Vol 10: The Classics - Part 2

Any increase in the quantity of commodities annually cir- 
culated within the country, while that of the money which 
circulated them remained the same, would, on the contrary, 
produce many other important effects, besides that of raising 
the value of the money. The capital of the country, though 
it might nominally be the same, would really be augmented 
It might continue to be expressed by the same quantity of 
money, but it would command a greater quantity of labour. 
The quantity of productive labour which it could maintain 
and employ would be increased, and consequently the de- 
mand for that labour. Its wages would naturally rise with 
the demand, and yet might appear to sink. They might be 
paid with a smaller quantity of money, but that smaller quan- 
tity might purchase a greater quantity of goods than a greater 
had done before. The profits of stock would be diminished 
both really and in appearance. The whole capital of the 
country being augmented, the competition between the dif- 
ferent capitals of which it was composed, would naturally 
be augmented along with it. The owners of those particular 
capitals would be obliged to content themselves with a smaller 
proportion of the produce of that labour which their respec- 
tive capitals employed. The interest of money, keeping pace 
always with the profits of stock, might, in this manner, be 
greatly diminished, though the value of money, or the quan- 


tity of goods which any particular sum could purchase, was 
greatly augmented. 

In some countries the interest of money has been pro- 
hibited by law. But as something can every-where be made 
by the use of money, something ought every-where to be 
paid for the use of it. This regulation, instead of prevent- 
ing, has been found from experience to increase the evil of 
usury; the debtor being obliged to pay, not only for the use 
of the money, but for the risk which his creditor runs by 
accepting a compensation for that use. He is obliged, if one 
may say so, to insure his creditor from the penalties of 

In countries where interest is permitted, the law, in order 
to prevent the extortion of usury, generally fixes the highest 
rate which can be taken without incurring a penalty. This 
rate ought always to be somewhat above the lowest market 
price, or the price which is commonly paid for the use of 
money by those who can give the most undoubted security. 
If this legal rate should be fixed below the lowest market 
rate, the effects of this fixation must be nearly the same as 
those of a total prohibition of interest. The creditor will 
not lend his money for less than the use of it is worth, and 
the debtor must pay him for the risk which he runs by ac- 
cepting the full value of that use. If it is fixed precisely at 
the lowest market price, it ruins with honest people, who 
respect the laws of their country, the credit of all those who 
cannot give the very best security, and obliges them to have 
recourse to exorbitant usurers. In a country, such as Great 
Britain, where money is lent to government at three per 
cent, and to private people upon good security at four, and 
four and a half, the present legal rate, five per cent., is 
perhaps, as proper as any. 

The legal rate, it is to be observed, though it ought to be 
somewhat above, ought not to be much above the lowest mar- 
ket rate. If the legal rate of interest in Great Britain, for 
example, was fixed so high as eight or ten per cent., the 
greater part of the money which was to be lent, would be lent 
to prodigals and projectors, who alone would be willing to 
give this high interest. Sober people, who will give for the 
use of money no more than a part of what they they are likely 


to make by the use of it, would not venture into the competi- 
tion. A great part of the capital of ihe country would thus be 
kept out of the hands which were most likely to make a profit- 
able and advantageous use of it, and thrown into those which 
were most likely to waste and destroy it. Where the legal 
rate of interest, on the contrary, is fixed but a very little 
above the lowest market rate, sober people are universally 
preferred, as borrowers, to prodigals and projectors. The 
person who lends money gets nearly as much interest from 
the former as he dares to take from the latter, and his money 
is much safer in the hands of the one set of people, than in 
those of the other. A great part of the capital of the country 
is thus thrown into the hands in which it is most likely to be 
employed with advantage. 

No law can reduce the common rate of interest below thi 
lowest ordinary market rate at the time when that law is 
made. Notwithstanding the edict of 1766, by which the 
French king attempted to reduce the rate of interest from 
five to four per cent., money continued to be lent in France 
at five per cent., the law being evaded in several different 

The ordinary market price of land, it is to be observed, 
depends every-where upon the ordinary market rate of in- 
terest. The person who has a capital from which he wishes 
to derive a revenue, without taking the trouble to employ it 
himself, deliberates whether he should buy land with it, or 
lend it out at interest. The superior security of land, to- 
gether with some other advantages which almost every-where 
attend upon this species of property, will generally dispose 
him to content himself with a smaller revenue from land, 
than what he might have by lending out his money at in- 
terest. These advantages are sufficient to compensate a cer- 
tain difference of revenue ; but they will compensate a certain 
difference only; and if the rent of land should fall short of 
the interest of money by a greater difference, nobody would 
buy land, which would soon reduce its ordinary price. On 
the contrary, if the advantages should much more than com- 
pensate the difference, every body would buy land, which 
again would soon raise" its ordinary price. When interest 
was at ten per cent., land was commonly sold for ten and 


twelve years purchase. As interest sunk to six, five, and 
four per cent., the price of land rose to twenty, five and 
twenty, and thirty years purchase. The market rate of in- 
terest is higher in France than in England ; and the common 
price of land is lower. In England it commonly sells at 
thirty; in France at twenty years purchase. 

Of the Different Employment of Capitals 

THOUGH all capitals are destined for the maintenance 
of productive labour only, yet the quantity of that 
labour, which equal capitals are capable of putting 
into motion, varies extremely according to the diversity of 
their employment; as does likewise the value which that 
employment adds to the annual produce of the land and 
labour of the country. 

A capital may be employed in four different ways: either, 
first, in procuring the rude produce annually required for 
the use and consumption of the society ; or, secondly, in 
manufacturing and preparing that rude produce for immedi- 
ate use and consumption ; or, thirdly, in transporting either 
the rude or manufactured produce from the places where 
they abound to those where they are wanted ; or, lastly, in 
dividing particular portions of either into such small parcels 
as suit the occasional demands of those who want them. In 
the first way are employed the capitals of all those who 
undertake the improvement or cultivation of lands, mines, 
or fisheries ; in the second, those of all master manufacturers ; 
in the third, those of all wholesale merchants ; and in the 
fourth, those of all retailers. It is difficult to conceive that 
a capital should be employed in any way which may not be 
classed under some one or other of those four. 

Each of those four methods of employing a capital is 
essentially necessary either to the existence or extension 
of the other three, or to the general conveniency of the 

Unless a capital was employed in furnishing rude produce 
to a certain degree of abundance, neither manufactures nor 
trade of any kind could exist. 

Unless a capital was employed in manufacturing that part 



of the rude produce which requires a good deal of prepara- 
tion before it can be fit for use and consumption, it either 
would never be produced, because there could be no demand 
for it ; or if it was produced spontaneously, it would be of 
no value in exchange, and could add nothing to the wealth 
of the society. 

Unless a capital was employed in transporting, either the 
rude or manufactured produce, from the places where it 
abounds to those where it is wanted, no more of either could 
be produced than was necessary for the consumption of the 
neighbourhood. The capital of the merchant exchanges the 
surplus produce of one place for that of another, and thus 
encourages the industry and increases the enjoyments of 

Unless a capital was employed in breaking and dividing 
certain portions either of the rude or manufactured produce, 
into such small parcels as suit the occasional demands of 
those who want them, every man would be obliged to pur- 
chase a greater quantity of the goods he wanted, than his 
immediate occasions required. If there was no such trade as 
a butcher, for example, every man would be obliged to pur- 
chase a whole ox or a whole sheep at a time. This would 
generally be inconvenient to the rich, and much more so to 
the poor. If a poor workman was obliged to purchase a 
month's or six months' provisions at a time, a great part of 
the stock which he employs as a capital in the instruments 
of his trade, or in the furniture of his shop, and which yields 
him a revenue, he would be forced to place in that part of his 
stock which is reserved for immediate consumption, and 
which yields him no revenue. Nothing can be more con- 
venient for such a person than to be able to purchase his 
subsistence from day to day, or even from hour to hour, as 
he wants it. He is thereby enabled to employ almost his 
whole stock as a capital. He is thus enabled to furnish work 
to a greater value, and the profit, which he makes by it in 
this way, much more than compensates the additional price 
which the profit of the retailer imposes upon the goods. The 
prejudices of some political writers against shopkeepers and 
tradesmen, are altogether without foundation. So far is it 
from being necessary, either to tax them, or to restrict their 


. numbers, that they can never be multiplied so as to hurt the 
publick, though they may so as to hurt one another. The 
quantity of grocery goods, for example, which can be sold 
in a particular town, is limited by the demand of that town 
and its neighbourhood. The capital, therefore, which can 
be employed in the grocery trade cannot exceed what is suf- 
ficient to purchase that quantity. If this capital is divided 
between two different grocers, their competition will tend to 
make both of them sell cheaper, than if it were in the hands 
of one only ; and if it were divided among twenty, their com- 
petition would be just so much the greater, and the chance 
of their combining together, in order to raise the price, 
just so much the less. Their competition might perhaps 
ruin some of themselves ; but to take care of this is the busi- 
ness of the parties concerned, and it may safely be trusted 
to their discretion. It can never hurt either the consumer, 
or the producer ; on the contrary, it must tend to make the 
retailers both sell cheaper and buy dearer, than if the whole 
trade was monopolized by one or two persons. Some of 
them, perhaps, may sometimes decoy a weak customer to buy 
what he has no occasion for. This evil, however, is of too 
little importance to deserve the publick attention, nor would 
it necessarily be prevented by restricting their numbers. It 
is not the multitude of ale-houses, to give the most suspicious 
example, that occasions a general disposition to drunkenness 
among the common people; but that disposition arising from 
other causes necessarily gives employment to a multitude of 

The persons whose capitals are employed in any of those 
four ways are themselves productive labourers. Their 
labour, when properly directed, fixes and realizes itself in 
the subject or vendible commodity upon which it is be- 
stowed, and generally adds to its price the value at least of 
their own maintenance and consumption. The profits of the 
farmer, of the manufacturer, of the merchant, and retailer, 
are all drawn from the price of the goods which the two 
first produce, and the two last buy and sell. Equal capitals, 
however, employed in each of these four different ways, will 
immediately put into mdtio-n very different quantities of pro- 
ductive labour, and augment too in very different proportions 


the value of the annual produce of the land and labour of 
the society to which they belong. 

The capital of the retailer replaces, together with its 
profits, that of the merchant of whom he purchases goods, 
and thereby enables him to continue his business. The re- 
tailer himself is the only productive labourer whom it im- 
mediately employs. In his profits, consists the whole value 
which its employment adds to the annual produce of the 
land and labour of the society. 

The capital of the wholesale merchant replaces, together 
with their profits, the capitals of the farmers and manufac- 
turers of whom he purchases the rude and manufactured 
produce which he deals in, and thereby enables them to con- 
tinue their respective trades. It is by this service chiefly 
that he contributes indirectly to support the productive labour 
of the society, and to increase the value of its annual prod- 
uce. His capital employs too the sailors and carriers who 
transport his goods from one place to another, and it aug- 
ments the price of those goods by the value, not only of his 
profits, but of their wages. This is all the productive labour 
which it immediately puts into motion, and all the value 
which it immediately adds to the annual produce. Its opera- 
tion in both these respects is a good deal superior to that of 
the capital of the retailer. 

Part of the capital of the master manufacturer is employed 
as a fixed capital in the instruments of his trade, and re- 
places, together with its profits, that of some other artificer 
of whom he purchases them. Part of his circulating capital 
is employed in purchasing materials, and replaces, with their 
profits, the capitals of the farmers and miners of whom he 
purchases them. But a great part of it is always, either 
annually, or in a much shorter period, distributed among the 
different workmen whom he employs. It augments the value 
of those materials by their wages, and by their masters 
profits upon the whole stock of wages, materials, and instru- 
ments of trade employed in the business. It puts immediately 
into motion, therefore, a much greater quantity of produc- 
tive labour, and adds a much greater value to the annual 
produce of the land and labour of the society, than an equal 
capital in the hands of any wholesale merchant. 


No equal capital puts into motion a greater quantity of 
productive labour than that of the farmer. Not only his 
labouring servants, but his labouring cattle, are productive 
labourers. In agriculture too nature labours along with 
man ; and though her labour costs no expence, its produce 
has its value, as well as that of the most expensive work- 
men. The most important operations of agriculture seem 
intended, not so much to increase, though they do that too, 
as to direct the fertility of nature towards the production of 
the plants most profitable to man. A field overgrown with 
briars and brambles may frequently produce as great a quan- 
tity of vegetables as the best cultivated vineyard or corn 
field. Planting and tillage frequently regulate more than 
they animate the active fertility of nature ; and after all their 
labour, a great part of the work always remains to be done 
by her. The labourers and labouring cattle, therefore, em- 
ployed in agriculture, not only occasion, like the workmen 
in manufactures, the reproduction of a value equal to their 
own consumption, or to the capital which employs them, to- 
gether with its owners profits ; but of a much greater value. 
Over and above the capital of the farmer and all its profits, 
they regularly occasion the reproduction of the rent of the 
landlord. This rent may be considered as the produce of 
those powers of nature, the use of which the landlord lends 
to the farmer. It is greater or smaller according to the sup- 
posed extent of those powers, or in other words, according 
to the supposed natural or improved fertility of the land. It 
is the work of nature which remains after deducting or com- 
pensating every thing which can be regarded as the work of 
man. It is seldom less than a fourth, and frequently more 
than a third of the whole produce. No equal quantity of 
productive labour employed in manufactures can ever occa- 
sion so great a reproduction. In them nature does nothing; 
man does all; and the reproduction must always be in pro- 
portion to the strength of the agents that occasion it. The 
capital employed in agriculture, therefore, not only puts into 
motion a greater quantity of productive labour than any equal 
capital employed in manufactures, but in proportion too to 
the quantity of productive labour which it employs, it adds a 
much greater value to the annual produce of the land and 


labour of the country, to the real wealth and revenue of its 
inhabitants. Of all the ways in which a capital can be em- 
ployed, it is by far the most advantageous to the society. 

The capitals employed in the agriculture and in the retail 
trade of any society, must always reside within that society. 
Their employment is confined almost to a precise spot, to the 
farm, and to the shop of the retailer. They must generally 
too, though there are some exceptions to this, belong to 
resident members of the society. 

The capital of a wholesale merchant, on the contrary, 
seems to have no fixed or necessary residence anywhere, but 
may wander about from place to place, according as it can 
either buy cheap or sell dear. 

The capital of the manufacturer must no doubt reside 
where the manufacture is carried on ; but where this shall 
be is not alway necessarily determined. It may frequently 
be at a great distance both from the place where the ma- 
terials grow, and from that where the complete manufacture 
is consumed. Lyons is very distant both from the places 
which afford the materials of its manufactures, and from 
those which consume them. The people of fashion of Sicily 
are cloathed in silks made in other countries, from the ma- 
terials which their own produces. Part of the wool of Spain 
is manufactured in Great Britain, and some part of that cloth 
is afterwards sent back to Spain. 

Whether the merchant whose capital exports the surplus 
produce of any society be a native or a foreigner, is of very 
little importance. If he is a foreigner, the number of their 
productive labourers is necessarily less than if he had been 
a native by one man only; and the value of their annual 
produce, by the profits of that one man. The sailors or car- 
riers whom he employs may still belong indifferently either 
to his country, or to their country, or to some third country, 
in the same manner as if he had been a native. The capital 
of a foreigner gives a value to their surplus produce equally 
with that of a native, by exchanging it for something for 
which there is a demand at home. It as effectually replaces 
the capital of the person who produces that surplus, and as 
effectually enables him to continue his business ; the service 
by which the capital of a wholesale merchant chiefly con- 


tributes to support the productive labour, and to augment 
the value of the annual produce of the society to which he 

It is of more consequence that the capital of the manufac- 
turer should reside within the country. It necessarily puts 
into motion a greater quantity of productive labour, and 
adds a greater value to the annual produce of the land and 
labour of the society. It may, however, be very useful to the 
country, though it should not reside within it. The capitals 
of the British manufacturers who work up the flax and hemp 
annually imported from the coasts of the Baltic, are surely 
very useful to the countries which produce them. Those 
materials are a part of the surplus produce of those coun- 
tries which, unless it was annually exchanged for something 
which is in demand there, would be of no value, and would 
soon cease to be produced. The merchants who export it, 
replace the capitals of the people who produce it, and thereby 
encourage them to continue the production; and the British 
manufacturers replace the capitals of those merchants. 

A particular country, in the same manner as a particular 
person, may frequently not have capital sufficient both to 
improve and cultivate all its lands, to manufacture and pre- 
pare their whole rude produce for immediate use and con- 
sumption, and to transport the surplus part either of the 
rude or manufactured produce to those distant markets where 
it can be exchanged for something for which there is a de- 
mand at home. The inhabitants of many different parts of 
Great Britain have not capital sufficient to improve and cul- 
tivate all their lands. The wool of the southern counties of 
Scotland is, a great part of it, after a long land carriage 
through very bad roads, manufactured in Yorkshire, for want 
of a capital to manufacture it at home. There are many little 
manufacturing towns in Great Britain, of which the inhabit- 
ants have not capital sufficient to transport the produce of 
their own industry to those distant markets where there is 
demand and consumption for it. If there are any merchants 
among them, they are properly only the agents of wealthier 
merchants who reside in some of the greater commercial 

When the capital of any country is not sufficient for all 


those three purposes, in proportion as a greater share of it 
is employed in agriculture, the greater will be the quantity 
of productive labour which it puts into motion within the 
country; as will likewise be the value which its employment 
adds to the annual produce of the land and labour of the so- 
ciety. After agriculture, the capital employed in manufac- 
tures puts into motion the greatest quantity of productive 
labour, and adds the greatest value to the annual produce. 
That which is employed in the trade of exportation, has the 
least effect of any of the three. 

The country, indeed, which has not capital sufficient for 
all those three purposes, has not arrived at that degree of 
opulence for which it seems naturally destined. To attempt, 
however, prematurely and with an insufficient capital, to do 
all the three, is certainly not the shortest way for a society, 
no more than it would be for an individual, to acquire a 
sufficient one. The capital of all the individuals of a nation, 
has its limits in the same manner as that of a single indi- 
vidual, and is capable of executing only certain purposes. 
The capital of all the individuals of a nation is increased 
in the same manner as that of a single individual, by their 
continually accumulating and adding to it whatever they save 
out of their revenue. It is likely to increase the fastest, 
therefore, when it is employed in the way that affords the 
greatest revenue to all the inhabitants of the country, as 
they will thus be enabled to make the greatest savings. But 
the revenue of all the inhabitants of the country is neces- 
sarily in proportion to the value of the annual produce of 
their land and labour. 

It has been the principal cause of the rapid progress of 
our American colonies towards wealth and greatness, that 
almost their whole capitals have hitherto been employed in 
agriculture. They have no manufactures, those houshold 
and coarser manufactures excepted which necessarily accom- 
pany the progress of agriculture, and which are the work 
of the women and children in every private family. The 
greater part both of the exportation and coasting trade of 
America, is carried on by the capitals of merchants who re- 
side in Great Britain. Even the stores and warehouses from 
which goods are retailed in some provinces, particularly in 


Virginia and Maryland, belong many of them to merchants 
who reside in the mother country, and afford one of the few 
instances of the retail trade of a society being carried on by 
the capitals of those who are not resident members of it. 
Were the Americans, either by combination or by any other 
sort of violence, to stop the importation of European manu- 
factures, and, by thus giving a monopoly to such of their 
own countrymen as could manufacture the like goods, divert 
any considerable part of their capital into this employment, 
they would retard instead of accelerating the further in- 
crease in the value of their annual produce, and would ob- 
struct instead of promoting the progress of their country 
towards real wealth and greatness. This would be still more 
the case, were they to attempt, in the same manner, to mo- 
nopolize to themselves their whole exportation trade. 

The course of human prosperity, indeed, seems scarce 
ever to have been of so long continuance as to enable any 
great country to acquire capital sufficient for all those three 
purposes ; unless, perhaps, we give credit to the wonderful 
accounts of the wealth and cultivation of China, of those of 
antient Egypt, and of the antient state of Indostan. Even 
those three countries, the wealthiest, according to all ac- 
counts, that ever were in the world, are chiefly renowned 
for their superiority in agriculture and manufactures. They 
do not appear to have been eminent for foreign trade. The 
antient Egyptians had a superstitious antipathy to the sea; 
a superstition nearly of the same kind prevails among the 
Indians; and the Chinese have never excelled in foreign 
commerce. The greater part of the surplus produce of all 
those three countries seems to have been always exported by 
foreigners, who gave in exchange for it something else for 
which they found a demand there, frequently gold and silver. 

It is thus that the same capital will in any country put into 
motion a greater or smaller quantity of productive labour, 
and add a greater or smaller value to the annual produce of 
its land and labour, according to the different proportions in 
which it is employed in agriculture, manufactures, and 
wholesale trade. The difference too is very great, according 
to the different sorts of wholesale trade in which any part 
of it is employed. 


All wholesale trade, all buying in order to sell again by 
wholesale, may be reduced to three different sorts. The 
home trade, the foreign trade of consumption, and the carry- 
ing trade. The home trade is employed in purchasing in 
one part of the same country, and selling in another, the 
produce of the industry of that country. It comprehends 
both the inland and the coasting trade. The foreign trade 
of consumption is employed in purchasing foreign goods for 
home consumption. The carrying trade is employed in trans- 
acting the commerce of foreign countries, or in carrying the 
surplus produce of one to another. 

The capital which is employed in purchasing in one part 
of the country in order to sell in another the produce of the 
industry of that country, generally replaces by every such 
operation two distinct capitals that had both been employed 
in the agriculture or manufactures of that country, and 
thereby enables them to continue that employment. When it 
sends out from the residence of the merchant a certain 
value of commodities, it generally brings back in return at 
least an equal value of other commodities. When both are 
the produce of domestick industry, it necessarily replaces by 
every such operation two distinct capitals, which had both 
been employed in supporting productive labour, and thereby 
enables them to continue that support. The capital which 
sends Scotch manufactures to London, and brings back 
EngHsh corn and manufactures to Edinburgh, necessarily 
replaces, by every such operation, two British capitals which 
had both been employed in the agriculture or manufactures 
of Great Britain. 

The capital employed in purchasing foreign goods for 
home-consumption, when this purchase is made with the 
produce of domestick industry, replaces too, by every such 
operation, two distinct capitals; but one of them only is em- 
ployed in supporting domestick industry. The capital which 
sends British goods to Portugal, and brings back Portuguese 
goods to Great Britain, replaces by every such operation 
only one British capital. The other is a Portuguese one. 
Though the returns, therefore, of the foreign trade of 
consumption should be as quick as those of the home- 
trade, the capital employed in it will give but one-half the 


encouragement to the industry or productive labour of the 

But the returns of the foreign trade of consumption are 
very seldom so quick as those of the home-trade. The re- 
turns of the home-trade generally come in before the end of 
the year, and sometimes three or four times in the year. 
The returns of the foreign trade of consumption seldom 
come in before the end of the year, and sometimes not till 
after two or three years. A capital, therefore, employed in 
the home-trade will sometimes make twelve operations, or be 
sent out and returned twelve times, before a capital employed 
in the foreign trade of consumption has made one. If the 
capitals are equal, therefore, the one will give four and 
twenty times more encouragement and support to the indus- 
try of the country than the other. 

The foreign goods for home-consumption may sometimes 
be purchased, not with the produce of domestick industry, 
but with some other foreign goods. These last, howei'^er, 
must have been purchased either immediately with the prod- 
uce of domestick industry, or with something else that had 
been purchased with it; for the case of war and conquest 
excepted, foreign goods can never be acquired, but in ex- 
change for something that had been produced at home, either 
immediately, or after two or more different exchanges. The 
effects, therefore, of a capital employed in such a round- 
about foreign trade of consumption, are, in every respect, 
the same as those of one employed in the most direct trade 
of the same kind, except that the final returns are likely to 
be still more distant, as they must depend upon the returns 
of two or three distinct foreign trades. If the flax and hemp 
of Riga are purchased with the tobacco of Virginia, which 
had been purchased with British manufactures, the merchant 
must wait for the returns of two distinct foreign trades be- 
fore he can employ the same capital in re-purchasing a like 
quantity of British manufactures. If the tobacco of Vir- 
ginia had been purchased, not with British manufactures, but 
with the sugar and rum of Jamaica which had been pur- 
chased with those manufactures, he must wait for the re- 
turns of three. If those two or three distinct foreign trades 
should happen to be carried on by two or three distinct mer- 


chants, of whom the second buys the goods imported by the 
first, and the third buys those imported by the second, in 
order to export them again, each merchant indeed will in 
this case receive the returns of his own capital more quickly ; 
but the final returns of the whole capital employed in the 
trade will be just as slow as ever. Whether the whole capi- 
tal employed in such a round-about trade belong to one mer- 
chant or to three, can make no difference with regard to the 
country, though it may with regard to the particular mer- 
chants. Three times a greater capital must in both cases 
be employed, in order to exchange a certain value of British 
manufactures for a certain quantity of flax and hemp, than 
would have been necessary, had the manufactures and the 
flax and hemp been directly exchanged for one another. 
The whole capital employed, therefore, in such a round- 
about foreign trade of consumption, will generally give less 
encouragement and support to the productive labour of the 
country, than an equal capital employed in a more direct 
trade of the same kind. 

Whatever be the foreign commodity with which the for- 
eign goods for home-consumption are purchased, it can oc- 
casion no essential difference either in the nature of the 
trade, or in the encouragement and support which it can give 
to the productive labour of the country from which it is 
carried on. If they are purchased with the gold of Brazil, 
for example, or with the silver of Peru, this gold and silver, 
like the tobacco of Virginia, must have been purchased witli 
something that either was the produce of the industry of the 
country, or that had been purchased with something else that 
was so. So far, therefore, as the productive labour of the 
country is concerned, the foreign trade of consumption 
which is carried on by means of gold and silver, has all the 
advantages and all the inconveniencies of any other equally 
round-about foreign trade of consumption, and will replace 
just as fast or just as slow the capital which is immediately 
employed in supporting that productive labour. It seems 
even to have one advantage over any other equally round- 
about foreign trade. The transportation of those metals 
from one place to another, on account of their small bulk 
and great value, is less expensive than that of almost any 


other foreign goods of equal value. Their freight is much 
less, and their insurance not greater; and no goods, besides, 
are less liable to suffer by the carriage. An equal quantity 
of foreign goods, therefore, may frequently be purchased 
with a smaller quantity of the produce of domestick indus- 
try, by the intervention of gold and silver, than by that of 
any other foreign goods. The demand of the country may 
frequently, in this manner, be supplied more completely and 
at a smaller expence than in any other. Whether, by the 
continual exportation of those metals, a trade of this kind 
is likely to impoverish the country from wrhich it is carried 
on, in any other w^ay, I shall have occasion to examine at 
great length hereafter. 

That part of the capital of any country which is employed 
in the carrying trade, is altogether withdrawn from support- 
ing the productive labour of that particular country, to sup- 
port that of some foreign countries. Though it may replace 
by every operation tv/o distinct capitals, yet neither of 
them belongs to that particular country. The capital of the 
Dutch merchant, which carries the corn of Poland to Portu- 
gal, and brings back the fruits and wines of Portugal to 
Poland, replaces by every such operation two capitals, neither 
of which had been employed in supporting the productive 
labour of Holland; but one of them in supporting that of 
Poland, and the other that of Portugal. The profits only re- 
turn regularly to Holland, and constitute the whole addition 
which this trade necessarily makes to the annual produce of 
the land and labour of that country. When, indeed, the 
carrying trade of any particular country is carried on with 
the ships and sailors of that country, that part of the capital 
employed in it which pays the freight, is distributed among, 
and puts into motion, a certain number of productive labour- 
ers of that country. Almost all nations that have had any 
considerable share of the carrying trade have, in fact, car- 
ried it on in this manner. The trade itself has probably de- 
rived its name from it, the people of such countries being 
the carriers to other countries. It does not, however, seem 
essential to the nature of the trade that it should be so, A 
Dutch merchant may, foe example, employ his capital in 
transacting the commerce of Poland and Portugal, by carry- 


ing part of the surplus produce of the one to the other, not 
in Dutch, but in British bottoms. It may be pi'esumed, that 
he actually does so upon some particular occasions. It is 
upon this account, however, that the carrying trade has been 
supposed peculiarly advantageous to such a country as Great 
Britain, of which the defence and security depend upon the 
number of its sailors and shipping. But the same capital 
may employ as many sailors and shipping, either in the for- 
eign trade of consumption, or even in the home-trade, when 
carried on by coasting vessels, as it could in the carrying 
trade. The number of sailors and shipping which any par- 
ticular capital can employ, does not depend upon the nature 
of the trade, but partly upon the bulk of the goods in pro- 
portion to their value, and partly upon the distance of the 
ports between which they are to be carried; chiefly upon the 
former of those two circumstances. The coal-trade from 
Newcastle to London, for example, employs more shipping 
than all the carrying trade of England, though the ports are 
at no great distance. To force, therefore, by extraordinary 
encouragements, a larger share of the capital of any country 
into the carrying trade, than what would naturally go to it, 
will not always necessarily increase the shipping of that 

The capital, therefore, employed in the home-trade of any 
country will generally give encouragement and support to a 
greater quantity of productive labour in that country, and 
increase the value of its annual produce more than an equal 
capital employed in the foreign trade of consumption : and 
the capital employed in this latter trade has in both these re- 
spects a still greater advantage over an equal capital em- 
ployed in the carrying trade. The riches, and so far as 
power depends upon riches, the power of every country, must 
always be in proportion to the value of its annual produce, 
the fund from which all taxes must ultimately be paid. But 
the great object of the political economy of every country, 
is to increase the riches and power of that country. It 
ought, therefore, to give no preference nor superior encour- 
agement to the foreign trade of consumption above the 
home-trade, nor to the carrying trade above either of the 
other two. It ouaht neither to force nor to allure into 


either of those two channels, a greater share of the capital 
of the country than what would naturally flow into them of 
its own accord. 

Each of those different branches of trade, however, is not 
only advantageous, but necessary and unavoidable, when the 
course of things, without any constraint or violence, natu- 
rally introduces it. 

When the produce of any particular branch of industry 
exceeds what the demand of the country requires, the surplus 
must be sent abroad, and exchanged for something for 
which there is a demand at home. Without such exporta- 
tion, a part of the productive labour of the country must 
cease, and the value of its annual produce diminish. The 
land and labour of Great Britain produce generally more 
corn, woollens, and hard ware, than the demand of the home- 
market requires. The surplus part of them, therefore, must 
be sent abroad, and exchanged for something for which 
there is a demand at home. It is only by means of such ex- 
portation, that this surplus can acquire a value sufficient to 
compensate the labour and expence of producing it. The 
neighbourhood of the sea coast, and the banks of all navi- 
gable rivers are advantageous situations for industry, only 
because they facilitate the exportation and exchange of such 
surplus produce for something else which is more in de- 
mand there. 

When the foreign goods which are thus purchased with 
the surplus produce of domestic industry exceed the demand 
of the home-market, the surplus part of them must be sent 
abroad again, and exchanged for something more in demand 
at home. About ninety-six thousand hogsheads of tobacco 
are annually purchased in Virginia and Maryland, with a 
part of the surplus produce of British industry. But the de^ 
mand of Great Britain does not require, perhaps, more than 
fourteen thousand. If the remaining eighty-two thousand, 
therefore, could not be sent abroad and exchanged for some- 
thing more in demand at home, the importation of them 
must cease immediately, and with it the productive labour of 
all those inhabitants of Great Britain, who are at present 
employed in preparing the goods with which these eighty- 
two thousand hogsheads are annually purchased. Those 


goods, which are part of the produce of the land and labour 
of Great Britain, having no market at home, and being de- 
prived of that vi^hich they had abroad, must cease to be 
produced. The most round-about foreign trade of consump- 
tion, therefore, may, upon some occasions, be as necessary 
for supporting the productive labour of the country, and the 
value of its annual produce, as the most direct. 

When the capital stock of any country is increased to such 
a degree, that it cannot be all employed in supplying the con- 
sumption, and supporting the productive labour of that par- 
ticular country, the surplus part of it naturally disgorges 
itself into the carrying trade, and is employed in performing 
the same offices to other countries. The carrying trade is 
the natural effect and symptom of great national wealth ; 
but it does not seem to be the natural cause of it. Those 
statesmen who have been disposed to favour it with particu- 
lar encouragements, seem to have mistaken the effect and 
symptom for the cause. Holland, in proportion to the extent 
of the land and the number of its inhabitants, by far the 
richest country in Europe, has, accordingly, the greatest 
share of the carrying trade of Europe. England, perhaps 
the second richest country of Europe, is likewise supposed 
to have a considerable share of it ; though what commonly 
passes for the carrying trade of England, will frequently, 
perhaps, be found to be no more than a round-about foreign 
trade of consumption. Such are, in a great measure, the 
trades which carry the goods of the East and West Indies, 
and of America, to different European markets. Those 
goods are generally purchased either immediately with the 
produce of British industry, or with something else which 
had been purchased with that produce, and the final returns 
of those trades are generally used or consumed in Great 
Britain. The trade which is carried on in British bottoms 
between the different ports of the Mediterranean, and some 
trade of the same kind carried on by British merchants be- 
tween the different ports of India, make, perhaps, the prin- 
cipal branches of what is properly the carrying trade of' 
Great Britain. 

The extent of the home-trade and of the capital which can 
be employed in it, is necessarily limited by the value of the 


surplus produce of all those distant places within the country 
which have occasion to exchange their respective produc- 
tions with one another. That of the foreign trade of con- 
sumption, by the value of the surplus produce of the whole 
country and of what can be purchased with it. That of the 
carrying trade, by the value of the surplus produce of all the 
different countries in the world. Its possible extent, there- 
fore, is in a manner infinite in comparison of that of the 
other two, and is capable of absorbing the greatest capitals. 
The consideration of his own private profit, is the sole 
motive which determines the owner of any capital to employ 
it either in agriculture, in manufactures, or in some particular 
branch of the wholesale or retail trade. The different quan- 
tities of productive labour which it may put into motion, 
and the different values which it may add to the annual 
produce of the land and labour of the society, according as 
it is employed in one or other of those different ways, never 
enter into his thoughts. In countries, therefore, where agri- 
culture is the most profitable of all employments, and farm- 
ing and improving the most direct roads to a splendid for- 
tune, the capitals of individuals will naturally be employed 
in the manner most advantageous to the whole society. The 
profits of agriculture, however, seem to have no superiority 
over those of other employments in any part of Europe. 
Projectors, indeed, in every corner of it, have within these 
few years amused the public with most magnificent accounts 
of the profits to be made by the cultivation and improvement 
of land. Without entering into any particular discussion of 
their calculations, a very simple observation may satisfy us 
that the result of them must be false. We see every day 
the most splendid fortunes that have been acquired in the 
course of a single life by trade and manufactures, frequently 
from a very small capital, sometimes from no capital. A 
single instance of such a fortune acquired by agriculture in 
the same time, and from such a capital, has not, perhaps, 
occurred in Europe during the course of the present cen- 
tury. In all the great countries of Europe, however, much 
good land still remains uncultivated, and the greater part of 
what is cultivated, is far from being improved to the degree 
of which it is capable. Agriculture, therefore, is almost 


every-where capable of absorbing a much greater capital 
than has ever yet been employed in it. What circumstances 
in the policy of Europe have given the trades which are 
carried on in towns so great an advantage over that which is 
carried on in the country, that private persons frequently 
find it more for their advantage to employ their capitals in 
the most distant carrying trades of Asia and America, than 
in the improvement and cultivation of the most fertile fields 
in their own neighbourhood. I shall endeavour to explain 
at full length in the two following books. 

Of the Different Progress of Opulence in Different Nations 

Of the Natural Progress of Opulence 

THE great commerce of every civilized society, is that 
carried on between the inhabitants of the town and 
those of the country. It consists in the exchange of 
rude for manufactured produce, either immediately, or by 
the intervention of money, or of some sort of paper which 
represents money. The country supplies the town with the 
means of subsistence, and the materials of manufacture. 
The town repays this supply by sending back a part of the 
manufactured produce to the inhabitants of the country. 
The town, in which there neither is nor can be any reproduc- 
tion of substances, may very properly be said to gain its 
whole wealth and subsistence from the country. We must 
not, however, upon this account, imagine that the gain of the 
town is the loss of the country. The gains of both are 
mutual and reciprocal, and the division of labour is in this, 
as in all other cases, advantageous to all the different per- 
sons employed in the various occupations into which it is 
subdivided. The inhabitants of the country purchase of the 
town a greater quantity of manufactured goods, with the 
produce of a much smaller quantity of their own labour, 
than they must have employed had they attempted to pre- 
pare them themselves. The town affords a market for the 
surplus produce of the country, or what is over and above 
the maintenance of the cultivators, and it is there that the 
inhabitants of the country exchange it for something else 
which is in demand among them. The greater the number 
and revenue of the inhabitants of the town, the more ex- 



tensive is the market which it affords to those of the coun- 
try; and the more extensive that market, it is always the 
more advantageous to a great number. The corn which 
grows within a mile of the town, sells there for the same 
price with that which comes from twenty miles distance. 
But the price of the latter must generally, not only pay the 
expence of raising and bringing it to market, but afford too 
the ordinary profits of agriculture to the farmer. The pro- 
prietors and cultivators of the country, therefore, which 
lies in the neighbourhood of the town, over and above the 
ordinary profits of agriculture, gain, in the price of what 
they sell, the whole value of the carriage of the like produce 
that is brought from more distant parts, and they save, be- 
sides, the whole value of this carriage in the price of what 
they buy. Compare the cultivation of the lands in the neigh- 
bourhood of any considerable town, with that of those which 
lie at some distance from it, and you will easily satisfy your- 
self how much the country is benefited by the commerce of 
the town. Among all the absurd speculations that have been 
propagated concerning the balance of trade, it has never 
been pretended that either the country loses by its com- 
merce with the town, or the town by that with the country 
which maintains it. 

As subsistence is, in the nature of things, prior to con- 
veniency and luxury, so the industry which procures the 
former, must necessarily be prior to that which ministers to 
the latter. The cultivation and improvement of the country, 
therefore, which affords subsistence, must, necessarily, be 
prior to the increase of the town, which furnishes only the 
means of conveniency and luxury. It is the surplus produce 
of the country only, or what is over and above the mainte- 
nance of the cultivators, that constitutes the subsistence of the 
town, which can therefore increase only with the increase 
of this surplus produce. The town, indeed, may not always 
derive its whole subsistence from the country in its neigh- 
bourhood, or even from the territory to which it belongs, 
but from very distant countries ; and this, though it forms no 
exception from the general rule, has occasioned considerable 
variations in the progress of opulence in different ages and 


That order of things which necessity imposes in general, 
though not in every particular country, is, in every particu- 
lar country, promoted by the natural inclinations of man. If 
human institutions had never thw^arted those natural incli- 
nations, the towns could no-where have increased beyond 
what the improvement and cultivation of the territory in 
which they were situated could support; till such time, at 
least, as the whole of that territory was completely cviltivated 
and improved. Upon equal, or nearly equal profits, most 
men will chuse to employ their capitals rather in the im- 
provement and cultivation of land, than either in manufac- 
tures or in foreign trade. The man who employs his capital 
in land, has it more under his view and command, and his 
fortune is much less liable to accident, than that of the 
trader, who is obliged frequently to commit it, not only to 
the winds and the waves, but to the more uncertain elements 
of human folly and injustice, by giving great credits in dis- 
tant countries to men, with whose character and situation 
he can seldom be thoroughly acquainted. The capital of the 
landlord, on the contrary, which is fixed in the improvement 
of his land, seems to be as well secured as the nature of 
human affairs can admit of. The beauty of the country be- 
sides, the pleasure of a country life, the tranquillity of mind 
which it promises, and wherever the injustice of human laws 
does not disturb it, the independency which it really affords, 
have charms that more or less attract every body ; and as to 
cultivate the ground was the original destination of man, so 
in every stage of his existence he seems to retain a predilec- 
tion for this primitive employment. 

Without the assistance of some artificers, indeed, the cul- 
tivation of land cannot be carried on, but with great incon- 
veniency and continual interruption. Smiths, carpenters, 
wheel-wrights, and plough-wrights, masons, and bricklayers, 
tanners, shoemakers, and taylors, are people, whose service 
the farmer has frequent occasion for. Such artificers too 
stand, occasionally, in need of the assistance of one another; 
and as their residence is not, like that of the farmer, neces- 
sarily tied down to a precise spot, they naturally settle in 
the neighbourhood of one another, and thus form a small 
town or village. The butcher, the brewer, and the baker, 

K — HC X 


soon join them, together with many other artificers and re- 
tailers, necessary or useful for supplying their occasional 
wants, and who contribute still further to augment the town. 
The inhabitants of the town and those of the country are 
mutually the servants of one another. The town is a con- 
tinual fair or market, to which the inhabitants of the coun- 
try resort, in order to exchange their rude for manufactured 
produce. It is this commerce which supplies the inhabitants 
of the town both with the materials of their work, and the 
means of their subsistence. The quantity of the finished 
work which they sell to the inhabitants of the country, nec- 
essarily regulates the quantity of the materials and pro- 
visions which they buy. Neither their employment nor 
subsistence, therefore, can augment, but in proportion to the 
augmentation of the demand from the country for finished 
work; and this demand can augment only in proportion to 
the extension of improvement and cultivation. Had human 
institutions, therefore, never disturbed the natural course of 
things, the progressive wealth and increase of the towns 
would, in every political society, be consequential, and in 
proportion to the improvement and cultivation of the terri- 
tory or country. 

In our North American colonies, where uncultivated land 
is still to be had upon easy terms, no manufactures for dis- 
tant sale have ever yet been established in any of their 
towns. When an artificer has acquired a little more stock 
than is necessary for carrying on his own business in sup- 
plying the neighbouring country, he does not, in North 
America, attempt to establish with it a manufacture for 
more distant sale, but employs it in the purchase and im- 
provement of uncultivated land. From artificer he becomes 
planter, and neither the large wages nor the easy subsistence 
which that country affords to artificers, can bribe him rather 
to work for other people than for himself. He feels that an 
artificer is the servant of his customers, from whom he de- 
rives his subsistence; but that a planter who cultivates his 
own land, and derives his necessary subsistence from the 
labour of his own family, is really a master, and independent 
of all the world. 

In countries, on tlie contrary, where there is either no un- 


cultivated land, or none that can be had upon easy terms, 
every artificer who has acquired more stock than he can 
employ in the occasional jobs of the neighbourhood, endeav- 
ours to prepare work for more distant sale. The smith 
erects some sort of iron, the weaver some sort of linen or 
woollen manufactory. Those different manufactures come, 
in process of time, to be gradually subdivided, and thereby 
improved and refined in a great variety of ways, which may 
easily be conceived, and which it is therefore unnecessary to 
explain any further. 

In seeking for employment to a capital, manufactures are, 
upon equal or nearly equal profits, naturally preferred to 
foreign commerce, for the same reason that agriculture is 
naturally preferred to manufactures. As the capital of the 
landlord or farmer is more secure than that of the manufac- 
turer, so the capital of the manufacturer, being at all times 
more within his view and command, is more secure than that 
of the foreign merchant. In every period, indeed, of every 
society, the surplus part both of the rude and manufactured 
produce, or that for which there is no demand at home, must 
be sent abroad in order to be exchanged for something for 
which there is some demand at home. But whether the capi- 
tal, which carries this surplus produce abroad, be a foreign 
or a domestic one, is of very little importance. If the society 
has not acquired sufificient capital both to cultivate all its 
lands, and to manufacture in the completest manner the 
whole of its rude produce, there is even a considerable ad- 
vantage that that rude produce should be exported by a for- 
eign capital, in order that the whole stock of the society may 
be employed in more useful purposes. The wealth of ancient 
Egypt, that of China and Indostan, sufficiently demonstrate 
that a nation may attain a very high degree of opulence, 
though the greater part of its exportation trade be carried 
on by foreigners. The progress of our North American 
and West Indian colonies would have been much less rapid, 
had no capital but what belonged to themselves been em- 
ployed in exporting their surplus produce. 

According to the natural course of things, therefore, the 
greater part of the capital of every growing society is, first, 
directed to agriculture, afterwards to manufactures, and last 


of all to foreign commerce. This order of things is so very 
natural, that in every society that had any territory, it has 
always, I believe, been in some degree observed. Some of 
their lands must have been cultivated before any consider- 
able towns could be established, and some sort of coarse in- 
dustry of the manufacturing kind must have been carried on 
in those towns, before they could well think of employing 
themselves in foreign commerce. 

But though this natural order of things must have taken 
place in some degree in every such society, it has, in all the 
modern states of Europe, been, in many respects, entirely 
inverted. The foreign commerce of some of their cities has 
introduced all their finer manufactures, or such as were fit 
for distant sale ; and manufactures and foreign commerce 
together, have given birth to the principal improvements of 
agriculture. The manners and customs which the nature of 
their original government introduced, and which remained 
after that government was greatly altered, necessarily forced 
them into this unnatural and retrograde order. 


Of Systems of Political CEconomy 


POLITICAL oeconomy, considered as a branch of the 
science of a statesman or legislator, proposes two 
distinct objects : first, to provide a plentiful revenue or 
subsistence for the people, or more properly to enable them 
to provide such a revenue or subsistence for themselves ; and 
secondly, to supply the state or commonwealth with a rev- 
enue sufficient for the public services. It proposes to enrich 
both the people and the sovereign. 

The different progress of opulence in different ages and 
nations, has given occasion to two different systems of po- 
litical oeconomy, with regard to enriching the people. The 
one may be called the system of commerce, the other that of 
agriculture. I shall endeavour to explain both as fully and 
distinctly as I can, and shall begin with the system of com- 
merce. It is the modern system, and is best understood in 
our own country and in our own times. 



Of the Principle of the Commercial or Mercantile 

THAT wealth consists in money, or in gold and silver, 
is a popular notion which naturally arises from the 
double function of money, as the instrument of com- 
merce, and as the measure of value. In consequence of its 
being the instrument of commerce, when we have money we 
can more readily obtain whatever else we have occasion for, 
than by means of any other commodity. The great affair, 
we always find, is to get money. When that is obtained, 
there is no difficulty in making any subsequent purchase. In 
consequence of its being the measure of value, we estimate 
that of all other commodities by the quantity of money which 
they will exchange for. We say of a rich man that he is 
worth a great deal, and of a poor man that he is worth very 
little money. A frugal man, or a man eager to be rich, is 
said to love money ; and a careless, a generous, or a profuse 
man, is said to be indifferent about it. To grow rich is to 
get money; and wealth and money, in short, are, in common 
language, considered as in every respect synonymous. 

A rich country, in the same manner as a rich man, is sup- 
posed to be a country abounding in money; and to heap up 
gold and silver in any country is supposed to be the readiest 
way to enrich it. For some time after the discovery of 
America, the first enquiry of the Spaniards, when they ar- 
rived upon any unknown coast, used to be, if there was any 
gold or silver to be found in the neighbourhood? By the 
information which they received, they judged whether it 
was worth while to make a settlement there, or if the coun- 
try was worth the conquering. Piano Carpino, a monk sent 
ambassador from the king of France to one of the sons of 
the famous Gengis Khan, says that the Tartars used fre- 



quently to ask him, if there was plenty of sheep and oxen 
in the kingdom of France? Their enquiry had the same 
object with that of the Spaniards. They wanted to know 
if the country was rich enough to be worth the conquering. 
Among the Tartars, as among all other nations of shepherds, 
who are generally ignorant of the use of money, cattle arc 
the instruments of commerce and the measures of value. 
Wealth, therefore, according to them, consisted in cattle, 
as according to the Spaniards it consisted in gold and silver. 
Of the two, the Tartar notion, perhaps, was the nearest to. 
the truth. 

Mr. Locke remarks a distinction between money and other 
moveable goods. All other moveable goods, he says, are of 
so consumable a nature that the wealth which consists in 
them cannot be much depended on, and a nation which 
abounds in them one year may, without any exportation, but 
merely by their own waste and extravagance, be in great 
want of them the next. Money, on the contrary, is a steady 
friend, which, though it may travel about from hand to 
hand, yet if it can be kept from going out of the country, 
is not very liable to be wasted and consumed. Gold and 
silver, therefore, are, according to him, the most solid and 
substantial part of the moveable wealth of a nation, and to 
multiply those metals ought, he thinks, upon that account, to 
be the great object of its political oeconomy. 

Others admit that if a nation could be separated from 
all the world, it would be of no consequence how much, or 
how little money circulated in it. The consumable goods 
which were circulated by means of this money, would only 
be exchanged for a greater or a smaller number of pieces; 
but the real wealth or poverty of the country, they allow, 
would depend altogether upon the abundance or scarcity of 
those consumable goods. But it is otherwise, they think, 
with countries which have connections with foreign nations, 
and which are obliged to carry on foreign wars, and to main- 
tain fleets and armies in distant countries. This, they say, 
cannot be done, but by sending abroad money to pay them 
with ; and a nation cannot send much money abroad, unless 
it has a good deal at home. Every such nation, therefore, 
must endeavour in time of peace to accumulate gold and 


silver, that, when occasion requires, it may have where- 
withal to carry on foreign wars. 

In consequence of these popular notions, all the different 
nations of Europe have studied, though to little purpose, 
every possible means of accumulating gold and silver in their 
respective countries. Spain and Portugal, the proprietors of 
the principal mines which supply Europe with those metals, 
have either prohibited their exportation under the severest 
penalties, or subjected it to a considerable duty. The like 
prohibition seems anciently to have made a part of the policy 
of most other European nations. It is even to be found, 
where we should least of all expect to find it, in some old 
Scotch acts of parliament, which forbid under heavy penal- 
ties the carrying gold or silver forth of the kingdom. The 
like policy anciently took place both in France and England. 

When those countries became commercial, the merchants 
found this prohibition, upon many occasions, extremely in- 
convenient. They could frequently buy more advantageously 
with gold and silver than with any other commodity, the 
foreign goods which they wanted, either to import into their 
own, or to carry to some other foreign country. They re- 
monstrated, therefore, against this prohibition as hurtful to 

They represented, first, that the exportation of gold and 
silver in order to purchase foreign goods, did not always 
diminish the quantity of those metals in the kingdom. That, 
on the contrary, it might frequently increase that quantity ; 
because, if the consumption of foreign goods was not thereby 
increased in the country, those goods might be re-exported 
to foreign countries, and, being there sold for a large profit, 
might bring back much more treasure than was originally 
sent out to purchase them. Mr. Mun compares this opera- 
tion of foreign trade to the seed-time and harvest of agricul- 
ture. "If we only behold," says he, "the actions of the hus- 
bandman in the seed-time, when he casteth away much good 
corn into the ground, we shall account him rather a mad- 
man than a hu.sbandman. But when we consider his labours 
in the harvest, which is the end of his endeavours, we shall 
find the worth and plentiful increase of his actions." 

They represented, secondly, that this prohibition could not 


hinder the exportation of gold and silver, which, on account 
of the smallness of their bulk in proportion to their value, 
could easily be smuggled abroad. That this exportation 
could only be prevented by a proper attention to, v^hat they 
called, the balance of trade. That v^^hen the country ex- 
ported to a greater value than it imported, a balance became 
due to it from foreign nations, which M^as necessarily paid 
to it in gold and silver, and thereby increased the quantity 
of those metals in the kingdom. But that when it imported 
to a greater value than it exported, a contrary balance be- 
came due to foreign nations, which was necessarily paid to 
them in the same manner, and thereby diminished that quan- 
tity. That in this case to prohibit the exportation of those 
metals could not prevent it, but only by making it more 
dangerous, render it more expensive. That the exchange 
was thereby turned more against the country which owed 
the balance, than it otherwise might have been; the merchant 
who purchased a bill upon the foreign country being obliged 
to pay the banker who sold it, not only for the natural risk, 
trouble and expence of sending the money thither, but for 
the extraordinary risk arising from the prohibition. But 
that the more the exchange was against any country, the 
more the balance of trade became necessarily against it; 
the money of that country becoming necessarily of so much 
less value, in comparison with that of the country to which 
the balance was due. That if the exchange between Eng- 
land and Holland, for example, was five per cent. aEgainst 
England, it would require a hundred and five ounces of 
silver in England to purchase a bill for a hundred ounces of 
silver in Holland: that a hundred and five ounces of silver in 
England, therefore, would be worth only a hundred ounces 
of silver in Holland, and would purchase only a proportion- 
able quantity of Dutch goods: but that a hundred ounces 
of silver in Holland, on the contrary, would be worth a hun- 
dred and five ounces in England, and would purchase a 
proportionable quantity of English goods: that the English 
goods which were sold to Holland would be sold so much 
cheaper ; and the Dutch goods which were sold to England, 
so much dearer, by the difference of the exchange; that the 
one would draw so much less Dutch money to England, and 


the other so much more English money to Holland, as this 
difference amounted to: and that the balance of trade, there- 
fore, would necessarily be so much more against England, 
and would require a greater balance of gold and silver to 
be exported to Holland. 

Those arguments were partly solid and partly sophistical. 
They were solid so far as they asserted that the exportation 
of gold and silver in trade might frequently be advantageous 
to the country. They were solid too, in asserting that no 
prohibition could prevent their exportation, when private 
people found any advantage in exporting them. But they 
were sophistical in supposing, that either to preserve or to 
augment the quantity of those metals required more the at- 
tention of government, than to preserve or to augment the 
quantity of any other useful commodities, which the freedom 
of trade, without any such attention, never fails to supply 
in the proper quantity. They were sophistical too, perhaps, 
in asserting that the high price of exchange necessarily in- 
creased, what they called, the unfavourable balance of trade, 
or occasioned the exportation of a greater quantity of gold 
and silver. That high price, indeed, was extremely disad- 
vantageous to the merchants who had any money to pay in 
foreign countries. They paid so much dearer for the bills 
which their bankers granted them upon those countries. But 
though the risk arising from the prohibition might occasion 
some extraordinary expence to the bankers, it would not 
necessarily carry any more money out of the country. This 
expence would generally be all laid out in the country, in 
smuggling the money out of it, and could seldom occasion 
the exportation of a single six-pence beyond the precise sum 
drawn for. The high price of exchange too would naturally 
dispose the merchants to endeavour to make their exports 
nearly balance their imports, in order that they might have 
this high exchange to pay upon as small a sum as possible. 
The high price of exchange, besides, must necessarily have 
operated as a tax, in raising the price of foreign goods, and 
thereby diminishing their consumption. It would tend, there- 
fore, not to increase, but to diminish, what they called, the 
unfavourable balance of trade, and consequently the expor- 
tation of gold and silver. 


Such as they were, however, those arguments ccnvinced 
the people to whom they were addressed. They were ad^ 
dressed by merchants to parliaments, and to the councils of 
princes, to nobles, and to country gentlemen ; by those who 
were supposed to understand trade, to those who were con- 
scious to themselves that they knew nothing about the mat- 
ter. That foreign trade enriched the country, experience 
demonstrated to the nobles and country gentlemen, as well 
as to the merchants ; but how, or in what manner, none of 
them well knew. The merchants knew perfectly in what 
manner it enriched themselves. It was their business to 
know it. But to know in what manner it enriched the coun- 
try, was no part of their business. This subject never came 
into their consideration, but when they had occasion to apply 
to their country for some change in the laws relating to for- 
eign trade. It then became necessary to say something 
about the beneficial effects of foreign trade, and the manner 
in which those effects were obstructed by the laws as they 
then stood. To the judges who were to decide the business, 
it appeared a most satisfactory account of the matter, when 
they were told that foreign trade brought money into the 
country, but that the laws in question hindered it from bring- 
ing so much as it otherwise would do. Those arguments 
therefore produced the wished-for effect. The prohibition 
of exporting gold and silver was in France and England 
confined to the coin of those respective countries. The ex- 
portation of foreign coin and of bullion was made free. In 
Holland, and in some other places, this liberty was extended 
even to the coin of the country. The attention of govern- 
ment was turned away from guarding against the exporta- 
tion of gold and silver, to watch over the balance of trade, 
as the only cause which could occasion any augmentation 
or diminution of those metals. From one fruitless care it 
was turned away to another care much more intricate, much 
more embarrassing, and just equally fruitless. The title of 
Mun's book, England's Treasure in Foreign Trade, became 
a fundamental maxim in the political ceconomy, not of Eng- 
land only, but of all other commercial countries. The inland 
or home trade, the most important of all. the trade in which 
an equal capital affords the greatest revenue, and creates 


the greatest employment to the people of the country, was 
considered as subsidiary only to foreign trade. It neither 
brought money into the country, it was said, nor carried 
any out of it. The country therefore could never become 
either richer or poorer by means of it, except so far as its 
prosperity or decay might indirectly influence the state of 
foreign trade. 

A country that has no mines of its own must undoubtedly 
draw its gold and silver from foreign countries, in the same 
manner as one that has no vineyards of its own must draw 
its wines. It does not seem necessary, however, that the 
attention of government should be more turned towards the 
one than towards the other object. A country that has 
wherewithal to buy wine, will always get the wine which it 
has occasion for ; and a country that has wherewithal to buy 
gold and silver, will never be in want of those metals. They 
are to be bought for a certain price like all other commodi- 
ties, and as they are the price of all other commodities, so all 
other commodities are the price of those metals. We trust 
with perfect security that the freedom of trade, without any 
attention of government, will always supply «s with the wine 
which we have occasion for: and we may trust with equal 
security that it will always supply us with all the gold and 
silver which we can afford to purchase or to employ, either 
in circulating our commodities, or in other uses. 

The quantity of every commodity which human industry 
can either purchase or produce, naturally regulates itself in 
every country according to the effectual demand, or accord- 
ing to the demand of those who are willing to pay the whole 
rent, labour and profits which must be paid in order to pre- 
pare and bring it to market. But no commodities regulate 
themselves more easily or more exactly according to this 
effectual demand than gold and silver: because, on account 
of the small bulk and great value of those metals, no com- 
modities can be more easily transported from one place to 
another, from the places where they are cheap, to those 
where they are dear, from the places where they exceed, to 
those where they fall short of this effectual demand. If there 
were in England, for example, an eft'ectual demand for an 
additional quantity of gold, a packet-boat could bring from 


Lisbon, or from wherever else it was to be had, fifty tuns of 
gold, which could be coined into more than five millions of 
guineas. But if there were an effectual demand for grain 
to the same value, to import it would require, at five guineas 
a tun, a million of tuns of shipping, or a thousand ships of a 
thousand tuns each. The navy of England would not be 

When the quantity of gold and silver imported into any 
country exceeds the effectual demand, no vigilance of gov- 
ernment can prevent their exportation. All the sanguinary 
laws of Spain and Portugal are not able to keep their gold 
and silver at home. The continual importations from Peru 
and Brazil exceed the effectual demand of those countries, 
and sink the price of those metals there below that in the 
neighbouring countries. If, on the contrary, in any particu- 
lar country their quantity fell short of the effectual demand, 
so as to raise their price above that of neighbouring coun- 
tries, the government would have no occasion to take any 
pains to import them. If it were even to take pains to pie- 
vent their importation, it would not be able to effectuate it. 
Those metals, when the Spartans had got wherewithal to 
purchase them, broke through all the barriers which the laws 
of Lycurgus opposed to their entrance into Lacedemon. 
All the sanguinary laws of the customs are not able to pre- 
vent the importation of the teas of the Dutch and Gotten- 
burgh East India companies ; because somewhat cheaper 
than those of the British company. A pound of tea. how- 
ever, is about a hundred times the bulk of one of the highest 
prices, sixteen shillings, that is commonly paid for it in 
silver, and more than two thousand times the bulk of the 
same price in gold, and consequently just so many times 
more difficult to smuggle. 

It is partly owing to the easy transportation of gold and 
silver from the places where they abound to those where 
they are wanted, that the price of those metals does not 
fluctuate continually like that of the greater part of other 
commodities, which are hindered by their bulk from shifting 
their situation, when the market happens to be either over or 
under-stocked with them.- The price of those metals, indeed, 
is not altogether exempted from variation, but the changes 


to which it is liable are generally slow, gradual, and uni- 
form. In Europe, for example, it is supposed, without much 
foundation, perhaps, that, during the course of the present 
and preceding century, they have been constantly, but gradu- 
ally, sinking in their value, on account of the continual im- 
portations from the Spanish West Indies. But to make any 
sudden change in the price of gold and silver, so as to raise 
or lower at once, sensibly and remarkably, the money price 
of all other commodities, requires such a revolution in com- 
merce as that occasioned by the discovery of America. 

If, notwithstanding all this, gold and silver should at any 
time fall short in a country which has wherewithal to pur- 
chase them, there are more expedients for supplying their 
place, than that of almost any other commodity. If the ma- 
terials of manufacture are wanted, industry must stop. If 
provisions are wanted, the people must starve. But if money 
is wanted, barter will supply its place, though with a good 
deal of inconveniency. Buying and selling upon credit, and 
the different dealers compensating their credits with one 
another, once a month or once a year, will supply it with less 
inconveniency. A well-regulated paper money will supply 
it, not only without any inconveniency, but, in some cases, 
with some advantages. Upon every account, therefore, the 
attention of government never was so unnecessarily em- 
ployed, as when directed to watch over the preservation or 
increase of the quantity of money in any country. 

No complaint, however, is more common than that of a 
scarcity of money. Money, like wine, must always be scarce 
with those who have neither wherewithal to buy it, nor 
credit to borrow it Those who have either, will seldom 
be in want either of the money, or of the wine which they 
have occasion for. This complaint, however, of the scarcity 
of money, is not always confined to improvident spendthrifts. 
It is sometimes general through a whole mercantile town, 
and the country in its neighbourhood. Over-trading is the 
common cause of it. Sober men, whose projects have been 
disproportioned to their capitals, are as likely to have neither 
wherewithal to buy money, nor credit to borrow it, as prodi- 
gals whose expence has been disproportioned to their rev- 
enue. Before their projects can be brought to bear, their 


slock is gone, and their credit v/ith it. They run about every- 
where to borrow money, and every body tells them that they 
have none to lend. Even such general complaints of the 
scarcity of money do not always prove that the usual number 
of gold and silver pieces are not circulating in the country, 
but that many people want those pieces who have nothing 
to give for them. When the profits of trade happen to be 
greater than ordinary, over-trading becomes a general error 
both among great and small dealers. They do not always 
send more money abroad than usual, but they buy upon 
credit both at home and abroad, an unusual quantity of 
goods, which they send to some distant market, in hopes that 
the returns will come in before the demand for payment. 
The demand comes before the returns, and they have nothing 
at hand, with which they can either purchase money, or give 
solid security for borrowing. It is not any scarcity of gold 
and silver, but the difficulty which such people find in bor- 
rowing, and which their creditors find in getting payment, 
that occasions the general complaint of the scarcity of 

It would be too ridiculous to go about seriously to prove, 
that wealth does not consist in money, or in gold and silver; 
but in what money purchases, and is valuable only for pur- 
chasing. Money, no doubt, makes always a part of the na- 
tional capital ; but it has already been shown that it generally 
makes but a small part, and always the most unprofitable 
part of it. 

It is not because wealth consists more essentially in money 
than in goods, that the merchant finds it generally more 
easy to buy goods with money, than to buy money with 
goods ; but because money is the known and established in- 
strument of commerce, for which every thing is readily 
given in exchange, but which is not always with equal readi- 
ness to be got in exchange for every thing. The greater part 
of goods besides are more perishable than money, and he may 
frequently sustain a much greater loss by keeping them. 
When his goods are upon hand too, he is more liable to such 
demands for money as he may not be able to answer, than 
when he has got their price in his coffers. Over and above 
all this, his profit arises more directly from selling than from 


buying, and he is upon all these accounts generally much 
more anxious to exchange his goods for money, than his 
money for goods. But though a particular merchant, with 
abundance of goods in his warehouse, may sometimes be 
ruined by not being able to sell them in time, a nation or 
country is not liable to the same accident. The whole capi- 
tal of a merchant frequently consists in perishable goods 
destined for purchasing money. But it is but a very small 
part of the annual produce of the land and labour of a coun- 
try which can ever be destined for purchasing gold and silver 
from their neighbours. The far greater part is circulated 
and consumed among themselves ; and even of the surplus 
which is sent abroad, the greater part is generally destined 
for the purchase of other foreign goods. Though gold and 
silver, therefore, could not be had in exchange for the goods 
destined to purchase them, the nation would not be ruined. 
It might, indeed, suffer some loss and inconveniency, and 
be forced upon some of those expedients which are necessary 
for supplying the place of money. The annual produce of its 
land and labour, however, would be the same, or very nearly 
the same, as usual, because the same, or very nearly the 
same consumable capital would be employed in maintaining 
it. And though goods do not always draw money so readily 
as money draws goods, in the long-run they draw it more 
necessarily than even it draws them. Goods can serve many 
other purposes besides purchasing money, but money can 
serve no other purpose besides purchasing goods. Money, 
therefore, necessarily runs after goods, but goods do not al- 
ways or necessarily run after money. The man who buys, 
does not always mean to sell again, but frequently to use or 
to consume ; whereas he who sells, always means to buy 
again. The one may frequently have done the whole, but 
the other can never have done more than the one-half of his 
business. It is not for its own sake that men desire money, 
but for the sake of what they can purchase with it. 

