Vol 14: The Classics - Part 2

showed me the house, and recounted to me all that befel at 
the daughter's marriage, being a thing so public and known 
in the city, as men made meetings of purpose to discourse 

'He said to me that the very night wherein Don Fernando 
was espoused to Lucinda, after she had given her consent to 
be his wife, she was instantly assailed by a terrible acci- 
dent that struck her into a trance, and her spouse approach- 
ing to unclasp her bosom that she might take the air, found 
a paper folded in it, written with Lucinda's own hand, 
wherein she said and declared that she could not be Don 
Fernando's wife, because she was already Cardenio's, who 
was, as the man told me, a very principal gentleman of the 
same city ; and that if she had given her consent to Don 
Fernando, it was only done because she would not disobey her 
parents. In conclusion, he told me that the paper made also 
mention how she had a resolution to kill herself presently 
after the marriage, and did also lay down therein the motives 
she had to do it; all which, as they say, was confirmed by a 
poniard that was found hidden about her in her apparel. 


Which Don Fernando perceiving, presuming that Lucinda did 
flout him, and hold him in little account^ he set upon her ere 
she was come to herself, and attempted to kill her with the 
very same poniard, and had done it, if her father and other 
friends which were present had not opposed themselves and 
hindered his determination. Moreover, they reported that 
presently after Don Fernando absented himself from the city, 
and that Lucinda turned not out of her agony until the 
next day, and then recounted to her parents how she was 
verily spouse to that Cardenio of whom we spake even now. 
I learned besides that Cardenio, as it is rumoured, was pres- 
ent at the marriage, and that as soon as he saw her married, 
being a thing he would never have credited, departed out of 
the city in a desperate mood, but first left behind him a let- 
ter, wherein he showed at large the wrong Lucinda had done 
to him, and that he himself meant to go to some place 
where people should never after hear of him. All this was 
notorious, and publicly bruited throughout the city, and every 
one spoke thereof, but most of all having very soon after 
understood that Lucinda was missing from her parents' house 
and the city, for she could not be found in neither of both; 
for which her parents were almost beside themselves, not 
knowing what means to use to find her. 

'These news reduced my hopes again to their ranks, and 
I esteemed it better to find Don Fernando unmarried than 
married, presuming that yet the gates of my remedy were 
not wholly shut, I giving myself to understand that Heaven 
had peradventure set that impediment on the second marriage 
to make him understand what he ought to the first, and to re- 
member how he was a Christian^ and that he was more 
obliged to his soul than to human respects. I revolved 
all these things in my mind, and comfortless did yet comfort 
myself, by feigning large yet languishing hopes, to sustain 
that life which I now do so much abhor. And whilst I 
stayed thus in the city, ignorant what I might do, seeing 
I found not Don Fernando, I heard a crier go about publicly, 
promising great rewards to any one that could find me out, 
giving signs of the very age and apparel I wore; and I like- 
wise heard it was bruited abroad that the youth which came 
with me had carried me away from my father's house — a 


thing that touched my soul very nearly, to view my credit 
so greatly wrecked, seeing that it was not sufficient to have 
lost it by my coming away, without the addition [of] him 
with whom I departed, being a subject so base and unworthy 
of my loftier thoughts. Having heard this cry, I departed 
out of the city with my servant, who even then began 
to give tokens that he faltered in the fidelity he had promised 
to me; and both of us together entered the very same night 
into the most hidden parts of this mountain, fearing lest we 
might be found. But, as it is commonly said that one evil 
calls on another, and that the end of one disaster is the 
beginning of a greater, so proved it with me ; for my good 
servant, until then faithful and trusty, rather incited by his 
villany than my beauty, thought to have taken the benefit of 
the opportunity which these inhabitable places offered, and 
solicited me of love, with little shame and less fear of God, 
or respect of myself; and now seeing that I answered his 
impudences with severe and reprehensive words, leaving the 
entreaties aside wherewithal he thought first to have com- 
passed his will, he began to use his force; but just Heaven, 
which seldom or never neglects the just man's assistance, 
did so favour my proceedings, as with my weak forces, and 
very little labour, I threw him down a steep rock, and there 
I left him, I know not whether alive or dead; and presently 
I entered in among these mountains with more swiftness than 
my fear and weariness required, having therein no other 
project or design than to hide myself in them, and shun my 
father and others, which by his entreaty and means sought for 
me everywhere. 

'Some months are past since my first coming here, where 
I found a herdman, who carried me to a village seated in 
the midst of these rocks, wherein he dwelt, and entertained 
me, whom I have served as a shepherd ever since, procur- 
ing as much as lay in me to abide still in the field, to cover 
these hairs which have now so unexpectedly betrayed me ; 
yet all my care and industry availed not, seeing my master 
came at last to the notice that I was no man, but a woman, 
which was an occasion that the like evil thought sprung in 
him as before in my servant; and as fortune gives not al- 
ways remedy for the difficulties which occur, I found neither 


rock nor downfall to cool and cure my master's infirmity, 
as I had done for my man, and therefore I accounted it a 
less inconvenience to depart thence, and hide myself again 
among these deserts, than to adventure the trial of my 
strength or reason v^ith him; therefore, as I say, I turned 
to imbosk myself, and search out some place where, without 
any encumbrance, I might entreat Heaven, with my sighs and 
tears, to have compassion on my mishap, and lend me in- 
dustry and favour, either to issue fortunately out of it, or 
else to die amidst these solitudes, not leaving any memory of 
a wretch, who hath ministered matter, although not through 
her own default, that men may speak and murmur of her, 
both in her own and in other countries.' 


Which Treats of the Discretion of the Beautiful Doro- 
thea, AND the Artificial Manner Used to Dissuade 
the Amorous Knight From Continuing His Penance; 
and How He Was Gotten Away; With Many Other 
Delightful and Pleasant Occurrences 

*f I ^HIS is, sirs, the true relation of my tragedy ; see 
I therefore, now, and judge, whether the sighs you 
-*- heard, the words to which you Hstened, and the tears 
that gushed out at mine eyes, have not had sufficient occasion 
to appear in greater abundance ; and, having considered 
the quahty of my disgrace, you shall perceive all comfort 
to be vain, seeing the remedy thereof is im.possible. Only 
I will request at your hands one favour, which you ought 
and may easily grant, and is, that you will address me unto 
some place where I may live secure from the fear and sus- 
picion I have to be found by those which I know do daily 
travel in my pursuit ; for although I am sure that my parents' 
great affection toward me doth warrant me to be kindly re- 
ceived and entertained by them, yet the shame is so great 
that possesseth me, only to think that I shall not return to 
their presence in that state which they expect, as I account 
it far better to banish myself from their sight for ever, than 
once to behold their face with the least suspicion that they 
again would behold mine, divorced from that honesty which 
whilom my modest behaviour promised.' Here she ended, 
and her face, suddenly overrun by a lovely scarlet, perspicu- 
ously denoted the feeling and bashfulne.'fs of her soul. 

The audients of her sad story felt great motions both of 
pity and admiration for her misfortunes; and although the 
curate thought to comfort and counsel her forthwith, yet was 
he prevented by Cardenio, who, taking her first by the hand, 
said at last, 'Lady, thou art the beautiful Dorothea, daughter 



unto rich Clenardo.' Dorothea rested admired when she 
heard her father's name, and saw of how little value he 
seemed who had named him, for we have already recounted 
how raggedly Cardenio was clothed ; and therefore she said 
unto him, 'And who art thou, friend, that knowest so well 
my father's name? for until this hour (if I have not forgotten 
myself) I did not once name him throughout the whole dis- 
course of my unfortunate tale.' 

*I am,' answered Cardenio, 'the unlucky knight whom 
Lucinda (as thou saidst) affirmed to be her husband. I am 
the disastrous Cardenio, whom the v/icked proceeding of him 
that hath also brought thee to those terms wherein thou art, 
hath conducted me to the state in which I am, and thou mayst 
behold — ragged, naked, abandoned by all human comfort, and, 
what is worse, void of sense, seeing I only enjoy it but at 
some few short times, and that when Heaven pleaseth to lend 
it me. I am he, Dorothea, that was present at Don Fer- 
nando's unreasonable wedding, and that heard the consent 
which Lucinda gave him to be his wife. I was he that had 
not the courage to stay and see the end of her trance, or 
what became of the paper found in her bosom ; for my soul 
had not power or sufferance to behold so many misfortunes 
at once, and therefore abandoned the place and my patience 
together, and only left a letter with mine host, whom I en- 
treated to deliver it into Lucinda her own hands, and then 
came into these deserts, with resolution to end in them my 
miserable life, which, since that hour, I have hated as my 
most mortal enemy; but fortune hath not pleased to deprive 
me of it, thinking it sufficient to have impaired my wit, per- 
haps reserving me for the good success befallen me now in 
finding of yourself; for, that being true (as I believe it is) 
which you have here discoursed, peradventure it may have 
reserved yet better hap for us both in our disasters than we 

'For, presupposing that Lucinda cannot marry with Don 
Fernando, because she is mine, nor Don Fernando with her, 
because yours, and that she hath declared so manifestly the 
same, we may well hope that Heaven hath means to restore to 
every one that which is his own, seeing it yet consists in 
being not made away or annihilated. And seeing this com- 


fort remains, not sprung from any very remote hope, nor 
founded on idle surmises, I request thee, fair lady, to take 
another -esolution in thine honourable thought, seeing I mean 
to do it in mine, and let us accommodate ourselves to ex- 
pect better success ; for I do vow unto thee, by the faith of a 
gentleman and Christian, not to forsake thee until I see thee 
in Don Fernando's possession; and when I shall not, by rea- 
sons, be able to induce him to acknowledge how far he rests 
indebted to thee, then will I use the liberty granted to me as 
a gentleman, and with just title challenge him to the field 
in respect of the wrong he hath done unto thee, forgetting 
wholly mine own injuries, whose revenge I will leave to 
Heaven, that I may be able to right yours on earth.' 

Dorothea rested wonderfully admired, having known and 
heard Cardenio, and, ignoring what competent thanks she 
might return him in satisfaction of his large offers, she cast 
herself down at his feet to have kissed them, which Cardenio 
would not permit; and the licentiate answered for both, 
praising greatly Cardenio's discourse, and chiefly entreated, 
prayed, and counselled them, that they would go with him to 
his village, where they might fit themselves with such things 
as they wanted, and also take order how to search out Don 
Fernando, or carry Dorothea to her father's house, or do 
else what they deemed most convenient. Cardenio and Doro- 
thea gratified his courtesies, and accepted the favour he pre- 
ferred. The barber also, who had stood all the while silent 
and suspended, made them a pretty discourse, with as friendly 
an offer of himself and his service as master curate, and 
likewise did briefly relate the occasion of their coming thither 
with the extravagant kind of madness which Don Quixote 
had, and how they expected now his squire's return, whom 
they had sent to search for him. Cardenio having heard 
him named, remembered presently, as in a dream, the con- 
flict passed between them both, and recounted it unto them, 
but could not in any wise call to mind the occasion thereof. 

By this time they heard one call for them, and knew by 
the voice that it was Sancho Panza's, who, because he found 
them not in the place where he had left them, cried out for 
them as loudly as he might. They went to meet him, and 
demanding for Don Quixote, he answered that he found him 


all naked to his shirt, lean, yellow, almost dead for hunger, 
and sighing for his Lady Dulcinea ; and, although he had told 
him how she commanded him to repair presently to Toboso, 
where she expected him, yet, notwithstanding, he answered 
that he was determined never to appear before her beauty 
until he had done feats that should make him worthy of her 
gracious favour. And then the squire affirmed, if that hu- 
mour passed on any further, he feared his lord would be in 
danger never to become an emperor, as he was bound in 
honour, no, nor a cardinal, which was the least that could be 
expected of him. 

The licentiate bid him be of good cheer, for they would 
bring him from thence whether he would or no ; and re- 
counted to Cardenio and Dorothea what they had bethought 
for Don Quixote's remedy, or, at least, for the carrying him 
home to his house. To that Dorothea answered that she 
would counterfeit the distressed lady better than the barber, 
and chiefly seeing she had apparel wherewithal to act it most 
naturally, and therefore desired them to leave to her charge 
the representing of all that which should be needful for the 
achieving of their design ; for she had read many books of 
knighthood, and knew well the style that distressed damsels 
used when they requested any favour of knights-adventurers. 
'And then need we nothing else,' quoth the curate, 'but only 
to put our purpose presently in execution; for, questionless, 
good success turns on our side, seeing it hath so unexpectedly 
begun already to open the gates of your remedy, and hath 
also facilitated for us that whereof we had most necessity in 
this exigent.' Dorothea took forthwith out of her pillow- 
bear a whole gown of very rich stuff, and a short mantle of 
another green stuff, and a collar, and many other rich jewels 
out of a box, wherewithal she adorned herself in a trice so 
gorgeously as she seemed a very rich and goodly lady. All 
which, and much more, she had brought with her, as she 
said, from her house, to prevent what might happen, but 
never had any use of them until then. Her grace, gesture, 
and beauty liked them all extremely, and made them account 
Don Fernando to be a man of little understanding, seeing 
he contemned such feature. But he which was most of all 
admired was Sancho Panza, because, as he thought (and it 


was so indeed), that he had not in all the days of his life 
before seen so fair a creature; and he requested the curate, 
very seriously, to tell him who that beautiful lady was, and 
what she sought among those thoroughfares. 'This fair 
lady, friend Sancho,' answered the curate, 'is (as if a man 
said nothing she is so great) heir-apparent, by direct line, 
of the mighty kingdom of Micomicon, and comes in the search 
of your lord, to demand a boon of him, which is, that he will 
destroy and undo a great wrong done unto her by a wicked 
giant; and, through the great fame which is spread over all 
Guinea of your lord's prowess, this princess is come to find 
him out.' *A happy searcher, and a fortunate finding !' quolii 
Sancho ; 'and chiefly, if my master be so happy as to right 
that injury and redress that wrong by killing that, O ! the 
mighty lubber of a giant whom you say. Yes, he will kill 
him, I am very certain, if he can once but meet him, and if 
he be not a spirit; for my master hath no kind of power over 
spirits. But I must request one favour of you among others 
most earnestly, good master licentiate, and it is, that to the 
end my lord may not take an humour of becoming a cardinal 
(which is the thing I fear most in this world), that you 
will give him counsel to marry this princess presently, and 
by that means he shall remain incapable of the dignity of a 
cardinal, and will come very easily by his empire, and I to the 
end of my desires ; for I have thought well of the matter, and 
have found that it is in no wise expedient that my lord should 
become a cardinal ; for I am wholly unfit for any ecclesias- 
tical dignity, seeing I am a married man, and therefore, to 
trouble myself now with seeking of dispensations to enjoy 
church livings, having, as I have, both wife and children, 
were never to end. 'So that all my good consists in that my 
lord do marry this princess instantly, whose name yet I 
know not, and therefore I have not said it.' 'She is hight,' 
quoth the curate, 'the Princess Micomicona; for her king- 
dom being called Micomicon, it is evident she must be 
termed so.' 

'That is questionless,' quoth Sancho ; 'for I have known 
many to take their denomination and surname from the place 
of their birth, calling themselves Peter of Alcala, John of 
Ubeda, and James of Valladolid; and perhaps in Guinea 


princes and queens use the same custom, and call themselves 
by the names of their provinces.' 

'So I think,' quoth the curate ; 'and as touching your mas- 
ter's marriage with her, I will labour therein as much as lies 
in my power.' Wherewithal Sancho remained as well sat- 
isfied as the curate admired at his simplicity, and to see how 
firmly he had fixed in his fantasy the very ravings of his 
master, seeing he did believe without doubt that his lord 
should become an emperor. Dorothea in this space had gotten 
upon the curate's mule, and the barber had somewhat bet- 
ter fitted the beard which he made of the ox's tail on his 
face, and did after entreat Sancho to guide them to the 
place where Don Quixote was, and advertised him withal that 
he should in no wise take any notice of the curate or barber, 
or confess in any sort that he knew them, for therein con- 
sisted all the means of bringing Don Quixote to the mind to 
become an emperor. Yet Cardenio would not go with them, 
fearing lest thereby Don Quixote might call to mind their 
contention ; and the curate, thinking also that his presence 
was not expedient, remained with him, letting the others 
go before, and these followed afar off fair and softly on foot; 
and ere they departed, the curate instructed Dorothea anew 
what she should say, who bid him to fear nothing, for she 
would discharge her part to his satisfaction, and as books of 
chivalry required and laid down. 

They travelled about three-quarters of a league, as they 
espied the knight, and at last they discovered him among a 
number of intricate rocks, all apparelled, but not armed; and 
as soon as Dorothea beheld him, she struck her palfrey, her 
well-bearded barber following her; and as they approached 
Don Quixote, the barber leaped lightly down from his mule 
and ran towards Dorothea to take her down between his 
arms, who, alighting, went with a very good grace towards 
Don Quixote, and kneeled before him. And although he 
strived to make her arise, yet she, remaining still on her 
knees, spake to him in this manner : 'I will not arise from 
hence, thrice valorous and approved knight, until your bounty 
and courtesy shall grant unto me one boon, which shall much 
redound unto your honour and prize of your person, and to 
the profit of the most disconsolate and wronged damsel that 


the sun hath ever seen. And if it be so that the valour of 
your invincible arm be correspondent to the bruit of your im- 
mortal fame, you are obliged to succour this comfortless 
wight that comes from lands so remote, to the sound of your 
famous name, searching you for to remedy her mishaps.' 

*I will not answer you a word, fair lady,' quoth Don Qui- 
xote, 'nor hear a jot of your affair, until you arise from 
the ground.' 'I will not get up from hence, my lord,' quoth 
the afflicted lady, 'if first, of your wonted bounty, you do 
not grant to my request.' 'I do give and grant it,' said Don 
Quixote, 'so that it be not a thing that may turn to the dam- 
age or hindrance of my king, my country, or of her that keeps 
the key of my heart and liberty.' 'It shall not turn to the 
damage or hindrance of those you have said, good sir,' re- 
plied the dolorous damsel; and, as she was saying this, 
Sancho Panza rounded his lord in the ear, saying softly to 
him, 'Sir, you may very well grant the request she asketh, 
for it is a matter of nothing; is is only to kill a monstrous 
giant, and she that demands it is the mighty Princess Mico- 
micona, queen of the great kingdom of Micomicon in Ethi- 
opia.' 'Let her be what she will,' quoth Don Quixote, 'for I 
will accomplish what I am bound, and my conscience shall 
inform me conformable to the state I have professed.' And 
then, turning to the damsel, he said, 'Let your great beauty 
arise; for I grant to you any boon which you shall please to 
ask of me.' 'Why, then,' quoth the damsel, 'that which I de- 
mand is that your magnanimous person come presently away 
with me to the place where I shall carry you, and do likewise 
make me a promise not to undertake any other adventure or 
demand until you revenge me upon a traitor who hath, against 
all laws, both divine and human, usurped my kingdom.' 'I 
say that I grant you all that,' quoth Don Quixote; 'and 
therefore, lady, you may cast away from this day forward all 
the melancholy that troubles you, and labour that your lan- 
guishing and dismayed hopes may recover again new strength 
and courage ; for, by the help of God, and that of mine arm, 
you shall see yourself shortly restored to your kingdom, and 
enthroned in the chair of your ancient and great estate, in 
despite and maugre the traitors that shall dare gainsay it : and 
therefore, hands, to the work; for they say that danger al- 


ways follows delay.' The distressed damsel strove with much 
ado to kiss his hand, but Don Quixote, who was a most ac- 
complished knight for courtesy, would never condescend 
thereunto ; but, making her arise, he embraced her with great 
kindness and respect, and commanded Sancho to saddle Rozi- 
nante, and help him to arm himself. 

Sancho took down the arms forthwith, which hung on a 
tree like trophies, and, searching the girths, armed his lord 
in a moment, who, seeing himself armed, said, 'Let us, in 
God's name, depart from hence to assist this great lady.' The 
barber kneeled all this while, and could with much ado dis- 
semble his laughter, or keep on his beard that threatened still 
to fall off, with whose fall, perhaps, they should all have 
remained without bringing their good purpose to pass. And 
seeing that the boon was granted, and noted the diligence 
wherewithal Don Quixote made himself ready to depart and 
accomplish the same, he arose and took his lady by the 
hand, and both of them together holp her upon her mule ; and 
presently after Don Quixote leaped on Rozinante, and the 
barber got on his beast, Sancho only remaining afoot, where 
he afresh renewed the memory of the loss of his grey ass, 
with the want procured to him thereby; but all this he bore 
with very great patience, because he supposed that his lord 
was now in the way and next degree to be an emperor; for 
he made an infallible account that he would marry that 
princess, and at least be king of Micomicon. But yet it 
grieved him to think how that kingdom was in the country 
of black Moors, and that therefore the nation which should 
be given to him for his vassals should be all black, for 
which difficulty his imagination coined presently a good 
remedy, and he discoursed with himself in this manner: 
'Why should I care though my subjects be all black Moors? 
Is there any more to be done than to load them in a ship and 
bring them into Spain, where I may sell them, and receive the 
price of them in ready money? And with that money may 
I buy some title or office, wherein I may after live at mine 
ease all the days of my life. No! but sleep, and have no 
wit or ability to dispose of things; and to sell thirty or ten 
thousands vassals in the space that one would say. Give 
me those straws. I will despatch them all ; they shall fly, the 


little with the great, or as I can best contrive the matter; 
and be they ever so black, I will transform them into white or 
yellow ones. Come near, and see whether I cannot suck well 
my fingers' ends.' And thus he travelled, so solicitous and 
glad as he quite forgot his pain of travelling afoot. Cardenio 
and the curate stood in the meantime beholding all that passed 
from behind some brambles where they lay lurking, and were 
in doubt what means to use to issue and join in company with 
them. But the curate, who was an ingenious and prompt 
plotter, devised instantly what was to be done that they might 
attain their desire. Thus, he took out of his case a pair of 
shears, and cut off Cardenio's beard therewithal in a trice, 
and then gave unto him to wear a riding capouch which he 
himself had on, and a black cloak, and himself walked in a 
doublet and hose. Cardenio, thus attired, looked so unlike 
that he was before, as he would not have known himself in a 
looking-glass. This being finished, and the others gone on 
before whilst they disguised themselves, they sallied out with 
facility to the highway before Don Quixote or his company; 
for the rocks and many other bad passages did not permit 
those that were a-horseback to make so speedy an end of their 
journey as they. And having thoroughly passed the moun- 
tain, they expected at the foot thereof for the knight and his 
company, who when he appeared, the curate looked on him 
very earnestly for a great space, with inkling that he began to 
know him. And after he had a good while beheld him, he 
ran towards him with his arms spread abroad, saying, 'In a 
good hour be the mirror of all knighthood found, and my 
noble countryman, Don Quixote of the Mancha ! the flower 
and cream of gentility, the shadow and remedy of the afflicted, 
and the quintessence of knights-errant !' and, saying this, he 
held Don Quixote his left thigh embraced; who, admiring at 
that which he heard that man to say and do, did also review 
him with attention, and finally knew him, and, all amazed to 
see him, made much ado to alight; but the curate would not 
permit him. Wherefore Don Quixote said, 'Good master 
licentiate, permit me to alight; for it is in no sort decent that 
I be a-horseback, and so reverend a person as you go on foot.' 
'I will never consent thereunto,' quoth the curate ; 'your high- 
ness must needs stay on horseback, seeing that thereon you 


are accustomed to achieve the greatest feats of chivalry and 
adventures which were ever seen in our age. For it shall 
suffice me, who am an unworthy priest, to get up behind some 
one of these other gentlemen that ride in your company, if 
they will not take it in bad part; yea, and I will make ac- 
count that I ride on Pegasus, or the zebra of the famous 
Moor Muzaraque, who lies yet enchanted in the steep roci: 
of Zulema, near unto Alcala of Henares.' 

'Truly, I did not think upon it, good master licentiate,' an- 
swered Don Quixote; 'yet, I presume, my lady the princess 
will be well apaid, for my sake, to command her squire to lend 
you the use of his saddle, and to get up himself on the crup- 
per, if so it be that the beast will bear double.' 'Yes, that it 
will,' said the princess, 'for aught I know; and likewise, I 
am sure, it will not be necessary to command my squire to 
alight, for he is of himself so courteous and courtly as he will 
in no wise condescend that an ecclesiastical man should go 
on foot when he may help him to a horse.' 

'That is most certain,' quoth the barber; and, saying so, he 
alighted, and entreated the curate to take the saddle, to which 
courtesy he did easily condescend. But, by evil fortune, as 
the barber thought to leap up behind him, the mule, which 
was in effect a hired one, and that is sufficient to say it was 
unhappy, did lift a little her hinder quarters, and bestowed 
two or three flings on the air, which had they hit on Master 
Nicholas his breast or pate, he would have bequeathed the 
quest of Don Quixote upon the devil. But, notwithstanding, 
the barber was so affrighted as he fell on the ground, with so 
little heed of his beard as it fell quite off and lay spread upon 
the ground; and, perceiving himself without it, he had no 
other shift but to cover his face with both his hands, and com- 
plain that all his cheek teeth were strucken out. Don Quixote, 
beholding such a great sheaf of a beard fallen away, without 
jaw or blood, from the face, he said, 'I vow this is one of 
the greatest miracles that ever I saw in my life ; it hath taken 
and plucked away his beard as smoothly as if it were done of 
purpose.' The curate beholding the danger which their in- 
vention was like to incur if it were detected, went forthwith, 
and, taking up the beard, came to Master Nicholas, that lay 
still a-playing, and, with one push, bringing his head towards 

HC XIV — lO 


his own breast, he set it on again, murmuring the while over 
him certain words, which he said were a certain prayer ap- 
propriated to the setting on of fallen beards, as they should 
soon perceive ; and so, having set it on handsomely, the squire 
remained as well bearded and whole as ever he was in his 
life. Whereat Don Quixote rested marvellously admired, and 
requested the curate to teach him that prayer when they were 
at leisure; for he supposed that the virtue thereof extended 
itself further than to the fastening on of beards, since it was 
manifest that the place whence the beard was torn must have 
remained without flesh, wounded, and ill dight, and, seeing it 
cured all, it must of force serve for more than the beard. 'It 
is true,' replied master curate ; and then promised to instruct 
him with the secret with the first opportunity that was 

Then they agreed that the curate should ride first on the 
mule, and after him the other two, each one by turns, until 
they arrived to the inn, which was about some two leagues 
thence. Three being thus mounted (to wit, Don Quixote, the 
princess, and curate), and the other three on foot (Cardenio, 
the barber, and Sancho Panza), Don Quixote said to the 
damsel, 'Madam, let me entreat your highness to lead me the 
way that most pleaseth you.' And before she could answer, 
the licentiate said, 'Towards what kingdom would you travel ? 
Is it, by fortune, towards that of Micomicon? I suppose it 
should be thitherwards, or else I know but little of kingdoms.' 
She, who knew very well the curate's meaning, and was her- 
self no babe, answered, saying, 'Yes, sir, my way lies towards 
that kingdom.' 'If it be so,' quoth the curate, 'you must pass 
through the village where I dwell, and from thence direct 
your course towards Carthagena, where you may luckily em- 
bark yourselves. And if you have a prosperous wind, and a 
quiet and calm sea, you may come within the space of nine 
years to the sight of the Lake Meona, I mean Meolidas, which 
stands on this side of your highness's kingdom some hundred 
days' journey, or more.' 'I take you to be deceived, good sir,' 
quoth she, 'for it is not yet fully two years since I departed 
from thence, and, truly, I never almost had any fair weather, 
and yet, notwithstanding, I have arrived, and come to see 
that which I so much longed for, to wit, the presence of the 


worthy Don Quixote of the Mancha, whose renown came to 
my notice as soon as I touched the earth of Spain with my 
foot, and moved me to search for him, to commend myself 
to his courtesy, and commit the justice of my cause to the 
valour of his invincible arm.' 

'No more,' quoth Don Quixote; 'I cannot abide to hear 
myself praised, for I am a sworn enemy of all adulation; and 
although this be not such, yet notwithstanding the like dis- 
courses do offend my chaste ears. What I can say to you, 
fair princess, is that whether I have valour or not, that which 
I have, or have not, shall be employed in your service, even 
to the very loss of my life. And so, omitting that till this 
time, let me entreat good master licentiate to tell me the oc- 
casion which hath brought him here to these quarters, so 
alone, without attendants, and so slightly attired, as it strikes 
me in no little admiration?' 'To this I will answer with 
brevity,' quoth the curate. 'You shall understand that Master 
Nicholas the barber, our very good friend, and myself, trav- 
elled towards Seville to recover certain sums of money which 
a kinsman of mine, who hath dwelt these many years in the 
Indies, hath sent unto me. The sum is not a little one, for 
it surmounted seventy thousand reals of eight, all of good 
weight — see if it was not a rich gift. And passing yesterday 
through this way, we were set upon by four robbers, which 
despoiled us of all, even to our very beards, and that in such 
sort as the barber was forced to set on a counterfeit one; 
and this young man that goeth here with us' (meaning Car- 
denio) 'was transformed by them anew. And the best of it is 
that it is publicly bruited about all this commark that those 
which surprised us were galley-salves who were set at liberty, 
as is reported, much about this same place, by so valiant a 
knight as, in despite of the commissary and the guard, he 
freed them all. And, questionless, he either was wood, or else 
as great a knave as themselves, or some one that wanted both 
soul and conscience, seeing he let slip the wolves amidst the 
sheep, the fox among the hens, and flies hard by honey, and 
did frustrate justice, rebel against his natural lord and king; 
for he did so by oppugning his just commandments; and hath 
deprived the galleys of their feet, and set all the holy brother- 
hood in an uproar, which hath reposed these many years past; 


and finally, would do an act by which he should lose his soul, 
and yet not gain his body.' Sancho had rehearsed to the 
curate and barber the adventure of the slaves, which his lord 
had accomplished with such glory; and therefore the curate 
did use this vehemence as he repeated it, to see what Don 
Quixote would say or do, whose colour changed at every 
word, and durst not confess that he was himself the deliverer 
of that good people. 'And these,' quoth the curate, 'were they 
that have robbed us. And God, of His infinite mercy, pardon 
him who hindered their going to receive the punishment they 
had so well deserved!' 


Of Many Pleasant Discourses Passed Between Don 
Quixote and Those of His Company, After He Had 
Abandoned the Rigorous Place of His Penance 

SCARCE had the curate finished his speech thoroughly, 
when Sancho said, 'By my faith, master licentiate, he 
that did that feat was my lord, and that not for want 
of warning, for I told him beforehand, and advised him that 
he should see well what he did, and that it was a sin to de- 
liver them, because they were all sent to the galleys for very 
great villanies they had played.' 

'You bottlehead,' replied Don Quixote, hearing him speak, 
'it concerneth not knights-errant to examine whether the 
afflicted, the enchained, and oppressed, which they en- 
counter by the way, be carried in that fashion, or are 
plunged in that distress, through their own default or dis- 
grace, but only are obliged to assist them as needy and op- 
pressed, setting their eyes upon their pains, and not on 
their crimes. I met with a rosary or beads of inserted peo- 
ple, sorrowful and unfortunate, and I did for them that 
which my religion exacts; as for the rest, let them verify 
it elsewhere: and to whosoever else, the holy dignity and 
honourable person of master licentiate excepted, it shall 
seem evil, I say he knows but slightly what belongs to chiv- 
alry, and he lies like a whoreson and a villain born, and 
this will I make him know with the broad side of my sword.' 
These words he said, settling himself in his stirrups, and 
addressing his morion (for the barber's basin, which he ac- 
counted to be Mambrino's helmet, he carried hanging at 
the pommel of his saddle, until he might have it repaired of 
the crazings the galley-slave had wrought in it). Dorothea, 
who was very discreet and pleasant, and that was by this 
well acquainted with Don Quixote's faulty humour, and saw 



all the rest make a jest of him, Sancho Panza excepted, 
would also show her conceit to be as good as some others, 
and therefore said unto him, 'Sir knight, remember yourself 
of the boon you have promised unto me, whereunto conform- 
ing yourself, you cannot intermeddle in any other adventure, 
be it ever so urgent. Therefore, assuage your stomach; for 
if master licentiate had known that the galley-slaves were 
delivered by your invincible arm, he would rather have given 
unto himself three blows on the mouth, and also bit his 
tongue thrice, than have spoken any word whence might re- 
sult your indignation.' 'That I dare swear,' quoth the curate ; 
'yea, and besides torn away one of my moustaches.' 

'Madam,' said Don Quixote, 'I will hold my peace, and 
suppress the just choler already enkindled in my breast, and 
will ride quietly and peaceably, until I have accomplished the 
thing I have promised; and I request you, in recompense of 
this my good desire, if it be not displeasing to you, to tell 
me your grievance, and how many, which, and what the per- 
sons be, of whom I must take due, sufficient, and entire re- 
venge.' 'I will promptly perform your will herein,' an- 
swered Dorothea, 'if it will not be irksome to you to listen 
to disasters.' 'In no sort, good madam,' said Don Quixote. 
To which Dorothea answered thus: 'Be then attentive to 
my relation.' Scarce had she said so, when Cardenio and the 
barber came by her side, desirous to hear how the discreet 
Dorothea would feign her tale ; and the same did Sancho, 
which was so much deceived in her person as his lord Don 
Quixote. And she, after dressing herself well in the saddle, 
bethought and provided herself whilst she coughed and used 
other gestures, and then began to speak on this manner : 

'First of all, good sirs, I would have you note that I am 
called' — And here she stood suspended a while, by reason 
she had forgotten the name that the curate had given unto 
her. But he presently occurred to her succour, understanding 
the cause, and said, 'It is no wonder, great lady, that you 
be troubled and stagger whilst you recount your misfor- 
tunes, seeing it is the ordinary custom of disasters to deprive 
those whom they torment and distract their memory in such 
sort as they cannot remember themselves even of their own 
very names, as now it proves done in your highness, which 


forgets itself that you are called the Princess Micomicona, 
lawful inheritrix of the great kingdom of Micomicon. And 
with this note, you may easily reduce into your doleful mem- 
ory all that which you shall please to rehearse.' 

'It is very true,' quoth the damsel, 'and from henceforth I 
thinlc it will not be needful to prompt me any more, for I 
will arrive into a safe port with the narration of my authen- 
tic history; which is, that my father, who was called the wise 
Tinacrio, was very expert in that which was called art magic, 
and he knew by his science that my mother, who was called 
Queen Xaramilla, should die before he deceased, and that he 
should also pass from this life within a while after, and leave 
me an orphan ; but he was wont to say how that did not 
afflict his mind so much, as that he was very certain that a 
huge giant, lord of a great island near unto my kingdom, 
called Pandafilando of the Dusky Sight (because, although 
his eyes stood in their right places, yet do they still look 
asquint, which he doth to terrify the beholders), I say that 
my father knew that this giant, when he should hear of his 
death, would pass with a main power into my land, and de- 
prive me thereof, not leaving me the least village wherein I 
might hide my head; yet might all this be excused if I would 
marry with him. But, as he found out by his science, he 
knew I would never condescend thereunto, or incline mine 
affection to so unequal a marriage; and herein he said noth- 
ing but truth, for it never passed once my thought to espouse 
that giant, nor with any other, were he ever so unreasonable, 
and great, and mighty. My father likewise added then, that 
after his death I should see Pandafilando usurp my kingdom, 
and that I should in no wise stand to my defence, for that 
would prove my destruction; but, leaving to him the kingdom 
freely without troubles, if I meant to excuse mine own death, 
and the total ruin of my good and loyal subjects (for it would 
be impossible to defend myself from the devilish force of the 
giant), I should presently direct my course towards Spain, 
where I should find a redress of my harms by encountering 
with a knight-errant whose fame should extend itself much 
about that time throughout that kingdom, and his name 
should be, if I forgot not myself, Don Azote or Don Gigote.' 

'Lady, you would say Don Quixote,' quoth Sancho Panza, 


'or, as he is called by another name, the Knight of the Ill- 
favoured Face.' 'You have reason,' replied Dorothea. 'He 
said, moreover, that he should be high of stature, have a 
withered face, and that on the right side, a little under the 
left shoulder, or thereabouts, he should have a tawny spot 
with certain hairs like to bristles.' Don Quixote, hearing 
this, said to his squire, 'Hold my horse here, son Sancho, 
and help me to take off mine apparel ; for I will see whether 
I be the knight of whom the wise king hath prophesied.' 
'Why would you now put off your clothes?' quoth Dorothea. 
'To see whether I have that spot which your father men- 
tioned,' answered Don Quixote. 'You need not undo your 
apparel for that purpose,' said Sancho, 'for I know already 
that you have a spot with the tokens she named on the very 
ridges of your back, and argues you to be a very strong man.' 
'That is sufficient,' quoth Dorothea ; 'for we must not look 
too near, or be over-curious in our friends' affairs ; and 
whether it be on the shoulder, or ridge of the back, it imports 
but little, for the substance consists only in having such a 
mark, and not wheresoever it shall be, seeing all is one and 
the self-same flesh ; and, doubtlessly, my good father did 
aim well at all, and I likewise in commending myself to Don 
Quixote ; for surely he is the man of whom my father spoke, 
seeing the signs of his face agree with those of the great 
renown that is spread abroad of this knight, not only in 
Spain, but also in Ethiopia; for I had no sooner landed in 
Osuna, when I heard so many of his prowesses recounted, 
as my mind gave me presently that he was the man in whose 
search I travelled.' 'But how did you land in Osuna, good 
madam,' quoth Don Quixote, 'seeing it is no sea town?' 
'Marry, sir,' quoth the curate, anticipating Dorothea's an- 
swer, 'the princess would say that after she had landed in 
Malaga, but the first place wherein she heard tidings of you 
was at Osuna.' 'So I would have said,' quoth Dorothea. 
'And it may be very well,' quoth the curate ; 'and I desire 
your majesty to continue your discourse.' 'There needs no 
further continuation,' quoth Dorothea, 'but that, finally, my 
fortune hath been so favourable in finding of Don Quixote, 
as I do already hold and account myself for queen and lady 
of all mine estate, seeing that he, of his wonted bounty and 


magnificence, hath promised me the boon to accompany me 
wheresoever I shall guide him, which shall be to none other 
place than to set him before Pandafilando of the dusky sight, 
to the end you may slay him, and restore me to that which 
he hath so wrongfully usurped ; for all will succeed in the 
twinkling of an eye, as the wise Tinacrio, my good father, 
hath already foretold, who said moreover, and also left it 
written in Chaldaical or Greek characters (for I cannot 
read them), that if the knight of the prophecy, after having 
beheaded the giant, would take me to wife, that I should 
in no sort refuse him, but instantly admitting him for 
my spouse, make him at once possessor of myself and my 

'What thinkest thou of this, friend Sancho?' quoth Don 
Quixote then, when he heard her say so. 'How likest thou 
this point? Did not I tell thee thus much before? See 
now, whether we have not a kingdom to command, and a 
queen whom we may marry.' *I swear as much,' quoth 
Sancho. 'A pox on the knave that will not marry as soon as 
Master Pandahilado his windpipes are cut ! Mount, then, 
and see whether the queen be ill or no. I would to God all 
the fleas of my bed were turned to be such !' And, saying 
so, he gave two or three friskles in the air, with very great 
signs of contentment, and presently went to Dorothea, and, 
taking her mule by the bridle, he withheld it, and, laying 
himself down on his knees before her, requested her very 
submissively to give him her hands to kiss them, in sign- 
that he received her for his queen and lady. Which of the 
beholders could abstain from laughter, perceiving the mas- 
ter's madness and the servant's simplicity? To be brief, 
Dorothea must needs give them unto him, and promised to 
make him a great lord in her kingdom, when Heaven be- 
came so propitious to her as to let her once recover and 
possess it peaceably. And Sancho returned her thanks with 
such words as made them all laugh anew. 

'This is my history, noble sirs,' quoth Dorothea, 'whereof 
only rests untold that none of all the train which I brought 
out of my kingdom to attend on me is now extant but this 
well-bearded squire ; for all of them were drowned in a great 
storm that overtook us in the very sight of the harbour, 


whence he and I escaped, and came to land by the help of 
two planks, on which we laid hold, almost by miracle; as 
also the whole discourse and mystery of my life seems none 
other than a miracle, as you might have noted. And if in 
any part of the relation I have exceeded, or not observed a 
due decorum, you must impute it to that which master licen- 
tiate said to the first of my history, that continual pains and 
afflictions of mind deprives them that suffer the like of their 
memory.' 'That shall not hinder me, O high and valorous 
lady !' quoth Don Quixote, 'from enduring as many as I shall 
suffer in your service, be they never so great or difficult ; and 
therefore I do anew ratify and confirm the promise I have 
made, and do swear to go with you to the end of the world, 
until I find out your fierce enemy, whose proud head I mean to 
slice off, by the help of God and my valorous arm, with the 
edge of this (I will not say a good) sword, thanks be to Gines 
of Passamonte, which took away mine own.' This he said 
murmuring to himself, and then prosecuted, saying, 'And 
after I have cut it off, and left you peaceably in the posses- 
sion of your state, it shall rest in your own will to dispose 
of your person as you like best; for as long as I shall have 
my memory possessed, and my will captivated, and my under- 
standing yielded to her 1 will say no more ; it is not pos- 
sible that ever I may induce myself to marry any other, al- 
though she were a Phoenix.' 

That which Don Quixote had said last of all, of not mar- 
rying, disliked Sancho so much, as, lifting his voice with 
great anger, he said, 'I vow and swear by myself that you are 
not in your right wits. Sir Don Quixote; for how is it pos- 
sible that you can call the matter of contracting so high a 
princess as this is in doubt? Do you think that fortune will 
offer you, at every corner's end, the like hap of this which 
is now proffered? Is my Lady Dulcinea, perhaps, more 
beautiful? No, certainly, nor half so fair; nay, I am rather 
about to say that she comes not to her shoe that is here 
present. In an ill hour shall I arrive to possess that unfor- 
tunate earldom which I expect, if you go thus seeking for 
mushrubs in the bottom of the sea. Marry, marry yourself 
presently, the devil take you for me, and take that kingdom 
comes into your hands, and being a king, make me presently 


a marquis or admiral, and instantly after let the devil take 
all if he pleaseth.' 

Don Quixote, who heard such blasphemies spoken against 
his Lady Dulcinea, could not bear them any longer ; and 
therefore, lifting up his javelin, without speaking any word 
to Sancho, gave him therewithal two such blows as he over- 
threw him to the earth; and had not Dorothea cried to 
him to hold his hand, he had doubtlessly slain him in the 

'Thinkest thou,' quoth he after a while, 'base peasant ! 
that I shall have always leisure and disposition to thrust my 
hand into my pouch, and that there be nothing else but thou 
still erring and I pardoning? And dost not thou think of it, 
excommunicated rascal ! for certainly thou art excommuni- 
cated, seeing thou hast talked so broadly of the peerless 
Dulcinea ! And dost not thou know, base slave ! vagabond ! 
that if it were not for the valour she infuseth into mine arm, 
that I should not have sufficient forces to kill a flea? Say, 
scoffer with the viper's tongue ! who dost thou think hath 
gained this kingdom, and cut the head off this giant, and 
made thee a marquis (for I give all this for done already, 
and for a matter ended and judged), but the worths and 
valour of Dulcinea, using mine arm as the instrument of her 
act ? She fights under my person, and overcomes in me ; 
and I live and breathe in her, and from her I hold my life 
and being. O whoreson villain ! how ungrateful art thou, 
that seest thyself exalted out from the dust of the earth to 
be a nobleman, and yet dost repay so great a benefit with 
detracting the person that bestowed it on thee !' 

Sancho was not so sore hurt but that he could hear all his 
master's reasons very well ; wherefore, arising somewhat 
hastily, he ran behind Dorothea her palfrey, and from thence 
said to his lord, 'Tell me, sir, if you be not determined to 
marry with this princess, it is most clear that the kingdom 
shall not be yours ; and if it be not, what favours can you 
be able to do to me ? It is of this that I complain me. 
Marry yourself one for one with this princess, now that we 
have her here as it were rained to us down from heaven, 
and you may after turn to my Lady Dulcinea ; for I think 
there be kings in the world that keep lemans. As for 


beauty, I will not intermeddle ; for, if I must say the truth, 
each of both is very fair, although I have never seen the 
Lady Dulcinea.' 'How ! hast thou not seen her, blasphe- 
mous traitor?' quoth Don Quixote, 'As if thou didst but even 
now bring me a message from her !' 'I say,' quoth Sancho, 
'I have not seen her so leisurely as I might particularly note 
her beauty and good parts one by one, but yet in a clap, as I 
saw them, they liked me very well.' *I do excuse thee noWj 
said Don Quixote, 'and pardon me the displeasure which I 
have given unto thee, for the first motions are not in our 
hands.' 'I see that well,' quoth Sancho, 'and that is the 
reason why talk is in me of one of those first motions, and I 
cannot omit to speak once, at least, that which comes to my 
tongue.' 'For all that, Sancho,' replied Don Quixote, 'see 
well what thou speakest ; for "the earthen pitcher goes so oft 
to the water" — I will say no more.' 

'Well, then,' answered Sancho, 'God is in heaven, who 
seeth all these guiles, and shall be one day judge of him that 
sins most — of me in not speaking well, or of you by not do- 
ing well.' 'Let there be no more,' quoth Dorothea, 'but run, 
Sancho, and kiss your lord's hand, and ask him forgiveness, 
and from henceforth take more heed how you praise or dis- 
praise anybody, and speak no ill of that LadyToboso, whom I 
do not know otherwise than to do her service ; and have 
confidence in God, for thou shalt not want a lordship wherein 
thou mayst live like a king.' Sancho went with his head 
hanging downward, and demanded his lord's hand, which 
he gave unto him with a grave countenance ; and after he 
had kissed it, he gave him his blessing, and said to him that 
he had somewhat to say unto him, and therefore bade him 
to come somewhat forward, that he might speak unto him. 
Sancho obeyed; and both of them going a little aside, Don 
Quixote said unto him, 'I have not had leisure after thy 
coming to demand of thee in particular concerning the am- 
bassage that thou carriedst, and the answer that thou 
broughtst back; and therefore, now fortune lends us some 
opportunity and leisure, do not deny me the happiness which 
thou mayst give me by thy good news.' 

'Demand what you please,' quoth Sancho, 'and I will an- 
swer you ; and I request you, good my lord, that you be not 


from henceforth so wrathful.' 'Why dost thou say so, San- 
cho?' quoth Don Quixote. 'I say it,' replied Sancho, 'be- 
cause that these blows which you bestowed now, were rather 
given in revenge of the dissension which the devil stirred 
between us two the other night, than for anything I said 
against my Lady Dulcinea, whom I do honour and reverence 
as a relique, although she be none, only because she is yours.' 
'I pray thee, good Sancho,' said Don Quixote, 'fall not again 
into those discourses, for they offend me. I did pardon thee 
then, and thou knowest that a new offence must have a new 

As they talked thus, they espied a gallant coming towards 
them, riding on an ass, and when he drew near he seemed to 
be an Egyptian ; but Sancho Panza, who, whensoever he met 
any asses, followed them with his eyes and his heart, as one 
that thought still on his own, had scarce eyed him when he 
knew that it was Gines of Passamonte, and, by the look of 
the Egyptian, found out the fleece of his ass, as in truth it 
was ; for Gines came riding on his grey ass, who, to the end 
he might not be known, and also have commodity to sell his 
beast, attired himself like an Egyptian, whose language and 
many others he could speak as well as if they were his 
mother tongue. Sancho saw him and knew him ; and scarce 
had he seen and taken notice of him, when he cried out aloud, 
'Ah ! thief, Ginesillo ! leave my goods behind thee, set my 
life loose, and do not intermeddle with my ease ! Leave 
mine ass, leave my comfort ! Fly, villain ! absent thyself, 
thief! and abandon that which is none of thine!' He needed 
not to have used so many words and frumps, for Gines 
leaped down at the very first, and beginning a trot, that 
seemed rather to be a gallop, he absented himself, and fled 
far enough from them in a moment. Sancho went then to 
his ass, and, embracing him, said, 'How hast thou done 
hitherto, my darling and treasure, grey ass of mine eyes, 
and my dearest companion?' and with that stroked and kissed 
him as if it were a reasonable creature. The ass held his 
peace, and permitted Sancho to kiss and cherish him, with- 
out answering a word. All the rest arrived, and congratu- 
lated with Sancho for the finding of his ass, but chiefly Don 
Quixote, who said unto him that notwithstanding that he 


found his ass, yet would not he therefore annul his warrant 
for the three colts ; for which Sancho returned him very 
great thanks. 

Whilst they two travelled together discoursing thus, the 
curate said to Dorothea that she had very discreetly dis- 
charged herself, as well in the history as in her brevity and 
imitation thereof to the phrase and conceits of books of 
knighthood. She answered that she did ofttimes read books 
of that subject, but that she knew not where the provinces 
lay, nor seaports, and therefore did only say at random that 
she had landed in Osuna. 'I knew it was so,' quoth the 
curate, 'and therefore I said what you heard, wherewithal 
the matter was soldered. But is it not a marvellous thing to 
see with what facility the unfortunate gentleman believes all 
these inventions and lies, only because they bear the style 
and manner of the follies laid down in his books?' 'It is,' 
quoth Cardenio, 'and that so rare and beyond all conceit, as 
I believe, if the like were to be invented, scarce could the 
sharpest wits devise such another.' 

'There is yet,' quoth the curate, 'as marvellous a matter as 
that; for, leaving apart the simplicities which this good gen- 
tleman speaks concerning his frenzy, if you will commune 
with him of any other subject whatsoever, he will discourse 
on it with an excellent method, and show himself to have a 
clear and pleasing understanding; so that, if he be not 
touched by matters of chivalry, there is no man but will deem 
him to be of a sound and excellent judgment.' 

Don Quixote on the other side prosecuted his conversing 
with his squire whilst the others talked together, and said to 
Sancho, 'Let us two, friend Panza, forget old injuries, and 
say unto me now, without any rancour or anger, where, how, 
and when didst thou find my Lady Dulcinea? What did she 
when thou earnest? What saidst thou to her? What an- 
swered she? What countenance showed she as she read my 
letter? And who writ it out fairly for thee? And every 
other thing that thou shalt think worthy of notice in this 
affair to be demanded or answered, without either addition 
or lying, or soothing adulation; and on the other side do not 
abbreviate it, lest thou shouldst defraud me thereby of ex- 
pected delight.' 'Sir/ answered Sancho, 'if I must say the 


truth, none copied out the letter for me ; for I carried no 
letter at all.' 

'Thou sayst true,' quoth Don Quixote; 'for I found the 
tablets wherein it was written with myself two days after 
thy departure, which did grieve me exceedingly, because I 
knew not what thou wouldst do when thou didst perceive 
the want of the letter, and I always made full account that 
thou wouldst return again from the place where thou 
shouldst first miss it.' 'I had done so,' quoth Sancho, 'if I 
had not borne it away in memory, when you read it to me, 
in such sort as I said to a clerk of a vestry, who did copy it 
out of my understanding so point by point, as he said that 
he never in all the days of his life, although he had read 
many a letter of excommunication, read or seen so fine a 
letter as it was.' 'And dost thou hold it yet in m«nory, 
Sancho?' quoth Don Quixote. 

'No, sir,' said Sancho ; 'for after I gave it, seeing it served 
for none other purpose, I did willingly forget it; and if I 
remember anything, it is that of the "mouldy" — I would 
say "sovereign lady" ; and the end, "yours until death, the 
Knight of the Ill-favoured Face"; and I put between these 
two things in the letter three hundred souls, and lives, and 
sweet eyes.' 


Of the Pleasant Discourses Continued Between Don 
Quixote and His Squire Sancho Panza, with 
Other Adventures 

*ALL this liketh me well; said Don Quixote; 'there- 
/A fore say on. Thou arrivedst, and what was that 
-^-*- queen of beauty doing then? I daresay that thou 
foundest her threading of pearls, or embroidering some curi- 
ous device with Venice gold, for me her captive knight.' 
'No, that I did not,' quoth Sancho; 'but winnowing two 
bushels of wheat in the yard of her house.' 

'Why, then,' said Don Quixote, 'thou mayst make account 
that each corn of that wheat was a grain of pearl, seeing 
they were touched by her delicate hand. And, friend, didst 
thou note well what the wheat was, whether of the best or 
ordinary?' 'It was not, but red,' said Sancho. 'Well, then, 
I assure thee,' answered Don Quixote, 'that being sifted by her 
hands, it must needs make very fair bread and white. But 
pass forward. When thou didst deliver my letter, did she 
kiss it? Did she set it on her head? Did she use any cere- 
mony worthy of such a letter ? Or what did she ?' 'When I 
went to give it unto her,' said Sancho, 'she was holding up 
of her arms with a good quantity of wheat that she had in 
her sieve, and therefore said unto me, "Friend, lay down that 
letter there on the sack, for I cannot read it until I have 
winnowed all that is here." ' 'O discreet lady,' quoth Don 
Quixote ; 'she surely did that because she might read it at 
leisure, and recreate herself therewithal. Forward, Sancho. 
And as long as she was thus busied, what discourses passed 
she with thee? What did she demand of thee concerning 
me? And thou, what didst thou answer? Say all, good 
Sancho, say all; recount to me every particularity, and let 
not the least [minuity] remain in the inkhorn.' 



'She demanded nothing of me,' quoth Sancho; 'but I re- 
counted unto her the state I had left you in for her sake, 
doing of penance, all naked from the girdle upward, among 
these rocks, like a brute beast, sleeping on the ground, and 
eating your bread without table-cloths, and that you never 
combed your beard, but was weeping and cursing your for- 
tune.' 'There thou saidst ill,' quoth Don Quixote ; 'for I do 
not curse my fortune, but rather bless it, and will bless it as 
long as I shall live, seeing it hath made me worthy to merit 
the love of so high a lady as Dulcinea of Toboso.' 'She is 
in good faith so high,' answered Sancho, 'as she surpasseth 
me almost by a whole cubit.' 'Why, how now, Sancho?' 
said the knight; 'hast thou measured thyself with her?' 'I 
did measure myself with her in this manner,' replied Sancho, 
'that coming over to help her to lift up a sack of wheat on an 
ass, we joined so near as I well perceived that she was more 
than a great span higher than myself.' 'That is true,' quoth 
Don Quixote ; 'but thinkest thou not that the tallness of her 
extended stature is adorned with a thousand millions of 
graces and endowments of the soul? But, Sancho, thou 
canst not deny me one thing: when thou didst thus approach 
her, didst thou not feel a most odoriferous smell, an aromat- 
ical fragrancy, an — I cannot tell what, so pleasing as I know 
not how to term it — I say such a scent as if thou wert in 
some curious perfumer's shop?' 'That which I know,' quoth 
Sancho, 'is that I felt a little unsavoury scent, somewhat 
rammish and man-like, and I think the reason was because 
she had sweat a little doing of that exercise.' 'It was not 
so,' quoth Don Quixote, 'but either thou hadst the mur, or 
else did smell thyself; for I know very well how that rose 
among thorns dost scent, that lily of the field, and that chosen 
amber.' 'It may well be,' said Sancho, 'as you have said, 
for I have had many times such a smell as methought the 
Lady Dulcinea had then ; and though she smelled too it were 
no marvel, for one devil is like another.' 

'And well,' quoth Don Quixote, 'see here, she hath sifted 
her corn, and sent it to the mill ; what did she after she had 
read the letter?' 'The letter?' said Sancho. 'She read it 
not, for she said she could neither read nor write ; and there- 
fore she tore it into small pieces, and would have no man to 


read it, lest those of the village should know her secrets, 
and [said] that what I had told her by word of mouth of 
your love and extraordinary penance, which you remained 
doing for her sake, was sufficient; and, finally, she con- 
cluded, commanding me to say unto you that she had her 
commended unto you, and that she remained with greater 
desire to see you than to write unto you, and therefore she 
requested and willed you, as you tendered her affection, that 
presently upon sight hereof you should abandon these shrubby 
groves, leave off your frenzy, and take presently the way of 
Toboso, if some matter of greater importance did not occur, 
for she had very great desire to see and talk with you. She 
laughed heartily when I told her that you named yourself 
"the Knight of the Ill-favoured Face." I demanded of her 
whether the beaten Biscaine came there, and she answered 
that he did, and affirmed withal that he was a very honest 
man. I asked also for the galley-slaves, but she told me 
that she had seen none of them as yet.' 

'All goes well till this,' said Don Quixote; 'but tell me, I 
pray thee, what jewel did she bestow on thee at thy de- 
parture, for reward of the news thou carriedst unto her of 
me? For it is an usual and ancient custom among knights 
and ladies errant, to bestow on squires, damsels, or dwarfs, 
which bring them any good tidings of their ladies, or 
servants, some rich jewel, as a reward and thanks of their 
welcome news.' 

'It may well be,' quoth Sancho, 'and I hold it for a very 
laudable custom; but I think it was only used in times past, 
for I think the manner of this our age is only to give a piece 
of bread and cheese ; for this was all that my lady Dulcinea 
bestowed on me, and that over the yard walls, when I took 
my leave with her, and in sign thereof (well fare all good 
tokens) the cheese was made of sheep's milk.' 'She is mar- 
vellous liberal,' quoth Don Quixote ; 'and if she gave thee not 
a jewel of gold, it was, without dout, because she had none 
then about her. But it is not lost that comes at last ; I will 
see her, and then all things shall be amended. Knowest 
thou, Sancho, whereat I wonder? It is at this sudden re- 
turn ; for it seems to me thou wast gone and hast come back 
again in the air; for thou hast been away but a little more 


than three days, Toboso being more than thirty leagues from 
hence ; and therefore I do beheve that the wise enchanter 
who takes care of mine affairs, and is my friend (for there 
is such a one of force, and there must be, under pain that I 
else should not be a good knight-errant), — I say I verily 
think that wise man holp thee to trample unawares of thy- 
self; for there are wise men of that condition which will 
take a knight-errant sleeping in his bed, and without knowing 
how or in what manner, he will wake the next day a thou- 
sand leagues from that place where he fell asleep; and were 
it not for this, knights-errant could not succour one another 
in their most dangerous exigents, as they do now at every 
step. For it ofttimes befals that a knight is fighting in the 
mountains of Armenia, with some devilish fauno, some dread- 
ful shadow, or fierce knight, where he is like to have the 
worst, and in this point of death, when he least expects it, 
there appears there, on the top of a cloud or riding in a 
chariot of fire, another knight his friend, who was but even 
then in England, and helps him, and delivers him from death ; 
and returns again that night to his own lodging, where he 
sups with a very good appetite ; and yet, for all that, is there 
wont to be two or three thousand leagues from the one to 
the other country. All which is compassed by the industry 
and wisdom of those skilful enchanters that take care of 
the said valorous knights. So that, friend Sancho, I am not 
hard of belief in giving thee credit that thou hast gone and 
returned in so short a time from this place to Toboso, see- 
ing, as I have said, some wise man my friend hath (belike) 
transported thee thither by stealth, and unaware of thyself.' 
'I easily think it,' replied Sancho; 'for Rozinante travelled, 
in good faith, as lustily as if he were an Egyptian's ass, 
with quicksilver in his ears.' 'And thinkest thou not,' quoth 
Don Quixote, 'that he had not quicksilver in his ears? yes, 
and a legion of devils also to help it? who are folk that do 
travel and make others go as much as they list without any 
weariness. But, leaving all this apart, what is thine opinion 
that I should do now concerning my lady's commandment to 
go and see her? For, although I know that I am bound to 
obey her behests, yet do I find myself disabled at this time 
to accomplish them by reason of the grant I have made the 


princess that comes with us ; and the law of arms doth compel 
me to accomplish my word rather than my will. On the one 
side, I am assaulted and urged by a desire to go and see my 
lady; on the other, my promised faith, and the glory I shall 
win in this enterprise, do incite and call me away. But that 
which I resolve to do is to travel with all speed, that I may 
quickly arrive to the place -where that giant is, and will cut 
off his head at my coming; and when I have peaceably in- 
stalled the princess in her kingdom, will presently return to 
see the light that doth lighten my senses ; to whom I will 
yield such forcible reasons of my so long absence, as she 
shall easily condescend to excuse my stay, seeing all doth 
redound to her glory and fame; for all that I have gained, 
do win, or shall hereafter achieve, by force of arms in this 
life, proceeds wholly from the gracious favour she pleaseth 
to bestow upon me, and my being hers.' 

'O God !' quoth Sancho, 'I perceive that you are greatly 
diseased in the pate. I pray you, sir, tell me whether you 
mean to go this long voyage for nought, and let slip and lose 
so rich and so noble a preferment as this, where the dowry 
is a kingdom, which is in good faith, as I have heard say, 
twenty thousand leagues in compass, and most plentifully 
stored with all things necessary for the sustaining of human 
life, and that it is greater than Portugal and Castile joined 
together? Peace, for God's love, and blush at your own 
words, and take my counsel, and marry presently in the first 
village that hath a parish priest; and if you will not do it 
there, can you wish a better commodity than to have our 
own master licentiate, who will do it most excellently? And 
note that I am old enough to give counsel, and that this 
v/hich I now deliver is as fit for you as if it were expressly 
cast for you in a mould ; for a sparrow in the fist is worth 
more than a flying bittor. 

" 'For he that can have good and evil doth choose, 
For ill that betides him, must not patience lose." ' 

'Why, Sancho,' quoth Don Quixote, 'if thou givest me 
counsel to marry to the end I may become a king, after I 
have slain the giant, and have commodity thereby to pro- 
mote thee, and give thee what I have promised, I let thee to 


understand that I may do all that most easily without marry- 
ing myself; for, before I enter into the battle, I will make 
this condition, that when I come away victor, although I 
marry not the princess, yet shall a part of the kingdom be 
at my disposition to bestow upon whom I please ; and when I 
receive it, upon whom wouldst thou have me bestow it but on 
thyself?' 'That is manifest,' said Sancho ; 'but I pray you, 
sir, have care to choose that part you would reserve towards 
the seaside, to the end that if the living do not please me, 
I may embark my black vassals, and make the benefit of them 
which I have said. And likewise I pray you not to trouble 
your mind thinking to go and see my Lady Dulcinea at this 
time, but travel towards the place where the giant is, and 
kill him, and conclude that business first; for I swear unto 
you that I am of opinion it will prove an adventure of very 
great honour and profit.' 'I assure thee, Sancho,' quoth 
Don Quixote, 'thou art in the right, and I will follow thy 
counsel in rather going first with the princess to visit Dul- 
cinea. And I warn thee not to speak a word to anybody, 
no, not to those that ride with us, of that which we have here 
spoken and discoursed together; for, since Dulcinea is so 
wary and secret as she would not have her thoughts discov- 
ered, it is no reason that I, either by myself or any other, 
should detect them.' 

