, or street seller.

~Standing patterers~, men who take a stand on the kerb of a public
thoroughfare, and deliver prepared speeches to effect a sale of any
articles they have to vend. _See_ PATTERER.

~Stangey~, a tailor, a person under petticoat government,—derived from
the custom of “riding the STANG,” mentioned in _Hudibras_:—

    “It is a custom used of course
    Where the grey mare is the better horse.”

~Star~, a common abbreviation of the name of the well-known STAR AND
GARTER Inn at Richmond. Clever people, who delight in altering names,
call this hostelry the “Gar and Starter.”

~Star it~, to perform as the centre of attraction, with inferior
subordinates to set off one’s abilities.—_Theatrical._

~Star the glaze~, to break a window. Among thieves it means to break the
window or show-glass of a jeweller or other tradesman, take any valuable
articles, and run away. Sometimes the glass is cut with a diamond, and a
strip of leather fastened to the piece of glass cut out to keep it from
falling in and making a noise. Another plan is to cut the sash.

~Starchy~, stuck-up, high-notioned, showily dressed, stiff and unbending
in demeanour.

~Stark-naked~, originally STRIP-ME-NAKED, _vide Randall’s Diary_, 1820,
raw gin.

~Start~, “the START,” London,—the great starting-point for beggars and
tramps. This is a term also used by many of superior station to those

~Start~, a proceeding of any kind; “a rum START,” an odd circumstance;
“to get the START of a person,” to anticipate or overreach him.

~Starvation~, though now a recognised word, was originally slang. Its
derivation is composite, and it was first introduced into the English
language by Mr. Dundas, in a debate in the House of Commons on American
affairs, in 1775. “I shall not,” he said, “wait for the advent of
STARVATION from Edinburgh to settle my judgment.” From this he was
always afterwards called STARVATION Dundas.—_Horace Walpole’s Letters._

~Starve’em~, ~Rob’em~, and ~Cheat’em~, the adjoining towns of Stroud,
Rochester, and Chatham are so designated by soldiers and sailors; from
some fancied peculiarities of the inhabitants.

~Stash~, to cease doing anything, to refrain, be quiet, leave off;
“STASH it, there, you sir!” _i.e._, be quiet, sir; to give over a lewd
or intemperate course of life is to STASH it.

~Stay~, to exhibit powers of endurance at walking, running, rowing, &c.

~Stayer~, one likely to persevere, one not easily discouraged. It is
usual for _laudatores temporis acti_ connected with the turf to deplore
the want of staying power which, according to their statements,
characterizes the modern British racehorse; while others, connected and
disconnected with sport, make similar remarks with reference to the
modern British man. So far, however, both descriptions of old gentlemen
have failed signally in endeavouring to make out a good case.

~Steam-engine~, potato-pie at Manchester is so termed.

~Steel~, the House of Correction in London, formerly named the Bastile,
but since shortened to STEEL. _See_ BASTILE.

~Steel-bar drivers~, or FLINGERS, journeymen tailors.

~Stems~, the legs.

~Step it~, to run away, or make off.

~Stepper~, the treadmill; the “everlasting staircase.”

~Stick~, a derogatory expression for a person; “a rum, or odd, STICK,” a
curious man. More generally a “poor STICK.”—_Provincial._

~Stick~, “cut your STICK,” be off, or go away; either simply equivalent
to a recommendation to prepare a walking staff in readiness for a
journey—in allusion to the Eastern custom of cutting a STICK before
setting out—or from the ancient mode of reckoning by notches or tallies
on a STICK. In Cornwall the peasantry tally sheaves of corn by cuts in a
STICK, reckoning by the score. “Cut your STICK” in this sense may mean
to make your mark and pass on—and so realize the meaning of the phrase,
“in the nick (or notch) of time.” Sir J. Emerson Tennent considers the
phrase equivalent to “cutting the connexion,” and suggests a possible
origin in the prophet’s breaking the staves of “Beauty” and
“Bands,”—_vide_ Zech. xi. 10, 14.

~Stick~, to cheat; “he got STUCK,” he was taken in; “I’m STUCK,” a
common phrase to express that the speaker has spent or lost all his
money, and can neither play nor pay any longer. STICK, to forget one’s
part in a performance.—_Theatrical._ STICK up, to place in an account;
“STICK it up to me,” _i.e._, give me credit for it; STICK on, to
overcharge or defraud; STICK up for, to defend a person, especially when
slandered in his absence; STICK up to, to persevere in courting or
attacking, whether in fisticuffs or argument; “to STICK in one’s
gizzard,” to rankle in one’s heart; “to STICK to a person,” to adhere to
one, to be his friend through adverse circumstances,—to “cotton” to
him; “to STICK one’s spoon in the wall,” to die.

~Stick-up~, to keep any one waiting at an appointed place or time. To
leave a friend or acquaintance to pay the whole or an undue share of a
tavern bill.

~Stick-ups~, or GILLS, shirt collars.

~Sticker~, one not likely to be easily shaken off, a stayer.

~Stickings~, coarse, bruised, or damaged meat sold to sausage-makers and
penny pie-shops.

~Sticks~, furniture, or household chattels; “pick up your STICKS and
cut!” summary advice to a person to take himself and furniture away.

~Sticky~, wax.

~Stiff~, paper, a bill of acceptance, &c.; “how did you get it, STIFF or
hard?” _i.e._, did he pay you cash or give a bill? “To do a bit of
STIFF,” to accept a bill. _See_ KITE.

~Stiff-fencer~, a street-seller of writing paper.

~Stiff un~, a corpse. Term used by undertakers.

~Stills~, undertakers’ slang term for STILL-BORN children. The fee paid
by nurses and others for their disposal is usually 2_s._ 6_d._ A
separate coffin is never given; the STILLS are quietly introduced into
one containing an adult about to be buried. STILLS are allowed to
accumulate at an undertaker’s until they sometimes number as many as a
dozen. Some little time back a very bulky coffin was opened, and found
to contain a large quantity of small corpses packed carefully round a
large corpse. This caused a little excitement, but nothing was done in
the matter.

~Stilton~, “that’s the STILTON,” or “it’s not the STILTON,” _i.e._, that
is quite the thing, or that is not quite the thing;—affected rendering
of “that is not the CHEESE,” which _see_.

~Stingo~, strong liquor.—_Yorkshire._

~Stink~, a disagreeable exposure. “To stir up a STINK” is to make a
disclosure which is generally unpleasant in its effect.

~Stinkomalee~, a name given to the then New London University by
Theodore Hook. Probably because some cow-houses and dunghills stood on
the original site. Some question about Trincomalee was agitated at the
same time. It is still applied by the students of the old Universities,
who regard it with disfavour from its admitting all denominations.

~Stipe~, a stipendiary magistrate.—_Provincial._

~Stir~, a prison, a lock-up; “in STIR,” in gaol. _Anglo-Saxon_, STYR,
correction, punishment.

~Stir-up Sunday~, the Sunday next before Advent, the collect for that
day commencing with the words, “Stir up.” Schoolboys, growing excited at
the prospect of the vacation, irreverently commemorate it by stirring
up—pushing and poking each other. “Crib-crust Monday” and “tug-button
Tuesday” are distinguished by similar tricks; while on “pay-off
Wednesday” they retaliate small grudges in a playful facetious way.
Forby says good housewives in Norfolk consider themselves reminded by
the name to mix the ingredients for their Christmas mince-pies.

~Stock.~ “To STOCK cards” is to arrange cards in a certain manner for
cheating purposes.

~Stock~, “to take STOCK of one,” to scrutinize narrowly one whom you
have reason to suspect, or one with whom you are likely to have business
transactions; taken from the tradesmen’s term for the annual examination
and valuation of their stock of goods.

~Stockdollager~, a heavy blow, a “finisher.” _Italian_, STOCCADO,
a fencing term. Also (in a general sense), a disastrous

~Stodge~, to surfeit, gorge, or clog with food. STODGE is in some places
bread and milk.

~Stoll~, to understand.—_North Country Cant._

~Stomach~, to bear with, to be partial to. Mostly used in a negative
character,—as, “I can’t STOMACH that.”

~Stone-jug~, a prison.

    “In a box of the stone-jug I was born.”

~Stook~, a pocket-handkerchief. A STOOK-HAULER, or “buzzer,” is a thief
who takes pocket-handkerchiefs.

~Story~, a falsehood,—the soft synonym for a lie, allowed in family
circles and boarding-schools. A Puritanism that came into fashion with
the tirade against romances, all novels and stories being considered as
dangerous and false.

~Stot~, a young bullock. In Northumberland the term STOT means to

~Stotor~, a heavy blow, a settler.—_Old Cant._

~Stow~, to leave off, or have done; “STOW it, the gorger’s leary.” Leave
off, the person is looking. _See_ STASH, with which it is
synonymous.—_Ancient Cant._

~Stow~, to put away, to hide. A hungry man is said to STOW his food
rapidly. He is also said to hide it.

~Stow faking!~ leave off there, be quiet! FAKING means anything that may
be going on.

~Straight~, an American phrase peculiar to dram-drinkers; similar to our
word NEAT, which _see_.

~Strap~, a barber. From _Roderick Random_.

~Straw.~ Married ladies are said to be “in the STRAW” at their
accouchements. The phrase is a coarse metaphor, and has reference to
farmyard animals in a similar condition. It may have originally been
suggested to the inquiring mind by the Nativity.

~Strawing~, “selling” straws in the streets (generally for a penny), and
“giving” the purchaser a paper (indecent or political) or a gold (!)
ring,—neither of which, the patterer states, he is allowed by Act of
Parliament to sell.

~Streak~, to decamp, run away.—_Saxon._ In America the phrase is “to
make STREAKS,” or “make TRACKS.”

~Streaky~, irritated, ill-tempered. Said of a short-tempered man who has
his good and bad times in STREAK.

~Street-pitchers~, negro minstrels, ballad-singers, long-song men, men
“working a board” on which have been painted various exciting scenes in
some terrible drama, the details of which the STREET PITCHER is bawling
out, and selling in a little book or broadsheet (price one penny); or
any persons who make a stand—_i.e._, a pitch—in the streets, and sell
articles or contribute entertainments for a living.

~Stretch~, a walk.—_University._

~Stretch~, abbreviation of “STRETCH one’s neck,” to hang, to be executed
as a malefactor. As, “The night before Larry was STRETCHED.”

~Stretch~, twelve months,—generally used to intimate the time any one
has been sentenced by the judge or magistrate. One STRETCH is twelve
months’ imprisonment, two STRETCH is two years, three STRETCH is three
years, and so on.

~Stretcher~, a falsehood; one that requires a STRETCH of imagination or

~Stretcher~, a contrivance with handles, used by the police to carry off
persons who are violent or drunk.

~Stretcher-fencer~, one who sells braces.

~Stretching match~, an execution. Often called a “hanging match.”

~Strike a jigger~, to pick a lock, or break open a door.

~Strike me lucky!~ an expression used by the lower orders when making a
bargain, derived from the old custom of striking hands together, leaving
in that of the seller a LUCK PENNY as an earnest that the bargain is
concluded. In Ireland, at cattle markets, &c., a penny, or other small
coin, is always given by the buyer to the seller to ratify the
bargain.—_Hudibras._ Anciently this was called a “God’s penny.”

    “With that he cast him a God’s penny.”—_Heir of Linne._

The origin of the phrase being lost sight of, like that of many others,
it is often used as a modification of “Strike me blind!” and is now and
again corrupted into “Strike me silly!” A foolish variation of this is
“Strike me up a gum-tree!”

~Strills~, cheating lies.—_North Country Cant._

~String~, to hoax, to “get in a line.”

~Stroke~, the captain of a crew, the man who sets the pace, and is
generally the leading spirit in the boat. The coxswain usually looks
after University men when they are in training, so that they may not
fall into excesses, the STROKE having quite enough to do to attend to
his own training. Of late years University crews have placed themselves
under the guidance and tuition of “coaches,” generally ex-University men
of great ability and experience.

~Strommel~, straw.—_Ancient Cant._ Halliwell says that in Norfolk
STRUMMEL is a name for hair.

~Strong~, “to come it STRONG.” _See_ COME.

~Stuck~, moneyless. _See_ STICK.

~Stuck-up~, purse-proud—a form of snobbishness very common in those who
have risen in the world, especially among those who have risen rather
suddenly. Albert Smith wrote some amusing papers on the _Natural History
of STUCK-UP People_.

~Stuff~, money.

~Stuff~, to make false but plausible statements, to praise ironically,
to make game of a person,—literally, to STUFF or cram him with gammon
or falsehood.

~Stump~, to go on foot.

~Stump~, to go about speechmaking on politics or other subjects.
Originally an Americanism applied to the lowest class of candidates for
legislatorial honours, probably because they stood on a STUMP to address
their audiences. Maybe, also, because their utterances were short and
pithy. This latter reason would, however, hardly apply to our
representatives of the STUMP class, “the Leaguers,” who are, as a rule,
as long-winded as they are illogical.

~Stump up~, to give one’s share, to pay the reckoning, to bring forth
the money reluctantly.

~Stumped~, bowled out, done for, bankrupt, poverty-stricken. From the
cricketing term.

~Stumps~, legs, or feet.

~Stumpy~, money.

~Stun~, to astonish.

~Stunner~, a first-rate person or article.

~Stunners~, feelings of great astonishment; “it put the STUNNERS on me,”
_i.e._, it confounded me.

~Stunning~, first-rate, very good, really, astonishing. Costermongers
call anything extra good, STUNNING. Sometimes amplified to STUNNING JOE
BANKS! when the expression is supposed to be in its most intense form.
Joe Banks was a noted character in the last generation. He was the
proprietor of a public-house in Dyott Street, Seven Dials, and
afterwards, on the demolition of the Rookery, of another in Cranbourn
Alley. His houses became well-known from their being the resort of the
worst characters, while at the same time the strictest decorum was
always maintained in them. Joe Banks also acquired a remarkable
notoriety by acting as a medium betwixt thieves and their victims. Upon
the proper payment to Joe, a watch or a snuff-box would at any time be
restored to its lawful owner—“no questions in any case being asked.”
The most daring depredators in London placed the fullest confidence in
Joe, and it is believed (although the _Biographie Universelle_ is quiet
upon this point) that he never, in any instance, “sold” them. He was of
the middle height, stout, and strongly made, and was always noted for a
showy pin and a remarkably STUNNING neck-tie. It was this peculiarity in
the costume of Mr. Banks, coupled with those true and tried qualities as
a friend for which he was famous, that led his customers to proclaim him
as STUNNING JOE BANKS! The Marquis of Douro, Colonel Chatterley, and men
of their stamp, were accustomed to resort to a private-room at his
house, when too late (or too early) to gain admittance to the clubs or
more aristocratic establishments.

~Sub~, a subaltern officer in the army.

~Sub~, all.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Sub~, to draw money in advance; a term in use among workmen generally,
and those with casual employment in particular. Most likely from

~Sublime rascal~, a lawyer.

~Suck~, a parasite, a flatterer of the “nobs.”—_University._

~Suck~, to pump, or draw information from a person.

~Suck-casa~, a public-house.—_Lingua Franca._

~Suck the mop~, to be the victim of an omnibus nursing exploit. When an
omnibus is being nursed, the driver of the hindmost vehicle keeps so
close to his opponent that the horses get their heads almost into the
doorway. The nursed omnibus is then said to SUCK THE MOP. Nursing is,
thanks to tramways and the Metropolis Streets Act, almost a thing of the
past. At the East-end, however, it still goes merrily on.

~Suck the monkey~, to rob a cask of liquor by inserting a straw through
a gimlet-hole, and sucking a portion of the contents. Originally, as
Captain Marryatt states, to SUCK THE MONKEY, was to suck rum from
cocoa-nuts, which spirit had been inserted in place of the milk, for the
private use of the sailors. _See_ TAP THE ADMIRAL.

~Suck up~, “to SUCK UP to a person,” to insinuate oneself into his good

~Sudden death.~ In tossing, to be decided by the first call is to “GO
SUDDEN DEATH,” as distinguished from the longer forms of “best two out
of three,” and “first three.” At the Universities a crumpet, or Sally
Lunn, is so called.

~Sufferer~, a tailor; the loser at any game.

~Sugar~, money.

~Suicide~, four horses driven in a line. _See_ HARUM-SCARUM.

~Sulky~, a one-horse chaise, having only room for one person. Used
nowadays only in trotting matches.

~Sumsy~, an action of _assumpsit_.—_Legal Slang._

~Sun in the eyes~, too much drink. A person who is tipsy is said to have
the SUN IN HIS EYES. He is also said to have been “standing too long in
the SUN.”

~Supe~, or super, abbreviation of SUPERNUMERARY.—_Theatrical._

~Super~, a watch; SUPER-SCREWING, stealing watches.

~Surat~, an adulterated article of inferior quality. This word affords a
remarkable instance of the manner in which slang phrases are coined. In
the report of an action for libel in the _Times_, some few years back,
it was stated “that, since the American civil war, it has been not
unusual for manufacturers to mix American cotton with surat, and, the
latter being an inferior article, the people in Lancashire have begun to
apply the term SURAT to any article of inferior or adulterated quality.
The plaintiffs were brewers, and the action was brought to recover
special damages resulting from the publication of an advertisement in
these words:—‘All in want of beerhouses must beware of Beaumont and
White, the SURAT brewers.’”

~Surf~, an actor who frequently pursues another calling.—_Theatrical._
SURF, or SERF, is also a term much in use among the lower orders to
denote a crawling or sycophantic wretch.

~Suspicion~, a scarcely perceptible flavour; as, “There was just a
SUSPICION of oil in the mixture.” _French_, SOUPÇON.

~Swab~, an epaulet.—_Sea._

~Swack-up~, a falsehood.

~Swaddler~, a Wesleyan Methodist; a name originally given to members of
that body by the Irish mob; said to have originated with an ignorant
Romanist, to whom the words of the English Bible were a novelty, and
who, hearing one of John Wesley’s preachers mention the swaddling
clothes of the Holy Infant, in a sermon on Christmas-day at Dublin,
shouted out in derision, “A SWADDLER! a SWADDLER!” as if the whole story
were the preacher’s invention.—_Southey’s Life of Wesley_, vol. ii. p.
109. _See_ introductory article.

~Swaddler~, _see_ SOUPER.

~Swaddy~, or COOLIE, a soldier. The former was originally applied to a
discharged soldier, and perhaps came from SHODDY, which is made from
soldiers’ and policemen’s worn-out coats. The term was one of
opprobrium, and was probably the result of a long peace, for it became
obsolete as soon as the Crimean War commenced.

~Swag~, a lot or plenty of anything, a portion or division of property.
In Australia the term is used for the luggage carried by diggers.
_Scotch_, SWEG, or SWACK; _German_, SWEIG, a flock. Old cant for a shop.

~Swag-shop~, a warehouse where “Brummagem” and general wares, fancy
trinkets, plated goods, &c., are sold. Jews are the general proprietors;
and the goods are very low-priced, trashy, and showy. SWAG-SHOPS were
formerly plunder depôts.—_Old Cant._

~Swagsman~, one who carries the booty after a burglary.

~Swank~, to boast or “gas” unduly.

~Swankey~, cheap or small beer. Any weak fermented beverage.

~Swap~, to exchange. Grose says it is Irish cant, but the term is now
included in most dictionaries as an allowed vulgarism.

~Swarry~, a boiled leg of mutton and trimmings. Sam Weller’s adventure
with the Bath footmen originated the term. _See_ TRIMMINGS.

~Swatchel-cove~, the master of a Punch-and-Judy exhibition who “fakes
the slum,” and does the necessary squeak for the amusement of the
bystanders. _See_ SCHWASSLE BOX. The orthography of many of these
colloquial expressions differs. It was thought best to give the various
renderings as collected.

~Sweat~, to extract money from a person, to “bleed.” Also, to squander

~Sweat~, to violently shake up a lot of guineas or sovereigns in a
leathern bag for the purpose of benefiting by the perspiration.

~Sweater~, common term for a “cutting” or “grinding” employer,—one who
SWEATS his workpeople. A cheap tailor, who pays starvation wages.

~Sweep~, a contemptuous term for a low or shabby man.

~Sweet~, loving or fond; “how SWEET he was upon the moll,” _i.e._, what
marked attention he paid the girl.

~Sweetener~, a person who runs up the prices of articles at an auction.

~Swell~, a man of importance; a person with a showy, jaunty exterior, “a
rank SWELL,” a very flashily dressed person, a man who by excessive
dress apes a higher position than he actually occupies. Any one
occupying a superior position in society is by the mob called a SWELL.
Anything is said to be SWELL or SWELLISH that looks showy, or is many
coloured, or is of a desirable quality. Dickens and Thackeray were
termed great SWELLS in literature, and so are the first persons in the
learned professions SWELLS in their way.

~Swell hung in chains~, said of a showy man in the habit of wearing much

~Swell street~, the West-end of London.

~Swig~, a hearty drink.

~Swig~, to drink. _Saxon_, SWIGAN.

~Swill~, to drink inordinately. SWILL, hog-wash. From which the verb has
possibly been derived.—_Norfolk._

~Swim~, “a good SWIM,” a good run of luck, a long time out of the
policeman’s clutches.—_Thieves’ term._ Among anglers “a good SWIM” is a
good pitch for a part where fish are plentiful—that is, because a lot
of fish keeping together are called a SWIM. Thus one who is in luck, is
well connected, or is doing a good business, is said to be in a good

~Swindler~, although a recognised word in standard dictionaries,
commenced service as a slang term. It was used as such by the poor
Londoners against the German Jews who set up in London about the year
1762, also by our soldiers in the German war about that time.
SCHWINDELN, in _German_, signifies to cheat.

~Swing.~ To have one’s SWING is to have a full turn at anything.

~Swing~, to be hanged; “if you don’t do what’s right, I’ll SWING for
you,” _i.e._, take your life,—a common threat in low neighbourhoods.

