Sir Richard Grenville



II THOMAS MORE. R. W. Chambers 

MONASTERIES. Geoffrey Baskerville 



A. L. Rowse 

XI CATHERINE OF ARAGON. Garrett Mattingly 



XV KING JAMES VI AND I. David Harris Willson 


Conyers Read 














REPRINTEB 1 94.9, 196a 




0 ., 






















1585-6 221 








XIX. posterity: epilogue 337 

INDEX 357 




From a painting in th-c National Portrait Gallery 

SIR FRANCIS DRAKE facing page 155 

From a painting in the National Maritime Museum 


From a painting in the National Portrait Gallery 


From a drawing by John White in the British Museum 


From a drawing by John White in the British Museum 


From a drawing by John White in the British Museum 


From a print in the British Museum 



From the print in Holland’s Heroobgia^ by courtesy of 
the British Museum 



A CURIOUS fate has befallen the memory of Sir Richard Gren- 
ville. I suppose his is one of the best-known names, not only 
among Elizabethan west-countrymen, but of all the great fight- 
ing-men of that age, the heroic age in our history. He has be- 
come, partly no doubt owing to Ralegh’s magnificent prose and 
Tennyson’s ballad, but still more owing to some quality in the 
man and in his death, a mythical figure in the tradition of the 
English people. A household name; and yet, as is the way with 
mythical figures, very little has been known about his life, ex- 
cept for his manner of leaving it, the famous last fight of the 
Revenge in the Azores, and not even for certain about that. Per- 
haps this book may in part dispel the myth and make him more 
real as a man. 

But it is no accident that so little should have been known 
about his life hitherto. For an extraordinary series of mischances 
has destroyed, so far as one can gather, all the original docu- 
ments of a personal and family character, which should have 
remained in private hands. No doubt the end of the male-line 
of Grenvilles in the eighteenth century, and the division of the 
inheritance, had its elffect. Then the pulling down of the old 
house at Stowe by the Earl of Bath in 1679, and the destruction 
of the great new house he built, by the egregious Countess Gran- 
ville in 1 720, must have meant a great dispersion and destruction 
of documents. There is the curious story told by Baring-Gould 
in his Hawker of Morwenstow, how Hawker found a chest of letters 
remaining at Stowe farm and sent them up to Lord Carteret, 
but somehow they got lost: Canon Granville says that he con- 
signed them to the flames as the best thing to do with old docu- 
ments. I found myself on going to Bideford, where there should 
have been a great deal of Grenville material among the town 
muniments, that they had been destroyed by some miserable 



town clerk in the last century, A warning to leave old houses 
and archives undisturbed! 

The result is that to reconstruct the life of Gi'enville one is 
thrown back upon such printed sources as there are, and the 
documents in public archives, without the aid, the delicious aid, 
of private and familiar correspondence. I remember Sir John 
Squire, who once had the intention of writing the life of Gren- 
ville, telling me that it could not be done. 

But in the course of several years of research, I have had the 
good fortune to make a number of new discoveries, some of them 
exciting, and all of them helping to round out and present at 
length a fairly full portrait of the man there was behind the 
myth, A charming diary of an Elizabethan Cornish gentleman, 
William Garnsew, lurking in a quiet corner of the Public Record 
Office, has yielded several personal glimpses of Grenville. The 
Patent Roll revealed a wholly unsuspected and most exciting 
story that must have gone out of mind with Grenville’s own 
generation, of the man he killed in an affray in the streets of 
London, when still in his minority: his first appearance upon the 
public scene. I have at last tracked down the date of Grenville’s 
birth, which is of the more value since those of so many other 
Elizabethan seamen, Drake among them, remain unknown. 
Further new material from English sources adds to our know- 
ledge at a good many points. 

The yield from the Spanish archives has been even more ex- 
citing. Hitherto wc have had to depend for our knowledge of 
the action off Flores upon English sources, none of them first 
hand. It is not surprising that the action has always remained 
something of a mystery. But I have had the inestimable good 
fortune to track down in Spanish archives an actual first-hand 
account of the battle from on board one of the Spanish ships, 
an official account, objective, reliable, matter of fact. This will, 
I hope, go far to disperse the mystery that has always overhung 
that famous fight. 

Other Spanish documents brought to light give us new inibr- 
mation about Grenville’s doings in the West Indies on his way 
out to the planting of the first English colony in America, the 
Virginia colony of 1585-6; and an account from the Spanish 



side of his capture of a rich Spanish prize off the Bermudas on 
his way home. We derive from this account of a captured Portu- 
guese merchant a close-up of Grenville as captor: a great Eliza- 
bethan gentleman at sea, served upon silver, who ate to the 
sound of music, as Drake did upon his voyage round the world. 
Other documents again, Spanish and English, throw light upon 
Grenville’s great project for a Pacific voyage, four years before 
Drake actually sailed upon his, and upon the curious state of 
relations, half rivalry, half mutual-exclusion, that existed be- 
tween Grenville and Drake. 

It is a pleasure to acknowledge so many kindnesses and so 
much help received on every hand. To the Dowager Lady 
Seaton, the representative of the Drakes, I am indebted for much 
kindness and help at Buckland Abbey, as also to Sir Hugh 
Stucley and Miss E. F. Stucley who helped me greatly at 
Bideford and at Stowe. From representatives of the Grenfells, 
Miss Maud Grenfell and Mrs. W. H. Buckler, I have had 
much kindness and encouragement. To Miss I. A. Wright, of 
Seville, I am most indebted for tracing and having transcribed 
a number of Spanish documents, and to Mrs. Charles Hender- 
son for helping me with their translation. 

I wish to thank Mr. R. Pcarse Ghope, whose articles in the 
Transactions of the Devonshire Association (1917) laid the founda- 
tion for subsequent study of Grenville, and Dr. J, A. Williamson, 
whose studies have carried our knowledge a stage further, both 
of whom have aided me much in discussion. Dr. V. T. Harlow 
drew my attention to a new and important aspect of Grenville’s 
projected Pacific Voyage and helped me with valuable sugges- 
tions. I am much obliged to the Deputy Town Clerk of Ply- 
mouth who permitted me to research among the admirably- 
kept archives of che town; to the Rector of Kilkhampton, the 
Rev. R. Dew, who kindly searched his early Register for me; 
and to the Vicar of Buckland Monachorum who allowed me to 
see his parish register. My debt to the tolerant and helpful 
officials at the Record Office and at the British Museum is a very 
great one; in particular I should like to acknowledge the aid I 
have been given at every stage by Mr. J. R. Crompton of the 
Record Office. I have reason to be very grateful to the Bodleian 



and Godrington Libraries at Oxford, to the Institute of Histori- 
cal Research in London and to Mr. J. Hirschfield who has helped 
me over the Court of Wards. To Miss N. McN, O’Farrell and 
Miss P. Schrader I am grateful for much help in transcribing 
documents and for many helpful suggestions. 

I cannot sufficiently acknowledge what I owe to Professor J. 
E. Neale, who has read the whole of my manuscript with a 
kindly severity, saved me from several errors and indicated in- 
numerable improvements. All I can say is that if he should read 
this book again, he will see something of what I owe to him. My 
greatest obligation is to my college, w'hich has enabled me for 
some years now to pursue my researches into west-country his- 
tory in the sixteenth century, of which the fruit is in part this 

My best thanks are due to my friends Mr. K. B. McFarlane, 
Fellow of Magdalen, and Mr. G. F. Hudson, Fellow of All Souls, 
who have been so good as to read the proofs. 









From the Conquest to the Restoration your Ancestors con- 
stantly resided amongst their country men, except when the 
public service called upon them to sacrifice their lives for it. 

OEOROE GRANVILLE (later Lord Lansdowne) 
to the third Earl of Bath, 1710 

If you look at a map- of the West Country, by which I mean 
especially Devon and Cornwall, and notice where the peninsula 
thickens out to its broadest between the Bristol and the English 
Channel, along the northern strip of coast between Bude and 
Bideford, that great high tableland that thrusts out into the sea, 
you will find what was once the Grenville country. For a short 
time, too, for some forty years in the middle of the sixteenth cen- 
tury, the Grenvilles possessed land in the south of the peninsula, 
Buckland Abbey, and were very familiar with the country be- 
tween Yelverton and the gates of Plymouth. But that was a 
mere episode in the long story of their settlement on the northern 
coast, going back perhaps to the Conquest and certainly to not 
long after. 

Their family life for centuries revolved round the twin centres 
of Stowe, in the parish of Kilkhampton, across the Cornish 
border, and the town of Bideford in Devon; the years, the ages 
were filled with their comings and goings across the high ground 
and the moors, along the lanes and in and out of the valleys, 
between the one and the other. They are all -gone now, as the 
Godolphins have gone from their lonely deserted house with the 
granite colonnade and the overgrown terraces, not far from the 
Land’s End, or their cousins the Eriseys from the charming 
Caroline house near the Lizard, or the Killigrews from Arwen- 



nack overlooking Falmouth Haven. Of the Grenvilles, even less 
remains. At Stowe there is only a farm-house, built on the site 
of the old stables, and the level spaces where their successive 
houses stood looking down upon the woods of Goombe, and be- 
yond to the tower of Kilkhampton church upon the skyline, now 
silver in the sun, now grey with the shadows of clouds passing 
and re-passing; while at Bideford, men cannot tell you for sure 
where it was that the Grenvilles’ town house stood upon the 
quay. Only the country remains, not so very different in its 
essential lines, having suffered less change than they. 

To those who know it, it is a singularly impressive country, 
having more a character of its own than, if possible, any other 
tract in all the West Country. Some may think it a forbidding 
character, as certainly the coast is savage in the extreme. For 
forty miles those limestone and shale cliffs run, tortured into fan- 
tastic shapes, with horizontal reefs pushing jagged-edged out to 
sea, among which no boat could live with any sea running, the 
cliffs going up to six and seven hundred feet high, the full beat 
of the Atlantic upon them, and not a harbour from Padstow to 
Bideford, except that cleft in the coast at Boscastle, the tortuous 
snake-like entry, the jade-green waters. No wonder the old 
couplet goes: 

‘From Padstow Bar to Lundy Light 
Is a sailor’s grave, by day or night:’ 

- so many hundreds of good men have found it so. 

The interior, when it is not too high and windswept (for much 
of it is a high tableland), is fertile and good corn-growing land, 
with much pasture. Stowe itself, though not far in from the 
coast, is well-placed upon just such a strip of good farming land, 
turning its back to the sea and high up on the edge of the deep 
valley of Coombe, which runs inwards from its mouth near 
Steeple Point almost to Kilkhampton. These deep clefts are 
very characteristic of the country; the high ground as it gets to- 
wards the sea is broken into a number of transverse valleys, 
each of them with its stream, a few narrow meadows rich with 
grass, and in spring exquisite with the first and fullest primroses 
and spring violets. There is Coombe, very narrow and steep, 



which from the time of the Grenvilles seems to have been 
wooded; then there are the valleys of Marsland Mouth and 
Welcombe; next, Speke’s Mill Mouth, with its trout-stream and 
waterfall to the sea; and lastly, Hartland the most fertile and 
beautiful of them all, after which the coast from going due north 
breaks away to the east and changes in character. It becomes 
less severe; and so with the interior ~ as you move away from 
the high ground near the western coast, you get on to the down- 
ward slope of the tableland towards Woolfardis worthy and 
Bradworthy, the vale of the Torridge, and so on to Parkham and 
Abbotsham and into Bideford, country altogether more fertile, 
more gracious and homely. 

The origin of the family is, as these things often are, clothed 
in obscurity. Not the less so, either, for the inflated and some- 
what baroque story of their illustrious descent from the Norman 
Earls of Corbeil, which became current in the days of their 
triumph at the Restoration, served their advance in the peerage 
under Charles II, and consoled the last days of Denis Granville 
the Dean, in exile at St. Germains. Dr. J. H. Round concen- 
trated all the resources of his scholarship upon what he des- 
cribed as ‘the great Granville story.’ ^ He maintains the view 
that the family derives not from that Richard de Grainville, 
the founder of Neath Abbey about 1129, whom they looked 
upon as the beginner of its fortunes in England, but from the 
more obscure Robert, who witnessed the Abbey’s Foundation 
charter. But not all Dr. Round’s erosive scholarship could deny 
that the Grenvilles were Normans, and that they came raiding 
out of Normandy very early on — earlier, for example, than the 
Courtenays or the Arundells ~ if not with the Conqueror him- 
self. What we do know for certain is that as early as Henry IPs 
reign, a Grenville held half a knight’s fee in Bideford, and this 
is the real starting-point of our knowledge of them in the west.^ 

They then held of the honour of Gloucester ; and, according 
to Round, these Devonshire lands of that honour, Bideford, 
Littleharn and Ash, had before been held by Mathilde, wife of 
the Conqueror, and before that by the Saxon Briktric. By the 

^ J. H. Round, Family Origins : ‘The Granvillcs and the Monks.* 

^ Granville, History of the Granville Family, 31. 

17 B 


twelfth year of Henry II, a Richard de Grenville is holding 
three knights’ fees and a half in Devon and Cornwall ~ so, for 
the first time extending across the border into Cornwall. From 
that time onwards, for some five hundred years, there were 
Grenvilles settled here. At Stowe throughout the later Middle 
Ages they lived, in no spectacular fashion, cultivating their 
lands, adding acre to acre and field to field, serving the King in 
his wars, keeping the King’s peace as justices for Devon and 
Cornwall, frequently being in the Commissions for both, some- 
times breaking the peace themselves or resisting authority, for 
the most part quiet enough in the labour of their lives, begetting 
their children, providing for them, so that generation after 
generation, whatever else might befall, the family should go on. 

They were not a very distinguished lot, nor was the family 
at all important outside the sphere of its immediate influence. 
The highest flight that they attained to, was to produce an 
Archbishop of York (William Grenville, Archbishop 1304-15). 
The Grenvilles were very much the ordinary run of country 
gentry of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, marrying into 
western families of similar position. They married Courtenays 
of Haccombe and of Powderham; Arundells of Lanherne and 
Trerice (those two lovely Tudor houses yet remaining, again not 
far from the sea on the north Cornish coast); Vyvyans and St. 
Aubyns; Devonshire Gilberts and Bonvilles. But other western 
families far surpassed them in wealth - the Courtenays, for in- 
stance, who coming out of France rather later, among the court- 
following of Eleanor of Aquitaine, married the Redvers heiress 
and later entered the ranks of the nobility as Earls of 
Devon; or the Cornish Arundells, who by a succession of provi- 
dent marriages, became the first and wealthiest family in 

The Grenvilles remained of no great possessions, though they 
retained their special relation to the town of Bideford, of which 
they were overlords. Here also they added to their possession of 
house-property, and the town’s trade must have been a source of 
mobile wealth to them. In the fifteenth century, in the affairs 
of the country at large, they were content to be followers of the 
Earls of Devon and with them were adherents of the Lancas- 



trian cause - as indeed most western families were. Thomas 
Grenville and Richard Edgcumbe of Cotehele were involved 
with the Courtenays in the conspiracy of Buckingham against 
Richard III. The story of Edgcumbe’s hiding in the woods of 
Cotehele, down the steep sides of the gorge of the Tamar, until 
he could get away to Brittany and Henry of Richmond, is well 
known. The Courtenays also fled, and Thomas Grenville, 
being then very young, lay low for a time. 

When the Lancastrian cause won at Bosworth and Henry 
VII became king, the prospects of these faithful west-country 
followers improved accordingly. The Courtenays were re- 
stored to their wide lands and married into the Yorkist Royal 
line: it proved, after a period of great splendour in the blaze of 
royal favour, to be their undoing. Sir Richard Edgcumbe be- 
came Comptroller of the Royal Household and, an intimate 
friend of Henry’s, was rewarded with the large estates of the 
Cornish Yorkist Sir Henry Bodrugaii: the foundation of their 
greatness to this day in the west. Thomas Grenville gained 
nothing like so much. He was made an Esquire of the Body to 
Henry VII, a position of personal attendance which was not 
without its opportunities; a similar position held at about the 
same time by David Cecil, Burghley’s grandfather, made the 
family fortunes of the Cecils. 

Whether it was a reluctance to live away from the west, at 
Court, or a premature appreciation of the joys of matrimony, 
Thomas Grenville made no such career for himself- He lived on 
in the west, twice married, begetting his children (no less than 
ten of them lived to be provided for), serving as Sheriff for 
Cornwall, coming up to the Court from time to time, once, we 
know, on the occasion of the marriage of Prince Arthur with 
Catherine of Aragon — a great event, harbinger of what later 
troubles! It was then that he was made a Knight of the Bath. 
But he soon returned to the west, where he died on March i8, 
1513, and now lies buried in his fine tomb of white limestone 
in the church of Bideford. He had bequeathed his ‘body to be 
buried in the church earth of Bideford, in the south-east part of 
the chancel door, where my mind is if I li^ e to make an altar 
and a priest to sing there to pray for me and mine ancestors and 



heirs for ever.’ Alas, for man’s hopes to put a stay to time 

There he is, looking down at us out of time, the first Grenville 
whom we seem to hear and recognise across the centuries as a 
person, for in those words we listen to his last wishes, face to face 
with death. 


We are now well over the threshold of the sixteenth century 
- the formative period of modern England, in which English 
society came to be constituted upon the foundations we know. 
It was a time of the rise of the gentry as a class, of the lesser 
landed interest as a dominating factor in the national life. Two 
factors chiefly aided it. The value of land was increasing, as 
again in the eighteenth century; so that those whose wealth was 
in land and the cultivation of it for themselves, rather than in 
money or fixed rents and services, were on the upgrade of power. 

A second factor which enormously strengthened the trend in 
favour of the landed classes was the Reformation, the dispersion 
of church lands. The steady rain of Church-property which fell 
upon the thirsty ground all through this century, in the end 
benefited most, not the nobility or the Crown, so much as the 
lesser landed gentry. Lands often slipped through the fingers 
of the greater courtiers; when it was not by extravagance or in- 
advertence there was the convenient process of attainder to help 
it: some of the greatest collections of monastic property were 
broken up in this way. But when an attractive manor, or some 
morsels of a small religious house came into the hands of a family 
living close to the soil itself, cultivating its own land, struggling 
to keep its head above water and to provide for its all too 
numerous progeny, property had a habit of remaining there. 
This meant a tremendous afforcement of power to the gentry 
as a class; for where in so many English villages before the 
Reformation there were no lords but the distant monks in their 
abbeys, the hours slipping lazily through their fingers over their 
prayers or their provender, now every village came to have its 
squire, greedy of power, having to make his way in the world, 
energetic, hard, pushing. The Grenvilles were carried up on 


this tide, like so many others, their cousins and friends; while 
the Courtenays and the Cornish Arundells went down. 

But personal factors were at work in the process as well. 
Whatever the reason, and nothing is more mysterious in life 
than this, a new and active strain, of immense and passionate 
energy, came into the family in the sixteenth century. It may 
be that the two things, the historical circumstances and the 
psychological response, are functions of each other; for it is 
striking, how in history an upward-moving cause elicits ability 
and energy, while that on the downgrade is often accompanied 
by stupidity and listlessness. Perhaps the family generates 
energy as the opportunity is presented to it. Certain it is that 
the Grenvilles, a family hitherto of no particular consequence, 
suddenly throws up a number of remarkable and forceful 
characters, who over several generations push the family into a 
position of prominence, whence, after a time the energy lapses, 
and it sinks back again. 

Amid the diversity of their characteristics, a certain dominant 
streak is observable: a harsh domineering note, proud in the 
extreme, unyielding, betraying signs of overstrain and un- 
balance, forceful, highly strung, bent on action, capable of the 
uttermost devotion; above all, exciting. It comes out, though 
not so harshly, in Sir Richard Grenville the elder. Marshal of 
Calais, more noticeably in the case of his aunt. Honor Gren- 
ville, Lady Lisle; it reaches its apex with the extraordinary 
character and career of Sir Richard Grenville of the Revenge] it 
is accentuated, but debased, in the person of the third Sir 
Richard, of the Civil War, whose character may be said to have 
gone to shipwreck on it. 

Other characteristics there were too: a generous disregard of 
consequences in any course that they embarked upon, that was 
not incompatible with a practical hard-headed turn of mind in 
matters of business; above all, fidelity and loyalty. In four 
generations following each other, a Grenville died in the service 
of his country: Roger, our Sir Richard’s father, drowned in the 
Mary Rose at Portsmouth in 1545; Sir Richard himself mortally 
wounded off Flores in the Azores in the last fight of the Revenge] 
his son John died upon Ralegh’s famous expedition to Guiana 


in 1595;^ his grandson Sir Bevil, that Bayard of the Royalist 
cause, killed at Lansdown in 1643. No wonder the old Cornish 
proverb which says, ‘a Godolphin never wanted wit’ goes on to 
add, ‘nor a Grenville loyalty.’ 


Much then as our Richard owed to his family, which reached 
the apex of its achievement and fame with him, his career owed 
still more to his age and time. Indeed, the actual character of 
his career, the precise shape that it traced upon the map of our 
history, would be unthinkable outside the circumstances of the 
Elizabethan age. 

It was the heroic age in our history, when the nation saw 
great opportunities of expansion and achievement opening be- 
fore it. Young, fresh, vigorous, full of self-confidence and spirit, 
it knew how to take them. For these very opportunities at the 
same time imposed a test, a test of nerve, character, intelligence. 
There were the complex dangers of the Reformation, a move- 
ment full of eddies and shoals; there was the difficult role we 
had to play in Europe, not without subtlety, in an exposed and 
sometimes isolated position; there was finally the prolonged duel 
with Spain that lasted all the latter part of the Queen’s reign. 
It was the fact that the opportunities given were so triumphantly 
taken, our difficulties surmounted in spite of the odds against us, 
that made the Elizabethan the heroic age in our history. It is an 
age to which in these less successful, more disillusioning times, 
we may well look back for inspiration and renewal. 

The very opportunities that were afforded, to Drake, Haw- 
kins, Cavendish at sea, to the Cecils in politics, to Byrd, Mar- 
lowe, Shakespeare no less in the realm of the arts or to Bacon in 
that of the intellect, to Ralegh and Grenville in the field of 
colonisation, gave the men of the time a supreme chance to 
realise themselves and all their potentialities. 

It is in the realm of action, at its most heightened and in- 
tense moments, that the pure quality of the heroic emerges: that 

^ Not, as Granville says (p. 123), while serving under Drake in the West 



sort of gesture by which a man goes down to posterity for 
something not only memorable in itself, but in which subse- 
quent ages find significance, inspiration in its defiance, strength 
in its courage. It is some quality of the action in itself by which 
it survives, like Falkland’s riding into the melee with Teace, 
Peace’ upon his lips, or Nelson ignoring his superior’s orders at 
Copenhagen, or walking the deck of the Victory at Trafalgar, 
blazing with medals. 

Of such was Grenville’s last action in the Revenge. There was 
never any fight more famous in a nation’s history; never any 
that was more purely heroic in quality - that mixture of dare- 
devilry, defiance of fate, supreme indifference to consequences, 
which men admire more than anything, because their own 
ordinary lives are at every point so circumscribed by circum- 
stance, from which there is, save in such moments, no emanci- 

This book then has some contemporary significance. We shall 
trace a career not hitherto fully recorded, of which little indeed 
has been known, and of which now only the outline of its traces 
upon the track of time remains. Too little evidence remains for 
a portrait of the inner man; we can only build up our portrait 
of that from his external actions and achievements such as they 
are left. There are certain aspects of them, episodes in his life, 
that are wholly new and are here brought to light after the 
lapse of centuries. As regards the rest of his career, we shall 
trace in Grenville himself, and by reference to his family before 
and after, the emergence of those qualities, a creation out of 
diverse elements, from which the heroic at the moment of crisis 
sprang forth. 

Nor ought we to leave altogether on one side the question of 
what this heroic spirit meant for that age, why it was that the 
Elizabethans surrounded its memory with fame. For there was 
a raison d'^Stre in the legend which grew up about Grenville’s 
name. The fame a man achieves is as much a function of his 
time as it is his own creation or desert. So active and restless a 
life, so heroic an end was what the Elizabethan admired and 
thought of for himself. He saw himself as the fighter and hero. 
Much as in our time Lawrence of Arabia - it is curious to think 



of Grenville as the Elizabethan Lawrence - expressed for so 
many Englishmen that latent desire for the romance of action 
which the conditions of contemporary life denied; though in 
the latter there is more in the nature of escape than the natural 
seeing of yourself in the mirror of a national hero. 

This was the early Elizabethan Age, before disillusionment, 
the disenchantments of long war and weariness came down 
upon them. In the years spanned by Grenville’s active life, 
the success of the voyages and the seamen opened up new 
worlds of mind for their contemporaries, for ‘man’s imagination 
is limited by the horizon of his experience.’ ^ It was this en- 
largement of horizons, coinciding with the boundless confidence 
brought to the nation by its success upon the sea, that made the 
supreme triumph of the Elizabethan drama. The influence of 
all this, the voyages, the discoveries, the exploits and victories, 
upon the great literature of the time has, according to Professor 
Raleigh, ‘been little recognised, because the reflection of con- 
temporary events in thought and imagination is always in- 
direct, difficult to outline, and utterly unlike common ex- 

Yet the point can be made quite directly from Marlowe, who 
expressed all the spirit of this earlier time - the lust for discovery, 
for knowledge and power, a specific geographical excitement 
even, before disillusionment had come to the Elizabethans, 
that ‘kind of weariness of institutions which pervades Shake- 
speare’s later plays.’ What is of extreme significance for us is 
that Marlowe was a member of Ralegh’s circle no less than 
Grenville was, in close intellectual sympathy with Ralegh, a 
friend too of Harriot’s. Should we not expect to find in 
Marlowe an expression of the common spirit in which Grenville 

After all, it was Grenville, not Ralegh, who led the Voyage to 
Virginia in 1585 which made so much impression in this im- 
mediate circle; and all Marlowe’s journeying was done in those 
‘realms of gold,’ his mind. Within the next two years Marlowe 
wrote his Tamburlaine, the real subject of which is the excite- 
ment, the lust for dominion and power which the new dis- 

^ Professor Sir Waiter Raleigh, English Voyages of the Sixteenth Century, 152. 



coveries and knowledge of the world were arousing in contem- 
porary minds. 

Look here, my boys; see what a world of ground 
Lies westward from the midst of Cancer’s line 
Unto the rising of this earthly globe, 

Whereas the sun, declining from our sight. 

Begins the day with our Antipodes! 

And shall I die, and this unconquered? 

Lo, here, my sons, are all the golden mines, 

Inestimable drugs and precious stones, 

More worth than Asia and the world beside; 

And from th’ Antarctick Pole eastward behold 
As much more land, which never was descried, 
Wherein the rocks of pearl that shine as bright 
As all the lamps that beautify the sky! 

And shall I die, and this unconquered? 

Here, lovely boys; what death forbids my life, 

That let your lives command in spite of death. 

It has a curious prophetic quality, when one thinks of the 
end of both Marlowe and Grenville within so short a time. 
There is no doubt of the sort of men Marlowe admired: the 
fighting men, the men of action, restless, for ever spurred on by 
passion and desire. 

Nature that framed us of four elements 
Warring within our breasts for regiment. 

Doth teach us all to have aspiring minds: 

Our souls, whose faculties can comprehend 
The wondrous architecture of the world, 

And measure every wandering planet’s course. 

Still climbing after knowledge infinite, 

And always moving as the restless spheres, 

Will teach us to wear ourselves, and never rest . . . 

There is the final expression of the character and spirit com- 
mon to this circle, in which Grenville shared on the side of 
action, if not intellectually: the spirit with which they inspired 
the nation and for which the nation rewarded them by making 
it its own. 




Who seeks the way to win renown, 

Or flics with wings of high desire; 

Who seeks to wear the laurel crown, 

Or hath the mind that would aspire: 

Tell him his native soil eschew, 

Tell him go range and seek anew. 

SIR RICHARD GRENVILLE: Ju Pram of Sea-faring 
Men in Hopes of Good Fortune 

i wo figures dominated the family history of the Grenvilles in 
the first half of the sixteenth century. These were Sir Richard 
Grenville the elder, Marshal of Calais, grandfather of our Sir 
Richard, who succeeded him as a minor owing to the early 
death of his father, Roger, the Marshal’s son; and Honor Gren- 
ville, Lady Lisle, the Marshal’s aunt, whose marriage to Arthur 
Plantagent, Lord Lisle, a natural son of Edward IV, and Lord 
Deputy of Calais, made her much the most exalted member of 
the family and brought the Grenvilles, so long as her good 
fortune held, into close contact with the court circle. It was a 
dazzling situation, not without its disappointments and its 

It was to this marriage that Sir Richard owed his office as 
High Marshal of Calais, a military position of considerable 
importance at the one outpost remaining of all our former pos- 
sessions upon French soil. The position of the Lord Deputy 
corresponded to that of a modem Viceroy or Governor-General; 
it was one of great state and responsibility, more especially the 
latter in these last years of English rule. So long as the Lisles 



and their nephew Grenville remained at Calais *- Lisle was 
Deputy from 1533 to 1540 -the effective centre of the family 
was there and Stowe remained deserted, waiting for its master 
to return. 

Lady Lisle’s good fortune did not hold for long; for after 
seven years in high office, a sudden blow descended upon her 
husband, as upon so many other persons in the storms of Henry 
VIII’s later years. Lisle was summoned from Calais, and sent 
to the 1 ower, where he ended his days after two years of im- 
prisonment. All his correspondence was impounded, and so we 
come by the Lisle Papers^ which form a sort of Poston Letters for 
the reign of Henry VIII, in many ways more intimate and 
revealing than those. From it we derive a most detailed and 
attractive picture of the life of that society; what is more im- 
portant for us, it portrays the characters of members of the 
family circle fully and personally, in a way not possible before, 
nor for very long after. 

But, first, for the family succession at Stowe. Lady Lisle’s 
father, and the Marshal’s grandfather, was that Sir Thomas 
with whom we crossed the threshold of the sixteenth century, 
the first Grenville of whom we have a personal glimpse. He left 
behind him a mass of children; among others, two sons, Roger 
his heir and John who was destined for the Church. Of the 
daughters, Katherine married Sir John Arundell ofLanherne, a 
very successful match for her, the richest in the county. But we 
do not hear anything more of her in connection with the family 
at Stowe, and later there was not much love lost between the 
Grenvilles and the Arundells. Jane, the eldest daughter, mar- 
ried Sir John Arundell of Trerice, with whose family the Gren- 
villes remained on the friendliest terms. Unlike the people at 
Lanherne, who remained straightest and most unyielding of 
Catholics, the Trcrice Arundells went hand-in-hand with the 
Grenvilles in sympathy with the Reformation and with the new 
trends in national policy. A third daughter, Agnes, married 
John Roscarrock. Later we shall find that there was great 
friendship between our Sir Richard, the younger, and his 
cousins at Roscarrock, where we find him frequently paying 
visits. Though the Roscarrocks have all gone now, something 



of their house remains, an oriel window high up under the roof, 
a little cramped Tudor courtyard, hidden behind the Georgian 
front of a farm-house, lying among the same wide placid fields, 
the sea-gulls coming in from the coast, and from above the house, 
the view away to Pentire Head and the mouth of Padstow 

Sir Thomas had willed his son John, ‘if he be disposed to be a 
priest, to have the next avoidance of one of the benefices of 
Bideford or of Kilkhampton/ He was fortunately so disposed, 
and thus Kilkhampton came by its Rector (1524-80) who 
remained in possession throughout all the changes of the Re- 
formation, under seven Bishops of Exeter, Catholic and Protest- 
ant, under Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and well into the 
reign of Elizabeth. While still a student at Oxford, he was 
presented to the family living; he retained it, along with 
Launcells from 1 533 to 1 545, then with Week St. Mary till his 
death in 1580. Altogether he must have had a comfortable 
time. A trusty servant of the great lady his sister, wrote to her 
when Latimer and Shaxton resigned their bishoprics: ‘they be 
not of the wisest sort methinks, for few nowadays will leave and 
give over such promotions for keeping of opinion.’' ^ That must 
have been much what John Grenville thought. 

What he did with all his time we do not certainly know. 
Perhaps he gave himself up to the pleasures of avuncularity, for 
Richard Carew, that delightful antiquary, says: ‘Sir John 
Chamond was uncle and great-uncle to at least 300, wherein 
yet his uncle and neighbour. Master Grenville, Parson of Kilk- 
hampton, did exceed him.’ ^ The Grenvilles were a prolific lot 
at this time, but on the whole not long-lived. The Rector’s long 
span must have meant that he came at the end to represent the 
family’s continuity more than any other of its numerous figures. 
Four generations of Grenvilles passed before him; he must have 
been a very familiar figure, part of the landscape at Kilkhamp- 
ton, to his great-great-nephew, our Sir Richard. When he came 
at length to die, in 1580, most of the younger Sir Richard’s 
career was over: it was only some eleven years away from that 
fatal day in the Azores. 

^ L, and P., XIV, part i, 220. ^ Carew, Survey of Cornwall (1811), 279. 



Parson John’s elder brother. Sir Roger, did not reign long at 
Stowe, only from 1513 to 1523 - so short a time, indeed, that 
one wonders how he came by the title ‘the great housekeeper’ 
with which his descendant endows him.^ He seems to have 
spent all his time in the west, taking more than his share of local 
responsibilities, for he was three times Sheriff, in 1510, 1518, and 
1522. Like his father he begot a large family of children. It 
must have been something of a strain to settle them all, and the 
marriages his children made were on a more homely level than 
those of the previous generation. Nobody repeated the perilous 
experiment in grandeur of their aunt, Lady Lisle. They married 
Cornish Eriseys, Bevils and Tremaynes, Devonshire Fitzes and 
Specotts. Sir Roger himself left home on one occasion for a 
celebrated, a too celebrated event, since we find his name among 
the Cornish gentlemen attending the King to the Field of the 
Cloth of Gold. That was in 1520. On 2 1 July, 1 523, we find his 
son Richard, Sewer of the Chamber, named as Sheriff of Corn- 
wall in place of his father, who had died in his year of office, 
evidently unexpectedly.^ He was only forty-six. And Richard 
his son reigned in his stead. 

Richard very early got down to the duties of his position. 
The fact that he held the office of Sewer of the Chamber meant 
that already as a young man he was acquainted with the Court; 
his subsequent career brought him still more closely into con- 
tact. But first he turned his attention to Cornwall. He was one 
of the Commissioners to collect the subsidy there, next year; he 
was Sheriff in 1526, and in 1529 was chosen knight of the shire. 
Along with Sir Piers Edgcumbe, he was returned to that great 
Parliament which carried through the breach with Rome and 
with it the Reformation in England. These were years of 
momentous consequence for the country: one after another the 
cables were cut which throughout the ages had held this country 
to the Catholic Church. The gentry of the shires and the bur- 
gesses from the towns were consenting parties to every step that 
was taken, from the abolition of appeals to Rome, to the Act of 
Supremacy by which the process was consummated. Grenville 
was in all this: he served throughout that Parliament and was in 
^ Granville, 71. ^ L. and P., vol. 3, part 2, no. 3214. 



agreement with what it did; he helped to destroy what it 
destroyed, the age-long independence of the Church, and to 
set up what it set up, the supremacy of the Tudor monarchy. 

In the early years, he passed his time partly in the west, 
partly in attendance on Parliament. In 1522, there was an 
interesting struggle between the Arundells and him for nomina- 
tion as Sheriff of Devon: it is the first evidence we have of the 
ill-feeling between them, which was to culminate so tragically in 
the next generation. We find Thomas Arundell, the clever and 
intriguing younger son of Sir John - he had been trained as a 
lawyer and later married the sister of Queen Katherine Howard 
-writing to Cromwell: Tray let not Sir Richard Grenville be 
Sheriff of Devonshire; for sith I cannot have it myself, I am so 
full of charity that I would be right glad that he should go 
without it.’ ^ A regular Tudor sentiment, and one that is under- 
standable at all times. However, Grenville had a powerful 
friend at Court in Sir Francis Bryan, one of the Boleyn circle; 
and these were the brief days of Anne Boleyn’s ascendancy. 
Grenville was made Sheriff; and next year, at the splendid 
ceremonies with which Anne’s coronation was celebrated (Anne 
going in procession to Westminster, already big with the child 
that was to be Elizabeth), Sir Richard was among the Knights 
who served the Queen’s board in Westminster Hall. 

