Vol 16: The Classics








Copyright, 1909 
By P. F. Collier & Son 

Designed, Printed, and Bound at 

Cfje Collier Press, ^eto gorfe 

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Introduction . 5 


The Story of the Merchant and the Jinni .... 17 

The Story of the First Sheykh and the Gazelle . . 20 
The Story of the Second Sheykh and the Two 

Black Hounds 23 

The Story of the Third Sheykh and the Mule . . 26 


The Story of the Fisherman 28 

The Story of King Runan and the Sage Duban . . 23 

The Story of the Husband and the Parrot . . . 37 
The Story of the Envious Wezir and the Prince and 

the Ghuleh 39 

The Story of the Young King of the Black Islands 50 

NIGHTS 9—18 

The Story of the Porter and the Ladies of Baghdad, 
and of the Three Royal Mendicants, Etc. ... 60 

The Story of the First Royal Mendicant 71 

The Story of the Second Royal Mendicant .... 78 

The Story of the Envier and the Envied 84 

The Story of the Third Royal Mendicant .... 94 
The Story of the First of the Three Ladies of 

Baghdad 107 

The Story of the Second of the Three Ladies of 
Baghdad 115 

ac xvi — a 1 



TH e Story of the Humpback 

The Story Told by the Christian Broker . 
The Story Told by the Sultan's Steward . 
The Story Told by the Jewish Physician 

The Story Told by the Tailor 

The Barber's Story of Himself 

The Barber's Story of His First Brother 
The Barber's Story of His Second Brother 
The Barber's Story of His Third Brother 
The Barber's Story of His Fourth Brother 
The Barber's Fifth Brother ...... 

The Barber's Story of His Sixth Brother 


, 122 

, 127 

, 141 





, 177 

, 184 

NIGHTS 32—36 
The Story of Nur-Ed-Din and Enis-El-Jelis 

. 203 

NIGHTS 537-566 

The Story of Es-Sindibad of the Sea and Es-Sindibad 

of the Land 242 

The First Voyage of Es-Sindibad of the Sea . . . 245 
The Second Voyage of Es-Sindibad of the Sea . . 254 
The Third Voyage of Es-Sindibad of the Sea . . . 262 
The Fourth Voyage of Es-Sindibad of the Sea . . 273 
The Fifth Voyage of Es-Sindibad of the Sea . . . 286 
The Sixth Voyage of Es-Sindibad of the Sea . . 296 
The Seventh Voyage of Es-Sindibad of the Sea . . 304 

NIGHTS 566—578 
The Story of the City of Brass . 


NIGHTS 73&-75G 
The Story of Jullanar of the Sea 



The Story of 'Ala-ed-Din and the Wonderful Lamp 355 
The Story of 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves . . 443 


' • .•* 

"The Thousand and One Nights" is one of the great story- 
books of the world. It was introduced to European readers by 
the French scholar Galland, who discovered the Arabic original 
and translated it into French in the first decade of the eighteenth 
century; but its earlier history is still involved in obscurity. 
There existed as early as the tenth century of our era a Persian 
collection of a thousand tales, enclosed in a framework which is 
practically the one used in the present collection, telling of a King 
who was in the habit of killing his wives after the first night, and 
who was led to abandon this practise by the cleverness of the 
Wezir's daughter, who nightly told him a tale which she left un- 
finished at dawn, so that his curiosity led him to spare her till 
the tale should be completed. Whether more than the framework 
of the Arabian collection was borrowed from this Persian work 
is uncertain. The tales in the collection of Galland and in more 
complete editions discovered since his time are chiefly Persian, 
Indian, and Arabian in source, and in ultimate origin come from 
all the ends of the earth. No two manuscripts have precisely the 
same contents, and some of the most famous of the tales here 
printed are probably not properly to be regarded as belonging to 
the collection, but owe their association with the others to their 
having been included by Galland. Thus " 'Ali Baba and the Forty 
Thieves" is found in no Oriental version of the "Nights," and 
" 'Ala-ed-Din and the Wonderful Lamp" was long supposed to be 
in the same situation, though within recent years it has turned 
up in two manuscripts. 

Both the place and the date of the original compilation are still 
matters of dispute among scholars. From such evidences as the 
detailed nature of the references to Cairo and the prevailing 
Mohammedan background, Lane argued that it must have been 
put together in Egypt ; but this opinion is by no means universally 
accepted. As to date, estimates vary by several centuries. Burton, 
who believed in a strong Persian element, thought that some of 
the oldest tales, such as that of "Sindibad," might be as old as the 
eighth century of our era; some thirteen he dated tenth century, 
and the latest in the sixteenth. There is a fair amount of agree- 
ment on the thirteenth century as the date of arrangement in the 



present framework, though they were probably not committed to 
writing till some two centurieMater. 

Of a collection of fables, fairy-stories, and anecdotes of his- 
torical personages such as this, there can, of course, be no ques- 
tion of a single author. Both before and after they were placed 
in the mouth of Shahrazad . they were handed down by oral reci- 
tation, the usual form of story-telling among the Arabs. As in 
the case of our own popular ballads, whatever marks of individual 
authorship any one story may originally have borne, would be 
obliterated in the course of generations of tradition by word of 
mouth. Of the personality of an original editor or compiler, even, 
we have no trace. Long after writing had to some extent fixed 
their forms, the oral repetition went on; and some of them could 
be heard in Mohammedan countries almost down to our own 

In the two hundred years of their currency in the West, the 
stories of the "Nights" have engrafted themselves upon European 
culture. They have made the fairy-land of the Oriental imagina- 
tion and the mode of life of the medieval Arab, his manners and 
his morals, familiar to young and old; and allusions to their inci- 
dents and personages are wrought into the language and literature 
of all the modern civilized peoples. Their mark is found upon 
music and painting as well as on letters and the common speech, 
as is witnessed by such diverse results of their inspiration as the 
music of Rimsky-Korsakoff, the illustrations of Parrish, and 
the marvelous idealization of their background and atmosphere 
in Tennyson's "Recollections of the Arabian Nights," "Barmecide 
Feast," "Open Sesame," "Old Lamps for New," "Solomon's 
Seal," "The Old Man of the Sea," "The Slave of the Lamp," 
"The Valley of Diamonds," "The Roc's Egg," Haroun al-Raschid 
and his "Garden of Delight" — these and many more phrases and 
allusions of every-day occurrence suggest how pervasive has been 
the influence of this wonder-book of the mysterious East. 

The translation by E. W. Lane used here has been the stand- 
ard English version for general reading for eighty years. The 
translations of "'Ali Baba" and " 'Ala-ed-Din" are by S. Lane- 
Poole and for permission to use the latter we are indebted to 
Messrs. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 


In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful 

Praise be to God, the Beneficent King, the Creator of the 
universe, who hath raised the heavens without pillars, and spread 
out the earth as a bed; and blessing and peace be on the lord of 
apostles, our lord and our master Mohammad, and his Family; 
blessing and peace, enduring and constant, unto the day of 

To proceed: — The lives of former generations are a lesson 
to posterity ; that a man may review the remarkable events which 
have happened to others, and be admonished; and may consider 
the history of people of preceding ages, and of all that hath 
befallen them, and be restrained. Extolled be the perfection of 
Him who hath thus ordained the history of former generations 
to be a lesson to those which follow. Such are the Tales of 
a Thousand and One Nights, with their romantic stories and 
their fables. 

It is related (but God alone is all-knowing, as well as all-wise, 
and almighty, and all-bountiful), that there was, in ancient 
times, a King of the countries of India and China, possessing 
numerous troops, and guards, and servants, and domestic de- 
pendents ; and he had two sons ; one of whom was a man of 
mature age ; and the other, a youth. Both of these princes were 
brave horsemen; but especially the elder, who inherited the 
kingdom of his father, and governed his subjects with such justice 
that the inhabitants of his country and whole empire loved him. 
He was called King Shahriyar: his younger brother was named 
Shah-Zeman, 1 and was King of Samarkand. The administration 
of their governments was conducted with rectitude, each of them 
ruling over his subjects with justice during a period of twenty 
years with the utmost enjoyment and happiness. After this 

1 [Shahriyar, "Friend of the City; " Shah-Zeman, "King of the Age."] 



period, the elder King felt a strong desire to see his brother, 
and ordered his Wezir 2 to repair to him and bring him. 

Having taken the advice of the Wezir on this subject, he 
immediately gave orders to prepare handsome presents, such as 
horses adorned with gold and costly jewels, and memluks," and 
beautiful virgins, and expensive stuffs. He then wrote a letter 
to his brother, expressive of his great desire to see him; and 
having sealed it, and given it to the Wezir, together with the 
presents above mentioned, he ordered the minister to strain his 
nerves, and tuck up his skirts, and use all expedition in returning. 
The Wezir answered, without delay, I hear and obey ; and forth- 
with prepared for the journey: he packed his baggage, removed 
the burdens, and made ready all his provisions within three days ; 
and on the fourth day, he took leave of the King Shahriyar, and 
went forth towards the deserts and wastes. He proceeded night 
and day; and each of the kings under the authority of King 
Shahriyar by whose residence he passed came forth to meet him, 
with costly presents, and gifts of gold and silver, and entertained 
him three days; after which, on the fourth day, he accompanied 
him one day's journey, and took leave of him. Thus he continued 
on his way until he drew near to the city of Samarkand, when 
he sent forward a messenger to inform King Shah-Zeman of 
his approach. The messenger entered the city, inquired the 
way to the palace, and, introducing himself to the King, kissed 
the ground before him, and acquainted him with the approach 
of his brother's Wezir; upon which Shah-Zeman ordered the 
chief officers of his court, and the great men of his kingdom, 
to go forth a day's journey to meet him; and they did so; and 
when they met him, they welcomed him, and walked by his 
stirrups until they returned to the city. The Wezir then pre- 
sented himself before the King Shah-Zeman, greeted him with 
a prayer for the divine assistance in his favour, kissed the 
ground before him, and informed him of his brother's desire 
to see him; after which he handed to him the letter. The King 
took it, read it, and understood its contents; and answered by 
expressing his readiness to obey the commands of his brother. 
But, said he (addressing the Wezir), I will not go until I have 
entertained thee three days. Accordingly, he lodged him in a 

* £In Persian and Turkish, Vezir; popular, Vizier. J 
8 Male white slaves. 


palace befitting his rank, accommodated his troops in tents, and 
appointed them all things requisite in the way of food and 
drink: and so they remained three days. On the fourth day, 
he equipped himself for the journey, made ready his baggage, 
and collected together costly presents suitable to his brother's 

These preparations being completed, he sent forth his tents 
and camels and mules and servants and guards, appointed his 
Wezir to be governor of the country during his absence, and 
set out towards his brother's dominions. At midnight, however, 
he remembered that he had left in his palace an article which he 
should have brought with him; and having returned to the 
palace to fetch it, he there beheld his wife sleeping in his bed, 
and attended by a male negro slave, who had fallen asleep by 
her side. 

On beholding this scene, the world became black before 
his eyes; and he said within himself, If this is the case when 
I have not departed from the city, what will be the conduct of 
this vile woman while I am sojourning with my brother? He 
then drew his sword, and slew them both in the bed : after which 
he immediately returned, gave orders for departure, and jour- 
neyed to his brother's capital. 

Shahriyar, rejoicing at the tidings of his approach, went forth 
to meet him, saluted him, and welcomed him with the utmost de- 
light. He then ordered that the city should be decorated on the 
occasion, and sat down to entertain his brother with cheerful con- 
versation : but the mind of King Shah-Zeman was distracted 
by reflections upon the conduct of his wife; excessive grief took 
possession of him ; and his countenance became sallow ; and his 
frame emaciated. His brother observed his altered condition, and, 
imagining that it was occasioned by his absence from his domin- 
ions, abstained from troubling him or asking respecting the 
cause, until after the lapse of some days, when at length he 
said to him, O my brother, I perceive that thy body is emaciated, 
and thy countenance is become sallow. He answered, O brother, 
I have an internal sore : — and he informed him not of the con- 
duct of his wife which he had witnessed. Shahriyar then said, 
I wish that thou wouldest go out with me on a hunting excur- 
sion; perhaps thy mind might so be diverted: — but he declined; 
and Shahriyar went alone to the chase. 


Now there were some windows in the King's palace com- 
manding a view of his garden ; and while his brother was looking 
out from one of these, a door of the palace was opened, and 
there came forth from it twenty females and twenty male black 
slaves; and the King's wife, who was distinguished by extraor- 
dinary beauty and elegance, accompanied them to a fountain, 
where they all disrobed themselves, and sat down together. The 
King's wife then called out, O Mes'ud ! and immediately a black 
slave came to her, and embraced her; she doing the like. So 
also did the other slaves and the women ; and all of them con- 
tinued revelling together until the close of the day. When Shah- 
Zeman beheld this spectacle, he said within himself, By Allah ! 
my affliction is lighter than this ! His vexation and grief were 
alleviated, and he no longer abstained from sufficient food and 

When his brother returned from his excursion, and they had 
saluted each other, and King Shahriyar observed his brother 
Shah-Zeman, that his colour had returned, that his face had 
recovered the flush of health, and that he ate with appetite, after 
his late abstinence, he was surprised, and said, O my brother, 
when I saw thee last, thy countenance was sallow, and now thy 
colour hath returned to thee: acquaint me with thy state. — As 
to the change of my natural complexion, answered Shah-Zeman, 
I will inform thee of its cause; but excuse my explaining to 
thee the return of my colour. — First, said Shahriyar, relate to 
me the cause of the change of thy proper complexion, and of 
thy weakness : let me hear it. — Know then, O my brother, he 
answered, that when thou sentest thy Wezir to me to invite 
me to thy presence, I prepared myself for the journey, and when 
I had gone forth from the city, I remembered that I had left 
behind me the jewel that I have given thee; I therefore returned 
to my palace for it, and there I found my wife sleeping in my 
bed, and attended by a black male slave ; and I killed them both, 
and came to thee : but my mind was occupied by reflections 
upon this affair, and this was the cause of the change of my 
complexion, and of my weakness : now, as to the return of my 
colour, excuse my informing thee of its cause. — But when his 
brother heard these words, he said, I conjure thee by Allah that 
thou acquaint me with the cause of the return of thy colour: — 
so he repeated to him all that he had seen. I would see this, said 


Shahriyar, with my own eye.— Then, said Shah-Zeman, give out 
that thou art going again to the chase, and conceal thyself here 
with me, and thou shalt witness this conduct, and obtain ocular 
proof of it. 

Shahriyar, upon this, immediately announced that it was his 
intention to make another excursion. The troops went out 
of the city with the tents, and the King followed them; and 
after he had reposed awhile in the camp, he said to his servants, 
Let no one come in to me: — and he disguised himself, and re- 
turned to his brother in the palace, and sat in one of the windows 
overlooking the garden; and when he had been there a short 
time, the women and their mistress entered the garden with the 
black slaves, and did as his brother had described, continuing 
so until the hour of the afternoon-prayer. 

When King Shahriyar beheld this occurrence, reason fled 
from his head, and he said to his brother, Shah-Zeman, Arise, 
and let us travel whither we please, and renounce the regal state, 
until we see whether such a calamity as this have befallen any 
other person like unto us ; and if not, our death will be preferable 
to our life. His brother agreed to his proposal, and they went 
out from a private door of the palace, and journeyed continually, 
days and nights, until they arrived at a tree in the midst of a 
meadow, by a spring of water, on the shore of the sea. They 
drank of this spring, and sat down to rest ; and when the day 
had a little advanced, the sea became troubled before them, and 
there arose from it a black pillar, ascending towards the sky, and 
approaching the meadow. Struck with fear at the sight, they 
climbed up into the tree, which was lofty ; and thence they gazed 
to see what this might be : and behold, it was a Jinni 4 of gigantic 
stature, broad-fronted and bulky, bearing on his head a chest. 

* Sing, of Jinn (Genii), being created of fire. The species of Jinn is said 
to have been created some thousands of years before Adam. According to 
a tradition from the Prophet, this species consists of five orders or classes; 
namely, Jann (who are the least powerful of all), Jinn, Sheytans (or Devils), 
'Efrits, and Marids. The last, it is added, are the most powerful ; and the 
Jann are transformed Jinn; like as certain apes and swine were transformed 
men. The terms Jinn and Jann, however, are generally used indiscrimi- 
nately, as names of the whole species (including the other orders above 
mentioned), whether good or bad; the former term is the more common. 
[Iblis is Satan, their King.] " Sheytan " is commonly used to signify any 
evil Jinn. An 'Eft-it is a powerful evil Jinni: a Marid, an evil Jinni of the 
most powerful class. The Jinn (but generally speaking, evil ones) are 
called by the Persians Divs; the most powerful evil Jinn, Narahs (which 
signifies " males," though they are said to be males and females) ; the good 
Jinn, Peris, though this term is commonly applied to females. 


He landed, and came to the tree into which the two Kings had 
climbed, and, having seated himself beneath it, opened the 
chest, and took out of it another box, which he also opened; and 
there came forth from it a young woman, fair and beautiful, 
like the shining sun. When the Jinni cast his eyes upon her, 
he said, O lady of noble race, whom I carried off on thy wedding- 
night, I have a desire to sleep a little: and he placed his head 
upon her knee, and slept. The damsel then raised her head 
towards the tree, and saw there the two Kings; upon which she 
removed the head of the Jinni from her knee, and, having 
placed it on the ground, stood under the tree, and made signs 
to the two Kings, as though she would say, Come down, and 
fear not this 'Efrit. They answered her, We conjure thee by 
Allah that thou excuse us in this matter. But she said, I conjure 
you by the same that ye come down; and if ye do not, I will 
rouse this 'Efrit, and he shall put you to a cruel death. So, 
being afraid, they came down to her; and, after they had re- 
mained with her as long as she required, she took from her 
pocket a purse, and drew out from this a string, upon which were 
ninety-eight seal-rings; and she said to them, Know ye what 
are these? They answered, We know not. — The owners of these 
rings, said she, have, all of them, been admitted to converse 
with me, like as ye have, unknown to this foolish 'Efrit ; there- 
fore, give me your two rings, ye brothers. So they gave her 
their two rings from their fingers; and then she said to them. 
This 'Efrit carried me off on my wedding-night, and put me in 
the box, and placed the box in the chest, and affixed to the chest 
seven locks, and deposited me, thus imprisoned, in the bottom 
of the roaring sea, beneath the dashing waves ; not knowing that, 
when one of our sex desires to accomplish any object, nothing 
can prevent her. In accordance with this, says one of the poets : 

Never trust in women ; nor rely upon their vows ; 
For their pleasure and displeasure depend upon their passions. 
They offer a false affection ; for perfidy lurks within their clothing. 
By the tale of Yusuf be admonished, and guard against their 

Dost thou not consider that Iblis ejected Adam by means of 

woman ? 

And another poet says : — 


Abstain from censure; for it will strengthen the censured, and 

increase desire into violent passion. 
If I suffer such passion, my case is but the same as that of many a 

man before me : 
For greatly indeed to be wondered at is he who hath kept himself 

safe from women's artifice. 

When the two Kings heard these words from her lips they 
were struck with the utmost astonishment, and said, one to 
the other, If this is an 'Efrit, and a greater calamity hath hap- 
pened unto him than that which hath befallen us, this is a cir- 
cumstance that should console us: — and immediately they de- 
parted, and returned to the city. 

As soon as they had entered the palace, Shahriyar caused his 
wife to be beheaded, and in like manner the women and black 
slaves; and thenceforth he made it his regular custom, every 
time that he cook a virgin to his bed, to kill her at the ex- 
piration of the night. Thus he continued to do during a period of 
three years; and the people raised an outcry against him, and 
fled with their daughters, and there remained not a virgin in 
the city of a sufficient age for marriage. Such was the case 
when the King ordered the Wezir to bring him a virgin accord- 
ing to his custom; and the Wezir went forth and searched, and 
found none; and he went back to his house enraged and vexed, 
fearing what the King might do to him. 

Now the Wezir had two daughters; the elder of whom was 
named Shahrazad; and the younger, Dunyzad. The former had 
read various books of histories, and the lives of preceding kings, 
and atories of past generations: it is asserted that she had col- 
lected together a thousand books of histories, relating to pre- 
ceding generations and kings, and works of the poets: and she 
said to her father on this occasion, Why do I see thee thus 
changed, and oppressed with solicitude and sorrows? It has 
been said by one of the poets : — 

Tell him who is oppressed with anxiety, that anxiety will not last: 
As happiness passeth away, so passeth away anxiety. 

When the Wezir heard these words from his daughter, he re- 
lated to her all that had happened to him with regard to 
the King: upon which she said, By Allah, O my father, give me 
in marriage to this King: either I shall die, and be a ransom 


for one of the daughters of the Muslims, or I shall live, and 
be the cause of their deliverance from him. 1 conjure thee 
by Allah, exclaimed he, that thou expose not thyself to such 
peril: — but she said, It must be so. Then, said he, I fear for 
thee that the same will befall thee that happened in the case 
of the Ass and the Bull and the husbandman. — And what, she 
asked, was that, O my father? 

Know, O my daughter, said the Wezir, that there was a certain 
merchant, who possessed wealth and cattle, and had a wife 
and children; and God, whose name be exalted, had also en- 
dowed him with the knowledge of the languages of beasts and 
birds. The abode of this merchant was in the country; and 
he had, in his house, an ass and a bull. When the bull came 
to the place where the ass was tied, he found it swept and 
sprinkled; in his manger were sifted barley and sifted cut 
straw, and the ass was lying at his ease; his master being 
accustomed only to ride him occasionally, when business required, 
and soon to return : and it happened, one day, that the merchant 
overheard the bull saying to the ass, May thy food benefit thee ! 
I am oppressed with fatigue, while thou art enjoying repose: 
thou eatest sifted barley, and men serve thee; and it is only 
occasionally that thy master rides thee, and returns; while I am 
continually employed in ploughing, and turning the mill. — The 
ass answered, When thou goest out to the field, and they place 
the yoke upon thy neck, lie down, and do not rise again, even 
if they beat thee; or, if thou rise, lie down a second time; and 
when they take thee back, and place the beans before thee, eat 
them not, as though thou wert sick: abstain from eating and 
drinking a day or two days, or three; and so shalt thou find 
rest from trouble and labour. — Accordingly, when the driver 
came to the bull with his fodder, he ate scarcely any of it; and 
on the morrow, when the driver came again to take him to 
plough, he found him apparently quite infirm: so the merchant 
said, Take the ass, and make him draw the plough in his stead 
all the day. The man did so; and when the ass returned at 
the close of the day, the bull thanked him for the favour he had 
conferred upon him by relieving him of his trouble on that 
day; but the ass returned him no answer, for he repented most 
grievously. On the next day, the ploughman came again, and 
took the ass, and ploughed with him till evening; and the ass 


returned with his neck flayed by the yoke, and reduced to an 
extreme state of weakness; and the bull looked upon him, and 
thanked and praised him. The ass exclaimed, I was living at 
ease, and nought but my meddling hath injured me! Then 
said he to the bull, Know that I am one who would give thee 
good advice: I heard our master say, If the bull rise not from 
his place, take him to the butcher, that he may kill him, and 
make anat' 6 of his skin: — I am therefore in fear for thee, and 
so I have given thee advice; and peace be on thee! — When the 
bull heard these words of the ass, he thanked him, and said, 
To-morrow I will go with alacrity: — so he ate the whole of 
his fodder, and even licked the manger. — Their master, mean- 
while, was listening to their conversation. 

On the following morning, the merchant and his wife went 
to the bull's crib, and sat down there; and the driver came, and 
took out the bull; and when the bull saw his master, he shook 
his tail, and showed his alacrity by sounds and actions, bound- 
ing about in such a manner that the merchant laughed until 
he fell backwards. His wife, in surprise, asked him, At what 
dost thou laugh? He answered, At a thing that I have heard 
and seen; but I cannot reveal it; for if I did, I should die. 
She said, Thou must inform me of the cause of thy laughter, 
even if thou die. — I cannot reveal it, said he: the fear of death 
prevents me. — Thou laughedst only at me, she said; and she 
ceased not to urge and importune him until he was quite over- 
come and distracted. So he called together his children, and 
sent for the Kadi and witnesses, that he might make his will, 
and reveal the secret to her, and die: for he loved her excess- 
ively, since she was the daughter of his paternal uncle, and 
the mother of his children, and he had lived with her to the 
age of a hundred and twenty years. Having assembled her 
family and his neighbours, he related to them his story, and 
told them that as soon as he revealed his secret he must die; 
upon which every one present said to her, We conjure thee 
by Allah that thou give up this affair, and let not thy husband, 
and the father of thy children, die. But she said, I will not 
desist until he tell me, though he die for it. So they ceased 
to solicit her; and the merchant left them, and went to the 

5 Nat': a large round piece of leather which., spread upon the ground, 
serves =is a table for dinner, etc 


stable to perform the ablution, and then to return, and tell them 
the secret, and die. 

Now he had a cock, with fifty hens under him, and he had 
also a dog; and he heard the dog call to the cock, and reproach 
him, saying, Art thou happy when our master is going to die? 
The cock asked, How so ? — and the dog related to him the story ; 
upon which the cock exclaimed, By Allah! our master has little 
sense: / have fifty wives; and I please this, and provoke that; 
while he has but one one wife, and cannot manage this affair with 
her : why does he not take some twigs of the mulberry-tree, and 
enter her chamber, and beat her until she dies or repents? She 
would never, after that, ask him a question respecting anything. 
■ — And when the merchant heard the words of the cock, as he 
addressed the dog, he recovered his reason, and made up his 
mind to beat her. — Now, said the Wezir to his daughter Shah- 
razad, perhaps I may do to thee as the merchant did to his 
wife. She asked, And what did he? He answered, He entered 
her chamber after he had cut off some twigs of the mulberry- 
tree, and hidden them there ; and then said to her, Come into the 
chamber, that I may tell thee the secret while no one sees me, 
and then die : — and when she had entered, he locked the chamber- 
door upon her, and beat her until she became almost senseless 
and cried out, I repent : — and she kissed his hands and his feet, 
and repented, and went out with him; and all the company, and 
her own family, rejoiced ; and they lived together in the happiest 
manner until death. 

When the Wezir's daughter heard the words of her father, 
she said to him, It must be as I have requested. So he arrayed 
her, and went to the King Shahriyar. Now she had given direc- 
tions to her younger sister saying to her, When I have gone 
to the King, I will send to request thee to come; and when 
thou comest to me, and seest a convenient time, do thou say to 
me, O my sister, relate to me some strange story to beguile our 
waking hour: — and I will relate to thee a story that shall, if 
it be the will of God, be the means of procuring deliverance. 

Her father, the Wezir, then took her to the King, who, when 
he saw him, was rejoiced, and said, Hast thou brought me what 
I desired? He answered Yes. When the King, therefore, in- 
troduced himself to her, she wept; and he said to her, What 
aileth thee? She answered, O King, I have a young sister, and 



I wish to take leave of her. So the King sent to her; and she 
came to her sister, and embraced her, and sat near the foot 
of the bed; and after she had waited for a proper opportunity, 
she said, By Allah ! O my sister, relate to us a story to beguile 
the waking hour of our night. Most willingly, answered Shah- 
razad, if this virtuous King permit me. And the King, hearing 
these words, and being restless, was pleased with the idea of lis- 
tening to the story; and thus, on the first night of the thousand 
and one, Shahrazad commenced her rec'tations. 



[Nights 1—3] 
The Story of the Merchant and the Jinni 

IT has been related to me, O happy King, said Shahrazad, 
that there was a certain merchant who had great wealth, 
and traded extensively with surrounding countries; and 
one day he mounted his horse, and journeyed to a neigh- 
bouring country to collect what was due to him, and, the heat 
oppressing him, he sat under a tree, in a garden, and put 
his hand into his saddle-bag, and ate a morsel of bread and 
a date which were among his provisions. Having eaten the 
date, he threw aside the stone, and immediately there ap- 
peared before him an 'Efrit, of enormous height, who, hold- 
ing a drawn sword in his hand, approached him, and said, 
Rise, that I may kill thee, as thou hast killed my son. The 
merchant asked him, How have I killed thy son? He an- 
swered, When thou atest the date, and threwest aside the 
stone, it struck my son upon the chest, and, as fate had 
decreed against him, he instantly died. 

The merchant, on hearing these words, exclaimed, Verily 
to God we belong, and verily to Him we must return ! There 
is no strength nor power but in God, the High, the Great ! 
If I killed him, I did it not intentionally, but without know- 
ing it; and I trust in thee that thou wilt pardon me. — The 
Jinni answered, Thy death is indispensable, as thou hast 
killed my son: — and so saying, he dragged him, and threw 
him on the ground, and raised his arm to strike him with the 
sword. The merchant, upon this, wept bitterly, and said to 



the Jinni, I commit my affair unto God, for no one can 
avoid what He hath decreed: — and he continued his lamen- 
tation, repeating the following verses: — 

Time consists of two days; this, bright; and that, gloomy; and life, 

of two moieties; this, safe; and that, fearful. 
Say to him who hath taunted us on account of misfortunes, Doth 

fortune oppose any but the eminent? 
Dost thou observe that corpses float upon the sea, while the 

precious pearls remain in its furthest depths? 
When the hands of time play with us, misfortune is imparted to us 

by its protracted kiss. 
In the heaven are stars that cannot be numbered; but none is 

eclipsed save the sun and the moon. 
How many green and dry trees are on the earth ; but none is 

assailed with stones save that which beareth fruit ! 
Thou thoughtest well of the days when they went well with thee, 

and fearedst not the evil that destiny was bringing. 

— When he had finished reciting these verses, the Jinni said 
to him, Spare thy words, for thy death is unavoidable. 

Then said the merchant, Know, O 'Efrit, that I have debts 
to pay, and I have much property, and children, and a wife, 
and I have pledges also in my possession: let me, therefore, 
go back to my house, and give to every one his due, and 
then I will return to thee: I bind myself by a vow and 
covenant that I will return to thee, and thou shalt do what 
thou wilt; and God is witness of what I say. — Upon this, the 
Jinni accepted his covenant, and liberated him; granting him 
a respite until the expiration of the year. 

The merchant, therefore, returned to his town, accom- 
plished all that was upon his mind to do, paid every one 
what he owed him, and informed his wife and children of 
the event which had befallen him ; upon hearing which, they 
and all his family and women wept. He appointed a 
guardian over his children, and remained with his family 
until the end of the year; when he took his grave-clothes 
under his arm, bade farewell to his household and neigh- 
bours, and all his relations, and went forth, in spite of 
himself; his family raising cries of lamentation, and 

He proceeded until he arrived at the garden before men- 
tioned; and it was the first day of the new year; and as he 


sat, weeping for the calamity which he expected soon to 
befall him, a sheykh, advanced in years, approached him, 
leading a gazelle with a chain attached to its neck. This 
sheykh saluted the merchant, wishing him a long life, and 
said to him, What is the reason of thy sitting alone in this 
place, seeing that it is a resort of the Jinn? The merchant 
therefore informed him of what had befallen him with the 
'Efrit, and of the cause of his sitting there; at which the 
sheykh, the owner of the gazelle, was astonished, and said, 
By Allah, O my brother, thy faithfulness is great, and thy 
story is wonderful ! if it were engraved upon the intellect, 
it would be a lesson to him who would be admonished ! — 
And he sat down by his side, and said, By Allah, O my 
brother, I will not quit this place until I see what will happen 
unto thee with this 'Efrit. So he sat down, and conversed 
with him. And the merchant became almost senseless; fear 
entered him, and terror, and violent grief, and excessive 
anxiety. And as the owner of the gazelle sat by his side, 
lo, a second sheykh approached them, with two black hounds, 
and inquired of them, after saluting them, the reason of 
their sitting in that place, seeing that it was a resort of 
the Jann: and they told him the story from beginning to 
end. And he had hardly sat down when there approached 
them a third sheykh, with a dapple mule ; and he asked them 
the same question, which was answered in the same manner. 
Immediately after, the dust was agitated, and became an 
enormous revolving pillar, approaching them from the midst 
of the desert; and this dust subsided, and behold, the Jinni, 
with a drawn sword in his hand; his eyes casting forth 
sparks of fire. He came to them, and dragged from them 
the merchant, and said to him, Rise, that I may kill thee, as 
thou killedst my son, the vital spirit of my heart. And the 
merchant wailed and wept; and the three sheykhs also mani- 
fested their sorrow by weeping and crying aloud and wail- 
ing: but the first sheykh, who was the owner of the gazelle, 
recovering his self-possession, kissed the hand of the 'Efrit, 
and said to him, O thou Jinni, and crown of the kings of 
the Jann, if I relate to thee the story of myself and this 
gazelle, and thou find it to be wonderful, and more so than 
the adventure of this merchant, wilt thou give up to me a 


third of thy claim to his blood? He answered, Yes, O 
sheykh; if thou relate to me the story, and I find it to be 
as thou hast said, I will give up to thee a third of my claim 
to his blood. 

The Story of the First Sheykh and the Gazelle 

Then said the sheykh, Know, O 'Efrit, that this gazelle 
is the daughter of my paternal uncle, and she is of my flesh 
and my blood. I took her as my wife when she was young, 
and lived with her about thirty years; but I was not blessed 
with a child by her; so I took to me a concubine slave, and 
by her I was blessed with a male child, like the rising full 
moon, with beautiful eyes, and delicately-shaped eyebrows, 
and perfectly- formed limbs; and he grew up by little and 
little until he attained the age of fifteen years. At this 
period, I unexpectedly had occasion to journey to a certain 
city, and went thither with a great stock of merchandise. 

Now my cousin, this gazelle, had studied enchantment 
and divination from her early years ; and during my absence, 
she transformed the youth above mentioned into a calf; and 
his mother, into a cow; and committed them to the care of 
the herdsman : and when I returned, after a long time, from 
my journey, I asked after my son and his mother, and she 
said, Thy slave is dead, and they son hath fled, and I know 
not whither he is gone. After hearing this, I remained for 
the space of a year with mourning heart and weeping eye, 
until the Festival of the Sacrifice ; l when I sent to the herds- 
man, and ordered him to choose for me a fat cow; and he 
brought me one, and it was my concubine, whom this 
gazelle had enchanted. I tucked up my skirts and sleeves, 
and took the knife in my hand, and prepared myself to 
slaughter her ; upon which she moaned and cried so violently 
that I left her, and ordered the herdsman to kill and skin 
her: and he did so, but found in her neither fat nor flesh, 
nor anything but skin and bone ; and I repented of slaughter- 
ing her, when repentance was of no avail. I therefore 
gave her to the herdsman, and said to him, Bring me a fat 

1 The Grest Festival, commencing on the ioth of Dhu-1-Hijjeh, when the 
pilgrims, halting on their return from mount 'Arafat to Mekkeh, in the 
valley of Mine, perform their sacrifice. 


calf: and he brought me my son, who was transformed into 
a calf. And when the calf saw me, he broke his rope, and 
came to me, and fawned upon me, and wailed and cried, 
so that I was moved with pity for him; and I said to the 
herdsman, Bring me a cow, and let this — 

Here Shahrazad perceived the light of morning, and dis- 
continued the recitation with which she had been allowed 
thus far to proceed. Her sister said to her, How excellent 
is thy story ! and how pretty ! and how pleasant ! and how 
sweet ! — but she answered, What is this in comparison with 
that which I will relate to thee in the next night, if I live, 
and the King spare me ! And the King said, By Allah, 
I will not kill her until I hear the remainder of her story. 
Thus they pleasantly passed the night until the morning, 
when the King went forth to his hall of judgment, and the 
Wezir went thither with the grave-clothes under his arm: 
and the King gave judgment, and invested and displaced, 
until the close of the day, without informing the Wezir of 
that which had happened; and the minister was greatly as- 
tonished. The court was then dissolved; and the King 
returned to the privacy of his palace. 

[On the second and each succeeding night, Shahrazad 
continued so to interest King Shahriyar by her stories as to 
induce him to defer putting her to death, in expectation that 
her fund of amusing tales would soon be exhausted; and as 
this is expressed in the original work in nearly the same 
words at the close of every night, such repetitions will in the 
present translation be omitted.] 

When the sheykh, continued Shahrazad, observed the tears 
of the calf, his heart sympathized with him, and he said to 
the herdsman, Let this calf remain with the cattle. — Mean- 
while, the Jinni wondered at this strange story; and the 
owner of the gazelle thus proceeded. 

O lord of the kings of the Jann, while this happened, 
my cousin, this gazelle, looked on, and said, Slaughter this 
calf; for he is fat: but I could not do it; so I ordered the 
herdsman to take him back; and he took him and went 
away. And as I was sitting, on the following day, he came 
to me, and said, O my master, I have to tell thee something 
that thou wilt be rejoiced to hear; and a reward is due to 


me for bringing good news. I answered, Well: — and he 
said, O merchant, I have a daughter who learned enchant- 
ment in her youth from an old woman in our family; and 
yesterday, when thou gavest me the calf, I took him to her, 
and she looked at him, and covered her face, and wept, and 
then laughed, and said, O my father, hath my condition 
become so degraded in thy opinion that thou bringest before 
me strange men? — Where, said I, are any strange men? and 
wherefore didst thou weep and laugh? She answered, This 
calf that is with thee is the son of our master, the merchant, 
and the wife of our master * hath enchanted both him and 
his mother; and this was the reason of my laughter; but 
as to the reason of my weeping, it was on account of his 
mother, because his father had slaughtered her. — And I was 
excessively astonished at this; and scarcely was I certain 
that the light of morning had appeared when I hastened to 
inform thee. 

When I heard, O Jinni, the words of the herdsmen, I 
went forth with him, intoxicated without wine, from the 
excessive joy and happiness that I received, and arrived at 
his house, where his daughter welcomed me, and kissed my 
hand ; and the calf came to me, and fawned upon me. And 
I said to the herdsman's daughter, Is that true which thou 
hast said respecting this calf? She answered, Yes, O my 
master; he is verily thy son, and the vital spirit of thy 
heart. — O maiden, said I, if thou wilt restore him, all the 
cattle and other property of mine that thy father hath under 
his care shall be thine. Upon this, she smiled, and said, 

my master, I have no desire for the property unless on 
two conditions: the first is, that thou shalt marry me to 
him ; and the second, that I shall enchant her who enchanted 
him, and so restrain her; otherwise, I shall not be secure 
from her artifice. On hearing, O Jinni, these her words, 

1 said, And thou shalt have all the property that is under 
the care of thy father besides; and as to my cousin, even 
her blood shall be lawful to thee. So, when she heard this, 
she took a cup, and filled it with water, and repeated a 
spell over it, and sprinkled with it the calf, saying to him, 
If God created thee a calf, remain in this form, and be not 
changed; but if thou be enchanted, return to thy original 


form, by permission of God, whose name be exalted ! — 
upon which he shook, and became a man; and I threw 
myself upon him, and said, I conjure thee by Allah that 
thou relate to me all that my cousin did to thee and to thy 
mother. So he related to me all that had happened to them 
both; and I said to him, O my son, God hath given thee one 
to liberate thee, and to avenge thee: — and I married to 
him, O Jinni, the herdsman's daughter; after which, she 
transformed my cousin into this gazelle. And as I happened 
to pass this way, I saw this merchant, and asked him what 
had happened to him; and when he had informed me, I sat 
down to see the result. — This is my story. The Jinni said, 
This is a wonderful tale; and I give up to thee a third of 
my claim to his blood. 

The second sheykh, the owner of the two hounds, then 
advanced, and said to the Jinni, If I relate to thee the story 
of myself and these hounds, and thou find it to be in like 
manner wonderful, wilt thou remit to me, also, a third of 
thy claim to the blood of this merchant? The Jinni 
answered, Yes. 

The Story of the Second Sheykh 
and the Two Black Hounds 

Then said the sheykh, Know, O lord of the kings of the 
Jann, that these two hounds are my brothers. My father 
died, and left to us three thousand pieces of gold; 2 and 
I opened a shop to sell and buy. But one of my brothers 
made a journey, with a stock of merchandise, and was 
absent from us for the space of a year with the caravans; 
after which, he returned destitute. I said to him, Did I not 
advise thee to abstain from travelling? But he wept, and 
said, O my brother, God, to whom be ascribed all might 
and glory, decreed this event; and there is no longer any 
profit in these words : I have nothing left. So I took him up 
into the shop, and then went with him to the bath, and 
clad him in a costly suit of my own clothing; after which, 
we sat down together to eat; and I said to him, O my 
brother, I will calculate the gain of my shop during the year, 

s Dinar, about half-a-guinea. 


and divide it, exclusive of the principal, between me and 
thee. Accordingly, I made the calculations, and found my 
gain to amount to two thousand pieces of gold; and I 
praised God, to whom be ascribed all might and glory, and 
rejoiced exceedingly, and divided the gain in two equal 
parts between myself and him. — My other brother then set 
forth on a journey; and after a year, returned in the like 
condition; and I did unto him as I had done to the former. 

After this, when we had lived together for some time, 
my brothers again wished to travel, and were desirous that 
I should accompany them; but I would not. What, said I, 
have ye gained in your travels, that I should expect to gain? 
They importuned me; but I would not comply with their 
request; and we remained selling and buying in our shops 
a whole year. Still, however, they persevered in proposing 
that we should travel, and I still refused, until after the 
lapse of six entire years, when at last I consented, and said 
to them, O my brothers, let us calculate what property we 
possess. We did so, and found it to be six thousand pieces 
of gold: and I then said to them, We will bury half of it in 
the earth, that it may be of service to us if any misfortune 
befall us, in which case each of us shall take a thousand 
pieces, with which to traffic. Excellent is thy advice, said 
they. So I took the money and divided it into two equal 
portions, and buried three thousand pieces of gold; and of 
the other half, I gave to each of them a thousand pieces. 
We then prepared merchandise, and hired a ship, and em- 
barked our goods, and proceeded on our voyage for the 
space of a whole month, at the expiration of which we 
arrived at a city, where we sold our merchandise; and for 
every piece of gold we gained ten. 

And when we were about to set sail again, we found, on 
the shore of the sea, a maiden clad in tattered garments, 
who kissed my hand, and said to me, O my master, art thou 
possessed of charity and kindness? If so, I will requite 
thee for them. I answered, Yes, I have those qualities, 
though thou requite me not. Then said she, O my master, 
accept me as thy wife, and take me to thy country; for I 
give myself to thee: act kindly towards me; for I am one 
who requires to be treated with kindness and charity, and 


who will requite thee for so doing; and let not my present 
condition at all deceive thee. When I heard these words, 
my heart was moved with tenderness towards her, in order 
to the accomplishment of a purpose of God, to whom be 
ascribed all might and glory; and I took her, and clothed 
her, and furnished for her a place in the ship in a handsome 
manner, and regarded her with kind and respectful attention. 
We then set sail; and I became most cordially attached 
to my wife, so that, on her account, I neglected the society 
of my brothers, who, in consequence, became jealous of me, 
and likewise envied me my wealth, and the abundance of 
my merchandise; casting the eyes of covetousness upon the 
whole of the property. They therefore consulted together 
to kill me, and take my wealth; saying, Let us kill our 
brother, and all the property shall be ours : — and the devil 
made these actions to seem fair in their eyes; so they came 
to me while I was sleeping by the side of my wife, and took 
both of us up, and threw us into the sea. But as soon as 
my wife awoke, she shook herself, and became transformed 
into a Jinniyeh. She immediately bore me away, and placed 
me upon an island, and, for a while, disappeared. In the 
morning, however, she returned, and said to me, I am thy 
wife, who carried thee, and rescued thee from death, by 
permission of God, whose name be exalted. Know that I 
am a Jinniyeh : I saw thee, and my heart loved thee for 
the sake of God ; for I am a believer in God and his 
Apostle, God bless and save him ! I came to thee in the 
condition in which thou sawest me, and thou didst marry 
me; and see, I have rescued thee from drowning. But I 
am incensed against thy brothers, and I must kill them. — 
When I heard her tale, I was astonished, and thanked her 
for what she had done; — But, said I, as to the destruction 
of my brothers, it is not what I desire. I then related to 
her all that had happened between myself and them from 
first to last ; and when she had heard it, she said, I will, this 
next night, fly to them, and sink their ship, and destroy 
them. But I said, I conjure thee by Allah that thou do it 
not; for the author of the proverb saith, O thou benefactor 
of him who hath done evil, the action that he hath done is 
sufficient for him: — besides, they are at all events my 


brothers. She still, however, said, They must be killed; — 
and I continued to propitiate her towards them: and at last 
she lifted me up, and soared through the air, and placed me 
on the roof of my house. 

Having opened the doors, I dug up what I had hidden 
in the earth ; and after I had saluted my neighbours, and 
bought merchandise, I opened my shop. And in the follow- 
ing night, when I entered my house, I found these two 
dogs tied up in it; and as soon as they saw me, they came 
to me, and wept, and clung to me ; but I knew not what had 
happened until immediately my wife appeared before me, 
and said, These are thy brothers. And who, said I, hath 
done this unto them? She answered, I sent to my sister, 
and she did it ; and they shall not be restored until after the 
lapse of ten years. And I was now on my way to her, that 
she might, restore them, as they have been in this state ten 
years, when I saw this man, and, being informed of what had 
befallen him, I determined not to quit the place until I should 
have seen what would happen between thee and him. — This 
is my story. — Verily, said the Jinni, it is a wonderful tale; 
and I give up to thee a third of the claim that I had to his 
blood on account of his offence. 

Upon this, the third sheykh, the owner of the mule, said 
to the Jinni, As to me, break not my heart if I relate to thee 
nothing more than this: — 

The Story of the Third Sheykh and the Mule 

The mule that thou seest was my wife: she became 
enamoured of a black slave; and when I discovered her 
with him, she took a mug of water, and, having uttered a 
spell over it, sprinkled me, and transformed me into a dog. 
In this state, I ran to the shop of a butcher, whose daughter 
saw me, and being skilled in enchantment, restored me to 
my original form, and instructed me to enchant my wife in 
the manner thou beholdest. — And now I hope that thou wilt 
remit to me also a third of the merchant's offence. Divinely 
was he gifted who said, 

Sow good, even on an unworthy soil; for it will not be lost 
wherever it is sown. 


When the sheykh had thus finished his story, the Jinni 
shook with delight, and remitted the remaining third of his 
claim to the merchant's blood. The merchant then approached 
the sheykhs, and thanked them, and they congratulated him 
on his safety; and each went his way. 

But this, said Shahrazad, is not more wonderful than the 
story of the fisherman. The King asked her, And what is 
the story of the fisherman ? And she related it as follows : — 

[Nights 3— p] 
The Story of the Fisherman 

THERE was a certain fisherman, advanced in age, who 
had a wife and three children; and though he was in 
indigent circumstances, it was his custom to cast his 
net, every day, no more than four times. One day he went 
forth at the hour of noon to the shore of the sea, and put 
down his basket, and cast his net, and waited until it was 
motionless in the water, when he drew together its strings, 
and found it to be heavy: he pulled, but could not draw it 
up : so he took the end of the cord, and knocked a stake into 
the shore, and tied the cord to it. He then stripped him- 
self, and dived round the net, and continued to pull until 
he drew it out: whereupon he rejoiced, and put on his 
clothes; but when he came to examine the net, he found in 
it the carcass of an ass. At the sight of this he mourned, and 
exclaimed, There is no strength nor power but in God, the 
High, the Great ! This is a strange piece of fortune ! — 
And he repeated the following verse: — 

O thou who occupiest thyself in the darkness of night, and in peril ! 
Spare thy trouble; for the support of Providence is not obtained 
by toil! 

He then disencumbered his net of the dead ass, and wrung 
it out; after which he spread it, and descended into the 
sea, and — exclaiming, In the name of God ! — cast it again, and 
waited till it had sunk and was still, when he pulled it, and 
found it more heavy and more difficult to raise than on 
the former occasion. He therefore concluded that it was 
full of fish : so he tied it, and stripped, and plunged and dived, 
and pulled until he raised it, and drew it upon the shore ; when 
he found in it only a large jar, full of sand and mud; on 




seeing which, he was troubled in his heart, and repeated the 
following words of the poet: — 

angry fate, forbear ! or, if thou wilt not forbear, relent ! 
Neither favour from fortune do I gain, nor profit from the work of 

my hands. 

1 came forth to seek my sustenance, but have found it to be 

How many of the ignorant are in splendor ! and how many of 
the wise, in obscurity ! 

So saying, he threw aside the jar, and wrung out and 
cleansed his net; and, begging the forgiveness of God for his 
impatience, returned to the sea the third time, and threw 
the net, and waited till it had sunk and was motionless: he 
then drew it out, and found in it a quantity of broken jars 
and pots. 

Upon this, he raised his head towards heaven, and said, 
O God, Thou knowest that I cast not my net more than four 
times ; and I have now cast it three times ! Then — exclaim- 
ing, In the name of God ! — he cast the net again into the 
sea, and waited till it was still ; when he attempted to draw 
it up, but could not, for it clung to the bottom. And he ex- 
claimed, There is no strength nor power but in God! — and 
he stripped himself again, and dived round the net, and 
pulled until he raised it upon the shore; when he opened it, 
and found in it a bottle of brass, filled with something, and 
having its mouth closed with a stopper of lead, bearing the 
impression of the seal of our lord Suleyman. 1 At the sight 
of this, the fisherman was rejoiced, and said, This I will 
sell in the copper-market; for it is worth ten pieces of gold. 
He then shook it, and found it to be heavy, and said, I 

1 No man ever obtained such absolute power over the Jinn as Suleyman 
Ibn-Da'ud (Solomon, the Son of David). This he did by virtue of a most 
wonderful talisman, which is said to have come down to him from heaven. 
It was a seal-ring, upon which was engraved " the most great name ' of 
God; and partly composed of brass, and partly of iron. With the brass he 
stamped his written commands to the good Jinn; with the iron [which they 
greatly dread], those to the evil Jinn, or Devils. Over both orders he 
had unlimited power; as well as over the birds and the winds, and, as is 
generally said, the wild beasts. His Wezir, Asaf the son of Barkhiya, is 
also said to have been acquainted with " the most great name," by utter- 
ing which the greatest miracles may be performed; even that of raising the 
dead. By virtue of this name, engraved on his ring, Suleyman compelled 
the Jinn to assist in building the Temple of Jerusalem, and in various other 
works. Many of the eviL Jinn he converted to the true faith; and many 
others of this class, who remained obstinate in infidelity, he confined in 


must open it, and see what is in it, and store it in my bag; 
and then I will sell the bottle in the copper-market. So he 
took out a knife, and picked at the lead until he extracted it 
from the bottle. He then laid the bottle on the ground, and 
shook it, that its contents might pour out; but there came 
forth from it nothing but smoke, which ascended towards 
the sky, and spread over the face of the earth; at which 
he wondered excessively. And after a little while, the 
smoke collected together, and was condensed, and then be- 
came agitated, and was converted into an 'Efrit, whose 
head was in the clouds, while his feet rested upon the ground : 
his head was like a dome: his hands were like winnowing 
forks ; and his legs, like masts : his mouth resembled a cavern : 
his teeth were like stones ; his nostrils, like trumpets ; and 
his eyes, like lamps ; and he had dishevelled and dust-coloured 

When the fisherman beheld trrs 'Efrit, the muscles of his 
sides quivered, his teeth were locked together, his spittle 
dried up, and he saw not his way. The 'Efrit, as soon as 
he perceived him, exclaimed, There is no deity but God; 
Suleyman is the Prophet of God. O Prophet of God, slay 
me not; for I will never again oppose thee in word, or rebel 
against thee in deed ! — O Marid, said the fisherman, dost thou 
say, Suleyman is the Prophet of God? Suleyman hath been 
dead a thousand and eight hundred years ; and we are now in 
the end of time. What is thy history, and what is thy tale, 
and what was the cause of thy entering this bottle? When 
the Marid heard these words of the fisherman, he said. There 
is no deity but God! Receive news, O fisherman ! — Of what, 
said the fisherman, dost thou give me news? He answered, 
Of thy being instantly put to a most cruel death. The fisher- 
man exclaimed, Thou deservest, for this news, O master of 
the 'Efrits, the withdrawal of protection from thee, O thou 
remote! 2 Wherefore wouldst thou kill me? and what re- 
quires thy killing me, when I have liberated thee from the 
bottle, and rescued thee from the bottom of the sea, and 
brought thee up upon the dry land? — The 'Efrit answered, 
Choose what kind of death thou wilt die, and in what manner 
thou shalt be killed. — What is my offence, said the fisherman, 

8 [Implying a malediction, but excepting bystanders.] 


that this should be my recompense from thee? The 'Efrit 
replied, Hear my story, O fisherman. — Tell it then, said the 
fisherman, and be short in thy words ; for my soul hath sunk 
down to my feet. 

Know then, said he, that I am one of the heretical Jinn: 
I rebelled against Suleyman the son of Da'ud; I and Sakhr 
the Jinni; and he sent to me his Wezir, Asaf the son of 
Barkhiya, who came upon me forcibly, and took me to him 
in bonds, and placed me before him : and when Suleyman saw 
me, he offered up a prayer for protection against me, and 
exhorted me to embrace the faith, and to submit to his 
authority ; but I refused ; upon which he called for this bottle, 
and confined me in it, and closed it upon me with the leaden 
stopper, which he stamped with the Most Great Name : he 
then gave orders to the Jinn, who carried me away, and 
threw me into the midst of the sea. There I remained a 
hundred years ; and I said in my heart, Whosoever shall liber- 
ate me, I shall enrich him for ever: — but the hundred years 
passed over me, and no one liberated me : and I entered upon 
another hundred years; and I said, Whosoever shall liber- 
ate me, I will open to him the treasures of the earth; — but 
no one did so : and four hundred years more passed over me, 
and I said, Whosoever shall liberate me, I will perform for 
him three wants : — but still no one liberated me. I then 
fell into a violent rage, and said within myself, Whosoever 
shall liberate me now, I will kill him; and only suffer him 
to choose in what manner he will die. And lo, now thou hast 
liberated me, and I have given thee thy choice of the manner 
in which thou wilt die. 

