The Limitations of Science




Professor in the University of Cincinnati 






Publisbad April, 1915 

Hypotheses non fiiigo. Quicquid enim ex ph»- 
nomenis non deducitur, hypothesis vocanda est; et 
hypotheses seu metaphysicae, sen physicae, sen qualita- 
turn occultarum, seu mechanicae, in philosophia experi- 
mentali locum non habent. In hac philosophia proposi- 
tiones deducuntur ex phaenomenis, et redduntur 
generates per inductionem. — Newton. 



The separate chapters of this book have already 
been published as essays in periodicals. The first, sec- 
ond, third, and seventh appeared in The Hibbert Jour- 
nal; the fourth, in The Philosophical Magazine and 
in the University of Cincinnati Studies; the fifth, in 
The Monist; and the sixth, in The Unpopular Review. 
But they have been rewritten and enlarged so as to 
form chapters for a connected discussion of the Limita- 
tions of Science. This was not a difficult task since I 
have had this purpose in mind from the beginning. 


Duember 2, 1914- 



I Science as a Symbol and a Law • . i 

II The Metaphysical Tendencies of Mc©ern 

Physics 32 

III Descartes and His Influence on Recent 

Science 69 

IV The Scientific Method . . . .107 
V The Classical and the New Mechanics 142 

VI Skepticism and Idolatry in Science . . 187 


Index 263 



Les th^ries contemporaines sont sur ce point d'accord avec 
rhistoire; elles consacrent la preponderance dans le domaine 
scientifique, dc ITiypothese atomistique. — Hannequin. 

It has grown to be an axiom in modem thought, 
that the hope of discovering the laws of nature and 
our relation to them by metaphysical reasoning is 
impossible. The term metaphysical reasoning will be 
used consistently to mean the method introduced by the 
Greek philosophers who, however they might differ 
in minor matters, were pretty well agreed in looking 
upon what we call nature as something which could be 
investij^ated subjectively; that is, things are as we think 
them to be. It is thus directly contrary to the physical 
method, which maintains natural phenomena and laws 
to be entirely objective and independent of our thought ; 
according to this method no theory or fact can be 
established unless it is completely verified by experi- 
mental tests. 

So little in the long years since Plato and Aristotle 
has been done by the metaphysical philosophers to add 


2 i'.-^m. il^vikTims-oF science 

to our positive knowledge, that they themselves are 
abandoning their former methods for that of the 
psychologist, who studies even the faculties and the 
emotions of the mind objectively by means of the phys- 
ical or experimental method. Many will frankly admit 
that metaphysical studies are chiefly valuable now as 
a history of the development of thought, and agree 
with Renan that " Science, and science alone, can 
give to humanity what it most craves, a symbol 
and a law." If this be really the case, if the attain- 
ment of our desire for an accurate and real knowledge 
of our environment, its phenomena and the causes of 
actions, rests with science alone, then it becomes neces- 
sary to consider whether this hope also must prove to be 
fallacious. Will the results of experiment made ob- 
jectively, which must however be interpreted sub- 
jectively, fail in their turn as criteria of truth? 

Of the various sciences, physics offers probably the 
best means of attacking this problem, for it lies be- 
tween the concrete classifications of the natural sci- 
ences, such as chemistry and biology, and the abstract 
theories of pure mathematics. Physics, on the c«ie 
hand, is less disturbed by the multitude of details 
which often, in the natural sciences, prevent the grasp- 
ing of a central idea; while, on the other hand, it is 
more circumscribed than mathematics by the necessity 
of constant comparison with concrete phenomena, and 
so avoids the danger of confounding speculation and 


reality. Thus the methods of physics have, to a degree, 
become the model which the other sciences seek to 
follow, a logical mathematical theory based on, and 
corrected by, experimental observation. Moreover, 
this science presents a longer and more consecutive 
history than most of the others. 

It is also noticeable that physics treats of problems 
similar to those of metaphysics. During the sixteenth, 
seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries philosophy and 
physics were closely united, and were largely domi- 
nated by the deductive method, which was introduced 
by Descartes and which led to persistent attempts to 
explain scientific laws by metaphysical causes. It was 
then that the two great metaphysical ideas, of the con- 
tinuity of matter with its identification with space, and 
of matter as a form of indivisible and discrete atoms 
different in kind from space, were adopted as scientific 
postulates, and were expressed in mathematical form. 
The following century was distinguished by a separa- 
tion of philosophy and physics, as that period is best 
known by the extraordinary rise of the experimental 
method and the classification of phenomena under 
mathematical laws. With the mass of experimental 
data now at our disposal, an imperative need is again 
felt for theoretical laws which shall classify them, and 
accompanying this correct scientific need there is a 
disposition to re-introduce metaphysical systems, simi- 
lar in aim to that of Descartes. The reason for this 


change in method in the nineteenth century is under- 
stood if we consider the state of scientific knowledge 
before that time. 

Few of the properties of heat, light, sound, and 
electricity were then known, but, on the other hand, the 
laws of mechanics were well established, and a solid 
foundation of experimental fact permitted a broad 
and comprehensive application of pure mathematics to 
\ that branch of physics. It is altogether natural that 
' mechanics should have developed first, for it is the only 
part of the science which rests directly on the data of 
. experience. It considers only material bodies and their 
I sensible and common properties — such as the occupa- 
tion of space and the resistance to motion. To measure 
properties of matter other than spatial and dynamical 
requires more elaborate apparatus, and it is more diffi- 
cult to separate extraneous accidents from such at- 
tributes as color, temperature, and tone. We cannot, 
even in the present state of mathematical knowledge, 
discuss the complex processes of nature as they are 
presented to us; for example, a mathematical law which 
shall define all the changes of color, of electrical in- 
tensity, etc., which occur when a body is heated, is 
still beyond our powers. But it was possible, with the 
knowledge then at hand, to abstract from matter all its 
properties except that of a simple and tmiform 
space and force attribute, and to derive a theory of 
mechanical action distinct and complete. An^ so the 

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philosophical scientists of the French revolutionary 
period^ with whom this mechanistic movement ctil- 
minated, had only mechanical problems to work on, in 
which their knowledge was practically as accurate as it 
is to-day. 

However we may r^;ard the effect of the metaphys- 
A ical system of Descartes on science, there can be only 
\one opinion as to the value of his introduction of geom- 
;etry into physics. By it, he changed medieval natural 
philosophy into modem physics. When he discovered 
the method of locating the position of any point by 
giving its distance from three rectangular straight 
lines, he made it possible to represent the path of any 
moving body by a geometrical line referred to the same 
axes, which could then be fully defined by an algebraic 
equation; he thus made it possible to classify all mo- 
tions under a few general t)rpes, and so founded the 
science of kinematics. For example, it became no 
longer necessary to study projectiles individually, for 
their behavior could be foretold from the general prop- 
erties of parabobe. Shortly after this, Newton and 
Leibnitz invented the calculus, which enables us to study 
moving bodies during their transit. The solution of 
problems of continuous motion in curved lines could 
never be satisfactorily obtained by Euclidean geometry, 
which could not overcome the break between rest and 
motion, or between polygons and curves. But the 
application of the infinitesimal calculus to Cartesian 


geometry gives us a solution of the problem, which, 
while it may not be the true solution, approximates to 
the truth as nearly as we please. This is accom- 
plished by dividing the path of a moving body into sec- 
tions so small that the ratio of any of these infinitesimal 
distances to the time necessary to traverse it, or the 
velocity, is constant and finite. Newton had discov- 
ered and verified the law of universal gravitation, and 
had also collected the data of the action of forces on 
bodies, and embodied them in three laws which still 
serve as the postulates for the science of dynamics; 
and D'Alembert supplemented them by a general 
dynamic law of the motion of a system of bodies 
acted upon by forces which embraced all the hitherto 
isolated problems of this character, and reduced them 
to a special and simple case of statics. 

On the theoretic side, Kant, Lagrange, and others 
had discussed the general axioms of mechanics, and 
had established the three fundamental units — length, 
mass, and time; and it is generally conceded that the 
solution of any problem of mechanics into the simplest 
combination of these three quantities is incapable of 
further reduction. 

But one thing remained before an imposing structure 
could be raised which should withstand criticism, and 
that was a general law to include and solve problems 
relating to a system of bodies in equilibrium and at 
rest. And Lagrange accomplished this. 

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Such was the state of science when Laplace, in his 
Systhne du Monde, and Lagrange in the Mecanique 
'Analytique, attempted to construct a theory and his- 
tory of the universe by means only of the general and 
accepted laws of the two mechanics: celestial, which 
concerns the heavenly bodies, and terrestrial, those on 
the earth. Their problem has been stated in many 
ways, but this may serve : — Given the positions, masses, 
and forces of a system of bodies at any time, to find 
the configuration of the system at any other time, previ- 
ous or afterward. 

By the aid of the principle of centers of inertia, each 
celestial body could be replaced by a mathematical 
point, at which the whole mass was concentrated, and 
endowed with a force of attraction according to New- 
ton's law of universal gravitation. In a similar way 
each terrestrial body was divided into a great number 
of small elastic particles, or atoms. These were con- 
sidered to be invariable and indivisible, and they were 
arbitrarily endowed with the same force of universal 
gravitation, acting through their centers of inertia. 
This force could be assigned to these imponderable 
masses, separated by insensible distances, with some 
probability of truth, although it could not be scien- 
tifically verified by experiment, because it was known 
to be a property of ponderable bodies separated by 
sensible distances. This conception of matter was 
generally accepted, as the original atomic theory of j 



Democritus had been extended and adapted to mathe- 
matical analysis by Gassendi, Huygens, and Boscovich, 
Thus all bodies and systems of bodies became ab- 
stractly alike in character, a collection of mass points 
acted upon by an attractive force common to all ; and 
if the state of the universe were given at any time, it 
became merely a problem in mechanics, whose laws are 
fully known, to find its history from the beginning 
to the end. As Laplace proudly and naively answered : 
" In this system there is no need of a god." Evidently 
this statement was a climax of materialism, and prob- 
ably can never again be uttered with such assurance. 

So solidly was this theoretical universe built, that it 
defied criticism for a century, and finally, as it seemed, 
established science on a mechanical basis. The other 
branches of physics, which advanced rapidly during the 
nineteenth century, fell promptly imder the influence of 
this mechanistic idea. The names employed show this 
clearly. We have the wave theories of light and 
sound, the dynamic theory of heat, and the mechanical 
theories of electricity and magnetism. In all these 
theories, attributes of matter, such as color, tempera- 
ture, musical pitch, electrical charge, etc., are ex- 
pressed by the mechanical motions and forces of 
atoms, and are measured solely in terms of the 
mechanical units of length, mass, and time. The 
method absolutely eliminates our senses, not only as 
instruments capable of measuring the quantitjr^iT an 


action, but even denies them the power of deciding 
qualitatively between phenomena; for the light which 
affects the eye, the sound heard by the ear, and the heat 
perceived by temperature are essentially the same thing, 
mere variations of a universal force of gravitation. 
These different attributes of matter are scientifically 
identical if the forces involved are equal; for as force, 
however manifested, was held to be a mechanical at- 
traction between atoms, all these quantities can be 
weighed in a chemical balance and have no essential 
difference. While there may have been great diver- 
sity amongst the physicists of the last century as to de- 
tails, there was but this one explanation of nature: 
The universe was a complicated machine, whose visible 
parts were connected together by a system of intangible 
links called atoms, whose complex motions, while they 
might defy our analytical skill, were yet completely 
expressible by general mechanical laws. 

To find the weak spot in this mechanistic theory, 
based on the hypothesis of the atom, is not only a dif- 
ficult task, but is one which ran so counter to the 
accepted teachings of science and to the natural preju- 
dices of the mind, that it is not strange if most men 
of science now reason as though the atom were a 
matter of experimental proof rather than of metaphys- 
ical speculation. Such a mechanistic theory of natural 
law as Lagrange and Laplace evolved, and as scientific 
thought of the last century extended, must necessarily 


depend on some similar atomistic hypothesis. Complex 
material bodies must be divided up into elementary 
masses so small that any conceivable variation in them, 
except mere inertia, must be forever beyond our meas- 
urement or even conception. Because, if the atom 
were divisible or variable, which its very name denies, 
then the actions of its component parts and their varia- 
tions might be productive of such an attribute as 
temperature or color, and thus introduce into the atom 
properties other than those purely mechanical. 

From experience we know of only one way a tangible 
body may make another move, and that is by a direct 
push. Either atoms must be granted a mysterious 
power of attraction through empty space, or else the 
1 part of the universe unoccupied by ponderable matter 
j must be filled with a medium or ether, to act as the 
; mechanical link between atom and atom. Now this 
ether is either continuous or discontinuous. If con- 
tinuous, it would serve as a link; but how is matter to 
move through it or even to exist in it unless two bodies 
may occupy the same space at the same time, or unless 
\ ponderable matter is but an attribute of this ethereal 
matter, of some such nature as a whirlpool on the 
surface of water? Such a variation maintains its 
identity of form as it moves, but not of the matter 
composing it; this is to replace concrete matter by the 
abstract idea of form or motion, which, in the end, is 
always repugnant to our sense of reality, and arouses 

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the impression of an existence in a world of dreams. 
On the other hand, if the ether be discontinuous, it 
must be porous, and what becomes of our link between 
atoms? We are driven to the creation of a second 
more tenuous medium to fill the spaces between the 
grosser one, and so on to the reducHo ad absurdum 
pointed out by Gififord. 

This discussion may be readily summarized in two 
metaphysical hypotheses which are frequently ac- 
cepted as the axioms of the atomic theory. 

First — Given the masses and the configuration of 
the centers of inertia of all the atoms, with the law of 
their mutual attraction, then all the attributes of mat- 
ter are determined and the problem of the universe is 

Second. — As a visible link is required between mov- 
ing parts of a machine, so invisible links, called ethers, 
multiplied indefinitely, must exist between atoms. 

While most scientists were endeavoring to extend 
and to perfect this mechanical theory, there were a 
few inclined to question the validity of the axioms 
on which it rested. Among the latter, Rankine de- 
serves the first place. In a memoir read before the 
Philosophical Society of Glasgow in 1855, he discusses 
scientific methods in general, points out the defects and 
advantages in the prevailing theories, and outlines a 
new method which he calls the science of energetics. 
His criticism is of the highest importance; with sub- 


tile irony he exposes the absurdity of a materialistic 
theory derived from mechanics which itself inevitably 
rests on a purely metaphysical basis. 

According to Rankine, a true physical theory is the 
most simple system of principles from which the formal 
laws of phenomena, experimentally discovered, may be 
deduced. Such a theory resembles a science like 
geometry in that it originates with definitions and 
axioms for first principles, and derives their con- 
sequences logically, by propositions. But, in general, 
a physical theory differs because these fundamental 
definitions and axioms discovered first are numerous 
and complex, since they are deduced from the mass of 
facts presented to us immediately by nature; whereas 
the first principles and axioms of geometry are few 
in number and simple in character, — such as a mathe- 
matical line has length only, — and are the results 
deduced from bodies not necessarily real. In other 
words, the method pursued in the physical theory is 
inductive, and is consequently more tentative and 
laborious than the deductive method of geometry, as 
the acceptance or rejection of the principles derived 
must depend upon their agreement with facts dis- 
covered gradually by observations, and not upon gen- 
eral properties agreed upon once for all. The proposi- 
tions of geometry are final, if the axioms and defini- 
tions are granted; a theory of physics is more or less 
conjectural, as its first principles are alwavs, subject 

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to revision because of the discovery of new phe- 

Two methods of framing a physical theory may be 
distinguished. They may be tenned the*abstractive and 
the hypothetical methods. 

According to the abstractive method, a class of ob- 
jects or phenomena is described and a name or symbol 
assigned to that assemblage of properties common to 
all the objects or phenomena composing the class, as 
perceived by the senses, and without introducing any- 
thing hypothetical. 

There is only one example of a complete physical 
theory formed exclusively from the data of experience 
by the abstractive method, — ^the principles of the sci- 
ence of mechanics. The objects discussed in mechanics 
are material and real bodies, all of which possess the 
sensible properties of occupying space and resisting 
change of motion. The phenomena dealt with are 
confined to those attributes of matter distinguished by 
the words force and motion, which we have found to 
be common to all bodies of which we have any knowl- 
edge. And the laws deduced follow from axioms and 
definitions which express this universal experience. 

According to the hypothetical method, the existence 
of a class of fictitious objects or phenomena, which can- 
not be perceived by the senses, is assumed. And prop- 
erties are assigned to them, similar to those known to 
be true of a class of real objects or phenomena, which 

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can be perceived by the senses. If the consequences 
of such a hypothesis are afterwards found to be in 
agreement with the results of observation and experi- 
ment, then the laws, known to be true for the class of 
real objects or phenomena, may be applied to the hypo- 
thetical class. The objects or phenomena considered 
by this method are thus merely matters of conjecture, 
and their nature may be modified at any time so as to 
make the propositions derived from them conform to an 
expression of experimental fact Such, for example, has 
been the method followed in the wave theory of light. 
To explain the observed action of light, the existence 
of hypothetical bodies, called atoms, and the luminifer- 
ous ether, is assumed, and properties are assigned to 
them similar to those of sensible matter. As new 
phenomena are discovered the attributes of the atom 
and the ether are modified to fit the requirements. 
This theory can be considered only as a convenient 
means of expressing natural laws, and is always sub- 
ject to change, as it does not depend on the objective 
realities fundamental to an abstractive method. 

Just because the theory of the mechanical motions 
and motive forces of sensible bodies is the only com- 
plete physical theory, and because it does not require 
the use of a hypothetical method in its development, 
we have been led to give the hypotheses, advanced as 
theories in the other branches of physics, a mechanical 
form. The classes of phenomena considered in all 


these theories are defined ccmjecturally as being due 
to some kind of mechanical motion and motive force, 
as when heat is defined as consisting in molecular mo- 
tions, or the rigidity of solids in molecular attractions 
and reptdsions. 

The motions and forces involved in these theories 
can no longer be ascribed to sensible matter, but either 
hypothetical bodies, such as the Ituniniferotis ether, or 
hypothetical parts of real bodies, such as molecules, 
atoms, ethereal vortices, or other imaginary elements 
of matter must be created. And to them are assigned 
properties and laws resembling as closely as may be 
those of sensible bodies. In explaining new facts, as 
they are discovered, the attributes of the hypothetical 
matter are modified, or such new ones assumed as may 
best fit the case. Such mechanical hypotheses, not be- 
ing based on experimental evidence, are held to fulfill 
their purpose when these conjectural attributes explain 
in the simplest and most plausible way the largest 
body of known phenomena and when they anticipate 
phenomena afterwards observed. The importance and 
weight of these hypotheses increase with the number of 
phencnnena whose laws they express. 

Certain hypothetical theories, such as the wave 
theory of light, have been undoubtedly useful, since 
they have reduced complicated actions to a few simple 
laws. And also they tend to combine all branches of 
physics into one system in which the axioms of 

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mechanics are the first principles of the whole science. 
But they must be employed with g^eat caution and 
judgment Their free use tends to confuse the essen- 
tial differences between hypothesis and fact, between 
metaphysics and physics, and this confusion does now 
exist in the minds of the public generally and even in 
those of many men of science. A desire is, conse- 
quently, often shown to explain away, or set aside, 
facts inconsistent with a preconceived hypothesis. 

Such is briefly Rankine's criticism of the prevailing 
mechanical and materialistic theories of physics. His 
conclusions are worthy of thoughtful consideration. 
It has always been the boast of science that by its 
methods we may avoid the pitfalls in which meta- 
physical reasoning inevitably ends. Now, if our most 
elaborate and complete scientific theory is really meta- 
physical, we must renounce all our proud claims and 
consider atomic and mechanical theories solely on the 
grounds of their utility and simplicity. 

A metaphysical hypothesis, valuable solely for its 
utility, is always dangerous, for by constant use we 
tend inevitably to give an objective reality to things 
which in the beginning we knew to exist only in our 
own minds. And this tendency is especially deplor- 
able in science, which does little for education if it does 
not recognize clearly the limits of our knowledge and 
distinguish accurately between reality and speculation. 

Now the belief in the objective reality of molecules, 

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atoms, ethers, and ethereal vortices has grown so 
steadily that little objection has been made to the 
recent creation of a whole new class of such hypothet- 
ical objects, called indifferently ions, corpuscles, elec- 
trons, or particles, which are assumed to be the con- 
stituent elements of the hypothetical atom. Of the 
three classes of objects it is, at the present time, the 
existence of the sensible bodies which is in danger 
of repudiation. This is the case not only in the minds 
of the thoughtless but in those of the leading men 
of science. For example. Sir J. J. Thomson, in the 
preface to his Conduction of Electricity Through 
Gases, says : " The possession of a charge by the ions 
increases so much the ease with which they can be 
traced and their properties studied that, as the reader 
will see, we know far more about the ion than we do 
about the uncharged molecule." Such a statement is 
on a parallel with the remark made to me by another 
distinguished physicist, that we know far more about 
the ether and the atom than we do about sensible 
matter. This is true, and in the same way as a 
Frankenstein might say of a mechanical man which 
he had conceived and constructed, — I know more about 
him than I do about a real man. 

Such confusion of thought is directly traceable to 

I the fact that many men of science have forgotten the 
distinction between the creations of nature and the 

i creations of their imaginations. We can n^r^v 


more of molecules, ions, and the ether, than that they 
may exist; but ponderable matter, as perceived by the 
senses, has an objective existence, or else there is no 
place for science. Since Kant's time the existence or 
the non-existence of those insensible links in the uni- 
versal machine is known to be equally demonstrable; 
we have no criterion of proof. It is curious that we 
stijl refuse to acknowledge this. If we look askant 
at Kant, the metaphysician, we have only to turn to 
Lagrange, whose scientific claims cannot be ignored, 
and find he has proved by rigid mathematical analysis 
that any phenomenon, which obeys the law of conser- 
vation of energy, is capable of an explanation by a 
mechanical theory ; but, and here is the important point, 
as there is always one adequate theory, so there are 
also an indefinite number of other mechanical theories 
which will, so far as our minds are concerned, satisfy 
all the requirements of the case. We have no criterion 
in mechanics by which we may determine what is the 
actual process of nature. There is no experimentum 
cruets, and we choose the explanation which for the 
moment seems to be the simplest. 

Our inability to decide unequivocally for one me- 
chanical hypothesis instead of another is shown also 
by the actual history of physical science. Since the 
time of Huygens and Newton we have attempted to 
settle the question whether light is due to a wave 

motion in an ether or to small particles emitted from 

^ jOogTe 


luminous bodies. Many times it has been announced 
that the question has been decided experimentally; for 
instance, when Foucault found that the velocity of 
light decreased when passing through transparent 
bodies, instead of increasing as Newton's hypothesis 
had predicted. But, on the other hand, the aberration 
of light discovered by Bradley is a stumbling-block 
to Huygens' theory and is a simple consequence of 
Newton's. Neither of these experiments caused the 
abandonment of a theory. A Newton could have 
altered the properties of the corpuscle and a Huygens 
is sure to arise who can alter the character of ethereal 
waves so as to explain aberration; in fact, it has been 
done with considerable success by Sir Joseph Larmor. 
We may then take it as established, both on theoretical 
and on historical grounds, that no experiment has 
been, or will be, devised to decide finally between the 
claims of the two hypotheses, yet the corpuscular 
theory was abandoned. The reason was not that either 
was impossible, but that the corpuscle, with the accre- 
tions added to it as new facts were discovered, became 
too unmanageable. * Huygens' mechanical wave theory 
having outgrown its usefulness has suffered the same 
fate. He ascribed light to a series of mechanical 
waves propagated through an elastic ether, but the at- 
tributes necessary to the medium became so contra- 
dictory that a new theory, advanced by Maxwell, was 
accepted as a g^eat relief. In this theory, the ethereal 

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waves are not mechanical but electro-magnetic, similar 
to those we now use in wireless telegraphy. But the 
difficulties are still pursuing us. We may assume that 
such waves can pass through space, but we cannot con- 
, struct a mechanical model of an atom or ether which 
will produce or maintain these vibrations, nor have we 
any evidence that electro-magnetic disturbances can 
affect the optic nerve and produce the sensation of 
light. The prediction, which I made when this essay 
was first published, that we shall return to a modified 
form of the corpuscular theory with the electrified par- 
ticle, the constituent of the atom, as an agent, has been 
verified. The principle of relativity, recently an- 
nounced by Professor Einstein, absolutely requires it. 

If a general atcmiistic theory, which seems to be the 
only practicable hypothesis, involves these inherent dif- 
ficulties, and if it presents a real peril to correct scien- 
tific thinking, the question arises, whether some general' 
mechanical explanation of all physical phenomena is 
possible which is not so limited. 

Rankine, in the same essay, proposes a method which 
he calls the science of energetics. As we have been 
able to frame with some success a theory of physics by 
using a hypothetical method, we should have even more 
success in combining all the branches of the science 
into one general theory if the abstractive method were 
extended and applied for the purpose. Instead of sup- 
posing the various physical phenomena to be con- 

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stituted, in an occult way, of modifications of me- 
chanical motion and force, let us attempt to frame laws 
which shall embrace the properties common to any one 
class. He finds energy, or the capacity to effect 
changes, to be the common characteristic of the various 
states of matter to which the several branches of 
physics relate. If then we frame general laws regard- 
ing energy, we shall be able to apply them, with appro- 
priate changes, to every branch of physics. 

Rankine evidently denies the advisability of trying 
to find the cause of the attraction of bodies for one 
another, or the mechanism of the propagation of light 
and heat through empty space. In all cases we have a 
certain quantity of energy, acting in a specific manner. 
Our aim should be to find by experiment the properties 
of any such manifestation, and to combine all common 
properties by general mathematical laws. Such was 
the method of Newton when he established the law of 
universal gravitation and refrained from publishing 
how the forces of attraction could act through space, 
and no discovery has aided science more. But after he 
had determined experimentally many of the laws of 
light, he advanced the hypothesis that these phencmiena 
were caused by motions of intangible corpuscles and he 
ventured so far as to describe the shape and properties 
of these hypothetical bodies. It is claimed, on good 
grounds apparently, that his corpuscular theory retarded 
the growth of the subject for more than a centmy, by 

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preventing the adoption of the temporarily more con- 
venient wave theory. 

Whether or not it is advisable to substitute energy 
for inertia, or mass, as the general attribute of matter 
which will best serve for a fundamental unit, may be 
open to discussion. But it seems certain to me, at 
least, that the formulation of laws deduced mathe- 
matically from experimental data alone, and not con- 
jecture as to the causes of phenomena, is the true 
province of science and the only method certain not to 
lead us into vain metaphysical speculation. 

Unfortunately, the restraint and clarity of thought 
shown by Rankine are rare, and few are willing to 
impose limitations on speculation or to forego the at- 
tempt to create a subjective and metaphysical scheme 
according to which nature shall work. In the hands 
of his successors, notably Mach, Duhem, and Ostwald, 
these barriers were cleared. They have endeavored to 
give an objective reality to the mathematical equation 
of energy. To make an entity of a symbol, to speak 
of centers of force as if an intelligible image were 
conveyed to the mind, to make matter and inertia an 
attribute of energy, is even more metaphysical than 
the concepts of atoms and ethers, which could, at least, 
be likened to sensible objects. With Professor Ost- 
wald, the most militant defender of the science of 
energetics, matter disappears altogether; empty space 
is known to us only by the quantity of energvjiecessary 

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to penetrate it, and occupied space is merely a group 
of various energies. In his enthusiasm he does not 
hesitate at difficulties. " When a stick strikes you/' 
he exclaims, "which do you feel, the stick or the 
energy?" One might as well ask the old question. 
Which comes first, the owl or the egg? — a matter of 
infinite dispute and no decision. Although Professor 
Ostwald's work bristles with mathematical equations 
and scientific terms, he asks us to return to the meta- 
physical methods of the medieval schoolmen — ^to thrash 
over again the endless verbal disputes of nominalists 
and realists. 

While mechanics is the only branch of physics which 
has become a complete science through the use of the 
inductive, or abstractive, method, just as soon as we 
invent atoms and ethers, or consider an abstract quan- 
tity, like energy, to be an entity, in order to explain 
the modus operandi of matter and motion, and to serve 
as connecting links in explaining non-mechanical 
phenomena, such as electricity and light, mechanics 
drifts at once into a highly metaphysical and subjective 
study where each man's opinion is guided only by an 
inward sentiment of knowledge. To what lengths 
this can go, I shall show in a later chapter when I 
present the confusion of thought of certain eminent 
men of science who change impersonal mechanical 
energy into a kind of vital and beneficent principle 
ruling over the thoughts and actions of human ^i^Ajp 

igi ize y g 


' or of Sir Oliver Lodge, who bestows on the ether the 
ability to carry ghostly messages as well as light. 

As a critical attempt, the school of energetics has 
done good work by calling attention to the inadequacies 
of atomic theories, yet as a positive method it has had 
comparatively little effect until very recently, when it 
has been pushed by a school of German physicists into 
what can only be called an abyss of confusion where, 
as in a sort of looking-glass world, all things tan- 
gible become intangible and the abstract retraces 
the concrete. But the majority of men of science still 

' rely absolutely on atomic hypotheses. Indeed, a fresh 
stimulus has been given them by the efforts to explain 
the experimental facts, recently discovered, concerning 
Roentgen rays, the passage of electricity through gases, 
and the properties of radium; facts which will probably 
do more, in the end, to discountenance mechanical 
models of phenomena, by making them practically un- 
manageable, than the theoretical criticisms of the fol- 
lowers of the school of energetics. 

' So long as the hypothesis of an invariable and in- 
divisible atom gave a reasonably simple and satisfac- 
tory method of attacking the problems of physics, 
even those men of science who were ready to acknowl- 
edge the tentative character of the hypothesis and the 
contradictory nature of its postulates were unwilling 
to try other methods. But the phenomena mentioned 
above do not fit into the general scheme, because the 

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mechanical atom does not explain such electrical 
phenomena, unless we arbitrarily associate with it other 
supposititious electrical fluids or else give it complex 
and variable electrical attributes ; both of which defeat 
the purpose of explaining all phenomena by means of 
a single, invariable entity. Their explanation thus re- 
quires us either to abandon the atomic theory or to 
modify it radically; the latter has been done, and the 
atom is now supposed to be a complex body composed 
of an aggregation of invariable and indivisible par- 
ticles, called electrons. 

As might be supposed, some specious advantages 
have been obtained. The chemists have long sought in 
vain for a chemical element whose atom might be con- 
sidered the primordial substance, and from which the 
atoms of the other elements were derived. This new 
idea of the atom offers a solution, for the chemists may 
now construct the atoms of all the elements out of dif- 
ferent combinations of corpuscles. Also the early 
investigators in electricity, as Franklin and Du Fay, 
were led to postulate the existence of subtile electric 
fluids to explain the fact that electrified matter some- 
times showed a force of attraction and sometimes of 
repulsion. Later, in the theories of Faraday and 
Maxwell, the hypothesis of fluids was abandoned 
and the ends of the atom of matter were endowed 
respectively with the properties of electrical attrac- 
tion and repulsion. Now it is possible to discard this 

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variability in the simple atom by supposing some of the 
corpuscular elements of a complex atom to exhibit the 
one kind of electric force, and others the opposite 

In spite of these advantages and others which might 
be cited, the prime fact remains that it is now neces- 
sary to abandon the historic and hitherto invincible 
atomic theory for another which is still more conjec- 
tural. For the former element of matter, simple in 
nature, we have substituted another, complex in char- 
acter, and have thereby given up the chief and to many 
the only value of an atomic theory. 

The corpuscular theories advanced, almost simul- 
taneously by Lorentz and Larmor, show this deariy. 
Sir Joseph Larmor, in his treatise on Mther and 
Matter, presents a view of the constitution of matter 
which is sufficient over an extensive range of physical 
theory, and which he trusts will not be made more 
complex until it proves inadequate in some definite 
feature. According to his hypothesis, the atom of mat- 
ter is composed of a system, probably large in number, 
of positively and negatively electrified protions (called 
frequently by others corpuscles, electrons, or ions) 
in -«f state of steady orbital motion around each other. 
The passage of electricity through a conductor or from 
one body to anotne? is effected by It ft-^nsf erence of 
electrically charged protions from one atom to another. 
The differences in the chemical elements, such as iron 

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or hydrogen, can be accounted for by ascribing them 
to various aggregations of the protions. As for the 
protions themselves, they are in whole or part nuclei 
of intrinsic strain in the ether, places where the con- 
tinuity of this medium has been broken and cemented 
together again. 

Such a theory is evidently, and in the highest degree, t 
artifidal and metaphysical, and Sir Joseph Larmor - 
would be the last to assert that he has given a true 
picture of the constitution of matter. Its value must 
rest on the belief that it is the simplest theory avail- 
able for explaining experimental facts. But the diffi- 
ctilties inherent to the theory are insuperable. It is 
almost inconceivable that our simplest idea of the ulti- 
mate constituent of the chemical element should be an 
atom, so bewilderingly complex in character. Each 
atom of an apparently quiescent body is itself an 
aggregation of particles, vastly more intricate than the 
stellar systems, and whirling around each other with a 
motion approximating a hundred thousand miles per 
second. And although the atom itself still possesses 
the attributes of matter, its constituents become merely 
nuclei of strain in the ether. What must be the 
structure of an ether which can maintain such a com- 
plex of strains as all the countless atoms in the uni- 
verse would require? If we can never be sure matter 
is actually so constituted, it is unfortunate to create 
a world so counter to our instinctive belief that in a 

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correct definition a complex idea must be explained into 
simpler parts. 

The theory of Professor Lorentz is essentially the 
same, although he does not attempt any speculations 
as to the structure of the ether or atom. But he, too, 
postulates the existence of small, electrically charged 
particles in all bodies and deduces all electrical laws 
from the positions and motions of these electrons. 

It is not necessary to state that both these writers 
develop their theories with great skill and from a pro- 
found knowledge of the science. They have, perhaps, 
achieved a closer unity in the branches of physics, 
1 although I feel confident that they have really only 
t substituted an electrical atom which will not explain 
matter for a material atom which would not explain 
electricity. And to attain this ambiguous advantage 
they have introduced postulates which lie still further 
outside the domain of science and have, by fixing our 
attention on a sub-atom, given an appearance of greater 
reality to the relatively gross atom. 

The influence of such abstruse and metaphysical 

theories on scientific thought is already apparent in a 

f certain eagerness to advance startling hypotheses and 

' novel ideas. Many men of science of to-day have tem- 

\ porarily put aside the sobriety and restraint which 

should characterize scientific reasoning. The most 

tremendous results are based on insufficient evidence, 

and the simple statement that the cause of a phenom- 


enon is to be found in electronic action is considered 
satisfactory. Physicists in Germany are gravely dis- 
cussing whether electrons are spheres or discs in shape. 
The transmutation of the elements, a problem which 
has bafSed research for centuries, is announced as an 
assured fact, because radium and a few other sub- 
stances spontaneously give off energy. Electricity is 
declared to be a substance and matter is said to be not 
a substance, but an attribute of electricity, because an 
electrified body has an apparent increase in its resist- 
ance to motion ; although we know nothing about tl\^- 
nature of either matter or electricity. Others say that 
the universe is a sort of modified ether; although we 
never can have cognizance of an unmodified ether. 
Surely matters of such infinite difficulty and of such 
supreme importance should not be decided before the 
most rigid elimination of more natural causes. The 
fact is, all such statements as these are merely words 
which convey no ideas; the problems involved are 
entirely beyond our powers of solution either by 
physical or by metaphysical methods. Such confusion 
of thought and dissolution of the boundaries between 
fact and fancy are deplorable, and if they create trouble 
in the minds of scientific men, they have absolutely 
bewildered the general public. Books of a popular na- 
ture are constantly appearing which change these re- 
sults of speculation into established fact, and their 
readers naturally credit the most astounding^tate-, 

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ments. The day may come when a new war will arise 
between science and religion on the issue that the de- 
ductions of science are too metaphysical to be of value. 

It may be necessary, when the laws and phenomena 
of a science arc vaguely known, to employ a hypothet- 
ical method. And a hypothesis may then be of great 
use in creating a certain unity amongst diverse ele* 
ments. But the question may well be asked, whether 
physical science has not outgrown a method prc^r for 
the alchemist and the astrologer. 

The attempt to unite the phenomena of all branches 
of physics in a few general laws and to explain their 
cause by the aid of atoms has engaged the attention 
of the greatest men of science for more than a century. 
They have spent upon these problems infinite thought 
and pains, and in the end we have a body of laws finnly 
established on experimental evidence, but the causes of 
these laws are as hopelessly obscure as ever. The 
atom has failed to satisfy the requirements, and now 
the electron is added to explain new facts, an hypothesis 
on an hypothesis. As our knowledge increases, who 
can doubt but that these, in their turn, will give place to 
others still more complex, if the same method is pur- 
sued, until the succession of atoms and sub-atoms will 
make the whole atomistic idea an absurdity? 

Just as we have, after centuries of incessant con- 
troversy, been forced to accept the fact that we cannot 
by reasoning from our consciousness obtain an ob- 


; jective knowledge of natural causes, so we must come 
to realize that reasoning from experimental evidence is 
subject to exactly the same limitations. Science, in 
other words, like philosophy, has no ontological value. 
Should not the men of science clearly recognize this 
fact, and confine their effort to the legitimate function 
of science — the discovery of natural phenomena and 
their classification into general laws derived by logical 
mathematical processes? 



Perd, signor Sitnplido, venite pure con le ragioni e con le 
dimostrazioni vostri o di Aristotile, e non con testi e nude 
autoriti, perche i discorsi nostri hanno a essere intorao al 
mondo sensibile, e non sopra un mondo di carta. — GAULsa 

It is a more or less simple thing to discover and 
follow the main current of thought in a science like 
physics, which must develop logically or not at all, 
after the confusion of strife has passed away and only 
the permanent additions to our knowledge remaia 
This has been attempted in the former chapter, so far 
at least as the atomic theory is concerned. It was 
then shown that if we build up a homogeneous hypoth- 
esis of the natural phenomena — heat, light, sound, and 
electricity — from an analogy to mechanical laws, we 
inevitably postulate the objective existence of matter, 
and create a series of fictitious ethers, and of atomic, or 
indivisible, elements of matter. The claim was also 
made that this method which attempts to explain the 
laws of nature not only fails to do so, but also pre- 
vents the adoption of a better scientific procedure. 

In the first place, it is difficult to point to aoy sciea* 

^ Jigitized by V^jOO . 


tific discoveries directly and inevitably produced by a 
specific atomic theory. The contrary of this opinion 
is very generally held, and many such discoveries in 
chemistry and physics are laid at its door. The 
chemist searches for and combines new compounds 
of the elements, and bases his theory on the assump- 
tion that each element is disintegrate only to a fixed 
atom. But this means nothing more than to say that 
the elements combine in definite proportions of mass, 
and consequently does not bear on the question whether 
matter is infinitely divisible. The chemist would have 
been driven to the same laws of chemical combina- 
tion if he had believed matter to be infinitely divisible. 
This statement is true, because chemical analysis and 
synthesis progress imperturbed and as rapidly now 
when the chemical atom is supposed to be decompos- 
able. And the same was true of chemical progress 
before Dalton proposed his atomic theory, which be- 
sides was so simple in form as to be little more than 
the generalization, that from experience we may say 
chemical substances unite in simple multiples of a unit 
chemical mass, called the atom, instead of simple pro- 
portions of mass. That is, Dalton's atomic theory was 
more closely related to the abstractive than to the 
hypothetical method and really has little in common 
with the physical atomic hypothesis which gives defi- 
nite and complex functions to the atom. As examples 
in another field, we find the phenomena and laws of thei 

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double refraction and polarization of light were dis- 
covered by Huygens before he, and later Fresnel, 
attempted to explain them as a modification of me- 
chanical waves in an elastic solid ether; and Newton 
announced the laws of the interference of light which 
occurs when there are reflections between thin films 
before he pictured this phenomenon by his hypothesis 
of corpuscles. To-day all these laws remain while the 
specific hypotheses have been discarded. How can we 
say the hypothesis of atoms and ether led to dis- 
covery in these cases? The fact is just the contrary: 
hypothesis, at least that part of it which consists in 
developing a mechanical model of the action, follows 
experimental discovery; it is the effort to explain or 
visualize the unknowable processes involved in known 
experimental facts and mathematical laws. 