'If that be so,' quoth Sancho, 'why, then, do you send all 
those which you vanquish by virtue of your arm to present 
themselves to my Lady Dulcinea, seeing this is as good as 
subsignation of your handwriting, that you wish her well, 
and are enamoured on her? And seeing that those which 
go to her must forcibly lay them down on their knees before 
her presence, and say that they come from you to do her 
homage, how then can the thoughts of you both be hidden 
and concealed?' 'Oh, how great a fool art thou, and how 
simple !' quoth Don Quixote. 'Dost not thou perceive, San- 
cho, how all this results to her greater glory? For thou 
oughtest to wit that, in our knightly proceedings, it is great 
honour that one lady alone have many knights-errant for her 
servitors, without extending their thoughts any further than 
to serve her only for her high worths, without attending any 
other reward of their many and good desires, than that she 


will deign to accept them as her servants and knights.' 'I 
have heard preach,' said Sancho, 'that men should love our 
Saviour with that kind of love only for His own sake, with- 
out being moved thereunto either by the hope of glory or the 
fear of pain; although, for my part, I would love and serve 
Him for what He is able to do.' 'The devil take thee for a 
clown !' quoth Don Quixote ; 'how sharp and pertinently dost 
thou speak now and then, able to make a man imagine that 
thou hast studied!' 'Now, by mine honesty,' quoth Sancho, 
*I can neither read nor write.' 

Master Nicholas perceiving them drowned thus in their 
discourses, cried out to them to stay and drink of a little foun- 
tain that was by the way. Don Quixote rested, to Sancho's 
very great contentment, who was already tired with telling 
him so many lies, and was afraid his master would entrap 
him in his own words ; for, although he knew Dulcinea to be 
of Toboso, yet had he never seen her in his life. And Car- 
denio had by this time put on the apparel Dorothea wore 
when they found her in the mountains, which, though they 
were not very good, yet exceeded with great advantage those 
which he had himself before. And, alighting hard by the 
fountain, they satisfied with the provision the curate had 
brought with him from the inn, although it were but little, 
the great hunger that pressed them. And whilst they took 
their ease there, a certain young stripling that travelled past 
by, who, looking very earnestly on all those which sat about 
the fountain, he ran presently after to Don Quixote, and, 
embracing his legs, he said, weeping downright, 'Oh, my 
lord, do not you know me? Look well upon me; for I am 
the youth Andrew whom you unloosed from the oak where- 
unto I was tied.' Don Quixote presently knew him, and, 
taking him by the hands, he turned to those that were pres- 
ent and said, 'Because you may see of how great importance 
it is that there be knights-errant in the world, to undo wrongs 
and injuries that are committed in it by the insolent and bad 
men which live therein, thou shall wit that a few days past, 
as I rode through a wood, I heard certain lamentable 
screeches and cries, as of some needful and afflicted person. 
I forthwith occurred, borne away by my profession, towards 
the place from whence the lamentable voice sounded, and I 


found tied to an oaken tree this boy whom you see here in 
our presence, for which I am marvellous glad, because if I 
shall not say the truth he may check me. I say that he was 
tied to the oak, stark naked from the middle upward, and a 
certain clown was opening his flesh with cruel blows that he 
gave him with the reins of a bridle, which clown, as I after 
understood, was his master. And so, as soon as I saw him, 
I demanded the cause of those cruel stripes. The rude fel- 
low answered that he beat him because he was his servant, 
and that certain negligences of his proceeded rather from 
being a thief than of simplicity. To which this child an- 
swered, "Sir, he whips me for no other cause but by reason 
that I demand my wages of him." His master replied I 
know not now what speeches and excuses, the which although 
I heard, yet were they not by me admitted. In resolution, I 
caused him to be loosed, and took the clown's oath that he 
would take him home, and pay him there his wages, one real 
upon another — ay, and those also perfumed. Is it not true, 
son Andrew? Didst thou not note with what a domineering 
countenance I commanded it, and with what humility he 
promised to accomplish all that I imposed, commanded, and 
desired? Answer me; be not ashamed, nor stagger at all, 
but tell what passed to these gentlemen, to the end it may be 
manifestly seen how necessary it is, as I have said, to have 
knights-errant up and down the highways.' 

'All that which you have said,' quoth the boy, 'is very 
true; but the end of the matter succeeded altogether con- 
trary to that which you imagined.' 'How contrary?' quoth 
Don Quixote. 'Why, hath not the peasant paid thee?' 'He 
not only hath not paid me,' answered the boy, 'but rather, 
as soon as you were past the wood, and that we remained 
both alone, he turned again and tied me to the same tree, 
and gave me afresh so many blows, as I remained another 
St. Bartholomew, all flayed; and at every blow ne said some 
jest or other in derision of you; so that, if I had not felt the 
pain of the stripes so much as I did, I could have found it in 
my heart to have laughed very heartily. In fine, he left me 
in such pitiful case as I have been ever since curing myself 
in an hospital of the evil which the wicked peasant did thfen 
unto me. And you are in tlie fault of all this, for if you 


had ridden on your way, and not come to the place where 
you were not sought for, nor mtermeddled yourself in other 
men's afifairs, perhaps my master had contented himself with 
giving me a dozen or two of strokes, and would presently 
after have loosed me and paid me my wages. But by reason 
you dishonoured him so much without cause, and said to him 
so many villains, his choler was inflamed, and, seeing he 
could not revenge it on you, finding himself alone, he disbur- 
dened the shower on me so heavily as I greatly fear that I 
shall never again be mine own man.' 'The hurt consisted in 
my departure,' quoth Don Quixote, 'for I should not have 
gone from thence until I had seen thee paid ; for I might 
have very well known, by many experiences, that there is 
no clown that will keep his word, if he see the keeping of it 
can turn any way to his damage. But yet, Andrew, thou 
dost remember how I swore that if he paid thee not, I would 
return and seek him out, and likewise find him, although he 
conveyed himself into a whale's belly.' 'That's true,' quoth 
Andrew; 'but all avails not.' 'Thou shalt see whether it 
avails or no presently,' quoth Don Quixote ; and, saying so, 
got up very hastily, and commanded Sancho to bridle Rozi- 
nante, who was feeding whilst they did eat. Dorothea de- 
manded of him what he meant to do. He answered that he 
would go and find out the villain, and punish him for using 
such bad proceedings, and cause Andrew to be paid the last 
denier, in despite of as many peasants as lived in the world. 
To which she answered, entreating him to remember that 
he could not deal with any other adventure, according to his 
promise, until hers were achieved; and seeing that he him- 
self knew it to be true better than any other, that he should 
pacify himself until his return from her kingdom. 

'You have reason,' said Don Quixote, 'and therefore An- 
drew must have patience perforce until my return, as you 
have said, madam ; and, when I shall turn again, I do swear 
unto him, and likewise renew my promise, never to rest un- 
til he be satisfied and paid.' 'I believe not in such oaths,' 
quoth Andrew, 'but would have as much money as might 
carry me to Seville, rather than all the revenges in the world. 
Give me some meat to eat, and carry away with me, and 
God be with you and all other knights-errant; and I pray 


God that they may prove as erring to themselves as they 
have been to me !' 

Sancho took out of his bag a piece of bread and cheese, 
and, giving it to the youth, said, 'Hold, brother Andrew, for 
every one hath his part of your misfortune.' 'I pray you 
what part thereof have you?' said Andrew. 'This piece of 
bread and cheese that I bestow on thee,' quoth Sancho ; 'for, 
God only knows whether I shall have need of it again or no ; 
for thou must wit, friend, that we the squires of knights- 
errant are very subject to great hunger and evil luck; yea, 
and to other things, which are better felt than told.' An- 
drew laid hold on his bread and cheese, and, seeing that no- 
body gave him any other thing, he bowed his head, and went 
on his way. True it is that he said to Don Quixote at his 
departure, 'For God's love, good sir knight-errant, if you 
shall ever meet me again in the plight you have done, al- 
though you should see me torn in pieces, yet do not succour 
or help me, but leave me in my disgrace; for it cannot be 
so great but that a greater will result from your help, upon 
whom, and all the other knights-errant that are born in the 
world, I pray God His curse may alight !' Don Quixote 
thought to arise to chastise him, but he ran away so swiftly 
as no man durst follow him; and our knight remained mar- 
vellously ashamed at Andrew's tale ; wherefore the rest with 
much ado suppressed their desire to laugh, lest they should 
thoroughly confound him. 


Treating of That Which Befel All Don Quixote His 
Train in the Inn 

THE dinner being ended, they saddled and went to horse 
presently, and travelled all that day and the next with- 
out encountering any adventure of price, until they 
arrived at the only bug and scarecrow of Sancho Panza, 
and though he would full fain have excused his entry into it, 
yet could he in no wise avoid it. The innkeeper, the hostess, 
her daughter, and Maritornes, seeing Don Quixote and 
Sancho return, went out to receive them with tokens of great 
love and joy, and he entertained them with grave counte- 
nance and applause, and bade them to make him ready a 
better bed than the other which they had given unto him the 
time before. 'Sir,' quoth the hostess, 'if you would pay us 
better than the last time, we would give you one for a prince.' 
Don Quixote answered that he would. They prepared a 
reasonable good bed for him in the same wide room where 
he lay before ; and he went presently to bed, by reason that 
he arrived much tired, and void of wit. And scarce was he 
gotten into his chamber, when the hostess leaping suddenly 
on the barber, and taking him by the beard, said, 'Now, by 
myself blessed, thou shalt use my tail no more for a beard, 
and thou shalt turn me my tail ; for my husband's comb goes 
thrown up and down the floor, that it is a shame to see it. 
I mean the comb that I was wont to hang up in my good 
tail.' The barber would not give it unto her for all her 
drawing, until the licentiate bade him to restore it, that they 
had now no more use thereof, but that he might now very 
well discover himself, and appear in his own shape, and 
[say] to Don Quixote that after the galley-slaves had robbed 
him he fled to that inn ; and if Don Quixote demanded by 
chance for the princess her squire, that they should tell him 



how she had sent him before to her kingdom, to give intelli- 
gence to her subjects that she returned, bringing with her 
him that should free and give them all liberty. With this 
the barber surrendered the tail willingly to the hostess, and 
likewise all the other borrowed wares which she had lent 
for Don Quixote's delivery. All those of the inn rested 
wonderful amazed at Dorothea's beauty, and also at the 
comeliness of the shepherd Cardenio. Then the curate gave 
order to make ready for them such meat as the inn could 
afford ; and the innkeeper, in hope of better payment, did 
dress very speedily for them a reasonable good dinner. Don 
Quixote slept all this while, and they were of opinion to let 
him take his rest, seeing sleep was more requisite for his 
disease than meat. At the table they discoursed (the inn- 
keeper, his wife, daughter, and Maritornes, and all the other 
travellers being present) of Don Quixote's strange frenzy, 
and of the manner wherein they found him. The hostess, 
eftsoons, recounted what had happened there, between him 
and the carrier; and looking to see whether Sancho were 
present, perceiving that he was away, she told likewise all 
the story of his canvassing, whereat they conceived no little 
content and pastime. And, as the curate said that the origi- 
nal cause of Don Quixote's madness proceeded from the 
reading of books of knighthood, the innkeeper answered, — 
T cannot conceive how that can be, for, as I believe, there 
is no reading so delightful in this world, and I myself have 
two or three books of that kind with other papers, which do 
verily keep me alive, and not only me, but many other. For 
in the reaping times, many of the reapers repair to this place 
in the heats of mid-day, and there is evermore some one or 
other among them that can read, who takes one of these 
books in hand, and then some thirty or more of us do com- 
pass him about, and do listen to him with such pleasure, as 
it hinders a thousand hoary hairs; for I dare say, at least 
of myself, that when I hear tell of those furious and terrible 
blows that knights-errant give, it inflames me with a desire 
to become such a one myself, and could find in my heart to 
be hearing of them day and night.' T am just of the same 
mind, no more, nor no less,' said the hostess, 'for I never have 
any quiet hour in my house, but when thou art hearing those 


books whereon thou art so besotted, as then thou dost only 
forget to chide, which is thy ordinary exercise at other 
times.' 'That is very true,' said Maritornes; 'and I in good 
sooth do take great deHght to hear those things, for they 
are very fine, and especially when they tell how such a lady 
lies embraced by her knight under an orange tree, and that 
a certain damsel keepeth watch all the while, ready to burst 
for envy that she hath not likewise her sweetheart, and very 
much afraid. I say that all those things are as sweet as 
honey to me.' 'And you,' quoth the curate to the innkeeper's 
daughter, 'what do you think?' 'I know not in good sooth, 
sir,' quoth she ; 'but I do likewise give ear, and in truth, al- 
though I understand it not, yet do I take some pleasure to 
hear them ; but I mislike greatly those blows which please 
my father so much, and only delight in the lamentations 
that knights make being absent from their ladies; which in 
sooth do now and then make me weep through the com- 
passion I take of them.' 'Well, then,' quoth Dorothea, 'be- 
like, fair maiden, you would remedy them, if such plaints 
were breathed for your own sake ?' 'I know not what I 
would do,' answered the girl, 'only this I know, that there 
are some of those ladies so cruel, as their knights call them 
tigers and lions, and a thousand other wild beasts. And, 
good Jesus, I know not what unsouled folk they be, and so 
without conscience, that because they will not once behold 
an honourable man, they suffer him either to die or run mad. 
And I know not to what end serves all that coyness. For if 
they do it for honesty's sake, let them marry with them, for 
the knights desire nothing more.' 'Peace, child,' quoth the 
hostess; 'for it seems that thou knowest too much of those 
matters, and it is not decent that maidens should know or 
speak so much.' 'I speak,' quoth she, 'by reason that this 
good sir made me the demand; and I could not in courtesy 
omit to answer him.' 'Well,' said the curate, 'let me entreat 
you, good mine host, to bring us here those books, for I 
would fain see them.' 

'I am pleased,' said the innkeeper; and then entering into 
his chamber, he brought forth a little old malet shut up with 
a chain ; and, opening thereof, he took out three great books 
and certain papers written with a very fair letter. The first 


book he opened was that of Don Cirongilio of Thracia, the 
other, Felixmarte of Hircania, and the third, The History of 
the Great Captain, Gonzalo Hernandez of Cordova, with the 
Hfe of Diego Garcia Paredes adjoined. As soon as the curate 
had read the titles of the two books, he said to the barber, 
'We have now great want of our friends, the old woman and 
niece.' 'Not so much as you think,' quoth the barber; 'for I 
know also the way to the yard or the chimney, and, in good 
sooth, there is a fire in it good enough for that purpose.' 
'Would you then,' quoth the host, 'burn my books?' 'No 
more of them,' quoth the curate; 'but these first two of Don 
Cirongilio and Felixmarte' 'Are my books perhaps,' quoth 
the innkeeper, 'heretical or phlegmatical, that you would thus 
roughly handle them?' 'Schismatical, thou shouldst have 
said,' quoth the barber, 'and not phlegmatical.' 'It is so,' 
said the innkeeper; 'but if you will needs burn any, I pray 
you, rather let it be that of the Great Captain, and of that 
Diego Garcia; for I would rather suffer one of my sons to 
be burned than any one of those other two.' 'Good friend, 
these two books are lying, and full of follies and vanities ; 
but that of the Great Captain is true, and containeth the acts 
of Gonzalo Hernandez of Cordova, who for his sundry and 
noble acts merited to be termed by all the world the Great 
Captain, a name famous, illustrious, and only deserved by 
himself, and this other, Diego Garcia of Paredes, was a 
noble gentleman, born in the city of Truxillo in Estrema- 
dura, and was a most valorous soldier, and of so surpassing 
force, as he would detain a mill-wheel with one hand from 
turning in the midst of the speediest motion : and standing 
once at the end of a bridge, with a two-handed sword, de- 
fended the passage against a mighty army that attempted to 
pass over it ; and did so many other things, that if another 
who were a stranger and unpassionate had written them, as 
he did himself who was the relater and historiographer of his 
own acts, and therefore recounted them with the modesty of 
a gentleman and proper chronicler, they would have drowned 
all the Hectors, Achilleses, and Rolands in oblivion.' 

'There is a jest,' quoth the innkeeper. 'Deal with my 
father, I pray you see at what you wonder. A wise tale at 
the withholding of the wheel of a mill. I swear you ought 


to read that which is read in Felixmarte of Hircania, who 
with one thwart blow cut five mighty giants in halves, as if 
they were of beans, like to the little friars that children make 
of bean-cods ; and set another time upon a great and most 
powerful army of more than a million and six hundred thou- 
sand soldiers, and overthrew and scattered them all like a 
flock of sheep. What, then, can you say to me of the good 
Cirongilio of Thracia, who was so animous and valiant, as 
may be seen in his book; wherein is laid down, that, as he 
sailed along a river, there issued out of the midst of the 
water a serpent of fire, and he, as soon as he perceived it, 
leaped upon her, and hanging by her scaly shoulders, he 
wrung her throat so straitly between both his arms, that the 
serpent, perceiving herself to be well-nigh strangled, had no 
other way to save herself but by diving down into the deeps, 
carrying the knight away with her, who would never let go 
his grip, and when they came to the bottom he found him- 
self by a palace in such fair and pleasant gardens, as it was 
a wonder ; and presently the serpent turned into an old man, 
which said to him such things as there is no more to be de- 
sired. Two figs for the Great Captain and that Diego Garcia 
of whom you speak.' 

Dorothea, hearing him speak thus, said to Cardenio, 'Me- 
thinks our host wants but little to make up a second part of 
Don Quixote.' 'So it seems to me likewise,' replied Car- 
denio; 'for, as we may conjecture by his words, he certainly 
believes that everything written in those books passed just 
as it is laid down, and barefooted friars would be scarce 
able to persuade him the contrary.' 'Know, friend,' quoth 
the curate to the innkeeper, 'that there was never any such a 
man as Felixmarte of Hircania, or Don Cirongilio of Thracia. 
nor other such knights as bo^'^s of chivalry recount; for all 
is but a device and fiction of idle wits that composed them, 
to the end that thou sayst, to pass over the time, as your 
readers do in reading of them. For I sincerely swear unto 
thee, that there were never such knights in the world, nor 
such adventures and ravings happened in it.' 'Cast that 
bone to another dog,' quoth the innkeeper, 'as though I knew 
not how many numbers are five, ?'nd where the shoe wrests 
me now. I pray you, sir, go not about to give me pap, for 


by the Lord I am not so white. Is it not a good sport that 
you labour to persuade me, that all that which these good 
books say are but ravings and fables, they being printed by 
grace and favour of the Lords of the Privy Council; as if 
they were folk that would permit so many lies to be printed 
at once, and so many battles and enchantments, as are able 
to make a man run out of his wits.' 'I have told thee al- 
ready, friend,' said the curate, 'that this is done for the recre- 
ation of our idle thoughts, and so even as, in well-governed 
commonwealths, the plays at chess, tennis, and trucks are 
tolerated for the pastime of some men which have none other 
occupation, and either ought not or cannot work, even so 
such books are permitted to be printed; presuming (as in 
truth they ought, that no man would be found so simple 
and ignorant as to hold any of these books for a true 
history. And if my leisure permitted, and that it were a 
thing requisite for this auditory, I could say many things 
concerning the subject of books of knighthood, to the end 
that they should be well contrived, and also be pleasant and 
profitable to the readers; but I hope sometime to have the 
commodity to communicate my conceit with those that may 
redress it. And in the meanwhile, you may believe, good 
mine host, what I have said, and take to you your books, and 
agree with their truths or leasings as you please, and much 
good may it do you ; and I pray God that you halt not in 
time on the foot that your guest Don Quixote halteth.' 'Not 
so,' quoth the innkeeper, 'for I will never be so wood as to 
become a knight-errant, for I see well that what was used in 
the times of these famous knights is now in no use nor 

Sancho came in about the midst of this discourse, and 
rested much confounded and pensative of that which he 
heard them say, that knights-errant were now in no request, 
and that the books of chivalry only contained follies and 
lies, and purposed with himself to see the end of that voyage 
of his lord's, and that if it sorted not the wished success 
which he expected, he resolved to leave him and return home 
to his wife and children and accustomed labour. The inn- 
keeper thought to take away his books and budget, but the 
curate withheld him, saying, 'Stay a while, for I would see 


what papers are those which are written in so fair a char- 
acter.' The host took them out and gave them to him to 
read, being in number some eight sheets, with a title written 
in text letters, which said, The History of the Curious-Im- 
pertinent. The curate read two or three lines softly to him- 
self, and said after, 'Truly the title of this history doth not 
mislike me, and therefore I am about to read it through.' 
The innkeeper hearing him, said, 'Your reverence may very 
well do it, for I assure you that some guests which have 
read it here, as they travelled, did commend it exceedingly, 
and have begged it of me as earnestly, but I would never 
bestow it, hoping some day to restore it to the owner of this 
malet, who forgot it here behind him with these books and 
papers, for it may be that he will sometime return, and al- 
though I know that I shall have great want of the books, 
yet will I make to him restitution, for although I am an inn- 
keeper, yet God be thanked I am a Christian therewithal.' 
'You have great reason, my friend,' quoth the curate ; 'but 
yet notwithstanding, if the taste like me, thou must give me 
leave to take a copy thereof.' 'With all my heart,' replied 
the host. And as they two talked, Cardenio, taking the book, 
began to read a little of it, and, it pleasing him as much as 
it had done the curate, he' requested him to read it in such 
sort as they might all hear him. 'That I would willingly 
do,' said the curate, 'it the time were not now more fit for 
sleeping than reading.' 'It were sufficient repose for me,' 
said Dorothea, 'to pass away the time listening to some tale 
or other, for my spirit is not yet so well quieted as to afford 
me licence to sleep, even then when nature exacteth it.' 'If 
that be so,' quoth the curate, 'I will read it, if it were but 
for curiosity ; perhaps it containeth some delightful matter.' 
Master Nicholas and Sancho entreated the same. The cu- 
rate, seeing and knowing that he should therein do them all 
a pleasure, and he himself likewise receive as great, said, 
'Seeing you will needs hear it, be all of you attentive, for 
ihe history beginneth in this manner.' 


Wherein Is Rehearsed the History of the Curious- 

*"!" N Florence, a rich and famous city of Italy, in the prov- 
I ince called Tuscany, there dwelt two rich and principal 
-■- gentlemen called Anselmo and Lothario, which two 
were so great friends, as they were named for excellency, 
and by antonornasia, by all those that knew them, the Two 
Friends. They were both bachelors, and much of one age 
and manners ; all which was of force to make them answer 
one another with reciprocal amity. True it is that Anselmo 
was somewhat more inclined to amorous dalliance than Lo- 
thario, who was altogether addicted to hunting. But when 
occasion exacted it, Anselmo would omit his own pleasures, 
to satisfy his friend's; and Lothario likewise his, to please 
Anselmo. And by this means both their wills were so cor- 
respondent, as no clock could be better ordered than were 
their desires. Anselmo being at last deeply enamoured of a 
principal and beautiful young lady of the same city, called 
Camilla, being so worthily descended, and she herself of 
such merit therewithal, as he resolved (by the consent of his 
friend Lothario, without whom he did nothing) to demand 
her of her parents for wife ; and did put his purpose in exe- 
cution; and Lothario himself was the messenger, and con- 
cluded the matter so to his friend's satisfaction, as he was 
shortly after put in possession of his desires; and Camilla 
so contented to have gotten Anselmo, as she ceased not to 
render Heaven and Lothario thanks, by whose means she 
had obtained so great a match. The first days, as all mar- 
riage days are wont to be merry, Lothario frequented, ac- 
cording to the custom, his friend Anselmo's house, endeav- 
ouring to honour, feast, and recreate him all the ways he 
might possibly. Rut after the nuptials were finished, and 



the concourse of strangers, visitations, and congratulations 
somewhat ceased, Lothario also began to be somewhat more 
slack than he wonted in going to Anselmo his house, deem- 
ing it (as it is reason that all discreet men should) not so 
convenient to visit or haunt so often the house of his friend 
after marriage as he would, had he still remained a bachelor. 
For although true amity neither should nor ought to admit 
the least suspicion, yet notwithstanding a married man's 
honour is so delicate and tender a thing, as it seems it may 
be sometimes impaired, even by very brethren; and how 
much more by friends? Anselmo noted the remission of 
Lothario, and did grievously complain thereof, saying that, 
if he had wist by marriage he should thus be deprived of his 
dear conversation, he would never have married; and that 
since through the uniform correspondency of them both 
being free, they had deserved the sweet title of the Two 
Friends, that he should not now permit (because he would 
be noted circumspect without any other occasion) that so 
famous and pleasing a name should be lost; and therefore 
he requested him (if it were lawful to use such a term be- 
tween them two) to return and be master of his house, and 
come and go as he had done before his marriage, assuring 
him that his spouse Camilla had no other pleasure and will, 
than that which himself pleased she should have ; and that 
she, after having known how great was both their friend- 
ships, was not a little amazed to see him become so strange. 
'To all these and many other reasons alleged by Anselmo, 
to persuade Lothario to frequent his house, he answered with 
so great prudence, discretion, and wariness, as Anselmo re- 
mained satisfied of his friend's good intention herein; and 
they made an agreement between them two, that Lothario 
should dine at his house twice a week, and the holy days 
besides. And although this agreement had passed between 
them, yet Lothario purposed to do that only which he should 
find most expedient for his friend's honour, whose reputa- 
tion he tendered much more dearly than he did his own; 
and was wont to say very discreetly, that the married man, 
unto whom Heaven had given a beautiful wife, ought to 
have as much heed of his friends which he brought to his 
house, as he should of the women friends that visited his 


wife; for that which is not done nor agreed upon in the 
church or market, nor in public feasts or stations (being 
places that a man cannot lawfully hinder his wife from fre- 
quenting sometimes at least) are ofttimes facilitated and 
contrived in a friend's or kinswoman's house, whom perhaps 
we never suspected. Anselmo on the other side affirmed, 
that therefore married men ought every one of them to have 
some friend who might advertise them of the faults escaped 
in their manner of proceeding; for it befalls many times, 
that through the great love which the husband bears to his 
wife, either he doth not take notice, or else he doth not ad- 
vertise her, because he would not offend her to do or omit 
to do certain things, the doing or omitting whereof might 
turn to his honour or obloquy; to which things, being adver- 
tised by his friend, he might easily apply some remedy. But 
where might a man find a friend so discreet, loyal, and 
trusty as Anselmo demands? I know not truly, if not Lo- 
thario : for he it was that with all solicitude and care re- 
garded the honour of his friend; and therefore endeavoured 
to clip and diminish the number of the days promised, lest 
he should give occasion to the idle vulgar, or to the eyes of 
vagabonds and malicious men to judge any sinister thing, 
viewing so rich, comely, noble, and qualified a young man as 
he was, to have so free access into the house of a woman so 
beautiful as Camilla. For though his virtues and modest 
carriage were sufficiently able to set a bridle to any malig- 
nant tongue, yet notwithstanding he would not have his credit, 
nor that of his friends, called into any question ; and there- 
fore would spend most of the days that he had agreed to 
visit his friend, in other places and exercises ; yet feigning 
excuses so plausible, as his friend admitted them for very 
reasonable. And thus the time passed on in challenges of 
unkindness of the one side, and lawful excuses of the other. 
*It so fell out, that, as both the friends walked on a day 
together in a field without the city, Anselmo said to Lothario 
these words ensuing: "I know very well, friend Lothario, 
that among all the favours which God of His bounty hath 
bestowed upon me by making me the son of such parents, 
and giving to me with so liberal a hand, both the goods of 
nature and fortune ; yet as I cannot answer Him with suf- 


ficient gratitude for the benefits already received, so do I 
find myself most highly bound unto Him above all others, 
for having given me such a friend as thou art, and so beauti- 
ful a wife as Camilla, being both of you such pawns, as if I 
esteem you not in the degree which I ought, yet do I hold 
you as dear as I may. And yet, possessing all those things 
which are wont to be the all and some that are wont and 
may make a man happy, I live notwithstanding the most 
sullen and discontented life of the world, being troubled, I 
know not since when, and inwardly wrested with so strange 
a desire, and extravagant, from the common use of others, 
as I marvel at myself, and do condemn and rebuke myself 
when I am alone, and do labour to conceal and cover mine 
own desires ; all which hath served me to as little effect, as if 
I had proclaimed mine own errors purposely to the world. 
And seeing that it must finally break out, my will is, that 
it be only communicated to the treasury of thy secret; hop- 
ing by it and mine own industry, which, as my true friend, 
thou wilt use to help me, I shall be quickly freed from the 
anguish it causeth, and by thy means my joy and content- 
ment shall arrive to the pass that my discontents have 
brought me through mine own folly." 

'Lothario stood suspended at Anselmo's speech, as one that 
could not imagine to what so prolix a prevention and pre- 
amble tended; and although he revolved and imagined sundry 
things in his mind which he deemed might afflict his friend, 
yet did he ever shoot wide from the mark which in truth it 
was; and that he might quickly escape that agony, wherein 
the suspension held him, he said, that his friend did notable 
injury to their amity, in searching out wreathings and am- 
bages in the discovery of his most hidden thoughts to him, 
seeing he might assure himself certainly, either to receive 
counsels of him how to entertain, or else remedy and means 
how to accomplish them. 

' "It is very true," answered Anselmo, "and with that con- 
fidence I let thee to understand, friend Lothario, that the 
desire which vexeth me is a longing to know whether my 
wife Camilla be as good and perfect as I do account her, and 
I cannot wholly rest satisfied of this truth, but by making 
trial of her, in such sort as it may give manifest argument of 


the degree of her goodness, as the fire doth show the value 
of gold; for I am of opinion, O friend, that a woman is of 
no more worth or virtue than that which is in her, after she 
hath been solicited; and that she alone is strong who cannot 
be bowed by the promises, gifts, tears, and continual impor- 
tunities of importunate lovers. For what thanks is it," quoth 
he, "tor a woman to be good, if nobody say or teach her ill? 
What wonder that she be retired and timorous, if no occasion 
be ministered to her of dissolution, and chiefly she that knows 
she hath a husband ready to kill her for the least argument of 
lightness? So that she which is only good for fear or want of 
occasion, will I never hold in that estimation, that I would the 
other solicited and pursued, who, notwithstanding, comes away 
crowned with the victory. And therefore, being moved as 
well by these reasons as by many other which I could tell you, 
which accredit and fortify mine opinion, I desire that my 
wife Camilla do also pass through the pikes of those proofs 
and difficulties, and purify and refine herself in the fire of 
being requested, solicited, and pursued, and that by one whose 
worths and valour may deserve acceptance in her opinion; 
and if she bear away the palm of the victory, as I believe she 
will, I shall account my fortune matchless, and may brag that 
my desires are in their height, and will say that a strong 
woman hath fallen to my lot, of whom the wise man saith, 
'Who shall find her?' And when it shall succeed contrary to 
mine expectation, I shall, with the pleasure that I will con- 
ceive to see how rightly it jumps with mine opinion, bear 
very indifferent [ly] the grief which in all reason this so 
costly a trial must stir in me. And presupposing that nothing 
which thou shalt say to me shall be available to hinder my 
design, or dissuade me from putting my purpose in execution, 
I would have thyself, dear friend Lothario, to provide thee 
to be the instrument that shall labour this work of my liking, 
and I will give thee opportunity enough to perform the same, 
without omitting anything thkt may further thee in the solici- 
tation of an honest, noble, wary, retired, and passionless 

' "And I am chiefly moved to commit this so hard an enter- 
prise to thy trust, because I know that, if Camilla be van- 
quished by thee, yet shall not the victory arrive to the last 


push and upshot, but only to that of accounting a thing to be 
done, which shall not be done for many good respects. So 
shall I remain nothing offended, and mine injury concealed in 
the virtue of thy silence; for I know thy care to be such in 
matters concerning me, as it shall be eternal, like that of 
death. And therefore if thou desirest that I may lead a life 
deserving that name, thou must forthwith provide thyself to 
enter into this amorous conflict, and that not languishing or 
slothfully, but with that courage and diligence which my 
desire expecteth, and the confidence I have in our amity 
assureth me." 

'These were the reasons used by Anselmo to Lothario, to 
all which he was so attentive, as, until he ended, he did not 
once unfold his lips to speak a word save those which we 
have above related; and seeing that he spoke no more, after 
he had beheld him a good while, as a thing that he had never 
before, and did therefore strike him into admiration and 
amazement, he said, "Friend Anselmo, I cannot persuade my- 
self that the words you have spoken be other than jests, for, 
had I thought that thou wert in earnest, I would not have 
suffered thee to pass on so far, and by lending thee no ear 
would have excused this tedious oration. I do verily im- 
agine that either thou dost not know me, or I thee ; but not 
so, for I know thee to be Anselmo, and thou that I am Lo- 
thario. The damage is, that I think thou art not the Anselmo 
thou was wont to be, and perhaps thou deemest me not to be 
the accustomed Lothario that I ought to be ; for the things 
which thou hast spoken are not of that Anselmo my friend, 
nor those which thou seekest ought to be demanded of that 
Lothario, of whom thou hast notice. For true friends ought 
to prove and use their friends, as the poet said, usque ad arcs, 
that is, that they should in no sort employ them or implore 
their assistance in things offensive unto God; and if a Gentile 
was of this opinion in matters of friendship, how much 
greater reason is it that a Christian should have that feeling, 
specially knowing that the celestial amity is not to be lost for 
any human friendship whatsoever. And when the friend 
should throw the bars so wide, as to set heavenly respects 
apart, for to compliment with his friend, it must not be done 
on light grounds, or for things of small moment, but rather 


for those whereon his friend's life and honour wholly de- 
pend. Then tell me now, Anselmo, in which of these two 
things art thou in danger, that I may adventure my person to 
do thee a pleasure, and attempt so detestable a thing as thou 
dost demand? None of them truly, but rather dost demand, 
as I may conjecture, that I do industriously labour to deprive 
thee of thine honour and life together, and, in doing so, I 
likewise deprive myself of them both. For if I must labour to 
take away thy credit, it is most evident that I despoil thee of 
life, for a man without reputation is worse than a dead man, 
and I being the instrument, as thou desirest that I should be, 
of so great harm unto thee, do not I become likewise thereby 
dishonoured, and by the same consequence also without life? 
Here me, friend Anselmo, and have patience not to answer 
me until I have said all that I think, concerning that which 
thy mind exacteth of thee ; for we shall have after leisure 
enough, wherein thou mayst reply, and I have patience to 
listen unto thy reasons." 

' "I am pleased," quoth Anselmo ; "say what thou likest." 
And Lothario prosecuted his speech in this manner: "Me- 
thinks, Anselmo, that thou art now of the Moors' humours, 
which can by no means be made to understand the error of 
their sect, neither by citations of the Holy Scripture, nor by 
reasons which consist in speculations of the understanding, 
or that are founded in the Articles of the Faith, but must be 
won by palpable examples, and those easy, intelligible, de- 
monstrative, and doubtless, by mathematical demonstrations, 
which cannot be denied. Even as when we say, 'If from two 
equal parts we take away two parts equal, the parts that re- 
main are also equal.' And when they cannot understand this, 
as in truth they do not, we must demonstrate it to them with 
our hands, and lay it before their eyes, and yet for all this 
nought can avaU to win them in the end to give credit to the 
verities of our religion ; which very terms and manner of pro- 
ceeding I must use with thee, by reason that the desire which 
is sprung in thee doth so wander and stray from all that 
which bears the shadow only of reason, as I doubt much that 
I shall spend my time in vain, which I shall bestow, to make 
thee understand thine own simplicity, for I will give it no 
other name at this present ; and, in good earnest, I v/as almost 


persuaded to leave thee in thine humour, in punishment of 
thine inordinate and unreasonable desire, but that the love 
which I bear towards thee doth not consent I use to thee such 
rigour, or leave thee in so manifest a danger of thine own 
perdition. And, that thou mayst clearly see it, tell me, An- 
selmo, hast not thou said unto me, that I must solicit one that 
stands upon her reputation ; persuade an honest woman ; make 
proffers to one that is not passionate or engaged ; and serve 
a discreet woman? Yes, thou hast said all this. Well, then, 
if thou knowest already that thou hast a retired, honest, un- 
passionate, and prudent wife, what seekest thou more? And, 
if thou thinkest that she will rest victorious, after all mine 
assaults, as doubtless she will, what better titles wouldst thou 
after bestow upon her, than those she possesseth already ? 
Either it proceeds, because thou dost not think of her as 
thou sayst, or else because thou knowest not what thou 
demandest. If thou dost not account her such as thou praisest 
her, to what end wouldst thou prove her ? But rather, as an 
evil person, use her as thou likest best. But, if she be as good 
as thou believest, it were an impertinent thing to make trial 
of truth itself. For, after it is made, yet it will still rest only 
with the same reputation it had before. Wherefore, it is a 
concluding reason, that, to attempt things, whence rather 
harm may after result unto us than good, is the part of rash 
and discourseless brains; and principally when they deal with 
those things whereunto they are not compelled or driven, and 
that they see even afar off, how the attempting the like is 
manifest folly. Difificult things are undertaken for God, or 
the world, or both. Those that are done for God are the 
works of the saints, endeavouring to lead angels' lives, in 
frail and mortal bodies. Those of the world are the travels 
and toils of such as cross such immense seas, travel through 
so adverse regions, and converse with so many nations, to ac- 
quire that which we call the goods of fortune. And the things 
acted for God and the world together are the worthy exploits 
of resolute and valorous martial men, which scarce perceive 
so great a breach in the adversary wall, as the cannon bullet 
is wont to make ; when, leaving all fear apart, without making 
any discourse, or taking notice of the manifest danger that 
threatens them, borne away, by the wings of desire and 


honour, to serve God, their nation and prince, do throw them- 
selves boldly into the throat of a thousand menacing deaths 
which expect them, 

' "These are things wont to be practised ; and it is honour, 
glory, and profit to attempt them, be they never so full of in- 
conveniences and danger; but that which thou sayst thou will 
try and put in practice shall never gain thee God's glory, the 
goods of fortune, or renown among men; for, suppose that 
thou bringest it to pass according to thine own fantasy, thou 
shalt remain nothing more contented, rich, or honourable 
than thou art already; and, if thou dost not, then shalt thou 
see thyself in the greatest misery of any wretch living; for it 
will little avail thee then to think that no man knows the 
disgrace befallen thee, it being sufficient both to afflict and 
dissolve thee that thou knowest it thyself. And, for greater 
confirmation of this truth, I will repeat unto thee a stanza of 
the famous poet Luigi Tansillo, in the end of his first part of 
St. Peter's Tears, which is : 

" 'The grief increaseth, and withal the shame 
In Peter when the day itself did show : 
And though he no man sees, yet doth he blame 
Himself because he had offended so. 
For breasts magnanimous, not only tame, 
When that of others they are seen, they know; 
But of themselves ashamed they often be, 
Though none but Heaven and earth their error see.' 

So that thou canst not excuse thy grief with secrecy, be it 
never so great, but rather shall have continual occasion to 
weep, if not watery tears from thine eyes, at least tears of 
blood from thy heart, such as that simple doctor wept, of 
whom our poet makes mention, who made trial of the vessel, 
which the prudent Reynaldos, upon maturer discourse, re- 
fused to deal withal. And, although it be but a poetical fiction, 
yet doth it contain many hidden morals, worthy to be noted, 
understood, and imitated; how much more, seeing that by 
what I mean to say now, -I hope thou shalt begin to conceive 
the great error which thou wouldest wittingly commit. 

' "Tell me, Anselmo, if Heaven or thy fortunes had made 
thee lord and lawful possessor of a most precious diamond, of 
whose goodness and quality all the lapidaries that had viewed 


the same would rest satisfied, and that all of them would 
jointly and uniformly affirm that it arrived in quality, good- 
ness, and fineness to all that to which the nature of such a 
stone might extend itself, and that thou thyself didst believe 
the same without witting anything to the contrary; would it 
be just that thou shouldest take an humour to set that dia- 
mond beween an anvil and a hammer, and to try there by 
very force of blows whether it be so hard and so fine as they 
say? And further: when thou didst put thy design in execu- 
tion, put the case that the stone made resistance to thy foolish 
trial, yet wouldest thou add thereby no new valure or esteem 
to it. And if it did break, as it might befall, were not then 
all lost? Yes, certainly, and that leaving the owner, in all 
men's opinion, for a very poor ignorant person. Then, friend 
Anselmo, make account that Camilla is a most precious dia- 
mond as well in thine as in other men's estimation; and it is 
no reason to put her in contingent danger of breaking, seeing 
that, although she remain in her integrity, she cannot mount 
to more worth than she hath at the present; and if she fal- 
tered, or did not resist, consider even at this present what 
state you would be in then, and how justly thou mightest then 
complain of thyself for being cause of her perdition and thine 
own. See how there is no jewel in the world comparable to 
the modest and chaste woman, and that all women's honour 
consists in the good opinion that's had of them ; and seeing 
that of thy spouse is so great, as it arrives to that sum of 
perfection which thou knowest, why wouldest thou call this 
verity in question ? Know, friend, that a woman is an imper- 
fect creature, and should therefore have nothing cast in her 
way te make her stumble and fall, but rather to clear and do 
all encumbrances away out of it, to the end she may without 
impeachment run with a swift course to obtain the perfection 
she wants, which only consists in being virtuous. 

' "The naturalists recount that the ermine is a little beast 
that hath a most white skin ; and that, when the hunters would 
chase him, they use this art to take him. As soon as they 
find out his haunt, and places where he hath recourse, they 
thwart them with mire and dirt, and after when they descry 
the little beast, they pursue him towards those places which 
are defiled; and the ermine, espying the mire, stands still, and 


permits himself to be taken and captived in exchange of not 
passing through the mire, or staining of his whiteness, which 
it esteems more than either liberty or life. The honest and 
chaste woman is an ermine, and the virtue of chastity is 
whiter and purer than snow; and he that would not lose it, 
but rather desires to keep and preserve it, must proceed with 
a different style from that of the ermine. For they must not 
propose and lay before her the mire of the passions, flatteries, 
and services of importunate lovers; for perhaps she shall not 
have the natural impulse and force, which commonly through 
proper debility is wont to stumble, to pass over those encum- 
brances safely; and therefore it is requisite to free the pass- 
age and take them away, and lay before her the clearness 
of virtue and the beauty comprised in good fame. The good 
woman is also like unto a bright and clear mirror of crystal, 
and therefore is subject to be stained and dimmed by every 
breath that toucheth it. The honest woman is to be used as 
relics of saints, to wit, she must be honoured but not touched. 
The good woman is to be kept and prized like a fair garden 
full of sweet flowers and roses, that is held in estimation, 
whose owner permits no man to enter and trample or touch 
his flowers, but holds it to be sufficient that they, standing 
afar off, without the rails, may joy at the delightful sight and 
fragrance thereof. Finally I will repeat certain verses unto 
thee that have now come to my memory, the which were re- 
peated of late in a new play, and seem to me very fit for the 
purpose of which we treat. A prudent old man did give a 
neighbour of his that had a daughter counsel to keep and shut 
her up; and among many other reasons he used these: 

" 'Truly woman is of glass ; 

Therefore no man ought to try 

If she broke or not might be, 
Seeing all might come to pass. 
Yet to break her 'tis more easy; 

And it is no wit to venture 

A thing of so brittle temper, 
That to solder is so queasy. 
And I would have all men dwell 

In this truth and reason's ground, 

That if Danaes may be found, 
Golden showers are found as well.* 


' "All that which I have said to thee, Anselmo, until this 
instant, hath been for that which may touch thyself; and it is 
now high time that somewhat be heard concerning me. And 
if by chance I shall be somewhat prolix, I pray thee to pardon 
me ; for the labyrinth wherein thou hast entered, and out of 
which thou wouldest have me to free thee, requires no less. 
Thou boldest me to be thy friend, and yet goest about to 
despoil me of mine honour, being a thing contrary to all 
amity; and dost not only pretend this, but dost likewise en- 
deavour that I should rob thee of the same. That thou 
wouldest deprive me of mine is evident; for when Camilla 
shall perceive that I solicit her as thou demandest, it is cer- 
tain that she will esteem of me as of one quite devoid of wit 
and discretion, seeing I intend and do a thing so repugnant 
to that which the being that him I am, and thine amity do 
bind me unto. That thou wouldest have me rob thee thereof 
is as manifest, for Camilla, seeing me thus to court her, must 
imagine that I have noted some lightness in her which lent 
me boldness thus to discover unto her my depraved desires, 
and she holding herself to be thereby injured and dishon- 
oured, her disgrace must also concern thee as a principal part 
of her. And hence springs that which is commonly said. That 
the husband of the adulterous wife, although he know nothing 
of her lewdness, nor hath given any occasion to her to do 
what she ought not, nor was able any way to hinder by dili- 
gence, care, or other means, his disgrace, yet is entitled with 
a vituperous name, and is in a manner beheld by those that 
know his wife's malice with the eyes of contempt; whereas 
they should indeed regard him rather with those of compas- 
sion, seeing that he falls into that misfortune not so much 
through his own default, as through the light fantasy of his 
wicked consort. But I will show thee the reason why a bad 
woman's husband is justly dishonoured and contemned, al- 
though he be ignorant and guiltless thereof, and cannot pre- 
vent, nor hath given to it any occasion. And be not grieved 
to hear me, seeing the benefit of the discourse shall redound 
unto thyself. 

' "When God created our first parent in the terrestrial para- 
dise, the Holy Scripture saith, That God infused sleep into 
Adam, and that, being asleep, He took out a rib out of his left 


side, of which He formed our mother Eve; and as soon as 
Adam awaked and beheld her, he said, 'This is flesh of my 
flesh, and bone of my bones.' And God said, 'For this cause 
shall a man leave his father and his mother, and they shall be 
two in one flesh.' And then was the divine ordinance of 
matrimony first instituted, with such indissoluble knots as 
only may be by death dissolved. And this marvellous ordi- 
nance is of such efficacy and force, as it makes two different 
persons to be one very flesh ; and yet operates further in good 
married folk ; for, although they have two souls, yet it makes 
them to have but one will. And hence it proceeds, that by 
reason the wife's flesh is one and the very same with her hus- 
band's, the blemishes or defects that taint it do also redound 
into the husband's, although he, as we have said, have minis- 
tered no occasion to receive that damage. For as all the whole 
body feels any pain of the foot, head, or any other member, be- 
cause it is all one flesh, and the head smarts at the grief of the 
ankle, although it hath not caused it; so is the husband par- 
ticipant of his wife's dishonour, because he is one and the 
selfsame with her. And by reason that all the honours and 
dishonours of the world are, and spring from flesh and blood, 
and those of the bad woman be of this kind, it is forcible, that 
part of them fall to the husband's share, and that he be ac- 
counted dishonourable, although he wnolly be ignorant of it. 
See then, Anselmo, to what peril thou dost thn-st thyself by 
seeking to disturb the quietness and repose wherein thy wife 
lives, and for how vain and impertinent curiosity thou 
wouldest stir up the humours which are now quiet in thy 
chaste spouse's breast. Note how the things thou dost adven- 
ture to gain are of small moment ; but that which thou shalt 
lose so great, that I must leave it in his point, having no 
words sufficiently able to endear it. But if all that I have said 
be not able to move thee from thy bad purpose, thou mayst 
well seek out for some other instrument of thy dishonour and 
mishaps ; for I mean not to be one, although I should there- 
fore lose thine amity, which is the greatest loss that might 
any way befall me." 

'Here the prudent Lothario held his peace, and Anselmo re- 
mained so confounded and melancholy, as he could not 
answer a word to him for a very great while. But in the end 


he said, "I have listened, friend Lothario, to all that which 
thou hast said unto me, with the attention which thou hast 
noted, and have perceived in thy reasons, examples, and 
similitudes the great discretion wherewithal thou art endowed, 
and the perfection of amity that thou hast attained; and do 
also confess and see, that, if I follow not thine advice, but 
should lean unto mine own, I do but shun the good, and pur- 
sue the evil. Yet oughtest thou likewise to consider, how 
herein I suffer the disease which some women are wont to 
have, that long to eat earth, lime, coals, and other far worse 
and loathsome things even to the very sight, and much more 
to the taste ; so that it is behooveful to use some art by which 
I may be cured; and this might be easily done by beginning 
only to solicit Camilla, although you did it but weak and 
f eignedly ; for I know she will not be so soft and pliable as to 
dash her honesty about the ground at the first encounters, and 
I will rest satisfied with this commencement alone; and thou 
shalt herein accomplish the obligation thou owest to our 
friendship, by not only restoring me to life, but also by per- 
suading me not to despoil myself of mine honour. And thou 
art bound to do this, for one reason that I shall allege, to wit, 
that I being resolved, as indeed I am, to make this experience, 
thou oughtest not to permit, being my friend, that I should 
bewray my defect herein to a stranger, whereby I might very 
much endanger my reputation, which thou labourest so much 
to preserve; and though thy credit may lose some degrees 
in Camilla's opinion whilst thou dost solicit her, it matters not 
very much, or rather nothing; for very shortly, when we 
shall espy in her the integrity that we expect, thou mayst 
open unto her sincerely the drift of our practice, by which 
thou shalt again recover thine impaired reputation. There- 
fore seeing the adventure is little, and the pleasure thou shalt 
do me by the enterprising thereof so. too great, I pray thee 
do it, though ever so many encumbrances represent them- 
selves to thee, for, as I have promised, with only thy begin- 
ning, I will rest satisfied and account the cause concluded." 

'Lothario perceiving the firm resolution of Anselmo, and 
nothing else occurring forcibly dissuasive, not knowing what 
other reasons to use that might hinder this his precipitate 
resolution, and noting withal how he threatened to break the 


matter of this his indiscreet desires to a stranger, he deter- 
mined, to avoid greater inconveniences, to give him satisfac- 
tion, and perform his demand, with purpose and resolution 
to guide the matter so discreetly, as, M^ithout troubling Ca- 
milla's thoughts, Anselmo should rest contented; and there- 
fore entreated him not to open his mind to any other, for he 
himself would undertake that enterprise, and begin it when- 
soever he pleased. Anselmo embraced him very tender and 
lovingly, and gratified him as much for that promise as if he 
had done him some very great favour, and there they ac- 
corded between them that he should begin the work the very 
next day ensuing; for he would give him place and leisure to 
speak alone with Camilla, and would likewise provide him of 
money, jewels, and other things to present unto her. He did 
also admonish him to bring music under her windows by 
night, and write verses in her praise, and if he would not take 
the pains to make them, he himself would compose them for 
him. Lothario promised to perform all himself, yet with an 
intention far wide from Anselmo's; and with this agreement 
they returned to Anselmo's house, where they found Camilla 
somewhat sad and careful, expecting her husband's return, 
who had stayed longer abroad that day than his custom. Lo- 
thario, leaving him at his house, returned to his own, as 
pensive as he had left Anselmo contented, and knew not what 
plot to lay, to issue out of that impertinent affair with pros- 
perous success. But that night he bethought himself of a 
manner how to deceive Anselmo without offending Camilla; 
and so the next day ensuing he came to his friend's house to 
dinner, where Camilla, knowing the great good-will her hus- 
band bore towards him, did receive and entertain him very 
kindly with the like. Dinner being ended, and the table taken 
up, Anselmo requested Lothario to keep Camilla company 
until his return, for he must needs go about an affair that 
concerned him greatly, but would return again within an hour 
and a-half. Camilla entreated her husband to stay, and Lo- 
thario proffered to go and keep him company; but nothing 
could prevail with Anselmo, but rather he importuned his 
friend Lothario to remain and abide there till his return, be- 
cause he must go to treat of a matter of much consequence. 
He also commanded Camilla not to leave Lothario alone until 


he came back. And so he departed, leaving Camilla and Lo- 
thario together at the table, by reason that all the attendants 
and servants were gone to dinner. 

'Here Lothario saw that he was entered into the lists which 
his friend so much desired, with his adversary before him, 
who was with her beauty able to overcome a whole squadron 
of armed knights; see then if Lothario had not reason to fear 
himself; but that which he did at the first onset was to lay his 
elbow on the arm of his chair and his hand on his cheek, and, 
desiring Camilla to bear with his respectlessness therein, he 
said he would repose a little whilst he attended Anselmo's 
coming. Camilla answered that she thought he might take 
his ease better on the cushions of state ; and therefore prayed 
him he would enter into the parlour and lie on them. But he 
excused himself, and so remained asleep in the same place until 
Anselmo's return, who, coming in, and finding his wife in 
her chamber and Lothario asleep, made full account that, by 
reason of his long stay, they had time enough both to talk and 
repose ; and therefore expected very greedily the hour wherein 
his friend should awake, to go out Vv'ith him and learn what 
success he had. All succeeded as he wished; for Lothario 
arose, and both of them went abroad ; and then he demanded 
of him what he desired. And Lothario answered that it 
seemed not to him so good to discover all his meaning at the 
first; and therefore had done no other thing at that time than 
speak a little of her beauty and discretion; for it seemed to 
him that this was the best preamble he could use to gain by 
little and little some interest and possession in her acceptance, 
to dispose her thereby the better to give ear again to his 
words more willingly, imitating therein the devil's craft when 
he means to deceive any one that is vigilant and careful ; for 
then he translates himself into an angel of light, being one of 
darkness, and laying before him apparent good, discovers 
what he is in the end, and brings his intention to pass, if his 
guiles be not at the beginning detected. All this did greatly 
like Anselmo, who said that he would afford him every day 
as much leisure, although he did not go abroad ; for he would 
spend the time so at home as Camilla should never be able to 
suspect his drift. 

'It therefore befel that many days passed which Lothario 


did willingly overslip, and said nothing to Camilla ; yet did 
he ever soothe Anselmo, and told him that he had spoken to 
her, but could never win her to give the least argument of 
flexibility, or make way for the feeblest hope that might be ; 
but rather affirmed that she threatened him that, if he did not 
repel his impertinent desires, she would detect his indirect 
proceedings to her husband. "It is well," quoth Anselmo. 
"Hitherto Camilla hath resisted words; it is therefore requi- 
site to try what resistance she will make against works. I 
will give thee to-morrow four thousand crowns in gold, to 
the end thou mayst offer, and also bestow them on her; and 
thou shalt have as many more to buy jewels wherewithal to 
bait her ; for women are naturally inclined, and specially if 
they be fair (be they ever so chaste), to go brave and gor- 
geously attired ; and if she can overcome this temptation, I v/ill 
remain pleased, and put thee to no more trouble." Lothario 
answered, that, seeing he had begun, he would bear his enter- 
prise on to an end, although he made full account that he 
should depart from the conflict both tired and vanquished. He 
received the four thousand crowns the next day, and at once 
with them four thousand perplexities, for he knew not what 
to invent to lie anew; but concluded finally to tell his friend 
how Camilla was as inflexible at gifts and promises as at 
words; and therefore it would be in vain to travail any more 
in her pursuit, seeing he should do nothing else but spend the 
time in vain. 

'But fortune, which guided these affairs in another manner, 
so disposed, that Anselmo, having left Lothario and Camilla 
alone, as he was wont, entered secretly into a chamber, and 
through the crannies and chinks did listen and see what they 
would do; where he perceived that Lothario, in the space of 
half-an-hour, spoke not a word to Camilla, nor yet would he 
have spoken, though he had remained there a whole age, and 
thereupon surmised straight that all that which his friend had 
told him of Camilla's answers and his own speech were but 
fictions and untruths ; and that he might the more confirm 
himself, and see whether it were so, he came forth, and, call- 
ing Lothario apart, he demanded of him what Camilla had 
said, and in what humour she was at the present? Lothario 
answered, that he meant not ever any more to sound her in 


that matter; for she replied unto him so untowardly and 
sharply, as he durst not attempt any more to speak unto her 
of such things. 

' "Oh," quoth Anselmo, "Lothario, Lothario ! how evil dost 
thou answer to the affection thou owest me, or to the confi- 
dence I did repose in thee? I have stood beholding thee all 
this while through the hole of that lock, and saw how thou 
never spokest one word to her. Whereby I do also collect 
that thou hast not yet once accosted her; and if it be so, as 
doubtlessly it is, say, why dost thou deceive me? or why goest 
thou about fraudulently to deprive me of those means whereby 
I may obtain my desires?" Anselmo said no more, yet what 
he said was sufficient to make Lothario confused and ashamed, 
who, taking it to be a blemish to his reputation to be found in 
a lie, swore to Anselmo that he would from thenceforward so 
endeavour to please his mind, and tell him no more leasings, 
as he himself might perceive the success thereof, if he did 
again curiously lie in watch for him ; a thing which he might 
well excuse, because his most serious labour to satisfy his de- 
sire should remove all shadow of suspicion. Anselmo believed 
him, and that he might give him the greater commodity, and 
less occasion of fear, he resolved to absent himself from his 
house some eight days, and go to visit a friend of his that 
dwelt in a village not far from the city; and therefore dealt 
with his friend, that he should send a messenger to call for 
him very earnestly, that, under that pretext, he might find an 
excuse to Camilla for his departure. 

'O unfortunate and inconsiderate Anselmo ! what is that 
which thou dost? what dost thou contrive? or what is that 
thou goest about? Behold, thou wprkest thine own ruin, 
laying plots of thine own dishonour, and giving order to thy 
proper perdition. Thy wife Camilla is good; thou dost pos- 
sess her in quiet and peaceable manner; no man surpriseth 
thy delights, her thoughts transgress not the limits of her 
house. Thou art her heaven on earth, and the goal to which 
her desires aspire. Thou art the accomplishment and sum of 
her delectation. Thou art the square by which she measureth 
and directeth her will, adjusting wholly with thine and with 
that of Heaven. Since then the mines of her honour, beauty, 
modesty, and recollection bountifully afford thee, without any 


toil, all the treasures contained in them, or thou canst desire, 
why wouldst thou dig the earth and seek out new veins and 
ne'er-seen treasures, exposing thyself to the danger that thy 
labours may turn to wreck, seeing, in fine, that they are only 
sustained by the weak supporters of her frail nature? Re- 
member how he that seeks the impossible may justly be re- 
fused of that which is possible, according to that which the 
poet saith : 

" 'In death for life I seek, 
Health in infirmity ; 
For issue in a dungeon deep, 
In jails for liberty, 
And in a treachour loyalty. 

" 'But envious fate, which still 
Conspires to work mine ill, 
With heaven hath thus decreed, 
That easy things should be to me denied 
'Cause I crave the impossible.' " 

'Anselmo departed the next day following to the village, 
telling Camilla, at his departure, that, whilst he was absent, 
his friend Lothario would come and see to the affairs of his 
house, and to eat with her, and desired her therefore to make 
as much of him as she would do of his own person. Camilla, 
like a discreet and modest woman, was grieved at the order 
her husband did give to her, and requested him to render how 
indecent it was that any one should possess the chair of his 
table, he being absent, and if he did it as doubting her suffi- 
ciency to manage his household affairs, that at least he should 
make trial of her that one time, and should clearly perceive 
how she was able to discharge matters of far greater conse- 
quence. Anselmo replied, that what he commanded was his 
pleasure, and therefore she had nothing else to do but hold 
down the head and obey it. Camilla answered, that she would 
do so, although it was very much against her will. In fine, 
her husband departed, and Lothario came the next day fol- 
lowing to the house, where he was entertained by Camilla 
very friendly, but would never treat with Lothario alone, but 
evermore was compassed by her servants and waiting maid- 
ens, but chiefly by one called Leonela, whom she loved dearly, 


as one that had been brought up with her in her father's 
house, even from their infancy, and when she did marry An- 
selmo she brought her from thence in her company. 

'The first three days Lothario spoke not a word, although 
he might, when the tables were taken up, and that the folk 
of the house went hastily to dinner, for so Camilla had com- 
manded, and did give Leonela order besides to dine before 
herself, and that she should still keep by her side; but the girl, 
who had her fancy otherwise employed in things more pleas- 
ing her humour, and needed those hours and times for the 
accomplishing of them, did not always accomplish so punctu- 
ally her lady's command, but now and then would leave her 
alone, as if that were her lady's behest. But the honest pres- 
ence of Camilla, the gravity of her face, and the modesty of 
her carriage, was such, that it served as a bridle to restrain 
Lothario's tongue. But the benefit of Camilla's many virtues, 
setting silence to Lothario's speech, resulted afterward to 
both their harms ; for though the tongue spoke not, yet did his 
thoughts discourse, and had leisure afforded them to contem- 
plate, part by part, all the extremes of worth and beauty that 
were cumulated in Camilla, potent to inflame a statue of 
frozen marble, how much more a heart of flesh ! Lothario 
did only behold her in the time and space he should speak 
unto her, and did then consider how worthy she was to be 
loved. And this consideration did by little and little give as- 
saults to the respects which he ought to have borne towards 
his friend Anselmo; a thousand times did he determine to 
absent himself from the city, and go where Anselmo should 
never see him, nor he Camilla ; but the delight he took in be- 
holding her did again withhold and hinder his resolutions. 
When he was alone, he would condemn himself of his mad 
design, and term himself a bad friend and worse Christian; 
he made discourses and comparisons between himself and An- 
selmo, all which did finish in this point, that Anselmo's fool- 
hardiness and madness were greater than his own infidelity, 
and that, if he might be as easily excused before God, for 
that he meant to do, as he would be before men, he needed 
not to fear any punishment should be inflicted on him for the 
crime. Finally, Camilla's beauty and worth, assisted by the 
occasion which the ignorant husband had thrust into his fists. 


did wholly ruin and overthrow Lothario his loyalty ; and 
therefore, without regarding any other thing than that to 
which his pleasure conducted him, about three days after 
Anselmo's departure (which time he had spent in a continual 
battle and resistance of his contending thoughts), he began 
to solicit Camilla with such trouble of the spirits and so 
amorous words, as she was strucken almost beside herself 
with wonder, and made him no other answer, but, arising 
from the table, flung away in a fury into her chamber. But 
yet, for all this dryness, Lothario his hope (which is wont 
evermore to be born at once with love) was nothing dis- 
mayed, but rather accounted the more of Camilla, who, per- 
ceiving that in Lothario which she never durst before to im- 
agine, knew not what she might do ; but, it seeming unto her 
to be a thing neither secure nor honest, to give him occasion 
or leisure to speak unto him again, determined to send one 
unto her husband Anselmo the very same night, as indeed she 
did, with a letter to recall him home to her house. The 
subject of her letter was this. 


