Thought Vibration

The Law of Attraction in the 
Thought World 




1299 Farwell Ave.. Chicago 


Copyright, 1906 
By Thb Nbw Thouobt Pubushiho Co 


All rights reierved. 


In December, 1901, William Walker Atkinson 
in assuming the editorship of the popular maga- 
zine New Thought^ introduced himself to the 
readers of that periodical in a memorable article* 
That article contained a clear, ringing, forceful 
statement of his individual creed, than which 
nothing can afford a deeper insight into the char- 
acter and inner self of the man whose name ap- 
pears as author of this book. It is the crys- 
tallized expression of the world-principles, the 
truths, which his writings seek to illuminate^ and 
in my opinion should be read by every student 
of his works, as the key to the philosophy he 

For this reason there has been prefixed to this, 
his latest book, under the title "My Working 
Creed," the most vital of the fundamental oe- 
liefs enunciated by Mr* Atkinson in that famous 
introductory statement of 1901* None can read 
the recurring, ringing "I BELIEVE" of this 
author, without feeling an answering thrill of 


exaltation and power. To those who read this 
book I would say, imbue yourself thoroughly 
with the broad and beautiful spirit of those few 
preliminary paragraphs that you may pass on 
understanding^ to the perusal of the teachings 
which follow. 

Those who have an opportunity to refer to the 
article from which this Creed is taken, should do 
so.* It tells of the work, the material success, 
followed by over-strain, physical and mental 
breakdown and financial disaster, which marked 
the earlier years of William Walker Atkinson. 
It shows how he came to know what he now 
holds to be the truth, and how, in his own 
life, he has demonstrated its value. For from 
mental and physical wreck and financial ruin, he 
wrought through its principles, perfect health, 
mental vigor and material prosperity. 

Mr. Atkinson, during the many years of his 
connection with the magazine. New Thought, 
built for himself an enduring place in the hearts 
of its readers. For four years his literary work 
was confined to its pages (including in addition, 
three books for its publishers), and article after 
article of wonderful strength and vital force 
flowed from his pen. During this time several 

^, ^Included In "New Thought Annual for 1002" published by The 
New Thought PubUshlng Co. 


series of "lessons" appeared, under varying titles, 
in regard to the application of the Law of At- 
traction in the Thought World, lessons which 
created a sensation and exerted a wonderful in-/ 
fluence upon the lives of those who applied their 
principles. They were written in Mr. Atkinson's 
own sparkling, intimate style, teeming with 
thought, force, energy, fire, but shorn of all at- 
mosphere of the study, all attempt at "fine writ- 
ing/' polished periods or dignified metaphor, and 
all affectation or assumption of superior learning. 
One of Mr. Atkinson's cardinal principles is 
"Stand on your own feet," and he deprecates 
any attempt to read infallibility into his writings. 
For this reason we have again prefaced the pres- 
ent work with a "Foreword" in which he seeks 
to instill into all students of New Thought, 
whether as expressed in his writings or in those 
of others, — ^the quality of self-dependence. A 
reading of this Foreword will give the student 
a clear idea of the attitude of mind in which 
Mr. Atkinson thinks this and all other individual 
interpretr tions of life should be approached. 

With "My Working Creed" and the "Fore- 
word" as guides, the present reader should enter 
upon THOUGHT VIBRATION, the book proper, in 


a spirit calculated to extract the greatest possible 

Thought vibration embraces two series of 
the vital lessons mentioned above, with some 
additional articles by Mr. Atkinson follow- 
ing out the same line of teaching. The order 
of the lessons has been somewhat changed in the 
combination; and for further continuity and 
clearness, new lesson titles in the form of chapter 
headings have been selected. The publishers have 
preferred to retain the familiar unstudied style 
of the lessons, as originally written, rather than to 
subject the articles to the literary revision by the 
author which usually precedes publication in book 
form. They contend that Mr. Atkinson's mightiest 
influence, his greatest strength and power, lies in 
his simple, straightforward, and at times even 
colloquial language — ^the kind which "even my 
little son can understand," as wrote in gratitude 
one earnest student. It is such writing that the 
world needs, — ^writing which can be read and 
apprehended by the "little sons" of the world, 
whether known as children or as men. There 
is a great deal of so-called "fine writing^' on 
New Thought subjects, beautiful sentences full 
of high, though sometimes misty thought; bi:t 


this world needs common, practical, everyday ap- 
plication of this thought. Where there is one 
reader for the literary masterpiece, there are a 
hundred readers (plus even that other one), for 
the book written as a keen, live, human man 
talks, and written about the difficulties, the prob- 
lems, the possibilities of the average citizen of 
the world. 

This is a truth Mr. Atkinson has mastered, 
and it is with intention he casts from him the 
restrictions of an academic style. He speaks, al- 
ways, not in dignified tones to "the public," but 
in the language of a friend to YOU. It can be 
said of him in praise, as of another before him : 
''The common people heard 'him gladly!"— the 
highest, most enduring tribute that can be paid 
to a leader of men. 

Recognition is due to Louise Radford Wells 
for the revision of the proofs of this book, the 
selection of its title and chapter headings, and 
the ordered arrangement of the lessons. 

Franklin L. Berry^ 

Editor of New Thought. 
June 75, ipo6 
Chicago, Illinois, 



By Franklin L. Berry. 

In which we learn something of the author and how 
the book was bom. 


In which the author has a word to say about 
''teachers" and ''disciples/' himself included. 

My Wobkino Creed 

The "I believe" of the author. 

The Law of Attraction in the Thouoht World 

One great Law — Thought a manifestation of Energy 
— Thought Vibration — ^Vibrations of light and 
heat differ solely in rate of vibration — Human 
brain only instrument capable of registering 
thought-waves — Experiments in telepathy prove 
the law of thought-attraction — ^Like attracts like 
in the Thought-world — The wireless telegraphy of 
the mind — ^A field of energy with established laws. 

Thouoht-Waves and Their Power of Bepboduction 

How thought-waves traverse the sea of Mind — The 
power possessed of reproducing themselves — ^Vi- 
brations which affect us — Those which do not — 
Whyf — ^We are what we have thought ourselves into 
being — The agency of others' thoughts in shaping 
our destiny — The working of the Law of Attrac- 
tion illustrated by the Marconi wireless instruments 
— The Mind has many degrees of pitch — ^Positive 
thought — ^Negative thought — ^We are positive to 
some, negative to otibers — ^A knowledge of Mental 
Law can change us from negative to positive — 


More people on negative plane than on positive 
plane--Gon8equentl7 more negative thought-vibra- 
tions — ^How to counterbalance them — ^Affirmations 
and auto-suggestions, and their uses — Establish- 
ing new mental attitudes — Development of the 
Will — A high tension not at all times desirable — 
Advantage of changing from positive to receptive, 
at will 


A Talk About the Mind 

Man has but one Mind — Functions along two lines 
of mental effort — ^Passive effort often result of 
vibratory impulses imparted in ages long past- 
Active effort new-born — Thought impulse and mo- 
tion impulse result of Active effort — ^Active func- 
tion creates, Passive function obeys orders and 
suggestions — ^Active function sends forth vibra- 
tions — The force of Habit — Appetency — The im- 
pulse of the Primal Cause— ** Life-force " — ^Mental 
Culture and Mental Development, two different 
things — The amenability of the Mind to the Will 
— The Will the outward manifestation of the I 
AM— The attraction of THE ABSOLUTE— The 
real Man the master — ^Active and Passive functions 
but tools. 


Mind BuiLDiNa 

The Power of Man — ^Unconscious mind-building — 
The "I,** the sovereign of the Mind— The Uni- 
versal Will — The mastery of the Lower Self — The 
mental misgoverned by irresponsible faculties— 
The regstabUshment of order in the mental king- 
dom — The first battle — The conquest of the Lesser 
Self by the Real Self — ^Affirmation and exercise. 


Thx Secret of the Will 

The Will Power and its capability of being de- 
veloped, disciplined, controlled and directed— 
Every man the possessor, potentially, of a strong 
will— The great power-house of the Universal Will 
Power — ^Will does not need training, but Mind 
does — ^Mind, the instrument — ^Mentally lazy people 
— Strong will follows strong desire — ^The price 'of 



atUinment— The real teat— The secret of the de- 
velopment of the Will — Auto-suggestion and exer- 


How TO Become Immune to Injurious Thouoht Atteac- 


The first thing to do — Fear thought — Strong expect- 
ancy a powerful magnet — The man who fears — 
How to overcome the habit of Fear — A waste of 
time t^ fight negative thought hy denying it — 
The right mental attitude— Setting new vibrations 
in motion — The conquest of Fear the first im- 
portant step — The positive will prevail. 


Thi Transmutation op Negative Thought 

Worry the child of Fear^ — The motive underlying 
action — The cauaefl that result in Success — How 
Desire acts — Worry negative and death-producing 
— Desire and Ambition positive and life-producing 
— The transmutation of Worry — Getting into har- 
mony with the right thou ght-wave&^-Set ting in 
motion the Law of Attraction — Fear paralyses 
Desire — Once rid of it, difficulty melts away — 
The working of a mighty Law — The things we 
worry about — Things adjust themselves— The stor* 
ing-up of energy — Where are the feared things f— 
Better ways of overconung objectionable thoughts 
than by fighting them. 

The Law or Mental Conteol 

Thoughts either faithful servants or tyrannical mai- 
ters— Some of our best mental work performed 
foT us when our conscious mentality is at rest — 
The key to the mystery — ^The man who under* 
standa how to run hi a mental engine — '^Slowing 
down*' the Mind. 



A general awakening needed — Let Life flow through 
ue, manifesting in thought, word^ deed — Tha ex- 


pressioA of conscious life — ^Affirmation and Exer- 


Tbaining the "Habit-Mind" 

The Bub-conscions mind — ^Importance of transmitting 
proper impulses— Automatic habits — ''Which of 
these two things shall I dof" — ^Forming a new 
habit — ^Breaking an old one — The "just-once'' 
idea— The Mind a piece of paper — ^Mental creases. 

Thb Psychology or the Emotions 

Emotions dependent largely upon habit — ^May be 
repressed, increased, developed, changed — ^When to 
master an undesirable emotion — ^Jealousy — Its 
growth — ^Bage — ^The habit of feeling and acting 
"mean'' — ^Worry— Continued thought manifests in 
action — ^" Fault-finding" — The chronic "nagger" 
— Negative emotions and their recurrence— How 
to choke out these habits. 

Dbvelopino New Bbain Cells 

Undesirable states of feeling — ^We are not the crea- 
tures of our emotions — ^The majority of the race so 
governed to a great degree — ^Man the real master 
of his emotions — The development of new brain- 
cells — The disuse of old brain-cells with undesir- 
able manifestations — The brain, the organ and 
instrument of the Mind — Our tendencies, tempera- 
ments and predispositions — The millions of unused 
brain-cells — ^Mental attitudes acquired or dis- 
carded at will — The mind clears the way for 
thoughts good for the individual, interposes re- 
sistance to those which are harmful — One positive 
thought will counteract a number of negative 
thoughts — ^"Holding the thought" — ^How to cul- 
tivate a certain habit of action — ^Bidding oneself 
of a mental trait 

The ATTaA.oTivE Power— Dbsirb Fobge 

Mental leaks — ^The man or woman in search of suc- 
cess — ^When Mental Force operates best — ^The Mind 


works on the sub-consciouB plane along the line of 
the ruling passion or desire — Scattering thought- 
force — Getting out of the current of attraction — 
My personal experience — ^''Love" at the bottom 
of the whole of life — The so-called "chemical 
affinities'' — ^Desire a manifestation of this Uni- 
versal Life Love. 


The Qseat Dynamic Forces 

The difference between the successful strong men 
and the unsuccessful weak men — Energy and Li- 
Tindble Determination — ^Energy not rare — ^Wasted 
nerve-force — The Human Will — ^A great dynamic 
force — The people who have ''arrived" — ^Are they 
''ordinary," after all t— Made of the stuff of 
those about them — ^Wherein does their greatness 
lief — ^Belief in themselves — The right use of mate- 
rial — The "trick" of greatness — The good things 
locked up in your mind — The inexhaustible supply. 


CJlaiming Your Own 

Nothing too good for you — ^Your direct inheritance — 
Great things lost for want of asking — The Law 
takes you in earnest — ^Tou are a man&estation of 
the Whole Thing — ^Tou must first awaken to a 
realization that you are merely asking for "your 
own ' ' — The Law will do its work — The hypnotism of 
"humility" — The great things in the Cosmos which 
await your coming of age — The playthings of life 
— Our game-tasks — The difference between the 
Master of Circumstances and the Slave of Circum- 


Law, Not Chance 

The Attractive Power of Thought — "A matter of 
luck" — ^A magnificent illustration of the Law of 
Attraction — ^A strong belief as efficacious as a 
strong wish — The man who "gets there" — The 
man who fails — ^No such thing as Chance — ^Law 
everywhere — Plan and purpose; cause and effect— 
The right vibrations — Getting into the current. 


I am in receipt of a letter from an earnest stu^ 
dent of New Thought, who writes me that he is 
endeavoring to put into practice the teachings for 
which I stand. That is all right — I think he 
will get some good out of the practice (I know 
that / do). But here is where the trouble comes 
in — he goes on to say that he is "a faithful disci- 
ple*' of mine, and is content to '^sit at the feet of 
the Teacher." Now, if you will pardon the slang, 
I must say that such talk **makes me tired/* I 
wish no "disciples*' — disciples are mere parrots 
repeating what one says — mere human sheep trot- 
ting along after some conceited old bell-wether, 
I do not wish to pose as a bell-wether, nor do I 
wish a flock of human sheep trotting after me. 
I want everyone of my fellow students of Mental 
Science to be his own bell-wether, I like com- 
radeship and mutual help — the help of interde- 
pendence. But I don't like this talk of master and 
disciple — of leader and follower — this talk and 
idea of dependence. 



As for sittiiig at any one's feet, the idea arouses 
all the spirit of independence within me. I don't 
want to sit at any one's feet — and I don't want 
any one to sit at mine. I am willing, and often 
glad, to listen to some teacher and to pick from 
his teachings such bits of truth as my mind is 
ready to receive- I am willing to say "I don't 
know/' and to accept from others that which ap- 
peals to me as truth; not because the other says 
that it is truth, but because my mind recognizes 
it as such. I take my own wherever I find it, be- 
cause I recognize it as mine. I know that all 
students and teachers get their knowledge from 
the only source of supply — they can't get it from 
anywhere else. And if some other fellow happens 
to see a particular bit of truth before I do, I gladly 
accept a portion of it from his hands, be he king 
or beggar ; while if I happen to see the thing first, 
I wnll gladly share it with all who are ready for 
it, and who may ^^'ant it, without feeling that I 
am a "leader/' or ^'teacher,'' or that they are "fol- 
lowers" or "disciples.*' We are all fellow stu^ 
dents — ^that's all I recognize no man as my 
master— and I spurn the person who would call 
me "Master," if there be any so foolish. This 
feet-sittmg talk makes me very, very weary. 


I am fully aware that certain teachers convey 
the idea that they are chosen mouthpieces of the 
Infinite, and that all true teachings must bear 
their hall-mark. And I also know the fanatical 
devotion and bigotry that many of the followers 
of such teachers manifest. But this is all child's 
play. The teachers sooner or later will be brought 
up against good hard stone walls, and their 
heads will be bruised until they realize "just 
where they are at." And the "disciples" will 
have some individuality knocked into them later 
on, and will be made to stand upon their own 
feet, by reason of the props being knocked from 
under them. The New Thought aims at making 
individuals, not at converting people into droves 
of sheep, following the tinkle of the bell of some 
conceited old bell-wether, who imagines that he 
is the Whole Thing. 

The growing soul must realize that it has 
within itself all that it requires. It may gladly 
accept from others suggestions, advice, bits of 
knowledge, and the like, as it goes along — ^the 
soul itself being the only judge of what it re- 
quires at each particular stage. But, in the end, 
it must do its own work, and must stand on its 
own feet. All the teachings in the world will not 


help you, unless you take hold of the matter your- 
self and work out your own salvation. You can- 
not get true mental or spiritual teaching by simply 
paying so much for a course of lessons, and do- 
ing nothing yourself. You must bring some- 
thing to the teacher before you can take anything 
away. You must work up to an understanding 
before the teachings of another will do you any 

The teacher may make a suggestion that will 
open up a line of thought for you, or he may 
point out a way that has proved of value to him ; 
and thus save you much time and trouble. But 
you must do the real work yourself. 

A teacher may be so filled with the truth that 
he will overflow, and you will get some of the 
overflow. I believe that truth is "catching.*' But 
even so, unless you make that truth your own by 
living it out, and applying it to your needs, it will 
do you no good. And so long as you are content 
to "sit at his feet," and do the "disciple" act, you 
will not grow one inch. You will be merely a 
reflection of the teacher, instead of being an indi- 

We need a jogging up on this point every once 
in a while, "lest we forget." It is so easy to have 




your thoughts predigested for you by some teacher 
or writer — so easy to receive your teaching in 
capsules. It is so nice to be able to sit down and 
swallow the tabloid that the teacher or writer 
kindly has prepared for you, and imagine that 
you are getting the real thing. But I tell you, 
friends — it won't do the work Imbibe all the 
teachings you please, but you have got to get 
down to business yourself. You can't give some 
one else a power of attorney to do the w^ork in 
your place. Life accepts no substitutes — you 
must step out yourself. It is mighty easy — this 
idea of paying so much, in time or money, to some 
teacher or writer, and then sneaking into the 
Kingdom of Heaven holding on to his skirts — 
but it won't w^ork. You've got to do some 
hustling on your own account, and don't you 
make any mistake about this fact. 

Many of you are running around after teach- 
ers, preachers, prophets, seers/'illuminated souls/' 
and what not, expecting that your little fee for 
courses of lessons, private teachings, and all the 
rest, is going to land you right up in the front 
rank* Don't you believe a word of it. You've 
got to go through the motions yourself, before 
you will attain anything. Ytou can't sneak in 


that way — it won't work. I look around me 
and see many of these poor creatures "sitting at 
the feet" of some one or other, sinking their indi- 
viduality in that of the teacher, and not daring to 
think an original thought — lest it conflict with 
some notion of their "Master." These good souls 
are so full of the teaching they are imbibing, they 
will repeat it by the yard, phrase after phrase, 
like a well-trained parrot. But they don't under- 
stand a bit of it. They are like the moon which 
shines by reason of the reflection of the sun's 
rays, and has no light or heat of its own. The 
talk of these "disciples" and "sitters-at-the-feet" 
is nothing but moonshine — ^mere reflected light. 
Moons are dead, cold things — ^no light — no heat 
— ^no fire — no energy. Dead, dead, dead— cold, 
barren and "played-out." Stop this moon busi- 
ness and build yourself up into a Sun. You have 
it in you — ^manifest it. Start yourself in motion, 
and manifest Life. Don't suppose that you must 
be able to solve all the Riddles of the Universe 
before you can do an)rthing. Never mind about 
those riddles, just you get down to the task that 
lies ahead of you, and throw into it some of that 
Great Life Principle that is within you waiting 
for a chance to manifest itself. Don't make the 


mistake of supposing that this or that teacher has 
solved the Great Riddle. If he says he has, he is 
only bluffing and whistling to keep up courage. 
He may have found a good-sized chunk of the 
truth, and if he is willing to pass you a bit of it, 
all right, but he hasn't the Whole Thing, by a 
mighty sight. The Whole Thing isn't placing it- 
self in the exclusive control of any little bit of 
itself. No one has a monopoly of knowing — ^ 
corner on the Truth. It is yours as much as any- 
body's — ^but you must dig for it. 