~Swingeing~, large, huge, powerful. As a SWINGEING blow, SWINGEING
damages, &c.

~Swipe~, at cricket, to hit hard with a full swing of the bat. Most
probably a condensation of “wipe swingeing” or “swinging wipe.”

~Swipes~, sour or small beer. SWIPE, to drink.—_Sea._

~Swipey~ (from SWIPES), intoxicated.

~Swish~, to flog, derived perhaps from the sound. Maybe, a corruption of

~Swished~, or SWITCHED, married.

~Swivel-eye~, a squinting eye.

~Swizzle~, small beer, drink.

~Swot~, mathematics; also, a mathematician; as a verb, to work hard for
an examination, to be diligent in one’s studies.—_Army._

This word originated at the great slang manufactory for the army, the
Royal Military College, Sandhurst, in the broad Scotch pronunciation by
Dr. Wallace, one of the Professors, of the word sweat. It has since
become fashionable at the Universities.

~Syce~, a groom.—_Anglo-Indian._

~T~, “to suit to a T,” to fit to a nicety.—_Old._ Perhaps from the
T-square of carpenters, by which the accuracy of work is tested.

~Tabby party~, a party consisting entirely of women, a tea and tattle
gathering. In America, a gathering of men only is called a “stag party.”

~Tabooed~, forbidden. This word, now very common, is derived from a
custom of the South-Sea islanders, first noticed in _Cook’s Voyages_.

~Tack~, a taste foreign to what was intended; a barrel may get a TACK
upon it, either permanently mouldy, sour, or otherwise.

~Tacked~, tied down. When a man has another vanquished, or for certain
reasons bound to his service, he is said to have “got him TACKED.”

~Tackle~, clothes.—_Sea._ Also to encounter a person in argument.

~Taffy~ (corruption of David), a Welshman. Compare Sawney (from
Alexander), a Scotchman; Paddy (from Patrick), an Irishman; and Johnny
(from John Bull), an Englishman.

~Tag-rag-and-bobtail~, a mixed crowd of low people, the lower orders

~Tail-block~, a watch.—_Sea._

~Tail-buzzer~, a thief who picks coat-pockets.

~Tail-down~, “to get the TAIL DOWN,” generally means to lose courage.
When a professional at any game loses heart in a match he is said to get
his TAIL DOWN. “His TAIL was quite DOWN, and it was all over.” The
origin is obvious.

~Take~, to succeed, or be patronized. “Do you think the new opera will
TAKE?” “No, because the same company TOOK so badly under the old
management.” “To TAKE on,” to grieve; Shakspeare uses the word TAKING in
this sense. To “TAKE up for any one,” to protect or defend a person; “to
TAKE off,” to mimic; “to TAKE heart,” to have courage; “to TAKE down a
peg or two,” to humiliate, or tame; “to TAKE up,” to reprove; “to TAKE
after,” to resemble; “to TAKE in,” to cheat or defraud, probably from
the lower class lodging-house-keepers’ advertisements, “Single men TAKEN
in and done for,”—an engagement which is as frequently performed in a
bad as a good sense; in reference to this performance, Scripture is
often quoted: “I was a stranger and ye TOOK me in.” “To TAKE the field,”
when said of a general, to commence operations against the enemy. When a
racing man TAKES the field he stakes his money against the favourite,
that is, he takes the chances of the field against the chance of one

~Take beef~, to run away.

~Take in~, a cheating or swindling transaction,—sometimes termed “a
dead TAKE IN.” Shakspeare has TAKE IN in the sense of conquering. To be
“had,” or to be “spoken to,” were formerly synonymous phrases with to be

~Take it out~, to obtain value for money, labour, &c. A rich man is said
to “TAKE IT (_i.e._, his money) OUT in fine footmen, fine feeding,” &c.
A poor man “TAKES IT (_i.e._, his trouble) OUT in drink.”

~Talking~, a stable term, of a milder kind, applied to those horses
which are addicted to ROARING. _See_ the latter expression.

~Talk shop~, to intrude oneself or one’s private business too freely
into conversation. Any one who does this is said to be shoppy.

~Tall~, extensive, exaggerated,—generally applied to conversation, as
“loud” is to dress, or personal appearance; “TALL talk that,” _i.e._,
conversation too boastful or high-flown to be true. Among pedestrians a
great rate of speed is spoken of as TALL.

~Tally~, five dozen bunches of turnips.—_Costermongers’ term._

~Tally~, “to live TALLY,” to live in a state of unmarried impropriety;
TALLY-WIFE, a woman who cohabits with a man to whom she is not married.

~Tallyman~, an accommodating salesman who takes payment by instalments
to suit the convenience of the purchaser, but who is anything but
accommodating when payments are irregular. TALLYMEN are the cause of
much misfortune to the working classes, from their high and exorbitant
rates, and the temptations they offer to weak-minded women, who purchase
in haste and repent at leisure.

~Tan~, to beat or thrash; “I’ll TAN your hide,” _i.e._, I’ll give you a
good beating.

~Tan~, an order to pull.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Tanner~, a sixpence. Perhaps _Gipsy_, TAWNO, little, or _Latin_, TENER,

~Tanny~, or TEENY, little. _Gipsy_, TAWNO, little.

~Tantrems~, pranks, capers, frolicking; from the _Tarantula_ dance.
_See_ account of the involuntary frenzy and motions caused by the bite
of the tarantula in Italy.—_Penny Cyclopædia._

~Tantrums~, ill-tempers. “He’s in his TANTRUMS this morning,” is often
said of a peevish, querulous man. They are not peculiar to the one sex,

~Tap the Admiral~, to suck liquor from a cask by means of a straw, said
to have been done with the rum-cask in which Lord Nelson’s body was
brought to England, to such an extent as to leave the gallant Admiral

~Tap-tub~, the _Morning Advertiser_,—so called by vulgar people from
the fact that this daily newspaper is the principal organ of the London
brewers and publicans. Sometimes termed the _Gin and Gospel Gazette_,
though this title is fast fading out since the paper has been in the
hands of its present editor.

~Tape~, gin,—term with female servants. Also, a military term used in
barracks when no spirits are allowed. _See_ RIBBON.

~Taper~, to give over gradually, to run short.

~Taradiddle~, a falsehood.

~Tar-brush~, a person whose complexion indicates a mixture of negro
blood, is said to have had a lick of the TAR-BRUSH. Sometimes a man of
this description is said to have been dipped in the black-pot, and he is
often reminded that “another dip would have done it,” _i.e._, another
dip would have made a negro of him.

~Tar-out~, to punish, to serve out.

~Tarpaulin~, a sailor.

~Tartar~, a savage fellow, an “ugly customer.” To “catch a TARTAR,” is
to discover somewhat unpleasantly that a person is by no means so mild
or good-tempered as he or she at first appeared.

~Tat-box~, a dice-box.

~Tater~, “s’elp my TATER,” an evasion of a profane oath, sometimes
varied by “s’elp my greens.”

~Tatler~, a watch; “nimming a TATLER,” stealing a watch.

~Tats~, dice.

~Tats~, old rags; milky TATS, white rags.

~Tatterdemalion~, a ragged fellow.

~Tatting~, gathering old rags.

~Tattoo~, a pony.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Taw~, a large or principal marble; “I’ll be one on your TAW,” I will
pay you out, or be even with you,—a simile taken from boys aiming
always at winning the TAW when playing at marbles.

~Tea-fight~, an evening party, alias a “muffin-worry.”

~Tea-spoon~, five thousand pounds. _See_ SPOONS.

~Teagueland~, Ireland. From the national character of the name TEAGUE.

~Teeth~, “he has cut his eye TEETH,” _i.e._, is old and ’cute enough.

~Teeth-drawing~, wrenching off knockers. Medical students’ term.

~Teddy Hall~, St. Edmund Hall.—_Oxford University._

~Teetotaller~, a total abstainer from alcoholic drinks. The origin of
this term is not known. It is said to be from the expression of a
fanatical and stuttering enthusiast in the cause of total abstinence. It
has nothing to do with tea.

~Teetotally~, amplification of TOTALLY.

~Te-he~, to titter, “Upon this I TE-HE’D.”—_Madame d’Arblay._ As an
interjection it is as old as Chaucer. _See Miller’s Tale_:—

    “TE-HE, quod she, and clapt the window to.”

~Tell on~, to tell about, to talk of, to inform against. (This is formed
by a simple misuse of the preposition.)

~Ten commandments~, a virago’s fingers, or nails. Often heard in a
female street disturbance. “I’ll leave the TEN COMMANDMENTS marked on
his chump,” shows that the term may be applied to either the fingers or
the scratchings. It would be a strange hand, however, that, with the
best opportunity, could made five marks simultaneously.

~Tench~, the Penitentiary, of which it is a contraction. _See_ STEEL.

~Tenpence to the shilling~, a vulgar phrase denoting a deficiency in

~Testamur~, the slip of paper on which the examiners testify
(testari) to the fact that the candidate has satisfied their

~Tester~, sixpence. From TESTONE, a shilling in the reign of Henry
VIII., but a sixpence in the time of Queen Elizabeth.—_Shakspeare._
_French_, TESTE, or TÊTE, the head of the monarch on the coin.

~Teviss~, a shilling. Costermongers’ and tramps’ term.

~Thatch~, the human hair. “He’s well THATCHED,” is said of a man with a
good head of hair.

~The Tavern~, New Inn Hall.—_Oxford University._

~The thing~, the style, the proper proportion. Application varied. A
good appearance, a decent dinner, or a fair bottle of wine, is said to
be “the THING,” sometimes “the correct THING.”

~Thick~, intimate, familiar. The Scotch use the word “chief” in this
sense, as, “the two are very chief now.”

~Thick;~ “to lay it on THICK,” to flatter unduly, to surfeit with praise
or adulation.

~Thick un~, a sovereign; originally a crown piece, or five shillings.

~Thimble~, or YACK, a watch.—_Prison Cant._

~Thimble-rig~, a noted cheating game some years back, played at fairs
and places of great public thronging, consisting of two or three
thimbles rapidly and dexterously placed over a pea. The THIMBLE-RIGGER,
suddenly ceasing, asks under which thimble the pea is to be found. Any
one not a practised hand would lose nine times out of ten any bet he
might happen to make with him. The pea is generally concealed under his
nail. THIMBLE-RIGGING has of late years given way to “broad-working.”

~Thimble-twisters~, thieves who rob persons of their watches.

~Thingumy~, THINGUMBOB, expressions used for the name of a thing which
cannot be recollected at the instant.

~Thin-skinned~, over-nice, petulant, apt to get a “raw.” _See_ that

~Three-cornered scraper~, a cocked hat.—_Sea._

~Three sheets in the wind~, unsteady from drink.—_Sea._

~Three-up~, a gambling game played by costers and others of like grade.
Three halfpennies are thrown up by one man to the call of another. If
they do not come all alike, the cry is void, and the calling and tossing
are resumed. When the three coins are all alike they are said to “come
off,” and then all bets are decided according to the success or failure
of the caller. When two men toss, they play “up for up,” _i.e._, they
toss and cry alternately. When three or more join in, the gathering is
named a school, and one man, who is called a pieman, cries to the
halfpence of the others until he loses, when the winner of the toss
becomes pieman in turn.

~Through~, finished. In America, where this word is most used in the
sense now given, a guest who has had enough will, when asked to take
more, say, “I’m THROUGH,” which is certainly preferable to the other
Americanism, “crammed.”

~Thrummer~, a threepenny bit.

~Thrums~, threepence. Also, in Coventry, remnants and waste pieces of

~Thrups~, threepence. _See_ the preceding, which is more general.

~Thud~, the dull, dead sound made by the fall of a heavy body, or the
striking of a bullet against any soft, fleshy substance.

~Thumper~, a magnificently constructed lie, a lie about which there is
no stint of imaginative power.

~Thumping~, large, fine, or strong.

~Thunderbomb~, an imaginary ship of vast size. _See_ MERRY DUN OF DOVER.

~Thunderer~, the _Times_ newspaper, sometimes termed “the THUNDERER of
Printing House Square,” from the locality where it is printed.

~Thundering~, large, extra-sized.

~Tibbing out~, going out of bounds.—_Charterhouse._

~Tibby~, the head. Street slang, with no known etymology. To drop on
one’s TIBBY is to frighten or startle any one, to take one unawares.

~Tib’s eve~, “neither before Christmas nor after,” an indefinite period;
like the Greek Kalends, TIB’S EVE has a future application; an
indefinite period of past time is sometimes said to be “when Adam was an
oakum-boy in Chatham Dockyard.” “The reign of Queen Dick” is another
form of this kind of expression, and is used to indicate either past
time or future.

~Tick~, credit, trust. Johnson says it is a corruption of
“ticket,”—tradesmen’s bills being formerly written on tickets or cards.
On TICK, therefore, is equivalent to on TICKET, or on trust. In use in
1668, and before, as follows:—

    “No matter upon landing whether you have money or no—you may swim
    in twentie of their boats over the river upon TICKET.”—_Decker’s
    Gulls’ Hornbook_, 1609.

~Ticker~, a watch. Formerly cant, now street slang.

~Ticket~, “that’s the TICKET,” _i.e._, that’s what is wanted, or what is
best. Probable corruption of “that’s _etiquette_,” or, perhaps, from
TICKET, a bill or invoice. This phrase is sometimes extended into
“that’s the TICKET for soup,” in allusion to the card given to beggars
for immediate relief at soup kitchens. _See_ TICK.

~Tickle~, to puzzle; “a reg’lar TICKLER” is a poser.

~Tiddlywink~, slim, puny; sometimes TILLYWINK.

~Tidy~, tolerably, or pretty well; “How did you get on to-day?”—“Oh,

~Tie~, a dead heat. A game of any kind, in which the possibility exists,
is said to end in a tie, if the markings are level on each side at the
finish. In racing parlance, all level finishes are called dead-heats.

~Tied up~, given over, finished; also married, in allusion to the
hymeneal knot, unless a jocose allusion be intended to the “halter”
(altar). _See_ BUCKLED, term in use among costermongers and street folk

~Tiff~, a pet, a fit of ill humour.

~Tiffin~, a breakfast, _déjeûner à la fourchette_.—_Anglo-Indian

~Tiffy~, easily offended, apt to be annoyed.

~Tiger~, a parasite; also a term for a ferocious woman; a boy employed
to wait on gentlemen—one who waits on ladies is a page.

~Tiger~, a superlative yell. “Three cheers, and the last in
TIGERS.”—_American._ To “fight the TIGER” is also American, and refers
to gambling with professionals—dangerous pastime.

~Tight~, close, stingy; hard up, short of cash; TIGHT, spruce, strong,
active; “a TIGHT lad,” a smart, active young fellow; TIGHT, drunk, or
nearly so, generally the result of “going on the loose;” “TIGHT-laced,”
puritanical, over-precise. Money is said to be TIGHT when the public,
from want of confidence in the aspect of affairs, are not inclined to

~Tightener~, a dinner, or hearty meal. _See_ SPITALFIELDS’ BREAKFAST.

~Tike-~, or BUFFER-LURKING, dog-stealing.

~Tile~, a hat, a covering for the head.

    “I’m a gent, I’m a gent,
      In the Regent-Street style,—
    Examine my costume,
      And look at my TILE.”—_Popular Song._

Sometimes used in another sense, “having a TILE loose,” _i.e._, being
slightly crazy. _See_ PANTILE.

~Timber merchant~, or SPUNK FENCER, a lucifer-match seller.

~Timber-toes~, a wooden-legged man. Also at the East-end one who wears
clogs, _i.e._, wooden soled boots.

~Time~, cabman’s slang for money. If they wish to express 9s. 9d. they
say that “it is a quarter to ten;” if 3s. 6d., half-past three; if 11s.
9d. a quarter to twelve. Cab-drivers can hardly have originated a system
which has been in existence as long as the adage, “Time is money.” They
have, however, the full use of the arrangement, which is perhaps the
simplest on record.

~Time~, TO DO, to work out a sentence of imprisonment. Time is the
generic term for all quantities of incarceration, whether short or long.
Sometimes stir-time (imprisonment in the House of Correction) is
distinguished from the more extended system of punishment which is
called “pinnel (penal) time.”

~Time o’ day~, a dodge, the latest aspect of affairs; “that’s your TIME
O’ DAY,” _i.e._, that’s well done; to put a person up to the TIME O’
DAY, or let him know “what’s o’clock,” is to instruct him in the
knowledge needful for him.

~Tin~, money,—generally applied to silver.

~Tinge~, the per-centage allowed by drapers and clothiers to their
assistants upon the sale of old-fashioned articles. _See_ SPIFFS.

~Tinkler~, a bell. “Jerk the TINKLER,” ring the bell. Refined or
affected slangists sometimes say, “Agitate the communicator,” which,
though it represents “ring the bell,” should more properly mean “pull
the cord.”

~Tin-pot~, “he plays a TIN-POT game,” _i.e._, a low, mean, or shabby
game. In the _Contes d’Eutrapel_, a French officer at the siege of
Chatillon is ridiculously spoken of as Captain TIN-POT—_Capitaine du
Pot d’Etain_. TIN-POT, as generally used, means worthless. As applied to
billiards and kindred games, it means pretentious and inferior play.

~Tip~, advice or information respecting anything, but mostly used in
reference to horse-racing, so that the person TIPPED may know how to bet
to the best advantage. The “straight TIP” is the TIP which comes direct
from the owner or trainer of a horse. Of late years a “straight TIP”
means a direct hint on any subject.

~Tip~, a douceur; “that’s the TIP,” _i.e._, that’s the proper thing to
do. “To miss one’s TIP,” to fail in a scheme.—_Old Cant._

~Tip~, to give, lend, or hand over anything to another person; “come,
TIP up the tin,” _i.e._, hand up the money; “TIP the wink,” to inform by
winking; “TIP us your fin,” _i.e._, give me your hand; “TIP one’s boom
off,” to make off, or depart. From the seafaring phrase.

~Tip the double~, to “bolt,” or run away from any one.

~Tip-top~, first-rate, of the best kind.

~Tip-topper~, a “swell,” or dressy man, a “Gorger.”

~Tipper~, a kind of ale brewed at Brighton. Mrs. Gamp preferred the
“Brighton TIPPER.”

~Tipster~, a “turf” agent who collects early and generally special
information of the condition and racing capabilities of horses in the
training districts, and posts the same to his subscribers to guide their

    “The racing TIPSTERS have much less patronage than formerly, before
    “Geoffry Greenhorn” laid a trap for them, and published the tips he
    received in _The Life_. Professor Ingledue, M.A., the mesmerist, is
    silent; and if their subscribers, ‘for whose interests I have
    collected my old and able staff, with many additional ones, who are
    already at work in the training districts,’ could only get a sight
    of the ‘old and able staff,’ they would find it consisting of a man
    and a boy, at work in the back room of a London public-house, and
    sending different winners for every race to their
    subscribers.”—_Post and Paddock_, by the “Druid.”

There are, however, whatever non-racing men may think, many “touts”
whose information is valuable to even the “best informed” writers.

~Tit~, a favourite name for a horse.

    “They scorned the coach, they scorned the rails,
    Two spanking tits with streaming tails,
    Them swiftly onward drew.”—_End of All Things._

~Tit for tat~, an equivalent.

~Titivate~, to put in order, or dress up. Originally TIDY-VATE.

~Titley~, drink, generally applied to intoxicating beverages.

~Titter~, a girl; “nark the TITTER,” _i.e._, look at the girl.—_Tramp’s

~Tizzy~, a sixpence. Corruption of TESTER.

~Toad-in-the-hole~, a kind of pudding, consisting of small pieces of
meat immersed in batter, and baked. Also, a term applied to
perambulating advertising mediums. _See_ SANDWICH.

~Toasting-fork~, a regulation sword, indicative of the general
uselessness of that weapon.

~Toby~, the road. The highwayman or swell robber was in old days said to
be on the high TOBY, from the high or main road, while those meaner
fellows, the footpad and the cutpurse, were but “low TOBY-MEN,” from
their frequenting the by-ways.

~To-do~ (pronounced quickly, and as one word), a disturbance, trouble;
“here’s a pretty TO-DO,” here is an unpleasant difficulty. This exactly
tallies with the _French_, AFFAIRE (_à faire_).—_See Forby’s Vocabulary
of East Anglia_.

~To the nines~, to the dodges of the day. “He’s up to the NINES,” means
he’s up to everything. “Dressed to the NINES,” means dressed loudly, or,
as it is more generally known now, “dressed to death.”

~Toddle~, to walk as a child.

~Toe~, to kick. “I’ll TOE your backside.” Common in London.

~Toff~, a dandy, a swell of rank. Corruption probably of TUFT. _See_

~Toffer~, a well-dressed “gay” woman. One who deals with TOFFS.

~Tofficky~, dressy, showy.

~Toft~, a showy individual, a swell, a person who, in a Yorkshireman’s
vocabulary, would be termed “uppish.” _See_ TUFT.

~Tog~, a coat. _Latin_, TOGA.—_Ancient Cant._

~Tog~, to dress, or equip with an outfit; “TOGGED out to the nines,”
dressed in the first style.

~Toggery~, clothes, harness, domestic paraphernalia of any kind.

~Togs~, clothes; “Sunday TOGS,” best clothes. One of the oldest cant
words—in use in the time of Henry VIII. _See_ CANT.

~Toke~, dry bread. Sometimes used to denote a lump of anything.

~Toko for yam~, a Roland for an Oliver. Possibly from a system of barter
carried on between sailors and aborigines.

~Tol-lol~, or TOL-LOLLISH, tolerable, or tolerably.

~Toll-shop~, a Yorkshire correspondent gives this word as denoting in
that county a prison, and also the following verse of a song, popular at
fairs in the East Riding:—

    “But if ivver he get out agean,
    And can but raise a frind,
    Oh! the divel may tak’ TOLL-SHOP,
    At Beverley town-end!”

This is but a variation of the Scottish TOLBOOTH.