Wherein Is Prosecuted the History of the 


*"~|~^VEN as it is commonly said, that an army seems 
r^ not well without a general, or a castle without a 
* -^ constable, so do I affirm, that it is much more in- 
decent to see a young married woman without her husband, 
when he is not justly detained away by necessary affairs. I 
find myself so ill disposed in your absence, and so impatient 
and impotent to endure it longer, as, if you do not speedily 
return, I shall be constrained to return back unto my father, 
although I should leave your house without any keeping; for 
the guard you appointed for me, if it be so that he may de- 
serve that title, looks more, I believe, to his own pleasure, 
than to that which concerns you. Therefore, seeing you have 
wit enough, I will say no more ; nor ought I say more in 

'Anselmo received the letter, and by it understood that Lo- 
thario had begun the enterprise, and that Camilla had an- 
swered to him according as he had hoped. And, marvellous 
glad at the news, he answered his wife by word of mouth, 
that she should not remove in any wise from her house ; for 
he would return with all speed. Camilla was greatly admired 
at his answer, which struck her into a greater perplexity than 
she was at the first, being afraid to stay at home, and also to 
go to her father. For by staying she endangers her honesty; 
by going she would transgress her husband's command. At 
last she resolved to do that which was worst, which was to 
remain at home, and not to shun Lothario's presence, lest she 
should give her servants occasion of suspicion. And now she 
was grieved to have written what she did to her husband, 
fearful lest he should think that Lothario had noted in her 
some token of lightness, which might have moved him to lose 



the respect which otherwise was due unto her. But, confident 
in her innocency, she cast her hopes in God and her good 
thoughts, wherewithal she thought to resist all Lothario's 
words, and by holding her silent without making him any 
answer, without giving any further account of the matter to 
her husband, lest thereby she might plunge him in new diffi- 
cuhies and contention with his friend, and did therefore be- 
think her how she might excuse Lothario to Anselmo, when 
he should demand the occasion that moved her to write unto 
him that letter. 

'With these more honest than profitable or discreet resolu- 
tions, she gave ear the second day to Lothario, who charged 
her with such resolution, as her constancy began to stagger, 
and her honesty had enough to do recurring to her eyes to 
contain them, lest they should give any demonstration of the 
amorous compassion which Lothario's words and tears had 
stirred in her breast. Lothario noted all this, and it inflamed 
him the more. Finally, he thought that it was requisite [to] 
the time and leisure which Anselmo's absence afforded him, 
to lay closer siege to that fortress ; and so he assaulted her 
presumptuously, with the praises of her beauty, for there is 
nothing which with such facility doth rend and raze to the 
ground the proudly-crested turrets of women's vanity, than 
the same vanity being dilated on by the tongue of adulation 
and flattery. To be brief, he did with all diligence undermine 
the rock of her integrity with so warlike engines, as although 
Camilla were made of brass, yet would she be overthrown, 
for Lothario wept, entreated, promised, flattered, persisted 
and feigned so feelingly, and with such tokens of truth, as, 
traversing Camilla's care of her honour, he came in the end 
to triumph over that which was least suspected, and he most 
desired; for she rendered herself — even Camilla rendered 
herself. But what wonder if Lothario's amity could not stand 
on foot? A clear example, plainly demonstrating that the 
amorous passion is only vanquished by shunning it, and that 
nobody ought to adventure to wrestle with so strong an ad- 
versary; for heavenly forces are necessary for him that would 
confront the violence of that passion, although human. None 
but Leonela knew the weakness of her lady, for from her the 
two bad friends and new lovers could not conceal the matter ; 


nor yet would Lothario discover to Camilla her husband's 
pretence, or that he had given him wittingly the opportunity 
whereby he arrived to that pass, because she should not im- 
agine that he had gotten her lightly, and by chance, and did 
not purposely solicit her. 

'A few days after, Anselmo arrived to his house, and did 
not perceive what wanted therein, to wit, that which it had 
lost, and he most esteemed. From thence he went to see his 
friend Lothario, whom he found at home, and, embracing one 
another, he demanded of him the news of his life or of his 
death. "The news which I can give thee, friend Anselmo," 
quoth Lothario, "are, that thou has a wife who may deserv- 
edly be the example and garland of all good women. The 
words that I spoke unto her were spent on the air, my proffers 
contemned, and my gifts repulsed, and besides, she hath 
mocked me notably for certain feigned tears that I did shed. 
In resolution, even as Camilla is the pattern of all beauty, so 
is she a treasury wherein modesty resides, courtesy and wari- 
ness dwell, and all the other virtues that may beautify an 
honourable woman, or make her fortunate. Therefore, friend, 
take back thy money, for here it is ready, and I never had 
occasion to employ it; for Camilla's integrity cannot be sub- 
dued with so base things as are gifts and promises. And, 
Anselmo, content thyself now with the proofs made already, 
without attempting to make any further trial. And seeing 
thou hast passed over the sea of difficulties and suspicions 
with a dry foot, which may and are wont to be had of women, 
do not eftsoons enter into the profound depths of new incon- 
veniences, nor take thou any other pilot to make experience 
of the goodness and strength of the vessel that Heaven hath 
allotted to thee, to pass therein through the seas of this world ; 
but make account that thou art harboured in a safe haven, 
and there hold thyself fast with the anchor of good considera- 
tion, and so rest thee until death come to demand his debt, 
from the payment whereof no nobility or privilege whatsoever 
can exempt us." Anselmo rested singularly satisfied at Lo- 
thario's discourse, and did believe it as firmly as if it were 
delivered by an oracle ; but did entreat him notwithstanding 
to prosecute his attempt, although it were only done for cu- 
riosity, and to pass away the time ; yet not to use so efficacious 


means as he hitherto practised; and that he only desired him 
to write some verses in her praise under the name of Chloris, 
for he would make Camilla believe that he was enamoured on 
a certain lady, to whom he did appropriate that name, that 
he might celebrate her praises with the respect due to her 
honour; and that if he would not take the pains to invent 
them, then he himself would willingly compose them. "That 
is not needful," quoth Lothario, "for the Muses are not so 
alienated from me, but that they visit me sometimes in the 
year. Tell you unto Camilla what you have divined of my 
loves, and as for the verses, I will make them myself; if not 
so well as the subject deserves, yet at the least as artificially 
as I may devise them." The impertinent-curious man and 
his treacherous friend having thus agreed, and Anselmo re- 
turned to his house, he demanded of Camilla that which she 
marvelled he had not asked before, that she should tell unto 
him the occasion why she sent unto him the letter? Camilla 
made answer, because it seemed unto her that Lothario be- 
held her somewhat more immodestly than when he was at 
home ; but that now she did again dissuade herself, and be- 
lieved that it was but a light surmise, without any ground, 
because that she perceived Lothario to loathe her presence, 
or [to] be by any means alone with her. Anselmo told her 
that she might very well live secure for him, for that he knew 
Lothario's affections were bestowed elsewhere, and that upon 
one of the noblest damsels of the city, whose praises he sol- 
emnized under the name of Chloris, and that although he 
were not, yet was there no cause to doubt of Lothario's virtue, 
or the amity that was between them both. Here, if Camilla 
had not been premonished by Lothario that the love of Chloris 
was but feigned, and that he himself had told it to Anselmo 
to blind him, that he might with less difficulty celebrate her 
own praises under the name of Chloris, she had without doubt 
fallen into the desperate toils of jealousy; but being already 
advertised, she posted over that assault lightly. The day 
following, they three sitting together at dinner, Anselmo re- 
quested Lothario to repeat some one of the verses that he had 
made to his beloved Chloris; for, seeing that Camilla knew 
her not, he might boldly say what he pleased. "Although she 
knew her," quoth Lothario, "yet would I not therefore sup- 


press any part of her praises. For when any lover praiseth 
his lady for her beauty, and doth withal tax her of cruelty, 
her credit incurs no danger. But befall what it list, I com- 
posed yesterday a sonnet of the ingratitude of Chloris, and is 
this ensuing: 

" 'A Sonnet. 

"'Amidst the silence of the darkest night, 

When sweetest sleep invadeth mortal eyes; 
I poor account, to Heaven and Chloris bright. 

Give of the richest harms, which ever rise. 

And at the time we Phoebus may devise. 
Shine through the rosea! gates of the Orient bright, 

With deep accents and sighs, in wonted guise, 
I do my plaints renew, with main and might. 

And when the sun, down from his starry seat, 
Directest rays toward the earth doth send, 

My sighs I double and my sad regreet; 
And night returns ; but of my woes no end. 

For I find always, in my mortal strife. 

Heaven without ears, and Chloris likewise deaf.' " 

'Camilla liked the sonnet very well, but Anselmo best of 
all; for he praised it, and said, that the lady must be very 
cruel that would not answer such perspicuous truths with 
reciprocal affection. But then Camilla answered, "Why, then, 
belike, all that which enamoured poets say is true?" "Inas- 
much as poets," quoth Lothario, "they say not truth; but as 
they are enamoured, they remain as short as they are true." 
"That is questionless," quoth Anselmo, all to underprop and 
give Lothario more credit with Camilla, who was as careless 
of the cause (her husband said so) as she was enamoured of 
Lothario; and therefore with the delight she took in his com- 
positions, but chiefly knowing that his desires and labours 
were addressed to herself, who was the true Chloris, she en- 
treated him to repeat some other sonnet or ditty, if he re- 
membered any. "Yes, that I do," quoth Lothario; "but I be- 
lieve that it is not so good as the first, as you may well judge ; 
for it is this: 

'"A Sonnet. 

" 'I die, and if I cannot be believed, 

My death's most certain, as it is most sure 
To see me, at thy feet, of life deprived ; 
Rather than grieve, this thraldom to endure. 


Well may I (in oblivious shades obscure) 
Of glory, life, and favour be denied. 

And yet even there, shall in my bosom pure. 
The shape of thy fair face, engraved, be eyed. 

For that's a relic, which I do reserve 
For the last trances my contentions threaten, 

Which 'midst thy rigour doth itself preserve. 
O woe's the wight, that is by tempests beaten 

By night, in unknown seas, in danger rife 

For want of North, or haven, to lose his life.' " 

'Anselmo commended also this second sonnet as he had 
done the first, and added by that means one link to another 
in the chain wherewith he entangled himself, and forged his 
own dishonour ; seeing, when Lothario dishonoured him most 
of all, he said unto him then that he honoured him most. 
And herewithal Camilla made all the links, that verily served 
only to abase her down to the centre of contempt, seem to 
mount her in her husband's opinion up to the height of virtue 
and good fame. 

'It befel soon after, that Camilla, finding herself alone with 
her maiden, said to her, "I am ashamed, friend Leonela, to 
see how little I knew to value myself, seeing that I made not 
Lothario spend some time at least in the purchasing the whole 
possession of me, which I, with a prompt will, bestowed upon 
him so speedily. I fear me that he will impute my hastiness 
to lightness, without considering the force he used towards 
me, which wholly hindered and disabled my resistance." 
"Let not that afflict you, madam," quoth Leonela; "for it is 
no sufficient cause to diminish estimation, that that be given 
quickly which is to be given, if that in effect be good that is 
given, and be in itself worthy of estimation ; for it is an old 
proverb, 'that he that gives quickly, gives twice.' " "It is 
also said as well," quoth Camilla, " 'that that which costeth 
little is less esteemed.' " "That reason hath no place in you," 
quoth Leonela, "forasmuch as love, according as some have 
said of it, doth sometimes fly, other times it goes; it runs with 
this man, and goes leisurely with the other; it makes some 
key-cold, and inflames others ; some it wounds, and some it 
kills ; it begins the career of his desires in an instant, and in 
the very same it concludes it likewise. It is wont to lay siege 
to the fortress in the morning, and at night it makes it to 


yield, for there's no force able to resist it; which being so, 
what do you wonder? or what is it that you fear, if the same 
hath befallen Lothario, seeing that love made of my lord's 
absence an instrument to vanquish us? And it was forcible, 
that in it we should conclude on it which love had before de- 
termined, without giving time itself any time to lead Anselmo 
that he might return, and with his presence leave the work 
imperfect. For love hath none so officious or better a min- 
ister to execute his desires than is occasion. It serves itself 
of occasion in all his act, but most of all at the beginning. 
And all this that I have said I know rather by experience 
than hearsay, as I will some day let you to understand; for, 
madam, I am likewise made of flesh and lusty young blood. 
And as for you, Lady Camilla, you did not give up and yield 
yourself presently, but stayed until you had first seen in Lo- 
thario's eyes, his sighs, in his discourses, in his promises, and 
gifts, all his soul, in which, and in his perfections, you might 
read how worthy he is to be loved. And seeing this is so, let 
not these scruples and nice thoughts assault or further dis- 
turb your mind, but persuade yourself that Lothario esteems 
you as much as you do him, and lives with content and satis- 
faction, seeing that it was your fortune to fall into the am- 
orous snare, that it was his good luck to catch you with his 
valour and deserts ; who not only hath the four S's which they 
say every good lover ought to have, but also the whole ABC, 
which if you will not credit, do but listen to me a while, and 
I will repeat it to you by rote. He is, as it seems, and as far 
as I can judge. Amiable, Bountiful, Courteous, Dutiful, En- 
amoured, Firm, Gallant, Honourable, Illustrious, Loyal, Mild, 
Noble, Honest, Prudent, Quiet, Rich, and the S's which they 
say; and besides True, Valorous. The X doth not quader 
well with him, because it sounds harshly. Y he is Young, 
and the Z he is Zealous of thine honour." Camilla laughed at 
her maiden's ABC, and accounted her to be more practised 
in love-matters than she herself had confessed, as indeed she 
was; for then she revealed to her mistress how she and a 
certain young man, well-born, of the city, did treat of love 
one with another. Hereat her mistress was not a little 
troubled in mind, fearing that her honour might be greatly 
endangered by that means ; she demanded whether her affec- 


tion had passed further than words ? And the maid answered 
very shamelessly and freely that they did; for it is most cer- 
tain, that this kind of reccheless mistress do also make their 
maidens careless and impudent; who, when they perceive 
their ladies to falter, are commonly wont to halt likewise 
themselves, and care not that the world do know it. 

'Camilla, seeing that error past remedy, could do no more 
but entreat Leonela not to reveal anything of their affairs to 
him she said was her sweetheart, and that she should handle 
her matters discreetly and secretly, lest they might come to 
Anselmo or Lothario's notice. Leonela promised to perform 
her will, but did accomplish her promise in such sort, as she 
did confirm Camilla's fears that she should lose her credit 
by her means. For the dishonest and bold girl, after she had 
perceived that her mistress's proceedings were not such as 
they were wont, grew so hardy, as she gave entrance and 
brought her lover into her master's house, presuming that, 
although her lady knew it, yet would she not dare to discover 
it. For this among other harms follows the sins of mis- 
tresses, that it makes them slaves to their own servants, and 
doth oblige them to conceal their dishonest and base proceed- 
ings, as it fell out in Camilla, who, although she espied 
Leonela, not once only, but sundry times together, with her 
lover in a certain chamber of the house, she not only dared 
not to rebuke her for it, but rather gave her opportunity to 
hide him, and would remove all occasion out of her hus- 
band's way, whereby he might suspect any such thing. 

'But all could not hinder Lothario from espying him once, 
as he departed out of the house at the break of the day; who, 
not knowing him, thought at the first it was a spirit, but when 
he saw him post away, and cast his cloak over his face, lest 
he should be known, he, abandoning his simple surmise, fell 
into a new suspicion which had overthrown them all, were it 
not that Camilla did remedy it. For Lothario thought that he 
whom he had seen issue out of Anselmo's house at so unsea- 
sonable an hour, had not entered into it for Leonela's sake, 
nor did he remember then that there was such a one as Leo- 
nela in the world, but only thought that, as Camilla was 
lightly gotten by him, so belike she was won by some other. 
For the wickedness of a bad woman bringeth usually all these 


additions, that she loseth her reputation even with him, to 
whom prayed and persuaded she yieldeth herself; and he be- 
lieveth that she will as easily, or with more facility, consent 
to others, and doth infallibly credit the least suspicion which 
thereof may be offered. 

'And it seems that Lothario in this instant was wholly 
deprived of all reasonable discourse, and quite despoiled of 
his understanding; for, without pondering of the matter, im- 
patient and kindled by the jealous rage that inwardly gnawed 
his bowels, fretting with desire to be revenged on Camilla, 
who had never offended him, he came to Anselmo before he 
was up, and said to him, "Know, Anselmo, that I have had 
these many days a civil conflict within myself whether I 
should speak or no, and I have used as much violence as I 
might to myself, not to discover a thing unto you, which now 
it is neither just nor reasonable I should conceal. Know that 
Camilla's fortress is rendered, and subject to all that I please 
to command; and if I have been somewhat slow to inform 
thee this of truth, it was because I would first see whether 
it proceeded of some light appetite in her, or whether she did 
it to try me, and see whether that love was still constantly 
continued, which I first began to make unto her by thy order 
and licence. I did also believe that if she had been such as 
she ought to be, and her that we both esteemed her, she would 
have by this time acquainted you with my importunacy ; but 
seeing that she lingers therein, I presume that her promises 
made unto me are true, that when you did again absent your- 
self out of town, she would speak with me in the wardrobe" 
(and it was true, for there Camilla was accustomed to talk 
with him), "yet would not I have thee run rashly to take re- 
venge, seeing the sin is not yet otherwise committed than in 
thought, and perhaps between this and the opportunity she 
might hope to put it in execution, her mind would be changed, 
and she repent herself of her folly. And therefore seeing 
thou hast ever followed mine advice partly or wholly, follow 
and keep one counsel that I will give unto thee now, to the 
end that thou mayst after, with careful assurance and without 
fraud, satisfy thine own will as thou likest best. Feign thy- 
self to be absent two or three days as thou art wont, and then 
convey thyself cunningly into the wardrobe, where thou mayst 


very well hide thyself behind the tapestry, and then thou 
shalt see with thine own eyes, and I with mine, what Camilla 
will do ; and if it be that wickedness which rather ought to be 
feared than hoped for, thou mayst, with wisdom, silence, and 
discretion, be the proper executioner of so injurious a 

'Anselmo remained amazed, and almost besides himself, 
hearing his friend Lothario so unexpectedly to acquaint him 
with those things in a time wherein he least expected them ; 
for now he esteemed Camilla to have escaped victress from 
the forged assaults of Lothario, and did himself triumph for 
glory of her victory. Suspended thus and troubled, he stood 
silent a great while looking on the earth, without once re- 
moving his eyes from it ; and finally, turning towards his 
friend, he said, "Lothario, thou hast done all that which I 
could expect from so entire amity, and I do therefore mean 
to follow thine advice in all things precisely. Do therefore 
what thou pleasest, and keep that secret which is requisite 
in so weighty and unexpected an event." "All that I do 
promise," quoth Lothario; and so departed, wholly repented 
for that he had told to Anselmo, seeing how foolishly he had 
proceeded, since he might have revenged himself on Camilla 
very well, without taking a way so cruel and dishonourable. 
There did he curse his little wit, and abased his light resolu- 
tion, and knew not what means to use to destroy what he had 
done, or give it some reasonable and contrary issue. In the 
end he resolved to acquaint Camilla with the whole matter, 
and by reason that he never missed of opportunity to speak 
unto her, he found her alone the very same day; and she, 
seeing likewise that she had fit time to speak unto him, said, 
"Know, friend Lothario, that a certain thing doth pinch my 
heart in such manner, as it seems ready to burst in my breast, 
as doubtlessly I fear me that in time it will, if we cannot set 
a remedy to it. For such is the immodesty of Leonela, as 
she shuts up a lover of hers every night in this house, and 
remains with him until daylight, which so much concerns my 
credit, as it leaves open a spacious field to him that sees the 
other go out of my house at so unseasonable times, to judge 
of me what he pleaseth; and that which most grieves me is, 
that I dare not punish or rebuke her for it. For she being 


privy to our proceedings, sets a bridle on me, and constrains 
me to conceal hers; and hence I fear will bad success befall 
us." Lothario at the first suspected that Camilla did speak 
thus to make him believe that the man whom he had espied 
was Leonela's friend, and none of hers ; but seeing her to 
weep indeed, and be greatly afflicted in mind, he began at 
last to give credit unto the truth, and, believing it, was 
greatly confounded and grieved for that he had done. And 
yet, notwithstanding, he answered Camilla that she should 
not trouble or vex herself any more ; for he would take such 
order, as Leonela's impudence should be easily crossed and 
suppressed; and then did recount unto her all that he had 
said to Anselmo, spurred on by the furious rage of jealous 
indignation, and how her husband had agreed to hide him- 
self behind the tapestry of the wardrobe, that he might from 
thence clearly perceive the little loyalty she kept towards 
him ; and demanded pardon of her for that folly, and counsel 
to redress it, and come safely out of the intricate labyrinth 
whereinto his weak-eyed discourse had conducted him. 

'Camilla, having heard Lothario's discourse, was afraid 
and amazed, and with great anger and many and discreet 
reasons did rebuke him, reviling the baseness of his thoughts, 
and the simple and little consideration that he had. But 
as women have naturally a sudden wit for good or bad, much 
more prompt than men, although when indeed they would 
make discourses, it proves defective; so Camilla found in an 
instant a remedy for an affair in appearance so irremediable 
and helpless, and therefore bade Lothario to induce his friend 
Anselmo to hide himself the next day ensuing, for she hoped 
to take commodity out of his being there for them both to 
enjoy one another with more security than ever they had be- 
fore ; and without wholly manifesting her proverb to him, 
she only advertised him to have care that, after Anselmo 
were hidden, he should presently come when Leonela called 
for him, and that he should answer her as directly to every 
question she proposed, as if Anselmo were not in place. Lo- 
thario did urge her importunately to declare her design unto 
him, to the end he might with more security and advice ob- 
scure all that was necessary. "I say," quoth Camilla, "there 
is no other observance to be had, than only to answer me di- 


rectly to what I shall demand." For she would not give him 
account beforehand of her determination, fearful that he 
would not conform himself to her opinion, which she took 
to be so good, or else lest he would follow or seek any other, 
that would not prove after so well. Thus departed Lothario ; 
and Anselmo, under pretext that he would visit his friend out 
of town, departed, and returned covertly back again to hide 
himself, which he could do the more commodiously, because 
Camilla and Leonela did purposely afford him opportunity. 
Anselmo having hidden himself with the grief that may be 
imagined one would conceive, who did expect to see with 
his own eyes an anatomy made of the bowels of his honour, 
and was in danger to lose the highest felicity that he ac- 
counted himself to possess in his beloved Camilla; Camilla 
and Leonela, being certain that he was hidden within the 
wardrobe, entered into it, wherein scarce had Camilla set 
her foot, when, breathing forth of a deep sigh, she spoke in 
this manner : 

' "Ah, friend Leonela ! were it not better that, before I put 
in execution that which I would not have thee to know, 
lest thou shouldest endeavour to hinder it, that thou takest 
Anselmo's poniard that I have sought of thee, and pass this 
infamous breast of mine through and through? but do it 
not, for it is no reason that I should suffer for other men's 
faults. I will know, first of all, what the bold and dishonest 
eyes of Lothario noted in me, that should stir in him the 
presumption to discover unto me so unlawful a desire as that 
which he hath revealed, so much in contempt of his friend, 
and to my dishonour. Stand at that window, Leonela, and 
call him to me, for I do infallibly believe that he stands in 
the street awaiting to efifect his wicked purpose. But first 
my cruel yet honourable mind shall be performed." "Alas, 
dear madam," quoth the wise and crafty Leonela, "what is 
it that you mean to do with that poniard? Mean you per- 
haps to deprive either your own or Lothario's life there- 
withal? for whichsoever of these things you do, shall redound 
to the loss of your credit and fame. It is much better that 
you dissemble your wrong, and give no occasion to the bad 
man now to enter into this house, and find us here in it 
alone. Consider, good madam, how we are but weak women, 

HC XIV — 12 


and he is a man, and one resolute, and by reason that he 
comes blinded by his bad and passionate intent, he may per- 
adventure, before you be able to put yours in execution, do 
somewhat that would be worse for you than to deprive you of 
your life. Evil befall my master Anselmo, that ministers so 
great occasion to Impudency thus to discover her visage in 
our house. And if you should kill him by chance, madam, as 
I suspect you mean to do, what shall we do after with the 
dead carcase?" What said Camilla? "We would leave him 
here that Anselmo might bury him; for it is only just that 
he should have the agreeable task of interring his own in- 
famy. Make an end, then, and call him, for methinks that 
all the time which I spend untaking due revenge for my 
wrong, turns to the prejudice of the loyalty which I owe 
unto my spouse." 

'Anselmo listened very attentively all the while, and at 
every word that Camilla said, his thoughts changed. But 
when he understood that she was resolved to kill Lothario, 
he was about to come out and discover himself, to the end 
that such a thing should not be done; but the desire that 
he had to see wherein so brave and honest a resolution would 
end, withheld him, determining then to sally out when his 
presence should be needful to hinder it. Camilla about this 
time began to be very weak and dismayed, and casting her- 
self, as if she had fallen into a trance, upon a bed that 
was in the room, Leonela began to lament very bitterly, and 
to say, "Alas ! wretch that I am, how unfortunate should I 
be, if the flower of the world's honesty, the crown of good 
women, and the pattern of chastity should die here between 
my hands !" Those and such other things she said so dole- 
fully, as no one could hear her that would not deem her to 
be one of the most esteemed and loyal damsels of the world, 
and take her lady for another new and persecuted Penelope. 
Soon after Camilla returned to herself, and said presently, 
"Why goest thou not, Leonela, to call the most disloyal 
friend of a friend that ever the sun beheld, or the night con- 
cealed? Make an end, run, make haste, and let not the fire of 
my choler be through thy stay consumed and spent, nor the 
just revenge, which I hope to take, pass over in threats or 
maledictions." "I go to call him, madam," quoth Leonela; 


"but, first of all, you must give me that poniard, lest you 
should do with it in mine absence somewhat that would min- 
ister occasion to us, your friends, to deplore you all the days 
of our lives." "Go away boldly, friend Leonela," said Camilla, 
"for I shall do nothing in thine absence; for although I be 
in thine opinion both simple and bold enough to turn for 
mine honour, yet mean I not to be so much as the celebrated 
Lucretia, of whom it is recorded that she slew herself, with- 
out having committed any error, or slain him first who was 
the principal cause of her disgrace. I will die, if I must 
needs die, but I will be satisfied and revenged on him that 
hath given me occasion to come into this place to lament his 
boldness, sprung without my default." 

'Leonela could scarce be entreated to go and call Lothario, 
but at last she went out, and in the meantime Camilla re- 
mained, speaking to herself these words : "Good God ! had 
not it been more discretion to have dismissed Lothario, as I 
did many times before, than thus to possess him, as I have 
done, with an opinion that I am an evil and dishonest woman, 
at least all the while that passeth, until mine acts shall un- 
deceive him, and teach him the contrary? It had been doubt- 
lessly better; but then should not I be revenged, nor my hus- 
band's honour satisfied, if he were permitted to bear away 
so clearly his malignity, or escape out of the snare wherein 
his wicked thoughts involved him. Let the traitor pay with 
his life's defrayment that which he attempted with so las- 
civious a desire. Let the world know (if it by chance shall 
come to know it) that Camilla did not only conserve the 
loyalty due to her lord, but also took revenge of the in- 
tended spoil thereof. But yet I believe that it were best 
to give Anselmo first notice thereof; but I did already touch 
it to him in the letter which I wrote to him to the village, 
and I believe his not concurring to take order in this so 
manifest an abuse, proceeds of his too sincere and good mean- 
ing, which would not, nor cannot believe that the like kind 
of thought could ever find entertainment in the breast of so 
firm a friend, tending so much to his dishonour. And what 
marvel if I myself could not credit it for a great many days 
together? Nor would I ever have thought it, if his insolency 
had not arrived to that pass, which the manifest gifts, large 


promises, and continual tears he shed do give testimony. But 
why do I make now these discourses? Hath a gallant resolu- 
tion perhaps any need of advice? No, verily; therefore 
avaunt treacherous thoughts, here we must use revenge. Let 
the false man come in, arrive, die, and end, and let after 
befall what can befall. I entered pure and untouched to his 
possession, whom Heaven bestowed on me for mine, and I 
will depart from him purely. And if the worst befall, I 
shall only be defiled by mine own chaste blood, and the im- 
pure gore of the falsest friend that ever amity saw in this 
world." And saying of this, she pranced up and down the 
room with the poniard naked in her hand, with such long and 
unmeasurable strides, and making withal such gestures, as 
she rather seemed defective of wit, and a desperate ruffian 
than a delicate woman. 

'All this Anselmo perceived very well from behind the arras 
that covered him, which did not a little admire him, and 
he thought that what he had seen and heard was a sufficient 
satisfaction of far greater suspicions than he had, and could 
have wished with all his heart that the trial of Lothario's 
coming might be excused, fearing greatly some sudden bad 
success. And as he was ready to manifest himself, and to 
come out and embrace and dissuade his wife, he withdrew 
himself, because he saw Leonela return, bringing Lothario in 
by the hand. And as soon as Camilla beheld him, she drew 
a great stroke with the point of the poniard athwart the 
wardrobe, saying, "Lothario, note well what I mean to say 
unto thee, for if by chance thou beest so hardy as to pass 
over this line which thou seest, ere I come as far as it, I 
will in the very same instant stab myself into the heart with 
this poniard which I hold in my hand. And before thou dost 
speak or answer me any word, I would first have thee to listen 
to a few of mine ; for after, thou mayest say what thou 

' "First of all, I would have thee, O Lothario ! to say 
whether thou knowest my husband, Anselmo, and what opin- 
ion thou hast of him? And next I would have thee to tell 
me if thou knowest myself? Answer to this without delay, 
nor do stand long thinking on what thou art to answer, see- 
ing they are no deep questions which I propose unto thee." 


Lothario was not so ignorant, but that from the very begin- 
ning, when Camilla requested him to persuade her husband 
to hide himself behind the tapestry, he had not fallen on the 
drift of her invention ; and therefore did answer her in- 
tention so aptly and discreetly, as they made that untruth 
pass between them for a more than manifest verity; and so 
he answered to Camilla in this form: "I did never conjec- 
ture, beautiful Camilla, that thou wouldest have called me 
here to demand of me things so wide from the purpose for 
which I come. If thou dost it to defer yet the promised fa- 
vour, thou mightest have entertained it yet further off, for the 
good desired afflicteth so much the more, by how much the 
hope to possess it is near. But because thou mayest not 
accuse me for not answering to thy demands, I say that I 
know thy husband Anselmo, and both of us know one an- 
other even from our tender infancy, and I will not omit to 
say that which thou also knowest of our amity, to make me 
thereby a witness against myself of the wrong which love 
compels me to do unto him, yet love is a sufficient excuse 
and excuser of greater errors than are mine. Thee do I like- 
wise know and hold in the same possession that he doth ; for 
were it not so, I should never have been won by less per- 
fections than thine, to transgress so much that which I owe 
to myself and to the holy laws of true amity, now broken 
and violated by the tyranny of so powerful an adversary 
as love hath proved." "If thou dost acknowledge that," re- 
plied Camilla, "O mortal enemy of all that which justly de- 
serveth love ! with what face darest thou then appear before 
that which thou knowest to be the mirror wherein he looks, 
in whom thou also oughtest to behold thyself, to the end 
thou mightest perceive upon how little occasion thou dost 
.wrong him? But, unfortunate that I am, I fall now in the 
reason which hath moved thee to make so little account of 
thine ovn^u duty, which was perhaps some negligent or light 
behaviour of mine, which, I will not call dishonesty, seeing 
that, as I presume, it hath not proceeded from me deliberately, 
but rather through the carelessness that women which think 
they are not noted do sometimes unwittingly commit. If 
not, say, traitor, when did I ever answer thy prayers with 
any word or token that might awake in thee the least shadow 


of hope to accomplish thine infamous desires? When were 
not thine amorous entreaties reprehended and dispersed by 
the roughness and rigour of mine answers? When were 
thy many promises and larger gifts ever believed or ad- 
mitted? But forasmuch as I am persuaded that no man can 
persevere long time in the amorous contention, who hath 
not been sustained by some hope, I will attribute the fault 
of thine impertinence to myself ; for doubtlessly some care- 
lessness of mine hath hitherto sustained thy care, and there- 
fore I will chastise and give to myself the punishment which 
thy fault deserveth. And because thou mightest see that I, 
being so inhuman towards myself, could not possibly be 
other than cruel to thee, I thought fit to call thee to be a 
witness of the sacrifice which I mean to make to the of- 
fended honour of my most honourable husband, tainted by 
thee with the blackest note that thy malice could devise, 
and by me, through the negligence that I used, to shun the 
occasion, if I gave thee any, thus to nourish and canonise thy 
wicked intentions. I say again, that the suspicion I have, 
that my little regard hath engendered in thee these dis- 
tracted thoughts, is that which afflicteth me most, and that 
which I mean to chastise most with mine own hands; for if 
another executioner punished me, then should my crime 
become more notorious. But before I do this, I, dying, will 
kill, and carry him away with me, that shall end and satisfy 
the greedy desire of revenge which I hope for, and I have ; 
seeing before mine eyes, wheresoever I shall go, the punish- 
ment which disengaged justice shall inflict, it still remain- 
ing unbowed or suborned by him, who hath brought me to 
so desperate terms." 

'x^nd having said these words, she flew upon Lothario with 
incredible force and lightness, and her poniard naked, giv-, 
ing such arguments and tokens that she meant to stab him, as 
he himself was in doubt whether her demonstrations were 
false or true ; wherefore he was driven to help himself by 
his wit and strength, for to hinder Camilla from striking 
of him, who did so lively act her strange guile and fiction, 
as to give it colour, she would give it a blush of her own 
blood: for perceiving, or else feigning that she could not 
hurt Lothario, she said, "Seeing that adverse fortune will 


not satisfy thoroughly my just desires, yet at least it shall 
not be potent wholly to cross my designs." And then striv- 
ing to free the dagger hand, which Lothario held fast, she 
snatched it away, and directing the point to some place of 
her body, which might hurt her, but not very grievously, she 
stabbed herself, and hid it in her apparel near unto the left 
shoulder, and fell forthwith to the ground, as If she were in 
a trance. Lothario and Leonela stood amazed at the unex- 
pected event, and still rested doubtful of the truth of the 
matter, seeing Camilla to lie on the ground bathed in her 
blood. Lothario ran, all wan and pale, very hastily to her, 
to take out the poniard, and seeing how little blood followed, 
he lost the fear that he had conceived of her greater hurt, 
and began anew to admire the cunning wit and discretion of 
the beautiful Camilla; but yet that he might play the part of 
a friend, he began a long and doleful lamentation over 
Camilla's body, even as she were dead, and began to breathe 
forth many curses and execrations not only against himself, 
but also against him that had employed him in that unfortu- 
nate affair. And knowing that his friend Anselmo did listen 
unto him, he said such things as would move a man to take 
more compassion of him than of Camilla herself, although 
they accounted her dead. Leonela took her up between her 
arms, and laid her on the bed, and entreated Lothario to go 
out, and find some one that would undertake to cure her 
secretly. She also demanded of him his advice, touching the 
excuse they might make to Anselmo concerning her mistress 
her wound, if he came to town before it were fully cured. 

'He answered, that they might say what they pleased, for 
he was not in a humour of giving any counsel worth the 
following; and only said this, that she should labour to stanch 
her lady's blood; for he meant to go there whence they 
should hear no news of him ever after. And so departed out 
of the house with very great tokens of grief and feeling; and 
when he was alone in a place where nobody perceived him, 
he blest himself a thousand times to think of Camilla's art, 
and the gestures, so proper and accommodated to the pur- 
pose, used by her maid Leonela. He considered how assured 
Anselmo would remain that he had a second Portia to wife, 
and desired to meet him, that they might celebrate together 


the fiction, and the best dissembed truth that could be ever 
imagined. Leonela, as is said, stanched her lady's blood, 
which was just as much as might serve to colour her inven- 
tion and no more ; and, washing the wound with some wine, 
she tied it up the best that she could, saying such words 
whilst she cured her as were able, though nothing had been 
done before, to make Anselmo believe that he had an image 
of honesty in Camilla. To the plaints of Leonela, Camilla 
added others, terming herself a coward of base spirit, since 
she wanted time (being a thing so necessary) to deprive 
her life which she hated so mortally; she demanded counsel 
of her maiden, whether she would tell or conceal all that 
success to her beloved spouse. And she answered, that it 
was best to conceal it, lest she should engage her husband 
to be revenged on Lothario, which would not be done with- 
out his very great peril, and that every good wife was bound, 
not to give occasion to her husband of quarrelling, but 
rather to remove from him as many as was possible. Camilla 
answered, that she allowed of her opinion, and would follow 
it ; and that in any sort they must study some device to 
cloak the occasion of her hurt from Anselmo, who could not 
choose but espy it. To this Leonela answered, that she her- 
self knew not how to lie, no, not in very jest itself. "Well, 
friend," quoth Camilla, "and I, what do I know? for I dare 
not to forge or report an untruth if my life lay on it. And 
if we know not how to give it a better issue, it will be better 
to report the naked truth than to be overtaken in a leasing." 
"Do not trouble yourself, madam," quoth Leonela; "for I 
will bethink myself of somewhat between this and to-morrow 
morning, and perhaps the wound may be concealed from him, 
by reason that it is in the place where it is; and Heaven per- 
haps may be pleased to favour our so just and honourable 
thoughts. Be quiet, good madam, and labour to appease your 
alteration of mind, that my lord at his return may not find 
you perplexed ; and leave all the rest to God's and my charge, 
who doth always assist the just." 

'With highest attention stood Anselmo listening and be- 
holding the tragedy of his dying honours, which the per- 
sonages thereof had acted with so strange and forcible ef- 
fects, as it verily seemed that they were transformed into the 


opposite truth of their well-contrived fiction. He longed 
greatly for the night and leisure to get out of his house, 
that he might go and congratulate with his good friend Lo- 
thario, for the precious jewel that he had found in this last 
trial of his wife. The mistress and maiden had as great 
care to give him the opportunity to depart; and he, fearing 
to lose it, issued out in a trice, and went presently to find 
Lothario, who being found, it is not possible to recount the 
embracements he gave unto him, the secrets of his con- 
tentment that he revealed, or the attributes and praises 
that he gave to Camilla. All which Lothario heard, with- 
out giving the least argument of love; having represented 
to his mind at that very time, how greatly deceived his 
friend lived, and how unjustly he himself injured him. And 
although that Anselmo noted that Lothario took no delight at 
his relation, yet did he believe that the cause of his sorrow 
proceeded from having left Camilla wounded, and he him- 
self given the occasion thereof; and therefore, among many 
other words, said unto him, that there was no occasion to 
grieve at Camilla's hurt, it doubtlessly being but light, see- 
ing she and her maid had agreed to hide it from him; and 
that according unto this there was no great cause of fear, 
but that from thenceforward he should live merrily and 
contentedly with him, seeing that by his industry and means 
he found himself raised to the highest felicity that might 
be desired; and therefore would from thenceforth spend his 
idle times in writing of verses in Camilla's praise, that he 
might eternise her name, and make it famous in ensuing 
ages. Lothario commended his resolution therein, and said 
that he for his part would also help to raise up so noble 
an edifice ; and herewithal Anselmo rested the most sooth- 
ingly and contentedly deceived that could be found in the 
world. And then himself took by the hand to his house, 
believing that he bore the instrument of his glory, the utter 
perdition of his fame. Camilla entertained him with a 
frowning countenance, but a cheerful mind. The fraud rested 
unknown a while, until, at the end of certain months, for- 
tune turned the wheel, and the wickedness that was so arti- 
ficially cloaked, issued to the public notice of the world; and 
Anselmo his impertinent curiosity cost him his life.' 


Wherein Is Ended the History of the Curious-Imper- 
tinent: And Likewise Recounted the Rough En- 
counter AND Conflict Passed Between Don Quixote 
and Certain Bags of Red Wine 

A LITTLE more of the novel did rest unread, when 
Sancho Panza, all perplexed, ran out of the chamber 
where his lord reposed, crying as loud as he could, 
'Come, good sirs, speedily, and assist my lord, who is en- 
gaged in one of the most terrible battles that ever mine 
eyes have seen. I swear that he hath given such a blow to 
the giant, my lady the Princess Micomicona her enemy, as 
he hath cut his head quite off as round as a turnip.' 

'What sayst thou, friend?' quoth the curate (leaving off 
at that word to prosecute the reading of his novel). 'Art 
thou in thy wits, Sancho? What a devil, man, how can that 
be, seeing the giant dwells at least two thousand leagues 
from hence?' By this they heard a marvellous great noise 
within the chamber, and that Don Quixote cried out aloud, 
'Stay, false thief ! robber, stay ! for since thou art here, thy 
scimitar shall but little avail thee.' And therewithal it 
seemed that he struck a number of mighty blows on the 
walls. And Sancho said, 'There is no need to stand thus 
listening abroad, but rather that you go in and part the 
fray, or else assist my lord ; although I think it be not very 
necessary, for the giant is questionless dead by this, and giv- 
ing account for the ill life he led ; for I saw his blood run 
all about the house, and his head cut off, which is as great 
as a great wine bag.' 'I am content to be hewn in pieces,' 
quoth the innkeeper, hearing of this, 'if Don Quixote or Don 
devil have not given some blow to one of the wine-bags that 
stood filled at his bed's head, and the shed wine must needs 
be that which seems blood to this good man.' And saying so, 



he entered into the room, and all the rest followed him, 
where they found Don Quixote in the strangest guise that 
may be imagined. He was in his shirt, the which was not 
long enough before to cover his thighs, and it was six fin- 
gers shorter behind. His legs were very long and lean, full 
of hair, and horribly dirty. He wore on his head a little 
red but very greasy nightcap, which belonged to the inn- 
keeper. He had wreathed on his left arm the coverlet of his 
bed; on which Sancho looked very often and angrily, as 
one that knew well the cause of his own malice to it: and in 
his right hand he gripped his naked sword, wherewithal he 
laid round about him many a thwack ; and withal spake as 
if he were in battle with some giant. And the best of all 
was, that he held not his eyes open ; for he was indeed 
asleep, and dreaming that he was in fight with the giant. For 
the imagination of the adventure which he had undertaken 
to finish, was so bent upon it, as it made him to dream that 
he was already arrived at the kingdom of Micomicon, a*id 
that he was then in combat with his enemy, and he had given 
so many blows on the wine-bags, supposing them to be 
giants, as all the whole chamber flowed with wine. Which 
being perceived by the host, all inflamed with rage, he set 
upon Don Quixote with dry fists, and gave unto him so many 
blows that if Cardenio and the curate had not taken him 
away, he would doubtlessly have finished the war of the 
giant; and yet with all this did not the poor knight awake, 
until the barber brought in a great kettle full of cold water 
from the well, and threw it all at a clap upon him, and there- 
withal Don Quixote awaked, but not in such sort as he per- 
ceived the manner wherein he was. Dorothea, seeing how 
short and how thin her champion was arrayed, would not 
go in to see the conflict of her combatant and his adversary. 
Sancho went up and down the floor searching for the 
giant's head, and seeing that he could not find it he said, 
'Now I do see very well that all the things of this house are 
enchantments, for the last time that I was here, in this very 
same room, I got many blows and buffets, and knew not 
who did strike me, nor could I see any body ; and now the 
head appears not, which I saw cut off with mine own eyes, 
and yet the blood ran as swiftly from the body as water 


would from a fountain.' 'What blood, or what fountain 
dost thou tattle of here, thou enemy of God and His saints?' 
quoth the innkeeper. 'Thou thief, dost thou not see that 
the blood and the fountain is no other thing than these wine- 
bags which are slashed here, and the wine red that swims up 
and down this chamber? And I wish that I may see his soul 
swimming in hell which did bore them !' 'I know nothing,' 
replied Sancho, 'but this, that if I cannot find the giant's 
head, I shall become so unfortunate, as mine earldom will 
dissolve like salt cast into water.' And certes, Sancho awake 
was in worse case than his master sleeping, so much had 
his lord's promises distracted him. The innkeeper, on the 
other side, was at his wits' end, to see the humour of the 
squire and unhappiness of his lord, and swore that it should 
not succeed with them now as it had done the other time, 
when they went away without payment ; and that now the 
privileges of chivalry should not any whit avail him, but 
he should surely pay both the one and the other — yea, even 
for the very patches that were to be set on the bored wine- 

The curate held fast Don Quixote by the hands, who be- 
lieving that he had achieved the adventure, and was after 
it come into the Princess Micomicona her presence, he 
laid himself on his knees before the curate, saying, 'Well 
may your greatness, high and famous lady, live from hence- 
forth secure from any danger that this unfortunate wretch 
may do unto you; and I am also freed from this day for- 
ward from the promise that I made unto you, seeing I have, 
by the assistance of the heavens, and through her favour by 
whom I live and breathe, so happily accomplished it.' 'Did 
not I say so?' quoth Sancho, hearing of his master. 'Yea, 
I was not drunk. See if my master hath not powdered the 
giant by this? The matter is questionless, and the earldom 
is mine own,' Who would not laugh at these raving fits 
of the master and man? All of them laughed save the 
innkeeper, who gave himself for anger to the devil more 
than a hundred times. And the barber, Cardenio, and the 
curate, got Don Quixote to bed again, not without much ado, 
who presently fell asleep with tokens of marvellous weari- 
ness. They left him sleeping, and went out to comfort 


Sancho Panza for the grief he had, because he could not 
find the giant's head; but yet had more ado to pacify the 
innkeeper, who was almost out of his wits for the unexpected 
and sudden death of his wine-bags. 

The hostess, on the other side, went up and down whin- 
ing and saying, 'In an ill season and an unlucky hour did 
this knight-errant enter into my house, alas ! and I would 
that mine eyes had never seen him, seeing he costs me so 
dear. The last time that he was here, he went away scot free 
for his supper, bed, straw, and barley, both for himself and 
his man, his horse and his ass, saying that he was a knight- 
adventurer (and God give to him ill venture, and to all the 
other adventurers of the world !) and was not therefore bound 
to pay anything, for so it was written in the statutes of 
chivalry. And now for his cause came the other gentleman, 
and took away my good tail, and hath returned it me back 
with two quarters of damage ; for all the hair is fallen off, 
and it cannot stand my husband any more in stead for the 
purpose he had it; and for an end and conclusion of all, to 
break my wine-bags and shed my wine : I wish I may see as 
much of his blood shed. And do not think otherwise; for, by 
my father's old bones and the life of my mother, they shall 
pay me every doit, one quart upon another, or else I will 
never be called as I am, nor be mine own father's daughter.' 

These and such like words spake the innkeeper's wife with 
very great fury, and was seconded by her good servant 
Maritornes. The daughter held her peace, and would now 
and then smile a little. But master parson did quiet and 
pacify all, by promising to satisfy them for the damages as 
well as he might, as well for the wine as for the bags, but 
chiefly for her tail, the which was so much accounted of 
and valued so highly. Dorothea did comfort Sancho, saying 
to him, that whensoever it should be verified that his lord had 
slain the giant, and established her quietly in her kingdom, 
she would bestow upon him the best earldom thereof. With 
this he took courage, and assured the princess that he him- 
self had seen the giant's head cut off; and for a more cer- 
tain token thereof, he said that he had a beard that reached 
him down to his girdle ; and that if the head could not now 
be found, it was by reason that all the affairs of that house 


were guided by enchantment, as he had made experience to 
his cost the last time that he was lodged therein. Dorothea 
replied that she was of the same opinion, and bade him to 
be of good cheer, for all would be well ended to his heart's 
desire. All parties being quiet, the curate resolved to finish 
the end of his novel, because he perceived that there rested 
but a little unread thereof. Cardenio, Dorothea, and all 
the rest entreated him earnestly to finish it. And he de- 
siring to delight them all herein and recreate himself, did 
prosecute the tale in this manner: 

'It after befel that Anselmo grew so satisfied of his wife's 
honesty as he led a most contented and secure life. And 
Camilla did for the nonce look sourly upon Lothario, to the 
end Anselmo might construe her mind amiss. And for 
a greater confirmation thereof, Lothario requested Anselmo 
to excuse his coming any more to his house, seeing that 
he clearly perceived how Camilla could neither brook his 
company nor presence. But the hoodwinked Anselmo an- 
swered him that he would in no wise consent thereunto; 
and in this manner did weave his own dishonour a thou- 
sand ways, thinking to work his contentment. In this sea- 
son, such was the delight that Leonela took also in her 
affections, as she suffered herself to be borne away by them 
headlongly, without any care or regard, confident because 
her lady did cover it, yea, and sometimes instructed her 
how she might put her desires in practice, without any 
fear or danger. But finally, Anselmo heard on a night some- 
body walk in Leonela's chamber, and, being desirous to 
know who it was, as he thought to enter, he felt the door 
to be held fast against him, which gave him a greater 
desire to open it; and therefore he struggled so long and 
used such violence, as he threw open the door, and en- 
tered just at the time that another leaped out at the win- 
dow; and therefore he ran out to overtake him, or see 
wherein he might know him, but could neither compass 
the one nor the other, by reason that Leonela, embracing 
him hardly, withheld him and said, "Pacify yourself, good 
sir, and be not troubled, nor follow him that was here; 
for he is one that belongs to me. and that so much, as he 
is my spouse." Anselmo would not believe her, but rather, 


blind with rage, he drew out his poniard and would have 
wounded her, saying, that she should presently tell him 
the truth, or else he would kill her. She, distracted with 
fear, said, without noting her own words, "Kill me not, 
sir, and I will acquaint you with things which concern you 
more than you can imagine." "Say quickly, then," quoth 
Anselmo, "or else thou shalt die." "It will be impossi- 
ble," replied Leonela, "for me to speak anything now, I am 
so affrighted; but give respite till morning, and I will re- 
count unto you things that will marvellously astonish you; 
and in the meantime rest secure, that he which leaped out 
of the window is a young man of this city betwixt whom 
and me hath passed a promise of marriage." Anselmo 
was somewhat satisfied by these words, and therefore re- 
solved to expect the term which she had demanded to 
open her mind; for he did not suspect that he should hear 
anything of Camilla, by reason he was already so as- 
sured of her virtue. And so, departing out of the chamber, 
and shutting up Leonela therein, threatening her withal that 
she should never depart thence until she had said all that 
she promised to reveal unto him, he went presently to 
Camilla, to tell unto her all that which his maiden had said, 
and the promise she had passed, to disclose greater and 
more important things. Whether Camilla, hearing this, 
were perplexed or no, I leave to the discreet reader's judg- 
ment; for such was the fear which she conceived, believ- 
ing certainly (as it was to be doubted) that Leonela would 
tell to Anselmo all that she knew of her disloyalty, as 
she had not the courage to expect and see whether her sur- 
mise would become false or no. But the very same night, 
as soon as she perceived Anselmo to be asleep, gathering 
together her best jewels and some money, she departed out 
of her house unperceived of any, and went to Lothario's 
lodging, to whom she recounted all that had passed, and 
requested him either to leave her in some safe place, or both 
of them to depart to some place where they might live 
secure out of Anselmo's reach. The confusion that Camilla 
struck into Lothario was such as he knew not what to say, 
and much less how to resolve himself what he might do. 
But at last he determined to carry Camilla to a monastery 


wherein his sister was prioress; to which she easily con- 
descended: and therefore Lothario departed, and left her 
there with all the speed that the case required, and did also 
absent himself presently from the city, without acquainting 
anybody with his departure. 

'Anselmo, as soon as it was day, without heeding the ab- 
sence of his wife, arose and went to the place where he had 
shut up Leonela, with desire to know of her what she had 
promised to acquaint him withal. He opened the chamber 
door, and entered, but could find nobody therein, but some 
certain sheets knit together and tied to the window, as a 
certain sign how Leonela had made an escape by that way. 
Wherefore he returned very sad to tell to Camilla the ad- 
venture; but when he could neither find her at bed nor ii. 'he 
whole house, he remained astonied, and demanded for her of 
his servants, but none of them could tell him anything. 
And as he searched for her, he happened to see her coffers 
lie open and most of her jewels wanting; and herewithal 
fell into the true account of his disgrace, and that Leonela 
was not the cause of his misfortune, and so departed out of 
his house sad and pensive, even as he was, half ready 
and unapparelled, to his friend Lothario, to recount unto him 
his disaster : but when he found him to be likewise absented, 
and that the servants told him how their master was de- 
parted the very same night, and had borne away with him 
all his money, he was ready to run out of his wits. And 
to conclude, he returned to his own house again, wherein 
he found no creature, man or woman, for all his folk were 
departed, and had left the house alone and desert. He 
knew not what he might think, say, or do; and then his 
judgment began to fail him. There he did contemplate and 
behold himself in an instant, without a wife, a friend, and 
servants; abandoned (to his seeming) of Heaven that cov- 
ered him, and chiefly without honour; for he clearly noted 
his own perdition in Camilla's crime. In the end he re- 
solved, after he had bethought himself a great while, to go to 
his friend's village, wherein he had been all the while that 
he afforded the leisure to contrive that disaster. And so, 
shutting up his house, he mounted a-horseback, and rode 
away in languishing and doleful wise. And scarce had he 


ridden the half-way, when he was so fiercely assaulted by 
his thoughts, as he was constrained to alight, and, tying his 
horse to a tree, he leaned himself to the trunk thereof, and 
breathed out a thousand pitiful and dolorous sighs; and 
there he abode until it was almost night, about which hour 
he espied a man to come from the city a-horseback by the 
same way, and, having saluted him, he demanded of him 
what news he brought from Florence. The citizen re- 
plied, "The strangest that had happened there many a day; 
for it is there reported publicly that Lothario, the great 
friend of the rich man, hath carried away the said Anselmo's 
wife Camilla this night, for she is also missing: all which 
a waiting-maid of Camilla's hath confessed, whom the gov- 
ernor apprehended yesternight as she slipped down at a 
window by a pair of sheets out of the said Anselmo's house. 
I know not particularly the truth of the affair, but well 
I wot that all the city is amazed at the accident; for such 
a fact would not be as much as surmised from the great and 
familiar amity of them two, which was so much as they 
were called, 'The Two Friends.' " "Is it perhaps yet 
known," replied Anselmo, "which way Lothario and Ca- 
milla have taken?" "In no wise!" quoth the citizen, "al- 
though the governor hath used all possible diligence to 
find them out." "Farewell, then, good sir," said Anselmo. 
"And with you, sir," said the traveller. And so departed. 
'With these so unfortunate news poor Anselmo arrived, not 
only to terms of losing his wits, but also well-nigh of losing 
his life; and therefore, arising as well as he might, he came 
to his friend's house, who had heard nothing yet of his 
disgrace; but perceiving him to arrive so wan, pined, and 
dried up, he presently conjectured that some grievous evil 
afflicted him. Anselmo requested him presently that he 
might be carried to his chamber, and provided of paper and 
ink to write withal. All was done, and he left in bed, 
and alone, for so he desired them ; and also that the door 
should be fast locked. And being alone, the imagination of 
his misfortune gave him such a terrible charge, as he clearly 
perceived that his life would shortly fail him, and therefore 
resolved to leave notice of the cause of his sudden and un- 
expected death; and therefore he began to write it; but be- 


fore he could set an end to his discourse, his breath failed, 
and he yielded up his life into the hanus of sorrow, which 
his impertinent curiosity had stirred up in him. The gentle- 
man of the house, seeing that it grew late, and that Anselmo 
had not called, determined to enter, and know whether his 
indisposition passed forward, and he found him lying on 
his face, with half of his body in the bed, and the other 
half leaning on the table whereon he lay, with a written paper 
unfolded, and held the pen also yet in his hand. His host 
drew near unto him and, first of all, having called him, he 
took him by the hand; and seeing that he answered not, 
and that it was cold, he knew that he was dead; and 
greatly perplexed and grieved thereat, he called in his peo- 
ple, that they might also be witnesses of the disastrous suc- 
cess of Anselmo; and after all, he took the paper and read it, 
which he knew to be written with his own hand, the sub- 
stance whereof was this: 

* "A foolish and impertinent desire hath despoiled me 
of life. If the news of my death shall arrive to Camilla, let 
her also know that I do pardon her, for she was not bound 
to work miracles; nor had I any need to desire that she 
should work them. And seeing I was the builder and con- 
triver of mine own dishonour, there is no reason" — 

'Hitherunto did Anselmo write, by which it appeared that 
his life ended in that point, ere he could set an end to 
the reason he was to give. The next day ensuing, the gen- 
tleman his friend acquainted Anselmo's kinsfolk with his 
death; the which had already knowledge of his misfortune, 
and also of the monastery wherein Camilla had retired her- 
self, being almost in terms to accompany her husband in 
that forcible voyage ; nor for the news of his death, but for 
grief of others which she had received of her absent friend. 
It is said that although she was a widow, yet would she 
neither depart out of the monastery, nor become a religious 
woman, until she had received within a few days after news 
how Lothario was slain in a battle given by Monsieur de 
Lautrec, to the great Captain Gonzalo Fernandez of Cor- 
dova, in the kingdom of Naples; and that was the end of the 
late repentant friend, the which being known to Camilla, she 
made a profession, and shortly after deceased between the 


rigorous hands of sorrow and melancholy : and this was 
the end of them all, sprung from a rash and inconsiderate 

'This novel,' quoth the curate, having read it, 'is a pretty- 
one ; but yet I cannot persuade myself that it is true, and if 
it be a fiction, the author erred therein ; for it cannot be im- 
agined that any husband would be so foolish as to make so 
costly an experience as did Anselmo; but if this accident had 
been devised betwixt a gentleman and his love, then were 
it possible ; but being between man and wife, it contains 
somewhat that is impossible and unlikely, but yet I can take 
no exception against the manner of recounting thereof.' 


Which Treats of Many Rare Successes Befallen 
IN THE Inn. 

WHILST they discoursed thus, the innkeeper, who 
stood all the while at the door, said, 'Here comes a 
fair troop of guests, and if they will here alight 
we may sing Gaudeamus.' 'What folk is it?' quoth Cardenio. 
'Four men on horseback,* quoth the host, 'and ride jennet- 
wise, with lances and targets, and masks on their faces; and 
with them comes likewise a woman apparelled in white, in 
a side-saddle, and her face also masked, and two lackeys 
that rMn with them a-foot.' 'Are they near?' quoth the 
curate. 'So near,' replied the innkeeper, 'as they do now ar- 
rive.' Dorothea hearing him say so, covered her face, and 
Cardenio entered into Don Quixote's chamber; and scarce 
had they leisure to do it, when the others of whom the host 
spake, entered into the inn, and the four horsemen alighting, 
which were all of very comely and gallant disposition, they 
went to help down the lady that rode in the side-saddle, 
and one of them taking her down in his arms, did seat her 
in a chair that stood at the chamber door, into which Car- 
denio had entered: and all this while neither she nor they 
took off their masks, or spake a word, only the gentlewoman, 
at her sitting down in the chair, breathed forth a very deep 
sigh, and let fall her arms like a sick and dismayed person. 
The lackeys carried away their horses to the stable. Master 
curate seeing and noting all this, and curious to know what 
they were that came to the inn in so unwonted an attire, 
and kept such profound silence therein, went to the lackeys 
and demanded of one of them that which he desired to 
know, who answered, 'In good faith, sir, I cannot tell you 
what folk this is: only this I know, that they seem to be 
very noble, but chiefly he that went and took down the lady 



in his arms that you see there; and this I say, because all 
the others do respect him very much, and nothing is done 
but what he ordains and commands.' 'And the lady, what 
is she?' quoth the curate. 'I can as hardly inform you,' 
quoth the lackey, 'for I have not once seen her face in all 
this journey; yet I have heard her often groan and 
breathe out so profound sighs, as it seems she would give up 
the ghost at every one of them. And it is no marvel that 
we should know no more than we have said, for my com- 
panion and myself have been in their company but two days; 
for they encountered us on the way, and prayed and per- 
suaded us to go with them unto Andalusia, promising that 
they would recompense our pains largely.' 'And hast thou 
heard them name one another?' said the curate. 'No, truly,' 
answered the lackey; 'for they all travel with such silence, as 
it is a wonder ; for you shall not hear a word among, but the 
sighs and throbs of the poor lady, which do move in us 
very great compassion. And we do questionless persuade 
ourselves that she is forced wheresoever she goes: and as it 
may be collected by her attire, she is a nun, or, as is most 
probable, goes to be one; and perhaps she goeth so sorrow- 
ful as it seems because she hath no desire to become reli- 
gious.' 'It may very well be so,' quoth the curate. And so 
leaving them, he returned to the place where he had left 
Dorothea; who, hearing the disguised lady to sigh so often, 
moved by the native compassion of that sex, drew near her 
and said, 'What ails you, good madam? I pray you think if 
it be any of those inconveniences to which woman be sub- 
ject, and whereof they may have use and experience to 
cure them, I do of¥er unto you my service, assistance, and 
good-will to help you, as much as lies in my power.' To all 
those compliments the doleful lady answered nothing; and 
although Dorothea made her again larger offers of her 
service, yet stood she, ever silent, until the bemasked gen- 
tleman (whom the lackey said the rest did obey) came over 
and said to Dorothea, 'Lady, do not trouble yourself to 
offer anything to that woman, for she is of a most ungrateful 
nature, and is never wont to gratify any courtesy, nor do 
you seek her to answer unto your demands, if you would 
not hear some lie from her mouth.' 'I never said any,' 


quoth the silent lady, 'but rather because I am so true and 
sincere, without guiles, I am now drowned here in those mis- 
fortunes; and of this I would have thyself bear witness, see- 
ing my pure truth makes thee to be so false and disloyal.' 