When the fisherman had heard the story of the 'Efrit, he 
exclaimed, O Allah ! that I should not have liberated thee but 
in such a time as this ! Then said he to the 'Ef rit, Pardon 
me, and kill me not, and so may God pardon thee ; and destroy 
me not, lest God give power over thee to one who will destroy 
thee. The Marid answered, I must positively kill thee ; there- 
fore choose by what manner of death thou wilt die. The 
fisherman then felt assured of his death; but he again im- 
plored the 'Efrit, saying, Pardon me by way of gratitude 
for my liberating thee. — Why, answered the 'Efrit, I am 
not going to kill thee but for that very reason, because thou 


hast liberated me. — O Sheykh of the 'Efrits, said the fisher- 
man, do I act kindly towards thee, and dost thou recompense 
me with baseness ? But the proverb lieth not that saith, — 

We did good to them, and they returned us the contrary; and such, 

by my life, is the conduct of the wicked. 
Thus he who acteth kindly to the undeserving is recompensed in 

the same manner as the aider of Umm-'Amir.* 

The 'Efrit, when he heard these words, answered by say- 
ing, Covet not life, for thy death is unavoidable. Then said 
the fisherman within himself, This is a Jinni, and I am a man ; 
and God hath given me sound reason ; therefore, I will now 
plot his destruction with my art and reason, like as he hath 
plotted with his cunning and perfidy. So he said to the 
'Efrit, Hast thou determined to kill me ? He answered, Yes. 
Then said he, By the Most Great Name engraved upon the 
seal of Suleyman, I will ask thee one question ; and wilt thou 
answer it to me truly ? On hearing the mention of the Most 
Great Name, the 'Efrit was agitated, and trembled, and re- 
plied, Yes; ask, and be brief. The fisherman then said, 
How wast thou in this bottle? It will not contain thy hand 
or thy foot ; how then can it contain thy whole body ? — Dost 
thou not believe that I was in it? said the 'Efrit. The fisher- 
man answered, I will never believe thee until I see thee in 
it. Upon this, the 'Efrit shook, and became converted into 
smoke, which rose to the sky and then became condensed, 
and entered the bottle by little and little, until it was all 
enclosed; when the fisherman hastily snatched the sealed leaden 
stopper, and, having replaced it in the mouth of the bottle, 
called out to the 'Efrit, and said, Choose in what manner 
of death thou wilt die. I will assuredly throw thee here into 
the sea, and build me a house on this spot; and whosoever 
shall come here, I will prevent his fishing in this place, and 
will say to him, Here is an 'Efrit, who to any person that 
liberates him, will propose various kinds of death, and then 
give him his choice of one of them. On hearing these words 
of the fisherman, the 'Efrit endeavoured to escape ; but could 
not, finding himself restrained by the impression of the seal 
of Suleyman, and thus imprisoned by the fisherman as the 
vilest and filthiest and least of 'Efrits. The fisherman then 

3 The hyena. 
HC XVI— A * * 


took the bottle to the brink of the sea. The 'Efrit exclaimed, 
Nay ! nay ! — to which the fisherman answered, Yea, without 
fail ! yea, without fail ! The Marid then addressing him with 
a soft voice and humble manner, said, What dost thou intend 
to do with me, O fisherman ? He answered, I will throw thee 
into the sea; and if thou hast been there a thousand and 
eight hundred years, I will make thee to remain there until 
the hour of judgment. Did I not say to thee, Spare me, and 
so may God spare thee ; and destroy me not, lest God destroy 
thee? But thou didst reject my petition, and wouldst noth- 
ing but treachery; therefore God hath caused thee to fall 
into my hand, and I have betrayed thee. — Open to me, said 
the 'Efrit, that I may confer benefits upon thee. The 
fisherman replied, Thou liest, thou accursed ! I and thou are 
like the Wezir of King Yunan and the sage Duban. — What, 
said the 'Efrit, was the case of the Wezir Yunan and the 
sage Duban, and what is their story? The fisherman an- 
swered as follows : — 

The Story of King Yunan and the 
Sage Duban 

Know, O 'Efrit, that there was, in former times, in the 
country of the Persians, a monarch who was called King 
Yunan, possessing great treasures and numerous forces, val- 
iant, and having troops of every description; but he was 
afflicted with leprosy, which the physicians and sages had 
failed to remove; neither their potions, nor powders, nor 
ointments were of any benefit to him; and none of the phy- 
sicians was able to cure him. At length there arrived at the 
city of this king a great sage, stricken in years, who was 
called the sage Duban : he was acquainted with ancient Greek, 
Persian, modern Greek, Arabic, and Syriac books, and with 
medicine and astrology, both with respect to their scientific 
principles and the rules of their practical applications for 
good and evil; as well as the properties of plants, dried 
and fresh; the injurious and the useful: he was versed in 
the wisdom of the philosophers, and embraced a knowledge 
of all the medical and other sciences. 

After this sage had arrived in the city, and remained in 

hc xvi— a 


it a few days, he heard of the case of the King, of the leprosy 
with which God had afflicted him, and that the physicians 
and men of science had failed to cure him. In consequence 
of this information, he passed the next night in deep study; 
and when the morning came, and diffused its light, and 
the sun saluted the Ornament of the Good, 4 he attired him- 
self in the richest of his apparel, and presented himself 
before the King. Having kissed the ground before him, 
and offered up a prayer for the continuance of his power 
and happiness, and greeted him in the best manner he was 
able, he informed him who he was, and said, O King, I 
have heard of the disease which hath attacked thy person, 
and that many of the physicians are unacquainted with the 
means of removing it; and I will cure thee without giving 
thee to drink any potion, or anointing thee with ointment. 
When King Yuman heard his words, he wondered, and said 
to him, How wilt thou do this? By Allah, if thou cure me, 
I will enrich thee and thy children's children, and I will 
heap favours upon thee, and whatever thou shalt desire shall 
be thine, and thou shalt be my companion and my friend. 
— He then bestowed upon him a robe of honour, and other 
presents, and said to him, Wilt thou cure me of this disease 
without potion or ointment? He answered, Yes; I will 
cure thee without any discomfort to thy person. And the 
King was extremely astonished, and said, O Sage, at what 
time, and on what day, shall that which thou hast proposed 
to me be done? Hasten it, O my Son. — He answered, I 
hear and obey. 

He then went out from the presence of the King, and 
hired a house, in which he deposited his books, and medi- 
cines, and drugs. Having done this, he selected certain 
of his medicines and drugs, and made a goff-stick, with a 
hollow handle, into which he introduced them; after which 
he made a ball for it, skilfully adapted; and on the follow- 
ing day, after he had finished these, he went again to the 
King, and kissed the ground before him, and directed him 
to repair to the horse-course, and to play with the ball and 
goff-stick. The King, attended by his Emirs and Chamber- 

4 The Prophet Mohammad, who said " the sun never riseth until it hath 
saluted me. 


lains and Wezirs, went thither, and, as soon as he arrived 
there, the sage Duban presented himself before him, and 
handed to him the goff-stick, saying, Take this gofl-stick, 
and grasp it thus, and ride along the horse-course, and strike 
the ball with it with all thy force, until the palm of thy hand 
and thy whole body become moist with perspiration, when 
the medicine will penetrate into thy hand, and pervade thy 
whole body; and when thou hast done this, and the medi- 
cine remains in thee, return to thy palace, and enter the 
bath, and wash thyself, and sleep; then shalt thou find thy- 
self cured: and peace be on thee. So King Yunan took 
the goff-stick from the sage, and grasped it in his hand, and 
mounted his horse; and the ball was thrown before him, 
and he urged his horse after it until he overtook it, when he 
struck it with all his force ; and when he had continued this 
exercise as long as was necessary, and bathed and slept, he 
looked upon his skin, and not a vestige of the leprosy 
remained: it was clear as white silver. Upon this he 
rejoiced exceedingly; his heart was dilated, and he was full 
of happiness. 

On the following morning he entered the council-chamber, 
and sat upon his throne; and the Chamberlains and great 
officers of his court came before him. The sage Duban also 
presented himself; and when the King saw him, he rose to 
him in haste, and seated him by his side. Services of food 
were then spread before them, and the sage ate with the 
King, and remained as his guest all the day; and when the 
night approached, the King gave him two thousand pieces 
of gold, besides dresses of honour and other presents, and 
mounted him on his own horse, and so the sage returned to 
his house. And the King was astonished at his skill ; say- 
ing, This man hath cured me by an external process, without 
anointing me with ointment: by Allah, this is consummate 
science; and it is incumbent on me to bestow favours and 
honours upon him, and to make him my companion and 
familiar friend as long as I live. He passed the night happy 
and joyful on account of his recovery, and when he arose, 
he went forth again, and sat upon his throne; the officers of 
his court standing before him, and the Emirs and Wezirs 
sitting on his right hand and on his left; and he called fotf 


the sage Duban, who came, and kissed the ground before 
him; and the king rose, and seated him by his side, and 
ate with him, and greeted him with compliments: he be- 
stowed upon him again a robe of honour and other presents, 
and after conversing with him till the approach of night, 
gave orders that five other robes of honour should be given 
to him, and a thousand pieces of gold; and the sage departed, 
and returned to his house. 

Again, when the next morning came, the King went as 
usual to his council-chamber, and the Emirs and Wezirs and 
Chamberlains surrounded him. Now there was, among his 
Wezirs, one of ill aspect, and of evil star ; sordid, avaricious, 
and of an envious and malicious disposition; and when he 
saw that the King had made the sage Duban his friend, and 
bestowed upon him these favours, he envied him his dis- 
tinction, and meditated evil against him; agreeably with the 
adage which saith, There is no one void of envy; — and 
another, which saith, Tyranny lurketh in the soul: power 
manifesteth it, and weakness concealeth it. So he approached 
the King, and kissed the ground before him, and said, O 
King of the age, thou art he whose goodness extendeth to 
all men, and I have an important piece of advice to give 
thee : if I were to conceal it from thee, I should be a base- 
born wretch: therefore, if thou order me to impart it, I will 
do so. The King, disturbed by these words of the Wezir, 
said, What is thy advice? He answered, O glorious King, 
it hath been said, by the ancients, He who looketh not to 
results, fortune will not attend him : — now I have seen the 
King in a way that is not right; since he hath bestowed 
favours upon his enemy, and upon him who desireth the 
downfall of his dominion: he hath treated him with kindness, 
and honoured him with the highest honours, and admitted 
him to the closest intimacy: I therefore fear, for the King, 
the consequence of this conduct. — At this the King was 
troubled and his countenance changed; and he said, Who 
is he whom thou regardest as mine enemy, and to whom I 
shew kindness? He replied, O King, if thou hast been 
asleep, awake! I allude to the sage Duban. — The King 
said, He is my intimate companion, and the dearest of men 
in my estimation; for he restored me by a thing that I 


merely held in my hand, and cured me of my disease which 
the physicians were unable to remove, and there is not now 
to be found one like to him in the whole world, from west 
to east. Wherefore, then, dost thou utter these words 
against him? I will, from this day, appoint him a regular 
salary and maintenance, and give him every month a thou- 
sand pieces of gold; and if I give him a share of my king- 
dom it were but a small thing to do unto him. I do not 
think that thou hast said this from any other motive than 
that of envy. If I didst what thou desirest, I should repen 
after it, as the man repented who killed his parrot. 

The Story of the Husband and 
the Parrot 

There was a certain merchant, of an exceedingly jealous 
disposition, having a wife endowed with perfect beauty, who 
had prevented him from leaving his home; but an event 
happened which obliged him to make a journey; and when 
he found liis doing so to be indispensable, he went to the 
market in which birds were sold, and bought a parrot, which 
he placed in his house to act as a spy, that, on his return, 
she might inform him of what passed during his absence; 
for this parrot was cunning and intelligent, and remembered 
whatever she heard. So, when he had made his journey, 
and accomplished his business, he returned, and caused the 
parrot to be brought to him, and asked her respecting the 
conduct of his wife. She answered, Thy wife has a lover, 
who visited her every night during thy absence, — and when 
the man heard this, he fell into a violent rage, and went to 
his wife, and gave her a severe beating. 

The woman imagined that one of the female slaves had 
informed him of what had passed between her and her 
paramour during his absence : she therefore called them 
together, and made them swear; and they all swore that 
they had not told their master anything of the matter; but 
confessed that they had heard the parrot relate to him what 
had passed. Having thus established, on the testimony of 
the slaves, the fact of the parrot's having informed her 
husband of her intrigue, she ordered one of these slaves to 


grind with a hand-mill under the cage, another to sprinkle 
water from above, and a third to move a mirror from side 
to side, during the next night on which her husband was 
absent; and on the following morning, when the man re- 
turned from an entertainment at which he had been present, 
and inquired again of the parrot what had passed that 
night during his absence, the bird answered, O my master, 
I could neither see nor hear anything, on account of the 
excessive darkness, and thunder, and lightning, and rain. 
Now this happened during summer: so he said to her, What 
strange words are these? It is now summer, when nothing 
of what thou hast described ever happens. — The parrot, 
however, swore by Allah the Great that what she had said 
was true; and that it had so happened: upon which the 
man, not understanding the case, nor knowing the plot, 
became violently enraged, and took out the bird from the 
cage, and threw her down upon the ground with such 
violence that he killed her. 

But after some days, one of his female slaves informed 
him of the truth; yet he would not believe it, until he saw 
his wife's paramour going out from his house; when he drew 
his sword, and slew the traitor by a blow on the back of his 
neck: so also did he to his treacherous wife; and thus both 
of them went, laden with the sin which they had committed, 
to the fire ; and the merchant discovered that the parrot had 
informed him truly of what she had seen; and he mourned 
grievously for her loss. 

When the Wezir heard these words of King Yunan, he 
said, O King of great dignity, what hath this crafty sage — 
this man from whom nought but mischief proceedeth — done 
unto me, that I should be his enemy, and speak evil of him, 
and plot with thee to destroy him? I have informed thee 
respecting him in compassion for thee, and in fear of his 
despoiling thee of thy happiness; and if my words be not 
true, destroy me, as the Wezir of Es-Sindibad was destroyed. 
—The King asked, How was that? And the Wezir thus 
answered : — 


The Story of the Envious Wezir and the Prince and 

the Ghuleh 

The King above mentioned had a son who was ardently 
fond of the chase; and he had a Wezir whom he charged 
to be always with his son wherever he went. One day the 
son went forth to hunt, and his father's Wezir was with 
him ; and as they rode together, they saw a great wild beast ; 
upon which the Wezir exclaimed to the Prince, Away after 
this wild beast! The King's son pursued it until he was 
out of the sight of his attendants, and the beast also escaped 
from before his eyes in the desert; and while the Prince 
wandered in perplexity, not knowing whither to direct his 
course, he met in his way a damsel, who was weeping. He 
said to her, Who art thou? — and she answered, I am a 
daughter of one of the kings of India; I was in the desert, 
and slumber overtook me, and I fell from my horse in a 
state of insensibility, and being thus separated from my 
attendants, I lost my way. The Prince, on hearing this, 
pitied her forlorn state, and placed her behind him on his 
horse; and as they proceeded, they passed by a ruin, and 
the damsel said to him, O my master, I would alight here 
for a little while. The Prince therefore lifted her from his 
horse at this ruin; but she delayed so long to return, that 
he wondered wherefore she had loitered so, and entering 
after her, without her knowledge, perceived that she was a 
Ghuleh, 5 and heard her say, My children, I have brought you 
to-day a fat young man: — on which they exclaimed, Bring 
him in to us, O mother! that we may fill our stomachs 
with his flesh. When the Prince heard their words, he 
felt assured of destruction; the muscles of his sides quivered, 
and fear overcame him, and he retreated. The Ghuleh then 
came forth, and, seeing that he appeared alarmed and fear- 
ful, and that he was trembling, said to him, Wherefore 
dost thou fear? He answered, I have an enemy of whom 
I am in fear. The Ghuleh said, Thou assertest thyself to 
be the son of the King. He replied, Yes.— Then, said she, 
wherefore dost thou not give some money to thine enemy, 

6 A female Ghul, that eats men. 


and so conciliate him? He answered, He will not be ap- 
peased with money, nor with anything but life; and there- 
fore do I fear him: I am an injured man. She then said 
to him, if thou be an injured man, as thou affirmest, beg 
aid of God against thine oppressor, and He will avert from 
thee his mischievous design, and that of every other person 
whom thou fearest. Upon this, therefore, the Prince raised 
his head towards heaven, and said, O Thou who answerest 
the distressed when he prayeth to Thee, and dispellest evil, 
assist me, and cause mine enemy to depart from me; for 
Thou art able to do whatsoever Thou wilt ! — and the Ghuleh 
no sooner heard his prayer, than she departed from him. 
The Prince then returned to his father, and informed him of 
the conduct of the Wezir ; upon which the King gave orders 
that the minister should be put to death. . 

And thou, O King, continued the Wezir of King Yunan, 
if thou trust in this sage, he will kill thee in the foulest 
manner. If thou continue to bestow favours upon him, and 
to make him thine intimate companion, he will plot thy 
destruction. Dost thou not see that he hath cured thee of 
the disease by external means, by a thing that thou heldest 
in thy hand? Therefore thou art not secure against his 
killing thee by a thing that thou shalt hold in the same 
manner. — King Yunan answered, Thou hast spoken truth: 
the case is as thou hast said, O faithful Wezir : it is probable 
that this sage came as a spy to accomplish my death; and if 
he cured me by a thing I held in my hand, he may destroy 
me by a thing that I may smell: what then, O Wezir, shall 
be done respecting him? The Wezir answered, Send to him 
immediately, and desire him to come hither; and when he is 
come, strike off his head, and so shalt thou avert from thee 
his evil design, and be secure from him. Betray him before 
he betray thee. — The King said, Thou hast spoken right. 

Immediately, therefore, he sent for the sage, who came, 
full of joy, not knowing what the Compassionate had decreed 
against him, and addressed the King with these words of 
the poet — 

If I fail any day to render thee due thanks, tell me for whom I 
have composed my verse and prose. 


Thou hast loaded me with favours unsolicited, bestowed without 

delay on thy part, or excuse. 
How then should I abstain from praising thee as thou deservest, 

and lauding thee both with my heart and voice? 
Nay, I will thank thee for thy benefits conferred upon me : they are 

light upon my tongue, though weighty to my back. 

Knowest thou, said the King", wherefore I have summoned 
thee? The sage answered, None knoweth what is secret 
but God, whose name be exalted ! Then said the King, I 
have summoned thee that I may take away thy life. The 
sage, in the utmost astonishment at this announcement, said, 

King, wherefore wouldst thou kill me, and what offence 
hath been committed by me? The King answered, It hath 
been told me that thou art a spy, and that thou hast come 
hither to kill me : but I will prevent thee by killing thee 
first: — and so saying, he called out to the executioner, Strike 
off the head of this traitor, and relieve me from his wicked- 
ness. — Spare me, said the sage, and so may God spare thee; 
and destroy me not, lest God destroy thee. — And he repeated 
these words several times, like as I did, O 'Efrit; but thou 
wouldst not let me go, desiring to destroy me. 

King Yunan then said to the sage Duban, I shall not be 
secure unless I kill thee; for thou curedst me by a thing 
that I held in my hand, and I have no security against thy 
killing me by a thing that I may smell, or by some other 
means. — O King, said the sage, is this my recompense from 
thee ? Dost thou return evil for good ? — The King answered, 
Thou must be slain without delay. When the sage, there- 
fore, was convinced that the King intended to put him to 
death, and that his fate was inevitable, he lamented the 
benefit that he had done to the undeserving. The execu- 
tioner then advanced, and bandaged his eyes, and, having 
drawn his sword, said, Give permission. Upon this the sage 
wept, and said again, Spare me, and so may God spare 
thee ; and destroy me not, lest God destroy thee ! Wouldst 
thou return me the recompense of the crocodile? — What, 
said the King, is the story of the crocodile? The sage 
answered, I cannot relate it while in this condition; but 

1 conjure thee by Allah to spare me, and so may He spare 
thee. And he wept bitterly. Then one of the chief officers 


of the King arose, and said, O King, give up to me the 
blood of this sage; for we have not seen him commit any 
offence against thee; nor have we seen him do aught but 
cure thee of thy disease, which wearied the other physicians 
and sages. The King answered, Ye know not the reason 
wherefore I would kill the sage: it is this, that if I suffered 
him to live, I should myself inevitably perish; for he who 
cured me of the disease under which I suffered by a thing 
that I held in my hand, may kill me by a thing that I may 
smell; and I fear that he would do so, and would receive an 
appointment on account of it; seeing that it is probable 
he is a spy who hath come hither to kill me ; I must therefore 
kill him, and then shall I feel myself safe. — The sage then 
said again, Spare me, and so may God spare thee; and de- 
stroy me not, lest God destroy thee. 

But he now felt certain, O 'Efrit, that the King would put 
him to death, and that there was no escape for him; so he 
said, O King, if my death is indispensable, grant me some 
respite, that I may return to my house, and acquit myself of 
my duties, and give directions to my family and neighbours 
to bury me, and dispose of my medical books; and among 
my books is one of the most especial value, which I offer as a 
present to thee, that thou mayest treasure it in thy library. — 
And what, said the King, is this book? He answered, It 
contains things not to be enumerated; and the smallest of 
the secret virtues that it possesses is this; that, when thou 
hast cut off my head, if thou open this book, and count 
three leaves, and then read three lines on the page to the 
left, the head will speak to thee, and answer whatever thou 
shalt ask. At this the King was excessively astonished, 
and shook with delight, and said to him, O Sage, when I 
have cut off thy head will it speak? He answered, Yes, 
O King; and this is a wonderful thing. 

The King then sent him in the custody of guards ; and 
the sage descended to his house, and settled all his affairs on 
that day ; and on the following day he went up to the court : 
and the Emirs and Wezirs, and Chamberlains and Deputies, 
and all the great officers of the state, went thither also : and 
the court resembled a flower-garden. And when the sage 
had entered, he presented himself before the King, bearing 


an old book, and a small pot containing a powder: and he 
sat down, and said, Bring me a tray. So they brought him 
one; and he poured out the powder into it, and spread it. 
He then said, O King, take this book, and do nothing with 
it until thou hast cut off my head ; and when thou hast done 
so, place it upon this tray, and order some one to press it 
down upon the powder; and when this is done, the blood 
will be stanched: then open the book. As soon as the 
sage had said this, the King gave orders to strike off his 
head; and it was done. The King then opened the book, 
and found that its leaves were stuck together; so he put his 
finger to his mouth, and moistened it with his spittle, and 
opened the first leaf, and the second, and the third; but the 
leaves were not opened without difficulty. He opened six 
leaves, and looked at them ; but found upon them no 
writing. So he said, O Sage, there is nothing written in it. 
The head of the sage answered, Turn over more leaves. 
The King did so ; and in a little while, the poison penetrated 
into his system; for the book was poisoned; and the King 
fell back, and cried out, The poison hath penetrated • into 
me ! — and upon this, the head of the sage Duban repeated 
these verses: — 

They made use of their power, and used it tyrannically ; and soon it 

became as though it never had existed. 
Had they acted equitably, they had experienced equity ; but they 

oppressed ; wherefore fortune oppressed them with calamities 

and trials. 
Then did the case itself announce to them, This is the reward of 

your conduct, and fortune is blameless. 

And when the head of the sage Duban had uttered these 
words, the King immediately fell down dead. 

Now, O 'Efrit, continued the fisherman, know that if 
King Yunan had spared the sage, Duban, God had spared 
him; but he refused, and desired his destruction; therefore 
God destroyed him ; and thou, O 'Efrit, if thou hadst spared 
me, God had spared thee, and I had spared thee; but thou 
desiredst my death; therefore will I put thee to death 
imprisoned in this bottle, and will throw thee here into the 
sea. The Marid, upon this, cried out, and said, I conjure 


thee by Allah, O fisherman, that thou do it not : spare me in 
generosity, and be not angry with me for what I did; but if 
I have done evil, do thou good, according to the proverb, — 
O thou benefactor of him who hath done evil, the action that 
he hath done is sufficient for him: — do not therefore as 
Umameh did to 'Atikeh. — And what, said the fisherman, was 
their case? The 'Efrit answered, This is not a time for 
telling stories, when I am in this prison; but when thou 
liberatest me, I will relate to thee their case. The fisherman 
said, Thou must be thrown into the sea, and there shall be 
no way of escape for thee from it; for I endeavoured to 
propitiate thee, and humbled myself before thee, yet thou 
wouldest nothing but my destruction, though I had com- 
mitted no offence to deserve it, and had done no evil to thee 
whatever, but only good, delivering thee from thy confine- 
ment; and when thou didst thus unto me, I perceived that 
thou wast radically corrupt: and I would have thee know, 
that my motive for throwing thee into this sea, is that I may 
acquaint with thy story every one that shall take thee out, 
and caution him against thee, that he may cast thee in 
again : thus shalt thou remain in this sea to the end of time, 
and experience varieties of torment. — The 'Efrit then said, 
Liberate me, for this is an opportunity for thee to display 
humanity ; and I vow to thee that I will never do thee harm ; 
but, on the contrary, will do thee a service that shall enrich 
thee for ever. 

Upon this the fisherman accepted his covenant that he 
would not hurt him, but that he would do him good; and 
when he had bound him by oaths and vows, and made him 
swear by the Most Great Name of God, he opened to him ; 
and the smoke ascended until it had all come forth, and 
then collected together, and became, as before, an 'Efrit of 
hideous form. The 'Efrit then kicked the bottle into the 
sea. When the fisherman saw him do this, he made sure 
of destruction, and said, This is no sign of good: — but 
afterwards he fortified his heart, and said, O 'Efrit, God, 
whose name be exalted, hath said, Perform the covenant, 
for the covenant shall be inquired into: 6 — and thou hast 
covenanted with me, and sworn that thou wilt not act 

6 Kur'an, xvii. 36. 


treacherously towards me; therefore, if thou so act, God 
will recompense thee; for He is jealous; He respiteth, but 
suffereth not to escape; and remember that I said to thee 
as said the sage Duban to King Yunan, Spare me, and so 
may God spare thee. 

The 'Efrit laughed, and walking on before him, said, O 
fisherman, follow me. The fisherman did so, not believing 
in his escape, until they had quitted the neighbourhood of 
the city, and ascended a mountain, and descended into a 
wide desert tract, in the midst of which was a lake of water. 
Here the 'Efrit stopped, and ordered the fisherman to cast 
his net and take some fish; and the fisherman, looking into 
the lake, saw in it fish of different colours, white and red 
and blue and yellow; at which he was astonished; and he 
cast his net, and drew it in, and found in it four fish, each 
fish of a different colour from the others, at the sight of 
which he rejoiced. The 'Efrit then said to him, Take them 
to the Sultan, and present them to him, and he will give 
thee what will enrich thee; and for the sake of God accept 
my excuse, for, at present, I know no other way of reward- 
ing thee, having been in the sea a thousand and eight 
hundred years, and not seen the surface of the earth until 
now; but take not fish from the lake more than once each 
day : and now I commend thee to the care of God. — Having 
thus said, he struck the earth with his feet, and it clove 
asunder, and swallowed him. 

The fisherman then went back to the city, wondering at 
all that had befallen him with the 'Efrit, and carried the fish 
to his house; and he took an earthen bowl, and, having 
filled it with water, put the fish into it; and they struggled 
in the water: and when he had done this, he placed the 
bowl upon his head, and repaired to the King's palace, as 
the 'Efrit had commanded him, and, going up unto the 
King, presented to him the fish; and the King was exces- 
sively astonished at them, for he had never seen any like 
them in the course of his life; and he said, Give these fish 
to the slave cook-maid. This maid had been sent as a 
present to him by the King of the Greeks, three days 
before; and he had not yet tried her skill. The Wezir, 
therefore, ordered her to fry the fish, and said to her, O 


maid, the King saith unto thee, I have not reserved my tear 
but for the time of my difficulty: — to-day, then, gratify us by 
a specimen of thy excellent cookery, for a person hath 
brought these fish as a present to the Sultan. After having 
thus charged her, the Wezir returned, and the King ordered 
him to give the fisherman four hundred pieces of gold: so 
the Wezir gave them to him; and he took them in his lap, 
and returned to his home and his wife, joyful and happy, and 
bought what was needful for his family. 

Such were the events that befell the fisherman: now we 
must relate what happened to the maid. — She took the fish, 
and cleaned them, and arranged them in the frying-pan, and 
left them until one side was cooked, when she turned them 
upon the other side; and lo, the wall of the kitchen clove 
asunder, and there came forth from it a damsel of tall 
stature, smooth-cheeked, of perfect form, with eyes adorned 
with kohl, beautiful in countenance, and with heavy, swelling 
hips; wearing a kufiyeh interwoven with blue silk; with 
rings in her ears, and bracelets on her wrists, and rings set 
with precious jewels on her fingers; and in her hand was a 
rod of Indian cane: and she dipped the end of the rod in 
the frying-pan, and said, O fish, are ye remaining faithful to 
your covenant? At the sight of this, the cook-maid fainted. 
The damsel then repeated the same words a second and a 
third time; after which the fish raised their heads from the 
frying-pan, and answered, Yes, yes. They then repeated 
the following verse : — 

U thou return, we return; and if thou come, we come; and if thou 
forsake, we verily do the same. 

r\nd upon this the damsel overturned the frying-pan, and 
departed by the way she had entered, and the wall of the 
kitchen closed up again. The cook-maid then arose, and 
beheld the four fish burnt like charcoal; and she exclaimed, 
In his first encounter his staff broke ! — and as she sat re- 
proaching herself, she beheld the Wezir standing at her 
head; and he said to her, Bring the fish to the Sultan: — 
and she wept, and informed him of what had happened. 

The Wezir was astonished at her words, and exclaimed, 
This is indeed a wonderful event; — and he sent for the 


fisherman, and when he was brought, he said to him, 
fisherman, thou must bring to us four fish like those which 
thou broughtest before. The fisherman accordingly went 
forth to the lake, and threw his net, and when he had drawn 
it in he found in it four fish as before ; and he took them to 
the Wezir, who went with them to the maid, and said to her, 
Rise, and fry them in my presence, that I may witness this 
occurrence. The maid, therefore, prepared the fish, and 
put them in the frying-pan, and they had remained but a 
little while, when the wall clove asunder, and the damsel 
appeared, clad as before, and holding the rod; and she 
dipped the end of the rod in the frying-pan, and said, O fish, 
O fish, are ye remaining faithful to your old covenant ? Upon 
which they raised their heads, and answered as before; and 
the damsel overturned the frying-pan with the rod, and re- 
turned by the way she had entered, and the wall closed up 

The Wezir then said, This is an event which cannot be 
concealed from the King : — so he went to him, and informed 
him of what had happened in his presence; and the King 
said, I must see this with my own eyes. He sent, therefore, 
to the fisherman, and commanded him to bring four fish like 
the former, granting him a delay of three days. And the 
fisherman repaired to the lake, and brought the fish thence 
to the King, who ordered again that four hundred pieces of 
gold should be given to him; and then, turning to the 
Wezir, said to him, Cook the fish thyself here before me. 
The Wezir answered, I hear and obey. He brought the 
frying-pan, and after he had cleaned the fish, threw them 
into it; and as soon as he had turned them, the wall clove 
asunder, and there came forth from it a negro, in size like a 
bull, or like one of the tribe of 'Ad, 7 having in his hand 
a branch of a green tree; and he said, with a clear but 
terrifying voice, O fish, O fish, are ye remaining faithful to 
your old covenant? Upon which they raised their heads, 
and answered as before, Yes, yes: 

If thou return, we return ; and if thou come, we come ; and if thou 
forsake, we verily do the same. 

7 The smallest of tne ancient Arab tribe of 'Ad is said to have been 
sixty cubits high. 


The black then approached the frying-pan, and overturned 
it with the branch, and the fish became like charcoal, and 
he went away as he had come. 

When he had thus disappeared from before their eyes, 
the King said, This is an event respecting which it is im- 
possible to keep silence, and there must, undoubtedly, be 
some strange circumstance connected with these fish. He 
then ordered that the fisherman should be brought before 
him, and when he had come, he said to him, Whence came 
these fish? The fisherman answered, From a lake between 
four mountains behind this mountain which is without thy 
city. The King said to him, How many days' journey 
distant? He answered, O our lord the Sultan, a journey 
of half-an-hour. And the Sultan was astonished, and ordered 
his troops to go out immediately with him and the fisherman, 
who began to curse the 'Efrit. They proceeded until they 
had ascended the mountain, and descended into a wide 
desert tract which they had never before seen in their whole 
lives; and the Sultan and all the troops wondered at the 
sight of this desert, which was between four mountains, 
and at the fish, which were of four colors, red and white and 
yellow and blue. The King paused in astonishment, and 
said to the troops, and to the other attendants who were 
with him, Hath any one of you before seen this lake in this 
place? They all answered, No. Then said the King, By 
Allah, I will not enter my city, nor will I sit upon my throne, 
until I know the true history of this lake, and of its fish. 
And upon this he ordered his people to encamp around these 
mountains; and they did so. He then called for the Wezir, 
who was a well-informed, sensible, prudent, and learned 
man; and when he had presented himself before him, he 
said to him, I desire to do a thing with which I will acquaint 
thee; and it is this: — I have resolved to depart alone this 
night, to seek for information respecting this lake and 
its fish: therefore, sit thou at the door of my pavilion, 
and say to the Emirs and Wezirs and Chamberlains, The 
Sultan is sick, and hath commanded me not to allow any 
person to go in unto him: — and acquaint no one with my 

The Wezir was unable to oppose his design; so the King 


disguised himself, and slung on his sword, and withdrew 
himself from the midst of his troops. He journeyed the 
whole of the night, until the morning, and proceeded until the 
heat became oppressive to him : he then paused to rest ; after 
which he again proceeded the remainder of the day and the 
second night until the morning, when there appeared before 
him, in the distance, something black, at the sight of which 
he rejoiced, and said, Perhaps I shall there find some person 
who will inform me of the history of the lake and its fish. 
And when he approached this black object, he found it to be 
a palace built of black stones, and overlaid with iron; and 
one of the leaves of its door was open, and the other shut. 
The King was glad, and he stood at the door, and knocked 
gently, but heard no answer; he knocked a second and a 
third time, but again heard no answer: then he knocked a 
fourth time, and with violence; but no one answered. So 
he said, It is doubtless empty: — and he took courage, and 
entered from the door into the passage, and cried out, 
saying, O inhabitants of the palace, I am a stranger and a 
traveller! have ye any provision? And he repeated these 
words a second and a third time; but heard no answer. 
And upon this he fortified his heart, and emboldened him- 
self, and proceeded from the passage into the midst of the 
palace; but he found no one there, and only saw that it was 
furnished, and that there was, in the centre of it, a fountain 
with four lions of red gold, which poured forth the water 
from their mouths, like pearls and jewels: around this were 
birds; and over the top of the palace was extended a net 
which prevented their flying out. At the sight of these 
objects he was astonished, and he was grieved that he saw 
no person there whom he could ask for information respect- 
ing the lake, and the fish, and the mountains, and the palace. 
He then sat down between the doors, reflecting upon these 
things; and as he thus sat, he heard a voice of lamentation 
from a sorrowful heart, chanting these verses: — 

O fortune, thou pitiest me not, nor releasest me ! See my heart is 

straitened between affliction and peril ! 
Will not you [O my wife] have compassion on the mighty whom 

love hath abased, and the wealthy who is reduced to 

indigence ? 


We were jealous even of the zephyr which passed over you : but 

when the divine decree is issued, the eye becometh blind ! 
What resource hath the archer when, in the hour of conflict, he 

desireth to discharge the arrow, but findeth his bow-string 

broken ? 
And when troubles are multiplied upon the noble-minded, where 

shall he find refuge from fate and from destiny? 

When the Sultan heard this lamentation, he sprang upon 
his feet, and, seeking the direction whence it proceeded, 
found a curtain suspended before the door of a chamber; 
and he raised it, and beheld behind it a young man sitting 
on a couch raised to the height of a cubit from the floor. 
He was a handsome youth, well-shaped, and of eloquent 
speech, with shining forehead, and rosy cheek, marked with 
a mole resembling ambergris. The King was rejoiced at 
seeing him, and saluted him; and the young man (who 
remained sitting, and was clad with a vest of silk, embroid- 
ered with gold, but who exhibited traces of grief) returned 
his salutation, and said to him, O my master, excuse my not 
rising. — O youth ! said the King, inform me respecting the 
lake, and its fish of various colours, and respecting this 
palace, and the reason of thy being alone in it, and of thy 
lamentation. When the young man heard these words, 
tears trickled down his cheeks, and he wept bitterly. And 
the King was astonished, and said to him, What causeth 
thee to weep, O youth? He answered, How can I refrain 
from weeping, when this is my state? — and so saying, he 
stretched forth his hand, and lifted up the skirts of his 
clothing; and lo, half of him, from his waist to the soles of 
his feet, was stone; and from his waist to the hair of his 
head, he was like other men. He then said, Know, O King, 
that the story of the fish is extraordinary ; if it were engraved 
upon the intellect, it would be a lesson to him who would be 
admonished: — and he related as follows: — 

The Story of the Young King of the Black Islands 

My father was king of the city which was here situate: 
his name was Mahmud, and he was lord of the Black Islands, 
and of the four mountains. After a reign of seventy years, 


he died, and I succeeded to his throne; whereupon I took 
as my wife the daughter of my uncle; and she loved me 
excessively, so that when I absented myself from her, she 
would neither eat nor drink till she saw me again. She 
remained under my protection five years. After this, she 
went one day to the bath; and I had commanded the cook 
to prepare the supper, and entered this palace, and slept in 
my usual place. I had ordered two maids to fan me; and 
one of them sat at my head, and the other at my feet ; but I 
was restless, because my wife was not with me; and I could 
not sleep. My eyes were closed, but my spirit was awake; 
and I heard the maid at my head say to her at my feet, O 
Mes'udeh, verily our lord is unfortunate in his youth, and 
what a pity is it that it should be passed with our depraved, 
wicked mistress ! — Perdition to unfaithful wives ! replied the 
other: but (added she) such a person as our lord, so en- 
dowed by nature, is not suited to this profligate woman, who 
passes every night absent from his bed. — Verily, rejoined she 
at my head, our lord is careless in not making any inquiry 
respecting her. — Wo to thee ! said the other : hath our lord 
any knowledge of her conduct, or doth she leave him to his 
choice? Nay, on the contrary, she contriveth to defraud 
him by means of the cup of wine which he drinketh every 
night before he sleepeth, putting benj 8 into it; in conse- 
quence of which he sleepeth so soundly that he knoweth not 
what happeneth, nor whither she goeth, nor what she doeth ; 
for, after she hath given him the wine to drink, she dresseth 
herself, and goeth out from him, and is absent until day- 
break, when she returneth to him, and burneth a perfume 
under his nose, upon which he awaketh from his sleep. 

When I heard this conversation of the maids, the light 
became darkness before my face, and I was hardly conscious 
of the approach of night, when my cousin returned from 
the bath. The table was prepared, and we ate, and sat a 
while drinking our wine as usual. I then called for the 
wine which I was accustomed to drink before I lay down to 
sleep, and she handed to me the cup; but I turned away, 
and, pretending to drink it as I was wont to do, poured it 
into my bosom, and immediately lay down: upon which 

* Bhang, hemp. 


she said, Sleep on; I wish that thou wouldst never wake 
again! By Allah, I abhor thee, and abhor thy person, and 
my soul is weary of thy company ! — She then arose, and 
attired herself in the most magnificent of her apparel, and, 
having perfumed herself, and slung on a sword, opened the 
door of the palace, and went out. I got up immediately, 
and followed her until she had quitted the palace, and 
passed through the streets of the city, and arrived at the 
city-gates, when she pronounced some words that I under- 
stood not; whereupon the locks fell off, and the gates 
opened, and she went out, I still following her, without her 
knowledge. Thence she proceeded to a space among the 
mounds, and arrived at a strong edifice, in which was a 
kubbeh constructed of mud, with a door, which she entered. 
I then climbed upon the roof of the kubbeh, and, looking 
down upon her through an aperture, saw that she was 
visiting a black slave, whose large lips, one of which over- 
lapped the other, gathered up the sand from the pebbly 
floor, while he lay, in a filthy and wet condition, upon a 
few stalks of sugar-cane. 

She kissed the ground before this slave; and he raised 
his head towards her, and said, Wo to thee ! Wherefore 
hast thou remained away until this hour? The other blacks 
have been here drinking wine, and each of them has gone 
away with his mistress; and I refused to drink on thy 
account. — She answered, O my master, and beloved of my 
heart, knowest thou not that I am married to my cousin, 
and that I abhor every man who resembles him, and hate 
myself while I am in his company? If I did not fear to 
displease thee, I would reduce the city to ruins, so that the 
owl and the raven should cry in it, and would transport its 
stones beyond Mount Kaf. 10 — Thou liest, thou infamous 
woman, replied the slave; and I swear by the generosity 
of the blacks (and if I speak not truth, may our valour be as 
the valour of the whites), that if thou loiter as thou hast 
now done till this hour, I will no longer give thee my 
company, nor approach thy person, thou faithless one ! 
Dost thou inconvenience me for the sake of thine own 

9 A building with a dome. 
IJ) The chain of mountains believed by Muslims to encircle the earth. 


pleasure, thou filthy wretch, and vilest of the whites? — 
When I heard (continued the King) their words, and wit- 
nessed what passed between them, the world became dark 
before my face, and I knew not where I was. — My cousin still 
stood weeping, and abasing herself before him, and said, 

my beloved, and treasure of my heart, there remaineth 
to me none but thee for whom I care, and if thou cast me 
off, alas for me ! O my beloved ! O light of mine eye ! — 
Thus she continued to weep, and to humble herself before 
him, until he became pacified towards her; upon which 
she rejoiced, and arose, and, having disrobed herself, said 
to him, O my master, hast thou here anything that thy maid 
may eat? He answered, Uncover the dough-pan; it con- 
tains some cooked rats' bones: eat of them, and pick them; 
and take this earthen pot: thou wilt find in it some buzah u 
to drink. So she arose, and ate and drank, and washed her 
hands; after which she lay down by the side of the slave, 
upon the stalks of sugar-cane, and covered herself with his 
tattered clothes and rags. 

When I saw her do this, I became unconscious of my 
existence, and, descending from the roof of the kubbeh, 
entered, and took the sword from the side of my cousin, 
with the intention of killing them both. I struck the slave 
upon his neck, and thought that he was killed; but the 
blow, which I gave with the view of severing his head, only 
cut the gullet and skin and flesh; and when I thought that 

1 had killed him, he uttered a loud snore, upon which my 
cousin started up, and, as soon as I had gone, took the 
sword, and returned it to its scabbard, and came back to 
the city and to the palace, and lay down again in my bed, 
in which she remained until the morning. 

On the following day, I observed that my cousin had 
cut off her hair, and put on the apparel of mourning; and 
she said to me, O my cousin, blame me not for what I do; 
for I have received news that my mother is dead, and that 
my father hath been slain in a holy war, and that one of my 
two brothers hath died of a poisonous sting, and the other 
by the fall of a house : it is natural, therefore, that I should 
weep and mourn. On hearing these words, I abstained 

u Barley-beer. 


from upbraiding her, and said, Do what seemeth fit to thee; 
for I will not oppose thee. Accordingly, she continued 
mourning and weeping and wailing a whole year; after 
which she said to me, I have a desire to build for myself, 
in thy palace, a tomb, with a kubbeh, that I may repair 
thither alone to mourn, and I will call it the House of 
Lamentations. I replied, Do what thou seest fit. So she 
built for herself a house for mourning, with a kubbeh in the 
middle of it, like the tomb of a saint; after which she 
removed thither the slave, and there she lodged him. He 
was in a state of excessive weakness, and unable to render 
her any service, though he drank wine; and from the day 
on which I had wounded him, he had never spoken; yet 
he remained alive, because the appointed term of his life 
had not expired. My cousin every day visited him in this 
tomb early and late, to weep and mourn over him, and took 
to him wine to drink, and boiled meats; and thus she con- 
tinued to do, morning and evening, until the expiration of 
the second year, while I patiently suffered her, till, one day, 
I entered her apartments unawares, and found her weeping, 
and slapping her face, and repeating these verses : — 

I have lost my existence among mankind since your absence; for 

my heart loveth none but you. 
Take my body, then, in mercy, to the place where you are laid; 

and there bury me by your side : 
And if, at my grave, you utter my name, the moaning of my bones 

shall answer to your call. 

As soon as he had finished the recitation of these verses, 
I said to her, holding my drawn sword in my hand, This is 
the language of those faithless women who renounce the 
ties of affinity, and regard not lawful fellowship ! — and I 
was about to strike her with the sword, and had lifted up my 
arm to do so, when she rose — for she knew that it was I 
who had wounded the slave — and, standing before me, 
pronounced some words which I understood not, and said, 
May God, by means of my enchantment, make thee to be 
half of stone, and half of the substance of man ! — whereupon 
I became as thou seest, unable to move, neither dead nor 
alive; and when I had been reduced to this state, she 


enchanted the city and its markets and fields. The inhab- 
itants of our city were of four classes; Muslims and 
Christians, and Jews and Magians; and she transformed 
them into fish: the white are the Muslims; the red, the 
Magians ; the blue, the Christians ; and the yellow, the Jews. 
She transformed, also, the four islands into four mountains, 
and placed them around the lake; and from that time she 
has continued every day to torture me, inflicting upon me a 
hundred lashes with a leathern whip, until the blood flows 
from my wounds; after which she puts on my upper half a 
vest of hair-cloth, beneath these garments. — Having said thus, 
the young man wept, and ejaculated the following verses : — 

Give me patience, O Allah, to bear what Thou decreestl I will 
be patient, if so I may obtain thine approval. 

I am straitened, indeed, by the calamity that hath befallen me : but 
the Family of the favoured Prophet shall intercede for me 1 

Upon this, the King, looking towards the young man, 
said to him, O youth, thou hast increased my anxiety. And 
where (he added) is this woman? — The young man answered, 
She is in the tomb where the slave is lying, in the kubbeh; 
and every day, before she visits him, she strips me of my 
clothing, and inflicts upon me a hundred lashes with the 
whip, while I weep and cry out, unable to move so as to 
repulse her. After thus torturing me, she repairs early to 
the slave, with the wine and boiled meat. — By Allah, O 
youth, said the King, I will do thee an act of kindness for 
which I shall be remembered, and a favour which historians 
shall record in a biography after me. 

He then sat and conversed with him until the approach 
of night, upon which he arose, and waited till the first dawn 
of day, when he took off his clothes, and slung on his sword, 
and went to the place where the slave lay. After remarking 
the candles and lamps, and perfumes and ointments, he ap- 
proached the slave, and with a blow of his sword slew him ; 
he then carried him on his back, and threw him into a well 
which he found in the palace, and returning to the kubbeh, 
clad himself with the slave's clothes, and lay down with the 
drawn sword by his side. Soon after, the vile enchantress 
went to her cousin, and, having pulled off his clothes, took 


the whip and beat him, while he cried, Ah! it is enough 
for me to be in this state ! Have pity on me then ! — Didst 
thou shew pity to me, she exclaimed, and didst thou spare 
my lover ? — She then put on him the hair-cloth vest and his 
outer garments, and repaired to the slave with a cup of wine, 
and a bowl of boiled meat. Entering the tomb, she wept 
and wailed, exclaiming, O my master, answer me! O my 
master, speak to me! — and poured forth her lamentation in 
the words of this verse: — 

How long shall this aversion and harshness continue? Sufficient 
is the evil which my passion hath brought upon me ! 

Then, weeping, as before, she exclaimed again, O my master, 
answer me and speak to me! Upon this the King, speak- 
ing in a low voice, and adapting his tongue to the pronuncia- 
tion of the blacks ejaculated, Ah ! Ah ! there is no strength 
nor power but in God ! On hearing these words, she screamed 
with joy, and fell down in a swoon ; and when she recovered, 
she exclaimed, Possibly my master is restored to health! 
The King, again lowering his voice, as if from weakness, 
replied, Thou profligate wretch, thou deservest not that I 
should address thee. — Wherefore? said she. He answered, 
Because all the day long thou tormentest thy husband, while 
he calleth out, and imploreth the aid of God, so that thou 
hast prevented my sleeping from the commencement of dark- 
ness until morning: thy husband hath not ceased to humble 
himself, and to imprecate vengeance upon thee, till he hath 
distracted me ; and had it not been for this, I had recovered 
my strength: this it is which hath prevented my answering 
thee. — Then, with thy permission, she replied, I will liberate 
him from his present sufferings. — Liberate him, said the 
King, and give us ease. 

She replied, I hear and obey; — and immediately arose, 
and went out from the kubbeh to the palace, and, taking a 
cup, filled it with water, and pronounced certain words over 
it, upon which it began to boil like a cauldron. She then 
sprinkled some of it upon her cousin, saying, By virtue of 
what I have uttered, be changed from thy present state to 
that in which thou wast at first ! — and instantly he shook, 
and stood upon his feet, rejoicing in his liberation, and 


exclaimed, I testify that there is no deity but God, and that 
Mohammad is God's Apostle; God bless and save him! 
She then said to him, Depart, and return not hither, or I 
will kill thee : — and she cried out in his face : so he departed 
from before her, and she returned to the kubbeh, and said, O 
my master, come forth to me that I may behold thee. He 
replied, with a weak voice, What hast thou done ? Thou hast 
relieved me from the branch, but hast not relieved me from 
the root. — O my beloved, she said, and what is the root? He 
answered, The people of this city, and of the four islands: 
every night, at the middle hour, the fish raise their heads, and 
imprecate vengeance upon me and upon thee ; and this is the 
cause that preventeth the return of vigour to my body ; there- 
fore, liberate them, and come, and take my hand, and raise 
me ; for vigour hath already in part returned to me. 

On hearing these words of the King, whom she imagined 
to be the slave, she said to him with joy, O my master, on 
my head and my eye ! In the name of Allah ! — and she 
sprang up, full of happiness, and hastened to the lake, where, 
taking a little of its water, she pronounced over it some un- 
intelligible words, whereupon the fish became agitated, and 
raised their heads, and immediately became converted into 
men as before. Thus was the enchantment removed from 
the inhabitants of the city, and the city became repeopled, 
and the market-streets re-erected, and every one returned to 
his occupation: the mountains also became changed into 
islands as they were at the first. The enchantress then re- 
turned immediately to the King, whom she still imagined to 
be the slave, and said to him, O my beloved, stretch forth 
thy honoured hand, that I may kiss it. — Approach me, said 
the King in a low voice. So she drew near to him; and 
he, having his keen-edged sword ready in his hand, thrust 
it into her bosom, and the point protruded from her back: 
he then struck her again, and clove her in twain, and went 

He found the young man who had been enchanted waiting 
his return, and congratulated him on his safety; and the 
young prince kissed his hand, and thanked him. The King 
then said to him, Wilt thou remain in thy city, or come with 
me to my capital?— O King of the age, said the young man, 


dost thou know the distance that is between thee and thy 
city? The King answered, Two days and a half. — O King, 
replied the young man, if thou hast been asleep, awake: be- 
tween thee and thy city is a distance of a year's journey to 
him who travelleth with diligence; and thou earnest in two 
days and a half only because the city was enchanted: but, 
O King, I will never quit thee for the twinkling of an eye. 
The King rejoiced at his words, and said, Praise be to God, 
who hath in his beneficence given thee to me: thou art my 
son; for during my whole life, I have never been blest with 
a son: — and they embraced each other, and rejoiced exceed- 
ingly. They then went together into the palace, where the 
King who had been enchanted informed the officers of his 
court that he was about to perform the holy pilgrimage: so 
they prepared for him everything that he required; and he 
departed with the Sultan; his heart burning with reflections 
upon his city, because he had been deprived of the sight of 
it for the space of a year. 

He set forth, accompanied by fifty memluks, and pro- 
vided with presents, and they continued their journey night 
and day for a whole year, after which they drew near to the 
city of the Sultan, and the Wezir and the troops, who had 
lost all hope of his return, came forth to meet him. The 
troops, approaching him, kissed the ground before him, and 
congratulated him on his safe return; and he entered the 
city, and sat upon the throne. He then acquainted the Wezir 
with all that had happened to the young King; on hearing 
which, the Wezir congratulated the latter, also, on his safety ; 
and when all things were restored to order, the Sultan be- 
stowed presents upon a number of his subjects, and said to 
the Wezir, Bring to me the fisherman who presented to me 
the fish. So he sent to this fisherman, who had been the 
cause of the restoration of the inhabitants of the enchanted 
city, and brought him; and the King invested him with a 
dress of honour, and inquired of him respecting his circum- 
stances, and whether he had any children. The fisherman 
informed him that he had a son and two daughters ; and the 
King, on hearing this, took as his wife one of the daughters, 
and the young prince married the other. The King also con- 
ferred upon the son the office of treasurer. He then sent 


the Wezir to the city of the young prince, the capital of the 
Black Islands, and invested him with its sovereignty, des- 
patching with him the fifty memluks who had accompanied 
him thence, with numerous robes of honour to all the Emirs; 
and the Wezir kissed his hands, and set forth on his journey; 
while the Sultan and the young prince remained. And as to 
the fisherman, he became the wealthiest of the people of his 
age; and his daughters continued to be the wives of the Kings 
until they died. 

But this (added Shahrazad) is not more wonderful than 
what happened to the porter. 

[Nights 9—18] 

The Story of the Porter and the Ladies of Baghdad, 
and of the three royal mendicants, etc. 

There was a man of the city of Baghdad, who was un- 
married, and he was a porter; and one day, as he sat in 
the market, reclining against his crate, there accosted him 
a female wrapped in an izar of the manufacture of El-Mosil, 1 
composed of gold-embroidered silk, with a border " of gold 
lace at each end, who raised her face-veil, and displayed 
beneath it a pair of black eyes, with lids bordered by long 
lashes, exhibiting a tender expression, and features of perfect 
beauty; and she said, with a sweet voice, Bring thy crate, 
and follow me. 

The porter had scarcely heard her words when he took 
up his crate, and he followed her until she stopped at the 
door of a house, and knocked; whereupon there came down 
to her a Christian, and she gave him a piece of gold, and 
received for it a quantity of olives, and two large vessels of 
wine, which she placed in the crate, saying to the porter, 
Take it up, and follow me. The porter exclaimed, This is, 
indeed, a fortunate day ! — and he took up the crate, and 
followed her. She next stopped at the shop of a fruiterer, 
and bought of him Syrian apples, and 'Othmani quinces, and 
peaches of 'Oman, and jasmine of Aleppo, and water-lilies 
of Damascus, and cucumbers of the Nile, and Egyptian 
limes, and Sultani citrons, and sweet-scented myrtle, and 
sprigs of the henna-tree, and chamomile, and anemones, and 
violets, and pomegranate-flowers, and eglantine: all these 
she put into the porter's crate, and said to him, Take it up. 
So he took it up, and followed her until she stopped at the 
shop of a butcher, to whom she said, Cut off ten pounds of 

1 " Mosul," a city long famous for its fine stuffs. 


meat; — and he cut it off for her, and she wrapped it in a 
leaf of a banana-tree, and put it in the crate, and said again, 
Take it up, O porter: — and he did so, and followed her. 
She next stopped at the shop of a seller of dry fruits, and 
took some of every kind of these, and desired the porter to 
take up his burden. Having obeyed, he followed her until 
she stopped at the shop of a confectioner, where she bought 
a dish, and filled it with sweets of every kind that he had, 
which she put into the crate ; whereupon the porter ventured 
to say, If thou hadst informed me beforehand, I had brought 
with me a mule to carry all these things. The lady smiled 
at his remark, and next stopped at the shop of a perfumer, 
of whom she bought ten kinds of scented waters; rose- 
water, and orange-flower-water, and willow-flower-water, &c. ; 
together with some sugar, and a sprinkling-bottle of rose- 
water infused with musk, and some frankincense, and aloes- 
wood, and ambergris, and musk, and wax candles; and, 
placing all these in the crate, she said, Take up thy crate, 
and follow me. He, therefore, took it up, and followed her 
until she came to a handsome house, before which was a 
spacious court. It was a lofty structure, with a door of two 
leaves, composed of ebony, overlaid with plates of red gold. 
The young lady stopped at this door, and knocked 
gently; whereupon both its leaves were opened, and the 
porter, looking to see who opened it, found it to be a damsel 
of tall stature, high-bosomed, fair and beautiful, and of 
elegant form, with a forehead like the bright new moon, 
eyes like those of gazelles, eyebrows like the new moon of 
Ramadan, cheeks resembling anemones, and a mouth like 
the seal of Suleyman: her countenance was like the full 
moon in its splendour, and the forms of her bosom resembled 
two pomegranates of equal size. When the porter beheld 
her, she captived his reason, the crate nearly fell from his 
head, and he exclaimed, Never in my life have I seen a 
more fortunate day than this ! The lady-portress, standing 
within the door, said to the cateress and the porter, Ye are 
welcome: — and they entered, and proceeded to a spacious 
saloon, decorated with various colours, and beautifully con- 
structed, with carved wood-work, and fountains, and benches 
of different kinds, and closets with curtains hanging before 


them; there was also in it, at the upper end, a couch of 
alabaster inlaid with large pearls and jewels, with mos- 
quito-curtain of red satin suspended over it, and within this 
was a young lady with eyes possessing the enchantment of 
Babil, 2 and a figure like the letter Alif, with a face that put 
to shame the shining sun : she was like one of the brilliant 
planets, or rather, one of the most high-born of the maidens 
of Arabia. This third lady, rising from the couch, advanced 
with a slow and elegant gait to the middle of the saloon, 
where her sisters were standing, and said to them, Why 
stand ye still? Lift down the burden from the head of 
this poor porter: — whereupon the cateress placed herself 
before him, and the portress behind him, and, the third 
lady assisting them, they lifted it down from his head. 
They then took out the contents of the crate, and, having 
put everything in its place, gave to the porter two pieces of 
gold, saying to him Depart, O porter. 