~Tom~, _e.g._, “after TOM,” after the hour at which Big TOM of
Christchurch rings. At its last stroke the gates are closed, and
undergrads entering after have to pay an increasing sum for each hour up
to twelve. To be out after that involves an interview with the
Master.—_Oxford University._

~Tom and Jerry shop~, a low drinking shop. Probably some allusion to
Pierce Egan’s famous characters in his _Life in London_. Generally
contracted to JERRY SHOP.

~Tom Toppers~, a waterman, from a popular song, entitled, _Overboard he

~Tom Tug~, a waterman. From the small stage-play. Also rhyming slang for
a flat, or rather a “mug.”

~Tomboy~, a hoyden, a rude romping girl.

~Tombstone~, a pawn-ticket—“In memory of” whatever has been pawned,—a
well-known slang expression with those Londoners who are in the habit of
following “my uncle.”

~Tomfoolery~, nonsense; trashy, mild, and innocuous literature.

~Tom-fool’s colours~, scarlet and yellow, the ancient motley.
Occasionally, as a rhyme of quality suitable to the subject,

    “Red and yellow,
    TOM FOOL’S colour.”

A proposition is said to be TOM FOOL when it is too ridiculous to be
entertained or discussed.

~Tom-tom~, a street instrument, a kind of small drum beaten with the
fingers, somewhat like the ancient tabor; a performer on this
instrument. “Hark! ’tis the Indian drum.”

~Tommy~, _See_ DICKEY.

~Tommy~, bread,—food generally. Sometimes applied by workmen to the
supply of food which they carry in a bag or handkerchief as their daily
allowance. TOMMY-BAG is the term for the bag or handkerchief in which
the “daily bread” is carried.

~Tommy~, truck, barter, the exchange of labour for goods, not money.
Both term and practice, general among English operatives for
half-a-century, are by a current fiction supposed to have been abolished
by Act of Parliament.

~Tommy Dodd~, in tossing when the odd man either wins or loses, as per
agreement. A phrase in frequent use in London. A music-hall song has
been given with this title and on this subject.

~Tommy-master~, one who pays his workmen in goods, or gives them tickets
upon tradesmen, with whom he shares the profit.

~Tommy-shop~, a shop where wages are paid to mechanics or others, who
are expected to “take out” a portion of the money in goods. Also, a
baker’s shop.

~Tongue~, “to TONGUE a person,” _i.e._, to talk him down. TONGUED,

~Tony Lumpkin~, a young, clownish country fellow. From _She Stoops to

~Tool~, as “a poor TOOL,” a bad hand at anything.

~Tool~, to drive a coach, or any other vehicle. To “handle the ribbons”
in fine style.

~Tool~, a very little boy employed by burglars to enter at small
apertures, and open doors for the larger thieves outside.

~Tooler~, a pickpocket. MOLL-TOOLER, a female pickpocket.

~Tooley Street tailor~, a self-conceited, vainglorious man. The “three
tailors of Tooley Street” are said to have immortalized themselves by
preparing a petition for Parliament—and some say, presenting it—with
only their own signatures thereto, which commenced, “We, the people of

~Tooth~, “he has cut his eye TOOTH,” _i.e._, he is sharp enough, or old
enough, to do so; “old in the TOOTH,” far advanced in age,—said often
of old maids. From the stable term for aged horses which have lost the
distinguishing marks in their teeth.

~Tootsies~, feet, those of ladies and children in particular. In married
life it is said the husband uses this expression for the first six
months; after that he terms them “hoofs.”

~Top~, the signal among tailors and sempstresses for snuffing the
candle; one cries TOP, and all the others follow; he who last pronounces
the word has to snuff the candle.

~Top-dressing~, in journalism, is the large-type introduction to a
report, generally written by a man of higher literary attainments than
the ordinary reporter who follows with the details.

~Top-heavy~, drunk.

~Top-sawyer~, the principal of a party, or profession. “A TOP-SAWYER
signifies a man that is a master-genius in any profession. It is a piece
of Norfolk slang, and took its rise from Norfolk being a great timber
county, where the TOP SAWYERS get double the wages of those beneath
them.”—_Randall’s Diary_, 1820.

~Top up~, a finishing drink. “He drank two bottles of claret and one of
port, which he TOPPED UP with half a bottle of brandy.”

~Topped~, hanged, or executed.

~Topper~, anything or person above the ordinary; a blow on the head.
“Give him a TOPPER and chance it,” “Let him have a TOPPER for luck.”

~Topper~, the tobacco which is left in the bottom of a pipe-bowl—_lucus
a non lucendo_; or the stump of a smoked cigar. TOPPER-HUNTERS are men
who pick up cigar ends and odd pieces of stale tobacco, which they mix
and chop up for home consumption or sale.

~Topsy-turvy~, the bottom upwards. Grose gives an ingenious etymology of
this once cant term, viz., “top-side turf-ways,”—turf being always laid
the wrong side upwards. This is so far ingenious that it creates a fact
for the purpose of arguing from it. Turfs are laid with the grass part
together during carriage; so, anyhow, the definition could be only half
right. In fact, TOPSY-TURVY is but short for “top-side t’other way.”

~To-rights~, excellent, very well, or good.—_Low London slang._

~Tormentors~, the large iron flesh-forks used by cooks at sea.

~Torpids~, the second-class race-boats at Oxford, answering to the
Cambridge “sloggers.”

~Toshers~, men who steal copper from ships’ bottoms in the Thames.

~Toss~, a measure of sprats.—_Billingsgate._

~Tot~, a small glass; a “TOT o’ whisky” is the smallest quantity sold.

~Tot-up~, to add together,—as columns of figures, £ _s._ _d._ From
TOTAL-UP, through the vulgarism TOTTLE.

~Totting~, bone-picking, either peripatetically or at the dust-heaps.
“TOT” is a bone, but chiffoniers and cinder-hunters generally are called
TOT-PICKERS nowadays. TOTTING also has its votaries on the banks of the
Thames, where all kinds of flotsam and jetsam, from coals to carrion,
are known as TOTS.

~Touch~, a slang expression in common use in phrases which express the
extent to which a person is interested or affected, “as a fourpenny
TOUCH,” _i.e._, a thing costing fourpence. _See_ an example in Mr.,
afterwards Sir Erasmus, Philipps’s Diary, at Oxford, in 1720. “_Sept.
22._—At night went to the ball at the Angel, a guinea TOUCH.” It is also
used at Eton in the sense of a “tip,” or present of money; and is
sometimes said of a woman to imply her worthlessness, as, “Only a
half-crown TOUCH.”

~Touch-and-go~, an expression often applied to men with whom business
arrangements should be of the lightest possible character. Thus, “He’s a
TOUCH-AND-GO sort of fellow. Be careful of him.”

~Toucher~, “as near as a TOUCHER,” as near as possible without actually
touching.—_Coaching term._ The old Jarveys, to show their skill, used
to drive against things so closely as absolutely to touch, yet without
injury. This they called a TOUCHER, or TOUCH-AND-GO, which was hence
applied to anything which was within an ace of ruin.

~Touchy~, peevish, irritable. Johnson terms it a low word.

~Tout.~ In sporting phraseology a TOUT signifies an agent in the
training districts, on the look-out for information as to the condition
and capabilities of those horses entering for a coming race. TOUTS often
get into trouble through entering private training-grounds. They,
however, are very highly paid, some making 40_l._ or 50_l._ a week
during the season. Now frequently called horse-watchers.

~Tout~, to look out, or watch.

~Touter~, a looker out, one who waits at railway stations and steamboat
piers, and touts for customers; a hotel runner. Term in general use.

~Touzle~, to romp with or rumple.—_Scotch._

~Towel~, to beat or whip. In old English phraseology a cudgel was termed
an oaken TOWEL—whence, perhaps, the verb.

~Towelling~, a rubbing down with an oaken TOWEL, a beating.

~Town and Gown.~ The fight which used to come off every 5th of November
between the undergrads and the “cads.” The sides used to shout
respectively “TOWN!” and “GOWN!” as war-cries.—_Oxford University._

~Town-lout~, a derogatory title at Rugby School for those pupils who
reside with their parents in the town, in contradistinction from those
who live in the boarding-houses.

~Tow-pows~, grenadiers. From the bearskins, most likely, unless it was
originally TALL-POWS, the grenadiers being the tallest men in the

~Towzery gang~, swindlers who hire sale-rooms, usually in the suburbs,
for mock auction sales of cheap and worthless goods, and who advertise
their ventures as “Alarming Sacrifices,” “Important Sales of Bankrupts’
Stock,” &c. The American name for a mock auctioneer is a “Peter Funk.”

~Tracks~, “to make TRACKS,” to run away. _See_ STREAK.

~Tradesman~, one who thoroughly understands his business, whatever it
may be. No better compliment can be passed on an individual, whether his
profession be housebreaking, prizefighting, or that of a handicraftsman,
than the significant “He’s a regular TRADESMAN.”

~Translator~, a man who deals in old shoes or clothes, and refits them
for cheap wear. These people generally live in or about Dudley Street,
Seven Dials.

~Translators~, second-hand boots mended and polished, and sold at a low

~Trap~, a “fast” term for a carriage of any kind. TRAPS, goods and
chattels of any kind, but especially luggage and personal effects; in
Australia, “swag.”

~Trapesing~, gadding or gossiping about in a slatternly way. Generally
applied to girls and women in low neighbourhoods, who wander from
public-house to public-house, and whose clothes are carelessly fastened,
causing them to trail on the ground.

~Traveller~, name given by one tramp to another. “A TRAVELLER at her
Majesty’s expense,” _i.e._, a transported felon, a convict.

~Tree~, “up a TREE,” in temporary difficulties,—out of the way.
American expression, derived from racoon or bear-hunting. When Bruin is
TREED, or is forced up a TREE by the dogs, it means that then the tug of
war begins. _See_ ’COON. Hence when an opponent is fairly run to bay,
and can by no evasion get off, he is said to be TREED. These expressions
originated with Colonel Crockett, of backwoods celebrity. In Scotland
the phrase is “up a close,” _i.e._, up a passage with no outlet, a
_cul-de-sac_, therefore suggestive of an unpleasant predicament.

~Triangles~, a slang term for _delirium tremens_, during a fit of which
everything appears out of the square.

~Trimmings~, the necessary adjuncts to anything cooked, but specially
applied to a boiled leg of mutton, as turnips, potatoes, bread, beer,
salt, &c. Bets are frequently made for a leg of mutton and TRIMMINGS. Or
one person will forfeit the mutton if another will “stand the
TRIMMINGS.” It is generally a supper feast, held in a public-house, and
the rule is for the landlord to charge as TRIMMINGS everything, except
the mutton, placed on the table previous to the removal of the cloth. A
boiled leg o’ mutton and TRIMMINGS will be always known as a “swarry” to
admirers of Sam Weller.

~Tripes~, the bowels.

    “Next morning Miss Dolly complained of her TRIPES,
    Drinking cold water had given her gripes.”

~Trollies~, or TROLLY-CARTS, term given by costermongers to a species of
narrow carts, which can either be drawn by a donkey or driven by hand.

~Trolling~, sauntering or idling, hence TROLL and TROLLOCKS, an idle
slut, a “moll,” which _see_.

~Trollop~, a slatternly woman, a prostitute.

~Trot~, to “run up,” to oppose, to bid against at an auction. Private
buyers at auctions know from experience how general is the opposition
against them from dealers, “knock-outs,” and other habitués of sales,
who regard the rooms as their own peculiar domain. “We TROTTED him up
nicely, didn’t we?” _i.e._, we made him (the private buyer) pay dearly
for what he bought.

~Trot out~, to draw out or exploit, to show off the abilities of a
companion; sometimes to roast for the amusement and with the assistance
of an assembled company.

~Trotter~, a tailor’s man who goes round for orders.—_University._

~Trotter cases~, shoes.

~Trotters~, feet. Sheep’s TROTTERS, boiled sheep’s feet, a favourite
street delicacy.

~Truck~, a hat—from the cap on the extremity of a mast.—_Sea._

~Truck~, to exchange or barter.

~Trucks~, trousers.

~Trull~, corruption of “troll” or “trollop,” a dirty, slatternly woman,
a prostitute of the lowest class.

~Trump~, a good fellow; “a regular TRUMP,” a jolly or good-natured
person—in allusion to a TRUMP card; “TRUMPS may turn up,” _i.e._,
fortune may yet favour me.

~Trunks~, short trousers worn above hose or tights.—_Theatrical._

~Try it on~, to make attempt, generally applied to an effort at
imposition. An extortionate charge or a begging-letter is frequently
described as “a regular TRY-ON.”

~Tub~, the morning bath. To TUB has now become a regular verb, so far as
colloquialism is concerned, though no one uses a TUB as the word was
originally understood.

~Tub-thumping~, preaching or speech-making, from the old Puritan fashion
of “holding forth” from a tub, or beer barrel, as a mark of their
contempt for decorated pulpits.

~Tubs~, nickname for a butterman.

~Tuck~, a schoolboy’s term for fruit, pastry, &c. TUCK IN, or TUCK OUT,
a good meal.

~Tuft-hunter~, a hanger on to persons of quality or wealth—one who
seeks the society of wealthy people. Originally University slang, but
now general.

~Tufts~, at the University, noblemen, who pay high fees and are
distinguished by golden TUFTS, or tassels, in their caps.

~Tumble~, to comprehend or understand. A coster was asked what he
thought of _Macbeth_, and he replied, “The witches and the fighting was
all very well, but the other moves I couldn’t TUMBLE to exactly; few on
us can TUMBLE to the jaw-breakers; they licks us, they do.”

~Tumble to pieces~, to be safely delivered, as in childbirth.

~Tune the old cow died of~, an epithet for any ill-played or discordant
piece of music. Originally the name of an old ballad, referred to by
dramatists of Shakspeare’s time.

~Tuns~, a name at Pembroke College, Oxford, for small silver cups, each
containing half a pint. Sometimes a TUN had a handle with a whistle,
which could not be blown till the cup was empty.

~Turf~, horse-racing, and betting thereon; “on the TURF,” one who
occupies himself with race-horse business; said also of a street-walker,
or nymph of the _pavé_.

~Turkey merchants~, dealers in plundered or contraband silk. Poulterers
are sometimes termed TURKEY MERCHANTS in remembrance of Horne Tooke’s
answer to the boys at Eton, who wished in an aristocratic way to know
what _his_ father was: “A TURKEY MERCHANT,” replied Tooke—his father
was a poulterer. TURKEY MERCHANT, also, was formerly slang for a driver
of turkeys or geese to market.

~Turnip~, an old-fashioned watch, so called from its general appearance,
if of silver. Also called “a frying-pan.” Old-fashioned gold watches are
called “warming-pans.”

~Turn it up~, to quit, change, abscond, or abandon; “Ned has TURNED IT
UP,” _i.e._, run away; “I intend TURNING IT UP,” _i.e._, leaving my
present abode or employment, or altering my course of life.

~Turn-out~, personal show or appearance; a man with a showy carriage and
horses is said to have a good TURN-OUT.

~Turn-over~, an apprentice who finishes with a second master the
indentures he commenced with another, who has died or become bankrupt.

~Turn up~, a street fight; a sudden leaving, or making off. An
unexpected slice of luck. Among sporting men bookmakers are said to have
a TURN UP when an unbacked horse wins.

~Turn up~, to appear unexpectedly. Also to happen; “Let’s wait, and see
what will TURN UP.”

~Turn up~, to make sick. People are said to be TURNED UP by
sea-sickness, or when they are made ill by excessive smoking or

~Turned over~, remanded by the magistrate or judge for want of evidence.

~Turned up~, to be stopped and searched by the police. To be discharged
from a police-court or sessions-house; to be acquitted.

~Turnpike sailors~, beggars who go about dressed as sailors. A sarcastic
reference to the scene of their chief voyages.

~Tusheroon~, a crown piece, five shillings. Otherwise a bull or

~Tussle~, a row, struggle, fight, or argument.

~Tussle~, to struggle, or argue.

~Twelve godfathers~, a jury, because they give a name to the crime the
prisoner before them has been guilty of, whether murder or manslaughter,
felony or misdemeanor. Consequently it is a vulgar taunt to say, “You
will be christened by TWELVE GODFATHERS some day before long.”

~Twelver~, a shilling.

~Twice-laid~, a dish made out of cold fish and potatoes.—_Sea._ Compare

~Twig~, style. Prime TWIG, in good order and high spirits.

~Twig~, to comprehend, as, “Do you TWIG?” Also, “Hop the TWIG,” to

~Twist~, brandy and gin mixed.

~Twist~, capacity for eating, appetite; “He’s got a capital TWIST.”

~Twitchety~, nervous, fidgety.

~Twitter~, “all in a TWITTER,” in a fright or fidgety state.

~Two eighteener~, an Americanism for a man or woman of the fastest
kind—two minutes eighteen seconds, or close thereabouts, being the
fastest time for a mile recorded in connexion with the Transatlantic
national sport, trotting. “Two forty on a plank road,” a once favourite
expression with a similar meaning, derived from a feat of the famous
trotting mare Flora Temple, has died out since trotting has become
faster, and courses have been prepared on a different principle.

~Two-eyed-steak~, a red-herring or bloater. Otherwise “Billingsgate

~Two-handed~, expert at fisticuffs. Ambidextrous generally.

~Two-handed game~, a game or proposal in which the chances are fairly
even; as, “I’ll punch your head;” “Ah, that’s a TWO-HANDED GAME—you’ll
get no good at that.”

~Two to one~, the pawnbroker’s sign of three balls. So called because it
is supposed by calculating humourists to be TWO TO ONE against the
redemption of a pledged article.

~Two upon ten~, or TWO PUN’ TEN, an expression used by assistants to
each other, in shops, when a customer of suspected honesty makes his
appearance. The phrase refers to “two eyes upon ten fingers,” shortened
as a money term to TWO PUN’ TEN. When a supposed thief is present, one
shopman asks the other if that TWO PUN’ (pound) TEN matter was ever
settled. The man knows at once what is meant, and keeps a careful watch
upon the person being served. If it is not convenient to speak, a piece
of paper is handed to the same assistant, bearing the, to him, very
significant amount of

    _£2: 10: 0_


~Twopenny~, the head; “tuck in your TWOPENNY,” bend down your head.

~Twopenny-halfpenny~, paltry, insignificant. A TWOPENNY-HALFPENNY
fellow, a not uncommon expression of contempt.

~Twopenny-hops~, low dancing rooms, the price of admission to which was
formerly twopence. The clog hornpipe, the pipe dance, flash jigs, and
hornpipes in fetters, _à la_ Jack Sheppard, were the favourite
movements, all entered into with great spirit.

~Twopenny rope~, a lodging-house of the lowest kind, where tramps and
cadgers sleep on sacking stretched by means of ropes. Sleeping at these
places is called having “twopenn’orth of rope.”

~Tyburnia~, the Portman and Grosvenor Square district. It is facetiously
divided by the Londoners into “Tyburnia Felix,” “Tyburnia Deserta,” and
“Tyburnia Snobbica.” The old gallows at Tyburn stood near the N.E.
corner of Hyde Park, at the angle formed by the Edgware Road and the top
of Oxford Street. In 1778 this was two miles out of London.

~Tyburn tippet~, in the old hanging days, Jack Ketch’s rope.

~Tye~, or TIE, a neckerchief. Proper hosiers’ term now, but slang thirty
years ago, and as early as 1718.

~Tyke~, a Yorkshireman. Term used by themselves, as well as by
Southerners, in reference to them.

~Typo~, a printer.

~Ugly~, wicked, malicious, resentful.—_American._

~Ullages~, the wine of all sorts left in the bottoms of glasses at a
public dinner. This is emptied into a measure, and drunk behind the
screen or in any convenient place by the waiters, which accounts for
their stony glare and fishy appearance late in the evening. Maybe from
_Lat._ ULLUS, any.

~Unbleached American~, Yankee term, since the war, for coloured natives
of the United States.

~Uncle~, the pawnbroker. _See_ MY UNCLE.

~Under a cloud~, in difficulties. An evident reference to shady

~Under the rose.~ _See_ ROSE.

~Understandings~, the feet or boots. Men who wear exceptionally large or
thick boots, are said to possess good UNDERSTANDINGS.

~Understudy~, to STUDY a part for the stage, not with the view of
playing it at once, but so as to be ready in the event of anything
happening to its present representative. Some actors of position, who
suffer from delicate health, or mental weakness, have always other and
inferior, but more robust, artists UNDERSTUDYING their parts.

~Unfortunate~, a modern euphuism for a prostitute, derived from Thomas
Hood’s beautiful poem of _The Bridge of Sighs_:—

    “One more UNFORTUNATE,
    Weary of breath,
    Rashly importunate,
    Gone to her death.”

It is almost needless to remark that the poet had no intention of using
the word in any but its widest and most general sense.

~Unicorn~, a style of driving with two wheelers abreast and one
leader—termed in the United States a “spike team.” “Tandem” is one
wheeler and one leader. “Random,” three horses in line. “Manchester”
means three horses abreast. _See_ HARUM-SCARUM.

~Unlicked~, ill-trained, uncouth, rude, and rough; an “UNLICKED cub” is
a loutish youth who has never been taught manners; from the tradition
that a bear’s cub, when brought into the world, has no shape or symmetry
until its dam licks it into form with her tongue. Possibly said of a boy
who has been petted, _i.e._, who has been insufficiently thrashed or
licked. Case of spared rod and spoilt child.

~Unparliamentary~, or UNSCRIPTURAL, language, words unfit for use in
ordinary conversation.

~Unutterables~, or UNWHISPERABLES, trousers. _See_ INEXPRESSIBLES.

~Up~, “to be UP to a thing or two,” to be knowing, or understanding; “to
put a man UP to a move,” to teach him a trick; “it’s all UP with him,”
_i.e._, it is all over with him; when pronounced U.P., naming the two
letters separately, means settled, or done UP. “UP a tree,” _see_ TREE.
“UP to snuff,” wide awake, acquainted with the last new move; “UP to
one’s gossip,” to be a match for one who is trying to take you in; “UP
to slum,” proficient in roguery, capable of committing a theft
successfully; “what’s UP?” what is the matter? what is the news?