Consumable commodities, it is said, are soon destroyed; 
whereas gold and silver are of a more durable nature, and, 
were it not for this continual exportation, might be accumu- 
lated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the 
real wealth of the country. Nothing, therefore, it is pre- 


tended, can be more disadvantageous to any country, than 
the trade which consists in the exchange of such lasting for 
such perishable commodities. We do not, however, reckon 
that trade disadvantageous which consists in the exchange of 
the hard-ware of England for the wines of France ; and yet 
hard-ware is a very durable commodity, and were it not for 
this continual exportation, might too be accumulated for 
ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the pots and 
pans of the country. But it readily occurs that the number 
of such utensils is in every country necessarily limited by 
the use which there is for them : 'hat it would be absurd to 
have more pots and pans than were necessary for cooking 
the victuals usually consumed there ; and that if the quantity 
of victuals were to increase, the number of pots and pans 
would readily increase along with it, a part of the increased 
quantity of victuals being employed in purchasing them, or 
in maintaining an additional number of workmen whose busi- 
ness it was to make them. It should as readily occur that 
the quantity of gold and silver is in every country limited 
by the use which there is for those metals ; that their use 
consists in circulating commodities as coin, and in affording 
a species of household furniture as plate ; that the quantity 
of coin in every country is regulated by the value of the com- 
modities which are to be circulated by it: increase that value, 
and immediately a part of it will be sent abroad to purchase 
wherever it is to be had, the additional quantity of coin 
requisite for circulating them : that the quantity of plate is 
regulated by the number and wealth of those private families 
who chuse lo indulge themselves in that sort of magnifi- 
cence : increase the number and wealth of such families, and 
a part of this increased wealth will most probably be em- 
ployed in purchasing, wherever it is to be found, an addi- 
tional quantity of plate : that to attempt to increase the wealth 
of any country, either by introducing or by detaining in it 
an unnecessary quantity of gold and silver, is as absurd as 
it would be to attempt to increase the good cheer of private 
families, by obliging them to keep an unnecessary number 
of kitchen utensils. As the expence of purchasing those 
unnecessary utensils weuld diminish instead of increasing 
either the quantity or goodness of the family provisions ; so 


the expence of purchasing an unnecessary quantity of gold 
and silver must, in every country, as necessarily diminish the 
wealth which feeds, clothes, and lodges, which maintains and 
employs the people. Gold and silver, whether in the shape 
of coin or of plate, are utensils, it must be remembered, as 
much as the furniture of the kitchen. Increase the use for 
them, increase the consumable commodities which are to be 
circulated, managed, and prepared by means of them, and 
you will infallibly increase the quantity; but if you attempt, 
by extraordinary means, to increase the quantity, you will 
as infallibly diminish the use and even the quantity too, 
which in those metals can never be greater than what the use 
requires. Were they ever to be accumulated beyond this 
quantity, their transportation is so easy, and the loss which 
attends their lying idle and unemployed so great, that no law 
could prevent their being immediately' sent out of the country. 

It is not always necessary to accumulate gold and silver, 
in order to enable a coimtry to carry on foreign wars, and 
to maintain fleets and armies in distant countries. Fleets 
and armies are maintained, not with gold and silver, but 
with consumable goods. The nation which, from the annual 
produce of its domestic industry, from the annual revenue 
arising out of its lands, labour, and consumable stock, has 
wherewithal to purchase those consumable goods in distant 
countries, can maintain foreign wars there. 

A nation may purchase the pay and provisions of an army 
in a distant country three different ways; by sending abroad 
either, first, some part of its accumulated gold and silver ; or 
secondly, some part of the annual produce of its manufac- 
tures; or last of all, some part of its annual rude produce. 

The gold and silver which can properly be considered as 
accumulated or stored up in any country, may be distin- 
guished into three parts ; first, the circulating money ; sec- 
ondly, the plate of private families ; and last of all, the money 
which may have been collected by many years parsimony, 
and laid up in the treasury of the prince. 

It can seldom happen that much can be spared from the 
circulating money of the country; because in that there can 
seldom be much redundancy. The value of goods annually 
bought and sold in any country requires a certain quantity 


of money to circulate and distribute them to their proper 
consumers, and can give employment to no more. The chan- 
nel of circulation necessarily draws to itself a sum sufficient 
to fill it, and never admits any more. Something, however, 
is generally withdrawn from this channel in the case of 
foreign war. By the great number of people who are main- 
tained abroad, fewer are maintained at home. Fewer goods 
are circulated there, and less money becomes necessary to 
circulate them. An extraordinary quantity of paper money, 
of some sort or other too, such as exchequer notes, navy 
bills, and bank bills in England, is generally issued upon such 
occasions, and by supplying the place of circulating gold and 
silver, gives an opportunity of sending a greater quantity of 
it abroad. All this, however, could afford but a poor re- 
source for maintaining a foreign war, of great expence and 
several years duration. 

The melting down the plate of private families, has upon 
every occasion been found a still more insignificant one. The 
French, in the beginning of the last war, did not derive so 
much advantage from this expedient as to compensate the 
loss of the fashion. 

The accumulated treasures of the prince have, in former 
times, afforded a much greater and more lasting resource. 
In the present times, if you except the king of Prussia, to 
accumulate treasure seems to be no part of the policy of 
European princes. 

The funds which maintained the foreign wars of the pres- 
ent century, the most expensive perhaps which history re- 
cords, seem to have had little dependency upon the exporta- 
tion either of the circulating money, or of the plate of private 
families, or of the treasure of the prince. The last French 
war cost Great Britain upwards of ninety millions, including 
not only the seventy-five millions of new debt that was corv 
tracted, but the additional two shillings in the pound la-nd 
tax, and what was annually borrowed of the sinking f'tmd. 
More than two-thirds of this expence were laid out in dis- 
tant countries ; in Germany, Portugal, America, in the ports 
of the Mediterranean, in the East and West Indies. The 
kings of England had no accumulated treasure. We lever 
heard of any extraordinary quantity of plate being melted 


down. The circulating gold and silver of tlie country had 
not been supposed to exceed eighteen millions. Since the 
late recoinage of the gold, however, it is believed to have 
been a good deal under-rated. Let us suppose, therefore, 
according to the most exaggerated computation which I re- 
member to have either seen or heard of, that, gold and silver 
together, it amounted to thirty millions. Had the war been 
carried on, by means of our money, the whole of it must, 
even according to this computation, have been sent out and 
returned again at least twice, in a period of between six and 
seven years. Should this be supposed, it would afford the 
most decisive argument to demonstrate how unnecessary it 
is for government to watch over the preservation of money, 
since upon this supposition the whole money of the country 
must have gone from it and returned to it again, two differ- 
ent times in so short a period, without any body's knowing 
any thing of the matter. The channel of circulation, how- 
ever, never appeared more empty than usual during any part 
of this period. Few people wanted money who had where- 
withal to pay for it. The profits of foreign trade, indeed, 
were greater than usual during the whole war; but especially 
towards the end of it. This occasioned, what it always 
occasions, a general over-trading in all the ports of Great 
Britain; and this again occasioned the usual complaint of 
the scarcity of money, which always follows over-trading. 
Many people wanted it, who had neither wherewithal to buy 
it, nor credit to borrow it; and because the debtors found it 
difficult to borrow, the creditors found it difficult to get pay- 
ment. Gold and silver, however, were generally to be had 
for their value, by those who had that value to give for them. 
The enormous expense of the late war, therefore, must 
have been chiefly defrayed, not by the exportation of gold 
and silver, but by that of British commodities of some kind 
or other. When the government, or those who acted under 
them, contracted with a merchant for a remittance to some 
foreign country, he would naturally endeavour to pay his 
foreign correspondent, upon whom he had granted a bill, 
by sending abroad rather commodities than gold and silver. 
If the commodities of Great Britain were not in demand 
in that country, he would endeavour to send them to some 


other country, in which he could purchase a bill upon that 
country. The transportation of commodities, when properly 
suited to the market, is always attended with a considerable 
profit ; whereas that of gold and silver is scarce ever at- 
tended with any. When those metals are sent abroad in 
order to purchase foreign commodities, the merchant's profit 
arises, not from the purchase, but from the sale of the re- 
turns. But when they are sent abroad merely to pay a debt, 
he gets no returns, and consequently no profit. He nat- 
urally, therefore, exerts his invention to find out a way of 
paying his foreign debts, rather by the exportation of com- 
modities than by that of gold and silver. The great quan- 
tity of British goods exported during the course of the late 
war, without bringing back any returns, is accordingly re- 
marked by the author of The Present State of the Nation. 
Besides the three sorts of gold and silver above mentioned, 
there is in all great commercial countries a good deal of bul- 
lion alternately imported and exported for the purposes of 
foreign trade. This bullion, as it circulates among different 
commercial countries in the same manner as the national 
coin circulates in' every particular country, may be consid- 
ered as the money of the great mercantile republic. The 
national coin receives its movement and direction from the 
commodities circulated within the precincts of each particu- 
lar country : the money of the mercantile republic, from those 
circulated between different countries. Both are employed 
in facilitating exchanges, the one between different indi- 
viduals of the same, the other between those of different 
nations. Part of this money of the great mercantile republic 
may have been, and probably was, employed in carrying on 
the late war. In time of a general war, it is natural to sup- 
pose that a movement and direction should be impressed upon 
it, different from what it usually follows in profound peace ; 
that it should circulate more about the seat of the war, and 
be more employed in purchasing there, and in the neighbour- 
ing countries, the pay and provisions of the different armies. 
But whatever part of this money of the mercantile republic. 
Great Britain may have annually employed in this manner, 
it must have been annually purchased, either with British 
commodities, or with something else that had been purchased 


with them; which still brings us back to commodities, to the 
annual produce of the land and labour of the country, as the 
ultimate resources which enabled us to carry on the war. 
It is natural indeed to suppose, that so great an annual ex- 
pence must have been defrayed from a great annual produce. 
The expence of 1761, for example, amounted to more than 
nineteen millions. No accumulation could have supported so 
great an annual profusion. There is no annual produce even 
of gold and silver which could have supported it. The whole 
gold and silver annually imported into both Spain and Por- 
tugal, according to the best accounts, does not commonly 
much exceed six millions sterling, which, in some years, 
would scarce have paid four months expence of the late war. 

The importation of gold and silver is not the principal, 
much less the sole benefit which a nation derives from its 
foreign trade. Between whatever places foreign trade is 
^arried on, they all of them derive two distinct benefits from 
i. It carries out that surplus part of the produce of their 
^nd and labour for which there is no demand among them, 
and brings back in return for it something else for which 
there is a demand. It gives a value to their superfluities, by 
exchanging them for something else, which may satisfy a 
part of their wants, and increase their enjoyments. By 
means of it, the narrowness of the home market does not 
hinder the division of labour in any particular branch of art 
or manufacture from being carried to the highest perfection. 
By opening a more extensive market for whatever part of 
the produce of their labour may exceed the home consump- 
tion, it encourages them to improve its productive powers, 
and to augment its annual produce to the utmost, and thereby 
to increase the real revenue and wealth of the society. These 
great and important services foreign trade is continually 
occupied in performing, to all the different countries between 
which it is carried on. They all derive great benefit from it, 
though that in which the merchant resides generally derives 
the greatest, as he is generally more employed in supplying 
the wants, and carrying out the superfluities of his own, 
than of any other particular country. To import the gold 
and silver which may be wanted, into the countries which 


have no mines, is, no doubt, a part of the business of foreign 
commerce. It is, however, a most insignificant part of it. 
A country which carried on foreign trade merely upon this 
account, could scarce have occasion to freight a ship in a 

It is not by the importation of gold and silver, that the 
discovery of America has enriched Europe. By the abun- 
dance of the American mines, those metals have become 
cheaper. A service of plate can now be purchased for about 
a third part of the corn, or a third part of the labour, which 
it would have cost in the fifteenth century. With the same 
annual expence of labour and commodities, Europe can an- 
nually purchase about three times the quantity of plate 
which it could have purchased at that time. But when a 
commodity comes to be sold for a third part of what had 
been its usual price, not only those who purchased it 
before can purchase three times their former quantity, but 
it is brought down to the level of a much greater number ol 
purchasers, perhaps to more than ten, perhaps to more than 
twenty times the former number. So that there may be in 
Europe at present not only more than three times, but more 
than twenty or thirty times the quantity of plate which would 
have been in it, even in its present state of improvement, 
had the discovery of the American mines never been made. 
So far Europe has, no doubt, gained a real conveniency, 
though surely a very triding one. The cheapness of gold and 
silver renders those metals rather less fit for the purposes of 
money than they were before. In order to make the same 
purchases, we must load ourselves with a greater quantity of 
them, and carry about a shilling in our pocket where a groat 
would have done before. It is difficult to say which is most 
trifling, this inconveniency, or the opposite conveniency. 
Neither the one nor the other could have made any very essen- 
tial change in the state of Europe. The discovery of America, 
however, certainly made a most essential one. By opening 
a new and inexhaustible market to all the commodities of 
Europe, it gave occasion to new divisions of labour and im- 
provements of art, which, in the narrow circle of the ancient 
commerce, could never have taken place for want of a market 
to take off the greater part of their produce. The pro- 


ductive powers of labour were improved, and its produce 
increased in all the different countries of Europe, and to- 
gether with it the real revenue and wealth of the inhabitants. 
The commodities of Europe were almost all new to America, 
and many of those of America were new to Europe. A new 
set of exchanges, therefore, began to take place which had 
never been thought of before, and which should naturally 
have proved as advantageous to the new, as it certainly did 
to the old continent. The savage injustice of the Europeans 
rendered an event, which ought to have been beneficial to 
all, ruinous and destructive to several of those unfortunate 

The discovery of a passage to the East Indies, by the Cape 
of Good Hope, which happened much about the same time, 
opened, perhaps, a still more extensive range to foreign 
commerce than even that of America, notwithstanding the 
greater distance. There were but two nations in America, 
in any respect superior to savages, and these were destroyed 
almost as soon as discovered. The rest were mere savages. 
But the empires of China, Indostan, Japan, as well as sev- 
eral others in the East Indies, without having richer mines 
of gold or silver, were in every other respect much richer, 
better cultivated, and more advanced in all arts and manu- 
factures than either Mexico or Peru, even though we should 
credit, what plainly deserves no credit, the exaggerated ac- 
counts of the Spanish writers, concerning the ancient state 
of those empires. But rich and civilized nations can always 
exchange to a much greater value with one another, than 
with savages and barbarians. Europe, however, has hitherto 
derived much less advantage from its commerce with the 
East Indies, than from that with America. The Portuguese 
monopolized the East India trade to themselves for about a 
century, and it was only indirectly and through them, that 
the other nations of Europe could either send out or receive 
any goods from that country. When the Dutch, in the be- 
ginning of the last century, began to encroach upon them, 
they vested their whole East India commerce in an exclusive 
company. The English, French, Swedes, and Danes, have all 
followed their example, so that no great nation in Europe 
has ever yet had the benefit of a free commerce to the East 


Indies. No other reason need be assigned why it has never 
been so advantageous as the trade to America, which, be- 
tween almost every nation of Europe and its own colonies, 
is free to all its subjects. The exclusive privileges of those 
East India companies, their great riches, the great favour 
and protection which these have procured them from their 
respective governments, have excited much envy against 
them. This envy has frequently represented their trade as 
altogether pernicious, on account of the great quantities of 
silver, which it every year exports from the countries from 
which it is carried on. The parties concerned have replied, 
that their trade, by this continual exportation of silver, might, 
indeed, tend to impoverish Europe in general, but not the 
particular country from which it was carried on ; because, by 
the exportation of a part of the returns to other European 
countries, it annually brought home a much greater quantity 
of that metal than it carried out. Both the objection and 
the reply are founded in the popular notion which I have 
been just now examining. It is, therefore, unnecessary to 
say any thing further about either. By the annual exporta- 
tion of silver to the East Indies, plate is probably somewhat 
dearer in Europe than it otherwise might have been ; and 
coined silver probably purchases a larger quantity both of 
labour and commodities. The former of these two effect's is 
a very small loss, the latter a very small advantage ; both too 
insignificant to deserve any part of the public attention. The 
trade to the East Indies, by opening a market to the com- 
modities of Europe, or, what comes nearly to the same thing*, 
to the gold and silver which is purchased with those com- 
modities, must necessarily tend to increase the annual pro- 
duction of European commodities, and consequently the real 
wealth and revenue of Europe. That it has hitherto in- 
creased them so little, is probably owing to the restraints 
which it every-where labours under. 

I thought it necessary, though at the hazard of being tedi- 
ous, to examine at full length this popular notion that wealth 
consists in money, or in gold and silver. Money in common 
language, as I have already observed, frequently signifies 
wealth ; and this ambiguity of expression has rendered this 
popular notion so familiar to us, that even they, who are 


convinced of its absurdity, are very apt to forget their own 
principles, and in the course of their reasonings to take it 
for granted as a certain and undeniable truth. Some of the 
best English writers upon commerce set out with observing, 
that the wealth of a country consists, not in its gold and 
silver only, but in its lands, houses, and consumable goods 
of all different kinds. In the course of their reasonings, 
however, the lands, houses, and consumable goods seem to 
slip out of their memory, and the strain of their argument 
frequently supposes that all wealth consists in gold and silver, 
and that to multiply those metals is the great object of na- 
tional industry and commerce. 

The two principles being established, however, that wealth 
consisted in gold and silver, and that those metals could be 
brought into a country which had no mines only by the 
balance of trade, or by exporting to a greater value than it 
imported; it necessarily became the great object of political 
ceconomy to diminish as much as possible the importation of 
foreign goods for home consumption, and to increase as 
much as possible the exportation of the produce of domestic 
industry. Its two great engines for enriching the country, 
therefore, were restraints upon importation, and encourage- 
ments to exportation. 

The restraints upon importation were of two kinds. 

First, Restraints upon the importation of such foreign 
goods for home consumption as could be produced at home, 
from whatever country they were imported. 

Secondly, Restraints upon the importation of goods of 
almost all kinds from those particular countries with which 
the balance of trade was supposed to be disadvantageous. 

Those different restraints consisted sometimes in high du- 
ties, and sometimes in absolute prohibitions. 

Exportation was encouraged sometimes by drawbacks, 
sometimes by bounties, sometimes by advantageous treaties 
of commerce with foreign states, and sometimes by the es- 
tablishment of colonies in distant countries. 

Drawbacks were given upon two different occasions. When 
the home manufacturers were subject to any duty or excise 
either the whole or a part of it was frequently drawn back 
upon their exportation; and when foreign goods liable to a 


duty were imported in order to be exported again, either 
the whole or a part of this duty was sometimes given back 
upon such exportation. 

Bounties were given for the encouragement either of some 
beginning manufactures, or of such sorts of industry of 
othei kinds as were supposed to deserve particular favour. 

By advantageous treaties of commerce, particular privi- 
leges were procured in some foreign state for the goods and 
merchants of the country, beyond what were granted to 
those of other countries. 

By the establishment of colonies in distant countries, not 
only particular privileges, but a monopoly was frequently 
procured for the goods and merchants of the country which 
established them. 

The two sorts of restraints upon importation above-men- 
tioned, together with these four encouragements to exporta- 
tion, constitute the six principal means by which the com- 
mercial system proposes to increase the quantity of gold 
and silver in. any country by turning the balance of trade in 
its favour-. I shall consider each of them in a particular 
chapter, and without taking much further notice of their 
supposed tendency to bring money into the country, I shall 
examine chiefly what are likely to be the effects of each of 
them upon the annual produce of its industry. According 
as they tend either to increase or diminish the value of this 
annual produce, they must evidently tend either to increase 
or dnninish the real wealth and revenue of the country. 


Of Restraints Upon the Importation from Foreign 

Countries of Such Goods as Can Be 

Produced at Home 

BY restraining, either by high duties, or by absolute pro- 
hibitions, the importation of such goods from foreign 
countries as can be produced at home, the monopoly 
of the home market is more or less secured to the domestic 
industry employed in producing them. Thus the prohibition 
of importing either live cattle or salt provisions from foreign 
countries secures to the graziers of Great Britain the 
monopoly of the home market for butcher's meat. The high 
duties upon the importation of corn, which in times of mod- 
erate plenty amount to a prohibition, give a like advantage 
to the growers of that commodity. The prohibition of the 
importation of foreign woollens is equally favourable to the 
woollen manufacturers. The silk manufacture, though alto- 
gether employed upon foreign materials, has lately obtained 
the same advantage. The linen manufacture has not yet ob- 
tained it, but is making great strides towards it. Many other 
sorts of manufacturers have, in the same manner, obtained 
in Great Britain, either altogether, or very nearly a mo- 
nopoly against their countrymen The variety of goods of 
which the importation into Great Britain is prohibited, either 
absolutely, or under certain circumstances, greatly exceeds 
what can easily be suspected by those who are not well ac- 
quainted with* the laws of the customs. 

That this monopoly of the home-market frequently gives 
great encouragement to that particular species of industry 
which enjoys it, and frequently turns towards that employ- 
ment a greater share of both the labour and stock of the 
society than would otherwise have gone to it, cannot be 
doubted. But whether it tends either to increase the general 



industry of the society, or to give it the most advantageous 
direction, is not, perhaps, altogether so evident. 

The general industry of the society never can exceed what 
the capital of the society can employ. As the number of 
U'orkmen that can be kept in employment by any particular 
person must bear a certain proportion to his capital, so the 
number of those that can be continually employed by all 
the members of a great society, must bear a certain pro- 
portion to the whole capital of that society, and never can 
exceed that proportion. No regulation of commerce can in- 
crease the quantity of industry in any society beyond what 
its capital can maintain. It can only divert a part of it 
into a direction into which it might not otherwise have gone ; 
and it is by no means certain that this artificial direction is 
likely to be more advantageous to the society than that into 
which it would have gone of its own accord. 

Every individual is continually exerting himself to find out 
the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he 
can command. It is his own advantage, indeed, and not 
that of the society, which he has in view. But the study of 
his own advantage naturally, or rather necessarily leads him 
to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to 
the society. 

First, every individual endeavours to employ his capital 
as near home as he can, and consequently as much as he 
can in the support of domestic industry; provided always 
that he can thereby obtain the ordinary, or not a great deal 
less than the ordinary profits of stock. 

Thus, upon equal or nearly equal profits, every wholesale 
merchant naturally prefers the home-trade to the foreign 
trade of consumption, and the foreign trade of consumption 
to the carrying trade In the home-trade his capital is never 
so long out of his sight as it frequently is in the foreign 
trade of consumption He can know better the character 
and situation of the person whom he- trusts, and if he should 
happen to be deceived, he knows better the laws of the coun- 
try from which he must seek redress. In the carrying trade, 
the capital of the merchant is, as it were, divided between 
two foreign countries, and no part of it is ever necessarily 
brought home, or placed under his own immediate view and 


command. The capital which an Amsterdam merchant em- 
ploys in carrying corn from Konnigsbcrg to Lisbon, and 
fruit and wine from Lisbon to Konnigsberg, must generally 
be the one-half of it at Konnigsberg and the other half at 
Lisbon. iVo part of it need ever come to Amsterdam. The 
natural residence of such a merchant should either be at 
Konnigsberg or Lisbon, and it can only be some very par- 
ticular circumstances which can make him prefer the resi- 
dence of Amsterdam. The uneasiness, however, which he 
feels at being separated so far from his capital, generally 
determines him to bring part both of the Konnigsberg goods 
which he destines for the market of Lisbon, and of the 
Lisbon goods which he destines for that of Konnigsberg, to 
Amsterdam; and though this necessarily subjects him to a 
double charge of loading and unloading, as well as to the 
payment of some duties and customs, yet for the sake of 
having some part of his capital always under his own view 
and command, he willingly submits to this extraordinary 
charge; and it is in this manner that every country which 
has any considerable share of the carrying trade, becomes 
always the emporium, or general market, for the goods of 
all the different countries whose trade it carries on. The 
merchant, in order to save a second loading and unloading, 
endeavors always to sell in the home-market as much of the 
goods of all those different countries as he can, and thus, 
so far as he can, to convert his carrying trade into a foreign 
trade of consumption. A merchant, in the same manner, who 
is engaged in the foreign trade of consumption, when he 
collects goods for foreign markets, will always be glad, upon 
equal or nearly equal profits, to sell as great a part of them 
at home as he can. He saves himself the risk and trouble 
of exportation, when, so far as he can, he thus converts his 
foreign trade of consumption into a home-trade. Home is 
in this manner the center, if I may say so, round which the 
capitals of the inhabitants of every country are continually 
circulating, and towards which they are always tending, 
though by particular causes they may sometimes be driven off 
and repelled from it towards more distant employments. But 
a capital employed in the home-trade, it has already been 
shown, necessarily puts into motion a greater quantity of do- 


mestic industry, and gives revenue and employment to a 
greater immber of the inhabitants of the country, than an 
equal capital employed in the foreign trade of consumption : 
and one employed in the foreign trade of consumption has 
the same advantage over an equal capital employed in the 
^ carrying trade. Upon equal, or only nearly equal profits, 
therefore, every individual naturally inclines to employ his 
capital in the manner in which it is likely to afford the great- 
est support to domestic industry, and to give revenue and 
employment to the greatest number of people of his ow^n 

Secondly, every individual who employs his capital in the 
support of domestic industry, necessarily endeavours so to 
direct that industry, that its produce may be of the greatest 
possible value. 

The produce of industry is what it adds to the subject or 
materials upon which it is employed In proportion as the 
value of this produce is great or small, so will likewise be 
the profits of the employer. But it is only for the sake of 
profit that any man employs a capital in the support of in- 
dustry; and he will always, therefore, endeavour to employ 
it in the support oi that industry of which the produce is 
likely to be of the greatest value, or to exchange for the 
greatest quantity either of money or of other goods. 

But the annual revenue of every society is always precisely 
equal to the exchangeable value of the whole annual produce 
of its industry, or rathci is precisely the same thing with 
that exchangeable value. As every individual, therefore, en- 
deavours as much as he can both to employ his capital in the 
support of domestic industry, and so to direct that industry 
that its produce may be of the greatest value ; every indi- 
vidual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of 
the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither 
intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much 
he is promoting it By preferring the support of domestic 
to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; 
and by directing that industry in such a manner as its prod- 
uce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own 
gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an 
invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his 


intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that 
it was no part of it By pursuing his own interest he fre*- 
quently promotes that of the society more effectually than 
when he really intends to promote it. I have never known 
much good done by those who affected to trade for the 
public good. It is an affectation, indeed, not very common 
among merchants, and very few words need be employed in 
dissuading them from it. 

What is the species of domestic industry which his capital 
can employ, and of which the produce is likely to be of the 
greatest value, every individual, it is evident, can, in his 
local situation, judge much better than any statesman or law- 
giver can do for him. The statesman, who should attempt 
to direct private people in what manner they ought to em- 
ploy their capitals, would not only load himself with a most 
unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could 
safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no 
council or senate whatever, and which would no-where be 
so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and 
presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it. 

To give the monopoly of the home-market to the produce 
of domestic industry, in any particular art or manufacture, 
is in some measure to direct private people in what manner 
they ought to employ their capitals, and must, in almost all 
cases, be either a useless or a hurtful regulation. If the 
produce of domestic can be brought there as cheap as that 
of foreign industry, the regulation is evidently useless. If I'f 
cannot, it must generally be hurtful. It is the maxim of 
every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make 
at home what it will cost him more to make than to buy. 
The taylor does not attempt to make his own shoes, but buys 
them of the shoemaker. The shoemaker does not attempt 
to make his own clothes, but employs a taylor. The farmer 
attempts to make neither the one nor the other, but employs 
those different artificers. All of them find it for their in- 
terest to employ their whole industry in a way in which they 
have some advantage over their neighbours, and to pur- 
chase with a part of its produce, or what is the same 
thing, with the price of a part of it, whatever else they have 
occasion for. 


What is prudence in the conduct of every private family, 
can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. If a foreign 
country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we 
ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part 
of the produce of our own industry, employed in a way in 
which we have some advantage. The general industry of 
the country, being always in proportion to the capital which 
employs it, will not thereby be diminished, no more than that 
of the above-mentioned artificers ; but only left to find out 
the way in which it can be employed with the greatest ad- 
vantage. It is certainly not employed to the greatest ad- 
vantage, when it is thus directed towards an object which 
it can buy cheaper than it can make. The value of its annual 
produce is certainly more or less diminished, when it is thus 
turned away from producing commodities evidently of more 
value than the commodity which it is directed to produce. 
According to the supposition, that commodity could be pur- 
chased from foreign countries cheaper than it can be made 
at home. It could, therefore, have been purchased with a 
part only of the commodities, or, what is the same thing, 
with a part only of the price of the commodities, which the 
industry employed by an equal capital would have produced 
at home, had it been left to follow its natural course. The 
industry of the country, therefore, is thus turned away from 
a more, to a less advantageous employment, and the ex- 
changeable value of its annual produce, instead of being in- 
creased, according to the intention of the lawgiver, must 
necessarily be diminished by every such regulation. 

By means of such regulations, indeed, a particular manu- 
facture may sometimes be acquired sooner than it could 
have been otherwise, and after a certain time may be made 
at home as cheap or cheaper than in the foreign country. 
But though the industry of the society may be thus carried 
with advantage into a particular channel sooner than it could 
have been otherwise, it will by no means follow that the sum 
total, either of its industry, or of its revenue, can ever be 
augmented by any such regulation. The industry of the 
society can augment only in proportion as its capital aug- 
ments, and its capital can augment only in proportion to 
what can be gradually saved out of its revenue. But the im- 

L — HC X 


mediate effect of every such regulation is to diminish its rev- 
enue, and what diminishes its revenue is certainly not very 
likely to augment its capital faster than it would have aug- 
mented of its own accord, had both capital and industry been 
left to find out their natural employments. 

Though for want of such regulations the society should 
never acquire the proposed manufacture, it would not, upon 
that account, necessarily be the poorer in any one period 
of its duration. In every period of its duration its whole 
capital and industry might still have been employed, though 
upon different objects, in the manner that was most advan- 
tageous at the time. In every period its revenue might have 
been the greatest which its capital could afford, and both 
capital and revenue might have been augmented with the 
greatest possible rapidity. 

The natural advantages which one country has over an- 
other in producing particular commodities are sometimes so 
great that it is acknowledged by all the world to be in vain 
to struggle with them. By means of glasses, hotbeds, and 
hotwalls, very good grapes can be raised in Scotland, and 
very good wine too can be made of them at about thirty 
times the expence for which at least equally good can be 
brought from foreign countries. Would it be a reasonable 
law to prohibit the importation of all foreign wines, merely 
to encourage the making of claret and burgundy in Scotland? 
But if there would be a manifest absurdity in turning towards 
any employment, thirty times more of the capital and in- 
dustry of the country, than would be necessary to purchase 
from foreign countries an equal quantity of the commodi- 
ties wanted, there must be an absurdity, though not altogether 
so glaring, yet exactly of the same kind, in turning towards 
any such employment a thirtieth, or even a three hundredth 
part more of either. Whether the advantages which one 
country has over another, be natural or acquired, is in this 
respect of no consequence. As long as the one country has 
those advantages, and the other wants them, it will always 
be more advantageous for the latter, rather to buy of the 
former than to make. It is an acquired advantage only, 
which one artificer has over his neighbour, who exercises 
another trade; and yet they both find it more advantageous 


to buy of one another, than to make what does not belong 
to their particular trades. 

Merchants and manufacturers are the people who derive 
the greatest advantage from this monopoly of the home- 
market. The prohibition of the importation of foreign 
cattle, and of salt provisions, together with the high duties 
upon foreign corn, which in times of moderate plenty amount 
to a prohibition, are not near so advantageous to the gra- 
ziers and farmers of Great Britain, as other regulations of 
the same kind are to its merchants and manufacturers. Man- 
ufactures, those of the finer kind especially, are more easily 
transported from one country to another than corn or cattle. 
It is in the fetching and carrying manufactures, accordingly, 
that foreign trade is chiefly employed. In manufactures, a 
very small advantage will enable foreigners to undersell our 
own workmen, even in the home market. It will require a 
very great one to enable them to do so in the rude produce 
of the soil. If the free importation of foreign manufactures 
were permitted, several of the home manufactures would 
probably suffer, and some of them, perhaps, go to ruin alto- 
gether, and a considerable part of the stock and industry at 
present employed ni them, would be forced to find out some 
other employment. But the freest importation of the rude 
produce of the soil could have no such effect upon the agri- 
culture of the country. 

If the importation of foreign cattle, for example, were 
made ever so free, so few could be imported, that the grazing 
trade of Great Britain could be little affected by it. Live 
cattle are, perhaps, the only commodity of which the trans- 
portation is more expensive by sea than b)'^ land. By land 
they carry themselves to market. By sea, not only the cattle, 
but their food and water too, must be carried at no small 
expence and inconveniency. The short sea between Ireland 
and Great Britain, indeed, renders the importation of Irish 
cattle more easy. But though the free importation of them, 
which was lately permitted only for a limited time, were ren- 
dered perpetual, it could have no considerable effect upon the 
interest of the graziers of Great Britain. Those parts of 
Great Britain which border upon the Irish sea are all grazing 
countries. Irish cattle could never be imported for their 


use, but must be drove through those very extensive coun, 
tries, at no small expence and inconveniency, before they 
could arrive at their proper market. Fat cattle could not 
be drove so far. Lean cattle, therefore, only could be im- 
ported, and such importation could interfere, not with the 
interest of the feeding or fattening countries, to which, by 
reducing the price of lean cattle, it would rather be advan- 
tageous, but with that of the breeding countries only. The 
small number of Irish cattle imported since their importa- 
tion was permitted, together with the good price at which 
lean cattle still continue to sell, seem to demonstrate that 
even the breeding countries of Great Britain are never likely 
to be much affected by the free importation of Irish cattle. 
The common people of Ireland, indeed, are said to have 
sometimes opposed with violence the exportation of their 
cattle. But if the exporters had found any great advantage 
in continuing the trade, they could easily, when the law was 
on their side, have conquered this mobbish opposition. 

Feeding and fattening countries, besides, must always be 
highly improved, whereas breeding countries are generally 
uncultivated. The high price of lean cattle, by augmenting 
the value of uncultivated land, is like a bounty against im- 
provement. To any country which was highly improved 
throughout, it would be more advantageous to import its 
lean cattle than to breed them. The province of Holland, 
accordingly, is said to follow this maxim at present. The 
mountains of Scotland, Wales and Northumberland, indeed, 
are countries not capable of much improvement, and seem 
destined by nature to be the breeding countries of Great 
Britain. The freest importation of foreign cattle could 
have no other effect than to hinder those breeding coun- 
tries from taking advantage of the increasing population 
and improvement of the rest of the kingdom from raising 
their price to an exorbitant height, and from laying a 
real tax upon all the more improved and cultivated parts 
of the country. 

The freest importation of salt provisions, in the same 
manner, could have as little effect upon the interest of the 
graziers of Great Britain as that of live cattle. Salt pro- 
visions are not only a very bulky commodity, but when com- 


pared with fresh meat, they are a commodity both of worse 
quality, and as they cost more labour and expence, of higher 
price. They could never, therefore, come into competition 
with the fresh meat, though they might with the salt pro- 
visions of the country. They might be used for victualling 
ships for distant voyages, and such like uses, but could never 
make any considerable part of the food of the people. The 
small quantity of salt provisions imported from Ireland since 
their importation was rendered free, is an experimental 
proof that our graziers have nothing to apprehend from it. 
It does not appear that the price of butcher's-meat has ever 
been sensibly affected by it. 

Even the free importation of foreign corn could very little 
affect the interest of the farmers of Great Britain. Corn is 
a much more bulky commodity than butcher's-meat. A pound 
of wheat at a penny is as dear as a pound of butcher's-meat 
at fourpence. The small quantity of foreign corn imported 
even in times of the greatest scarcity, may satisfy our farm- 
ers that they can have nothing to fear from the freest im- 
portation. The average quantity imported one year with an- 
other, amounts only, according to the very well informed 
author of the tracts upon the corn trade, to twenty-three 
thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight quarters of all 
sorts of grain, and does not exceed the five hundredth and 
seventy-one part of the annual consumption. But as the 
bounty upon corn occasions a greater exportation in years 
of plenty, so it must of consequence occasion a greater im- 
portation in years of scarcity, than in the actual state of tillage 
would otherwise take place. By means of it, the plenty of one 
year does not compensate the scarcity of another, and as the 
average quantity exported is necessarily augmented by it, 
so must likewise, in the actual state of tillage, the average 
quantity imported. If there were no bounty, as less corn 
vs'ould be exported, so it is probable that, one year with 
another, less would be imported than at present. The corn 
merchants, the fetchers and carriers of corn between Great 
Britain and foreign countries, would have much less em- 
ployment, and might suffer considerably; but the country 
gentlemen and farmers could suffer very little. It is in the 
corn merchants accordingly, rather than in the country gen- 


tlemen and farmers, that I have observed the greatest anx- 
iety for the renewal and continuation of the bounty. 

Country gentlemen and farmers are, to their great honour, 
of all people, the least subject to the wretched spirit of mo- 
nopoly. The undertaker of a great manufactory is some- 
times alarmed if another work of the same kind is estab- 
lished within twenty miles of him. The Dutch undertaker 
of the woollen manufacture at Abbeville stipulated, that no 
work of the same kind should be established within thirty 
leagues of that city. Farmers and country gentlemen, on 
the contrary, are generally disposed rather to promote than 
to obstruct the cultivation and improvement of their neigh- 
bours' farms and estates. They have no secrets, such as 
those of the greater part of manufacturers, but are generally 
rather fond of communicating to their neighbours, and of 
extending as far as possible any new practice which they 
have found to be advantageous. Pins Questus, says old Cato, 
stabilissiniusque, minimeque invidiosus ; niinimeqite male cog- 
itantes sunt, qui in eo studio occupati sunt. Country gentle- 
men and farmers, dispersed in dififerent parts of the country, 
cannot so easily combine as merchants and manufacturers, 
who being collected into towns, and accustomed to that ex- 
clusive corporation spirit which prevails in them, naturally 
endeavour to obtain against all their countrymen, the same 
exclusive privilege which they generally possess against the 
inhabitants of their respective towns. They accordingly seem 
to have been the original inventors of those restraints upon 
the importation of foreign goods, which secure to them the 
monopoly of the home-market. It was probably in imita- 
tion of them, and to put themselves upon a level with those 
who, they found, were disposed to oppress them, that the 
country gentlemen and farmers of Great Britain so far for- 
got the generosity which is natural to their station, as to 
demand the exclusive privilege of supplying their country- 
men with corn and butcher's-meat. They did not perhaps 
take time to consider, how much less their interest could be 
affected by the freedom of trade, than that of the people 
whose example they followed. 

To prohibit by a perpetual law the importation of foreign 
corn and cattle, is in reality to enact, that the population and 


industry of the country shall at no time exceed what the 
rude produce of its own soil can maintain. 

There seem, however, to be two cases in which it will gen- 
erally be advantageous to lay some burden upon foreign, for 
the encouragement of domestic industry. 

The first, is, when some particular sort of industry is neces- 
sary for the defence of the country. The defence of Great 
Britain, for example, depends very much upon the number 
of its sailors and shipping. The act of navigation, there- 
fore, very properly endeavours to give the sailors and ship- 
ping of Great Britain the monopoly of the trade of their 
own country, in some cases, by absolute prohibitions, and 
in others by heavy burdens upon the shipping of foreign 
countries. The following are the principal dispositions of 
this act. 

First, all ships, of which the owners, masters, and three- 
fourths of the mariners are not British subjects, are pro- 
hibited, upon pain of forfeiting ship and cargo, from trad- 
ing to the British settlements and plantations, or from being 
employed in the coasting trade of Great Britain. 

Secondly, a great variety of the most bulky articles of 
importation can be brought into Great Britain only, either 
in such ships as are above described, or in ships of the coun- 
try where those goods are produced, and of which the own- 
ers, masters, and three-fourths of the mariners, are of that 
particular country; and when imported even in ships of this 
latter kind, they are subject to double aliens duty. If im- 
ported in ships of any other country, the penalty is forfeit- 
ure of ship and goods. When this act was made, the Dutch 
were, what they still are, the great carriers of Europe, and 
by this regulation they were entirely excluded from being 
the carriers to Great Britain, or from importing to us the 
goods of any other European country. 

Thirdly, a great variety of the most bulky articles of im- 
portation are prohibited from being imported, even in British 
ships, from any country but that in which they are pro- 
duced; under pain of forfeiting ship and cargo. This 
regulation too was probably intended against the Dutch. 
Holland was then, as now, the great emporium for all 
European goods, and by this regulation, British ships were 


hindered from loading in Holland the goods of any other 
European country. 

Fourthly, salt fish of all kinds, whale-fins, whale-bone, oil, 
and blubber, not caught by and cured on board British ves- 
sels, when imported into Great Britain, are subjected to 
double aliens duty. The Dutch, as they are still the princi- 
pal, were then the only fishers in Europe that attempted to 
supply foreign nations with fish. By this regulation, a very 
heavy burden was laid upon their supplying Great Britain. 

When the act of navigation was made, though England and 
Holland were not actually at war, the most violent animosity 
subsisted between the two nations. It had begun during the 
government of the long parliament, which first framed this 
act, and it broke out soon after in the Dutch wars during 
that of the Protector and of Charles the Second. It is not 
impossible, therefore, that some of the regulations of this 
famous act may have proceeded from national animosity. 
They are as wise, however, as if they had all been dictated 
by the most deliberate wisdom. National animosity at that 
particular time aimed at the very same object which the 
most deliberate wisdom could have recommended, the diminu- 
tion of the naval power of Holland, the only naval power 
which could endanger the security of England. 

The act of navigation is not favourable to foreign com- 
merce, or to the growth of that opulence which can arise 
from it. The interest of a nation in its commercial rela- 
tions to foreign nations is, like that of a merchant with re- 
gard to the different people with whom he deals, to buy as 
cheap and to sell as dear as possible. But it will be most 
likely to buy cheap, when by the most perfect freedom of 
trade it encourages all nations to bring to it the goods which 
it has occasion to purchase ; and, for the same reason, it will 
be most likely to sell dear, when its markets are thus filled 
with the greatest number of buyers. The act of navigation, 
it is true, lays no burden upon foreign ships that come to 
export the produce of British industry. Even the ancient 
aliens duty, which used to be paid on all goods exported as 
well as imported, has, by several subsequent acts, been taken 
off from the greater part of the articles of exportation. But 
if foreigners, either by prohibitions or high duties, are hin- 


dered from coming to sell, they cannot always afford to come 
to buy ; because coming without a cargo, they must lose the 
freight from their own country to Great Britain. By dimin- 
ishing the number of sellers, therefore, we necessarily dimin- 
ish that of buyers, and are thus likely not only to buy foreign 
goods dearer, but to sell our own cheaper, than if there was 
a more perfect freedom of trade. As defence, however, is of 
much more importance than opulence, the act of navigation 
is, perhaps, the wisest of all the commercial regulations of 

The second case, in which it will generally be advantageous 
to lay some burden upon foreign for the encouragement of 
domestic industry, is, when some tax is imposed at home 
upon the produce of the latter. In this case, it seems rea- 
sonable that an equal tax should be imposed upon the like 
produce of the former. This would not give the monopoly 
of the home market to domestic industry, nor turn towards 
a particular employment a greater share of the stock and 
labour of the country, than what would naturally go to it. It 
would only hinder any part of what would naturally go to 
it from being turned away by the tax, into a less natural 
direction, and would leave the competition between foreign 
and domestic industry, after the tax, as nearly as possible 
upon the same footing as before it. In Great Britain, when 
any such tax is laid upon the produce of domestic industry, 
it is usual at the same time, in order to stop the clamorous 
complaints of our merchants and manufacturers, that they 
will be undersold at home, to lay a much heavier duty upon 
the importation of all foreign goods of the same kind. 

This second limitation of the freedom of trade according 
to some people should, upon some occasions, be extended 
much farther than to the precise foreign commodities which 
could come into competition with those which had been 
taxed at home. When the necessaries of life have been 
taxed in any country, it becomes proper, they pretend, to tax 
not only the like necessaries of life imported from other 
countries, but all sorts of foreign goods which can come 
into competition with any thing that is the produce of do- 
mestic industry. Subsistence, they say, becomes necessarily 
dearer in consequence of such taxes ; and the price of labour 


must always rise with the price of the labourers subsistence. 
Every commodity, therefore, which is the produce of do- 
mestic industry, though not immediately taxed itself, becomes 
dearer in consequence of such taxes, because the labour 
which produces it becomes so. Such taxes, therefore, are 
really equivalent, they say, to a tax upon every particular 
commodity produced at home. In order to put domestic 
upon the same footing with foreign industry, therefore, it 
becomes necessary, they think, to lay some duty upon every 
foreign commodity, equal to this enhancement of the price 
of the home commodities with which it can come into com- 

Whether taxes upon the necessaries of life, such as those 
in Great Britain upon soap, salt, leather, candles, &c. neces- 
sarily raise the price of labour, and consequently that of all 
other commodities, I shall consider hereafter, when I come 
to treat of taxes. Supposing, however, in the mean time, 
that they have this effect, and they have it undoubtedly, this 
general enhancement of the price of all commodities, in con- 
sequence of that of labour, is a case which differs in the two 
following respects from that of a particular commodity, of 
which the price was enhanced by a particular tax immediately 
imposed upon it. 

First, it might always be known with great exactness how 
far the price of such a commodity could be enhanced by such 
a tax : but how far the general enhancement of the price of 
labour might affect that of every different commodity about 
which labour was employed, could never be known with any 
tolerable exactness. It would be impossible, therefore, to 
proportion with any tolerable exactness the tax upon every 
foreign, to this enhancement of the price of every home 

Secondly, taxes upon the necessaries of life have nearly 
the same effect upon the circumstances of the people as a 
poor soil and a bad climate. Provisions are thereby rendered 
dearer in the same manner as if it required extraordinary 
labour and expence to raise them. As in the natural scarcity 
arising from soil and climate, it would be absurd to direct 
the people in what manner they ought to employ their cap- 
itals and industry, so is it likewise in the artificial scarcity 


arising from such taxes. To be left to accommodate, as 
well as ihey could, their industry to their situation, and to 
find out those employments in which, notwithstanding their 
unfavourable circumstances, they might have some advan- 
tage either in the home or in the foreign market, is what in 
both cases would evidently be most for their advantage. To 
lay a new tax upon them, because they are already overbur- 
dened with taxes, and because they already pay too dear for 
the necessaries of life, to make them likewise pay too dear 
for the greater part of other commodities, is certainly a most 
absurd way of making amends. 

Such taxes, when they have grown up to a certain height, 
are a curse equal to the barrenness of the earth and the 
inclemency of the heavens; and yet it is in the richest and 
most industrious countries that they have been most gen- 
erally imposed. No other countries could support so great a 
disorder As the strongest bodies only can live and enjoy 
health, under an unwholesome regimen ; so the nations only, 
that in every sort of industry have the greatest natural and 
acquired advantages, can subsist and prosper under such 
taxes. Holland is the country in Europe in which they 
abound most, and which from peculiar circumstances con- 
tinues to prosper, not by means of them, as has been most 
absurdly supposed, but in spite of them. 

As there are two cases in which it will generally be ad- 
vantageous to lay some burden upon foreign, for the en- 
couragement of domestic industry ; so there are two others 
in which it may sometimes be a matter of deliberation ; in 
the one, how far it is proper to continue the free importa- 
tion of certain foreign goods; and in the other, how far, or 
in what manner, it may be proper to restore that free impor- 
tation after it has been for some time interrupted. 

The case in which it may sometimes be a matter of delib- 
eration how far it is proper to continue the free importation 
of certain foreign goods, is, when some foreign nation re- 
strains by high duties or prohibitions the importation of 
some of our manufactures into their country. Revenge in 
this case naturally dictates retaliation, and that we should 
impose the like duties and prohibitions upon the importation 
of some 01 all of their manufactures into ours. Nations ac- 


cordingly seldom fail to retaliate in this manner. The French 
have been particularly forward to favour their own manu- 
factures by restraining the importation of such foreign goods 
as could come into competition with them. In this consisted 
a great part of the policy of Mr. Colbert, who, notwith- 
standing his great abilities, seems in this case to have been 
imposed upon by the sophistry of merchants and manufac- 
turers, who are always demanding a monopoly against their 
countrymen. It is at present the opinion of the most intelli- 
gent men in France that his operations of this kind have not 
been beneficial to his country. That minister, by the tarif 
of 1667, imposed very high duties upon a great number of 
foreign manufactures. Upon his refusing to moderate them 
in favour of the Dutch, they in 1671 prohibited the impor- 
tation of the wines, brandies and manufactures of France. 
The war of 1672 seems to have been in part occasioned by 
this commercial dispute. The peace of Nimeguen put an 
end to it in 1678, by moderating some of those duties in 
favour of the Dutch, who in consequence took off their pro- 
hibition. It was about the same time that the French and 
English began mutually to oppress each other's industry, by 
the like duties and prohibitions, of which the French, how- 
ever, seem to have set the first example. The spirit of hos- 
tility which has subsisted between the two nations ever since, 
has hitherto hindered them from being moderated on either 
side. In 1697 the English prohibited the importation of bone- 
lace, the manufacture of Flanders. The government of that 
country, at that time under the dominion of Spain, prohibited 
in return the importation of English woollens. In 1700, 
the prohibition of importing bonelace into England, was 
taken off upon condition that the importation of English 
woollens into Flanders should be put on the same footing as 

There may be good policy in retaliations of this kind, when 
there is a probability that they will procure the repeal of the 
high duties or prohibitions complained of. The recovery of 
a great foreign market will generally more than compensate 
the transitory inconveniency of paying dearer during a short 
time for some sorts of goods. To judge whether such re- 
taliations are likely to produce such an effect, does not, per- 


haps, belong so much to the science of a legislator, whose 
deliberations ought to be governed by general principles 
which are always the same, as to the skill of that insidious 
and crafty animal, vulgarly called a statesman or politician, 
whose councils are directed by the momentary fluctuations 
of affairs. When there is no probability that any such repeal 
can be procured, it seems a bad method of compensating the 
injury done to certain classes of our people, to do another 
injury ourselves, not only to those classes, but to almost all 
the other classes of them. When our neighbours prohibit 
some manufacture of ours, we generally prohibit, not only 
the same, for that alone would seldom affect them consider- 
ably, but some other manufacture of theirs. This may no 
doubt give encouragement to some particular class of work- 
men among ourselves, and by excluding some of their rivals, 
may enable them to raise their price in the home-market. 
Those workmen, however, who suffered by our neighbours 
prohibition will not be benefited by ours. On the contrary, 
they and almost all the other classes of our citizens will 
thereby be obliged to pay dearer than before for certain 
goods. Every such law, therefore, imposes a real tax upon 
the whole country, not in favour of that particular class of 
workmen who were injured by our neighbours prohibition, 
but of some other class. 

The case in which it may sometimes be a matter of de- 
liberation, how far, or in what manner, it is proper to re- 
store the free importation of foreign goods, after it has 
been for some time interrupted, is, when particular manu- 
factures, by means of high duties or prohibitions upon all 
foreign goods which can come into competition with them, 
have been so far extended as to employ a great multitude 
of hands. Humanity may in this case require that the free- 
dom of trade should be restored only by slow gradations, 
and with a good deal of reserve and circumspection. Were 
those high duties and prohibitions taken away all at once, 
cheaper foreign goods of the same kind might be poured so 
fast into the home market, as to deprive all at once many 
thousands of our people of their ordinary employment and 
means of subsistence. The disorder which this would occa- 
sion might no doubt be very considerable. It would in all 


probability, however, be much less than is commonly imag- 
ined, for the two following reasons : 

First, all those manufactures, of which any part is com- 
monly exports to other European countries without a bounty, 
could be very little affected by the freest importation of for- 
eign goods. Such manufactures must be sold as cheap abroad 
as any other foreign goods of the same quality and kind, and 
consequently must be sold cheaper at home. They would 
still, therefore, keep possession of the home market, and 
though a capricious man of fashion might sometimes prefer 
foreign wares, merely because they were foreign, to cheaper 
and better goods of the same kind that were made at home, 
this folly could, from the nature of things, extend to so few, 
that it could make no sensible impression upon the general 
employment of the people. But a great part of all the dif- 
ferent branches of our woollen manufacture, of our tanned 
leather, and of our hard-ware, are annually exported to 
other European countries without any bounty, and these are 
the manufactures which employ the greatest number of 
hands. The silk, perhaps, is the manufacture which would 
suffer the most by this freedom of trade, and after it the 
linen, though the latter much less than the former. 

Secondly, though a great number of people should, by thus 
restoring the freedom of trade, be thrown all at once out of 
their ordinary employment and common method of subsis- 
tence, it would by no means follow that they would thereby 
be deprived either of employment or subsistence. By the 
reduction of the army and navy at the end of the late war, 
more than a hundred thousand soldiers and seamen, a num- 
ber equal to what is employed in the greatest manufactures, 
were all at once thrown out of their ordinary employment; 
but, though they no doubt suffered some inconveniency, they 
were not thereby deprived of all employment and subsis- 
tence. The greater part of the seamen, it is probable, gradu- 
ally betook themselves to the merchant-service as they could 
find occasion, and in the meantime both they and the soldiers 
were absorbed in the great mass of the people, and em- 
ployed in a great variety of occupations. Not only no great 
convulsion, but no sensible disorder arose from so great a 
change in the situation of more than a hundred thousand 


men, all accustomed to the use of arms, and many of them 
to rapine and plunder. The number of vagrants was scarce 
anywhere sensibly increased by it, even the wages of labour 
were not reduced by it in any occupation, so far as I have 
been able to learn, except in that of seamen in the merchant- 
service. But if we compare together the habits of a soldier 
and of any sort of manufacturer, we shall find that those of 
the latter do not tend so much to disqualify him from being 
employed in a new trade, as those of the former from being 
employed in any. The manufacturer has always been accus- 
tomed to look for his subsistence from his labour only : the 
soldier to expect it from his pay. Application and industry 
have been familiar to the one; idleness and dissipation to the 
other. But it is surely much easier to change the direction 
of industry from one sort of labour to another, than to turn 
idleness and dissipation to any. To the greater part of manu- 
factures besides, it has already been observed, there are 
other collateral manufactures of so similar a nature, that a 
workman can easily transfer his industry from one of them 
to another. The greater part of such workmen, too, are 
occasionally employed in country labour. The stock which 
employed them in a particular manufacture before, will still 
remain in the country to employ an equal number of people 
in some other way. The capital of the country remaining 
the same, the demand for labour will likewise be the same, 
or very nearly the same, though it may be exerted in dif- 
ferent places and for different occupations. Soldiers and 
seamen, indeed, when discharged from the king's service, 
are at liberty to exercise any trade, within any town or 
place of Great Britain or Ireland. Let the same natural 
liberty of exercising what species of industry they please, 
be restored to all his majesty's subjects, in the same man- 
ner as to soldiers and seamen ; that is, break down the ex- 
clusive privileges of corporations, and repeal the statute of 
apprenticeship, both which are real encroachments upon 
natural liberty, and add to these the repeal of the law of set- 
tlements, so that a poor workman, when thrown out of em- 
ployment either in one trade or in one place, may seek for 
it in another trade or. in another place, without the fear 
either of a prosecution or of a removal, and neither the 


public nor the individuals will suffer much more from the 
occasional disbanding some particular classes of manufac- 
turers, than from that of soldiers. Our manufacturers have 
no doubt great merit with their country, but they cannot 
have more than those who defend it with their blood, nor 
deserve to be treated with more delicacy. 

To expect, indeed, that the freedom of trade should ever 
be entirely restored in Great Britain, is as absurd as to ex- 
pect that an Oceana or Utopia should ever be established in 
it. Not only the prejudices of the public, but what is much 
more unconquerable, the private interests of many individ- 
uals, irresistibly oppose it. Were the officers of the army to 
oppose with the same zeal and unanimity any reduction in 
the number of forces, with which master manufacturers set 
themselves against every law that is likely to increase the 
number of their rivals in the home market ; were the former 
to animate their soldiers, in the same manner as the latter 
enflame their workmen, to attack with violence and outrage 
the proposers of any such regulation ; to attempt to reduce 
the army would be as dangerous as it has now become to at- 
tempt to diminish in any respect the monopoly which our 
manufacturers have obtained against us. This monopoly has 
so much increased the number of some particular tribes of 
them, that, like an overgrown standing army, they have be- 
come formidable to the government, and upon many occa- 
sions intimidate the legislature. The member of parliament 
who supports every proposal for strengthening this monop- 
oly, is sure to acquire not only the reputation of understand- 
ing trade, but great popularity and influence with an order 
of men whose numbers and wealth render them of great im- 
portance. If he opposes them, on the contrary, and still 
more if he has authority enough to be able to thwart them, 
neither the most acknowledged probity, nor the highest rank, 
nor the greatest public services, can protect him from the 
most infamous abuse and detraction, from personal insults, 
nor sometimes from real danger, arising from the insolent 
outrage of furious and disappointed monopolists. 

The undertaker of a great manufacture, who, by the home 
markets being suddenly laid open to the competition of for- 
eigners, should be obliged to abandon his trade, would no 


doubt suffer very considerably. That part of his capital 
which had usually been employed in purchasing materials 
and in paying his workmen, might, without much difficulty, 
perhaps, find another employment. But that part of it which 
was fixed in workhouses, and in the instruments of trade, 
could scarce be disposed of without considerable loss. The 
equitable regard, therefore, to his interest requires that 
changes of this kind should never be introduced suddenly, 
but slowly, gradually, and after a very long warning. The 
legislature, were it possible that its deliberations could be 
always directed, not by the clamorous importunity of partial 
interests, but by an extensive view of the general good, 
ought upon this very account, perhaps, to be particularly 
careful neither to establish any new monopolies of this kind, 
nor to extend further those which are already established. 
Every such regulation introduces some degree of real dis- 
order into the constitution of the state, which it will be diffi- 
cult afterwards to cure without occasioning another disorder. 
How far it may be proper to impose taxes upon the im- 
portation of foreign goods, in order, not to prevent their 
importation, but to raise a revenue for government, I shall 
consider hereafter when I come to treat of taxes. Taxes 
imposed with a view to prevent, or even to diminish importa- 
tion, are evidently as destructive of the revenue of the cus- 
toms as of the freedom of trade. 


Of the Extraordinary Restraints upon the Importation 
OF Goods of Almost All Kinds, from Those Coun- 
tries WITH Which the Balance Is Supposed 
to Be Disadvantageous. 


Of the Unreasonableness of those Restraints even upon thb 
Principles of the Commercial System 

TO lay extraordinary restraints upon the importation of 
goods of almost all kinds, from those particular coun- 
tries with which the balance of trade is supposed to be 
disadvantageous, is the second expedient by which the com- 
mercial system proposes to increase the quantity of gold and 
silver. Thus in Great Britain, Silesia lawns may be im- 
ported for home consumption, upon paying certain duties. 
But French cambrics and lawns are prohibited to be im- 
ported, except into the port of London, there to be ware- 
housed for exportation. Higher duties are imposed upon 
the wines of France than upon those of Portugal, or indeed 
of any other country. By what is called the impost 1692, a 
duty of five and twenty per cent., of the rate or value, was 
laid upon all French goods; while the goods of other na- 
tions were, the greater part of them, subjected to much 
lighter duties, seldom exceeding five per cent. The wine, 
brandy, salt and vinegar of France were indeed excepted; 
these commodities being subjected to other heavy duties, 
either by other laws, or by particular clauses of the same 
law. In 1696, a second duty of twenty-five per cent., the 
first not having been thought a sufficient discouragement, 
was imposed upon all French goods, except brandy ; together 
with a new duty of five and twenty pounds upon the ton of 



French wine, and another of fifteen pounds upon the ton of 
French vinegar. French goods have never been omitted in 
any of those general subsidies, or duties of five per cent., 
which have been imposed upon all, or the greater part of 
the goods enumerated in the book of rates. If we count the 
one-third and two-third subsidies as making a complete sub- 
sidy between them, there have been five of these general 
subsidies; so that before the commencement of the present 
war seventy-five per cent, may be considered as the lowest 
duty, to which the greater part of the goods of the growth, 
produce, or manufacture of France were liable. But upon 
the greater part of goods, those duties are equivalent to a 
prohibition. The French in their turn have, I believe, treated 
our goods and manufactures just as hardly ; though I am 
not so well acquainted with the particular hardships which 
they have imposed upon them. Those mutual restraints have 
put an end to almost all fair commerce between the two na- 
tions, and smugglers are now the principal importers, either 
of British goods into France, or of French goods into Great 
Britain. The principles which I have been examining in the 
foregoing chapter took their origin from private interest 
and the spirit of monopoly; those which I am going to ex- 
amine in this, from national prejudice and animosity. They 
are, accordingly, as might well be expected, still more un- 
reasonable. They are so, even upon the principles of the 
commercial system. 

First, though it were certain that in the case of a free 
trade between France and England, for example, the balance 
would be in favour of France, it wor.ld by no means follow 
that such a trade would be disadvantageous to England, or 
that the general balance of its whole trade would thereby 
be turned more against it. If the wines of France are better 
and cheaper than those of Portugal, or its linens than those 
of Germany, it would be more advantageous for Great 
Britain to purchase both the wine and the foreign linen 
which it had occasion for of France, than of Portugal and 
Germany. Though the value of the annual importations 
from France would thereby be greatly augmented, the value 
of the whole annual importations would be diminished, in 
proportion as the French goods of the same quality were 


cheaper than those of the other two countries. This would 
be the case, even upon the supposition that the whole French 
goods imported were to be consumed in Great Britain. 

But, secondly, a great part of them might be re-exported 
to other countries, where, being sold with profit, they might 
bring back a return equal in value, perhaps, to the prime 
cost of the whole French goods imported. What has fre- 
quently been said of the East India trade might possibly be 
true of the French ; that though the greater part of East 
India goods were bought with gold and silver, the re-expor- 
tation of a part of them to other countries, brought back 
more gold and silver to that which carried on the trade than 
the prime cost of the whole amounted to. One of the most 
important branches of the Dutch trade, at present, consists 
in the carriage of French goods to other European countries. 
Some part even of the French wine drank in Great Britain 
is clandestinely imported from Holland and Zealand. If 
there was either a free trade between France and England, 
or if French goods could be imported upon paying only the 
same duties as those of other European nations, to be drawn 
back upon exportation, England might have some share of 
a trade which is found so advantageous to Holland. 

Thirdly, and lastly, there is no certain criterion by which 
we can determine on which side what is called the balance 
between any two countries lies, or which of them exports to 
the greatest value. National prejudice and animosity, 
prompted always by the private interest of particular traders, 
are the principles which generally direct our judgment upon 
all questions concerning it. There are two criterions, how- 
ever, which have frequently been appealed to upon such 
occasions, the custom-house books and the course of ex- 
change. The custom-house books, I think, it is now gener- 
ally acknowledged, are a very uncertain criterion, on account 
of the inaccuracy of the valuation at which the greater part 
of goods are rated in them. The course of exchange is, per- 
haps, almost equally so. 

When the exchange between two places, such as London 
and Paris, is at par, it is said to be a sign that the debts due 
from London to Paris are compensated by those due from 
•Paris to London. On the contrary, when a premium is paid 


at London for a bill upon Paris, it is said to be a sign that 
the debts due from London to Paris are not compensated 
by those due from Paris to London, but that a balance in 
money must be sent out from the latter place ; for the risk, 
trouble, and expence of exporting which, the premium is 
both demanded and given. But the ordinary state of debt 
and credit between those two cities must necessarily be regu- 
lated, it is said, by the ordinary course of their dealings with 
one another. When neither of them imports from the other 
to a greater amount than it exports to that other, the debts 
and credits of each may compensate one another. But when 
one of them imports from the other to a greater value than 
it exports to that other, the former necessarily becomes in- 
debted to the latter in a greater sum than the latter becomes 
indebted to it : the debts and credits of each do not com- 
pensate one another, and money must be sent out from that 
place of which the debts over-balance the credits. The or- 
dinary course of exchange, therefore, being an indication 
of the ordinary state of debt and credit between two places, 
must likewise be an indication of the ordinary course of 
their exports and imports, as these necessarily regulate that 

But though the ordinary course of exchange should be 
allowed to be a sufficient indication of the ordinary state of 
debt and credit between any two places, it would not from 
thence follow, that the balance of trade was in favour 0|fi 
that place which had the ordinary state of debt and credit 
in its favour. The ordinary state of debt and credit between 
any two places is not always entirely regulated by the or- 
dinary course of their dealings with one another; but is 
often influenced by that of the dealings of either with many 
other places. If it is usual, for example, for the merchants 
of England to pay for the goods which they buy of Ham- 
burgh, Dantzic, Riga, &c. by bills upon Holland, the ordinary 
state of debt and credit between England and Holland will' 
not be regulated entirely by the ordinary course of the deal- 
ings of those two countries with one another, but will be 
influenced by that of the dealings of England with those 
other places. England may be obliged to send out every 
year money to Holland, though its annual exports to that 


country may exceed very much the annual value of its im- 
ports from thence; and though what is called the balance of 
trade may be very much in favour of England. 