The porter, however, stood looking at the ladies, and 
admiring their beauty and their agreeable dispositions; for 
he had never seen any more handsome; and when he 
observed that they had not a man among them, and gazed 
upon the wine, and fruits, and sweet-scented flowers, which 
were there, he was full of astonishment, and hesitated to go 
out; upon which one of the ladies said to him, Why dost 
thou not go? dost thou deem thy hire too little? Then 
turning to one of her sisters, she said to her, Give him 
another piece of gold. — By Allah, O my mistress, exclaimed 
the porter, my hire is but two half-dirhems, and I thought 
not what ye have given me too little; but my heart and 
mind were occupied with reflections upon you and your 
state, ye being alone, with no man among you, not one to 
amuse you with his company; for ye know that the men- 
areh 3 standeth not firmly but on four walls: now ye have 
not a fourth, and the pleasure of women is not com- 
plete without men : ye are three only, and have need of a 
fourth, who should be a man, a person of sense, discreet, 

2 Babil, or Babel, is regarded by the Muslims as the fountain-head of the 
science of magic, which was, and, as most think, still is, taught there to 
mankind by two fallen angels, named Harut and Marut (Kur'an, ii. 96), 
who are there suspended by the feet in a great pit closed by a mass of rock. 

3 Minaret. 


acute, and a concealer of secrets. — We are maidens, they 
replied; and fear to impart our secret to him who will not 
keep it ; for we have read, in a certain history, this verse : — 

Guard thy secret from another : intrust it not : for he who intrusteth 
a secret hath lost it. 

— By your existence, said the porter, I am a man of sense, 
and trustworthy: I have read various books, and perused 
histories : I make known what is fair, and conceal what is 
foul, and act in accordance with the saying of the poet: — . 

None keepeth a secret but a faithful person : with the best of man- 
kind it remaineth concealed. 

A secret is with me as in a house with a lock, whose key is lost, 
and whose door is sealed. 

When the ladies heard the verses which he quoted, and the 
words with which he addressed them, they said to him, Thou 
knowest that we have expended here a considerable sum of 
money: hast thou then wherewith to requite us? We wilL 
not suffer thee to remain with us unless thou contribute a 
sum of money; for thou desirest to sit with us, and to be 
our cup-companion, and to gaze upon our beautiful faces. — 
If friendship is without money, said the mistress of the house, 
it is not equivalent to the weight of a grain: — and the por- 
tress added, If thou hast nothing, depart with nothing: — 
but the cateress said, O sister, let us suffer him ; for, verily, 
he hath not been deficient in his services for us this day: 
another had not been so patient with us : whatever, therefore, 
falls to his share of the expense, I will defray for him. — At 
this the porter rejoiced, and exclaimed, By Allah, I obtained 
my first and only pay this day from none but thee: — and 
the other ladies said to him, Sit down : thou art welcome. 

The cateress then arose, and, having tightened her girdle, 
arranged the bottles, and strained the wine, and prepared 
the table by the pool of the fountain. She made ready all 
that they required, brought the wine, and sat down with her 
sisters ; the porter also sitting with them, thinking he was in 
a dream. And when they had seated themselves, the cater- 
ess took a jar of wine, and filled the first cup, and drank it : 
she then filled another, and handed it to one of her sisters; 


and in like manner she did to her other sister; after which 
she filled again, and handed the cup to the porter, who, 
having taken it from her hand, repeated this verse: — 

I will drink the wine, and enjoy health; for, verily, this beverage 
is a remedy for disease. 

The wine continued to circulate among them, and the porter, 
taking his part in the revels, dancing and singing with them, 
and enjoying the fragrant odours, began to hug and kiss 
them, while one slapped him, and another pulled him, and 
the third beat him with sweet-scented flowers, till, at length, 
the wine made sport with their reason; and they threw off 
all restraint, indulging their merriment with as much freedom 
as if no man had been present. 

Thus they continued until the approach of night, when 
they said to the porter, Depart, and shew us the breadth of 
thy shoulders; — but he replied, Verily the departure of my 
soul from my body were more easy to me than my departure 
from your company; therefore suffer us to join the night to 
the day, and then each of us shall return to his own, or her 
own, affairs. The cateress, also, again interceded for him, 
saying, By my life I conjure you that ye suffer him to pass 
the night with us, that we may laugh at his drolleries, for he 
is a witty rogue. So they said to him, Thou shalt pass the 
night with us on this condition, that thou submit to our 
authority, and ask not an explanation of anything that thou 
shalt see. He replied, Good. — Rise then, said they, and 
read what is inscribed upon the door. Accordingly, he 
went to the door, and found the following inscription upon 
it in letters of gold, Speak not of that which doth not con- 
cern thee, lest thou hear that which will not please thee: — 
and he said, Bear witness to my promise that I will not 
speak of that which doth not concern me. 

The cateress then arose, and prepared for them a repast; 
and, after they had eaten a little, they lighted the candles 
and burned some aloes-wood. This done, they sat down 
again to the table; and, while they were eating and drink- 
ing, they heard a knocking at the door; whereupon, without 
causing any interruption to their meal, one of them went to 
the door, and, on her return, said, Our pleasure this night is 


now complete, for I have found, at the door, three foreigners 4 
with shaven chins, and each of them is blind of the left 
eye: it is an extraordinary coincidence. They are strangers 
newly arrived, and each of them has a ridiculous appearance : 
if they come in, therefore, we shall be amused with laughing 
at them. — The lady ceased not with these words, but con- 
tinued to persuade her sisters until they consented, and said, 
Let them enter; but make it a condition with them that 
they speak not of that which doth not concern them, lest 
they hear that which will not please them. Upon this she 
rejoiced, and having gone again to the door, brought in the 
three men blind of one eye and with shaven chins, and they 
had thin and twisted mustaches. Being mendicants, they 
saluted and drew back; but the ladies rose to them, and 
seated them; and when these three men looked at the 
porter, they saw that he was intoxicated; and, observing 
him narrowly, they thought that he was one of their own 
class, and said, He is a mendicant like ourselves, and will 
amuse us by his conversation : — but the porter, hearing what 
they said, arose, and rolled his eyes, and exclaimed to them, 
Sit quiet, and abstain from impertinent remarks. Have ye 
not read the inscription upon the door? — The ladies, laugh- 
ing, said to each other, Between the mendicants and the 
porter we shall find matter for amusement. They then 
placed before the former some food, and they ate, and then 
sat to drink. The portress handed to them the wine, and, 
as the cup was circulating among them, the porter said to 
them, Brothers, have ye any tale or strange anecdote where- 
with to amuse us? The mendicants, heated by the wine, 
asked for musical instruments; and the portress brought 
them a tambourine of the manufacture of El-Mosil, with a 
lute of El-Irak, and a Persian harp; whereupon they all 
arose; and one took the tambourine; another, the lute; and 
the third, the harp: and they played upon these instru- 
ments, the ladies accompanying them with loud songs; and 
while they were thus diverting themselves, a person knocked 
at the door. The portress, therefore, went to see who was 
there; and the cause of the knocking was this. 
The Khali f eh Harun Er-Rashid had gone forth this 

[* Or perhaps Kalenderi darwishes.] 


night to see and hear what news he could collect, accom- 
panied by Ja'far his Wezir, and Mesrur his executioner. 
It was his custom to disguise himself in the attire of a 
merchant; and this night, as he went through the city, he 
happened to pass, with his attendants, by the house of these 
ladies, and hearing the sounds of the musical instruments, 
he said to Ja'far, I have a desire to enter this house, and 
to see who is giving this concert. — They are a party who 
have become intoxicated, replied Ja'far, and I fear that we 
may experience some ill usage from them; — but the Khalifeh 
said, We must enter, and I would that you devise some 
stratagem by which we may obtain admission to the inmates. 
Ja'far therefore answered, I hear and obey:— and he ad- 
vanced, and knocked at the door; and when the portress 
came and opened the door, he said to her, My mistress, we 
are merchants from Tabariyeh, 5 and have been in Baghdad 
ten days; we have brought with us merchandise, and taken 
lodgings in a Khan; and a merchant invited us to an enter- 
tainment this night: accordingly, we went to his house, and 
he placed food before us, and we ate, and sat a while drink- 
ing together, after which he gave us leave to depart; and 
going out in the dark, and being strangers, we missed our 
way to the Khan: we trust, therefore in your generosity 
that you will admit us to pass the night in your house; by 
doing which you will obtain a reward in heaven. — The 
portress, looking at them, and observing that they were in 
the garb of merchants, and that they bore an appearance of 
respectability, returned, and consulted her two companions; 
and they said to her, Admit them: — so she returned, and 
opened to them the door. They said to her, Shall we enter 
with thy permission? She answered, Come in. The Kha- 
lifeh, therefore, entered, with Ja'far and Mesrur; and when 
the ladies saw them, they rose to them, and served them, say- 
ing, Welcome are our guests ; but we have a condition to im- 
pose upon you, that ye speak not of that which doth not 
concern you, lest ye hear that which will not please you. 
They answered, Good: — and when they had sat down to 
drink, the Khalifeh looked at the three mendicants, and 
was surprised at observing that each of them was blind of 

6 Tiberias. 


the left eye ; and he gazed upon the ladies, and was per- 
plexed and amazed at their fairness and beauty. And when 
the others proceeded to drink and converse, the ladies 
brought wine to the Khalifeh; but he said, I am a pilgrim; 
• — and drew back from them. Whereupon the portress 
spread before him an embroidered cloth, and placed upon 
it a China bottle, into which she poured some willow-flower- 
water, adding to it a lump of ice, and sweetening it with 
sugar, while the Khalifeh thanked her, and said within 
himself, To-morrow I must reward her for this kind action. 

The party continued their carousal, and, when the wine 
took effect upon them, the mistress of the house arose, and 
waited upon them; and afterwards, taking the hand of the 
cateress, said, Arise, O my sister, that we may fulfil our 
debt. She replied, Good. The portress then rose, and, 
after she had cleared the middle of the saloon, placed the 
mendicants at the further end, beyond the doors; after 
which, the ladies called to the porter, saying, How slight 
is thy friendship ! thou art not a stranger, but one of the 
family. So the porter arose, and girded himself, and said, 
What would ye? — to which one of the ladies answered, 
Stand where thou art: — and presently the cateress said to 
him, Assist me: — and he saw two black bitches, with chains 
attached to their necks, and drew them to the middle of 
the saloon; whereupon the mistress of the house arose from 
her place, and tucked up her sleeve above her wrist, and, 
taking a whip, said to the porter, Bring to me one of them. 
Accordingly, he dragged one forward by the chain. The 
bitch whined, and shook her head at the lady; but the 
latter fell to beating her upon the head, notwithstanding 
her howling, until her arms were tired, when she threw the 
whip from her hand, and pressed the bitch to her bosom, 
and wiped away her tears, and kissed her head ; after which 
she said to the porter, Take her back and bring the other; 
— and he brought her, and she did to her as she had done to 
the first. At the sight of this, the mind of the Khalifeh 
was troubled, and his heart was contracted, and he winked 
to Ja'far that he should ask her the reason; but he replied 
by a sign, Speak not. 

The mistress of the house then looked towards the 


portress and said to her, Arise to perform what thou hast 
to do. She replied, Good: — and the mistress of the house 
seated herself upon a couch of alabaster, overlaid with gold 
and silver, and said to the portress and the cateress, Now 
perform your parts. The portress then seated herself 
upon a couch by her; and the cateress, having entered a 
closet, brought out from it a bag of satin with green fringes, 
and, placing herself before the lady of the house, shook it, 
and took out from it a lute; and she tuned its strings, and 
sang to it these verses : — 

Restore to my eyelids the sleep which hath been ravished; and 

inform me of my reason, whither it hath fled. 
I discovered, when I took up my abode with love, that slumber 

had become an enemy to my eyes. 
They said, We saw thee to be one of the upright; what, then, hath 

seduced thee ? I answered, Seek the cause from his glance. 
Verily I excuse him for the shedding of my blood, admitting that 

I urged him to the deed by vexation. 
He cast his sun-like image upon the mirror of my mind, and its 

reflection kindled a flame in my vitals. 

When the portress had heard this song, she exclaimed, 
Allah approve thee ! — and she rent her clothes, and fell 
upon the floor in a swoon; and when her bosom was thus 
uncovered, the Khalifeh saw upon her the marks of beating, 
as if from mikra'ahs 6 and whips; at which he was greatly 
surprised. The cateress immediately arose, sprinkled water 
upon her face, and brought her another dress, which she put 
on. The Khalifeh then said to Ja'far, Seest thou not this 
woman, and the marks of beating upon her? I cannot keep 
silence respecting this affair, nor be at rest, until I know the 
truth of the history of this damsel, and that of these two 
bitches. But Ja'far replied, O our lord, they have made a 
covenant with us that we shall not speak excepting of that 
which concerneth us, lest we hear that which will not please 
us. — The cateress then took the lute again, and, placing it 
against her bosom, touched the chords with the ends of her 
fingers, and thus sang to it : — 

If of love we complain, what shall we say? Or consuming through 
desire, how can we escape? 

6 Palm sticks. 


Or if we send a messenger to interpret for us, he cannot convey 

the lover's complaint. 
Or if we would be patient, short were our existence after the loss 

of those we love. 
Nought remaineth to us but grief and mourning, and tears stream- 
ing down our cheeks. 
O you who are absent from my sight, but constantly dwelling 

within my heart ! 
Have you kept your faith to an impassioned lover, who, while 

time endureth will never change ? 
Or, in absence have you forgotten that lover who, on your account, 

is wasting away ? 
When the day of judgment shall bring us together, I will beg of 

our Lord a protractive trial. 

On hearing these verses of the cateress, the portress again 
rent her clothes, and cried out, and fell upon the floor in a 
swoon; and the cateress, as before, put on her another 
dress, after she had sprinkled some water upon her face. 

The mendicants, when they witnessed this scene, said, 
Would that we had never entered this house, but rather had 
passed the night upon the [rubbish-] mounds; for our night 
hath been rendered foul by an event that breaketh the back ! 
The Khalifeh, looking towards them, then said, Wherefore 
is it so with you? They answered, Our hearts are troubled 
by this occurrence. — Are ye not, he asked, of this house? — 
No, they answered ; nor did we imagine that this house 
belonged to any but the man who is sitting with you: — upon 
which the porter said, Verily, I have never seen this place 
before this night; and I would that I had passed the night 
upon the mounds rather than here. They then observed, 
one to another, We are seven men, and they are but three 
women; we will, therefore, ask them of their history; and 
if they answer us not willingly they shall do it in spite of 
themselves: — and they all agreed to this, excepting Ja'far, 
who said, This is not a right determination; leave them to 
themselves, for we are their guests, and they made a covenant 
with us which we should fulfil : there remaineth but little of 
the night, and each of us shall soon go his way. Then, 
winking to the Khalifeh, he said, There remaineth but an 
hour; and to-morrow we will bring them before thee, and 
thou shalt ask them their story. But the Khalifeh refused 
to do so, and said, I have not patience to wait so long for 


their history. — Words followed words, and at last they said, 
Who shall put the question to them? — and one answered, 
The porter. 

The ladies then said to them, O people, of what are ye 
talking? — whereupon the porter approached the mistress of 
the house, and said to her, O my mistress, I ask thee, and 
conjure thee by Allah, to tell us the story of the two bitches, 
and for what reason thou didst beat them, and then didst 
weep, and kiss them, and that thou acquaint us with the 
cause of thy sister's having been beaten with mikra'ahs: 
that is our question, and peace be on you. — Is this true that 
he saith of you? inquired the lady, of the other men; and 
they all answered, Yes, — excepting Ja'far, who was silent. 
When the lady heard their answer, she said, Verily, O our 
guests, ye have wronged us excessively; for we made a 
covenant with you beforehand, that he who should speak of 
that which concerned him not should hear that which would 
not please him. Is it not enough that we have admitted you 
into our house, and fed you with our provisions? But it is 
not so much your fault as the fault of her who introduced 
you to us. — She then tucked up her sleeve above her wrist, 
and struck the floor three times, saying, Come ye quickly ! — 
and immediately the door of a closet opened, and there 
came forth from it seven black slaves, each having in his 
hand a drawn sword. The lady said to them, Tie behind 
them the hands of these men of many words, and bind each of 
them to another : — and they did so, and said, O virtuous lady, 
dost thou permit us to strike off their heads ? She answered, 
Give them a short respite, until I shall have inquired of them 
their histories, before ye behead them. — By Allah, O my 
mistress, exclaimed the porter, kill me not for the offence 
of others: for they have all transgressed and committed an 
offence, excepting me. Verily our night had been pleasant 
if we had been preserved from these mendicants, whose 
presence is enough to convert a well-peopled city into a 
heap of ruins! — He then repeated this couplet: — 

How good is it to pardon one able to resist ! and how much more 

so, one who is helpless ! 
For the sake of the friendship that subsisted between us, destroy 

not one for the crime of another 1 


On hearing these words of the porter, the lady laughed after 
her anger. Then approaching the men, she said, Acquaint 
me with your histories, for there remaineth of your lives no 
more than an hour. Were ye not persons of honourable and 
high condition, or governors, I would* hasten your recom- 
pense. — The Khalifeh said to Ja'far, Woe to thee, O Ja'far 1 
make known to her who we are; otherwise she will kill us. 
— It were what we deserve, replied he. — Jesting, said the 
Khalifeh, is not befitting in a time for seriousness: each has 
its proper occasion. — The lady then approached the mendi- 
cants, and said to them, Are ye brothers? They answered, 
No, indeed; we are only poor foreigners. She said then 
to one of them, Wast thou born blind of one eye? — No, 
verily, he answered ; but a wonderful event happened to me 
when my eye was destroyed, and the story of it, if engraved 
on the understanding, would serve as a lesson to him who 
would be admonished. She asked the second and the third 
also; and they answered her as the first; adding, Each of 
us is from a different country, and our history is wonderful 
and extraordinary. The lady then looked towards them 
and said, Each of you shall relate his story, and the cause 
of his coming to our abode, and then stroke his head, and 
go his way. 

The first who advanced was the porter, who said, O my 
mistress, I am a porter; and this cateress loaded me, and 
brought me hither, and what hath happened to me here in 
your company ye know. This is my story; and peace be 
on you. — Stroke thy head, then, said she, and go: — but he 
replied, By Allah, I will not go until I shall have heard the 
story of my companions. — The first mendicant then advanced, 
and related as follows: — 

The Story of the First Royal Mendicant 

Know, O my mistress, that the cause of my having shaved 
my beard, and of the loss of my eye, was this : — My father 
was a King, and he had a brother who was also a King, and 
who resided in another capital. It happened that my mother 
gave birth to me on the same day on which the son of my; 
uncle was born ; and years and days passed away until we 


attained to manhood. Now, it was my custom, some years, 
to visit my uncle, and to remain with him several months; 
and on one of these occasions my cousin paid me great 
honour; he slaughtered sheep for me, and strained the wine 
for me, and we sat down to drink; and when the wine had 
affected us, he said to me, O son of my uncle, I have need 
of thine assistance in an affair of interest to me, and I beg 
that thou wilt not oppose me in that which I desire to do. I 
replied, I am altogether at thy service: — and he made me 
swear to him by great oaths, and, rising immediately, absented 
himself for a little while, and then returned, followed by a 
woman decked with ornaments, and perfumed, and wear- 
ing a dress of extraordinary value. He looked towards 
me, while the woman stood behind him, and said, Take this 
woman, and go before me to the burial-ground which is 
in such a place: — and he described it to me, and I knew 
it. He then added, Enter the burial-ground, and there wait 
for me. 

I could not oppose him, nor refuse to comply with his re- 
quest, on account of the oaths which I had sworn to him; so 
I took the woman, and went with her to the burial-ground; 
and when we had sat there a short time, my cousin came, 
bearing a basin of water, and a bag containing some plaster, 
and a small adze. Going to a tomb in the midst of the burial- 
ground, he took the adze, and disunited the stones, which he 
placed on one side; he then dug up the earth with the adze, 
and uncovered a flat stone, of the size of a small door, under 
which there appeared a vaulted staircase. Having done this, 
he made a sign to the woman, and said to her, Do according 
to thy choice : — whereupon she descended the stairs. He then 
looked towards me, and said, O son of my uncle, complete thy 
kindness when I have descended into this place, by replacing 
the trap-door and the earth above it as they were before: 
then, this plaster which is in the bag, and this water which 
is in the basin, do thou knead together, and plaster the stones 
of the tomb as they were, so that no man may know it, and 
say, This hath been lately opened, but its interior is old: — for, 
during the space of a whole year I have been preparing this, 
and no one knew it but God : this is what I would have thee 
do. He then said to me, May God never deprive thy friends 


of thy presence, O son of my uncle ! — and, having uttered 
these words, he descended the stairs. 

When he had disappeared from before my eyes, I replaced 
the trap-door, and busied myself with doing as he had ordered 
me, until the tomb was restored to the state in which it was 
at first ; after which I returned to the palace of my uncle, who 
was then absent on a hunting excursion. I slept that night, 
and when the morning came, I reflected upon what had oc- 
curred between me and my cousin, and repented of what I 
had done for him, when repentance was of no avail. I then 
went out to the burial-ground, and searched for the tomb ; but 
could not discover it. I ceased not in my search until the 
approach of night; and, not finding the way to it, returned 
again to the palace; and I neither ate nor drank; my heart 
was troubled respecting my cousin, since I knew not what had 
become of him; and I fell into excessive grief. I passed the 
night sorrowful until the morning, and went again to the 
burial-ground, reflecting upon the action of my cousin, and 
repenting of my compliance with his request ; and I searched 
among all the tombs; but discovered not that for which I 
looked. Thus I persevered in my search seven days without 

My trouble continued and increased until I was almost 
mad; and I found no relief but in departing, and returning 
to my father; but on my arrival at his capital, a party at 
the city-gate sprang upon me and bound me. I was struck 
with the utmost astonishment, considering that I was the son 
of the Sultan of the city, and that these were the servants of 
my father and of myself: excessive fear of them overcame 
me, and I said within myself, What hath happened to my 
father? I asked, of those who had bound me, the cause of 
this conduct; but they returned me no answer, till after a 
while, when one of them, who had been my servant, said to 
me, Fortune hath betrayed thy father, the troops have been 
false to him, and the Wezir hath killed him; and we were 
lying in wait to take thee. — They took me, and I was as one 
dead, by reason of this news which I had heard respecting 
my father; and I stood before the Wezir who had killed my 

Now, there was an old enmity subsisting between mc and 


him ; and the cause of it was this : — I was fond of shooting 
with the crossbow; and it happened, one day, that as I was 
standing on the roof of my palace, a bird alighted on the 
roof of the palace of the Wezir, who was standing there at 
the time, and I aimed at the bird ; but the bullet missed it, and 
struck the eye of the Wezir, and knocked it out, in accordance 
with the appointment of fate and destiny, as the poet hath 
said : — 

We trod the steps appointed for us : and the man whose steps are 

appointed must tread them. 
He whose death is decreed to take place in one land will not die 

in any land but that. 

When I had thus put out the eye of the Wezir, he could say 
nothing, because my father was King of the city. This was 
the cause of the enmity between him and me: and when I 
stood before him, with my hands bound behind me, he gave 
the order to strike off my head. I said to him, Wouldst thou 
kill me for no offence ? — What offence, he exclaimed, could be 
greater than this? — and he pointed to the place of the eye 
which was put out. I did that, said I, unintentionally. He 
replied, If thou didst it unintentionally, I will do the same 
to thee purposely : — and immediately he said, Bring him for- 
ward to me: — and, when they had done so, he thrust his 
finger into my left eye, and pulled it out. Thus I became 
deprived of one eye, as ye see me. He then bound me firmly, 
and placed me in a chest, and said to the executioner, Take 
this fellow, and draw thy sword, and convey him without 
the city ; then put him to death, and let the wild beasts devour 

Accordingly, he went forth with me from the city, and, 
having taken me out from the chest, bound hand and foot, 
was about to bandage my eye, and kill me ; whereupon I wept, 
and exclaimed, — 

How many brothers have I taken as armour ! and such they were ; 

but to guard my enemies. 
1 thought they would be as piercing arrows : and such they were ; 

but to enter my heart ! 

The executioner, who had served my father in the same 
capacity, and to whom I had shewn kindnesses, said, on 
hearing these verses, O my master, what can I do, being a 


Slave under command? — but presently he added, Depart with 
thy life, and return not to this country, lest thou perish, and 
cause me to perish with thee. The poet saith,— 

Flee with thy life if thou fearest oppression, and leave the house to 

tell its builder's fate. 
Thou wilt find, for the land that thou quittest another* but no 

soul wilt thou find to replace thine own. 

As soon as he had thus said, I kissed his hands, and be- 
lieved not in my safety until I had fled from his presence. 
The loss of my eye appeared light to me when I considered 
my escape from death; and I journeyed to my uncle's capital, 
and, presenting myself before him, informed him of what had 
befallen my father, and of the manner in which I had lost 
my eye: upon which he wept bitterly, and said, Thou hast 
added to my trouble and my grief; for thy cousin hath been 
lost for some days, and I know not what hath happened to 
him, nor can any one give me information respecting him. 
Then he wept again, until he became insensible; and when 
he recovered, he said, O my son, the loss of thine eye is better 
than the loss of thy life. 

Upon this I could no longer keep silence respecting his 
son, my cousin; so I informed him of all that happened to 
him; and on hearing this news he rejoiced exceedingly, and 
said, Shew me the tomb. — By Allah, O my uncle, I replied, 
I know not where it is; for I went afterwards several times 
to search for it, and could not recognize its place. We, how- 
ever, went together to the burial-ground, and, looking to the 
right and left, I discovered it; and both I and my uncle re- 
joiced. I then entered the tomb with him, and when we had 
removed the earth, and lifted up the trap-door, we descended 
fifty steps, and, arriving at the bottom of the stairs, there 
issued forth upon us a smoke which blinded our eyes ; where- 
upon my uncle pronounced those words which relieve from 
fear him who uttereth them, — There is no strength nor power 
but in God, the High, the Great ! — After this, we proceeded, 
and found ourselves in a saloon, filled with flour and grain, 
and various eatables; and we saw there a curtain suspended 
over a couch, upon which my uncle looked, and found there 
his son and the woman who had descended with him, lying 


side by side, and converted into black charcoal, as if they had 
been thrown into a pit of fire. And when he beheld this spec- 
tacle, he spat in his son's face, and exclaimed, This is what 
thou deservest, O thou wretch ! This is the punishment ot 
the present world, and there remaineth the punishment of the 
other world, which will be more severe and lasting ! — and he 
struck him with his shoes. Astonished at this action, and 
grieved for my cousin, seeing him and the damsel thus con- 
verted into charcoal, I said, By Allah, O my uncle, moderate 
the trouble of thy heart, for my mind is perplexed by that 
which hath happened to thy son, and by thinking how it hath 
come to pass that he and the damsel are converted into black 
charcoal. Dost thou not deem it enough for him to be in this 
state, that thou beatest him with thy shoes ? 

O son of my brother, he replied, this my son was, from his 
early years, inflamed with love for his [foster-] sister, and I 
used to forbid him from entertaining this passion for her, and 
to say within myself, They are now children, but when they 
grow older a base act will be committed by them: — and, in- 
deed, I heard that such had been the case, but I believed it 
not. I, however, reprimanded him severely, and said to him, 
Beware of so foul an action, which none before thee hath 
committed, nor will any commit after thee : otherwise we shall 
suffer disgrace and disparagement among the Kings until we 
die, and our history will spread abroad with the caravans: 
have a care for thyself that such an action proceed not from 
thee; for I should be incensed against thee, and kill thee. I 
then separated him from her, and her from him : but the vile 
woman loved him excessively; the Devil got possession of 
them both; and when my son saw that I had separated him, 
he secretly made this place beneath the earth, and, having 
conveyed hither the provisions which thou seest, took advan- 
tage of my inadvertence when I had gone out to hunt, and 
came hither: but the Truth (whose perfection be extolled, and 
whose name be exalted!) was jealously vigilant over them, 
and consumed them by fire ; and the punishment of the world 
to come will be more severe and lasting. — He then wept, and 
I wept with him ; and he said to me, Thou art my son in his 
stead. — I remained a while reflecting upon the world and its 
vicissitudes, upon the murder of my father by the Wezir, and 


his usurping his throne, and the loss of my eye, and the strange 
events which had happened to my cousin, and I wept again. 

We then ascended, and, having replaced the trap-door and 
the earth above it, and restored the tomb to its former state, 
returned to our abode; but scarcely had we seated ourselves 
when we heard the sounds of drums and trumpets, warriors 
galloped about, and the air was filled with dust raised by the 
horses' hoofs. Our minds were perplexed, not knowing what 
had happened, and the King, asking the news, was answered, 
The Wezir of thy brother hath slain him and his soldiers 
and guards, and come with his army to assault the city un- 
awares ; and the inhabitants, being unable to withstand, have 
submitted to him: — whereupon I said within myself, If I fall 
into his hand, he will slay me. — Griefs overwhelmed me, and I 
thought of the calamities which had befallen my father and 
my mother, and knew not what to do; for if I appeared, the 
people of the city would know me, and the troops of my father 
would hasten to kill and destroy me. I knew no way of es- 
cape but to shave off my beard; so I shaved it, and, having 
changed my clothes, departed from the city, and came hither, 
to this abode of peace, in the hope that some person would 
introduce me to the Prince of the Faithful, the Khalifeh of the 
Lord of all creatures, that I might relate to him my story, and 
all that had befallen me. I arrived in this city this night ; and 
as I stood perplexed, not knowing whither to direct my steps, 
I saw this mendicant, and saluted him, and said, I am a 
stranger. He replied, And I, too, am a stranger: — and while 
we were thus addressing each other, our companion, this third 
person, came up to us, and, saluting us, said, I am a stranger. 
We replied, And we, also, are strangers. So we walked on 
together, and darkness overtook us, and destiny directed us 
unto your abode: — This was the cause of the shaving of my 
beard, and of the loss of my eye. 

The lady then said to him, Stroke thy head, and depart ; — 
but he replied, I will not depart until I have heard the stories 
of the others. And they wondered at his tale; and the 
Khalifeh said to Ja'far, Verily I have never known the like of 
that which hath happened to this mendicant. 

The second mendicant then advanced, and, having kissed 
the ground, said, — 


The Story of the Second Royal Mendicant 

my mistress, I was not born with only one eye; but my 
story is wonderful, and, if written, would serve as a lesson 
to him who would be admonished. I am a King, and son 
of a King : I read the Kur'an according to the seven readings, 
and perused various works under the tuition of different 
learned professors of their subjects: I studied the science of 
the stars, and the writings of the poets, and made myself 
a proficient in all the sciences ; so that I surpassed the people 
of my age. My hand-writing was extolled among all the 
scribes, my fame spread among all countries, and my history 
among all Kings; and the King of India, hearing of me, 
requested my father to allow me to visit him, sending him 
various gifts and curious presents, such as were suitable to 
Kings. My father, therefore, prepared for me six ships, and 
we proceeded by sea for the space of a whole month, after 
which we came to land; and, having disembarked some horses 
which we had with us in the ship, we loaded ten camels wit 
presents, and commenced our journey; but soon there ap- 
peared a cloud of dust, which rose and spread until it filled 
the air before us, and, after a while, cleared a little, and 
discovered to us, in the midst of it, sixty horsemen like fierce 
lions, whom we perceived to be Arab highwaymen ; and when 
they saw us, that we were a small company with ten loads 
of presents for the King of India, they galloped towards us, 
pointing their spears at us. We made signs to them with our 
fingers, and said, We are ambassadors to the honoured King 
of India; therefore do us no injury: — but they replied, We 
are not in his territories, nor under his government. They 
slew certain of the young men, and the rest fled. I also fled, 
after I had received a severe wound; the Arabs being em- 
ployed, without further regard to us, in taking possession of 
the treasure and presents which we had with us. 

1 proceeded without knowing whither to direct my course, 
reduced from a mighty to an abject state, and journeyed till 
I arrived at the summit of a mountain, where I took shelter 
in a cavern until the next morning. I then resumed my 
journey, and arrived at a flourishing city: the winter, with its 


cold, had passed away, and the spring had come, with its 
flowers; and I rejoiced at my arrival there, being wearied 
with my journey, anxious and pallid. My condition being 
thus changed, I knew not whither to bend my steps; and, 
turning to a tailor sitting in his shop, I saluted him, and he 
returned my salutation, and welcomed me, and wished me 
joy, asking me the reason of my having come thither. I ac- 
quainted him, therefore, with what had befallen me from first 
to last, and he was grieved for me, and said, O young man, 
reveal not thy case, for I fear what the King of this city 
might do to thee, since he is the greatest of thy father's 
enemies, and hath a debt of blood against him. He then 
placed some food and drink before me, and we ate together, 
and I conversed with him till night, when he lodged me in a 
place by his shop, and brought me a bed and coverlet; and, 
after I had remained with him three days, he said to me, Dost 
thou not know any trade by which to make gain? I an- 
swered, I am acquainted with the law, a student of sciences, 
a writer, and an arithmetician. — Thy occupation, he said, is 
profitless in our country: there is no one in our city ac- 
quainted with science or writing, but only with getting 
money. Verily, I replied, I know nothing but what I have 
told thee. — Gird thyself, then, said he, and take an axe and a 
rope, and cut firewood in the desert, and so obtain thy sub- 
sistence until God dispel thy affliction; but acquaint no one 
with thy history, else they will kill thee. He then bought for 
me an axe and a rope, and sent me with a party of wood- 
cutters, giving them a charge respecting me. Accordingly, I 
went forth with them, and cut some wood, and brought back 
a load upon my head, and sold it for half a piece of gold, part 
of which I expended in food, laying by the remainder. 

Thus I continued for the space of a year, after which 
I went one day into the desert, according to my custom, 
to cut firewood; and, finding there a tract with abundance 
of wood, I entered it, and came to a tree, around which 
I dug; and as I was removing the earth from its roots, 
the axe struck against a ring of brass ; and I cleared away 
the earth from it, and found that it was affixed to a trap- 
door of wood, which I immediately removed. Beneath it 
appeared a staircase, which I descended; and at the bottom 


of this I entered a door, and beheld a palace, .strongfy 
constructed, where I found a lady, like a pearl of high price, 
whose aspect banished from the heart all anxiety and grief 
and affliction. At the sight of her I prostrated myself in 
adoration of her Creator for the fairness and beauty which 
He had displayed in her person; and she, looking towards 
me, said, Art thou a man or a Jinni ? I answered her, I 
am a man. — And who, she asked, hath brought thee to this 
place, in which I have lived five and twenty years without 
ever seeing a human being? — Her words sounded sweetly 
to me, and I answered her, O my mistress, God hath 
brought me to thy abode, and I hope will put an end to 
my anxiety and grief: — and I related to her my story from 
beginning to end. She was grieved at my case, and wept, 
and said, I also will acquaint thee with my story. Know 
that I am the daughter of the King of the further parts of 
India, the lord of the Ebony Island. My father had married 
me to the son of my uncle ; but on the night of my bridal 
festivities, an 'Efrit named Jarjaris, the son of Rejmus, the 
son of Iblis, carried me off, and, soaring with me through 
the air, alighted in this place, to which he conveyed all 
things necessary for me, such as ornaments, and garments, 
and linen, and furniture, and food, and drink ; and once in 
every ten days he cometh to me, and spendeth a night here; 
and he hath appointed with me, that, in case of my wanting 
any thing by night or day, I should touch with my hand 
these two lines which are inscribed upon the kubbeh, and 
as soon as I remove my hand I see him before me. Four 
days have now passed since he was last with me, and there 
remain, therefore, six days before he will come again ; wilt 
thou then remain with me five days, and depart one day 
before his visit? — I answered, Yes; — rejoicing at the pro- 
posal; and she arose, and, taking me by the hand, con- 
ducted me through an arched door to a small and elegant 
bath, where I took off my clothes, while she seated herself 
upon a mattress. After this, she seated me by her side, 
and brought me some sherbet of sugar infused with musk, 
and handed it to me to drink: she then placed some food 
before me, and after we had eaten and conversed together, 
she said to me, Sleep, and rest thyself; for thou are fatigued. 


I slept, O my mistress, and forgot all that had befallen 
me; and when I awoke, I found her rubbing my feet; upon 
which I called to her, and we sat down again and conversed 
awhile; and she said to me, By Allah, I was straitened in 
my heart, living here alone, without any person to talk with 
me, five and twenty years. Praise be to God who hath 
sent thee to me. — I thanked her for her kind expressions; 
and love of her took possession of my heart, and my 
anxiety and grief fled away. We then sat down to drink 
together ; and I remained by her side all the night, delighted 
with her company, for I had never seen her like in my 
whole life; and in the morning, when we were both full 
of joy, I said to her, Shall I take thee up from this sub- 
terranean place, and release thee from the Jinni? But she 
laughed, and replied, Be content, and hold thy peace; for, 
of every ten days, one day shall be for the 'Efrit, and nine 
for thee. I persisted, however, being overcome with 
passion; and said, I will this instant demolish this kubbeh 
upon which the inscription is engraved, and let the 'Efrit 
come, that I may slay him: for I am predestined to kill 
'Efrits. She entreated me to refrain; but, paying no 
attention to her words, I kicked the kubbeh with violence; 
upon which she exclaimed, The 'Efrit hath arrived ! Did 
I not caution thee against this? Verily thou hast brought 
a calamity upon me; but save thyself, and ascend by the 
way that thou earnest. 

In the excess of my fear I forgot my sandals and my 
axe, and when I had ascended two steps, turning round to 
look for them, I saw that the ground had opened, and there 
rose from it an 'Efrit of hideous aspect, who said, Where- 
fore is this disturbance with which thou hast alarmed me, 
and what misfortune hath befallen thee? She answered, 
No misfortune hath happened to me, excepting that my 
heart was contracted, and I desired to drink some wine to 
dilate it, and, rising to perform my purpose, I fell against 
the kubbeh. — Thou liest, vile woman, he exclaimed ; — and, 
looking about the palace to the right and left, he saw the 
sandals and axe; and said to her, These are the property 
of none but a man. Who hath visited thee? — I have not 
seen them, she answered, until this instant: probably they 


caught to thee. — This language, said he, is absurd, and will 
have no effect upon me, thou shameless woman ! — and, so 
saying, he stripped her of her clothing, and tied her down, 
with her arms and legs extended, to four stakes, and began 
to beat her, urging her to confess what had happened. 

For myself, being unable to endure her cries, I ascended 
the stairs, overpowered by fear, and, arriving at the top, 
replaced the trap-door as it was at first, and covered it over 
with earth. I repented bitterly of what I had done, and 
reflecting upon the lady and her beauty, and how this wretch 
was torturing her after she had lived with him five and 
twenty years, and that he tortured her only on my account, 
and reflecting also upon my father and his kingdom, and 
how I had been reduced to the condition of a wood-cutter, 
I repeated this verse: — 

When fortune bringeth thee affliction, console thyself by remember- 
ing that one day thou must see prosperity, and another day, 

Returning to my companion, the tailor, I found him await- 
ing my return as if he were placed in a pan upon burning 
coals. I passed last night, said he, with anxious heart on thy 
account, fearing for thee from some wild beast or other 
calamity. Praise be to God for thy safe return. — I thanked 
him for his tender concern for me, and entered my apart- 
ment ; and as I sat meditating upon that which had befallen 
me, and blaming myself for having kicked the kubbeh, my 
friend the tailor came in to me, and said, In the shop is a 
foreigner, who asks for thee, and he has thy axe and sandals ; 
he came with them to the wood-cutters, and said to them, 
I went out at the time of the call of the Mu'eddin to morn- 
ing-prayer, and stumbled upon these, and know not to whom 
they belong: can ye guide me to their owner? — The wood- 
cutters, therefore, directed him to thee: he is sitting in my 
shop; so go out to him and thank him, and take thy axe 
and thy sandals. — On hearing these words, my countenance 
turned pale, and my whole state became changed; and while 
I was in this condition, the floor of my chamber clove 
asunder, and there rose from it the stranger, and lo, he was 
the 'Ef rit ; he had tortured the lady with the utmost cruelty ; 


but she would confess nothing: so he took the axe and the 
sandals, and said to her, If I am Jarjaris, of the descendants 
of Iblis, I will bring the owner of this axe and these sandals. 
Accordingly, he came, with the pretence before mentioned, 
to the wood-cutters, and, having entered my chamber with- 
out granting me any delay, seized me, and soared with 
me through the air: he then descended, and dived into 
the earth, and brought me up into the place where I was 

Here I beheld the lady stripped of her clothing, and 
with blood flowing from her sides; and tears trickled from 
my eyes. The 'Efrit then took hold of her, and said, Vile 
woman, this is thy lover: — whereupon she looked at me, 
and replied, I know him not, nor have I ever seen him until 
this instant. The 'Efrit said to her, With all this torture 
wilt thou not confess ? She answered, Never in my life have 
I seen him before, and it is not lawful in the sight of God 
that I should speak falsely against him. — Then, said he, if 
thou know him not, take this sword and strike off his head. 
She took the sword, and came to me, and stood over my 
head: but I made a sign to her with my eyebrow, while 
tears ran down my cheeks. She replied in a similar manner, 
Thou art he who hath done all this to me: — I made a sign 
to her, however, that this was a time for pardon, conveying 
my meaning in the manner thus described by the poet: — 

Our signal in love is the glance of our eyes ; and every intelligent 

person understandeth the sign. 
Our eyebrows carry on an intercourse between us : we are silent ; 

but love speaketh. 

And when she understood me, she threw the sword from 
her hand, O my mistress, and the 'Efrit handed it to me, 
saying, Strike off her head, and I will liberate thee, and do 
thee no harm. I replied, Good: — and, quickly approaching 
her, raised my hand; but she made a sign as though she 
would say, I did no injury to thee:- — whereupon my eyes 
poured with tears, and, throwing down the sword, I said, 

mighty 'Efrit, and valiant hero, if a woman, deficient in 
sense and religion, seeth it not lawful to strike off my head, 
how is it lawful for me to do so to her, and especially when 

1 have never seen her before in my life? I will never do it, 


though I should drink the cup of death and destruction. — 
There is affection between you, said the 'Efrit, and, taking 
the sword, he struck off one of the hands of the lady; then, 
the other; after this, her right foot; and then, her left foot: 
thus with four blows he cut off her four extremities, while I 
looked on, expecting my own death. She then made a sign 
to me with her eye ; and the 'Efrit, observing her, exclaimed, 
Now thou hast been guilty of incontinence with thine eye ! 
— and, with a blow of his sword, struck off her head; after 
which, he turned towards me, and said, O man, it is allowed 
us by our law, if a wife be guilty of incontinence, to put her 
to death. This woman I carried off on her wedding-night, 
when she was twelve years of age, and she was acquainted 
with no man but me; and I used to pass one night with her 
in the course of every ten days in the garb of a foreigner; 
and when I discovered of a certainty that she had been un- 
faithful to me, I killed her: but as for thee, I am not con- 
vinced that thou hast wronged me with respect to her; yet 
I must not leave thee unpunished: choose, therefore, what 
injury I shall do to thee. 

Upon this, O my mistress, I rejoiced exceedingly, and, 
eager to obtain his pardon, I said to him, What shall I 
choose from thy hands? — Choose he answered, into what 
form I shall change thee; either the form of a dog, or that 
of an ass, or that of an ape. I replied, in my desire of 
forgiveness, Verily, if thou wilt pardon me, God will pardon 
thee in recompense for thy shewing mercy to a Muslim who 
hath done thee no injury: — and I humbled myself in the 
most abject manner, and said to him, Pardon me as the 
envied man did the envier. — And how was that? said he. 
I answered as follows : — 

The Story of the Envier and the Envied 

Know, O my master, that there was a certain man who 
had a neighbour that envied him ; and the more this person 
envied him, so much the more did God increase the pros- 
perity of the former. Thus it continued a long time; but 
when the envied man found that his neighbour persisted 
in troubling him, he removed to a place where there was a 


deserted well ; and there he built for himself an oratory, and 
occupied himself in the worship of God. Numerous Fakirs 8 
assembled around him, and he acquired great esteem, people 
repairing to him from every quarter, placing firm reliance 
upon his sanctity; and his fame reached the ears of his 
envious neighbour, who mounted his horse, and went to 
visit him; and when the envied man saw him, he saluted 
him, and payed him the utmost civility. The envier then 
said to him, I have come hither to inform thee of a matter 
in which thou wilt find advantage, and for which I shall 
obtain a recompense in heaven. The envied man replied, 
May God requite thee for me with every blessing. Then, 
said the envier, order the Fakirs to retire to their cells, for 
the information that I am about to give thee I would have 
no one overhear. So he ordered them to enter their cells; 
and the envier said to him, Arise, and let us walk together, 
and converse; and they walked on until they came to the 
deserted well before mentioned, when the envier pushed 
the envied man into this well, without the knowledge of 
any one, and went his way, imagining that he had killed 

But this well was inhabited by Jinn, who received him 
unhurt, and seated him upon a large stone; and when they 
had done this, one of them said to the others, Do ye know 
this man? They answered, We know him not. — This, said 
he, is the envied man who fled from him who envied him, 
and took up his abode in this quarter, in the neighbouring 
oratory, and who entertaineth us by his zikr 7 and t his read- 
ings; and when his envier heard of him, he came hither to 
him, and, devising a stratagem against him, threw him down 
here. His fame hath this night reached the Sultan of this 
city, who hath purposed to visit him to-morrow, on account 
of the affliction which hath befallen his daughter. — And 
what, said they, hath happened to his daughter? He 
answered, Madness; for Meymun, the son of Demdem, 
hath become inflamed with love for her; and her cure is 
the easiest of things. They asked him, What is it? — and 

6 Poor persons who especially occupy themselves in religious exercises. 

7 Zikrs consist in repeating the name of God, or the profession of his 
unity, etc., in chorus, accompanying the words by certain motions of the 
head, hands, or whole body. 


he answered, The black cat that is with him in the oratory 
hath at the end of her tail a white spot, of the size of a 
piece of silver; and from this white spot should be taken 
seven hairs, and with these the damsel should be fumigated, 
and the Marid would depart from over her head, and not 
return to her; so she would be instantly cured. And now 
it is our duty to take him out. 

When the morning came, the Fakirs saw the sheykh 
rising out of the well; and he became magnified in their 
eyes. And when he entered the oratory, he took from the 
white spot at the end of the cat's tail seven hairs, and placed 
them in a portfolio by him ; and at sunrise the King came 
to him, and when the sheykh saw him, he said to him, O 
King, thou hast come to visit me in order that I may cute 
thy daughter. The King replied, Yes, O virtuous Sheykh. — 
Then, said the sheykh, send some person to bring her 
hither; and I trust in God, whose name be exalted, that 
she may be instantly cured. And when the King had 
brought his daughter, the sheykh beheld her bound, and, 
seating her, suspended a curtain over her, and took out the 
hairs, and fumigated her with them ; whereupon the Marid 
cried out from over her head, and left her; and the damsel 
immediately recovered her reason, and, veiling her face, 
said to her father, What is this, and wherefore didst thou 
bring me to this place? He answered her, Thou hast 
nothing to fear; — and rejoiced greatly. He kissed the 
hand of the envied sheykh, and said to the great men of 
his court who were with him, What shall be the recompense 
of this sheykh for that which he hath done ? They answered, 
His recompense should be that thou marry him to her. — 
Ye have spoken truly, said the King: — and he gave her in 
marriage to him, and thus the sheykh became a connection 
of the King; and after some days the King died, and he 
was made King in his place. 

And it happened one day that this envied King was 
riding with his troops, and he saw his envier approaching; 
and when this man came before him he seated him upon a 
horse with high distinction and honour, and, taking him to 
his palace, gave him a thousand pieces of gold, and a costly 
dress; after which he sent him back from the city, with 


attendants to escort him to his house, and reproached him 
for nothing. — Consider, then, O 'Efrit, the pardon of the 
envied to the envier, and his kindness to him, notwithstand- 
ing the injuries he had done him. — 

The 'Efrit, when he had heard this story, replied, 
Lengthen not thy words to me: as to my killing thee, fear 
it not; and as to my pardoning thee, covet it not; but as 
to my enchanting thee, there is no escape from it; — and, 
so saying, he clove the earth asunder, and soared with me 
through the sky to such a height that I beheld the world 
beneath me as though it were a bowl of water ; then, alighting 
upon a mountain, he took up a little dust, and, having 
muttered and pronounced certain words over it, sprinkled 
me with it, saying, Quit this form, and take the form of an 
ape ! — whereupon I became like an ape of a hundred years 
of age. 

When I saw myself changed into this ugly form, I wept 
for myself, but determined to be patient under the tyranny 
of fortune, knowing it to be constant to no one. I de- 
scended from the summit of the mountain, and, after having 
journeyed for the space of a month, arrived at the sea- 
shore; and, when I had stood there a short time, I saw a 
vessel in the midst of the sea, with a favourable wind ap- 
proaching the land; I therefore hid myself behind a rock 
on the beach, and when the ship came close up, I sprang 
into the midst of it. But as soon as the persons on board 
saw me, one of them cried, Turn out this unlucky brute 
from the ship : — another said, Let us kill him : — and a third 
exclaimed, I will kill him with this sword. I, however, 
caught hold of the end of the sword, and tears flowed from 
my eyes; at the sight of which the captain took compassion 
on me, and said to the passengers, O merchants, this ape 
hath sought my aid, and I give it him; he is under my 
protection ; let no one, therefore, oppose or trouble him. 
He then treated me with kindness, and whatever he said 
to me I understood, and all that he required to be done 
I performed as his servant. 

We continued our voyage for fifty days with a fair wind, 
and cast anchor under a large city containing a population 


which no one but God, whose name be exalted, could 
reckon; and when we had moored our vessel, there came 
to us some memluks from the King of the city, who came 
on board the ship, and complimented the merchants on 
their safe arrival, saying, Our King greeteth you, rejoicing 
in your safety, and hath sent to you this roll of paper, de- 
siring that each of you shall write a line upon it; for the 
King had a Wezir who was an eminent calligraphist, and he 
is dead, and the King hath sworn that he will not appoint 
any person to his office who cannot write equally well. 
Though in the form of an ape, I arose and snatched the 
paper from their hands; upon which, fearing that I would 
tear it and throw it into the sea, they cried out against me, 
and would have killed me; but I made signs to them that 
I would write, and the captain said to them, Suffer him to 
write, and if he scribble we will turn him away; but if he 
write well I will adopt him as my son; for I have never 
seen a more intelligent ape. So I took the pen, and de- 
manded the ink, and wrote in an epistolary hand this 
couplet : — 

Fame hath recorded the virtues of the noble; but no one hath 

been able to reckon thine. 
May God not deprive mankind of such a father; for thou art the 

parent of every excellence. 

Then, in a more formal, large hand, I wrote the following 
verses : — 

There is no writer that shall not perish; but what his hand hath 

written endureth ever. 
Write, therefore, nothing but what will please thee when thou 

shalt see it on the day of resurrection. 

Two other specimens I wrote, in two different and smaller 
hands, and returned the paper to the memluks, who took it 
back to the King; and when he saw what was written upon 
it, the hand of no one pleased him excepting mine; and he 
said to his attendants, Go to the author of this hand-writing, 
put upon him this dress, and mount him upon a mule, and 
conduct him, with the band of music before him, to my 
presence. On hearing this order, they smiled; and the 
King was angry with them, and said, How is it that I give 


you an order, and ye laugh at me ? They answered, O King, 
we laugh not at thy words, but because he who wrote this 
is an ape, and not a son of Adam: he is with the captain 
of the ship newly arrived. 

The King was astonished at their words; he shook with 
delight, and said, I would purchase this ape. He then sent 
some messengers to the ship, with the mule and the dress 
of honour, saying to them, Ye must clothe him with this 
dress, and mount him upon the mule, and bring him hither. 
So they came to the ship, and, taking me from the captain, 
clad me with the dress; and the people were astonished, 
and flocked to amuse themselves with the sight of me. And 
when they brought me to the King, and I beheld him, I 
kissed the ground before him three times, and he ordered 
me to sit down: so I sat down upon my knees; and the 
persons present were surprised at my polite manners, and 
especially the King, who presently ordered his people to 
retire. They, therefore, did so; none remaining but the 
King, and a eunuch, and a young memluk, and myself. 
The King then commanded that a repast should be brought ; 
and they placed before him a service of viands, such as 
gratified the appetite and delighted the eye; and the King 
made a sign to me that I should eat; whereupon I arose, 
and, having kissed the ground before him seven times, sat 
down to eat with him; and when the table was removed, I 
washed my hands, and, taking the ink-case, and pen and 
paper, I wrote these two verses: — 

Great is my appetite for thee, O Kunafeh ! 8 I cannot be happy 

nor endure without thee. 
Be thou every day and night my food; and may drops of honey 

not be wanting to moisten thee. 

Having done this, I arose, and seated myself at a distance; 
and the King, looking at what I had written, read it with 
astonishment, and exclaimed, Can an ape possess such 
fluency and such skill in calligraphy? This is, indeed, a 
wonder of wonders ! — Afterwards, a chess-table was brought 
to the King, and he said to me, Wilt thou play? By a 
motion of my head I answered, Yes: — and I advanced, and 

8 A kind of pastry resembling vermicelli, made of wheat-flour. It i» 
moistened with clarified butter — then baked, and sweetened with honey or 


arranged the pieces. I played with hitn twice, and beat 
him; and the King was perplexed, and said, Were this a 
man, he would surpass all the people of his age. 

He then said to his eunuch, Go to thy mistress, and say 
to her, Answer the summons of the King: — that she may 
come and gratify her curiosity by the sight of this wonderful 
ape. The eunuch, therefore, went, and returned with his 
mistress, the King's daughter, who, as soon as she saw me, 
veiled her face, and said, O my father, how is it that thou 
art pleased to send for me and suffer strange men to see 
me? — O my daughter, answered the King, there is no one 
here but the young memluk, and the eunuch who brought 
thee up, and this ape, with myself, thy father: from whom, 
then, dost thou veil thy face? — This ape, said she, is the 
son of a King, and the name of his father is Eymar: he 
is enchanted, and it was the 'Efrit Jarjaris, a descendant of 
Iblis, who transformed him, after having slain his own wife, 
the daughter of King Aknamus. This, whom thou sup- 
posedst to be an ape, is a learned and wise man. — The 
King was amazed at his daughter's words, and, looking 
towards me, said, Is it true that she saith of thee? I 
answered, by a motion of my head, Yes: — and wept. The 
King then said to his daughter, By what means didst thou 
discover that he was enchanted ? — O my father, she answered, 
I had with me, in my younger years, an old woman who was 
a cunning enchantress, and she taught me the art of en- 
chantment: I have committed its rules to memory, and 
know it thoroughly, being acquainted with a hundred and 
seventy modes of performing it, by the least of which I 
could transport the stones of thy city beyond Mount Kaf, 
and make its site to be an abyss of the sea, and convert 
its inhabitants into fish in the midst of it. — I conjure thee, 
then, by the name of Allah, said her father, to restore this 
young man, that I may make him my Wezir. Is it possible 
that thou possessedst this excellence, and I knew it not? 
Restore him, that I may make him my Wezir, for he is a 
polite and intelligent youth. 