~U.P.~, United Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

~Upper Benjamin~, or BENJY, a great coat; originally “Joseph,” but,
because of the preponderance of tailors named BENJAMIN, altered in
deference to them.

~Upper storey~, or UPPER LOFT, a person’s head; “his UPPER STOREY is
unfurnished,” _i.e._, he does not know very much. “Wrong in his UPPER
STOREY,” crazy. _See_ CHUMP.

~Uppish~, proud, arrogant.

~Used up~, broken-hearted, bankrupt, fatigued, vanquished.

~Vakeel~, a barrister.—_Anglo-Indian._

~Vamos~, VAMOUS, or VAMOOSH, to go, or be off. Spanish, VAMOS, “Let us
go!” Probably NAMUS, or NAMOUS, the costermonger’s word, was from this.

~Vamp~, to spout, to leave in pawn. Also to cobble, as, “a VAMPED play,”
and “a VAMPED accompaniment,” both terms reflecting discredit on the
work, but not necessarily upon the musician.

~Vamps~, old, or refooted stockings. From VAMP, to piece.

~Vardo~, to look; “VARDO the carsey,” look at the house. VARDO formerly
was old cant for a waggon. This is by low Cockneys generally pronounced

~Vardy~, verdict, vulgarly used as opinion, thus, “My VARDY on the
matter is the same as yourn.”

~Varmint.~ “You young VARMINT, you!” you bad, or naughty boy. Corruption

~Varnisher~, an utterer of false sovereigns. Generally “snide-pitcher.”

~’Varsity~, either UNIVERSITY—more rarely University College, Oxford.

~Velvet~, the tongue; especially the tongue of a magsman. Also, men who
have succeeded in their speculations, especially on the turf, are said
to stand on VELVET.

~Veneer~, the artificiality of society, conventionality. Dickens
expressed his dislike for certain forms of VENEER repeatedly, and
especially by means of his Veneerings in _Our Mutual Friend_.

~Vet~, colloquial term for VETERINARIAN.

~Vic~, the Victoria Theatre, London. Also the street abbreviation of the
Christian name of her Majesty the Queen.

~Village~, or THE VILLAGE, _i.e._, London. Birmingham is called “the
hardware VILLAGE.” Also a Cambridge term for a disreputable suburb of
that town, viz., Barnwell, generally styled “the VILLAGE.”

~Ville~, or VILE, a town or village—pronounced PHIAL, or

~Vinnied~, mildewed, or sour.—_Devonshire._

~Voker~, to talk; “can you VOKER Romany?” can you speak the canting
language?—_Latin_, VOCARE; _Spanish_, VOCEAR.

~Vowel.~ “To VOWEL a debt” is to acknowledge with an I O U.

~Vulpecide~, one who shoots or traps foxes, or destroys them in any way
other than that of hunting. A foxhunter regards a VULPECIDE as rather
worse than an ordinary murderer.

~Wabble~, or WOBBLE, to move from side to side, to roll about. Johnson
terms it “a low, barbarous word.”

~Walk into~, to overcome, to demolish; “I’ll WALK INTO his affections,”
_i.e._, I will scold or thrash him. “He WALKED INTO the grub,” _i.e._,
he demolished it. WALK INTO also means to get into the debt of any one,
as “He WALKED INTO the affections of all the tradesmen in the

~Walk-over~, a re-election without opposition.—_Parliamentary_, but
derived from the turf, where a horse which has no rivals WALKS OVER the
course. _See_ DEAD HEAT.

~Walk your chalks~, be off, or run away,—spoken sharply by any one who
wishes to get rid of a troublesome person. _See_ CHALKS.

~Walker~, a letter-carrier or postman. From an old song, called,
“Walker, the twopenny postman.”

~Walker!~ or HOOKEY WALKER! an ejaculation of incredulity, used when a
person is telling a story which you know to be all gammon, or worse. One
explanation of the phrase is this:—“Years ago there was a person named
Walker, an aquiline-nosed Jew, who exhibited an orrery, which he called
by the erudite name of ‘Eidouranion.’ He was also a popular lecturer on
astronomy, and often, telescope in hand, invited his pupils to ‘take a
sight’ at the moon and stars. The lecturer’s phrase struck his schoolboy
auditory, who frequently ‘took a sight’ with that gesture of
outstretched arm and adjustment to nose and eye which was the first
garnish of the popular saying. The next step was to assume phrase and
gesture as the outward and visible mode of knowingness in general.” This
has been denied, however, and a statement made that HOOKEY WALKER was a
magistrate of dreaded acuteness and incredulity, whose hooked nose gave
the title of “beak” to all his successors; it is also said, moreover,
that the gesture of applying the thumb to the nose and agitating the
little finger, as an expression of “Don’t you wish you may get it?” is
considerably older than the first story would seem to indicate. There
are many and various explanations of the term, given according to the
development of fancy.—_Notes and Queries_, iv. 425.

~Walking the pegs~, a method of cheating at the game of cribbage, by a
species of legerdemain, the sharper either moving his own pegs forward,
or those of his antagonist backward, according to the state of the game.

~Wallflower~, a person who goes to a ball and looks on without dancing,
either from choice or through not being able to obtain a partner. From
the position.

~Wallflowers~, left-off and “regenerated” clothes exposed for sale on
the bunks and shop-boards of Seven Dials. _See_ REACH-ME-DOWNS.

~Wallabee-track~, Colonial slang for the tramp. When a man in Australia
is “on the road” looking for employment, he is said to be on the

~Wallop~, to beat, or thrash. John Gough Nichols derives this word from
an ancestor of the Earl of Portsmouth, one Sir John Wallop, Knight of
the Garter, who in King Henry VIII.’s time distinguished himself by
WALLOPING the French; but it is more probably connected with wheal, a
livid swelling in the skin after a blow. _See_ POT-WALLOPER.

~Walloping~, a beating or thrashing; sometimes used in an adjective
sense, as big, or very large.

~Wapping~, or WHOPPING, of a large size, great.

~Warm~, rich, or well off.

~Warm~, to thrash or beat; “I’ll WARM your jacket.” To WARM the wax of
one’s ear is to give a severe blow on the side of the head. To WARM is
also to rate or abuse roundly. Also varied, as, “to make it hot” for any

~Warming-pan~, a large old-fashioned gold watch. A person placed in an
office to hold it for another. _See_ W.P.

~War-paint~, evening dress. When people go out in full costume they are
often said to have their WAR-PAINT on. Also, military “full-fig.”

~Wash~, “It wont WASH,” _i.e._, will not stand investigation, will not
“bear the rub,” is not genuine, can’t be believed.

~Waster~, a useless, clumsy, or ill-made person.

~Watch and seals~, a sheep’s head and pluck.

~Watchmaker~, a pickpocket or stealer of watches. Often called “a
WATCHMAKER in a crowd.”

~Water-bewitched~, very weak tea, the third brew (or the first at some
houses). Sometimes very weak tea is called “husband’s tea,” in allusion
to the wife taking the first brew, and leaving the rest for her husband.
Also grog much diluted.

~Water-dogs~, Norfolk dumplings.

~Water gunner~, a marine artilleryman.

~Water the dragon~, or WATER ONE’S NAG, a hint for retiring.

~Waterman~, a blue silk handkerchief. The friends of the Oxford and
Cambridge boats’ crews always wear these—light blue for Cambridge, and
a darker shade for Oxford.

~Wattles~, ears.

~Wax~, a rage. “Let’s get him in a WAX.” WAXY, cross, ill-tempered.

~Wayz-goose~, a printers’ annual dinner, the funds for which are
collected by stewards regularly appointed by “the chapel.”

~Weather eye~, the cautious eye. Any one who is supposed to have an
extra good knowledge of things in general, or to be hard to impose on or
cheat, is said to have his WEATHER EYE well open.

~Weather-headed~, so written by Sir Walter Scott in his _Peveril of the
Peak_, but it is more probably WETHER-HEADED, as applied to a person
having a “sheepish” look.

~Weaving~, a notorious card-sharping trick, done by keeping certain
cards on the knee, or between the knee and the under side of the table,
and using them when required by changing them for the cards held in the

~Weaving leather aprons.~ When a knowing blade is asked what he has been
doing lately, and does not choose to tell, his reply is, that he has
been very busy WEAVING LEATHER APRONS. (From the reports of a celebrated
trial for gold robbery on the South-Western Railway.) Other similar
replies are, “I have been making a trundle for a goose’s eye,” or a
“whim-wham to bridle a goose.” Sometimes a man will describe himself as
“a doll’s-eye WEAVER.”

~Wedge~, silver.—_Old Cant._

~Wedge-feeder~, a silver spoon.

~Weed~, a cigar; _the_ WEED, tobacco generally.

~Weed~, a hatband.

~Weight-for-age~, a sporting phrase which, applied to a race,
distinguishes it from a handicap or catch-weight event, and informs all
interested that the animals which run carry according to their ages, and
not their abilities. Winners of certain great races generally carry
penalties in addition to WEIGHT-FOR-AGE, for the purpose of equalizing
matters somewhat; but as a rule the results are fairly foreshadowed as
soon as in these races the horses are at the post, or as soon as the
starters are positively known.

~Wejee~, a chimney-pot. Often applied to any clever invention, as,
“That’s a regular WEJEE.”

~Welcher~, a person who makes a bet without the remotest chance of being
able to pay, and, losing it, absconds, or “makes himself scarce.” In the
betting ring a WELCHER is often very severely handled upon his swindling
practices being discovered. The Catterick “Clerk of the Course” once
provided some stout labourers and a tar-barrel for the special benefit
of the WELCHERS who might visit that neighbourhood. The word is modern,
but the practice is ancient.

    “One Moore, the unworthy incumbent of the ‘Suffolk curacy,’
    dedicated a book to ‘Duke Humphrey,’ and was then entirely lost
    sight of by his old college friends, till one of them espied him
    slung up in ‘the basket,’ for not paying his bets at a
    cock-pit.”—_Post and Paddock._

One writer says the term “arose from a fellow who took deposits on
account of Welsh ponies, which he said he was importing, and never
delivered them.” It is not unfrequently suggested by irreverent persons
that the word was suggested by the dislike his gracious Majesty George
the Fourth had, when a young man, for settling. Others derive it from
the nursery rhyme,

    “Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief.”

There can be no doubt that, from the days when the stout Earl of
Chester and others were constantly employed in checking and cutting off
the expeditions of their neighbours till comparatively recently, the
term “Welshman” has been hardly one of kindness. It is not hard,
therefore, to imagine its use on the Roodee, and its subsequent
corruption into WELCHER. The spelling of the word, WELCHER or WELSHER,
is optional.

~Well~, to pocket, to save money. Any one of fair income and miserly
habits is said to “WELL it.”

~Welt~, to thrash with a strap or stick. Probably meaning to raise

~West central~, a water-closet, the initials being the same as those of
the London Postal District. It is said that for this reason very
delicate people refuse to obey Rowland Hill’s instructions in this
particular. An old maid, who lived in this district, was particularly
shocked at having W.C. marked on all her letters, and informed the
letter-carrier that she could not think of submitting to such an
indecent fashion. On being informed that the letters would not be
forwarded without the obnoxious initials, she remarked that she would
have them left at the Post-Office. “Then, marm,” said the fellow, with a
grin, “they will put P.O. on them, which will be more ondacenter than
the tother.”

~Wet~, a drink, a drain.

~Wet~, to drink. Low people generally ask an acquaintance to WET any
recently purchased article, _i.e._, to stand treat on the occasion. “WET
(originally WHET, to sharpen,) your whistle,” _i.e._, take a drink; “WET
the other eye,” _i.e._, take another glass. _See_ SHED A TEAR.

~Wet Quaker~, a man who pretends to be religious, and is a dram-drinker
on the sly.

~Wet un~, a diseased cow, unfit for human food, but nevertheless sold to
make into sausages. _Compare_ STAGGERING-BOB.

~Whack~, a share or lot. “Give me my WHACK,” give me my
share.—_Scotch_, SWEG, _or_ SWACK.

~Whack~, or WHACKING, a blow, or a thrashing.

~Whack~, to beat.

~Whacker~, a lie of unusual dimensions, sometimes called a “round un.”

~Whacking~, large, fine, or strong.

~Whacks~, to go WHACKS, to divide equally; to enter into partnership.

~Whale~, “very like a WHALE,” said of anything that is very improbable.
A speech of Polonius’s in _Hamlet_.

~What d’yecall’em~, a similar expression to “thingumy.”

~Wheeze~, a joke, an anecdote, or dialogue, not strictly connected with
a piece that is being played, but introduced by an actor, sometimes with
the assistance and for the benefit of others. The dialogues which take
place between the songs at nigger entertainments are also known as
WHEEZES. The word actually means a new notion as applied to dialogue.

~Wherret~, or WORRIT, to scold, trouble, or annoy.—_Old English._

~Whid~, a word. Sometimes, a fib, a falsehood, a word too much.—_Modern
Slang_, from the ancient cant.

~Whiddle~, to enter into a parley, or hesitate with many words, &c.; to
inform, or discover. _See_ WHEEDLE.

~Whim-wham~, an alliterative term, synonymous with fiddle-faddle,
riff-raff, &c., denoting nonsense, rubbish, &c.

~Whip~, after the usual allowance of wine is drunk at mess, those who
wish for more put a shilling each into a glass handed round to procure a
further supply. WHIP-ROUND is now a common term for a subscription of a
similar kind to that described.

~Whip~, to “WHIP anything up,” to take it up quickly; from the method of
hoisting heavy goods or horses on board ship by a WHIP, or running
tackle, from the yard-arm. Generally used to express anything
dishonestly taken.

~Whip~, the member of the House of Commons whose duty it is to collect
and keep together his party to vote at divisions. To give him greater
influence, the ministerial WHIP holds, or is supposed to hold, the minor
patronage of the Treasury.

~Whipjack~, a sham shipwrecked sailor, called also a turnpike-sailor.

~Whip the cat~, when an operative works at a private house by the day.
Term used amongst tailors and carpenters.

~Whipper-snapper~, a waspish, diminutive person.

~Whisper~, a tip given in secret, a rumour which is spread under the
pretence of its being a secret. To “give the WHISPER,” is to give a
quick tip to any one. An owner’s final instruction to his jockey is
called “the WHISPER at the post.”

~Whisper~, to borrow money—generally small sums—as, “He WHISPERED me
for a tanner.”

~Whisperer~, a constant borrower.

~Whistle~, “as clean as a WHISTLE,” neatly, or “slickly done,” as an
American would say; “To whet (or more vulgarly wet) one’s WHISTLE,” to
take a drink. This last is a very old expression. Chaucer says of the
Miller of Trumpington’s wife (_Canterbury Tales_, 4153)—

    “So was hir joly WHISTAL well y-wet.”

“To WHISTLE for anything,” to stand small chance of getting it, from the
nautical custom of WHISTLING for a wind in a calm, which of course comes
none the sooner for it. “To pay for one’s WHISTLE,” to pay extravagantly
for any fancy.

~Whistling-Billy~, or PUFFING-BILLY, a locomotive engine.

~Whistling-shop~, a place in which spirits are sold without a licence.

~Whitechapel~ or WESTMINSTER BROUGHAM, a costermonger’s donkey-barrow.

~Whitechapel~, anything mean or paltry. Potting one’s opponent at
billiards is often known as “WHITECHAPEL play.”

~Whitechapel~, in tossing, when “two out of three wins.” _See_ SUDDEN

~Whitechapel fortune~, a clean gown and a pair of pattens.

~White eye~, military slang for a very strong and deleterious kind of
whisky, so called because its potency is believed to turn the eyes round
in the sockets, leaving the whites only visible.

~White feather~, “to show the WHITE FEATHER,” to evince cowardice. In
times when great attention was paid to the breeding of game-cocks, a
white feather in the tail was considered a proof of cross-breeding.

~White horses~, the foam on the crests of waves, seen before or after a

    “Now the wild white horses play.
    Champ and chafe and toss in the spray.
      Children, dear, let us away,
      This way, this way.”—_Matthew Arnold._

~White lie~, a harmless lie, one told to reconcile people at variance.
“Mistress is not at home, sir,” is a WHITE LIE often told by servants.

~White-livered~, or LIVER-FACED, cowardly, much afraid, very mean.

~White prop~, a diamond pin.—_East London._

~White satin~, gin,—term amongst women. _See_ SATIN.

~White serjeant~, a man’s superior officer in the person of his better

~White tape~, gin,—term used principally by female servants. _See_

~White un~, a silver watch.

~White wine~, the fashionable term for gin.

    “Jack Randall then impatient rose,
      And said, ‘Tom’s speech were just as fine
    If he would call that first of GOES
      By that genteeler name—WHITE WINE.’”

        _Randall’s Diary_, 1820.

~Whitewash~, to rehabilitate. A person who took the benefit of the
Insolvent Act was said to have been WHITEWASHED. Now said of a person
who compromises with his creditors.

~Whitewash~, a glass of sherry as a finale, after drinking port and

~Whittle~, to nose or peach.—_Old Cant._ To cut and hack as with a

~Whop~, to beat, or hide. Corruption of WHIP; sometimes spelt WAP.

~Whop-straw~, cant name for a countryman; Johnny WHOP-STRAW, in allusion
to threshing.

~Whopper~, a big one, a lie. A lie not easily swallowed.

~Widdle~, to shine. _See_ OLIVER.

~Wide-awake~, a broad-brimmed felt or stuff hat,—so called because it
never had a nap, and never wants one.

~Wido~, wide awake, no fool.

~Wife~, a fetter fixed to one leg.—_Prison._

~Wiffle-woffles~, in the dumps, sorrow, stomach-ache.

~Wig~, move off, go away.—_North Country Cant._

~Wigging~, a rebuke before comrades. If the head of a firm calls a clerk
into the parlour, and rebukes him, it is an EARWIGGING; if done before
the other clerks, it is a WIGGING.

~Wild~, a village.—_Tramps’ term._ _See_ VILE.

~Wild~, vexed, cross, passionate,—said to be from WILLED (SELF-WILLED),
in opposition to “tamed” or “subdued.” In the United States the word
“mad” is supplemented with a vulgar meaning similar to our Cockneyism
WILD; and to make a man mad on the other side of the Atlantic is to vex
him, or “rile” his temper—not to render him a raving maniac, or a fit
subject for Bedlam.

~Wild Irishman~, the train between Euston and Holyhead, in connection
with the Kingstown mail-boats.

~Wild oats~, youthful pranks. A fast young man is said to be “sowing his

~William~, a bill. The derivation is obvious.

~Willow~, a cricket-bat. From the material of which it is made. The
great batsman, W. G. Grace, is often called “champion of the WILLOW.”

~Wind~, “to raise the WIND,” to procure money; “to slip one’s WIND,” a
coarse expression, meaning to die. _See_ RAISE.

~Wind~, “I’ll WIND your cotton,” _i.e._, I will give you some trouble.
The Byzantine General, Narses, used the same kind of threat to the Greek
Empress,—“I will spin a thread that they shall not be able to unravel.”

~Windows~, the eyes, or “peepers.”

~Winey~, intoxicated.

~Winged~, hurt, but not dangerously, by a bullet. Originally to be shot
in the arm or shoulder. To slightly wound birds is to WING them.

~Winkin~, “he went off like WINKIN,” _i.e._, very quickly. From WINK, to
shut the eye quickly.

~Winks~, periwinkles.

~Winn~, a penny—_Ancient Cant._ _See_ introductory chapter.

~Wipe~, a pocket-handkerchief.—_Old Cant._

~Wipe~, a blow. Frequently sibilated to SWIPE, a cricket-term.

~Wipe~, to strike; “he fetcht me a WIPE over the knuckles,” he struck me
on the knuckles; “to WIPE a person down,” to flatter or pacify; “to wipe
off a score,” to pay one’s debts, in allusion to the slate or chalk
methods of account-keeping; “to WIPE a person’s eye,” to shoot game
which he has missed; hence to obtain an advantage by superior activity.
With old topers “WIPING one’s eye,” is equivalent to giving or taking
another drink.

~Wipe-out~, to kill or utterly destroy. This is an Americanism, but is
in pretty general use here.

~Wire-in~, a London street phrase in general use, which means to go in
with a will. In its original form of “WIRE-IN, and get your name up,” it
was very popular among London professional athletes. The phrase is now
general, and any one who has a hard task before him, knows he must
WIRE-IN to bring matters to a successful issue.

~Wire-pullers~, powerful political partisans, who do their work from
“behind the scenes.”

~With and without~, words by themselves, supposed to denote the
existence or non-existence of sugar in grog. Generally “warm WITH” and
“cold WITHOUT.”

~Wobble-shop~, a shop where beer is sold without a licence.

~Wobbler~, a foot soldier, a term of contempt used by cavalrymen.

~Wobbly~, rickety, unsteady, ill-fitting.

~Wolf~, to eat greedily.

~Wooden spoon~, the last junior optime who takes a University
degree; denoting one who is only fit to stay at home, and stir
porridge.—_Cambridge._ The expression is also parliamentary slang, and
is applied to the member of the ministry whose name appears in the
division lists least frequently. At the ministerial dinner annually held
at Greenwich, such member sometimes has a wooden spoon presented to him.

~Wooden surtout~, a coffin, generally spoken of as a WOODEN SURTOUT with
nails for buttons.

~Wooden wedge~, the last name in the classical honours’ list at
Cambridge. The last in mathematical honours had long been known as the
WOODEN SPOON; but when the classical Tripos was instituted in 1824, it
was debated among the undergraduates what sobriquet should be given to
the last on the examination list. Curiously enough, the name that year
which happened to be last was WEDGEWOOD (a distinguished Wrangler).
Hence the title.


