Vol 24: The Classics









Copyright, 1909 
By P. F. Collier & Son 

Designed, Printed, and Bound at 

Ct)e Collier Press, ^cto gorfe 





Introductory Discourse u 


Section I. — Novelty 29 

Sect. II. — Pain and Pleasure 30 

Sect. III. — The Difference Between the Removal 

of Pain, and Positive Pleasure 31 

Sect. IV. — Of Delight and Pleasure as Opposed to 

Each Other 33 

Sect. V. — Joy and Grief 34 

Sect. VI. — Of the Passions Which Belong to Self- 
Preservation ... 35 

Sect. VII. — Of the Sublime 36 

Sect. VIII. — Of the Passions Which Belong to 

Society - 37 

Sect. IX. — The Final Cause of the Difference 
Between the Passions Belonging to Self- 
Preservation, and Those Which Regard the 

Society of the Sexes 38 

Sect. X. — Of Beauty 38 

Sect. XL — Society and Solitude 40 

Sect. XII. — Sympathy, Imitation, and Ambition . . 40 

Sect. XIII. — Sympathy . 40 

Sect. XIV. — The Effects of Sympathy in the Dis- 
tresses of Others 41 

Sect. XV. — Of the Effects of Tragedy 43 

hc 1 a — VOL. XXIV 



Sect. XVI. — Imitation 44 

Sect. XVII. — Ambition 45 

Sect. XVIII. — The Recapitulation 46 

Sect. XIX. — The Conclusion 47 


Section I. — Of the Passion Caused by the Sublime . 51 

Sect. II. — Terror 51 

Sect. III. — Obscurity 52 

Sect. IV. — Of the Difference Between Clearness 

and Obscurity with Regard to the Passions . . 53 

Sect. [IV.] — The Same Subject Continued .... 54 

Sect. V. — Power 57 

Sect. VI. — Privation 63 

Sect. VII. — Vastness 63 

Sect. VIIT. — Infinity 64 

Sect. IX. — Succession and Uniformity 65 

Sect. X. — Magnitude in Building 67 

Sect. XI. — Infinity in Pleasing Objects 67 

Sect. XII. — Difficulty 68 

Sect. XIII. — Magnificence 68 

Sect. XIV. — Light 70 

Sect. XV. — Light in Building 71 

Sect. XVI. — Colour Considered as Productive of the 

Sublime 72 

Sect. XVII. — Sound and Loudness 72 

Sect. XVIII. — Suddenness 73 

Sect. XIX. — Intermitting 73 

Sect. XX. — The Cries of Animals 74 

Sect. XXI. — Smell and Taste. Bitters and Stenches 75 

Sect. XXII. — Feeling. Pain 76 


Section I. — Of Beauty 77 

Sect. II. — Proportion not the Cause of Beauty in 

Vegetables 78 

Sect. III. — Proportion not the Cause of Beauty in 

Animals 81 

Sect. IV. — Proportion not the Cause of Beauty in 

the Human Species 82 



Sect. V. — Proportion Further Considered" 87 

Sect. VI. — Fitness not the Cause of Beauty ... 89 

Sect. VII. — The Real Effects of Fitness 91 

Sect. VIII. — The Recapitulation 93 

Sect. IX. — Perfection not the Cause of Beauty . . 93 
Sect. X. — How Far the Idea of Beauty May be Ap- 
plied to the Qualities of the Mind 94 

Sect. XI. — How Far the Idea of Beauty May be Ap- 
plied to Virtue 95 

Sect. XII. — The Real Cause of Beauty 96 

Sect. XIII. — Beautiful Objects Small 96 

Sect. XIV. — Smoothness 97 

Sect. XV. — Gradual Variation 98 

Sect. XVI. — Delicacy 99 

Sect. XVII. — Beauty in Colour 100 

Sect. XVIII. — Recapitulation 100 

Sect. XIX. — The Physiognomy 101 

Sect. XX. — The Eye 101 

Sect. XXI. — Ugliness 102 

Sect. XXII.— Grace 102 

Sect. XXIII. — Elegance and Speciousness .... 102 

Sect. XXIV. — The Beautiful in Feeling 103 

Sect. XXV. — The Beautiful in Sounds 104 

Sect. XXVI. — Taste and Smell 106 

Sect. XXVII. — The Sublime and Beautiful Com- 
pared 106 


Section I. — Of the Efficient Cause of the Sublime 

and Beautiful 108 

Sect. II. — Association 109 

Sect. III. — Cause of Pain and Fear no 

Sect. IV. — Continued in 

Sect. V. — How the Sublime is Produced 112 

Sect. VI. — How Pain Can be a Cause of Delight . 113 
Sect. VII. — Exercise Necessary for the Finer Or- 
gans 114 

Sect. VIII. — Why Things not Dangerous Produce a 
Passion Like Terror 114 



Sect. IX. — Why Visual Objects of Great Dimen- 
sions are Sublime . 115 

Sect. X. — Unity, Why Requisite to Vastness . . .116 

Sect. XI. — The Artificial Infinite 117 

Sect. XII. — The Vibrations Must be Similar . . .118 
Sect. XIII. — The Effects of Succession in Visual 

Objects Explained 118 

Sect. XIV. — Locke's Opinion Concerning Darkness 

Considered 120 

Sect. XV. — Darkness Terrible in its Own Nature . 121 

Sect. XVI. — Why Darkness is Terrible 122 

Sect. XVII. — The Effects of Blackness 123 

Sect. XVIII. — The Effects of Blackness Moderated 125 
Sect. XIX. — The Physical Cause of Love .... 125 
Sect. XX. — Why Smoothness is Beautiful .... 127 

Sect. XXI. — Sweetness, Its Nature 127 

Sect. XXII. — Sweetness Relaxing 129 

Sect. XXIII. — Variation, Why Beautiful .... 130 

Sect. XXIV. — Concerning Smallness 131 

Sect. XXV. — Of Colour 134 


Section I. — Of Words 136 

Sect. II. — The Common Effects of Poetry, Not by 

Raising Ideas of Things 136 

Sect. III. — General Words Before Ideas 138 

Sect. IV. — The Effect of Words 139 

Sect. V. — Examples that Words May Affect With- 
out Raising Images 140 

Sect. VI. — Poetry not Strictly an Imitative Art . . 144 
Sect. VII. — How Words Influence the Passions . . 145 





Edmund Burke was born in Dublin in January, 1729, the son 
of an attorney. His father was Protestant, his mother Catholic; 
and though the son followed his father's religion, he was always 
tolerant of the other faith. He was educated at Trinity College, 
Dublin, where he took his B.A. in 1748, coming to London two 
years later to study law. But his tastes were more literary than 
legal, and on giving up law, against his father's wish, before he 
was called to the bar, he was forced to resort to his pen for a 

The first of his productions to gain notice was his "Vindica- 
tion of Natural Society, by a late noble writer/' an ironical 
imitation of the style and arguments of Bolingbroke, carried out 
with great skill. This pamphlet already showed Burke as a de- 
fender of the established order of things. In the same year, 
I 756, appeared his famous ( Philosophical Inquiry into the Ori- 
gin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful.'* 

For five years, from 1759 to 1764, Burke's time was largely 
occupied by his duties as secretary to William Gerard Hamilton, 
practically his only publications being in the ''Annual Register," 
with which he was connected for many years; yet in this period 
he found time to form intimacies with the famous group con- 
taining, among others, Garrick, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Dr. 
Johnson. During the short administration of Lord Rockingham, 
Burke acted as that nobleman's private secretary, and in Janu- 
ary, 1766, he became a member of the House of Commons. Al- 
most at once he came into prominence as a speaker, displaying 
in the debates on American affairs, which then occupied the 
House, much independence and a disposition toward a wise ex- 
pediency rather than a harsh insistence on theoretical sover- 
eignty in dealing with the colonists. 

In 1768 Burke bought an estate in Buckinghamshire, for which 
he was never able to pay in full; and during most of his life he 
was in financial difficulties. During the Grafton ministry his 
chief publication was his "Thoughts on the Present Discontents/* 
in which he opposed the reviving influence of the court, and 
championed the interests of the people. American affairs con- 
tinued to engage the attention of Parliament, and throughout the 


struggle with the colonies Burke's voice was constantly raised 
on behalf of a policy of conciliation. With the aid of his dis- 
ciple, C. J. Fox, he forced the retirement of Lord North, and 
when the Whigs came into power in 1782 he was made pay- 
master of the forces. Aristocratic jealousy, and the difficulties 
of his own temperament, kept him out of a cabinet position then 
and later. 

The next great issue on which Burke employed his oratorical 
talents was the impeachment of Warren Hastings. Beginning in 
1787, it dragged on for seven years, Burke closing his colossal 
labors with a nine days* speech. Though Hastings was acquitted, 
Burke's fervid indignation in supporting the impeachment, and 
the impeachment itself, were indications of the growth of the 
sense of responsibility for the humane treatment of subject 

Meantime, the sympathy expressed in England for the French 
Revolution in its earlier stages roused Burke to express his op- 
position in his famous "Reflections." In the debates which fol- 
lowed, Burke became separated from his friends Sheridan and 
Fox, and finally from his party, and he closed his political career 
in practical isolation. 

On his retirement from Parliament in 1794, the King granted 
him a pension which Pitt found means to increase, but even this 
well-earned reward he was not allowed to enjoy without the 
grudging assaults of enemies. His last days were spent in vig- 
orous support of the war against France; and he died July 9, 


Burke never attained a political office in any degree propor- 
tioned to his ability and services, but he succeeded, nevertheless, 
in affecting profoundly the opinion of his time. Latterly the 
House of Commons tired of his fervid and imaginative eloquence, 
unwilling perhaps to make the effort necessary to follow his 
keen intellectual processes, but he found through his writings a 
larger audience. "Bacon alone excepted" says Buckle, Burke 
was "the greatest political thinker who has ever devoted him- 
self to the practise of English politics" 


I have endeavoured to make this edition something more full 
and satisfactory than the first. I have sought with the utmost 
care, and read with equal attention, everything which has ap- 
peared in public against my opinions; I have taken advantage of 
the candid liberty of my friends ; and if by these means I have 
been better enabled to discover the imperfections of the work, the 
indulgence it has received, imperfect as it was, furnished me with 
a new motive to spare no reasonable pains for its improvement. 
Though I have not found sufficient reason, or what appeared to 
me sufficient, for making any material change in my theory, I 
have found it necessary in many places to explain, illustrate, and 
enforce it. I have prefixed an introductory discourse concerning 
Taste: it is a matter curious in itself; and it leads naturally 
enough to the principal inquiry. This, with the other explana- 
tions, has made the work considerably larger; and by increasing 
its bulk, has, I am afraid, added to its faults; so that, notwith- 
standing all my attention, it may stand in need of a yet greater 
share of indulgence than it required at its first appearance. 

They who are accustomed to studies of this nature will expect, 
and they will allow too for many faults. They know that many 
of the objects of our inquiry are in themselves obscure and intri- 
cate; and that many others have been rendered so by affected 
refinements or false learning; they know that there are many im- 
pediments in the subject, in the prejudices of others, and even in 
our own, that render it a matter of no small difficulty to show 
in a clear light the genuine face of nature. They know that, 
whilst the mind is intent on the general scheme of things, some 
particular parts must be neglected; that we must often submit 
the style to the matter, and frequently give up the praise of 
elegance, satisfied with being clear. 

The characters of nature are legible, it is true; but they are 
not plain enough to enable those who run, to read them. We 



must make use of a cautious, I had almost said a timorous, 
method of proceeding. We must not attempt to fly, when we 
can scarcely pretend to creep. In considering any complex mat- 
ter, we ought to examine every distinct ingredient in the com- 
position, one by one; and reduce everything to the utmost 
simplicity; since the condition of our nature binds us to a strict 
law and very narrow limits. We ought afterwards to re-examine 
the principles by the effect of the composition, as well as the 
composition by that of the principles. We ought to compare our 
subject with things of a similar nature, and even with things of 
a contrary nature; for discoveries may be, and often are, made 
by the contrast, which would escape us on the single view. The 
greater number of the comparisons we make, the more general 
and the more certain our knowledge is like to prove, as built upon 
a more extensive and perfect induction. 

If an inquiry thus carefully conducted should fail at last of 
discovering the truth, it may answer an end perhaps as useful, in 
discovering to us the weakness of our own understanding. If it 
does not make us knowing, it may make us modest. If it does 
not preserve us from error, it may at least from the spirit of 
error ; and may make us cautious of pronouncing with positive- 
ness or with haste, when so much labour may end in so much 

I could wish that, in examining this theory, the same method 
were pursued which I endeavoured to observe in forming it. The 
objections, in my opinion, ought to be proposed, either to the sev- 
eral principles as they are distinctly considered, or to the justness 
of the conclusion which is drawn from them. But it is common 
to pass over both the premises and conclusion in silence, and to 
produce, as an objection, some poetical passage which does not 
seem easily accounted for upon the principles I endeavour to es- 
tablish. This manner of proceeding I should think very improper. 
The task would be infinite, if we could establish no principle 
until we had previously unravelled the complex texture of every 
image or description to be found in poets and orators. And 
though we should never be able to reconcile the effect of such 
images to our principles, this can never overturn the theory 
itself, whilst it is founded on certain and indisputable facts. A 
theory founded on experiment, and not assumed, is always good 
for so much as it explains. Our inability to push it indefinitely 


is no argument at all against it. This inability may be owing to 
our ignorance of some necessary mediums; to a want of proper 
application; to many other causes besides a defect in the prin- 
ciples we employ. In reality, the subject requires a much closer 
attention than we dare claim from our manner of treating it. 

If it should not appear on the face of the work, I must caution 
the reader against imagining that I intended a full dissertation 
on the Sublime and Beautiful. My inquiry went no farther than 
to the origin of these ideas. If the qualities which I have ranged 
under the head of the Sublime be all found consistent with each 
other, and all different from those which I place under the head 
of Beauty; and if those which compose the class of the Beautiful 
have the same consistency with themselves, and the same opposi- 
tion to those which are classed under the denomination of Sub- 
lime, I am in little pain whether anybody chooses to follow the 
name I give them or not, provided he allows that what I dispose 
under different heads are in reality different things in nature. 
The use I make of the words may be blamed, as too confined or 
too extended; my meaning cannot well be misunderstood. 

To conclude: whatever progress may be made towards the dis- 
covery of truth in this matter, I do not repent the pains I have 
taken in it. The use of such inquiries may be very considerable. 
Whatever turns the soul inward on itself, tends to concentre its 
forces, and to fit it for greater and stronger flights of science. 
By looking into physical causes our minds are opened and en- 
larged ; and in this pursuit, whether we take or whether we los^ 
our game, the chase is certainly of service. Cicero, true as he 
was to the academic philosophy, and consequently led to reject 
the certainty of physical, as of every other kind of knowledge, yet 
freely confesses its great importance to the human understand- 
ing; "Est animorum ingeniorumque nostrorum naturale quoddam 
quasi pabulum consideratio contemplatioque nature?" If we can 
direct the lights we derive from such exalted speculations, upon 
the humbler field of the imagination, whilst we investigate the 
springs, and trace the courses of our passions, we may not only 
communicate to the taste a sort of philosophical solidity, but we 
may reflect back on the severer sciences some of the graces and 
elegancies of taste, without which the greatest proficiency in those 
sciences will always have the appearance of something illiberal. 



ON A superficial view, we may seem to differ very 
widely from each other in our reasonings, and no 
less in our pleasures: but notwithstanding this dif- 
ference, which I think to be rather apparent than real, it is 
probable that the standard both of reason and taste is the 
same in all human creatures. For if there were not some 
principles of judgment as well as of sentiment common to 
all mankind, no hold could possibly be taken either on their 
reason or their passions, sufficient to maintain the ordinary 
correspondence of life. It appears indeed to be generally 
acknowledged, that with regard to truth and falsehood there 
is something fixed. We find people in their disputes con- 
tinually appealing to certain tests and standards, which are 
allowed on all sides, and are supposed to be established in 
our common nature. But there is not the same obvious 
concurrence in any uniform or settled principles which 
relate to taste. It is even commonly supposed that this 
delicate and aerial faculty, which seems too volatile to en- 
dure even the chains of a definition, cannot be properly 
tried by any test, nor regulated by any standard. There is 
so continual a call for the exercise of the reasoning faculty, 
and it is so much strengthened by perpetual contention, that 
certain maxims of right reason seem to be tacitly settled 
amongst the most ignorant. The learned have improved on 
this rude science, and reduced those maxims into a system. 
If taste has not been so happily cultivated, it was not that 
the subject was barren, but that the labourers were few or 
negligent; for, to say the truth, there are not the same 
interesting motives to impel us to fix the one, which urge 
us to ascertain the other. And, after all, if men differ in 



their opinion concerning such matters, their difference is not 
attended with the same important consequences ; else I 
make no doubt but that the logic of taste, if I may be allowed 
the expression, might very possibly be as well digested, and 
we might come to discuss matters of this nature with as 
much certainty, as those which seem more immediately 
within the province of mere reason. And indeed, it is very 
necessary, at the entrance into such an inquiry as our pres- 
ent, to make this point as clear as possible; for if taste has 
no fixed principles, if the imagination is not affected accord- 
ing to some invariable and certain laws, our labour is likely 
to be employed to very little purpose ; as it must be judged 
a useless, if not an absurd undertaking, to lay down rules 
for caprice, and to set up for a legislator of whims and 

The term taste, like all other figurative terms, is not ex- 
tremely accurate; the thing which we understand by it is 
far from a simple and determinate idea in the minds of most 
men, and it is therefore liable to uncertainty and confusion. 
I have no great opinion of a definition, the celebrated remedy 
for the cure of this disorder. For, when we define, we seem 
in danger of circumscribing nature within the bounds of 
our own notions, which we often take up by hazard, or em- 
brace on trust, or form out of a limited and partial consid- 
eration of the object before us; instead of extending our 
ideas to take in all that nature comprehends, according to 
her manner of combining. We are limited in our inquiry 
by the strict laws to which we have submitted at our setting 

— Circa vilem patulumque morabimur orbem, 
Unde pudor proferre pedem vetat aut operis lex. 

A definition may be very exact, and yet go but a very little 
way towards informing us of the nature of the thing de- 
fined; but let the virtue of a definition be what it will, in the 
order of things, it seems rather to follow than to precede our 
inquiry, of which it ought to be considered as the result. It 
must be acknowledged, that the methods of disquisition and 
teaching may be sometimes different, and on very good 
reason undoubtedly ; but, for my part, I am convinced that 
the method of teaching which approaches most nearly to the 


method of investigation is incomparably the best; since, not 
content with serving up a few barren and lifeless truths, it 
leads to the stock on which they grew; it tends to set the 
reader himself in the track of invention, and to direct him 
into those paths in which the author has made his own dis- 
coveries, if he should be so happy as to have made any that 
are valuable. 

But to cut off all pretence for cavilling, I mean by the 
word Taste no more than that faculty or those faculties of 
the mind, which are affected with, or which form a judg- 
ment of, the works of imagination and the elegant arts. 
This is, I think, the most general idea of that word, and 
what is the least connected with any particular theory. And 
my point in this inquiry is, to find whether there are any 
principles, on which the imagination is affected, so common 
to all, so grounded and certain, as to supply the means of 
reasoning satisfactorily about them. And such principles of 
taste I fancy there are ; however paradoxical it may seem to 
those, who on a superficial view imagine, that there is so 
great a diversity of tastes, both in kind and degree, that 
nothing can be more indeterminate. 

All the natural powers in man, which I know, that are 
conversant about external objects, are the senses; the 
imagination ; and the judgment. And first with regard to 
the senses. We do and we must suppose, that as the con- 
formation of their organs are nearly or altogether the same 
in all men, so the manner of perceiving external objects is 
in all men the same, or with little difference. We are 
satisfied that what appears to be light to one eye, appears 
light to another ; that what seems sweet to one palate, is 
sweet to another; that what is dark and bitter to this man, 
is likewise dark an^ bitter to that ; and we conclude in the 
same manner of great and little, hard and soft, hot and cold, 
rough and smooth, and indeed of all the natural qualities 
and affections of bodies. If we suffer ourselves to imagine, 
that their senses present to different men different images of 
things, this sceptical proceeding will make every sort of 
reasoning on every subject vain and frivolous, even that 
sceptical reasoning itself which had persuaded us to enter- 
tain a doubt concerning the agreement of our perceptions. 


But as there will be little doubt that bodies present similar 
images to the whole species, it must necessarily be allowed, 
that the pleasures and the pains which every object excites 
in one man, it must raise in all mankind, whilst it operates 
naturally, simply, and by its proper powers only; for if we 
deny this, we must imagine that the same cause, operating in 
the same manner, and on subjects of the same kind, will pro- 
duce different effects; which would be highly absurd. Let 
us first consider this point in the sense of taste, and the 
rather, as the faculty in question has taken its name from 
that sense. All men are agreed to call vinegar sour, honey 
sweet, and aloes bitter ; and as they are all agreed in finding 
these qualities in those objects, they do not in the least 
differ concerning their effects with regard to pleasure and 
pain. They all concur in calling sweetness pleasant, and 
sourness and bitterness unpleasant. Here there is no 
diversity in their sentiments ; and that there is not, appears 
fully from the consent of all men in the metaphors which 
are taken from the sense of taste. A sour temper, bitter 
expressions, bitter curses, a bitter fate, are terms well and 
strongly understood by all. And we are altogether as well 
understood when we say, a sweet disposition, a sweet per- 
son, a sweet condition, and the like. It is confessed, that 
custom and some other causes have made many deviations 
from the natural pleasures or pains which belong to these 
several tastes: but then the power of distinguishing between 
the natural and the acquired relish remains to the very last. 
A man frequently comes to prefer the taste of tobacco to that 
of sugar, and the flavour of vinegar to that of milk; but 
this makes no confusion in tastes, whilst he is sensible that 
the tobacco and vinegar are not sweet, and whilst he knows 
that habit alone has reconciled his palate to these alien 
pleasures. Even with such a person we may speak, and 
with sufficient precision, concerning tastes. But should any 
man be found who declares, that to him tobacco has a taste 
like sugar, and that he cannot distinguish between milk and 
vinegar; or that tobacco and vinegar are sweet, milk bitter, 
and sugar sour; we immediately conclude that the organs 
of this man are out of order, and that his palate is utterly 
vitiated. We are as far from conferring with such a per- 


son upon tastes, as from reasoning concerning the relations 
of quantity with one who should deny that all the parts 
together were equal to the whole. We do not call a man of 
this kind wrong in his notions, but absolutely mad. Excep- 
tions of this sort, in either way, do not at all impeach our 
general rule, nor make us conclude that men have various 
principles concerning the relations of quantity or the taste 
of things. So that when it is said, taste cannot be disputed, 
it can only mean, that no one can strictly answer what 
pleasure or pain some particular man may find from the taste 
of some particular thing. This indeed cannot be disputed; 
but we may dispute, and with sufficient clearness too, con- 
cerning the things which are naturally pleasing or disagree- 
able to the sense. But when we talk of any peculiar or ac- 
quired relish, then we must know the habits, the prejudices, 
or the distempers of this particular man, and we must draw 
our conclusion from those. 

This agreement of mankind is not confined to the taste 
solely. The principle of pleasure derived from sight is the 
same in all. Light is more pleasing than darkness. Sum- 
mer, when the earth is clad in green, when the heavens are 
serene and bright, is more agreeable than winter, when 
everything makes a different appearance. I never remember 
that anything beautiful, whether a man, a beast, a bird, or a 
plant, was ever shown, though it were to a hundred people, 
that they did not all immediately agree that it was beautiful, 
though some might have thought that it fell short of their ex- 
pectation, or that other things were still finer. I believe no 
man thinks a goose to be more beautiful than a swan, or 
imagines that what they call a Friezland hen excels a pea- 
cock. It must be observed, too, that the pleasures of the 
sight are not near so complicated, and confused, and altered 
by unnatural habits and associations, as the pleasures of the 
taste are ; because the pleasures of the sight more commonly 
acquiesce in themselves ; and are not so often altered by con- 
siderations which are independent of the sight itself. But 
things do not spontaneously present themselves to the palate 
as they do to the sight; they are generally applied to it, 
either as food or as medicine ; and, from the qualities which 
they possess for nutritive or medicinal purposes, they often 



form the palate by degrees, and by force of these associa- 
tions. Thus opium is pleasing to Turks, on account of the 
agreeable delirium it produces. Tobacco is the delight of 
Dutchmen, as it diffuses a torpor and pleasing stupefaction. 
Fermented spirits please our common people, because they 
banish care, and all consideration of future or present evils. 
All of these would lie absolutely neglected if their prop- 
erties had originally gone no further than the taste; 
but all these together, with tea and coffee, and some other 
things, have passed from the apothecary's shop to our tables, 
and were taken for health long before they were thought of 
for pleasure. The effect of the drug has made us use it 
frequently; and frequent use, combined with the agreeable 
effect, has made the taste itself at last agreeable. But this 
does not in the least perplex our reasoning; because we 
distinguish to the last the acquired from the natural relish. 
In describing the taste of an unknown fruit, you would 
scarcely say that it had a sweet and pleasant flavour like 
tobacco, opium, or garlic, although you spoke to those who 
were in the constant use of these drugs, and had great 
pleasure in them. There is in all men a sufficient remem- 
brance of the original natural causes of pleasure, to enable 
them to bring all things offered to their senses to that stand- 
ard, and to regulate their feelings and opinions by it. Sup- 
pose one who had so vitiated his palate as to take more 
pleasure in the taste of opium than in that of butter or honey, 
to be presented with a bolus of squills; there is hardly any 
doubt but that he would prefer the butter or honey to this 
nauseous morsel, or to any bitter drug to which he had not 
been accustomed ; which proves that his palate was naturally 
like that of other men in all things, that it is still like the 
palate of other men in many things, and only vitiated in 
some particular points. For in judging of any new thing, 
even of a taste similar to that which he has been formed 
by habit to like, he finds his palate affected in a natural 
manner, and on the common principles. Thus the pleasure 
of all the senses, of the sight, and even of the taste, that 
most ambiguous of the senses, is the same in all, high and 
low, learned and unlearned. 

Besides the ideas, with their annexed pains and pleasures. 


which are presented by the sense; the mind of man pos- 
sesses a sort of creative power of its own ; either in repre- 
senting at pleasure the images of things in the order and 
manner in which they were received by the senses, or in 
combining those images in a new manner, and according 
to a different order. This power is called imagination ; and 
to this belongs whatever is called wit, fancy, invention, and 
the like. But it must be observed, that this power of the 
imagination is incapable of producing anything absolutely 
new; it can only vary the disposition of those ideas which 
it has received from the senses. Now the imagination is 
the most extensive province of pleasure and pain, as it is 
the region of our fears and our hopes, and of all our pas- 
sions that are connected with them ; and whatever is calcu- 
lated to affect the imagination with these commanding ideas, 
by force of any original natural impression, must have the 
same power pretty equally over all men. For since the 
imagination is only the representation of the senses, it can 
only be pleased or displeased with the images, from the 
same principle on which the sense is pleased or displeased 
with the realities; and consequently there must be just as 
close an agreement in the imaginations as in the senses of 
men. A little attention will convince us that this must of 
necessity be the case. 

But in the imagination, besides the pain or pleasure aris- 
ing from the properties of the natural object, a pleasure is 
perceived from the resemblance which the imitation has to 
the original : the imagination, I conceive, can have no 
pleasure but what results from one or other of these causes. 
And these causes operate pretty uniformly upon all men, 
because they operate by principles in nature, and which are 
not derived from any particular habits or advantages. Mr. 
Locke very justly and finely observes of wit, that it is chiefly 
conversant in tracing resemblances : he remarks, at the same 
time, that the business of judgment is rather in finding 
differences. It may perhaps appear, on this supposition, 
that there is no material distinction between the wit and the 
judgment, as they both seem to result from different opera- 
tions of the same faculty of comparing. But in reality, 
whether they are or are not dependent on the same power 


of the mind, they differ so very materially in many respects, 
that a perfect union of wit and judgment is one of the rarest 
things in the world. When two distinct objects are unlike 
to each other, it is only what we expect ; things are in their 
common way; and therefore they make no impression on 
the imagination: but when two distinct objects have a re- 
semblance, we are struck, we attend to them, and we are 
pleased. The mind of man has naturally a far greater 
alacrity and satisfaction in tracing resemblances than in 
searching for differences: because by making resemblances 
we produce new images; we unite, we create, we enlarge 
our stock ; but in making distinctions we offer no food at all 
to the imagination; the task itself is more severe and irk- 
some, and what pleasure we derive from it is something of 
a negative and indirect nature. A piece of news is told 
me in the morning ; this, merely as a piece of news, as a fact 
added to my stock, gives me some pleasure. In the evening 
I find there was nothing in it. What do I gain by this, but 
the dissatisfaction to find that I have been imposed upon? 
Hence it is that men are much more naturally inclined to 
belief than to incredulity. And it is upon this principle, that 
the most ignorant and barbarous nations have frequently 
excelled in similitudes, comparisons, metaphors, and alle- 
gories, who have been weak and backward in distinguishing 
and sorting their ideas. And it is for a reason of this kind, 
that Homer and the Oriental writers, though very fond of 
similitudes, and though they often strike out such as are 
truly admirable, seldom take care to have them exact; that 
is, they are taken with the general resemblance, they paint 
it strongly, and they take no notice of the difference which 
may be found between the things compared. 

Now, as the pleasure of resemblance is that which princi- 
pally flatters the imagination, all men are nearly equal in 
this point, as far as their knowledge of the things repre- 
sented or compared extends. The principle of this knowl- 
edge is very much accidental, as it depends upon experience 
and observation, and not on the strength or weakness of any 
natural faculty; and it is from this difference in knowledge, 
that what we commonly, though with no great exactness, 
call a difference in taste proceeds. A man to whom sculp- 


ture is new, sees a barber's block, or some ordinary piece of 
statuary, he is immediately struck and pleased, because he 
sees something like a human figure; and, entirely taken up 
with this likeness, he does not at all attend to its defects. 
No person, I believe, at the first time of seeing a piece of 
imitation ever did. Some time after, we suppose that this 
novice lights upon a more artificial work of the same nature ; 
he now begins to look with contempt on what he admired at 
first ; not that he admired it even then for its unlikeness to a 
man, but for that general, though inaccurate, resemblance 
which it bore to the human figure. What he admired at 
different times in these so different figures, is strictly the 
same; and though his knowledge is improved, his taste is 
not altered. Hitherto his mistake was from a want of 
knowledge in art, and this arose from his inexperience; but 
he may be still deficient from a want of knowledge in nature. 
For it is possible that the man in question may stop here, 
and that the masterpiece of a great hand may please him no 
more than the middling performance of a vulgar artist: 
and this not for want of better or higher relish, but because 
all men do not observe with sufficient accuracy on the human 
figure to enable them to judge properly of an imitation of 
it. And that the critical taste does not depend upon a 
superior principle in men, but upon superior knowledge, may 
appear from several instances. The story of the ancient 
painter and the shoemaker is very well known. The shoe- 
maker set the painter right with regard to some mistakes 
he had made in the shoe of one of his figures, and which 
the painter, who had not made such accurate observations 
on shoes, and was content with a general resemblance, had 
never observed. But this was no impeachment to the taste 
of the painter; it only showed some want of knowledge in 
the art of making shoes. Let us imagine, that an anatomist 
had come into the painter's working-room. His piece is in 
general well done, the figure in question in a good attitude, 
and the parts well adjusted to their various movements; yet 
the anatomist, critical in his art, may observe the swell of 
some muscle not quite just in the peculiar action of the 
figure. Here the anatomist observes what the painter had 
not observed; and he passes by what the shoemaker had re- 


marked. But a want of the last critical knowledge in 
anatomy no more reflected on the natural good taste of the 
painter or of any common observer of his piece, than the 
want of an exact knowledge in the formation of a shoe. A 
fine piece of a decollated head of St. John the Baptist was 
shown to a Turkish emperor ; he praised many things, but he 
observed one defect ; he observed that the skin did not shrink 
from the wounded part of the neck. The sultan on this 
occasion, though his observation was very just, discovered 
no more natural taste than the painter who executed this 
piece, or than a thousand European connoisseurs, who 
probably never would have made the same observation. His 
Turkish Majesty had indeed been well acquainted with that 
terrible spectacle, which the others could only have repre- 
sented in their imagination. On the subject of their dislike 
there is a difference between all these people, arising from 
the different kinds and degrees of their knowledge ; but there 
is something in common to the painter, the shoemaker, the 
anatomist, and the Turkish emperor, the pleasure arising 
from a natural object, so far as each perceives it justly 
imitated ; the satisfaction in seeing an agreeable figure ; the 
sympathy proceeding from a striking and affecting incident. 
So far as taste is natural, it is nearly common to all. 

In poetry, and other pieces of imagination, the same parity 
may be observed. It is true, that one man is charmed with 
Don Bellianis, and reads Virgil coldly: whilst another is 
transported with the Eneid, and leaves Don Bellianis to 
children. These two men seem to have a taste very differ- 
ent from each other; but in fact they differ very little. In 
both these pieces, which inspire such opposite sentiments, a 
tale exciting admiration is told; both are full of action, both 
are passionate; in both are voyages, battles, triumphs, and 
continual changes of fortune. The admirer of Don Bel- 
lianis perhaps does not understand the refined language of 
the Eneid, who, if it was degraded into the style of the 
Pilgrim's Progress, might feel it in all its energy, on the 
same principle which made him an admirer of Don Bellianis. 

In his favourite author he is not shocked with the con- 
tinual breaches of probability, the confusion of times, the 
offences against manners, the trampling upon geography; 


for he knows nothing of geography and chronology, and he 
has never examined the grounds of probability. He perhaps 
reads of a shipwreck on the coast of Bohemia; wholly taken 
up with so interesting an event, and only solicitous for the 
fate of his hero, he is not in the least troubled at this ex- 
travagant blunder. For why should he be shocked at a 
shipwreck on the coast of Bohemia, who does not know but 
that Bohemia may be an island in the Atlantic ocean? and 
after all, what reflection is this on the natural good taste of 
the person here supposed? 

So far then as taste belongs to the imagination, its princi- 
ple is the same in all men ; there is no difference in the 
manner of their being affected, nor in the causes of the affec- 
tion ; but in the degree there is a difference, which arises 
from two causes principally ; either from a greater degree of 
natural sensibility, or from a closer and longer attention to 
the object. To illustrate this by the procedure of the senses, 
in which the same difference is found, let us suppose a very 
smooth marble table to be set before two men; they both 
perceive it to be smooth, and they are both pleased with it 
because of this quality. So far they agree. But suppose 
another, and after that another table, the latter still smoother 
than the former, to be set before them. It is now very proba- 
ble that these men, who are so agreed upon what is smooth, 
and in the pleasure from thence, will disagree when they 
come to settle which table has the advantage in point of 
polish. Here is indeed the great difference between tastes, 
when men come to compare the excess or diminution of 
things which are judged by degree and not by measure. Nor 
is it easy, when such a difference arises, to settle the point, 
if the excess or diminution be not glaring. If we differ in 
opinion about two quantities, we can have recourse to a com- 
mon measure, which may decide the question with the utmost 
exactness; and this, I take it, is what gives mathematical 
knowledge a greater certainty than any other. But in 
things whose excess is not judged by greater or smaller, as 
smoothness and roughness, hardness and softness, darkness 
and light, the shades of colours, all these are very easily dis- 
tinguished when the difference is any way considerable, but 
not when it is minute, for want of some common measures, 


which perhaps may never come to be discovered. In these 
nice cases, supposing the acuteness of the sense equal, the 
greater attention and habit in such things will have the ad- 
vantage. In the question about the tables, the marble- 
polisher will unquestionably determine the most accurately. 
But notwithstanding this want of a common measure for 
settling many disputes relative to the senses, and their repre- 
sentative the imagination, we find that the principles are the 
same in all, and that there is no disagreement until we come 
to examine into the pre-eminence or difference of things, 
which brings us within the province of the judgment. 

So long as we are conversant with the sensible qualities 
of things, hardly any more than the imagination seems con- 
cerned; little more also than the imagination seems con- 
cerned when the passions are represented, because by the 
force of natural sympathy they are felt in all men without 
any recourse to reasoning, and their justness recognized in 
every breast. Love, grief, fear, anger, joy, all these passions 
have, in their turns, affected every mind; and they do not 
affect it in an arbitrary or casual manner, but upon certain, 
natural, and uniform principles. But as many of the works 
of imagination are not confined to the representation of 
sensible objects, nor to efforts upon the passions, but ex- 
tend themselves to the manners, the characters, the actions, 
and designs of men, their relations, their virtues, and vices, 
they come within the province of the judgment, which is im- 
proved by attention, and by the habit of reasoning. All 
these make a very considerable part of what are considered 
as the objects of taste; and Horace sends us to the schools 
of philosophy and the world for our instruction in them. 
Whatever certainty is to be acquired in morality and the sci- 
ence of life; just the same degree of certainty have we in 
what relates to them in the works of imitation. Indeed it is 
for the most part in our skill in manners, and in the observ- 
ances of time and place, and of decency in general, which is 
only to be learned in those schools to which Horace recom- 
mends us, that what is called taste, by way of distinction, 
consists ; and which is in reality no other than a more refined 
judgment. On the whole it appears to me, that what is called 
taste, in its most general acceptation, is not a simple idea, but 


is partly made up of a perception of the primary pleasures 
of sense, of the secondary pleasures of the imagination, and 
of the conclusions of the reasoning faculty, concerning the 
various relations of these, and concerning the human pas- 
sions, manners, and actions. All this is requisite to form 
taste, and the ground-work of all these is the same in the 
human mind; for as the senses are the great originals of all 
our ideas, and consequently of all our pleasures, if they are 
not uncertain and arbitrary, the whole ground-work of taste 
is common to all, and therefore there is a sufficient founda- 
tion for a conclusive reasoning on these matters. 

Whilst we consider taste merely according to its nature 
and species, we shall find its principles entirely uniform; 
but the degree in which these principles prevail in the 
several individuals of mankind, is altogether as different as 
the principles themselves are similar. For sensibility and 
judgment, which are the qualities that compose what we 
commonly call a taste, vary exceedingly in various people. 
From a defect in the former of these qualities arises a want 
of taste; a weakness in the latter constitutes a wrong or a 
bad one. There are some men formed with feelings so 
blunt, with tempers so cold and phlegmatic, that they can 
hardly be said to be awake during the whole course of their 
lives. Upon such persons the most striking objects make 
but a faint and obscure impression. There are others so 
continually in the agitation of gross and merely sensual 
pleasures, or so occupied in the low drudgery of avarice, or 
so heated in the chase of honours and distinction, that their 
minds, which had been used continually to the storms of 
these violent and tempestuous passions, can hardly be put 
in motion by the delicate and refined play of the imagina- 
tion. These men, though from a different cause, become as 
stupid and insensible as the former; but whenever either of 
these happen to be struck with any natural elegance or 
greatness, or with these qualities in any work of art, they 
are moved upon the same principle. 

The cause of a wrong taste is a defect of judgment. And 

this may arise from a natural weakness of understanding, (in 

whatever the strength of that faculty may consist,) or, 

I which is much more commonly the case, it may arise from a 


want of proper and well-directed exercise, which alone can 
make it strong and ready. Besides that ignorance, inatten- 
tion, prejudice, rashness, levity, obstinacy, in short, all those 
passions, and all those vices, which pervert the judgment in 
other matters, prejudice it no less in this its more refined and 
elegant province. These causes produce different opinions 
upon everything which is an object of the understanding, 
without inducing us to suppose that there are no settled 
principles of reason. And indeed, on the whole, one may ob- 
serve that there is rather less difference upon matters of 
taste among mankind, than upon most of those which depend 
upon the naked reason ; and that men are far better agreed 
on the excellency of a description in Virgil, than on the 
truth or falsehood of a theory of Aristotle. 

A rectitude of judgment in the arts, which may be called a 
good taste, does in a great measure depend upon sensibility ; 
because, if the mind has no bent to the pleasures of the im- 
agination, it will never apply itself sufficiently to works of 
that species to acquire a competent knowledge in them. But, 
though a degree of sensibility is requisite to form a good 
judgment, yet a good judgment does not necessarily arise 
from a quick sensibility of pleasure; it frequently happens 
that a very poor judge, merely by force of a greater com- 
plexional sensibility, is more affected by a very poor piece, 
than the best judge by the most perfect; for as everything 
new, extraordinary, grand, or passionate, is well calculated to 
affect such a person, and that the faults do not affect him, 
his pleasure is more pure and unmixed ; and as it is merely a 
pleasure of the imagination, it is much higher than any which 
is derived from a rectitude of the judgment; the judgment is 
for the greater part employed in throwing stumbling-blocks 
in the way of the imagination, in dissipating the scenes of its 
enchantment, and in tying us down to the disagreeable yoke 
of our reason: for almost the only pleasure that men have in 
judging better than others, consists in a sort of conscious 
pride and superiority, which arises from thinking rightly; but 
then, this is an indirect pleasure, a pleasure which does not 
immediately result from the object which is under contem- 
plation. In the morning of our days, when the senses are 
unworn and tender, when the whole man is awake in every 


part, and the gloss of novelty fresh upon all the objects that 
surround us, how lively at that time are our sensations, but 
how false and inaccurate the judgments we form of things? 
I despair of ever receiving the same degree of pleasure from 
the most excellent performances of genius, which I felt at 
that age from pieces which my present judgment regards as 
trifling and contemptible. Every trivial cause of pleasure is 
apt to affect the man of too sanguine a complexion: his ap- 
petite is too keen to suffer his taste to be delicate; and he is 
in all respects what Ovid says of himself in love, 

Molle meum levibus cor est violabile telis, 
Et semper causa est, cur ego semper amem. 

One of this character can never be a refined judge; never 
what the comic poet calls elegans formarum spectator. The 
excellence and force of a composition must always be imper- 
fectly estimated from its effect on the minds of any, except 
we know the temper and character of those minds. The 
most powerful effects of poetry and music have been dis- 
played, and perhaps are still displayed, where these arts are 
but in a very low and imperfect state. The rude hearer is 
affected by the principles which operate in these arts even 
in their rudest condition ; and he is not skilful enough to 
perceive the defects. But as the arts advance towards 
their perfection, the science of criticism advances with equal 
pace, and the pleasure of judges is frequently interrupted 
by the faults which are discovered in the most finished 

Before I leave this subject I cannot help taking notice of 
an opinion which many persons entertain, as if the taste 
were a separate faculty of the mind, and distinct from the 
judgment and imagination ; a species of instinct, by which 
we are struck naturally, and at the first glance, without any 
previous reasoning, with the excellencies, or the defects, of 
a composition. So far as the imagination and the passions 
are concerned, I believe it true, that the reason is little con- 
sulted; but where disposition, where decorum, where con- 
gruity are concerned, in short, wherever the best taste 
differs from the worst, I am convinced that the understand- 
ing operates, and nothing else; and its operation is in 


reality far from being always sudden, or, when it is sudden, 
it is often far from being right. Men of the best taste, by 
consideration, come frequently to change these early and 
precipitate judgments, which the mind, from its aversion to 
neutrality and doubt, loves to form on the spot. It is 
known that the taste (whatever it is) is improved exactly 
as we improve our judgment, by extending our knowledge, 
by a steady attention to our object, and by frequent exer- 
cise. They who have not taken these methods, if their 
taste decides quickly, it is always uncertainly; and their 
quickness is owing to their presumption and rashness, and 
not to any sudden irradiation, that in a moment dispels all 
darkness from their minds. But they who have cultivated 
that species of knowledge which makes the object of taste, 
by degrees, and habitually, attain not only a soundness, but 
a readiness of judgment, as men do by the same methods on 
all other occasions. At first they are obliged to spell, but 
at last they read with ease and with celerity ; but this celerity 
of its operation is no proof that the taste is a distinct faculty. 
Nobody, I believe, has attended the course of a discussion, 
which turned upon matters within the sphere of mere naked 
reason, but must have observed the extreme readiness with 
which the whole process of the argument is carried on, the 
grounds discovered, the objections raised and answered, and 
the conclusions drawn from premises, with a quickness alto- 
gether as great as the taste can be supposed to work with; 
and yet where nothing but plain reason either is or can be 
suspected to operate. To multiply principles for every dif- 
ferent appearance, is useless, and unphilosophical too in a 
high degree. 

This matter might be pursued much further; but it is not 
the extent of the subject which must prescribe our bounds, 
for what subject does not branch out to infinity? It is the 
nature of our particular scheme, and the single point of 
view in which we consider it, which ought to put a stop tc 
our researches. 






Burke's eminence in the field of esthetic theory is not com,' 
parable to the distinction he achieved as a statesman, orator, 
and political thinker; yet it is probable that, in England espe- 
cially, his political writings have unduly overshadowed his con- 
tributions to the theory of the beautiful. 

His "Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the 
Sublime and Beautiful: with an Introductory Discourse concern- 
ing Taste" was published in its first form in 1756, and in its 
enlarged form in 1757; but it is understood that it was composed 
some years earlier. "It was a vigorous enlargement of the prin- 
ciple," says Morley, ee which Addison had not long before timidly 
illustrated, that critics of art seek its principles in the wrong 
place, so long as they limit their search to poems, pictures, en- 
gravings, statues, and buildings, instead of first arranging the 
sentiments and faculties in man to which art makes its appeal. 
Addison's treatment was slight and merely literary; Burke dealt 
boldly with his subject on the basis of the most scientific psy- 
chology that was then within his reach. To approach it on the 
psychological side at all, was to make a distinct and remarkable 
advance in the method of the inquiry which he had taken in 

The influence of the treatise outside of England was consid- 
erable and important. Lessing undertook to translate it, and 
many instances have been pointed out in which his "Laocobn" 
is indebted to Burke; so that Burke ranks among the sources of 
that fertilising contribution to the mind of the great German 
thinker which he was always eager to acknowledge. 






Section i. — Novelty 

THE first and the simplest emotion which we discover in 
the human mind, is Curiosity. By curiosity, I mean 
whatever desire we have for, or whatever pleasure 
we take in, novelty. We see children perpetually running 
from place to place, to hunt out something new: they catch 
with great eagerness, and with very little choice, at whatever 
comes before them ; their attention is engaged by everything, 
because everything has, in that stage of life, the charm of 
novelty to recommend it. But as those things, which engage 
us merely by their novelty, cannot attach us for any length 
of time, curiosity is the most superficial of all the affections ; 
it changes its object perpetually, it has an appetite which is 
very sharp, but very easily satisfied; and it has always an 
appearance of giddiness, restlessness, and anxiety. Curiosity, 
from its nature, is a very active principle; it quickly runs 
over the greatest part of its objects, and soon exhausts tht 
variety which is commonly to be met with in nature; the 
same things make frequent returns, and they return with 
less and less of any agreeable effect. In short, the occur- 
rences of life, by the time we come to know it a little, would 
be incapable of affecting the mind with any other sensations 
than those of loathing and weariness, if many things were 
not adapted to affect the mind by means of other powers be- 
sides novelty in them, and of other passions besides curiosity 
in ourselves. These powers and passions shall be considered 
in their place. But whatever these powers are, or upon 
what principle soever they affect the mind, it is absolutely 



necessary that they should not be exerted in those things 
which a daily and vulgar use have brought into a stale un- 
affecting familiarity. Some degree of novelty must be one 
of the materials in every instrument which works upon the 
mind; and curiosity blends itself more or less with all our 


It seems then necessary towards moving the passions 
of people advanced in life to any considerable degree, that 
the objects designed for that purpose, besides their being 
in some measure new, should be capable of exciting pain or 
pleasure from other causes. Pain and pleasure are simple 
ideas, incapable of definition. People are not liable to be 
mistaken in their feelings, but they are very frequently 
wrong in the names they give them, and in their reasonings 
about them. Many are of the opinion, that pain arises neces- 
sarily from the removal of some pleasure; as they think 
pleasure does from the ceasing or diminution of some pain. 
For my part, I am rather inclined to imagine, that pain and 
pleasure, in their most simple and natural manner of affect- 
ing, are each of a positive nature, and by no means neces- 
sarily dependent on each other for their existence. The 
human mind is often, and I think it is for the most part, in 
a state neither of pain nor pleasure, which I call a state of 
indifference. When I am carried from this state into a state 
of actual pleasure, it does not appear necessary that I should 
pass through the medium of any sort of pain. If in such 
a state of indifference, or ease, or tranquillity, or call it 
what you please, you were to be suddenly entertained with 
a concert of music; or suppose some object of a fine shape, 
and bright, lively colours, to be presented before you; or 
imagine your smell is gratified with the fragrance of a rose ; 
or if without any previous thirst you were to drink of some 
pleasant kind of wine, or to taste of some sweetmeat with- 
out being hungry; in all the several senses, of hearing, 
smelling and tasting, you undoubtedly find a pleasure; yet 
if I inquire into the state of your mind previous to these 
gratifications, you will hardly tell me that they found you in 
any kind of pain; or, having satisfied these several senses 


with their several pleasures, will you say that any pain has 
succeeded, though the pleasure is absolutely over? Suppose 
on the other hand, a man in the same state of indifference, 
to receive a violent blow, or to drink of some bitter potion, 
or to have his ears wounded with some harsh and grating 
sound; here is no removal of pleasure; and yet here is felt 
in every sense which is affected, a pain very distinguishable. 
It may be said, perhaps, that the pain in these cases had its 
rise from the removal of the pleasure which the man enjoyed 
before, though that pleasure was of so low a degree as to be 
perceived only by the removal. But this seems to me a 
subtilty, that is not discoverable in nature. For if, previous 
to the pain, I do not feel any actual pleasure, I have no 
reason to judge that any such thing exists; since pleasure 
is only pleasure as it is felt. The same may be said of pain, 
and with equal reason. I can never persuade myself that 
pleasure and pain are mere relations, which can only exist 
as they are contrasted; but I think I can discern clearly 
that there are positive pains and pleasures, which do not at 
all depend upon each other. Nothing is more certain to 
my own feelings than this. There is nothing which I can 
distinguish in my mind with more clearness than the three 
states, of indifference, of pleasure, and of pain. Every one 
of these I can perceive without any sort of idea of its rela- 
tion to anything else. Caius is afflicted with a fit of the 
colic; this man is actually in pain; stretch Caius upon the 
rack, he will feel a much greater pain : but does this pain of 
the rack arise from the removal of any pleasure? or is the 
fit of the colic a pleasure or a pain, just as we are pleased 
to consider it? 