On 24 March, 1533, Sir Richard’s uncle, Lord Lisle, was 
appointed Lord Deputy of Calais. It was an event of great 
importance for the family; for, from now on for the next seven 
years, the life of the Grenvilles centres upon Calais, being drawn 
there like a magnet by the position of its most exalted members. 
It was not long before Sir Richard followed the Lisles. He had 
set his heart upon the second post at Calais, after the Lord 
Deputy, that of High Marshal. It was one that carried with it 
a considerable establishment, but the getting of it cost him a 
large expenditure of effort and money. He paid Sir Edward 
Ringely some 3C400 for the reversion to the office, but even then 
there were months of difficult negotiation before Grenville 
could enter upon it, the path being carefully smoothed by the 
all-powerful Cromwell. 

and P., V, no. 1553. 


At length Sir Richard arrived at Calais, and was welcomed 
by the Lisles with open arms. As the result of an excessively 
jubilant celebration of his accession to office Sir Richard was ill 
all the early part of the New Year. There were rumours at 
Court of his vacating the Marshalship, and to put a stop to them 
he wrote to the King explaining his indisposition, ‘having drunk 
something that troubled his stomach in my Lord Deputy's com- 
pany and other of the Council at a tavern soon after Christmas.’ 
Perhaps it was too much to expect two such forceful person- 
alities as Lady Lisle and her nephew to get on together; but 
certain it is that not long after his arrival, they were on bad 
terms. The native quarrelsomeness of the Grenville tempera- 
ment asserted itself. Sir Richard wrote to Cromwell that he had 
expected to find kindness at Calais, but had encountered the 
contrary and ‘do find most in the feminine person.' ^ 

It is impossible not to sympathise with Lady Lisle, not so 
much because she was a woman, but because she was such a 
gallant, high-spirited one. One cannot but admire the vitality 
and vigour of her personality. Through all the lapse of time, 
she comes to us, as so rarely, a perfectly definite human person, 
so ready-hearted, so busy and generous about life’s affairs, so 
human in her affections, her troubles and sorrows. There was a 
warmth about her nature that drew innumerable others to her, 
so much so that one can read her character in the many facets of 
their attitude to her. It is like seeing her image reflected in a 
gallery of mirrors. We are fortunate to have so much of this 
woman’s life preserved to us; we know more about her and her 
ways of mind and heart than of any early Tudor character, save 
only the greatest. She was, more than most great ladies of her 
time, very devout; in fact, she was rather preyed upon by her 
churchmen. She had a large clientele of them, from the humble 
parson of St. Keverne in remotest Cornwall, to the saintly Hugh 
Faringdon, last Abbot of Reading, and Bishop Gardiner, a fore- 
most figure in the land. 

She was very matriarchal, too, which was not to be wondered 
at, considering all the little Bassets she had been left with by Sir 
John, her first husband, and Lord Lisle’s children by his first 
^ L. and P.. X, no. 755. 



wife, too, in addition to the wide fringe of Grenvilles extending 
in every direction. To one of her daughters, Anne Basset, there 
befell a curious momentary fate: she might have been Queen of 
England. Lady Lisle had obtained for her daughter a place at 
Court as maid-of-honour to Jane Seymour, and there she 
remained under Katherine Howard. After the latter’s fall, it 
was rumoured at Court that the King’s favour had fallen upon 
Anne; the Imperial Ambassador wrote off to Charles V that the 
King ‘is said to have a fancy for the daughter (by her first 
marriage) of the wife of Lord Lisle’, and describing the great 
banquet that he gave, with twenty-six ladies at his table, of 
whom Anne was one. Somehow nothing came of it, but trouble 
for the Lisles instead. 

Lady Lisle had indeed more than her share of troubles. Her 
marriage to Lisle remained fruitless in spite of the great love that 
was between them and their fervent hopes of an heir. Lisle had 
no son by his first marriage and this meant that his title would 
become extinct with him. As against this, they were very happy 
in the marriage of Lisle’s daughter Frances to John, Lady Lisle’s 
eldest son, the Basset heir. John died not long after his marriage, 
but he left a son called Arthur after Lord Lisle, a friend and 
contemporary of our Sir Richard the younger, and partner in 
some of his enterprises. 

Difficulties, public as well as private, thickened round the 
Lisles. Calais stood exposed to all the winds of doctrine that 
blew, whether from France or the Netherlands, from Rome or 
the obscure recesses of Germany. The place was a prey to 
dreary preaching Protestants and to no less dreary, but fortun- 
ately not preaching Catholics. The Council which governed 
Calais could scarcely govern itself, for it was divided from top 
to bottom between those who favoured the old and those who 
leaned to the new. Even the Grenville interest was divided 
against itself, for while Lady Lisle was a devout Catholic, Sir 
Richard Grenville was an opportunist and supported the 
Reformers. As Lisle grew older, his grip upon the administra- 
tion, never very firm, grew slacker; an easy-going, good- 
natured old person, it was evident that he was incompetent. 
His position was not helped at such a time, when the religious 



changes were going through in England, by his wife’s demon- 
strative attachment to Catholic practices, upon which Cranmer 
once and again remonstrated with her. 

Things came to a head early in 1540 with an affair which 
made Lisle’s incompetence, in such a dangerous time, look 
more like treason. His chaplain had been to Rome, and there 
had got into communication with Henry’s arch-enemy. Car- 
dinal Pole. Lisle’s Yorkist blood told against him; at once 
Henry and Cromwell scented a conspiracy. Lisle was sum- 
moned to England and sent to the Tower, where he remained 
for the next two years, and after surviving the imminent threat 
of execution, died upon the rumour of his release. Lady Lisle 
remained for a time in confinement, and then was allowed to 
retire into the country, being driven to distraction, so Foxe the 
martyrologist informs us, by her troubles.^ The circle at Calais 
was broken for ever. Silence draws down upon them and their 
doings. There are no more letters with their delicious revela- 
tions of all the to and fro of that busy generous household. Yet 
Lady Lisle lived on for many years, until in fact her infant 
grandson, Arthur Basset, attained his majority; and that is the 
last that we hear of her. 


The downfall of the Lisles did not immediately affect Sir 
Richard’s position at Calais. He remained on, performing his 
duties as High Marshal which there is every reason to suppose 
he had competently fulfilled. Moreover, he had been careful 
to keep on friendly terms with Cromwell; we hear of him send- 
ing a leash of falcons, or making other gifts to the Lord Privy 
Seal. Only once was there a serious brush between them, and 
that was over the marriage of Grenville’s daughter Margaret. 

Sir Richard Lee, who had risen from the ranks as one of 
CromwelFs agents to be Surveyor of Calais, wished to marry 
into the Grenville family. But he offered nothing like such a 
good jointure as Mr. Tregian, one of the wealthiest men in 
Cornwall, had offered with his son and heir. It was an awkward 
^ Foxe, Book of Martyrs, (ed. 1583), 1223. 

33 G 


predicament, for the Marshal was very anxious not to offend 
Cromwell, and yet these were not very good terms for a Gren- 
ville to marry a Lee upon. Sir Richard hesitated; he thought 
that the Surveyor was presuming. This drew a round declara- 
tion from Cromwell that the lady would be marrying into as 
good a house as her own. This, from such a quarter, was a 
strong recommendation; the marriage took place, and Sir 
Richard had to make the best of it. Tregian’s son married 
instead, Katherine, eldest daughter of Sir John Arundell of 
Lanherne. The son of this marriage was Francis Tregian, the 
Catholic and recusant; and Grenville’s grandson, our Sir 
Richard, was the instrument of the ruin of that family’s 
fortunes. It is a curious tale which falls in due place. 

In the last year of Lisle’s administration Sir Richard obtained 
permission to come over to look to his affairs. It was a very 
important juncture; it was just at this time that the full tide of 
monastic lands began to flow into the market and had to be 
taken advantage of by the provident husbandman. Grenville 
had had an interview with the King, who asked about Calais 
and then rode hunting. But it was not until he arrived in the 
west and saw the opportunities afforded by the dissolution of the 
monasteries, that he made up his mind for himself. From Stowe, 
he addressed a long letter to Cromwell, a very significant his- 
torical document which reveals as hardly any other what was 
passing in the minds of so many of these country gentry con- 
fronted with a unique opportunity. ^ 

When last he was with Cromwell, he wrote, he had said that 
he had no suit to the King for land or fee; but since then he has 
bethought him that if he has not some piece of the suppressed 
land, by purchase or gift, T should stand out of the case of few 
men of worship of this realm.’ He is as glad as any man in the 
realm of the suppression of these orgulous persons and de- 
vourers of God’s word and takers away of the glory of Christ, 
who, he reckons, were also takers away of the wealth of the 
realm and ‘spys to the devilish Bishop of Rome.’ Then follows 
the most revealing passage, one which might have been taken 
for their text by Henry and Cromwell in their dispersion of 
^L. andP., XIV, uo. 133B. 



church-property, so well does it express the social motive 
behind it. He says that he would gladly buy some of the sup- 
pressed lands in these parts, that his heirs may be of the same mind 
for their own profit. He suggests the priory of Launceston, valued 
at per annum, and the Manor of Norton at If the 

King would make him a gift up to the value of per annum, 
he will give twenty years purchase for the rest. 

It was a cool suggestion, but he did not obtain it. Only those 
who stood on terms of intimate favour with the King, such as 
Cromwell himself, or in the west. Lord Russell, got gifts of land. 
Others had to buy in the ordinary course of a compedtive 
market. Launceston priory went in the end, not to Grenville, 
but to Sir Gawen Carew. But the letter is a superb piece of 
unconscious self-portraiture: the cool self-interest of it identified 
with the greater glory of Christ; the candid and correct assump- 
tion that the possession of church lands would commit later 
generations to the Suppression. No wonder that Catholics, and 
not they alone, have so hated the men of the Reformation. Sir 
Richard Grenville was no exception; everybody else of his class, 
or everybody who could, went and did likewise. He was rather 
nicer and more candid than most. 

That summer Grenville and his wife spent in the West Coun- 
try, from the end of July to mid-October. No doubt there was 
much business to be looked to, but it was also the season of 
harvest, of visiting, and as autumn came on, of much merry- 
making. They went on a round of visits to their friends and 
kinsfolk, staying for a time with Lord Russell at Exeter, now 
the greatest man in the west. After this Grenville returned to 
Calais for the last year of his uncle’s administration; he took his 
part in the elaborate ceremonies of welcome to Anne of Cleves 
who passed through Calais to a reluctant spouse awaiting her in 
England: her reception was the last official act of the Lisles. 
Upon their recall, Grenville remained on for seven months 
more, continuing to perform his duties as High Marshal until 
October 1540. The King, however, was determined to have a 
complete change in the administration, and on 3 October Sir 
Thomas Poynings was appointed Marshal in his place.^ Sir 
1 L. and P., XVI, no. 114. 



Richard was written to by the Privy Council to come over, 
being assured that the King was ‘his good Lord as at his coming 
hither (which he should accelerate) he should perceive.’ Henry 
was as good as his word: Sir Richard was not implicated in the 
suspicions regarding Lisle, but it was the end of his career in 

Some time before the Marshal’s return, we do not know pre- 
cisely when, his son and heir Roger married ; it may be that 
this was the purpose of Sir Richard’s long stay in the West 
Country in 1 539. Of Roger, our Sir Richard’s father, we know 
nothing except when he married, the names of his children, and 
the manner of his end. His wife was Thomasine Cole of Slade, 
a Devonshire family with whom the Grenvilles had married in 
previous generations; and they seem to have had two sons, 
Charles and John, before the young Richard, who survived 
them, was born. On his return to England, Sir Richard bought 
the reversion to Buckland Abbey in Devonshire, for which on 
24 May 1541, he paid the sum of £ 2 ^^^ 3^. It seems likely 
that he bought the estate upon which to settle his heir; for, from 
the fact that his son’s child, Charles, was buried at the parish 
church of Buckland Monachorum nearby 0028 August 1 544, - we 
may surmise that the monastic house was being used as a residence 
and Roger Grenville’s young family being brought up there. 

Not much change in the buildings was effected at first, but 
later when the young Richard grew up and lived for some years 
here, he devoted himself to pulling clown and reconstructing. 
The possession of Buckland gave the Grenvilles what they had 
never had before, a footing in South Devon. The Abbey lies 
some way up the charming and wooded valley of the Tavy, two 
or three miles from the junction of Tavy and Tamar. Con- 
siderably farther up lay, in those days, the great Abbey ol' 
Tavistock. Buckland lies in a wooded hollow, the great Robor- 
ough Down above it extending all along the ridge from Yclvcr- 
ton to Plymouth. The proximity to Plymouth must have itself 
been a considerable influence upon the young Richard as a lad, 
for some part of his early years was probably spent at Buckland, 
and much of his early manhood. 

1 L. and P,, XVI, no. B78 (89). 


Granville, 82. 


But very little is known of his early years; in that respect he is 
like practically all the great figures of the Tudor Age: we do not 
know much of the childhood even of royal persons, of Elizabeth 
herself. As regards many of the sea-captains, we do not know the 
date of their birth. This has been the case hitherto with Gren- 
villeA But a new document, the Inquisition taken after the 
death of old Sir Richard the Marshal, informs us that his grand- 
son and heir was eight years old on 15 June 1550.^ We may 
take it then that he was born on or about 15 June 1542; and 
some such date is borne out by the inscription on the portrait of 
him painted in 1571, stating that he was then 29.^ Somewhere 
about the same time, within a year or two, there was born upon 
the barton of Crowndale, farther up the valley in the parish of 
Tavistock, Francis Drake, greatest of Elizabethan sea-captains 
and Grenville’s great rival. 

The Marshal, having now retired to Stowe, went on gathering 
desirable bits of church property: these years provided oppor- 
tunities not to be missed. He bought the rectory and advowson 
of Morwenstow, that loneliest and remotest of all Cornish 
parishes in the north-eastern corner of the county, with its 
Norman church perched in the throat of a gully, and beyond, a 
four hundred feet drop to the sea. Four years later he carried 
through his largest transaction of this kind; along with Roger 
Blcwett of Holcombe Regis, he bought for igj*. the fat 

manor of Tynyell in Landulph parish, on the banks of the 
Tamar, which had belonged to St. German’s priory, and a 
number of properties in Devonshire and other counties.'* 

Later he sold off much of this property. In 1 547, for example, 
he broke up the manor of Tynyell, and sold the barton of Clifton 
in Landulph parish, with 100 acres of land and a fishery next 
the seashore there, to Thomas Arundell of Leigh and Thoma- 
sinc his wife. What makes this transaction interesting is that this 
Thomasine was the young widow of Roger, Sir Richard’s son, 
who after his death married Thomas Arundell; and it is prob- 
able that the young Richard was partly brought up as a child 

^ cf. the inadequate and unreliable article on Grenville in Diet Nat. Biog. 

^ Inq. post-mortem, Chancery Series ii, vol. 90, no. 12. 

3 See later, p. 79. * L. and P., XXI, part ii, 200 (19), 712 (15). 



with the Anindells at Clifton. What is more curious and excit- 
ing, is that this is the Cornish farm to which one of the last 
representatives of the Emperors at Constantinople, John Palaeo- 
logus, came and settled down, who now lies buried here in the 
little church at Landulph by a quiet reach of the river. 

Sir Richard, gathering years now, yet not old, settled well 
into the routine of his West-Country life once more: we find him 
in the commissions of the Peace for both Devon and Cornwall in 
1544 and 1545, and in the latter year he became Sheriff of 
Cornwall for the third time. But he was not yet to rust in retire- 
ment. On the outbreak of the French war in 1 543, the last and 
fiercest of Henry’s reign, he was appointed with others a 
collector of the moneys levied for the defence of the country. 
The war - it was a peculiarly senseless one and waged for no par- 
ticular object - waxed fiercer, more determined on both sides. 

In 1546, when it became evident that it was to be a fight to 
a finish between the English and the French, the Emperor 
having withdrawn, orders were sent out for musters to be levied 
in the counties. Devonshire was to provide 500 men for the war 
in France and Cornwall 300. Sir Richard was appointed chief 
captain to lead the Devonshire contingent, and we find him 
paid conduct money for 200 soldiers, fife, drum and all, all the 
way from Calstock to Dover. One imagines the straggling little 
bands, brave in their new coats, marching up from the West 
Country to fight in the fields of France: it is a perennial theme in 
our histoiy. What they did in the war we do not know, except 
that some of them died: there is so little record of the simple 
inarticulate men upon whom the blank burden of history falls. 
For Sir Richard, it was a renewal of his acquaintance with 
French soil, his last term abroad. 

Already, in 1545, he had suffered a heavy blow in the loss of 
his son Roger. It was all the more bitter, because it happened 
by an accident which should have been avoidable, the capsizing 
of the Mary Rose, That summer the sea-warfare was at its 
height, and there was a tremendous struggle for the mastery of 
the Channel. The French gathered a great fleet together in the 
Norman harbours: never had they been so powerful at sea - 
this was the heyday of their maritime power. Along the English 



coast and into the west there was consternation; preparations 
for defence were hurriedly pushed forward. The English fleet 
was concentrated at Portsmouth; by 17 July, some eighty sail 
were there, ‘forty of the ships large and beautiful, ’ waiting to be 
joined by sixty more from the west. The King himself went 
down, ageing and swollen, but indomitable as ever; what hap- 
pened, happened under his eye. 

On Sunday, 19 July, while Henry was at dinner on his flag- 
ship, the Great Harry, the French fleet suddenly appeared. It 
was a hot, windless day; the English ships could not get out to 
meet them and the French sent their galleys into the harbour. 
Henry hurriedly left his ship, and all day there was fighting in 
and around the harbour. The galleys were beaten off; but in 
the evening about five o’clock, after the fighting was over, the 
Mary Rose, the second largest of Henry’s ships, suddenly heeled 
over and capsized. It was an accident like that which overtook 
the Royal George in the same spot some two hundred years later. 
It appears so the Imperial Ambassador was told by a Fleming 
among the survivors - that after the firing and the heat, for 
the Mary Rose was a heavily armed ship, the lowest row of gun- 
ports was left open, and a sudden wind arising towards evening, 
she heeled over and foundered with all aboard, some five hun- 
dred men in all.^ Only twenty or thirty of them were picked up 
and they ‘servants, sailors and the like.’ She was commanded 
by the Vice-Admiral, Sir George Carew; young Roger Gren- 
ville was her Captain; there must have been many western men 
among all those who were drowned. 

Peace was made in 1 546, leaving Boulogne in English hands, 
and more of a nuisance than it was worth, as certainly it 
could not be maintained in the weak grasp of Henry’s successor, 
a child in his minority, under the government of the Protector 
Somerset. One of the worst legacies of the war, most important 
for the West Country, was the growth of piracy and disorder in 
the Channel. Private depredations on commerce went on all 
around these coasts to such an extent as to amount to open, if 
unacknowledged, warfare. In August 1548, the Council sent 
down a general Commission to the western counties permitting 
^ L. and P., XX, part i, 1263. 



them to set forth ships to prey upon the French: license to take 
the law into their own hands, to wage private war. Sir Richard 
Grenville was appointed to the Commission for licences for 
Devonshire; his brother John joyfully seized the opportunity to 
fit out ships on his own and do a little- privateering off the coast 
of France. But this was not the end of the trouble; in these 
years, adventuring, privateering, piracy, flourished together. 
This then was the atmosphere in which the grandson, young 
Richard, grew up: the school of Elizabethan seamanship. 

Nor were conditions inland any less disturbed. Henry VIIFs 
government had prevented unrest in a backward county like 
Cornwall, going through the disturbing process of the Reforma- 
tion, from coming to a dangerous head. But there were disturb- 
ances, natural enough in so primitive and raw a population, 
very ignorant and all the more attached to its traditional 
Catholic rites. The Cornish were an3dous to retain their holy- 
days and feasts, which were far too numerous in the eyes of the 
rising class of gentry, bent on speeding up the pace of work 
under the stimulus of gain. 

When Henry’s rule gave way to the weak benevolence of the 
Protector Somerset, things grew to a storm. In the summer of 
1548, the western parishes were in a flame, what with the Com- 
mission for the survey of church goods, and the Injunctions for 
the removal of images, the abolishing of the ancient ceremonies. 
There were tumultuous assemblies at Penryn and Helston; at 
the latter, William Body, Archdeacon of Cornwall, who had 
bought his archdeaconry from Thomas Winter, Wolsey’s 
natural son, was murdered by a pious but infuriated mob. All 
this gave food for thought to the gentry who supported the new 
dispensation, as it certainly filled their hands with work. Sir 
Richard Grenville was appointed to head the special com- 
mission of Oyer and Terminer, which assembled at Launceston 
on 2 1 May to hear the indictment of some twenty-two prisoners, 
six having already been sent up to stand their trial in Londond 
Sir Martin Geoffrey, the priest who was the ring-leader, was 
hanged at Smithfield; at Launceston some seven or eight were 
condemned to the horrible penalties for high treason. 

^ F. Rosc-Troup, The Western Rebellion of 84. 



Next year, the whole of the west was in a blaze of rebellion. 
The occasion was the introduction of the new Prayer Book, with 
the service in English, in place of the old Latin mass: to the 
Cornish, who knew little or no English at this time, the new 
service was no better than the ‘Christmas mumming’ which 
they called it in the Articles containing their demands. This 
time it was a general movement: some thousands of men 
swarmed together with the instinctive stirring of a hive of bees; 
the gentry could make no head against them, could not even 
resist. Some of them may have been sympathetic, certainly the 
Arundells of Lanherne, who definitely leaned to the Catholic 
side: it was the turning-point in that family’s long record of 
prosperity. Humphrey Arundell of Holland, their cousin, be- 
came the leader of the rebels. 

They concentrated at Bodmin, whence they marched, joined 
by the Devonshire contingents, .upon Exeter, which was be- 
sieged by this army of ten thousand men from the end of June 
to the beginning of August. Exeter held out, ever loyal to the 
Tudors - though even more to itself: for its citizens well knew 
the destruction of property which would ensue if the wild 
Cornishmen were once admitted within those walls to plunder 
the well-stocked shops, the wealthy merchants. Lord Russell 
was sent to their relief, with an army of German mercenaries 
and ordnance from the Tower; it was only after a series of hotly 
contested actions that he succeeded in raising the siege. Ply- 
mouth, which was not then fortified, had fallen to the rebels, 
except for its castle. 

It must have been at the hands of a contingent en route for 
Plymouth that Sir Richard Grenville met with the misadven- 
ture so charmingly told by Carew. Sir Richard was then in the 
vicinity of Plymouth, and for safety threw himself into Trematon 
Castle, now only a girdle of grey walls upon a high knoll, look- 
ing down on one side upon Antony passage, and on the other 
through the leaves of the trees, across the broad water of the 
Hamoaze to Devonport. Carew relates: 

‘At the last Cornish commotion, Sir Richard Grenville the 
elder, with his Lady and followers, put themselves into this 

4 * 


castle, and there for a while endured the Rebels" siege, 
encamped in three places against it, who wanting great ordin- 
ance, could have wrought the besieged small scathe, had his 
friends or enemies, kept faith and promise: but some of those 
within, slipping by night over the walls, with their bodies after 
their hearts, and those without mingling humble entreatings 
with rude menaces, he was hereby won, to issue forth at a 
postern gate for parley. The while a part of those rakehells, not 
knowing what honesty, and far less how much the word of a 
soldier imported, stepped between him and home, laid hold on 
his aged unwieldy body and threatened to leave it lifeless, if the 
enclosed did not leave their resistance. So prosecuting their 
first treachery against the Prince, with suitable actions towards 
his subjects, they seized the Castle and exercised the uttermost 
of their barbarous cruelties (death excepted) on the surprised 
prisoners. The seely gentlewomen, without regard of sex or 
shame, were stripped from their apparrel to their very smocks, 
and some of their fingers broken, to pluck away their rings, and 
Sir Richard himself made an exchange from Trematon Castle 
to that of Launceston, with the gaol to boot." ^ 

It was a humiliating experience for an old warrior. Here he 
remained, until in August, Humphrey Arundell returned 
defeated from the fierce battles that had raged round Exeter. 
There was some further resistance put up in the streets of 
Launceston; and Russell wrote to the Council that Arundell 
upon arriving there ‘immediately began to practice with the 
townsmen and the keepers of Grenville and other gentlemen for 
the murder of them that night." There is no other evidence to 
corroborate this, and it is inherently improbable. Arundell 
himself deposed, when in the Tower, that he had fled from the 
rebels, over-riding them through the night, ‘and declared all 
the matter to Sir Richard Grenville and there was stayed." He 
was sent up to London, along with Sir Thomas Pomeroy, John 
Winslade and other leaders, and there with them executed. 

This rebellion, or the ‘Commotion" as it was most often called 
in contemporary literature, was much the most important event 

^ Garew, 265. 



in Cornish history of the sixteenth century. It was the last 
pathetic protest of the old Catholic medieval order. After its 
defeat, the west settled down under the new regime; and with 
the growth of hostility to Spain in western waters and with the 
struggle opening out for command of the seaways to the New 
World, the western sea-board was brought into the forefront of 
the long battle-line. With this movement, it swung forward into 
line with the rest of the nation, or rather, for the next fifty years, 
into the vanguard of it; from being Catholic and backward, it 
became aggressively Protestant ; at any rate, its leading families 
were and recruited the forward school of action in Elizabeth’s 

These exciting events must have been not without some in- 
fluence upon the young Richard Grenville’s mind. We do not 
know where he was at the time, but he may have been in 
Trematon Castle with his grandfather; almost certainly, if 
he were living then with his mother and his stepfather, 
Thomas Arundell of Leigh, at Clifton. For Clifton lies out on a 
low-lying neck of land, on the Tamar above Saltash, where the 
river loops round to Halton Quay; and it would be the natural 
thing for a family of gentry in time of ‘Commotion’ to seek 
refuge in Trematon, the nearest stronghold. We know from a 
Chancery case many years afterwards, when Richard Grenville 
had run his life’s course and died a hero in a blaze of glory, 
that he had grown up with Alexander Arundell his half-brother, 
between whom throughout their lives ‘divers enterprises of 
kindness and friendship did pass,’ and that they frequently lent 
each other money, ‘being so linked in true and firm love each 
to other that as the nearest in blood so in love none were more 
sure and steadfast.’ ^ 

Not long after the rising, on 15 March 1550, old Sir Richard 
died; and within a month after, his wife followed him. They 
were buried together at Kilkhampton, the one on 24 March, 
the other on 25 April 1 550. ^ It may be, as the earliest and best 
biography of our Sir Richard suggests, with its aristocratic, 
eighteenth-century prejudice, that it was the vexation and hard- 

^ Ghanc. Proc. Eliz. G 8/34, July 1595. 

® Dew, History of the Parish of Kilkhampton, 70. 



ships this distinguished old couple endured at the hands of the 
rebels, which brought them so soon afterwards to their graved 
We may take leave to suppose that it was due rather to old age. 

From his will, we can see that the family property, under Sir 
Richard’s hands, had grown considerably.^ An entry in the 
books of the Court of Wards gives us for the first time a state- 
ment of the annual value of the estate; ^£'237 3^'. This was 
no inconsiderable amount in those days: it was something 
approaching one-half the value of the Earl of Devonshire’s large 
estates in the west. It meant that with the exception of the 
Arundells of Lanherne, the Grenvilles were about the richest 
of Cornish landowners. Most of his property. Sir Richard’s will 
left to his wife, during the minority of his grandson. She was 
to have Buckland, which he names Buckland Grenville, for a 
long period of years; and it appears from the provision that she 
was to cut down as much timber as she pleased for ‘the building 
of the mansion place,’ that the work of turning the abbey into a 
house in which to dwell was either already started or in con- 
templation. Dame Maude was also to have Stowe, according 
to the will, during the minority. After various legacies, the 
residue of the property and the entailed estate were demised 
upon his grandson and heir, who was not yet eight years old. 
The ink was hardly dry upon the will before its elaborate pro- 
visions regarding Dame Maude lapsed with her death, and the 
young Richard succeeded, a minor. 

Except for the medieval Archbishop, old Sir Richard was the 
most distinguished figure the family produced, until his grand- 
son who out-distanced him. We have no such intimate a view 
into his mind and heart as we have of Lady Lisle, perhaps 
partly for the reason that he was a man, and she a woman. 
Garew summed up his life objectively enough: ‘So did Sir 
Richard Grenville the elder interlace his home magistracy with 

^ Biographic Britannica (1757), IV, 2283: ‘It was the vexation, hardships 
and fatigue, which this aged couple went through from the madness of this 
insolent rabble, that brought them both soon after to their end.’ 

* Inq. post-mortem, Chancery Series ii, vol. 90, no. 12; and Court of 
Wards, vol. 5, no. 109. 

® Court of Wards, Misc. Books 154. For this reference I am indebted to 
Mr. J. Hii-schfield. 



martial employments abroad; whereof the King testified his 
good liking by his liberality.’ But there was another side to him 
than this. At the gay court of Henry VIII, where the young 
peers the Earl of Surrey and Lord Vaux, and the brilliant Sir 
Thomas Wyatt and Sir Francis Bryan, friend of the Lisles, were 
writing in the dawn of that sweet new Italian style which was to 
lead on to the splendid day of Spenser and Marlowe and 
Shakespeare, Sir Richard had his part. There is very little of 
his writing left, only two poems of his preserved in the British 
Museum; ^ but they are sufficiently accomplished, and what is 
more they are personal in tone, true to the man he was. When 
others were singing, like Surrey, of his love : 

"When raging love with extreme pain 
Most cruelly distrains my heart’; 

or with Wyatt, to his lute: 

"My lute, awake! perform the last 
Labour that thou and I shall waste. 

And end that I have now begun’; 

Sir Richard Grenville, going abroad to seek his fortune, wrote 
a poem: 

In Praise of Seafaring Men in Hopes of Good Fortune 

Who seeks the way to win renown. 

Or flies with wings of high desire; 

Who seeks to wear the laurel crown, 

Or hath the mind that would aspire: 

Tell him his native soil eschew, 

Tell him go range and seek anew. 

To pass the seas some think a toil, 

Some think it strange abroad to roam, 

Some think it grief to leave their soil. 

Their parents, kinsfolk and their home; 

Think so who list, I like it not, 

I must abroad to try my lot. 

^ Sloane MSS. 2497. 



Who list at home at cart to trudge. 

And cark and care for worldly trash, 

With buckled shoes let him go trudge, 

Instead of lance a whip to slash: 

A mind that base his kind will show 

Of carrion sweet to feed a crow. 

If Jason of that mind had been 
The Grecians when they came to Troy, 

Had never so the Trojans fought, 

Nor never put them to such annoy: 

Wherefore who list to live at home, 

To purchase fame I will go roam. 

If it is a character of poetry to bring physical images to mind, 
then this is not mere versifying: 

Who list at home at cart to trudge . . . 

Instead of lance a whip to slash: 

One seems almost to see the carter trudging by his horses, 
cracking his whip as he goes through the slush and mire of those 
vacant fields around the vanished house at Stowe. 

But there was another theme which prompted him, tossed to 
and fro as he frequently was on the seas between this country 
and France, or journeying from the far west up to Court, from 
London to Calais and back again to the west: 

Another of Sea Fardingers describing evil Fortunes 

What pen can well report the plight 
Of those that travel on the sea; 

To pass the weary winter^s night 

With stormy clouds, wishing for day; 

With waves that toss them to and fro; 

Their poor estate is hard to show. 

We wander still from luff to lee 

And find no steadfast winds to blow; 

We still remain in jeopardy, 

Each perilous point is hard to show; 

In time we hope to find redress 

That long have lived in heaviness . . . 



When frets and states have had their fill, 

The gentle calm the coast will clear, 

The haughty hearts shall have their will, 

That long hath wept with mourning cheer; 

And leave the seas with their annoy, 

At home at ease to live in joy. 

Such was the voice of the old, the passing age: something of 
geniality, of a care-free spirit, went with it. A new generation 
sprang up, a new age: one more strenuous, even to the point of 
communicating a certain strain to its choicest spirits, less given 
to happy ease and enjoyment. 




Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education. 

bacon: Essays 

Such were the years in which the young Sir Richard grew up; 
such was his environment. Hardly anything is known of him 
directly and personally in these years; but then that is a diffi- 
culty common in writing the life of any Elizabethan. In his 
case, one or two facts emerge regarding his wardship, which 
give us a starting-point. 

On old Sir Richard’s death, his widow at once preferred a 
suit to the Court of Wards for the wardship of her grandson.^ 
This was according to custom; the heirs to estates of any extent, 
who succeeded as minors, became wards of the Crown which 
enjoyed the profits of their estates until they reached their 
majority. It was the custom to sell these wardships, with the 
right of marrying the heir, to suitable purchasers: a regular 
source of revenue for the Crown. We learn that upon Dame 
Maude’s death within a month of her husband, the wardship 
of the young heir was granted to Nicholas Wadham, esquire, 
‘who gave up his interest to Sir Hugh Paulet, Knight.’ Paulet 
was granted custody of him on 21 November 1550, with the 
usual right of marriage of the ward, and an annuity for his 
maintenance out of the Grenville lands at Bideford, Buckland 
and Stowe.^ It must have seemed a suitable appointment, for 
Paulet was an old companion-in-arms of his grandfather in the 

‘ Court of Wards, Misc. Books 1 54. 

^ Cal. Pat. Rolls Edward VI, in, no. a 10. 



French war, and had been Knight Marshal of the army under 
Russell which beat down the Rising of 1549. 

But Paulet’s wardship can have had little influence upon the 
ward “ he was so much abroad, for some years as Governor of 
Jersey, and then fighting in France on the Huguenot side under 
Ambrose, Earl of Warwick. Indeed, there is no evidence of any 
kind of Sir Hugh’s exerting himself in relation to his charge; and 
it was quite usual in cases like this for arrangements to be made 
for the ward to be brought up with his relatives, in this case his 
mother. As we shall see from Grenville’s first appearance in 
person upon the public scene, we derive the impression of a 
young heir left to grow up as he chose, wayward and wilful. 
This strain runs throughout his life; and no doubt it was an 
essential characteristic of his heredity. It was left to experience 
of the world, that harsh task-master, to discipline him; and 
even to the end, though it is evident that he made efforts to 
bring himself under control, the process was not complete. 
Something of this, however, may have been due to the special 
position that he would occupy in his stepfather’s household, the 
only remaining child of his mother’s first marriage and the heir 
to large estates. For, as we have seen, it is probable that he grew 
up with the Arundells at Clifton, though he may have spent 
some periods at Stowe and Buckland. 

Thomas Arundell, his stepfather, was of the younger branch 
of the Arundells of Trerice, a family with seafaring traditions. 
Clifton was not far from Buckland; in fact down the Tamar and 
round the next point, the high bluff above the junction of the 
two rivers, and up the Tavy; or across the river at Weirquay, 
and then by the road through Bere Alston to Buckland, over the 
neck of the pretty wooded peninsula between Tavy and Tamar. 
It was only a matter of a few miles; but the river, which 
dominates all this country and hugs Clifton on two sides, with 
the boats going down to Saltash and Plymouth, must have 
played some part in his boyhood. 

While Grenville was growing up here, the young Francis 
Drake, an exile from home, was learning that mastery in hand- 
ling a boat which singled him out among all the great sea- 
captains of the age, upon the dull waters of the Medway, where 

49 ^ 


his father read prayers on board the ships in the river. At the 
same time, William and John Hawkins, by several years senior 
to Drake and Grenville, were getting their experience of ocean- 
going trade along the new routes to Bombay and Guinea from 
Plymouth where their father, a Tavistock man too by origin, 
had become the principal citizen of the town and amassed 
considerable property thereA 

But these were not born in the same station of life as Gren- 
ville; they came from the middle-classes, Drake of yeoman 
stock and the Hawkins’ merchants, while Grenville belonged 
to the old county gentry and was very conscious of it. All the 
country-side round was filled with his relatives and friends: lower 
down the river there were the Edgcumbes, young Peter Edg- 
cumbe the heir, his contemporary and friend growing up in the 
newly built house in that magnificent situation overlooking the 
Hamoaze, which the Duke of Medina Sidonia - so the West 
Country said - singled out for his own before the Armada 
sailed. At Collacombe, above Tavistock, there were the 
Tremaynes, his cousins — Edmund Tremayne was destined to 
become his brother-in-law: a numerous tribe. Old Thomas 
Tremayne had married Philippa, daughter of Sir Thomas 
Grenville, and by her had sixteen children. The most dis- 
tinguished of them was Edmund, who later rose high in the 
favour of Queen Elizabeth, became Clerk of the Privy Council 
and a person of considerable importance in the Government. 
His brothers Nicholas and Andrew, who were nearer Grenville’s 
own age, went abroad to fight in the wars about the same time 
as he did; and never came back. The same was true of Philip 
Budockshide (or Butshed) of Butshed, an ancient barton on the 
Devonshire side of the Tamar, by the creek going up to Tamer- 
ton Foliot. Farther afield were the Champernownes, to whom 
Grenville was related, and with them totheRaleghs and Gilberts: 
all of them, like him later, concerned in the wars abroad 
where they served their apprenticeship in the art of fighting. 