~Wool~, courage, pluck; “you are not half-WOOLED,” term of reproach from
one thief to another.

~Wool~, bravery, pluck. Term much in use among pugilists and their
admirers. The highest praise that can be bestowed on a man of courage in
lower-class circles is that which characterizes him as being “a reg’lar
wooled un,” or “a rare WOOL-TOPPED UN.” Derived from the great pluck and
perseverance shown by many pugilists of whole or partial colour, from
Molyneux down to Bob Travers.

~Woolbird~, a lamb; “wing of a WOOLBIRD,” a shoulder of lamb.

~Wool-gathering~, said of any person’s wits when they are wandering, or
in a reverie.

~Wool-hole~, the workhouse.

~Woolly~, out of temper.

~Woolly~, a blanket.

~Work~, to plan, or lay down and execute any course of action, to
perform anything; “to WORK the bulls,” _i.e._, to get rid of false crown
pieces; “to work the oracle,” to succeed by manœuvring, to concert a
wily plan, to victimize,—a possible reference to the stratagems and
bribes used to corrupt the Delphic oracle, and cause it to deliver a
favourable response. “To WORK a street or neighbourhood,” to try at each
house to sell all one can, or to bawl so that every housewife may know
what is to be sold. The general plan is to drive a donkey-barrow a short
distance, and then stop and cry. The term implies thoroughness; to “WORK
a street well” is a common saying with a coster. “To WORK a benefit” is
to canvass among one’s friends and acquaintances.

~Worm.~ _See_ PUMP.

~Worm~, a policeman.

~Worming~, removing the beard of an oyster or mussel.

~W. P.~, or WARMING-PAN. A clergyman who holds a living _pro tempore_,
under a bond of resignation, is styled a W. P., or WARMING-PAN rector,
because he keeps the place warm for his successor. WARMING-PAN was a
term first popularly applied to a substitute in the reign of James II.

~Wrinkle~, an idea, or a fancy; an additional piece of knowledge.

~Write~, as “to WRITE one’s name on a joint,” to leave the impression of
one’s handiwork thereon, to have the first cut at anything; to leave
visible traces of one’s presence anywhere.

~Wylo~, be off.—_Anglo-Chinese._

~X.~, or LETTER X, a method of arrest used by policemen with desperate
ruffians,—by getting a firm grasp on the collar, and drawing the
captive’s hand over the holding arm, and pressing the fingers down in a
peculiar way—the captured person’s arm in this way can be more easily
broken than extricated.

~Yack~, a watch; to “church a YACK,” to take it out of its case to avoid
detection, otherwise to “christen a YACK.”

~Yaffle~, to eat.—_Old English._

~Yahoo~, a person of coarse or degraded habits. Derived from the use of
the word by Swift.

~Yam~, to eat. This word is used by the lowest class all over the world;
by the Wapping sailor, West Indian negro, or Chinese coolie. When the
fort, called the Dutch Folly, near Canton, was in course of erection by
the Hollanders, under the pretence of being intended for an hospital,
the Chinese observed a box containing muskets among the alleged hospital
stores. “Hy-aw!” exclaimed John Chinaman, “How can sick man YAM gun?”
The Dutch were surprised and massacred the same night.

~Yappy~, soft, foolish; mostly applied to an over-generous person, from
the fact that it originally meant one who paid for everything. YAP is
back slang for pay, and often when a man is asked to pay more than he
considers correct, he says, “Do you think I’m YAPPY?” do you think I’m
paying mad? Thus slang begets slang.

~Yard of clay~, a long, old-fashioned tobacco pipe; also called a

~Yarmouth capon~, a bloater, or red herring.

~Yarmouth mittens~, bruised hands.—_Sea._

~Yarn~, a long story, or tale; “a tough YARN,” a tale hard to be
believed; “spin a YARN,” to tell a tale.—_Sea._

~Yay-nay~, “a poor YAY-NAY” fellow, one who has no conversational power,
and can only answer YEA or NAY to a question.

~Yellow-belly~, a native of the fens of Lincolnshire, or the Isle of
Ely—in allusion to the frogs and yellow-bellied eels caught there.

~Yellow-boy~, a sovereign, or any gold coin.

~Yellow-gloak~, a jealous man.

~Yellow-Jack~, the yellow fever prevalent in the West Indies.

~Yellow-man~, a yellow silk handkerchief.

~Yellows~, a term of reproach applied to Bluecoat and other charity
school boys.

~Yid~, or YIT, a Jew. YIDDEN, the Jewish people. The Jews use these
terms very frequently.

~Yokel~, a countryman. Probably from yoke, representative of his
occupation. Some fancy, however, that the word was originally YOWKEL, in
imitation of the broad tones of country labourers.

~Yokuff~, a chest, or large box.

~Yorkshire~, “to YORKSHIRE,” or “come YORKSHIRE over any person,” to
cheat or cozen him. The proverbial over-reaching of the rustics of this
county has given rise to the phrase, which is sometimes pronounced
Yorshar. To put Yorshar to a man, is to trick or deceive him. This
latter is from a work in the Lancashire dialect, 1757.

~Yorkshire compliment~, a gift of something useless to the giver.
Sometimes called a North-country compliment.

~Yorkshire estates;~ “I will do it when I come into my YORKSHIRE
ESTATES,”—meaning if I ever have the money or the means.

~Yorkshire reckoning~, a reckoning in which every one pays his own

~Younker~, in street language, a lad or a boy. Term in general use
amongst costermongers, cabmen, and old-fashioned people. Barnefield’s
_Affectionate Shepherd_, 1594, has the phrase, “a seemelie YOUNKER.”
_Danish_ and _Friesic_, JONKER. In the navy, a naval cadet is usually
termed a YOUNKER.

~Your nibs~, yourself. _See_ NIBS.

~Yoxter~, a convict returned from transportation before his time.

~Ziff~, a juvenile thief.

~Ziph~, LANGUAGE OF, a way of disguising English in use among the
students at Winchester College. Compare MEDICAL GREEK. De Quincey, in
his _Autobiographic Sketches_, says that he acquired this language as a
boy, from a Dr. Mapleton, who had three sons at Winchester who had
imported it from thence as their sole accomplishment, and that after the
lapse of fifty years he could, and did with Lord Westport, converse in
it with ease and rapidity. It was communicated at Winchester to
new-comers for a fixed fee of half a guinea. The secret is this,—repeat
the vowel or diphthong of every syllable, prefixing to the vowel so
repeated the letter G, and placing the accent on the intercalated
syllable. Thus, for example, “Shall we go away in an hour?” “Shagall
wege gogo agawagay igin agan hougour?” “Three hours we have already
stayed,” “Threegee hougours wege hagave agalreageadygy stagayed.” De
Quincey could hardly have been considered complimentary to his own
memory if he supposed that he, or for the matter of that any one
possessed of brains, could forget anything so simple; or that, if
forgotten until suddenly recalled, it could not be mastered by any
sensible person in a minute. The language of ZIPH is far inferior to any
of the slangs manufactured by the lower classes. Evidently any consonant
will answer the purpose; F or L would be softer, and so far better. This
ZIPH system is not confined to Winchester College, as it is recorded and
described amongst many other modes of cryptical communication, oral and
visual, spoken, written, and symbolic, in an _Essay towards a Real
Character and a Philosophic Language_ (founded on or suggested by a
treatise published just before, by Geo. Dalgarne), by John Wilkins,
Bishop of Chester, published by order of the Royal Society, fol. 1668,
and as the bishop does not speak of it as a recent invention, it may
probably at that time have been regarded as an antique device for
conducting a conversation in secrecy amongst bystanders—which says very
little for either the designers or the bystanders.

~Zounds!~ a sudden exclamation—abbreviation of “God’s wounds!”


[57] Since the first edition of this work a great alteration has taken
place in this respect. Though topical ballads are now often sung, the
singers confine themselves to low neighbourhoods, and as soon as a
policeman approaches, if ever he does, they make themselves scarce. The
practice is singular. One man gets as far through a line as he can, and
when his voice cracks his companion takes up. For this reason the
business is as a rule conducted by a man and woman, or sometimes by a
woman and child. The writing of these ditties is generally work of a
character for which even 7_s._ 6_d._ would be a high rate of pay.—ED.

[58] Eurasian is not a child of mixed race, but one born of European
parents in an Asiatic clime. A similar error exists with regard to the
word creole, which is generally supposed to mean a man or woman in whom
white and black strains are mixed. I need not say how wrong this is, but
the vulgar error is none the less current.—ED.

[59] There is something so extremely humorous and far-fetched about this
explanation, that though it is utterly unworthy of its place in a
dictionary, I, finding it there, have not the heart to cut it out.—ED.

[60] Of course by those who don’t know the scientific way used in
“canine exhibitions” and dog-fights—of biting their tails till they
turn round to bite the biter.—ED.




The costermongers of London number between thirty and forty thousand.
Like other low tribes, they boast a language, or secret tongue, by which
they hide their designs, movements, and other private affairs. This
costers’ speech offers no new fact, or approach to a fact, for
philologists; it is not very remarkable for originality of construction,
neither is it spiced with low humour, as other cant. But the
costermongers boast that it is known only to themselves; that it is far
beyond the Irish, and puzzles the Jews. This is, however, but a poor
fiction; for, as will be seen, the slang current among them is of the
crudest conception, and only difficult to the most ignorant. Any one of
the smallest pretensions to ability could learn back slang—could, in
fact, create it for himself—as far as the costers’ vocabulary extends,
in a couple of hours. Since the early editions of this work were
published back slang has become very common; and is now mostly spoken,
mixed however, with various other kinds of slang, in the public
markets—the new dead-meat market being, perhaps, strongest in the way
of pure—if the term may be used—back slang.

The main principle of this language is spelling the words backwards—or
rather, pronouncing them rudely backwards. Sometimes, for the sake of
harmony, an extra syllable is prefixed or annexed; and occasionally the
word receives quite a different turn, in rendering it backwards, from
what an uninitiated person would have expected. One coster told Mayhew
that he often gave the end of a word “a new turn, just as if he chorused
it with a tol-de-rol.” But then costermongers, and more especially those
who confided their joys and sorrows to the gentleman just named, are not
to be relied on. The coster has, of course, his own idea of the proper
way of spelling words, and is not to be convinced but by an overwhelming
show of learning,—and frequently not then, for he is a very headstrong
fellow. By the time a coster has spelt an ordinary word of two or three
syllables in the proper way, and then spelt it backwards, it has become
a tangled knot that no etymologist could unravel. The word “generalize,”
for instance, is considered to be “shilling” spelt backwards, while
“genitraf” is supposed to represent farthing. Sometimes slang and cant
words are introduced, and even these, when imagined to be tolerably well
known, are pronounced backwards. Very often, instead of a word being
spelt backwards right through, the syllables retain their original
order; the initial _h_ is pronounced as though _c_ were before it,
“tatch” being back slang for hat, and “flatch” the word supposed to
represent half. Again, the full words are shortened, as “gen” for
“generalize,” a shilling; and various other artifices are resorted to,
in the hope of adding to the natural difficulties of back slang.

This back language, back slang, or “kacab genals,” as it is called by
the costermongers themselves, is supposed to be regarded by the rising
generation of street-sellers as a distinct and regular mode of
intercommunication. People who hear this slang for the first time never
refer words, by inverting them, to their originals; and the “yanneps,”
“esclops,” and “nammows,” are looked upon as secret terms. Those who
practise the slang soon obtain a considerable stock vocabulary, so that
they converse rather from the memory than the understanding. Amongst the
senior costermongers, and those who pride themselves on their
proficiency in back slang, a conversation is often sustained for a whole
evening—that is, the chief words are in the back slang—especially if
any “flats” are present whom they wish to astonish or confuse.

The addition of an _s_ invariably forms the plural, so that this is
another source of complication. For instance, woman in the back slang is
“nammow,” and “nammows” is “women.” The explorer, then, in undoing the
back slang, and turning the word once more into English, would have a
novel and very extraordinary rendering of women. Where a word is
refractory in submitting to a back rendering, as in the case of “pound,”
letters are made to change positions for the sake of harmony; thus we
have “dunop,” a pound, instead of “dnuop,” which nobody could pleasantly
pronounce. Also all words of one syllable which end with two
consonants—such, for instance, as cold, drunk—become dissyllables when
read backwards, the vowel e being imagined between the then first and
second consonants, as “deloc,” “kennurd.” Others take the vowel as an
initial, girl being pronounced “elrig.” This arrangement, as a
modification to suit circumstances, may remind the reader of the Jews’
“Old clo’! old clo’!” instead of “Old clothes! old clothes!” which it is
supposed would tire the patience of even a Jew to repeat all day.

The back slang has been in vogue for many years. It is, as before
stated, very easily acquired, and is principally used by the
costermongers and others who practise it (as the specimen Glossary will
show) for communicating the secrets of their street tradings, the cost
of and profit on goods, and for keeping their natural enemies, the
police, in the dark. “Cool the esclop” (look at the police) is often
said among them, when one of the constabulary makes his appearance. It
is only fair to assume, however, that the police know as much or more
about the back slang than do the costers; and every child in a “shy”
neighbourhood knows the meaning of the phrase just quoted. Those who
regard the London costermonger as a fearful being are very much
mistaken,—he is singularly simple-minded and innocent, and has, indeed,
very little to conceal; but he certainly does like to wrap himself up as
in a garment of mystery, and sometimes believes that the few words of
slang he knows, mixed as they are, and troublesome as they have been to
him, form an impenetrable barrier between him and the rest of the world.
He is fond of exhibiting what knowledge he possesses, and so talks slang
in public much more than in private; but at most the slang words used
bear not forty per cent. proportion to the rest of his conversational
structure, even when he exerts himself to the uttermost limits of his
ability and education, and even when he is a leader in his walk of life.

Perhaps on no subject is the costermonger so silent as on his money
affairs. All costs and profits, he thinks, should be kept profoundly
secret. The back slang, therefore, gives the various small amounts very
minutely, but, as has been before remarked, these words are known
wherever common folk most do congregate, and are peculiar only for their
variations from the original in the way of pronunciation:—

    ~Flatch~, halfpenny.
    ~Yannep~, penny.
    ~Owt-yanneps~, twopence.
    ~Erth-yanneps~, threepence.
    ~Roaf-yanneps~, fourpence.
    ~Evif, or ewif-yanneps~, fivepence.
    ~Exis-yanneps~, sixpence.
    ~Nevis-yanneps~, sevenpence.
    ~Teaich, or theg-yanneps~, eightpence.
    ~Enin-yanneps~, ninepence.
    ~Net-yanneps~, tenpence.
    ~Nevelé-yanneps~, elevenpence.
    ~Evlénet-yanneps~, twelvepence.
    ~Generalize~, one shilling.
    ~Yannep-flatch~, three-halfpence.
    ~Owt-yannep-flatch~, twopence-halfpenny. The word “flatch”
        represents the odd halfpenny when added to any number of
    ~Gen, or eno-gen~, one shilling. “Gen” is a contraction of
    ~Owt-gens~, two shillings.
    ~Erth-gens~, three shillings.

The “gens” continue in the same sequence as the “yanneps” above; but, as
a rule, the _s_ is left out, and “owt” or “erth gen” represents the
quantity. This is, however, matter of individual taste; and any reader
who is anxious to become proficient need not be afraid of committing a
solecism—that’s a good word for back slanging—by giving vent to any
peculiarity that may strike him. Variety is the charm of nature, we are
told; and in this particular, if in no other, back slang and nature
approach each other. So do extremes meet.

    ~Yenork~, a crown piece, or five shillings.
    ~Flatch-yenork~, half-a-crown. This is generally slurred into
        “flatch-a-nock.” The crown in full rarely receives the title
        “yenork” nowadays,—it is usually a “wheel” or “evif gen.”
    ~Flatch a dunop~, ten shillings, _i.e._, half a pound.

Beyond this amount the slangist reckons after an intricate and
complicated mode. Fifteen shillings would be “erth-evif-gen,” or,
literally, three times 5_s._; seventeen and sixpence would be
“erth-yenork-flatch,” or three crowns and a half; or, by another mode of
reckoning, “erth-evif-gen flatch-yenork,” _i.e._, three times 5_s._, and

    ~Dunop~, a pound. Varied by “Dick,” back slang for “quid.”

Further than which the costermonger seldom goes in money reckoning.

In the following Glossary only those words are given which are
continually used,—the terms connected with street traffic, the names
of the different coins, vegetables, fruit, and fish, technicalities of
police courts, &c. The reader might naturally think that a system of
speech so simple as the back slang would require no Glossary; but he
will quickly perceive, from the specimens given, that a great many words
in frequent use in a “back” sense, have become so twisted as to require
a little glossarial explanation.

This kind of slang, formed by reversing and transposing the letters of a
word, is not peculiar to the London costermongers. Instances of an
exactly similar secret dialect are found in the Spanish “Germania” and
French “Argot.” Thus:—

    _Spanish._   _Germania._    _English._

    PLATO.       TAPLO.         PLATE.
    DEMIA.       MEDIA.         STOCKINGS.

    _French._    _Argot._       _English._

    F’OL.        LOFFE.         FOOLISH.
    LORCEFE.     LA FORCE.      LA FORCE, the prison of that name.

The Bazeegars, a wandering tribe of jugglers in India, form a back
slang, on the basis of the Hindustanee, in the following manner:—

    _Hindustanee._      _Bazeegar._       _English._

    AG.                 GA.               FIRE.
    LAMBA.              BALUM.            LONG.
    DUM.                MUDU.             BREATH.


~Birk~, a “crib,”—a house.

~Cool~, to look.

~Cool him~, look at him. A phrase frequently used when one costermonger
warns another of the approach of a policeman, or when any person worthy
of notice passes by. When any old lady has been bargaining with a
costermonger, and leaves his barrow without purchasing, the proprietor
of the barrow will call out to the rest, “COOL the delo nammow,” which,
though it means literally nothing beyond “Look at the old woman,”
conveys to them an intimation that she is, from their point of view, a
nuisance, and should be treated as such.

~Dab~, bad.

~Dab tros~, a bad sort.

~Dabheno~, a bad one, sometimes a bad market. _See_ DOOGHENO.

~Da-erb~, bread.

~Deb~, or DAB, a bed; “I’m off to the DEB,” I’m going to bed.

~Delo nammow~, an old woman.

~Delog~, gold.

~Doog~, good.

~Doogheno~, literally “good-one,” but implying generally a good market,
a good man, &c.

~Doogheno hit~, one good hit. A coster remarks to a mate, “Jack made a
DOOGHENO HIT this morning,” implying that he did well at market, or sold
out with good profit. Actually a good hit only is intended, but
redundancy has its charms in the back slang as well as in more
pretentious literary efforts.

~Dunop~, a pound.

~Edgabac~, cabbage.

~Edgenaro~, an orange.

~E-fink~, a knife.

~Ekame~, a “make,” or swindle.

~Ekom~, a “moke,” or donkey.

~Elrig~, a girl.

~Emag~, game, “I know your little EMAG.”

~Enif~, fine.

~Enin gen~, nine shillings.

~Enin yanneps~, ninepence.

~Eno~, one.

~Erif~, fire.

~Erth~, three.

~Erth gen~, three shillings.

~Erth-pu~, three-up, a street game, played with three halfpence.

~Erth sith-noms~, three months,—a term of imprisonment unfortunately
very familiar to the lower orders. Generally known as a “drag.”

~Erth yanneps~, threepence.

~Esclop~, police, now used to signify a constable only. ESCLOP is
pronounced “slop” simply, but the _c_ was never sounded. A policeman is
now and then called, by some purist or stickler for etiquette, an

~Es-roch~, a horse.

~Esuch~, a house.

~Evif-gen~, a crown, or five shillings.

~Evif-yanneps~, fivepence.

~Evlenet-gen~, twelve shillings.

~Evlenet sith-noms~, twelve months. Generally known as a “stretch.”

~Exis-evif-gen~, six times five shillings, _i.e._, 30_s._ All moneys may
be reckoned in this manner, either with YANNEPS or GENS. It is, however,
rarely or never done.

~Exis-evif-yanneps~, elevenpence,—literally, “sixpence and fivepence =
elevenpence.” This mode of reckoning, distinct from the preceding, is
only made by special arrangement amongst slangites, who wish to confound
their intimates.

~Exis gen~, six shillings.

~Exis sith-noms~, six months.

~Exis yanneps~, sixpence.

~Fi-heath~, a thief.

~Flatch~, half, or a halfpenny.

~Flatch kennurd~, half drunk.

~Flatch-yenork~, half-a-crown. _See_ preceding remarks.

~Flatchyannep~, a halfpenny.

~Gen~, twelvepence, or one shilling. Formerly imagined to be an
abbreviation of argent, cant term for silver.

~Generalize~, a shilling, almost invariably shortened to GEN.

~Genitraf~, a farthing.

~Gen-net~, or NET GEN, ten shillings.

~Genol~, long.

~Hel-bat~, a table. } The aspirate is matter of taste.

~Helpa~, an apple.  }

~Kanitseeno~, a stinking one. KANITS is a stink.

~Kennurd~, drunk.

~Kew~ (or more properly KEEU), a week.

~Kews~, SKEW, or SKEEU, weeks.

~Kirb~, a brick.

~Kool~, to look.

~Lawt~, tall.

~Ler-ac-am~, mackerel.

~Mottob~, bottom.

~Mur~, rum. A “nettock o’ MUR” is a quartern of rum.

~Nair~, rain.

~Nam~, a man.

~Nam esclop~, a policeman. _See_ ESCLOP.

~Nammow~, a woman; DELO NAMMOW, an old woman.

~Neel~, lean.

~Neergs~, greens.

~Net enin gen~, nineteen shillings.

~Net evif gen~, fifteen shillings.

~Net exis gen~, sixteen shillings.

~Net gen~, ten shillings, or half a sovereign.

~Net nevis gen~, seventeen shillings.

~Net rith gen~, thirteen shillings.