We shall carry this proposition yet a step farther. We 
shall venture to propose, that pain and pleasure are not only 
not necessarily dependent for their existence on their mu- 
tual diminution or removal, but that, in reality, the diminu- 
tion or ceasing of pleasure does not operate like positive 
pain; and that the removal or diminution of pain, in its 


effect, has very little resemblance to positive pleasure. 1 The 
former of these propositions will, I believe, be much more 
readily allowed than the latter; because it is very evident 
that pleasure, when it has run its career, sets us down very 
nearly where it found us. Pleasure of every kind quickly 
satisfies ; and when it is over, we relapse into indifference, or 
rather we fall into a soft tranquillity, which is tinged with 
the agreeable colour of the former sensation. I own it is not 
at first view so apparent, that the removal of a great pain 
does not resemble positive pleasure; but let us recollect in 
what state we have found our minds upon escaping some im- 
minent danger, or on being released from the severity of some 
cruel pain. We have on such occasions found, if I am not 
much mistaken, the temper of our minds in a tenor very re- 
mote from that which attends the presence of positive pleas- 
ure; we have found them in a state of much sobriety, im- 
pressed with a sense of awe, in a sort of tranquillity shadowed 
with horror. The fashion of the countenance and the gesture 
of the body on such occasions is so correspondent to this state 
of mind, that any person, a stranger to the cause of the ap- 
pearance, would rather judge us under some consternation, 
than in the enjoyment of anything like positive pleasure. 

'fls 5' or' hv Avdp'' &T7) ttvklv^i \&Py, for" 1 tvl Trdrp-g 
•fcwra KaraKTelvas, &\\u>t> £%Ik€to 5tjim)v, 
'Ay5/)6s & d^i-eiou, dd/xj3os 5' ex ei daopbiavras. 

Iliad, ii. 480. 

As when a wretch, who, conscious of his crime, 
Pursued for murder from his native clime, 
Just gains some frontier, breathless, pale, amazed ; 
All gaze, all wonder ! 

This striking appearance of the man whom Homer sup- 
poses to have just escaped an imminent danger, the sort of 
mixed passion of terror and surprise, with which he affects 
the spectators, paints very strongly the manner in which we 
find ourselves affected upon occasions any way similar. For 
when we have suffered from any violent emotion, the mind 

1 Mr. Locke [Essay on the Human Understanding, 1. ii. c. 20, sect. 16] 
thinks that the removal or lessening of a pain is considered and operates 
as a pleasure, and the loss or diminishing of pleasure as a pain. It is 
this opinion which we consider here. 


naturally continues in something like the same condition, 
after the cause which first produced it has ceased to operate. 
The tossing of the sea remains after the storm ; and when 
this remain of horror has entirely subsided, all the passion, 
which the accident raised, subsides along with it; and the 
mind returns to its usual state of indifference. In short, 
pleasure (I mean anything either in the inward sensation, 
or in the outward appearance, like pleasure from a positive 
cause) has never, I imagine, its origin from the removal of 
pain or danger. 



But shall we therefore say, that the removal of pain or 
its diminution is always simply painful? or affirm that the 
cessation or the lessening of pleasure is always attended 
itself with a pleasure? By no means. What I advance is 
no more than this; first, that there are pleasures and pains 
of a positive and independent nature; and, secondly, that 
the feeling which results from the ceasing or diminution 
of pain does not bear a sufficient resemblance to positive 
pleasure, to have it considered as of the same nature, or to 
entitle it to be known by the same name; and, thirdly, that 
upon the same principle the removal or qualification of pleas- 
ure has no resemblance to positive pain. It is certain that 
the former feeling (the removal or moderation of pain) has 
something in it far from distressing or disagreeable in its 
nature. This feeling, in many cases so agreeable, but in 
all so different from positive pleasure, has no name which I 
know; but that hinders not its being a very real one, and 
very different from all others. It is most certain that every 
species of satisfaction or pleasure, how different soever in 
its manner of affecting, is of a positive nature in the mind of 
him who feels it. The affection is undoubtedly positive; 
but the cause may be, as in this case it certainly is, a sort 
of Privation. And it is very reasonable that we should 
distinguish by some term two things so distinct in nature, 
as a pleasure that is such simply, and without any relation, 
from that pleasure which cannot exist without a relation, 

Hc B— vol. xxiv 


and that too a relation to pain. Very extraordinary it 
would be, if these affections, so distinguishable in their 
causes, so different in their effects, should be confounded 
with each other, because vulgar use has ranged them under 
the same general title. Whenever I have occasion to speak 
of this species of relative pleasure, I call it Delight; and I 
shall take the best care I can to use that word in no other 
sense. I am satisfied the word is not commonly used in 
this appropriated signification; but I thought it better to 
take up a word already known, and to limit its signification, 
than to introduce a new one, which would not perhaps in- 
corporate so well with the language. I should never have 
presumed the least alteration in our words, if the nature of 
the language, framed for the purposes of business rather 
than those of philosophy, and the nature of my subject, that 
leads me out of the common track of discourse, did not in 
a manner necessitate me to it. I shall make use of this 
liberty with all possible caution. As I make use of the 
word Delight to express the sensation which accompanies 
the removal of pain or danger; so when I speak of positive 
pleasure, I shall for the most part call it simply Pleasure. 


It must be observed that the cessation of pleasure affects 
the mind three ways. If it simply ceases, after having 
continued a proper time, the effect is indifference; if it be 
abruptly broken off, there ensues an uneasy sense called 
disappointment ; if the object be so totally lost that there is 
no chance of enjoying it again, a passion arises in the mind, 
which is called grief. Now there is none of these, not even 
grief, which is the most violent, that I think has any re- 
semblance to positive pain. The person who grieves, suffers 
his passion to grow upon him; he indulges it, he loves it: 
but this never happens in the case of actual pain, which 
no man ever willingly endured for any considerable time. 
That grief should be willingly endured, though far from a 
simply pleasing sensation, is not so difficult to be under- 
stood. It is the nature of grief to keep its object per- 
petually in its eye, to present it in its most pleasurable 


views, to repeat all the circumstances that attend it, even to 
the last minuteness; to go back to every particular enjoy- 
ment, to dwell upon each, and to find a thousand new per- 
fections in all, that were not sufficiently understood before; 
in grief, the pleasure is still uppermost;* and the affliction 
we suffer has no resemblance to absolute pain, which is al- 
ways odious, and which we endeavor to shake off as soon 
as possible. The Odyssey of Homer, which abounds with 
so many natural and affecting images, has none more strik- 
ing than those which Menelaus raises of the calamitous fate 
of his friends, and his own manner of feeling it. He owns, 
indeed, that he often gives himself some intermission from 
such melancholy reflections ; but he observes, too, that, mel- 
ancholy as they are, they give him pleasure. 

'AXV H/xTrr}$ Travras p£v ddvpdfievos ical dx«5w, 
IIo\\(£/as iv fteydpoicn Ka,drip.evos ^/xer^pocatv^ 
"AXXore p£v re 76(f) cppiva Tipiropxii, SiKkore 5' avre 
Ha.ijop.ou' al\p7]pds 8£ K6pos Kpvepoto ydoio. 

Horn. Od. A. 100. 

Still in short intervals of pleasing woe, 
Regardful of the friendly dues I owe, 
I to the glorious dead, for ever dear, 
Indulge the tribute of a grateful tear. 

On the other hand, when we recover our health, when we 
escape an imminent danger, is it with joy that we are 
affected? The sense on these occasions is far from that 
smooth and voluptuous satisfaction which the assured pros- 
pect of pleasure bestows. The delight which arises from 
the modifications of pain confesses the stock from whence 
it sprung, in its solid, strong, and severe nature. 


Most of the ideas which are capable of making a power- 
ful impression on the mind, whether simply of Pain or 
Pleasure, or of the modifications of those, may be reduced 
very nearly to these two heads, self-preservation and society ; 
to the ends of one or the other of which all our passions are 


calculated to answer. The passions which concern self- 
preservation, turn mostly on pain or danger. The ideas of 
pain, sickness, and death, fill the mind with strong emotions 
of horror; but life and health, though they put us in a 
capacity of being affected with pleasure, make no such im- 
pression by the simple enjoyment. The passions therefore 
which are conversant about the preservation of the indi- 
vidual turn chiefly on pain and danger, and they are the 
most powerful of all the passions. 


Whatever is fitted in any sort to excite the ideas of pain 
and danger, that is to say, whatever is in any sort terrible, or 
is conversant about terrible objects, or operates in a manner 
analogous to terror, is a source of the sublime; that is, it is 
productive of the strongest emotion which the mind is capa- 
ble of feeling. I say the strongest emotion, because I am 
satisfied the ideas of pain are much more powerful than 
those which enter on the part of pleasure. Without all 
doubt, the torments which we may be made to suffer are 
much greater in their effect on the body and mind, than any 
pleasures which the most learned voluptuary could suggest, 
or than the liveliest imagination, and the most sound and 
exquisitely sensible body, could enjoy. Nay, I am in great 
doubt whether any man could be found, who would earn a 
life of the most perfect satisfaction, at the price of ending 
it in the torments, which justice inflicted in a few hours on 
the late unfortunate regicide in France. But as pain is 
stronger in its operation than pleasure, so death is in gen- 
eral a much more affecting idea than pain; because there 
are very few pains, however exquisite, which are not pre- 
ferred to death: nay, what generally makes pain itself, if 
I may say so, more painful, is, that it is considered as an 
emissary of this king of terrors. When danger or pain press 
too nearly, they are incapable of giving any delight, and are 
simply terrible; but at certain distances, and with certain 
modifications, they may be, and they are, delightful, as we 
every day experience. The cause of this I shall endeavour 
to investigate hereafter. 



The other head under which I class our passions, is that 
of society, which may be divided into two sorts. I. The soci- 
ety of the sexes, which answers the purposes of propagation ; 
and next, that more general society, which we have with men 
and with other animals, and which we may in some sort be 
said to have even with the inanimate world. The passions 
belonging to the preservation of the individual turn wholly 
on pain and danger: those which belong to generation have 
their origin in gratifications and pleasures; the pleasure most 
directly belonging to this purpose is of a lively character, 
rapturous and violent, and confessedly the highest pleasure 
of sense; yet the absence of this so great an enjoyment scarce 
amounts to an uneasiness ; and, except at particular times, I 
do not think it affects at all. When men describe in what 
manner they are affected by pain and danger, they do not 
dwell on the pleasure of health and the comfort of security, 
and then lament the loss of these satisfactions: the whole 
turns upon the actual pains and horrors which they endure. 
But if you listen to the complaints of a forsaken lover, you 
observe that he insists largely on the pleasures which he en- 
joyed, or hoped to enjoy, and on the perfection of the object 
of his desires; it is the loss which is always uppermost in his 
mind. The violent effects produced by love, which has some- 
times been even wrought up to madness, is no objection to 
the rule which we seek to establish. When men have suffer- 
ed their imaginations to be long affected with any idea, it so 
wholly engrosses them as to shut out by degrees almost every 
other, and to break down every partition of the mind which 
would confine it. Any idea is sufficient for the purpose, as 
is evident from the infinite variety of causes, which give rise 
to madness : but this at most can only prove, that the passion 
of love is capable of producing very extraordinary effects, not 
that its extraordinary emotions have any connexion with 
positive pain. 





The final cause of the difference in character between the 
passions which regard self-preservation, and those which are 
directed to the multiplication of the species, will illustrate 
the foregoing remarks yet further; and it is, I imagine, 
worthy of observation even upon its own account. As the 
performance of our duties of every kind depends upon life, 
and the performing them with vigour and efficacy depends 
upon health, we are very strongly affected with whatever 
threatens the destruction of either: but as we are not 
made to acquiesce in life and health, the simple enjoyment 
of them is not attended with any real pleasure, lest, satisfied 
with that, we should give ourselves over to indolence and 
inaction. On the other hand, the generation of mankind is 
a great purpose, and it is requisite that men should be 
animated to the pursuit of it by some great incentive. It 
is therefore attended with a very high pleasure ; but as it is 
by no means designed to be our constant business, it is not 
fit that the absence of this pleasure should be attended with 
any considerable pain. The difference between men and 
brutes, in this point, seems to be remarkable. Men are at 
all times pretty equally disposed to the pleasures of love, 
because they are to be guided by reason in the time and 
manner of indulging them. Had any great pain arisen 
from the want of this satisfaction, reason, I am afraid, would 
find great difficulties in the performance of its office. But 
brutes, who obey laws, in the execution of which their own 
reason has but little share, have their stated seasons; at 
such times it is not improbable that the sensation from the 
want is very troublesome, because the end must be then 
answered, or be missed in many, perhaps for ever; as the 
inclination returns only with its season. 


The passion which belongs to generation, merely as such, 
is lust only. This is evident in brutes, whose passions are 


more unmixed, and which pursue their purposes more 
directly than ours. The only distinction they observe with 
regard to their mates, is that of sex. It is true, that they 
stick severally to their own species in preference to all 
others. But this preference, I imagine, does not arise from 
any sense of beauty which they find in their species, as Mr. 
Addison supposes, but from a law of some other kind, to 
which they are subject; and this we may fairly conclude, 
from their apparent want of choice amongst those objects 
to which the barriers of their species have confined them. 
But man, who is a creature adapted to a greater variety 
and intricacy of relation, connects with the general passion 
the idea of some social qualities, which direct and heighten 
the appetite which he has in common with all other animals ; 
and as he is not designed like them to live at large, it is fit 
that he should have something to create a preference, and 
fix his choice; and this in general should be some sensible 
quality; as no other can so quickly, so powerfully, or so 
surely produce its effect. The object therefore of this 
mixed passion, which we call love, is the beauty of the sex. 
Men are carried to the sex in general, as it is the sex, and 
by the common law of nature: but they are attached to 
particulars by personal beauty. (J call beauty a social quality ; 
for where women and men, and not only they, but when 
other animals give us a sense of joy and pleasure in behold- 
ing them, (and there are many that do so,) they inspire us 
with sentiments of tenderness and affection towards their 
persons; we like to have them near us, and we enter will- 
ingly into a kind of relation with them, unless we should 
have strong reasons to the contrary. But to what end, in 
many cases, this was designed, I am unable to discover; for 
I see no greater reason for a connexion between man and 
several animals who are attired in so engaging a manner, 
than between him and some others who entirely want this 
attraction, or possess it in a far weaker degree. But it is 
probable, that Providence did not make even this distinction, 
but with a view to some great end; though we cannot per- 
ceive distinctly what it is, as his wisdom is not our wisdom, 
nor our ways his ways. 



The second branch of the social passions is that which 
administers to society in general. With regard to this, I 
observe, that society, merely as society, without any parti- 
cular heightenings, gives us no positive pleasure in the 
enjoyment; but absolute and entire solitude, that is, the 
total and perpetual exclusion from all society, is as great a 
positive pain as can almost be conceived. Therefore in the 
balance between the pleasure of general society and the 
pain of absolute solitude, pain is the predominant idea. But 
the pleasure of any particular social enjoyment outweighs 
very considerably the uneasiness caused by the want of that 
particular enjoyment; so that the strongest sensations rel- 
ative to the habitudes of particular society are sensations of 
pleasure. Good company, lively conversation, and the en- 
dearments of friendship, fill the mind with great pleasure ; 
a temporary solitude, on the other hand, is itself agreeable. 
This may perhaps prove that we are creatures designed for 
contemplation as well as action ; since solitude as well as 
society has its pleasures; as from the former observation 
we may discern, that an entire life of solitude contradicts 
the purposes of our being, since death itself is scarcely an 
idea of more terror. 


Under this denomination of society, the passions are of a 
complicated kind, and branch out into a variety of forms, 
agreeably to that variety of ends they are to serve in the 
great chain of society. The three principal links in this 
chain are sympathy, imitation, and ambition. 


It is by the first of these passions that we enter into the 
concerns of others; that we are moved as they are moved, 
and are never suffered to be indifferent spectators of almost 
anything which men can do or suffer. For sympathy must 
be considered as a sort of substitution, by which we are put 


into the place of another man, and affected in many respects 
as he is affected; so that this passion may either partake of 
the nature of those which regard self-preservation, and turn- 
ing upon pain may be a source of the sublime or it may 
turn upon ideas of pleasure; and then whatever has been 
said of the social affections, whether they regard society in 
general, or only some particular modes of it, may be applica- 
ble here. It is by this principle chiefly that poetry, paint- 
ing, and other affecting arts, transfuse their passions from 
one breast to another, and are often capable of grafting a 
delight on wretchedness, misery, and death itself. It is a 
common observation, that objects which in the reality would 
shock, are in tragical, and such like representations, the 
source of a very high species of pleasure. This, taken as a 
fact, has been the cause of much reasoning. The satisfac- 
tion has been commonly attributed, first, to the comfort we 
receive in considering that so melancholy a story is no more 
than a fiction ; and, next, to the contemplation of our own 
freedom from the evils which we see represented. I am 
afraid it is a practice much too common in inquiries of 
this nature, to attribute the cause of feelings which merely 
arise from the mechanical structure of our bodies, or from 
the natural frame and constitution of our minds, to certain 
conclusions of the reasoning faculty on the objects presented 
to us ; for I should imagine, that the influence of reason in 
producing our passions is nothing near so extensive as it is 
commonly believed. 



To examine this point concerning the effect of tragedy in 
a proper manner, we must previously consider how we are 
affected by the feelings of our fellow-creatures in circum- 
stances of real distress. I am convinced we have a degree 
of delight, and that no small one, in the real misfortunes and 
pains of others ; for let the affection be what it will in ap- 
pearance, if it does not make us shun such objects, if on the 
contrary it induces us to approach them, if it makes us 
dwell upon them, in this case I conceive we must have a de- 


light or pleasure of some species or other in contemplating 
objects of this kind. Do we not read the authentic histories 
of scenes of this nature with as much pleasure as romances 
or poems, where the incidents are fictitious? The prosperity 
of no empire, nor the grandeur of no king, can so agreeably 
affect in the reading, as the ruin of the state of Macedon, 
and the distress of its unhappy prince. Such a catastrophe 
touches us in history as much as the destruction of Troy 
does in fable. Our delight, in cases of this kind, is very 
greatly heightened, if the sufferer be some excellent person 
who sinks under an unworthy fortune. Scipio and Cato are 
both virtuous characters; but we are more deeply affected 
by the violent death of the one, and the ruin of the great 
cause he adhered to, than with the deserved triumphs and 
uninterrupted prosperity of the other; for terror is a passion 
which always produces delight when it does not press too 
closely; and pity is a passion accompanied with pleasure, 
because it arises from love and social affection. Whenever 
we are formed by nature to any active purpose, the passion 
which animates us to it is attended with delight, or a pleasure 
of some kind, let the subject-matter be what it will; and as 
our Creator has designed that we should be united by the 
bond of sympathy, he has strengthened that bond by a pro- 
portionable delight; and there most where our sympathy is 
most wanted, — in the distresses of others. If this passion 
was simply painful, we would shun with the greatest care all 
persons and places that could excite such a passion ; as some, 
who are so far gone in indolence as not to endure any strong 
impression, actually do. But the case is widely different 
with the greater part of mankind; there is no spectacle we 
so eagerly pursue, as that of some uncommon and grievous 
calamity ; so that whether the misfortune is before our eyes, 
or whether they are turned back to it in history, it always 
touches with delight. This is not an unmixed delight, but 
blended with no small uneasiness. The delight we have in 
such things, hinders us from shunning scenes of misery; and 
the pain we feel prompts us to relieve ourselves in relieving 
those who suffer; and all this antecedent to any reasoning, 
by an instinct that works us to its own purposes without 
our concurrence. 



It is thus in real calamities. In imitated distresses the 
only difference is the pleasure resulting from the effects of 
imitation; for it is never so perfect, but we can perceive it 
is imitation, and on that principle are somewhat pleased with 
it. And indeed in some cases we derive as much or more 
pleasure from that source than from the thing itself. But 
then I imagine we shall be much mistaken, if we attribute 
any considerable part of our satisfaction in tragedy to the 
consideration that tragedy is a deceit, and its representations 
no realities. The nearer it approaches the reality, and the 
farther it removes us from all idea of fiction, the more per- 
fect is its power. But be its power of what kind it will, it 
never approaches to what it represents. Choose a day on 
which to represent the most sublime and affecting tragedy 
we have ; appoint the most favourite actors ; spare no cost 
upon the scenes and decorations, unite the greatest efforts of 
poetry, painting, and music; and when you have collected 
your audience, just at the moment when their minds are 
erect with expectation, let it be reported that a state criminal 
of high rank is on the point of being executed in the adjoin- 
ing square; in a moment the emptiness of the theatre would 
demonstrate the comparative weakness of the imitative arts, 
and proclaim the triumph of the real sympathy. I believe 
that this notion of our having a simple pain in the reality, 
yet a delight in the representation, arises from hence, that 
we do not sufficiently distinguish what we would by no 
means choose to do, from what we should be eager enough 
to see if it was once done. The delight in seeing things, 
which, so far from doing, our heartiest wishes would be to 
see redressed. This noble capital, the pride of England and 
of Europe, I believe no man is so strangely wicked as to 
desire to see destroyed by a conflagration or an earthquake, 
though he should be removed himself to the greatest distance 
from the danger. But suppose such a fatal accident to have 
happened, what numbers from all parts would crowd to be- 
hold the ruins, and amongst many who would have been con- 
tent never to have seen London in its glory ! Nor is it, 
either in real or fictitious distresses, our immunity from them 


which produces our delight ; in my own mind I can discover 
nothing like it. I apprehend that this mistake is owing to a 
sort of sophism, by which we are frequently imposed upon ; 
it arises from our not distinguishing between what is indeed 
a necessary condition to our doing or suffering anything in 
general, and what is the cause of some particular act. If a 
man kills me with a sword, it is a necessary condition to 
this that we should have been both of us alive before the 
fact ; and yet it would be absurd to say, that our being both 
living creatures was the cause of his crime and of my death. 
So it is certain, that it is absolutely necessary my life should 
be out of any imminent hazard, before I can take a delight 
in the sufferings of others, real or imaginary, or indeed in 
anything else from any cause whatsoever. But then it is a 
sophism to argue from thence, that this immunity is the 
cause of my delight either on these or on any occasions. No 
one can distinguish such a cause of satisfaction in his own 
mind, I believe; nay, when we do not suffer any very acute 
pain, nor are exposed to any imminent danger of our lives, 
we can feel for others, whilst we suffer ourselves ; and often 
then most when we are softened by affliction; we see with 
pity even distresses which we would accept in the place of 
our own. 


The second passion belonging to society is imitation, or, 
if you will, a desire of imitating, and consequently a pleasure 
in it. This passion arises from much the same cause with 
sympathy. For as sympathy makes us take a concern in 
whatever men feel, so this affection prompts us to copy what- 
ever they do; and consequently we have a pleasure in imi- 
tating, and in whatever belongs to imitation, merely as it is 
such, without any intervention of the reasoning faculty, but 
solely from our natural constitution, which Providence has 
framed in such a manner as to find either pleasure or delight, 
according to the nature of the object, in whatever regards the 
purposes of our being. It is by imitation far more than by 
precept, that we learn everything; and what we learn thus, 
we acquire not only more effectually, but more pleasantly. 
This forms our manners, our opinions, our lives. It is one 


of the strongest links of society ; it is a species of mutual 
compliance, which all men yield to each other, without con- 
straint to themselves, and which is extremely flattering to all. 
Herein it is that painting and many other agreeable arts have 
laid one of the principal foundations of their power. And 
since, by its influence on our manners and our passions, it is 
of such great consequence, I shall here venture to lay down 
a rule, which may inform us with a good degree of certainty 
when we are to attribute the power of the arts to imitation, 
or to our pleasure in the skill of the imitator merely, and 
when to sympathy, or some other cause in conjunction with 
it. When the object represented in poetry or painting is such 
as we could have no desire of seeing in the reality, then I 
may be sure that its power in poetry or painting is owing to 
the power of imitation, and to no cause operating in the thing 
itself. So it is with most of the pieces which the painters 
call still-life. In these a cottage, a dunghill, the meanest and 
most ordinary utensils of the kitchen, are capable of giving 
us pleasure. But when the object of the painting or poem 
is such as we should run to see if real, let it affect us with 
what odd sort of sense it will, we may rely upon it, that the 
power of the poem or picture is more owing to the nature of 
the thing itself than to the mere effect of imitation, or to a 
consideration of the skill of the imitator, however excellent. 
Aristotle has spoken so much and so boldly upon the force 
of imitation in his Poetics, that it makes any further dis- 
course upon this subject the less necessary. 


Although imitation is one of the great instruments used 
by Providence in bringing our nature towards its perfection, 
yet if men gave themselves up to imitation entirely, and each 
followed the other, and so on in an eternal circle, it is easy to 
see that there never could be any improvement amongst them. 
Men must remain as brutes do, the same at the end that they 
are at this day, and that they were in the beginning of the 
world. To prevent this, God has planted in man a sense of 
ambition, and a satisfaction arising from the contemplation 
of his excelling his fellows in something deemed valuable 


amongst them. It is this passion that drives men to all the 
ways we see in use of signalizing themselves, and that tends 
to make whatever excites in a man the idea of this distinc- 
tion so very pleasant. It has been so strong as to make very 
miserable men take comfort, that they were supreme in 
misery; and certain it is, that, where we cannot distinguish 
ourselves by something excellent, we begin to take a com- 
placency in some singular infirmities, follies, or defects of 
one kind or other. It is on this principle that flattery is so 
prevalent; for flattery is no more than what raises in a 
man's mind an idea of a preference which he has not. Now, 
whatever, either on good or upon bad ground, tends to raise 
a man in his own opinion, produces a sort of swelling and 
triumph, that is extremely grateful to the human mind; and 
this swelling is never more perceived, nor operates with more 
force, than when without danger we are conversant with 
terrible objects; the mind always claiming to itself some part 
of the dignity and importance of the things which it con- 
templates. Hence proceeds what Longinus has observed 
of that glorying sense of inward greatness, that always 
fills the reader of such passages in poets and orators as are 
sublime; it is what every man must have felt in himself 
upon such occasions. 


To draw the whole of what has been said into a few dis- 
tinct points : — The passions which belong to self-preserva- 
tion turn on pain and danger; they are simply painful when 
their causes immediately affect us; they are delightful when 
we have an idea of pain and danger, without being actually 
in such circumstances; this delight I have not called pleasure, 
because it turns on pain, and because it is different enough 
from any idea of positive pleasure. Whatever excites this 
delight, I call sublime. The passions belonging to self-pres- 
ervation are the strongest of all the passions. 

The second head to which the passions are referred with 
relation to their final cause, is society. There are two sorts 
of societies. The first is, the society of sex. The passion 
belonging to this is called love, and it contains a mixture of 


lust; its object is the beauty of women. The other is the 
great society with man and all other animals. The passion 
subservient to this is called likewise love, but it has no 
mixture of lust, and its object is beauty; which is a name I 
shall apply to all such qualities in things as induce in us a 
sense of affection and tenderness, or some other passion the 
most nearly resembling these. The passion of love has its 
rise in positive pleasure; it is, like all things which grow 
out of pleasure, capable of being mixed with a mode of 
uneasiness, that is, when an idea of its object is excited in 
the mind with an idea at the same time of having irre- 
trievably lost it. This mixed sense of pleasure I have not 
called pain, because it turns upon actual pleasure, and be- 
cause it is, both in its cause and in most of its effects, of a 
nature altogether different. 

Next to the general passion we have for society, to a 
choice in which we are directed by the pleasure we have in 
the object, the particular passion under this head called 
sympathy has the greatest extent. The nature of this 
passion is, to put us in the place of another in whatever 
circumstance he is in, and to affect us in a like manner; 
so that this passion may, as the occasion requires, turn 
either on pain or pleasure; but with the modifications 
mentioned in some cases in sect. u. As to imitation and 
preference, nothing more need be said. 


I believed that an attempt to range and methodize some 
of our most leading passions would be a good preparative to 
such an inquiry as we are going to make in the ensuing dis- 
course. The passions I have mentioned are almost the only 
ones which it can be necessary to consider in our present 
design; though the variety of the passions is great, and 
worthy in every branch of that variety, of an attentive in- 
vestigation. The more accurately we search into the human 
mind, the stronger traces we everywhere find of his wisdom 
who made it. If a discourse on the use of the parts of the 
body may be considered as an hymn to the Creator; the use 
of the passions, which are the organs of the mind, cannot be 


barren of praise to him, nor unproductive to ourselves of 
that noble and uncommon union of science and admiration, 
which a contemplation of the works of infinite wisdom alone 
can afford to a rational mind : whilst, referring to him what- 
ever we find of right or good or fair in ourselves, discover- 
ing his strength and wisdom even in our own weakness 
and imperfection, honouring them where we discover them 
clearly, and adoring their profundity where we are lost in 
our search, we may be inquisitive without impertinence, and 
elevated without pride ; we may be admitted, if I may dare 
to say so, into the counsels of the Almighty by a consider- 
ation of his works. The elevation of the mind ought to be 
the principal end of all our studies; which if they do not in 
some measure effect, they are of very little service to us. 
But, beside this great purpose, a consideration of the ratio- 
nale of our passions seems to me very necessary for all who 
would affect them upon solid and sure principles. It is not 
enough to know them in general : to affect them after a deli- 
cate manner, or to judge properly of any work designed to 
affect them, we should know the exact boundaries of their 
several jurisdictions; we should pursue them through all 
their variety of operations, and pierce into the inmost, and 
what might appear inaccessible, parts of our nature, 

Quod latet arcana non enarrabile libra. 

Without all this it is possible for a man, after a confused 
manner, sometimes to satisfy his own mind of the truth of 
his work ; but he can never have a certain determinate rule 
to go by, nor can he ever make his propositions sufficiently 
clear to others. Poets, and orators, and painters, and those 
who cultivate other branches of the liberal arts, have, with- 
out this critical knowledge, succeeded well in their several 
provinces, and will succeed: as among artificers there are 
many machines made and even invented without any exact 
knowledge of the principles they are governed by. It is, I 
own, not uncommon to be wrong in theory, and right in 
practice; and we are happy that it is so. Men often act 
right from their feelings, who afterwards reason but ill on 
them from principle: but as it is impossible to avoid an at- 
tempt at such reasoning, and equally impossible to prevent 


its having some influence on our practice, surely it is worth 
taking some pains to have it just, and founded on the basis 
of sure experience. We might expect that the artists them- 
selves would have been our surest guides; but the artists 
have been too much occupied in the practice: the philoso- 
phers have done little ; and what they have done, was mostly 
with a view to their own schemes and systems: and as for 
those called critics, they have generally sought the rule of 
the arts in the wrong place; they sought it among poems, 
pictures, engravings, statues, and buildings. But art can 
never give the rules that make an art. This is, I believe, 
the reason why artists in general, and poets principally, have 
been confined in so narrow a circle : they have been rather 
imitators of one another than of nature; and this with so 
faithful an uniformity, and to so remote an antiquity, that 
it is hard to say who gave the first model. Critics follow 
them, and therefore can do little as guides. I can judge but 
poorly of anything, whilst I measure it by no other standard 
than itself. The true standard of the arts is in every man's 
power ; and an easy observation of the most common, some- 
times of the meanest, things in nature, will give the truest 
lights, where the greatest sagacity and industry, that slights 
such observation, must leave us in the dark, or, what is 
worse, amuse and mislead us by false lights. In an inquiry 
it is almost everything to be once in a right road. I am 
satisfied I have done but little by these observations con- 
sidered in themselves; and I never should have taken the 
pains to digest them, much less should I have ever ventured 
to publish them, if I was not convinced that nothing tends 
more to the corruption of science than to suffer it to stag- 
nate. These waters must be troubled, before they can exert 
their virtues. A man who works beyond the surface of 
things, though he may be wrong himself, yet he clears the 
way for others, and may chance to make even his errors 
subservient to the cause of truth. In the following parts I 
shall inquire what things they are that cause in us the affec- 
tions of the sublime and beautiful, as in this I have con- 
sidered the affections themselves. I only desire one favour, 
— that no part of this discourse may be judged of by itself, 
and independently of the rest; for I am sensible I have not 


disposed my materials to abide the test of a captious con- 
troversy, but of a sober and even forgiving examination, 
that they are not armed at all points for battle, but dressed 
to visit those who are willing to give a peaceful entrance 
to truth. 


Section I. — Of the Passion Caused by the Sublime 

THE passion caused by the great and sublime in nature. 
when those causes operate most powerfully, is as- 
tonishment ; and astonishment is that state of the soul, 
in which all its motions are suspended, with some degree of 
horror. 1 In this case the mind is so entirely filled with its 
object, that it cannot entertain any other, nor by consequence 
reason on that object which employs it. Hence arises the 
great power of the sublime, that, far from being produced 
by them, it anticipates our reasonings, and hurries us on by 
an irresistible force. Astonishment, as I have said, is the 
effect of the sublime in its highest degree; the inferior ef- 
fects are admiration, reverence, and respect. 


No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers 
of acting and reasoning as fear.' For fear being an appre- 
hension of pain or death, it operates in a manner that re- 
sembles actual pain. Whatever therefore is terrible, with 
regard to sight, is sublime too, whether this cause of terror 
be endued with greatness of dimensions or not; for it is 
impossible to look on anything as trifling, or contemptible, 
that may be dangerous. There are many animals, who 
though far from being large, are yet capable of raising ideas 
of the sublime, because they are considered as objects of 
terror. As serpents and poisonous animals of almost all 
kinds. And to things of great dimensions, if we annex an 
adventitious idea of terror, they become without comparison 
greater. A level plain of a vast extent on land, is certainly 
no mean idea; the prospect of such a plain may be as ex- 

1 Part I. sect. 3, 4, 7. a Part IV. sect. 3 — 6. 



tensive as a prospect of the ocean: but can it ever fill the 
mind with anything so great as the ocean itself? This is 
owing to several causes; but it is owing to none more than 
this, that the ocean is an object of no small terror. Indeed, 
terror is in all cases whatsoever, either more openly or 
latently, the ruling principle of the sublime. Several lan- 
guages bear a strong testimony to the affinity of these ideas. 
They frequently use the same word, to signify indifferently 
the modes of astonishment or admiration, and those of 
terror. Sdpiftos is in Greek, either fear or wonder; detvo$ 
is terrible or respectable; aldiut, to reverence or to fear. 
Vereor in Latin, is what aidlat is in Greek. The Romans 
used the verb stupeo, a term which strongly marks the state 
of an astonished mind, to express the effect either of simple 
fear or of astonishment; the word attonitus (thunder-struck) 
is equally expressive of the alliance of these ideas; and do 
not the French etonnement, and the English astonishment 
and amazement, point out as clearly the kindred emotions 
which attend fear and wonder? They who have a more 
general knowledge of languages, could produce, I make no 
doubt, many other and equally striking examples. 


To make anything very terrible, obscurity 1 seems in gen- 
eral to be necessary. When we know the full extent of any 
danger, when we can accustom our eyes to it, a great deal 
of the apprehension vanishes. Every one will be sensible 
of this, who considers how greatly night adds to our dread, 
in all cases of danger, and how much the notions of ghosts 
and goblins, of which none can form clear ideas, affect 
minds which give credit to the popular tales concerning such 
sorts of beings. Those despotic governments, which are 
founded on the passions of men, and principally upon the 
passion of fear, keep their chief as much as may be from 
the public eye. The policy has been the same in many cases 
of religion. Almost all the heathen temples were dark. 
Even in the barbarous temples of the Americans at this day, 
they keep their idol in a dark part of the hut, which is con- 

1 Part IV. sect. 14—16. 


secrated to his worship. For this purpose too the Druids 
performed all their ceremonies in the bosom of the darkest 
woods, and in the shade of the oldest and most spreading 
oaks. No person seems better to have understood the 
secret of heightening, or of setting terrible things, if I may 
use the expression, in their strongest light, by the force of 
a judicious obscurity, than Milton. His description of 
Death in the second book is admirably studied; it is aston- 
ishing with what a gloomy pomp, with what a significant and 
expressive uncertainty of strokes and colouring, he has 
finished the portrait of the king of terrors: 

— The other shape, 
If shape it might be called that shape had none 
Distinguishable, in member, joint, or limb; 
Or substance might be called that shadow seemed ; 
For each seemed either ; black he stood as night ; 
Fierce as ten furies ; terrible as hell ; 
And shook a deadly dart. What seemed his head 
The likeness of a kingly crown had on. 

In this description all is dark, uncertain, confused, terrible, 
and sublime to the last degree. 



It is one thing to make an idea clear, and another to 
make it affecting to the imagination. If I make a drawing 
of a palace, or a temple, or a landscape, I present a very 
clear idea of those objects; but then (allowing for the effect 
of imitation, which is something) my picture can at most 
affect only as the palace, temple, or landscape would have 
affected in the reality. On the other hand, the most lively 
and spirited verbal description I can give raises a very 
obscure and imperfect idea of such objects; but then it is in 
my power to raise a stronger emotion by the description than 
I could do by the best painting. This experience constantly 
evinces. The proper manner of conveying the affections of 
the mind from one to another, is by words ; there is a great 
insufficiency in all other methods of communication; and so 
far is a clearness of imagery from being absolutely neces- 


sary to an influence upon the passions, that they may be 
considerably operated upon, without presenting any image 
at all, by certain sounds adapted to that purpose; of which 
we have a sufficient proof in the acknowledged and power- 
ful effects of instrumental music. In reality, a great clear- 
ness helps but little towards affecting the passions, as it is in 
some sort an enemy to all enthusiasms whatsoever. 


There are two verses in Horace's Art of Poetry, that 
seem to contradict this opinion; for which reason I shall 
take a little more pains in clearing it up. The verses are, 

Segnius irritant animos demissa per aures, 
Quam qucB sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus. 

On this the Abbe du Bos founds a criticism, wherein he 
gives painting the preference to poetry in the article of 
moving the passions; principally on account of the greater 
clearness of the ideas it represents. I believe this excellent 
judge was led into this mistake (if it be a mistake) by his 
system; to which he found it more conformable than I ima- 
gine it will be found by experience. I know several who ad- 
mire and love painting, and yet who regard the objects of 
their admiration in that art with coolness enough in com- 
parison of that warmth with which they are animated by 
affecting pieces of poetry or rhetoric. Among the common 
sort of people, I never could perceive that painting had much 
influence on their passions. It is true, that the best sorts 
of painting, as well as the best sorts of poetry, are not much 
understood in that sphere. But it is most certain, that their 
passions are very strongly roused by a fanatic preacher, or 
by the ballads of Chevy-chace, or the Children in the Wood, 
and by other little popular poems and tales that are current 
in that rank of life. I do not know of any paintings, bad or 
good, that produce the same effect. So that poetry, with all 
its obscurity, has a more general, as well as a more powerful, 
dominion over the passions, than the other art. And I 
think there are reasons in nature, why the obscure idea, 
when properly conveyed, should be more affecting than the 


clear. It is our ignorance of things that causes all our ad- 
miration, and chiefly excites our passions. Knowledge and 
acquaintance make the most striking causes affect but little. 
It is thus with the vulgar ; and all men are as the vulgar in 
what they do not understand. The ideas of eternity and 
infinity are among the most affecting we have; and yet 
perhaps there is nothing of which we really understand so 
little, as of infinity and eternity. We do not anywhere meet 
a more sublime description than this justly celebrated one of 
Milton, wherein he gives the portrait of Satan with a dignity 
so suitable to the subject: 

— He above the rest 
In shape and gesture proudly eminent 
Stood like a tower ; his form had yet not lost 
All her original brightness, nor appeared 
Less than archangel ruined, and th' excess 
Of glory obscured : as when the sun new risen 
Looks through the horizontal misty air 
Shorn of his beams ; or from behind the moon 
In dim eclipse disastrous twilight sheds 
On half the nations ; and with fear of change 
Perplexes monarchs. — 

Here is a very noble picture; and in what does this poetical 
picture consist ? In images of a tower, an archangel, the sun 
rising through mists, or in an eclipse, the ruin of monarchs, 
and the revolutions of kingdoms. The mind is hurried out 
of itself, by a crowd of great and confused images; which 
affect because they are crowded and confused. For, separate 
them, and you lose much of the greatness; and join them, 
and you infallibly lose the clearness. The images raised by 
poetry are always of this obscure kind; though in general 
the effects of poetry are by no means to be attributed to the 
images it raises ; which point we shall examine more at large 
hereafter. 1 But painting, when we have allowed for the 
pleasure of imitation, can only affect simply by the images it 
presents; and even in painting, a judicious obscurity in some 
things contributes to the effect of the picture; because the 
images in painting are exactly similar to those in nature; 
and in nature, dark, confused, uncertain images have a 
greater power on the fancy to form the grander passions, 

1 Part V. 


than those have which are more clear and determinate. But 
where and when this observation may be applied to practice, 
and how far it shall be extended, will be better deduced from 
the nature of the subject, and from the occasion, than from 
any rules that can be given. 

I am sensible that this idea has met with opposition, and 
is likely still to be rejected by several. But let it be con- 
sidered, that hardly anything can strike the mind with its 
greatness, which does not make some sort of approach 
towards infinity; which nothing can do whilst we are able 
to perceive its bounds; but to see an object distinctly, and 
to perceive its bounds, is one and the same thing. A clear 
idea is therefore another name for a little idea. There is 
a passage in the book of Job amazingly sublime, and this 
sublimity is principally due to the terrible uncertainty of 
the thing described: In thoughts from the visions of the 
night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, fear came upon 
me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake. 
Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my Hesh 
stood up. It stood still, but I could not discern the form 
thereof: an image was before mine eyes, there was silence, 
and I heard a voice, — Shall mortal man be more just than 
God? We are first prepared with the utmost solemnity for 
the vision ; we are first terrified, before we are let even 
into the obscure cause of our emotion ; but when this 
grand cause of terror makes it appearance, what is it? Is it 
not wrapt up in the shades of its own incomprehensible 
darkness, more awful, more striking, more terrible, than the 
liveliest description, than the clearest painting, could pos- 
sibly represent it? When painters have attempted to give 
us clear representations of these very fanciful and terrible 
ideas, they have, I think, almost always failed ; insomuch 
that I have been at a loss, in all the pictures I have seen of 
hell, to determine whether the painter did not intend some- 
thing ludicrous. Several painters have handled a subject 
of this kind, with a view of assembling as many horrid phan- 
toms as their imagination could suggest; but all the designs 
I have chanced to meet of the temptation of St. Anthony 
were rather a sort of odd, wild grotesques, than anything 
capable of producing a serious passion. In all these sub- 


jects poetry in very happy. Its apparitions, its chimeras, its 
harpies, its allegorical figures, are grand and affecting; and 
though Virgil's Fame and Homer's Discord are obscure, 
they are magnificent figures. These figures in painting 
would be clear enough, but I fear they might become 

sect. v. — POWER 

Besides those things which directly suggest the idea of 
danger, and those which produce a similar effect from a 
mechanical cause, I know of nothing sublime, which is not 
some modification of power. And this branch rises, as 
naturally as the other two branches, from terror, the com- 
mon stock of everything that is sublime. The idea of power, 
at first view, seems of the class of those indifferent ones, 
which may equally belong to pain or to pleasure. But in 
reality, the affection, arising from the idea of vast power, is 
extremely remote from that neutral character. For first, 
we must remember, 1 that the idea of pain, in its highest 
degree, is much stronger than the highest degree of pleas- 
ure; and that it preserves the same superiority through all 
the subordinate gradations. From hence it is, that where 
the chances for equal degrees of suffering or enjoyment 
are in any sort equal, the idea of the suffering must always 
be prevalent. And indeed the ideas of pain, and, above all, 
of death, are so very affecting, that whilst we remain in 
the presence of whatever is supposed to have the power of 
inflicting either, it is impossible to be perfectly free from 
terror. Again, we know by experience, that, for the en- 
joyment of pleasure, no great efforts of power are at all 
necessary ; nay, we know, that such efforts would go a great 
way towards destroying our satisfaction : for pleasure must 
be stolen, and not forced upon us ; pleasure follows the will ; 
and therefore we are generally affected with it by many 
things of a force greatly inferior to our own. But pain is 
always inflicted by a power in some way superior, because 
*ve never submit to pain willingly. So that strength, vio- 
lence, pain, and terror, are ideas that rush in upon the mind 
together. Look at a man, or any other animal of prodigious 

1 Part I. sect. 7. 


strength, and what is your idea before reflection? Is it that 
this strength will be subservient to you, to your ease, to 
your pleasure, to your interest in any sense? No; the emo- 
tion you feel is, lest this enormous strength should be 
employed to the purposes of rapine 8 and destruction. That 
power derives all its sublimity from the terror with which it 
is generally accompanied, will appear evidently from its effect 
in the very few cases, in which it may be possible to strip 
a considerable degree of strength of its ability to hurt. 
When you do this, you spoil it of everything sublime, and it 
immediately becomes contemptible. An ox is a creature of 
vast strength ; but he is an innocent creature, extremely 
serviceable, and not at all dangerous; for which reason the 
idea of an ox is by no means grand. A bull is strong too: 
but his strength is of another kind; often very destructive, 
seldom (at least amongst us) of any use in our business; the 
idea of a bull is therefore great, and it has frequently a 
place in sublime descriptions, and elevating comparisons. Let 
us look at another strong animal, in the two distinct lights in 
which we may consider him. The horse in the light of a 
useful beast, fit for the plough, the road, the draft; in every 
social, useful light, the horse has nothing sublime: but is it 
thus that we are affected with him, whose neck is clothed 
with thunder, the glory of whose nostrils is terrible, who 
swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage, neither be- 
lieveth that it is the sound of the trumpet? In this descrip- 
tion, the useful character of the horse entirely disappears, 
and the terrible and sublime blaze out together. We have 
continually about us animals of a strength that is consid- 
erable, but not pernicious. Amongst these we never look 
for the sublime; it comes upon us in the gloomy forest, and 
in the howling wilderness, in the form of the lion, the tiger, 
the panther, or rhinoceros. Whenever strength is only 
useful, and employed for our benefit or our pleasure, then 
it is never sublime: for nothing can act agreeably to us, 
that does not act in conformity to our will ; but to act agree- 
ably to our will, it must be subject to us, and therefore can 
never be the cause of a grand and commanding conception. 
The description of the wild ass, in Job, is worked up into 

2 Vide Part III. sect. 21. 


no small sublimity, merely by insisting on his freedom, and 
his setting mankind at defiance ; otherwise the description of 
such an animal could have had nothing noble in it. Who 
hath loosed (says he) the bands of the wild ass? whose 
house I have made the wilderness, and the barren land his 
dwellings. He scorneth the multitude of the city, neither 
regardeth he the voice of the driver. The range of the 
mountains is his pasture. The magnificent description of 
the unicorn and of leviathan, in the same book, is full of 
the same heightening circumstances: Will the unicorn be 
willing to serve thee? canst thou bind the unicorn with his 
band in the furrow? wilt thou trust him because his strength 
is great? — Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? — 
will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for 
a servant for ever? shall not one be cast down even at the 
sight of him? In short, wheresoever we find strength, and 
in what light soever we look upon power we shall all along 
observe the sublime the concomitant of terror, and contempt 
the attendant on a strength that is subservient and in- 
noxious. The race of dogs, in many of their kinds, have 
generally a competent degree of strength and swiftness}. 
and they exert these and other valuable qualities which 
they possess, greatly to our convenience and pleasure. Dogs 
are indeed the most social, affectionate, and amiable animals 
of the whole brute creation; but love approaches much 
nearer to contempt than is commonly imagined; and ac- 
cordingly, though we caress dogs, we borrow from them an 
appellation of the most despicable kind, when we employ 
terms of reproach ; and this appellation is the common mark 
of the last vileness and contempt in every language. Wolves 
have not more strength than several species of dogs; but, 
on account of their unmanageable fierceness, the idea of a 
wolf is not despicable; it is not excluded from grand de- 
scriptions and similitudes. Thus we are affected by strength, 
which is natural power. The power which arises from in- 
stitution in kings and commanders, has the same connexion 
with terror. Sovereigns are frequently addressed with the 
title of dread majesty. And it may be observed, that young 
persons, little acquainted with the world, and who have not 
been used to approach men in power, are commonly struck 


with an awe which takes away the free use of their facul- 
ties. When I prepared my seat in the street, (says Job,) 
the young men saw me, and hid themselves. Indeed, so 
natural is this timidity with regard to power, and so strongly 
does it inhere in our constitution, that very few are able to 
conquer it, but by mixing much in the business of the great 
world, or by using no small violence to their natural dis- 
positions. I know some people are of opinion, that no awe, 
no degree of terror, accompanies the idea of power ; and 
have hazarded to affirm, that we can contemplate the idea 
of God himself without any such emotion. I purposely avoided, 
when I first considered this subject, to introduce the idea 
of that great and tremendous Being, as an example in an 
argument so light as this; though it frequently occurred to 
me, not as an objection to, but as a strong confirmation of, 
my notions in this matter. I hope, in what I am going to 
say, I shall avoid presumption, where it is almost impossible 
for any mortal to speak with strict propriety. I say then, 
that whilst we consider the Godhead merely as he is an 
object of the understanding, which forms a complex idea of 
power, wisdom, justice, goodness, all stretched to a degree 
far exceeding the bounds of our comprehension, whilst we 
consider the Divinity in this refined and abstracted light, 
the imagination and passions are little or nothing affected. 
But because we are bound, by the condition of our nature, 
to ascend to these pure and intellectual ideas, through the 
medium of sensible images, and to judge of these divine 
qualities by their evident acts and exertions, it becomes ex- 
tremely hard to disentangle our idea of the cause from the 
effect by which we are led to know it. Thus when we con- 
template the Deity, his attributes and their operation, coming 
un?ted on the mind, form a sort of sensible image, and as 
such are capable of affecting the imagination. Now, though 
in a just idea of the Deity perhaps none of his attributes 
are predominant, yet, to our imagination, his power is by far 
the most striking. Some reflection, some comparing, is nec- 
essary to satisfy us of his wisdom, his justice, and his good- 
ness. To be struck with his power, it is only necessary 
that we should open our eyes. But whilst we contemplate 
so vast an object, under the arm, as it were, of almighty 


power, and invested upon every side with omnipresence, we 
shrink into the minuteness of our own nature, and are, in 
a manner, annihilated before him. And though a consid- 
eration of his other attributes may relieve, in some measure, 
our apprehensions ; yet no conviction of the justice with 
which it is exercised, nor the mercy with which it is tem- 
pered, can wholly remove the terror that naturally arises 
from a force which nothing can withstand. If we rejoice, 
we rejoice with trembling: and even whilst we are receiv- 
ing benefits, we cannot but shudder at a power which can 
confer benefits of such mighty importance. When the 
prophet David contemplated the wonders of wisdom and 
power which are displayed in the economy of man, he seems 
to be struck with a sort of divine horror, and cries out, 
Fearfully and wonderfully am I made ! An heathen poet has 
a sentiment of a similar nature ; Horace looks upon it as the 
last effort of philosophical fortitude, to behold without terror 
and amazement, this immense and glorious fabric of the 
universe : 

Hunc solem, et Stellas, et decedentia certis 
Tempora momentis, sunt qui formidine nulla 
Imbuti spectent. 