In the way, besides, in which the par of exchange has 
hitherto been computed, the ordinary course of exchange 
can afford no sufficient indication that the ordinary state of 
debt and credit is in favour of that country which seems to 
have, or which is supposed to have, the ordinary course of 
exchange in its favour : or, in other words, the real exchange 
may be, and, in fact, often is so very different from the com- 
puted one, that from the course of the latter, no certain 
conclusion can, upon many occasions, be drawn concerning 
that of the former. 

When for a sum of money paid in England, containing, 
according to the standard of the English mint, a certain 
number of ounces of pure silver, you receive a bill for a sum 
of money to be paid in France, containing, according to the 
standard of the French mint, an equal number of ounces of 
pure silver, exchange is said to be at par between England 
and France. When you pay more, you are supposed to give 
a premium, and exchange is said to be against England, and 
in favour of France. When you pay less, you are supposed 
to get a premium, and exchange is said to be against France, 
and in favour of England. 

But, first, we cannot always judge of the value of the cur- 
rent money of different countries by the standard of their 
respective mints. In some it is more, in others it is less 
worn, dipt, and otherwise degenerated from that standard. 
But the value of the current coin of every country, com- 
pared with that of any other country, is in proportion not 
to the quantity of pure silver which it ought to contain, but 
to that which it actually does contain. Before the reforma- 
tion of the silver coin in King William's time, exchange be- 
tween England and Holland, computed, in the usual manner, 
according to the standard of their respective mints, was five 
and twenty per cent, against England. But the value of the 
current coin of England, as we learn from Mr. Lowndes, 
was at that time rather more than five and twenty per cent, 
below its standard value. The real exchange, therefore, may 
even at that time have been in favour of England, notwith- 


standing the computed exchange was so much against it ; a 
smaller number of ounces of pure silver, actually paid in 
England, may have purchased a bill for a greater number of 
ounces of pure silver to be paid in Holland, and the man who 
was supposed to give, may in reality have got the premium. 
The French coin was, before the late reformation of the 
English gold coin, much less worn than the English, and was, 
perhaps, two or three per cent, nearer its standard. If the 
computed exchange with France, therefore, was not more 
than two or three per cent, against England, the real ex- 
change might have been in its favour. Since the reforma- 
tion of the gold coin, the exchange has been constantly in 
favour of England, and against France. 

Secondly, in some countries, the expence of coinage is 
defrayed by the government; in others, it is defrayed by the 
private people who carry their bullion to the mint, and the 
government even derives some revenue from the coinage. 
In England, it is defrayed by the government, and if you 
carry a pound weight of standard silver to the mint, you get 
back sixty-two shillings, containing a pound weight of the 
like standard silver. In France, a duty of eight per cent, is 
deducted for the coinage, which not only defrays the ex- 
pence of it, but affords a small revenue to the government. 
In England, as the coinage costs nothing, the current coin 
can never be much more valuable than the quantity of bul- 
lion which it actually contains. In France, the workman- 
ship, as you pay for it, adds to the value, in the same man- 
ner as to that of wrought plate. A sum of French money, 
therefore, containing a certain weight of pure silver, is more 
valuable than a sum of English money containing an equal 
weight of pure silver, and must require more bullion, or 
other commodities, to purchase it. Though the current coin 
of the two countries, therefore, were equally near the stand- 
ards of their respective mints, a sum of English money 
could not well purchase a sum of French money, containing 
an equal number of ounces of pure silver, nor consequently 
a bill upon France for such a sum. If for such a bill no 
more additional money was paid than what was sufficient to 
compensate the expence of the French coinage, the real ex- 
change might be at par between the two countries, their 


debts and credits might mutually compensate one another, 
while the computed exchange was considerably in favour of 
France. If less than this was paid, the real exchange might 
be in favour of England, while the computed was in favour 
of France. 

Thirdly, and lastly, in some places, as at Amsterdam, Ham- 
burg, Venice, &c. foreign bills of exchange are paid in what 
they call bank money ; while in others, as at London, Lisbon, 
Antwerp, Leghorn, &c., they are paid in the common cur- 
rency of the country. What is called bank money is always 
of more value than the same nominal sum of common cur- 
rency. A thousand guilders in the bank of Amsterdam, for 
example, are of more value than a thousand guilders of 
Amsterdam currency. The difference between them is called 
the agio of the bank, which, at Amsterdam, is generally 
about five per cent. Supposing the current money of two 
countries equally near to the standard of their respective 
mints, and that the one pays foreign bills in this common 
currency, while the other pays them in bank money, it is evi- 
dent that the computed exchange may be in favour of that 
which pays in bank money, though the real exchange should 
be in favour of that which pays in current money; for the 
same reason that the computed exchange may be in favour 
of that which pays in better money, or in money nearer to 
its own standard, though the real exchange should be in 
favour of that which pays in worse. The computed ex- 
change, before the late reformation of the gold coin, was 
generally against London, with Amsterdam, Hamburgh, 
Venice, and, I believe, with all other places which pay in 
what is called bank money. It will by no means follow, how- 
ever, that the real exchange was against it. Since the re- 
formation of the gold coin, it has been in favour of London 
even with those places. The computed exchange has gener- 
ally been in favour of London with Lisbon, Antwerp, Leg- 
horn, and, if you except France, I believe, with most other 
parts of Europe that pay in common currency; and it is not 
improbable that the real exchange was so too. 



Ok the Unreasonableness of those Extraordinary Restraints 
Upon Other Principles 

In the foregoing Part of this Chapter I have en- 
deavoured to shew, even upon the principles of the com- 
mercial system, how unnecessary it is to lay extraordinary 
restraints upon the importation of goods from those coun- 
tries with which the balance of trade is supposed to be dis- 

Nothing, however, can be more absurd than this whole 
doctrine of the balance of trade, upon which, not only these 
restraints, but almost all the other regulations of commerce 
are founded. When two places trade with one another, this 
doctrine supposes that, if the balance be even, neither of 
them either loses or gains ; but if it leans in any degree to 
one side, that one of them loses, and the other gains in pro- 
portion to its declension from the exact equilibrium. Both 
suppositions are false. A trade which is forced by means of 
bounties and monopolies, may be, and commonly is disad- 
vantageous to the country in whose favour it is meant to be 
established, as I shall endeavour to show hereafter. But 
that trade which, without force or constraint, is naturally 
and regularly carried on between any two places, is always 
advantageous, though not always equally so, to both. 

By advantage or gain, I understand, not the increase of 
the quantity of gold and silver, but that of the exchangeable 
value of the annual produce of the land and labour of the 
country, or the increase of the annual revenue of its in- 

If the balance be even, and if the trade between the two 
places consist altogether in the exchange of their native com- 
modities, they will, upon most occasions, not only both gain, 
but they will gain equally, or very near equally : each will in 
this case afford a market for a part of the surplus produce 
of the other : each will replace a capital which had been em- 
ployed in raising and preparing for the market this part of 
the surplus produce of the other, and which had been dis- 
tributed among, and given revenue and maintenance to a 


certain number of its inhabitants. Some part of the in- 
habitants of each, therefore, will indirectly derive their 
revenue and maintenance from the other. As the commodi- 
ties exchanged too are supposed to be of equal value, so the 
tw^o capitals employed in the trade will, upon most occasions, 
be equal, or very nearly equal ; and both being employed in 
raising the native commodities of the two countries, the 
revenue and maintenance which their distribution will afford 
to the inhabitants of each will be equal, or very nearly equal. 
This revenue and maintenance, thus mutually afforded, will 
be greater or smaller in proportion to the extent of their 
dealings. If these should annually amount to an hundred 
thousand pounds, for example, or to a million on each side, 
each of them would afford an annual revenue in the one case 
of an hundred thousand pounds, in the other, of a million, to 
the inhabitants of the other. 

If their trade should be of such a nature that one of them 
exported to the other nothing but native commodities, while 
the returns of that other consisted altogether in foreign 
goods; the balance, in this case, would still be supposed even, 
commodities being paid for with commodities. They would, 
in this case too, both gain, but they would not gain equally ; 
and the inhabitants of the country which exported nothing 
but native commodities would derive the greatest revenue 
from the trade. If England, for example, should import 
from France nothing but the native commodities of that 
country, and, not having such commodities of its own as 
were in demand there, should annually repay them by send- 
ing thither a large quantity of foreign goods, tobacco, we 
shall suppose, and East India goods ; this trade, though it 
would give some revenue to the inhabitants of both coun- 
tries, would give more to those of France than to those of 
England. The whole French capital annually employed in 
it would annually be distributed among the people of France. 
^ But that part of the English capital only which was employed 
in producing the English commodities with which those 
foreign goods were purchased, would be annually distrib- 
uted among the people of England. The greater part of it 
would replace the capitals which had been employed in Vir- 
ginia, Indostan, and China, and which had given revenue 


and maintenance to the inhabitants of those distant countries. 
If the capitals were equal, or nearly equal, therefore, this 
employment of the French capital would augment much 
more the revenue of the people of France, than that of the 
English capital would the revenue of the people of England. 
France would in this case carry on a direct foreign trade of 
consumption with England; whereas England would carry 
on a round-about trade of the same kind with France. The 
different effects of a capital employed in the direct, and of 
one employed in the round-about foreign trade of consump- 
tion, have already been fully explained. 

There is not, probably, between any two countries, a trade 
which consists altogether in the exchange either of native 
commodities on both sides, or of native commodities on one 
side and of foreign goods on the other. Almost all countries 
exchange with one another partly native and partly foreign 
goods. That country, however, in whose cargoes there is 
the greatest proportion of native, and the least of foreign 
goods, will always be the principal gainer. 

If it was not with tobacco and East India goods, but with 
gold and silver, that England paid for the commodities an- 
nually imported from France, the balance, in this case, would 
be supposed uneven, commodities not being paid for with 
commodities, but with gold and silver. The trade, however, 
would, in this case, as in the foregoing, give some revenue 
to the inhabitants of both countries, but more to those of 
France than to those of England. It would give some reve- 
nue to those of England. The capital which had been em- 
ployed in producing the English goods that purchased this 
gold and silver, the capital which had been distributed 
among, and given revenue to, certain inhabitants of Eng- 
land, would thereby be replaced, and enabled to continue 
that employment. The whole capital of England would no 
more be diminished by this exportation of gold and silver, 
than by the exportation of an equal value of any other goods. 
On the contrary, it would, in most cases, be augmented. No 
goods are sent abroad but those for which the demand is 
supposed to be greater abroad than at home, and of which 
the returns consequently,, it is expected, will be of more 
value at home than the commodities exported. If the to- 


bacco which, in England, is worth only a hundred thousand 
pounds, when sent to France will purchase wine which is, in 
England, worth a hundred and ten thousand pounds, the 
exchange will augment the capital of England by ten thou- 
sand pounds. If a hundred thousand pounds of English 
gold, in the same manner, purchase French wine, which, in 
England, is worth a hundred and ten thousand, this exchange 
will equally augment the capital of England by ten thousand 
pounds. As a merchant who has a hundred and ten thou- 
sand pounds worth of wine in his cellar, is a richer man 
than he who has only a hundred thousand pounds worth of 
tobacco in his warehouse, so is he likewise a richer man 
than he who has only a hundred thousand pounds worth of 
gold in his coffers. He can put into motion a greater quan- 
tity of industry, and give revenue, maintenance, and employ- 
ment, to a greater number of people than either of the other 
two. But the capital of the country is equal to the capitals 
of all its different inhabitants, and the quantity of industry 
which can be annually maintained in it, is equal to what all 
those different capitals can maintain. Both the capital of 
the country, therefore, and the quantity of industry which 
can be annually maintained in it, must generally be aug- 
mented by this exchange. It would, indeed, be more advan- 
tageous for England that it could purchase the wines of 
France with its own hard-ware and broad-cloth, than with 
either the tobacco of Virginia, or the gold and silver of 
Brazil and Peru. A direct foreign trade of consumption is 
always more advantageous than a round-about one. But a 
round-about foreign trade of consumption, which is carried 
on with gold and silver, does not seem to be less advan- 
tageous than any other equally round-about one. Neither is 
a country which has no mines, more likely to be exhausted 
of gold and silver by this annual exportation of those metals, 
than one which does not grow tobacco by the like annual 
exportation of that plant. As a country which has where- 
withal to buy tobacco will never be long in want of it, so 
neither will one be long in want of gold and silver which 
has wherewithal to purchase those metals. 

It is a losing trade, it is said, which a workman carries 
on with the alehouse; and the trade which a manufacturing 


nation would naturally carry on with a wine country, may 
be considered as a trade of the same nature. I answer, that 
the trade with the alehouse is not necessarily a losing trade. 
In its own nature it is just as advantageous as any other, 
though, perhaps, somewhat more liable to be abused. The 
employment of a brewer, and even that of a retailer of fer- 
mented liquors, are as necessary divisions of labour as any 
other. It will generally be more advantageous for a work- 
man to buy of the brewer the quantity he has occasion for, 
than to brew it himself, and if he is a poor workman, it will 
generally be more advantageous for him to buy it, by little 
and little, of the retailer, than a large quantity of the brewer. 
He may no doubt buy too much of either, as he may of any 
other dealers in his neighbourhood, of the butcher, if he is a 
glutton, or of the draper, if he affects to be a beau among 
his companions. It is advantageous to the great body of 
workmen, notwithstanding, that all these trades should be 
free, though this freedom may be abused in all of them, and 
is more likely to be so, perhaps, in some than in others. 
Though individuals, besides, may sometimes ruin their for- 
tunes by an excessive consumption of fermented liquors, 
there seems to be no risk that a nation should do so. Though 
in every country there are many people who spend upon such 
liquors more than they can afford, there are always many 
more who spend less. It deserves to be remarked too, that, 
if we consult experience, the cheapness of wine seems to be 
a cause, not of drunkenness, but of sobriety. The inhabit- 
ants of the wine countries are in general the soberest people 
in Europe ; witness the Spaniards, the Italians, and the in- 
habitants of the southern provinces of France. People are 
seldom guilty of excess in what is their daily fare. Nobody 
affects the character of liberality and good fellowship, by 
being profuse of a liquor which is as cheap as small beer. 
On the contrary, in the countries which, either from exces- 
sive heat or cold, produce no grapes, and where wine con- 
sequently is dear and a rarity, drunkenness is a common 
vice, as among the northern nations, and all those who live 
between the tropics, the negroes, for example, on the coast 
of Guinea. When a French regiment comes from some of 
the northern provinces of France, where wine is somewhat 


dear, to be quartered in the southern, where it is very cheap, 
the soldiers, I have frequently heard it observed, are at first 
debauched by the cheapness and novelty of good wine ; but 
after a few months residence, the greater part of them be- 
come as sober as the rest of the inhabitants. Were the 
duties upon foreign wines, and the excises upon malt, beer, 
nnd ale, to be taken away all at once, it might, in the same 
nanner, occasion in Great Britain a pretty general and tem- 
^lorary drunkenness among the middling and inferior ranks 
of people, which would probably be soon followed by a per- 
manent and almost universal sobriety. At present drunken- 
ness is by no means the vice of people of fashion, or of those 
who can easily afford the most expensive liquors. A gen- 
tleman drunk with ale, has scarce ever been seen among us. 
The restraints upon the wine trade in Great Britain, be- 
sides, do not so much seem calculated to hinder the people 
from going, if I may say so, to the alehouse, as from going 
where they can buy the best and cheapest liquor. They 
favour the wine trade of Portugal, and discourage that of 
France. The Portuguese, it is said, indeed, are better cus- 
tomers for our manufactures than the French, and should 
therefore be encouraged in preference to them. As they 
give us their custom, it is pretended, we should give them 
ours. The sneaking arts of underling tradesmen are thus 
erected into political maxims for the conduct of a great 
empire ; for it is the most underling tradesmen only who 
make it a rule to employ chiefly their own customers. A 
great trader purchases his goods always where they are 
cheapest and best, without regard to any little interest of 
this kind. 

By such maxims as these, however, nations have been 
taught that their interest consisted in beggaring all their 
neighbours. Each nation has been made to look with an 
invidious eye upon the prosperity of all the nations with 
which it trades, and to consider their gain as its own loss. 
Commerce, which ought naturally to be, among nations, as 
among individuals, a bond of union and friendship, has be- 
come the most fertile source of discord and animosity. The 
capricious ambition of kings and ministers has not, during 
the present and the preceding century, been more fatal to 


the repose of Europe, than the impertinent jealousy of mer- 
chants and manufacturers. The violence and injustice of 
the rulers of mankind is an ancient evil, for which, I am 
afraid, the nature of human affairs can scarce admit of a 
remedy. But the mean rapacity, the monopolizing spirit of 
merchants and manufacturers, who neither are, nor ought 
to be, the rulers of mankind, though it cannot perhaps be 
corrected, may very easily be prevented from disturbing the 
tranquillity of any body but themselves. 

That it was the spirit of monopoly which originally both 
invented and propagated this doctrine, cannot be doubted ; 
and they who first taught it were by no means such fools as 
they who believed it. In every country it always is and 
must be the interest of the great body of the people to buy 
whatever they want of those who sell it cheapest. The 
proposition is so very manifest, that it seems ridiculous to 
take any pains to prove it ; nor could it ever have been called 
in question, had not the interested sophistry of merchants 
and manufacturers confounded the common sense of man- 
kind. Their interest is, in this respect, directly opposite to 
that of the great body of the people. As it is the interest of 
the freemen of a corporation to hinder the rest of the in- 
habitants from employing any workmen but themselves, so 
it is the interest of the merchants and manufacturers of 
every country to secure to themselves the monopoly of the 
home market. Hence in Great Britain, and in most other 
European countries, the extraordinary duties upon almost 
all goods imported by alien merchants. Hence the high 
duties and prohibitions upon all those foreign manufactures 
which can come into competition with our own. Hence too 
the extraordinary restraints upon the importation of almost 
all sorts of goods from those countries with which the bal- 
ance of trade is supposed to be disadvantageous; that is, 
from those against whom national animosity happens to be 
most violently inflamed. 

The wealth of a neighbouring nation, however, though 
dangerous in war and politics, is certainly advantageous in 
trade. In a state of hostility it may enable our enemies to 
maintain fleets and armies superior to our own; but in a 
state of peace and commerce it must likewise enable them 


to exchange with us to a greater value, and to afford a 
better market, either for the immediate produce of our own 
industry, or for whatever is purchased with that produce. 
As a rich man is likely to be a better customer to the indus- 
trious people in his neighbourhood, than a poor, so is like- 
wise a rich nation. A rich man, indeed, who is himself a 
manufacturer, is a very dangerous neighbour to all those 
who deal in the same way. All the rest of the neighbour- 
hood, however, by far the greatest number, profit by the 
good market which his expence affords them. They even 
profit by his underselling the poorer workmen who deal in 
the same way with him. The manufacturers of a rich 
nation, in the same manner, may no doubt be very dangerous 
rivals to those of their neighbours. This very competition, 
however, is advantageous to the great body of the people, 
who profit greatly besides by the good market which the 
great expence of such a nation affords them in every other 
way. Private people who want to make a fortune, never 
think of retiring to the remote and poor provinces of the 
country, but resort either to the capital, or to some of the 
great commercial towns. They know, that, where little 
wealth circulates, there is little to be got, but that where a 
great deal is in motion, some shares of it may fall to them. 
The same maxims which would in this manner direct the 
common sense of one, or ten, or twenty individuals, should 
regulate the judgment of one, or ten, or twenty millions, 
and should make a whole nation regard the riches of its 
neighbours, as a probable cause and occasion for itself to 
acquire riches. A nation that would enrich itself by foreign 
trade, is certainly most likely to do so when its neighbours 
are all rich, industrious, and commercial nations. A great 
nation surrounded on all sides by wandering savages and 
poor barbarians might, no doubt, acquire riches by the cul- 
tivation of its own lands, and by its own interior commerce, 
but not by foreign trade. It seems to have been in this 
manner that the ancient Egyptians and the modern Chinese 
acquired their great wealth. The ancient Egyptians, it is 
said, neglected foreign commerce, and the modern Chinese, 
it is known, hold it in the utmost contempt, and scarce deign 
to afford it the decent protection of the laws. The modern 


maxims of foreign commerce, by aiming at the impoverish- 
ment of all our neighbours, so far as they are capable of 
producing their intended effect, tend to render that very 
commerce insignificant and contemptible. 

It is in consequence of these maxims that the commerce 
between France and England has in both countries been 
subjected to so many discouragements and restraints. If 
those tw^o countries, hov^ever, were to consider their real 
interest, without either mercantile jealousy or national ani- 
mosity, the commerce of France might be more advan- 
tageous to Great Britain than that of any other country, and 
for the same reason that of Great Britain to France. France 
is the nearest neighbour to Great Britain. In the trade be- 
tween the southern coast of England and the northern and 
north-western coasts of France, the returns might be ex- 
pected, in the same manner as in the inland trade, four, five, 
or six times in the year. The capital, therefore, employed in 
this trade, could in each of the two countries keep in motion 
four, five, or six times the quantity of industry, and afford 
employment and subsistence to four, five, or six times the 
number of people, which an equal capital could do in the 
greater part of the other branches of foreign trade. Between 
the parts of France and Great Britain most remote from one 
another, the returns might be expected, at least, once in the 
year, and even this trade would so far be at least equally ad- 
vantageous as the greater part of the other branches of our 
foreign European trade. It would be, at least, three times 
more advantageous, than the boasted trade with our North 
American colonies, in which the returns were seldom made 
in less than three years, frequently not in less than four or 
five years. France, besides, is supposed to contain twenty- 
four millions of inhabitants. Our North American colonies 
were never supposed to contain more than three millions : 
And France is a much richer country than North America ; 
though, on account of the more unequal distribution of 
riches, there is much more poverty and beggary in the one 
country, than in the other. . France therefore could aft'ord 
a market at least eight times more extensive, and, on ac- 
count of the superior frequency of the returns, four and 
twenty times more advantageous, than that which our North 

M — HC X 


American colonies ever afforded. The trade of Great 
Britain would be just as advantageous to France, and, in 
proportion to the wealth, population and proximity of the 
respective countries, would have the same superiority over 
that which France carries on with her own colonies. Such 
is the very great difference between that trade which the 
wisdom of both nations has thought proper to discourage, 
and that which it has favoured the most. 

But the very same circumstances which would have ren- 
dered an open and free commerce between the two countries 
so advantageous to both, have occasioned the principal ob- 
structions to that commerce. Being neighbours, they are 
necessarily enemies, and the wealth and power of each be- 
comes, upon that account, more formidable to the other ; 
and what would increase the advantage of national friend- 
ship, serves only to inflame the violence of national ani- 
mosity. They are both rich and industrious nations ; and 
the merchants and manufacturers of each, dread the com- 
petition of the skill and activity of those of the other. Mer- 
cantile jealousy is excited, and both inflames, and is itself 
inflamed, by the violence of national animosity: And the 
traders of both countries have announced, with all the pas- 
sionate confidence of interested falsehood, the certain ruin 
of each, in consequence of that unfavourable balance of 
trade, which, they pretend, would be the infallible effect of 
an unrestrained commerce with the other. 

There is no commercial country in Europe of which the 
approaching ruin has not frequently been foretold by the 
pretended doctors of this system, from an unfavourable 
balance of trade. After all the anxiety, however, which they 
have excited about this, after all the vain attempts of almost 
all trading nations to turn that balance in their own favour 
and against their neighbours, it does not appear that any 
one nation in Europe has been in any respect impoverished 
by this cause. Every town and country, on the contrary, 
in proportion as they have opened their ports to all nations, 
instead of being ruined by this free trade, as the principles 
of the commercial system would lead us to expect, have been 
enriched by it. Though there are in Europe, indeed, a few 
towns which in some respects deserve the name of free ports. 


there is no country which does so. Holland, perhaps, ap- 
proaches the nearest to this character of any, though still 
very remote from it ; and Holland, it is acknowledged, not 
only derives its whole wealth, but a great part of its neces- 
sary subsistence, from foreign trade. 

There is another balance, indeed, which has already been 
explained, very different from the balance of trade, and 
which, according as it happens to be either favourable or 
unfavourable, necessarily occasions the prosperity or decay 
of every nation. This is the balance of the annual produce 
and consumption. If the exchangeable value of the annual 
produce, it has already been observed, exceeds that of the 
annual consumption, the capital of the society must annually 
increase in proportion to this excess. The society in this 
case lives within its revenue, and what is annually saved 
out of its revenue, is naturally added to its capital, and em- 
ployed so as to increase still further the annual produce. If 
the exchangeable value of the annual produce, on the con- 
trary, fall short of the annual consumption, the capital of the 
society must annually decay in proportion to this deficiency. 
The expence of the society in this case exceeds its revenue, 
and necessarily encroaches upon its capital. Its capital, 
therefore, must necessarily decay, and, together with it, the 
exchangeable value of the annual produce of its industry. 

This balance of produce and consumption is entirely dif- 
ferent from, what is called, the balance of trade. It might 
take place in a nation which had no foreign trade, but which 
was entirely separated from all the world. It may take 
place in the whole globe of the earth, of which the wealth, 
population, and improvement may be either gradually in- 
creasing or gradually decaying. 

The balance of produce and consumption may be con- 
stantly in favour of a nation, though what is called the bal- 
ance of trade be generally against it. A nation may import 
to a greater value than it exports for half a century, perhaps, 
together ; the gold and silver which comes into it during all 
this time may be all immediately sent out of it ; its circulat- 
ing coin may gradually decay, different sorts of paper money 
being substituted in its place, and even the debts too which 
it contracts in the principal nations with whom it deals, may 


be gradually increasing; and yet its real wealth, the ex- 
changeable value of the annual produce of its lands and 
labour, may, during the same period, have been increasing 
in a much greater proportion. The state of our North 
American colonies, and of the trade which they carried on 
with Great Britain, before the commencement of the present 
disturbances, may serve as a proof that this is by no means 
an impossible supposition. 

Of Drawbacks 

MERCHANTS and manufacturers are not contented 
with the monopoly of the home market, but desire 
likewise the most extensive foreign sale for their 
goods. Their country has no jurisdiction in foreign nations, 
and therefore can seldom procure them any monopoly there. 
They are generally obliged, therefore, to content themselves 
with petitioning for certain encouragements to exportation. 

Of these encouragements what are called Drawbacks seem 
to be the most reasonable. To allow the merchant to draw 
back upon exportation, either the whole or a part of what- 
ever excise or inland duty is imposed upon domestic industry, 
can never occasion the exportation of a greater quantity of 
goods than what would have been exported had no duty been 
imposed. Such encouragements do not tend to turn towards 
any particular employment a greater share of the capital of 
the country, than what would go to that employment of its 
own accord, but only to hinder the duty from driving away 
any part of that share to other employments. They tend not 
to overturn that balance which naturally establishes itself 
among all the various employments of the society ; but to 
hinder it from being overturned by the duty. They tend not 
to destroy, but to preserve, what it is in most cases advan- 
tageous to preserve, the natural division and distribution of 
labour in the society. 

The same thing may be said of the drawbacks upon the re- 
exportation of foreign goods imported ; which in Great 
Britain generally amount to by much the largest part of the 
duty upon importation. 

Drawbacks were, perhaps, originally granted for the en- 
couragement of the carrying trade, which, as the freight of 
the ships is frequently paid by foreigners in money, was sup- 



posed to be peculiarly fitted for bringing gold and silver into 
the country. But though the carrying trade certainly de- 
serves no peculiar encouragement, though the motive of the 
institution was, perhaps, abundantly foolish, the institution 
itself seems reasonable enough. Such drawbacks cannot 
force into this trade a greater share of the capital of the 
country than what would have gone to it of its own accord, 
had there been no duties upon importation. They only pre- 
vent its being excluded altogether by those duties. The 
carrying trade, though it deserves no preference, ought not 
to be precluded, but to be left free like all other trades. It 
is a necessary resource for those capitals which cannot find 
employment either in the agriculture or in the manufactures 
of the country, either in its home trade or in its foreign trade 
of consumption. 

The revenue of the customs, instead of suffering, profits 
from such drawbacks, by that part of the duty which is re- 
tained. If the whole duties had been retained, the foreign 
goods upon which they are paid, could seldom have been 
exported, nor consequently imported, for want of a market. 
The duties, therefore, of which a part is retained, would 
never have been paid. 

These reasons seem sufficiently to justify drawbacks, and 
would justify them, though the whole duties, whether upon 
the produce of domestic industry, or upon foreign goods, were 
always drawn back upon exportation. The revenue of excise 
would in this case, indeed, suffer a little, and that of the cus- 
toms a good deal more; but the natural balance of industry, 
the natural division and distribution of labour, which is al- 
ways more or less disturbed by such duties, would be more 
nearly re-established by such a regulation. 

These reasons, however, will justify drawbacks only upon 
exporting goods to those countries which are altogether for- 
eign and independent, not to those in which our merchants 
and manufacturers enjoy a monopoly. A drawback, for ex- 
ample, ujjon the exportation of European goods to our Ameri- 
can colonies, will not always occasion a greater exportation 
than what would have taken place without it. By means of 
the monopoly which our merchants and manufacturers enjoy 
there, the same quantity might frequently, perhaps, be sent 


thither, though the whole duties were retained. The draw- 
back, therefore, may frequently be pure loss to the revenue 
of excise and customs, without altering the state of the trade, 
or rendering it in any respect more extensive. How far such 
drawbacks can be justified, as a proper encouragement to the 
industry of our colonies, or how far it is advantageous to the 
mother-country, that they should be exempted from taxes 
which are paid by all the rest of their fellow-subjects, will 
appear hereafter when I come to treat of colonies. 

Drawbacks, however, it must always be understood, are 
useful only in those cases in which the goods for the exporta- 
tion of which they are given, are really exported to some 
foreign country; and not clandestinely re-imported into our 
own. That some drawbacks, particularly those upon tobacco, 
have frequently been abused in this manner, and have given 
occasion to many frauds equally hurtful both to the revenue 
and to the fair trader, is well known. 

Of Bounties 

BOUNTIES upon exportation are, in Great Britain, fre- 
quently petitioned for, and sometimes granted to the 
produce of particular branches of domestic industry. 
By means of them our merchants and manufacturers, it is 
pretended, will be enabled to sell their goods as cheap or 
cheaper than their rivals in the foreign market. A greater 
quantity, it is said, will thus be exported, and the balance of 
trade consequently turned more m favour of our own coun- 
try. We cannot give our workmen a monopoly in the foreign, 
as we have done in the home market. We cannot force for- 
eigners to buy their goods, as we have done our own country- 
men. The next best expedient, it has been thought, therefore, 
is to pay them for buying. It is in this manner that the mer- 
cantile system proposes to enrich the whole country, and to 
put money into all our pockets by means of the balance of 

Bounties, it is allowed, ought to be given to those branches 
of trade only which cannot be carried on without them. But 
every branch of trade in which the merchant can sell his 
goods for a price which replaces to him, with the ordinary 
profits of stock, the whole capital employed in preparing and 
sending them to market, can be carried on without a bounty. 
Every such branch is evidently upon a level with all the other 
branches of trade which are carried on without bounties, 
and cannot therefore require one more than they. Those 
trades only require bounties in which the merchant is obliged 
to sell his goods for a price which does not replace to him 
his capital, together with the ordinary profit ; or in which he 
is obliged to sell them for less than it really costs him to 
send them to market. The bounty is given in order to make 
up this loss, and to encourage him to continue, or perhaps to 



begin, a trade of which the expence is supposed to be greater 
than the returns, of which every operation eats up a part of 
the capital employed in it, and which is of such a nature, 
that, if all other trades resembled it, there would soon be no 
capital left in the country. 

The trades, it is to be observed, which are carried on by 
means of bounties, are the only ones which can be carried 
on between two nations for any considerable time together, 
in such a manner as that one of them shall always and regu- 
larly lose, or sell its goods for less than it really costs to send 
them to market But if the bounty did not repay to the mer- 
chant what he would otherwise lose upon the price of his 
goods, his own interest would soon oblige him to employ his 
stock in another way, or to find out a trade in which the price 
of the goods would replace to him, with the ordinary profit, 
the capital employed in sending them to market. The effect 
of bounties, like that of all the other expedients of the mer- 
cantile system, can only be to force the trade of a country 
into a channel much less advantageous than that in which it 
would naturally run of its own accord. 

The ingenious and well-informed author of the tracts upon 
the corn-trade has shown very clearly, that since the bounty 
upon the exportation of corn was first established, the price 
of the corn exported, valued moderately enough, has exceeded 
that of the corn imported, valued very high, by a much 
greater sum than the amount of the whole bounties which 
have been paid during that period. This, he imagines, upon 
the true principles of the mercantile system, is a clear proof 
that this forced corn trade is beneficial to the nation; the 
value of the exportation exceeding that of the importation by 
a much greater sum than the whole extraordinary expence 
which the public has been at in order to get it exported. He 
does not consider that this extraordinary expence, or the 
bounty, is the smallest part of the expence which the exporta- 
tion of corn really costs the society. The capital which the 
farmer employed in raising it, must likewise be taken into 
the account. Unless the price of the corn when sold in the 
foreign markets replaces, not only the bounty, but this capital, 
together with the ordinary profits of stock, the society is a 
loser by the difference, or the national stock is so much 


diminished. But the very reason for which it has been 
thought necessary to grant a bounty, is the supposed insuffi- 
ciency of the price to do this. 

The average price of corn, it has been said, has fallen con- 
siderably since the establishment of the bounty. Thai the 
average price of corn began to fall somewhat towards the 
end of the last century, and has continued to do so during 
the course of the sixty-four first years of the present, I have 
already endeavoured to show. But this event, supposing it 
to be as real as I believe it to be, must have happened in spite 
of the bounty, and cannot possibly have happened in conse- 
quence of it. It has happened in France, as well as in Eng- 
land, though in France there was, not only no bounty, but, 
till 1764, the exportation of corn was subjected to a general 
prohibition. This gradual fall in the average price of grain, 
it is probable, therefore, is ultimately owing neither to the 
one regulation nor to the other, but to that gradual and in- 
sensible rise in the real value of silver, which, in the first 
book of this discourse, I have endeavoured to show has taken 
place in the general market of France, during the course of 
the present century. It seems to be altogether impossible that 
the bounty could ever contribute to lower the price of grain. 

In years of plenty, it has already been observed, the bounty, 
by occasioning an extraordinary exportation, necessarily 
keeps up the price of corn in the home market above what it 
would naturally fall to. To do so was the avowed purpose of 
the institution. In years of scarcity, though the bounty is fre- 
quently suspended, yet the great exportation which it occa- 
sions in years of plenty, must frequently hinder more or less 
the plenty of one year from relieving the scarcity of another. 
Both in years of plenty, and in years of scarcity, therefore, 
the bounty necessarily tends to raise the money price of corn 
somewhat higher than it otherwise would be in the home 

That, in the actual state of tillage, the bounty must neces- 
sarily have this tendency, will not, I apprehend, be disputed 
by any reasonable person. But it has been thought by many 
people that it tends to encourage tillage, and that in two 
dififerent ways; first, by opening a more extensive foreign 
market to the corn of the farmer, it tends, they imagine, to 


increase the demand for, and consequently the production of 
that commodity ; and secondly, by securing to him a better 
price than he could otherwise expect in the actual state of 
tillage, it tends, they suppose, to encourage tillage. This 
double encouragement must, they imagine, in a long period 
of years, occasion such an increase in the production of corn, 
as may lower its price in the home market, much more than 
the bounty can raise it, in the actual state which tillage may, 
at the end of that period, happen to be in. 

I answer, that whatever extension of the foreign market 
can be occasioned by the bounty, must, in every particular 
year, be altogether at the expence of the home market; as 
every bushel of corn which is exported by means of the 
bounty, and which would not have been exported without 
the bounty, would have remained in the home market to in- 
crease the consumption, and to lower the price of that com- 
modity. The corn bounty, it is to be observed, as well as 
every other bounty upon exportation, imposes two different 
taxes upon the people ; first, the tax which they are obliged 
to contribute, in order to pay the bounty; and secondly, the 
tax which arises from the advanced price of the commodity 
in the home market, and which, as the whole body of the 
people are purchasers of corn, must, in this particular com- 
modity, be paid by the whole body of the people. In this par- 
ticular commodity, therefore, this second tax is by much the 
heaviest of the two. Let us suppose that, taking one year 
with another, the bounty of five shillings upon the exporta- 
tion of the quarter of wheat, raises the price of that com- 
modity in the home market only sixpence the bushel, or four 
shillings the quarter, higher than it otherways would have 
been in the actual state of the crop. Even upon this very 
moderate supposition, the great body of the people, over and 
above contributing the tax which pays the bounty of five 
shillings upon every quarter of wheat exported, must pay 
another of four shillings upon every quarter which they 
themselves consume. But, according to the very well 
informed author of the tracts upon the corn-trade, the 
average proportion of the corn exported to that consumed 
at home, is not more than that of one to thirty-one. 
For every five shillings, therefore, which they contribute to 


the payment of the first tax^ they must contribute six pounds 
four shillings to the payment of the second. So very 
heavy a tax upon the first necessary of life, must either 
reduce the subsistence of the labouring poor, or it must 
occasion some augmentation in their pecuniary wages, 
proportionable to that in the pecuniary price of their sub- 
sistence. So far as it operates in the one way, it must 
reduce the ability of the labouring poor to educate and 
bring up their children, and must, so far, tend to restrain 
the population of the country. So far as it operates in the 
other, it must reduce the ability of the employers of the poor, 
to employ so great a number as they otherwise might do, 
and must, so far, tend to restrain the industry of the coun- 
try. The extraordinary exportation of corn, therefore, oc- 
casioned by the bounty, not only, in every particular year, 
diminishes the home, just as much as it extends the foreign 
market and consumption, but, by restraining the population 
and industry of the country, its final tendency is to stunt and 
restrain the gradual extension of the home market ; and 
thereby, in the long run, rather to diminish, than to augment, 
the whole market and consumption of corn. 

This enhancement of the money price of corn, however, it 
has been thought, by rendering that commodity more profit- 
able to the farmer, must necessarily encourage its production. 

I answer, that this might be the case if the effect of the 
bounty was to raise the real price of corn, or to enable the 
farmer, with an equal quantity of it, to maintain a greater 
number of labourers in the same manner, whether liberal, 
moderate, or scanty, that other labourers are commonly 
maintained in his neighbourhood. But neither the bounty, 
it is evident, nor any other human institution, can have any 
such effect. It is not the real, but the nominal price of corn, 
which can in any considerable degree be affected by the 
bounty. And though the tax, which that institution imposes 
upon the whole body of the people, may be very burdensome 
to those who pay it, it is of very little advantage to those 
who receive it. 

The real effect of the bounty is not so much to raise the 
real value of corn, as to degrade the real value of silver; or 
to make an equal quantity of it exchange for a smaller quan- 


tity, not only of corn, but of all other home-made commodi- 
ties: for the money price of corn regulates that of all other 
home-made commodities. 

It regulates the money price of labour, which must always 
be such as to enable the labourer to purchase a quantity of 
corn sufficient to maintain him and his family either in the 
liberal, moderate, or scanty manner in which the advancing, 
stationary or declining circumstances of the society oblige 
his employers to maintain him. 

It regulates the money price of all the other parts of the 
rude produce of land, which, in every period of improve- 
ment, must bear a certain proportion to that of corn, though 
this proportion is different in different periods. It regulates, 
for example, the money price of grass and hay, of butcher's 
meat, of horses, and the maintenance of horses, of land car- 
riage consequently, or of the greater part of the inland com- 
merce of the country. 

By regulating the money price of all the other parts of 
the rude produce of land, it regulates that of the materials 
of almost all manufactures. By regulating the money price 
of labour, it regulates that of manufacturing art and indus- 
try. And by regulating both, it regulates that of the com- 
plete manufacture. The money price of labour, and of every 
thing that is the produce either of land or labour, must neces- 
sarily either rise or fall in proportion to the money price of 

Though in consequence of the bounty, therefore, the 
farmer should be enabled to sell his corn for four shillings 
the bushel instead of three and sixpence, and to pay his 
landlord a money rent proportionable to this rise in the 
money price of his produce; yet if, in consequence of this 
rise in the price of corn, four shillings will purchase no 
more home-made goods of any other kind than three and 
sixpence would have done before, neither the circumstances 
of the farmer, nor those of the landlord, will be much 
mended by this change. The farmer will not be able to cul- 
tivate much better : the landlord will not be able to live much 
better. In the purchase of foreign commodities this en- 
hancement in the price of corn may give them some little ad- 
vantage. In that of home-made commodities it can give 


them none at all. And almost the whole expence of the 
farmer, and the far greater part even of that of the land- 
lord, is in home-made commodities. 

That degradation in the value of silver which is the effect 
of the fertility of the mines, and which operates equally, or 
very near equally, through the greater part of the commer- 
cial world, is a matter of very little consequence to any par- 
ticular country. The consequent rise of all money prices, 
though it does not make those who receive them really 
richer, does not make them really poorer. A service of plate 
becomes really cheaper, and every thing else remains pre- 
cisely of the same real value as before. 

But that degradation in the value of silver which, being 
the effect either of the peculiar situation, or of the political 
institutions of a particular country, takes place only in that 
country, is a matter of very great consequence, which, far 
from tending to make any body really richer, tends to make 
every body really poorer. The rise in the money price of all 
commodities, which is in this case peculiar to that country, 
tends to discourage more or less every sort of industry which 
is carried on within it, and to enable foreign nations, by fur- 
nishing almost all sorts of goods for a smaller quantity of 
silver than its own workmen can afford to do, to under- 
sell them, not only in the foreign, but even in the home 

It is the peculiar situation of Spain and Portugal as pro- 
prietors of the mines, to be the distributors of gold and silver 
to all the other countries of Europe. Those metals ought 
naturally, therefore, to be somewhat cheaper in Spain and 
Portugal than in any other part of Europe. The difference, 
however, should be no more than the amount of the freight 
and insurance; and, on account of the great value and small 
bulk of those metals, their freight is no great matter, and 
their insurance is the same as that of any other goods of 
equal value. Spain and Portugal, therefore, could suffer very 
little from their peculiar situation, if they did not aggravate 
its disadvantages by their political institutions. 

Spain by taxing, and Portugal by prohibiting the exporta- 
tion of gold and silver, load that exportation with the ex- 
pence of smuggling, and raise the value of those metals in 


other countries so much more above what it is in their own, 
by the whole amount of this expence. When you dam up a 
stream of water, as soon as the dam is full, as mUch water 
must run over the dam-head as if there was no dam at all. 
The prohibition of exportation cannot detain a greater quan- 
tity of gold and silver in Spain and Portugal than what they 
can afiford to employ, than what the annual produce of their 
land and labour will allow them to employ, in coin, plate, 
gilding, and other ornaments of gold and silver. When they 
have got this quantity the dam is full, and the whole stream 
which flows in afterwards must run over. The annual ex- 
portation of gold and silver from Spain and Portugal accord- 
ingly is, by all accounts, notwithstanding these restraints, 
very near equal to the whole annual importation. As the 
water, however, must always be deeper behind the dam-head 
than before it, so the quantity of gold and silver which these 
restraints detain in Spain and Portugal must, in proportion to 
the annual produce of their land and labour, be greater than 
what is to be found in other countries. The higher and 
stronger the dam-head, the greater must be the difference in 
the depth of water behind and before it. The higher the tax, 
the higher the penalties with which the prohibition is 
guarded, the more vigilant and severe the police which looks 
after the execution of the law, the greater must be the dif- 
ference in the proportion of gold and silver to the annual 
produce of the land and labour of Spain and Portugal, and 
to that of other countries. It is said accordingly to be very 
considerable, and that you frequently find there a profusion 
of plate in houses, where there is nothing else which would, 
in other countries, be thought suitable or correspondent to 
this sort of magnificence. The cheapness of gold and silver, 
or what is the same thing, the dearness of all commodities, 
which is the necessary effect of this redundancy of the 
precious metals, discourages both the agriculture and manu- 
factures of Spain and Portugal, and enables foreign nations 
to supply them with many sorts of rude, and with almost all 
sorts of manufactured produce, for a smaller quantity of gold 
and silver than what they themselves can either raise or 
make them for at home. The tax and prohibition operate in 
two different ways. They not only lower very much the 


value of the precious metals in Spain and Portugal, but by 
detaining there a certain quantity of those metals which 
would otherwise flow over other countries, they keep up their 
value in those other countries somewhat above what it other- 
wise would be, and thereby give those countries a double ad- 
vantage in their commerce with Spain and Portugal. Open 
the flood-gates, and there will presently be less water above, 
and more below, the dam-head, and it will soon come to a 
level in both places. Remove the tax and the prohibition, 
and as the quantity of gold and silver will diminish consid- 
erably in Spain and Portugal, so it will increase somewhat 
in other countries, and the value of those metals, their pro- 
portion to the annual produce of land and labour, will soon 
come to a level, or very near to a level, in all. The loss 
which Spain and Portugal could sustain by this exportation 
of their gold and silver would be altogether nominal and im- 
aginary. The nominal value of their goods, and of the an- 
nual produce of their land and labour, would fall, and would 
be expressed or represented by a smaller quantity of silver 
than before : but their real value would be the same as be- 
fore, and would be sufficient to maintain, command, and em- 
ploy, the same quantity of labour. As the nominal value of 
their goods would fall, the real value of what remained of 
their gold and silver would rise, and a smaller quantity of 
those metals would answer all the same purposes of com- 
merce and circulation which had employed a greater quan- 
tity before. The gold and silver which would go abroad 
would not go abroad for nothing, but would bring back an 
equal value of goods of some kind or another. Those goods 
too would not be all matters of mere luxury and expence, to 
be consumed by idle people who produce nothing in return 
for their consumption. As the real wealth and revenue of 
idle people would not be augmented by this extraordinary 
exportation of gold and silver, so neither would their con- 
sumption be much augmented by it. Those goods would, 
probably, the greater part of them, and certainly some part 
cf them, consist in materials, tools, and provisions, for the 
employment and maintenance of industrious people, who 
would reproduce, with a profit, the full value of their con- 
sumption. A part of the dead stock of the society would 


thus be turned into active stock, and would put into motion 
a greater quantity of industry than had been employed be- 
fore. The annual produce of their land and labour would 
immediately be augment-ed a little, and in a few years would, 
probably, be augmented a great deal ; their industry being 
thus relieved from one of the most oppressive burdens which 
it at present labours under. 

The bounty upon the exportation of corn necessarily oper- 
ates exactly in the same way as this absurd policy of Spain 
and Portugal. Whatever be the actual state of tillage, it 
renders our corn somewhat dearer in the home market than 
it otherwise would be in that state, and somewhat cheaper in 
the foreign ; and as the average money price of corn regu- 
lates more or less that of all other commodities, it lowers the 
value of silver considerably in the one, and tends to raise it 
a little in the other. It enables foreigners, the Dutch in par- 
ticular, not only to eat our corn cheaper than they otherwise 
could do, but sometimes to eat it cheaper than even our own 
people can do upon the same occasions ; as we are assured by 
an excellent authority, that of Sir Matthew Decker. It 
hinders our own workmen from furnishing their goods for 
so small a quantity of silver as they otherwise might do ; and 
enables the Dutch to furnish their's for a smaller. It tends 
to render our manufactures somewhat dearer in every mar- 
ket, and their's somewhat cheaper than they otherwise would 
be, and consequently to give their industry a double advan- 
tage over our own. 

The bounty, as it raises in the home market, not so much 
the real, as the nominal price of our corn, as it augments, 
sot the quantity of labour which a certain quantity of corn 
can maintain and employ, but only the quantity of silver 
which it will exchange for, it discourages our manufactures, 
without rendering any considerable service either to our 
farmers or country gentlemen. It puts, indeed, a little more 
money into the pockets of both, and it will perhaps be some- 
what difficult to persuade the greater part of them that this 
is not rendering them a very considerable service. But if 
this money sinks in its value, in the quantity of labour, pro- 
visions, and home-made commodities of all different kinds 
which it is capable of purchasing, as much as it rises in its 


quantity, the service will be little more than nominal and 

There is, perhaps, but one set of men in the whole com- 
monwealth to whom the bounty either was or could be es- 
sentially serviceable. These were the corn merchants, the 
exporters and importers of corn. In years of plenty the 
bounty necessarily occasioned a greater exportation than 
would otherwise have taken place; and by hindering the 
plenty of one year from relieving the scarcity of another, it 
Occasioned in years of scarcity a greater importation than 
would otherwise have been necessary. It increased the busi- 
ness of the corn merchant in both; and in years of scarcity, 
it not only enabled him, to import a greater quantity, but to 
sell it for a better price, and consequently with a greater 
profit than he could otherwise have made, if the plenty of 
one year had not been more or less hindered from relieving 
the scarcity of another. It is in this set of men, accordingly, 
that I have observed the greatest zeal for the continuance or 
renewal of the bounty. 

Our country gentlemen, when they imposed the high duties 
upon the importation of foreign corn, which in times of mod- 
erate plenty amount to a prohibition, and when they estab- 
lished the bounty, seem to have imitated the conduct of our 
manufacturers. By the one institution, they secured to them- 
selves the monopoly of the home market, and by the othei 
they endeavoured to pi'event that market from ever being 
overstocked with their commodity. By both they endeav- 
oured to raise its real value, in the same manner as our 
manufacturers had, by the like institutions, raised the real 
value of many different sorts of manufactured goods. They 
did not perhaps attend to the great and essential difference 
which nature has established between corn and almost every 
other sort of goods. When, either by the monoply of the 
home market, or by a bounty upon exportation, you enable 
our woollen or linen manufacturers to sell their goods for 
somewhat a better price than they otherwise could get for 
them, you raise, not only the nominal, but the real price of 
those goods. You render them equivalent to a greater quan- 
tity of labour and subsistence, you encrease not only the 
nominal, but the real profit, the real wealth and revenue of 


those manufacturers, and you enable them either to live 
better themselves, or to employ a greater quantity of labour 
in those particular manufactures. You really encourage 
those manufactures, and direct towards them a greater quan- 
tity of the industry of the country, than what would probably 
go to them of its own accord. But when by the like institu- 
tions you raise the nominal or money-price of corn, you do 
not raise its real value. You do not increase the real wealth, 
the real revenue either of our farmers or country gentle- 
men. You do not encourage the growth of corn, because 
you do not enable them to maintain and employ more labour- 
ers in raising it. The nature of things has stamped upon 
corn a real value which cannot be altered by merely altering 
its money price. No bounty upon exportation, no monopoly 
of the home market, can raise that value. The freest com- 
petition cannot lower it. Through the world in general that 
value is equal to the quantity of labour which it can main- 
tain, and in every particular place it is equal to the quantity 
of labour which it can maintain in the way, whether liberal, 
moderate, or scanty, in which labour is commonly maintained 
in that place. Woollen or linen cloth are not the regulating 
commodities by which the real value of all other commodi- 
ties must be finally measured and determined; corn is. The 
real value of every other commodity is finally measured and 
determined by the proportion which its average money price 
bears to the average money price of corn. The real value 
of corn does not vary with those variations in its average 
money price, which sometimes occur from one century to 
another. It is the real value of silver which varies with 

Bounties upon the exportation of any home-made com- 
modity are liable, first, to that general objection which may 
be made to all the different expedients of the mercantile sys- 
tem; the objection of forcing some part of the industry of 
the country into a channel less advantageous than that in 
which it would run of its own accord : and, secondly, to the 
particular objection of forcing it, not only into a channel 
that is less advantageous, but into one that is actually disad- 
vantageous ; the trade which cannot be carried on but by 
means of a bounty being necessarily a losing trade. The 


bounty npon the exportation of corn is liable to this further 
objection, that it can in no respect promote the raising of 
that particular commodity of which it was meant to encour- 
age the production. When our country gentlemen, therefore, 
demanded the establishment of the bounty, though they acted 
in imitation of our merchants and manufacturers, they did 
not act with that complete comprehension of their own in- 
terest which commonly directs the conduct of those two 
other orders of people. They loaded the public revenue with 
a very considerable expence ; they imposed a very heavy tax 
upon the whole body of the people; but they did not, in any 
sensible degree, increase the real value of their own com- 
modity ; and by lowering somewhat the real value of silver, 
they discouraged, in some degree, the general industry of 
the country, and, instead of advancing, retarded more or less 
the improvement of their own lands, which necessarily de- 
pends Hpon the general industry of the country. 

To encourage the production of any commodity, a bounty 
upon production, one should imagine, would have a more di- 
rect operation, than one upon exportation. It would, besides, 
impose only one tax upon the people, that which they must 
contribute in order to pay the bounty. Instead of raising, it 
would tend to lower the price of the commodity in the home 
market; and thereby, instead of imposing a second tax upon 
the people, it might at least in part, repay them for what 
they had contributed to the first. Bounties upon production, 
however, have been very rarely granted. The prejudices es- 
tablished by the commercial system have taught us to believe, 
that nominal wealth arises more immediately from exporta- 
tion than from production. It has been more favoured ac- 
cordingly, as the more immediate means of bringing money 
into the country. Bounties upon production, it has been 
said too, have been found by experience more liable to 
frauds than those upon exportation. How far this is true, 
I know not. That bounties upon exportation have been 
abused to many fraudulent purposes, is very well known^ 
But it is not the interest of merchants and manufacturers, 
the great inventors of all these expedients, that the home 
market should be overstocked with their goods, an event 
which a bounty upon production might sometimes occasion. 


A bounty upon exportation, by enabling them to send abroad 
the surplus part, and to keep up the price of what remains in 
the home market, effectually prevents this. Of all the ex- 
pedients of the mercantile system, accordingly, it is the one of 
which they are the fondest. I have known the different 
undertakers of some particular works agree privately among 
themselves to give a bounty out of their own pockets upon 
the exportation of a certain proportion of the goods which 
they dealt in. This expedient succeeded so well, that it more 
than doubled the price of their goods in the home market, 
notwithstanding a very considerable increase in the produce. 
The operation of the bounty upon corn must have been 
wonderfully different, if it has lowered the money price of 
that commodity. 

Something like a bounty upon production, however, has 
been granted upon some particular occasions. The tonnage 
bounties given to the white-herring and whale-fisheries may, 
perhaps, be considered as somewhat of this nature. They 
tend directly, it may be supposed, to render the goods cheaper 
in the home market than they otherwise would be. In other 
respects their effects, it must be acknowledged, are the same 
as those of bounties upon exportation. By means of them 
a part of the capital of the country is employed in bringing 
goods to market, of which the price does not repay the cost, 
together with the ordinary profits of stock. 

If any particular manufacture was necessary, indeed, for 
the defence of the societ}^ it might not always be prudent to 
depend upon our neighbours for the supply ; and if such 
manufacture could not otherwise be supported at home, it 
might not be unreasonable that all the other branches of in- 
dustry should be taxed in order to support it. The bounties 
upon the exportation of British-made sail-cloth, and British- 
made gun-powder, may, perhaps, both be vindicated upon 
this principle. 

But though it can very seldom be reasonable to tax the 
industry of the great body of the people, in order to support 
that of some particular class of manufacturers; yet in the 
wantonness of great prosperity, when the public enjoys a 
greater revenue than it knows well what to do with, to give 
such bounties to favourite manufacturers, may, perhaps, be 


as natural, as to incur any other idle expence. In public, as 
well as in private expences, great wealth may, perhaps, fre- 
quently be admitted as an apology for great folly. But there 
must surely be something more than ordinary absurdity, in 
continuing such profusion in times of general difficulty and 

What is called a bounty is sometimes no more than a 
drawback, and consequently is not liable to the same objec- 
tions as what is properly a bounty. The bounty, for example, 
upon refined sugar exported, may be considered as a draw- 
back of the duties upon the brown and muscovado sugars 
from which it is made. The bounty upon wrought silk ex- 
ported, a drawback of the duties upon raw and thrown silk 
imported. The bounty upon gunpowder exported, a draw- 
back of the duties upon brimstone and saltpetre imported. 
In the language of the customs those allowances only are 
called drawbacks, which are given upon goods exported in 
the same form in which they are imported. When that form 
has been so altered by manufacture of any kind, as to come 
under a new denomination, they are called bounties. 

Premiums given by the public to artists and manufacturers 
who excel in their particular occupations, are not liable to 
the same objections as bounties. By encouraging extraordi- 
nary dexterity and ingenuity, they serve to keep up the emu- 
lation of the workmen actually employed in those respective 
occupations, and are not considerable enough to turn towards 
any one of them a greater share of the capital of the country 
than what would go to it of its own accord. Their tendency 
is not to overturn the natural balance of employments, but to 
render the work which is done in each as perfect and com- 
plete as possible. The expence of'premiums, besides, is very 
trifling: that of bounties very great. The bounty upon corn 
alone has sometimes cost the public in one year more than 
three hundred thousand pounds. 

Bounties are sometimes called premiums, as drawbacks 
are sometimes called bounties. But we must in all cases at- 
tend to the nature of the thing, without paying any regard 
to the word. 

Of Treaties of Commerce 

WHEN a nation binds itself by treaty either to permit 
the entry of certain goods from one foreign coun- 
try which it prohibits from all others, or to exempt 
the goods of one country from duties to which it subjects those 
of all others, the country, or at least the merchants and manu- 
facturers of the country, whose commerce is so favoured, 
must necessarily derive great advantage from the treaty. 
Those merchants and manufacturers enjoy a sort of mO'- 
nopoly in the country which is so indulgent to them. That 
country becomes a market both more extensive and more 
advantageous for their goods; more extensive, because the 
goods of other nations being either excluded or subjected to 
heavier duties, it takes off a greater quantity of theirs : more 
advantageous, because the merchants of the favoured coun- 
try, enjoying a sort of monopoly there, will often sell their 
goods for a better price than if exposed to the free competi- 
tion of all other nations. 

Such treaties, however, though they may be advantageous 
to the merchants and manufacturers of the favoured, are 
necessarily disadvantageous to those of the favouring coun- 
try. A monopoly is thus granted against them to a foreign 
nation ; and they must frequently buy the foreign goods they 
have occasion for, dearer than if the free competition of 
other nations was admitted. That part of its own produce 
with which such a nation purchases foreign goods, must con- 
sequently be sold cheaper, because when two things are ex- 
changed for one another, the cheapness of the one is a neces- 
sary consequence, or rather is the same thing with the 
dearness of the other. The exchangeable value of its annual 
produce, therefore, is likely to be diminished by every such 
treaty. This diminution, however, can scarce amount to any 



positive loss, but only to a lessening of the gain which it 
might otherwise make. Though it sells its goods cheaper 
than it otherwise might do, it will not probably sell them 
for less than they cost; nor, as in the case of bounties, for 
a price which will not replace the capital employed in bring- 
ing them to market, together with the ordinary profits of 
stock. The trade could not go on long if it did. Even the 
favouring country, therefore, may still gain by the trade, 
though less than if there was a free competition. 

Some treaties of commerce, however, have been supposed 
advantageous upon principles very different from these; and 
a commercial country has sometimes granted a monopoly of 
this kind against itself to certain goods of a foreign nation, 
because it expected that in the whole commerce between 
them, it would annually sell more than it would buy, and that 
a balance in gold and silver would be annually returned to 
it. It is upon this principle that the treaty of commerce be- 
tween England and Portugal, concluded in 1703, by Mr. 
Methuen, has been so much commended. The following is 
a literal translation of that treaty, which consists of three 
articles only. 


His sacred royal majesty of Portugal promises, both in his 
own name, and that of his successors, to admit, for ever 
hereafter, into Portugal, the woollen cloths, and the rest of 
the woollen manufactures of the British, as was accustomed, 
till they were prohibited by the law; nevertheless upon this 
condition : 


That is to say, that her sacred royal majesty of Great 
Britain shall, in her own name, and that of her successors, 
be obliged, for ever hereafter, to admit the wines of the 
growth of Portugal into Britain: so that at no time, whether 
there shall be peace or war between the kingdoms of Britain 
and France, any thing more shall be demanded for thcr.e 
wines by the name of custom or duty, or by whatsoever other 
title, directly or indirectly, whether they shall be imported 
into Great Britain in pipes or hogsheads, or other casks, tlian 


what shall be demanded for the like quantity or measure of 
French wine, deducting or abating a third part of the custom 
or duty. But if at any time this deduction or abatement of 
customs, which is to be made as aforesaid, shall in any man- 
ner be attempted and prejudiced, it shall be just and lawful 
for his sacred royal majesty of Portugal, again to prohibit 
the woollen cloths, and the rest of the British woollen 

ART. Ill 

The most excellent lords the plenipotentiaries promise and 
take upon themselves that their above-named masters shall 
ratify this treaty; and within the space of two months the 
ratifications shall be exchanged. 

By this treaty the crown of Portugal becomes bound to 
admit the English woollens upon the same footing as before 
the prohibition ; that is, not to raise the duties which had 
been paid before that time. But it does not become bound 
to admit them upon any better terms than those of any other 
nation, of France or Holland for example. The crown of 
Great Britain, on the contrary, becomes bound to admit the 
wines of Portugal, upon paying only two-thirds of the duty, 
which is paid for those of France, the wines most likely to 
come into competition with them. So far this treaty, there- 
fore, is evidently advantageous to Portugal, and disadvan- 
tageous to Great Britain. 

It has been celebrated, however, as a masterpiece of the 
commercial policy of England. Portugal receives annually 
from the Brazils a greater quantity of gold than can be em- 
ployed in its domestic commerce, whether in the shape of 
coin or of plate. The surplus is too valuable to be allowed 
to He idle and locked up in coffers, and as it can find no ad- 
vantageous market at home, it must, notwithstanding any 
prohibition, be sent abroad, and exchanged for something 
for which there is a more advantageous market at home. A 
large share of it comes annually to England, in return either 
for English goods, or for those of other European nations 
that receive their returns through England. Mr. Baretti 
was informed that the weekly packet-boat from Lisbon 


brings, one week with another, more than fifty thousand 
pounds in- gold to England. The sum had probably been 
exaggerated. It would amount to more than two millions six 
hundred thousand pounds a year, which is more than the 
Brazils are supposed to afford. 

Our merchants were some years ago out of humour with 
the crown of Portugal. Some privileges which had been 
granted them, not by treaty, but by the free grace of that 
crown, at the solicitation, indeed, it is probable, and in return 
for much greater favours, defence and protection, from the 
crown of Great Britain, had been either infringed or re- 
voked. The people, therefore, usually most interested in 
celebrating the Portugal trade, were then rather disposed to 
represent it as less advantageous than it had commonly been 
imagined. The far greater part, almost the whole, they pre- 
tended, of this annual importation of gold, was not on ac- 
count of Great Britain, but of other European nations; the 
fruits and wines of Portugal annually imported into Great 
Britain nearly compensating the value of the British goods 
sent thither. 

Let us suppose, however, that the whole was on account 
of Great Britain, and that it amounted to a still greater sum 
than Mr. Baretti seems to imagine: this trade would not, 
upon that account, be more advantageous than any other in 
which, for the same value sent out, we received an equal 
value of consumable goods in return. 

It is but a very small part of this importation which, it 
can be supposed, is employed as an annual addition either to 
the plate or to the coin of the kingdom. The rest must all 
be sent abroad and exchanged for consumable goods of some 
kind or other. But if those consumable goods were pur- 
chased directly with the produce of English industry, it 
would be more for the advantage of England, than first to 
purchase with that produce the gold of Portugal, and after- 
wards to purchase with that gold those consumable goods. A 
direct foreign trade of consumption is always more advan- 
tageous than a round-about one ; and to bring the same value 
of foreign goods to the home market, requires a much smaller 
capital in the one way than in the other. If a smaller share 
of its industry, therefore, had been employed in producing 


goods fit for the Portugal market, and a greater in producing 
those fit for the other markets, where those consumable 
goods for which there is a demand in Great Britain are to 
be had, it would have been more for the advantage of Eng- 
land. To procure both the gold, which it wants for its own 
use, and the consumable goods, would, in this way, employ 
a much smaller capital than at present. There would be a 
spare capital, therefore, to be employed for other purposes, 
in exciting an additional quantity of industry, and in raising 
a greater annual produce. 