~Net roaf gen~, fourteen shillings. It will be seen by the foregoing
that the reckoning is more by tens than by “teens.” This is, however,
matter of choice, and any one wishing to be considered accomplished in
this description of slang, must do as he thinks best—must lead and not
be led.

~Net theg gen~, eighteen shillings.

~Net yanneps~, tenpence.

~Nevele gen~, eleven shillings.

~Nevele yanneps~, elevenpence.

~Nevis gen~, seven shillings.

~Nevis stretch~, seven years’ penal servitude.

~Nevis yanneps~, sevenpence.

~Nig~, gin.

~Noom~, the moon.

~Nos-rap~, a parson.

~Occabot~, tobacco; “tib fo OCCABOT,” bit of tobacco.

~Ogging ot tekram~, going to market.

~On~, no.

~On doog~, no good.

~Owt gen~, two shillings. } OWT is pronounced OAT.

~Owt yanneps~, twopence.  }

~Pac~, a cap.

~Pinnurt pots~, turnip tops.

~Pot~, top.

~Rape~, a pear.

~Reeb~, beer. “Top o’ REEB,” a pot of beer.

~Rev-lis~, silver.

~Rof-efil~, for life—sentence of punishment.

~Roaf-gen~, four shillings.

~Roaf-yanneps~, fourpence.

~Rutat~, or RATTAT, a “tatur,” or potato.

~See-otches~, shoes.

~Sey~, yes. Pronounced SEE.

~Shif~, fish.

~Sirretch~, cherries. Very often SIRRETCHES.

~Sith-nom~, a month. This is because the slang was made from months, not
month. Perhaps because the latter was not easy; perhaps because terms of
imprisonment run longer than a month, and are often enumerated in the
“kacab genals.” However it may be, “months” in this mode of speaking has
a double plural as it stands now.

~Slaoc~, coals.

~Slop~, a policeman. _See_ ESCLOP.

~Sneerg~, greens.

~Spinsrap~, parsnips.  }

~Sret-sio~, oysters.   }

~Sres-wort~, trousers. }

~Starps~, sprats.      } All these will take the _s_, which is now initial,

~Stoobs~, boots.       } after them, if desired, and, as may be seen, some

~Storrac~, carrots.    } take it doubly.

~Stun~, nuts.          }

~Stunlaw~, walnuts.    }

~Tach~, a hat.

~Taf~, fat. A TAF ENO is a fat man or woman, literally A FAT ONE.

~Taoc~, a coat. “Cool the DELO TAOC” means, “Look at the old coat,” but
is really intended to apply to the wearer as well, as professors of
mixed slangs might say, “Vardy his nibs in the snide bucket.”

~Taoc-tisaw~, a waistcoat.

~Teaich-gir~, right, otherwise TADGER.

~Tenip~, a pint.

~Theg~ (or TEAICH) gen, eight shillings.

~Theg~ (or TEAITCH) yanneps, eightpence.

~Tib~, a bit, or piece.

~Tol~, lot, stock, or share.

~Top-yob~, a potboy.

~Torrac~, a carrot. “Ekat a TORRAC.”

~Trork~, a quart.

~Trosseno~, literally, “one sort,” but professional slangists use it to
imply anything that is bad. TROSS, among costermongers, means anything
bad. It is probably a corruption of trash. Possibly, however, the
constant use of the words “dab-tros” may have led them in their
unthinking way to imagine that the latter word will do by itself.

~Wedge~, a Jew. This may look strange, but it is exact back slang.

~Wor-rab~, a barrow.

~Yad~, a day; YADS, days.

~Yadnarb~, brandy.

~Yannep~, a penny.

~Yannep a time~, a penny each. Costermongers say “a time” for many
things. They say a “bob a time,” meaning a shilling each for admission
to a theatre, or any other place, or that certain articles are charged a
shilling each. The context is the only clue to the exact meaning.

~Yannep-flatch~, three halfpence,—all the halfpence and pennies
continue in the same sequence, as for instance, OWT-YANNEP-FLATCH,

~Yap pu~, pay up.

~Yeknod~, or JERK-NOD, a donkey.

~Yenork~, a crown.

~Yob~, a boy.

~Zeb~, best.

From these examples the apt student may fairly judge how to form his own
back slang to his own liking and that of his friends.




There exists in London a singular tribe of men, known amongst the
“fraternity of vagabonds” as chaunters and patterers. Both classes are
great talkers. The first sing or chaunt through the public thoroughfares
ballads—political and humorous—carols, dying speeches, and the various
other kinds of gallows and street literature. The second deliver street
orations on grease-removing compounds, plating powders, high-polishing
blacking, and the thousand-and-one wonderful penny-worths that are
retailed to gaping mobs from a London kerb-stone.

They are quite a distinct tribe from the costermongers; indeed, amongst
tramps, they term themselves the “harristocrats of the streets,” and
boast that they live by their intellects. Like the costermongers,
however, they have a secret tongue or cant speech known only to each
other. This cant, which has nothing to do with that spoken by the
costermongers, is known in Seven Dials and elsewhere as the “rhyming
slang,” or the substitution of words and sentences which rhyme with
other words intended to be kept secret. The chaunter’s cant, therefore,
partakes of his calling, and he transforms and uses up into a rough
speech the various odds and ends of old songs, ballads, and street
nicknames, which are found suitable to his purpose. Unlike nearly all
other systems of cant, the rhyming slang is not founded upon allegory;
unless we except a few rude similes, thus—“I’m afloat” is the rhyming
cant for “boat,” “sorrowful tale” is equivalent to “three months in
jail,” “artful dodger” signifies a “lodger,” and a “snake in the grass”
stands for a “looking-glass”—a meaning that would delight a fat
Chinaman, or a collector of Oriental proverbs. But, as in the case of
the costers’ speech and the old gipsy-vagabond cant, the chaunters and
patterers so interlard this rhyming slang with their general remarks,
while their ordinary language is so smothered and subdued, that, unless
when they are professionally engaged, and talking of their wares, they
might almost pass for foreigners.

From the inquiries I have made of various patterers and “paper-workers,”
I learn that the rhyming slang was introduced about twelve or fifteen
years ago.[61] Numbering this class of oratorical and bawling wanderers
at twenty thousand, scattered over Great Britain, including London and
the large provincial towns, we thus see the number of English vagabonds
who converse in rhyme and talk poetry, although their habitations and
mode of life constitute a very unpleasant Arcadia. These nomadic poets,
like the other talkers of cant or secret languages, are stamped with the
vagabond’s mark, and are continually on the move. The married men mostly
have lodgings in London, and come and go as occasion may require. A few
never quit London streets, but the greater number tramp to all the large
provincial fairs, and prefer the “monkery” (country) to town life. Some
transact their business in a systematic way, sending a post-office order
to the Seven Dials’ printer for a fresh supply of ballads or penny
books, or to the “swag shop,” as the case may be, for trinkets and
gewgaws, to be sent on by rail to a given town by the time they shall
arrive there.

When any dreadful murder, colliery explosion, or frightful railway
accident has happened in a country district, three or four chaunters
are generally on the spot in a day or two after the occurrence, vending
and bawling “A True and Faithful Account,” &c., which “true and
faithful account” was concocted purely in the imaginations of
the successors of Catnach and Tommy Pitts,[62] behind the counters
of their printing-shops in Seven Dials. And but few fairs are held
in any part of England without the patterer being punctually at his
post, with his nostrums, or real gold rings (with the story of the wager
laid by the gentleman—_see_ FAWNEY-BOUNCING, in the Dictionary), or
savealls for candlesticks, or paste which, when applied to the strop,
makes the dullest razor keen enough to hack broom handles and sticks,
and after that to have quite enough sharpness left for splitting hairs,
or shaving them off the back of one of the hands of a clodhopper,
looking on in amazement. And Cheap John, too, with his coarse jokes, and
no end of six-bladed knives, and pocket-books, containing information
for everybody, with pockets to hold money, and a pencil to write with
into the bargain, and a van stuffed with the cheap productions of
Sheffield and “Brummagem,”—he, too, is a patterer of the highest order,
and visits fairs, and can hold a conversation in the rhyming slang.

Such is a rough description of the men who speak this jargon; and simple
and ridiculous as the vulgar scheme of a rhyming slang may appear, it
must always be regarded as a curious fact in linguistic history. In
order that the reader’s patience may not be too much taxed, only a
selection of rhyming words has been given in the Glossary,—and these
for the most part, as in the case of the back slang, are the terms of
every-day life, as used by this order of tramps and hucksters.

It must not be supposed, however, that the chaunter or patterer confines
himself entirely to this slang when conveying secret intelligence. On
the contrary, although he speaks not a “leash of languages,” yet is he
master of the beggar’s cant, and is thoroughly “up” in street slang. The
following letter, written by a chaunter to a gentleman who took an
interest in his welfare, will show his capabilities in this line:—

    Dear Friend,[63]

    Excuse the liberty, since i saw you last i have not earned a thick
    un, we have had such a Dowry of Parny that it completely Stumped
    Drory the Bossman’s Patter therefore i am broke up and not having
    another friend but you i wish to know if you would lend me the price
    of 2 Gross of Tops, Dies, or Croaks, which is 7 shillings, of the
    above-mentioned worthy and Sarah Chesham the Essex Burick for the
    Poisoning job, they are both to be topped at Springfield Sturaban on
    Tuesday next. i hope you will oblige me if you can, for it will be
    the means of putting a James in my Clye. i will call at your Carser
    on Sunday Evening next for an answer, for i want a Speel on the Drum
    as soon as possible. hoping you and the family are All Square,

    I remain Your obedient Servant,

The numerous allusions in the Glossary to well-known places in London
show that this rude speech was mainly concocted in the metropolis. The
police have made themselves partially acquainted with the back slang,
but they are still profoundly ignorant of the rhyming slang.

       *       *       *       *       *


Since the foregoing was written, matters have changed considerably,
even, which I much doubt, if they ever were as is stated; for, as I have
already remarked, wherever opportunity has occurred, the costermonger,
the patterer, the chaunter, and the various other itinerants who “work”
London and the provinces, delight in making themselves appear a most
mysterious body; and this, when added to their natural disinclination to
commit themselves to anything like fact so far as their natural
enemies—inquirers, and well-dressed inquirers in particular—are
concerned, has caused all sorts of extraordinary stories to be set
afloat, which have ultimately led to an opinion becoming prevalent, that
the costermonger and his friends form a race of beings differing
entirely from those who mix in the ordinary humdrum routine of
respectable life. Nothing could really be much further from fact. Any
one who has ever been driven by stress of circumstances or curiosity to
take up a permanent or temporary residence in any of the lodging-houses
which abound in St. Giles’s, Saffron Hill, Turnmill Street, and in all
parts of the eastern district of the metropolis, will bear me out when I
say that a more commonplace individual, so far as his inner life is
concerned, than the London itinerant cannot possibly exist. Certainly he
is ignorant, and takes a very limited view of things in general, and
religion and politics in particular; but these peculiarities are held in
common with his betters, and so cannot be regarded as the special
prerogative of any class. If you ask him a question he will attempt to
mislead you, because, by your asking the question, he knows you are
ignorant of his way of life; and when he does not mystify from love of
mischief, as it appears he does from all published books I have seen
about him, he does so as a duty he owes his natural enemies, the parish
authorities and the tract distributors, the latter of whom he holds in
special abhorrence.

If the rhyming slang was ever, during its existence, regarded as a
secret language, its secrecy has long since departed from it. Far easier
of construction than even the back slang, it has been common, especially
in several printing-offices I could name, for many years, while
street-boys are great proficients in its small mysteries. The Glossary
which follows here will explain a good deal of its mechanism; but it
must be borne in mind that the rhymes are all matters of individual
opinion, and that if one man says Allacompain means rain, another is
quite justified in preferring Mary Blane, if his individual fancy lies
in that direction. And now, if there is any secret about the rhyming
slang, it is this—the rhyme is left out. This may at first seem
extraordinary; but on reflection it will be seen that there is no other
way of making the proceedings of its exponents puzzling to ordinarily
sharp ears which have received the slightest clue. Thus, when the first
word of a series only is used, and others in the sentence are made up
from the back, the centre and various slangs, there is some hope of
fogging an intruding listener to a private conversation. When a man is
drunk, the rhyming slang would illustrate that fact by the words
“Elephant’s trunk;” but the practised hand confines himself to the
statement that “Bill’s Elephants.” “Bullock’s horn” represents to pawn,
but an article is said to be “Bullocked” only; and so on through the
list, providing always that the curtailment represents two syllables; if
it does not, then the entire rhyme is given.

I think that this will be sufficient to guide those readers anxious to
become proficient themselves, or to understand others who are themselves
proficient at this item in the world of slang; and so I have nothing
more to say except to call attention to the fact that, in all the other
introductions, I have made my corrections, which have been neither few
nor unimportant, in the text; but that I could see no way of working on
the subject of the rhyming slang fairly and explicitly other than by
means of this note.—EDITOR.


[61] This was written in 1858.

[62] The famous printers and publishers of sheet songs and last dying
speeches thirty years ago.

[63] The writer, a street chaunter of ballads and last dying speeches,
alludes in his letter to two celebrated criminals—Thos. Drory, the
murderer of Jael Denny, and Sarah Chesham, who poisoned her husband,
accounts of whose trials and “horrid deeds” he had been selling. Here is
a Glossary of the cant words:—

_Thick un_, a sovereign.

_Dowry of Parny_, a lot of rain.

_Stumped_, bankrupt.

_Bossman_, a farmer.

  ⁂ Drory was a farmer.

_Patter_, trial.

_Tops_, last dying speeches.

_Dies_, _ib._

_Croaks_, _ib._

_Burick_, a woman.

_Topped_, hung.

_Sturaban_, a prison.

_James_, a sovereign.

_Clye_, a pocket.

_Carser_, a house or residence.

_Speel on the Drum_, to be off to the country.

_All Square_, all right, or quite well.


~Abraham’s willing~, a shilling.

~Allacompain~, rain.

~Any racket~, a penny faggot.

~Apples and pears~, stairs.

~Artful dodger~, a lodger.

~Baby’s pap~, a cap.

~Barnet fair~, hair.

~Battle of the Nile~, a tile—vulgar term for a hat. “Cool his BATTLE,

~Ben flake~, a steak.

~Billy Button~, mutton.

~Birch-broom~, a room.

~Bird-lime~, time.

~Bob, my pal~, a gal,—vulgar pronunciation of girl.

~Bonnets so blue~, Irish stew.

~Bottle of spruce~, a deuce,—slang for twopence.

~Bowl the hoop~, soup.

~Brian o’Linn~, gin.

~Brown Bess~, yes—the affirmative.

~Brown Joe~, no—the negative.

~Bull and cow~, a row.

~Bucket afloat~, a coat. This is also called I’m AFLOAT, and is
generally contracted to “cool his Imer,” or “nark his bucket.” There is
no necessity to particularize all contractions. With the key already
given they will be evident.

~Bullock’s horn~, in pawn.

~Bushy-park~, a lark.

~Butter flap~, a trap, a light cart.

~Cain and Abel~, a table.

~Camden-town~, a brown,—vulgar term for a halfpenny.

~Castle rag~, a flag,—cant term for fourpence.

~Cat and mouse~, a house.

~Chalk farm~, the arm.

~Charing Cross~, a horse.

~Charley Lancaster~, a handkercher,—vulgar pronunciation of

~Charley Prescott~, a waistcoat.

~Cherry ripe~, a pipe.

~Chevy chase~, the face.

~Chump~ (or CHUNK) ~of wood~, no good.

~Covent Garden~, a farden,—Cockney pronunciation of farthing.

~Cow and calf~, to laugh.

~Cows and kisses~, mistress or missus—referring to the ladies.

~Currants and plums~, thrums,—slang for threepence.

~Daisy roots~, a pair of boots.

~Dan Tucker~, butter.

~Ding-dong~, a song.

~Dry land~, you understand.

~Duke of York~, walk, or talk, according to context.

~East and south~, the mouth.

~Eat a fig~, to “crack a crib,” to break into a house, or commit a

~Egyptian hall~, a ball.

~Elephant’s trunk~, drunk.

~Epsom races~, a pair of braces.

~Everton toffee~, coffee.

~Field of wheat~, a street.

~Fillet of veal~, the treadwheel in the house of correction.

~Finger and thumb~, rum.

~Flag unfurled~, a man of the world.

~Flea and louse~, a house.

~Flounder and dab~ (two kinds of flat fish), a cab.

~Fly my kite~, a light.

~Frog and toad~, the main road.

~Garden gate~, a magistrate.

~German flutes~, a pair of boots.

~Girl and boy~, a saveloy,—a penny sausage.

~Glorious sinner~, a dinner.

~Gooseberry pudding~ (_vulgo_ PUDDEN), a woman.

~Harry Bluff~, snuff.

~Hod of mortar~, a pot of porter.

~Hounslow Heath~, teeth.

~I desire~, a fire.

~I’m afloat~, a boat. This is also used for coat. _See ante._

~Isabeller~ (vulgar pronunciation of ISABELLA), an umbrella.

~Isle of France~, a dance.

~I suppose~, the nose.

~Jack-a-dandy~, brandy.

~Jack Randall~ (a noted pugilist), a candle.

~Jenny Linder~, a winder,—vulgar pronunciation of window.

~Joe Savage~, a cabbage.

~Lath and plaster~, a master.

~Lean and lurch~, a church.

~Lean and fat~, a hat.

~Linendraper~, paper.

~Live eels~, fields.

~Load of hay~, a day.

~Long acre~, a baker.

~Lord John Russell~, a bustle.

~Lord Lovel~, a shovel.

~Lump of coke~, a bloke—vulgar term for a man.

~Lump of lead~, the head.

~Macaroni~, a pony.

~Maids adorning~, the morning.

~Maidstone jailer~, a tailor.

~Mince pies~, the eyes.

~Mother and daughter~, water.

~Muffin baker~, a Quaker (slang term for excrement).

~Navigators~, taturs,—vulgar pronunciation of potatoes.

~Navigator Scot~, baked potatoes all hot.

~Needle and thread~, bread.

~Never fear~, beer.

~Night and day~, the play.

~Nose and chin~, a winn,—ancient cant for a penny.

~Noser my knacker~, tobacco.

~Oats and barley~, Charley.

~Oats and chaff~, a footpath.

~Orinoko~ (pronounced ORINOKER), a poker.

~Over the stile~, sent for trial.

~Paddy Quick~, thick, or a stick.

~Pen and ink~, a stink.

~Pitch and fill~, Bill,—vulgar shortening for William.

~Plates of meat~, the feet.

~Plough the deep~, to go to sleep.

~Pope o’ Rome~, home.

~Read and write~, to fight.

~River Lea~, tea.

~Rogue and villain~, a shillin,—common pronunciation of shilling.

~Roll me in the dirt~, a shirt.

~Rory o’More~, the floor. Also used to signify a whore.

~Round the houses~, trousies,—vulgar pronunciation of trousers.

~Salmon and trout~, the mouth.

~Scotch Peg~, a leg.

~Ship in full sail~, a pot of ale.

~Sir Walter Scott~, a pot,—generally of beer.

~Snake in the grass~, a looking-glass.

~Sorrowful tale~, three months in jail.

~Split asunder~, a costermonger.

~Steam-packet~, a jacket.

~St. Martin’s-le-Grand~, the hand.

~Stop thief~, beef.

~Sugar and honey~, money.

~Sugar-candy~, brandy.

~Take a fright~, night.

~Three-quarters of a peck~, the neck,—in writing, among experts,
expressed by the simple “3/4,” as it is pronounced.

~Tom Tug~, a mug (a fool).

~Tommy o’Rann~, scran,—vulgar term for food.

~Tommy Tripe~, to pipe; that is, to observe. “Tommy Tripe his plates of

~Top Jint~ (vulgar pronunciation of joint), a pint—of beer.

~Turtle doves~, a pair of gloves.

~Two-foot rule~, a fool.

And so on as occasion requires.


Within the past few years the desire to possess a mode of
intercommunication which shall be incomprehensible to those who have not
taken their degrees in vice, has led the dangerous classes—particularly
street-muggers, welchers, skittle-sharps, jerry-hunters, and the various
other gentlemen who turn out every morning, when not in charge of the
powers that be, to look for their livings—to give their attention to
another twist in the English language, and so centre slang has of late
been heard with some degree of frequency by those who penetrate to
places where there is a likelihood of finding anything new, and take
with them sufficient knowledge to comprehend it when, or if, it is
found. As this knowledge can never be acquired in any other way than by
actual observation, and is not to be obtained by hearsay, or second-hand
information, or from books, it is rarely brought to bear upon any
subject of this kind as treated in the newspapers, and the articles on
real low and criminal life which now and again appear, though extremely
amusing, amuse those about whom they are written as much as they do
those for whose information they are produced. So, perhaps, those
writers who have heard centre slang, and have had opportunity of
referring to it, did not know what it was, or certainly, as an
institution unique in its way, it would have received some little
attention. There is not much in it, of course, as its origin shows, the
key being everything towards success in experimentalizing with it.
Centre slang, then, is formed by making the central vowel of a word its
initial letter, and adding vowels and consonants sufficient to make the
sound imposing, or, as cooks say, to flavour palatably. An occasional
infusion of back slang is now and again considered advisable, but the
taste of the speaker must decide how much is requisite. Mug is a common
word to signify a fool or flat; this, in centre slang, becomes Ugmer, or
Hugmer, as the speaker likes, while fool and flat themselves become
Oolerfer and Atfler respectively. The aspirate can be added, if
relished, to any centre slang word. A welcher, by means of the new
slang, becomes an Elcherwer or Elchwer, a thief is an Evethee, and a
sticker-up of skittles is an Ickitser-pu. As the inventors of this slang
are not particular about spelling, phonography is used extensively in
its composition—that is, it would be, if it were possible to write
centre slang to any extent. However, as it is a spoken language only,
and no patent has been taken out for its use, boldness is the chief
essential for any one possessed of a mobile tongue and a desire to
become expert. There is no Glossary of this slang necessary, as it is
only made up of small parcels, as occasion requires, and does not keep
well without guiding sentences attached.