Lucretius is a poet not to be suspected of giving way to su- 
perstitious terrors ; yet when he supposes the whole mechan- 
ism of nature laid open by the master of his philosophy, his 
transport on this magnificent view, which he has represented 
in the colours of such bold and lively poetry, is overcast with 
a shade of secret dread and horror : 

His ibi me rebus qu&datn divina voluptas 
Percipit, atque horror ; quod sic Natura, tua vi 
Tarn manifesto patens, ex omni parte retecta est. 

But the Scripture alone can supply ideas answerable to the 
majesty of this subject. In the Scripture, wherever God is 
represented as appearing or speaking, everything terrible in 
nature is called up to heighten the awe and solemnity of the 
Divine presence. The Psalms, and the prophetical books, are 
crowded with instances of this kind. The earth shook, 
(says the psalmist,) the heavens also dropped at the presence 
of the Lord. And, what is remarkable, the painting pre- 



serves the same character, not only when he is supposed 
descending to take vengeance upon the wicked, but even 
when he exerts the like plenitude of power in acts of 
beneficence to mankind. Tremble, thou earth! at the pres- 
ence of the Lord; at the presence of the God of Jacob; 
which turned the rock into standing water, the Hint into a 
fountain of waters! It were endless to enumerate all the 
passages,, both in the sacred and profane writers, which es- 
tablish the general sentiment of mankind, concerning the 
inseparable union of a sacred and reverential awe, with 
our ideas of the Divinity. Hence the common maxim, 
Primus in orbe deos fecit timor. This maxim may be, as I 
believe it is, false with regard to the origin of religion. 
The maker of the maxim saw how inseparable these ideas 
were, without considering that the notion of some great 
power must be always precedent to our dread of it. But 
this dread must necessarily follow the idea of such a power, 
when it is once excited in the mind. It is on this principle 
that true religion has, and must have, so large a mixture 
of salutary fear; and that false religions have generally 
-nothing else but fear to support them. Before the Chris- 
tian religion had, as it were, humanized the idea of the 
Divinity, and brought it somewhat nearer to us, there was 
very little said of the love of God. The followers of Plato 
have something of it, and only something; the other writers 
of pagan antiquity, whether poets or philosophers, nothing 
at all. And they who consider with what infinite attention, 
by what a disregard of every perishable object, through what 
long habits of piety and contemplation, it is that any man is 
able to attain an entire love and devotion to the Deity, will 
easily perceive, that it is not the first, the most natural and 
the most striking, effect which proceeds from that idea. 
Thus we have traced power through its several gradations 
unto the highest of all, where our imagination is finally lost; 
and we find terror, quite throughout the progress, its in- 
separable companion, and growing along with it, as far as 
we can possibly trace them-. Now as power is undoubtedly 
a capital source of the sublime, this will point out evidently 
from whence its energy is derived, and to what class of ideas 
we ought to unite it. 



All general privations are great, because they are all terri- 
ble ; Vacuity, Darkness, Solitude, and Silence. With what a 
fire of imagination, yet with what severity of judgment, has 
Virgil amassed all these circumstances, where he knows that 
all the images of a tremendous dignity ought to be united, at 
the mouth of hell ! where, before he unlocks the secrets of 
the great deep, he seems to be seized with a religious horror, 
and to retire astonished at the boldness of his own designs : 

Dii, quibus imperium est animarum, umbr&que — silentes ! 

Et Chaos, et Phlegethon, loca nocte silentia late, 

Sit mihi fas audita loqui ; sit, numine vestro, 

Pandere res alta terra et caligine mersas. 

Ibant obscuri, sola sub nocte, per umbram, 

Perque domos Ditis vacuas, et inania regna. 

Ye subterraneous gods, whose awful sway 

The gliding ghosts and silent shades obey ; 

O Chaos hoar ! and Phlegethon profound ! 

Whose solemn empire stretches wide around ; 

Give me, ye great, tremendous powers, to tell 

Of scenes and wonders in the depth of hell : 

Give me your mighty secrets to display 

From those black realms of darkness to the day. — Pitt. 

Obscure they went through dreary shades that led 
Along the waste dominions of the dead. — Dryden. 


Greatness 1 of dimension is a powerful cause of the 
sublime. This is too evident, and the observation too com- 
mon, to need any illustration : it is not so common to con- 
sider in what ways greatness of dimension, vastness of ex- 
tent or quantity, has the most striking effect. For certainly, 
there are ways and modes, wherein the same quantity of 
extension shall produce greater effects than it is found to 
do in others. Extension is either in length, height, or depth. 
Of these the length strikes least; an hundred yards of even 
ground will never work such an effect as a tower an hundred 
yards high, or a rock or mountain of that altitude. I am 
apt to imagine likewise, that height is less grand than depth ; 

1 Part IV. sect. 9. 


and that we are more struck at looking down from a 
precipice, than looking up at an object of equal height; 
but of that I am not very positive. A perpendicular has 
more force in forming the sublime, than an inclined plane; 
and the effects of a rugged and broken surface seem 
stronger than where it is smooth and polished. It would 
carry us out of our way to enter in this place into the cause 
of these appearances; but certain it is they afford a large 
and fruitful field of speculation. However, it may not be 
amiss to add to these remarks upon magnitude, that, as the 
great extreme of dimension is sublime, so the last extreme 
of littleness is in some measure sublime likewise: when we 
attend to the infinite divisibility of matter, when we pursue 
animal life into these excessively small, and yet organized 
beings, that escape the nicest inquisition of the sense; when 
we push our discoveries yet downward, and consider those 
creatures so many degrees yet smaller, and the still diminish- 
ing scale of existence, in tracing which the imagination is 
lost as well as the sense ; we become amazed and confounded 
at the wonders of minuteness; nor can we distinguish in its 
effects this extreme of littleness from the vast itself. For 
division must be infinite as well as addition ; because the idea 
of a perfect unity can no more be arrived at, than that of a 
complete whole, to which nothing may be added. 


Another source of the sublime is infinity; if it does not 
rather belong to the last. Infinity has a tendency to fill the 
mind with that sort of delightful horror, which is the most 
genuine effect and truest test of the sublime. There are 
scarce any things which can become the objects of our 
senses, that are really and in their own nature infinite. But 
the eye not being able to perceive the bounds of many 
things, they seem to be infinite, and they produce the same 
effects as if they were really so. We are deceived in the like 
manner, if the parts of some large object are so continued 
to any indefinite number, that the imagination meets no 
check which may hinder its extending them at pleasure. 

Whenever we repeat any idea frequently, the mind, by a 


sort of mechanism, repeats it long after the first cause has 
ceased to operate. 1 After whirling about, when we sit down, 
the objects about us still seem to whirl. After a long suc- 
cession of noises, as the fall of waters, or the beating of 
forge-hammers, the hammers beat and the water roars in 
the imagination long after the first sounds have ceased to 
affect it; and they die away at last by gradations which are 
scarcely perceptible. If you hold up a straight pole, with your 
eye to one end, it will seem extended to a length almost 
incredible. 2 Place a number of uniform and equi-distant 
marks on this pole, they will cause the same deception, and 
seem multiplied without end. The senses, strongly affected 
in some one manner, cannot quickly change their tenor, or 
adapt themselves to other things ; but they continue in their 
old channel until the strength of the first mover decays. 
This is the reason of an appearance very frequent in mad- 
men ; that they remain whole days and nights, sometimes 
whole years, in the constant repetition of some remark, some 
complaint, or song; which having struck powerfully on their 
disordered imagination in the beginning of their phrensy, 
every repetition reinforces it with new strength ; and the 
hurry of their spirits, unrestrained by the curb of reason, 
continues it to the end of their lives. 


Succession and uniformity of parts are what constitute 
the artificial infinite. I. Succession; which is requisite that 
the parts may be continued so long and in such a direction, 
as by their frequent impulses on the sense to impress the 
imagination with an idea of their progress beyond their 
actual limits. 2. Uniformity ; because if the figures of the 
parts should be changed, the imagination at every change 
finds a check; you are presented at every alteration with 
the termination of one idea, and the beginning of another; 
by which means it becomes impossible to continue that un- 
interrupted progression, which alone can stamp on bounded 
objects the character of infinity. 8 It is in this kind of 

1 Part IV. sect. 12. 2 Part IV. sect. 14. 

3 Mr. Addison, in the Spectator, concerning the pleasures of imagina- 
tion, thinks it is because in the rotund at one glance you see half the 
building. This I do not imagine to be the real cause. 



artificial infinity, I believe, we ought to look for the cause 
why a rotund has such a noble effect. For in a rotund, 
whether it be a building or a plantation, you can nowhere 
fix a boundary; turn which way you will, the same object 
still seems to continue, and the imagination has no rest. 
But the parts must be uniform, as well as circularly disposed, 
to give this figure its full force; because any difference, 
whether it be in the disposition, or in the figure, or even in 
the color of the parts, is highly prejudicial to the idea of 
infinity, which every change must check and interrupt, at 
every alteration commencing a new series. On the same 
principles of succession and uniformity, the grand appear- 
ance of the ancient heathen temples, which were generally 
oblong forms, with a range of uniform pillars on every side, 
will be easily accounted for. From the same cause also may 
be derived the grand effect of the aisles in many of our own 
old cathedrals. The form of a cross used in some churches 
seems to me not so eligible as the parallelogram of the an- 
cients ; at least, I imagine it is not so proper for the outside. 
For, supposing the arms of the cross every way equal, if you 
stand in a direction parallel to any of the side walls, or colon- 
nades, instead of a deception that makes the building more 
extended than it is, you are cut off from a considerable part 
(two-thirds) of its actual length; and to prevent all possi- 
bility of progression, the arms of the cross, taking a new 
direction, make a right angle with the beam, and thereby 
wholly turn the imagination from the repetition of the 
former idea. Or suppose the spectator placed where he 
may take a direct view of such a building, what will be the 
consequence? The necessary consequence will be, that a 
good part of the basis of each angle formed by the intersec- 
tion of the arms of the cross, must be inevitably lost; the 
whole must of course assume a broken, unconnected figure; 
the lights must be unequal, here strong, and there weak; 
without that noble gradation which the perspective always 
effects on parts disposed uninterruptedly in a right line. 
Some or all of v these objections will lie against every figure 
of a cross, in whatever view you take it. I exemplified them 
in the Greek cross, in which these faults appear the most 
strongly; but they appear in some degree in all sorts of 


crosses. Indeed there is nothing more prejudicial to the 
grandeur of buildings, than to abound in angles; a fault ob- 
vious in many ; and owing to an inordinate thirst for variety, 
which, whenever it prevails, is sure to leave very little true 


To the sublime in building, greatness of dimension seems 
requisite; for on a few parts, and those small, the imagi- 
nation cannot rise to any idea of infinity. No greatness in 
the manner can effectually compensate for the want of 
proper dimensions. There is no danger of drawing men 
into extravagant designs by this rule; it carries its own cau- 
tion along with it. Because too great a length in buildings 
destroys the purpose of greatness, which it was intended to 
promote ; the perspective will lessen it in height as it gains 
in length; and will bring it at last to a point; turning the 
whole figure into a sort of triangle, the poorest in its effect 
of almost any figure that can be presented to the eye. I 
have ever observed, that colonnades and avenues of trees of 
a moderate length, were, without comparison, far grander, 
than when they were suffered to run to immense distances. 
A true artist should put a generous deceit on the spectators, 
and effect the noblest designs by easy methods. Designs 
that are vast only by their dimensions, are always the sign 
of a common and low imagination. No work of art can be 
great, but as it deceives; to be otherwise is the prerogative 
of nature only. A good eye will fix the medium betwixt an 
excessive length or height, (for the same objection lies 
against both,) and a short or broken quantity; and perhaps 
it might be ascertained to a tolerable degree of exactness, if 
it was my purpose to descend far into the particulars of 
any art. 


Infinity, though of another kind, causes much of our 
pleasure in agreeable, as well as of our delight in sublime, 
images. The spring is the pleasantest of the seasons; and 
the young of most animals, though far from being completely 
fashioned, afford a more agreeable sensation than the full- 


grown ; because the imagination is entertained with the 
promise of something more, and does not acquiesce in the 
present object of the sense. In unfinished sketches of draw- 
ing, I have often seen something which pleased me beyond 
the best finishing; and this I believe proceeds from the 
cause I have just now assigned. 


Another 1 source of greatness is Difficulty. When any- 
work seems to have required immense force and labor to 
effect it, the idea is grand. Stonehenge, neither for disposi- 
tion nor ornament, has anything admirable; but those huge 
rude masses of stone, set on end, and piled each on other, 
turn the mind on the immense force necessary for such a 
work. Nay, the rudeness of the work increases this cause 
of grandeur, as it excludes the idea of art and contrivance; 
for dexterity produces another sort of effect, which is dif- 
ferent enough from this. 


Magnificence is likewise a source of the sublime. A great 
profusion of things, which are splendid or valuable in them- 
selves, is magnificent. The starry heaven, though it occurs 
so very frequently to our view, never fails to excite an idea 
of grandeur. This cannot be owing to the stars themselves, 
. separately considered. The number is certainly the cause. 
The apparent disorder augments the grandeur, for the ap- 
pearance of care is highly contrary to our idea of magnifi- 
cence. Besides, the stars lie in such apparent confusion, as 
makes it impossible on ordinary occasions to reckon them. 
This gives them the advantage of a sort of infinity. In 
works of art, this kind of grandeur, which consists in multi- 
tude, is to be very courteously admitted ; because a profusion 
of excellent things is not to be attained, or with too much 
difficulty ; and because in many cases this splendid confusion 
would destroy all use, which should be attended to in most 
of the works of art with the greatest care; besides, it is to 

1 Part IV. sect. 4 — 6. 


be considered, that unless you can produce an appearance 
of infinity by your disorder, you will have disorder only 
without magnificence. There are, however, a sort of fire- 
works, and some other things, that in this way succeed well, 
and are truly grand. There are also many descriptions in 
the poets and orators, which owe their sublimity to a rich- 
ness and profusion of images, in which the mind is so 
dazzled as to make it impossible to attend to that exact co- 
herence and agreement of the allusions, which we should 
require on every other occasion. I do not now remember a 
more striking example of this, than the description which is 
given of the king's army in the play of Henry the Fourth: 

— All furnished, all in arms, 
All plumed like ostriches that with the wind 
Baited like eagles having lately bathed : 
As full of spirit as the month of May, 
And gorgeous as the sun in Midsummer, 
Wanton as youthful goats, wild as young bulls. 
I saw young Harry with his beaver on 
Rise from the ground like feathered Mercury ; 
And vaulted with such ease into his seat, 
As if an angel dropp'd down from the clouds 
To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus. 

In that excellent book, so remarkable for the vivacity of 
its descriptions as well as the solidity and penetration of its 
sentences, the Wisdom of the Son of Sirach, there is a noble 
panegyric on the high priest Simon the son of Onias ; and 
it is a very fine example of the point before us : 

How was he honoured in the midst of the people, in his 
coming out of the sanctuary ! He was as the morning star 
in the midst of a cloud, and as the moon at the full; as the 
sun shining upon the temple of the Most High, and as the 
rainbow giving light in the bright clouds: and as the flower 
of roses in the spring of the year, as lilies by the rivers of 
waters, and as the frankincense tree in summer; as fire and 
incense in the censer, and as a vessel of gold set with pre- 
cious stones; as a fair olive tree budding forth fruit, and 
as a cypress which groweth up to the clouds. When he put 
on the robe of honour, and was clothed zvith the perfection 
of glory, when he went up to the holy altar, he made the gar- 


ment of holiness honourable. He himself stood by the hearth 
of the altar, compassed with his brethren round about; as a 
young cedar in Libanus, and as palm trees compassed they 
him about. So were all the sons of Aaron in their glory, 
and the oblations of the Lord in their hands, &c. 


Having considered extension, so far as it is capable of 
• raising ideas of greatness; colour comes next under con- 
sideration. All colours depend on light. Light therefore 
ought previously to be examined; and with its opposite, 
darkness. With regard to light, to make it a cause capable 
of producing the sublime, it must be attended with some 
circumstances, besides its bare faculty of showing other 
objects. Mere light is too common a thing to make a strong 
impression on the mind, and without a strong impression 
nothing can be sublime. But such a light as that of the 
sun, immediately exerted on the eye, as it overpowers the 
sense, is a very great idea. Light of an inferior strength to 
this, if it moves with great celerity, has the same power; 
for lightning is certainly productive of grandeur, which it 
owes chiefly to the extreme velocity of its motion. A quick 
transition from light to darkness, or from darkness to light, 
has yet a greater effect. But darkness is more productive 
of sublime ideas than light. Our great poet was convinced 
of this; and indeed so full was he of this idea, so entirely 
possessed with the power of a well-managed darkness, that 
in describing the appearance of the Deity, amidst that pro- 
fusion of magnificent images, which the grandeur of his 
subject provokes him to pour out upon every side, he is far 
from forgetting the obscurity which surrounds the most in- 
comprehensible of all beings, but 

— With majesty of darkness round 
Circles his throne. — 

And what is no less remarkable, our author had the secret 
of preserving this idea, even when he seemed to depart the 
farthest from it, when he describes the light and glory 


which flows from the Divine presence; a light which by its 
very excess is converted into a species of darkness. 

Dark with excessive light thy skirts appear. 

Here is an idea not only poetical in a high degree, but 
strictly and philosophically just. Extreme light, by over- 
coming the organs of sight, obliterates all objects, so as in 
its effect exactly to resemble darkness. After looking for 
some time at the sun, two black spots, the impression which 
it leaves, seem to dance before our eyes. Thus are two 
ideas as opposite as can be imagined reconciled in the 
extremes of both ; and both, in spite of their opposite nature, 
brought to concur in producing the sublime. And this is 
not the only instance wherein the opposite extremes operate 
equally in favour of the sublime, which in all things abhors 


As the management of light is a matter of importance in 
architecture, it is worth inquiring, how far this remark is 
applicable to building. I think then, that all edifices calcu- 
lated to produce an idea of the sublime, ought rather to be 
dark and gloomy, and this for two reasons; the first is, that 
darkness itself on other occasions is known by experience 
to have a greater effect on the passions than light. The 
second is, that to make an object very striking, we should 
make it as different as possible from the objects with which 
we have been immediately conversant; when therefore you 
enter a building, you cannot pass into a greater light than 
you had in the open air; to go into one some few degrees 
less luminous, can make only a trifling change; but to make 
the transition thoroughly striking, you ought to pass from 
the greatest light, to as much darkness as is consistent with 
the uses of architecture. At night the contrary rule will 
hold, but for the very same reason; and the more highly a 
room is then illuminated, the grander will the passion be. 



Among colours, such as are soft or cheerful (except per- 
haps a strong red which is cheerful) are unfit to produce 
grand images. An immense mountain covered with a 
shining green turf, is nothing, in this respect, to one dark 
and gloomy; the cloudy sky is more grand than the blue; 
and night more sublime and solemn than day. Therefore 
in historical painting, a gay or gaudy drapery can never 
have a happy effect: and in buildings, when the highest 
degree of the sublime is intended, the materials and orna- 
ments ought neither to be white, nor green, nor yellow, nor 
blue, nor a pale red, nor violet, nor spotted, but of sad 
and fuscous colours, as black, or brown, or deep purple, and 
the like. Much of gilding, mosaics, painting, or statues, 
contribute but little to the sublime. This rule need not be 
put in practice, except where an uniform degree of the most 
striking sublimity is to be produced, and that in every par- 
ticular ; for it ought to be observed, that this melancholy 
kind of greatness, though it be certainly the highest, ought 
not to be studied in all sorts of edifices, where yet grandeur 
must be studied: in such cases the sublimity must be drawn 
from the other sources ; with a strict caution however against 
anything light and riant; as nothing so effectually deadens 
the whole taste of the sublime. 


The eye is not the only organ of sensation by which a 
sublime passion may be produced. Sounds have a great 
power in these as in most other passions. I do not mean 
words, because words do not affect simply by their sounds, 
but by means altogether different. Excessive loudness alone 
is sufficient to overpower the soul, to suspend its action, and 
to fill it with terror. The noise of vast cataracts, raging 
storms, thunder, or artillery, awakes a great and awful sensa- 
tion in the mind, though we can observe no nicety or artifice 
in those sorts of music. The shouting of multitudes has a 
similar effect; and, by the sole strength of the sound, so 


amazes and confounds the imagination, that, in this stagger- 
ing and hurry of the mind, the best-established tempers can 
scarcely forbear being borne down, and joining in the com- 
mon cry, and common resolution of the crowd. 


A sudden beginning or sudden cessation of sound of any 
considerable force, has the same power. The attention is 
roused by this ; and the faculties driven forward, as it were, 
on their guard. Whatever, either in sights or sounds, makes 
the transition from one extreme to the other easy, causes no 
terror, and consequently can be no cause of greatness. In 
everything sudden and unexpected, we are apt to start; that 
is, we have a perception of danger, and our nature rouses us 
to guard against it. It may be observed that a single sound 
of some strength, though but of short duration, if repeated 
after intervals, has a grand effect. Few things are more 
awful than the striking of a great clock, when the silence of 
the night prevents the attention from being too much dissi- 
pated. The same may be said of a single stroke on a drum, 
repeated with pauses ; and of the successive firing of cannon 
at a distance. All the effects mentioned in this section have 
causes very nearly alike. 


A low, tremulous, intermitting sound, though it seems in 
some respects opposite to that just mentioned, is productive 
of the sublime. It is worth while to examine this a little. 
The fact itself must be determined by every man's own expe- 
rience and reflection. I have already observed, 1 that night 
increases our terror, more perhaps than anything else; it is 
our nature, when we do not know what may happen to us, to n 
fear the worst that can happen; and hence it is, that uncer- 
tainty is so terrible, that we often seek to be rid of it, at the 
hazard of certain mischief. Now, some low, confused, un- > 
certain sounds, leave us in the same fearful anxiety concern- 

1 Sect. 3. 


ing their causes, that no light, or an uncertain light, does 
concerning the objects that surround us. 

Quale per incertam lunam sub luce maligna 
Est iter in sylvis* — 

— A faint shadow of uncertain light, 
Like as a lamp, whose life doth fade away; 
Or as the moon clothed with cloudy night 
Doth show to him who walks in fear and great affright. 


But light now appearing and now leaving us, and so off 
and on, is even more terrible than total darkness: and a 
sort of uncertain sounds are, when the necessary dispositions 
concur, more alarming than a total silence. 


Such sounds as imitate the natural inarticulate voices of 
men, or any animals in pain or danger, are capable of con- 
veying great ideas; unless it be the well-known voice of 
some creature, on which we are used to look with contempt. 
The angry tones of wild beasts are equally capable of causing 
a great and awful sensation. 

Hinc exaudiri gemitus iraque leonum 
Vincla rccusantum, et sera sub node rudentum; 
Sctigeriquc sues, atque in prasepibus ursi 
Savire ; et forma magnorum ululare luporum. 

It might seem that these modulations of sound carry some 
connexion with the nature of the things they represent, and 
are not merely arbitrary; because the natural cries of all 
animals, even of those animals with whom we have not been 
acquainted, never fail to make themselves sufficiently under- 
stood; this cannot be said of language. The modifications 
of sound, which may be productive of the sublime, are 
almost infinite. Those I have mentioned are only a few 
instances to show on what principles they are all built. 



Smells and Tastes have some share too in ideas of great- 
ness; but it is a small one, weak in its nature, and confined 
in its operations. I shall only observe, that no smells or 
tastes can produce a grand sensation, except excessive 
bitters, and intolerable stenches. It is true, that these 
affections of the smell and taste, when they are in their full 
force, and lean directly upon the sensory, are simply painful, 
and accompanied with no sort of delight; but when they 
are moderated, as in a description or narrative, they become 
sources of the sublime, as genuine as any other, and upon 
the very same principle of a moderated pain. "A cup of 
bitterness ; " " to drain the bitter cup of fortune ; " " the 
bitter apples of Sodom ; " these are all ideas suitable to a 
sublime description. Nor is this passage of Virgil without 
sublimity, where the stench of the vapour in Albunea con- 
spires so happily with the sacred horror and gloominess of 
that prophetic forest: 

At rex sollicitus monstris oracula Fauni 
Fatidici genitoris adit, lucosque sub alta 
Consulit Albunea, nemorum qua maxima sacro 
Fonte sonat; ssevamque exhalat opaca Mephitim. 

In the sixth book, and in a very sublime description, the 
poisonous exhalation of Acheron is not forgotten, nor does 
it all disagree with the other images amongst which it is 
introduced : 

Spelunca alta fuit, vastoque immanis hiatu, 
Scrupea, tuta lacu nigro, nemorumque tenebris ; 
Quam super haud ullce poterant impune volantes 
Tendere iter pennis: talis sese halitus atris 
Faucibus effundens supera ad convexa ferebat. 

I have added these examples, because some friends, for 
whose judgment I have great deference, were of opinion that 
if the sentiment stood nakedly by itself, it would be subject, 
at first view, to burlesque and ridicule; but this I imagine 
would principally arise from considering the bitterness and 
stench in company with mean and contemptible ideas, with 
which it must be owned they are often united; such an 
union degrades the sublime in all other instances as well as 


in those. But it is one of the tests by which the sublimity 
of an image is to be tried, not whether it becomes mear. 
when associated with mean ideas ; but whether, when united 
with images of an allowed grandeur, the whole composition 
is supported with dignity. Things which are terrible are 
always great ; but when things possess disagreeable qualities, 
or such as have indeed some degree of danger, but of a 
danger easily overcome, they are merely odious; as toads 
and spiders. 


Of feeling, little more can be said than that the idea of 
bodily pain, in all the modes and degrees of labour, pain, 
anguish, torment, is productive of the sublime ; and nothing 
else in this sense can produce it. I need not give here any 
fresh instances, as those given in the former sections abun- 
dantly illustrate a remark that, in reality, wants only an 
attention to nature, to be made by everybody. 

Having thus run through the causes of the sublime with 
reference to all the senses, my first observation (sect. 7) 
will be found very nearly true; that the sublime is an idea 
belonging to self-preservation ; that it is therefore one of the 
most affecting we have; that its strongest emotion is an 
emotion of distress; and that no pleasure 1 from a positive 
cause belongs to it. Numberless examples, besides those 
mentioned, might be brought in support of these truths, and 
many perhaps useful consequences drawn from them — 

Sed fugit interea, fugit irrevocabile tempus, 
Singula dum capti circumvectamur amore. 

1 Vide Part I. sect. 6. 


Section I. — Of Beauty 

IT IS my design to consider beauty as distinguished from 
the sublime; and, in the course of the inquiry, to ex- 
amine how far it is consistent with it. But previous to 
this, we must take a short review of the opinions already 
entertained of this quality ; which I think are hardly to be re- 
duced to any fixed principles ; because men are used to talk of 
beauty in a figurative manner, that is to say, in a manner ex- 
tremely uncertain, and indeterminate. By beauty I mean that 
quality or those qualities in bodies, by which they cause love, 
or some passion similar to it. I confine this definition to the 
merely sensible qualities of things, for the sake of preserving 
the utmost simplicity in a subject, which must always distract 
us whenever we take in those various causes of sympathy 
which attach us to any persons or things from secondary con- 
siderations, and not from the direct force which they have 
merely on being viewed. I likewise distinguish love (by 
which I mean that satisfaction which arises to the mind 
upon contemplating anything beautiful, of whatsoever nature 
it may be) from desire or lust; which is an energy of the 
mind, that hurries us on to the possession of certain objects, 
that do not affect us as they are beautiful, but by means alto- 
gether different. We shall have a strong desire for a woman 
of no remarkable beauty ; whilst the greatest beauty in men, 
or in other animals, though it causes love, yet excites nothing 
at all of desire. Which shows that beauty, and the passion 
caused by beauty, which I call love, is different from desire, 
though desire may sometimes operate along with it ; but it is 
to this latter that we must attribute those violent and tem- 
pestuous passions, and the consequent emotions of the body, 
which attend what is called love in some of its ordinary ac- 
ceptations, and not to the effects of beauty merely as it is such. 





Beauty hath usually been said to consist in certain pro- 
portions of parts. On considering the matter, I have great 
reason to doubt, whether beauty be at all an idea belonging 
to proportion. Proportion relates almost wholly to conve- 
nience, as every idea of order seems to do ; and it must there- 
fore be considered as a creature of the understanding, rather 
than a primary cause acting on the senses and imagination. 
It is not by the force of long attention and inquiry that we 
find any object to be beautiful; beauty demands no assist- 
ance from our reasoning; even the will is unconcerned; the 
appearance of beauty as effectually causes some degree of 
love in us, as the application of ice or fire produces the ideas 
of heat or cold. To gain something like a satisfactory con- 
clusion in this point, it were well to examine, what propor- 
tion is; since several who make use of that word do not 
always seem to understand very clearly the force of the term, 
nor to have very distinct ideas concerning the thing itself. 
Proportion is the measure of relative quantity. Since all 
quantity is divisible, it is evident that every distinct part, 
into which any quantity is divided, must bear some relation 
to the other parts, or to the whole. These relations give an 
origin to the idea of proportion. They are discovered by 
mensuration, and they are the objects of mathematical in- 
quiry. But whether any part of any determinate quantity 
be a fourth, or a fifth, or a sixth, or a moiety of the whole; 
or whether it be of equal length with any other part, or 
double its length, or but one half, is a matter merely indiffer- 
ent to the mind; it stands neuter in the question; and it is 
from this absolute indifference and tranquillity of the mind, 
that mathematical speculations derive some of their most 
considerable advantages; because there is nothing to interest 
the imagination; because the judgment sits free and un- 
biassed to examine the point. All proportions, every ar- 
rangement of quantity, is alike to the understanding, because 
the same truths result to it from all; from greater, from 
lesser, from equality and inequality. But surely beauty is 
no idea belonging to mensuration; nor has it anything to do 


with calculation and geometry. If it had, we might then 
point out some certain measures which we could demonstrate 
to be beautiful, either as simply considered, or as relating to 
others; and we could call in those natural objects, for whose 
beauty we have no voucher but the sense, to this happy 
standard, and confirm the voice of our passions by the deter- 
mination of our reason. But since we have not this help, 
let us see whether proportion can in any sense be considered 
as the cause of beauty, as hath been so generally, and by 
some so confidently, affirmed. If proportion be one of the 
constituents of beauty, it must derive that power either from 
some natural properties inherent in certain measures, which 
operate mechanically ; from the operation of custom ; or from 
the fitness which some measures have to answer some par- 
ticular ends of conveniency. Our business therefore is to 
inquire, whether the parts of those objects, which are found 
beautiful in the vegetable or animal kingdoms, are constantly 
so formed according to such certain measures, as may serve 
to satisfy us that their beauty results from those measures, 
on the principle of a natural mechanical cause; or from 
custom ; or, in fine, from their fitness for any determinate 
purposes. I intend to examine this point under each of these 
heads in their order. But before I proceed further, I hope 
it will not be thought amiss, if I lay down the rules which 
governed me in this inquiry, and which have misled me in it, 
if I have gone astray, i. If two bodies produce the same or 
a similar effect on the mind, and on examination they are 
found to agree in some of their properties, and to differ in 
others; the common effect is to be attributed to the proper- 
ties in which they agree, and not to those in which they dif- 
fer. 2. Not to account for the effect of a natural object 
from the effect of an artificial object. 3. Not to account for 
the effect of any natural object from a conclusion of our rea- 
son concerning its uses, if a natural cause may be assigned. 
4. Not to admit any determinate quantity, or any relation of 
quantity, as the cause of a certain effect, if the effect is pro- 
duced by different or opposite measures and relations; or if 
these measures and relations may exist, and yet the effect 
may not be produced. These are the rules which I have 
chiefly followed, whilst I examined into the power of propor- 


tion considered as a natural cause; and these, if he thinks 
them just, I request the reader to carry with him throughout 
the following discussion ; whilst we inquire in the first place, 
in what things we find this quality of beauty; next, to see 
whether in these we can find any assignable proportions, 
in such a manner as ought to convince us that our idea of 
beauty results from them. We shall consider this pleasing 
power, as it appears in vegetables, in the inferior animals, 
and in man. Turning our eyes to the vegetable creation, we 
find nothing there so beautiful as flowers; but flowers are 
almost of every sort of shape, and of every sort of disposi- 
tion ; they are turned and fashioned into an infinite variety 
of forms; and from these forms botanists have given them 
their names, which are almost as various. What proportion 
do we discover between the stalks and the leaves of flowers, 
or between the leaves and the pistils? How does the slender 
stalk of the rose agree with the bulky head under which it 
bends? But the rose is a beautiful flower; and can we under- 
take to say that it does not owe a great deal of its beauty 
even to that disproportion : the rose is a large flower, yet it 
grows upon a small shrub; the flower of the apple is very 
small, and grows upon a large tree; yet the rose and the 
apple blossom are both beautiful, and the plants that bear 
them are most engagingly attired, notwithstanding this dis- 
proportion. W r hat by general consent is allowed to be a 
more beautiful object than an orange-tree, flourishing at 
once with its leaves, its blossoms, and its fruit? but it is in 
vain that we search here for any proportion between the 
height, the breadth, or anything else concerning the dimen- 
sions of the whole, or concerning the relation of the particu- 
lar parts to each other. I grant that we may observe, in 
many flowers, something of a regular figure, and of a method- 
ical disposition of the leaves. The rose has such a figure 
and such a disposition of its petals; but in an oblique view, 
when this figure is in a good measure lost, and the order of 
the leaves confounded, it yet retains its beauty ; the rose is even 
more beautiful before it is full blown; in the bud, before this 
exact figure is formed; and this is not the only instance wherein 
method and exactness, the soul of proportion, are found rather 
prejudicial than serviceable to the cause of beauty. 



That proportion has but a small share in the formation 
of beauty, is full as evident among animals. Here the great- 
est variety of shapes and dispositions of parts are well fitted 
to excite this idea. The swan, confessedly a beautiful bird, 
has a neck longer than the rest of his body, and but a very 
short tail: is this a beautiful proportion? We must allow 
that it is. But then what shall we say to the peacock, who 
has comparatively but a short neck, with a tail longer than 
the neck and the rest of the body taken together? How 
many birds are there that vary infinitely from each of these 
standards, and from every other which you can fix; with 
proportions different, and often directly opposite to each 
other ! and yet many of these birds are extremely beautiful ; 
when upon considering them we find nothing in any one 
part that might determine us, a priori, to say what the 
others ought to be, nor indeed to guess anything about 
them, but what experience might show to be full of disap- 
pointment and mistake. And with regard to the colours 
either of birds or flowers, for there is something similar in 
the colouring of both, whether they are considered in their 
extension or gradation, there is nothing of proportion to be 
observed. Some are of but one single colour, others have 
all the colours of the rainbow; some are of the primary 
colours, others are of the mixt; in short, an attentive ob- 
server may soon conclude, that there is as little of propor- 
tion in the colouring as in the shapes of these objects. 
Turn next to beasts; examine the head of a beautiful horse; 
find what proportion that bears to his body, and to his limbs, 
and what relations these have to each other; and when you 
have settled these proportions as a standard of beauty, then 
take a dog or cat, or any other animal, and examine how far 
the same proportions between their heads and their necks, 
between those and the body, and so on, are found to hold. 
I think we may safely say, that they differ in every species, 
yet that there are individuals, found in a great many species 
so differing, that have a very striking beauty. Now, if it be 
allowed that very different and even contrary forms and dis- 


positions are consistent with beauty, it amounts I believe 
to a concession, that no certain measures, operating from a 
natural principle, are necessary to produce it; at least so 
far as the brute species is concerned. 


There are some parts of the human body that are ob- 
served to hold certain proportions to each other; but before 
it can be proved that the efficient cause of beauty lies in 
these, it must be shown, that wherever these are found ex- 
act, the person to whom they belong is beautiful: I mean in 
the effect produced on the view, either of any member dis- 
tinctly considered, or of the whole body together. It must 
be likewise shown, that these parts stand in such a relation 
to each other, that the comparison between them may be 
easily made, and that the affection of the mind may naturally 
result from it. For my part, I have at several times very 
carefully examined many of those proportions, and found 
them hold very nearly or altogether alike in many subjects, 
which were not only very different from one another, but 
where one has been very beautiful, and the other very re- 
mote from beauty. With regard to the parts which are 
found so proportioned, they are often so remote from each 
other, in situation, nature, and office, that I cannot see how 
they admit of any comparison, nor consequently how any 
effect owing to proportion can result from them. The neck, 
say they, in beautiful bodies, should measure with the calf 
of the leg; it should likewise be twice the circumference of 
the wrist. And an infinity of observations of this kind are 
to be found in the writings and conversations of many. But 
what relation has the calf of the leg to the neck; or either 
01 these parts to the wrist? These proportions are certainly 
to be found in handsome bodies. They are as certainly in 
ugly ones; as any who will take the pains to try may find. 
Nay, I do not know but they may be least perfect in some 
of the most beautiful. You may assign any proportion you 
please to every part of the human body; and I undertake 
that a painter shall religiously observe them all, and not- 


withstanding produce, if he pleases, a very ugly figure. The 
same painter shall considerably deviate from these propor- 
tions, and produce a very beautiful one. And indeed it may 
be observed in the master-pieces of the ancient and modern 
statuary, that several of them differ very widely from the 
proportions of others, in parts very conspicuous and of great 
consideration; and that they differ no less from the pro- 
portions we find in living men, of forms extremely striking 
and agreeable. And after all, how are the partisans of pro- 
portional beauty agreed amongst themselves about the pro- 
portions of the human body? Some hold it to be seven 
heads; some make it eight; whilst others extend it even 
to ten ; a vast difference in such a small number of divisions ! 
Others take other methods of estimating the proportions, 
and all with equal success. But are these proportions 
exactly the same in all handsome men? or are they at all 
the proportions found in beautiful women? Nobody will say 
that they are; yet both sexes are undoubtedly capable of 
beauty, and the female of the greatest; which advantage I 
believe will hardly be attributed to the superior exactness of 
proportion in the fair sex. Let us rest a moment on this 
point; and consider how much difference there is between 
the measures that prevail in many similar parts of the body, 
in the two sexes of this single species only. If you assign 
any determinate proportions to the limbs of a man, and if 
you limit human beauty to these proportions, when you find 
a woman who differs in the make and measures of almost 
every part, you must conclude her not to be beautiful, in 
spite of the suggestions of your imagination ; or, in obedience 
to your imagination, you must renounce your rules; you 
must lay by the scale and compass, and look out for some 
other cause of beauty. For if beauty be attached to certain 
measures which operate from a principle in nature, why 
should similar parts with different measures of proportion be 
found to have beauty, and this too in the very same species? 
But to open our view a little, it is worth observing, that 
almost all animals have parts of very much the same nature, 
and destined nearly to the same purposes; a head, neck, 
body, feet, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth; yet Providence to 
provide in the best manner for their several wants, and to 


display the riches of his wisdom and goodness in his creation, 
has worked out of these few and similar organs and mem- 
bers, a diversity hardly short of infinite in their disposition, 
measures, and relation. But, as we have before observed, 
amidst this infinite diversity, one particular is common to 
many species: several of the individuals which compose 
them are capable of affecting us with a sense of loveliness; 
and whilst they agree in producing this effect, they differ 
extremely in the relative measures of those parts which have 
produced it. These considerations were sufficient to induce 
me to reject the notion of any particular proportions that 
operated by nature to produce a pleasing effect; but those 
who will agree with me with regard to a particular propor- 
tion, are strongly prepossessed in favour of one more in- 
definite. They imagine, that although beauty in general is 
annexed to no certain measures common to the several kinds 
of pleasing plants and animals; yet that there is a certain 
proportion in each species absolutely essential to the beauty 
of that particular kind. If we consider the animal world in 
general, we find beauty confined to no certain measures: 
but as some peculiar measure and relation of parts is what 
distinguishes each peculiar class of animals, it must of neces- 
sity be, that the beautiful in each kind will be found in the 
measures and proportions of that kind; for otherwise it 
would deviate from its proper species, and become in some 
sort monstrous: however, no species is so strictly confined 
to any certain proportions, that there is not a considerable 
variation amongst the individuals; and as it has been shown 
of the human, so it may be shown of the brute kinds, that 
beauty is found indifferently in all the proportions which 
each kind can admit, without quitting its common form; 
and it is this idea of a common form that makes the propor- 
tion of parts at all regarded, and not the operation of any 
natural cause: indeed a little consideration will make it ap- 
pear, that it is not measure, but manner, that creates all the 
beauty which belongs to shape. What light do we borrow 
from these boasted proportions, when we study ornamental 
design? It seems amazing to me, that artists, if they were 
as well convinced as they pretend to be, that proportion is a 
principal cause of beauty, have not by them at all times 


accurate measurements of all sorts of beautiful animals to 
help them to proper proportions, when they would contrive 
anything elegant; especially as they frequently assert that 
it is from an observation of the beautiful in nature they 
direct their practice. I know that it has been said long 
since, and echoed backward and forward from one writer to 
another a thousand times, that the proportions of building 
have been taken from those of the human body. To make 
this forced analogy complete, they represent a man with his 
arms raised and extended at full length, and then describe 
a sort of square, as it is formed by passing lines along the 
extremities of this strange figure. But it appears very 
clearly to me, that the human figure never supplied the 
architect with any of his ideas. For, in the first place, men 
are very rarely seen in this strained posture ; it is not natural 
to them ; neither is it at all becoming. Secondly, the view of 
the human figure so disposed, does not naturally suggest the 
idea of a square, but rather of a cross ; as that large space 
between the arms and the ground must be filled with some- 
thing before it can make anybody think of a square. 
Thirdly, several buildings are by no means of the form of 
that particular square, which are notwithstanding planned 
by the best architects, and produce an effect altogether as 
good, and perhaps a better. And certainly nothing could 
be more unaccountably whimsical, than for an architect to 
model his performance by the human figure, since no two 
things can have less resemblance or analogy, than a man and 
a house, or temple : do we need to observe, that their purposes 
are entirely different? What I am apt to suspect is this: 
that these analogies were devised to give a credit to the 
work of art, by showing a conformity between them and the 
noblest works in nature; not that the latter served at all to 
supply hints for the perfection of the former. And I am the 
more fully convinced, that the patrons of proportion have 
transferred their artificial ideas to nature, and not borrowed 
from thence the proportions they use in works of art ; be- 
cause in any discussion of this subject they always quit as 
soon as possible the open field of natural beauties, the animal 
and vegetable kingdoms, and fortify themselves within the 
artificial lines and angles of architecture. For there is in man- 


kind an unfortunate propensity to make themselves, their 
views, and their works, the measure of excellence in every- 
thing whatsoever. Therefore, having observed that their 
dwellings were most commodious and firm when they were 
thrown into regular figures, with parts answerable to each 
other; they transferred these ideas to their gardens; they 
turned their trees into pillars, pyramids, and obelisks; they 
formed their hedges into so many green walls, and fashioned 
their walks into squares, triangles, and other mathematical 
figures, with exactness and symmetry; and they thought, if 
they were not imitating, they were at least improving nature, 
and teaching her to know her business. But nature has at 
last escaped from their discipline, and their fetters ; and our 
gardens, if nothing else, declare we begin to feel that mathe- 
matical ideas are not the true measures of beauty. And 
surely they are full as little so in the animal as the vegetable 
world. For is it not extraordinary, that in these fine de- 
scriptive pieces, these innumerable odes and elegies, which 
are in the mouths of all the world, and many of which have 
been the entertainment of ages, that in these pieces which 
describe love with such a passionate energy, and represent 
its object in such an infinite variety of lights, not one word is 
said of proportion, if it be, what some insist it is, the princi- 
pal component of beauty; whilst, at the same time, several 
other qualities are very frequently and warmly mentioned? 
But if proportion has not this power, it may appear odd how 
men came originally to be so prepossessed in its favour. It 
arose, I imagine, from the fondness I have just mentioned, 
which men bear so remarkably to their own works and 
notions ; it arose from false reasonings on the effects of the 
customary figure of animals; it arose from the Platonic 
theory of fitness and aptitude. For which reason, in the next 
section, I shall consider the effects of custom in the figure of 
animals; and afterwards the idea of fitness: since, if pro- 
portion does not operate by a natural power attending some 
measures, it must be either by custom, or the idea of utility; 
there is no other way. 



If I am not mistaken, a great deal of the prejudice in 
favour of proportion has arisen, not so much from the 
observation of any certain measures found in beautiful 
bodies, as from a wrong idea of the relation which deform- 
ity bears to beauty, to which it has been considered as the 
opposite; on this principle it was concluded, that where 
the causes of deformity were removed, beauty must naturally 
and necessarily be introduced. This I believe is a mistake. 
For deformity is opposed not to beauty, but to the complete 
common form. If one of the legs of a man be found shorter 
than the other, the man is deformed; because there is some- 
thing wanting to complete the whole idea we form of a man ; 
and this has the same effect in natural faults, as maiming 
and mutilation produce from accidents. So if the back be 
humped, the man is deformed; because his back has an 
unusual figure, and what carries with it the idea of some 
disease or misfortune. So if a man's neck be considerably 
longer or shorter than usual, we say he is deformed in that 
part, because men are not commonly made in that manner. 
But surely every hour's experience may convince us, that a 
man may have his legs of an equal length, and resembling 
each other in all respects, and his neck of a just size, and 
his back quite straight, without having at the same time the 
least perceivable beauty. Indeed beauty is so far from 
belonging to the idea of custom, that in reality what affects 
us in that manner is extremely rare and uncommon. The 
beautiful strikes us as much by its novelty as the deformed 
itself. It is thus in those species of animals with which we 
are acquainted; and if one of a new species were represented, 
we should by no means wait until custom had settled an idea 
of proportion, before we decided concerning its beauty or 
ugliness: which shows that the general idea of beauty can 
be no more owing to customary than to natural proportion. 
Deformity arises from the want of the common proportions ; 
but the necessary result of their existence in any object is 
not beauty. If we suppose proportion in natural things to 
be relative to custom and use, the nature of use and custom 
will show, that beauty, which is a positive and powerful 


quality, cannot result from it. We are so wonderfully 
formed, that, whilst we are creatures vehemently desirous of 
novelty, we are as strongly attached to habit and custom. 
But it is the nature of things which hold us by custom, to 
affect us very little whilst we are in possession of them, but 
strongly when they are absent. I remember to have fre- 
quented a certain place every day for a long time together; 
and I may truly say, that so far from finding pleasure in it, 
I was affected with a sort of weariness and disgust ; I came, 
I went, I returned, without pleasure; yet if by any means I 
passed by the usual time of my going thither, I was re- 
markably uneasy, and was not quiet till I had got into my 
old track. They who use snuff, take it almost without being 
sensible that they take it, and the acute sense of smell is 
deadened, so as to feel hardly anything from so sharp a 
stimulus; yet deprive the snuff-taker of his box, and he is 
the most uneasy mortal in the world. Indeed so far are use 
and habit from being causes of pleasure, merely as such, that 
the effect of constant use is to make all things of whatever 
kind entirely unaffecting. For as use at last takes off the 
painful effect of many things, it reduces the pleasurable 
effect in others in the same manner, and brings both to a 
sort of mediocrity and indifference. Very justly is use called 
a second nature; and our natural and common state is one 
of absolute indifference, equally prepared for pain or pleas- 
ure. But when we are thrown out of this state, or deprived 
of anything requisite to maintain us in it; when this chance 
does not happen by pleasure from some mechanical cause, 
we are always hurt. It is so with the second nature, custom, 
in all things which relate to it. Thus the want of the usual 
proportions in men and other animals is sure to disgust, 
though their presence is by no means any cause of real pleas- 
ure. It is true, that the proportions laid down as causes of 
beauty in the human body, are frequently found in beautiful 
ones, because they are generally found in all mankind; 
but if it can be shown too, that they are found without 
beauty, and that beauty frequently exists without them, and 
that this beauty, where it exists, always can be assigned to 
other less equivocal causes, it will naturally lead us to con-, 
elude, that proportion and beauty are not ideas of the same 


nature. The true opposite to beauty is not disproportion or 
deformity, but ugliness: and as it proceeds from causes 
opposite to those of positive beauty, we cannot consider it 
until we come to treat of that. Between beauty and ugliness 
there is a sort of mediocrity, in which the assigned propor- 
tions are most commonly found; but this has no effect upon 
the passions. 