Cardenio overheard those words very clear and distinctly, 
as one that stood so near unto her that said them, as only 
Don Quixote's chamber door stood between them. And in- 
stantly when he heard them, he said with a very loud voice, 
'Good God! what is this that I hear? What voice is this 
that hath touched mine ear?' The lady, moved with a sud- 
den passion, turned her head at those outcries, and seeing 
she could not perceive him that gave them, she got up, and 
would have entered into the room, which the gentleman espy^ 
ing, withheld her, and would not let her stir out of the 
place: and with the alteration and sudden motion the mask 
fell off her face, and she discovered an incomparable beauty, 
and an angelical countenance, although it was somewhat 
wan and pale, and turned here and there with her eyes to 
every place so earnestly as she seemed to be distracted; 
which motions, without knowing the reason why they were 
made, struck Dorothea and the rest that beheld her into 
very great compassion. The gentleman holding her very 
strongly fast by the shoulders, the mask he wore on his 
own face was falling; and he being so busied could not hold 
it up, but in the end [it] fell wholly. Dorothea, who had 
likewise embraced the lady, lifting up her eyes by chance, 
saw that he which did also embrace the lady was her spouse 
Don Fernando ; and scarce had she known him, when, breath- 
ing out a long and most pitiful 'Alas !' from the bottom of 
her heart, she fell backward in a trance; and if the barber 
had not been by good hap at hand, she would have fallen 
on the ground with all the weight of her body. The curate 
presently repaired to take off the veil of her face and cast 
water thereon: and as soon as he did discover it, Don Fer- 
nando, who was he indeed that held fast the other, knew her, 
and looked like a dead man as soon as he viewed her, but 
did not all this while let go Lucinda, who was the other 
whom he held so fast, and that laboured so much to escape 
out of his hands. Cardenio likewise heard the 'Alas!' that 
Dorothea said when she fell into a trance, and, believing that 


it was his Lucinda, issued out of the chamber greatly al- 
tered, and the first he espied was Don Fernando, which held 
Lucinda fast, who forthwith knew him. And all the three 
— Lucinda, Cardenio, and Dorothea — stood dumb and 
amazed, as folk that knew not what had befallen unto them. 
All of them held their peace, and beheld one another; Doro- 
thea looked on Don Fernando, Don Fernando on Cardenio, 
Cardenio on Lucinda, and Lucinda again on Cardenio; but 
Lucinda was the first that broke silence, speaking to Don 
Fernando in this manner: 'Leave me off. Lord Fernando, I 
conjure thee, by that thou shouldst be; for that which thou 
art, if thou wilt not do it for any other respect; let me 
cleave to the wall whose ivy I am ; to the supporter from 
whom neither thy importunity nor threats, promises or gifts, 
could once deflect me. Note how Heaven, by unusual, unfre- 
quented, and from us concealed ways, hath set my true 
spouse before mine eyes; and thou dost know well, by a 
thousand costly experiences, that only death is potent to blot 
forth his remembrance out of my memory. Let, then, so 
manifest truths be of power (if thou must do none other) to 
convert thine affliction into rage, and thy good-will into 
despite, and therewithal end my life; for if I may render 
up the ghost in the presence of my dear spouse, I shall ac- 
count it fortunately lost. Perhaps by my death he will 
lemain satisfied of the faith which I have kept sincere 
towards him until the last period of my life.' By this time 
Dorothea was come to herself, and listened to most of Lu- 
cinda's reasons, and by them came to the knowledge of her- 
self. But seeing Don Fernando did not yet let her depart 
from between his arms, nor answer anything to her words, 
encouraging herself the best that she might, she arose, and, 
kneeling at his feet, and shedding a number of crystal and 
penetrating tears, she spoke to him thus: 

'If it be not so, my lord, that the beams of that sun 
which thou boldest eclipsed between thine arms do darken 
and deprive those of thine eyes, thou mightest have by this 
perceived how she that is prostrated at thy feet is the unfor- 
tunate (until thou shalt please) and the disastrous Doro- 
thea. I am that poor humble countrywoman whom thou, 
either through thy bounty, or for thy pleasure, didst deign to 


raise to that height that she might call thee her own. I am 
she which, some time immured within the Hmits of honesty, 
did lead a most contented life, until it opened the gates of 
her recollection and wariness to thine importunity, and seem- 
ing just and amorous requests, and rendered up to thee the 
keys of her liberty; a gift by thee so ill recompensed, as 
the finding myself in so remote a place as this wherein you 
have met with me, and I seen you, may clearly testify; but 
yet for all this, I would not have you to imagine that I 
come here guided by dishonourable steps, being only hitherto 
conducted by the tracts of dolour and feeling, to see myself 
thus forgotten by thee. It was thy will that I should be 
thine own, and thou didst desire it in such a manner, as al- 
though now thou wculdst not have it so, yet canst not thou 
possibly leave off to be mine. Knov/, my dear lord, that the 
matchless affections that I do bear towards thee may recom- 
pense and be equivalent to her beauty and nobility for whom 
thou dost abandon me. 

'Thou canst not be the beautiful Lucinda's, because thou 
art mine; nor she thine, forasmuch as she belongs to Car- 
denio ; and it will be more easy, if you will note it well, 
to reduce thy will to love her that adores thee, than to ad- 
dress hers, that hates thee, to bear thee affection. Thou 
didst solicit my recchelessness, thou prayedst to mine integ- 
rity, and wast not ignorant of my quality; thou knowest 
also very well upon what terms I subjected myself to thy 
will, so as there remains no place nor colour to term it a 
fraud or deceit; and all this being so, as in verity it is, 
and that thou beest as Christian as thou art noble, why dost 
thou with these so many untoward wreathings dilate the 
making of mine end happy, whose commencement thou didst 
illustrate so much? And if thou wilt not have me for what 
I am, who am thy true and lawful spouse, yet at least take 
and admit me for thy slave, for so that I may be in thy pos- 
session I will account myself happy and fortunate. Do not 
permit that by leaving and abandoning me, meetings may be 
made to discourse of my dishonour. Do not vex thus the 
declining years of my parents, seeing that the loyal services 
which they ever have done as vassals to thine deserve not 
so [dis] honest a recompense. And if thou esteemest that 


thy blood by meddling with mine shall be stained or embased, 
consider how few noble houses, or rather none at all, are 
there in the world which have not run the same way, and 
that the woman's side is not essentially requisite for the il- 
lustrating of noble descents. How much more, seeing that 
true nobility consists in virtue, which if it shall want in 
thee, by refusing that which thou owest me so justly, I shall 
remain with many more degrees of nobility than thou shalt. 
And in conclusion, that which I will lastly say is, that 
whether thou wilt or no, I am thy wife; the witnesses are 
thine own words, which neither should nor ought to lie, if 
thou dost esteem thyself to have that for the want of 
which thou despisest me. Witness shall also be thine own 
handwriting. Witness Heaven, which thou didst invoke to 
bear witness of that which thou didst promise unto me : and 
when all this shall fail, thy very conscience shall never fail 
from using clamours, being silent in thy mirth and turning, 
for this truth which I have said to thee now shall trouble 
the greatest pleasure and delight.' 

These and many other like reasons did the sweetly 
grieved Dorothea use with such feeling, as all those that 
were present, as well such as accompanied Don Fernando, 
and all the others that did accompany her, shed abundance of 
tears. Don Fernando listened unto her without replying a 
word, until she had ended her speech, and given beginning 
to so many sighs and sobs, as the heart that could endure to 
behold them without moving were harder than brass. Lu- 
cinda did also regard her, no less compassionate of her sor- 
row than admired at her discretion and beauty, and al- 
though she would have approached to her, and used some 
consolatory words, yet was she hindered by Don Fernando's 
arms, which held her still embraced, who, full of confusion 
and marvel, after he had stood very attentively beholding 
Dorothea a good while, opening his arms, and leaving Lu- 
cinda free, said, 'Thou hast vanquished, O beautiful Doro- 
thea! thou hast vanquished me; for it is not possible to re- 
sist or deny so many united truths.' Lucinda, through her 
former trance and weakness, as Don Fernando left her, was 
like to fall, if Cardenio, who stood behind Don Fernando all 
the while lest he should be known, shaking off all fear and 


endangering his person, had not started forward to stay her 
from falling; and, clasping her sweetly between his arms, 
he said, 'If pitiful Heaven be pleased, and would have thee 
now at last take some ease, my loyal, con-tant, and beauti- 
ful lady, I presume that thou canst not possess it more se- 
curely than between these arms which do now receive thee, 
as whilom they did when fortune was pleased that I might 
call thee mine own.' And then Lucinda, first severing her 
eyelids, beheld Cardenio, and having first taken notice of 
him by his voice, and confirmed it again by her sight, like 
one quite distracted, without further regarding modest re- 
spects, she cast both her arms about his neck, and, joining 
her face to his, said, 'Yea, thou indeed art my lord ; thou, 
the true owner of this poor captive, howsoever adverse for- 
tune shall thwart it, or this life, which is only sustained 
and lives by thine, be ever so much threatened.' This was 
a marvellous spectacle to Don Fernando, and all the rest of 
the beholders, which did universally admire at this so un- 
expected an event. And Dorothea, perceiving Don Fernando 
to change colour, as one resolving to take revenge on Car- 
denio, for he had set hand to his sword, which she conjectur- 
ing, did with marvellous expedition kneel, and, catching hold 
on his legs, kissing them, she strained them with so loving 
embracements as he could not stir out of the place, and then, 
with her eyes overflown with tears, said unto him, 'What 
meanest thou to do, my only refuge in this unexpected 
trance? Thou hast here thine own spouse at thy feet, and 
her whom thou wouldst fain possess is between her own 
husband's arms. Judge, then, whether it become thee, or is 
a thing possible, to dissolve that which Heaven hath knit, 
or whether it be anywise laudable to endeavour to raise and 
equal to thyself her who, contemning all dangers and incon- 
veniences, and confirmed in faith and constancy, doth in thy 
presence bathe her eyes with amorous liquor of her true 
love's face and bosom. I desire thee for God's sake, and by 
thine own worths I request thee, that this so notorious a 
verity may not only assuage thy choler, but also diminish 
it in such sort, as thou mayst quietly and peaceably permit 
those two lovers to enjoy their desires without any en- 
cumbrance all the time that Heaven shall grant it to them; 


and herein thou shalt show the generosity of thy magnani- 
mous and noble breast, and give the world to understand 
how reason prevaileth in thee, and domineereth over pas- 
sion.' All the time that Dorothea spoke thus to Don Fer- 
nando, although Cardenio held Lucinda between his arms, 
yet did he never take his eyes off Don Fernando, with resolu- 
tion that if he did see him once stir in his prejudice, he 
would labour both to defend himself and offend his adver- 
sary and all those who should join with him to do him any 
harm, as much as he could, although it were with the rest 
of his life. But Don Fernando's friends, the curate and 
barber, that were present and saw all that was passed, re- 
paired in the mean season, without omitting the good Sancho 
Panza, and all of them together compassed Don Fernando, 
entreating him to have regard of the beautiful Dorothea's 
tears, and it being true (as they believed it was) that she 
had said, he should not permit her to remain defrauded of 
her so just and lawful hopes, assuring him that it was not 
by chance, but rather by the particular providence and dis- 
position of the heavens, that they had all met together so un- 
expectedly; and that he should remember, as master curate 
said very well, that only death could sever Lucinda from 
her Cardenio ; and that although the edge of a sword might 
divide and part them asunder, yet in that case they would ac- 
count their death most happy; and that, in irremediless 
events, it was highest prudence, by straining and overcoming 
him.self, to show a generous mind, and that he might con- 
quer his own will, by permitting these two to enjoy that 
good which Heaven had already granted to them ; and that 
he should turn his eyes to behold the beauty of Dorothea, 
and he should see that few or none could for feature paragon 
with her, and much less excel her; and that he should confer 
her humility and extreme love which she bore to him with 
her other endowments: and principally, that if he gloried in 
the titles of nobility or Christianity, he could not do any 
other than accomplish the promise that he had passed to her; 
and that by fulfilling it he should please God and satisfy 
discreet persons, which know very well how it is a special 
prerogative of beauty, though it be in an humble and mean 
subject, if it be consorted with modesty and virtue, to exalt 


and equal itself to any dignity, without disparagement of 
him which doth help to raise or unite it to himself; and 
when the strong laws of delight are accomplished (so that 
there intercur no sin in the acting thereof), he is not to 
be condemned which doth follow them. Finally, they added 
to these reasons others so many and forcible, that the val- 
orous breast of Don Fernando (as commonly all those that 
are warmed and nourished by noble blood are wont) was 
mollified, and permitted itself to be vanquished by that truth 
which he could not deny though he would. And the token 
that he gave of his being overcome, was to stoop down and 
embrace Dorothea, saying unto her, 'Arise, lady ; for it is not 
just that she be prostrate at my feet whose image I have 
erected in my mind. And if I have not hitherto given dem- 
onstrations of what I now aver, it hath perhaps befallen 
through the disposition of Heaven, to the end I might, by 
noting the constancy and faith wherewithal thou dost affect 
me, know after how to value and esteem thee according unto 
thy merits. And that which in recompense thereof I do en- 
treat of thee is, that thou wilt excuse in me mine ill manner 
of proceeding and exceeding carelessness in repaying thy 
good-will ; for the very occasion and violent passions that 
made me to accept thee as mine, the very same did also impel 
me again not to be thine; and for the more verifying of mine 
assertion, do but once behold the eyes of the now contented 
Lucinda, and thou mayst read in them a thousand excuses for 
mine error; and seeing she hath found and obtained her 
heart's desire, and I have in thee also gotten what is most 
convenient — for I wish she may live securely and joyfully 
many and happy years with her Cardenio: for I will pray 
the same, that it will license me to enjoy my beloved Doro- 
thea.' And saying so, he embraced her again, and joined his 
face to hers with so lovely motion, as it constrained him to 
hold watch over his tears, lest violently bursting forth, they 
should give doubtless arguments of his fervent love and 

Cardenio, Lucinda, and almost all the rest could not do so, 
for the greater number of them shed so many tears, some for 
their private contentments, and others for their friends, as 
it seemed that some grievous and heavy misfortune had be- 


tided them all ; even very Sancho Panza wept, although he 
excused it afterward, saying that he wept only because that 
he saw that Dorothea was not the Queen Micomicona, as he 
had imagined, of whom he hoped to have received so great 
gifts and favours. The admiration and tears joined, endured 
in them all for a pretty space ; and presently after, Cardenio 
and Lucinda went and kneeled to Don Fernando, yielding 
him thanks for the favour that he had done to them, with so 
courteous compliments as he knew not what to answer, and 
therefore lifted them up, and embraced them with very great 
affection and kindness, and presently after he demanded of 
Dorothea how she came to that place, so far from her own 
dwelling. And she recounted unto him all that she had told 
to Cardenio; whereat Don Fernando and those which came 
with him took so great delight, as they could have wished 
that her story had continued a longer time in the telling than 
it did — so great was Dorothea's grace in setting out her mis- 
fortunes. And as soon as she had ended, Don Fernando told 
all that had befallen him in the city, after that he had found 
the scroll in Lucinda's bosom, wherein she declared Cardenio 
to be her husband, and that he therefore could not marry 
her; and also how he attempted to kill her, and would have 
done it, were it not that her parents hindered him; and that 
he therefore departed out of the house, full of shame and 
despite, with resolution to revenge himself more commodi- 
ously; and how he understood the next day following, how 
Lucinda was secretly departed from her father's house, and 
gone nobody knew where, but that he finally learned within a 
few months after, that she had entered into a certain monas- 
tery, with intention to remain there all the days of her life, 
if she could not pass them with Cardenio; and that as soon 
as he had learned that, choosing those three gentlemen for 
his associates, he came to the place where she was, but would 
not speak to her, fearing lest that, as soon as they knew 
of his being there, they would increase the guards of the 
monastery ; and therefore expected until he found on a day 
the gates of the monastery open, and leaving two of his fel- 
lows to keep the door, he with the other entered into the 
abbey in Lucinda's search, whom they found talking with a 
nun in the cloister; and, snatching her away ere she could 


retire herself, they brought her to a certain village, where 
they disguised themselves in that sort they were; for so it 
was requisite for to bring her away: all which they did with 
the more facility, that the monastery was seated abroad in 
the fields, a good way from any village. He likewise told 
that, as soon as Lucinda saw herself in his power, she fell 
into a swoon ; and that, after she had returned to herself, she 
never did any other thing but weep and sigh, without speak- 
ing a word; and that in that manner, accompanied with si- 
lence and tears, they had arrived to that inn, which was to 
him as grateful as an arrival to heaven, wherein all earthly 
mishaps are concluded and finished. 


Wherein Is Prosecuted the History of the Famous 

Princess Micomicona, with Other Delightful 


SANCHO gave ear to all this with no small grief of 
mind, seeing that all the hopes of his lordship vanished 
away like smoke, and that the fair Princess Micomicona 
was turned into Dorothea, and the giant into Don Fernando, 
and that his master slept so soundly, and careless of all that 
had happened. Dorothea could not yet assure herself whether 
the happiness that she possessed was a dream or no. Car- 
denio was in the very same taking, and also Lucinda's 
thoughts ran the same race. 

Don Fernando yielded many thanks to Heaven for having 
dealt with him so propitiously, and unwinding him out of the 
intricate labyrinth, wherein straying, he was at the point to 
have at once lost his soul and credit. And finally, as many 
as were in the inn were very glad and joyful of the success 
of so thwart, intricate, and desperate affairs. The curate 
compounded and ordered all things through his discretion, and 
congratulated every one of the good he obtained. But she 
that kept greatest jubilee and joy was the hostess, for the 
promise that Cardenio and the curate had made, to pay 
her the damages and harms committed by Don Quixote; 
only Sancho, as we have said, was afflicted, unfortunate, 
and sorrowful. And thus he entered with melancholy sem- 
blance to his lord, who did but then awake, and said unto 
him, — 

'Well and securely may you sleep, sir knight of the heavy 
countenance, as long as it shall please yourself, without 
troubling yourself with any care of killing any giant, or of 
restoring the queen to her kingdom ; for all is concluded and 
done already.' 'I believe thee very easily,' replied Don Quix- 



ote; 'for I have had the monstrousest and most terrible 
battle with that giant that ever I think to have all the days 
of my life vv'ith any; and yet with one thwart blow, thwack I 
overthrew his head to the ground, and there issued so much 
blood as the streams thereof ran along the earth as if they 
were of water.' 'As if they were of red wine, you might 
better have said,' replied Sancho Panza; 'for I would let you 
to understand, if you know it not already, that the dead giant 
is a bored wine-bag, and the blood six-and-thirty gallons of 
red wine, which it contained in its belly. The head that was 
slashed off so neatly is the whore my mother; and let the 
devil take all away for me !' 'And what is this thou sayst, 
madman?' quoth Don Quixote. 'Art thou in thy right wits?' 
'Get up, sir,' quoth Sancho, 'and you yourself shall see the 
fair stuff you have made, and what we have to pay; and you 
shall behold the queen transformed into a particular lady, 
called Dorothea, with other successes, which if you may once 
conceive them aright will strike you into admiration.' 'I 
would marvel at nothing,' quoth Don Quixote; 'for if thou 
beest well remembered, I told thee the other time that we 
were here, how all that succeeded in this place was done by 
enchantment. And what wonder, then, if now the like should 
eftsoons befall?' 'I could easily be induced to believe all,' 
replied Sancho, 'if my canvassing in the coverlet were of that 
nature. But indeed it was not, but most real and certain. 
And I saw well how the innkeeper that is here yet this very 
day alive, held one end of the coverlet, and did toss me up 
towards heaven with very good grace and strength, no less 
merrily than lightly. And where the notice of parties inter- 
curs, I do believe, although I am a simple man and a sinner, 
that there is no kind of enchantment, but rather much 
trouble, bruising, and misfortune.' 'Well, God will remedy 
all,' said Don Quixote. 'And give me mine apparel; for I 
will get up and go forth, and see those successes and trans- 
formations which thou speakest of.' Sancho gave him his 
clothes ; and whilst he was a-making of him ready, the curate 
recounted to Don Fernando and to the rest Don Quixote's 
mad pranks, and the guile he had used to bring him away out 
of the Poor Rock, wherein he imagined that he lived exiled 
through the disdain of his lady. He told them, moreover. 


all the other adventures which Sancho had discovered, 
whereat they did laugh not a little, and wonder withal, be- 
cause it seemed to them all to be one of the extravagantest 
kinds of madness that ever befel a distracted brain. The 
curate also added, that seeing the good success of the Lady- 
Dorothea did impeach the further prosecuting of their design, 
that it was requisite to invent and find some other way how 
to carry him home to his own village. Cardenio offered him- 
self to prosecute the adventure, and Lucinda should represent 
Dorothea's person. 'No,' quoth Don Fernando, 'it shall not 
be so; for I will have Dorothea to prosecute her own inven- 
tion: for so that the village of this good gentleman be not 
very far off from hence, I will be very glad to procure his 
remedy.' 'It is no more than two days' journey from hence,' 
said the curate. 'Well, though it were more,' replied Don 
Fernando, 'I would be pleased to travel them, in exchange 
of doing so good a work.' Don Quixote sallied out at this 
time completely armed with Mambrino's helmet (although 
with a great hole in it) on his head, his target on his arm, 
and leaned on his trunk or javelin. His strange countenance 
and gait amazed Don Fernando and his companions very 
much, seeing his ill-favoured visage so withered and yellow, 
the inequality and unsuitability of his arms, and his grave 
manner of proceeding; and stood all silent to see what he 
would; who, casting his eyes on the beautiful Dorothea, with 
very great gravity and staidness, said, — 

'I am informed, beautiful lady, by this my squire, that 
your greatness is annihilated, and your being destroyed ; for 
of a queen and mighty princess which you were wont to be, 
you are now become a particular damsel; which if it hath 
been done by particular order of the magical king your 
father, dreading that I would not be able to give you the 
necessary and requisite help for your restitution, I say that 
he neither knew nor doth know the one half of the enter- 
prise, and that he was very little acquainted with histories 
of chivalry ; for if he had read them, or passed them over 
with so great attention and leisure as I have done, and read 
them, he should have found at every other step, how other 
knights of a great deal less fame than myself have ended 
more desperate adventures, seeing it is not so great a matter 
Hc XIV — 13 


to kill a giant, be he ever so arrogant; for it is not many 
hours since I myself fought with one, and what ensued I will 
not say, lest they should tell me that I do lie; but time, the 
detector of all things, will disclose it, when we do least think 

'Thou foughtest with two wine-bags, and not with a giant,' 
quoth the host at this season. But Don Fernando com- 
manded him to be silent and not interrupt Don Quixote in 
any wise, who prosecuted his speech, saying, 'In fine, I say, 
high and disinherited lady, that if your father hath made this 
metamorphosis in your person for the causes related, give 
him no credit; for there is no peril so great on earth but my 
sword shall open a way through it, wherewithal I, overthrow- 
ing your enemy's head to the ground, will set your crown 
on your own head within a few days.' Here Don Quixote 
held his peace, and awaited the princess her answer, who, 
knowing Don Fernando's determination and will that she 
should continue the commenced guile until Don Quixote were 
carried home again, answered, with a very good grace and 
countenance, in this manner: 'Whosoever informed you, 
valorous Knight of the Ill-favoured Face, that I have altered 
and changed my being, hath not told you the truth, for I am 
the very same to-day that I was yesterday; true it is, that 
some unexpected yet fortunate successes have wrought some 
alteration in me, by bestowing on me better hap than I hoped 
for, or could wish myself; but yet for all that I have not left 
off to be that which [I was] before, or to have the very same 
thoughts which I ever had, to help myself by the valour of 
your most valorous and invincible arm. And therefore I re- 
quest you, good my lord, of your accustomed bounty, to re- 
turn my father his honour again, and account of him as of 
a very discreet and prudent man, seeing that he found by this 
skill so easy and so infallible a way to redress my disgraces ; 
for I do certainly believe, that if it had not been by your 
means, I should never have happened to attain to the good 
fortune which now I possess, as all those noblemen present 
may witness; what therefore rests is, that to-morrow morn- 
ing we do set forward, for to-day is now already so overgone 
as we should not be able to travel very far from hence. As 
for the conclusion of the good success that I do hourly 


expect, I refer that to God and the valour of your invincible 

Thus much the discreet Dorothea said; and Don Quixote 
having heard her, he turned him to Sancho, w^ith very mani- 
fest tokens of indignation, and said, 'Now I say unto thee, 
little Sancho, that thou art the veriest rascal that is in all 
Spain. Tell me, thief and vagabond, didst not thou but even 
very now say unto me that this princess was turned into a 
damsel, and that called Dorothea ? and that the head which I 
thought I had slashed from a giant's shoulders was the whore 
that bore thee? with a thousand other follies, which did 
plunge me into the greatest confusion that ever I was in my 
life? I vow' (and then he looked upon heaven, and did crash 
his teeth together) 'that I am about to make such a wreck 
on thee, as shall beat wit into the pates of all the lying squires 
that shall ever hereafter serve knights-errant in this world.' 
'I pray yoa have patience, good my lord,' answered Sancho, 
'for it may very well befall me to be deceived in that which 
toucheth the transmutation of the lady and Princess Mico- 
micona ; but in that which concerneth the giant's head, or at 
least the boring of the wine-bags, and that the blood was but 
red wine I am not deceived, I swear; for the bags lie yet 
wounded there within at your own bed's head, and the red 
wine hath made a lake in the chamber; and if it be not so, 
it shall be perceived at the frying of the eggs, I mean that 
you shall see it when master innkeeper's worship, who is 
here present, shall demand the loss and damage.' 'I say thee, 
Sancho,' quoth Don Quixote, 'that thou art a madcap ; pardon 
me, and so it is enough.' 'It is enough indeed,' quoth Don 
Fernando, 'and therefore let me entreat you to say no more 
of this, and seeing my lady the princess says she will go 
away to-morrow, seeing it is now too late to depart to-day, 
let it be so agreed on, and we will spend this night in pleasant 
discourses, until the approach of the ensuing day, wherein 
we will all accompany and attend on the worthy knight Sir 
Don Quixote, because we would be eye-witnesses of the val- 
orous and unmatchable feats of arms which he shall do in 
the pursuit of this weighty enterprise which he hath taken 
upon him.' 'I am he that will serve and accompany you, good 
my lord,' replied Don Quixote; 'and I do highly gratify the 


honour that is done me, and the good opinion that is held of 
me, the which I will endeavour to verify and approve, or it 
shall cost me my life, or more, if more it might cost me.' 

Many other words of compliment and gratification passed 
between Don Quixote and Don Fernando, but a certain pas- 
senger imposed silence to them all, by his arrival to the inn 
in that very season, who by his attire showed that he was a 
Christian newly returned from among the Moors, for he was 
apparelled with a short-skirted cassock of blue cloth, sleeves 
reaching down half the arm, and without a collar; his 
breeches were likewise of blue linen, and he wore a bonnet 
of the same colour, a pair of date-coloured buskins, and a 
Turkish scimitar hanging at his neck in a scarf, which went 
athwart his breast. There entered after him, riding on an 
ass, a woman clad like a Moor, and her face covered with a 
piece of the veil of her head ; she wore on her head a little 
cap of cloth of gold, and was covered with a little Turkish 
mantle from the shoulders down to the feet. The man was 
of strong and comely making, of the age of forty years or 
thereabouts ; his face was somewhat tanned, he had long 
mustachios and a very handsome beard; to conclude, his 
making was such as, if he were well attired, men would tak^ 
him to be a person of quality and good birth. He demanded 
a chamber as soon as he had entered, and being answered 
that there was no one vacant in the inn, he seemed to be 
grieved, and coming to her which in her attire denoted her- 
self to be a Moor, he took her down from her ass. Lucinda, 
Dorothea, the hostess, her daughter, and Maritornes, allured 
to behold the new and strange attire of the Moor, compassed 
her about; and Dorothea, who was always most gracious, 
courteous, and discreet, deeming that both she and he that 
had brought her were discontented for the want of a lodging, 
she said, 'Lady, be not grieved for the trouble you are here 
like to endure for want of means to refresh yourself, seeing 
it is an universal vice of all inns to be defective herein; yet 
notwithstanding, if it shall please you to pass away the time 
among us' (pointing to Lucinda), 'perhaps you have met in 
the discourse of your travels other worse places of entertain- 
ment than this shall prove.' The disguised lady made none 
answer, nor other thing than arising from the place wherein 


she sat, and setting both her arms across on her bosom, she 
inclined her head and bowed her body, in sign that she ren- 
dered them thanks; by her silence they doubtlessly conjectured 
her to be a Moor, and that she could not speak the Castilian 
tongue. On this the Captive arrived, who was otherwise em- 
ployed until then, and, seeing that they all had environed her 
that came with him, and that she made no answer to their 
speech, he said, 'Ladies, this maiden scarce understands my 
tongue yet, nor doth she know any other than that of her 
own country, and therefore she hath not, nor can make any 
answer to your demands.' 'We demand nothing of her,' quoth 
Lucinda, 'but only do make her an offer of our companies 
for this night, and part of the room where we ourselves are 
to be accommodated, where she shall be cherished up as much 
as the commodity of this place, and the obligation wherein 
we be tied to show courtesies to strangers that may want it, 
do bind us ; especially she being a woman to whom we may 
do this service.' 'Sweet lady, I kiss your hands both for her 
and myself,' replied the Captive; 'and I do highly prize, as 
it deserveth, the favour you have proffered, which in such 
an occasion, and offered by such persons as you seem to be, 
doth very plainly show how great it is.' 'Tell me, good sir,' 
quoth Dorothea, 'whether is this lady a Christian or a Moor? 
for by her attire and silence she makes us suspect that she 
is that we would not wish she were.' 'A Moor she is in at- 
tire and body,' answered the Captive; 'but in mind she is a 
very fervent Christian, for she hath very expressly desired 
to become one.' 'Then she is not yet baptised?' said Lucinda. 
'There hath been no opportunity offered to us,' quoth the 
Captive, 'to christen her, since she departed from Algiers, 
which is her town and country; and since that time she was 
not in any so eminent a danger of death as might oblige her 
to be baptised before she were first instructed in all the cere- 
monies which our holy mother, the Church, commandeth; 
but I hope shortly (if it shall please God) to see her baptised 
with that decency which her quality and calling deserves, 
which is greater than her attire or mine makes show of.' 

These words inflamed all the hearers with a great desire 
to know who the Moor and her captive were, yet none of 
them would at that time entreat him to satisfy their longing, 


because the season rather invited them to take some order 
how they might rest after their travels, than to demand of 
them the discourse of their Hves. Dorothea, then, taking 
her by the hand, caused her to sit down by herself, and 
prayed her to take off the veil from her face. She instantly 
beheld the Captive, as if she demanded of him what they 
said, and he in the Arabical language told her how they de- 
sired her to discover her face, and bade her to do it; which 
presently she did, and discovered so beautiful a visage as 
Dorothea esteemed her to be fairer than Lucinda, and Lu- 
cinda prized her to excel Dorothea; and all the beholders 
perceived that if any one could surpass them both in beauty, 
it was the Moor ; and there were some that thought she ex- 
celled them both in some respects. And as beauty hath ever- 
more the prerogative and grace to reconcile men's minds and 
attract their wills to it, so all of them forthwith dedicated 
their desires to serve, and make much of the lovely Moor. 
Don Fernando demanded of the Captive how she was called, 
and he answered that her name was Lela Zoraida ; and as 
soon as she heard him, and understood what they had de- 
manded, she suddenly answered with anguish, but yet with a 
very good grace, 'No, not Zoraida, but Maria,' giving them 
to understand that she was called Maria, and not Zoraida. 

These words, and the great effect and vehemency where- 
withal the Moor delivered them, extorted more than one tear 
from the hearers, especially from the women, who are natu- 
rally tender-hearted and compassive. Lucinda embraced her 
then with great love, and said, 'Ay, ay, Maria, Maria.' To 
which she answered, 'Ay, ay, Maria, Zoraida raancange;' 
that is, 'and not Zoraida.' By this it was grown some four 
of the clock in the afternoon; and by order of those which 
were Don Fernando's companions, the innkeeper had pro- 
vided for them as good a beaver as the inn could in any wise 
afford unto them. Therefore, it being the hour, they sat down 
altogether at a long table (for there was never a square or 
round one in all the house), and they gave the first and prin- 
cipal end (although he refused it as much as he could) to 
Don Quixote, who commanded that the Lady Micomicona 
should sit at his elbow, seeing he was her champion. Pres- 
ently were placed Lucinda and Zoraida, and Don Fernando 


and Cardenio right over against them, and after the Captive 
and other gentlemen, and on the other side the curate and 
barber. And thus they made their drinking with very great 
recreation, which was the more augmented to see Don Qui- 
xote leaving of his meat, and, moved by the like spirit of that 
which had made him once before talk so much to the 
goatherds, begin to offer them an occasion of speech in this 

'Truly, good sirs, if it be well considered, those which pro- 
fess the order of knighthood do see many great and unex- 
pected things. If it be not so, say what mortal man alive is 
there that, entering in at this castle gate, and seeing of us all 
in the manner we be now present here, can judge or believe 
that we are those which we be? Who is it that can say that 
this lady which sits here at my sleeve is the great queen that 
we all know her to be, and that I am that Knight of the 
Heavy Countenance that am so much blabbed of abroad by 
the mouth of fame? therefore it cannot be now doubted, but 
that this art and exercise excelleth all the others which ever 
human wit, the underminer of nature, invented; and it is the 
more to be prized, by how much it exposeth itself, more than 
other trades, to dangers and inconveniences. Away with 
those that shall affirm learning to surpass arms; for I will 
say unto them, be they what the}'- list, that they know not 
what they say ; for the reason which such men do most urge, 
and to which they do most rely, is, that the travails of the 
spirit do far exceed those of the body ; and that the use of 
arms are only exercised by the body, as if it were an office 
fit for porters, for which nothing were requisite but bodily 
forces ; or as if in that which we that profess it do call arms, 
were not included the acts of fortitude which require deep 
understanding to execute them; or as if the warrior's mind 
did not labour as well as his body, who had a great army to 
lead and command, or the defence of a besieged city. If not, 
see if he can arrive by his corporal strength to know or sound 
the intent of his enemy, the designs, stratagems, and difficul- 
ties, how to prevent imminent dangers, all these being opera- 
tions of the understanding wherein the body hath no meddling 
at all. It being therefore so, that the exercise of arms re- 
quires spirit as well as those of learning, let us now examine 


which of the two spirits, that of the scholar or soldier, do 
take most pains; and this may be best understood by the end 
to which both of them are addressed; for that intention is 
most to be esteemed which hath for object the most noble 
end. The end and conclusion of learning is — I speak not now 
of divinity, whose scope is to lead and address souls to 
heaven; for to an end so much without end as this, no other 
may be compared — I mean of human sciences or arts, to 
maintain distributive justice in his perfection, and give to 
every one that which is his own; to endeavour and cause 
good laws to be religiously observed — an end most certainly 
generous, high, and worthy of great praise, but not of so 
much as that to which the exercise of arms is annexed, which 
hath for his object and end peace, which is the greatest good 
men can desire in this life. And therefore the first good news 
that ever the world had or men received, were those which 
the angels brought on that night which was our day, when 
they sang in the skies, "Glory be in the heights, and peace 
on earth to men of good minds." And the salutation which 
the best Master that ever was on earth or in heaven taught to 
His disciples and favourites was, that when they entered into 
any house they should say, "Peace be to this house"; and 
many other times He said, "I give unto you My peace ; I 
leave My peace unto you ; peace be amongst you." It is a 
good, as precious as a jewel, and a gift given, and left by 
such a hand; a jewel, without which neither on earth nor 
in heaven can there be any perfect good. This peace is the 
true end of war; for arms and war are one and the selfsame 
things. This truth being therefore presupposed, that the 
end of war is peace, and that herein it doth excel the end of 
learning, let us descend to the corporal labours of the scholar, 
and to those of him which professeth arms, and consider 
which of them are more toilsome.' 

Don Quixote did prosecute his discourse in such sort, and 
with so pleasing terms, as he had almost induced his audience 
to esteem him to be, at that time at least, exempt from his 
frenzy; and therefore, by reason that the greater number of 
them were gentlemen, to whom the use of arms is in a man- 
ner essential and proper, they did willingly listen to him; and 
therefore he continued on with his discourse in this manner: 


*I say, then, that the pairxS of the student are commonly 
these: principally poverty (not that I would maintain that all 
students are poor, but that I may put the case in greatest 
extremity it can have), and by saying that he may be poor, 
methinks there may be no greater aggravation of his misery; 
for he that is poor is destitute of every good thing; and this 
poverty is suffered by him sundry ways, sometimes by hunger, 
other times by cold or nakedness, and many times by all of 
them together; yet it is never so extreme but that he doth 
eat, although it be somewhat later than the custom, or of the 
scraps and reversion of the rich man ; and the greatest misery 
of the student is that which they term to live by sops and 
pottage : and though they want fire of their own, yet may 
they have recourse to their neighbour's chimney, which if it 
do not warm, yet will it weaken the cold: and finally, they 
sleep at night under a roof. I will not descend to other 
trifles — to wit, the want of shirts and shoes, the bareness of 
their clothes, or the overloading of their stomachs with meat 
when good fortune lends them as good a meal — for by this 
way, which I have deciphered so rough and difficult, stum- 
bling here, falling there ; getting up again on the other side, 
and refalling on this, they attain the degree which they have 
desired so much ; which many having compassed, as we have 
seen, which having passed through these difficulties, and 
sailed by Scylla and Charybdis (borne away flying, in a man- 
ner, by favourable fortune), they command and govern all 
the world from a chair, turning their hunger into satiety, 
their nakedness into pomp, and their sleeping on a mat into 
a sweet repose among hollands and damask — a reward justly 
merited by their virtue. But their labours, confronted and 
compared to those of the militant soldier, remain very far 
behind, as I will presently declare.' 


Treating of the Curious Discourse Made by Don Quixote 
Upon the Exercises of Arms and Letters 

DON QUIXOTE, continuing his discourse, said, 'Seeing 
we begin in the student with poverty and her parts, 
let us examine whether the soldier be richer? Cer- 
tainly we shall find that no man can exceed the soldier in 
poverty itself; for he is tied to his wretched pay, which comes 
either late or never; or else to his own shifts, with notable 
danger of his life and conscience. And his nakedness is oft- 
times so much, as many times a leather jerkin gashed serves 
him at once for a shirt and ornament. And in the midst of 
winter he hath sundry times no other defence or help to re- 
sist the inclemencies of the air in the midst of the open fields 
than the breath of his mouth, which I verily believe doth 
against nature come out cold, by reason it sallies from an 
empty place; expect there till the night fall, that he may re- 
pair all these discommodities by the easiness of his bed, the 
which, if it be not through his own default, shall never offend 
in narrowness; for he may measure out for it on the earth 
as many foot as he pleaseth, and tumble himself up and down 
it without endangering the wrinkling of his sheets. Let after 
all this the day and hour arrive wherein he is to receive the 
degree of his profession — let, I say, a day of battle arrive; 
for there they will set on his head the cap of his dignity, 
made of lint to cure the wound of Some bullet that hath 
passed through and through his temples, or hath maimed an 
;irm or a leg. And when this doth not befall, but that Heaven 
doth piously keep and preserve him whole and sound, he shall 
perhaps abide still in the same poverty wherein he was at the 
first; and that it be requisite that one and another battle do 
succeed, and he come off ever a victor, to the end that he may 
prosper and be at the last advanced. But such miracles are 



but few times wrought ; and say, good sirs, if you have noted 
it, how few are those which the wars reward, in respect of 
the others that it hath destroyed? You must answer, without 
question, that there can be no comparison made between 
them, nor can the dead be reduced to any number; but all 
the living, and such as are advanced, may be counted easily 
with three arithmetical figures : all which falls out contrary in 
learned men, for all of them have wherewithal to entertain 
and maintain themselves by skirts — I will say nothing of 
sleeves. So that although the soldier's labour is greater, yet 
is his reward much less. But to this may be answered, that 
it is easier to reward two hundred thousand learned men 
than thirty thousand soldiers; for they may be advanced by 
giving unto them offices, which must of necessity be bestowed 
on men of their profession ; but soldiers cannot be recom- 
pensed otherwise than by the lord's substance and wealth 
whom they serve. And yet this objection and impossibility 
doth fortify much more my assertion. 

'But leaving this apart, which is a labyrinth of very difficult 
issue, let us return to the pre-eminency of arms over learning, 
which is a matter hitherto depending, so many are the reasons 
that everyone allegeth for himself; and among those which 
I myself have repeated, then learning doth argue thus for 
itself, that arms without it cannot be long maintained, foras- 
much as the war hath also laws, and is subject to them, and 
that the laws are contained under the title of learning, and 
belong to learned men. 

'To this objection arms do make answer: that the laws 
cannot be sustained without them, for commonwealths are 
defended by arms, and kingdoms preserved, cities fenced, 
highways made safe, the seas freed from pirates; and, to be 
brief, if it were not for them, commonwealths, kingdoms, 
monarchies, cities, and ways by sea and land, would be sub- 
ject to the rigour and confusion which attendeth on the war 
all the time that it endureth, and is licensed to practise his 
prerogatives and violence; and it is a known truth, that it 
which cost most, is or ought to be most accounted of. That 
one may become eminent m learning, it costs him time, 
watchings, hunger, nakedness, headaches, rawness of stomach, 
and other such inconveniences as I have partly mentioned al- 


ready; but that one may arrive by true terms to be a good 
soldier, it costs him all that it costs the student, in so ex- 
ceeding a degree as admits no comparison, for he is at every 
step in jeopardy to lose his life. And what fear of neces- 
sity or poverty may befall or molest a student so fiercely as 
it doth a soldier, who, seeing himself at the siege of some 
impregnable place, and standing sentinel in some ravelin or 
half-moon, feels the enemies undermining near to the place 
where he is, and yet dares not to depart or abandon his stand, 
upon any occasion whatsoever, or shun the danger which so 
nearly threatens him? but that which he only may do, is to 
advise his captain of that which passeth, to the end he may 
remedy it by some countermine, whilst he must stand still, 
fearing and expecting when he shall suddenly fly up to the 
clouds without wings, and after descend to the depths against 
his will. And if this appear to be but a small danger, let us 
weigh whether the grappling of two galleys, the one with 
the other in the midst of the spacious main, may be compared, 
or do surpass it, the which nailed and grappled fast the one 
to the other, the soldier hath no more room in them than 
two foot broad of a plank in the battlings, and notwithstand- 
ing, although he clearly see laid before him so many ministers 
of death, for all the pieces of artillery that are planted on 
the adverse side do threaten him, and are not distant from 
his body the length of a lance ; and seeing that if he slipped 
ever so little aside, he should fall into the deeps, doth yet 
nevertheless, with undaunted heart, borne away on the wings 
of honour, which spurreth him onward, oppose himself as a 
mark to all their shot, and strives to pass by that so narrow 
a way into the enemy's vessel. And what is most to be ad- 
mired is to behold how scarce is one fallen into that place, 
from whence he shall never after arise until the world's end, 
when another takes possession of the same place; and if he 
do likewise tumble into the sea, which gapes like an enemy 
for him also, another and another will succeed unto him, 
without giving any respite to the times of their death, valour, 
and boldness, which is the greatest that may be found among 
all the trances of warfare. Those blessed ages were fortunate 
which wanted the dreadful fury of the devilish and murder- 
ing pieces of ordnance, to whose inventor I am verily per- 


suaded that they render in hell an eternal guerdon for his 
diabolical invention, by which he hath given power to an 
infamous, base, vile, and dastardly arm to bereave the most 
valorous knight of life; and that, without knowing how or 
from whence, in the midst of the stomach and courage that 
inflames and animates valorous minds, there arrives a wan- 
dering bullet (shot off, perhaps, by him that was afraid, and 
fled at the very blaze of the powder, as he discharged the 
accursed engine), and cuts off and finisheth in a moment the 
thoughts and life of him who merited to enjoy it many ages. 

'And whilst I consider this, I am about to say that it 
grieves me to have ever undertaken the exercise of a knight- 
errant in this our detestable age ; for although no danger can 
affright me, yet notwithstanding I live in jealousy to think 
how powder and lead might deprive me of the power to make 
myself famous and renowned by the strength of mine arm 
and the edge of my sword throughout the face of the earth. 
But let Heaven dispose as it pleaseth; for so much the more 
shall I be esteemed, if I can compass my pretensions, by how 
much the dangers were greater to which I opposed my- 
self, than those achieved in foregoing times by knights- 

Don Quixote made all this prolix speech whilst the rest of 
his company did eat, wholly forgetting to taste one bit, al- 
though Sancho Panza did now and then put him in remem- 
brance of his victuals, saying that he should have leisure 
enough after to speak as much as he could desire. In those 
that heard was again renewed a kind of compassion, to see a 
man of so good a wit as he seemed to be, and of so good 
discourse in all the other matters which he took in hand, to 
remain so clearly devoid of it when any occasion of speech 
were offered treating of his accursed chivalry. The curate 
applauded his discourse, affirming that he produced very good 
reasons for all that he had spoken in the favour of arms ; and 
that he himself (although he was learned and graduated) was 
likewise of his opinion. 

The beaver being ended, and the table-cloths taken away, 
whilst Maritornes did help her mistress and her daughter to 
make ready the room where Don Quixote had slept for the 
gentlewomen, wherein they alone might retire themselves 


that night, Don Fernando entreated the Captive to recount 
unto them the history of his life, forasmuch as he suspected 
that it must' have been rare and delightful, as he gathered by 
the tokens he gave by coming in the lovely Zoraida's com- 
pany. To which the Captive replied, that he would accom- 
plish his desire with a very good will, and that only he feared 
that the discourse would not prove so savoury as they ex- 
pected ; but yet for all that he would tell it, because he would 
not disobey him. The curate and all the rest thanked him 
for his promise, and turned to request him again to begin 
his discourse; and he perceiving so many to solicit him, said 
that prayers were not requisite when commandments were 
of such force. 'And therefore I desire you/ quoth he, 'to be 
attentive, and you shall hear a true discourse, to which per- 
haps no feigned invention may be compared for variety or 
delight.' The rest, animated by these his words, did accom- 
modate themselves with very great silence ; and he, beholding 
their silence and expectation of his history, with a modest 
and pleasing voice, began in this manner. 


Wherein the Captive Recounteth His Life, 
AND Other Accidents 

' ■ N a certain village of the mountains of Leon my lineage 
I had beginning, wherewithal nature dealt much more 
-■- liberally than fortune, although my father had the 
opinion, amidst the penury and poverty of that people, to be 
a rich man, as indeed he might have been, had he but used 
as much care to hoard up his wealth as prodigality to spend 
it. And this his liberal disposition proceeded from his being 
a soldier in his youthful years ; for war is the school wherein 
the miser is made frank, and the frank man prodigal. And 
if among soldiers we find some wretches and niggards, they 
are accounted monsters which are seldom seen. My father 
passed the bounds of liberality, and touched very nearly the 
confines of prodigality; a thing nothing profitable for a mar- 
ried man, who had children that should succeed him in his 
name and being. My father had three sons, all men, and of 
years sufficient to make an election of the state of life they 
meant to lead ; wherefore he perceiving, as he himself was 
wont to say, that he could not bridle his nature in that con- 
dition of spending, he resolved to deprive himself of the in- 
strument and cause which made him such a spender and so 
liberal, to wit, of his goods; without which Alexander the 
Great himself would be accounted a miser; and therefore, 
calling us all three together on a day into his chamber, he 
used these or such like reasons to us : 

' "Sons, to affirm that I love you well may be presumed, 
seeing I term you my sons ; and yet it may be suspected that 
I hate you, seeing I do not govern myself so well as I might 
in the husbanding and increasing of your stock. But to the 
end that you may henceforth perceive that I do affect you 
with a fatherly love, and that I mean not to overthrow you 



like a step-father, I will do one thing to you which I have 
pondered, and with mature deliberation purposed these many- 
days. You are all of age to accept an estate, or at least to 
make choice of some such exercise as may turn to your 
honour and profit at riper years; and therefore, that which 
I have thought upon, is to divide my goods into four parts; 
the three I will bestow upon you, to every one that which 
appertains to him, without exceeding a jot; and I myself 
will reserve the fourth to live and maintain me with as long 
as it shall please Heaven to lend me breath. Yet Ivdo greatly 
desire that after every one of you is possessed of his por- 
tion, he would take one of the courses which I mean to pro- 
pose. There is an old proverb in this our Spain, in mine 
own opinion very true (as ordinarily all proverbs are, being 
certain brief sentences collected out of long and discreet ex- 
periences), and it is this, 'The Church, the Sea, or the Court.' 
The meaning is, that whosoever would become wealthy, or 
worthy, must either follow the Church, haunt the seas by 
exercising the trade of merchandises, or get him a place of 
service and entertainment in the king's house ; for men say 
that 'A king's crumb is more worth than a lord's loaf.' This 
I say because I desire, and it is my will, that one of you do 
follow his book, another merchandise, and the third the war, 
seeing that the service of his own house is a difficult thing to 
compass ; and although the war is not wont to enrich a man, 
yet it adds unto him great worth and renown. Within these 
eight days I do mean to give you all your portions in money, 
without defrauding you of a mite, as you shall see in effect. 
Therefore, tell me now whether you mean to follow mine 
opinion and device in this which I have proposed?" And 
then he commanded me, by reason that I was the eldest, to 
make him an answer. 

T, after I had entreated him not to make away his goods, 
but to spend and dispose of them as he listed, seeing we were 
both young and able enough to gain more, at last I concluded 
that I would accomplish his will, and that mine was to follow 
the wars, therein serving God and my king together. The 
second brother made the same offer, and, employing his por- 
tion in commodities, would venture it to the Indies. The 
youngest, and as I deem the discreetest, said that either he 


would follow the Church, or go at the least to Salamanca to 
finish his already commenced studies. And as soon as we 
had ended the agreement and election of our vocations, my 
father embraced us all, and afterwards performed unto us, 
in as short a time as he had mentioned, all that he promised; 
giving unto each of us a portion, amounting, if I do well 
remember, to three thousand ducats apiece in money ; for an 
uncle of ours bought all the goods, and paid ready money, 
because he would not have them made away from our own 
family and lineage. We all took our leave of our good father 
in one day; and in that instant, it seeming to me a great in- 
humanity to leave my father so old and with so little means, 
I dealt so with him as I constrained him to take back again 
two thousand ducats of the three he had given me, foras- 
much as the rest was sufficient to furnish me in very good 
sort with all things requisite for a soldier. My brothers, 
moved by mine example, did each of them give him a thou- 
sand crowns; so that my father remained with four thou- 
sand crowns in money, and three in goods, as they were 
valued, which goods he would not sell, but keep them still in 
stock. Finally, we bade him (and our said uncle) farewell, 
not without much feeling and many tears on both sides ; and 
they charged us that we would from time to time acquaint 
them with our successes, whether prosperous or adverse. 
We promised to perform it; and then, embracing us, and 
giving us his blessing, one departed towards Salamanca, an- 
other to Seville, and myself to Alicant. 

'I arrived prosperously at Genoa, and from thence went 
to Milan, where I did accommodate myself with arms and 
other braveries used by soldiers, and departed from thence 
to settle myself in Piedmont; and being in my way towards 
the city of Alexandria de la Paglia, I heard news that the 
great Duke of Alva did pass towards Flanders ; wherefore, 
changing my purpose, I went with him, and served him in 
all the expeditions he made. I was present at the beheading 
of the Earls of Egmont and Homes, and obtained at last to 
be ensign to a famous captain of Guadalajara, called Diego 
de Urbina. Within a while after mine arrival to Flanders, 
the news were divulged of the league that Pius V., the pope 
of famous memory, had made with the Venetians and the 


King of Spain, against our common enemy the Turk, who 
had gained by force the famous island of Cyprus much about 
the same time, which island belonged to the state of Venice, 
and was an unfortunate and lamentable loss. It was also 
certainly known that the most noble Don John of Austria, 
our good King Don Philip's natural brother, did come down 
for general of this league, and the great provision that was 
made for the war was published everywhere. 

'AH this did incite and stir on my mind and desire to be 
present at the expedition so much expected; and therefore, 
although I had conjectures, and half promises to be made a 
captain in the first occasion that should be offered, yet I 
resolved to leave all those hopes, and to go into Italy, as in 
effect I did. And my good fortune so disposed, as the lord 
Don John of Austria arrived just at the same time at Genoa, 
and went towards Naples, to join himself with the Venetian 
navy, as he did after at Messina. In this most fortunate 
journey I was present, being by this made a captain of foot, 
to which honourable charge I was mounted rather by my 
good fortune than by my deserts. And that very day which 
was so fortunate to all Christendom; for therein the whole 
world was undeceived, and all the nations thereof freed of all 
the error they held, and belief they had, that the Turk was 
invincible at sea : in that very day I say, wherein the swell- 
ing stomach and Ottomanical pride was broken among so 
many happy men as were there (for the Christians that were 
slain were much more happy than those which they left vic- 
torious alive), I alone was unfortunate, seeing that in ex- 
change of some naval crown which I might expect had I 
lived in the times of the ancient Romans, I found myself the 
night ensuing that so famous a day with my legs chained 
and my hands manacled, which befel in this manner, that 
Uchali, king of Algiers, a bold and venturous pirate, having 
invested and distressed the admiral of Malta (for only three 
knights remained alive, and those very sore wounded), John 
Andrea's chief galley came to her succour, wherein I went 
with my company; and doing what was requisite in such an 
occasion, I leapt into the enemy's vessel, the which falling 
off from that which had assaulted her, hindered my soldiers 
from following me; by which means I saw myself alone 


amidst mine enemies, against whom I could make no long 
resistance, they were so many. In fine, I was taken, full of 
wounds. Now, as you may have heard, Uchali saved him- 
self and all his squadron, whereby I became captive in his 
power, and only remained sorrowful among so many joyful, 
and captive among so many freed ; for that day fifteen thou- 
sand Christians, which came slaves and enchained in the 
Turkish galleys, recovered their desired liberty. I was car- 
ried to Constantinople, where the Great Turk, Selim, made 
my lord General of the Sea, by reason that he had so well 
performed his duty in the battle, having brought away, for 
a witness of his valour, the standard of the Order of Malta. 
I was the year ensuing of 1572 in Navarino, rowing in the 
Admiral of the Three Lanterns, and saw and noted there 
the opportunity that was lost, of taking all the Turkish navy 
within the haven; for all the janizaries and other soldiers 
that were in it made full account that they should be set upon, 
even within the very port, and therefore trussed up all their 
baggage, and made ready their shoes, to fly away presently 
to the land, being in no wise minded to expect the assault, 
our navy did strike such terror into them. But God disposed 
otherwise of the matter, not through the fault or negligence 
of the general that governed our men, but for the sins of 
Christendom, and because God permits and wills that we 
have always some executioners to chastise us. In sum, 
Uchali got into Modon, which is an island near to Nava- 
rino, and, landing his men there, he fortified the mouth of 
the haven, and there remained until Don John departed. 
In this voyage was taken the galley called Presa, whereof 
the famous pirate Barbarossa his son was captain; it was 
surprised by the captain-galley of Naples, called the She- 
Wolf, that was commanded by the thunderbolt of war, the 
father of soldiers — that fortunate and never overthrown Don 
Alvaro de Baqan, the Marquis of Santa Cruz. And here I 
will not forget to recount what befel at the taking of the 
Presa. This son of Barbarossa's was so cruel, and used his 
slaves so ill, that as soon as they that were rowing perceived 
the She-Wolf to approach them, and that she had overtaken 
them, they cast away their oars all at one time, and laying 
hands on their captain that stood on the poop, crying to 


them to row with more speed, and passing him from one bank 
to another, from the poop to the prow, they took so many 
bits out of him, as he had scarce passed beyond the mast 
when his soul was already wasted to hell; such was the 
cruelty wherewithal he entreated them, and so great the 
hate they also bore towards him. We returned the next 
year after to Constantinople, being that of seventy and three, 
and there we learned how Don John had gained Tunis, and, 
taking that kingdom away from the Turks, had, by installing 
Muley Hamet therein, cut away all Muley Hameda's hopes 
to reign again there, who was the most cruel and valiant 
Moor that ever lived. 

'The Great Turk was very much grieved for this loss; 
and therefore, using the sagacity wherewithal all his race 
wise endued, he made peace with the Venetians, which wished 
for it much more than he did himself. And the year after 
of seventy-and-four, he assaulted the fortress of Goleta, and 
the other fortress that Don John had raised near unto Tunis. 
And in all these occasions I was present, tied to the oar 
without any hope of liberty, at leastwise by ransom, being 
resolved never to signify by letter my misfortunes to my 
father. The Goleta was lost, in fine, and also the fortress, 
before which two places lay in siege seventy-five thousand 
Turks, and more than four hundred thousand Moors, and 
other Saracens of all the other parts of Africa, being fur- 
nished with such abundance of munition and warlike engines, 
and so many pioneers as were able to cover Goleta and the 
fortress, if every one did cast but his handful of earth upon 
them. Thus was Goleta, accounted until then impregnable, 
first lost, the which did not happen through default of valour 
in the defendants, who in defence thereof did all they could 
or ought to have done, but because experience showed the 
facility wherewithal trenches might be raised in that desert 
sand; for though water had been found in it within two 
spans' depth, the Turks could not find it in the depth of two 
yards ; and therefore, filling many sacks full of sand, they 
raised their trenches so high as they did surmount the 
walls of the sconce, and did so gall the defendants from 
them with their shot as no one could stand to make any de- 
fence. It was a common report that our men would not 


immure themselves within Goleta, but expect the enemy in 
the champaign at their disembarking; but those that gave 
this out spake widely, as men very little acquainted with the 
like affairs; for if in Goleta and the fortress there were 
scarce seven thousand soldiers, how could so few a number, 
were they ever so resolute, make a sally, and remain in the 
forts against so great a number of enemies? or how is it 
possible that the forces which are not seconded and supplied 
should not be overcome, specially being besieged by many 
and obstinate enemies, and those in their own country? But 
many others esteemed, and so did I likewise among the rest, 
that Almighty God did a particular grace and favour unto 
Spain in that manner, permitting to be destroyed the stop 
and cloak of all wickedness, and the sponge and moth of 
innumerable sums of money spent there unprofitably, with- 
out serving to any other end than to preserve the memory of 
being gained by the Emperor Charles the Fifth, as if it had 
been requisite for the keeping of it eternal (as it is, and 
shall be ever) that those stones should sustain it. The fort- 
ress was also won ; but the Turks were constrained to gain it 
span by span, for the soldiers which defended it fought so 
manfully and resolutely, as the number of the enemies slain 
in two-and-twenty general assaults which they gave unto it, 
did pass five-and-twenty thousand. Never a one was taken 
prisoner but three hundred which survived their fellows — a 
certain and manifest token of their valour and strength, and 
how well they had defended themselves and kept their fort- 
resses with great magnanimity. A little fort or turret that 
stood in the midst of the place, under the command of Don 
John Zanoguera, a Valencian gentleman and famous soldier, 
was yielded upon composition; and Don Pedro de Puerto 
Carrero, general of Goleta, was taken prisoner, who omitted 
no diligence possible to defend the place, but yet was so 
grieved to have lost it as he died for very grief on the way 
towards Constantinople, whither they carried him captive. 
The general likewise of the fort, called Gabriel Cerbcllon, 
being a gentleman of Milan, and a great engineer, and most 
resolute soldier, was taken ; and there died ; in both the places 
many persons of worth, among which Pagan de Oria was 
one, a knight of the Order of Saint John, of a most noble 


disposition, as the exceeding liberality which he used 
towards his brother, the famous John Andrea de Oria, clearly 
demonstrates ; and that which rendered his death more de- 
plorable was, that he was slain by certain Saracens (which 
he trusted, perceiving how the fort was lost), who had of- 
fered to convey him thence in the habit of a Moor to Ta- 
barca, which is a little haven or creek possessed by the 
Genoese that fish for coral in that coast. These Saracens 
cut off his head and brought it to the general of the Turkish 
army, who did accomplish in them the Spanish proverb, 
"That although the treason pleaseth, yet is the traitor hated," 
and so it is reported that he commanded those to be hanged 
that had brought him the present, because they had not 
brought it alive. 

'Among the Christians that were lost in the fort there was 
one, called Don Pedro de Aguilar, born in Andalusia, in 
som.e town whose name I have forgotten; he had been An- 
cient in the fortress, and was a soldier of great account, and 
of a rare understanding, and specially had a particular grace 
in poetry. This I say because his fortune brought him to be 
slave to my patron, even into the very same galley and bench 
whereon I sat. This gentleman made two sonnets in form 
of epitaphs, the one for the Goleta, the other for the fort; 
and I will repeat them, because I remember them very well, 
and do believe that they will be rather grateful than anything 
disgustful to the audience.' 

As soon as ever the Captive named Don Pedro de Aguilar, 
Don Fernando beheld his camaradas, and they all three did 
smile. And when he began to talk of the sonnets, one of 
them said, 'Before your pass further, I beseech you, good sir, 
let me entreat you to tell me what became of that Don Pedro 
de Aguilar whom you have named.' 

'That which I know of that affair,' answered the Captive, 
'is that, after he had been two years in Constantinople, he 
fled away in the attire of an Armenian with a Greek spy, 
and I cannot tell whether he recovered his liberty or no, 
although I suppose he did, for within a year after I saw the 
Greek in Constantinople, but I had not the opportunity to 
demand of him the success of that voyage.' 

'He came then into Spain,' quoth the gentleman ; 'for that 


same Don Pedro is my brother, and dwells now at home in 
our own town, very well, rich married, and a father of three 

'God be thanked,' quoth the Captive, 'for the infinite 
favour He hath showed unto him; for in mine opinion there 
is not on earth any contentment able to be compared to that 
of recovering a man's lost liberty.' 

'I do moreover,' said the gentleman, 'know the sonnets 
which my brother composed.' 

'I pray you then, good sir,' quoth the Captive, 'repeat 
them ; for perhaps you can say them better than I.' 

'With a very good will,' answered the gentleman; 'and 
that of the Goleta is thus.' 

Wherein Is Prosecuted the History of the Captive 


' "O happy souls, which from this mortal vale 

Freed and exempted, through the good you wrought. 

Safe from the harms that here did you assail, 

By your deserts to highest heaven were brought, 

Which here inflamed by wrath, and noble thought, 

Showed how much your forces did avail : 

When both your own and foreign bloods you taught. 

From sandy shores, into the deeps to trail. 

Your lives before your valour's end deceased 

In your tired arms, which, though they were a-dying 

And vanquish'd, yet on victory have seized. 

And this your life, from servile thraldom flying, 

Ending, acquires, between the sword and wall. 