Slang has a literary history, the same as authorized language. More than
one hundred works have treated upon the subject in one form or other,—a
few devoting but a chapter, whilst many have given up their entire pages
to expounding its history and use. Old Harman, a worthy man, who
interested himself in suppressing and exposing vagabondism in the days
of good Queen Bess, was the first to write upon the subject. Decker
followed fifty years afterwards, but helped himself, evidently, to his
predecessor’s labours. Shakspeare, Beaumont and Fletcher, Ben Jonson,
and Brome, each employed beggars’ cant as part of the machinery of their
plays. Then came Head (who wrote _The English Rogue_ in 1680) with a
Glossary of cant words “used by the Gipsies.” But it was only a reprint
of what Decker had given sixty years before. About this time authorized
dictionaries began to insert vulgar words, labelling them “cant.” The
Jack Sheppards and Dick Turpins of the early and middle part of the last
century made cant popular, and many small works were published upon the
subject. But it was Grose, burly, facetious Grose, who, in the year
1785, collected the scattered Glossaries of cant and secret words, and
formed one large work, adding to it all the vulgar words and slang terms
used in his own day. The indelicacy and extreme vulgarity of the work
renders it unfit for ordinary use, still it must be admitted that it is
by far the most important work which has ever appeared on street or
popular language; indeed, from its pages every succeeding work has, up
to the present time, drawn its contents. The great fault of Grose’s book
consists in the author not contenting himself with slang and cant terms,
but inserting every “smutty” and offensive word that could be
discovered. However, Harman and Grose are, after all, the only authors
who have as yet treated the subject in an original manner, or who have
written on it from personal inquiry.

~Ainsworth’s~ (William Harrison) Novels and Ballads.     _London_, V. D.

Some of this author’s novels, such as _Rookwood_ and _Jack Sheppard_,
abound in Cant words, placed in the mouths of the highwaymen. The
author’s ballads (especially “Nix my dolly, pals, fake away”) have long
been popular favourites.

~Amorous Gallants’ Tongue tipp’d with Golden Expressions;~ or the Art of
Courtship refined, being the best and Newest ACADEMY; containing Select
Sentences, forms of Courtship; Choice Letters; Interpretation of Dreams:
to which is added Bills, Bonds, Releases, Letters of Attorney, &c.;
together with _A Canting Academy_, or the PEDLAR’S FRENCH DICTIONARY,
13th edition. London, for C. Hitch and L. Hawes, n. d. [1740], 12mo.

~A New Dictionary of the Jaunting Crew~, 12mo.      N. D.

Mentioned by John Bee in the Introduction to his _Sportsman’s Slang

~Andrews’~ (George) Dictionary of the Slang and Cant Languages, Ancient
and Modern, 12mo. _London_, 1809.

A sixpenny pamphlet, with a coloured frontispiece representing a
beggar’s carnival.

~Ash’s~ (John, LL.D.) New and Complete Dictionary of the English
Language, 2 vols. 8vo.      1775.

Contains a great number of Cant words and phrases.

~Bacchus and Venus;~ or, A Select Collection of near Two Hundred of the
most Witty and Diverting Songs and Catches in Love and Gallantry, with
Songs in the Canting Dialect, with a DICTIONARY _explaining all
Burlesque and Canting Terms_, 12mo.      1738.

Prefixed is a curious woodcut frontispiece of a _Boozing-Ken_. This work
is scarce, and much prized by collectors. The Canting Dictionary
appeared before, about 1710, with the initials B. E. on the title. It
also came out afterwards, in the year 1751, under the title of the
_Scoundrel’s Dictionary_,—a mere reprint of the two former impressions.

~Bailey’s~ (Nath.) Etymological English Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo.   1737.

Contains a great many Cant and Vulgar Words;—indeed, Bailey does not
appear to have been very particular what words he inserted, so long as
they were actually in use. _A Collection of Ancient and Modern Cant
Words_ appears as an appendix to vol. ii. of this edition (third).

~Bang-up Dictionary;~ or, the Lounger and Sportsman’s Vade-Mecum,
containing a copious and correct Glossary of the Language of the Whips,
illustrated by a great variety of original and curious Anecdotes,
8vo.      1812.

A vulgar performance, consisting of pilferings from Grose, and made up
with meanings of a degraded character.

~Bartlett’s~ Dictionary of Americanisms; a Glossary of Words and Phrases
colloquially used in the United States, 8vo.      _New York_, 1859.

It is a curious fact connected with slang that a great number of vulgar
words common in England are equally common in the United States; and
when we remember that America began to be peopled two centuries ago, and
that these colloquialisms must have crossed the sea with the first
emigrants, we can form some idea of the antiquity of popular or street
language. Many words, owing to the caprices of fashion or society, have
wholly disappeared in the parent country, whilst in the colonies they
are yet heard. The words “skink,” to serve drink in company, and the old
term “miching” or “meeching,” skulking or playing truant, for instance,
are still in use in the United States, although nearly obsolete here.

~Beaumont and Fletcher’s~ Comedy of _The Beggar’s Bush_, 4to, 1661.

Contains numerous Cant words.

~Bee’s~ (Jon.) Dictionary of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, the Pit, the
Bon Ton, and the Varieties of Life, forming the completest and most
authentic Lexicon Balatronicum hitherto offered to the notice of the
Sporting World, by John Bee [_i.e._, John Badcock], Editor of the
_Fancy_, _Fancy Gazette_, _Living Picture of London_, and the like of
that, 12mo.      1823.

This author published books on Stable Economy under the name of Hinds.
He was the sporting rival of Pierce Egan. Professor Wilson, in an
amusing article in _Blackwood’s Magazine_, reviewed this work.

~Bee’s~ (Jon.) Living Picture of London for 1828, and Stranger’s Guide
through the Streets of the Metropolis; showing the Frauds, the Arts,
Snares, and Wiles of all descriptions of Rogues that everywhere abound,
12mo.      1828.

Professes to be a guide to society, high and low, in London, and to give
an insight into the language of the streets.

~Bee’s~ (Jon.) Sportsman’s Slang; a New Dictionary of Terms used in the
Affairs of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, and the Cockpit; with those of
Bon Ton and the Varieties of Life, forming a _Lexicon Balatronicum et
Macaronicum_, &c., 12mo, PLATE. _For the Author_,      1825.

The same as the preceding, only with an altered title. Both wretched
performances, filled with miserable attempts at wit.

~Blackguardiana;~ or, Dictionary of Rogues, Bawds, &c., 8vo, WITH
PORTRAITS [by James Caulfield].      1795.

This work, with a long and very vulgar title, is nothing but a reprint
of Grose, with a few anecdotes of pirates, odd persons, &c., and some
curious portraits inserted. It was concocted by Caulfield as a
speculation, and published at _one guinea_ per copy; and, owing to the
remarkable title, and the notification at the bottom that “only a few
copies were printed,” soon became scarce. For philological purposes it
is not worth so much as any edition of Grose.

~Book of Vagabonds.~ _See_ under LIBER VAGATORUM.

~Boxiana;~ or, Sketches of Modern Pugilism, by Pierce Egan (an account
of the prize-ring), 3 vols. 8vo.      1820.

Gives more particularly the Cant terms of pugilism, but contains
numerous (what were then styled) “flash” words.

~Brandon.~ Poverty, Mendicity, and Crime; or, The Facts, Examinations,
&c., upon which the Report was founded, presented to the House of Lords
by W. A. Miles, Esq., to which is added a Dictionary of the Flash or
Cant Language, known to every Thief and Beggar, edited by H. Brandon,
Esq., 8vo.      1839.

A very wretched performance.

~Brome’s~ (Rich.) Joviall Crew; or, The Merry Beggars. Presented in a
Comedie at the Cockpit, in Drury Lane, in the Year (4to)      1652.

Contains many Cant words similar to those given by Decker,—from whose
works they were doubtless obtained.

~Brown’s~ (Rev. Hugh Stowell) Lecture on Manliness, 12mo.      1857.

Contains a few modern Slang words.

~Brydges’~ (Sir Egerton) British Bibliographer, 4 vols. 8vo.    1810-14.

Vol. ii. p. 521, gives a list of Cant words.

~Bulwer’s~ (Sir Edward Lytton) Paul Clifford.      V. D.

Contains numerous Cant words.

~Bulwer’s~ (Sir Edward Lytton) Pelham.      V. D.

Contains a few Cant terms.

~Butler’s Hudibras~, with Dr. Grey’s Annotations, 3 vols. 8vo.     1819.

Abounding in colloquial terms and phrases.

~Cambridge.~ Gradus ad Cantabrigiam; or, a Dictionary of Terms,
Academical and Colloquial, or Cant, which are used at the University,
_with Illustrations_, 12mo.      _Camb._, 1803.

~Canting:~ A Poem, interspersed with Tales and Additional Scraps, post
8vo.      1814.

A few street words may be gleaned from this rather dull poem.

~Canting Academy:~ or, Villanies Discovered, wherein are shown the
Mysterious and Villanous Practices of that Wicked Crew—Hectors,
Trapanners, Gilts, &c., with several new Catches and Songs; also
Compleat Canting Dictionary, 12mo, _frontispiece_.      1674.

Compiled by Richard Head.

~Canting Dictionary;~ comprehending all the Terms, Antient and Modern,
used in the several Tribes of Gypsies, Beggars, Shoplifters, Highwaymen,
Foot-Pads, and all other Clans of Cheats and Villains, with Proverbs,
Phrases, Figurative Speeches, &c., to which is added a complete
Collection of Songs in the Canting Dialect, 12mo.      1725.

The title is by far the most interesting part of the work. A mere
make-up of earlier attempts.

~Carew.~ Life and Adventures of Bamfylde Moore Carew, the King of the
Beggars, _with Canting Dictionary_, _portrait_, 8vo.      1791.

There are numerous editions of this singular biography. The Canting
Dictionary is nothing more than a filch from earlier books.

~Characterisms~, or the Modern Age Displayed; being an Attempt to Expose
the Pretended Virtues of Both Sexes, 12mo (part i., Ladies; part ii.,
Gentlemen), _E. Owen_.      1750.

An anonymous work, from which some curious matter may be obtained.

~Conybeare’s~ (Dean) Essay on Church Parties, reprinted from the
_Edinburgh Review_, No. CC., October, 1853, 12mo.      1858.

Several curious instances of religious or pulpit Slang are given in this
exceedingly interesting little volume.

~Corcoron~ (Peter.) The Fancy, a Poem, 12mo.      182-.

Abounding in Slang words and the terms of the prize-ring. Written in
imitation of Moore’s _Tom Crib’s Memorial_, by one of the authors of
_The Rejected Addresses_.

~Cotton’s~ (Charles) Genuine Poetical Works, 12mo.      1771.

“Scarronides, or Virgil Travestie, being the first and fourth Books of
Virgil’s Æneis, in English burlesque,” 8vo, 1672, and other works by
this author, contain numerous vulgar words now known as Slang.

~Decker’s~ (Thomas) The Bellman of London; bringing to light the most
notorious villanies that are now practised in the Kingdom; 4to, black
letter.      _London_, 1608.

Watt says this is the first book which professes to give an account of
the Canting language of thieves and vagabonds. But this is wrong, as
will have been seen from the remarks on Harman, who collected the words
of the vagabond crew half a century before.

~Decker’s~ (Thomas) Lanthorne and Candle-light, or the Bellman’s Second
Night’s Walke, in which he brings to light a brood of more strange
villanies than ever were to this year discovered, 4to. _London_, 1608-9.

This is a continuation of the former work, and contains the _Canter’s
Dictionary_, and has a frontispiece of the London Watchman with his
staff broken.

~Decker’s~ (Thomas) Gull’s Hornbook, 4to.      1609.

“This work affords a greater insight into the fashionable follies and
vulgar habits of Queen Elizabeth’s day than perhaps any other extant.”

~Decker’s~ (Thomas) O per se O, or a new Cryer of Lanthorne and
Candle-light, an Addition of the Bellman’s Second Night’s Walke, 4to,
black letter.      1612.

A lively description of London. Contains a Canter’s Dictionary, every
word in which appears to have been taken from Harman without
acknowledgment. This is the first work that gives the Canting song, a
verse of which is inserted at page 14 of the Introduction. This Canting
song has since been inserted in nearly all dictionaries of Cant.

~Decker’s~ (Thomas) Villanies discovered by Lanthorne and Candle-light,
and the Helpe of a new Cryer called O per se O, 4to.      1616.

“With canting songs never before printed.”

~Decker’s~ (Thomas) English Villanies, eight several times prest to
Death by the Printers, but still reviving again, are now the eighth time
(as at the first) discovered by Lanthorne and Candle-light, &c.,
4to.      1648.

The eighth edition of the _Lanthorne and Candle-light_.

~Dictionary~ of all the Cant and Flash Languages, both Ancient and
Modern, 18mo.      _Bailey_, 1790.

~Dictionary~ of all the Cant and Flash Languages, 12mo.  _London_, 1797.

~Dictionary~ of the Canting Crew (Ancient and Modern), of Gypsies,
Beggars, Thieves, &c., 12mo.      N. D. [1700.]

~Dictionnaire~ des Halle, 12mo.      _Bruxelles_, 1696.

This curious Slang dictionary sold in the Stanley sale for £4 16_s._

~Ducange Anglicus.~—The Vulgar Tongue: comprising Two Glossaries of
Slang, Cant, and Flash Words and Phrases used in London at the present
day, 12mo.      1857.

A silly and childish performance, full of blunders and contradictions.

~Duncombe’s~ Flash Dictionary of the Cant Words, Queer Sayings, and
Crack Terms now in use in Flash Cribb Society, 32mo, _coloured
print_.     1820.

~Dunton’s~ Ladies’ Dictionary, 8vo.      _London_, 1694.

Contains a few Cant and vulgar words.

~Egan.~ Grose’s Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, with the
addition of numerous Slang Phrases, edited by Pierce Egan, 8vo.    1823.

The best edition of Grose, with many additions, including a life of this
celebrated antiquary.

~Egan’s~ (Pierce) Life in London, 2 vols. thick 8vo, _with coloured
plates by Geo. Cruikshank, representing high and low life_.      18—.

Contains numerous Cant, Slang, sporting, and vulgar words, supposed by
the author to form the basis of conversation in life, high and low, in

~Elwyn’s~ (Alfred L.) Glossary of supposed _Americanisms_—Vulgar and
Slang Words used in the United States, small 8vo.      1859.

~Gentleman’s Magazine~, 8vo.      N. D.

“In a very early volume of this parent magazine were given a few pages,
by way of sample, of a Slang vocabulary, then termed Cant. If, as we
suspect, this part of the magazine fell to the share of Dr. Johnson, who
was then its editor, we have to lament that he did not proceed with the
design.”—_John Bee, in the Introduction to his Slang Dictionary_, 1825.

~Gentleman’s Magazine~, vol. xcii., p. 520.

Mention made of Slang.

~Glossaries~ of County Dialects.      V. D.

Many of these will repay examination, as they contain Cant and Slang
words, wrongly inserted as provincial or old terms.

~Golden Cabinet~ (The) of Secrets opened for Youth’s delightful Pastime,
in 7 parts, the last being the “City and Country Jester;” with a Canting
Dictionary, by Dr. Surman, 12mo.      _London_, N. D. (1730.)

Contains some curious woodcuts.

~Greene’s~ (Robert) Notable Discovery of Coosnage, now daily practised
by sundry lewd persons called Conie-catchers and Crosse-biters. Plainly
laying open those pernitious sleights that hath brought many ignorant
men to confusion. Written for the general benefit of all Gentlemen,
Citizens, Apprentices, Country Farmers, and Yeomen, that may hap to fall
into the company of such coosening companions. With a delightful
discourse of the coosnage of Colliers, 4to, _with woodcuts_.    _Printed
by John Wolfe_, 1591.

_The first edition._ A copy of another edition, supposed to be _unique_,
is dated 1592. It was sold at the Heber sale.

~Greene’s~ (Robert) Groundworke of Conny-catching, the manner of their
pedlers’ French, and the meanes to understand the same, with the cunning
sleights of the Counterfeit Cranke. Done by a Justice of the Peace of
great Authoritie, 4to, _with woodcuts_.      1592.

Usually enumerated among Greene’s works, but it is only a reprint, with
variations, of _Harman’s Caveat_, and of which Rowland complains in his
Martin Markall. The _second_ and _third_ parts of this curious work were
published in the same year. Two other very rare volumes by Greene were
published—_The Defence of Cony-Catching_, 4to, in 1592, and THE BLACK
BOOKES MESSENGER, in 1595. They both treat on the same subjects.

~Grose’s~ (Francis, generally styled Captain) Classical Dictionary of
the Vulgar Tongue, 8vo.      178-.

The much-sought-after FIRST EDITION, but containing nothing, as far as I
have examined, which is not to be found in the _second_ and _third_
editions. As respects indecency, I find all the editions equally
disgraceful. The Museum copy of the _first edition_ is, I suspect,
Grose’s own copy, as it contains numerous manuscript additions which
afterwards went to form the second edition. Excepting the obscenities,
it is really an extraordinary book, and displays great industry, if we
cannot speak much of its morality. It is the well from which all the
other authors—Duncombe, Caulfield, Clarke, Egan, &c. &c.—drew their
vulgar outpourings, without in the least purifying what they had stolen.

~Haggart.~ Life of David Haggart, _alias_ John Wilson, _alias_ Barney
M’Coul, written by himself while under sentence of death, curious
frontispiece of the prisoner in irons, intermixed with all the Slang and
Cant words of the day, to which is added a Glossary of the same,
12mo.      1821.

~Hall’s~ (B.H.) Collection of College Words and Customs, 12mo.
_Cambridge (U.S.)_, 1856.

Very complete. The illustrative examples are excellent.

~Halliwell’s~ Archaic Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo.      1855.

An invaluable work, giving the Cant words used by Decker, Brome, and a
few of those mentioned by Grose.

~Harlequin~ Jack Shepherd, with a Night Scene in Grotesque Characters,
8vo.      (_About_ 1736.)

Contains Songs in the _Canting_ dialect.

~Harman’s~ (Thomas, Esq.) Caveat or Warening for Common Cursetors,
vulgarly called vagabones, set forth for the utilitie and profit of his
naturall countrey, augmented and inlarged by the first author thereof;
whereunto is added the tale of the second taking of the counterfeit
crank, with the true report of his behaviour and also his punishment for
his so dissembling, most marvellous to the hearer or reader thereof,
newly imprinted, 4to.      _Imprinted at London, by H. Middleton_, 1573.

Contains the earliest Dictionary of the Cant language. Four editions
were printed—

  William Griffith, 1566
  Henry Middleton,  1573

What _Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue_ was to the authors of the
earlier part of the present century, Harman’s was to the Deckers, and
Bromes, and Heads of the seventeenth.

~Harrison’s~ (William) Description of the Island of Britain (prefixed to
_Holinshed’s Chronicle_), 2 vols. folio.      1577.

Contains an account of English vagabonds.

~Hazlitt’s~ (William) Table Talk, 12mo, (vol. ii. contains a chapter on
Familiar Style, with a notice on Slang terms.)

~Head’s~ (Richard) English Rogue, described in the Life of Meriton
Latroon, a Witty Extravagant, 4 vols. 12mo.   _Frans. Kirkman_, 1671-80.

Contains a list of Cant words, evidently copied from Decker.

~Hell upon earth~, or the most pleasant and delectable History of
Whittington’s Colledge, otherwise vulgarly called Newgate, 12mo.   1703.

~Henley’s~ (John, better known as ORATOR HENLEY) Various Sermons and
Orations.      1719-53.

Contains numerous vulgarisms and Slang phrases.

[~Hitching’s~ (Charles, formerly City Marshal, now a prisoner in
Newgate)] Regulator; or, a Discovery of the Thieves, Thief-Takers, and
Locks, _alias_ Receivers of Stolen Goods in and about the City of
London; also an account of all the flash words now in vogue amongst the
Thieves, &c., 8vo, very rare, _with a curious woodcut_.      1718.

A violent attack upon Jonathan Wild.

~Household Words~, No. 183, September 24.

Gives an interesting article on Slang, with many examples.

~Johnson’s~ (Dr. Samuel) Dictionary (the earlier editions).      V. D.

Contains a great number of words italicized as _Cant_, low, or

~Jonson’s~ (Ben.) Bartholomew Fair, ii. 6.

Several Cant words are placed in the mouths of the characters.

~Jonson’s~ (Ben.) Masque of the Gipsies Metamorphosed, 4to.      16—.

Contains numerous Cant words.

~Kent’s~ (E.) Modern Flash Dictionary, containing all the Cant words,
Slang Terms, and Flash Phrases now in Vogue, 18mo, _coloured
frontispiece_.      1825.

~L’Estrange’s~ (Sir Roger) Works (principally translations).      V.D.

Abound in vulgar and Slang phrases.

~Lexicon~ Balatronicum; a Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit,
and Pickpocket Eloquence, by a Member of the Whip Club, assisted by
Hell-fire Dick, 8vo.      1811.

One of the many reprints of Grose’s second edition, put forth under a
fresh, and what was then considered a more attractive title. It was
given out in advertisements, &c., as a piece of puff, that it was edited
by a Dr. H. Clarke, but contains scarcely a line more than Grose.

~Liber Vagatorum:~ Der Betler Orden, 4to. Translated into English, with
Notes, by John Camden Hotten, as The Book of Vagabonds and Beggars, with
a vocabulary of their Language (_Rotwelsche Sprach_); edited, with
preface, by Martin Luther, in the year 1528, 4to, _with woodcuts_. 1859.