Don't bother about the theories, or the unsolv- 
able riddles — ^just get down to business and begin 
to Live. Sometimes I amuse myself by reading 
some of the theories and "explanations" of those 
who think that they have hold of the Whole 
Thing. After I get through with the theories of 
one "dead-sure" chap, I take up the directly op- 
posite theories of another fellow who considers 
himself the special mouthpiece of the Absolute. 
Whew! it's a great brain-shaker. If you're not 
careful you will find yourself being served a nice 
dish of scrambled brains. When I get sort of 
"stewed-up" over such things I go out into the 
sun and fall back on the "Laughing Philosophy," 
which soon brings me around all right. Nothing 


will puncture these bubbles so quickly as a good 
dose of Laughter. Laughter is the only thing 
that keeps the race from madness. The sense of 
humor is God's best gift to Man. Try it the next 
time you get "stewed up" with "high statements," 
"basic truths," "axiomatic principles." Beware 
of any teachings that will not stand the test of 
the sunny out-of-doors, and the application of the 
Laughing Philosophy. Shun the teachings that 
require a pursed-up mouth, and a strained, pre- 
tematurally sober face. Have nothing to do with 
teachings that require a dim, dark, sunless room 
to be absorbed in — beware of teachings and doc- 
trines that bear the musty smell of the cell upon 
them. Carry out into the sun the teachings that 
are offered you, and see whether or not they 
fade — apply the chemical of laughter, and ascer- 
tain whether the stuff bleaches. Remember this 
test when you are perplexed or worried over some 
strange theory or doctrine — ^no matter from 
whence it comes. If any one tells you that which 
will not bear the test— discard the teaching, for 
it is spurious in that event. Try this on my writ- 
ings along with the others. 

Stop being moons. Stop living by reflected 
light. Get into action and convert yourself into 


a living sun. You can do it. It is within your 
power. Every human soul contains within it the 
elements of the Sun — ^get to work and express 
yourself. Stiffen up your backbone and hold 
your head erect. Don't be afraid to say "I am 

This is a straight-from-the-shoulder talk. Don't 
tell me that you are "disciples" of mine — I dis- 
own you; I refuse to have disciples. Don't try 
to "sit at my feet" — if you do, I will use my feet 
to push you off the platform. I need room to 
swing my feet about and don't want people sit- 
ting there. But if you wish to call me "Brother," 
or "Fellow Student," or "Schoolmate in the Kin- 
dergarten of God," I will be glad to have you do 
so. That's all we are, after all — little babes tug- 
ging away at the breast of the Absolute. 

William Walker Atkinson. 


/ believe that the mind of Man contains the 
greatest of all forces — that Thought is one of 
the greatest manifestations of energy, 

I believe that the man who understands the 
use of Thought-force can make of himself prac- 
tically what he will, 

I believe that not only is one's body subject to 
the control of the mind, but that, also, one may 
change environment, ''luck," circumstances, by 
positive thought taking the place of negative. I 
know that the ''I Can and I Will" attitude will 
carry one forward to Success that will seem 
miraculous to the man on the '7 Can't" plane. 

I believe that ''thoughts are things," and that 
the Law of Attraction in the thought world will 
draw to one just what he desires or fears, 

I believe in the gospel of work — in "hustling." 

I believe in the I DO, as well as the I AM. I 
know that the man who will take advantage of 
the Power of the Mind, and who will manifest 
that power in action, will go forward to Success 



(IS surely and as steadily as the arrow from the 
bow of the skilled archer. 

I believe in the Brotherhood of Man. 

I believe in being Kind. 

I believe in everyone minding his own business 
— and allowing everyone else the same privilege. 
. I believe that we have no right to condemn — 
''let him who is without sin cast the first stone." 

I believe that he who Hates is an assassin; that 
he who Covets is a thief; that he who Lusts is an 
adulterer; that the gist of a crime is in its desire. 
Seeing this — looking into our own hearts — how 
can we condemn? 

I believe that Evil is but Ignorance. 

I believe that "to know all is to forgive all." 

I believe that there is good in every man; let 
us help him to manifest it. 

I believe in the absolute equality of the Man 
and the Woman — sometimes I think that the odds 
are slightly in favor of the Woman. 

I believe in the sacredness of Sex — but I 
also believe that Sex manifests on the Spiritual 
and Mental planes as well as on the Physical. 
And I believe that to the pure all things are pure. 

I believe that man is immortal — that the Real 
Self is Spirit, which uses mind and body as its 


tools, and manifests itself according to the fitness 
of the tools, 

I believe that Man is rapidly growing into a 
new plane of consciousness, in which he will know 
himself as he is — will recognize the I AM — the 
Something Within. 

I believe that there is an Infinite Power in, and 
of, all things, 

I believe that, although today we have but the 
faintest idea of that Power, still we will steadily 
grow to comprehend it more fully — will get in 
closer touch with it. Even now we have mo- 
mentary glimpses of its existence — a momentary 
consciousness of Oneness with the Absolute, 

I believe that the greatest happiness consists 
in maintaining toward the Absolute the attitude 
of the trusting child, who, feeling no doubt of 
the parent's love — no doubt of his wisdom — 
places his little hand in that of the parent, and 
says "Lead Thou me on." 

I believe that he who feels towards the Abso- 
lute, the trustfulness of the babe which places its 
little tired head close to the breast of the mother, 
will also be conscious of the tender answering 
pressure, as the babe is drawn just a little closer 
to the mother-heart. 

William Walker Atkinson. 





The Law of Attraction in the Thought 

The Universe is governed by Law — one great 
Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but 
viewed from the Ultimate there is but one Law. 
We are familiar with some of its manifestations, 
but are almost totally ignorant of certain others. 
Still we are learning a little more every day — 
the veil is being gradually lifted. 

We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, 
but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, 
The Law of Attraction in the Thought 
World. We are familiar with that wonderful 
manifestation of Law which draws and holds 
together the atoms of which matter is composed 
— we recognize the power of the law that attracts 
bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds 



in their places, but we close our eyes to the 
mighty law that draws to us the things we desire 
or fear, that makes or mars our lives. 

When we come to see that Thought is a force 
— a manifestation of energy — ^having a magnet- 
like power of attraction, we will begin to under- 
stand the why and wherefore of many things 
that have heretofore seemed dark to us. There 
is no study that will so well repay the student 
for his time and trouble as the study of the work- 
ings of this mighty law of the world of Thought 
— ^the Law of Attraction. 

When we think we send out vibrations of a 
fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the 
vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity, 
magnetism. That these vibrations are not evident 
to our five senses is no proof that they do not 
exist. A powerful magnet will send out vibra- 
tions and exert a force sufficient to attract to it- 
self a piece of steel weighing a htmdred pounds, 
but we can neither see, taste, smell, hear nor feel 
the mighty force. These thought vibrations, 
likewise, cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, heard 
nor felt in the ordinary way; although it is true 
there are on record cases of persons peculiarly 
sensitive to psychic impressions who have per- 


ceived powerful thought-waves, and very many 
of us can testify that we have distinctly felt the 
thought vibrations of others, both whilst in the 
presence of the sender and at a distance. Tele- 
pathy and its kindred phenomena are not idle 

Light and heat are manifested by vibrations of 
a far lower intensity than those of Thought, but 
the difference is solely in the rate of vibration. 
The annals of science throw an interesting light 
upon this question. Prof. Elisha Gray, an emi- 
nent scientist, says in his little book, "The 
Miracles of Nature" : 

"There is much food for speculation In the 
thought that there exist sound-waves that no 
human ear can hear, and color-waves of light 
that no eye can see. The long, dark, soundless 
space between 40,000 and 400,000,000,000,000 
vibrations per second, and the infinity of range 
beyond 700,000,000,000,000 vibrations per sec- 
ond, where light ceases, in the universe of mo- 
tion, makes it possible to indulge in speculation." 

M. M. Williams, in his work entitled "Short 
Chapters in Science," says : 

"There is no gradation between the most rapid 
undulations or tremblings that produce our scnsa- 


tion of sound, and the slowest of those which give 
rise to our sensations of gentlest warmth. There 
IS a huge gap between them, wide enough to in- 
clude another world of motion, all lying between 
our world of sound and our world of heat and 
light; and there is no good reason whatever for 
supposing that matter is incapable of such inter- 
mediate activity, or that such activity may not 
give rise to intermediate sensations, provided 
there are organs for taking up and sensifying 
their movements." 

I cite the above authorities merely to give you 
food for thought, not to attempt to demonstrate 
to you the fact that thought vibrations exist. The 
last-named fact has been fully established to the 
satisfaction of numerous investigators of the sub- 
ject, and a little reflection will show you that it 
coincides with your own experiences. 

We often hear repeated the well-known Mental 
Science statement, "Thoughts are Things,'* and 
we say these words over without consciously real- 
izing just what is the meaning of the statement. 
If we fully comprehended the truth of the state- 
ment and the natural consequences of the truth 
back of it, we should understand many things 
which have appeared dark to us, and would be 


able to use the wonderful power. Thought Forces 
just as we use any other manifestation of Energy. 
As I have said, when we think w^e set into 
motion vibrations of a very high degree, "but 
just as real as the vibrations of light, heat, sound, 
electricity/' And when we understand the laws 
governing the production and transmission of 
these vibrations we will he able to use them in 
our daily life, Just as we do the better known 
forms of energy. That we cannot see, hear, 
weigh or measure these vibrations is no proof 
that they do not exist There exist waves of 
sound which no human ear can hear, although 
some of these are undoubtedly registered by the 
ear of some of the insects, and others are caught 
by delicate scientific instruments invented by 
man ; yet there is a great gap between the sounds 
registered by the most delicate instrument and 
the limit which man's mind, reasoning by analogy, 
knows to be the boundary line between sound- 
waves and some other forms of vibration. And 
I there are light weaves which the eye of man does 

I not register, some of which may be detected by 

1 more delicate instruments, and many more so fine 

ff that the instrument has not yet been invented 

^^^^ which will detect them, although improvements 


are being made every year and the unexplored 
field gradually lessened. 

As new instruments are invented, new vibra- 
tions are registered by them — and yet the vibra- 
tions were just as real before the invention of the 
instrument as afterward. Supposing that we had 
no instruments to register magnetism — one might 
be justified in denying the existence of that 
mighty force, because it could not be tasted, felt, 
smelt, heard, seen, weighed or measured. And 
yet the mighty magnet would still send out waves 
of force sufficient to draw to it pieces of steel 
weighing hundreds of pounds. 

Each form of vibration requires its own form 
of instrument for registration. At present the 
human brain seems to be the only instrument 
capable of registering thought waves, although 
occultists say that in this century scientists will 
invent apparatus sufficiently delicate to catch and 
register such impressions. And from present in- 
dications it looks as if the invention named might 
be expected at any time. The demand exists 
and undoubtedly will be soon supplied. But to 
those who have experimented along the lines of 
practical telepathy no further proof is required 
than the results of their own experiments. 


We are sending out thoughts of greater or less 
intensity all the time, and we are reaping the re- 
sults of such thoughts. Not only do our thought- 
waves influence ourselves and others, but they 
have a drawing power — ^they attract to us the 
thoughts of others, things, circumstances, peo- 
ple, "luck," in accord with the character of the 
thought uppermost in our minds. Thoughts of 
Love will attract to us the Love of others; cir- 
cumstances and surroundings in accord with the 
thought; people who are of like thought. 
Thoughts of Anger, Hate, Envy, Malice and 
Jealousy will draw to us the foul brood of kin- 
dred thoughts emanating from the minds of 
others; circumstances in which we will be called 
upon to manifest these vile thoughts and will 
receive them in turn from others; people who 
will manifest inharmony; and so on. A strong 
thought, or a thought long continued, will make 
us the center of attraction for the corresponding 
thought-waves of others. Like attracts like in 
the Thought World — ^as ye sow so shall ye reap. 
Birds of a feather flock together in the Thought 
World — curses like chickens come home to roost, 
and bring their friends with them. 

The man or woman who is filled with Love sees 


Love on all sides and attracts the Love of others. 
The man with Hate in his heart gets all the Hate 
he can stand. The man who thinks Fight gen- 
erally runs up against all the Fight he wants be- 
fore he gets through. And so it goes, each gets 
what he calls for over the wireless telegraphy of 
the Mind. The man who rises in the morning 
feeling "grumpy" usually manages to have the 
whole family in the same mood before the break- 
fast is over. The "nagging" woman generally 
finds enough to gratify her "nagging^' propensity 
during the day. 

This matter of Thought Attraction is a serious 
one. When you stop to think of it you will see 
that a man really makes his own surroundings, 
although he blames others for it. I have known 
people who understood this law to hold a positive, 
calm thought and be absolutely unaffected by the 
inharmony surrounding them. They were like 
the vessel from which the oil had been poured 
on the troubled waters — they rested safely and 
calmly whilst the tempest raged around them. 
One is not at the mercy of the fitful storms of 
Thought after he has learned the workings of 
the Law. 

We have passed through the age of physical 


force on to the age of intellectual supremacy, 
and are now entering a new and almost unknown 
field, that of psychic power. This field of energy 
has its established laws, as well as have the others, 
and we should acquaint ourselves with them or we 
will be crowded to the wall as are the ignorant 
on the planes of effort. I will endeavor to make 
plain to you the great underl3ring principles of 
this new field of energy which is opening up be- 
fore us, that you may be able to make use of this 
great power and apply it for legitimate and 
worthy purposes, just as men are using steam, 
electricity and other forms of energy today. 


Thought- Waves and Their Process of 

Like a stone thrown into the water, thought 
produces ripples and waves which spread 
out over the great ocean of thought. There is 
this difference, however : the waves on the water 
move only on a level plane in all directions, 
whereas thought-waves move in all directions 
from a common center, just as do the rays from 
the sun. 

Just as we here on earth are surrounded by a 
great sea of air, so are we surrounded by a great 
sea of Mind. Our thought-waves move through 
this vast mental ether, extending, however, in all 
directions, as I have explained, becoming some- 
what lessened in intensity according to the dis- 
tance traversed, because of the friction occasioned 
by the waves coming in contact with the ^eat 
body of Mind surrounding us on all sides. 

These thought-waves have other qualities dif- 



fering from the waves on the water. They have 
the property of reproducing themselves. In this 
respect they resemble sound-waves rather than 
waves upon the water. Just as a note of the 
violin will cause the thin glass to vibrate and 
"sing," so will a strong thought tend to awaken 
similar vibrations in minds attuned to receive it. 
Many of the "stray thoughts" which come to us 
are but reflections or answering vibrations to 
some strong thought sent out by another. But 
unless our minds are attuned to receive it, the 
thought will not likely affect us. If we are 
thinking high and great thoughts, our minds ac- 
quire a certain keynote corresponding to the char- 
acter of the thoughts we have been thinking. 
And, this keynote once established, we will be 
apt to catch the vibrations of other minds keyed 
to the same thought. On the other hand, let us 
get into the habit of thinking thoughts of an 
opposite character, and we will soon be echoing 
the low order of thought emanating from the 
minds of the thousands thinking along the same 

We are largely what we have thought our- 
selves into being, the balance being represented 
by the character of the suggestions and thought 


of others, which have reached us either directly 
by verbal suggestions or telepathically by means- 
of such thought-waves. Our general mental atti- 
tude, however, determines the character of the 
thought-waves received from others as well as 
the thoughts emanating from ourselves. We re- 
ceive only such thoughts as are in harmony with 
the general mental attitude held by ourselves; 
the thoughts not in harmony affecting us very 
little, as they awaken no response in us. 

The man who believes thoroughly in himself 
and maintains a positive strong mental attitude 
of Confidence and Determination is not likely to 
be affected by the adverse and negative thoughts 
of Discouragement and Failure emanating from 
the minds of other persons in whom these last 
qualities predominate. At the same time these 
negative thoughts, if they reach one whose men- 
tal attitude is pitched on a low key, deepen his 
negative state and add fuel to the fire which is 
consuming his strength, or, if you prefer this 
figure, serve to further smother the fire of his 
energy and activity. 

We attract to us the thoughts of others of the 
same order of thought. The man who thinks 
success w^ill be apt to get into tune with the minds 



of others thinking likewise, and they will help 
him, and he them. The man who allows his mind 
to dwell constantly upon thoughts of failure 
brings himself into close touch with the minds 
of other "failure*' people, and each will tend to 
pull the other down still more. The man who 
thinks that all is evil is apt to see much evil, and 
w^ill be brought into contact with others who will 
seem to prove his theory. And the man who 
looks for good in everything and everybody will 
be likely to attract to himself the things and peo- 
ple corresponding to his thought We generally 
see that for which we look. 

You will be able to carry this idea more clear- 
ly if you win think of the Marconi wireless in- 
struments, which receive the vibrations only from 
the sending instrument which has been attuned 
to the same key, while other telegrams are pass- 
ing througli the air in near vicinity without affect- 
ing the instrument. The same law appHes to the 
operations of thought. We receive only that 
which corresponds to our mental attunement. If 
we have been discouraged, we may rest assured 
that we have dropped into a negative key, and 
have been affected not only by our own thoughts 
but have also received the added depressing 


thoughts of similar character which are constant- 
ly being sent out from the minds of other unfor- 
tunates who have not yet learned the law of at- 
traction in the thought world. And if we occa- 
sionally rise to heights of enthusiasm and energy, 
how quickly we feel the inflow of the courageous, 
daring, energetic, positive thoughts being sent out 
by the live men and women of the world. We 
recognize this without much trouble when we 
come in personal contact with people and feel 
their vibrations, depressing or invigorating, as 
the case may be. But the same law operates 
when we are not in their presence, although less 

The mind has many degrees of pitch, ranging 
from the highest positive note to the lowest nega- 
tive note, with many notes in between, varying 
in pitch according to their respective distance 
from the positive or negative extreme. 

When your mind is operating along positive 
lines you feel strong, buoyant, bright, cheerful, 
happy, confident and courageous, and are enabled 
to do your work well, to carry out your inten- 
tions, and progress on your road to Success. You 
send out strong positive thought, which affects 
others and causes them to co-operate with you or 


to follow your lead, according to their own men- 
tal ke3mote. 

When you are playing on the extreme nega- 
tive end of the mental keyboard you feel de- 
pressed, weak, passive, dull, fearful, cowardly. 
And you find yourself unable to make progress 
or to succeed. And your effect upon others is 
practically nil. You are led by, rather than lead- 
ing others, and are used as a human door-mat 
or football by more positive persons. 

In some persons the positive element seems to 
predominate," and in others the negative quality 
seems to be more in evidence. There are, of 
course, widely varying degrees of positiveness 
and negativeness, and B may be negative to A, 
while positive to C. When two people first meet 
there is generally a silent mental conflict in which 
their respective minds test their quality of posi- 
tiveness, and fix their relative position toward 
each other. This process may be unconscious in 
many cases, but it occurs nevertheless. The ad- 
justment is often automatic, but occasionally the 
struggle is so sharp — the opponents being so well 
matched — that the matter forces itself into the 
consciousness of the two people. Sometimes both 
parties are so much alike in their degrees of posi- 


tiveness that they practically fail to come to terms, 
mentally; they never really are able to get along 
with each other, and they are either mutually 
repelled and separate or else stay together amid 
constant broils and wrangling. 

We are positive or negative to every one with 
whom we have relations. We may be positive to 
our children, our employes and dependents, but 
we are at the same time negative to others to 
whom we occupy inferior positions, or whom we 
have allowed to assert themselves over us. 

Of course, something may occur and we will 
suddenly become more positive than the man or 
woman to whom we have heretofore been nega- 
tive. We frequently see cases of this kind. And 
as the knowledge of these mental laws becomes 
more general we will see many more instances 
of persons asserting themselves and making use 
of their new-found power. 