She replied, With pleasure: — and, taking a knife upon 
which were engraved some Hebrew names, marked with it 
a circle in the midst of the palace. Within this she wrote 


certain names and talismans, and then she pronounced invo- 
cations, and uttered unintelligible words; and soon the 
palace around us became immersed in gloom to such a 
degree, that we thought the whole world was overspread; 
and lo, the 'Efrit appeared before us in a most hideous 
shape, with hands like winnowing-forks, and legs like masts, 
and eyes like burning torches; so that we were terrified at 
him. The King's daughter exclaimed, No welcome to thee ! 
— to which the 'Efrit, assuming the form of a lion, replied, 
Thou traitress, how is it that thou hast broken thine oath? 
Did we not swear that we would not oppose one another? — 
Thou wretch, said she, when didst thou receive an oath? — 
The 'Efrit, still in the form of a lion, then exclaimed, Take 
what awaiteth thee ! — and, opening his mouth, rushed upon 
the lady; but she instantly plucked a hair from her head 
and muttered with her lips, whereupon the hair became 
converted into a piercing sword, with which she struck the 
lion, and he was cleft in twain by the blow; but his head 
became changed into a scorpion. The lady immediately 
transformed herself into an enormous serpent, and crept 
after the execrable wretch in the shape of a scorpion, and 
a sharp contest ensued between them; after which, the 
scorpion became an eagle, and the serpent, changing to a 
vulture, pursued tfre eagle for a length of time. The latter 
then transformed himself into a black cat, and the King's 
daughter became a wolf, and they fought together long and 
fiercely, till the cat, seeing himself overcome, changed him- 
self into a large red pomegranate, which fell into a pool; 
but, the wolf pursuing it, it ascended into the air, and then 
fell upon the pavement of the palace, and broke in pieces, 
its grains becoming scattered, each apart from the others, 
and all spread about the whole space of ground enclosed by 
the palace. The wolf, upon this, transformed itself into a 
cock, in order to pick up the grains, and not leave one of 
them; but, according to the decree of fate, one grain re- 
mained hidden by the side of the pool of the fountain. 
The cock began to cry, and flapped its wings, and made a 
sign to us with its beak; but we understood not what it 
would say. It then uttered at us such a cry, that we thought 
the palace had fallen down upon us; and it ran about the 


whole of the ground, until it saw the grain that had lain hid 
by the side of the pool, when it pounced upon it, to pick it 
up; but it fell into the midst of the water, and became 
transformed into a fish, and sank into the water; upon 
which the cock became a fish of a larger size, and plunged 
in after the other. For a while it was absent from our 
sight; but, at length, we heard a loud cry, and trembled at 
the sound; after which, the 'Efrit rose as a flame of fire, 
casting fire from his mouth, and fire and smoke from his 
eyes and nostrils: the King's daughter also became as a 
vast body of fire; and we would have plunged into the 
water from fear of our being burnt and destroyed; but sud- 
denly the 'Efrit cried out from within the fire, and came 
towards us upon the liwan, 9 blowing fire at our faces. The 
lady, however, overtook him, and blew fire in like manner 
in his face; and some sparks struck us both from her and 
from him: her sparks did us no harm; but one from him 
struck me in my eye, and destroyed it, I being still in the 
form of an ape; and a spark from him reached the face of 
the King, and burned the lower half, with his beard and 
mouth, and struck out his lower teeth: another spark also 
fell upon the breast of the eunuch; who was burnt, and 
died immediately. We expected destruction, and gave up 
all hope of preserving our lives; but while we were in this 
state, a voice exclaimed, God is most great! God is most 
great ! He hath conquered and aided, and abandoned the 
denier of the faith of Mohammad, the chief of mankind. 10 
— The person from whom this voice proceeded was the 
King's daughter: she had burnt the 'Efrit; and when we 
looked towards him, we perceived that he had become a 
heap of ashes. 

The lady then came to us, and said, Bring me a cup of 
water: — and when it was brought to her, she pronounced 
over it some words which we understood not, and, sprinkling 
me with it, said, Be restored, by virtue of the name of the 
Truth, and by virtue of the most great name of God, to thy 
original form ! — whereupon I became a man as I was at 
first, excepting that my eye was destroyed. After this, she 

9 Dais. 

10 This was, and I believe still is, a common battle-cry of the Arabs, and 
more commonly used on the occasion of a victory. 


cried out, The fire ! the fire ! O my father, I shall no longer 
live, for I am predestined to be killed. Had he been a 
human being, I had killed him at the first of the encounter. 
I experienced no difficulty till the scattering of the grains of 
the pomegranate, when I picked them up excepting the one 
in which was the life of the Jinni: had I picked up that, he 
had instantly died; but I saw it not, as fate and destiny had 
appointed; and suddenly he came upon me, and a fierce 
contest ensued between us under the earth, and in the air, 
and in the water; and every time that he tried against me 
a new mode, I employed against him one more potent, until 
he tried against me the mode of fire; and rarely does one 
escape against whom the mode of fire is employed. Destiny, 
however, aided me, so that I burned him first; but I ex- 
horted him previously to embrace the faith of El-Islam. 
Now I die; and may God supply my place to you. — Having 
thus said, she ceased not to pray for relief from the fire; 
and lo, a spark ascended to her breast, and thence to her face ; 
and when it reached her face, she wept, and exclaimed, 
I testify that there is no deity but God, and I testify that 
Mohammad is God's Apostle ! — We then looked towards her, 
and saw that she had become a heap of ashes by the side 
of the ashes of the 'Efrit. 

We were plunged into grief on her account, and I wished 
that I had been in her place rather than have seen that sweet- 
faced creature who had done me this kindness reduced to a 
heap of ashes: but the decree of God cannot be averted. 
The King, on beholding his daughter in this state, plucked 
out what remained of his beard, and slapped his face, and 
rent his clothes ; and I also did the same, while we both wept 
for her. Then came the chamberlains and other great 
officers of the court, who, finding the King in a state of in- 
sensibility, with two heaps of ashes before him, were aston- 
ished, and remained encompassing him until he recovered 
from his fit, when he informed them of what had befallen 
his daughter with the 'Efrit; and great was their affliction. 
The women shrieked, with the female slaves, and continued 
their mourning seven days. After this, the King gave orders 
to build, over the ashes of his daughter, a great tomb with 
a dome, and illuminated it with candles and lamps: but the 


ashes of the 'Efrit they scattered in the wind, exposing them 
to the curse of God. The King then fell sick, and was near 
unto death : his illness lasted a month ; but after this he re- 
covered his health, and, summoning me to his presence, said 
to me, O young man, we passed our days in the enjoyment 
of the utmost happiness, secure from the vicissitudes of 
fortune, until thou earnest to us, when troubles overcame us. 
Would that we had never seen thee, nor thy ugly form, on 
account of which we have been reduced to this state of pri- 
vation; for, in the first place, I have lost my daughter, who 
was worth a hundred men ; and, secondly, I have suffered this 
burning, and lost my teeth : my eunuch also is dead : but it 
was not in thy power to prevent these afflictions : the decree 
of God hath been fulfilled on us and on thee ; and praise 
be to God that my daughter restored thee, though she de- 
stroyed herself. Now, however, depart, O my son, from 
my city. It is enough that hath happened on thy account; 
but as it was decreed against us and thee, depart in peace. 

So I departed, O my mistress, from his presence; but 
before I quitted the city, I entered a public bath, and shaved 
my beard. I traversed various regions, and passed through 
great cities, and bent my course to the Abode of Peace, 
Baghdad, in the hope of obtaining an interview with the 
Prince of the Faithful, that I might relate to him all that 
had befallen me. 

The third mendicant then advanced, and thus related his 
story : — 

The Story of the Third Royal Mendicant 

illustrious lady, my story is not like those of my two 
companions, but more wonderful: the course of fate and 
destiny brought upon them events against which they could 
not guard ; but as to myself, the shaving of my beard and 
the loss of my eye were occasioned by my provoking fate 
and misfortune; and the cause was this: — 

1 was a King, and the son of a King; and when my 
father died, I succeeded to his throne, and governed my 
subjects with justice and beneficence. I took pleasure in 
sea-voyages; and my capital was on the shore of an ex- 


tensive sea, interspersed with fortified and garrisoned islands, 
which I desired, for my amusement, to visit; I therefore 
embarked with a fleet of ten ships, and took with me pro- 
visions sufficient for a whole month. I proceeded twenty 
days, after which there arose against us a contrary wind; 
but at daybreak it ceased, and the sea became calm, and 
we arrived at an island, where we landed, and cooked some 
provisions and ate ; after which we remained there two days. 
We then continued our voyage ; and when twenty days more 
had passed, we found ourselves in strange waters, unknown 
to the captain, and desired the watch to look out from the 
mast-head : so he went aloft, and when he had come down 
he said to the captain, I saw, on my right hand, fish floating 
upon the surface of the water; and looking towards the 
midst of the sea, I perceived something looming in the 
distance, sometimes black and sometimes white. 

When the captain heard this report of the watch, he 
threw his turban on the deck, and plucked his beard, and 
said to those who were with him, Receive warning of our 
destruction, which will befall all of us : not one will escape ! 
So saying, he began to weep; and all of us in like manner 
bewailed our lot. I desired him to inform us of that which 
the watch had seen. O my lord, he replied, know that we 
have wandered from our course since the commencement 
of the contrary wind that was followed in the morning by 
a calm, in consequence of which we remained stationary 
two days; from that period we have deviated from our 
course for twenty-one days, and we have no wind to carry 
us back from the fate which awaits us after this day: to- 
morrow we shall arrive at a mountain of black stone, called 
loadstone : the current is now bearing us violently towards 
it, and the ships will fall in pieces, and every nail in them 
will fly to the mountain, and adhere to it ; for God hath given 
to the loadstone a secret property by virtue of which every- 
thing of iron is attracted toward it. On that mountain is 
such a quantity of iron as no one knoweth but God, whose 
name be exalted; for from times of old great numbers of 
ships have been destroyed by the influence of that mountain. 
There is, upon the summit of the mountain, a cupola of brass 
supported by ten columns, and upon the top of this cupola is 


a horseman upon a horse of brass, having in his hand a brazen 
spear, and upon his breast suspended a tablet of lead, upon 
which are engraved mysterious names and talismans; and as 
long, O King, as this horseman remains upon the horse, so 
long will every ship that approaches be destroyed, with 
every person on board, and all the iron contained in it will 
cleave to the mountain : no one will be safe until the horse- 
man shall have fallen from the horse. — The captain then 
wept bitterly; and we felt assured that our destruction was 
inevitable, and every one of us bade adieu to his friend. 

On the following morning we drew near to the mountain ; 
the current carried us toward it with violence, and when the 
ships were almost close to it, they fell asunder, and all the 
nails, and everything else that was of iron, flew from them 
towards the loadstone. It was near the close of day when 
the ships fell in pieces. Some of us were drowned, and 
some escaped; but the greater number were drowned, and 
of those who saved their lives none knew what became of 
the others, so stupefied were they by the waves and the 
boisterous wind. As for myself, O my mistress, God, whose 
name be exalted, spared me on account of the trouble and 
torment and affliction that He had predestined to befall me. 
I placed myself upon a plank, and the wind and waves cast 
it upon the mountain; and when I had landed, I found a 
practicable way to the summit, resembling steps cut in the 
rock: so I exclaimed, In the name of God! — and offered 
up a prayer, and attempted the ascent, holding fast by the 
notches; and presently God stilled the wind and assisted 
me in my endeavours, so that I arrived in safety at the 
summit. Rejoicing greatly in my escape, I immediately en- 
tered the cupola, and performed the prayers of two rek'ahs 11 
in gratitude to God for my preservation; after which I slept 
beneath the cupola, and heard a voice saying to me, O son 
of Khasib, when thou awakest from thy sleep, dig beneath 
thy feet, and thou wilt find a bow of brass, and three arrows 
of lead, whereon are engraved talismans: then take the 

u [Bowings] : the repetition of a set form of words, chiefly from the 
Kur'an, and ejaculations of " God is most great! " etc., accompanied by 
particular postures; part of the words being repeated in an erect posture; 
part, sitting; and part, in other postures: an inclination of the head and 
body, followed by two prostrations, distinguishing each rek'ah. 


bow and arrows and shoot at the horseman that is upon the 
top of the cupola, and relieve mankind from this great afflic- 
tion; for when thou hast shot at the horseman he will fall 
into the sea; the bow will also fall, and do thou bury it 
in its place; and as soon as thou hast done this, the sea 
will swell and rise until it attains the summit of the moun- 
tain; and there will appear upon it a boat bearing a man, 
different from him whom thou shalt have cast down, and 
he will come to thee, having an oar in his hand: then do 
thou embark with him; but utter not the name of God; 
and he will convey thee in ten days to a safe sea, where, on 
thy arrival, thou wilt find one who will take thee to thy 
city. All this shall be done if thou utter not the name of God. 

Awaking from my sleep, I sprang up, and did as the 
voice had directed. I shot at the horseman, and he fell into 
the sea; and the bow having fallen from my hand, I buried 
it: the sea then became troubled, and rose to the summit 
of the mountain, and when I had stood waiting there a little 
while, I beheld a boat in' the midst of the sea, approaching 
me. I praised God, whose name be exalted, and when the 
boat came to me I found in it a man of brass, with a tablet 
of lead upon his breast, engraven with names and talismans. 
Without uttering a word, I embarked in the boat, and the 
man rowed me ten successive days, after which I beheld the 
islands of security, whereupon, in the excess of my joy, I 
exclaimed, In the name of God ! There is no deity but 
God ! God is most great ! — and as soon as I had done 
this, he cast me out of the boat, and sank in the sea. 

Being able to swim, I swam until night, when my arms 
and shoulders were tired, and, in this perilous situation, I 
repeated the profession of the faith, and gave myself up as 
lost; but the sea rose with the violence of the wind, and a 
wave like a vast castle threw me upon the land, in order to 
the accomplishment of the purpose of God. I ascended the 
shore, and after I had wrung out my clothes, and spread 
them upon the ground to dry, I slept; and in the morning 
I put on my clothes again, and, looking about to see which 
way I should go, I found a tract covered with trees, to which 
I advanced; and when I had walked round it, I found that 
I was upon a small island in the midst of the sea; upon 



which I said within myself, Every time that I escape from 
one calamity I fall into another that is worse: — but while I 
was reflecting upon my unfortunate case, and wishing for 
death, I beheld a vessel bearing a number of men. I arose 
immediately, and climbed into a tree; and lo, the vessel 
came to the shore, and there landed from it ten black slaves 
bearing axes. They proceeded to the middle of the island, 
and, digging up the earth, uncovered and lifted up a trap- 
door, after which they returned to the vessel, and brought 
from it bread and flour and clarified butter and honey and 
sheep and everything that the wants of an inhabitant would 
require, continuing to pass backwards and forwards between 
the vessel and the trap-door, bringing loads from the former, 
and entering the latter, until they had removed all the stores 
from the ship. They then came out of the vessel with 
various clothes of the most beautiful description, and in the 
midst of them was an old sheykh, enfeebled and wasted 
by extreme age, leading by the hand a young man cast in 
the mould of graceful symmetry/ and invested with such 
perfect beauty as deserved to be a subject for proverbs. He 
was like a fresh and slender twig, enchanting and captivating 
every heart by his elegant form. The party proceeded to 
the trap-door, and, entering it, became concealed from my 

They remained beneath about two hours, or more; after 
which, the sheykh and the slaves came out; but the youth 
came not with them; and they replaced the earth, and 
embarked and set sail. Soon after, I descended from the 
tree, and went to the excavation. I removed the earth, and, 
entering the aperture, saw a flight of wooden steps, which 
I descended; and, at the bottom, I beheld a handsome 
dwelling-place, furnished with a variety of silken carpets; 
and there was the youth, sitting upon a high mattress, with 
sweet-smelling flowers and fruits placed before him. On 
seeing me, his countenance became pale; but I saluted him, 
and said, Let thy mind be composed, O my Master: thou 
hast nothing to fear, O delight of my eye; for I am a man, 
and the son of a King, like thyself : fate hath impelled me to 
thee, that I may cheer thee in thy solitude. The youth, 
when he heard me thus address him, and was convinced that 


I was one of his own species, rejoiced exceedingly at my 
arrival, his colour returned, and, desiring me to approach 
him, he said, O my brother, my story is wonderful: my 
father is a jeweller: he had slaves who made voyages by his 
orders, for the purposes of commerce, and he had dealings 
with Kings; but he had never been blest with a son; and he 
dreamt that he was soon to have a son, but one whose life 
would be short; and he awoke sorrowful. Shortly after, in 
accordance with the decrees of God, my mother conceived 
me, and when her time was complete, she gave birth to me; 
and my father was greatly rejoiced: the astrologers, however, 
came to him, and said, Thy son will live fifteen years: his 
fate is intimated by the fact that there is, in the sea, a 
mountain called the Mountain of Loadstone, whereon is a 
horseman on a horse of brass, on the former of which is 
a tablet of lead suspended to his neck; and when the 
horseman shall be thrown down from his horse, thy son will 
be slain : the person who is to slay him is he who will throw 
down the horseman, and his name is King 'Ajib, the son 
of King Khasib. My father was greatly afflicted at this 
announcement; and when he had reared me until I had 
nearly attained the age of fifteen years, the astrologers came 
again, and informed him that the horseman had fallen into 
the sea, and that it had been thrown down by King 'Ajib, 
the son of King Khasib; on hearing which, he prepared for 
me this dwelling, and here left me to remain until the com- 
pletion of the term, of which there now remain ten days. 
All this he did from fear lest King 'Ajib should kill me. 

When I heard this, I was filled with wonder, and said 
within myself, I am King 'Ajib, the son of King Khasib, and 
it was I who threw down the horseman ; but, by Allah, I will 
neither kill him nor do him any injury. Then said I to the 
youth, Far from thee be both destruction and harm, if it be 
the will of God, whose name be exalted: thou hast nothing 
to fear: I will remain with thee to serve thee, and will go 
forth with thee to thy father, and beg of him to send me 
back to my country, for the which he will obtain a reward. 
The youth rejoiced at my words, and I sat and conversed 
with him until night, when I spread his bed for him, and 
covered him, and slept near to his side. And in the morning 


I brought him water, and he washed his face, and said to me, 
May God requite thee for me with every blessing. If I 
escape from King 'Ajib, I will make my father reward thee 
with abundant favours. Never, I replied, may the day arrive 
that would bring thee misfortune. I then placed before him 
some refreshments, and after we had eaten together, we 
passed the day conversing with the utmost cheerfulness. 

I continued to serve him for nine days; and on the tenth 
day the youth rejoiced at finding himself in safety, and said 
to me, O my brother, I wish that thou wouldst in thy kind- 
ness warm for me some water, that I may wash myself and 
change my clothes; for I have smelt the odour of escape 
from death, in consequence of thy assistance. — With pleasure, 
I replied ; — and I arose, and warmed the water ; after which, 
he entered a place concealed from my view, and, having 
washed himself and changed his clothes, laid himself upon 
the mattress to rest after his bath. He then said to me, 
Cut up for me, O my brother, a water-melon, and mix its 
juice with some sugar: — so I arose, and taking a melon, 
brought it upon a plate, and said to him, Knowest thou, O 
my master, where is the knife? — See, here it is, he answered, 
upon the shelf over my head. I sprang up hastily, and 
took it from its sheath, and as I was drawing back, my foot 
slipped, as God had decreed, and I fell upon the youth, 
grasping in my hand the knife, which entered his body, and 
he died instantly. When I perceived that he was dead, and 
that I had killed him, I uttered a loud shriek, and beat my 
face and rent my clothes, saying, This is, indeed, a 
calamity ! O what a calamity ! O my Lord, I implore thy 
pardon, and declare to Thee my innocence of his death ! 
Would that I had died before him ! How long shall I devour 
trouble after trouble ! 

With these reflections I ascended the steps, and, having 
replaced the trap-door, returned to my first station, and 
looked over the sea, where I saw the vessel that had come 
before, approaching, and cleaving the waves in its rapid 
course. Upon this I said within myself, Now will the men 
come forth from the vessel, and find the youth slain, and 
they will slay me also: — so I climbed into a tree, and con- 
cealed myself among its leaves, and sat there till the vessel 


arrived and cast anchor, when the slaves landed with the 
old sheykh, the father of the youth, and went to the place, 
and removed the earth. They were surprised at finding it 
moist, and when they had descended the steps, they dis- 
covered the youth lying on his back, exhibiting a face 
beaming with beauty, though dead, and clad in white and 
clean clothing, with the knife remaining in his body. They 
all wept at the sight, and the father fell down in a swoon, 
which lasted so long that the slaves thought he was dead. 
At length, however, he recovered, and came out with the 
slaves, who had wrapped the body of the youth in his clothes. 
They then took back all that was in the subterranean dwelling 
to the vessel, and departed. 

I remained, O my mistress, by day hiding myself in a 
tree, and at night walking about the open part of the island. 
Thus I continued for the space of two months; and I per- 
ceived that, on the western side of the island, the water of 
the sea every day retired, until, after three months, the land 
that had been beneath it became dry. Rejoicing at this, and 
feeling confident now in my escape, I traversed this 
dry tract, and arrived at an expanse of sand; whereupon 
I emboldened myself, and crossed it. I then saw in the 
distance an appearance of fire, and, advancing towards it, 
found it to be a palace, overlaid with plates of copper, which, 
reflecting the rays of the sun, seemed from a distance to 
be fire: and when I drew near to it, reflecting upon this 
sight, there approached me an old sheykh, accompanied by 
ten young men who were all blind of one eye, at which I 
was extremely surprised. As soon as they saw me, they 
saluted me, and asked me my story, which I related to them 
from first to last; and they were filled with wonder. They 
then conducted me into the palace, where I saw ten benches, 
upon each of which was a mattress covered with a blue 
stuff; 12 and each of the young men seated himself upon one 
of these benches, while the sheykh took his place upon a 
smaller one; after which they said to me, Sit down, O 
young man, and ask no question respecting our condition, 
nor respecting our being blind of one eye. Then the sheykh 
arose, and brought to each of them some food, and the same 

u The colour of mourning. 


to me also; and next he brought to each of us some wine: 
and after we had eaten, we sat drinking together until the 
time for sleep, when the young men said to the sheykh, Bring 
to us our accustomed supply : — upon which the sheykh arose, 
and entered a closet, from which he brought upon his head, 
ten covered trays. Placing these upon the floor, he lighted 
ten candles, and stuck one of them upon each tray; and, 
having done this he removed the covers, and there ap- 
peared beneath them ashes mixed with pounded charcoal. 
The young men then tucked up their sleeves above the 
elbow, and blackened their faces, and slapped their cheeks, 
exclaiming, We were reposing at our ease, and our im- 
pertinent curiosity suffered us not to remain so ! Thus they 
did until the morning, when the sheykh brought them some 
hot water, and they washed their faces, and put on other 

On witnessing this conduct, my reason was confounded, 
my heart was so troubled that I forgot my own misfortunes, 
and I asked them the cause of their strange behaviour; 
upon which they looked towards me, and said, O young 
man, ask not respecting that which doth not concern thee; 
but be silent; for in silence is security from error. — I 
remained with them a whole month, during which every 
night they did the same; and at length I said to them, I 
conjure you by Allah to remove this disquiet from my mind, 
and to inform me of the cause of your acting in this manner, 
and of your exclaiming, We were reposing at our ease, and 
our impertinent curiosity suffered us not to remain so ! — ii 
ye inform me not, I will leave you, and go my way ; for the 
proverb saith, When the eye seeth not, the heart doth not 
grieve. — On hearing these words, they replied, We have not 
concealed this affair from thee but in our concern for thy 
welfare, lest thou shouldst become like us, and the same 
affliction that hath befallen us happen also to thee. I said, 
however, Ye must positively inform me of this matter. — We 
give thee good advice, said they, and do thou receive it, and 
ask us not respecting our case; otherwise thou wilt become 
blind of one eye, like us: — but I still persisted in my 
request; whereupon they said, O young man, if this befall 
thee, know that thou wilt be banished from our company. 


They then all arose, and, taking a ram, slaughtered and 
skinned it, and said to me, Take this knife with thee, and 
introduce thyself into the skin of the ram, and we will 
sew thee up in it, and go away; whereupon a bird called 
the rukh will come to thee, and, taking thee up by its talons, 
will fly away with thee, and set thee down upon a mountain : 
then cut open the skin with this knife, and get out, and the 
bird will fly away. Thou must arise, as soon as it hath 
gone, and journey for half a day, and thou wilt see be- 
fore thee a lofty palace, encased with red gold, set with 
various precious stones, such as emeralds and rubies, &c. ; 
and if thou enter it thy case will be as ours; for our 
entrance into that palace was the cause of our being blind 
of one eye; and if one of us would relate to thee all that 
hath befallen him, his story would be too long for thee to 

They then sewed me up in the skin, and entered their 
palace; and soon after, there came an enormous white bird, 
which seized me, and flew away with me, and set me down 
upon the mountain ; whereupon I cut open the skin, and 
got out; and the bird, as soon as it saw me, flew away. I 
rose up quickly, and proceeded towards the palace, which 
I found to be as they had described it to me; and when I 
had entered it, I beheld, at the upper end of a saloon, forty 
young damsels, beautiful as so many moons, and magnifi- 
cently attired, who, as soon as they saw me, exclaimed, 
Welcome ! Welcome ! O our master and our lord ! We 
have been for a month expecting thee. Praise be to God 
who hath blessed us with one who is worthy of us, and one 
of whom we are worthy ! — After having thus greeted me, 
they seated me upon a mattress, and said, Thou art from 
this day our master and prince, and we are thy handmaids, 
and entirely under thy authority. They then brought to 
me some refreshments, and when I had eaten and drunk, they 
sat and conversed with me, full of joy and happiness. So 
lovely were these ladies, that even a devotee, if he saw 
them, would gladly consent to be their servant, and to com- 
ply with all that they would desire. At the approach of 
night they all assembled around me, and placed before me 
a table of fresh and dried fruits, with other delicacies that 


the tongue cannot describe, and wine; and one began to 
sing, while another played upon the lute. The wine-cups 
circulated among us, and joy overcame me to such a degree 
as to obliterate from my mind every earthly care, and make 
me exclaim, This is indeed a delightful life ! I passed a 
night of such enjoyment as I had never before experienced; 
and on the morrow I entered the bath; and, after I had 
washed myself, they brought me a suit of the richest cloth- 
ing, and we again sat down to a repast. 

In this manner I lived with them a whole year; but on 
the first day of the new year, they seated themselves around 
me, and began to weep, and bade me farewell, clinging to 
my skirts. — What calamity hath befallen you? said I. Ye 
have broken my heart. — They answered, Would that we had 
never known thee; for we have associated with many men, 
but have seen none like thee. May God, therefore, not 
deprive us of thy company. — And they wept afresh. I said 
to them, I wish that you would acquaint me with the cause 
of this weeping. — Thou, they replied, art the cause; yet 
now, if thou wilt attend to what we tell thee, we shall never 
be parted; but if thou act contrary to it, we are separated 
from this time; and our hearts whisper to us that thou wilt 
not regard our warning. — Inform me, said I, and I will 
attend to your directions: — and they replied, If then thou 
wouldst inquire respecting our history, know that we are the 
daughters of Kings: for many years it hath been our custom 
to assemble here, and every year we absent ourselves during 
a period of forty days; then returning, we indulge ourselves 
for a year in feasting and drinking. This is our usual prac- 
tice; and now we fear that thou wilt disregard our directions 
when we are absent from thee. We deliver to thee the keys 
of the palace, which are a hundred in number, belonging to a 
hundred closets. Open each of these, and amuse thyself, 
and eat and drink, and refresh thyself, excepting the closet 
that hath a door of red gold; for if thou open this, the con- 
sequence will be a separation between us and thee. We con- 
jure thee, therefore, to observe our direction, and to be patient 
during this period. — Upon hearing this, I swore to them that 
I would never open the closet to which they alluded; and 
they departed, urging me to be faithful to my promise. 


I remained alone in the palace, and at the approach of 
evening I opened the first closet, and, entering it, found a 
mansion like paradise, with a garden containing green trees 
loaded with ripe fruits, abounding with singing birds, and 
watered by copious streams. My heart was soothed by the 
sight, and I wandered among the trees, scenting the fragrance 
of the flowers, and listening to the warbling of the birds as 
they sang the praises of the One, the Almighty. After 
admiring the mingled colours of the apple resembling the 
hue upon the cheek of a beloved mistress and the sallow 
countenance of the perplexed and timid lover, the sweet- 
smelling quince diffusing an odour like musk and ambergris, 
and the plum shining as the ruby, I retired from this place, 
and, having locked the door, opened that of the next closet, 
within which I beheld a spacious tract planted with numerous 
palm-trees, and watered by a river flowing among rose-trees, 
and jasmine, and marjoram, and eglantine, and narcissus, 
and gilliflower, the odours of which diffused in every direc- 
tion by the wind, inspired me with the utmost delight. I 
locked again the door of the second closet, and opened that 
of the third. Within this I found a large saloon, paved with 
marbles of various colours, and with costly minerals and 
precious gems, and containing cages constructed of sandal 
and aloes-wood with singing birds within them, and others 
upon the branches of trees which were planted there. My 
heart was charmed, my trouble was dissipated, and I slept 
there until the morning. I then opened the door of the 
fourth closet, and within this door I found a great building 
in which were forty closets with open doors; and, entering 
these, I beheld pearls, and rubies, and chrysolites, and 
emeralds, and other precious jewels such as the tongue can- 
not describe. I was astonished at the sight and said, Such 
things as these, I imagine, are not found in the treasury of 
any King. I am now the King of my age, and all these 
treasures, through the goodness of God, are mine, together 
with forty damsels under my authority who have no man to 
share them with me. 

Thus I continued to amuse myself, passing from one 
place to another, until thirty-nine days had elapsed, and I 
had opened the doors of all the closets excepting that which 


they had forbidden me to open. My heart was then dis- 
turbed by curiosity respecting this hundredth closet, and the 
Devil, in order to plunge me into misery, induced me to 
open it. I had not patience to abstain, though there 
remained of the appointed period only one day: So I 
approached the closet, and opened the door; and when I 
had entered, I perceived a fragrant odour, such as I had 
never before smelt, which intoxicated me so that I fell 
down insensible, and remained some time in this state: but 
at length recovering, I fortified my heart, and proceeded. I 
found the floor overspread with saffron, and the place 
illuminated by golden lamps and by candles, which diffused 
the odours of musk and ambergris; and two large perfum- 
ing-vessels filled with aloes-wood and ambergris, and a 
perfume compounded with honey, spread fragrance through 
the whole place. I saw also a black horse, of the hue of 
the darkest night, before which was a manger of white 
crystal filled with cleansed sesame, and another, similar to 
it, containing rose-water infused with musk: he was saddled 
and bridled, and his saddle was of red gold. Wondering 
at the sight of him, I said within myself, This must be an 
animal of extraordinary qualities; — and, seduced by the 
Devil, I led him out, and mounted him; but he moved not 
from his place: I kicked him with my heel; but still he 
moved not: so I took a mikra'ah and struck him with it; 
and as soon as he felt the blow he uttered a sound like 
thunder, and, expanding a pair of wings, soared with me to 
an immense height through the air, and then alighted upon 
the roof of another palace, where he threw me from his 
back, and, by a violent blow with his tail upon my face, as 
I sat on the roof, struck out my eye, and left me. 

In this state I descended from the roof, and below I 
found the one-eyed young men before mentioned, who, as 
soon as they beheld me, exclaimed, No welcome to thee ! — 
Receive me, said I, into your company: — but they replied, 
By Allah, thou shalt not remain with us: — so I departed 
from them, with mournful heart and weeping eye, and, God 
having decreed me a safe journey hither, I arrived at 
Baghdad, after I had shaved my beard, and become a 


The mistress of the house then looked towards the 
Khalifeh and Ja'far and Mesrur, and said to them, Acquaint 
me with your histories :— upon which Ja'far advanced to- 
wards her, and related to her the same story that he had 
told to the portress before they entered; and when she had 
heard it, she liberated them all. They accordingly de- 
parted, and when they had gone out into the street, the 
Khalifeh inquired of the mendicants whither they were 
going. They answered that they knew not whither to go: 
whereupon he desired them to accompany his party; and 
then said to Ja'far, Take them home with thee, and bring 
them before me to-morrow, and we will see the result. 
Ja'far, therefore, did as he was commanded, and the Khalifeh 
returned to his palace; but he was unable to sleep during 
the remainder of the night. 

On the following morning he sat upon his throne, and 
when his courtiers had presented themselves before him, 
and departed, excepting Ja'far, he said to him, Bring before 
me the three ladies and the two bitches and the mendicants. 
So Ja'far arose, and brought them, and, placing the ladies 
behind the curtains, said to them, We have forgiven you 
on account of your previous kindness to us, and because 
ye knew us not; and now I acquaint you that ye are in 
the presence of the fifth of the sons of El-'Abbas, Harun 
Er-Rashid; therefore relate to him nothing but the truth. 
And when the ladies heard the words which Ja'far ad- 
dressed to them on the part of the Khalifeh, the eldest of 
them advanced, and thus related her story: — 

The Story of the First of the Three Ladies of 


O Prince of the Faithful, my story is wonderful; for 
these two bitches are my sisters, born to my father, but 
of another mother; and I am the youngest of the three. 
After the death of our father, who left us five thousand 
pieces of gold, these my two sisters married, and when 
they had resided some time with their husbands, each of 
the latter prepared a stock of merchandise, and received 
from his wife a thousand pieces of gold, and they all set 


forth on a journey together, leaving me here; but after 
they had been absent four years, my sisters' husbands lost 
all their property, and abandoned them in a strange land, 
and they returned to me in the garb of beggars. When I 
first saw them in this state, I knew them not; and, as soon 
as I recognised them, I exclaimed, How is it that ye are in 
this condition? — O our sister, they answered, thy inquiry 
now is of no use: the Pen hath written what God hath 
decreed. — I sent them, therefore, to the bath, and, having 
clad them in new apparel, said to them, O my sisters, ye 
are my elders, and I am young ; so ye shall be to me in 
the places of my father and mother. The inheritance which 
I shared with you God hath blessed; partake then of its 
increase, for my affairs are prosperous; and I and ye shall 
fare alike. — I treated them with the utmost kindness, and 
during a whole year they remained with me, and enriched 
themselves by the money that I had given them; but after 
this period they said to me, It will be more agreeable to 
us to marry again, for we can no longer abstain from doing 
so. — O my sisters, I replied, ye have seen no happiness in 
marriage: a good husband in this age is rarely found, and 
ye have already had experience of the marriage-state. They, 
however, heeded not my words; but married against my 
consent: yet I gave them dowries from my own property, 
and continued to them my protection. They went to their 
husbands, and the latter, after they had resided with them 
a short time, defrauded them of all that they possessed, 
and, setting forth on a journey, left them destitute: so again 
they returned to me, and, in a state of nudity, implored my 
forgiveness, saying, Be not angry with us; for though thou 
art younger than we, thou hast more mature sense; and we 
promise thee that we will never again mention the subject 
of marriage. I replied, Ye are welcome, O my sisters; for 
I have no one dearer to me than yourselves: — and I re- 
ceived them, and treated them with every kindness, and we 
remained happily together for the space of a year. 

After this I resolved to fit out a vessel for a mercantile 
voyage: accordingly, I stocked a large ship with various 
goods and necessary provisions, and said to my sisters, 
Will ye rather stay at home during my voyage, or will ye 


go with me? — to which they answered, We will accompany 
thee during the voyage, for we cannot endure to be separated 
from thee. I therefore took them with me, and we set sail; 
but first I divided my property into two equal portions; one 
of which I took with me, and the other I concealed, saying 
within myself, Perhaps some evil accident may happen to 
the ship, and our lives may be prolonged; in which case, 
when we return we shall find that which will be of service 
to us. — We continued our voyage by day and night, till at 
length the vessel pursued a wrong course, and the captain 
knew not whither to steer. The ship had entered a different 
sea from that which we wished to cross, and for some time 
we knew it not; but for ten days we had a pleasant wind, 
and after this, a city loomed before us in the distance. We 
asked the captain what was the name of this city; and he 
answered, I know it not; I have never seen it till this day, 
nor have I ever before in the course of my life navigated 
this sea: but as we have come hither in safety, ye have 
nothing to do but to enter this city and land your goods, 
and, if ye find opportunity, sell or exchange there: if not, 
we will rest there two days, and take in fresh provisions, 
So we entered the port of the city, and the captain landed, 
and after a while returned to us, saying, Arise, and go up 
into the city, and wonder at that which God hath done 
unto his creatures, and pray to be preserved from his anger. 
And when we had entered the city, we found all its in- 
habitants converted into black stones. We were amazed 
at the sight, and as we walked through the market-streets, 
finding the merchandise and the gold and silver remaining 
in their original state, we rejoiced, and said, This must have 
been occasioned by some wonderful circumstance. We then 
separated in the streets, each of us attracted from his com- 
panions by the wealth and stuffs in the shops. 

As for myself, I ascended to the citadel, which I found 
to be a building of admirable construction; and, entering 
the King's palace, I found all the vessels of gold and silver 
remaining in their places, and the King himself seated in 
the midst of his Chamberlains and Viceroys and Wezirs, 
and clad in apparel of astonishing richness. Drawing nearer 
to him, I perceived that he was sitting upon a throne adorned 


with pearls and jewels, every one of the pearls shining like 
a star: his dress was embroidered with gold, and around 
him stood fifty memluks, attired in silks of various descrip- 
tions, and having in their hands drawn swords. Stupefied 
at this spectacle, I proceeded, and entered the saloon of 
the Harim, upon the walls of which were hung silken 
curtains; and here I beheld the Queen, attired in a dress 
embroidered with fresh pearls, and having upon her head 
a diadem adorned with various jewels, and necklaces of 
different kinds on her neck. All her clothing and ornaments 
remained as they were at first, though she herself was con- 
verted into black stone. Here also I found an open door, 
and, entering it, I saw a flight of seven steps, by which I 
ascended to an apartment paved with marble, furnished 
with gold-embroidered carpets, and containing a couch of 
alabaster, ornamented with pearls and jewels; but my eyes 
were first attracted by a gleam of light, and when I ap- 
proached the spot whence it proceeded, I found a brilliant 
jewel, of the size of an ostrich's egg, placed upon a small 
stool, diffusing a light like that of a candle. The coverings 
of the couch above mentioned were of various kinds of silk, 
the richness of which would surprise every beholder; and 
I looked at them with wonder. In this apartment I like- 
wise observed some lighted candles, and reflected that there 
must then have been some person there to light them. I 
passed thence to another part of the palace, and continued 
to explore the different apartments, forgetting myself in the 
amazement of my mind at all these strange circumstances, 
and immersed in thoughts respecting what I beheld, until the 
commencement of night, when I would have departed; but 
could not find the door; so I returned to the place in which 
were the lighted candles, and there I laid myself upon the 
couch, and, covering myself with a quilt, repeated some 
words of the Kur'an and endeavoured to compose myself 
to sleep; but I could not. I continued restless: and at 
midnight I heard a recitation of the Kur'an, performed by 
a melodious and soft voice; upon which I arose, and, look- 
ing about, saw a closet with an open door, and I entered 
it, and found that it was an oratory: lighted lamps were 
suspended in it, and upon a prayer carpet spread on the 


floor sat a young man of handsome aspect. Wondering that 
he had escaped the fate of the other inhabitants of the city, 
I saluted him; and he raised his eyes, and returned my 
salutation: and I then said to him, I conjure thee by the 
truth of that which thou art reading in the Book of God, 
that thou answer the question which I am about to ask 
thee: — whereupon he smiled, and replied, Do thou first 
acquaint me with the cause of thine entrance into this 
place, and then I will answer thy question: so I told him 
my story, and inquired of him the history of this city. Wait 
a little, said he; — and he closed the Kur'an, and, having 
put it in a bag of satin, seated me by his side. As I now 
beheld him, his countenance appeared like the full moon, and 
his whole person exhibited such perfect elegance and loveli- 
ness, that a single glance at him drew from me a thousand 
sighs, and kindled a fire in my heart. I repeated my request 
that he would give me an account of the city; and, replying, 
I hear and obey, he thus addressed me : — 

Know that this city belonged to my father and his 
family and subjects; and he is the King whom thou hast 
seen converted into stone; and the Queen whom thou hast 
seen is my mother. They were all Magians, worshipping 
fire in the place of the Almighty King; and they swore by 
the fire and the light, and the shade and the heat, and the 
revolving orb. My father had no son, till, in his declining 
years, he was blest with me, whom he reared until I attained 
to manhood. But, happily for me, there was, in our family, 
an old woman, far advanced in age, who was a Muslimeh, 
believing in God and his Apostle in her heart, though she 
conformed with my family in outward observances; and my 
father confided in her, on account of the faithfulness and 
modesty that he had observed in her character, and shewed 
her great favour, firmly believing that she held the same 
faith as himself; therefore, when I had passed my infancy, 
he committed me to her care, saying, Take him, and rear 
him, and instruct him in the ordinances of our faith, and 
educate him and serve him in the best manner. The old 
woman accordingly received me, but took care to instruct 
me in the faith of El-Islam, teaching me the laws of purifi- 
cation, and the divine ordinances of ablution, together with 


the forms of prayer; after which she made me commit to 
memory the whole of the Kur'an. She then charged me to 
keep my faith a secret from my father, lest he should kill 
me; and I did so; and a few days after, the old woman 
died. The inhabitants of the city had now increased in 
their impiety and arrogance, and in their dereliction of the 
truth; and while they were in this state, they heard a crier 
proclaim with a voice like thunder, so as to be audible to 
both the near and the distant, O inhabitants of this city, 
abstain from the worship of fire, and worship the Almighty 
King ! — The people were struck with consternation, and, 
flocking to my father, the King of the city, said to him, 
What is this alarming voice which hath astounded us by its 
terrible sound? — but he answered them, Let not the voice 
terrify you, nor let it turn you from your faith: — and their 
hearts inclined to his words: so they persevered in the 
worship of fire, and remained obstinate in their impiety 
during another year, until the return of the period at which 
they had heard the voice the first time. It was then heard 
a second time; and again, in the next year, they heard it a 
third time; but still they persisted in their evil ways, until, 
drawing down upon themselves the abhorrence and indigna- 
tion of Heaven, one morning, shortly after daybreak, they 
were converted into black stones, together with their beasts 
and all their cattle. Not one of the inhabitants of the city 
escaped, excepting me; and from the day on which this 
catastrophe happened, I have continued occupied as thou 
seest, in prayer, and fasting, and reading the Kur'an: but I 
have become weary of this solitary state, having no one to 
cheer me with his company. 

On hearing these words, I said to him, Wilt thou go with 
me to the city of Baghdad, and visit its learned men and 
lawyers, and increase thy knowledge? If so, I will be thy 
handmaid, though I am the mistress of my family, and have 
authority over a household of men. I have here a ship 
laden with merchandise, and destiny hath driven us to this 
city, in order that we might become acquainted with these 
events: our meeting was predestined. — In this manner I 
continued to persuade him until he gave his consent. I 
slept that night at his feet, unconscious of my state through 


excessive joy; and in the morning we rose, and, entering 
the treasuries, took away a quantity of the lighter and most 
valuable of the articles that they contained, and descended 
from the citadel into the city, where we met the slaves 
and the captain, who were searching for me. They were 
rejoiced at seeing me, and, to their questions respecting 
my absence, I replied by informing them of all that I had 
seen, and related to them the history of the young man, 
and the cause of the transmutation of the people of the 
city, and of all that had befallen them, which filled them 
with wonder. But when my two sisters saw me with the 
young man, they envied me on his account, and malevolently 
plotted against me. 

We embarked again, and I experienced the utmost hap- 
piness, chiefly owing to the company of the young man ; and 
after we had waited a while till the wind was favourable, 
we spread our sails, and departed. My sisters sat with me 
and the young man; and, in their conversation with me, 
said, O our sister, what dost thou purpose to do with this 
handsome youth? I answered, I desire to take him a?s my 
husband: — and, turning to him, and approaching him, I 
said, O, my master, I wish to make a proposal to thee, and 
do not thou oppose it. He replied, I hear and obey: — and 
I then looked towards my sisters, and said to them, This 
young man is all that I desire, and all the wealth that is 
here is yours. — Excellent, they replied, is thy determination : 
— yet still they designed evil against me. — We continued 
our voyage with a favourable wind, and, quitting the sea of 
peril, entered the sea of security, across which we proceeded 
for some days, until we drew near to the city of El-Basrah, 
the buildings of which loomed before us at the approach of 
evening; but as soon as we had fallen asleep, my sisters 
took us up in our bed, both myself and the young man, and 
threw us into the sea. The youth, being unable to swim, 
was drowned; God recorded him among the company of 
the martyrs; while I was registered among those whose life 
was yet to be preserved: and, accordingly, as soon as I 
awoke and found myself in the sea, the providence of God 
supplied me with a piece of timber, upon which I placed 
myself, and the waves cast me upon the shore of an island. 


During the remainder of the night I walked along this 
island, and in the morning I saw a neck of land, bearing the 
marks of a man's feet, and uniting with the main land. The 
sun having now risen, I dried my clothes in its rays, and 
proceeded along the path that I had discovered until I drew 
near to the shore upon which stands the city, when I beheld 
a snake approaching me, and followed by a serpent which 
was endeavouring to destroy it : the tongue of the snake was 
hanging from its mouth in consequence of excessive fatigue, 
and it excited my compassion; so I took up a stone, and 
threw it at the head of the serpent, which instantly died : the 
snake then extended a pair of wings, and soared aloft into 
the sky, leaving me in wonder at the sight. At the time of 
this occurrence I had become so fatigued, that I now laid 
myself down and slept; but I awoke after a little while, and 
found a damsel seated at my feet, and gently rubbing them 
with her hands; upon which I immediately sat up, feeling 
ashamed that she should perform this service for me, and 
said to her, Who art thou, and what dost thou want? — How 
soon hast thou forgotten me ! she exclaimed : I am she to 
whom thou hast just done a kindness, by killing my enemy: 
I am the snake whom thou savedst from the serpent; for I 
am a Jinniyeh, and the serpent was a Jinni at enmity with 
me; and none but thou delivered me from him: therefore, 
as soon as thou didst this, I flew to the ship from which thy 
sisters cast thee, and transported all that it contained to thy 
house; I then sunk it; but as to thy sisters, I transformed 
them by enchantment into two black bitches; for I knew all 
that they had done to thee: the young man, however, is 
drowned. — Having thus said, she took me up, and placed 
me with the two black bitches on the roof of my house: 
and I found all the treasures that the ship had contained 
collected in the midst of my house: nothing was lost. She 
then said to me, I swear by that which was engraved upon 
the seal of Suleyman, that, if thou do not inflict three 
hundred lashes upon each of these bitches every day, I will 
come and transform thee in the like manner: — so I replied, 
I hear and obey: — and have continued ever since to inflict 
upon them these stripes, though pitying them while I 
do so. 


The Khalifeh heard this story with astonishment, and 
then said to the second lady, And what occasioned the 
stripes of which thou bearest the marks? She answered as 
follows : — 

The Story of the Second of the Three Ladies of 


Prince of the Faithful, my father, at his death, left 
considerable property; and soon after that event I married 
to one of the wealthiest men of the age, who, when I had 
lived with him a year, died, and I inherited from him eighty 
thousand pieces of gold, the portion that fell to me accord- 
ing to the law; with part of which I made for myself ten 
suits of clothing, each of the value of a thousand pieces of 
gold. And as I was sitting one day, there entered my 
apartment an old woman, disgustingly ugly, who saluted 
me, and said, I have an orphan daughter whose marriage I 
am to celebrate this night, and I would have thee obtain a 
reward and recompense in heaven by thy being present at 
her nuptial festivity; for she is broken-hearted, having none 
to befriend her but God, whose name be exalted. She then 
wept, and kissed my feet; and, being moved with pity and 
compassion, I assented, upon which she desired me to pre- 
pare myself, telling me that she would come at the hour of 
nightfall and take me; and so saying, she kissed my hand, 
and departed. 

I arose immediately, and attired myself, and when I had 
completed my preparations, the old woman returned, saying, 
O my mistress, the ladies of the city have arrived, and I 
have informed them of thy coming, and they are waiting 
with joy to receive thee: — so I put on my outer garments, 
and, taking my female slaves with me, proceeded until we 
arrived at a street in which a soft wind was delightfully 
playing, where we saw a gateway over-arched with a marble 
vault, admirably constructed, forming the entrance to a 
palace which rose from the earth to the clouds. On our 
arrival there, the old woman knocked at the door, and, 
when it was opened, we entered a carpeted passage, illumi- 
nated by lamps and candles, and decorated with jewels and 


precious metals. Through this passage we passed into a 
saloqn of unequalled magnificence, furnished with mattresses 
covered with silk, lighted by hanging lamps and by candles, 
and having, at its upper end, a couch of alabaster decorated 
with pearls and jewels, and canopied by curtains of satin, 
from which there came forth a lady beautiful as the moon, 
who exclaimed to me, Most welcome art thou, O my sister: 
thou delightest me by thy company, and refreshest my heart. 
She then sat down again, and said to me, O my sister, I 
have a brother who hath seen thee at a festivity: he is a 
young man, more handsome than myself, and, his heart 
being violently inflamed with love of thee, he hath bribed 
this old woman to go to thee, and to employ this artifice in 
order to obtain for me an interview with thee. He desireth 
to marry thee according to the ordinance of God and his 
Apostle, and in that which is lawful there is no disgrace. — 
When I heard these words, and saw myself thus confined in 
the house so that I could not escape, I replied, I hear, and 
obey: — and the lady, rejoicing at my consent, clapped her 
hands, and opened a door, upon which there came out from 
it a young man so surpassingly handsome, that my heart 
immediately inclined to him. No sooner had he sat down 
than the Kadi and four witnesses entered, and saluted us, 
and proceeded to perform the ceremony of the marriage- 
contract between me and the young man ; which having 
done, they departed; and when they had retired, the young 
man looked towards me, and said, May our night be blessed. 
He then informed me that he desired to impose a covenant 
upon me, and, bringing a copy of the Kur'an, said, Swear 
that thou wilt not indulge a preference, nor at all incline, to 
any man but me: — and when I had sworn to this effect he 
rejoiced exceedingly, and embraced me; and the love of 
him took entire possession of my heart. 

We lived together in the utmost happiness for the space 
of a month, after which I begged that he would allow me 
to go to the bazar, in order to purchase some stuffs for 
dress, and, having obtained his permission, went thither in 
company with the old woman, and seated myself at the shop 
of a young merchant with whom she was acquainted, and 
whose father, as she informed me, had died, and left him 


great wealth. She desired him to shew me his most costly 
stuffs; and while he was occupied in doing so, she began 
to utter various flattering expressions in praise of him; but 
I said to her, We have no concern with the praises that thou 
bestowest upon him; we desire only to make our purchase, 
and to return home. Meanwhile he produced to us what 
we wanted, and we handed him the money: he refused, 
however, to take it, saying, It is an offer of hospitality to 
you for your visit this day: — whereupon I said to the old 
woman, If he will not take the money, return to him his 
stuff. But he would not receive it again, and exclaimed, 
By Allah, I will take nothing from you : all this is a present 
from me for a single kiss, which I shall value more than 
the entire contents of my shop. — What will a kiss profit 
thee? asked the old woman. Then, turning to me, she 
said, O my daughter, thou hast heard what the youth hath 
said: no harm will befall thee if he give thee a kiss, and 
thou shalt take what thou wantest. — Dost thou not know, 
said I, that I have taken an oath? She answered, Let him 
kiss thee then without thy speaking, and so it will be of no 
consequence to thee, and thou shalt take back thy money. 
Thus she continued to palliate the matter until I put my 
head (as it were) into the bag, and consented: so I covered 
my eyes, and held the edge of my veil in such a manner 
as to prevent the passengers from seeing me, whereupon he 
put his mouth to my cheek beneath the veil, but instead of 
merely kissing me, he lacerated my cheek by a violent bite. 
I fell into a swoon from the pain, and the old woman laid 
me on her lap till I recovered, when I found the shop closed, 
and the old woman uttering expressions of grief, and saying, 
What God hath averted would have been a greater calamity : 
let us return home, and do thou feign to be ill, and I will 
come to thee and apply a remedy that shall cure the wound, 
and thou wilt quickly be restored. 

After remaining there some time longer, I rose, and, in 
a state of great uneasiness and fear, returned to the house, 
and professed myself ill; upon which my husband came in 
to me, and said, What hath befallen thee, O my mistress, 
during this excursion? I answered, I am not well. — And 
what is this wound, said he, that is upon thy cheek, and in 


the soft part? I answered, When I asked thy permission, 
and went out to-day to purchase some stuff for dress, a 
camel loaded with firewood drove against me in the crowd, 
and tore my veil, and wounded my cheek as thou seest, for 
the streets of this city are narrow. — To-morrow, then, he 
exclaimed, I will go to the governor, and make a complaint 
to him, and he shall hang every seller of firewood in the 
city. — By Allah, said I, burden not thyself by an injury to 
any one; for the truth is, that I was riding upon an ass, 
which took fright with me, and I fell upon the ground, and 
a stick lacerated my cheek. — If it be so, then, he replied, 
I will go to-morrow to Ja'far El-Barmeki, and relate the 
matter to him, and he shall kill every ass-driver in this 
city. — Wilt thou, said I, kill all those men on my account 
when this which befell me was decreed by God? — Un- 
doubtedly, he answered; and, so saying, he seized me 
violently, and then sprang up, and uttered a loud cry, upon 
which the door opened, and there came forth from it seven 
black slaves, who dragged me from my bed, and threw me 
down in the middle of the apartment ; whereupon he ordered 
one of them to hold me by my shoulders, and to sit upon 
my head; and another to sit upon my knees and to hold 
my feet. A third then came, with a sword in his hand, 
and said, O my lord, shall I strike her with the sword, 
and cleave her in twain, that each of these may take a half 
and throw it into the Tigris for the fish to devour? For 
such is the punishment of her who is unfaithful to her oath 
and to the laws of love. — My husband answered, Strike her 
O Sa'ad: — And the slave, with the drawn sword in his hand, 
said, Repeat the profession of the faith, and reflect what 
thou wouldst have to be done, that thou mayest give thy 
testamentary directions, for this is the end of thy life. — Good 
slave, I replied, release me for a while that I may do so: — 
and I raised my head, and weeping as I spoke, addressed 
my husband with these verses : — 

You render me lovelorn, and remain at ease. You make my 
wounded eyelids to be restless, and you sleep. 

Your abode is between my heart and my eyes ; and my heart will 
not relinquish you, nor my tears conceal my passion. 


You made a covenant with me that you would remain faithful ; but 
when you had gained possession of my heart you deceived me. 

Will you not pity my love for you and my moaning? Have you 
yourself been secure from misfortunes? 

I conjure you, by Allah, if I die, that you write upon my tomb- 
stone, This was a slave of love. 

That, perchance, some mourner who hath felt the same flame may 
pass by the lover's grave, and pity her. 

But on hearing these verses, and witnessing my weeping, 
he became more incensed, and replied in the words of this 
couplet : — 

I reject not the beloved of my heart from weariness : her own guilty 

conduct is the cause of her punishment. 
She desired that another should share with me her love ; but the 

faith of my heart inclineth not to partnership. 

I continued to weep, and to endeavour to excite hi& 
compassion, saying within myself, I will humble me before 
him, and address him with soft words, that he may at least 
refrain from killing me, though he take all that I possess ; — 
but he cried out to the slave, Cleave her in twain; for she 
is no longer of any value to us. — So the slave approached 
me, and I now felt assured of my death, and committed 
myself to God; but suddenly the old woman came and 
threw herself at my husband's feet, and, kissing them, 
exclaimed, O my son, by the care with which I nursed thee, 
I conjure thee to pardon this damsel, for she hath com- 
mitted no offence that deserveth such a punishment: thou 
art young, and I fear the effect of the imprecations that she 
may utter against thee: — and after she had thus addressed 
him, she wept, and continued to importune him, until, at 
length, he said, I pardon her, but must cause her to bear 
upon her person such marks of her offence as shall last for 
the remainder of her life. So saying he commanded the 
slaves to strip off my vest, and, taking a stick cut from a 
quince-tree, he beat me upon my back and my sides until 
I became insensible from the violence of the blows, and 
despaired of my life. He then ordered the slaves to take 
me away as soon as it was night, accompanied by the old 
woman, and throw me into my house in which I formerly 
resided. They accordingly executed their lord's commands, 


and when they had deposited me in my house, I applied 
myself to the healing of my wounds; but, after I had cured 
myself, my sides still bore the appearance of having been 
beaten with mikra'ahs. I continued to apply remedies for 
four months before I was restored, and then repaired to 
view the house in which this event had happened; but I 
found it reduced to ruin, and the whole street pulled down; 
the site of the house I found occupied by mounds of rubbish, 
and I knew not the cause. 