In the second place, these metaphysical hypotheses 
progress from the simple to the complex. Each new 
fact discovered adds its quota to the irreconcilable and 
conflicting properties of the ether and the atom, and 
these invisible links of the universal machine grow 
more and more bewildering and complicated, until the 
whole construction falls to pieces. Nor is this all ; the 
man of science forgets that he is building toy houses, 
and ends by believing in their reality. Even if hypoth- 
esis does not carry him so far, it certainly has this 
effect on others who accept the dogmas of science 
without discrimination. It is no small danger^thus to 

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confuse reality and imagination; a science, which be- 
comes so hypothetical or so specialized as to be unin- 
telligible to the educated man, is apt to become as sterile 
as a religion which is in the sole possession of a hier- 

This excessive use of hypothesis has developed a 
sort of scientific cult which somewhat resembles a 
religious dogma, in that adverse criticism of either 
arouses a feeling of personal irritation. The rancor of 
religious polemic is well known and is said to be due 
to the fact that the believer of a religion relies on re- 
vealed truth, to doubt which is sinful. The same oc- 
curs with the supporters of a scientific hypothesis, who 
declare their system to be founded on objective, experi- 
mental fact, and to be developed by logical methods, 
so that in doubting the hypothesis we are sinning 
against truth and reason, — ^the gospels of science. On 
the other hand, discussions in experimental science are 
noted for their calmness, for then we are criticising, 
not personal opinions but objective facts, and we care 
comparatively little which way the matter ends. The 
theorist, on the contrary, forgets that, while founded 
on experience, his hypothesis is developed in one way 
or another according to his own personal opinion; 
for example, the same facts of light made Newton 
believe in corpuscles and Huygens in waves, and so 
tfie theorist injects into his discussions the bitterness 

of personal defeat or the exultation of personal victory. 


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There is yet another purpose in science which re- 
quires simplicity instead of complexity. Physics, to be 
something more than an intellectual puzzle for the 
specialist, should enlarge our power over the external 
world and increase our use of natural resources. Con- 
sider how great an advance we might make in this 
direction if hypothesis and occult causes were reduced 
to a minimum. Instead of a mass of abstruse specu- 
lations on the nature of ether and matter, our treatises 
might present a clear and logical discussion of natural 
phenomena and their laws. The work of Lord Kelvin 
is typical. He has interspersed in his writings probably 
a score of models of the atom : now it is a vortex or 
whirlpool in a continuous fluid ether; now, a box con- 
taining gyrostats or wheels spinning on axes; again, it 
is a complicated structure of balls, strings, and springs. 
No two of these agree in principle, and at best repre- 
sent crudely a limited number of the properties of 
matter and fail for others. Is there not, after all, 
something almost pathetic in this incessant striving 
of the greatest physicist of our times after the un- 
knowable, building card houses which must be knocked 
down to provide material for new ones? Certainly 
more of his great and permanent constructive work 
would be the property of the world if we had neglected 
his h)rpotheses and developed more diligently his ex- 
periments and his laws. 

On the other hand, it is a serious matter to try to 

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sweep aside so large a part of scientific thought as 
hypothesis has been, unless it is really parasitical,— a 
hindrance rather than an aid to development. This 
opinion as to the uselessness of hypothesis seems to be 
gaining ground. Thus M. Duhem, in his ThSorie 
Physique, states that physical theories must have one 
of two aims: either to explain laws which have been 
established from experience, or to classify such laws 
without giving any explanation. Of the two, the sec- 
ond only is a legitimate scientific process, as the first 
method makes physics dependent on metaphysics and 
so introduces occult and unverifiable causes. A proper 
theory should thus give us a classification of laws 
and should point to new experimental methods, thereby 
tending to intellectual economy in that we are per- 
mitted to forget a multitude of details and otherwise 
isolated facts in one common expression. He further 
claims that the construction of a mechanical model 
as an explanation of a law does not lead to such dis- 
coveries, since these are really derived from abstract 
principles, the model being invented afterwards merely 
to make the law concrete. In this opinion he is sup- 
ported by Hertz, who, after discovering experimentally 
the electric waves predicted by Maxwell, found the best 
statement in Maxwell's equations, and not in his model 
of ethereal lines of force. 

A ruthless and complete elimination of h)rpothesis is 
undoubtedly impossible, and is not even desirable^ We 

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tend invariably to express our abstract conclusions in a 
more or less concrete form. We shall always speculate 
about the manner of the propagation of light to the 
earth from the sim, and it is convenient to express this 
transfer of energy either as a periodic disturbance 
taking place in something filling space or as something 
projected through space. Such indefinite speculations 
are simple enough and allow us to state all that we 
need in order to assume continuity of action in free 
space. The obscurity and confusion in the science of 
optics arise from the attempts to express in detail the 
nature of the waves or of the particles of light. A 
method where speculation is kept to its lowest terms is 
quite different from the prevalent custom of spending 
the greater part of our effort on the fictitious proper- 
ties of the ether rather than on the phenomena and 
laws of matter. 

The problem of tracing the tendencies of thought 
concealed in the conflicting data and opinions of the 
present state of physics is difficult, and this difficulty 
is increased by the unusual amount of new material 
brought to light since the discovery of the X-rays by 
Professor Roentgen in 1895. The phenomena con- 
nected with the discharge of electricity through gases 
and with radio-activity are obscure, and speculation 
about them correspondingly bold. There is a desire, 
quite common, to ignore the importance of the more 
regular advance in other branches of physics and to 


assume that the new methods of attack which have 
arisen are essentially different from the thoughts and 
speculations of former physicists and not subject to 
their failure. This idea is brought out by Mr. Camp- 
bell in his recent book on Modern Electrical Theory, 
when he contrasts the work of Faraday, about 1830, 
and his predecessors with that of living physicists: 
" Men of his own and of the preceding era had founded 
'natural philosophy'; they had made discoveries and 
had elaborated theories which still form part of the 
frame-work of the physical sciences. But their work 
has little interest for us to-day. Their aims, their con- 
ceptions, their whole attitude toward the problems 
which they investigated differ so widely from our own, 
that, while their results may be the basis of modern re- 
search, their methods afford little inspiration for it." 
This is far from being the case; if we can assign 
definite periods to so continuous a development as the 
history of science has shown, we should certainly date 
modern physics from the seventeenth century when 
Galileo introduced experimental methods and Des- 
cartes applied analytical geometry to physics: human 
thought does not progress at this late day by cutting 
loose from the past ; especially when that past is said 
to date from the middle of the nineteenth century. 
Where the **new views" are not merely statistical 
observations or fugitive models of some particular 
phenomenon — that is, where there is a philosophical 

Digitize. lie 


background to our recent work — we have abandoned 
the ideas of the atomistic school of the nineteenth cen- 
tury only to fall back on the doctrines formulated by 
Descartes in the seventeenth, as Sir Joseph Larmor has 
pointed out. 

To show this connection, it is necessary only to out- 
line and contrast briefly these two methods of scientific 
procedure now, as I have already shown the tendencies 
of the atomistic school and shall give, in the next chap- 
ter, the ideas of Descartes. The followers of the 
atomistic school believe natural phenomena to result 
from the impact of atoms, possessing mass, figure or 
extent, indestructibility, and the inherent property of 
motion. Thus this idea, adopted by Huygens, agrees 
in the main with that of Newton, except as it rejects 
his hypothesis of the occult power of attraction of 
atom for atom through space. With Descartes matter, 
as a distinct and separate entity, disappears altogether, 
and nothing is left but space and its variations. What 
we call pure space or a vacuum is really a continuous 
fluid plenum or ether, and material bodies are merely 
places of permanent variation in this plenum. From 
observing the persistence of whirlpools in water and in 
the air, Descartes ingeniously concluded that all space 
was filled with whirlpools or vortices of this plenum, 
each having an axis which passes through one of the 
stars. Unfortunately for the theory, these vortices and 
material variations of space soon became so compli- 


cated as to destroy its value. In the last century the 
idea was revived by Lord Kelvin in his celebrated 
vortical theory of matter. He used only the main ideas 
of Descartes, and, from a better mathematical knowl- 
edge of the properties of vortices, was able to sim- 
plify their character and to account for many of the 
attributes of matter. We may then say that the dis- 
similarity in the two theories consists in the doctrine 
that empty space is a vacuum or an imaginary entity 
called the ether, as opposed to the postulate of Des- 
cartes that space is true material substance; while both 
theories suppose that the smallest particles of sensible 
matter are indivisible, the atomistic school considers 
them to be atoms, inherently indivisible and essen- 
tially different from space, but Descartes declared 
them to be variations of a substance, itself infinitely 
divisible, although they might not be further divisible 
by our present experimental ability. With this under- 
standing of Descartes's hypothesis, we are in a posi- 
tion to show how closely modern views of matter and 
electricity are concurring in this idea. 

From the large number of physicists now writing on 
the theory of physics, three names stand out promi- 
nently as originators of the modem conceptions of 
electricity and matter. Professor H. A. Lorentz, Sir 
Joseph Larmor, and Sir Joseph Thomson are certainly 
the men who will be most prominently associated with 
this movement; others have aided, but mainly in the^e^ti 


tension or modification of their ideas. And of the 
three, the most attention in an essay of this character, 
which attempts a general discussion of the philosophical 
basis of scientific theory, should be devoted to Pro- 
fessor Larmor's ideas. In his treatise, ^ther and 
Matter, published in 1900, we have the rather rare 
example of a scientific theory with a philosophical back- 
ground clearly expressed and discussed. 

The main thesis of his essay is that a purely me- 
chanical theory of discrete atoms moving in empty 
space has failed to account for the phenomena of 
nature, and especially for the recent discoveries made 
in electricity. We may, however, by altering this con- 
ception of atoms, by separating electricity and matter 
into two entities, or even by considering matter as an 
attribute of electricity, again reconcile fact and hypoth- 
esis. Since Faraday's time the drift of opinion has 
been in the direction of this separation, so that it is 
merely necessary to crystallize it into a definite scien- 
tific postulate. No idea of finality is expressed in 
Professor Larmor's theory, since he thinks it should 
endure only so long as it agrees with facts in our 
possession; on the other hand, he considers it not to 
be effective criticism to make a charge of incomplete- 
ness without indicating a better way, as an hypoth- 
esis may be valuable not only when imperfect, but when 
quite wrong, providing it serves as a useful instru- 
ment for the progress of natural philosophy.^ As an 

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instance of this, he states that many of the most im- 
portant discoveries in light were made when the er- 
roneous corpuscular theory was still in vogue. But 
does it necessarily follow that the theory prompted 
the discoveries or led to their investigation because 
they happened to be contemporaneous? It is difficult 
to believe Bradley would have failed to obtain the 
relation between the aberration of light and its finite 
velocity if some other theory had been popular. Cer- 
tainly the specific attributes assigned to light corpuscles 
would have little influence in promoting such discover- 
ies, since it was the habit to modify these without much 
compunction if they did not square with observation. 
And we are supported in this opinion by Professor 
Larmor himself when he says : " At the same time all 
that is known (or perhaps need to be known) of the 
ether itself may be formulated as a scheme of differen- 
tial equations, . . . which it would be gratuitous to 
further explain by any complications of structure"; 
and again: " The ultimate inadequacy of a method of 
treating material media, based on merely empirical or 
speculative additions to the ascertained equations of 
free ether, had indeed been clearly recognized by von 

The questions, then, to be borne in mind while dis- 
cussing these modem theories, are whether they involve 
speculative additions to our equations and explanations 
by complicated constructions, and whether they are 

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essential to the progress of science. I shall try to show 
that they are characterized by the same occult and 
unverifiable assumptions as the older theories and are 
really extra-scientific 

Professor Larmor, in the beginning of his essay, 
recognizes that an hypothesis which supposes matter 
to be constituted of an immense number of discrete 
particles moving in empty space and incapable of fur- 
ther subdivision has a philosophical objection too diffi- 
cult to be overcome. In the first place, as Lord Kelvin 
pointed out, the chemical atom cannot be the immeasur- 
ably small body sometimes claimed by metaphysicians. 
Both physical and chemical experience require the atom 
to be a real portion of matter occupying a finite space, 
and forming a not inappreciably small constituent of 
any palpable body. The chemical molecule may be 
deccnnposed into the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen, 
and now these atoms are in turn divided into sub- 
atoms. Even these also are by no means immeasurably 
small; we are already calculating their size and their 
mass. And we can think of no reascm why matter 
should have been created of this size rather than any 
other. These minute grains still have much individual- 
ity of their own in the way of attributes; if electrified, 
their mass is supposed to change in quantity when they 
move, as does also their shape; they must explain 
electrical attraction and repulsion, gravitational at- 
traction, cohesion, and a probable molecular repulsion 


known as elasticity ; they must have a propensity which 
makes them build geometrical crystals: in fact they 
must he arbitrarily and occultly endowed with all the 
attributes of ponderable matter which they were created 
to explain. This sub-at<»n has many more duties to 
perform, but sufficient have been given to show that 
either it is excessively complex in essence or is en- 
dowed with complex forces; so far, this is our arbitrary 
resting point in the matter of subdivision, but it is 
merely a temporary makeshift. But there is a still 
more cogent reason for this philosophical objection 
than the empirical ones given. The equally funda- 
mental concepts of space and time are invariably con- 
sidered as continuous or infinitely divisible functions, 
and this theoretical difference assigned to matter, in- 
troduces inevitable trouble in mathematical analysis. 
The science of mechanics, in its theoretical aspect, may 
be defined as the attempt to apply the laws of geometry 
to real bodies, and while there is always an insurmount- 
able break in thought between the laws of the imag- 
inary bodies discussed in geometry and the concrete 
ones of mechanics, we can, by the assumption of the 
continuity and indefinite divisibility of matter, approxi- 
mate as closely as we wish to the rigorous laws of 
geometry. The geometrical point and line are re- 
spectively abstract bodies of no, and of one, dimension ; 
in experimental mechanics, they are both real bodies of 
three dimensions, — the point is the atom and the line 


a succession of them. Theoretical mechanics is thus 
the link between geometry and physics, for while it 
deals with concrete bodies of real size, we eliminate 
by the abstractive method all the variations which re- 
sult from the finite size of bodies and then discuss them 
as if they were theoretically simple bodies of no size. 
That is, we divide a body into infinitesimal portions 
and consider its effect as being due to the arithmetical 
sum of the effects of these parts. An example will 
make this clearer ; the attraction between two spheres, 
which is one of the fundamental problems of physics, 
can be solved rigorously only by the application of the 
principle of centers of inertia, that the attractive force 
of a sphere is the same as if its entire mass were con- 
centrated at its mathematical center. As soon as we 
apply this law of attraction to real spheres, even of 
sub-atomic size, we introduce an appreciable error, 
since the attractive force then produces strains and a 
deformation of shape which reacts to change the force ; 
this error becomes negligible only when we consider 
matter to be continuous and the sphere to be made up 
of an indefinitely large number of indefinitely small 
particles. We are thus brought to this dilemma; ex- 
perimentally, matter is discontinuous and theoretically, 
it is continuous, — ^hypothesis might be called the hope- 
less effort to reconcile these irreconcilables. 

Professor Larmor tries to avoid this pitfall, which 
has caught the originators of atomic theories^ and at- 

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tempts to reconcile the antagonistic ideas of continuity 
and atomicity by placing himself squarely on the side 
of Descartes. He does not regard space as mere 
empty geometrical continuity. According to his no- 
tion, the imiverse is a plenum or ether — that is, a con- 
tinuous, frictionless fluid, everywhere uniform and 
quiescent. This plenum constitutes what he calls true 
matter. It is entirely unrecognizable by our senses 
and cannot be brought to them by any experience. By 
such a metaphysical hypothesis we may account for 
the aberration of light and many other actions occur- 
ring in free space. To provide for ordinary or sensible 
matter, making it at the same time discontinuous in 
character, he supposes there exist in the plenum in- 
numerable places of variation, which are uncreatable, 
indestructible, and humanly indivisible, and by their 
combination present to our senses all the phenomena 
making up for us the material universe. These dis- 
continuities are free to move without disturbing the 
quiescence of the continuous medium, much as wind 
Mows through a forest. By this supposition we ac- 
count for the experimental fact that motion of matter 
does not affect the velocity of light in a vacuum. If, 
however, the discontinuities show unbalanced electrical 
force, then their motion causes real, although tempo- 
rary, variations in the medium. 

The next requirement in his cosmogony is to specify 
what these variations in the supposititious plenum mavj 


be. This is the vital step in any process of reasoning 
which attempts to link metaphysical assumption to 
physical experience. Once taken without challenge, a 
scientific theory may be developed logically. It is just 
at this point that the Lucretian atom and the Cartesian 
vortex fail. Here also Lord Kelvin failed. He proved 
that no finite force could either create his tiny vortex 
atom rotating in a f rictionless medium, or, once started, 
could stop it. He showed it would act as if possessed 
of many of the essential properties of matter. But, in 
the process of elaboration, this atom, like all others, 
became unmanageable from complexity; it failed to 
account for the electric charges of matter, and finally 
received a death-blow when Maxwell said a vortex 
ring might be an analogy to the atom, but at best was 
merely a mode of motion and not matter as we know it. 
How, then, is this new protoplasmic element of the 
universe to be defined so as to satisfy these criticisms, 
and at the same time avoid making the speculative me- 
chanical structures in an ether, which Professor Lar- 
mor deprecates? The founders of the new electrical 
theory of matter have studied profoundly the laws of 
nature. They have made many permanent acquisitions 
to our knowledge; they have elaborated their theory 
with the greatest ingenuity, and yet the result has been 
to show that their theory is merely the same as the dis- 
carded ones, amplified and clothed in new names. The 
additional complexity, due to the desire to^<^ more 

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exact and more comprehensive, will do more than the 
criticisms of its adversaries to hasten the time when 
physicists will frankly avoid metaphysical explana- 
tions and start from experimental axioms. 

In order to be exact when defining this new idea of 
the atom, I shall quote again from ^ther and Matter: 
** The protion (or sub-atom) must therefore be in whole 
or in part a nucleus of intrinsic strain in the ether, a 
place at which the continuity of the medium has been 
broken and cemented together again (to use a crude 
but effective image) without accurately fitting the 
parts, so that there is a residual strain all round the 
place." So far this might almost be interpreted as 
the specification for a vortex atom ; but, since such a 
type of strain fails to provide matter with electric 
charges, he diverges at this point and considers the 
" ultimate element of matter to be an electric charge 
or nucleus of permanent ethereal strain instead of a 
vortex ring." 

When discussing these definitions, we should htzx 
constantly in mind that the chief, if not the only, pur- 
pose of an atomic theory or of a mechanical model is 
to create a picture, however crude, of the constitution 
of matter. I can form absolutely no mental image of 
such a kind of matter as Professor Larmor proposes, 
and although I have discussed this new theory many 
times with its supporters, I have never found them able 
to give any clear and simple idea of such a stnijn; it 

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is certainly unlike any that we have encountered in ex- 
perimental mechanics or electricity. Let us strip the 
definition of technical intricacies, of such words as 
protions and ethereal electric strains, which have the 
power of confusing the mind and of making us accept 
statements we do not quite understand. In the first 
place, Professor Larmor's hypothesis is merely an 
evasion of the old atomic theory. His continuous, true 
matter which has absolutely no mechanical attributes 
and indeed none of any sort, except what he calls the 
ability to be modified by an electric charge, seems to 
me, as a substance, but very little removed from my 
idea of mere extent or abstract geometrical space. 
Sensible matter which consists of discontinuous varia- 
tions of this true matter, not of a mechanical nature 
but of what he calls electrical strains, is to me less 
substantial than extent or space; for, as difficult as it 
may be, I can form some idea of space and I can com- 
municate this idea to others, but I can make no mental 
picture of an electrical strain in a non-mechanical 
plenum; and such a strain certainly does not impress 
me as being matter as I know it. I shall now form 
these ideas into a chain : space is substance ; matter is 
a variation or strain in substance; a strain is an elec- 
tric charge; an electric charge is matter; matter is sub- 
stance; therefore an electric charge and matter are 
both space, unless I can be persuaded that a variation of 

an entity can change its essence, which is absurd. Tiiis 



is a rather complicated syllogism, so it is better to 
reduce it to simpler terms, as follows : true matter is a 
plenum; by definition, a pleniun is that which is full of 
matter; therefore matter is true matter. Such reason- 
ing should convince anyone that, no matter how we 
may wrap up our logic, we cannot explain those things 
which we must use as a means of explaining other 
phenomena. The ordinary man expresses this by the 
saying, we cannot lift ourselves by our own bootstraps. 
Are not such hypotheses in the same class as perpetual 
motion and squaring the circle? 

But even on the scientific side, this hypothesis is not 
satisfactory. Every theorist acknowledges that sci- 
ence is founded ultimately on our sense perceptions, 
and this fact should warn us that the attribute elec- 
tricity is not a substance. The phrase, to electrify 
matter, has a well-defined meaning, because we know, 
by experience, that a body when rubbed exhibits a 
force which was not evident previously. We also know 
that we may sdect two different bodies, which will 
each show this electric force but of such opposite 
characteristics that their mere contact reduces the 
whole force to zero. Our knowledge of electricity 
comes only by this manifestation of electric force, so 
that if dectricity were a substance we are reduced to 
this anomaly, that the addition of substance to sub- 
stance may result in less substance. This attractive 
force is the simple and fundamental fact in re^d to 

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electricity and it is not proper tQ avoid it by speculating 
on matter in a state so special and so removed from 
common experience as when it is radio-active or highly 
vacuous. Now experience teaches us that matter added 
to matter is always more matter; thus satisfying our 
prime requisite for substance. This difference between 
electricity and matter is sufficient to explain why the 
term electrified matter is a real idea, and why material- 
ized electricity means nothing. There is no more 
justification for callingelectricity a substance than there 
is for doing the same thing for any other attribute of 
matter, such as color or temperature. The simple fact 
that matter appeals directly to our sense organs and 
electricity does not should be sufficient to convince any- 
one that our interpretation of nature, because of our 
material and mental organization, must be based for 
all time on a foundation of material substance and 
not of electrical substance. The postulate of the ob- 
jective existence of matter is a necessary hypothesis 
and that of electricity is not. Is it to be supposed that, 
because certain learned men find difficulty in explaining 
some of the obscure actions of matter, the human race 
is to cast aside an instinctive and universally accepted 
axiom, any more readily than it will discard the idea 
that the straight line is the shortest distance between 
two points ; that parallel lines never intersect ; or that all 
bodies require three, and only three, dimensions in 
order to locate them; — because a few mo4ern ge- 

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ometers choose to advance other and contradictory 
postulates as axioms? 

Let us now turn to some of the specific difficulties 
of this new theory. In addition to many absurd prop- 
erties ascribed to the old elastic solid ether, its chief 
defects were, that it must, at the same time, have 
friction and not have friction, and that it could not 
account for electricity. If it had friction, then the 
ether would absorb light and heat energy, and the mo- 
tion of bodies through it would affect the properties of 
light in a manner which could be detected; both of 
these have been found to be contrary to experience. 
On the other hand, the ether must have friction to 
permit the communication of atomic vibrations to it. 
To escape these dilemmas, Professor Larmor supposes 
the electro-magnetic ether to be without mechanical 
friction and so to remain quiescent when any body 
moves through it, but he apparently forgot that he had 
assumed that the essence of substance is electricity. 
If bodies are forms of electricity how can they move 
through an electrical medium without disturbing it? 
Since we have abandoned the theory that light and 
heat are mechanical waves for the supposition that they 
are electro-magnetic disturbances caused by periodic 
variations of electric charges, the new ether must, in 
some way, be modified by electric variations in order 
to receive and to transmit light and heat. But anyone 
can see we are just where we started. The electro- 


magnetic ether must have electro-magnetic friction, to 
receive the electro-magnetic vibrations of the electric 
atom and must be devoid of electro-magnetic friction 
so as not to absorb electro-magnetic waves when in 
transit. Again, he says the mechanical atom was de- 
fective, in that it could not account for electricity, but 
he also says that the electrical atom does not explain 
cohesion, weight, and, I might add, any other me- 
chanical property. Which shall we choose? Lastly, 
not to prolong the discussion, just as the mechanical 
ether and atom led us to such contradictory attributes 
as enormous rigidity and inappreciable density, so the 
electro-magnetic ether and atom require us to give the 
latter an electric force whose magnitude is to that of 
weight as ten raised to the forty-second power is to 

Temperamentally, Professor Thomson has little in 
common with his colleague. Professor Larmor; as all 
know, we owe to him a long series of most delicate and 
profound experimental investigations in this field. 
Like Lord Kelvin, he is usually content to construct a 
model for each special phenomenon, and, as he is rather 
indifferent whether these agree in operation, it is diffi- 
cult to form any consistent idea of his theory. He 
seems to regard matter as if it were a sort of building- 
blocks which may be put together as fancy directs. His 
best-known conception of matter and electricity is his 
picture of an atom as a central sphere of uniformly 


distributed positive dectricity with points of negative 
electricity so placed in it as to form the corners of 
regular geometrical figures. He then calculates the 
stability of each figure from the mutual attractions and 
repulsions of the charges and supposes the chemical 
elements to be conditioned by this stability. The 
scheme is so frankly artificial and speculative that its 
author can regard it only as an architect does his 
sketch, as a symbol of a house. But in addition to his 
pictorial representations of matter and phenomena, 
whidi, if taken correctly, do not deceive anyone, he 
subscribes to the hypothetical method and is a leader 
in developing the electrical theory of matter. 

If we now turn to a consideration of the ideas of 
Professor Lorentz, we shall find a close agreement with 
the hypothesis of Professor Larmor. We have been 
led to the conception of electrons or protions, Professor 
Lorentz says in his Theory of Electrons, by our de- 
sire to understand the electrical properties of matter. 
For, while we adopt the theory of Faraday and Max- 
well that the space or electro-magnetic ether near an 
dectrically charged body is put in a certain state of 
strain and never lose sight of this idea, yet we need 
not form an image of it and really cannot say much 
about it. In fact, these strains, as imagined by them, 
cannot have a real existence without producing motion 
in the ether, which is an impossible assumption. On 
account of the difficulties into which such speculations j 


lead us, there has been a tendency of late years to avoid 
them altogether. But while this method is the safer one 
and provides us with a set of correct formulae and laws, 
yet we are ccMnpelled to introduce into these equations 
unknown terms, called coefficients, which express the 
individual properties of different kinds of ponderable 
bodies. For example, the same magnetic force pro- 
duces different magnetic effects in iron and copper. If 
we wish to obtain a deeper insight into tlie properties of 
matter, he says, we must not be satisfied with simply 
introducing for each substance its special coefficient, 
whose value is to be determined by experiment; we 
must invent some hypothesis about the mechanism of 
matter which causes such differences of behavior. It 
is this necessity which has led us to the hypothesis of 
the electron. He then defines these electrons as ex- 
tremely small particles, charged with electricity, and 
present in immense numbers in all ponderable bodies. 
They are of two kinds, positive and negative, and are 
free to move in conductors of electricity and bound 
to points of equilibrium in non-conductors. Sometimes 
he considers them to be rigid, and at other times as 
deformable bodies. Their inertia, or mass, is, for the 
most part, an effect of their electric charge, and the 
negative electron is probably free electricity without 
ponderable mass. Professor Lorentz assigns no 
specific properties to the ether, but he is required to 
assume that it can penetrate freely all parts of ^e 

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electron. It is evident that the philosophical ideas of 
this theory are the same as those previously discussed. 
We are driven in both to the supposition that the elec- 
tron is a space modification of a universal medium and 
that, in some way, neither electron nor ether is a ma- 
terial substance, but a kind of transcendental entity 
called electricity. 

Of course we wish to obtain a deeper insight into the 
properties of matter, and if we had discovered, or had 
any means of discovering, a method to such a knowl- 
edge, no amount of labor would be superfluous while 
making an hypothesis. But we wish many impossible 
things; we should like to be satisfied about the im- 
mortality of the soul ; the causes and nature of life, and 
a host of other problems. Now Professor Lorentz 
says we know very little about the ether and the nature 
of matter, and by very little, he means we know noth- 
ing. What advantage, then, does he propose, when he 
says: Come, let us invent something about these un- 
knowable things, let us make an hypothesis that we 
may seem to obtain a deeper insight into the mysteries 
of nature ? He knows that the atom of iron is as mys- 
terious as a ton of that substance, and that he does 
nothing to explain the nature of iron by giving imagi- 
nary properties to a sub-atom of iron ; he is aware that 
he has not touched the reason why iron differs from 
copper, and he ought to know that, by calling this sub- 
atom a particle of electricity, he has only added con- 

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fusion to our ignorance. What would he say of a 
biologist who, growing tired of describing forms of 
life which he can handle, gave the habits and appear- 
ance of marine animals living beyond the reach of his 
dredging nets? The security of experimental science 
rests on the belief that, for the honor of science, no 
one will tamper with what he has actually observed. 
Why should more leniency be granted the theorist, 
why should he be allowed to mix fact and fancy, law 
and hypothesis, as he chooses, and not be called to ac- 
count? It is just this restraint, this distinguishing 
between what we know and what we desire, that con- 
stitutes the value of science as a discipline of the in- 
tellect ; and in the exercise of this restraint lies our in- 
tellectual integrity. The gospel of science, for it has 
one as truly as has religion, may be summed up in the 
words of Goethe : " in restraint first shows himself the 
master." What has it come to, when we can pass over 
such false methods with a shrug? Huxley spent his 
life, in season and out of season, waging battle with 
bishops and laymen to convince them that religious 
belief and religious theory must square with objective 
fact. And he assured them that men of science could 
provide a foundation of truth, and would not impose a 
false one, so that all men might know and have a ra- 
tional basis of life and belief. And how have we kq)t 
the faith? We have given with equal emphasis our 
speculations and our observations. Nor can Professor 


Lorentz say he has kept in the certain path because he 
has warned us in the beginning of his treatise that he 
is dealing with glittering hypothesis. He takes all the 
force out of the warning by using his genius to overlay 
his speculations with a specious appearance of reality. 
Let him try the opposite plan and actually convince a 
class of students and educated men generally that his 
hypothesis does not, and cannot, give any real insight 
into the actual properties of matter, that he is talking in 
a Pickwickian sense, and how much serious attention 
would he attract? No, the world still believes in the 
restraint of men of science and in their boast that they 
will submit our vague longings to the test of experi- 
ence. And it will be a bad day for science if this 
belief is destroyed. 

Nor is it proper to adopt an attitude of indifference 
to these hypotheses as many experimentalists do, to 
pass them by with a shrug or with the statement that 
they cause little harm to the growth of science, how- 
ever little they may aid it. If science were merely a 
mental gynmastics, this indifference would be well 
enough, but science is increasingly considered to be a 
guide to conduct. We have no right to approve the 
intellectual carelessness which has been so vividly ex- 
pressed by M. Poincare in the preface to his ThSorie 
de la Lumiire: ** It matters little to us whether the 
ether really exists; that is the business of the meta- 
physician to find out; the essential thing for us Is that, 

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everything acts as if it existed [?] and that this 
hypothesis is convenient in explaining phenomena. 
After all, have we any other reason for believing in the 
existence of material objects? Is not that belief also 
a convenient hypothesis ; only we shall never cease to 
make it, meanwhile the time will come, without doubt, 
when the ether will be rejected as useless." Both ma- 
terial objects and the ether may be only hypotheses, or 
rather our knowledge of them is relative, but not in 
the same way; the existence of material objects is 
based on direct experience and the existence of the 
ether is not. However we may argue, the objective 
reality of matter is a necessary idea, fixed in our minds 
and not to be dislodged. 

Criticism is now often directed against the older 
atomic theory because a given form of it no longer 
accords with phenomena which have been lately dis- 
covered. And it should be borne in mind that this new 
theory of electrons has been developed with the main 
purpose of supporting the atomic theory and making it 
agree with our new knowledge of electricity. Thus 
Professor Rutherford has recently performed a beau- 
tiful experiment by which he detects electrically a por- 
tion of helitmi gas, which he calculates to be of the 
dimensions of a chemical atom. Here, he says, we 
have at last an actual experimental proof of the reality 
of the chemical atom. Does not this experiment show 
just the reverse? The idea underlying aU atomic 

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theories is that the indivisible unit of matter is so small 
that it can be dealt with experimentally and mathe- 
matically in aggregates only. So when he devises an 
apparatus so delicate as to detect the action of a single 
particle the size of the so-called chemical atom, he 
forces us to adopt for the real atom a smaller unit 
whose individual variations will be beneath our obser- 
vation. The unit of matter becomes just one degree 
further removed f rcmi matter as we know it. Instead 
of squaring our hypotheses with the sensible proper- 
ties of matter, we may thus more easily make matter a 
purely transcendental quantity which we create ac- 
cording to our own imaginations. Would it not be bet- 
ter frankly to say the material universe is merely a 
world of ideas, an embodiment of intangible motion, 
energy, and electricity, rather than to keep up the 
fiction that the electron is the ultimate imit of sub- 

Apparently the chemical molecule is a well-defined 
point in the regular divisibility of matter where cer- 
tain physical apparatus, as the balance, fail to record 
variations in so small a body; but, by the use of 
chemical appliances, we are able to take note of still 
smaller masses, which have been named the atoms of 
the chemical molecules. At this point these methods 
become too gross, and we next have recourse to the 
electrification of the gaseous atoms by the X-rays or 
by radium, and can then detect variations in/-these j 

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particles by means of the electroscope. These smaller 
portions of matter are called electrons or sub-atoms, 
and for the time being we have rested here. But would 
anycwie say that new methods of analysis and new 
apparatus of registration are an impossibility, and 
that the electron will not in future be divided? On 
the other side of the series the mote, dancing in the 
sunbeam and disappearing when the light fails it, is an 
indivisible atom to the unskilled man deprived of sensi- 
tive apparatus. The fact is, the atom as an objective 
unit of matter has no existence; we name that portion 
of matter an atom when we have reached a limit of 
appreciation of matter by our most sensitive apparatus. 
If these fundamental and irrational assumptions of 
plenum and sub-atom be once granted, then a me- 
chanical explanation of many of the phenomena of na- 
ture follows logically. But this is also true if we 
postulate that matter is composed of the four es- 
sences,— earth, air, fire, and water; and one has only to 
recall the success of Descartes with his three elements. 
The question is, are the postulates true? If we can- 
not verify them by experiment, then science should 
reject them. On this criterion the sub-atom is as 
vulnerable as any other postulate. The conclusions, 
deduced, may give a truly mechanical explanation; for, 
in spite of denying the existence of matter in the be- 
ginning, the substitute electricity is at once endowed 
with all the essential characteristics of the discarded 

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matter, such as inertia, conservation, gravitational at- 
traction, extent, etc. Certain additional properties 
add to its conquests, since, by splitting up the atoms, a 
new set of pawns is available to the players of this 
game of probability and chance. 

The diversity of the chemical elements may be said 
to result f rcwn the various stable combinations which 
the sub-atoms may be made to assume. Professor 
Rutherford developed his ingenious theory of radio- 
activity by supposing certain elements to be in a state of 
comparatively unstable equilibrium. A definite pro- 
portion of their atoms explodes continuously, reduc- 
ing the atomic weight of the parent body, and supply- 
ing the spontaneous energy noted experimentally. This 
process continues until a stat)le form is reached. But 
does he not forget that one of the triumphs of the old 
atomic theory, a proof that the chemical atom could 
never be divided into sub-atoms, was that when an un- 
stable c(Mnpound, like gunpowder, exploded, the con- 
stituents were found to be stable chemical atoms? 

The phenomena of electricity are naturally the main 
problems attacked. A current of electricity in this new 
hypothesis becomes the flow of immaterial particles 
of electricity in a metal conduit, carrying with them 
their energy of motion. In non-conductors, like glass, 
they may be heaped up into an excess of positive or 
negative to provide a picture of the free charges on such 
substances. Radiant light, heat, and electricity: are 


the periodic disturbances produced in the plenum by the 
oscillatory motions of the same particles about fixed 
centers. These are said to be useful ideas and clear 
explanations. But are they? Have we accomplished 
anything more than to reaffirm the statement that a 
current of electricity imder certain conditions flows 
through a wire, when we say a stream of charged par- 
ticles moves through the wire? In the first place, we 
create the particles, and next endow them with an 
occult power of motion. Again, when zinc and cop- 
per are placed in contact and separated, the zinc be- 
comes positively charged with electricity, the copper 
with negative, and the two attract each other. Do we 
learn anything more when we affirm that an excess of 
positive electrical particles passes into the zinc and 
negative ones into the copper ? Why should they act so ? 
In both cases we have merely stated an unknowable 
cause in different words. The law remains the same 
whether we say electricity or electrical particle, and 
the former term expresses less pretense of knowledge. 
Far more significant, and less justifiable even, is the 
attempt to explain the mass of a body as an attribute of 
electricity. Mathematical analysis shows that an elec- 
trically charged body, moving with great velocity, has 
a resistance to motion apparently greater than when 
not so charged. Now, they say, continually diminish 
the ponderable mass of the body and maintain the elec- 
tric charge constant ; the electro-magnetic ma^, as this 

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effect of electricity is called, becomes proportionately 
greater and greater. Continue this process indefinitely, 
and at last all the matter is gone, and there remains a 
free electric charge, an immaterial point of electricity, 
moving and possessing inertia or mass. And just here 
lies the greatest danger of all such hypothesis — a, total 
confusion of fact and fancy. In the first place, it is 
not even based on experience, since the most rapidly 
moving bodies of a sensible size have a velocity far 
too little to make this effect noticeable. But, what 
is more important, it is a method of thought to be used 
with the utmost caution even in experimental processes. 
The warning against such extra-polation is metaphor- 
ically displayed in every physical laboratory. How we 
would scorn the unscientific conclusions of the meta- 
physicist who reasoned in the same way! Let us 
imagine one saying that goodness is an attribute of 
small, as well as of large men; now diminish the size 
of a man and let his quality of goodness remain con- 
stant, then we shall have an entity, concrete goodness, 
left when the man shrinks to nothing. It is not neces- 
sary to use such an absurd example, as a parallel case 
exists in physical phenomena. A sphere, moving in 
a fluid, experiences a like increase in apparent mass, 
due to the necessity of imparting energy to the fluid. 
Now decrease continually the density or mass of the 
body and maintain its volume and velocity constant; 
the hydrodynamic mass becomes proportionately 



greater. Ccwitinue this process until the matter is all 
gone, and there is left a sphere of something with an 
apparent mass still moving through the fluid. Will 
it not be difficult to persuade anyone that the something 
moving did not vanish simultaneously with the ma- 
terial sphere — that the attribute did not vanish with 
the entity? It will be just as hard to convince the 
future scientist, when the vogue of the electrical theory 
departs, that an electrical charge remains after the elec- 
trified matter is reasoned away. Such ideas leave us 
in the same foolish state as the hunters of the Snark, 
who, after incredible labors, came to the place where 
a Snark should be, and found it was a Boojum which 
vanished silently away. 

If I am correct in believing the fallacy to lie in try- 
ing to explain natural laws, it is not pertinent to 
inquire further into the working of this electrical 
hypothesis. The essential point is whether physics has 
anything to do with the nature of matter and elec- 
tricity. AtcMns and ethers of any kind are metaphys- 
ical creations; the mechanical models built on such an 
unsubstantial foundation require a god to set them go- 
ing, and are, at best, an ineffectual means of describing 
phenomena previously observed, and not finger-posts 
to new discoveries. 

The claim, that such arguments as this are ineffectual 
criticism because they tend to destroy the scientific 
method most used and offer nothing better inHts stead, 

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is frequently made by scientific theorists who recognize 
the artificiality of their hypotheses but who feel that, in 
some way, they tend to good. They forget that the 
growth of science has always been largely due to the 
discovery and the elimination of error. If we wish to 
make a garden, the first necessity is to clear away the 
weeds, and the same is true of science; it is as impor- 
tant to know what is wrong as what is right. But 
even this claim is not correct, the better method is 
known and is in use. Have they forgotten the work of 
Galileo, of Newton, of Franklin, and of many others, 
who employed the abstractive method, or, at least, kept 
their hypotheses well in the background? Nor is it 
difficult, if one studies the history of physics, to out- 
line the basis of a method in harmony with my ideas, 
as I shall do in a later chapter. 

Nothing has been more convincing to me of the 
advantages of the abstractive over the hypothetical 
method than a study of Descartes*s Principia Naturae. 
Modem theorists have acknowledged their debt to 
him; how great is this obligation can be seen from the 
discussion of Descartes*s system which follows. A 
comparison of his postulates and conclusions with 
those of our modern theory shows them to be almost 
identical, if we change his antiquated knowledge and 
his discarded metaphysical language into modem 
terminology. And lastly we should compare Descartes 
with modem physicists ; his knowledge of the phenom- j 


ena and laws of nature is insignificant, so great has 
been our progress in this respect, bqt as a metaphys- 
icist he is still the master of modem scientific hypoth- 
esis, so little has been accomplished in that field in two 
hundred years. 