But remember you possess the power to raise 
the keynote of your mind to a positive pitch by 
an effort of the will. And, of course, it is equally 
true that you may allow yourself to drop into a 
low, negative note by carelessness or a weak will. 

There are more people on the negative plane 
of thought than on the positive plane, and conse- 




quently there are more negative thought vibra- 
tions in operation in our mental atmosphere. But, 
happily for us, this is counterbalanced by the fact. 
that a positive thought is infinitely more power- 
ful than a negative one, and if by force of will 
we raise ourselves to a higher mental key we can 
shut out the depressing thoughts and may take 
up the vibrations corresponding with our changed 
mental attitude. This is one of the secrets of the 
affirmations and auto-suggestions used by the sev- 
eral schools of Mental Science and other New 
Thought cults. There is no particular merit in 
affirmations of themselves, but they serve a two* 
fold purpose: (i) They tend to establish new 
mental attitudes within us and act wonderfully 
in the direction of character building — the science 
of making ourselves over. (2) They tend to 
raise the mental keynote so that we may get the 
benefit of the positive thought-waves of others 
on the same plane of thought. 

Whether or not we believe in them, we are 
constantly making affirmations. The man who 
asserts that he can and will do a thing — and 
asserts it earnestly — develops in himself the quali- 
ties conducive to the well doing of that thing, and 
at the same time places his mind in the proper 


key to receive all the thought-waves likely to help 
him in the doing. If, on the other hand, one says 
and feels that he is going to fail, he will choke 
and smother the thoughts coming from his own 
subconscious mentality which are intended to help 
him, and at the same time will place himself in 
tune with the Failure-thought of the world — 
and there is plenty of the latter kind of thought 
around, I can tell you. 

Do not allow yourselves to be effected by the 
adverse and negative thoughts of those around 
you. Rise to the upper chambers of your mental 
dwelling, and key yourself up to a strong pitch, 
away above the vibrations on the lower planes of 
thought. Then you will not only be immune to 
their negative vibrations but will be in touch with 
the great body of strong positive thought coming 
from those of your own plane of development. 

My aim will be to direct and train you in the 
proper use of thought and will, that you may 
have yourself well in hand and may be able to 
strike the positive key at any moment you may 
feel it necessary. It is not necessary to strike the 
extreme note on all occasions. The better plan 
is to keep yourself in a comfortable key, without 
much strain, and to have the means at command 


whereby you can raise the pitch at once when oc- 
casion demands. By this knowledge you will not 
be at the mercy of the old automatic action of 
the mind, but may have it well under your own 

Development of the will is very much like the 
development of a muscle — b. matter of practice 
and gradual improvement. At first it is apt to 
be tiresome, but at each trial one grows stronger 
until the new strength becomes real and perma- 
nent. Many of us have made ourselves positive 
under sudden calls or emergencies. We are in 
the habit of "bracing up" when occasion de- 
mands. But by intelligent practice you will be 
so much strengthened that your habitual state will 
be equal to your "bracing up" stage now, and 
then when you find it necessary to apply the spur 
you will be able to reach a stage not dreamed of 
at present. 

Do not understand me as advocating a high 
tension continuously. This is not at all desir- 
able, not only because it is apt to be too much of 
a strain upon you but also because you will find 
it desirable to relieve the tension at times and 
become receptive that you may absorb impres- 
sions. It is well to be able to relax and assume 


a certain degree of receptiveness, knowing that 
you are always able to spring back to the more 
positive state at will. The habitually strongly 
positive man loses much enjoyment and recre^ 
ation. Positive, you give out expressions ; recep- 
tive, you take in impressions. Positive, you are 
a teacher; receptive, a pupil. It is not only a 
good thing to be a good teacher, but it is also 
veiy important to be a good listener at times. 

A Talk About the Mind 

Man has but one mind, but he has many mental 
faculties, each faculty being capable of function- 
ing along two different lines of mental effort. 
There are no distinct dividing lines separating 
the two several functions of a faculty, but they 
shade into each other as do the colors of the 

An Active effort of any faculty of the mind is 
the result of a direct impulse imparted at the 
time of the effort, A Passive effort of any fac- 
ulty of the mind is the result of either a preced- 
ing Active effort of the same mind; an Active 
effort of another along the lines of suggestion; 
Thought V'^ibrations from the mind of another; 
Thought impulses from an ancestor, transmitted 
by the laws of heredity (including impulses trans- 
mitted from generation to generation from the 
time of the original vibratory impulse imparted 
by the Prima! Cause — which impulses gradually 


unfold, and unsheath, when the proper state of 
evolutionary development is reached). 

The Active effort is new-born — fresh from the 
mint, whilst the Passive effort is of less recent 
creation, and, in fact, is often the result of vibra- 
tory impulses imparted in ages long past. The 
Active effort makes its own way, brushing aside 
the impeding vines and kicking from its path the 
obstructing stones. The Passive effort travels 
along the beaten path. 

A thought-impulse, or motion-impulse, origi- 
nally caused by an Active effort of faculty, may 
become by continued repetition, or habit, strictly 
automatic, the impulse given it by the repeated 
Active effort developing a strong momentum, 
which carries it on, along Passive lines, until 
stopped by another Active effort or its direction 
changed by the same cause. 

On the other hand, thought-impulses, or mo- 
tion-impulses, continued along Passive lines may 
be terminated or corrected by an Active effort. 
The Active function creates, changes or destroys. 
The Passive function carries on the work given 
it by the Active function and obeys orders and 

The Active function produces the thought- 


habit, or motion-habit, and imparts to it the vibra- 
tions which carry it on along the Passive lines 
thereafter. The Active function also has the 
power to send forth vibrations which neutralize 
the momentum of the thought-habit, or motion- 
habit; it also is able to launch a new thought- 
habit, or motion-habit, with stronger vibrations, 
which overcomes and absorbs the first thought, 
or motion, and substitutes the new one. 

All thought-impulses, or motion-impulses, once 
started on their errands, continue to vibrate along 
passive lines until corrected or terminated by sub- 
sequent impulses imparted by the Active func- 
tion, or other controlling power. The continu- 
ance of the original impulse adds momentum and 
force to it, and renders its correction or termina- 
tion more difficult. This explains that which is 
called "the force of habit." I think that this will 
be readily understood by those who have strug- 
gled to overcome a habit which had been easily 
acquired. The Law applies to good habits as well 
as bad. The moral is obvious. 

Several of the faculties of the mind often com- 
bine to produce a single manifestation. A task 
to be performed may call for the combined exer- 


cise of several faculties, some of which may mani- 
fest by Active effort and others by Passive effort. 

The meeting of new conditions — new problems 
—calls for the exercise of Active effort; whilst 
a familiar problem, or task, can be easily handled 
by the Passive effort without the assistance of his 
more enterprising brother. 

There is in Nature an instinctive tendency of 
living organisms to perform certain actions, the 
tendency of an organized body to seek that which 
satisfies the wants of its organism. This tendency 
is sometimes called Appetency. It is really a 
Passive mental impulse, originating with the im- 
petus imparted by the Primal Cause, and trans- 
mitted along the lines of evolutionary develop- 
ment, gaining strength and power as it pro- 
gresses. The impulse of the Primal Cause is as- 
sisted by the powerful upward attraction exerted 
by The Absolute. 

In plant life this tendency is plainly discerni- 
ble, ranging from the lesser exhibitions in the 
lower types to the greater in the higher types. It 
is that which is generally spoken of as the "life 
force" in plants. It is, however, a manifestation 
of rudimentary mentation, functioning along the 
lines of Passive effort. In some of the higher 



forms of plant life there appears a faint color of 
independent "life action" — a faint indication of 
choice of volition. Writers on plant life relate 
many remarkable instances of this phenomenon. 
It is, undoubtedly, an exhibition of rudimentary 
Active mentation. 

In the lower animal kingdom a very high de- 
gree of Passive mental effort is found. And, 
varying in degree in the several families and 
species, a considerable amount of Active menta- 
tion is apparent. The lower animal undoubtedly 
possesses Reason only in a lesser degree than 
man, and, in fact, the display of volitional menta- 
tion exhibited by an intelligent animal is often 
nearly as high as tliat shown by the lower types 
of man or by a young child. 

As a child, before birth, shows in its body the 
stages of the physical evolution of man, so does a 
child, before and after birth — until maturity^ — 
manifest the stages of the mental evolution of 

Man, the highest type of life yet produced, at 
least upon this planet, shows the highest form of 
Passive mentation, and also a much higher de- 
velopment of Active mentation than is seen in the 
lower animals, and yet the degrees of that power 


vary widely among the different races of men. 
Even among men of our race the different de- 
grees of Active mentation are plainly noticeable; 
these degrees not depending by any means upon 
the amount of "culture/' social position or edu- 
cational advantages possessed by the individual. 
Mental Culture and Mental Development are two 
very different things. 

You have but to look around you to see the 
different stages of the development of Active 
mentation in man. The reasoning of many men 
is scarcely more than Passive mentation, exhibit- 
ing but little of the qualities of volitional thought. 
They prefer to let other men think for them. Ac- 
tive mentation tires them and they find the in- 
stinctive, automatic, Passive mental process much 
easier. Their minds work along the lines of least 
resistance. They are but little more than human 

Among the lower animals and the lower types 
of men Active mentation is largely confined to 
the grosser faculties — the more material plane; 
the higher mental faculties working along the in- 
stinctive, automatic lines of the Passive function. 

As the lower forms of life progressed in the 
evolutionary scale, they developed new faculties, 


which were latent within them. These faculties 
always manifested in the form of rudimentary 
Passive functioning, and afterwards worked up, 
through higher Passive forms, until the Active 
functions were brought into play. The evolu- 
tionary process still continues, the invariable 
tendency being toward the goal of highly devel- 
oped Active mentation. This evolutionary prog- 
ress is caused by the vibratory impulse imparted 
by the Primal Cause, aided by the uplifting at- 
traction of The Absolute. 

This law of evolution is still in progress, and 
man is beginning to develop new powers of mind, 
which, of course, are first manifesting themselves 
along the lines of Passive effort. Some men have 
developed these new faculties to a considerable 
degree, and it is possible that before long Man 
will be able to exercise them along the line of 
their Active functions. In fact, this power has 
already been attained by a few. This is the secret 
of the Oriental occultists, and of some of their 
Occidental brethren. 

The amenability of the mind to the Will can be 
increased by properly directed practice. That 
which we are in the habit of referring to as the 
"strengthening of the Will" is in reality the train- 


ing of the mind to recognize and absorb the 
Power Within. The Will is strong enough; it 
does not need strengthening, but the mind needs 
to be trained to receive and act upon the sugges- 
tions of the Will. The Will is the outward mani- 
festation of the I AM. The Will current is flow- 
ing in full strength along the spiritual wires ; but 
you must learn how to raise the trolley-pole to 
touch it before the mental car will move. This 
is a somewhat different idea from that which 
you have been in the habit of receiving from 
writers on the subject of Will Power, but it is 
correct, as you will demonstrate to your own 
satisfaction if you will follow up the subject by 
experiments along the proper lines. 

The attraction of The Absolute is drawing 
man upward, and the vibratory force of the 
Primal Impulse has not yet exhausted itself. The 
time of evolutionary development has come when 
man can help himself. The man who understands 
the Law can accomplish wonders by means of 
the development of the powers of the mind ; whilst 
the man who turns his back upon the truth will 
suffer from his lack of knowledge of the Law. 

He who understands the laws of his mental 
being, develops his latent powers and uses them 


intelligently. He does not despise his Passive 
mental functions, but makes good use of them 
also, charges them with the duties for which they 
are best fitted, and is able to obtain wonderful 
results from their work, having mastered them 
and trained them to do the bidding of the Higher 
Self. When they fail to do their work properly 
he regulates them, and his knowledge prevents 
him from meddling with them unintelligently, 
and thereby doing himself harm. He develops 
the faculties and powers latent within him and 
learns how to manifest them along the line of 
Active mentation as well as Passive. He knows 
that the real man within him is the master to 
whom both Active and Passive functions are but 
tools. He has banished Fear, and enjoys Free- 
dom. He has found himself. He has learned 



Mind Building 

Man can build up his mind and make it what 
he wills. In fact, we are mind-building every 
hour of our lives, either consciously or uncon- 
sciously. The majority of us are doing the work 
unconsciously, but those who have seen a little 
below the surface of things have taken the mat- 
ter in hand and have become conscious creators 
of their own mentality. They are no longer sub- 
ject to the suggestions and influences of others 
but have become masters of themselves. They as- 
sert the "I," and compel obedience from the sub- 
ordinate mental faculties. The "I" is the sover- 
eign of the mind, and what we call WILL is the 
instrument of the "I." Of course, there is some- 
thing back of this, and the Universal Will is 
higher than the Will of the Individual, but the 
latter is in much closer touch with the Universal 
Will than is generally supposed, and when one 
conquers the lower self, and asserts the "I/' he 



becomes in close touch with the Universal Will 
and partakes largely of its wonderful power. 
The moment one asserts the "I," and "finds him- 
self," he establishes a close connection between 
the Individual Will and the Universal Will. But 
before he is able to avail himself of the mighty 
power at his command, he must first effect the 
Mastery of the lower self. 

Think of the absurdity of Man claiming to 
manifest powers, when he is the slave of the 
lower parts of his mental being, which should be 
subordinate. Think of a man being the slave of 
his moods, passions, animal appetites and lower 
faculties, and at the same time trying to claim the 
benefits of the Will. Now, I am not preaching 
asceticism, which seems to me to be a confession 
of weakness. I am speaking of Self-Mastery — 
the assertion of the "I" over the subordinate parts 
of oneself. In the higher view of the subject, 
this *T* is the only real Self, and the rest is the 
non-self; but our space does not permit the dis- 
cussion of this point, and we will use the word 
"self" as meaning the entire man. Before a man 
can assert the 'T' in its full strength he must 
obtain the complete mastery of the subordinate 
parts of the self. All things are good when we 


learn to master them, but no thing is good when 
it masters us. Just so long as we allow the lower 
portions of the self to give us orders, we are 
slaves. It is only when the "I" mounts his 
throne and lifts the sceptre, that order is estab- 
lished and things assume their proper relation to 
each other. 

We are finding no fault with those who are 
swayed by their lower selves — they are in a lower 
grade of evolution, and will work up in time. 
But we are calling the attention of those who are 
ready, to the fact that the Sovereign must assert 
his will, and that the subjects must obey. Orders 
must be given and carried out. Rebellion must 
be put down, and the rightful authority insisted 
upon. And the time to do it is Now. 

You have been allowing your rebellious sub- 
jects to keep the King from his throne. You 
have been allowing the mental kingdom to be mis- 
governed by irresponsible faculties. You have 
been the slaves of Appetite, Unworthy Thoughts, 
Passion and Negativeness. The Will has been set 
aside and Low Desire has usurped the throne. It 
is time to re-establish order in the mental king- 

You are able to assert the mastery over any 



emotion, appetite, passion or class of thoughts by 
the assertion of the Will. You can order Fear to 
go to the rear ; Jealousy to leave your presence ; 
Hate to depart from your sight; Anger to hide 
itself; Worry to cease troubling you; Uncon- 
trolled Appetite and Passion to bow in submis- 
sion and to become humble slaves instead of mas- 
ters — ^all by the assertion of the *'I." You may 
surround yourself with the glorious company of 
Couragei Love and Self-Control, by the same 
means. You may put down the rebellion and 
secure peace and order in your mental kingdom 
if you will but utter the mandate and insist upon 
its execution. Before you march forth to empire, 
you must establish the proper internal conditions 
— must show your ability to govern your own 
kingdom. The first battle is the conquest of the 
lesser self by the Real Self. 


I Am Asserting the Mastery of My Real Self. 

Repeat these words earnestly and positively 
during the day, at least once an hour, and par- 
ticularly when you are confronted with conditions 
which tempt you to act on the lines of the lesser 
self instead of following the course dictated by 


the Real Self. In the moment of doubt and hesi- 
tation, say these words earnestly, and your way 
will be made clear to you. Repeat them several 
times after you retire and settle yourself to sleep. 
But be sure to back up the words with the 
thought inspiring them, and do not merely repeat 
them parrot-like. Form the mental image of the 
Real Self asserting its mastery over the lower 
planes of your mind — see the King on his 
Throne. You will become conscious of an influx 
of new thought, and things which have seemed 
hard for you will suddenly become much easier. 
You will feel that you have yourself well in 
hand, and that YOU are the master and not the 
slave. The thought you are holding will mani- 
fest itself in action, and you will steadily grow to 
become that which you have in mind. 


Fix the mind firmly on the higher Self and 
draw inspiration from it when you feel led to 
yield to the promptings of the lower part of your 
nature. When you are tempted to burst into 
Anger — assert the "I," and your voice will drop. 
Anger is unworthy of the developed Self. When 
you feel vexed and cross, remember what you are, 


and rise above your feeling. When you feel 
Fearful, remember that the Real Self fears noth- 
ing, and assert Courage. When you feel Jealousy 
inciting, think of your higher nature, and laugh. 
And so on, asserting the Real Self and not allow- 
ing the things on the lower plane of mentality to 
disturb you. They are unworthy of you, and 
must be taught to keep their places. Do not 
allow these things to master you — they should be 
your subjects, not your masters. You must get 
away from this plane, and the only way to do so 
is to cut loose from these phases of thought 
which have been ''running things'' to suit them- 
selves. You may have trouble at the start, but 
keep at it and you will have that satisfaction 
which comes only from conquering the lower 
parts of our nature. You have been a slave long 
enough — ^now is the time to free yourselves. If 
you will follow these exercises faithfully you 
will be a different being by the end of the year, 
and will look back with a pitying smile to your 
former condition. But it takes work. This is 
not child's play, but a task for earnest men and 

The Secret of the Will 

While psychologists may differ in their theories 
regarding the nature of the Will, none deny its 
existence, nor question its power. All persons 
recognize the power of strong Will — all see how 
it may be used to overcome the greatest obstacles. 
But few realize that the Will may be developed 
and strengthened by intelligent practice. They 
feel that they could accomplish wonders if they 
had a strong Will, but instead of attempting to 
develop it, they content themselves with vain 
regrets. They sigh, but do nothing. 

Those who have investigated the subject closely 
know that Will Power, with all its latent possi- 
bilities and mighty powers, may be developed, 
disciplined, controlled and directed, just as may 
be any other of Nature's forces. It does not 
matter what theory you may entertain about the 
nature of the Will, you will obtain the results if 
you practice intelligently. 



Personally, I have a somewhat odd theory 
about the Will, I believe that every man has, 
potentially, a strong Will, and that all he has to 
do is to train his mind to make use of it* I think 
that in the higher regions of the mind of every 
man is a great store of Will Power awaiting bis 
use. The Will current is running along the 
psychic wires, and all that it is necessary to do is 
to raise the mental trolley-pole and bring down 
the power for your use. And the supply is 
unlimited, for your little storage battery is con- 
nected with the great power house of the Uni- 
versal Will Power, and the power is inexhaust- 
ible. Your Will does not need training — but 
your Mind does. The mind is the instrument 
and the supply of Will Power is proportionate 
to the fineness of the instrument through which 
it manifests. But you needn't accept this theory 
if you don't like it. This lesson will fit your 
theory as well as mine. 

He who has developed his mind so that it will 
allow the Will Power to manifest through it, has 
opened up wonderful possibilities for himself. 
Not only has he found a great power at his 
command, but he is able to bring into play, and 
use, faculties, talents and abilities of whose exist- 


ence he has not dreamed. This secret of the Will 
is the magic key which opens all doors. 