It is said that the idea of utility, or of a part's being well 
adapted to answer its end, is the cause of beauty, or indeed 
beauty itself. If it were not for this opinion, it had been 
impossible for the doctrine of proportion to have held its 
ground very long; the world would be soon weary of hear- 
ing of measures which related to nothing, either of a natural 
principle, or of a fitness to answer some end ; the idea which 
mankind most commonly conceive of proportion, is the suit- 
ableness of means to certain ends, and, where this is not the 
question, very seldom trouble themselves about the effect of 
different measures of things. Therefore it was necessary 
for this theory to insist, that not only artificial but natural 
objects took their beauty from the fitness of the parts for 
their several purposes. But in framing this theory, I am 
apprehensive that experience was not sufficiently consulted. 
For, on that principle, the wedge-like snout of a swine, with 
its tough cartilage at the end, the little sunk eyes, and the 
whole make of the head, so well adapted to its offices of dig- 
ging and rooting, would be extremely beautiful. The great 
bag hanging to the bill of a pelican, a thing highly useful to 
this animal, would be likewise as beautiful in our ey«es. The 
hedge-hog, so well secured against all assaults by his prickly 
hide, and the porcupine with his missile quills, would be then 
considered as creatures of no small elegance. There are few 
animals whose parts are better contrived than those of the 
monkey; he has the hands of a man, joined to the springy 
limbs of a beast; he is admirably calculated for running, 
leaping, grappling, and climbing; and yet there are few 
animals which seem to have less beauty in the eyes of all 
mankind. I need say little on the trunk of the elephant, of 
such various usefulness, and which is so far from contribu- 


ting to his beauty. How well fitted is the wolf for running 
and leaping ! how admirably is the lion armed for battle ! but 
will any one therefore call the elephant, the wolf, and the 
lion, beautiful animals? I believe nobody will think the form 
of a man's leg so well adapted to running, as those of a 
horse, a dog, a deer, and several other creatures; at least 
they have not that appearance: yet, I believe, a well-fash- 
ioned human leg will be allowed to far exceed all these in 
beauty. If the fitness of parts was what constituted the 
loveliness of their form, the actual employment of them 
would undoubtedly much augment it; but this, though it is 
sometimes so upon another principle, is far from being al- 
ways the case. A bird on the wing is not so beautiful as when 
it is perched; nay, there are several of the domestic fowls 
which are seldom seen to fly, and which are nothing the less 
beautiful on that account; yet birds are so extremely dif- 
ferent in their form from the beast and human kinds, that 
you cannot, on the principle of fitness, allow them anything 
agreeable, but in consideration of their parts being designed 
for quite other purposes. I never in my life chanced to see 
a peacock fly ; and yet before, very long before, I considered 
any aptitude in his form for the aerial life, I was struck with 
the extreme beauty which raises that bird above many of 
the best flying fowls in the world; though, for anything I 
saw, his way of living was much like that of the swine, 
which fed in the farm-yard along with him. The same may 
be said of cocks, hens, and the like; they are of the flying 
kind in figure ; in their manner of moving not very different 
from men and beasts. To leave these foreign examples; if 
beauty in our own species was annexed to use, men would 
be much more lovely than women; and strength and agility 
would be considered as the only beauties. But to call 
strength by the name of beauty, to have but one denomina- 
tion for the qualities of a Venus and Hercules, so totally 
different in almost all respects, is surely a strange confusion 
of ideas, or abuse of words. The cause of this confusion, I 
imagine, proceeds from our frequently perceiving the parts 
of the human and other animal bodies to be at once very 
beautiful, and very well adapted to their purposes; and we 
are deceived by a sophism, which makes us take that for a 


cause which is only a concomitant: this is the sophism of 
the fly, who imagined he raised a great dust, because he 
stood upon the chariot that really raised it. The stomach, 
the lungs, the liver, as well as other parts, are incomparably 
well adapted to their purposes ; yet they are far from having 
any beauty. Again, many things are very beautiful, in 
which it is impossible to discern any idea of use. And I 
appeal to the first and most natural feelings of mankind, 
whether on beholding a beautiful eye, or a well-fashioned 
mouth, or a well-turned leg, any ideas of their being well 
fitted for seeing, eating, or running, ever present themselves. 
What idea of use is it that flowers excite, the most beautiful 
part of the vegetable world? It is true, that the infinitely 
wise and good Creator has, of his bounty, frequently joined 
beauty to those things which he has made useful to us: but 
this does not prove that an idea of use and beauty are the 
same thing, or that they are any way dependent on each 


When I excluded proportion and fitness from any share 
in beauty, I did not by any means intend to say that they 
were of no value, or that they ought to be disregarded in 
works of art. Works of art are the proper sphere of their 
power ; and here it is that they have their full effect. When- 
ever the wisdom of our Creator intended that we should be 
affected with anything, he did not confide the execution of 
his design to the languid and precarious operation of our 
reason ; but he endued it with powers and properties that 
prevent the understanding, and even the will ; which, seizing 
upon the senses and imagination, captivate the soul before 
the understanding is ready either to join with them, or to 
oppose them. It is by a long deduction, and much study, 
that we discover the adorable wisdom of God in his works: 
when we discover it, the effect is very different, not only in 
the manner of acquiring it, but in its own nature, from that 
which strikes us without any preparation from the sublime 
or the beautiful. How different is the satisfaction of an 
anatomist, who discovers the use of the muscles and of the 
skin, the excellent contrivance of the one for the various 


movements of the body, and the wonderful texture of the 
other, at once a general covering, and at once a general 
outlet as well as inlet; how different is this from the affec- 
tion which possesses an ordinary man at the sight of a 
delicate, smooth skin, and all the other parts of beauty, 
which require no investigation to be perceived! In the 
former case, whilst we look up to the Maker with admira- 
tion and praise, the object which causes it may be odious 
and distasteful; the latter very often so touches us by its 
power on the imagination, that we examine but little into the 
» artifice of its contrivance; and we have need of a strong 
effort of our reason to disentangle our minds from the 
allurements of the object, to a consideration of that wisdom 
which invented so powerful a machine. The effect of pro- 
portion and fitness, at least so far as they proceed from a 
mere consideration of the work itself, produces approbation, 
the acquiescence of the understanding, but not love, nor any 
passion of that species. When we examine the structure of 
a watch, when we come to know thoroughly the use of every 
part of it, satisfied as we are with the fitness of the whole, 
we are far enough from perceiving anything like beauty 
in the watch-work itself; but let us look on the case, the 
labour of some curious artist in engraving, with little or no 
idea of use, we shall have a much livelier idea of beauty 
than we ever could have had from the watch itself, though 
the master-piece of Graham. In beauty, as I said, the effect 
is previous to any knowledge of the use; but to judge of 
proportion, we must know the end for which any work is 
designed. According to the end, the proportion varies. 
Thus there is one proportion of a tower, another of a house ; 
one proportion of a gallery, another of a hall, another of 
a chamber. To judge of the proportions of these, you must 
be first acquainted with the purposes for which they were 
designed. Good sense and experience, acting together, 
find out what is fit to be done in every work of art. We 
are rational creatures, and in all our works we ought to 
regard their end and purpose ; the gratification of any pas- 
sion, how innocent soever, ought only to be of a secondary 
consideration. Herein is placed the real power of fitness 
and proportion ; they operate on the understanding consider- 


ing them, which approves the work and acquiesces in it. 
The passions, and the imagination which principally raises 
them, have here very little to do. When a room appears in 
its original nakedness, bare walls and a plain ceiling; let its 
proportion be ever so excellent, it pleases very little; a cold 
approbation is the utmost we can reach; a much worse pro- 
portioned room with elegant mouldings and fine festoons, 
glasses, and other merely ornamental furniture, will make 
the imagination revolt against the reason ; it will please 
much more than the naked proportion of the first room, 
which the understanding has so much approved as admira- 
bly fitted for its purposes. What I have here said and before 
concerning proportion, is by no means to persuade people 
absurdly to neglect the idea of use in the works of art. It 
is only to show that these excellent things, beauty and pro- 
portion, are not the same; not that they should either of 
them be disregarded. 


On the whole; if such parts in human bodies as are found 
proportioned, were likewise constantly found beautiful, as 
they certainly are not; or if they were so situated, as that a 
pleasure might flow from the comparison, which they seldom 
are; or if any assignable proportions were found, either in 
plants or animals, which were always attended with beauty, 
which never was the case ; or if, where parts were well 
adapted to their purposes, they were constantly beautiful, 
and when no use appeared, there was no beauty, which is 
contrary to all experience ; we might conclude, that beauty 
consisted in proportion or utility. But since, in all respects, 
the case is quite otherwise; we may be satisfied that beauty 
does not depend on these, let it owe its origin to what else 
it will. 


There is another notion current, pretty closely allied 
to the former; that Perfection is the constituent cause of 
beauty. This opinion has been made to extend much further 
than to sensible objects. But in these, so far is perfection, 


considered as such, from being the cause of beauty, that this 
quality, where it is highest, in the female sex, almost always 
carries with it an idea of weakness and imperfection. 
Women are very sensible of this; for which reason, they 
learn to lisp, to totter in their walk, to counterfeit weakness, 
and even sickness. In all they are guided by nature. Beauty 
in distress is much the most affecting beauty. Blushing has 
little less power; and modesty in general, which is a tacit 
allowance of imperfection, is itself considered as an amiable 
quality, and certainly heightens every other that is so. I 
know it is in everybody's mouth, that we ought to love per- 
fection. This is to me a sufficient proof, that it is not the 
proper object of love. Who ever said we ought to love a 
fine woman, or even any of these beautiful animals which 
please us? Here to be affected, there is no need of the con- 
currence of our will. 



Nor is this remark in general less applicable to the quali- 
ties of the mind. Those virtues which cause admiration, 
and are of the sublimer kind, produce terror rather than 
love; such as fortitude, justice, wisdom, and the like. Never 
was any man amiable by force of these qualities. Those 
which engage our hearts, which impress us with a sense of 
loveliness, are the softer virtues; easiness of temper, com- 
passion, kindness, and liberality; though certainly those lat- 
ter are of less immediate and momentous concern to society, 
and of less dignity. But it is for that reason that they are 
so amiable. The great virtues turn principally on dangers, 
punishments, and troubles, and -are exercised rather in pre- 
venting the worst mischiefs, than in dispensing favours ; and 
are therefore not lovely, though highly venerable. The sub- 
ordinate turn on reliefs, gratifications, and indulgences; and 
are therefore more lovely, though inferior in dignity. Those 
persons who creep into the hearts of most people, who are 
chosen as the companions of their softer hours, and their 
reliefs from care and anxiety, are never persons of shining 
qualities or strong virtues. It is rather the soft green of the 


soul on which we rest our eyes, that are fatigued with be- 
holding more glaring objects. It is worth observing how we 
feel ourselves affected in reading the characters of Caesar 
and Cato, as they are so finely drawn and contrasted in Sal- 
lust. In one the ignoscendo largiundo; in the other, nil 
larginndo. In one, the miseris perfugium; in the other, 
malis perniciem. In the latter we have much to admire, 
much to reverence, and perhaps something to fear; we re- 
spect him, but we respect him at a distance. The former 
makes us familiar with him ; we love him, and he leads us 
whither he pleases. To draw things closer to our first and 
most natural feelings, I will add a remark made upon read- 
ing this section by an ingenious friend. The authority of a 
father, so useful to our well-being, and so justly venerable 
upon all accounts, hinders us from having that entire love 
for him that we have for our mothers, where the parental 
authority is almost melted down into the mother's fondness 
and indulgence. But we generally have a great love for our 
grandfathers, in whom this authority is removed a degree 
from us, and where the weakness of age mellows it into 
something of a feminine partiality. 



From what has been said in the foregoing section, we may 
easily see how far the application of beauty to virtue may be 
made with propriety. The general application of this 
quality to virtue, has a strong tendency to confound our 
ideas of things; and it has given rise to an infinite deal of 
whimsical theory; as the affixing the name of beauty to 
proportion, congruity, and perfection, as well as to quali- 
ties of things yet more remote from our natural ideas of it, 
and from one another, has tended to confound our ideas of 
beauty, and left us no standard or rule to judge by, that was 
not even more uncertain and fallacious than our own 
fancies. This loose and inaccurate manner of speaking has 
therefore misled us both in the theory of taste and of 
morals; and induced us to remove the science of our duties 
from their proper basis, (our reason, our relations, and ovf 


necessities,) to rest it upon foundations altogether vision- 
ary and unsubstantial. 


Having endeavoured to show what beauty is not, it re- 
mains that we should examine, at least with equal attention, 
in what it really consists. Beauty is a thing much too affect- 
ing not to depend upon some positive qualities. And, since it 
is no creature of our reason, since it strikes us without any 
reference to use, and even where no use at all can be dis- 
cerned, since the order and method of nature is generally 
very different from our measures and proportions, we must 
conclude that beauty is, for the greater part, some quality 
in bodies acting mechanically upon the human mind by the 
intervention of the senses. We ought therefore to consider 
attentively in what manner those sensible qualities are dis- 
posed, in such things as by experience we find beautiful, or 
which excite in us the passion of love, or some correspond- 
ent affection. 


The most obvious point that presents itself to us in ex- 
amining any object, is its extent or quantity. And what 
degree of extent prevails in bodies that are held beautiful, 
may be gathered from the usual manner of expression con- 
cerning it. I am told that, in most languages, the objects 
of love are spoken of under diminutive epithets. It is so in 
all languages of which I have any knowledge. In Greek the 
twv and other diminutive terms are almost always the terms 
of affection and tenderness. These diminutives were com- 
monly added by the Greeks to the names of persons with 
whom they conversed on terms of friendship and familiarity. 
Though the Romans were a people of less quick and delicate 
feelings, yet they naturally slid into the lessening termina- 
tion upon the same occasions. Anciently in the English 
language the diminishing ling was added to the names of 
persons and things that were the objects of love. Some we 
retain still, as darling, (or little dear,) and a few others. 
But, to this day, in ordinary conversation, it is usual to add 


the endearing name of little to everything we love: the 
French and Italians make use of these affectionate diminu- 
tives even more than we. In the animal creation, out of our 
own species, it is the small we are inclined to be fond of; 
little birds, and some of the smaller kinds of beasts. A 
great beautiful thing is a manner of expression scarcely 
ever used; but that of a great ugly thing is very common. 
There is a wide difference between admiration and love. 
The sublime, which is the cause of the former, always 
dwells on great objects, and terrible; the latter on small 
ones, and pleasing; we submit to what we admire, but we 
love what submits to us; in one case we are forced, in the 
other we are flattered, into compliance. In short, the ideas 
of the sublime and the beautiful stand on foundations so 
different, that it is hard, I had almost said impossible, to 
think of reconciling them in the same subject, without con- 
siderably lessening the effect of the one or the other upon 
the passions. So that, attending to their quantity, beautiful 
objects are comparatively small. 


The next property constantly observable in such objects is 
smoothness: 1 a quality so essential to beauty, that I do not 
now recollect anything beautiful that is not smooth. In trees 
and flowers, smooth leaves are beautiful ; smooth slopes of 
earth in gardens; smooth streams in the landscape; smooth 
coats of birds and beasts in animal beauties; in fine women, 
smooth skins ; and in several sorts of ornamental furniture, 
smooth and polished surfaces. A very considerable part of 
the effect of beauty is owing to this quality ; indeed the most 
considerable. For, take any beautiful object, and give it a 
broken and rugged surface ; and however well formed it may 
be in other respects, it pleases no longer. Whereas, let it 
want ever so many of the other constituents, if it wants not 
this, it becomes more pleasing than almost all the others 
without it. This seems to me so evident, that I am a good 
deal surprised, that none who have handled the subject have 
made any mention of the quality of smoothness, in the enu- 

1 Part IV. sect. 21. 


meration of those that go to the forming of beauty. For in- 
deed any ruggedness, any sudden projection, any sharp 
angle, is in the highest degree contrary to that idea. 


But as perfectly beautiful bodies are not composed of an- 
gular parts, so their parts never continue long in the same 
right line, 2 They vary their direction every moment, and 
they change under the eye by a deviation continually carry- 
ing on, but for whose beginning or end you will find it diffi- 
cult to ascertain a point. The view of a beautiful bird will 
illustrate this observation. Here we see the head increasing 
insensibly to the middle, from whence it lessens gradually 
until it mixes with the neck ; the neck loses itself in a larger 
swell, which continues to the middle of the body, when the 
whole decreases again to the tail; the tail takes a new di- 
rection; but it soon varies its new course: it blends again 
with the other parts; and the line is perpetually changing, 
above, below, upon every side. In this description I have 
before me the idea of a dove ; it agrees very well with most 
of the conditions of beauty. It is smooth and downy; its 
parts are (to use that expression) melted into one another; 
you are presented with no sudden protuberance through the 
whole, and yet the whole is continually changing. Observe 
that part of a beautiful woman where she is perhaps the 
most beautiful, about the neck and breasts ; the smoothness ; 
the softness; the easy and insensible swell; the variety of 
the surface, which is never for the smallest space the same; 
the deceitful maze, through which the unsteady eye slides 
giddily, without knowing where to fix or whither it is 
carried. Is not this a demonstration of that change of sur- 
face, continual, and yet hardly perceptible at any point, 
which forms one of the great constituents of beauty? It 
gives me no small pleasure to find that I can strengthen my 
theory in this point, by the opinion of the very ingenious 
Mr. Hogarth; whose idea of the line of beauty I take in 
general to be extremely just. But the idea of variation, 
without attending so accurately to the manner of the varia- 

2 Part V. sect. 23. 



tion, has led him to consider angular figures as beautiful: 
these figures, it is true, vary greatly; yet they vary in a 
sudden and broken manner; and I do not find any natural 
object which is angular, and at the same time beautiful. 
Indeed few natural objects are entirely angular. But I 
think those which approach the most nearly to it are the 
ugliest. I must add too, that, so far as I could observe of 
nature, though the varied line is that alone in which com- 
plete beauty is found, yet there is no particular line which 
is always found in the most completely beautiful, and which 
is therefore beautiful in preference to all other lines. At 
least I never could observe it. 


An air of robustness and strength is very prejudicial to 
beauty. An appearance of delicacy, and even of fragility, is 
almost essential to it. Whoever examines the vegetable or 
animal creation will find this observation to be founded in 
nature. It is not the oak, the ash, or the elm, or any of the 
robust trees of the forest, which we consider as beautiful; 
they are awful and majestic; they inspire a sort of reverence. 
It is the delicate myrtle, it is the orange, it is the almond, it 
is the jasmine, it is the vine, which we look on as vegetable 
beauties. It is the flowery species, so remarkable for its 
weakness and momentary duration, that gives us the liveliest 
idea of beauty and elegance. Among animals, the greyhound 
is more beautiful than the mastiff; and the delicacy of a gen- 
net, a barb, or an Arabian horse, is much more amiable than 
the strength and stability of some horses of war or carriage. 
I need here say little of the fair sex, where I believe the 
point will be easily allowed me. The beauty of women is 
considerably owing to their weakness or delicacy, and is 
even enhanced by their timidity, a quality of mind analogous 
to it. I would not here be understood to say, that weakness 
betraying very bad health has any share in beauty; but the 
ill effect of this is not because it is weakness, but because 
the ill state of health, which produces such weakness, alters 
the other conditions of beauty ; the parts in such a case col- 
lapse; the bright color, the lumen purpureum juventce, is 


gone; and the fine variation is lost in wrinkles, sudden 
breaks, and right lines. 


As to the colours usually found in beautiful bodies, it may- 
be somewhat difficult to ascertain them, because, in the 
several parts of nature, there is an infinite variety. How- 
ever, even in this variety, we may mark out something on 
which to settle. First, the colours of beautiful bodies must 
not be dusky or muddy, but clean and fair. Secondly, they 
must not be of the strongest kind. Those which seem most 
appropriated to beauty, are the milder of every sort ; light 
greens; soft blues; weak whites; pink reds; and violets. 
Thirdly, if the colours be strong and vivid, they are always 
diversified, and the object is never of one strong colour; 
there are almost always such a number of them, (as in 
variegated flowers,) that the strength and glare of each is 
considerably abated. In a fine complexion, there is not only 
some variety in the colouring, but the colours: neither the 
red nor the white are strong and glaring. Besides, they are 
mixed in such a manner, and with such gradations, that it is 
impossible to fix the bounds. On the same principle it is, 
that the dubious colour in the necks and tails of peacocks, 
and about the heads of drakes, is so very agreeable. In 
reality, the beauty both of shape and colouring are as nearly 
related, as we can well suppose it possible for things of such 
different natures to be. 


On the whole, the qualities of beauty, as they are merely 
sensible qualities, are the following: First, to be compara- 
tively small. Secondly, to be smooth. Thirdly, to have a 
variety in the direction of the parts; but, fourthly, to have 
those parts not angular, but melted as it were into each 
other. Fifthly, to be of a delicate frame, without any re- 
markable appearance of strength. Sixthly, to have its 
colours clear and bright, but not very strong and glaring. 
Seventhly, or if it should have any glaring colour, to have it 


diversified with others. These are, I believe, the properties 
on which beauty depends; properties that operate by nature, 
and are less liable to be altered by caprice, or confounded 
by a diversity of tastes, than any other. 


The physiognomy has a considerable share in beauty, 
especially in that of our own species. The manners give a 
certain determination to the countenance; which, being ob- 
served to correspond pretty regularly with them, is capable 
of joining the effect of certain agreeable qualities of the 
mind to those of the body. So that to form a finished human 
beauty, and to give it its full influence, the face must be ex- 
pressive of such gentle and amiable qualities as correspond 
with the softness, smoothness, and delicacy of the outward 


I have hitherto purposely omitted to speak of the 
eye, which has so great a share in the beauty of the animal 
creation, as it did not fall so easily under the foregoing 
heads, though in fact it is reducible to the same principles. 
I think, then, that the beauty of the eye consists, first, in 
its clearness; what coloured eye shall please most, depends 
a good deal on particular fancies ; but none are pleased with 
an eye whose water (to use that term) is dull and muddy. 1 
We are pleased with the eye in this view, on the principle 
upon which we like diamonds, clear water, glass, and such 
like transparent substances. Secondly, the motion of the eye 
contributes to its beauty, by continually shifting its direc- 
tion; but a slow and languid motion is more beautiful than 
a brisk one; the latter is enlivening; the former lovely. 
Thirdly, with regard to the union of the eye with the 
neighbouring parts, it is to hold the same rule that is given 
of other beautiful ones; it is not to make a strong deviation 
from the line of the neighbouring parts; nor to verge into 
any exact geometrical figure. Besides all this, the eye 
affects, as it is expressive of some qualities of the mind, and 

1 Part IV. sect. 25. 


its principal power generally arises from this; so that what 
we have just said of the physiognomy is applicable here. 


It may perhaps appear like a sort of repetition of what we 
have before said, to insist here upon the nature of ugliness; 
as I imagine it to be in all respects the opposite to those 
qualities which we have laid down for the constituents of 
beauty. But though ugliness be the opposite to beauty, it 
is not the opposite to proportion and fitness. For it is pos- 
sible that a thing may be very ugly with any proportions, 
and with a perfect fitness to any uses. Ugliness I imagine 
likewise to be consistent enough with an idea of the sublime. 
But I would by no means insinuate that ugliness of itself is 
a sublime idea, unless united with such qualities as excite a 
strong terror. 


Gracefulness is an idea not very different from beauty; 
it consists of much the same things. Gracefulness is an 
idea belonging to posture and motion. In both these, to be 
graceful, it is requisite that there be no appearance of diffi- 
culty; there is required a small inflection of the body; and 
a composure of the parts in such a manner, as not to encum : 
ber each other, not to appear divided by sharp and sudden 
angles. In this ease, this roundness, this delicacy of attitude 
and motion, it is that all the magic of grace consists, and 
what is called its je ne sgai quoi; as will be obvious to any 
observer, who considers attentively the Venus de Medicis, 
the Antinous, or any statue generally allowed to be graceful 
in a high degree. 


When any body is composed of parts smooth and polished 
without pressing upon each other, without showing any 
ruggedness or confusion, and at the same time affecting 
some regular shape, I call it elegant. It is closely allied to 
the beautiful, differing from it only in this regularity; 


which, however, as it makes a very material difference in the 
affection produced, may very well constitute another species. 
Under this head I rank those delicate and regular works of 
art, that imitate no determinate object in nature, as elegant 
buildings, and pieces of furniture. When any object par- 
takes of the above-mentioned qualities, or of those of beauti- 
ful bodies, and is withal of great dimensions, it is full as 
remote from the idea of mere beauty; I call it fine or spe* 


The foregoing description of beauty, so far as it is taken 
in by the eye, may be greatly illustrated by describing the 
nature of objects, which produce a similar effect through 
the touch. This I call the beautiful in Feeling. It corre- 
sponds wonderfully with what causes the same species of 
pleasure to the sight. There is a chain in all our sensations ; 
they are all but different sorts of feelings calculated to be 
affected by various sorts of objects, but all to be affected 
after the same manner. All bodies that are pleasant to the 
touch, are so by the slightness of the resistance they make. 
Resistance is either to motion along the surface, or to the 
pressure of the parts on one another : if the former be slight, 
we call the body smooth; if the latter, soft. The chief 
pleasure we receive by feeling, is in the one or the other of 
these qualities ; and if there be a combination of both, our 
pleasure is greatly increased. This is so plain, that it is 
rather more fit to illustrate other things, than to be illus- 
trated itself by an example. The next source of pleasure in 
this sense, as in every other, is the continually presenting 
somewhat new ; and we find that bodies which continually 
vary their surface, are much the most pleasant or beautiful 
to the feeling, as any one that pleases may experience. The 
third property in such objects is, that though the surface 
continually varies its direction, it never varies it suddenly. 
The application of anything sudden, even though the im- 
pression itself have little or nothing of violence, is disagree- 
able. The quick application of a finger a little warmer or 
colder than usual, without notice, makes us start; a slight 
tap on the shoulder, not expected, has the same effect. 


Hence it is that angular bodies, bodies that suddenly vary 
the direction of the outline, afford so little pleasure to the 
feeling. Every such change is a sort of climbing or falling 
in miniature; so that squares, triangles, and other angular 
figures, are neither beautiful to the sight nor feeling. Who- 
ever compares his state of mind, on feeling soft, smooth, 
variegated, unangular bodies, with that in which he finds 
himself, on the view of a beautiful object, will perceive a 
very striking analogy in the effects of both ; and which may 
go a good way towards discovering their common cause. 
Feeling and sight, in this respect, differ in but a few points. 
The touch takes in the pleasure of softness, which is not 
primarily an object of sight; the sight, on the other hand, 
comprehends colour, which can hardly be made perceptible 
to the touch; the touch, again, has the advantage in a new 
idea of pleasure resulting from a moderate degree of 
warmth; but the eye triumphs in the infinite extent and 
multiplicity of its objects. But there is such a similitude 
in the pleasures of these senses, that I am apt to fancy, if 
it were possible that one might discern colour by feeling, 
(as it is said some blind men have done,) that the same 
colours, and the same disposition of colouring, which are 
found beautiful to the sight, would be found likewise most 
grateful to the touch. But, setting aside conjectures, let us 
pass to the other sense ; of Hearing. 


In this sense we find an equal aptitude to be affected in a 
soft and delicate manner; and how far sweet or beautiful 
sounds agree with our descriptions of beauty in other senses, 
the experience of every one must decide. Milton has de- 
scribed this species of music in one of his juvenile poems. 1 
I need not say that Milton was perfectly well versed in that 
art ; and that no man had a finer ear, with a happier manner 
of expressing the affections of one sense by metaphors taken 
from another. The description is as follows: 

— And ever against eating cares, 
Lap me in soft Lydian airs; 

1 L' Allegro. 


In notes with many a winding bout 
Of linked sweetness long drawn out ; 
With wanton heed, and giddy cunning, 
The melting voice through mazes running; 
Untwisting all the chains that tie 
The hidden soul of harmony. 

Let us parallel this with the softness, the winding surface, 
the unbroken continuance, the easy gradation of the beauti- 
ful in other things ; and all the diversities of the several 
senses, with all their several affections, will rather help to 
throw lights from one another to finish one clear, consistent 
idea of the whole, than to obscure it by their intricacy and 

To the above-mentioned description I shall add one or two 
remarks. The first is; that the beautiful in music will not 
bear that loudness and strength of sounds, which may be 
used to raise other passions; nor notes which are shrill, or 
harsh, or deep; it agrees best with such as are clear, even, 
smooth, and weak. The second is; that great variety, and 
quick transitions from one measure or tone to another, are 
contrary to the genius of the beautiful in music. Such 
transitions 2 often excite mirth, or other sudden and tumultu- 
ous passions ; but not that sinking, that melting, that lan- 
guor, which is the characteristical effect of the beautiful as 
it regards every sense. The passion excited by beauty is in 
fact nearer to a species of melancholy, than to jollity and 
mirth. I do not here mean to confine music to any one 
species of notes, or tones, neither is it an art in which I can 
say I have any great skill. My sole design in this remark 
is, to settle a consistent idea of beauty. The infinite variety 
of the affections of the soul will suggest to a good head, and 
skilful ear, a variety of such sounds as are fitted to raise 
them. It can be no prejudice to this, to clear and distin- 
guish some few particulars, that belong to the same class, 
and are consistent with each other, from the immense crowd 
of different, and sometimes contradictory, ideas, that rank 
vulgarly under the standard of beauty. And of these it is 
my intention to mark such only of the leading points as 
show the conformity of the sense of Hearing with all the 
other senses, in the article of their pleasures. 

2 I ne'er am merry, when I hear sweet music — Shakespeare. 



This general agreement of the senses is yet more evident 
on minutely considering those of taste and smell. We meta- 
phorically apply the idea of sweetness to sights and sounds; 
but as the qualities of bodies, by which they are fitted to 
excite either pleasure or pain in these senses, are not so 
obvious as they are in the others, we shall refer an ex- 
planation of their analogy, which is a very close one, to that 
part, wherein we come to consider the common efficient 
cause of beauty, as it regards all the senses. I do not think 
anything better fitted to establish a clear and settled idea of 
visual beauty than this way of examining the similar pleas- 
ures of other senses; for one part is sometimes clear in one 
of the senses, that is more obscure in another; and where 
there is a clear concurrence of all, we may with more cer- 
tainty speak of any one of them. By this means, they bear 
witness to each other; nature is, as it were, scrutinized; 
and we report nothing of her but what we receive from her 
own xiiformation. 


On closing this general view of beauty, it naturally occurs, 
that we should compare it with the sublime; and in this 
comparison there appears a remarkable contrast. For sub- 
lime objects are vast in their dimensions, beautiful ones 
comparatively small: beauty should be smooth and polished; 
the great, rugged and negligent; beauty should shun the 
right line, yet deviate from it insensibly; the great in many 
cases loves the right line, and when it deviates it often makes 
a strong deviation : beauty should not be obscure ; the great 
ought to be dark and gloomy: beauty should be light and 
delicate; the great ought to be solid, and even massive. 
They are indeed ideas of a very different nature, one being 
founded on pain, the other on pleasure; and however they 
may vary afterwards from the direct nature of their causes, 
yet these causes keep up an eternal distinction between 
them, a distinction never to be forgotten by any whose busi- 
ness it is to affect the passions. In the infinite variety of 


natural combinations, we must expect to find the qualities 
of things the most remote imaginable from each other united 
in the same object. We must expect also to find combina- 
tions of the same kind in the works of art. But when we 
consider the power of an object upon our passions, we must 
know that when anything is intended to affect the mind by 
the force of some predominant property, the affection pro- 
duced is like to be the more uniform and perfect, if all the 
other properties or qualities of the object be of the same 
nature, and tending to the same design, as the principal. 

If black and white blend, soften, and unite 

A thousand ways, are there no black and white? 

If the qualities of the sublime and beautiful are sometimes 
found united, does this prove that they are the same; does 
it prove that they are any way allied ; does it prove even that 
they are not opposite and contradictory? Black and 
white may soften, may blend ; but they are not therefore the 
same. Nor, when they are so softened and blended with 
each other, or with different colours, is the power of black 
as black, or of white as white, so strong as when each 
stands uniform and distinguished. 


tion I. — Of the Efficient Cause of the Sublime 
and Beautiful 

WHEX I say I intend to inquire into the efficient 
cause oi Sublimit}- and Beauty. I would not be 
understood to say. that I can come to the ultimate 
cause. I do not pretend that I shall ever be able to ex- 
plain, why certain affections of the body produce such a 
distinct emotion of mind, and no other; or why the body is 
at all affected by the mind, or the mind by the body. A little 
thought will show this to be impossible. But I conceive, if 
we can discover what affections of the mind produce certain 
emotions of the body, and what distinct feelings and quali- 
ties of body shall produce certain determinate passions in 
the mind, and no others. I fancy a great deal will be done; 
something not unuseful towards a distinct knowledge of our 
passions, so far at least as we have them at present under 
our consideration. This is all. I believe, we can do. If we 
could advance a step farther, difficulties would still remain, 

we should be still equally distant from the first ca 
When Xewton first discovered the property of attraction, 
and settled its laws, he found it served very well to explain 
several of the most remarkable phenomena in nature: but 
with reference to the general system of things, he could 
consider attraction but as an effect, whose cause at that time 
he did not attempt to trace. But when he afterwards began 
to account for it by a subtle elastic aether, this great man 
(if in so great a man it be not impious to discover 
anything like a blemish) seemed to have quitted sua! 

cautious manner of philosophizing: since, perhaps, allowing 
all that has been advanced on this subject to be sufficiently 
proved. I think it leaves us with as many difficulties as it 
found us. The great chain of cau hich links one to 



another, even to the throne of God himself, can never be 
unravelled by any industry of ours. When we go but one 
step beyond the immediate sensible qualities of things, we 
go out of our depth. All we do after is but a faint struggle, 
that shows we are in an element which does not belong to 
us. So that when I speak of cause, and efficient cause, I 
only mean certain affections of the mind, that cause certain 
changes in the body; or certain powers and properties in 
bodies, that work a change in the mind. As if I were to 
explain the motion of a body falling to the ground, I would 
say it was caused by gravity; and I would endeavour to 
show after what manner this power operated, without at- 
tempting to show why it operated in this manner: or if I 
were to explain the effects of bodies striking one another 
by the common laws of percussion, I should not endeavour 
to explain how motion itself is communicated. 


It is no small bar in the way of our inquiry into the cause 
of our passions, that the occasions of many of them are 
given, and that their governing motions are communicated 
at a time when we have not capacity to reflect on them; at 
a time of which all sort of memory is worn out of our minds. 
For besides such things as affect us in various manners, 
according to their natural powers, there are associations 
made at that early season, which we find it very hard after- 
wards to distinguish from natural effects. Not to mention 
the unaccountable antipathies which we find in many per- 
sons, we all find it impossible to remember when a steep 
became more terrible than a plain; or fire or water more 
terrible than a clod of earth ; though all these are very prob- 
ably either conclusions from experience, or arising from the 
premonitions of others; and some of them impressed, in all 
likelihood, pretty late. But as it must be allowed that many 
things affect us after a certain manner, not by any natural 
powers they have for that purpose, but by association; so it 
would be absurd, on the other hand, to say that all things 
affect us by association only; since some things must have 
been originally and naturally agreeable or disagreeable, 


from which the others derive their associated powers; and 
it would be, I fancy, to little purpose to look for the cause 
of our passions in association, until we fail of it in the 
natural properties of things. 


I have before observed, 1 that whatever is qualified to 
cause terror is a foundation capable of the sublime ; to which 
I add, that not only these, but many things from which we 
cannot probably apprehend any danger, have a similar effect, 
because they operate in a similar manner. I observed too, 2 
that whatever produces pleasure, positive and original pleas- 
ure, is fit to have beauty ingrafted on it. Therefore, to 
clear up the nature of these qualities, it may be necessary 
to explain the nature of pain and pleasure on which they 
depend. A man who suffers under violent bodily pain, (I 
suppose the most violent, because the effect may be the more 
obvious,) I say a man in great pain has his teeth set, his eye- 
brows are violently contracted, his forehead is wrinkled, his 
eyes are dragged inwards, and rolled with great vehemence, 
his hair stands on end, the voice is forced out in short 
shrieks and groans, and the whole fabric totters. Fear, or 
terror, which is an apprehension of pain or death, exhibits 
exactly the same effects, approaching in violence to those 
just mentioned, in proportion to the nearness of the cause, 
and the weakness of the subject. This is not only so in 
the human species; but I have more than once observed in 
dogs, under an apprehension of punishment, that they have 
writhed their bodies, and yelped, and howled, as if they 
had actually felt the blows. From hence I conclude, that 
pain and fear act upon the same parts of the body, and in 
the same manner, though somewhat differing in degree ; that 
pain and fear consist in an unnatural tension of the nerves ; 
that this is sometimes accompanied with an unnatural 
strength, which sometimes suddenly changes into an ex- 
traordinary weakness ; that these effects often come on 
alternately, and are sometimes mixed with each other. This 
is the nature of all convulsive agitations, especially in 
1 Part I. sect. 3. * Part I. sect. io. 


weaker subjects, which are the most liable to the severest 
impressions of pain and fear. The only difference between 
pain and terror is, that things which cause pain operate on 
the mind by the intervention of the body; whereas things 
that cause terror generally affect the bodily organs by the 
operation of the mind suggesting the danger; but both 
agreeing, either primarily or secondarily, in producing a 
tension, contraction, or violent emotion of the nerves, 1 they 
agree likewise in everything else. For it appears very clearly 
to me, from this, as well as from many other examples, that 
when the body is disposed, by any means whatsoever, to such 
emotions as it would acquire by the means of a certain 
passion; it will of itself excite something very like that 
passion in the mind. 


To this purpose Mr. Spon, in his Recherches d' Antiquite, 
gives us a curious story of the celebrated physiognomist 
Campanella. This man, it seems, had not only made very 
accurate observations on human faces, but was very expert 
in mimicking such as were any way remarkable. When he 
had a mind to penetrate into the inclinations of those he 
had to deal with, he composed his face, his gesture, and his 
whole body, as nearly as he could into the exact similitude of 
the person he intended to examine; and then carefully ob- 
served what turn of mind he seemed to acquire by this 
change. So that, says my author, he was able to enter into 
the dispositions and thoughts of people as effectually as if 
he had been changed into the very men. I have often ob- 
served, that on mimicking the looks and gestures of angry, 
or placid, or frighted, or daring men, I have involuntarily 
found my mind turned to that passion, whose appearance I 
endeavoured to imitate; nay, I am convinced it is hard to 
avoid it, though one strove to separate the passion from 
its correspondent gestures. Our minds and bodies are so 
closely and intimately connected, that one is incapable of 

1 1 do not here enter into the question debated among physiologists, 
whether pain be the effect of a contraction, or a tension of the nerves. 
Either will serve my purpose; for by tension, I mean no more than a 
violent pulling of the fibres, which compose any muscle or membrane, in 
whatever way this is done. 


pain or pleasure without the other. Campanella, of whom 
we have been speaking, could so abstract his attention from 
any sufferings of his body, that he was able to endure the 
rack itself without much pain; and in lesser pains every- 
body must have observed, that, when we can employ our 
attention on anything else, the pain has been for a time 
suspended: on the other hand, if by any means the body is 
indisposed to perform such gestures, or to be stimulated into 
such emotions, as any passion usually produces in it, that 
passion itself never can arise, though its cause should be 
never so strongly in action; though it should be merely 
mental, and immediately affecting none of the senses. As 
an opiate or spirituous liquors, shall suspend the operation 
of grief, or fear, or anger, in spite of all our efforts to the 
contrary; and this by inducing in the body a disposition 
contrary to that which it receives from these passions. 


Having considered terror as producing an unnatural ten- 
sion and certain violent emotions of the nerves; it easily 
follows, from what we have just said, that whatever is fitted 
to produce such a tension must be productive of a passion 
similar to terror, 1 and consequently must be a source of the 
sublime, though it should have no idea of danger connected 
with it. So that little remains towards showing the cause 
of the sublime, but to show that the instances we have given 
of it in the second part relate to such things as are fitted 
by nature to produce this sort of tension, either by the 
primary operation of the mind or the body. With regard 
to such things as effect by the associated idea of danger, 
there can be no doubt but that they produce terror, and act 
by some modification of that passion ; and that terror, when 
sufficiently violent, raises the emotions of the body just 
mentioned, can as little be doubted. But if the sublime is 
built on terror, or some passion like it, which has pain for its 
object, it is previously proper to inquire how any species of 
delight can be derived from a cause so apparently contrary 
to it I say delight, because, as I have often remarked, it is 

x Part II. sect. a. 


very evidently different in its cause, and in its own nature, 
from actual and positive pleasure. 


Providence has so ordered it, that a state of rest and in- 
action, however it may flatter our indolence, should be pro- 
ductive of many inconveniences ; that it should generate such 
disorders, as may force us to have recourse to some labour, 
as a thing absolutely requisite to make us pass our lives with 
tolerable satisfaction; for the nature of rest is to suffer all 
the parts of our bodies to fall into a relaxation, that not only 
disables the members from performing their functions, but 
takes away the vigorous tone of fibre which is requisite for 
carrying on the natural and necessary secretions. At the 
same time, that in this languid inactive state, the nerves are 
more liable to the most horrid convulsions, than when they 
are sufficiently braced and strengthened. Melancholy, dejec- 
tion, despair, and often self-murder, is the consequence of the 
gloomy view we take of things in this relaxed state of body. 
The best remedy for all these evils is exercise or labour; and 
labour is a surmounting of difficulties, an exertion of the 
contracting power of the muscles ; and as such resembles 
pain, which consists in tension or contraction, in everything 
but degree. Labour is not only requisite to preserve the 
coarser organs in a state fit for their functions; but it is 
equally necessary to those finer and more delicate organs, on 
which, and by which, the imagination, and perhaps the 
other mental powers, act. Since it is probable, that not 
only the inferior parts of the soul, as the passions are 
called, but the understanding itself, makes use of some 
fine corporeal instruments in its operation ; though what 
they are, and where they are, may be somewhat hard to set- 
tle; but that it does make use of such, appears from hence; 
that a long exercise of the mental powers induces a remark- 
able lassitude of the whole body ; and, on the other hand, that 
great bodily labour, or pain, weakens, and sometimes actually 
destroys, the mental faculties. Now, as a due exercise is es- 
sential to the coarse muscular parts of the constitution, and 
that without this rousing they would become languid and dis- 


eased, the very same rule holds with regard to those finer 
parts we have mentioned; to have them in proper order, 
they must be shaken and worked to a proper degree. 


As common labour, which is a mode of pain, is the exer- 
cise of the grosser, a mode of terror is the exercise of the 
finer parts of the system; and if a certain mode of pain be 
of such a nature as to act upon the eye or the ear, as they 
are the most delicate organs, the affection approaches more 
nearly to that which has a mental cause. In all these cases, 
if the pain and terror are so modified as not to be actually 
noxious; if the pain is not carried to violence, and the 
terror is not conversant about the present destruction of the 
person, as these emotions clear the parts, whether fine or 
gross, of a dangerous and troublesome encumbrance, they 
are capable of producing delight ; not pleasure, but a sort of 
delightful horror, a sort of tranquillity tinged with terror; 
which, as it belongs to self-preservation, is one of the 
strongest of all the passions. Its object is the sublime. 1 Its 
highest degree I call astonishment ; the subordinate degrees 
are awe, reverence, and respect, which, by the very etymol- 
ogy of the words show from what source they are derived, 
and how they stand distinguished from positive pleasure. 


*A mode of terror or pain is always the cause of the sub- 
lime. For terror, or associated danger, the foregoing ex- 
plication is, I believe, sufficient. It will require something 
more trouble to show, that such examples as I have given 
of the sublime in the second part are capable of producing 
a mode of pain, and of being thus allied to terror, and to be 
accounted for on the same principles. And first of such 
objects as are great in their dimensions. I speak of visual 

1 Part II. sect. a. « Part I. sect. 7. Part II. sect. a. 




Vision is performed by having a picture, formed by the 
rays of light which are reflected from the object, painted in 
one piece, instantaneously, on the retina, or last nervous 
part of the eye. Or, according to others, there is but one 
point of any object painted on the eye in such a manner as 
to be perceived at once; but by moving the eye, we gather 
up, with great celerity, the several parts of the object, so as 
to form one uniform piece. If the former opinion be al- 
lowed, it will be considered, 1 that though all the light re- 
flected from a large body should strike the eye in one in- 
stant; yet we must suppose that the body itself is formed of 
a vast number of distinct points, every one of which, or the 
ray from every one, makes an impression on the retina. 
So that, though the image of one point should cause but 
a small tension of this membrane, another, and another, and 
another stroke, must in their progress cause a very great 
one, until it arrives at last to the highest degree ; and the 
whole capacity of the eye, vibrating in all its parts, must 
approach near to the nature of what causes pain, and con- 
sequently must produce an idea of the sublime. Again, if 
we take it, that one point only of an object is distinguishable 
at once, the matter will amount nearly to the same thing, 
or rather it will make the origin of the sublime from 
greatness of dimension yet clearer. For if but one point 
is observed at once, the eye must traverse the vast space of 
such bodies with great quickness, and consequently the fine 
nerves and muscles destined to the motion of that part must 
be very much strained; and their great sensibility must 
make them highly affected by this straining. Besides, it 
signifies just nothing to the effect produced, whether a body 
has its parts connected and makes its impression at once; 
or, making but one impression of a point at a time, causes a 
succession of the same or others so quickly as to make 
them seem united; as is evident from the common effect 
of whirling about a lighted torch or piece of wood: which, 
if done with celerity, seems a circle of fire. 

1 Part II. sect. 7. 



It may be objected to this theory, that the eye generally 
receives an equal number of rays at all times, and that 
therefore a great object cannot affect it by the number of 
rays, more than that variety of objects which the eye must 
always discern whilst it remains open. But to this I answer, 
that admitting an equal number of rays, or an equal quantity 
of luminous particles, to strike the eye at all times, yet if 
these rays frequently vary their nature, now to blue, now to 
red, and so on, or their manner of termination, as to a 
number of petty squares, triangles, or the like, at every 
change, whether of colour or shape, the organ has a sort of 
relaxation or rest; but this relaxation and labour so often 
interrupted, is by no means productive of ease ; neither has 
it the effect of vigorous and uniform labour. Whoever has 
remarked the different effects of some strong exercise, and 
some little piddling action, will understand why a teasing, 
fretful employment, which at once wearies and weakens the 
body, should have nothing great; these sorts of impulses, 
which are rather teasing than painful, by continually and 
suddenly altering their tenor and direction, prevent that 
full tension, that species of uniform labour, which is allied to 
strong pain, and causes the sublime. The sum total of 
things of various kinds, though it should equal the number 
of the uniform parts composing some one entire object, is 
not equal in its effect upon the organs of our bodies. Be- 
sides the one already assigned, there is another very strong 
reason for the difference. The mind in reality hardly ever 
can attend diligently to more than one thing at a time; 
if this thing be little, the effect is little, and a number of 
other little objects cannot engage the attention; the mind 
is bounded by the bounds of the object; and what is not 
attended to, and what does not exist, are much the same in 
effect; but the eye, or the mind, (for in this case there 
is no difference,) in great, uniform objects, does not readily 
arrive at their bounds ; it has no rest whilst it contemplates 
them; the image is much the same everywhere. So that 
everything great by its quantity must necessarily be one, 
simple and entire. 



We have observed, that a species of greatness arises from 
the artificial infinite; and that this infinite consists in an 
uniform succession of great parts: we observed, too, that 
the same uniform succession had a like power in sounds. 
But because the effects of many things are clearer in one of 
the senses than in another, and that all the senses bear 
analogy to and illustrate one another, I shall begin with this 
power in sounds, as the cause of the sublimity from suc- 
cession is rather more obvious in the sense of hearing. And 
I shall here, once for all, observe, that an investigation of the 
natural and mechanical causes of our passions, besides the 
curiosity of the subject, gives, if they are discovered, a 
double strength and lustre to any rules we deliver on such 
matters. When the ear receives any simple sound, it is 
struck by a single pulse of the air, which makes the ear- 
drum and the other membranous parts vibrate according to 
the nature and ipecies of the stroke. If the stroke be strong, 
the organ of hearing suffers a considerable degree of tension. 
If the stroke be repeated pretty soon after, the repetition 
causes an expectation of another stroke. And it must be 
observed, that expectation itself causes a tension. This is 
apparent in many animals, who, when they prepare for 
hearing any sound, rouse themselves, and prick up their ears : 
so that here the effect of the sounds is considerably aug- 
mented by a new auxiliary, the expectation. But though, 
after a number of strokes, we expect still more, not being 
able to ascertain the exact time of their arrival, when they 
arrive, they produce a sort of surprise, which increases this 
tension yet further. For I have observed, that when at any 
time I have waited very earnestly for some sound, that 
returned at intervals, (as the successive firing of cannon,) 
though I fully expected the return of the sound, when it 
came it always made me start a little ; the ear-drum suffered 
a convulsion, and the whole body consented with it. The 
tension of the part thus increasing at every blow, by the 
united forces of the stroke itself, the expectation, and the 
surprise, it is worked up to such a pitch as to be capable of 
the sublime; it is brought just to the verge of pain. Even 


when the cause has ceased, the organs of hearing being 
often successively struck in a similar manner, continue to 
vibrate in that manner for some time longer; this is an 
additional help to the greatness of the effect. 


But if the vibration be not similar at every impression, it 
can never be carried beyond the number of actual impres- 
sions ; for move any body, as a pendulum, in one way, and it 
will continue to oscillate in an arch of the same circle, until 
the known causes make it rest; but if after first putting it 
in motion in one direction, you push it into another, it can 
never reassume the first direction ; because it can never move 
itself, and consequently it can have but the effect of that last 
motion; whereas, if in the same direction you act upon it 
several times, it will describe a greater arch, and move a 
longer time. 


If we can comprehend clearly how things operate upon 
one of our senses, there can be very little difficulty in con- 
ceiving in what manner they affect the rest. To say a great 
deal therefore upon the corresponding affections of every 
sense, would tend rather to fatigue us by an useless repeti- 
tion, than to throw any new light upon the subject by that 
ample and diffuse manner of treating it; but as in this dis- 
course we chiefly attach ourselves to the sublime, as it 
affects the eye, we shall consider particularly why a succes- 
sive disposition of uniform parts in the same right line 
should be sublime, 1 and upon what principle this disposition 
is enabled to make a comparatively small quantity of matter 
produce a grander effect, than a much larger quantity 
disposed in another manner. To avoid the perplexity of 
general notions; let us set before our eyes a colonnade of 
uniform pillars planted in a right line; let us take our 
stand in such a manner, that the eye may shoot along this 

2 Part II. sect. 10. 


colonnade, for it has its best effect in this view. In our 
present situation it is plain, that the rays from the first 
round pillar will cause in the eye a vibration of that species ; 
an image of the pillar itself. The pillar immediately suc- 
ceeding increases it; that which follows renews and en- 
forces the impression ; each in its order as it succeeds, repeats 
impulse after impulse, and stroke after stroke, until the eye, 
long exercised in one particular way, cannot lose that object 
immediately; and, being violently roused by this continued 
agitation, it presents the mind with a grand or sublime con- 
ception. But instead of viewing a rank of uniform pillars, 
let us suppose that they succeed each other, a round and 
a square one alternately. In this case the vibration caused 
by the first round pillar perishes as soon as it is formed: 
and one of quite another sort (the square) directly occupies 
its place; which, however, it resigns as quickly to the round 
one; and thus the eye proceeds, alternately; taking up one 
image, and laying down another, as long as the building con- 
tinues. From whence it is obvious, that, at the last pillar, 
the impression is as far from continuing as it was at the very 
first; because, in fact, the sensory can receive no distinct 
impression but from the last; and it can never of itself re- 
sume a dissimilar impression : besides, every variation of the 
object is a rest and relaxation to the organs of sight; and 
these reliefs prevent that powerful emotion so necessary to 
produce the sublime. To produce therefore a perfect gran- 
deur in such things as we have been mentioning, there should 
be a perfect simplicity, an absolute uniformity in disposition, 
shape, and colouring. Upon this principle of succession and 
uniformity it may be asked, why a long bare wall should not 
be a more sublime object than a colonnade; since the suc- 
cession is no way interrupted ; since the eye meets no check ; 
since nothing more uniform can be conceived? A long bare 
wall is certainly not so grand an object as a colonnade of the 
same length and height. It is not altogether difficult to ac- 
count for this difference. When we look at a naked wall, 
from the evenness of the object, the eye runs along its whole 
space, and arrives quickly at its termination ; the eye meets 
nothing which may interrupt its progress ; but then it meets 
nothing which may detain it a proper time to produce a very 


great and lasting effect. The view of the bare wall, if it be 
of a great height and length, is undoubtedly grand; but this 
is only one idea, and not a repetition of similar ideas: it is 
therefore great, not so much upon the principle of infinity, 
as upon that of vastness. But we are not so powerfully 
affected with any one impulse, unless it be one of a prodigious 
force indeed, as we are with a succession of similar impulses; 
because the nerves of the sensory do not (if I may use the 
expression) acquire a habit of repeating the same feeling in 
such a manner as to continue it longer than its cause is in 
action ; besides, all the effects which I have attributed to 
expectation and surprise in sect, n, can have no place in a 
bare wall. 