De s'^arer avec m^thode.— Michklbt. 

If it be true that the permanent advances made in 
science have been the result of observing phenomena 
and of classifying them in laws which are as often as 
possible to be expressed by mathematical formulae; and 
if it be also true that we have persisted in the effort 
to explain the causes of phenomena without really 
Advancing knowledge; then it will be most useful to 
compare our present state with that of an earlier time. 
For this purpose, I have chosen to sketch the scientific 
system of Descartes. In the first place, there can be 
no doubt as to the enormous increase in our positive 
knowledge of phenomena and natural laws since his 
time; the difference is so great that there is no need 
to dwell on it. And yet, if we consider the history of 
Descartes's hypothetical cosmogony, we learn that it 
was discarded only to have a revival at the present 
time. The advantage of reviewing the system of Des- 
cartes is all the greater because it seems apparent that 
many of those who are quoting his authority have not 
an accurate knowledge of what he taught. 

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So far as I can see the hypothetical method has its 
most illustrious example in Descartes, and instead of 
aiding us to gain real and clear ideas, he has burdened 
science with useless and complicated metaphysical sys- 
tems. Instead of being a symptom of power, the reluc- 
tance to recognize the limits of science comes rather 
from a certain intellectual cowardice which refuses to 
acknowledge the truth, that we cannot attain any knowl- 
edge of things themselves but only of their attributes 
as they affect our senses. If we really face the ques- 
tion; strip our scientific hypotheses of their tedmical 
phraseology and complex logic, and try to get a clear 
and simple idea of what they mean, we find that we 
have been deceiving ourselves. In the first place, we 
use words, which ordinarily convey definite ideas, in a 
sense purely symbolical, and then confuse the image 
and the reality. For example, when we define space 
or the ether as a perfect fluid, we deceive ourselves 
into believing that we have gained a clearer idea of 
space by applying to it a term which signifies the 
mobility of matter. But this attribute can be applied 
only to a material fluid whose change of position may 
be measured, and such a fluid appeals to us as some- 
thing essentially different from immaterial space. Nor 
do we overcome this difficulty by qualifying space as 
a perfect fluid; any fluid is perfect which satisfies the 
laws of its nature, and we practice deception when we 
inject the ethical meaning of perfect, as being some- 

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thing above ordinary criticism, into the scientific 
definition of a fluid. We have also constructed a sym- 
bolic language, called mathematical analysis, whose 
characters and terms are so removed from ordinary 
speech that it imposes on our minds an impression of 
not being limited by the bounds of logic. Thus, if we 
derive a mathematical formula for the quantity of 
heat or electrical energy which passes through free 
space, we deceive ourselves by thinking that we have 
an expression not only for a quantity of energy, but 
that also we have in some unaccountable way gained 
a knowledge of the nature of energy and of the at- 
tributes of space. And we slur over the scientific 
axiom, that since these mathematical symbols did not 
express in the beginning something concrete, they can- 
not after any manipulation give a result which is other 
than imaginative. Again, we postulate some entity 
such as matter, energy, or electricity, as a foundation 
and attempt to derive logically from it all the phe- 
nomena of nature, and ignore the plain fact that 
nature, as a whole, reveals itself to us as a succession 
of events, either not connected at all in a logical se- 
quence of cause and effect, or at least in such an intri- 
cate tangle as to defy our powers of analysis. 

During the last two decades, there have been dis- 
covered an unusually large number of physical phe- 
nomena, and it is no exaggeration to say that we have 
mastered them with surprising rapidity and with-great j 

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ingenuity. At the same time we have turned to these 
new manifestations of matter and energy with the 
hope that in them we have at last found the materials 
for a new and lasting scientific cosmogony. But the 
edifice differs in appearance only from that built 
long ago by Descartes; and the materials in both 
are the same, changed in name but not in sub- 

By a scientific cosmogony, as distinguished from 
revelation and from metaphysics, is here meant that 
we first postulate an archetypal form of substance and 
certain fundamental forces, few in number and in- 
herent in this entity, and that then the universe, as it 
now exists, follows as the result of the continued 
action of these forces on this substance. That is, the 
state of the universe may be expressed at any time 
subsequent to the initial action of the forces by a set 
of mathematical or verbal formulae. And if we could 
actually, as we can theoretically, reverse the action of 
these forces in time and in direction, the primal 
condition of the universe would again result. It is 
furthermore postulated that this archetypal substance 
existed originally in the form of minute particles, 
separate from each other and exactly similar in char- 
acter, and that the forces acting on these particles were 
in such perfect balance that the total value of their 
effect was zero. From some cause, generally unex- 
plained, this balance was destroyed and, like a clock 

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when its pendulum has once been jogged, the panorama 
of cosmical history unrolls itself inexorably. Thus 
the universe becomes a sort of machine whose parts are 
mechanically driven, not by some external motive force, 
but by the mutual reactions of its parts, and so destined 
in time to run down when this internal and available 
energy shall have exhausted itself. And when we 
speak of the universe, all that part of it designated 
as living bodies and vital forces is to be included, be- 
cause of the belief that they also can be considered as 
ponderable masses subject to physical and chemical 

As an original hypothesis the work of Lucretius is 
of no consequence. In fact his atomic theory was 
taken almost entirely from Democritus, and it was 
rather by the vision of the poet than by the logical 
analysis of the man of science that he developed these 
ideas into a picture of the nature of our world. His 
theory was, in brief, that the imiverse contained in an 
otherwise empty space an indefinite number of indivis- 
ible and immeasurably small particles, called atoms, 
which differed only in size, position, and shape. These 
atoms were indestructible and by their combination 
and separation formed all natural bodies. The motion 
of the atoms did not arise frcwn external forces but 
was an inherent property of their nature. With a com- 
mon impulse, they all moved toward the center of the 
tmiverse, but in addition they possessed an individualj 

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power of irregular deflexion which introduced variety 
in matter. By their union they formed bodies; and by 
their impact and rebound they caused vortical motions 
which now find expression in our term, energy. As an 
explanation of natural phenomena the theory has no 
value, as it originated long before the mathematical 
laws of forces had been formulated or the phenomena 
of matter had been accurately observed ; but as a guide 
to thought it has been the basis of most of the later 
scientific theories. Gradually elaborated by Gassendi, 
Newton, Boyle, Kant, Laplace, Dalton, and others, 
this atomic theory is still the touchstone of modem 
chemistry and physics. 

Possibly the vastest consequence of the atomic 
theory is the nebular hypothesis developed independ- 
ently by Kant and Laplace. Essentially this theory 
is a restatement of the ideas of Democritus and Lucre- 
tius, yet the discovery by Newton of the mathematical 
law of the force of gravitation permitted for the first 
time a true scientific method. Thus, while they were 
compelled to assume, as arbitrarily as did Lucretius, an 
initial state of chaos when matter was scattered in 
atomic masses throughout space, they nevertheless had 
a cause when for any reason the original balance of 
forces was disturbed, experimentally verified and 
mathematically expressed, to account for the gradual 
agglomeration of atoms into larger masses at definite 
places, from the fact that any two masses of sensible 

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size were known to have a mutual attraction varying 
inversely as the square of the distance between their 
centers. The active attribute of matter, ruling and 
guiding its motion, thus became independent of fancy 
and subject to experimental verification. The nebular 
hypothesis has remained more or less a fragment, 
limited to the determination of the sizes, masses^ and 
positions of celestial bodies and systems. Neither Kant 
nor Laplace, except for a discussion of temperatures, 
included in their scheme of the evolution of inorganic 
matter the causes of the complex forms and forces 
of matter now observed on the earth or stars. Nor 
beyond assuming that matter was determined by mass 
and an inherent power of attraction, did they make any 
attempt to explain how this occult force acted through 
a distance. And from this simplified idea of matter 
without variety and without ccwnplexity, they were 
able to deduce mathematically and logically the idea of 
the evolution of cosmical matter, from a condition of 
primitive distribution, at least to its segregation into 
cosmical systems: suns, planets, and satellites. And 
if we remember that Kant approached the problem 
from the standpoint of the metaphysician and Laplace 
from that of the pure mathematician, we can readily 
understand why they both were satisfied to take such an 
abstract view of the universe, and also the simplicity 
and the insufficiency of such a method. Astronomy is 
the one science, because of the comparatively enormous 


magnitude of its units, which permits such an abstract 
simplification of matter as to consider it merely in the 
form of masses concentrated at mathematical points. 
Where we deal with bodies measured in millions of 
tons and with distances in millions of miles, such varia- 
tions as are found in the laboratory sink into com- 
parative insignificance and we can deal with averages 
instead of particulars. On tEe whole their attempt was 
a success since we can find few flaws in the general 
conception of a nebular hypothesis, however we may 
differ as to details. And just because the phenomena 
discussed are so few in number and so general in char- 
acter, there was not the need for supposititious causes 
and fictitious attributes, provided we grant their initial 
state of the universe and the first cause contributing to 
irregularity and the beginning of motion. These pos- 
tulates are of course entirely arbitrary and require 
us to assume an existence previous to time, since time 
has no meaning in a universe which is everywhere in a 
state of perfect equilibrium and rest. Undoubtedly 
the reason why this hypothesis persists in its principal 
features to the present time, in spite of constant 
attacks, is just because its authors exercised self- 
restraint, holding to general laws and avoiding specific 
details. Some form of cosmical evolution is now gen- 
erally granted and the heavens are swept by gigantic 
telescopes which linger on the nebulae, in the hope that 
accurate measurement will show that these ^arently 

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chaotic masses are slowly changing into the more stable 
form of stellar systems. 

Side by side with the belief in atoms, separated from 
each other in empty space, had grown up the directly 
contrary idea that substance is continuous and space 
is a plenum. This doctrine permits us to make no 
essential difference between space and matter. Space 
becomes a continuous substance unvaried, and so im- 
perceptible to our senses, while matter is merely a 
localized variation of this same substance of such a 
nature as to make it perceptible. And it is significant 
of these two systems, that although they begin with 
contradictory premises, they both lead to the same 
conclusions after apparently rigorous deductions. 

The doctrine of continuity owes its rise to Hera- 
clitus and, amongst the Greeks, was most highly de- 
veloped by Aristotle. They announced this postulate 
because the notion that a body can attract another 
through an intervening vacuum and cause it to move 
introduces an occult or inexplicable idea. Our experi- 
ence teaches us that motion results only from a push or 
impact between bodies actually in contact. But it is 
quite evident, that in refusing to accept a force which 
acts contrary to our experience, which all goes to show 
that a material link is necessary to produce motion 
between bodies, they fell into as serious a difficulty, 
for they were ccmipelled to create an occult substance 
to serve as the material link between bodies, aiid> occult 

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variations in it for the bodies themselves. As explana- 
tions of phenomena both ideas are occult, but not to 
the same degree. We know, for a fact, that there is 
an attractive force between bodies of sensible size, 
although we cannot explain its cause, and we can 
in our imaginations transfer a like form to bodies of 
an insensible size with some probability of truth. But 
the postulation of a plenum of continuous substance and 
of variations in it, which affect us as matter, is wholly 
occult since we have no experience from sensible mat- 
ter to guide us ; in fact, both plenum and its variations 
always have characteristics assigned to them directly 
contrary to the evidence of our senses. 

The history of scientific theory is a record of the 
conflict between these rival ideas of continuity and dis- 
continuity of substance. While the atomistic school 
has frequently had the advantage, since the time of 
Descartes the doctrine of the continuity of matter has 
persisted in some form, and at the present time is 
again established as the basis of physical theory. 
Nevertheless, the cosmical system as deduced by Des- 
cartes from this hypothesis of a plenum has suffered 
shipwreck and comparatively few think it profitable to 
study it in detail. Before we adopt his principles and 
discard his conclusions, it is at least advisable to see 
whether his errors lie in the principles themselves or 
in the inability of Descartes to derive true conclusions 
from correct principles. Fortunately, we have in the 

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Discours de la Mithode, in the Principia Naturqe, and 
in the many letters of Descartes an unusually com- 
plete record of his principles, his method, and his con- 

In character, training, and opportunities, few if any 
philosophers have been better equipped for their task 
than Descartes. As has been said of him, "he is a 
type of that spirit of science to which erudition and all 
the heritage of the past seem but elegant trifling." He 
believed and acted on the opinion that no scientific 
knowledge is attainable unless men doubt ; unless they 
put aside authority and rely on their own experience. 

Descartes has in his Principia Naturae set forth 
with specious simplicity the causes, laws, and the phe- 
nomena of the universe as he finds them. Geometry 
is to be the ruler or at least the vicegerent, and no 
substance will be discussed except such as may be 
divided, figured, and moved according to the laws 
which geometers hold to govern quantity, nor will 
any proposition be considered proved unless it has 
been deduced with such evidence as would suffice for a 
mathematical demonstration. With vexatious incon- 
sistency, he then destroys the force of this admirable 
introduction by carefully warning us not to consider 
his premises true or his conclusions conformable to 
fact, since his scheme is really an hypothesis or sup- 
positicm as to what might be and not what is. This 
caution is usually attributed to his fear lest he/shouldj 


arouse the hostility of the Church and suffer a penalty 
similar to that which had just overwhelmed Galileo. 
His own plea was that he valued peace more than the 
spread of his opinions and also that he had always 
been a good Catholic and bowed to the authority of 
the Church, even when its decrees were contrary to his 
reason. But it is also possible that doubts arose in 
his own mind as his system developed and that when 
he found it necessary to compromise with the rigorous 
principles he had announced, he tried to disarm criti- 
cism by the plea that after all he was really concerned 
only with a fictitious world. 

At all events, while the laws of the heavens were 
under consideration, he permitted this veil of unreality 
to remain very thin; for he knew the Church wisely 
allowed considerable latitude of thought concerning 
those regions of space which apparently contained no 
sut)jects to Catholicism, and he felt scientifically safe 
in a field where verification by experiment was only 
beginning to be advocated. But the case was altered 
when he came to discuss terrestrial laws and phe- 
nomena, for here both Church and experience held 
sway and must be conciliated. In this field Descartes, 
mindful probably of both of these perils, relied on the 
same hypothesis, but to placate the Church he insisted 
that it was to be understood only in a most figurative 
sense, because we know that God created the earth, 
finished and perfect, as revealed in the Mosaic account; 

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and to disarm scientific criticism, his postulates he de- 
clared to be fictions, but in some way without depart- 
ing from correct mathematical deductions, his conclu- 
sions were similar to experience. 

It would be difficult to understand from these con- 
tradictory statements what was Descartes's real opinion 
of his scheme. But he has this answer in another part 
of his Principia, an answer which carries conviction. 
Since we have an idea of perfection, we have also 
the certainty of the existence of God, or an all-perfect 
Being. And because this God is justice itself, if the 
principles laid down by him are evident, if the con- 
sequences are founded on mathematical laws, and if 
the deductions agree with experience, it would be 
ascribing injustice to God to believe that the causes of 
the effects are false. Now observe how far Descartes 
believes he has fulfilled these conditions: " je ne pense 
pas qu'on doive recevoir d'autres principes en la 
Physique, ni mesme qu'on ait raison d*en souhaiter 
d'autres, que ceux qui sont icy expliquez." 

Descartes has recorded for us how he arrived at the 
postulates from which he developed his natural laws. 
Having previously laid aside preconceived ideas, he 
found that to doubt is the first and only means of 
knowledge; we can doubt the existence of everything 
except that which doubts, therefore that which doubts 
or thinks, exists. Whence he derives the principle 
that our thoughts and the things we have an idea of* 

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are real and objective to us. However, by such a proc- 
ess we do not obtain a knowledge of things themselves, 
but only of their attributes. Hence, the final reality 
must be those attributes which are inseparable from our 
conception of all phenomena, and there should be 
some one essential attribute which may be used to 
designate things in general. Thus hardness, while it is 
an attribute, is not essential, for a body moving at 
the same speed as ourselves does not give us the sensa- 
tion of hardness. After careful consideration he found 
that simple extent in length, breadth, and thickness is 
the one attribute common and essential to all mat- 
ter. Not only is this true, but the extent of matter is 
identical with the extent of space : " The same extent in 
length, breadth, and thickness, which constitutes spaqe, 
constitutes a body; and the difference between them 
lies in this, that we attribute to a body a particular and 
limited extent which changes position with the body as 
it moves, and that we attribute to space an extent so 
general and so vague that when we remove from a cer- 
tain space the body which occupied it we do not think 
we have transported the extent with it ; meanwhile the 
extent of the body remains of the same size, of the 
same figure, and has changed position with respect to 
the body only as we determine position by other 

The reason, according to Descartes, why we have 
been led to believe that substance is different from 


space, and that it consists of atoms either in a vacuum 
or in a non-material medium, is the property known as 
expansion and contraction. As an illustration, he in- 
stances a sponge, which changes size but not character 
when its pores are filled with water. Here we have a 
change of size from the change of position of sponge- 
matter, the two kinds being of the same essence. So 
the change of volume of any body is due to a change 
of position of matter-substance produced by a change 
of space-substance, which also are essentially the same 
and differ only in accidental qualities. 

Furthermore, since we cannot imagine a space so 
great that there cannot be a greater, or so small that 
it cannot be divided, then as matter is essentially the 
same as space, it too must be indefinitely great in ex- 
tent and indefinitely divisible. 

This is a very complicated way of getting back to 
one's starting point. He says first, that substance is 
extension and then that space is extension, but since 
extension is everywhere and space is nowhere vacuous, 
a body is a body. 

Having discussed the nature of matter in general, 
he then finds that diversity in matter and also its dif- 
ferentiation from space can consist only in variations 
of position and motion of small parts of space which 
are themselves exactly similar. As corollaries to this 
definition, it follows that there can be neither absolute 
position nor absolute motion. To determine the^posi- 

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tion and motion of a body we must use some other body 
as a point of reference. But in this system, all space is 
capable of motion and, in fact, is in rapid motion, and 
with no possible stationary reference point all positions 
and motions are merely relative. This question of abso- 
lute motion has been the subject of much discussion in 
the last few years, as certain phenomena of light re- 
quire that, granting a luminiferous ether, it must be 
absolutely stationary. And experiments have been de- 
vised to determine whether we can measure the absolute 
velocity of matter with respect to the ether. As in all 
experiments involving the ether, the results are 

Nor, in the theory of Descartes, can there be action 
at a distance, for matter is continuous and all motion 
is the result of a push or impact. Motion, therefore, 
he defines as the transference of a part of matter or of 
a body from the neighborhood of those which touch it 
immediately, and which we consider at rest, to the 
neighborhood of others. And since all space is full 
of matter, or rather is matter, each body is so fashioned 
that it can never occupy a greater or a less space, nor 
can any other body occupy the space while it is there; 
therefore if a body move to another position, it must 
displace an occupant ; and this, another ; so that every 
motion results in a closed ring of moved bodies, each 
finally occupying the space left by its previous occu- 


These postulates of Descartes, that space is a plenum 
and motion the result of an impact, required him to 
oppose such theorists as Gassendi who were advocat- 
ing the atomic theory and an occult attractive force in 
matter as its cause of motion. It thus became of prime 
importance for him to formulate laws of impact and 
motion. This was an extremely difficult problem, espe- 
cially so as the available knowledge of the phenomena 
of impact and motion was very deficient and, such 
as it was, indicated that friction produced an uncom- 
pensated diminution of velocity. With great care and 
in minute detail, he announced such laws as would, in 
his opinion, maintain constant the total quantity of 
motion or momentum of the universe in spite of fric- 
tion. That is, such laws as would transfer the loss of 
motion of one body by impact to an equivalent increase 
of another. These laws are: 

God in his omnipotence created matter with motion 
and rest. 

If a body move twice as fast as another twice as 
great, the quantity of motion of the two is the 

All bodies, which move, tend to move in straight 
lines and can change their direction only by encounter- 
ing others. 

If a moving body strike another of greater mo- 
mentum (plus fort) than itself, it loses none of its 
motion and if it strikes another with a less momentum 


(plus foible) which it can move, it loses as much mo- 
tion as it gives to the other. 

Then seven other laws of impact of less importance 
follow, which it is not necessary to quote, as Huygens 
later showed that all eight were, for the most part, 

In spite of the fact that Descartes, without verifica- 
tion, invented the laws of motion of bodies and of 
their impact, yet we must recognize that he sought 
and found one of the great scientific principles ; that un- 
less the universe is tending to a state of uniform rest 
through dissipation of motion by friction, some active 
property of matter must be conservative in addition to 
its quantity. While his particular law of the con- 
servation of momentum was erroneous, yet it is un- 
doubtedly the progenitor of the law finally enunciated 
by von Helmholtz and now generally accepted, that the 
total quantity of energy remains constant. 

With these general principles settled, the nature of 
space and matter, and its conservation of quantity and 
action, we shall defer criticism and describe the vari- 
ous kinds and phenomena of matter as nearly as pos- 
sible in the sense of Descartes. 

We are to suppose that, in the beginning of time, 

God divided all space or substance into equal parts, 

which, contrary to the chaos pictured by poets and 

philosophers, had been previously in perfect uniformity 

. and rest. Out of these primordial particles of space 


were fashioned all the small constituent parts of mat- 
ter which now compose not only all terrestrial and 
celestial bodies but also the interstellar spaces. While 
we do not know the actual size of these particles, as 
they were originally or as they are now after they have 
suffered changes, some growing smaller by division and 
others larger by the accretion of many into one from 
causes which will be described later; yet their first 
size must have been the exact average of all the con- 
stituent particles now comprising the universe. God 
also caused these primordial particles to move, and 
with equal force in two diverse fashions : each to rotate 
about its own center to form the constituent elements 
of the interstellar spaces, or, as Descartes calls them, 
the fluid body of the heavens, and many to revolve to- 
gether about common axes, creating vortices whose 
centers are the nuclei of the sun and fixed stars in the 
heavens. The velocity of this uniform motion was the 
average of all the diverse motions existing now, so 
that the quantity of motion or momentum has remained . 
constant throughout all time. 

Although these primordial particles were of equal 
size and motion, they could not have been spherical in 
shape, since a pile of spheres does not fill a space and 
there must be no vacuum. But whatever their initial 
figure may have been, they have in the course of time 
become exact spheres. The cause of this change of 
shape is, that the force, by which they were first maveAi 


was sufficiently great to separate them from each other, 
and was therefore great enough to knock off their 
angular edges and corners because of the concussions 
of their future impacts. The result of such a constant 
attrition is well known to be that the body approaches 
the figure of a sphere, just as the pebble on the seashore 
becomes round from the grinding of the waves and its 

This action gives rise to three f orips of matter which 
constitute the universe, and whose various forms of ag- 
gregation and proportions of mixture, with their re- 
sulting varieties of motion, account for all the diversi- 
fied kinds and attributes of matter and space. 

The first kind of matter is the cosmic dust of attri- 
tion or the little fragments resulting from the above 
mentioned collisions. They are excessively small and 
have acquired enormous velocities, because the larger 
particles, from which they were split off, have con- 
strained them to move faster than themselves through 
the narrow and tortuous paths formed by their inter- 
stices, just as air in a whistle moves the faster, the 
smaller the orifice from which it issues. They are 
also so numerous, so various in size, and so irregular 
of shape, that there are always sufficient of them ready 
to hand to fill exactly any space which might other- 
wise be left vacuous by the arrangement and motion of 
their parent sphericules. 

The second elementary kind includes all the> rest of 

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matter and space, whose least parts are spheres and 
smaller than any body we know, but they are much 
larger than matter of the first kind. 

There is also a third kind of matter formed by con- 
glomerate masses of the other two kinds, which have 
become so linked and interlaced together as to be in- 
separable, at least by human means. The pores of 
these masses are filled with the spheres of the second 
kind and the fragments of the first kind. 

The first kind of matter forms the sun and the fixed 
stars ; the second kind is the material for the so-called 
empty spaces of the heavens; and the third is the basis 
of the diversified bodies composing the earth, the 
planets, and the comets. 

As stated before, this elementary matter was origi- 
nally endowed with two kinds of motion: the rotation 
of each particle about its own axis and the revolution 
of many about a common axis, forming a vortex or 
whirlpool. Descartes then portions out the heavens 
so that the axis of a vortex will pass through the center 
of each star, including the sun. The outer limit of 
each vortex extends so far in every direction as to 
touch the confines of each of the neighboring stat- 
vortices ; in this manner all space is occupied by them, 
rushing about their several axes with a velocity de- 
creasing as the distance from the axis increases. It 
is naturally a problem of great intricacy to place these 
immense vortices so that they will not interfere^ with, 

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each other's motion, and he spends much labor and 
great ingenuity in describing the possible inclinations 
of axes and directions of motion of such a system, 
but not satisfactorily. 

The sun and stars, as they now are, were not created 
contemporaneously with the vortices but were a gradual 
growth from them. When more dust of attrition was 
ground from the rotating matter of a vortex than was 
sufficient to fill the interstices of this matter, it began 
to flow toward the center and along the axis of the 
vortex, gradually forming there a nucleus, trh subtil et 
tris liquide; namely, a limiinous star. According to 
Descartes's idea, which in spite of his contempt for au- 
thority he borrowed from Aristotle and the schoolmen, 
these stellar masses, consisting of matter of the first 
kind exclusively, are pure celestial fire, which is thus 
an entity and of all things the most fluid and so vio- 
lently agitated as to be able to disintegrate the most 
solid bodies. Fire of itself does not need to be replen- 
ished but only seems to need replenishment, because the 
particles of a terrestrial fire are constantly flying 
away and being dissipated, and so must be renewed by 
others derived from the pores of gross combustible 
bodies and of air; but in celestial fires there is no need 
of external replenishment because the steady stream 
of fire-substance, flowing of its own accord to the 
center of the vortex, maintains a constant supply. 

Alas, that the spectroscope should show us that our sun 

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and the stars are not this pure elemental fire but merely 
heated matter of a terrestrial nature. Such havoc does 
experiment play with a grandiose hypothesis. We 
may, however, pass over difficulties impossible to have 
been foreseen by Descartes, since many men of science 
still think an hypothesis valuable if it escapes con- 
temporaneous troubles, and of these there are always 
an abundance. 

Between these star centers lie the great interstellar 
spaces which some believe to be vacuous but which 
Descartes supposes are packed with matter of the sec- 
ond kind. The interstices, which would otherwise 
exist between these little spheres, are filled with matter 
of the first kind. And all together they rush around 
common axes to form the vast heavenly vortices with 
a velocity enormous but less than that of the celestial 
fire of the stars. 

This accounts for all the universe except those parts 
occupied by terrestrial and planetary bodies, which 
are composed mostly of matter of the third kind. The 
constituent parts of this kind of matter, as stated be- 
fore, consist of agglomerated masses of the other two 
kinds, whose pores are filled with matter of the first 
and second kinds still in their simple state. Accord- 
ing to the relative proportions and various arrange- 
ments of these three constituents, we distinguish all the 
different bodies which are classed as solids, liquids, 
and gases. Of these, solid bodies are those whose 'eastj 


parts are made of closely packed and intricately ar- 
ranged particles, which can move with respect to each 
other but very slightly, if at all. The spaces between 
the constituent parts of a liquid are greater and contain 
a larger proportion of the subtle elements than solids ; 
while gases have their particles so separated that they 
approach fire in their freedom of motion. As he 
quaintly puts it : a body is a fluid when it is divided in 
many little parts which are free to move separately in 
various ways, and it is hard when all its parts are so 
interlaced that there is no action capable of separating 
them. Cohesion in hard bodies is caused by the lack 
of motion of their constituent parts, for no cement 
could be harder than rest, which is the quality the most 
contrary to motion. He does not tell us how to inter- 
lace and twist a number of spheres and irregular 
fragments together, so as to form compact and in- 
extricable units of matter. To anyone but a great 
philosopher they would remain ropes of sand. 

Descartes had spent much time investigating the ex- 
perimental laws and phenomena of light and with 
notable success. One of his greatest ambitions was 
evidently to explain the nature of light and the mode of 
its transmission, for he discusses these in great detail 
in his Principia and refers to his solution of the prob- 
lem constantly in his letters with much complacency. 

As noted, the substance of the sun and stars is like 
fire in respect to its motions; for there is nothing 


more agitated than fire which can disintegrate even 
solid matter into its smallest parts, and then carry them 
away. So we should believe that the matter of the 
sun is celestial fire, very fluid and agitated, carrying 
off with it particles of the heavens. Although matter 
of the first kind is constantly rushing along the axis 
toward the center of the vortex, yet, when it approaches 
that point, it experiences a tendency to fly out to the 
equatorial surface because of its centrifugal force. 
The effort, not only of the little spheres of the second 
kind but also of the fragmentary particles of the first 
kind, to leave the center of a stellar vortex, constitutes 
light. While all particles of a vortex may tend to 
move away from the center because of their cen- 
trifugal force, yet, since they are packed like balls in 
a cup, they cannot really move and so only tend to 
move. Just as when a sufficient hole is made in the 
bottom of a cup filled with balls, one of them drops 
through and all the balls lying within an inverted cone 
settle down; so it is with light, if any particle in space 
tends to moVe, this tendency or pressure is instantly 
transmitted to any distance along straight lines, which 
come not only from the center of a luminous body but 
also from all points in its superficies. If we attempted 
to discuss details, we should find ourselves worried 
and baffled between this tendency to move in a plenum 
and the real motions of balls in a cup containing free 
spaces between them. But there is little use m ^Q^Je 


over such a detail, when the entire conception is not 
light nor anything resembling light. Descartes may, 
perhaps, prove that this tendency to move proceeds 
in straight lines and would be reflected and refracted 
in agreement with the laws of light; that the inter- 
stellar spaces would be transparent; that terrestrial 
bodies would vary from transparency to opacity ac- 
cording to the greater proportion and complexity of 
matter of the third kind in their composition ; but the 
mechanism of all this is far more obscure and com- 
plicated than the phenomena it attempts to elucidate. 

This theory of light advanced in the Principia was, 
in a sense, supported by the rather meager experimental 
knowledge then existing, and seems at first plausible. 
But examined critically, and with the mind no longer 
awed, or perhaps hypnotized, by Descartes's sweep of 
imagination and his power of making words seem to 
express clear ideas when they really do not, his cause 
of light is found to be as arbitrary as the Hat lux of a 
God, and its effects mere confusion. In fact, it is the 
unavoidable weakness of any such hypothesis, and a 
very irritating and tantalizing weakness, that the words 
used apparently express things we can understand, and 
yet when we try to visualize these things, stripped of 
technical and intricate verbiage, the mind has received 
no clear impression. 

And here we have a splendid example of an hypoth- 
esis, whose foundations now seem ridiculous; whose 


laws are not correct generalizations; and whose con- 
clusions are unlike the phenomena of nature; which, 
nevertheless, anticipates an idea to be advanced again, 
after a century and a half. This hypothesis of light 
contains, as a corollary, the germ of the kinetic theory 
of heat. He discards the notion, which then generally 
prevailed, that heat was a sort of mysterious substance 
called caloric, for which indeed there was no place in 
his universe, and defines it as the oscillatory agitation 
of terrestrial particles, set up by the pressure of light. 
The pores of such bodies are tortuous, and the pressure 
of light on one end of such a gross and irregularly 
shaped particle may be greater than on the other end 
and so cause a tipping motion. Such a tilt would give 
an oscillatory motion to a particle, similar to a violin 
string when bowed, and he believed its momentum 
affects us as heat. An oscillation of this sort would 
communicate itself to neighboring particles and there- 
fore explains the conduction of heat from one part of 
a body to another ; also, it accounts for the expansion 
of bodies by heat, since vibrating particles usually re- 
quire more space than quiescent ones; but, on the 
other hand, they might be so shaped and arranged as to 
occupy less space, when in motion, and such a body 
should contract if heated. Such an effect was unknown 
at that time, but we ought to claim that it was bril- 
liantly verified when, in later years, water was ob- 
served to contract when heated from zero tg^four. 

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degrees Centigrade. Not to contradict known phe- 
nomena, and to anticipate some unknown ones, is held 
to be the justification of such hypotheses; by this 
standard Descartes was successful as few others have 
been. Yet, if we compare the splendid advances which 
he made in science by his experimental discoveries and 
his application of mathematics to physical laws, to the 
mass of falsehood in his metaphysical schemes by 
which he dominated science and which still flourish 
in the metaphysical theories now in vogue, we can 
hardly tell whether he has benefited or done harm to 
science by his labors. Possibly no labor is too great, 
if by it we arrive at ever so little truth, but no one can 
believe that this medieval conception of light and heat 
induced his successors to seek for a possible, but unex- 
pected, contraction of water. Surely the converse is 
the case and his metaphysical divination was purely 
specious ; the phenomena were discovered without any 
reference to his theory and probably without even a 
knowledge of it, and now, if we wish, we may use them 
as a buttress for Descartes's tottering edifice. 

The fourth and last book of the Principia is devoted 
to an explanation of the natural phenomena of the 
earth. At first the earth was a small stellar vortex, 
composed of matter of the first kind only, and was one 
of fourteen satellary nuclei located in our larger solar 
vortex. Gradually the less subtile parts of its mass 
attached themselves together and formed spots or 

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crusts on its surface, similar to sun-spots, a phe- 
nomenon then recently made known by the telescope. 
Sun-spots, because of the superior agitation of solar 
matter, are broken up and disappear, but the earth- 
spots formed more rapidly than they dissipated, finally 
covering its surface with a thick crust of many layers, 
composed of what he called matter of the third kind. 
This crust diminished the motion of the terrestrial 
vortex and finally destroyed it altogether, so that the 
earth with its atmosphere and its obscure bodies de- 
scended toward the sun to the place it now occupies. 

With the earth in its proper position and with the 
beginnings of diversity in its composition, Descartes 
was free to employ the remainder of his treatise to the 
description of the character of each aggregation of 
elementary matter necessary to form the various 
chemical substances; the proportions and velocities of 
the three kinds of matter to produce forces, such as 
cohesion, weight, etc., and the different geo-physical 
phenomena, such as winds, rain, and earthquakes. It 
is amazing how much he passes before our eyes, and 
how ingeniously he links his ideas, giving to them the 
appearance of the greatest plausibility. 

There is little profit in discussing these at length, 
for if the conclusions of the hypothesis were absurd 
when applied to those regions of space about which we 
even yet know little, they become grotesque when con- 
nected with matter which we can investigate e3q)eri- t 



mentally. Besides our thesis is with such methods in 
general, and in this respect only is a study of Des- 
cartes's system useful, as it is his method which still 
flourishes in the theories of physics and of other sci- 
ences. He is to be admired in this respect; when 
he had once outlined his premises and his method, he 
deduced his conclusions as rigorously as possible, and 
compared them consistently with experience; whereas 
it has become the custom now to alter postulates when- 
ever their conclusions point to error, with the result 
that it is most difficult to outline a consistent and in- 
vidual modem theory. If we study modem scientific 
theories we find that the postulates are as metaphysical, 
if not more so, than those of Descartes. They are 
stated with much assurance, but as the conclusions un- 
fold themselves, we begin to notice a certain hesitation 
and a desire to limit the discussion to a small and re- 
lated class of phenomena. Or if an excursion is made 
into a wider field, lack of confidence increases and usu- 
ally results in a modification and confusion of the 
postulates. If Descartes's theory may be illustrated as 
a tree with all its conclusions branching out from a 
single idea as a stem, our present state of physics is 
like a thicket of bushes with many stems so concealed 
and interwoven that the parent stem of any branch 
cannot be distinguished. 

I have sketched the most elaborate and comprehen- 
sive hypothesis ever developed in the name of science. 


which, if it means anything to mankind, is his best 
expression of verity and fact. Yet we see Descartes, 
an illustrious man of science, devoting his talents to 
the exposition of an openly confessed fiction. And his 
reputation rests on the belief that he has spun a web 
of fancy so subtly that it could deceive us. While 
additional knowledge has been acquired by us, no one 
has shown that modem theorists have discovered a 
method different and more trustworthy than that of 
Descartes. We recognize that many of the laws he 
formulated are false and that most of his facts have 
been corrected or disproved, but we should remember 
that modem hypotheses also are developed as a means 
of attacking unexplored regions of science where our 
own knowledge is either meager or false. For ex- 
ample, he felt it necessary to find a cause for the 
recently discovered sun-spots and then extended its 
action so as to change a vortex into a primitive ter- 
restrial planet. A better knowledge of these spots on 
the sun proves that his whole reasoning was false, or 
shall I say childish. But was it less plausible at that 
time or even less childish than is now our most recent 
theory; that an atom of matter is a system of cor- 
puscles, each of which is a unit of free negative elec- 
tricity moving with the velocity of light, and that this 
denatured bit of electricity is nothing but a localized 
strain in an ethereal plenum. Let us examine such a 
postulate as we would a similar statement if it had been 


made by Descartes. We may admit with Lord Kelvin 
that we know nothing about the real nature of elec- 
tricity. We do know experimentally that electricity 
seems to be associated always with matter; the greatest 
velocity we have caused or observed any body of an 
appreciable size to have, is one thousand eight hun- 
dred times less than the speed of light. An ethereal 
plenum is certainly only a matter of imagination, and 
the conception of matter as a strain in this imaginary 
plenum is hardly a clear idea. So it seems that the 
facts supporting our modern postulates regarding the 
nature of substance are as meager and doubtful, and 
our ideas as obscure for our purpose, as those of Des- 
cartes were for his. 

On the contrary, it is no exaggeration to say that 
there probably never lived a man better equipped than 
Descartes to make and to defend an hypothesis; his 
scientific skepticism, his freedom from the trammels 
of authority, his devotion and skill in experimental 
work, his determination to submit his ideas to the 
rigorous logic of mathematical analysis in which he 
was the leader of his age, were admirable qualities for 
such a purpose. A man who doubts even his own 
existence, is not likely to adopt other ideas lightly. To 
strip matter of every quality except mere extension ; to 
abolish every cause of phenomena except linear mo- 
tion and the impact of bodies, both of which are 
capable of the most accurate experimental investira- 

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tion; is to attempt the limit of simplicity in scientific 
procedure. Why Descartes chose such a postulate as 
the criterion of matter, is directly traceable to his 
fundamental dictum: cogito, ergo sum. If his own 
existence is real only because of thought, and if mind 
or thought be the criterion of all reality, form replaces 
substance, and the extent of matter is its essential 
quality. Although Descartes went further in this di- 
rection than most men of science are willing to go, 
yet he has imposed his method on science to the present 
day and we are still industriously building worlds as we 
think them to be. 

Dazzling as the system of Descartes appears when 
viewed as a whole, it has a foundation of sand and an 
imaginary rather than a substantial superstructure. 
Consider his statements: space or matter is infinite in 
extent and continuous in character, and in the begin- 
ning it was divided in equal parts which were then 
moved with a force sufficient to separate them. If 
matter fills all space, or rather is space, where was the 
additional space to permit of this separation and what 
then filled the interstices between the separated parts? 
Again, the impact and grinding of particle on par- 
ticle are supposed to have reduced them to uniform 
spheres and the dust of this attrition then served to 
fill the spaces left in such a pile of spheres. This 
dust is of all shapes and so fine that there is always 
at hand just the proper quantity to fill any space be- 

loz'-'-'i^k^hi^ii^^ OF SQENCE 

tween the spheres. It really amounts to endowing 
these cosmic fragments with the intelligence of Leib- 
nitzian monads ; if impact and grinding produced them, 
why are they also not true spheres? The sand on the 
seashore is as spherical as the pebbles. Then too, if 
the original parts of space were reduced in size by at- 
trition, why did they attain a certain size and then 
cease to be worn away? Or are we to suppose that 
the whole universe— earth, stars, and interstellar spaces 
— are still grinding themselves away until some -day all 
its parts will be reduced to the size of the cosmic dust 
which he calls fire? We might go still further and let 
the universe actually grind itself into nothing, and 
simply vanish. 