The late Donald G. Mitchell once wrote: 
''Resolve is what makes a man manifest; not 
puny resolve, but crude determination ; not errant 
purpose — but that strong and indefatigable will 
which treads down difficulties and danger, as a 
boy treads down the heaving frost-lands of 
winter; which kindles his eye and brain with a 
proud pulse-beat toward the unattainable. Will 
makes men giants." 

Many of us feel that if we would but exert 
our Will, we might accomplish wonders. But 
somehow we do not seem to want to take the 
trouble — at any rate, we do not get to the actual 
willing point. We put it off from time to time, 
and talk vaguely of "some day," but that some 
day never comes. 

We instinctively feel the power of the Will, 
but we haven't enough energy to exercise it, and 
so drift along with the tide, unless perhaps some 
friendly difficulty arises, some helpful obstacle 
appears in our path, or some kindly pain stirs us 
into action, in either of which cases we are com- 
pelled to assert our Will and thus begin to accom- 
plish something. 


The trouble with us is that we do not want to 
do the thing enough to make us exert our Will 
Power. We don't want to hard enough. We 
are mentally lazy and of weak Desire. If you 
do not like the word Desire substitute for it the 
word "Aspiration." ( Some people call the lower 
impulses Desires, and the higher, Aspirations — 
it's all a matter of words, take your choice.) 
That is the trouble. Let a man be in danger of 
losing his life— let a woman be in danger of 
losing a great love — ^and you will witness a 
startling exhibition of Will Power from an unex- 
pected source. Let a woman's child be threatened 
with danger, and she will manifest a degree of 
Courage and Will that sweeps all before it. And 
yet the same woman will quail before a domi- 
neering husband, and will lack the Will to per- 
form a simple task. A boy will do all sorts of 
work if he but considers it play, and yet he can 
scarcely force himself to cut a little fire-wood. 
Strong Will follows strong Desire. If you really 
want to do a thing very much, you can usually 
develop the Will Power to accomplish it. 

The trouble is that you have not really wanted 
to do these things, and yet you blame your Will. 
You say that you do want to do it, but if you 


stop to think you will see that you really want 
to do something else more than the thing in 
question. You are not willing to pay the price 
of attainment. Stop a moment and analyze this 
statement and apply it to your own case. 

You are mentally lazy — ^that's the trouble. 
Don't talk to me about not having enough Will. 
You have a great storehouse of Will awaiting 
your use, but you are too lazy to use it. Now, 
if you are really in earnest about this matter, get 
to work and first find out what you really want 
to do — then start to work and do it. Never 
mind about the Will Power — you'll find a full 
supply of that whenever you need it. The thing 
to do is to get to the point where you will resolve 
to Will. That's the real test — the resolving. 
Think of these things a little, and make up your 
mind whether or not you really want to be a 
Wilier sufficiently hard to get to work. 

Many excellent essays and books have been 
written on this subject, all of which agree regard- 
ing the greatness of Will Power, the most en- 
thusiastic terms being used; but few have any- 
thing to say about how this power may be 
acquired by those who have it not, or who pos- 
sess it in but a limited degree. Some have given 


exercises designed to "strengthen" the Will, 
which exercises really strengthen the Mind so 
that it is able to draw upon its store of power. 
But they have generally overlooked the fact that 
in auto-suggestion is to be found the secret of the 
development of the mind so that it may become 
the efficient instrument of the Will. 


/ Am Using My Will Power. 

Say these words several times earnestly and 
positively, immediately after finishing this article. 
Then repeat them frequently during the day, at 
least once an hour, and particularly when you 
meet something that calls for the exercise of Will 
Power. Also repeat them several times after 
you retire and settle yourself for sleep. Now, 
there is nothing in these words unless you back 
them up with the thought. In fact, the thought 
is "the whole thing,'* and the words only pegs 
upon which to hang the thought. So think of 
what you are saying, and mean what you say. 
You must use Faith at the start, and use the 
words with a confident expectation of the result. 
Hold the steady thought that you are drawing 
on your storehouse of Will Power, and before 


long you will find that thought is taking form 
in action, and that your Will Power is manifest- 
ing itself. You will feel an influx of strength 
with each repetition of the words. You will find 
yourself overcoming difficulties and bad habits, 
and will be surprised at how things are being 
smoothed out for you. 


Perform at least one disagreeable task each day 
during the month. If there is any specially dis- 
agreeable task which you would like to shirk, 
that is the one for you to perform. This is not 
given you in order to make you self-sacrificing 
or meek, or anything of that sort — it is given 
you to exercise your Will. Anyone can do a 
pleasant thing cheerfully, but it takes Will to do 
the unpleasant thing cheerfully; and that is how 
you must do the work. It will prove a most 
valuable discipline to you. Try it for a month 
and you will see where it "comes in." If you 
shirk this exercise you had better stop right here 
and acknowledge that you do not want Will 
Power, and are content to stay where you are 
and remain a weakling. 


How TO Become Immune to Injurious 
Thought Attraction 

The first thing to do is to begin to "cut out" 
Fear and Worry. Fearthought is the cause of 
much unhappiness and many failures. You have 
been told this thing over and over again, but it 
will bear repeating. Fear is a habit of mind 
which has been fastened upon us by negative 
race-thought, but from which we may free our- 
selves by individual eflfort and perseverance. 

Strong expectancy is a powerful magnet. He 
of the strong, confident desire attracts to him the 
things best calculated to aid him — ^persons, 
things, circumstances, surroundings ; if he desires 
them hopefully, trustfully, confidently, calmly. 
And, equally true, he who Fears a thing generally 
manages to start into operation forces which will 
cause the thing he feared to come upon him. 
Don't you see, the man who Fears really expects 
the feared thing, and in the eyes of the Law it is 


the same as if he really had wished for or desired 
it? The Law is operative in both cases — the 
principle is the same. 

The best way to overcome the habit of Fear 
is to assume the mental attitude of Courage, just 
as the best way to get rid of darkness is to let 
in the light. It is a waste of time to fight a 
negative thought-habit by recognizing its force 
and trying to deny it out of existence by mighty 
efforts. The best, surest, easiest and quickest 
method is to assiune the existence of the positive 
thought desired in its place; and by constantly 
dwelling upon the positive thought, manifest it 
into objective reality. 

Therefore, instead of repeating, "I'm not 
afraid," say boldly, "I am full of Courage," "I 
am Courageous." You must assert, "There's 
nothing to fear," which, although in the nature 
of a denial, simply denies the reality of the object 
causing fear rather than admitting the fear itself 
and then denying it. 

To overcome Fear, one should hold firmly to 
the mental attitude of Courage. He should think 
Courage, say Courage, act Courage. He should 
keep the mental picture of Courage before him 
all the time, until it becomes his normal mental 


attitude. Hold the ideal firmly before you and 
you will gradually grow to its attainment — ^the 
ideal will become manifest. 

Let the word "Courage" sink deeply into your 
mind, and then hold it firmly there until the mind 
fastens it in place. Think of yourself as being 
Courageous — see yourself as acting with Courage 
in trying situations. Realize that there is noth- 
ing to Fear — that Worry and Fear never helped 
anyone, and never will. Realize that Fear par- 
alyzes effort, and that Courage promotes activity. 

The confident, fearless, expectant, "I Can and 
I Will" man is a mighty magnet. He attracts to 
himself just what is needed for his success. 
Things seem to come his way, and people say he 
is "lucky." Nonsense! "Luck" has nothing to do 
with it. It's all in the Mental Attitude. And 
the Mental Attitude of the "I Can't" or the "Fm 
Afraid" man also determines his measure of suc- 
cess. There's no mystery whatsoever about it. 
You have but to look about you to realize the 
truth of what I have said. Did you ever know a 
successful man who did not have the "I Can and 
I Will" thought strong within him? Why, he 
will walk all around the "I Can't" man, who has 
perhaps even more ability. The first mental atti- 


tude brought to the surface latent qualities, as 
well as attracted help from outside; whilst the 
second mental attitude not only attracted *T 
Can't" people and things, but also kept the man's 
own powers from manifesting themselves. I 
have demonstrated the correctness of these views, 
and so have many others, and the number of 
people who know these things is growing every 

Don't waste your Thought-Force, but use it to 
advantage. Stop attracting to yourself failure, 
unhappiness, inharmony, sorrow — begin now 
and send out a current of bright, positive, happy 
thought. Let your prevailing thought be "I Can 
and I Will;" think "I Can and I Will;" dream 
"I Can and I Will;" say "I Can and I Will;" act 
"I Can and I Will." Live on the "I Can and I 
Will" plane, and before you are aware of it, you 
will feel the new vibrations manifesting them- 
selves in action ; will see them bring results ; will 
be conscious of the new point of view ; will real- 
ize that your own is coming to you. You will 
feel better, act better, see better, BE better in 
every way, after you join the "I Can and I Will" 

Fear is the parent of Worry, Hate, Jealousy, 


Malice, Anger, Discontent, Failure and all the 
rest. The man who rids himself of Fear will 
find that the rest of the brood have disappeared. 
The only way to be Free is to get rid of Fear. 
Tear it out by the roots. I regard the conquest 
of Fear as the first important step to be taken by 
those who wish to master the application of 
Thought Force. So long as Fear masters you, 
you are in no condition to make progress in the 
realm of Thought, and I must insist that you 
start to work at once to get rid of this obstruc- 
tion. You CAN do it — if you only go about it 
in earnest. And when you have ridded yourself 
of the vile thing, life will seem entirely different 
to you — ^you will feel happier, freer, stronger, 
more positive, and will be more successful in 
every undertaking of Life. 

Start in today, make up your mind that this 
intruder must GO — do not compromise matters 
with him, but insist upon an absolute surrender 
on his part. You will find the task difficult at 
first, but each time you oppose him he will grow 
weaker, and you will be stronger. Shut off his 
nourishment — starve him to death — he cannot 
live in a thought-atmosphere of Fearlessness. So, 
start to fill your mind with good, strong, Fear- 


less thoughts — ^keep yourself busy thinking Fear- 
lessness, and Fear will die of his own accord. 
Fearlessness is positive — Fear is negative, and 
you may be sure that the positive will prevail. 

So long as Fear is around with his "but," "if," 
"suppose," "Fm afraid," "I can't," "what if," 
and all the rest of his cowardly suggestions, you 
will not be able to use your Thought Force to the 
best advantage. Once get him out of the way, 
you will have clear sailing, and every inch of 
thought-sail will catch the wind. He is a Jonah. 
Overboard with him ! (The whale who swallows 
him will have my sympathy.) 

I advise that you start in to do some of the 
things which you feel you could do if you were 
not afraid to try. Start to work to do these 
things, affirming "Courage" all the way through, 
and you will be surprised to see how the changed 
mental attitude will clear away obstacles from 
your path, and will make things very much easier 
than you had anticipated. Exercises of this kind 
will develop you wonderfully, and you will be 
much gratified at the result of a little practice 
along these lines. 

There are many things before you awaiting 
accomplishment, which you can master if you 


will only throw aside the yoke of Fear — if you 
will only refuse to accept the race suggestion, 
and will boldly assert the "I" and its power. 
And the best way to vanquish Fear is to assert 
"Courage" and stop thinking of Fear. By this 
plan you will train the mind into new habits of 
thought, thus eradicating the old negative 
thoughts which have been pulling you down, and 
holding you back. Take the word "Courage" 
with you as your watchword and manifest it in 

Remember, the only thing to fear is Fear, and 
— well, don't even fear Fear, for he's a cowardly 
chap at the best, who will run if you show a brave 

The Transmutation of Negative Thought 

Worry is the child of Fear — if you kill out 
Fear, Worry will die for want of nourishment. 
This advice is very old, and yet it is always 
worthy of repetition, for it is a lesson of which 
we are greatly in need. Some people think that 
if we kill out Fear and Worry we will never be 
able to accomplish anything. I have read edito- 
rials in the great journals in which the writers 
held that without Worry one can never accom- 
plish any of the great tasks of life, because 
Worry is necessary to stimulate interest and 
work. This is nonsense, no matter who utters 
it. Worry never helped one to accomplish any- 
thing; on the contrary, it stands in the way of 
accomplishment and attainment. 

The motive underlying action and "doing 
things" is Desire and Interest. If one earnestly 
desires a thing, he naturally becomes very much 
interested in its accomplishment, and is quick to 




seize upon anything likely to help him to gain 
the thing he wants. More than that, his mind 
starts up a work on the subnconscious plane that 
brings into the field of consciousness many ideas 
of value and importance. Desire and Interest 
are the causes that result in success. Worry is 
not Desire. It is true that if one's surroundings 
and environments become intolerable, he is 
driven in desperation to some efforts that will 
result in throwing off the undesirable conditions 
and in the acquiring of those more in harmony 
with his desire. But this is only another form 
of Desire — the man desires something different 
from what he has; and when his desire becomes 
strong enough his entire interest is given to the 
task, he makes a mighty effort^ and the change 
is accomplished. But it wasn't Worry that 
caused the effort. Worry could content itself 
with wringing its hands and moaning "Woe is 
me," and wearing its nerves to a frazzle, and 
accomplishing nothing. Desire acts differently. 
It grows stronger as the man's conditions become 
intolerable, and finally when he feels the hurt so 
strongly that he can't stand it any longer, he 
says, "I won't stand this any longer^ — I will make 
a change," and lo! then Desire springs into 


action. The man keeps on "wanting" a change 
the worst way (which is the best way) and his 
Interest and Attention being given to the task of 
deliverance, he begins to make things move. 
Worry never accomplished anything. Worry is 
negative and death producing. Desire and Ambi- 
tion are positive and life producing. A man may 
worry himself to death and yet nothing will be 
accomplished, but let that man transmute his 
worry and discontent into Desire and Interest, 
coupled with a belief that he is able to make the 
change— the "I Can and I Will'' idea— then 
something happens. 

Yes, Fear and Worry must go before we can 
do much. One must proceed to cast out these 
negative intruders, and replace them with Con- 
fidence and Hope. Transmute Worry into keen 
Desire. Then you will find that Interest is awak- 
ened, and you will begin to think things of 
interest to you. Thoughts will come to you from 
the great reserve stock in your mind and you will 
start to manifest them in action. Moreover you 
will be placing yourself in harmony with similar 
thoughts of others, and will draw to you aid and 
assistance from the great volume of thought 
waves with which the world is filled. One draws 



to himself thought waves corresponding in char- 
acter with the nature of the prevailing thoughts 
in his own mind — his mental attitude. Then 
again he begins to set into motion the great Law 
of Attraction, whereby he draws to him others 
likely to help him, and is, in turn, attracted to 
others who can aid him. This Law of Attraction 
is no joke, no metaphysical absurdity, but is a 
great live working principle of Nature, as anyone 
may learn by experimenting and observing. 

To succeed in anything you must want it very 
much — Desire must be in evidence in order to 
attract. The man of weak desires attracts very 
little to himself. The stronger the Desire the 
greater the force set into motion. You must 
want a thing hard enough before you can get 
it. You must want it more than you do the 
things around you, and you must be prepared to 
pay the price for it. The price is the throwing 
overboard of certain lesser desires that stand in 
the way of the accomplishment of the greater 
one. Comfort, ease, leisure, amusements^ and 
many other things may have to go (not always, 
though). It all depends on what you want. As 
a rule, the greater the thing desired, the greater 
the price to ba paid for it. Nature believes in 


adequate compensation. But if you really Desire 
a thing in earnest, you will pay the price without 
question; for the Desire will dwarf the impor- 
tance of the other things. 

You say that you want a thing very much, 
and are doing everything possible toward its 
attainment? Pshaw! you are only playing 
Desire. Do you want the thing as much as a 
prisoner wants freedom — as much as a dying 
man wants life? Look at the almost miraculous 
things accomplished by prisoners desiring free- 
dom. Look how they work through steel plates 
and stone walls with a bit of stone. Is your 
desire as strong as that? Do you work for the 
desired thing as if your life depended upon it? 
Nonsense! you don't know what Desire is. I 
tell you if a man wants a thing as much as the 
prisoner wants freedom, or as much as a strongly 
vital man wants life, then that man will be able 
to sweep away obstacles and impediments ap- 
parently immovable. The key to attainment is 
Desire, Confidence, and Will. This key will open 
many doors. 

Fear paralyzes Desire — it scares the life out of 
it. You must get rid of Fear. There have been 
times in my life when Fear would get hold of me 


and take a good, firm grip on my vitals, and I 
would lose all hope; all interest; all ambition; all 
desire. But, thank the Lord, I have always man- 
aged to throw off the grip of the monster and 
face my difficulty like a man; and lo! things 
would seem to be straightened out for me some- 
how. Either the difficulty would melt away, or 
I would be given means to overcome it, or get 
around, or under or over it. It is strange how 
this works. No matter how great is the difficulty, 
when we finally face it with courage and con- 
fidence in ourselves, we seem to pull through 
somehow, and then we begin to wonder what we 
were scared about. This is not a mere fancy, it 
is the working of a mighty law, which we do not 
as yet fully understand, but which we may prove 
at any time. 

People often ask: "It's all very well for you 
New Thought people to say 'Don't worry,' but 
what's a person to do when he thinks of all the 
possible things ahead of him, which might upset 
him and his plans?" Well, all that I can say is 
that the man is foolish to bother about thinking 
of troubles to come at some time in the future. 
The majority of things that we worry about 
don't come to pass at all; a large proportion of 


the others come in a milder form than we had 
anticipated, and there are always other things 
which come at the same time which help us to 
overcome the trouble. The future holds in store 
for us not only difficulties to be overcome, but 
also agents to help us in overcoming the difficul- 
ties. Things adjust themselves. We are pre- 
pared for any trouble which may come upon us, 
and when the time comes we somehow find our- 
selves able to meet it. God not only tempers the 
wind to the shorn lamb, but He also tempers the 
shorn lamb to the wind. The wind and the 
shearing do not come together; there is usually 
enough time for the lamb to get seasoned, and 
then he generally grows new wool before the 
cold blast comes. 

It has been well said that nine-tenths of the 
worries are over things which never come to pass, 
and that the other tenth is over things of little or 
no account. So what's the use in using up all 
your reserve force in fretting over future 
troubles, if this be so? Better wait until your 
troubles really come before you worry. You will 
find that by this storing up of energy you will 
be able to meet about any sort of trouble that 
comes your way. 



What is it that uses up all the energy in the 
average man or woman, anyway? Is it the real 
overcoming- of difficulties, or the worrying about 
impending- troubles? It's always "Tomorrow, 
tomorrow," and yet tomorrow never comes just 
as we feared it would. Tomorrow is all right; 
it carries in its grip good things as well as 
troubles. Bless my soul, when I sit down and 
think over the things which I once feared might 
possibly descend upon me, I laugh! Where are 
those feared things now? I don't know — have 
almost forgotten that I ever feared them* 

You do not need to fight Worry — that isn't the 
way to overcome the habit. Just practice con- 
centration, and then learn to concentrate upon 
something right before you, and you will find 
that the worry thought has vanished, The 
mind can think of but one thing at a time, and if 
you concentrate upon a bright thing, the other 
thing will fade away. There are better ways of 
overcoming objectionable thoughts than by fight- 
ing them. Learn to concentrate upon thoughts 
of an opposite character, and you will have solved 
the problem* 

When the mind is full of worry thoughts, it 
cannot find time to work out plans to benefit you, 



But when you have concentrated upon bright, 
helpful thoughts, you will discover that it will 
start to work subconsciously; and when the time 
comes you will find all sorts of plans and meth- 
ods by which you will be able to meet the 
demands upon you. Keep your mental attitude 
right, and all things will be added unto you. 
There's no sense in worrying; nothing has ever 
been gained by it, and nothing ever will be. Bright^ 
cheerful and happy thoughts attract bright, 
cheerful and happy things to us — worry drives 
them away. Cultivate the right mental attitude. 