Under these circumstances, I went to reside with this 
my sister, who is of the same father as myself, and I found 
with her these two bitches. Having saluted her, I informed 
her of all that had befallen me; to which she replied, Who 
is secure from the afflictions of fortune? Praise be to God 
who terminated the affair with safety to thy life ! — She then 
related to me her own story, and that of her two sisters, and 
I remained with her, and neither of us ever mentioned the 
subject of marriage. Afterwards we were joined by this our 
other sister, the cateress, who every day goes out to purchase 
for us whatever we happen to want. 

The Khalifeh was astonished at this story, and ordered 
it to be recorded in a book, as ~n authentic history, and 
deposited the book in his library. And he said to the first 
lady, Knowest thou where the Jinniyeh who enchanted thy 
sister is to be found? She answered, O Prince of the 
Faithful, she gave me a lock of her hair, and said, When thou 
desirest my presence, burn a few of these hairs, and I will 
be with thee quickly, though I should be beyond Mount 
Kaf. — Bring then the hair, said the Khalifeh. The lady, 
therefore, produced it; and the Khalifeh, taking it, burned 
a portion of it, and when the odour had diffused itself, the 
palace shook, and they heard a sound of thunder, and lo, 
the Jinniyeh appeared before them. She was a Muslimeh, 
and therefore greeted the Khalifeh by saying, Peace be on 
thee, O Khalifeh of God ! — to which he replied, On you be 
peace, and the mercy of God, and his blessings ! 13 She then 
said, Know that this lady hath conferred on me a benefit 
for which I am unable to requite her; for she rescued me 
from death, by killing my enemy; and I, having seen 

14 This salutation and its reply are to be given only to and by Muslims. 


what her sisters had done to her, determined to take 
vengeance upon them; therefore I transformed them by 
enchantment into two bitches; and, indeed, I had wished 
rather to kill them, fearing lest they should trouble her; 
but now, if thou desire their restoration, O Prince of the 
Faithful, I will restore them, as a favour to thee and to her; 
for I am one of the true believers. — Do so, said the 
Khalifeh; and then we will enter upon the consideration 
of the affair of the lady who hath been beaten, and examine 
her case, and if her veracity be established, I will take 
vengeance for her upon him who hath oppressed her. The 
Jinniyeh replied, O Prince of the Faithful, I will guide thee 
to the discovery of him who acted thus to this lady, and 
oppressed her, and took her property: he is thy nearest 
relation. She then took a cup of water, and, having pro- 
nounced a spell over it, sprinkled the faces of the two 
bitches, saying, Be restored to your original human forms! 
 — whereupon they became again two young ladies. — Extolled 
be the perfection of their Creator ! Having done this, the 
Jinniyeh said, O Prince of the Faithful, he who beat the 
lady is thy son El-Emin, who had heard of her beauty and 
loveliness: — and she proceeded to relate what had happened. 
The Khalifeh was astonished, and exclaimed, Praise be to 
God for the restoration of these two bitches which hath been 
effected through my means ! — and immediately he summoned 
before him his son El-Emin, and inquired of him the history 
of the lady; and he related to him the truth. He then 
sent for Kadis and witnesses, and the first lady and her two 
sisters who had been transformed into bitches he married 
to the three mendicants who had related that they were the 
sons of Kings; and these he made chamberlains of his 
court, appointing them all that they required, and allotting 
them apartments in the palace of Baghdad. The lady who 
had been beaten he restored to his son El-Emin, giving her 
a large property, and ordering that the house should be 
rebuilt in a more handsome style. Lastly, the lady cateress 
he took as his own wife; he admitted her at once to his 
own apartment, and, on the following day, he appointed 
her a separate lodging for herself, with female slaves to wait 
upon her: he also allotted to her a regular income; and 
afterwards built for her a palace. 

[Nights 24 — 32] 
The Story of the Humpback 

THERE was, in ancient times, in the city of El-Basrah, a 
tailor who enjoyed an ample income, and was fond of 
sport and merriment. He was in the habit of going out 
occasionally with his wife, that they might amuse themselves 
with strange and diverting scenes; and one day they went 
forth in the afternoon, and, returning home in the evening, 
met a humpbacked man, whose aspect was such as to excite 
laughter in the angry, and to dispel anxiety and grief: so 
they approached him to enjoy the pleasure of gazing at him, 
and invited him to return with them to their house, and to 
join with them in a carousal that night. 

He assented to their proposal; and after he had gone 
with them to the house, the tailor went out to the market; 
night having then approached. He bought some fried fish, 
and bread and limes and sweetmeat, and, returning with 
them, placed the fish before the humpback, and they sat 
down to eat; and the tailor's wife took a large piece of fish, 
and crammed the humpback with it, and, closing his mouth 
with her hand, said, By Allah, thou shalt not swallow it but 
by gulping it at once, and I will not give thee time to chew 
it. He therefore swallowed it ; but it contained a large and 
sharp bone, which stuck across in his throat, his destiny 
having so determined, and he expired. The tailor exclaimed, 
There is no strength nor power but in God, the High, the 
Great! Alas, that this poor creature should not have died 
but in this manner by our hands! — Wherefore this idling? 
exclaimed the woman. — And what can I do? asked her hus- 
band. — Arise, she answered, and take him in thy bosom, and 
cover him with a silk napkin : I will go out first, and do thou 
follow me, this very night, and say, This is my son, and this 



is his mother; and we are going to convey him to the 
physician, that he may give him some medicine. 

No sooner had the tailor heard these words than he arose, 
and took the humpback in his bosom. His wife, accompany- 
ing him, exclaimed, O my child! may Allah preserve thee! 
Where is the part in which thou feelest pain; and where 
hath this small-pox attacked thee? — So every one who saw 
them said, They are conveying a child smitten with the 
small-pox. Thus they proceeded, inquiring, as they went, 
for the abode of the physician ; and the people directed them 
to the house of a physician who was a Jew; and they 
knocked at the door, and there came down to them a black 
slave-girl, who opened the door, and beheld a man carrying 
(as she imagined) a child, and attended by its mother; and 
she said, What is your business? — We have a child here, 
answered the tailor's wife, and \ve want the physician to see 
him: take, then, this quarter of a piece of gold, and give it 
to thy master, and let him come down and see my son; for 
he is ill. The girl, therefore, went up, and the tailor's wife, 
entering the vestibule, said to her husband, Leave the hump- 
back here, and let us take ourselves away. And the tailor, 
accordingly, set him up against the wall, and went out with 
his wife. 

The slave-girl, meanwhile, went in to the Jew, and said 
to him, Below, in the house, is a sick person, with a woman 
and a man: and they have given me a quarter of a piece of 
gold for thee, that thou mayest prescribe for them what may 
suit his case. And when the Jew saw the quarter of a piece 
of gold, he rejoiced, and, rising in haste, went down in the 
dark: and in doing so, his foot struck against the lifeless 
humpback. O Ezra ! he exclaimed — O Heavens and the Ten 
Commandments ! O Aaron, and Joshua son of Nun ! It 
seemeth that I have stumbled against this sick person, and 
he hath fallen down the stairs and died! And how shall I 
go forth with one killed from my house ? O Ezra's ass J 1 

1 'Ozeyr, or Ezra, " riding on an ass by the ruins of Jerusalem, after it 
had been destroyed by the Chaldeans, doubted in his mind by what means 
God could raise the city and its inhabitants again; whereupon God caused 
him to die, and he remained in that condition a hundred years; at the end 
of which God restored him to life, and he found a basket of figs and a 
cruse of wine he had with him, not in the least spoiled or corrupted, but 
bis ass was dead, the bones only remaining; and these, while the Prophet 


— He then raised him, and took him up from the court of 
the house to his wife, and acquainted her with the accident. 
— And why sittest thou here idle? said she; for if thou 
remain thus until daybreak our lives will be lost: let me 
and thee, then, take him up to the terrace, and throw him 
into the house of our neighbour the Muslim; for he is the 
steward of the Sultan's kitchen, and often do the cats come 
to his house, and eat of the food which they find there; as 
do the mice too; and if he remain there for a night, the 
dogs will come down to him from the terraces and eat him 
up entirely. So the Jew and his wife went up, carrying the 
humpback, and let him down by his hands and feet to the 
pavement ; placing him against the wall ; which having done, 
they descended. 

Not long had the humpback been thus deposited when the 
steward returned to his house, and opened the door, and, 
going up with a lighted candle in his hand, found a son of 
Adam standing in the corner next the kitchen; upon which 
he exclaimed, What is this? By Allah, the thief that hath 
stolen our goods is none other than a son of Adam, who 
taketh what he findeth of flesh or grease, even though I 
keep it concealed from the cats and the dogs; and if I 
killed all the cats and dogs of the quarter it would be of no 
use ; for he cometh down from the terraces ! — And so saying, 
he took up a great mallet, and struck him with it, and then, 
drawing close to him, gave him a second blow with it upon 
the chest, when the humpback fell down, and he found that 
he was dead; whereupon he grieved, and said, There is no 
strength nor power but in God ! And he feared for himself, 
and exclaimed, Curse upon the grease and the flesh, and 
upon this night, in which the destiny of this, man hath been 
accomplished by my hand! Then, looking upon him, and 
perceiving that he was a humpback, he said, Is it not enough 
that thou art humpbacked, but must thou also be a robber, 
and steal the flesh and the grease? O Protector, cover me 
with thy gracious shelter ! — And he lifted him upon his 
shoulders, and descended, and went forth from the house, 
towards the close of the night, and stopped not until he 

looked on* were raised and cloathed with flesh, becoming an ass again, 
which, being inspired with life, began immediately to bray." — Sale's Koran, 
ch. ii., note [p. 3 it ed. 1734]. 


had conveyed him to the commencement of the market- 
street, where he placed him upon his feet by the side of a 
shop at the entrance of a lane, and there left him and retired. 

Soon after there came a Christian, the Sultan's broker, 
who, in a state of intoxication, had come forth to visit the 
bath; and he advanced staggering, until he drew near to 
the humpback, when he turned his eyes, and beheld one 
standing by him. Now, some persons had snatched off his 
turban early in the night, and when he saw the humpback 
standing there, he concluded that he intended to do the 
same; so he clenched his fist, and struck him on the neck. 
Down fell the humpback upon the ground, and the Christian 
called out to the watchman of the market, while, still in the 
excess of his intoxication, he continued beating the hump- 
back, and attempting to throttle him. As he was thus em- 
ployed, the watchman came, and, finding the Christian 
kneeling upon the Muslim and beating him, said, Arise, and 
quit him ! He arose, therefore, and the watchman, approach- 
ing the humpback, saw that he was dead, and exclaimed, 
How is that the Christian dareth to kill the Muslim? 
Then seizing the Christian, he bound his hands behind him, 
and took him to the house of the Wali f the Christian saying 
within himself, O Heavens ! O Virgin ! how have I killed 
this man? and how quickly did he die from a blow of the 
hand! — Intoxication had departed, and reflection had come. 

The humpback and the Christian passed the remainder 
of the night in the house of the Wali, and the Wali ordered 
the executioner to proclaim the Christian's crime, and he 
set up a gallows, and stationed him beneath it. The execu- 
tioner then came, and threw the rope round his neck, and 
was about to hang him, w T hen the Sultan's steward pushed 
through the crowd, seeing the Christian standing beneath 
the gallows, and the people made way for him, and he said 
to the executioner, Do it not, for it was I who killed him. — 
Wherefore didst thou kill him? said the Wali. He answered, 
I went into my house last night, and saw that he had de- 
scended from the terrace and stolen my goods; so I struck 
him with a mallet upon his chest, and he died, and I carried 
him out, and conveyed him to the market-street, where I set 

8 Chief police magistrate. 


him up in such a place, at the entrance of such a lane. Is 
it not enough for me to have killed a Muslim, that a Chris- 
tian should be killed on my account? Hang, then, none 
but me. — The Wali, therefore, when he heard these words, 
liberated the Christian broker, and said to the executioner, 
Hang this man, on the ground of his confession. And he 
took off the rope from the neck of the Christian, and put 
it round the neck of the steward, and having stationed him 
beneath the gallows, was about to hang him, when the 
Jewish physician pushed through the crowd, and called out 
to the executioner, saying to him, Do it not ; for none killed 
him but I ; and the case was this : he came to my house to be 
cured of a disease, and as I descended to him I struck against 
him with my foot, and he died: kill not the steward, there- 
fore; but kill me. So the Wali gave orders to hang the 
Jewish physician; and the executioner took off the rope 
from the steward's neck, and put it round the neck of the 
Jew. But, lo, the tailor came, and, forcing his way among 
the people, said to the executioner, Do it not ; for none killed 
him but I; and it happened thus: I was out amusing myself 
during the day, and as I was returning at the commencement 
of the night, I met this humpback in a state of intoxication, 
with a tambourine, and singing merrily; and I stopped to 
divert myself by looking at him, and took him to my house. 
I then bought some fish, and we sat down to eat, and my 
wife took a piece of fish and a morsel of bread, and crammed 
them into his mouth, and he was choked, and instantly died. 
Then I and my wife took him to the house of the Jew, and 
the girl came down and opened the door, and while she 
went up to her master, I set up the humpback by the stairs, 
and went away with my wife : so, when the Jew came down 
and stumbled against him, he thought that he had killed him. 
— And he said to the Jew, Is this true? He answered, Yes. 
The tailor, then looking towards the Wali, said to him, 
Liberate the Jew, and hang me. And when the Wali heard 
this he was astonished at the case of the humpback, and 
said, Verily this is an event that should be recorded in 
books ! And he said to the executioner, Liberate the Jew, 
and hang the tailor on account of his own confession. So 
the executioner led him forward, saying, Dost thou put for- 


ward this and take back that; and shall we not hang one? 
And he put the rope round the neck of the tailor. 

Now the humpback was the Sultan's buffoon, and the 
Sultan could not bear him to be out of his sight; and when 
the humpback had got drunk, and been absent that night and 
the next day until noon, the King inquired respecting him 
of some of his attendants, and they answered him, O our 
lord, the Wali hath taken him forth dead, and gave orders 
to hang the person who killed him, and there came a second 
and a third person, each saying, None killed him but I: — 
and describing to the Wali the cause of his killing him. 
When the King, therefore, heard this, he called out to the 
Chamberlain, and said to him, Go down to the Wali, and 
bring them all hither before me. So the Chamberlain went 
down, and found that the executioner had almost put to 
death the tailor, and he called out to him, saying, Do it 
not : — and informed the Wali that the case had been reported 
to the King. And he took him, and the humpback borne 
with him, and the tailor and the Jew and the Christian and 
the steward, and went up with them all to the King; and 
when the Wali came into the presence of the King, he kissed 
the ground, and related to him all that had happened, And 
the King was astonished, and was moved with merriment, 
at hearing this tale; and he commanded that it should be 
written in letters of gold. He then said to those who were 
present, Have ye ever heard anything like the story of this 
humpback? And upon this the Christian advanced, and 
said, O King of the age, if thou permit me I will relate to 
thee an event that hath occurred to me more wonderful and 
strange and exciting than the story of the humpback. — Tell 
us then thy story, said the King. And the Christian related 
as follows: — 

The Story Told by the Christian Broker 

Know, O King of the age, that I came to this country 
with merchandise, and destiny stayed me among your people. 
I was born in Cairo, and am one of its Copts, and there I 
was brought up. My father was a broker ; and when I had 
attained to manhood, he died, and I succeeded to his busi* 


ness; and as I was sitting one day, lo, a young man of most 
handsome aspect, and clad in a dress of the richest descrip- 
tion, came to me, riding upon an ass, and when he saw me, 
saluted me; whereupon I rose to him, to pay him honour, 
and he produced a handkerchief containing some sesame, and 
said, What is the value of an ardebb 3 of this? I answered 
him, A hundred pieces of silver. And he said to me, Take 
the carriers and the measurers, and repair to the Khan of 
El-Jawali in the district of Bab en-Nasr: 4 there wilt thou 
find me. And he left me and went his way, after having 
given me the handkerchief with the sample of the sesame. 
So I went about to the purchasers ; and the price of each 
ardebb amounted to a hundred and twenty pieces of silver; 
and I took with me four carriers, and went to him. I found 
him waiting my arrival; and when he saw me he rose and 
opened a magazine, and we measured its contents, and the 
whole amounted to fifty ardebbs. The young man then said, 
Thou shalt have, for every ardebb, ten pieces of silver as 
brokerage; and do thou receive the price and keep it in thy 
care : the whole sum will be five thousand ; and thy share of 
it, five hundred: so there will remain for me four thousand 
and five hundred; and when I shall have finished the sale of 
the goods contained in my store-room, I will come to thee 
and receive it. I replied, It shall be as thou desirest. And 
I kissed his hand, and left him. Thus there accrued to me, 
on that day, a thousand pieces of silver, [besides my 

He was absent from me a month, at the expiration of 
which he came and said to me, Where is the money? I 
answered, Here it is, ready. And he said, Keep it until I 
come to thee to receive it. And I remained expecting him; 
but he was absent from me another month; after which he 
came again, and said, Where is the money? Whereupon I 
arose and saluted him, and said to him, Wilt thou eat some- 
thing with us? He, however, declined, and said, Keep the 
money until I shall have gone and returned to receive it 

3 In Cairo, nearly five bushels. 

4 " Gate of Victory or of Aid:" the easternmost of the northern gates of 
Cairo built in 1088. The Khan referred to is mentioned by El-Makrizi as 
being situated at a short distance within the present gate and by the site 
of the older gate of the same name, and as existing in his time [141 7]. 


from thee. He then departed; and I arose, and prepared 
for him the money, and sat expecting him; but again he 
absented himself from me for a month, and then came and 
said, After this day I will receive it from thee. And he 
departed, and I made ready the money for him as before, and 
sat waiting his return. Again, however, he remained a 
month absent from me, and I said within myself, Verily this 
young man is endowed with consummate liberality ! After 
the month he came, attired in rich clothing, and resembling 
the full moon, appearing as if he had just come out of the 
bath, with red cheek and -fair forehead, and a mole like a 
globule of ambergris. When I beheld him I kissed his hand, 
and invoked a blessing upon him, and said to him, O my 
master, wilt thou not take thy money? — Have patience with 
me, he answered, until I shall have transacted all my affairs, 
after which I will receive it from thee. And so saying, he 
departed; and I said within myself, By Allah, when he cometh 
I will entertain him as a guest, on account of the profit which 
I have derived from his money; for great wealth hath ac- 
crued to me from it. 

At the close of the year he returned, clad in a dress richer 
than the former; and I swore to him that he should alight 
to be my guest. — On the condition, he replied, that thou ex- 
pend nothing of my money that is in thy possession. I said, 
Well: — and, having seated him, prepared what was requisite 
of meats and drinks and other provisions, and placed them 
before him, saying, In the name of Allah ! And he drew near 
to the table, and put forth his left hand, and thus ate with me : 
so I was surprised at him; 5 and when we had finished he 
washed his hand, and I gave him a napkin with which to 
wipe it. We then sat down to converse, and I said, O my 
master, dispel a trouble from my mind. Wherefore didst thou 
eat with thy left hand? Probably something paineth thee in 
thy right hand ? — On hearing these words, he stretched forth 
his arm from his sleeve, and behold, it was maimed — an arm 
without a hand ! And I wondered at this ; but he said to me, 
Wonder not; nor say in thy heart that I ate with thee with 
my left hand from a motive of self-conceit ; for rather to be 
wondered at is the cause of the cutting off of my right hand, 

5 The Arabs consider it indecorous to eat with the left hand. 


And what, said I, was the cause of it? He answered 
thus : — 

Know that I am from Baghdad : my father was one of the 
chief people of that city ; and when I had attained the age of 
manhood, I heard the wanderers and travellers and merchants 
conversing respecting the land of Egypt, and their words re- 
mained in my heart until my father died, when I took large 
sums of money, and prepared merchandise consisting of the 
stuffs of Baghdad and of El-Mosil, and similar precious 
goods, and, having packed them up, journeyed from Baghdad; 
and God decreed me safety until I entered this your city. 
And so saying, he wept, and repeated these verses: — 

The blear-eyed escapeth a pit into which the clear-sighted falleth; 
And the ignorant, an expression by which the shrewd sage is ruined. 
The believer can scarce earn his food, while the impious infidel is 

What art or act can a man devise? It is what the Almighty 

appointeth ! 

I entered Cairo, continued the young man, and deposited 
the stuffs in the Khan of Mesrur,* and, having unbound my 
packages and put them in the magazines, gave to the ser- 
vant some money to buy for us something to eat, after which 
I slept a little ; and when I arose, I went to Beyn el-Kasreyn. 
I then returned, and passed the night; and in the morning 
following, I opened a bale of stuff, and said within myself, 
I will arise and go through some of the market-streets, and 
see the state of the mart. So I took some stuff, and made 
some of my servants carry it, and proceeded until I arrived 
at the Keysariyeh 7 of Jaharkas, where the brokers came to me, 
having heard of my arrival, and took from me the stuff, and 
cried it about for sale; but the price bidden amounted not to 
the prime cost. And upon this the Sheykh of the brokers 
said to me, O my master, I know a plan by which thou mayest 
profit; and it is this: that thou do as other merchants, and 
sell thy merchandise upon credit for a certain period, employ- 
ing a scrivener and a witness and a money-changer, and re- 
ceive a portion of the profits every Thursday and Monday ; so 
shalt thou make of every piece of silver two; and besides that, 

e [In the Beyn el-Kasreyn or " Betwixt the Palaces," by the present Suk 
en-Nahhasin. See Lane-Poole, Story of Cairo (1902), pp. 266-270.] 
7 A superior kind of suk or market. 


thou wilt be able to enjoy the amusements afforded by Egypt 
and its Nile. — The advice is judicious, I replied: and accord- 
ingly I took the brokers with me to the Khan, and they con- 
veyed the stuffs to the Keysariyeh, where I sold it to the 
merchants, writing a bond in their names, which I committed 
to the money-changer, and taking from him a corresponding 
bond. I then returned to the Khan, and remained there some 
days; and every day I took for my breakfast a cup of wine, 
and had mutton and sweetmeats prepared for me, until the 
month in which I became entitled to the receipt of the profits, 
when I seated myself every Thursday and Monday at the 
shops of the merchants, and the money-changer went with 
the scrivener and brought me the money. 

Thus did I until one day I went to the bath and returned 
to the Khan, and, entering my lodging, took for my break- 
fast a cup of wine, and then slept; and when I awoke I ate 
a fowl, and perfumed myself with essence, and repaired to 
the shop of a merchant named Bedr-ed-Din the Gardener, 
who, when he saw me, welcomed me, and conversed with 
me a while in his shop; and as we were thus engaged, lo, a 
female came and seated herself by my side. She wore a 
headkerchief inclined on one side, and the odours of sweet 
perfumes were diffused from her, and she captivated my 
reason by her beauty and loveliness as she raised her izar 
and I beheld her black eyes. She saluted Bedr-ed-Din, and 
he returned her salutation, and stood conversing with her; 
and when I heard her speech, love for her took entire pos- 
session of my heart. She then said to Bedr-ed-Din, Hast 
thou a piece of stuff woven with pure gold thread? And he 
produced to her a piece ; and she said, May I take it and go, 
and then send thee the price? But he answered, It is im- 
possible, O my mistress; for this is the owner of the stuff, 
and I owe him a portion of the profit. — Woe to thee ! said she : 
it is my custom to take of thee each piece of stuff for a con- 
siderable sum of money, giving thee a gain beyond thy wish, 
and then to send thee the price. — Yes, he rejoined; but I am 
in absolute want of the price this day. And upon this she 
took the piece and threw it back to him upon his breast, say- 
ing, Verily your class knows not how to respect any person's 
rank! And she arose, and turned away. I felt then as if 


my soul went with her, and, rising upon my feet, I said to 
her, O my mistress, kindly bestow a look upon me, and retrace 
thine honoured steps. And she returned, and smiled and said, 
For thy sake I return. And she sat opposite me upon the seat 
of the shop; and I said to Bedr-ed-Din, What is the price that 
thou hast agreed to give for this piece ? He answered, Eleven 
hundred pieces of silver. And I said to him, Thy profit shall 
be a hundred pieces of silver: give me then a paper, and I 
will write for thee the price upon it. I then took the piece of 
stuff from him, and wrote him the paper with my own hand, 
and gave the piece of stuff to the lady, saying to her, Take 
it and go; and if thou wilt, bring the price to me in the 
market; or, if thou wilt, it shall be my present to thee. She 
replied, God recompense thee, and bless thee with my prop- 
erty, and make thee my husband; and may God accept this 
prayer ! — O my mistress, said I, let this piece of stuff be thine, 
and another like it, and permit me to see thy face. And upon 
this she raised her veil; and when I beheld her face, the 
sight drew from me a thousand sighs, and my heart was en- 
tangled by her love, so that I no longer remained master of 
my reason. She then lowered the veil again, and took the 
piece of stuff, saying, O my master, leave me not desolate. 
So she departed, while I continued sitting in the market- 
street until past the hour of afternoon-prayer, with wandering 
mind, overpowered by love. In the excess of my passion, 
before I rose I asked the merchant respecting her; and he 
answered me, She is a rich lady, the daughter of a deceased 
Emir, who left her great property. 

I then took leave of him, and returned to the Khan, and 
the supper was placed before me; but, reflecting upon her, 
I could eat nothing. I laid myself down to rest; but sleep 
came not to me, and I remained awake until the morning, 
when I arose and put on a suit of clothing different from 
that which I had worn the day before; and, having drunk 
a cup of wine, and eaten a few morsels as my breakfast, 
repaired again to the shop of the merchant, and saluted him, 
and sat down with him. The lady soon came, wearing a 
dress more rich than the former, and attended by a slave- 
girl; and she seated herself, and saluted me instead of 
Bedr-ed-Din, and said, with an eloquent tongue which I had 


never heard surpassed in softness or sweetness, Send with me 
some one to receive the twelve hundred pieces of silver, the 
price of the piece of stuff. — Wherefore, said I, this haste? 
She replied, May we never lose thee ! And she handed to 
me the price ; and I sat conversing with her, and made a sign 
to her, which she understood, intimating my wish to visit 
her: whereupon she rose in haste, expressing displeasure at 
my hint. My heart clung to her, and I followed in the direc- 
tion of her steps through the market-street; and lo, a slave- 
girl came to me, and said, O my master, answer the summons 
of my mistress. Wondering at this, I said, No~ one here 
knoweth me. — How soon, she rejoined, hast thou forgotten 
her ! My mistress is she who was to-day at the shop of the 
merchant Bedr-ed-Din. — So I went with her until we arrived 
at the money-changer's; and when her mistress, who was 
there, beheld me, she drew me to her side, and said, O my 
beloved, thou hast wounded my heart, and love of thee hath 
taken possession of it; and from the time that I first saw 
thee, neither sleep nor food nor drink hath been pleasant to 
me. I replied, And more than that do I feel ; and the state in 
which I am needs no complaint to testify it. — Then shall 'I 
visit thee, O my beloved, she asked, or wilt thou come to me ? 
[For our marriage must be a secret.] — I am a stranger, I an- 
swered, and have no place of reception but the Khan; there- 
fore, if thou wilt kindly permit me to go to thine abode, the 
pleasure will be perfect. — Well, she replied; but to-night is 
the eve of Friday, and let nothing be done till to-morrow, 
when, after thou hast joined in the prayers, do thou mount 
thine ass, and inquire for the Habbaniyeh; and when thou 
hast arrived there, ask for the house called the Ka'ah of 
Barakat the Nakib, 8 known by the surname of Abu-Shameh; 
for there do I reside ; and delay not ; for I shall be anxiously 
expecting thee. 

On hearing this I rejoiced exceedingly, and we parted; and 
I returned to the Khan in which I lodged. I passed the whole 
night sleepless, and was scarcely sure that the daybreak had 
appeared when I rose and changed my clothes, and, having 
perfumed myself with essences and sweet scents, took with 
me fifty pieces of gold in a handkerchief, and walked from the 

8 Chief. 


Khan of Mesrur to Bab Zuweyleh, 9 where I mounted an ass, 
and said to its owner, Go with me to the Habbaniyeh. And in 
less than the twinkling of an eye he set off, and soon he 
stopped at a by-street called Darb El-Munakkiri, when I said 
to him, Enter the street, and inquire for the Ka'ah of the 
Nakib. He was absent but a little while, and, returning, said, 
Alight. — Walk on before me, said I, to the Ka'ah. And he 
went on until he had led me to the house ; whereupon I said 
to him, To-morrow come to me hither to convey me back. — 
In the name of Allah, he replied: and I handed to him a 
quarter of a piece of gold, and he took it and departed. I 
then knocked at the door, and there came forth to me two 
young virgins in whom the forms of womanhood had just 
developed themselves, resembling two moons, and they said, 
Enter; for our mistress is expecting thee, and she hath not 
slept last night from her excessive love for thee. I entered 
an upper saloon with seven doors: around it were latticed 
windows looking upon a garden in which were fruits of every 
kind, and running streams and singing birds : it was plastered 
with imperial gypsum, in which a man might see his face 
reflected: its roof was ornamented with gilding, and sur- 
rounded by inscriptions in letters of gold upon a ground of 
ultramarine: it comprised a variety of beauties, and shone 
in the eyes of beholders: the pavement was of coloured 
marbles, having in the midst of it a fountain, with four 
snakes of red gold casting forth water from their mouths 
like pearls and jewels at the corners of the pool; and it was 
furnished with carpets of coloured silk, and mattresses. 

Having entered, I seated myself; and scarcely had I done 
so when the lady approached me. She wore a crown set with 
pearls and jewels; her hands and feet were stained with 
henna; and her bosom was ornamented with gold. As soon 
as she betield me she smiled in my face, and embraced me, 
saying, Is it true that thou hast come to me, or is this a 
dream? — I am thy slave, I answered; and she said, Thou art 
welcome. Verily, from the time when I first saw thee, 
neither sleep hath been sweet to me nor hath food been 
pleasant! — In such case have / been, I replied; — and we sat 
down to converse; but I hung down my head towards the 

9 Or Zawileh, the southern gate of (the original) Cairo. 


ground, in bashfulness; and not long had I thus remained 
when a repast was placed before me, consisting of the most 
exquisite dishes, as fricandoes and hashes and stuffed fowls. 
I ate with her until we were satisfied ; when they brought the 
basin and ewer, and I washed my hands; after which we 
perfumed ourselves with rose-water infused with mUsk, and 
sat down again to converse; expressing to each other our 
mutual passion; and her love took such possession of me 
that all the wealth I possessed seemed worthless in comparison. 
In this manner we continued to enjoy ourselves until, night 
approaching, the female slaves brought supper and wine, a 
complete service ; and we drank until midnight. Never in my 
life had I passed such a night. And when morning came, I 
arose, and, having thrown to her the handkerchief containing 
the pieces of gold, I took leave of her and went out; but as I 
did so she wept, and said, O my master, when shall I see 
again this lovely face? I answered her, I will be with thee 
at the commencement of the night. And when I went forth, 
I found the owner of the ass, who had brought me the day 
before, waiting for me at the door; and I mounted, and re- 
turned with him to the Khan of Mesrur, where I alighted, 
and gave to him half a piece of gold, saying to him, Come 
hither at sunset. He replied, On the head be thy command. 

I entered the Khan, and ate my breakfast, and then went 
forth to collect the price of my stuffs ; after which I returned. 
I had prepared for my wife a roasted lamb, and purchased 
some sweetmeat; and I now called the porter, described to 
him the house, and gave him his hire. Having done this, I 
occupied myself again with my business until sunset, when 
the owner of the ass came, and I took fifty pieces of gold, 
and put them into a handkerchief. Entering the house, I 
found that they had wiped the marble and polished the vessels 
of copper and brass, and filled the lamps and lighted the 
candles, and dished the supper and strained the wine; and 
when my wife saw me, she threw her arms around my neck, 
and said, Thou hast made me desolate by thine absence ! 
The tables were then placed before us, and we ate until we 
were satisfied, and the slave-girls took away the first table, 
and placed before us the wine; and we sat drinking, and 
eating of the dried fruits, and making merry, until midnight. 


We then slept until morning, when I arose and handed her 
the fifty pieces of gold as before, and left her. 

Thus I continued to do for a long time, until I passed 
the night and awoke possessing not a piece of silver nor one 
of gold ; and I said within myself, This is of the work of the 
Devil ! And I repeated these verses : — 

Poverty causeth the lustre of a man to grow dim, like the yellow- 
ness of the setting sun. 

When absent, he is not remembered among mankind; and when 
present, he shareth not their pleasures. 

In the market-streets he shunneth notice; and in desert places he 
poureth forth his tears. 

By Allah ! a man, among his own relations, when afflicted with 
poverty, is as a stranger ! 

With these reflections I walked forth into Beyn el-Kasreyn, 
and proceeded thence to Bab Zuweyleh, where I found the 
people crowding together, so that the gate was stopped up 
by their number ; and, as. destiny willed, I saw there a trooper, 
and, unintentionally pressing against him, my hand came in 
contact with his pocket, and I felt it, and found that it con- 
tained a purse; and I caught hold of the purse, and took it 
from his pocket. But the trooper felt that his pocket was 
lightened, and, putting his hand into it, found nothing; upon 
which he looked aside at me, and raised his hand with the 
mace, and struck me upon my head. I fell to the ground, 
and the people surrounded us, and seized the bridle of the 
trooper's horse, saying, On account of the crowd dost thou 
strike this young man such a blow? But he called out to them 
and said, This is a robber ! On hearing this I feared. The 
people around me said, This is a comely young man, and hath 
taken nothing. While some, however, believed this, others 
disbelieved; and after many words, the people dragged me 
along, desiring to liberate me : but, as it was predestined, there 
came at this moment the Wali and other magistrates entering 
the gate, and, seeing the people surrounding me and the 
trooper, the Wali said, What is the news? The trooper an- 
swered, By Allah, O Emir, this is a robber: I had in my 
pocket a blue purse containing twenty pieces of gold ; and he 
took it while I was pressed by the crowd. — Was any one with 
thee? asked the Wali. The trooper answered, No. And the 


Wali called out to the chief of his servants, saying, Seize him 
and search him. So he seized me; and protection was with- 
drawn from me; and the Wali said to him, Strip him of all 
that is upon him. And when he did so, they found the purse 
in my clothes: and the Wali, taking it, counted the money, 
and found it to be twenty pieces of gold, as the trooper had 
said ; whereupon he was enraged, and called out to his attend- 
ants, saying, Bring him forward. They, therefore, brought 
me before him, and he said to me, O young man, tell the 
truth. Didst thou steal this purse? — And I hung down my 
head towards the ground, saying within myself, If I answer 
that I did not steal it, it will be useless, for he hath produced 
it from my clothes ; and if I say I stole it, I fall into trouble. 
I then raised my head, and said, Yes, I took it. And when 
the Wali heard these words, he wondered, and called wit- 
nesses, who presented themselves, and gave their testimony 
to my confession. — All this took place at Bab Zuweyleh. — 
The Wali then ordered the executioner to cut off my hand; 
and he cut of my right hand; but the heart of the trooper 
was moved with compassion for me, and he interceded for 
me that I should not be killed: so the Wali left me and de- 
parted. The people however continued around me, and gave 
me to drink a cup of wine; and the trooper gave me the 
purse, saying, Thou art a comely youth, and it is not fit that 
thou shouldst be a thief. And I took it from him, and 
addressed him with these verses : — 

By Allah ! good sir, I was not a robber ; nor was I a thief, O best 

of mankind ! 
But fortune's vicissitudes overthrew me suddenly, and anxiety and 

trouble and poverty overpowered me. 
I cast it not; but it was the Deity who cast an arrow that threw 

down the kingly diadem from my head. 

The trooper then left me and departed, after having given 
me the purse, and I went my way; but first I wrapped my 
hand in a piece of rag, and put it in my bosom. My condition 
thus altered, and my countenance pallid in consequence of my 
sufferings, I walked to the Ka'ah, and, in a disordered state of 
mind, threw myself upon the bed. My wife, seeing my com- 
plexion thus changed, said to me, What hath pained thee, and 
wherefore do I see thee thus altered? I answered her, M)fl 


head acheth, and I am not well. And on hearing this she 
was vexed, and became ill on my account, and said, Burn 
not my heart, O my master ! Sit up, and raise thy head, and 
tell me what hath happened to thee this day; for I read a 
tale in thy face. — Abstain from speaking to me, I replied. 
And she wept, and said, it seemeth that thou art tired of 
us ; for I see thee to be conducting thyself in a manner con- 
trary to thy usual habit. Then she wept again, and continued 
addressing me, though I made her no reply, until the approach 
of night, when she placed some food before me; but I ab- 
stained from it, fearing that she should see me eat with my 
left hand, and said, I have no desire to eat at present. She 
then said again, Tell me what hath happened to thee this 
day, and wherefore I see thee anxious and broken-hearted. I 
answered, I will presently tell thee at my leisure. And she 
put the wine towards me, saying, Take it; for it will dispel 
thine anxiety ; and thou must drink, and tell me thy story. I 
replied, therefore, If it must be so, give me to drink with thy 
hand. And she filled a cup and drank it; and then filled it 
again and handed it to me, and I took it from her with my 
left hand, and, while tears ran from my eyes, I repeated these 
verses : — 

When God willeth an event to befall a man who is endowed with 

reason and hearing and sight, 
He deafeneth his ears, and blindeth his heart, and draweth his 

reason from him as a hair. 
Till, having fulfilled his purpose against him, He restoreth him his 

reason that he may be admonished. 

Having thus said, I wept again; and when she saw me 
do so, she uttered a loud cry, and said, What is the reason 
of thy weeping? Thou hast burned my heart! And where- 
fore didst thou take the cup with thy left hand? — I answered 
her, I have a boil upon my right hand. — Then put it forth, 
said she, that I may open it for thee. — It is not yet, I replied, 
the proper time for opening it; and continue not to ask me; 
for I will not put it forth at present. I then drank the con- 
tents of the cup, and she continued to hand me the wine until 
intoxication overcame me, and I fell asleep in the place 
where I was sitting ; upon which she discovered that my right 


arm was without a hand, and, searching me, saw the purse 
containing the gold. 

Grief, such as none else experienceth, overcame her at the 
sight ; and she suffered incessant torment on my account until 
the morning, when I awoke, and found that she had pre- 
pared for me a dish composed of four boiled fowls, which 
she placed before me. She then gave me to drink a cup 
of wine; and I ate and drank, and put down the purse, and 
was about to depart; but she said, Whither wouldst thou go? 
I answered, To such a place, to dispel somewhat of the 
anxiety which oppresseth my heart. — Go not, said she; but 
rather sit down again. So I sat down, and she said to me, 
Hath thy love of me become so excessive that thou hast ex- 
pended all thy wealth upon me, and lost thy hand ? I take thee, 
then, as witness against me, and God also is witness, that 
I will never desert thee; and thou shalt see the truth of my 
words. — Immediately, therefore, she sent for witnesses, who 
came; and she said to them, Write my contract of marriage 
to this young man, and bear witness that I have received the 
dowry. And they did as she desired them; after which she 
said, Bear witness that all my property which is in this chest, 
and all my memluks and female slaves, belong to this young 
man. Accordingly, they declared themselves witnesses of her 
declaration, and I accepted the property, and they departed 
after they had received their fees. She then took me by my 
hand, and, having led me to a closet, opened a large chest, 
and said to me, See what is containeth in this chest. I looked, 
therefore; and lo, it was full of handkerchiefs; and she said,. 
This is thy property, which I have received from thee: for 
every time that thou gavest me a handkerchief containing 
fifty pieces of gold, I wrapped it up, and threw it into this 
chest: take, then, thy property; for God hath restored it to 
thee, and thou art now of high estate. Fate hath afflicted 
thee on my account so that thou hast lost thy right hand, and 
I am unable to compensate thee : if I should sacrifice my life, 
it would be but a small thing, and thy generosity would still 
have surpassed mine. — She then added, Now take possession 
of thy property. So I received it; and she transferred the 
contents of her chest to mine, adding her property to mine 
which I had given her. My heart rejoiced, my anxiety 


ceased, and I approached and kissed her, and made myself 
merry by drinking with her ; after which she said again, Thou 
hast sacrificed all thy wealth and thy hand through love of 
me, and how can I compensate thee? By Allah, if I gave my 
life for love of thee, it were but a small thing, and I should 
not do justice to thy claims upon me. — She then wrote a deed 
of gift transferring to me all her apparel, and her ornaments 
of gold and jewels, and her houses and other possessions; and 
she passed that night in grief on my account, having heard 
my relation of the accident that had befallen me. 

Thus we remained less than a month, during which time 
she became more and more infirm and disordered; and she 
endured no more than fifty days before she was numbered 
among the people of the other world. So I prepared her 
funeral, and deposited her body in the earth, and having 
caused recitations of the Kur'an to be performed for her, and 
given a considerable sum of money in alms for her sake, re- 
turned from the tomb. I found that she had possessed abun- 
dant wealth, and houses and lands, and among her property 
were the store-rooms of sesame of which I sold to thee the 
contents of one; and I was not prevented from settling with 
thee during this period but by my being busied in selling the 
remainder, the price of which I have not yet entirely re- 
ceived. Now I desire of thee that thou wilt not oppose me in 
that which I am about to say to thee; since I have eaten of 
thy food: I give thee the price of the sesame, which is in 
thy hands. — This which I have told thee was the cause of 
my eating with my left hand. 

I replied, Thou hast treated me with kindness and gen- 
erosity : — and he then said, Thou must travel with me to my 
country; for I have bought merchandise of Cairo and Alex- 
andria. Wilt thou accompany me? — I answered, Yes: — and 
promised him that I would be ready by the first day of the 
following month. So I sold all that I possessed, and, having 
bought merchandise with the produce, travelled with the 
young man to this thy country, where he sold his merchandise 
and bought other in its stead, after which he returned to the 
land of Egypt: but it was my lot to remain here, and to ex- 
perience that which hath befallen me this night during my 
absence from my native country. — Now is not this, O King 


of the age, more wonderful than the story of the humpback? 
The King replied, Ye must be hanged, all of you! — And 
upon this, the Sultan's steward advanced towards the King, 
and said, If thou permit me, I will relate to thee a story 
that I happened to hear just before I found this humpback; 
and if it be more wonderful than the events relating to him, 
wilt thou grant us our lives? — The King answered, Tell thy 
story: — and he began thus: — 

The Story Told by the Sultan's Steward 

I was last night with a party who celebrated a recitation 
of the Kur'an, for which purpose they had assembled the 
professors of religion and law; and when these reciters had 
accomplished their task, the servants spread a repast, com- 
prising among other dishes a zirbajeh. We approached, 
therefore, to eat of the zirbajeh; but one of the company 
drew back, and refused to partake of it: we conjured him; 
yet he swore that he would not eat of it: and we pressed 
him again; but he said, Press me not; for I have suffered 
enough from eating of this dish. And when he had finished, 
we said to him, By Allah, tell us the reason of thine abstain- 
ing from eating of this zirbajeh. He replied, Because I 
cannot eat of it unless I wash my hands forty times with 
kali, and forty times with cyperus, and forty times with soap ; 
altogether, a hundred and twenty times. And upon this, 
the giver of the entertainment ordered his servants, and they 
brought water and the other things which this man required: 
so he washed his hands as he had described, and advanced, 
though with disgust, and, having seated himself, stretched 
forth his hand as one in fear, and put it into the zirbajeh, 
and began to eat, while we regarded him with the utmost 
wonder. His hand trembled, and when he put it forth, we 
saw that his thumb was cut off, and that he ate with his four 
fingers: we therefore said to him, We conjure thee, by Allah, 
to tell us how was thy thumb maimed; was it thus created 
by God, or hath some accident happened to it? — O my 
brothers, he answered, not only have I lost this thumb, 
but also the thumb of the other hand; and each of my feet 
is in like manner deprived of the great toe: but see ye: — 


and, so saying, he uncovered the stump of the thumb of 
his other hand, and we found it like the right; and so also 
his feet, destitute of the great toes. At the sight of this, 
our wonder increased, and we said to him, We are impatient 
to hear thy story, and thine account of the cause of the 
amputation of thy thumbs and great toes, and the reason 
of thy washing thy hands a hundred and twenty times. So 
he said, — 

Know that my father was a great merchant, the chief of 
the merchants of the city of Baghdad in the time of the 
Khalifeh Harun Er-Rashid; but he was ardently addicted to 
the drinking of wine, and hearing the lute; and when he 
died, he left nothing. I buried him, and caused recitations 
of the Kur'an to be performed for him, and, after I had 
mourned for him days and nights, I opened his shop, and 
found that he had left in it but few goods, and that his debts 
were many: however, I induced his creditors to wait, and 
calmed their minds, and betook myself to selling and buying 
from week to week, and so paying the creditors. 

Thus I continued to do for a considerable period, until 
I had discharged all the debts and increased my capital; 
and as I was sitting one day, I beheld a young lady, than 
whom my eye had never beheld any more beautiful, decked 
with magnificent ornaments and apparel, riding on a mule, 
with a slave before her and a slave behind her; and she 
stopped the mule at the entrance of the market-street, and 
entered, followed by a eunuch, who said to her, O my mis- 
tress, enter, but inform no one who thou art, lest thou open 
the fire of indignation upon us. The eunuch then further 
cautioned her; and when she looked at the shops of the 
merchants, she found none more handsome than mine; so, 
when she arrived before me, with the eunuch following 
her, she sat down upon the seat of my shop, and saluted me ; 
and I never heard speech more charming than hers, or words 
more sweet. She then drew aside the veil from her face, 
and I directed at her a glance which drew from me a sigh; 
my heart was captivated by her love, and I continued re- 
peatedly gazing at her face, and recited these two verses: — 

Say to the beauty in the dove-coloured veil, Death would indeed 1 
be welcome to relieve me from my torment. 


Favour me with a visit, that so I may live. See, I stretch forth 
my hand to accept thy liberality. 

And when she had heard my recitation of them, she answered 
thus : — 

May I lose my heart if it cease to love you ! For verily my heart 

loveth none but you. 
If my eye regard any charms but yours, may the sight of you never 

rejoice it after absence ! 

She then said to me, O youth, hast thou any handsome stuffs ? 
— O my mistress, I answered, thy slave is a poor man; but 
wait until the other merchants open their shops, and then 
I will bring thee what thou desirest. So I conversed with 
her, drowned in the sea of her love, and bewildered by my 
passion for her, until the merchants had opened their shops, 
when I arose, and procured all that she wanted, and the 
price of these stuffs was five thousand pieces of silver: and 
she handed them all to the eunuch, who took them; after 
which, they both went out from the market-street, and the 
slaves brought to her the mule, and she mounted, without 
telling me whence she was, and I was ashamed to mention 
the subject to her: consequently, I became answerable for the 
price to the merchants, incurring a debt of five thousand 
pieces of silver. 

I went home, intoxicated with her love, and they placed' 
before me the supper, and I ate a morsel ; but reflections upon 
her beauty and loveliness prevented my eating more. I 
desired to sleep, but sleep came not to me; and in this con- 
dition I remained for a week. The merchants demanded of 
me their money; but I prevailed upon them to wait another 
week ; and after this week, the lady came again, riding upon 
a mule, and attended by a eunuch and two other slaves ; and, 
having saluted me, said, O my master, we have been tardy 
in bringing to thee the price of the stuffs: bring now the 
money-changer, and receive it. So the money-changer came, 
and the eunuch gave him the money, and I took it, and sat 
conversing with her until the market was replenished, and 
the merchants opened their shops, when she said to me, 
Procure for me such and such things. Accordingly, I pro- 
cured for her what she desired of the merchants, and she 


took the goods and departed without saying anything to me 
respecting the price. When she had gone, therefore, I re- 
pented of what I had done; for I had procured for her what 
she demanded for the price of a thousand pieces of gold; and 
as soon as she had disappeared from my sight, I said within 
myself, What kind of love is this? She hath brought me 
five thousand pieces of silver, and taken goods for a thousand 
pieces of gold ! — I feared that the result would be my bank- 
ruptcy and the loss of the property of others, and said, The 
merchants know none but me, and this woman is no other 
than a cheat, who hath imposed upon me by her beauty and 
loveliness: seeing me to be young, she hath laughed at me, 
and I asked her not where was her residence. 

I remained in a state of perplexity, and her absence was 
prolonged more than a month. Meanwhile the merchants 
demanded of me their money, and so pressed me that I 
offered my possessions for sale, and was on the brink of 
ruin; but as I was sitting absorbed in reflection, suddenly 
she alighted at the gate of the market-street, and came in to 
me. As soon as I beheld her, my solicitude ceased, and I 
forgot the trouble which I had suffered. She approached, 
and addressed me with her agreeable conversation, and 
said, Produce the scales, and weigh thy money: — and she 
gave me the price of the goods which she had taken, with a 
surplus ; after which, she amused herself by talking with me, 
and I almost died with joy and happiness. She then said 
to me, Hast thou a wife? I answered, No: for I am not 
acquainted with any woman: and wept. So she asked me, 
What causeth thee to weep? And I answered, A thought 
that hath come into my mind: — and, taking some pieces of 
gold, gave them to the eunuch, requesting him to grant me 
his mediation in the affair ; upon which he laughed, and said, 
She is in love with thee more than thou art with her, and 
hath no want of the stuffs, but hath done this only from her 
love of thee: propose to her, therefore, what thou wilt; for 
she will not oppose thee in that which thou wilt say. Now 
she observed me giving the pieces of gold to the eunuch, and 
returned, and resumed her seat; and I said to her, Shew 
favour to thy slave, and pardon me for that which I am about 
to say. I then acquainted her with the feelings of my heart, 


and my declaration pleased her, and she consented to my 
proposal, saying, This eunuch will come with my letter ; 
and do thou what he shall tell thee; — and she arose, and 

I went to the merchants, and delivered to them their 
money, and all profited except myself; for when she left 
me I mourned for the interruption of our intercourse, and I 
slept not during the whole of the next night: but a few 
days after, her eunuch came to me, and I received him with 
honour, and asked him respecting his mistress. He answered, 
She is sick: — and I said to him, Disclose to me her history. 
He replied, The lady Zubeydeh, the wife of Harun Er-Rashid, 
brought up this damsel, and she is one of her slaves : she 
had desired of her mistress to be allowed the liberty of 
going out and returning at pleasure, and the latter gave 
her permission: she continued, therefore, to do so until she 
became a chief confident; after which, she spoke of thee 
to her mistress, and begged that she would marry her to 
thee : but her mistress said, I will not do it until I see this 
young man, and if he have a desire for thee, I will marry 
thee to him. We therefore wish to introduce thee imme- 
diately into the palace; and if thou enter without any one's 
having knowledge of thy presence, thou wilt succeed in 
accomplishing thy marriage with her; but if thy plot be dis- 
covered, thy head will be struck off. What, then, sayest thou ? 
— I answered, Good : I will go with thee, and await the event 
that shall befall me there. — As soon, then, as this next night 
shall have closed in, said the eunuch, repair to the mosque 
which the lady Zubeydeh hath built on the banks of the 
Tigris, and there say thy prayers, and pass the night. — Most 
willingly, I replied. 

Accordingly, when the time of nightfall arrived, I went 
to the mosque, and said my prayers there, and passed the 
night; and as soon as the morning began to dawn I saw 
two eunuchs approaching in a small boat, conveying some 
empty chests, which they brought into the mosque. One 
of them then departed, and the other remained; and I 
looked attentively at him, and lo, it was he who had been 
our intermediary : and soon after, the damsel, my companion, 
came up to us. I rose to her when she approached, and 


embraced her; and she kissed me, and wept; and after we 
had conversed together for a little while, she took me and 
placed me in a chest, and locked it upon me. The slaves 
then brought a quantity of stuffs, and filled with them the 
other chests, which they locked, and conveyed, together 
with the chest in which I was enclosed, to the boat, accom- 
panied by the damsel; and having embarked them, they 
plied the oars, and proceeded to the palace of the honoured 
lady Zubeydeh. The intoxication of love now ceased in 
me, and reflection came in its place: I repented of what I 
had done, and prayed God to deliver me from my dangerous 

Meanwhile, they arrived at the gate of the Khalifeh, 
where they landed, and took out all the chests, and con- 
veyed them into the palace: but the chief of the door- 
keepers, who had been asleep when they arrived, was awoke 
by the sounds of their voices, and cried out to the damsel, 
saying, The chests must be opened, that I may see what is 
in them: — and he arose, and placed his hand upon the chest 
in which I was hidden. My reason abandoned me, my heart 
almost burst from my body, and my limbs trembled; but 
the damsel said, These are the chests of the lady Zubeydeh, 
and if thou open them and turn them over, she will be 
incensed against thee, and we shall all perish. They con- 
tain nothing but clothes dyed of various colours, except this 
chest upon which thou hast put thy hand, in which there 
are also some bottles filled with the water of Zemzem, 10 and 
if any of the water run out upon the clothes it will spoil their 
colours. Now I have advised thee, and it is for thee to 
decide: so dp what thou wilt. — When he heard, therefore, 
these words, he said to her, Take the chests, and pass on : — 
and the eunuchs immediately took them up, and with the 
damsel, conveyed them into the palace: but in an instant, 
I heard a person crying out, and saying, The Khalifeh ! 
The Khalifeh ! 

I was bereft of my reason, and seized with a colic from 
excessive fear; I almost died, and my limbs were affected 
with a violent shaking. The Khalifeh cried out to the damsel, 
saying to her, What are these chests? She answered, O my 

10 The well at Mekkeh, believed to possess miraculous virtues. 


lord (may God exalt thy dominion!), these chests contain 
clothes of my mistress Zubeydeh. — Open them, said the 
Khali f eh, that I may see the clothes. — When I heard this, 
I felt sure of my destruction. The damsel could not dis- 
obey his command ; but she replied, O Prince of the Faithful, 
there is nothing in these chests but clothes of the lady 
Zubeydeh, and she hath commanded me not to open them 
to any one. The Khalifeh, however, said, The chests must 
be opened, all of them, that I may see their contents: — 
and immediately he called out to the eunuchs to bring them 
before him. I therefore felt certain that I was on the point 
of destruction. They then brought before him chest after 
chest, and opened each to him, and he examined the con- 
tents; and when they brought forward the chest in which 
I was enclosed, I bid adieu to life, and prepared myself 
for death; but as the eunuchs were about to open it, the 
damsel, said, O Prince of the Faithful, verily this chest con- 
taineth things especially appertaining to women ; and it is 
proper, therefore, that it should be opened before the lady 
Zubeydeh : — and when the Khalifeh heard her words, he 
ordered the eunuchs to convey all the chests into the interior 
of the palace. The damsel then hastened, and ordered two 
eunuchs to carry away the chest in which I was hidden, and 
they took it to an inner chamber, and went their way : where- 
upon she quickly opened it, and made a sign to me to come 
out: so I did as she desired, and entered a closet that was 
before me, and she locked the door upon me, and closed the 
chest: and when the eunuchs had brought in all the chests, 
and had gone back, she opened the door of the closet, and 
said, Thou hast nothing to fear ! May God refresh thine 
eye ! Come forth now, and go up with me, that thou mayest 
have the happiness of kissing the ground before the lady 

I therefore went with her, and beheld twenty other female 
slaves, high-bosomed virgins, and among them was the 
lady Zubeydeh, who was scarcely able to walk from the 
weight of the robes and ornaments with which she was 
decked. As she approached, the female slaves dispersed 
from around her, and I advanced to her, and kissed the 
ground before her. She made a sign to me to sit down: so 


I seated myself before her; and she began to ask me ques- 
tions respecting my condition and lineage; to all of which 
I gave such answers that she was pleased, and said, By Allah, 
the care which we have bestowed on the education of this 
damsel hath not been in vain. She then said to me, Know 
that this damsel is esteemed by us as though she were 
really our child, and she is a trust committed to thy care 
by God. Upon this, therefore, I again kissed the ground 
before her, well pleased to marry the damsel; after which, 
she commanded me to remain with them ten days. Accord- 
ingly, I continued with them during this period; but I knew 
nothing meanwhile of the damsel; certain of the maids only 
bringing me my dinner and supper, as my servants. After 
this, however, the lady Zubeydeh asked permission of her 
husband, the Prince of the Faithful, to marry her maid, and 
he granted her request, and ordered that ten thousand pieces 
of gold should be given to her. 