It is Mr. Locke's opinion, that darkness is not naturally 
an idea of terror; and that, though an excessive light is 
painful to the sense, the greatest excess of darkness is no 
ways troublesome. He observes indeed in another place, 
that a nurse or an old woman having once associated the 
idea of ghosts and goblins with that oi darkness, night, 
ever after, becomes painful and horrible to the imagination. 
The authority of this great man is doubtless as great as that 
of any man can be, and it seems to stand in the way of our 
general principle. 1 We have considered darkness as a cause 
of the sublime; and we have all along considered the sub- 
lime as depending on some modification of pain or terror: 
so that if darkness be no way painful or terrible to any, who 
have not had their minds early tainted with superstitions, it 
can be no source of the sublime to them. But, with all 
deference to such an authority, it seems to me, that an 
association of a more general nature, an association which 
takes in all mankind, and make darkness terrible; for in 
I utter darkness it is impossible to know in what degree of 
safety we stand; we are ignorant of the objects that sur- 
round us; we may every moment strike against some dan- 
gerous obstruction; we may fall down a precipice the first 
step we take; and if an enemy approach, we know not in 

x Part II. sect. 3. 


what quarter to defend ourselves ; in such a case strength is 
no sure protection ; wisdom can only act by guess ; the 
boldest are staggered, and he, who would pray for nothing 
else towards his defence, is forced to pray for light. 

ZeO ir&rep, dXXct ri> pvo-cu vtt r/tpos vlas 'A^atwv 
Hol-qaov 5" atdpyv, dbs 5' ocpdaKpxnaLv idtadaf 
'Ep 5Z pdei Kal Skeaaov. — 

As to the association of ghosts and goblins; surely it is 
more natural to think, that darkness, being originally an 
idea of terror, was chosen as a fit scene for such terrible 
representations, than that such representations have made 
darkness terrible. The mind of man very easily slides into 
an error of the former sort ; but it is very hard to imagine, 
that the effect of an idea so universally terrible in all times, 
and in all countries, as darkness, could possibly have been 
owing to a set of idle stories, or to any cause of a nature so 
trivial, and of an operation so precarious. 


Perhaps it may appear on inquiry that blackness and 
darkness are in some degree painful by their natural opera- 
tion, independent of any associations whatsoever. I must 
observe, that the ideas of darkness and blackness are much 
the same; and they differ only in this, that blackness is a 
more confined idea. Mr. Cheselden has given us a very 
curious story of a boy, who had been born blind, and con- - 
tinued so until he was thirteen or fourteen years old; he 
was then couched for a cataract, by which operation he 
received his sight. Among many remarkable particulars that 
attended his first perceptions and judgments on visual ob- 
jects, Cheselden tells us, that the first time the boy saw a 
black object, it gave him great uneasiness; and that some 
time after, upon accidentally seeing a negro woman, he was 
struck with great horror at the sight. The horror, in this 
case, can scarcely be supposed to arise from any association. 
The boy appears by the account to have been particularly 
observing and sensible for one of his age ; and therefore it is 
probable, if the great uneasiness he felt at the first sight of 


black had arisen from its connexion with any other disagree- 
able ideas, he would have observed and mentioned it. For 
an idea, disagreeable only by association, has the cause of 
its ill effect on the passions evident enough at the first im- 
pression; in ordinary cases, it is indeed frequently lost; 
but this is, because the original association was made very 
early, and the consequent impression repeated often. In our 
instance, there was no time for such a habit; and there is 
no reason to think that the ill effects of black on his imagin- 
ation were more owing to its connexion with any disagree- 
able ideas, than that the good effects of more cheerful colours 
were derived from their connexion with pleasing ones. They 
had both probably their effects from their natural operation. 


It may be worth while to examine how darkness can 
operate in such a manner as to cause pain. It is observable, 
that still as we recede from the light, nature has so con- 
trived it, that the pupil is enlarged by the retiring of the 
iris, in proportion to our recess. Now, instead of declining 
from it but a little, suppose that we withdraw entirely from 
the light; it is reasonable to think, that the contraction of 
the radial fibres of the iris is proportionably greater; and 
that this part may by great darkness come to be so con- 
tracted as to strain the nerves that compose it beyond their 
natural tone; and by this means to produce a painful sensa- 
tion. Such a tension it seems there certainly is, whilst we 
are involved in darkness ; for in such a state, whilst the eye 
remains open, there is a continual nisus to receive light; 
this is manifest from the flashes and luminous appearances 
which often seem in these circumstances to play before it; 
and which can be nothing but the effect of spasms, pro- 
duced by its own efforts in pursuit of its object: several 
other strong impulses will produce the idea of light in the 
eye, besides the substance of light itself, as we experience on 
many occasions. Some, who allow darkness to be a cause of 
the sublime, would infer, from the dilatation of the pupil, 
that a relaxation may be productive of the sublime, as well 
as a convulsion: but they do not, I believe, consider that 


although the circular ring of the iris be in some sense a 
sphincter, which may possibly be dilated by a simple relaxa- 
tion, yet in one respect it differs from most of the other 
sphincters of the body, that it is furnished with antagonist 
muscles, which are the radial fibres of the iris: no sooner 
does the circular muscle begin to relax, than these fibres, 
wanting their counterpoise, are forcibly drawn back, and 
open the pupil to a considerable wideness. But though 
we were not apprized of this, I believe any one will find, 
if he opens his eyes and makes an effort to see in a dark 
place, that a very perceivable pain ensues. And I have heard 
some ladies remark, that after having worked a long time 
upon a ground of black, their eyes were so pained and weak- 
ened, they could hardly see. It may perhaps be objected to 
this theory of the mechanical effect of darkness, that the ill 
effects of darkness or blackness seem rather mental than 
corporeal : and I own it is true, that they do so ; and so 
do all those that depend on the affections of the finer parts 
of our system. The ill effects of bad weather appear often 
no otherwise, than in a melancholy and dejection of spirits; 
though without doubt, in this case, the bodily organs suffer 
first, and the mind through these organs. 


Blackness is but a partial darkness; and therefore, it 
derives some of its powers from being mixed and surrounded 
with coloured bodies. In its own nature, it cannot be con- 
sidered as a colour. Black bodies, reflecting none or but a 
few rays, with regard to sight, are but as so many vacant 
spaces dispersed among the objects we view. When the eye 
lights on one of these vacuities, after having been kept in 
some degree of tension by the play of the adjacent colours 
upon it, it suddenly falls into a relaxation ; out of which it 
as suddenly recovers by a convulsive spring. To illustrate 
this : let us consider, that when we intend to sit on a chair, 
and find it much lower than was expected, the shock is very 
violent ; much more violent than could be thought from so 
slight a fall as the difference between one chair and another 
can possibly make. If, after descending a flight of stairs, we 


attempt inadvertently to take another step in the manner 
of the former ones, the shock is extremely rude and dis- 
agreeable; and by no art can we cause such a shock by the 
same means when we expect and prepare for it. When I 
say that this is owing to having the change made contrary to 
expectation, I do not mean solely, when the mind expects. 
I mean, likewise, that when any organ of sense is for some 
time affected in some one manner, if it be suddenly affected 
otherwise, there ensues a convulsive motion ; such a convul- 
sion as is caused when anything happens against the ex- 
pectance of the mind. And though it may appear strange 
that such a change as produces a relaxation should imme- 
diately produce a sudden convulsion ; it is yet most certainly 
so, and so in all the senses. Every one knows that sleep is 
a relaxation ; and that silence, where nothing keeps the 
organs of hearing in action, is in general fittest to bring 
on this relaxation ; yet when a sort of murmuring sounds 
dispose a man to sleep, let these sounds cease suddenly, and 
the person immediately awakes ; that is, the parts are braced 
up suddenly, and he awakes. This I have often experienced 
myself, and I have heard the same from observing persons. 
In like manner, if a person in broad day-light were falling 
asleep, to introduce a sudden darkness would prevent his 
sleep for that time, though silence and darkness in them- 
selves, and not suddenly introduced, are very favourable to 
it. This I knew only by conjecture on the analogy of the 
senses when I first digested these observations; but I have 
since experienced it. And I have often experienced, and 
so have a thousand others, that on the first inclining towards 
sleep, we have been suddenly awakened with a most violent 
start ; and that this start was generally preceded by a sort 
of dream of our falling down a precipice : whence does this 
strange motion arise, but from the too sudden relaxation of 
the body, which by some mechanism in nature restores 
itself by as quick and vigorous an exertion of the contracting 
power of the muscles? The dream itself is caused by this 
relaxation; and it is of too uniform a nature to be attributed 
to any other cause. The parts relax too suddenly, which is 
in the nature of falling ; and this accident of the body in- 
duces this image in the mind. When we are in a con- 


firmed state of health and vigour, as all changes are then 
less sudden, and less on the extreme, we can seldom complain 
of this disagreeable sensation. 


Though the effects of black be painful originally, we must 
not think they always continue so. Custom reconciles us to 
everything. After we have been used to the sight of black 
objects, the terror abates, and the smoothness and glossiness, 
or some agreeable accident, of bodies so coloured, softens in 
some measure the horror and sternness of their original 
nature; yet the nature of their original impression still 
continues. Black will always have something melancholy in 
it, because the sensory will always find the change to it from 
other colours too violent ; or if it occupy the whole com- 
pass of the sight, it will then be darkness; and what was said 
of darkness will be applicable here. I do not purpose to go 
into all that might be said to illustrate this theory of the 
effects of light and darkness, neither will I examine all the 
different effects produced by the various modifications and 
mixtures of these two causes. If the foregoing observations 
have any foundation in nature, I conceive them very suf- 
ficient to account for all the phenomena that can arise from 
all the combinations of black with other colours. To enter 
into every particular, or to answer every objection, would be 
an endless labour. We have only followed the most lead- 
ing roads; and we shall observe the same conduct in our 
inquiry into the cause of beauty. 


When we have before us such objects as excite love and 
complacency, the body is affected, so far as I could observe, 
much in the following manner: the head reclines something 
on one side ; the eyelids are more closed than usual, and the 
eyes roll gently with an inclination to the object; the mouth 
is a little opened, and the breath drawn slowly, with now and 
then a low sigh ; the whole body is composed, and the hands 
fall idly to the sides. All this is accompanied with an in- 


ward sense of melting and languor. These appearances are 
always proportioned to the degree of beauty in the object, 
and of sensibility in the observer. And this gradation from 
the highest pitch of beauty and sensibility, even to the lowest 
of mediocrity and indifference, and their correspondent 
effects, ought to be kept in view, else this description will 
seem exaggerated, which it certainly is not. But from this 
description it is almost impossible not to conclude, that 
beauty acts by relaxing the solids of the whole system. 
There are all the appearances of such a relaxation; and a 
relaxation somewhat below the natural tone seems to me to 
be the cause of all positive pleasure. Who is a stranger to 
that manner of expression so common in all times and in 
all countries, of being softened, relaxed, enervated, dissolved, 
melted away by pleasure? The universal voice of mankind, 
faithful to their feelings, concurs in affirming this uniform 
and general effect: and although some odd and particular 
instance may perhaps be found, wherein there appears a 
considerable degree of positive pleasure, without all the 
characters of relaxation, we must not therefore reject the 
conclusion we had drawn from a concurrence of many 
experiments ; but we must still retain it, subjoining the 
exceptions which may occur, according to the judicious rule 
laid clown by Sir Isaac Newton in the third book of his 
Optics. Our position will, I conceive, appear confirmed be- 
yond any reasonable doubt, if we can show that such things 
as we have already observed to be the genuine constituents 
of beauty, have each of them, separately taken, a natural 
tendency to relax the fibres. And if it must be allowed us, 
that the appearance of the human body, when all these 
constituents are united together before the sensory, further 
favours this opinion, we may venture, I believe, to conclude, 
that the passion called love is produced by this relaxation. 
By the same method of reasoning which we have used in the 
inquiry into the causes of the sublime, we may likewise con- 
clude, that as a beautiful object presented to the sense, by 
causing a relaxation of the body, produces the passion of love 
in the mind; so if by any means the passion should first have 
its origin in the mind, a relaxation of the outward organs will 
as certainly ensue in a degree proportioned to the cause. 



It is to explain the true cause of visual beauty, that I call 
in the assistance of the other senses. If it appears that 
smoothness is a principal cause of pleasure to the touch, 
taste, smell, and hearing, it will be easily admitted a con- 
stituent of visual beauty; especially as we have before 
shown, that this quality is found almost without exception 
in all bodies that are by general consent held beautiful. 
There can be no doubt that bodies which are rough and 
angular, rouse and vellicate the organs of feeling, causing a 
sense of pain, which consists in the violent tension or con- 
traction of the muscular fibres. On the contrary, the appli- 
cation of smooth bodies relaxes ; gentle stroking with a 
smooth hand allays violent pains and cramps, and re- 
laxes the suffering parts from their unnatural tension; and 
it has therefore very often no mean effect in removing 
swellings and obstructions. The sense of feeling is highly 
gratified with smooth bodies. A bed smoothly laid, and soft, 
that is, where the resistance is every way inconsiderable, is 
a great luxury, disposing to an universal relaxation, and 
inducing beyond anything else that species of it called sleep. 


Nor is it only in the touch that smooth bodies cause posi- 
tive pleasuie by relaxation. In the smell and taste, we find 
all things agreeable to them, and which are commonly called 
sweet, to be of a smooth nature, and that they all evidently 
tend to relax their respective sensories. Let us first con- 
sider the taste. Since it is most easy to inquire into the 
property of liquids, and since all things seem to want a 
fluid vehicle to make them tasted at all, I intend rather to 
consider the liquid than the solid parts of our food. The 
vehicles of all tastes are water and oil. And what deter- 
mines the taste is some salt, which affects variously accord- 
ing to its nature, or its manner of being combined with other 
things. Water and oil, simply considered, are capable of 
giving some pleasure to the taste. Water, when simple, is 
insipid, inodorous, colourless, and smooth; it is found, when 


not cold, to be a great resolver of spasms, and lubricator of 
the fibres; this power it probably owes to its smoothness. 
For as fluidity depends, according to the most general opin- 
ion, on the roundness, smoothness, and weak cohesion, of 
the component parts of any body; and as water acts merely 
as a simple fluid ; it follows that the cause of its fluidity is 
likewise the cause of its relaxing quality ; namely, the 
smoothness and slippery texture of its parts. The other 
fluid vehicle of taste is oil. This too, when simple, is insipid, 
inodorous, colourless, and smooth to the touch and taste. 
It is smoother than water, and in many cases yet more re- 
laxing. Oil is in some degree pleasant to the eye, the touch, 
and the taste, insipid as it is. Water is not so grateful ; 
which I do not know on what principle to account for, 
other than that water is not so soft and smooth. Suppose 
that to this oil or water were added a certain quantity of a 
specific salt, which had a power of putting the nervous 
papillae of the tongue into a gentle vibratory motion ; as 
suppose, sugar dissolved in it. The smoothness of the oil, 
and the vibratory power of the salt, cause the sense we call 
sweetness. In all sweet bodies, sugar, or a substance very 
little different from sugar, is constantly found. Every 
species of salt, examined by the microscope, has its own 
distinct, regular, invariable form. That of nitre is a pointed 
oblong; that of sea-salt an exact cube; that of sugar a per- 
fect globe. If you have tried how smooth globular bodies, 
as the marbles with which boys amuse themselves, have 
affected the touch when they are rolled backward and for- 
ward and over one another, you will easily conceive how 
sweetness, which consists in a salt of such nature, affects the 
taste; for a single globe, (though somewhat pleasant to the 
feeling,) yet by the regularity of its form, and the some- 
what too sudden deviation of its parts from a right line, is 
nothing near so pleasant to the touch as several globes, 
where the hand gently rises to one and falls to another; 
and this pleasure is greatly increased if the globes are in 
motion, and sliding over one another ; for this soft variety 
prevents that weariness, which the uniform disposition of 
the several globes would otherwise produce. Thus in sweet 
liquors, the parts of the fluid vehicle, though most probably 


round, are yet so minute, as to conceal the figure of their 
component parts from the nicest inquisition of the micro- 
scope ; and consequently, being so excessively minute, they 
have a sort of flat simplicity to the taste, resembling the 
effects of plain smooth bodies to the touch; for if a body 
be composed of round parts excessively small, and packed 
pretty closely together, the surface will be both to the sight 
and touch as if it were nearly plain and smooth. It is clear 
from their unveiling their figure to the microscope, that the 
particles of sugar are considerably larger than those of 
water or oil, and consequently, that their effects from their 
roundness will be more distinct and palpable to the nervous 
papillae of that nice organ the tongue: they will induce that 
sense called sweetness, which in a weak manner we dis- 
cover in oil, and in a yet weaker, in water; for, insipid as 
they are, water and oil are in some degree sweet; and it 
may be observed, that the insipid things of all kinds ap- 
proach more nearly to the nature of sweetness than to that 
of any other taste. 


In the other senses we have remarked, that smooth things 
are relaxing. Now it ought to appear that sweet things, 
which are the smooth of taste, are relaxing too. It is re- 
markable, that in some languages, soft and sweet have but 
one name. Doux in French signifies soft as well as sweet. 
The Latin Dulcis, and the Italian Dolce, have in many cases 
the same double signification. That sweet things are gen- 
erally relaxing, is evident ; because all such, especially those 
which are most oily, taken frequently, or in a large quantity, 
very much enfeeble the tone of the stomach. Sweet smells, 
which bear a great affinity to sweet tastes, relax very re- 
markably. The smell of flowers disposes people to drowsi- 
ness; and this relaxing effect is further apparent from the 
prejudice which people of weak nerves receive from their 
use. It were worth while to examine, whether tastes of 
this kind, sweet ones, tastes that are caused by smooth oils 
and a relaxing salt, are not the original pleasant tastes. For 
many, which use has rendered such, were not at all agree- 

hc e— vol. xxiv 


able at first. The way to examine this, is to try what nature 
has originally provided for us, which she has undoubtedly 
made originally pleasant; and to analyze this provision. 
Milk is the first support of our childhood. The component 
parts of this are water, oil, and a sort of a very sweet salt, 
called the sugar of milk. All these when blended have a 
great smoothness to the taste, and a relaxing quality to the 
skin. The next thing children covet is fruit, and of fruits 
those principally which are sweet ; and every one knows that 
the sweetness of fruit is caused by a subtle oil, and such 
salt as that mentioned in the last section. Afterwards cus- 
tom, habit, the desire of novelty, and a thousand other 
causes, confound, adulterate, and change our palates, so that 
we can no longer reason with any satisfaction about them. 
Before we quit this article, we must observe, that as smooth 
things are, as such, agreeable to the taste, and are found of 
a relaxing quality; so, on the other hand, things which are 
found by experience to be of a strengthening quality, and 
fit to brace the fibres, are almost universally rough and 
pungent to the taste, and in many cases rough even to the 
touch. We often apply the quality of sweetness, metaphori- 
cally, to visual objects. For the better carrying on this 
remarkable analogy of the senses, we may here call sweet- 
ness the beautiful of the taste. 


Another principal property of beautiful objects is, that 
the line of their parts is continually varying its direction; 
but it varies it by a very insensible deviation ; it never varies 
it so quickly as to surprise, or by the sharpness of its angle 
to cause any twitching or convulsion of the optic nerve. 
Nothing long continued in the same manner, nothing very 
suddenly varied, can be beautiful; because both are opposite 
to that agreeable relaxation which is the characteristic effect 
of beauty. It is thus in all the senses. A motion in a right 
line is that manner of moving, next to a very gentle descent, 
in which we meet the least resistance ; yet it is not that 
manner of moving which, next to a descent, wearies us the 
least. Rest certainly tends to relax: yet there is a species 


of motion which relaxes more than rest; a gentle oscillatory 
motion, a rising and falling. Rocking sets children to sleep 
better than absolute rest; there is indeed scarce anything at 
that age which gives more pleasure than to be gently lifted 
up and down; the manner of playing which their nurses use 
with children, and the weighing and swinging used after- 
wards by themselves as a favourite amusement, evince this 
very sufficiently. Most people must have observed the sort 
of sense they have had on being swiftly drawn in an easy 
coach on a smooth turf, with gradual ascents and declivities. 
This will give a better idea of the beautiful, and point out 
its probable course better, than almost anything else. On 
the contrary, when one is hurried over a rough, rocky, 
broken road, the pain felt by these sudden inequalities shows 
why similar sights, feelings, and sounds are so contrary to 
beauty : and with regard to the feeling, it is exactly the same 
in its effect, or very nearly the same, whether, for instance, 
I move my hand along the surface of a body of a certain 
shape, or whether such a body is moved along my hand. But 
to bring this analogy of the senses home to the eye: if a 
body presented to that sense has such a waving surface, 
that the rays of light reflected from it are in a continual 
insensible deviation from the strongest to the weakest 
(which is always the case in a surface gradually unequal,) 
it must be exactly similar in its effects on the eye and touch ; 
upon the one of which it operates directly, on the other, indi- 
rectly. And this body will be beautiful, if the lines which 
compose its surface are not continued, even so varied, in a 
manner that may weary or dissipate the attention. The 
variation itself must be continually varied. 


To avoid a sameness which may arise from the too fre- 
quent repetition of the same reasonings, and of illustrations 
of the same nature, I will not enter very minutely into every 
particular that regards beauty, as it is founded on the dis- 
position of its quantity, or its quantity itself. In speaking 
of the magnitude of bodies there is great uncertainty, be- 
cause the ideas of great and small are terms almost entirely 


relative to the species of the objects, which are infinite. It 
is true, that having once fixed the species of any object, and 
the dimensions common in the individuals of that species, 
we may observe some that exceed, and some that fall short 
of, the ordinary standard: those which greatly exceed are, 
by that excess, provided the species itself be not very small, 
rather great and terrible than beautiful; but as in the ani- 
mal world, and in a good measure in the vegetable world like- 
wise, the qualities that constitute beauty may possibly be 
united to things of greater dimensions; when they are so 
united, they constitute a species something different both 
from the sublime and beautiful, which I have before called 
fine: but this kind, I imagine, has not such a power on the 
passions either as vast bodies have which are endued with 
the correspondent qualities of the sublime, or as the quali- 
ties of beauty have when united in a small object. The 
affection produced by large bodies adorned with the spoils 
of beauty, is a tension continually relieved ; which ap- 
proaches to the nature of mediocrity. But if I were to say 
how I find myself affected upon such occasions, I should 
say, that the sublime suffers less by being united to some 
of the qualities of beauty, than beauty does by being joined 
to greatness of quantity, or any other properties of the 
sublime. There is something so over-ruling in whatever 
inspires us with awe, in all things which belongs ever so 
remotely to terror, that nothing else can stand in their pres- 
ence. There lie the qualities of beauty either dead or un- 
operative; or at most exerted to mollify the rigour and 
sternness of the terror, which is the natural concomitant of 
greatness. Besides the extraordinary great in every species, 
the opposite to this, the dwarfish and diminutive, ought to be 
considered. Littleness, merely as such, has nothing con- 
trary to the idea of beauty. The humming-bird, both in 
shape and colouring, yields to none of the winged species, 
of which it is the least ; and perhaps his beauty is enhanced 
by his smallness. But there are animals, which, when they 
are extremely small, are rarely (if ever) beautiful. There 
is a dwarfish size of men and women, which is almost con- 
stantly so gross and massive in comparison of their height, 
that they present us with a very disagreeable image. But 


should a man be found not above two or three feet high, 
supposing such a person to have all the parts of his body 
of a delicacy suitable to such a size, and otherwise endued 
with the common qualities of other beautiful bodies, I am 
pretty well convinced that a person of such a stature might 
be considered as beautiful ; might be the object of love ; might 
give us very pleasing ideas on viewing hii. The only thing 
which could possibly interpose to check our pleasure is, that 
such creatures, however formed, are unusual, and are often 
therefore considered as something monstrous. The large 
and gigantic, though very compatible with the sublime, is 
contrary to the beautiful. It is impossible to suppose a giant 
the object of love. When we let our imagination loose in 
romance, the ideas we naturally annex to that size are those 
of tyranny, cruelty, injustice, and everything horrid and 
abominable. We paint the giant ravaging the country, plun- 
dering the innocent traveller, and afterwards gorged with 
his half-living flesh: such are Polyphemus, Cacus, and 
others, who make so great a figure in romances and heroic 
poems. The event we attend to with the greatest satisfac- 
tion is their defeat and death. I do not remember, in all that 
multitude of deaths with which the Iliad is filled, that the 
fall of any man, remarkable for his great stature and 
strength, touches us with pity ; nor does it appear that the 
author, so well read in human nature, ever intended it 
should. It is Simoisius, in the soft bloom of youth, torn 
from his parents, who tremble for a courage so ill suited 
to his strength ; it is another hurried by war from the new 
embraces of his bride, young, and fair, and a novice to the 
field, who melts us by his untimely fate. Achilles, in spite 
of the many qualities of beauty which Homer has bestowed 
on his outward form, and the many great virtues with 
which he has adorned his mind, can never make us love 
him. It may be observed, that Homer has given the Trojans, 
whose fate he has designed to excite our compassion, in- 
finitely more of the amiable, social virtues than he has 
distributed among his Greeks. With regard to the Trojans, 
the passion he chooses to raise is pity; pity is a passion 
founded on love ; and these lesser, and if I may say domestic 
virtues, are certainly the most amiable. But he has made 


the Greeks far their superiors in the politic and military 
virtues. The councils of Priam are weak; the arms of 
Hector comparatively feeble; his courage far below that of 
Achilles. Yet we love Priam more than Agamemnon, and 
Hector more than his conqueror Achilles. Admiration is 
the passion which Homer would excite in favour of the 
Greeks, and he has done it by bestowing on them the vir- 
tues which have little to do with love. This short digres- 
sion is perhaps not wholly beside our purpose, where our 
business is to show, that objects of great dimensions are 
incompatible with beauty, the more incompatible as they 
are greater; whereas the small, if ever they fail of beauty, 
this failure is not to be attributed to their size. 


With regard to colour, the disquisition is almost infinite: 
but I conceive the principles laid down in the beginning of 
this part are sufficient to account for the effects of them all, 
as well as for the agreeable effects of transparent bodies, 
whether fluid or solid. Suppose I look at a bottle of muddy 
liquor, of a blue or red colour; the blue or red rays cannot 
pass clearly to the eye, but are suddenly and unequally 
stopped by the intervention of little opaque bodies, which 
without preparation change the idea, and change it too into 
one disagreeable in its own nature, conformably to the prin- 
ciples laid down in sect. 24. But when the ray passes with- 
out such opposition through the glass or liquor, when the 
glass or liquor is quite transparent, the light is sometimes 
softened in the passage, which makes it more agreeable even 
as light; and the liquor reflecting all the rays of its proper 
colour evenly, it has such an effect on the eye, as smooth 
opaque bodies have on the eye and touch. So that the pleas- 
ure here is compounded of the softness of the transmitted, 
and the evenness of the reflected light. This pleasure may 
be heightened by the common principles in other things, if 
the shape of the glass which holds the transparent liquor be 
so judiciously varied, as to present the colour gradually and 
interchangeably, weakened and strengthened with all the 
variety which judgment in affairs of this nature shall sug- 


gest. On a review of all that has been said of the effects as 
well as the causes of both, it will appear, that the sublime 
and beautiful are built on principles very different, and that 
their affections are as different: the great has terror for its 
basis; which, when it is modified, causes that emotion in the 
mind which I have called astonishment; the beautiful is 
founded on mere positive pleasure, and excites in the soul 
that feeling which is called love. Their causes have made 
the subject of this fourth part. 


Section I. — Of Words 

NATURAL objects affect us, by the laws of that con- 
nexion which Providence has established between 
certain motions and configurations of bodies, and 
certain consequent feelings in our mind. Painting affects 
us in the same manner, but with the superadded pleasure of 
imitation. Architecture affects by the laws of nature, and 
the law of reason : from which latter result the rules of 
proportion, which make a work to be praised or censured, 
in the whole or in some part, when the end for which it was 
designed is or is not properly answered. But as to words ; 
they seem to me to affect us in a manner very different from 
that in which we are affected by natural objects, or by 
painting or architecture; yet words have as considerable a 
share in exciting ideas of beauty and of the sublime as many 
of those, and sometimes a much greater than any of them : 
therefore an inquiry into the manner by which they excite 
such emotions is far from being unnecessary in a discourse 
of this kind. 



The common notion of the power of poetry and eloquence, 
as well as that of words in ordinary conversation, is that 
they affect the mind by raising in it ideas of those things for 
which custom has appointed them to stand. To examine the 
truth of this notion, it may be requisite to observe, that 
words may be divided into three sorts. The first are such as 
represent many simple ideas united by nature to form some 
one determinate composition, as man, horse, tree, castle, &c. 
These I call aggregate words. The second are they that 



stand for one simple idea of such compositions, and no 
more; as red, blue, round, square, and the like. These I 
call simple abstract words. The third are those which are 
formed by an union, an arbitrary union, of both the others, 
and of the various relations between them in greater or less 
degrees of complexity; as virtue, honour, persuasion, magis- 
trate, and the like. These I call compound abstract words. 
Words, I am sensible, are capable of being classed into more 
curious distinctions; but these seem to be natural, and 
enough for our purpose; and they are disposed in that order 
in which they are commonly taught, and in which the mind 
gets the ideas they are substituted for. I shall begin with 
the third sort of words ; compound abstracts, such as virtue, 
honour, persuasion, docility. Of these I am convinced, that 
whatever power they may have on the passions, they do not 
derive it from any representation raised in the mind of 
the things for which they stand. As compositions, they are 
not real essences, and hardly cause, I think, any real ideas. 
Nobody, I believe, immediately on hearing the sounds, vir- 
tue, liberty, or honour, conceives any precise notions of the 
particular modes of action and thinking together with the 
mixt and simple ideas and the several relations of them for 
which these words are substituted; neither has he any gen- 
eral idea, compounded of them; for if he had, then some of 
those particular ones, though indistinct perhaps, and con- 
fused, might come soon to be perceived. But this, I take 
it, is hardly ever the case. For, put yourself upon analyzing 
one of these words, and you must reduce it from one set of 
general words to another, and then into the simple abstracts 
and aggregates, in a much longer series than may be at first 
imagined, before any real idea emerges to light, before you 
come to discover anything like the first principles of such 
compositions; and when you have made such a discovery 
of the original ideas, the effect of the composition is utterly 
lost. A train of thinking of this sort is much too long to be 
pursued in the ordinary ways of conversation ; nor is it at 
all necessary that it should. Such words are in reality but 
mere sounds; but they are sounds which being used on par- 
ticular occasions, wherein we receive some good, or suffer 
some evil, or see others affected with good or evil ; or which 


we hear applied to other interesting things or events; and 
being applied in such a variety of cases, that we know 
readily by habit to what things they belong, they produce 
in the mind, whenever they are afterwards mentioned, 
effects similar to those of their occasions. The sounds 
being often used without reference to any particular occa- 
sion, and carrying still their first impressions, they at last 
utterly lose their connexion with the particular occasions 
that gave rise to them; yet the sound, without any annexed 
notion, continues to operate as before. 


Mr. Locke has somewhere observed, with his usual sagac- 
ity, that most general words, those belonging to virtue and 
vice, good and evil, especially, are taught before the partic- 
ular modes of action to which they belong are presented to 
the mind; and with them, the love of the one, and the ab- 
horrence of the other; for the minds of children are so 
ductile, that a nurse, or any person about a child, by seem- 
ing pleased or displeased with anything, or even any word, 
may give the disposition of the child a similar turn. When, 
afterwards, the several occurrences in life come to be ap- 
plied to these words, and that which is pleasant often appears 
under the name of evil ; and what is disagreeable to nature is 
called good and virtuous; a strange confusion of ideas and 
affections arises in the minds of many; and an appearance 
of no small contradiction between their notions and their 
actions. There are many who love virtue and who detest 
vice, and this not from hypocrisy or affectation, who not- 
withstanding very frequently act ill and wickedly in particu- 
lars without the least remorse; because these particular 
occasions never come into view, when the passions on the 
side of virtue were so warmly affected by certain words 
heated originally by the breath of others; and for this 
reason, it is hard to repeat certain sets of words, though 
owned by themselves unoperative, without being in some 
degree affected; especially if a warm and affecting tone of 
voice accompanies them, as suppose, 

Wise, valiant, generous, good, and great. 


These words, by having no application, ought to be un- 
operative; but when words commonly sacred to great occa- 
sions are used, we are affected by them even without the 
occasions. When words which have been generally so 
applied are put together without any rational view, or in 
such a manner that they do not rightly agree with each 
other, the style is called bombast. And it requires in 
several cases much good sense and experience to be guarded 
against the force of such language; for when propriety is 
neglected, a greater number of these affecting words may 
be taken into the service and a greater variety may be in- 
dulged in combining them. 


If words have all their possible extent of power, three 
effects arise in the mind of the hearer. The first is, the ' 
sound; the second, the picture, or representation of the thing 
signified by the sound; the third is, the affection of the soul 
produced by one or by both of the foregoing. Compounded 
abstract words, of which we have been speaking, (honour, 
justice, liberty, and the like,) produce the first and the last 
of these effects, but not the second. Simple abstracts are 
used to signify some one simple idea, without much advert- 
ing to others which may chance to attend it, as blue, green, 
hot, cold, and the like; these are capable of affecting all 
three of the purposes of words ; as the aggregate words, man, 
castle, horse, &c, are in a yet higher degree. But I am of 
opinion, that the most general effect, even of these words, 
does not arise from their forming pictures of the several 
things they would represent in the imagination ; because, 
on a very diligent examination of my own mind, and getting 
others to consider theirs, I do not find that once in twenty 
times any such picture is formed, and when it is, there is 
most commonly a particular effort of the imagination for 
that purpose. But the aggregate words operate, as I said 
of the compound-abstracts, not by presenting any image to 
the mind, but by having from use the same effect on being 
mentioned, that their original has when it is seen. Suppose 
we were to read a passage to this effect : "The river Danube 


rises in a moist and mountainous soil in the heart of Ger- 
many, where winding to and fro, it waters several princi- 
palities, until, turning into Austria, and leaving the walls of 
Vienna, it passes into Hungary; there with a vast flood, 
augmented by the Saave and the Drave, it quits Christen- 
dom, and rolling through the barbarous countries which 
border on Tartary, it enters by many mouths in the Black 
Sea." In this description many things are mentioned, as 
mountains, rivers, cities, the sea, &c. But let anybody ex- 
amine himself, and see whether he has had impressed on 
his imagination any pictures of a river, mountain, watery 
soil. Germany, &c. Indeed it is impossible, in the rapidity 
and quick succession of words in conversation to have ideas 
both of the sound of the word, and of the thing represented: 
besides, some words, expressing real essences, are so mixed 
with others of a general and nominal import, that it is im- 
practicable to jump from sense to thought, from particulars 
to generals, from things to words, in such a manner as to 
answer the purposes of life; nor is it necessary that we 



I find it very hard to persuade several that their passions 
are affected by words from whence they have no ideas ; and 
yet harder to convince them, that in the ordinary course of 
conversation we are sufficiently understood without raising 
any images of the things concerning which we speak. It 
seems to be an odd subject of dispute with any man, whether 
he has ideas in his mind or not. Of this, at first view, every 
man, in his own forum, ought to judge without appeal. But, 
strange as it may appear, we are often at a loss to know what 
ideas we have of things, or whether we have any ideas at 
all upon some subjects. It even requires a good deal of at- 
tention to be thoroughly satisfied on this head. Since I wrote 
these papers, I found two very striking instances of the pos- 
sibility there is that a man may hear words without having 
any idea of the things which they represent, and yet after- 
wards be capable of returning them to others, combined in 


a new way, and with great propriety, energy and instruc- 
tion. The first instance is that of Mr. Blacklock, a poet 
blind from his birth. Few men blessed with the most per- 
fect sight can describe visual objects with more spirit and 
justness than this blind man; which cannot possibly be at- 
tributed to his having a clearer conception of the things he 
describes than is common to other persons. Mr. Spence, in 
an elegant preface which he has written to the works of 
this poet, reasons very ingeniously,, and, I imagine, for the 
most part, very rightly, upon the cause of this extraordinary 
phenomenon ; but I cannot altogether agree with him, that 
some improprieties in language and thought, which occur 
in these poems, have arisen from the blind poet's imperfect 
conception of visual objects, since such improprieties, and 
much greater, may be found in writers even of a higher 
class than Mr. Blacklock, and who notwithstanding pos- 
sessed the faculty of seeing in its full perfection. Here is a 
poet doubtless as much affected by his own descriptions as 
any that reads them can be ; and yet he is affected with 
this strong enthusiasm by things of which he neither has nor 
can possibly have any idea further than that of a bare sound: 
and why may not those who read his works be affected in 
the same manner that he was, with as little of any real ideas 
of the things described? The second instance is of Mr. 
Saunderson, professor of mathematics in the university of 
Cambridge. This learned man had acquired great knowl- 
edge in natural philosophy, in astronomy, and whatever 
sciences depend upon mathematical skill. What was the 
most extraordinary and the most to my purpose, he gave 
excellent lectures upon light and colours ; and this man 
taught others the theory of these ideas which they had, and 
which he himself undoubtedly had not. But it is probable 
that the words red, blue, green, answered to him as well as 
the ideas of the colours themselves; for the ideas of greater 
or lesser degrees of refrangibility being applied to these 
words, and the blind man being instructed in what other 
respects they were found to agree or to disagree, it was as 
easy for him to reason upon the words, as if he had been 
fully master of the ideas. Indeed it must be owned he could 
make no new discoveries in the way of experiment. He did 


nothing but what we do every day in common discourse. 
When I wrote this last sentence, and used the words every 
day and common discourse, I had no images in my mind of 
any succession of time; nor of men in conference with each 
other; nor do I imagine that the reader will have any such 
ideas on reading it. Neither when I spoke of red, or blue, 
and green, as well as refrangibility, had I these several 
colours or the rays of light passing into a different medium, 
and there diverted from their course, painted before me in 
the way of images. I know very well that the mind possesses 
a faculty of raising such images at pleasure; but then an act 
of the will is necessary to this; and in ordinary conversa- 
tion or reading it is very rarely that any image at all is 
excited in the mind. If I say, " I shall go to Italy next sum- 
mer," I am well understood. Yet I believe nobody has by 
this painted in his imagination the exact figure of the 
speaker passing by land or by water, or both ; sometimes on 
horseback, sometimes in a carriage; with all the particulars 
of the journey. Still less has he any idea of Italy, the 
country to which I propose to go; or of the greenness of the 
fields, the ripening of the fruits, and the warmth of the air, 
with the change to this from a different season, which are 
the ideas for which the word summer is substituted: but 
least of all has he any image from the word next; for this 
word stands for the idea of many summers, with the ex- 
clusion of all but one: and surely the man who says next 
summer, has no images of such a succession and such an ex- 

In short, it is not only of those ideas which are com- 
monly called abstract, and of which no image at all can 
be formed, but even of particular, real beings, that we con- 
verse without any idea of them excited in the imagination; 
as will certainly appear on a diligent examination of our 
minds. Indeed, so little does poetry depend for its effect 
on the power of raising sensible images, that I am convinced 
it would lose a very considerable part of its energy, if 
this were the necessary result of all description. Because 
that union of affecting words, which is the most powerful of 
all poetical instruments, would frequently lose its force, 
along with its propriety and consistency, if the sensible 


images were always excited. There is not perhaps in the 
whole Eneid a more grand and laboured passage tht,n the 
description of Vulcan's cavern in Etna, and the works that 
are there carried on. Virgil dwells particularly on the 
formation of the thunder, which he describes unfinished 
under the hammers of the Cyclops. But what are the 
principles of this extraordinary composition? 

Tres imbris torti radios, tres nubis aquosct 
Addiderant ; rutili tres ignis, et alitis austri: 
Fulgores nunc terrificos, sonitumque, metumque 
Miscebant operi, flammisque sequacibus iras. 

This seems to me admirably sublime; yet if we attend cooll) 
to the kind of sensible images which a combination of ideas 
of this sort must form, the chimeras of madmen cannot ap- 
pear more wild and absurd than such a picture. "Three rays 
of twisted showers, three of watery clouds, three of fire, and 
three of the winged south wind; then mixed they in the work 
terrific lightnings, and sound, and fear, and anger, with 
pursuing flames." This strange composition is formed into 
a gross body; it is hammered by the Cyclops, it is in part 
polished, and partly continues rough. The truth is, if poetry 
gives us a noble assemblage of words corresponding to many 
noble ideas which are connected by circumstances of time 
or place, or related to each other as cause and effect, or 
associated in any natural way, they may be moulded to- 
gether in any form, and perfectly answer their end. The 
picturesque connexion is not demanded; because no real 
picture is formed; nor is the effect of the description at all 
the less upon this account. What is said of Helen by Priam 
and the old men of his council, is generally thought to give 
us the highest possible idea of that fatal beauty. 

Ou v^/j.€(Ti5 i Tpwas Kal iiKuy/xiSas A%ato^s, 

Totrj 5* afx(pl yvvaLKL iro\vv XP° V0V d\yea irdaxw 

AtVws 5' adavdrrjcri derjs els tina €OiK€v. 

They cried, No wonder such celestial charms 

For nine long years have set the world in arms ; 

What winning graces! what majestic mien! 

She moves a goddess, and she looks a queen. Pope. 


Here is not one word said of the particulars of her beauty; 
nothing which can in the least help us to any precise idea of 
her person ; but yet we are much more touched by this man- 
ner of mentioning her than by those long and laboured de- 
scriptions of Helen, whether handed down by tradition, or 
formed by fancy, which are to be met with in some authors. 
I am sure it affects me much more than the minute descrip- 
tion which Spenser has given of Belphebe; though I own 
that there are parts in that description, as there are in all 
the descriptions of that excellent writer, extremely fine and 

The terrible picture which Lucretius has drawn of 
religion, in order to display the magnanimity of his philo- 
sophical hero in opposing her, is thought to be designed with 
great boldness and spirit. 

Humana ante oculos foede cum vita jaceret, 
In terris, oppressa gravi sub religione, 
Qua caput e cceli regionibus ostendebat 
Horribili super aspectu mortalibus ins tans ; 
Primus Graius homo mortales tollere contra 
Est oculos ausus. — 

What idea do you derive from so excellent a picture? none 
at all, most certainly : neither has the poet said a single word 
which might in the least serve to mark a single limb or fea- 
ture of the phantom, which he intended to represent in all 
the horrors imagination can conceive. In reality, poetry and 
rhetoric do not succeed in exact description so well as paint- 
ing does ; their business is, to affect rather by sympathy than 
imitation ; to display rather the effect of things on the mind 
of the speaker, or of others, than to present a clear idea of 
the things themselves. This is their most extensive province, 
and that in which they succeed the best. 


Hence we may observe that poetry, taken in its most gen- 
eral sense, cannot with strict propriety be called an art of 
imitation. It is indeed an imitation so far as it describes the 
manners and passions of men which their words can express; 
where animi motus effort interprete lingua. There it is 


strictly imitation ; and all merely dramatic poetry is of this 
sort. But descriptive poetry operates chiefly by substitution; 
by the means of sounds, which by custom have the effect of 
realities. Nothing is an imitation further than as it resem- 
bles some other thing; and words undoubtedly have no sort 
of resemblance to the ideas, for which they stand. 


Now, as words affect, not by any original power, but by 
representation, it might be supposed, that their influence 
over the passions should be but light; yet it is quite other- 
wise ; for we find by experience, that eloquence and poetry 
are as capable, nay indeed much more capable, of making 
deep and lively impressions than any other arts, and even 
than nature itself in very many cases. And this arises chiefly 
from these three causes. First, that we take an extraordinary 
part in the passions of others, and that we are easily af- 
fected and brought into sympathy by any tokens which are 
shown of them ; and there are no tokens which can express 
all the circumstances of most passions so fully as words; so 
that if a person speaks upon any subject, he can not only 
convey the subject to you, but likewise the manner in which 
he is himself affected by it. Certain it is, that the influence 
of most things on our passions is not so much from the 
things themselves, as from our opinions concerning them; 
and these again depend very much on the opinions of other 
men, conveyable for the most part by words only. Secondly, 
there are many things of a very affecting nature, which can 
seldom occur in the reality, but the words that represent 
them often do ; and thus they have an opportunity of making 
a deep impression and taking root in the mind, whilst the 
idea of the reality was transient; and to some perhaps never 
really occurred in any shape, to whom it is notwithstanding 
very affecting, as war, death, famine, &c. Besides, many 
ideas have never been at all presented to the senses of any 
men but by words, as God, angels, devils, heaven, and hell, 
all of which have, however, a great influence over the pas- 
sions. Thirdly, by words we have it in our power to make 
such combinations as we cannot possibly do otherwise. By 


this power of combining, we are able, by the addition of well- 
chosen circumstances, to give a new life and force to the 
simple object. In painting we may represent any fine figure 
we please ; but we never can give it those enlivening touches 
which it may receive from words. To represent an angel in 
a picture, you can only draw a beautiful young man winged: 
but what painting can furnish out anything so grand as the 
addition of one word, "the angel of the Lord?" It is true, 
I have here no clear idea; but these words affect the mind 
more than the sensible image did; which is all I contend 
for. A picture of Priam dragged to the altar's foot, and 
there murdered, if it were well executed, would undoubtedly 
be very moving; but there are very aggravating circum- 
stances, which it could never represent: 

Sanguine foedantem quos ipse saeraverat ignes. 

As a further instance, let us consider those lines of Milton, 
where he describes the travels of the fallen angels through 
their dismal habitation : 

— O'er many a dark and dreary vale 

They passed, and many a region dolorous ; 

O'er many a frozen, many a fiery Alp ; 

Rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death, 

A universe of death. — 

Here is displayed the force of union in 

Rocks, caves, lakes, dens, bogs, fens, and shades; 

which yet would lose the greatest part of their effect, if 
they were not the 

Rocks, caves, lakes, dens, bogs, fens, and shades — 
of Death. 

This idea or this affection caused by a word, which nothing 
but a word could annex to the others, raises a very great 
degree of the sublime; and this sublime is raised yet higher 
by what follows, a ''universe of Death." Here are again 
two ideas not presentable but by language; and an union of 
them great and amazing beyond conception; if they may 


properly be called ideas which present no distinct image to 
the mind : — but still it will be difficult to conceive how words 
can move the passions which belong to real objects, with- 
out representing these objects clearly. This is difficult to 
us, because we do not sufficiently distinguish, in our obser- 
vations upon language, between a clear expression and a 
strong expression. These are frequently confounded with 
each other, though they are in reality extremely different. 
The former regards the understanding, the latter belongs to 
the passions. The one describes a thing as it is; the latter 
describes it as it is felt. Now, as there is a moving tone of 
voice, an impassioned countenance, an agitated gesture, 
which affect independently of the things about which they 
are exerted, so there are words, and certain dispositions of 
words, which being peculiarly devoted to passionate sub- 
jects; and always used by those who are under the influence 
of any passion, touch and move us more than those which 
far more clearly and distinctly express the subject matter. 
We yield to sympathy what we refuse to description. The 
truth is, all verbal description, merely as naked description, 
though never so exact, conveys so poor and insufficient an 
idea of the thing described, that it could scarcely have the 
smallest effect, if the speaker did not call in to his aid those 
modes of speech that mark a strong and lively feeling in 
himself. Then, by the contagion of our passions, we catch 
a fire already kindled in another, which probably might 
never have been struck out by the object described. Words, 
by strongly conveying the passions, by those means which 
we have already mentioned, fully compensate for their weak- 
ness in other respects. It may be observed, that very 
polished languages, and such as are praised for their su- 
perior clearness and perspicuity, are generally deficient in 
strength. The French language has that perfection and 
that defect, whereas the Oriental tongues, and in general 
the languages of most unpolished people, have a great force 
and energy of expression; and this is but natural. Unculti- 
vated people are but ordinary observers of things, and not 
critical in distinguishing them ; but, for that reason, they 
admire more, and are more affected with what they see, and 
therefore express themselves in a warmer and more pas- 


sionate manner. If the affection be well conveyed, it will 
work its effect without any clear idea, often without any 
idea at all of the thing which has originally given rise to it. 
It might be expected from the fertility of the subject, that 
I should consider poetry, as it regards the sublime and beau- 
tiful, more at large; but it must be observed that in this 
light it has been often and well handled already. It was not 
my design to enter into the criticism of the sublime and 
beautiful in any art, but to attempt to lay down such princi- 
ples as may tend to ascertain, to distinguish, and to form a 
sort of standard for them; which purposes I thought might 
be best effected by an inquiry into the properties of such 
things in nature, as raise love and astonishment in us ; and 
by showing in what manner they operated to produce these 
passions. Words were only so far to be considered, as to 
show upon what principle they w r ere capable of being the 
representatives of these natural things, and by what powers 
they were able to affect us often as strongly as the things 
they represent, and sometimes much more strongly. 