The Law of Mental Control 

Your thoughts are either faithful servants or 
tyrannical masters — ^just as you allow them to 
be. You have the say about it ; take your choice. 
They will either go about your work under direc- 
tion of the firm will, doing it the best they know 
how, not only in your waking hours, but when 
you are asleep — some of our best mental work 
being performed for us when our conscious men- 
tality is at rest, as is evidenced by the fact that 
when the morning comes we find troublesome 
problems have been worked out for us during the 
night, after we had dismissed them from our 
minds — apparently; or they will ride all over us 
and make us their slaves if we are foolish enough 
to allow them to do so. More than half the 
people of the world are slaves of every vagrant 
thought which may see fit to torment them. 

Your mind is given you for your good and for 
your own use — not to use you. There are very 



few people who seem to realize this and who 
understand the art of managing the mind. The 
key to the mystery is Concentration. A little 
practice will develop withm every man the power 
to use the mental machine properly. When you 
have some mental work to do concentrate upon 
it to the exclusion of everything else, and you 
will find that the mind will get right down to 
business — ^to the work at hand — and matters will 
be cleared up in no time. There is an absence of 
friction, and all waste motion or lost power is 
obviated. Every pound of energy is put to use, 
and every revolution of the mental driving-wheel 
counts for something. It pays to be able to be a 
competent mental engineer. 

And the man who understands how to run his 
mental engine knows that one of the important 
things is to be able to stop it when the work has 
been done. He does not keep putting coal in the 
furnace, and maintaining a high pressure after 
the work is finished, or when the day's portion 
of the work has been done, and the fires should 
be banked until the next day. Some people act 
as if the engine should be kept running whether 
there was any work to be done or not, and then 
they complain if it gets worn out and wobbles 



and needs repairing. These mental engines are 
fine machines, and need intelligent care. 

To those who are acquainted with tlie laws of 
mental control it seems absurd for one to He 
awake at night fretting about the problems of the 
day, or more often, of the marrow. It is just as 
easy to slow down the mind as it is to slow down 
an engine, and thousands of people are learning 
to do this in these days of New Thought The 
best w^ay to do it is to think of something else — 
as far different from the obtruding thought as 
possible. There is no use fighting an objection- 
able thought with the purpose of ''downing" it; 
that is a great waste of energy j and the more you 
keep on saying, "I won't think of this thing!'* 
the more it keeps on coming into your mind, for 
you are holding it there for the purpose of hit- 
ting it. Let it go; don't give it another thought; 
fix the mind on something entirely different, and 
keep the attention there by an effort of the will. 
A little practice will do much for you in this 
direction* There is only room for one thing at a 
time in the focus of attention; so put all your 
attention upon one thought, and the others will 
sneak off. Try it for yourself. 

Asserting the Life-Force 

I have spoken to you of the advantage of get- 
ting rid of Fear. Now I wish to put LIFE into 
you. Many of you have been going along as if 
you were dead — no ambition — no energy — ^no 
vitality — no interest — ^no life. This will never 
do. You are stagnating. Wake up and display 
a few signs of life! This is not the place in 
which you can stalk around like a living corpse — 
this is the place for wide-awake, active, live 
people, and a good general awakening is what is 
needed; although it would take nothing less than 
a blast from Gabriel's trumpet to awaken some of 
the people who are stalking around thinking that 
they are alive, but who are really dead to all that 
makes life worth while. 

We must let Life flow through us, and allow it 
to express itself naturally. Do not let the little 
worries of life, or the big ones either, depress 
you and cause you to lose your vitality. Assert 



the Life Force within you, and manifest it in 
every thought, act and deed, and before long you 
will be exhilarated and fairly bubbling over with 
vitality and energy. 

Put a little life into your work — into your 
pleasures — into yourself. Stop doing things in a 
half-hearted way, and begin to take an interest 
in what you are doing, saying and thinking. It 
is astonishing how much interest we may find 
in the ordinary things of life, if we will only 
wake up. There are interesting things all around 
us — interesting events occurring every moment 
— ^but we will not be aware of them unless we 
assert our life force and begin to actually live 
instead of merely existing. 

No man or woman ever amounted to anything 
unless he or she put life into the tasks of every- 
day life — the acts — ^the thoughts. What the 
world needs is live men and women. Just look 
into the eyes of the people whom you meet, and 
see how few of them are really alive. The most 
of them lack that expression of conscious life 
which distinguishes the man who lives from the 
one who simply exists, 

I want you to acquire this sense of conscious 
life so that you may manifest it in your life and 


show what Mental Science has done for you. I 
want you to get to work today and begin to 
make yourselves over according to the latest pat- 
tern. You can do this if you will only take the 
proper interest in the task. 

Affirmation and Exercise 

^7 Am Alive." 

Fix in your mind the thought that the "I" 
within you is very much alive and that you 
are manifesting life fully, mentally and physically. 
And keep this thought there, aiding yourself with 
constant repetitions of the watchword. Don't let 
the thought escape you, but keep pushing it back 
into the mind. Keep it before the mental vision 
as much as possible. Repeat the watchword when 
you awaken in the morning — say it when you re- 
tire at night. And say it at meal times, and 
whenever else you can during the day — at least 
once an hour. Form the mental picture of your- 
self as filled with Life and Energy. Live up to it 
as far as possible. When you start in to perform 
a task say "I Am AHve" and mix up as much life 
as possible in the task. If you find yourself feel- 
ing depressed, say "I Am Alive," and then take a 
few deep breaths, and with each inhalation let the 


mind hold the thought that you are breathing in 
Strength and Life, and as you exhale, hold the 
thought that you are breathing out all the old, 
dead, negative conditions and are glad to get rid 
of them. Then finish up with an earnest, vigorous 
affirmation: "I Am Alive,'' and mean it when 
you say it, too. 

And let your thoughts take form in action. 
Don't rest content with merely saying that you 
are alive, but prove it with your acts. Take an 
interest in doing things, and don't go around 
*'mooning" or day-dreaming. Get down to busi- 

Training the Habit-Mind 

Professor William James, the well-known 
teacher of, and writer upon Psychology, very 
truly says : 

"The great thing in all education is to make 
our nervous system our ally instead of our 
enemy. For this we must make automatic and 
habitual, as early as possible, as many useful 
actions as we can, and as carefully guard against 
growing into ways that are likely to be disad- 
vantageous. In the acquisition of a new habit, or 
the leaving oflf of an old one, we must take care 
to launch ourselves with as strong and decided 
initiative as possible. Never suffer an exception 
to occur until the new habit is securely rooted in 
your life. Seize the very first possible oppor- 
tunity to act on every resolution you make and 
on every emotional prompting you may expe- 
rience, in the direction of the habits you aspire to 


This advice is along the lines familiar to all 
students of Mental Science, but it states the mat- 
ter more plainly than the majority of us have 
done. It impresses upon us the importance of 
passing on to the subconscious mind the proper 
impulses, so that they will become automatic and 
"second nature." Our subconscious mentality is 
a great store house for all sorts of suggestions 
from ourselves and others, and, as it is the 
"habit-mind," we must be careful to send it the 
proper material from which it may make habits. 
If we get into the habit of doing certain things, 
we may be sure that the subconscious mentality 
will make it easier for us to do just the same 
thing over and over again, easier each time, until 
finally we are firmly bound with the ropes and 
chains of the habit, and find it more or less dif- 
ficult, sometimes almost impossible, to free our- 
selves from the hateful thing. 

We should cultivate good habits against the 
hour of need. The time will come when we will 
be required to put forth our best efforts, and it 
rests with us today whether that hour of need 
shall find us doing the proper thing automatically 
and almost without thought, or struggling to do 
it bound down and hindered with the chains of 


things opposed to that which we desire at that 

We must be on guard at all times to prevent 
the forming of undesirable habits. There may 
be no special harm in doing a certain thing today, 
or perhaps again tomorrow, but there may be 
much harm in setting up the habit of doing that 
particular thing. If you are confronted with the 
question: "Which of these two things should I 
do ?" the best answer is : "I will do that which I 
would like to become a habit with me." 

In forming a new habit, or in breaking an old 
one, we should throw ourselves into the task with 
as much enthusiasm as possible, in order to gain 
the most ground before the energy expends itself 
when it meets with friction from the opposing 
habits already formed. We should start in by 
making as strong an impression as possible upon 
the subconscious mentality. Then we should be 
constantly on guard against temptations to break 
the new resolution "just this once." This "just 
once" idea kills oflf more good resolutions than 
any other one cause. The moment you yield 
"just this once," you introduce the thin edge of 
the wedge that will, in the end, split your reso- 
lution into pieces. 


Equally important is the fact that each time 
you resist temptation the stronger does your 
resolution become. Act upon your resolution as 
early and as often as possible, as with every 
manifestation of thought in action, the stronger 
does it become. You are adding to the strength 
of your original resolution every time you back 
it up with action. 

The mind has been likened to a piece of paper 
that has been folded. Ever afterwards it has a 
tendency to fold in the same crease — ^unless we 
make a new crease or fold, when it will follow 
the last lines. And the creases are habits — every 
time we make one it is so much easier for the 
mind to fold along the same crease afterward. 
Let us make our mental creases in the right 

The Psychology of Emotion 

One IS apt to think of the emotions as inde- 
pendent from habit. We easily may think of one 
acquiring habits of action, and even of thinking, 
but we are apt to regard the emotions as some- 
thing connected with "feeling" and quite di- 
vorced from intellectual effort. Yet, notwith- 
standing the distinction between the two, both 
are dependent largely upon habit, and one may 
repress, increase, develop, and change one's emcH 
tions, just as one may regulate habits of action 
and lines of thought. 

It is an axiom of psychology that "Ehiotions 
deepen by repetition.'' If a person allows a state 
of feeling to thoroughly take possession of him, 
he will find it easier to yield to the same emotion 
the second time, and so on, until the particular 
emotion or feeling becomes second nature to him. 
If an undesirable emotion shows itself inclined to 
take up a permanent abode with you, you had 




better start to work to get rrd of it, or at least 
to master it. And the best time to do this is at 
the start; for each repetition renders the habit 
more firmly intrenched, and the task of dislodg- 
ing it more difficult. 

Were you ever jealous? If so, you will re- 
member how insidious was its first approach, 
how subtly it whispered hateful suggestions into 
your willing ear, and how gradually it followed 
up such suggestions, until, finally you began to 
see green. (Jealousy has an effect upon the bile, 
and causes it to poison the blood. This is why 
the idea of green is always associated with it,) 
Then you will remember how the thing seemed 
to grow, taking possession of you until you 
scarcely could shake it off. You found it much 
easier to become jealous the next time. It 
seemed to bring before you all sorts of objects 
apparently justifying your suspicions and feel* 
ing. Everything began to look green — the green- 
eyed monster waxed fat* 

And so it is with every feeling or emotion. If 
you give way to a fit of rage, you will find it 
easier to become angry the next time, on less 
provocation. The habit of feeling and acting 
"mean" does not take long to firmly settle itself 


in Its new home if encouraged. Worry is a great 
habit for growing and waxing fat. People start 
by worrying about big things, and then begin to 
worry and fret about some smaller thing. And 
then the merest trifle worries and distresses them. 
They imagine that all sorts of evil things are 
about to befall them. If they start on a journey 
they are certain, there is going to be a wreck. If 
a telegram comes, it is sure to contain some 
dreadful tidings. If a child seems a little quiet, 
the worrying mother is positive it is going to fall 
ill and die. If the husband seems thoughtful, as 
he revolves some business plan in his mind, then 
the good wife is convinced that he is begin- 
ning to cease to love her, and indulges in a 
crying spell. And so it goes — ^worry, worry, 
worry— each indulgence making the habit more 
at home. After a while the continued thought 
shows itself in action. Not only is the mind 
poisoned by the blue thoughts, but the forehead 
shows deep lines between the eyebrows, and the 
voice takes on that whining, rasping tone so com- 
mon among worry-burdened people. 

The condition of mind known as "fault-find- 
ing" is another emotion that grows fat with exer- 
cise. First, fault is found with this thing, then 



with that, and finally with everything. The per- 
son becomes a chronic "nagger" — a burden to 
friends and relatives, and a thing to be avoided 
by outsiders. Women make the greatest naggers. 
Not because men are any better^ but simply be- 
cause a man nagger is apt to have the habit 
knocked out of him by other men v\rho v^ill not 
stand his nonsense — he finds that he is making 
things too hot for himself, and he reforms; while 
a woman has more of a chance to indulge in the 
habit* But this nagging is all a matter of habit* 
It grows from small beginnings, and each time 
it is indulged in it throws out another root, 
branch, or tendril, and fastens itself the closer to 
the one who has given it soil in which to grow. 

Envy, uncharitableness, gossip, scandal-mon- 
ger ing, are all habits of this kind. The seeds are 
in every human breast, and only need good soil 
and a little watering to become lusty and strong. 

Each time you give way to one of these nega- 
tive emotions, the easier do you make it for a 
recurrence of the same thing, or similar ones. 
Sometimes by encouraging one unworthy emo- 
tion, you find that you have given room for the 
growth of a whole family of these mental weeds. 

Now, this is not a good old orthodox preach- 


ment against the sin of bad thoughts. It is 
merely a calling of your attention to the law 
underlying the psychology of emotions. Nothing 
new about it — old as the hills — so old that many 
of us have forgotten all about it. 

If you wish to manifest these constantly disa- 
greeable and unpleasant traits, and to suffer the 
unhappiness that comes from them, by all means 
do so— that is your own business, and privilege. 
It's none of mine, and I am not preaching at you 
— it keeps me busy minding my own business and 
keeping an eye on my own undesirable habits 
and actions. I am merely telling you the law 
regarding the matter, and you may do the rest. 
If you wish to choke out these habits, there are 
two ways open to you. First, whenever you find 
yourself indulging in a negative thought or feel- 
ing, take right hold of it and say to it firmly, and 
vigorously, "Get out !" It won't like this at first, 
and will bridle up, curve its back and snarl like 
an offended cat. But never mind — ^just say 
"Scat" to it. The next time it will not be so 
confident and aggressive — it will have mani- 
fested a little of the fear-habit. Each time you 
repress and choke out a tendency of this kind, the 
weaker it will become, and the stronger will your 
will be. 


Professor James says: "Refuse to express a 
passion, and it dies. Count ten before venting 
your anger, and its occasion seems ridiculous. 
Whistling to keep up courage is no mere figure 
of speech. On the other hand, sit all day in a 
moping posture, sigh, and reply to everything 
with a dismal voice, and your melancholy lingers. 
There is no more valuable precept in moral edu- 
cation than this, as all who have experience 
know : if we wish to conquer emotional tenden- 
cies in ourselves, we must assiduously, and in 
the first instance, cold-bloodedly, go through the 
outward movements of those contrary disposi- 
tions which we prefer to cultivate. * ♦ * 
Smooth the brow, brighten the eye, contract the 
dorsal rather than the ventral aspect of the frame, 
and speak in a major key, pass the genial com- 
pliment, and your heart must be frigid indeed if 
it does not gradually thaw.*' 

Developing New Brain-Cells 

I have spoken of the plan of getting rid of 
undesirable states of feeling by driving them out. 
But a far better way is to cultivate the feeling or 
emotion directly opposed to the one you wish to 

We are very apt to regard ourselves as the 
ceatures of our emotions and feelings, and to 
fancy that these feelings and emotions are "we." 
But such is far from being the truth. It is true 
that the majority of the race are slaves of their 
emotions and feelings, and are governed by them 
to a great degree. They think that feelings are 
things that rule one and from which one cannot 
free himself, and so they cease to rebel. They 
yield to the feeling without question, although 
they may know that the emotion or mental trait 
is calculated to injure them, and to bring unhap- 
piness and failure instead of happiness and suc- 
cess. They say "we are made that way," and let 
it go at that. 




The new Psychology is teaching the people 
better things. It tells them that they are masters 
of their emotions and feelings, instead of being 
their slaves. It tells them that brain-cells may be 
developed that will manifest along desirable lines, 
and that the old brain-cells that have been mani- 
festing so unpleasantly may be placed on the 
retired list, and allowed to atrophy from want of 
use. People may make themselves over, and 
change their entire natures. This is not mere 
idle theory, but is a working fact which has been 
demonstrated by thousands of people, and which 
is coming more and more before the attention of 
the race. 

No matter what theory of mind we entertain, 
we must admit that the brain is the organ and 
instrument of the mind, in our present state of 
existence, at least, and that the brain must be 
considered in this matter. The brain is like a 
wonderful musical instrument, having millions 
of keys, upon which we may play innumerable 
combinations of sounds. We come into the world 
with certain tendencies, temperaments, and pre- 
dispositions. We may account for these tenden- 
cies by heredity, or we may account for them 
upon theories of pre-existence^ but the facts re- 


main the same. Certain keys seem to respond to 
our touch more easily than others. Certain notes 
seem to sound forth as the current of circum- 
stances sweeps over the strings. And certain 
other notes are less easily vibrated. But we find 
that if we but make an effort of the will to 
restrain the utterance of some of these easily 
sounded strings, they will grow more difficult to 
sound, and less liable to be stirred by the passing 
breeze. And if we will pay attention to some of 
the other strings that have not been giving forth 
a clear tone, we will soon get them in good work- 
ig order; their notes will chime forth clear and 
vibrant, and will drown the less pleasant sounds. 
We have millions of unused brain-cells await- 
ing our cultivation. We are using but a few of 
them, and some of these we are working to death. 
We are able to give some of these cells a rest, by 
using other cells. The brain may be trained and 
cultivated in a manner incredible to one who has 
not looked into the subject. Mental attitudes 
may be acquired and cultivated, changed and dis- 
carded, at will. There is no longer any excuse 
for people manifesting unpleasant and harmful 
mental states. We have the remedy in our own 



We acquire habits of thought, feeling, and 
action, by repeated use. We may be born with a 
tendency in a certain direction, or we may ac- 
quire tendencies by suggestions from others; 
such as the examples of those around us, sugges- 
tions from reading, listening to teachers. We 
are a bundle of mental habits. Each time we 
indulge in an undesirable thought or habit, the 
easier does it become to repeat that thought or 
action. And the oftener we give forth a certain 
desirable thought, or perform a desirable action, 
the easier does it become for us to repeat that 
thought or action. 