Heaven's glory there, fame here on earth, for all." ' 

'I have it even in the very same manner,' quoth the Cap- 

'Well, then,' said the gentleman, 'that of the fort is thus, 
if I do not forget it : 


' "From midst the barren earth, here overthrown, 
In these sad clods, which on the ground do lie. 
Three thousand soldiers' holy souls are flown, 
And to a happier mansion gone on high : 
Here, when they did in vain the vigour try 
Of their strong arms, to cost of many a one. 
After the most, through extreme toil, did die. 
The cruel sword a few did light upon. 
And this same plot eternally hath been. 
With thousand doleful memories replete, 
As well this age, as in foregoing time. 
But from his cruel bosom Heaven ne'er yet 
Received sincerer souls than were the last, 
Nor earth so valiant bodies aye possess'd."* 


The sonnets were not misliked; and the Captive was 
greatly recreated with the news which he received of his 
companion, and, prosecuting his history, he said: 

'The Goleta and the fort being rendered, the Turks gave 
order to dismantle Goleta; for the fort was left in such sort 
as there remained nothing up that might be overthrown: 
and to do it with more brevity and less labour, they under- 
mined it in three places, but that which seemed least strong 
could not be blown up by any of them, which was the old 
walls; but all that which had remained afoot of the new 
fortifications and works of Fratin, fell down to the ground 
with great facility. And this being ended, the navy re- 
turned triumphant and victorious to Constantinople, where, 
within a few months afterward, my lord Uchali died, whom 
they called Uchali Fartax, which signifies in the Turkish 
language, the Scald or Scurvy Runagate, for he was such. 
And it is a custom among the Turks to give one another 
nicknames, either of the defects or perfections and virtues 
which they have ; and the reason hereof is, that among them 
all they have but four lineages that have surnames, and these 
do contend with that of Ottoman's, for nobility of blood ; and 
all the rest, as I have said, do take denomination sometime 
from the blemishes of the body, and sometime from the vir- 
tues of the mind. And this scurvy fellow did row fourteen 
years, being the Great Turk's slave, and did renounce his 
faith, being four-and-thirty years old, for despite, and be- 
cause he might be revenged on a Turk that gave him a cuff 
on the face as he rowed ; and his valour was so great, as 
without ascending by the dishonourable means and ways 
usually taken by the greatest minions about the Great Turk, 
he came first to be King of Algiers, and after to be General 
of the Sea, which is the third most noble charge and dignity 
of all the Turkish empire. He was born in Calabria, and 
was a good moral man, and used with great humanity his 
slaves, whereof he had above three thousand, which were 
after his death divided, as he had left in his testament, be- 
tween the Great Turk (who is ever an inheritor to every dead 
man, and hath a portion among the deceased his children) 
and his runagates. I fell to the lot of a Venetian runagate, 
who being a ship-boy in a certain vessel, was taken by Uchali, 


who loved him so tenderly as he was one of the dearest 
youths he had, and he became after the most cruel runagate 
that ever lived. He was called Azanaga, and came to be 
very rich, and King of Algiers. With him I came from Con- 
stantinople somewhat contented in mind, because I should 
be nearer unto Spain ; not for that I meant to write unto any 
one of my unfortunate success, but only to see whether for- 
tune would prove more favourable to me in Algiers than at 
Constantinople, where I had attempted a thousand ways to 
escape, but none of them sorted to any good effect. And I 
thought to search out in Algiers some other means to com- 
pass that which I so greedily desired, for the hope of attain- 
ing liberty some time had never abandoned me ; and when 
in the contriving I thought, or put my designs in practice, 
and that the success did not answer mine expectation, pres- 
ently without forsaking me, it forged and sought out for 
another hope that might sustain me, although it were debile 
and weak. 

'With this did I pass away my life, shut up in a prison or 
house, which the Turks call baths, wherein they do enclose 
the captive Christians, as well those that belong to the king 
as other particular men's, and those which they call of the 
Almazen, which is as much to say, as slaves of the council, 
who are deputed to serve the city in the public works and 
other affairs thereof; and these of all other captives do with 
most difficulty attain to liberty; for, by reason they belong 
to the commonalty, and have no particular master, there is 
none with whom a man may treat of their redemption, al- 
though they should have the price of their ransom. To these 
baths, as I have said, some particular men carry their cap- 
tives to be kept, chiefly if they be to be ransomed; for there 
they have them at their ease and secure, until they be re- 
deemed. The king's captives of ransom, also, do not go 
forth to labour with the other poor crew, if it be not when 
the paying of their ransom is deferred; for then, to the end 
they may make them write for money more earnestly, they 
make them labour and go to fetch wood with the rest, which 
is no small coil and trouble, I then was one of those of ran- 
som ; for as soon as it was known how I was a captain, 
notwithstanding that I told them of my little possibility and 


want of means, all could not prevail to dissuade them from 
consorting me with the multitude of gentlemen, and those 
of ransom. They put on me then a chain, rather to be a 
token that I was there for my ransom than to keep me the 
better with it. And so I passed away my time there with 
many other gentlemen and men of mark, held and kept in 
there for their ransom. And although both hunger and 
nakedness did vex us now and then, or rather evermore, yet 
nothing did afflict us so much as to hear and see every mo- 
ment the cruelties that my master used towards Christians. 
Every day he hanged up one ; he set this man on a stake, and 
would cut off the other's ears, and that for so little occasion, 
or wholly without it, as the very Turks themselves perceived 
that he did it not for any other cause but because he had a 
will to do it, and that it was his natural inclination to be a 
homicide of all human kind. Only one Spanish soldier, called 
such a one of Saavedra, was in his good grace, who although 
he did sundry things that will remain in the memory of that 
nation for many years, and all to the end to get his liberty, 
yet he never struck him, nor commanded him to be stricken, 
nor said as much as an evil word unto him; and yet we all 
feared that he should be broached on a stake for the least 
of many things which he did, and himself did also dread it 
more than once; and if it were not that time denieth me 
leisure to do it, I would recount unto you things done by this 
soldier, which might both entertain and astonish you much 
more than the relation of my life. 

'There were over the square court of our prison certain 
windows that looked into it, and belonged to a certain rich 
and principal Moor; the which windows (as ordinarily are 
all the Moors' windows) rather seemed to be holes than win- 
dows, and even these were also very closely covered and 
shut fast with linen coverings. It therefore befel that, 
standing one day upon the battlements of our prison with 
other three companions, trying which of us could leap best 
in his shackles to pass away the time, and being alone (for 
all the other Christians were gone abroad to labour), I 
lifted up by chance mine eyes, and I saw thrust out at one 
of those so close shut windows a cane, and a linen tied at 
the end thereof, and the cane was moved and wagged up and 


down, as if it had made signs that we should come and take 
it. We looked upon it, and one of my companions went 
under the cane, to see whether they would let it fall, or 
what they would do else ; but as soon as he approached it, 
the cane was lifted up, and did stir it to either side, as if 
they had said (with wagging of the head), "No." The 
Christian returned to us; and the cane being eftsoons let fall, 
and beginning to move as it had done before, another of my 
fellows went, and the same succeeded unto him that did to 
the first. 

'Finally, the third approached it, with no better success 
than the former two ; which I perceiving, would not 
omit to try my fortitude : and as soon as I came near to 
stand under the cane, it was let slip, and fell within the 
baths, just at my feet. I forthwith went to untie the linen 
which was knotted, wherein I found ten zianiys, which are 
certain pieces of base gold used among the Moors, and worth, 
each of them, ten reals of our money. I leave to your dis- 
cretion to think if I was not glad of my booty; certes, my 
joy and admiration was much, to think whence that good 
might come unto us, but specially to myself, since the signs 
of refusal to let it fall to the other did confirm clearly that 
the favour was only addressed to myself. I took my wel- 
come money, broke the cane, and returned to the battlements, 
and viewed the window earnestly, and perceived a very 
beautiful hand issue out thereat, which did open and shut it 
again very speedily. By which imagining and thinking that 
some woman that dwelled in that house had done us the 
charity and benefit, in token of our thankful minds, we made 
our courtesies after the Moorish fashion, by inclining of our 
heads, bending of the body, and pressing our hands to our 
breasts. Within a while after, there appeared out of the 
same window a little cross made of canes, which presently 
was taken in again. This sign did confirm us in the opinion 
that there was some Christian woman captive in that place, 
and that it was she which did to us the courtesy; but the 
whiteness of her hand, and her rich bracelets, destroyed this 
presumption : although we did, notwithstanding, conjecture 
that it was some runagate Christian, whom their masters 
there do very ordinarily take to wives, yea, and account very 


good hap to light on one of them, for they are much more 
accounted of than the women of the nation itself. 

'Yet in all these discourses we strayed very far from the 
truth of the accident; and so, from thenceforward, all our 
passing of the time was employed in beholding that window 
as our north, wherein had appeared the star of the cane. 
But fifteen days passed over, or we could descry either it or 
the hand again, or any other sign. And although in the 
meantime we endeavoured all that we might to know who 
dwelled in that house, or whether there were any runagate 
Christian therein, yet never a one could tell us any other 
things but that it belonged to a very rich and noble 
Moor, called Aguimorato, who had been constable of the 
Pata — a dignity among them of very great quality. 

'But when we thought least that it would rain any more 
zianiys by that way, we saw the cane suddenly to appear 
and another linen hanging on it, whose bulk was much 
greater. And this befel when the bath was freed of con- 
course, and void, as the other time before. We made the 
accustomed trial, every one approaching it before me, but 
without effect until I came; for presently, as I approached 
it, it was permitted to fall. I untied the knot, and found 
enwreathed in it forty ducats of Spanish gold, with a letter 
written in the Arabian tongue, and at the end thereof was 
drawn a very great cross. I kissed the cross, took up the 
money, and returned again to the battlements, and we all 
together made our receivers. The hand also appeared. I 
made signs that I would read the paper, and the window was 
shut incontinently. All of us were marvellously astonished, 
yet joyful at that which had befallen us; and by reason that 
none of us understood the Arabian tongue, the desire that 
we had to understand the contents of the letter was surpass- 
ing great, but greater the difficulty to find out some trusty 
persons that might read it. In the end I resolved to trust in 
this affair a runagate of Murcia, who did profess himself to 
be my very great friend, and having, by my liberality and 
other good turns done secretly, obliged him to be secret in 
the affair wherein I would use him — for some runagates are 
accustomed, when they have an intention to return into the 
Christian countries, to bring with them testimonies of the 


most principal captives, wherein they inform, and in the 
amplest manner they may, how the bearer is an honest man, 
and that he hath ever done many good turns to the Chris- 
tians, and that he hath himself a desire to escape by the first 
commodity. Some runagates there are which procure those 
testimonies sincerely, and with a good intention; others take 
the benefit of them either by chance or industry, who, in- 
tending to go and rob into the countries of Christians, if by 
chance they be astray or taken, bring forth their testimonies, 
and say that by those papers may be collected the purpose 
wherewithal they came, that is, to remain in Christian coun- 
tries, and that therefore they came abroad a-pirating with the 
other Turks ; and by this means they escape that first brunt, 
and are reconciled again to the Church, without receiving 
any harm at all; and when they espy their time, do return 
again into Barbary, to be such as they were before. Others 
there are which procure those writings with a pure inten- 
tion, and do after stay in Christian countries. Well, this my 
friend was a runagate of this last kind, who had the testi- 
monies of all my companions, wherein we did commend him 
as amply as we could devise. And certainly if the Moors 
had found those papers about him, they would have burnt 
him for it. I understand how he could speak the Arabian 
tongue very perfectly, and not only that alone, but also write 
it withal ; yet before I would wholly break my mind to him, 
I requested him to read me that scroll which I had found 
by chance in a hole of my cabin. He opened it, and stood a 
good while beholding and construing thereof, murmuring 
somewhat between his teeth. I demanded therefore of him 
whether he understood it. And he answered that he did 
very well, and that if I desired to have it translated ver- 
batim I should bring unto him pen and ink, to the end he 
might do it more completely. We presently gave unto him 
that which he asked, and he did translate it by little and 
little; and having finished it, he said, "All that is here in 
Spanish; is punctually, without omitting a letter, the con- 
tents of the Moorish paper. And here you must note that 
where it says Lela Marien, it means our Lady the blessed 
Virgin Mary." We read the paper, whereof the contents 
were these which ensue: 


'"When I was a child, my father had a certain Christian 
woman captive, that taught me in mine own tongue all the 
Christian religion, and told me many things of Lela Marien. 
The Christian died, and I know she went not to the fire, but 
to Allah ; for she appeared to me twice after her death, and 
bade me go to the Christian country to see Lela Marien, who 
loved me much. I know not how I may go. I have seen 
many Christians through this window, and none of them 
hath seemed to me a gentleman but thyself. I am very beau- 
tiful and young, and I have a great deal of riches to carry 
with me. See thou whether thou canst contrive the way 
how we may depart, and thou shalt- there be my husband, if 
thou pleasest; and if thou wilt not, I do not greatly care, 
for Lela Marien will provide me of a husband. I wrote my- 
self the billet ; be therefore wary whom thou trustest to read 
it. Do not trust any Moor; for they are all of them deceit- 
ful traitors. It is this that grieves me most of all ; for I 
would not have thee, if it were possible, to disclose the mat- 
ter to any living body ; for if my father did know it, he would 
throw me down into a well, and oppress me in it with stones. 
I will hang a thread to the end of the cane, and therein thou 
mayst tie thine answer. And if thou canst not write the 
Arabian, tell me thy mind by signs, for Lela Marien will 
make me to understand it, who, with Allah, preserve thee, 
and this cross, which I do many times kiss ; for so the captive 
commanded me to do." 

'See, good sir, if it was not great reason, that the reasons 
comprehended in this letter should recreate and astonish us. 
And certainly the one and the other was so great, as the 
runagate perceived well that the paper was not found by 
chance, but was really addressed unto some one of us ; and 
therefore desired us earnestly, that if that were true which 
he suspected, that we would trust and tell it unto him, and 
he would adventure his life to procure our liberties. And 
saying this, he took out of his bosom a crucifix of metal, 
and protested, with very many tears, by the God which that 
image represented, in whom he, although a sinner and 
wicked man, did most firmly believe, that he would be most 
loyal and secret to us in all that which we would discover 
unto him; for it seemed to him, and he almost divined, that 


both himself and we all should recover our liberties by her 
means that did write the letter; and he should then also see 
himself in the state which he most desired, to wit, in the 
bosom of his mother the holy Catholic Church ; from which, 
through his ignorance and sin, he was departed and divided 
as an unprofitable and corrupt member. The runagate said 
this with so many tears, and with such evident tokens of 
repentance, as all of us consented to open our minds unto 
him, and declare the truth of the matter ; and so we recounted 
unto him the whole discourse, without concealing any cir- 
cumstance, and showed unto him the window by which the 
cane was wont to appear; and he marked the house from 
thence, and rested with special charge to inform himself 
well of those that dwelled therein. We thought also that 
it was requisite to answer the Moorish lady's letter; and 
therefore, having him present that could so well perform 
that task, we caused the runagate to draw out an answer 
presently as I did dilate it to him, which was punctually 
such as I will recount; for of all the most substantial points 
that befel me in that affair, no one is fallen out of my 
memory, nor shall ever as long as I have breath. In effect 
that which I answered to the Moor was this: 

' "The true Allah preserve you, dear lady, and that blessed 
Marien who is the true mother of God, and is she that hath 
put in your mind the desire to go into the Christian coun- 
tries, because she doth love you well. Pray unto her that 
she will vouchsafe to instruct you how you may bring the 
matter to pass which she commandeth you to do; for she 
is so good as she will easily condescend to do it. As for 
my part, I do promise, as well for myself as for these other 
Christians that are with me, to do for you all that we are 
able to do until death. Do not omit to write unto me, and 
acquaint me with your purposes, and I will answer you 
every time ; for great Allah hath given us a captive Chris- 
tian that can write and read your language well, as you may 
perceive by this paper; so that you may securely, and with- 
out any dread, advise us of all that you shall think good. 
And as concerning that which you say, that you will become 
my wife after we arrive to the Christian countries, I do 
promise you the same, as I am a good Christian; and you 


shall understand that the Christians do accomplish their 
words far better than do the Moors. Allah and Marien his 
mother preserve you, my dearest lady !" 

'The letter being written and enclosed, I expected two 
days, that the baths might be free of concourse, as it was 
wont, which as soon as it befel, I went up to my accustomed 
place of the battlements, to see whether the cane appeared ; 
which was presently after thrust out at the window,. And 
as soon as I perceived it, although I could not note who it 
was that set it, I showed my paper, to give them warning 
to set on the thread; but it was already hanging thereon; 
to the which I tied the letter, and within a while after began 
to appear our star, with the white flag of peace, and the 
knotted linen ; which they let fall, and I took up : and I found 
therein, in divers sorts of money and gold, more than fifty 
ducats, which redoubled our joys more than fifty times, and 
confirmed the hope we conceived of attaining liberty. The 
very same night our runagate returned to us, and told how 
he had learned that the very same Moor which we were in- 
formed of before, called Aguimorato, dwelt there, and was 
excessive rich, and had one only daughter, the heir of all 
his goods; of whom the common opinion throughout the city 
was, that she was the fairest woman of all Barbary ; and 
that many of the viceroys that came there had demanded 
her to wife, but she would never condescend to any notion 
of marriage; and that he likewise had understood that she 
had sometimes a Christian captive, which now was deceased: 
all which agreed with the contents of the letter. We presently 
entered in council with the runagate about the means we 
were to use to fetch away the Moor, and come all of us to 
Christian lands; and in the end we concluded to attend, for 
that time, the second advice of Zoraida (for so was she then 
called, who now means to name herself Maria), forasmuch 
as we clearly perceived that it was she, and none other, that 
could minister to us the means to remove all these difficulties. 
After we had rested on this resolution, the runagate bid us 
be of good courage, for he would engage his life, or set us 
at liberty. Four days after^ the baths were troubled with 
people, which was an occasion that the cane appeared not all 
that while ; but that impediment being removed, and the accus- 
Hc XIV — 14 


tomed solitude returned, the cane did again appear, with a 
linen hanging thereat so grossly impregned as it promised 
to be delivered of a most happy burden. Both cane and linen 
bent themselves to me, and in them I found another paper, 
and a hundred ducats in gold, besides other small money. 
The runagate was present, and we gave him the letter to read, 
the efifect whereof was this: 

* "I know not, good sir, what order to give for our going 
into Spain, nor hath Lela Marien told me anything concern- 
ing it, although I have demanded her counsel. That which 
at present I conceive may be done is, that I will through 
this window give unto you great store of money, wherewith 
you may redeem yourself and your friends. And let one of 
you go into the Christian's country and buy a barque, and 
after return for his fellows, and he shall find me in my 
father's garden, which is at the gate of Babazon, near to the 
sea-coast, where I mean to stay all the summer, with my 
father and my servants; from whence you may take me out 
boldly by night, and carry me to the barque. And see well 
that thou wilt be my husband; for if thou wilt not, I will 
demand of Marien to chastise thee: and if thou darest trust 
nobody to go for the vessel, redeem thyself and go, for I 
know thou wilt rather return than another, seeing thou 
art a gentleman and a Christian. Learn out the garden, 
and when I see thee walk there where thou now art. I 
will make account that the bath is empty, and will give 
thee great store of money. Allah preserve thee, my dear 
friend !" 

'These were the contents of the second letter, which be- 
ing heard by us all, every one offered to be himself the ran- 
somed person, and promised to go and return with all punc- 
tuality, and among the rest I also made a proffer of myself; 
to all which resolutions the runagate opposed himself, say- 
ing that he would consent in no wise that any one of us 
should be freed until we were all together delivered; for 
experience had taught him how evil ransomed men were 
wont to keep those promises which they passed in the times 
of their thraldom ; for many times certain principal captives 
had made that kind of trial, redeeming of some one or other 
that should go to Valencia or Majorca, with money to freight 


a barque or frigate, and return for him that had ransomed 
them, and did never return again; for the recovered liberty, 
and the fear of adventuring to lose it again concurring, did 
blot out of their memory all the other obligations of the 
w^orld. And to confirm the truth w^hich he averred, he briefly 
recounted unto us an accident w^hich befel much about the 
same time to certain Christian gentlemen, the strangest as 
I suppose that ever happened in those quarters, wherein do 
succeed every other day events full of wonder and admira- 
tion; and therefore concluded that what ought and might 
be done was, that they would give unto him to buy a barque 
such money as they meant to employ in the ransom of a 
captive, and he would buy it there in Algiers, under pretext 
of becoming a merchant and sailor in Tetuan and that coast. 
And being once owner of a barque, he would easily devise 
how to have them out of the baths and embark them all : 
how much more, if the Moorish lady did as she promised, 
give them money enough to ransom them all, was it a most 
easy thing, they being free, to embark themselves at mid- 
day. But the greatest difficulty in this affair was, that the 
Moors use not to permit any runagate to buy any barque 
or other small vessel, but only great vessels of war; for they 
suspect that he that buys a barque, specially if he be a Span- 
iard, does it for no other end but to run away to Christian 
countries. And yet he knew how to facilitate that incon- 
venience, by inducing a Tangerine Moor to become his part- 
ner of the barque and the gains that should be gotten by 
the commodities thereof, and with this colour he would be- 
come lord of it himself, and therewithal accounted the mat- 
ter ended. And although that myself and my comrades held 
it the better course to send unto Mallorca for one, as the 
Moorish lady said, yet durst we not contradict him, fearful 
that if we did not what he would have us to do he would 
discover us and endanger our lives, if he did once detect 
Zoraida's practices, for the safeguard of whose life we 
would all of us most willingly adventure our own ; and 
therefore we determined to put ourselves into God's and 
the runagate's hands. And so we answered at the same 
instant to Zoraida, telling her that we would accomplish all 
that she had admonished us, because she had advertised us 


as well as if Leia Marien had told her what she should say, 
and that the dilating or shortening of the affair did consist 
only in herself. I did offer myself anew to become her hus- 
band ; and with this the day ensuing wherein the bath was 
also free, she sent me down at divers times by the cane two 
thousand ducats and a letter, wherein she said that she would 
go to her father's garden the next Juma, that is, the Friday 
following, and that before she went away she woald give 
us more money; and that if it were not enough, we should 
advise her, and she would give unto us as much as we would 
demand; for her father had so much treasure as he would 
never perceive it ; how much more, seeing she had and kept 
the keys of all. We gave five hundred crowns presently to 
the runagate to buy a barque, and with eight hundred I 
redeemed myself, giving the money to a Valencian merchant 
which was at that season in Algiers, who did ransom me of 
the king, taking me forth on his word, which he passed to 
pay my ransom at the arrival of the first ship that should 
come from Valencia; for if he had delivered the money 
instantly, it would have given occasion to the king to sus- 
pect that my ransom was many days before in Algiers, and 
that the merchant had kept it silently to make his benefit 
thereof. Finally, my master was so cavillous as I durst not 
in any wise pay him presently. 

'The Thursday before the Friday of the beautiful Zoraida's 
departure towards the garden, she gave unto us other two 
thousand ducats, and did likewise advise us of her going 
away, entreating me, that as soon as I had ransomed myself, 
I should learn the way to the garden, and take occasion how- 
soever to go to it, and see her. I answered her briefly that 
I would do so, and prayed her that she would carefully com- 
mend our proceedings to Lela Marien with those prayers 
which the captive had taught her. This being done, order 
was also given for the ransoming of my three companions 
to facilitate our issue out of the baths, and also that they 
seeing me free, and themselves undelivered, might not be 
troubled or persuaded by the devil to do anything in preju- 
dice of Zoraida; for although that they, being the men of 
that quality they were, might assure me from this fear, I 
would not, for all that, adventure the matter; and therefore 


I caused them to be ransomed by the same means that I 
was redeemed myself, giving all the money to the merchant, 
that he might with the more security pass his word for 
us; to whom yet we never did discover our practice and 
secret, by reason of the eminent danger of the discovery 


Wherein the Captive Prosecuteth the Pleasant 
Narration of His Life 

* 1 r^IFTEEN days were not fully expired when the 
p^ runagate had bought him a very good barque, 
-L able to hold thirty persons or more ; and for the 
better colour and assurance of his business, he made a 
voyage to a place called Sargel, which is thirty leagues 
distant from Algiers towards the side of Oran, and is a 
great place of traffic for dry figs. He made this voyage 
twice or thrice in company with the Tagarine of whom 
we made mention; and the name of Tagarino is in Bar- 
bary given to the Moors of Aragon, Granada, and Muda- 
jares. And in the kingdom of Fez those Mudajares are 
called Elches, and are the nation which that king doth 
most employ in warlike affairs. You shall therefore under- 
stand that every time he passed by with his barque, he did 
cast anchor in a little creek, twice the shot of a crossbow 
from the garden wherein Zoraida attended; and there the 
runagate would, in very good earnest, exercise himself with 
the Moors that rowed, either to fly, or else to assault one 
another in jest, as he meant to do after in good earnest; 
and would now and then go to Zoraida's garden and demand 
fruits, which her father would bestow upon him, without 
knowing what he was; and although he desired to have 
spoken with Zoraida, as he told me afterward himself, arid 
have informed her how it was he that was to carry her 
away, by my direction, into the land of Christians, and that 
she should therefore live cheerful and secure, yet was it 
never possible, forasmuch as the women of that nation do 
not suffer themselves to be viewed by any Moor or Turk, if 
he be not their husband, or that their parents command 
them, yet do they haunt and communicate themselves to 



Christian captives freely, and that sometimes more than is 
convenient. And truly it v^ould have grieved me that he 
should have spoken to her, for perhaps it would have per- 
plexed her extraordinarily, to see her affair committed to 
the trust of a runagate; but God, who did otherwise dispose 
it, did not concur with this gcod desire of our runagate, 
who, seeing how safely he went and returned from Sargel, 
and that he sounded when and where he pleased, and that 
the Tagarino, his partner, did only what he liked, and that 
I was ransomed, and nothing else wanting but to find out 
some Christian that would row, he bade me bethink myself 
what men I would bring away with me beside those that I 
had ransomed, and that I should warn them to be ready 
against the next Friday, wherein he was resolved that we 
should depart. 

'Seeing this, I spake to twelve Spaniards, very lusty rowers, 
and those that could with most liberty get out of the city; 
and it was not a little matter to find so many there at that 
time, for there were twenty galleys abroad a-robbing, which 
had carried all the other rowers with them, and these were 
left behind, because their master did keep at home that sum- 
mer to finish a galley that was on the stocks a-making. To 
these I said nothing else, but only warned them that the 
Friday ensuing, in the evening, they should closely steal out 
by one and one, and go towards Aguimorato's garden, and 
there expect me until I came unto them. I gave this advice 
to every one of them apart, with order also, that although 
they saw any other Christian there, they should tell them 
nothing else but that I had commanded them to expect me in 
that place. 

'This diligence being used, yet vv^anted there another, which 
was the most expedient of all, to wit, to advise Zoraida of 
the terms wherein our affairs did stand, to the end she might 
be likewise ready and prepared, and not affrighted, though 
we did assault her before the time that she could imagine 
the barque of the Christians to be come to fetch her; and 
therefore I resolved to go myself into the garden, and see 
whether I might speak with her. And taking the occasion 
to go and gather some herbs, I went unto it the day before 
our departure, and the first person with whom I encountered 


was her father, who demanded of me, in a language which 
in all Barbary and Constantinople is usually spoken by the 
Moors to their captives, and is neither Arabian, Spanish, nor 
of any other nation, but rather a mixture of all languages, 
wherewith all of us understand one another: he, I say, in 
that kind of speech, demanded of me what I sought for in 
that his garden, and to whom I did belong. I answered that 
I was one Arnaute Mami his slave (and this because I was 
very certainly informed that he was his entire friend), and 
that I came thither to gather of all sorts of herbs to make 
a salad. He consequently asked of me whether I was a man 
of ransom or no, and how much my master demanded for 
me. And being in those questions and demands, the beautiful 
Zoraida descended from the house into the garden, who had 
espied me a good while before. And as the Moorish women 
do not greatly estrange themselves from the sights of Chris- 
tians, nor are in their behaviour or conversation with them 
anything squeamish, as we have said already, she did not 
greatly fear to approach the place where her father talked 
with me, but rather her father perceiving that she came on 
slowly, did call, and commanded her to draw near. 

'It were a thing impossible for me to recount the great 
beauty and gallant disposition, or the bravery and riches of 
attire wherein my beloved Zoraida then showed herself to 
mine eyes. I will only say this, that there hung more pearls 
at her ears, superlative fair neck, and hair, than she hath 
hairs on her head; about the wrists of her legs, which were 
naked, after the manner of her country, she wore two car- 
caxes (for so the manacles or bracelets of the feet are called 
in the Moresco tongue) of the finest gold, wherein were en- 
chased so many diamonds, that, as she told me after, her 
father valued them at twenty thousand crowns; and those 
about the wrists of her hands were of equal esteem. Her 
pearls were many, and those most orient; for all the chief 
bravery and ornament of the Moorish ladies consists in the 
adorning of themselves with pearls and pearl-seed, by rea- 
son whereof there is more pearls and pearl-seed to be found 
among the Moors than among all other nations of the world. 
And Zoraida's father had the fame to have many, and those 
the very best that were in Algiers; and also above two hun- 


dred thousand ducats of Spanish gold, of all which was she 
the lady who now is mine. And if with all this ornament 
she could then seem fair, by the relics that have remained 
unto her among so many labours, may be easily guessed what 
she would have been in the time of prosperity; for all of us 
do know that the beauty of some women hath limited days 
and seasons, and requireth certain accidents either to diminish 
or increase it ; and it is a thing natural to the passions of the 
mind, either to raise or abase it, but most commonly they 
wholly destroy it. To be brief, I say that she arrived to the 
place where we discoursed at that time, most richly attired, 
and beautiful beyond measure, or I at least deemed her the 
fairest that I had ever beheld until then; and herewithal, re- 
membering the obligation wherein she had tied me, thought 
that some deity had presented itself to my view, being come 
from heaven to the earth for my recreation and relief. 

'As soon as she was arrived, her father told her in her own 
language how I was his friend Arnaute Mami his captive, 
and that I came there to gather a salad; then she, taking the 
speech, demanded in that medley of tongues of which I have 
spoken, whether I was a gentleman, and what the reason was 
why I redeemed not myself. I made answer that I was al- 
ready ransomed, and by the ransom might be conjectured in 
how much my master valued me, seeing he had for my lib- 
erty a thousand and five hundred coltamis. To this she an- 
swered, "In good sooth, if thou wert my father's, I would 
cause him not to give thee for twice as much more ; for you 
Christians are great liars, and do make every one of your- 
selves poor men, to defraud the Moors of their due ransom." 
"It may well be so, madam," quoth I; "but I have, for my 
part, used all truth in this affair with my master, and do, and 
will use truth with as many persons as I shall ever have 
occasion to treat with in this world." 

'"And when dost thou go away?" quoth Zoraida. "To- 
morrow, as I believe," quoth I ; "for there is a French vessel 
here which sets forth to-morrow, and I mean to depart in 
her." "Were it not better," replied Zoraida, "to expect until 
vessels come out of Spain, and go away with them, than with 
those of France, which are not your friends?" "No," quoth 
I; "although if it were true, as the news runs, that there 


comes a vessel from Spain, I would attend it; but yet it is 
more certain that I shall depart to-morrow; for the desire I 
have to see myself at home in my country, and with those 
persons whom I love, is so great as it will not permit me to 
expect any other commodity that foreslows itself, be it never 
so good." "Thou art doubtlessly married in thy country," 
said Zoraida, "and therefore desirest to go see thy wife?" 
"I am not married," quoth I ; "but I have passed my word to 
marry as soon as I am there safely arrived." "And is she 
beautiful to whom thou hast passed it?" quoth Zoraida. "So 
beautiful," said I, "as, to endear it and tell you the truth, 
she is very like unto yourself." Hereat her father laughed 
very heartily, and said, "In good earnest, Christian, she must 
be very fair that may compare with my daughter, who is 
the most beautiful of all this kingdom; and if thou wilt not 
believe me, look on her well, and thou shalt see that I tell 
thee but the truth." He himself, as most perfect in the 
tongue, did serve for the interpreter of most of our speeches : 
for although she could speak that illegitimate language which 
is there in use, yet did she manifest her mind more by signs 
than by words. 

'Whilst thus we reasoned of many matters, there came 
running towards us a certain Moor, and told his master how 
four Turks had leaped over the garden walls, and were gath- 
ering the fruits, although they were not yet ripe. The old 
man and his daughter Zoraida started hereat; for it is an 
universal and natural defect in the Moors to fear the Turks, 
but specially the soldiers of that nation, who are commonly 
so insolent, and have such command over the Moors that are 
their subjects, as they do use them worse than if they were 
their slaves. Therefore Zoraida's father said unto her, 
"Daughter, retire thyself into the house, and keep thyself in, 
whilst I go speak to those dogs. And thou. Christian, go and 
seek out thine herbs, and depart in a good hour; and I pray 
Allah to conduct thee safely to thy country." I inclined my- 
self to him, and he departed to search out the Turks, leaving 
me alone with Zoraida, who began to make ado as if she went 
whither her father had commanded her. But scarce was he 
covered among the trees of the garden, when she returned to 
me, with her eyes full of tears, and said, "Amexi, Christiano? 


amexi?" that is, "Goest thou away, Christian? Goest thoa 
away ?" I answered, "Yes, lady, that I do ; but I will never 
depart without thee. Expect me the next Friday, and be not 
affrighted when thou shalt see us; for we will go to the 
Christian country then without all doubt." This I said to 
her in such sort as she understood all my words very well ; 
and, casting her arm over my neck, she began to travel with 
languishing steps towards the house ; and fortune would 
(which might have been very ill, if Heaven had not recti- 
fied it) that as we walked together in that manner and form, 
her father (who did by this return, after he had caused the 
Turks to depart) espied us; and we saw also very well how 
he had perceived us ; wherefore Zoraida, who is very discreet, 
would not take away her arm from my neck, but rather drew 
nearer unto me, and laid her head on my breast, and bowed 
her knees a little, with evident token that she swooned; and 
I likewise made as though I did sustain her up by force. Her 
father came running over towards us, and, seeing his daugh- 
ter in that state, demanded the cause of her; but seeing she 
made no answer, he himself said, "She doubtlessly is dis- 
mayed by the sudden affright she took at the entrance of 
those dogs" ; and, taking her away from me, he bowed her 
to his own breast ; and she, breathing out a sigh, with her 
eyes yet full of tears, said again, "Amexi, Christiano, 
amexi," — "Go away. Christian ; go away." To which her 
father replied, "There is no cause, daughter, why the Chris- 
tian should go away ; for he hath done thee no harm, and the 
Turks are already departed." "Sir, they have affrighted her," 
quoth I, "as you have said ; but yet since she hath com- 
manded me to go away, I will not offend her; therefore, rest 
in peace ; for I will return, if it please you to give me leave, 
for herbs to this garden when it is needful; for my master 
says none better are to be found for salads in any garden 
than you have in this." "Come as oft as thou wilt," said 
Aguimorato; "for my daughter says not this in respect that 
thou or any other Christian hath offended her, but that, 
meaning to say that the Turks should go away, she bade thee 
to depart, or else she spake it because it is time for thee to 
gather thine herbs." 

'With this 1 took leave of both, and she seemed at the in- 


stant of my departure to have had her heart torn away from 
her as she departed with her father ; and I, under colour of 
seeking herbs, went about all the garden at my leisure, and 
viewed all the sallies and the entrances thereof, the strength 
of the house, and the commodities that might be offered to 
facilitate our enterprise. This being done, I came home, and 
made a relation to the runagate and my other fellows of all 
that had passed, and did long infinitely to see the hour wherein 
I might, without any affright or danger, possess that happi- 
ness which fortune, in the fair and lovely Zoraida, offered 
unto me. In fine, the time passed over, and the so much de- 
sired day and term arrived; and, every one of us following 
the order which, with mature consideration and long dis- 
course, we had agreed on, we found the good success we de- 
sired; for the very Friday following the day wherein I had 
spoken with Zoraida in the garden, Morenago (for so was 
the runagate called) near night cast anchor almost right be- 
fore the place wherein the beautiful Zoraida remained. The 
Christians, also, that were to row were ready, and hidden 
in sundry places thereabouts. All were suspended, and reso- 
lutely expected my coming, desirous to set upon the barque 
that was before their face; for they knew not of the agree- 
ment that was between me and the runagate, but rather made 
full account that they were to gain their liberty by force of 
arms, and killing the Moors that came in that vessel. 

'It therefore befel that, as soon as I and my fellows ap- 
peared, all the rest that were hidden, espied us, made forth- 
with over towards us. This was at an hour when the city 
gates were shut, and never a body abroad among all those 
fields. And when we were all together, we were in doubt 
whether it would be best first to go and fetch Zoraida, or to 
imprison and stone the Taragin Moors that rowed in the 
frigate. And being in this doubt, the runagate came to us, 
asking upon what we stayed, for it was now high time to be 
going away, and all his Moors were reccheless, and the 
greater number of them asleep. We told him then the cause 
of our stay. And he answered that it was of most importance 
first to subject the vessel, which might be done with very 
great facility, and without any peril; and that we might go 
after for Zoraida. His opinion liked us all very well; and 


therefore, without lingering any longer, he leading the way, 
we came to the vessel, and he himself leaping in first of all, 
set hand to his falchion, and said in Moresco, "Let none of 
you that is here stir himself, if he loves his life." And say- 
ing so, all the rest of the Christians entered. The Moors, 
which were of little spirit, hearing their master say so, were 
marvellously amazed, and, without daring any one of them 
to set hand to their arms, which were but a few at all, they 
suffered themselves very quietly to be taken and bound by 
the Christians, which did it very dexterously, threatening 
them that if they did let slip the least outcry, they should 
presently be all put to the sword. This being finished, and 
the half of our people remaining in their guard, we that were 
left, conducted also by the runagate, went towards Aguimo- 
rato's garden. The door thereof did, by very good hap, open 
with as little noise as if it had had no lock at all; whereupon 
we went with great quietness and silence towards the house, 
unseen or espied of any. 

'The beautiful Zoraida was the while expecting us at a 
window, and as soon as she saw people approach, demanded, 
with a low voice, whether we were Nazarenes, as if she would 
say or ask whether we were Christians. I answered that we 
were, and willed her to come down. As soon as she knew 
me, she stayed not a minute, but without answering any 
word came down in an instant, and, opening the door, showed 
herself to us all, more beautiful and richly attired than I am 
able in any sort to express. As soon as I saw her, I took her 
by the hand and kissed it ; the same did the runagate, and my 
two comrades ; and all the rest, which knew not the matter, 
did as they had seen us do before them ; for it seemed that we 
did no more but give her thanks, and acknowledge her the 
auctress of all our liberties. The runagate demanded of her, 
in her own language, whether' her father were in the garden 
or no. She answered that he was, and that he slept. "Then 
will it be requisite," quoth the runagate, "to rouse him, and 
bear him and all the other things of worth in this garden 
away with us." "That shall not be so," quoth she ; "for I 
will have no man to touch my father ; and in this house there 
is nothing of value, but that which I mean to carry away 
with myself, which is so much as will be sufficient to cheer 


and enrich you all ; as, if you will stay but a while, you shall 

'And saying so, she entered again into the house, prom- 
ising to return to us speedily, and bade us stand still with- 
out making any noise. I demanded of the runagate what 
speech had passed between them, and he told me all she had 
said ; and I answered him again, that I would not have 
Zoraida's will transgressed in any sort. By this time she 
returned laden with a little casket full of gold, so that she 
was scarce able to bear it. And her father, in the mean 
season, by bad fortune, awaked, and heard the noise that 
was beneath in his garden ; and, looking out at a window, 
he perceived that they were all Christians that were in it, 
and therefore cried out, in a loud and unmeasurable manner, 
in the Arabian tongue, "Christians, Christians ! thieves, 
thieves !" by which cries we were all of us strucken into very 
great fear and confusion. But the runagate, seeing the peril 
wherein we were, and how nearly it concerned him to come 
off from that enterprise before he were discovered, ran up 
very speedily to the place where Aguimorato stood, and 
some of our fellows accompanied him (for I durst not aban- 
don Zoraida, who had fallen between mine arms all amazed) ; 
and in conclusion, those which had mounted, behaved them- 
selves so well, as they brought Aguimorato down in a trice, 
having tied his hands, and set a gag in his mouth, which 
hindered his speech, threatening him that if he did speak 
but a word it should cost him his life. 

'When his daughter saw him she covered her eyes, because 
she would not behold him; and he marvelled, wholly ignor- 
ing with how good a will she came away with us. But then, 
considering that nothing was so requisite as our legs, we 
did with all velocity and diligence get into the frigate ; for 
our companions did perplexedly expect our return, half afraid 
that some disgrace had befallen us. Scarce were two hours 
of the night overrun, when we were all embarked; and then 
we unmanacled Zoraida's father's hands, and took the cloth 
out of his mouth. But the runagate did again admonish 
him that, as he tendered his life, he should not speak oriie 
word. He, beholding his daughter likewise there, began to 
sigh very feelingly, but chiefly perceiving me to hold her 


SO straitly embraced, and that she made no resistance, nor 
did complain or seem coy, but stood quiet; but yet for all 
that he kept silence, fearing lest they should put the runa- 
gate's menaces in execution. Zoraida, seeing herself now 
safe within the barque, and that we were ready to row away, 
looking on her father and the other Moors that were tied 
therein, she entreated the runagate to tell me how she de- 
sired me to do her the favour to set those Moors and her 
father at liberty ; for she would rather cast herself into the 
sea than see her father, who had loved her so dearly, car- 
ried away captive before her eyes, and that also by her 
occasion. The runagate told me her mind, and I answered 
how I was very well pleased it should be so. But he replied 
that it was in no sort expedient, by reason that if they were 
landed there, they would presently raise the country and put 
the whole city into a tumult, and cause certain light frigates 
to be manned and sent out in our pursuit, and lay both sea 
and land for us in such sort as it would be impossible for 
us to escape ; but what was at the present possible to be done, 
was to give them liberty at the first Christian country 
whereat we happened to arrive. 

'All of us agreed to this opinion; and Zoraida also (to 
whom reason was given of the motives we had, not to free 
them forthwith, and accomplish her will therein) remained 
satisfied; and therefore presently, with joyful silence and 
cheerful diligence, every one of our lusty rowers seizing 
upon his oar, we began, after we had commended ourselves 
unto Almighty God, to launch forth, and address our course 
towards the isles of Mallorca, which is the nearest Christian 
country; but by reason that the wind blew somewhat from 
the mountains, and that the sea began to be rough, it was 
not possible to continue that course, and so we were forced 
to approach the shore, and go by little and little towards 
Oran, not without great grief and anguish, for fear to be 
espied by the town of Sargel, which is on that coast, and 
falls some seventy leagues beyond Algiers. And we did like- 
wise fear to meet in that passage some galliot of those which 
come ordinarily with merchandise from Tetuan, although 
every one of us for himself, and for all together, did pre- 
sume that if we encountered a galliot of merchandise, so it 


were not a pirate, that not only we would not be lost, but 
rather would take the vessel, that therein we might with 
more security finish our voyage. Zoraida, whilst thus we 
sailed, went with her head between my hands, because she 
would not look on her father; and I felt her, how she was 
still invoking of Lela Marien to assist us. And having sailed 
about some thirty leagues, the morning overtook us about 
some three musket-shot from land, in a place that seemed to 
be desert, and free from all access of those that might dis- 
cover us; and yet for all that, we got by might and main 
somewhat farther into the seas that now was become a lit- 
tle calmer ; and having entered some two leagues into the 
main, order was given that they should row by turns, whilst 
they did refresh themselves, and take a little sustenance, 
for the barque was very well furnished with victuals, al- 
though those which did row refused the offer, saying that 
then it was no time to repose, and that they should set those 
that did not row to dinner, for they would not yet in any sort 
let go their oars. It being done as they had said, the wind 
did rise so much as it made us, abandoning our oars, to set 
sail, and direct our boat towards Oran, being unable to take 
any other course. All was done with very great speed; and 
so we made by the sail more than eight miles an hour, free 
from all other fear than that of encountering some vessel 
of war. We gave the Moors, our prisoners, their dinner, and 
the runagate comforted them, saying that they went not as 
prisoners, for they should receive their liberty upon the first 
commodity that were proffered. The same was likewise 
said of Zoraida's father, who returned them this answer: "I 
.would easily expect and believe any other thing, O Chris- 
tians, of your liberality and honourable manner of proceed- 
ing; but do not think that I am so simple as once to imagine 
that you will give me my liberty, for you did never expose 
yourself to the danger of despoiling me thereof with inten- 
tion to return it me so prodigally again, especially knowing, 
as you do, who I am, and the profit you may reap by giving 
me it again, to which profit, if you will put a name, and tell 
me how much would you demand, I do even from hence offer 
unto you all that which you will seek for me, and for that 
unfortunate daughter of mine; or if you will not deliver me, 


I will give you it for her alone, who is the greatest and the 
best part of my soul." And saying so, he began to weep so 
bitterly as he moved us all to compassion, and forced Zoraida 
to look upon him, who, seeing him weep, was so strangely 
moved as, arising from my feet, she went and embraced her 
father; and, laying her face upon his, they began together 
so tender a lamentation as many of us that were in the barque 
were forced to keep them cor.pany. But when her father 
noted her to be so richly adorned, and with so many jewels 
on, he asked her in his own language, "How haps this, 
daughter, that yesternight late, before this terrible disaster 
befel us wherein we are plunged, I saw thee attired in thine 
ordinary household array, and that now, without having had 
any leisure to apparel thyself, or having given thee any glad 
tidings, for whose solemnising thou oughtest to adorn and 
publish thyself, I do view thee thus clad in the richest attire 
which I could bestow upon thee when our fortune was most 
favourable? Answer me to this, for thou hast suspended and 
astonished me more than the very disgrace itself wherein 
I am." 

'All that the Moor said to his daughter the runagate de- 
clared unto us; and she did not answer a word to him. But 
when he saw the little coffer lie at one side of the barque, 
wherein she was wont to keep her jewels, and that he knew 
very well he had left at Algiers, and not brought to the garden, 
he was much more amazed, and demanded of her how that 
coffer was come into our possession, and what things she 
had there within it. To which the runagate, without at- 
tending that Zoraida should answer him, said, "Sir, do not 
trouble yourself by demanding so many things of your 
daughter Zoraida, for with one that I will say I shall satisfy 
them all ; and therefore you shall understand that she is a 
Christian, and hath been the file that cut off our chains, and 
is the liberty itself of our captivity; and she goeth along 
with us of her own free will, as content (if mine imagination 
do not wrong me) to see herself in this state, as he is that 
cometh out of darkness to the light, from death unto life, 
and out of pain into glory." "Is it true, daughter, which 
this man says?" quoth the Moor. "It is," answered Zoraida. 
"That thou in effect art a Christian," replied the old man, 


"and she that hath put her father into his enemy's hands?" 
To which Zoraida answered, "I am she that is a Chris- 
tian, but not she that hath brought thee to this pass; for my 
desire did never so estrange itself from thee as to abandon 
or harm thee, but only endeavoured to do myself good." 
"And what good hast thou done thyself, daughter?" "De- 
mand that," said she, "of Lela Marien, for she can therein 
inform thee better than I can." 

'Scarce had the Moor heard her say so, when, with in- 
credible haste, he threw himself headlong into the sea, 
wherein he had been questionlessly drowned, if the long ap- 
parel he wore on had not kept him up a while above the 
water. Zoraida cried out to us to save him; and so we all 
presently ran, and, laying hold on a part of his Turkish robe, 
drew him up half drowned, and wholly devoid of feeling; 
whereat Zoraida was so grieved, that she lamented him as 
dolefully as if he had been dead. There we laid him with 
his mouth downward, and he avoided a great quantity of 
water, and after the space of two hours returned to him- 
self again. And in the meantime, the wind also turning, it 
did drive us towards the coast, so that we were constrained 
to keep ourselves by very force of arms from striking 
upon it; and our good fortune directing us, we arrived to 
a little creek at the side of a certain cape or promontory, 
called by the Moors the Cape of the Cava Rumia, which in 
our language signifies "the ill Christian woman." And the 
Moors hold it for a tradition, that in the very same place 
was the Cava buried, for whom Spain was lost, and con- 
quered by the Moors ; for Cava in their language signifies an 
ill woman, and Rumia a Christian. Yea, and they hold it 
for a sign of misfortune to arrive or cast anchor there, 
when mere necessity drives them thither, without which they 
never approach it: yet did it not prove to us the shelter of 
an ill woman, but the secure haven of our safety. We sent 
our sentinels ashore, and never let the oars slip out of our 
hands. We did likewise eat of the runagate's provision, and 
heartily besought Almighty God and Our Lady to assist and 
favour us with a happy end to so lucky a beginning. And 
we agreed, upon Zoraida's entreaty, to set her father and 
the other Moors that we had tied a-land in that place ; for 


she was of so tender and compassionate a mind as she could 
in no wise brook to see her father tied in her presence, or 
her countrymen borne away captives. Wherefore we made 
her a promise that we would, at our departure, let them all 
go away, seeing we incurred no danger by leaving them 
in so desolate a region. Our prayers were not so vain but 
that they found gentle acceptance in Heaven, which presently 
changed the wind and appeased the sea, inviting us cheer- 
fully to return to it again, and prosecute our commenced 

'Seeing that the weather was favourable, we loosed the 
Moors, and set them all a-land one by one; and coming to 
disembark Zoraida's father, who was by that time wholly 
come to himself, he said, "For what do you conjecture, 
Christians, that this bad woman is glad that you give me 
liberty? Do you think that she doth it for pity that she takes 
of me? No, truly; but she doth it only to remove the 
hindrance my presence gave her when she would execute her 
unlawful desires. Nor ought you to believe that she is 
moved to change religion by reason that she understands 
yours to be better than her own, but only because she 
knows licentiousness to be more publicly and freely prac- 
tised in your country than among us." And then, turning to 
Zoraida, whom I and another Christian held fast by both the 
arms, lest she should do some desperate fact, he said, "O in- 
famous girl, and ill-advised maiden ! where dost thou run 
thus blinded and distracted, in the power of those dogs, 
our natural enemies? Cursed be the hour wherein I en- 
gendered thee ! and cursed the delights and pleasures wherein 
thou wast nousled !" I perceiving that he was not like to 
make an end of his execrations so soon as I could wish, had 
him set on shore, and thence he prosecuted his maledictions 
and plaints, praying unto Mahomet that he would intercede 
with Allah that we might be all destroyed, confounded, and 
cast away. And when we could hear his words no longer, 
by reason that we set sail, we perceived his works, that were, 
to pluck his beard, tear his hair, and cast himself on the 
ground; but once he did lift up his voice so high, as that 
we heard him say, "Return, beloved daughter, return to the 
land; for I do pardon thee all that thou hast done: and de- 


liver that money to those men, for it is now their own ; and 
return thou to comfort thy sad and desolate father, who will 
forsake his life on these desolate sands, if thou dost abandon 

'Zoraida heard him say all this, and lamented thereat, but 
knew not how to speak, or answer him any other thing but 
this : "Father mine, I pray Allah that Leia Marien, who hath 
been the cause of my becoming a Christian, may likewise 
comfort thee in thy sorrow. Allah knows well that I could 
do none other than I did, and that these Christians do owe 
me nothing for my good-will, seeing that though I had not 
come away with them, but remained at my house, yet had 
it been impossible (such was the haste wherewithal my 
soul pressed me) not to have executed this my purpose, 
which seems to me to be as good as thou, O beloved father, 
dost account it wicked." She said this in a time that neither 
her father could hear her, nor we behold him; and therefore, 
after I had comforted Zoraida, we did thenceforth only 
attend our voyage, which was so much holpen by the favour- 
able wind as we made full account to be the next day on the 
coast of Spain. But as good very seldom, or rather never, 
betides a man thoroughly and wholly, without being ac- 
companied or followed by some evil which troubles and as- 
saults it, our fortune would, or rather the maledictions of the 
Moor poured on his daughter (for the curses of any father 
whatsoever are to be feared), that being engulfed three hours 
within night, and going before the wind with a full sail, 
and OUT oars set up, because the prosperous wind had rid 
us of the labour of rowing, we saw near unto us, by the 
light of the moon that shined very clearly, a round vessel 
which, with all her sails spread, did cross before us into 
the sea, and that so nearly, as we were fain to strike down 
our sail, that we might avoid the shock she was like to gWe 
us; and those that were in her had on the other side la- 
boured also what they might to turn her out of our way, 
standing all of them on the hatches to demand of us what 
we were, from whence we came, and whither we did sail. 
But by reason that they spake French, the runagate bade us 
not to speak a word, saying, "Let none answer ; for these are 
French pirates, which make their booty of everybody." For 


this cause none of us answered; and, being passed a little 
forward, and that the ship remained in the lee of us, they 
suddenly shot off two pieces of artillery, and as I think, 
both of them had chain bullets, for with the one they cut 
our mast asunder, and overthrew it and the sail into the sea, 
and instantly after they discharged another. The bullet 
alighting in our barque, did pierce it through and through, 
without doing any other hurt; but we, seeing that our vessel 
began to sink, began all to cry out, and request them to suc- 
cour us, and prayed them that they would take us into 
their vessel, for we were a-drowning. Then they came 
amain, and, casting out their cock-boat, there entered into it 
as good as a dozen Frenchmen, well appointed, with their 
arquebuses and matches lighted, and so approached unto us; 
and, perceiving how few we were, and that the barque did 
sink, they received us into their boat, saying, that because 
we had used the discourtesy of not making them answer, that 
misfortune had befallen us. Our runagate about this time 
took the cofifer wherein Zoraida's treasures were kept, and 
threw it into the sea, unperceived of any. 

'In conclusion, we went all of us into the great vessel 
with the Frenchmen, who, after they had informed them- 
selves of all that which they desired to know, as if they were 
our capital enemies, they afterwards despoiled us of all that 
ever we had about us; and of Zoraida they took all, even 
unto her very bracelets that she wore on her ankles. But 
the wrong they did to Zoraida did not afflict me so much as 
the fear I conceived that, after they had taken away from 
her her most rich and precious jewels, they would also de- 
prive her of the jewel of most prize, and which she valued 
most. But the desires of that nation extend themselves no 
further than to the gain of money; and their avarice in this 
is never thoroughly satisfied', and at that time was so great, 
as they would have taken from us the very habits of slaves 
that we brought from Barbary, if they had found them to 
have been worth anything. And some there were of opinion 
among them, that we should be all enwreathed in a sail 
and thrown into the sea, because they had intention to traffic 
into some havens of Spain, under the name of Britons, and 
that if they carried us alive, they should be punished, their 


robbery being detected; but the captain, who was he that 
had pilled my beloved Zoraida, said that he was so con- 
tented with his booty, as he meant not to touch any part 
of Spain, but would pass the Straits of Gibraltar by night, 
or as he might, and so return again to Rochelle, from whence 
he was come: and thereupon they all agreed to give us their 
cock-boat, and all that was necessary for our short voyage; 
as, indeed, they performed the day ensuing, when we were 
in the view of Spain ; with the sight whereof all our griefs 
and poverties were as quite forgotten as if we never had 
felt any, so great is the delight a man takes to recover 
his liberty. It was about mid-day when they put us into the 
cock, giving unto us two barrels of water and some biscuit; 
and the captain, moved with some compassion, as the beauti- 
ful Zoraida embarked herself, bestowed on her about forty 
crowns in gold; nor would he permit his soldiers to despoil 
her of these very garments which then and now she doth 

'We entered into the cock-boat, and, giving them thanks 
for the good they did, and showing at our departure more 
tokens of thankfulness than of discontent, they sailed pres- 
ently away from us, towards the Straits; and we, without 
looking on any other north or star than the land itself, which 
appeared before us, did row towards it so lustily, that at 
sunset we were so near as we made full account to arrive 
before the night was far spent. But by reason that the 
moon did not shine, and the night was very dark, and that 
we knew not where we were, we did not hold it the 
best course to approach the shore too near; yet others 
there were that thought it convenient and good, desir- 
ing that we should make to it, although we ran the boat 
on the rocks, and far from any dwelling; for, by doing 
so, we should free ourselves from the fear, which we 
ought of reason to have, lest there should be up and down 
on that coast any frigates of the pirates of Tetuan, which 
are wont to leave Barbary overnight, and be on the coast 
of Spain ere morning, and ordinarily make their booty, and 
turn to their supper again to Barbary, the night following; 
but, of the contrary opinions, that which was followed was, 
that we should draw near the land by little and little, and 


that if the quietness of the sea would permit it, we should 
take land where we might best and most commodiously do 
it. This was done; and a little before midnight we arrived 
to the foot of a high and monstrous mountain, which was 
not altogether so near to the sea but that it did grant a little 
patch of ground whereon we might commodiously disem- 
bark; wherefore we ran ourselves on the sands, and came 
all a-land, and kissed the earth, and, with tears of most joy- 
ful content and delight, gave thanks unto our Lord God for 
the incomparable favours which He had done us in our voy- 
age. Then took we out our victuals from the boat, and drew 
itself up on the shore, and ascended a great part of the 
mountain ; for although we were in that place, yet durst we 
not assure ourselves, nor did thoroughly believe, that it was 
a Christian country whereon we did tread. 

'The day breaking somewhat slower than I could have 
wished it, we ascended the mountain wholly, to see whether 
we might discover any dwelling or sheepfolds from thence; 
but although we extended our sight into every quarter, yet 
could we neither decry dwelling, person, path, nor highway; 
yet did we resolve, notwithstanding, to enter into the land, 
seeing that we could not choose but discover ere long some- 
body who might give us notice of the place where we were. 
And that which afflicted me most of all was to see Zoraida 
go afoot through those rugged places; for although I did 
sometimes carry her on my shoulders, yet did the toil I took 
more weary her than the repose she got could ease her, 
and therefore would never after the first time suffer me to 
take that pains again, and so she went ever after afoot with 
great patience and tokens of joy, I holding her still by the 
hand. And having travelled little less than a quarter of a 
league, we heard the noise of ,a little bell, an infallible argu- 
ment that near at hand there was some cattle; whereupon, 
all of us looking very wistly to see whether anybody ap- 
peared, perceived under a cork tree a young shepherd, who 
very quietly and carelessly was carving of a stick with a 
knife. We called to him, and he leaped up lightly on foot, 
and, as we afterwards learned, the first that he got sight of 
were the runaj^ate and Zoraida ; whom he seeing appar- 
elled in the Moresco habit, thought that all the people 


of Barbary had been at his heels; and therefore, running 
very swiftly into the wood, he cried all along, with marvel- 
lous loudness, "Moors ! Moors are in the land ! Moors ! 
Moors ! Arm ! arm \" These outcries struck us anew into 
a great perplexity, and scarce did we know what we should 
do; but considering how the shepherd's alarm would cause 
all the country to rise up, and that the horsemen that kept 
the coast would presently come to see what it was, we all 
agreed that the runagate should put off his Turkish attire, 
and put on a captive's cassock, which one of the company 
gave unto him forthwith, although the giver remained after 
in his shirt. And thus committing the affair unto Al- 
mighty God, we followed on by the same way which we 
saw the shepherd had taken, always expecting when the 
horsemen of the coast would fall upon us. And we were 
not deceived in our expectation, for within two hours after, 
having issued out of those woods into a plain, we discovered 
about some fifty horsemen, which came running towards us 
as swiftly as their horses could drive; and, having per- 
ceived them, we stood still, and stayed until they came to us, 
and saw instead of the Moors they sought for, so many 
poor Christians, and remained somewhat ashamed thereat; 
and one of them demanded whether we were the occasion 
that a shepherd had given the alarm. "Yes," quoth I; and 
as I was about to inform what I was, and of all our ad- 
venture, and from whence we came, one of the Christians 
that came with us did take notice of the horseman who had 
spoken unto us; and so, interrupting my speech, he said, 
"Sirs, let God be praised which hath brought us to so good 
a place as this is; for, if I be not deceived, the earth which 
we tread is of Velez-Malaga ; and, if the years of my cap- 
tivity have not confounded my memory, you likewise, sir, 
that demand what we be, are Peter of Bostamente, mine 
uncle." As soon as ever the Christian Captive had spoken 
those words, the horseman, leaping off his horse, ran and 
embraced him, saying, "O nephew, as dear to me as my 
soul and life ! now I do know thee very well, and many a 
day since have I wept for thee, thinking thou wast dead; 
and so hath my sister, thy mother, and all the rest of thy 
friends which do live yet! and God hath been pleased to 


preserve their lives, that they may enjoy the pleasure to be- 
hold thee once again. We know very well that thou wert in 
Algiers ; and, by the signs and tokens of my clothes, 
and that of all the rest here of thy companions, I surmise 
that your escape hath been miraculous?" "Indeed it was 
so," replied the Captive; "and we shall have time, I hope, to 
recount unto you the manner." 

*As soon as the horsemen had understood that we were 
Christian captives, they alighted off their horses, and every 
one of them invited us to mount upon his own, to carry 
us to the city of Velez-Malaga, which was yet a league and 
a half from that place; and some of them went to the 
place where we had left the boat, to bring it to the city; 
whom we informed first of the place where it lay : others 
did mount us up on horseback behind themselves, and Zo- 
raida rode behind the Captive's uncle. All the people is- 
sued to receive us, being premonished of our arrival by 
some one that had ridden before. They did not wonder to 
see captives freed, nor Moors captived there, being an ordi- 
nary thing in those parts; but that whereat they wondered 
was the surpassing beauty of Zoraida, which at that season 
and instant was in her prime, as well through the warmth 
she had gotten by her travel, as also through the joy she 
conceived to see herself in Christian lands, secure from 
all fear of being surprised or lost; and these things called 
out to her face such colours as, if it be not that affection 
might then have deceived me, I durst aver that a more 
beautiful than she was the world could not afford, at least 
among those which I had ever beheld. 

*We went directly to the church to give thanks unto 
Almighty God for the benefit received ; and as soon as Zo- 
raida entered into it, she said there were faces in it that 
resembled very much that of Lela Marien. We told her 
that they were her images; and the runagate, as well as the 
brevity of the time permitted, instructed her what they 
signified, to the end she should do them reverence, as if every 
one of them were truly that same Lela Marien which had 
spoken unto her. She, who had a very good understand- 
ing and an easy and clear conceit, comprehended presently 
all that was told unto her concerning images. From thence 


they carried us, and divided us among different houses of 
the city; but the Christian that came with us carried the 
runagate, Zoraida, and me to the house of his parents, which 
were indifferently accommodated and stored with the goods 
of fortune, and did entertain me with as great love and 
kindness as if I were their own son. We remained six 
days in Velez, in which time the runagate, having made an 
information of all that which might concern him, he went 
to the city of Granada, to be reconciled, by the holy Inqui- 
sition's means, to the bosom of our holy mother the Church. 
The rest of the freed captives took every one the way that 
he pleased; and Zoraida and I remained behind, with those 
ducats only which the Frenchman's courtesy was pleased 
to bestow on Zoraida; and with part of that sum I bought 
her this beast whereon she rides ; I myself serving her 
hitherto as her father and her squire, and not as her spouse. 
We travel with intention to see if my father be yet living, 
or any of my brothers have had more prosperous hap than 
myself; although, seeing Heaven hath made me Zoraida's 
consort, methinks no other good fortune could arrive, were 
it never so great, that I would hold in so high estimation. 
The patience wherewithal she bears the incommodities usu- 
ally annexed unto poverty, and the desires she shows to 
become a Christian, is such and so great, as it strikes me 
into an admiration, and doth move me to serve her all the 
days of my life; although that the delight which I take to 
see myself hers, and she mine, is ofttimes interrupted, and 
almost dissolved, by the fear which I have that I shall not 
find in mine own country some little corner wherein I may 
entertain her, and that time and death have wrought such 
alteration in the goods and lives of my father and brothers, 
as I shall scarce find any one at home that knows me. I 
have no more, good sirs, to tell you of my life's history, 
than which, whether it be pleasing and rare, or no, your 
clear conceits are to judge. As for myself, I daresay that, 
if it had been possible, I would have told it with more brev- 
ity ; fearing it might be tedious unto you, I purposely omitted 
many delightful circumstances thereof/ 


Which Speaks of That Which After Befel in the Inn, 
AND OF Sundry Other Things Worthy To Be Known 

THE Captive having said this, held his peace; and Don 
Fernando replied to him thus: 'Truly, captain, the 
manner v^^herewithal you have recounted this marvel- 
lous success hath been such as it may be paragoned to the 
novelty and strangeness of the event itself. And so great 
is the delight we have taken in the hearing thereof, as I do 
believe that although we had spent the time from hence till 
to-morrow in listening to it, yet should we be glad to hear 
it told over once again.' 