The characteristic passion of Burke's life was his love of 
order. In spite of the varying relations held by him toward the 
different parties in England during his political career, one may 
easily find the key to his consistency in this central principle. 
When the King's party sought to increase the royal prerogative, 
he resisted ; when the old Whigs sought to make the government 
of the country a means to the enrichment of their class, he re- 
sisted; and when the sympathizers with the Revolution sought, 
as Burke thought, to abolish government, lie resisted. Liberty 
he claimed that he loved, but "a liberty connected with order" ; 
and in each of the political movements just mentioned he dis- 
cerned an attack on either liberty or order. He had a profound 
veneration for the accumulated wisdom of centuries of experi- 
ence, and held that the bounds of liberty should be enlarged with 
great caution and very gradually. That a political system had 
lasted a long time was to him an argument that it must to a 
large extent be fit for its purpose, and that therefore it should 
not be rashly changed. 

With such views, Burke was bound to oppose the French Revo- 
lution. The sweeping away of the traditions of ages, the erec- 
tion of new forms of government built on abstract theories, 
were abhorrent to him; and he threw himself with vehemence 
into opposition. Much that was hopeful in the Revolution he 
failed to see; and lie could not in his passion discriminate care- 
fully among men and motives. But his treatment of the situa- 
tion in these "Reflections," written before the Terror had begun 
to alienate sympathy, shows great insight and prophetic wisdom. 
This book led the reaction in England and made its arithor a 
European figure. In tJiis country to-day, with our traditional 
sympathy with the great upheaval, it is in the highest degree 
valuable to see these momentous events through the eyes of a 
great contemporary conservative. 








IT MAY not be unnecessary to inform the reader, that the 
following Reflections had their origin in a correspond- 
ence between the Author and a very young gentleman 
at Paris, who did him the honour of desiring his opinion 
upon the important transactions, which then, and ever since, 
have so much occupied the attention of all men. An answer 
was written some time in the month of October, 1789; but it 
was kept back upon prudential considerations. That letter is 
alluded to in the beginning of the following sheets. It has 
been since forwarded to the person to whom it was addressed. 
The reasons for the delay in sending it were assigned in a 
short letter to the same gentleman. This produced on his 
part a new and pressing application for the Author's senti- 

The Author began a second and more full discussion on 
the subject. This he had some thoughts of publishing early 
in the last spring; but, the matter gaining upon him, he 
found that what he had undertaken not only far exceeded 
the measure of a letter, but that its importance required 
rather a more detailed consideration than at that time he 
had any leisure to bestow upon it. However, having thrown 
down his first thoughts in the form of a letter, and, indeed, 
when he sat down to write, having intended it for a private 
letter, he found it difficult to change the form of address, 
1 151 


when his sentiments had grown into a greater extent, and 
had received another direction. A different plan, he is 
sensible, might be more favourable to a commodious division 
and distribution of his matter. 

Dear Sir, 

You are pleased to call again, and with some earnestness, 
for my thoughts on the late proceedings in France. I will 
not give you reason to imagine that I think my sentiments 
of such value as to wish myself to be solicited about them. 
They are of too little consequence to be very anxiously either 
communicated or withheld. It was from attention to you, 
and to you only, that I hesitated at the time when you first 
desired to receive them. In the first letter I had the honour 
to write to you, and which at length I send, I wrote neither 
for, nor from, any description of men; nor shall I in this. 
My errors, if any, are my own. My reputation alone is to 
answer for them. 

You see, Sir, by the long letter I have transmitted to you, 
that though I do most heartily wish that France may be 
animated by a spirit of rational liberty, and that I think you 
bound, in all honest policy, to provide a permanent body in 
which that spirit may reside, and an effectual organ by which 
it may act, it is my misfortune to entertain great doubts 
concerning several material points in your late transactions. 

You imagined, when you wrote last, that I might possibly 
be reckoned among the approvers of certain proceedings in 
France, from the solemn public seal of sanction they have 
received from two clubs of gentlemen in London, called the 
Constitutional Society, and the Revolution Society. 

I certainly have the honour to belong to more clubs than 
one, in which the constitution of this kingdom, and the 
principles of the glorious Revolution, are held in high rev- 
erence and I reckon myself among the most forward in 
my zeal for maintaining that constitution and those principles 
in their utmost purity and vigour. It is because I do so 
that I think it necessary for me that there should be no mis- 


take. Those who cultivate the memory of our Revolution, 
and those who are attached to the constitution of this king- 
dom, will take good care how they are involved with persons, 
who under the pretext of zeal towards the Revolution and 
constitution too frequently wander from their true principles ; 
and are ready on every occasion to depart from the firm but 
cautious and deliberate spirit which produced the one, and 
which presides in the other. Before I proceed to answer the 
more material particulars in your letter, I shall beg leave to 
give you such information as I have been able to obtain of 
the two clubs which have thought proper, as bodies, to in- 
terfere in the concerns of France; first assuring you, that I 
am not, and that I have never been, a member of either of 
those societies. 

The first, calling itself the Constitutional Society, or So- 
ciety for Constitutional Information, or by some such title, is, 
I believe, of seven or eight years standing. The institution 
of this society appears to be of a charitable, and so far of a 
laudable nature: it was intended for the circulation, at the 
expense of the members, of many books, which few others 
would be at the expense of buying; and which might lie on 
the hands of the booksellers, to the great loss of an useful 
body of men. Whether the books, so charitably circulated, 
were ever as charitably read, is more than I know. Possibly 
several of them have been exported to France; and, like 
goods not in request here, may with you have found a mar- 
ket. I have heard much talk of the lights to be drawn from 
books that are sent from hence. What improvements they 
have had in their passage (as it is said some liquors are 
meliorated by crossing the sea) I cannot tell: but I never 
heard a man of common judgment, or the least degree of in- 
formation, speak a word in praise of the greater part of the 
publications circulated by that society; nor have their pro- 
ceedings been accounted, except by some of themselves, as of 
any serious consequence. 

Your National Assembly seems to entertain much the same 
opinion that I do of this poor charitable club. As a nation, 
you reserved the whole stock of your eloquent acknowledg- 
ments for the Revolution Society; when their fellows in the 
Constitutional were, in equity, entitled to some share. Since 


you have selected the Revolution Society as the great object 
of your national thanks and praises, you will think me ex- 
cusable in making its late conduct the subject of my observa- 
tions. The National Assembly of France has given import- 
ance to these gentlemen by adopting them: and they return 
the favour, by acting as a committee in England for extend- 
ing the principles of the National Assembly. Henceforward 
we must consider them as a kind of privileged persons ; as no 
inconsiderable members in the diplomatic body. This is one 
among the revolutions which have given splendour to ob- 
scurity, and distinction to undiscerned merit. Until very 
lately I do not recollect to have heard of this club. I am 
quite sure that it never occupied a moment of my thoughts ; 
nor, I believe, those of any person out of their own set. I 
find, upon inquiry, that on the anniversary of the Revolu- 
tion in 1688, a club of dissenters, but of what denomination 
I know not, have long had the custom of hearing a sermon 
in one of their churches ; and that afterwards they spent the 
day cheerfully, as other clubs do, at the tavern. But I never 
heard that any public measure, or political system, much less 
that the merits of the constitution of any foreign nation, had 
been the subject of a formal proceeding at their festivals; 
until, to my inexpressible surprise, I found them in a sort 
of public capacity, by a congratulatory address, giving an 
authoritative sanction to the proceedings of the National As- 
sembly in France. 

In the ancient principles and conduct of the club, so far at 
least as they were declared, I see nothing to which I could 
take exception. I think it very probable, that for some pur- 
pose, new members may have entered among them ; and that 
some truly Christian politicians, who love to dispense bene- 
fits, but are careful to conceal the hand which distributes the 
dole, may have made them the instruments of their pious de- 
signs. Whatever I mav have reason to suspect concerning 
private management, I shall speak of nothing as of a cer- 
tainty but what is public. 

For one, I should be sorry to be thought, directly or in- 
directly, concerned in their proceedings. I certainly take 
my full share, along with the rest of the world, in my indi- 
vidual and private capacity, in speculating on what has been 


done, or is doing, on the public stage, in any place ancient or 
modern ; in the republic of Rome, or the republic of Paris ; 
but having no general apostolical mission, being a citizen of 
a particular state, and being bound up, in a considerable 
degree, by its public will, I should think it at least im- 
proper and irregular for me to open a formal public corre- 
spondence with the actual government of a foreign nation, 
without the express authority of the government under which 
I live. 

I should be still more unwilling to enter into that corre- 
spondence under anything like an equivocal description, which 
to many, unacquainted with our usages, might make the ad- 
dress, in which I joined, appear as the act of persons in some 
sort of corporate capacity, acknowledged by the laws of this 
kingdom, and authorized to speak the sense of some part of 
it. On account of the ambiguity and uncertainty of unau- 
thorized general descriptions, and of the deceit which may 
be practised under them, and not from mere formality, the 
House of Commons would reject the most sneaking petition 
for the most trifling object, under that mode of signature to 
which you have thrown open the folding doors of your pres- 
ence chamber, and have ushered into your National Assem- 
bly with as much ceremony and parade, and with as great 
a bustle of applause, as if you had been visited by the whole 
representative majesty of the whole English nation. If what 
this society has thought proper to send forth had been a 
piece of argument, it would "have signified little whose argu- 
ment it was. It would be neither the more nor the less 
convincing on account of the party it came from. But this 
is only a vote and resolution. It stands solely on authority; 
and in this case it is the mere authority of individuals, few 
of whom appear. Their signatures ought, in my opinion, to 
have been annexed to their instrument. The world would 
then have the means of knowing how many they are; who 
they are ; and of what value their opinions may be, from their 
personal abilities, from their knowledge, their experience, or 
their lead and authority in this state. To me, who am but a 
plain man, the proceeding looks a little too refined, and too 
ingenious; it has too much the air of a political stratagem, 
adopted for the sake of giving, under a high-sounding name, 


an importance to the public declarations of this club, which, 
when the matter came to be closely inspected, they did not 
altogether so well deserve. It is a policy that has very much 
the complexion of a fraud. 

I flatter myself that I love a manly, moral, regulated liberty 
as well as any gentleman of that society, be he who he 
will ; and perhaps I have given as good proofs of my attach- 
ment to that cause, in the whole course of my public con- 
duct. I think I envy liberty as little as they do, to any other 
nation. But I cannot stand forward, and give praise or blame 
to anything which relates to human actions, and human 
concerns, on a simple view of the object, as it stands stripped 
of every relation, in all the nakedness and solitude of meta- 
physical abstraction. Circumstances (which with some 
gentlemen pass for nothing) give in reality to every political 
principle its distinguishing colour and discriminating effect. 
The circumstances are what render every civil and political 
scheme beneficial or noxious to mankind. Abstractedly 
speaking, government, as well as liberty, is good; yet could 
I, in common sense, ten years ago, have felicitated France on 
her enjoyment of a government (for she then had a govern- 
ment) without inquiry what the nature of that government 
was, or how it was administered? Can I now congratulate 
the same nation upon its freedom? Is it because liberty in 
the abstract may be classed amongst the blessings of man- 
kind, that I am seriously to felicitate a mad-man, who has 
escaped from the protecting restraint and wholesome dark- 
ness of his cell, on his restoration to the enjoyment of light 
and liberty? Am I to congratulate a highwayman and 
murderer, who has broke prison, upon the recovery of his 
natural rights? This would be to act over again the scene 
of the criminals condemned to the galleys, and their heroic 
deliverer, the metaphysic knight of the sorrowful counten- 

When I see the spirit of liberty in action, I see a strong 
principle at work ; and this, for a while, is all I can possibly 
know of it. The wild gas, the fixed air, is plainly broke 
loose: but we ought to suspend our judgment until the first 
effervescence is a little subsided, till the liquor is cleared, and 
until we see something deeper than the agitation of a troubled 


and frothy surface. I must be tolerably sure, before T ven- 
ture publicly to congratulate men upon a blessing, that they 
have really received one. Flattery corrupts both the re- 
ceiver and the giver ; and adulation is not of more service to 
the people than to kings. I should therefore suspend my 
congratulations on the new liberty of France, until I was 
informed how it had been combined with government; with 
public force; with the discipline and obedience of armies; 
with the collection of an effective and well-distributed 
revenue ; with morality and religion ; with the solidity of prop- 
erty; with peace and order; with civil and social manners. 
All these (in their way) are good things too; and, without 
them, liberty is not a benefit whilst it lasts, and is not likely 
to continue long. The effect of liberty to individuals is, that 
they may do what they please : we ought to see what it will 
please them to do, before we risk congratulations, which may 
be soon turned into complaints. Prudence would dictate 
this in the case of separate, insulated, private men ; but 
liberty, when men act in bodies, is power. Considerate 
people, before they declare themselves, will observe the use 
which is made of power; and particularly of so trying a 
thing as new power in new persons, of whose principles, 
tempers, and dispositions they have little or no experience, 
and in situations, where those who appear the most stirring 
in the scene may possibly not be the real movers. 

All these considerations however were below the transcen- 
dental dignity of the Revolution Society. Whilst I con- 
tinued in the country, from whence I had the honour of 
writing to you, I had but an imperfect idea of their trans- 
actions. On my coming to town, I sent for an account of 
their proceedings, which had been published by their au- 
thority, containing a sermon of Dr. Price, with the Duke de 
Rochefaucault's and the Archbishop of Aix's letter, and 
several other documents annexed. The whole of that publi- 
cation, with the manifest design of connecting the affairs of 
France with those of England, by drawing us into an imita- 
tion of the conduct of the National Assembly, gave me a 
considerable degree of uneasiness. The effect of that conduct 
upon the power, credit, prosperity, and tranquillity of France, 
became every day more evident. The form of consti- 


tution to be settled, for its future polity, became more 
clear. We are now in a condition to discern, with tolerable 
exactness, the true nature of the object held up to our imita- 
tion. If the prudence of reserve and decorum dictates silence 
in some circumstances, in others prudence of a higher order 
may justify us in speaking our thoughts. The beginnings of 
confusion with us in England are at present feeble enough; 
but, with you, we have seen an infancy, still more feeble, 
growing by moments into a strength to heap mountains 
upon mountains, and to wage war with heaven itself. When- 
ever our neighbour's house is on fire, it cannot be amiss for 
the engines to play a little on our own. Better to be de- 
spised for too anxious apprehensions, than ruined by too 
confident a security. 

Solicitous chiefly for the peace of my own country, but 
by no means unconcerned for yours, I wish to communicate 
more largely what was at first intended only for your private 
satisfaction. I shall still keep your affairs in my eye, and 
continue to address myself to you. Indulging myself in the 
freedom of epistolary intercourse, I beg leave to throw out 
my thoughts, and express my feelings, just as they arise in 
my mind, with very little attention to formal method. I set 
out with the proceedings of the Revolution Society; but I 
shall not confine myself to them. Is it possible I should? 
It appears to me as if I were in a great crisis, not of the 
affairs of France alone, but of all Europe, perhaps of more 
than Europe. All circumstances taken together, the French 
Revolution is the most astonishing that has hitherto happened 
in the world. The most wonderful things are brought about 
in many instances by means the most absurd and ridicu- 
lous; in the most ridiculous modes; and, apparently, by the 
most contemptible instruments. Everything seems out of 
nature in this strange chaos of levity and ferocity, and of 
all sorts of crimes jumbled together with all sorts of follies. 
In viewing this monstrous tragi-comic scene, the most oppo- 
site passions necessarily succeed, and sometimes mix with 
each other in the mind; alternate contempt and indignation; 
alternate laughter and tears; alternate scorn and horror. 

It cannot, however, be denied, that to some this strange 
scene appeared in quite another point of view. Into them 


it inspired no other sentiments than those of exultation and 
rapture. They saw nothing in what has been done in France, 
but a firm and temperate exertion of freedom; so consistent, 
on the whole, with morals and with piety as to make it 
deserving not only of the secular applause of dashing Machi- 
avelian politicians, but to render it a fit theme for all the 
devout effusions of sacred eloquence. 

On the forenoon of the 4th of November last, Doctor Rich- 
ard Price, a non-conforming minister of eminence, preached 
at the dissenting meeting-house of the Old Jewry, to his 
club or society, a very extraordinary miscellaneous sermon, 
in which there are some good moral and religious sentiments, 
and not ill expressed, mixed up in a sort of porridge of 
various political opinions and reflections; but the Revolution 
in France is the grand ingredient in the cauldron. I con- 
sider the address transmitted by the Revolution Society to the 
National Assembly, through Earl Stanhope, as originating 
in the principles of the sermon, and as a corollary from 
them. It was moved by the preacher of that discourse. It 
was passed by those who came reeking from the effect of the 
sermon, without any censure or qualification, expressed or 
implied. If, however, any of the gentlemen concerned shall 
wish to separate the sermon from the resolution, they know 
how to acknowledge the one, and to disavow the other. They 
may do it: I cannot. 

For my part, I looked on that sermon as the public declara- 
tion of a man much connected with literary caballers, and 
intriguing philosophers; with political theologians, and theo- 
logical politicians, both at home and abroad. I know they 
set him up as a sort of oracle; because, with the best inten- 
tions in the world, he naturally Philippines, and chants his 
prophetic song in exact unison with their designs. 

That sermon is in a strain which I believe has not been 
heard in this kingdom, in any of the pulpits which are toler- 
ated or encouraged in it, since the year 1648; when a pre- 
decessor of Dr. Price, the Rev. Hugh Peters, made the vault 
of the king's own chapel at St. James's ring with the honour 
and privilege of the saints, who, with the " high praises of 
God in their mouths, and a two-edged sword in their hands, 
were to execute judgment on the heathen, and punishments 


upon the people; to bind their kings with chains, and their 
nobles with fetters of iron." 1 Few harangues from the 
pulpit, except in the days of your league in France, or in 
the days of our solemn league and covenant in England, have 
ever breathed less of the spirit of moderation than this lecture 
in the Old Jewry. Supposing, however, that something like 
moderation were visible in this political sermon ; yet politics 
and the pulpit are terms that have little agreement. No 
sound ought to be heard in the church but the healing voice 
of Christian charity. The cause of civil liberty and civil 
government gains as little as that of religion by this con- 
fusion of duties. Those who quit their proper character, to 
assume what does not belong to them, are, for the greater 
part, ignorant both of the character they leave, and of the 
character they assume. Wholly unacquainted with the world 
in which they are so fond of meddling, and inexperienced in 
all its affairs, on which they pronounce with so much confi- 
dence, they have nothing of politics but the passions they ex- 
cite. Surely the church is a place where one day's truce ought 
to be allowed to the dissensions and animosities of mankind. 
This pulpit style, revived after so long a discontinuance, 
had to me the air of novelty, and of a novelty not wholly 
without danger. I do not charge this danger equally to 
every part of the discourse. The hint given to a noble and 
reverend lay-divine, who is supposed high in office in one 
of our universities, 2 and other lay-divines " of rank and 
literature," may be proper and seasonable, though somewhat 
new. If the noble Seekers should find nothing to satisfy 
their pious fancies in the old staple of the national church, 
or in all the rich variety to be found in the well-assorted 
warehouses of the dissenting congregations, Dr. Price advises 
them to improve upon non-conformity; and to set up, each 
of them, a separate meeting-house upon his own particular 
principles. 3 It is somewhat remarkable that this reverend 

1 Psalm cxlix. 

9 Discourse on the Love of our Country, Nov. 4th, 1789, by Dr. Richard 
Price, 3rd edition, p. 17 and 18. 

8 " Those who dislike that mode of worship which is prescribed by public 
authority, ought, if they can find no worship out of the church which they 
approve, to set up a separate worship for themselves; and by doing this, 
and giving an example of a rational and manly worship, men of weight 
from their rank and literature may do the greatest service to society and 
the world."— P. 18, Dr. Price's Sermon. 


divine should be so earnest for setting up new churches, and 
so perfectly indifferent concerning the doctrine which may 
be taught in them. His zeal is of a curious character. It 
is not for the propagation of his own opinions, but of any 
opinions. It is not for the diffusion of truth, but for the 
spreading of contradiction. Let the noble teachers but dis- 
sent, it is no matter from whom or from what. This great 
point once secured, it is taken for granted their religion will 
be rational and manly. I doubt whether religion would reap 
all the benefits which the calculating divine computes from 
this " great company of great preachers." It would certainly 
be a valuable addition of non-descripts to the ample collection 
of known classes, genera and species, which at present beau- 
tify the hortus siccus of dissent. A sermon from a noble duke, 
or a noble marquis, or a noble earl, or baron bold, would 
certainly increase and diversify the amusements of this town, 
which begins to grow satiated with the uniform round of its 
vapid dissipations. I should only stipulate that these new 
Mess-Johns in robes and coronets should keep some sort of 
bounds in the democratic and levelling principles which are 
expected from their titled pulpits. The new evangelists will, 
I dare say, disappoint the hopes that are conceived of them. 
They will not become, literally as well as figuratively, polemic 
divines, nor be disposed so to drill their congregations, that 
they may, as in former blessed times, preach their doctrines 
to regiments of dragoons and corps of infantry and artillery. 
Such arrangements, however favourable to the cause of com- 
pulsory freedom, civil and religious, may not be equally con- 
ducive to the national tranquillity. These few restrictions I 
hope are no great stretches of intolerance, no very violent 
exertions of despotism. 

But I may say of our preacher, " utinam nugis tota ilia 
dedisset tempora scevitice." — All things in this his fulminating 
bull are not of so innoxious a tendency. His doctrines af- 
fect our constitution in its vital parts. He tells the Revo- 
lution Society in this political sermon, that his Majesty "is 
almost the only lawful king in the world, because the only 
one who owes his crown to the choice of his people." As to 
the kings of the world, all of whom (except one) this arch- 
pontiff of the rights of men, with all the plenitude, and with 

hc p — vol. XXIV 


more than the boldness, of the papal deposing power in its 
meridian fervour of the twelfth century, puts into one sweep- 
ing clause, of ban and anathema, and proclaims usurpers by- 
circles of longitude and latitude, over the whole globe, it 
behoves them to consider how they admit into their terri- 
tories these apostolic missionaries, who are to tell their sub- 
jects they are not lawful kings. That is their concern. It 
is ours, as a domestic interest of some moment, seriously to 
consider the solidity of the only principle upon which these 
gentlemen acknowledge a king of Great Britain to be en- 
titled to their allegiance. 

This doctrine, as applied to the prince now on the British 
throne, either is nonsense, and therefore neither true nor 
false, or it affirms a most unfounded, dangerous, illegal, and 
unconstitutional position. According to this spiritual doctor 
of politics, if his Majesty does not owe his crown to the 
choice of his people, he is no lawful king. Now nothing can 
be more untrue than that the crown of this kingdom is so 
held by his Majest}^ Therefore if you follow their rule, the 
king of Great Britain, who most certainly does not owe his 
high office to any form of popular election, is in no respect 
better than the rest of the gang of usurpers, who reign, or 
rather rob, all over the face of this our miserable world, 
without any sort of right or title to the allegiance of their 
people. The policy of this general doctrine, so qualified, is 
evident enough. The propagators of this political gospel are 
in hopes that their abstract principle (their principle that a 
popular choice is necessary to the legal existence of the 
sovereign magistracy) would be overlooked, whilst the king 
of Great Britain was not affected by it. In the mean time 
the ears of their congregations would be gradually habitu- 
ated to it, as if it were a first principle admitted without 
dispute. For the present it would only operate as a theory, 
pickled in the preserving juices of pulpit eloquence, and laid 
by for future use. Condo et compono qua mox depromere 
passim. By this policy, whilst our government is soothed 
with a reservation in its favour, to which it has no claim, the 
security, which it has in common with all governments, so 
far as opinion is security, is taken away. 

Thus these politicians proceed, whilst little notice is taken 


of their doctrines ; but when they come to be examined upon 
the plain meaning of their words, and the direct tendency of 
their doctrines, then equivocations and slippery constructions 
come into play. When they say the king owes his crown to 
the choice of his people, and is therefore the only lawful 
sovereign in the world, they will perhaps tell us they mean 
to say no more than that some of the king's predecessors 
have been called to the throne by some sort of choice; and 
therefore he owes his crown to the choice of his people. 
Thus, by a miserable subterfuge, they hope to render their 
proposition safe, by rendering it nugatory. They are wel- 
come to the asylum they seek for their offence, since they 
take refuge in their folly. For, if you admit this interpreta- 
tion, how does their idea of election differ from our idea of 

And how does the settlement of the crown in the Bruns- 
wick line derived from James the First come to legalize 
our monarchy, rather than that of any of the neighbour- 
ing countries? At some time or other, to be sure, all 
the beginners of dynasties were chosen by those who called 
them to govern. There is ground enough for the opinion 
that all the kingdoms of Europe were, at a remote period, 
elective, with more or fewer limitations in the objects of 
choice. But whatever kings might have been here, or else- 
where, a thousand years ago, or in whatever manner the 
ruling dynasties of England or France may have begun, the 
king of Great Britain is, at this day, king by a fixed rule of 
succession, according to the laws of his country; and whilst 
the legal conditions of the compact of sovereignty are per- 
formed by him, (as they are performed,) he holds his crown 
in contempt of the choice of the Revolution Society, who 
have not a single vote for a king amongst them, either indi- 
vidually or collectively; though I make no doubt they would 
soon erect themselves into an electoral college, if things 
were ripe to give effect to their claim. His Majesty's heirs 
and successors, each in his time and order, will come to the 
crown with the same contempt of their choice with which 
his Majesty has succeeded to that he wears. 

Whatever may be the success of evasion in explaining 
away the gross error of fact, which supposes that his Majesty 


(though he holds it in concurrence with the wishes) owes his 
crown to the choice of his people, yet nothing can evade 
their full explicit declaration concerning the principle of a 
right in the people to choose; which right is directly main- 
tained, and tenaciously adhered to. All the oblique insinua- 
tions concerning election bottom in this proposition, and 
are referable to it. Lest the foundation of the king's exclu- 
sive legal title should pass for a mere rant of adulatory free- 
dom, the political divine proceeds dogmatically to assert, 1 
that, by the principles of the Revolution, the people of 
England have acquired three fundamental rights, all which, 
with him, compose one system, and lie together in one short 
sentence; namely, that we have acquired a right, 

1. " To choose our own governors." 

2. " To cashier them for misconduct." 

3. " To frame a government for ourselves." 

This new, and hitherto unheard-of, bill of rights, though 
made in the name of the whole people, belongs to those 
gentlemen and their faction only. The body of the people 
of England have no share in it. They utterly disclaim it. 
They will resist the practical assertion of it with their lives 
and fortunes. They are bound to do so by the laws of their 
country, made at the time of that very Revolution which is 
appealed to in favour of the fictitious rights claimed by the 
Society which abuses its name. 

These gentlemen of the Old Jewry, in all their reasonings 
on the Revolution of 1688, have a Revolution which hap- 
pened in England about forty years before, and the late 
French Revolution, so much before their eyes, and in their 
hearts, that they are constantly confounding all the three to- 
gether. It is necessary that we should separate what they 
confound. We must recall their erring fancies to the acts 
of the Revolution which we revere, for the discovery of its 
true principles. If the principles of the Revolution of 1688 
are anywhere to be found, it is in the statute called the Dec- 
laration of Right. In that most wise, sober, and consider- 
ate declaration, drawn up by great lawyers and great states- 
men, and not by warm and inexperienced enthusiasts, not one 
word is said, nor one suggestion made, of a general right " to 

1 P- 34. Discourse on the Love of our Country, by Dr. Price. 


choose our own governors; to cashier them for misconduct; 
and to form a government for ourselves." 

This Declaration of Right (the act of the ist of William 
and Mary, sess. 2, ch. 2) is the corner-stone of our consti- 
tution, as reinforced, explained, improved, and in its funda- 
mental principles for ever settled. It is called " An Act for 
declaring the rights and liberties of the subject, and for set- 
tling the succession of the crown." You will observe, that 
these rights and this succession are declared in one body, and 
bound indissolubly together. 

A few years after this period, a second opportunity offered 
for asserting a right of election to the crown. On the 
prospect of a total failure of issue from King William, and 
from the Princess, afterwards Queen Anne, the consideration 
of the settlement of the crown, and of a further security 
for the liberties of the people, again came before the legis- 
lature. Did they this second time make any provision for 
legalizing the crown on the spurious revolution principles of 
the Old Jewry? No. They followed the principles which 
prevailed in the Declaration of Right; indicating with more 
precision the persons who were to inherit in the Protestant 
line. This act also incorporated, by the same policy, our 
liberties, and an hereditary succession in the same act. In- 
stead of a right to choose our own governors, they declared 
that the succession in that line (the Protestant line drawn 
from James the First) was absolutely necessary " for the 
peace, quiet, and security of the realm," and that it was 
equally urgent on them " to maintain a certainty in the suc- 
cession thereof, to which the subjects may safely have re- 
course for their protection." Both these acts, in which are 
heard the unerring, unambiguous oracles of revolution policy, 
instead of countenancing the delusive, gipsy predictions of a 
" right to choose our governors," prove to a demonstration 
how totally adverse the wisdom of the nation was from turn- 
ing a case of necessity into a rule of law. 

Unquestionably there was at the Revolution, in the per- 
son of King William, a small and a temporary deviation from 
the strict order of a regular hereditary succession; but it is 
against all genuine principles of jurisprudence to draw a 
principle from a law made in a special case, and regarding 


an individual person. Privilegium non transit in exemplum. 
If ever there was a time favourable for establishing the 
principle, that a king of popular choice was the only legal 
king, without all doubt it was at the Revolution. Its not 
being done at that time is a proof that the nation was of 
opinion it ought not to be done at any time. There is no 
person so completely ignorant of our history as not to know, 
that the majority in parliament of both parties were so little 
disposed to anything resembling that principle, that at first 
they were determined to place the vacant crown, not on the 
head of the Prince of Orange, but on that of his wife Mary, 
daughter of King James, the eldest born of the issue of that 
king, which they acknowledged as undoubtedly his. It would 
be to repeat a very trite story, to recall to your memory all 
those circumstances which demonstrated that their accept- 
ing King William was not properly a choice; but to all those 
who did not wish, in effect, to recall King James, or to deluge 
their country in blood, and again to bring their religion, laws, 
and liberties into the peril they had just escaped, it was an 
act of necessity, in the strictest moral sense in which neces- 
sity can be taken. 

In the very act, in which for a time, and in a single case, 
parliament departed from the strict order of inheritance, 
in favour of a prince, who, though not next, was however 
very near, in the line of succession, it is curious to observe 
how Lord Somers, who drew the bill called the Declaration 
of Right, has comported himself on that delicate occasion. 
It is curious to observe with what address this temporary 
solution of continuity is kept from the eye; whilst all that 
could be found in this act of necessity to countenance the 
idea of an hereditary succession is brought forward, and 
fostered, and made the most of, by this great man, and 
by the legislature who followed him. Quitting the dry, im- 
perative style of an act of parliament, he makes the Lords 
and Commons fall to a pious, legislative ejaculation, and 
declare, that they consider it " as a marvellous providence, 
and merciful goodness of God to this nation, to preserve 
their said Majesties' royal persons, most happily to reign 
over us on the throne of their ancestors, for which, from the 
bottom of their hearts, they return their humblest thanks 


and praises." — The legislature plainly had in view the act of 
recognition of the first of Queen Elizabeth, chap. 3rd, and of 
that of James the First, chap. 1st, both acts strongly de- 
claratory of the inheritable nature of the crown, and in 
many parts they follow, with a nearly literal precision, the 
words and even the form of thanksgiving which is found in 
these old declaratory statutes. 

The two Houses, in the act of King William, did not 
thank God that they had found a fair opportunity to assert 
a right to choose their own governors, much less to make an 
election the only lawful title to the crown. Their having 
been in a condition to avoid the very appearance of it, as 
much as possible, was by them considered as a providential 
escape. They threw a politic, well-wrought veil over every 
circumstance tending to weaken the rights, which in the 
meliorated order of succession they meant to perpetuate; or 
which might furnish a precedent for any future departure 
from what they had then settled for ever. Accordingly, 
that they might not relax the nerves of their monarchy, 
and that they might preserve a close conformity to the prac- 
tice of their ancestors, as it appeared in the declaratory 
statutes of Queen Mary 1 and Queen Elizabeth, in the next 
clause they vest, by recognition, in their Majesties, all the 
legal prerogatives of the crown, declaring, " that in them 
they are most fully, rightfully, and entirely invested, incor- 
porated, united, and annexed." In the clause which fol- 
lows, for preventing questions, by reason of aay pretended 
titles to the crown, they declare, (observing also in this the 
traditionary language, along with the traditionary policy 
of the nation, and repeating as from a rubric the language 
of the preceding acts of Elizabeth and James,) that on the 
preserving " a certainty in the succession thereof, the unity, 
peace, and tranquillity of this nation doth, under God, wholly 

They knew that a doubtful title of succession would but 
too much resemble an election ; and that an election would 
be utterly destructive of the " unity, peace, and tranquillity 
of this nation," which they thought to be considerations of 
some moment. To provide for these objects, and therefore 

1 ist Mary, sess. 3, ch. 1. 


to exclude for ever the Old Jewry doctrine of " a right to 
choose our own governors," they follow with a clause con- 
taining a most solemn pledge, taken from the preceding act 
of Queen Elizabeth, as solemn a pledge as ever was or can 
be given in favour of an hereditary succession, and as solemn 
a renunciation as could be made of the principles by this 
Society imputed to them. "The Lords spiritual and tem- 
poral, and Commons, do, in the name of all the people afore- 
said, most humbly and faithfully submit themselves, their 
heirs and posterities for ever; and do faithfully promise that 
they will stand to maintain, and defend their said Majesties, 
and also the limitation of the crown, herein specified and con- 
tained, to the utmost of their powers," &c. &c. 

So far is it from being true, that we acquired a right by 
the Revolution to elect our kings, that if we had possessed 
it before, the English nation did at that time most solemnly 
renounce and abdicate it, for themselves, and for all their 
posterity for ever. These gentlemen may value themselves 
as much as they please on their Whig principles; but I 
never desire to be thought a better Whig than Lord Somers ; 
or to understand the principles of the Revolution better than 
those by whom it was brought about; or to read in the Dec- 
laration of Right any mysteries unknown to those whose 
penetrating style has engraved in our ordinances, and in our 
hearts, the words and spirit of that immortal law. 

It is true, that, aided with the powers derived from force 
and opportunity, the nation was at that time, in some sense, 
free to take what course it pleased for filling the throne; 
but only free to do so upon the same grounds on which they 
might have wholly abolished their monarchy, and every 
other part of their constitution. However, they did not 
think such bold changes within their commission. It is in- 
deed difficult, perhaps impossible, to give limits to the mere 
abstract competence of the supreme power, such as was exer- 
cised by parliament at that time; but the limits of a moral 
competence, subjecting, even in powers more indisputably 
sovereign, occasional will to permanent reason, and to the 
steady maxims of faith, justice, and fixed fundamental policy, 
are perfectly intelligible, and perfectly binding upon those 
who exercise any authority, under any name, or under any 


title, in the state. The House of Lords, for instance, is not 
morally competent to dissolve the House of Commons; 
no, nor even to dissolve itself, nor to abdicate, if it would, 
its portion in the legislature of the kingdom. Though a king 
may abdicate for his own person, he cannot abdicate for the 
monarchy. By as strong, or by a stronger reason, the House 
of Commons cannot renounce its share of authority. The 
engagement and pact of society, which generally goes by the 
name of the constitution, forbids such invasion and such 
surrender. The constituent parts of a state are obliged to 
hold their public faith with each other, and with all those 
who derive any serious interest under their engagements, as 
much as the whole state is bound to keep its faith with 
separate communities. Otherwise competence and power 
would soon be confounded, and no law be left but the will 
of a prevailing force. On this principle the succession of 
the crown has always been what it now is, an hereditary 
succession by law: in the old line it was a succession by the 
common law; in the new by the statute law, operating on 
the principles of the common law, not changing the sub- 
stance, but regulating the mode, and describing the persons. 
Both these descriptions of law are of the same force, and are 
derived from an equal authority, emanating from the com- 
mon agreement and original compact of the state, communi 
sponsione reipublicce, and as such are equally binding on king 
and people too, as long as the terms are observed, and they 
continue the same body politic. 

It is far from impossible to reconcile, if we do not suffer 
ourselves to be entangled in the mazes of metaphysic sophis- 
try, the use both of a fixed rule and an occasional deviation ; 
the sacredness of an hereditary principle of succession in 
our government, with a power of change in its application 
in cases of extreme emergency. Even in that extremity, (if 
we take the measure of our rights by our exercise of them 
at the Revolution,) the change is to be confined to the pec- 
cant part only; to the part which produced the necessary 
deviation ; and even then it is to be effected without a de- 
composition of the whole civil and political mass, for the 
purpose of originating a new civil order out of the first 
elements of society. 


A state without the means of some change is without the 
means of its conservation. Without such means it might 
even risk the loss of that part of the constitution which it 
wished the most religiously to preserve. The two princi- 
ples of conservation and correction operated strongly at the 
two critical periods of the Restoration and Revolution, when 
England found itself without a king. At both those periods 
the nation had lost the bond of union in their ancient edifice ; 
they did not, however, dissolve the whole fabric. On the 
contrary, in both cases they regenerated the deficient part 
of the old constitution through the parts which were not 
impaired. They kept these old parts exactly as they were, 
that the part recovered might be suited to them. They 
acted by the ancient organized states in the shape of their 
old organization, and not by the organic molecules of a dis- 
banded people. At no time, perhaps, did the sovereign 
legislature manifest a more tender regard to that funda- 
mental principle of British constitutional policy, than at the 
time of the Revolution, when it deviated from the direct 
fine of hereditary succession. The crown was carried some- 
what out of the line in which it had before moved; but the 
new line was derived from the same stock. It was still a 
line of hereditary descent; still an hereditary descent in 
the same blood, though an hereditary descent qualified with 
Protestantism. When the legislature altered the direction, but 
kept the principle, they showed that they held it inviolable. 

On this principle, the law of inheritance had admitted 
some amendment in the old time, and long before the era 
of the Revolution. Some time after the conquest, great 
questions arose upon the legal principles of hereditary 
descent. It became a matter of doubt, whether the heir 
per capita or the heir per stirpes was to succeed ; but whether 
the heir per capita gave way when the heirdom per stirpes 
took place, or the Catholic heir when the Protestant was 
preferred, the inheritable principle survived with a sort of 
immortality through all transmigrations — multosque per 
annos stat fortuna domus, ct avi numerantur avorum. This 
is the spirit of our constitution, not only in its settled course, 
but in all its revolutions. Whoever came in, or, however he 
came in, whether he obtained the crown by law, or by force, 


the hereditary succession was either continued or adopted. 
The gentlemen of the Society for Revolutions see nothing 
in that of 1688 but the deviation from the constitution ; and 
they take the deviation from the principle for the principle. 
They have little regard to the obvious consequences of their 
doctrine, though they must see, that it leaves positive author- 
ity in very few of the positive institutions of this country. 
When such an unwarrantable maxim is once established, that 
no throne is lawful but the elective, no one act of the princes 
who preceded this era of fictitious election can be valid. Do 
these theorists mean to imitate some of their predecessors, 
who dragged the bodies of our ancient sovereigns out of 
the quiet of their tombs? Do they mean to attaint and dis- 
able backwards all the kings that have reigned before the 
Revolution, and consequently to stain the throne of England 
with the blot of a continual usurpation? Do they mean to 
invalidate, annul, or to call into question, together with the 
titles of the whole line of our kings, that great body of our 
statute law which passed under those whom they treat as 
usurpers? to annul laws of inestimable value to our liberties 
— of as great value at least as any which have passed at or 
since the period of the Revolution? If kings, who did not 
owe their crown to the choice of their people, had no title to 
make laws, what will become of the statute de tallagio non 
concedcndo? — of the petition of right? — of the act of habeas 
corpus? Do these new doctors of the rights of men pre- 
sume to assert, that King James the Second, who came to 
the crown as next of blood, according to the rules of a then 
unqualified succession, was not to all intents and purposes a 
lawful king of England, before he had done any of those 
acts which were justly construed into an abdication of his 
crown? If he was not, much trouble in parliament might 
have been saved at the period these gentlemen commemorate. 
But King James was a bad king with a good title, and not an 
usurper. The princes who succeeded according to the act 
of parliament which settled the crown on the Electress 
Sophia and on her descendants, being Protestants, came in 
as much by a title of inheritance as King James did. He 
came in according to the law, as it stood at his accession to 
the crown ; and the princes of the House of Brunswick came 


to the inheritance of the crown, not by election, but by the 
law as it stood at their several accessions of Protestant 
descent and inheritance, as I hope I have shown sufficiently. 

The law, by which this royal family is specifically destined 
to the succession, is the act of the 12th and 13th of King 
William. The terms of this act bind " us and our heirs, and 
our posterity, to them, their heirs, and their posterity," being 
Protestants, to the end of time, in the same words as the 
Declaration of Right had bound us to the heirs of King 
William and Queen Mary. It therefore secures both an 
hereditary crown and an hereditary allegiance. On what 
ground, except the constitutional policy of forming an estab- 
lishment to secure that kind of succession which is to pre- 
clude a choice of the people for ever, could the legislature 
have fastidiously rejected the fair and abundant choice 
which our country presented to them, and searched in 
strange lands for a foreign princess, from whose womb the 
line of our future rulers were to derive their title to govern 
millions of men through a series of ages? 

The Princess Sophia was named in the act of settlement 
of the 12th and 13th of King William, for a stock and root 
of inheritance to our kings, and not for her merits as a 
temporary administratrix of a power, which she might not, 
and in fact did not, herself ever exercise. She was adopted 
for one reason, and for one only, because, says the act, " the 
most excellent Princess Sophia, Electress and Duchess Dow- 
ager of Hanover, is daughter of the most excellent Princess 
Elizabeth, late Queen of Bohemia, daughter of our late 
sovereign lord King James the First, of happy memory, and 
is hereby declared to be the next in succession in the Protes- 
tant line," &c, &c. ; "and the crown shall continue to the 
heirs of her body, being Protestants." This limitation was 
made by parliament, that through the Princess Sophia an 
inheritable line not only was to be continued in future, but 
(what they thought very material) that through her it was 
to be connected with the old stock of inheritance in King 
James the First ; in order that the monarchy might preserve 
an unbroken unity through all ages, and might be preserved 
(with safety to our religion) in the old approved mode by 
descent, in which, if our liberties had been once endangered, 


they had often, through all storms and struggles of preroga- 
tive and privilege, been preserved. They did well. No 
experience has taught us, that in any other course or method 
than that of an hereditary crown our liberties can be regu- 
larly perpetuated and preserved sacred as our hereditary 
right. An irregular, convulsive movement may be necessary 
to throw off an irregular, convulsive disease. But the course 
of succession is the healthy habit of the British constitution. 
Was it that the legislature wanted, at the act for the limita- 
tion of the crown in the Hanoverian line, drawn through 
the female descendants of James the First, a due sense of 
the inconveniences of having two or three, or possibly more, 
foreigners in succession to the British throne ? No ! — they 
had a due sense of the evils which might happen from such 
foreign rule, and more than a due sense of them. But a 
more decisive proof cannot be given of the full conviction 
of the British nation, that the principles of the Revolution 
did not authorize them to elect kings at their pleasure, and 
without any attention to the ancient fundamental principles 
of our government, than their continuing to adopt a plan of 
hereditary Protestant succession in the old line, with all the 
dangers and all the inconveniences of its being a foreign line 
full before their eyes, and operating with the utmost force 
upon their minds. 

A few years ago I should be ashamed to overload a matter, 
so capable of supporting itself, by the then unnecessary sup- 
port of any argument; but this seditious, unconstitutional 
doctrine is now publicly taught, avowed, and printed. The 
dislike I feel to revolutions, the signals for which have so 
often been given from pulpits; the spirit of change that is 
gone abroad; the total contempt which prevails with you, 
and may come to prevail with us, of all ancient institutions, 
when set in opposition to a present sense of convenience, or 
to the bent of a present inclination : all these considerations 
make it not unadvisable, in my opinion, to call back our at- 
tention to the true principles of our own domestic laws ; that, 
you, my French friend, should begin to know, and that we 
should continue to cherish them. We ought not, on either 
side of the water, to suffer ourselves to be imposed upon by 
the counterfeit wares which some persons, by a double fraud, 


export to you in illicit bottoms, as raw commodities of 
British growth, though wholly alien to our soil, in order 
afterwards to smuggle them back again into this country, 
manufactured after the newest Paris fashion of an improved 

The people of England will not ape the fashions they have 
never tried, nor go back to those which they have found 
mischievous on trial. They look upon the legal hereditary 
succession of their crown as among their rights, not as 
among their wrongs; as a benefit, not as a grievance; as a 
security for their liberty, not as a badge of servitude. They 
look on the frame of their commonwealth, such as it stands, 
to be of inestimable value; and they conceive the undis- 
turbed succession of the crown to be a pledge of the stability 
and perpetuity of all the other members of our constitution. 

I shall beg leave, before I go any further, to take notice 
of some paltry artifices, which the abettors of election, as the 
only lawful title to the crown, are ready to employ, in order 
to render the support of the just principles of our consti- 
tution a task somewhat invidious. These sophisters substi- 
tute a fictitious cause, and feigned personages, in whose 
favour they suppose you engaged, whenever you defend the 
inheritable nature of the crown. It is common with them to 
dispute as if they were in a conflict with some of those ex- 
ploded fanatics of slavery, who formerly maintained, what I 
believe no creature now maintains, " that the crown is held 
by divine hereditary and indefeasible right." — These old 
fanatics of single arbitrary power dogmatized as if heredi- 
tary royalty was the only lawful government in the world, 
just as our new fanatics of popular arbitrary power main- 
tain that a popular election is the sole lawful source of 
authority. The old prerogative enthusiasts, it is true, did 
speculate foolishly, and perhaps impiously too, as if mon- 
archy had more of a divine sanction than any other mode 
of government; and as if a right to govern by inheritance 
were in strictness indefeasible in every person, who should 
be found in the succession to a throne, and under every cir- 
cumstance, which no civil or political right can be. But an 
absurd opinion concerning the king's hereditary right to 
the crown does not prejudice one that is rational, and bot- 


tomed upon solid principles of law and policy. If all the 
absurd theories of lawyers and divines were to vitiate the 
objects in which they are conversant, we should have no 
law and no religion left in the world. But an absurd theory 
on one side of a question forms no justification for alleging 
a false fact, or promulgating mischievous maxims, on the 

The second claim of the Revolution Society is " a right of 
cashiering their governors for mis conduct/' Perhaps the 
apprehensions our ancestors entertained of forming such a 
precedent as that " of cashiering for misconduct," was the 
cause that the declaration of the act, which implied the 
abdication of King James, was, if it had any fault, rather 
too guarded, and too circumstantial. 1 But all this guard, 
and all this accumulation of circumstances, serves to show 
the spirit of caution which predominated in the national 
councils in a situation in which men irritated by oppression, 
and elevated by a triumph over it, are apt to abandon them- 
selves to violent and extreme courses : it shows the anxiety 
of the great men who influenced the conduct of affairs at 
that great event to make the Revolution a parent of settle- 
ment, and not a nursery of future revolutions. 

No government could stand a moment, if it could be blown 
down with anything so loose and indefinite as an opinion of 
" misconduct." They who led at the Revolution grounded 
the virtual abdication of King James upon no such light and 
uncertain principle. They charged him with nothing less 
than a design, confirmed by a multitude of illegal overt acts, 
to subvert the Protestant church and state, and their funda- 
mental, unquestionable laws and liberties : they charged him 
with having broken the original contract between king and 
people. This was more than misconduct. A grave and 
overruling necessity obliged them to take the step they took, 
and took with infinite reluctance, as under that most rigor- 
ous of all laws. Their trust for the future preservation of 
the constitution was not in future revolutions. The grand 

1 " That King James the Second, having endeavoured to subvert the 
constitution of the kingdom by breaking the original contract between King 
and people, and, by the advice of Jesuits, and other wicked persons, having 
violated the fundamental laws, and having withdrawn himself out of the 
kingdom, hath abdicated the government, and the throne is thereby vacant." 


policy of all their regulations was to render it almost im- 
practicable for any future sovereign to compel the states 
of the kingdom to have again recourse to those violent 
remedies. They left the crown what, in the eye and esti- 
mation of law, it had never been, perfectly irresponsible. 
In order to lighten the crown still further, they aggravated 
responsibility on ministers of state. By the statute of the 
ist of King William, sess. 2nd, called " the act for declaring 
the rights and liberties of the subject, and for settling the 
succession to the crown," they enacted, that the ministers 
should serve the crown on the terms of that declaration. 
They secured soon after the frequent meetings of parlia- 
ment, by which the whole government would be under the 
constant inspection and active control of the popular repre- 
sentative and of the magnates of the kingdom. In the next 
great constitutional act, that of the 12th and 13th of King 
William, for the further limitation of the crown, and better 
securing the rights and liberties of the subject, they pro- 
vided, " that no pardon under the great seal of England 
should be pleadable to an impeachment by the Commons in 
parliament." The rule laid down for government in the 
Declaration of Right, the constant inspection of parliament, 
the practical claim of impeachment, they thought infinitely 
a better security not only for their constitutional liberty, 
but against the vices of administration, than the reservation 
of a right so difficult in the practice, so uncertain in the 
issue, and often so mischievous in the consequences, as that 
of " cashiering their governors." 

Dr. Price, in his sermon, 1 condemns very properly the 
practice of gross, adulatory addresses to kings. Instead of 
this fulsome style, he proposes that his Majesty should be 
told, on occasions of congratulation, that " he is to consider 
himself as more properly the servant than the sovereign of 
his people." For a compliment, this new form of address 
does not seem to be very soothing. Those who are servants 
in name, as well as in effect, do not like to be told of their 
situation, their duty, and their obligations. The slave, in the 
old play, tells his master, "Hac commemoratio est quasi ex- 
frobatio." It is not pleasant as compliment; it is not 

1 P. 32-34. 


wholesome as instruction. After all, if the king were to 
bring himself to echo this new kind of address, to adopt it in 
terms, and even to take the appellation of Servant of the 
People as his royal style, how either he or we should be 
much mended by it, I cannot imagine. I have seen very 
assuming letters, signed, Your most obedient, humble ser- 
vant. The proudest denomination that ever was endured 
on earth took a title of still greater humility than that which 
is now proposed for sovereigns by the Apostle of Liberty. 
Kings and nations were trampled upon by the foot of one 
calling himself " the Servant of Servants ;" and mandates 
for deposing sovereigns were sealed with the signet of " the 

I should have considered all this as no more than a sort 
of flippant, vain discourse, in which, as in an unsavoury 
fume, several persons suffer the spirit of liberty to evaporate, 
if it were not plainly in support of the idea, and a part of 
the scheme, of " cashiering kings for misconduct." In that 
light it is worth some observation. 