Though Britain were entirely excluded from the Portugal 
trade, it could find very little difficulty in procuring all the 
annual supplies of gold which it wants, either for the pur- 
poses of plate, or of coin, or of foreign trade. Gold, like 
every other commodity, is always somewhere or another to 
be got for its value by those who have that value to give 
for it. 

The annual surplus of gold in Portugal, besides, would 
still be sent abroad, and though not carried away by 
Great Britain, would be carried away by some other nation, 
which would be glad to sell it again for its price, in the same 
manner as Great Britain does at present. In buying gold of 
Portugal, indeed, we buy it at the first hand ; whereas, in 
buying it of any other nation, except Spain, we should buy 
it at the second, and might pay somewhat dearer. This dif- 
ference, however, would surely be too insignificant to de- 
serve the public attention. 

Almost all our gold, it is said, comes from Portugal. With 
other nations the balance of trade is either against us, or not 
much in our favour. But we should remember, that the more 
gold we import from one country, the less we must neces- 
sarily import from all others. The effectual demand for 
gold, like that for every other commodity, is in every country 
limited to a certain quantity. If nine-tenths of this quantity 
are imported from one country, there remains a tenth only 
to be imported from all others. The more gold besides that 
is annually imported from some particular countries, over and 
above what is requisite for plate and for coin, the more must 
necessarily be exported to some others ; and the more that 
most insignificant object of modern policy, the balance of 


trade, appears to be in our favour with some particular coun- 
tries, the more it must necessarily appear to be against us 
with many others. 

It was upon this silly notion, however, that England could 
not subsist without the Portugal trade, that, towards the 
end of the late war, France and Spain, without pretending 
either offence or provocation, required the king of Portugal 
to exclude all British ships from his ports, and for the se- 
curity of this exclusion, to receive into them French or 
Spanish garrisons. Had the king of Portgual submitted to 
those ignominious terms which his brother-in-law the king 
of Spain proposed to him, Britain would have been freed 
from a much greater inconveniency than the loss of the 
Portugal trade, the burden of supporting a very weak ally, 
so unprovided of every thing for his own defence, that the 
whole power of England, had it been directed to that single 
purpose, could scarce perhaps have defended him for another 

The loss of the Portugal trade would, no doubt, have 
occasioned a considerable embarrassment to the mer- 
chants at that time engaged in it, who might not, perhaps, 
have found out, for a year or two, any other equally advan- 
tageous method of employing their capitals ; and in this 
would probably have consisted all the inconveniency which 
England could have suffered from this notable piece of com- 
mercial policy. 

The great annual importation of gold and silver is neither 
for the purpose of plate nor of coin, but of foreign trade. 
A round-about foreign trade of consumption can be carried 
on more advantageously by means of these metals than of 
almost any other goods. As they are the universal instru- 
ments of commerce, they are more readily received in re- 
turn for all commodities than any other goods ; and on ac- 
count of their small bulk and great value, it costs less to 
transport them backward and forward from one place to an- 
other than almost any other sort of merchandize, and they 
lose less of their value by being so transported. Of all the 
commodities, therefore, which are bought in one foreign 
country, for no other purpose but to be sold or exchanged 
again for some other goods in another, there are none so 


convenient as gold and silver. In facilitating all the different 
round-about foreign trades of consumption which are car- 
ried on in Great Britain, consists the principal advantage of 
the Portugal trade; and though it is not a capital advantage, 
it is, no doubt, a considerable one. 

Of Colonies 

Of the Motives for Establishing new Colonies 

THE interest which occasioned the first settlement of 
the different European colonies in America and the 
West Indies, was not altogether so plain and distinct 
as that which directed the establishment of those of ancient 
Greece and Rome. 

All the different states of ancient Greece possessed, each 
of them, but a very small territory, and when the people in 
any one of them multiplied beyond what that territory could 
easily maintain, a part of them were sent in quest of a new 
habitation in some remote and distant part of the world; 
the warlike neighbours who surrounded them on all sides, 
rendering it difficult for any of them to enlarge very much 
its territory at home. The colonies of the Dorians resorted 
chiefly to Italy and Sicily, which, in the times preceding the 
foundation of Rome, were inhabited by barbarous and un- 
civilized nations: those of the lonians and Eolians, the two 
other great tribes of the Greeks, to Asia Minor and the 
islands of the Egean Sea, of which the inhabitants seem at 
that time to have been pretty much in the same state as those 
of Sicily and Italy. The mother city, though she consid- 
ered the colony as a child, at all times entitled to great 
favour and assistance, and owing in return much gratitude 
and respect, yet considered it as an emancipated child, over 
whom she pretended to claim no direct authority or juris- 
diction. The colony settled its own form of government, 
enacted its own laws, elected its own magistrates, and made 
peace or war with its neighbours as an independent state, 



which had no occasion to wait for the approbation or con- 
sent of the mother city. Nothing can be more plain and 
distinct than the interest which directed every such estab- 

Rome, Hke most of the other ancient republics, was orig- 
inally founded upon an Agrarian law, which divided the 
public territory in a certain proportion among the different 
citizens who composed the state. The course of human 
affairs, by marriage, by succession, and by alienation, neces- 
sarily deranged this original division, and frequently threw 
the lands, which had been allotted for the maintenance of 
many different families into the possession of a single per- 
son. To remedy this disorder, for such it was supposed to 
be, a law was made, restricting the quantity of land which 
any citizen could possess to five hundred jugera, about three 
hundred and fifty English acres. This law, however, though 
we read of its having been executed upon one or two occa- 
sions, was either neglected or evaded, and the inequality of 
fortunes went on continually increasing. The greater part 
of the citizens had no land, and without it the manners and 
customs of those times rendered it difficult for a freeman to 
maintain his independency. In the present times, though a 
poor man has no land of his own, if he has a little stock, he 
may either farm the lands of another, or he may carry on 
some little retail trade ; and if he has no stock, he may find 
employment either as a country labourer, or as an artificer. 
But, among the ancient Romans, the lands of the rich were 
all cultivated by slaves, who wrought under an overseer, who 
was likewise a slave ; so that a poor freeman had little chance 
of being employed either as a farmer or as a labourer. All 
trades and manufactures too, even the retail trade, were 
carried on by the slaves of the rich for the benefit of their 
masters, whose wealth, authority, and protection made it 
difficult for a poor freeman to maintain the competition 
against them. The citizens, therefore, who had no land, 
had scarce any other means of subsistence but the bounties 
of the candidates at the annual elections. The tribunes, 
when they had a mind to animate the people against the 
rich and the great, put them in mind of the ancient division 
of lands, and represented that law which restricted this sort 


of private property as the fundaiiieiual law of the republic. 
The people became clamorous to get land, and the rich and 
the great, we may believe, were perfectly determined not to 
give them any part of theirs. To satisfy them in some meas- 
ure, therefore, they frequently proposed to send out a new 
colony. But conquering Rome was, even upon such occa- 
sions, under no necessity of turning out her citizens to seek 
their fortune, if one may say so, through the wide world, 
without knowing where they were to settle. She assigned 
them lands generally in the conquered provinces of Italy, 
where, being within the dominions of the republic, they 
could never form any independent state ; but were at best 
but a sort of corporation, which, though it had the power of 
enacting bye-laws for its own government, was at all times 
subject to the correction, jurisdiction, and legislative 
authority of the mother city. The sending out a colony of 
this kind, not only gave some satisfaction to the people, but 
often established a sort of garrison too in a newly conquered 
province, of which the obedience might otherwise have been 
doubtful. A Roman colony, therefore, whether we consider 
the nature of the establishment itself, or the motives for mak- 
ing it, was altogether different from a Greek one. The 
words accordingly, which in the original languages denote 
those different establishments, have very different meanings. 
The Latin word (Colonia) signifies simply a plantation, 
The Greek word (d.r.oix.id) on the contrary, signifies a sep- 
aration of dwelling, a departure from home, a going out of 
the house. But, though the Roman colonies were in many 
respects different from the Greek ones, the interest which 
prompted to establish them was equally plain and distinct. 
Both institutions derived their origin either from irresistible 
necessity, or from clear and evident utility. 

The establishment of the European colonies in America 
and the West Indies arose from no necessity : and though 
the utility which has resulted from them has been very great, 
it is not altogether so clear and evident. It was not under- 
stood at their first establishment, and was not the motive 
either of that establishment or of the discoveries which gave 
occasion to it ; and the nature, extent, and limits of that 
utility are not, perhaps, well understood at this day. 


The Venetians, during the fourteenth and fifteenth cen- 
turies, carried on a very advantageous commerce in spiceries, 
and other East India goods, which they distributed among the 
other nations of Europe. They purchased them chiefly in 
Egypt, at that time under the dominion of the Mammeluks, 
the enemies of the Turks, of whom the Venetians were the 
enemies; and this union of interest, assisted by the money of 
Venice, formed such a connection as gave the Venetians 
almost a monopoly of the trade. 

The great profits of the Venetians tempted the avidity of 
the Portuguese. They had been endeavouring, during the 
course of the fifteenth century, to find out by sea a way to the 
countries from which the Moors brought them ivory and gold 
dust across the Desart. They discovered the Madeiras, the 
Canaries, the Azores, the Cape de Verd islands, the coast of 
Guinea, that of Loango, Congo, Angola, and Benguela, and 
finally, the Cape of Good Hope. They had long wished to 
share in the profitable traffic of the Venetians, and this last 
discovery opened to them a probable prospect of doing so. 
In 1497, Vasco de Gama sailed from the port of Lisbon with 
a fleet of four ships, and, after a navigation of eleven months, 
arrived upon the coast of Indostan, and thus completed a 
course of discoveries which had been pursued with great 
steadiness, and with very little interruption, for near a cen- 
tury together 

Some years before this, while the expectations of Europe 
were in suspense about the projects of the Portuguese, of 
which the success appeared yet to be doubtful, a Genoese 
pilot formed the yet more daring project of sailing to the 
East Indies by the West. The situation of those countries 
was at that time very imperfectly known in Europe. The 
few European travellers who had been there had magnified 
the distance ; perhaps through simplicity and ignorance, what 
was really very great, appearing almost infinite to those who 
could not measure it ; or, perhaps, in order to increase some- 
what more the marvellous of their own adventures in visiting 
regions so immensely remote from Europe. The longer the 
way was by the East, Columbus very justly concluded, the 
shorter it would be by the West. He proposed, therefore, to 
take that way, as both the shortest and the surest, and he 

N — HC X 


liad the good fortune to convince Isabella of Castile of the 
probability of his project. He sailed from the port of Palos 
in August, 1492, near five years before the expedition of 
Vasco de Gama set out from Portugal, and, after a voyage of 
between two and three months, discovered first some of the 
small Bahama or Lucayan islands, and afterwards the great 
island of St. Domingo. 

But the countries which Columbus discovered, either in 
this or in any of his subsequent voyages, had no resemblance 
to those which he had gone in quest of. Instead of the 
wealth, cultivation and populousness of China and Indostan, 
he found, in St. Domingo, and in all the other parts of the 
new world which he ever visited, nothing but a country quite 
covered with wood, uncultivated, and inhabited only by some 
tribes of naked and miserable savages. He was not very 
willing, however, to believe that they were not the same with 
some of the countries described by Marco Polo, the first 
European who had visited, or at least had left behind him 
any description of China or the East Indies ; and a very slight 
resemblance, such as that which he found between the name 
of Cibao, a mountain in St. Domingo, and that of Cipango, 
mentioned by Marco Polo, was frequently sufficient to make 
him return to this favourite prepossession, though contrary 
to the clearest evidence. In his letters to Ferdinand and 
Isabella he called the countries which he had discovered, the 
Indies. He entertained no doubt but that they were the ex- 
tremity of those which had been described by Marco Polo, 
and that they were not very distant from the Ganges, or 
from the countries which had been conquered by Alexander, 
Even when at last convinced that they were different, he 
still flattered himself that those rich countries were at no 
great distance, and in a subsequent voyage, accordingly, went 
in quest of them along the coast of Terra Firma, and towards 
the isthmus of Darien. 

In consequence of this mistake of Columbus, the name of 
the Indies has stuck to those unfortunate countries ever 
since ; and when it was at last clearly discovered that the 
new were altogether different from the old Indies, the former 
were called the West, in contradistinction to the latter, which 
were called the East Indies. 


It was of importance to Columbus, however, that the coun- 
tries which he had discovered, whatever they were, should be 
represented to the court of Spain as of very great conse- 
quence ; and, in what constitutes the real riches of every 
country, the animal and vegetable productions of the soil, 
there was at that time nothing which could well justify such 
a representation of them. 

The Cori, something between a rat and a rabbit, and sup- 
posed by Mr. Buffon to be the same with the Aperea of 
Brazil, was the largest viviparous quadruped in St. Domingo, 
This species seems never to have been very numerous, and 
the dogs and cats of the Spaniards are said to have long ago 
almost entirely extirpated it, as well as some other tribes of 
a still smaller size. These, however, together with a pretty 
large lizard, called the Ivana or Iguana, constituted the prin- 
cipal part of the animal food which the land afforded. 

The vegetable food of the inhabitants, though from their 
want of industry not very abundant, was not altogether so 
scanty. It consisted in Indian corn, yams, potatoes, bananas, 
&c. plants which were then altogether unknown in Europe, 
and which have never since been very much esteemed in it, 
or supposed to yield a sustenance equal to what is drawn 
from the common sorts of grain and pulse, which have been 
cultivated in this part of the world time out of mind. 

The cotton plant indeed afforded the material of a very 
important manufacture, and was at that time to Europeans 
undoubtedly the most valuable of all the vegetable produc- 
tions of those islands. But though in the end of the fifteenth 
century the muslins and other cotton goods of the East Indies 
were much esteemed in every part of Europe, the cotton 
manufacture itself was not cultivated in any part of it. Even 
this production, therefore, could not at that time appear in 
the eyes of Europeans to be of very great consequence. 

Finding nothing either in the animals or vegetables of the 
newly discovered countries, which could justify a very advan- 
tageous representation of them, Columbus turned his view 
towards their minerals; and in the richness of the production 
of this third kingdom, he flattered himself, he had found a 
full compensation for the insignificancy of those of the other 
two. The little bits of gold with which the inhabitants orna- 


merited their dress, and which, he was informed, they fre- 
quently found in the rivulets and torrents that fell from the 
mountains, were sufficient to satisfy him that those mountains 
abounded with the richest gold mines. St. Domingo, there- 
fore, was represented as a country abounding with gold, and, 
upon that account (according to the prejudices not only of 
the present times, but of those times), an inexhaustible source 
of real wealth to the crown and kindom of Spain. When 
Columbus, upon his return from his first voyage, was intro- 
duced with a sort of triumphal honours to the sovereigns of 
Castile and Arragon, the principal productions of the coun- 
tries which he had discovered were carried in solemn pro- 
cession before him. The only valuable part of them con- 
sisted in some little fillets, bracelets, and other ornaments of 
gold, and in some bales of cotton. The rest were mere ob- 
jects of vulgar wonder and curiosity ; some reeds of an ex- 
traordinary size, some birds of a very beautiful plumage, 
and some stuffed skins of the huge alligator and manati ; all 
of which were preceded by six or seven of the wretched na- 
tives, whose singular colour and appearance added greatly to 
the novelty of the shew. 

In consequence of the representations of Columbus, the 
council of Castile determined to take possession of countries 
of which the inhabitants were plainly incapable of defending 
themselves. The pious purpose of converting them to Chris- 
tianity sanctified the injustice of the project. But the hope 
of finding treasures of gold there, was the sole motive which 
prompted to undertake it ; and to give this motive the greater 
weight, it was proposed by Columbus that the half of all the 
gold and silver that should be found there should belong to 
the crown. This proposal was approved of by the council. 

As long as the whole or the far greater part of the gold, 
which the first adventurers imported into Europe, was got 
by so very easy a method as the plundering of the defenceless 
natives, it was not perhaps very difficult to pay even this 
heavy tax. But when the natives were once fairly stript of 
all that they had, which, in St. Domingo, and in all the other 
countries discovered by Columbus, was done completely in 
six or eight years, and when in order to find more it had be- 
come necessary to dig for it in the mines, there was no longer 


any possibility of paying this tax. The rigorous exaction of 
it, accordingly, first occasioned, it is said, the total abandon- 
ing of the mines of St. Domingo, which have never been 
wrought since. It was soon reduced therefore to a third; 
then to a fifth ; afterwards to a tenth ; and at last to a twen- 
tieth part of the gross produce of the gold mines. The tax 
upon silver continued for a long time to be a fifth of the 
gross produce. It was reduced to a tenth only in the course 
of the present century. But the first adventurers do not 
appear to have been much interested about silver. Nothing 
less precious than gold seemed worthy of their attention. 

All the other enterprises of the Spaniards in the new 
world, subsequent to those of Columbus, seem to have been 
prompted by the same motive. It was the sacred thirst of 
gold that carried Oieda, Nicuessa, and Vasco Nugnes de 
Balboa, to the isthmus of Darien, that carried Cortez to 
Mexico, and Almagro and Pizzarro to Chili and Peru. When 
those adventurers arrived upon any unknown coast, their 
first enquiry was always if there was any gold to be found 
there ; and according to the information which they received 
concerning this particular, they determined either to quit the 
country or to settle in it. 

Of all those expensive and uncertain projects, however, 
which bring bankruptcy upon the greater part of the people 
who engage in them, there is none perhaps more perfectly 
ruinous than the search after new silver and gold mines. It 
is perhaps the most disadvantageous lottery in the world, or 
the one in which the gain of those who draw the prizes bears 
the least proportion to the loss of those who draw the blanks ; 
for though the prizes are few and the blanks many, the com- 
mon price of a ticket is the whole fortune of a very rich man. 
Projects of mining, instead of replacing the capital employed 
in them, together with the ordinary profits of stock, com- 
monly absorb both capital and profit. They are the projects, 
therefore, to which of all others a prudent law-giver, who 
desired to increase the capital of his nation, would least chuse 
to give any extraordinary encouragement, or to turn towards 
them a greater share of that capital than what would go to 
them of its own accord. Such in reality is the absurd con- 
fidence which almost all men have in their own good fortune. 


that v.'herever there is the least probability of success, too 
great a share of it is apt to go to them of its own accord. 

But though the judginent of sober reason and experience 
concerning such projects has always been extremely un- 
favourable, that of human avidity has commonly been quite 
otherwise. The same passion which has suggested to so 
many people the absurd idea of the philosopher's stone, has 
suggested to others the equally absurd one of immense rich 
mines of gold and silver. They did not consider that the 
value of those metals has, in all ages and nations, arisen 
chiefly from their scarcity, and that their scarcity has arisen 
from the very small quantities of them which nature has any 
where deposited in one place, from the hard and intractable 
substances with which she has almost every where sur- 
rounded those small quantities, and consequently from the 
labour and expence which are every where necessary in order 
to penetrate to and get at them. They flattered themselves 
that veins of those metals might in many places be found as 
large and as abundant as those which are commonly found of 
lead, or copper, or tin, or iron. The dream of Sir Walter 
Raleigh concerning the golden city and country of Eldorado, 
may satisfy us, that even wise men are not always exempt 
from such strange delusions. More than a hundred years 
after the death of that great man, the Jesuit Gumila was still 
convinced of the reality of that wonderful country, and ex- 
pressed with great warmth, and I dare to say, with great sin- 
cerity, how happy he should be to carry the light of the gospel 
to a people who could so well reward the pious labours of 
their missionary. 

In the countries first discovered by the Spaniards, no gold 
or silver mines are at present known which are supposed to 
be worth the working. The quantities of those metals which 
the first adventurers are said to have found there, had prob- 
ably been very much magnified, as well as the fertility of the 
mines which were wrought immediately after the first dis- 
covery. What those adventurers were reported to have 
found, however, was sufficient to inflame the avidity of all 
their countrymen. Every Spaniard who sailed to America 
expected to find an Eldorado. Fortune too did upon this 
what she has done upon very few other occasions. She real- 


ized in some measure the extravagant hopes of her votaries, 
and in the discovery and conquest of IMexico and Peru (of 
which the one happened about thirty, the other about forty 
years after the first expedition of Columbus), she presented 
them with something not very unlike that profusion of the 
precious metals which they sought for. ' • ,; 

A project of commerce to the East Indies, therefore, gave 
occasion to the first discovery of the West. A project of 
conquest gave occasion to all the establishments of the Span- 
iards in those newly discovered countries. The motive which 
excited them to this conquest was a project of gold and silver 
mines; and a course of accidents, which no human wisdom 
could foresee, rendered this project much more successful 
than the undertakers had any reasonable grounds for ex- 

The first adventurers of all the other nations of Europe, 
who attempted to make settlements in America, were ani- 
mated by the like chimerical views ; but they were not equally 
successful. It was more than a hundred years after the first 
settlement of the Brazils, before any silver, gold, or diamond 
mines were discovered there. In the English, French, Dutch, 
and Danish colonies, none have ever yet been discovered; at 
least none that are at present supposed to be worth the work- 
ing. The first English settlers in North America, however, 
offered a fifth of all the gold and silver which should be 
found there to the king, as a motive for granting them their 
patents. In the patents to Sir Walter Raleigh, to the Lon- 
don and Plymouth companies, to the council of Plymouth, 
&c. this fifth was accordingly reserved to the crown. To the 
expectation of finding gold and silver mines, those first sett'ers 
too joined that of discovering a north-west passage to the 
E^st Indies. They have hitherto been disappointed in both. 

Conclusion of the Mercantile System 

THOUGH the encouragement of exportation, and the 
discouragement of importation, are the two great en- 
gines by which the mercantile system proposes to en- 
rich every country, yet with regard to some particular com- 
modities, it seems to follow an opposite plan: to discourage 
exportation and to encourage importation. Its ultimate ob- 
ject, however, it pretends, is always the same, to enrich the 
country by an advantageous balance of trade. It discourages 
the exportation of the materials of manufacture, and of the 
instruments of trade, in order to give our own workmen an 
advantage, and to enable them to undersell those of other 
nations in all foreign markets ; and by restraining, in this 
manner, the exportation of a few commodities, of no great 
price, it proposes to occasion a much greater and more valu- 
able exportation of others. It encourages the importation of 
the materials of manufacture, in order that our own people 
may be enabled to work them up more cheaply, and thereby 
prevent a greater and more valuable importation of the manu- 
factured commodities. I do not observe, at least in our 
Statute Book, any encouragement given to the importation of 
the instruments of trade. When manufactures have advanced 
to a certain pitch of greatness, the fabrication of the instru- 
ments of trade becomes itself the object of a great number 
of very important manufactures. To give any particular 
encouragement to the importation of such instruments, would 
interfere too much with the interest of those manufactures. 
Such importation, therefore, instead of being encouraged, has 
frequently been prohibited. Thus the importation of wool 
cards, except from Ireland, or when brought in as wreck or 
prize goods, was prohibited by the 3d of Edward IV., 
which prohibition was renewed by the 39th of Elizabeth, 



and has been continued and rendered perpetual by subse- 
quent laws. 

The importation of the materials of manufacture has some- 
times been encouraged by an exemption from the duties to 
which other goods are subject, and sometimes by bounties. 

The importation of sheep's wool from several different 
countries, of cotton wool from all countries, of undressed 
flax, of the greater part of dying drugs, of the greater part 
of undressed hides from Ireland or the British colonies, of 
seal skins from the British Greenland fishery, of pig and bar 
iron from the British colonies, as well as of several other 
materials of manufacture, has been encouraged by an ex- 
emption from all duties, if properly entered at the custom- 
house. The private interest of our merchants and manufac- 
turers may, perhaps, have extorted from the legislature these 
exemptions, as well as the greater part of our other com- 
mercial regulations. They are, however, perfectly just and 
reasonable, and if, consistently with the necessities of the 
state, they could be extended to all the other materials of 
manufacture, the public would certainly be a gainer. 

The avidity of our great manufacturers, however, has in 
some cases extended these exemptions a good deal beyond 
what can justly be considered as the rude materials of their 
work. By the 24 Geo. II. chap 46, a small duty of only one 
penny the pound was imposed upon the importation of foreign 
brown linen yarn, instead of much higher duties to which it 
had been subjected before, viz. of sixpence the pound upon 
sail yarn, of one shilling the pound upon all French and 
Dutch yarn, and of two pounds thirteen shillings and four- 
pence upon the hundred weight of all spruce or Muscovia 
yarn. But our manufacturers were not long satisfied with 
this reduction. By the 29th of the same king, chap. 15, the 
same law which gave a bounty upon the exportation of Brit- 
ish and Irish linen of which the price did not exceed eighteen 
pence the yard, even this small duty upon the importation of 
brown linen yarn was taken away. In the different opera- 
tions, however, which aje necessary for the preparation of 
linen yarn, a good deal more industry is employed, than in 
the subsequent operation of preparing linen cloth from linen 
yarn. To say nothing of the industry of the flax-growers 


and flax-dressers, three or four spinners, at least, are neces- 
sary, in order to keep one weaver in constant employment; 
and more than four-fifths of the whole quantity of labour, 
necessary for the preparation of linen cloth, is employed in 
that of linen yarn; but our spinners are poor people, women 
commonly, scattered about in all different parts of the coun- 
try, without support or protection. It is not by the sale of 
their work, but by that of the complete work of the weavers, 
t!:r.t our great master manufacturers make their profits. As 
it is their interest to sell the complete manufacture as dear, 
so is it to buy the materials as cheap as possible. By extort- 
ing from the legislature bounties upon the exportation of their 
own linen, high duties upon the importation of all foreign 
linen, and a total prohibition of the home consumption of 
some sorts of French linen, they endeavour to sell their own 
goods as dear as possible. By encouraging the importation 
of foreign linen yarn, and thereby bringing it into compe- 
tition with that which is m.ade by our own people, they en- 
deavour to buy the work of the poor spinners as cheap as 
possible. They are as intent to keep down the wages of their 
own weavers, as the earnings of the poor spinners, and it is 
by no means for the benefit of the workman, that they en- 
deavour either to raise the price of the complete work, or to 
lower that of the rude materials. It is the industry which is 
carried on for the benefit of the rich and the powerful, that 
is principally encouraged by our mercantile system. That 
which is carried on for the benefit of the poor and the in- 
digent, is too often, either neglected, or oppressed. 

Both the bounty upon the exportation of linen, and the 
exemption from duty upon the importation of foreign yarn, 
which were granted only for fifteen years, but continued by 
two different prolongations, expire with the end of the ses- 
sion of parliament which shall immediately follow the 24th 
of June 1786. 

The encouragement given to the importation of the ma- 
terials of manufacture by bounties, has been principally con- 
fined to such as were imported from our American planta- 

The first bounties of this kind were those granted, about the 
beginning of the present century, upon the importation of 


naval stores from America. Under this denomination were 
comprehended timber fit for masts, yards, and bowsprits ; 
hemp ; tar, pitch, and turpentine. The bounty, however, of 
one pound the ton upon masting-timber, and that of six 
pounds the ton upon hemp, were extended to such as should 
be imported into England from Scotland. Both these boun- 
ties continued without any variation, at the same rate, till 
they were severally allowed to expire ; that upon hemp on 
the 1st of January 1741, and that upon masting-timber at the 
end of the session of parliament immediately following the 
24th June 1 78 1. 

The bounties upon the importation of tar, pitch, and tur- 
pentine underwent, during their continuance, several altera- 
tions. Originally that upon tar was four pounds the ton ; 
that upon pitch the same ; and that upon turpentine, three 
pounds the ton. The bounty of four pounds the ton upon 
tar was afterwards confined to such as had been prepared in 
a particular manner ; that upon other good, clean, and mer- 
chantable tar was reduced to two pounds four shillings the 
ton. The bounty upon pitch was likewise reduced to one 
pound ; and that upon turpentine to one pound ten shillings 
the ton. 

The second bounty upon the importation of any of the 
materials of manufacture, according to the order of time, 
was that granted by the 21 Geo. II. chap 30. upon the im- 
portation of indigo from the British plantations. When the 
plantation indigo was worth three-fourths of the price of the 
best French indigo, it was by this act entitled to a bounty of 
sixpence the pound. This bounty, which, like most others, 
was granted only for a limited time, v/as continued by several 
prolongations, but was reduced to four pence the pound. It 
was allowed to expire with the end of the session of parlia- 
ment which followed the 25th March 1781. 

The third bounty of this kind was that granted (much 
about the time that we were beginning sometimes to court 
and sometimes to quarrel with our American colonies) by the 
4 Geo. III. chap. 26. upon the importation of hemp, or un- 
dressed flax, from the British plantations. This bounty was 
granted for twenty-one. years, from the 24th June 1764, to 
the 2.4th June 1785. For the first seven years it was to be at 


the rate of eight pounds the ton, for the second at six pounds, 
and for the third at four pounds. It was not extended to 
Scotland, of which the cHmate (although hemp is sometimes 
raised there, in small quantities and of an inferior quality) 
is not very fit for that produce. Such a bounty upon the im- 
portation of Scotch flax into England would have been too 
great a discouragement to the native produce of the southern 
part of the united kingdom. 

The fourth bounty of this kind, was that granted by the 
5 Geo. III. chap. 45. upon the importation of wood from 
America. It was granted for nine years, from the ist Janu- 
ary 1766, to the 1st January 1775. During the first three 
years, it was to be for every hundred and twenty good deals, 
at the rate of one pound; and for every load containing fifty 
cubic feet of other squared timber at the rate of twelve shil- 
lings. For the second three years, it was for deals to be at 
the rate of fifteen shillings, and for other squared timber, at 
the rate of eight shillings ; and for the third three years, it 
was for deals, to be at the rate of ten shillings, and for other 
squared timber, at the rate of five shillings. 

The fifth bounty of this kind, was that granted by the 
9 Geo. III. chap. 38. upon the importation of raw silk from 
the British plantations. It was granted for twenty-one yearj, 
from the ist January 1770, to the 1st January 1791. For the 
first seven years it was to be at the rate of twenty-five pounds 
for every hundred pounds value ; for the second, at twenty 
pounds ; and for the third at fifteen pounds. The manage- 
ment of the silk-worm, and the preparation of silk, requires 
so much hand labour ; and labour is so very dear in America, 
that even this great bounty, I have been informed, was not 
likely to produce any considerable effect. 

The sixth bounty of this kind, was that granted by 11 Geo, 
III. chap. 50. for the importation of pipe, hogshead, and bar- 
rel staves and heading from the British plantations. It was 
granted for nine years, from ist January 1772, to the ist 
January 1781. For the first three years, it was for a certain 
quantity of each, to be at the rate of six pounds ; for the sec- 
ond three years, at four pounds ; and for the third three years, 
at two pounds. 

The seventh and last bounty of this kind, was that granted 


bv the 19 Geo. HI. chap. 37. upon the importation of hemp 
from Ireland. It was granted in the same manner as that for 
the importation of hemp and undressed flax from America, 
for twenty-one years, from the 24th June 1779, to the 24th 
June 1800. This term is divided, Hkewise, into three periods 
of seven years each; and in each of those periods, the rate 
of the Irish bounty is the same with that of the American. 
It does not, however, like the American bounty, extend to 
the importation of undressed flax. It would have been too 
great a discouragement to the cultivation of that plant in 
Great Britain. When this last bounty was granted, the Brit- 
ish and Irish legislatures were not in much better humour 
with one another, than the British and American had been 
before. But this boon to Ireland, it is to be hoped, has been 
granted under more fortunate auspices, than all those to 

The same commodities upon which we thus gave bounties, 
when imported from America, were subjected to considerable 
duties when imported from any other country. The interest 
of our American colonies was regarded as the same with that 
of the mother country. Their wealth was considered as our 
wealth. Whatever money was sent out to them, it was said, 
came all back to us by the balance of trade, and we could 
never become a farthing the poorer, by any expence which 
we could lay out upon them. They were our own in every 
respect, and it was an expence laid out upon the improvement 
of our own property, and for the profitable employment of 
our own people. It is unnecessary, I apprehend, at present 
to say any thing further, in order to expose the folly of a 
system, which fatal experience has now sufficiently exposed. 
Had our American colonies really been a part of Great 
Britain, those bounties might have been considered as boun- 
ties upon production, and would still have been liable to all 
the objections to which such bounties are liable, but to no 

The exportation of the materials of manufacture is some- 
times discouraged by absolute prohibitions, and sometimes 
by high duties. 

Our woollen manufacturers have been more successful than 
any other class of workmen, in persuading the legislature that 


the prosperity of the nation depended upon the success and 
extension of their particular business. They have not only 
obtained a monopoly against the consumers by an absolute 
prohibition of importing woollen cloths from any foreign 
country; but they have likewise obtained another monopoly 
against the sheep farmers and growers of wool, by a similar 
prohibition of the exportation of live sheep and wool. The 
severity of many of the laws which have been enacted for 
the security of the revenue is very justly complained of, as 
imposing heavy penalties upon actions which, antecedent to 
the statutes that declared them to be crimes, had always been 
understood to be innocent. But the cruellest of our revenue 
laws, I will venture to affirm, are mild and gentle, in com- 
parison of some of those which the clamour of our merchants 
and manufacturers have extorted from the legislature, for the 
support of their own absurd and oppressive monopolies. Like 
the laws of Draco, these laws may be said to be all written 
in blood. 

By the 8th of Elizabeth, chap. 3. the exporter of sheep, 
lambs or rams, was for the first offence to forfeit all his 
goods for ever, to suffer a year's imprisonment, and then to 
have his left hand cut off in a market town upon a market 
day, to be there nailed up; and for the second offence to be 
adjudged a felon, and to suffer death accordingly. To pre- 
vent the breed of our sheep from being propagated in foreign 
countries, seems to have been the object of this law. By the 
13th and 14th of Charles II. chap. 18. the exportation of wool 
was made felony, and the exporter subjected to the same 
penalties and forfeitures as a felon. 

For the honour of the national humanity, it is to be hoped 
that neither of these statutes were ever executed. The first 
of them, however, so far as I know, has never been directly 
repealed, and Serjeant Hawkins seems to consider it as still 
in force. It may however, perhaps, be considered as virtually 
repealed by the 12th of Charles II. chap. 32. sect. 3. which, 
without expressly taking away the penalties imposed by for- 
mer statutes, imposes a new penalty, viz. That of twenty 
shillings for every sheep exported, or attempted to be ex- 
ported, together with the forfeiture of the sheep and of the 
owner's share of the ship. The second of them was expressly 


repealed by the 7th and 8th of William III. chap. 28. sect. 4, 
By which it is declared that, "Whereac the statute of the 
13th and 14th of King Charles II. made against the exporta- 
tion of wool, among other things in the said act mentioned, 
doth enact the same to be deemed felony; by the severity of 
which penalty the prosecution of offenders hath not been so 
effectually put in execution : Be it, therefore, enacted by 
the authority foresaid, that so much of the said act, which 
relates to the making the said offence felony, be repealed 
and made void." 

The penalties, however, which are either imposed by this 
milder statute, or which, though imposed by former statutes, 
are not repealed by this one, are still sufficiently severe. Be- 
sides the forfeiture of the goods, the exporter incurs the 
penalty of three shillings for every pound weight of wool 
either exported or attempted to be exported, that is about 
four or five times the value. Any merchant or other person 
convicted of this offence is disabled from requiring any debt 
or account belonging to him from any factor or other person. 
Let his fortune be what it wil], whether he is, or is not able 
to pay those heavy penalties, the law means to ruin him com- 
pletely. But as the morals of the great body of the people 
are not yet so corrupt as those of the contrivers of this stat- 
ute, I have not heard that any advantage has- ever been taken 
of this clause. If the person convicted of this offence is not 
able to pay the penaltie,'^ within three months after judgment, 
he is to be transported for seven years, and if he returns be- 
fore the expiration of that term, he is liable to the pains of 
felony, without benefit of clergy. The owner of the ship 
knowing this offence forfeits all his interest in the ship and 
furniture. The master and mariners knowing this offence 
forfeit all their goods and chattels, and suffer three months 
imprisonment. By a subsequent statute the master suffers 
six months imprisonment. 

In order to prevent exportation, the whole inland commerce 
of wool is laid under very burdensome and oppressive restric- 
tions. It cannot be packed in any box, barrel, cask, case, 
chest, or any other package, but only in packs of leather or 
pack-cloth, on which mnst be marked on the outside the words 
zvool or yarn, in large letters not less than three inches long, 


on pain of forfeiting the same and the package, and three 
shillings for every pound weight, to be paid by the owner or 
packer. It cannot be loaden on any horse or cart, or carried 
by land within five miles of the coast, but between sun-rising 
and sun-setting, on pain of forfeiting the same, the horses 
and carriages. The hundred next adjoining to the sea coast, 
out of or through which the wool is carried or exported, for- 
feits twenty pounds, if the wool is under the value of ten 
pounds ; and if of greater value, then treble that value, to- 
gether with treble costs, to be sued for within the year. The 
execution to be against any two of the inhabitants, whom the 
sessions must reimburse, by an assessment on the other in- 
habitants, as in the cases of robbery. And if any person com- 
pounds with the hundred for less than this penalty, he is to be 
imprisoned for five years ; and any other person may prose- 
cute. These regulations take place through the whole king- 

But in the particular counties of Kent and Sussex the re- 
strictions are still more troublesome. Every owner of wool 
within ten miles of the sea-coast must give an account in writ- 
ing, three days after shearing, to the next officer of the cus- 
toms, of the number of his fleeces, and of the places where 
they are lodged. And before he removes any part of them he 
must give the like notice of the number and weight of the 
fleeces, and of the name and abode of the person to whom 
they are sold, and of the place to which it is intended they 
should be carried. No person within fifteen miles of the sea, 
in the said counties, can buy any wool, before he enters into 
bond to the king, that no part of the wool which he shall so 
buy shall be sold by him to any other person within fifteen 
miles of the sea. If any wool is found carrying towards the 
sea-side in the said counties, unless it has been entered and 
security given as aforesaid, it is forfeited, and the offender 
also forfeits three shillings for every pound weight. If any 
person lays any wool, not entered as aforesaid, within fifteen 
miles of the sea, it must be seized and forfeited; and if, after 
such seizure, any person shall claim the same, he must give 
security to the Exchequer, that if he is cast upon trial he 
shall pay treble costs, besides all other penalties. 

When such restrictions are imposed upon the inland trade. 


the coasting trade, we may believe, cannot be left very free. 
Every owner of wool who carrieth or causeth to be carried 
any wool to any port or place on the sea-coast, in order to 
be from thence transported by sea to any other place or port 
on the coast, must first cause an entry thereof to be made 
at the port from whence it is intended to be conveyed, con- 
taining the weight, marks, and number of the packages be- 
fore he brings the same within five miles of that port; on 
pain of forfeiting the same, and also the horses, carts, and 
other carriages; and also of suffering and forfeiting, as by 
the other laws in force against the exportation of wool. 
This law, however, (i Will. IIL chap. 32.) is so very indul- 
gent as to declare, that "this shall not hinder any person 
"from carrying his wool home from the place of shearing, 
"though it be within five miles of the sea, provided that in 
"ten days after shearing, and before he remove the wool, he 
"do under his hand certify to the next officer of the customs, 
"the true number of fleeces, and where it is housed ; and do 
"not remove the same, without certifying to such officer, 
"under his hand, his intention so to do, three days before." 
Bond must be given that the wool to be carried coast-ways 
is to be landed at the particular port for which it is entered 
outwards; and if any part of it is landed without the presence 
of an oflicer, not only the forfeiture of the wool is incurred 
as in other goods, but the usual additional penalty of three 
sh'llings for every pound weight is likewise incurred. 

Our woollen manufacturers, in order to justify their de- 
mand of such extraordinary restrictions and regulations, 
confidently asserted, that English wool was of a pecuhar 
quality, superior to that of any other country; that the wool 
of other countries could not, without some mixture of it, be 
wrought up into any tolerable manufacture; that fine cloth 
could not be made without it; that England, therefore, if the 
exportation of it could be totally prevented, could monopo- 
lize to herself almost the whole wollen trade of the world; 
and thus, having no rivals, could sell at what price she 
pleased, and in a short time acquire the most incredible de- 
gree of wealth by the most advantageous balance of trade. 
This doctrine, like most other doctrines which are confidently 
asserted by any considerable number of people, was, and still 


continues to be, most implicitly believed by a much greater 
number; by almost all those who are either unacquainted 
with the woollen trade, or who have not made particular en- 
quiries. It is, however, so perfectly false, that English wool 
is in any respect necessary for the making of fine cloth, that 
it is altogether unfit for it. Fine cloth is made altogether of 
Spanish wool. English wool cannot be even so mixed with 
Spanish wool as to enter into the composition without spoil- 
ing and degrading, in some degree, the fabric of the cloth. 

It has been shown in the foregoing part of this work, that 
the effect of these regulations has been to depress the price 
of English wool, not only below what it naturally would be 
in the present times, but very much below what it actually 
was in the time of Edward III. The price of Scots wool, 
when in consequence of the union it became subject to the 
same regulations, is said to have fallen about one half. It is 
observed by the very accurate and intelligent author of the 
Memoirs of Wool, the Reverend Mr. John Smith, that the 
price of the best English wool in England is generally be- 
low what wool of a very inferior quality commonly sells for 
in the market of Amsterdam. To depress the price of this 
commodity below what may be called its natural and proper 
price, was the avowed purpose of those regulations; and 
there seems to be no doubt of their having produced the effect 
that was expected from them. 

This reduction of price, it may perhaps be thought, by 
discouraging the growing of wool, must have reduced very 
much the annual produce of that commodity, though not be- 
low what it formerly was, yet below what, in the present 
state of things, it probably would huve been, had it, in conse- 
quence of an open and free market, been allowed to rise to 
the natural and proper price. I am, however, disposed to be- 
lieve, that the quantity of the annual produce cannot have 
been much, though it may perhaps have been a little, af- 
fected by these regulations. The growing of wool is not 
the chief purpose for which the sheep farmer employs his 
industry and stock. He expects his profit, not so much from 
the price of the fleece, as from that of the carcase; and the 
average or ordinary price of the latter, must even, in many 
cases, make up to him whatever deficiency there may be in 


the average or ordinary price of the former. It has been 
observed in the foregoing part of this work, that "What- 
"ever regulations tend to sink the price, either of wool or 
"raw hides, below what it naturally would be, must, in an 
"improved and cultivated country, have some tendency to 
"raise the price of butchers meat. The price both of the 
"great and small cattle which are fed on improved and cul- 
"tivated land, must be sufficient to pay the rent which the 
''landlord, and the profit which the farmer has reason to 
"expect from improved and cultivated land. If it is not, they 
"will soon cease to feed them. Whatever part of this price, 
"therefore, is not paid by the wool and the hide, must be 
"paid by the carcase. The less there is paid for the one, 
"the more must be paid for the other. In what manner this 
"price is to be divided upon the different parts of the beast, 
"is indifferent to the landlords and farmers, provided it is 
"all paid to them. In an improved and cultivated country, 
"therefore, their interest as landlords and farmers cannot be 
"much affected by such regulations, though their interest as 
"consumers may, by the rise in the price of provisions." Ac- 
cording to this reasoning, therefore, this degradation in the 
price of wool is not likely, in an improved and cultivated 
country, to occasion any diminution in the annual produce 
of that commodity; except so far as by raising the price 
of mutton, it may somewhat diminish the demand for, and 
consequently the production of, that particular species of 
butchers meat. Its effect, however, even in this way, it is 
probable, is not very considerable. 

But though its eft'ect upon the quantity of the annual prod- 
uce may not have been very considerable, its effect upon the 
quality, it may perhaps be thought, must necessarily have 
been very great. The degradation in the quality of English 
wool, if not below what it was in former times, yet below 
what it naturally would have been in the present state of im- 
provement and cultivation, must have been, it may perhaps be 
supposed, very nearly in proportion to the degradation of 
price. As the quality depends upon the breed, upon the 
pasture, and upon the management and cleanliness of the 
sheep, during the whole progress of the growth of the fleece, 
the attention to these circumstances, it may naturally enough 


be imagined, can never be greater than in proportion to the 
reconipence which the price of the fleece is likely to make 
for the labour and expence which that attention requires. 
It happens, however, that the goodness of the fleece depends, 
in a great measure, upon the health, growth, and bulk of the 
animal ; the same attention which is necessary for the im- 
provement of the carcase, is, in some respects, sufficient for 
that of the fleece. Notwithstanding the degradation of price, 
English wool is said to have been improved considerably 
during the course even of the present century. The im- 
provement might perhaps have been greater if the price 
had been better ; but the lowness of price, though it may have 
obstructed, yet certainly it has not altogether prevented that 

The violence of these regulations, therefore, seems to have 
affected neither the quantity nor the quality of the annual 
produce of wool so much as it might have been expected 
to do (though I think it probable that it may have affected 
the latter a good deal more than the former) ; and the inter- 
est of the growers of wool, though it must have been hurt 
in some degree, seems, upon the whole, to have been much 
less hurt than could well have been imagined. 

These considerations, however, will not justify the abso- 
lute prohibition of the exportation of wool. But they will 
fully justify the imposition of a considerable tax upon that 

To hurt in any degree the interest of any one order of 
citizens, for no other purpose but to promote that of some 
other, is evidently contrary to that justice and equality of 
treatment which the sovereign owes to all the different 
orders of his subjects. But the prohibition certainly hurts, 
in some degree, the interest of the growers of wool, for no 
other purpose but to promote that of the manufacturers. 

Every different order of citizens is bound to contribute to 
the support of the sovereign or commonwealth. A tax of 
five, or even of ten shillings upon the exportation of every 
tod of wool, would produce a very considerable revenue to 
the sovereign. It would hurt the interest of the growers 
somewhat less than the prohibition, because it would not 
probably lower the price of wool quite so much. It would 


afford a sufficient advantage to the manufacturer, because, 
though he might not buy his wool altogether so cheap as 
under the prohibition, he would still buy it, at least, five 
or ten shillings cheaper than any foreign manufacturer 
could buy it, besides saving the freight and insurance, which 
the other would be obliged to pay. It is scarce possible to 
devise a tax which could produce any considerable revenue 
to the sovereign, and at the same time occasion so little 
inconveniency to any body. 

The prohibition, notwithstanding all the penalties which 
guard it, does not prevent the exportation of wool. It is 
exported, it is well known, in great quantities. The great 
difference between the price in the home and that in the for- 
eign market, presents such a temptation to smuggling, that 
all the rigour of the law cannot prevent it. This illegal 
exportation is advantageous to nobody but the smuggler. 
A legal exportation subject to a tax, by affording a revenue 
to the sovereign, and thereby saving the imposition of some 
other, perhaps, more burdensome and inconvenient taxes, 
might prove advantageous to all the different subjects of the 

The exportation of fuller's earth, or fuller's clay, sup- 
posed to be necessary for preparing and cleansing the woollen 
manufactures, has been subjected to nearly the same pen- 
alties as the exportation of wool. Even tobacco-pipe clay, 
though acknowledged to be different from fuller's clay, yet, 
on account of their resemblance, and because fuller's clay 
might sometimes be exported as tobacco-pipe clay, has been 
laid under the same prohibitions and penalties. 

By the 13th and 14th of Charles II. chap. 7. the exporta- 
tion, not only of raw hides, but of tanned leather, except 
in the shape of boots, shoes, or slippers, was prohibited ; and 
the law gave a monopoly to our boot-makers and shoe-mak- 
ers, not only against our graziers, but against our tanners. 
By subsequent statutes, our tanners have got themselves ex 
empted from this monopoly, upon paying a small tax of only 
one shilling on the hundred weight of tanned leather, weigh- 
ing one hundred and twelve pounds. They have obtained 
likewise the drawback of two-thirds of the excise duties 
imposed upon their commodity, even when exported without 


further manufacture. All manufactures of leather may be 
exported duty free ; and the exporter is besides entitled to 
the drawback of the whole duties of excise. Our graziers 
still continue subject to the old monopoly. Graziers sep- 
arated from one another, and dispersed through all the dif- 
ferent corners of the country, cannot, without great diffi- 
culty, combine together for the purpose either of imposing 
monopolies upon their fellow-citizens, or of exempting them- 
selves from such as may have been imposed upon them by 
other people. Manufacturers of all kinds, collected to- 
gether in numerous bodies in all great cities, easily can. 
Even the horns of cattle are prohibited to be exported; 
and the two insignificant trades of the horner and comb- 
maker enjoy, in this respect, a monopoly against the 

Restraints, either by prohibitions or by taxes, upon the 
exportation of goods which are partially, but not completely 
manufactured, are not peculiar to the manufacture of 
leather. As long as any thing remains to be done, in order 
to fit any commodity for immediate use and consumption, 
our manufacturers think that they themselves ought to have 
the doing of it. Woollen yarn and worsted are prohibited 
to be exported under the same penalties as wool. Even while 
cloths are subject to a duty upon exportation, and our 
dyers have so far obtained a monopoly against our clothiers. 
Our clothiers would probably have been able to defend them- 
selves against it, but it happens that the greater part of our 
principal clothiers are themselves likewise dyers. Watch- 
cases, clock-cases, and dial-plates for clocks and watches 
have been prohibited to be exported. Our clock-makers and 
watch-makers are, it seems, unwilling that the price of this 
sort of workmanship should be raised upon them by the 
competition of foreigners. 

By some old statutes of Edward III., Henry VIII., and 
Edward VI., the exportation of all metals was prohibited. 
Lead and tin were alone excepted; probably on account of 
the great abundance of those metals; in the exportation of 
which, a considerable part of the trade of the kingdom in 
those days consisted. For the encouragement of the mining 
trade, the 5th of William and Mary, chap 17, exempted 


from this prohibition, iron, copper, and mundic metal made 
from British ore. The exportation of all sorts of copper 
bars, foreign as well as British, was afterwards permitted 
by the 9th and loth of William III., chap. 26. The ex- 
portation of unmanufactured brass, of what is called gun- 
metal, bell-metal, and shroff-metal, still continues to be pro- 
hibited. Brass manufactures of all sorts may be exported 
duty free. 

The exportation of the materials of manufacture, where 
it is not altogether prohibited, is in many cases subjected 
to considerable duties. 

By the 8th George I., chap. 15, the exportation of all goods, 
the produce or manufacture of Great Britain, upon which 
any duties had been imposed by former statutes, was ren- 
dered duty free. The following goods, however, were ex- 
cepted: Alum, lead, lead ore, tin, tanned leather, copperas 
coals, wool cards, white woollen cloths, lapis calaminaris, 
skins of all sorts, glue, coney hair or wool, hares wool, hair 
of all sorts, horses, and litharge of lead. If you except 
horses, all these are either materials of manufacture, or in- 
complete manufactures (which may be considered as ma- 
terials for still further manufacture), or instruments of 
trade. This statute leaves them subject to all the old duties 
which had ever been imposed upon them, the old subsidy 
and one per cent, outwards. 

By the same statute a great number of foreign drugs for 
dyers use, are exempted from all duties upon importation. 
Each of them, however, is afterwards subjected to a certain 
duty, not indeed a very heavy one, upon exportation. Our 
dyers, it seems, while they thought it for their interest to 
encourage the importation of those drugs, by an exemption 
from all duties, thought it likewise for their interest to throw 
some small discouragement upon their exportation. The 
avidity, however, which suggested this notable piece of mer- 
cantile ingenuity, most probably disappointed itself of its 
object. It necessarily taught the importers to be more care- 
ful than they might otherwise have been, that their impor- 
tation should not exceed what was necessary for the supply 
of the home market. The home market was at all times 
likely to be more scantily supplied ; the commodities were 


at all times likely to be somewhat dearer there than, they 
would have been, had the exportation been rendered as free 
as the importation. 

By the above-mentioned statute, gum senega, or gum 
arabic, being among the enumerated dying drugs, might be 
imported duty free. They were subjected, indeed, to a small 
poundage duty, amounting only to three pence in the hundred 
weight upon their re-exportation. France enjoyed, at that 
time, an exclusive trade to the country most productive of 
those drugs, that which lies in the neighbourhood of the 
Senegal ; and the British market could not be easily supplied 
by the immediate importation of them from the place of 
growth. By the 25th Geo. 11. therefore, gum senega was 
allowed to be imported (contrary to the general dispositions 
of the act of navigation), from any part of Europe. As the 
law, however, did not mean to encourage this species of 
trade, so contrary to the general principles of the mercan- 
tile policy of England, it imposed a duty of ten shillings the 
hundred weight upon such importation, and no part of this 
duty was to be afterwards drawn back upon its exportation. 
The successful war which began in 1755 gave Great Britain 
the same exclusive trade to those countries which France 
had enjoyed before. Our manufacturers, as soon as the 
peace was made, endeavoured to avail themselves of this ad- 
vantage, and to establish a monopoly in their own favour, 
both against the growers, and against the importers of this 
commodity. By the 5th Geo. III. therefore, chap. 37. the 
exportation of gum senega from his majesty's dominions 
in Africa was confined to Great Britain, and was subjected 
to all the same restrictions, regulations, forfeitures, and 
penalties, as that of the enumerated commodities of the 
British colonies in America and the West Indies. Its im- 
portation, indeed, was subjected to a small duty of six-pence 
the hundred weight, but its re-exportation was subjected 
to the enormous duty of one pound ten shillings the hun- 
dred weight. It was the intention of our manufacturers 
that the whole produce of those countries should be im- 
ported into Great Britain, and in order that they themselves 
might be enabled to buy it at their own price, that no part 
of it should be exported again, but at such an expence as 


would sufficiently discourage that exportation. Their avidity, 
however, upon this, as v^^ell as upon many other occasions, 
disappointed itself of its object. This enormous duty pre- 
sented such a temptation to smuggling, that great quantities 
of this commodity w^ere clandestinely exported, probably 
to all the manufacturing countries of Europe, but particu- 
larly to Holland, not only from Great Britain but from 
Africa. Upon this account, by the 14 Geo. III. chap. 10. 
this duty upon exportation was reduced to five shillings 
the hundred weight. 

In the book of rates, according to which the old subsidy 
was levied, beaver skins were estimated at six shillings and 
eight-pence a-piece, and the different subsidies and imposts, 
which before the year 1722 had been laid upon their im- 
portation, amounted to one-fifth part of the rate, or to six- 
teen-pence upon each skin; all of which, except half the 
old subsidy, amounting only to two-pence, was drawn back 
upon exportation. This duty upon the importation of so im- 
portant a material of manufacture had been thought too 
high, and, in the year 1722, the rate was reduced to two 
shillings and six-pence, which reduced the duty upon im- 
portation to six-pence, and of this only one half was to be 
drawn back upon exportation. The same successful war 
put the country most productive of beaver under the do- 
minion of Great Britain, and beaver skins being among 
the enumerated commodities, their exportation from America 
was consequently confined to the market of Great Britain. 
Our manufacturers soon bethought themselves of the ad- 
vantage which they might make of this circumstance, and 
in the year 1764, the duty upon the importation of beaver- 
skin was reduced- to one penny, but the duty upon exporta- 
tion was raised to seven-pence each skin, without any draw- 
back of the duty upon importation. By the same law, a duty 
of eighteen pence the pound was imposed upon the ex- 
portation of beaver-wool or wombs, without making any 
alteration in the duty upon the importation of that com- 
modity, which when imported by British and in British ship- 
ping, amounted at that time to between four-pence and five- 
pence the piece. 

Coals may be considered both as a material of manufacture 


and as an instrument of trade. Heavy duties, accordingly, 
have been imposed upon their exportation, amounting at pres- 
ent (1783) to more than five shillings the to", or to more 
than fifteen shillings the chaldron, Newcastle measure ; which 
is in most cases more than the original value of the com- 
modity at the coal pit, or even at the shipping port for 

The exportation, however, of the instruments of trade, 
properly so called, is commonly restrained, not by high du- 
ties, but by absolute prohibitions. Thus by the 7th and 8th 
of William III. chap. 20. sect. 8. the exportation of frames 
or engines for knitting gloves or stockings is prohibited 
under the penalty, not only of the forfeiture of such frames 
or engines, so exported, or attempted to be exported, but 
of forty pounds, one half to the king, the other to the person 
who shall inform or sue for the same. In the same manner 
by the 14th Geo. III. chap. 71, the exportation to foreign 
parts, of any utensils made use of in the cotton, linen, 
woollen and silk manufactures, is prohibited under the pen- 
alty, not only of the forfeiture of such utensils, but of two 
hundred pounds, to be paid by the person who shall offend 
in this manner, and likewise of two hundred pounds to be 
paid by the master of the ship who shall knowingly suffer 
such utensils to be loaded on board his ship. 

When such heavy penalties were imposed upon the ex- 
portation of the dead instruments of trade, it could not well 
be expected that the living instrument, the artificer, should 
be allowed to go free. Accordingly, by the 5 Geo. I. chap. 
27. the person who shall be convicted of enticing any artifi- 
cer of, or in any of the manufactures of Great Britain, to 
go into any foreign parts, in order to practise or teach his 
trade, is liable for the first offence to be fined in any sum 
not exceeding one hundred pounds, and to three months im- 
prisonment, and until the fine shall be paid ; and for the 
second offence, to be fined in any sum at the discretion of 
the court, and to imprisonment for twelve months, and until 
the fine shall be paid. By the 23 Geo. II. chap. 13. this pen- 
alty is mcreased for the first offence to five hundred pounds 
for every artificer so enticed, and to twelve months imprison- 
ment, and until the fine shall be paid; and for the second 


offence, to one thousand pounds, and to two years imprison- 
ment, and until the fine shall be paid. 

By the former of those two statutes, upon proof that any 
person has been enticing any artificer, or that any artificer 
has promised or contracted to go into foreign parts for the 
purposes aforesaid, such artificer may be obliged to give se- 
curity at the discretion of the court, that he shall not go 
beyond the seas, and may be committed to prison until he 
give such security. 

If any artificer has gone beyond the seas, and is exer- 
cising or teaching his trade in any foreign coimtry, upon 
warning being given to him by any of his majesty's min- 
isters or consuls abroad, or by one of his majesty's secre- 
taries of state for the time being, if he does not, within six 
months after such warning, return into this realm, and from 
thenceforth abide and inhabit continually within the same, 
he is from thenceforth declared incapable of taking any 
legacy devised to him within this kingdom, or of being ex- 
ecutor or administrator to any person, or of taking any 
lands within this kingdom by descent, device, or purchase. 
He likewise forfeits to the king, all his lands, goods and 
chattels, is declared an alien in every respect, and is put out 
of the king's protection. 

It is unnecessary, I imagine, to observe, how contrary such 
regulations are to the boasted liberty of the subject, of which 
we aft'ect to be so very jealous; but which, in this case^ is so 
plainly sacrificed to the futile interests of our merchants and 

The laudable motive of all these regulations, is to extend 
our own manufactures, not by their own improvement, but 
by the depression of those of all our neighbours, and by 
putting an end, as much as possible, to the troublesome com- 
petition of such odious and disagreeable rivals. Our master 
manufacturers think it reasonable, that they themselves 
should have the monopoly of the ingenuity of all their coun- 
trymen. Though by restraining, in some trades, the number 
of apprentices which can be employed at one time, and by 
imposing the necessity of a long apprenticeship in all trades, 
they endeavour, all of them, to confine the knowledge of 
their respective employments to as small a number as pos- 


sible ; they are unwilling, however, that any part of this small 
number should go abroad to instruct foreigners. 

Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production ; 
and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, 
only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of 
the consumer. The maxim is so perfectly self-evident, that 
it would be absurd to attempt to prove it. But in the mer- 
cantile stystem, the interest of the consumer is almost con- 
stantly sacrificed to that of the producer; and it seems to 
consider production, and not consumption, as the ultimate 
end and object of all industry and commerce. 

In the restraints upon the importation of all foreign com- 
modities which can come into competition with those of our 
own growth, or manufacture, the interest of the home-con- 
sumer is evidently sacrificed to that of the producer. It is 
altogether for the benefit of the latter, that the former is 
obliged to pay that enhancement of price which this mo- 
nopoly almost always occasions. 

It is altogether for the benefit of the producer that boun- 
ties are granted upon the exportation of some of his pro- 
ductions. The home-consumer is obliged to pay, first, the 
tax which is necessary for paying the bounty, and secondly, 
the still greater tax which necessarily arises from the en- 
hancement of the price of the commodity in the home 

By the famous treaty of commerce with Portugal, the 
consumer is prevented by high duties from purchasing of a 
neighbouring country, a commodity which our own climate 
does not produce, but is obliged to purchase it of a distant 
country, though it is acknowledged, that the commodity of 
the distant country is of a worse quality than that of the 
near one. The home-consumer is obliged to submit to this 
inconveniency, in order that the producer may import into 
the distant country some of his productions upon more ad- 
vantageous terms than he would otherwise have been al- 
lowed to do. The consumer, too, is obliged to pay, vvhatever 
enhancement in the price of those very productions, this 
forced exportation may occasion in the home market. 

But in the system of laws which has been established for 
the management of our American and West Indian colonies. 


the interest of the home-consumer has been sacrificed to 
that of the producer with a more extravagant profusion than 
in all our other commercial regulations. A great empire 
has been established for the sole purpose of raising up a 
nation of customers who should be obliged to buy from 
the shops of our different producers, alLthe goods with which 
these could supply them. For the sale of that little en- 
hancement of price which this monopoly might afford our 
producers, the home-consumers have been burdened with 
the whole expence of maintaining and defending that em- 
pire. For this purpose, and for this purpose only, in the two 
last wars, more than two hundred millions have been spent, 
and a new debt of more than a hundred and seventy millions 
has been contracted over and above all that had been ex- 
pended for the same purpose in former wars. The interest 
of this debt alone is not only greater than the whole ex- 
traordinary profit, which, it ever could be pretended, was 
made by the monopoly of the colony trade, but than the 
whole value of that trade, or than the whole value of the 
goods, which at an average have been annually exported to 
the colonies. 

It cannot be very difficult to determine who have been the 
contrivers of this whole mercantile system; not the con- 
sumers, we may believe, whose interest has been entirely neg- 
lected; but the producers, whose interest has been so care- 
fully attended to; and among this latter class our merchants 
and manufacturers have been by far the principal architects. 
In the mercantile regulations, which have been taken notice 
of in this chapter, the interest of our manufacturers has 
been most peculiarly attended to ; and the interest, not so 
much of the consumers, as that of some other sets of pro- 
ducers, has been sacrificed to it. 


Of the Agricultural Systems, or of the Systems of 
Political QLconomy, Which Represent the Produce 
OF Land as Either the Sole or the Principal Source 
of the Revenue and Wealth of Every Country 

^HE agricultural systems of political ceconomy will not 
require so long an explanation as that which I have 
thought it necessary to bestow upon the mercantile 
or commercial system. 

That system which represents the produce of land as the 
sole source of the revenue and wealth of every country has, 
so far as I know, never been adopted by any nation, and it 
at present exists only in the speculation of a few men of 
great learning and ingenuity in France. It v/ould not, surely, 
be worth while to examine at great length the errors of a 
system which never has done, and probably never will do 
any harm in any part of the world. I shall endeavour to 
explain, however, as distinctly as I can, the great outlines 
of this very ingenious system. 

Mr. Colbert, the famous minister of Lewis XIV., was a 
man of probity, of great industry and knowledge of detail; 
of great experience and acuteness in the examination of pub- 
lic accounts, and of abilities, in short, every way fitted for 
introducing method and good order into the collection and 
expenditure of the public revenue. That minister had un- 
fortunately embraced all the prejudices of the mercantile 
system, in its nature and essence a system of restraint and 
regulation, and such as could scarce fail to be agreeable to 
a laborious and plodding man of business, who had been 
accustomed to regulate the different departments of public 
offices, and to establish the necessary checks and controls 
for confining each to its proper sphere. The industry and 
commerce of a great country he endeavoured to regulate 



upon the same model as the departments of a public office; 
and instead of allowing every man to pursue his own inter- 
est his own way, upon the liberal plan of equality, liberty, 
and justice, he bestowed upon certain branches of industry 
extraordinary privileges, which he laid others under as ex- 
traordinary restraints. He was not only disposed, like other 
European ministers, to encourage more the industry of the 
towns than that of the country ; but, in order to support the 
industry of the towns, he was willing even to depress and 
keep down that of the country. In order to render provi- 
sions cheap to the inhabitants of the towns, and thereby 
to encourage manufactures and foreign commerce, he pro- 
hibited altogether the exportation of corn, and thus ex- 
cluded the inhabitants of the country from every foreign 
market for by far the most important part of the produce 
of their industry. This prohibition, joined to the restraints 
imposed by the ancient provincial laws of France upon the 
transportation of corn from one province to another, and to 
the arbitrary and degrading taxes which are levied upon the 
cultivators in almost all the provinces, discouraged and kept 
down the agriculture of that country very much below the 
state to which it would naturally have risen in so very fertile 
a soil and so very happy a climate. This state of discour- 
agement and depression was felt more or less in every dif- 
ferent part of the country, and many different inquiries were 
set on foot concerning the causes of it. One of those causes 
appeared to be the preference given, by the institutions of 
Mr. Colbert, to the industry of the towns above that of the 

If the rod be bent too much one way, says the proverb, in 
order to make it straight you must bend it as much the other. 
The French philosophers, who have proposed the system 
which represents agriculture as the sole source of the rev- 
enue and wealth of every country, seem to have adopted this 
proverbial maxim ; and as in the plan of Mr. Colbert the 
industry of the towns was certainly over-valued in compari- 
son with that of the country ; so in their system it seems to 
be as certainly undervalued. 