Some such outlet for their high spirits and hot blood was 
indeed necessary, not only personally, but politically. In 
Mary’s reign there were two occasions of trouble in the west, 
^ cf. Bracken, History of Plymouth, c. VIII. 



the circumstances of which are very revealing of the new cur- 
rents flowing. The trouble arose over her marriage with Philip 
of Spain. As long as Mary was content to reign as Queen of 
England, either single or married to an Englishman, her rule 
was not unpopular. But when it became clear that her mind 
was set on the marriage with Philip, things began to go wrong. 
Intrigues and conspiracies thickened around her, special pre- 
cautions had to be taken against demonstrations of anti-foreign 
feeling in the west when Philip landed. The West Country 
would have welcomed a marriage with Courtenay; and when 
they realised that there was no hope of this, Sir Peter and Sir 
Gawen Garew slipped away to Devon to raise the country. At 
the crucial moment Courtenay’s nerve failed him. In Exeter it 
was rumoured that the Earl was on the way, that he was even 
now at Mohun’s Ottery with the Carews. The latter fortified 
their house and put it in a state to stand a siege - it was in an 
impregnable position. With Courtenay’s failure to appear their 
hopes of support collapsed; the Chichesters and Champer- 
nownes washed their hands of the affair; but fellow-feeling 
among the Devonshire gentry was sufficient to allow the Carews 
to get away to France in a bark brought round to Weymouth 
by Walter Ralegh, the father of Sir Walter.^ 

This was in January and February of 1554. Wyatt’s Rebel- 
lion, the most dangerous of the reign, was crushed; Mary 
married her Philip; the Earl of Devonshire was given prolonged 
leave of absence and went abroad, where he died at Padua, 
unmarried and without an heir, the last of the elder branch of 
the Courtenays. Within two years there was another conspiracy 
against Mary’s rule. Here again the westerners were involved, 
particularly the sea-board families, the Horseys of Dorset, the 
Tremaynes and Killigrews of Devon and Cornwall. They had 
joined the Carews in France, where Havre de Grace and the 
Normandy ports were centres of emigre activities against 
Mary’s government. The Killigrews’ ships kept the various 
parties in touch with each other and with what was happening 
in England, and this they combined with depredations upon 
Spanish shipping in and out of the Channel.^ 

1 S.P. Dorn. Mary, ii, ij 2 “i 6 ; hi, 5. 2 ibid. 9, nos. 24-26. 



It is this aspect of their activities that is so significant for the 
future. The importance for Spain of the alliance with England 
was that it ensured the protection of the sea-route between 
Spain and the Netherlands. Its consequence was such an in- 
crease in Spanish power that the French were driven to aid and 
abet all the enemies of Mary’s rule. The Carews, Tremaynes 
and the rest were welcomed and encouraged by the French 
King. Here is a main link in the chain of events which brought 
about a complete change-over in the sea-politics of the Channel, 
from the Channel warfare with France which was characteristic 
of the Middle Ages and lasted up to Mary’s reign, to the open- 
ing out of the struggle with Spain which developed as Elizabeth’s 
reign progressed. There were other factors at work besides the 
growth of Spain’s power, notably the weakening of French naval 
power consequent upon the internal divisions of the religious 
wars. But the process of changing over from one to the other 
was not complete until well on in the reign of Elizabeth. In that 
process Grenville was to play a part no less than other seamen 
of the time, and to be no less affected by it. 

So the years of childhood and youth passed, with their in- 
fluences such as can only now be surmised. We can be sure only 
of the routine of the seasons; inland, seed-time and harvest, 
spring and autumn ploughing, on the coast, fair summer seas 
and winter gales bringing in the wreckage. We are to imagine 
him growing up, at work and at play, running and riding about 
the country-side, bird-nesting, hawking, hunting, all the familiar 
occupations of an Elizabethan boy brought up in the country. 
In addition, there must have been lessons, not only in reading 
and writing, conning one of those text-books so popular with 
Tudor schoolmasters, Lily’s Grammar or Record’s Arithmetic- 
but also in fencing, the use of sword and rapier, in the art of 
fighting, occupations which were to lead him so soon into trouble 
and only cease to excite him with his death. 

Of his education in the strict sense we know hardly anything 
specific. His earliest biographer says sedately, ‘We have no 
distinct account of the place or manner of his breeding, which, 
however, we have not the least cause to doubt, was in every 
respect suitable to his family and fortune, both being as fair as 



any gentleman could boast in the west of England,’ ^ We have 
no evidence that he attended school; probably he was taught by 
a tutor at home. He does not appear to have been at either 
University; neither his interests nor his talents would lead him 
in that direction. Moreover the times were disturbed, and the 
universities greatly affected, by the religious changes; students 
were falling off at Oxford in these years. By the time Grenville 
reached the age to go to the university, Mary’s reign and the 
Catholic revival in England were flickering to their end, 

But it was usual for some coping-stone, either at the univer- 
sity or at an Inn of Court, to be placed upon the education of a 
young gentleman of family. And in the Michaelmas term of 
1 559, Grenville was admitted as a student to the Inner Temple.^ 
Amid so much that is dark, it may be that one can detect the 
influence of his sojourn there upon the later man. It was not a 
question of shining as a lawyer; the sons of the gentry were sent 
there rather for a general training in business and to equip them 
with a sufficient knowledge of law and procedure to manage 
their own affairs. And this Grenville gained: he emerged with 
a distinct competence for affairs, clearness in stating his case 
and an ability to present it himself- a plausibility even not 
wholly to be dissociated from an early training at the law - 
which we shall observe at work in later transactions. A good 
man of business, he was in time to be used on committees of the 
House of Commons, trusted by other people to manage their 
affairs and by the government with much of the business of his 

For the rest, he must have lived the life of a young man about 
town, as it was lived by numbers of other young men of his 
class and time, by his west-country cousins Gilbert and Ralegh 
for example. We know nothing of it, though it can be easily 
imagined. For the country in general and London in particular, 
it was a new dispensation. Elizabeth was Queen. A new spirit 
reigned in Whitehall. No longer the fires burned at Smithfield; 
no longer the lugubrious processions that marked the last years 
of the catholic Queen, disappointed, prematurely ageing, ill, 

^ Biographia Britannica, IV, 2283. 

2 Students admitted to the Inner Temple^ ig4y-i66o. 



without earthly hope. A new spirit reigned, one of gaiety, 
bravery, even of dare-devilry when one thinks of the risks 
Elizabeth was prepared to take, with King Philip and his 
Ambassador, with France, Scotland, for the future of her 
people, a nation renewed and vigorous. 

Of the vigour and high spirit there can be no doubt. And 
of its overflow in Grenville’s case we have evidence from what 
is at once the most surprising and least unexpected discovery 
among the original documents remaining. Surprising, for the 
story seems to have gone completely out of mind with Gren- 
ville himself and perhaps a generation or two of the family after 
him. There is no printed reference to it; nothing remains in 
letters, correspondence, or documents relating to him; no one 
for centuries would seem to have known the dark Elizabethan 
story which lies behind the entry of a Pardon in the Patent Roll 
of the fifth year of Elizabeth, 1563.^ Yet what it reveals of 
Grenville is so true to what we know of him later, so corrobor- 
ates the fragmentary glimpses which are all we have hitherto 
had of him, that it may be said in a sense to be not unexpected. 

The story that the Patent Roll reveals is by no means un- 
common; it is that of a typical Elizabethan affray such as 
Christopher Marlowe was frequently engaged in, of some such 
affair as that in which he met his end. It appears that between 
the hours of three and four in the afternoon, on 19 November 
1562, there was an affray in the open street somewhere in the 
parish of St. Clement Danes. We do not know where; one 
imagines one of the narrow lanes running down to the river 
from the Strand, where the great houses of the nobility stood, 
Arundel House, Durham House, Essex House - or it may have 
been in the Strand itself. What makes it remarkable were the 
combatants: for on one side were Sir Edward Unton, Fulke 
Greville, and Robert Bannester, with Thomas Allen yeoman, 
and the servants of Sir Edward and Fulke Greville; on the 
other were Richard Grenville and Nicholas Specott, with Lewis 
Lloyd and Edward Horseman, yeomen, their attendants. 
Unton belonged to the Oxfordshire family of that name, the 
brother of Sir Henry Unton who was afterwards Ambassador 
^ Pat. Rolls Eliz. 989. 



to France. Fulke Greville was the father of Sir Philip Sidney’s 
friend, the poet; Bannester was a Londoner, but a gentleman. 
Grenville was accompanied by his cousin, a Devonshire 

Suddenly, according to the account on the Patent Roll, ‘they 
ran together in an affray, and when they were all fighting 
together, Grenville ran through Bannester with his sword, giv- 
ing him a mortal wound, six inches in depth and one and a half 
in breadth, of which he died within an hour afterwards.’ 
Thereupon the said Richard Grenville and Nicholas Specott 
fled, so that their goods and chattels lay under sentence of out- 
lawry. This was found by inquest held upon the body of 
Bannester on 21 November, before Thomas Wente, Coroner 
of the Household, and Robert Cooke, Coroner of Middlesex. 
The Patent Roll then recites the pardon to Richard Grenville, 
late of London, alias of Stowe in Cornwall, of his felony and 
relieves him of all forfeitures, outlawries, etc., incurred thereby. 

Thus far the Patent Roll; there is no more. We do not know 
what lay behind it, nor whether Grenville knew the man whom 
he had killed. He was young at the time, not having yet 
attained his majority. It may be that the fact that he was a 
minor contributed to the ease of his pardon. Certainly he was 
let off lightly. There is an entry in the King’s Bench Control- 
ment Roll for Middlesex of his and his fellows’ indictment on 
the morrow of Holy Trinity, which would seem to imply that 
they cooled their heels in prison for a time, if they were not 
bailed out earlier; then follows the note of pardon in the 
margin.^ To the Elizabethans, human life was rated more 
cheaply; and it may be that one of the reasons for the silence of 
our records concerning this event in Grenville’s life, why it had 
lapsed out of all memory was just that it was considered unim- 
portant. Every gentleman had his duels; at a time when it was 
the regular thing for a gentleman to wear a sword and rapier, 
many a quarrel that might have left no mark, ended fatally. 
Did not Ben Jonson kill his man in Moorfields, or Marlowe’s 
friend Thomas Watson, the poet, kill William Bradley in Hog 
Lane? ^ It was not to be expected that the young bloods of 
^ K.B. 29/196. 2 Eccles, Christopher Marlowe in London. 



Elizabethan society were any less high-spirited than the 

That such an incident was not taken too seriously by Eliza- 
bethans may be witnessed by the fact that a short time after, 
in January of the New Year 1563, he was returned while still 
a minor, if it is he, as Member of Parliament A There is a 
possibility that it may have been another Richard Grenville, 
a cousin of Penheale. But the fact of being a minor was no bar 
apparently to election, for his cousin Arthur Basset who had not 
yet attained his majority, was returned at the same time. The 
chances are that it is our Richard who was returned this year as 
one of the members for the borough of Dunheved (i.e. Laun- 
ceston) . 

Parliament had been called to help in financing the French 
war, but from the first it displayed much more interest in the 
question of the succession. The Queen had been ill that autumn 
with small-pox, and for a few days her life had been despaired 
of. It called very vividly to men’s minds the dangers of a dis- 
puted succession; and Parliament met in an atmosphere of 
fervent devotion to the Queen, combined with a determination 
to see her well and safely married. In this last resolve they met 
more than their match in Elizabeth, and after a few months of 
petitions and speeches and mutual sparring they were sent away 

Since this would be Grenville’s first Parliament, we are to 
suppose him for the first time witnessing the splendid cere- 
monial that attended the opening: the Queen coming in state 
to Westminster, riding on horseback in crimson velvet and 
ermine, glittering with jewels, Lord Robert Dudley riding 
behind her, leading the spare horse. ^ So she proceeded to the 
Abbey to hear a sermon, and afterwards into the Parliament 
Chamber, the sword and cap of maintenance borne before her. 
Among the large west-country contingent to witness these and 
other ceremonies at the prorogation of Parliament were many 
relatives and friends of Grenville, Bassets, Edgeumbes, Gham- 
pernownes, Killigrews. 

^ Official Return of Members of Parliament, i, p. 403. 

® D’Ewes, Journal of the Lords and Commons (1693), 59 * 



Within a month or two of the prorogation, Grenville attained 
his majority; and on 28 June 1563, he obtained license to enter 
upon his estates, with the usual grant of all the issues therefrom, 
from the date when he reached the age of twenty-one A About 
the same date, his cousin Arthur Basset attained his majority.- 
Accession to his estates, and to a position of responsibility as 
active head of the family, may have had some influence in 
steadying him, as it certainly gave him more to occupy his 
energies. We find him later in the same year alienating lands 
in the parish of Landulph, to his stepfather Thomas Arundell 
and his mother.^ In the next year, 12 September 1565, he 
makes a more substantial grant to them, the manor of Tynyell 
with its appurtenances in Cargreen and Landulph, also parcel 
of the monastic property bought by his grandfather.^ Old Sir 
Richard had previously granted the barton of Clifton with a 
hundred acres of land to Arundell and his wife; so that these 
subsequent grants served to round off the Clifton property 
handsomely, and make all within that little peninsula of the 
Tamar a substantial domain. It was off the main track of the 
Grenville properties, so that the young heir can have had no 
strong inducement to hold on to it; in all probability he was 
carrying out the policy with regard to the estates indicated by 
his grandfather. In the same year he made another grant of 
lands, this time at Buckland Monachorum and Buckland Gren- 
ville (i.e. Buckland Abbey) to Nicholas Spccott, his companion 
in the adventure of two years before.® 

What these arrangements indicate is Grenville’s settling 
down, if the phrase may be used for one of his restless activity, 
into family life. It was natural enough that upon succeeding to 
his inheritance he should be employed in putting things in 
order, selling off outlying land and putting the proceeds to use 
nearer home. One or two of these documents describe him 
simply as of Stowe; and by the time he had reached his majority 
he was probably residing there, if he had not been before, set- 
ting up his own household in the house of his fathers, directing 

^ Pat. Rolls 5 Eliz. 28 June. ^ ibid. 10 March. 

^ ibid., 6 Eliz., 29 December. ^ ibid., 7 Eliz. 12 September. 

® Pat. Rolls 7 Eliz. 30 April. 



repairs, laying out his crops, gathering in his harvests. For 
what lies behind these indications - there is now no doubt ~ is 
his marriage, which must have taken place upon reaching his 
majority. Hitherto it has remained obscure when Grenville 
married; but the entry of the burial of a son, Roger, in the 
parish Register at Kilkhampton on lo December 1565,1 gives 
us a limiting date: Grenville could not have been married later 
than early 1 565, and it may have been earlier than that. It is a 
touching thought that he should have called his first son after his 
father, whom he can hardly have known; he was so young, a 
child of three only, when his father was drowned. This earlier 
date for Grenville’s marriage is corroborated by the fact that 
Bernard, his second son and heir, who succeeded him, was born 
in 1567.^ 

Grenville married Mary St. Leger, the eldest daughter of Sir 
John St. Leger of Annery, near Bideford. His succession to 
Stowe threw him naturally into closer association with his 
North Devon neighbours; and Annery is a charming place upon 
a hill a mile or two up the Torridge from Bideford, looking 
down upon the walls and battlements of Wear Giffard beside 
the river. The St. Legers were a branch of the great Kentish 
family who had a long-standing connection with Ireland, dating 
from the great Lord-Deputy, Sir Anthony St. Leger, who was 
the chief architect of Henry VIIFs rule there. His son was Sir 
Warham St. Leger with whom Grenville was to be closely 
associated in Munster, induced to take a hand in Irish affairs 
by his marriage; and Sir John St. Leger, his wife’s father, was 
Sir Warham’s cousin. This marriage in the end brought into 
the family an intolerable deal of quarterings, including some 
royal descents and a remote connection through the Ormondes 
with Queen Elizabeth.^ 

Hardly anything is known of Grenville’s wife; partly, it may 
be, because of the destruction of all his private letters and docu- 
ments, but partly, it is to be feared, because the lady was a dull 
soul and there is nothing much to be known. There was a soft 

^ Vivian, Visitations of Cornwall, 192. 

^ Inq. post-mortem. Chancery Series 1 1, vol. 2^3, no. i 19. 

® Granville, 88-9. 



spot in the St. Legers of Annery: one cannot help feeling that the 
quiet contentment, the placidity of Sir Bernard, after the excite- 
ments and ardours of his father, came from the mother. Sir 
John St. Leger, by his marriage with an Ormonde heiress, had 
come into possession of a large inheritance which he entirely 
wasted; so that his son John, succeeding to little enough and 
becoming a hopeless drunkard like his father, fell to Grenville’s 
responsibility. He died unmarried, leaving his four sisters as 
co-heiresses to nothing much: Grenville’s wife, Frances who 
married a Stukely, Margaret, wife of Richard Bellew of Alver- 
discott, and Eulalia, wife of Edmund Tremayne of Collacombe. 

Such was the family circle. There is no evidence, either one 
way or the other, as to any gallantry towards women in Gren- 
ville’s nature. Marrying and carrying on the family was to a 
man like him part of the natural order. Marriage was a busi- 
ness, and this alliance a suitable one. It was one with any other 
propertied arrangements incumbent upon the young head of a 
house entering upon his responsibilities. The Elizabethan atti- 
tude on this subject was a robuster one than ours. In this he was 
like what we know of all the great sea-captains of the age. They 
do not appear to have wasted much time or thought upon sex; 
they were men of action. This is as true of Drake and Hawkins 
as it is of Grenville. Nor did the family commitments retain him 
at home when he wished to go abroad to see service in the wars 
or undertake some enterprise at sea. Within a year or two of 
marriage, the summer after his infant son’s death, 1566, he went 
abroad with a band of his Devonshire cousins to the war in Hun- 
gary. Three years later we find him engaged in Ireland, a new 
field of enterprise, this time taking wife and children with him. 

Meanwhile the merchants and sea-going folk, taking advan- 
tage of the changed circumstances with Mary’s death and Eliza- 
beth’s accession, were pressing forward along the outer sea- 
routes, impelled by the passion to share the lucrative profits of 
the Portuguese and the Spaniards in the African and American 
trades. The French had already shown the way to these in- 
truders into the Spanish monopoly of the southern hemisphere. 
At Plymouth in these years, Hawkins was fitting out those slav- 
ing voyages which were to make his name and fortune, and to 



have such consequences for the future of the New World. ^ Simi- 
larly Drake in these years was undergoing his apprenticeship in 
a harder school. According to Camden, his father 

‘by reason of his poverty . . . put his son to the master of a bark, 
his neighbour, who held him hard to his business in the bark, 
with which he u^ed to coast along the shore, and sometimes to 
carry merchandise into Zealand and France. The youth, being 
painful and diligent, so pleased the old man by his industry, 
that, being a bachelor, at his death he bequeathed the bark unto 
him by will and testament.’ ^ 

It may have been in this bark that Drake made his suspected 
early voyages to the West Indies in 1565 and 1566, before throw- 
ing in his lot with Hawkins for the third great enterprise which 
ended so disastrously at San Juan de Ulloa and gave so many 
western seamen an undying determination to be revenged upon 
the Spaniards. 

Grenville’s attention was not as yet drawn to the sea. These 
were men of a humbler station of life, whose fortunes were for 
the most part yet to be made. It was natural that he should fol- 
low the habit of his class and look to a military career, and, in 
the peaceful conditions established by Elizabeth’s rule, by ser- 
vice abroad. Already a number of his west-country cousins, a 
few years older than himself, had had their baptism of fire, in 
Scotland or in France. Some of them had already, in the ardour 
of their youth, achieved the reward of fame with their lives. 
There were Nicholas and Andrew Tremayne, the brothers who 
had gone abroad with Sir Peter Carew under Mary. With Eliza- 
beth’s accession they returned and entered her service. Andrew 
led a brilliant cavalry charge against the French at Leith in 
1560; while Nicholas, who was a special favourite of the Queen’s, 
was employed in carrying dispatches to and from France. When 
Elizabeth intervened on the side of the Protestants in the first 
French War of Religion, the brothers served in the forces under 
Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick. Here they were both killed 
in the flower of their youth, in the defence of Havre against the 

^ Williamson: Sir John Hawkins^ IV-V. 

^ Camden, History of the Reign of Elizabeth (1675), 248. 



French; Nicholas on 26 May and Andrew on 18 July. What 
made the story of the Tremaynes so affecting, and in its day 
famous, was the perfect love that reigned between them; they 
were twins, and inseparable. 

It may easily be conceived how such events stirred the minds 
of the younger men of the time, and among them Grenville. The 
Tremaynes were Grenvilles on their mother’s side. But there 
were others abroad, too; there was his cousin Humphrey Gilbert, 
who like his half-brother Ralegh after him, was getting his first 
experience of war in France (how it runs through the ages!), 
where he had been wounded at the siege of Havre on 26 Septem- 
ber 1563. Now, peace having been made, he was at home again, 
in 1566, on his way to Ireland, the second great theatre of war 
for Elizabethans. 

Peace, of a sort, reigned in France from the Peace of Amboise 
in 1564 to 1567, when the Second Religious War broke out; so 
that in the interim, these young gallants who wanted to prove 
themselves in the profession of war, had to look to another field 
for the exercise of their valour. Quite another part of Europe 
attracted their attention. In this year the uneasy peace between 
the Emperor Maximilian II and the Ottoman Empire broke 
down, and the armies began to march once more over the dis- 
puted plains of Hungary. A great sensation was made in Europe 
by the renewed march of the Turks towards Vienna, and by the 
preparations being made for his thirteenth campaign by the great 
Sultan, Solyman the Magnificent. The news determined Gren- 
ville and a whole group of his friends; for what strikes one in Cam- 
den’s account of their going abroad to the wars is that they were 
obviously a band of friends and relatives, all west-countrymen. 

‘But others of the English nation,’ he says by way of pointing 
the contrast with the Earl of Arundel who left the realm that 
year for foreign travel, ostensibly by reason of the gout, but 
really out of pique with Elizabeth - ‘who, according to their 
innate fortitude thought themselves born to arms, not to idle- 
ness, when gentlemen out of all parts of Europe were excited 
upon the fame of the Turks, went into Hungary. Amongst 
whom those of the better note were Sir John Smith, cousin- 



german to King Edward the Sixth, being son to the sister of 
Jane Seymour, the King’s mother, Henry Champernowne, 
Philip Budockshide, Richard Grenville, William Gorges, 
Thomas Cotton and others.’ ^ 

These young men can hardly have been in time for the open- 
ing of the great campaign by the Sultan, who, leaving Con- 
stantinople on I May marched rapidly by Sofia and Nish to 
Belgrade and then sat down with his army of a hundred thou- 
sand men before the strongly-fortified town of Szigeth. In the 
middle of the siege, the Sultan died; but his death was kept 
secret until the town fell. After this, the war lost something of 
its concentration of purpose and degenerated into desultory 
fighting and raiding across the plains of Hungary; but it went 
on for a year or more. It must have been an exotic scene for 
these young west-countrymen, all contracted by family ties to 
within a few miles of Devonshire countryside. Smith was a 
nephew of Protector Somerset and the Seymours were connected 
by marriage with the Champernownes. Henry Champernowne, 
four years senior to Grenville, was the son of John Champer- 
nowne of Modbury and the nephew of Sir Arthur of Dartington. 
Grenville himself was related to the Champernownes through 
his mother, whose brother had married a sister of Sir Arthur 
Champernowne. Yet another sister of the last had married 
Roger Budockshide, and their only son was this Philip now 
abroad on campaign with his cousins. It was this Philip too who 
played such a delightful game of bluff with a large fleet of 
Flemish hulks in Plymouth Sound in the critical year 1 569 when 
war threatened with Spain. William Gorges, of a Somersetshire 
family, married Philip Budockshide’s eldest sister and afterwards 
succeeded to the property.^ 

Within a year of their return from the Hungarian war, Cham- 
pernowne and Budockshide went abroad again to the renewed 
war in France, taking with them yet another young west-coun- 
try cousin who was destined to leave a greater mark on history 

1 Camden, 82. 

* R. P. Chope: ‘New Light on Sir Richard Grenville,* in Trans. Devon 
Assoc. (1917), 211-12. 



than any of them: Walter Ralegh. It was his first acquaintance 
with war. Camden relates how in the year 1 569, the Protestant 
cause in France being ^now in a distressed and almost desperate 
condition,’ Queen Elizabeth sent them supplies of money and 

‘permitted Henry Champernowne (whose cousin-german 
Gawen had married the Earl of Montgomery’s daughter) to 
carry into France a troup of a hundred volunteer gentlemen on 
horseback, who had in his colours this motto, Finem det mihi 
Virtiis^ that is, let Virtue give me my end. Amongst these volun- 
teer gentlemen were Philip Budockshide, Francis Berkely, and 
Walter Ralegh, a very young man, who now first began to be of 
any note.’ ^ 

From this expedition, Champernowne and Budockshide came 
home no more to Devonshire; they died in the next year, it 
is not known how. A year or two more, in 1573, the father 
died, last of the Budockshides, and the Gorges family reigned 
in their stead. In the next generation they placed a lovely 
painted altar-tomb of slate over them all in the little church of 
St. Budeaux on the hill outside Plymouth overlooking the 
Tamar - the church in which Drake married Mary Newman 
of Saltash. 

By the summer of 1567 peace negotiations were on foot be- 
tween the Emperor and the new Sultan, who was weary of the 
Hungarian war and anxious to press forward the attack on 
Venice and to expand Turkish sea-power in the Mediterranean. 
In February 1568, peace was signed and there was no longer 
any point in the little band of west-countrymen remaining in 
Hungary. We do not know how they acquitted themselves: the 
only reference that has come down to us is to Grenville; for his 
contemporary, Richard Carew, in the Survey of Cornwall men- 
tions his ‘following the wars under the Emperor Maximilian 
against the great Turk, for which his name is recorded by sundry 
foreign writers.’ Who these writers were has never been speci- 
fied; it is likely enough that this episode was remembered more 
on account of his subsequent fame than because of any signal 
achievement by it. It may be noted here that the later tradition 
^ Camden, 1 37. ® Carew, 1 76. 



that Grenville fought at the battle of Lepanto is unlikely in itself 
and is probably explained by his taking part in the fighting 
against the Turks in Hungary, which, to the mind of later cen- 
turies, coloured as it was by the fame of his sea-exploits, would 
tend to become confused with the great naval battle of Lepanto. 
But by that time - it was fought in October 1571 - Grenville 
had subscribed the oath according to the Act of Uniformity and 
was a Member of the Parliament of that year. 

That Grenville was at home again in 1568 we know from his 
granting to John Raise of Efford in that year, "all these lands in 
East Buckland, sometime the property of my grandfather.’ ^ 
The property had come into the hands of the Grenyilles by the 
marriage of his great-grandfather. Sir Roger, to the co-heiress 
of Richard Whitley of Efford. ^ The real interest of this grant, 
however, is not genealogical, but in what it suggests of the next 
phase in Grenville’s career, which was connected with Ireland; 
here we find him selling off still more of the Buckland property, 
without doubt to raise money for his next venture. 

Ireland was an obvious field for Elizabethan adventurers. It 
was their earlier America - or at least so they hoped; but in fact, 
for one who made his fortune out of it, many more lost theirs; 
for one or two who gained an estate, hundreds found a grave. 
The country was in great disorder; in these years more than 
usually so. It was not so much that Ireland had not been effec- 
tively brought under the Reformation system, which was con- 
temporaneously making the fortunes of England; but that its 
whole social system, based upon the clans and customary rights, 
with an altogether more primitive mode of life and outlook, 
Celtic and pre-medieval in character, was breaking up under 
the pressure of the new social forces of the age, and among them, 
that of the integrated power-state which the English had 
achieved as the result of Renaissance and Reformation.^ Over 
large areas of Ireland civilised order was in dissolution, con- 
tested by contrary systems of society, while the lot of the people 
went from bad to worse, lapsing from misery into savagery. The 
English were not strong enough to tackle the gigantic problem 

^ Granville, 86. ® Court of Wards 15/1. Pleadings. 

® Mathew, Celtic Peoples and Renaissance Europe. 



as a whole, and impose a solution which would have been in the 
best interests of the country. 

Sir Henry Sidney, the Lord Deputy of Ireland, on returning 
to his charge in 1 568, made a tour throughout the whole of the 
south and wrote a long and terrible account of its misery and 
devastation to the Queen. Of Munster he wrote: 

‘as touching the estate of the whole country, for so much as I saw 
of it, having travelled from Youghal to Cork, from Cork to Kin- 
sale, and from thence to the uttermost bounds of it towards 
Limerick: like as I never was in a more pleasant country in all 
my life, so never saw I a more waste and desolate land, no, not 
in the confines of other countries where actual war hath con- 
tinually been kept by the greatest princes of Christendom; and 
never heard I such lamentable cries and doleful complaints 
made by that small remain of poor people which yet are left.’ ' 

He goes on in a well-known passage to describe the scenes of 
desolation he saw and to indict the Earl of Desmond, 

‘who enjoy eth under his rule, or rather tyranny, the third part 
of this great country, which I assure your Majesty, I know to be 
greater than Yorkshire. In all which his limits neither is your 
name reverenced, or your laws obeyed. Neither dare my Sheriff 
execute any part of his office therein.’ 

Sidney’s remedy for this disorder was the introduction of a 
local system of government after the English model. ‘But surely 
it will never be thoroughly well, till the same be made shire 
ground, and your Highness’ writ current there as in your other 
countries.’ He was in favour of Munster being erected into a 
Presidency on its own and given in charge to Sir Warham St. 
Lcger as President. 

St. Leger had had many years experience of Irish affairs. His 
relations with Desmond, the chief native ruler in Munster, were 
not unfriendly; Desmond had mortgaged to him several estates 
in Cork for certain large sums which he had received from him. 
These lands included the castle-abbey of Traghton, the castle of 

* Sidney Letters and Memorials (cd. Collins) 1, 24. 

65 K 


Carrigaline on the shores of Cork harbour, the whole district 
of Kerrycurrihy. Old Irish maps show the Kerrycurrihy coun- 
try as lying to the west of Cork harbour, the best and most fertile 
park and ploughland. St. Leger no doubt was glad to bring 
Grenville, a relative by marriage and a man of property, into 
partnership with him in the occupation and cultivation of these 
lands. Grenville, on his return from Hungary in 1568, was free 
for another sphere of enterprise in which to invest money and 
energy: we hear later of a ‘tall ship’ of his in Cork harbour and 
he certainly took across with him a number of followers with the 
idea of settling them. 

This fell in with the ideas of the Lord Deputy for introducing 
English administration into Munster, and Grenville was ap- 
pointed Sheriff of Cork, we learn, during royal pleasure.’- But 
St. Leger failed to be appointed President of Munster. He had 
a powerful enemy at Court in the Earl of Ormonde, a great fav- 
ourite with the Queen; and he was thought by the English gov- 
ernment too sympathetic to Desmond for Munster to be trusted 
to his hands. This had a paralysing effect upon St. Leger’s and 
Grenville’s efforts to administer and settle the country, just at 
the moment of greatest danger. 

For James Fitzmaurice of Desmond, cousin of the Earl and 
the militant leader of his people, was just at this moment plan- 
ning a large outbreak in the west with the connivance of Spain. 
Munster had been reduced to order by the visit of the Lord 
Deputy in 1 568, and by the presence of St. Leger and Grenville. 
What added to James Fitzmaurice’s determination to attack 
them was the fact that he had claims upon the country of Kerry- 
currihy himself. The imprisonment of Desmond in London dis- 
turbed the whole province and gave Fitzmaurice the chance he 
was waiting for, to exert his own leadership. He saw his oppor- 
tunity of linking up his Geraldine forces with the restive Mac- 
Carthies of the extreme western fastnesses and with the Butlers, 
who were in revolt against the decision to give Sir Peter Carew 
the barony of I drone, in Leinster. 

It was an extremely dangerous situation. The revolt might 
easily spread over the whole south of Ireland. The Lord Deputy 

^ Biographia Britannica, IV, 2284. 



was out of the country; so also were Ormonde and Desmond, the 
two most powerful nobles whose presence might quell the gather- 
ing storm. St. Leger was in England about the Presidency, try- 
ing to get the powers which, if granted in time, would have fore- 
stalled the trouble. The Government, too late, appointed a 
Lord President, but not St. Leger; they nominated another 
Devonshire man. Sir John Pollard, to the office. 

Grenville was left, virtually alone and without resources, to 
face this threatening situation. He decided to cross over to Eng- 
land himself to aid St. Leger’s representations at Court, to press 
upon the dilatory government the urgency of the position and 
demand immediate reinforcements. Lady St. Leger and Mrs. 
Grenville with her children were left behind in Cork. He can 
hardly have known how near the Irish were to breaking out, 
though he realised the danger. He left Cork on 15 June, and the 
very day after he sailed Fitzmauiice and MacCarthy More, the 
head of the MacCarthies, broke out into the plains and de- 
scended upon Kerrycurrihy. 

The first news we have of them is from Andrew ' Skiddy, a 
loyal citizen of Cork with whom Grenville was on friendly terms, 
who wrote to the Lord Deputy on 1 7 June, that the rebels were 
even now spoiling all the inhabitants of Kerrycurrihy and lay- 
ing siege to the abbey of Traghton; ‘they have continued in 
camp all this last night . . . the abbey is seven miles hence.’ ^ 
The same day the Mayor of Cork reported that Fitzmaurice and 
MacCarthy More had with them ‘a great host of horsemen, 
kerne, and gallowglass to the number of two thousand’; that 
they were bent on spoiling the whole of the country in the occu- 
pation of St. Leger and Grenville; that they were cutting off 
such citizens of Cork as were without the walls and threatening 
Kinsale as well as Cork; and desiring corn to be sent them from 
Waterford to provision the city against siege.^ 

Lady St. Leger and Mrs. Grenville shut themselves up in the 
city, drawing in what outposts they could; but the descent had 
been so sudden, they were evidently taken by surprise and with- 
out preparations. Next day, Lady &t. Leger wrote to the Lord 
Deputy of the rapid progress the rebels were making: 

^ S.P. Ireland, 28, no. 35. ^ ibid. no. 36. 



‘On Wednesday last the Sheriff went into England; on the 
morrow after, James Fitzmaurice with four thousand people, 
was in Kerrycurrihy by seven of the clock. Warning we had 
none, so that our houses were not so well furnished as they 
ought to have been. So, my Lord, they have taken Traghton 
and all that I had there and killed all my men. All this they did 
on Friday. My men kept the house until they had gotten pick- 
axes and then they undermined the house and came in. The 
first man they killed was John Enchedon and all that was in the 
house. Then the next morning, being Saturday, they came to 
the castle of Carrigaline. In the meantime I caused them to 
come away, for they had neither meat nor drink, nor powder for 
to keep it one day. The enemies were informed by the tenants 
what victual and provision was in the castle; they understand- 
ing their want, were determined to tarry the famishing of them. 
So that Saturday morning before James’s coming there I sent a 
boat for them and had not time to carry away my stuff. So, my 
good Lord, the best and the greatest store of my stuff is gone, 
and all our horses that we and the Sheriff had. James hath con- 
fessed and showed your Lordship’s letters that you sent to the 
Sheriff. Good my Lord, take pity on me; they say plainly that 
they will never leave the town of Cork till they have me and the 
Sheriff’s wife.’ ^ 

Lady St. Leger’s letter gives the impression of a high-spirited 
and courageous woman, capable of taking the initiative in 
her husband’s absence. She certainly needed to be, in the 
frontier conditions prevailing west of Cork, and particularly at 
a moment like this with James Fitzmaurice and his hordes 
clamouring at the gates for her and Mrs. Grenville’s surrender 
~ a surrender which the citizens began to consider as hope of 
succour was delayed. What would have happened to them if 
they had fallen into the hands of the natives, we may imagine 
from what happened to the various ladies who fell into Shane 
O’Neill’s hands later on. 