The lady Zubeydeh, therefore, sent for the Kadi and 
witnesses, and they wrote my contract of marriage to the 
damsel; and the maids then prepared sweetmeats and ex- 
quisite dishes, and distributed them in all the apartments. 
Thus they continued to do for a period of ten more days; 
and after the twenty days had passed, they conducted the 
damsel into the bath, preparatively to my being introduced 
to her as her husband. They then brought to me a repast 
comprising a basin of zirbajeh sweetened with sugar, per- 
fumed with rose-water infused with musk, and containing 
different kinds of fricandoed fowls and a variety of other 
ingredients, such as astonished the mind; and, by Allah, 
when this repast was brought, I instantly commenced upon 
the zirbajeh, and ate of it as much as satisfied me, and 
wiped my hand, but forgot to wash it. I remained sitting 
until it became dark; when the maids lighted the candles, 
and the singing-girls approached with the tambourines, and 
they continued to display the bride, and to give presents of 
gold, until she had perambulated the whole of the palace; 
after which they brought her to me, and disrobed her; and 
as soon as I was left alone with her, I threw my arms around 
her neck, scarcely believing in our union: but as I did so, 
she perceived the smell of the zirbajeh from my hand, and 


immediately uttered a loud cry : whereupon the female slaves 
ran in to her from every quarter. 

I was violently agitated, not knowing what was the 
matter; and the slaves who had come in said to her, What 
hath happened to thee, O our sister? — Take away from me, 
she exclaimed to them, this madman, whom I imagined 
to be a man of sense ! — What indication of my insanity 
hath appeared to thee? I asked. Thou madman, said she, 
wherefore hast thou eaten of the zirbajeh, and not washed 
thy hand? By Allah, I will not accept thee for thy want of 
sense, and thy disgusting conduct ! — And so saying, she took 
from her side a whip, and beat me with it upon my back 
until I became insensible from the number of the stripes. 
She then said to the other maids, Take him to the magistrate 
of the city police, that he may cut off his hand with which 
he ate the zirbajeh without washing it afterwards. On hear- 
ing this, I exclaimed, There is no strength nor power but in 
God! Wilt thou cut off my hand on account of my eating 
a zirbajeh and neglecting to wash it? — And the maids who 
were present entreated her, saying to her, O our sister, be 
not angry with him for what he hath done this time. But 
she replied, By Allah, I must cut off something from his 
extremities ! And immediately she departed', and was absent 
from me ten days: after which, she came again, and said 
to me, O thou black-faced ! Am I not worthy of thee ? How 
didst thou dare to eat the zirbajeh and not wash thy hand? — 
And she called to the maids, who bound my hands behind 
me, and she took a sharp razor, and cut off both my thumbs 
and both my great toes, as ye see, O companions; and I 
swooned away. She then sprinkled upon my wounds some 
powder, by means of which the blood was stanched; and 
I said, I will not eat of a zirbajeh as long as I live unless 
I wash my hands forty times with kali and forty times with 
cyperus and forty times with soap: — and she exacted of me 
an oath that I would not eat of this dish unless I washed my 
hands as I have described to you. Therefore, when this 
zirbajeh was brought, my colour changed, and I said within 
myself, This was the cause of the cutting off of my thumbs 
and great toes : — so, when ye compelled me, I said, I must 
fulfil the oath which I have sworn. 


I then said to him (continued the Sultan's steward), And 
what happened to thee after that? He answered, When I 
had thus sworn to her, she was appeased, and I was admitted 
into her favour and we lived happily together for a con- 
siderable time: after which she said, The people of the 
Khalifeh's palace know not that thou hast resided here with 
me, and no strange man beside thee hath entered it; nor 
didst thou enter but through the assistance of the lady Zu- 
beydeh. She then gave me fifty thousand pieces of gold, 
and said to me, Take these pieces of gold, and go forth and 
buy for us a spacious house. So I went forth, and purchased 
a handsome and spacious house, and removed thither all the 
riches that she possessed, and all that she had treasured up, 
and her dresses and rarities. — This was the cause of the 
amputation of my thumbs and great toes. — So we ate (said 
the Sultan's steward), and departed; and after this, the 
accident with the humpback happened to me: this is all my 
story; and peace be on thee. 

The King said, This is not more pleasant than the story 
of the humpback: nay, the story of the humpback is more 
pleasant than this; and ye must all of you be crucified. — 
The Jew, however, then came forward, and, having kissed 
the ground, said, O King of the age, I will relate to thee a 
story more wonderful than that of the humpback: — and the 
King said, Relate thy story. So he commenced thus : — 

The Story Told by the Jewish Physician 

The most wonderful of the events that happened to me 
in my younger days was this : — I was residing in Damascus, 
where I learnt and practised my art; and while I was thus 
occupied, one day there came to me a memluk from the 
house of the governor of the city : so I went forth with him, 
and accompanied him to the abode of the governor. I 
entered, and beheld, at the upper end of a saloon, a couch 
of alabaster overlaid with plates of gold, upon which was 
reclining a sick man: he was young; and a person more 
comely had not been seen in his age. Seating myself at his 
head, I ejaculated a prayer for his restoration; and he made 
a sign to me with his eye. I then said to him, O my master, 


stretch forth to me thy hand : — whereupon he put forth to me 
his left hand; and I was surprised at this, and said within 
myself, What self-conceit! I felt his pulse, however, and 
wrote a prescription for him, and continued to visit him for 
a period of ten days, until he recovered his strength; when 
he entered the bath, and washed himself, and came forth: 
and the governor conferred upon me a handsome dress of 
honour, and appointed me superintendent of the hospital of 
Damascus. But when I went with him into the bath, which 
they had cleared of all other visitors for us alone, and the 
servants had brought the clothes, and taken away those 
which he had pulled off within, I perceived that his right 
hand had been cruelly amputated; at the sight of which I 
wondered, and grieved for him; and looking at his skin, I 
observed upon him marks of beating with mikr'ahs, which 
caused me to wonder more. The young man then turned 
towards me, and said, O doctor of the age, wonder not at 
my case; for I will relate to thee my story when we have 
gone out from the bath : — and when we had gone forth, and 
arrived at the house, and had eaten some food, and rested, 
he said to me, Hast thou a desire to divert thyself in the 
supper-room? I answered, Yes: — and immediately he or- 
dered the slaves to take up thither the furniture, and to 
roast a lamb and bring us some fruit. So the slaves did as 
he commanded them : and when they had brought the fruit, 
and we had eaten, I said to him, Relate to me thy story: — 
and he replied, O doctor of the age, listen to the relation of 
the events which have befallen me. 

Know that I am of the children of El-Mosil. My paternal 
grandfather died leaving ten male children, one of whom 
was my father: he was the eldest of them, and they all 
grew up and married ; and my father was blest with me ; 
but none of his nine brothers was blest with children. So 
I grew up among my uncles, who delighted in me exceed- 
ingly; and when I had attained to manhood, I was one day 
with my father in the chief mosque of El-Mosil. The day 
was Friday; and we performed the congregational prayers, 
and all the people went out, except my father and my 
uncles, who sat conversing together respecting the wonders 
of various countries, and the strange sights of different cities, 


until they mentioned Egypt; when one of my uncles said, 
The travellers assert, that there is not on the face of the 
earth a more agreeable country than Egypt with its Nile : — ■ 
and my father added, He who hath not seen Cairo hath 
not seen the world: its soil is gold; its Nile is a wonder; 
its women are like the black-eyed virgins of Paradise; its 
houses are palaces; and its air is temperate; its odour sur- 
passing that of aloes-wood, and cheering the heart : and how 
can Cairo be otherwise when it is the metropolis of the 
world? Did ye see its gardens in the evening (he contin- 
ued), with the shade obliquely extending over them, ye 
would behold a wonder, and yield with ecstasy to their 

When I heard these descriptions of Egypt, my mind be- 
came wholly engaged by reflections upon that country; and 
after they had departed to their homes, I passed the night 
sleepless from my excessive longing towards it, and neither 
food nor drink was pleasant to me. A few days after, my 
uncles prepared to journey thither, and I wept before my 
father that I might go with them, so that he prepared a 
stock of merchandise for me, and I departed in their com- 
pany; but he said to them, Suffer him not to enter Egypt, 
but leave him at Damascus, that he may there sell his mer- 

I took leave of my father, and we set forth from El-Mosil, 
and continued our journey until we arrived at Aleppo, where 
we remained some days; after which we proceeded thence 
until we came to Damascus; and we beheld it to be a city 
with trees and rivers and fruits and birds, as though it were 
a paradise, containing fruits of every kind. We took lodg- 
ings in one of the Khans, and my uncles remained there 
until they had sold and bought; and they also sold my mer- 
chandise, gaining, for every piece of silver, five, so that 
I rejoiced at my profit. My uncles then left me, and repaired 
to Egypt, and I remained and took up my abode in a hand- 
some Ka'ah, such as the tongue cannot describe ; the monthly 
rent of which was two pieces of gold. 

Here I indulged myself with eating and drinking, squan- 
dering away the money that was in my possession; and as 
I was sitting one day at the door of the Ka'ah, a damsel ap- 


proached me, attired in clothing of the richest description, 
such as I had never seen surpassed in costliness, and I invited 
her to come in; whereupon, without hesitation, she entered; 
and I was delighted at her compliance, and closed the door 
upon us both. She then uncovered her face, and took off her 
izar, and I found her to be so surprisingly beautiful that 
love for her took possession of my heart: so I went and 
brought a repast consisting of the most delicious viands and 
fruit and everything else that was requisite for her entertain- 
ment, and we ate and sported together ; after which we drank 
till we were intoxicated, and fell asleep, and so we remained 
until the morning, when I handed her ten pieces of gold; 
but she swore that she would not accept them from me, and 
said, Expect me again, O my beloved, after three days: at 
the hour of sunset I will be with thee: and do thou prepare 
for us, with these pieces of gold, a repast similar to this 
which we have just enjoyed. She then gave me ten pieces 
of gold, and took leave of me, and departed, taking my reason 
with her. And after the three days had expired, she came 
again, decked with embroidered stuffs and ornaments and 
other attire more magnificent than those which she wore 
on the former occasion. I had prepared for her what was 
required previously to her arrival; so we now ate and drank 
and fell asleep as before; and in the morning she gave me 
again ten pieces of gold, promising to return to me after 
three more days. I therefore made ready what was requisite, 
and after the three days she came attired in a dress still more 
magnificent than the first and second, and said to me, O 
my master, am I beautiful? — Yea, verily, I answered. — 
Wilt thou give me leave, she rejoined, to bring with me a 
damsel more beautiful than myself, and younger than I, that 
she may sport with us, and we may make merry with her? 
For she hath requested that she may accompany me, and pass 
the night in frolicking with us. — And so saying, she gave 
me twenty pieces of gold, desiring me to prepare a more plen- 
tiful repast, on account of the lady who was to come with 
her; after which, she bade me farewell, and departed. 

Accordingly, on the fourth day, I procured what was 
requisite, as usual, and soon after sunset she came, accom- 
panied by a female wrapped in an izar, and they entered, 


and seated themselves. I was rejoiced, and lighted the can- 
dles, and welcomed them with joy and exultation. They 
then took off their outer garments, and when the new damsel 
uncovered her face, I perceived that she was like the full 
moon: I never beheld a person more beautiful. I arose 
immediately, and placed before them the food and drink, and 
we ate and drank, while I continued caressing the new 
damsel, and filling the wine-cup for her, and drinking with 
her: but the first lady was affected with a secret jealousy. — 
By Allah, she said, verily this girl is beautiful ! Is she not 
more charming than I? — Yea, indeed, I answered. — Soon 
after this I fell asleep, and when I awoke in the morning, 
I found my hand defiled with blood, and opening my eyes, 
perceived that the sun had risen; so I attempted to rouse 
the damsel, my new companion, whereupon her head rolled 
from her body. The other damsel was gone, and I con- 
cluded, therefore, that she had done this from her jealousy; 
and after reflecting a while, I arose, and took off my clothes, 
and dug a hole in the Ka'ah, in which I deposited the mur- 
dered damsel, afterwards covering her remains with earth, 
and replacing the marble pavement as it was before. I 
then dressed myself again, and, taking the remainder of 
my money, went forth, and repaired to the owner of the 
Ka'ah, and paid him a year's rent, saying to him, I am 
about to journey to my uncles in Egypt. 

So I departed to Egypt, where I met with my uncles, and 
they were rejoiced to see me. I found that they had con- 
cluded the sale of their merchandise, and they said to me, 
What is the cause of thy coming? I answered, I had a 
longing desire to be with you, and feared that my money 
would not suffice me. — For a year I remained with them, 
enjoying the pleasures of Egypt and its Nile; and I dipped 
my hand into the residue of my money, and expended it 
prodigally in eating and drinking until near the time of my 
uncles' departure, when I fled from them: so they said, 
Probably he hath gone before us and returned to Damascus : 
— and they departed. I then came forth from my conceal- 
ment, and remained in Cairo three years, squandering away 
my money until scarcely any of it remained: but meanwhile 
I sent every year the rent of the Ka'ah at Damascus to its 


owner: and after the three years my heart became con- 
tracted, for nothing remained in my possession but the rent 
for the year. 

I therefore journeyed back to Damascus, and alighted at 
the Ka'ah. The owner was rejoiced to see me, and I entered 
it, and cleansed it of the blood of the murdered damsel, and, 
removing a cushion, I found, beneath this, the necklace that 
she had worn that night. I took it up and examined it, and 
wept a while. After this I remained in the house two days, 
and on the third day I entered the bath, and changed my 
clothes. I now had no money left ; and I went one day to the 
market, where (the Devil suggesting it to me, in order to 
accomplish the purpose of destiny) I handed the necklace 
of jewels to a broker; and he rose to me, and seated me by 
his side: then having waited until the market was replen- 
ished, he took it, and announced it for sale secretly, without 
my knowledge. The price bidden for it amounted to two 
thousand pieces of gold; but he came to me and said, This 
necklace is of brass, of the counterfeit manufacture of the 
Franks, and its price hath amounted to a thousand pieces 
of silver. I answered him, Yes : we had made it for a woman, 
merely to laugh at her, and my wife has inherited it, and we 
desire to sell it: go, therefore, and receive the thousand 
pieces of silver. Now when the broker heard this, he 
perceived that the affair was suspicious, and went and gave 
the necklace to the chief of the market, who took it to the 
Wali, and said to him, This necklace was stolen from me, 
and we have found the thief, clad in the dress of the sons 
of the merchants. And before I knew what had happened, 
the officers had surrounded me, and they took me to the Wali, 
who questioned me respecting the necklace. I told him, 
therefore, the same story that I had told to the broker; but 
he laughed, and said, This is not the truth: — and instantly 
his people stripped me of my outer clothing, and beat me 
with mikra'ahs all over my body, until, through the torture 
that I suffered from the blows, I said, I stole it :— reflecting 
that it was better I should say I stole it, than confess that its 
owner was murdered in my abode; for then they would kill 
me to avenge her : and as soon as I had said so, they cut off 
my hand, and scalded the stump with boiling oil, and I 


swooned away. They then gave me to drink some wine, by 
swallowing which I recovered my senses; and I took my 
amputated hand, and returned to the Ka'ah; but its owner 
said to me, Since this hath happened to thee, leave the Ka'ah, 
and look for another abode; for thou art accused of an un- 
lawful act. — O my master, I replied, give me two or three 
days' delay that I may seek for a lodging: — and he assented 
to this and departed and left me. So I remained alone, and 
sat weeping, and saying, How can I return to my family with 
my hand cut off. He who cut it off knoweth not that I am 
innocent: perhaps, then, God will bring about some event 
for my relief. 

I sat weeping violently ; and when the owner of the Ka'ah 
had departed from me, excessive grief overcame me, and 
I was sick for two days; and on the third day, suddenly 
the owner of the Ka'ah came to me, with some officers of 
the police, and the chief of the market, and accused me 
again of stealing the necklace. So I went out to them, and 
said, What is the news? — whereupon, without granting me 
a moment's delay, they bound my arms behind me, and put 
a chain around my neck, saying to me, The necklace which 
was in thy possession hath proved to be the property of the 
governor of Damascus, its Wezir and its Ruler; it hath been 
lost from the governor's house for a period of three years, 
and with it was his daughter. — When I heard these words 
from them, my limbs trembled, and I said within myself, 
They will kill me! My death is inevitable! By Allah, I 
must relate my story to the governor; and if he please he 
will kill me, or if he please he will pardon me. — And when 
we arrived at the governor's abode, and they had placed me 
before him, and he beheld me, he said, Is this he who stole 
the necklace and went out to sell it ? Verily ye have cut off 
his hand wrongfully. — He then ordered that the chief of the 
market should be imprisoned, and said to him, Give to this 
person the compensatory fine for his hand, or I will hang 
thee and seize all thy property. And he called out to his 
attendants, who took him and dragged him away. 

I was now left with the governor alone, after they had, 
by his permission, loosed the chain from my neck, and 
untied the cords which bound my arms; and the governor 


looking towards me, said to me, my son, tell me thy story, 
and speak truth. How did this necklace come into thy 
possession? — So I replied, O my lord, I will tell thee the 
truth: — and I related to him all that had happened to me 
with the first damsel, and how she had brought to me the 
second, and murdered her from jealousy; on hearing which, 
he shook his head, and covered his face with his handker- 
chief, and wept. Then looking towards me, he said, Know, 
O my son, that the elder damsel was my daughter: I kept 
her closely; and when she had attained a fit age for mar- 
riage, I sent her to the son of her uncle in Cairo; but he 
died, and she returned to me, having learnt habits of prof- 
ligacy from the inhabitants of that city; so she visited thee 
four times; and on the fourth occasion, she brought to thee 
her younger sister. They were sisters by the same mother, 
and much attached to each other ; and when the event which 
thou has related occurred to the elder, she imparted her secret 
to her sister, who asked my permission to go out with her; 
after which the elder returned alone; and when I questioned 
her respecting her sister, I found her weeping for her, and 
she answered, I know no tidings of her : — but she afterwards 
informed her mother, secretly, of the murder which she had 
committed; and her mother privately related the affair to 
me; and she continued to weep for her incessantly, saying, 
By Allah, I will not cease to weep for her until I die. Thy 
account, O my son, is true ; for I knew the affair before thou 
toldest it me. See then, O my son, what hath happened : and 
now I request of thee that thou wilt not oppose me in that 
which I am about to say; and it is this: — I desire to marry 
thee to my youngest daughter; for she is not of the same 
mother as they were: she is a virgin, and I will receive 
from thee no dowry, but will assign to you both an allow- 
ance ; and thou shalt be to me as an own son. — I replied, Let 
it be as thou desirest, O my master. How could I expect 
to attain unto such happiness? — The governor then sent im- 
mediately a courier to bring the property which my father 
had left me (for he had died since my departure from him), 
and now I am living in the utmost affluence. 

I wondered, said the Jew, at his history; and after I had 
remained with him three days, he gave me a large sum of 


money; and I left him, to set forth on a journey; and, 
arriving in this your country, my residence here pleased 
me, and I experienced this which hath happened to me with 
the humpback. 

The King, when he had heard this story, said, This is 
not more wonderful than the story of the humpback, and ye 
must all of you be hanged, and especially the tailor, who is 
the source of all the mischief. But he afterwards added, 
O tailor, if thou tell me a story more wonderful than that 
of the humpback, I will forgive you your offences. So the 
tailor advanced, and said, — 

The Story Told bv the Tailor 

Know, O King of the age, that what hath happened to 
me is more wonderful than the events which have happened 
to all the others. Before I met the humpback, I was, early 
in the morning, at an entertainment given to certain trades- 
men of my acquaintance, consisting of tailors and linen- 
drapers and carpenters and others; and when the sun had 
risen, the repast was brought for us to eat; and lo, the 
master of the house came in to us, accompanied by a strange 
and handsome young man, of the inhabitants of Baghdad. 
He was attired in clothes of the handsomest description, 
and was a most comely person, except that he was lame; 
and as soon as he had entered and saluted us, we rose to 
him; but when he was about to seat himself, he observed 
among us a man who was a barber, whereupon he refused 
to sit down, and desired to depart from us. We and the 
master of the house, however, prevented him, and urged him 
to seat himself; and the host conjured him, saying, What is 
the reason of thy entering, and then immediately departing? 
— By Allah, O my master, replied he, offer me no opposition ; 
for the cause of my departure is this barber, who is sitting 
with you. And when the host heard this, he was exceedingly 
surprised, and said, How is it that the heart of this young 
man, who is from Baghdad, is troubled by the presence of 
this barber? We then looked towards him, and said, Relate 
to us the cause of thy displeasure against this barber; and 
the young man replied, O company, a surprising adventure 


happened to me with this barber in Baghdad, my city; and 
he was the cause of my lameness, and of the breaking of my 
leg; and I have sworn that I will not sit in any place where 
he is present, nor dwell in any town where he resides: I 
quitted Baghdad and took up my abode in this city, and 
I will not pass the next night without departing from it. — 
Upon this, we said to him, We conjure thee, by Allah, to 
relate to us thy adventure with him. — And the countenance 
of the barber turned pale when he heard us make this request. 
The young man then said, — 

Know, O good people, that my father was one of the 
chief merchants of Baghdad; and God (whose name be 
exalted!) blessed him with no son but myself; and when 
I grew up, and had attained to manhood, my father was 
admitted to the mercy of God, leaving me wealth and 
servants and other dependants; whereupon I began to at- 
tire myself in clothes of the handsomest description, and 
to feed upon the most delicious meats. Now God (whose 
perfection be extolled!) made me to be a hater of women; 
and so I continued, until, one day, I was walking through 
the streets of Baghdad, when a party of them stopped my 
way: I therefore fled from them, and, entering a by-street 
which was not a thoroughfare, I reclined upon a mastabah 
at its further extremity. Here I had been seated but a 
short time when, lo, a window opposite the place where I 
sat was opened, and there looked out from it a damsel 
like the full moon, such as I had never in my life beheld. 
She had some flowers, which she was watering, beneath the 
window; and she looked to the right and left, and then 
shut the window, and disappeared from before me. Fire 
had been shot into my heart, and my mind was absorbed 
by her; my hatred of women was turned into love, and I 
continued sitting in the same place until sunset, in a state 
of distraction from the violence of my passion, when, lo, 
the Kadi of the city came riding along, with slaves before 
him and servants behind him, and alighted, and entered 
the house from which the damsel had looked out : so I knew 
that he must be her father. 

I then returned to my house, sorrowful and fell upon 
my bed, full of anxious thoughts; and my female slaves 


came in to me, and seated themselves around me, not know- 
ing what was the matter with me; and I acquainted them 
not with my case, nor returned any answers to their ques- 
tions; and my disorder increased. The neighbours, there- 
fore, came to cheer me with their visits; and among those 
who visited me was an old woman, who, as soon as she 
saw me, discovered my state; whereupon she seated her- 
self at my head, and, addressing me in a kind manner, 
said, O my son, tell me what hath happened to thee? So 
I related to her my story, and she said, O my son, this is 
the daughter of the Kadi of Baghdad, and she is kept in 
close confinement: the place where thou sawest her is her 
apartment, and her father occupies a large saloon below, 
leaving her alone; and often do I visit her: thou canst 
obtain an interview with her only through me: so brace up 
thy nerves. When I heard, therefore, what she said, I took 
courage, and fortified my heart; and my family rejoiced 
that day. I rose up firm in limb, and hoping for complete 
restoration; and the old woman departed; but she returned 
with her countenance changed, and said, O my son, ask not 
what she did when I told her of thy case; for she said, If 
thou abstain not, O ill-omened old woman, from this dis- 
course, I will treat thee as thou deservest: — but I must go 
to her a second time. 

On hearing this, my disorder increased: after some days, 
however, the old woman came again, and said, O my son, I 
desire of thee a reward for good tidings. My soul returned 
to my body at these words, and I replied, Thou shalt receive 
from me everything that thou canst wish. She then said, I 
went yesterday to the damsel, and when she beheld me with 
broken heart and weeping eye, she said to me, O my aunt, 
wherefore do I see thee with contracted heart? — and when 
she had thus said, I wept, and answered, O my daughter 
and mistress, I came to thee yesterday from visiting a youth 
who loveth thee, and he is at the point of death on thy 
account: — and, her heart being moved with compassion, she 
asked, Who is this youth of whom thou speakest ? I answered, 
He is my son, and the child that is dear to my soul : he saw 
thee at the window some days ago, while thou wast watering 
thy flowers; and when he beheld thy face, he became dis- 


tracted with love for thee: I informed him of the conversa- 
tion that I had with thee the first time; upon which his 
disorder increased, and he took to his pillow: he is now 
dying, and there is no doubt of his fate. — And upon this, 
her countenance became pale and she said, Is this all on 
my account? — Yea, by Allah, I answered; and what dost 
thou order me to do? — Go to him, said she; convey to him 
my salutation, and tell him that my love is greater than his; 
and on Friday next, before the congregation prayers, let 
him come hither: I will give orders to open the door to 
him, and to bring him up to me, and I will have a short 
interview with him, and he shall return before my father 
comes back from the prayers. 

When I heard these words of the old woman, the anguish 
which I had suffered ceased; my heart was set at rest, and 
I gave her the suit of clothes which I was then wearing, and 
she departed, saying to me, Cheer up thy heart. I replied, 
I have no longer any pain. The people of my house, and 
my friends, communicated, one to another, the good news 
of my restoration to health, and I remained thus until the 
Friday, when the old woman came in to me, and asked me 
respecting my state; so I informed her that I was happy 
and well. I then dressed and perfumed myself, and sat 
waiting for the people to go to prayers, that I might repair 
to the damsel; but the old woman said to me, Thou hast 
yet more than ample time, and if thou go to the bath and 
shave, especially for the sake of obliterating the traces of 
thy disorder, it will be more becoming. — It is a judicious 
piece of advice, replied I; but I will shave my head first, 
and then go into the bath. 

So I sent for a barber to shave my head, saying to the 
boy, Go to the market, and bring me a barber, one who is a 
man of sense, little inclined to impertinence, that he may 
not make my head ache by his chattering. And the boy 
went, and brought this sheykh, who, on entering, saluted 
me; and when I returned his salutation, he said to me. 
May God dispel thy grief and thine anxiety, and misfortunes 
and sorrows ! I responded, May God accept thy prayer ! 
He then said, Be cheerful, 9 my master; for health hath 
returned to thee. Dost thou desire to be shaved or to be 

hc xvi — f 


bled? — for it hath been handed down, on the authority of 
Ibn-' Abbas 11 that the Prophet said, Whoso shorteneth his 
hair on Friday, God will avert from him seventy diseases ; — 
and it hath been handed down also, on the same authority, 
that the Prophet said, Whoso is cupped on Friday will not 
be secure from the loss of sight and from frequent disease. 
— Abstain, said I, from this useless discourse, and come 
immediately, shave my head for I am weak. And he arose, 
and, stretching forth his hand, took out a handkerchief, and 
opened it; and lo, there was in it an astrolabe, consisting of 
seven plates; and he took it, and went into the middle of 
the court, where he raised his head towards the sun, and 
looked for a considerable time; after which he said to me, 
Know that there have passed, of this our day, — which is 
Friday, and which is the tenth of Safar, of the year 263 of 
the Flight of the Prophet, — upon whom be the most excellent 
of blessings and peace !— and the ascendant star of which, 
according to the required rules of the science of computa- 
tion, is the planet Mars, — seven degrees and six minutes; 
and it happen eth that Mercury hath come in conjunction 
with that planet; and this indicateth that the shaving of 
hair is now a most excellent operation : and it hath indicated 
to me, also, that thou desirest to confer a benefit upon a 
person : and fortunate is he ! — but after that, there is an 
announcement that presenteth itself to me respecting a 
matter which I will not mention to thee. 

By Allah, I exclaimed, thou hast wearied me, and dissi- 
pated my mind, and augured against me, when I required 
thee only to shave my head: arise, then, and shave it; and 
prolong not thy discourse to me. But he replied, By Allah, 
if thou knewest the truth of the case, thou wouldst demand 
of me a further explication; and I counsel thee to do this 
day as I direct thee, according to the calculations deduced 
from the stars: it is thy duty to praise God, and not to 
oppose me; for I am one who giveth thee good advice, and 
who regardeth thee with compassion: I would that I were 
in thy service for a whole year, that thou mightest do me 
justice; and I desire not any pay from thee for so doing. — 

11 One of the most learned of the companions of his cousin Mohammad, 
and one of the most celebrated of the relators of his sayings and actions. 


When I heard this, I said to him, Verily thou art killing me 
this day, and there is no escape for me. — O my master, he 
replied, I am he whom the people call Es-Samit, ["the 
Silent,"] on account of the paucity of my speech, by which I 
am distinguished above my brothers : for my eldest brother is 
named El-Bakbuk; and the second, El-Heddar; and the 
third, Bakbak 13 ; and the fourth is named El-Kuz el-Aswani; 
and the fifth, El-Feshshar; and the sixth is named Shakalik; 
and the seventh brother is named Es-Samit ; and he is myself. 
Now when this barber thus overwhelmed me with his 
talk, I felt as if my gall-bladder had burst, and said to the 
boy, Give him a quarter of a piece of gold and let him 
depart from me for the sake of Allah: for I have no need 
to shave my head. But the barber on hearing what I said 
to the boy, exclaimed, What is this that thou hast said, O 
my lord? By Allah, I will accept from thee no pay unless 
I serve thee; and serve thee I must; for to do so is 
incumbent on me, and to perform what thou requirest; and 
I care not if I receive from thee no money. If thou knowest 
not my worth, I know thine ; and thy father — may Allah have 
mercy upon him ! — treated us with beneficence ; for he was 
a man of generosity. By Allah, thy father sent for me one 
day, like this blessed day, and when I went to him, he had 
a number of his friends with him, and he said to me, Take 
some blood from me. So I took the astrolabe, and observed 
the altitude for him, and found the ascendant of the hour to 
be of evil omen, and that the letting of blood would be 
attended with trouble: I therefore acquainted him with this, 
and he conformed to my wish, and waited until the arrival 
of the approved hour, when I took the blood from him. He 
did not oppose me; but, on the contrary, thanked me; and 
in like manner all the many present thanked me; and thy 
father gave me a hundred pieces of gold for services similar 
to the letting of blood. — May God, said I, shew no mercy 
to my father for knowing such a man as thou! — and the 
barber laughed, and exclaimed, There is no deity but Godt 
Mohammad is God's Apostle ! Extolled be the perfection 
of Him who changeth others, but is not changed ! I did 
not imagine thee to be otherwise than a man of sense; but 

12 All three names signify " Chatterer." 


thou hast talked nonsense in consequence of thine illness. 
God hath mentioned, in his Excellent Book, those who re- 
strain their anger, and who forgive men : — but thou art 
excused in every case. I am unacquainted, however, with 
the cause of thy haste; and thou knowest that thy father 
used to do nothing without consulting me ; and it hath 
been said, that the person to whom one applies for advice 
should be trusted: now thou wilt find no one better ac- 
quainted with the affairs of the world than myself, and I 
am standing on my feet to serve thee. I am not displeased 
with thee, and how then art thou displeased with me? But 
I will have patience with thee on account of the favours 
which I have received from thy father. — By Allah, said I, 
thou hast wearied me with thy discourse, and overcome me 
with thy speech ! I desire that thou shave my head and 
depart from me. 

I gave vent to my rage; and would have risen, even if 
he had wetted my head, when he said, I knew that dis- 
pleasure with me had overcome thee; but I will not be 
angry with thee, for thy sense is weak, and thou art a youth : 
a short time ago I used to carry thee on my shoulder, and 
take thee to the school. — Upon this, I said to him, O my 
brother, I conjure thee by Allah, depart from me that I may 
perform my business, and go thou thy way. Then I rent 
my clothes; and when he saw me do this, he took the 
razor, and sharpened it, and continued to do so until my soul 
almost parted from my body; then advancing to my head, 
he shaved a small portion of it; after which he raised his 
hand, and said, O my lord, haste is from the Devil; — and 
he repeated this couplet: — 

Deliberate, and haste not to accomplish thy desire ; and be merciful, 

so shalt thou meet with one merciful : 
For there is no hand but God's hand is above it; nor oppressor 

that shall not meet with an oppressor. 

O my lord (he then continued), I do not imagine that thou 
knowest my condition in society; for my hand lighteth 
upon the heads of kings and emirs and wezirs and sages 
and learned men; and of such a one as myself hath the 
poet said, — 


The trades altogether are like a necklace, and this barber is the 

chief pearl of the strings. 
He excelleth all that are endowed with skill, and under his hands 

are the heads of Kings. 

— Leave, said I, that which doth not concern thee ! Thou hast 
contracted my heart, and troubled my mind. — I fancy that 
thou art in haste, he rejoined. I replied, Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! — 
Proceed slowly, said he; for verily haste is from the Devil, 
and it giveth occasion to repentance and disappointment; 
and he upon whom be blessing and peace hath said, The 
best of affairs is that which is commenced with deliber- 
ation: — and, by Allah, I am in doubt as to thine affair: I 
wish, therefore, that thou wouldst make known to me what 
thou art hasting to do; and may it be good; for I fear it 
is otherwise. 

There now remained, to the appointed time, three hours; 
and he threw the razor from his hand in anger, and, taking 
the astrolabe, went again to observe the sun; then after he 
had waited a long time, He returned, saying, There remain, 
to the hour of prayer, three hours, neither more nor less. — 
For the sake of Allah, said I, be silent; for thou hast 
crumbled my liver ! — and thereupon he took the razor, and 
sharpened it as he had done the first time, and shaved 
another portion of my head. Then stopping again, he said, 
I am in anxiety on account of thy hurry: if thou wouldst 
acquaint me with the cause of it, it would be better for thee ; 
for thou knowest that thy father used to do nothing without 
consulting me. 

I perceived now that I could not avoid his importunity, 
and said within myself. The time of prayer is almost come, 
and I desire to go before the people come out from the 
service: if I delay a little longer, I know not how to gain 
admission to her. I therefore said to him, Be quick, and 
cease from this chattering and impertinence; for I desire 
to repair to an entertainment with my friends. But when 
he heard the mention of the entertainment, he exclaimed, 
The day is a blessed day for me! I yesterday conjured a 
party of my intimate friends to come and feast with me, 
and forgot to prepare for them anything to eat; and now 
I have remembered it. Alas for the disgrace that I shall 


experience from them! — So I said to him, Be in no anxiety 
on this account, since thou hast been told that I am going 
to-day to an entertainment; for all the food and drink that 
is in my house shall be thine if thou use expedition in my 
affair, and quickly finish shaving my head. — May God 
recompense thee with every blessing! he replied: describe 
to me what thou hast for my guests, that I may know it. — 
I have, said I, five dishes of meat, and ten fowls fricandoed, 
and a roasted lamb. — Cause them to be brought before me, 
he said, that I may see them. So I had them brought to 
him, and he exclaimed, Divinely art thou gifted! How 
generous is thy soul; But the incense and perfumes are 
wanting. — I brought him, therefore, a box containing nedd 13 
and aloes-wood and ambergris and musk, worth fifty pieces 
of gold. — The time had now become contracted, like my 
own heart; so I said to him, Receive this, and shave the 
whole of my head, by the existence of Mohammad, God 
bless and save him ! But he replied, By Allah, I will not 
take it until I see all that it contains. I therefore ordered 
the boy, and he opened the box to him; whereupon the 
barber threw down the astrolabe from his hand, and seat- 
ing himself upon the ground, turned over the perfumes and 
incense and aloes-wood in the box until my soul almost 
quitted my body. 

He then advanced, and took the razor, and shaved 
another small portion of my head; after which he said, By 
Allah, O my son, I know not whether I should thank thee 
or thank thy father; for my entertainment to-day is entirely 
derived from thy bounty and kindness, and I have no one 
among my visitors deserving of it ; for my guests are Zeytun 
the bath-keeper, and Sali' the wheat-seller, and 'Awkal the 
bean-seller, and 'Akresheh the grocer, and Homeyd the 
dustman, and 'Akarish the milk-seller, and each of these 
hath a peculiar dance which he performeth, and peculiar 
verses which he reciteth; and the best of their qualities is, 
that they are like thy servant, the memluk who is before 
thee; and I, thy slave, know neither loquacity nor imper- 
tinence. As to the bath-keeper, he saith, If I go not to 

18 A perfume composed of ambergris, musk, and aloes-wood; or simply 


the feast, it cometh to my house! — and as to the dustman, 
he is witty, and full of frolic: often doth he dance, and 
say, News, with my wife, is not kept in a chest ! — and each 
of my friends hath jests that another hath not: but the 
description is not like the actual observation. If thou 
choose, therefore, to come to us, it will be more pleasant 
both to thee and to us: relinquish, then, thy visit to thy 
friends of whom thou hast told us that thou desirest to go 
to them: for the traces of disease are yet upon thee, and 
probably thou art going to a people of many words, who 
will talk of that which concerneth them not; or probably 
there will be among them one impertinent person; and thy 
soul is already disquieted by disease. — I replied, If it be the 
will of God, that shall be on some other day: — but he said, 
It will be more proper that thou first join my party of 
friends, that thou may est enjoy their conviviality, and delight 
thyself with their salt. Act in accordance with the saying 
of the poet: — 

Defer not a pleasure when it can be had; for fortune often 
destroyeth our plans. 

Upon this I laughed from a heart laden with anger, and 
said to him, Do what I require, that I may go in the care 
of God, whose name be exalted ! and do thou go to thy friends, 
for they are awaiting thine arrival. He replied, I desire noth- 
ing but to introduce thee into the society of these people; 
for verily they are of the sons of that class among which is 
no impertinent person ; and if thou didst but behold them once, 
thou wouldst leave all thine own companions. — May God, 
said I, give thee abundant joy with them, and I must bring 
them together here some day. — If that be thy wish, he re- 
joined, and thou wilt first attend the entertainment of thy 
friends this day, wait until I take this present with which thou 
hast honoured me, and place it before my friends, that they 
may eat and drink without waiting for me, and then I will 
return to thee, and go with thee to thy companions ; for there 
is no false delicacy between me and my companions that 
should prevent my leaving them; so I will return to thee 
quickly, and repair with thee whithersoever thou goest. — Upon 
this I exclaimed, There is no strength nor power but in God, 


the High, the Great ! Go thou to thy companions, and delight 
thy heart with them, and leave me to repair to mine, and to 
remain with them this day, for they are waiting my arrival. — 
But he said, I will not leave thee to go alone. — The place to 
which I am going, said I, none can enter except myself. — I 
suppose then, he rejoined, that thou hast an appointment to- 
day with some female : otherwise, thou wouldst take me with 
thee; for I am more deserving than all other men, and will 
assist thee to attain what thou desirest. I fear that thou art 
going to visit some strange woman, and that thy life will be 
lost ; for in this city of Baghdad no one can do anything of this 
kind, especially on such a day as this ; seeing that the Wali of 
Baghdad is a terrible, sharp sword. — Wo to thee, O wicked 
old man ! I exclaimed, what are these words with which thou 
addressest me ! — And upon this, he kept a long silence. 

The time of prayer had now arrived, and the time of 
the Khutbeh 14 was near, when he had finished shaving my 
head: So I said to him, Go with this food and drink to thy 
friends, and I will wait for thee until thou return, and 
thou shalt accompany me: — and I continued my endeavours 
to deceive him; that he might go away; but he said to me, 
Verily thou art deceiving me, and wilt go alone, and pre- 
cipitate thyself into a calamity from which there will be no 
escape for thee ; by Allah ! by Allah ! then quit not this 
spot until I return to thee, and accompany thee, that I may 
know what will be the result of thine affair. — I replied, 
Well: prolong not thine absence from me. And he took 
the food and drink and other things which I had given him, 
but intrusted them to a porter to convey them to his abode, 
and concealed himself in one of the by-streets. I then 
immediately arose. The mueddins on the menarehs had 
chanted the Selam of Friday; and I put on my clothes, and 
went forth alone, and, arriving at the by-street, stopped at 
the door of the house where I had seen the damsel: and lo, 
the barber was behind me, and I knew it not. I found the 
door open, and entered; and immediately the master of the 
house returned from the prayers, and entered the saloon, 
and closed the door; and I said within myself, How did 
this devil discover me? 

14 Friday sermoo. 


Now it happened, just at this time, for the fulfilment 
of God's purpose to rend the veil of protection before me, 
that a female slave belonging to the master of the house 
committed some offence, in consequence of which he beat 
her, and she cried out; whereupon a male slave came in to 
him to liberate her; but he beat him also, and he likewise 
cried out ; and the barber concluded that he was beating me ; 
so he cried, and rent his clothes, and sprinkled dust upon his 
head, shrieking, and calling for assistance. He was sur- 
rounded by people, and said to them, My master hath been 
killed in the house of the Kadi ! Then running to my house, 
crying out all the while, and with a crowd behind him, he 
gave the news to my family; and I knew not what he had 
done when they approached, crying, Alas for our master ! — 
the barber all the while being before them, with his clothes 
rent, and a number of the people of the city with them. 
They continued shrieking, the barber shrieking at their head, 
and all of them exclaiming, Alas for our slain ! — Thus they 
advanced to the house in which I was confined; and when 
the Kadi heard of this occurrence, the event troubled him, 
and he arose, and opened the door, and seeing a great 
crowd, he was confounded, and said, O people, what is the 

The servants replied, Thou hast killed our master. — 
O people, rejoined he, what hath your master done unto 
me that I should kill him; and wherefore do I see this 
barber before you? — Thou hast just now beaten him with 
mikra'ahs, said the barber; and I heard his cries. — What 
hath he done that I should kill him? repeated the Kadi. 
And whence, he added, came he ; and whither would he go ? 
— Be not an old man of malevolence, exclaimed the barber; 
for I know the story, and the reason of his entering thy 
house, and the truth of the whole affair; thy daughter is in 
love with him, and he is in love with her; and thou hast 
discovered that he had entered thy house, and hast ordered 
thy young men, and they have beaten him. By Allah, none 
shall decide between us and thee except the Khalifeh; or 
thou shalt bring forth to us our master that his family may 
take him; and oblige me not to enter and take him forth 
from you: haste then thyself to produce him. 


Upon this, the Kadi was withheld from speaking, and 
became utterly abashed before the people: but presently he 
said to the barber, If thou speak truth, enter thyself, and 
bring him forth. So the barber advanced, and entered the 
house; and when I saw him do so, I sought for a way to 
escape; but I found no place of refuge except a large chest 
which I observed in the same apartment in which I then 
was; I therefore entered this, and shut down the lid, and 
held in my breath. Immediately after, the barber ran into 
the saloon, and, without looking in any other direction than 
that in which I had concealed myself, came thither: then 
turning his eyes to the right and left, and seeing nothing 
but the chest, he raised it upon his head; whereupon my 
reason forsook me. He quickly descended with it; and 
I, being now certain that he would not quit me, opened the 
chest, and threw myself upon the ground. My leg was 
broken by the fall; and when I came to the door of the 
house, I found a multitude of people: I had never seen 
such a crowd as was there collected on that day; so I 
began to scatter gold among them, to divert them; and 
while they were busied in picking it up, I hastened through 
the by-streets of Baghdad, followed by this barber; and 
wherever I entered, he entered after me, crying, They 
would have plunged me into affliction on account of my 
master ! Praise be to God who aided me against them, 
and delivered my master from their hands! Thou con- 
tinuedst, O my master, to be excited by haste for the ac- 
complishment of thine evil design until thou broughtest 
upon thyself this event; and if God had not blessed thee 
with me, thou hadst not escaped from this calamity into 
which thou hast fallen ; and they might have involved thee 
in a calamity from which thou wouldst never have escaped. 
Beg, therefore, of God, that I may live for thy sake, to 
liberate thee in future. By Allah, thou hast almost destroyed 
me by thine evil design, desiring to go alone; but we will 
not be angry with thee for thine ignorance, for thou art 
endowed with little sense and of a hasty disposition. — Art 
thou not satisfied, replied I, with that which thou hast done, 
but wilt thou run after me through the market-streets ? — And 
I desired for death to liberate me from him; but found it 


not; and in the excess of my rage I ran from him, and, 
entering a shop in the midst of the market, implored the 
protection of its owner; and he drove away the barber 
from me. 

I then seated myself in a magazine belonging to him, 
and said within myself, I cannot now rid myself of this 
barber; but he will be with me night and day, and I cannot 
endure the sight of his face. So I immediately summoned 
witnesses, and wrote a document, dividing my property 
among my family, and appointing a guardian over them, 
and I ordered him to sell the house and all the immovable 
possessions, charging him with the care of the old and 
young, and set forth at once on a journey in order to escape 
from this wretch. I then arrived in your country, where I 
took up my abode, and have remained a considerable time; 
and when ye invited me, and I came unto you, I saw this 
vile wretch among you, seated at the upper end of the 
room. How, then, can my heart be at ease, or my sitting 
in your company be pleasant to me, with this fellow, who 
hath brought these events upon me, and been the cause of 
the breaking of my leg? 

The young man still persevered in his refusal to remain 
with us; and when we had heard his story, we said to the 
barber, Is this true which the young man hath said of thee? 
— By Allah, he answered, it was through my intelligence 
that I acted thus towards him; and had I not done so, he 
had perished: myself only was the cause of his escape; 
and it was through the goodness of God, by my means, that 
he was afflicted by the breaking of his leg instead of being 
punished by the loss of his life. Were I a person of many 
words, I had not done him this kindness; and now I will 
relate to you an event that happened to me, that ye may 
believe me to be a man of few words, and less of an im- 
pertinent than my brothers; and it was this: — 

The Barber's Story of Himself 

I was living in Baghdad, in the reign of the Prince of 
the Faithful El-Muntasir bi-llah, 15 who loved the poor and 

15 Great-grandson of Harun Er-Rashid; acceded 861 a. b. 


indigent, and associated with the learned and virtuous; and 
it happened, one day, that he was incensed against ten 
persons, in consequence of which, he ordered the chief 
magistrate of Baghdad to bring them to him in a boat. I 
saw them, and I said within myself, These persons have 
assembled for nothing but an entertainment, and, I suppose, 
will pass their day in this boat eating and drinking; and 
none shall be their companion but myself: — so I embarked, 
and mixed myself among them; and when they had landed 
on the opposite bank, the guards of the Wali came with 
chains, and put them upon their necks, and put a chain 
upon my neck also. — Now this, O people, is it not a proof 
of my generosity, and of my paucity of speech? For I 
determined not to speak. — They took us, therefore, all 
together, in chains, and placed us before El-Muntasir bi- 
llah, the Prince of the Faithful; whereupon he gave orders 
to strike off the heads of the ten; and the executioner 
struck off the heads of the ten, and I remained. The 
Khalifeh then turning his eyes, and beholding me, said to 
the executioner, Wherefore dost thou not strike off the 
heads of all the ten? He answered, I have beheaded 
every one of the ten. — I do not think, rejoined the Khali- 
feh, that thou hast beheaded more than nine; and this who 
is before me is the tenth. But the executioner replied, By 
thy beneficence, they are ten. — Count them, said the Khali- 
feh. And they counted them; and lo, they were ten. 
The Khalifeh then looked towards me, and said, What 
hath induced thee to be silent on this occasion; and how 
hast thou become included among the men of blood? — And 
when I heard the address of the Prince of the Faithful, I 
said to him, O Prince of the Faithful, that I am the 
sheykh Es-Samit (the Silent) : I possess, of science, a large 
stock; and as to the gravity of my understanding, and the 
quickness of my apprehension, and the paucity of my 
speech, they are unbounded: my trade is that of a barber; 
and yesterday, early in the morning, I saw these ten men 
proceeding to the boat; whereupon I mixed myself with 
them, and embarked with them, thinking that they had met 
together for an entertainment; but soon it appeared that 
they were criminals; and the guards came to them, and 


put chains upon their necks, and upon my neck also they 
put a chain; and from the excess of my generosity I was 
silent, and spoke not: my speech was not heard on that 
occasion, on account of the excess of my generosity; and 
they proceeded with us until they stationed us before 
thee, and thou gavest the order to strike off the heads of 
the ten, and I remained before the executioner, and 
acquainted you not with my case. Was not this great 
generosity which compelled me to accompany them to 
slaughter? But throughout my life I have acted in this 
excellent manner. 

When the Khalifeh heard my words, and knew that I 
was of a very generous character, and of few words, and not 
inclined to impertinence as this young man, whom I delivered 
from horrors, asserteth, he said, Hast thou brothers? I 
answered, Yes: six. — And are thy six brothers, said he, like 
thyself, distinguished by science and knowledge, and paucity 
of speech? I answered, They lived not so as to be like 
me: thou hast disparaged me by thy supposition, O Prince 
of the Faithful, and it is not proper that thou shouldst com- 
pare my brothers to me; for through the abundance of their 
speech, and the smallness of their generous qualities, each 
of them experienced a defect: the first was lame; the 
second, deprived of many of his teeth; the third, blind; 
the fourth, one-eyed; the fifth, cropped of his ears; and 
the sixth had both his lips cut off: and think not, O Prince 
of the Faithful, that I am a man of many words: nay, I 
must prove to thee that I am of a more generous character 
than they; and each of them met with a particular adven- 
ture, in consequence of which he experienced a defect: if 
thou please, I will relate their stories to thee. 

The Barber's Story of His First Brother 

Know, O Prince of the Faithful, that the first (who was 
named El-Bakbuk) was the lame one. He practised the 
art of a tailor in Baghdad, and used to sew in a shop which 
he hired of a man possessing great wealth, who lived over 
the shop, and who had, in the lower part of his house, a 
mill. And as my lame brother was sitting in his shop one 


day, sewing, he raised his head, and saw a woman like the 
rising full moon, at a projecting window of the house, look- 
ing at the people passing by; and as soon as he beheld her, 
his heart was entangled by her love. He passed that day 
gazing at her, and neglecting his occupation, until the even- 
ing; and on the following morning he opened his shop, and 
sat down to sew; but every time that he sewed a stitch, he 
looked towards the window; and in this state he continued, 
sewing nothing sufficient to earn a piece of silver. 

On the third day he seated himself again in his place, 
looking towards the woman; and she saw him, and, per- 
ceiving that he had become enslaved by her love, laughed 
in his face, and he, in like manner, laughed in her face. She 
then disappeared from before him, and sent to him her slave- 
girl, with a wrapper containing a piece of red flowered silk; 
and the girl, coming to him, said to him, My mistress 
saluteth thee, and desireth thee to cut out for her, with the 
hand of skill, a shirt of this piece, and to sew it beautifully. 
So he answered, I hear and obey: — and he cut out for her 
the shirt, and finished the sewing of it on that day; and on 
the following day the slave-girl came to him again, and said 
to him, My mistress saluteth thee, and saith to thee, How 
didst thou pass last night? — for she tasted not sleep, from 
her passion for thee. — She then placed before him a piece 
of yellow satin, and said to him, My mistress desireth thee 
to cut out for her, of this piece, two pairs of trousers, and to 
make them this day. He replied, I hear and obey. Salute 
her with abundant salutations, and say to her, Thy slave is 
submissive to thine order, and command him to do whatso- 
ever thou wilt. — He then busied himself with the cutting out, 
and used all diligence in sewing the two pairs of trousers; 
and presently the woman looked out at him from the window, 
and saluted him by a sign, now casting down her eyes, and 
now smiling in his face, so that he imagined he should soon 
obtain possession of her. After this, she disappeared from 
before him, and the slave-girl came to him; so he delivered 
to her the two pairs of trousers, and she took them and 
departed: and when the night came, he threw himself upon 
his bed, and remained turning himself over in restlessness 
until the morning. 


On the following day, the master of the house came to 
my brother, bringing some linen, and said to him, Cut out 
and make this into shirts for me. He replied, I hear and 
obey: — and ceased not from his work until he had cut out 
twenty shirts by the time of nightfall, without having tasted 
food. The man then said to him, How much is thy hire for 
this? — but my brother answered not; and the damsel made 
a sign to him that he should receive nothing, though he was 
absolutely in want of a single copper coin. For three days 
he continued scarcely eating or drinking anything, in his 
diligence to accomplish his work, and when he had finished 
it, he went to deliver the shirts. 

Now the young woman had acquainted her husband with 
the state of my brother's mind, but my brother knew not 
this; and she planned with her husband to employ him in 
sewing without remuneration, and moreover to amuse them- 
selves by laughing at him: so, when he had finished all the 
work that they gave him, they contrived a plot against him, 
and married him to their slave-girl; and on the night when 
he desired to introduce himself to her, they said to him, 
Pass this night in the mill, and to-morrow thou shalt enjoy 
happiness. My brother, therefore, thinking that their inten- 
tion was good, passed the night in the mill alone. Mean- 
while, the husband of the young woman went to the miller, 
and instigated him by signs to make my brother turn the 
mill. The miller, accordingly, went in to him at midnight, 
and began to exclaim, Verily this bull is lazy, while there is 
a great quantity of wheat, and the owners of the flour are 
demanding it: I will therefore yoke him in the mill, that 
he may finish the grinding of the flour: — and so saying, he 
yoked my brother, and thus he kept him until near morning, 
when the owner of the house came, and saw him yoked in 
the mill, and the miller flogging him with the whip; and he 
left him, and retired. After this, the slave-girl to whom he 
had been contracted in marriage came to him early in the 
morning, and, having unbound him from the mill, said to 
him, Both I and my mistress have been distressed by this 
which hath befallen thee, and we have participated in the 
burden of thy sorrow. But he had no tongue wherewith to 
answer her, by reason of the severity of the flogging. He 


then returned to his house ; and lo, the sheykh who had 
performed the marriage-contract came and saluted him, 
saying, May God prolong thy life ! May thy marriage be 
blessed ! — May God not preserve the liar ! returned my 
brother : thou thousandfold villain ! By Allah, I went only 
to turn the mill in the place of the bull until the morning. — 
Tell me thy story, said the sheykh: — and my brother told 
him what had happened to him: upon which the sheykh 
said, Thy star agreeth not with hers: but if thou desire that 
I should change for thee the mode of the contract, I will 
change it for another better than it, that thy star may agree 
with hers. — See then, replied my brother, if thou hast any 
other contrivance to employ. 

My brother then left him, and repaired again to his shop, 
hoping that somebody might give him some work, with the 
profit of which he might obtain his food; and lo, the slave- 
girl came to him. She had conspired with her mistress to 
play him this trick, and said to him, Verily, my mistress is 
longing for thee, and she hath gone up to look at thy face 
from the window. And my brother had scarcely heard these 
words when she looked out at him from the window, and, 
weeping, said, Wherefore hast thou cut short the intercourse 
between us and thee? But he returned her no answer: so 
she swore to him that all that had happened to him in the 
mill was not with her consent: and when my brother beheld 
her beauty and loveliness, the troubles that had befallen him 
became effaced from his memory, and he accepted her 
excuse, and rejoiced at the sight of her. He saluted her, 
therefore, and conversed with her, and then sat a while at 
his work; after which the slave-girl came to him, and said, 
My mistress saluteth thee, and informeth thee that her hus- 
band hath determined to pass this next night in the house 
of one of his intimate friends ; wherefore, when he hath gone 
thither, do thou come to her. — Now the husband of the 
young woman had said to her, How shall we contrive when 
he cometh to thee that I may take him and drag him before 
the Wali? She replied, Let me then play him a trick, and 
involve him in a disgrace for which he shall be paraded 
throughout this city as an example to others : — and my brother 
knew nothing of the craftiness of women. Accordingly, 


a 1 the approach of evening, the slave-girl came to him, and, 
taking him by the hand, returned with him to her mis- 
tress, who said to him, Verily, O my master, I have been 
longing for thee. — Hasten then, said he, to give me a kiss, 
first cf all. And his words were not finished when the young 
woman's husband came in from his neighbour's house, and, 
seizing my brother, exclaimed to him, By Allah, I will not 
loose thee but in the presence of the chief magistrate of the 
police. My brother humbled himself before him ; but, 
without listening to him, he took him to the house of the 
Wali, who flogged him with whips, and mounted him upon 
a camel, and conveyed him through the streets of the city, 
the people crying out, This is the recompense of him who 
breaketh into the harims of others ! — and he fell from the 
camel, and his leg broke: so he became lame. The Wali 
then banished him from the city; and he went forth, not 
knowing whither to turn his steps: but I, though enraged, 
overtook him, and brought him back; and I have taken 
upon myself to provide him with meat and drink unto the 
present day. 