And saying so, Cardenio and all the rest did offer them- 
selves and their means to his service, as much as lay in 
them, with so cordial and friendly words as the Captive 
remained thoroughly satisfied with their good wits ; but spe- 
cially Don Fernando offered, that if he would return with 
him, he would cause the marquis his brother to be Zoraida 
her godfather in baptism ; and that he, for his part, would 
so accommodate him with all things necessary, as he might 
enter into the town with the decency and authority due 
to his person. The Captive did gratify his large offers very 
courteously, but would not accept any of them at that time. 
By this the night drew on, and about the fall thereof there 
arrived at the inn a coach, with some men a-horseback, and 
asked for lodging; to whom. the hostess answered that in all 
the inn there was not a span free, the number of her guests 
was already so many. 'Well, although that be so,' quoth 
one of the horsemen that had entered, 'yet must there be 
a place found for Master Justice who comes in this coach.' 
At this name the hostess was afraid, and said, 'Sir, the mis- 
fortune is that I have no beds; but if Master Justice brings 
one with him, as it is probable he doth, let him enter in 



boldly, and I and my husband will leave our own chamber 
to accommodate his worship.' 'So be it,' quoth the squire; 
and by this time alighted out of the coach a man whose at- 
tire did presently denote his dignity and office, for his long 
gown and his great and large sleeves did show that he was 
a judge, as the serving-men affirmed. He led a young 
maiden by the hand, of about some sixteen years old, appar- 
elled in riding attire; but she was therewithal of so disposed, 
beautiful, and cheerful a countenance, as her presence did 
strike them all into admiration; so as if they had not seen 
Dorothea, Lucinda, and Zoraida, which were then in the inn, 
they would hardly have believed that this damsel's beauty 
might anywhere have been matched. 

Don Quixote was present at the judge's and the gentle- 
woman's entry ; and so, as soon as he had seen him, he said, 
'Sir, you may boldly enter and take your ease in this castle, 
which although it be but little and ill accommodated, yet 
there is no narrowness nor discommodity in the world but 
makes place for arms and learning, and specially if the arms 
and letters bring beauty for their guide and leader, as your 
learning doth, conducted by this lovely damsel, to whom 
ought not only castles to open and manifest themselves, 
but also rocks to part and divide their cliffs, and mountains 
to bow their ambitious crests, to give and make her a lodging. 
Enter, therefore, I say, worshipful sir, into this paradise, 
wherein you shall find stars and suns to accompany this sky 
which you bring along with you. Here shall you find arms 
in their height, and beauty in her prime.' The judge mar- 
velled greatly at Don Quixote's speech, whom he began to 
behold very earnestly, and wondered no less at his shape 
than at his words; and knowing not what answer he might 
return him, he was diverted, on the other side, by the sud- 
den approach of the three ladies, Lucinda, Dorothea, and 
Zoraida, which stood before him ; for, having heard of the 
arrival of new guests, and also being informed by the host- 
ess of the young lady's beauty, they were come forth to see 
and entertain her. But Don Fernando, Cardenio, and the 
curate did give him more complete and courtly entertain- 
ment than the rusty knight. In effect, the judge was mar- 
vellously amazed at that which he saw and heard in that 


inn : and the fair guests thereof bade the beautiful maiden 
welcome. The judge perceived very well that the guests of 
the inn were all men of account; but Don Quixote's fea- 
ture, visage, and behaviour did set him out of all bias, being 
not able to conjecture what he might be. And after some 
court-like intercourses passed, and the commodities of the 
inn examined, they all agreed again, as they had done before, 
that all the women should enter into Don Quixote's room, 
and the men remain without in their guard: and so the 
judge was content that the damsel, who was his daughter, 
should also go with those ladies, which she did with a very 
good will ; and, with a part of the innkeeper's narrow bed, 
and half of that which the judge had brought with him, they 
made shift to pass over that night the best they could. 

The Captive, who from the instant that he had first seen 
the judge, did greatly suspect that he was his brother, and 
demanded of one of his servants how he was called, and 
where he was born. The other answered how he was called 
the licentiate, John Perez of Viedma, and, as he had heard, 
he was born in a village of the mountains of Leon. With 
this relation, and the rest that he had noted, he finally con- 
firmed his opinion that it was the brother who, following 
his father's advice, had dedicated himself to his studies; 
and, full of joy and contentment, calling aside Don Fer- 
nando, Cardenio, and the curate, he certified them of all 
that had passed, and that the judge was his brother. The 
serving-man told him likewise how he went towards the 
Indies, where he had his place and office in the courts of 
Mexico; and also that the young gentlewoman was his 
daughter, of whose birth her mother had died, and he ever 
after remained a widower, and very rich by her dowry and 
portion that she had left to her daughter. He demanded 
of t'hem advice how he might" discover himself to his brother, 
or first know whether, after he had detected himself, he 
would receive him with a good countenance and affection, 
and not be ashamed to acknowledge him for his brother, 
seeing him in so poor an estate. 'Leave the trial of that 
experience to me,' quoth the curate, 'and the rather because 
there is no occasion why you, sir captain, should not be 
kindlji entertained by him ; for the prudence, worths, and 


good countenance of your brother give manifest tokens that 
he is nothing arrogant.' * For all that,' said the captain, 

* I would not make myself known on the sudden, but would 
use some pretty ambages to bring him acquainted with me.' 

* I say unto you,' quoth the curate, ' that I will trace the mat- 
ter in such sort as we will all rest satisfied.' 

Supper was by this made ready, and all of them sat 
down to the table, the Captive excepted and ladies, which 
supped together within the room; and about the midst of 
supper the curate said, * Master Justice, I have had in times 
past a comrade of your very surname in Constantinople, 
where I was sometime captive, who was one of the most 
valiant soldiers and captains that might be found among 
all the Spanish foot; but he was as unfortunate as he was 
valorous and resolute.' ' And how was that captain called, 
good sir?' quoth the judge. 'His name was,' replied mas- 
ter curate, ' Ruy Perez of Viedma, and he was born in a 
village of the mountains of Leon ; and he recounted unto 
me an occurrence happened between his father, him, and his 
other brethren, which, if I had not been told by a man of 
such credit and reputation as he was, I would have esteemed 
for one of these fables which old wives are wont to rehearse 
by the fireside in winter; for he said to me that his father 
had divided his goods among his three sons, and gave them 
withal certain precepts, better than those of Cato; and I 
know well that the choice which he made to follow the war 
had such happy success, as within a few years, through his 
forwardness and valour, without the help of any other arm, 
he was advanced to a company of foot, and made a captain, 
and was in the way and course of becoming one day a colonel ; 
but fortune was contrary to him, for even there where he 
was most to expect her favour, he lost it, with the loss 
of his liberty, in that most happy journey wherein so many 
recovered it, to wit, in the battle of Lepanto. I lost mine in 
Goleta; and after, by different success, we became com- 
panions in Constantinople, from whence we went to Al- 
giers, where did befall him one of the most notable ad- 
ventures that ever happened in the world' ; and there the 
curate, with sufficient brevity, recounted all that had hap- 
pened between the captain and Zoraida ; to all which the 


judge was so attentive, as in all his life he never listened 
to any cause so attentively as then. And the curate only 
arrived to the point wherein the Frenchmen spoiled the 
Christians that came in the barque, and the necessity wherein 
his companion and the beautiful Zoraida remained; of whom 
he had not learned anything after, nor knew not what be- 
came of them, or whether they came into Spain, or were 
carried away by the Frenchmen into France. 

The captain stood listening somewhat aloof off to all the 
curate's words, and noted the while the motions and ges- 
tures of his brother; who, seeing that the curate had now 
made an end of his speech, breathing forth a great sigh, 
and his eyes being filled with tears, he said, 'Oh, sir, if you 
had known the news which you have told me, and how 
nearly they touch me in some points, whereby I am con- 
strained to manifest these tears, which violently break forth 
in despite of my discretion and calling, you would hold me 
excused for this excess. That captain of whom you spoke 
is my eldest brother, who, as one stronger and of more 
noble thoughts than I or my younger brother, made election 
of the honourable military calling, one of the three estates 
which our father proposed to us, even as your comrade in- 
formed, when, as you thought, he related a fable. I fol- 
lowed my book, by which God and my diligence raised me 
to the state you see. My younger brother is in Peru, and 
with that which he hath sent to my father and myself, hath 
bountifully recompensed the portion he carried, and given 
to him sufficient to satisfy his liberal disposition, and to me 
wherewithal to continue my studies with the decency and au- 
thority needful to advance me to the rank which now I pos- 
sess. My father lives yet, but dying through desire to learn 
somewhat of his eldest son, and doth daily importune God 
with incessant prayers that death may not shut his eyes until 
he may once again see him alive. I only marvel not a little, 
considering his discretion, that among all his labours, afflic- 
tions, or prosperous successes, he hath been so careless in 
giving his father notice of his proceedings; for if either 
he or any one of us had known of his captivity, he should 
not have needed to expect the miracle of the cane for his 
ransom. But that which troubles me most of all is to think 


whether these Frenchmen have restored him again to lib- 
erty, or else slain him, that they might conceal their rob- 
bery the better; all which will be an occasion to me to 
prosecute my voyage, not with the joy wherewithal I began 
it, but rather with melancholy and sorrow. Oh, dear 
brother, I would I might know now where thou art, that 
I myself might go and search thee out, and free thee from 
thy pains, although it were with the hazard of mine own. 
Oh, who is he that could carry news to our old father 
that thou wert alive, although thou wert hidden in the 
most abstruse dungeons of Barbary? for his riches, my 
brother's, and mine, would fetch thee from thence. O beau- 
tiful and bountiful Zoraida ! who might be able to recom- 
pense thee for the good thou hast done to my brother? 
How happy were he that might be present at thy spiritual 
birth and baptism, and at thy nuptials, which would be so 
grateful to us all.' These and many other such words did 
the judge deliver, so full of compassion for the news that 
he had received of his brother, as all that heard him kept 
him company in showing signs of compassion for his sorrow. 

The curate therefore, perceiving the happy success whereto 
his design and the captain's desire had sorted, would hold 
the company sad no longer; and therefore, arising from the 
table, and entering into the room wherein Zoraida was, he 
took her by the hand, and after her followed Lucinda, Doro- 
thea, and the judge his daughter. The captain stood still 
to see what the curate would do, who, taking him fast by 
the other hand, marched over with them both towards the 
judge and the other gentlemen, and saying, 'Suppress your 
tears. Master Justice, and glut your desire with all that 
good which it may desire, seeing you have here before you 
your good brother and your loving sister-in-law. This man 
whom you view here is the Captain Viedma, and this the 
beautiful Moor which hath done so much for him. The 
Frenchmen which I told you of have reduced them to the 
poverty you see, to the end that you may show the liberality 
of your noble breast' 

Then did the captain draw near to embrace his brother; 
but he held him off a while with his arms, to note whether 
it was he or no; but when he once knew him, he embraced 


him so lovingly, and with such abundance of tears, as did 
attract the like from all the beholders. The words that the 
brothers spoke one to another, or the feeling affection which 
they showed, can hardly be conceived, and therefore much 
less written by any one whatsoever; There they did briefly 
recount the one to the other their successes; there did they 
show the true love and affection of brothers in his prime ; 
there did the judge embrace Zoraida; there he made her 
an offer of all that was his; there did he also cause his 
daughter to embrace her; there the beautiful Christian and 
the most beautiful Moor renewed the tears of them all; there 
Don Quixote was attentive, without speaking a word, pon- 
dering of these rare occurrences, and attributing them to the 
chimeras which he imagined to be incident to chivalry; and 
there they agreed that the captain and Zoraida should return 
with their brother to Seville, and thence advise their father 
of his finding and liberty, that he, as well as he might, 
should come to Seville to the baptism and marriage of Zo- 
raida, because the judge could not possibly return, or dis- 
continue his journey, in respect that the Indian fleet was 
to depart .within a month from Seville towards New Spain. 
Every one, in conclusion, was joyful and glad at the 
Captive's good success ; and two parts of the night being 
well-nigh spent, they all agreed to repose themselves a while. 
Don Quixote offered himself to watch and guard the 
castle whilst they slept, lest they should be assaulted by 
some giant or other miscreant, desirous to rob the great 
treasure of beauty that was therein immured and kept. 
Those that knew him rendered unto him infinite thanks, 
and withal informed the judge of his extravagant humour, 
whereat he was not a little recreated ; only Sancho Panza 
did fret, because they went so slowly to sleep, and he alone 
was best accommodated of them all, by lying down on his 
beast's furniture, which cost him dearly, as shall be after 
recounted. The ladies being withdrawn into their chamber, 
and every one laying himself down where best he might, 
Don Quixote sallied out of the inn, to be sentinel of the 
castle, as he had promised. And a little before day it hap- 
pened that so sweet and tuneable a voice touched the ladies' 
ears, as it obliged them all to listen unto it very attentively, 



but chiefly Dorothea, who first awaked, and by whose side 
the young gentlewoman, Donna Clara of Viedma (for so the 
judge's daughter was called), slept. None of them could 
imagine who it was that sung so well without the help of 
any instrument. Sometimes it seemed that he sung in the 
yard, others that it was in the stable. And being thus in 
suspense, Cardenio came to the chamber door, and said, 
'Whosoever is not asleep, let them give ear, and they shall 
hear the voice of a lackey that so chants as it likewise en- 
chants.' 'Sir,' quoth Dorothea, 'we hear him very well.' 
With this Cardenio departed; and Dorothea, using all the 
attention possible, heard that his song was this following. 


Wherein Is Recounted the History of the Lackey, with 
Other Strange Adventures Befallen in the Inn. 

' I am a mariner to love, 

Which in his depths profound 
Still sails, and yet no hope can prove 
Of coming aye to th' ground. 

* I following go a glist'ring star, 

Which I aloof descry, 
Much more resplendent than those are 
That Palinure did spy. 

* I know not where my course to bend. 

And so confusedly, 
To see it only I pretend 
Careful and carelessly. 

* Her too impertinent regard, 

And too much modesty. 
The clouds are which mine eyes have barred 
From their deserved fee. 

* O clear and soul-reviving star ! 

Whose sight doth try my trust, 
If thou thy light from me debar, 
Instantly die I must.' 

The singer arriving to this point of his song, Dorothea 
imagined that it would not be amiss to let Donna Clara 
hear so excellent a voice, and therefore she jogged her a 
little on the one and other side, until she had awaked her, 
and then said, 'Pardon me, cThild, for thus interrupting your 
sweet repose, seeing I do it to the end you may joy, by 
hearing one of the best voices that perhaps you ever heard 
in your life.' Clara awaked at the first drowsily, and did 
not well understand what Dorothea said, and therefore de- 
manding of her what she said, she told it her again; where- 



upon Donna Clara was also attentive; but scarce had she 
heard two verses repeated by the early musician, when a 
marvellous trembling invaded her, even as if she had then 
suffered the grievous fit of a quartan ague. Wherefore, em- 
bracing Dorothea very straitly, she said, 'Alas, dear lady ! 
why did you awake me, seeing the greatest hap that fortune 
could in this instant have given me, was to have mine eyes 
and ears so shut as I might neither see nor hear that unfor- 
tunate musician.' 'What is that you say, child?' quoth Doro- 
thea. 'Did you not hear one say that the musician is but a 
horse-boy?' 'He is no horse-boy,' quoth Clara, 'but a lord of 
many towns, and he that hath such firm possession of my 
soul, as if he himself will not reject it, he shall never be 
deprived of the dominion thereof.' Dorothea greatly won- 
dered at the passionate words of the young girl, whereby 
it seemed to her that she far surpassed the discretion which 
so tender years did promise, and therefore she replied to 
her, saying, 'You speak so obscurely. Lady Clara, as I can- 
not understand you; expound yourself more clearly, and tell 
me what is that you say of souls and towns, and of this 
musician whose voice hath altered you so much. But do 
not say anything to me now, for I would not lose, by listen- 
ing to your disgusts, the pleasure I take to hear him sing; 
for methinks he resumes his music with new verses, and 
in another tune.' 'In a good hour,' quoth Donna Clara ; and 
then, because she herself would not hear him, she stopped 
her ears with her fingers ; whereat Dorothea did also marvel, 
but being attentive to the music, she heard the lackey prose- 
cute his song in this manner: 

' O sweet and constant hope, 

That break'st impossibilities and briers. 
And firmly runn'st the scope 

Which thou thyself dost forge to thy desires ! 
Be not dismay'd to see 
At ev'ry step thyself nigh death to be. 

' Sluggards do not deserve 

The glory of triumphs or victory ; 
Good hap doth never serve 

Those which resist not fortune manfully. 
But weakly fall to ground, 
And in soft sloth their senses all confound. 


•That love his glories hold 

At a high rate, it reason is and just-, 
No precious stones nor gold 

May be at all compared with love's gust ; 
And 'tis a thing most clear, 
Nothing is worth esteem that cost not dear. 

' An amorous persistence 

Obtaineth ofttimes things impossible ; 
And so though I resistance 

Find of my soul's desires, in her stern will, 
I hope time shall be given. 
When I from earth may reach her glorious heaven.' 

Here the voice ended, and Donna Clara's sighs began; 
all which inflamed Dorothea's desire to knov^ the cause of 
so svv'eet a song and so sad a plaint; and therefore she eft- 
soons required her to tell her now what she was about 
to have said before. Then Clara, timorous lest Lucinda 
should overhear her, embracing Dorothea very nearly, laid 
her mouth so closely to Dorothea's ear, as she might speak 
securely without being understood by any other, and said, 
'He that sings is, dear lady, a gentleman's son of the king- 
dom of Aragon, whose father is lord of two towns, and 
dwelled right before my father's house at the court; and 
although the windows of our house were in winter cov- 
ered with cere-cloth, and in summer with lattice, I know 
not how it happened, but this gentleman, who went to the 
school, espied me; and whether it was at the church, or 
elsewhere, I am not certain. Finally, he fell in love with 
me, and did acquaint me with his affection from his own 
windows, that were opposite to mine, with so many tokens 
and such abundance of tears, as I most forcibly believed, 
and also affected him, without knowing how much he loved 
me. Among the signs that he would make me, one was, 
to join the one hand to the other, giving me thereby to 
understand that he would marry me; and although I would 
be very glad that it might be so, yet as one alone, and with- 
out a mother, I knew not to whom I might communicate 
the affair, and did therefore let it rest without affording 
him any other favour, unless it were, when my father and 
his were gone abroad, by lifting up the lattice or cere-cloth 
only a little, and permitting him to behold me; for which 


favour he would show such signs of joy as a man would 
deem him to be reft of his wits. 

'The time of my father's departure arriving, and he hear- 
ing of it, but not from me (for I could never tell it to 
him), he fell sick, as far as I could understand, for grief; 
and therefore I could never see him all the day of our de- 
parture, to bid him farewell at least with mine eyes; but 
after we had travelled two days, just as we entered into an 
inn in a village, a day's journey from hence, I saw him at 
the lodging door, apparelled so properly like a lackey, as 
if I had not borne about me his portraiture in my soul, it 
had been impossible to know him. I knew him, and won- 
dered, and was glad withal ; and he beheld me, unwitting 
my father, from whose presence he still hides himself when 
he crosses the ways before me as I travel, or after we ar- 
rive at any inn. And because that I know what he is, and 
do consider the pains he takes by coming thus afoot for 
my sake, and that with so great toil, I die for sorrow; 
and where he puts his feet, I also put mine eyes. I know 
not with what intention he comes, nor how he could possibly 
thus escape from his father, who loves him beyond meas- 
ure, both because he hath none other heir, and because the 
young gentleman also deserves it, as you will perceive when 
you see him ; and I dare affirm besides, that all that which 
he says he composes extempore, and without any study; for 
I have heard that he is a fine student, and a great poet; 
and every time that I see him, or do hear him sing, I start 
and tremble like an aspen leaf, for fear that my father 
should know him, and thereby come to have notice of our 
mutual affections. I have never spoken one word to him 
in my life, and yet I do nevertheless love him so much, as 
without him I shall not be able to live. And this is all, 
dear lady, that I am able to say unto you of the musician 
whose voice hath pleased you so well, as by it alone you 
might conjecture that he is not a horse-boy, as you said, 
but rather a lord of souls and towns, as I affirmed.' 

'Speak no more. Lady Clara,' quoth Dorothea at that 
season, kissing her a thousand times; 'speak no more, I say, 
but have patience until it be daylight; for I hope in God 
so to direct your affairs, as that they shall have the fortu- 


nate success that so honest beginning deserves.' 'Alas, 
madam !' quoth Donna Clara, 'what end may be expected, 
seeing his father is so noble and rich, as he would scarce 
deem me worthy to be his son's servant, how much less his 
spouse? And for me to marry myself unknown to my 
father, I would not do it for all the world. I desire no 
other thing but that the young gentleman would return home 
again and leave me alone; perhaps by not seeing him, and 
the great distance of the way which we are to travel, my 
pain, which now so much presseth me, will be somewhat 
allayed; although I daresay that this remedy, which now I 
have imagined, would avail me but little; for I know not 
whence with the vengeance, or by what way this affection 
which I bear him got into me, seeing both I and he are so 
young as we be, for I believe we are much of an age, and 
I am not yet full sixteen, nor shall be, as my father says, 
until Michaelmas next.' Dorothea could not contain her 
laughter, hearing how childishly Donna Clara spoke ; to 
whom she said, 'Lady, let us repose again, and sleep that 
little part of the night which remains ; and when God sends 
daylight, we will prosper, or my hands shall fail me.' With 
this they held their peace, and all the inn was drowned in 
profound silence ; only the innkeeper's daughter and Mari- 
tornes were not asleep, but knowing very well Don Quixote's 
peccant humour, and that he was armed and on horseback 
without the inn keeping guard, both of them consorted to- 
gether, and agreed to be someway merry with him, or at 
least to pass over some time in hearing him speak ravingly. 
It is therefore to be understood that there was not in all 
the inn any window which looked out into the field, but 
one hole in a barn, out of which they were wont to cast 
their straw. To this hole came the two demi-damsels, and 
saw Don Quixote mounted and leaning on his javelin, and 
breathing forth ever and anon so doleful and deep sighs, as 
it seemed his soul was plucked away by every one of them; 
and they noted besides how he said, with a soft and am- 
orous voice, 'O my lady Dulcinea of Toboso ! the sun of all 
beauty, the end and quintessence of discretion, the treasury 
of sweet countenance and carriage, the storehouse of hon- 
esty, and finally, the idea of all that which is profitable, 


modest, or delightful in the world ! and what might thy 
ladyship be doing at this present? Hast thou perhaps thy 
mind now upon thy captive knight, that most wittingly 
exposeth himself to so many dangers for thy sake? Give 
unto me tidings of her, O thou luminary of the three 
faces ! Peradventure thou dost now with envy enough be- 
hold her, either walking through some gallery of her sumptu- 
ous palaces, or leaning on some bay-window, and thinking 
how (saving her honour and greatness) she shall mitigate 
and assuage the torture which this mine oppressed heart 
endures for her love, what glory she shall give for my 
pains, what quiet to my cares, what life to my death, and 
what guerdon to my services. And thou, sun, which art, as 
I believe, by this time saddling of thy horses to get away 
early and go out to see my mistress, I request thee, as soon 
as thou shalt see her, to salute her in my behalf; but be- 
ware that when thou lookest on her and dost greet her, that 
thou do not kiss her on the face; for if thou dost, I be- 
come more jealous of thee than ever thou wast of the swift 
ingrate which made thee to run and sweat so much through 
the plains of Thessaly or the brinks of Peneus; for I have 
forgotten through which of them thou rannest so jealous and 

To this point arrived Don Quixote, when the innkeeper's 
daughter began to call him softly unto her, and say, 'Sir 
knight, approach a little hitherward, if you please' ; at which 
voice Don Quixote turned his head, and saw by the light 
of the moon which shined then very clearly, that he was 
called to from the hole, which he accounted to be a fair 
window full of iron bars, and those costly gilded with gold, 
well befitting so rich a castle as he imagined that inn to be ; 
and presently in a moment he forged to his own fancy, that 
once again, as [s]he had done before, the beautiful damsel, 
daughter to the lady of that castle, overcome by his love, 
did return to solicit him ; and with this thought, because 
he would not show himself discourteous and ungrateful, he 
turned Rozinante about and came over to the hole; and 
then, having beheld the two wenches, he said, *I take pity 
on you, beautiful lady, that you have placed your amorous 
thoughts in a place whence it is not possible to have any 


correspondence answerable to the desert of your high worth 
and beauty, whereof you are in no sort to condemn this 
miserable knight-errant, whom love hath wholly disabled to 
surrender his will to be any other than to her whom at 
the first sight he made absolute mistress of his soul. Pardon 
me therefore, good lady, and retire yourself to your chamber, 
and make me not, by any further insinuation of your desires, 
more unthankful and discourteous than I would be; and if, 
through the love that you bear me, you find in me any 
other thing wherewithal I may serve and pleasure you, so 
that it be not love itself, demand it boldly ; for I do swear 
unto you by mine absen[t], yet sweetest enemy, to bestow 
it upon you incontinently, yea, though it be a lock of Me- 
dusa's hairs, which are all of snakes, or the very sunbeams 
enclosed in a vial of glass.' 

' My lady needs none of those things, sir knight,' an- 
swered Maritornes. 'What doth she then want, discreet 
matron ?' quoth Don Quixote. 'Only one of your fair hands,' 
said Maritornes, ' that therewithal she may disburden her- 
self of some part of those violent desires which compelled 
her to come to this window, with so great danger of her 
honour ; for if her lord and father knew of her coming, 
the least slice he would take off her should be at the least 
an ear.' ' I would fain once see that,' quoth Don Quixote ; 
* but I am sure he will beware how he do it, if he have no 
list to make the most disastrous end that ever father made 
in this world, for having laid violent hands on the delicate 
limbs of his amorous daughter.' Maritornes verily per- 
suaded herself that Don Quixote would give up his hand 
as he was requested, and having already contrived in her 
mind what she would do, descended with all haste from the 
hole, and, going into the stable, fetched out Sancho Panza 
his ass's halter, and returneti again with very great speed, 
just as Don Quixote (standing up on Rozinante's saddle, 
that he might the better feach the barred windows, whereat 
he imagined the wounded damsel remained) did, stretching 
up his hand, say unto her, ' Hold, lady, the hand, or as I may 
better say, the executioner of earthly miscreants; hold, I 
say, that hand, which no other woman ever touched before, 
not even she herself that hath entire possession of my whole 


body, nor do I give it to you to the end you should kiss 
it, but that you may behold the contexture of the sinews, the 
knitting of the muscles, and the spaciosity and breadth of 
the veins, whereby you may collect how great ought the 
force of that arm to be whereunto such a hand is knit.' ' We 
shall see that presently/ quoth Maritornes ; and then, mak- 
ing a running knot on the halter, she cast it on the wrist 
of his hand, and then descending from the hole, she tied 
the other end of the halter very fast to the lock of the barn 
door. Don Quixote, feeling the roughness of the halter 
about his wrist, said, ' It rather seems that you grate my 
hand than that you cherish it ; but yet I pray you not to 
handle it so roughly, seeing it is no fault of the evil 
which my will doth unto you; nor is it comely that you 
should revenge or disburden the whole bulk of your indigna- 
tion on so small a part: remember that those which love 
well do not take so cruel revenge.' But nobody gave ear 
to these words of Don Quixote's; for as soon as Maritornes 
had tied him, she and the other, almost burst for laughter, 
ran away, and left him tied in such manner as it was 
impossible for him to loose himself. 

He stood, as we have recounted, on Rozinante his sad- 
dle, having all his arm thrust in at the hole, and fastened 
by the wrist to the lock, and was in very great doubt and 
fear that if Rozinante budged never so little on any side 
he should fall and hang by the arm ; and therefore he durst 
not once use the least motion of the world, although he 
might well have expected, from Rozinante's patience and 
mild spirit, that if he were suffered, he would stand still 
a whole age without stirring himself. In fine, Don Quixote 
seeing himself tied, and that the ladies were departed, be- 
gan straight to imagine that all had been done by way 
of enchantment, as the last time, when in the very same cas- 
tle the enchanted Moor (the carrier) had so fairly bela- 
boured him; and then to himself did he execrate his own 
want of discretion and discourse, seeing that having escaped 
out of that castle so evil dight the first time, he would af- 
ter adventure to enter into it the second; for it was gen- 
erally observed by knights-errant that when they had once 
tried an adventure, and could not finish it, it was a token 


that it was not reserved for them, but for some other; and 
therefore would never prove it again. Yet for all this he 
drew forward his arm to see if he might deliver himself; 
but he was so well bound as all his endeavours proved vain. 
It is true that he drew it very warily, lest Rozinante should 
stir; and although he would fain have sat and settled him- 
self in the saddle, yet could he do no other but stand, or 
leave the arm behind. There was many a wish for Amadis 
his sword, against which no enchantment whatsoever could 
prevail ; there succeeded the malediction of his fates ; there 
the exaggerating of the want that the world should have 
of his presence all the while he abode enchanted (as he 
infallibly believed he was) in that place; there he anew 
remembered his beloved Lady Dulcinea of Toboso; there 
did he call oft enough on his good squire Sancho Panza, 
who, entombed in the bowels of sleep, and stretched along 
on the pannel of his ass, did dream at that instant but lit- 
tle of the mother that bore him ; there he invoked the wise 
men Lirgandeo and Alquife to help him. And finally, the 
morning did also there overtake him so full of despair and 
confusion, as he roared like a bull; for he had no hope that 
by daylight any cure could be found for his care, which he 
deemed would be everlasting, because he fully accounted 
himself enchanted ; and was the more induced to think so, 
because he saw that Rozinante did not move little nor much; 
and therefore he supposed that both he and his horse should 
abide in that state without eating, drinking, or sleeping, until 
that either the malignant influence of the stars were past, 
or some greater enchanter had disenchanted him. 

But he deceived himself much in his belief; for scarce 
did the day begin to peep, when there arrived four horsemen 
to the inn-door, very well appointed, and having snap-hances 
hanging at the pommel of their saddles. They called at 
the inn-door (which yet stood shut), and knocked very hard, 
which being perceived by Don Quixote, from the place where 
he stood sentinel, he said, with a very loud and arrogant 
voice, 'Knights, or squires, or whatsoever else ye be, you are 
not to knock any more at the gates of that castle, seeing 
it is evident, that at such hours as this, either they which are 
within do repose them, or else are not wont to open fort- 


resses until Phoebus hath spread his beams over the earth; 
therefore stand back, and expect till it be clear day, and 
then we will see whether it be just or no that they open their 
gates unto you.' 'What a devil, what castle or fortress is 
this,' quoth one of them, 'that it should bind us to use all 
those circumstances? If thou beest the innkeeper, command 
that the door be opened; for we are travellers that will tarry 
no longer than to bait our horses and away, for we ride in 
post haste.' 'Doth it seem to you, gentlemen,' quoth Don 
Quixote, 'that I look like an innkeeper?' 'I know not what 
thou lookest like,' answered the other, 'but well I know that 
thou speakest madly, in calling this inn a castle.' 'It is a 
castle,' replied Don Quixote, 'yea, and that one of the best 
in this province, and it hath people within it which have 
had a sceptre in hand, and a crown on their head.' 'It were 
better said quite contrary,' replied the traveller, 'the sceptre 
on the head, and the crown in the hand; but perhaps (and so 
it may well be) there is some company of players within, 
who do very usually hold the sceptres and wear those 
crowns whereof thou talkest ; for in such a paltry inn as 
this is, and where I hear so little noise, I cannot believe 
any one to be lodged worthy to wear a crown or bear a 
sceptre.' 'Thou knowest but little of the world,' replied Don 
Quixote, 'seeing thou dost so much ignore the chances that 
are wont to befall in chivalry.' The fellows of him that en- 
tertained this prolix dialogue with Don Quixote waxed weary 
to hear them speak idly so long together, and therefore 
turned again to knock with great fury at the door, and that 
in such sort as they not only waked the innkeeper, but also 
all the guests, and so he arose to demand their pleasure. 

In the meanwhile it happened that one of the horses 
■whereon they rode drew near to smell Rozinante, that, mel- 
ancholy and sadly, with his ears cast down, did sustain with- 
out moving his outstretched lord; and he being indeed of 
flesh and blood, although he resembled a block of wood, could 
not choose but feel it, and turn to smell him again who had 
thus come to cherish and entertain him; and scarce had he 
stirred but a thought from thence, when Don Quixote's feet, 
that were joined, slipt asunder, and, tumbling from the 
saddle, had doubtlessly fallen to the ground, had he not re- 


mained hanging by the arm; a thing that caused him to en- 
dure so much pain, as he verily believed that either his wrist 
was a-cutting, or his arm a-tearing off from his body; and 
he hung so near to the ground as he touched it with the 
tops of his toes, all which turned to his prejudice; for, having 
felt the little which he wanted to the setting of his feet 
wholly on the earth, he laboured and drew all that he might 
to reach it ; much like unto those that get the strappado, with 
the condition to touch or not to touch, who are themselves 
a cause to increase their own torture, by the earnestness 
wherewith they stretch themselves, deceived by the hope they 
have to touch the ground if they can stretch themselves but 
a little farther. 


Wherein Are Prosecuted the Wonderful Adventures 

SO many were the outcries which Don Quixote made, as 
the innkeeper opened the door very hastily and af- 
frighted, to see who it was that so roared; and those 
that stood without did also the same. Maritornes, whom the 
cries had also awakened, imagining straight what it might 
be, went into the barn, and, unperceived of any, loosed the 
halter that sustained Don Quixote, and forthwith he fell to 
the ground in the presence of the innkeeper and the travellers, 
who, coming towards him, demanded the occasion why he 
did so unmeasurably roar. He, without making any answer, 
took off the halter from his wrist, and, getting up, he leaped 
upon Rozinante, embraced his target, set his lance into the 
rest, and, wheeling about a good part of the field, returned 
with a half-gallop, saying, 'Whosoever shall dare to affirm 
that I have not been with just title enchanted, if my lady 
the Princess Micomicona will give me leave to do it, I 
say that he lies, and I do presently challenge him to com- 
bat.' The new travellers were amazed at Don Quixote's 
words ; but the host removed that wonder by informing them 
what he was, and that they should make no account of his 
words, for the man was bereft of his wits. Then they de- 
manded of the innkeeper if there had arrived to his inn a 
young stripling of some fifteen years old or thereabouts, ap- 
parelled like a horse-boy, and having such and such marks 
and tokens ; and then gave the very signs of Donna Clara's 
lover. The host made answer, that there were so many 
people in his inn as he had taken no notice of him for whom 
they demanded. But one of them having seen the coach 
wherein the judge came, said, 'Questionlessly he must be 
here; for this is the coach that they say he hath followed. 



Let, therefore, one of us remain at the door, and the rest 
enter to seek him out; yea, and it will not be from the pur- 
pose if one of us ride about without the inn, lest he should 
make an escape from us by the walls of the yard.' *We will 
do so,' said another of them. And thus two of them entered 
into the house, one stayed at the door, and the other did 
compass the inn about. The innkeeper beheld all, but could 
never judge aright the reason why they used all this dili- 
gence, although he easily believed that they sought for the 
youth whose marks they had told unto him. 

By this the day was grown clear, and as well by reason 
thereof, as through the outcries of Don Quixote, all the 
strangers were awake, and did get up, especially both the 
ladies, Clara and Dorothea; for the one through fear to 
have her lover so near, and the other with desire to see 
him, could sleep but very little all that night. Don Quixote 
perceiving that none of the four travellers made any ac- 
count of him, or answered his challenge, was ready to burst 
with wrath and despite ; and if he could any wise have found 
that it was tolerated by the statutes of chivalry that a knight- 
errant might have lawfully undertaken any enterprise, hav- 
ing plight his word and faith not to attempt any until he 
had finished that which he had first promised, he would 
have assailed them all, and made them maugre their teeth 
to have answered him. But because it seemed to him not 
so expedient nor honourable to begin any new adventure 
until he had installed Micomicona in her kingdom, he was 
forced to be quiet, expecting to see whereunto the endeav- 
ours and diligence of those four travellers tended: the one 
whereof found out the youth, that he searched, asleep by 
another lackey, little dreaming that anybody did look for 
him, and much less would find him out thus. The man drew 
him by the arm, and said, 'Truly, Don Louis, the habit that 
you wear answers very well your calling; and the bed 
whereon you lie the care and tenderness wherewith your 
mother did nurse you.' The youth hereat rubbed his drowsy 
eyes, and beheld very leisurely him that did hold him fast, 
and knew him forthwith to be one of his father's servants, 
whereat he was so amazed as he could not speak a word 
for a great while. And the serving-man continuing his 


speech, said, 'Here is nothing else to be done, Lord Louis, 
but that you be patient and depart again with us towards 
home, ii you be not pleased to have your father and my lord 
depart out of this world to the other; for no less may be 
expected from the woe wherein he rests for your absence.' 
'Why, how did my father know,' said Don Louis, 'that I 
came this way, and in this habit?' 'A student,' answered the 
other, 'to whom you betrayed your intention, did discover 
it, moved through the compassion he took to hear your 
father's lamentations when he found you missing. And so 
he despatched four of his men in your search; and we 
are all at your service, more joyful than may be imagined 
for the good despatch wherewithal we shall return, and 
carry you to his sight which doth love you so much.' 
'That shall be as I please or Heaven will dispose,' said 
Don Louis. 'What would you please, or what should 
Heaven dispose of, other than that you agree to return? 
For certainly you shall not do the contrary, nor is it possible 
you should.' All these reasons that passed between them 
both did the lackey that lay by Don Louis hear ; and, arising 
from thence, he went and told all that passed to Don Fer- 
nando, Cardenio, and all the rest that were gotten up; to 
whom he told how the man gave the title of Don to the boy, 
and recounted the speech he used, and how he would have 
him return to his father's house, which the youth refused to 
do. Whereupon, and knowing already what a good voice 
the heavens had given him, they greatly desired to be more 
particularly informed what he was, and intended also to help 
him, if any violence were offered unto him, and therefore 
went unto the place where he was, and stood contending with 
his servant. 

Dorothea issued by this out of her chamber, and in her 
company Donna Clara, all perplexed. Dorothea, calling Car- 
denio aside, told unto him succinctly all the history of the 
musician and Donna Clara. And he rehearsed to her again 
all that passed of the serving-men's arrival that came in his 
pursuit, which he did not speak so low but that Donna Clara 
overheard him, whereat she endured such alteration as she 
had fallen to the ground, if Dorothea, running towards her, 
had not held her up. Cardenio entreated Dorothea to return 


with the other to her chamber, and he would endeavour to 
bring the matter to some good pass, which they presently per- 
formed. The four that were come in Don Louis his search 
were by this all of them entered into the inn, and had com- 
passed him about, persuading him that he would, cutting off 
all delays, return to comfort his father. He answered that 
he could not do it in any sort until he had finished an adven- 
ture, which imported him no less than his life, his honour, 
and his soul. The servants urged him then, saying, that they 
would in no sort go back without him, and therefore 
would carry him home, whether he would or no. 'That shall 
not you do,' quoth Don Louis, 'if it be not that you carry me 
home dead.' And in this season all the other gentlemen were 
come into the contention, but chiefly Cardenio, Don Fer- 
nando, and his comrades, the judge, the curate, and the 
barber, and Don Quixote ; for now it seemed to him needless 
to guard the castle any more. Cardenio, who knew already 
the history of the youth, demanded of those that would carry 
him away, what reason did move them to seek to take that 
lad away against his will. 'We are moved unto it,' answered 
one of them, 'by this reason, that we shall thereby save his 
father's life, who for his absence is like to lose it.' To this 
said Don Louis, 'It is to no end to make relation of mine 
affairs here. I am free, and will return if I please; and if 
not, no one shall constrain me to do it perforce.' 'Reason 
shall constrain you, good sir, to do it,' quoth the man; 'and 
when that cannot prevail with you, it shall with us, to put 
that in execution for which we be come and are bound to 
do.' 'Let us know this affair from the beginning,' said the 
judge to those men. 'Sir,' quoth one of them, who knew 
him very well, as his master's next neighbour, 'Master Jus- 
tice, doth not your worship know this gentleman who is your 
neighbour's son, and hath abs'ented himself from his father's 
house, in an habit so undecent and discrepant from his call- 
ing, as you may perceive?'' The judge beheld him then some- 
what more attentively, knew him, and embracing him, said, 
'What toys are these, Don Louis; or what cause hath been 
of efficacy sufficient to move you to come away in this man- 
ner and attire, which answers your calling so ill?' The tears 
stuck then in the young gentleman's eye, and he could not 


answer a word to the judge, who bade the four serving-men 
appease themselves, for all things should be done to their 
satisfaction; and then, taking Don Louis apart, he entreated 
him to tell him the occasion of that his departure. 

And whilst he made this and other demands to the gentle- 
man, they heard a great noise at the inn-door; the cause 
whereof was, that two guests which had lain there that night, 
seeing all the people busied to learn the cause of the four 
horsemen's coming, had thought to have made an escape scot- 
free, without defraying their expenses; but the innkeeper, 
who attended his own affairs with more diligence than other 
men's, did stay them at their going forth, and demanded his 
money, upbraiding their dishonest resolution with such words 
as moved them to return him an answer with their fists, 
which they did so roundly as the poor host was compelled to 
raise the cry and demand succour. The hostess and her 
daughter could see no man so free from occupation as Don 
Quixote; to whom the daughter said, 'I request you, sir 
knight, by the virtue that God hath given you, to succour 
my poor father, whom two bad men are grinding like corn.' 
To this Don Quixote answered very leisurely, and with great 
gravity, 'Beautiful damsel, your petition cannot prevail at 
this time, forasmuch as I am hindered from undertaking any 
other adventure until I have finished one wherein my promise 
hath engaged me, and all that I can now do in your service 
is, that which I shall say now unto you: run unto your 
father, and bid him continue and maintain his conflict man- 
fully, the best that he may, until I demand license of the 
Princess Micomicona to help him out of his distress; for if 
she will give it unto me, you may make full account that he 
is delivered.' 'Sinner that I am,' quoth Maritornes, who was 
by, and heard what he said, 'before you shall be able to ob- 
tain that license of which you speak, my master will be de- 
parted to the other world.' 'Work you so, lady,' quoth Don 
Quixote, 'that I may have the license; for so that I may have 
it, it will make no great matter whether he be in the other 
world or no, even from thence would I bring him back again, 
in despite of the other world itself, if it durst contradict me; 
or at least I will take such a revenge of those that do send 
him to the other world, as you shall remain more than con- 


tented.' And so, without replying any more, he went and 
fell on his knees before Dorothea, demanding of her, in 
knightly and errant phrases, that she would deign to license 
him to go and succour the constable of that castle, who was 
then plunged in a deep distress. The princess did grant him 
leave very willingly ; and he presently, buckling on his target, 
and laying hold on his sword, ran to the inn-door, where yet 
the two guests stood handsomely tugging the innkeeper. But 
as soon as he arrived, he stopped and stood still, although 
Maritornes and the hostess demanded of him twice or thrice 
the cause of his restiness in not assisting her lord and hus- 
band. 'I stay,' quoth Don Quixote, 'because, according to 
the laws of arms, it is not permitted to me to lay hand to my 
sword against squire-like men that are not dubbed knights. 
But call to me here my squire Sancho, for this defence and 
revenge concerns him as his duty.' This passed at the inn- 
door, where fists and blows were interchangeably given and 
taken in the best sort, although to the innkeeper's cost, and 
to the rage and grief of Maritornes, the hostess, and her 
daughter, who were like to run wood, beholding Don Qui- 
xote's cowardice, and the mischief their master, husband, 
and father endured. But here let us leave them; for there 
shall not want one to succour him; or if not, let him suffer, 
and all those that wittingly undertake things beyond their 
power and force ; and let us turn backward to hear that which 
Don Louis answered the judge, whom we left somewhat 
apart with him, demanding the cause of his coming afoot, 
and in so base array ; to which the youth, wringing him hard 
by the hands, as an argument that some extraordinary grief 
pinched his heart, and shedding many tears, answered in 
this manner: 

T know not what else I may tell you, dear sir, but that 
from this instant that Heaven made us neighbours, and that 
I saw Donna Clara, your daughter and my lady, I made her 
commandress of my will ; and if yours, my true lord and 
father, do not hinder it, she shall be my spouse this very day. 
For her sake have I abandoned my father's house, and for 
her I donned this attire, to follow her wheresoever she went, 
as the arrow doth the mark, or the mariner the north star. 
She is as yet no further acquainted with my desires, than as 


much as she might understand sometimes by the tears which 
she saw mine eyes distil afar off. Now, sir, you know the 
riches and nobility of my descent, and how I am my father's 
sole heir, and if it seem unto you that these be conditions 
whereupon you may venture to make me thoroughly happy, 
accept of me presently for your son-in-law; for if my father, 
borne away by other his designs, shall not like so well of this 
good which I have sought out for myself, yet time hath more 
force to undo and change the affairs than men's will.' Here 
the amorous gentleman held his peace, and the judge re- 
mained astonied as well at the grace and discretion where- 
with Don Louis had discovered his affections unto him, as 
also to see himself in such a pass, that as he knew not what 
course he might best take in so sudden and unexpected a 
matter; and therefore he answered no other thing at that 
time, but only bade him to settle his mind, and entertain the 
time with his servants, and deal with them to expect that 
day, because he might have leisure to consider what might 
be most convenient for all. Don Louis did kiss his hands 
perforce, and did bathe them with tears, a thing able to move 
a heart of marble, and much more the judge's, who (as a 
wise man) did presently perceive how beneficial and honour- 
able was that preferment for his daughter ; although he could 
have wished, if it had been possible, to effect it with the con- 
sent of Don Louis his father, who he knew did purpose to 
have his son made a nobleman of title. 

By this time the innkeeper and his guests had agreed, 
having paid him all that they owed, more by Don Quixote's 
persuasion and good reasons than by any menaces; and Don 
Louis his servants expected the end of the judge, his dis- 
course, and his resolution ; when the devil (who never sleeps) 
would have it, at that very time entered into the inn the 
barber from whom Don Quixote took away the helmet of 
Mambrino, and Sancho Panza the furniture of the ass, 
whereof he made an exchange for his own ; which barber, 
leading his beast to the stable, saw Sancho Panza, who was 
mending some part of the pannel; and as soon as he had 
eyed him, he knew him, and presently set upon Sancho, say- 
ing, 'Ah, sir thief, have I found you here, with all the furni- 
ture whereof you robbed me?' Sancho, that saw himself 


thus assaulted unexpectedly, and had heard the disgraceful 
terms which the other used, laying fast hold on the pannel 
with the one hand, gave the barber such a buffet with the 
other, as he bathed all his teeth in blood. But yet, for all 
that, the barber held fast his grip of the pannel, and there- 
withal cried out so loud, as all those that were in the house 
came to the noise and conflict; and he said, 'I call for the 
king and justice, for this thief and robber by the highways 
goeth about to kill me, because I seek to recover mine own 
goods.' 'Thou liest,' quoth Sancho, 'for I am not a robber 
by the highways ; for my lord Don Quixote won those spoils 
in a good war.' By this time Don Quixote himself was come 
thither, not a little proud to see how well his squire defended 
himself, and offended his adversary; and therefore he ac- 
counted him from thenceforth to be a man of valour, and 
purposed in his mind to dub him knight on the first occasion 
that should be offered, because he thought that the order of 
knighthood would be well employed by him. 

Among other things that the barber said in the discourse 
of his contention, this was one: 'Sirs, this pannel is as cer- 
tainly mine as the death which I owe unto God, and I know 
it as well as if I had bred it; and there is my ass in the stable, 
who will not permit me to tell a lie ; or otherwise, do but try 
the pannel on him, and if it fit him not justly I am content 
to remain infamous. And I can say more, that the very day 
wherein they took my pannel from me, they robbed me like- 
wise of a new brazen basin, which was never used, and cost 
me a crown.' Here Don Quixote could no longer contain 
himself from speaking; and so, thrusting himself between 
them two, and putting them asunder, and causing the pannel 
to be laid publicly on the ground until the truth were de- 
cided, he said, 'To the end that you may perceive the clear 
and manifest error wherein this good squire lives, see how 
he calls that a. basin which is, was, and shall be, the helmet 
of Mambrino, which I took away perforce from him in fair 
war, and made myself lord thereof in a lawful and warlike 
manner. About the pannel I will not contend ; for that which 
I can say therein is, that my squire Sancho demanded leave 
of me to take away the furniture of this vanquished coward's 
horse, that he might adorn his own withal. I gave him au- 


thority to do it, and he took them. And for his converting 
thereof from a horse's furniture into a pannel, I can give 
none other reason than the ordinary one, to wit, that such 
transformations are usually seen in the successes of chiv- 
alry; for confirmation whereof, friend Sancho, run speedily 
and bring me out the helmet which this good man avoucheth 
to be a basin.' 'By my faith, sir,' quoth Sancho, 'if we have 
no better proof of our intention than that which you say, 
I say that the helmet of Mambrino is as arrant a basin as 
this good man's furniture is a pannel.' 'Do what I com- 
mand,' said Don Quixote : 'I cannot believe that all the things 
in this castle will be guided by enchantment.' Sancho went 
for the basin, and brought it : and as soon as Don Quixote 
saw it, he took it in his hands, and said, 'See, sirs, with what 
face can this impudent squire affirm that this is a basin, and 
not the helmet that I have mentioned ? and I swear to you all, 
by the order of knighthood which I profess, that this is the 
very same helmet which I won from him, without having 
added or taken anything from it.' 'That it is, questionless,' 
quoth Sancho ; 'for since the time that my lord won it until 
now, he never fought but one battle with it, when he deliv- 
ered the unlucky chained men ; and but for this basin-helmet, 
he had not escaped so free as he did, so thick a shower of 
stones rained all the time of that conflict.' 


Wherein Are Decided the Controversies of the Helmet 

OF Mambrino and of the Pannel, with Other 

Strange and Most True Adventures 

GOOD sirs/ quoth the barber, 'what do you think of 
that which is affirmed by these gentlemen, who yet 
contend that this is not a basin, but a helmet?' 'He 
that denies it,' quoth Don Quixote, 'I will make him know 
that he lies, if he be a knight; and if he be but a squire, that 
he lies and lies again a thousand times.' Our barber, who 
was also present, as one that knew Don Quixote's humour 
very well, would fortify his folly and make the jest pass yet 
a little further, to the end that they all might laugh; and 
therefore, speaking to the other barber, he said, 'Sir barber, 
or what else you please, know that I am also of your occu- 
pation, and have had my writ of examination and approba- 
tion in that trade more than these thirty years, and am one 
that knows very well all the instruments of barbery whatso- 
ever; and have been besides, in my youthful days, a soldier; 
and do therefore likewise know what is a helmet, and what 
a morion, and what a close castle, and other things touching 
warfare — I mean all the kind of arms that a soldier ought to 
have; and therefore I say (still submitting myself to the 
better opinion) that this piece which is laid here before us, 
and which this good knight holds in his hand, not only is not 
a barber's basin, but also is so far from being one as is white 
from black, or verity from untruth; yet do I withal affirm 
that although it is an helmet, yet it is not a complete helmet.' 
'No, truly,' quoth Don Quixote, 'for it wants the half, to wit, 
the nether part and the beaver.' 'It is very true,' quoth the 
curate, who very well understood his friend the barber his 
intention; and the same did Cardenio, Don Fernando, and 
the rest of his fellows confirm; yea, and even the judge him- 



self, had not Don Louis his affair perplexed his thoughts, 
would, for his part, have holpen the jest well forward; but 
the earnestness of that affair held his mind so busied, as he 
little or nothing attended the pastime. 'Lord have mercy 
upon me!' quoth the other barber, then half beside himself; 
'and is it possible that so many honourable men should say 
that this is no basin, but a helmet? This is a thing able to 
strike admiration into a whole university, how discreet soever 
it were. It is enough; if this basin must needs be a helmet, 
the pannel must also be a horse's furniture, as this gentleman 
says.' 'To me it seems a pannel,' quoth Don Quixote ; 'but, 
as I have said, I will not meddle with it, nor determine 
whether it be a pannel or the caparison of a horse.' 

'Therein is nothing else to be done,' said the curate, 'but 
that Sir Don Quixote say at once; for in these matters of 
chivalry, all these noblemen and myself do give unto him the 
prick and the prize.' 'I swear unto you by Jove, good sirs,' 
quoth Don Quixote, 'that so many and so strange are the 
things which have befallen me in this castle, these two times 
that I have lodged therein, as I dare avouch nothing affirma- 
tively of anything that shall be demanded of me concerning 
the things contained in it; for I do infallibly imagine that 
all the adventures which pass in it are guided by enchant- 
ment. The first time, I was very much vexed by an en- 
chanted Moor that was in it, and Sancho himself sped not 
very well with the Moors' followers and yesternight I stood 
hanging almost two hours' space by this arm, without know- 
ing how, or how that disgrace befel me; so that for me to 
meddle now in so confused and difficult a matter, as to deliver 
mine opinion, were to pass a rash judgment. So that they 
which say that this is a basin and no helmet, I have already 
made answer; but whether this be a pannel or furniture, I 
dare pronounce no definitive sentence, but only remit it to 
your discreet opinions : perhaps because you are not dubbed 
knights as I am, the enchantments of this place will have no 
power over you, and your understanding shall be freed and 
able to judge of the things in this castle really and truly, and 
not as they seem unto me.' 'Doubtless,' quoth Don Fernando, 
'Don Quixote says very well that the definition of this case 
belongs unto us; and therefore, and because we may proceed 


in it upon the better and more solid grounds, I will secretly 
take the suffrages of all those gendemen, and afterwards 
make a clear and full relation of what shall come of 

To those that knew Don Quixote his humour, this was a 
matter of marvellous laughter and sport; but to such as were 
not acquainted therewithal, it seemed the greatest folly of 
the world, especially to Don Louis and his four servants, 
and with other three passengers that had arrived by chance 
to the inn, and seemed to be troopers of the holy brother- 
hood, as indeed they were. But he that was most of all be- 
side himself for wrath was the barber whose basin they had 
transformed before his own face into the helmet of Mam- 
brino, and whose pannel he made full account should like- 
wise be turned into the rich furniture and equipage of a 
great horse. All of them laughed heartily to see Don Fer- 
nando go up and down, taking the suffrages of this man and 
that, and rounding every one of them in the ear, that they 
might declare in secret whether that was a pannel or a fur- 
niture for which such deadly contention had passed. After 
that he had taken the suffrages of so many as knew Don 
Quixote, he said very loudly, 'The truth is, good fellow, that 
I grow weary of demanding so many opinions ; for I can no 
sooner demand of any man what I desire to know, but they 
forthwith answer me, how it is mere madness to affirm that 
this is the pannel of an ass, but rather the furniture of a 
horse, yea, and of a chief horse of service; and therefore you 
must have patience ; for in despite both of you and of your 
ass, and notwithstanding your weak allegations and worse 
proofs, it is, and will continue, the furniture of a great 
horse.' 'Let me never enjoy a place in heaven,' quoth the 
barber, 'if you all be not deceived; and so may my soul ap- 
pear before God, as it appears to me to be a pannel, and no 
horse furniture. But the law carries it away, and so fare- 
well it. And yet surely I am not drunk; for unless it be by 
sinning, my fast hath not been broken this day.' 

The follies which the barber uttered stirred no less laugh- 
ter among them than did the roarings of Don Quixote, who 
then spoke in this manner : 'Here is now no more to be done, 
but that every man take up his own goods, and to whom God 


hath given them, let St. Peter give his blessing.' Then said 
one of the four serving-men, *If this were not a jest premedi- 
tated, and made of purpose, I could not persuade myself that 
men of so good understanding as all these are, or seem to be, 
should dare to say and affirm that this is not a basin, nor 
that a pannel ; but seeing that they aver it so constantly, I 
have cause to suspect that it cannot be without mystery, to 
affirm a thing so contrary to that which very truth itself, and 
experience, demonstrates unto us; for I do vow' (and, saying 
so, he rapped out a round oath or two) 'that as many as are 
in the world should never make me believe that this is no 
basin, nor that no pannel of a he-ass.' 'It might as well be 
of a she-ass,' quoth the curate. 'That comes all but to one,' 
replied the other; 'for the question consists not therein, but 
whether it be a pannel or not, as you do avouch.' Then one 
of the troopers of the Holy Brotherhood, who had listened 
to their disputation, and was grown full of choler to hear 
such an error maintained, said, 'It is as very a pannel, as my 
father is my father; and he that hath said, or shall say the 
contrary, is, I believe, turned into a grape.' 'Thou liest like 
a clownish knave!' quoth Don Quixote; and, lifting up his 
javelin, which he always held in his hand, he discharged such 
a blow at the trooper's pate, as if he had not avoided, it 
would have thrown him to the ground. The javelin was 
broken by the force of the fall into splinters; and the other 
troopers, seeing their fellow misused, cried out for help and 
assistance for that Holy Brotherhood. The innkeeper, who 
also was one of the same fraternity, ran in for his rod of 
justice and his sword, and then stood by his fellows. Don 
Louis's four servants compassed him about, lest he should 
attempt to escape whilst the tumult endured. The barber, 
seeing all the house turned upside down, laid hand again 
upon his pannel, and the same did Sancho. 

Don Quixote set hand to his sword, and assaulted the 
troopers. Don Louis cried to his serving-men that they 
should leave him, and go to help Don Quixote, Cardenio, and 
Don Fernando; for all of them took Don Quixote's part. 
The curate cried out, the hostess shrieked, her daughter 
squeaked, Maritornes howled, Dorothea stood confused, Lu- 
cinda amazed, and Donna Clara dismayed; the barber bat- 


tered Sancho, and Sancho pounded him again. Don Louis, 
on whom one of his serving-men had presumed to lay hands, 
and hold him by the arm, gave him such a pash on the mouth 
as he broke his teeth, and then the judge took him into his 
own protection. Don Fernando had gotten one of the troop- 
ers under his feet, where he stood belabouring him at pleas- 
ure. The innkeeper renewed his outcry, and reinforced his 
voice, demanding aid for the Holy Brotherhood. So that all 
the inn seemed nothing else but plaints, cries, screeches, con- 
fusions, fears, dreads, disgraces, slashes, buffets, blows, 
spurnings, and effusion of blood. 

In the midst of the chaos and labyrinth of things, Don 
Quixote began to imagine and fancy to himself that he was 
at that very time plunged up to the ears in the discord and 
conflict of King Agramante his camp; and therefore he said, 
with a voice that made all the inn to tremble, 'All of you, 
hold your hands; all of you, put up your swords; all of you, 
be quiet and listen to me, if any of you desire to continue 
alive.' That great and monstrous voice made them all stand 
still; thereupon he thus proceeded: 'Did not I tell you, sirs, 
that this castle was enchanted, and that some legion of devils 
did inhabit it? In confirmation whereof, I would have you 
but to note with your own eyes how the very discord of King 
Agramante's camp is transferred hither, and passed over 
among us. Look how there they fight for the sword, here 
for the horse, yonder for the eagle, beyond for the helmet; 
and all of us fight, and none of us know for what. Come 
therefore, you Master Justice, and you master curate, and 
let the one represent King Agramante, and the other King 
Scbrino, and make peace and atonement among us; for I 
swear by almighty Jove, that it is great wrong and pity that 
so many noblemen as we are here should be slain for so 
slight causes.' 