A fuller report of Jasper Horsey’s informs us that within 
Traghton Abbey there were six English arquebusiers with John 

^ S.P. Ireland, no. 37. 



Enchedon and sixteen kerne, all of whom were slain. Fitz- 
maurice had shown intercepted letters from the Lord Deputy to 
Grenville ordering the apprehension and detention of Lords 
Roche and Barry, so that they were making no resistance to the 
rebels. Horsey reported that in the far west the galleys were 
being manned to spoil along the coast; ^and here is a tall ship of 
Sir Warham St. Leger and of Mr. Grenville’s, very well 
appointed and all unrigged, and no more keeping her than four 
men, who is daily threatened to be burned by James Fitz- 
maurice and his wicked company.’ He adds that if he could get 
mariners enough to sail her and victual to feed them, he would 
gladly go and meet the western galleys.^ 

While Cork held out, the newly-appointed President of Mun- 
ster was detained by contrary winds and an attack of gout, at 
Ilfracombe. St. Leger, consumed with anxiety and impatience, 
bombarded Cecil with letters from his Southwark house; he 
wrote that it would be better for the Queen to spend ^{^40,000 
than that Cork should be lost. Towards the middle of July, 
Fitzmaurice addressed a demand to the Mayor and citizens ‘to 
abolish out of the city that old heresy newly raised and invented, 
and namely Barnaby Daly and all therein that be Huguenots 
both men and women and Grenville’s wife and children,’ and 
that they should restore Catholicism.^ It is evident that the 
Rising was nationalist in character, a revolt of the native Irish 
against both Protestantism and the English. 

But relief was now at hand. It must have been the result of 
Grenville’s importunity that within a fortnight of his leaving 
Cork, the Council sent orders down to the south-western 
counties to levy soldiers immediately for service in Ireland. 
Before the end of the month, a relief force of some four hundred 
men had arrived,^ and the Lord Deputy was on the way with 
six hundred more from Dublin. Lady St. Leger was fully re- 
lieved at Cork; Carrigaline Castle re- taken and garrisoned; the 
local chiefs submitted after some wasting of the country; 
Ormonde arrived and restored order in Leinster. Hard on the 
heels of the Lord Deputy, there followed the young Humphrey 

^ S.P. Ireland, no. 38. * ibid. 29, no. 8. 

® S.P. Dom. Eliz. 54, nos. 1-3. 



Gilbert, to whom was entrusted the task of pacifying Munster. 
It was in this campaign that he first won fame; his progress 
through the province was characterised by extraordinary dash 
and a foolhardy bravery which paralysed his opponents. James 
Fitzmaurice was driven once more into the wilds of the forest of 
Aherlow in the far west.^ 

"Grenville returned with St. Leger to take part in the sub- 
jugation of the rebels and remained there for another year 
engaged in the heartrending task of erecting order out of the 
chaos of Munster. The Lord Deputy wrote a handsome testi- 
mony to their part in staying the insurrection from engulfing 
the whole of the south of Ireland. MacCarthy More, he wrote 
to Cecil, had the intention of making himself * King of the south 
part of this Realm; and I find good proof by letters from her 
Majesty’s good subjects of those parts, that Sir Warham hath 
been the greatest stay, without whom and Grenville, they sup- 
pose the most of the Irishry had revolted.’ ^ 

But neither did this move the Government in St. Leger’s 
favour; in justifiable resentment, he withdrew to England where 
he spent the next ten years. Grenville had embarked upon the 
Irish enterprise under St. Leger’s aegis; he was a young man and 
St. Leger fifteen years his senior. He now withdrew with St. 
Leger. It had been an unfortunate venture; everything he had 
put into it, he had lost; the country he had hoped to cultivate, 
lay waste; nothing of it all remained save his claims upon the 
land. Before the year 1 569 was out, or at latest, early in 1 570, 
he brought his family back to Stowe. He did not see Ireland 
again for twenty years. 

^ Bagwell, c. xxvi. ^ Sidney Letters and Memorials^ I, 39. 




During this time in which Grenville was occupied in Ireland, 
momentous things were happening on the western sea-board and 
to the minds of the western seamen. And not their minds only; 
there was the actual disaster that overtook the third and most 
important of Hawkins’ slaving voyages at San Juan de Ulloa 
and brought him struggling home across the Atlantic through 
the winter of 1568, to arrive in Mount’s Bay in the Minion with 
a handful of starving sailors. 

Hawkins had set out on 2 October 1567 from Plymouth with 
a little fleet of four trading vessels and two old Queen’s ships, the 
Jem of LUbeck and the Minion’, there sailed with him, his kins- 
man the young Francis Drake. They made a good voyage 
along the coast of Guinea collecting slaves, and with the new 
year crossed over to the Caribbean to dispose of them. Here 
they had good trade, especially, after some forcible persuasion, 
at Rio de la Hacha, ‘from whence come all the pearls.’ They 
were about to leave the Caribbean by the Florida channel 
when they were driven back by storms to the coast of Mexico 
and were forced to enter the harbour of San Juan de Ulloa to 
refit. Here the plate fleet from Spain, bringing Don Martin 
Enriquez, the new Viceroy of Mexico, bore down upon them. 
They could have resisted and prevented him from entering the 
harbour; but that would have been an overt act of war and 
Hawkins’ whole case was that his was peaceable and lawful 
trading. He took the risk; and the Spaniards made a surprise 
attack upon the English. A regular, or rather irregular, action 
developed in which Hawkins lost most of his men and ships; 
only the Minion and the Judith succeeded in making good their 
escape, the latter under Drake parting company in the night 



and making straight for home - ‘which bark/ as Hawkins wrote 
with severity afterwards, ‘the same night forsook us in our great 

It was a turning-point in the relations between England and 
Spain, which had hitherto, in spite of Elizabeth’s Protestantism, 
been those of amity. The disastrous consequences for Spain of a 
breakdown of the friendship with England were to be forcibly 
brought home to Philip before the old year was out. The break- 
down, when it came, was the result of several factors operating 
together. There was Philip’s decision to send his ablest and 
most ruthless soldier, Alva, with the pick of the Spanish veterans 
from Italy, to crush the Protestant resistance in the Netherlands. 
This, England could never afford to allow; a great power 
dominant in the Netherlands, particularly Catholic Spain, 
would have been a threat to her national security. It was vital 
to keep the resistance in the Netherlands alive by some means or 
other. Happily it was the good fortune of the western ports to 
provide the means. 

In the autumn of 1568 Philip had raised a large loan from the 
Italian bankers for the payment of Alva’s troops, restive for lack 
of pay; and at the end of November he despatched it up the 
Channel, a large mass of treasure, in a fleet of small ships, 
unarmed merchantmen and pinnaces. He was evidently re- 
lying on the English alliance — or assuming the same state of 
affairs to prevail as when he had been King in England; for 
the Channel was swarming with the privateers which the re- 
sumption of the wars in France had brought out, most of them 
Huguenot, belonging to the port of Rochelle, flying under the 
flag of the Prince of Conde or William of Orange, but many of 
them English and west-countrymen. The autumn storms and 
the ubiquitous privateers, drove Philip’s treasure-ships to take 
refuge in English ports; one with fifty-nine chests of specie, fled 
into Southampton to avoid her pursuers, others with still more 
aboard were driven in to shelter at Saltash and at Fowey. 

Already as the year wore on and there was no news of Haw- 
kins, his friends and backers in the voyage began to be anxious. 
On 3 December his brother William heard a report that he had 
been killed by the Spaniards and at once wrote to Cecil suggest- 



ing reprisals on the Spanish treasure-ships. Perhaps Cecil did 
not need the hint; the general posture of affairs was so critical, 
with Mary Queen of Scots now on his hands, and a threat of 
a most formidable combination of the northern Catholic Lords 
with the aristocratic conservatives headed by Norfolk and 
Arundel. He acted with decision and at once wrote to Sir 
Arthur Champernowne to put through the delicate operation. 

What precisely Elizabeth meant by her action, whether to 
annex the treasure or no, was a matter for much discussion and 
diplomatic finessing over the next few months; but one cannot 
have much doubt what Champernowne understood it to be 
from the first, if one attends to his own words: 

T have so devised,’ he wrote, ‘that neither these of Saltash, 
nor the others of Fowey shall depart, having in such sort per- 
suaded with them for their abode there until the departure of 
the French fleet which lay in wait for them, that they seemed to 
take my said persuasions in good part, although the favour 
which I show to Monsieur Chatclicr might give them some 
occasion to suspect my dealings . . . The whole treasure in both 
places is such that it is supposed to be worth ^(^400,000 sterling, 
and therefore most fit for her majesty, and not to be enterprised 
of any subject . . . Wherefore if it shall seem good to your 
Honour that I with others shall give the attempt for the re- 
covery of it to her majesty’s use, which cannot be without 
blood, I will not only take it in hand to be brought to good 
effect, but also receive the blame thereof unto myself to the end 
so great a commodity should redound to her grace, hoping that 
after bitter storms of her displeasure showed at the beginning to 
colour the fact, I shall find the calm of her favour in such sort 
as I am most willing to hazard myself to serve her majesty,’ ^ 

Of such were the servants of Elizabeth made; it was the same 
terms on which Drake later roamed the seas. The goodly, not 
to say godly, enterprise went through and Philip’s treasure, for 
lack of which the troops in the Netherlands turned mutinous, 
found its way to the Tower of London. It was as pretty a piece 
of Machiavellianism as had been seen out of Italy; but it kept 
1 S.P. Dom. Eliz. 49, no. i. 



Alva employed on the other side of the water when he might 
have been aiding the Rising of the Northern Earls and it greatly 
hindered the forward advance of Catholicism at a moment of 
great danger. 

These years from 1569 to 1571 were perhaps the most critical 
in all Elizabeth’s reign. The Armada year was more specta- 
cular, but it is doubtful if it offered such a combination of 
dangers as the earlier crisis. For at this time there were wide- 
spread and powerful forces in opposition to the Queen and 
Cecil, which might have formed an overmastering combination 
with foreign powers; whereas by 1588 the country was ready to 
face the great challenge from Spain unitedly. These forces were 
the Catholic opposition now raising its head after ten years of 
Elizabeth’s rule, and the feudal aristocracy which hated Cecil’s 
government. What made the situation dangerous was that the 
conservative lords were at times a majority of the Council and 
only the Queen’s unwavering support brought Cecil safely 
through. Their leaders were the Duke of Norfolk and the in- 
sufferably aristocratic Earl of Arundel, the twelfth of his line. 
Norfolk’s first wife was his daughter and heiress, and the plan 
was now to marry Norfolk to Mary as a step to the English 
throne. The crisis lasted for two years during which intrigue 
and counter-intrigue went on. The rising of the Northern Earls 
in the autumn of 1 569 and Pius V’s excommunication of Eliza- 
beth in February 1570 were but incidents in it. Norfolk and 
Arundel were in and out of the Tower or in confinement in their 
town houses; sometimes Cecil’s power seemed to fail and he had 
to buy over the Duke to divide his opponents. Finally the 
threads of the conspiracy, as brought together by Ridolfi, an 
Italian agent in England, were unravelled and evidence 
obtained by which the Duke was brought to the block. 

Such was the excitement in 1569 that orders went forth for 
musters to be taken throughout the country and for the coasts 
to be put in a state of defence. In Cornwall the Catholic Sir 
John Arundell of Lanherne appeared in his place along with 
Sir William Godolphin at the head of the Commission for 
mustering the county - men, horses, armour and weapons. 



Grenville was absent in Ireland; and in his place in the Returns 
from the parishes, we find Diggory Tremayne as the chief per- 
son at Kilkhampton, returning ‘one light gelding able and meet 
for a light horseman with harness and weapons requisite for the 
same/ ^ 

Next year the Government made up its mind to impose the 
Oath subscribing to the Act of Uniformity, as the test of loyalty 
to the Elizabethan Establishment, upon all Justices of the Peace 
throughout the country. It had come to the parting of the 
ways; hitherto there had been a rough toleration extended to 
Catholics under Elizabeth’s government. From now on, since 
the Pope had thrown down his challenge to her title, GathoKcs 
were to be confronted with the direct choice; either to conform 
to the established forms in religion and go forward in agreement 
with Elizabeth’s regime, or to be dropped from all place and 
responsibility under it and to tread the path that led to isolation, 
fines, imprisonment and, not impossibly, death. 

In Cornwall, the first victim of the new test was Sir John 
ArundelL At December Quarter Sessions 1569, the Cornish 
Justices met at Bodmin to make their subscription to the Oath. 
Sir John did not appear, although, as his fellow-justices wrote to 
the Council, ‘at our last assembly Sir John Arundell did then 
forbear to subscribe, but (as we thought) not with other pur- 
pose than the accomplishment of his duty at this day of our new 
assembly, which was by him specially appointed and he is now 
absent for what cause we are ignorant.’ Apparently Sir John 
had had difficulties with his conscience in the interval; nor did 
he subscribe, when several months later at the April Quarter 
Sessions at Helston, Sir William Godolphin, who had previously 
been absent upon his government of the Scilly Isles, gave in his 
adhesion. The Justices, thereupon, according to the tenor of 
the council’s letters, required a recognisance from Arundell to 
appear before the Council when required. On 28 April 1570, 
at Bodmin, Grenville subscribed the Oath; its tenor was to 
observe the Act for Uniformity of common prayer and service in 
church and the administration of the sacraments. He promised 
that his family should repair to the parish church for divine 
^ S.P. Dom. Eliz., 52, no. 3. 



service and receive the sacraments ‘from time to time according 
to the tenor of the act of Parliament’ - in its way, a nice 
epitome of the Elizabethan settlement.^ 

Next year, the crisis still continuing, though tension was some- 
what relaxed, Elizabeth summoned a Parliament, the third of 
her reign. She had had such a disillusioning experience with- 
her previous Parliament, perpetually pestering her on the sub- 
ject of marriage and the succession — a question which she was 
by no means so sure of solving by marriage as they were - that 
she told the French Ambassador that three Parliaments were 
enough for any reign and she would have no more of them. 
But the alarms of the past two years had cost money and she 
wanted legislation passed in reply to the Bulls of the Pope; so 
that when the time came, she was as gracious as ever to her 
faithful Commons. Parliament was summoned for 2 April 
1571, and Grenville was returned to it as Knight of the shire 
for Cornwall. 2 Among the west-country contingent that went 
up to Westminster were his father-in-law. Sir John St. Leger, 
who sat, with Peter Edgcumbe, as Knight of the shire for Devon. 
His cousin George Grenville was returned for one of the 
Launceston seats; Henry and John Killigrew v^ere there, and 
Sir Humphrey Gilbert, fresh from his triumphs in Ireland, for 
which he had been knighted by the Lord Deputy. He and John 
Hawkins were members for Plymouth. 

Grenville was at once brought into the committee- work of the 
House, a circumstance which lends additional support to the 
view that this was not his first Parliament. It seems possible that 
he was a member, if D’Ewes’s name Greithfield is a misprint for 
Greenfield, of the important Committee of supply which was set 
up at the beginning of the Parliament ‘to consider of the propor- 
tion, and time of yielding some relief unto her Majesty.’® But 
he was indubitably member of a small, though important com- 
mittee, to which was committed the second of the several bills 
brought forward for ecclesiastical reform. We read that on 
Saturday 28 April, 

1 S.P. Dom. Eliz., 67, no. 9. 

* Browne Willis, Notitia Parliammtaria, 79. 

® D’Ewes, Journal^ 1 59. 



‘the second Bill for Religion was read the second time, and com- 
mitted unto the Lord President of the Marches of Wales, Sir 
Thomas Smith, Sir Thomas Scott, Mr. Attorney of the Wards, 
Mr. Norton, Mr. Greenfield, Mr. Grimston, Mr. Smith, Mr. 
Fenner and Mr. Agmondsham, who were appointed to meet 
this Afternoon at three of the Clock in the Star-Chamber.’ ^ 

There was a strong Protestant tide running and the Com- 
mons were determined to press forward the work of reformation, 
by abolishing pluralities, non-residence, licences and dispensa- 
tions; they wanted to make changes in the Thirty-nine Articles 
and in the Book of Common Prayer. A number of Bills dealing 
with religion were brought forward from previous Parliaments; 
the second of them, which Grenville was to consider on his 
committee, dealt with the order of ministers and doubtless con- 
templated a departure from strict episcopacy. By what in- 
fluence he was appointed to the committee, whether by these 
Protestant members like Strickland and Peter Wentworth, the 
irrepressible member for Barnstaple, or by the Privy Councillors 
as likely to support the Queen, we do not know. It is hardly 
likely to have been the former, especially when we consider that 
Sir Humphrey Gilbert came forward conspicuously in the 
debates as an exponent and defender of the Queen’s preroga- 
tive. But the Queen was in no mind to have the Reformation 
carried forward a stage further under the asgis of the Commons; 
and desirable as many of the reforms would have been, she pre- 
ferred that they should not be made at all, rather than have 
Parliament interfering in the sphere of her prerogative, the 
Church. On 29 May, Parliament was dissolved and the mem- 
bers were free to return to their respective counties. 

Next year, a new Parliament was summoned, to meet on 
8 May; chiefly to strengthen the Government’s hands in dealing 
with Mary Queen of Scots and in bringing Norfolk to execution. 
For the classes from which the Commons drew their strength, 
the country gentry and the merchants of the towns, were pre- 
pared to go much further than the Government in the attack 
on Catholicism, the Queen of Scots and the old aristocracy. 

^ ibid. 180. 



Grenville was returned, this time for Dunheved; and his 
young cousin, George Grenville, for Camelford. Peter Edg- 
cumbe and Richard Chamond were Knights of the Shire for 
Cornwall, as Sir John St. Leger and Arthur Basset, another of 
Grenville’s cousins, for Devon. For Plymouth, the members 
were again John Hawkins and Edmund Tremayne, who 
counted as one of the official members, in close touch with the 
Government. Among the Cornish members were William Killi- 
grew for Helston, another oflScial person, since he was Groom 
of the Chamber to the Queen, a life-long servant; and Henry 
Killigrew, for Truro, employed on many diplomatic missions 
by the Crown, envoy in turn to Scotland, France and the 
German Princes. But these West Country members were no 
mere royal nominees as is sometimes thought; it happened that 
they agreed with the Government, or where they disagreed it 
was in wishing to go farther and faster; was there not among 
them, for example, the notorious Peter Wentworth, member for 
Tregony, or his brother Paul, member for Liskeard? ^ 

The Government lost no time in consulting Parliament about 
the business of the Queen of Scots. On 12 May, Lord Keeper 
Bacon signified to the Lords and Commons the Queen’s pleas- 
ure that twenty-one of the Upper House and forty-four of the 
Lower should meet on the morrow ^in the Morning at eight of 
the Clock in the Star-Chamber, then and there to consult and 
deliberate upon matters concerning the Queen of Scots.’ The 
most influential members of the Commons were chosen, both of 
the official and unofficial elements; among them were the 
Treasurer, the Comptroller, the Lord Deputy of Ireland and Sir 
Hugh Paulet, Grenville’s old guardian; Henry Killigrew, Peter 
Wentworth and ‘Mr. Greenfield Sen.,’ who must be Grenville 
so described to distinguish him from his younger cousin, George, 
the only other Grenville in the House.^ 

The House was almost entirely taken up with its proceedings 
against Mary Queen of Scots - in its way an advantage, for it 
meant that there was the less time for it to badger the Govern- 
ment with its protestantising proposals. A ‘Bill for the Continua- 

^ Official Return of Members of Parliament^ i, 408. 

2 D’Ewes, Journal, 206. 



tion of certain Statutes’ was read on 25 June and committed 
to a small Committee of whom Grenville was one; next day he 
was among a larger number who were appointed to confer with 
the Lords on the same matter.^ In the end, Elizabeth did not 
proceed to extremes against Mary; it was enough to inculpate 
her and hold her under the perpetual threat of proceedings for 
high treason. Parliament was more than willing, and had given 
Cecil enthusiastic support in bringing Norfolk to book, proceed- 
ings which, in the case of the highest peer of the realm, were so 
repugnant to the Queen that she could hardly bring herself to 
sign his death-warrant. However, after many hesitations she 
yielded, and the Duke was executed on 2 June. On the last day 
of the month, Parliament was dissolved. 

It is to the year 1571 that we owe the one portrait-painting of 
Grenville which we possess, that which now hangs in the 
National Portrait Gallery. Elizabethan portraits are apt to be 
not good; and the portrait of Grenville is only a fair specimen 
of its class. Fortunately, however, the head is the best part of 
it and carries conviction. The lettering upon it says: an. dni. 
1571. AETATis. SUAE. 29. This too is convincing: the inscrip- 
tion is undoubtedly contemporary and, what is interesting, 
agrees with 1542 as the year of his birth.^ It is a handsome 
young man that is portrayed, of a very recognisable Devonshire 
type: oval head, fair hair and blue eyes. The hair is brushed 
well back from the forehead, where it is already beginning to 
thin at the temples, while it is full and thick round the ears 
and at the back. The moustaches and beard are those of a 
young man, not very full or thick, and revealing a noticeably 
prominent underlip. The real interest of the portrait is in the 
eyes, which are full and expressive, beneath beautifully curved 
brows, rather low upon the eyes and so exposing a fine and lofty 
forehead. But the impression of the character they give is 
curious and arresting: the eyes are intense, watchful, giving the 
impression of a man very much on the alert, a quick and in- 
flammable temperament. 

It is an effective portrait, in its way. One does not have to 
^ ibid. 224. 2 V. ante p. 37, 



attach too much credence to the colouring; yet the high colour 
in the cheeks goes with the fair Devonshire type. The whole 
personality is that of a man of action on the qui vive. Moreover, 
one can see how it is possible that this handsome man in the late 
twenties might become the person portrayed in the later engrav- 
ing in Holland’s Heroologia, 

Drake’s first portrait, the little miniature done by Isaac Oliver 
some time after the voyage to Nombre dc Dios, affords a curious 
contrast; for though Grenville and Drake were much the same 
age, it portrays Drake as yet so very immature: a round babyish 
face with no beard and only incipient moustaches, but with the 
high arched eyebrows which all the portraits of him show. Yet 
they were both of the Devonshire type, high-coloured and fair- 
haired; unlike Gilbert and Ralegh, who were dark and black- 
haired like Cornishmen. 

Drake was now employed in getting his own back on the 
Spaniards for the losses of San Juan de Ulloa. The circum- 
stances of these years of crisis were favourable; and in 1570 he 
fitted out two ships, the Dragon and the Swan with which he went 
out again to the West Indies, the beginning of his daring career 
of private war on the Spaniards. Next year while Grenville was 
occupied with his duties as member of Parliament, Drake went 
out in the Swan alone. These were rather reconnoitring expedi- 
tions, but the latter was successful in more ways than one. For 
one thing it paid handsomely; from Carthagena harbour he 
succeeded in cutting out a ship of 180 tons. There were other 
prizes too which he made and carried off to his hiding-place, a 
pleasant natural harbour aboundii>g with fish and game, wliich 
he named Port Pheasant, in the recesses of the Gulf of Darien. 
More than this, it was on this expedition that he conceived the 
scheme of a raid on Nombre de Dios, got his information about 
the mule- trains crossing the Isthmus from Panama with the 
treasure, and took all his soundings for the next expedition. 

He set sail again from Plymouth at Whitsun 1572, in the 
Pascoe of 70 tons and the little Swan, on the voyage which made 
his name and fame; his brothers John and Joseph were with 
him, as also John Oxenham. It was very much the character 
of a family enterprise; but no voyage ever made from Plymouth 



achieved such a height of daring and adventure, not even his 
own later voyage round the world. From his lair in the Gulf, 
which despite the Spaniards’ discovery of it he continued to 
use as his base, he made his attack on Nombre de Dios; with 
only seventy men he made himself master of the town and was 
only forced to retire from the very ‘mouth of the Treasure- 
House of the World’ because, severely wounded, he was carried 
off by his men. But undaunted he went on collecting prizes and 
plunder, and in the New Year planned his raid into the interior 
of the country in alliance with the revolted cimaroons, which 
was intended as an attack upon Panama itself, but turned into 
a coup against the treasure-train at the very gates of Nombre de 
Dios. Leaving his men loaded with treasure upon the coast, he 
got off in a raft to look for his pinnaces, promising them ‘if it 
pleased God he should put his foot in safety aboard his frigate, 
he would, God willing, by one means or other, get them all 
aboard in despite of all the Spaniards in the Indies.’ Rich and 
successful beyond their expectations, they sailed home from 
Cape Florida to the Isles of Scilly in twenty-three days ~ 

‘and so arrived at Plymouth on Sunday about sermon-time 
August 9, 1573; at which time the news of our captain’s return 
did so speedily pass over all the Church, and surpass their minds 
with desire and delight to see him, that very few or none re- 
mained with the preacher, all hastening to see the evidence of 
God’s love and blessing towards our gracious Queen and 
country, by the fruit of our captain’s labour and success.’ 

Meanwhile, Hawkins at home was engaged in his own more 
devious way of inflicting revenge upon Spain; a typical Eliza- 
bethan piece of double-dealing by which the new Spanish 
Ambassador, Don Guerau dc Spes, a fool and filled with a 
fanatical hatred of England, was inveigled into supposing that 
Hawkins would aid Philip and Alva’s plans for an invasion by 
going over at the critical moment with his whole western 
squadron guarding the entrance to the Channel. Burghlcy, of 
course, was privy to the scheme; the price Philip paid for 
services never intended to be rendered was the return of Haw 
kins’ men who had been taken at San Juan and imprisoned in 

81 F 


Spain, with a considerable sum of money in addition. When the 
moment was ripe, and Burghley had unravelled the Ridolfi plot, 
the plan was blown into the air and Don Guerau, shown up for 
the fool he was, sent packing from the country. For a time, it 
looked as though there would be war between England and 
Spain; certainly these things accounted in part for the exacerba- 
tion of the Parliament of 1572 against Mary Queen of Scots, 
upon whom these designs pivoted. 

But both England and Spain were too much occupied other- 
wise, and the fundamental antagonism between them not yet 
sufficiently apparent, for them to embark on war. The mercan- 
tile interest, particularly in London, was in favour of peace; 
and an effort was made to patch things up. With the beginning 
of 1573 a new temporising policy, to the confusion of her friends, 
was observable on Elizabeth’s part. A convention was arrived 
at by which the mutual embargoes on trade with each other 
were removed; and the Queen sent a few warships down- 
Channel, taking some twenty sail of the Huguenot privateers 
and some eight hundred of their men. It was a very profitable 
proceeding; Elizabeth, having gained at the expense of her 
enemies, was now profiting at the expense of her friends; so 
winning on both scores and, as usual, making the best of both 




To seek new worlds, for gold, for praise, for glory . . . 


Ouan to Cinthia 

The restiveness of these years, the signs of a new orientation 
of English policy, the uncertainty of our future relations with 
Spain were the symptoms of new forces at work, driving the 
country irresistibly forward along new untried paths. These 
men of the western ports, but not they alone, felt that it was on 
the seas that the destiny of their country lay. ‘For discovery of 
sundry rich and unknown lands, fatally (and as it seemeth by 
God’s providence) reserved for England, and for the honour of 
your majesty’ - such were Grenville’s words in petitioning the 
Queen to allow the great enterprise he planned in 1573-4. For 
he was at length affected by the new currents flowing, some- 
what later than the seamen of the West Country, his con- 
temporaries, the Hawkins’ and Drake, or than his cousin 
Humphrey Gilbert. But his position was rather different from 
theirs; he was younger than the rest of them, except for Drake; 
to the Hawkins’ it was their business. Gilbert was a younger 
son, while Grenville was the head of his family, whose tradition 
in any case was martial rather than maritime. 

In the early seventies, as a concomitant of these sea-changes, 
there was a great growth of interest in geographical matters. 
It was, as these things are, confined to a small circle; but it was 
an influential one. There was great interest, for example, 
among the men at Court who were directing the country’s 
destiny; Burghley was much alive to the new tendencies and 



lent his support to the Hakluyts, to the elder and younger 
Digges, the mathematicians, and to the universally learned Dr. 
Dee. It became the fashion - though in some cases it was more, 
a real enthusiasm - among the leading spirits at Court, Leices- 
ter, Walter Earl of Essex, Sir Christopher Hatton, as later with 

The real significance of this interest in geography was the 
passionate excitement aroused in the question of a North-East 
or a North-West Passage to Cathay. It was a matter of the 
greatest importance for the future of English expansion. The 
riches of the trade with the Far East had been revealed by the 
Portuguese voyages via the Gape of Good Hope; but southward 
expansion up to the time of the Hawkins’ voyages was blocked 
by the Portuguese and Spanish monopoly, and it was now 
being made abundantly evident that any attempts to penetrate 
their privileged sphere would mean fighting. The Govern- 
ment’s attitude towards open war beyond the line was an 
equivocal one; they did not recognise the monopoly, but those 
who fought their own way into it, did so at their own risk and 
were liable to be disclaimed at any time. And so the question 
of a northern Passage to the Far East was a vital one; if there 
were one at all, and most geographical opinion agreed that 
there was, it would fall naturally into the sphere of English 
control, and being nearer than the Gape of Good Hope, give this 
country the larger control of the trade in Far Eastern com- 
modities at cheaper rates. 

Opinion was divided into two schools; those who favoured the 
North-Eastern Passage and those who supported the idea of a 
North-Western. The former had a first innings, with the bril- 
liant navigator Richard Chancellor, and the brothers Stephen 
and William Borough. Humphrey Gilbert made himself the 
exponent of the North-Western school, collected a great deal of 
material on the subject and in the winter of 1565-6 debated the 
project against Anthony Jenkinson before the Privy Council. 
He then started to put this material into shape, the ‘Discourse to 
prove a Passage by the North-West to Cathay and the East 
Indies’; but service in Ireland and in the Netherlands inter- 
^ cf. Taylor, Tudor Geography, 1485-1383. 



venedj and it was not published till 1576, having been prepared 
for the press by the poet George Gascoigne. Meanwhile, the 
‘Discourse’ circulated in manuscript and had a considerable 
influence on opinion; for it was a brilliant piece of work, having 
all Gilbert’s vigour and inventiveness, and seemed convincing. 

Ortelius and Mercator were agreed, by about 1569, that 
America was an island, and that between it and the continent 
of Asia there was a strait; this contemporaries mostiy called 
the Strait of Anian. This strait, if it existed and was at all pass- 
able, would obviously be a quicker route than that by the 
north-east along the Arctic coast of Asia. Gilbert took his stand 
upon this and upon the argument, which men were by no means 
all convinced of yet, that the New World of America was separ- 
ated from Asia and not merely an extension of it. 

‘When I gave myself to the study of geography,’ he wrote, 
‘after I had perused and diligently scanned the descriptions of 
Europe, Asia and Africa, and conferred [i.e. compared] them 
with the maps and globes both antique and modern: I came in 
fine to the fourth part of the world, commonly called America, 
which by all descriptions I found to be an island environed 
round about with sea, having on the south side of it the fret or 
straight of Magellan, on the west side Mar del Sur, which sea 
runneth towards the north, separating it from the east parts of 
Asia, where the dominions of the Cathaians are: on the east 
part our West Ocean, and on the north side the sea that severeth 
it from Greenland, through which northern seas the Passage 
lieth, which I take now in hand to discover.’ ^ 

He argued, Elizabethan-like, from a variegated collection of 
authorities, from Plato’s views of Atlantis in the Timaeus and the 
Critias and from Marinaeus Siculus to the Spanish gentleman 
from the West Indies, who in Ireland affirmed before the Lord 
Deputy and himself that Urdaneta had told him only eight 
years before that he had come from the Pacific into Germany 
through this North-West passage. This story was current in 
Spanish America at the time;^ and neither the Enghsh nor the 

1 Hakluyt, Principal Navigations, VII, 160. 

* Taylor, Writings and Correspondence of the Hakluyts, I, 80. 



Spaniards had means of knowing whether it might not be true. 
Amid the rather fantastic medley of authorities, there do emerge 
some sound critical points. If America were not an island, but 
a part of the continent adjoining Asia, he argues, the people of 
the latter would by now have made some inroad into it, or at 
least have established contact. But the peoples of Tartary and 
Cathay and those of America ‘have not had any traffic with 
each other." He cites the information that came to Jaques 
Cartier of ‘a great Sea at Saguinay, whereof the end was not 
known: which they pre-supposed to be the passage to Cathay’ - 
probably a rumour of the great lakes of the American interior. 
Through the tract there runs the imperial idea that England 
might control the northern route to the east, as Spain and 
Portugal controlled the southern; and that 

‘through the shortness of the voyage, we should be able to sell 
all manner of merchandise, brought from thence, far better 
cheap than either the Portugal or Spaniard doth or may do. 
And further, we should share with the Portugal in the East, and 
the Spaniard in the West, by trading to any part of America, 
through Mar del Sur [i.e. the Pacific], where they can no 
manner of way offend us.’ 

It was a brilliant tract and Gilbert had a distinct literary gift. 
The only thing that was wanting was the strait itself; the new 
continent interposed an altogether insurmountable obstacle 
between England and the riches of Cathay. Hardly anyone, 
until Ralegh and the younger Hakluyt, conceived that the real 
colonial future of England lay in the far less exciting and less 
profitable way of settling the American continent. In this 
Grenville was to bear an important part. 

Bound up with the question of the passage to Cathay was a 
second problem, even more obscure and no less exciting: what 
was there in the unknown spaces of the great South Sea, the 
Pacific?^ This was the question which haunted the minds of 
Spanish and Portuguese seamen since the marvellous voyage of 

^ In the following paragraphs I am indebted to Dr. J. A. Williamson’s 
Introduction to his edition of Sir Richard Hawkins’s Observations (Argonaut 
Press, 1933). 



Magellan in 1519, and of the geographers like Mercator and 
Ortelius. It occupied the thoughts of Dr. Dee in his study at 
Mortlake in the early seventies, and investigation into it was the 
primary object of the great voyage Grenville was planning in 
these years. At the beginning of the century, the South Sea was 
by no means so great in men’s minds; for all that they knew it 
did not even exist, and the same sea that surrounded the Por- 
tuguese Moluccas in the East washed the western shores of 
Europe and was the Atlantic, So Columbus believed and to his 
death refused to face the truth that various indications were 
forcing upon him. In 1513 Balboa first saw the new ocean; but 
until Magellan’s voyage no one knew how wide it was. After 
that, the problem became, what was it that filled those 
vast untraversed spaces to the south and east of his diagonal 
tract from the South Atlantic across the Pacific to the 

The answer that contemporary thought in the sixties and 
seventies gave was that there was a great Pacific continent 
stretching from Java and the Spice Islands in a south-easterly 
direction through the temperate zone to the Antarctic, Terra 
Australis began to appear upon the maps. From the time of 
Marco Polo the fabulous wealth of those imagined lands had 
stirred men’s wondering curiosity; for he was understood to 
have reported that to the south-east of Asia there lay other rich 
countries, in particular the Kingdom of Lochac, or Beach, ruled 
by an independent monarch, with abundance of gold and brazil 
wood, of elephants and rare fruits, and seldom visited Tor that it 
standeth out of the way.’ Beyond Lochac was the island of 
Pentain, abounding in aromatic trees, and southward again was 
the Kingdom of Malaim, remote but rich in spices and drugs. 
Marco Polo was, of course, speaking of the Malay peninsula; 
but the Elizabethans identified these lands with the unknown 
continent in the South Sea. 

It does not so much matter that much of what they thought 
was incorrect; this was 

‘the geography accepted by the Elizabethans and the basis of 
their expeditions into the South Sea. With the identification of 



Terris Australis with the fabled Lochac and Malaim the system 
was almost complete. One had but to traverse the Straits of 
Magellan and follow the Fuegian shore. It would stretch in a 
long sweep north-westwards to the tropics embracing all lati- 
tudes from 52° to 20° or even nearer to the Equator. So placed, 
it must contain a variety of useful products, and of peoples and 
kingdoms worth discovering. To its explorers and exploiters 
there would fall an Empire of the South no whit inferior to the 
Spanish Empire of the West and the Portuguese Empire of the 
East. Moreover, having discovered this long coast and estab- 
lished bases upon it, a goal in the region of established know- 
ledge was in sight - the Moluccas, which had shipped priceless 
cargoes to Lisbon for half a century past. That was the dream of 
the speculators of the 1570’s.’ ^ 

Just at this moment, amid the excitement of so much theoreti- 
cal speculation, two contributions of the first importance were 
made by the Spaniards to the real knowledge of the region. In 
1564 Legazpi sailing west from New Spain rediscovered the 
Philippines, and next year Urdaneta made the passage back 
from the islands to the Mexican coast. In 1567 Mcndaha sailed 
out of Callao and steered west-south-west for a great distance in 
search of the hidden continent; but baffled by the vastness of 
this ocean, he finally turned north-westwards and instead of 
finding New Zealand or Australia, he reached the Solomon 
Islands. He thought them to be the fringe of a continental coast, 
as indeed they are not far from Australia; and the Spanish 
expectations of what they would yield stand expressed in the 
name he gave them. 