Kings, in one sense, are undoubtedly the servants of the 
people, because their power has no other rational end than 
that of the general advantage ; but it is not true that they 
are, in the ordinary sense, (by our constitution at least,) 
anything like servants ; the essence of whose situation is to 
obey the commands of some other, and to be removable at 
pleasure. But the king of Great Britain obeys no other per- 
son; all other persons are individually, and collectively too, 
under him, and owe to him a legal obedience. The law, 
which knows neither to flatter nor to insult, calls this high 
magistrate, not our servant, as this humble divine calls him, 
but " our sovereign Lord the king;" and we, on our parts, 
have learned to speak only the primitive language of the 
law, and not the confused jargon of their Babylonian pulpits. 

As he is not to obey us, but as we are to obey the law 
in him, our constitution has made no sort of provision 
towards rendering him, as a servant, in any degree respon- 
sible. Our constitution knows nothing of a magistrate like 
the Justicia of Arragon ; nor of any court legally appointed, 
nor of any process legally settled, for submitting the king 
to the responsibility belonging to all servants. In this he 


is not distinguished from the Commons and the Lords; 
who, in their several public capacities, can never be called 
to an account for their conduct; although the Revolution 
Society chooses to assert, in direct opposition to one of the 
wisest and most beautiful parts of our constitution, that 
" a king is no more than the first servant of the public, cre- 
ated by it, and responsible to it." 

Ill would our ancestors at the Revolution have deserved 
their fame for wisdom, if they had found no security for 
their freedom, but in rendering their government feeble in 
its operations, and precarious in its tenure ; if they had been 
able to contrive no better remedy against arbitrary power 
than civil confusion. Let these gentlemen state who that 
representative public is to whom they will affirm the king, as 
a servant, to be responsible. It will then be time enough 
for me to produce to them the positive statute law which 
affirms that he is not. 

The ceremony of cashiering kings, of which these gentle- 
men talk so much at their ease, can rarely, if ever, be per- 
formed without force. It then become a case of war, and 
not of constitution. Laws are commanded to hold their 
tongues amongst arms; and tribunals fall to the ground 
with the peace they are no longer able to uphold. The 
Revolution of 1688 was obtained by a just war, in the only 
case in which any war, and much more a civil war, can be 
just. "Justa bella quibus necessaria." The question of de- 
throning, or, if these gentlemen like the phrase better, 
"cashiering kings," will always be, as it has always been, 
an extraordinary question of state, and wholly out of the 
law; a question (like all other questions of state) of dis- 
positions, and of means, and of probable consequences, 
rather than of positive rights. As it was not made for com- 
mon abuses, so it is not to be agitated by common minds. 
The speculative line of demarcation, where obedience ought 
to end, and resistance must begin, is faint, obscure, and not 
easily definable. It is not a single act, or a single event, 
which determines it. Governments must be abused and 
deranged indeed, before it can be thought of ; and the pros- 
pect of the future must be as bad as the experience of the 
past. When things are in that lamentable condition, the 


nature of the disease is to indicate the remedy to those 
whom nature has qualified to administer in extremities this 
critical, ambiguous, bitter potion to a distempered state. 
Times, and occasions, and provocations, will teach their own 
lessons. The wise will determine from the gravity of the 
case ; the irritable, from sensibility to oppression ; the high- 
minded, from disdain and indignation at abusive power in 
unworthy hands; the brave and bold, from the love of 
honourable danger in a generous cause : but, with or without 
right, a revolution will be the very last resource of the 
thinking and the good. 

The third head of right, asserted by the pulpit of the Old 
Jewry, namely, the " right to form a government for our- 
selves," has, at least, as little countenance from anything 
done at the Revolution, either in precedent or principle, as 
the two first of their claims. The Revolution was made to 
preserve our ancient, indisputable laws and liberties, and 
that ancient constitution of government which is our only 
security for law and liberty. If you are desirous of know- 
ing the spirit of our constitution, and the policy which pre- 
dominated in that great period which has secured it to this 
hour, pray look for both in our histories, in our records, in 
our acts of parliament, and journals of parliament, and not 
in the sermons of the Old Jewry, and the after-dinner toasts 
of the Revolution Society. In the former you will find 
other ideas and another language. Such a claim is as ill- 
suited to our temper and wishes as it is unsupported by any 
appearance of authority. The very idea of the fabrication 
of a new government is enough to fill us with disgust and 
horror. We wished at the period of the Revolution, and 
do now wish, to derive all we possess as an inheritance 
from our forefathers. Upon that body and stock of in- 
heritance we have taken care not to inoculate any scion alien 
to the nature of the original plant. All the reformations we 
have hitherto made have proceeded upon the principle of 
reverence to antiquity ; and I hope, nay I am persuaded, 
that all those which possibly may be made hereafter, will be 
carefully formed upon analogical precedent, authority, and 

Our oldest reformation is that of Magna Charta. You 


will see that Sir Edward Coke, that great oracle of our 
law, and indeed all the great men who follow him, to Black- 
stone, 1 are industrious to prove the pedigree of our liberties. 
They endeavour to prove, that the ancient charter, the 
Magna Charta of King John, was connected with another 
positive charter from Henry L, and that both the one and 
the other were nothing more than a re-affirmance of the still 
more ancient standing law of the kingdom. In the matter 
of fact, for the greater part, these authors appear to be in 
the right; perhaps not always; but if the lawyers mistake 
in some particulars, it proves my position still the more 
strongly; because it demonstrates the powerful preposses- 
sion towards antiquity, with which the minds of all our 
lawyers and legislators, and of all the people whom they 
wish to influence, have been always filled; and the stationary 
policy of this kingdom in considering their most sacred 
rights and franchises as an inheritance. 

In the famous law of the 3rd of Charles I., called the 
Petition of Right, the parliament says to the king, "Your 
subjects have inherited this freedom," claiming their fran- 
chises not on abstract principles "as the rights of men," but 
as the rights of Englishmen, and as a patrimony derived 
from their forefathers. Selden, and the other profoundly 
learned men, who drew this Petition of Right, were as well 
acquainted, at least, with all the general theories concerning 
the "rights of men," as any of the discoursers in our pul- 
pits, or on your tribune ; full as well as Dr. Price, or as the 
Abbe Sieyes. But, for reasons worthy of that practical 
wisdom which superseded their theoretic science, they pre- 
ferred this positive, recorded, hereditary title to all which 
can be dear to the man and the citizen, to that vague specu- 
lative right, which exposed their sure inheritance to be 
scrambled for and torn to pieces by every wild, litigious 

The same policy pervades all the laws which have since 
been made for the preservation of our liberties. In the 1st 
of William and Mary, in the famous statute, called the 
Declaration of Right, the two Houses utter not a syllable of 
"a right to frame a government for themselves." You will 

1 See Blackstone's Magna Charta, printed at Oxford, 1759. 


see, that their whole care was to secure the religion, laws, 
and liberties, that had been long possessed, and had been 
lately endangered. "Taking 1 into their most serious con- 
sideration the best means for making such an establishment, 
that their religion, laws, and liberties might not be in dan- 
ger of being again subverted/' they auspicate all their pro- 
ceedings, by stating as some of those best means, "in the 
first place" to do "as their ancestors in like cases have 
usually done for vindicating their ancient rights and lib- 
erties, to declare;" — and then they pray the king and queen, 
"that it may be declared and enacted, that all and singular 
the rights and liberties asserted and declared, are the true 
ancient and indubitable rights and liberties of the people 
of this kingdom." 

You will observe, that from Magna Charta to the Declara- 
tion of Right, it has been the uniform policy of our consti- 
tution to claim and assert our liberties, as an entailed in- 
heritance derived to us from our forefathers, and to be 
transmitted to our posterity ; as an estate specially belonging 
to the people of this kingdom, without any reference what- 
ever to any other more general or prior right. By this 
means our constitution preserves a unity in so great a 
diversity of its parts. We have an inheritable crown ; an 
inheritable peerage ; and a House of Commons and a people 
inheriting privileges, franchises, and liberties, from a long 
line of ancestors. 

This policy appears to me to be the result of profound 
reflection; or rather the happy effect of following nature, 
which is wisdom without reflection, and above it. A spirit 
of innovation is generally the result of a selfish temper, 
and confined views. People will not look forward to poster- 
ity, who never look backward to their ancestors. Besides, 
the people of England well know, that the idea of inherit- 
ance furnishes a sure principle of conservation, and a sure 
principle of transmission ; without at all excluding a prin- 
ciple of improvement. It leaves acquisition free; but it se- 
cures what it acquires. Whatever advantages are obtained 
by a state proceeding on these maxims, are locked fast as 
in a sort of family settlement ; grasped as in a kind of mort- 

1 i W. and M. 


main for ever. By a constitutional policy, working after 
the pattern of nature, we receive, we hold, we transmit our 
government and our privileges, in the same manner in which 
we enjoy and transmit our property and our lives. The in- 
stitutions of policy, the goods of fortune, the gifts of provi- 
dence, are handed down to us, and from us, in the same 
course and order. Our political system is placed in a just 
correspondence and symmetry with the order of the world, 
and with the mode of existence decreed to a permanent 
body composed of transitory parts ; wherein, by the dispo- 
sition of a stupendous wisdom, moulding together the great 
mysterious incorporation of the human race, the whole, at 
one time, is never old, or middle-aged, or young, but, in a 
condition of unchangeable constancy, moves on through the 
varied tenor of perpetual decay, fall, renovation, and pro- 
gression. Thus, by preserving the method of nature in the 
conduct of the state, in what we improve, we are never 
wholly new; in what we retain, we are never wholly obso- 
lete. By adhering in this manner and on those principles 
to our forefathers, we are guided not by the superstition of 
antiquarians, but by the spirit of philosophic analogy. In 
this choice of inheritance we have given to our frame of 
polity the image of a relation in blood; binding up the con- 
stitution of our country with our dearest domestic ties; 
adopting our fundamental laws into the bosom of our family 
affections; keeping inseparable, and cherishing with the 
warmth of all their combined and mutually reflected chari- 
ties, our state, our hearths, our sepulchres, and our altars. 

Through the same plan of a conformity to nature in our 
artificial institutions, and by calling in the aid of her un- 
erring and powerful instincts, to fortify the fallible and 
feeble contrivances of our reason, we have derived several 
other, and those no small benefits, from considering our 
liberties in the light of an inheritance. Always acting as if 
in the presence of canonized forefathers, the spirit of free- 
dom, leading in itself to misrule and excess, is tempered with 
an awful gravity. This idea of a liberal descent inspires 
us with a sense of habitual native dignity, which prevents 
that upstart insolence almost inevitably adhering to and dis- 
gracing those who are the first acquirers of any distinction. 


By this means our liberty becomes a noble freedom. It 
carries an imposing and majestic aspect. It has a pedi- 
gree and illustrating ancestors. It has its bearings and its 
ensigns armorial. It has its gallery of portraits; its mon- 
umental inscriptions; its records, evidences, and titles. We 
procure reverence to our civil institutions on the principle 
upon which nature teaches us to revere individual men ; 
on account of their age, and on account of those from whom 
they are descended. All your sophisters cannot produce 
anything better adapted to preserve a rational and manly 
freedom than the course that we have pursued, who have 
chosen our nature rather than our speculations, our breasts 
rather than our inventions, for the great conservatories and 
magazines of our rights and privileges. 

You might, if you pleased, have profited of our example, 
and have given to your recovered freedom a correspondent 
dignity. Your privileges, though discontinued, were not lost 
to memory. Your constitution, it is true, whilst you were 
out of possession, suffered waste and dilapidation; but you 
possessed in some parts the walls, and, in all, the founda- 
tions, of a noble and venerable castle. You might have re* 
paired those walls ; you might have built on those old founda- 
tions. Your constitution was suspended before it was per- 
fected; but you had the elements of a constitution very 
nearly as good as could be wished. In your old states you 
possessed that variety of parts corresponding with the 
various descriptions of which your community was happily 
composed; you had all that combination, and all that oppo- 
sition of interests, you had that action and counteraction, 
which, in the natural and in the political world, from the 
reciprocal struggle of discordant powers, draws out the 
harmony of the universe. These opposed and conflicting 
interests, which you considered as so great a blemish in 
your old and in our present constitution, interpose a salu- 
tary check to all precipitate resolutions. They render de- 
liberation a matter not of choice, but of necessity; they 
make all change a subject of compromise, which naturally 
begets moderation ; they produce temperaments preventing 
the sore evil of harsh, crude, unqualified reformations; 
and rendering all the headlong exertions of arbitrary power. 


in the few or in the many for ever impracticable. Through 
that diversity of members and interests, general liberty had 
as many securities as there were separate views in the 
several orders; whilst by pressing down the whole by the 
weight of a real monarchy, the separate parts would have 
been prevented from warping, and starting from their al- 
lotted places. 

You had all these advantages in your ancient states ; but 
you chose to act as if you had never been moulded into civil 
society, and had everything to begin anew. You began ill, 
because you began by despising everything that belonged to 
you. You set up your trade without a capital. If the last 
generations of your country appeared without much lustre 
in your eyes, you might have passed them by, and derived 
your claims from a more early race of ancestors. Under a 
pious predilection for those ancestors, your imaginations 
would have realized in them a standard of virtue and wis- 
dom, beyond the vulgar practice of the hour : and you would 
have risen with the example to whose imitation you aspired. 
Respecting your forefathers, you would have been taught to 
respect yourselves. You would not have chosen to consider 
the French as a people of yesterday, as a nation of low-born 
servile wretches until the emancipating year of 1789. In 
order to furnish, at the expense of your honour, an excuse 
to your apologists here for several enormities of yours, you 
would not have been content to be represented as a gang of 
Maroon slaves, suddenly broke loose from the house of 
bondage, and therefore to be pardoned for your abuse of the 
liberty to which you were not accustomed, and ill fitted. 
Would it not, my worthy friend, have been wiser to have you 
thought, what I, for one, always thought you, a generous and 
gallant nation, long misled to your disadvantage by your 
high and romantic sentiments of fidelity, honour, and loy- 
alty ; that events had been unfavourable to you, but that you 
were not enslaved through any illiberal or servile disposi- 
tion ; that in your most devoted submission, you were actu- 
ated by a principle of public spirit, and that it was your 
country you worshipped, in the person of your king? Had 
you made it to be understood, that in the delusion of this 
amiable error you had gone further than your wise ances- 


tors; that you were resolved to resume your ancient privi- 
leges, whilst you preserved the spirit of your ancient and 
your recent loyalty and honour; or if, diffident of yourselves, 
and not clearly discerning the almost obliterated constitution 
of your ancestors, you had looked to your neighbours in this 
land, who had kept alive the ancient principles and models of 
the old common law of Europe meliorated and adapted to its 
present state — by following wise examples you would have 
given new examples of wisdom to the world. You would 
have rendered the cause of liberty venerable in the eyes 
of every worthy mind in every nation. You would have 
shamed despotism from the earth, by showing that freedom 
was not only reconcilable, but, as when well disciplined it is, 
auxiliary to law. You would have had an unoppressive but 
a productive revenue. You would have had a flourishing 
commerce to feed it. You would have had a free constitu- 
tion ; a potent monarchy ; a disciplined army ; a reformed 
and venerated clergy; a mitigated but spirited nobility, to 
lead your virtue, not to overlay it; you would have had a 
liberal order of commons, to emulate and to recruit that no- 
bility; you would have had a protected, satisfied, laborious, 
and obedient people, taught to seek and to recognise the hap- 
piness that is to be found by virtue in all conditions; in 
which consists the true moral equality of mankind, and not 
in that monstrous fiction, which, by inspiring false ideas and 
vain expectations into men destined to travel in the ob- 
scure walk of laborious life, serves only to aggravate and 
embitter that real inequality, which it never can remove; 
and which the order of civil life establishes as much for the 
benefit of those whom it must leave in an humble state, as 
those whom it is able to exalt to a condition more splendid, 
but not more happy. You had a smooth and easy career of 
felicity and glory laid open to you, beyond anything recorded 
in the history of the world; but you have shown that diffi- 
culty is good for man. 

Compute your gains : see what is got by those extravagant 
and presumptuous speculations which have taught your lead- 
ers to despise all their predecessors, and all their contem- 
poraries, and even to despise themselves, until the moment 
in which they became truly despicable. By following those 


false lights, France has bought undisguised calamities at a 
higher price than any nation has purchased the most une- 
quivocal blessings ! France has bought poverty by crime ! 
France has not sacrificed her virtue to her interest, but she 
has abandoned her interest, that she might prostitute her 
virtue. All other nations have begun the fabric of a new 
government, or the reformation of an old, by establishing 
originally, or by enforcing with greater exactness, some rites 
or other of religion. All other people have laid the founda- 
tions of civil freedom in severer manners, and a system of a 
more austere and masculine morality. France, when she let 
loose the reins of regal authority, doubled the license of a 
ferocious dissoluteness in manners, and of an insolent irre- 
ligion in opinions and practices; and has extended through 
all ranks of life, as if she were communicating some privilege, 
or laying open some secluded benefit, all the unhappy cor- 
ruptions that usually were the disease of wealth and power. 
This is one of the new principles of equality in France. 

France, by the perfidy of her leaders, has utterly disgraced 
the tone of lenient council in the cabinets of princes, and 
disarmed it of its most potent topics. She has sanctified 
the dark, suspicious maxims of tyrannous distrust; and 
taught kings to tremble at (what will hereafter be called) 
the delusive plausibilities of moral politicians. Sovereigns 
will consider those, who advise them to place an unlimited 
confidence in their people, as subverters of their thrones; as 
traitors who aim at their destruction, by leading their easy 
good-nature, under specious pretences, to admit combinations 
of bold and faithless men into a participation of their power. 
This alone (if there were nothing else) is an irreparable 
calamity to you and to mankind. Remember that your 
parliament of Paris told your king, that, in calling the states 
together, he had nothing to fear but the prodigal excess of 
their zeal in providing for the support of the throne. It is 
right that these men should hide their heads. It is righJ- 
that they should bear their part in the ruin which their 
counsel has brought on their sovereign and their country. 
Such sanguine declarations tend to lull authority asleep; to 
encourage it rashly to engage in perilous adventures of un- 
tried policy; to neglect those provisions, preparations, and 


precautions, which distinguish benevolence from imbecility; 
and without which no man can answer for the salutary effect 
of any abstract plan of government or of freedom. For want 
of these, they have seen the medicine of the state corrupted 
into its poison. They have seen the French rebel against a 
mild and lawful monarch, with more fury, outrage, and in- 
sult, than ever any people has been known to rise against 
the most illegal usurper, or the most sanguinary tyrant. 
Their resistance was made to concession; their revolt was 
from protection; their blow , was aimed at a hand holding 
out graces, favours, and immunities. 

This was unnatural. The rest is in order. They have 
found their punishment in their success. Laws overturned; 
tribunals subverted; industry without vigour; commerce ex- 
piring; the revenue unpaid, yet the people impoverished; a 
church pillaged, and a state not relieved; civil and military 
anarchy made the constitution of the kingdom; everything 
human and divine sacrificed to the idol of public credit, and 
national bankruptcy the consequence; and, to crown all, the 
paper securities of new, precarious, tottering power, the dis- 
credited paper securities of impoverished fraud and beg- 
gared rapine, held out as a currency for the support of an 
empire, in lieu of the two great recognised species that repre- 
sent the lasting, conventional credit of mankind, which dis- 
appeared and hid themselves in the earth from whence they 
came, when the principle of property, whose creatures and 
representatives they are, was systematically subverted. 

Were all these dreadful things necessary? Were they the 
inevitable results of the desperate struggle of determined 
patriots, compelled to wade through blood and tumult, to the 
quiet shore of a tranquil and prosperous liberty? No! 
nothing like it. The fresh ruins of France, which shock our 
feelings wherever we can turn our eyes, are not the devasta- 
tion of civil war ; they are the sad but instructive monuments 
of rash and ignorant counsel in time of profound peace. 
They are the display of inconsiderate and presumptuous, be- 
cause unresisted and irresistible, authority. The persons who 
have thus squandered away the precious treasure of their 
crimes, the persons who have made this prodigal and wild 
waste of public evils, (the last stake reserved for the ultimate 


ransom of the state,) have met in their progress with little, 
or rather with no opposition at all. Their whole march was 
more like a triumphal procession, than the progress of a war. 
Their pioneers have gone before them, and demolished and 
laid everything level at their feet. Not one drop of their 
blood have they shed in the cause of the country they have 
ruined. They have made no sacrifices to their projects of 
greater consequence than their shoe-buckles, whilst they 
were imprisoning their king, murdering their fellow-citizens, 
and bathing in tears, and plunging in poverty and distress, 
thousands of worthy men and worthy families. Their cruelty 
has not even been the base result of fear. It has been the 
effect of their sense of perfect safety, in authorizing treasons, 
robberies, rapes, assassinations, slaughters, and burnings, 
throughout their harassed land. But the cause of all was 
plain from the beginning. 

This unforced choice, this fond election of evil, would 
appear perfectly unaccountable, if we did not consider the 
composition of the National Assembly: I do not mean its 
formal constitution, which, as it now stands, is exceptionable 
enough, but the materials of which, in a great measure, it 
is composed, which is of ten thousand times greater conse- 
quence than all the formalities in the world. If we were 
to know nothing of this assembly but by its title and func- 
tion, no colours could paint to the imagination anything 
more venerable. In that light the mind of an inquirer, sub- 
dued by such an awful image as that of the virtue and wis- 
dom of a whole people collected into a focus, would pause 
and hesitate in condemning things even of the very worst 
aspect. Instead of blameable, they would appear only mys- 
terious. But no name, no power, no function, no artificial 
institution whatsoever, can make the men of whom any sys- 
tem of authority is composed any other than God, and nature, 
and education, and their habits of life have made them. 
Capacities beyond these the people have not to give. Virtue 
and wisdom may be the objects of their choice; but their 
choice confers neither the one nor the other on those upon 
whom they lay their ordaining hands. They have not the 
engagement of nature, they have not the promise of revela- 
tion, for any such powers. 


After I had read over the list of the persons and descrip- 
tions elected into the Tiers titat, nothing which they after- 
wards did could appear astonishing. Among them, indeed, 
I saw some of known rank; some of shining talents; but of 
any practical experience in the state, not one man was to be 
found. The best were only men of theory. But whatever 
the distinguished few may have been, it is the substance and 
mass of the body which constitutes its character, and must 
finally determine its direction. In all bodies, those who will 
lead, must also, in a considerable degree, follow. They must 
conform their propositions to the taste, talent, and dispo- 
sition, of those whom they wish to conduct: therefore, if an 
assembly is viciously or feebly composed in a very great part 
of it, nothing but such a supreme degree of virtue as very 
rarely appears in the world, and for that reason cannot enter 
into calculation, will prevent the men of talent disseminated 
through it from becoming only the expert instruments of 
absurd projects ! If, what is the more likely event, instead 
of that unusual degree of virtue, they should be actuated by 
sinister ambition, and a lust of meretricious glory, then the 
feeble part of the assembly, to whom at first they conform, 
becomes in its turn the dupe and instrument of their de- 
signs. In this political traffic, the leaders will be obliged to 
bow to the ignorance of their followers, and the followers 
to become subservient to the worst designs of their leaders. 

To secure any degree of sobriety in the propositions made 
by the leaders in any public assembly, they ought to respect, 
in some degree perhaps to fear, those whom they conduct. 
To be led any otherwise than blindly, the followers must be 
qualified, if not for actors, at least for judges; they must 
also be judges of natural weight and authority. Nothing 
can secure a steady and moderate conduct in such assemblies, 
but that the body of them should be respectably composed, 
in point of condition in life, or permanent property, of edu- 
cation, and of such habits as enlarge and liberalize the un- 

In the calling of the states-general of France, the first 
thing that struck me, was a great departure from the ancient 
course. I found the representation for the third estate com- 
posed of six hundred persons. They were equal in number 


to the representatives of both the other orders. If the orders 
were to act separately, the number would not, beyond the con- 
sideration of the expense, be of much moment. But when 
it became apparent that the three orders were to be melted 
down into one, the policy and necessary effect of this numer- 
ous representation became obvious. A very small desertion 
from either of the other two orders must throw the power of 
both into the hands of the third. In fact, the whole power 
of the state was soon resolved into that body. Its due com- 
position became therefore of infinitely the greater impor- 

Judge, Sir, of my surprise, when I found that a very 
great proportion of the assembly (a majority, I believe, of 
the members who attended) was composed of practitioners 
in the law. It was composed, not of distinguished magis- 
trates, who had given pledges to their country of their 
science, prudence, and integrity; not of leading advocates, 
the glory of the bar; not of renowned professors in univer- 
sities; — but for the far greater part, as it must in such a 
number, of the inferior, unlearned, mechanical, merely in- 
strumental members of the profession. There were distin- 
guished exceptions; but the general composition was of 
obscure provincial advocates, of stewards of petty local juris- 
dictions, country attornies, notaries, and the whole train of 
the ministers of municipal litigation, the fomenters and con- 
ductors of the petty war of village vexation. From the 
moment I read the list, I saw distinctly, and very nearly as 
it has happened, all that was to follow. 

The degree of estimation in which any profession is held 
becomes the standard of the estimation in which the pro- 
fessors hold themselves. Whatever the personal merits of 
many individual lawyers might have been, and in many it 
was undoubtedly very considerable, in that military kingdom 
no part of the profession had been much regarded, except the 
highest of all, who often united to their professional offices 
great family splendour, and were invested with great power 
and authority. These certainly were highly respected, and 
even with no small degree of awe. The next rank was not 
much esteemed; the mechanical part was in a very low de- 
gree of repute. 


Whenever the supreme authority is vested in a body so 
composed, it must evidently produce the consequences of 
supreme authority placed in the hands of men not taught 
habitually to respect themselves; who had no previous for- 
tune in character at stake ; who could not be expected to beat 
with moderation, or to conduct with discretion, a power, 
which they themselves, more than any others, must be sur- 
prised to find in their hands. Who could flatter himself 
that these men, suddenly, and, as it were, by enchantment, 
snatched from the humblest rank of subordination, would 
not be intoxicated with their unprepared greatness? Who 
could conceive that men, who are habitually meddling, dar- 
ing, subtle, active, of litigious dispositions and unquiet minds, 
would easily fall back into their old condition of obscure 
contention, and laborious, low, and unprofitable chicane? 
Who could doubt but that, at any expense to the state, of 
which they understood nothing, they must pursue their pri- 
vate interests which they understood but too well? It was 
not an event depending on chance, or contingency. It was 
inevitable ; it was necessary ; it was planted in the natcire 
of things. They must join (if their capacity did not per- 
mit them to lead) in any project which could procure to 
them a litigious constitution; which could lay open to them 
those innumerable lucrative jobs, which follow in the train 
of all great convulsions and revolutions in the state, and 
particularly in all great and violent permutations of prop- 
erty. Was it to be expected that they would attend to the 
stability of property, whose existence had always depended 
upon whatever rendered property questionable, ambiguous, 
and insecure? Their objects would be enlarged with their 
elevation, but their disposition and habits, and mode of ac- 
complishing their designs, must remain the same. 

Well ! but these men were to be tempered and restrained 
by other descriptions, of more sober and more enlarged 
understandings. Were they then to be awed by the super- 
eminent authority and awful dignity of a handful of country 
clowns, who have seats in that assembly, some of whom 
are said not to be able to read and write? and by not a 
greater number of traders, who, though somewhat more in- 
structed, and more conspicuous in the order of society, had 


never known anything beyond their counting-house. No ! 
both these descriptions were more formed to be overborne 
and swayed by the intrigues and artifices of lawyers, than 
to become their counterpoise. With such a dangerous dis- 
proportion, the whole must needs be governed by them. 
To the faculty of law was joined a pretty considerable pro- 
portion of the faculty of medicine. This faculty had not, 
any more than that of the law, possessed in France its 
just estimation. Its professors, therefore, must have the 
qualities of men not habituated to sentiments of dignity. 
But supposing they had ranked as they ought to do, and as 
with us they do actually, the sides of sick beds are not the 
academies for forming statesmen and legislators. Then came 
the dealers in stocks and funds, who must be eager, at any 
expense, to change their ideal paper wealth for the more solid 
substance of land. To these were joined men of other de- 
scriptions, from whom as little knowledge of, or attention to, 
the interests of a great state was to be expected, and as 
little regard to the stability of any institution ; men formed 
to be instruments, not controls. Such in general was the 
composition of the Tiers Etat in the National Assembly; in 
which was scarcely to be perceived the slightest traces of 
what we call the natural landed interest of the country. 

We know that the British House of Commons, without 
shutting its doors to any merit in any class, is, by the sure 
operation of adequate causes, filled with everything illustri- 
ous in rank, in descent, in hereditary and in acquired opu- 
lence, in cultivated talents, in military, civil, naval, and 
politic distinction, that the country can afford. But sup- 
posing, what hardly can be supposed as a case, that the 
House of Commons should be composed in the same man- 
ner with the Tiers Etat in France, would this dominion of 
chicane be borne with patience, or even conceived without 
horror? God forbid I should insinuate anything derogatory 
to that profession, which is another priesthood, administrat- 
ing the rights of sacred justice. But whilst I revere men in 
the functions which belong to them, and would do as much 
as one man can do to prevent their exclusion from any, I 
cannot, to flatter them, give the lie to nature. They are 
good and useful in the composition; they must be mischie- 


vous if they preponderate so as virtually to become the 
whole. Their very excellence in their peculiar functions 
may be far from a qualification for others. It cannot es- 
cape observation, that when men are too much confined to 
professional and faculty habits, and as it were inveterate 
in the recurrent employment of that narrow circle, they are 
rather disabled than qualified for whatever depends on the 
knowledge of mankind, on experience in mixed affairs, on 
a comprehensive, connected view of the various, com- 
plicated, external and internal interests, which go to the 
formation of that multifarious thing called a state. 

After all, if the House of Commons were to have a wholly 
professional and faculty composition, what is the power of 
the House of Commons, circumscribed and shut in by the 
immoveable barriers of laws, usages, positive rules of doc- 
trine and practice, counterpoised by the House of Lords, 
and every moment of its existence at the discretion of the 
crown to continue, prorogue, or dissolve us? The power of 
the House of Commons, direct or indirect, is indeed great ; 
and long may it be able to preserve its greatness, and the 
spirit belonging to true greatness, at the full ; and it will do 
so, as long as it can keep the breakers of law in India from 
becoming the makers of law for England. The power, how- 
ever, of the House of Commons, when least diminished, is 
as a drop of water in the ocean, compared to that residing 
in a settled majority of your National Assembly. That as- 
sembly, since the destruction of the orders, has no funda- 
mental law, no strict convention, no respected usage to re- 
strain it. Instead of finding themselves obliged to conform 
to a fixed constitution, they have a power to make a constitu- 
tion which shall conform to their designs. Nothing in 
heaven or upon earth can serve as a control on them. What 
ought to be the heads, the hearts, the dispositions, that are 
qualified, or that dare, not only to make laws under a fixed 
constitution, but at one heat to strike out a totally new con- 
stitution for a great kingdom, and in every part of it, from 
the monarch on the throne to the vestry of a parish? But — 
" fools rush in where angels fear to tread." In such a state 
of unbounded power for undefined and undefinable purposes, 
the evil of a moral and almost physical inaptitude of the 
hc g — vol. xxiv 


man to the function must be the greatest we can conceive to 
happen in the management of human affairs. 

Having considered the composition of the third estate as 
it stood in its original frame, I took a view of the represent- 
atives of the clergy. There too it appeared, that full as 
little regard was had to the general security of property, or 
to the aptitude of the deputies for the public purposes, in 
the principles of their election. That election was so con- 
trived, as to send a very large proportion of mere country- 
curates to the great and arduous work of new-modelling a 
state; men who never had seen the state so much as in a 
picture; men who knew nothing of the world beyond the 
bounds of an obscure village; who, immersed in hopeless 
poverty, could regard all property, whether secular or eccle- 
siastical, with no other eye than that of envy; among whom 
must be many who, for the smallest hope of the meanest 
dividend in plunder, would readily join in any attempts upon 
a body of wealth, in which they could hardly look to have 
any share, except in a general scramble. Instead of balanc- 
ing the power of the active chicaners in the other assembly, 
these curates must necessarily become the active coadjutors, 
or at best the passive instruments, of those by whom they 
had been habitually guided in their petty village concerns. 
They too could hardly be the most conscientious of their 
kind, who presuming upon their incompetent understanding, 
could intrigue for a trust which led them from their natural 
relation to their flocks, and their natural spheres of action, to 
undertake the regeneration of kingdoms. This preponder- 
ating weight, being added to the force of the body of chicane 
in the Tiers Etat, completed that momentum of ignorance, 
rashness, presumption, and lust of plunder, which nothing 
has been able to resist. 

To observing men it must have appeared from the begin- 
ning, that the majority of the Third Estate, in conjunction 
with such a deputation from the clergy as I have described, 
whilst it pursued the destruction of the nobility, would in- 
evitably become subservient to the worst designs of indi- 
viduals in that class. In the spoil and humiliation of their 
own order these individuals woulc* possess a sure fund for 
the pay of their new, followers. T/0 squander away the 


objects which made the happiness of their fellows, would be 
to them no sacrifice at all. Turbulent, discontented men of 
quality, in proportion as they are puffed up with personal 
pride and arrogance, generally despise their own order. One 
of the first symptoms they discover of a selfish and mis- 
chievous ambition, is a profligate disregard of a dignity 
which they partake with others. To be attached to the sub- 
division, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, 
is the first principle (the germ as it were) of public affec- 
tions. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed 
towards a love to our country, and to mankind. The in- 
terest of that portion of social arrangement is a trust in the 
hands of all those who compose it; and as none but bad men 
would justify it in abuse, none but traitors would barter it 
away for their own personal advantage. 

There were in the time of our civil troubles in England, 
(J do not know whether you have any such in your assembly 
in France,) several persons, like the then Earl of Holland, 
who by themselves or their families had brought an odium 
on the throne, by the prodigal dispensation of its bounties 
towards them, who afterwards joined in the rebellions aris- 
ing from the discontents of which they were themselves the 
cause ; men who helped to subvert that throne to which they 
owed, some of them, their existence, others all that power 
which they employed to ruin their benefactor. If any 
bounds are set to the rapacious demands of that sort of 
people, or that others are permitted to partake in the objects 
they would engross, revenge and envy soon fill up the crav- 
ing void that is left in their avarice. Confounded by the 
complication of distempered passions, their reason is dis- 
turbed ; their views become vast and perplexed ; to others 
inexplicable; to themselves uncertain. They find, on all 
sides, bounds to their unprincipled ambition in any fixed 
order of things. Both in the fog and haze of confusion all 
is enlarged, and appears without any limit. 

When men of rank sacrifice all ideas of dignity to an 
ambition without a distinct object, and work with low in- 
struments and for low ends, the whole composition becomes 
low and base. Does not something like this now appear in 
France? Does it not produce something ignoble and in- 


glorious? a kind of meanness in all the prevalent policy? a 
tendency in all that is done to lower along with individuals 
all the dignity and importance of the state? Other revolu- 
tions have been conducted by persons, who, whilst they 
attempted or affected changes in the commonwealth, sancti- 
fied their ambition by advancing the dignity of the people 
whose peace they troubled. They had long views. They 
aimed at the rule, not at the destruction, of their country. 
They were men of great civil and great military talents, and 
if the terror, the ornament of their age. They were not 
like Jew brokers, contending with each other who could best 
remedy with fraudulent circulation and depreciated paper the 
wretchedness and ruin brought on their country by their 
degenerate councils. The compliment made to one of the 
great bad men of the old stamp (Cromwell) by his kinsman, 
a favourite poet of that time, shows what it was he proposed, 
and what indeed to a great degree he accomplished, in the 
success of his ambition : 

" Still as you rise, the state exalted too, 
Finds no distemper whilst 'tis changed by you; 
Changed like the world's great scene, when without noise 
The rising sun night's vulgar lights destroys." 

These disturbers were not so much like men usurping 
power, as asserting their natural place in society. Their 
rising was to illuminate and beautify the world. Their con- 
quest over their competitors was by outshining them. The 
hand that, like a destroying angel, smote the country, com- 
municated to it the force and energy under which it suffered. 
I do not say, (God forbid,) I do not say, that the virtues of 
such men were to be taken as a balance to their crimes : but 
they were some corrective to their effects. Such was, as I 
said, our Cromwell. Such were your whole race of Guises, 
Condes, and Colignis. Such the Richelieus, who in more 
quiet times acted in the spirit of a civil war. Such, as better 
men, and in a less dubious cause, were your Henry the 
Fourth and your Sully, though nursed in civil confusions, 
and not wholly without some of their taint. It is a thing 
to be wondered at, to see how very soon France, when she 
had a moment to respire, recovered and emerged from the 


longest and most dreadful civil war that ever was known in 
any nation. Why? Because among all their massacres, they 
had not slain the mind in their country. A conscious dig- 
nity, a noble pride, a generous sense oi glory and emulation, 
was not extinguished. On the contrary, it was kindled and 
inflamed. The organs also of the state, however shattered, 
existed. All the prizes of honour and virtue, all the rewards, 
all the distinctions remained. But your present confusion, 
like a palsy, has attacked the fountain of life itself. Every 
person in your country, in a situation to be actuated by a 
principle of honour, is disgraced and degraded, and can 
entertain no sensation ot life, except in a mortified and 
humiliated indignation. But this generation will quicklj 
pass away. The next generation of the nobility will resem- 
ble the artificers and clowns, and money -jobbers, usurers, 
and Jews, who will be always their fellows, sometimes their 

Believe me, Sir, those who attempt to level, never equalise. 
In all societies, consisting of various descriptions of citi- 
zens, some description must be uppermost. The levellers 
therefore only change and pervert the natural order of 
things ; they load the edifice of society, by setting up in the 
air what the solidity of the structure requires to be on the 
ground. The association of tailors and carpenters, of which 
the republic (of Paris, for instance) is composed, cannot 
be equal to the situation, into which, by the worst of usur- 
pations, an usurpation on the prerogatives of nature, you 
attempt to force them. 

The Chancellor of France at the opening of the states, 
said, in a tone of oratorical flourish, that all occupations 
were honourable. If he meant only, that no honest employ- 
ment was disgraceful, he would not have gone beyond the 
truth. But in asserting that anything is honourable, we 
imply some distinction in its favour. The occupation of 
a hair-dresser, or of a working tallow-chandler, cannot be a 
matter of honour to any person — to say nothing of a num- 
ber of other more servile employments. Such descriptions 
of men ought not to suffer oppression from the state ; but 
the state suffers oppression, if such as they, either individ- 
ually or collectively are permitted to rule. In this you 


think you are combating prejudice, but you are at war with 
nature. 1 

I do not, my dear Sir, conceive you to be of that sophis- 
tical, captious spirit, or of that uncandid dulness, as to re- 
quire, for every general observation or sentiment, an explicit 
detail of the correctives and exceptions, which reason will 
presume to be included in all the general propositions which 
come from reasonable men. You do not imagine, that I wish 
, to confine power, authority, and distinction to blood, and 
names, and titles. No, Sir. There is no qualification for 
government but virtue and wisdom, actual or presumptive. 
Wherever they are actually found, they have, in whatever 
state, condition, profession, or trade, the passport of Heaven 
to human place and honour. Woe to the country which 
would madly and impiously reject the service of the talents 
and virtues, civil, military, or religious, that are given to 
grace and to serve it ; and would condemn to obscurity every- 
thing formed to diffuse lustre and glory around a state ! Woe 
to that country too, that, passing into the opposite extreme, 
considers a low education, a mean contracted view of things, 
a sordid, mercenary occupation, as a preferable title to com- 
mand ! Everything ought to be open ; but not indifferently 
to every man. No rotation ; no appointment by lot ; no 
mode of election operating in the spirit of sortition, or rota- 
tion, can be generally good in a government conversant in 
extensive objects. Because they have no tendency, direct or 
indirect, to select the man with a view to the duty, or to ac- 
commodate the one to the other. I do not hesitate to say, 
that the road to eminence and power, from obscure condition, 
ought not to be made too easy, nor a thing too much of 

1 Ecclesiasticus, chap, xxxviii. verse 24, 25. " The wisdom of a learned 
man come*th by opportunity of leisure; and he that hath little business 
shall become wise. — " How can he get wisdom that holdeth the plough, 
and that glorieth in the goad; that driveth oxen; and is occupied in their 
labours; and whose talk is of bullocks? " 

Ver. 2j. " So every carpenter and work-master that laboureth night 
and day," &c. 

Ver. 33. " They shall not be sought for in public counsel, nor sit high 
in the congregation: they shall not sit on the judge's seat, nor understand 
the sentence of judgment; they cannot declare justice and judgment, and 
they shall not be found where parables are spoken." 

Ver. 34. " But they will maintain the state of the world." 

I do not determine whether this book be canonical, as the Gallican 
chuith (till lately) has considered it, or apocryphal, as here it is taken. I 
am sure it contains a great deal of sense and truth. 


course. If rare merit be the rarest of all rare things, it 
ought to pass through some sort of probation. The temple 
of honour ought to be seated on an eminence. If it be 
opened through virtue, let it be remembered too, that virtue 
is never tried but by some difficulty and some struggle. 

Nothing is a due and adequate representation of a state, 
that does not represent its ability, as well as its property. 
But as ability is a vigorous and active principle, and as prop- 
erty is sluggish, inert, and timid, it never can be safe from 
the invasions of ability, unless it be, out of all proportion, 
predominant in the representation. It must be represented 
too in great masses of accumulation, or it is not rightly pro- 
tected. The characteristic essence of property, formed out 
of the combined principles of its acquisition and conservation, 
is to be unequal. The great masses therefore which excite 
envy, and tempt rapacity, must be put out of the possibility 
of danger. Then they form a natural rampart about the 
lesser properties in all their gradations. The same quantity 
of property, which is by the natural course of things divided 
among many, has not the same operation. Its defensive 
power is weakened as it is diffused. In this diffusion each 
man's portion is less than what, in the eagerness of his de- 
sires, he may flatter himself to obtain by dissipating the 
accumulations of others. The plunder of the few would 
indeed give but a share inconceivably small in the distribu- 
tion to the many. But the many are not capable of making 
this calculation ; and those who lead them to rapine never 
intend this distribution. 

The power of perpetuating our property in our families is 
one of the most valuable and interesting circumstances be- 
longing to it, and that which tends the most to the perpetua- 
tion of society itself. It makes our weakness subservient to 
our virtue; it grafts benevolence even upon avarice. The 
possessors of family wealth, and of the distinction which at- 
tends hereditary possession, (as most concerned in it,) are 
the natural securities for this transmission. With us the 
House of Peers is formed upon this principle. It is wholly 
composed of hereditary property and hereditary distinction; 
and made therefore the third of the legislature; and, in the 
last event, the sole judge of all property in all its subdivisions. 


The House of Commons too, though not necessarily, yet in 
fact, is always so composed, in the far greater part. Let 
those large proprietors be what they will, and they have 
their chance of being amongst the best, they are, at the very 
worst, the ballast in the vessel of the commonwealth. For 
though hereditary wealth, and the rank which goes with it, 
are too much idolized by creeping sycophants, and the blind, 
abject admirers of power, they are too rashly slighted in 
shallow speculations of the petulant, assuming, short-sighted 
coxcombs of philosophy. Some decent, regulated pre-emi- 
nence, some preference (not exclusive appropriation) given 
to birth, is neither unnatural, nor unjust, nor impolitic. 

It is said, that twenty-four millions ought to prevail over 
two hundred thousand. True ; if the constitution of a king- 
dom be a problem of arithmetic. This sort of discourse does 
well enough with the lamp-post for its second: to men who 
may reason calmly, it is ridiculous. The will of the many, 
and their interest, must very often differ ; and great will be 
the difference when they make an evil choice. A government 
of five hundred country attornies and obscure curates is not 
good for twenty-four millions of men, though it were chosen 
by eight and forty millions; nor is it the better for being 
guided by a dozen of persons of quality, who have betrayed 
their trust in order to obtain that power. At present, you 
seem in everything to have strayed out of the high road of 
nature. The property of France does not govern it. Of 
course property is destroyed, and rational liberty has no ex- 
istence. All you have got for the present is a paper circula- 
tion, and a stock-jobbing constitution : and, as to the future, 
do you seriously think that the territory of France, upon 
the republican system of eighty-three independent munic- 
ipalities, (to say nothing of the parts that compose them,) 
can ever be governed as one body, or can ever be set in 
motion by the impulse of one mind? When the National As- 
sembly has completed its work, it will have accomplished its 
ruin. These commonwealths will not long bear a state of 
subjection to the republic of Paris. They will not bear that 
this one body should monopolize the captivity of the king, and 
the dominion over the assembly calling itself national. Each 
will keep its own portion of the spoil of the church to itself; 


and it will not suffer either that spoil, or the more just fruits 
of their industry, or the natural produce of their soil, to be 
sent to swell the insolence, or pamper the luxury, of the 
mechanics of Paris. In this they will see none of the 
equality, under the pretence of which they have been tempted 
to throw off their allegiance to their sovereign, as well as the 
ancient constitution of their country. There can be no cap- 
ital city in such a constitution as they have lately made. They 
have forgot, that when they framed democratic governments, 
they had virtually dismembered their country. The person, 
whom they persevere in calling king, has not power left to 
him by the hundredth part sufficient to hold together this 
collection of republics. The republic of Paris will endeav- 
our indeed to complete the debauchery of the army, and 
illegally to perpetuate the assembly, without resort to its 
constituents, as the means of continuing its despotism. It 
will make efforts, by becoming the heart of a boundless 
paper circulation, to draw everything to itself; but in vain. 
All this policy in the end will appear as feeble as it is 
now violent. 

If this be your actual situation, compared to the situation 
to which you were called, as it were by the voice of God and 
man, I cannot find it in my heart to congratulate you on 
the choice you have made, or the success which has attended 
your endeavours. I can as little recommend to any other 
nation a conduct grounded on such principles, and produc- 
tive of such effects. That I must leave to those who can 
see farther into your affairs than I am able to do, and who 
best know how far your actions are favourable to their de- 
signs. The gentlemen of the Revolution Society, who were 
so early in their congratulations, appear to be strongly of 
opinion that there is some scheme of politics relative to this 
country in which your proceedings may, in some way, be 
useful. For your Dr. Price, who seems to have speculated 
himself into no small degree of fervour upon this subject, 
addresses his auditory in the following very remarkable 
words : " I cannot conclude without recalling particularly 
to your recollection a consideration which I have more than 
once alluded to, and which probably your thoughts have 
been all along anticipating ; a consideration with which 


my mind is impressed more than I can express. I mean the 
consideration of the favourableness of the present times to 
all exertions in the cause of liberty." 

It is plain that the mind of this political preacher was at 
the time big with some extraordinary design; and it is very 
probable that the thoughts of his audience, who understood 
him better than I do, did all along run before him in 
his reflection, and in the whole train of consequences to 
which it led. 

Before I read that sermon, I really thought I had lived 
in a free country; and it was an error I cherished, because 
it gave me a greater liking to the country I lived in. I was 
indeed, aware, that a jealous, ever-waking vigilance, to guard 
the treasure of our liberty, not only from invasion, but 
from decay and corruption, was our best wisdom, and our 
first duty. However, I considered that treasure rather as a 
possession to be secured, than as a prize to be contended for. 
I did not discern how the present time came to be so very 
favourable to all exertions in the cause of freedom. The 
present time differs from any other only by the circum- 
stance of what is doing in France. If the example of that 
nation is to have an influence on this, I can easily conceive 
why some of their proceedings which have an unpleasant 
aspect, and are not quite reconcilable to humanity, generos- 
ity, good faith, and justice, are palliated with so much milky 
good-nature towards the actors, and borne with so much 
heroic fortitude towards the sufferers. It is certainly not 
prudent to discredit the authority of an example we mean to 
follow. But allowing this, we are led to a very natural 
question ; — What is that cause of liberty, and what are those 
exertions in its favour, to which the example of France is 
so singularly auspicious? Is our monarchy to be annihi- 
lated, with all the laws, all the tribunals, and all the ancient 
corporations of the kingdom? Is every land-mark of the 
country to be done away in favour of a geometrical 
and arithmetical constitution? Is the House of Lords to 
be voted useless? Is episcopacy to be abolished? Are the 
church lands to be sold to Jews and jobbers; or given to 
bribe new-invented municipal republics into a participation 
in sacrilege? Are all the taxes to be voted grievances, and 


the revenue reduced to a patriotic contribution, or patriotic 
presents? Are silver shoe-buckles to be substituted in the 
place of the land tax and the malt tax, for the support of 
the naval strength of this kingdom? Are all orders, ranks, 
and distinctions to be confounded, that out of universal 
anarchy, joined to national bankruptcy, three or four thou- 
sand democracies should be formed into eighty-three, and 
that they may all, by some sort of unknown attractive power, 
be organized into one? For this great end is the army to 
be seduced from its discipline and its fidelity, first by every 
kind of debauchery, and then by the terrible precedent of a 
donative in the increase of pay? Are the curates to be 
seduced from their bishops, by holding out to them the 
delusive hope of a dole out of the spoils of their own order? 
Are the citizens of London to be drawn from their allegiance 
by feeding them at the expense of their fellow-subjects? Is 
a compulsory paper currency to be substituted in the place 
of the legal coin of this kingdom? Is what remains of the 
plundered stock of public revenue to be employed in the 
wild project of maintaining two armies to watch over and 
to fight with each other? If these are the ends and means 
of the Revolution Society, I admit that they are well as- 
sorted; and France may furnish them for both with prece- 
dents in point. 