The troopers, which did not understand Don Quixote's 
manner of speech, and saw themselves very ill-handled by 
Don Fernando and Cardenio, would in no wise be pacified. 
But the barber was content, by reason that in the conflict 
both his beard and his pannel had been torn in pieces. Sancho 
to his master's voice was quickly obedient, as became a duti- 
ful servant. Don Louis his four serving-men stood also 


quiet, seeing how litde was gained in being other; only the 

innkeeper persisted as before, affirming that punishment 
was due unto the insolences of that madman, who every 
foot confounded and disquieted his inn. Finally, the ru- 
mour was pacified for that time; the pannel remained for 
a horse furniture until the day of judgment, the basin for 
a helmet, and the inn for a castle — in Don Quixote's im- 

All the broils being now appeased, and all men accorded 
by the judge's and curate's persuasions, then began Don 
Louis his servants again to urge him to depart with them, 
and whilst he and they debated the matter, the judge com- 
municated the whole to Don Fernando, Cardenio, and the 
curate, desiring to know their opinions concerning that af- 
fair, and telling them all that Don Louis had said to him; 
whereupon they agreed that Don Fernando should tell the 
serving-men what he himself was, and how it was his pleas- 
ure that Don Louis should go with him to Andalusia, where 
he should be cherished and accounted of by the marquis his 
brother, according unto his calling and deserts ; for he knew 
well Don Louis his resolution to be such, as he would not 
return into his father's presence at that time, although they 
tore him into pieces. Don Fernando his quality and Don 
Louis his intention being understood by the four, they agreed 
among themselves that three of them should go back to bear 
the tidings of all that had passed to his father, and the other 
should abide there to attend on him, and never to leave 
him until they returned to fetch him home, or knew what 
else his father would command : and in this sort was that 
monstrous bulk of division and contention reduced to some 
form by the authority of Agramante and the wisdom of King 

But the enemy of concord and the adversary of peace find- 
ing his projects to be thus illuded and condemned, and seeing 
the little fruit he had gotten by setting them all by the ears, 
resolved once again to try his wits, and stir up new discords 
and troubles, which befel in this manner. The troopers were 
quieted, having understood the calling of those with whom 
they had contended, and retired themselves from the brawl, 
knowing that howsoever the cause succeeded, they them- 


selves should have still the worst end of the staff. But one 
of them, who was the very same whom Don Fernando had 
buffeted so well, remembered how among many other war- 
rants that he had to apprehend malefactors, he had one for 
Don Quixote, whom the Holy Brotherhood had commanded 
to be apprehended for freeing of the galley slaves (a dis- 
aster which Sancho had beforehand with very great reason 
feared). As soon as he remembered it, he would needs try 
whether the signs that were given him of Don Quixote did 
agree with his person ; and so, taking out of his bosom a 
scroll of parchment wherein they were written, he presently 
found out that which he looked for; and, reading it a while 
very leisurely, as one that was himself no great clerk, at 
every other word he looked on Don Quixote, and confronted 
the marks of his warrant with those of Don Quixote's face, 
and found that he was infallibly the man that was therein 
mentioned. And scarce was he persuaded that it was he, 
when, folding up his parchment, and holding the warrant in 
his left hand, he laid hold on Don Quixote's collar with the 
right, so strongly as he could hardly breathe, and cried out 
aloud, saying, 'Aid for the Holy Brotherhood ! and that you 
may perceive how I am in good earnest, read that warrant, 
wherein you shall find that this robber by the highway side 
is to be apprehended.' The curate took the warrant, and per- 
ceived very well that the trooper said true, and that the 
marks agreed very near with Don Quixote's ; who, seeing 
himself so abused by that base rascal, as he accounted him, 
his choler being mounted to her height, and all the bones of 
his body crashing for wrath, he seized as well as he could 
with both his hands on the trooper's throat, and that in such 
sort as if he had not been speedily succoured by his fellows, 
he had there left his life ere Don Quixote would have 
abandoned his grip. 

The innkeeper, who of force was to assist his fellow in 
office, forthwith repaired unto his aid. The hostess, seeing 
her husband re-enter into contentions and brabbles, raised a 
new cry, whose burden was borne by her daughter and Mari- 
tornes, asking succour of Heaven and those that were pres- 
ent. Sancho, seeing all that passed, said, 'By the Lord, all 
that my master hath said of the enchantments of this castle 


is true; for it is not possible for a man to live quietly in it 
one hour together.' 

Don Fernando parted the trooper and Don Quixote, and, 
with the goodwill of both, unfastened their holds. But yet 
the troopers for all this desisted not to require their prisoner, 
and withal, that they should help to get him tied and abso- 
lutely rendered unto their wills; for so it was requisite for 
the King and the Holy Brotherhood, in whose name they 
did again demand their help and assistance for the arresting 
of that public robber and spoiler of people in common paths 
and highways. 

Don Quixote laughed to hear them speak so idly, as he im- 
agined, and said, with very great gravity, 'Come hither, you 
filthy, base extractions of the dunghill ! dare you term the 
loosening of the enchained, the freeing of prisoners, the as- 
sisting of the wretched, the raising of such as are fallen, and 
the supplying of those that are in want, — dare you, I say, 
term these things robbing on the highway? O infamous 
brood ! worthy, for your base and vile conceit, that Heaven 
should never communicate with you the valour included in 
the exercise of chivalry, we give you to understand the sin 
and error wherein you are, by not adoring the very shadow, 
how much more the assistance of a knight-errant? Come 
hither, O you that be no troopers, but thieves in troop, and 
robbers of highways by permission of the Holy Brotherhood ! 
come hither, I say, and tell me, who was that jolt-head that 
did subscribe or ratify a warrant for the attaching of such 
a knight as I am? Who was he that knows not how knights- 
errant are exempted from all tribunals? and how that their 
sword is the law, their valour the bench, and their wills the 
statutes of their courts? I say again, what madman was 
he that knows not how that no privilege of gentry enjoys 
so many pre-eminences, immunities, and exemptions as that 
which a knight-errant acquires the day wherein he is dubbed 
and undertakes the rigorous exercise of arms ? What knight- 
errant did ever pay tribute, subsidy, tallage, carriage, or pass- 
age over water? What tailor ever had money for making 
his clothes? What constable ever lodged him in castle, that 
made him after to pay for the shot? What king hath not 
placed him at his own table? What damsel hath not fallen 


in love with him, and permitted him to use her as he liked? 
And finally, what knight-errant was there ever, is, or ever 
shall be in the world, which hath not the courage himself 
alone to give four hundred blows with a cudgel to four hun- 
dred troopers that shall presume to stand before him in 
hostile manner?' 


In Which Is Finished the Notable Adventure of the 

Troopers^ and the Great Ferocity of Our Knight, 

Don Quixote, and How He Was Enchanted 

WHILST Don Quixote said this, the curate laboured 
to persuade the troopers how the knight was dis- 
tracted, as they themselves might collect by his 
works and words, and therefore it would be to no end 
to prosecute their design any further, seeing that al- 
though they did apprehend and carry him away he 
would be presently delivered again as a madman. To 
this, he that had the warrant made answer, that it 
concerned him not to determine whether he was mad 
or no, but only to obey and execute his superior's com- 
mand; and that being once prisoner, they might deliver him 
three hundred times and if it were their good pleasure. 'For 
all that,' quoth the curate, 'you may not carry him with you 
at this time ; nor, as I suppose, will he suffer himself to be 
taken.' To be brief, the curate said so much, and Don Qui- 
xote played so many mad pranks, as the troopers themselves 
would have proved greater fools than he if they had not 
manifestly discerned his defect of judgment; and therefore 
they held it to be the best course to let him alone, yea, and 
be compounders of peace and amity between Sancho Panza 
and the barber, which still continued their most rancorous 
and deadly contention. Finally, they, as the officers of jus- 
tice, did mediate the cause, and were arbiters thereof in such 
sort, as both the parties remained, though not wholly con- 
tented, yet in some sort satisfied, for they only made them 
exchange their pannels, but not their girths or headstalls. 

As touching Mambrino's helmet, the curate did unawar-es 
to Don Quixote give to the barber eight reals by it, and the 
barber gave back unto him an acquittance of the receipt 



thereof, an everlasting release of all actions concerning it. 
These two discords, which were the most principal and of 
most consequence, being thus accorded, it only rested that 
three of Don Louis his serving-men would be content to re- 
turn home, and leave the fourth to accompany his master 
whither Don Fernando pleased to carry him. And as good 
hap and better fortune had already begun to break lances, 
and facilitate difficulties, in the favour of the lovers and 
worthy persons of the inn, so did it resolve to proceed for- 
ward, and give a prosperous success unto all ; for the serving- 
men were content to do whatsoever their master would have 
them: whereat Donna Clara was so cheerful, as no one be- 
held her face in that season but might read therein the in- 
ward contentment of her mind. Zoraida, although she did 
not very well understand all the successes of the things she 
had seen, yet was she interchangeably grieved and cheered 
according to the shows made by the rest, but chiefly by her 
Spaniard, on whom her eyes were always fixed, and all the 
affects of her mind depended. The innkeeper, who did not 
forget the recompense made by the curate to the barber, de- 
manded of him Don Quixote's expenses, and satisfaction for 
the damage he had done to his wine-bags, and the loss of his 
wine, swearing that neither Rozinante nor Sancho his ass 
should depart out of the inn until he were paid the very last 
farthing. All was quietly ended by the curate ; and Don 
Fernando paid the whole sum, although the judge had also 
most liberally offered to do it; and all of them remained 
afterwards in such quietness and peace, as the inn did no 
longer resemble the discorded camp of Agramante, as Don 
Quixote termed it, but rather enjoyed the very peace and 
tranquillity of the Emperor Octavian'stime; for all which the 
common opinion was, that thanks were justly due to the sin- 
cere proceeding and great eloquence of master curate, and 
to the incomparable liberality and goodness of Don Fer- 
nando. Don Quixote, perceiving himself free, and delivered 
from so many difficulties and brabbles wherewithal as well 
he as his esquire had been perplexed, held it high time to 
j)rosecute his commenced voyage, and bring to an end the 
great adventure unto which he was called and chosen. 
Therefore, with resolute determination to depart, he went 
HC XIV — 16 


and cast himself on his knees before Dorothea, who, not 
permitting him to speak until he arose, he to obey her stood 
up, and said, 'It is a common proverb, beautiful lady, that 
"diligence is the mother of good hap"; and in many and 
grave affairs experience hath showed that the solicitude and 
sore of the suitor oft brings a doubtful matter to a certain 
and happy end; but this truth appears in nothing more 
clearly than in matters of war, wherein celerity and expedi- 
tion prevent the enemy's designs, and obtain the victory be- 
fore an adversary can put himself in defence. All this I say, 
high and worthy lady, because it seems to me that our abode 
in this castle is nothing profitable, and may therewithal turn 
so far to our hindrance as we may palpably feel it one day; 
for who knows but that your enemy, the giant, hath learned 
by spies, or other secret intelligence and means, how I mean 
to come and destroy him, and (opportunity favouring his de- 
signs) that he may have fortified himself in some inex- 
pugnable castle or fortress, against the strength whereof 
neither mine industry nor the force of mine invincible arm 
can much prevail. Wherefore, dear lady, let us prevent, as I 
have said, by our diligence, and let us presently depart unto 
the place whereunto we are called by our good fortune, which 
shall be deferred no longer than I am absent from your high- 
ness's foe.' Here he held his peace, and did expect, with 
great gravity, the beautiful princess's answer, who, with 
debonnaire countenance, and a style accommodated unto Don 
Quixote, returned him this answer : 'I do gratify and thank, 
sir l;night, the desire you show to assist me in this my great 
need, which denotes very clearly the great care you have 
to favour orphans and distressed wights; and I beseech God 
that your good desires and mine may be accomplished, to the 
end that you may see how there are some thankful women 
on earth. As touching my departure, let it be forthwith, for 
I have none other will than that which is yours; therefore 
you may dispose of me at your own pleasure ; for she that 
hath once committed the defence of her person unto you, and 
hath put into your hands the restitution of her estate, ought 
not to seek to do any other thing than that which your wis- 
dom shall ordain.' 'In the name of God,' quoth Don Quixote, 
'seeing that your highness doth so humble yourself unto me, 


I will not lose the occasion of exalting it, and installing it 
again in the throne of your inheritance. Let our departure 
be incontinent ; for my desires, and the way, and that which 
they call the danger that is in delay, do spur me on. And 
seeing that Heaven never created, nor hell ever beheld, any 
man that could affright me or make a coward of me, go 
therefore, Sancho, and saddle R.ozinante, and empannel thine 
ass, and make ready the queen's palfrey, and let us take 
leave of the constable and those other lords, and depart 
away from hence instantly.' 

Then Sancho, who was present at all this, wagging of his 
head, said, 'O my lord, my lord ! how much more knavery 
(be it spoken with the pardon of all honest kerchiefs) is 
there in the little village than is talked of !' 'What ill can 
there be in any village, or in all the- cities of the world, able 
to impair my credit, thou villain?' 'If thou be angry,' quoth 
Sancho, 'I will hold my tongue, and omit to say that which, 
by the duty of a good squire and of an honest servant, I am 
bound to tell you.' 'Say what thou wilt,' quoth Don Quixote, 
'so thy words be not addressed to make me afraid; for if 
thou beest frighted, thou dost only like thyself; and if I be 
devoid of terror, I also do that which I ought.' 'It is not 
that which I mean,' quoth Sancho, 'but that I do hold, for 
most sure and certain, that this lady which calls herself queen 
of the great kingdom of Micomicon, is no more a queen than 
my mother; for if she were what she says, she would not, 
at every corner and at every turning of a hand, be billing 
as she is with one that is in this good company.' Dorothea 
blushed at Sancho's words ; for it was true, indeed, that her 
spouse, Don Fernando, would now and then privately steal 
from her lips some part of the reward which his desires did 
merit (which Sancho espying, it seemed to him that that kind 
of wanton familiarity was mjore proper to courtesans than 
becoming the queen of so great a kingdom), and yet she 
neither could nor would reply unto him, but let him continue 
his speech, as followeth : ' This I do say, good my lord,' 
quoth he, 'to this end: that if, after we have run many ways 
and courses, and endured bad nights and worse days, he that 
is in this inn sporting himself, shall come to gather the fruit 
of our labours, there is no reason to hasten me thus to saddle 


Rozinante, or empannel the ass, or make ready the palfrey, 
seeing it would be better that we stayed still, and that every 
whore spun, and we fell to our victuals.' 

O God ! how great was the fury that inflamed Don Qui- 
xote when he heard his squire speak so respectlessly ! I say 
it was so great that, with a shaking voice, a faltering tongue, 
and the fire sparkling out of his eyes, he said, 'O villanous 
peasant ! rash, unmannerly, ignorant, rude, blasphemous, bold 
murmurer and detractor ! hast thou presumed to speak such 
words in my presence, and in that of these noble ladies? and 
hast thou dared to entertain such rash and dishonest sur- 
mises into thy confused imagination? Depart out of my 
sight, thou monster of nature, storehouse of untruths, ar- 
moury of falsehood, sink of roguery, inventor of villany, 
publisher of ravings, and the enemy of that decency which 
is to be used towards royal persons ! Away, villain ! and 
never appear before me, under pain of mine indignation !' 
And, saying so, he bended his brows, filled up his cheeks, 
looked about him on every side, and struck a great blow with 
his right foot on the ground — all manifest tokens of the rage 
which inwardly fretted him. At which words and furious 
gestures, poor Sancho remained so greatly affrighted, as he 
could have wished in that instant that the earth, opening 
under his feet, would swallow him up, and knew not what 
to do, but turn his back, and get him out of his lord's most 
furious presence. But the discreet Dorothoa, who was now 
so well schooled in Don Quixote's humour, to mitigate his 
ire, said unto him, 'Be not offended, good Sir Knight of the 
Sad Face, at the idle words which your good squire hath 
spoken; for perhaps he hath not said them without some 
ground; nor of his good understanding and Christian mind 
can it be suspected that he would wittingly slander or accuse 
anybody falsely; and therefore we must believe, without all 
doubt, that as in this castle, as you yourself have said, sir 
knight, all things are represented, and succeed by manner of 
enchantment; I say it might befall that Sancho may have 
seen, by diabolical illusion, that which he says he beheld, 
so much to the prejudice of my reputation.' 

'I vow by the omnipotent Jove,' quoth Don Quixote, 'that 
your highness hath hit the very prick, and that some wicked 


vision appeared to this sinner, my man Sancho, that made 
him to see that which otherwise were impossible to be seen 
by any other way than that of enchantment ; for I know very 
well the great goodness and simplicity of that poor wretch 
is such as he knows not how to invent a lie on anybody 
living.' 'It is even so, and so it shall be,' quoth Don Fer- 
nando; 'and therefore, good sir Don Quixote, you must 
pardon him, and reduce him again to the bosom of your good 
grace, sicut erat in principio, and before the like visions did 
distract his sense.' Don Quixote answered that he did will- 
ingly pardon him. And therefore the curate went for Sancho, 
who returned very humbly, and, kneeling down on his knees, 
demanded his lord's hand, which he gave unto him; and after 
that he had permitted him to kiss it, he gave him his blessing, 
saying, 'Now thou shalt finally know, Sancho, that which I 
have told thee divers times, how that all the things of this 
castle are made by way of enchantment.' 'So do I verily be- 
lieve,' said Sancho, 'except that of the canvassing in the 
blanket, which really succeeded by an ordinary and natural 
way.' 'Do not believe that,' said Don Quixote ; 'for if it 
were so, I would both then, and also now, have taken a dire 
revenge ; but neither then nor now could I ever see any on 
whom I might revenge that thine injury.' All of them de- 
sired greatly to know what that accident of the blanket was; 
and then the innkeeper recounted it, point by point, the flights 
that Sancho Panza made, whereat they all did laugh not a 
little ; and Sancho would have been ashamed no less, if his 
lord had not anew persuaded him that it was a mere en- 
chantment. And yet Sancho's madness was never so great 
as to believe that it was not a real truth verily befallen him, 
without any colour or mixture of fraud or illusion, but that 
he was tossed by persons of flesh, blood, and bone, and not 
by dreamed and imagined shadows or spirits, as his lord 
believed, and so constantly affirmed. 

Two days were now expired when all that noble company 
had sojourned in the inn ; and then, it seeming unto them 
high time to depart, they devised how, without putting Doro- 
thea and Don Fernando to the pains to turn back with Don 
Quixote to his village, under pretence of restoring the Queen 
Micomicona, the curate and barber might carry him back as 


they desired, and endeavour to have him cured of his folly 
in his own house. And their invention was this: they agreed 
with one, who by chance passed by that way with a team 
of oxen, to carry him in this order following: They made 
a thing like a cage, of timber, so big as that Don Quixote 
might sit or lie in it at his ease; and presently after, Don 
Fernando and his fellows, with Don Louis his servants, the 
troopers, and the innkeeper, did all of them, by master 
curate's direction, cover their faces, and disguise themselves, 
every one as he might best, so that they might seem to Don 
Quixote other people than such as he had seen in the castle. 
And this being done, they entered with very great silence into 
the place where he slept, and took his rest after the related 
conflicts ; and, approaching him who slept securely, not fear- 
ing any such accident, and laying hold on him very strongly, 
they tied his hands and his feet very strongly, so that when 
he started out of his sleep he could not stir himself, nor do 
any other thing than admire and wonder at those strange 
shapes that he saw standing before him; and presently he 
fell into the conceit which his continual and distracted imagi- 
nation had already suggested unto him, believing that all 
those strange figures were the spirits and shadows of that 
enchanted castle, and that he himself was now without doubt 
enchanted, seeing he could neither move nor defend himself. 
All this succeeded just as the curate, who plotted the jest, 
made full account it would. Only Sancho, among all those 
that were present, was in his right sense and shape; and al- 
though he wanted but little to be sick of his lord's disease, 
yet for all that he knew all those counterfeit ghosts; but he 
would not once unfold his lips, until he might see the end of 
that surprisal and imprisonment of his master ; who likewise 
spoke never a word, but only looked to see what would be 
the period of his disgrace; which was that, bringing him to 
the cage, they shut him within, and afterwards nailed the 
bars thereof so well as they could not be easily broken. They 
presently mounted him upon their shoulders ; and as he issued 
out at the chamber door, they heard as dreadful a voice as 
the barber could devise (not he of the pannel, but the other), 
which said, *0 Knight of the Sad Countenance ! be not 
grieved at the imprisonment whereinto thou art led : for so 


it must be, that thereby the adventure, into which thy great 
force and valour hath thrust thee, may be the more speedily 
ended; and ended it v^^ill be when the furious Manchegan lion 
and the white Tobosian dove shall be united in one; and 
after they have humbled their lofty crest unto the soft yoke 
of wedlock, from whose wonderful comfort shall issue to the 
light of the orb fierce whelps, which shall imitate the raunch- 
ing paws of their valorous father. And this shall be before 
the pursuer of the fugitive nymph do, with his swift and nat- 
ural course, make two turns in visitation of the glittering 
images. And thou, O the most noble and obedient squire that 
ever had sword at a girdle, beard on a face, or dent in a nose ! 
let it not dismay or discontent thee to see carried away before 
thy eyes the flower of all chivalry-errant; for very speedily, 
if it please the Framer of the world, thou shalt see thyself so 
exalted and ennobled as thou shalt scarce know thyself. Nor 
shalt thou be defrauded of the promises made unto thee by 
thy noble lord; and I do assure thee, from the wise Mentiro- 
niana, that thy wages shall be paid thee, as thou shalt quickly 
see in effect. And therefore follow the steps of the valbrous 
and enchanted knight ; for it is necessary that thou go to the 
place where you both shall stay. And because I am not per- 
mitted to say more, farewell ; for I do return, I well know 
whither.' Towards the end of this prophecy he lifted up his 
voice, and afterwards lessened it, with so slender an accent 
that even those which were acquainted with the jest almost 
believed what they had heard. 

Don Quixote was very much comforted by the prophecy; 
for he presently apprehended the whole sense thereof, and 
perceived how he was promised in marriage his beloved Dul- 
cinea of Toboso, from whose happy womb should sally the 
whelps, which were his sons, to the eternal glory of the 
Mancha. And, believing all this most firmly, he elevated his 
voice, and, breathing forth a great sigh, thus said: 'O thou, 
whatsoever thou beest, which hath prognosticated so great 
good to me, I desire thee to request, in my name, the wise 
man who hath charge to record mine acts, that he permit me 
not to perish in this prison, to which they now do carry me, 
before the accomplishment of so joyful and incomparable 
promises as now have been made unto me; for, so that this 


may befall, I will account the pains of my prison a glory, and 
the chains that environ me an ease ; and will not esteem this 
bed whereon I am laid a hard field of battle, but a soft tick 
and a most fortunate lodging. And, as concerning the con- 
solation of my squire Sancho Panza, I trust in his goodness 
and honest proceeding, that he will not abandon me in good 
or bad fortune ; for though it should fall out, through his or 
my hard hap, that I shall not be able to bestow on him an 
island, or other equivalent thing, as I have promised, his 
wages at least cannot be lost; for in my testament, which is 
made already, I have set down what he is to have, though not 
conformably to his many good services, yet according to my 
possibility.' Sancho Panza bowed his head with great rever- 
ence, and kissed both his hands, for one alone he could not, 
by reason they were bound together ; and presently those 
visions did lift up the cage and accommodate it on the team 
of oxen. 


Wherein Is Prosecuted the Manner of Don Quixote's 
Enchantment, with Other Famous Occurrences 

WHEN Don Quixote saw himself to be encaged after 
that manner, and placed in the cart, he said, 'I 
have read many and very grave histories of 
knights-errant, but I never read, saw, nor heard that they 
were wont to carry knights-errant enchanted after this 
manner, and with the leisure that those slothful and heavy 
beasts do threaten ; for they were ever accustomed to be 
carried in the air with wonderful speed, shut in some dusky 
and obscure cloud, or in some fiery chariot, or on some hip- 
pogriff, or some other such like beast; but that they carry 
me now on a team of oxen, I protest it drives me into a great 
amazement; but perhaps both chivalry, and the enchantments 
of these our times, do follow a course different from those 
of former ages; and peradventure it may also be, that as I 
am a new knight in the world, and the first that hath again 
revived the now neglected and forgotten exercise of arms, so 
have they also newly invented other kinds of enchant- 
ments, and other manners of carrying away enchanted 
knights. What dost thou think of this, son Sancho?' 'I 
know not,' quoth Sancho, 'what to think, because I am not 
so well seen in scriptures-errant as you are; but for all this 
I durst affirm and swear, that these visions which go up and 
down in this place are not altogether catholic' 'Catholics ! 
my father !' quoth Don Quixote ; 'how can they be catholics, 
when they be all devils, which have assumed phantastical 
bodies to come and put me into this state? And if thou wilt 
prove the truth hereof, do but touch and feel them, and thou 
shalt find them to have no bodies but of air, and that they 
consist of nothing but an outward appearance.' 'Now, by my 
faith, sir,' quoth Sancho, 'I have already touched them, and 



find this devil that goeth there so busily up and down, both 
plump and soft-fleshed; and that he hath besides another 
property very different from that which I have heard say 
devils have; for it is said that they smell all of brimstone and 
other filthy things, but one may feel, at least half a league 
off, the amber that this devil smells of.' Sancho spoke this 
of Don Fernando, who belike, as lords of his rank are wont, 
had his attire perfumed with amber. 

'Marvel not thereat, friend Sancho,' quoth Don Quixote; 
'for the devils are very crafty, and although they bring 
smells or perfumes about them, yet they themselves smell 
nothing, because they are spirits; or if they do smell aught, 
it is not good, but evil and stinking savours: the reason is, 
for that as they do always bear, wheresoever they be, their 
hell about them, and can receive no kind of ease of their 
torments, and good smells be things that delight and please, 
it is not possible that they can smell any good thing; and if 
it seem to thee that that devil whom thou dost mention smells 
of amber, either thou art deceived, or he would deceive thee, 
by making thee to think that he is no devil.' All these dis- 
courses passed between the master and the man, the whilst 
Don Fernando and Cardenio, fearing lest Sancho should find 
out the deceit whereto he was already come very near, re- 
solved to hasten the knight's departure; and therefore, call- 
ing the innkeeper aside, they commanded him to saddle 
Rozinante, and empannel Sancho's beast, which he did with 
all expedition. And the curate agreed with the troopers for 
so much a day, to accompany him unto his village. Cardenio 
hanged, at the pommel of Rozinante's saddle, the target on 
the one side, and on the other the basin; and by signs he 
commanded Sancho to get up on his ass, and to lead Rozi- 
nante along by the bridle, and afterwards placed on either 
side of the cart two troopers, with their firelocks. 

But before the cart departed, the hostess, her daughter, 
and Maritornes came out to bid Don Quixote farewell, feign- 
ing that they wept for sorrow of his disaster; to whom Don 
Quixote said, 'My good ladies, do not weep; for all these 
mischances are incident to those which profess that which I 
do, and if these calamities had not befallen me, I would never 
have a.ccounted myself for a famous knight-errant; for the 


like chances never happen to knights of Httle name or re- 
nown, because there [is] none in the world that makes any 
mention of them; but they often befall to the valorous, who 
have emulators of their virtue and valour, both many princes 
and many other knights, that strive by indirect means to de- 
stroy them. But for all that, virtue is so potent, as by herself 
alone, in spite of all the necromancy that ever the first in- 
ventor thereof, Zoroaster, knew, she will come off victorious 
from every danger, and will shine in the world as the sun 
doth in heaven. Pardon me, fair ladies, if by any careless- 
ness I have done you any displeasure, for with my will and 
knowledge I never wronged any. And pray unto God for 
me, that he will please to deliver me out of this prison, 
whereinto some ill-meaning enchanter hath thrust me; for 
if I once may see myself at liberty again, I will never forget 
the favours which you have done me in this castle, but greatly 
acknowledge and recompense them as they deserve.' Whilst 
the ladies of the castle were thus entertained by Don Quixote, 
the curate and barber took leave of Don Fernando and his 
companions, of the captain and his brother, and of all the 
contented ladies, especially of Dorothea and Lucinda. All 
of them embraced, and promised to acquaint one another 
with their succeeding fortunes ; Don Fernando entreating the 
curate to write unto him what became of Don Quixote, as- 
suring him that no affair he could inform him of should 
please him better than that, and that he would, in lieu 
thereof, acquaint him with all occurrences which he thought 
would delight him, either concerning his own marriage or 
Zoraida's baptism, or the success of Don Louis, and Lucinda's 
return into her house. 

The curate offered willingly to accomplish to a hair all 
that he had commanded him ; and so they returned once again 
to embrace one another, and to renew their mutual and com- 
plimentary offers. The innkeeper came also to the curate, 
and gave him certain papers, saying that he had found them 
within one of the linings of the wallet wherein the Tale of 
the Curious-Impertinent was had, and that, since the owner 
did not return to fetch it, he bade him take them all with 
him; for, seeing he could not read, he would keep them no 
longer. Master curate yielded him many thanks; and then. 


opening them, found in the beginning thereof these words, 
The Tale of Riconete and Cortadillo, by which he under- 
stood that it was some history, and collected that it must be 
a good one, seeing that of the Curious-Impertinent, contrived 
perhaps by the same author, had proved so well; and there- 
fore he laid it up, with an intention to read it as soon as he 
had opportunity. Then he mounted on horseback with his 
friend the barber; and both of them, putting on their masks, 
that they might not quickly be known by Don Quixote, they 
travelled after the team, which held on in this order : first 
went the cart, guided by the carter; on both sides thereof 
the troopers rode, with their firelocks; then followed Sancho 
upon his ass, leading Rozinante by the bridle ; and last of all 
came the curate and barber, upon their mighty mules, and 
with their faces covered; all in a grave posture, and with 
an alderman-like pace, and travelling no faster than the slow 
steps of the heavy oxen permitted them. Don Quixote sat 
with his hands tied, his legs stretched out, and leaning against 
the bar of the cage, with such a silence and patience as he 
rather seemed a statue than a man. In this quiet and leis- 
urely manner they travelled for the space of two leagues, 
when, arriving to a valley, it seemed to their conductor a fit 
place to repose and bait his oxen ; and, acquainting the curate 
with his purpose, the barber was of opinion that they should 
yet go on a little farther, because he knew that there lay 
behind a little mountain, which was within their view, a 
certain vale, much better furnished with grass than that 
wherein he meant to abide. The barber's opinion was al- 
lowed; and therefore they continued on their travel: when 
the curate, looking by chance behind him, saw coming after 
them six or seven men on horseback, and very well appointed, 
who quickly got ground of them; for they came not the lazy 
and phlegmatic pace of oxen, but as men that were mounted 
on canons' mules, and pricked forward with a desire to pass 
over the heat of the day in their inn, which was not much 
more than a league from thence. Finally, those diligent trav- 
ellers overtook our slothful ones, and saluted them courte- 
ously; and one of them, that was a canon of Toledo and 
master of the rest, noting the orderly procession of the cart, 
troopers, Sancho, Rozinante, the curate and barber, but 


chiefly the encaged Don Quixote, he could not forbear to 
demand what meant the carriage of that man in so strange 
a manner, although he did already conjecture, by observa- 
tion of the troopers, that he was some notable robber, or 
other delinquent, the punishment of whom belonged to the 
Holy Brotherhood. One of the troopers, to whom the de- 
mand was made, did answer in this manner: 'Sir, we know 
not wherefore this knight is carried in this form; and there- 
fore let he himself, who best may, tell you the reason 

Don Quixote had overheard their discourse, and said, 'If, 
gentlemen, you be conversant and skilful in matters of chiv- 
alry, I will communicate my misfortunes with you ; but if you 
be not, I have no reason to trouble myself to recount them.' 
The curate and barber, seeing the travellers in talk with Don 
Quixote, drew near to make answer for him in such sort 
that their invention might not be discovered ; the whilst the 
canon replied to the knight, and said, 'Truly, brother, I am 
better acquainted with books of knighthood than with Villal- 
pando's Logic; and therefore, if all the difficulty rest only in 
that, you may safely communicate whatsoever you will with 
me.' 'A God's name be it,' quoth Don Quixote; 'you shall 
therefore understand, sir knight, that I am carried away 
enchanted in this cage, through the envy and fraud of wicked 
magicians; for virtue is much more persecuted of the wicked 
than honoured of the good. I am a knight-errant; but none 
of those whose names are not recorded in the books of fame, 
but one of those who, in despite of envy itself, and of all the 
magicians of Persia, the Brahmins of India, or of the Gym- 
nosophists of Ethiopia, shall hang his name in the temple of 
eternity, that it may serve as a model and pattern to ensuing 
ages, wherein knights-errant may view the steps which they 
are to follow, if they mean to aspire to the top and honour- 
able height of arms.' 'The knight Sir Don Quixote saith 
true,' quoth the curate, speaking to the travellers, 'that he 
is carried away in this chariot enchanted, not through his 
own default or sins, but through the malignant treachery oi 
those to whom virtue is loathsome and valour odious. This 
is, good sir, the Knight of the Sad Countenance (if you have 
at any time heard speak of him), whose valorous acts shall 


remain ensculped in stubborn brass and time-surviving 
marble, though envy and malice do labour never so much 
to obscure them.' 

When the canon heard the imprisoned man and the three 
speak thus in one tenor, he was about to bless himself for 
wonder, and could not conjecture what had befallen him; and 
into no less admiration were they brought that came with 
him. But Sancho Panza having in the meantime approached 
to hear their speech, to plaster up the matter, added: 'Now, 
sirs, whether you will love me well or ill for what I shall say, 
the very truth of the matter is, that my lord, Don Quixote, 
is as much enchanted as my mother, and no more; for his 
judgment is yet whole and sound — he eats and drinks, and 
doth his necessities as other men do, and as he himself did 
yesterday and other days before they encaged him: all which 
being so, how can you make me believe that he goeth en- 
chanted? for I have heard many persons avouch that en- 
chanted persons neither eat, nor drink, nor speak; and yet, 
my lord, if he be not thwarted, will talk more than twenty 
barristers.' And then, turning towards the curate, he said, 
'O master curate, master curate, do you think that I do not 
know you? And think you that I do not suppose, yea, and 
presage whereto these new enchantments are addressed? 
Well, know then that I know you well, although you cover 
your face never so much, and that I understand your mean- 
ing, how deeply soever you smother your drifts. But in fine, 
where emulation and en\'y reign, virtue cannot live; where 
pinching sways, liberality goes by. A pox take the devil ! 
for, but for your reverence, my lord had e'er this time been 
wedded to the Princess Micomicona, and I myself had been 
created an earl at least; for no less might be expected either 
from the bounty of my lord or the greatness of my deserts. 
But now I perceive that to be true which is commonly said, 
" that the wheel of fortune turns about more swiftly than that 
of a mill," and that they which were yesterday on the top 
thereof, lie to-day all along on the ground. I am chiefly 
grieved for my wife and children ; for whereas they ought 
and might hope to see their father come in at his gates made 
a governor or viceroy of some isle or kingdom, they shall 
now see him return unto them no better than a poor horse- 


boy. All which I have urged so much, master curate, only to 
intimate to your paternity how you ought to have remorse, 
and make a scruple of conscience, of treating my dear lord 
as you do; and look to it well, that God do not one day de- 
mand at your hands, in the other life, amends for the prison 
whereinto you carry him, and that you be not answerable for 
all the succours and good deeds which he would have afforded 
the world in this time of his captivity.' 

'Snuff me those candles,' quoth the barber, hearing him 
speak so. 'What, Sancho ! art thou also of thy master's fra- 
ternity? I swear by the Lord, I begin to see that thou art 
very like to keep him company in the cage, and that thou 
shalt be as deeply enchanted as he, for the portion which 
thou hast of humour and chivalry. Thou wast in an ill hour 
begotten with child by his promises, and in a worse did the 
isle, which thou so greatly longest for, sink into thy pate.' 
*I am not with child by anybody,' said Sancho; 'nor am I a 
man of humour, to let anybody get me with child, no, though 
it were the king himself; and although I be poor, yet am I 
a Christian, and owe nothing to any one; and if I desire 
islands, others there are that desire worse things, and every 
one is the son of his own works ; and under the name of 
a man I may become pope, how much more the governor of 
an island, and chiefly seeing my lord may gain so many as 
he may want men to bestow them on? And therefore, master 
barber, you should take heed how you speak; for all consists 
not in trimming of beards; and there is some difference be- 
tween Peter and Peter. I say it, because all of us know one 
another, and no man shall unperceived put a false dye upon 
me. As concerning my lord's enchantment, God knows the 
truth ; and therefore let it rest as it is, seeing it is the worse 
for the stirring in.' The barber would not reply unto Sancho, 
lest that, with his simplicities, he should discover what the 
curate and himself did labour so much to conceal. And the 
curate, doubting the same, had entreated the canon to prick' 
on a little forward, and he would unfold to him the mystery 
of the encaged knight, with other matters of delight. The 
canon did so, and, taking his men along with them, was very 
attentive to all that he rehearsed of the condition, life, mad- 
ness, and fashion of Don Quixote. There did he briefly ac- 


quaint him with the original cause of his distraction, and all 
the progress of his adventures, until his shutting up in that 
cage; and their own design in carrying him home to his 
country, to try whether they might by any means find out a 
remedy for his frenzy. The canon and his men again ad- 
mired to hear so strange a history as that of Don Quixote; 
and as soon as the curate had ended his relation, the canon 

'Verily, master curate, I do find by experience that those 
books which are instituted of chivalry or knighthood are 
very prejudicial to well-governed commonwealths ; and al- 
though, borne away by an idle and curious desire, I have 
read the beginning of almost as many as are imprinted of 
that subject, yet could I never endure myself to finish and 
read any one of them through; for methinks that somewhat, 
more or less, they all import one thing, and this hath no more 
than that, nor the other more than his fellow. And in mine 
opinion, this kind of writing and invention falls within the 
compass of the fables called Milesiae, which are wandering 
and idle tales, whose only scope is delight, and not instruc- 
tion ; quite contrary to the project of those called Fahulae 
ApoJogae, which delight and instruct together. And though 
that the principal end of such books be recreation, yet cannot 
I perceive how they can yield it, seeing they be forced with 
so many and so proportionless untruths; for the delight that 
the mind conceives must proceed from the beauty and con- 
formity which it sees or contemplates in such things as the 
sight or imagination represents unto it, and all things that 
are deformed and discordant must produce the contrary 
effect. Now, then, what beauty can there be, or what pro- 
portion between the parts and the whole, or the whole and 
the parts, in a book or fable wherein a youth of sixteen years 
of age gives a blow to a giant as great as a tower, and with 
that blow divides him in two as easily as if he were a pellet 
of sugar? And when they describe a battle, after that they 
have told us how there were at least a million of men on 
the adverse side, yet if the knight of the book be against 
them, we must of force, and whether we will or no, under- 
stand that the said knight obtained the victory through 
the invincible strength of his arm. What, then, shall 


we say of the facility wherewithal the inheritrix of a king- 
dom or empire falls between the arms of those errant and 
unknown knights? What understanding, if it be not alto- 
gether barren or barbarous, can delight itself, reading how 
a great tower full of knights doth pass through the sea as 
fast as a ship with the most prosperous wind? and that 
going to bed a man is in Lombardy, and the next morning 
finds himself in Prester John's country, among the Indians, 
or in some other region which never was discovered by 
Ptolemy, nor seen by Marco Polo? And if I should be an- 
swered, that the inventors of such books do write them as 
fables, and therefore are not bound unto any respect of cir- 
cumstances or observation of truth, I would reply, that an 
untruth is so much the more pleasing by how much the 
nearer it resembles a truth, and so much the more grateful 
by how much the more it is doubtful and possible ; for ly- 
ing fables must be suited unto the reader's understanding, 
and so written as that, facilitating impossible things, level- 
ling untrue things, and holding the mind in suspense, they 
may ravish a more delight, and entertain such manners, as 
pleasure and wonder mey step by step walk together : all 
which things he that writes not likelihoods shall never bG 
able to perform. And as touching imitation (wherein con- 
sists the perfection of that which is written), I have not 
seen in any books of knighthood an entire bulk of a fable 
so proportioned in all the members thereof, as that the 
middle may answer the beginning, and the end the beginning 
and middle ; but rather they have composed them of so many 
members, as it more probably seems that the authors in- 
tended to frame chimeras or monsters than to deliver pro- 
portionate figures, most harsh in their style, incredible in 
exploits, impudent in love matters, absurd in compliments, 
prolix in battles, fond in drscourses, uncertain and senseless 
in voyages; and finally, devoid of all discretion, art, and in- 
genious disposition: and therefore they deserve, as most idle 
and frivolous things, to be banished out of all Christian 

Master curate did listen to the canon with very great at- 
tention ; and he seemed unto him to be a man of good under- 
standing, and that he had great reason for what he had al- 


leged; and therefore said that in respect they did concur in 
opinions, and that he had an old grudge to the vanity of 
such books, he had Hkewise fired all Don Quixote's library, 
consisting of many books of that subject. And then he re- 
counted to him the search and inquisition he had made of 
them; and which he had condemned, and which reserved: 
whereat the canon laughed heartily, and said that, 'notwith- 
standing all the evil he had spoken of such books, yet did 
he find one good in them, to wit, the subject they offered 
a good wit to work upon and show itself in them; for they 
displayed a large and open plain, through which the pen 
might run without let or encumbrances, describing of ship- 
wrecks, tempests, encounters, and battles ; delineating a valor- 
ous captain with all the properties required in him — as 
wisdom to frustrate the designs of his enemy, eloquence to 
persuade or dissuade his soldiers, ripeness in advice, prompt- 
ness in execution, as much valour in attending as in assault- 
ing of an enemy ; deciphering now a lamentable and tragical 
success, then a joyful and unexpected event; there a most 
beautiful, honest, and discreet lady, here a valiant, courte- 
ous, and Christian knight; there an unmeasureable, barba- 
rous braggart, here a gentle, valorous, and wise prince ; 
representing the goodness and loyalty of subjects, the magnif- 
icence and bounty of lords. Sometimes he may show him- 
self an astrologer, sometimes a cosmographer, sometimes a 
musician, sometimes a statist, and sometimes, if he please, he 
may have occasion to show himself a necromancer. There 
may he demonstrate the subtlety of Ulysses, the piety of 
Aeneas, the valour of Achilles, the misfortunes of Hector, 
the treachery of Sinon, the amity of Euryalus, the liberality 
of Alexander, the resolution of Caesar, the clemency and 
truth of Trajan, the fidelity of Zopyrus, the prudence of 
Cato, and finally, all those parts that make a worthy man per- 
fect; one whiles by placing them all in one subject, another 
by distributing them among many; and this being done, and 
set out in a pleasing style and a witty fashion, that ap- 
proacheth as near as is possible unto the truth, will ques- 
tionless remain a work of many fair drafts, which being 
accomplished will represent such beauty and perfection as 
shall fully attain to the best end aimed at in all writing; that 


is, as I have said, jointly to instruct and delight: for the ir- 
regularity and liberality of those books give[s] to the author 
the means to show himself an epic, lyric, tragedian, and 
comedian, with all other things which the most graceful and 
pleasant sciences of poetry and oratory include in them- 
selves; for epics may be as well written in prose as in 


Wherein the Canon Prosecutes His Discourse Upon 

Books of Chivalry, and Many Other Things 

Worthy of His Wit 

* r^ IR, you say very true/ quoth the curate; 'and for this 
^^ very reason are they which have hitherto invented 
^"^ such books the more worthy of reprehension, because 
they neither heeded the good discourse, the art, nor the rules 
by which they might have guided themselves, and by that 
means have grown as famous for their prose as be the two 
princes of the Greek and Latin poetry for their verse.' 'I 
have, for my part,' quoth the canon, 'at least attempted to 
write a book of chivalry, observing therein all the points by 
me mentioned; and in truth I have written above a hundred 
sheets thereof; and to the end that I might try whether they 
were correspondent to my estimation, I did communicate 
them both with certain skilful and wise men, that are mar- 
vellously affected to that subject, and with some ignorant 
persons that only delight to hear fanatical inventions, and 
I have found in them all a great approbation of my la- 
bours; yet would I not for all that prosecute the work, as 
well because it seemed unfit for my profession, as also 
because I find the number of the ignorant to exceed 
that of the judicious ; and though more good come to a man 
by the praise of a few wise men, than hurt by the scoffs of 
a number of fools, yet would I not willingly subject myself 
to the confused judgment of the senseless vulgar, who com- 
monly give themselves most unto the reading of such books. 
But that which most of all rid my hands, yea, and my 
memory, of all desire to end it, was this argument, drawn 
from our modern comedies, and thus made to myself: If 
those (as well the fictions as historical ones) are all, or 
the most part of them, notorious fopperies, and things with- 



out either head or foot, and yet are by the vulgar heard with 
such delight, and held and approved for good; and both the 
authors that compose them, and actors that represent them, 
say that they must be such as they be for to please the 
people's humours, and not more conformable to reason or 
truth ; and that because those wherein decorum is observed, 
and the fable followed according to the rules of art, serve 
only for three or four discreet men (if so many may be 
found at a play) which do attend unto them, and all the 
rest of the auditors remain fasting, by reason they cannot 
conceive the artificial contexture thereof; therefore it is 
better for them to gain good money and means by many 
than bare opinion or applause by a few. The very same 
would be the end of my book, after I had used all possible 
industry to observe the aforesaid precept; and I should re- 
main only for a need, and as the tailor that dwells in a 
corner, without trade or estimation. 

'And although I have sundry times endeavoured to per- 
suade the players that their opinion was erroneous herein, 
and that they would attract more people and acquire greater 
fame by acting artificial comedies than those irregular and 
methodical plays then used, yet are they so wedded to their 
opinion, as no reason can woo nor demonstration win them 
from it. I remember how, dealing upon a day with one of 
those obstinate fellows, I said unto him, "Do not you re- 
member how a few years ago were represented in Spain 
three tragedies, written by a famous poet of our kingdom, 
which were such as delighted, yea, and amazed all the au- 
ditors, as well the learned as the simple, the exact as the 
slight ones, and that the players got more by those three 
alone than by thirty of the best that were penned or acted 
since that time," "You mean, without question," quoth the 
actor, answering me, "Isabella, Phyllis, and Alexandra." 
"The very same," quoth I; ''and note whether in them were 
not rfghtly observed all the rules and precepts of art; and 
yet thereby they neither wanted any part of their dignity nor 
the approbation of all the world ; so that I infer the fault not 
to be in the vulgar that covet idle toys, but rather in those 
which know not how to pen or act any other thing ; for no 
such fond stuff was in the comedy of Ingratitude Revenged, 


nor found in Numantia, nor perceived in that of The Amor- 
ous Merchant, and much less in The Favourable Enemy, 
nor in some others made by judicious poets, which both 
redounded to their infinite fame and renown, and yielded 
unto these actors abundant gain." To these I added other 
reasons, wherewith I left him, in mine opinion, somewhat 
perplexed, but not satisfied, or desirous to forego his er- 
roneous opinion.' 

'Truly, master canon,' quoth the curate, 'you have touched 
a matter that hath roused an ancient rancour and heart- 
burning of mine against the comedies now in request, the 
which is equal to the grudge that I bear to books of knight- 
hood; for, seeing the comedy, as Tully affirms, ought to be 
a mirror of man's life, a pattern of manners, and an image 
of truth, those that are now exhibited are mirrors of vanity, 
patterns of folly, and images of voluptuousness. For what 
greater absurdity can be in such a subject, than to see a 
child come out in the first scene of the first act in his swad- 
dling clouts, and issue in the second already grown a man, 
yea, a bearded man? And what greater vanity than to 
present before us a valiant old man and a young coward? 
a layman become a divine? a page a councillor? a king a 
scoundrel? a princess a scour-kettle? What should I say of 
the little care had of the due observation of time for the 
succeeding of that they represent, other than that I myself 
have seen comedies whose first act began in Europe, the sec- 
ond in Asia, and the third ended in Africa; and truly, if 
there had been a fourth, it would questionless have finished 
in America, and by consequence, we should have seen a 
round walk about the four parts of the world. And feign- 
ing an exploit performed in the time of King Pepin or of 
Charlemagne, they make the principal actors thereof either 
Heraclius the emperor that entered into Jerusalem bearing 
of the holy cross, or Godfrey of Bouillon that recovered 
the Holy Land; many years, yea, and ages having occurred 
between the times of the one and the other : yea, and the 
comedy being grounded on a fiction, to attribute unto it the 
verities of a history, and mingle it and patch it up with 
pieces of others having relation to different persons and 
times; and this with no plausible invention, or draft resem- 


bling the truth, but rather with palpable, gross, and inex- 
cusable errors. And which is worse, some gulls are found to 
affirm that all perfection consists herein, and that they are 
too dainty that look for any other. 

'Now, if we would pass further, to examine the divine 
comedies that treat of God, or the lives of saints, what a 
multitude of false miracles do the composers devise ! what 
a bulk of matters apocryphal and ill-understood, attributing 
to one saint the miracles done by another; yea, and in hu- 
man comedies they presume to do miracles (without further 
respect or consideration but that such a miracle or show, 
as they term it, would do well in such a place), to the end 
that the ignorant folk may admire them, and come the more 
willingly to them: all which doth prejudice truth, discredit 
histories, and turn to the disgrace of our Spanish wits; for 
strangers which do with much punctuality observe the 
method of comedies, hold us to be rude and ignorant, when 
they see such follies and absurdities escape us; and it will 
be no sufficient excuse for this error to say that the prin- 
cipal end of well-governed commonwealths, in the permit- 
ting of comedies, is only to entertain the commonalty with 
some honest pastime, and thereby divert the exorbitant and 
vicious humours which idleness is wont to engender; and 
seeing that this end is attained to by whatsoever comedies, 
good or bad, it were to no purpose to appoint any laws or 
limits unto them, or to tie the composers to frame, or actors 
to play them, as they should do : for hereunto I answer, 
that this end would, without all comparison, be compassed 
better by good comedies than by evil ones ; for the auditor 
having heard an artificial and well-ordered comedy, would 
come away delighted with the jests and instructed by the 
truths thereof, wondering at the successes, grow discreeler 
by the reasons, warned by the deceits, become wise by 
others' example, incensed against vice, and enamoured of 
virtue: all which affects a good comedy should stir up in 
the hearer's mind, were h*e never so gross or clownish. And 
it is of all impossibilities the most impossible, that a comedy 
consisting of all these parts should not entertain, delight, 
satisfy, and content the mind much more than another that 
should be defective in any of them, as most of our nowaday 


comedies be. Nor are the poets that pen them chiefly to be 
blamed for this abuse; for some of them know very well 
where the error lurks, and know also as well how to redress 
it; but because that comedies are become a vendible mer- 
chandise, they affirm, and therein tell the plain truth, that 
the players would not buy them if they were of any other 
than the accustomed kind; and therefore the poet endeavours 
to accommodate himself to the humour of the player who is 
to pay him for his labour. And that this is the truth may 
be gathered by an infinite number of comedies, which a most 
happy wit of this kingdom hath composed with such delicacy, 
so many good jests, so elegant a verse, so excellent reasons, 
so grave sentences, and finally, with so much eloquence 
and such a loftiness of style, as he hath filled the world with 
his ^ame ; and yet by reason that he was forced to accom- 
modate himself to the actors, all of them have not arrived 
to the height of perfection which art requires. Others there 
are that write without any judgment, and with so little 
heed of what they do, as after their works have been once 
acted, the players are constrained to run away and hide 
themselves, fearing to be punished, as often they have been 
for acting things obnoxious to the prince, or scandalous to 
some families. 

'All which inconveniences might be redressed if there were 
some understanding and discreet person ordained at the court 
to examine all comedies before they were acted, and that not 
only such as were played at the court itself, but also all 
others that were to be acted throughout Spain, without 
whose allowance, under his hand and seal, the magistrate 
of no town should permit any comedy to be played ; by which 
means the players would diligently send their plays to the 
court, and might boldly afterwards act them, and the com- 
posers would, with more care and study, examine their la- 
bours, knowing that they should pass the strict censure of 
him that could understand them; and by this means would 
good comedies be written, and the thing intended by them 
most easily attained to, viz. entertainment of the people, the 
good opinion of Spanish wits, the profit and security of the 
players, and the saving of the care that is now employed in 
chastising their rashness. And if the same charge were 


given to this man, or to some other, to examine the books of 
knighthood which should be made hereafter, some of them 
doubtless would be put forth adorned with that perfection 
whereof you spoke but now, enriching our language with 
the pleasing and precious treasure of eloquence, and being 
an occasion that the old books would become obscure in 
the bright presence of those new ones published, for the 
honest recreation not only of the idler sort, but also of those 
that have more serious occupations; for it is not possible 
for the bow to continue still bent, nor can our human and 
frail nature sustain itself long without some help of lawful 

The canon and curate had arrived to this point of their 
discourse, when the barber, spurring on and overtaking them, 
said to the curate, 'This is the place I lately told you was 
fit to pass over the heat of the day in, while the oxen baited 
amidst the fresh and abundant pastures.' 'It likes me very 
well,' quoth the curate ; and telling the canon what he meant 
to do, he also was pleased to remain with them, as well in- 
vited by the prospect of a beautiful valley which offered 
itself to their view, as also to enjoy the curate's conversation, 
towards whom he began to bear a marvellous affection; and 
lastly, with the desires he had to be thoroughly acquainted 
with Don Quixote's adventures. Therefore he gave order 
to some of his men that they should ride to the inn, which 
was hard by, and bring from thence what meat they could 
find, sufficient to satisfy them all, because he meant likewise 
to pass the hot time of the day in that place. To which one 
of his men did answer, that their sumpter mule was by that 
time, as he thought, in the inn, so copiously furnished with 
provision of meat, that, as he supposed, they needed not buy 
anything there but barley for their mules. 'If it be so,' 
quoth the canon, 'let our mules be carried thither, and the 
sumpter one returned hither.' 

Whilst this passed, SancKo, being free from the continual 
presence of the curate and barber, whom he held as sus- 
pected persons, thought It a fit time to speak with his lord, 
and therefore drew near to the cage wherein he sat, and 
said to him in this manner: 'Sir, that I may discharge my 
conscience, I will reveal unto you all that hath passed in 


this affair of your enchantment, which briefly is, that those 
two which ride with their faces covered, are the curate 
of our village and the barber, and as I imagine they both 
are the plotters of this your kind of carrying away, for mere 
emulation that they see you surpass them both in achieving 
of famous acts: this truth being presupposed, it follows that 
you are not enchanted, but beguiled and made a fool ; for 
the proof whereof I will but demand of you one question, 
and if you do answer me according to my expectation, as 
I believe you will, you shall feel the deceit with your own 
hands, and perceive how you are not enchanted, but rather 
have your wits turned upside-down.' 

'Son Sancho, demand what thou wilt,' quoth Don Quixote, 
'and I will satisfy thee, and answer directly to thy desire; 
but as touching thy averment that those which go along 
with us be the curate and barber, our gossips and old ac- 
quaintance, it may well befall that they seem to be such, 
but that they are so really, and in effect, I would not have 
thee believe in any manner ; for that which thou art to be- 
lieve and shouldst understand in this matter is, that if they 
be like those our friends, as thou sayst, it must needs be 
that those which have enchanted me have assumed their 
semblance and likeness (for it is an easy thing for magicians 
to put on any shape they please) thereby to give thee occa- 
sion to think that which thou dost, to drive thee into such 
a labyrinth of imaginations as thou shalt not afterwards 
know how to sally out, although thou hadst the assistance 
of Theseus' clue ; and withal to make me waver in mine un- 
derstanding, to the end I may not conjecture from whence 
this charm is derived unto me; for if thou on the one side 
dost affirm that the barber and curate of our village do ac- 
company me, and I on the other side find myself encaged, 
and am so assured of mine own force that no human 
strength, be it not supernatural, is able thus to encage me, 
what wouldst thou have me to say or think, but that the 
manner of mine enchantment exceeds as many as ever I read 
throughout all the histories entreating of knights-errant 
which have been enchanted? Wherefore thou mayst very 
well appease and quiet thyself in that point of believing them 
to be those thou sayst ; for they are those as much as I am a 


Turk; and, as touching thy desire to demand somewhat of 
me, speak; for I will answer thee, although thou puttest me 
questions until to-morrow morning.' 

'Our Lady assist me !' quoth Sancho, as loud as he could, 
'and is it possible that you are so brain-sick and hard- 
headed as you cannot perceive that I affirm the very pure 
truth, and that malice hath a greater stroke in this your dis- 
grace and employment than any enchantments ? But seeing 
it is so, I will prove evidently that you are not enchanted; 
if not, tell me, as God shall deliver you out of this tempest, 
and as you shall see yourself, when you least think of it, in 
my Lady Dulcinea's arms — ' 'Make an end of conjuring 
me,' said Don Quixote, 'and ask me what question thou wilt ; 
for I have already told thee that I will answer with all punc- 
tuality.' 'That is it I demand,' quoth Sancho ; 'and the thing 
I would know is, that you tell me, without adding or dimin- 
ishing aught, but with all truth used or looked for of all 
those which profess the exercise of arms as you do, under 
the title of knights-errant.' 'I say,' answered Don Quixote, 
'that I will not lie a jot; make therefore a beginning or an 
end of these demands, for in good sooth thou dost weary 
me with so many salutations, petitions, and preventions.' 
Sancho replied, 'I say that I am secure of the bounty and 
truth of my lord; and therefore, because it makes to the 
purpose in our affair, I do, with all respect, demand whether 
your worship, since your encagement and, as you imagine, 
enchantment in that coop, have not had a desire to make 
greater or less water, as men are wont to say?' 'I do not 
understand, good Sancho, that phrase of making water; and 
therefore explicate thyself, if thou wouldst have me to an- 
swer thee directly.' 'And is it possible,' replied he, 'that your 
worship understands not what it is to make great or little 
waters? then go to some school and learn it of the boys, 
and know that I would say, "Have you had a desire to do 
that which cannot be undofte?"' 'Oh, now, now I under- 
stand thee, Sancho. Yes, very many times; yea, and even 
now I have. Wherefore* I pray thee, deliver me from the 
extremity thereof; for I promise thee I am not altogether 
so clean as I would be.' 


Wherein the Discreet Discourse That Passed Between 

Sancho Panza and His Lord Don Quixote 

Is Expressed 

' ~1 TA,' quoth Sancho, 'have I caught you at last? This 
I I is that which I desired to know, as much as my soul 
-■- J^ or life. Come now, sir, and tell me, can you deny 
that which is wont to be said, when a body is ill-disposed, 
*T know not what ails such a one; for he neither eats nor 
drinks nor sleeps, nor answers directly to that which is de- 
manded him, so as it seems that he is enchanted"? By which 
may be collected, that such as neither eat, drink, sleep, nor 
do the other natural things you wot of, are enchanted; but 
not those which have a desire as you have, and eat meat 
when they get it, and drink drink when it is given them, and 
answer to all that is propounded unto them.' 'Thou sayst 
true, Sancho,' quoth Don Quixote; 'but I have told thee al- 
ready that there are divers sorts of enchantments, and per- 
haps they change with the times from one kind into another, 
and that now the enchanted use to do all that which I do, 
although they did not so in times past; and therefore there 
is no disputing or drawing of conclusions against the customs 
of the time. I know, and do verily persuade myself, that 
I am enchanted, and that is sufficient for the discharge of my 
conscience, which would be greatly burdened if I thought 
that I were not enchanted, and yet permitted myself to be 
borne away in this cage idly, and like a coward withholding 
the succour I might give to many distressed and needy 
persons, which even at this hour be like enough to have 
extreme want of mine aid and assistance.' 'Yet say I, not- 
withstanding,' replied Sancho, 'that for more abundant satis- 
faction, your worship might do well to attempt the getting 
out of this prison, the which I do oblige myself with all my 



power to facilitate, yea, and to get out, and then you may 
recount eftsoons on the good Rozinante, who also seems en- 
chanted, so sad and melancholy he goes. And this being 
done, we may again essay the fortune of seeking adventures, 
which, if it have no good success, we have time enough to 
return to our cage; wherein I promise, by the faith of a 
good and loyal squire, to shut up myself together with you, 
if you shall prove so unfortunate, or I so foolish, as not 
to bring our designs to a good issue.* *I am content to do 
what thou sayst, brother Sancho,' replied Don Quixote; 'and 
when thou seest opportunity offered to free me, I will be 
ruled by thee in everything; but yet thou shalt see how far 
thou art over-wrought in the knowledge thou wilt seem to 
have of my disgrace.' 

The knight-errant and the ill-errant squire beguiled the 
time in those discourses, until they arrived to the place where 
the canon, curate, and barber expected them. And then, 
Sancho alighting, and helping to take down the cage, the 
wainman unyoked his oxen, permitting them to take the 
benefit of pasture in that green and pleasant valley, whose 
verdure invited not such to enjoy it as were enchanted like 
Don Quixote, but rather such heedful and discreet persons 
as was his man, who entreated the curate to license his lord 
to come out but a little while, for otherwise the prison would 
not be so cleanly as the presence of so worthy a knight as 
his lord was required. The curate understood his meaning, 
and answered that he would satisfy his requests very will- 
ingly, but that he feared when he saw himself at liberty, 
he would play them some prank or other, and go whither no- 
body should ever set eye on him after. T will be his surety 
that he shall not fly away,' quoth Sancho. 'And I also, 
quoth the canon, 'if he will but promise me, as he is a knight, 
that he will not depart from us without our consent.' *I 
give my word that I will not„' quoth Don Quixote, who heard 
all that they had said, 'and the rather because that en- 
chanted bodies have not free will to dispose of themselves as 
they list; for he that enchanted them may make them un- 
able to stir from one place in three days; and if they make 
an escape, he can compel them to return flying; and there- 
fore, since it was so, they might securely set him at liberty. 


especially seeing it would redound so much to all their bene- 
fits; for if they did not free him, or get farther off, he pro- 
tested that he could not forbear to offend their noses.' The 
canon took his hand (although it were bound), and [Don 
Quixote promised by] his faith and word that he would not 
depart, and then they gave him liberty; whereat he in- 
finitely rejoiced, especially seeing himself out of the cage. 
The first thing that he did after was to stretch all his body, 
and then he went towards Rozinante, and, striking him twice 
or thrice on the buttocks, he said, 'I hope yet in God and 
His blessed mother, O flower and mirror of horses ! that 
we two shall see ourselves very soon in that state which our 
hearts desire ; thou with thy lord on thy back, and I mounted 
on thee, and exercising the function for which God sent 
me into this world.' And, saying so, Don Quixote with his 
squire Sancho retired himself somewhat from the company, 
and came back soon after a little more lightened, but greatly 
desiring to execute his squire's designs. 

The canon beheld him very earnestly, and with admira- 
tion, wondering to see the strangeness of his fond humour, 
and how that he showed, in whatsoever he uttered, a very 
good understanding, and only left the stirrups (as is said 
before) when any mention was made of chivalry; and there- 
fore, moved to compassion, after they were all laid down 
along upon the grass, expecting their dinner, he said unto 
him, 'Gentleman, is it possible that the idle and unsavoury 
lecture of books of knighthood hath so much distracted your 
wit as thus to believe that you are carried away enchanted, 
with other things of that kind, as much wide from truth 
as untruths can be from verity itself? Or how is it pos- 
sible that any human understanding can frame itself to be- 
lieve that in this world there have been such an infinity of 
Amadises, such a crew of famous knights, so many emperors 
of Trapisonda, such a number of Felixmartes of Hircania; 
so many palfreys, damsels-errant, serpents, robbers, giants, 
battles, unheard-of adventures, sundry kinds of enchant- 
ments, such immeasureable encounters, such bravery of ap- 
parel, such a multitude of enamoured and valiant princesses, 
so many squires, earls, witty dwarfs, viragoes, love-letters, 
amorous dalliances; and finally, so many, so unreasonable, 


and impossible adventures as are contained in the books of 
knighthood ? 