The news of the discovery reached England not long after, 
perhaps through Spaniards as well as through the English mer- 
chants in Seville. But one source of information wc know for 
certain. Henry Hawks, one of the Seville colony, was in Mexico 
from 1567 to 1571, the very year of these voyages; and when, 
escaping from the arms of the Inquisition, he reached England 
in 1572, he brought with him all the latest information. In 
Mexico he had known the younger Diego Gutierrez, who had 

* Williamson, p, xxi. 



been with Urdaneta on the Philippines voyage. He knew too of 
the discovery of the Solomon Islands - the Isles of Gold. And 
he mentions in his report a voyage of exploration sent out from 
Mexico to seek the western end of the Straits of Anian (i.c. the 
North-West Passage) ‘which they call the Englishman’s strait’ - 
perhaps because of Cabot’s entry into Hudson’s bay, its supposed 
eastern end. ‘They say,’ he wrote, ‘that strait lieth not far from 
the main land of China, which the Spaniards account to be 
marvellous rich.’ ^ 

Here we have brought together the two main themes - the 
twin secrets of the Pacific - which Grenville’s Project was in- 
tended to elucidate and which appear again among the objects 
of Drake’s voyage round the world in 1 577-80. Whether there 
was any contact between Henry Hawks and Grenville we do not 
know, and are not likely to know now; it is a region of obscure 
inference and fascinating surmise that we are working in. But 
it is worth noting that Hawks’s view regarding the Straits of 
Anian is that expressed in the Grenville Project. 

This Project, upon which Grenville must have been working 
for some time previously, first comes into the light of day with 
the Petitions which he presented in his own name and those of 
his partners to the Queen and the Lord Admiral on 22 March 
1574.^ This means that preparations must have been going on 
at least through the winter of 1573-4. There can be no doubt 
what the objective was: it was the unknown Pacific continent, 
the fourth part of the world yet to be discovered, reserved (by 
God’s Providence) for England. Amongst the arguments for 
the voyage enumerated amongst the Articles presented to the 
Lord Admiral, we find: 

‘The aptness and as it were a fatal convenience that since the 
Portugal hath attained one part of the new found world to the 
cast, the Spaniard another to the west, the French the third to 
the north, now the fourth to the south is by God’s providence 
left for England, to whom the others in times past have been 
first offered.’ ^ 

1 Taylor, Tudor Geography 1485-T5S3, 113-17. 

* S.P. Dora. Eiiz. 95, nos. 63-4. 


* ibid. no. 65. 


The point is made doubly sure by the description of the pur- 
pose of the voyage: 

'The discovery, traffic and enjoying for the Queen’s Majesty 
and her subjects, of all or any lands, islands and countries south- 
ward beyond the equinoctial or where the Pole Antarctic hath 
any elevation above the horizon; and which lands, islands and 
countries be not already possessed or subdued by or to the use of 
any Christian Prince in Europe, as by the charts and descrip- 
tions shall appear.’ 

It was a matter of the utmost importance, if the voyage into the 
South Seas were to be permitted, that the Government should 
be assured that no attack upon the Spanish dominions was 
intended. At any time from 1569 to 1572, Elizabeth would 
probably not have minded - her relations with Spain could 
hardly be worse. But beginning with 1573, negotiations were 
entered upon to clear up all outstanding problems between the 
two countries and to achieve a basis for improved relations. 
This was arrived at in 1574 with the Convention of Bristol, an 
ominous event for the forward school of western seamen. It 
was in effect the reef upon which Grenville’s Project foundered, 
for Elizabeth could hardly afford to risk the new agreement by 
permitting an expedition, led by a prominent subject, to sail 
into the closed Southern Sea, regarded by the Spaniards as their 
monopoly; while an attack upon the Spanish treasure-ships 
between Peru and Panama, the standing temptation of such an 
expedition (Drake later succumbed to it, or, more probably, 
intended it from the first), might have brought the whole might 
of the Spanish Empire down upon her before she was ready for it. 

So, in the Petition to the Queen, to incline her mind favour- 
ably towards the enterprise, and tempering their purpose to the 
new winds of policy, the adventurers underline the point that 
their scheme would incur no offence or injury to any other 
Christian prince. Of their enterprise, they say, 'we have good 
and probable reasons to assure us, easy and feasible means to 
attain it, and the commodities be large, without injury or just 
offence to any Prince of Christendom.’ Perhaps they assured 
the Queen a little too eagerly! 



With the Lord Admiral, they were more specific as to the 
business side of their plans and their means of carrying them 
into effect. They describe themselves as 

‘certain gentlemen of the West Country desirous to adventure 
ourselves and our goods in matter of service honourable and 
profitable to the Queen’s Majesty and the Realm, with like hope 
of benefit to arise unto such as shall be adventurers therein, and 
having sundry ways good and probable causes to lead us, both 
by our own understanding and the help of such whose skill and 
experience we have used, have thought upon and conceived a 
means by discovery of certain new trades of navigation and 
traffic to advance the honour of our sovereign Lady and 
Country, with enlarging the bounds of Christian religion, the 
beneficial utterance of the commodities of England, the increase 
and maintenance of seamen, the relief of the people at home, 
and sundry other commodities such as your wisdom can easily 
see to ensue thereof.’ 

They then go on to argue that the voyage is feasible. We have 
to remember that up to this time English navigation was almost 
exclusively confined to northern waters. It was mainly the 
Hawkins circle, the West Country seamen, who had only 
recently launched into equatorial waters with the voyages to 
Guinea and into the Caribbean; and to Elizabethan ships with 
their uncoppered bottoms, the warm waters of these regions 
offered special problems. In answer to these difficulties, the 
Articles state that Magellan had crossed the torrid zone six 
times, and that in the yearly voyage of the Portuguese around the 
Cape of Good Hope to the Moluccas it is passed four times, and 
on every voyage by the Spaniards to Brazil twice. Moreover, 
‘sundry of our own nation and some such as are to go in these 
voyages have passed it to Guinea, Brazil and other places’ - a 
most interesting hint, where so much is dark, that support for 
this voyage was forthcoming from the Plymouth circle, that 
among the men who were to go were some who had been on the 
Hawkins’ voyage to the south. Besides, they argue, ‘the coun- 
tries that we seek, so lie, that our course continueth not near the 
line but, crossing the same, still hasteth directly to the tempera- 



ture of our own regions’; that is. Terra Australis. Here in these 
temperate climes, similar to England, there should be good vent 
for English commodities, particularly of cloth, ‘wherein we most 
abound and the transportation whereof is most necessary for 
our people at home.’ 

As for the means which they have for accomplishing the 
voyage, they put "forward the following considerations: ‘Ships of 
our own well prepared. The West Country being the aptest of 
all parts of England for navigation southward. Mariners and 
sailors to whom the passage almost thither is known.’ And 
those who are backing the enterprise propose to equip it at their 
own charges, setting forth four good ships, upon which they will 
spend some ;^5,ooo; £ 2^000 in shipping and equipment, ;^ 2 ,ooo 
in victuals and necessaries for the company, and £ 1 ,000 in cloth 
and merchandise for trading. Among the advantages of the 
enterprise which they enumerate is ‘the enlarging of Christian 
faith which those naked barbarous people are most apt to 
receive and especially when it shall not carry with it the 
unnatural and incredible absurdities of papistry.’ This was 
more or less common form in all these early ventures in imperial- 
ism; or perhaps not merely common form, for nothing is more 
surprising than the devoutness of these sea-marauders and 
pioneers of empire, Hawkins, Drake, Gilbert. The farther they 
went and the more they ravaged, the more pious they became. 
Did not Elizabeth on one occasion protest of Hawkins that 
he had gone away a seaman and returned home a prating 

More substantial are the economic objectives, mercantilist in 

‘the abating of the prices of spices and such commodities that we 
now have at the Portugals and Spaniards hands, whereby they 
increase their riches upon our loss, when much spices and such 
like here spent, and bought dear of them, do with the less 
quantity consume the value of our cloths that they receive. The 
increase of the quantity of gold and silver that shall be brought 
out of Spain itself into England when the commodities coming 
out of Spain becoming this way cheaper,’ etc. 

9 ^* 


There remains the danger of conflict with the Portuguese or the 
Spaniards. To this they answer: 

‘Our strength shall be such as we fear it not, besides that we 
mean to keep the ocean, and not to enter in or near any their 
ports or places kept by their force ... In the places already 
subdued and inhabited by the Spaniard or Portugal we seek no 
possession nor interest; but only, if occasion be free, to traffic 
with them and their subjects which is as lawful and as much 
without injury as for the merchants in Portugal or Spain 

Here was the rub; here they were treading on dangerous 
ground: the fact was that neither Spain nor Portugal regarded 
trading with their empires in the same light as trade with them- 
selves: to them it was an incursion into forbidden territory. The 
more the adventurers argued, the more it raised awkward 
memories. They appealed to the Hawkins’s voyages to Guinea 
and their trafficking in Mexico as a precedent, since they have 
‘been defended by her Majesty and Council, as friendly and 
lawful doing: much more this, which is but passing in the open 
sea by them to places that they neither hold nor know.* And 
they go on to claim that not only traffic, ‘but also possession, 
planting of people and habitation hath been already judged 
lawful for other nations in such places as the Spaniards or 
Portugals have not already added to their possession.’ They 
cite the grant made by the Queen, back in 1563, to Thomas 
Stukeley - who was a connection of Grenville’s - for the dis- 
covery and occupation of Florida. 

In conclusion, therefore, they asked that Letters Patent might 
be conferred upon them, constituting them into a corporation, 
and establishing ‘some form of governance and authority in 
some persons of the Company of this adventure, so as by some 
regiment, obedience, quiet, unity and order may be preserved.’ 
They prayed further that rules for the conduct of the voyage 
might be confirmed by the Queen’s authority, as also 

‘for the agreement and obedience of the parties, for the contribu- 
tion and charge, for the equality and partition: and severally 
orders to be appointed by her Majesty for the stablishing of her 



Majesty’s dominion and amity in such places as she shall assign 
unto: and for the rate and true answering of her Majesty’s 

This last shows that it was contemplated that the Queen herself 
should have a share in the enterprise^ as she had had in 
Hawkins’s voyages and was to have in Drake’s. It was this 
factor of her own contribution to such ventures which gave her 
all the more power of calling them off, if for political reasons it 
became necessary. 

Until recently it was not known what response, if any, this 
request for Letters Patent had. Owing to a mistaken endorse- 
ment upon the Petition, in a later hand, it was connected with 
the names of Sir George Peckham and others, with whom Gren- 
ville was never in association. While the draft of this very 
Patent in answer to the Petition, giving the names of Grenville 
and his associates, being misdated to the year 1590 in the 
Calendar of State Papers^ failed ever to be connected, where it 
properly belongs, to the Grenville voyage.^ In consequence, 
no one had realised how near the voyage came to being tried 
out three years before Drake set out upon its tracks and so was 
led on to the circumnavigation of the world. Nor was its 
importance grasped, even as a project. For it gave a new and 
original direction to EngHsh plans for expansion and was the 
first to put into shape the idea of an English empire in the 
southern seas. In the fuller and more complete form it took in 
the following year, it combined this idea with that of an attack 
upon the problem of the North-West Passage from the Pacific 
end, sailing up the west coast of America from the Straits of 
Magellan to the supposed Straits of Anian which were to be 
discovered somewhere in the latitude of California. 

Just as the news of Spanish attempts upon these two problems 
had been brought home to England by Henry Hawks in 1572, 
so some attempt was made, if perfunctorily, by Drake on the 
great voyage of 1577 to 1580 to throw light upon them both. 
It was fortunate for him that when he got into the South Sea, 

^ These two mistakes were first cleared up by R, P. Ghope in Trans. Devon. 
Assoc., iQiy. 



he did not make either of them a main objective, but made for 
the gold coast of Peru. How do we know that Grenville would 
not have done the same if he had been allowed by the Queen 
to set sail? The very fact that he was not permitted to go, her 
relations with Spain in these years being amicable, shows what 
the Government must have suspected. In practically every 
respect, therefore, as far as intentions go - no doubt the empha- 
sis on different purposes would differ with the man - Drake’s 
voyage followed the Grenville Project. It is impossible not to 
conclude that Drake was acquainted with this earlier plan. 
Though there is no evidence that he knew Grenville at this 
time - there were others among the adventurers whom he did 
know, for example, William Hawkins. At this time, after his 
notorious triumphs in the Isthmus, he was lying low in Ireland 
and when he sailed in 1577, it was as his own master, to reap 
where Grenville had sown. 

The draft Patent gives us the names of the adventurers: 

‘Richard Grenville, of Stowe in the county of Cornwall, 
Esquire, Piers Edgcumbe, Arthur Basset, John Fitz, Edmund 
Tremayne, William Hawkins, Alexander Arundell, Thomas 
Digges, Martyn Dare, Esquires, Dominic Chester of Bristol, 
Merchant, and divers other of our good and loving subjects.’ ^ 

There they all are: it is almost a muster of Grenville’s family 
circle. Many of them have already appeared in these pages and 
do not need explanation. But it is clear from the special position 
which is assigned to Grenville throughout the document that he 
is the prime mover and the leading spirit of the enterprise. Not 
in the sense that he had more experience than the rest, but that 
he was the chief adventurer and had put more capital into it. 
His capital resources were considerable, probably larger than 
any single co-adventurer’s, even Edgcumbe’s or Hawkins’s; and 
he could always raise money by selling some outlying property, 
such as the tenement in Launceston which he sold in April 
1572 2 _ there may have been other sales we have now lost 
track of. 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 235, no, x. 

* Peter, Histories of Launceston and Dunheved, 204. 



Edgcumbe too was a man of considerable landed estates, and 
we find him interested in the contemporary developments of 
tin-mining and the search for other metals going on in Corn- 
wall. Hawkins was wealthy and had inherited the position of 
the leading citizen in Plymouth. Out of a list of ships owned 
there in 1570, thirteen out of the sixteen named, including all 
the larger vessels, are listed under his name;^ in addition he 
owned more property in the town than any other citizen. To 
him, the Grenville voyage ~ though he was closely associated 
with Grenville later in the ownership of the Castle of Comfort, 
which was to have been the flagship of it - was one in which he 
had but a subordinate interest, as compared with numerous 
ventures of his own. Of the others interested, Arthur Basset, son 
of John Basset and grandson of Lady Lisle, we know; and the 
ubiquitous and competent Edmund Tremayne. Alexander 
Arundell was Grenville’s half-brother, some eight years junior 
to him, to whom he was very much attached; we hear of them 
together later on, associated in various other undertakings. 
John Fitz of Fitzford was a cousin, the son of Agnes, daughter of 
Roger Grenville of Stowe. Thomas Digges, the mathematician 
and geographer, who was evidently designed to accompany the 
expedition as its scientific expert, much as Thomas Harriot 
accompanied Grenville’s Virginia voyage in 1585, though not 
himself a Devonshire man, was also connected with the circle by 
marriage, for his wife was a daughter of Sir Warham St. Lcger. 
Dominic Chester was a well-known Bristol merchant who had 
lost heavily by the embargoes on trade in Spain and Portugal; 
perhaps his motive in supporting the enterprise was not unlike 
Hawkins’s. Only Martin Dare remains unidentified; but the 
Dares were associated with Virginian exploration from 15B7; 
Virginia Dare was the first English child to be born in America. 

The Patent was drawn in very wide terms, granting them full 

‘to discover lands, territories, islands, dominions, peoples and 
places unknown which are not possessed by nor subject to any 
Christian prince . . . and specially such as have the Pole 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 71, no. 75. 



Antarctic elevate and the dominions of the great prince com- 
monly called the great Cham of Cathay . . • and with the 
peoples so by them discovered to traffic, and the lands and 
peoples to join to the Christian faith and also to our dominion 
and amity so far as the same may be done . . / 

What could be fuller or more comprehensive as a grant for 
exploration or for settlement and possession? It is to be 
observed that their powers included the joining of lands dis- 
covered, if need be, to our dominion or amity - an objective 
which stands out clearly among the purposes of the expedition 
in the light of later information. 

That the actual preparations for the voyage were now well 
advanced we know from the report of the Spanish Agent in 
London to Don Luis de Requesens, Governor of the Nether- 
lands, as well as from the information sent by the French 
Ambassador to his home government. The interest aroused 
was significant. Antonio de Guaras, for it was probably he, 
wrote to Requesens on 17 May 1574: 

‘An English gentleman named Grenfield, a great pirate, and 
another called Champernowne, Vice-Admiral of the West, a 
co-father-in-law with Montgomeri, with others recently armed 
seven ships, four large and three small, with the advowed 
intention of going on a voyage of discovery to Labrador, but 
the real intention was to help Montgomeri in Normandy, which 
is very near the west coast. Since Montgomeri’s defeat, it is 
said they will be too late to help him, and they consequently 
assert that they are going to the straits of M[agelian], their 
fleet being increased by three sail making ten ships in all, 
amongst which is the Castle of Comfort, a celebrated ship of 240 
tons, the largest of them. The fleet is very well fitted and found, 
and will carry 1,500 men, soldiers and sailors, 500 of them being 
gentlemen. The real design is not yet known, as there are so 
many plans afoot, but, as they are going in this guise, they 
probably mean to sack some of the islands and lie in wait for 
the ships from the Indies and other merchantmen. They say 
they are taking with them a store hulk of 600 tons, with pro- 
visions, but I believe it is more likely to carry their plunder than 



to take stores. They sail this month. It is to be hoped that 
measures of precaution will be taken in the Canaries and else- 
where, as so many ships are leaving and it is very necessary that 
some remedy should be provided. Whilst things remain as they 
are these people will continue their present proceedings, which 
are the accursed result of their false religion. I have already 
written at length as to what the remedy should be, as these raids 
are increasing so greatly in consequence of the immunity they 
enjoy, and bye-and-bye it will be too late for redress.’ ^ 

It is evident from de Guaras’ report that a good deal of acti- 
vity was on foot, and that he had not yet penetrated fully what 
the South Sea scheme was. But the alarm was certainly given in 
Spain. A copy of his report was sent to Martin Enriquez, the 
Viceroy of Mexico - the same whose arrival at San Juan de 
Ulloa had so discomfited Hawkins. The upshot was an investi- 
gation in December of that year by the Audiencia in Guadala- 
jara as to how Grenville could get into the South Sea, and in 
particular whether he could enter it by some strait to the north.® 
They took the testimony of the famous navigator Juan Fer- 
nandez de Ladrillero, who had gone out to New Spain with 
Mendoza in 1535, had conducted an expedition to explore the 
Straits of Magellan in 1558-9 and whose experience of the 
South Sea now extended over some thirty-five years. 

From the French Ambassador, La Mothe Fenelon, writing on 
June 4 to Charles IX, we derive further information, some cor- 
roborating the Spanish agent, some entirely new. To the 
Spaniard, Grenville, though a gentleman, was also ‘a great 
pirate.’ Probably all the West-Country gentry were pirates to 
him; he did not distinguish. In point of fact, there is no evidence 
that Grenville had been engaged in piracy -- this was his first 
sea-venture; nor even later is there evidence of piracy, his acti- 
vities in this kind come under the heading of legitimate pri- 
vateering. The distinction between privateering and piracy 
was a clear one. To the French Ambassador, who was in a 

^ Cal. S.P. Spanish 1 568-1 481. 

^ H. R. Wagner, Spanish Voyages to the JSf.W. Coast of America in the Sixteenth 
Century^ 63. 



much better position to know, Grenville was a "gentilhomme 
tenu en tr^s bon compte en ceste court.’ 

He reports that since the beginning of the winter, Grenville 
has been engaged in setting forth and arming seven ships, with 
the intention of discovering some passage towards the north; 
but that having let the season for such a voyage pass, he never- 
theless continues to prepare at this very moment, with all haste, 
to put to sea with these seven ships and three more which have 
newly joined him. He has already left court to make embarka- 
tion in divers places, for the above ships are distributed in dif- 
ferent ports of the kingdom, where many gentlemen are to be of 
the company with some fifteen hundred soldiers and mariners. 
In short, La Mothe says, ‘I hold the said equipage to be very 
suspect; the more so because I was told that the said Grenville 
has associated Sir Arthur Ghampernowne with him.’ In conse- 
quence, he had at once set on foot inquiries in every direction 
where he might gather the intent of the enterprise. And this is 
what has been reported to him: 

‘That the said Grenville, having for long time solicited per- 
mission to make this voyage of discovery, and having been held 
back, up to the present, by those who support the cause of the 
King of Spain and the King of Portugal, has at last so well 
demonstrated the utility which will arise from his voyage to the 
whole kingdom if he is allowed to achieve it, that with the 
favour of his friends he has obtained permission to go, on con- 
dition that before undertaking it he renders some service which 
has been prescribed for him, to the Earl of Essex in Ireland. 
And from there he will afterwards take his journey to where he 
intends, without its being permissible for him nevertheless to 
enter upon places which the Spaniards and Portuguese have 
already discovered, and without his being able to attempt any- 
thing against the friends of this kingdom, particularly against 
your Majesty. So that my advertisements are that I need take no 
alarm, nor give you any, from the said Grenville’s enterprise.’ ^ 

This corroborates the main outline of the preparations that 
were taking place for the voyage, such as we know them- 
^ La Mothe Fenelon, Correspondance Diplomatique, VI, 127-8. 



though here too its secret destination was unknown to La 
Mothers informants. But he takes us a stage further; apparently 
by now, June, Grenville had got permission to go — infor- 
mation which is supported by later evidence from a remote 
and unsuspected source.^ But the permission was contingent 
upon his rendering some service to the Earl of Essex in diffi- 
culties in Ireland. 

The Irish situation was again disturbed; the Earl of Desmond 
had escaped, or rather ridden away into Munster from his easy 
confinement in Dublin and was now ranging the province, at- 
tired in native Irish dress, the acknowledged leader of his people 
stirring up trouble along with his cousin James Fitzmaurice. 
The latter was again in correspondence with foreign powers. 
Simultaneously Philip was collecting a large fleet in his Biscayan 
ports to carry reinforcements to the Netherlands and his troops 
on the Rhine. There was instant alarm in England at the pros- 
pect of a Spanish fleet in the Channel and preparations were 
made for setting the Queen’s ships to sea. There was no ques- 
tion of allowing a small squadron of ships such as Grenville’s to 
depart the country at such a time. 

Moreover there was work for him to do at home in the west. 
The Government decided to send down the Earl of Bedford, on 
I June, to his Lieutenancy of Devon and Cornwall to put the 
whole force of that country in readiness, to take general musters 
of men, horses and arms, and to make preparations for their 
defence.^ The Justices of the Peace were to aid as his subordi- 
nate officers in the work. On 14 June, commissions were sent to 
the Earl in the West and to the Lord President of Wales, to 
raise 1,000 men for service in Ireland.® On 1 7 July, a letter was 
sent to Bedford 'commending his Lordship’s diligence and the 
rest of the gentlemen of those counties under his charge for the 
accomplishment of such services as were committed unto them 
by her Majesty’s commandment.’ ^ The Irish situation looked 
less threatening, and the soldiers levied for service there were to 
be stayed for the time, though still kept under arms 'in case there 

^ See below, pp. 106—7. ® S.P. Dom. Eliz. 97, nos. 1-2. 

® ibid. no. 12. * Acts of the Privy Council^ VIII, 270. 



shall be any occasion to employ them hereafter.’ There was 
still anxiety on the score of the Spanish fleet, and on 1 2 July, the 
Earl was directed ‘to consult with Sir Arthur Champernowne, 
or some others thought meet, to send forth to the seas some bark 
under some skilful man to learn the coming forth of the 
Spanish fleet, and to give understanding thereof with all 
diligence.’ ^ 

In August, 200 of the men still under arms, 100 from Wales 
and 100 from Cornwall, were ordered to be sent to Ireland. ^ 
But the crisis passed; Desmond made his submission, and the 
Spaniards sent their reinforcements from Italy up the Rhine. 
In the autumn, when the danger was over, the Council sent its 
letters of thanks to the Deputy-lieutenants of the western shires. 
Tor their forwardness, diligence and good conformity to her 
Majesty’s service when the Earl of Bedford was among them as 
Lieutenant; they are required to continue their good doings, and 
promised that it shall be holden in remembrance to their com- 
fort upon all good occasions offered.’ The Deputy-Lieutenants 
named for Cornwall were Sir John Arundell, Mr. Edgcumbe, 
Mr. Grenville, Mr. Arundell of Trerice and Mr. Mohun.® 

The excitement and activity of that summer meant that it 
was now too late to start on the voyage: a whole year had been 
lost. Moreover, following the Treaty of Bristol in August there 
was a diplomatic detente; and the lessening tension meant that 
the motive not to give offence to Spain moved once more into 
the foreground of Elizabeth’s calculations. The atmosphere 
was distinctly less favourable for the voyage, or indeed for any 
southward voyage now; and this gave an opportunity for those 
who favoured a direct attack upon the North-West Passage 
through the northern seas to the coast of Labrador, the chance 
of raising their head. They would be greeted with favour, 
for it promised a peaceful approach to the great problem. 
Frobisher, backed by the Earl of Warwick, seized his chance 
and gained the ear of the Council; in February 1575 he was 
granted his licence and set on foot his first voyage to the North- 
West. In the next year, Gilbert’s ‘Discourse,’ the classic state- 
ment of the North-Western school, was published. 

^ ibid. 272. ^ ibid. 282. ® ibid. 304. 



Grenville does not appear to have given up all hope of 
carrying out his plans; for it must be to this time that we have 
to date the 'Discourse’ which he presented to Burghley.i 
Burghley endorsed it in his own hand 'Mr. Grenville’s voyage’; 
it is undated, but its heading gives one to suppose that it was 
written before Frobisher’s departure. The tract is distinctly 
polemical: 'A discourse concerning a Strait to be discovered 
toward the north-west passing to Cathay, and the oriental 
Indians, with a confutation of their error that think the dis- 
covery thereof to be most conveniently attempted to the north 
of Baccalaos’ (i.e. Labrador). Another impression that the 
tract gives, is that it was written in reply to Sir Humphrey 
Gilbert’s. That might indeed well be, since there were copies 
of the latter circulating in manuscript before it was printed; and 
it would not be difficult for Grenville, Gilbert’s cousin, to come 
by one. But Grenville’s ‘Discourse’ is a remarkable document 
in itself; its importance has been totally overlooked, most prob- 
ably for the reason that it was never printed in Hakluyt. The 
younger Hakluyt, as a skilful and staunch upholder of main- 
land plantation in North America, was not much interested in 
southward projects, though one wonders on the other hand 
whether the elder Hakluyt, the lawyer, whose geographical in- 
terests were much more widely scattered and diverse than his 
young cousin’s, may not have had some hand in drafting the 
‘Discourse’ for Grenville’s project; the economic ideas put for- 
ward, though perhaps common enough at the time, are so very 
like his expression of them in other connections. 

The ‘Discourse’ had as its purpose to show the superiority of 
a southward voyage for an attack on the problem of the North- 
West Passage and from the Pacific side. Very little is said about 
the lands that might be discovered in the Pacific, though they 
are not forgotten; any argumentation about Spain’s possessions 
there would now have been tactless. It is the question of the 
Passage itself which has moved into the centre of interest and 
the tract is concerned almost entirely with that. It starts with 
the position that the seas to the north of Labrador are open, so 
that the Strait cannot be there, and since America is known to 

^ Lansdowne MSS., no. loo, f. 4. 



be an island, unless it is joined to Cathay, then the Strait must 
be there in the north-west of America. So much is agreed with 
Gilbert’s 'Discourse.’ The question that he poses then, is 

'which were the more convenient way to discover the said 
strait, either passing under the congealed Arctic circle, for so 
high the main of America reacheth; or by passing the Strait 
of Magellan, so ascend from the equinoctial along the western 
course of that Atlantical Island, as Plato seemeth in his Timueus 
to term it.’ 

He admits that the way round into the Pacific by the Straits 
of Magellan and up the west coast is longer; but considers that 
the advantage of sailing in mostly temperate zones, along a 
route to a great extent known, outweighs that disadvantage. 

‘But considering that in discovery of new unknown seas I 
must neither bear stiff sail by night, nor yet in the day when fog 
or mist shall happen (which in these parts are almost continu- 
ally) ; whereas contrary wise, in the other, passing altogether by 
seas known and already discovered even till we come to the 
Strait sought, I need not refuse night or day to pack on sail 
for my most speed, being no less clear in those whole and tem- 
perate zones than dark and misty in the other. And, therefore, 
albeit in quantity the grades differ, yet, all circumstances duly 
weighed, I may well affirm, that in one natural day, and so 
consequently in one week or month, I will pass more grades of 
my southern voyage than can be passed of the other.’ 

He then proceeds to outline the scheme of the voyage. 
Leaving England in the summer, he reckoned to reach the 
Straits of Magellan before the autumn equinox and to ‘bestow 
three weeks at the least in platting and discovering the islands 
and other commodities for fortification of the said Straits (if 
need were).’ By Christmas, coasting northwards along the 
Pacific coast of America, he expected - 

T may with facility arrive to the Straits of Anian. So have I 
now one whole quarter of a year to discover (i.e. explore) the 
said straits, and to make plats of every bay, road, port, or chan- 
nel therein; and to sound all such places as in that passage may 
cause peril. In which time the summer will be arrived again to 



the equinoctial, approaching to the congealed Arctic circle. And 
so have I the whole summer to return from the Northern Seas, 
and the first three months to employ in traffic with Cathay or 
any other islands to the said strait adjoining, which may suf- 
ficiently occupy the fleet till the seas be resolved/ 

The conception of the Strait underlying this, was that it 
ran south-west to north-east, so that its supposed Pacific end, 
which would be in the latitude of California, was in a tem- 
perate clime, while its eastern end would be in Arctic waters and 
would need to be navigated, if discovered, in late summer. 

The disadvantages of the Southern voyage, namely its greater 
length and the double crossing of the Equator, he considers not 
to be compared with the difficulties arising from cold in the 
north - an argument in its way sound enough. 

Tn the north, both day and night being freezing cold, not 
only men’s bodies but also the lines and tacklings are so frozen, 
that with very great difficulty mariners can handle their sails. I 
omit the rages of the seas and tempestuous weather wherewith 
we shall be far more oft endangered in the north than in the 

Further, he advances the objection that from any northern 
island that may be discovered, no gold or precious metals could 
be expected, but merely the same commodities as the Muscovy 
Company brings from Russia, ‘seeing they are both subject to 
the Arctic circle.’ This was the view generally held, until the 
excitement over the supposed gold ore brought back by Frobi- 
sher, which caused Philip Sidney to write to his friend Languet 
that a new Peru had been discovered. This objection in itself 
is proof that the ‘Discourse’ must have been written before 
Frobisher’s return in 1 576. 

On the other hand, ‘from any land that shall in the other 
voyage be found, we are assured to expect gold, silver, pearls, 
spice, with grain, and such most precious merchandize, besides 
countries of most excellent temperature to be inhabited’ - a 
glancing reference to that other object of the voyage, the un- 
known lands of the South Sea. 



He concludes that once the Straits in the north are found, and 
all the channels and currents charted, 

^that both day and night in the clear and fog, a man need not 
fear to pack on sail with all celerity to exploit his voyage without 
any doubt or scruple, but that this way he may safely, com- 
modiously and most speedily pass into that rich and bountiful 
sea abounding with innumerable islands of incomparable riches 
and unknown treasure. But whosoever shall before such exact 
discovery made that way attempt the same, I aver he shall pro- 
ceed to the shame and dishonour of himself, to the destruction 
and ruin of his company and to the utter discouragement of this 
nation, further to adventure in this gainful, honest, honourable 
enterprise. And report me to the judgment of the wise, these 
reasons before alleged well weighed.’ 

The tone of personal vexation in these concluding words point 
to something more than theoretical polemics; they can only be 
intended against the Frobisher enterprise now going speedily 

Such was the defence of the project. It was a conception of 
the greatest importance for English power. The idea was to gain 
control both of the Straits of Magellan and of the Straits of 
Anian in the north, and so to gain a counterweight to Spanish 
power in Central America. As it was conceived, it should lead 
to English control of the Pacific at both the northern and south- 
ern entrances into it. There was this implicit in it, it is clear, no 
less than the personal desire of the Elizabethan, so well ex- 
pressed by Ralegh, Grenville’s junior, who must have been 
influenced by the elder man: 

‘To seek new worlds, for gold, for praise, for glory.’ 

For the next three years, public attention w^as directed to the 
attempts Frobisher was making to force the Passage in the north. 
In each of the years 1576, ^577 and 1578 he made a voyage to 
the Labrador-Greenland region; and after bringing home the 
sample of ore which they thought to be auriferous, on his first 
voyage, he had very influential and extensive backing. He him- 
self thought too, in 1576, that he had found the Passage through 



the broken lands north of Labrador, and that he had only to 
follow it through to get to Cathay. It promised a peaceful sur- 
mounting of the greatest barrier to English expansion. 

But there were other minds which had not given up the possi- 
bilities of the southward route ~ notably Drake and his comrade 
at Nombre de Dios, John Oxenham. There was another way of 
getting into the South Sea besides the strait but narrow path 
through the Straits of Magellan ~ that was, a smash-and-grab 
run upon the Isthmus of Panama. It offered no chance for a 
permanent English route, but only the opportunity for a raid 
upon the treasure-ships coming up the coast from Peru. This 
was the plan which Oxenham, conceiving it after the pattern of 
Drake's exploit of 1572, now proposed to carry out as a private 
venture of his own, after Grenville's failure to get permission to 
go through with his. Oxenham, there is no doubt, was to have 
served under Grenville; and it is possible that when Grenville 
sold some of the ships he had preparing, Oxenham bought one 
of them and sailed in her to the Isthmus. 

The story of Oxenham’s venture is well known and there is no 
need to repeat it; it has all the excitement and the astonishing 
adventurousness of Drake's exploits in 1 572. Oxenham fitted 
out a ship of 140 tons, with a company of seventy men, and 
slipped away some time in 1 576 to the Spanish Main. Arrived 
there, he crossed the Isthmus, built himself a pinnace on the 
Pacific coast that he had so longed to see, and with this tiny 
craft captured two Spanish treasure-ships. With the treasure he 
tried to get back to his ship on the other coast, but it had been 
discovered and destroyed by the Spaniards. Meanwhile a strong 
force was scouring the Isthmus for him, and in the end tracked 
down his camp in the wilds and captured him. Most of his men 
were hanged as pirates at Panama; but Captain John, his ship’s 
master and his pilot, were reserved to grace an auto-da-J'e at 

While in the prison of the Inquisition there, they were ex- 
amined as to what they knew about English designs upon the 
Straits of Magellan and the South Sea. The recent find of their 
very depositions, taken on 20 February 1579, just at the time 
when their former comrade Drake, having at last broken through 



into the Pacific was hovering off the coast of Callao (so little a 
distance away and yet so incapable of helping them) - is one of 
the romances of historical research^ Its importance to us is that 
it gives the last information we have on the Grenville voyage, 
and since Oxenham was in Grenville’s confidence about it, it 
sheds a little further light into its darkness. 