The different orders of people who have ever been sup- 
posed to contribute in any respect towards the annual prod- 


uce of the land and labour of the country, they divide into 
three classes. The first is the class of the proprietors of 
land. The second is the class of the cultivators, of farmers 
and country labourers, whom they honor with the peculiar 
appellation of the productive class. The third is the class 
of artificers, manufacturers and merchants, whom they en- 
deavour to degrade by the humiliating appellation of the 
barren or unproductive class. 

The class of proprietors contributes to the annual produce 
by the expence which they may occasionally lay out upon 
the improvement of the land, upon the buildings, drains, 
enclosures and other ameliorations, which they may either 
make or maintain upon it, and by means of which the cul- 
tivators are enabled, with the same capital, to raise a greater 
produce, and consequently to pay a greater rent. This ad- 
vanced rent may be considered as the interest or profit due 
to the proprietor upon the expence or capital which he thus 
employs in the improvement of his land. Such expences 
are in this system called ground expences (depenses fon- 

The cultivators or farmers contribute to the annual prod- 
uce by what are in this system called the original and annual 
expences (depenses primitives et depenses annuelles) which 
they lay out upon the cultivation of the land. The original 
expences consist in the instruments of husbandry, in the 
stock of cattle, in the seed, and in the maintenance of the 
farmer's family, servants and cattle, during at least a great 
part of the first year of his occupancy, or till he can receive 
some return from the land. The annual expences consist 
in the seed, in the wear and tear of the instruments of hus- 
bandry, and in the annual maintenance of the farmer's serv- 
ants and cattle, and of his family too, so far as any part 
of them can be considered as servants employed in culti- 
vation. That part of Ihe produce of the land which remains 
to him after paying the rent, ought to be sufficient, first, to 
replace to him within a reasonable time, at least during the 
term of his occupancy, the whole of his original expences, 
together with the ordinary profits of stock; and, secondly, 
to replace to him annually the whole of his annual expences, 
together likewise with the ordinary profits of stock. Those 


two sorts of expellees are two capitals which the farmer 
employs in cultivation ; and unless they are regularly re- 
stored to him, together with a reasonable profit, he cannot 
carry on his employment upon a level with other employ- 
ments; but, from a regard to his own interest, must desert 
it as soon as possible, and seek some other. That part of 
the produce of the land which is thus necessary for enabling 
the farmer to continue his business, ought to be considered 
as a fund sacred to cultivation, which if the landlord vio- 
lates, he necessarily reduces the produce of his own land, 
and in a few years not only disables the farmer from paying 
this racked rent, but from payixig the reasonable rent which 
he might otherwise have got for his land. The rent which 
properly belongs to the landlord, is no more than the neat 
produce which remains after paying in the completest man- 
ner all the necessary expences which must be previously laid 
out in order to raise the gross, or the whole produce. It 
is because the labour of the cultivators, over and above pay- 
ing completely all those necessary expences, affords a neat 
produce of this kind, that this class of people are in this 
system peculiarly distinguished by the honourable appella- 
tion of the productive class. Their original and annual ex- 
pences are for the same reason called, in this system, pro- 
ductive expences, because, over and above replacing their 
own value, they occasion the annual reproduction of this 
neat produce. 

The ground expences, as they are called, or what the land- 
lord lays out upon the improvement of his land, are in this 
system too honoured with the appellation of productive ex- 
pences. Till the whole of those expences, together with the 
ordinary profits of stock, have been completely repaid to 
him by the advanced rent which he gets from his land, that 
advanced rent ought to be regarded as sacred and invio- 
lable, both by the church and by the king; ought to be subject 
neither to tithe nor to taxation. If it is otherwise, by dis- 
couraging the improvement of land, the church discourages 
the future increase of her own tithes, and the king the future 
increase of his own taxes. As in a well-ordered state of 
things, therefore, those ground expences, over and above 
reproducing in the completest manner their own value, oc- 

c — lie X 


casion likewise after a certain time a reproduction of a neat 
produce, they are in this system considered as productive 

The ground expences of the landlord, however, together 
with the original and the annual expences of the farmer, 
are the only three sorts of expences which in this system are 
considered as productive. All other expences and all other 
orders of people, even those who in the common appre- 
hensions of men are regarded as the most productive, are 
in this account of things represented as altogether barren 
and unproductive. 

Artificers and manufacturers, in particular, whose indus- 
try, in the common apprehensions of men, increases so much 
the value of the rude produce of land, are in this system 
represented as a class of people altogether barren and un- 
productive. Their labour, it is said, replaces only the stock 
which employs them, together with its ordinary profits. That 
stock consists in the materials, tools, and wages, advanced 
to them by their employer ; and is the fund destined for their 
employment and maintenance. Its profits are the fund des- 
tined for the maintenance of their employer. Their employer, 
as he advances to them the stock of materials, tools and 
wages necessary for their employment, so he advances to 
himself what is necessary for his own maintenance, and this 
maintenance he generally proportions to the profit which he 
expects to make by the price of their work. Unless its 
price repays to him the maintenance which he advances to 
himself, as well as the materials, tools and wages which he 
advances to his workmen, it evidently does not repay to him 
the whole expence which he lays out upon it. The profits 
of manufacturing stock, therefore, are not, like the rent of 
land, a neat produce which remains after completely repay- 
ing the whole expence which must be laid out in order to 
obtain them. The stock of the farmer yields him a profit 
as well as that of the master manufacturer; and it yields 
a rent likewise to another person, which that of the master 
manufacturer does not. The expence, therefore, laid out 
in employing and maintaining artificers and manufacturers, 
does no more than continue, if one may say so, the existence 
of its own value, and does not produce any new value. It is 


therefore altogether a barren and unproductive expence. The 
expence, on the contrary, laid out in employing farmers 
and country labourers, over and above continuing the exist- 
ence of its own value, produces a new value, the rent of 
the landlord. It is therefore a productive expence. 

Mercantile stock is equally barren and unproductive with 
manufacturing stock. It only continues the existence of its 
own value, without producing any new value. Its profits 
are only the repayment of the maintenance which its em- 
ployer advances to himself during the time that he employs 
it, or till he receives the returns of it. They are only the 
repayment of a part of the expence which must be laid out 
in employing it. 

The labour of artificers and manufacturers never adds any 
thing to the value of the whole annual amount of the rude 
produce of the land. It adds indeed greatly to the value of 
some particular parts of it. But the consumption which in 
the mean time it occasions of other parts, is precisely equal 
to the value which it adds to those parts; so that the value 
of the whole amount is not, at any one moment of time, in 
the least augmented by it. The person who works the lace 
of a pair of fine ruffles, for example, will sometimes raise 
the value of perhaps a pennyworth of flax to thirty pounds 
sterling. But though at first sight he appears thereby to 
multiply the value of a part of the rude produce about seven 
thousand and two hundred times, he in reality adds nothing 
to the value of the whole annual amount of the rude produce. 
The working of that lace costs him perhaps two years labour. 
The thirty pounds which he gets for it when it is finished, is 
no more than the repayment of the subsistence which he ad- 
vances to himself during the two years that he is employed 
about it. The value which, by every day's, month's, or year's 
labour, he adds to the flax, does no more than replace the 
value of his own consumption during that day, month, or 
year. At no moment of time, therefore, does he add any 
thing to the value of the whole annual amount of the rude 
produce of the land: the portion of that produce which he 
is continually consuming, being always, equal to the value 
which he is continually producing. The extreme poverty of 
the greater part of the persons employed in this expensive, 


though trifling manufacture, may satisfy us that the price of 
tiieir work does not in ordinary cases exceed the value of 
their subsistence. It is otherwise with the work of farmers 
and country labourers. The rent of the landlord is a value, 
which, in ordinary cases, it is continually producing, over 
and above replacing, in the most complete manner, the whole 
consumption, the whole expence laid out upon the employ- 
ment and maintenance both of the workmen and of their 

Artificers, manufacturers and merchants, can augment the 
revenue and wealth of their society, by parsimony only; or, 
as it is expressed in this system, by privation, that is, by de- 
priving then:selves of a part of the funds destined for their 
own subsistence. They annually reproduce nothing but those 
funds. Unless, therefore, they annually save some part of them, 
unless they annually deprive themselves of the enjoyment 
of some part of them, the revenue and wealth of their society 
can never be in the smallest degree augmented by means of 
their industry. Farmers and country labourers, on the con- 
trary, may enjoy completely the whole funds destined for their 
own subsistence, and yet augment at the same time the revenue 
and wealth of their society. Over and above what is destined 
for their own subsistence, their industry annually affords a 
neat produce, of which the augmentation necessarily aug- 
ments the revenue and wealth of their society. Nations, 
therefore, which, like France or England, consist in a great 
measure of proprietors and cultivators, can be enriched by 
industry and enjoyment. Nations, on the contrary, which, 
like Holland and Hamburgh, are composed chiefly of mer- 
chants, artificers and manufacturers, can grow rich only 
through parsimony and privation. As the interest of nations 
so differently circumstanced, is very different, so is likewise 
the common character of the people. In those of the former 
kind, liberality, frankness, and good fellowship, naturally 
make a part of that common character. In the latter, nar- 
rowness, meanness, and a selfish disposition, averse to all 
social pleasure and enjoyment. 

The unproductive class, that of merchants, artificers and 
manufacturers, is maintained and employed altogether at the 
expence of the two other classes, of that of proprietors, and 


of that of cultivators. They furnish it both with the ma- 
terials of its work and with the fund of its subsistence, with 
the corn and cattle which it consumes while it is employed 
about that work. The proprietors and cultivators finally pay 
both the wages of all the workmen of the unproductive class, 
and the profits of all their employers. Those workmen and 
their employers are properly the servants of the proprietors 
and cultivators. They are only servants who work without 
doors, as menial servants work within. Both the one and 
the other, however, are equally maintained at the expence 
of the same masters. The labour of both is equally unpro- 
ductive. It adds nothing to the value of the sum total of the 
rude produce of the land. Instead of increasing the value of 
that sum total, it is a charge and expence which must be paid 
out of it. 

The unproductive class, however, is not only useful, but 
greatly useful to the other two classes. By means of the 
industry of merchants, artificers and manufacturers, the pro- 
prietors and cultivators can purchase both the foreign goods 
and the manufactured produce of their own country which 
they have occasion for, with the produce of a much smaller 
quantity of their own labour, than what they would be obliged 
to employ, if they were to attempt, in an awkward and un- 
skilful manner, either to import the one, or to make the other 
for their own use. By means of the unproductive class, the 
cultivators are delivered from many cares which would other- 
wise distract their attention from the cultivation of land. The 
superiority of produce, which, in consequence of this undi- 
vided attention, they are enabled to raise, is fully sufficient 
to pay the whole expence which the maintenance and em- 
ployment of the unproductive class costs either the proprie- 
tors, or themselves. The industry of merchants, artificers 
and manufacturers, though in its own nature altogether un- 
productive, yet contributes in this manner indirectly to in- 
crease the produce of the larid. It increases the productive 
powers of productive labour, by leaving it at liberty to con- 
fine itself to its proper employment, the cultivation of land; 
and the plough goes frequently the easier and the better by 
means of the labour of the man whose business is most re- 
mote from the plough. 


It can never be the interest of the proprietors and culti- 
vators to restrain or to discourage in any respect the indus- 
try of merchants, artificers and manufacturers. The greater 
the Hbcrty which this unproductive class enjoys, the greater 
will be the competition in all the different trades which com- 
pose it, and the cheaper will the other two classes be sup- 
plied, both with foreign goods and with the manufactured 
produce of their own country. 

It can never be the interest of the unproductive class to 
oppress the other two classes. It is the surplus produce of 
the land, or what remains after deducting the maintenance, 
first, of the cultivators, and afterwards, of the proprietors, 
that maintains and employs the unproductive class. The 
greater this surplus, the greater must likewise be the main- 
tenance and employment of that class. The establishment 
of perfect justice, of perfect liberty, and of perfect equality, 
is the very simple secret which most effectually secures the 
highest degree of prosperity to all the three classes. 

The merchants, artificers and manufacturers of those mer- 
cantile states which, like Holland and Hamburgh, consist 
chiefly of this unproductive class, are in the same manner 
maintained and employed altogether at the expence of the 
proprietors and cultivators of land. The only difference is, 
that those proprietors and cultivators are, the greater part 
of them, placed at a most inconvenient distance from the 
merchants, artificers and manufacturers whom they supply 
with the materials of their work and the fund of their sub- 
sistence, are the inhabitants of other countries, and the sub- 
jects of other governments. 

Such mercantile states, however, are not only useful, but 
greatly useful to the inhabitants of those other countries. 
They fill up, in some measure, a very important void, and' 
supply the place of the merchants, artificers and manufac- 
turers, whom the inhabitants of those countries ought to 
find at home, but whom, from some defect in their policy, 
they do not find at home. 

It can never be the interest of those landed nations, if I 
may call them so, to discourage or distress the industry of 
such mercantile states, by imposing high duties upon their 
trade, or upon the commodities which they furnish. Such 


duties, by rendering those commodities dearer, could serve 
only to sink the real value of the surplus produce of their 
own laud, with which, or, what comes to the same thing, 
with the price of which, those commodities are purchased. 

Such duties could serve only to discourage the increase of 
that surplus produce, and consequently the improvement and 
cultivation of their own land. The most effectual expedient, 
on the contrary, for raising the value of that surplus produce, 
for encouraging its increase, and consequently the improve- 
ment and cultivation of their own land, would be to allow 
the most perfect freedom to the trade of all such mercantile 

This perfect freedom of trade would even be the most 
effectual expedient for supplying them, in due time, with all 
the artificers, manufacturers and merchants, whom they 
wanted at home, and for filling up in the properest and most 
advantageous manner that very important void which they 
felt there. 

The continual increase of the surplus produce of their 
land, would, in due time, create a greater capital than what 
could be employed with the ordinary rate of profit in the 
improvement and cultivation of land; and the surplus part 
of it would naturally turn itself to the employment of artifi- 
cers and manufacturers at home. But those artificers and 
manufacturers, finding at home both the materials of their 
work and the fund of their subsistence, might immediately, 
even with much less art and skill, be able to work as cheap 
as the like artificers and manufacturers of such mercantile 
states, who had both to bring from a great distance. Even 
though, from want of art and skill, they might not for some 
time be able to work as cheap, yet, finding a market at home, 
they might be able to sell their work there as cheap as that 
of the artificers and manufacturers of such mercantile states, 
which could not be brought to that market but from so great 
a distance ; and as their art and skill improved, they would 
soon be able to sell it cheaper. The artificers and manu- 
facturers of such mercantile states, therefore, would immedi- 
ately be rivalled in the market of those landed nations, and 
soon after undersold and justled out of it altogether. The 
cheapness of the manufactures of those landed nations, in 


consequence of the gradual improvements of art and skill, 
would, in due time, extend their sale beyond the home market, 
and carry them to many foreign markets, from which they 
would iti the same manner gradually justle out many of the 
manufactures of such mercantile nations. 

This continual increase both of the rude and manufactured 
produce of those landed nations would in due time create a 
greater capital than could, with the ordinary rate of profit, 
be employed either in agriculture or in manufactures. The 
surplus of this capital would naturally turn itself to foreign 
trade, and be employed in exporting, to foreign countries, 
such parts of the rude and manufactured produce of its own 
country, as exceeded the demand of the home market. In the 
exportation of the produce of their own country, the mer- 
chants of a landed nation would have an advantage of the 
same kind over those of mercantile nations, which its artifi- 
cers and manufacturers had over the artificers and manu- 
facturers of such nations; the advantage of finding at home 
that cargo, and those stores and provisions, which the others 
were obliged to seek for at a distance. With inferior art 
and skill in navigation, therefore, they would be able to sell 
that cargo as cheap in foreign markets as the merchants of 
such mercantile nations ; and with equal art and skill they 
would be able to sell it cheaper. They would soon, therefore, 
rival those mercantile nations in this branch of foreign trade, 
and in due time would justle them out of it altogether. 

According to this liberal and generous system, therefore, 
the most advantageous method in which a landed nation can 
raise up artificers, manufacturers and merchants of its own, 
is to grant the most perfect freedom of trade to the artifi- 
cers, manufacturers and merchants of all other nations. It 
thereby raises the value of the surplus produce of its own 
land, of which the continual increase gradually establishes 
a fund, which in due time necessarily raises up all the artifi- 
cers, manufactures and merchants whom it has occasion for. 

When a landed nation, on the contrary, oppresses either 
by high duties or by prohibitions the trade of foreign na- 
tions, it necessarily hurts its own interest in two different 
ways. First, by raising the price of all foreign goods and of 
all sorts of manufactures, it necessarily sinks the real value 


of the surplus produce of its own land, with which, or, what 
comes to the same thing, with the price of which, it pur- 
chases those foreign goods and manufactures. Secondly, by- 
giving a sort of monopoly of the home market to its own 
merchants, artificers and manufacturers, it raises the rate of 
mercantile and manufacturing profit in proportion to that of 
agricultural profit, and consequently either draws from agri- 
culture a part of the capital which had before been employed 
in it, or hinders from going to it a part of what would other- 
wise have gone to it. This policy, therefore, discourages 
agriculture in two different ways; first, by sinking the real 
value of its produce, and thereby lowering the rate of its 
profit; and, secondly, by raising the rate of profit in all other 
employments. Agriculture is rendered less advantageous, 
and trade and manufactures more advantageous than they 
otherwise would be ; and every man is tempted by his own 
interest to turn, as much as he can, both his capital and his 
industry from the former to the latter employments. 

Though, by this oppressive policy, a landed nation should 
be able to raise up artificers, manufacturers and merchants 
of its own, somewhat sooner than it could do by the freedom 
of trade; a matter, however, which is not a little doubtful; 
yet it would raise them up, if one may say so, prematurely, 
and before it was perfectly ripe for them. By raising up 
too hastily one species of industry, it would depress another 
more valuable species of industry. By raising up too hastily 
a species of industry which only replaces the stock which 
employs it, together with the ordinary profit, it would de- 
press a species of industry which, over and above replacing 
that stock with its profit, affords likewise a neat produce, a 
free rent to the landlord. It would depress productive labour, 
by encouraging too hastily that labour which is altogether 
barren and unproductive. 

In what manner, according to this system, the sum total of 
the annual produce of the land is distributed among the three 
classes above mentioned, and in what manner the labour of 
the unproductive class does no more than replace the value 
of its own consumption, without increasing in any respect 
the value of that sum total, is represented by Mr. Quesnai, 
the very ingenious and profound author of this system, in 


some arithmetical formularies. The first of these formu- 
laries, which by way of eminence he peculiarly distinguishes 
by the name of the Economical Table, represents the manner 
in which he supposes this distribution takes place, in a state 
of the most perfect liberty, and therefore of the highest pros- 
perity; in a state where the annual produce is such as to 
afford the greatest possible neat produce, and where each 
class enjoys its proper share of the whole annual produce. 
Some subsequent formularies represent the manner, in which, 
he supposes, this distribution is made in dift'erent states of 
restraint and regulation; in which, either the class of proprie- 
tors, or the barren and unproductive class, is more favoured 
than the class of cultivators, and in which, either the one or 
the other encroaches more or less upon the share which ought 
properly to belong to this productive class. Every such en- 
croachment, every violation of that natural distribution, 
which the most perfect liberty would establish, must, accord- 
ing to this system, necessarily degrade more or less, from 
one year to another, the value and sum total of the annual 
produce, and must necessarily occasion a gradual declension 
in the real wealth and revenue of the society; a declension 
of which the progress must be quicker or slower, according 
to the degree of this encroachment, according as that nat- 
ural distribution, which the most perfect liberty would es- 
tablish, is more or less violated. Those subsequent formu- 
laries represent the different degrees of declension, which, 
according to this system, correspond to the different degrees 
in which this natural distribution of things is violated. 

Some speculative physicians seem to have imagined that 
the health of the human body could be preserved only by a 
certain precise regimen of diet and exercise, of which every, 
the smallest, violation necessarily occasioned some degree 
of disease or disorder proportioned to the degree of the vio- 
lation. Experience, however, would seem to show, that the 
human body frequently preserves, to all appearance at least, 
the most perfect state of health under a vast variety of 
different regimens; even under some which are generally 
believed to be very far from being perfectly wholesome. 
But the healthful state of the human body, it would seem, 
contains in itself some unknown principle of preservation. 


capable either of preventing or of correcting, in many re- 
spects, the bad effects even of a very faulty regimen. Mr, 
Quesnai, who was himself a physician, and a very specU' 
lative physician, seems to have entertained a notion of the 
same kind concerning the political body, and to have imag' 
ined that it would thrive and prosper only under a certain 
precise regimen, the exact regimen of perfect liberty and 
perfect justice. He seems not to have considered that in the 
political body, the natural effort which every man is contin- 
ually making to better his own condition, is a principle of 
preservation capable of preventing and correcting, in many 
respects, the bad effects of a political ceconomy, in some 
degree both partial and oppressive. Such a political cecon- 
omy, though it no doubt retards more or less, is not always 
capable of stopping altogether the natural progress of a na- 
tion towards wealth and prosperity, and still less of making 
it go backwards. If a nation could not prosper without the 
enjoyment of perfect liberty and perfect justice, there is not 
in the world a nation which could ever have prospered. In 
the political body, however, the wisdom of nature has fortu- 
nately made ample provision for remedying many of the bad 
effects of the folly and injustice of man; in the same manner 
as it has done in the natural body, for remedying those of 
his sloth and intemperance. 

The capital error of this system, however, seems to lie in 
its representing the class of artificers, manufacturers and 
merchants, as altogether barren and unproductive. The fol- 
lowing observations may serve to show the impropriety of 
this representation. 

First, this class, it is acknowledged, reproduces annually 
the value of its own annual consumption, and continues, at 
least, the existence of the stock or capital which maintains 
and employs it. But upon this account alone the denomina- 
tion of barren or unproductive should seem to be very im- 
properly applied to it. We should not call a marriage 
barren or unproductive, though it produced only a son and 
a daughter, to replace the father and mother, and though 
it did not increase the number of the human species, 
but only continued it as it was before. Farmers and country 
labourers, indeed, over and above the stock which maintains 


and employs them, reproduce annually a neat produce, a 
free rent to the landlord. As a marriage which affords three 
children is certainly more productive than one which affords 
only two; so the labour of farmers and country labourers 
is certainly more productive than that of merchants, artifi- 
cers and manufacturers. The superior produce of the one 
class, however, does not render the other barren or unpro- 

Secondly, it seems, upon this account, altogether improper 
to consider artificers, manufacturers and merchants, in the 
same light as menial servants. The labour of menial servants 
does not continue the existence of the fund which maintains 
and employs them. Their maintenance and employment is 
altogether at the expence of their masters, and the work 
which they perform is not of a nature to repay that expence. 
That work consists in services which perish generally in the 
very instant of their performance, and does not fix or realize 
itself in any vendible commodity which can replace the value 
of their wages and maintenance. The labour, on the contrary, 
of artificers, manufacturers and merchants, naturally does 
fix and realize itself in some such vendible commodity. It 
is upon this account that, in the chapter in which I treat 
of productive and unproductive labour, I have classed artifi- 
1 cers, manufacturers and merchants, among the productive 
labourers, and menial servants among the barren or unpro- 

Thirdly, it seems, upon every supposition, improper to say, 
that the labour of artificers, manufacturers and merchants, 
does not increase the real revenue of the society. Though 
we should suppose, for example, as it seems to be supposed 
in this system, that the value of the daily, monthly, and 
yearly consumption of this class was exactly equal to that 
of its daily, monthly, and yearly production; yet it would 
not from thence follow that its labour added nothing to the 
real revenue, to the real value of the annual produce of the 
land and labour of the society. An artificer, for example, 
who in the first six months after harvest, executes ten 
pounds worth of work, though he should in the same time 
consume ten pounds worth of corn and other necessaries, 
yet really adds the value of ten pounds to the annual produce 


of the land and labour of the society. While he has been 
consuming a half yearly revenue of ten pounds worth of 
corn and other necessaries, he has produced an equal value 
of work capable of purchasing, either to himself or to some 
other person, an equal half yearly revenue. The value, there- 
fore, of what has been consumed and produced during these 
six months is equal, not to ten, but to twenty pounds. It is 
possible, indeed, that no more than ten pounds worth of this 
value, may ever have existed at any one moment of time. 
But if the ten pounds worth of corn and other necessaries, 
which were consumed by the artificer, had been consumed 
by a soldier or by a menial servant, the value of that part 
of the annual produce which existed at the end of the six 
months, would have been ten pounds less than it actually is 
in consequence of the labour of the artificer. Though the 
value of what the artificer produces, therefore, should not 
at any one moment of time be supposed greater than the 
value he consumes, yet at every moment of time the actually 
existing value of goods in the market is, in consequence of 
what he produces, greater than it otherwise would be. 

When the patrons of this system assert, that the consump- 
tion of artificers, manufacturers and merchants, is equal to 
the value of what they produce, they probably mean no more 
than that their revenue, or the fund destined for their con- 
sumption, is equal to it. But if they had expressed them- 
selves more accurately, and only asserted, that the revenue 
of this class was equal to the value of what they produced, 
it might readily have occurred to the reader, that what would 
naturally be saved out of this revenue, must necessarily in- 
crease more or less, the real wealth of the society. In order, 
therefore, to make out something like an argument, it was 
necessary that they should express themselves as they have 
done ; and this argument, even supposing things actually were 
as it seems to presume them to be, turns out to be a very 
inconclusive one. 

Fourthly, farmers and country labourers can no more aug- 
ment, without parsimony, the real revenue, the annual prod- 
uce of the land and labour of their society, than artificers, 
manufacturers and merchants. The annual produce of the 
land and labour of any society can be augmented only in two 


ways; either, first, by some improvement in the productive 
powers of the useful labour actually maintained within it; 
or, secondly, by some increase in the quantity of that labour. 

The improvement in the productive powers of useful 
labour depend, first, upon the improvement in the ability of 
the workman; and, secondly, upon that of the machinery 
with which he works. But the labour of artificers and manu- 
facturers, as it is capable of being more subdivided, and the 
labour of each workman reduced to a greater simplicity of 
operation, than that of farmers and country labourers, so it 
is likewise capable of both these sorts of improvement in a 
much higher degree. In this respect, therefore, the class of 
cultivators can have no sort of advantage over that of arti- 
ficers and manufacturers. 

The increase in the quantity of useful labour actually em- 
ployed within any society, must depend altogether upon the 
increase of the capital which employs it ; and the increase 
of that capital again must be exactly equal to the amount of 
the savings from the revenue, either of the particular per- 
sons who manage and direct the employment of that capital, 
or of some other persons who lend it to them. If merchants, 
artificers and manufacturers are, as this system seems to 
suppose, naturally more inclined to parsimony and saving 
than proprietors and cultivators, they are, so far, more likely 
to augment the quantity of useful labour employed within 
their society, and consequently to increase its real revenue, 
the annual produce of its land and labour. 

Fifthly and lastly, though the revenue of the inhabitants 
of every country was supposed to consist altogether, as this 
system seems to suppose, in the quantity of subsistence which 
their industry could procure to them ; yet, even upon this 
supposition, the revenue of a trading and manufacturing 
country must, other things being equal, always be much 
greater than that of one without trade or manufactures. By 
means of trade and manufactures, a greater quantity of sub- 
sistence can be annually imported into a particular country 
than what its own lands, in the actual state of their cultiva- 
tion, could afford. The inhabitants of a town, though they 
frequently possess no lands of their own, yet draw to them- 
selves by their industry such a quantity of the rude produce 


of the lands of other people as supplies them, not only with the 
materials of their work, but with the fund of their subsistence. 
What a town always is with regard to the country in its neigh- 
bourhood, one independent state or country may frequently be 
with regard to other independent states or countries. It is thus 
that Holland draws a great part of its subsistence from other 
countries; live cattle from Holstein and Jutland, and corn 
from almost all the different countries of Europe. A small 
quantity of manufactured produce purchases a great quan- 
tity of rude produce. A trading and manufacturing country, 
therefore, naturally purchases with a small part of its manu- 
factured produce a great part of the rude produce of other 
countries ; while, on the contrary, a country without trade and 
manufactures is generally obliged to purchase, at the expense 
of a great part of its rude produce, a very small part of the 
manufactured produce of other countries. The one exports 
what can subsist and accommodate but a very few, and im- 
ports the subsistence and accommodation of a great number. 
The other exports the accommodation and subsistence of a 
great number, and imports that of a very few only. The in- 
habitants of the one must always enjoy a much greater quan- 
tity of subsistence than what their own lands, in the actual 
state of their cultivation, could afford. The inhabitants of 
the other must always enjoy a much smaller quantity. 

This system, however, with all its imperfections, is, per- 
haps, the nearest approximation to the truth that has yet 
been published upon the subject of political oeconomy, and is 
upon that account well worth the consideration of every 
man who wishes to examine with attention the principles of 
that very important science. Though in representing the 
labour which is employed upon land as the only productive 
labour, the notions which it inculcates are perhaps too nar- 
row and confined; yet in representing the wealth of nations 
as consisting, not in the unconsumable riches of money, but 
in the consumable goods annually reproduced by the labour 
of the society; and in representing perfect liberty as the only 
effectual expedient for rendering this annual reproduction 
the greatest possible, its doctrine seems to be in every respect 
as just as it is generous and liberal. Its followers are very 
numerous ; and as men are fond of paradoxes, and of appear- 


ing to understand what surpasses the comprehension of 
ordinary people, the paradox which it maintains, concerning 
the unproductive nature of manufacturing labour, has not 
perhaps contributed a little to increase the number of its 
admirers. They have for some years past made a pretty 
considerable sect, distinguished in the French republic of 
letters by the name of. The (Economists. Their works have 
certainly been of some service to their country; not only by 
bringing into general discussion, many subjects which had 
never been well examined before, but by influencing in some 
measure the public administration in favour of agriculture. 
It has been in consequence of their representations, accord- 
ingly, that the agriculture of France has been delivered from 
several of the oppressions which it before laboured under. 
The term during which such a lease can be granted, as will 
be valid against every future purchaser or proprietor of the 
land, has been prolonged from nine to twenty-seven years. 
The ancient provincial restraints upon the transportation of 
corn from one province of the kingdom to another, have 
been entirely taken away, and the liberty of exporting it to 
all foreign countries, has been established as the common 
law of the kingdom in all ordinary cases. This sect, in their 
works, which are very numerous, and which treat not only 
of what is properly called Political QEconomy, or of the na- 
ture and causes of the wealth of nations, but of every other 
branch of the system of civil government, all follow im- 
plicitly, and without any sensible variation, the doctrine of 
Mr. Quesnai. There is upon this account little variety in 
the greater part of their works. The most distinct and best 
connected account of this doctrine is to be found in a little 
book written by Mr. Mercier de la Riviere, sometime Inten- 
dant of Martinico, intitled, The natural and essential Order 
of Political Societies. The admiration of this whole sect for 
their master, who was himself a man of the greatest modesty 
and simplicity, is not inferior to that of any of the ancient 
philosophers for the founders of their respective systems. 
"There have been, since the world began," says a very dili- 
gent and respectable author, the Marquis de Mirabeau, "three 
"great inventions which have principally given stability to 
"political societies, independent of many other inventions 


"which have enriched and adorned them. The first, is the 
"invention of writing, which alone gives human nature the 
"power of transmitting, without alteration, its laws, its con- 
"tracts, its annals, and its discoveries. The second, is the 
"invention of money, which binds together all the relations 
"between civilized societies. The third, is the CEconomical 
"Table, the result of the other two, which completes them 
"both by perfecting their object; the great discovery of our 
"age, but of which our posterity will reap the benefit." 

The greatest and most important branch of the commerce 
of every nation, it has already been observed, is that which 
is carried on between the inhabitants of the town and those 
of the country. The inhabitants of the town draw from the 
country the rude produce which constitutes both the mate- 
rials of their work and the fund of their subsistence ; and 
they pay for this rude produce by sending back to the coun- 
try a certain portion of it manufactured and prepared for 
immediate use. The trade which is carried on between 
those two different sets of people, consists ultimately in a 
certain quantity of rude produce exchanged for a certain 
quantity of manufactured produce. The dearer the latter, 
therefore, the cheaper the former ; and whatever tends in 
any country to raise the price of manufactured produce, 
tends to lower that of the rude produce of the land, and 
thereby to discourage agriculture. The smaller the quantity 
of manufactured produce which any given quantity of rude 
produce, or, what comes to the same thing, which the price 
of any given quantity of rude produce is capable of pur- 
chasing, the smaller the exchangeable value of that given 
quantity of rude produce ; the smaller the encouragement 
which either the landlord has to increase its quantity by im- 
proving, or the farmer by cultivating the land. Whatever, 
besides, tends to diminish in any country the number of artifi- 
cers and manufacturers, tends to diminish the home market, 
the most important of all markets for the rude produce of the 
land, and thereby still further to discourage agriculture. 

Those systems, therefore, which preferring agriculture to 
all other employments, in order to promote it, impose re- 
straints upon manufactures and foreign trade, act contrary 
to the very end which they propose, and directly discourage 


that very species of industry which they mean to proTnote. 
They are so far, perhaps, more inconsistent than even the 
mercantile system. That system, by encouraging manufac- 
tures and foreign trade more than agriculture, turns a cer- 
tain portion of the capital of the society from supporting a 
more advantageous, to support a less advantageous species 
of industry. But still it really and in the end encourages that 
species of industry which it means to promote. Those agri- 
cultural systems, on the contrary, really and in the end dis- 
courage their own favourite species of industry. 

It is thus that every system which endeavours, either, by 
extraordinary encouragements, to draw towards a particular 
species of industry a greater share of the capital of the soci- 
ety than what would naturally go to it; or, by extraordinary 
restraints, to force from a particular species of industry 
some share of the capital which would otherwise be employed 
in it; is in reality subversive of the great purpose which it 
means to promote. It retards, instead of accelerating, the 
progress of the society towards real wealth and greatness : 
and diminishes, instead of increasing, the real value of the 
annual produce of its land and labour. 

All systems either of preference or of restraint, therefore, 
being thus completely taken away, the obvious and simple 
system of natural liberty establishes itself of its own accord. 
Every man, as long as he does not violate the laws of jus- 
tice, is left perfectly free to pursue his own interest his own 
way, and to bring both his industry and capital into compe- 
tition with those of any other man, or order of men. The 
sovereign is completely discharged from a duty, in the at- 
tempting to perform which he must always be exposed to 
innumerable delusions, and for the proper performance of 
which no human wisdom or knowledge could ever be suffi- 
cient; the duty of superintending the industry of private 
people, and of directing it towards the employments most 
suitable to the interest of the society. According to the sys- 
tem of natural liberty, the sovereign has only three duties to 
attend to ; three duties of great importance, indeed, but plain 
and intelligible to common understandings ; first, the duty of 
protecting the society from the violence and invasion of other 
independent societies; secondly, the duty of protecting, as 


far as possible, every member of the society from the injus- 
tice or oppression of every other member of it, or the duty 
of establishing an exact administration of justice; and, 
thirdly, the duty of erecting and maintaining certain public 
works and certain public institutions, which it can never be 
for the interest of any individual, or small number of indi- 
viduals, to erect and maintain; because the profit could never 
repay the expence to any individual or small number of indi- 
viduals, though it may frequently do much more than repay 
it to a great society. 

The proper performance of those several duties of the 
sovereign necessarily supposes a certain expence ; and this 
expence again necessarily requires a certain revenue to sup- 
port it. In the following book, therefore, I shall endeavour 
to explain ; first, what are the necessary expences of the 
sovereign or commonwealth ; and which of those expences 
ought to be defrayed by the general contribution of the 
whole society; and which of them, by that of some particu- 
lar part only, or of some particular members of the society: 
secondly, what are the different methods in which the whole 
society may be made to contribute towards defraying the 
expences incumbent on the whole society, and what are the 
principal advantages and inconveniences of each of those 
methods : and, thirdly, what are the reasons and causes which 
have induced almost all modern governments to mortgage 
some part of this revenue, or to contract debts, and what 
have been the effects of those debts upon the real wealth, 
the annual produce of the land and labour of the society. 
The following book, therefore, will naturally be divided into 
three chapters. 


Of the Revenue of the Sovereign or Commonwealth 

Of the Expences of the Sovereign or Commonwealth 


Of the Expence of Defence 

THE first duty of the sovereign, that of protecting the 
society from the violence and invasion of other inde- 
pendent societies, can be performed only by means of 
a military force. But the expence both of preparing this 
military force in time of peace, and of employing it in time 
of M^ar, is very different in the different states of society, in 
the different periods of improvement. 

Among nations of hunters, the lowest and rudest state of 
society, such as we find it among the native tribes of North 
America, every man is a warrior as vi^ell as a hunter. When 
he goes to war, either to defend his society, or to revenge 
the injuries which have been done to it by other societies, 
he maintains himself by his own labour, in the same manner 
as when he lives at home. His society, for in this state of 
things there is properly neither sovereign nor commonwealth, 
is at no sort of expence, either to prepare him for the field, 

or to maintain him while he is In it. 


When a civilized nation depends for its defence upon a 
militia, it is at all times exposed to be conquered by any 
barbarous nation which happens to be in its neighbourhood. 
The frequent conquests of all the civilized countries in Asia 
by the Tartars, sufficiently demonstrates the natural superi- 



ority, which the militia of a barbarous, has over that of a 
civilized nation. A well-regulated standing army is superior 
to every militia. Such an army, as it can best be maintained 
by an opulent and civilized nation, so it can alone defend such 
a nation against the invasion of a poor and barbarous neigh- 
bour. It is only by means of a standing army, therefore, 
that the civilization of any country can be perpetuated, or 
even preserved for any considerable time. 

As it is only by means of a well-regulated standing army 
that a civilized country can be defended; so it is only by 
means of it, that a barbarous country can be suddenly and 
tolerably civilized. A standing army establishes, with an 
irresistible force, the law of the sovereign through the re- 
motest provinces of the empire, and maintains some degree 
of regular government in countries which could not other- 
wise admit of any. Whoever examines, with attention, the 
improvements which Peter the Great introduced into the 
Russian empire, will find that they almost all resolve them- 
selves into the establishment of a well-regulated standing 
army. It is the instrument which executes and maintains all 
his other regulations. That degree of order and internal 
peace, which that empire has ever since enjoyed, is altogether 
owing to the influence of that army. 

Men of republican principles have been jealous of a stand- 
ing army as dangerous to liberty. It certainly is so, wherever 
the interest of the general and that of the principal officers 
are not necessarily connected with the support of the consti- 
tution of the state. The standing army of Caesar destroyed 
the Roman republic. The standing army of Cromwel turned 
the long parliament out of doors. But where the sovereign 
is himself the general, and the principal nobility and gentry 
of the country the chief officers of the army ; where the mili- 
tary force is placed under the command of those who have 
the greatest interest in the support of the civil authority, be- 
cause they have themselves the greatest share of that 
authority, a standing army can never be dangerous to liberty. 
On the contrary, it may in some cases be favourable to lib- 
erty. The security which it gives to the sovereign renders 
unnecessary that troublessome jealousy, which, in some mod- 
ern republics, seems to watch over the minutest actions, and 


to be at all times ready to disturb the peace of every citizeiv. 
Where the security of the magistrate, though supported by 
the principal people of the country, is endangered by every 
popular discontent; where a small tumult is capable of bring- 
ing about in a few hours a great revolution, the whole 
authority of government must be employed to suppress and 
punish every murmur and complaint against it. To a sov- 
ereign, on the contrary, who feels himself supported, not only 
by the natural aristocracy of the country, but by a well- 
regulated standing army, the rudest, the most groundless, and 
the most licentious remonstrances can give little disturbance. 
He can safely pardon or neglect them, and his consciousness 
of his own superiority naturally disposes him to do so. That 
degree of liberty which approaches to licentiousness can be 
tolerated only in countries where the sovereign is secured by 
a well-regulated standing army. It is in such countries only, 
that the public safety does not require, that the sovereign 
should be trusted with any discretionary power, for suppress- 
ing even the impertinent wantonness of this licentious liberty, 

The first duty of the sovereign, therefore, that of defending 
the society from the violence and injustice of other inde- 
pendent societies, grows gradually more and more expensive, 
as the society advances in civilization. The military force of 
the society, which originally cost the sovereign no expence 
either in time of peace or in time of war, must, in the prog- 
ress of improvement, first be maintained by him in time of 
war, and afterwards even in time of peace. 

The great change introduced into the art of war by the 
invention of fire-arms, has enhanced still further both the 
expence of exercising and disciplining any particular number 
of soldiers in time of peace, and that of employing them in 
time of war. Both their arms and their ammunition are be- 
come more expensive. A musquet is a more expensive ma- 
chine that a javelin or a bow and arrows; a cannon or a 
mortar than a balista or a catapulta. The powder, which is 
spent in a modern review, is lost irrevocably, and occasions a 
very considerable expence. The javelins and arrows which 
were thrown or shot in an ancient one, could easily be picked 
up again, and were besides of very little value. The cannon 
and the mortar are, not only much dearer, but much heavier 


machines than the balista or catapulta, and require a greater 
expence, not only to prepare them for the field, but to carry 
them to it. As the superiority of the modern artillery too, 
over that of the ancients is very great ; it has become much 
more difficuh, and consequently much more expensive, to for- 
tify a town so as to resist even for a few weeks the attack 
of that superior artillery. In modern times many different 
causes contribute to render the defence of the society more 
expensive. The unavoidable effects of the natural progress 
of improvement have, in this respect, been a good deal en- 
hanced by a great revolution in the art of war, to which a 
mere accident, the invention of gunpowder, seems to have 
given occasion. 

In modern war the great expence of fire-arms gives an 
evident advantage to the nation which can best afford that 
expence ; and consequently, to an opulent and civilized, over 
a poor and barbarous nation. In ancient times the opulent 
and civilized found it difficult to defend themselves against 
the poor and barbarous nations. In modern times the poor 
and barbarous find it difficult to defend themselves against 
the opulent and civilized. The invention of fire-arms, an 
invention which at first sight appears to be so pernicious, is 
certainly favourable both to the permanency and to the exten- 
sion of civilization. 


Of the Expence of Justice 

The second duty of the sovereign, that of protecting, as 
far as possible, every member of the society from the in- 
justice or oppression of every other member of it, or 
the duty of establishing an exact administration of justice 
requires too very different degrees of expence in the different 

periods of society. 


Justice, however, never was in reality administered gratis 
in any country. Lawyers and attornies, at least, must al- 
ways be paid by the parties ; and, if they were not, they would 
perform their duty still worse than they actually perform it. 
The fees annually paid to lawyers and attornies amount, in 


every court, to a much greater sum than the salaries of the 
judges. The circumstance of those salaries being paid by 
the crown, can no-where much diminish the necessary ex- 
pence of a law-suit. But it was not so much to diminish the 
expence, as to- prevent the corruption of justice, that the 
judges were prohibited from receiving any present or fee 
from the parties. 

The office of judge is in itself so very honourable, that men 
are willing to accept of it, though accompanied with very 
small emoluments. The inferior office of justice of peace, 
though attended with a good deal of trouble, and in most 
cases with no emoluments at all, is an object of ambition to 
the greater part of our country gentlemen. The salaries of 
all the different judges, high and low, together with the whole 
expence of the administration and execution of justice, even 
where it is not managed with very good oeconomy, makes, in 
any civilized country, but a very inconsiderable part of the 
whole expence of government. 

The whole expence of justice too might easily be defrayed 
by the fees of court ; and, without exposing the administra- 
tion of justice to any real hazard of corruption, the public 
revenue might thus be entirely discharged from a certain, 
though, perhaps, but a small incumbrance. It is difficult to 
regulate the fees of court effectually, where a person so 
powerful as the sovereign is to share in them, and to derive 
any considerable part of his revenue from them. It is very 
easy, where the judge is the principal person who can reap 
any benefit from them. The law can very easily oblige the 
judge to respect the regulation, though it might not always 
be able to make the sovereign respect it. Where the fees of 
court are precisely regulated and ascertained, where they are 
paid all at once, at a certain period of every process, into the 
hands of a cashier or receiver, to be by him distributed in 
certain known proportions among the different judges after 
the process is decided, and not till it is decided, there seems 
to be no more danger of corruption than where such fees are 
prohibited altogether. Those fees, without occasioning any 
considerable increase in the expence of a law-suit, might be 
rendered fully sufficient for defraying the whole expence of 
justice. By not being paid to the judges till the process was 


determined, they might be some incitement to the diHgence 
of the court in examining and deciding it. In courts which 
consisted of a considerable number of judges, by proportion- 
ing the share of each judge to the number of hours and days 
which he had employed in examining the process, either in 
the court or in a committee by order of the court, those fees 
might give some encouragement to the diHgence of each par- 
ticular judge. Public services are never better performed 
than when their reward comes only in consequence of their 
being performed, and is proportioned to the diligence em- 
ployed in performing them. . . . 

A stamp-duty upon the law proceedings of each particular 
court, to be levied by that court, and applied towards the 
maintenance of the judges and other officers belonging to it, 
might, in the same manner, afford a revenue sufficient for 
defraying the expence of the administration of justice, with- 
out bringing any burden upon the general revenue of the 
society. The judges indeed might, in this case, be under the 
temptation of multiplying unnecessarily the proceedings upon 
every cause, in order to increase, as much as possible, the 
produce of such a stamp-duty. It has been the custom in 
modern Europe to regulate, upon most occasions, the pay- 
ment of the attornies and clerks of court, according to the 
number of pages which they had occasion to write ; the 
court, however, requiring that each page should contain so 
many lines, and each line so many words. In order to in- 
crease their payment, the attornies and clerks have contrived 
to multiply words beyond all necessity, to the corruption of 
the law language of, I believe, every court of justice in 
Europe. A like temptation might perhaps occasion a like 
corruption in the form of law proceedings. 


Of the Expence of Public Works and Public Institutions 

The third and last duty of the sovereign or common- 
wealth is that of erecting and maintaining those public 
institutions and those public works, which, though they 
may be in the highest degree advantageous to a great society, 


are, however, of such a nature, that the profit could never 
repay the expence to any individual or small number of indi- 
viduals, and which it therefore cannot be expected that any 
individual or small number of individuals should erect or 
maintain. The performance of this duty requires too very 
different degrees of expence in the different periods of 

After the public institutions and public works necessary 
for the defence of the society, and for the administration of 
justice, both of which have already been mentioned, the other 
works and institutions of this kind are chiefly those for 
facilitating the commerce of the society, and those for pro- 
moting the instruction of the people. The institutions for 
instruction are of two kinds ; those for the education of the 
youth, and those for the instruction of people of all ages. 
The consideration of the manner in which the expence of 
those different sorts of public works and institutions may 
be most properly defrayed, will divide this third part of the 
present chapter into three different articles. 


Of the Public Works and Ixstitutioxs for F.-vcilitating the 
Commerce of the Society 

And, First, of Those Which are Necessary for Facilitating 
Commerce in General 

That the erection and maintenance of the public works 
which facilitate the commerce of any country, such as 
good roads, bridges, navigable canals, harbours, &c. 
must require very different degrees of expence in the differ- 
ent periods of society, is evident without any proof. The 
expence of making and maintaining the public roads of any 
country must evidently increase with the annual produce of 
the land and labour of that country, or with the quantity 
and weight of the goods which it becomes necessary to fetch 
and carry upon those roads. The strength of a bridge must 
be suited to the number and weight of the carriages which 
are likely to pass over it. The depth and the supply of 
water for a navigable canal must be proportioned to the num- 


ber and tunnage of the lighters, which are likely to carry 
goods upon it; the extent of a harbour to the number of the 
shipping which are likely to take shelter in it. 

It does not seem necessary that the expence of those pub- 
lic works should be defrayed from that public revenue, as it 
is commonly called, of which the collection and application 
are in most countries assigned to the executive power. The 
greater part of such public works may easily be so managed, 
as to afford a particular revenue sufficient for defraying their 
own expence, without bringing any burden upon the general 
revenue of the society. 

A highway, a bridge, a navigable canal, for example, may 
in most cases be both made and maintained by a small toll 
upon the carriages which make use of them : a harbour, by a 
moderate port-duty upon the tunnage of the shipping which 
load or unload in it. The coinage, another institution for 
facilitating commerce, in many countries, not only defrays 
its own expence, but affords a small revenue or seignorage 
to the sovereign. The post-office, another institution for the 
same purpose, over and above defraying its own expence, 
affords in almost all countries a very considerable revenue 
to the sovereign. 

When the carriages which pass over a highway or a bridge, 
and the lighters which sail upon a navigable canal, pay toll 
in proportion to their weight or their tunnage, they pay for 
the maintenance of those public works exactly in proportion 
to the wear and tear which they occasion of them. It seems 
scarce possible to invent a more equitable way of maintain- 
ing such works. This tax or toll too, though it is advanced 
by the carrier, is finally paid by the consumer, to whom it 
must always be charged in the price of the goods. As the 
expence of carriage, however, is very much reduced by means 
of such public works, the goods, notwithstanding the toll, 
come cheaper to the consumer than they could otherwise have 
done ; their price not being so much raised by the toll, as it is 
lowered by the cheapness of the carriage. The person who 
finally pays this tax, therefore, gains by the application, more 
than he loses by the payment of it. His payment is exactly 
in proportion to his gain. It is in reality no more than a part 
of that gain which he is obliged to give up in order to get 


the rest. It seems impossible to imagine a more equitable 
method of raising a tax. 

When the toll upon carriages of luxury, upon coaches, 
post-chaises, &c. is made somewhat higher in proportion to 
their weight, than upon carriages of necessary use, such as 
carts, waggons, &c. the indolence and vanity of the rich is 
made to contribute in a very easy manner to the relief of the 
poor, by rendering cheaper the transportation of heavy goods 
to all the different parts of the country. 

When high roads, bridges, canals, &c. are in this manner 
made and supported by the commerce which is carried on by 
means of them, they can be made only where that commerce 
requires them, and consequently where it is proper to make 
them. Their expence too, their grandeur and magnificence, 
must be suited to what that commerce can afford to pay. 
They must be made consequently as it is proper to make them. 
A magnificent high road cannot be made through a desart 
country where there is little or no commerce, or merely be- 
cause it happens tO' lead to the country villa of the intendant 
of the province, or to that of some great lord to whom the 
intendant finds it convenient to make his court. A great 
bridge cannot be thrown over a river at a place where no- 
body passes, or merely to embellish the view from the win- 
dows of a neighbouring palace : things which sometimes hap- 
pen, in countries where works of this kind are carried on by 
any other revenue than that which they themselves are 
capable of affording. 

In several different parts of Europe the toll' or lock-duty 
upon a canal is the property of private persons, whose pri- 
vate interest obliges them to keep up the canal. If it is not 
kept in tolerable order, the navigation necessarily ceases alto- 
gether, and along with it the whole profit which they can 
make by the tolls. If those tolls were put under the manage- 
ment of commissioners, who had themselves no interest in 
them, they might be less attentive to the maintenance of the 
works which produced them. The canal of Languedoc cost 
the king of France and the province upwards of thirteen mil- 
lions of livres, which (at twenty-eight livres the mark of 
silver, the value of French money in the end of the last cen- 
tury) amounted to upwards of nine hundred thousand pounds 


sterling. When that great work was finished, the most Hkely 
method, it was found, of keeping it in constant repair was to 
make a present of the tolls to Riquet the engineer, who 
planned and conducted the work. Those tolls constitute at 
present a very large estate to the different branches of the 
family of that gentleman, who have, therefore, a great in- 
terest to keep the work in constant repair. But had those 
tolls been put under the management of commissioners, 
who had no such interest, they might perhaps have been 
dissipated in ornamental and unnecessary expences, while 
the most essential parts of the work were allowed to go 
to ruin. 

The tolls for the maintenance of a high road, cannot with 
any safety be made the property of private persons. A high 
road, though entirely neglected, does not become altogether 
impassable, though a canal does. The proprietors of the 
tolls upon a high road, therefore, might neglect altogether the 
repair of the road, and yet continue to levy very nearly the 
same tolls. It is proper, therefore, that the tolls for the 
maintenance of such work should be put under the manage- 
ment of commissioners or trustees. 

Even those public works which are of such a nature that 
they cannot afford any revenue for maintaining themselves, 
but of which the conveniency is nearly confined to some par- 
ticular place or district, are always better maintained by a 
local or provincial revenue, under the management of a local 
and provincial administration, than by the general revenue 
of the state, of which the executive power must always have 
the management. Were the streets of London to be lighted 
and paved at the expense of the treasury, is there any prob- 
ability that they would be so well lighted and paved as they 
are at present, or even at so small an expence? The ex- 
pence, besides, instead f being raised by a local tax upon 
the inhabitants of each particular street, parish, or district 
in London, would, in this case, be defrayed out of the general 
revenue of the state, and would onsequently be raised by a 
tax upon all the inhabitants of the kingdom, of whom the 
greater part derive no sort of benefit from the lighting and 
paving of the streets of London. 


The abuses which sometimes creep into the local and pro- 
vincial administration of a local and provincial revenue, how 
enormous soever they may appear, are in reality however 
almost always very trifling, in comparison of those whu:h 
commonly take place in the administration and expenditure 
of the revenue of a great empire. They are, besides, much 
more easily corrected. Under the local or provincial adm m- 
istration of the justices of the peace m Great Britain th e s x 
days labour which the country people are obliged to give to 
the reparation of the highways, is not always P^^haps very 
judiciously applied, but it is scarce ever exacted with any 
drcumstance of cruelty or oppression. n France, under Ae 
administration of the intendants, the application is not always 
more judicious, and the exaction is frequently the ^nost cruel 
and oppressive. Such Corvees, as they are called make oe 
of the principal instruments of tyranny by which those of 
ficers chastise any parish or communeaute which has had the 
misfortune to fall under their displeasure. 


The object of the public works and "-ti">"™; f^°lXZ 

tioned is to facilitate commerce in general. But n order to 

aciltre some particular branches of it P"t.cular -t.tu^ 

tions are necessary, which again require a particular and 

"somfpTi^cuTarbr:nches of commerce, which are carried 
on wTth terbarous and uncivilized nations, -^"- "'J^ ; 
dinarv protection. An ordinary store or counting-house 
SVe liU'e security to th^goods o^J- -c -U ^who 
trade to the western coast of Africa. ^/^J^^;^"^ j 

the barbarous natives, it is necessary that theplace where 
thev are deposited, should be, in some measure, fortihea. 
Th dtsorderfin the government of In^ostan have been sup- 
posed to render a like precaution "^^^^f T^ ^J^^^f ^"fe uJ- 
mild and gentle people; and it was under P'-^^^^^^^^^J^^jJ^ 
inc. their persons and property from vio ence. that both the 
English and French East India Companies were allowed to 


erect the first forts which they possessed in that country. 
Among other nations, whose vigorous government will suffer 
no strangers to possess any fortified place within their terri- 
tory, it may be necessary to maintain some ambassador, min- 
ister, or consul, who may both decide, according to their own 
customs, the differences arising among his own countrymen; 
and, in their disputes with the natives, may, by means of his 
public character, interfere with more authority, and afford 
them a more powerful protection, than they could expect 
from any private man. The interests of commerce have fre- 
quently made it necessary to maintain ministers in foreign 
countries, where the purposes, either of war or alliance, 
would not have required any. The commerce of the Turkey 
Company first occasioned the establishment of an ordinary 
ambassador at Constantinople. The first English embassies 
to Russia arose altogether from commercial interests. The 
constant interference, which those interests necessarily occa- 
sioned between the subjects of the different states of Europe, 
has probably introduced the custom of keeping, in all neigh- 
bouring countries, ambassadors or ministers constantly resi- 
dent even in the time of peace. This custom, unknown to 
ancient times, seems not to be older than the end of the fif- 
teenth or beginning of the sixteenth century; that is, than 
the time when commerce first began to extend itself to the 
greater part of the nations of Europe, and when they first 
began to attend to its interests. 

It seems not unreasonable, that the extraordinary expence, 
which the protection of any particular branch of commerce 
may occasion, should be defrayed by a moderate tax upon 
that particular branch; by a moderate fine, for example, to 
be paid by the traders when they first enter into it, or, what 
is more equal, by a particular duty of so much per cent, upon 
the goods which they either import into, or export out of, 
the particular countries with which it is carried on. The 
protection of trade in general, from pirates and free-booters, 
is said to have given occasion to the first institution of the 
duties of customs. But, if it was thought reasonable to lay 
a general tax upon trade, in order to defray the expence of 
protecting trade in general, it should seem equally reasonable 
to lay a particular tax upon a particular branch of trade, in 


order to defray the extraordinary expence of protecting that 

The protection of trade in general has always been con- 
sidered as essential to the defence of the commonwealth, and, 
upon that account, a necessary part of the duty of the execu- 
tive power. The collection and application of the general 
duties of customs, therefore, have always been left to that 
power. But the protection of any particular branch of trade 
is a part of the general protection of trade ; a part, therefore, 
of the duty of that power ; and if nations always acted con- 
sistently, the particular duties levied for the purposes of such 
particular protection, should always have been left equally 
to its disposal. But in this respect, as well as in many others, 
nations have not always acted consistently ; and in the greater 
part of the commercial states of Europe, particular companies 
of merchants have had the address to persuade the legislature 
to entrust to them the performance of this part of the duty 
of the sovereign, together with all the powers which are 
necessarily connected with it. 

These companies, though they may, perhaps, have been use- 
ful for the first introduction of some branches of commerce, 
by making, at their own expence, an experiment which the 
state might not think it prudent to make, have in the long- 
run proved, universally, either burdensome or useless, and 
have either mismanaged or confined the trade. 

When those companies do not trade upon a joint stock, but 
are obliged to admit any person, properly qualified, upon pay- 
ing a certain fine, and agreeing to submit to the regulations 
of the company, each member trading upon his own stock, 
and at his own risk, they are called regulated companies. 
When they trade upon a joint stock, each member sharing 
in the common profit or loss in proportion to his share in 
this stock, they are called joint stock companies. Such com- 
panies, whether regulated or joint stock, sometimes have, 

and sometimes have not, exclusive privileges. 


When a company of merchants undertake, at their own 
risk and expence, to establish a new trade with some remote 
and barbarous nation, it may not be unreasonable to incor- 
porate them into a joint stock company, and to grant them. 


in case of their success, a monopoly of the trade for a certain 
number of years. It is the easiest and most natural way in 
which the state can recompense them for hazarding a dan- 
gerous and expensive experiment, of which the public is 
afterwards to reap the benefit. A temporary monopoly of 
this kind may be vindicated upon the same principles upon 
which a like monopoly of a new machine is granted to its 
inventor, and that of a new book to its author. But upon 
the expiration of the term, the monopoly ought certainly to 
determine; the forts and garrisons, if it was found necessary 
to establish any, to be taken into the hands of government, 
their value to be paid to the company, and the trade to be 
laid open to all the subjects of the state. By a perpetual 
monopoly, all the other subjects of the state are taxed very 
absurdly in two different ways ; first, by the high price of 
goods, which, in the case of a free-trade, they could buy 
much cheaper ; and, secondly, by their total exclusion from a 
branch of business, which it might be both convenient and 
profitable for many of them to carry on. It is for the most 
worthless of all purposes too that they are taxed in this man- 
ner. It is merely to enable the company to support the neg- 
ligence, profusion, and malversation of their own servants, 
whose disorderly conduct seldom allows the dividend of the 
company to exceed the ordinary rate of profit in trades which 
are altogether free, and very frequently makes it fall even a 
good deal short of that rate. Without a monopoly, however, 
a joint stock company, it would appear from experience, can- 
not long carry on any branch of foreign trade. To buy in 
one market, in order to sell, with profit, in another, when 
there are many competitors in both ; to watch over, not only 
the occasional variations in the demand, but the much greater 
and more frequent variations in the competition, or in the 
supply which that demand is likely to get from other people, 
and to suit with dexterity and judgment both the quantity 
and quality of each assortment of goods to all these circum- 
stances, is a species of warfare of which the operations are 
continually changing, and which can scarce ever be con- 
ducted successfully, without such an unremitting exertion of 
vigilance and attention, as cannot long be expected from the 
directors of a joint stock company. The East India Com- 

P — HC X 


pany, upon the redemption of their funds, and the expiration 
of their exclusive privilege, have a right, by act of parlia- 
ment, to continue a corporation with a joint stock, and to 
trade in their corporate capacity to the East Indies in com- 
mon with the rest of their fellow-subjects. But in this situ- 
ation, the superior vigilance and attention of private adven- 
turers would, in all probability, soon make them weary of 
the trade. 

An eminent French author, of great knowledge in matters 
of political ceconomy, the Abbe Morellet, gives a list of fifty- 
five joint stock companies for foreign trade, which have been 
established in different parts of Europe since the yea-r 1600, 
and which, according to him, have all failed from misman- 
agement, notwithstanding they had exclusive privileges. He 
has been misinformed with regard to the history of two or 
three of them, which were not joint stock companies and 
have not failed. But, in compensation, there have been sev- 
eral joint stock companies which have failed, and which he 
has omitted. 

The only trades which it seems possible for a joint stock 
company to carry on successfully, without an exclusive privi- 
lege, are those, of which all the operations are capable of 
being reduced to what is called a routine, or to such a uni- 
formity of method as admits of little or no variation. Of 
this kind is, first, the banking trade ; secondly, the trade of 
insurance from fire, and from sea risk and capture in time of 
war ; thirdly, the trade of making and maintaining a navi- 
gable cut or canal ; and, fourthly, the similar trade of bring- 
ing water for the supply of a great city. 

Though the principles of the banking trade may appear 
somewhat abstruse, the practice is capable of being reduced 
to strict rules. To depart upon any occasion from those 
rules, in consequence of some flattering speculation of extra- 
ordinary gain, is almost always extremely dangerous, and 
frequently fatal to the banking company which attempts it. 
But the constitution of joint stock companies renders them 
in general more tenacious of established rules than any pri- 
vate copartnery. Such companies, therefore, seem extremely 
well fitted for this trade. The principal banking companies 
in Europe, accordingly, are joint stock companies, many of 


which manage their trade very successfully without any ex- 
clusive privilege. The Bank of England has no other ex- 
clusive privilege, except that no other banking company in 
England shall consist of more than six persons. The two 
banks of Edinburgh are joint stock companies without any 
exclusive privilege. 

The value of the risk, either from fire, or from loss by sea, 
or by capture, though it cannot, perhaps, be calculated very 
exactly, admits, however, of such a gross estimation as ren- 
ders it, in some degree, reducible tc strict rule and method. 
The trade of insurance, therefore, may be carried on success- 
fully by a joint stock company, without any exclusive privi- 
lege. Neither the London Assurance, nor the Royal Ex- 
change Assurance companies, have any such privilege. 

When a navigable cut or canal has been once made, the 
management of it becomes quite simple and easy, and is re- 
ducible to strict rule and method. Even the making of it is 
so, as it may be contracted for with undertakers at so much a 
mile, and so much a lock. The same thing may be said of a 
canal, an aqueduct, or a great pipe for bringing water to sup- 
ply a great city. Such undertakings, therefore, may be, and 
accordingly frequently are, very successfully managed by 
joint stock companies without any exclusive privilege. 

To establish a joint stock company, however, for any under- 
taking, merely because such a company might be capable of 
managing it successfully; or to exempt a particular set of 
dealers from some of the general laws which take place with 
regard to all their neighbours, merely because they might be 
capable of thriving if they had such an exemption, would 
certainly not be reasonable. To render such an establishment 
perfectly reasonable, with the circumstance of being reducible 
to strict rule and method, two other circumstances ought to 
concur. First, it ought to appear with the clearest evidence, 
that the undertaking is of greater and more general utility 
than the greater part of common trades; and secondly, that 
it requires a greater capital than can easily be collected into 
a private copartnery. If a moderate capital were sufficient, 
the great utility of the undertaking would not be a sufficient 
reason for establishing a joint stock company; because, in 
this case, the demand for what it was to produce, would 


readily and easily be supplied by private adventurers. In 
the four trades above mentioned, both those circumstances 

The great and general utility of the banking trade when 
prudently managed, has been fully explained in the second 
book of this inquiry. But a public bank which is to support 
public credit, and upon particular emergencies to advance to 
government the whole produce of a tax, to the amount, per- 
haps, of several millions, a year or two before it comes in, 
requires a greater capital than can easily be collected into 
any private copartnery. 