I see that your example is held out to shame us. I know 
that we are supposed a dull, sluggish race, rendered passive 
by finding our situation tolerable, and prevented by a medi- 
ocrity of freedom from ever attaining to its full perfection. 
Your leaders in France began by affecting to admire, almost 
to adore, the British constitution; but as they advanced, 
they came to look upon it with a sovereign contempt. The 
friends of your National Assembly amongst us have full as 
mean an opinion of what was formerly thought the glory of 
their country. The Revolution Society has discovered that \ 
the English nation is not free. They are convinced that 
the inequality in our representation is a " defect in our con- 
stitution so gross and palpable, as to make it excellent 
chiefly in form and theory/' 1 That a representation in the 
legislature of a kingdom is not only the basis of all consti- 

* Discourse on the Love of our Country, 3rd edit. p. 39. 


tutional liberty in it, but of "all legitimate government; that 
without it a government is nothing but an usurpation;" — 
that " when the representation is partial, the kingdom pos- 
sesses liberty only partially; and if extremely partial, it 
gives only a semblance; and if not only extremely partial, 
but corruptly chosen, it becomes a nuisance." Dr. Price con- 
siders this inadequacy of representation as our fundamental 
grievance; and though, as to the corruption of this sem- 
blance of representation, he hopes it is not yet arrived to its 
full perfection of depravity, he fears that " nothing will be 
done towards gaining for us this essential blessing, until 
some great abuse of power again provokes our resent- 
ment, or some great calamity again alarms our fears, or 
perhaps till the acquisition of a pure and equal represen- 
tation by other countries, whilst we are mocked with the 
shadow, kindles our shame." To this he subjoins a note in 
these words: "A representation chosen chiefly by the treas- 
ury, and a few thousands of the dregs of the people, who 
are generally paid for their votes." 

You will smile here at the consistency of those democra- 
tists, who, when they are not on their guard, treat the hum- 
bler part of the community with the greatest contempt, 
whilst, at the same time, they pretend to make them the 
depositories of all power. It would require a long discourse 
to point out to you the many fallacies that lurk in the gener- 
ality and equivocal nature of the terms " inadequate repre- 
sentation." I shall only say here, in justice to that old- 
fashioned constitution, under which we have long prospered, 
that our representation has been found perfectly adequate to 
all the purposes for which a representation of the people 
can be desired or devised. I defy the enemies of our con- 
stitution to show the contrary. To detail the particulars in 
which it is found so well to promote its ends, would demand 
a treatise on our practical constitution. I state here the 
doctrine of the Revolutionists, only that you and others may 
see what an opinion these gentlemen entertain of the consti- 
tution of their country, and why they seem to think that 
some great abuse of power, or some great calamity, as 
giving a chance for the blessing of a constitution according 
to their ideas, would be much palliated to their feelings; 


you see why they are so much enamoured of your fair and 
equal representation, which being once obtained, the same 
effects might follow. You see they consider our House of 
Commons as only " a semblance," " a form," " a theory," 
" a shadow," " a mockery," perhaps " a nuisance." 

These gentlemen value themselves on being systematic; 
and not without reason. They must therefore look on this 
gross and palpable defect of representation, this fundamental 
grievance, (so they call it,) as a thing not only vicious in 
itself, but as rendering our whole government absolutely 
illegitimate, and not at all better than a downright usurpa- 
tion. Another revolution, to get rid of this illegitimate and 
usurped government, would of course be perfectly justifiable, 
if not absolutely necessary. Indeed their principle, if you 
observe it with any attention, goes much further than to an 
alteration in the election of the House of Commons; for, if 
popular representation, or choice, is necessary to the legiti- 
macy of all government, the House of Lords is, at one 
stroke, bastardized and corrupted in blood. That House is 
no representative of the people at all, even in " semblance 
or in form." The case of the crown is altogether as bad. 
In vain the crown may endeavour to screen itself against 
these gentlemen by the authority of the establishment made 
on the Revolution. The Revolution which is resorted to for 
a title, on their system, wants a title itself. The Revolution 
is built, according to their theory, upon a basis not more 
solid than our present formalities, as it was made by a 
House of Lords, not representing any one but themselves; 
and by a House of Commons exactly such as the present, 
that is, as they term it, by a mere " shadow and mockery " 
of representation. 

Something they must destroy, or they seem to themselves 
to exist for no purpose. One set is for destroying the civil 
power through the ecclesiastical; another, for demolishing 
the ecclesiastic through the civil. They are aware that the 
worst consequences might happen to the public in accom- 
plishing this double ruin of church and state; but they are 
so heated with their theories, that they give more than hints, 
that this ruin, with all the mischiefs that must lead to it and 
attend it, and which to themselves appear quite certain, 


would not be unacceptable to them, or very remote from 
their wishes. A man amongst them of great authority, and 
certainly of great talents, speaking of a supposed alliance 
between church and state says, " perhaps we must wait for 
the fall of the civil powers before this most unnatural alli- 
ance be broken. Calamitous no doubt will that time be. But 
what convulsion in the political world ought to be a subject 
of lamentation, if it be attended with so desirable an 
effect ? " You see with what a steady eye these gentlemen 
are prepared to view the greatest calamities which can befall 
their country. 

It is no wonder therefore, that with these ideas of every- 
thing in their constitution and government at home, either 
in church or state, as illegitimate and usurped, or at best as 
a vain mockery, they look abroad with an eager and passion- 
ate enthusiasm. Whilst they are possessed by these notions, 
it is vain to talk to them of the practice of their ancestors, 
the fundamental laws of their country, the fixed form of a 
constitution, whose merits are confirmed by the solid test 
of long experience, and an increasing public strength and 
national prosperity. They despise experience as the wisdom 
of unlettered men; and as for the rest, they have wrought 
under-ground a mine that will blow up, at one grand ex- 
plosion, all examples of antiquity, all precedents, charters, 
and acts of parliament. They have " the rights of men." 
Against these there can be no prescription ; against these 
no agreement is binding: these admit no temperament, and 
no compromise: anything withheld from their full demand 
is so much of fraud and injustice. Against these their rights 
of men let no government look for security in the length 
of its continuance, or in the justice and lenity of its admin- 
istration. The objections of these speculatists, if its forms 
do not quadrate with their theories, are as valid against 
such an old and beneficent government, as against the most 
violent tyranny, or the greenest usurpation. They are 
always at issue with governments, not on a question of 
abuse, but a question of competency, and a question of title. 
I have nothing to say to the clumsy subtilty of their political 
metaphysics. Let them be their amusement in the schools. — 
"Ilia se jactat in aula — Molus, et clauso ventorum careers 


regnet." — But let them not break prison to burst like a 
Levanter, to sweep the earth with their hurricane, and to 
break up the fountains of the great deep to overwhelm us. 

Far am I from denying in theory, full as far is my heart 
from withholding in practice, (if I were of power to give or 
to withhold,) the real rights of men. In denying their false 
claims of right, I do not mean to injure those which are real, 
and are such as their pretended rights would totally destroy. 
If civil society be made for the advantage of man, all the 
advantages for which it is made become his right. It is an 
institution of beneficence; and law itself is only beneficence 
acting by a rule. Men have a right to live by that rule ; they 
have a right to do justice, as between their fellows, whether 
their fellows are in public function or in ordinary occupa- 
tion. They have a right to the fruits of their industry; 
and to the means of making their industry fruitful. They 
have a right to the acquisitions of their parents; to the 
nourishment and improvement of their offspring; to instruc- 
tion in life, and to consolation in death. Whatever each 
man can separately do, without trespassing upon others, he 
has a right to do for himself; and he has a right to a fair 
portion of all which society, with all its combinations of skill 
and force, can do in his favour. In this partnership all men 
have equal rights; but not to equal things. He that has 
but five shillings in the partnership, has as good a right to 
it, as he that has five hundred pounds has to his larger pro- 
portion. But he has not a right to an equal dividend in the 
product of the joint stock; and as to the share of power, 
authority, and direction which each individual ought to have 
in the management of the state, that I must deny to be 
amongst the direct original rights of man in civil society; 
for I have in my contemplation the civil social man, and no 
other. It is a thing to be settled by convention. 

If civil society be the offspring of convention, that con- 
vention must be its law. That convention must limit and 
modify all the descriptions of constitution which are formed 
under it. Every sort of legislative, judicial, or executory 
power are its creatures. They can have no being in any 
other state of things ; and how can any man claim under the 
conventions of civil society, rights which do not so much as 


suppose its existence? rights which are absolutely repugnant 
to it? One of the first motives to civil society, and which 
becomes one of its fundamental rules, is, that no man should 
be judge in his own cause. By this each person has at once 
divested himself of the first fundamental right of uncov- 
enanted man, that is, to judge for himself, and to assert his 
own cause. He abdicates all right to be his own governor. 
He inclusively, in a great measure, abandons the right of 
self-defence, the first law of nature. Men cannot enjoy the 
rights of an uncivil and of a civil state together. That he 
may obtain justice, he gives up his right of determining 
what it is in points the most essential to him. That he may 
secure some liberty, he makes a surrender in trust of the 
whole of it. 

Government is not made in virtue of natural rights, which 
may and do exist in total independence of it; and exist in 
much greater clearness, and in a much greater degree of ab- 
stract perfection : but their abstract perfection is their prac- 
tical defect. By having a right to everything they want 
everything. Government is a contrivance of human wisdom 
to provide for human wants. Men have a right that these 
wants should be provided for by this wisdom. Among these 
wants is to be reckoned the want, out of civil society, of a 
sufficient restraint upon their passions. Society requires not 
only that the passions of individuals should be subjected, 
but that even in the mass and body, as well as in the indi- 
viduals, the inclinations of men should frequently be 
thwarted, their will controlled, and their passions brought 
into subjection. This can only be done by a power out of 
themselves; and not, in the exercise of its function, subject 
to that will and to those passions which it is its office to 
bridle and subdue. In this sense the restraints on men, as 
well as their liberties, are to be reckoned among their rights. 
But as the liberties and the restrictions vary with times and 
circumstances, and admit of infinite modifications, they 
cannot be settled upon any abstract rule ; and nothing is so 
foolish as to discuss them upon that principle. 

The moment you abate anything from the full rights of 
men, each to govern himself, and suffer any artificial, posi- 
tive limitation upon those rights, from that moment the 


whole organization of government becomes a consideration 
of convenience. This it is which makes the constitution of 
a state, and the due distribution of its powers, a matter of 
the most delicate and complicated skill. It requires a deep 
knowledge of human nature and human necessities, and of 
the things which facilitate or obstruct the various ends, 
which are to be pursued by the mechanism of civil institu- 
tions. The state is to have recruits to its strength, and 
remedies to its distempers. What is the use of discussing 
a man's abstract right to food or medicine? The question 
is upon the method of procuring and administering them. In 
that deliberation I shall always advise to call in the aid of 
the farmer and the physician, rather than the professor of 

The science of constructing a commonwealth, or reno- 
vating it, or reforming it, is, like every other experimental 
science, not to be taught a priori. Nor is it a short ex- 
perience that can instruct us in that practical science: be- 
cause the real effects of moral causes are not always imme- 
diate; but that which in the first instance is prejudicial may 
be excellent in its remoter operation ; and its excellence may 
arise even from the ill effects it produces in the beginning. 
The reverse also happens : and very plausible schemes, 
with very pleasing commencements, have often shameful and 
lamentable conclusions. In states there are often some ob- 
scure and almost latent causes, things which appear at first 
view of little moment, on which a very great part of its 
prosperity or adversity may most essentially depend. The 
science of government being therefore so practical in itself, 
and intended for such practical purposes, a matter which 
requires experience, and even more experience than any 
person can gain in his whole life, however sagacious and 
observing he may be, it is with infinite caution that any man 
ought to venture upon pulling down an edifice, which has 
answered in any tolerable degree for ages the common pur- 
poses of society, or on building it up again, without having 
models and patterns of approved utility before his eyes. 

These metaphysic rights entering into common life, like 
rays of light which pierce into a dense medium, are, by the 
laws of nature, refracted from their straight line. Indeed 


in the gross and complicated mass of human passions and 
concerns, the primitive rights of men undergo such a variety 
of refractions and reflections, that it becomes absurd to 
talk of them as if they continued in the simplicity of their 
original direction. The nature of man is intricate; the ob- 
jects of society are of the greatest possible complexity: and 
therefore no simple disposition or direction of power can be 
suitable either to man's nature, or to the quality of his 
affairs. When I hear the simplicity of contrivance aimed at 
and boasted of in any new political constitutions, I am at no 
loss to decide that the artificers are grossly ignorant of 
their trade, or totally negligent of their duty. The simple 
governments are fundamentally defective, to say no worse 
of them. If you were to contemplate society in but one 
point of view, all these simple modes of polity are infinitely 
captivating. In effect each would answer its single end 
much more perfectly than the more complex is able to attain 
all its complex purposes. But it is better that the whole 
should be imperfectly and anomalously answered, than that, 
while some parts are provided for with great exactness, 
others might be totally neglected, or perhaps materially in- 
jured, by the over-care of a favourite member. 

The pretended rights of these theorists are all extremes: 
and in proportion as they are metaphysically true, they are 
morally and politically false. The rights of men are in a sort 
of middle, incapable of definition, but not impossible to be 
discerned. The rights of men in governments are their ad- 
vantages; and these are often in balances between differ- 
ences of good; in compromises sometimes between good 
and evil, and sometimes between evil and evil. Political 
reason is a computing principle; adding, subtracting, mul- 
tiplying, and dividing, morally and not metaphysically, or 
mathematically, true moral denominations. 

By these theorists the right of the people is almost always 
sophistically confounded with their power. The body of the 
community, whenever it can come to act, can meet with no 
effectual resistance; but till power and right are the same, 
the whole body of them has no right inconsistent with virtue, 
and the first of all virtues, prudence. Men have no right to 
what is not reasonable, and to what is not for their benefit; 


for though a pleasant writer said, Liceat perire poelis, when 
one of them, in cold blood, is said to have leaped into the 
flames of a volcanic revolution, Ardent em frigidus 2Etnam 
insiluit, I consider such a frolic rather as an unjustifiable 
poetic license, than as one of the franchises of Parnassus; 
and whether he was a poet, or divine, or politician, that chose 
to exercise this kind of right, I think that more wise, because 
more charitable, thoughts would urge me rather to save the 
man than to preserve his brazen slippers as the monuments 
of his folly. 

The kind of anniversary sermons to which a great part of 
what I write refers, if men are not shamed out of their 
present course, in commemorating the fact, will cheat many 
out of the principles, and deprive them of the benefits, of the 
revolution they commemorate. I confess to you, Sir, I 
never liked this continual talk of resistance, and revolution, 
or the practice of making the extreme medicine of the con- 
stitution its daily bread. It renders the habit of society 
dangerously valetudinary: it is taking periodical doses of 
mercury sublimate, and swallowing down repeated provo- 
catives of cantharides to our love of liberty. 

This distemper of remedy, grown habitual, relaxes and 
wears out, by a vulgar and prostituted use, the spring of that 
spirit which is to be exerted on great occasions. It was in 
the most patient period of Roman servitude that themes of 
tyrannicide made the ordinary exercise of boys at school — 
cum perimit scevos classis numerosa tyrannos. In the ordi- 
nary state of things, it produces in a country like ours the 
worst effects, even on the cause of that liberty which it 
abuses with the dissoluteness of an extravagant speculation. 
Almost all the high-bred republicans of my time have, after 
a short space, become the most decided, thorough-paced 
courtiers ; they soon left the business of a tedious, moderate, 
but practical resistance, to those of us whom, in the pride and 
intoxication of their theories, they have slighted as not much 
better than Tories. Hypocrisy, of course, delights in the 
most sublime speculations; for, never intending to go be- 
yond speculation, it costs nothing to have it magnificent. 
But even in cases where rather levity than fraud was to be 
suspected in these ranting speculations, the issue has been 


much the same. These professors, finding their extreme 
principles not applicable to cases which call only for a quali- 
fied, or, as I may say, civil and legal resistance, in such 
cases employ no resistance at all. It is with them a war 
or a revolution, or it is nothing. Finding their schemes of 
politics not adapted to the state of the world in which they 
live, they often come to think lightly of all public principle ; 
and are ready, on their part, to abandon for a very trivial 
interest what they find of very trivial value. Some indeed 
are of more steady and persevering natures; but these are 
eager politicians out of parliament, who have little to tempt 
them to abandon their favourite projects. They have some 
change in the church or state, or both, constantly in their 
view. When that is the case, they are always bad citizens, 
and perfectly unsure connexions. For, considering their 
speculative designs as of infinite value, and the actual ar- 
rangement of the state as of no estimation, they are at 
best indifferent about it. They see no merit in the good, 
and no fault in the vicious, management of public affairs; 
they rather rejoice in the latter, as more propitious to 
revolution. They see no merit or demerit in any man, or 
any action, or any political principle, any further than 
as they may forward or retard their design of change: 
they therefore take up, one day, the most violent and 
stretched prerogative, and another time the wildest dem- 
ocratic ideas of freedom, and pass from one to the other 
without any sort or regard to cause, to person, or to 

In France you are now in the crisis of a revolution, and 
in the transit from one form of government to another — you 
cannot see that character of men exactly in the same situ- 
ation in which we see it in this country. With us it is 
militant; with you it is triumphant; and you know how it 
can act when its power is commensurate to its will. I would 
not be supposed to confine those observations to any descrip- 
tion of men, or to comprehend all men of any description 
within them — No ! far from it. I am as incapable of that 
injustice, as I am of keeping terms with those who profess 
principles of extremities; and who, under the name of 
religion, teach little else than wild and dangerous politics. 


The worst of these politics of revolution is this: they tem- 
per and harden the breast, in order to prepare it for the 
desperate strokes which are sometimes used in extreme 
occasions. But as these occasions may never arrive, the 
mind receives a gratuitous taint ; and the moral sentiments 
suffer not a little, when no political purpose is served by the 
depravation. This sort of people are so taken up with 
their theories about the rights of man, that they have 
totally forgotten his nature. Without opening one new 
avenue to the understanding, they have succeeded in stop- 
ping up those that lead to the heart. They have perverted in 
themselves, and in those that attend to them, all the well- 
placed sympathies of the human breast. 

This famous sermon of the Old Jewry breathes nothing 
but this spirit through all the political part. Plots, massacres, 
assassinations, seem to some people a trivial price for obtain- 
ing a revolution. Cheap, bloodless reformation, a guiltless 
liberty, appear flat and vapid to their taste. There must be 
a great change of scene; there must be a magnificent stage 
effect; there must be a grand spectacle to rouse the imagi- 
nation, grown torpid with the lazy enjoyment of sixty years' 
security and the still unanimating repose of public pros- 
perity. The preacher found them all in the French Revolu- 
tion. This inspires a juvenile warmth through his whole 
frame. His enthusiasm kindles as he advances; and when 
he arrives at his peroration it is in a full blaze. Then viewing, 
from the Pisgah of his pulpit, the free, moral, happy, flour- 
ishing and glorious state of France, as in a bird's-eye land- 
scape of a promised land, he breaks out into the following 
rapture : 

" What an eventful period is this ! I am thankful that I 
have lived to it; I could almost say, Lord, now lettest thou 
thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy 
salvation. — I have lived to see a diffusion of knowledge, 
which has undermined superstition and error. — I have lived 
to see the rights of men better understood than ever; and 
nations panting for liberty which seemed to have lost the 
idea of it. — I have lived to see thirty millions of people, in- 
dignant and resolute, spurning at slavery, and demanding 
liberty with an irresistible voice. Their king led in triumph 


and an arbitrary monarch surrendering himself to his 
subjects/' 1 

Before I proceed further, I have to remark, that Dr. Price 
seems rather to overvalue the great acquisitions of light 
which he has obtained and diffused in this age. The last 
century appears to me to have been quite as much enlight- 
ened. It had, though in a different place, a triumph as 
memorable as that of Dr. Price; and some of the great 
preachers of that period partook of it as eagerly as he has 
done in the triumph of France. On the trial of the Rev. 
Hugh Peters for high treason, it was deposed, that when 
King Charles was brought to London for his trial, the 
Apostle of Liberty in that day conducted the triumph. " I 
saw," says the witness, " His Majesty in the coach with six 
horses, and Peters riding before the king, triumphing/' Dr. 
Price, when he talks as if he had made a discovery, only 
follows a precedent; for, after the commencement of the 
king's trial, this precursor, the same Dr. Peters, concluding 
a long prayer at the Royal Chapel at Whitehall, (he had 
very triumphantly chosen his place,) said, "I have prayed 
and preached these twenty years; and now I may say with 
old Simeon, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in 
peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation/' 2 Peters had 
not the fruits of his prayer; for he neither departed so 
soon as he wished, nor in peace. He became (what T 
heartily hope none of his followers may be in this coun- 
try) himself a sacrifice to the triumph which he led as 

They dealt at the Restoration, perhaps, too hardly with this 
poor good man. But we owe it to his memory and his 
sufferings, that he had as much illumination, and as much 
zeal, and had as effectually undermined all the superstition 
and error which might impede the great business he was 
engaged in, as any who follow and repeat after him, in 
this age, which would assume to itself an exclusive title 

1 Another of these reverend gentlemen, who was witness to some of the 
spectacles which Paris has lately exhibited, expresses himself thus: — " A 
king dragged in submissive triumph by his conquering subjects, is one of 
those appearances of grandeur which seldom rise in the prospect of hmman 
affairs, and which, during the remainder of my life, I shall think of with 
wonder and gratification." These gentlemen agree marvellously in their 
feelings. 3 State Trials, vol. ii. p. 360, 363. 


to the knowledge of the rights of men, and all the glorious 
consequences of that knowledge. 

After this sally of the preacher of the Old Jewry, which 
differs only in place and time, but agrees perfectly with the 
spirit and letter of the rapture of 1648, the Revolution 
Society, the fabricators of governments, the heroic band of 
cashier ers of monarchs, electors of sovereigns, and leaders of 
kings in triumph, strutting with a proud consciousness of 
the diffusion of knowledge, of which every member had ob- 
tained so large a share in the donative, were in haste to 
make a generous diffusion of the knowledge they had thus 
gratuitously received. To make this bountiful communi- 
cation, they adjourned from the church in the Old Jewry to 
the London Tavern; where the same Dr. Price, in whom 
the fumes of his oracular tripod were not entirely evaporated, 
moved and carried the resolution, or address of congratu- 
lation transmitted by Lord Stanhope to the National As- 
sembly of France. 

I find a preacher of the gospel profaning the beautiful and 
prophetic ejaculation, commonly called "nunc dimittis," 
made on the first presentation of our Saviour in the temple, 
and applying it, with an inhuman and unnatural rapture, to 
the most horrid, atrocious, and afflicting spectacle that per- 
haps ever was exhibited to the pity and indignation of man- 
kind. This " leading in triumph," a thing in its best form 
unmanly and irreligious, which fills our preacher with such 
unhallowed transports, must shock, I believe, the moral taste 
of every well-born mind. Several English were the stupe- 
fied and indignant spectators of that triumph. It was 
(unless we have been strangely deceived) a spectacle more 
resembling a procession of American savages, entering into 
Onondaga, after some of their murders called victories, and 
leading into hovels hung round with scalps, their captives, 
overpowered with the scoffs and buffets of women as fero- 
cious as themselves, much more than it resembled the tri- 
umphal pomp of a civilized, martial nation ; — if a civilized 
nation, or any men who had a sense of generosity, were 
capable of a personal triumph over the fallen and afflicted. 

This, my dear Sir, was not the triumph of France. I must 
believe that, as a nation, it overwhelmed you with shame and 


horror. I must believe that the National Assembly find 
themselves in a state of the greatest humiliation in not being 
able to punish the authors of this triumph, or the actors in 
it; and that they are in a situation in which any inquiry 
they may make upon the subject must be destitute even of 
the appearance of liberty or impartiality. The apology of 
that assembly is found in their situation; but when we ap- 
prove what they must bear, it is in us the degenerate choice 
of a vitiated mind. 

With a compelled appearance of deliberation, they vote 
under the dominion of a stern necessity. They sit in the 
heart, as it were, of a foreign republic : they have their resi- 
dence in a city whose constitution has emanated neither 
from the charter of their king, nor from their legislative 
power. There they are surrounded by an army not raised 
either by the authority of their crown, or by their command ; 
and which, if they should order to dissolve itself, would 
instantly dissolve them. There they sit, after a gang of 
assassins had driven away some hundreds of the members; 
whilst those who held the same moderate principles, with 
more patience or better hope, continued every day exposed 
to outrageous insults and murderous threats. There a ma- 
jority, sometimes real, sometimes pretended, captive itself, 
compels a captive king to issue as royal edicts, at third hand, 
the polluted nonsense of their most licentious and giddy 
coffee-houses. It is notorious, that all their measures are 
decided before they are debated. It is beyond doubt, that 
under the terror of the bayonet, and the lamp-post, and the 
torch to their houses, they are obliged to adopt all the 
crude and desperate measures suggested by clubs composed 
of a monstrous medley of all conditions, tongues, and na- 
tions. Among these are found persons, in comparison of 
whom Catiline would be thought scrupulous, and Cethegus 
a man of sobriety and moderation. Nor is it in these clubs 
alone that the public measures are deformed into monsters. 
They undergo a previous distortion in academies, intended 
as so many seminaries for these clubs, which are set up in 
all the places of public resort. In these meetings of all sorts, 
every counsel, in proportion as it is daring, and violent, 
and perfidious, is taken for the mark of superior genius. 


Humanity and compassion are ridiculed as the fru!ts of 
superstition and ignorance. Tenderness to individuals is 
considered as treason to the public. Liberty is always to be 
estimated perfect as property is rendered insecure. Amidst 
assassination, massacre, and confiscation, perpetrated or 
meditated, they are forming plans for the good order of 
future society. Embracing in their arms the carcases of 
base criminals, and promoting their relations on the title of 
their offences, they drive hundreds of virtuous persons to 
the same end, by forcing them to subsist by beggary or by 

The assembly, their organ, acts before them the farce of 
deliberation with as little decency as liberty. They act like 
the comedians of a fair before a riotous audience; they act 
amidst the tumultuous cries of a mixed mob of ferocious 
men, and of women lost to shame, who, according to their 
insolent fancies, direct, control, applaud, explode them ; 
and sometimes mix and take their seats amongst them; 
domineering over them with a strange mixture of servile 
petulance and proud, presumptuous authority. As they have 
inverted order in all things, the gallery is in the place of the 
house. This assembly, which overthrows kings and king- 
doms, has not even the physiognomy and aspect of a grave 
legislative body — nee color imperii, nee frons ulla senatus. 
They have a power given to them, like that of the evil prin- 
ciple, to subvert and destroy; but none to construct, except 
such machines as may be fitted for further subversion and 
further destruction. 

Who is it that admires, and from the heart is attached to, 
national representative assemblies, but must turn with hor- 
ror and disgust from such a profane burlesque, and abomina- 
ble perversion of that sacred institute? Lovers of monarchy, 
lovers of republics, must alike abhor it. The members of 
your assembly must themselves groan under the tyranny of 
which they have all the shame, none of the direction, and 
little of the profit. I am sure many of the members who 
compose even the majority of that body must feel as I do, 
notwithstanding the applauses of the Revolution Society. 
Miserable king ! miserable assembly ! How must that as- 
sembly be silently scandalized with those of their members. 


who could call a day which seemed to blot the sun out ot 
heaven, " un beau jour!" 1 How must they be inwardly 
indignant at hearing others, who thought fit to declare to 
them, " that the vessel of the state would fly forward in her 
course towards regeneration with more speed than ever," 
from the stiff gale of treason and murder, which preceded 
our preacher's triumph ! What must they have felt, whilst, 
with outward patience, and inward indignation, they heard 
of the slaughter of innocent gentlemen in their houses, that 
" the blood spilled was not the most pure ! " What must 
they have felt, when they were besieged by complaints of 
disorders which shook their country to its foundations, at 
being compelled coolly to tell the complainants, that they 
were under the protection of the law, and that they would 
address the king (the captive king) to cause the laws to be 
enforced for their protection ; when the enslaved ministers 
of that captive king had formally notified to them, that there 
were neither law, nor authority, nor power left to protect ! 
What must they have felt at being obliged, as a felicitation 
on the present new year, to request their captive king to 
forget the stormy period of the last, on account of the great 
good which he was likely to produce to his people ; to the 
complete attainment of which good they adjourned the 
practical demonstrations of their loyalty, assuring him of 
their obedience, when he should no longer possess any 
authority to command ! 

This address was made with much good nature and affec- 
tion, to be sure. But among the revolutions in France must 
be reckoned a considerable revolution in their ideas of 
politeness. In England we are said to learn manners at 
second-hand from your side of the water, and that we dress 
our behaviour in the frippery of France. If so, we are still 
in the old cut ; and have not so far conformed to the new 
Parisian mode of good breeding, as to think it quite in the 
most refined strain of delicate compliment (whether in con- 
dolence or congratulation) to say, to the most humiliated 
creature that crawls upon the earth, that great public ben- 
efits are derived from the murder of his servants, the at- 
tempted assassination of himself and of his wife, and the 

1 6th of October, 1789. 


mortification, disgrace, and degradation, that he has person- 
ally suffered. It is a topic of consolation which our 
ordinary of Newgate would be too humane to use to a crimi- 
nal at the foot of the gallows. I should have thought that 
the hangman of Paris, now that he is liberalized by the vote 
of the National Assembly, and is allowed his rank and arms 
in the herald's college of the rights of men, would be too 
generous, too gallant a man, too full of the sense of his 
new dignity, to employ that cutting consolation to any of the 
persons whom the leze nation might bring under the admin- 
istration of his executive power. 

A man is fallen indeed, when he is thus flattered. The 
anodyne draught of oblivion, thus drugged, is well calculated 
to preserve a galling wakefulness, and to feed the living 
ulcer of a corroding memory. Thus to administer the opiate 
potion of amnesty, powdered with all the ingredients of 
scorn and contempt, is to hold to his lips, instead of " the 
balm of hurt minds," the cup of human misery full to the 
brim, and to force him to drink it to the dregs. 

Yielding to reasons, at least as forcible as those which 
were so delicately urged in the compliment on the new year, 
the king of France will probably endeavour to forget these 
events and that compliment. But history, who keeps a 
durable record of all our acts, and exercises her awful cen- 
sure over the proceedings of all sorts of sovereigns, will not 
forget either those events, or the era of this liberal refine- 
ment in the intercourse of mankind. History will record, 
that on the morning of the 6th of October, 1789, the king 
and queen of France, after a day of confusion, alarm, dis- 
may, and slaughter, lay down, under the pledged security 
of public faith, to indulge nature in a few hours of respite, 
and troubled, melancholy repose. From this sleep the queen 
was first startled by the voice of the sentinel at her door, 
who cried out to her to save herself by flight — that this was 
the last proof of fidelity he could give — that they were upon 
him, and he was dead. Instantly he was cut down. A band 
of cruel ruffians and assassins, reeking with his blood, 
rushed into the chamber of the queen, and pierced with a 
hundred strokes of bayonets and poniards the bed, from 
whence this persecuted woman had but just time to fly 


almost naked, and, through ways unknown to the murderers, 
had escaped to seek refuge at the feet of a king and hus- 
band, not secure of his own life for a moment. 

This king, to say no more of him, and this queen, and their 
infant children, (who once would have been the pride and 
hope of a great and generous people,) were then forced to 
abandon the sanctuary of the most splendid palace in the 
world, which they left swimming in blood, polluted by 
massacre, and strewed with scattered limbs and mutilated 
carcases. Thence they were conducted into the capital of 
their kingdom. 

Two had been selected from the unprovoked, unresisted, 
promiscuous slaughter, which was made of the gentlemen 
of birth and family who composed the king's body guard. 
These two gentlemen, with all the parade of an execu- 
tion of justice, were cruelly and publicly dragged to the 
block, and beheaded in the great court of the palace. Their 
neads were stuck upon spears, and led the procession ; whilst 
the royal captives who followed in the train were slowly 
moved along, amidst the horrid yells, and shrilling screams, 
and frantic dances, and infamous contumelies, and all the 
unutterable abominations of the furies of hell, in the abused 
shape of the vilest of women. 

After they had been made to taste, drop by drop, more 
than the bitterness of death, in the slow torture of a jour- 
ney of twelve miles, protracted to six hours, they were, 
under a guard, composed of those very soldiers who had 
thus conducted them through this famous triumph, lodged 
in one of the old palaces of Paris, now converted into a 
bastile for kings. 

Is this a triumph to be consecrated at altars? to be com- 
memorated with grateful thanksgiving? to be offered to the 
divine humanity with fervent prayer and enthusiastic ejacu- 
lation? — These Theban and Thracian orgies, acted in 
France, and applauded only in the Old Jewry, I assure you, 
kindle prophetic enthusiasm in the minds but of very few 
people in this kingdom : although a saint and apostle, who 
may have revelations of his own, and who has so completely 
vanquished all the mean superstitions of the heart, may in- 
cline to think it pious and decorous to compare it with the 


entrance into the world of the Prince of Peace, proclaimed 
in a holy temple by a venerable sage, and not long before not 
worse announced by the voice of angels to, the quiet in- 
nocence of shepherds. 

At first I was at a loss to account for this fit of unguarded 
transport. I knew, indeed, that the sufferings of monarchs 
make a delicious repast to some sort of palates. There were 
reflections which might serve to keep this appetite within 
some bounds of temperance. But when I took one circum- 
stance into my consideration, I was obliged to confess, that 
much allowance ought to be made for the society, and that 
the temptation was too strong for common discretion; I 
mean, the circumstance of the Io Paean of the triumph, the 
animating cry which called " for all the BISHOPS to be 
hanged on the lamp-posts," 1 might well have brought forth 
a burst of enthusiasm on the foreseen consequences of this 
happy day. I allow to so much enthusiasm some little devia- 
tion from prudence. I allow this prophet to break forth 
into hymns of joy and thanksgiving on an event which ap- 
pears like the precursor of the Millenium, and the projected 
fifth monarchy, in the destruction of all church establish- 

There was, however, (as in all human affairs there 
is,) in the midst of this joy, something to exercise the 
patience of these worthy gentlemen, and to try the long- 
suffering of their faith. The actual murder of the king and 
queen, and their child, was wanting to the other auspicious 
circumstances of this " beautiful day." The actual murder 
of the bishops, though called for by so many holy ejacula- 
tions, was also wanting. A group of regicide and sacri- 
legious slaughter, was indeed boldly sketched, but it was 
only sketched. It unhappily was left unfinished, in this great 
history-piece of the massacre of innocents. What hardy 
pencil of a great master, from the school of the rights of 
men, will finish it, is to be seen hereafter. The age has not 
yet the complete benefit of that diffusion of knowledge that 
has undermined superstition and error; and the king of 
France wants another object or two to consign to oblivion, 
in consideration of all the good which is to arise from his 

1 Tous les Eveques a la lanterne. 


own sufferings, and the patriotic crimes of an enlightened 
age. 1 

Although thjs work of our new light and knowledge did 
not go to the length that in all probability it was intended 
it should be carried, yet I must think that such treatment of 
any human creatures must be shocking to any but those 
who are made for accomplishing revolutions. But I cannot 
stop here. Influenced by the inborn feelings of my nature, 
and not being illuminated by a single ray of this new-sprung 
modern light, I confess to you, Sir, that the exalted rank of 
the persons suffering, and particularly the sex, the beauty, 
and the amiable qualities of the descendant of so many kings 
and emperors, with the tender age of royal infants, insensi- 
ble only through infancy and innocence of the cruel out- 
rages to which their parents were exposed, instead of being 
a subject of exultation, adds not a little to my sensibility on 
that most melancholy occasion. 

1 It is proper here to refer to a letter written upon this subject by an 
eye-witness. That eye-witness was one of the most honest, intelligent, 
and eloquent members of the National Assembly, one of the most active 
and zealous reformers of the state. He was obliged to secede from the 
assembly; and he afterwards became a voluntary exile, on account of the 
horrors of this pious triumph, and the dispositions of men, who, profiting 
of crimes, if not causing them, have taken the lead in public affairs. 

Extract of M. de Lally Tollendal's Second Letter to a Friend 
" Parlons du parti que j'ai pris; il est bien justifie dans ma conscience. 
— Ni cette ville coupable, ni cette assemblee plus coupable encore, ne 
meritoient que je me justifie; mais j'ai a coeur que vous, et les personnes 
qui pensent comme vous, ne me condamnent pas. — Ma sante, je vous 
jure, me rendoit mes fonctions impossibles; mais meme en les mettant de 
cote il a ete au-dessus de mes forces de supporter plus longtems l'horreur 
que me causoit ce sang, — ces tetes — cette reine presque egorgee, — ce roi, 
— amene sclave, — entranta Paris, au milieu de ses assassins, et precede des 
tetes de ses malheureux grades — ces perfides janissaires, ces assassins, ces 
femmes cannibales, ce cri de tous les eveques a la lanterne, dans le 
moment ou le roi entre sa capitale avec deux eveques de son conseil dans 
sa voiture — un coup de fusil, que j'ai vu tirer dans un des carosses de la 
reine. M. Bailly appellant cela un beau jour, — l'assemblee ayant declare 
froidement le matin, qu'il n'etoit pas de sa dignite d'aller toute entiere 
environner le roi — M % Mirabeau disant impunement dans cette assemblee 
que le vaisseau de l'etat, loins d'etre arrete dans sa course, s'elanceroit 
avec plus de rapidite que jamais vers sa regeneration — M. Barnave, 
riant avec lui, quand des flots de sang coulaient autour de nous — le 
vertueux Mounier * echappant par miracle a vingt assassins, qui avoient 
voulu faire de sa tete un trophee de plus: Voila ce qui me fit jurer de 
ne plus mettre le pied dans cette caverne d' Antropophages [the National 
Assembly] ou je n'avois plus de force d'elever la voix, ou depuis six 
semaines je l'avois elevee en vain. 

" Moi, Mounier, et tous les honnetes gens, ont pense que le dernier 

* N. B. Mr. Mounier was then speaker of the National Assembly. He has 
since been obliged to live in exile, though one of the firmest asserters of liberty. 


I hear that the august person, who was the principal object 
of our preacher's triumph, though he supported himself, felt 
much on that shameful occasion. As a man, it became him 
to feel for his wife and his children, and the faithful guards 
of his person, that were massacred in cold blood about him; 
as a prince, it became him to feel for the strange and fright- 
ful transformation of his civilized subjects, and to be more 
grieved for them than solicitous for himself. It derogates 
little from his fortitude, while it adds infinitely to the honour 
of his humanity. I am very sorry to say it, very sorry 
indeed, that such personages are in a situation in which it 
is not becoming in us to praise the virtues of the great. 

I hear, and I rejoice to hear, that the great lady, th° other 
object of the triumph, has borne that day, (one is interested 
that beings made for suffering should suffer well,) and that 
she bears all the succeeding days, that she bears the impris- 
onment of her husband, and her own captivity, and the exile 
of her friends, and the insulting adulation of addresses, 
and the whole weight of her accumulated wrongs, with a 
serene patience, in a manner suited to her rank and race, 
and becoming the offspring of a sovereign distinguished for 
her piety and her courage : that, like her, she has lofty senti- 
ments ; that she feels with the dignity of a Roman matron ; 
that in the last extremity she will save herself from the last 
disgrace; and that, if she must fall, she will fall by no ig- 
noble hand. 

It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen 
of France, then the dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely 

effort a faire pour le bien etoit d'en sortir. Aucune idee de crainte ne 
s'est approchee de moi. Je rougirois de m'en defendre. J'avois encore 
regu sur la route de la part de ce peuple, moins coupable que ceux qui 
l'ont enivre de fureur, des acclamations, et des applaudissements, dont 
d'autres auroient ete flattes, et qui m'ont fait fremir. C'est a. l'indignation, 
c'est a l'horreur, c'est aux convulsions physiques, que le seul aspect du 
sang me fait eprouver que j'ai cede. On brave une seul mort; on la brave 
plusieurs fois, quand elle peut etre utile. Mais aucune puissance sous le 
Ciel, mais aucune opinion publique, ou privee n'ont le droit de me con- 
damner a souffrir inutilement mille supplices par minute, eta perir de 
desespoir, de rage, au milieu des triomphes, du crime que je n'ai pu arreter. 
lis me proscriront, ils confisqueront mes biens. Je labourerai la terre, et 
je ne les verrai plus.— Voila ma justification. Vous pourrez la lire, la 
montrer, la laisser copier; tant pis pour ceux qui ne la comprendront pas; 
ce ne sera alors moi qui auroit eu tort de la leur donner." 

This military man had not so good nerves as the peaceable gentleman of 
the Old Jewry. — See Mons. Mounier's narrative of these transactions; a 
man also of honour, and virtue, and talents, and therefore a fugitive. 


never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, 
a more delightful vision. I saw her just above the horizon, 
decorating and cheering the elevated sphere she just began 
to move in, — glittering like the morning-star, full of life, 
and splendour, and joy. Oh ! what a revolution ! and what 
a heart must I have to contemplate without emotion that 
elevation and that fall ! Little did I dream when she added 
titles of veneration to those of enthusiastic, distant, respect- 
ful love, that she should ever be obliged to carry the sharp 
antidote against disgrace concealed in that bosom; little did 
I dream that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen 
upon her in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of 
honour, and of cavaliers. I thought ten thousand swords 
must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look 
that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is 
gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators, has 
succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished for ever. 
Never, never more shall we behold that generous loyalty 
to rank and sex, that proud submission, that dignified obedi- 
ence, that subordination of the heart, which kept alive, even 
in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom. The 
unbought grace of life, the cheap defence of nations, the 
nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise, is gone ! 
It is gone, that sensibility of principle, that charity of honor, 
which felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage 
whilst it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it 
touched, and under which vice itself lost half its evil, by 
losing all its grossness. 

This mixed system of opinion and sentiment had its origin 
in the ancient chivalry; and the principle, though varied in 
its appearance by the varying state of human affairs, sub- 
sisted and influenced through a long succession of genera- 
tions, even to the time we live in. If it should ever be totally 
extinguished, the loss I fear will be great. It is this which 
has given its character to modern Europe. It is this which 
has distinguished it under all its forms of government, and 
distinguished it to its advantage, from the states of Asia, 
and possibly from those states which flourished in the most 
brilliant periods of the antique world. It was this, which, 
without confounding ranks, had produced a noble equality, 


and handed it down through all the gradations of social life. 
It was this opinion which mitigated kings into companions, 
and raised private men to be fellows with kings. Without 
force or opposition, it subdued the fierceness of pride and 
power ; it obliged sovereigns to submit to the soft collar of 
social esteem, compelled stern authority to submit to ele- 
gance, and gave a dominating vanquisher of laws to be 
subdued by manners. 

But now all is to be changed. All the pleasing illusions, 
which made power gentle and obedience liberal, which har- 
monized the different shades of life, and which, by a bland 
assimilation, incorporated into politics the sentiments which 
beautify and soften private society, are to be dissolved by 
this new conquering empire of light and reason. All the 
decent drapery of life is to be rudely torn off. All the 
superadded ideas, furnished from the wardrobe of a moral 
imagination, which the heart owns, and the understanding 
ratifies, as necessary to cover the defects of our naked, 
shivering nature, and to raise it to dignity in our own esti- 
mation, are to be exploded as a ridiculous, absurd, and an- 
tiquated fashion. 

On this scheme of things, a king is but a man, a queen 
is but a woman ; a woman is but an animal, and an animal 
not of the highest order. All homage paid to the sex in 
general as such, and without distinct views, is to be regarded 
as romance and folly. Regicide, and parricide, and sac- 
rilege, are but fictions of superstition, corrupting jurispru- 
dence by destroying its simplicity. The murder of a king N 
or a queen, or a bishop, or a father, are only common homi- 
cide; and if the people are by any chance, or in any way, 
gainers by it, a sort of homicide much the most pardonable, 
and into which we ought not to make too severe a scrutiny. 

On the scheme of this barbarous philosophy, which is the 
offspring of cold hearts and muddy understandings, and 
which is as void of solid wisdom as it is destitute of all 
taste and elegance, laws are to be supported only by their 
own terrors, and by the concern which each individual may 
find in them from his own private speculations, or can spare 
to them from his own private interests. In the groves of 
their academy, at the end of every vista, you see nothing 



but the gallows. Nothing is left which engages the affec- 
tions on the part of the commonwealth. On the principles 
of this mechanic philosophy, our institutions can never be 
embodied, if I may use the expression, in persons; so as to 
create in us love, veneration, admiration, or attachment. 
But that sort of reason which banishes the affections is 
incapable of filling their place. These public affections, 
combined with manners, are required sometimes as supple- 
ments, sometimes as correctives, always as aids to law. The 
precept given by a wise man, as well as a great critic, for 
the construction of poems, is equally true as to states : — Non 
satis est pulchra esse poemata, dtilcia sunto. There ought to 
be a system of manners in every nation, which a well-formed 
mind would be disposed to relish. To make us love our 
country, our country ought to be lovely. 

But power, of some kind or other, will survive the shock 
in which manners and opinions perish; and it will find other 
and worse means for its support. The usurpation which, in 
order to subvert ancient institutions, has destroyed ancient 
principles, will hold power by arts similar to those by which 
it has acquired it. When the old feudal and chivalrous 
spirit of fealty, which, by freeing kings from fear, freed 
both kings and subjects from the precautions of tyranny, 
shall be extinct in the minds of men, plots and assassinations 
will be anticipated by preventive murder and preventive 
confiscation, and that long roll of grim and bloody maxims, 
which form the political code of all power, not standing on 
its own honour, and the honour of those who are to obey it. 
Kings will be tyrants from policy, when subjects are rebels 
from principle. 

When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, 
the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment 
we have no compass to govern us ; nor can we know dis- 
tinctly to what port we steer. Europe, undoubtedly, taken 
in a mass, was in a flourishing condition the day on which 
your revolution was completed. How much of that pros- 
perous state was owing to the spirit of our old manners and 
opinions is not easy to say ; but as such causes cannot be 
indifferent in their operation, we must presume, that, on the 
whole, their operation was beneficial. 


We are but too apt to consider things in the state in 
which we find them, without sufficiently adverting to the 
causes by which they have been produced, and possibly may 
be upheld. Nothing is more certain, than that our manners, 
our civilization, and all the good things which are connected 
with manners and with civilization, have, in this European 
world of ours, depended for ages upon two principles; and 
were indeed the result of both combined; I mean the spirit 
of a gentleman, and the spirit of religion. The nobility 
and the clergy, the one by profession, the other by patron- 
age, kept learning in existence, even in the midst of arms 
and confusions, and whilst governments were rather in their 
causes than formed. Learning paid back what it received 
to nobility and to priesthood, and paid it with usury, by en- 
larging their ideas, and by furnishing their minds. Happy 
if they had all continued to know their indissoluble union, 
and their proper place ! Happy if learning, not debauched 
by ambition, had been satisfied to continue the instructor, and 
not aspired to be the master ! Along with its natural pro- 
tectors and guardians, learning will be cast into the mire, 
and trodden down under the hoofs of a swinish multitude. 1 

If, as I suspect, modern letters owe more than they are 
always willing to owe to ancient manners, so do other in- 
terests which we value full as much as they are worth. 
Even commerce, and trade, and manufacture, the gods of 
our economical politicians, are themselves perhaps but crea- 
tures ; are themselves but effects, which, as first causes, we 
choose to worship. They certainly grew under the same 
shade in which learning flourished. They too may decay 
with their natural protecting principles. With you, for the 
present at least, they all threaten to disappear together. 
Where trade and manufactures are wanting to a people, 
and the spirit of nobility and religion remains, sentiment 
supplies, and not always ill supplies, their place ; but if com- 
merce and the arts should be lost in an experiment to try 
how well a state may stand without these old fundamental 
principles, what sort of a thing must be a nation of gross, 
stupid, ferocious, and, at the same time, poor and sordid, 

1 See the fate of Bailly and Condorcet, supposed to be here particu 
larly alluded to. Compare the circumstances of the trial and execution 
of the former with this prediction. 


barbarians, destitute of religion, honour, or manly pride, 
possessing nothing at present, and hoping for nothing here- 

I wish you may not be going fast, and by the shortest 
cut, to that horrible and disgustful situation. Already there 
appears a poverty of conception, a coarseness and a vul- 
garity, in all the proceedings of the Assembly and of all 
their instructors. Their liberty is not liberal. Their science 
is presumptuous ignorance. Their humanity is savage and 

It is not clear, whether in England we learned those grand 
and decorous principles and manners, of which considerable 
traces yet remain, from you, or whether you took them from 
us. But to you, I think, we trace them best. You seem 
to me to be — gentis incunabula nostra. France has always 
more or less influenced manners in England ; and when your 
fountain is choked up and polluted, the stream will not run 
long, or not run clear, with us, or perhaps with any nation. 
This gives all Europe, in my opinion, but too close and con- 
nected a concern in what is done in France. Excuse me, 
therefore, if I have dwelt too long on the atrocious spectacle 
of the 6th of October, 1789, or have given too much scope 
to the reflections which have arisen in my mind on occasion 
of the most important of all revolutions, which may be dated 
from that day, I mean a revolution in sentiments, manners, 
and moral opinions. As things now stand, with everything 
respectable destroyed without us, and an attempt to destroy 
within us every principle of respect, one is almost forced 
to apologize for harbouring the common feelings of men. 

Why do I feel so differently from the Reverend Dr. Price, 
and those of his lay flock who will choose to adopt the sen- 
timents of his discourse? — For this plain reason — because 
it is natural I should ; because we are so made, as to be 
affected at such spectacles with melancholy sentiments upon 
the unstable condition of mortal prosperity, and the tre- 
mendous uncertainty of human greatness; because in those 
natural feelings we learn great lessons; because in events 
like these our passions instruct our reason ; because when 
kings are hurled from their thrones by the Supreme Direc- 
tor of this great drama, and become the objects of insult to 


the base, and of pity to the good, we behold such disasters 
in the moral, as we should behold a miracle in the physical, 
order of things. We are alarmed into reflection; our minds 
(as it has long since been observed) are purified by terror 
and pity ; our weak, unthinking pride is humbled under the 
dispensations of a mysterious wisdom. Some tears might 
be drawn from me, if such a spectacle were exhibited on the 
stage. I should be truly ashamed of finding in myself that 
superficial, theatric sense of painted distress, whilst I could 
exult over it in real life. With such a perverted mind, I 
could never venture to show my face at a tragedy. People 
would think the tears that Garrick formerly, or that Siddons 
not long since, have extorted from me, were the tears of 
hypocrisy; I should know them to be the tears of folly.