We have to remember the motive that would be strong, for 
his own sake, not to say too much on the subject. For example, 
Oxenham confessed that Grenville had many times spoken to 
him about it, and tried to persuade him to accompany him, but 
that he was unwilling to go. But John Butler, the pilot, deposed 
outright that Oxenham had agreed to go with Grenville on the 
expedition. On most other points, the three Englishmen, all of 
whom knew about the intended voyage, were at one in their 
evidence. Let us take Oxenham’s: 

^Questioned whether, while in England or since he had left 
there, he had heard or understood that Queen Elizabeth or any 
other person had entertained the project to arm a certain num- 
ber of vessels for the purpose of establishing settlements, or for 
other purposes, on the coast of the North Sea [i.e. the Atlantic], 
or in the region of the Strait of Magellan or on the coast of the 
South Sea, he answered that four years ago an English gentle- 
man named Richard Grenville, who lives at a distance of a 
league and a half from Plymouth, [i.e. at Buckland], and is very 
rich, applied to the Queen for a licence to come to the Strait of 
Magellan and to pass to the South Sea, in order to search for 
land or some islands where to found settlements, because in 
England there are many inhabitants and but little land. The 
Queen gave him the licence and witness saw it. It was very 
large. The said Grenville bought two ships, and was about to 
buy two or three more, when the Queen revoked the licence, 
because she had learnt that beyond the Strait of Magellan there 
were settlements made by Spaniards, who might do them harm. 
The said Grenville sold the ships after the licence had been 
taken from him . . . Grenville’s project was to come and found 

^ Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, J^ew Light on Drake (Hakluyt Society, 1914), Intro- 
duction and pp. I -1 2. 



a settlement on the River Plate and then pass the Strait and 
establish settlements wherever a good country for such could be 

The desire to be politic is unmistakable: Oxenham puts Gren- 
ville’s intentions in the most favourable light, even then dis- 
sociating himself from any part in them; while the purity of the 
Queen’s attitude is a charmingly loyal trait in his account. What 
he goes on to say is equally revealing and important; it shows 
that before he left England, Drake was meditating plans on the 
same line as Grenville’s. Oxenham was known to both, though 
on more equal terms with Drake: he could not fail to be a chan- 
nel of information between the one and the other. 

‘The witness thinks that if the Queen were to give a licence 
to Captain Francis Drake he would certainly come and pass 
through the Strait, because he is a very good mariner and pilot, 
and there is no better one in England than he who could accom- 
plish this . . . Witness thinks that the Queen will not, as long 
as she lives, grant the licence, but that after her death, there 
will certainly be some-one who will come to that strait. The 
said Captain Francis Drake had often spoken to witness say- 
ing that if the Queen would grant him licence he would pass 
through the Strait of Magellan and found settlements over 
here in some good country . . . Questioned whether they 
had discussed how and by what route they were to return to 
England after having passed through the Strait, he said that it 
seemed to him that some said that it was to be by the same 
Strait, but others said that there was a route through another 
Strait that passed into the North Sea [i.e. the Strait of 
Anian], but nobody knows this for a certainty or has passed 
through it.’ 

To this information, the deposition of John Butler, the pilot, 
adds a few more touches. He says that Grenville had bought 
four ships; but that ‘the Queen had demanded that they were to 
give a security of thirty to forty thousand pounds that they 
would not touch the lands belonging to King Philip, and on this 
account the expedition was frustrated.’ Butler was not ac- 
quainted with the full design of Grenville’s voyage, as Oxenham 



was; but he adds something to our knowledge of Drake’s posi- 
tion in regard to it. 

‘Questioned whether he had understood or known whether 
the said Captain Francis Drake had agreed with Captain John 
Oxenham to come and explore the Strait of Magellan or any 
other seas, and to pass into the South Sea, he answered that he 
did not know about this and that the said Captain Francis 
Drake was a poor man who did not have the means for doing 
this, for he owns nothing more than what he had taken in the 
Indies, and all this he had spent on certain islands over there 
towards Ireland. Only a man having great power could pos- 
sibly come here.’ 

This about describes the position so far as Drake was concerned, 
regarding such an enterprise; it would have to be backed finan- 
cially by others, for he could not possibly have raised the money 
himself. Whereas Grenville was rich enough to finance it mostly 

The third Englishman, the ship’s-master whose name is given 
as Thomas Xerores or Xervel ^ adds nothing to our knowledge 
of Grenville’s voyage; but he knew of it and knew also that it 
was intended to pass through the Straits. Only one thing else 
he adds, but in it we seem to see the brave spirit of this unknown 
man revealed as in a lightning-flash before going down into the 
darkness. When asked if he knew Captain Francis, he replied 
fearlessly, ‘Yes, he knew him and had been with him on the 
voyage when they robbed the mule-train on the road to Nombre 
de Dios.’ So much for the depositions: the men who made them 
were led out to be hanged, a few days after the auto-da-fe at 
Lima, a year later. 

So Grenville’s hopes of his great scheme were frustrated, 
mainly because he was too early; he suffered the fate that all too 
frequently attends upon the first originators of projects, of being 
beforehand with time. As we have seen, it was more than a pro- 
ject that he advanced; he had actually gone far with the pre- 
parations for the voyage, and had obtained the Queen’s licence, 

^ Mrs. Nuttall was not able to identify this name; but I would suggest 
Sherwell, a name well known in Plymouth at this time. 



only to find it withdrawn at the last moment. Many others, 
among them Drake, were to suffer a like chagrin in later years; 
but with none of them was it a matter of such overwhelming im- 
portance, or so decisive as in Grenville’s case. For the oppor- 
tunity that should have been his, at the least, of achieving fame 
as the first Englishman to pass through the Straits of Magellan 
fell to another, 

Drake, during these years when Grenville’s voyage was being 
prepared, was mostly in Ireland, aiding the Earl of Essex with 
his ships: it was a convenient way of employing himself in ob- 
scurity after the excessive light that the exploits of 1 572-3 had 
concentrated on him. Moreover, the Queen’s desire to be at 
peace with Spain, for the time at least, upon which Grenville’s 
scheme had broken, also kept Drake from any important 
venture, Grenville, so far as we know, sold most of his ships, ex- 
cept for the most powerful of them, the Castle of Comfort^ which 
in this year 1575 ran up a series of charges against her for doubt- 
ful doings in and about the Channel: exploits which will be 
dealt with later. By the end of 1575, Elizabeth began to veer 
again in her relations with Spain - the Netherlands were be- 
coming more disturbed; and Drake, through the intermediary 
of Essex, was in touch with Walsingham and through him with 
the forward school of policy.^ Drake’s ideas for his southward 
voyage began to take shape. 

The recent discovery of the missing draft project for the great 
voyage,^ has thrown a good deal of light upon its intended de- 
signs, which had hitherto remained obscure; it enables us to see 
that Drake’s voyage was in origin a continuation of Grenville’s 
plans. The draft shows that the lands in the south to be ex- 
plored and occupied were not the South American coast, which 
was already under Spanish obedience as far as 40° S,, nor the 
unoccupied parts of South America, Patagonia and South Chile, 
which offered no attractions. The inference is that the lands to 

^ Corbett, Drake and the Tudor Jhfavy^ i , 213. 

2 V. E. G. R. Taylor, ‘The Missing Draft Project of Drake’s Voyage of 
1577-80,* Geographical Journal 1930; ‘John Dee, Drake and the Straits 
of Anian,’ Mariner'^ s Mirror^ 1929; and ‘More Light on Drake, 1577--80,’ 
Mar inerts Mirror, 1930. 

1 10 


be sought for were those of Terra Australis, which were de- 
picted on Mercator’s map of 1569 and Ortelius’ of 1570, now in 
the hands of every English cosmographer, and which were re- 
garded by Dr. Dee as the main objective of British enterprise. 
The official plan then became that of visiting Terra Australis 
and so making for the Moluccas along its supposed coast; and 
failing this, to make for the Straits of Anian by which he might 
return. That is, the two main elements in the Grenville Plan 
reappear in Drake’s first draft. 

But the objectives were flexible as they had been with Gren- 
ville; it was necessary to have alternatives since some of the 
objectives were yet to be discovered and not known certainly to 
exist. Moreover the emphasis laid on them varied with political 
circumstances. While in March 1 576, everything looked promis- 
ing for Drake, by the autumn and throughout the winter of 
1576-7, it seemed as if he would not be allowed to go after all. 
Grenville had now retired to the West Country, doubtless in bit- 
ter disappointment - the doings of the Castle of Comfort may have 
been an expression of it; he occupied himself in building at 
Buckland Abbey, and in local affairs as a Justice of the Peace; 
at the end of the year he became Sheriff of Cornwall. 

Then in the spring of the New Year, the political atmosphere 
changed again. Elizabeth disliked Don John of Austria’s pro- 
gress in the Netherlands and was suspicious of his designs in 
English affairs in association with Mary Queen of Scots; in con- 
sequence, she became ready and willing to see some damage 
inflicted upon Philip in a totally unexpected and vulnerable 
quarter. So that the central design of Drake’s voyage when he 
came to set sail - a design which was kept a close secret in con- 
nivance with Elizabeth herself, not even Burghley was to be 
told - was the attack upon the treasure-trade upon the coast of 
Peru. When Drake got through the Straits of Magellan, he did 
make an attempt in a westerly direction as if to find the coast of 
Terra Australis; but the belt of the Brave West Winds, which he 
here encountered and which blew him back well to the south 
towards Cape Horn, gave him the excuse to turn northwards 
and make for Peru. After his exploits upon that coast he ran up 
to California, evidently in an attempt to search for the entry to 


the Straits of Anian, though he could not have entertained much 
hope of returning through it. He beat up in stormy weather to 
48° N.j beyond the New Albion to which he returned to re-fit, 
being driven back by the north-westerly winds and discouraged 
by the icy cold. So he made for the Moluccas and completed his 
circumnavigation of the world. But these two attempts, even if 
they were no more than feints, may be regarded as passing 
tributes to Grenville’s scheme, the salutes of the greater, more 
fortunate captain. 

On 1 5 November 1577, Drake put to sea: and one day at the 
end of September 1580 he returned, the most famous English- 
man of his day. The laurels that might have been Grenville’s 
were his. 



The sea of Fortune doth not ever flow, 

She draws her favours to the lowest ebb, 

Her tides hath equal times to come and go, 

Her loom doth weave the fine and coarsest web: 

No joy so great but runneth to an end, 

No hap so hard but may in fine amend. 


So these years, 1 573 to 1575, had been mainly taken up by the 
projected voyage; making ground for it with the Queen, carry- 
ing through the preparations for it, stating the case, in the end 
in vain. Then there were the various occupations of a local 
character which fell to his lot as a Justice of the Peace and a 
large landowner in the west; in addition to his private concerns 
of which we know so little, and his family life, of which we know 
nothing. But in these same years, though living at Buckland 
when he was not in London, where he lived at St. Leger house 
in Southwark, he was also busily engaged upon the affairs of his 
town of Bideford, getting a charter of incorporation for it and 
setting the town on the path to a more vigorous corporate and 
trading life. 

Bideford, along with Kilkhampton, was the earliest possession 
of the Grenvilles in the west, going right back to the second 
generation after the Conquest. But the town was of no con- 
sequence, it had no trade; its only importance was, as its name 
shows, that it was the lowest ford over the Torridge near the sea 
and so the main thoroughfare along the coast passed through it. 
As a ford, it must always have been dangerous: the waters arc 
swift here, as they come round the loop from Wear Giffard to 

113 11 


the sea. The importance that the ford had, was continued in 
and centred upon the bridge, which was built, mainly by the 
efforts of the Grenvilles fortified by episcopal indulgences, in the 
fourteenth century. It was often repaired and rebuilt, with 
great lamentations by the inhabitants; but in its sixteenth- 
century shape, a long stone bridge of twenty-four arches, it was 
the pride of the town, and in a sense, the centre of its life. 

Nevertheless, its trade did not prosper; right on into the reign 
of Elizabeth it made no progress: all the more mortifying 
because of the close proximity of Barnstaple, with its long tradi- 
tion of civic life - it is one of the most ancient boroughs in the 
country: one of the Wessex burghs before Domesday, and the 
hub of a thriving trade. Whether Bideford’s backwardness was 
due to its dependence upon its lord, and a consequent lack of 
corporate institutions, we can now hardly tell. But Grenville 
determined to put it to the test and to infuse new life into the 
town, something of his own energetic spirit. 

In 1574 he took up the question with the leading men in the 
town, prepared to give up something of his own rights over it, 
for the sake of seeing a more thriving, active existence develop. 
Having no doubt settled the terms himself, he pressed the 
Government to grant a charter, incorporating the town, upon 
the agreed basis. The charter was granted on 10 December 
in the same year.^ 

By it Bideford was constituted a free corporate town - a 
‘politic body and one commonalty of itself in deed, fact and 
name for ever having perpetual succession,’ governed by a 
Mayor, five Aldermen and seven capital burgesses. The five 
Aldermen were for the first time to be chosen by the inhabit- 
ants; the former were then to elect the seven chief burgesses. 
Together they formed the Common Council and were to elect a 
Mayor annually from among the Aldermen. Whenever an 
Alderman died or was removed from office. Common Council 
was to elect one of the chief burgesses into his place; and when- 
ever there was a vacancy in the place of a chief burgess, Council 
was similarly to elect another from among the most worthy and 
discreet inhabitants. Jt must have been settled beforehand who 

^ Chancery Warrants, File 1268; J. Watkins, History of Bideford, 19-28. 



most of the five Aldermen and seven burgesses were to be; the 
leaders of a community’s life, then as now, in spite of the 
difference of forms, indicate themselves. Grenville himself was 
chosen as first Alderman, 

The town was granted the usual privileges, a weekly market 
and three fairs a year, in February, July and November, with 
the customary right to hold court of pie-powder and the 
tolls and other dues arising from them. The Mayor, Aldermen 
and burgesses obtained the right of holding a court of record in 
their Guild Hall every three weeks, and to have cognisance of a 
number of civil pleas, such as debt, trespass, contract and con- 
tempt, One Alderman each year was to be a Justice of the 
Peace for the borough; and the borough was to enjoy the usual 
profits arising from felon’s goods, outlaws, waifs and strays, and 
the assizes of bread, wine and ale. These privileges followed 
very much the usual run of such grants, but they were restricted 
in character. In spite of its new-found corporate status, there 
was no doubt whose was the guiding hand in Bideford. Upon 
receipt of the charter, a meeting was held at which Grenville 
was present, which chose the five aldermen, who elected the 
seven burgesses, who together elected John Salteme, merchant 
adventurer, to be their first Mayor, 

Next year, in order more clearly to define the respective rights 
of the new corporation and Grenville’s, they entered into an 
agreement with each other, on 4 September 1575. By this the 
corporation covenanted that Grenville was to enjoy all the 
revenues, issues and profits within the manor and town of Bide- 
ford which he and his family had enjoyed before the town’s 
incorporation, with the exception of the fee-farm rent of lor. 6rf. 
per annum, together with the office of portreeve - signs of the 
town’s previous subjection to the lord of the manor -which 
Grenville now released to the mayor, aldermen and burgesses 
and their successors for ever. In return, of any increase in the 
town’s revenues from fairs and markets and other sources, over 
and above the necessary charges for maintenance and wages, 
Grenville and his heirs and assigns were to have half. 

The borough agreed not to erect any house or building upon 
the premises of the fairs or markets, nor to pay any wages 


without the advice and consent of the Grenvilles. Finally, Gren- 
ville grants the borough, for stallage and standings for the 
markets and fairs, and for the use of their guildhall, prison or 
any other corporation purpose, the use of the chapel standing 
near the west end of the bridge, and of ground "whereon certain 
limekilns sometime stood, and where a quay, or wharf, is now 
lately builded; and also of all the streets, lanes, ways, and waste 
soil within the said manor, borough and town of Bideford.’ 

In the following year, on 19 June 1576, a writ of quo warranto 
was brought into the court of Queen’s bench, a formal process 
by which the borough’s new privileges were legally confirmed. 

It was a very important stage in the history of Bideford; in 
fact it may be regarded as the beginning of its civic life. 
Not that the liberties granted by this first Charter were at all 
excessive; on the contrary, they were considerably restricted: 
so much so that, in the next generation, application was made 
for a new charter, which was granted by the Crown in 1610. 
Nevertheless, this first impulse given to the town’s active corpor- 
ate life, was Grenville’s work. Still more important was the way 
in which he followed it up, particularly in the eighties, by push- 
ing forward its shipping and trading connections abroad. From 
that anchorage in front of his town house upon the quay, there 
departed his expeditions to Virginia and upon the high seas; 
here he brought home his prizes, his Indian native, from here 
he set forth against the Armada. 

In the next century were to be seen the fruits of his enterprise, 
for Bideford prospered greatly from being first-comer in the 
trade with Newfoundland and Virginia. A number of local 
fortunes were made in the tobacco trade with Virginia and 
Maryland; till the middle of the eighteenth century, more 
tobacco was imported into Bidefbrd than into any other English 
port except London. Then, with the revolt of the colonies, all was 
at an end, and Bideford became a shadow of its former self. But 
a charming eighteenth-century shadow it is, with the mark of an 
even earlier age and hand upon it. For though the old chapel 
which stood at the west-end of the bridge is gone, the guildhall, 
though it has been re-built, still stands in the same place that 
Grenville granted, looking across the bridge to East-the-Water. 

1 16 


In his time, particularly after he sold Buckland and shifted 
his main centre of interest to his North Devon affairs, there was 
much coming and going from that house on the town quay, 
which has now vanished - ‘my house of Bideford’ he calls it in 
his letters. As early as 1 573, we find him interested in shipping; 
for in that year, he agreed with Philip Corsini and Acerbo 
Velutelli, two of the chief Florentine merchants in London, to 
transport certain goods to Newhaven in France (Havre). He 
had entered into a bond in £2,500 on 7 May, that before i June 
he would ‘lade or cause to be laden in one ship, crayer or vessel 
for the port of Newhaven (Havre) in the realm of France, all 
such goods, wares or merchandizes as lately were discharged 
in Cornwall out of the ship called the Marie whereof was master 
John Mouton D’Anyon,’ except such goods as were remaining 
in London and ‘one bag of ginger being lacking’; and ‘with so 
much speed as conveniently may be, after shipping and lading 
thereof as wind and weather will serve . . . transport and con- 
vey the same to Newhaven/ where the goods were to be 
delivered into the hands of the Florentine merchants. After this 
arrangement was made and the bond entered into, it was 
decided between the parties that the goods should be trans- 
ported to Calais and not to Havre. Grenville apparently sent 
the ship to Calais, and the Florentines threatened to sue him 
for breaking the original agreement. He therefore initiated a 
Chancery action against them to protect himself. We do not 
know what happened; presumably all was welL^ 

This is only one piece of evidence as to his shipping concerns 
at this time. The ship or crayer in which he was to transport 
the merchandise may well have been one of the smaller craft 
which he had gathered for the South Seas Voyage. But there is 
rather more evidence about the activities of the largest and most 
powerful of them, the Castle of Comfort - a pretty name for a 
ship with such a privateering record as she had! She was a 
ship of some 24.0 tons, and in the sixties when she was built, of 
a new type, being a private warship with a pow'erful armament. 
Her type was called into existence by the exigencies of the 
Guinea Coast trade, after which the Portuguese took to arming 
^ Chanc. Proc. Eliz. G 14/9. 


themselves heavily against intruders. The secret of her success 
was her overmastering gunfire, and she had a long record of 
exploits to her name; for, frequent as is her appearance in the 
maritime papers of the time, she is ‘never once found engaged in 
peaceful trade.’ ^ 

She was based mainly upon Plymouth; she was there in the 
spring of 1570, when she was to be sold by her owners, a London 
syndicate. A few years later, Grenville bought her for the 
expedition to the South Seas; the very fact that it was the 
Castle of Comfort which was to lead it cannot have given the 
government much confidence in his pacific intentions. Once 
within that closed sea, with the Castle of Comfort he could have 
inflicted even greater damage upon Spanish shipping than 
Drake’s Golden Hind, which was only of a burden of 180 tons 
and less heavily armed. It is curious to think it might have been 
the Castle of Comfort, instead of the Golden Hind, which might 
have garnered all that fame. 

On the collapse of the South Sea scheme, and having been 
jointly owned for a time by Grenville and William Hawkins in 
partnership, she was at sea again in the spring of 1575. For in 
May, serving under licence from Huguenot Rochelle, she cap- 
tured a ship of Catholic St. Malo, belonging to one Guillaume 
Le Fer and worth some ^£5,000. Sir Arthur Champernowne, 
Vice-Admiral of Devon, wrote to Burghley in September that 
she was then riding in Cawsand Bay (the red cliffs of Cawsand), 
having taken a ship of Queenborough which she refused to 
deliver. ^ He asks for a special Commission from Burghley and the 
Lord Admiral against her - in itself some indication that by 
now, Grenville and Hawkins, a relative and a friend, had 
ceased to be responsible for her. Such was in fact their plea 
when the case brought by the St. Malo merchant was brought 
before the Court of Admiralty. Le Fer had gone on with his 
^efforts to obtain redress; it appears that the ship, Le Sauveur of 
St. Malo, was taken off the coast of Ireland, when coming from 
the Levant; that her crew were set on land at Baltimore and 
the ship brought into Chepstow,® They valued her goods at 

1 Williamson, Hawkins, 159. * Hatfield Papers, ii, 113. 

® Cal. S.P. Foreign 215. 


60,000 crowns. But nothing was done until next year; mean- 
while the Castle of Comfort^ under her captain Anthony Garew, 
went merrily on collecting fresh charges against her. 

On 29 April 1576, the Privy Council summoned Grenville 
and Hawkins ‘to make their appearance here with as conven- 
ient speed as they might, for the answering of certain goods and 
merchandizes taken by a ship called the Castle of Comfort from a 
ship of St. Male’s, the particularities whereof they shall more 
fully understand at their coming.’ ^ We do not know whether 
they made their appearance then or sent written answers; 
probably one of them attended and it appears to have been 
Grenville upon whom rested the burden of the defence. On 
27 May, the Council wrote to the Judge of the Admiralty 

‘committing to him the consideration of the cause betwixt the 
Frenchman of St. Malo and Mr. Grenville, for which purpose 
there is sent unto him certain examinations taken in the behalf 
of the Frenchmen and Mr. Grenville’s answer to the same; he 
is required to consider thereof by conference with the parties if 
he shall so think good, and to return his opinion thereof by 
Friday next in the Star Chamber/ * 

When Friday came, the report of the Judge on the issues in dis- 
pute was by no means clear; and, on i June, 

‘for so much as it appeared that sundry points stood upon proof 
so as the very truth could not be discerned, it was ordered by 
their Lordships that the said Judge should with all expedition 
proceed to the further examination thereof according to the due 
course of the law, that thereupon the matter might be deter- 
mined according to justice.’ ® 

In consequence, we have the deposition of 19 July 1576, 
entered into one of the large parchment-bound books of the 
Court of Admiralty * - one of the few personal appearances that 
Grenville makes before us, in which we can hear him, as if in 
the flesh, answering in his own words. Almost one imagines the 
large paper volume with its clasp being handled by Mr. Doctor 

^ A,P.C. IX, III. 2 j^o. ’ibid. 132. 

* H.G.A. Examinations, vol. 22, 19 July 1576. 



Lewis or Mr. Doctor Caesar, Judges of the Admiralty, the broad 
pages smacking, not unlike ship’s canvas, the scratching pen of 
the scribe on that summer’s day. We derive a very definite and 
convincing impression of Grenville on this occasion of his 
appearance; his behaviour and his replies are uncompromising. 
He denies the content of the first four articles - ‘non credit 
eosdem articulos esse veros in aliquo.’ On the fifth, he is more 
informative and replies that 

‘the captain and owner of the Castle of Comfort^ being a French- 
man, and the mariners and soldiers of that ship having licence 
from the Prince of Conde, and being first assaulted and shot at, 
by the articulate ship called The Saviour^ and after a number of 
the Castle of Comfort were hurt and one slain, did prevail against 
the said ship, and boarded and apprehended the same, and 
brought her to the ports mentioned in this article. Et aliter non 
credit articulum esse verum in aliquo, saving that he believeth, 
that the said captain and company did by the way of sale and 
otherwise dispose of the said goods, as they thought good.’ 

To the sixth article he replies that he 

‘was not owner of the said ship called the Castle of Comfort^ at the 
time of the apprehension and taking of The Saviour ^ for that he 
had made full sale thereof to the said French captain called 
Jolliffe, when she was furnished and before she did go to the 

The next three articles he denies according to the formula. 
To the tenth, he makes a characteristic reply; he says that ‘he 
believeth that he is not bound to answer to these particular 
values for that he cannot being no merchant esteem the values 
of the commodities mentioned in the schedule.’ To the eleventh, 
he will not reply at all; but he has next to admit that ‘the vic- 
tuals and furnitures mentioned . . . came, before the said sale 
made to Joliffe, from the houses of this respondent and Mr. 
Hawkins, by their consents and with their knowledge.’ The 
next articles also he refuses, and then again admits ‘that this re- 
spondent, having then an intent to make a lawful voyage to the 
Newfoundland, did before the said sale appoint such officers, 



masters and persons in the said ships as are mentioned . , . who 
after, were wholly at the direction of the said Joliife.’ The six- 
teenth and seventeenth he denies, ‘saving that this respondent 
had two of his servants in the said ship, appointed by this 
respondent to receive money for the said ship and furniture 
according to the covenant made between this respondent and 

Such was his story. It is impossible not to conclude that the 
sale of the ship to Jolis was a put-up job. Here was the ship 
victualled and furnished by Hawkins and Grenville, manned 
entirely by Englishmen engaged by him, though under a French 
captain, and with two servants of Grenville aboard as re- 
ceivers. It is permissible to suppose that if Jolis really had pur- 
chased the ship, the purchase-money was to be raised as they 
went along from the prizes they took - only another way of 
Grenville’s receiving the profits from her privateering. Of 
course, the sale was a fiction, and more than likely was thought 
of after the lucrative capture of The Saviour, Grenville and Haw- 
kins were determined not to lose their hold upon the prize; and 
the fiction provided them with an ingenious defence. But such a 
coup could not be repeated; and it is probable that having made 
their gain, they did then sell the ship, for we do not hear of her 
again in their ownership. The St. Malo merchants received no 
redress; for two years later we find the French King writing to 
Elizabeth, drawing her attention to their grievance, ‘neither our 
letters in their behalf nor their own suit having so far profited 
them.’ ^ So the Castle oj Comfort^ in spite of remonstrances, 
arrests, executions of writs, went sailing on out of our ken, 
beyond all remembrance. 

The week before his appearance in the Court of Admiralty, 
Grenville had obtained licence to alienate his London house. ^ 
Evidently he had determined to return to the West Country, 
upon the failure of his great project, and to make that the main 
centre of his activities henceforward. The house where he had 
been living of late years when in London, was the great St. 

^ Cal. S.P. Foreign 1377-8^ 479. 

^12 July 1576. Pat. Rolls Eliz. 1145, mem. 36. 



Leger house in the parish of St. Olave’s, Southwark. It looked 
out upon the water between the quay next St. Olave’s Church 
on the west and the bridge-house on the east; on the south was 
the lane leading up to it. The house then was in the shadow of 
London Bridge. It was a great house of stone and timber, ‘an 
ancient piece of work and seemeth to be one of the first built 
houses on that side the river over against the city.’i It had 
formerly been the town house of the abbot of St. Augustine’s, 
Canterbury, had passed to Sir Anthony St. Leger, the Lord 
Deputy, then to Warham St. Leger and from him to Grenville. 

There are other indications which point to Grenville’s in- 
terests turning permanently to the West Country. A series of 
entries upon the Close Roll at this time dealing with his finan- 
cial and business transactions, reveals that he was buying land 
there.® It would seem that the capital he had hoped to employ 
more spectacularly in the South Sea Voyage, was now free for 
domestic investment. At the end of May he entered into a 
number of indentures, mainly with his cousins the Bassets, by 
which they released to him for certain sums of money, the manor 
of Lancras in Devon. George Basset of Tehidy in Cornwall, the 
head of the Cornish branch of the Bassets, sold his interest in 
the manor for ^*1,300, with the proviso that if within two years 
from then (28 May 1576) he should repay Grenville that sum 
‘at or in the mansion house of the said Richard Grenville where- 
in he now dwelleth in Stowe,’ the bargain should be void. Sir 
Arthur Basset of Umberleigh sold Grenville his interest in the 
manor, and, for £200, the little hamlet called Upcott Snelard 
by Bideford.® From Edward Hungerford, the heir of the Hun- 
gerfords, who had held considerable estates in Cornwall, he 
bought the manors of Wolston and Widemouth, properties con- 
veniently near Stowe. This purchase was spread over a year.^ 
On 10 July 1576, Hungerford acknowledged that he had 
received 200 marks from Grenville according to his bond ‘be- 
tween the hours of one and four of the clock in the afternoon of 

^ of London, 155. * Close Rolls Eliz. 987, 18 May 1576. 

* ibid. Roll 990, 12 May 1576. 

^ ibid. Roll 990, 28 May; Roll 1007, 2 February 1577; Roll 1013, 10 July 
1577 - 



the same day, in the Temple Church in London, at the font 
stone there’; and on 2 February 1577, between two and four 
in the afternoon at the same place he received the remaining 
sum of ;f^300. Probably in order to raise these sums conveniently 
and speedily, he entered into two recognisances with George 
Fletcher, hosier, of Southwark - evidently a near neighbour to 
St. Leger house - the first for 1,000 marks, the second for £ 500 , 
to be paid on the Feast of St. Bartholomew next, 24 August 

In these same years he was spending largely upon the build- 
ing operations at Buckland. He was engaged, as were so many 
others of his class, in transforming the Abbey into a comfortable 
and up-to-date Elizabethan mansion. But where others were 
taking the obvious line “ like his northern neighbour William 
Abbot at Hartland, or the Eliots at St. Germans - making 
their house out of the existing domestic buildings and leaving 
the monastic church to go to ruin or become a parish church, 
Grenville was making his house out of the church and leaving 
the cloister and domestic buildings. It was certainly very queer, 
but in the result, extraordinarily successful. 

Amicia, Countess of Devon, had lighted upon an attractive 
spot for her foundation in 1278 of a Cistercian house at Buck- 
land. The Abbey stands protected from the blasts that blow 
upon the high downs above: a green sheltered nook fed by the 
streams running down to the Tavy, doubly secured among its 
walls, the same that the monks built confirming the narrow 
closes, some of which are gardens, another Sir Richard’s bowl- 
ing green, shadowed by the yews the monks planted and which 
yet stand sentinel there. From the south side of the house, the 
silver streak of the Tamar is visible in the distance; on the slopes 
around are the woods of the Abbey - the park is now beauti- 
fully treed with beeches - and in the middle distance, hiding 
the Tavy are the woods still belonging to the Edgcumbes. All 
about are the little winding lanes running down to Bere Alston, 
and around to Milton Combe and such places. From the slopes 
higher up, above the hollow in which the house lies, all the 
country is within sight of the Cornish hills on the further side of 

1 ibid. Roll 1000, 18 July 1576. 



the Tamar valley. From Buckland Monachorum, the attendant 
village about a mile away, the whole distance to the south-west 
is dominated by the lovely rounded form of Kit Hill, above 
Callington, where in those days the tinners held their assem- 
blies. So that this little cut-off patch of Devonshire, between 
the great Roborough Down and the junction of Tavy and 
Tamar, gives the impression of being singularly in touch with 
Cornwall, as indeed it looks westward towards it. But in addi- 
tion, it is very well placed in relation to Plymouth, near to it 
though itself remaining withheld from it, not too accessible. It 
was an ideal position for the Grenvilles, if they wanted to re- 
main close at hand to a town growing so rapidly in trade and in 
maritime importance. No doubt, if they had remained there, 
they would have come in time to exercise a great influence 
over it. 

From the time of Grenville’s grandfather, Sir Richard the 
Marshal, little or nothing had been done at Buckland. If his 
son Roger had lived to succeed him, almost certainly the altera- 
tions, the transformation of the Abbey into a habitable man- 
sion, would have come earlier. For it appears that Roger lived 
here a little, since the year before he was drowned, his eldest 
child Charles was buried at Buckland Monachorum, on 28 
August 1544.^ Then, for the remainder of old Sir Richard’s 
life and during the long minority of the grandson, it is not 
likely that there was much family life there. But in these years 
after the South Seas project, particularly the later seventies, 
Grenville chiefly resided here. On i November 1578, his 
daughter Bridget was baptised at Buckland Monachorum; 
and on 19 September 1579, Cecil Grenville, son of John, 
Grenville’s uncle.^ 

The transformation of the Abbey church into a mansion was 
complete by 1576 - at least that is the date given on the frieze 
of the great fire-place in the hall. On the whole it is remarkable 
how conservative Grenville was in the changes he made: per- 
haps that was the point of the plan he adopted, it enabled the 
change to be carried through at a minimum of cost. He left the 
external arrangements of the monastic buildings virtually un- 

^ Buckland Monachorum Parish Register. 



touched; the great tithe-barn of superb proportions - it is the 
finest in the West Country, remained with the farm-buildings as 
they were ; so also with the gate-house and its little tower, and 
the girdle of walls with the screen of yews, around the inner 
precinct of the monastery. The external structure of the church, 
with its central tower, he kept almost intact, contenting him- 
self with pulling down the two transepts so as to straighten the 
line of the building and to enable his great hall within to be 
lighted from without. 

Within, the changes were more drastic; three floor-levels 
were inserted throughout the building, keeping the ceilings low 
in accordance with Elizabethan taste. The nave of the church 
was divided up into three reception rooms, with bedrooms and 
a withdrawing room above. A floor was inserted over the whole 
space and carried through the choir, which then became the 
hall. This, as may be expected with an Elizabethan house, is 
the finest and most elaborately decorated room of all. Its pro- 
portions are beautifully simple; it is a regular rectangle, broad 
in relation to its length, so that with the low-pitched ceiling, it 
subtly conveys the impression of being more a square than it is. 
Its chief decoration is the plaster ceiling, with exquisite rib- 
work and pendants, and with great brackets in the form of 
caryatids. At the west end is a decorative frieze portraying a 
scene which, being allegorical, such as the Elizabethans loved, 
may throw some light on the mood, at the time, of him who 
had it made. Under a vine, there is a knight resting, his arm 
against the tree, upon which he has hung up his shield. All his 
harness and armour lie in a heap away from him alongside his 
war-horse at rest; beside the knight are an hour-glass and a 
skull. It is a mood of retirement and reflection. 

It is curious to think how little the house has changed since 
then - how what it is now we owe to him, not to his great suc- 
cessor who needed not to change anything; still more, this being 
so, how little memory of that association remains. For Gren- 
ville’s name at Buckland has entirely gone out of mind; there 
are only those few entries in the early Register at Buckland 
Monachorum, so carefully written in by the Elizabethan vicar. 
To most people who are attracted by the historic memories of 



the place, it is not Grenville they think of: his name counts for 
nothing in the story of the house. And yet he made it what it is; 
it is the one indubitable thing he did that still remains to us. 
The house is his memorial; his mark is on everything there: the 
lay-out of it is his, his is the great hall and its frieze, the Gren- 
ville clarion is his signature upon the stone fire-places of the 
house. Here then, where everything at Stowe and at Bideford 
has perished, we move among the things amid which years of his 
life passed; occupied about his business, making his plans for 
the future, begetting his children, carrying out his duties to his 
family and to the state. 

The latter, in the nature of things, became more weighty as 
time went on; particularly after he became Sheriff of Cornwall, 
to which oflBice he was appointed at the end of this year. It is to 
this time too that we owe another of the very few occasions 
upon which we can, through the documents that remain, come 
into any personal touch with him; even so, it is tantalisingly im- 
personal in character. We know from the delightful Richard 
Carew of Antony how sociable was the life of the Cornish gentry 
at this time. Because they lived in an out-of-the-way corner of 
the land and were driven back upon their own society, they 
were even more hospitable and given to visiting each other’s 
homes than elsewhere: 

‘They converse familiarly together, and often visit one an- 
other. A gentleman and his wife will ride to make merry with 
his next neighbour; and after a day or twain, those two coupjies 
go to a third; in which progress they increase like snowballs till 
through their burdensome weight they break again.’ ^ 

Grenville, with his many interests, his houses in South Devon 
near the Cornish border, and at Stowe and Bideford, and with 
relations everywhere, had extended opportunities. 

So it is that we have notes of some of the visits that he made, 
chiefly to his friends and relations at Roscarrock, or to his 
cousin George Grenville at Penheale, in whom he had great 
trust and liking, from a curious and interesting diary kept in 
this year by a fellow Cornish gentleman who knew him well.^ 
1 Carew, i79--i8o. 2 S.P. Supplementary, vol. 16. 



Elizabethan diaries are few and far between, so that the man 
who kept this one must have been interesting and in his way 
remarkable. He was William Carnsew, of Bokelly in St. Kew. 
His family came from Carnsew in the parish of Mabe, where 
they still had property.^ He was a man of substance, having a 
good deal of property in several parishes; and with Peter 
Edgcumbe he was among the small group of Cornish land- 
owners who were interested in mining speculation. 