Mental scientists are in the habit of speaking 
of desirable thoughts or mental attitudes as 
"positive," and of the undesirable ones as "nega- 
tive." There is a good reason for this. The 
mind instinctively recognizes certain things as 
good for the individual to which it belongs, and 
it clears the path for such thoughts, and inter- 
poses the least resistance to them. They have a 
much greater effect than an undesirable thought 
possesses, and one positive thought will counter' 
act a number of negative thoughts. The best 
way to overcome undesirable or negative thoughts 
and feelings is to cultivate the positive ones. The 


positive thought is the strongest plant, and will 
in time starve out the negative one by withdraw- 
ing from it the nourishment necessary for its 

Of course the negative thought will set up a 
vigorous resistance at first, for it is a fight for 
life with it. In the slang words of the time, it 
"sees its finish" if the positive thought is allowed 
to grow and develop; and, consequently, it 
makes things unpleasant for the individual until 
he has started well into the work of starving it 
out. Brain cells do not like to be laid on the 
shelf any more than does any other form of 
living energy, and they rebel and struggle until 
they become too weak to do so. The best way 
is to pay as little attention as possible to these 
weeds of the mind, but put in as much time as 
possible watering, caring for and attending to 
the new and beautiful plants in the garden of the 

For instance, if you are apt to hate people, you 
can best overcome the negative thought by culti- 
vating Love in its place. Think Love, and act it 
out, as often as possible. Cultivate thoughts of 
kindness, and act as kindly as you can to every- 
one with whom you come in contact. You will 



have trouble at the start, but gradually Love will 
master Hate, and the latter will begin to droop 
and wither. If you have a tendency toward the 
"blues" cultivate a smile, and a cheerful view of 
things. Insist upon your mouth wearing up- 
turned corners^ and make an effort of the will to 
look upon the bright side of things. The "blue- 
devils" will set up a fight, of course, but pay no 
attention to them — just go on cultivating optim- 
ism and cheerfulness. Let "Bright, Cheerful and 
Happy" be your watchword, and try to live it 

These recipes may seem very old and time- 
worn, but they are psychological truths and may 
be used by yon to advantage. If you once com- 
prehend the nature of the thing, the affirmations 
and auto-suggestions of the several schools may 
be understood and taken advantage of. You may 
make yourself energetic instead of slothful, 
active instead of lazy, by this method. It is all a 
matter of practice and steady work. New 
Thought people often have much to say about 
"holding the thought;" and, indeed, it is neces- 
sary to "hold the thought'' in order to accom- 
plish results. But something more is needed. 
You must ''act out" the thought until it becomes 


a fixed habit with you. Thoughts take form in 
action ; and in turn actions influence thought. So 
by "acting out" certain lines of thought, the 
actions react upon the mind, and increase the 
development of the part of the mind having close 
relation to the act. Each time the mind enter- 
tains a thought, the easier becomes the resulting 
action — ^and each time an act is performed, the 
easier becomes the corresponding thought. So 
you see the thing works both ways — action and 
reaction. If you feel cheerful and happy, it is 
very natural for you to laugh. And if you will 
laugh a little, you will begin to feel bright and 
cheerful. Do you see what I am trying to get 
at? Here it is, in a nutshell: // you wish to 
cultivate a certain habit of action, begin by culti- 
vating the mental attitude corresponding to it. 
And as a means of cultivating that mental atti- 
tude, start in to "act-out'' or go through, the 
motions of the act corresponding to the thought. 
Now, see if you cannot apply this rule. Take up 
something that you really feel should be done, 
but which you do not feel like doing. Cultivate 
the thought leading up to it — ^say to yourself: 
"I like to do so and so," and then go through the 
motions (cheerfully, remember!) and act out the 


thought that you like to do the thing. Take an 
interest in the doing — study out the best way to 
do it — ^put brains into it — take a pride in it — ^and 
you will find yourself doing the thing with a 
considerable amount of pleasure and interest — 
you will have cultivated a new habit. 

If you prefer trying it on some mental trait 
of which you wish to be rid, it will work the 
same way. Start in to cultivate the opposite trait, 
and think it out and act it out for all you are 
worth. Then watch the change that will come 
over you. Don't be discouraged at the resist- 
ance you will encounter at first, but sing gaily: 
"I Can and I Will," and get to work in earnest. 
The important thing in this work is to keep cheer- 
ful and interested. If you manage to do this, the 
rest will be easy. 

The Attractive Power — ^Desire Force. 

We have. discussed the necessity of getting rid 
of fear, that your desire may have full strength 
with which to work. Supposing that you have 
mastered this part of the task, or at least started 
on the road to mastery, I will now call your 
attention to another important branch of the sub- 
ject. I allude to the subject of mental leaks. 
No, I don't mean the leakage arising from your 
failure to keep your own secrets — that is also 
important, but forms another story. The leakage 
I am now referring to is that occasioned by the 
habit of having the attention attracted to and 
distracted by every passing fancy. 

In order to attain a thing it is necessary that 
the mind should fall in love with it, and be con- 
scious of its existence, almost to the exclusion of 
everything else. You must get in love with the 
thing you wish to attain, just as much as you 
would if you were to meet the girl or man you 
wished to marry. I do not mean that you should 




become a monomaniac upon the subject, and 
should lose all interest in everything else in the 
world — that won't do, for the mind must have 
recreation and change. But, I do mean that you 
must be so "set^* upon the desired thing that all 
else will seem of secondary importance. A man 
in love may be pleasant to every one else, and 
may go through the duties and pleasures of life 
with good spirit, but underneath it all he is 
humming to himself "J"st One Girl ;'* and every 
one of his actions is bent toward getting that 
girl, and making a comfortable home for her. 
Do you see what I mean? You must get in love 
with the thing you want, and you must get in 
love with it in earnest — none of this latter-day 
flirting, "on-today and off-tomorrow" sort of 
love, but the good old-fashioned kind, that used 
to make it impossible for a young man to get to 
sleep unless he took a walk around his best girl's 
house, just to be sure it was still there. That's 
the real kind! 

And the man or woman in search of success 
must make of that desired thing his ruling pas- 
sion — ^he must keep his mind on the main chance. 
Success is jealous — that's why we speak of her as 
feminine. She demands a man's whole affection, 


and if he begins flirting with other fair charmers, 
she soon turns her back upon him. If a man 
allows his strong interest in the main chance to 
be sidetracked, he will be the loser. Mental Force 
operates best when it is concentrated. You must 
give to the desired thing your best and most 
earnest thought. Just as the man who is thor- 
oughly in love will think out plans and schemes 
whereby he may please the fair one, so will the 
man who is in love with his w^ork or business 
g^ve it his best thought, and the result will be 
that a hundred and one plans will come into his 
field of consciousness, many of which are very 
important. The mind works on the subconscious 
plane, remember, and almost always along the 
lines of the ruling passion or desire. It will fix 
up things, and patch together plans and schemes, 
and when you need them the most it will pop 
them into your consciousness, and you will feel 
like hurrahing, just as if you had received some 
valuable aid from outside. 

But if you scatter your thought-force, the sub- 
conscious mind will not know just how to please 
you, and the result is that you are apt to be put 
oflf from this source of aid and assistance. Be- 
side this, you will miss the powerful result of 


concentrated thought in the conscious working 
out of the details of your plans. And then again 
the man whose mind is full of a dozen interests 
fails to exert the attracting power that is mani- 
fested by the man of the one ruling passion, and 
he fails to draw to him persons, things, and re- 
sults that will aid in the working out of his plans, 
and will also fail to place himself in the current 
of attraction whereby he is brought into contact 
with those who will be glad to help him because 
of harmonious interests. 

I have noticed, in my own affairs, that when I 
would allow myself to be side-tracked by any- 
thing outside of my regular line of work, it 
would be only a short time before my receipts 
dropped off, and my business showed signs of a 
lack of vitality. Now, many may say that this 
was because I left undone some things that I 
would have done if my mind had been centered 
on the business. This is true ; but I have noticed 
like results in cases where there was nothing to 
be done — cases in which the seed was sown, and 
the crop was awaited. And, in just such cases, 
as soon as I directed my thought to the matter 
the seed beg^n to sprout. I do not mean that I 
had to send out great mental waves with the idea 


of affecting people — not a bit of it. I simply be- 
gan to realize what a good thing I had, and how 
much people wanted it, and how glad they would 
be to know of it, and all that sort of thing, and 
lo ! my thought seemed to vitalize the work, and 
the seed began to sprout. This is no mere fancy, 
for I have experienced it on several occasions; I 
have spoken to many others on the subject, and I 
find that our experiences tally perfectly. So 
don't get into the habit of permitting these mental 
leaks. Keep your Desire fresh and active, and 
let it get in its work without interference from 
conflicting desires. Keep in love with the thing 
you wish to attain — feed your fancy with it — ^see 
it as accomplished already, but don't lose your 
interest. Keep your eye on the main chance, and 
keep your one ruling passion strong and vigorous. 
Don't be a mental polygamist — one mental love is 
all that a man needs — that is, one at a time. 

Some scientists have claimed that something 
that might as well be called "Love" is at the bot- 
tom of the whole of life. They claim that the 
love of the plant for water causes it to send forth 
its roots until the loved thing is found. They 
say that the love of the flower for the sun, causes 
it to grow away from the dark places, so that 


it may receive the light. The so-called "chemical 
affinities" are really a form of love. And Desire 
is a manifestation of this Universal Life Love. 
So I am not using a mere figure of speech when 
I tell you that you must love the thing you wish 
to attain. Nothing but intense love will enable 
you to surmount the many obstacles placed in 
your path. Nothing but that love will enable 
you to bear the burdens of the task. The more 
Desire you have for a thing, the more you Love 
it; and the more you Love it, the greater will 
be the attractive force exerted toward its attain- 
ment — both within yourself, and outside of you. 
So love but one thing at a time — don't be a 
mental Mormon. 

The Great Dynamic Forces 

You have noticed the difference between the 
successful and strong men in any walk of life, 
and the unsuccessful weak men around them. 
You are conscious of the widely differing char- 
acteristics of the two classes, but somehow find 
it difficult to express just in what the difference 
lies. Let us take a look at the matter. 

Buxton said: "The longer I live, the more 
certain I am that the great difference between 
men, the feeble and the powerful, the great and 
the insignificant, is energy and invincible deter- 
mination — a purpose once fixed and then Death 
or Victory. That quality will do anything that 
can be done in this world — ^and no talents, no^ 
circumstances, no opportunities will make a two- 
legged creature a man without it." I do not see 
how the idea could be more clearly expressed 
than Buxton has spoken. He has put his finger 
right in the center of the subject — ^his eye has 
seen into the heart of it. 



Energy and invincible determination — these 
two things will sweep away mighty barriers, and 
will surmount the greatest obstacles. And yet 
they must be used together. Energy without de- 
termination will go to waste. Lots of men have 
plenty of energy — they are full to overflowing 
with it; and yet they lack concentration — ^they 
lack the concentrated force that enables them to 
bring their power to bear upon the right spot. 
Energy is not nearly so rare a thing as many 
imagine it to be. I can look around me at any 
time, and pick out a number of people I know 
who are full of energy — many of them are energy 
plus — ^and yet, somehow, they do not seem to 
make any headway. They are wasting jtheir 
energy all the time. Now they are fooling with 
this thing — ^now meddling with that. They will 
take up some trifling thing of no real interest or 
importance, and waste enough energy and nervous 
force to carry them through a hard day's work; 
and yet when they are through, nothing has been 

Others who have plenty of energy, fail to di- 
rect it by the power of the Will toward the de- 
sired end. "Invincible determination" — those 
are the words. Do they not thrill you with their 


power? If you have something to do, get to 
work and do it. Marshal your energy, and then 
guide and direct it by your Will — ^bestow upon 
it that "invincible determination" and you will 
do the thing. 

Everyone has within him a giant will, but the 
majority of us are too lazy to use it. We can- 
not get ourselves nerved up to the point at which 
we can say, truthfully: "I Will/' If we can 
but screw up our courage to that point, and will 
then pin it in place so that it will not slip back, 
we will be able to call into play that wonderful 
power — ^the Human Will. Man, as a rule, has 
but the faintest conception of the power of the 
Will, but those who have studied along the occult 
teachings, know that the Will is one of the great 
dynamic forces of the universe, and if harnessed 
and directed properly it is capable of accomplish- 
ing almost miraculous things. 

"Energy and Invincible Determination" — 
aren't they magnificent words? Commit them 
to memory — ^press them like a die into the wax 
of your mind, and they will be a constant inspira- 
tion to you in hours of need. If you can get 
these words to vibrating in your being, you will 
be a giant among pygmies. Say these words 


over and over again, and see how you are filled 
with new life — see how your blood will circulate 
— ^how your nerves will tingle. Make these 
words a part of yourself, and then go forth anew 
to the battle of life, encouraged and strengthened. 
Put them into practice. "Energy and Invincible 
Determination" — let that be your motto in your 
work-a-day life, and you will be one of those 
rare men who are able to "do things." 

Many persons are deterred from doing their 
best by the fact that they underrate themselves 
by comparison with the successful ones of life, 
or rather, overrate the successful ones by com- 
parison with themselves. 

One of the curious things noticed by those who 
are brought in contact with the people who have 
"arrived" is the fact that these successful people 
are not extraordinary after all. You meet with 
some great writer, and you are disappointed to 
find him very ordinary indeed. He does not 
converse brilliantly, and, in fact, you know a 
score of everyday people who seem far more 
brilliant than this man who dazzles you by his 
brightness in his books. You meet some great 
statesman, and he does not seem nearly so wise 
as lots of old fellows in your own village, who 


waste their wisdom upon the desert air. You 
meet some great captain of industry, and he 
does not give you the impression of the shrewd- 
ness so marked in some little bargain-driving 
trader in your own town. How is this, any- 
way? Are the reputations of these people ficti- 
tious, or what is the trouble? 

The trouble is this: You have imagined 
these people to be made of superior metal, and 
are disappointed to find them made of the 
same stuff as yourself and those about you. But, 
you ask, wherein does their greatness of achieve- 
ment He ? Chiefly in this : Belief in themselves 
and in their inherent power, in their faculty to 
concentrate on the work in hand, when they are 
working, and in their ability to prevent leaks of 
power when they are not working. They believe 
in themselves, and make every effort count. 
Your village wiseman spills his wisdom on every 
corner, and talks to a lot of fools; when if he 
really were wise he would save up his wisdom 
and place it where it would do some work. The 
brilliant writer does not waste his wit upon every 
comer; in fact, he shuts the drawer in which he 
contains his wit, and opens it only when he is 
ready to concentrate and get down to business. 


The captain of industry has no desire to impress 
you with his shrewdness and "smartness." He 
never did, even when he was young. While his 
companions were talking and boasting, and 
"blowing," this future successful financier was 
"sawin' wood and sayin' nuthin'." 

The great people of the woild — that is, those 
who have "arrived" — ^are not very different from 
you, or me, or the rest of us — ^all of us are about 
the same at the base. You have only to meet 
them to see how very "ordinary" they are, after 
all. But, don't forget the fact that they know 
how to use the material that is in them ; while the 
rest of the crowd does not, and, in fact, even 
doubts whether the true stuff is there. The man 
or woman who "gets there," usually starts out by 
realizing that he or she is not so very different, 
after all, from the successful people that they 
hear so much about. This gives them confidence, 
and the result is they find out that they are able 
to "do things." Then they learn to keep their 
mouths closed, and to avoid wasting and dissi- 
pating their energy. They store up energy, and 
concentrate it upon the task at hand ; while their 
companions are scattering their energies in every 
direction, trying to show off and let people 


know how smart they are. The man or woman 
who "gets there," prefers to wait for the ap- 
plause that follows deeds accomplished, and cares 
very little for the praise that attends promises of 
what we expect to do "some day," or an exhibi- 
tion of "smartness" without works. 

One of the reasons that people who are thrown 
in with successful men often manifest success 
themselves, is that they are able to watch the 
successful man and sort of "catch the trick" of his 
greatness. They see that he is an everyday sort 
of man, but that he thoroughly believes in him- 
self, and also that he does not waste energy, but 
reserves all his force for the actual tasks before 
him. And, profiting by example, they start to 
work and put the lesson into practice in their own 

Now what is the moral of this talk? Simply 
this: Don't undervalue yourself, or overvalue 
others. Realize that you are made of good stuff, 
and that locked within your mind are many good 
things. Then get to work and unfold those good 
things, and make something out of that good 
stuff. Do this by attention to the things before 
you, and by giving to each the best that is in you, 
knowing that plenty of more good things are 


in you ready for the fresh tasks that will come. 
Put the best of yourself into the undertaking 
on hand, and do not cheat the present task in 
favor of some future one. Your supply is inex- 
haustible. And don't waste your good stuff on 
the crowd of gapers, watchers and critics who are 
standing around watching you work. Save your 
good stuff for your job, and don't be in too much 
of a hurry for applause. Save up your good 
thoughts for "copy'' if you are a writer; save 
up your bright schemes for actual practice, if 
you are a business man ; save up your wisdom for 
occasion, if you are a statesman; and, in each 
case, avoid the desire to scatter your pearls be- 
fore — well, before the gaping crowd that wants 
to be entertained by a "free show." 

Nothing very "high" about this teaching, per- 
haps, but it is what many of you need very much. 
Stop fooling, and get down to business. Stop 
wasting good raw material, and start to work 
making something worth while. 

Claiming Your Own 

In a recent conversation, I was telling a woman 
to pluck up courage and to reach out for a cer- 
tain good thing for which she had been longing 
for many years, and which, at last, appeared to 
be in sight. I told her that it looked as if her 
desire was about to be gratified — ^that the Law of 
Attraction was bringing it to her. She lacked 
faith, and kept on repeating, "Oh! it's too good 
to be true — it's too good for me!" She had not 
emerged from the worm-of-the-dust stage, and 
although she was in sight of the Promised Land 
she refused to enter it because it "was too good 
for her." I think I succeeded in putting suffi- 
cient "ginger" into her to enable her to claim 
her own, for the last reports indicate that she is 
taking possession. 

But that is not what I wish to tell you. I 
want to call your attention to the fact that noth- 
ing is too good for you — no matter how great the 



thing may be — ^no matter how undeserving you 
may seem to be. You are entitled to the best 
there is, for it is your direct inheritance. So don't 
be afraid to ask — demand — ^and take. The good 
things of the world are not the portion of any 
favored sons. They belong to all, but they come 
only to those who are wise enough to recognize 
that the good things are theirs by right, and who 
are sufficiently courageous to reach out for them. 
Many good things are lost for want of the ask- 
ing. Many splendid things are lost to you be- 
cause of your feeling that you are unworthy of 
them. Many great things are lost to you be- 
cause you lack the confidence and courage to 
demand and take possession of them. 

"None but the brave deserves the fair," says 
the old adage, and the rule is true in all lines of 
human effort. If you keep on repeating that you 
are unworthy of the good thing — ^that it is too 
good for you — the Law will be apt to take you 
at your word and believe what you say. That's 
a peculiar thing about the Law — it believes what 
you say — it takes you in earnest. So beware 
what you say to it, for it will be apt to give 
credence. Say to it that you are worthy of the 
best there is, and that there is nothing too good 


for you, and you will be likely to have the Law 
take you in earnest, and say, "I guess he is right ; 
I'm going to give him the whole bakeshop if he 
wants it — ^he knows his rights, and what's the 
use of trying to deny it to him ?" But if you say, 
"Oh, it's too good for meT the Law will prob- 
ably say, "Well, I wouldn't wonder but what that 
is so. Surely he ought to know, and it isn't for 
me to contradict him." And so it goes. 

Why should anything be too good for you? 
Did you ever stop to think just what you are? 
You are a manifestation of the Whole Thing, 
and have a perfect right to all there is. Or, if 
you prefer it this way, you are a child of the In- 
finite, and are heir to it all. You are telling the 
truth in either statement, or both. At any rate, 
no matter for what you ask, you are merely de- 
manding your own. And the more in earnest 
you are about demanding it — ^the more confident 
you are of receiving it — the more will you use in 
reaching out for it — ^the surer you will be to 
obtain it. 

Strong desire— confident expectation— courage 
in action — ^these things bring to you your own. 
But before you put these forces into effect, you 
must awaken to a realization that you are merely 



asking for your own, and not for something to 
which you have no right or claim. So long as 
there exists in your mind the last sneaking bit of 
doubt as to your right to the things you want, 
you will be setting up a resistance to the opera- 
tion of the Law- You may demand as vigor- 
ously as you please, hut you will Jack the courage 
to act, if you have a lingering doubt of your right 
to the thing you want. If you persist in regard- 
ing the desired thing as if it belonged to another, 
instead of to yourself, you will be placing your- 
self in the position of the covetous or envious 
man, or even in the position of a tempted thief. 
In such a case your mind will revolt at proceed- 
ing with the work, for it instinctively will recoil 
from the idea of taking what is not your own — 
the mind is honest. But when you realize that 
the best the Universe holds belongs to you as a 
Divine Heir, and that there is enough for all 
without your robbing anyone else; then the fric- 
tion is removed, and the barrier broken down, 
and the Law proceeds to do its work. 