The first edition of this book appears to have been printed at Augsburg,
by Erhard Oglin, or Ocellus, about 1514,—a small quarto of twelve
leaves. It was frequently reprinted at other places in Germany: and in
1528 there appeared an edition at Wirtemberg, with a preface by Martin
Luther, who says that the “Rotwelsche Sprach,” the Cant language of the
beggars, comes from the Jews, as it contains many Hebrew words, as any
one who understands that language may perceive. This book is divided
into three parts, or sections; the first gives a special account of the
several orders of the “Fraternity of Vagabonds;” the second, sundry
“_notabilia_” relating to the different classes of beggars previously
described; and the third consists of a “Rotwelsche Vocabulary,” or
“Canting Dictionary.” There is a long notice of the “Liber Vagatorum” in
the “Weimarisches Jahrbuch,” 10ter Band, 1856. Mayhew, in his _London
Labour_, states that many of our Cant words are derived from the Jew
fences. It is singular that a similar statement should have been made by
Martin Luther more than three centuries before.

~Life in St. George’s Fields;~ or, The Rambles and Adventures of
Disconsolate William, Esq., and his Surrey Friend, Flash Dick, with
Songs and a FLASH DICTIONARY, 8vo.      1821.

~Maginn~ (Dr.) wrote Slang songs in _Blackwood’s Magazine_.      1827.

~Mayhew’s~ (Henry) London Labour and the London Poor, 4 vols.   1851-61.

An invaluable work to the inquirer into popular or street language.

~Mayhew’s~ (Henry) Great World of London, 8vo.      1857.

An unfinished work, but containing several examples of the use and
application of Cant and Slang words.

~Middleton~ (Thomas) and ~Decker’s~ (Thomas) Roaring Girl; or Moll Cut
Purse, 4to.      1611.

The conversation in one scene is entirely in the so-called pedlar’s
French. It is given in _Dodsley’s Old Plays_.

~Modern Flash Dictionary~, 48mo.      1825.

The smallest Slang dictionary ever printed; intended for the
waistcoat-pockets of the “BLOODS” of the Prince Regent’s time.

~Moncrieff’s~ Tom and Jerry, or Life in London, a Farce in Three Acts,
12mo.      1820.

An excellent exponent of the false and forced “high life” which was so
popular during the minority of George IV. The farce had a run of a
hundred nights, or more, and was a general favourite for years. It
abounds in Cant, and the language of “gig,” as it was then often termed.

Mornings at Bow Street, by T. Wright, 12mo, _with Illustrations by
George Cruikshank_. _Tegg_,      1838.

In this work a few etymologies of Slang words are attempted.

New Canting Dictionary, 12mo.      N. D.

A copy of this work is described in _Rodd’s Catalogue of Elegant
Literature_, 1845, part iv., No. 2128, with manuscript notes and
additions in the autograph of Isaac Reed, price £1. 8_s._

~New Dictionary~ of the Terms, Ancient and Modern, of the Canting Crew
in its several tribes of Gypsies, Beggars, Thieves, Cheats, &c., with an
addition of some _Proverbs, Phrases, Figurative Speeches, &c._, by
B. E., GENT., 12mo.      N. D. [1710.]

Afterwards issued under the title of _Bacchus and Venus_, 1737, and in
1754 as the _Scoundrel’s Dictionary_.

~New Dictionary~ of all the Cant and Flash Languages used by every class
of offenders, from a Lully Prigger to a High Tober Gloak, small 8vo, pp.
62.      179-.

Mentioned by John Bee.

~Notes and Queries.~ The invaluable Index to this most useful periodical
may be consulted with advantage by the seeker after etymologies of Slang
and Cant words.

~Parker.~ High and Low Life, A View of Society in, being the Adventures
in England, Ireland, &c., of Mr. G. Parker, _A Stage Itinerant_, 2 vols.
in 1, thick 12mo.      _Printed for the Author_, 1781.

A curious work, containing many Cant words, with 100 orders of rogues
and swindlers.

~Parker’s~ (Geo.) Life’s Painter of Variegated Characters, with a
Dictionary of Cant Language and Flash Songs, to which is added a
Dissertation on Freemasonry, _portrait_, 8vo.      1789.

~Pegge’s~ (Samuel) Anecdotes of the English Language, chiefly regarding
the Local Dialect of London and Environs, 8vo.      1803-41.

~Perry’s~ (William) London Guide and Stranger’s Safeguard against
Cheats, Swindlers, and Pickpockets, by a Gentleman who has made the
Police of the Metropolis an object of inquiry twenty-two years (no
wonder when the author was in prison a good portion of that time!) 1818.

Contains a dictionary of Slang and Cant words.

~Phillip’s~ New World of Words, folio.      1696.

~Pickering’s~ (F.) Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases which
have been supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America, to
which is prefixed an Essay on the present state of the English Language
in the United States, 8vo.      _Boston_, 1816.

The remark made upon _Bartlett’s Americanisms_ applies equally to this

~Picture of the Fancy~, 12mo.      18—.

Contains numerous Slang terms.

~Potter’s~ (H. T., of _Clay, Worcestershire_) New Dictionary of all the
Cant and Flash Languages, both ancient and modern, 8vo, pp. 62.    1790.

~Poulter.~ The Discoveries of John Poulter, _alias_ Baxter, 8vo, 48
pages.      (1770?)

At pages 42, 43, there is an explanation of the “Language of Thieves,
commonly called Cant.”

~Prison-breaker~, The, or the Adventures of John Sheppard, a Farce,
8vo.      _London_, 1725.

Contains a Canting song, &c.

~Punch~, or the London Charivari.

Often points out Slang, vulgar, or abused words. It also occasionally
employs them in jokes or sketches of character.

~Quarterly Review~, vol. x. p. 528.

Gives a paper on Americanisms and Slang phrases.

~Randall’s~ (Jack, the Pugilist, formerly of the “Hole in the Wall,”
Chancery Lane) Diary of Proceedings at the House of Call for Genius,
edited by Mr. Breakwindow, to which are added several of Mr. B.’s minor
pieces, 12mo.      1820.

Believed to have been written by Thomas Moore. The verses are mostly
parodies of popular authors, and abound in the Slang of pugilism, and
the phraseology of the fast life of the period.

~Randall~ (Jack), a Few Selections from his Scrap-book; to which are
added Poems on the late Fight for the Championship, 12mo.      1822.

Frequently quoted by Moore in _Tom Crib’s Memorial_.

~Scoundrel’s Dictionary;~ or, an Explanation of the Cant Words used by
Thieves, Housebreakers, Street-robbers, and Pickpockets about Town, with
some curious Dissertations on the Art of Wheedling, &c., the whole
printed from a copy taken on one of their gang, in the late scuffle
between the watchman and a party of them on Clerkenwell Green,
8vo.      1754.

A reprint of _Bacchus and Venus_, 1737.

~Sharp~ (Jeremy), The Life of an English Rogue, 12mo.      1740.

Includes a “Vocabulary of the Gypsies’ Cant.”

~Sherwood’s~ Gazetteer of Georgia, U.S., 8vo.

Contains a glossary of words, Slang and vulgar, peculiar to the Southern

~Smith~ (Capt. Alexander), The Thieves’ Grammar, 12mo, p. 28.       17—.

A copy of this work is in the collection formed by Prince Lucien

~Smith’s~ (Capt.) Compleat History of the Lives and Robberies of the
most Notorious Highwaymen, Footpads, Shoplifters, and Cheats, of both
Sexes, in and about London and Westminster, 12mo, vol. i.      1719.

This volume contains “The Thieves’ New Canting Dictionary of the Words,
_Proverbs, &c., used by Thieves_.”

~Smith’s~ (Capt.) Thieves’ Dictionary, 12mo.      1724.

~Snowden’s~ Magistrate’s Assistant, and Constable’s Guide, thick small
8vo.      1852.

Gives a description of the various orders of cadgers, beggars, and
swindlers, together with a Glossary of the Flash Language.

~Sportsman’s Dictionary~, 4to.      17—.

By an anonymous author. Contains some low sporting terms.

~Stanley’s~ Remedy, or the Way how to Reform Wandring Beggars, Thieves,
&c., wherein is shewed that Sodomes Sin of Idleness is the Poverty and
the Misery of this Kingdome, 4to.      1646.

This work has an engraving on wood which is said to be the veritable
original of Jim Crow.

~Swift’s~ coarser pieces abound in vulgarities and Slang expressions.

~The Triumph of Wit~, or Ingenuity displayed in its Perfection, being
the Newest and most Useful Academy, Songs, Art of Love, and the Mystery
and Art of Canting, with Poems, Songs, &c., in the Canting Language,
16mo.      _J. Clarke_, 1735.

What is generally termed a shilling _Chap Book_.

~The Triumph of Wit~, or the Canting Dictionary, being the Newest and
most Useful Academy, containing the Mystery and art of Canting, with the
original and present management thereof, and the ends to which it serves
and is employed, illustrated with Poems, Songs, and various Intrigues in
the Canting Language, with the Explanations, &c., 12mo.  _Dublin_, N. D.

A Chap Book of 32 pages, _circa_ 1760.

~The Whole Art Of Thieving~ and Defrauding Discovered: being a Caution
to all Housekeepers, Shopkeepers, Salesmen, and others, to guard against
Robbers of both Sexes, and the best Methods to prevent their Villanies;
to which is added an Explanation of most of the Cant terms in the
Thieving Language, 8vo, pp. 46.      1786.

~Thomas~ (I.), My Thought Book, 8vo.      1825.

Contains a chapter on Slang.

~Tom Crib’s~ Memorial to Congress, with a Preface, Notes, and Appendix
by one of the Fancy [Tom Moore, the Poet], 12mo.      1819.

A humorous poem, abounding in Slang and pugilistic term, with a
burlesque essay on the classic origin of Slang.

~Vacabondes~, the Fraternatye of, as well as of ruflyng Vacabones, as of
beggerly, of Women as of Men, of Gyrles as of Boyes, with their proper
Names and Qualities, with a Description of the Crafty Company of
Cousoners and Shifters, also the XXV. Orders of Knaves; otherwyse called
a Quartern of Knaves, confirmed by Cocke Lorell, 8vo. Imprinted at
London by John Awdeley, dwellyng in little Britayne strete, without
Aldersgate. 1575.

It is stated in _Ames’ Typog. Antiq._, vol. ii. p. 885, that an edition
bearing the date 1565 is in existence, and that the compiler was no
other than old John Audley, the printer, himself. This conjecture,
however, is very doubtful. As stated by Watt, it is more than probable
that it was written by Harman, or was taken from his works, in MS. or

~Vaux’s~ (Count de, a swindler and pickpocket) Life, written by himself,
2 vols., 12mo, to which is added a Canting Dictionary.      1819.

These Memoirs were suppressed on account of the scandalous passages
contained in them.

~Webster’s~ (Noah) Letter to the Hon. John Pickering, on the Subject of
his Vocabulary, or Collection of Words and Phrases supposed to be
peculiar to the United States, 8vo, pp. 69.      _Boston_, 1817.

~Wild~ (Jonathan), History of the Lives and Actions of Jonathan Wild,
Thieftaker, Joseph Blake, _alias_ Blueskin, Footpad, and John Sheppard,
Housebreaker; together with a Canting Dictionary by Jonathan Wild,
_woodcuts_, 12mo.      1750.

~Wilson~ (Professor), contributed various Slang pieces to _Blackwood’s
Magazine_; including a Review of Bee’s Dictionary.

~Witherspoon’s~ (Dr., of America,) Essays on Americanisms, Perversions
of Language in the United States, Cant phrases, &c., 8vo, in the 4th
vol. of his works.      _Philadelphia_, 1801.

The earliest work on American vulgarisms. Originally published as a
series of Essays, entitled the _Druid_, which appeared in a periodical
in 1761.





    By the Rev. E. C. BREWER, LL.D. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d net.

    A DICTIONARY OF MIRACLES: Imitative, Realistic, and Dogmatic. By the
    Rev. E. C. BREWER, LL.D. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d net.

    WORDS, FACTS, AND PHRASES: A Dictionary of Curious, Quaint, and Odd
    Matters. By ELIEZER EDWARDS. Crown 8vo, cloth, 3s 6d.

    FAMILIAR SHORT SAYINGS OF GREAT MEN: with Historical and Explanatory
    Notes. By SAMUEL A. BENT, A.M. Crown 8vo, cloth, 7s 6d.

    cloth, 7s 6d net.

    THE SLANG DICTIONARY: Etymological, Historical, and Anecdotal. Crown
    8vo, cloth, 6s 6d.

    Demy 8vo, cloth, 10s 6d net.

London: CHATTO & WINDUS, 111 St. Martin’s Lane, W.C.

       *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber’s Note:

An advertisement for dictionaries has been moved from the beginning of
the text to the end.

The following are used inconsistently in the text:

banknote and bank-note

battles and battells

big-bird and big bird

blackguard and black-guard

boatrace and boat-race

Boozingken and Boozing-Ken

bow-Catcher and bowcatcher

brother-chip and brother-chip

Bubble-and-Squeak and Bubble and Squeak

chamberpot and chamber-pot

cherry-colour and cherry colour

chuck up and chuck-up

coalheaver and coal-heaver

cockshy and cock-shy

cocoanuts and cocoa-nuts

comb cut and comb-cut

coon and ’coon

corner men and corner-men

crabshells and crab shells

cutpurse and cut-purse

daylights and day-light

dead-heat and dead heat

dolly shop and dolly-shop

dunnyken and dunna-ken

everyday and every-day

fagot and faggot

fawney bouncing and fawney-bouncing

fyebuck and fye-buck

halfpence and half-pence

horse chaunter and horse-chaunter

housebreaking and house-breaking

kin-the-lamb and kin the lamb

knobstick and knob-stick

lovelock and love-lock

M. B. and M.B.

M. T. and M.T.

Merry Dun of Dover and merry dun of Dover

mountain pecker and mountain-pecker

necktie and neck-tie

newcomers and new-comers

now-a-days and nowadays

outdoor and out-door

overbearing and over-bearing

overnight and over-night

overreach and over-reach

P. P. and P.P.

parney and parny

percentages and per-centages

pillbox and pill-box

playhouse and play-house

purseproud and purse-proud

racehorse and race-horse

randem and random

reach me downs and reach-me-downs

ringdropping and ring-dropping

schofel and schoful

schoolboys and school-boys

seaport and sea-port

secondhand and second-hand

signpost and sign-post

Soft-soap and soft soap

speechmaking and speech-making

turncoat and turn-coat

turnout and turn-out

W. P. and W.P.

water-bewitched and water bewitched

watercloset and water-closet

wideawake and wide-awake

The following errors in the printed text have been corrected:

advertisement “W.,” changed to “W.”

advertisement “A to G)” changed to “(A to G)”

p. 15 “Bcck” changed to “Beck”

p. 17 “coined money” changed to “coined money.”

p. 29 “‘cribs’’” changed to “‘cribs’””

p. 41 “_Tam O’ Shanter_.”” changed to “_Tam O’ Shanter_.”

p. 68 “on’t—” changed to “on’t”—”

p. 74 “appearance” changed to “appearance.”

p. 74 “I Cor.” changed to “1 Cor.”

p. 82 “Dr” changed to “Dr.”

p. 83 “under-raduates” changed to “under-graduates”

p. 88 “BLUHEN” changed to “BLÜHEN”

p. 89 “ἄσπρόν” changed to “ἄσπρον”

p. 90 “the new police” changed to “the new police.”

p. 91 “belong to you” changed to “belong to you.”

p. 94 “Spit-curl,”” changed to “Spit-curl,”

p. 97 “Rothwalsch” changed to “Rothwälsch”

p. 97 “good fellow;” changed to “good fellow;””

p. 98 “at races” changed to “at races.”

p. 101 “large thick,” changed to “large, thick,”

p. 106 “tumble up,” changed to “tumble up”

p. 107 “contruction” changed to “contraction”

p. 111 “ny temporary” changed to “any temporary”

p. 114 “pay.—ED” changed to “pay.—ED.”

p. 115 “CHEESE your barrikin,”” changed to ““CHEESE your barrikin,””

p. 116 “Derivation obvious” changed to “Derivation obvious.”

p. 118 “and waistcoat” changed to “and waistcoat.”

p. 120 “first-rate” changed to “first-rate.”

p. 128 “Κορινθίαζ εσθαι” changed to “Κορινθιάζεσθαι”

p. 135 “Very often” changed to ““Very often”

p. 136 “Culloden;*” changed to “Culloden;”


p. 139 “interrupted Julian” changed to “interrupted Julian,”





P. 171 “FULLY committed for trial.” changed to “FULLY committed for

p. 176 “crush hat” changed to “crush hat.”

p. 178 “by schoolboys” changed to “by schoolboys.”

p. 188 “unthinking” changed to “unthinking.”

p. 189 “~Harry-soph~” changed to “~Harry-soph~,”

p. 197 “Umh!” changed to ““Umh!”

p. 209 “_Gloucestershire_.” changed to “_Gloucestershire_,”

p. 217 “of the door,’” changed to “of the door,””

p. 219 “nothing five” changed to “nothing: five”

p. 224 “what a MEASLEY” changed to ““what a MEASLEY”

p. 229 “bad MOUNT.” changed to “bad MOUNT.””

p. 232 “_Neptune’s Triumph_, whch” changed to “_Neptune’s Triumph_,

p. 233 “Shakspear ehas” changed to “Shakspeare has”

p. 234 “VAMOS.”” changed to “VAMOS.”

p. 236 ““Your NIBS,” yourself.”” changed to ““Your NIBS,” yourself.”

p. 237 “~Nix my dolly~once” changed to “~Nix my dolly~, once”

p. 243 “_i.e._, you” changed to “_i.e._, “you”

p. 247 “to the PARTY?”” changed to “to the PARTY?”

p. 247 “_Stephano._” changed to ““_Stephano._”

p. 250 “drive awa ;” changed to “drive away;”

p. 251 “Nor yet a single” changed to ““Nor yet a single”

p. 253 “dérobé”).” changed to “dérobé)”.”

p. 253 “English word” changed to “English word.”

p. 254 “its purity?” changed to “its purity?””

p. 254 “trrdesman” changed to “tradesman”

p. 256 “£100,0000,” changed to “£100,000,”

p. 258 “~Pops ~,pocket-pistols.” changed to “~Pops~, pocket-pistols.”

p. 264 “THICK UN a” changed to “THICK UN, a”

p. 265 “for the account”” changed to “for the account.””

p. 275 “in unproductive” changed to “an unproductive”

p. 285 “improvemennts” changed to “improvements”

p. 295 “voilently” changed to “violently”

p. 296 “a good beating,” changed to “a good beating.”

p. 297 “Sluieing” changed to “Sluicing”

p. 297 “tip-top nation.” changed to “tip-top nation.””

p. 299 “SNIDE ’UN.”” changed to “SNIDE ’UN.”

p. 304 “a person, to cease” changed to “a person,” to cease”

p. 305 “TEA-SPOON,” changed to “TEA-SPOON;”

p. 306 “prisoners, when,” changed to “prisoners, when”

p. 307 “~Stab-rag~” changed to “~Stab-rag~,”

p. 316 “first six months” changed to “first six months;”

p. 321 “that term” changed to “that term.”

p. 322 “upon TICKET.” changed to “upon TICKET.””

p. 331 “TWIG,’” changed to “TWIG,””

p. 334 “can you” changed to ““can you”

p. 338 “WORRIT, ro” changed to “or WORRIT,”

p. 334 “igin hougour” changed to “igin agan hougour”

p. 334 “Romany!” changed to “Romany?”

p. 340 “WHITE WINE.”” changed to “WHITE WINE.’””

p. 349 “end with two vowels” changed to “end with two consonants”

p. 354 “~Exis yanneps~xpence.” changed to “~Exis yanneps~, sixpence.”

p. 354 “an apple” changed to “an apple.”

p. 368 “of beer” changed to “of beer.”

p. 369 “centre slang, then,” changed to “Centre slang, then,”

p. 372 “_London_, 1809” changed to “_London_, 1809.”

p. 374 “part of the work” changed to “part of the work.”

p. 374 “attemp” changed to “attempts.”

p. 375 “1858” changed to “1858.”

p. 376 “1797” changed to “1797.”

p. 378 “1859” changed to “1859.”

p. 379 “Wiemarisches” changed to “Weimarisches”

p. 379 “10te” changed to “10ter”

Inconsistent use of small capitals and italics has been left as printed.

On p. 76, “will about win” has been left as printed.

On p. 121, “_See_ COAL” in the entry for “Coal” has been left as

On p. 195, “the blue jackets wont” has been left as printed.

On p. 379, “Wirtemberg” has been left as printed.

The following were not clearly printed and are conjectural:

Footnote to p. 53 “most objectionable”

p. 90 full stop in “Bethnal Green Museum.”

p. 94 the letter p in “person who steals”

p. 94 bracketed text in “swindler[, or a] lie”

p. 114 bracketed text in “Ch[aw] over”

p. 158 comma in  “unfeminine accomplishment,”

p. 164 letter n and comma in “~Flim-flamn~,”

p. 181 bracketed text in “[tie]d.—_Sea._”

p. 197 last two digits in “1632.”

p. 207 last two digits in “1820.”

p. 211 bracketed text in “so[lic]ited”

p. 243 bracketed text in “descripti[on,]”

p. 248 semi-colon in “POIX);”

p. 262 “to” in “stratagem to excite”

p. 295 comma in “into a man,”

p. 337 comma in “WELSHER,”

There are a number of references to non-existent entries:

the entry for “Briefs” refers to “Reflectors”;

the entry for “Bub” refers to “Bibe”

the entry for “Harum-scarum” refers to “Tandem”;

the entry for “Lucky” refers to “Strike”;

the entry for “Man in the moon” refers to “Election Inquiries”;

the entry for “Random” refers to “Tandem”;

the entry for “Whiddle” refers to “Wheedle”.

In some cases entries of that name exist, but appear to be unrelated:

the entry for “Buz” refers to “Snooks” and “Walker”;

the entry for “Random” refers to “Sudden Death”.

The following possible error has been left as printed:

p. 254 “an ingenious candle-snuffers”