The Diary gives us what is so rare to find, a picture of the 
man himself, his interests, what he did with his time, what he 
thought about and speculated and read. It is somewhat sur- 
prising to find, a country gentleman of no importance living 
in a remote corner of the land, how interested he was in con- 
temporary affairs, and what an impression they made on him. 
It is clear how concerned he and his friends were in what was 
happening abroad, in the struggle between Catholics and Pro- 
testants, Spaniards and Netherlanders on the continent. On 
4 November 1576, the Spanish soldiery sacked Antwerp, the 
richest city of the north; some seven thousand lives were lost in 
the ‘Spanish Fury.’ On 29 November, Carnsew heard of it at 
home in Cornwall: ‘this month the Antwerp was sacked and 
burnt by the Spaniards, the 4 day as I have been informed.’ A 
few days later, after noting the great storm which blew some 
of his house away and the large number of shipwrecks brought 
in upon the coast, he has the tell-tale entry: ‘at home all day, 
talked of the burning of Antwerp.’ At the very end of December, 
the last day of the old year, he notes: ‘rain, mists, read the des- 
truction of Antwerp.’ It made an impression upon his mind 
much like that made by the events in Spain upon ours. 

In addition to these high matters, and such reading as Calvin’s 
Institute and his Epistles, there were the ordinary country pur- 
suits, planting trees, shearing sheep, harvesting, walking about 
his grounds, administering a potion to the vicar who was sick 
(he soon after died), paying and receiving visits. It is upon 
these that we get occasional glimpses, all too few, of Grenville 
at ease among his friends. On 13 March, we read: ‘Went to 
Roscarrock, whereat I met Mr. Richard Grenville and Mr. 

^ G. Henderson, History of the Parish of Mabe. 



Arundell Trerice; lay there.’ Next day: ‘at Roscarrock all day 
playing and trifling the time away; lay at Roscarrock; a gray 
horse fell down and would not stand.’ On the isth, they were 
evidently up early and away: ‘breakfast at Cannys house: rode 
to Tintagel with Mr. Grenville.’ In August, which was very 
wet and stormy this year, Grenville was again at Roscarrock, 
this time with Sir Arthur Basset and others, where Carnsew 
joined them. Again in October, on the 1 7th, another rainy day, 
Carnsew rode over to meet ‘Mr. Basset, Mr. Grenville, Mr, 
Monk and Mr. Alexander Arundell, which all rode away gan 
we rode to Fowey.’ The Roscarrocks would seem to have been 
very hospitable, or else Grenville very much liked their com- 
pany. Thomas Roscarrock, who was living there then, was a 
man of forty-five; he had a numerous family and a large num- 
ber of brothers, two of whom were Catholics, Nicholas who 
was afterwards racked, a man of antiquarian pursuits, who re- 
tired to the shelter of Lord William Howard’s house at Naworth, 
where he compiled his large volume on the lives of the Saints; 
and Trevennor, whom we hear of in prison later for the Faith.^ 
But these divisions had not yet attained their later acute form, 
dividing and embittering the relations of families. However, 
the time was not far distant: the sack of Antwerp which so 
excited Carnsew was a portent. 

In the second week of November, he has a note in the margin 
to say ‘Mr, Richard Grenville buyeth the manor of Stratton of 
Mr. Danvers,’ which seems to be our only reference to the trans- 
action. But it shows Grenville going on with the process of 
adding to his properties in that area around Stowe. December 
brought dry weather and on the 12th, Carnsew ‘rode to Pen- 
heale: met Mr. Edgcumbe there, with whom I charged Mr. 
Richard Grenville for the Sheriffwick of Cornwall. George 
Grenville was sworn commissioner of the peace.’ In January of 
the new year, Carnsew himself was entertaining at Bokelly: ‘6: 
Many hawked with me. George Grenville, Richard Carew, 
Richard Champernowne, their brethren.’ On the i8th, he had 
a visit from Grenville: 

^ Sir John Maclean, History of Trigg Minor, i, 556-63; The Household Books 
of Lord William Howard (Surtees Society 1877); Catholic Record Society, vol. i. 



‘Walked about my ground, Mr. Sheriff with me, who rode to 
William Vyell’s to make a marriage for George Grenville with 
Jill VyelL 19: rode to Camelford with the Sheriff: met George 
Grenville there. The Queen’s or Council’s letters were con- 
sidered there. 21: At Trevorder: met Mr. Arundell Trerice, 
Mr. Carew, George Grenville who promised to marry Jill 

It looks as if the Sheriff were the prime mover in the marriage 
of his cousin George, who had remained unduly long un- 
matched; the latter very dutifully obeyed, for before long we 
find him duly married to Julyan, daughter and a co-heiress of 
William VyelL 

Grenville now as Sheriff for the year 1577 ~ he had been ap- 
pointed in November 1576 - had a good deal of public business 
to attend to. Much of the correspondence between the Govern- 
ment and the county relating to local or to public affairs 
passed through the hands of the Sheriff; he stood at the head of 
the Justiciary, the gentlemen of the county. In later medieval 
times the office had lost something of its earlier importance, but 
it was still an onerous responsibility - so much so that men did 
not seek it and many hoped to avoid it. Nevertheless it was a 
position of honour which the leading gentry knew must come 
round to them once in their lives. Moreover, its actual im- 
portance varied with the stress of the times; a year of threatened 
invasion, of internal crisis — and it was an important matter 
who the Sheriff was, whether he were capable of giving a firm 
lead: the emergency brought out the character of the man. 

It is well to bear this in mind, for Grenville’s year of office 
was made memorable by a course of action which left its mark 
in the history of the country. 




The outstanding problem within the country was that of the 
Catholics. In Europe the issue between Catholicism and Pro- 
testantism was being fought out in sanguinary civil wars; only 
the integration and strong cohesion of the English state pre- 
vented the same thing happening here. That good fortune we 
owed to the nature of the Elizabethan settlement - a political 
arrangement if ever there was one — and to Elizabeth’s sensible 
pursuit of purely political objectives. She was, providentially, 
no religious believer. All the same, her government was in a 
quandary - the Established Church aroused no one’s ardour or 
belief. It was a political compromise and most minds were in- 
capable of the subtlety necessary to appreciate the inner reason 
of compromise. Spiritual fervour and devotion were to be 
found either on the side of the Catholics or of the Puritans. It 
is fair to say that the finest minds, those most refined and philo- 
sophical, though at the same time most unyielding and selfless, 
men like Edmund Campion or Robert Southwell, the poet, 
were Catholics. Hardly anyone cared for the Anglican church 
- it was filled with time-servers; the Queen herself did not care 
for it and had a well-merited contempt for most of its ministers. 
However, it was politically necessary: that was her attitude; 
and, given time, it would develop an ethos of its own and a case 
for itself. That happens; since men are so easily moulded, any 
regime, given long enough, will mould them to its pattern - 
they have so little capacity by which to resist. After Elizabeth 
was dead, men began to discover, as they would, beauty in the 
English church, satisfaction in its formularies. 

In the seventies the problem of Catholicism became acute: 



twelve years of Elizabeth’s sceptical compromising and men 
began to lapse back into the old Faith, which was at any rate a 
faith. The Papal Bull of Excommunication had marked the 
dividing line; the issue could not be left in doubt any longer; 
one side or the other must win. Catholicism was making great 
progress, particularly at the universities, where minds were most 
sensitive to the winds of doctrine and had least judgment of 
political realities. A considerable number of young Fellows of 
colleges went over to Catholicism. How could they help it? - it 
had so much greater appeal to the sincere than the new State- 
made Church. Besides, there was a nucleus of able exiles 
abroad, of whom the centre was Dr. William Allen, later 
Cardinal, who founded the Catholic seminary at Douai, which 
drew them as a magnet. Oxford was especially susceptible to 
its impulse - the seminary had been created by Oxford men. 
When the time came to make martyrs of them - if they were 
to be held in check - of the first thirteen seminarists to be 
martyred, ten were Oxford men. 

In Cornwall, the situation was not dangerous, for after the 
lesson of 1549, when Comishmen had been killed in their 
numbers on the heath outside Exeter, the county accepted 
tranquilly the religious forms the Government, in its greater 
wisdom, thought fit to impose. But it was awkward that the 
richest and most powerful family, the Arundells of Lanheme, 
had not accepted the new Establishment and continued in their 
old ways, devout Catholics. For this meant a certain radius of 
Catholic influence, where they held their property and where 
they had relatives. Their influence in the county had become 
less in late years by the very fact of their Catholicism; but also 
because in recent generations they had been making very 
exalted marriages, which carried them beyond the ranks of the 
other Cornish gentry. The eleventh Sir John Arundell, of 
Henry VIII’s reign, who refused the offer of a peerage at the 
time of the Field of the Cloth of Gold, married the sister and 


co-heiress of Thomas Grey, first Marquis of Dorset and half- 
brother to Elizabeth of York, Henry VII’s Queen. His son, Sir 
Thomas Arundell, married Lady Margaret Howard, sister of 
Queen Catherine Howard. In the third generation, the grand- 
son, the thirteenth knight, married a daughter of the Earl of 
Derby and widow of Lord Stourton. These marriages perhaps 
aroused the jealousy of the other Cornish gentry; in spite of 
an occasional alliance, the Arundells did not move on a footing 
with the others: there was not the same friendly equality as 
among the Grenvilles, the Edgcumbes, the Arundells of 
Trerice, the Godolphins. And their Catholic and Spanish sym- 
pathies provided an opening for their enemies. At the time of 
the taking of the Spanish treasure at Saltash, Sir Arthur 
Champernowne wrote to Cecil that there were only three 
people in the town who favoured the cause of the Spaniards 
and of these one was ‘Glowborowe, servant to Sir John 
Arundell.’ ^ 

But in the affairs of the county at large, the Arundells, though 
unsympathetic to their direction, were discreet; they were in- 
dubitably loyal and they lay low. They were extremely popular 
with the people in Cornwall, in their own neighbourhood 
greatly beloved, and they remained so until they left Cornwall 
at the beginning of the eighteenth century for Wardour. But 
there was a prominent connection of theirs who was altogether 
less discreet, and perhaps not even loyal. 

This was Francis Tregian of Golden, a charming Tudor house 
not greatly changed, though now it has descended to being a 
farm-house, lost among the winding lanes off the main road to 
Truro, in the rich farming lands between Probus and the sea- 
coast. Francis was the son of that John Tregian, whom Gren- 
ville’s grandfather, old Sir Richard, might have had as the 
husband of his daughter Margaret, with a good jointure to 
boot. 2 Sir John Arundell, the twelfth, took advantage of the 
lost opportunity and married his daughter Katherine to Tre- 
gian. The Tregians, though a new family, were among the 
richest in Cornwall. They had made a fifteenth-century fortune 
in commerce, then married an heiress of the Wolvedon family 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 48, no. 60. 2 v. ante p. 33““4‘ 



who brought Golden with her, and now were possessed of a 
large number of goodly manors in the Roseland country and 
in other parts of the county. Francis Tregian was the child of 
this Arundell marriage; and, completing his assimilation to the 
old aristocracy, he married the daughter of Lord Stourton, 
whose widow, we have seen, became the wife of the thirteenth 
Sir John Arundell, Tregian's uncle. This made them a closed 
circle, Catholic, devout, self-consciously aristocratic. 

All that we know of Francis Tregian reveals him as an obstin- 
ate though ineffectual ievot^ but a man of culture and taste ~ 
something of the type of the Venerable Philip, Earl of Arundel, 
who followed the Court gaily in his young days and then either 
through disappointment or marriage fell out of temper with 
it and took to religion. We find that in 1570, shortly after his 
marriage and at the height of the struggle with the Catholic 
aristocracy, Tregian was 'upon causes of great importance 
enforced by the space of almost ten months suppliantly to follow 
the Lords of the Council.’ ^ Some years later, after Norfolk had 
been brought to the block and the Catholic opposition reduced, 
Tregian’s name appears with several other well-known Catho- 
lics on a list headed ‘Fugitives from England,’ begging for the 
Queen’s favour and pardon to return to England, ‘and desiring 
to spend their lives in her Majesty’s service . . . and they will 
discover themselves upon her Majesty’s good acceptance of their 
dutiful affection and zeal.’ ^ From an altogether less reputable 
source, a silly seventeenth-century life of Tregian by his grand- 
son Francis Plunkett, a very low example of Catholic hagio- 
graphy,^ we learn that several attempts were made upon his 
virtue while at Court by no less a person than the Queen, who 
developed a passion for him and sent to him in the night. But 
he was a miracle of chastity: no less than sixty-five crosses (we do 
not learn the significance of the number) appeared upon the 
sheets of his bed, as the providential traces of his virtue; and to 
avoid such embarrassing attentions, even though stimulating in 

^ Quoted from the Oscott MSS- in Morris, Troubles of our Catholic Fare- 
fathers, vol. i. 

2 Hatfield Papers, XIII, 117. 

® Boyaii, Plunkett’s ‘Life of Francis Tregian , Record Society, vol. 32. 



grace, he fled from the Court, and Elizabeth out of vexation 
ordered the laws against Catholics to proceed! 

So much for hagiography. But there is nothing inherently 
improbable in the story that Elizabeth took favour on him and 
offered to make him Vice-Gomes ~ for the grandson, being an 
Irish exile living abroad, did not know that all that meant was 
to be Sheriff of the county; nor in the information that at Court 
he encouraged Catholics not to yield and was a proselytiser. 
Whatever the reason, thwarted and fanatically believing, he 
retired to his Cornish estates where he could enjoy the private 
consolations of religion, thereby endangering the safety and 
well-being of all those who joined in them and the very life of 
the poor misguided priest who administered them. 

The priest, Cuthbert Mayne, was a Devonshire man, coming 
not far from Grenville’s part of the country, for he was born 
in the parish of Sherwell, near Barnstaple, in 1544, so that he 
was three years younger than Grenville.^ Mayne’s uncle, who 
had conformed and was the holder of a fat parsonage, had sent 
him to Oxford, where he entered St. John’s College. Oxford, 
we have seen, was at this time under the influence of the 
Catholic revival; some of her most distinguished sons were 
already abroad working, and many of her best men remaining 
felt the impulse. Certain colleges were particularly affected by 
it, notably Exeter, where the Rector himself was a Catholic and 
went into exile with several of his Fellows, and St. John’s, where 
the brilliant Edmund Campion became a convert and went to 
Douai in 1571. At Trinity the Devonshireman Thomas Ford, 
also afterwards martyr, was converted in 1 570 and went abroad. 

These events, for Ford was his friend and he must have known 
Campion well, had their influence upon Mayne; two years 
before he left Oxford, his sympathies were already Catholic. 
Some letters from his friends overseas came into the hands of the 
Bishop of London, who sent a pursuivant to Oxford to arrest 
him and others of his circle. Mayne happened to be in the West 
Country^ and warned by his friend Ford, did not again return 
to Oxford. Early in the year 1573, he ‘took shipping on the 
coast of Cornwall, and so went to Douai when the seminary 
^ McElroy, Blessed Cuthbert Mayne, 29. 



there was but newly erected.’ ^ Here he remained for three 
years, studying theology; he was ordained priest in the Jubilee 
year 1575, in February 1576 took his degree as Bachelor of 
Divinity and in April left with another priest, John Payne, for 

Arriving in England, the two priests separated and Mayne 
made for his own West Country. On the night before he died, 
in his final examination, he said that 

‘coming from beyond seas to London, about a two years hence, 
he had a desire to place himself in the west country. Moving 
certain of his friends thereof they procured him unto Mr. 
Tregian, but what his friends’ names were he will not utter lest 
they should be troubled therefore.’ ® 

In the next article, he admits to having brought in letters for 
Tregian, so that it may be that the arrangement was already 
made by which Tregian was to receive him into his household, 
and that Mayne was concealing it for his benefit. It was not 
long before the authorities were aware that the two priests had 
sKpped into the country; for apparently their papers had been 
seized on landing. And there is a curious entry in June in the 
Diary at Douai of news of their death arriving at the college; 
either it is wrongly dated, or more probably it was due to a 
rumour that the authorities had captured them. 

Anyhow, Mayne reached Cornwall safely and lived in the 
household at Golden for a year before anything happened. 
Ostensibly he went about the country as Tregian’s steward; and 
since the latter’s estates reached as far as Tremolla near Laun- 
ceston, this gave Mayne an opportunity of travelling about, 
visiting Catholic families, reconciling the lapsed and adminis- 
tering the sacraments. He admitted in his last examination to 
having said mass, but would not say where or who were present. 
All this was, of course, contrary to the laws, and there were 
heavy penalties attached to the breach of them, though sub- 

^ Allen, A Brief e Historie of the Glorious Martyrdom of XII Reverend Priests 
(ed. Pollen, 1908), 106. 

* Knox, First and Second Douai Diaries^ 100, 

® S.P. Dom. Eliz. vol. 1 18, no. 46. 



sequently they became still heavier. For the Government was 
really alarmed at the progress Catholicism was making; and the 
threatened subversion of the established religion by the filtering 
in of Alien’s seminary priests, impossible as it seemed to stop 
them, threw the authorities into a panic. Cuthbert Mayne and 
John Fayne were only the first; from now on a regular supply 
flowed into the country, and from Rome, Louvain, Valladolid, 
as well as from Douai. Orders were issued to keep stricter 
watch on recusants, and pressure was put on the secular and 
ecclesiastical officials to certify them. 

The authorities in Cornwall could not be unaware of the fact 
that there was a priest at work in the Tregian household, for his 
ministrations went beyond to a wider circle. Catholic recusants 
had not yet learned the technique of secrecy, of hiding-places, 
and of keeping strict watch such as later enabled the Arundells 
in London and at Ghideock in Dorset to retain Fr. John Corne- 
lius as their chaplain for thirteen years. Mayne later admitted 
that ‘he hath often been at Sir John ArundelFs at Lanherne 
with his master, where he hath sometimes remained sevennight 
or fortnight together, and that he went not otherwise thither 
unless he were sent in some message of his master’s.’ ^ 

It was not to be expected that what was going on in the 
county could continue unnoticed or that the authorities should 
not intervene. The difficulty was on what authority could a 
Justice of the Peace intervene without a writ, and how was he 
to obtain a writ without evidence. It needed someone of deter- 
mination to deal with the situation; several of the Cornish 
Justices were not without the will, and some of them exhibited 
a most unpleasant vindictiveness throughout the proceedings 
against Mayne and his fellow Catholics. The Sheriff for the 
year 1576, however, made no move: he was George Kekewich, 
a courteous and easy-going old person. What was character- 
istic of Grenville when he came to face the situation left by his 
predecessor was his determination to force the position. 

From the exactness of his movements when he determined to 
strike, it is clear that he had been carefully informed about the 
interior arrangements of the Tregian household; he knew 

^ S.P. Dom, Eliz. no. 47. 



exactly where to find Mayne: someone must have turned in- 
former. In June, the Bishop of Exeter was holding his visitation 
at Truro, some half a dozen miles away from Golden; Grenville 
with some other Justices sought him out there and requested 
him to aid and assist him in searching Golden for the seminary 
priest who was lying there. After some deliberation it was 
agreed that not the Bishop, but the Bishop’s Chancellor, a legal 
official, should accompany the Sheriff and his company: a nice 
distinction such as the Inquisition was accustomed to make 
between the condemnation of a heretic and handing him over to 
the lay arm for execution. 

When they reached Golden, there was an altercation between 
Grenville and Tregian as to the right of entry and search. 
Tregian being weak allowed himself to be overborne: he might 
at least, if he had been at all effective, instead of being a passive 
devote have barricaded the house and enabled the priest to get 
away. To quote Cardinal Allen’s informant, who may have 
been an eye-witness of the scene: 

"As soon as they came to Mr. Tregian’s house the Sheriff first 
spake unto him saying, that he and his company were come to 
search for one Bourne, which had committed a fault in London, 
and so fled to Cornwall, and was in his house as he was in- 
formed. [Anthony Bourne was a fugitive from justice, who had 
fled into Cornwall and later across the seas.] Mr. Tregian 
answering that he was not there, and swearing by his faith that 
he did not know where he was, further telling him that to have 
his house searched he thought it great discourtesy, for that he 
was a gentleman as he was, for that he did account his house as 
his castle: also stoutly denying them, for that they had no 
commission from the Prince. 

"The Sheriff being very bold, because he had a great company 
with him, sware by all the oaths he could devise, that he would 
search his house or else he would kill or be killed, holding his 
hand upon his dagger as though he would have stabbed it into 
the gentleman. This violence being used he had leave to search 
the house.’ ^ 

^ Allen, 1 04-5. 



All this, one cannot but think, was very tame on Tregian’s part, 
first to have allowed himself to be caught napping, to have had 
no one on guard of all his servants; and secondly, to have put 
up no resistance to give Mayne the alarm. For the account goes 
on to say that, just before, Mayne had been in the garden ‘where 
he might have gone from them.’ He had now returned to his 
room and shut it fast. Grenville made straight for it and beat 
upon the door, which the priest then opened, 

‘As soon as the Sheriff came into the chamber,’ the account 
relates, ‘he took Mr. Mayne by the bosom and said unto him 
“What art thou?” and he answered “I am a man.” Whereat the 
Sheriff being very hot, asked whether he had a coat of mail 
under his doublet, and so unbuttoned it, and found an Agnus 
Dei case about his neck, which he took from him and called him 
a traitor and rebel with many other opprobrious names.’ 

Grenville now had his evidence; it was characteristic of him 
that by carrying himself with a high hand he should have 
obtained justification for his proceeding after the event. For to 
possess an Agnus Dei (it was a little wax imprint of a figure of a 
lamb made from the Paschal candles), or beads blessed by the 
Pope, was a penal offence under the Act of 157 1, punishable by 
imprisonment and confiscation of goods. Anyhow, Mayne was a 
fool to be wearing it - perhaps he thought it might be efficacious 
as a protection; that was not the sort of mistake made by the 
subtle, eel-like Jesuit, Parsons, when he came into the country 
three years later disguised as a soldier: he got away again. 
Mayne’s books and papers were seized and himself haled off to 
Truro, where he was examined by the Bishop. Then in the 
custody of the Sheriff he was taken ‘from one gentleman’s house 
to another’ across the eastern part of the county to Launceston, 
where he was lodged in close confinement in the gaol within the 
Castle. Tregian, meanwhile, as a gentleman of standing, was 
given bail. 

These proceedings were at once reported to the Council, for 
on 19 June they wrote to Grenville and his fellow Justices thank- 
ing them ‘as well for their pains taken in the diligent search for 
Bourne as for the apprehension of Mr. Tregian and others for 



matters of religion/ ^ The various papers and things found at 
Golden were sent up to the Council; for on i July, at a session 
at which the Earl of Bedford, the Lord Lieutenant of Devon and 
Cornwall, was present, a letter was sent to the Judges of Assize 
for Cornwall, enclosing the Bull of Indulgence taken at Golden 
‘and divers other relics used in popery, with some declaration 
of lewd matter prejudicial to the present state, with a special 
treatise against the Book of Common Prayer,’ and directing 
them to proceed in their examination of the matter and ‘admin- 
istering of justice according to the desert of their facts.’ ^ 

The hunt was up. Grenville’s independent and forceful 
action had set in motion the machinery of government; from 
now on the Council was to take the main burden of responsi- 
bility and to order the steps taken. They were grateful for so 
active and energetic a drive as Grenville was making against 
Papists throughout the county. The trouble in some parts of 
the country was that the local Justices could not be got to move, 
as in Lancashire: hence the survival of Catholicism there. Some 
trace of what was happening in Cornwall this summer remains 
in the Borough Accounts of Launceston, where we read: ‘To 
Mr. Sheriff when he searched St. Katherine’s for papist books, 
a potell of sack, and a potell of claret wine, 22<5?.’ ® No doubt it 
was hot work! St. Katherine’s was one of the chapels attached 
to the old buildings of the ruinous priory: one wonders if it was 
among the remnants of its library that Grenville was doing 

The Council was very encouraging: on 4 August, they wrote 
again to the Judges requiring them to examine Mayne and 
others at the next assizes, ‘and also to understand what others 
there are of that condition lurking in this realm, and in what 
place.’ ^ Already as the result of the investigations proceeding, 
a number of Catholic gentlemen had been sought out; for the 
Bishop of Exeter was ordered to take bonds of Robert Becket, a 
gentleman of a very good Cornish family and of considerable 
property, living at Cartuther near Liskeard, and of Richard 
Tremayne and Francis Ermyn, for their appearance before the 

1 A,P,a, IX, 364. 2 ibid. 375. 

® Peter: Histories of Launceston and Dtmheved, 212. 

* A,P.a, X, 6-7. 


Council. A number of others too were being indicted along 
with Mayne and Tregian. In fact, there was proceeding a 
general round-up of the Catholic elements in Cornwall, all 
except the Arundells themselves, who were too important to 
touch and against whom there was not as yet any evidence. 

Mayne waited for his trial in close imprisonment until the 
Michaelmas Sessions, when the Judges of the Western Circuit, 
Manwood and Jefferys, came to Launceston. It was Grenville’s 
duty as Sheriff to impanel the grand and petty juries. It is not 
necessary to suppose that they were packed,^ except in a sense 
in which all sixteenth-century juries were packed; that is to say, 
that the authorities did not choose to nominate those whom 
they thought would show favour to the accused. The grand 
jury was representative of the Cornish gentry, who supported 
the established order: there were on it, among others, Richard 
Carew of Antony, Peter Courtenay, John Arundell of Tolverne, 
Hannibal Vyvyan, Diggory Tremayne, Peter Killigrew, John 
Kempthorne, George Carnsew. They returned a true bill 
against the accused. The petty jury were impanelled from 
among the bourgeois of the towns, shopkeepers and traders: 
Sampson Piper who was Mayor of Launceston for this year, 
Thomas Hicks who had been Mayor the previous year, John 
Wills, a well-known resident of Saltash. They came from a class 
even more hostile to Catholicism than the gentry. 

Cardinal Allen’s account tells us that the Earl of Bedford was 
‘present at Mr. Mayne’s arraignment and did deal most in the 
matter.’ There is no other evidence for this, but Bedford was in 
the west this summer and at his house at Tavistock would be 
conveniently placed for the proceedings at Launceston. Mayne 
was tried upon several indictments, for saying mass, for bringing 
in and delivering an Agnus Dei^ for upholding the Pope’s author- 
ity within the realm; upon each of these he was condemned and 
sentenced to various penalties amounting to perpetual loss of 
lands, goods and liberty. But it was upon the charges of 
obtaining a Bull of absolution from the see of Rome, and 
of publishing it, that he was condemned of treason and 
sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered. Tregian, 

^ McElroy, 65-8. 



as his accessory, was condemned to loss of lands and goods, 
and imprisonment for life. On the charges of aiding Mayne 
upon each of these counts, a varying number of persons of 
Tregian’s Catholic circle, from ten to fifteen on each indict- 
ment, were condemned: theirs are the names given above.^ 
Upon a seventh indictment, that for simple recusancy and 
not coming to the church, several new names appear in 
addition to Tregian and those we know: they were Sir John 
Arundell, Nicholas Roscarrock (a cousinof Grenville’s), Joanna, 
the wife of Richard Tremayne, Mary Hame, Margaret, Wini- 
fred and David Kemp, Philip and Jane Tremayne, Robert and 
Jane Smith, Thomas Becket and Thomas Pickford. These were 
all persons of substance and sentenced to fines for the luxury of 
not attending Church. 

There was some disagreement between the Judges over the 
point made in Mayne’s defence that the Bull of Absolution 
made out for the Jubilee Year 1575 had expired: was it there- 
fore executable? Manwood, the Chief Justice, over-rode his 
dissentient colleague and gave the death sentence. But it was 
respited until the pleasure of the Council should be known. 
Allen says, ^after the twelve had given the verdict Guilty, the 
Judges gave sentence on him that he should be executed within 
XV days, but it was deferred until St. Andrew’s day, upon what 
occasion I know not.’ Meanwhile Grenville rode to London to 
inform the Council of the issue; for on 28 October, the Bishop 
of Exeter, who had been ordered to make a return of all the 
recusants in his diocese, wrote to the Council, 

‘for the Cornish travail, where are the greatest number of 
papists, and where I proposed first to begin, knowing that Mr. 
Richard Grenville was then ridden to London, I sent to Mr. 
Edmund Tremayne, praying him to supply his place, which he 
gladly did accomplish, and brought with him Mr. George Gren- 
ville, a very earnest and learned Justice of Cornwall, and in the 
mean season, sent also for Sir John Killigrew who readily 
came.’ ^ 

They were all ready for the work, and as the result of their 
^ V. ante p. 139. ® S.P. Dom. Eliz. 117, no. 25. 


joint labours, a schedule was sent up containing the names of 
all the chief recusants, including several new ones. 

On 12 November, the Council sent down their orders that 
the execution of Mayne was to go forward: 

‘the place of his execution to be at Launceston upon a market 
day; where after he shall be dead and quartered, his head to 
be set upon a post and placed in some eminent place within 
the said town of Launceston, and his four quarters to be likewise 
set upon four posts and placed the one at Bodmin, the second 
at Tregony, the third at Barnstaple and the fourth at Wade- 
bridge.’ ^ 

And so it happened that when the last ghastly rites were per- 
formed in the market-place at Launceston, upon a market-day 
for the better edification of the people, Grenville was not there, 
and his place was taken by his deputy, the Under-Sheriff. 

Mayne will always continue to be somewhat impersonal to 
us, we know so little about this first of the Douai martyrs. Far 
less, for example, than we know of Fr. John Cornelius, a Bodmin 
lad who came in his time too to be martyred: he was the clear 
type of the mystic, with whom the inner life was so strong that 
the life of this world seemed uncertain in comparison. ^ But on 
the night before Mayne suffered there was a final examination 
of him taken, which enables us to see something of what sort of 
man this was who resisted all their force and their persuasions 
alike.® Nothing could move him: he had the whole intellectual 
position worked out, from which he answered all their questions: 
his was the mind of the complete Counter-Reformation type. 

He told them, now that he was past all hope, that ^any that 
is a Catholic may not in any wise receive the Sacrament, come 
to the Church or hear the schismatical service, which is estab- 
lished in the same here in England.’ It must have been gall 
and wormwood to those who heard, for their first memories 


2 Martyred at Dorchester, 4 July 1594, having been taken at Chideock 
Castle, the Dorsetshire house of the Arundells. Records of the Society of JesuSy 
vol. 3. 

® S.P. Dom. Eliz. 118, no. 46. 



were those of the Catholic Faith. Further, he gave them his 

^that the people of England may be won unto the Catholic re- 
ligion of the see of Rome, by such secret instructors as either are 
or may be within the realm. But what these secret instructors 
are he will not utter, but hopeth when time serv^eth they shall 
do therein as pleaseth God ; and that those with others use secret 
conference to withdraw the minds of the subjects of this realm 
from the religion established in the same.’ 

He explained to them that the text of the Lateran Council 
found in a book of his, ‘signifying that though Catholics did now 
serve, swear and obey, yet if occasion were offered they should 
be ready to help the execution etc.,’ had been ratified by the 
Council of Trent, and that it meant ‘that if any Catholic prince 
took in hand to invade any Realm to reform the same to the 
authority of the see of Rome, that then the Catholics in that 
Realm invaded by foreigners should be ready to assist and help 
them and this was the meaning of the execution.’ 

It was a declaration of war: it was this theory of Papal 
absolutism overriding national sovereignty which justified the 
Elizabethan government in its harsh repression of Catholics; 
and if only Mayne knew it, or rather his superiors, Allen and 
Parsons, it was this setting of themselves against the trend of 
national feeling which made the position of the Catholic 
Church hopeless in England. No wonder the Justices who heard 
it were provoked to fury by it. 

Next day, St, Andrew’s day, 30 November, Mayne was 
dragged on a hurdle through the streets of Launceston from the 
castle to the market-place. At the gibbet, he would have spoken 
to the assembled crowd, but was prevented; and one of them 
made a last attempt to incriminate Sir John Arundell, probably 
for the benefit of the mob. He called out, ‘Now, villain and 
traitor, you are at the moment of death; tell us then truly 
whether Mr. Tregian and Sir John Arundell knew of the things 
you are to die for.’ Mayne was not to be caught by this, and 
took all the charges home to himself, as being ‘known only to 
me and no others.’ A moment later he was cast off the ladder, 


saying In mams tuas, Demine^ the words which so many others 
were to say after him in years to come, and as much in vain. 

It is a mistake to treat this chapter of events, as previously it 
has been treated, in all hagiographical literature, as a personal 
matter between Grenville and Mayne, or even between Gren- 
ville and the Arundells. It was much more important than 
that. We have seen that, from a personal point of view, it was 
at least the whole ruling gentry of Cornwall that accepted the 
Elizabethan system against those who did not. The poor Douai 
priest, the proto-martyr of the seminarists, was but the occasion 
for the destruction of the Catholic remnant in Cornwall. It 
was a very considerable remnant, much greater and more in- 
fluential than what remained in Devonshire; and if left to itself 
it would have grown, for there must have been some under- 
ground sympathy for Catholicism among the simplest people. It 
was Grenville’s great service to the Elizabethan government, 
during his year of office as Sheriff, to have seized his oppor- 
tunity to strike at this influential minority, and as might be 
expected, he struck hard and passionately. The result of it was 
the virtual end of Catholicism in the west. 

For his services in this hectic year of office, Grenville was 
awarded his knighthood: in itself no great matter, for his family 
was a knightly one and the head of it in each generation was 
accustomed to receive the honour. It would have come to him 
some time in any case; the occasion upon which he received it, 
the services for which it was conferred, were much more im- 


In addition to the main business of his term, there was a 
miscellany of other matters belonging to the routine of the 
office, of which the most burdensome, though perhaps to Gren- 
ville, since he was a martial man, the most congenial, was the 
taking of Musters. These were as yet early days to what the 
Musters, and the duties attendant upon them, subsequently 

^ He was knighted at Windsor in October. Shaw, Knights of England, 1 1 , 



became. Though there had been a war-scare in 1569-70, there 
was not yet the insistent pressure for defence which led Carew 
to claim with justice that Cornwall was burdened out of all 
proportion to Devon and the neighbouring counties. Training 
the able-bodied men of the shire had rather fallen behind with 
the early peaceful years of Elizabeth’s reign; and as yet, the 
authorities were content to draw out and train, if it could be 
called training, a number of men each year, mustering what 
weapons the country and themselves could provide, mainly 
pikes and bills, with a few arquebuses and muskets. Perhaps 
it partook more of a holiday, when the men were drawn to- 
gether from their fields and woods and pastures to some central 
place, to undergo a few summer days’ training, in those years 
when the danger of war was but a cloud upon their pastoral 

On 20 April, the Commissioners for Musters, Grenville 
among them, wrote that they had received the Council’s orders 
for levying, furnishing and training 200 soldiers, and that they 
had ordered the exercises to begin on St. George’s Even and 
to end on St. Mark’s DayA But by 26 September, the Council’s 
orders had still not been put into execution.- A new and 
terrible factor had intervened: now "considering the general in- 
fection of the plague, which presently is very great in divers 
places in this shire and that the assembly of the people might be 
a great occasion of the farther spreading thereof’ they have 
with the advice of the Judges of Assize postponed general 
musters till its mitigation. Meanwhile they had given com- 
mandment to the constables to view and take order of the 
parishioners in every parish to see that they were furnished with 

There is something affecting in these simple measures which 
it was the habit of our forefathers to take for defence of hearth 
and home. If the training in arms that they received was per- 
haps perfunctory, no doubt an amiable sociability was encour- 
aged, particularly in the towns, by the occasions it afforded. 
We read, for instance, in the accounts of the towm of Plymouth, 
where Sir Richard was this year upon the same business: Tteni 
^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 112, no. 22. ^ ibid. 115, n(j. 26, 


paid to Mr. Westlake for sugar when Sir Richard Grenville did 
muster upon the Hoe vid.’ ^ In 1580, when John Blitheman 
was Mayor, there was paid Tor a dinner and a supper bestowed 
upon Sir Richard Grenville Knight, Mr. Paget and others, 
XLS,’ and Tor their horse meat vns vid.’ Mr. Paget was the 
parson whom Grenville this year presented to the living of Kilk- 
hampton, upon the death (at last!) of his old great-uncle, John 
Grenville. Probably the two were on their way to Kilkhampton, 
where Paget was to be inducted. The appointment was not a 
success: Paget was a Puritan hot-gospeller, whose eventual 
eviction from the living led to another turbulent, though in this 
instance rather comic, episode in Grenville’s life. Such was the 
simple but deferential hospitality bestowed by the town of 
Plymouth, at Walter PeperelFs or Martin White’s or Chris. 
Harris’s, upon the neighbouring notables who happened to be 
passing through. 