I do not believe in this "humble" business. 
This meek and lowly attitude does not appeal to 
me — there is no sense in it, at all. The idea of 
making a virtue of such things, when Man is the 



heir of the Universe, and is entitled to whatever 
he needs for his growth, happiness and satisfac- 
tion! I do not mean that one should assume a 
blustering and domineering attitude of mind — 
that is also absurd, for true strength does not so 
exhibit itself. The blusterer is a self-confessed 
weakling — he blusters to disguise his weakness. 
The truly strong man is calm, self-contained, 
and carries with him a consciousness of strength 
which renders unnecessary the bluster and fuss 
of assumed strength. But get away from this 
hypnotism of "humility" — ^this "meek and lowly" 
attitude of mind. Remember the horrible ex- 
ample of Uriah Keep, and beware of imitating 
him. Throw back your head, and look the world 
square in the face. There's nothing to be afraid 
of — ^the world is apt to be as much afraid of you, 
as you are of it, anyway. Be a man, or woman, 
and not a crawling thing. And this applies to 
your mental attitude, as well as to your outward 
demeanor. Stop this crawling in your mind. 
See yourself as standing erect and facing life 
without fear, and you will gradually grow into 
your ideal. 

There is nothing that is too good for you — 
not a thing. The best there is, is not beginning 



to be good enough for you; for there are still 
better things ahead. The best gift that the world 
has to offer is a mere bauble compared to the 
great things in the Cosmos that await your com- 
ing of age. So don't be afraid to reach out for 
these playthings of life — these baubles of this 
plane of consciousness. Reach out for them — 
grab a whole fistful — play with them until you 
are tired; that's what they are made for, any- 
way. They are made for our express use — not 
to look at, but to be played with, if you desire. 
Help yourself — there's a whole shopful of these 
toys awaiting your desire, demand and taking. 
Don't be bashful! Don*t let me hear any more 
of this silly talk about things being too good 
for you. Pshaw I You have been like the Em- 
peror's little son thinking that the tin soldiers 
and toy drum were far too good for him, and 
refusing to reach out for them. But you don't 
find this trouble with children as a rule. They 
instinctively recognize that nothing is too good 
for them. They want all that is in sight to play 
with, and they seem to feel that the things are 
theirs by right. And that is the condition of 
mind that we seekers after the Divine Adventure 
must cultivate. Unless we become as little chil- 
dren we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, 


The things we see around us are the playthings 
of the Kindergarten of God, playthings which 
we use in our game-tasks. Help yourself to 
them — ^ask for them without bashfulness— de- 
mand as many as you can make use of — ^they are 
yours. And if you don't see just what you 
want, ask for it — ^there's a big reserve stock on 
the shelves, and in the closets. Play, play, play, 
to your heart's content. Learn to weave mats — 
to build houses with the blocks — ^to stitch out- 
lines on the squares — ^play the game through, and 
play it well. And demand all the proper ma- 
terials for the play— don't be bashful — ^there's 
enough to go round. 

But — ^remember this! While all this be true, 
the best things are still only game-things — ^toys, 
blocks, mats, cubes, and all the rest. Useful, 
most useful for the learning of the lessons — 
pleasant, most pleasant with which to play — and 
desirable, most desirable, for these purposes. Get 
all the fun and profit out of the use of things that 
is possible. Throw yourself heartily into the 
game, and play it out — it is Good. But, here's 
the thing to remember — never lose sight of the 
fact that these good things are but pla)rthings — 
part of the game — and you must be perfectly 


willing to lay them aside when the time comes 
to pass into the next class, and not cry and mourn 
because you must leave your playthings behind 
you. Do not allow yourself to become unduly at- 
tached to them — they are for your use and pleas- 
ure, but are not a part of you — not essential to 
your happiness in the next stage. Despise them 
not because of their lack of Reality — they are 
great things relatively, and you may as well have 
all the fun out of them that you can — don't be 
a spiritual prig, standing aside and refusing to 
join in the game. But do not tie yourself to 
them — ^they are good to use and play with, but 
not good enough to use you and to make you a 
plaything. Don't let the toys turn the tables chi 

This is the difference between the Master of 
Circumstances and the Slave of Circumstances. 
The Slave thinks that these playthings are real, 
and that he is not good enough to have them. 
He gets only a few toys, because he is afraid to 
ask for more, and he misses most of the fun. 
And then, considering the toys to be real, and 
not realizing that there are plenty more where 
these came from, he attaches himself to the little 
trinkets that have come his way, and allows him- 


self to be made a slave of them. He is afraid 
that they may be taken away from him, and he is 
afraid to toddle across the floor and help himself 
to the others. The Master knows that all are his 
for the asking. He demands that which he needs 
from day to day, and does not worry about over- 
loading himself; for he knows that there are 
"lots more," and that he cannot be cheated out 
of them. He plays, and plays well, and has a 
good time in the play — ^and he learns his Kinder- 
garten lessons in the playing. But he does not 
become too much attached to his toys. He is 
willing to fling away the worn-out one, and reach 
out for a new one. And when he is called into 
the next room for promotion, he drops on the 
floor the worn-out toys of the day, and with 
glistening eyes and confident attitude of mind, 
marches into the next room — into the Great Un- 
known — with a smile on his face. He is not 
afraid, for he hears the voice of the Teacher, and 
knows that she is there waiting for him — in that 
Great Next Room. 

Law, Not Chance 

Some time ago I was talking to a man about 
the Attractive Power of Thought. He said that 
he did not believe that Thought could attract 
anything to him, and that it was all a matter of 
luck. He had found, he said, that ill luck relent- 
lessly pursued him, and that everything he 
touched went wrong. It always had, and al- 
ways would, and he had grown to expect it. 
When he undertook a new thing he knew be- 
forehand that it would go wrong and that no 
good would come of it. Oh, no! there wasn't 
anything in the theory of Attractive Thought, so 
far as he could see; it was all a matter of luck! 

This man failed to see that by his own con- 
fession he was giving a most convincing argu- 
ment in favor of the Law of Attraction. He 
was testifying that he was always expecting 
things to go wrong, and that they always came 
about as he expected. He was a magnificent il- 



lustration of the Law of Attraction — ^but he didn't 
know it, and no argument seemed to make the 
matter clear to him. He was "up against it/' 
and there was no way out of it — ^he always ex- 
pected the ill luck, and every occurrence proved 
that he was right, and that the Mental Science 
position was all nonsense. 

There are many people who seem to think that 
the only way in which the Law of Attraction 
operates is when one wishes hard, strong and 
steady. They do not seem to realize that a strong 
belief is as efficacious as a strong wish. The suc- 
cessful man believes in himself and in his ulti- 
mate success, and, paying no attention to little 
setbacks, stumbles, tumbles and slips, presses on 
eagerly to the goal, believing all the time that 
he will get there. His views and aims may alter 
as he progresses, and he may change his plans or 
have them changed for him, but all the time he 
knows in his heart that he will eventually "get 
there." He is not steadily wishing he may get 
there — ^he simply feels it and believes it, and 
thereby sets into operation the strongest forces 
known in the world of thought. 

The man who just as steadily believes he is 
going to fail will invariably fail. How could he 

help it? There is no special miracle about it. 
Everything he does, thinks and says is tinctured 
with the thought of failure. Other people catch 
his spirit, and fail to trust him or his ability, 
which occurrences he in turn sets down as but 
other exhibitions of his ill luck, instead of ascrib- 
ing them to his belief and expectation of failure. 
He is suggesting failure to himself all the time, 
and he invariably takes on the effect of the auto- 
suggestion. Then, again, he by his negative 
thoughts shuts up that portion of his mind from 
which should come the ideas and plans conducive 
to success and which do come to the man who is 
expecting success because he believes in it. A 
state of discouragement is not the one in which 
bright ideas come to us. It is only when we 
are enthused and hopeful that our minds work 
out the bright ideas which we may turn to ac- 

Men instinctively feel the atmosphere of failure 
hovering around certain of their fellows, and on 
the other hand recognize something about others 
which leads them to say, when they hear of a 
temporary mishap befalling such a one: "Oh, 
heUl come out all right somehow — ^you can't 
down him" It is the atmosphere caused by the 



prevailing Mental Attitude. Clear up your Men- 
tal Atmosphere ! 

There is no such thing as chance. Law main- 
tains everywhere, and all that happens happens 
because of the operation of Law. You cannot 
name the simplest thing that ever occurred by 
chance — ^try it, and then run the thing down to a 
final analysis, and you will see it as the result of 
Law. It is as plain as mathematics. Plan and 
purpose; cause and effect. From the movements 
of worlds to the growth of the grain of mustard 
seed — ^all the result of Law. The fall of the 
stone down the mountain-side is not chance — 
forces which had been in operation for centuries 
caused it. And back of that cause were other 
causes, and so on until the Causeless Cause is 

And Life is not the result of chance — ^the Law 
is here, too. The Law is in full operation 
whether you know it or not — whether you be- 
lieve in it or not. You may be the ignorant ob- 
ject upon which the Law operates, and bring 
yourself all sorts of trouble because of your ig- 
norance of or opposition to the Law. Or you 
may fall in with the operations of the Law — ^get 
into its current, as it were — and Life will seem 


a far different thing to you. You cannot get out- 
side of the Law, by refusing to have anything 
to do with it. You are at liberty to oppose it 
and produce all the friction you wish to— it 
doesn't hurt the Law, and you may keep it up 
until you learn your lesson. 

The Law of Thought Attraction is one name 
for the Law, or rather for one manifestation of 
it. Again I say, your thoughts are real things. 
They go forth from you in all directions, com- 
bining with thoughts of like kind — opposing 
thoughts of a different character — forming com- 
binations — agoing where they are attracted — fly- 
ing away from thought centers opposing them. 
And your mind attracts the thoughts of others, 
which have been sent out by them consciously 
or unconsciously. But it attracts only those 
thoughts which are in harmony with its own. 
Like attracts like, and opposites repel opposites, 
in the world of thought. 

If you set your mind to the keynote of cour- 
age, confidence, strength and success, you attract 
to yourself thoughts of like nature; people of like 
nature; things that fit in the mental tune. Your 
prevailing thought or mood determines that 
which is to be drawn toward you — spicks out your 


mental bedfellow. You are today setting into 
motion thought currents which will in time at- 
tract toward you thoughts, people and conditions 
in harmony with the predominant note of your 
thought. Your thought will mingle with that 
of others of like nature and mind, and you will be 
attracted toward each other, and will surely come 
together with a common purpose sooner or later, 
unless one or the other of you should change the 
current of his thoughts. 

Fall in with the operations of the Law. Make 
it a part of yourself. Get into its currents. 
Maintain your poise. Set your mind to the key- 
note of Courage, Confidence and Success. Get 
in touch with all the thoughts of that kind that 
are emanating every hour from hundreds of 
minds. Get the best that is to be had in the 
thought world. The best is there, so be satis- 
fied with nothing less. Get into partnership with 
good minds. Get into the right vibrations. You 
must be tired of being tossed about by the opera- 
tions of the Law — get into harmony with it. 

The Mind Ridlding ^' ChUd 


A presentatton of prictkal New Thought for uje in rearing our [itde 
oaes. Divided into six parts, as follows: 

Part L The Two-Edge Sword of Siiggestioa- 

Showing how the child's mind and character are being formed hv 
every moment spent in the preaeooe of its parents ^ and how with 
children, as with adulta, the Law of Suggestion operates uninte^rUion- 
aUy ixa Intentionally, A consider a tion of influence lo be exerted and 
influences rrom wmch the child should be protected. 

Part IL The CulUvation of Self-Reliance. 

How to develop a moral and mental backbone tn the child. A 
child a best inheritance — Experience and Sell Help. The develop- 
ment of Individuality. 

Part III. Practical Education- 

CultlvatlnK the powers of observation and memory — Quickening 
the powers of perception. Creating lntereJ5t. Following Nature's 
plan. Educating the child along the line of its tndividuaJ tendencies. 

Part IV. The Religion of Health. 

The appUcatlon of the laws nf Bealth-t bought In the regulation of 
a. child's every -day life. Acquainting a ehlld with the natniai laws 
of Health. The formation of physical habits. Instructing in the art 
of breathing. Encouraging physical exercise. Teaching the ideal of 
Health, Iiii^tructing iu mental imagery. The real reUgioo of Health, 

Part. V. A Working Faith. 

What position fihaii parents take who have scruples about teaching 
their child dogmas, creeds and theology long since discarded in 
their own Jlv&s? No necessity for a New Thought ''creed," hut only 
Instruction in certain fundamental truths. The idea of a first Cause. 
The Immanence of God. The hit of Spirit within. The un worthi- 
ness of Fear, The value of some good otd-fashloned Mental Science 
instruction. The encoiu'agement of IndlviduaJ Bxpresaion, 

Part VI. Prenatalism and Perfect Parenthood. 

The training of the child begins before its birth. Parental thought. 
Not more children btU better on^e. The conditions which should 
surround the birth of a child, 'Husbands' rights" too often 
husbands' wrongs. Higher Ideals of fatherhood and motherhood. 
The supreme joy of parenthood. A child not only one^s olt spring 
but a fellow soul. The true relationship between parent and child. 

A Book for Every Mother and Every Father— Present or to-Be! 

Bound ■ttracttvely In stiff covers, tulip-color ed, wllh conventional cover 
design in crown. M pp.; clear Urge type, good paper* 

Price Fifty Gents Postpaid 


The Library Shelf, 1299 Farwell Avenue, Chicago 




» r W I I ] I A B W « I k « r A t k I a a tt ■ 

An iDte&iply prmctical b(i«k of ^nstniction in llie e-fl^efy-dAj appHctticn oftlit 
f«rcc« UleoE ia Mmn, II has proveti io v»lu»ble to the bumne»i-itiaii thmt flrmi 
hftve ordered from at doxeaii of copie* for distribiLitiot] Miiioai^ their ulestneo, ree> 
o^niiitig the fict thtt ao appliottion or in principle!) inert and th$ Marn-ing €apQud masterful? How caa I draw vitality of mind and body 
from an luvliible aourqi?? How can I directly attract friends and frlendBhip? 
How cati I influence other iwople by mental anggestion? How can I cure mjri«ll 
of lllscaa, bad hablta, tierrousDeaa? etc. 

The titles of Ihe chiptera or " Uiaoaa" of which the bo^sk it competed, are u 
follows i 

liCSBop I, Salutatory: Leaaofi ff. The Nature of Th« Forc«i 
LttHOn III, How Thougbt Force Can Aid Tou i Ij«aao]i IT, Olrect 


and e^ntaina fil paaea. It i£ bound in purple silk cloth with so. 
fl.CO poitpaid. Addrets, 




Fsychlo lollaciic^i Leaaon V, A Little Worldly WUdomt 

Tit Tli« Fower of the Eye ^ Leason TII« The Magnetle Oaiei 
liSeaon TIJI« T he To He Fo rce i Licaso n IX , Direct Tolatlon t liMaoik 
X, Telepathic TolaOon: I>«aaoti XI, Th« Adductlve QualUT of 
Thought: I>oaaou XII* Character Utilidfng by Mental ConlroU 
XiessoB Xnt» The Art of Concentrating i Leaaon XITr The Prac- 
tice Of C€kne«ntratinf I Xiewon XT, valedictory^ 

Bach chapter baa from 10 to 2S sub-topica or headings. Here are the tttV 
headinfa for I^caaon XII , *' Chstacter Building by Mental Control" : 

Jf{if» Mil maki &f hXim^^f whai kg wUl—Rggeniraiion no idU dr*ant^A 
living truth— Strong facuUUa mad€ ttrmg*Ty wtak facuUUi develop*d^Tht 
fuw '' M4gtnfraior " ~Th* Law of Menim Control — Tht r%ew pm of ^aeh—Boiif to acguir4 a deAirad 
gualUv of mind— The prnctic* of Thought Abtorpii&n^Fracti^al tx^reista 
and dtrectioni^ Ei^trciiee I to e—You are your otim master— ^iakf of your* 
tilf tehai you lidU. 

The w\jtt of book h^hy'l^ inches. It la printed in clear, laT;f e type, on 

L good paper, 
lettenng, Prloei 




«r Fundamtfitil Prln- 
id Th«lr Appllflfttioa 

By WItSlam Walker Atklneon 

Wha.1 Mr. Atkinaoa say a About It: 

''I consider this book 1b tlie be»t thing t 

''I consider this book 1b tlie be»t thing t fcftT« 
eyer written. Iq It I havt embodied tlie funda- 
mental principles of Ttie New Tbougbt, as 1 under- 
stand ttiem, tn a plain, understandable form, 
I have endeavored to make tbla a ftracUoal book 
and I feel that I hare succeeded. It Is no easj 
matter to present ibe highest truths — the fUnda> 
mental principles — of The ^ew Tbought la words 
that may be understood bj the maoy/* 
"Thl> book iftbe^ up the deep queatloos of Man^bls tel&tloa to the 
TTolverAe — bis relation to the Bupreme Fower-^b!s spiritual ooioldmcnt 
acd growth — his latent powers — bla deatlny^hls poaHlbllltlea. It tells 
of man's spiritual, mental and psychic powers and their deTelopment; It 
tells of tbe Something Within. It tells of the growtli of couaclouaneii — 
from mer« sensation to Cosmic Knowing. It tells of the broader and 
greater concept of the Unlrersal Presenco — God, It tells of ths mani- 
festation of the Supreme Wisdom^ Power and Fr«aence. It tells of tbe 
Oneness of AH— that key to the veied questions of life, Plillosophy and 

"I have not soared above the ctouda in writing- tills book, but bars 
kept my feet sguarely on the ground. I bave endeaTOred to dellrer mj 
meseaKe clearly and plainly. I do not hesitate to recommend this, m^ 
owtL book^ to my frletida who are Interested In this great subject. This 
may seem to Indicate that I am lacking In modesty, but I would use 
Just the same words If the book had been written bj another." 
The IE ties of tbe chaptera afe as follows - 

Whet Is tho New ThoiiKhi?— Thoughts are Things— The Law of At- 
traction— Mind Building— Tbe Dweller of The Thrciihold— Mind and Bod? 
—Tbe Blind and Its Platies— Tbe Sub-ConsrlouH Plane—The Supei^Con* 
sclous Faculties— The SouPa Question— The Absolute — The Oneneis of 
All— The Ira mortal lt> of The Soul— The tJnfoldmeDt— The C^rowtb of 
Con!!clousness— The S^ouPs Awakening, 

Each ctinpier contains a large niLmber of snb*topl^< Bere are tbe sub-head- 
ings of Chapter VI II: 

Th4 srmUr part of OUT thinking perform fd alona m^-con*ei&n* Hn^t- lUutirH' 
ti^ns ofuimf€ct — tA^ 8ub-conicioiiif theha^U plane— Mtant by which the rub-eon^ciout 
mmaiUty it r*ach4d—A Hon home of thought §^ A mixture of tt^iiom ami foolith" 
neE$—IIow th€ iuptr-coTuciouM famtfl£t maniftMi flrti along sub-coni^^Mt lineit^A 
tit^'^oir r^ctii^ing con^eioui ihovghtt—The ae&itabUiiy of a ci^ar mpplying tirtam 

^—Auto SuggeRtions and ajHrfnationt—lHd thotioht originat* on Ihs eonaciovs ,or tub-^ 
contcious plan^f MyvUwitonihe tubJtct—yUUng tht tiorthotm with proper maitr- 
i^t— Creating on the thmight plans— Our own ihoughtt^ not othera^^DiieOi* pr^duc- 


CHICA60, ILL., U. S. A. 


ing on th* $ub-con9dou* ptan*—ThottghUtaJt4form in aclion—At 9 m&n thiniUth ii* 
kU htartyioitha. 