The trade of insurance gives great security to the fortunes 
of private people, and by dividing among a great many that 
loss which would ruin an individual, makes it fall light and 
easy upon the whole society. In order to give this security, 
however, it is necessary that the insurers should have a very 
large capital. Before the establishment of the two joint 
stock companies for insurance in London, a list, it is said, 
was laid before the attorney-general, of one hundred and 
fifty private insurers who had failed in the course of a few 

That navigable cuts and canals, and the works which are 
sometimes necessary for supplying a great city with water, 
are of great and general utility ; while at the same time they 
frequently require a greater expence than suits the fortunes 
of private people, is sufficiently obvious. 

Except the four trades above mentioned. I have not been 
able to recollect any other in which all the three circum- 
stances, requisite for rendering reasonable the establishment 
of a joint stock company, concur. The English copper com- 
pany of London, the lead smelting company, the glass grind- 
ing company, have not even the pretext of any great or 
singular utility in the object which they pursue; nor does the 
pursuit of that object seem to require any expence unsuit- 
able to the fortunes of many private men. Whether the 
trade which those companies carry on, is reducible to such 
strict rule and method as to render it fit for the management 
of a joint stock company, or whether they have any reason 
to boast of their extraordinary profits, I do not pretend to 
know. The mine-adventurers company has been long ago 


bankrupt. A share in the stock of the British Linen Com- 
pany of Edinburgh sells, at present, very much below par, 
though less so than it did some years ago. The joint stock 
companies, which are established for the public-spirited pur- 
pose of promoting some particular manufacture, over and 
above managing their own affairs ill, to the diminution of 
the general stock of the society, can in other respects scarce 
ever fail to do more harm than good. Notwithstanding the 
most upright intentions, the unavoidable partiality of their 
directors to particular branches of the manufacture, of which 
the undertakers mislead and impose upon them, is a real dis- 
couragement to the rest, and necessarily breaks, more or less, 
that natural proportion which would otherwise establish it- 
self between judicious industry and profit, and which, to the 
general industry of the country, is of all encouragements the 
greatest and the most effectual 


Of the Expence of the Institutions for the Education 

OF Youth 

The institutions for the education of the youth may, 
in the same manner, furnish a revenue sufficient for de- 
fraying their own expence. The fee or honorary which 
the scholar pays to the master naturally constitutes a revenue 
of this kind. 

Even where the reward of the master does not arise alto- 
gether from this natural revenue, it still is not necessary that 
it should be derived from that general revenue of the society, 
of which the collection and application are, in most countries, 
assigned to the executive power. Through the greater part 
of Europe, accordingly, the endowment of schools and col- 
leges makes either no charge upon that general revenue, or 
but a very small one. It every where arises chiefly from 
some local or provincial revenue, from the rent of some 
landed estate, or from the interest of some sum of money 
allotted and put under the management of trustees for this 
particular purpose, sometimes by the sovereign himself, and 
sometimes by some private donor. 



Of the Expence of the Institutions F(jr the Instruction of 
People of all Ages 

The institutions for the instruction of people of all 
ages are chiefly those for religious instruction. This is a 
species of instruction of which the object is not so 
much to render the people good citizens in this world, as to 
prepare them for another and a better world in a life to come. 
The teachers of the doctrine which contains this instruction, 
in the same manner as other teachers, may either depend al- 
together for their subsistence upon the voluntary contribu- 
tions of their hearers ; or they may derive it from some other 
fund to which the law of their country may entitle them ; 
such as a landed estate, a tythe or land tax, an established 
salary or stipend. Their exertion, their zeal and industry, 
are likely to be much greater in the former situation than in 
the latter. In this respect the teachers of new religions have 
always had a considerable advantage in attacking those 
ancient and established systems of which the clergy, reposing 
themselves upon their benefices, had neglected to keep up the 
fervour of faith and devotion in the great body of the people ; 
and having given themselves up to indolence, were become al- 
together incapable of making any vigorous exertion in de- 
fence even of their own establishment. 


Of the Expence of Supporting the Dignity of the Sovereign 

Over and above the expence necessary for enabling 
the sovereign to perform his several duties, a certain 
expence is requisite for the support of his dignity. This 
expence varies both with the different periods of improve- 
ment, and with the different forms of government. 

In an opulenL and improved society, where all the different 
orders of people are growing every day more expensive in 
their houses, in their furniture, in their tables, in their dress, 
and in their equipage ; it cannot well be expected that the 


sovereign should alone hold out against the fashion. He 
naturally, therefore, or rather necessarily becomes more ex- 
pensive in all those different articles too. His dignity even 
seems to require that he should become so. 

As in point of dignity, a monarch is more raised above his 
subjects than the chief magistrate of any republic is ever 
supposed to be above his fellow-citizens ; so a greater expence 
is necessary for supporting that higher dignity. We nat- 
urally expect more splendor in the court of a king, than in 
the mansion-house of a doge or burgo-master. 


The expence of defending the society, and that of sup- 
porting the dignity of the chief magistrate, are both 
laid out for the general benefit of the whole society. It 
is reasonable, therefore, that they should be defrayed by 
the general contribution of the whole society, all the different 
members contributing, as nearly as possible, in proportion to 
their respective abilities. 

The expence of the administration of justice too, may, no 
doubt, be considered as laid out for the benefit of the whole 
society. There is no impropriety, therefore, in its being 
defrayed by the general contribution of the whole society. 
The persons, however, who give occasion to this expence are 
those who, by their injustice in one way or another, make it 
necessary to seek redress or protection from the courts of 
justice. The persons again most immediately benefited by 
this expence, are those whom the courts of justice either 
restore to their rights, or maintain in their rights. The ex- 
pence of the administration of justice, therefore, may very 
properly be defrayed by the particular contribution of one or 
other, or both of those two different sets of persons, accord- 
ing as different occasions may require, that is, by the fees of 
court. It cannot be necessary to have recourse to the gen- 
eral contribution of the whole society, except for the con- 
viction of those criminals who have not themselves any 
estate or fund sufficient for paying those fees. 

Those local or provincial expences of which the benefit is 


local or provincial (what is laid out, for example, upon the 
police of a particular town or district) ought to be defrayed 
by a local or provincial revenue, and ought to be no burden 
upon the general revenue of the society. It is unjust that 
the whole society should contribute towards an expence of 
which the benefit is confined to a part of the society. 

The expence of maintaining good roads and communica- 
tions is, no doubt, beneficial to the whole society, and may, 
therefore, without any injustice, be defrayed by the general 
contribution of the whole society. This expence, however, 
Is most immediately and directly beneficial to those who 
travel or carry goods from one place to another, and to those 
who consume such goods. The turnpike tolls in England, 
and the duties called peages in other countries, lay it alto- 
gether upon those two different sets of people, and thereby 
discharge the general revenue of the society from a very 
considerable burden. 

The expence of the institutions for education and religious 
instruction, is likewise, no doubt, beneficial to the whole 
society, and may, therefore, without injustice, be defrayed 
by the general contribution of the whole society. This ex- 
pence, however, might perhaps with equal propriety, and 
even with some advantage, be defrayed altogether by those 
who receive the immediate benefit of such education and in- 
struction, or by the voluntary contribution of those who think 
they have occasion for either the one or the other. 

When the institutions or public works which are beneficial 
to the whole society, either cannot be maintained altogether, 
or are not maintained altogether by the contribution of such 
particular members of the society as are most immediately 
benefited by them, the deficiency must in most cases be made 
up by the general contribution of the whole society. The 
general revenue of the society, over and above defraying the 
expence of defending the society, and of supporting the dig- 
nity of the chief magistrate, must make up for the deficiency 
of many particular branches of revenue. The sources of this 
general or public revenue, I shall endeavour to explain in 
the following chapter. 


Of the Sources of the General or Public Revenue 
OF THE Society 

THE revenue which must defray, not only the expence 
of defending the society and of supporting the dignity 
of the chief magistrate, but all the other necessary ex- 
pences of government, for which the constitution of the state 
has not provided any particular revenue, may be drawn, 
either, first, from some fund which peculiarly belongs to the 
sovereign or commonwealth, and which is independent of 
the revenue of the people ; or, secondly, from the revenue of 
the people. 


Of the Funds or Sources of Revenue Which May Peculiarly 
Belong to the Sovereign or Commonwealth 

The funds or sources of revenue which may peculiarly 
belong to the sovereign or commonwealth must consist, 
either in stock, or in land. 

The sovereign, like any other owner of stock, may derive 
a revenue from it, either by employing it himself, or by 
lending it. His revenue is in the one case profit, in the other 

The revenue of a Tartar or Arabian chief consists in 
profit. It arises principally from the milk and increase of 
his own herds and flocks, of which he himself superintends 
the management, and is the principal shepherd or herdsman 
of his own horde or tribe. It is, however, in this earliest and 
rudest state of civil government only that profit has ever 
made the principal part of the public revenue of a monarchi- 
cal state. 

Small republics have sometimes derived a considerable 



revenue from the profit of mercantile projects. The republic 
of Hamburgh is said to do so from the profits of a public wine 
cellar and apothecary's shop. The state cannot be very great 
of which the sovereign has leisure to carry on the trade of 
a vi'ine merchant or apothecary. The profit of a public bank 
has been a source of revenue to more considerable states. 
It has been so not only to Hamburgh, but to Venice and 
Amsterdam. A revenue of this kind has even by some people 
been thought not below the attention of so great an empire 
as that of Great Britain. Reckoning the ordinary dividend 
of the bank of England at five and a half per cent., and its 
capital at ten millions seven hundred and eighty thousand 
pounds, the neat annual profit, after paying the expence of 
management, must amount, it is said, to five hundred and 
ninety-two thousand nine hundred pounds. Government, it 
is pretended, could borrow this capital at three per cent, in- 
terest, and by taking the management of the bank into its 
own hands, might make a clear profit of two hundred and 
sixty-nine thousand five hundred pounds a year. The or- 
derly, vigilant, and parsimonious administration of such aris- 
tocracies as those of Venice and Amsterdam, is extremely 
proper, it appears from experience, for the management of a 
mercantile project of this kind. But whether such a govern- 
ment as that of England ; which, whatever may be its vir- 
tues, has never been famous for good ceconomy; which, in 
time of peace, has generally conducted itself with the sloth- 
ful and negligent profusion that is perhaps natural to mon- 
archies ; and in time of war has constantly acted with all the 
thoughtless extravagance that democracies are apt to fall 
into; could be safely trusted with the management of such a 
project, must at least be a good deal more doubtful. 

The post office is properly a mercantile project. The gov- 
ernment advances the expence of establishing the different 
offices, and of buying or hiring the necessary horses or car- 
riages, and is repaid with a large profit by the duties upon 
what is carried. It is perhaps the only mercantile project 
which has been successfully managed by, I believe, every 
sort of government. The capital to be advanced is not very 
considerable. There is no mystery in the business. The 
returns are not only certain, but immediate. 


Princes, however, have frequently engaged in many other 
mercantile projects, and have been willing, like private per- 
sons, to mend their fortunes by becoming adventurers in the 
common branches of trade. They have scarce ever suc- 
ceeded. The profusion with which the affairs of princes are 
always managed, renders it almost impossible that they 
should. The agents of a prince regard the wealth of their 
master as inexhaustible; are careless at what price they buy; 
are careless at what price they sell ; are careless at what ex- 
pence they transport his goods from one place to another. 
Those agents frequently live with the profusion of princes, 
and sometimes too, in spite of that profusion, and by a proper 
method of making up their accounts, acquire the fortunes of 
princes. It was thus, as we are told by Machiavel, that the 
agents of Lorenzo of Medicis, not a prince of mean abilities, 
carried on his trade. The republic of Florence was several 
times obliged to pay the debt into which their extravagance 
had involved him. He found it convenient, accordingly, to 
give up the business of merchant, the business to which his 
family had originally owed their fortune, and in the latter 
part of his life to employ both what remained of that for- 
tune, and the revenue of the state of which he had the dis- 
posal, in projects and expences more suitable to his station. 

No two characters seem more inconsistent than those of 
trader and sovereign. If the trading spirit of the English 
East India company renders them very bad sovereigns; the 
spirit of sovereignty seems to have rendered them equally bad 
traders. While they were traders only, they managed their 
trade successfully, and were able to pay from their profits a 
moderate dividend to the proprietors of their stock. Since 
they became sovereigns, with a revenue which, it is said, was 
originally more than three millions sterling, they have been 
obliged to beg the extraordinary assistance of government 
in order to avoid immediate bankruptcy. In their former 
situation, their servants in India considered themselves as 
the clerks of merchants : in their present situation, those 
servants consider themselves as the ministers of sovereigns. 

A state may sometimes derive some part of its public reve- 
nue from the interest of money, as well as from the profits 
of stock. If it has amassed a treasure, it may lend a part of 


that treasure, either to foreign states, or to its own subjects. 
The canton of Berne derives a considerable revenue by 
lending a part of its treasure to foreign states ; that is, by 
placing it in the public funds of the different indebted nations 
of Europe, chiefly in those of France and England. The 
security of this revenue must depend, first, upon the security 
of the funds in which it is placed, or upon the good faith of 
the government which has the management of them ; and, 
secondly, upon the certainty or probability of the continu- 
ance of peace with the debtor nation. In the case of a war, 
the very first act of hostility, on the part of the debtor nation, 
might be the forfeiture of the funds of its creditor. This 
policy of lending money to foreign states is, so far as I know, 
peculiar to the canton of Berne. 

The city of Hamburgh has established a sort of public 
pawn-shop, which lends money to the subjects of the state 
upon pledges at six per cent, interest. This pawn-shop or 
Lombard, as it is called, affords a revenue, it is pretended, 
to the state of a hundred and fifty thousand crowns, which, 
at four-and-sixpence the crown, amounts to 33,750/ sterling. 

The government of Pensylvania, without amassing any 
treasure, invented a method of lending, not money indeed, 
but what is equivalent to money, to its subjects. By advanc- 
ing to private people, at interest, and upon land security to 
double the value, paper bills of credit to be redeemed fifteen 
years after their date, and in the mean time made transfer- 
rable from hand to hand like bank notes, and declared by act 
of assembly to be a legal tender in all payments from one 
inhabitant of the province to another, it raised a moderate 
revenue, which went a considerable way towards defraying 
an annual expence of about 4,500/. the whole ordinary ex- 
pence of that frugal and orderly government. The success 
of an expedient of this kind must have depended upon three 
different circumstances ; first, upon the demand for some 
other instrument of commerce, besides gold and silver money ; 
or upon the demand for such a quantity of consumable stock, 
as could not be had without sending abroad the greater part 
of their gold and silver money, in order to purchase it; sec- 
ondly, upon the good credit of the government which made 
use of this expedient; and, thirdly, upon the moderation with 


which it was used, the whole value of the paper bills of credit 
never exceeding that of the gold and silver money whicli 
would have been necessary for carrying on their circulation, 
had there been no paper bills of credit. The same expedient 
was upon different occasions adopted by several other Ameri- 
can colonies: but, from want of this moderation, it produced, 
in the greater part of them, much more disorder than con- 

The unstable and perishable nature cf stock and credit, 
however, render them unfit to be trusted to, as the principal 
funds of that sure, steady and permanent revenue, which can 
alone give security and dignity to government. The govern- 
ment of no great nation, that was advanced beyond the shep- 
herd state, seems ever to have derived the greater part of its 
public revenue from such sources. 

Land is a fund of a more stable and permanent nature: 
and the rent of public lands, accordingly, has been the prin- 
cipal source of the public revenue of many a great nation 
that was much advanced beyond the shepherd state. From 
the produce or rent of the public lands, the ancient republics 
of Greece and Italy derived, for a long time, the greater part 
of that revenue which defrayed the necessary expences of the 
commonwealth. The rent of the crown lands constituted for 
a long time the greater part of the revenue of the ancient 
sovereigns of Europe. 

War and the preparation for war, are the two circum- 
stances which in modern times occasion the greater part of 
the necessary expence of all great states. But in the ancient 
republics of Greece and Italy every citizen was a soldier, who 
both served and prepared himself for service at his own ex- 
pence. Neither of those two circumstances, therefore, could 
occasion any very considerable expence to the state. The 
rent of a very moderate landed estate might be fully sufficient 
for defraying all the other necessary expences of government. 

In the ancient monarchies of Europe, the manners and cus- 
toms of the times sufficiently prepared the great body of the 
people for war ; and when they took the field, they were, by 
the condition of their feudal tenures, to be maintained, either 
at their own expence, or at that of their immediate lords, 
without bringing any new charge upon the sovereign. The 


other expences of government were, the greater part of them, 
very moderate. The administration of justice, it has been 
shown, instead of being a cause of expence, was a source of 
revenue. The labour of the country people, for three days 
before and for three days after harvest, was thought a fund 
sufficient for making and maintaining all the bridges, high- 
ways, and other public works which the commerce of the 
country was supposed to require. In those days the prin- 
cipal expence of the sovereign seems to have consisted in the 
maintenance of his own family and household. The officers 
of his household, accordingly, were then the great officers of 
state. The lord treasurer received his rents. The lord stew- 
ard and lord chamberlain looked after the expence of his 
family. The care of his stables was committed to the lord 
constable and the lord marshal. His houses were all built 
in the form of castles, and seem to have been the principal 
fortresses which he possessed. The keepers of those houses 
or castles might be considered as a sort of military gov- 
ernors. They seem to have been the only military officers 
whom it was necessary to maintain in time of peace. In 
these circumstances the rent of a great landed estate might, 
upon ordinary occasions, very well defray all the necessary 
expences of government. 

In the present state of the greater part of the civilized 
monarchies of Europe, the rent of all the lands in the coun- 
try, managed as they probably would be if they all belonged 
to one proprietor, would scarce perhaps amount to the or- 
dinary revenue which they levy upon the people even in 
peaceable times. The ordinary revenue of Great Britain, for 
example, including not only what is necessary for defraying 
the current expence of the year, but for paying the interest 
of the public debts, and for sinking a part of the capital of 
those debts, amounts to upwards of ten millions a year. But 
the land tax, at four shillings in the pound, falls short of two 
millions a year. This land tax, as it is called, however, is 
supposed to be one-fifth, not only of the rent of all the land, 
but of that of all the houses, and of the interest of all the 
capital stock of Great Britain, that part of it only excepted 
which is either lent to the public, or employed as farming 
stock in the cultivation of land. A very considerable part of 


the produce of this tax arises from the rent of houses, and the 
interest of capital stock. The land-tax of the city of London, 
for example, at four shillings in the pound, amounts to 
123,399/. 6s. yd. That of the city of Westminster, to 63,092/. 
IS. $d. That of the palaces of Whitehall and St. James's, to 
30,754/. 6s. 3c?. A certain proportion of the land-tax is in 
the same manner assessed upon all the other cities and towns 
corporate in the kingdom, and arises almost altogether, either 
from the rent of houses, or from what is supposed to be the 
interest of trading and capital stock. According to the esti- 
mation, therefore, by which Great Britain is rated to the land- 
tax, the whole mass of revenue arising from the rent of all 
the lands, from that of all the houses, and from the interest 
of all the capital stock, that part of it only excepted which 
is either lent to the public, or employed in the cultivation of 
land, does not exceed ten millions sterling a year, the or- 
dinary revenue which government levies upon the people even 
in peaceable times. The estimation by which Great Britain 
is rated to the land-tax is, no doubt, taking the whole king- 
dom at an average, very much below the real value; though 
in several particular counties and districts it is said to be 
nearly equal to that value. The rent of the lands alone, ex- 
clusive of that of houses, and of the interest of stock, has by 
many people been estimated at twenty millions, an estimation 
made in a great measure at random, and which, I apprehend, 
is as likely to be above as below the truth. 'But if the lands 
of Great Britain, in the present state of their cultivation, do 
not afford a rent of more than twenty millions a year, they 
could not well afford the half, most probably not the fourth 
part of that rent, if they all belonged to a single proprietor, 
and were put under the negligent, expensive, and oppressive 
management of his factors and agents. The crown lands of 
Great Britain do not at present afford the fourth part of the 
rent, which could probably be drawn from them if they were 
the property of private persons. If the crown lands were 
more extensive, it is probable they would be still worse 

The revenue which the great body of the people derives 
from land is in proportion, not to the rent, but to the produce 
of the land. The whole annual produce of the land of every 


country, if we except what is reserved for seed, is either 
annually consumed by the great body of the people, or ex- 
changed for something else that is consumed by them. What- 
ever keeps down the produce of the land below what it would 
otherwise rise to, keeps down the revenue of the great body 
of the people, still more than it does that of the proprietors 
of land. The rent of land, that portion of the produce which 
belongs to the proprietors, is scarce anywhere in Great 
Britain supposed to be more than a third part of the whole 
produce. If the land, which in one state of cultivation affords 
a rent of ten millions sterling a year, would in another afford 
a rent of twenty millions; the rent being, in both cases, sup- 
posed a third part of the produce ; the revenue of the pro- 
prietors would be less than it otherwise might be by ten mil- 
lions a year only ; but the revenue of the great body of the 
people would be less than it otherwise might be by thirty 
millions a year, deducting only what would be necessary for 
seed. The population of the country would be less by the 
number of people which thirty millions a year, deducting al- 
ways the seed, could maintain, according to the particular 
mode of living and expence which might take place in the 
different ranks of men among whom the remainder was 

Though there is not at present, in Europe, any civilized 
state of any kind which derives the greater part of its public 
revenue from the rent of lands which are the property of the 
state ; yet, in all the great monarchies of Europe, there are 
still many large tracts of land which belong to the crown. 
They are generally forest ; and sometimes forest where, after 
travelling several miles, you will scarce find a single tree ; a 
mere waste and loss of country in respect both of produce and 
population. In every great monarchy of Europe the sale of the 
crown lands would produce a very large sum of money, 
which, if applied to the payment of the public debts, would 
deliver from mortgage a much greater revenue than any 
which those lands have ever afforded to the crown. In coun- 
tries where lands, improved and cultivated very highly, and 
yielding at the time of sale as great a rent as can easily be 
got from them, commonly sell at thirty years purchase ; the 
unimproved, uncultivated, and low-rented crown lands might 


well be expected to sell at forty, fifty, or sixty years pur- 
chase. The crown might immediately enjoy the revenue 
which this great price would redeem from mortgage. In the 
course of a few years it would probably enjoy another rev- 
enue. When the crown lands had become private property, 
they would, in the course of a few years, become well im- 
proved and well cultivated. The increase of their produce 
would increase the population of the country, by augmenting 
the revenue and consumption of the people. But the revenue 
which the crown derives from the duties of customs and ex- 
cise, would necessarily increase with the revenue and con- 
sumption of the people. 

The revenue which, in any civilized monarchy, the crown 
derives from the crown lands, though it appears to cost noth- 
ing to individuals, in reality costs more to the society than 
perhaps any other equal revenue which the crown enjoys. 
It would, in all cases, be for the interest of the society to 
replace this revenue to the crown by some other equal rev- 
enue, and to divide the lands among the people, which could 
not well be done better, perhaps, than by exposing them 
to public sale. 

Lands, for the purposes of pleasure and magnificence, 
parks, gardens, public walks, &c., possessions which are 
every where considered as causes of expence, not as sources 
of revenue, seem to be the only lands which, in a great and 
civilized monarchy, ought to belong to the crown. 

Public stock and public lands, therefore, the two sources 
of revenue which may peculiarly belong to the sovereign or 
commonwealth, being both improper and insufficient funds 
for defraying the necessary expence of any great and civi- 
lized state; it remains that this expence must, the greater 
part of it, be defrayed by taxes of one kind or another; the 
people contributing a part of their own private revenue in 
order to make up a public revenue to the sovereign or com- 



Of Taxes 

The private revenue of individuals, it has' been shewn 
in the first book of this Inquiry, arises ultimately from 
three different sources : Rent, Profit, and Wages. Every 
tax must finally be paid from some one or other of 
those three different sorts of revenue, or from all of them 
indifferently. I shall endeavour to give the best account I 
can, first, of those taxes which, it is intended, should fall 
upon rent; secondly, of those which, it is intended, should 
fall upon profit ; thirdly, of those which, it is intended, should 
fall upon wages; and, fourthly, of those which, it is intended, 
should fall indifferently upon all those three different sources 
of private revenue. The particular consideration of each of 
these four different sorts of taxes will divide the second 
part of the present chapter into four articles, three of which 
will require several other subdivisions. Many of those taxes, 
it will appear from the following review, are not finally paid 
from the fund, or source of revenue, upon which it was in- 
tended they should fall. 

Before I enter upon the examination of particular taxes, 
it is necessary to premise the four following maxims with 
regard to taxes in general. 

I. The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards 
the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in pro- 
portion to their respective abilities ; that is, in proportion to 
the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protec- 
tion of the state. The expence of government to the indi- 
viduals of a great nation, is like the expence of manage- 
ment to the joint tenants of a great estate, who are all obliged 
to contribute in proportion to their respective interests in 
the estate. In the observation or neglect of this maxim 
consists, what is called the equality or inequality of taxation. 
Every tax, it must be observed once for all, which falls 
finally upon one only of the three sorts of revenue above 
mentioned, is necessarily unequal, in so far as it does not 
affect the other two. In the following examination of dif- 
ferent taxes I shall seldom take much further notice of this 

TAXES 499 

sort of inequality, but shall, in most cases, confine my obser- 
vations to that inequality which is occasioned by a particular 
tax falling unequally even upon that particular sort of pri- 
vate revenue which is affected by it. 

II. The tax which each individual is bound to pay ought 
to be certain, and not arbitrary. The time of payment, the 
manner of payment, the quantity to be paid, ought all to be 
clear and plain to the contributor, and to every other person. 
Where it is otherwise, every person subject to the tax is put 
more or less in the power of the tax-gatherer, who can 
either aggravate the tax upon any obnoxious contributor, or 
extort, by the terror of such aggravation, some present or 
perquisite to himself. The uncertainty of taxation encour- 
ages the insolence and favours the corruption of an order of 
men who are naturally unpopular, even where they are 
neither insolent nor corrupt. The certainty of what each in- 
dividual ought to pay is, in taxation, a matter of so great 
importance, that a very considerable degree of inequality, 
it appears, I believe, from the experience of all nations, is 
not near so great an evil as a very small degree of un- 

III. Every tax ought to be levied at the time, or in the 
manner, in which it is most likely to be convenient for the 
contributor to pay it. A tax upon the rent of land or of 
houses, payable at the same term at which such rents are 
usually paid, is levied at the time when it is most likely to 
be convenient for the contributor to pay; or, when he is 
most likely to have wherewithal to pay. Taxes upon such 
consumable goods as are articles of luxury, are all finally 
paid by the consumer, and generally in a manner that is very 
convenient for him. He pays them by little and little, as he 
has occasion to buy the goods. As he is at liberty too, either 
to buy, or not to buy, as he pleases, it must be his own fault 
if he ever suffers any considerable inconveniency from such 

IV. Every tax ought to be so contrived as both to take out 
and to keep out of the pockets of the people as little as pos- 
sible, over and above wliat it brings into the public treasury 
of the state. A tax may either take out or keep out of the 
pockets of the people a great deal more than it brings into 


the public treasury, in the four following ways. First, the 
levying of it may require a great number of officers, whose 
salaries may eat up the greater part of the produce of the 
tax, and whose perquisites may impose another additional 
tax upon the people. Secondly, it may obstruct the industry 
of the people, and discourage them from applying to certain 
branches of business which might give maintenance and em- 
ployment to great multitudes. While it obliges the people to 
pay, it may thus diminish, or perhaps destroy, some of the 
funds which might enable them more easily to do so. 
Thirdly, by the forfeitures and other penalties which 
those unfortunate individuals incur who attempt unsuc- 
cessfully to evade the tax, it may frequently ruin 
them, and thereby put an end to the benefit which the 
community might have received from the employment 
of their capitals. An injudicious tax offers a great 
temptation to smuggling. But the penalties of smuggling 
must rise in proportion to the temptation. The law, con- 
trary to all the ordinary principles of justice, first creates 
the temptation, and then punishes those who yield to it; and 
it commonly enhances the punishment too in proportion to 
the very circumstance which ought certainly to alleviate it, 
the temptation to commit the crime. Fourthly, by subjecting 
the people to the frequent visits and the odious examination 
of the tax-gatherers, it may expose them to much unneces- 
sary trouble, vexation, and oppression ; and though vexation 
is not, strictly speaking, expence, it is certainly equivalent 
to the expence at which every man would be willing to re- 
deem himself from it. It is in some one or other of these 
four different ways that taxes are frequently so much more 
burdensome to the people than they are beneficial to the 

The evident justice and utility of the foregoing maxims 
have recommended them more or less to the attention of all 
nations. All nations have endeavoured, to the best of their 
judgment, to render their taxes as equal as they could con- 
trive; as certain, as convenient to the contributor, both in 
the time and in the mode of payment, and in proportion to 
the revenue which they brought to the prince, as little bur- 
densome to the people. The following short review of some 


of the principal taxes which have taken place in different 
ages and countries will show, that the endeavours of all na- 
tions have not in this respect been equally successful. 

Taxes upon Rent. Taxes upon the Rent of Land. 

A TAX upon the rent of land may either be imposed 
according to a certain canon, every district being valued 
at a certain rent, which valuation is not afterwards to be 
altered; or it may be imposed in such a manner as to 
vary with every variation in the real rent of the land, 
and to rise or fall with the improvement or declension of 
its cultivation. 

A land-tax, which, like that of Great Britain, is assessed 
upon each district according to a certain invariable canon, 
though it should be equal at the time of its first establish- 
ment, necessarily becomes unequal in process of time, accord- 
ing to the unequal degrees of improvement or neglect in the 
cultivation of the different parts of the country. In Eng- 
land, the valuation according to which the different counties 
and parishes were assessed to the land-tax by the 4th of 
William and Mary was very unequal even at its first estab- 
lishment. This tax, therefore, so far offends against the 
first of the four maxims above-mentioned. It is perfectly 
agreeable to the other three. It is perfectly certain The 
time of payment for the tax, being the same as that for the 
rent, is as convenient as it*can be to the contributor. Though 
the landlord is in all cases the real contributor, the tax is 
commonly advanced by the tenant, to whom the landlord is 
obliged to allow it in the payment of the rent. This tax is 
levied by a much smaller number of officers than any other 
which affords nearly the same revenue. As the tax upon 
each district does not rise with the rise of the rent, the sov- 
ereign does not share in the profits of the landlord's im- 
provements. Those improvements sometimes contribute, 
indeed, to the discharge of the other landlords of the district. 
But the aggravation of the tax, which this may sometimes 
occasion upon a particular estate, is always so very small, 


that it never can discourage those improvements, nor keep 
down the produce of the land below what it would otherwise 
rise to. As it has no tendency to diminish the quantity, it 
can have none to raise the price of that produce. It does 
not obstruct the industry of the people. It subjects the land- 
lord to no other inconveniency besides the unavoidable one 
of paying the tax. 

The advantage, however, which the landlord has derived 
from the invariable constancy of the valuation by which all 
the lands of Great Britain are rated to the land-tax, has 
been principally owing to some circumstances altogether ex- 
traneous to the nature of the tax. 

It has been owing in part to the great prosperity of almost 
every part of the country, the rents of almost all the estates 
of Great Britain having, since the time when this valuation 
was first established, been continually rising, and scarce any 
of them having fallen. The landlords, therefore, have al- 
most all gained the difference between the tax which they 
would have paid, according to the present rent of their es- 
tates, and that which they actually pay according to the 
ancient valuation. Had the state of the country been differ- 
ent, had rents been gradually falling in consequence of the 
declension of cultivation, the landlords would almost all have 
lost this difference. In the state of things which has hap- 
pened to take place since the revolution, the constancy of 
the valuation has been advantageous to the landlord and 
hurtful to the sovereign. In a different state of things it 
might have been advantageous to the sovereign and hurtful 
to the landlord. 

As the tax is made payable in money, so the valuation of 
the land is expressed in money. Since the establishment of 
this valuation the value of silver has been pretty uniform, 
and there has been no alteration in the standard of the coin 
either as to weight or fineness. Had silver risen considerably 
in its value, as it seems to have done in the course of the 
two centuries which preceded the discovery of the mines of 
America, the constancy of the valuation might have proved 
very oppressive to the landlord. Had silver fallen consid- 
erably in its value, as it certainly did for about a century at 
least after the discovery of those mines, the same constancy 


of valuation would have reduced very much this branch of the 
revenue of the sovereign. Had any considerable alteration 
been made in the standard of the money, either by sinking 
the same quantity of silver to a lower denomination, or by 
raising it to a higher; had an ounce of silver, for example, 
instead of being coined into five shillings and twopence, been 
coined, either into pieces which bore so low a denomination 
as two shillings and seven-pence, or into pieces which bore 
so high a one as ten shillings and four-pence, it would in 
the one case have hurt the revenue of the proprietor, in the 
other that of the sovereign. 

In circumstances, therefore, somewhat different from those 
which have actually taken place, this constancy of valuation 
might have been a very great inconveniency, either to the 
contributors, or to the commonwealth. In the course of ages 
such circumstances, however, must, at some time or other, 
happen. But though empires, like all 'he other works of 
men, have all hitherto proved mortal, yet every empire aims 
at immortality. Every constitution, therefore, which it is 
meant should be as permanent as the empire itself, ought to 
be convenient, not in certain circumstances only, but in all 
circumstances; or ought to be suited, not to those circum- 
stances which are transitory, occasional, or accidental, but 
to those which are necessary and therefore always the same. 

A tax upon the rent of land which varies with every varia- 
tion of the rent, or which rises and falls according to the 
improvement or neglect of cultivation, is recommended by 
that sect of men of letters in France, who call themselves 
the oeconomists, as the most equitable of all taxes. All taxes, 
they pretend, fall ultimately upon the rent of land, and ought 
therefore to be imposed equally upon the fund which must 
finally pay them. That all taxes ought to fall as equally 
as possible upon the fund which must finally pay them, is 
certainly true. But without entering into the disagreeable 
discussion of the metaphysical arguments by which they 
support their very ingenious theory, it will sufficiently ap- 
pear, from the following review, what are the taxes which 
fall finally upon the rent of the land, and what are those 
which fall finally upon some other fund. 

In the Venetian territory all the arable lands which are 


given in lease to farmers are taxed at a tenth of the rent. 
The leases are recorded in a public register which is kept by 
the officers of revenue in each province or district. When 
the proprietor cultivates his own lands, they are valued ac- 
cording to an equitable estimation, and he is allowed a deduc- 
tion of one-fifth of the tax, so that for such lands he pays 
only eight instead of ten per cent, of the supposed rent. 

A laud-tax of this kind is certainly more equal than the 
land-tax of England. It might not, perhaps, be altogether 
so certain, and the assessment of the tax might frequently 
occasion a good deal more trouble to the landlord. It might 
too be a good deal more expensive in the levying. 

Such a system of administration, however, might perhaps 
be contrived as would, in a great measure, both prevent this 
uncertainty and moderate this expence. 

The landlord and tenant, for example, might jointly be 
obliged to record their lease in a public register. Proper 
penalties might be enacted against concealing or misrepre- 
senting any of the conditions; and if part of those penalties 
were to be paid to either of the two parties who informed 
against and convicted the other of such concealment or mis- 
representation, it would effectually deter them from com- 
bining together in order to defraud the public revenue. All 
the conditions of the lease might be sufficiently known from 
such a record. 

Some landlords, instead of raising the rent, take a fine for 
the renewal of the lease. This practice is in most cases the 
expedient of a spendthrift, who for a sum of ready money 
sells a future revenue of much greater value. It is in most 
cases, therefore, hurtful to the landlord. It is frequently 
hurtful to the tenant, and it is always hurtful to the com- 
munity. It frequently takes from the tenant so great a part 
of his capital, and thereby diminishes so much his ability to 
cultivate the land, that he finds it more difficult to pay a 
small rent than it would otherwise have been to pay a great 
one. Whatever diminishes his ability to cultivate, necessarily 
keeps down, below what it would otherwise have been, the 
most important part of the revenue of the community. By 
rendering the tax upon such fines a good deal heavier than 
upon the ordinary rent, this hurtful practice might be dis- 


couraged, to the no small advantage of all the different 
parties concerned, of the landlord, of the tenant, of the sov- 
ereign, and of the whole community. 

Such a system of administration might, perhaps, free a tax 
of this kind from any degree of uncertainty which could 
occasion either oppression or inconveniency to the contribu- 
tor ; and might at the same time serve to introduce into the 
common management of land such a plan or policy, as might 
contribute a good deal to the general improvement and good 
cultivation of the country. 

The expence of levying a land-tax, which varied with 
every variation of the rent, would no doubt be somewhat 
greater than that of levying one which was always rated 
according to a fixed valuation. Some additional expence 
would necessarily be incurred both by the different register 
offices which it would be proper to establish in the different 
districts of the country, and by the different valuations which 
might occasionally be made of the lands which the proprietor 
chose to occupy himself. The expence of all this, how- 
ever, might be very moderate, and much below what is in- 
curred in the levying of many other taxes, which afford a 
very inconsiderable revenue in comparison of what might 
easily be drawn from a tax of this kind. 

The discouragement which a variable land-tax of this 
kind might give to the improvement of land, seems to be the 
most important objection which can be made to it. The 
landlord would certainly be less disposed to improve, when 
the sovereign, who contributed nothing to the expence, was 
to share in the profit of the improvement. Even this objec- 
tion might perhaps be obviated by allowing the landlord, be- 
fore he began his improvement, to ascertain, in conjunction 
with the officers of revenue, the actual value of his lands, 
according to the equitable arbitration of a certain number of 
landlords and farmers in the neighbourhood, equally chosen 
by both parties ; and by rating him according to this valua- 
tion for such a number of years, as might be fully sufficient 
for his complete indemnification. To draw the attention of 
the sovereign towards the improvement of the land, from a 
regard to the increase of his own revenue, is one of the 
principal advantages proposed by this species of land-tax. 


I'he term, therefore, allowed for the indemnification of the 
landlord, ought not to be a great deal longer than what was 
necessary for that purpose ; lest the remoteness of the interest 
should discourage too much this attention. It had better, 
however, be somewhat too long than in any respect too short. 
No incitement to the attention of the sovereign can ever 
counterbalance the smallest discouragement to that of the 
landlord. The attention of the sovereign can be at best but 
a very general and vague consideration of what is likely to 
contribute to the better cultivation of the greater part of his 
dominions. The attention of the landlord is a particular and 
minute consideration of what is likely to be the most advan- 
tageous application of every inch of ground upon his estate. 
The principal attention of the sovereign ought to be to en- 
courage, by every means in his power, the attention both of 
the landlord and of the farmer ; by allowing both to pursue 
their own interest in their own way, and accordingly to their 
own judgment; by giving to both the most perfect security 
that they shall enjoy the full recompence of their own in- 
dustry ; and by procuring to both the most extensive market 
for every part of their produce, in consequence of establish- 
ing the easiest and safest communications both by land and 
by water, through every part of his own dominions, as well 
as the most unbounded freedom of exportation to the do- 
minions of all other princes. 

If by such a system of administration a tax of this kind 
could be so managed as to give, not only no discouragement, 
but, on the contrary, some encouragement to the improve- 
ment of land, it does not appear likely to occasion any other 
inconveniency to the landlord, except always the unavoidable 
one of being obliged to pay the tax. 

In all the variations of the state of the society, in the 
improvement and in the declension of agriculture; in all the 
variations in the value of silver, and in all those in the stand- 
ard of the coin, a tax of this kind would, of its own accord 
and without any attention of government, readily suit itself 
to the actual situation of things, and would be equally just 
and equitable in all those different changes. It would, there- 
fore, be much more proper to be established as a perpetual 
and unalterable regulation, or as what is called a fundamental 


law of the commonwealth, than any tax which was always 
to be levied according to a certain valuation. 

Some states, instead of the simple and obvious expedient 
of a register of leases, have had recourse to the laborious 
and expensive one of an actual survey and valuation of all 
the lands in the country. They have suspected, probably, 
that the lessor and lessee, in order to defraud the public rev- 
enue, might combine to conceal the real terms of the lease. 
Doomsday-book seems to have been the result of a v(fvy ac- 
curate survey of this kind. 

In the ancient dominions of the king of Prussia, the land- 
tax is assessed according to an actual survey and valuation, 
which is reviewed and altered from time to time. According 
to that valuation, the lay proprietors pay from twenty to 
twenty-five per cent, of their revenue. Ecclesiastics from 
forty to forty-five per cent. The survey and valuation of 
Silesia was made by order of the present king; it is said 
with great accuracy. According to that valuation, the lands 
belonging to the bishop of Breslaw are taxed at twenty-five 
per cent, of their rent. The other revenues of the ecclesias- 
tics of both religions, at fifty per cent. The commanderies 
of the Teutonic order, and of that of Malta, at forty per 
cent. Lands held by a noble tenure, at thirty-eight and one- 
third per cent. Lands held by a base tenure, at thirty-five 
and one-third per cent. 

A land-tax assessed according to a general survey and 
valuation, how equal soever it may be at first, must, in the 
course of a very moderate period of time, become unequal. 
To prevent its becoming so would require the continual and 
painful attention of government to all the variations in the 
state and produce of every different farm in the country. 
The governments of Prussia, of Bohemia, of Sardinia, and 
of the dutchy of Milan, actually exert an attention of this 
kind ; an attention so unsuitable to the nature of government, 
that it is not likely to be of long continuance, and which, if 
it is continued, will probably in the long-run occasion much 
more trouble and vexation than it can possibly bring relief 
to the contributors. 

In 1666, the generality of Montauban was assessed to the 
Real or predial taille according, it is said, to a very exact 


survey and valuation. By 1727, this assessment had become 
altogether unequal. In order to remedy this inconveniency, 
government has found no better expedient than to impose 
upon the whole generality an additional tax of a hundred 
and twenty thousand livres. This additional tax is rated 
upon all the different districts subject to the taille according 
to the old assessment. But it is levied only upon those which 
in the actual state of things are by that assessment under- 
taxed, and it is applied to the relief of those which by the 
same assessment are over-taxed. Two districts, for example, 
one of which ought in the actual state of things to be taxed 
at nine hundred, the other at eleven hundred livres, are by 
the old assessment both taxed at a thousand livres. Both 
these districts are by the additional tax rated at eleven hun- 
dred livres each. But this additional tax is levied only upon 
the district under-charged, and it is applied altogether to the 
relief of that over-charged, which consequently pays only 
nine hundred livres. The government neither gains nor 
loses by the additional tax, which is applied altogether to 
remedy the inequalities arising from the old assessment. The 
application is pretty much regulated according to the discre- 
tion of the intendant of the generality, and must, therefore, 
be in a great measure arbitrary. 


Taxes upon the produce of land are in reality taxes upon 
the rent; and though they may be originally advanced by the 
farmer, are finally paid by the landlord. When a certain 
portion of the produce is to be paid away for a tax, the 
farmer computes, as well as he can, what the value of this 
portion is, one year with another, likely to amount to, and 
he makes a proportionable abatement in the rent which he 
agrees to pay to the landlord. There is no farmer who does 
not compute beforehand what the church tythe, which is a 
land-tax of this kind, is, one year with another, likely to 
amount to. 

The tythe, and every other land-tax of this kind, under 
the appearance of perfect equality, are very unequal taxes; 


a certain portion of the produce being, in different situations, 
equivalent to a very different portion of the rent. In some 
very rich lands the produce is so great, that the one half of 
it is fully sufificient to replace the farmer his capital employed 
in cultivation, together with the ordinary profits of farming 
stock in the neighbourhood. The other half, or what comes 
to the same thing, the value of the other half, he could afford 
to pay as rent to the landlord, if there was no tythe. But if 
a tenth of the produce is taken from him in the way of tythe, 
he must require an abatement of the fifth part of his rent, 
otherwise he cannot get back his capital with the ordinary 
profit. In this case the rent of the landlord, instead of 
amounting to a half, or five-tenths of the whole produce, will 
amount only to four-tenths of it. In poorer lands, on the 
contrary, the produce is sometimes so small, and the expence 
of cultivation so great, that it requires four-fifths of the 
whole produce to replace to the farmer his capital with the 
ordinary profit. In this case, though there was no tythe, 
the rent of the landlord could amount to no more than one- 
fifth or two-tenths of the whole produce. But if the farmer 
pays one-tenth of the produce in the way of tythe, he must 
require an equal abatement of the rent of the landlord, which 
will thus be reduced to one-tenth only of the whole produce. 
Upon the rent of rich lands, the tythe may sometimes be a 
tax of no more than one-fifth part, or four shillings in the 
pound; whereas upon that of poorer lands, it may sometimes 
be a tax of one-half, or of ten shillings in the pound. 

The tythe, as it is frequently a very unequal tax upon the 
rent, so it is always a great discouragement both to the im- 
provements of the landlord and to the cultivation of the 
farmer. The one cannot venture to make the most im- 
portant, which are generally the most expensive improve- 
ments ; nor the other to raise the most valuable, which are 
generally too the most expensive crops ; when the church, 
which lays out no part of the expence, is to share so very 
largely in the profit. The cultivation of madder was for a 
long time confined by the tythe to the United Provinces, 
which, being presbyterian countries, and upon that account 
exempted from this destructive tax, enjoyed a sort of mo- 
nopoly of that useful dying drug against the rest of Europe. 


The late attempts to introduce the culture of this plant into 
England, have been made only in consequence of the statute 
which enacted that five shillings an acre should be received 
in lieu of all manner of tythe upon madder. 

As through the greater part of Europe, the church, so in 
many different countries of Asia, the state, is principally 
supported by a land-tax, proportioned, not to the rent, but 
to the produce of the land. In China, the principal revenue 
of the sovereign consists in a tenth part of the produce of 
all the lands of the empire. This tenth part, however, is 
estimated so very moderately, that, in many provinces, it is 
said not to exceed a thirtieth part of the ordinary produce. 
The land-tax or land-rent which used to be paid to the Ma- 
hometan government of Bengal, before that country fell into 
the hands of the English East India company, is said to have 
amounted to about a fifth part of the produce. The land-tax 
of ancient Egypt is said likewise to have amounted to a 
fifth part. . .'. 


The rent of a house may be distinguished into two parts, 
of which the one may very properly be called the Building 
rent ; the other is commonly called the Ground rent. 

The building rent is the interest or profit of the capital 
expended in building the house. In order to put the trade of 
a builder upon a level with other trades, it is necessary that 
this rent should be sufficient, first, to pay him the same inter- 
est which he would have got for his capital if he had lent 
it upon good security ; and, secondly, to keep the house in 
constant repair, or, what comes to the same thing, to replace, 
within a certain term of years, the capital which had been 
employed in building it. The building rent, or the ordinary 
profit of building, is, therefore, every where regulated by the 
ordinary interest of money. Where the market rate of inter- 
est is four per cent, the rent of a house which, over and 
above paying the ground rent, affords six, or six and a half 
per cent, upon the whole expence of building, may perhaps 
afford a sufficient profit to the builder. Where the market 
rate of interest is five per cent., it may perhaps require 


seven or seven and a half per cent. If, in proportion to 
the interest of money, the trade of the builder affords at 
any time a much greater profit than this, it will soon draw 
so much capital from other trades as will reduce the profit 
to its proper level. If it affords at any time much less than 
this, other trades will soon draw so much capital from it 
as will again raise that profit. 

Whatever part of the whole rent of a house is over and 
above what is sufficient for affording this reasonable profit, 
naturally goes to the ground-rent; and where the owner of 
the ground and the owner of the building are two different 
persons, is, in most cases, completely paid to the former. 
This surplus rent is the price which the inhabitant of the 
house pays for some real or supposed advantage of the situa- 
tion. In country houses, at a distance from any great town, 
where there is plenty of ground to chuse upon, the ground- 
rent is scarce any thing, or no more than what the ground 
which the house stands upon would pay if employed in agri- 
culture. In country villas in the neighbourhood of some great 
town, it is sometimes a good deal higher ; and the peculiar 
conveniency or beauty of situation is there frequently very 
well paid for. Ground-rents are generally highest in the 
capital, and in those particular parts of it where there hap- 
pens to be the greatest demand for houses, whatever be the 
reason of that demand, whether for trade and business, for 
pleasure and society, or for mere vanity and fashion. 

A tax upon house-rent, payable by the tenant and propor- 
tioned to the whole rent of each house, could not, for any 
considerable time at least, affect the building rent. If the 
builder did not get his reasonable profit, he would be obliged 
to quit the trade; which, by raising the demand for build- 
ing, would in a short time bring back his profit to its 
proper level with that of other trades. Neither would such 
a tax fall altogether upon the ground-rent; but it would 
divide itself in such a manner as to fall, partly upon the 
inhabitants of the house, and partly upon the owner of the 

Let us suppose, for example, that a particular person 
judges that he can afford for house-rent an expence of sixty 
pounds a year; and let us suppose too that a tax of four 


shillings in the pound, or of one-fifth, payable by the inhabi- 
tant, is laid upon house-rent. A house of sixty pounds rent 
will in this case cost him seventy-two pounds a year, which 
is twelve pounds more than he thinks he can afford. He 
will, therefore, content himself with a worse house, or a 
house of fifty pounds rent, which, with the additional ten 
pounds that he must pay for the tax, will make up the sum 
of sixty pounds a year, the expence which he judges he can 
afford ; and in order to pay the tax he will give up a part of 
the additional conveniency which he might have had from a 
house of ten pounds a year more rent. He will give up, I 
say, a part of this additional conveniency ; for he will seldom 
be obliged to give up the whole, but will, in consequence of 
the tax, get a better house for fifty pounds a year, than he 
could have got if there had been no tax. For as a tax of 
this kind, by taking away this particular competitor, must 
diminish the competition for houses of sixty pounds rent, so 
it must likewise diminish it for those of fifty pounds rent, 
and in the same manner for those of all other rents, except 
the lowest rent, for which it would for some time increase 
the competition. But the rents of every class of houses for 
which the competition was diminished, would necessarily 
be more or less reduced. As no part of this reduction, how- 
ever, could for any considerable time at least, affect the 
building rent; the whole of it must in the long-run necessa- 
rily fall upon the ground-rent. The final payment of this 
tax, therefore, would fall, partly upon the inhabitant of the 
house, who, in order to pay his share, would be obliged to 
give up a part of his conveniency : and partly upon the 
owner of the ground, who, in order to pay his share, would 
be obliged to give up a part of his revenue. In what propor- 
tion this final payment would be divided between them, it is 
not perhaps very easy to ascertain. The division would 
probably be very different in different circumstances, and a 
tax of this kind might, according to those different circum- 
stances, affect very unequally both the inhabitant of the 
house and the owner of the ground. 

The inequality with which a tax of this kind might fall 
upon the owners of different ground-rents, would arise alto- 
gether from the accidental inequality of this division. But 


the inequality with which it might fall upon the inhabitants 
of different houses would arise, not only from this, but from 
another cause. The proportion of the expence of house- 
rent to the whole expence of living, is different in the dif- 
ferent degrees of fortune. It is perhaps highest in the high- 
est degree, and it diminishes gradually through the inferior 
degrees, so as in general to be lowest in the lowest degree. 
The necessities of life occasion the great expence of the 
poor. Thy find it difficult to get food, and the greater part 
of their little revenue is spent in getting it. The luxuries 
and vanities of life occasion the principal expence of the 
rich; and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the 
best advantage all the other luxuries and vanities which they 
possess. A tax upon house-rents, therefore, would in gen- 
eral fall heaviest upon the rich; and in this sort of ine- 
quality there would not, perhaps, be any thing very unrea- 
sonable. It is not very unreasonable that the rich should 
contribute to the public expence, not only in proportion to 
their revenue, but something more than in that proportion. 

The rent of houses, though it in some respects resembles 
the rent of land, is in one respect essentially different from 
it. The rent of land is paid for the use of a productive 
subject. The land* which pays it produces it. The rent of 
houses is paid for the use of an unproductive subject. 
Neither the house nor the ground which it stands upon pro- 
duce any thing. The person who pays the rent, therefore, 
must draw it from some other source of revenue, distinct 
from and independent of this subject. A tax upon the rent 
of houses, so far as it falls upon the inhabitants, must be 
drawn from the same source as the rent itself, and must be 
paid from their revenue, whether derived from the wages 
of labour, the profits of, stock, or the rent of land. So far 
as it falls upon the inhabitants, it is one of those taxes which 
fall, not upon one only, but indifferently upon all the three 
different sources of revenue ; and is in every respect of the 
same nature as a tax upon any other sort of consumable 
commodities. In general there is not, perhaps, any one 
article of expence or consumption by which the liberality 
or narrowness of a man's whole expence can be better 
judged of, than by his house-rent. A proportional tax upon 

Q— HC X 


this particular article of expence might, perhaps, produce a 
more considerable revenue than any which has hitherto been 
drawn from it in any part of Europe. If the tax indeed was 
very high, the greater part of people would endeavour to 
evade it, as much as they could, by contenting themselves 
with smaller houses, and by turning the greater part of their 
expence into some other channel. 

The rent of houses might easily be ascertained with suffi- 
cient accuracy, by a policy of the same kind with that which 
would be necessary for ascertaining the ordinary rent of 
land. Houses not inhabited ought to pay no tax. A tax 
upon them would fall altogether upon the proprietor, who 
would thus be taxed for a subject which afforded him neither 
conveniency nor revenue. Houses inhabited by the proprie- 
tor ought to be rated, not according to the expence which 
they might have cost in building, but according to the rent 
which an equitable arbitration might judge them likely to 
bring, if leased to a tenant. If rated according to the ex- 
pence which they may have cost in building, a tax of three 
or four shillings in the pound, joined with other taxes, 
would ruin almost all the rich and great families of this, 
and, I believe, of every other civilized country. Whoever 
will examine, with attention, the different town and country 
houses of some of the richest and greatest families in this 
country, will find that, at the rate of only six and a half, or 
seven per cent, upon the original expence of building, their 
house-rent is nearly equal to the whole neat rent of their 
estates. It is the accumulated expence of several successive 
generations, laid out upon objects of great beauty and mag- 
nificence, indeed; but, in proportion to what they cost, of 
very small exchangeable value. 

Ground-rents are a still more proper subject of taxation 
than the rent of houses. A tax upon ground-rents would 
not raise the rents of houses. It would fall altogether upon 
the owner of the ground-rent, who acts always as a mo- 
nopolist, and exacts the greatest rent which can be got for 
the use of his ground. More or less can be got for it ac- 
cording as the competitors happen to be richer or poorer, 
or can afford to gratify their fancy for a particular spot of 
ground at a greater or smaller expence. In every country 


the greatest number of rich competitors is in the capital, and 
it is there accordingly that the highest ground-rents are al- 
ways to be found. As the wealth of those competitors would 
in no respect be increased by a tax upon ground-rents, they 
would not probably be disposed to pay more for the use of 
the ground. Whether the tax was to be advanced by the 
inhabitant, or by the owner of the ground, would be of little 
importance. The more the inhabitant was obliged to pay 
for the tax, the less he would incline to pay for the ground ; 
so that the final payment of the tax would fall altogether 
upon the owner of the ground-rent. The ground-rents of 
uninhabited houses ought to pay no tax. 

Both ground-rents and the ordinary rent of land are a 
species of revenue which the owner, in many cases, enjoys 
without any care or attention of his own. Though a part 
of this revenue should be taken from him in order to defray 
the expences of the state, no discouragement will thereby be 
given to any sort of industry. The annual produce of the 
land and labour of the society, the real wealth and revenue 
of the great body of the people, might be the same 
after such a tax as before. Ground-rents, and the ordinary 
rent of land, are, therefore, perhaps, the species of revenue 
which can best bear to have a peculiar tax imposed upon 

Ground-rents seem, in this respect, a more proper subject 
of peculiar taxation than even the ordinary rent of land. 
The ordinary rent of land is, in many cases, owing partly 
at least to the attention and good management of the land- 
lord. A very heavy tax might discourage too much this 
attention and good management. Ground-rents, so far as 
they exceed the ordinary rent of land, are altogether owing 
to the good government of the sovereign, which, by pro- 
tecting the industry either of the whole people, or of the in- 
habitants of some particular place, enables them to pay so 
much more than its real value for the ground which they 
build their houses upon; or to make to its owner so much 
more than compensation for the loss which he might sustain 
by this use of it. Nothing can be more reasonable than that 
a fund which owes its existence to the good government of 
the state, should be taxed peculiarly, or should contribute 


something more than the greater part of other funds, towards 
the support of that government. 

Though, in many different countries of Europe, taxes have 
been imposed upon the rent of houses, I do not know of any 
in which ground-rents have been considered as a separate 
subject of taxation. The contrivers of taxes have, probably, 
found some difficulty in ascertaining what part of the rent 
ought to be considered as ground-rent, and what part ought 
to be considered as building-rent. It should not, however, 
seem very difficult to distinguish those two parts of the rent 
from one another. 

In Great Britain the rent of houses is supposed to be taxed 
in the same proportion as the rent of land, by what is called 
the annual land-tax. The valuation, according to which each 
different parish and district is assessed to this tax, is always 
the same. It was originally extremely unequal, and it still 
continues to be so. Through the greater part of the kingdom 
this tax falls still more lightly upon the rent of houses than 
upon that of land. In some few districts only which were 
originally rated high, and in which the rents of houses have 
fallen considerably, the land-tax of three or four shillings 
in the pound, is said to amount to an equal proportion of 
the real rent of houses. Untenanted houses, though by law 
subject to the tax, are, in most districts, exempted from it 
by the favour of the assessors ; and this exemption sometimes 
occasions some little variation in the rate of particular houses, 
though that of the district is always the same. Improvements 
of rent, by new buildings, repairs, &c. ; go to the discharge 
of the district, which occasions still further variations in the 
rate of particular houses. 

In the province of Holland every house is taxed at two and 
a half per cent, of its value, without any regard either to 
the rent which it actually pays, or to the circumstance of its 
being tenanted or untenanted. There seems to be a hardship 
in obliging the proprietor to pay a tax for an untenanted 
house, from which he can derive no revenue, especially so 
very heavy a tax. In Holland, where the market rate of 
interest does not exceed three per cent, two and a half per 
cent, upon the whole value of the house, must, in most cases, 
amount to more than a third of the building-rent, perhaps 


of the whole rent. The valuation, indeed, according to which 
the houses are rated, though very unequal, is said to be al- 
ways below the real value. When a house is rebuilt, im- 
proved or enlarged, there is a new valuation, and the tax is 
rated accordingly. 

The contrivers of the several taxes which in England have, 
at different times, been imposed upon houses, seem to have 
imagined that there was some great difficulty in ascertaining, 
with tolerable exactness, what was the real rent of every 
house. They have regulated their taxes, therefore, according 
to some more obvious circumstance, such as they had prob- 
ably imagined would, in most cases, bear some proportion 
to the rent. 

The first tax of this kind was hearth-money; or a tax of 
two shillings upon every hearth. In order to ascertain how 
many hearths were in the house, it was necessary that the 
tax-gatherer should enter every room in it. This odious visit 
rendered the tax odious. Soon after the revolution, there- 
fore, it was abolished as a badge of slavery. 

The next tax of this kind was, a tax of two shillings upon 
every dwelling house inhabited. A house with ten windows 
to pay four shillings more. A house with twenty windows 
and upwards to pay eight shillings. This tax was afterwards 
so far altered, that houses witli twenty windows, and with 
less than thirty, were ordered to pay ten shillings, and those 
with thirty windows and upwards to pay twenty shillings. 
The number of windows can, in most cases, be counted from 
the outside, and, in all cases, without entering every room 
in the house. The visit of the tax-gatherer, therefore, was 
less offensive in this tax than in the hearth-money. 

This tax v/as afterwards repealed, and in the room of it 
was established the window-tax, which has undergone too 
several alterations and augmentations. The window-tax, as 
it stands at present (January, 1/75), over and above the 
duty of three shillings upon every house in England, and of 
one shilling upon every house in Scotland, lays a duty upon 
every window, which, in England, augments gradually from 
two-pence, the lowest rate, upon houses with not more than 
seven windows; to two shillings, the highest rate, upon 
houses with twenty-five windows and upwards. 


The principal objection to all such taxes is their inequality, 
an inequality of the worst kind, as they must frequently fall 
much heavier upon the poor than upon the rich. A house of 
ten pounds rent in a country town may sometimes have more 
windows than a house of five hundred pounds rent in London ; 
and though the inhabitant of the former is likely to be a 
much poorer man than that of the latter, yet so far as his 
contribution is regulated by the window-tax, he must con- 
tribute more to the support of the state. Such taxes are, 
therefore, directly contrary to the first of the four maxims 
above mentioned. They do not seem to offend much against 
any of the other three. 

The natural tendency of the window-tax, and of all other 
taxes upon houses, is to lower rents. The more a man pays 
for the tax, the less, it is evident, he can afford to pay for 
the rent. Since the imposition of the window-tax, however, 
the rents of houses have upon the whole risen, more or less, 
in almost every town and village of Great Britain, with 
which I am acquainted. Such has been almost every where 
the increase of the demand for houses, that it has raised the 
rents more than the window-tax could sink them; one of the 
many proofs of the great prosperity of the country, and of 
the increasing revenue of its inhabitants. Had it not been 
for the tax, rents would probably have risen still higher. 

Taxes upon Profit, or upon the Revenue arising from Stock 

The revenue or profit arising from stock naturally 
divides itself into two parts ; that which pays the interest, 
and which belongs to the owner of the stock ; and that 
surplus part which is over and above what is necessary for 
paying the interest. 

This latter profit is evidently a subject not taxable directly. 
It is the compensation, and in most cases it is no more than a 
very moderate compensation, for the risk and trouble of 
employing the stock. The employer must have this compen- 
sation, otherwise he cannot, consistently with his own inter- 
est, continue the employment. If he was taxed directly, 
therefore, in proportion to the whole profit, he would be 


obliged either to raise the rate of his profit, or to charge the 
tax upon the interest of money ; that is, to pay less interest. 
If he raised the rate of his profit in proportion to the tax, 
the whole tax, though it might be advanced by him, would 
be finally paid by one or other of two different sets of people, 
according to the different ways in which he might employ 
the stock of which he had the management. If he employed 
it as a farming stock in the cultivation of land, he could 
raise the rate of his profit only by retaining a greater por- 
tion, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of a greater 
portion of the produce of the land; and as this could be done 
only by a reduction of lent, the final payment of the tax 
would fall upon the landlord. If he employed it as a mer- 
cantile or manufacturing stock, he could raise the rate of his 
profit only by raising the price of his goods; in which case 
the final payment of the tax would fall altogether upon the 
consumers of those goods. If he did not raise the rate of 
his profit, he would be obliged to charge the whole tax upon 
that part of it which was allotted for the interest of money. 
He could afford less interest for whatever stock he borrowed, 
and the whole weight of the tax would in this case fall ulti- 
mately upon the interest of money. So far as he could not 
relieve himself from the tax in the one way, he would be 
obliged to relieve himself in the other. 

The interest of money seems at first sight a subject equally 
capable of being taxed directly as the rent of land. Like 
the rent of land, it is a neat produce which remains after 
completely compensating the whole risk and trouble of em- 
ploying the stock. As a tax upon the rent of land cannot 
raise rents; because the neat produce which remains after 
replacing the stock of the farmer, together with his reason- 
able profit, cannot be greater after the tax than before it ; so, 
for the same reason, a tax upon the interest of money could 
not raise the rate of interest; the quantity of stock or money 
in the country, like the quantity of land, being supposed to 
remain the same after the tax as before it. The ordinary 
rate of profit, it has been shewn in the first book, is every 
where regulated by the quantity of stock to be employed in 
proportion to the quantity of the employment, or of the busi- 
ness which must be done by it. But the quantity of the em- 


ployment, or of the business to be done by stock, could neither 
be increased nor diminished by any tax upon the interest of 
money. If the quantity of the stock to be employed, therefore, 
was neither increased nor diminished by it, the ordinary rate 
of profit would necessarily remain the same. But the por- 
tion of this profit necessary for compensating the risk and 
trouble of the employer, would likewise remain the same; 
that risk and trouble being in no respect altered. The residue, 
therefore, that portion which belongs to the owner of the 
stock, and which pays the interest of money, would neces- 
sarily remain the same too. At first sight, therefore, the 
interest of money seems to be a subject as fit to be taxed 
directly as the rent of land. 