But even if we showed, step by step, that the scheme 
not only was not true, but even not capable of resisting 
the most cursory criticism, we should be met by the 
answer; that as knowledge increases, details which are 
erroneous will be abandoned and new ones substituted 
which better aiq)roximate to the truth. This counter- 
criticism seems aside from the questicm; it would be 
strange if the efforts made to discover new phenomena 
and laws, and to correct false ones, did not increase our 
knowledge. But is this aim furthered by such hypo- 
thetical systems, which attempt to describe the mechan- 
ism of these phenomena and laws, and which, at bot- 
tom, assume that their authors are the creators of the 
universe and not observers of one whose laws and 


phenomena are independent of them; a confusion of 
subjective ideality and objective reality? Also how- 
ever it advances, our knowledge of nature will always 
be so inadequate that the very announcement of a 
system of nature should cause us to suspect it of being 
etched out by fancy, and to be useless as an aid to 
scientific investigation. Nor can we find a system 
which does not transgress constantly the limitations of 
science, and it is safe to say none will ever be proposed 
which will not transgress them, because it is the desire 
for such a system that is false, and not its develop- 

On the other hand, the discovery and verification 
of phenomena should be unreservedly advocated, also 
their classification into laws and even the restricted use 
of hypothesis. But the latter has come to have two 
meanings in scientific usage. The word hypothesis 
very frequently signifies a law which has been pretty 
accurately expressed and verified by available experi- 
ence, but which still does not embrace some phenomena 
believed to be related to it, or is contradicted by some 
others; for example, the law of conservation of energy 
was an hypothesis in this sense, until the discovery of 
the mechanical equivalent of heat proved that the me- 
chanical energy, apparently lost in every acticm by 
friction, was accurately balanced by the thermal energy 
produced by the friction. Such hypothetical reason- 
ing is quite warranted ; in fact a law or h3rpoth$sis of 

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this sort should always be announced as soon as a con- 
siderable number of facts point to its probable truth; 
such tentative laws always direct attention to the phe- 
nomena involved and stimulate research. 

But hypothesis in the other sense does not gradually 
crystallize into law as our knowledge increases. No 
information, however greater than ours at present, 
will ever advance Descartes's hypothesis a step closer 
to a law. We shall never have any data about his 
three kinds of matter, his nature of free space, etc. ; we 
learn constantly more about the action of light but 
we still drift confusedly and without a guide between 
his apparatus of pressures, Newton's corpuscles, and 
Huygens's waves; the latest treatise on optics now 
states that we may have to mix together all three of 

The system of Descartes will fascinate anyone who 
surrenders himself to its spirit and scope, but illusion 
is not the function of science. Nor can I find any more 
accurate and just criticism of this and all other 
hypotheses than that given by Bolingbroke: "The 
notion Descartes entertained and propagated, that there 
is, besides clear ideas, a kind of inward sentiment of 
evidence, which may be a principle of knowledge, is, 
I suppose, dangerous in physical inquiries as well as 
in abstract reasoning. He who departs from the 
analytic method, to establish general propositions con- 
cerning the phenomena on assumptions, and j^o re 

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sons from these assumptions, afterwards on inward 
sentiments of knowledge, as they are called, instead of 
clear and real ideas, lays aside, at once, the only sure 
guides to knowledge. This Descartes did very widely 
in his construction of a world, and yet by dint of genius 
he gave a great air of simplicity and plausibility to his 
hypothesis, and he knew how to make even geometry 
subservient to error. . . . The plenum of Descartes 
is well-nigh destroyed ; many of his laws of motion are 
shown to be false; the mills that served to grind his 
three elements are demolished : and his fluid matter in 
which, as in a torrent, the planets were carried around 
the sun, whilst a similar motion in the particular vortex 
of every planet impelled all bodies to the center, is 
vanished. Notwithstanding all this, how slowly, how 
unwillingly have many philosophers departed from 
the Cartesian hypothesis?" 

That Bolingbroke was mistaken when he says that 
the plenum, the vortices, and all the other apparatus 
of Descartes have been destroyed, can be readily seen 
by reading any modern treatise on physics. 

But he was vividly correct in the larger and more 
important part, when he finds that all such hypotheses 
are based on an inward sentiment of truth and not on 
clear and real ideas. An inward sentiment of knowl- 
edge is and must be the final guide of anyone who em- 
ploys this hypothetical method, for how can anyone 
have dear and real ideas about such things as^tran-, 

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scend experience? And amongst the many following 
this method, what man can be the arbiter to declare 
which one has been gifted by a divine power with the 
true inward sentiment of knowledge? 



The truth of science has ever had not merely the task of 
evolving herself from the dull and uniform mist of ignorance, 
but also that of repressing and dissolving the phantoms of the 
imagination.— Faraday. 

If we are compelled to revert to old and supposedly 
discarded systems of thought when we attempt to 
make new hypothetical systems, we should inquire 
whether we are really advancing the theory of science 
by that method. Is it true that Descartes reaches in 
his wonderful clarity of expression the highest attain- 
ment in speculative thought? Even in the then little 
cultivated subjects of electricity and magnetism, his 
imagination did not fail him and he drew a picture of 
the field of force about a magnet which is strikingly 
like those in modem treatises. And to explain elec- 
trical attraction, he supposed bodies to contain little 
filaments of his elementary matter which were crowded 
out when the bodies were rubbed together. These fila- 
ments attached themselves lilce lines of force to neigh- 
boring bodies. When the rubbing was stopped they 
retracted and so drew the electrified bodies together. 
If we modernize this explanation, we have a fair state- 

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ment of Faraday's lines of force. Faraday believed 
that when a body is electrified the space about it is 
filled with lines of electric force which are stretched in 
the direction of their length and experience a pressure 
at right angles to their direction. This idea, or rather 
the modification of it by Maxwell, who was able to as- 
sign quantitative values to those forces which corre- 
spond with the laws of electrical attraction and repul- 
sion, is expressed more precisely. But qualitatively: 
that is, in telling us what electricity is ; why it is pro- 
duced by friction; and what lines of force are; the 
modern statement is no more definite than that of Des- 
cartes. It is a mistake, however, to suppose he pos- 
sessed a unique power of formulating hypothesis ; other 
early writers attained eminence in this respect. Thus 
Sir Thomas Browne thought that electric effluvia (the 
prevailing name for force) behave like threads of 
syrup which elongate and contract and so produce at- 
traction; Von Guericke stated that bodies contain efflu- 
via which emanate from them according to their nature 
and form an electric field of force. In agreement with 
these opinions, we are taught to-day that the best way 
to consider lines of force is to picture an electrified 
body as one surrounded by stretched elastic bands. As 
a diagram to show the direction of motion of an at- 
tracted body, and as a name for the quantity of force, 
this conception of elastic lines of force is accurate and 
convenient. But Faraday and Maxwell wept far be- 

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yond this, as they gave to them a concrete reality. 
This conception still persists, although Sir J. J. Thom- 
son showed years ago that no known system of me- 
chanical forces would keep such a system of force-lines 
in equilibrium and Professor Lorentz now says they 
cannot really exist but are fictions of the imagination. 

It seems rather futile, if such be the normal his- ' 
tory of hypothetical models, to inflict on us the labor of 
learning abstruse hypotheses which continually revamp 
old metaphysical terms and merely dress them up in 
new transcendental symbols. It is a valuable exercise 
to strip hypotheses of their technical phraseology ; to 
change those words which deceive our minds into be- 
lieving that a clear idea has been conveyed, when, in 
fact, they have merely been wrenched from any real 
significance. Thus Sir Oliver Lodge says that the 
ether is very massive. This definition at once increases 
our belief in its reality since it conveys the impression 
that the ether is tangible and impenetrable, something 
like a vast globe of rock. And we must stop to think 
before we realize that whatever the ether may be, it 
must be just the opposite to our ordinary ideas of mas- 
sive things. Or what clear idea is conveyed by Pro- 
fessor Einstein's definition that vacuous space contains 
radiant energy which is an entity of the same kind as 
matter? Does he not add to the difficulty when he says 
further, that the diflFerence between a vacuum and the 
ether is that the latter is a vacuum transmitting radiant j 

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energy and possesses a light vector. What right has he ] 
to insinuate into our minds that a vacuum may contain * 
something and still be a vacuum? He does this by a 
play on the word " energy," which he permits us to 
think of in the ordinary sense as an attribute of matter 
and at the same time states implicitly to be a distinct , 
entity. We are inclined to pass lightly over the second 
statement because we tacitly think of a light vector as ; 
a geometrical line; the substance of such a line is too 
intangible to give a distinct shock to the reason. But 
if we put this definition to a simple test, we easily see 
how futile it is. Say to anyone, that a golf ball in its 
flight is not a thing of rubber and paint but a complex 
of energy; and, that this is true because the moving 
golf ball has a motion vector and consequently changes 
vacuous space into ether. How quickly such a state- 
ment about a familiar action would be recognized as an 
absurdity. I presume that the reason why we like to 
indulge in these phantoms of the imagination is be- 
cause we still hate to confess our ignorance. But it is 
a pity that science thus lurks in the mists. 

We can easily follow modern hypothesis as it pro- 
gresses into transcendental symbolism. Sir Joseph 
Larmor and Professor Lorentz wish to define elec- 
tricity so that it may be measured. They adopt the 
hypothetical method to a limited degree. Thus, they 
each postulate the atom of matter. They next assume 
each atom to consist of a multitude of positively and 


negatively electrified particles which revolve in orbits. 
Except to say that these particles may be a modifica- 
tion of an ether, they avoid explicit details. Their 
method of exposition is still the classic method of 
mechanics. When they try to explain certain lately 
discovered and obscure phenomena, they merely show 
that they could be satisfied by supposing the dimen- 
sions of bodies to be influenced by their motion. At 
this point they wisely refrain from further explana- 
tions. Next we find that Professor Einstein definitely 
changes electrical particles into particles of electricity 
and matter into complexes of energy. He speaks so ^ 
confidently of his ability to visualize electricity and I 
energy that we feel our own inability to do so results 
from a pitiful lack of intelligence. At this point he 
clinches the whole matter and explains the changes of 1 
the dimensions of moving bodies by introducing the oc- 
cult idea that light is an entity which moves in space 
with a constant velocity. It is a far cry from the induc- 
tive method of science which attempts to build general- 
izations on experience, thus to make the whole concrete 
world conform to so abstract an idea as the constancy 
of the velocity of light in space. Nor does he hesitate 
to found physical science on the paradox, that motion 
cannot be absolute but the motion of light is absolute. 
Then Professor Minkowski goes a step further. He 
accepts all these ideas and then treats them symbol- 
ically. To deduce conclusions from these postulates^! 


he uses mathematical equations as if there were four 
dimensions to space. The mathematician can employ 
equations which contain four or any number of vari- 
ables, but the physicist who desires to deal with an 
objectively real universe and also to be intelligible is 
forced to limit himself to the three dimensions which 
correspond to his powers of measurement of length, 
breadth, and depth. Lastly, Professor Lewis confuses 
scientific method utterly by arbitrarily assuming which 
quantities in an equation shall be treated as variable 
and which as constant. Thus he says, if the mo- 
mentum of a body changes, let us suppose that this 
happens not because its motion changes but because we 
shall consider its mass variable. Of course anyone 
can say, let us consider the universe to act as he wishes. 
But, after all, what is the use when no one believes it 
does ? Is it any wonder that a gulf is growing not only 
between men of science and the rest of the world, but 
also between theorists and those who are still willing 
to submit their imagination to experience? Such a 
gulf is certain to continue so long as theorists are 
willing, and even anxious, to ignore common sense and 
the facts gained by patient and exact experimenta- 

It is true that my criticism of scientific method has 
been so far purely destructive. And in that admission 
may lie the ineffectiveness of the argument to many. 
Some will say that however weak and vacillating the 

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hypothetical method may have been, yet it is the custom 
of thought and in spite of it or even, in some way, be- 
cause of it, scientific truth has nobly expanded, dis- 
pelling ignorance and subjugating natural forces. But 
because knowledge advances, objection should not be 
made to a protest against what tends to embarrass a 
more rapid advance. Such a protest is the value of 
destructive criticism. The reason why scientific knowl- 
edge advances in spite of hypotheses, those phantoms 
of the imagination, is because hypothesis rarely pre- 
cedes experiment If we examine the work of the 
experimenter of to-day, we find he still goes on calmly 
working with apparatus and using it with the common 
sense idea that he is using real objective matter in spite 
of the attempt of the theorist to make it an attribute 
of energy or electricity. The conclusions derived from 
experiment and laws may be discussed and condemned 
or approved according as they support a fashionable 
hypothesis, but scientific hypothesis is much like re- 
ligious dogma : although it may protest, yet in the end 
it swerves around to accept all new facts. And in a 
short time the despised fact is cited as a pillar, or at 
least as a flying buttress of the hypothesis. 

While it is not possible to draw a definite boundary 
line between the regions of physics and metaphysics, 
still we may do so in a general way by saying that the 
domain of physics is concerned with the discovery of 
phenomena and the formulation of natural laws^sed t 

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on postulates which are determined by experience and 
generally accepted as true; the causes of phenomena 
and the discussion of the postulates of science lie in the 
province of the metaphysician. This differentiation in 
method of thought cannot be rigidly adhered to since 
the boundary line is more or less obscure, and is liable 
to considerable displacement as a science advances ; but 
the acceptance of this principle would prevent much of 
the confusion which has been introduced into science 
by writers who have not recognized it to be a general 
rule. For example, the principle of relativity is not 
strictly a physical law but the expression, in mathe- 
matical symbols, of the general philosophical law of the 
finite nature of the human mind which has been ac- 
. cepted for centuries. Again, the discussion of the 
shape of the atom. or electron is not a physical prob- 
lem, as it is incapable of verification by experience. 
This does not mean that such questions should not be 
discussed, but the method of their discussion and the 
results obtained are properly the method and results 
of metaphysics and are not in the category of physical 
phenomena and laws. 

In the first place, men of science must accept the 
existence of an objective universe, whose phenomena 
and laws are external to our intelligence and will. 
But, since the interpretation of phenomena is sub- 
jective and thus conditioned by our intelligence and 
will, scientific laws are governed t^ the mathematical 


theory of probability, or the consensus of opinion of ' 
the greatest number, working with the greatest care. 

The basic laws of physics are the laws of continuity ' 
and conservation, and the law of cause and effect. 
Unless we believe that something, matter, energy, or 
both, remains unchanged in amount and has a continu- 
ous existence however changed in appearance, and un- 
less phenomena can be repeated, we have no certainty 
of knowledge and no means of communicating ideas 
to others. The discussion of the reality of these laws 
may be left to the philosopher, but I dare say, however 
he decides, they will continue to be accepted by man- 
kind generally. 

The universality and application of these and other 
laws should be rigidly limited to experience by the 
physicist. The law of conservation requires that the 
quantity of matter and energy is either infinite, which 
means nothing, or that there is an exact interchange 
in quantity in every action. This belief is expressed 
in Newton's law that to every action there is an equal 
and contrary reaction. But it is evident that conserva- 
tion, as a scientific law which may be verified, is limited 
to a very small category of observations and is only ap- 
proximate for them. Thus we know nothing of the 
total amount of energy radiated from the sun or where 
it goes. Hypothesis here shows considerable vacilla- 
tion. Some assert that the universe is infinite and so 
the radiation never reaches a boundary; others say 

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that the universe is so filled with matter that no straight 
line can be drawn from the sun without reaching an 
obstacle and so radiant energy is reflected back and 
forth ; again the universe may be finite in size and its 
boundary may be a reflecting surface. These hypotheses 
are evidently futile speculations and no support to the 
law which we have been driven to accept and shall 
continue to accept until personal observation shows re- 
sults which increasingly depart f rcmi the law. 

So, too, the law of cause and eflfect is a generaliza- 
tion from few observations and neither supports nor is 
supported by hypothesis. While we can never hope to 
establish such a law, it is nevertheless a necessary gen- 
eralization, or scientific deduction becomes meaningless. 
The fact is, the phenomena of the universe do not re- 
veal themselves, as a whole, in any regular sequence 
of cause and effect ; and our theories, based on such a 
law, show such a complex tangle as to be quite beyond 
our power to interpret. The law involves time, and 
past time at that; and the successive causes of an ob- 
served phenomenon, if carried back in any logical 
sequence, soon widen out into an incomprehensible 
maze and vanish in the obscurity of the past. The 
most beautiful and perfect example of this law is the 
belief in organic evolution. Yet on what meager and 
inaccurate observations it rests. Everyone believes in 
some such law, but no one can point out the sequence 
of cause and effect, and its rigorous development leads 


to absurdity. Mathematically it is a law of geometri- 
cally decreasing types which reduce finally to a single 
protoplasm. If we adopt the hypothetical method, we 
should discuss the origin of this protoplasm. To say 
it was made by God, is not scientific. Lord Kelvin 
offers an hypothesis (although one would suppose he 
was joking if the context were not so serious) when 
he suggests that the original protoplasm may have 
fallen on the earth from some celestial body! How- 
ever we are to consider such an extraordinary state- 
ment, we do know that Maxwell tried to support the 
hypothesis of pangenetic evolution by the futile 
method of estimating the number of molecules in a 
germ. The question with him was whether there were 
enough molecules to form miniature organs and parts 
of the mature object into which the germ would ex- 

Another illustration may be given to show that as 
soon as we extend our laws beyond the point where 
verification is possible, we merely cause confusion. 
Certain experiments indicate that the apparent mass of 
a body changes when it moves in an electric field. The 
law shows that the mass should become infinite when 
the velocity equals that of light. This conclusion has 
been accepted as the basis of an hypothesis that the 
velocity of light is a maximum limit to motion. Such 
a belief is not only pure hypothesis but it is contrary 
to the conclusions of other hypotheses. If this hypo- 


thetical method is generally applicable it is necessary 
to explain gravitational action also as due to scwne 
form of motion; Laplace has shown that the motion 
involved requires a velocity many times that of light. 

Our most fundamental perception of an external 
universe seems attainable from our sense perception of 
force. The muscular sense of effort is apparently the 
simplest and most general mechanical notion we have, 
and in the opinion of the masters of the science our 
idea of force is adequate to serve as the basis of so 
exact a science as physics. Yet, when we attempt to 
make force serve as a fundamental measure of phe- 
nomena, we have found, since the time of Newton, that 
it is not so convenient as mass and acceleration. Mo- 
tion is further divisible into a measurement of length 
and time. It is therefore customary to reduce all our 
complex observations into combinations of the funda* 
mental units of mass, length, and time instead of force. 
The idea of force being thus associated in our minds as 
an attribute of matter, we postulate the objective 
reality and conservation of matter and assume the 
fundamental attribute of matter to be its mass or 
inertia. M. Hannequin expresses this idea clearly 
when he says that nothing in a mechanical sense exists 
except masses in motion. 

We shall next assume length, mass, and time to be 
the fundamental units of measure. These quantities 
are continuous or, at least, are indefinitely divisible. 


The continuity of space and time is generally accepted ; 
without this belief it is impossible to establish the 
geometrical laws of figure founded on the point, line, 
and surface or the analytical laws of motion derived 
from the calculus. The only exception I know to 
this postulate is Professor Planck's theory of quanta, 
in which motion may occur in jumps. But the divisi- 
bility of matter is not usually supposed to be infinite. 
Indeed, the denial of this assertion is the foundation 
of all atomic theories. Yet it is difficult to see how 
mathematics can be saiythmg but abstract logic, or how 
it can be applied to physical problems unless this third 
fundamental quantity, which is, as it were, the con- 
necting link between the abstract and the concrete, be 
also indefinitely divisible. It is only by the postulate 
of the indefinite divisibility of mass that we may pass 
from the mathematical laws of pure motion (kine- 
matics) to the physical laws of the motion of bodies 
(dynamics). How, otherwise, can we replace finite 
bodies by mathematical centers of inertia? In this 
connection Sir Joseph Larmor says : " The difficulty of 
imagining a definite uniform limit of divisibility of 
matter will always be a philosophical obstacle to an 
atomic theory, so long as atoms are regarded as dis- 
crete particles moving in empty space. But as soon as 
we take the next step in physical development, that of 
ceasing to regard space as mere empty geometrical 

continuity, the atomic constitution of matter 

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ultimate atom consisting of parts which are incapable 
of separate existence, as Lucretius held) is raised to 
a natural and necessary consequence of the new stand- 
point." This is clearly an attempt to reconcile the two 
antinomies of continuity and discontinuity, which are 
usually attached to the names of Descartes and Lucre- 
tius. This Sir J. Larmor tries to do by postulating 
the existence of a true matter, which is a continuous 
plenum and imperceptible to our senses, and relegat- 
ing sensible matter to the role of a mere variation in 
this otherwise changeless plenum — ^making it an at- 
tribute rather than an entity. If this definition denies 
the infinite divisibility of matter, it apparently accepts 
its indefinite divisibilty ; the atom, as a variation limited 
only by our power of observation, must become smaller 
with each advance in the refinement of our apparatus. 
Such a plenum must remain a pure creation of the 
imagination, and its existence is not determinable by 
physical or experimental methods; it must therefore 
be classed as a problem for the metaphysician. The 
distinction between atoms continually diminishing in 
size and the infinite, or at least indefinite, divisibility 
of matter is here a question of words — ^the definition of 
what matter is. 

Few things have been brought out more clearly by 
modem physicists than that, if we accept the doctrine 
of the continuity and conservation of energy, either of 
the two, matter or energy, may be considered as the 

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fundamental unit from which the other can be derived. 
This undoubtedly follows from the fact that we have 
no conception of matter without energy or of energy 
without matter. But while it is thus possible mathe- 
matically to make either of them a starting-point for 
the explanation of phenomena, the advocates of ener- 
getics apparently soon develop a pronounced tendency 
to prefer the abstract to the concrete and to subtilize 
objective facts into metaphysical ideas. A science like 
physics, to be useful and not merely an intellectual 
gymnastics, should preserve in all its speculations a 
close touch with the practical and the concrete — a cer- 
tain common sense. The history of the science shows 
these advantages have been obtained most frequently 
by those who maintain matter and not energy to be 
a fundamental entity. The failure of the mechanistic 
school has arisen from the attempt to explain the na- 
ture of matter, the cause of its forces, and the proper- 
ties of atoms. However we may try to reason away 
the belief in the objective reality of matter, our minds 
persistently cling to the advantage, and even neces- 
sity, of such a postulate, and we consciously or uncon- 
sciously endow any substitute of it with all the prop- 
erties of matter, excepting its name. 

Energy is to be considered then as an attribute of 
matter and may be defined as the power to do work. 
It. is customary and convenient to divide energy into 
two classes, potential and kinetic, according as the mat- 

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ter concerned appears to be at rest or in motion. Since 
attractive forces exist between all bodies, we find that 
the idea of work is involved whenever the distance 
between bodies is altered and we denote this potential 
energy as the force of attraction times the distance be- 
tween them. I accept frankly the idea of action at a 
distance, not because it seems reasonable, for my ex- 
perience teaches me that to cause motion I must con- 
struct a link between two bodies; but the fact remains, 
that both gravitational and electrical attractions seem 
to act at a distance and all attempts made to explain 
them have so confused the mind that the occult phe- 
nomenon is less perplexing than the occult explanation. 
In the majority of such problems we can go no further ; 
but in certain cases, as for instance the theory of 
gases, a portion of the potential energy due to the pres- 
sure of gases may be ascribed to the impact of small 
moving masses of gases. Even here, a portion of the 
energy of the gas must be considered as potential and 
incapable of further explanation. Kinetic energy is 
the power of work due to the motion of bodies. Its 
measure is one half the moving mass into the square of 
its velocity. These two kinds account for all the energy 
of material bodies; they are mutually interchangeable 
and their sum is a constant. 

A third class of energy remains to be discussed. It 
is called radiant energy; its difference lies in the fact 
that it is not associated with material bodies. Cer- 

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tain forms of the energy of bodies which we name 
heat, light, etc., are observed to appear in other bodies 
although the space between them is devoid of matter. 
We suspect that the amount of this energy disappear- 
ing in the emitting bodies is equal to the amount ap- 
pearing in the receiving bodies and that time elapses 
between the emission and the reception of the energy. 
On these ideas we have built the theory that energy 
travels through immaterial space and in its transit we 
call it radiant energy. The conception of radiant 
energy in a vacuum is a useful one if we limit it to a 
mere quantitative idea. For this purpose it suffices to 
state the facts in a mathematical formula which ex- 
presses a continuous passage of a quantity of energy 
through space equal to the amount lost by the emitting 
body. We thereby generalize the laws of continuity 
and conservation and of cause and effect This is not 
the custom; it is usual to try to explain the nature and 
mechanism of radiant energy. This requires either 
that space be filled with an ether to serve as the vehicle 
of energy or that energy be regarded as itself an 

It has been the persistent attempt of physicists for 
centuries to explain this radiant energy by mechanical 
models. And this effort has fastened on the science 
an interminable series of impossible fictitious ethers 
and mechanical atoms. The most indefatigable labors 
of the greatest minds have been spent to constniqj an 

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atom, which would serve satisfactorily as a source and, 
at the same time, as a receptacle of radiant energy and 
an ether which would transfer it. Not one of these 
models has been even partially adequate ; the course of 
the development has been steadily from the simple to 
the complex, from the concrete to the abstract, from 
the physical to the metaphysical, until the most recent 
atom is a complex more intricate than a stellar cos- 
mogony, whose parts are an entity called electricity, and 
the ether is an abstraction devoid of any mechanical 
attributes. Out of all this controversy we have gained 
the following facts : — Heat, light, and electrical energy, 
originating in one body, may be assumed to pass 
through space undiminished and unaugmented to an- 
other body. We can also express this energy as kinetic 
energy while it is associated with matter. In transit, 
since our experience gives us no clew or criterion, we 
can assume as a formula for the energy, either a 
periodic motion of an hypothetical something, called 
an ether, or a projectile motion of an hypothetical mass- 
particle. In either case, all we really do is to divide 
the initial or final material energy into two mathe- 
matical quantities, one a mass-factor and the other a 
velocity-factor, and give to each such a value as to 
make their product remain a constant. As a rule, we 
make the mass-factor so small that we can shut our 
eyes to its existence and imagine an)rthing about it 
we please. The time relation is fixed by emeriment. 

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For the purposes of theory, although this energy ap- 
peals to our senses in the three forms of heat, light, 
and electricity, which in their qualitative aspects are 
each fundamental and not referable one to another, we 
fortunately find that quantitatively all three are satis- 
fied by one dynamic formula. We have therefore ob- 
tained an adequate quantitative knowledge of energy, 
but not an inkling of the qualitative coefficients in this 

The hypothesis of the ether is an attempt to accom- 
plish the impossible. And while it is now generally 
admitted that we cannot create such a substance as will 
satisfy the physical requirements of a transmitter of 
radiant energy, still the ether is claimed to be a useful 
hypothesis. This utility is said to consist in giving us 
a crude image, in a mechanical way, of what occurs. 
In other words, it supports our innate dislike to con- 
fessing complete ignorance, and it provides a set of 
concrete analogies for abstract statements and equa- 
tions. Now the old elastic solid and mechanical ether did 
afford us a concrete image of a mechanism for radiant 
energy, and we could speak of it with some intelligence 
to one another, because everyone has a conception of 
an elastic solid. To be sure, this solid ether became a 
grotesque. It permitted the transference of heat and 
light energy, but only at the expense of creating a kind 
of matter entirely outside of, and contradictory to, 
anything in our experience. We have only to recall the 

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properties ascribed to this ether to find that it operated 
equally well if it had a density indefinitely great or one 
indefinitely small; if it were rigid or if it were col- 
lapsible, etc. As certainly as one physicist endowed it 
with a property, another arose who showed that just 
the opposite property was equally efficient. Yet we 
might still be staggering along with the conviction that 
somehow this supposititious stuflf was of use to us; at 
least it gave us a set of words conveying some meaning. 
But when Maxwell proved mathematically that a third 
kind of radiant energy of an electrical type should be 
looked for, and when Hertz demonstrated its existence, 
no elastic solid would serve for all three kinds ; and so, 
for a time, we were taught simultaneously the proper- 
ties of two coexistent ethers. An elastic solid and a 
so-called electro-magnetic ether in a single space were 
impossible, and the former soon collapsed since it was 
more concrete and thus more vulnerable to criticism. 
Maxwell's idea produced a revolution in the theory 
of physics ; heat and light remained no longer a form 
of mechanical waves but became electro-magnetic 
waves of a special periodicity. By a progressive sub- 
tilization we have now arrived at Sir J. Larmor's cele- 
brated definition of a medium which will satisfy all 
forms of radiant energy. The ether is '' a plenum with 
uniform properties throughout all extension, but per- 
meated by intrinsic singular points, each of which 
determines and, so to speak, locks up permanently a 


surrounding steady state of strain or other disturb- 
ance/' This ether is unaffected by any type of me- 
chanical action since ethereal strains are of an unknown 
kind responding only to electro-magnetic stresses. 
This definition seems general enough to satisfy the 
most critical, but Professor Einstein goes much fur- 
ther. He says we must abolish the ether because the 
only difference between empty and occupied space is 
that the latter is the seat of an entity, energy, and 
contains a light vector. Such a definition, in the sense 
of explaining a complex idea in terms of simpler ones, 
is wholly incomprehensible and at the same time ap- 
parently denies and affirms the existence of the ether. 
But Professor Einstein is not averse to paradoxes. 
These ideas evidently reduce matter to an attribute of 
electricity, and make all forces of the type called elec- 
trical forces. But if electricity is everything, we must 
inevitably some time explain pure mechanical actions 
in terms of this electrical substance. Sir J. Larmor 
clearly foresees this, as shown by his statement : " The 
electric character of the forces of chemical affinity was 
an accepted part of the chemical views of Davy, Ber- 
zelius, and Faraday ; and more recent discussions, while 
clearing away crude conceptions, have invariably 
tended to the strengthening of that hypothesis. The 
mode in which the ordinary forces of cohesion could 
be included in such a view is still quite undeveloped." 
He thus rather leaves this question in the air liy conr- 

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eluding that a complete theory is not necessary. But 
the history of science shows that we shall soon create 
two media or try to give properties to one which will 
include electrical, chemical, and material forces; in- 
deed, this latter is already being attempted. If the 
conception of an elastic solid ether was admittedly a 
fiction of the mind, and one impossible to align with 
any known kind of matter, the electro-magnetic ether is 
so esoteric, so subtilized from all substance, that it 
merely provides a nomenclature for a set of equations 
expressing the propagation of radiant energy. We 
may well go still further, for I believe the time is 
rapidly approaching when all scientific discussion of 
the nature of the ether will be considered futile. 

In accordance with my view no hypothesis will be 
made to express properties of a medium, whose exist- 
ence is itself incapable of scientific proof. It is, at 
the same time, perfectly proper to distinguish space 
through which we say radiant energy passes by a 
special name such as the ether. The amount of 
radiant energy in transit is best given by an equa- 
tion expressing conservation of energy and con- 
taining a velocity and an inertia factor. The 
velocity factor of this equation most conveniently 
takes the form of a periodic motion, but no assump- 
tions need to be made as to the nature of the periodicity 
or of the inertia factor, since they also are not subject 
to experimental verification. 


Such a revolution as has occurred in the ideas of 
the ether requires a like one in our ideas of matter. 
The most notable effort in theoretical physics, at the 
present time, is the hypothesis that the ultimate ele- 
ment of matter is not a material atom, a sort of micro- 
cosm of sensible matter, but a free electrical charge, 
considered to be an entity for the purpose; added to 
this are the dependent ideas that inertia and all other 
properties of matter are attributes of electricity. This 
hypothesis can mean nothing else than that the Lu- 
cretian atom, the centers of force of Boscovich, the 
vortices of Kelvin, and all the atomic models (made 
of weights and springs and strings), have failed and 
become useless as aids to the imagination. 

Sir J. Larmor defines this new atom as a protion, 
" in whole or in part a nucleus of intrinsic strain in 
the ether, a place at which the continuity of the me- 
dium has been broken and cemented together again (to 
use a crude but effective image) without accurately 
fitting the parts, so that there is a residual strain all 
round the place." This strain is not of the character 
of mechanical elasticity, since the " ultimate element of 
material constitution is taken to be an electric charge 
or nucleus of permanent ethereal strain instead of a 
vortex ring." Sir J. J. Thomson pictures the atoms of 
the various chemical elements as nuclei of free positive 
electricity holding in electrical equilibrium free nega- 
tive charges, placed in various geometrical ^csigns^ 


The degree of stability of each system is determined by 
the radio-activity of its element. Professor Lorentz 
considers the protion to be a small particle charged 
with electricity and probably a local modification of 
the ether; but his work on electro-magnetic mass leads 
one to the opinion that he believes electricity to be the 
real essence of the material universe. The modern 
school of German physicists is frankly endeavoring to 
give a purely electro-magnetic foundation to the 
mechanism of the electron and to mechanical actions 
in general. 

Now to me, and I believe to many men of science, the 
chief and indeed only value of an atomic theory is to 
give a concrete, though crude, image of matter reduced 
to its simplest conditions. The word electricity gives 
me no such image of matter; it conveys absolutely no 
idea of materiality nor even of space or time rela- 
tions. What the originators of the electrical atom 
have done is apparently to transpose the words, matter 
and electricity, tacitly giving to the latter all the ideas 
usually associated with the former. We may as well 
take the next step at once and raise the objective uni- 
verse on the Leibnitzian monad or on Schopenhauer's 
philosophy of " Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung.'* 

Again, the law of the conservation of matter has 
been one of the most fertile ideas in science; according 
to this law at least one attribute, inertia, remains con- 
stant however all others may change, thus giving coii- 


tinuity to material bodies as well as to space and time. 
It is quite possible to imagine an element of this new 
electric matter to be composed of equal quantities of 
positive and negative electrons, whose motions are so 
balanced as to make all material attributes vanish and 
produce a quasi-annihilation of matter. 

Lastly, when the statement is made that the electron 
is merely a local modification of the all-pervading 
ether, some idea should be given us as to the nature of 
this modification. If it is of the character of a strain, 
no meaning is conveyed unless this strain is subject to 
the laws of static or kinetic mechanics. But we have 
no knowledge of a static strain which fulfils the re- 
quirements of matter, especially that it must be localized 
at definite points and must be uncreatable and inde- 
structible; of kinetic strains, the only one at present 
available is the vortex ring of Helmholtz and Kelvin. 
To imply that matter is electricity and that electricity is 
a static strain or a vortex ring, is to make an impossible 
assumption and is reasoning in a circle. If the vortex 
ring of matter failed chiefly because Maxwell said: 
** That at best it was a mode of motion and not matter 
as we know it," what chance has this new type to sur- 
vive criticism? 

Although matter appears to us as a continuous quan- 
tity or at least as divisible far below our present 
methods of experimentation, still it is convenient to 
give to the smallest observable portion of mattet>some, 

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such name as protion. This unit of matter must be 
reduced in size as refinement of observation increases, 
so that we may always be able to discuss it mathe- 
matically in the aggregate only. It must also be en- 
dowed with the same attributes which we recognize in 
gross matter. 

At the present time this protion is the electron, and 
the only attributes necessary to assign to it are inertia 
in the Newtonian sense, a force of gravitational attrac- 
tion and a force of electrical attraction, either positive 
or negative in sign. No causes for these attributes 
can be given, as they are fundamental. If the experi- 
ments of Kaufmann, which show that an electrified 
particle in motion has an apparently increased mo- 
mentum, are cited as supporting the view that inertia 
is a function of velocity and should be considered as 
an attribute of an invariable quantity, the electrical 
charge, I hope to show that it is possible to accept 
Kaufmann's results and at the same time the invari- 
ability of inertia. Before proceeding further with this 
discussion it is convenient to assemble the foregoing 
ideas in a more concise form. 

We have first postulated a real and objective uni- 
verse and assigned to matter rather than to energy the 
role of being an entity. The fundamental attribute of 
matter which makes it recognizable by our senses is 

We next assumed that quantitatively all phenomena 


may be expressed in mechanical ideas and that the 
fundamental units of measurement are mass, length, 
and time. These are continuous functions and con- 
sequently indefinitely divisible. 

While matter, as measured by mass and extent, is 
indefinitely divisible, it is convenient to adopt as a 
scientific unit of mass a quantity so small that it is 
inferior to our powers of observation and so must be 
treated mathematically only in aggregates. As this is 
a general definition, the name protion has been given 
to this unit in order to avoid confusion with the chem- 
ical atom and the electron. At the present time the 
protion is the electron. 

The general laws governing actions are the laws of 
continuity and conservation and the law of cause and 
effect. These are generalizations from experience and 
cannot be extended beyond possible experience without 
great precaution. 

Energy is defined as the power of doing work and is 
held to be an attribute of matter. True or observa- 
tional energy is always associated with matter and is 
divided, for convenience, into potential and kinetic 

A third and hypothetical kind of energy is assumed 
in order to extend quantitatively the laws of continuity 
and conservation, and of cause and effect, to the 
apparently well-founded interchange of energy of 
two bodies situated in a vacuum. This energy is named j 


radiant energy and, in order to link it with kinetic 
energy, its quantity is expressed as the product of a 
"mass*' and a "velocity" factor. Its velocity is 
naturally taken to be the distance between the bodies di- 
vided by the observed time. It is most conveniently 
expressed as a periodic motion with a translational 
velocity equal to 3 x 10^® centimeters per second. No 
hypothesis is made in regard to the nature of the mass 
factor; it is taken merely as a coefficient to maintain 

As no attempt is made to account for the mechanism 
of radiation, no attributes need be assigned to an ether. 
In fact no ether need be postulated, although it is 
advisable to use the name to differentiate space when it 
is occupied by radiant energy. 

Action at a distance is a matter of experience and 
cannot be denied until some reasonable proof is found 
to account for force by some other means. 

So far these ideas have had the approval of some 
acute men of science, however they may be disapproved 
of by others. Those which follow are more novel and 
need to be supported. 

Since mechanical explanations are to be avoided, it is 
necessary to endow the electron with all the attributes 
of gross matter. For example, the protion of oxygen 
has a different density, force of cohesion, etc., from 
that of hydrogen. In this discussion, it is necessary 
to discuss only a few of these attributes. ^ j 

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I shall, therefore, assume that the electron has a 
constant mass, m, and that it possesses a force of gravi- 
tational attraction for all other electrons which is 
determined only by their masses and the distance be- 
tween them. 

The electron, in addition to gravitational attraction, 
has a power of electrical attraction. To measure this 
force, I shall assume that it possesses a quantity of 
electricity, e. Electrical force obeys the same law as 
gravitational force, since it is conditioned by the quan- 
tity of electricity and the distance between electrons. 

The electrical property of matter is also manifested 
to us by the experimental fact, that an electrified body 
apparently possesses a greater mass when in motion 
than an unelectrified body. A similar effect is noticed 
when a body is moved in a fluid. As the apparent in- 
crease in mass is there due to the resistance of the 
medium, it is called hydrodynamic mass, we may call 
the apparent increase in mass of a moving electron, its 
electro-magnetic mass m^. The total or effective mass 
IS therefore m'^ m^. 

Since the total mass is foimd to vary with the 
velocity of an electron, two suppositions are possible. 
Most physicists now assume that the mass, m, is a 
variable and that the mass, m,, is constant. It seems 
to me more rational and more convenient to adopt the 
converse idea that the electro-magnetic mass, like the 
hydrodynamic mass, is a variable. I shall, therefore, . 

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assume that the electrical charge on matter is a quan- 
tity varying with the velocity of a body. 

So great a revolution in thought as to consider 
inertia a variable quantity and to substitute electricity 
for matter as the substance of the universe, would only 
have been undertaken from a fancied necessity. A 
mere matter of convenience would scarcely warrant 
the labor of revising the work of the past and of dis- 
carding what has been considered, until lately, as 
definitely established. The need for some such radical 
change in theory is based on the experimental facts dis- 
covered in connection with the passage of electricity 
through highly rarefied gases, and with radio-activity. 

We may consider it established that the phenomena 
noted, when electricity is discharged in a high vacuimi, 
are most readily explained by supposing the current 
due to a stream of electrified particles moving with a 
velocity comparable to light. The experiments of Sir 
J. J. Thomson and C. T. R. Wilson go to show that 
the masses of these projectiles, when charged nega- 
tively, are about the one-thousandth part of the mass 
of a hydrogen atom, provided the charge on each is 
assumed to be the same and equal to that of the hydro- 
gen atom. Those charged positively are comparable to 
the various chemical atoms. 

Radio-activity, on the whole, is best explained by the 
projection of positive and negative electrons from a 
certain class of bodies. 


And lastly, Kaufmann has shown by a delicate ex- 
periment that the apparent mass of an electron is a 
function of its velocity. This conclusion has been con- 
firmed by others, although in minor points there is a 
considerable difference in results and opinions. 

It must not be lost sight of that all these experiments 
deal with quantities of matter, supposing it to exist, 
too small to be appreciable by either chemical analysis 
or mechanical apparatus, such as the balance. They 
are ultimately measured by the force of electrical at- 
traction of an electrical charge. We are, therefore, 
experimenting with matter which appeals to us through 
only one of its attributes. Is it not almost inevitable 
that an exclusive attention paid to this single attribute 
is likely to exalt it into an undue prominence? We 
have had, in the past, examples of Aiuch the same sort 
of reasoning. When the phenomena of light were 
predominantly discussed, physicists drifted into the 
opinion that this property of matter could be explained 
only by creating a light substance. Again, this process 
of reasoning occurred when heat was first investi- 
gated; we had the creation of caloric. And now we 
are asked to do the same thing with electricity. It 
is safe to predict that history will be repeated again, 
and that electrical charges and their forces will also 
sink into the condition of an attribute of matter. 