The boolE Is bound In pui^le silk cloth with gold letterlnff, ts br 
9 tncbesp i;otitaliis 93 pages and costs ftl.OOi postpaid^ Addrosat 





Nuggets of the New Thought 

Several things that have helped people 
by William Walker Atkinson 

A collection of aome of th« most famoua writing of thi^ famous ftuthor* 
ladudine bis "SECRET OF THE 1 AM/' of wbicb almost 100,000 copies D&Ye been 
■old lOngly, hla equally famons *'l CAN AND I WILL/' which b the keynote of 
New Thought pbUosophj, and his story of "JERRY AND THE BEAR," perhaps 
the most widely popular of all hLs essays, baring beea copied and recopied Id 
magazines and publications of every class, 

NUQQETS Is perhaps the best '* all-round" New Thought book published, 
having something far cirery mood and every stage of growth. It b good for tbo 
■coffer, good for the beginner, good for the adept. Men feel Its practical in- 
spiration^ wom«D treasure lt& deep and beautiful lessons^ 


I. The Keynote. 2. The Secret of The I Am, 1* "t«« A UtilB Sunshine 
In," 4p The Hunger of the Soul* 5, Look Aloft, 6. Tomorrow, 7, In 
The Depths of The Sout* S* Forget It, 9. The Kindergarten of God* 10, The 
Human Wet Blanket. II. Aim Straight. 13. At Home. IJ. The Solitude 
of The SouI« H, Jerry and The Bear* 15, The Unseen Hand. Ifi. How 
Success Conies, 17. The Man With The Southern Expoflure. ISi A Forewords 
19, Partnership, 30. The Seekers, 31, Mental Plctureji, 33, Don't Retail 
Vour Woes, 33, Life. 24, Let Vb Have Faitli. 35, Do It Now, 3«, Get 
In Tune. 37* Mental ToxJn and Anti-Toxin, 

Each article has from ten to twelve sub-hcadlngs. Here are those of: 

h THE KEYNOTE, *'l Can And I Wlir'— The Recognition— Equal to 
Any task^ — A filing of catm confidence — An abiding sense of power — reserve 
force and security — The Something within — ^The triple key to the door of Attain- 
ment^ — The vibrations of Success, 

3, THE SECRET OF THE t AM. The Ego^The physical plane— the 
mental plane-Hhe new ptane of consciousness — The Real Self — The *'l" — The 
Temple of the Living Spirit — Development of the **l Am" consciousness — The 
Higher Reason, 

36, GET IN TUNE, Marconi'^ wireless messages — Vibrations reach only 
the instruments attuned to the sender — ^The same law In operation on the mental 
plane — The correct pitch is the thing — -Get In tune with the proper vibratlon^^ 
Get the messages from the hesl senders. 

37, MENTAL TOXIN AND ANTI-TOXIN. A new toxin— The rolcrohca 
In the thoughts we think — The new antl-toxln — Thoughts may poison — Fear 
causes paraiysls — Hate causes Insanity — Fear and Hate have killed their thousands 
—Gates* experiments — How to overcome the poison of bad-tiiinklng* 

The sUe at the book Ls 6^0 Inches. It Is printed in clear type on good paper, 
and contains 02 pages. It is bound in purple silk cloth with gold lettering. 
Price 11.00, postpaid. Address, 


1299 Farwell Avenue :: :: Chicago^ Illinois 



A Scries of Lessoiu la Self-Healing: Practical — PJaia — Powerful ! 


FlltST LESSON! A considf^ration of the principles underlying heaH/iR by 
the power of the mind — The One Great Force back of Suggestive Therapeutics, 
Mental Science, Christian Science, Faith Cure, and all the rest— The pauent the 
real healer — The innate recuperative power— How Nature workfl through th© 
nerve currents — How lost functioning powers are stimulated— The blooil Is the 
life — Keeping the circulation normal — The law of reciprocity — The ability to 

fenerate and use mental reserve force, never lost — Improper thinking a mental 
rake — Mind manifesting on the physical plane — Calling Into play the reserve 
stock of nerve power, nerve impulse or " 'Thought- Force"— n, 

THIRD LESSOR: Rerrioval of clothing during treatment not abaolutely 
necessary — Best time for treatment at night and in morning — The treatment of 
Cons tip a lion— The reason for ihig bowel condition — Shutting off the wrong 
tiiought current — Necessity of confortning to both mental and physical law — 
The re-establishinEnt of normal condltions^The importaitt part of fluids In the 
human economy^How the body becomes Uke a dried apple — Forming & habit 
for the sphincter-anl muscle^ 

THIRD SELF-TREATMENT: For Constlpstloit, This treatment to be 
taken for e^tablii^^ting normal conditions of the nowels. VCattd by thU methcKti 
you will stay cured.** 

FOURTH LESSORS The special physical weakness&s of women — the sub- 
conscious mental powers — the great healing medium — ^The nerve current sent 
out from the great Dynamo, the brain — A run-down state of the system — How- 
to overcome 'Temale" conditions — Building up the general health — Increasing 
the functioning power of the main organs. 

F OU RT H SE L F - T RE A TM E NT : Very comprehensive, corering seTeral 
special and aggravating fem^Ue conditions. ExplTclt and practical. 

FIFTH LESSON: "The American Disease" — -Nervousnesfl^ — At the bottom of 
many disorders— Making use of the force within ua— Getting rid of negative thought 
-^Starting the machinery — Attending to the character of your thoughts — Tho 
value of the treatment for "equalising the circulation" in all nervous conditions^ 

FIFTH SELF-TREATMEJnT: For Nervousnesi. Insomnia and Sleeplesfl" 
nesa cured. The simplicity of the treatment — The result of j-^ears of thought and 
In vest igation— Removing the clause. 

SIXTH LESSON: How to start out in eelf^treatments — * Ho mygtery or 
magic — Putting thought force hack of everything — The force available to anyone 
^Don't attribute your cure to anybody's pet theory — Performing wonderful 
cures — Power the growth of eonfidence — The mental attitude of the patient — 
Treating a diseased organ as if it possessed intelligence — How to *'get right down 
to business"— A rebellious organ gradually correcting itself under treatment. 

AN EPILOQUE- A resume of principle^^ — Negative conditions — Attracting 
injurious influences — The \dbratlona of tmhealth — Menial microbes — A ^u 
Health Thought I 

The book hajs B misdon to perform, as la indicated by the hundreds of letters 
we receive monthly, asking for lust this kind of help. Boaod ttttnctlvely In 
Fairfield brlstot covers « tutlfi-colored, with coovontlcrfiftl cover doilgn la browfii 
9i pp*; clear l«rge type* gowt paper. 


Loitii« Radford W&llt, Htnigor. THE LmRARY SHELF. 1299 FirwAll Avftnite, ClilcraBO 



^^^^B The Science of Obaerrlnff^ B«iiieml>erliig nnd B^calllDf ^^HMl 

This work treats ql a mtlonftt, natural, eaHlly acquired sjfiteoa of 
d^Telopluff the faculties of obe^rTatton and memory, depending iipoQ do 
trleka, catch words, "pateot methods/* etc., but proceeding to gradualij 
4«TeJoi^ tbe facultiefl Instead o( loading down the memory wlta "mcth- 
oda.'" It points out the way by wblch the memory in general aa i^ell as 
th« special ^emorleB of places, facea, namsa. dates, prices, etc^ may be 
d«Yeiop«d, Thla hook also explains and glTCs Laatmctloa in the great 
Hindn ayatem of memorizing, wharehy ilia Orleataia memorize their 
aacred tcAchlnga and philosopblea. Numeroua e^tamplea and aDecdotca 
lliuatrating the prLncipiea enunciatad ar« glvan, and the lessons ara 
accompanied with e:EQrcls«a calculated to materially strengthen and develop 
the mental facuitiea o| ohaervatlont remembrance and recoliecdon, 
— ^— — ^^^— CHAPTBB8 

The BubcoDflcIouB Storehouse — Attention and Concentration — Acqulr- 
Ing ImpressloDS — Bye Perception and Memory — Eierciee^ In Bye Tetcep- 
tlon — Ear Perception and Memory — Ejcerclaca in Ear Pert ep tie n — Aaaocl- 
ation— Remembrance, EeeoIIecUon and Eeco^illon — General PrlncipleB 
Regarding ImpresalonB — The CQmolatlTe Syatem of Memory Culture — 
Tt»e Ten-Question Tbouffht System — Memory of Figures, Dates and Prices 
^Memory of Places — Memory of E^ces — Memory of Names — Artllclal 

ilUc Clotht Ftupla and Gold. Prlca, SI .00 Postpaid 

''^I^S *•"* The Library Shelf., l?KrT.l!! i?.T"a'. 



URIEL BUCHANAN ii inowa tbroacEioiiE the coDDtry 19 ■ writer %n4 wthot of ei:cepttoai.t 
power, femiikftbk for the ler^nity of bii ^bilotophiF. hiJ even pow ^ni the blenilUE (^f 
fhc irulir piactLcal in hii writinfiwith the Spiritual, tKt Id^al. 
The obji^ct of this book la to make clear tbc path oftDental, physical 
And material att-alnmctit through the power of the mind, in ihc writer'! 
qwn wordi: ""InkiT^nt in tfttfrjc fMnd are poUnUaliiies for Tffxcking the highist goal 
cf Atiman^ ^iainm^nt, Man thapa hia mviromt^nt and diUiitHuti hU pfac4 in tA* 
world in exa£t accord tcith the us6 Ae makit of interior forces. 

*'Thi aim t>f ihU work U distinctly practicat, II reveatt some of ths gr^at lawt 
which govtrn tht tcorkingt of human ChoughL It poinU out ths way how h4H i& 
shoie forth th« ideals to materiaii^ our dreams un4 yearttin^t* in tvtry-daif iif§/' 


The Bnjpreme Force 

Man'a DlTlnity 


Tfaa Science of Breath 


Btantal Conirt»| 

The Law of Suggestion 

The Sovereign Will 
The Power of Silence 
Individual Supremacy 
The Spirit of Youth 
Mental In flu en tea 
Elementa of Succeaa 
Demand and Supply 

The Higher LUe 
Our Destiny 

Human Progress 

UlTlne Guidance 

A Lesson from Nature 


The Highest Goal 

T^ work it 6 Inchei by 9 iachei, botind In parole illk clotli vith sotd lelter- Cf flQsf flflid 
iof. It cfliit4LDe ex pa^ei, «nd ii pnnted in cieir trpeoo good paper, Frice * l/uoiifaiu 



CHICAdO, ILL.. U. 5. A. 






The object of this book is to show how we may claim and receive 
what we all desire — money, succesa, compiinionship, fulfilled ambi- 
tions— wh&t we will I The book consists of a series of personal letters 
from Mrs. Warner to her students (actual letters^ thus reprinted)^ 
answering specific mquiriea and perple3dties and detaihng methods of 
* 'obtaining/* 

Mrs. Warner's own personal experiences in demonstrating the Law 
of Supply, are frankly given, and as she has had very tangible ob- 
it adea to overcome — poverty, ill health, trouble, etc.— it is interesting 
to Bee how she has in fact and truth, obtained from "Our luviaible 
Supply/' the things she needed or longed for. 

The letters are not theoretical or abstruse, but clear, straightfor- 
ward, real. Each is a distinct lesaan in manifesting prosperity; and each 
analyzes some condition presented in letters from students (con- 
ditions very Uke to those of our own personal problems) and shows 
why failure exists, how it may be overcome, what methods to 
pursue r etc. ^^^ 

The book will prove, we think, about the oest-selling book of the 
Beason, because so fully answering an almost universal demand. 

It is printed on excellent paper, with ornamental initial letters and 
tail pieces r large clear type; bound in light green cloth with cover 
bearing title in white, and facsimile signature of author, also in white. 
Not only a very attractive volume, but ooe whicli will help YOU 
attract the prosperity you desire t 


I.OirnftE RAHFOItD WEIXS, Mttnocer 

The Library Shelf, 129!> Farwell Avenue, Chicago 


The Heart of the New Thought 



iWrUtmtipt^^tlyfQr Th€ New Thouffht Publwkiag Company. Mr». WUeoss 
rtceivtd many thQuaarui dollan atpayminl/or thisper/eet work}, 

TUB book bae proved one of tbe greateAt literary encceflseB In the Hew Hiouf tit 
irorld. Tblft; thouBaiid copies were ordered as a flrit edltloa, in aDtlcipatlon of 
la nnasaul demand, but before tbe book* wei* off tbe pteafl It waa necesBpry to 
lucreaHe the order to fifty tliouaattd, to meet tbe adyaace ordertf. Tbe tremendoiu 
lalea of Tbe Heart of Tbe New Thouglit are a witness botb to tbe etroag hold Ella 
Wbeeler Wlleox deserredly baa upon tbe beart of tbe American people^ and to 
the higb cbaracterp tbe praqtlcal valtte, and **eTei-yday belpfulnesa" of tlie book 
Itself. Mr«» WHoox tella bow to aeeompllab wbat abe adrocates^ tl!be book 
tea^ea Tbe Power of Blgbt Tboogbt. ''Wbat Ura. Wilcox tajB !• practical, 
wbat ab« tbiMka Is dear, what abe feels Ea plalm/' 

Bome of the iubjectg treated In the book are aa foUowai 

(1> Let tbe Paat Go. (How to 
make a freab atart fn UfeO 

<2) Tbe Bowli^ of tbe Seed. (A. 

practical word to tbe beglu- 

ntt lo New Thought.) 

(31 Old Clotbea* (ShoAving bow eTCil 

^ amall things m»y malatAlti m 

wrong tbouglit-atEaoapbere,) 

(4) Oigb NchOn. (Fcr women wbo 
taaTe paased thirty — a beait* 
to-btart tfllt.) 

(0) ObBtat^leB. (How to OTercome.y 

(d) Thoagbt FoTCP. (How to uae 
the power of tbougbt,) 

(T) Opmlemee. (Wbat creates and 
what overcoinea Poverty coa- 

(Bl Eternity, ("To be able to en- 
joy hefiTi^D, ooe tmiat learn 
firat to enjoy earth* "V 

(ft) Morning Jnauencrg^ (How to 
etrlke tbe right keynote for 
the dar» We baye been re- 
pea teiily nrged to prlot thia 
chapter In pamphlet forin.l 

(10) The Phllo^Dpny of Happiness. 

(How to acqnlre 'tbe babtt 
of happlnesa. ^1 

(11) A Worn Oat Creed, (Tbe old 

thought ¥s. the new.} 

(12) Common Sense. (Flawa In 

health, bahrter, temper^ dlapo* 

■It Ion, and bow to oTercome 

(IB) Literature. fTbe Talne of eight 

reading and thinking,) 
(14) Optlmlamp The keynote of 

New ThongbtO 

(Ifi) Preparation. (How to edtjeate 
oneself for a "cbaimlng old 

Hyrdei ' 

(IQ) DlyFdenda. (Thought Inreat* 
tnenta and what they pay.) 

(IT) Boyalty, (Onr dlTlne inbet- 
Its nee.) 

(18) Heredity * (A talk on self-creft- 


(19) iDTlnclhnity. (The Irreatatlble 

Dealre- force and Ita nae,) 

(20) Tbat Mental ChiseL (A talk 

on "face-bnllding."^) 
m\ The Object of Life. 

(25) Wladona, (How to rfgbtly "de- 

mand one 'a own/') 

(23) Self-Ccinqueat- (The domination 
of physical and material con* 
dltlona entirely pDeathlep but 
not an Immediate pToccaa,) 

(34) Tbe Important Trltlea, (The 
am all thlngfl often forgotten 
by the beginner In New 

(26) Concentration. (Hoir to ac« 

quite the power.) 
(£e) Deatlny. (How to be maatCF of 

your own.) 
(2T) Sympathy. {W&e and ititaQ»e.) 
<2S) Tbe Breath. (A te&son on deep 

bfcfl thing and Ite Talne.) 

(29) Generofllty. (The law of glTlng 

and Ita returna of proeperlty,) 

(30) Woman's Opportunltyi (A talk 

on Pre-natallsm.) 

(31) Balance. (Common-eense la fietr 



Thb book Is printed on good paper. In l&rM type, we]l-Iead«dt wld^ inai- 
flnift contains S2 pag^a. and la bound In purple ilfk cloth, with gold lettulDSf 
Slie of the book, 6 by 9 Inches. Prfcet vl.QO postpaid. Addreos* 


CtllCAQO. ILL., U, 5. A, 


The Occult:!5ewesA;;The Mystic 

This book la the first of our series of Psyclilc and Occult Books, and is called 
therefore, "Series A.'* The lessons contained there! a were forme rlj^ included with 
eeveral other courses in our book of Psychic lui^^truct^on, of which Mts> Ella 
Wheeler Wilcox writes : "/ ntoi sapaciatli/ interested in thejirst and latt parts of 
yanr boujt of Psychif^ Instruction, I have recommended these very highly,'' The 
pirts referred to are the ones compriied in Series A. They deal with Pertoual 
Force of Character, Success^ Soul-Growth aod Zoism, the Divine Science. 

Part I — A Course in Personal Magnetism in 15 Lessons 

A YEBY FEW of the subjects totiched upon aret 

Th© K^ture of Mental Curreiits'-^Eitractiiig Power from Deslr*— 
Plenty of Force on i:very Hand— The Method ol Operation— Evidence of 
Strength lu Desire-Force— Use Force from the Other Man— How to tJs& 
AntagonlBtJc Forces for Vour Own Benctit-Ile'coffnlaing the Ayailable 
Force— A Splendid Exercise for AhsorbluE Energy— The Central Gate— 
The aiairnclic Handshake— The Cultivation of the Magnetic Glance^ 
The Mirror Eierclse-'Three Private Methods of Direct Radiation of th« 
Maznetlc Influence- (1 > Mental Pbotofraphy— (2J Solar-Pleiua alethod^ 
(3! The Muscular ^letho d— Methods oI Active Prokctlon- Relation be- 
tween Ulcntjil and Material— A Process of Induction— Projecting Fofce 
Through Afflrmatlon. 

PART n— ZOlSMi A Course of lustrtiction In the Philosophy aad Practice 

of the Higher Mental Science for the AlUijimetiiof Health, HApplnesa and Spir- 
itual Peace. 

A few of the sab^ects treated are: 

Zone, tho rifo Energy—The Znti© Manifest— Mind an In»trti«ient— 
The Mind Manifest— The State of Superconsclousness-Illiiniination from 
the Soul— Til e rorcoi* Aetlng upon the Mind— The Practical Nature of 
Zolsm Wealth Is Attracted— Health Is Given -The Elebt Command- 
ments— The Keynote of Zolsm— What the Practices are ttSr- Ttie Present 
Relation of Mind and Body in Yon— The Process of Worry— What Cou^ 
trol of Zone Means— The Importance of Ketaining the Breath— The Full 
Breath— The Hijjhcst Function of The Mind- The Three Steps—The Prac- 
tice of Attractive Concentration— The Five Objects -Directing the Sub- 
conscious -The Force of Assumption— The Compelling Force of Desire— 
The Developing Powers— The First Step in Pure Concentration— The At- 
tainment of ^Supercon^clousness- What this State Is— How to praetlce 
This- The Visible Evidence of The Presence of the Soul^The Zolst— Bli 
MUslon^Hla Power. 


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