There are, however, two different circumstances which 
render the interest of money a much less proper subject of 
direct taxation than the rent of land. 

First, the quantity and value of the land which any man 
possesses can never be a secret, and can always be ascer- 
tained with great exactness. But the whole amount of the 
capital stock which he possesses is almost always a secret, 
and can scarce ever be ascertained with tolerable exactness. 
It is liable, besides, to almost continual variations. A year 
seldom passes away, frequently not a month, sometimes scarce 
a single day, in which it does not rise or fall more or less. 
An inquisition into every man's private circumstances, and 
an inquisition which, in order to accommodate the tax to 
them, watched over all the fluctuations of his fortune, would 
be a source of such continual and endless vexation as no 
people could support. 

Secondly, land is a subject which cannot be removed, 
whereas stock easily may. The proprietor of land is neces- 
sarily a citizen of the particular country in which his estate 
lies. The proprietor of stock is properly a citizen of the 
world, and is not necessarily attached to any particular coun- 
try. He would be apt to abandon the country in which he 
was exposed to a vexatious inquisition, in order to be as- 
sessed to a burdensome tax, and would remove his stock 
to some other country where he could either carry on his 
business, or enjoy his fortune more at his ease. By remov- 
ing his stock he would put an end to all the industry which 


it had maintained in the country which he left. Stock culti- 
vates land; stock employs labour. A tax which tended to 
drive away stock from any particular country, would so far 
tend to dry up every source of revenue, both to the sovereign 
and to the society. Not only the profits of stock, but the 
rent of land and the wages of labour, would necessarily be 
more or less diminished by its removal. 

The nations, accordingly, who have attempted to tax the 
revenue arising from stock, instead of any severe inquisition 
of this kind, have been obliged to content themselves with 
some very loose, and, therefore, more or less arbitrary esti- 
mation. The extreme inequality and uncertainty of a tax 
assessed in this manner, can be compensated only by its 
extreme moderation, in consequence of which every man 
finds himself rated so very much below his real revenue, that 
he gives himself little disturbance though his neighbour 
should be rated somewhat lower. 

By what is called the land-tax in England, it was intended 
that stock should be taxed in the same proportion as land. 
When the tax upon land was at four shillings in the pound, 
or at one-fifth of the supposed rent, it was intended that 
stock should be taxed at one-fifth of the supposed interest. 
When the present annual land-tax was first imposed, the legal 
rate of interest was six per cent. Every hundred pounds 
stock, accordingly, was supposed to be taxed at twenty-four 
shillings, the fifth part of six pounds. Since the legal rate 
of interest has been reduced to five per cent, every hundred 
pounds stock is supposed to be taxed at twenty shillings 
only. The sum to be raised, by what is called the land-tax, 
was divided between the country and the principal towns. 
The greater part of it was laid upon the country; and of 
what was laid upon the towns, the greater part was assessed 
upon the houses. What remained to be assessed upon the 
stock or trade of the towns (for the stock upon the land was 
not meant to be taxed) was very much below the real value 
of that stock or trade. Whatever inequalities, therefore, 
there might be in the original assessment, gave little dis- 
turbance. Every parish • and district still continues to be 
rated for its land, its houses, and its stock, according to the 
original assessment; and the almost universal prosperity of 


the country, which in most places has raised very much the 
value of all these, has rendered those inequalities of still 
less importance now. The rate too upon each district con- 
tinuing always the same, the uncertainty of this tax, so far 
as it might be assessed upon the stock of any individual, 
has been very much diminished, as well as rendered of much 
less consequence. If the greater part of the lands of Eng- 
land are not rated to the land-tax at half their actual value, 
the greater part of the stock of England is, perhaps, scarce 
rated at the fiftieth part of its actual value. In some towns 
the whole land-tax is assessed upon houses; as in West- 
minster, where stock and trade are free. It is otherwise in 

In all countries a severe inquisition into the circumstances 
of private persons has been carefully avoided. 

At Hamburgh every inhabitant is obliged to pay to the 
state, one-fourth per cent, of all that he possesses; and as 
the wealth of the people of Hamburgh consists principally 
in stock, this tax may be considered as a tax upon stock. 
Every man assesses himself, and, in the presence of the 
magistrate, puts annually into the public coffer a certain 
sum of money, which he declares upon oath to be one-fourth 
per cent, of all that he possesses, but without declaring what 
it amounts to, or being liable to any examination upon that 
subject. This tax is generally supposed to be paid with 
great fidelity. In a small republic, where the people have 
entire confidence in their magistrates, are convinced of the 
necessity of the tax for the support of the state, and believe 
that it will be faithfully applied to that purpose, such con- 
scientious and voluntary payment may sometimes be ex- 
pected. It is not peculiar to the people of Hamburgh. 

The canton of Underwald in Switzerland is frequently 
ravaged by storms and inundations, and is thereby exposed 
to extraordinary expences. Upon such occasions the people 
assemble, and every one is said to declare with the greatest 
frankness what he is worth, in order to be taxed accordingly. 
At Zurich the law orders, that, in cases of necessity, every 
one should be taxed in proportion to his revenue ; the amount 
of which, he is obliged to declare upon oath. They have no 
suspicion, it is said, that any of their fellow-citizens will 


deceive ihem. At Basil the principal revenue of the state 
arises from a small custom upon goods exported. All the 
citizens make oath that they will pay every three months 
all the taxes imposed by the law. All merchants and even 
all inn-keepers are trusted with keeping themselves the ac- 
count of the goods which they sell either within or without 
the territory. At the end of every three months they send 
this account to the treasurer, with the amount of the tax 
computed at the bottom of it. It is not suspected that the 
revenue suffers by this confidence. 

To oblige every citizen to declare publicly upon oath the 
amount of his fortune, must not, it seems, in those Swiss 
cantons, be reckoned a hardship. At Hamburgh it would 
be reckoned the greatest. Merchants engaged in the hazard- 
ous projects of trade, all tremble at the thoughts of being 
obliged at all times to expose the real state of their circum- 
stances. The ruin of their credit and the miscarriage of 
their projects, they foresee, would too often be the conse- 
quence. A sober and parsimonious people, who are strangers 
to all such projects, do not feel that they have occasion for 
any such concealment. 

In Holland, soon after the exaltation of the late prince of 
Orange to the stadtholdership, a tax of two per cent, or the 
fiftieth penny, as it was called, was imposed upon the whole 
substance of every citizen. Every citizen assessed himself 
and paid his tax in the same manner as at Hamburgh ; and 
it was in general supposed to have been paid with great 
fidelity. The people had at that time the greatest affection 
for their new government, which they had just established 
by a general insurrection. The tax was to be paid but once ; 
in order to relieve the state in a particular exigency. It was, 
indeed, too heavy to be permanent. In a country where the 
market rate of interest seldom exceeds three per cent., a tax 
of two per cent, amounts to thirteen shillings and fourpence 
in the pound upon the highest neat revenue which is com- 
monly drawn from stock. It is a tax which very few people 
could pay without encroaching more or less upon their capi- 
tals. In a particular exigency the people may, from great 
public zeal, make a great effort, and give up even a part of 
their capital, in order to relieve the state. But it is im- 


possible that they should continue to do so for any con- 
siderable time; and if they did, the tax would soon ruin 
them so completely as to render them altogether incapable 
of supporting the state. 

The tax upon stock imposed by the land-tax bill in Eng- 
land, though it is proportioned to the capital, is not intended 
to diminish or take away any part of that capital. It is 
meant only to be a tax upon the interest of money pro- 
portioned to that upon the rent of land; so that when the 
latter is at four shillings in the pound, the former may be at 
four shillings in the pound too. The tax at Hamburgh, and 
the still more moderate taxes of Underwald and Zurich, are 
meant, in the same manner, to be taxes, not upon the capi- 
tal, but upon the interest or neat revenue of stock. That of 
Holland was meant to be a tax upon the capital. 


In some countries extraordinary taxes are imposed 
upon the profits of stock ; sometimes when employed in 
particular branches of trade, and sometimes when employed 
in agriculture. 

Of the former kind are in England the tax upon hawkers 
and pedlars, that upon hackney coaches and chairs, and that 
which the keepers of ale-houses pay for a licence to retail 
ale and spirituous liquors. During the late war, another tax 
of the same kind was proposed upon shops. The war having 
been undertaken, it was said, in defence of the trade of the 
country, the merchants, who were to profit by it, ought to 
contribute towards the support of it. 

A tax, however, upon the profits of stock employed in any 
particular branch of trade, can never fall finally upon the 
dealers (who must in all ordinary cases have their reason- 
able profit, and, where the competition is free, can seldom 
have more than that profit), but always upon the consumers, 
who must be obliged to pay in the price of the goods the 
tax which the dealer advances; and generally with some 

A tax of this kind when it is proportioned to the trade of 
the dealer, is finally paid by the consumer, and occasions no 


oppression to the dealer. When it is not so proportioned, but 
is the same upon all dealers, though in this case too it is 
finally paid by the consumer, yet it favours the great, and 
occasions some oppression to the small dealer. The tax of 
five shillings a week upon every hackney coach, and that of 
ten shillings a year upon every hackney chair, so far as it is 
advanced by the different keepers of such coaches and chairs, 
is exactly enough proportioned to the extent of their re- 
spective dealings. It neither favours the great, nor oppresses 
the smaller dealer. The tax of twenty shillings a year for 
a license to sell ale; of forty shillings for a licence to sell 
spirituous liquors; and of forty shillings more for a licence 
to sell wine, being the same upon all retailers, must neces- 
sarily give some advantage to the great, and occasion some 
oppression to the small dealers. The former must find it 
more easy to get back the tax in the price of their goods 
than the latter. The moderation of the tax, however, renders 
this inequality of less importance, and it may to many people 
appear not improper to give some discouragement to the mul- 
tiplication of little ale-houses. The tax upon shops, it was 
intended, should be the same upon all shops. It could not 
well have been otherwise. It would have been impossible to 
proportion with tolerable exactness the tax upon a shop to the 
extent of the trade carried on in it, without such an inquisi- 
tion as would have been altogether insupportable in a free 
country. If the tax had been considerable, it would have 
oppressed the small, and forced almost the whole retail 
trade into the hands of the great dealers. The competition 
of the former being taken away, the latter would have en- 
joyed a monopoly of the trade ; and like all other monopolists 
would soon have combined to raise their profits much be- 
yond what was necessary for the payment of the tax. The 
final payment, instead of falling upon the shopkeeper, would 
have fallen upon the consumer, with a considerable over- 
charge to the profit of the shopkeeper. For these reasons, 
the project of a tax upon shops was laid aside, and in the 
room of it was substituted the subsidy 1759. 

When a tax is imposed upon the profits of stock in a 
particular branch of trade, the traders are all careful to bring 
no more goods to market than what they can sell at a price 


sufficient to reimburse them for advancing the tax. Some 
of them withdraw a part of their stocks from the trade, and 
the market is more sparingly supplied than before. The 
price of the goods rises, and the final payment of the tax 
falls upon the consumer. But when a lax is imposed upon 
the profits of stock employed in agriculture, it is not the 
interest of the farmers to withdraw any part of their stock 
from that employment. Each farmer occupies a certain 
quantity of land, for which he pays rent. For the proper 
cultivation of this land a certain quantity of stock is neces- 
sary; and by withdrawing any part of this necessary quan- 
tity, the farmer is not likely to be more able to pay, either 
the rent or the tax. In order to pay the tax, it can never 
be his interest to diminish the quantity of his produce, nor 
consequently to supply the market more sparingly than be- 
fore. The tax, therefore, will never enable him to raise the 
price of his produce, so as to reimburse himself by throwing 
the final payment upon the consumer. The farmer, however, 
must have his reasonable profit as well as every other dealer, 
otherwise he must give up the trade. After the imposition 
of a tax of this kind, he can get this reasonable profit only 
by paying less rent to the landlord. The more he is obliged 
to pay in the way of tax, the less he can afford to pay in 
the way of rent. A tax of this kind imposed during the 
currency of a lease may, no doubt, distress or ruin the 
farmer. Upon the renewal of the lease it must always fall 
upon the landlord. 

What are called poll-taxes in the southern provinces of 
North America, and in the West Indian islands, annual 
taxes of so much a head upon every negroe, are properly 
taxes upon the profits of a certain species of stock employed 
in agriculture. As the planters are, the greater part of them, 
both farmers and landlords, the final payment of the tax 
falls upon them in their quality of landlords without any 

Taxes of so much a head upon the bondmen employed in 
cultivation, seem anciently to have been common all over 
Europe. There subsists at present a tax of this kind in the 
empire of Russia. It is probably upon this account that poll- 
taxes of all kinds have often been represented as badges of 


slavery. Every tax, however, is to the person who pays it 
a badge, not of slavery, but of liberty. It denotes that he is 
subject to government, indeed, but that, as he has some prop- 
erty, he cannot himself be the property of a master. A poll- 
tax upon slaves is altogether different from a poll-tax upon 
freemen. The latter is paid by the persons upon whom it 
is imposed ; the former by a different set of persons. The 
latter is either altogether arbitrary or altogether unequal, 
and in most cases is both the one and the other ; the former, 
though in some respects unequal, different slaves being of 
different values, is in no respect arbitrary. Every master who 
knows the number of his own slaves, knows exactly what he 
has to pay. Those dift'erent taxes, however, being called by 
the same name, have been considered as of the same nature. 

The taxes which in Holland are imposed upon men and 
maid servants, are taxes, not upon stock, but upon expence ; 
and so far resemble the taxes upon consumable commodities. 
The tax of a guinea a head for every man servant, which 
has lately been imposed in Great Britain, is of the same kind. 
It falls heaviest upon the middling rank. A man of two 
hundred a year may keep a single man servant. A man of 
ten thousand a year will not keep fifty. It does not affect 
the poor. 

Taxes upon the profits of stock in particular employments 
can never affect the interest of money. Nobody will lend 
his money for less interest to those who exercise the taxed, 
than to those who exercise the untaxed employments. Taxes 
upon the revenue arising from stock in all employments, 
where the government attempts to levy them with any degree 
of exactness, will, in many cases, fall upon the interest of 
money. The Vingtieme, or twentieth penny, in France, is a 
tax of the same kind with what is called the land-tax in 
England, and is assessed, in the same manner, upon the 
revenue arising from land, houses, and stock. So far as it 
affects stock it is assessed, though not with great rigour, yet 
with much more exactness than that part of the land-tax 
of England which is imposed upon the same fund. It, in 
many cases, falls altogether upon the interest of money. 
Money is frequently sunk in France upon what are called 
Contracts for the constitution of a rent; that is, perpetual 


annuities redeemable at any time by the debtor upon repay- 
ment of the sum originally advanced, but of which this re- 
demption is not exigible by the creditor except in particular 
cases. The Vingtieme seems not to have raised the rate of 
those annuities, though it is exactly levied upon them all. 

Taxes upon the Capital Value of Land, Houses, and Stock 

While property remains in the possession of the same 
person, whatever permanent taxes may have been im- 
posed upon it, they have never been intended to dimin- 
ish or take away any part of its capital value, but only 
some part of the revenue arising from it. But when prop- 
erty changes hands, when it is transmitted either from the 
dead to the living, or from the living to the living, such taxes 
have frequently been imposed upon it as necessarily take 
away some part of its capital value. 

The transference of all sorts of property from the dead to 
the living, and that of immoveable property, of lands and 
houses, from the living to the living, are transactions which 
are in their nature either public and notorious, or such as 
cannot be long concealed. Such transactions, therefore, may 
be taxed directly. The transference of stock or moveable 
property, from the living to the living, by the lending of 
money, is frequently a secret transaction, and may always 
be made so. It cannot easily, therefore, be taxed directly. 
It has been taxed indirectly in two different ways; first, by 
requiring that the deed, containing the obligation to repay, 
should be written upon paper or parchment which had paid 
a certain stamp-duty, otherwise not to be valid; secondly, by 
requiring, under the like penalty of invalidity, that it should 
be recorded either in a public or secret register, and by im- 
posing certain duties upon such registration. Stamp-duties 
and duties of registration have frequently been imposed like- 
wise upon the deeds transferring property of all kinds from 
the dead to the living, and upon those transferring immove- 
able property from the living to the living, transactions which 
might easily have been taxed directly. 


The Vicesima Hereditatum, the twentieth penny of inher- 
itances, imposed by Augustus upon the ancient Romans, was 
a tax upon the transference of property from the dead to the 
living. Dion Cassius, the author who writes concerning it 
the least indistincdy, says, that it was imposed upon all suc- 
cessions, legacies, and donations, in case of death, except 
upon those to the nearest relations, and to the poor. 

Of the same kind is the Dutch tax upon successions. Col- 
lateral successions are taxed, according to the degree of rela- 
tion, from five to thirty per cent, upon the whole value of 
the succession. Testamentary donations, or legacies to col- 
laterals, are subject to the like duties. Those from husband 
to wife, or from wife to husband, to the fifteenth penny. 
The Luctuosa Hereditas, the mournful succession of as- 
cendents to descendents, to the twentieth penny only. Direct 
successions, or those of descendents to ascendents, pay no 
tax. The death of a father, to such of his children as live 
in the same house with him, is seldom attended with any 
increase, and frequently with a considerable diminution of 
revenue ; by the loss of his industry, of his office, or of some 
life-rent estate, of which he may have been in possession. 
That tax would be cruel and oppressive which aggravated 
their loss by taking from them any part of his succession. 
It may, however, sometimes be otherwise with those chil- 
dren who, in the language of the Roman law, are said to be 
emancipated; in that of the Scotch law, to be foris-famili- 
ated ; that is, who have received their portion, have got fam- 
ilies of their own, and are supported by funds separate and 
independent of those of their father. Whatever part of his 
succession might come to such children, would be a real 
addition to their fortune, and might therefore, perhaps, with- 
out more inconveniency than what attends all duties of this 
kind, be liable to some tax. 

The casualties of the feudal law were taxes upon the 
transference of land, both from the dead to the living, and 
from the living to the living. In ancient times they con- 
stituted in every part of Europe one of the principal branches 
of the revenue of the crown. 

The heir of every immediate vassal of the crown paid a 
certain duty, generally a year's rent, upon receiving the in- 


vestiture of the estate. If the heir was a minor, the whole 
rents of the estate, during the continuance of the minority, 
devolved to the superior without any other charge, besides 
the maintenance of the minor, and the payment of the 
widow's dower, when there happened to be a dowager upon 
the land. When the minor came to be of age, another tax, 
called Relief, was still due to the superior, which generally 
amounted likewise to a year's rent. A long minority, which 
in the present times so frequently disburdens a great estate 
of all its incumbrances, and restores the family to their 
ancient splendour, could in those times have no such effect. 
The waste, and not the disincumbrance of the estate, was 
the common effect of a long minority. 

By the feudal law the vassal could not alienate without 
the consent of his superior, who generally extorted a fine or 
composition for granting it. This fine, which was at first 
arbitrary, came in many countries to be regulated at a certain 
portion of the price of the land. In some countries, where 
the greater part of the other feudal customs have gone into 
disuse, this tax upon the alienation of land still continues to 
make a very considerable branch of the revenue of the sov- 
ereign. In the canton of Berne it is so high as a sixth part 
of the price of all noble fiefs ; and a tenth part of that of all 
ignoble ones. In the canton of Lucerne the tax upon the 
sale of lands is not universal, and takes place only in certain 
districts. But if any person sells his land, in order to remove 
out of the territory, he pays ten per cent, upon the whole 
price of the sale. Taxes of the same kind upon the sale 
either of all lands, or of lands held by certain tenures, take 
place in many other countries, and make a more or less 
considerable branch of the revenue of the sovereign. 

Such transactions may be taxed indirectly, by means either 
of stamp-duties, or of duties upon registration; and those 
duties either may or may not be proportioned to the value 
of the subject which is transferred. 

In Great Britain the stamp-duties are higher or lower, not 
so much according to the value of the property transferred 
(an eighteen penny or half crown stamp being sufficient upon 
a bond for the largest sum of money) as according to the 
nature of the deed. The highest do not exceed six pounds 


upon every sheet of paper, or skin of parchment; and these 
high duties fall chiefly upon grants from the crown, and 
upon certain law proceedings, without any regard to the 
value of the subject. There are in Great Britain no duties 
on the registration of deeds or writings, except the fees of 
the officers who keep the register ; and these are seldom 
more than a reasonable recompence for their labour. The 
crown derives no revenue from them. 

In Holland there are both stamp-duties and duties upon 
registration ; which in somes cases are, and in some are not 
proportioned to the value of the property transferred. All 
testaments must be written upon stamped paper of which the 
price is proportioned to the property disposed of, so that 
there are stamps which cost from three pence, or three stivers 
a sheet, to three hundred florins, equal to about twenty-seven 
pounds ten shillings of our money. If the stamp is of an 
inferior price to what the testator ought to have made use of, 
his succession is confiscated. This is over and above all 
their other taxes on succession. Except bills of exchange, 
and some other mercantile bills, all other deeds, bonds, and 
contracts, are subject to a stamp-duty. This duty, however, 
does not rise in proportion to the value of the subject. All 
sales of land and of houses, and all mortgages upon either, 
must be registered, and, upon registration, pay a duty to the 
state of two and a half per cent, upon the amount of the 
price or of the mortgage. This duty is extended to the sale 
of all ships and vessels of more than two tons burthen, 
whether decked or undecked. These, it seems, are considered 
as a sort of houses upon the water. The sale of moveables, 
when it is ordered by a court of justice, is subject to the like 
duty of two and a half per cent. 

In France there are both stamp-duties and duties upon 
registration. The former are considered as a branch of the 
aides or excise, and in the provinces where those duties take 
place, are levied by the excise officers. The latter are con- 
sidered as a branch of the domain of the crown, and are 
levied by a dififerent set of officers. 

Those modes of taxation, by stamp-duties and by duties 
upon registration, are of very modern invention. In the 
course of little more than a century, however, stamp-duties 


have, in Europe, become almost universal, and duties upon 
registration extremely common. There is no art which one 
government sooner learns of another, than that of draining 
money from the pockets of the people. 

Taxes upon the transference of property from the dead to 
the living, fall finally as well as immediately upon the person 
to whom the property is transferred. Taxes upon the sale 
of land fall altogether upon the seller. The seller is almost 
always under the necessity of selling, and must, therefore, 
take such a price as he can get. The buyer is scarce ever 
under the necessity of buying, and will, therefore, only give 
such a price as he likes. He considers what the land will 
cost him in tax and price together. The more he is obliged 
to pay in the way of tax, the less he will be disposed to give 
in the way of price. Such taxes, therefore, fall almost always 
upon a necessitous person, and must, therefore, be frequently 
very cruel and oppressive. Taxes upon the sale of new-built 
houses, where the building is sold without the ground, fall 
generally upon the buyer, because the builder must generally 
have his profit; otherwise he must give up the trade. If he 
advances the tax, therefore, the buyer must generally repay 
it to him. Taxes upon the sale of old houses, for the same 
reason as those upon the sale of land, fall generally upon 
the seller; whom in most cases either conveniency or neces- 
sity obliges to sell. The number of new-built houses that are 
annually brought to market, is more or less regulated by the 
demand. Unless the demand is such as to afford the builder 
his profit, after paying all expences, he will build no more 
houses. The number of old houses which happen at any time 
to come to market is regulated by accidents of which the 
greater part have no relation to the demand. Two or three 
great bankruptcies in a mercantile town, will bring many 
houses to sale, which must be sold for what can be got for 
them. Taxes upon the sale of ground rents fall altogether 
upon the seller; for the same reason as those upon the sale 
of land. Stamp-duties, and duties upon the registration of 
bonds and contracts for borrowed money, fall altogether upon 
the borrower, and, in fact, are always paid by him. Duties 
of the same kind upon law proceedings fall upon the suitors. 
They reduce to both the capital value of the subject in dis- 


pute. The more it costs to acquire any property, the less 
must be the neat value of it when acquired. 

All taxes upon the transference of property of every kind, 
so far as they diminish the capital value of that property, 
tend to diminish the funds destined for the maintenance of 
productive labour. They are all more or less unthrifty taxes 
that increase the revenue of the sovereign, which seldom 
maintains any but unproductive labourers ; at the expence of 
the capital of the people, which maintains none but pro- 

Such taxes, even when they are proportioned to the value 
of the property transferred, are still unequal; the frequency 
of transference not being always equal in property of equal 
value. When they are not proportioned to this value, which 
is the case with the greater part of the stamp duties, and 
duties of registration, they are still more so. They are in no 
respect arbitrary, but are or may be in all cases perfectly 
clear and certain. Though they sometimes fall Upon the 
person who is not very able to pay; the time of payment is 
in most cases sufficiently convenient for him. When the pay- 
ment becomes due, he must in most cases have the money 
to pay. They are levied at very little expence, and in gen- 
eral subject the contributors to no other inconveniency be- 
sides always the unavoidable one of paying the tax. 

In France the stamp-duties are not much complained of. 
Those of registration, which they call the Controle, are. They 
give occasion, it is pretended, to much extortion in the officers 
of the farmers-general who collect the tax, which is in a 
great measure arbitrary and uncertain. In the greater part 
of the libels which have been written against the present 
system of finances in France, the abuses of the Controle make 
a principal article. Uncertainty, however, does not seem to 
be necessarily inherent in the nature of such taxes. If the 
popular complaints are well founded, the abuse must arise, 
not so much from the nature of the tax, as from the want 
of precision and distinctness in the words of the edicts or 
laws which impose it. 

The registration of mortgages, and in general of all rights 
upon immoveable property, as it gives great security both to 
creditors and purchasers, is extremely advantageous to the 


public. That of the greater part of deeds of other kinds is 
frequently inconvenient and even dangerous to individuals, 
without any advantage to the public. All registers which, 
it is acknowledged, ought to be kept secret, ought certainly 
never to exist. The credit of individuals ought certainly 
never to depend upon so very slender a security as the probity 
and religion of the inferior officers of revenue. But where 
the fees of registration have been made a source of rev- 
enue to the sovereign, register offices have commonly been 
multiplied without end, both for the deeds which ought to 
be registered, and for those which ought not. In France 
there are several different sorts of secret registers. This 
abuse, though not perhaps a necessary, it must be acknowl- 
edged, is a very natural effect of such taxes. 

Such stamp-duties as those in England upon cards and 
dice, upon news-papers and periodical pamphlets, &c. are 
properly taxes upon consum.ption ; the final payment falls 
upon the persons who use or consume such commodities. 
Such stamp-duties as those upon licences to retail ale, wine, 
and spirituous liquors, though intended, perhaps, to fall upon 
the profits of the retailers, are likewise finally paid by the 
consumers of those liquors. Such taxes, though called by the 
same name, and levied by the same officers and in the same 
manner with the stamp-duties above mentioned upon the 
transference of property, are however of a quite different 
nature, and fall upon quite different funds. 

Taxes upon the Wages of Labour 

The wages of the inferior classes of workmen, I 
have endeavoured to show in the first book, are every 
where necessarily regulated by two different circum- 
stances ; the demand for labour, and the ordinary or average 
price of provisions. The demand for labour, according as it 
happens to be either increasing, stationary, or declining; or 
to require an increasing, stationary, or declining population, 
regulates the subsistence of the labourer, and determines in 
what degree it shall be, either liberal, moderate, or scanty. 


The ordinary or average price of provisions determines the 
quantity of money which must be paid to the workman in 
order to enable him, one year with another, to purchase this 
liberal, moderate, or scanty subsistence. While the demand 
for labour and the price of provisions, therefore, remain the 
same, a direct tax upon the wages of labour can have no 
other effect than to raise them somewhat higher than the 
tax. Let us suppose, for example, that in a particular place 
the demand for labour and the price of provisions were such, 
as to render ten shillings a week the ordinary wages of la- 
bour; and that a tax of one-fifth, or four shillings in the 
pound, was imposed upon wages. If the demand for labour 
and the price of provisions remained the same, it would 
still be necessary that the labourer should in that place earn 
such a subsistence as could be bought only for ten shillings 
a week, or that after paying the tax he should have ten 
shillings a week free wages. But in order to leave him such 
free wages after paying such a tax, the price of labour must 
in that place soon rise, not to twelve shillings a week only, 
but to twelve and sixpence ; that is, in order to enable him 
to pay a tax of one-fifth, his wages must necessarily soon 
rise, not one-fifth part only, but one-fourth. Whatever was 
the proportion of the tax, the wages of labour must in all 
cases rise, not only in that proportion, but in a higher pro- 
portion. If the tax, for example, was one-tenth, the wages 
of labour must necessarily soon rise, not one-tenth part only, 
but one-eighth. 

A direct tax upon the wages of labour, therefore, though 
the labourer might perhaps pay it out of his hand, could not 
properly be said to be even advanced by him; at least if the 
demand for labour and the average price of provisions re- 
mained the same after the tax as before it. In all such 
cases, not only the tax, but something more than the tax, 
would in reality be advanced by the person who immediately 
employed him. The final payment would in different cases 
fall upon different persons. The rise which such a tax might 
occasion in the wages of manufacturing labour would be ad- 
vanced by the master manufacturer, who would both be en- 
titled and obliged to charge it, with a profit, upon the price 
of his goods. The final payment of this rise of wages, there- 


fore, together with the additional profit of the master manu- 
facturer, would fall upon the consumer. The rise which such 
a tax might occasion in the wages of country labour would 
be advanced by the farmer, who, in order to maintain the 
same number of labourers as before, would be obliged to 
employ a greater capital. In order to get back this greater 
capital, together with the ordinary profits of stock, it would 
be necessary that he should retain a larger portion, or what 
comes to the same thing, the price of a larger portion, of 
the produce of the land, and consequently that he should pay 
less rent to the landlord. The final payment of this rise of 
wages, therefore, would in this case fall upon the landlord, 
together with the additional profit of the farmer who had 
advanced it. In all cases a direct tax upon the wages of 
labour must, in the long-run, occasion both a greater re- 
duction in the rent of land, and a greater rise in the price 
of manufactured goods, than would have followed from the 
proper assessment of a sum equal to the produce of the tax, 
partly upon the rent of land, and partly upon consumable 

If direct taxes upon the wages of labour have not always 
occasioned a proportionable rise in those wages, it is be- 
cause they have generally occasioned a considerable fall in 
the demand for labour. The declension of industry, the 
decrease of employment for the poor, the diminution of the 
annual produce of the land and labour of the country, have 
generally been the effects of such taxes. In consequence of 
them, however, the price of labour must always be higher 
than it otherwise would have been in the actual state of the 
demand : and this enhancement of price, together with the 
profit of those who advance it, must always be finally paid 
by the landlords and consumers. 

A tax upon the wages of country labour does not raise 
the price of the rude produce of land in proportion to the 
tax; for the same reason that a tax upon the farmer's profit 
does not raise that price in that proportion. 

Absurd and destructive as such taxes are, however, they 
take place in many countries. In France that part of the 
taille which is charged upon the industry of workmen and 
day-labourers in country villages, is properly a tax of this 


kind. Their wages are computed according* to the common 
rate of the district in which they reside, and that they may 
be as httle hable as possible to any ovei -charge, their yearly 
gains are estimated at no more than two hundred working 
days in the year. The tax of each individual is varied from 
year to year according to different circumstances, of which 
the collector or the commissary, whom the intendant appoints 
to assist him, are the judges. In Bohemia, in consequence 
of the alteration in the system of finances which was begun 
in 1748, a very heavy tax is imposed upon the industry of 
artificers. They are divided into four classes. The highest 
class pay a hundred* florins a year; which, at two-and-twenty- 
pence halfpenny a florin, amounts to 9/. ys. 6d. The second 
class are taxed at seventy; the third at fifty; and the fourth, 
comprehending artificers in villages, and the lowest class of 
those in towns, at twenty-five florins. 

The recompence of ingenious artists and of men of liberal 
professions, I have endeavoured to show in the first book, 
necessarily keeps a certain proportion to the emoluments of 
inferior trades. A tax upon this recompence, therefore, could 
have no other effect than to raise it somewhat higher than 
in proportion to the tax. If it did not rise in this manner, 
the ingenious arts and the liberal professions, being no 
longer upon a level with other trades, would be so much 
deserted that they would soon return to that level. 

The emoluments of offices are not, like those of trades 
and professions, regulated by the free competition of the 
market, and do not, therefore, always bear a just proportion 
to what the nature of the employment requires. They are 
perhaps, in most countries, higher than it requires ; the per- 
sons who have the administration of government being gen- 
erally disposed to reward both themselves and their immedi- 
ate dependents rather more than enough. The emoluments 
of offices, therefore, can in most cases very well bear to be 
taxed. The persons, besides, who enjoy public offices, es- 
pecially the more lucrative, are in all countries the objects 
of general envy; and a tax upon their emoluments, even 
though it should be somewhat higher than upon any other 
sort of revenue, is always a very popular tax. In England, 
for example, when by the land-tax every other sort of rev- 


enue was supposed to be assessed at four shillings in the 
pound, it was very popular to lay a real tax of five shillings 
and sixpence in the pound upon the salaries of offices which 
exceeded a hundred pounds a year; the pensions of the 
younger branches of the royal family, the pay of the officers 
of the army and navy, and a few others less obnoxious to 
envy excepted. There are in England no other direct taxes 
upon the wages of labour. 

Taxes which, it is intended, should fall indifferently upon 


The taxes which, it is intended, should fall indiffer- 
ently upon every different species of revenue, are capitation 
taxes, and taxes upon consumable commodities. These 
must be paid indifferently from whatever revenue the con- 
tributors may possess ; from the rent of their land, 
from the profits of their stock, or from the wages of 
their labour. 


Capitation taxes, if it is attempted to proportion them to 
the fortune or revenue of each contributor, become alto- 
gether arbitrary. The state of a man's fortune varies from 
day to day, and without an inquisition more intolerable than 
any tax, and renewed at least once every year, can only be 
guessed at. His assessment, therefore, must in most cases 
depend upon the good or bad humour of his assessors, and 
must, therefore, be altogether arbitrary and uncertain. 

Capitation taxes, if they are proportioned not to the sup- 
posed fortune, but to the rank of each contributor, become 
altogether unequal ; the degrees of fortune being frequently 
unequal in the same degree of rank. 

Such taxes, therefore, if it is attempted to render them 
equal, become altogether arbitrary and uncertain; and if it 
is attempted to render them certain and not arbitrary, be- 
come altogether unequal. Let the tax be light or heavy, un- 
certainty is always a great grievance. In a light tax a con- 


siderable degree of inequality may be supported ; in a heavy 
one it is altogether intolerable 

In the different poll-taxes which took place in England 
during the reign of William III. the contributors were, the 
greater part of them, assessed according to the degree of 
their rank ; as dukes, marquisses, earls, viscounts, barons, 
esquires, gentlemen, the eldest and youngest sons of peers, 
&c. All shopkeepers and tradesmen worth more than three 
hundred pounds, that is, the better sort of them, were subject 
to the same assessment; how great soever might be the dif- 
ference in their fortunes. Their rank was more considered 
than their fortune. Several of those who in the first poll- 
tax were rated according to their supposed fortune, were 
afterwards rated according to their rank. Serjeants, at- 
tornies, and proctors at law, who in the first poll-tax were 
assessed at three shillings in the pound of their supposed 
income, were afterwards assessed as gentlemen. In the as- 
sessment of a tax which was not very heavy, a considerable 
degree of inequality had been found less insupportable than 
any degree of uncertainty. 

In the capitation which has been levied in France without 
any interruption since the beginning of the present century, 
the highest orders of people are rated according to their 
rank, by an invariable tariff; the lower orders of people, 
according to what is supposed to be their fortune, by ati 
assessment which varies from" year to year. The officers of 
the king's court, the judges and other officers in the superior 
courts of justice, the officers of the troops, &c. are assessed 
in the first manner. The inferior ranks of people in the 
provinces are assessed in the second. In France the great 
easily submit to a considerable degree of inequality in a tax 
which, so far as it affects them, is not a very heavy one : but 
could not brook the arbitrary assessment of an intendant. 
The inferior ranks of people must, in that country, suffer 
patiently the usage which their superiors think proper to 
give them. 

In England the different poll-taxes never produced the sum 
which had been expected from them, or which, it was sup- 
posed, they might have produced, had they been exactly 
levied. In France the capitation always produces the sum 


expected from it. The mild government of England, when 
it assessed the different ranks of people to the poll-tax, con- 
tented itself with what that assessment happened to produce ; 
and required no compensation for the loss which the state 
might sustain either by those who could not pay, or by those 
who would not pay (for there were many such), and who, 
by the indulgent execution of the law, were not forced to 
pay. The more severe government of France assesses upon 
each generality a certain sum, which the intendant must find 
as he can. If any province complains of being assessed too 
high, it may, in the assessment of next year, obtain an abate- 
ment proportioned to the over-charge of the year before. 
But it must pay in the mean time. The intendant, in order 
to be sure of finding the sum assessed upon his generality, 
was impowered to assess it in a larger sum, that the failure 
or inability of some of the contributors might be compen- 
sated by the over-charge of the rest ; and till 1765, the fix- 
ation of this surplus assessment was left altogether to his 
discretion. In that year indeed the council assumed this 
power to itself. In the capitation of the provinces, it is 
observed by the perfectly well-informed author of the 
Memoirs upon the impositions in France, the proportion 
which falls upon the nobility, and upon those whose privi- 
leges exempt them from the taille, is the least considerable. 
The largest falls upon those subject to the taille, who are 
assessed to the capitation at so much a pound of what they 
pay to that other tax. 

Capitation taxes, so far as they are levied upon the lower 
ranks of people, are direct taxes upon the wages of labour, 
and are attended with all the inconveniences of such taxes. 

Capitation taxes are levied at little expence; and, where 
they are rigorously exacted, afford a very sure revenue to 
the state. It is upon this account that in countries where 
the ease, comfort, and security of the inferior ranks of 
people are little attended to, capitation taxes are very com- 
mon. It is in general, however, but a small part of the pub- 
lic revenue, which, in a great empire, has ever been drawn 
from such taxes ; and the greatest sum which they have ever 
afforded, might always have been found in some other way 
much more convenient to the people. 



The impossibility of taxing the people, in proportion to 
their revenue, by any capitation, seems to have given occa- 
sion to the invention of taxes upon consumable commodities. 
The state not knowing how to tax, directly and proportion- 
ably, the revenue of its subjects, endeavours to tax it indi- 
rectly by taxing their expence, which, it is supposed, will in 
most cases be nearly in proportion to their revenue. Their 
expence is taxed by taxing the consumable commodities upon 
which it is laid out. 

Consumable commodities are either necessaries or luxuries. 

By necessaries I understand, not only the commodities 
which are indispensably necessary for the support of life, but 
whatever the custom of the country renders it indecent for 
creditable people, even of the lowest order, to be without. A 
linen shirt, for example, is, strictly speaking, not a necessary 
of life. The Greeks and Romans lived, I suppose, very com- 
fortabl)', though they had no linen. But in the present times, 
through the greater part of Europe, a creditable day-labourer 
would be ashamed to appear in public without a linen shirt, 
the want of which would be supposed to denote that dis- 
graceful degree of poverty, which, it is presumed, no body 
can well fall into without extreme bad conduct. Custom, 
in the same manner, has rendered leather shoes a necessary 
of life in England. The poorest creditable person of either 
sex would be ashamed to appear in public without them. In 
Scotland, custom has rendered them a necessary of life to 
the lowest order of men ; but not to the same order of women, 
who may, without any discredit, walk about bare-footed. In 
France, they are necessaries neither to men nor to women; 
the lowest rank of both sexes appearing there publicly, with- 
out any discredit, sometimes in wooden shoes, and sometimes 
bare-footed. Under necessaries therefore, I comprehend, not 
only those things which nature, but those things which the 
established rules of decency have rendered necessary to the 
lowest rank of people. All other things I call luxuries ; with- 
out meaning by this appellation, to throw the smallest degree 
of reproach upon the temperate use of them. Beer and ale, 
for example, in Great Britain, and wine, even in the wine 


countries, I call luxuries, A man of any rank may, without 
any reproach, abstain totally from tasting such liquors. 
Nature does not render them necessary for the support of 
life ; and custom nowhere renders it indecent to live without 

As the wages of labour are every where regulated, partly 
by the demand for it, and partly by the average price of the 
necessary articles of subsistence ; whatever raises this aver- 
age price must necessarily raise those wages, so that the 
labourer may still be able to purchase that quantity of those 
necessary articles which the state of the demand for labour, 
whether increasing, stationary, or declining, requires that he 
should have. A tax upon those articles necessarily raises 
their price somewhat higher than the amount of the tax, be- 
cause the dealer who advances the tax, must generally get it 
back with a profit. Such a tax must, therefore, occasion a 
rise in the wages of labour proportionable to this rise of 

It is thus that a tax upon the necessaries of life, operates 
exactly in the same manner as a direct tax upon the 
wages of labour. The labourer, though he may pay 
it out of his hand, cannot, for any considerable time at 
least, be properly said even to advance it. It must always 
in the long-run be advanced to him by his immediate 
employer in the advanced rate of his wages. His employer, 
if he is a manufacturer, will charge upon the price of his 
goods this rise of wages, together with a profit; so that the 
final payment of the tax, together with this over-charge, will 
fall upon the consumer. If his employer is a farmer, the 
final payment, together with a like over-charge, will fall 
upon the rent of the landlord. 

It is otherwise with taxes upon what I call luxuries ; even 
upon those of the poor. The rise in the price of the taxed 
commodities, will not necessarily occasion any rise in the 
wages of labour. A tax upon tobacco, for example, though 
a luxury of the poor as well as of the rich, will not raise 
wages. Though it in taxed in England at three times, and 
in France at fifteen times its original price, those high duties 
seem to have no effect upon the wages of labour. The same 
thing may be said of the taxes upon tea and sugar ; which in 


England and Holland have become luxuries of the lowest 
ranks of people ; and of those upon chocolate, which in Spain 
is said to have become so. The different taxes which in 
Great Britain have in the course of the present century been 
imposed upon spirituous liquors, are not supposed to have 
had any effect upon the wages of labour. The rise in the 
price of porter, occasioned by an additional tax of three shil- 
lings upon the barrel of strong beer, has not raised the 
wages of common labour in London. These were about 
eighteen pence and twenty-pence a day before the tax, and 
they are not more new. 

The high price of such commodities does not necessarily 
diminish the ability of the inferior ranks of people to bring 
up families. Upon the sober and industrious poor, taxes 
upon such commodities act as sumptuary laws, and dispose 
them either to moderate, or to refrain altogether from the 
use of superfluities which they can no longer easily afford. 
Their ability to bring up families, in consequence of this 
forced frugality, instead of being diminished, is frequently, 
perhaps, increased by the tax. It is the sober and industrious 
poor who generally bring up the most numerous families, 
and who principally supply the demand for useful labour. 
All the poor indeed are not sober and industrious, and the 
dissolute and disorderly might continue to indulge themselves 
in the use of such commodities after this rise of price in the 
same manner as before ; without regarding the distress which 
this indulgence might bring upon their families. Such dis- 
orderly persons, however, seldom rear up numerous fami- 
lies; their children generally perishing from neglect, mis- 
management, and the scantiness or unwholesomeness of 
their food. If by the strength of their constitution they 
survive the hardships to which the bad conduct of their par- 
ents exposes them ; yet the example of that bad conduct com- 
monly corrupts their morals ; so that, instead of being useful 
to society by their industry, they become public nuisances by 
their vices and disorders. Though the advanced price of the 
luxuries of the poor, therefore, might increase somewhat the 
distress of such disorderly families, and thereby diminish 
somewhat their ability to bring up children; it would not 
probably diminish much the useful population of the country. 


Any rise in the average price of necessaries, unless it is 
compensated by a proportionable rise in the wages of labour, 
must necessarily diminish more or less the ability of the poor 
to bring up numerous families, and consequently to supply 
the demand for useful labour ; whatever may be the state of 
that demand, whether increasing, stationary, or declining; 
or such as requires an increasing, stationary, or declining 

Taxes upon luxuries have no tendency to raise the price 
of any other commodities except that of the commodities 
taxed. Taxes upon necessaries, by raising the wages of 
labour, necessarily tend to raise the price of all manufac- 
tures, and consequently to diminish the extent of their sale 
and consumption. Taxes upon luxuries are finally paid by 
the consumers of the commodities taxed, without any retri- 
bution. They fall indiiTerently upon every species of reve- 
nue, the wages of labour, the profits of stock, and the rent 
of land. Taxes upon necessaries, so far as they affect the 
labouring poor, are finally paid, partly by landlords in the 
diminished rent of their lands, and partly by rich consumers, 
whether landlords or others, in the advanced price of manu- 
factured goods; and always with a considerable over-charge. 
The advanced price of such manufactures as are real neces- 
saries of life, and are destined for the consumption of the 
poor, of coarse woollens, for example, must be compensated 
to the poor by a farther advancement of their wages. The 
middling and superior ranks of people^ if they understood 
their own interest, ought always to oppose all taxes upon 
the necessaries of life, as well as all direct taxes upon the 
wages of labour. The final payment of both the one and the 
other falls altogether upon themselves, and always with a 
considerable over-charge. They fall heaviest upon the land- 
lords, who always pay in a double capacity ; in that of land- 
lords, by the reduction of their rent ; and in that of rich con^ 
sumers, by the increase of their expence. The observation 
of Sir Matthew Decker, that certain taxes are, in the price 
of certain goods, sometimes repeated and accumulated four 
or five times, is perfectly just with regard to taxes upon the 
necessaries of life. In the price of leather, for example, 
you must pay, not only for the tax upon the leather of your 


own shoes, but for a part of that upon those of the shoe- 
maker and the tanner. You must pay too for the tax upon 
the salt, upon the soap, and upon the candles which those 
workmen consume while employed in your service, and for 
the tax upon the leather, which the salt-maker, the soap- 
maker, and the candle-maker consume while employed in 
their service. 

In Great Britain, the principal taxes upon the necessaries 
of life are those upon the four commodities just now men- 
tioned, salt, leather, soap, and candles. 

Salt is a very ancient and a very universal subject of tax- 
ation. It was taxed among the Romans, and it is so at pres- 
ent in, I believe, every part of Europe. The quantity an- 
nually consumed by any individual is so small, and may be 
purchased so gradually, that nobody, it seems to have been 
thought, could feel very sensibly even a pretty heavy tax 
upon it. It is in England taxed at three shillings and four- 
pence a bushel ; about three times the original price of the 
commodity. In some other countries the tax is still higher. 
Leather is a real necessary of life. The use of linen renders 
soap such. In countries where the winter nights are long, 
candles are a necessary instrument of trade. Leather and 
soap are in Great Britain taxed at three halfpence a pound; 
candles at a penny; taxes which, upon the original price of 
leather, may amount to about eight or ten per cent. ; upon 
that of soap about twenty or five and twenty per cent., 
and upon that of candles to about fourteen or fifteen per 
cent. ; taxes which, though lighter than that upon salt, are 
still very heavy. As all those four commodities are real 
necessaries of life, such heavy taxes upon them must in- 
crease somewhat the expence of the sober and industrious 
poor, and must consequently raise more or less the wages of 
their labour. 

In a country where the winters are so cold as in Great 
Britain, fuel is, during that season, in the strictest sense of 
the word, a necessary of life, not only for the purpose of 
dressing victuals, but for the comfortable subsistence of 
many dififerent sorts of workmen who work within doors; 
and coals are the cheapest of all fuel. The price of fuel has 
so important an influence upon that of labour, that all over 

k — HC X 


Great Britain manufactures have confined themselves prin- 
cipally to the coal countries; other parts of the country, on 
account of the high price of this necessary article, not being 
able to work so cheap. In some manufactures, besides, coal 
is a necessary instrument of trade; as in those of glass, iron, 
and all other metals. If a bounty could in any case be rea- 
sonable, it might perhaps be so upon the transportation of 
coals from those parts of the country in which they abound, 
to those in which they are vvanted. But the legislature, in- 
stead of a bounty, has imposed a tax of three shillings and 
three-pence a ton upon coal carried coastways; which upon 
most sorts of coal is more than sixty per cent, of the original 
price at the coal-pit. Coals carried either by land or by 
inland navigation pay no duty. Where they are naturally 
cheap, they are consumed duty free ; where they are nat- 
urally dear, they are loaded with a heavy duty. 

Such taxes, though they raise the price of subsistence, and 
consequently the wages of labour, yet they afford a consid- 
erable revenue to government, which it might not be easy to 
find in any other way. There may, therefore, be good rea- 
sons for continuing them. The bounty upon the exportation 
of corn, so far as it tends in the actual state of tillage to 
raise the price of that necessary article, produces all the like 
bad effects ; and instead of aft'ording any revenue, frequently 
occasions a very great expense to government. The high 
duties upon the importation of foreign corn, which in years 
of moderate plenty amount to a prohibition ; and the abso- 
lute prohibition of the importation either of live cattle or of 
salt provisions, which takes place in the ordinary state of 
the law, and which, on account of the scarcity, is at present 
suspended for a limited time with regard to Ireland and the 
British plantations, have all the bad effects of taxes upon the 
necessaries of life, and produce no revenue to government. 
Nothing seems necessary for the repeal of such regulations, 
but to convince the public of the futility of that system in 
consequence of which they have been established. 

Taxes upon the necessaries of life are much higher in 
many other countries than in Great Britain. Duties upon 
flour and meal when ground at the mill, and upon bread 
when baked at the oven, take place in many countries. In 


Holland the money price of the bread consumed in towns is 
supposed to be doubled by means of such taxes. In lieu of 
a part of them, the people who live in the country pay every 
year so much a head, according to the sort of bread they are 
supposed to consume. Those who consume wheaten bread, 
pay three guilders fifteen stivers ; about six shillings and 
ninepence halfpenny. These, and some other taxes of the 
same kind, by raising the price of labour, are said to have 
ruined the greater part of the manufactures of Holland. 
Similar taxes, though not quite so heavy, take place in the 
Milanese, in the states of Genoa, in the dutchy of Modena, 
in the dutchies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, and in 
the ecclesiastical state. A French author of some note has 
proposed to reform the finances of his country, by substitut- 
ing in the room of the greater part of other taxes, this most 
ruinous of all taxes. There is nothing so absurd, says 
Cicero, which has not sometimes been asserted by some 

Taxes upon butchers meat are still more common than 
those upon bread. It may indeed be doubted whether 
butchers meat is any where a necessary of life. Grain and 
other vegetables, with the help of milk, cheese, and butter, 
or oil, where butter is not to be had, it is known from ex- 
perience, can, without any butchers meat, afford the most 
plentiful, the most wholesome, the most nourishing, and the 
most invigorating diet. Decency no where requires that any 
man should eat butchers meat, as it in most places requires 
that he should wear a linen shirt or a pair of leather shoes. 

Consumable commodities, whether necessaries or luxuries, 
may be taxed in two different ways. The consumer may 
either pay an annual sum on account of his using or con- 
suming goods of a certain kind ; or the goods may be taxed 
while they remain in the hands of the dealer, and before they 
are delivered to the consumer. The consumable goods which 
last a considerable time before they are consumed altogether, 
are most properly taxed in the one way. Those of which 
the consumption is either immediate or more speedy, in the 
other. The coach-tax and plate-tax are examples of the 
former method of imposing: the greater part of the other 
duties of excise and customs, of the latter. 


The duties of excise are imposed chiefly upon goods of 
home produce destined for home consumption. They are 
imposed only upon a few sorts of goods of the most general 
use. There can never be any doubt either concerning the 
goods which are subject to those duties, or concerning the 
particular duty which each species of goods is subject to. 
They fall almost altogether upon what I call luxuries, ex- 
cepting always the four duties above mentioned, upon salt, 
soap, leather, candles, and, perhaps, that upon green glass. 

The duties of customs are much more ancient than those 
of excise. They seem to have been called customs, as de- 
noting customary payments which had been in use from time 
immemorial. They appear to have been originally consid- 
ered as taxes upon the profits of merchants. During the 
barbarous times of feudal anarchy, merchants, like all the 
other inhabitants of burghs, were considered so little better 
than emancipated bondmen, whose persons were despised, and 
whose gains were envied. The great nobility, who had con- 
sented that the king should tallage the profits of their own 
tenants, were not unwilling that he should tallage likewise 
those of an order of men whom it was much less their in- 
terest to protect. In those ignorant times, it was not under- 
stood, that the profits of merchants are a subject not taxable 
directly; or that the final payment of all such taxes must 
fall, with a considerable over-charge, upon the consumers. 

The gains of alien merchants were looked upon more un- 
favourably than those of English merchants. It was nat- 
ural, therefore, that those of the former should be taxed more 
heavily than those of the latter. This distinction between 
the duties upon aliens and those upon English merchants, 
which was begun from ignorance, has been continued from 
the spirit of monopoly, or in order to give our own merchants 
an advantage both in the home and in the foreign market. 

With this distinction, the ancient duties of customs were 
imposed equally upon all sorts of goods, necessaries as well 
as luxuries, goods exported as well as goods imported. Why 
should the dealers in one sort of goods, it seems to have been 
thought, be more favoured than those in another? or why 
should the merchant exporter be more favoured than the 
merchant importer? 


The ancient customs were divided into three branches. 
The first, and perhaps the most ancient of all those duties, 
was that upon wool and leather. It seems to have been 
chiefly or altogether an exportation duty. When the woollen 
manufacture came to be established in England, lest the king 
should lose any part of his customs upon wool by the ex- 
portation of woollen cloths, a like duty was imposed upon 
them. The other two branches were, first, a duty upon wine, 
which, being imposed at so much a ton, was called a ton- 
nage; and, secondly, a duty upon all other goods, which, 
being imposed at so much a pound of their supposed value, 
was called a poundage. In the forty-seventh year of Ed- 
ward III. a duty of sixpence in the pound was imposed upon 
all goods exported and imported, except wools, wool-fells, 
leather, and wines, which were subject to particular duties. 
In the fourteenth of Richard II, this duty was raised to one 
shilling in the pound ; but three years afterwards, it was 
again reduced to sixpence. It was raised to eight-pence in 
the second year of Henry IV. ; and in the fourth year of the 
same prince, to one shilling. From this time to the ninth 
year of William III. this duty continued at one shilling in 
the pound. The duties of tonnage and poundage were gen- 
erally granted to the king by one and the same act of par- 
liament, and were called the Subsidy of Tonnage and Pound- 
age. The subsidy of poundage having continued for so long 
a time at one shilling in the pound, or at five per cent. ; a 
subsidy came, in the language of the customs, to denote a 
general duty of this kind of five per cent. The subsidy, 
which is now called the Old Subsidy, still continues to be 
levied according to the book of rates established in the 
twelfth of Charles II. The method of ascertaining, by a 
book of rates, the value of goods subject to this duty, is said 
to be older than the time of James I. The new subsidy im- 
posed by the ninth and tenth of William III , was an addi- 
tional five per cent, upon the greater part of goods. The 
one-third and the two-third subsidy made up between them 
another five per cent, of which they were proportionately 
parts. The subsidy of 1747 made a fourth five per cent, upon 
the greater part of goods ; and that of 1759, a fifth upon some 
particular sorts of goods. Besides those five subsidies, a 


great variety of other duties have occasionally been imposed 
upon particular sorts of goods, in order sometimes to relieve 
the exigencies of the state, and sometimes to regulate the 
trade of the country, according to the principles of the mer- 
i.:antile system. 

That system has come gradually more and more into 
fashion. The old subsidy was imposed indifferently upon 
exportation as well as importation. The four subsequent 
subsidies, as well as the other duties which have since been 
occasionally imposed upon particular sorts of goods, have, 
with a few exceptions, been laid altogether upon importation. 
The greater part of the ancient duties which had been im- 
posed upon the exportation of the goods of home produce 
and manufacture, have either been lightened or taken away 
altogether. In most cases they have been taken away. 
Bounties have even been given upon the exportation of some 
of them. Drawbacks too, sometimes of the whole, and, in 
most cases, of a part of the duties which are paid upon the 
importation of foreign goods, have been granted upon their 
exportation. Only half the duties imposed by the old subsidy 
upon importation are drawn back upon exportation : but t"he 
whole of those imposed by the latter subsidies and other im- 
posts are, upon the greater part of goods, drawn back in the 
same manner. This growing favour of exportation, and dis- 
couragement of importation, have suffered only a few excep- 
tions, which chiefly concern the materials of some manufac- 
tures. These, our merchants and manufacturers are willing 
should come as cheap as possible to themselves, and as dear 
as possible to their rivals and competitors in other countries. 
Foreign materials are, upon this account, sometimes allowed 
to be imported duty free ; Spanish wool, for example, flax, 
and raw linen yarn. The exportation of the materials of 
home produce, and of those which are the particular produce 
of our colonies, has sometimes been prohibited, and some- 
times subjected to higher duties. The exportation of Eng- 
lish wool has been prohibited. That of beaver skins, of 
beaver wool, and of gum Senega, has been subjected to higher 
duties; Great Britain, by the conquest of Canada and Senegal, 
having got almost the monopoly of those commodities. 

That the mercantile system has not been very favourable 


to the revenue of the great body of the people, to the annual 
produce of the land and labour of the country, I have en- 
deavoured to shew? in the fourth book of this Inquiry. It 
seems not to have been more favourable to the revenue of the 
sovereign ; so far at least as that revenue depends upon the 
duties of customs. 

In consequence of that system, the importation of several 
sorts of goods has been prohibited altogether. This pro- 
hibition has in some cases entirely prevented, and in others 
has very much diminished the importation of those commodi- 
cies, by reducing the importers to the necessity of smuggling. 
It has entirely prevented the importation of foreign woollens ; 
and it has very much diminished that of foreign silks and 
velvets. In both cases it has entirely annihilated the reve- 
nue of customs which might have been levied upon such 

The high duties which have been imposed upon the im- 
portation of many different sorts of foreign goods, in order 
to discourage their consumption in Great Britain, have in 
many cases served only to encourage smuggling; and in all 
cases have reduced the revenue of the customs below what 
more moderate duties would have afforded. The saying of 
Dr. Swift, that in the arithmetic of the customs two and two, 
instead of making four, make sometimes only one, holds per- 
fectly true with regard to such heavy duties, which never 
could have been imposed, had not the mercantile system 
taught us, in many cases, to employ taxation as an instru- 
ment, not of revenue, but of monopoly. 

In order that the greater part of the members of any 
society should contribute to the public revenue in proportion 
to their respective expence, it does not seem necessary that 
every single article of that expence should be taxed. The 
revenue, which is levied by the duties of excise, is supposed 
to fall as equally upon the contributors as that which is levied 
by the duties of customs; and the duties of excise are im- 
posed upon a few articles only of the most general use and 
consumption. It has been the opinion of many people, that, 
by proper management, the duties of customs might likewise, 
without any loss to the public revenue, and with great ad- 
vantage to foreign trade, be confined to a few articles only. 


The foreign articles, of the most general use and consump- 
tion in Great Britain, seem at present to consist chiefly in 
foreign wines and brandies; in some of the productions of 
America and the West Indies, sugar, rum, tobacco, cocoa- 
nuts, &c. and in some of those of the East Indies, tea, coffee, 
china-ware, spiceries of all kinds, several sorts of piece- 
goods, &c. These different articles afford, perhaps, at pres- 
ent, the greater part of the revenue which is drawn from 
the duties of customs. The taxes which at present subsist 
upon foreign manufactures, if you except those upon the few 
contained in the foregoing enumeration, have the greater 
part of them been imposed for the purpose, not of revenue, 
but of monopoly, or to give our own merchants an advantage 
in the home market. By removing all prohibitions, and by 
subjecting all foreign manufactures to such moderate taxes, 
as it was found from experience afforded upon each article 
the greatest revenue to the public, our own workmen might 
still have a considerable advantage in the home market, and 
many articles, some of which at present afford no revenue 
to government, and others a very inconsiderable one, might 
afford a very great one. 

High taxes, sometimes by diminishing the consumption of 
the taxed commodities, and sometimes by encouraging smug- 
gling, frequently afford a smaller revenue to government 
than what might be drawn from more moderate taxes. 

When the diminution of revenue is the effect of the di- 
minution of consumption, there can be but one remedy, and 
that is the lowering of the tax. 

When the diminution of the revenue is the effect of the 
encouragement given to smuggling, it may perhaps be reme- 
died in two ways; either by diminishing the temptation to 
smuggle, or by increasing the difficulty of smuggling. The 
temptation to smuggle can be diminished only by the lower- 
ing of the tax ; and the difficulty of smuggling can be in- 
creased only by establishing that system of administration 
which is most proper for preventing it. 

The excise laws, it appears, I believe, from experience, 
obstruct and embarrass the operations of the smuggler much 
more effectually than those of the customs. By introducing 
into the customs a system of administration as similar to 


that of the excise as the nature of the different duties will 
admit, the difficulty of smuggling might be very much in- 
creased. This alteration, it has been supposed by many 
people, might very easily be brought about. 

The importer of commodities liable to any duties of cus- 
toms, it has been said, might at his option be allowed either to 
carry them to his own private warehouse, or to lodge them in 
a warehouse provided either at his own .expence or at that of 
the public, but under the key of the customhouse officer, and 
never to be opened but in his presence. If the merchant car- 
ried them to his own private warehouse, the duties to be 
immediately paid, and never afterwards to be drawn back ; 
and that warehouse to be at all times subject to the visit and 
examination of the customhouse officer, in order to ascertain 
how far the quantity contained in it corresponded with that 
for which the duty had been paid. If he.carried them to the 
public warehouse, no duty to be paid till they were taken out 
for home consumption. If taken out for exportation, to be 
duty-free ; proper security being always given that they 
should be so exported. The dealers in those particular com- 
modities, either by wholesale or retail, to be at all times sub- 
ject to the visit and examination of the customhouse officer; 
and to be obliged to justify by proper certificates the pay- 
ment of the duty upon the whole quantity contained in their 
shops or warehouses. What are called the excise-duties 
upon rum imported are at present levied in this manner, and 
the same system of administration might perhaps be ex- 
tended to all duties upon goods imported; provided always 
that those duties were, like the duties of excise, confined to 
a few sorts of goods of the most general use and consump- 
tion. If they were extended to almost all sorts of goods, as 
at present, public warehouses of sufficient extent could not 
easily be provided, and goods of a very delicate nature, or of 
which the preservation required much care and attention, 
could not safely be trusted by the merchant in any warehouse 
but his own. 

If by such a system of administration smuggling, to any 
considerable extent, could be prevented even under pretty high 
duties ; and if every duty was occasionally either heightened 
or lowered according as it was most likely, either the one 


way or the other, to afford the greatest revenue to the state; 
taxation being always employed as an instrument of revenue 
and never of monopoly; it seems not improbable that a reve- 
nue, at least equal to the present neat revenue of the cus- 
toms, might be drawn from duties upon the importation of 
only a few sorts of goods of the most general use and con- 
sumption; and that the duties of customs might thus be 
brought to the same degree of simplicity, certainty, and pre- 
cision, as those of excise. What the revenue at present loses, 
by drawbacks upon the re-exportation of foreign goods which 
are afterwards relanded and consumed at home, would under 
this system be saved altogether. If to this saving, which 
would alone be very considerable, were added the abolition 
of all bounties upon the exportation of home-produce; in all 
cases in which those bounties were not in reality drawbacks 
of some duties of excise which had before been advanced ; it 
cannot well be doubted but that the neat revenue of customs 
might, after an alteration of this kind, be fully equal to what 
it had ever been before. 

If by such a change of system the public revenue suffered 
no loss, the trade and manufactures of the country would 
certainly gain a very considerable advantage. The trade in 
the commodities not taxed, by far the greatest number, would 
be perfectly free, and might be carried on to and from all 
parts of the world with every possible advantage. Among 
those commodities would be comprehended all the necessaries 
of life, and all the materials of manufacture. So far as the 
free importation of the necessaries of life reduced their aver- 
age money price in the home market, it would reduce the 
money price of labour, but without reducing in any respect 
its real recompence. The value of money is in proportion to 
the quantity of the necessaries of life which it will purchase. 
That of the necessaries of life is altogether independent of 
the quantity of money which can be had for them. The 
reduction in the money price of labour would necessarily be 
attended with a proportionable one in that of all home-manu- 
factures, which would thereby gain some advantage in all 
foreign markets. The price of some manufactures would be 
reduced in a still greater proportion by the free importation 
of the raw materials. If raw silk could be imported from 


China and Indostan duty-free, the silk manufacturers in 
England could greatly undersell those of both France and 
Italy. There would be no occasion to prohibit the importa- 
tion of foreign silks and velvets. The cheapness of their 
goods would secure to our own workmen, not only the pos- 
session of the home, but a very great command of the foreign 
market. Even the trade in the commodities taxed would be 
carried on with much more advantage than at present. If 
those commodities were delivered out of the public warehouse 
for foreign exportation, being in this case exempted from all 
taxes, the trade in them would be perfectly free. The carry- 
ing trade in all sorts of goods would under this system enjoy 
every possible advantage. If those commodities were deliv- 
ered out for home-consumption, the importer not being 
obliged to advance the tax till he had an opportunity of sell- 
ing his goods, either to some dealer, or to some consumer, he 
could always afford to sell them cheaper than if he had been 
obliged to advance it at the moment of importation. Under 
the same taxes, the foreign trade of consumption even in the 
taxed commodities, might in this manner be carried on with 
much more advantage than it can at present. 