It might certainly be true that two experiments 
showing equal electrical charges would, if we^ouldj 

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measure the amount concerned, provide us with un- 
equal quantities of matter, just as conversely equal 
quantities of matter might show different quantities 
of electricity. The hypothesis of equivalence of elec- 
trical charge and matter rests sdely on an analogy to 
electrolysis, where matter is in a quite different state 
and also where the equivalence may be only approxi- 
mate. Matter, on the other hand, in a solid state shows 
no connection between volimie and density and elec- 
trical charge. In dealing with electricity we should not 
forget the immense superiority of electrical detectors 
in delicacy to those for mechanical quantities, so that 
we can appreciate far smaller quantities of electrified 
than of neutral bodies. 

There is no doubt, from the quotations given, that 
theorists are basing their work on the assumption of 
the electron as the unit of matter. And they give to it 
the following properties: Its mass is wholly electro- 
magnetic; the motive forces are electric forces; and 
the laws of mechanics are to be deduced from the laws 
of electro-magnetism. 

At first sight, it would seem to be a simple matter to 
devise an experiment which would decide whether the 
mass or the electrical charge of matter is constant. 
But so far these two quantities have not only been 
found to be inseparable but they invariably enter as a 
simple ratio, whose value decreases with increasing 
velocity. Such a relation can, of course, be satisfied 


by assigning a proper variation either to the numerator 
or the denominator. It therefore becomes a mere mat- 
ter of expedience which of the two quantities, mass or 
electrical change, shall be supposed constant. In addi- 
tion, the quantity, e/m, is itself a constant for all 
velocities which can be attained by bodies which are 
appreciably large. So the whole question of variation 
is more or less academic, in that it does not become 
important unless we are discussing hypothetical atomic 

To say that ^ is a constant is an assumption based 
solely on an analogy to the experimental laws of elec- 
trolysis; but in electrolysis, when we obtain equal 
electrical charges we also find equiyalent masses of 
matter. In the discharge of electricity through gases 
and in radio-activity the matter deposited is too small 
to be measured. This is a fundamental difference and 
vitiates an analogy between the two. For example, we 
measure the amount of current in a vacuum tube by an 
electrical device, and at the same time we measure the 
deflection of the current by an electric and magnetic 
field; in other words, all quantities and forces are 
electrical, and we say that equal currents in this case 
require equivalent quantities of matter. But it has 
not been shown to be impossible or even improbable 
that electrons, associated with equal quantities of mat- 
ter but having different velocities, might show different 
electrical charges; or that electrons producing^equal 

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electrical charges, might deposit different amounts of 
matter if it were sufficient in quantity to be detected by 
chemical or mechanical reactions. 

As an hypothesis, I propose that, in order to make 
the ratio ^ agree with the experimental evidence of its 
value and to account for electro-magnetic mass, we 
consider m to be the mass of a particle of matter in 
the Newtonian sense, of constant and small value, and 
e, the electrical charge, to be a force attribute of mat- 
ter which varies with the velocity of the particle. 

However novel this h3rpothesis may be, I have not 
been able to find any experimental facts more difficult 
to explain by it than by any of the other hypotheses 
which have been recently advanced ; and, on the other 
hand, it apparently accounts for much of the modem 
work in terms of old and well-established ideas. 

From the very nature of my conception of the limits 
which should be imposed on scientific inquiry, I make 
no attempt to explain the cause for this electrical prop- 
erty of matter any more than I should for its gravita- 
tional attributes. Both are fundamental phenomena to 
be accepted as experimental facts until we gain con- 
trary knowledge. Indeed, I have ventured to indulge 
in this speculation rather with the idea of showing 
that the recent hypotheses for electricity and matter; 
for the ether, protions, and corpuscular light ; for the 
electro-magnetic and other non-Newtonian mechanics, 
are not necessary. We may still account as adequately 


for all our experimental facts by a simple addition to 
the attributes of matter and continue to base our 
theories on mechanical laws. 

So long as the measurement of physical qualities be- 
comes ultimately a matter of measuring mechanical 
forces, it is advisable to express quantitative physical 
laws in terms of mechanical formulae. For this rea- 
son electricity should be considered a function of me- 
chanical energy rather than the converse. If it be 
possible to place mechanics on an electro-dynamic basis, 
it is certain that we may always explain electricity in 
terms of pondero-d)mamic laws. As both are possible, 
it seems far more natural and more rational to con- 
sider electricity as an attribute of matter than matter 
as a phenomenon of electricity. 



Mathematica, quae philosophiam naturalem terminare, non 
generare aut procrcarc. — Bacon. 

So far the hypothetical method has been discussed 
in its broader aspects. It is my purpose now to out- 
line its effect on science and on men of science by con- 
sidering certain special cases. I know of no better 
way to point out the influence of this method on sci- 
ence than to contrast the classical mechanics, founded 
on the work of Galileo, Descartes, and Newton, and 
developed in accordance with the abstractive or real- 
istic method, with the new mechanics which is based 
on electricity as a substance and on electro-dynamic 
energy, and which is pronouncedly speculative in char- 

All phenomena of a mechanical nature can be re- 
duced ultimately to modifications of inertia, velocity, 
momentum, and energy. Theories of mechanical ac- 
tion have, in addition, this common property; they 
begin with the postulate of an entity which possesses 
inertia and velocity. Various names have ieen at- 

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tached to this entity, but whether it be called an atom, 
an ether, a vortex, electricity, or energy, its function 
is the same. While there is little difference in the 
nature of this entity or substance, yet there are two 
diametrically opposite ways of considering its space 
attributes which give rise to two irreconcilable schools 
of thought. One of these considers the primordial sub- 
stance to be discontinuous with its parts separated by 
vacuous spaces, and the other school just as con- 
fidently assumes that there can be no empty spaces, 
and that all space is therefore continuous. Arguments 
for and against these two views have been unceasing 
and are likely to continue, so long as hypothetical 
methods remain in vogue. The problem is quite in- 
capable of solution because the postulate of continuity 
or discontinuity is a matter of conviction rather than 
of reason. The fact is, we believe one or the other to 
be true and that is the end of it. In such discussions 
where a postulate is beyond our powers of verifica- 
tion by experience, each contestant chooses his starting- 
point, and this once chosen, his argument in favor of 
it is as sound as that of his oj^onents. And the truth 
of this assertion is evident, because from these dia- 
metrically opposite postulates, conclusions which are 
quite identical are deduced by equally logical argu- 
ments; witness the controversy between the atomists 
and the Cartesians which see-saws through all scientific 
theory and is as far from settlement to-day as Jt waSr 

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centuries ago. This dualism, as it may be called, 
is not confined to science; it is but one phase of that 
larger dualism of philosophy and ethics which has 
come down to us from the Greek thinkers ; the claims 
of two opposing schools of thought are always present 
to show us that, if the mind can develop a system from 
one set of postulates, the same results can be obtained 
from their contraries. 

If then our conception of the nature of things is 
but a matter of personal conviction, what value is 
there in the opinion of Professor Lorentz, which I 
have already quoted, — if we wish to obtain an in- 
sight into the mysteries and operations of nature, we 
must make hypotheses? If such hypotheses are not 
capable of proof then they must rest on what Boling- 
broke so aptly calls our inward sentiment of knowl- 
edge. The experimentalist who described phenomena 
from his inward sentiment of what they should be 
rather than from observations of what they are, would 
be classed as a nuisance. Such a one not only does not 
advance our knowledge but he actually retards it, since 
his work must be repeated before the truth can be 
known. So, too, the theorist, who relies on his per- 
sonal conviction and not on facts and laws, builds a 
structure which is not only temporary and false but 
must be torn down. If we relegate to metaphysics so 
large a part of what is commonly called physics, what 
is left to the science of physics ? The answer ^obaMy 

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is to be found in the saying of Lord Kelvin, that no 
scientific statement is understood until it is measured. 
If we grant this, then we must first examine, in such 
a discussion as this, our methods of measurement. 

The statement of a phenomenon invariably contains 
two terms, called qualitative and quantitative factors; 
the former expressing " what kind " and the latter, 
" how much." Thus, when we speak of a distance as 
ten centimeters, we mean that we are to consider a 
quantity, ten, of the quality, length. Now it is not 
really the province of science to seek for absolute 
knowledge of either qualities or quantities, and the 
attempt to do so is the excuse for hypothesis. What 
science is concerned with is the relative knowledge, or 
comparison, of different quantities of any quality and 
the reduction of complex qualities into combinations 
of simpler ones. 

It thus becomes of prime importance to settle on the 
simplest and most fundamental qualities which may 
serve as a foundation for our system of measurement. 
Because of the fact that mechanical motions and me- 
chanical forces are the most readily perceived by us 
and are most easily expressed in mathematical for- 
mulae, the fundamental units of quality are always 
selected from mechanical concepts. Of these, length, 
time, and mass or inertia, are found to be incapable 
of further simplification and have been adopted as the 
units of measurement. As these qualities mu^t enter 

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into all equations quantitatively and as we can have 
no conception of an absolute quantity, we have by 
statute fixed upon certain arbitrary standards of quan- 
tity, such as the centimeter and foot for length, the 
gramme and pound for mass, and the second for time. 
From these prime standards, all other quantities of a 
mechanical nature may be readily derived, as for ex- 
ample : velocity is the quotient of a given length by a 
time; momentum is the product of a mass and a 
velocity; energy, one-half the product of a mass and a 
square of a velocity, etc 

As I have already pointed out, the science of me- 
chanics is the only branch of physics which has a 
completely developed theory. Not only is this the case, 
but the other branches of physics have been developed 
from a mechanical basis, in so far at least as the meas- 
urement of all phenomena is now made in terms of 
these mechanical units. This coordination in physics 
has the great advantage of making it possible to express 
what are ai^rently unrelated phenomena by using 
combinations of only three standards of measurement 
and by a few general equations of mechanics. And 
we attain the additional advantage of expressing all 
these phenomena in the most concrete form imagi- 
nable. But, on the other hand, this method produces 
a serious break between physics and certain other sci- 
ences, especially those which rely more exclusively on 
the sense perceptions as criteria for classification of 


phenomena. Thus, to the physicist light of different 
kinds is distinguished only by the three qualities pos- 
sible in a mechanical wave; its wave-length, the 
amplitude of its disturbance, and the complexity of its 
form. These same qualities must also serve to dis- 
tinguish sounds, water waves, and many other types of 
this kind of motion. For the biologist and psychol- 
ogist, light is distinguished by its tint, intensity, and 
saturation, the three qualities which affect the sense of 
sight, and sound is determined by pitch, loudness, and 
timbre, which affect the auditory nerve. And as there 
is no relation between the sensations of sight and hear- 
ing, so there can be no connection between light and 
sound. While the method of the physicist has the 
great advantage of unity, yet it suffers from its arti- 
ficiality, as it tends to bring into undue prominence the 
mechanical energy involved in producing light and 
sound and ignores the more important property of 
these phenomena: their effect on our senses. 

It is generally conceded that we have no abstract or 
absolute knowledge of a quantity of length, time, or 
mass. In other words, we can express any of these 
three quantities only as a numerical ratio with respect 
to a predetermined standard of the same quantity, such 
as a yardstick for length, a pound for mass, and a 
given motion of a clock-hand or of the rotation of 
the earth for time. And, from this fact, it is often 
argued that we cannot form any idea of the qualities,. 

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space, time, and matter, except as they are individually 
and concretely measured. Kant, to be sure, main- 
tained that we were endowed with an innate and inex- 
plicable, but sufficient idea of pure space and time. 
These qualities are, however, by themselves inappreci- 
able to our senses. To make them sensible, we need 
a third, which he calls the Ding an sich, corresponding 
in the external world to what we call the entity, 

However vulnerable and unsatisfactory the doctrine 
of innate ideas may be, yet it seems to me that by the 
abstractive method as used in the science of mechanics 
we do obtain a real and adequate idea of these three 
fundamental postulates. If we have not such a power 
of abstracting real ideas from our concrete observa- 
tions of phenomena, then it is difficult to believe that 
the conclusions of Euclidean geometry and of mathe- 
matical analysis in general are rigorous. Thus, in 
mathematical definitions, space is a mere volume en- 
closed in an imagined boundary which may be con- 
ceived as of any extent from the indefinitely small to 
the indefinitely large. And this imagined bounding 
surface bears no closer relation to a concrete material 
envelope than does an image in a mirror to its object. 
It seems to me that I have an adequate idea, icfr 
instance, of the space in an empty room and that I 
can abstract all the properties from my concrete per- 
ception of the material wallf of this room except the 

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one fact that they inclose this sp^e. By deduction 
and by experience I am convinced that this space is 
not empty, but contains air. But it is really more 
difficult to appreciate the existence of the air, if it be 
at rest, than its non-existence. This belief is borne 
out by the slow advance in the conception of the exist- 
ence of gases. And it also seems true to me that I 
have an adequate idea of an area inclosed in a tri- 
angle, because I can think of the area inclosed by three 
abstract lines and refrain from thinking of the con- 
crete volume of any real lines drawn with a pencil. 

As for the concept time, we have a twofold sense 
of it; one is the coincidence of an event with the posi- 
tion of the hands of a clo^k or of the earth. But we 
have, in addition, a much more general idea of time, 
as mere succession of events without any reference to 
such a standard of measurement as the second or 
minute. This might be called our belief that events 
entirely unconnected with our own experience occur 
successively just as those events do which we com- 
pare with a clock. We have, on awaking from sleep, 
a distinct and clear idea that events have transpired 
successively during our unconsciousness and without 
any reference to a measured interval of time. This 
general knowledge of " before and after " is appa- 
rently possible to an animal ; a dog will with certainty 
expect a reward after the performance of a trick and 
not before or during it. 


As for the third postulate, which is called matter, it 
may be taken in the most general sense as the some- 
thing which makes space and time concrete or sensible. 
The necessity in science for such a postulate is clear, 
for science deals with the phenomena of an objective 
world. Even those men of science most opposed to 
the idea that mass is the measure of matter still 
postulate an entity identical with matter, as just de- 
fined, although they may call it by a different name, 
such as energy or electricity. And the distinction be- 
tween mathematics and science lies in the conception of 
this third postulate. In pure mathematics, matter be- 
comes the abstract postulate, quantity. When discuss- 
ing velocity abstractly there is then no need to con- 
sider the properties of the thing moving, but in physics 
there is such a need. Or again, when dealing with 
space relations the mathematician is in no way limited 
to the restricted nimiber of three dimensions which our 
sense perception of the material universe imposes on 

The supreme value of mathematics to science is due 
to the fact that scientific laws and theories have their 
best, if not their only complete, expression in mathe- 
matical formute; and the degree of accuracy with 
which we can express scientific theory in mathematical 
terms is a measure of the state of a science. Thus 
it is possible to classify sciences according to their 
development, from the accimiulation of sUtisti^s of 

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phenomena to the generalization of these phenomena in 
comprehensive and rigorous laws. In such a classi- 
fication, sociology or the study of existing society oc- 
cupies the lowest rank, since true laws can be derived 
only from actions whose completed consequences are 
known. Sociology therefore attempts to found its 
laws on the data of history, the study of past society ; 
history must in the same way rely on psychology, 
which deals with the actions of the individuals of 
society; psychology relies on biology; biology, on 
chemistry; chemistry, on physics; and physics, on pure 
mathematics. While each science thus strives to found 
its laws on the conclusions of the following science, 
each succeeds only partially; this leads us to a paradox. 
The goal of science is mathematics, and while mathe- 
matics may be said to be the only true science since it 
has the only true scientific method, mathematics is not 
a science because it deals with abstractions and ignores 
concrete phenomena. 

As stated before, all quantities in mechanics may 
be expressed by combining the fundamental units, 
length, mass, and time, in simple ratios and products. 
And, while the phenomena of light, heat, and elec- 
tricity do not manifest themselves qualitatively to 
our senses in any manner which may be coordinated 
with mechanical actions, yet we endeavor to measure 
them quantitatively in physics as if they were wholly 
mechanical in nature. Thus we speak of the velocity^ 

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of light from the sun to the earth, as if we were 
considering a real mechanical motion of a ponderable 
body, although in the intervening space there is no 
matter. The only thing we have been able to observe 
is, that light emitted from the sun appears on the earth 
some time later. Light, as a phenomenon, does not 
exist unless it is associated with matter; we can no 
more discuss the amount of light or its velocity in 
vacuous space than we can speak of the temperature 
of such space. Light has a true mechanical velocity 
when passing through space occupied by matter, for 
then we can observe and measure its path as well as 
the time function and so obtain a value for velocity. 
From observations on the velocity of light in matter 
and from analogy to the phenomena of sound trans- 
mission, which takes place only in spaces occupied by 
matter, we by the hypothetical method transfer the 
measurements and laws of light in transparent bodies 
to space not occupied by matter. The very assump- 
tion of a light velocity in immaterial spaces requires 
us also tacitly to assume that something, in a mechan- 
ical sense, is moving. Once we have granted that light 
is something moving, then all the other phenomena of 
light permit of a hypothetical mechanical explanation, 
and we have the right to speak of the momentum and 
energy of this light something, whether it be corpuscles 
or waves. But it is the easiest thing in the world to 
forget that we can never obtain any real knowledge 

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of this something we have called light. It is sur- 
prising that men of science should believe that they 
have proved the existence of the ether, as when Sir 
Oliver Lodge states that it is the most massive thing 
imaginable; or that space is occupied by energy, an 
entity possessing inertia and probably gravitational 
force, as Professor Einstein announces: they should 
see that such statements are not deductions made from 
our experimental knowledge of light, but are already 
contained in the postulate that light is mechanical and 
has a mechanical velocity. 

It is instructive to consider, in this connection, how 
we also have attached hypothetically the science of 
electricity to mechanics. The fundamental phenome- 
non observed, when bodies are electrified or magnet- 
ized, is that they attract or repel each other with a 
mechanical force which, like the force of gravitation, 
varies inversely as the square of the distance between 
them. In our fundamental units this mechanical force 
is equal to a mass times a length and divided by the 
square of a time. Now Coulomb, who discovered 
and measured the law of electrical attraction, believed 
that electricity was a kind of fluid substance, such as 
was always introduced when phenomena were obscure ; 
and with this idea in his mind, he employed the term 
quantity of electricity to indicate an analogy with a 
quantity of matter. On this supposition, a quantity 
of electricity expressed in mechanical units is eot^al to. 

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the square root of a length times a mass. Now it is 
quite certain that a quantity of electricity has nothing 
in common with length. Taking a step further, we 
find that the resistance of a conductor to an electrical 
current may be expressed as a velocity. Yet it would 
be absurd to attach any concrete relation between elec- 
trical resistance and mechanical velocity. 

These three examples of velocity illustrate quite 
clearly the difference between the abstractive and hypo- 
thetical methods. From the definite and clear idea of 
the mechanical velocity of a concrete body, we pass to 
an indefinite idea of the velocity of light in empty 
space and in order to link this idea to mechanical 
notions, we assign to light a hypothetical material 
existence. But our mathematical equations lead us a 
step further and we can derive a purely formular rela- 
tion between mechanical velocity and electrical resist- 
ance; in this case analogy between physics and mathe- 
matics entirely fails and no idea, even hypothetical, 
has been attached to the result. 

The principles of the science of mechanics, on which 
the theories of the other branches have been built, 
date from the time of Galileo and Newton. As they 
had withstood the searching criticism of the masters 
of the science for centuries without having been shown 
to be either false or inadequate, the belief grew that 
however other theories of physics might change, the 
laws of mechanics as stated by Newton were prob- 

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ably final. But it is inevitable that if we found the 
laws of light and electricity on mechanics, the time will 
come when the accumulation of knowledge will in- 
crease the discrepancies which must always exist be- 
tween any two branches of science and which will 
eventually require a thorough revision of one or the 
other. If the attention be directed more toward dis- 
covering the phenomena and laws of light and elec- 
tricity than of mechanics, as it is to-day, these 
discrepancies will probably be laid to the laws of 
mechanics and their revision will be attempted to 
insure agreement. This has occurred in the last few 
years, and the mechanics based on material bodies is 
being replaced by a mechanics of electricity or by one 
of energy, if the terms be permissible. 

The mechanics of material bodies, to which the name 
of Newton is generally attached, was based on the ob- 
jective reality of matter, whose quantitative measure 
was inertia or mass. Newton evidently considered 
inertia as a fundamental attribute of matter, and thus 
invariable and inexplicable; something to be accepted 
and determined solely by experiment. Thus he says 
in his Principia: *' Haec (materiae vis) semper pro- 
portionalis est suo corpori, neque differt quicquam ab 
inertia massae, nisi in modo concipiendi. Per inertiam 
materiae fit, ut corpus omne de statu suo vel quiescendi 
vel movendi difficulter deterbetur." This postulate may 
be freely translated to mean that the force of^ttrac-, 

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tion of matter is always proportional to the amount of 
matter acting, and does not differ in any way from the 
inertia of mass except in our method of apprehending 
it. By inertia of matter is meant, that a body can be 
changed from its previous condition of rest or motion 
only by this material force. It is evident that he 
regarded inertia as an inherent and inalienable prop- 
erty of a body, independent of the influence of any 
other body or ether, and forming the connecting link 
between ourselves and the external world. Such being 
the case, how may we decide what is the mass of any 
particular body? If a number of individuals measure 
experimentally a mass, or even if one of them measures 
it several times, no two observations will agree. Which 
observation gives the correct value? Newton would 
have answered, none of them. Data of objective phe- 
nomena can never be known exactly ; each value we ob- 
tain approximates to the truth, and the approximation 
is the closer, the greater the number so obtained and 
the greater the care exercised. The final result must 
be deduced from all the observations, according to a 
well developed mathematical theory of errors. The 
same reasoning was held to apply to observations on 
the space dimensions of a body and on the time occur- 
ring during any event. 

While the idea was advanced in this mechanics that 
the position and motion of any body could be deter- 
mined only from the position of some oAer body, 

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supposed for the time being to be at rest, or that posi- 
tion and motion were relative and not absolute; yet it . 
was not explicitly stated that there could not be absolute 
rest or motion, such as would occur if the motion of a 
body were referred to an absolutely fixed center of the 
universe or to an ether which was incapable of motion. 
For all practical problems, Newton's third law of mo- 
tion, which states that to every action there is an 
equal and oppositely directed reaction, announces the 
universality of relativity. 

We should finally note, that mass, dimensions, and 
time were held to be unaflEected by the motion of a 
body. Newton expresses this by saying that force 
actions of matter, or the science of dynamics, are inde- 
pendent of its initial state of rest or motion. 

The first serious criticism of these postulates was 
made by a number of physicists, forming what is often 
called the school of energetics, who proposed to sub- 
stitute energy for mass as the fundamental attribute 
of matter. At the time, the change was rather imma- 
terial as we were accustomed to think that mass and 
energy were coexistent and that either one was unin- 
telligible without the other. As I have said before, it 
was the same kind of a problem as deciding which came 
first, the owl or the egg; the answer to which is we 
know nothing about the matter. 

The discrepancies between electricity and mechanics 
did not prove to be embarrassing until certain p^^MeiMT 


connected with light and electricity became pressing. 
Of these, three stand out most prominently. 

The phenomena associated with electricity when it 
passes through very high vacua and with radio-active 
bodies like radium are now explained as being due to 
the action of excessively small particles, carrying a 
charge of electricity and moving with a velocity com- 
parable to the velocity of light, or about one hundred 
thousand miles per second. These particles, both be- 
cause of their smallness and because of their velocity, 
are in an entirely different class from the bodies 
previously considered in mechanics which have a sen- 
sible mass and whose greatest velocity is less than one 
hundred miles per second. Errors in mechanical laws 
which would otherwise be inappreciable may easily 
assume large proportions when applied to such ex- 
treme cases. The hypothesis of the electron has 
profoundly modified the conception of the atom, and 
the nature of matter and motion. 

In the second place, recent experiments lead to the 
belief that matter is always electrified; that light is 
due to electrical variations; and that the amount of 
electricity associated with a given amount of matter is 
a fixed and invariable quantity. It is further shown 
by theory and confirmed by experiment that if an 
electrified body be moved, the ratio of its electrical 
charge to its apparent mass must vary with the velocity 
of its motion; and since the electrical charge is^assumed 

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to be a constant, there remains only the alternative of 
considering the mass of a body as a variable. This 
evidently strikes at the very root of Newtonian me- 
chanics. The effect of motion on mass is found to be 
inappreciable until the velocity approximates to that of 
light, so the discussion would have remained a purely 
academic one, if the creation of the electron had not 
brought us suddenly face to face with bodies which 
are supposed to have a velocity great enough to affect 
experimentally their mass. A further consequence of 
this theory is that mass becomes infinite when the 
velocity of light is reached. While that velocity has 
always been considered enormous and beyond our 
power to attain, such a result was entirely unsuspected. 
The laws of mechanics of bodies at rest could evidently 
no longer be held to be the same as those for bodies in 

Lastly, various experiments have been made to find 
an effect due to the mutual relations of the ether and 
matter. None could be found. One in particular, de- 
vised by Professors Michelson and Morley, has proved 
to be the hardest problem in modern physics to explain. 
Calculation showed that certain properties of light 
which depend on its velocity should be affected appre- 
ciably by the motion of the earth through space, but 
the experiment proved beyond doubt that such was not 
the case. The first attempt at a reconciliation was 
made by assigning certain complicated motions4o thci 

Jigitized by VjOOQIC 


ether which wotild annul the effect the motion of the 
earth should produce; but it was shown that unless the 
ether remains absolutely at rest worse difficulties re- 
sult Then the bold assumption was made, often 
called the Fitzgerald-Lorentz effect, that the dimen- 
sions of bodies in motion were so changed by their 
motion as to neutralize the effect of the earth's motion 
on the phenomena of light. Every body would, accord- 
ing to this idea, grow shorter, the faster it moved; 
and would flatten out to a disc of no thickness if it 
could attain a speed equal to the velocity of light. 

One of the results of this criticism of mechanics has 
been to change profoundly our hypothesis of the ether. 
As is well known, the early conception of the ether was 
a kind of material substance possessing properties in- 
compatible with those of any other kind of matter. A 
large part of the effort of theorists down to the middle 
of the nineteenth century was devoted to inventing 
attributes for it which would enable it to fulfill its func- 
tion as the medium for the transmission of light. At 
this time, Faraday discovered an effect in electricity 
which required an entire change in our ideas of the 
ether. When he found that static electric charges and 
forces were dependent on the characteristic^ of the 
material substance in which electrified bodies were im- 
mersed, and when later Maxwell predicted and Hertz 
showed experimentally that electro-magnetic energy 
passed through vacuous space, and that this form of 

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radiant energy was undoubtedly of the same type as 
light and heat; then it was found that no material 
ether could be imagined which would perform these 
new duties, especially as it was already staggering 
under the burdens of the old ones. Faraday proposed 
as a substitute, that we should no longer imagine the 
medium to be a substance having material or mechani- 
cal properties, but one responding to electrical and 
magnetic actions. He was far in advance of his time 
and to be acceptable the hypothesis needed the mathe- 
matical development which was so skillfully accom- 
plished by Maxwell. Both Faraday and Maxwell, 
while really destroying the material nature of the ether, 
strove to maintain at least a partial connection between 
electro-magnetic and mechanical attributes. For this 
reason they supposed that electro-magnetic stresses 
manifested themselves by creating mechanical strains in 
the ether and in matter immersed in it. Such strains 
must produce actual physical deformations of size and 
shape in all electrified bodies. It has been shown ex- 
perimentally by the writer that such deformations are 
not produced in electrified matter and lately Professor 
Lorentz has stated, that since Helmholtz proved these 
stresses would cause the medium to move, and since no 
experiment has ever shown us a trace of a motion in the 
ether, we must deny the real existence of such stresses. 
The effect of such a denial is to separate all attributes 
of the ether from concrete realities and to class th( 



as abstract symbols. Professor Lorentz is quite ex- 
plicit on this point, as he holds that, " while thus deny- 
ing the real existence of ether stresses, we can still 
avail ourselves of all the mathematical transformations 
by which the application of the formula (for these 
stresses) may be made easier: . . . and for conveni- 
ence's sake we may continue to apply to the quantities 
occurring in this integral the name of stresses. Only, 
we must be aware that they are only imaginary ones, 
nothing else than auxiliary mathematical quantities." 
This dematerialization of the ether, when it was once 
found that light and heat still managed to come to us 
from the sun although we had given its medium of 
transmission such a rude shock, has progressed rapidly 
until to-day many accept the postulate that there is no 
difference between absolutely vacuous space and the 
ether, except that the latter is the temporary seat of 
radiant energy and possesses a light vector. If this 
definition of space means anything, it implies that light 
has the power of changing a vacuum into a substance. 
When we stop to think that a vacuum means absolute 
negation of everything, we realize what an extraordi- 
nary thing light is in modem physics. Just consider 
this statement of Professor Einstein, which is con- 
sidered almost authoritative, '* the places in space 
where these electro-magnetic actions (i.e., light) occur 
are here considered not as states of a sort of matter, 
but as self-existing things which are similar to4>onder- 

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able matter and in common with it have the character- 
istic of inertia." One has merely to ask, what becomes 
of these self-existing things when light ceases to go 
through a certain space and it slips back into its state 
of vacuity? 

Without going into details, we find a like trend in 
the hypothesis of the nature of matter. It began with 
the atom as a minute simulacrum of ponderable bodies, 
and then we proceeded to strip away one concrete at- 
tribute after another until for a brief interval matter 
was a manifestation of an entity, electricity. But 
even this idea was too concrete, too material, to serve 
and now the objective universe is the s)rmbol, energy. 

If we finally subscribe to these ideas, are we not 
really acknowledging that hypothetical science has 
failed as the interpreter of an objective world? It 
seems to me the guides to knowledge are now to be 
found in those subjective impressions which must 
depend on the individual and vary with him. Scientific 
laws are thus not facts to be discovered but the tempo- 
rary consensus of opinion of a number of individuals 
who, for the time being, find themselves in agreement. 
The classical natural philosophy of Newton and Gali- 
leo has drifted into that transcendental symbolism 
which is apt to take place when German thinkers be- 
come the leaders in philosophy. 

Evidently an almost chaotic condition had de- 
veloped in our ideas of space, matter, and electricity., 

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Each theorist advanced an hypothesis of the most 
tentative character which all felt to be inadequate. 
Yet, in spite of the confusion, three points of agree- 
ment may be noted. In the first place, the ether as a 
material substance is impossible and even useless; the 
name, it is true, is left but it expresses now but the 
shadow of a reality. When the ether is called an 
electro-magnetic something, or a space differentiated 
only by the transient presence of energy, the name may 
signify something but it is hardly intelligible except as 
a mathematical symbol. Secondly, these theories 
agree in assuming electricity to be an entity; that is, 
we are to suppose that it is not due to a state of mat- 
ter, manifested by a special mechanical force, but a 
substance like matter, divisible into atomic elements 
and having inertia. Thirdly, the mass inertia of mat- 
ter is not an invariable quantity but changes with the 
velocity of a body; thus it is the measure of Tiatter 
only while there is no motion. 

Such was the state of physical theory when Professor 
Einstein announced, in an article published in the 
Annalen der Physik for the year 1905, a new scientific 
principle which he believes will reconcile the contra- 
dictions of our new hypotheses; satisfy the three con- 
ceptions mentioned ; and correct and amplify the New- 
tonian mechanics so that it will again harmonize with 
modem science. Whether this Principle of Relativity 
will accomplish all that its discoverer hopes can be 


decided only after an exhaustive trial. But there is no 
doubt as to the startling effect it has produced on scien- 
tific theory nor of the far-reaching importance of its 
conclusions. For example, Professor Planck of Berlin 
is said to have declared that this new idea of time and 
space surpasses in boldness anything that has appeared 
up to the present time in speculative science. 

The name, Principle of Relativity, is derived from 
Professor Einstein's first postulate, which is as fol- 
lows: the idea of absolute rest or absolute motion is 
an impossibility to the human mind, and not only in 
mechanics, but also in electro-dynamics corresponds 
to no properties of phenomena. 

In addition he announced as a second postulate that 
the velocity of light, V, in empty space is an absolute 
constant of nature. Hence this velocity, contrary to 
all others, is independent of the motion of the body 
emitting and of the one receiving the light. The 
startling nature of this postulate is readily under- 
stood when we remember that the closest analogue to 
light is sound, the velocity of which is known by ex- 
perience to be dependent on these quantities. 

He has recorded for us, that he became convinced of 
the necessity for these postulates, because the theory 
of electro-dynamics developed by Maxwell leads to 
an asymmetry, when applied to moving bodies, which 
is not true experimentally. For instance, when a mag- 
net and an electric conductor are moved with respect 


to each other, the phenc»nena of the forces developed 
are observed to depend only on the relative motion of 
the magnet and the conductor, but Maxwell's theory 
requires a different explanation, according to which is 
moved and which remains at rest. Besides this dis- 
crepancy between observation and theory, experiments, 
devised with sufficient accuracy, fail to show any effect 
of the earth's motion through space on the phenomena 
of light. 

It will be convenient to grant these postulates and 
follow Professor Einstein's deductions before attempt- 
ing any criticism. In the first place, their adoption 
does away with the possibility of an ether and revives 
the postulate of space as a vacuum. Both theory and 
experiment show that an ether, if there be one, must 
be in absolute rest with respect to the motion of the 
earth, and the first postulate denies the possibility of 
absolute rest and motion. Again, the failure of New- 
tonian mechanics lies in the assumption, which is 
always tacitly made, that moving bodies are subject 
to the same mechanical laws as those at rest. As I 
have already pointed out, the modification to be made 
in the laws for ordinary bodies is very minute and 
would probably never have become of importance if 
modern theory had not been interested in the prc^rties 
of bodies moving with velocities approximating that of 

Jhe root of the error in the mechanics of moving 


bodies, Professor Einstein believes, lies in our deter- 
mination of time, and clear thinking in regard to time 
is nearly all that is necessary to clear up the trouble. 
Suppose a body or a material point to be at rest rela- 
tively to a coordinate system of three rectangular lines, 
then its position can easily be determined by the ordi- 
nary geometrical method of measuring its distance 
from each of the lines by rigid measuring-rods. But 
if the point is in motion with respect to the reference^ 
system, its position depends on time and cannot be 
determined by the geometrical method. Our idea of 
time is usually defined by what we call isochron- 
ism; we say an event occurs at seven o'clock, 
when the occurrence of the event and the position of 
the hour-hand of a clock at seven are simultaneous. 
But suppose the clock were at some distance from us, 
then we could observe the hand to be at seven only 
after it had passed beyond that figure, since it would 
take some time by any method of transmission for the 
intelligence to reach us. As the velocity of light is the 
greatest of all known motions, the least discrepancy 
would be caused by using light signals as the mode 
of transmitting such intelligence. Also, if we accept 
the second postulate, our intelligence will be still more 
accurate because the velocity of light is unaffected by 
other motions and we thus avoid the difficulty caused 
by the question whether any relative motion between 
us and the clock is an approach or a separation^ To . 

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illustrate further our confusion as regards the measure- 
ment of time, suppose two persons wish to record two 
events, which we shall grant to be simultaneous, 
but which occur at different places, A and B. An 
observer at A records the event, when it occurs at A, 
as being at T^^ time by his clock, and instantly signals 
the fact to an observer at B. Whatever the means of 
signaling, a certain time will elapse before the ob- 
server at B is cognizant of it. For the reasons given, 
we shall adopt light signals as the best method. B 
observes the signal as Tb time by a clock placed at 
B and immediately reflects it back to A, v^^io receives 
it at T'a time by his clock. Although we have granted 
that both events were simultaneous, it is evident they 
will not be so recorded by the two observers. B will 
record the event at A as being later than the one at B. 
But if the velocity of light be absolutely independent 
of all conditions, then we should find that the differ- 
ences of time going and returning are the same, or 
Tb — Ta = T A — Tb . This relation is satisfied by any 
two events occurring at a distance from each other, 
is Professor Einstein's definition of simultaneous 
events or isochronism. The definition may be put in 
this form: two events are simultaneous, if the differ- 
ence of time to flash a signal there and back is equal 
to twice the distance between the two positions divided 
by the velocity of light, V. 
Not only does this limitation in our abilitv^to meas- 

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ure time affect our ideas of time, but it also has an 
important and unsuspected influence on our ideas of 
the size and shape of a body. This may be shown by 
an example. Suppose we wish to measure a rigid rod 
of length, /, moving in the direction of its axis with 
a velocity, v, then there are two methods of measuring 
this length and they do not give concordant results. 

First an observer may move with the rod and meas- 
ure its length by applying directly to it a measuring- 
rod. He will evidently obtain the same result as if both 
he and the rod were at rest. 

A second method is possible and is frequently em- 
ployed. An observer remains at rest and notes the 
positions of the two ends of the rod, at a certain time, 
t, which he determines by means of clocks, also at rest 
and tested for synchronism. These two points are 
dependent on our ability to record simultaneous events ; 
if the rod were at rest the problem would be the one 
already discussed, but in this case the rod has a velocity, 
V, and consequently the time used in signaling in one 
direction involves, V — v, and in the other, Y + v. 
So when he measures the distance between the two 
points, which may also be called the length of the 
rod, he will find it not equal to / as determined by the 
first method, if he still regards his clocks as isochro- 
nous; or if he determined two positions whose 
measured distance is / then his clocks will no longer be 

isochronous. Pr^orrlr^ 


Now our measurements of length are usually made 
under the condition that we, clocks, and rods are all 
moving with the eafth and so relatively at rest. Our 
measurements of length of bodies on the earth are 
thus different from those which would be made on the 
same bodies by an observer if he could be stationed 
with his clocks in the moon. Also if an object on the 
earth is measured while it is moving with respect to 
the observer, it will appear to have a different length 
from that which it has when relatively at rest. Thus 
the dimensions of a body are dependent on its velocity, 
and Newtonian mechanics, which assumes the con- 
trary, must be modified when applied to bodies in 

Professor Einstein then derives a set of equations 
which will express the dimensions of a moving body 
as they appear to a stationary observer. These show 
that the length of every body moving with a velocity, 
V, is diminished in the direction of its motion by the 

and that its dimensions at right angles to its mo- 
tion remain unchanged. Thus a sphere in motion 
becomes an ellipsoid flattened in the direction of 
its motion by an amount equal to the above frac- 
tion. It is proper to say, that this effect is quite 
inappreciable at ordinary velocities. This is^tnie even 


of so great a velocity as that of the earth around the 
sun. This velocity is about thirty kilometers per sec- 
ond while V IS 300,000 kilometers per second. One 
diameter of the earth would thus, to an observer in 
the sun, appear shortened about 7.5 centimeters, or 
three inches. But this effect becomes quite important 
for velocities approaching one-tenth of V. And a 
velocity equal to that of light is absolutely unattain- 
able because the length of the moving body would 
then be reduced to zero. So we have the curious 
anomaly of a finite velocity producing an infinite 

The same equations also show that if one of two 
clocks, which are synchronous when at rest, be moved 
with a velocity, v, the stationary clock will run faster 
each second than the moving one. The maximum 
value of the difference is when one clock runs infinitely 
faster than the other. 

We must not lose sight of the fact that this discus- 
sion, so far as mechanical bodies and motions are con- 
cerned, is purely academic, because for them the ratio 
v/V is too small in any known case to have an appre- 
ciable effect. The Principle of Relativity has its great- 
est significance when applied to problems in electricity, 
provided we accept the theory of electrons. // the 
atom of matter be composed of particles of electricity, 
if the inertia of matter be variable and due to elec- 
trical reactions, and if the velocity of the electron t 

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approaches that of light, then the effect of its velocity 
on its shape, size, and mass is an important matter. 
For, let m be the mass of an electron at rest, from 
Professor Einstein's formulae, its apparent mass in the 
direction of motion is 



and its mass at right angles to the motion which would 
make it resist change of direction is 


Thus we have the unusual result of not only a variable 
mass, but also a difference in mass according to the 
direction considered. 