The Khalifeh laughed at my story, and exclaimed, Thou 
hast spoken well: — but I replied, I will not accept this 
honour until thou hast listened to me while I relate to thee 
what happened to the rest of my brothers ; and think me 
not a man of many words. — Tell me, said the Khalifeh, what 
happened to all thy brothers, and grace my ears with these 
nice particulars : I beg thee to employ exuberance of diction 
in thy relation of these pleasant tales. 

The Barber's Story of His Second Brother 

So I said, Know, O Prince of the Faithful, that my second 
brother, whose name was El-Heddar, was going one day to 
transact some business, when an old woman met him, and 
said to him, O man, stop a little, that I may propose to thee 
a thing, which, if it please thee, thou shalt do for me. My 
brother, therefore, stopped; and she said to him, I will 
guide thee to a thing, and rightly direct thee to it, on the 
condition that thy words be not many. So he said, Com- 
municate what thou hast to tell me: — and she proceeded 


thus : — What sayest thou of a handsome house, with runnijtg 
water, and fruit and wine, and a beautiful face to behdd, 
and a smooth cheek to kiss, and an elegant form to embrace ; 
and to enjoy all these pleasures without interruption? Mow, 
if thou wilt act agreeably with the condition that I have 
imposed upon thee, thou wilt see prosperity. — When my 
brother had heard her words, he said to her, O my mistress, 
how is it that thou hast sought me out in preference to aft 
the rest of the creation for this affair; and what is there in 
me that hath pleased thee? She replied, Did I not say to 
thee that thou must not be a person of many words? Be 
silent then, and come with me. 

The old woman then went her way, my brother following 
her, eager to enjoy the pleasures which she had described 
to him, until they had entered a spacious house, when she 
went up with him to an upper story, and my brother per- 
ceived that he was in a beautiful palace, in which he beheld 
four damsels, than whom none more lovely had ever been 
seen, singing with voices that would charm a heart as 
insensible as stone. One of these damsels drank a cup of 
wine; and my brother said to her, May it be attended with 
health and vigour ! — and advanced to wait upon her ; but 
she prevented his doing so, giving him to drink a cup of 
wine; and as soon as he had drunk it, she slapped him on 
his neck. When he found that she treated him thus, he 
went out from the chamber in anger, and with many words ; 
but the old woman, following him, made a sign to him with 
her eye that he should return: so he returned, and seated 
himself, without speaking; and upon this, the damsel slapped 
him again upon the back of his neck until he became sense- 
less; after which, recovering, he withdrew again. The old 
woman, however, overtook him, and said to him, Wait a 
little, and thou shalt attain thy wish. — How many times, 
said he, shall I wait a little before I attain it? The old 
woman answered, When she hath become exhilarated with 
wine thou shalt obtain her favour. He therefore returned 
to his place, and resumed his seat. All the four damsels 
then arose, and the old woman directed them to divest my 
brother of his outer clothes, and to sprinkle some rose-water 
Upon his face; and when they had done so, the most 


beautiful one among them said to him, May Allah exalt 
thee to honour! Thou hast entered my abode, and if thou 
have patience to submit to my requisitions, thou wilt attain 
thy wish. — O my mistress, he replied, I am thy slave, and 
under thy authority. — Know then, said she, that I am 
devotedly fond of frolic, and he who complieth with my 
demands will obtain my favour. Then she ordered the 
other damsels to sing; and they sang so that their hearers 
were in an ecstasy; after which the chief lady said to one 
of the other damsels, Take thy master, and do what is 
required, and bring him back to me immediately. 

Accordingly, she took him away, ignorant of that which 
she was about to do; and the old woman came to him, and' 
said, Be patient; for there remaineth but little to do. He 
then turned towards the damsel, and the old woman said to 
him, Be patient: thou hast almost succeeded, and there 
remaineth but one thing, which is, to shave thy beard. — 
How, said he, shall I do that which will disgrace me among 
the people? The old woman answered, She desireth this 
only to make thee like a beardless youth, that there may be 
nothing on thy face to prick her; for her heart is affected 
with a violent love for thee. Be patient, therefore, and thou 
shalt attain thy desire. — So my brother patiently submitted 
to the damsel's directions: his beard was shaven, and he 
was shorn also of his eyebrows and mustaches, and his face 
was painted red, before the damsel took him back to the 
chief lady, who, when she saw him, was at first frightened 
at him, and then laughed until she fell backwards, and 
exclaimed, O my master, thou hast gained me by these 
proofs of thine amiable manners ! She then conjured him 
by her life to arise and dance; and he did so; and there 
was not a single cushion in the chamber that she did not 
throw at him. In like manner also the other damsels threw 
at him various things, such as oranges, and limes, and 
citrons, until he fell down senseless from the pelting, while 
they slapped him incessantly upon the back of his neck, and 
cast things in his face. But at length the old woman said 
to him, Now thou hast attained thy wish. Know that there 
remaineth to thee no more beating, nor doth there remain 
for thee to do more than one thing, namely, this: it is her 


custom, when she is under the influence of wine, to suffer no 
one to come near her until she hath taken off her outer 
clothes: thou, being prepared in the like manner, must run 
after her, and she will run before thee as though she were 
flying from thee; but cease not to follow her from place to 
place until thou overtake her. He arose, therefore, and did 
so: the lady ran before, and as he followed her, she passed 
from chamber to chamber, and he still ran after her. At 
last he heard her utter a slight sound as she ran before him, 
and, continuing his pursuit, he suddenly found himself in 
the midst of the street. 

This street was in the market of the leather-sellers, who 
were then crying skins for sale; and when the people there 
collected saw him in this condition, almost naked, with 
shaven beard and eyebrows and mustaches, and with his 
face painted red, they shouted at him, and raised a loud 
laugh, and some of them beat him with the skins until he 
became insensible. They then placed him upon an ass, 
and conducted him to the Wali, who exclaimed, What is 
this? — They answered, This descended upon us from the 
house of the Wezir, in this condition. And the Wali in- 
flicted upon him a hundred lashes, and banished him from 
the city: but I went out after him, and brought him back 
privately into the city, and allotted him a maintenance. 
Had it not been for my generous disposition, I had not 
borne with such a person. 

The Barber's Story of His Third Brother 

As to my third brother (the blind man, Bakbak), who 
was also surnamed Kuffeh, fate and destiny impelled him 
one day to a large house, and he knocked at the door, 
hoping that its master would answer him, and that he might 
beg of him a trifle. The owner called out, Who is at the 
door?— but my brother answered not; and then heard him 
call with a loud voice, Who is this? Still, however, he 
returned him no answer; and he heard the sounds of his 
footsteps approaching until he came to the door and opened 
it, when he said to him, What dost thou desire? My 
brother answered, Something for the sake of God, whose 


name "be exalted! — Art thou blind? said the man; and my 
brother answered. Yes. — Then give me thy hand, rejoined 
the master of the house; — so my brother stretched forth to 
him his hand, and the man took him into the house, and 
led him up from stair-case to stair-case until he had ascended 
to the highest platform of the roof: my brother thinking 
that he was going to give him some food or money: and 
when he had arrived at this highest terrace of his house, the 
owner said, What dost thou desire, O blind man? — I desire 
something, he answered again, for the sake of God, whose 
name be exalted ! — May God, replied the man, open to thee 
some other way ! — What is this ! exclaimed my brother : 
couldst thou not tell me so when I was below? — Thou 
vilest of the vile ! retorted the other : why didst thou not 
ask of me something for the sake of God when thou heardest 
my voice the first time, when thou wast knocking at the 
door? — What then, said my brother, dost thou mean to do 
to me? — The man of the house answered, I have nothing 
to give thee. — Then take me down the stairs, said my 
brother. The man replied, The way is before thee. So 
my brother made his way to the stairs, and continued 
descending until there remained, between him and the door, 
twenty steps, when his foot slipped and he fell, and, rolling 
down, broke his head. 

He went forth, not knowing whither to direct his steps, 
and presently there met him two blind men, his companions, 
who said to him, What hath happened to thee this day? 
My brother, therefore, related to them the event that had 
just befallen him; and then said to them, O my brothers, I 
desire to take a portion of the money now in our possession, 
to expend it upon myself. — Now the owner of the house 
which he had just before entered had followed him to 
acquaint himself with his proceedings, and without my 
brother's knowledge he walked behind him until the latter 
entered his abode ; when he went in after him, still unknown. 
My brother then sat waiting for his companions; and when 
they came in to him, he said to them, Shut the door, and 
search the room, lest any stranger have followed us. When 
the intruder, therefore, heard what he said, he arose, and 
clung to a rope that was attached to the ceiling; and the 


blind men went feeling about the whole of the chamber, 
and., finding no one, returned and seated themselves by my 
brother, and brought forth their money, and counted it; 
and lo, it was more than ten thousand pieces of silver. 
Having done this, they laid it in a corner of the room, and 
each of them took of the surplus of thai sum as much as he 
wanted, and they buried the ten thousand pieces of silver in 
the earth; after which, they placed before themselves some 
food, and sat eating; but my brother heard the sound of a 
stranger by his side, and said to his friends, Is there a 
stranger among us? Then stretching forth his hand, it 
grasped the hand of the intruder; whereupon he cried out 
to his companions, saying, Here is a stranger! — and they 
fell upon him with blows until they were tired, when they 
shouted out, O Muslims ! a thief hath come in upon us, 
and desireth to take our property! — and immediately a 
number of persons collected around them. 

Upon this, the stranger whom they accused of being a 
thief shut his eyes, feigning to be blind like themselves, so 
that no one who saw him doubted him to be so; and 
shouted, O Muslims ! I demand protection of Allah and the 
Sultan ! I demand protection of Allah and the Wali ! I 
demand protection of Allah and the Emir! for I have 
important information to give to the Emir! — and before 
they could collect their thoughts, the officers of the Wali 
surrounded them and took them all, including my brother, 
and conducted them before their master. The Wali said, 
What is your story? — and the stranger replied, Hear my 
words, O Wali; the truth of our case will not become 
known to thee but by means of beating; and if thou wilt, 
begin by beating me before my companions. The Wali 
therefore said, Throw down this man, and flog him with 
whips: — and accordingly they threw him down and flogged 
him; and when the stripes tortured him, he opened one of 
his eyes; and after they had continued the flogging a little 
longer, he opened his other eye; upon which the Wali 
exclaimed, What meaneth this conduct, O thou villain? — 
Grant me indemnity, replied the man, and I will acquaint 
thee : — and the Wali having granted his request, he said, We 
four pretend that we are blind, and, intruding among other 


people, enter their houses, and see their women, and employ 
stratagems to corrupt them, and to obtain money from them. 
We have acquired, by these means, vast gain, amounting to 
ten thousand pieces of silver; and I said to my companions, 
Give me my due, two thousand and five hundred; and they 
rose against me and beat me, and took my property. I beg 
protection, therefore, of Allah and of thee; and thou art 
more deserving of my share than they. If thou desire to 
know the truth of that which I have said, flog each of them 
more than thou hast flogged me, and he will open his eyes. 

So the Wali immediately gave orders to flog them; and 
the first of them who suffered was my brother. They con- 
tinued beating him until he almost died; when the Wali 
said to them, O ye scoundrels ! do ye deny the gracious 
gift of God, feigning yourselves to be blind? My brother 
exclaimed, Allah ! Allah ! Allah ! there is none among us 
who'seeth! — They then threw him down again, and ceased 
not to beat him until he became insensible, when the Wali 
said, Leave him until he shall have recovered, and then 
give him a third flogging: — and in the meantime, he gave 
orders to flog his companions, to give each of them more 
than three hundred stripes; while the seeing man said to 
them, Open your eyes, or they will flog you again after this 
time. Then addressing himself to the Wali, he said, Send 
with me some person to bring thee the property; for these 
men will not open their eyes, fearing to be disgraced before 
the spectators. And the Wali sent with him a man, who 
brought him the money; and he took it, and gave to the 
informer, out of it, two thousand and five hundred pieces of 
silver, according to the share which he claimed, in spite of 
the others (retaining the rest), and banished from the city 
my brother and the two other men; but I went forth, O 
Prince of the Faithful, and, having overtaken my brother, 
asked him respecting his sufferings; and he acquainted me 
with that which I have related unto thee. I then brought 
him back secretly into the city, and allotted him a supply of 
food and drink as long as he lived. 

The Khalifeh laughed at my story, and said, Give him 
a present, and let him go: — but I replied, I will receive 
nothing until I have declared to the Prince of the Faithful 


what happened to the rest of my brothers, and made it 
manifest to him that I am a man of few words : — whereupon 
the Khalifeh said, Crack our ears, then, with thy ridiculous 
stories, and continue to us thy disclosure of vices and mis- 
deeds. So I proceeded thus: — 

The Barber's Story of His Fourth Brother 

My fourth brother, O Prince of the Faithful, was the 
one-eyed (named El-Kuz el Aswani) : he was a butcher in 
Baghdad, and both sold meat and reared lambs; and the 
great and the rich had recourse to him to purchase of him 
their meat, so that he amassed great wealth, and became 
possessor of cattle and houses. Thus he continued to prosper 
for a long time; and as he was in his shop, one day, there 
accosted him an old man with a long beard, who handed to 
him some money, saying, Give me some meat for it. So he 
took the money, and gave him the meat; and when the old 
man had gone away, my brother looked at the money which 
he had paid him, and, seeing that it was of a brilliant white- 
ness, put it aside by itself. This old man continued to 
repair to him during a period of five months, and my brother 
always threw his money into a chest by itself; after which 
period he desired to take it out for the purpose of buying 
some sheep; but on opening the chest, he found all the 
contents converted into white paper, clipped round; and he 
slapped his face, and cried out; whereupon a number of 
people collected around him, and he related to them his 
story, at which they were astonished. 

He then went again, as usual, into his shop, and, having 
killed a ram and hung it up within the -shop, he cut off 
some of the meat, and suspended it outside, saying within 
himself, Perhaps now this old man will come again, and if 
so, I will seize him: — and very soon after, the old man 
approached with his money; upon which my brother arose, 
and, laying hold upon him, began to cry out, O Muslims, 
come to my aid, and hear what this scoundrel hath done 
unto me ! But when the old man heard his words he said 
to him, Which will be more agreeable to thee — that thou 
abstain from disgracing me, or that I disgrace thee, before 


the people? — For what wilt thou disgrace me? said my 
brother. The old man answered, For thy selling human 
flesh for mutton. — Thou liest, thou accursed ! exclaimed my 
brother. — None is accursed, rejoined the old man, but he 
who hath a man suspended in his shop. My brother said, 
If it be as thou hast asserted, my property and blood shall 
be lawful to thee: — and immediately the old man exclaimed, 
O ye people here assembled ! verily this butcher slaughtereth 
human beings, and selleth their flesh for mutton; and if ye 
desire to know the truth of my assertion, enter his shop ! 
So the people rushed upon his shop, and beheld the ram 
converted into a man, hung up, and they laid hold upon 
my brother, crying out against him, Thou infidel ! Thou 
scoundrel ! — and those who had been his dearest friends 
turned upon him and beat him; and the old man gave him 
a blow upon his eye, and knocked it out. The people then 
carried the carcass, and took with them my brother, to the 
chief magistrate of the police; and the old man said to him, 
O Emir, this man slaughtereth human beings, and selleth 
their flesh for mutton; and we have therefore brought him 
to thee: arise, then, and perform the requisition of God, 
whose might and glory be extolled ! Upon this, the magis- 
trate thrust back my brother from him, and, refusing to 
listen to what he would have said, ordered that five hundred 
blows of a staff should be inflicted upon him, and took all 
his property. Had it not been for the great amount of his 
wealth, he had put him to death. He then banished him 
from the city. 

My brother, therefore, went forth in a state of distrac- 
tion, not knowing what course to pursue; but he journeyed 
onwards until he arrived at a great city, where he thought 
fit to settle as a shoemaker: so he opened a shop, and sat 
there working for his subsistence. And one day he went 
forth on some business, and, hearing the neighing of horses, 
he inquired respecting the cause, and was told that the King 
was going forth to hunt; whereupon he went to amuse him- 
self with the sight of the procession: but the King happen- 
ing to look on one side, his eye met that of my brother, and 
immediately he hung down his head, and exclaimed, I seek 
refuge with God from the evil of this day ! He then turned 


aside the bridle of his horse, and rode back, and all his 
troops returned with him; after which, he ordered his pages 
to run after my brother, and to beat him; and they did so; 
giving him so severe a beating that he almost died; and he 
knew not the cause. He returned to his abode in a miser- 
able plight, and afterwards went and related his misfortune 
to one of the King's attendants, who laughed at the recital 
until he fell backwards, and said to him, O my brother, the 
King cannot endure the sight of a one-eyed person, and 
especially when the defect is that of the left eye; for in this 
case, he faileth not to put the person to death. 

When my brother heard these words, he determined to 
fly from that city; and forthwith departed from it, and 
repaired to another city, where there was no King. Here 
he remained a long time; and after this, as he was meditat- 
ing upon his adventure in the former city, he went out one 
day to amuse himself, and heard again the neighing of 
horses behind him; upon which he exclaimed, The decree 
of God hath come to pass ! — and ran away, seeking for a 
place in which to conceal himself; but he found none, until, 
continuing his search, he saw a door set up as a barricade; 
so he pushed this, and it fell down; and, entering the door- 
way, he beheld a long passage, into which he advanced. 
Suddenly, however, two men laid hold upon him, and ex- 
claimed, Praise be to God who hath enabled us to take thee, 
O thou enemy of God! For these three nights thou hast 
suffered us to enjoy neither quiet nor sleep, and we have 
found no repose: nay, thou hast given us a foretaste of 
death ! — O men, said my brother, what hath happened unto 
you? They answered, Thou keepest a watch upon us, and 
desirest to disgrace us, and to disgrace the master of the 
house! Is it not enough for thee that thou hast reduced 
him to poverty, thou and thy companions? Produce now 
the knife wherewith thou threatenest us every night. — And 
so saying, they searched him, and found upon his waist the 
knife with which he cut the shoe-leather. — O men, he ex- 
claimed, fear God in your treatment of me, and know that 
my story is wonderful. They said, What then is thy story? 
So he related it to them, in the hope that they would liberate 
him: but they believed not what he said; and, instead of 


shewing him any regard, they beat him, and tore his clothes ; 
whereupon, his body becoming exposed to their view, 
they discovered upon his sides the marks of beating with 
mikra'ahs, and exclaimed, O wretch ! these scars bear testi- 
mony to thy guilt. They then conducted him before the 
Wali, while he said within himself, I am undone for my 
transgressions, and none can deliver me but God, whose 
name be exalted ! And when he was brought before the 
Wali, the magistrate said to him, O thou scoundrel ! nothing 
but a heinous crime hath occasioned thy having been beaten 
with mikra'ahs: — and he caused a hundred lashes to be 
inflicted upon him ; after which, they mounted him upon a 
camel, and proclaimed before him, This is the recompense 
of him who breaketh into men's houses ! — But I had already 
heard of his misfortunes, and gone forth, and found him; 
and I accompanied him about the city while they were 
making this proclamation, until they left him; when I took 
him, and brought him back secretly into Baghdad, and 
apportioned him a daily allowance of food and drink. 

The Barber's Fifth Brother 

My fifth brother (El-Feshshar ["Alnaschar"]) was cropped 
of his ears, O Prince of the Faithful. He was a pauper, 
who begged alms by night, and subsisted upon what he thus 
acquired by day : and our father was a very old man, and he 
fell sick and died, leaving to us seven hundred pieces of silver, 
of which each of us took his portion; namely, a hundred 
pieces. Now my fifth brother, when he had received his 
share, was perplexed, not knowing what to do with it; but 
while he was in this state, it occurred to his mind to buy 
with it all kinds of articles of glass, and to sell them and 
make profit: so he bought glass with his hundred pieces of 
silver, and put it in a large tray, and sat upon an elevated 
place, to sell it, leaning his back against a wall. And as he 
sat, he meditated, and said within himself, Verily my whole 
stock consisteth of this glass: I will sell it for two hundred 
pieces of silver; and with the two hundred I will buy other 
glass which I will sell for four hundred; and thus I will 
continue buying and selling until I haye acquired great 


wealth. Then with this I will purchase all kinds of mer- 
chandise and essences and jewels, and so obtain vast gain. 
After that, I will buy a handsome house, and memluks, 
and horses, and gilded saddles; and I will eat and drink; 
and I will not leave in the city a single female singer but I 
will have her brought to my house that I may hear her 
songs. — All this he calculated with the tray of glass lying 
before him. — Then, said he, I will send all the female 
betrothers to seek in marriage for me the daughters of 
Kings and Wezirs; and I will demand as my wife the 
daughter of the chief Wezir; for I have heard that she is 
endowed with perfect beauty and surprising loveliness; and 
I will give as her dowry a thousand pieces of gold. If her 
father consent, my wish is attained; and if he consent not, 
I will take her by force, in spite of him: and when I have 
come back to my house, I will buy ten young eunuchs, and 
I will purchase the apparel of Kings and Sultans, and cause 
to be made for me a saddle of gold set with jewels; after 
which I will ride every day upon a horse, with slaves behind 
me and before me, and go about through the streets and 
markets to amuse myself, while the people will salute me 
and pray for me. Then I will pay a visit to the Wezir, who 
is the father of the maiden, with memluks behind me and 
before me, and on my right hand and on my left; and when 
he seeth me, he will rise to me, in humility, and seat me in 
his own place; and he himself will sit down below me, 
because I am his son-in-law. I will then order one of the 
servants to bring a purse containing the pieces of gold which 
compose the dowry; and he will place it before the Wezir; 
and I will add to it another purse, that he may know my 
manly spirit and excessive generosity, and that the world is 
contemptible in my eye; and when he addresseth me with 
ten words, I will answer him with two. And I will return 
to my house; and when any person cometh to me from the 
house of the Wezir, I will clothe him with a rich dress: but 
if any come with a present, I will return it; I will certainly 
not accept it. Then, on the night of the bridal display, I 
will attire myself in the most magnificent of my dresses, and 
sit upon a mattress covered with silk; and when my wife 
cometh to me, like the full moon, decked with her ornaments 


and apparel, I will command her to stand before me as 
stands the timid and the abject; and I will not look at her, 
on account of the haughtiness of my spirit and the gravity 
of my wisdom; so that the maids will say, O our master 
and our lord, may we be thy sacrifice ! This thy wife, or 
rather thy handmaid, awaiteth thy kind regard, and is stand- 
ing before thee: then graciously bestow on her one glance; 
for the posture hath become painful to her. — Upon this, I 
will raise my head, and look at her with one glance, and 
again incline my head downwards; and thus I will do until 
the ceremony of displaying her is finished; whereupon they 
will conduct her to the sleeping-chamber; and I will rise 
from my place, and go to another apartment, and put on my 
night-dress, and go to the chamber in which she is sitting, 
where I will seat myself upon the divan; but I will not look 
towards her. The tirewomen will urge me to approach 
her; but I will not hear their words, and will order some 
of the attendants to bring a purse containing five hun- 
dred pieces of gold for them, and command them to 
retire from the chamber. And when they have gone, I 
will seat myself by the side of the bride; but with averted 
countenance, that she may say, Verily this is a man of a 
haughty spirit. Then her mother will come to me, and will 
kiss my hands, and say to me, O my master, look upon thy 
handmaid with the eye of mercy; for she is submissively 
standing before thee. But I will return her no answer. 
And she will kiss my feet, again and again, and will say, O 
my master, my daughter is young and hath seen no man 
but thee; and if she experience from thee repugnance, her 
heart will break: incline to her, therefore, and speak to 
her, and calm her mind. And upon this I will look at her 
through the corner of my eye, and command her to remain 
standing before me, that she may taste the savour of 
humiliation, and know that I am the Sultan of the age. 
Then her mother will say to me, O my master, this is thy 
handmaid: have compassion upon her, and be gracious to 
her: — and she will order her to fill a cup with wine, and to 
put it to my mouth. So her daughter will say, O my lord, 
I conjure thee by Allah that thou reject not the cup from 
thy slave; for verily I am thy slave. But I will make her 


no reply; and she will urge me to take it, and will say, It 
must be drunk; and will put it to my mouth: and upon this, 
I will shake my hand in her face, and spurn her with my 
foot, and do thus. — So saying, he kicked the tray of glass, 
which, being upon a place elevated above the ground, 
fell, and all that was in it broke : there escaped nothing : and 
he cried out and said, All this is the result of my pride! 
And he slapped his face, and tore his clothes ; the passengers 
gazing at him, while he wept, and exclaimed, Ah ! O my 
grief ! 

The people were now repairing to perform the Friday- 
prayers; and some merely cast their eyes at him, while 
others noticed him not; but while he was in this state, de- 
prived of his whole property, and weeping, without inter- 
mission, a female approached him, on her way to attend the 
Friday-prayers: she was of admirable loveliness; the odour 
of musk was diffused from her ; under her was a mule with a 
stuffed saddle covered with gold-embroidered silk; and with 
her was a number of servants; and when she saw the 
broken glass, and my brother's state and his tears, she was 
moved with pity for him, and asked respecting his case. 
She was answered, He had a tray of glass, by the sale of 
which to obtain his subsistence, and it is broken, and he is 
afflicted as thou seest: — and upon this, she called to one of 
the servants, saying, Give what thou hast with thee to this 
poor man. So he gave him a purse, and he took it, and 
when he had opened it, he found in it five hundred pieces 
of gold, whereupon he almost died of excessive joy, and 
offered up prayers for his benefactress. 

He returned to his house a rich man, and sat reflecting, 
and lo, a person knocked at the door: he rose, therefore, 
and opened it ; and beheld an old woman whom he knew 
not, and she said to him, O my son, know that the time of 
prayer hath almost expired, and I am not prepared by ablu- 
tion; wherefore I beg that thou wilt admit me into thy 
house, that I may perform it. He replied, I hear and obey; 
— and, retiring within, gave her permission to enter; his 
mind still wandering from joy on account of the gold; and 
when she had finished the ablution, she approached the spot 
where he was sitting, and there performed the prayers of 


two rek'ahs. She then offered up a supplication for my 
brother; and he thanked her, and doffed her two pieces of 
gold; but when she saw this, she exclaimed, Extolled be 
God's perfection ! Verily I wonder at the person who fell 
in love with thee in thy beggarly condition ! Take back 
thy money from me, and if thou want it not, return it to 
her who gave it thee when thy glass broke.— O my mother, 
said he, how can I contrive to obtain access to her? She 
answered, O my son, she hath an affection for thee; but 
she is the wife of an affluent man ; take then with thee all 
thy money, and when thou art with her be not deficient in 
courteousness and agreeable words; so shalt thou obtain 
of her favours and her wealth whatever thou shalt desire. 
My brother, therefore, took all the gold, and arose and 
went with the old woman, hardly believing what she had 
told him; and she proceeded, and my brother behind her, 
until they arrived at a great door, at which she knocked; 
whereupon a Greek damsel came and opened the door, and 
the old woman entered, ordering my brother to do the 
same. He did so, and found himself in a large house, where 
he beheld a great furnished chamber, with curtains hung 
in it ; and, seating himself there, he put down the gold before 
him, and placed his turban on his knees; and scarcely had 
he done so, when there came to him a damsel, the like of 
whom had never been seen, attired in most magnificent ap- 
parel. My brother stood up at her approach ; and when she 
beheld him she laughed in his face, and rejoiced at his visit : 
then going to the door, she locked it; after which she re- 
turned to my brother, and took his hand, and both of them 
went together into a private chamber, carpeted with various 
kinds of silk, where my brother sat down, and she seated 
herself by his side, and toyed with him for a considerable 
time. She then rose, saying to him, Move not, from this 
place until I return to thee; — and was absent from him for 
a short period ; and as my brother was waiting for her, there 
came in to him a black slave, of gigantic stature, with a 
drawn sword, the brightness of which dazzled the sight ; and 
he exclaimed to my brother, Wo to thee! Who brought 
thee to this place? Thou vilest of men! Thou misbegotten 
wretch, and nursling of impunity! — My brother was unable 


to make any reply; his tongue was instantly tied; and the 
slaves laid hold upon him, and stripped him, and struck him 
more than eighty blows with the flat of his sword, until he 
fell sprawling upon the floor; when he retired from him, 
concluding that he was dead, and uttered a great cry, so 
that the earth trembled, and the place resounded at his voice, 
saying, Where is El-Melihah? — upon which a girl came to 
him, holding a handsome tray containing salt; and with this 
she forthwith stuffed the flesh-wounds with which my 
brother's skin was gashed until they gaped open; but he 
moved not, fearing the slave would discover that he was 
alive, and kill him. The girl then went away, and the slave 
uttered another cry, like the first, whereupon the old woman 
came to my brother, and, dragging him by the feet to a deep 
and dark vault, threw him into it upon a heap of slain. In 
this place he remained for two whole days; and God (whose 
perfection he extolled!) made the salt to be the means of 
preserving his life, by stanching the flow of blood from his 
veins; so, when he found that he had strength sufficient to 
move, he arose, and, opening a shutter in the wall, emerged 
from the place of the slain; and God (to whom be ascribed 
all might and glory ! ) granted him his protection. He 
therefore proceeded in the darkness, and concealed him- 
self in the passage until the morning, when the old woman 
went forth to seek another victim, and my brother, going 
out after her, without her knowledge, returned to his house. 
He now occupied himself with the treatment of his wounds 
until he was restored; and continued to watch for the old 
woman, and constantly saw her taking men, one after another, 
and conducting them to the same house. But he uttered not 
a word on the subject; and when his health returned, and 
his strength was completely renewed, he took a piece of rag, 
and made of it a purse, which he filled with pieces of glass: 
he then tied it to his waist, and disguised himself so that no 
one would know him, in the dress of a foreigner ; and, taking 
a sword, placed it within his clothes; and as soon as he saw 
the old woman, he said to her, in the dialect of a foreigner, 
Old woman, hast thou a pair of scales fit for weighing nine 
hundred pieces of gold? The old woman answered, I have a 
young son, a money-changer, and he hath all kinds of scales; 


therefore accompany me to him before he go forth from 
his abode, that he may weigh for thee thy gold. So my 
brother said, Walk on before me: — and she went, and my 
brother followed her until she arrived at the door, and 
knocked; upon which the girl came out, and laughed in his 
face ; and the old woman said to her, I have brought you to- 
day some fat meat. The girl then took my brother's hand, 
and conducted him into the house (the same which he had 
entered before), and after she had sat with him a short time, 
she rose, saying to him, Quit not this place until I return 
to thee : — and she retired ; and my brother had remained not 
long after when the slave came to him with the drawn 
sword, and said to him, Rise, thou unlucky ! So my brother 
rose, and, as the slave walked before him, he put his hand 
to the sword which was concealed beneath his clothes, and 
struck the slave with it, and cut off his head; after which 
he dragged him by his feet to the vault, and called out, 
Where is El-Melihah? The slave-girl, therefore, came, 
having in her hand the tray containing the salt ; but when she 
saw my brother with the sword in his hand, she turned back 
and fled: my brother, however, overtook her, and struck 
off her head. He then called out, Where is the old woman? 
— and she came ; and he said to her, Dost thou know me, O 
malevolent hag? She answered, No, O my lord. — I am, said 
he, the man who had the pieces of gold, and in whose house 
thou performedst the ablution, and prayedst; after which, 
devising a stratagem against me, thou betrayedst me into 
this place. — The old woman exclaimed, Fear God in thy 
treatment of me ! — but my brother, turning towards her, 
struck her with the sword, and clove her in twain. He then 
went in search for the chief damsel, and when she saw him, 
her reason fled, and she implored his pardon; whereupon he 
granted her his pardon, and said to her, What occasioned 
thy falling into the hands of this black? She answered, I 
was a slave to one of the merchants, and this old woman 
used to visit me; and one day she said to me, We are cele- 
brating a festivity, the like of which no one hath seen, and 
I have a desire that thou shouldst witness it. I replied, I 
hear and obey: — and arose, and clad myself in the best of 
my attire, and, taking with me a purse containing a hundred 



pieces of gold, proceeded with her until she entered this 
house, when suddenly this black took me, and I have con- 
tinued with him in this state three years, through the strata- 
gem of the old witch. — My brother then said to her, Is there 
any property of his in the house? — Abundance, she an- 
swered; and if thou canst remove it, do so: — and upon this, 
he arose and went with her, when she opened to him chests 
filled with purses, at the sight of which he was confounded; 
and she said to him, Go now, and leave me here, and bring 
some person to remove the property. So he want out, and, 
having hired ten men, returned; but on his arrival at the 
door, he found it open, and saw neither the damsel nor the 
purses ; he found, however, some little money remaining, and 
the stuffs. He discovered, therefore, that she had eluded 
him ; and he took the money that remained, and, opening the 
closets, took all the stuffs which they contained, leaving 
nothing in the house. 

He passed the next night full of happiness; but when 
the morning came, he found at the door twenty soldiers, 
and on his going forth to them, they laid hold upon him, 
saying, The Wali summoneth thee. So they took him, and 
conducted him to the Wali, who, when he saw him, said to 
him, Whence obtainedst thou these stuffs? — Grant me in- 
demnity, said my brother: — and the Wali gave him the 
handkerchief of indemnity; and my brother related to him 
all that had befallen him with the old woman from first to 
last, and the flight of the damsel; adding, — and of that 
which I have taken, take thou what thou wilt; but leave me 
wherewith to procure my food. The Wali thereupon de- 
manded the whole of the money and the stuffs; but fearing 
that the Sultan might become acquainted with the matter, 
he retained a portion only, and gave the rest to my brother, 
saying to him, Quit this city, or I will hang thee. My 
brother replied, I hear and obey: — and went forth to one 
of the surrounding cities. Some robbers, however, came 
upon him, and stripped and beat him, and cut off his ears; 
and I, having heard of his situation, went forth to him, tak- 
ing to him some clothes; and brought him back privily into 
the city, and supplied him with daily food and drink. 


The Barber's Story of His Sixth Brother 

My sixth brother (Shakalik), O Prince of the Faithful, 
had his lips cut off. He was in a state of extreme poverty, 
possessing nothing of the goods of this perishable world; 
and he went forth one day to seek for something with which 
to stay his departing spirit, and on his way he beheld a 
handsome house, with a wide and lofty vestibule, at the door 
of which were servants, commanding and forbidding; where- 
upon he inquired of one of the persons standing there, who 
answered, This house belongeth to a man of the sons of the 
Barmekis. My brother, therefore, advanced to the door- 
keepers, and begged them to give him something; and they 
said, Enter the door of the house, and thou wilt obtain what 
thou desirest of its master. So he entered the vestibule, 
and proceeded through it a while until he arrived at a man- 
sion of the utmost beauty and elegance, having a garden in 
the midst of it, unsurpassed in beauty by anything that had 
ever been seen: its floors were paved with marble, and its 
curtains were hanging around. He knew not in which 
direction to go; but advanced to the upper extremity; and 
there he beheld a man of handsome countenance and beard, 
who, on seeing my brother, rose to him, and welcomed him, 
inquiring respecting his circumstances. He accordingly in- 
formed him that he was in want; and when the master of 
the house heard his words, he manifested excessive grief, 
and, taking hold of his own clothes, rent them, and ex- 
claimed, Am I in the city, and thou in it hungry? It is a 
thing that I cannot endure ! — Then promising him every 
kind of happiness, he said, Thou must stay and partake of my 
salt. But my brother replied, O my master, I have not 
patience to wait ; for I am in a state of extreme hunger. 

Upon this, the master of the house called out, Boy, bring 
the basin and ewer ! — and he said, O my guest, advance, and 
wash thy hand. He then performed the same motions as if 
he were washing his hand; and called to his attendants to 
bring the table; whereupon they began to come and go as 
though they were preparing it; after which the master of 
the house took my brother, and sat down with him at this 


imaginary table, and proceeded to move his hands and 
lips as if he were eating; saying to my brother, Eat, and be 
not ashamed, for thou art hungry, and I know how 
thou art suffering from the violence of thy hunger. My 
brother, therefore, made the same motions, as if he also 
were eating, while his host said to him, Eat, and observe 
this bread and its whiteness. To this, my brother at first 
made no reply; but observed in his own mind, Verily this 
is a man who loveth to jest with others: — so he said to him, 
O my master, in my life I have never seen bread more 
beautifully white than this, or any of sweeter taste: — on 
which the host rejoined, This was made by a female slave 
of mine whom I purchased for five hundred pieces of gold. 
He then called out, Boy, bring to us the sikbaj, 16 the like 
of which is not found among the dishes of Kings ! — and, 
addressing my brother, he said, Eat, O my guest; for thou 
art hungry, vehemently so and in absolute want of food. 
So my brother began to twist about his mouth, and to chew, 
as in eating. The master of the house now proceeded to 
demand different kinds of viands, one after another; and, 
though nothing was brought, he continued ordering my 
brother to eat. Next he called out, Boy, place before us 
the chickens stuffed with pistachio-nuts: — and said to his 
guest, Eat that of which thou hast never tasted the like. — O 
my master, replied my brother, verily this dish hath not its 
equal in sweetness or flavour: — and the host, thereupon, 
began to put his hand to my brother's mouth as though he 
were feeding him with morsels ; and proceeded to enumerate 
to him the various different kinds of viands, and to describe 
their several excellencies; while his hunger so increased 
that he longed for a cake of barley-bread. The master of 
the house then said to him, Hast thou tasted anything more 
delicious than the spices in these dishes? — No, O my master, 
answered my brother. — Eat more then, resumed the host; 
and be not ashamed. — I have eaten enough of the meats, 
replied the guest. So the man of the house called to his 
attendants to bring the sweets; and they moved their hands 
about in the air as if they were bringing them; whereupon 
the host said to my brother, Eat of this dish; for it is 

16 A dish composed of meat, wheat-flour, and vinegar. 


excellent; and of these katai'f, 17 by my life! and take this 
one before the sirup runs from it. — May I never be deprived 
of thee, O my master ! exclaimed my brother, proceeding 
to inquire of him respecting the abundance of musk in the 
kataif. — This, answered the host, is my usual custom in 
my house: they always put for me, in each of the kataif, a 
mithkal 18 of musk, and half a mithkal of ambergris. — All 
this time my brother was moving his head and mouth, and 
rolling about his tongue between his cheeks, as if he were 
enjoying the sweets. After this, the master of the house 
called out to his attendants, Bring the dried fruits ! — and 
again they moved about their hands in the air as though 
they were doing what he ordered; when he said to my 
brother, Eat of these almonds, and of these walnuts, and of 
these raisins; — and so on; enumerating the various kinds 
of dried fruits; and added again, Eat, and be not ashamed. 
— O my master, replied my brother, I have had enough, 
and have not power to eat anything more: — but the host 
rejoined, If thou desire, O my guest, to eat more, and to 
delight thyself with extraordinary dainties, by Allah ! by 
Allah ! remain not hungry. 

My brother now reflected upon his situation, and upon 
the manner in which this man was jesting with him, and said 
within himself, By Allah, I will do to him a deed that shall 
make him repent before God of these actions ! The man of 
the house next said to his attendants, Bring us the wine: — 
and, as before, they made the same motions with their hands 
in the air as if they were doing what he commanded; after 
which he pretended to hand to my brother a cup, saying, Take 
this cup, for it will delight thee: — and his guest replied, O 
my master, this is of thy bounty: — and he acted with his 
hand as though he were drinking it. — Hath it pleased thee? 
said the host. — O my master, answered my brother, I have 
never seen anything more delicious than this wine. — Drink 
then, rejoined the master of the house, and may it be 
attended with benefit and health: — and he himself pretended 
to drink, and to hand a second cup to my brother, who, 
after he had affected to drink it, feigned himself intoxicated, 

17 Small pancakes or other sweet pastry. 

18 The weight of a dinar. 


and, taking his host unawares, raised his hand until the 
whiteness of his arm-pit appeared, and struck him such a 
slap upon his neck that the chamber rang at the blow; and 
this he followed by a second blow; whereupon the man 
exclaimed, What is this, thou vilest of the creation? — O my 
master, answered my brother, I am thy slave, whom thou 
hast graciously admitted into thine abode, and thou hast 
fed him with thy provisions, and treated him with old wine, 
and he hath become intoxicated, and committed an outrage 
upon thee; but thou art of too exalted dignity to be angry 
with him for his ignorance. 

When the master of the house heard these words of my 
brother, he uttered a loud laugh, and said to him, Verily for 
a long time have I made game of men, and jested with all 
persons accustomed to joking and rudeness, but I have not 
seen among them any who could endure this trick, nor any 
who had sagacity to conform to all my actions, except thee: 
now therefore, I pardon thee; and be thou my companion 
in reality, and never relinquish me. He then gave orders 
to bring a number of the dishes above mentioned, and he 
and my brother ate together to satisfaction ; after which they 
removed to the drinking-chamber, where female slaves like 
so many moons sang all kinds of melodies, and played on 
all kinds of musical instruments. There they drank until 
intoxication overcame them : the master of the house treated 
my brother as a familiar friend, became greatly attached to 
him, and clad him with a costly dress; and on the following 
morning they resumed their feasting and drinking. Thus 
they continued to live for a period of twenty years : the man 
then died, and the Sultan seized upon his property, and 
took possession of it. 

My brother, upon this, went forth from the city, a 
fugitive; and upon his way, a party of Arabs came upon 
him. They made him a captive; and the man who 
captured him tortured him with beating, and said to him, 
By Allah, purchase thyself of me by wealth, or I will kill 
thee: — but my brother, weeping, replied, By Allah, I possess 
nothing, O Sheykh of the Arabs; nor do I know the means 
of obtaining any property:! am thy captive; I have fallen 
into thy hands, and do with me what thou wilt. And 


immediately the tyrannical Bedawi drew forth from his 
girdle a broad-bladed knife (such as, if plunged into the 
neck of a camel, would cut it across from one jugular vein 
to the other) and, taking it in his right hand, approached 
my poor brother, and cut off with it his lips; still urging his 

Now this Bedawi had a handsome wife, who, when he 
was absent, used to manifest a strong affection for my 
brother; though he observed a proper decorum towards her, 
fearing God (whose name be exalted!), and it happened 
one day, that she had called him, and seated him with her; 
but while they were together, lo, her husband came in upon 
them; and when he beheld my brother, he exclaimed, Wo 
to thee, thou base wretch ! Dost thou desire now to 
corrupt my wife? — Then drawing his knife, he inflicted upon 
him another cruel wound; after which he mounted him 
upon a camel, and having cast him upon a mountain, left 
him there, and went his way. Some travellers, however, 
passed by him, and when they discovered him, they gave 
him food and drink, and acquainted me with his case, so I 
went forth to him, and conveyed him back into the city, 
and allotted him a sufficient maintenance. 

Now I have come unto thee, O Prince of the Faithful, 
continued the barber, and feared to return to my house 
without relating to thee these facts; for to neglect doing so 
had been an error. Thus thou hast seen that, although 
having six brothers, I am of a more upright character than 
they. — But when the Prince of the Faithful had heard my 
story, and all that I had related to him respecting my 
brothers, he laughed, and said, Thou hast spoken truth, 
O Samit (O silent man) ; thou art a person of few words, 
and devoid of impertinence; now, however, depart from 
this city, and take up thine abode in another. So he 
banished me from Baghdad; and I journeyed through 
various countries, and traversed many regions, until I heard 
of his death, and of the succession of another Khalifeh; 
when returning to my city, I met with this young man, unto 
whom I did the best of deeds, and who, had it not been for 
me, had been slain: yet he hath accused me of that which 
is not in my character; for all that he hath related of me, 


with respect to impertinence, and loquacity, and dulness, and 
want of taste, is false, O people, — 

The tailor then proceeded thus: — When we heard the 
story of the barber, and were convinced of his impertinence 
and loquacity, and that the young man had been treated 
unjustly by him, we seized hold upon him, and put him in 
confinement, and, seating ourselves to keep watch over 
him, ate and drank; and the feast was finished in the most 
agreeable manner. We remained sitting together until the 
call to afternoon-prayers, when I went forth, and returned 
to my house; but my wife looked angrily at me, and said, 
Thou hast been all the day enjoying thy pleasure while I 
have been sitting at home sorrowful; now if thou go not 
forth with me and amuse me for the remainder of the day, 
thy refusal will be the cause of my separation from thee. 
So I took her and went out with her, and we amused our- 
selves until nightfall, when, returning home, we met this 
humpback, full of drink, and repeating verses; upon which 
I invited him to come home with us and he consented. I 
then went forth to buy some fried fish, and having bought 
it and returned, we sat down to eat; and my wife took a 
morsel of bread and a piece of fish, and put them into his 
mouth, and choked him, so that he died; whereupon I took 
him up, and contrived to throw him into the house of this 
physician, and he contrived to throw him into the house of 
the steward, and the steward contrived to throw him in 
the way of the broker. — This is the story of what happened 
to me yesterday. Is it not more wonderful than that of the 
humpback ? 

When the King had heard this story, he ordered certain 
of his chamberlains to go with the tailor, and to bring the 
barber; saying to them, His presence is indispensable, that 
I may hear his talk, and it may be the cause of the deliver- 
ance of you all: then we will bury this humpback decently 
in the earth, for he hath been dead since yesterday; and 
we will make him a monument round his grave, since he 
hath been the occasion of our acquaintance with these 
wonderful stories. 


The chamberlains and the tailor soon came back, after 
having gone to the place of confinement and brought the 
barber, whom they placed before the King; and when the 
King beheld him, he saw him to be an old man, passed his 
ninetieth year, of dark countenance, and white beard and 
eyebrows, with small ears, and long nose, and a haughty 
aspect. The King laughed at the sight of him and said to 
him, O silent man, I desire that thou relate to me somewhat 
of thy stories. — O King of the age, replied the barber, what 
is the occasion of the presence of this Christian and this 
Jew and this Muslim, and this humpback lying dead among 
you; and what is the reason of this assembly? — Wherefore 
dost thou ask this? said the King. The barber answered, 
I ask it in order that the King may know me to be no 
impertinent person, nor one who meddleth with that which 
doth not concern him, and that I am free from the loquacity 
of which they accuse me: for I am fortunate in my charac- 
teristic appellation, since they have surnamed me Es-Samit; 
and, as the poet hath said, — 

Seldom hast thou seen a person honoured with a surname, but thou 
wilt find, if thou search, that his character is expressed by it. 

The King therefore said, Explain to the barber the case of 
this humpback, and what happened to him yesterday even- 
ing, and explain to him also what the Christian hath related, 
and the Jew and the steward and the tailor. So they re- 
peated to him the stories of all these persons. 

The barber, thereupon, shook his head, saying, By Allah, 
this is a wonderful thing! Uncover this humpback that 1 
may examine him. — And they did so. He then seated him- 
self at his head, and, taking it up, placed it upon his lap, 
and looked at his face, and laughed so violently that he fell 
backwards, exclaiming, For every death there is a cause; 
and the death of this humpback is most wonderful: it is 
worthy of being registered in the records, that posterity may 
be instructed by this event ! — The King, astonished at his 
words, said, O Samit, explain to us the reason of thy saying 
this. — O King, replied the barber, by thy beneficence, life is 
yet in the humpback ! He then drew forth from his bosom 
a pot containing some ointment, and with this he anointed 


the neck of the humpback; after which he covered it up 
until it perspired; when he took forth an iron forceps, and 
put it down his throat, and extracted the piece of fish with 
its bone, and all the people saw them. The humpback now 
sprang upon his feet, and sneezed, and, recovering his con- 
sciousness, drew his hands over his face, and exclaimed, 
There is no Deity but God! Mohammad is God's Apostle! 
God bless and save him! — and all who were present were 
astonished at the sight and the King laughed until he 
became insensible; as did also the other spectators. The 
King exclaimed, By Allah, this accident is wonderful! I 
have never witnessed anything more strange ! — and added, 
O Muslims ! O assembly of soldiers ! have ye ever in the 
course of your lives seen any one die and after that come to 
life? But had not God blessed him with this barber, the 
humpback had been to-day numbered among the people 
of the other world; for the barber hath been the means 
of restoring him to life. — They replied, This is indeed a 
wonderful thing! 

The King then gave orders to record this event; and 
when they had done so, he placed the record in the royal 
library; and he bestowed dresses of honour upon the Jew 
and the Christian and the steward; upon each of them, a 
costly dress; the tailor he appointed to be his own tailor, 
granting him regular allowances, and reconciling him and 
the humpback with each other: the humpback he honoured 
with a rich and beautiful dress, and with similar allowances, 
and appointed him his cup-companion; and upon the 
barber also he conferred the like favours, rewarding him 
with a costly dress of honour, regular allowances, and a 
fixed salary, and appointing him state-barber, and his own 
cup-companion: so they all lived in the utmost happiness 
and comfort until they were visited by the terminator of 
delights and the separator of friends. 

[Nights 32—36] 
The Story of Nur-Ed-Din and Enis-El-Jelis 

THERE was, in El-Basrah, a certain King, who loved 
the poor and indigent, and regarded his subjects with 
benevolence ; he bestowed of his wealth upon him who 
believed in Mohammad (God bless and save him!) and was 
such as one of the poets who have written of him hath 
thus described: — 

He used his lances as pens ; and the hearts of his enemies, as paper ; 

their blood being his ink; 
And hence, I imagine, our forefathers applied to the lance the term 


The name of this King was Mohammad the son of Suleyman 
Ez-Zeyni ; and he had two Wezirs ; one of whom was named 
El-Mo'in the son of Sawi; and the other, El-Fadl the son 
of Khakan. El-Fadl the son of Khakan was the most 
generous of the people of his age, upright in conduct, so 
that all hearts agreed in loving him, and the wise complied 
with his counsel, and all the people supplicated for him 
length of life: for he was a person of auspicious aspect, a 
preventer of evil and mischief: but the Wezir El-Mo'in the 
son of Sawi hated others, and loved not good; he was a 
man of inauspicious aspect; and in the same degree that 
the people loved Fadl-ed-Din the son of Khakan, so did 
they abhor El-Mo'in the son of Sawi in accordance with 
the decree of the Almighty. 

Now the King Mohammad the son of Suleyman Ez- 
Zenyi was sitting one day upon his throne, surrounded by 
the officers of his court, and he called to his Wezir El-Fadl 
the son of Khakan, and said to him, I desire a female slave 
unsurpassed in beauty by any in her age, of perfect loveli- 
ness and exquisite symmetry, and endowed with all praise- 
worthy qualities. — Such as this, replied his courtiers, is not 



to be found for less than ten thousand pieces of gold. And 
the Sultan thereupon called out to the treasurer, saying, 
Carry ten thousand pieces of gold to the house of El-Fadl 
the son of Khakan. So the treasurer did as he commanded, 
and the Wezir departed, after the Sultan had ordered him 
to repair every day to the market, and to commission the 
brokers to procure what he had described, and had com- 
manded also that no female slave of a greater price than 
one thousand pieces of gold should be sold without having 
been shewn to the Wezir. 

The brokers, therefore, sold no female slave without 
shewing her to him, and he complied with the King's com- 
mand, and thus he continued to do for a considerable time, 
no slave pleasing him : but on a certain day, one of the 
brokers came to the mansion of the Wezir El-Fadl, and 
found that he had mounted to repair to the palace of the 
King; and he laid hold upon his stirrup, and repeated these 
two verses: — 

O thou who hast reanimated what was rotten in the state ! Thou 

art the Wezir ever aided in Heaven. 
Thou hast revived the noble qualities that were extinct among men. 

May thy conduct never cease to be approved by God ! 

He then said, O my master, the female slave for the pro- 
curing of whom the noble mandate was issued hath arrived. 
The Wezir replied, Bring her hither to me. So the man 
returned, and, after a short absence, came again, accom- 
panied by a damsel of elegant stature, high-bosomed, with 
black eyelashes, and smooth cheek, and slender waist, and 
large hips, clad in the handsomest apparel; the moisture of 
her lips was sweeter than syrup ; her figure put to shame the 
branches of the Oriental willow; and her speech was more 
soft than the zephyr passing over the flowers of the garden ; 
as one of her describers hath thus expressed: — 

Her skin is like silk, and her speech is soft, neither redundant nor 

deficient : 
Her eyes, God said to them, Be, — and they were, affecting men's 

hearts with the potency of wine. 
May my love for her grow more warm each night, and cease not 

until the day of judgment ! 


The locks on her brow are dark as night, while her forehead shines 
like the gleam of morning. 

When the Wezir beheld her, she pleased him extremely, 
and he looked towards the broker, and said to him, What is 
the price of this damsel? The broker answered, The price 
bidden for her hath amounted to ten thousand pieces of 
gold, and her owner hath sworn that this sum doth not 
equal the cost of the chickens which she hath eaten, nor 
the cost of the dresses which she hath bestowed upon her 
teachers; for she hath learnt writing and grammar and 
lexicology, and the interpretation of the Kur'an, and the 
fundamentals of law and religion, and medicine, and the 
computation of the calendar, and the art of playing upon 
musical instruments. The Wezir then said, Bring to me her 
master: — and the broker immediately brought him; and lo, 
he was a foreigner, who had lived so long that time had 
reduced him to bones and skin, as the poet hath said, — 

How hath time made me to tremble ! For time is powerful and 

I used to walk without being weary ; but now I am weary and do 

not walk. 

And the Wezir said to him, Art thou content to receive 
for this damsel ten thousand pieces of gold from the Sultan 
Mohammad the son of Suleyman Ez-Zeyni? The foreigner 
answered, As she is for the Sultan, it is incumbent on me to 
give her as a present to him, without price. So the Wezir, 
upon this, ordered that the money should be brought, and 
then weighed the pieces of gold for the foreigner; after 
which, the slave-broker addressed the Wezir, and said, With 
the permission of our lord the Wezir, I will speak. — Impart 
what thou hast to say, replied the Wezir. — It is my opinion 
then, said the broker, that thou shouldst not take up this 
damsel to the Sultan to-day; for she hath just arrived from 
her journey, and the change of air hath affected her, and the 
journey hath fatigued her; but rather let her remain with 
thee in thy palace ten days, i-hat she may take rest, and her 
beauty will improve: the!! cause her to be taken into the 
bath, and attire her in clothes of the handsomest description, 
and go up with her to the Sultan: so shalt thou experience 


more abundant good- fortune. And the Wezir considered 
the advice of the slave-broker, and approved it. He there- 
fore took her into his palace, and gave her a private apart- 
ment to herself, allotting her every day what she required 
of food and drink and other supplies, and she continued a 
while in this state of enjoyment. 