'Thus much I dare avouch of myself, that vi^hen I read 
them, as long as I do not think that they are all but toys and 
untruths, they delight me ; but when I ponder seriously what 
they are, I throw the very best of them against the walls, 
yea, and would throw them into the fire if they were near 
me, or in my hands, having well deserved that severity, as 
false impostors and seducers of common sense, as broachers 
of new sects and of uncouth courses of life, as those that 
give occasion to the ignorant vulgar to believe in such ex- 
orbitant untruths as are contained in them; yea, and are 
withal so presumptuous, as to dare to confound the wits of 
the most discreet and best descended gentlemen; as we may 
clearly perceive by that they have done to yourself, whom 
they have brought to such terms as it is necessary to shut 
you up in a cage and carry you on a team of oxen, even 
as one carries a lion or tiger from place to place, to gain 
a living by the showing of him. Therefore, good Sir Don 
Quixote, take compassion of yourself, and return into the 
bosom of discretion, and learn to employ the most happy 
talent of understanding and abundance of wit, wherewith 
bountiful Heaven hath enriched you, to some other course 
of study, which may redound to the profit of your soul; and 
advancement of your credit and estate. And if, borne away 
by your natural disposition, you will yet persist in the read- 
ing of warlike and knightly discourses, read in the Holy 
Scripture the Acts of Judges, for there you shall find sur- 
passing feats and deeds, as true as valorous. Portugal had 
a Viriathus; Rome a Caesar; Carthage a Hannibal; Greece 
an Alexander; Castile an Earl Fernan Gonzalez; Valencia a 
Cid ; Andalusia a Gonzalo Hernandez ; Estremadura a Diego 
Garcia de Paredes ; Xerez a Garcia Perez de Vargas ; Toledo 
a Garcilaso de la Vega ; Seville a Don Manuel de Leon : 
the discourses of whose valorous acts may entertain, teach, 
delight, and make to wonder the most sublime wit that 
shall read them. Yea, this were indeed a study fit for your 
sharp understanding, my dear Sir Don Quixote, for by this 
you should become learned in histories, enamoured of vir- 
tue, instructed in goodness, bettered in manners, valiant 


without rashness, bold without cowardice; and all this to 
God's honour, your own profit, and renown of the Mancha, 
from whence, as I have learned, you deduce your beginning 
and progeny.' 

Don Quixote listened with all attention unto the canon's 
admonition, and perceiving that he was come to an end of 
them, after he had looked upon him a good while he said, 
'Methinks, gentleman, that the scope of your discourse hath 
been addressed to persuade me that there never were any 
knights-errant in the world, and that all the books of chivalry 
are false, lying, hurtful, and unprofitable to the common- 
wealth, and that I have done ill to read them, worse to be- 
lieve in them, and worst of all to follow them, by having 
thus taken on me the most austere profession of wandering 
knighthood, whereof they entreat; denying, moreover, that 
there were ever any Amadises, either of Gaul or Greece; or 
any of all the other knights wherewith such books are 

'All is just as you have said,' quoth the canon: whereto 
Don Quixote replied thus, 'You also added, that such books 
had done me much hurt, seeing they had turned my judg- 
ment, and immured me up in this cage, and that it were 
better for me to make some amendment, and alter my study, 
reading other that are more authentic, and delight and in- 
struct much better.' 

'It is very true,' answered the canon. 

'Why, then,' quoth Don Quixote, 'I find, by mine accounts, 
that the enchanted and senseless man is yourself, seeing you 
have bent yourself to speak so many blasphemies against a 
thing so true, so current, and of such request in the world, 
as he that should deny it, as you do, merits the same pun- 
ishment which as you say you give to those books when the 
reading thereof offends you ; for to go about to make men 
believe that Amadis never lived, nor any other of those 
knights wherewith histories are fully replenished, would be 
none other than to persuade them that the sun lightens not, 
the earth sustains not, nor the ice makes anything cold. See 
what wit is there in the world so profound, that can induce 
another to believe that the history of Guy of Burgundy and 
the Princes Floripes was not true? Nor that of Fierabras, 


with the Bridge of Mantible, which befel in Charlemagne's 
time, and is, I swear, as true as that it is day at this instant? 
And if it be a lie, so must it be also that ever there was an 
Hector, Achilles, or the war of Troy; the Twelve Peers of 
France; or King Arthur of Britain, who goes yet about the 
world in the shape of a crow, and is every foot expected in 
his kingdom. And they will as well presume to say that the 
History of Guarino Mezquino and of the quest of the Holy 
San Greal be lies; and that for the love between Sir Tris- 
tram and La Bella Ysoude, and between Queen Guenevor 
and Sir Lancelot Dulake, we have no sufficient authority; 
and yet there be certain persons alive which almost remember 
that they have seen the Lady Queintanonina, who was one 
of the best skinkers of wine that ever Great Britain had; 
and this is so certain, as I remember that one of my grand- 
mothers of my father's side was wont to say unto me, when 
she saw my matron, with a long and reverend kerchief or 
veil, "My boy, that woman resembles very much Lady 
Queintanonina." From which I argue, that either she knew 
her herself, or at the least had seen some portraiture of hers. 
Who can, moreover, deny the certainty of the history of 
Peter of Provence and the beautiful Magalona, seeing that, 
until this very day, one may behold, in the king's armoury, 
the pin wherewith he guided and turned anyway he listed 
the horse of wood whereupon he rode through the air, which 
pin is a little bigger than the thill of a cart ; and near unto 
it is also seen Babieca his saddle ; and in Roncesvalles there 
yet hangs Orlando's horn, which is as big as a very great 
joist, whence is inferred that there were Twelve Peers, that 
there was a Pierres of Provence, that also there were Cids, 
and other such knights as those which the world terms ad- 
venturers. If not, let them also tell me, that the valiant 
Lusitanian, John de Melo, was no knight-errant, who went 
to Burgundy, and in the city of Ras fought with the famous 
lord of Charni, called Mosen Pierres, and after with Mosen 
Henry of Ramestan, in the city of Basilea, and bore away 
the victory in both the conflicts, to his eternal fame ; and 
that there was no such curres as the adventures and single 
combats begun and ended in Burgundy by the valiant Span- 
iards, Pedro Garba and Guttierre Quixada (from whom I 

HC XIV — 17 


myself am lineally descended), who overcame the Earl of 
Saint Paul's sons. They may also aver unto me that Don 
Fernando de Guevarra w^ent not to seek adventures in Ger- 
many, where he fought with Micer George, a knight of the 
Duke of Austria his house. Let them likewise affirm that 
Suero de Quinonnes of the Pass his jousts were but jests; 
as also the enterprise of Mosen Louis de Falses against Don 
Gonzalo de Guzman, a gentleman of Castile, with many 
other renowned acts, done as well by Christian knights of 
this kingdom as of other foreign lands, which are all so 
authentic and true, as that I am compelled to reiterate what 
I said before, which is, that whosoever denies them is de- 
fective of reason and good discourse.' 

Full of admiration remained the good canon to hear the 
composition and medley that Don Quixote made of truths and 
fictions together, and at the great notice he had of all things 
that might anyway concern his knighthood-errant; and there- 
fore he shaped him this answer : T cannot deny, Sir Don 
Quixote, but that some part of that which you have said is 
true, especially touching those Spanish adventurers of whom 
you have spoken, and will likewise grant you that there were 
Twelve Peers of France, but I will not believe that they 
have accomplished all that which the Archbishop Turpin 
hath left written of them; for the bare truth of the affair 
is, that they were certain noblemen chosen out by the kings 
of France, whom they called peers, because they were all 
equal in valour, quality, and worth; or if they were not, it 
was at least presumed that they were ; and they were not 
much unlike the military orders of Saint James or Cala- 
trava, were in request, wherein is presupposed that such as 
are of the profession are, or ought to be, valorous and well- 
descended gentlemen : and as now they say a knight of Saint 
John or Alcantara, so in those times they said a knight of 
the Twelve Peers, because they were twelve equals, chosen to 
be of that military order. That there was a Cid and a 
Bernard of Carpio is also doubtless; that they have done 
the acts recounted of them I believe there is very great 
cause to doubt. As touching the pin of the good Earl 
Pierres, and that it is by Babieca his saddle in the king's 
armoury, I confess that my sin hath made me so ignorant 


or blind, that although I have viewed the saddle very well, 
yet could I never get a sight of that pin, how great soever 
you affirm it to be.' 

'Well, it is there without question,' quoth Don Quixote; 
'and for the greater confirmation thereof, they say it is 
laid up in a case of neat's leather to keep it from rusting.' 
'That may very well so be,' said the canon; 'yet by the or- 
ders that I have received, I do not remember that ever I 
saw it: and although I should grant it to be there, yet do 
I not therefore oblige myself to believe the histories of all 
the Amadises, nor those of the other rabblement of knights 
which books do mention unto us; nor is it reason that so 
honourable a man, adorned with so ma.y good parts and 
endowed with such a wit as you are, should believe that so 
many and so strange follies as are written in the raving 
books of chivalry can be true.' 


Of the Discreet Contention Between Don Quixote and 
THE Canon, With Other Accidents 

* r I ^HAT were a jest indeed,' quoth Don Quixote, 'that 
I books which are printed with the king's licence and 
-*- approbation of those to whom their examination was 
committed, and that are read with universal delight and ac- 
ceptance, and celebrated by great and little, rich and poor, 
learned and ignorant, plebeians and gentlemen, and finally, 
by all kind of persons of what state or condition soever, 
should be so lying and fabulous, specially seeing they have 
such probability of truth, seeing they describe unto us the 
father, mother, country, kinsfolk, age, town, and acts of 
such a knight or knights, and that so exactly, point by 
point, and day by day. Hold your peace, and never speak 
again such a blasphemy, and believe me ; for I do sincerely 
counsel you, what you, as a discreet man, ought to do herein ; 
and if not, read them but once, and you shall see what 
delight you shall receive thereby : if not, tell me, what 
greater pleasure can there be than to behold, as one would 
say, even here and before our eyes, a great lake of pitch 
boiling hot, and many serpents, snakes, lizards, and other 
kinds of cruel and dreadful beasts swimming athwart it, 
and in every part of it, and that there issues out of the lake 
a most lamentable voice, saying, "O thou knight, whatso- 
ever thou art, which dost behold the fearful lake, if thou 
desirest to obtain the good concealed under these horrid 
and black waters, show the valour of thy strong breast, 
and throw thyself into the midst of this sable and inflamed 
liquor; for if thou dost not so, thou shalt not be worthy 
to discover the great wonders hidden in the seven castles 
of the seven fates, which are seated under these gloomy 
waves" : and that scarce hath the knight heard the fearful 

5] 8 


voice, when, without entering into any new discourses, or 
once considering the danger whereinto he thrusts himself, 
yea, or easing himself of the weight of his ponderous 
armour, but only commending himself unto God and his 
lady mistress, he plunges into the midst of that burning 
puddle, and when he neither cares nor knows what may 
befall him, he finds himself in the midst of flourishing fields, 
with which the very Elysian plains can in no sort be com- 
pared. There it seems to him that the element is more 
transparent, and that the sun shines with a clearer light 
than in our orb; there offers itself to his greedy and curi- 
ous eye a most pleasing forest, replenished with so green 
and wellspread trees as the verdure thereof both joys and 
quickens the sight, whilst the ears are entertained by the 
harmonious though artless songs of infinite and enamelled 
birds, which traverse the intricate boughs of that shady habi- 
tation ; here he discovers a small stream, whose fresh waters, 
resembling liquid crystal, slide over the small sands and 
white little stones, resembling sifted gold wherein oriental 
pearls are enchased ; there he discerns an artificial fountain, 
wrought of motley jasper and smooth marble; and hard by 
it another, rudely and negligently framed, wherein the sun- 
dry cockleshells, with the wreathed white and yellow houses 
of the periwinkle and snail intermingled, and placed after a 
disorderly manner (having now and then pieces of clear 
crystal and counterfeit emeralds mingled among them), do 
make a work of so graceful variety as art imitating nature 
doth herein seem to surpass her. 

'Suddenly he discovers a strong castle or goodly palace, 
whose walls are of beaten gold, the pinnacles of diamonds, 
the gates of jacinths; finally, it is of so exquisite workman- 
ship, as although the materials whereof it is built are no 
worse than diamonds, carbuncles, rubies, emeralds, pearls, 
and gold, yet is the architecture thereof of more estimation 
and value than they; and is there any more to be seen, 
after the seeing hereof, than to see sally out at the castle 
gates a goodly troop of lovely damsels, whose brave and 
costly attire, if I should attempt to describe, as it is laid 
down in histories, we should never make an end? And she 
that seems the chiefest of all, to take presently our bold 


knight, that threw himself into the boiHng lake, by the hand, 
and carry him into the rich castle or palace without speak- 
ing a word, and cause him to strip himself as naked as he 
was when his mother bore him and bathe him in very tem- 
perate waters, and afterwards anoint him all over with preci- 
ous ointments, and put on him a shirt of most fine, odor- 
iferous, and perfumed sendall ; and then another damsel to 
come suddenly, and cast on his back a rich mantle, which 
they say is wont to be worth, at the very least, a rich city, 
yea, and more. Then what a sport it is, when they tell us 
after, that after this he is carried into another hall, where 
he finds the tables covered so orderly as he rests amazed ! 
what, to see cast on his hands water distilled all of amber, 
and most fragrant flowers ! what, to see him seated in a 
chair of ivory ! what, to see him served by all the damsels 
with marvellous silence ! what, the setting before him such 
variety of acates, and those so excellently dressed, as his 
appetite knows not to which of them it shall first address 
his hand ! what, to hear the music which sounds whilst he 
is at dinner, without knowing who makes it, or whence it 
comes ! And after that dinner is ended, and the tables taken 
away, the knight to remain leaning on a chair, and perhaps 
picking of his teeth, as the custom is, and on a sudden to 
enter at the hall door another much more beautiful damsel 
than any of the former, and to sit by his side, and begin 
to recount unto him what castle that is, and how she is 
enchanted therein, with many other things that amazed 
the knight and amazed the readers. I will not enlarge my- 
self any more in this matter, seeing that you may collect out 
of that which I have said, that any part that is read of any 
book of a knight-errant will delight and astonish him that 
shall peruse it with attention. And therefore, I pray you, 
believe me, and, as I have said already, read those kind of 
books, and you shall find that they will exile all the melan- 
choly that shall trouble you, and rectify your disposition, if 
by fortune it be depraved. For I dare affirm of myself, that 
since I am became a knight-errant, I am valiant, courteous, 
liberal, well-mannered, generous, gentle, bold, mild, patient, 
and an endurer of labours, imprisonments, and enchant- 
ments. And although it be but so little a while since I was 


shut up in a cage like a madman, yet do I hope, by the 
valour of mine arm (Heaven concurring, and fortune not 
crossing me), to see myself within a few days the king of 
some kingdoms, wherein I may show the bounty and liber- 
ality included within my breast; for in good truth, sir, a 
poor man is made unable to manifest the virtue of liberality 
toward any other, although he virtually possess it himself 
in a most eminent degree; and the will to gratify which, only 
consisting of will, is a dead thing, as faith without works. 
For which cause I do wish that fortune would quickly pre- 
sent me some occasion whereby I might make myself an 
emperor, that I may discover the desire I have to do good 
unto my friends, but especially to this my poor squire Sancho 
Panza, who is one of the honestest men in the world, on 
whom I would fain bestow the earldom which I promised 
him many days past, but that I fear me he will not be able 
to govern his estate.' 

Sancho, overhearing those last words of his master's, said, 
'Labour you, Sir Don Quixote, to get me that earldom as of- 
ten promised by you, as much longed for by me; and I prom- 
ise you that I will not want sufficiency to govern it; and 
though I should, yet have I heard say that there are men in 
the world who take lordships to farm, paying the lord so 
much by the year, and undertaking the care of the govern- 
ment thereof, whilst the lord himself, with outstretched legs, 
doth live at his ease, enjoying the rents they bring him, and 
caring for nothing else ; and so will I do, and will not stand 
racking it to the utmost, but presently desist from all ad- 
ministration, and live merrily upon my rent, like a young 
duke, and so let the world wag and go how it will.' 'That, 
friend Sancho, is to be understood,' quoth the canon, 'of 
enjoying the revenues; but as concerning the administration 
of justice, the lord of the seigniory is bound to look to it: 
in that is required a sufficiency and ability to govern, and 
above all a good intention to deal justly and determine 
rightly; for if this be wanting when we begin, our means and 
ends will always be subject to error; and therefore is God 
wont as well to further the good designs of the simple, as 
to disfavour the bad ones of those that be wittily wicked.' 

'I understand not those philosophies,' quoth Sancho Panza; 


'but this I know well, that I wovild I had as speedily the 
earldom as I could tell how to govern it; for I have as 
much soul as another, and as much body as he that hath 
most; and I would be as absolute a king in my estate as 
any one would be in his ; and being such, I would do what 
I liked; and doing what I liked, I would take my pleas- 
ure, and taking my pleasure, I would be content; and 
when one is content, he hath no more to desire; and 
having no more to desire, the matter were ended: and then, 
come the estate when it will, or farewell it, and let us be- 
hold ourselves, as one blind man said to another.' 'They are 
no bad philosophies which thou comest out with, kind 
Sancho,' quoth the canon; 'but yet for all that, there is 
much to be said concerning this matter of earldoms.' To 
that Don Quixote replied, 'I know not what more may be 
said, only I govern myself by the example of Amadis de 
Gaul, who made his squire earl of the Firm Island, and there- 
fore I may without scruple of conscience make Sancho 
Panza an earl ; for he is one of the best squires that ever 
knight-errant had.' The canon abode amazed at the well- 
compacted and orderly ravings of Don Quixote ; at the man- 
ner wherewith he had deciphered the adventure of the 
Knight of the Lake ; at the impression which his lying books 
had made into him ; and finally, he wondered at the sim- 
plicity of Sancho Panza, who so earnestly desired to be made 
earl of the county his lord had promised him. 

By this time the canon's serving-men, which had gone to 
the inn for the sumpter mule, were returned; and, making 
their table of a carpet and of the green grass of that meadow, 
they sat down under the shadow of the trees, and did eat 
there, to the end that the wainman might not lose the com- 
modity of the pasture, as we have said before. And as they 
sat at dinner, they suddenly heard the sound of a little bell 
issuing from among the briers and brambles that were at 
hand; and instantly after they saw come out of the thicket 
a very fair she-goat, whose hide was powdered all over with 
black, white, and brown spots: after her followed a goat- 
herd, crying unto her, and in his language bidding her stay 
or return to the fold ; but the fugitive goat, all affrighted and 
fearful, ran towards the company, and, as it were, seeking 


in her dumb manner to be protected, strayed near unto them. 
Then did the goatherd arrive; and, laying hold of her horns 
(as if she had been capable of his reprehension), said unto 
her, 'O ye wanton ape, ye spotted elf ! how come ye to halt 
with me of late days? What wolves do scare you, daughter? 
Will you not tell me, fair, what the matter is? But what 
can it be other than that you are a female, and therefore 
can never be quiet? A foul evil take your conditions, and all 
theirs whom you so much resemble ! Turn back, love, turn 
back; and though you be not so content withal, yet shall you 
at least be more safe in your own fold, and among the rest 
of your fellows; for if you that should guide and direct them 
go thus distracted and wandering, what then must they do? 
What will become of them?' 

The goatherd's words did not a little delight the hearers, 
but principally the canon, who said unto him, 'I pray thee, 
good fellow, take thy rest here a while, and do not hasten 
that goat so much to her fold ; for, seeing she is a female, 
as thou sayst, she will follow her natural instinct^ how much 
soever thou opposest thyself unto it. Take therefore that 
bit, and drink a draught wherewithal thou mayst temper 
thy choler, and the goat will rest her the whilst.' And, say- 
ing so, he gave him the hinder quarter of a cold rabbit; 
which he receiving, rendered him many thanks, and, drink- 
ing a draught of wine, did pacify himself, and said presently 
after, T would not have you, my masters, account me simple, 
although I spoke to this beast in so earnest a fashion ; for in 
truth the words which I used unto her were not without some 
mystery. I am indeed rustic, and yet not so much but that 
I know how to converse with men and with beasts.' T be- 
lieve that easily,' quoth the curate; 'for I know already, by 
experience, that the woods breed learned men, and sheep- 
cotes contain philosophers.' 'At the least, sir,' replied the 
goatherd, 'they have among them experienced men ; and that 
you may give the more credit to this truth, and, as it were, 
touch it with your own hands (although, till I be bidden, I 
may see'iTi to invite myself), I will, if you please to hear me 
but a while, relate unto you a very true accident, which shall 
make good what this gentleman' (pointing to the curate) 
'and myself have affirmed.' To this Don Quixote answered, 


'Because the case doth seem to have in it some shadow of 
knightly adventures I v^^ill, for my part, listen unto thee with 
a very good will : and I presume that all these gentlemen will 
do the like, so great is their discretion and desire to know 
any curious novelty which amaze, delight, and entertain the 
senses, as I do certainly believe thy history will. Therefore 
begin it, friend, and all of us will lend our ears unto it.' 'I 
except mine,' quoth Sancho; 'for I will go with this pasty 
unto that little stream, where I mean to fill myself for three 
days; for I have heard my lord Don Quixote say that a 
knight-errant's squire must eat when he can, and always as 
much as he can, because that oftentimes they enter by chance 
into some wood so intricate as they cannot get out of it again 
in five or six days, and if a man's paunch be not then well 
stuffed, or his wallet well stored, he may there remain, and 
be turned, as many times it happens, into mummy.' 

'Thou art in the right of it, Sancho,' quoth Don Quixote; 
'go, therefore, where thou wilt, and eat what thou mayst; 
for I am already satisfied, and only want refection for my 
mind, which now I will give it by listening to this good fel- 
low.' 'The same will we also give unto ours,' quoth the 
canon, who therewithal entreated the goatherd to keep 
promise, and begin his tale. Then he, stroking once or 
twice his pretty goat (which he yet held fast by the horns), 
said thus, 'Lie down, pied fool, by me; for we shall have 
time enough to return home again.' It seemed that the goat 
understood him; for as soon as her master sat down, she 
quietly stretched herself along by him, and, looking him in 
the face, did give to understand that she was attentive to 
what he was saying; and then he began his history in this 


Relating That Which the Goatherd Told to Those 
That Carried Away Don Quixote 

^f I ^HERE is a village distant some three leagues from this 
I valley, which, albeit it be little, is one of the richest of 
-L this commark: therein some time did dwell a wealthy 
farmer of good respect, and so good, as although reputation 
and riches are commonly joined together, yet that which he 
had was rather got him by his virtue than by any wealth he 
possessed ; but that which did most accumulate his happi- 
ness (as he himself was wont to say) was, that he had a 
daughter of so accomplished beauty, so rare discretion, come- 
liness, and virtue, that as many as knew and beheld her 
admired to see the passing endowments wherewith Heaven 
and nature had enriched her. Being a child she was fair; 
and, increasing daily in feature, she was at the age of six- 
teen most beautiful : the fame whereof extended itself over 
all the bordering villages. But why say I the bordering 
villages alone, if it spread itself over the furthest cities, 
yea, and entered into the king's palace, and into the ears 
of all kind of people, so that they came from all parts to 
behold her, as a rare thing and pattern of miracles? Her 
father did carefully keep her, and she likewise heeded her- 
self; for there is neither guard, lock, nor bolt able to keep 
a maiden better than is her own wariness and care. The 
wealth of the father and worth of the daughter moved 
divers, as well of his own village as strangers, to demand 
her to wife; but he (as one whom the disposal of so rich a 
jewel most nearly concerned) was much perplexed, and 
unable to determine on whom, among such an infinite num- 
ber of importunate wooers, he might bestow her. Among 
others that bore this goodwill towards her. I myself was 
one to whom they gave many and very great hopes of good 



success ; the knowledge that her father had of me, my birth 
in the same village, my descent honest, and blood untainted, 
flourishing in years, very rich in goods, and no less in gifts 
of the mind. Another of the same village and qualities was 
also a suitor unto her; which was an occasion to hold her 
in suspense, and put his will in the balance, deeming, as he 
did, that she might be bestowed on either of us two. And 
that he might be rid of that doubt, he resolved to tell it 
to Leandra (for so do they call the rich maid which hath 
brought me to extreme misery), noting discreetly that, see- 
ing we both were equals, it would not be amiss to leave 
in his dear daughter's power the making choice of whether 
she liked best: a thing worthy to be noted by all those par- 
ents that would have their children marry ; wherein my mean- 
ing is not that they should permit them to make a bad or a 
base choice, but that they propound certain good ones, and 
refer to their liking which of them they will take. I know 
not what was the liking of Leandra, but only know this 
that the father posted us off, by alleging the over-green years 
of his daughter, and using general terms, which neither 
obliged him nor discharged us. My rival was called An- 
selmo, and myself Eugenio, that you may also have some 
knowledge of the persons which were actors in this tragedy, 
whose conclusion is yet depending, but threatens much future 

About the very same time there arrived to our village 
one Vincent de la Rosa, son to a poor labourer of the same 
place, which Vincent returned as then from Italy and divers 
other countries, wherein he had been a soldier ; for, being 
of some twelve years of age, a certain captain, that with 
his company passed along by our village, did carry him away 
with him; and the youth, after a dozen years more, came 
back again attired like a soldier, and painted with a hundred 
colours, full of a thousand devices of crystal [and with] 
five steel chains. To-day he would put on some gay thing, 
the next day some other, but all of them slight, painted, 
and of little weight, less worth. The clownish people, which 
are naturally malicious, and if they have but ever so little 
idleness or leisure become malice itself, did note and reckon 
up all his braveries and jewels, and found that he had but 


three suits of apparel of different colours, with garters and 
stockings answerable to them; but he used so many dis- 
guisements, varieties, transformations, and inventions, which 
they, as if they had not counted them all, some one would 
have sworn that he had made show of more than ten suits 
of apparel, and more than twenty plumes of feathers ; and 
let not that which I tell you of the apparel be counted im- 
pertinent, or from the matter, for it makes a principal part 
in the history. He would sit on a bench that stood under a 
great poplar-tree in the midst of the market-place, and there 
would hold us all with gaping mouths, listening to the gal- 
lant adventures and resolute acts he recounted unto us. 
There was no land in all the world whose soil he had not 
trodden on, no battle wherein he had not been present; he 
had slain more Moors than the kingdoms of Morocco and 
Tunis contained, and undertaken more single combats, as 
he said, than ever did either Gante, Luna, or Diego Garcia 
de Paredes, and a thousand others whom he named ; and 
yet he still came away with the victory, without having ever 
left one drop of blood. On the other side, he would show 
us signs of wounds, which, although they could not be dis- 
cerned, yet would he persuade us that they were the marks 
of bullets which he received in divers skirmishes and wars. 
Finally, he would "thou" his equals, and those which knew 
him very well, with marvellous arrogancy ; and said that 
his arm was his father, his works his lineage, and that be- 
side his being a soldier he owed not a whit to the king. To 
these his arrogancies was annexed some superficial skill in 
music, for he could scratch a little on a gitern, and some' 
would say that he made it speak ; but his many graces made 
not a stop there, for he had likewise some shadows of poetry, 
and so would make a ballad of a league and a-half long upon 
every toy that happened in the village. 

'This soldier, therefore, whom I have deciphered, this 
Vincent of the Rose, this braggart, this musician, this poet, 
eyed and beheld many times by Leandra, from a certain 
window of her house that looked into the market-place; and 
the golden show of his attire enamoured her, and his ditties 
enchanted her; for he would give twenty copies of every 
one he composed. The report of his worthy acts, beauti- 


fied by himself, came also unto her ears; and finally (for 
so it is likely the devil had ordered the matter) she became 
in love v^rith him, before he presumed to think once of so- 
liciting her. And, as in love-adventures no one is accom- 
plished with more facility than that which is favoured by 
the woman's desire, Leandra and Vincent made a short and 
easy agreement; and ere any one of her suitors could once 
suspect her desires, she had fully satisfied them, abandoned 
her dear and loving father's house (for her mother lives 
not), and running away from the village with the soldier, 
who departed with more triumph from that enterprise than 
from all the others which he had arrogated to himself. The 
accident amazed all the town; yea, and all those to whom 
the rumour thereof arrived were astonished, Anselmo amazed, 
her father sorrowful, her kinsfolk ashamed, the ministers of 
justice careful, and the troopers ready to make pursuit. All 
the ways were laid, and the woods and every other place 
nearly searched; and at the end of three days they found the 
lustful Leandra hidden in a cave within a wood, naked in her 
smock, and despoiled of a great sum of money and many 
precious jewels which she had brought away with her. They 
returned her to her doleful father's presence, where, asking 
how she became so despoiled, she presently confessed that 
Vincent de la Rosa had deceived her; for, having passed 
his word to make her his wife, he persuaded her to leave 
her father's house, and made her believe that he would 
carry her to the richest and most delightful city of the 
world, which was Naples; and that she, through indiscre- 
tion and his fraud, had given credit to his words, and, rob- 
bing her father, stole away with him the very same night 
that she was missed; and that he carried her to a very 
rough thicket, and shut her up in that cave wherein they 
found her. She also recounted how the soldier, without 
touching her honour, had robbed her of all that she carried, 
and, leaving her in that cave, was fled away; which success 
struck us into greater admiration than all the rest, for we 
could hardly be induced to believe the young gallant's conti- 
nency; but she did so earnestly protest it as it did not a 
little comfort her comfortless father, who made no reckoning 
of the riches he had lost, seeing his daughter had yet reserved 


that jewel which, being once gone, could never again be 
recovered. The same day that Leandra appeared, she also 
vanished out of our sights, being conveyed away by her 
father, and shut up in a nunnery at a certain town not far 
off, hoping that time would illiterate some part of the bad 
opinion already conceived of his daughter's facility. Lean- 
dra her youth served to excuse her error, at least with those 
which gained nothing by her being good or ill; but such as 
knew her discretion and great wit did not attribute her sin 
to ignorance, but rather to her too much lightness, and the 
natural infirmity of that sex, which for the most part is in- 
considerate and slippery. Leandra being shut up, Anselmo's 
eyes lost their light, or at least beheld not anything that 
could delight them ; and mine remained in darkness without 
light that could address them to any pleasing object, in 
Leandra's absence. Our griefs increased, our patience di- 
minished; we cursed the soldier's ornaments, and abhorred 
her father's want of looking to her. To be brief, Anselmo 
and myself resolved to abandon the village and come to this 
valley, where, he feeding a great flock of sheep of his own, 
and I as copious a herd of goats of mine, we pass our lives 
among these trees, giving vent to our passions, either by 
singing together the beautiful Leandra's praises or dispraises, 
or by sighing alone, and alone communicating our quarrel- 
some complaints with Heaven. Many others of Leandra's 
suitors have since, by our example, come to these intricate 
woods, where they use our very exercise ; and they are so 
many as it seems that this place is converted into the pas- 
toral Arcadia; it is full of shepherds and sheepfolds, and 
there is no one part thereof wherein the name of the beauti- 
ful Leandra resoundeth not. There one doth curse hei", and 
termeth her humours inconstant and dishonest; another con- 
demns her of being so facile and light; some one absolves 
and pardons her ; another condemns and despises her, and 
celebrates her beauty ; another execrates her disposition ; and 
finally, all blame, but yet adore her; and the raving distrac- 
tion of them all doth so far extend itself, as some one com- 
plains of disdain that never spoke word unto her, and som.e 
one laments and feels the enraged fits of jealousy though 
she never ministered any occasion thereof; for, as I have 


said, her sin was known before her desires. There is no cleft 
of a rock, no bank of a stream, nor shadow of a tree, with- 
out some shepherd or other, that breathes out his misfortunes 
to the silent air. The echo repeats Leandra's name where- 
sover it can be formed; the woods resound Leandra; the 
brooks do murmur Leandra; and Leandra holds us all per- 
plexed and enchanted, hoping without hope, and fearing with- 
out knowledge what we fear. 

'And among all this flock of frantic men, none shows 
more or less judgment than my companion, Anselmo, who, 
having so many other titles under which he might plain 
him, only complains of absence, and doth to the sound of a 
rebec (which he handles admirably well) sing certain doleful 
verses, which fully discover the excellency of his conceit. 
I follow a more easy and, in mine opinion, a m.ore certain 
way — to wit, I rail on the lightness of women, on their in- 
constancy, double-dealing, dead promises, cracked trust, and 
the small discretion they show in placing of their affections; 
and this, sir, was the occasion of the words and reasons I 
lately used to this goat, whom I do esteem but little because 
she is a female, although she be otherwise the best of all my 
herd. And this is the history which I promised to tell you, 
wherein, if I have been prolix, I will be altogether as large 
in doing you any service ; for I have here at hand my cabin, 
and therein store of fresh milk and savoury cheese, with 
many sorts of excellent fruit, no less agreeable to the sight 
than pleasing to the taste.' 


Of the Falling Out of Don Quixote and the Goatherd; 
WITH THE Adventure of the Disciflinants, to Which 
THE Knight Gave End to His Cost 

THE goatherd's tale bred a general delight in all the 
hearers, but specially in the canon, who did exactly 
note the manner wherewithal he delivered it, as differ- 
ent from the style or discourse of a rude goatherd, and ap- 
proaching to the discretion of a perfect courtier; and there- 
fore he said that the curate had spoken very judiciously in 
affirming that the woods bred learned men. All of them 
made bountiful tenders of their friendship and service to 
Eugenio, but he that enlarged himself more than the rest 
was Don Quixote, who said unto him, 'Certes, friend goat- 
herd, if I were at this time able to undertake any adventure, 
I would presently set forward, and fall in hand with it to do 
you a good turn; and I would take Leandra out of the mon- 
astery (wherein, without doubt, she is restrained against her 
will), in despite of the lady abbess, and all those that should 
take her part; and would put her into your hands, to the 
end you might dispose of her at your pleasure, yet still ob- 
serving the laws of knighthood, which command that no 
man do any wrong and offer violence unto a damsel. Yet I 
hope in our Lord God, that the skill of a malicious enchanter 
shall not be of such force, but that the science of a better- 
meaning wizard shall prevail against him ; and whensoever 
that shall befall, I do promise you my help and favour, as I 
am bound, by my profession, which chiefly consists in as- 
sisting the weak and distressed.' 

The goatherd beheld him, and, seeing the knight so ill 
arrayed, and of so evil-favoured a countenance, he wondered, 
and questioned the barber, who sat near to him, thus : T 
pray you, sir, who is this man of so strange a figure, and 



that speaks so oddly?' 'Who else should he be,' answered 
the barber, 'but the famous Don Quixote of the Mancha, 
the Tighter of wrongs, the redresser of injuries, the protector 
of damsels, the affrighter of giants, and the overcomer of 
battles ?' 

'That which you say of this man,' answered the goatherd, 
'is very like that which in books of chivalry is written of 
knights-errant, who did all those things which you apply to 
this man; and yet I believe that either you jest, or else that 
this gentleman's head is void of brains.' 

'Thou art a great villain,' said Don Quixote, 'and thou art 
he whose pate wants brains; for mine is fuller than the 
very, very whore's that bore thee' ; and, saying so, and 
snatching up a loaf of bread that stood by him, he raught 
the goatherd so furious a blow withal, as it beat his nose 
flat to his face; but the other, who was not acquainted with 
such jests, and saw how ill he was handled, without having 
respect to the carpet, napkins, or those that were eating, he 
leaped upon Don Quixote, and, taking hold of his collar 
with both the hands, would certainly have strangled him, if 
Sancho Panza had not arrived at that very instant, and, tak- 
ing him fast behind, had not thrown him back on the table, 
crushing dishes, breaking glasses, and shedding and over- 
throwing all that did lie upon it. Don Quixote, seeing him- 
self free, retu-ned to get upon the goatherd, who, all be- 
smeared with blood, and trampled to pieces under Sancho's 
feet, groped here and there, grovelling as he was, for some 
knife or other, to take a bloody revenge withal, but the canon 
and curate prevented his purpose ; and yet, by the barber's 
assistance, he got under him Don Quixote, on whom he 
rained such a shower of buffets, as he poured as much blood 
from the poor knight's face as had done from his own. The 
canon and curate were ready to burst for laughter; the 
troopers danced for sport; every one hissed, as men use to 
do when dogs fall out, and quarrel together; only Sancho 
Panza was wood, because he could not get from one of the 
canon's serving-men, who withheld him from going to help 
his master. In conclusion, all being very merry save the 
two buffetants, that tugged one another extremely, they heard 
the sound of a trumpet, so doleful as it made them turn their 


faces towards that part from whence it seemed to come. 
But he that was most troubled at the noise thereof was Don 
Quixote, who, although he was under the goatherd full sore 
against his will, and by him exceedingly bruised and bat- 
tered, yet said unto him, 'Brother devil (for it is impossible 
that thou canst be any other, seeing that thou hast had 
valour and strength to subject my forces), I pray thee, let 
us make truce for one only hour; for the dolorous sound of 
that trumpet, which toucheth our ears, doth, methinks, in- 
vite me to some new adventure.' The goatherd, who was 
weary of buffeting, and being beaten, left him off inconti- 
nently ; and Don Quixote stood up, and turned himself to- 
wards the place from whence he imagined the noise to pro- 
ceed; and presently he espied, descending from a certain 
height, many men apparelled in white, like disciplinants. The 
matter indeed was, that the clouds had that year denied to 
bestow their dew on the earth, and therefore they did insti- 
tute rogations, processions, and disciplines throughout all 
that country, to desire Almighty God to open the hands of 
His mercy, and to bestow some rain upon them ; and to this 
effect, the people of a village near unto that place, came in 
procession to a devout hermitage, built upon one of the hills 
that environed that valley. 

Don Quixote, noting the strange attire of the disciplin- 
ants, without any calling to memory how he had often 
seen the like before, did forthwith imagine that it was some 
new adventure, and that the trial thereof only appertained 
to him, as to a knight-errant; and this his presumption was 
fortified the more, by believing that an image which they 
carried, all covered over with black, was some principal 
lady whom those miscreants and discourteous knights did 
bear away perforce. And as soon as this fell into his brain, 
he leaped lightly towards Rozinante, that went feeding up 
and down the plains, and dismounting from his pommel the 
bridle and his target that hanged thereat he bridled him in 
a trice ; and, taking his sword from Sancho, got instantly 
upon his horse, and then, embracing his target, said in a 
loud voice to all those that were present: 'You shall now 
see, O valorous company, how important a thing it is to 
have in the world such knights as profess the order of chiv- 


airy-errant. Now, I say, you shall discern, by the freeing of 
that good lady, who is there carried captive away, whether 
knights-adventurous are to be held in price'; and, saying so, 
he struck Rozinante with his heels (for spurs he had none), 
and making him to gallop (for it is not read in any part of 
this true history that Rozinante did ever pass one formal or 
full career), he posted to encounter the disciplinants, al- 
though the curate, canon, and barber did what they miglit 
to withhold him ; but all was not possible, and much less 
could he be detained by these outcries of Sancho, saying, 
'Whither do you go, Sir Don Quixote? What devils do ye 
bear in your breast, that incite you to run thus against the 
Catholic faith ? See, sir, unfortunate that I am ! how that 
is a procession of disciplinants, and that the lady whom they 
bear is the blessed image of the immaculate Virgin. Look, 
sir, what you do ; for at this time it may well be said that you 
are not you know what.' But Sancho laboured in vain; for 
his lord rode with so greedy a desire to encounter the white 
men, and deliver the mourning lady, as he heard not a word, 
and although he had, yet would he not then have returned 
back at the king's commandment. Being come at last near 
to the procession, and stopping Rozinante (who had already 
a great desire to rest himself a while), he said, with a 
troubled and hoarse voice, 'O you that cover your faces, per- 
haps because you are not good men, give ear and listen to 
what I shall say.' The first that stood at this alarm were 
those which carried the image; and one of the four priests 
which sung the litanies, beholding the strange shape of 
Don Quixote, the leanness of Rozinante, and other circum- 
stances worthy of laughter, which he noted in our knight, 
returned him quickly this answer: 'Good sir, if you would 
say anything to us, say it instantly ; for these honest men, 
as you see, are toiled extremely, and therefore we cannot, 
nor is it reason we should, stand lingering to hear anything, 
if it be not so brief as it may be delivered in two words.' 
'I will say it in one,' said Don Quixote, 'and it is this: that 
you do forthwith give liberty to that beautiful lady, whose 
tears and pitiful semblance clearly denote that you carry 
her away against her will, and have done her some notable 
injury; and I, who was born to right such wrongs, will not 


permit her to pass one step forward, until she be wholly pos- 
sessed of the freedom she doth so much desire and deserve.' 
All those that overheard Don Quixote gathered by his words 
that he was some distracted man, and therefore began to 
laugh very heartily, which laughing seemed to add gunpowder 
to his choler; for, laying his hand on his sword, without 
any more words, he presently assaulted the image-carriers; 
one whereof, leaving the charge of the burden to his fellows, 
came out to encounter the knight with a wooden fork 
(whereon he supported the bier whensoever they made a 
stand), and receiving upon it a great blow which Don Quix- 
ote discharged at him, it parted the fork in two; and yet he 
with the piece that remained in his hand, returned the knight 
such a thwack upon the shoulder, on the sword side, as his 
target not being able to make resistance against that rustic 
force, poor Don Quixote was overthrown to the ground, and 
extremely bruised. 

Sancho Panza, who had followed him puffing and blow- 
ing as fast as he could, seeing him overthrown, cried to his 
adversary that he should strike no more ; for he was a poor 
enchanted knight, that had never all the days of his life 
done any man harm; but that which detained the swain was 
not Sancho's outcries, but to see that Don Quixote stirred 
neither hand nor foot; and therefore, believing that he had 
slain him, he tucked up his coat to his girdle as soon as he 
could, and fled away through the fields like a deer. In the 
meanwhile Don Quixote's companions did hasten to the place 
where he lay, when those of the procession seeing them (but 
principally the troopers of the Holy Brotherhood, with their 
crossbows) run towards them, did fear some disastrous suc- 
cess; and therefore they gathered together in a troop about 
the image, and, lifting up their hoods and laying fast hold 
on their whips, and the priests on their tapers, they awaited 
the assault, with resolution both to defend themselves, and 
of¥end the assailants if they might. But fortune disposed 
the matter better than they expected ; for Sancho did nothing 
else than throw himself on his lord's body, making over him 
the most dolorous and ridiculous lamentation of the world, 
and believing that he was dead. The curate was known by 
the other curate that came in the procession, and their ac- 


quaintance appeased the conceived fear of the two squadrons. 
The first curate, in two words, told the other what Don 
Quixote was; and therefore he, and all the crew of the dis- 
ciplinants, went over to see whether the poor knight wert. 
dead or alive; and then might hear Sancho Panza, with the 
tears in his eyes, bewailing him in this manner: 'O flower 
of chivalry, who hast with one blow alone ended the career 
of thy so well bestowed peers ! O renown of this lineage, 
the honour and glory of all the Mancha ! yea, and of all the 
world beside ! which, seeing it wanteth thee, shall remain 
full of miscreants, secure from being punished for their mis- 
deeds ! O liberal beyond all Alexanders, seeing thou hast 
given me only for eight months' service the best island that 
the sea doth compass or engirt ! O humbler of the proud, 
and stately to the humbled, undertaker of perils, endurer of 
affronts, enamoured without cause, imitator of good men, 
whip of the evil, enemy of the wicked, and, in conclu- 
sion, knight-errant than which no greater thing may be 

Don Quixote was called again to himself by Sancho his 
outcries, and then the first word that ever he spake was: 
*He that lives absented from thee, most sweet Dulcinea, is 
subject to greater miseries than this ! Help me, friend 
Sancho, to get up into the enchanted chariot again ; for I 
am not in plight to oppress Rozinante's saddle, having this 
shoulder broken all into pieces.' 'That I will do with a 
very good will, my dear lord,' replied the squire ; 'and let us 
return to my village with those gentlemen, which desire your 
welfare so much ; and there we will take order for some 
other voyage, which may be more profitable and famous than 
this hath been.' 'Thou speakest reasonable, Sancho,' quoth 
Don Quixote ; 'and it will be a great wisdom to let overpass 
the cross aspect of those planets that reign at this present.' 
The canon, curate, and barber commended his resolution ; and 
so, having taken delight enough in Sancho Panza's simplic- 
ity, they placed Don Quixote, as before, in the team. The 
processioners returning into their former order, did prosecute 
their way. The goatherd took leave of them all. The troop- 
ers would not ride any farther; and therefore the curate 
satisfied them for the pains they had taken. The canon ' 


entreated the curate to let him understand all that succeeded 
of Don Quixote, to wit, whether he amended of his frenzy 
or grew more distracted; and then he took leave to con- 
tinue his journey. Lastly, all of them departed; the curate, 
barber, Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, and the good Rozinante 
only remaining behind. Then the wainman yoked his oxen, 
and accommodated the knight on a bottle of hay, and after- 
wards followed on in his wonted [s] low manner, that way 
which the curate directed. At the end of two days they 
arrived to Don Quixote's village, into which they entered 
about noon. This befel on a Sunday, when all the people 
were in the market-sted, through the middle whereof Don 
Quixote's cart did pass : all of them drew near to see what 
came in it, and when they knew their countryman they were 
marvellously astonished; the whilst a little boy ran home 
before, to tell the old wife and the knight's niece that their 
lord and uncle was returned, very lean, pale, disfigured, and 
stretched all along on a bundle of hay. 

It would have moved one to compassion to have heard 
the lamentations and outcries then raised by the two good 
women, the blows they gave themselves, and the curses and 
execrations which they poured out against all books of 
knighthood; all which was again renewed when they saw 
Don Quixote himself entered in at their doors. At the news 
of this his arrival, Sancho Panza's wife repaired also to 
get some tidings of her goodman ; for she had learned that 
he was gone away with the knight, to serve him as his 
squire; and as soon as ever she saw her husband, the ques- 
tion she asked him was, whether the ass were in health or 
no? Sancho answered that he was come in better health 
than his master. 'God be thanked,' quoth she, 'who hath 
done me so great a favour; but tell me now, friend, what 
profit hast thou reaped by this thy squireship? What petti- 
coat hast thou brought me home? What shoes for thy little 
boys?' 'I bring none of these things, good wife,' quoth 
Sancho ; 'although I bring other things of more moment and 
estimation.' 'I am very glad of that,' quoth his wife: 'show 
me those things of more moment and estimation, good friend ; 
for I would fain see them, to the end that this heart of mine 
may be cheered, which hath been so swollen and sorrowful 


all the time of thine absence.' 'Thou shalt see them at home,' 
quoth Sancho, 'and therefore rest satisfied for this time; for 
and it please God that we travel once again to seek adven- 
tures, thou shalt see me shortly after an earl or governor 
of an island, and that not of every ordinary one neither, but 
of one of the best in the world.' 'I pray God, husband, it 
may be so,' replied she, 'for we have very great need of it. 
But what means that island? for I understand not the word.' 
'Honey is not made for the ass's mouth,' quoth Sancho; 
'wife, thou shalt know it in good time, yea, and shalt won- 
der to hear the title of ladyship given thee by all thy vas- 
sals.' 'What is that thou speakest, Sancho, of lordships, 
islands, and vassals?' answered Joan Panza (for so was she 
called, although her husband and she were not kinsfolk, but 
by reason that in the Mancha the wives are usually called 
after their husband's surname). 'Do not busy thyself, Joan,' 
quoth Sancho, 'to know these things on such a sudden ; let it 
suffice that I tell thee the truth, and therewithal sew up thy 
mouth. I will only say thus much unto thee, as it were by 
the way, that there is nothing in the world so pleasant as 
for an honest man to be the squire of a knight-errant that 
seeks adventures. It is very true that the greatest number 
of adventures found out succeeded not to a man's satisfac- 
tion so much as he would desire ; for of a hundred that are 
encountered, the ninety-and-nine are wont to be cross and 
untoward ones. I know it by experience, for I have come 
away myself out of some of them well canvassed, and out of 
others well beaten. But yet, for all that, it is a fine thing 
to expect events, traverse groves, search woods, tread on 
rocks, visit castles, and lodge in inns at a man's pleasure, 
without paying the devil a cross.' 

All these discourses passed between Sancho Panza and 
his wife Joan Panza, whilst the old woman and Don Quix- 
ote's niece did receive him, put off his clothes, and lay him 
down in his ancient bed: he looked upon them very ear- 
nestly, and could not conjecture where he was. The curate 
charged the niece to cherish her uncle very carefully, and 
Chat they should look well that he made not the third escape, 
relating at large all the ado that they had to bring him home. 
Here both the women renewed their exclamations ; their exe- 


crations of all books of knighthood here came to be reit- 
erated; here they besought Heaven to throw down, into the 
very centre of the bottomless pit, the authors of so many lies 
and ravings ; finally, they remained perplexed and timorous 
that they should lose again their master and uncle, as soon 
as he was anything recovered: and it befel just as they sus- 
pected; but the author of this history, although he have with 
all diligence and curiosity inquired after the acts achieved 
by Don Quixote in his third sally to seek adventures, yet 
could he never attain, at least by authentic writings, to any 
notice of them : only fame hath left in the memories of the 
Mancha, that Don Quixote after his third escape was at 
Saragossa, and present at certain famous jousts made in that 
city, and that therein befel him events most worthy of his 
valour and good wit; but of his end he could find nothing, 
nor ever should have known aught, if good fortune had not 
offered to his view an old physician, who had in his custody 
a leaden box, which, as he affirmed, was found in the ruins 
of an old hermitage as it was a-repairing; in which box were 
certain scrolls of parchment written with Gothical charac- 
ters, but containing Castilian verses, which comprehended 
many of his acts, and specified Dulcinea of Toboso her 
beauty, deciphered Rozinante, and entreated of Sancho Pan- 
za's fidelity, as also of Don Quixote's sepulchre, with sundry 
epitaphs and elogies of his life and manners; and those that 
could be read and copied out thoroughly were those that are 
here set down by the faithful author of this new and un- 
matched relation ; which author demands of the readers no 
other guerdon in regard of his huge travel spent in the search 
of all the old records of the Mancha, for the bringing thereof 
unto light, but that they will deign to afford it as much 
credit as discreet men are wont to give unto books of knight- 
hood, which are of so great reputation now-a-days in the 
world ; for herewith he will rest most fully contented and 
satisfied, and withal encouraged to publish and seek out for 
other discourses, if not altogether so true as this, at least of 
as great both invention and recreation. The first words writ- 
ten in the scroll of parchment, that was found in the leaden 
box, were these. 



An Epitaph of Monicongo, the Academic of Argamasilla, to 
Don Quixote's Sepulchre. 

The clatt'ring thunderbolt that did adorn 

The Mancha, with more spoils than Jason Crete ; 
The wit, whose weathercock was sharp as thorn, 

When somewhat flatter it to be was meet ; 
The arm which did his power so much dilate, 

As it Gaeta and Cathay did retch ; 
The dreadfuU'st muse, and eke discreetest, that 

In brazen sheets did praises ever stretch ; 
He that the Amadises left behind, 

And held the Galaors but in small esteem. 
Both for his bravery and his loving mind; 

He dumb that made Don Belianis to seem; 
And he that far on Rozinante err'd. 
Under this frozen stone doth lie interr'd. 

Paniagando, an Academic of Argamasilla, in Praise op 


She which you view, with triple face and sheen, 

High-breasted and courageous, like a man, 
Is tall Dulcinea, of Toboso queen ; 

Of great Quixote well-beloved than. 
He, for her sake, treads the one and the other side 

Of the brown mountain, and the famous fields 
Of Montiel and Aranjuez so wide. 

On foot, all tired, loaden with spear and shield 
(The fault was Rozinante's). O hard star! 

That this Manchegan dame and worthy knight. 
In tender years, when people strongest are. 

She lost by death the glimpse of beauty bright; 
And he, although in marble richly done. 
Yet love's wrath and deceits she could not shun. 



Praise of Rozinante, Don Quixote his Steed. 

Into the proud erected diamond stock, 

Which Mars with bloody plants so often bored. 

Half wood with valour, the Manchegan stuck 

His wav'ring standard ; and his arms restored : 

For them thereon he hung, and his bright sword, 

Wherewith he hacks, rents, parts, and overthrows 

(New prowesses), to which art must afford 

New styles on this new Palatine to gloze. 

And if Gaul much her Amadis doth prize. 

Whose brave descendants have illustred Greece, 

And filled it full of trophies and of fame ; 

Much more Bellona's court doth solemnise 

Quixote, whose like in Gaul or Grecia is ; 

So honoured none as in Mancha his name. 

Let no oblivion his glory stain. 

Seeing in swiftness Rozinante his steed 

Even Bayard doth, and Briliador exceed. 

BuRLADOR, Academic of Argamasilla, to Sancho Panza. 

This Sancho Panza is of body little ; 

But yet, O miracle ! in valour great ; 

The simplest squire, and, sooth to say, least subtle 

That in this world, I swear, lived ever yet. 

From being an earl, he scarce was a thread's breadth, 

Had not at once conspired to cross his guerdon 

The malice of the times, and men misled, 

Which scarce, an ass encount'ring, would him pardon. 

Upon the like he rode : Oh, give me leave 

To tell how this meek squire after the horse 

Mild Rozinante, and his lord, did drive ! 

Oh, then, vain hopes of men! what thing is worse? 

Which proves us, desired ease to lend, 

Yet do at last in smokes our glories end. 


Chachidiablo, Academic of Argamasilla, on Don Quixots 
HIS Tomb. 

AN epitaph. 

The worthy knight lies there, 
Well bruised, but evil-andant. 
Who, borne on Rozinante, 
Rode ways both far and near. 
Sancho, his faithful squire, 
Panza yclept also, 
Lieth beside him too ; 
In his trade without peer. 

TiQuiTOC, Academic of Argamasilla, on Dulcinea of 
ToBOso's Sepulchre. 

AN epitaph. 

Dulcinea here beneath 
Lies, though of flesh so round, 
To dust and ashes ground 
By foul and ugly death. 
She was of gentle breath. 
And somewhat like a dame. 
Being great Quixote's flame, 
And her town's glory, eath. 

These were the verses that could be read. As for the rest, 
in respect that they were half consumed and eaten away by 
time, they were delivered to a scholar, that he might by con- 
jectures declare their meaning; and we have had intelligence 
that he hath done it, with the cost of many nights' watching 
and other great pains, and that he means to publish them, 
and also gives hope of a third sally made by Don Quixote. 


Abased, lowered. 

Aboard, v. approach, accost. 

Address, direct. 

Addressing, straightening. 

Admire, astonish. 

Admired, in a state of admiration. 

Advertised, warned. 

Affect, feel affection for. 

Affront, encounter. 

All and some, total, sum. 

Allowed, approved. 

Altisonant, nigh sounding. 

Ambages, equivocal courses. 

Anatomy, dissection. 

Ancient, ensign, standard-bearer. 

Animous, spirited. 

Answerable, corresponding. 

Antic, strange figure. 

Antonomasia, the use of an epithet 

or title instead of a true name. 
Apaid, pleased. 
Apart, V. remove. 
Argument, indication. 
Arguinents, proofs. 
Artificial, constructed by rules of 

Attending, awaiting. 
Auctress, authoress. 
Authorise (autorisar), do credit to, 

maintain the dignity of. 
Aveer (encaminase), approach. 
Avoided, discharged, emptied. 

Bait, V. attract. 

Beadstones, the larger beads in a 

Beaver, luncheon. 

Beaver, lower part of a helmet. 

Benefit, profit. 

Be-thouing, talking as a superior to 
an inferior. 

Bias, " set out of all bias," discon- 

Billing, caressing. 

Bittor, bittern. 

Bombase (algodones), a cotton tex- 

Brabbles (pendencias), quarrels. 

Brag, boast. 

Break, open, communicate. 

Bruit, noise. 

Bucking, washing. 

Bugles, wild oxen. 

Bulks, great bodies. 

Burden, chorus, undersong. 

Burnished {Hamante), brilliant, con- 
Buyal, purchase. 

Camarades, comrades. 

Canvassing, tossing in a blanket. 

Capable, able to understand. 

Capouch, hood or cape. 

Careful, anxious. 

Cavillous, apt to raise objections. 

Cefecloth, waxed cloth. 

Charily, carefully, jealously. 

Cheapen, bargain for. 

Clew, skein. 

Close castle, a kind of helmet. 

Cockering, feasting. 

Coil, " keep a," make a fuss. 

Commark, district. 

Commodity, convenience, oppor- 
tunity, occasion. 

Compassive (compasivo), sympa- 

Conclude, finish off, destroy. 

Confer, compare. 

Confratriety, confraternity. 

Cony catching, knavery. 

Crackling, talkativeness. 

Crowd, fiddle. 

Curiosity {puntualidad) , careful- 

Curious, painstaking. 

Curres, encounters. 

Damage, harm, trouble. 

Debates, contests. 

Debile, feeble. 

Delicate, faint, feeble. 

Depending, hung up, suspended. 

Deputed (diputo), set down as, con- 

Detect, reveal. 

Dight, array. 

Dilate, defer, expound. 

Disastrous (desdichada) , suffering 

Disgrace (desgracia), inconvenience, 

Disgustful, distasteful. 

Disgusts, dislikes. 

Disventures {disventuras) , misad- 

Dodkin {dos maravedis), a Dutch 

Doit, a JDutch coin worth about a 




Dolour, grief. 
Drafts, designs. 
Draughts, devices, tricks. 
Drive, hurry on. 

Earnest, payment in advance. 

Eftsoons, soon after. 

Embosk (emboscasen), shelter, con- 

Embushing, concealing. 

Empannel, put pannels on an ass. 

Emulated, regarded as a rival. 

Encash, envelope. 

Every foot {por momentos), contin- 

Exigent, pitch, point demanding 

Expect, await. 

Exprobates, reviles, casts in the 

Facility, looseness. 
Facinoroiis {facineroso), evil doing. 
Parsed, stuffed. 
Fauno, faun, wild creature. 
File, thread. 
Files (filos), edges. 
Fluent, stream. 
Fond, foolish. 

Force, " of force," of necessity. 
Forced, stuffed. 
Forcible, inevitable. 
Foreslozvs itself, tarries. 
Fortitude, luck. 

Frequentation, resort, habitation. 
Frisk les, capers. 
Frumps, flouts, insults, slaps. 
Fulling mace, hammer for beating 
clothes clean. 

Gallimaufry, hodge-podge, hash. 

Gamashoes, leggings. 

Gard, trimming. 

Gaudeamus, O be joyful. 

Gittern, small guitar. 

Gratify (agradecia), thank for. 

Grossly, heavily. 

Gusts (gusto), pleasures. 

Gymnosophists, naked philosophers. 

Gypson, gypsy. 

Herd, herdsman. 
Hight, was called. 
Hippogriff, griffin. 
His, its. 

Ignoring, being ignorant of. 
Uliterate, wipe out. 
Illude, deceive. 
Illuded, frustrated. 
Illustrate, render illustrious. 
Imbosk, conceal. 

Impertinent, unsuitable, inconven- 
Impregned, burdened. 
Impress (impresa), device. 
Impudency, unchastity. 

Inceasable, incessant. 
Incharge, burden. 
Ingrateful, ungrateful. 
Inhabitable, not habitable. 
Intercur, intervene. 
Intertexed, interwoven. 

Jennet-wise, the stirrups short, the 

legs trussed up. 
Journey, day's fight 

Kenned, knew. 

Kennel, dogs. 

Key-cold, cold as a key. 

Laughsome, ready to laugh. 
Leasings, lies. 
Lecture, reading. 
Let, hindrance. 
Links, torches. 

Malet, mail, wallet. 

Malign (.maligna), evil spirit. 

Marvedi, maravedi, the smallest 
Spanish coin, half a farthing. 

Meddled, intermixed. 

Minuity, small matter, detail. 

Mochachoes. mustachios. 

Mumpsimiis, any one who has got 
hold of a wrong word (" Mump- 
simus " instead of " Sumpsimus " 
in the Mass), an ignorant person. 

Murrey, mulberry coloured. 

Mushrubs, mushrooms. 

Neeze, sneeze. 

North, lode-star. 

Nousled, nourished, nursed. 

Occurred, ran up. 

Offend, ward off. 

Opinion, reputation. 

Oppugning, opposing. 

Ordinary, " walked the ordinary '* 
(habiendo paseado las acoStunt- 
bradas), made the roupds, i. e., 
been exhibited through the streets. 

Paragon with, rival. 

Particular, in a private station. 

Pash, blow. 

Pawns, pledges. 

Pensative (pensativo), pensive. 

Period, limit, end. 

Pie, magpie. 

Pilled, robbed. 

Pillow-bere, pillow-case, lady's trav« 

elling bag. 
Plain, lament. 
Plumes, feathers of a bed. 
Poor John, a coarse fish. 
Portraited, depicted. 
Posted off, put off. 
Powdering, seasoning. 
Presently, immediately. 
Prevent, anticipate. 
Prevention, prelude. 



Price, esteem. 

Pricked, rode hastily. 

Propension, inclination, affection for. 

Prosecuted (prosiguio), continued. 

Provant, provender, food. 

Proverb (pensamiento), design. 

Publish, show abroad. 

Quader, square with, fit in. 

euick, alive. 
uitasoll, parasol. 

RavKching, tearing, clawing. 
Reasons, arguments. 
Rebec, small harp. 
Reccheless, thoughtless. 
Recchelessness, thoughtlessness. 
Receivers, acknowledgments. 
Reduce, bring back. 
Resolution " in resolution " {en 

resolution), finally. 
Respectlessncss, absence of respect. 
Restiness, obstinacy. 
Rounded, whispered. 
Rumour, noise, tumult. 
Runagates, renegades. 

Seconding (segundar), repeating. 

Securely, without anxiety. 

Shot, bill, reckoning. 

Sideling, sideways. 

Skill, plan, reason. 

Skinkers, hard drinkers. 

Snaphances, springlocks. 

Sort, issue in. 

Squamy, scaly. 

Staccado, stockade. 

Stomach, pride. 

Strait, narrow. 

Succeeded, befallen, occurred. 

Success, event. 

Successes, experiences, issues, acci- 
Succory water, chicory-water. 

Tables, backgammon. 

Tallage, tax. 

Terms (termo), goal. 

Thill, shaft. 

Torment, judicial torture. 

Tracts, drawing ropes. 

Trance, swoon. 

Trance ipaso), plight. 

Trances, passages, episodes. 

Transversals, side strokes. 

Travails, labours. 

Treachour, traitor. 

Trucks, a kind of billiards. 

Umhrills (qiiitasoles), parasols. 
Unhappiness, ill-luck, awkwardness. 
Unhappy, awkward. 
Underprop, support. 
Untaxing, without taxing. 
Untowardly, crossly. 

Vent (rastrear), v. discover. 
Vent (venta), tavern. 
Viewed, examined. 
Virtue, curative quality. 

Want, be lacking. 
Warder-house, pantry. 
Warner, beadle. 
Welted, quilted. 
Winches, sharp turns. 
Wistly, wistfully. 
Wood, mad. 
Wreathings, windings. 





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