Another consequence of the hypothesis is, that mass 
also depends on energy. This result is of extraordi- 
nary importance, for it means we have no ability to 
distinguish between the inertia of a physical system 
of bodies and its energy; in other words, between the 
inertia of a body and the energy content of the space 
surrounding it. When we recall Professor Einstein's 
conception of space and energy, which I have quoted, 
most persons will become convinced that no idea of 
the nature of matter could be more abstract. The 
mass of a single body thus remains constantpnly when 

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its energy remains constant. If it gives out heat, 
light, or electro-magnetic energy, or if it even moves, 
its mass continually decreases, until, theoretically at 
least, it would melt away into a complex of energy : I 
know of no name to designate so immaterial a thing 
as this complex of energy located somewhere in vacu- 
ous space. To be sure, this interchange between mass 
and energy is very slow, so slow that ordinary minds 
grow skeptical of its existence. Thus a body radiat- 
ing enough heat to warm a kilogram of water, one 
degree Centigrade, would decrease in mass only about 
4.6 X 10 "* ** grammes. It is fortunate that mass dis- 
sipates so slowly or we should indeed be things dreams 
are made of. 

The last deduction I shall note is that the tem- 
perature of a moving body is less when measurecl by 
a moving observer than by one who is stationary. 

Such are scnne of the more startling conclusions 
which have been derived from the Principle of Rela- 
tivity. If they can be established, and men be per- 
suaded that the universe is, or even may be, as they 
indicate, a revolution has been accomplished in scien- 
tific thought. If we are to criticise the conclusions of 
this h3rpothesis, and they are opposed to what seems 
reasonable, it must be done by examining the postu- 
lates; in them, as in all hypotheses, lies the real 
strength or weakness of the system. 

Professor Einstein asks us to accept two postulatef|^ 


The first is; we have no abUity in us to determine 
absolute rest or motion. We can say mily that one 
body is at rest or changes position with respect to 
others. Phenomena are conditioned entirely by the 
relative positions of bodies and we can gain nothing 
toward an explanation by introducing the idea of abso- 
lute position. The second postulate is; the velocity 
of light, V, is a universal and absolute constant 

Apparently no objection has been made to his state- 
ment that these two postulates are sufficient from 
which to derive all the conclusions mentioned. But it 
seems to me, at least two more independent postulates 
are advanced in the memoir on relativity, which must 
also be granted. I shall propose as a third, Professor 
Einstein's definition of time, and as a fourth, the as- 
sumption of the atomic nature of electricity. The 
fourth postulate carries with it as corollaries, that the 
amount of electricity per atom, or the electron as it is 
called, is a universal constant, and that the mass of the 
electron is variable. My excuse for offering them is, 
they cannot be derived from his postulates, and his con- 
clusions require them. 

The first postulate can be granted at once and unre- 
servedly for all purely mechanical motions of bodies. 
These involve merely changes of position and do not 
affect the nature of bodies nor their phenomena. But 
it must be accepted with limitations when in addition 
to mechanical motion, and by mechanical motionjl 

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mean a mere change of position, one body is emitting 
energy in the form of heat, light, or electricity, and the 
other receiving it. True relativity requires a strictly 
symmetrical arrangement. Now the mechanical mo- 
tions of two bodies with respect to one another are 
symmetrical. If a body has a velocity, Vi, to the right 
and another a velocity, v,, to the left, they approach 
each other with a velocity, Vi + v^. The same result is 
obtained if the velocities of the bodies are interchanged. 
This symmetry is not true if the first body is emitting 
energy and the second receiving it. The behavior of 
each is then conditioned by the behavior of the other 
and in an asymmetrical manner. As an illustration: 
let a body by a periodic disturbance of its parts send 
out a wave of heat; this proceeds, according to theory, 
through space in all directions and on encountering a 
second body produces a periodic disturbance in it. The 
effect of this energy is twofold; the motions of the 
parts of the two bodies are symmetrical but the wave 
itself does not proceed from the second body in all 
directions but only in the one already impressed upon 
it by the first body. To make this clearer, we may start 
a wave along a stretch of string by plucking aside one 
part of it; the wave will travel from the initial point 
along the string in two directions, causing successive 
parts to vibrate symmetrically, but these parts will 
send the wave in one direction only. So we may say 
the velocities of two bodies are relative because tihfl 


quantities appear in the mathematical expression in a 
symmetrical manner; so also are their momenta or their 
masses multiplied by their velocities. But this is not 
the case for energy since it involves the square of the 
velocity. The squared velocity remains positive al- 
though we change direction and the composition of two 
energies is always an addition. For true relativity, a 
change in direction must be accompanied by a change 
in sign. The extension of the idea of relativity to in- 
volve cases of radiant energy is partly responsible 
for the conclusion that mass is a function of energy. 

Professor Einstein's second postulate has been 
widely discussed and many attempts have been made to 
interpret it. At first sight it seems absurd to say that 
the mechanical motion of a body emitting light 
does not affect the velocity of the light emitted. But 
the fact remains that all our experiments, and they 
have been most accurate and searching, fail to find 
any difference in the velocity of light whether the 
sources and the recipient are at rest or in motion. As 
we have seen, Professor Einstein, with admirable 
directness, goes straight to the point: he accepts the 
reliability of these experiments ; assumes the constancy 
of V as a postulate, determines its effect on the space 
dimensions of bodies and on time, and finds that we 
must change our previous ideas of these radically. Let 
us, when discussing V, consider it under two heads: 
first, when light passes through transparent material 

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bodies and is subject to experimental verification ; sec- 
ondly, when it passes through space absolutely de- 
prived of material bodies and so is not subject to 
experimental evidence. 

In the first case, we know that there is a true path 
and that light moves very approximately in straight 
lines, and we have quite accurately measured the time 
light requires to move from one place to another 
through various substances. V is here the length of 
path divided by the time, — a true velocity. We know 
that this V is a variable; it is less in water than it is in 
air, and still less in glass. It is also less in dense air 
than in rarefied air. Not only does V vary with the 
kind of matter through which light passes, but it also 
depends on the motion of the medium as shown in the 
experiments on the velocity of light passing through 
columns of moving water made by Fizeau and repeated 
by Professor Michelson. The velocity of light in 
material media is therefore subject to all the variations 
which influence the velocity of sound and other types 
of motion and evidently cannot be the V assumed by 
Professor Einstein to be an absblute constant. 

He must then limit his postulate strictly to what is 
called the velocity of light in absolutely immaterial 
space. There are two methods of obtaining this value. 
We observe the difference in time between the cal- 
culated eclipse of some satellite and the recorded ob- 
servation of the event or we use other stellar ohe^ 


nomena. If we know the distance and the time, we 
say the velocity of light in empty space is the quotient 
of the two. Such observations are quite inadequate 
to settle experimentally the question of the constancy 
of V. Our measurements of the distances are crude 
for such a purpose, and also the light must travel part 
of the way through a material medium such as the air. 
Neglecting such astronomical methods, we have left 
only determinations of V made on the earth where 
the path is necessarily through matter. Here, what we 
are to call the constant V can be foimd only by extra- 
polation. For example, we find that the ratio of the 
velocity in air and in water is about four to three and 
agrees with their refractive indices. We find also that 
the velocity in different gases as they are reduced in 
density tends to a common value, which is independent 
of the kind of gas and approaches the value 3 x 10" 
centimeters. If we take this extrapolated value of 
3 X ID*® centimeters for the velocity of light in empty 
space and assume the refractive index of space to be 
one, then we may calculate back and by this method we 
find the absolute refractive index of air at ordinary 
pressure to be 1.0002. Such an experimental method 
and such reasoning are highly unsatisfactory. In the 
first place, we start with measurements of lengths and 
time which are subject to experimental verification and 
calculate V, from these we pass to a supposititious V 
where only one factor, the time, is subject ta experi- 

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mental proof and the other factor, the length, is not, as 
we cannot experiment on the path of light in free space. 
But passing this objection, we have calculated from 
length and time determinations a value for V and Pro- 
fessor Einstein declares it to be an absolute constant. 
He then reasons backward that the length of a body 
and time determinations must be variables with motion, 
in order to keep V constant Of course, if Professor 
Einstein wishes to look on the universe as a purely ab- 
stract conception; and if he wishes to make what we 
sometimes call concrete or objective phenomena cor- 
respond to his preconceived idea of the universe, he 
can assume V in a vacuum to be a universal and ab- 
solute constant and no one can disprove it sci- 
entifically. But there are some who still cling to 
the idea that dimensions of bodies and time are 
not subject to our fancy, and who believe that 
if any quantities must vary, it should be those 
which we have no means of determining directly. 
And after all it is asking a great deal of us, to 
upset our ideas in order to explain at bottom a 
single experiment, that of Michelson and Morley, how- 
ever accurately it has been performed and however 
puzzling its results may be. He has not even the 
justification his predecessors would have had. When 
the ether was believed to be a crystalline solid which 
vibrated with the passage of light rays, V had a real 
meaning although we could not determine it directly. 


When the ether was a substance which periodically 
varied electro-magnetically, we could still say that V 
had a possible meaning. But the latest definition, that 
the ether is absolutely quiescent space to be distin- 
guished from vacuous space only by the fact that it is 
the seat of an entity, called electro-magnetic energy, 
and contains a light vector, makes the word velocity 
when applied to V absolutely without meaning in any 
ordinary sense of the term. To speak of a motion in 
an absolutely quiescent space is a rather startling state- 
ment. The ether also becomes a local affair, shifting 
back and forth in vacuous space according as light is 
present or not. The feeble light of a candle, a^qia- 
rently, changes nothing into something. 

But aside from these considerations, which lie in the 
debatable land and which will be decided largely by the 
temperament of the individual, there seems to be an 
absolute contradiction between the first two postulates 
as I understand them. If V be the value of the velocity 
of light in an absolutely quiescent ether and itself a 
constant, then the velocity of light in a material me- 
dium, such as air, is an absolute velocity or motion 
when referred to V. Now the first postulate declares 
that we can have no knowledge of absolute motion 
and, in addition, that the explanation of phenomena is 
not conditioned by absolute motion. 

The third postulate, which I have proposed as neces- 
sary for the system proposed by Professor Einstein, 


is his definition of time. He says,— our idea of time 
is defined by synchronism or the simultaneous occur- 
rence of an event and the position of the hour-hand 
of a clock at a certain position, the number seven for 
example. This is certainly not our idea of time but 
merely our method of measuring it quantitatively. If 
we did not have an adequate idea of time as the mere 
succession of events, we should have no conception of 
what simultaneous occurrences are nor of how to 
measure time. His definition gives me the feeling 
that if I could make clocks go 'slower my life would 
become longer. In the review of his memoir, it was 
pointed out that his definition of simultaneity or isoch- 
ronism, when combined with the constancy of V, led 
to the conclusion that two clocks which were syn- 
chronous, when relatively at rest, would not remain so, 
if one of them were given a velocity. Moreover the 
length of a body in motion decreases with respect to 
its length when at rest. It is certain that these re- 
sults depend on the constancy of V. If we are willing 
to rest our knowledge of time and space on a value 
which by the nature of things can never be put to a 
direct test, I am convinced of the theoretical correct- 
ness of these results. But I am not willing to do this. 
I prefer to trust to the invariability of time and space 
phenomena, even if it requires V to be a variable and 
time measurements to contain an unavoidable dis- 
crepancy. By so doing, I am aware that I forfeit an, 

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explanation of the Michelson-Morley effect and of 
some others, but this loss is not overwhelming and we 
can afford to wait for an explanation imtil a future 

I am the more willing to take this attitude, because 
I can see no means of applying the Principle of Rela- 
tivity to the test of experience. As we have seen, the 
velocity of light in any material medium is a variable 
and can be no more trusted than the velocity of sound. 

Perhaps this illustration may make my meaning 
clearer. Suppose a race of men to exist who are blind 
and have no knowledge of electro-magnetic radiation, 
but who wish to measure the lengths of moving bodies. 
They will undoubtedly be compelled to get this in- 
formation and that of the s)mchronism of clocks by 
sound signals. It is evident that observations car- 
ried out under conditions similar to those imposed by 
Professor Einstein would indicate that the length of 
a moving body underwent changes. And while they 
could make corrections for some of the effects, because 
sound waves are largely affected by the motion of 
media and of sonorous bodies, yet they would undoubt- 
edly come to the conclusion that the dimensions of a 
moving body depended to some extent on its motion. 
Now, if we should bestow sight on one of these men, he 
would be able to correct their measurements; as he 
could by his immensely more rapid light signals gain a 
much more nearly instantaneous valu^ for synchronism. 


We are, at present, in the condition of this man. As we 
improve in our ability to measure the velocity of light 
under different conditions we shall. Professor Ein- 
stein thinks, get closer to the knowledge of the abso- 
lute V and to the relations for space and time which 
he has derived. But we may suppose men will some 
day find a kind of radiation which has a velocity 
greater than V (for example, the transmission of 
gravitation), and by its aid remove the conviction re- 
maining in our minds that motion affects length and 
time. Calculation may show that material bodies can- 
not attain this velocity, but we are speaking of an 
immaterial radiation. To say that such a radiation is 
impossible is as futile, at least as tmscientific, as for a 
race of the blind to say that there is no light 

Since the motion of any ponderable body is too slow 
to make the ratio Vv an appreciable quantity, the only 
supposable case, where this ratio can enter as a deter- 
mining factor, is in problems of radio-activity and the 
discharge of electricity through gases. In these, the 
particles of matter are supposed to be so small and to 
have a velocity so great that their mass and size are 
measurable functions of their velocity. But to limit 
the applicability of the principle of relativity to such 
supposititious bodies as electrons, is to rob it of its im- 
portance, and we should hardly consider it one of tiie 
great principles of nature. 

But even this is not all: if we wish to apply the^|^ 


principle to electrons, we shall need a fourth postulate. 
We must assume that a quantity of electricity is 
atomic in character; either the charge of electricity 
associated with what we call an atom of matter is an 
invariable, or, as it is now usually expressed, elec- 
tricity is an entity which may be divided into invariable, 
equal, and indivisible parts called electrons. As a 
corollary to this postulate, the ponderable mass of an 
atom is a variable depending on its velocity. It has 
been shown that the constancy of electric quantity and 
the variability of mass is not a necessary assumption. 
All experiments, which involve both these quantities, 
include them in the form of a simple ratio, •/« ; where 
e is the quantity of electricity and m the mass of the 
electron. It is evident that any value may be given 
to this ratio by supposing either one of its members 
to remain constant and the other to vary, or by sup- 
posing both to vary in opposite fashions, and it is just 
as reasonable to keep m constant and to let e vary with 
the velocity, as to make the contrary assumption. This 
is certainly possible until we have experimental evi- 
dence which will determine our decision, and this evi- 
dence is not likely ever to be at our disposal. 

If we attempt to estimate the results which follow 
from the postulates of relativity, the first would be that 
Professor Einstein has proved that we cannot theoret- 
ically measure in space and time moving bodies exactly 
by the laws which apply to bodies at rest.^The first 

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postulate will be accepted for all mechanical motions 
and no further attempts should be made to find experi- 
mentally an absolute motion. But the second postulate 
contradicts the principle of relativity, if by V we mean 
the absolute motion of something, — ^matter, energy, 
or light through quiescent space. If, on the other 
hand, V is understood to be the velocity of light in 
space containing matter, then it cannot be taken as 
a tmiversal constant. The third postulate concerning 
time should not cause us to change our belief that the 
dimensions of a body and the unit of time are inde- 
pendent of velocity, but it should show us how to cor- 
rect our measurements of moving bodies, as we must 
correct all subjective measurements of objective phe- 

If we grant the assumptions of Professor Einstein, 
the theory of relativity is a perfectly logical system so 
long as we apply it to abstract systems moving with a 
constant velocity in a straight line. But I can find no 
evidence that the postulates agree with experimental 
facts and certainly, to the present time at least, its 
conclusions will not affect experimentally the laws of 
mechanics. Also its theoretical conclusions are limited, 
as yet, to the rare cases when there is neither any 
change of speed nor of direction. We should remem- 
ber before we abandon or modify Newtonian mechanics 
that mathematicians have devised numerous systems 
which point to different mechanical laws. If wp pos- 

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tulate a fourth dimension to space we can deduce per- 
fectly logical laws for a mechanical system that are 
quite diflFerent from the laws of ordinary mechanics. 
And the universe, constructed on this principle, is a 
very beautiful and interesting one. It is the privilege 
of mathematicians to deal with symbols; the physical 
universe is no more important to them than any other 
universe which can be developed sjrmbolically. The 
trouble occurs when the distinction between the real or 
physical imiverse and s}rmbolical or metaphysical uni- 
verses is oUiterated in the minds of men of science. 



E egli questo im far loro oracolo una statua di legno, e a 
quella correr per i responsi, quella temere, quella riverire» quella 
adorarc — Galileo. 

The intellectual habits of men have a very decided 
effect on their characters, and it is evident that Galileo 
had met with contemporaries who carried their devo- 
tion to the hypothetical and dogmatic scientific method 
of Aristotle to a state of idolatry, accepting on faith 
that which should be submitted to experience. The 
quotation, from his Dialogues on the Two Principat 
^Systems, which I have given expresses his opposition to 
such idolatry in no uncertain language. It is fortunate 
for me that I wrote this chapter as an essay with the 
same title before I had read Galileo's comment, because 
the quotation is so ben irovato that otherwise I should 
have been accused of fitting an argument to a title. 

Men of science have two principal functions to per- 
form: first to observe the phenomena of the world; 
and when certain connections and differences are 
found in these phenomena, to classify them under laws. 
The conclusions, thus derived, have been used with 
great success to enlarge our intellecttial life; to modify 

* ig. Jigitized by VjOOQ IC 


our environment; and to promote our comfort and 
power. But, allured by their great and legitimate suc- 
cess in these two fields of activity, they have also tried 
to discover the hidden causes of phenomena, with the 
result that a sort of fictitious world has been created 
/ by them, in which the laws of objective, or physical, 
phenomena are inextricably confounded with the de- 
duction^ of subjective psychology. Science is made 
metaphysical, and at the same time pretends to sup- 
plant metaphysics. 

This encroachment, naturally, has not been accom- 
plished without a sharp conflict, and the history of 
the nineteenth century is permeated with the struggle 
of science against religion and philosophy. The issue 
was clearly in favor of science, which has not only 
gradually become a dominating influence in education 
and in thought, but has also changed our attitude to- 
wards history, politics, and social life to such an extent 
that these subjects are now classed as sciences. Even 
philosophy and religion were unsettled by its growing 
power; instead of basing character on attributes pecu- 
liar to man and designated by the name of spiritual 
powers, many now include man with the rest of organic 
life as subject only to the statistical and impersonal 
laws of heredity and environment: metaphysics tends 
towards a philosophy of science; religion to eugenics. 
Both the conflict and the victory were no doubt in- 
evitable. But the results have not been on the whde 

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beneficial either to society or to science. It would be 
difficult to prove that the acceptance of the belief that 
man has no divinity, in at least the sense of super- 
natural powers, and no innate standards of right and^ 
wrong — in other words, that he is merely the most 
complex machine in a world governed exclusively by 
physical and chemical laws — that such a belief has not 
sunk him to a lower plane of morality and induced 
in him a resigned weariness towards such a fate. 
The victory has not only reacted on science in such a 
way as to give the world a too implicit confidence in 
. its hypotheses, but it has also made men of science 
dogmatic and rash in proposing bold and unsupported 
speculations, — impatient of criticism of themselves and 
hypercritical towards religion, philosophy, and all 

I other methods of human thought. Thus the most 

i urgent need is a severe and just criticism, not of our 
experimental observations or of our logic, but of our 

j hypotheses. One of the greatest difficulties in de- 
veloping such a criticism lies in the fact that so few 
men of science leave any record of their intimate and 
personal convictions as to the limitations and the pos- 
sibilities of their field of action. They content them- 
selves, for the most part, with a mere statement of 

. experimental results, or they develop speculative 
theories without much consideration whether they are 
fanciful or whether their influence will be good or 
pernicious. Such criticism as there may be is directedj 

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towards checking the accuracy of observation and the 
logic of deduction. As for hypothesis, there is a gen- 
erally accepted and naive belief that any such endeavor 
is beneficial. 

The virritings of men of genius in science frequently 
exhibit this sort of naivete in method of thought. And 
probably a too critical attitude would be a hindrance 
to their creative powers as they must look at problems 
intensively, and exclude the many complexities and 
doubts which would tend to embarrass them in their 
special work. It would be foolish to say " thus and 
thus only shall a man work out his ideas." We have 
an Ampere who develops the laws of electro-dynamics 
from the experimental facts of electricity, and quite in- 
dependently of the prevailing hypothesis of the nature 
of electricity; and, on the other hand, a Lord Kelvin 
who could not work imtil he had first visualized a 
problem, and usually he put this image into a concrete 
form, making for the purpose many different models 
of atoms out of sticks and strings, to illustrate the 
properties of matter. 

But science has other functions in addition to the 
attack and solution of problems by the creative power 
of the individual: phenomena and laws must be taught 
in detail to the specialist; general conclusions must be 
given to the world in order that they may become a 
part of the general intellectual life; and finally dis- 
coveries are to be applied to social and industrial needs. 

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Thus, not only the results obtained by creative minds, ' 
but also the methods of obtaining them, are important, 
because they will ultimately be interpreted and pro- 
mulgated to others. The harm done by a vicious 
method of thought may outweigh the benefits of a 
useful discovery happened upon in spite of them. 
There is always this danger in the hypothetical method ; 
the man who assists his intellectual labors by the help 
of crude mechanical models undoubtedly tries to keep 
distinct in his mind the real actions of nature from 
the properties of his model, let us say of the atom. 
But in imparting his results to others, this model is 
made to assume an aspect of reality in the written word 
which was not in his own mind. Baffled by the diffi- 
culty of expressing complicated ideas, he paints his 
metaphorical pictures too vividly. The process grows 
more pronounced as the idea passes from mind to 
mind; the fictitious model grows progressively more 
and more concrete, until to the student and to the world, 
it is at last the concrete model of the atom that be- 
comes the reality, while real matter dissolves into an 
abstraction. And if words can be relied on to express 
ideas, the creator of the atom himself is a believer 
in the reality of that creation of his imagination, the 

This sort of speculation is probably least dangerous 
in pure mathematics. The mathematician looks upon 

om oos-T 

the world sjrmbolically. He studies its laws f r< 

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tulates which are given to him by others, or assumed 
by himself. Thus he may derive the laws of mechanics 
from a postulate that bodies have three spatial dimen- 
sions, which is verified by observation; but he is also 
interested in the mechanics of bodies which would 
prevail if there were four dimensions to space, a pos- 
tulate not verifiable. He develops a geometry whidi 
requires the axiom that parallel lines do not inter- 
sect ; and at the same time he studies another geometry 
based on the axiom that parallel lines do intersect He 
finds it no more important as an exercise in analysis 
to study a solar system which is subservient to forces 
of attraction, than one which obeys a law of repulsion. 
That is, he is not limited at all to what we call the 
reality of an objective and material world, and mathe- 
matical deductions regarding an imaginative world will 
have very little influence on society. So, also, the 
purely hypothetical parts of such abstract subjects as 
physics, chemistry, and astronomy are not very influ- 
ential in a direct manner, but indirectly they have had 
an enormous influence since they have been taken 
as an example for the development of biology and that 
class of sciences known as political and social. Specu- 
lations in these subjects have a direct and intimate 
bearing on the character of the individual and on so- 
ciety. Thus a ready proneness to accept h)rpothesis 
and speculation as well as observation has resulted 
in the crude laws and dogmas of eugenics, and has nut 

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government under the necessity of hearkening to the 
dilettante of the slums, and the feminist ; all of whom 
are preaching the scientific basis of their nostrums. It 
is not then a matter of indifference what the hypotheses 
of even the abstract sciences may be, or how we attempt 
to solve their problems. 

Two books* have recently appeared most oppor- 
timely, which record the mature beliefs of two con- 
spicuous men of science concerning the value and 
necessity of scientific hypothesis. We could scarcely 
have two authors more widely contrasted in tempera- 
ment and in opinions than Poincare and Sir Oliver 
Lodge ; the one, a skeptic who views with detachment 
the efforts of men to penetrate the mysteries of nature, 
and the other, a credulous believer with equal convic- 
tion in matter and ether and spirits. 

Before discussing their views, we should call to 
mind that Poincard began his career and attained his 
greatest eminence as a pure mathematician; that he 
later critically examined the theories of physics; and 
finally turned to philosophy for the purpose of examin- 
ing the foundations of science. Sir Oliver Lodge has 

* The Foundations of Science, By H. Poincar^. An author- 
ized translation by George Bruce Halsted of "Science and 
Hypothesis." "The Value of Science," and "Science and 
Method," with an introduction by Professor Royce. (The 
Science Press.) 

Continuity. The Presidential Address to the British Asso- 
ciation for the Advancement of Science for 1913. (Putnam's.) 
By Sir Oliver Lodge. ^.^.^^^^^ by Googlc 


worked mostly from the experimental side. With an 
early tendency toward speculation, he wrote several 
books which aimed to give a most concrete, and even 
crude, picture, of natural phenomena. His present 
position as executive head of a university has thrown 
him into the practical affairs of life. And probaHy 
his chief trait of mind is the belief that all things, from 
engines to souls, are best considered as manifestations 
of a luminiferous ether which has the characteristics 
of a jelly. 

It will be best now to let Poincare state his ideas 
.regarding the scientific method in his own words : for 
he has done so most lucidly and vividly. The quota- 
tions are from Professor Halsted's authorized trans- 
lations : 

" Experiment is the sole source of truth. It alone 
can teach us anything new; it alone can give us cer- 
tainty. But then, if experiment is everything, what 
place will remain for mathematical physics? What 
has experimental physics to do with such an aid, one 
which seems useless and perhaps even dangerous ? And 
yet mathematical physics exists, and has done unques- 
tionable service. We have here a fact that must be 
explained. The explanation is that merely to observe 
is not enough. We must use our observations, and 
to do that we must generalize. This is what men have 
always done; only as the memory of past errors has 
made them more and more careful, they hav^ 


observed more and more, and generalized less and 

** It is often said experiments must be made without 
a preconceived idea. That is impossible. Not only 
would it make all experiment barren, but that would 
be attempted which could not be done. Everyone 
carries in his own mind his own conception of the 
world, of which he cannot so easily rid himself. We 
must, for instance, use language; and our language is 
made up only of preconceived ideas and cannot be 
otherwise. Only thiese are unconscious preconceived 
ideas, a thousand times more dangerous than the 

And he goes on to show how barren would be the 
mere accumulation of experimental facts, and how 
the master minds group them into generalizations and 
laws which make them fit for use. Out of complexity 
they achieve simplicity and order. And he warns us 
that even in this true phase of science, lurk the dangers 
of preconceived ideas, and of inaccuracy of expression. 
Having pointed out the proper path, he then enters the 
more debatable field of hypothesis : 

"All generalization," he says, "is a hypothesis. 
Hypothesis, then, has a necessary role that no one has 
ever contested. Only, it ought always, as soon as pos- 
sible and as often as possible, to be subjected to verifi- 
cation. And of course if it does not stand this test it 
ought to be abandoned without reserve. This is what 


we generally do, but sometimes with rather an ill 

" The firm determination to submit to experiment is 
not enough; there are still dangerous hypotheses; first, 
and above all, those which are tacit and unconscious. 
Since we make them without knowing it, we are power- 
less to abandon them. Here again, then, is a service 
that mathematical physics can render us. By the pre- 
cision that is^ characteristic of it, it compels us to 
formulate all the hypotheses that we should make with- 
out it, but imconsciously." 

It is just here that I think Poincare begins to leave 
sure ground, and by a confusion of thought and terms 
he falls into what seems to me an impossible posi- 
tion. He first stated that a generalization is an hypoth- 
esis. It is true that every generalization is speculative 
to the extent that we cannot verify it by experiment 
with absolute accuracy or in all possible cases. For in- 
stance, no one supposes we can ever record all the 
changes of energy which occur in the universe, yet we 
state with great confidence that energy is conservative. 
The justification for our belief is simple. All the 
cases we have measured confirm the law. And this 
law is of the kind that can be frequently and readily 
put to the test of experimental verification; until 
future experiments shall show it to be in error, we 
have the right to believe the law correct. But hypoth- 
esis has a wide range of meanings besides that of 

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signifying a tentative generalization which will ulti- 
mately be accepted as a law or be rejected because of 
its increasing disagreement with observations and, un- 
fortunately, it is used very loosely. It frequently 
means those speculations in which we indulge when 
we attempt to define the causes of phenomena; when 
we create fictitious substances, as an atom or ether; 
and when we construct models to illustrate the actions 
of forces. None of these cases is a generalization in 
the sense of Poincare's first statement, because it can- 
not be verified by experiment. It would greatly sim- 
plify thought if we would confine the term hypothesis 
to these speculative ideas, and use the words law or 
theory for those generalizations which are based on 
experimental observations of a material world. One 
has only to note Poincare's own confusion of thought; 
if we must generalize, and if our generalizations are 
hypotheses which are subject to, and must be verified 
by, experiment, then such hypotheses are the truth, 
so far as can be determined by scientific methods. We 
certainly have the right to ask: how can they be dan- 
gerous and how can there be a too great multiplica- 
tion of them, if they are the truth? If they can be 
subjected to experiment, then as soon as one is dis- 
proved, it would necessarily be abandoned. The reason 
for his caution to us is that Poincare knows that the 
great majority are incapable of verification, since they 

, Google 

deal with purely metaphysical ideas. His own^words,! 


quoted from the introduction to his ThSorie de la 
Lumiire, will prove this: 

"It matters little to us whether the ether really 
exists; that is the business of the metaphysician to 
find out; the essential thing for us is that everything 
acts as if it existed, and that this hypothesis is con- 
venient in explaining phenomena. After all, have we 
any other reason for believing in the existence of ma- 
terial objects? Is not that belief also a convenient 
hypothesis; only we shall never cease to make it, mean- 
while the time will come, without doubt, when the ether 
will be rejected as useless/' 

See what an advance in confusion of thought we 
have now! Hypothesis is no longer a necessity, it is 
a convenience. If those of the ether (and no idea has 
been more fruitful than the ether) cannot be verified 
by experiment, how can they be convenient, because he 
says unverifiable hypotheses are dangerous; and if they 
can be verified, how can wc reject the truth, whether 
they are convenient or not? Again,' how can every- 
thing act as if the ether existed, unless it does exist? 
Is not that our definition of existence ? And lastly, one 
would suppose that if we shall never cease to postulate 
the existence of matter, we have come as near making 
matter a certainty as we can ever attain to any cer- 

The unfortunate feature of such statements is that 
they constantly rise to trouble their makers. We shall 

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sec later that Poincare absolutely reverses this opinion, 
rejects matter and clings to the ether ; meanwhile, both 
of his opinions are unsupported by experimental evi- 
dence, which he has declared to be the touchstone of 
truth and usefulness for hypotheses. Not only does 
Poincare drift in this hopeless fashion between matter 
and ether, but the founders of the New Mechanics are 
at sea as regards the existence ot the ether. One 
school of thought claims that all substance is but a 
differentiation of the ether, which thus becomes uni- 
versal substance; the other school is just as positive in 
its belief that the ether is a womout fiction. In spite 
of this trifling difference in their points of view, both 
schools arrive at much the same conclusions. At; 
least they give us a good illustration of the power of 
mind to modify matter. During the recent conference 
at Brussels for the purpose of discussing the new con- 
cepts of matter and mechanics, Poincare suggested 
that it was unfortunate that physicists were using the 
ether when they needed it, and were discarding it when 
it proved troublesome. Curiously, no one in the con- 
ference seemed to find the situation of the New Me- 
chanics in the least embarrassing or humorous; the fact 
is, the consequences announced at the conference were 
so unintelligible that a sense of humor would have 
been out of place. 

Although Poincar£ says that we must generalize, 
and that every generalization is an hypothesisrS,^^!^ 

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he finds he must distinguish between different kinds, 
and must warn us against their indiscriminate use: 
" It is important not to multiply hypotheses beyond 
measure, and to make them only one after the other. 
If we construct a theory based on a number of hypoth- 
eses, and if experiment condemns it, which of our 
premises is it necessary to change ? It will be impos- 
sible to know. And inversely, if the experiment 
succeeds, shall we believe that we have demonstrated 
all the hypotheses at once?" 

This is excellent advice, but when he makes hypoth- 
eses, he does not heed his own warning and neither 
does anyone else. Imagine a physicist sa}ring to 
another, yours is dead, now let me have a turn 
with one. But let us follow Poincar^'s classification 

" There are first those which are perfectly natural 
and from which one can scarcely escape. It is diffi- 
cult not to suppose that the influence of bodies very 
remote is quite negligible. . . . They are the last that 
ought to be abandoned. 

'* There is a second class of hypotheses, that I shall 
term neutral. In most questions the analyst assiunes 
at the beginning of his calculations either that matter 
is continuous or, on the contrary, that it is formed of 
atoms. He might have made the opposite assumption 
without changing his results. He would only have 
had more trouble to obtain them; that is all. If, then, 

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experiment confirms his conclusions, will he think that 
he has demonstrated, for instance, the real existence of 

" These neutral hypotheses are never dangerous, if 
only their character is not misunderstood. They may 
be useful, either as devices for computation, or to aid 
our understanding by concrete images, to fix our ideas 
as the saying is. There is, then, no occasion to ex- 
clude them. 

" The hypotheses of the third class are the real gen- 
eralizations. They are the ones that experiment must 
confirm or invalidate. Whether verified or condemned, 
they will always be fruitful. But for the reasons that 
I have set forth, they will only be fruitful if they are 
not too numerous." 

It would seem to almost anyone that the first and 
third classes are so different from the second class, 
that it is advisable to call them laws, and limit the 
term hypothesis to the speculative second class. The 
class of neutral hypotheses is evidently the melting-pot 
for the bewildering ethers, atoms, subtile fluids which 
abound in the physical sciences, and which have their 
analogues in all the others. Poincare teaches us that 
we shall never acquire any definite knowledge from 
them, and then he makes the amazing statement that 
there is no need to exclude them if they are not mul- 
tiplied, if they are made one after the other, and if 
their character is not misunderstood. Anyone, in tlui. 


least conversant with their history knows that their 
niunber is great, and that they are not proposed con- 
secutively. As for their character, he evidently means 
that they ore dangerous if we forget they are mere 
conveniences, fictions, not to be taken too seriously. It 
is perfectly safe to say that there is scarcely a text- 
book or a treatise in any science which does not state 
explicitly that the sort of things classed by Poincare 
as neutral hypotheses, are realities and not conjectures. 
Before showing how Poincare and Sir Oliver Lodge 
confirm this opinion, let me quote two statements of 
Sir J. J. Thomson: 

" The ether is not a fantastic creation of the specu- 
lative philosopher ; it is as essential to us as the air we 
breathe. . . . The study of this all-pervading sub- 
stance is perhaps the most fascinating and important 
duty of the physicist." 

" The possession of a charge by the ions increases 
so much the ease with which they can be traced and 
their properties studied that, as the reader will see, we 
know far more about the ion than we do about the un- 
charged molecule." 

Evidently convenience of computation and an aid to 
our understanding by concrete images are not at all in 
the minds of even eminent physicists when they indulge 
in neutral h)rpothcses of ethers and atoms. 

Now let us return to Poincar^, and see how he heeds 
his own warning. But first notice how dear^nd how 

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vivid his thought is when he is not involved in these 
pitfalls to accurate reasoning : " Is not each great ad- 
vance accomplished precisely the day someone has 
discovered under the complex aggregate shown by our 
senses something far more simple, not even resembling 
it — ^as when Newton replaced Kepler's three laws by 
the simple law of gravitation, which was something 
simpler, equivalent, yet unlike?" 

To this excellent question, he gives the following 
lamentable answer : 

" One is justified in asking if we are not on the eve 
of just such a revolution or one even more important. 
Matter seems on the point of losing its mass, its solid- 
est attribute, and resolving itself into electrons. Me- 
chanics must then give place to a broader conception 
which will explain it, but which it will not explain. . . . 
The ether it is, the unknown, which explains matter, 
the known; matter is incapable of explaining the 

How can Poincare justify himself? When we re- 
call how Newton refrained from giving any hypoth- 
esis regarding the cause or nature of gravitational 
force, because he felt such an hypothesis would be out- 
side the field of science; and how the subsequent veri- 
fication of the law of gravitation by innumerable 
experimental observations has established it as one of 
the few great and universal laws; and when we recall 

.what Poincar6 says about electrons, the ether, and 

y Google 

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neutral hypotheses in general, how can we be expected 
to see any similarity in these two revolutions? The 
two, on the contrary, are diametrically opposed to 
each other. Does Poincare really mean that it is to be 
the function of science to resolve matter, which he 
said we must always assume to be an objective reality 
whether we can prove it or not, into electrons, an 
hypothetical component of the hypothetical atom, the 
assumption of whose reality should be a mere fugitive 
matter of convenience? And does he believe the boast 
of science, that it shall rest on the objective experi- 
ence of our sensations rather than on the subjective 
proof of our imaginations, can be maintained, if we 
admit for an axiom, that henceforth it shall be the 
aim of science to explain the known by the unknown ? 
He might have pursued this revolution further; the 
dissolution of matter into the electron is but the first 
step in the confusion of ideas, those who are promoting 
it are further transforming the electron into a strain 
in the ether of a type unknown to experience, and the 
most advanced are dissolving the ether into nothing. 
The process of explaining the known by the unknown 
is complete; matter to atoms; atoms to electrons; elec- 
trons to ether; ether to nothing. Truly, philosophy 
and theology are gross materialism compared with 
such a science. Can he so quickly and completely for- 
get his wholesome, skeptical, and critical attitude, 
merely because he also is tempted to indulge in specu- 


htion? As an example of what absurdities are ad- 
vanced in speculative physics, I give his final utterance 
on the existence and nature of matter, which he de- 
livered in a lecture on the " New Mechanics " : " We 
can almost say that there is no longer matter, but only 
holes in the ether; and in so far as these holes seem to 
play an active part, it consists in the inability of these 
holes to change their location without influencing the 
surrounding ether which exerts a reactive influence on 
such changes." 

What to make of such a statement passes under- 
standing. There was once a man who pestered the 
students in Baltimore by giving them tracts which 
proved in fifty-seven or more different ways that the 
earth was hollow, and that we lived on the inside, and 
so in a hole. But not even he was so confused as to 
contend that we were holes living on the outside of a 
hole. Poincare has, of course, no resemblance to that 
man and yet, unless he means something by the word 
" hole " which is understood exclusively by himself and 
a small coterie of physicists who write in the same 
absurd fashion, there is no more sense in his definition 
of matter. If there were any connection between 
the words and the idea — ^that is, if he were trying to 
define the word matter so as to express our experience 
of it, then his statement makes matter the answer to 
the old conundrum : " What is it, the more you take 
from it, the more it be ? " I admit matter is not ether • 

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but if it is a hole, then a hole in the ether is just the 
contrary to a hole. Holes never even seem to play an 
active part in an)rthing; they show no inclination or 
ability of themselves to change their location; and 
nothing, except an ether, has ever been conceived of as 
able to react on a hole. The simple fact of the case 
is, such statements are attempts to do just what Poin- 
care said they were, — ^attempts to explain the known by 
the unknown. The pity of it is that science is filled 
with just such attempts; we recognize the words used, 
but their sense is so twisted that they really express 
no clear idea. In comparison with such quibbles and 
such verbal distortion, the action of Dr. Johnson, 
when, in answer to the similar logic of a metaphysician 
of the Berkeleian type, he kicked a stone as our ulti- 
mate proof of the existence of matter, is true science — 
at least it is organized common sense. It is comical 
to read the opinions, concerning the essence of matter, 
of those modem physicists who have succumbed to the 
fascination of explaining the known by the imknown. 
Led by a small band of German physicists, they use 
mathematical symbols and scientific phrases; and yet 
they are explaining phenomena in quite the approved 
medieval fashion of transcendental symbolism. It is 
perfectly easy to match their statements with the ab- 
stract theorems of an Albert Magnus or a St. Thomas 
Aquinas. In other words, modem science has sud- 
denly taken a leap into pure metaphysics, while, at the 

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same time, it persists in the habit of sneering at meta- 
physical methods. 

It was with the greatest regret that I found Poincare 
had given in to this form of idolatry of the graven 
images of science. His mathematical writings, his 
physical theories, and his critical spirit had always 
impressed me as models of clear and vivid thinking. 
And the statements I have quoted show that he did not 
adopt this other mode of messy thinking without 
reluctance. His ideas no longer are unqualified: he 
is willing to admit only that things seem to point this 
way or that, as if he had been caught and entangled in 
this German school of transcendental symbolism, and 
could not see his way out. 