Now the Wezir El-Fadl had a son like the shining full 
moon, with brilliant countenance, and red cheek, marked 
with a mole like a globule of ambergris, and with grey 
down. The youth knew not of this damsel, and his father 
had charged her, saying, Know that I have purchased thee 
for the King Mohammad the son of Suleyman Ez-Zeyni, 
and that I have a son who hath not left a girl in the quarter 
without making love to her: therefore keep thyself con- 
cealed from him, and beware of shewing him thy face, or 
suffering him to hear thy voice. The damsel replied, I hear 
and obey: — and he left her and departed. And it happened, 
as fate had ordained, that she went one day into the bath 
which was in the house, and, after certain of the female 
slaves had bathed her, she attired herself in rich apparel, 
and her beauty and loveliness increased in consequence. 
She then went in to the Wezir's wife, and kissed her hand, 
and said to her, May it be favourable, O Enis-el-Jelis ! 
How didst thou find this bath? — O my mistress, she 
answered, I wanted nothing but thy presence there. And 
upon this, the mistress of the house said to the female 
slaves, Arise, and let us go into the bath. And they com- 
plied with her command, and went, accompanied by their 
mistress, who first charged two young slave-girls to keep the 
door of the private apartment in which was Enis-el-Jelis, 
saying to them, Suffer no one to go in to the damsel; — and 
they replied, We hear and obey. But while Enis-el-Jelis 
was sitting in her chamber, lo, the Wezir's son, whose name 
was 'Ali Nur-ed-Din, came in, and asked after his mother 
and the family. The two girls answered, They are gone 
into the bath. Now the damsel Enis-el-Jelis heard the 
speech of 'Ali Nur-ed-Din as she sat in her chamber, and 
she said within herself, I wonder what this youth is like, of 
whom the Wezir hath told me that he hath not left a girl in 
the quarter without making love to her: by Allah, I have 


a desire to see him. She then rose upon her feet, fresh as 
she was from the bath, and, approaching the door of the 
chamber, looked at 'AH Nur-ed-Din, and beheld him to be 
a youth like the full moon. The sight of him occasioned 
her a thousand sighs; and a look from the youth, at her, 
affected him also in the same manner. Each was caught in 
the snare of the other's love, and the youth approached the 
two slave-girls, and cried out at them; whereupon they fled 
from before him, and stopped at a distance, looking to see 
what he would do. He then advanced to the door of the 
chamber, and, opening it, went in, and said to the damsel, 
Art thou she whom my father hath purchased for me? She 
answered, Yes. And upon this, the youth, who was in a 
state of intoxication, went up to her, and embraced her, 
while she, in like manner, threw her arms around his neck, 
and kissed him. But the two slave-girls, having seen their 
young master enter the chamber of the damsel Enis-el-Jelis, 
cried out. The youth, therefore, soon ran forth, and fled 
for safety, fearing the consequence of his intrusion; and 
when the mistress of the house heard the cry of the two 
slave-girls, she came out dripping from the bath, saying, 
What is the cause of this cry in the house? And when she 
drew near to the two slave-girls whom she had placed at the 
door of the private chamber, she said to them, Wo to you ! 
What is the matter? — They answered, as soon as they 
beheld her, Our master *Ali Nur-ed-Din came to us and 
beat us, and we fled from him, and he went into the chamber 
of Enis-el-Jelis, and when we cried out to thee he fled. 
The mistress of the house then went to Enis-el-Jelis, and 
said to her, What is the news? — O my mistress, she 
answered, as I was sitting here, a youth of handsome per- 
son came in to me, and said to me, Art thou she whom 
my father hath purchased for me? — And I answered, Yes. — 
By Allah, O my mistress, I believed that what he said was 
true; and he came up to me and embraced me, and kissed 
me three times, and left me overcome by his love. 

Upon this, the mistress of the house wept, and slapped 
her face, and her female slaves did the like, fearing for 'AH 
Nur-ed-Din, lest his father should slay him ; and while they 
were in this state, lo, the Wezir came in, and inquired what 


had happened. His wife said to him, Swear that thou wilt 
listen to that which I shall say. He replied, Well? So she 
told him what his son had done; and he mourned, and rent 
his clothes, and slapped his face, and plucked his beard. 
His wife then said to him, Kill not thyself. I will give thee, 
of my own property, ten thousand pieces of gold, her price. — 
But upon this, he raised his head towards her, and said to. 
her, Wo to thee! I want not her price; but I fear the loss 
of my life and my property. — Wherefore, O my master? 
she asked. — Knowest thou not, said he, that we have this 
enemy El-Mo'in the son of Sawi? When he heareth of this 
event, he will repair to the Sultan, and say to him, Thy 
Wezir whom thou imaginest to love thee hath received from 
thee ten thousand pieces of gold, and purchased therewith 
a female slave such as no one hath seen equalled, and when 
she pleased him, he said to his son, Take her; for thou art 
more worthy of her than the Sultan : — and he took her ; and 
the damsel is now with him. — Then the King will say, Thou 
liest. And he will say to the King, With thy permission, I 
will break in upon him suddenly, and bring her to thee. 
And he will give him permission to do so: he will therefore 
make a sudden attack upon the house, and take the damsel, 
and conduct her into the presence of the Sultan, and he will 
question her, and she will not be able to deny: he will then 
say, O my lord, I give thee good counsel, but I am not in 
favour with thee: — and the Sultan will make an example of 
me, and all the people will make me a gazing-stock, and 
my life will be lost. — His wife, however, replied, Acquaint 
no one; for this thing hath happened privily: commit, 
therefore, thine affair unto God, in this extremity. And 
upon this, the heart of the Wezir was quieted, and his mind 
was relieved. 

Such was the case of the Wezir. — Now as to Nur-ed-Din, 
he feared the result of his conduct, and so passed each day 
in the gardens, not returning to his mother until towards the 
close of the night: he then slept in her apartment, and rose 
before morning without being seen by any one else. Thus 
he continued to do for the space of a month, not seeing the 
face of his father; and at length his mother said to his 
father, O my master, wilt thou lose the damsel and lose the 


child? For if it long continue thus with the youth, he will 
flee his country. — And what is to be done? said he. She 
answered, Sit up this night, and when he cometh, lay hold 
upon him, and be reconciled to him, and give him the 
damsel; for she loveth him, and he loveth her; and I will 
give thee her price. So the Wezir sat up the whole night, 
and when his son came, he laid hold upon him, and would 
have cut his throat; but his mother came to his succour, 
and said to her husband, What dost thou desire to do unto 
him? He answered her, I desire to slay him. The youth 
then said to his father, Am I of so small account in thy 
estimation? And upon this, the eyes of his father filled 
with tears, and he said to him, O my son, is the loss of my 
property and my life of small account with thee? — Listen, 

my father, rejoined the youth : — and he implored his 
forgiveness. So the Wezir rose from the breast of his son, 
and was moved with compassion for him; and the youth 
rose, and kissed his father's hand; and the Wezir said, O 
my son, if I knew that thou wouldst act equitably to Enis- 
el-Jelis, I would give her to thee.— O my father, replied the 
youth, wherefore should I not act equitably towards her? 
And his father said, I charge thee, O my son, that thou take 
not a wife to share her place, and that thou do her no injury, 
nor sell her. He replied, O my father, I swear to thee that 

1 will neither take a wife to share her place, nor sell her : — 
and he promised him by oaths to act as he had said, and 
took up his abode with the damsel, and remained with her 
a year; and God (whose name be exalted!) caused the 
King to forget the affair of the female slave ; but the matter 
became known to El-Mo'in the son of Sawi; yet he could 
not speak of it, on account of the high estimation in which 
the other Wezir was held by the Sultan. 

After this year had expired, the Wezir Fadl-ed-Din the 
son of Khakan entered the bath, and came out in a state of 
excessive perspiration, in consequence of which the external 
air smote him, so that he became confined to his bed, and 
long remained sleepless; and his malady continued unre- 
mittingly; so he called, thereupon, his son, 'Ali Nur-ed-Din, 
and when he came before him, said to him, O my son, verily 
the means of life are apportioned, and its period is decreed, 


and every soul must drink the cup of death. I have nothing 
with which to charge thee but the fear of God, and fore- 
thought with regard to the results of thine actions, and that 
thou conduct thyself kindly to the damsel Enis-el-Jelis. — O 
my father, said the youth, who is like unto thee? Thou 
hast been celebrated for virtuous actions, and the praying of 
the preachers for thee on the pulpits. — O my son, rejoined 
the Wezir, I hope for the approbation of God, whose name 
be exalted ! And then he pronounced the two professions 
of the faith, and uttered a sigh, and was recorded among 
the company of the blest And upon this, the palace was 
filled with shrieking, and the news reached the ears of the 
Sultan, and the people of the city heard of the death of El- 
Fadl the son of Khakan, and even the boys in the schools 
wept for him. His son 'Ali Nur-ed-Din arose, and pre- 
pared his funeral, and the Emirs and Wezirs and other 
officers of the state attended it, and among them was the 
Wezir El-Mo'in the son of Sawi; and as the procession 
passed out from the mansion, one of the mourners recited 
these verses: — 

I said to the man who was appointed to wash him, — Would that 

he had yielded obedience to my counsel, — 
Put away from him the water, and wash him with the tears of 

honour, shed in lamentation for him : 
And remove these fragrant substances collected for his corpse, and 

perfume him rather with the odours of his praise : 
And order the noble angels to carry him in honour. Dost thou 

not behold them attending him ? 
Cause not men's necks to be strained by bearing him : enough are 

they laden already by his benefits. 

'AH Nur-ed-Din for a long time remained in a state of 
violent grief for the loss of his father ; but as he was sitting 
one day in his father's house, a person knocked at the door, 
and he rose up and opened it, and lo, there was a man who 
was one of his father's intimate companions, and he kissed 
the hand of Nur-ed-Din, and said to him, O my master, he 
who hath left a son like thee hath not died. This is the 
destination of the lord of the first and the last among 
mankind. 1 O my master, cheer up thy heart, and give over 

1 The Prophet Mohammad. 


mourning. — And upon this, 'AH Nur-ed-Din arose, and went 
to the guest-chamber, and removed thither all that he 
required, and his companions came together to him, and he 
took again his slave. Ten of the sons of the merchants 
became his associates, and he gave entertainment after 
entertainment, and began to be lavish with presents. His 
steward, therefore, came to him, and said to him, O my 
master Nur-ed-Din, hast thou not heard the saying, He who 
expendeth and doth not calculate is reduced to poverty? 
This profuse expenditure, and these magnificent presents, 
will annihilate the property. — But when 'Ali Nur-ed-Din 
heard these words of his steward, he looked at him, and 
replied, Of all that thou hast said to me, I will not attend 
to one word. How excellent is the saying of the poet: — 

If I be possessed of wealth and be not liberal, may my hand never 

be extended, nor my foot raised ! 
Shew me the avaricious who hath attained glory by his avarice, and 

the munificent who hath died through his munificence. 

Know, O steward, he continued, that if there remain in thy 
hands what will suffice for my dinner, thou shalt not burden 
me with anxiety respecting my supper. — So the steward left 
him, and went his way; and 'Ali Nur-ed-Din resumed his 
habits of extravagant generosity: whenever any one of his 
companions said, Verily this thing is beautiful ! — he would 
reply, It is a present to thee: — and if any said, O my 
master, verily such a house is delightful ! — he would reply, 
It is a present to thee. 

He ceased not to give entertainments to his companions 
from the commencement of day, one after another, until he 
had passed in this manner a whole year; after which, as he 
was sitting with them, he heard the slave-girl recite these 
two verses : — 

Thou thoughtest well of the days when they went well with thee, 
and fearedst not the evil that destiny was bringing. 

Thy nights were peaceful, and thou wast deceived by them : in the 
midst of their brightness there cometh gloom. 

And immediately after, a person knocked at the door; so 
Nur-ed-Din rose, and one of his companions followed him 


without his knowledge; and when he opened the door, he 
beheld his steward, and said to him, What is the news? — 
O my master, answered the steward, that which I feared on 
thy account hath happened to thee. — How is that? asked 
Nur-ed-Din. The steward answered, Know that there re- 
maineth not of thy property in my hands, anything equivalent 
to a piece of silver, or less than a piece of silver ; and these 
are the accounts of thy expenses, and of thy original property, 
When 'Ali Nur-ed-Din heard these words, he hung down 
his head towards the ground, and exclaimed, There is no 
strength nor power but in God ! And the man who had 
followed him secretly to pry into his case, as soon as he heard 
what the steward told him, returned to his companions, and 
said to them, See what ye will do ; for 'Ali Nur-ed-Din hath 
become a bankrupt. So when Nur-ed-Din returned to them, 
grief appeared to them in his countenance, and immediately 
one of them rose, and, looking towards him, said to him, 
my master, I desire that thou wouldst permit me to depart. — 
Why thus depart to-day? said Nur-ed-Din. His guest an- 
swered, My wife is to give birth to a child this night, and it 
is impossible for me to be absent from her : I desire, therefore, 
to go and see her. And he gave him leave. Then another 
rose, and said to him, O my master Nur-ed-Din, I desire 
to-day to visit my brother; for he celebrateth the circum- 
cision of his son. Thus each of them asked leave of him 
deceitfully, and went his way, until all had departed. 

So 'AH Nur-ed-Din remained alone; and he called his 
slave-girl, and said to her, O Enis-el-Jelis, seest thou not 
what hath befallen me? And he related to her what the 
steward had told him. She replied, O my master, for some 
nights past, I have been anxious to speak to thee of this 
affair ; but I heard thee reciting these two verses : — 

When fortune is liberal to thee, be thou liberal to all others before 
she escape from thee : 

For liberality will not annihilate thy wealth when she is favour- 
able; nor avarice preserve it when she deserteth thee. 

And when I heard thee repeat these words, I was silent, 
and would not make any remark to thee. — O Enis-el-Jelis, 
he rejoined, thou knowest that I have not expended my 


wealth but on my companions; and I do not think that they 
will abandon me without relief. — By Allah, said she, they 
will be of no use to thee. But he said, I will immediately 
arise and go to them, and knock at their doors; perhaps I 
shall obtain from them something which I will employ as 
a capital wherewith to trade, and I will cease from diversion 
and sport. So he arose instantly, and proceeded without 
stopping until he arrived at the by-street in which his ten 
companions resided; for they all lived in that same street: 
and he advanced to the first door, and knocked; and there 
came forth to him a slave-girl, who said to him, Who art 
thou ? He answered, Say to thy master, — ' AH Nur-ed-Din 
is standing at the door, and saith to thee, Thy slave kisseth 
thy hands, looking for a favour from thee. — And the girl 
entered and acquainted her master ; but he called out to her, 
saying, Return, and tell him, He is not here. — The girl, there- 
fore, returned to Nur-ed-Din, and said to him, My master, 
Sir, is not here. And he went on, saying within himself, If 
this is a knave, and hath denied himself, another is not. He 
then advanced to the next door, and said as he had before; 
and the second also denied himself; and Nur-ed-Din ex- 
claimed, — 

They are gone, who, if thou stoodest at their door, would bestow 
upon thee the bounty thou desirest. 

By Allah, he added, I must try all of them: perchance one 
of them may stand me in the place of all the others. And 
he went round to all the ten; but found not that one of them 
would open the door, or shew himself, or even order him a 
cake or bread ; and he recited the following verses : — 

A man in prosperity resembleth a tree, around which people flock 

as long as it hath fruit ; 
But as soon as it hath dropped all that it bore, they disperse from 

beneath it, and seek another. 
Perdition to all the people of this age ! for I find not one man of 

integrity among ten. 

He then returned to his slave: his anxiety had increased, 
and she said to him, O my master, said I not unto thee that 
they would not profit thee? — By Allah, he replied, not one 
of them shewed me his face. — O my master, rejoined she, 


sell of the movables of the house a little at a time, and 
expend the produce. And he did so until he had sold all 
that was in the house, and there remained nothing in his 
possession; and upon this he looked towards Enis-el-Jelis, 
and said to her, What shall we do now? — It is my advice, 
O my master, she answered, that thou arise immediately, 
and take me to the market, and sell me; for thou knowest 
that thy father purchased me for ten thousand pieces of gold, 
and perhaps God may open to thee a way to obtain a part 
of this price; and if God have decreed our reunion, we 
shall meet again. But he replied, O Enis-el-Jelis, it is not 
easy for me to endure thy separation for one hour. — Nor 
is the like easy to me, said she: but necessity is imperious. 
And upon this, he took Enis-el-Jelis, his tears flowing down 
his cheeks, and went and delivered her to the broker, saying 
to him, Know the value of that which thou art to cry for 
sale. — O my master Nur-ed-Din, replied the broker, noble 
qualities are held in remembrance. Is she not Enis-el-Jelis, 
whom thy father purchased of me for ten thousand pieces of 
gold? — He answered, Yes. And the broker thereupon went 
to the merchants; but he found that they had not all yet 
assembled; so he waited until the rest had come; and the 
market was filled with all varieties of female slaves, Turkish 
and Greek and Circassian and Georgian and Abyssinian ; 
and when he beheld its crowded state, he arose and exclaimed, 
O merchants ! O possessors of wealth ! everything that is 
round is not a nut; nor is everything long, a banana; nor 
is everything that is red, meat ; nor is everything white, fat ; 
nor is everything that is ruddy, wine; nor is everything 
tawny, a date! O merchants! this precious pearl, whose 
value no money can equal, with what sum will ye open the 
bidding for her? — And one of the merchants answered, 
With four thousand and five hundred pieces of gold. 

But, lo, the Wezir El-Mo'in the son of Sawi was in the 
market, and, seeing 'Ali Nur-ed-Din standing there, he said 
within himself, What doth he want here, having nothing left 
wherewith to purchase female slaves? Then casting his 
eyes around, and hearing the broker as he stood crying in 
the market with the merchants around him, he said within 
himself, I do not imagine anything else than that he hath 


become a bankrupt, and come forth with the slave-girl to 
sell her ; and if this be the case, how pleasant to my heart ! 
He then called the crier, who approached him, and kissed 
the ground before him; and the Wezir said to him, I desire 
this female slave whom thou art crying for sale. The broker, 
therefore, being unable to oppose his wish, brought the slave 
and placed her before him ; and when he beheld her, and con- 
sidered her charms, her elegant figure and her soft speech, he 
was delighted with her, and said to the broker. To what has 
the bidding for her amounted ? The broker answered, Four 
thousand and five hundred pieces of gold. And as soon as 
the merchants heard this, not one of them could bid another 
piece of silver or of gold ; but all of them drew back, knowing, 
the tyrannical conduct of that Wezir. El-Mo'in the son of 
Sawi then looked towards the broker, and said to him, Why 
standest thou still? Take away the slave-girl for me at the 
price of four thousand and five hundred pieces of gold, and 
thou wilt have five hundred for thyself. — So the broker went 
to 'Ali Nur-ed-Din, and said to him, O my master, the slave- 
girl is lost to thee without price. — How so? said Nur-ed-Din. 
The broker answered, We opened the bidding for her at four 
thousand and five hundred pieces of gold; but this tyrant 
El-Mo'in the son of Sawi came into the market, and when he 
beheld the damsel she pleased him, and he said to me, Ask 
her owner if he will agree for four thousand pieces of gold, 
and five hundred for thee : — and I doubt not but he knoweth 
that the slave belongeth to thee; and if he give thee her 
price immediately, it will be through the goodness of God; 
but I know, from his injustice, that he will write thee an 
order upon some of his agents for the money, and then send 
to them and desire them to give thee nothing; and every 
time that thou shalt go to demand it of them, they will say to 
thee, To-morrow we will pay thee : — and they will not cease 
to promise thee, and to defer from day to day, notwith- 
standing thy pride; and when they are overcome by thy 
importunity they will say, Give us the written order: — and 
as soon as they have received the paper from thee they will 
tear it in pieces: so thou wilt lose the price of the slave. 

When Nur-ed-Din, therefore, heard these words of the 
broker, he said to him, What is to be done? The broker 


answered, I will give thee a piece of advice, and if thou 
receive it from me, thou will have better fortune. — What is 
it ? Asked Nur-ed-Din. — That thou come to me immediately, 
answered the broker, while I am standing in the midst of the 
market, and take the slave-girl from me, and give her a blow 
with thy hand, and say to her, Wo to thee ! I have expiated 
my oath that I swore, and brought thee to the market, be- 
cause I swore to thee that thou shouldst be exposed in the 
market, and that the broker should cry thee for sale. — If 
thou do this, perhaps the trick will deceive him and the 
people, and they will believe that thou tookest her not to the 
market but to expiate the oath. — This, replied Nur-ed-Din, 
is the right counsel. So the broker returned into the midst 
of the market, and, taking hold of the hand of the slave-girl, 
made a sign to the Wezir El-Mo'in the son of Sawi, saying, O 
my lord, this is her owner who hath just come. Then 'Ali 
Nur-ed-Din advanced to the broker, and tore the damsel from 
him, and struck her with his hand, saying to her, Wo to thee ! 
I have brought thee to the market for the sake of expiating 
my oath. Go home, and disobey me not again. I want not 
thy price, that I should sell thee; and if I sold the furniture 
of the house and everything else of the kind over and over 
again, their produce would not amount to thy price. — But 
when El-Mo'in the son of Sawi, beheld Nur-ed-Din, he said to 
him, Wo to thee! Hast thou anything left to be sold or 
bought? — And he would have laid violent hands upon him. 
The merchants then looked towards Nur-ed-Din (and they 
all loved him), and he said to them, Here am I before you, 
and ye have all known his tyranny. — By Allah, exclaimed 
the Wezir, were it not for you, I had killed him ! Then all of 
them made signs, one to another, with the eye, and said, Not 
one of us will interfere between thee and him. And upon 
this, 'Ali Nur-ed-Din went up to the Wezir, the son of 
Sawi (and Nur-ed-Din was a man of courage), and he 
dragged the Wezir from his saddle, and threw him upon 
the ground. There was at that spot a kneading-place for 
mud, 1 and the Wezir fell into the midst of it, and Nur-ed- 

1 By this is meant, a place where mud was kneaded to be employed in 
building. The mortar generally used in the construction of Arab houses 
is composed of mud in the proportion of one-half, with a fourth part of 
lime, and the remaining part of the ashes of straw and rubbish. 


Din beat him with his fist, and a blow fell upon his teeth, 
by which his beard became dyed with his blood. Now there 
were with the Wezir ten memluks, and when they saw Nur- 
ed-Din treat their master in this manner, they put their hands 
upon the hilts of their swords, and would have fallen upon 
him and cut him in pieces ; but the people said to them, This 
is a Wezir, and this is the son of a Wezir, and perhaps they 
may make peace with each other, and ye will incur the anger 
of both of them; or perhaps a blow may fall upon your 
master, and ye will all of you die the most ignominious of 
deaths : it is advisable, therefore, that ye interfere not be- 
tween them. — And when 'Ali Nur-ed-Din had ceased from 
beating the Wezir, he took his slave-girl and returned to his 

The Wezir, the son of Sawi, then immediately arose, and 
his dress, which before was white, was now dyed with three 
colours, the colour of mud, and the colour of blood, and the 
colour of ashes; and when he beheld himself in this con- 
dition, he took a round mat, and hung it to his neck, and 
took in his hand two bundles of coarse grass, and went and 
stood beneath the palace of the Sultan, and cried out, O 
King of the age ! I am oppressed ! — So they brought him 
before the King, who looked at him attentively, and saw 
mat he was his Wezir, El-Mo'in the son of Sawi. He said, 
therefore, Who hath done thus unto thee? — and the Wezir 
cried and moaned, and repeated these two verses : — 

Shall fortune oppress me while thou existest; and the dogs devour 

me when thou art a lion? 
Shall all else who are dry drink freely from thy tanks, and I thirst 

in thine asylum when thou art as rain? 

— O my lord, he continued, thus is every one who loveth 
thee and serveth thee: these afflictions always befall him. — 
And who, said the King again, hath done thus unto thee? 
— Know, answered the Wezir, that I went forth to-day to 
the market of the female slaves with the idea of buying a 
cook-maid, and saw in the market a slave-girl the like of 
whom I had never in my life beheld, and the broker said that 
she belonged to 'Ali Nur-ed-Din. Now our lord the Sultan 
had given his father ten thousand pieces of gold to buy for 
him with it a beautiful female slave, and he bought that 


girl, and she pleased him; so he gave her to his son; and 
when his father died, the son pursued the path of prodigality, 
until he sold all his houses and gardens and utensils; and 
when he had become a bankrupt, nothing else remaining in 
his possession, he took the slave-girl to the market to sell her, 
and delivered her to the broker : so he cried her for sale, and 
the merchants continued bidding for her until her price 
amounted to four thousand pieces of gold; whereupon I 
said to myself, I will buy this for our lord the Sultan; for 
her original price was from him. I therefore said, O my 
son, receive her price, four thousand pieces of gold. But 
when he heard my words, he looked at me and replied, O 
ill-omened old man ! I will sell her to the Jews and the 
Christians rather than to thee. — I then said to him, I would 
not buy her for myself, but for our lord the Sultan, who is 
our benefactor. As soon, however, as he had heard these 
words from me, he was filled with rage, and dragged me 
and threw me down from the horse, notwithstanding my 
advanced age, and beat me, and ceased not to do so until 
he left me in the state in which thou seest me. Nothing 
exposed me to all this ill treatment but my coming to pur- 
chase this slave-girl for your majesty. — The Wezir then 
threw himself upon the ground, and lay weeping and 

Now when the Sultan beheld his condition, and had heard 
his speech, the vein of anger swelled between his eyes, and 
he looked towards the members of his court who were attend- 
ing him; whereupon forty swordsmen stood before him, 
and he said to them, Descend immediately to the house 
of 'Ali the son of El-Fadl the son of Khakan, and plunder 
it and demolish it, and bring hither him and the slave-girl 
with their hands bound behind them: drag them along upon 
their faces, and so bring them before me. They replied, 
we hear and obey: — and went forth to repair to the house 
of 'AH Nur-ed-Din. But there was in the court of the Sultan 
a chamberlain named 'Alam-ed-in Senjer, who had been 
one of the memluks of El-Fadl the son of Khakan, the father 
of 'Ali Nur-ed-Din; and when he heard the order of the 
Sultan, and saw the enemies prepared to slay his master's 
son, it was insupportable to him; so he mounted his horse, 


and proceeded to the house of 'AH Nur-ed-Din, and knocked 
at the door. Nur-ed-Din came forth to him, and, when he 
saw him, knew him, and would have saluted him; but he 
said, O my master, this is not a time for salutation, nor for 
talking. Nur-ed-Din said, O 'Alam-ed-Din, what is the 
news ? He replied, Save thyself by flight, thou and the slave- 
girl; for El-Mo'in the son of Sawi hath set up a snare for 
you, and if ye fall into his hands he will slay you: the Sultan 
hath sent to you forty swordsmen, and it is my advice that 
ye fly before the evil fall upon you. Then Senjer stretched 
forth his hand to Nur-ed-Din with some pieces of gold, and 
he counted them, and found them to be forty pieces; and 
he said, O my master, receive these, and if I had with me 
more, I would give it thee; but this is not a time for ex- 
postulating. And upon this, Nur-ed-Din went in to the 
damsel, and acquainted her with the occurrence, and she 
was confounded. 

The two then went forth immediately from the city, and 
God let down, the veil of his protection upon them, and they 
proceeded to the bank of the river, where they found a 
vessel ready to sail: the master was standing in the midst 
of it, and saying, He who hath anything to do, whether 
leave-taking or procuring provisions, or who hath forgotten 
aught, let him do what he desireth and return; for we are 
going. And they all replied, We have nothing remaining 
to do, O master. So, upon this, the master said to his crew, 
Quick! Loose the rope's end, and pull up the stake. — And 
'Ali Nur-ed-Din exclaimed, Whither, O master? He an- 
swered, To the abode of Peace, Baghdad. And Nur-ed-Din 
embarked, and the damsel with him, and they set the vessel 
afloat, and spread the sails and it shot along like a bird 
with its pair of wings, carrying them forward with a favour- 
able wind. 

Meanwhile, the forty men whom the Sultan had sent 
came to the house of 'Ali Nur-ed-Din, and broke open the 
doors and entered, and searched all the chambers, but with- 
out success; so they demolished the house, and returned, 
and acquainted the Sultan, who said, Search for them in 
every place where they may be: — and they replied, We 
hear and obey. The Wezir El-Mo'in the son of Sawi then 


descended to his house, after the Sultan had invested him 
with a robe of honour, and had said to him, None shall take 
Vengeance for thee but myself. And he greeted the King 
with a prayer for long life, and his heart was set at ease: 
and the Sultan gave orders to proclaim throughout the city, 
O all ye people! our lord the Sultan hath commanded that 
whoever shall meet with 'Ali Nur-ed-Din, and bring him to 
the Sultan, shall be invested with a robe of honour, and he 
will give him a thousand pieces of gold; and he who shall 
conceal him, or know where he is, and not give information 
thereof, will merit the exemplary punishment that shall befall 
him ! So all the people began to search for him ; but could 
not trace him. — Such was the case with these people. 

Now as to 'Ali Nur-ed-Din and his slave, they arrived 
in safety at Baghdad, and the master of the vessel said to 
them, This is Baghdad, and it is a city of security: winter 
with its cold hath departed from it, and the spring-quarter 
hath come with its roses, and its trees are in blossom, and 
its waters are flowing. And upon this, 'Ali Nur-ed-Din 
landed with his slave-girl, and gave the master five pieces 
of gold. They then walked a little way, and destiny cast 
them among the gardens, and they came to a place which 
they found swept and sprinkled, with long mastabahs, and 
pots suspended filled with water, and over it was a covering 
of trellis-work of canes extending along the whole length of 
a lane, at the upper end of which was the gate of a garden, 
but this was shut. And Nur-ed-Din said to the damsel, By 
Allah, this is a pleasant place ! — and she replied, O my mas- 
ter, let us sit down a while upon one of these mastabahs. 
So they mounted and seated themselves there, and they 
washed their faces and hands, and enjoyed the current of 
the zephyr, and slept. — Glory be to Him who sleepeth not ! 

This garden was called the Garden of Delight, and in it 
was a palace called the Palace of Diversion, and it belonged 
to the Khalifeh Harun Er-Rashid, who, when his heart was 
contracted, used to come to this garden, and enter the palace 
above mentioned, and there sit. The palace had eighty lat- 
ticed windows, and eighty lamps were suspended in it, and 
in the midst of it was a great candlestick of gold ; and when 
the Khalifeh entered it, he commanded the female slaves to 


open the windows, and ordered Ishak,the cup-companion, to 
sing with them: so his heart became dilated, and his anxiety 
ceased. There was a superintendent to the garden, an old 
man, named the sheykh Ibrahim; and it happened that he 
went forth once to transact some business, and found there 
persons diverting themselves with women of suspicious 
character, whereupon he was violently enraged, and having 
waited until the Khalifeh came thither some days after, he 
acquainted him with this occurrence, and the Khalifeh said, 
Whomsoever thou shalt find at the gate of the garden, do 
with him what thou wilt. Now on this day the sheykh 
Ibrahim went out to transact an affair of business, and found 
the two sleeping at the garden-gate, covered with a single 
izar; and he said, Do not these two persons know that the 
Khalifeh hath given me permission to kill every one whom 
I find here? But I will only give these two a slight beat- 
ing, that no one may again approach the gate of the garden. 
He then cut a green palm-stick, and went forth to them, 
and raised his hand until the whiteness of his arm-pit ap- 
peared, and was about to beat them; but he reflected in 
his mind, and said, O Ibrahim, how shouldst thou beat 
them when thou knowest not their case? They may be two 
strangers, or of the children of the road, 3 whom destiny 
hath cast here. I will therefore uncover their faces, and 
look at them. — So he lifted up the izar from their faces and 
said, These are two handsome persons, and it is not proper 
that I should beat them. And he covered their faces again, 
and, approaching the foot of 'AH Nur-ed-Din, began to rub 
it gently; whereupon Nur-ed-Din opened his eyes, and saw 
that he was an old man; and he blushed, and drew in his 
feet, and, sitting up, took the hand of the sheykh Ibrahim 
and kissed it ; and the sheykh said to him, O my son, whence 
are ye? — O my master, he answered, we are strangers. — 
And a tear gushed from his eye. The sheykh Ibrahim then said 
to him, O my son, know that the Prophet (God bless and 
save him!) hath enjoined generosity to the stranger. Wilt 
thou not arise, O my son, and enter the garden, and divert 
thyself in it, that thy heart may be dilated? — O my master, 
said Nur-ed-Din, to whom doth this garden belong? The 

* Wayfarers. 


sheykh answered, O my son, this garden I inherited from 
my family. And his design in saying this was only that 
they might feel themselves at ease, and enter the garden. 
And when Nur-ed-Din heard his words, he thanked him, 
and arose, together with his slave, and, the sheykh Ibrahim 
preceding them, they entered the garden. 

The gate was arched, and over it were vines with grapes 
of different colours; the red, like rubies; and the black, 
like ebony. They entered a bower, and found within it 
fruits growing in clusters and singly, and the birds were 
warbling their various notes upon the branches: the night- 
ingale was pouring forth its melodious sounds; and the 
turtle-dove filled the place with its cooing; and the black- 
bird, in its singing, resembled a human being; and the 
ring-dove, a person exhilarated by wine. The fruits upon 
the trees, comprising every description that was good to eat, 
had ripened; and there were two of each kind: there were 
the camphor-apricot, and the almond-apricot, and the apricot 
of Khurasan; the plum of a colour like the complexion of 
beauties; the cherry delighting the sense of every man; the 
red, the white, and the green fig, of the most beautiful 
colours ; and flowers like pearls and coral ; the rose, whose 
redness put to shame the cheeks of the lovely; the violet, 
like sulphur in contact with fire; the myrtle, the gilliflower, 
the lavender, and the anemone; and their leaves were be- 
spangled with the tears of the clouds ; the chamomile smiled, 
displaying its teeth, and the narcissus looked at the rose 
with its negroes' eyes; the citrons resembled round cups; 
the limes were like bullets of gold; the ground was carpeted 
with flowers of every colour, and the place beamed with the 
charms of spring; the river murmured by while the birds 
sang, and the wind whistled among the trees; the season 
was temperate, and the zephyr was languishing. 

The sheykh Ibrahim conducted them into the elevated 
saloon, and they were charmed with its beauty and the 
extraordinary elegances which it displayed, and seated 
themselves in one of the windows; and Nur-ed-Din, reflect- 
ing upon his past entertainments, exclaimed, By Allah, this 
place is most delightful ! It hath reminded me of past 
events, and quenched in me an anguish like the fire of the 


ghada. — The sheykh Ibrahim then brought to them some 
food, and they ate to satisfaction, and washed their hands, 
and Nur-ed-Din, seating himself again in one of the windows, 
called to his slave, and she came to him; and they sat 
gazing at the trees laden with all kinds of fruits ; after which, 
Nur-ed-Din looked towards the sheykh, and said to him, O 
sheykh Ibrahim, hast thou not any beverage? For people 
drink after eating. — So the sheykh brought him some sweet 
and cold water : but Nur-ed-Din said, This is not the beverage 
I desire. — Dost thou want wine? asked the sheykh. — Yes, 
answered Nur-ed-Din. The sheykh exclaimed, I seek refuge 
with Allah from it! Verily, for thirteen years I have done 
nothing of that kind; for the Prophet (God bless and save 
him!) cursed its drinker and its presser and its carrier. — 
Hear from me two words, said Nur-ed-Din. The sheykh 
replied, Say what thou wilt. So he said, If thou be neither 
the presser of the wine, nor its drinker, nor its carrier, will 
aught of the curse fall upon thee? The sheykh answered, 
No. — Then take this piece of gold, rejoined Nur-ed-Din, 
and these two pieces of silver, and mount the ass, and halt 
at a distance from the place, and whatsoever man thou 
findest to buy it, call to him, and say to him, take these two 
pieces of silver, and with this piece of gold buy some wine, 
and place it upon the ass: — so, in this case, thou wilt be 
neither the carrier nor the presser, nor the buyer; and 
nothing will befall thee of that which befalleth the rest. 

The sheykh Ibrahim, after laughing at his words, replied, 
By Allah, I have never seen one more witty than thou, nor 
heard speech more sweet. And Nur-ed-Din said to him, 
We have become dependent upon thee, and thou hast 
nothing to do but to comply with our wishes: bring us, 
therefore, all that we require. — O my son, said the sheykh, 
my buttery here is before thee (and it was the store-room 
furnished for the Prince of the Faithful) : enter it then, and 
take from it what thou wilt; for it containeth more than 
thou desirest. So Nur-ed-Din entered the store-room, and 
beheld in it vessels of gold and silver and crystal, adorned 
with a variety of jewels; and he took out such of them as 
he desired, and poured the wine into the vessels of earthen- 
ware and bottles of glass; and he and the damsel began 


to drink, astonished at the beauty of the things which they 
beheld. The sheykh Ibrahim then brought to them sweet- 
scented flowers, and seated himself at a distance from them; 
and they continued drinking, in a state of the utmost de- 
light, until the wine took effect upon them, and their cheeks 
reddened, and their eyes wantoned like those of the gazelle, 
and their hair hung down : whereupon the sheykh Ibrahim 
said, What aileth me that I am sitting at a distance from 
them? Why should I not sit by them? And when shall I 
be in the company of such as these two, who are like two 
moons? — He then advanced, and seated hmself at the edge 
of the raised portion of the floor; and Nur-ed-Din said to 
him, O my master, by my life I conjure thee to approach 
and join us. So he went to them; and Nur-ed-Din filled 
a cup, and, looking at the sheykh, said to him, Drink, that 
thou mayest know how delicious is its flavour. But the 
sheykh Ibrahim exclaimed, I seek refuge with Allah ! 
Verily, for thirteen years I have done nothing of that kind. 
— And Nur-ed-Din, feigning to pay no attention to him, 
drank the cup, and threw himself upon the ground, pretend- 
ing that intoxication had overcome him. 

Upon this, Enis-el-Jelis looked towards the sheykh, and 
said to him, O sheykh Ibrahim, see how this man hath 
treated me. — O my mistress, said he, what aileth him? She 
rejoined, Always doth he treat me thus: he drinketh a 
while, and then sleepeth, and I remain alone, and find no 
one to keep me company over my cup. If I drink, who 
will serve me? And if I sing, who will hear me? — The 
sheykh, moved with tenderness and affection for her by her 
words, replied, It is not proper that a cup-companion be 
thus. The damsel then filled a cup, and, looking at the 
sheykh Ibrahim, said to him, I conjure thee by my life 
that thou take it and drink it; reject it not, but accept it, 
and refresh my heart. So he stretched forth his hand, and 
took the cup, and drank it; and she filled for him a second 
time, and handed it to him, saying, O my master, this 
remaineth for thee. He replied, By Allah, I cannot drink 
it: that which I have drunk is enough for me. But she 
said, By Allah, it is indispensable: — and he took the cup, 
and drank it. She then gave him the third; and he took 


it, and was about to drink it, when lo, Nur-ed-Din, raised 
himself, and said to him, O sheykh Ibrahim, what is this? 
Did I not conjure thee a while ago, and thou refusedst, and 
saidst, Verily, for thirteen years I have not done it? — The 
sheykh Ibrahim, touched with shame, replied, By Allah, I am 
not in fault; for she pressed me. And Nur-ed-Din laughed, 
and they resumed their carousal, and the damsel, turning 
her eyes towards her master, said to him, O my master, 
drink thou, and do not urge the sheykh Ibrahim; that I 
may divert thee with the sight of him. So she began to fill 
and to hand to her master, and her master filled and gave 
to her, and thus they continued to do, time after time; till 
at length the sheykh Ibrahim looked towards them and 
said, What meaneth this? And what sort of carousal is 
this? Wherefore do ye not give me to drink, since I have 
become your cup-companion? — At this they both laughed 
until they became almost senseless; and then drank, and 
gave him to drink; and they continued thus until the ex- 
piration of a. third of the night, when the damsel said, O 
sheykh Ibrahim, with thy permission shall I rise and light 
one of the candles which are arranged here? — Rise, he 
answered; but light not more than one candle. But she 
sprang upon her feet, and, beginning with the first candle, 
proceeded until she had lighted eighty. She then sat down 
again; and presently Nur-ed-Din said, O sheykh Ibrahim, 
in what favour am I held with thee? Wilt thou not allow 
me to light one of these lamps? — The sheykh answered, 
Arise, and light one lamp, and be not thou also trouble- 
some. So he arose, and, beginning with the first lamp, 
lighted all the eighty; and the saloon seemed to dance. 
And after this, the sheykh Ibrahim, overcome by intoxica- 
tion, said to them, Ye are more frolicsome than I: — and 
he sprang upon his feet, and opened all the windows, and 
sat down again with them, and they continued carousing 
and reciting verses; and the place rang with their 

Now God, the All-seeing and All-knowing, who hath ap- 
pointed a cause to every event, had decreed that the Khali f eh 
should be sitting that night at one of the windows looking 
towards the Tigris, by moonlight; and he looked in that 



direction, and saw the light of lamps and candles reflected in 
the river, and, turning his eyes up towards the palace in the 
.garden, he beheld it beaming with those candles and lamps, 
and exclaimed, Bring hither to me Ja'far El-Barmeki ! In 
the twinkling of an eye, Ja'far stood before the Prince of 
the Faithful; and the Khalifeh said to him, O dog of Wezirs, 
dost thou serve me and not acquaint me with what hap- 
peneth in the city of Baghdad? — What, asked Ja'far, is the 
occasion of these words? The Khalifeh answered, If the 
city of Baghdad were not taken from me, the Palace of 
Diversion were not enlivened with the light of the lamps 
and candles, and its windows were not opened. Wo to thee ! 
Who could do these things unless the office of Khalifeh were 
taken from me? — Who, said Ja'far (the muscles of his side 
quivering from fear), informed thee that the lamps and 
candles were lighted in the Palace of Diversion, and that 
its windows were opened? The Khalifeh replied, Advance 
hither to me, and look. So Ja'far approached the Khalifeh, 
and, looking towards the garden, beheld the palace as it were 
a flame of fire, its light surpassing that of the moon. He de- 
sired, therefore, to make an excuse for the sheykh Ibrahim, 
the superintendent, thinking, from what he beheld, that the 
event might have occurred through his permission: and ac- 
cordingly he said, O Prince of the Faithful, the sheykh 
Ibrahim last week said to me, O my master Ja'far, I am de- 
sirous of entertaining my children during my life and the 
life of the Prince of the Faithful. — And what, said I, is thy 
design in saying this ? He answered, It is my wish that thou 
wouldst obtain for me permission from the Khalifeh that I 
may celebrate' the circumcision of my sons in the palace. So 
I said, Do what thou wilt with respect to the entertainment 
of thy sons, and, if God will, I shall have an interview with 
the Khalifeh, and will acquaint him with it. And he left me 
thus; and I forgot to acquaint thee. — O Ja'far, said the 
Khalifeh, thou wast guilty of one offence against me, and 
then thine offence became two: for thou hast erred in two 
points: the first, thy not acquainting me with this affair; 
and the second, thy not accomplishing the desire of the 
sheykh Ibrahim; for he did not come to thee and address 
thee with these words but to hint a request for some money 


by the aid of which to effect his design, and thou neither 
gavest him anything nor acquaintedst me that I might give 
him. — Prince of the Faithful, replied Ja'far, I forgot. 

The Khalifeh then said, By my forefathers, I will not 
pass the remainder of my night but with him, for he is a 
just man, who frequenteth the sheykhs, and attendeth to the 
poor, and favoureth the indigent; and I imagine all his ac- 
quaintances are with him this night: so I must repair to 
him: perhaps one of them may offer up for us a prayer 
productive of good to us in this world and the next; and 
probably some advantage may accrue to him from my 
presence, and he will receive pleasure from this, together 
with his friends. — O Prince of the Faithful, replied Ja'far, 
the greater part of the night hath passed, and they are now 
about to disperse. But the Khalifeh said, We must go to 
them. And Ja'far was silent, and was perplexed in his mind, 
not knowing what to do. So the Khalifeh rose upon his 
feet, and Ja'far rose and preceded him, and Mesrur the 
eunuch went with them. The three walked on reflecting, 
and, departing from the palace, proceeded through the 
streets, in the attire of merchants, until they arrived at the 
gate of the garden above mentioned; and the Khalifeh, ap- 
proaching it, found it open; and he was surprised, and said, 
See, O Ja'far, how the sheykh Ibrahim hath left the gate 
open until this hour, which is not his usual custom. They 
then entered, and came to the end of the garden, where they 
stopped beneath the palace; and the Khalifeh said, O Ja'far, 
I desire to take a view of them secretly before I go up to 
them, that I may see how the sheykhs are occupied in the 
dispensing of their blessings and the employment of their 
miraculous powers; for they have qualities which distinguish 
them both in their private retirements and in their public 
exercises; and now we hear not their voices, nor discover 
any indication of their presence. Having thus said, he 
looked around, and, seeing a tall walnut-tree, he said, O 
Ja'far, I would climb this tree (for its branches are near 
to the windows) and look at them. And accordingly he 
ascended the tree, and climbed from branch to branch until 
he came ito that which was opposite to one of the windows, 
and there he sat, and, looking in through this window of 


the palace, beheld a damsel and a young man, like two moons 
(extolled be the perfection of Him who created them !) ; and 
he saw the sheykh Ibrahim sitting with a cup in his hand, 
and saying, O mistress of beauties, drinking unaccompanied 
by merry sounds is not pleasant. Hast thou not heard the 
saying of the poet? — 

Circulate it in the large cup, and in the small; and receive it from 

the hand of the shining moon ; 4 
And drink not without merry sounds ; for I have observed that 

horses drink to the sound of whistling. 

When the Khalifeh witnessed this conduct of the sheykh 
Ibrahim, the vein of anger swelled between his eyes, and he 
descended, and said, O Ja'far, I have never seen anything of 
the miraculous performances of the just such as I have be- 
held this night : ascend, therefore, thyself also, into this tree, 
and look, lest the blessings of the just escape thee. — On 
hearing the words of the Prince of the Faithful, Ja'far was 
perplexed at his situation; and he climbed up into the tree, 
and looked, and saw Nur-ed-Din and the sheykh Ibrahim and 
the damsel, and the sheykh Ibrahim had the cup in his hand. 
As soon as he beheld this, he made sure of destruction ; and 
he descended, and stood before the Prince of the Faithful, 
and the Khalifeh said, O Ja'far, praise be to God who hath 
made us to be of the number of those who follow the ex- 
ternal ordinances of the holy law, and averted from us the 
sin of disguising ourselves by the practice of hypocrisy ! 
But Ja'far was unable to reply, from his excessive confusion. 
The Khalifeh then looked towards him, and said, Who can 
have brought these persons hither, and admitted them into 
my palace? But the like of this young man and this damsel, 
in beauty and loveliness and symmetry of form, mine eye 
hath never beheld. — Ja'far, now conceiving a hope that the 
Khalifeh might be propitiated, replied, Thou hast spoken 
truly, O Prince of the Faithful. And the Khalifeh said, O 
Ja'far, climb up with us upon this branch which is opposite 
them, that we may amuse ourselves by observing them. So 
they both climbed up into the tree, and, looking at them, 
heard the sheykh Ibrahim say, O my mistress, I have re- 

4 The cupbearer. 


linquished decorum by the drinking of wine ; but the pleasure 
of this is not complete without the melodious sounds of 
stringed instruments. — O sheykh Ibrahim, replied Enis-el- 
Jelis, by Allah, if we had any musical instrument, our happi- 
ness were perfect. And when the sheykh Ibrahim heard her 
words, he rose upon his feet. — The Khalifeh said to Ja'far, 
What may he be going to do? Ja'far replied, I know not. — 
And the sheykh Ibrahim went away, and returned with a lute ; 
and the Khalifeh, looking attentively at it, saw that it was 
the lute of Ishak the cup-companion; and said, By Allah, if 
this damsel sing not well, I will crucify you all; but if she 
sing well, I will pardon them, and crucify thee. So Ja'far 
said, O Allah, let her not sing well ! — Why ? asked the Kha- 
lifeh. — That thou mayest crucify all of us, answered Ja'far; 
and then we shall cheer one another by conversation. And 
the Khalifeh laughed : and the damsel took the lute, and tuned 
its strings, and played upon it in a manner that would melt 
iron, and inspire an idiot with intellect ; after which she sang 
with such sweetness that the Khalifeh exclaimed, O Ja'far, 
never in my life have I heard so enchanting a voice as this ! 
— Perhaps, said Ja'far, the anger of the Khalifeh hath de- 
parted from him? — Yea, he answered; it hath departed. He 
then descended with Ja'far from the tree, and, looking 
towards him, said, I am desirous of going up to them, to 
sit with them, and to hear the damsel sing before me. — O 
Prince of the Faithful, replied Ja'far, if thou go up to them, 
probably they will be troubled by thy presence ; and as to the 
sheykh Ibrahim, he will assuredly die of fear. The Khalifeh 
therefore said, O Ja'far, thou must acquaint me with some 
stratagem by means of which I may learn the truth of the 
affair without their knowing that I have discovered them. 
And he and Ja'far walked towards the Tigris, reflecting upon 
this matter; and lo, a fisherman stood. beneath the windows of 
the palace, and he threw his net, hoping to catch something 
by means of which to obtain his subsistence. — Now the Kha- 
lifeh had, on a former occasion, called to the sheykh Ibra- 
him, and said to him, What was that noise that I heard 
beneath the windows of the palace? — and he answered, The 
voices of the fishermen, who are fishing: — so he said, Go 
down and forbid them from coming to this place. They were 


therefore forbidden to come thither; but this night there 
came a fisherman named Kerim, and, seeing the garden-gate 
open, he said within himself, This is a time of inadvertence, 
and perhaps I may catch some fish on this occasion: — so he 
took his net, and threw it into the river, and then recited 
some verses, contrasting the condition of the poor fisherman, 
toiling throughout the night, with that of the lord of the 
palace, who, awaking from a pleasant slumber, findeth the 
fawn in his possession ; and as soon as he had finished his 
recitation, lo, the Khali f eh, unattended, stood at his head. 
The Khalifeh knew him, and exclaimed, O Kerim ! — and the 
fisherman, hearing him call him by his name, turned towards 
him; and when he beheld the Khalifeh, the muscles of his 
side quivered, and he said, By Allah, O Prince of the Faith- 
ful, I did not this in mockery of the mandate; but poverty 
and the wants of my family impelled me to the act of which 
thou art witness. The Khalifeh replied, Throw thy net for 
my luck. And the fisherman advanced, rejoicing exceedingly, 
and cast the net, and, having waited until it had attained its 
limit and become steady at the bottom, drew it in again, and 
there came up in it a variety of fish that could not be 

The Khalifeh was delighted at this, and said, O Kerim, 
strip off thy clothes: — and he did so. He was clad in a 
jubbeh 6 in which were a hundred patches of coarse woollen 
stuff, containing vermin of the most abominable kind, and 
among them fleas in such numbers that he might almost have 
been transported by their means over the face of the earth; 
and he took from his head a turban which for three years 
he had never unwound; but when he happened to find a 
piece of rag he twisted it around it : and when he had taken 
off the jubbeh and the turban, the Khalifeh pulled off from his 
own person two vests of silk of Alexandria and Ba'lbekk, and 
a melwatah 6 and a farajiyeh, and said to the fisherman, Take 
these, and put them on. The Khalifeh then put on himself 
the fisherman's jubbeh and turban, and, having drawn a 
litham 7 over his face, said to the fisherman, Go about thy 

8 A long outer coat with sleeves nearly reaching to the wrist. 

•A jubbeh or dress of costly material. 

* [The Bedawi muffler, made by the end of the head-kerchief.] 


business; — and he kissed the feet of the Khalifeh, and 
thanked him, reciting these two verses: — 

Thou hast granted me favours beyond my power to acknowledge, 

and completely satisfied all my wants. 
I will thank thee, therefore, as long as I live, and when I die my 

bones will thank thee in their grave. 

But scarcely had he finished his verses, when the vermin over- 
ran the person of the Khalifeh, and he began to seize them 
with his right hand and his left from his neck, and to throw 
them down ; and he exclaimed, O fisherman, wo to thee ! 
What are these abundant vermin in this jubbeh? — O my lord, 
he answered, at present they torment thee; but when a week 
shall have passed over thee, thou wilt not feel them, nor think 
of them. The Khalifeh laughed, and said to him, How can 
I suffer this jubbeh to remain upon me? The fisherman re- 
plied, I wish to tell thee something; but I am ashamed, 
through my awe of the Khalifeh. — Impart, said the Khalifeh, 
what thou hast to tell me. So he said to him, It hath oc- 
curred to my mind, O Prince of the Faithful, that thou de- 
sirest to learn the art of fishing, in order that thou mayest 
be master of a trade that may profit thee; and if such be 
thy desire, this jubbeh is suitable to thee. And the Khalifeh 
laughed at his words. 

The fisherman then went his way, and the Khalifeh took 
the basket of fish, and, having put upon it a little grass, went 
with it to Ja'far, and stood before him; and Ja'far, thinking 
that he was Kerim the fisherman, feared for him, and said, 
O Kerim, what brought thee hither? Save thyself by flight; 
for the Khalifeh is here this night. — And when the Khalifeh 
heard the words of Ja'far, he laughed until he fell down 
upon his back. So Ja'far said, Perhaps thou art our lord the 
Prince of the Faithful? — Yes, O Ja'far, answered the Kha- 
lifeh, and thou art my Wezir, and I came with thee hither, 
and thou knowest me not. How then should the sheykh 
Ibrahim know me when he is drunk? Remain where thou art 
until I return to thee. — Ja'far replied, I hear and obey: — and 
the Khalifeh advanced to the door of the palace, and knocked. 
The sheykh Ibrahim arose, therefore, and said, Who is at the 
door ? He answered, I, O sheykh Ibrahim. The sheykh said, 
Who art thou? — and the Khalifeh answered, I am Kerim the 


fisherman : I heard that there were guests with thee, and have 
therefore brought thee some fish ; for it is excellent. — Now 
Nur-ed-Din and the damsel were both fond of fish, and when 
they heard the mention of it they rejoiced exceedingly, and 
said, O my master, open to him, and let him come in to us 
with the fish which he hath brought. So the sheykh Ibrahim 
opened the door, and the Khalifeh, in his fisherman's disguise, 
entered, and began by salutation; and the sheykh Ibrahim 
said to him, Welcome to the robber, the thief, the gambler ! 
Come hither, and shew us the fish which thou hast brought. 
■ — He therefore shewed it to them; and lo, it was alive, and 
moving; and the damsel exclaimed, By Allah, O my master, 
this fish is excellent ! I wish it were fried ! — By Allah, said 
the sheykh Ibrahim, thou hast spoken truth. Then, address- 
ing the Khalifeh, he said, O fisherman, I wish thou hadst 
brought this fish fried. Arise, and fry it for us, and bring 
it. — On the head be thy commands, replied the Khalifeh: I 
will fry it, and bring it. — Be quick, said they, in doing it. 

The Khalifeh therefore arose and ran back to Ja'far, and 
said, O Ja'far, they want the fish fried. — O Prince of the 
Faithful, replied he, give it me, and I will fry it. But the 
Khalifeh said, By the tombs of my ancestors, none shall fry 
it but myself: with my own hand will I do it! He then 
repaired to the hut of the superintendent, and, searching 
there, found in it everything that he required, the frying- 
pan, and even the salt, and wild marjoram, and other things. 
So he approached the fire-place, and put on the frying-pan, 
and fried it nicely; and when it was done, he put it upon a 
banana-leaf, and, having taken from the garden some limes, 
he went up with the fish, and placed it before them. The 
young man, therefore, and the damsel and the sheykh Ibra- 
him advanced and ate; and when they had finished, they 
washed their hands, and Nur-ed-Din said, By Allah, O fisher- 
man, thou hast done us a kindness this night. Then putting 
his hand into his pocket, he took forth for him three pieces 
of gold, of those which Senjer had presented to him when 
he was setting forth on his journey, and said, O fisherman, 
excuse me; for, by Allah, if I had known thee before the 
events that have lately happened to me, I would have ex- 
tracted the bitterness of poverty from thy heart; but take 


this as accordant with my present circumstances. So saying, 
he threw the pieces of gold to the Khalifeh, who took them, 
and kissed them, and put them in his pocket. The object of the 
Khalifeh in doing this was only that he might hear the damsel 
sing: so he said to him, Thou hast treated me with benefi- 
cence, and abundantly recompensed me ; but I beg of thy un- 
bounded indulgence that this damsel may sing an air, that I 
may hear her. Nur-ed-Din therefore said, O Enis-el-Jelis ! 
She replied, Yes. — By my life, said he, sing to us something 
for the gratification of this fisherman; for he desireth to 
hear thee. And when she had heard what her master said, 
she took the lute, and tried it with her fingers, after she had 
twisted its pegs, and sang to it these two verses : — 

The fingers of many a fawn-like damsel have played upon the lute, 
and the soul hath been ravished by the touch. 

She hath made the deaf to hear her songs ; and the dumb hath 
exclaimed, Thou hast excelled in thy singing ! 

Then she played again, in an extraordinary manner, so as 
to charm the minds of her hearers, and sang the following 
couplet : — 

We are honoured by your visiting our abode, and your splendour 
hath dispelled the darkness of the moonless night : 

It is therefore incumbent upon me to perfume my dwelling with 
musk and rosewater and camphor. 

Upon this, the Khalifeh was affected with violent emotion,