It was the object of the famous excise scheme of Sir Rob- 
ert Walpole to establish, with regard to wine and tobacco, a 
system not very unlike that which is here proposed. But 
though the bill which was then brought into parliament, com- 
prehended those two commodities only ; it was generally sup- 
posed to be meant as an introduction to a more extensive 
scheme of the same kind. Faction, combined with the in- 
terest of smuggling merchants, raised so violent, though so 
unjust, a clamour against that bill, that the minister thought 
proper to drop it ; and from a dread of exciting a clamour of 
the same kind, none of his successors have dared to resume 
the project. 

The duties upon foreign luxuries imported for home-con- 
sumption, though they sometimes fall upon the poor, fall 
principally upon people of middling or more than middling 
fortune. Such are, for example, the duties upon foreign 
wines, upon coffee, chocolate, tea, sugar, &c. 

The duties upon the cheaper luxuries of home-produce 
destined for home-consumption, fall pretty equally upon 


people of all ranks in proportion to their respective expence. 
The poor pay the duties upon malt, hops, beer, and ale, upon 
their own consumption : The rich, upon both their own con- 
sumption and that of their servants. 

The whole consumption of the inferior ranks of people, 
or of those below the middling rank, it must be observed, is 
in every country much greater, not only in quantity, but in 
value, than that of the middling and of those above the 
middling rank. The whole expence of the inferior is much 
greater than that of the superior ranks. In the first place, 
almost the whole capital of every country is annually dis- 
tributed among the inferior ranks of people, as the wages of 
productive labour. Secondly, a great part of the revenue 
arising from both* the rent of land and the profits of stock, 
is annually distributed among the same rank, in the wages 
and maintenance of menial servants, and other unproductive 
labourers. Thirdly, some part of the profits of stock be- 
longs to the same rank, as a revenue arising from the em- 
ployment of their small capitals. The amount of the profits 
annually made by small shopkeepers, tradesmen, and re 
tailers of all kinds, 'is every where very considerable, arr 
makes a very considerable portion of the annual produce. 
Fourthly, and lastly, some part even of the rent of land be- 
longs to the same rank ; a considerable part to those who are 
somewhat below the middling rank, and a small part even to 
the lowest rank ; common labourers sometimes possessing in 
property an acre or two of land. Though the expence of 
those inferior ranks of people, therefore, taking them indi- 
vidually, is very small, yet the whole mass of it, taking them 
collectively, amounts always to by much the largest portion 
of the whole expence of the society; what remains, of the 
annual produce of the land and labour of the country for the 
consumption of the superior ranks, being always much less, 
not only in quantity but in value. The taxes upon expence, 
therefore, which fall chiefly upon that of the superior ranks 
of people, upon the smaller portion of the annual produce, 
are likely to be much less productive than either those which 
fall indifferently upon the expence of all ranks, or even those 
which fall chiefly upon that of the inferior ranks ; than either 
those which fall indifferently upon the whole annual produce, 


or those which fall chiefly upon the larger portion of it. The 
excise upon the materials and manufacture of home-made 
fermented and spirituous liquors is accordingly, of all the 
different taxes upon expence, by far the most productive; 
and this branch of the excise falls very much, perhaps prin- 
cipally, upon the expence of the common people. In the 
year which ended on the 5th of July 1775, the gross produce 
of this branch of the excise amounted to 3,341,837/. 9^. gd. 

It must always be remembered, however, that it is the 
luxurious and not the necessary expence of the inferior ranks 
of people that ought ever to be taxed. The final payment of 
any tax upon their necessary expence would fall altogether 
upon the superior ranks of people ; upon the smaller portion 
of the annual produce, and not upon the greater. Such a tax 
must in all cases either raise the wages of labour, or lessen 
the demand for it. It could not raise the wages of labour, 
without throwing the final payment of the tax upon the 
superior ranks of people. It could not lessen the demand for 
labour, without lessening the annual produce of the land and 
labour of the country, the fund from which all taxes must be 
finally paid. Whatever might be the state to which a tax of 
this kind reduced the demand for labour, it must always raise 
wages higher than they otherwise would be in that state ; and 
the final payment of this enhancement of wages must in all 
cases fall upon the superior ranks of people. 

Fermented liquors brewed, and spirituous liquors distilled, 
not for sale, but for private use, are not in Great Britain 
liable to any duties of excise. This exemption, of which the 
object is to save private families from the odious visit and 
examination of the tax-gatherer, occasions the burden of 
those duties to fall frequently much lighter upon the rich 
than upon the poor. It is not, indeed, very common to distil 
for private use, though it is done sometimes. But in the 
country, many middling and almost all rich and great fami- 
lies brew their own beer. Their strong beer, therefore, costs 
them eight shillings a barrel less than it costs the common 
brewer, who must have his profit upon the tax, as well as 
upon all the other expence which he advances. Such fami- 
lies, therefore, must drink their beer at least nine or ten shil- 
lings a barrel cheaper than any liquor of the same quality 


can be drunk by the common people, to whom it is every 
where more convenient to buy their beer, by little and little, 
from the brewery or the alehouse. Malt, in the same man- 
ner, that is made for the use of a private family, is not liable 
to the visit or examination of the tax-gatherer ; but in this 
case the family must compound at seven shillings and six- 
pence a head for the tax. Seven shillings and sixpence are 
equal to the excise upon ten bushels of malt ; a quantity 
fully equal to what all the different members of any sober 
family, men, women, and children, are at an average likely 
to consume. But in rich and great families, where country 
hospitality is much practised, the malt liquors consumed by 
the members of the family make but a small part of the con- 
sumption of the house. Either on account of this composi- 
tion, however, or for other reasons, it is not near so common 
to malt as to brew for private use. It is difficult to imagine 
any equitable reason why those who either brew or distil for 
private use, should not be subject to a composition of the 
same kind. 

A greater revenue than what is at present drawn from all 
the heavy taxes upon malt, beer, and ale, might be raised, it 
has frequently been said, by a much lighter tax upon malt; 
the opportunities of defrauding the revenue being much 
greater in a brewery than in a malt-house ; and those who 
brew for private use being exempted from all duties or com- 
position for duties, which is not the case with those who malt 

for private use 


Besides such duties as those of customs and excise above- 
mentioned, there are several others which affect the price of 
goods more unequally and more indirectly. Of this kind are 
the duties which in French are called Peages, which in old 
Saxon times were called Duties of Passage, and which seem 
to have been originally established for the same purpose as 
our turnpike tolls, or the tolls upon our canals and navigable 
rivers, for the maintenance of the road or of the navigation. 
Those duties, when applied to such purposes, are most prop- 
erly imposed according to the bulk of weight of the goods. 
As they were originally local and provincial duties, appli- 
cable to local and provincial purposes, the administration of 


them was in most cases entrusted to the particular town, 
parish, or lordship, in which they were levied; such com- 
munities being in some way or other supposed to be account- 
able for the application. The sovereign, who is altogether 
unaccountable, has in many countries assumed to himself the 
administration of those duties ; and though he has in most 
cases enhanced very much the duty, he has in many entirely 
neglected the application. If the turnpike tolls of Great 
Britain should ever become one of the resources of govern- 
ment, we may learn, by the example of many other nations, 
what would probably be the consequence. Such tolls are no 
doubt finally paid by the consumer; but the consumer is not 
taxed in proportion to his expence when he pays, not accord- 
ing to the value, but according to the bulk or weight of what 
he consumes. When such duties are imposed, not according 
to the bulk or weight, but according to the supposed value of 
the goods, they become properly a sort of inland customs or 
excises, which obstruct very much the most important of all 
branches of commerce, the interior commerce of the country. 

In some small states duties similar to those passage duties 
are imposed upon goods carried across the territory, either 
by land or by water, from one foreign country to another. 
These are in some countries called transit-duties. Some of 
the little Italian states, which are situated upon the Po, and 
the rivers which run into it, derive some revenue from duties 
of this kind, which are paid altogether by foreigners, and 
which, perhaps, are the only duties that one state can impose 
upon the subjects of another, without obstructing in any re- 
spect the industry or commerce of its own. The most im- 
portant transit-duty in the world is that levied by the king of 
Denmark upon all merchant ships which pass through the 

Such taxes upon luxuries as the greater part of the duties 
of customs and excise, though they all fall indifferently upon 
every different species of revenue, and are paid finally, or 
without any retribution, by whoever consumes the commodi- 
ties upon which they are imposed, yet they do not always fall 
equally or proportionably upon the revenue of every indi- 
vidual. As every man's humour regfulates the degree of his 
consumption, every man contributes rather according to his 


humour than in proportion to his revenue ; the profuse con- 
tribute more, the parsimonious less, than their proper pro- 
portion. During the minority of a man of great fortune, he 
contributes commonly very little, by his consumption, towards 
the support of that state from vi^hose protection he derives a 
great revenue. Those who live in another country con- 
tribute nothing, by their consumption, towards the support 
of the government of that country, in which is situated the 
source of their revenue. If in this latter country there should 
be no land-tax, nor any considerable duty upon the transfer- 
ence either of moveable or of immoveable property, as is the 
case in Ireland, such absentees may derive a great revenue 
from the protection of a government to the support of which 
they do not contribute a single shilling. This inequality is 
likely to be greatest in a country of which the government is 
in some respects subordinate and dependent upon that of 
some other. The people who possess the most extensive 
property in the dependent, will in this case generally chuse 
to live in the governing country. Ireland is precisely in this 
situation, and we cannot therefore wonder that the proposal 
of a tax upon absentees should be so very popular in that 
country. It might, perhaps, be a little difficult to ascertain 
either what sort, or what degree of absence would subject a 
man to be taxed as an absentee, or at what precise time the 
tax should either begin or end. If you except, however, 
this very particular situation, any inequality in the contribu- 
tion of individuals, which can arise from such taxes, is much 
more than compensated by the very circumstance which oc- 
casions that inequality; the circumstance that every man's 
contribution is altogether voluntary ; it being altogether in 
his power either to consume or not to consume the com- 
modity taxed. Where such taxes, therefore, are properly 
assessed and upon proper commodities, they are paid with 
less grumbling than any other. When they are advanced by 
the merchant or manufacturer, the consumer, who finally pays 
them, soon comes to confound them with the price of the 
commodities, and almost forgets that he pays any tax. 

Such taxes are or may be perfectly certain, or may be 
assessed so as to leave no doubt concerning either what ought 
to be paid, or when it ought to be paid; concerning either 


the quantity or the time of payment. Whatever uncertainty 
there may sometimes be, either in the duties of customs in 
Great Britain, or in other duties of the same kind in other 
countries, it cannot arise from the nature of those duties, 
but from the inaccurate or unskilful manner in which the 
law that imposes them is expressed. 

Taxes upon luxuries generally are, and always may be, 
paid piecemeal, or in proportion as the contributors have oc- 
casion to purchase the goods upon which they are imposed. 
In the time and mode of payment they are, or may be, of all 
taxes the most convenient. Upon the whole, such taxes, 
therefore, are, perhaps, as agreeable to the three first of the 
four general maxims concerning taxation, as any other. 
They ofifend in every respect against the fourth. 

Such taxes, in proportion to what they bring into the pub- 
lic treasury of the state, always take out or keep out of the 
pockets of the people more than almost any other taxes. 
They seem to do this in all the four different ways in which 
it is possible to do it. 

First, the levying of such taxes, even when imposed in the 
most judicious manner, requires a great number of custom- 
house and excise officers, whose salaries and perquisites are a 
real tax upon the people, which brings nothing into the treas- 
ury of the state. This expence, however, it must be ac- 
knowledged, is more moderate in Great Britain than in most 
other countries. In the year which ended on the fifth of 
July 1775, the gross produce of the different duties, under 
the management of the commissioners of excise in England, 
amounted to 5,507,308/. i8.y. 8^4^?. which was levied at an ex- 
pence of little more than five and a half per cent. From 
this gross produce, however, there must be deducted what 
was paid away in bounties and drawbacks upon the exporta- 
tion of exciseable goods, which will reduce the neat produce 
below five millions. The levying of the salt duty, an excise 
duty, but under a different management, is much more ex- 
pensive. The neat revenue of the customs does not amount 
to two millions and a half, which is levied at an expense of 
more than ten per cent, in the salaries of officers, and other 
incidents. But the perquisites of customhouse officers are 
every where much greater than their salaries; at some ports 


more than double or triple those salaries. If the salaries of 
officers, and other incidents, therefore, amount to more than 
ten per cent, upon the neat revenue of the customs ; the whole 
expense of levying that revenue may amount, in salaries and 
perquisites together, to more than twenty or thirty per cent. 
The officers of excise receive few or no perquisites : and the 
administration of that branch of the revenue being of more 
recent establishment, is in general less corrupted than that of 
the customs, into which length of time has introduced and 
authorized many abuses. By charging upon malt the whole 
revenue which is at present levied by the different duties upon 
malt and malt liquors, a saving, it is supposed, of more than 
fifty thousand pounds might be made in the annual expence 
of the excise. By confining the duties of customs to a few 
sorts of goods, and by levying those duties according to the 
excise laws, a much greater saving might probably be made 
in the annual expence of the customs. 

Secondly, such taxes necessarily occasion some obstruction 
or discouragement to certain branches of industry. As they 
always raise the price of the commodity taxed, they so far 
discourage its consumption, and consequently its production. 
If it is a commodity of home growth or manufacture, less 
labour comes to be employed in raising and producing it. If 
it is a foreign commodity of which the tax increases in this 
manner, the price, the commodities of the same kind which 
are made at home may thereby, indeed, gain some advantage 
in the home market, and a greater quantity of domestic in- 
dustry may thereby be turned toward preparing them. But 
though this rise of price in a foreign commodity may en- 
courage domestic industry in one particular branch, it neces- 
sarily discourages that industry in almost every other. The 
dearer the Birmingham manufacturer buys his foreign wine, 
the cheaper he necessarily sells that part of his hardware 
with which, or, what comes to the same thing, with the price 
of which he buys it. That part of his hardware, therefore, 
becomes of less value to him, and he has less encouragement 
to work at it. The dearer the consumers in one country pay 
for the surplus produce of another, the cheaper they neces- 
sarily sell that part of their own surplus produce with which, 
or, what comes to the same thing, with the price of which 


they buy it. That part of their own surplus produce becomes 
of less value to them, and they have less encouragement to 
increase its quantity. All taxes upon consumable commodi- 
ties, therefore, tend to reduce the quantity of productive 
labour below what it otherwise would be, either in preparing 
the commodities taxed, if they are home commodities; or in 
preparing those with which they are purchased, if they are 
foreign commodities. Such taxes too always alter, more or less, 
the natural direction of national industry, and turn it into a 
channel always different from, and always less advantageous 
than that in which it would have run of its own accord. 

Thirdly, the hope of evading such taxes by smuggling gives 
frequent occasion to forfeitures and other penalties, which 
entirely ruin the smuggler ; a person who, though no doubt 
highly blameable for violating the laws of his country, is fre- 
quently incapable of violating those of natural justice, and 
would have been, in every respect, an excellent citizen, had 
not the laws of his country made that a crime which nature 
never meant to be so. In those corrupted governments where 
there is at least a general suspicion of much unnecessary ex- 
pence, and great misapplication of the public revenue, the 
laws which guard it are little respected. Not many people 
are scrupulous about smuggling, when, without perjury, they 
can find easy and safe opportunity of doing so. To pre- 
tend to have any scruple about buying smuggled goods, 
though a manifest encouragement to the violation of the rev- 
enue laws, and to the perjury which almost always attends it, 
would in most countries be regarded as one of those pedantic 
pieces of hypocrisy which, instead of gaining credit with any 
body, serve only to expose the person who affects to practise 
them, to the suspicion of being a greater knave than most of 
his neighbours. By this indulgence of the public, the smug- 
gler is often encouraged to continue a trade which he is thus 
taught to consider as in some measure innocent ; and when 
the severity of the revenue laws is ready to fall upon him, he 
is frequently disposed to defend with violence, what he has 
been accustomed to regard as his just property. From being 
at first, perhaps, rather imprudent than criminal, he at last 
too often becomes one oi the hardiest and most determined 
violators of the laws of society. By the ruin of the smuggler, 


his capital, which had before been employed in maintaining 
productive labour, is absorbed either in the revenue of the 
state or in that of the revenue-officer, and is employed in 
maintaining unproductive, to the diminution of the general 
capital of the society, and of the useful industry which it 
might otherwise have maintained. 

Fourthly, such taxes, by subjecting at least the dealers in 
the taxed commodities to the frequent visits and odious ex- 
amination of the tax-gatherers, expose them sometimes, no 
doubt, to some degree of oppression, and always to much 
trouble and vexation; and though vexation, as has already 
been said, is not strictly speaking expence, it is certainly 
equivalent to the expence at which every man would be 
willing to redeem himself from it. The laws of excise, 
though more effectual for the purpose for which they were 
instituted, are, in this respect, more vexatious than those of 
the customs. When a merchant has imported goods subject 
to certain duties of customs, when he has paid those duties, 
and lodged the goods in his warehouse, he is not in most 
cases liable to any further trouble or vexation from the cus- 
tomhouse officer. It is otherwise with goods subject to duties 
of excise. The dealers have no respite from the continual 
visits and examination of the excise officers. The duties of 
excise are, upon this account, more unpopular than those of 
the customs ; and so are the officers who levy them. Those 
officers, it is pretended, though in general, perhaps, they do 
their duty fully as well as those of the customs; yet, as that 
duty obliges them to be frequently very troublesome to some 
of their neighbours, commonly contract a certain hardness of 
character which the others frequently have not. This obser- 
vation, however, may very probably be the mere suggestion of 
fraudulent dealers, whose smuggling is either prevented or 
detected by their diligence. 

The inconveniencies, however, which are, perhaps, in some 
degree inseparable from taxes upon consumable commodities, 
fall as light upon the people of Great Britain as upon those 
of any other country of which the government is nearly as 
expensive. Our state is not perfect, and might be mended; 
but it is as good or better than that of most of our 


In consequence of the notion that duties upon consumable 
goods were taxes upon the profits of merchants, those duties 
have, in some countries, been repeated upon every successive 
sale of the goods. If the profits of the merchant importer 
or merchant manufacturer were taxed, equality seemed to 
require that those of all the middle buyers, who intervened 
between either of them and the consumer, should likewise be 
taxed. The famous Alcavala of Spain seems to have been 
established upon this principle. It was at first a tax of ten 
per cent., afterwards of fourteen per cent., and is at present 
of only six per cent, upon the sale of every sort of property, 
whether moveable or immoveable ; and it is repeated every 
time the property is sold. The levying of this tax requires 
a multitude of revenue officers sufficient to guard the trans- 
portation of goods, not only from one province to another, 
but from one shop to another. It subjects, not only the 
dealers in some sorts of goods, but those in all sorts, every 
farmer, every manufacturer, every merchant and shop-keeper, 
to the continual visits and examination of the tax-gatherers. 
Through the greater part of a country in which a tax of this 
kind is established, nothing can be produced for distant sale. 
The produce of every part of the country must be propor- 
tioned to the consumption of the neighbourhood. It is to the 
Alcavala, accordingly, that Ustaritz imputes the ruin of the 
manufactures of Spain. He might have imputed to it like- 
wise the declension of agriculture, it being imposed not only 
upon manufactures, but upon the rude produce of the land. 

In the kingdom of Naples there is a similar tax of three 
per cent, upon the value of all contracts, and consequently 
upon that of all contracts of sale. It is both lighter than the 
Spanish tax, and the greater part of towns and parishes are 
allowed to pay a composition in lieu of it. They levy this 
composition in what manner they please, generally in a way 
that gives no interruption to the interior commerce of the 
place. The Neapolitan tax, therefore, is not near so ruinous 
as the Spanish one. 

The uniform system of ta.xation, which, with a few excep- 
tions of no great consequence, takes place in all the different 
parts of the united kingdom of Great Britain, leaves the in- 
terior commerce of the country, the inland and coasting trade, 


almost entirely free. The inland trade is almost perfectly 
free, and the greater part of goods may be carried from one 
end of the kingdom to the other, without requiring any 
permit or let-pass, without being subject to question, visit, or 
examination from the revenue officers. There are a few ex- 
ceptions, but they are such as can give no interruption to any 
important branch of the inland commerce of the country. 
Goods carried coastwise, indeed, require certificates or coast 
cockets. If you except coals, however, the rest are almost 
all duty-free. This freedom of interior commerce, the effect 
of the uniformity of the system of taxation, is perhaps one 
of the principal causes of the prosperity of Great Britain; 
every great country being necessarily the best and most ex- 
tensive market for the greater part of the productions of its 
own industry. If the same freedom, in consequence of the 
same Uniformity, could be extended to Ireland and the planta- 
tions, both the grandeur of the state and the prosperity of 
every part of the empire, would probably be still greater than 
at present. 

In France, the different revenue laws which take place in 
the different provinces, require a multitude of revenue-officers 
to surround, not only the frontiers of the kingdom, but those 
of almost each particular province, in order either to prevent 
the importation of certain goods, or to subject it to the pay- 
ment of certain duties, to the no small interruption of the 
interior commerce of the country. Some provinces are al- 
lowed to compound for the gabelle or salt-tax. Others are 
exempted from it altogether. Some provinces are exempted 
from the exclusive sale of tobacco, which the farmers-general 
enjoy through the greater part of the kingdom. The aids, 
which correspond to the excise in England, are very different 
in different provinces. Some provinces are exempted from 
them, and pay a composition or equivalent. In those in which 
they take place and are in farm, there are many local duties 
which do not extend beyond a particular town or district. 
The Traites, which correspond to our customs, divide the 
kingdom into three great parts; first, the provinces subject 
to the tarif of 1664, which are called the provinces of the five 
great farms, and under which are comprehended Picardy, 
Normandy, and the greater part of the interior provinces of 


the kingdom; secondly, the provinces subject to the tarif of 
1667, which are called the provinces reckoned foreign, and 
under which are comprehended the greater part of the fron- 
tier provinces; and, thirdly, those provinces which are said 
to be treated as foreign, or which, because they are allowed 
a free commerce with foreign countries, are in their com- 
merce with the other provinces of France subjected to the 
same duties as other foreign countries. These are Alsace, 
the three bishopricks of Metz, Toul, and Verdun, and the 
three cities of Dunkirk, Bayonne, and Marseilles. Both in 
the provinces of the five great farms (called so on account 
of an ancient division of the duties of customs into five great 
branches, each of which was originally the subject of a par- 
ticular farm, though they are now-all united into one), and in 
those which are said to be reckoned foreign, there are many 
local duties which do not extend beyond a particular town or 
district. There are some such even in the provinces which 
are said to be treated as foreign, particularly in the city of 
Marseilles. It is unnecessary to observe how much, both the 
restraints upon the interior commerce of the country, and the 
number of the revenue officers must be multiplied, in order 
to guard the frontiers of those different provinces and dis- 
tricts, which are subject to such different systems of taxation. 

Over and above the general restraints arising from this 
complicated system of revenue laws, the commerce of wine, 
after corn perhaps the most important production of France, 
is in the greater part of the provinces subject to particular 
restraints, arising from the favour which has been shewn to 
the vineyards of particular provinces and districts, above 
those of others. The provinces most famous for their wines, 
it will be found, I believe, are those in which the trade in 
that article is subject to the fewest restraints of this kind. 
The extensive market which such provinces enjoy, encour- 
ages good management both in the cultivation of their vine- 
yards, and in the subsequent preparation of their wines. 

Such various and complicated revenue laws are not pe- 
culiar to France. The little dutchy of Milan is divided into 
six provinces, in each of which there is a different system of 
taxation with regard to several different sorts of consumable 
goods. The still smaller territories of the duke of Parma 


are divided into three or four, each of which has, in the 
same manner, a system of its own. Under such absurd man- 
agement, nothing, but the great fertility of the soil and hap- 
piness of the climate, could preserve such countries from soon 
relapsing into the lowest state of poverty and barbarism. 

Taxes upon consumable commodities may either be levied 
by an administration of which the officers are appointed by 
government and are immediately accountable to government, 
of which the revenue must in this case vary from year to 
year, according to the occasional variations in the produce of 
the tax; or they may be let in farm for a rent certain, the 
farmer being allowed to appoint his own officers, who, though 
obliged to levy the tax in the manner directed by the law, 
are under his immediate inspection, and are immediately ac- 
countable to him. The best and most frugal way of levying 
a tax can never be by farm Over and above what is neces- 
sary for paying the stipulated rent, the salaries of the officers, 
and the whole expence of administration, the farmer must 
always draw from the produce of the tax a certain profit pro- 
portioned at least to the advance which he makes, to the risk 
which he runs, to the trouble which he is at, and to the 
knowledge and skill which it requires to manage so very 
complicated a concern. Government, by establishing an ad- 
ministration under their own immediate inspection, of the 
same kind with that which the farmer establishes, might at 
least save this profit, which is almost always exorbitant. To 
farm any considerable branch of the public revenue, requires 
either a great capital or a great credit; circumstances which 
would alone restrain the competition for such an undertaking 
to a very small number of people. Of the few who have this 
capital or credit, a still smalter number have the necessary 
knowledge or experience ; another circumstance which re- 
strains the competition still further. The very few, who are 
in condition to become competitors, find it more for their 
interest to combine together; to become co-partners instead 
of competitors, and when the farm is set up to auction, to 
offer no rent, but what is much below the real value. In 
countries where the public revenues are in farm, the farmers 
are generally the most opulent people. Their wealth would 
alone excite the public indignation, and the vanity which al- 


most always accompanies such upstart fortunes, the foolish 
ostentation with which they commonly display that wealth, 
excites that indignation still more. 

The farmers of the public revenue never find the laws too 
severe, which punish any attempt to evade the payment of a 
tax. They have no bowels for the contributors, who are not 
their subjects, and whose universal bankruptcy, if it should 
happen the day after their farm is expired, would not much 
affect their interest. In the greatest exigencies of the state, 
when the anxiety of the sovereign for the exact payment 
of his revenue is necessarily the greatest, they seldom fail 
to complain that without laws more rigorous than those which 
actually take place, it will be impossible for them to pay even 
the usual rent. In those moments of public distress their 
demands cannot be disputed. The revenue laws, therefore, 
become gradually more and more severe. The most sangui- 
nary are always to be found in countries where the greater 
part of the public revenue is in farm. The mildest, in coun- 
tries where it is levied under the immediate inspection of the 
sovereign. Even a bad sovereign feels more compassion 
for his people than can be expected from the farmers 
of his revenue. He knows that the permanent grandeur of 
his family depends upon the prosperity of his people, and he 
will never knowingly ruin that prosperity for the sake of any 
momentary interest of his own. It is otherwise with the 
farmers of his revenue, whose grandeur may frequently be 
the effect of the ruin, and not of the prosperity of his people. 

A tax is sometimes, not only farmed for a certain rent, 
but the farmer has, besides, the monopoly of the commodity 
taxed. In France^ the duties upon tobacco and salt are levied 
in this manner. In such cases the farmer, instead of one, 
levies two exorbitant profits upon the people ; the profit of 
the farmer, and the still more exorbitant one of the monop- 
olist. Tobacco being a luxury, every man is allowed to buy 
or not to buy as he chuses. But salt being a necessary, every 
man is obliged to buy of the farmer a certain quantity of it ; 
because, if he did not buy this quantity of the farmer, he 
would, it is presumed, buy it of some smuggler. The taxes 
upon both commodities are exorbitant. The temptation to 
smuggle consequently is to many people irresistible, while 


at the same time the rigour of the law, and the vigilance of 
the farmer's ofificers, render the yielding to that temptation 
almost certainly ruinous. The smuggling of salt and tobacco 
sends every year several hundred people to the gallies, be- 
sides a very considerable number whom it sends to the gibbet. 
Those taxes levied in this manner yield a very considerable 
revenue to government. In 1767, the farm of tobacco was 
let for twenty-two millions five hundred and forty-one thou- 
sand two hundred and seventy-eight livres a year. That of 
salt, for thirty-six millions four hundred and nine-two thou- 
sand four hundred and foiir livres. The farm in both cases 
was to commence in 1768, and to last for six years. Those 
who consider the blood of the people as nothing in compari- 
son with the revenue of the prince, may perhaps approve of 
this method of levying taxes. Similar taxes and monopolies 
of salt and tobacco have been established in many other coun- 
tries ; particularly in the Austrian and Prussian dominions, 
and in the greater part of the states of Italy. 

In France, the greater part of the actual revenue of the 
crown is derived from eight different sources ; the taille, 
the capitation, the two vingtiemes, the gabelles, the aides, the 
traites, the domaine, and the farm of tobacco. The five last 
are, in the greater part of the provinces, under farm. The 
three first are every where levied by an administration under 
the immediate inspection and direction of government, and 
it is universally acknowledged that, in proportion to what 
they take out of the pockets of the people, they bring more 
into the treasury of the prince than the other five, of which 
the administration is much more wasteful and expensive. 

The finances of France seem, in their present state, to ad- 
mit of three very obvious reformations. First, by abolishing 
the taille and the capitation, and by encreasing the number 
of vingtiemes, so as to produce an additional revenue equal 
to the amount of those other taxes, the revenue of the crown 
might be preserved ; the expence of collection might be much 
diminished; the vexation of the inferior ranks of people, 
which the taille and capitation occasion, might be entirely 
prevented; and the superior ranks might not be more bur- 
dened than the greater part of them are at present. The ving- 
tieme, I have already observed, is a tax very nearly of the 


same kind with what is called the land-tax of England. The 
burden of the taille, it is acknowledged, falls finally upon the 
proprietors of land, and as the greater part of the capitation 
is assessed upon those who are subject to the taille at so 
much a pound of that other tax, the final payment of the 
greater part of it must likewise fall upon the same order of 
people. Though the number of the vingtiemes, therefore, 
was increased so as to produce an additional revenue equal to 
the amount of both those taxes, the superior ranks of people 
might not be more burdened than they are at present. Many 
individuals no doubt would, on account of the great inequal- 
ities with which the taille is commonly assessed upon the es- 
tates and tenants of different individuals. The interest and 
opposition of such favoured subjects are the obstacles most 
likely to prevent this or any other reformation of the same 
kind. Secondly, by rendering the gabelle, the aides, the 
traites, the taxes upon tobacco, all the different customs and 
excises, uniform in all the different parts of the kingdom, 
those taxes might be levied at much less expence, and the 
interior commerce of the kingdom might be rendered as free 
as that of England. Thirdly, and lastly, by subjecting all 
those taxes to an administration under the immediate inspec- 
tion and direction of government, the exorbitant profits of 
the farmers general might be added to the revenue of the 
state. The opposition arising from the private interest of 
individuals, is likely to be as effectual for preventing the two 
last as the first mentioned scheme of reformation. 

The French system of taxation seems, in every respect, 
inferior to the British. In Great Britain ten million sterling 
are annually levied upon less than eight millions of people, 
without its being possible to say that any particular order is 
oppressed. From the collections of the Abbe Expilly, and 
the observations of the author of the Essay upon the legis- 
lation and commerce of corn, it appears probable, that France, 
including the provinces of Lorraine and Bar, contains about 
twenty-three or twenty-four millions of people ; three times 
the number perhaps contained in Great Britain. The soil 
and climate of France are better than those of Great Britain. 
The country has been much longer in a state of improvement 
and cultivation, and is, upon that account, better stocked with 


all those things which it requires a long time to raise up and 
accumulate, such as great towns, and convenient and well- 
built houses, both in town and country. With these advan- 
tages, it might be expected that in France a revenue of thirty 
millions might be levied for the support of the state, with 
as little inconveniency as a revenue of ten millions is in Great 
Britain. In 1765 and 1766, the whole revenue paid into the 
treasury of France, according to the best, though, I acknowl- 
edge, very imperfect, accounts which I could get of it, usually 
run between 308 and 325 millions of livres ; that is, it did not 
amount to fifteen millions sterling; not the half of what might 
have been expected, had the people contributed in the same 
proportion to their numbers as the people of Great Britain. 
The people of France, however, it is generally acknowledged, 
are much more oppressed by taxes than the people of Great 
Britain. France, however, is certainly the great empire in 
Europe which, after that of Great Britain, enjoys the mildest 
and most indulgent government. 

In Holland the heavy taxes upon the necessaries of life 
have ruined, it is said, their principal manufactures, and are 
likely to discourage gradually even their fisheries and their 
trade in ship-building. The taxes upon the necessaries of 
life are inconsiderable in Great Britain, and no manufacture 
has hitherto been ruined by them. The British taxes which 
bear hardest on manufactures are some duties upon the im- 
portation of raw materials, particularly upon that of raw silk. 
The revenue of the states general and of the different cities, 
however, is said to amount to more than five millions two 
hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling; and as the in- 
habitants of the United Provinces cannot well be supposed 
to amount to more than a third part of those of Great Britain, 
they must, in proportion to their number, be much more 
heavily taxed. 

After all the proper subjects of taxation have been ex- 
hausted, if the exigencies of the state still continue to require 
new taxes, they must be imposed upon improper ones. The 
taxes upon the necessaries of life, therefore, may be no im- 
peachment of the wisdom of that republic, which, in order 
to acquire and to maintain its independency, has, in spite of 
its great frugality, been involved in such expensive wars as 


have obliged it to contract great debts. The singpalar coun- 
tries of Holland and Zealand, besides, require a considerable 
expence even to preserve their existence, or to prevent their 
being swallowed up by the sea, which must have contributed 
to increase considerably the load of taxes in those two prov- 
inces. The republican form of government seems to be the 
principal support of the present grandeur of Holland. The 
owners of great capitals, the great mercantile families, have 
generally either some direct share, or some indirect influence, 
in the administration of that government. For the sake of 
the respect and authority which they derive from this situa- 
tion, they are willing to live in a country where their capital, 
if they employ it themselves, will bring them less profit, and 
if they lend it to another, less interest; and where the very 
moderate revenue which they can draw from it will purchase 
less of the necessaries and conveniences of life than in any 
other part of Europe. The residence of such wealthy people 
necessarily keeps alive, in spite of all disadvantages, a certain 
degree of industry in the country. Any public calamity which 
should destroy the republican form of government, which 
should throw the whole administration into the hands of no- 
bles and of soldiers, which should annihilate altogether the 
importance of those wealthy merchants, would soon render it 
disagreeable to them to live in a country where they were no 
longer likely to be much respected. They would remove both 
their residence and their capital to some other country, and 
the industry and commerce of Holland would soon follow the 
capitals which supported them. 

Of Public Debts 

IN that rude state of society which precedes the extension 
of commerce and the improvement of manufactures, 
when those expensive luxuries which commerce and man- 
ufactures can alone introduce, are altogether unknown, the 
person who possesses a large revenue, I have endeavoured to 
show in the third book of this Inquiry, can spend or enjoy 
that revenue in no other way than by maintaining nearly as 
many people as it can maintain. A large revenue may at all 
times be said to consist in the command of a large quantity of 
the necessaries of life. In that rude state of things it is com- 
monly paid in a large quantity of those necessaries, in the 
materials of plain food and coarse clothing, in corn and cattle, 
in wool and raw hides. When neither commerce nor manu- 
factures furnish any thing for which the owner can ex- 
change the greater part of those materials which are over 
and above his own consumption, he can do nothing with the 
surplus but feed and clothe nearly as many people as it will 
feed and clothe. A hospitality in which there is no luxury, 
and a liberality in which there is no ostentation, occasion, in 
this situation of things, the principal expences of the rich and 
the great. But these, I have likewise endeavoured to show 
in the same book, are expences by which people are not very 
apt to ruin themselves. There is not, perhaps, any selfish 
pleasure so frivolous, of which the pursuit has not sometimes 
ruined even sensible men. A passion for cock-fighting has 
ruined many. But the instances, I believe, are not very nu- 
merous of people who have been ruined by a hospitality or 
liberality of this kind ; though the hospitality of luxury and 
the liberality of ostentation have ruined many. Among our 
feudal ancestors, the long time during which estates used to 
continue in the same family, sufficiently dem.onstrates the 



general disposition of people to live within their income. 
Though the rustic hospitality, constantly exercised by the 
great land-holders, may not, to us in the present times, seem 
consistent with that order, which we are apt to consider as 
inseparably connected with good oeconomy, yet we must cer- 
tainly allow them to have been at least so far frugal as not 
commonly to have spent their whole income. A part of their 
v/ool and raw hides they had generally an opportunity of 
selling for money. Some part of this money, perhaps, they 
spent in purchasing the few objects of vanity and luxury, 
with which the circumstances of the times could furnish 
them; but some part of it they seem commonly to have 
hoarded. They could not well indeed do any thing else but 
hoard whatever money they saved. To trade was disgraceful 
to a gentleman, and to lend money at interest, which at that 
time was considered as usury and prohibited by law, would 
have been still more so. In those times of violence and dis- 
order, besides, it was convenient to have a hoard of money 
at hand, that in case they should be driven from their own 
home, they might have something of known value to carry 
with them to some place of safety. The same violence, which 
made it convenient to hoard, made it equally convenient to 
conceal the hoard. The frequency of treasure-trove, or of 
treasure found of which no owner was known, sufficiently 
demonstrates the frequency in those times both of hoarding 
and of concealing the hoard. Treasure-trove was then con- 
sidered as an important branch of the revenue of the sov- 
ereign. All the treasure-trove of the kingdom would 
scarce perhaps in the present times make an important 
branch of the revenue of a private gentleman of a good 

The same disposition to save and to hoard prevailed in the 
sovereign, as well as in the subjects. Among nations to whom 
commerce and manufactures are little known, the sovereign, 
it has already been observed in the fourth book, is in a situa- 
tion which naturally disposes him to the parsimony requisite 
for accumulation. In that situation the expence even of a 
sovereign cannot be directed by that vanity which delights 
in the gaudy finery of a court. The ignorance of the times 
affords but few of the trinkets in which that finery consists. 


Standing armies are not then necessary, so that the expence 
even of a sovereign, like that of any other great lord, can be 
employed in scarce any thing but bounty to his tenants, and 
h'Dspitality to his retainers. But bounty and hospitality very 
seldom lead to extravagance; though vanity almost always 
does. All the ancient sovereigns of Europe accordingly, it 
has already been observed, had treasures. Every Tartar chief 
in the present times is said to have one. 

In a commercial country abounding with every sort of 
expensive luxury, the sovereign, in the same manner as al- 
most all the great proprietors in his dominions, naturally 
spends a great part of his revenue in purchasing those lux- 
uries His own and the neighbouring countries supply him 
abundantly with all the costly trinkets which compose the 
splendid, but insignificant pageantry of a court. For the 
sake of an inferior pageantry of the same kind, his nobles 
dismiss their retainers, make their tenants independent, and 
become gradually themselves as insignificant as the greater 
part of the wealthy burghers in his dominions. The same 
frivolous passions, which influence their conduct, influence 
his How can it be supposed that he should be the only rich 
man in his dominions who is insensible to pleasures of this 
kind? H he does not, what he is very likely to do, spend upon 
those pleasures so great a part of his revenue as to debilitate 
very much the defensive power of the state, it cannot wel 
be expected that he should not spend upon them all that part 
of it which is over and above what is necessary for support- 
ing that defensive power. His ordinary expence becomes 
equal to his ordinary revenue, and it is well if it does not 
frequentlv exceed it. The amassing of treasure can no longer 
be expected, and whet extraordinary exigencies require ex- 
traordinary expences, he must necessarily call upon his sub- 
jects for an extraordinary aid. The present and the late king 
of Prussia are the only great princes of Europe, who, since 
the death of Henry IV. of France in 1610, are supposed to 
have amassed anv considerable treasure. The parsimony 
which leads to accumulation has become almost as rare in 
republican as in monarchial governments. The Italian re- 
publics, the United Provinces of the Netherlands, are all m 
debt. The canton of Berne is the single republic in Europe 


which has amassed any considerable treasure. The other 
Swiss republics have not. The taste for some sort of pa- 
geantry, for splendid buildings, at least, and other public 
ornaments, frequently prevails as much in the apparently 
sober senate-house of a little republic, as in the dissipated 
court of the greatest king. 

The want of parsimony in time of peace, imposes the ne- 
cessity of contracting debt in time of war. When war comes, 
there is no money in the treasury but what is necessary for 
carrying on the ordinary expence of the peace establishment. 
In war an establishment of three or four times that expence 
becomes necessary for the defence of the state, and conse- 
quently a revenue three or four times greater than the peace 
revenue. Supposing that the sovereign should have, what he 
scarce ever has, the immediate means of augmenting his rev- 
enue in proportion to the augmentation of his expence, yet 
still the produce of the taxes, from which this increase of 
revenue must be drawn, will not begin to come into the 
treasury till perhaps ten or twelve months after they are im- 
posed. But the moment in which war begins, or rather the 
moment in which it appears likely to begin, the army must be 
augmented, the fleet must be fitted out, the garrisoned towns 
must be put into a posture of defence ; that army, that fleet, 
those garrisoned towns must be furnished with arms, ammu- 
nition, and provisions. An immediate and great expence 
must be incurred in that moment of immediate danger, which 
will not wait for the gradual and slow returns of the new 
taxes. In this exigency government can have no other re- 
source but in borrowing. 

The same commercial state of society which, by the oper- 
ation of moral causes, brings government in this manner 
into the necessity of borrowing, produces in the subjects both 
an ability and an inclination to lend. If it commonly brings 
along with it the necessity of borrowing, it likewise brings 
along with it the facility of doing so. 

A country abounding with merchants and manufacturers, 
necessarily abounds with a set of people through whose 
hands not only their own capitals, but the capitals of all 
those who either lend them money, or trust them with goods, 
pass as frequently, or more frequently, than the revenue of 

S — HC X 


a private man, who, without trade or business, lives upon 
his income, passes through his hands. The revenue of such 
a man can regularly pass through his hands only once in a 
year. But the whole amount of the capital and credit of a 
merchant, who deals in a trade in which the returns are very 
quick, may sometimes pass through his hands two, three, or 
four times in a year. A country abounding with merchants 
and manufacturers, therefore, necessarily abounds with a set 
of people who have at all times in their power to advance, if 
they chuse to do so, a very large sum of money to govern- 
ment. Hence the ability in the subjects of a commercial state 
to lend. 

Commerce and manufactures can seldom flourish long in 
any state which does not enjoy a regular administration of 
justice, in which the people do not feel themselves secure 
in the possession of their property, in which the faith of 
contracts is not supported by law, and in which the authority 
of the state is not supposed to be regularly employed in 
enforcing the payment of debts from all those who are able 
to pay. Commerce and manufactures, in short, can seldom 
flourish in any state in which there is not a certain degree of 
confidence in the justice of government. The same confi- 
dence which disposes great merchants and manufacturers, 
upon ordinary occasions, to trust their property to the pro- 
tection of a particular government; disposes them, upon ex- 
traordinary occasions, to trust that government with the use 
of their property. By lending money to government, they do 
not even for a moment diminish their ability to carry on their 
trade and manufactures. On the contrary, they commonly 
augment it. The necessities of the state render government 
upon most occasions willing to borrow upon terms extremely 
advantageous to the lender. The security which it grants 
to the original creditor, is made transferable to any^ other 
creditor, and. from the universal confidence in the justice 
of the state, generally sells in the market for more than was 
originally paid for it. The merchant or monied man makes 
money by lending money to government, and instead of di- 
minishing, increases his trading capital. He generally con- 
siders it as a favour, therefore, when the administration 
admits him to a share in the first subscription for a new 


loan. Hence the inclination or willingness in the subjects 
of a commercial state to lend. 

The government of such a state is very apt to repose itself 
upon this ability and willingness of its subjects to lend it 
their money on extraordinary occasions. It foresees the 
facility of borrowing, and therefore dispenses itself from the 
duty of saving. 

In a rude state of society there are no great mercantile 
or manufacturing capitals. The individuals, who hoard whaif;- 
ever money they can save, and who conceal their hoard, do 
so from a distrust of the justice of government, from a fear 
that if it was known that they had a hoard, and where that 
hoard was to be found, they would quickly be plundered. In 
such a state of things few people would be able, and no body 
would be willing, to lend their money to government on ex- 
traordinary exigencies. The sovereign feels that he must 
provide for such exigencies by saving, because he foresees 
the absolute impossibility of borrowing. This foresight in- 
creases still further his natural disposition to save. 

The progress of the enormous debts which at present op- 
press, and will in the long-run probably ruin, all the great 
nations of Europe, has been pretty uniform. Nations, like 
private men, have generally begun to borrow upon what 
may be called personal credit, without assigning or mort- 
gaging any particular fund for the payment of the debt ; and 
when this resource has failed them, they have gone on to 
borrow upon assignments or mortgages of particular funds. 

What is called the unfunded debt of Great Britain, is con- 
tracted in the former of those two ways. It consists partly 
in a debt which bears, or is supposed to bear, no interest, and 
which resembles the debts that a private man contracts upon 
account ; and partly in a debt which bears interest, and which 
resembles what a private man contracts upon his bill or 
promissory note. The debts which are due either for ex- 
traordinary services, or for services either not provided for, 
or not paid at the time when they are performed ; part of the 
extraordinaries of the army, navy, and ordnance, the arrears 
of subsidies to foreign princes, those of seamen's wages, &c. 
usually constitute a debt of the first kind. Navy and Ex- 
chequer bills, which are issued sometimes in payment of a 


part of such debts and sometimes for other purposes, consti- 
tute a debt of the second kind; Exchequer bills bearing in- 
terest from the day on which they are issued, and navy bills 
six months after they are issued. The bank of England, 
either by voluntarily discounting those bills at their current 
value, or by agreeing with government for certain consider- 
ations to circulate Exchequer bills, that is, to receive them 
at par, paying the interest which happens to be due upon 
them, keeps up their value and facilitates their circulation, 
and thereby frequently enables government to contract a very 
large debt of this kind. In France, where there is no bank, 
the state bills (billets d'etat) have sometimes sold at sixty 
and seventy per cent, discount. During the great re-coinage 
in King William's time, when the bank of England thought 
proper to put a stop to its usual transactions, Exchequer 
bills and tallies are said to have sold from twenty-five to 
sixty per cent, discount; owing partly, no doubt, to the sup- 
posed instability of the new government established by the 
Revolution, but partly too to the want of the support of the 
bank of England. 

When this resource is exhausted, and it becomes necessary, 
in order to raise money, to assign or mortgage some par- 
ticular branch of the public revenue for the payment of the 
debt, government has upon different occasions done this in 
two different ways. Sometimes it has made this assignment 
or mortgage for a short period of time only, a year, or a few 
years, for example ; and sometimes for perpetuity. In the 
one case, the fund was supposed sufficient to pay, within the 
limited time, both principal and interest of the money bor- 
rowed. In the other, it was supposed sufficient to pay the 
interest only, or a perpetual annuity equivalent to the interest, 
government being at liberty to redeem at any time this an- 
nuity, upon paying back the principal sum borrowed. When 
money was raised in the one way, it was said to be raised 
by anticipation; when in the other, by perpetual funding, or, 
more shortly, by funding. 

The ordinary expence of the greater part of modern gov- 
ernments in time of peace being equal or nearly equal to their 
ordinary revenue, when war comes, they are both unwilling 


and unable to increase their revenue in proportion to the in- 
crease of their expence. They are unwilling, for fear of of- 
fending the people, who by so great and so sudden an in- 
crease of taxes, would soon be disgusted with the war; and 
they are unable, from not well knowing what taxes would be 
sufficient to produce the revenue wanted. The facility of 
borrowing delivers them from the embarrassment which this 
fear and inability would otherwise occasion. By means of 
borrowing they are enabled, with a very moderate increase 
of taxes, to raise, from year to year, money sufficient for 
carrying on the war, and by the practice of perpetual funding 
they are enabled, with the smallest possible increase of taxes, 
to raise annually the largest possible sum of money. In 
great empires the people who live in the capital, and in the 
provinces remote from the scene of action, feel, many of 
them, scarce any inconveniency from the war; but enjoy, at 
their ease, the amusement of reading in the newspapers the 
exploits of their own fleets and armies. To them this amuse- 
ment compensates the small difference between the taxes 
which they pay on account of the war, and those which they 
had been accustomed to pay in time of peace. They are com- 
monly dissatisfied with the return of peace, which puts an end 
to their amusement, and to a thousand visionary hopes of con- 
quest and national glory, from a longer continuance of the war. 

The return of peace, indeed, seldom relieves them from the 
greater part of the taxes imposed during the war. These are 
mortgaged for the interest of the debt contracted in order 
to carry it on. If, over and above paying the interest of this 
debt, and defraying the ordinary expence of government, the 
old revenue, together with the new taxes, produce some sur- 
plus revenue, it may perhaps be converted into a sinking 
fund for paying off the debt. But, in the first place, this 
sinking fund, even supposing it should be applied to no other 
purpose, is generally altogether inadequate for paying, in the 
course of any period during which it can reasonably be ex- 
pected that peace should continue, the whole debt contracted 
during the war ; and, in the second place, this fund is almost 
always applied to other purposes. 

The new taxes were imposed for the sole purpose of pay- 
ing the interest of the money borrowed upon them. If they 


produce more, it is generally something which was neither 
intended nor' expected, and is therefore seldom very consid- 
erable. Sinking funds have generally arisen, not so much 
from any surplus of the taxes which was over and above 
what was necessary for paying the interest or annuity orig- 
inally charged upon them, as from a subsequent reduction 
of that interest. That of Holland in 1655, and that of the 
ecclesiastical state in 1685, were both formed in this manner. 
Hence the usual insufficiency of such funds. 

During the most profound peace, various events occur 
which require an extraordinary expence, and government 
finds it always more convenient to defray this expence by 
misapplying the sinking fund than by imposing a new tax. 
Every new tax is immediately felt more or less by the people. 
It occasions always some murmur, and meets with some op- 
position. The more taxes may have been multiplied, the 
higher they may have been raised upon every different sub- 
ject of taxation; the more loudly the people complain of every 
new tax, the more difficult it becomes too either to find out 
new subjects of taxation, or to raise much higher the taxes 
already imposed upon the old. A momentary suspension of 
the payment of debt is not immediately felt by the people, 
and occasions neither murmur nor complaint. To borrow of 
the sinking fund is always an obvious and easy expedient for 
getting out of the present difficulty. The more the public 
debts may have been accumulated, the more necessary it may 
have become to study to reduce them, the more dangerous, the 
more ruinous it may be to misapply any part of the sinking 
fund ; the less likely is the public debt to be reduced to any 
considerable degree, the more likely, the more certainly is 
the sinking fund to be misapplied towards defraying all the 
extraordinary expences which occur in time of peace. When 
a nation is already overburdened with taxes, nothing but the 
necessities of a new war, nothing but either the animosity of 
national vengeance, or the anxiety for national security, can 
induce the people to submit, with tolerable patience, to a new 
tax. Hence the usual misapplication of the sinking fund. 

The public funds of the different indebted nations of Eu- 
rope, particularly those of England, have by one author 


been represented as the accumulation of a great capital super- 
added to the other capital of the country, by means of which 
its trade is extended, its manufactures multiplied, and its 
Lands cultivated and improved much beyond what they could 
have been by means of that other capital only. He does not 
consider that the capital which the first creditors of the public 
advanced to government, was, from the moment in which they 
advanced it, a certain portion of the annual produce turned 
away from serving in the function of a capital, to serve in 
that of a revenue ; from maintaining productive labourers to 
maintain unproductive ones, and to be spent and wasted, gen- 
erally in the course of the year, without even the hope of any 
future reproduction. In return for the capital which they 
advanced they obtained, indeed, an annuity in the public 
funds in most cases of more than equal value. This annuity, 
no doubt, replaced to them their capital, and enabled them to 
carry on their trade and business to the same or perhaps to 
a greater extent than before ; that is, they were enabled either 
to borrow of other people a new capital upon the credit of 
this annuity, or by selling it to get from other people a new 
capital of their own, equal or superior to that which they had 
advanced to government. This new capital, however, which 
they in this manner either bought or borrowed of other 
people, must have existed in the country before, and must 
have been employed as all capitals are, in maintaining pro- 
ductive labour. When it came into the hands of those who 
had advanced their money to government, though it was in 
some respects a new capital to them, it was not so to the 
country ; but was only a capital withdrawn from certain 
employments in order to be turned towards others. Though 
it replaced to them what they had advanced to government, 
it did not replace it to the country. Had they not advanced 
this capital to government, there would have been in the 
country two capitals, two portions of the annual produce, in- 
stead of one, employed in maintaining productive labour. 

When for defraying the expence of government a revenue 
is raised within the year from the produce of free or unmort- 
gaged taxes, a certain portion of the revenue of private people 
is only turned away -from maintaining one species of un- 
productive labour, towards maintaining another. Some part 


of what they pay in those taxes might no doubt have been 
accumulated into capital, and consequently employed in main- 
taining productive labour; but the greater part vi^ould prob- 
ably have been spent and consequently employed in main- 
taining unproductive labour. The public expence, however, 
when defrayed in this manner, no doubt hinders more or 
less the further accumulation of new capital ; but it does not 
necessarily occasion the destruction of any actually existing 

When the public expence is defrayed by funding, it is de- 
frayed by the annual destruction of some capital which had 
before existed in the country; by the perversion of some 
portion of the annual produce which had before been destined 
for the maintenance of productive labour, towards that of 
unproductive labour. As in this case, however, the taxes are 
lighter than they would have been, had a revenue sufficient 
for defraying the same expence been raised within the year ; 
the private revenue of individuals is necessarily less bur- 
dened, and consequently their ability to save and accumulate 
some part of that revenue into capital is a good deal less im- 
paired. If the method of funding destroy more old capital, 
it at the same time hinders less the accumulation or acquisi- 
tion of new capital, than that of defraying the public expence 
by a revenue raised within the year. Under the system of 
funding, the frugality and industry of private people can 
more easily repair the breaches which the waste and ex- 
travagance of government may occasionally make in the 
general capital of the society. 

It is only during the continuance of war, however, that the 
system of funding has this advantage over the other system. 
Were the expence of war to be defrayed always by a revenue 
raised within the year, the taxes from which that extraordi- 
nary revenue was drawn would last no longer than the war. 
The ability of private people to accumulate, though less dur- 
ing the war, would have been greater during the peace than 
under the system of funding. War would not necessarily have 
occasioned the destruction of any old capitals, and peace 
would have occasioned the accumulation of many more new. 
Wars would in general be more speedily concluded, and less 
wantonly undertaken. The people feeling, during the con- 


tinuance of the war, the complete burden of it. would soon 
grow weary of it, and government, in order to humour them, 
would not be under the necessity of carrying it on longer 
than it was necessary to do so. The foresight of the heavy 
and unavoidable burdens of war would hinder the people from 
wantonly calling for it when there was no real or solid in- 
terest to fight for. The seasons during which the ability of 
private people to accumulate was somewhat impaired, would 
occur more rarely, and be of shorter continuance. Those on 
the contrary, during which that ability was in the highest 
vigour, would be of much longer duration than they can well 
be under the system of funding. 

When funding, besides, has made a certain progress, the 
multiplication of taxes which it brings along with it some- 
times impairs as much the ability of private people to ac- 
cumulate even in time of peace, as the other system would 
in time of war. The peace revenue of Great Britain amounts 
at present to more than ten millions a year. If free and un- 
mortgaged, it might be sufficient, with proper management 
and without contracting a shilling of new debt, to carry on 
the most vigorous war. The private revenue of the inhabi- 
tants of Great Britain is at present as much encumbered in 
time of peace, their ability to accumulate is as much impaired 
as it would have been in the time of the most expensive war, 
had the pernicious system of funding never been adopted. 

In the payment of the interest of the public debt, it has 
been said, it is the right hand which pays the left. The money 
does not go out of the country. It is only a part of the rev- 
enue of one set of the inhabitants which is transferred to 
another ; and the nation is not a farthing the poorer. This 
apology is founded altogether in the sophistry of the mer- 
cantile system, and after the long examination which I have 
already bestowed upon that system, it maj' perhaps be unnec- 
essary to say any thing further about it. It supposes, besides, 
that the whole public debt is owing to the inhabitants of the 
country, which happens not to be true; the Dutch, as well 
as several other foreign nations, having a very considerable 
share in our public funds. But though the whole debt were 
owing to the inhabitants of the country, it would not upon 
that account be less pernicious. 


Land and capital stock are the two original sources of all 
revenue both private and public. Capital stock pays the 
wages of productive labour, whether employed in agriculture, 
manufactures, or commerce. The management of those two 
original sources of revenue belongs to two different sets of 
people ; the proprietors of land, and the owners or employers 
of capital stock. 

The proprietor of land is interested for the sake of his own 
revenue to keep his estate in as good condition as he can, by 
building and repairing his tenants houses, by making and 
maintaining the necessary drains and enclosures, and all those 
other expensive improvements which it properly belongs to 
the landlord to make and maintain. But by different land- 
taxes the revenue of the landlord may be so much dimin- 
ished; and by different duties upon the necessaries and con- 
veniences of life, that diminished revenue may be rendered 
of so little real value, that he may find himself altogether 
unable to make or maintain those expensive improvements. 
When the landlord, however, ceases to do his part, it is alto- 
gether impossible that the tenant should continue to do his. 
As the distress of the landlord increases, the agriculture of 
the country must necessarily decline. 

When, by different taxes upon the necessaries and con- 
veniences of life, the owners and employers of capital stock 
find, that whatever revenue they derive from it, will not, in a 
particular country, purchase the same quantity of those nec- 
essaries and conveniences which an equal revenue would in 
almost any other, they will be disposed to remove to some 
other. And when, in order to raise those taxes, all or the 
greater part of merchants and manufacturers, that is, all 
or the greater part of the employers of great capitals, come 
to be continually exposed to the mortifying and vexatious 
visits of the tax-gatherers, this disposition to remove will 
soon be changed into an actual removal. The industry of the 
country will necessarily fall with the removal of the capital 
which supported it, and the ruin of trade and manufactures 
will follow the declension of agriculture. 

To transfer from the owners of those two great sources of 
revenue, land and capital stock, from the persons immediately 
interested in the good condition of every particular portion 


of land, and in the good management of every particular por- 
tion of capital stock, to another set of persons (the creditors 
of the public, who have no such particular interest), the 
greater part of the revenue arising from either, must, in the 
long-run, occasion both the neglect of land, and the waste or 
removal of capital stock. A creditor of the public has no 
doubt a general interest in the prosperity of the agriculture, 
manufactures, and commerce of the country; and conse- 
quently in the good condition of its lands, and in the good 
management of its capital stock. Should there be any gen- 
eral failure or declension in any of these things, the produce 
of the different taxes might no longer be sufficient to pay him 
the annuity or interest which is due him. But a creditor of the 
public, considered merely as such, has no interest in the good 
condition of any particular portion of land, or in the good 
management of any particular portion of capital stock. As 
a creditor of the public h^ has no knowledge of any such 
particular portion. He has no inspection of it. He can have 
no care about it. Its ruin may in some cases be unknown to 
him, and cannot directly affect him. 

The practice of funding has gradually enfeebled every state 
which has adopted it. The Italian republics seem to have 
begun it. Genoa and Venice, the only two remaining which 
can pretend to an independent existence, have both been en- 
feebled by it. Spain seems to have learned the practice from 
the Italian republics, and (its taxes being probably less judi- 
cious than theirs) it has, in proportion to its natural strength, 
been still more enfeebled. The debts of Spain are of very old 
standing. It was deeply in debt before the end of the six- 
teenth century, about a hundred years before England owed 
a shilling. France, notwithstanding all its natural resources, 
languishes under an oppressive load of the same kind. The 
republic of the United Provinces is as much enfeebled by its 
debts as either Genoa or Venice. Is it likely that in Great 
Britain alone a practice, which has brought either weakness 
or desolation into every other country, should prove alto- 
gether innocent? 

The system of taxation established in those different coun- 
tries, it may be said, is inferior to that of England. I believe 
it is so. But it ought to be remembered, that when the wisest 


government has exhausted all the proper subjects of taxation, 
it must, in cases of urgent necessity, have recourse to im- 
proper ones. The wise republic of Holland has upon some 
occasions been obliged to have recourse to taxes as incon- 
venient as the greater part of those of Spain. Another war 
begun before any considerable liberation of the public revenue 
had been brought about, and growing in its progress as ex- 
pensive as the last war, may, from irresistible necessity, 
render the British system of taxation as oppressive as that of 
Holland, or even as that of Spain. To the honour of our 
present system of taxation, indeed, it has hitherto given so 
little embarrassment to industry, that, during the course even 
of the most expensive wars, the frugality and good conduct 
of individuals seem to have been able, by saving and accumu- 
lation, to repair all the breaches which the waste and extrava- 
gance of government had made in the general capital of the 
society. At the conclusion of the late war, the most ex- 
pensive that Great Britain ever waged, her agriculture was 
as flourishing, her manufacturers as numerous and as fully 
employed, and her commerce as extensive, as they had ever 
been before. The capital, therefore, which supported all 
those different branches of industry, must have been equal 
to what it had ever been before. Since the peace, agricul- 
ture has been still further improved, the rents of houses have 
risen in every town and village of the country, a proof of the 
increasing wealth and revenue of the people ; and the annual 
amount of the greater part of the old taxes, of the principal 
branches of the excise and customs in particular, has been 
continually increasing, an equally clear proof of an increas- 
ing consumption, and consequently of an increasing produce, 
which could alone support that consumption. Great Britain 
seems to support with ease a burden which, half a century 
ago, nobody believed her capable of supporting. Let us not, 
however, upon this account rashly conclude that she is ca- 
pable of supporting any burden; nor even be too confident 
that she could support, without great distress, a burden a 
little greater than what has already been laid upon her. 

When national debts have once been accumulated to a cer- 
tain degree, there is scarce, I believe, a single instance of 
their having been fairly and completely paid. The liberation 


of the public revenue, if it has ever been brought about at 
all, has always been brought about by a bankruptcy; some- 
times by an avowed one, but always by a real one, though fre- 
quently by a pretended payment. 

The raising of the denomination of the coin has been the 
most usual expedient by which a real public bankruptcy has 
been disguised under the appearance of a pretended pay- 
ment. If a sixpence, for example, should either by act of 
parliament or royal proclamation be raised to the denomina- 
tion of a shilling, and twenty sixpences to that of a pound 
sterling; the person who under the old denomination had 
borrowed twenty shillings, or near four ounces of silver, 
would, under the new, pay with twenty sixpences, or with 
something less than two ounces. A national debt of about 
a hundred and twenty-eight millions, nearly the capital of 
the funded and unfunded debt of Great Britain, might in 
this manner be paid with about sixty-four millions of our 
present money. It would indeed be a pretended payment 
only, and the creditors of the public would really be de- 
frauded of ten shillings in the pound of what was due to 
them. The calamity, too, would extend much further than 
to the creditors of the public, and those of every private per- 
son would suffer a proportionable loss ; and this without any 
advantage, but in most cases with a great additional loss, to 
the creditors of the public. If the creditors of the public 
indeed were generally much in debt to other people, they 
might in some measure compensate their loss by paying their 
creditors in the same coin in which the public had paid them. 
But in most countries the creditors of the public are, the 
greater part of them, wealthy people, who stand more in the 
relation of creditors than in that of debtors towards the 
rest of their fellow-citizens. A pretended payment of this 
kind, therefore, instead of alleviating, aggravates in most 
cases the loss of the creditors of the public ; and without 
any advantage to the public, extends the calamity to a great 
number of other innocent people. It occasions a general and 
most pernicious subversion of the fortunes of private peo- 
ple; enriching in most cases the idle and profuse debtor at 
the expense of the industrious and frugal creditor, and trans- 
porting a great part of the national capital from the hands 


which were likely to increase and improve it, to those which 
are likely to dissipate and destroy it. When it becomes nec- 
essary for a state to declare itself bankrupt, in the same 
manner as when it becomes necessary for an individual to 
do so, a fair, open, and avowed bankruptcy is always the 
measure which is both least dishonourable to the debtor, and 
least hurtful to the creditor. The honour of a state is surely 
very poorly provided for, when, in order to cover the dis- 
grace of a real bankruptcy, it has recourse to a juggling trick 
of this kind, so easily seen through, and at the same time so 
extremely pernicious. 




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