Sir Oliver Lodge has no such scruples. He rejoices 
in his beliefs, and delights in promulgating a clear 
knowledge of all the unknowable things in the universe 
just as he sees them ; especially by popular essays ad- 
dressed to those whose lack of technical training makes 
them unable to discriminate between real and sham 
science. In his recent presidential address on " Con- 
tinuity," he tries to accept at once the modern me- 
chanics and Newtonian mechanics, continuity and dis- 
continuity, and scientific laws for bodies both mortal 
and immortal. But with all the trouble which this 
reconciling of irreconcilables gives him, he always 

finds comfort and refreshment in his " fervent belief in 


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the Ether " : in some way it will solve our difficulties. 
This is his creed : 

"The Ether is the universal connecting medium 
which binds the universe together, and makes it a co- 
herent whole [not hole] instead of a chaotic collection 
of independent isolated fragments. It is the vehicle 
of transmission of all manner of force, from gravita- 
tion down to cohesion and chemical affinity; it is there- 
fore the store-house of potential." 

In short, the Ether, not being matter, is for Sir 
Oliver pretty nearly everything else; almost, if not 
quite, God, even to the use of the reverential capital 
initial. More specifically, he considers it the principle 
of continuity, and in continuity he finds a scientific 
proof of immortality. If he had based a belief in the 
immortality of the soul on an analogy with the con- 
tinuity of existence of matter and energy, I think many 
persons would agree that he was expressing one of our 
most certain reasons for such a hope. It is difficult 
to suppose that the quantity of matter and energy in 
the universe is unchangeable, and yet to maintain that 
thought and emotion, which have so many of the char- 
acteristics of durability, end with death. On the con- 
trary, " we * do see the sum of mind increasing every 
time two old thoughts coalesce into a new one, or even 
every time matter assumes a new form before a re- 
ceiving intelligence." But such an intimation of im- 
* Unpopular Review, April, 1914. 

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mortality is a very different thing from assuming a 
body of postulates and creating a de facto science of 
psychic phenomena, as Sir Oliver Lodge does. Science 
must deal with material things, and must be confined to 
our sense perceptions. So that, whether immortality 
and psychic phenomena be ultimately accepted or not, 
the proof must be expected by other than scientific 
methods, unless we give to these words a totally dif- 
ferent significance from what they had in the past. 
Omitting all other difficulties, one wonders how imma- 
terial intelligences can make material noises, for, if 
they do, what becomes of our law of conservation of 
energy which accounts for all material motion by ma- 
terial causes? Of course he falls back on his omnipo- 
tent Ether: 

*' The evidence to my mind goes to prove that dis- 
camate intelligences, imder certain conditions, may 
interact with us on the material side, thus indirectly 
coming within our scientific ken; and that gradually 
we may hope to attain some understanding of the 
nature of a larger, perhaps ethereal, existence, and of 
the conditions regulating intercourse across the chasm." 

Science is still burdened with the inexplicable mys- 
tery of the material world, and it should not open the 
doors of its temple for the worship of graven images, 
even if the idol is the great god Ether. Sir Oliver 
Lodge's speculations are not even qualified by logical 

methods. His reasoning is apparently a mere 


words: Immaterial spirits are not material bodies, the 
ether is not matter; therefore spirits may be ethereal 
bodies. It does consideraUe harm when he uses his 
official position and, as it were, makes the British As- 
sociation indorse such foolish views. 

Sir Oliver Lodge still believes with the past genera- 
tion of physicists that science has discovered a path 
to positive knowledge : " Many scientific men," he says, 
" still feel in pugnacious mood towards Theology, be- 
cause of the exaggerated dogmatism which our prede- 
cessors encountered and overcame in the past. They 
had to struggle for freedom to find truth in their own 
way ; but the struggle was a deplorable necessity, and 
has left some evil effects." It has left evil eflFects, and 
the chief of them is Scientific Dogmatism. 

In spite of our self-confidence, we cannot be too 
sure that hypothetical science has not traversed the 
same path as dogmatic theology. We have a fairly 
large and clearly defined body of moral facts. And 
we have generalized from them rather consistent moral 
laws. It is inevitable that we shall always speculate as 
to the causes of these moral facts and laws, and it is 
probable that most men will continue to fashion an 
image of their idea of God, more or less anthropo- 
morphic and concrete. But unfortunately for religion, 
many will not stop at this point of pure speculation, or 
the worship of God in spirit and in truth, but they will 
carve for themselves images in wood and stone, and 

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bow down and worship these images as realities. So 
also there are the many who will not stop at the great 
and scientific work of discovering phenomena and 
laws, but they will speculate on natural causes and 
mechanisms. If they do this with an open mind, per- 
haps no harm is done as Poincare says, and possibly the 
imagination may be healthfully stimulated. How few 
stop at this point may be imagined from the examples 
I have given ; a large and increasing number have be- 
come idolaters, and are worshiping the graven images 
of science with dogmatic fervor. 


Sire, in this system there is no need of a God. — Laplace. 

When Renan wrote that humanity must, in future, 
look to science for what it craves in the way of a law 
and symbol, science was in the full swing of conquest. 
The war between it and religion was believed to be all 
but over. The law of evolution was accepted not only 
in its general aspects, but also it was believed that in 
natural selection a cause had been discovered which 
would permit us to trace the progress of the organic 
world from the simple protoplasm to the most complex 
forms of life. Search was made for the missing link 
between man and the lower animals, and those at-- 
tributes which an earlier age was content to group as 
spiritual powers were abolished as unscientific. It was 
inevitable that philosophers like Renan and Spencer 
would propose an evolutionary law for society, and 
that even religion would fall in line and make of God a 
sort of omnipotent and beneficent natural force which 
gently led man up to ever higher types of perfection. 

And while to-day those who cultivate the more exact 

sciences have come to believe that the objective aw 

312 O 


subjective worlds are governed by different forces, the 
wave of evolutionary philosophy, under scientific domi- 
nation, has spread to the students of political and 
social history who are trying to devise a state which 
shall evolve toward better conditions by natural means. 
The result is that the attitude of thoughtful people 
toward the moral questions of the day is one of more 
or less perplexity. Few of them are willing to accept 
the doctrine that human nature is essentially good and 
that the only need of society is to remove all restraint. 
In the past, the majority of men experienced this neces- 
sary restraint in the conviction of personal respon- 
sibility to a God, who actively interfered in their 
thoughts and deeds, and who rewarded or punished 
according to a revealed standard of righteousness. 
But with the growth of knowledge and especially with 
the impersonal attitude assumed in scientific inquiry, 
the impression has become widespread that mankind 
has been left to work out its own destiny. So, as I 
have said, thoughtful people are perplexed to know 
where to turn to find an inner check which can replace 
that sense of personal responsibility to a God which, 
however men might rebel, did exert a steady and po- 
tent influence upon them. Some still cling to the idea 
that the Christian church will ultimately discover again 
the guiding principle for society; that a new reforma- 
tion from within is all that is necessary. But the diffi- 
culty is graver than in the past, as such reformations 

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involved matters of doctrine rather than a change in 
fundamental ideas. Many are simply drifting; but 
an increasingly large ntmiber are frankly turning to 
scientific doctrines in the hope that a deeper experi- 
mental knowledge of the laws of man's individuality, 
of his social relations, and of his environment will 
bring with it the solution of the problem. And in 
spite of our very deficient acquaintance with such laws, 
some are proclaiming that this naturalism is the 
surest guide for us in evolving a society nearer to the 
ideally good. Apparently, they have the idea that 
accurate observations and statistical records, which 
may be formulated into scientific laws, are sufficient 
as guides to conduct. 

A curious feature of the discussions, which have 
arisen about these new systems of scientific ethics, is 
that almost no attention is paid to the fundamental 
question whether the deductions of science are suitable 
to serve as an ethical principle for society; or even 
whether science, except indirectly, concerns itself with 
character; yet character, or the judging between right 
and wrong, is necessarily the essence of all systems of 
ethics. Now I think it can be shown that the pursuit 
of science has for its aim to acquire power; that is, we 
seek through science to learn the facts of nature and to 
interfere with natural forces so as to make them serve 
man's desires. As an illustration of the mixture of 
truth and fallacy, which is typical of many who advo- 

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cate scientific ethics, consider this statement of a writer 
on genetics which merely reflects a widespread opinion : 
" Human civilization goes hand in hand with the de- 
gree of successful interference which man exerts upon 
the natural forces surrounding him." The truth of 
this statement lies in the correct view that the pur- 
pose of scientific inquiry is not only to discover the 
forces of nature but to interfere with them so as to 
/ increase man's dominating power; the falsehood con- 
I sists in assuming that civilization is based on, or even 
; necessarily runs with power. Everyone knows that 
I power may make for evil as efficiently as for good; 
the ethical standard of a civilization depends on the 
will of its individuals to choose between right and 
^ wrong. To deny this, is to refuse the attributes of 
the noblest civilization to Jesus, to Buddha, to Socrates, 
each of whom was quite ignorant of science, and lived 
in times when men exerted themselves but little to 
interfere with natural forces. Nor could we to-day, in 
the midst of an earnest scientific endeavor, deny that a 
civilization higher than our own would be possessed 
by a commimity formed of men like to them. 

The greatest difficulty encountered, if the attempt be 
made to determine the ethical value of science, is, as I 
have said before, the lack of a spirit of serious criti- 
cism amongst men of science, with the consequent 
absence of critical data on the aims of science and on 
the effect which scientific activity has had on ^ietv. . 

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Before much can be done to find out what the influ- 
ence of science on morals has been, a school of critics 
of men of science must be created. I am quite aware 
that this opinion is counter to the general belief that 
science is the most critical of all human endeavor. The 
results of experimental investigation and the mathe- 
matical laws formulated from them seem so positive, 
so subject to minute and patient scrutiny, that it may 
well seem that men of science are critical. But this 
form of criticism is limited to the mere question of 
accuracy of observation and logic. Before the sub- 
jective influence of science on character can be deter- 
mined, the postulates of science and the scientific 
method itself must be outlined clearly and discussed 
critically; it is this higher criticism which is lacking 
in men of science. 

If such a body of criticism existed it is probable 
that a philosophy of science could be created. But the 
present method of educating men to engage in scientific 
work is little likely to foster the critical or even the his- 
torical attitude. In fact, most men of science know 
so little of metaphysics or even of the historical de- 
velopment of science that they are quite ignorant of 
how metaphysical their sciences arc. If they were 
conversant with the history of scientific thought, they 
would see that while scientific laws are as positive and 
as objective as human knowledge has been able to 
attain, yet the hypotheses of science, which aim to dis- 

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cover the causes of phenomena and to simulate the 
mechanism of natural forces, are as subjective and as 
dependent on human opinion as any other form of 
knowledge. And it is just these subjective and meta- 
physical aspects of science which are concerned in the 
question of the relation of the external world of 
phenomena to our internal world of ideas. 

One would naturally turn to the histories of science, 
not only for the data of scientific experience, but also 
for that larger aspect of the question, the discussion 
of the relations between scientific thought and other 
forms of human activity. But almost without excep- 
tion our histories of science are mere chronicles of 
scientific experiments and hypotheses. The work of 
each man of science is outlined in as great detail as the 
scope of the history permits, as if everything done in 
the name of science were important. What we should 
have, is a discussion of the development of the sub- 
ject and of the relations between the intellectual forces 
of a given epoch and the scientific activity of the same 
period; for example, there should be shown the relation 
of the ideas of Galileo, Copernicus, and Descartes to 
the Renaissance; at a later date there is a similar close 
connection between the rise of electricity, the skeptical 
spirit of the mathematical physidsts, and the revolu- 
tionary and democratic ideas which were prevalent at 
the beginning of the nineteenth century. 

The most striking evidence of the ineffectiveness 1 


of scientific histories is, however, their attitude toward 
hypothesis. Such hypotheses are clearly subjective in 
character and are to be criticised in accordance with 
the same standards as a philosophical system of Plato 
or Kant. Instead of this they are invariably treated as 
if they dealt with phenomena verifiable by experi- 

In our histories of science a number of things about 
scientific hypotheses might have been brought out. In 

t the first place, all of them rest on mechanical analogies 
and attempt to make of the world, both inorganic and 

' organic, a vast machine whose parts grind out motions 
which reveal themselves to us as heat, light, thought, 
and whatever else we are cognizant of. That is, a 
mechanical explanation of phenomena is considered to 
be the simplest and most satisfactory one that can be 
given. But we know there is no criterion which will 
distinguish the truth between many rival mechanical 
hypotheses. Thus the explanation of phenomena is 
dependent on subjective interpretation, and is in the 
end a matter of personal opinion. Nor does the recent 
attempt to replace matter by electricity escape this 
difficulty since the principles governing electrical 
forces and energy are the same as those controlling 
matter. The restrictions pointed out are still in force, 
with the substitution of the word electricity for matter. 
It is also evident that, however logically a scientific 
hypothesis may be develc^)ed, we can nevei^sav that 

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it is anything more than our idea of the world ; thus 
scientific hypothesis stands on the same ground as any 
other kind of logical thought. Criticism of hypotheses 
should therefore be directed principally to their postu- 

In the next place, the postulates of science are al- 
ways metaphysical in character since we must assume 
initial conditions of space, time, and substance which 
are not subject to experimental verification and which 
are contradictory to our experience of the present 
state of those quantities. 

We imagine a simple primordial universe which is 
crudely fictitious, and start it going on its complicated 
career by the action of some universal force which un- 
balances and unlocks its internal actions and reac- 

Then we assume the existence of fictitious sub- 
stances, atoms, which we deliberately fashion so small 
as to be below the limit of observation. We endue 
them with as many different and contradictory at- 
tributes as may suit our convenience in order to 
fashion the diverse forms of bodies by their combina- 

And lastly, if we are to attempt to include in the 
name of science all laws, we must provide portions of 
this machine with life, thought, and self-consciousness 
as a form of mechanical forces. 

Evidently, the postulates of science are as complex, 

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as subjective, and as debatable as the postulates of 
religion and philosophy. And they also lack the sim- 
plicity and generality which have made the postdates 
of geometry universally acceptable and have given to 
them the appearance of finality. And from these meta- 
physical postulates of natural science, the scientific 
conclusions follow which somehow impress us as being 
positive knowledge not subject to human opinion. 

Since most of our scientific postulates and the 
hypotheses which are developed from them are not 
questions of objective facts, they must have an influ- 
ence which may be helpful, harmful, or indifferent. 
And it should be the chief duty of the historian and 
the critic to trace this influence. Instead of this 
critical spirit, it is only too common for men of science 
to insist that all hypotheses are meritorious. This 
opinion is so widespread, that it is frequently stated 
that even if a hypothesis be entirely false, yet it may 
be useful. The reason for this lack of discrimination 
lies probably in the fact that science has gradually 
created two worlds connected by only a slender thread; 
one the experimental world of our sensations, and the 
other a fictitious world of our imagination. What- 
ever the prevailing hypothesis may be, the experi- 
mentalist continues his work, confident in the belief 
that if his results agree with a hypothesis they will be 
taken as a confirmation of it ; and if they disagree, then 
he may be sure that the hypothesis will be mpdified so 

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as to conform to them. Thus the phenomena and laws 
of light continue to unfold themselves in a consistent 
progress in spite of the fact that now one, and now 
another, contradictory hypothesis of the mechanism of 
light and its transmission through space is uppermost. 
This is the explanation of the reason, so puzzling to 
the layman, why two conflicting hypotheses, explaining 
the same class of phenomena, can be maintained and 
cultivated at the same time. There is no telling when 
new facts will be discovered which will bring an al- 
most discarded hypothesis back into favor. The fic- 
titious worlds of natural science bear a close analogy 
to those hypergeometrical realms of the mathematician 
which, while logical and interesting, do not rest on 
experience and so do not exist. Such mathematical 
worlds of the imagination are invented as a sort of 
intellectual game and can have no influence on human 
actions and society; so also the hypothetical properties 
ascribed to nature by the physicist cannot affect our 
relations to our environment 

This neglect of the critical field by men of science 
has resulted in leaving to metaphysicians the discus- 
sion of scientific methods and the development of what 
now passes under the name of scientific philosophy. 
Whatever the influence of this criticism may have been 
on philosophy and on thought generally, it is safe to 
say that it has had little on science; its conclusions 
have not engaged the attention of men of scicnce^very ^ 

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seriously. The reason for their indifference is two- 
fold. Rightly or wrongly, it is felt that the meta- 
physicists are too engrossed in the exact definitions of 
terms and in the niceties of verbal expression. They 
thus miss or ccxifuse the real issue of science, which is 
to discover the significance and influence of objective 
facts rather than of words. This does not mean that 
the careful use of words is not important in science. 
It is only too apparent that many of the battles of 
science are waged over the meaning of words and not 
of phenomena. 

The other reason for the ineffectiveness of this sci- 
entific philosophy as developed by the metaphysicists 
is that they are not disciplined by labor in the labora- 
tory nor trained in the analysis and technique of 
scientific theory. They must thus depend on elemen- 
tary treatises, which are rarely the work of master 
minds; or they can approach the great thinkers only 
through the medium of popular expositions in which 
the most scrupulous are somewhat relaxed. To con- 
trast the opinictfis of Plato with Ganot does not com- 
mand respect; and to depend on the popular addresses 
of a Helmholtz or a Lord Kelvin is not to know their 
real thought. The first leads to frequent errors and 
the second to sweeping conclusions. If we are to 
develop a satisfactory scientific philosophy it seems 
requisite to have it done by men trained in science and 
conversant with philosophy; this combination has been 


a rare one, of which the greatest examples are Aris- 
totle, Descartes, and possibly Kant. 

It is difficult to see how this combination of science 
and philosophy is to be obtained with the present sys- 
tem of training men in our graduate schools. The 
prospective man of science is taught laboratory methods 
and becomes, thanks to it and to his research work, a 
rather skillful manipulator of apparatus, but he rarely 
is required to trace back the gradual development of 
the subject on which he is working. It remains in his 
mind as a more or less isolated fragment, since he is 
quite ignorant of the work of the master minds of 
science of the past. When he leaves the school, he is 
impressed by the head of his department with the 
opinion that he must continue his research work; left 
to his own devices he casts about for new problems, 
and, in despair of ideas, continues some of the minor 
points left unsolved in his thesis. A second article 
appears and then the curtain drops. In addition to 
his laboratory work, the student attends lectures in 
theoretical science and passes rigid examinations which 
are for the most part exercises in ingenuity in mathe- 
matical and logical exposition of the most modem and 
abstruse parts of the science. The lectures treat the 
science as a modem and fully developed theory devoid 
of continuity of background. Hypothesis is mixed 
with fact, and fugitive speculations with permanent 
laws; his texts are largely confined to purely sMcula- t 

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tive philosophy and fail to contrast the limitations and 
the permanent achievements of science; no connection 
with past thought is drawn and the probable aspects 
of future thought are not shown. Indeed, no mention 
is made of the prime fact that human thought has been 
concerned with these fundamental problems for so 
many centuries, and methods of scientific attack are 
so limited in number, that no new theory or hypothesis 
can be developed; witness our present return to Car- 
tesianism. At most, what we call modern thought is 
but a recrudescence of past thought dressed in new 
clothing. The see-saw of the time-worn antinomies 
constantly recurs. Since the historical and critical 
attitude toward science is almost wholly neglected, the 
student enters his life work innocent of the limitations 
and powers of his science; practiced in modern text- 
books and ignorant of the masters of the subject. 
Some teachers of science realize this vaguely and ad- 
vise their students to take a minor in philosophy. Now 
the philosophers, not knowing science, have introduced 
certain emasculated courses under the name of scien- 
tific philosophy or scientific methods for just such 
students. One has merely to read the texts used and 
learn the views of the expositors to find that the texts 
are written, and the courses delivered, by men who 
know nothing of science at first hand. Thus the course 
merely discourages the student and gives him a con- 
tempt for philosophy as a juggling of words^and quite 


different from the exact and virile sciences. If stu- 
dents of science are ever to attain to the wide outlook 
which the dignity of science deserves, teachers of sci- 
ence must themselves first learn the historical and 
critical development of their subject, establish its rela- 
tion to other knowledge, and then impart this spirit to 
their neophytes. 

If the postulates of science are doubtful and con- 
tradictory, what is likely to be the effect on science 
and thought in general of the hypotheses derived from 
them? The very general belief that any hypothesis, 
whether false or not, is useful to science puts us in 
a curious attitude in respect to other methods of 
thought. Evidently, it is a doctrine which does not 
hold elsewhere; the theologian, the philosopher, or the 
historian who ventured the same opinion would quickly 
be attacked; and yet science is supposed to be the 
search for objective truth. The reason for this pecu- 
liar attitude of men of science is due to the fact that 
the real work in science is connected with phenomena 
and laws, and this true aim of science has never really 
been lost sight of, however much the hypothetical 
method may have distorted it. 

I suppose it may be granted that hypotheses should 
be divided into the three general classes of the good, 
the false, and the indifferent. 

Good hypotheses are those which are known as laws. 
They are generalizations from such necessary postu- i 


lates as the conservation of matter and energy, or they 
are advanced as tentative laws when a certain number 
of phenomena can conveniently be classified; they be- 
come steadily more exact as our knowledge of the sub- 
ject increases and are finally accepted as laws; such 
has been the history of the second law of thermo- 
dynamics, of the law of evolution, and numerous 
others. The difference between these proper hypoth- 
eses or laws and other hypotheses is that a law does 
not attempt to explain the mechanism of nature as an 
hypothesis does. That is, laws may be readily recog- 
nized because they deal only with sensible matter and 
its attributes and can thus be subjected to a rigid 
test of their truth ; all other hypotheses, since they at- 
tempt to explain natural actions, must create fictitious 
substances and attributes and when they arc found to 
depart from facts they are not discarded but are merely 
modified by arbitrarily altering the fictitious substances 
on which they depend. This difference is shown clearly 
by Darwin's law of evolution and his hypotheses of 
natural selection and pangenesis, or by Newton's law 
of gravitation and his hypothesis of light corpuscles. 
The history of science points to no more certain conclu- 
sion than that laws persist and hypotheses decay. For 
this reason, I have emphasized the distinction between 
the two and have limited the term, hypothesis, to those 
scientific theories which require the creation of fictitious 
substances and occult forces and whose use has caused 

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us to cross those boundaries which properly limit sci- 

As for false hypotheses, it would seem to be self- 
evident that they should be abandoned as soon as a 
postulate or conclusion was shown to be wrong. It is 
just as important to discard error in science as it is in 
anything else. And it is besides an added and con- 
fusing burden to the student to keep these false hypoth- 
eses in treatises on science; they should be relegated to 
histories of criticism whose chief purpose is to show the 
progress of science in its devious path toward the 

Unfortimately, most hypotheses cannot be readily 
classed as either true or false since they involve pos- 
tulates which can neither be denied nor affirmed from 
scientific criteria; thus in themselves they are fitly 
classed as indiffei;ent. Yet they may indirectly either 
benefit or obstruct the progress of science. So long 
as we keep clearly in our minds and in our statements 
the fact that such problems as a nebular hypothesis, the 
condition of prehistoric life, radiation in interstellar 
space, the ultimate constitution of matter, etc., are 
pure speculations, I do not suppose any serious harm 
is done. But the hypotheses which we have created 
with respect to atoms, the ether, natural selection, 
mutations, and the like, have a much more subtile in- 
fluence, and they have been used in such a fashion as 
to confuse knowledge. r^^^^T^ 


Indiflferent hypotheses will have a pernicious influ- 
ence if by their use the deductions of science become 
increasingly complex. Since hypotheses deal with con- 
fessedly fictitious substances, it seems rather futile to 
create things which add to the difficulty of a problem. 

Again we find our hypotheses are becoming so ab- 
struse that they require a prolonged technical training 
and specialization before they can be understood; thus 
the science itself is restricted to a few specialists and 
loses much power. These abstruse hypotheses are 
producing a breach even between theoretical and ex- 
perimental science. So marked is the difference be- 
tween these two aspects of the same science that they 
have little in common and are frequently hostile. 

But the most inevitable and dangerous influence of 
the free use of indifferent hypotheses is the breaking 
down of the scientific method by carrying science into 
fields where it has no business to be. I have tried to 
show what the limitations of science are and why the 
obliteration of its boundaries is prejudicial to it. In 
what has gone before, the discussion has been limited 
to excursions into what may be called pseudo-science. 
Encouraged by lack of criticism, there is now a desire 
to go much further and to claim that science is the 
sovereign of all knowledge. Thus, the example given 
in the last chapter of Sir Oliver Lodge's attempt to 
include the phenomena of immortality in the field of 
science is undoubtedly made possible by Ae steady 


and gradual trend toward treating matter symbolically. 
The step between considering matter as tangible reality 
and as Poincare's hole in the ether is really greater 
than passing from material to immaterial phenomena 
or than maintaining that science is the guide of char- 
acter and the arbiter of ethics. In this way scientific 
naturalism is more dangerous than the easily refuted 
outbreak of Sir Oliver Lodge. 

Any system of ethics must aim to develop character; 
it must establish a standard of good and evil; it must 
judge actions according to this standard and provide 
an inner check which will restrain the will of the indi- 
vidual. But scientific experimentation and theory do 
not directly consider character at all. The attempt is 
there made to discover objective facts and laws which 
have no character in themselves and to manipulate 
or interfere with natural forces so that they will 
add to our knowledge and power. No one would 
hesitate to say that the discovery of the laws of 
heat and their application to steam power were prob- 
lems definitely in the field of scientific investigation or 
that they had added enormously to our power. 
They have in fact changed civilization, and yet 
we cannot deduce from science whether or not 
this acquisition of power has been accompanied 
by a beneficial effect on civilization. That can 
be determined only by the moral effect of the 
expansion of industrialism on the inner life^^and . 

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thoughts of men, and science has no criteria for these. 
The man of science is thus trained to discover new 
things. He may point out their dangers and advantages 
but the restrictions to be placed upon their use is not 
his affair. 

If we were to trace the growth of the idea that the 
scientific method is our best means of obtaining in- 
formation not only of objective facts but also of the 
motives of human thought and character, it would re- 
quire a detailed history of science. But without under- 
taking so laborious a task, certain prominent factws 
in the rise of science can be indicated. In the first 
place we may assert that the guide of science during 
the early and medieval periods was the Organon of 
Aristotle. And we can also state pretty accurately 
that the revolution in science against the Aristotelian 
domination was accomplished tmder the leadership of 
Albert of Saxony, Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus, 
Galileo, and Descartes. 

The aim of these revolutionists was to replace the 
metaphysical method of Aristotle by the physical or 
experimental method. To put the issue simply, the 
purpose of the Aristotelian philosc^hers was to form 
a comprehensive and logical system of the universe 
as they conceived it should be, a philosoi^y in which 
experimental observation and inductive reasoning 
played but a minor role; the scientific method of the 
new school aimed to determine the laws of a universe 


which would be in accord with the phenomena dis- 
covered by experiment. Naturally the division was not 
sharp; even to Galileo, and especially to Descartes, 
much of the Aristotelian method still clung. 

Just as the Organon of Aristotle absorbed the sci- 
entific spirit of the Greeks, so we have in the Novum 
Organum of Bacon an explicit attempt to crystallize 
the new knowledge into a scientific method. To make 
his purpose quite clear he invented for it a new name, 
natural philosophy, so as to separate it from the meta- 
jrfiysical philosophy of the Greeks. This natural 
philosophy, if carried out logically, would limit us to 
the laborious and careful accumulation of experimental 
facts, out of which would grow true natural laws. 
And, further to show the break he would make with 
the Peripatetic school, he states that any further gen- 
eralization which would lead to the consideration of 
formal and final causes must require a hypothetical 
method proper only to metaphysics. His criticism 
of Greek philosophy is characteristic of his attitude. 
Thus he gives his well-known opinion that the Greeks 
were a vain and disputatious people, whose desire to 
shine, whose taste for dispute, and whose mania for 
new systems of thought multiplied error, leading them 
to forsake observation for the more facile triumphs 
of speculation. Nor did he spare the greatest, when 
he declared that Plato subordinated the world to ideas; 
and Aristotle, ideas to words. The one corrupted sci- ^j^ 


ence by theology and the other by dialectics, as later 
Proclus did by mathematics. And while we have 
learned by experience that scientific laws are not to be 
discovered by such a regulated system of induction 
because science does not rest on a single broad founda- 
tion which rises uniformly, like an Egyptian pyramid, 
to a point that signifies a single dominant force, yet 
Bacon's inductive philosophy is still our authoritative 
scientific method. In this opinion we have the un- 
qualified statements of such men as Newton, Huygens, 
and Laplace. Thus Laplace expresses most clearly 
what men of science even now generally admit : " La 
methode la plus sure qui puisse nous guider dans la 
recherche de la verite consiste a s'elever par induction 
des phenomenes aux lois et des lois aux forces. Les 
lois sont les rapports qui lient entre eux les phenomenes 
particuliers : quand elles ont fait connaitre le principe 
general des forces dont elles derivent, on le verifie soit 
par des experiences directes, lorsque cela est possible, 
soit en examinant s'il satisfait aux pKenomcnes connus; 
ct si par une rigoureuse analyse, on les voit tous 
decoder de ce principe, jusque dans leur moindres 
details, si d'ailleurs ils sont tres-varies et tres-nom- 
breux, la science alors acquiert le plus haut degre de 
certitude et de perfection qu'elle puisse atteindre. 
Telle est devenue Tastronomie par la decouverte de la 
pesanteur universelle." 

It is natural that, if observation is J|^e(5nly sure 


guide to natural philosophy and if knowledge must 
finally rest on the sensations, Bacon would be consid- 
ered by many as the founder of the doctrine elaborated 
by Locke, Hobbes, Hume, and others that there is noth- 
ing in the intelligence which has not previously been a 
matter of the sensations. But as de Remusat * points 
out: "To say that in life all knowledge is derived 
only from the data of experience, and to say that 
ever)rthing which is in the intellect has been a matter 
of the senses, is to say two immensely different things. 
And Bacon has not said the second of these two things ; 
he has not even said absolutely the first; he admits in- 
spired knowledge." That is, Bacon apparently divided 
knowledge into classes, the physical and the metaphysi- 
cal, and based the former only on the sensations. In 
confirmation of this opinion Bacon took a positive stand 
against atheism: " No one denies the existence of the 
gods, except him to whom it is serviceable that the 
gods do not exist. To deny God, is to destroy the 
nobility of the human race." 

There seems then good reason for considering the 
Novum Organum as the starting-point of modem sci- 
ence, as in it is developed the doctrine which still pre- 
vails, that science must depend on observation, and 
that scientific theory must conform to the data of 

*VU d€ Bacon, p. afli ^ I 


While it is true that Bacon maintained a distinction 
between those things which are proper for scientific 
elucidation and those things which are not; and al- 
though he avoided a universal philosophy of the sensa- 
tions; yet his predilection for the scientific method and 
his inclusion in it of such subjects as history, which 
in spite of time and effort has made little progress as 
a science, pointed the road to that philosophy. So also 
some believe him to be the originator of the idea of 
applying the scientific method to society and ethics- 
Such does not seem to be correct and I think it is not 
possible, because the rule of science over life could not 
have been accomplished until a great accumulation of 
scientific observations had been made. No such ac- 
cumulation had been undertaken before the last cen- 
tury. In Bacon's time only a few enlightened minds 
were convinced of the need of systematic experimental 
knowledge. Even the British school of philosophers, 
known as rationalists, materialists, or atheists, who 
were more or less followers or supposed to be followers 
of Bacon, was a school of metaphysicians and not of 

Of these philosophers, Hpbbes undoubtedly had more 
of the scientific closeness of reasoning than the others. 
He based all knowledge on the sensations and in so 
far seems to exalt science to be the arbiter of life, but 
nothing could be less scientific than the postulates and 
the conclusions of his philosophy. He had little reali- 


zation of, and much contempt for, experimental knowl- 
edge- He assumed certain abstract definitions as uni- 
versal postulates and from them derived all his con- 
clusions by pure ratiocination without any regard as 
to whether these conclusions conformed to objective 
facts. A brief glance at some of the definitions and 
deductions, which may be found in his Leviathan, will 
show that he was advancing a purely metaphysical sys- 
tem of thought. Thus, every part of the universe is 
body. Bodies comprise those things which are formed 
by nature and commonly called bodies and those formed 
by the human will which we call societies; this latter 
idea still lingers in the phrase, the body politic. Mo- 
tion is the cause of all things, even of the human pas- 
sions, etc. The small beginnings of motion within the 
body of man before they appear in walking, speaking, 
striking, and other visible actions, are ccMnmonly called 
endeafvor. Endeavor, when it is toward some thing 
which causes it, is called appetite, or desire. He dis- 
tinguishes in the following and entirely arbitrary 
fashion between the sensations. Heat is motion re- 
sulting from the light endeavor; hearing is generated 
by the motion of the medium, but not in the same man- 
ner as seeing. Sight is an endeavor from pressure 
produced by the luminous body on the retina of the eye, 
and by the pressure on that part it will be propagated 
to the heart, the innermost organ of sight and of all 
the senses; and from the reaction of the heart, in/which j 

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reaction consisteth the nature of sense, there will pro- 
ceed an endeavor back to the retina. This endeavor 
outwards is the thing called light, or the phantasm of a 
lucid body. From this utter confusion of bodies, 
subjective and objective, physical and political, and 
motions, real and occult, proceed his deductions. It is 
no wonder that he had continual controversies about 
scientific questions, in which he was always worsted- 
One of the most famous resulted from his explanation 
of the barometer. In his desire to assume body for 
everything he was forced, as was Descartes, to include 
space in the category of substance. So to account for 
the space above the mercury, he asserted that air passed 
in and out through the mercury because he had pre- 
viously stated that a vacuum was a body which could 
not be increased or diminished. Enough has been 
given to show that Hobbes was not a man of science 
and that his method was not the scientific method; 
and the same can be shown with certainty of all 
philosophers who flourished previously to the nineteenth 
century. It was not until then that a systematic and 
large accumulation of scientific observations of all 
sorts was at hand. Even now, the biological sciences 
are the only ones possible as a guide to ethics because 
the mathematical sciences, physics, astronomy, and 
chemistry, are too remote from human passions and 
emotions to be serviceable. 
Apparently in the biological sciences it was neces- 

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sary to wait for the promulgation of the law of evolu- 
' tion before a nexus could be formed between the ma- 
I terial and spiritual aspects of nature. For it seems 
, clear that such a system of ethics must substitute the 
worship of nature for the worship of God if science 
is to become the guide to conduct. That is, some prin- 
ciple of nature, subject only to physical laws, must 
work toward perfection in man in the ordinary sense 
of guiding his aspirations toward absolute goodness, 
and thus supply a check and interference to his actions; 
a check which metaphysical systems have always ac- 
complished by assuming an outside and supernatural 
force, which is not restricted by natural law. 

On first sight, the biological sciences, with evolu- 
tion as a guiding principle, offer a promising field for 
a system of ethics which shall depend on natural law 
and be positive in that it does not introduce the occult 
and supernatural. It seemed necessary, during the 
Victorian age, only to have implicit confidence in evo- 
' lution and to let the machine work out its own destiny, 
! confident that all was well. Thus we have doctrines 
of humanitarianism and evolution in the poetry of 
. Tennyson who trusts to that " one far-off divine event, 
1 to which the whole creation moves." We have the same 
confidence shown by Wordsworth who sucks his moral- 
ity from flowers and stones, or by Fiske who writes his 
moral confession in an essay entitled " Through Na- 
ture to God." But all is not so simple or ^Y^j^jp 

igi ize y g 


scientific as Spencerian philosophy would have us be- 

The doctrine of evolution, as a strictly scientific law, 
states merely that the different species of animals and 
plants were not created as distinct types but that they 
have gradually changed by a progressive modification 
until each existing species is the last surviving branch 
or twig of the biological tree. Evidently, then, all life 
can be traced back, if we could gather up the tangled 
and broken skein of life, either to one or at least to a 
few prototypes. Now the law of evolution takes no 
account of good or bad, of high or low, or of the 
method by which one species has changed to another. 
According to it, each type has maintained its continued 
existence simply because certain of its attributes have 
given it an advantage over its competitors. From 
observation we find that those types, we think to be 
primitive, are simpler in cc«istruction and functions 
than are those we suppose to be later. But it is by 
no means a universal law that simple types change 
to complex ones, witness the persistence of microbes 
and bacilli. The law of evolution is thus a scientific 
law which attempts to generalize a set of phenomena 
observed objectively and has nothing to do with ethics 
or what I have called character. 

What may be called the ethical aspect of evolution 
has been injected into it by hypothetical or metaphysical 
reasoning. Darwin and his successors, generally, have 

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attempted also to find the causes of evolution and the 
mechanism of heredity. And here all is confusion, 
and, as occurred in the physical sciences, each theorist 
sets up his own scheme of natural selection, of pan- 
genesis, of mutation and what not, and the battle 
without an issue rages fiercely. In the first place, a 
purely anthropomorphic aspect is given to evolution by 
the unjustifiable use of the terms higher and lower 
forms of life. These words can signify merely the 
comparison between two types as regards their com- 
plexity of functions. It is only by regarding man as 
the goal toward which all creation tends, that we can 
call those types the highest which most nearly resemble 
man. The final step is easy and the word " high " in 
evolution is transferred to the derived sense of mean- 
ing noble and good. It would be a most interesting and 
useful work to trace back this curious and persistent 
habit of linking high and low as space attributes, to 
high and low as ethical concepts. Much of our con- 
fusion of thought comes from such loose use of words, 
and few of us can quite rid our minds of the impression 
that hell and evil are beneath us, and heaven and joy 
above us. At all events, the metaphorical use of these 
words seems to have done much to change the imper- 
sonal law of evolution into a sort of deity which de- 
velops the lowly algse into a choir of angels. 

If we attempt to discover, in a general way, the 
cause of evolution, we must ascribe it either to a super- 

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natural or to a natural force. The variation of species 
may be due to a supernatural power which created a 
protoplasm and then guided organic life through the 
slow developing ages. But to us such a form of 
creation is as little scientific as the cosmogony of the 
Book of Genesis. Scientific hypotheses must avoid the 
supernatural and, however they differ in details, they 
must base evolution on the natural laws of probability 
and chance, using these words in their technical sense 
of expressing the statistical actions of physical, chem- 
ical, or biological forces on molecular masses. In 
natural or scientific law there can be assumed no escape 
from the calculable action of a force. Given effects fol- 
low from given causes and these must precede each 
other with uniform regularity, back as far as we care 
to carry the law. In this manner we have formulated 
a law of evolution without introducing the idea of 
ethics at all. And so far as the question concerns 
ethics it is restricted to a minute province, num, in the 
vast empire of life. Thus we have made an absolute 
break in the law of evolution; on one side is the im- 
moral development of all the universe, and on the other 
side is the moral growth of man. At least in our 
egotism we reserve the attribute of character, or of 
judging actions as good or evil, to ourselves. It is 
almost useless to add that a law of continuous develop- 
ment, like evolution, with such a break in it is far from 


We shall therefore confine ourselves to the law of 
evolution only so far as it relates to man. And let us 
in the first place reject rigorously the sentimental 
opinions of a class of writers who twist the laws of 
. nature into a kind of beneficial providence. The inex- 
orable forces of nature teach us the survival of the 
strong and the elimination of the weak; the fatal 
progress of the inanimate universe riding over and 
crushing whatever disobeys its laws, without hate but 
without ruth, is not calculated to inspire an enlightened 
and exclusive student of science to regard with con- 
sideration this personification of nature as a type of 
human love which would cherish the sick and teach 
self-abnegation to the strong. 

Nor can we discover, during historic times, much 
change in the physique or in the character of men. And 
' we are forced to agree with Huxley, who believed that 
the laws of natural evolution ceased to be curative on 
man when self-consciousness became developed in him. 
In the prolegomena to Evolution and Ethics he intro- 
duces a vivid picture in which he portrays natural 
evolution of animals and plants as life in a forest. The 
characteristic feature of this life is an intense and 
unceasing competition in the struggle for existence. 
In the untamed forest, the cosmic forces use unre- 
stricted multiplication as their principal aid ; for every 
violet or for every oak that grows, thousands die, 
crushed without a compunctioa There mtistQ^]^ 


strength and flexibility and gcnxl luck that plants and 
animals may attain congenial places and invade suc- 
cessfully large areas. On the other hand, the habita- 
tion of man may be considered as life in a cultivated 
garden, where the gardener restricts multiplication, 
gives each plant space and nourishment, and shields it 
from the vicissitudes of climate. He uproots the nat- 
ural inhabitants, modifies the soil and conditions to 
suit exotics, and gives the weak equal advantages with 
the strong. As a result, natural evolution has beccmie 
so modified and weakened that man is in a class by 
himself, and develops under different laws from the 
rest of the world. 

So far as I can see, nothing in biology has been dis- 
covered which contradicts this opinion of Huxley. It 
is, however, difficult to see how and when a break of 
so fundamental a nature between man and the rest 
of life could occur in a continuous evolution in which 
man is included. But it seems certain that man has 
attained to so complex and rich a character, his aims 
are so diversified, that any law of evolution of his 
future development simple enough for us to compre- 
hend is out of the question. Where any such a law 
would operate to emphasize a certain attribute, it would 
diminish another which would be considered by many 
to be equally important. Instead of strength, flexi- 
bility, and good-luck only, there are a thousand other 
influences to be balanced. r^^^^^T^ 


If we are to found ethics on biology and evolu- 
tion we are driven to inventing a sort of spiritual evo- 
lution which is best expressed by the term naturalism. 
And if anyone will consider the systems of this kind 
which are proposed as guides to society, I think he will 
find that they may all be included in this one general 
type. There seem to be four possible ways of account- 
ing for an evolution of the race. Humanity may be 
guided to a goal of perfection by some divine and 
omniscient external power which imposed certain initial 
laws of nature and permits a subsequent evolution to 
progress without interference; humanity may contain 
in itself such a directing force; it may be constrained 
toward a future condition by the conscious effort of * 
a set of judges who will determine and enforce the 
manner of its evolution; lastly, society may divide 
into two classes, those who by superior knowledge and 
power fulfill their destiny at the expense of the op- 
posite class of the ignorant and weak. 

If we bear in mind that science is not only the study 
of natural law as an objective series of events, but 
that, if it is to have any application to the needs and 
desires of society, the natural balance and operation 
of forces and energy must be interfered with, then it 
is easy to see that the first two doctrines of naturalism 
are not scientific. To say that the human race is 
guided to a goal of perfection, previously determined, 
by either an external and divine power or bjr some 

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omniscient power existing in society itself, is to deny 
and abstract from the individual the basic axiom of 
science that the laws of nature may be interfered 

j The third class, which leaves the guidance of the 
evolution of the race more or less under the control 
of individuals composing it, is properly a scientific 
method, because it postulates an objective world sub- 
ject to laws and permits of their modification. This 
type of naturalism has already, under the name of 
eugenics, attained a very considerable vogue, and it 
is heralded as the long sought guide to righteousness. 
It is worth while to consider its claims both as a 
science and as a system of ethics. 

Since the science of physics has developed the sci- 
entific method more consciously and more accurately 
than any other of the sciences, we may turn to it for 
an illustration of the method to be followed by eugen- 
ists. In the first place, the experimenter puts himself 
in the position of being external to the phenomena he 
expects to investigate. He also decides beforehand 
on the object of the experiment ; that is, he has some 
definite idea which he wishes to confirm or contra- 
dict. He then observes and tabulates the phenomena 
which are relative to the problem and abstracts from 
them all the actions which complicate the result and 
are not essential to it. But as he invariably finds that 
the free and unconstrained phenomena are too com- 

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plex to be manageable he must interfere with natural 
actions and rearrange them. Lastly, his observations 
are to be classified by a logical process into laws. 

To apply this scientific method to the development 
of an ethical system which shall conform to the con- 
clusions of biology, certain individuals or a class of 
individuals must act as experimenters, distinguish 
themselves from the rest of society, and regard its 
actions as objective phenomena which do not apply, 
for the time being, to themselves. These experimental- 
ists must acquaint themselves with the object of their 
experiment and interfere with the unconstrained ac- 
tions of society by providing constraints which shall 
control and direct its complex course into simpler chan- 
nels; and finally they must coordinate the effects of 
these constraints. 

Such should be the aim of what is popularly known 
as the science of eugenics. By derivation, eugenics 
means to be bom well, and since the results of good 
birth may be counteracted by the subsequent life of the 
individual, a second science has been added currently 
under the title, euthenics, which may be defined as the 
science of living well. For the sake of simplicity let us 
use the word, eugenics, to include this entire system of 
scientific ethics. And let us put out of our minds im- 
mediately the idea that the eugenists are concerned 
with the simpler problem of the well-being of the in- 
dividual; like all avowed men of science, they attempt 

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to deal with classes of phenomena. In this instance, 
the object is to mold the whole human race, with its 
immensely complex and diversified desires and actic^is, 
its egotisms and its sympathies, into a homogeneous 
society which shall progress toward a standard, previ- 
ously determined, of a noble and god-like humanity. 
The reward to be expected by the individual who is 
bom and lives well is that intense feeling of satisfac- 
tion he will have that the race as a whole has been 
carried a little closer to a distant and vague goal of 
perfection because of his submission to the laws of 
eugenical righteousness. 

We can now define the eugenists, if our ideas be cor- 
rect, as a band of human beings who shall be the ar- 
biters of right and wrong. This band must be small 
because it is difficult to find even two persons who have 
the same standards; it must be select as there is at 
present no known way for a person to exercise a choice 
in his parents and it will need judges of superior 
ability to pick out those who are worthy to be parents 
and to live. Parentage under eugenical guidance is 
certain to be a very serious matter and I imagine that 
we should expect a rather large diminution in the 
human race for a few centuries until the system is 
running smoothly. At present, we cannot leave the 
regulation of life after birth according to euthenic 
standards to the ordinary person, because we should 
then not have euthenics at all, but the present hap- 

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hazard society. So we must take it for certain that all 
people must be bom and live according to the regula- 
tions of a band of superior human beings. 

Having thus settled on the organizers of experiments 
for this science, their next step will be to arrange 
the experiments and to carry them out. They will 
first, in order to work intelligently, decide what are the 
qualities of human perfection. I cannot discover that 
this has been done. There seems to be just as great 
diversity of opinion as to what constitutes the perfect 
man among the eugenists as there is among ordinary 
men. We meet so-called eugenic babies and euthenic 
adults, but as standards they are rather disappointing 
and do not seem to be sufficiently differentiated from 
other people. Perhaps this is to be expected, for true 
eugenics is a slow process. With the goal established, 
the experimenters must then find some scientific way 
of propagating the race eugenically and of determin- 
ing and applying constraints or checks on our free 
manner of life which will make all individuals live 

If such a scientific method were practicable, it would 
seem to a physicist that a system of ethics could be 
established by it. But it is a question whether such a 
system, minimizing as it must the check of personal 
responsibility, would not fail because it would result in 
a form of intellectual slavery. So far the doctrines of 
modem eugenics have not shown the slightest indica-^Ie 


i tion of scientific method ; they are vague and char- 
1 acterized by a lack of any accurate thinking. Indeed, 
it is difficult to obtain an idea of what the eugenists 
aim to do or how they expect to work. Curiously 
enough, considering his lack of scientific training, Plato 
seems to be the one who saw the problem clearly and 
attempted a real solution. His belief, that every per- 
son desired to be bom well and to live well if only 
he knew how, appeals to one as an explicit statement 
of eugenics. That is, if we could eliminate ignwance 
and regulate our passions, society would advance to 
an ideal state, and in his Republic, Plato sketches 
such a polity in detail. The failure, for failure it was, 
came from his inability to define what ignorance is or 
how to check our passions. His ideal state is not only 
impracticable, but if adopted would result in political 

If we examine somewhat in detail what is being done 
to make a science of eugenics and to apply it to regu- 
late the affairs of men, we shall find that it is in no 
sense a science and is singularly unfit to accomplish 
such a purpose. 

In the first place there are no judges who are ac- 
cepted, or likely to be accepted, as having any unanimity 
of purpose or plan. Ethical systems, in the past, have 
been born in the heart and mind of a single man, who 
was recognized as one endowed with a peculiar power 

of righteousness and whose life had become an £X- 
^ iOOgie 


ample. So necessary was it to have an example of per- 
fection which should not be subject to the waywardness 
of human passions, that without exception all religions 
assign divine attributes to their founders. And in 
order to maintain the integrity and the unanimity of 
belief in even a sect, the rest of society, with its con- 
flicting purposes, has always been explicitly banished . 
from communion with the faithful. 

The case of eugenics is quite different. To be a sci- 
ence it must deal with the race and not with indi- 
viduals; instead of a founder, to whom are ascribed 
divine or at least superhuman powers and who makes 
an appeal to sympathy, it must rely on a body of judges 
who appeal to law and reason, and who have discarded 
the powerful check of personal responsibility and per- 
sonal reward. Instead of choosing individuals from 
society to form a more or less cohesive sect, the eu- 
genists must constrain all individuals to forsake their 
personal desires and attempt to bind these hetero- 
geneous units into a homogeneous race. And who are 
intellectually wise enough to be the arbiters of fate? 
The clinging of man to the idea of corporal manifesta- 
tions of divinity is a confession of the impotence of 
man to grasp the problem of humanity. Huxley stated 
this difficulty unanswerably long before eugenics came 
to life. He, the evolutionist and biologist, warns us: 
" I doubt whether even the keenest judge of character, 
if he had before him a hundred boys and girls^nde^T 


fourteen, could pick out, with the least chance of suc- 
cess, those who should be kept, as certain to be service- 
able members of the polity, and those who should be 
chloroformed, as equally sure to be stupid, idle, or 
vicious. The 'points* of a good or bad citizen are 
really far harder to discern than those of a puppy or a 
short-horn calf; many do not show themselves before 
the practical difficulties of life stimulate manhood to 
full assertion. The evil stock, if it be one, has had time 
to multiply, and selection is nullified." 

Instead of a sober and careful study, with a full 
realization of the almost hopeless difficulties of the 
problem, we have a number of people, mostly of a very 
restricted outlook, who say with conviction that man is 
mentally defective, man is diseased, man is criminal. 
And they say vaguely, these misfortunes must be 
stopped. But how is any one of these to be remedied 
or how are we to weigh or balance them ? A man may 
be a criminal and otherwise a perfect physical creat- 
ure; a man may be diseased and yet be intellectually 
and morally a giant ; in fact, Lombroso claims that all 
those we most reverence for morality or intellect were 
diseased and quite unfit to be progenitors of the race. 
And while this doctrine of Lombroso, that intellectual 
and moral genius is a symptom of physical degeneracy, 
is a monstrous falsehood, yet it is certain that those 
who possess great powers themselves frequently do not 
transmit their excellent qualities. And these are only 


the simplest attributes of a good citizen to be con- 

So far eugenics has limited itself to a trite formula 
that only the fit should be permitted to have children. 
This battle-cry has been sung loudly and it has gath- 
ered together a motley band who would interfere with 
the laws of nature and reform civilization overnight. 
They have no clear idea who are the fit or how the unfit 
arc to be restrained. They busy themselves collecting 
statistics, but for the most part these are undigested, 
or are drawn from questionnaires scattered broadcast 
and inviting inaccuracy, and frequently they are not 
even honest. Books also are written and as an exposi- 
tion of an ethical system they give the impression that 
the writers' loftiest aim is to turn the human race 
into a stock-breeding farm. The chief argument and 
the complaint is that men can breed cattle, dogs, and 
plants eugenically but not themselves. But what an 
absurd attitude this is! The breeder of dogs and cattle 
stands in a relation to them much as a god would to 
us. Dogs and cattle are bred to bring into prominence 
some trait which will suit the purpose or pleasure of 
their master, not of their own. No one supposes that 
the monstrous nose of the pug dog or the inflamed liver 
of the Strassburg goose was developed with any regard 
to those unfortunate animals. The whole point has 
been missed. Man cannot be bred like animals be- 
cause he has no apparent master. If we could be t 
*^*^ ^oogle 


content to believe that the destiny of man is under 
divine control, we can have hope; and if it is left to 
the rough methods of nature, which sooner or later 
blot out the degenerate and the weakling, there is 
some possibility of achievement. 

In spite of much noise about the science of eugenics, 
the eugenists know that at most it is but a police regu- 
lation. Society has always assumed the right to pro- 
tect itself by isolating or by punishing, even with death, 
those it considers dangerous to its stability. The eu- 
genists are advocating the same thing and have so far 
limited their efforts to prevent children from criminals, 
imbeciles, drunkards, and syphilitics. The methods of 
society to accomplish this safeguard have been crude, 
but they have been sufficiently effective to prevent any 
notable deterioration of the race, and it is safe to say 
there has been improvement If the eugenists would 
try to improve the methods of the past to some extent, 
something might be done. But there is reason for be- 
lieving that even this good is likely to be stifled by 
the outcries and rash heedlessness of the overzealous. 

To prevent the strains of disease, imbecility, and 
criminality from continuing in the race, we now have 
the proposed surgical remedy of vasectomy. As an 
efficient preventative it must be a failure. No society 
would countenance such an operation except for cases 
of hopeless degeneracy. While it might reduce some- 
what the number of degenerate offspring,/^ would 


still have the children of the less degenerate, who 
may inherit the weakness of the parent in an intensified 
form. No good arguments can be given against the 
more humane method of the separation of sexes in 
institutions. This method requires merely a reform 
in such institutions as already exist in order that their 
inmates may be provided with as free and useful life as 
is possible. The argimient is frequently given that the 
cost of this method is great. But a strong and vigorous 
community may well blush at such a motive; certainly 
the care of its unfortunates is a solemn duty and it 
should be undertaken with as much solicitude as a man 
would shield a weakling child. And as for the plea 
that, after this operation, the individual loses only the 
power and not the desire to procreate, it strikes one as 
simply disgusting. Is it not giving a license to the 
degenerate and to the man of loose morals to be as foul 
as he pleases if only his sins end with himself? It 
would be far more manly, if the plan of isolation can- 
not succeed, to put degenerate children and adults to 
death and at least preserve some self-respect for the 
dignity of human life. 

Another plan proposed to promote eugenics is to 
rely on the legislator and the clergy to prohibit mar- 
riage, unless the contracting parties show certificates 
of fitness from a physician. Without the least knowl- 
edge of what effect such a regulation would have, the 
state of Wisconsin has recently passed a law ^(^^A]^ 

igi ize y g 


character. The result so far has been ridicule and a 
marked decrease in marriages. The absolute inability 
to carry out the purpose of such a law does not seem to 
have occurred to its promoters. If it were enforced 
over a wide area, the youth would certainly dispense 
with the ceremony of marriage rather than to debase 
their ideals of love. And one can imagine the con- 
sternation of physicians if they were forced to decide 
when people were fit to marry. Very few of them 
know anything about the laws of heredity, and those 
that do know the laws of heredity also know that they 
are so complex and so obscure that only a few extreme 
cases can be trusted. As Huxley said, the points of 
a good citizen are more difficult than those of a puppy 
or a short-horn calf. 

A third class of eugenists consists mostly of the 
hysterical element of the social workers who sob over 
the sins of society and sob over the innate purity of 
the harlot, who weep over the heartlessness of the law- 
abiding and weep over the innate nobility of the crimi- 
nal. So far as one can make out from their incoherent 
utterances, they wish to put all the sins of the individual 
on society, without comprehending that society is a col- 
lection of individuals. Whatever good they may ac- 
complish, no one in the least conversant with science 
will concede that they are advancing an ethics in con- 
formity with scientific methods; for if science makes 
any one thing clear, it is that the actions of Uie indi- 

Jigitized by VjOOQIC 


vidual must bring their reactions also on the same in- 

Now it seems to me that in eugenics of the simplest 
type there is a possible good. If the advocates of good 
breeding, and everyone is that to some extent, will 
work quietly and systematically on the problems of 
heredity; if they will try to find the effects of criminal- 
ity and of disease on posterity, we shall then have some 
reliable facts to work on. We may then hope to ac- 
complish some more decent plan of isolating the worst 
of such cases than we have now. And we are sure of 
the help of society itself, for we know that the himian 
race contains in itself the power of gradually eradicat- 
ing defective stock from the simple fact, that if it did 
not possess this power, it would have hopelessly de- 
generated long ago. But this natural process is slow 
and if it can be accelerated and guided, eugenics will 
be valuable. 

There are many of these patient and accurate in- 
vestigators of the laws of heredity but there are also un- 
fortunately others, classed professionally as eugenists, 
whose methods are not so reliable. From their bureaus 
issue questionnaires which are spread broadcast. The 
statistics which result are mostly useless and often 
false, as they are given by untrained people. And 
they are especially obnoxious as they too frequently 
make a direct appeal to the morbid. Their so-called 
laws are based on insufficient evidence. Apparently 


the only two examples which have been worked out 
in America are the Jukes and. the Edwards families. 
The first has shown itself to be an undesirable and 
the other a desirable strain. But curiously enough the 
first ancestress in America of each of these families 
was not a moral woman. It is sufficiently easy to look 
back and decide what characteristics proved to be un- 
desirable, but it is a very different thing to look for- 
ward and determine who should establish a family 
and who should not. Not even the most enthusiastic 
eugenists can hope to unravel the genealogies of more 
than a small proportion of families. And it would 
require accurate genealogies of many families, not 
only of successive generations but also of the char- 
acteristics of its members, to settle whether a strain 
of immorality came simply from an excess of vitality 
or was the result of degeneracy. 

If eugenics is a problem too complex for solution, 
its companion, euthenics, is an example of trying to 
assign to science a problem it has no means of solving. 
Science knows no method of constraining an indi- 
vidual to conduct himself so as to further the exist- 
ence of a perfect race. The greatest difficulty in all 
ethical systems is to provide an efficient check on the 
passions. The strongest check is evidently the belief 
that disaster to himself will result from disobedience 
of the laws of right conduct. And yet the man is rare 
who can by his will refrain from those Jiabits jand 

Jigitized by VjOOQIC 


passions which he knows to be injurious to him- 
self or to those nearest and dearest to him. What 
more ineffective system of ethics could be imagined 
than euthenics, which bases its claim on the plea that 
a man should so live that the race may move forward 
to some unknown goal of perfection? And he is not 
even to have the satisfaction of seeing the progress of 
the race, as little improvement is to be expected for a 
hundred or so of generations. 

The average man is too busy with his own con- 
cerns even to consider those of a distant posterity, of 
whose needs he can know nothing. He is convinced 
that future generations cannot be controlled by him and 
that they must solve their own problems; and he is 
also conscious that he is not altogether degenerate 
although he is the result of a long line of careless an- 
cestors, heedless of him and ignorant of eugenics and 
euthenics. However traits of heredity may affect 
immediate posterity, it must be recognized as a general 
principle that the race has attained a normal develop- 
ment, which can change but slightly and very slowly; 
disease and vice must disappear just as abnormal excel- 
lences must decay. We find but little that is essentially 
different in the moral character of ourselves and that 
of persons who formed the ancient civilizations. The 
eugenists forget that the great majority of all men, and 
a still greater majority of those of influence, lead for 
the most pari decent, law-abiding lives, and this quiet 


and unobtrusive power of example is far more potent 
for righteousness than a propaganda led by enthusiasts. 

Side by side with the doctrine that human sympathy 
is the controlling factor of ethics, and this belief is 
evidently the basis of eugenics, there has always per- 
sisted the contrasted doctrine that the state of man is 
one of warfare, a survival of the fit. This school 
evidently relies on a law of natural evolution based 
on the motive of egotism. It is thus my fourth class 
of naturalism. 

Of all those who have advanced this motive of 
egotism, none has done so as explicitly, or has made of 
it so complete a philosophy as Hobbes. " In the first 
place," he says, " I put forth, for a general inclination 
of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire of 
power after power, that ceaseth only in death." This 
is, I think, the direct influence of science unqualified 
by character and piety. It is not my purpose to follow 
this doctrine down to the present time but it can be 
shown that Nietzsche, with his ideal of the Superman, 
is the logical successor of Hobbes. Both the strength 
and weakness of this form of philosophy have been 
contrasted in a recent essay : * 

" Nietzsche regarded the self-assertive Superman 
as a true reaction against the prevalent man of sym- 
pathy, and as a cure for the disease of the age. That 

* Essay on Nietzsche, By Paul Elmer More. Shelbome Es- 
says; Eighth Series. 


much of Nietzsche's protest against the excesses of 
htimanitarianism was sound and well directed, I for 
one am quite ready to admit. He saw, as few other 
men of our day have seen, the danger that threatens 
true progress in any system of education and gov- 
ernment which makes the advantage of the ordinary 
rather than the distinguished man its first object. He 
saw with terrible clearness that much of our most ad- 
mired art is not art at all in the higher sense of the 
word, but an appeal to morbid sentimentality. . . • 
But the cure Nietzsche proposed for these evils was it- 
self a part of the malady. The Superman, in other 
words, is a product of the same naturalism which pro- 
duced the disease it would counteract; it is the last and 
most violent expression of the egotism, or self-interest, 
which Hume and all his followers balanced with sym- 
pathy, as the two springs of human action." 

If the predominant object of science is to acquire 
power, how can we escape the conclusion that if it 
should become the arbiter of ethics, society would tend 
to a condition closer to the ideals of Nietzsche than of 
sentimental eugenics ? Can we look with complaisance 
on the unrestricted development of either of these 
ideals? Nietzsche teaches a gospel of scientific evolu- 
tion when the restraints are removed from the free 
exercise of self-interest. The gospel of the Superman, 
when transferred to the ambitions of a nation, as has 
been done by Treitschke, shows its results in thatsdoc- t 

^ JigitizedbydOOgle 


trine of necessity of the Germans which has plunged 
Europe into war. No individual and no nation can 
believe for long that in him or in it rest the culture 
and the power of the world without resorting ulti- 
mately to the arbitrament of force to overcome opposi- 
tion. And on the other hand, the ideal of a world 
governed by human evolution and depending on 
brotherly love — a world under a banner floating from 
a Peace Palace of The Hague^-is a dream of sentimen- 
tality. And yet, one or the other seems to me the goal 
of eugenical righteousness. But because science is not 
concerned primarily with problems of character, it 
does not follow that its pursuit does not promote char- 
acter. We certainly enrich the character by the larger 
acquisition of power which results from the modifying 
and dominating of our environment. This is true, if 
side by side with increased power to do things, we 
also learn to use it for the benefit of humanity; that 
is, when it is regulated according to the inner check of 
piety, as taught by those in whom we recognize the 
mysterious power of righteousness. 

If I have made myself clear, the limitations of sci- 
ence are due solely to the fact that there are, in addi- 
tion to material forces, others of an essentially dif- 
ferent kind which may be called, for lack of a better 
name, spiritual powers. And so long as men of sci- 
ence restrict their endeavor to the world of material 
substance and material force, they will find that their 

Jigitized by VjOOQIC 


field is practically without limits, so vast and so numer- 
ous are the problems to be solved. And it should dis- 
tress no one to discover that there are other fields of 
knowledge in which science is not concerned; on the 
A contrary, the fact that the range of science is limited 
should encourage us to greater hopes, because our 
freedom of action is still far greater than our powers 
of accomplishment. After centuries of effort, the 
ocean of the unknown lies before us unexplored. 


Abstractive and hypothetical 
methods, 13; outlined by 
Rankine, 20. 

Action at a distance, 84f I34* 

Ampere, abstractive method, 

Aristotle, continuity, 77 \ dic- 
tator of Greek and medieval 
science, 230; spirit of Greek 
science, 231 ; ideas as logic, 

Astronomy, its relation to hy- 
pothesis, 76. 

Atomic, Kelvin's models, 36, 
igo; nature of electricity, 

Atomic theory, defined, 8; its 
axioms, 1 1 ; failure, 24 ; not 
an aid to discovery, 33; in- 
adequacy of, 44 ; modem and 
classic, 49; its nature, 73; 
its philosophical weakness, 
119; its value, 130. 

Atoms, nature of, 10; Lar- 
mor's definition, 26, 49; nec- 
essary attributes, 44; sub- 
divided, 44; modem concep- 
tions, 129. 

Axioms, of atomic theories, 
11; see Postulates. 

Bacon, Fr., natural philosophy, 
121 ; province of mathemat- 
ics, 142; on the sources of 
knowledge, 233; on the ex- 
tent and limit of science, 

Biology, as the basis of ethics, 

Bolingbroke, Lord, critique of 
Descartes's cosmogony, 104, 

Boscovich, atomic theory, 8. 

Bradley, discovery of the aber- 
ration of light, 19. 


Browne, Sir Thomas, nature 
of electricity, 108. 

Campbell, Norman, division of 
past and present science, 39. 

Cdestial matter, nature of, 90* 

Character, not the aim of sci- 
ence, 229. 

Qifford, W. K., plurality of 
ethers, 11. 

Cohesion, cause of, Descartes, 
92; Larmor, 127. 

Continuity and discontinuity 
of matter, contrasted, 3, 119; 
as a duaiistic principle, 40, 
44; ideas on, 77; its history, 
77; conflict between, 78; in- 
ability to decide between, 

Cosmogony, of Laplace and 
Lagrange, 7; Larmor's, 47; 
requirements for a scientific, 
72; nebular hypothesis, 74; 
as a scientific convenience, 
80; Descartes's, 82 et seq,; 
revealed and natural, 240. 

Coulomb, nature of electricity, 

d'Alembert, laws of motion, 6. 

Dalton, atomic theory, 33. 

Darwin, law of evolution, 226, 

Democritus, atomic theory, 8, 

Descartes, influence on science, 
3. 5, 39, 40, 67, loi, 142, 224; 
theory of matter, 40; the 
plenum, 40, 78; example of 
hypothetical method, 70; ex- 
ponent of continuity of mat- 
ter, 78; scientific principles, 
79; revelation, 80; attributes 
of substance, 82; action at 
a distance, 84; laws of mo- 




tion and impact, 85; classi- 
fication of matter, 86; vor- 
tices, 89; cohesion, 92; light, 
02; heat, 9S; the earth, 96; 
his consistency of thought, 
98; critique of his cosmog- 
ony, loi, Bolingbroke's 
opinion, 104; nature of elec- 
tricity, 107; space as sub- 
stance, 2^6. 

Dufay, fluid theory of elec- 
tricity, 25. 

Duhem, on science of ener- 
getics, 22; on theories of 
physics, 37. 

Egoism, as a scientific system 
of ethics, 258. 

Einstein, definition of space, 
109, 127, 153; electricity and 
energy as entities, iii. 

Einstein's Principle of Rela- 
tivity, to harmonize modem 
and Newtonian mechanics, 
164; its postulates, 165 ; meas- 
ure of time, 167; measure 
of length, 169; variability of 
mass, 172; mass and energy, 
172; its postulates, 174; re- 
striction of the relativity of 
motion, 175; absolute veloc- 
ity of light, 177; velocity of 
sound and light, an illustra- 
tion, 182; atomic nature of 
electricity, 184; logical but 
false, 184. 

Electricity, an entity, 42, 51. 
63, 65, 107. no, 184; the 
basis of mechanics, 158. 

Electrons, nature of, 55, 60, 

_ 131, 13s, 138. . . 

Energetics, defimtron, 11, 20; 
value of. 24. 

Energy, the basis of science, 
22 ; conservation of, 120, 128 ; 
classification, 122, 133. 

Ether, a mechanical link, 10; 
need for more than one, 11; 
and matter, 42; its prop- 
erties, 43; elastic-solid and 
electromagnetic, 52; massive, 
109; recent ideas of, 109; a 

confession of ignorance, las ; 
a plenum, 126; a new con- 
ception of the, 162; a con- 
venience only, 198; as a 
reality, 202; as the explana- 
tion of matter, 203; the re- 
ductio ad absurdum, 204; 
Lodge's definition, 208; as a 
psychic medium, 208; as a 
quasi-deity, 209. 

Ethereal, see Vortices. 

Ethics, present perplexity, 213 ; 
science as the basis of, 214; 
lack of criticism of sci- 
entists, 215; effect of hy- 
pothesis on, 225; material- 
ism, 213 • atheism, 233 ; sjrs- 
tem of Hobbes, 235 ; science, 
the guide to conduct, 237; 
law of evolution not eth- 
ical, 238; evolution and, 
241 ; classification of natural- 
ism, 243; egoism, 258; rela- 
tion of science to, 26a 

Eugenics, as a science, 245; as 
a system of ethics, 249; as 
a police regulation, 252; 
under guidance of physi- 
cians, 252; under guidance 
of legislators and the clergy, 
253; under the social work- 
ers, 254; lack of influence, 

Eugenist, defined, 246* 

Euthenics, defined, 245; its 
failure, 256. 

Evolution, as a law, 116; so- 
cial, 212; discussed, 237; its 
causes, 239; natural and re- 
stricted, 241; spiritual, four 
types of, 243. 

Experience, tne basis of sci- 
ence, 233. 

Experimentum cruds, 18. 

Fallacies, in Descartes's sys- 
tem, 98. 

Faraday, the duty of science, 
107; theory of electricity, 
108; effect of dielectrics, 
160; nature of the ether, 

161. JigitizedbyCiOOgle 



Fire, Descartes's conception 

of, 90. 
Fiske, John, naturalism, 237. 
FitzGerald-Lorentz, effect of 

motion on matter, 160. 
Fizeau, the velocity of light in 

moving media, 177. 
Force, as the basis of science, 

Foucault, velocity of light in 

transparent media, 19. 
Franklin, Benj., fluid theory 

of electricity, 25. 

Galileo, on sensation as the 
postulate of science, 32; 
founder of experimental sci- 
ence, 39, 187; classical me- 
chanics, 142. 

Gassendi, atomic theory, 8, 85. 

Genealogies, eugenics, 255. 

Generalization, a necessity, 194. 

Geometry, its postulates com- 
pared with those of experi- 
mental science, 12; the basis 
of science, 79* 

Goethe, restraint in science, 

Guericke, von, theory of elec- 
tricity, 108. 

Hannequin, atomic theory, i; 

definition of mechanics, 118. 

Heat, Descartes's hypothesis, 

Heimholtz, von, conservation 
of energy, 86; vortex rings, 
131; stagnant ether, 161. 

Heraclitus, continuity of mat- 
ter, ^^. 

Hertz. H., opinion of Max- 
well's equations, 37; electro- 
magnetic waves, 160. 

Histories of science, their de- 
ficiencies, 217. 

Hobbes, on the sensations. 2^, 
234 ; metaphysical system, 
a35; on the barometer, 236; 
egotism of mankind, 258. 

Hume, on the sensations, 233; 
egotism and sympathy, 259. 

Huxley, on evolution, 241 ; on 
eugenical selection, 249. 

Huygens, atomic theory, 8, 40; 
theory of light, 19; correc- 
tion of laws of impact and 
motion, 86. 

Hypothesis, its danger, 16; 
elimination not desirable, 37; 
utility of, 42; apology for, 
57; not an indifferent sub- 
ject, 59; Descartes's, the 
most complete, 98 ; good and 
bad aspects, 103; Boling- 
broke on, 104; and symbol- 
ism, no; a tentative hypoth- 
esis of electricity, 140; its 
value, 144; effect on society, 
192; as generalization, 195; 
Poincar6's classification, 200; 
and ethics, 225. 

Hypothetical method, 13; its 
deceptions, 70. 

Idolatry of scientists, 209. 
Impact, Descartes's laws, 85. 

Johnson, Samuel, reality of 
matter, 206. 

Kant, axioms of mechanics, 6; 
nebular hypothesis, 74; space 
and time, 148. 

Kaufmann, variation of mass 
with velocity, 132, 137. 

Kelvin, Lord (Sir Wm. Thom- 
son), models of atoms, 36, 
190; theory of vortex atoms, 
41, 48, 131; size of atoms, 
44; ori^n of life, 117; 
quantitative measurements, 

Lagrange, axioms of mechan- 
ics, 6; equilibrium of bodies, 
6; M^anique analytique, 7; 
no criterion for truth, 18. 

Laplace, Syst^me du monde, 7 ; 
materialistic attitude, 8, 212; 
his mechanistic theory, 9; 
nebular hypothesis, ^4; ve- 
locity of propagation of 
gravitational energy, 118; on 
the inductive method, 232. 

Larmor, Sir Joseph, properties 
of the ether, 19, S3.r*3$l^^T^ 



corpuscular theory of mat- 
ter, 26, 27, 4i» 42, 44» 1 10; 
value of speculative hypoth- 
esis, 43; continuity of mat- 
ter, 46; his hypothesis does 
not avoid former difficulties, 
50; divisibility of matter, 
119; definition of ether, 126; 
electrical theory of mechan- 
ics, 127; definition of the 
atom, 129L 

Laws, difference between hy- 
pothesis and, 104; continuity, 
causal, 115. 

Leibnitz, invention of the cal- 
culus, 5. 

Length, a function of motion, 

Lewis, G. N., confusion of 
fact and fiction, 112. 

Light, theories of, 19; Des- 
cartes's hypothesis, 92; its 
velocity, an absolute con- 
stant, 165; its velocity in 
vacuous and in occupied 
space, 177; its velocity not a 
maximum, 182. 

Limits of science, 113. 

Locke, on the sensations, 233. 

Lodge, Sir Oliver, the ether 
as a medium for psychic 
phenomena, 24; ether mas- 
sive, no, 153; presidential 
address on Continuity, 193; 
his scientific credulity, 194; 
his scientific confusion, 207; 
his ideas of the ether as om- 
nipotent and omniscient, 
208; as a quasi-deity, 208; 
as a soul-body, 209; his 
speculations not logical, 209; 
war between science and the- 
ology^ 210 ; as an example 
of saentific dogmatism, 210. 

Lombroso, the imperfection of 
the genius, 250. 

Lorentz, H. A., his corpus- 
cular theory of matter, 26, 
28, 41, 55, "0, 130, 144; 
properties of the ether, 56; 
apology for the hypothetical 
method, 57; ethereal stresses 

not realities, 109; contrac- 
tion of matter, 160; ether 
stresses, 161. 
Lucretius, atomic theory, 73. 

Mach, Ernst, science of ener- 
getics, 22. 

Mass, as an attribute of elec- 
tricity, 64, 117, 135, 171; as 
a fundamental unit, 145, 148, 
153 : Newton's conception, 
155; as dependent on en- 
ergy, 172. 

Mathematics, as a scientific 
language, 71; its value, 150; 
a paradox, 151 ; not subject 
to the restrictions of sciencc. 

Matter, real and hypothetical, 
17; continuous or discontin- 
uous, 40, 44; modem defini- 
tions, 50; identity of space 
and, 82; fundamental attri- 
bute of, 82; three primordial 
kinds, 88; terrestrial, 96; 
confusion with electricity, 
no; its divisibility, 119; 
true and sensible, 120; as 
Ding an sich, 148; our con- 
cept of, 150; as an ethereal 
strain, 161 ; Poincar6's defini- 
tion, 205. 

Maxwell, J. C, theory of light 
19, 160; theory of electrifi- 
cation, 25, 108; discredit of 
vortex theory, 48, 131; ori- 
gin of life, 117; nature of 
the ether, 161. 

Mechanical, rise of principles, 
5 ; theories have no criterion 
of truth, 18; models do not 
lead to discoveries, 37; the- 
ories, their weakness, 62. 

Mechanics, dominance over 
science, 4; axioms, 6; its 
metaphysical basis, 12; the 
only complete theory, 13; its 
failure as a method, 146; 
Newtonian, 154; the new. 

Mechanistic idea of the tmi- 
verse, & ^ j 

Jigitized by VjOOQIC 



Metaphysical theory, Lannor's, 

37; Lorentz's, a8; influence 

on thought, 28. 
Metaphysics, definition, i. 
Method, of physics a model, 

3; abstractive and hypo- 

dietical, 13; Rankine's, 20; 

the author's outline, 115; 

Laplace's opinion, 232. 
Michelet, 69. 
Michelson, A. A., ether drift, 

I59» 179; velocity of light in 

moving media, 177. 
Minkowski, four dimensional 

space, III. 
Models, for radiation, 133; see 

Moral influence of science, 

More, L. T.. outline of a sci- 
entific method, 115; on ether 

stresses, 161. 
More, P. E., on Nietzsche and 

the doctrine of egoism, 258. 
Morley, Edward, on ether 

drift, 159, 179. 
Motion, real and hypothetical, 


Naturalism, as social evolu- 
tion, 243. 

Nebular hypothesis, 74, 

Newton, on hypothesis, title 
page; calculus, 5; law of 
gravitation, 6, 21, its appli- 
cation to atoms, 7, 40, 74; 
hypothesis of light, 19, 21, 
226; action and reaction, 115; 
classical mechanics, 142, 154 
et seq.; on mass, 155; re- 
placing Kepler's laws, 20^. 

Nietzsche, Fr., reaction agamst 
humanitarianism, 258* 

Occult, substances and forces, 


Organon of Aristotle, the text 
for Greek and medieval sci- 
ence, 230. 

Organum Novum of Bacon, 
the authority for modem 
science, 231. 

Ostwald, W., science of ener- 
getics, 22. 

Peripatetic school, 231. 
Philosophy, metaphysical 
teaching of scientific, i, 221 ; 
of Greeks characterized by 
Bacon, 231; of Hobbes, 234; 
scientific, 236 et seq. 

Physical theory, nature of, 12; 
aims of, 37; originators of, 

Physics, has best scientific 
method, 2; relation to meta- 
physics, 3; dates from, 39. 

Planck, Max, quantum theory 
of discontinuity, 119; on 
principle of relativi^r, 165. 

Plato, the world as idea, 231 ; 
and eugenics, 248L 

Plenum, 40; Larmor's 46; 
Descartes's, 83. 

Poincar6, H., on hypothesis of 
ether, 59; The Foundations 
of Science, 193 ; as a skeptic, 
193 ; on the scientific method, 
194; on generalizations, 194; 
on hypothesis as a conveni- 
ence, 198; classification of 
hypotheses, 200; the new 
mechanics, 203; the func- 
tion of science, 204; defini- 
tion of matter, 205, 229. 

Postulates of science, their 
truth, 81; extent, as a fun- 
damental attribute, 82; of 
Descartes, 85, 148; of Ein- 
stein^ 165; of the new me- 
chanics, 174; their sub- 
jectivity. 219. 

Power, the aim of science, 
214; as the desire of man- 
kind, 258, 260. 

Primordial space and time, 72, 

Pfincipia Naturae of Des- 
cartes, 79 et sea. 

PrinciMa of Newton, title 
paure, 155. 

Proems, science as mathemat- 
ics, 232. 



Radiant enerp:y, nature of, 
122; and Its medium of 
transmission, ia3, 128. 

Rankine, on energetics, ii; on 
physical theories, 12; out- 
fine of abstractive and hy- 
pothetical methods, 16, 21. 

Relativity, Principle t)f; see 

Relativity, of motion and posi- 
tion, 83; Descartes's doc- 
trine, 83; of knowledge, 
147; of mechanical motions, 
175; not applicable to radi- 
ant energy, 175; an aca- 
demic question, 182; limited 
to hypothetical cases, 184. 

Remusat, C. de. Vie de Bacon, 

Kenan, Ernest, science as sym- 
bol and law, 2, 212; soda! 
evolution, 212. 

Roentgen, W. C, discovery of 
X-rays, 38. 

Rutherford, Sir Ernest, ex- 
perimental evidence for at- 
oms, 60; theory of radio- 
activity, 63. 

Science, as a guide, 2, 58; its 
limits, 30, 113, 228; cata- 
logue of, 151; its functions, 
187; its domination of mod- 
cm thought, 188; its dog- 
matism, 189; lack of crit- 
icism, 189, 215; as a meas- 
ure of civilization, 215; 
overthrow of Aristotelian, 
230 ; its aim to acquire power 
and not character, 229; and 
ethics, a modern combina- 
tion, 234; its ethical bearing, 
259; its true aim, 260. 

Scientific, method, i; cult, 35; 
and religious polemic, 35; 
skepticism and credulity, 
193; dogmatism, 210; eth- 
ics, feasibility of, 214. 

Scientists, effect of hypoth- 
esis on, 28; German school 
of, 206, 207; education of, 

Sensations, not criteria of 
phenomena, 8. 

Sentiment, as the basis of hy- 
pothesis, 105. 

Space, and matter. 83; our 
concept of, 148. 

Spencer, Herbert, evolution as 
a social law, 212, 238. 

Superman, as the contrast to 
eugenics, 259. 

Symbolism, the end of hy- 
pothesis, no; of the new / 
mechanics, 206. 

Tennyson, Lord, humanitari- 
anism, 237. 

Theology and sdence, 30, 35, 
58, 2ia 

Theory, need at present time, 

Thomson, Sir J. J., properties 
of atom, 17; theory of mat- 
ter, 41, 54, 129; on electricity, 
109; mass of electron, 136; 
artificiality of his hypoth- 
esis, 202. 

Time, our idea of, 149; meas- 
urement of, 167; a property 
of soace. 168; variability 
with motion, 171; Einstein's 
idea of, 181. 

Transcendental symbolism of 
German physicists, 206, 207. 

Treitschke, doctrine of neces- 
sity, 259. 

Units, of measure, 118. 
Universe as a machine, 9, 18, 
72, 185. 

Velocity of light, its signifi- 
cance in the modem ether, 

Vortex, Kelvin's theory, 48; 
Descartes's theory, 87. 

Wilson, C T. R., mass of the 

electron, 136. 
Wordsworth, William, human- 

itarianism, 237. 


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