Still more of his time was taken up, at the orders of 
the Council, by investigations into piracy with which the 
Channel was again rife and with which many persons living 
on the sea-board of Cornwall were connected. There were in 
particular two notorious pirates. Captain Hicks of Saltash, and 
Captain Hammond, whose deeds filled the Channel ports with 
lamentations. It needed persons like Grenville and William 
Hawkins, who were already sufficiently familiar with the more 
exalted art of privateering, to deal with these smaller fry. In 
August 1577, in the midst of the Mayne business, he was 
appointed to a commission, to inquire into the taking of a ship 
called Our Lady of Aransusia, which, laden with iron, was cap- 
tured off the coast of Galicia by Captain Hicks, and, it was 
thought, brought into the Helford River.^ They were to search 
there and find out into whose hands her lading had come. By 
October, Hammond had been caught and a serjeant of the Lord 
Admiral sent down to bring him up; Grenville was ordered to 
see Hammond safely guarded through Cornwall under the 
Serjeant’s conduction, ‘forasmuch as it is doubted lest there may 
be some practise used for the rescuing of the said Hammond 

^ Plymouth Muniments: Widey Court Book. 

2 A.P.C, 1577-8, 14. 



within that shire.’ ^ At the end of the year, as the result of the 
activities of a Commission of Piracy which had been appointed, 
a number of dealers in pirates’ goods were brought to light. 
They were for the most part persons of substance, such as 
Thomas St. Aubyn of Clowance, John Reskymmer, John Pen- 
rose and Peter Killigrew. Grenville was to take bonds of them 
for their appearance before the Council.^ 

Among other matters that fell to him was the job of inquiring 
into the quarrels of his choleric relation, Sir John Killigrew, 
whose differences first with Ambrose Digby and then with 
Henry Farnaby led to much disturbance of the peace in Corn- 
wall. We learn from the invaluable Carnsew' that Killigrew 
and Digby fought a duel at Truro this summer. It appears that 
the quarrel was over the matter of Anthony Bourne who had 
escaped from Pendennis Castle overseas. Since Digby was Vice- 
Admiral, he may have charged Sir John wdth being privy to it. 
This indeed seems to have been likely since Killigrew was in 
debt to Bourne.® Grenville and Edgcumbe were appointed to a 
Special Commission of inquiry, which found that Bourne had 
left the country without license at Falmouth on 2 June in the 
previous year.^ Sir John, having meanwhile repaired to the 
Council to answer the charges and lay others of his own against 
Digby, the whole matter was committed to Grenville and 
Edgcumbe and others to inquire into. They did their best to 
smooth things over; certainly nothing incriminating transpired 
as regards Killigrew’s relations with Bourne. Later on both 
Killigrew and Digby were sworn to abide by the arbitration of 
Bedford; in the end Bedford awarded a sum of money to be paid 
as compensation to Digby, so that it is clear Sir John w^as, as 
usual, in the wrong.® 

The dispute between Killigrew and Farnaby was even more 
tiresome and took longer; it is only of any interest now since it 
provides one of the few notices remaining of the Truro family 
of Farnabys, which produced in the next generation the charm- 
ing Caroline musician, Giles Farnaby. Over some matter of 

1 A.P C. 67. ^ ibid. 82. 

^ Exchequer K.R. Special Com., 3017. ^ ibid. 542. 

s A.P.C, 1577-^^ 142, 175, 210, 215; A.P.C. 1578-80, 339. 



debt. Sir John took the law into his own hands and seized some 
of Farnaby’s property - with all the more gusto because he 
knew Farnaby was too poor to go to law about it. The matter 
had been committed by the Council, at the end of 1578, to 
Richard Trevanion and Robert Trencreek to inquire into. 
They did nothing about it, it is easy to see why: they clearly did 
not want to embroil themselves with a powerful old ruffian like 
Sir John, nor would they want to find a neighbour and connec- 
tion in the wrong. Someone more powerful was needed. So 
on 31 May, the Council wrote to Grenville placing him at the 
head of Trevanion and Trencreek in the Commission and, since 
nothing was returned from them, requiring him 

‘to signify unto them that they have forgotten their duty, and to 
require them to send up such examinations under both their 
hands as they have taken; or if the matter be not examined, 
then the said Sir Richard to join with them, and so to end the 
matter between them by both their consents if they can, or else 
to make certificate of their doings unto their Lordships.’ 

It is clear that the Council had confidence in Grenville as a 
competent servant of the Government; a confidence which, in 
spite of certain turbulent passages in the past and others which 
were yet to come, was not misplaced. Forceful, too forceful, as 
he was, he was a man to get things done; and as time went on, 
he came more and more to emancipate himself from the pull 
of his own private interests, and became more of a public 
servant, accepting his own disappointments without complaint 
and sacrificing his own course at the call of duty. In a month’s 
time, the Council received the report they had desired, and 
they were able to commit the case to the Justices of Assize where 
it went on its lumbering way, in the manner of Elizabethan 

This was not the last time that Grenville, at a word from the 
higher command, had to descend upon his kinsman, Sir John. 
The family at Arwennack, in spite of their high connections at 
Court, were going a rake’s progress to the fate that overtook Sir 
John’s son, disgrace and imprisonment in the Gatehouse at 

^ A.P.C, j 577-(9/ £246, 355; AP.C. isySSoy 148, S20i, 331. 



Westminster. Grenville seems to have dealt justly by them, 
without fear or favour. 

His own private affairs, in marked contrast to the Killigrews 
and the St. Legers, were fortunately prospering, though as they 
prospered, they became increasingly complex. The St. Legers 
of Annery, his wife’s family, were pursuing a headlong down- 
ward course; it is not difficult to see, even through the imper- 
sonality of these documents, that they were an easy-going, 
good-for-nothing, hard-drinking lot. In October 1574, John 
St. Leger, the son, was one of a band of three who committed a 
highway robbery on Hounslow Heath: they set upon a certain 
Thomas Phillpott, robbed him of a gold chain worth 100 marks, 
beat him and left him wounded there. ^ Next year, Sir John St. 
Leger was borrowing a large sum, ;;(^500, from a London mer- 
chant- taylor, at an exorbitant rate of interest: he was to repay 
the capital with a sum ot £100 as interest, within a year! This 
was contrary to the Statute of Usury, which only permitted up 
to 10 per cent.® 

But Sir John was by this time far gone and could not stop: he 
could only sell off his lands bit by bit, until he had made away 
with all his inheritance. Grenville came to his aid once and 
again, but being a man of business, upon good landed security. 
By 1577 he had advanced ;,{^8oo to him. Against that and for a 
further sum of ;^2O0, a debt of Sir John to Hugh Jones, a Lon- 
don mercer, for which Grenville made himself responsible, St. 
Leger granted away to him the fee-simple of the island of 
Lundy. It is a very complicated and involved document by 
which the transaction takes place; ^ and it makes pathetic read- 
ing, for behind its legal complexities may be discerned the very 
human hope of the St. Legers some day to regain this strip of 
their patrimony. It is provided that if they perform their agree- 
ments to pay the sums of money owing, then they might re- 
enter into possession of the Island and Manor. But they never 
did; and this is how Lundy came into the hands of the Gren- 
villes. It is curious to reflect as one looks out to sea from the 
high ground between Kilkhampton and Bideford, to that fine 

^ Middlesex Sessions Rolls, i. 89. ^ ibid. 93. 

^ Close Roll a® 20 Eliz. part i (G 54/1024). 



formal shape upon the horizon, sometimes clear, more often 
withheld in mist, that this was the manner of its passing. 

A little more information about Grenville’s father-in-law 
may be gathered from a Star Chamber case a few years later.i 
One Thomas Hilling of Bodmin brought a bill of complaint 
against Grenville, Christopher Walker and others on the ground 
that Grenville had brought a suit against him for slander, in 
the name of Sir John St. Leger, in the Stannary Court of 
Blackmore. He pleaded that this had been done intentionally 
and corruptly, without the knowledge or consent of St. Leger, 
when neither himself nor Sir John were tinners or liable to the 
jurisdiction of this Court, and that he was condemned "by a 
partial jury corruptly returned at the nomination’ of Grenville 
and his creature Walker, who was clerk of the Court. Having 
been found guilty, he "was like to have been spoiled and undone 
if the said Sir John St. Leger being a gentleman of good con- 
science’ had not remitted the heavy damages - further testi- 
mony to Sir John’s good nature. 

No less revealing was what Hilling had said. Sir Richard 
testified that his wife had complained to him of the Various 
abuses’ offered to her father; and that Sir John "being his father- 
in-law in whose house and lineage the defendant’s posterity is to 
continue,’ he wrote to inquire into the matter. Sir John replied 
that Hilling "in words and otherwise had to his face used him 
very proudly and disdainfully,’ and that he said in public to one 
of St. Leger’s servants "thy master is an old drunken bankrupt 
knave, a rogue, and a raskally villain - and so go tell him.’ It 
was Hilling’s misfortune that some part of what he said was 
true; but having the temerity to say it is another matter: per- 
haps he was an unsatisfied creditor. At any rate Grenville had 
him arrested within one of the Stannary Courts near his 
dwelling, and here he was imprisoned. These smaller prero- 
gative jurisdictions were the source of great discontent to the 
middle-class townsmen, as they afforded such opportunities 
to the gentry to enforce their will. The attack upon them in the 
next century was part of the general attack upon the preroga- 
tives of the Crown which led to the Civil War. 

^ Star Chamber Proc. Eliz., Hilary 1582 (H 6/16). 



As the St. Legers went down, so the fortunes of the Grenvilles 
under the husbanding hand of their present head went up. 
As one after the other the St. Leger estates were dispersed, the 
manor of Canonleigh, the Isle of Lundy, the manor of Gullomp- 
ton and Upton Weaver, then the site of the priory at Ganon- 
leigh,^ so Grenville added to his domains. Two years after ac- 
quiring Lundy, he bought the fifth part of the manors of Tre- 
nant, Manely Colshill, St. Ewe, and of the advowson of St. Ewe, 
from Thomas Bodenham for, apparently, £1,500; but this was 
probably for the purpose of some family settlement, perhaps 
providing dowers for his daughters. ^ In 1577 he brought an 
action in Ghancery, and in 1 578 one in Star Chamber against 
three tenants of his manor of Lancras who claimed to hold for 
three lives by copy of court-roll; he was bent upon reducing 
them to the status of tenants at will.® 

His experience of business meant that he was entrusted with 
other people’s ajBTairs, as, for example, the sale of the manor 
of Golquite, a Cornish property of Lord Thomas Howard, 
Viscount Bindon. The latter was troubled by an ill-disciplined 
and irrepressible son, Henry Howard, who ran himself and his 
father into a mountain of debts, so that his father was driven to 
sell land to meet them. To Grenville and Sir Arthur Basset 
was committed the sale of Golquite, a goodly manor of the clear 
yearly value of £50 los. 8 d, But they could not get an offer of 
more than £1,500 for it, for the manor was assured to Mr. 
Thomas Howard and his wife for their lives. Grenville wrote on 
10 January 1580 that 

T and others in whom the trust for the said sale to have been 
made was reposed, have done our best endeavours and practised 
as well with the tenants who manure the same, as with others for 
purchase thereof. But with all our travails could not make the 
price (the land being as it is so assured unto Mr. Thomas 
Howard and his wife as they are to receive all the lands, rents, 
fines, etc., so long as they live) . . . But if it might be freed of 

^ Pat. Rolls Eliz., 1181, 1194, 1252. 

® ibid. no. 1194; and Close Roils Eliz. no. 1073. 

® Star Chamber Proc. Eliz., g February 1578. 


that estate of Mr. Thomas Howard, your Lordship’s son and his 
wife, then was there a far greater offer made, of which I thought 
good to advertise your Honour, praying you to accept our good 
minds who were the dealers herein and ready to be employed in 
this or any other like service/ ^ 

It seems that Grenville was on terms of personal acquaintance 
with Lord Bindon, which was natural enough since he was the 
person of chief authority in Dorset, as Grenville was by now in 
Cornwall, What adds interest to the connection is that Bindon, 
a cousin of the Queen, was great-uncle of Lord Thomas 
Howard, under whose command Grenville was killed. 


So much for his private affairs in these years: it is all that re- 
mains to us. To return to his public occupations: the Council 
continued to use his services in all manner of business. They 
came in this period chiefly to depend upon him in Cornwall, 
and continued to do so as long as he remained in the west. 

In December 1 579, the Judges of the western circuit returned 
their certificate of the Cornish Justices of the Peace who had 
sworn the Oath of Supremacy.^ Grenville’s name appears at 
the head along with Sir John Killigrew, in place of Sir John 
Arundell now in London, answering to the Council for the 
images and pictures of Christ and the Virgin Mary found in his 
house at Lanherne.® In March in the New Year, a commission 
for General Musters had been sent down, to him and others, 
under the command of Bedford.^ They made an expeditious re- 
turn of the forces of the county in May. ® The fact was that the 
military organisation of che county was becoming better or- 
ganised. The hundreds of the shire were grouped into four 
larger districts, under the command respectively of Grenville, 
Edgcumbe, William Mohun and John Arundell of Tolverne. 
Altogether there were some 6,968 able-bodied men to be drawn 
upon, of whom they selected 4,000, in addition to the garrisons 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 136, no. 3. ® ibid. 133, no. 12. 

* A.P .C. 1578-80^ 265, 345. * S.P. Dom. Eliz. 136, no. 52. 

* ibid. 138, nos. 5, 6. 


of Pendennis, St. Mawes and the Mount; 2,000 were appointed 
for supply into Devonshire in case of necessity, as in Devon 
4,000 men were to re-inforce the Cornish forces in similar case. 
It all reads like a rehearsal for 1588. 

For affairs were becoming critical again, especially in Ireland, 
the weak spot in the English defences. For two years and more, 
Thomas Stukeley and James Fitzmaurice had been abroad in 
the courts of Rome and Madrid, and in the sea-ports of Brit- 
tany and the northern coast of Spain, preparing their wildcap 
schemes for a foreign descent upon Ireland. Stukeley in the end 
deflected himself to serve the King of Portugal in his African 
campaign, where he perished with the flower of the Portuguese 
nobility in the fatal battle of Alcazar. Fitzmaurice came home 
to Ireland to raise the standard of that rebellion which brought 
untold suffering upon Munster and ruined the house of Des- 
mond. In the summer of 1578, 1,000 men had been levied in 
the four western counties and transported to southern Ireland 
from Bristol and Barnstaple; 200 of them were Cornish and 
some of the shipping provided may have been Grenville’s.^ 

It was necessary to think of the defence of the sea-coasts. In 
Spain, it was rumoured, there was an armada preparing and no 
one knew what its destination might be. At the beginning of 
the year 1580, the Council sent out general orders to all the 
maritime counties of the south from Norfolk to Cornwall to 
put 'in a readiness such numbers of men as have heretofore been 
allotted to repair unto the sea coasts for the defence of the places 
of descent.’ On the Channel coast each county was to survey 
its forts and castles to see that they were in a state of defence: 
in Cornwall, the duty was committed to Grenville, William 
Mohun, John Treffry, John Godolophin and John Arundell of 
Trerice.'^ In the autumn, the careful Burghley, making his pre- 
parations for what he hoped would not eventuate, drew up a list 
of the martial men in each county, men who had had experience 
of war; for Cornwall he notes, relying on who knows what 
memory of their past association, 'Sir Richard Grenville, Mr. 

^ A.P.C, J577-S, 240-1. ® A.P.C. 1^78-80, 381-2. 

3 S.P. Dom. Eliz. 143, no. 46. 




For three years now, Drake had been absent upon his Pacific 
voyage; for more than a year he had been overdue. During that 
time (he was engaged upon the long journey across the Pacific 
from North America, exploring th.e Spice Islands, returning 
home across the Indian Ocean and round the Cape of Good 
Hope) there had been no news of him whatever. A year before, 
when he was already in mid-Pacific, a report had come home 
that he had been captured and hanged: it may have arisen 
from Oxenham’s execution at Lima. Soon after came the dis- 
patches from the Viceroys of Peru and New Spain, telling the 
full tale of Drake’s depredations on their coasts. In August, an 
express from Seville reported that Drake had captured 
200,000 ducats of the King’s property and 400,000 of private 
owners in his break-through into the South Sea. The forward 
party at Court, particularly those who had invested iri the 
enterprise, were according to the Spanish Ambassador, Men- 
doza, ‘beside themselves with joy.’ In the city there was great 
anxiety at what might happen to the trade with Seville and the 
English merchants there. Then there was quietness; the Gov- 
ernment deliberately reassured the commercial interests, and 
there was a tacit agreement to say nothing until the great 
depredator returned. 

Suddenly, without a word of warning, at the end of Septem- 
ber, he was there. He did not dare as yet set foot on shore; 
his wife put out to see him, and the Mayor, John Blitheman, 
who must have told him of the curious posture of affairs: the 
war-party prepared to welcome him with open arms, the peace- 
party ready to sacrifice him for the sake of peace with Spain. 
He took warning, warped out of harbour and anchored behind 
St. Nicholas Island. Word, meanwhile, was sent to the Queen, 
who, as we now know, unknown to Burghley, was an adven- 
turer in the voyage. Soon her assurance arrived that he had 
nothing to fear and that he was to come to court; after some 
hesitation, as over the Spanish treasure of 1569, and after the 
strongest representations from the insistent Mendoza, the 
Queen threw in her lot with the forward party. Her warrant 




was sent down to the faithful Edmund Tremayne, to assist 
Drake in sending up certain bullion that he had brought into 
the realm (the little ship was literally ballasted with silver), but 
‘to leave 10,000 worth in his hands, which sum is to be kept 
most secret to himself’ It was a pledge of her approval. The 
bullion was stored for the time under guard in Trematon 
Castle, across the water. Drake, having seen that all was set 
fair for him at Court, came down again to escort the treasure 
by a train of pack-horses (memento of the road to Nombre de 
Dios!), which the country people flocked to see on its way to 
Sion House and thence into the Tower. 

In London, Drake was the hero of the hour. 

‘The Queen,’ complained Mendoza bitterly, ‘shows extra- 
ordinary favour to Drake and never fails to speak to him when 
she goes out in public, conversing with him a long time. She 
says that she will knight him on the day she goes to see his ship.’ 

‘The people generally,’ wrote Stowe, ‘applauded his wonder- 
ful long adventure and rich prizes. His name and fame became 
admirable in all places, the people swarming daily in the streets 
to behold him, vowing hatred to all that misliked him.’ 

He had become at a blow not only the most famous man in the 
country, but the darling of the nation. 

What Grenville thought of it all, we do not know; there is 
utter and absolute silence: no word that we know ever escaped 
him on the subject. But his actions are revealing. Not much 
more than two months after Drake came into harbour, Gren- 
ville sold Buckland, which he had made what it was and which 
gave him such a favourable position in relation to Plymouth, to 
two intermediaries, John Hele and Christopher Harris, who 
paid him ^^3,400 for it.^ That money, so large a sum at once, 
could only have come from Drake, to whom, within six months, 
they passed the property over. So Drake reigned at Buckland 
in his stead. There needed nothing to be done to the house, it 
was now in such finished perfect state: so it comes that there was 

^ Pat. Roll Eliz, 1209; Lady Eiliott-Drake, The Family and Heirs of Sir 
F, Drake. 



nothing added at Drake’s hand, save only a fine plaster mantel- 
piece in the Tower room, on which are his arms, the two pole 
stars granted him by the Queen, and the lovely crest of a ship in 
full sail upon the globe. 

For Grenville, it was in a way, a confession of defeat: some- 
body else had made his South Sea Voyage, and made history 
by it. Grenville withdrew from Plymouth, making way for 
Drake who henceforward took first place there. The entries in 
the town’s accounts relating to Grenville come to an end; the 
messages go to and fro between Buckland and the town as much 
as ever, but not to Grenville. It is Sir Francis and his lady whom 
the town entertains to supper or to a banquet.^ As the years go 
on, and we approach nearer to the crisis of 1588, the relations 
between Plymouth and the house at Buckland becomes ever 
closer and more intimate. From that time the Drakes have been 
there ever since. 

^ Worth, Calendar of Plymouth Municipal Records, for many entries, pp. 




As England swung into the eighties, the country moved for- 
ward gradually, yet not imperceptibly, into the leading place 
in the alignment of European forces against Spain. It was in- 
deed high time. While Drake was marauding on the other side 
of the world, the independence of the Kingdom of Portugal was 
at its last gasp with the life of the old King Cardinal Henry, 
last of his line; and inmiense preparations were being pushed 
forward in Spain for Philip to enter upon his inheritance, the 
farfiung Portuguese Empire. It was not only within the Iberian 
Peninsula and upon the outer oceans that Spanish power 
moved forward, but at the heart of Northern Europe, in the 

Here Don John of Austria had been succeeded by Alexander, 
Prince of Parma, as diplomatic a politician as he was brilliant 
in the field. Within a short time of his arrival he had succeeded 
in dividing the Netherlands and setting the southern provinces 
against the north. The States in despair were reduced to 
offering their sovereignty to Anjou, the French candidate for 
their overlordship. But the situation in France as between the 
Catholic Guises, supporters now of Philip, and the Huguenot 
party of Navarre, with the miserable Henry III in a precarious 
equilibrium between them, kept France immobihsed so that no 
support could be given to Anjou. This meant that the Nether- 
lands were forced back upon the surreptitious aid that Elixa- 
beth alone could give. It was an exposed and hazardous situa- 
tion for this country; but fortunately it was one to which the 
abilities of Elizabeth conspicuously rose, and for which her 
wits were peculiarly adapted. 

On 31 January 1580 the King-Cardinal died; Alva was 


placed in command of the large Spanish army which moved 
upon the Portuguese frontier, as the great Admiral, Santa Cruz, 
was of the fleet which blocked the Tagus. Within a few months 
Philip was in possession of his new Kingdom, and Don An- 
tonio, the claimant of the throne, an illegitimate son of a pre- 
vious king and the candidate of the Portuguese people-™ for 
what that was worth - a refugee in France. The whole of the 
Portuguese dominions, with the singular and important ex- 
ception of the Azores, were ready to accept Philip as King. Of 
these islands, which occupied the most important strategic 
position in the Atlantic in those days of sailing ships, for they 
were the rendezvous of ships coming and going from the West 
Indies and South America as well as from the East Indies, only 
the largest, San Miguel, had accepted Philip and a Spanish 
garrison. All the rest, Terceira, Graciosa, San Jorje, Pico, 
Fayal, and at the extreme north-west, Flores (a name eloquent 
of the future) held out for Don Antonio. 

The Pretender had got away with some of the Grown jewels, 
and in 1581 he was in England trying to induce Elizabeth to 
support an expedition under his flag to seize the Azores as a 
basis for future operations. Drake, at a loose-end after his tri- 
umphant home-coming, was strongly in favour of it; and Wal- 
singham, who was now sole Secretary and wishing to drive the 
Queen into a forward policy, drew up a scheme under which 
Drake, with six ships, eight pinnaces and a thousand men, was 
to establish himself at Terceira under Don Antonio’s flag, thence 
to operate against Spain’s sea-communications with the Indies 
and to intercept the Plate Fleet. ^ It was an audacious scheme; 
but it would have meant war, and Elizabeth had no mind for 
embarking on a war single-handed against Spain, and without 
a French alliance. Upon this the project foundered; France, 
hopelessly divided against itself, was in no position to contem- 
plate a war with Spain. The project of an English conquest of 
the Azores was abandoned and Don Antonio went back to 

In the next year, however, he succeeded in getting together, 
with French aid, a large armament under the command of 

Corbett, Drake and the Tudor Navy, i , 347. 



Philip Strozzi. It was badly organised and worse led; Strozzi, 
under the influence of the old Mediterranean ideas of naval 
tactics, had committed his fleet to grappling with a superior 
force — the Spaniards being ably commanded by Santa Cruz. 
The expedition was annihilated and Don Antonio’s shadow- 
realm in the Azores collapsed. A curious consequence of the 
battle was that the Spaniards conceived a very low opinion of 
the fighting qualities of English ships; for they were convinced 
that an English contingent had taken part — there could not 
have been more than two or three merchant-ships of the smallest 
size, if that — and that they had fled at the onset of the action. A 
reverberating reversal of this opinion was one day to be de- 
livered in the Azores! Santa Cruz advised an attack upon 
England as not only feasible, but not to be feared; while in 1580, 
Mendoza had written from London that the English fleet could 
not withstand a quarter of the Spanish maritime forces. The 
Prince of Parma was of the same opinion; it was known, he said, 
that the Queen of England could not arm more than forty 
ships; and as for the boasts of the English captains, he made 
little of them, since at the battle of the Azores their ships were 
the first to run away.^ So that this earlier action in the Azores 
was not without its influence in bringing about that invasion of 
England on the grand scale, whose defeat was a smashing blow 
to the power and prestige of the Spanish Empire. 

It was in this year 1580-1 that the first Jesuit mission reached 
and was at work in this country. Campion and Parsons had 
landed in June 1580, the most powerful combination of per- 
sonalities of all that the Catholic Church sent into the country 
throughout the reign; for Campion was an exquisite and saintly 
character, of brilliant and persuasive gifts, while Parsons was 
the very idea of a Jesuit, a subtle politician, intriguing and 
pertinacious, a born controversialist, wary, impossible to lay 
hand upon. These two remained at work in the country for a 
^ Merriman, The Rise of the Spanish Empire, IV^, 516. 


year, reconciling people to the Church, secretly printing and 
distributing literature. The very secrecy, and the success of it, 
was what was frightening; nobody knew how many they were or 
what effect they were having; there was a widespread conster- 
nation. So it went on till Campion was captured in July 1581, 
and Parsons escaped to the continent. 

To arm itself with further measures of severity against 
Catholics, the Government summoned Parliament in January 
1581. It was the third and last session of the Parliament which 
had been returned in 1572. The second session had been held in 
1 575. There is nothing to show that Grenville took part in its 
business, at any rate by serving on committees as he had done 
in 1572; though his friends Edgcumbe and Sir Arthur Basset 
were active enough in this way. Probably he was too much oc- 
cupied with the preparations for the South Seas Voyage and 
with the Castle of Corrforfs proceedings, to give much attention 
to Parliamentary business in that year. Nor is there any record 
either of his serving on committee in the 1580 session. Parlia- 
ment passed an act greatly increasing the penalties for recu- 
sancy; fines for non-attendance at church were raised to £20 a 
month — a sum which the Arundells of Lanherne regularly paid 
from this time onwards, lesser people who could not raise the 
money frequently languished in prison; a year’s imprisonment 
with a large fine was the penalty for saying mass; while anyone 
who sought to withdraw men from the established church and 
so from their allegiance was to be adjudged liable to the penal- 
ties of treason. Having passed this, along with some lesser 
legislation. Parliament was dissolved. 

In Ireland, the Desmond Rebellion had become a war of 
attrition; the Irish were holding out in the hope of foreign aid. 
At length, in August 1580, when the rebellion had already 
lasted a year, it came: a miserable contingent of 600 men, 
mostly Italians with a company from North Spain, under the 
Papal banner. They took up a position at Smerwick and en- 
trenched themselves. As the weeks passed and no more rein- 
forcements reached them from abroad, while the English forces 
blockaded them in their hopeless position, it was obvious that 
they could not hold out. They surrendered and to a man were 



put to the sword, save for the officers, who were held to ransom. 
This was at the order of the ferocious Lord Grey de Wilton,^ who 
was in command. 

Just immediately before, the order had been sent down to 
Cornwall to raise another lOo men for service in Ireland; they 
were to be embarked at Padstow or Ilfracombe, upon warning 
being given from Ireland. At the same time, on 5 July, the 
Council appointed Grenville and Godolphin to make provision 
within Cornwall and Devon for certain quantities of grain, 
butter and cheese for the English garrisons in Ireland.^ Gren- 
ville and his fellow Justices performed their duty; but they felt it 
necessary to register a protest: only two years before, 200 men 
had been levied from Cornwall for Ireland; the brunt not only 
of the Irish war but of the increasing necessity for defence of the 
sea-coasts fell upon the south-western counties, and particu- 
larly hard upon Cornwall.® 

The deterioration in the European situation was reflected 
once more in the increase of piracy on the high seas. Sir Julian 
Corbett says:* 

‘Ever since the Treaty of Bristol had cleared the air, the 
English rovers had been growing more and more active. So en- 
tirely were they in command of the Narrow Seas, so powerless 
was Philip to protect his commerce even on his own coasts, that 
the dangers of the northern navigation had come to be re- 
garded in the counting-houses of Seville and Cadiz as an ordi- 
nary trade-risk, and the practice had grown up amongst mer- 
chants and under-writers of concealing their losses from their 
ambassador in London in order to make terms behind his back 
with the pirate’s agents. This impunity only increased their 
daring and their profits.’ ^ 

Where the larger fish could so play about, there was plenty of 
scope for the smaller fry. It meant a great deal of work for local 
justices, particularly for those like Grenville who were qualified 
for such matters. On 12 May 1580, we find the Council direct- 
ing the Masters of the Court of Requests to make out a Com- 

iv. Diet Nat. Biog. sub Arthur, Lord Grey. 1580-1, 7 ^- 9 * 

® S.P. Dom. Ehz. 140, no. 21, ^ Corbett i, 327-fe. 


mission to Grenville and Richard Edgcumbe to take the oath of 
Peter Edgcumbe and his answers to certain charges made 
against him by William Hawkins.^ It appears that a ship of Sir 
Henry RatclifFe’s had been stayed at Plymouth by Hawkins, 
but upon information given to Edgcumbe that she was sus- 
pected of piracy he had had her removed from Plymouth to 
Stonehouse, where she had perished upon the rocks. Grenville 
was to examine into the matter and report to the Council, 
Two further piracy cases which it fell to Grenville to examine 
into, in autumn 1581 and spring 1582, and of which the de- 
tailed examinations remain, enable us to see with extraordi- 
nary and sudden clarity the pathetic human figures engaged in 
this business against that dark background of barbarity. After 
Captain Hicks of Saltash, of great fame as a pirate. Captain 
Piers of Padstow, who was no less renowned. He had had a 
long run, the success of which was attributed to his mother being 
a witch. It was just before his capture that he had his greatest 
triumph; with his small bark of 35 tons and his consort of 18 
tons, he blockaded the harbour of Rye so that, according to the 
lamenting Mayor and jurats of the town, ‘none can go forth or 
come in.’ A month later, he was taken ‘by chance’ in Stud- 
land Bay, a favourite haunt; and the Council wrote to inform 
Bedford of the apprehension of this ‘very notorious pirate born 
in Cornwall, who hath an old mother dwelling at Padstow, 
noted to be a witch, to whom by report the said Piers hath con- 
veyed all such goods and spoils as he hath wickedly gotten at 
the seas.’ ® Bedford was to make choice of someone to examine 
Piers’s mother and ‘to discover whether she be a witch indeed, 
and what spoils and goods she hath received from her son.’ 

Bedford made choice of Grenville and his cousins George 
Grenville and Thomas Roscarrock to probe into the matter. 
One can imagine them all stopping at Roscarrock, as Carnsew 
depicted them in his Diary, ‘playing and trifling the time away’ 
- alas that what we have left of his Diary should stop short so 
soon! But the examinations which they produced are a no less 
human document, not without its element of silent tragedy.^ 

^ A.P.C. XII, 112. 2 Victoria County History of Cornwall^ 490. 

® A,P.C. XIII, 227-9. ^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 150, no. 49. 



Piers William, Captain Johns’s old father, when examined, 
confessed to having been aboard his son’s bark at Padstow with 
the vicar of St. Merryn and one William Amy, but only for the 
sake of procuring payment of a debt oi which his son owed 
the latter; and he ‘saith that he never was more aboard his said 
son, nor that he ever after did speak with his son . . . for it is 
well known that he had renounced his said son for his lewdness.’ 
The mother, however, was made of sterner stuff, and admitted 
that ‘she was often on shipboard with her said son.’ In spite of 
denials, she was driven to admit that she had received a great 
coverlet or rug from him which she had fetched from the water- 
side at twelve o’clock one night and left in a bam at Padstow. 
One John Bath deposed that ‘he being upon the shore, fast by 
where Piers rode, saw Piers come a land with ten of his com- 
pany with their swords, every man having a caliver; but he 
saith he had no talk with him other than that Piers asked him 
for some of the town’ - a friendly endearing touch. 

‘The same night about xn of the clock he went to the water 
side again and there met with Piers’s mother sitting by a mow 
of com; and there he saw two men bringing a great rag fardled 
up upon a staff between them . . . And this examinate did help 
the said Piers’s mother to bring the same to the town and at the 
town’s end he left the same in a bam with her and went his way.’ 

What a picture it is! - the water-side at Padstow, midnight, 
and the old woman sitting in the shadow of a mow of corn 
waiting to receive her son the pirate’s stolen goods. 

John Pentire, searcher of Padstow, deposed that, aboard, 
Piers had shown him 

‘a purse where he thinks there was fifty pounds or thereabout in 
gold, and that the said Piers had also a bag about him of silver 
containing by estimation £20: Also he saw in a chest that Piers 
opened before him by chance, a bag containing by estimation 
£60. And he saith he saw no plate there saving one silver bowl 
wherein they drank.’ 

Henry Horn’s wife gave evidence that her husband coming 
from Bristol was aboard Piers at Lundy, and ‘had of him a 



parrot, a little firkin of soap and two calivers. The parrot, the 
Vice-Admiral had; the calivers she hath in her house.’ Finally 
the vicar of Padstow testified that ‘the young Piers’s mother was 
at Bodmin at the time of the last Sessions, and there had with 
her XV ounces of plate and sold the same there to a goldsmith 
being one of Plymouth’; - but before she received the money a 
seizure of the plate was made in the Queen’s name, though the 
cover of a double gilt cup was restored to her, it being her 
property apparently. The vicar also deposed to Piers’s de- 
livering calico to certain persons while in the roads, ^ among 
others to the vicar of St. Merryn, which vicar was aboard the 
said Piers’s ship’ - a scandalous betrayal of one parson by 

It is pleasant to record that when Grenville and his fellow 
Justices inquired of ‘some of the better sort and of most credit 
of the town of Padstow and of the said parish . . . whether they 
know or ever heard that Anne Piers of Padstow did practise 
witchcraft or had the name to be a witch,’ they answered in the 
negative; for one knows what might have happened to the poor 
woman if it had been otherwise. Meanwhile the son had been 
taken to Dorchester gaol to await trial; whence he escaped ‘by 
the corruption of the keeper,’ but before he could embark was 
taken ‘by the great pains and industry’ of that scapegrace 
Henry Howard, Lord Howard of Bindon’s son - a very suitable 
occupation for him.^ Piers was put on trial and afterwards, it 
appears, executed. 

The investigations at Padstow must have made their own 
small sensation at the time, but nothing compared to that of the 
next piracy-case Grenville was called into, for it concerned no 
less a person than the chief Commissioner for Piracy himself. 
Sir John Killigrew of Arwennack, Captain of Pendennis Castle, 
had been appointed at the head of the Commission for Piracy 
in Cornwall in September 1577. At Court he was very well 
placed for influence, since his brother William was Groom of 
the Chamber to the Queen and Henry, another brother, was a 
leading diplomat constantly sent on missions to France, Scot- 
land, the Netherlands and the Empire. At Arwennack, by the 

^ A.P.C, isSi-s, 272, 355. 



water-side within the crook of the headland of Pendennis, Sir 
John was very conveniently, too conveniently, placed in relation 
to the sea. It was, alas, his temptation and the cause of his 
downfall. For Sir John at home in Cornwall, whatever he may 
have been in the presence of his grand (if Puritan) relatives at 
Court, was a genial old ruffian, fast degenerating into an un- 
mitigated nuisance. He kept up a large establishment and 
spent freely; he alternately terrorised and cajoled the countiy- 
side and bullied his lesser neighbours; he had got badly into 
debt and took more and more to dubious courses. He had long 
had a hand in trafficking with the pirates around the coast, 
himself the responsible authority for putting them down. Now, 
Sir John, driven to desperate straits, took to a little piracy on his 

On New Year’s Day 1582, a Spanish ship the Marie of San 
Sebastian, 140 tons burden, was driven on her way down Chan- 
nel by stress of weather into Falmouth Haven. ^ When she ar- 
rived her masts were cut down, and what with repairs and then 
lack of wind, she was forced to remain some six days. On the 
seventh, at midnight, she was entered by a number of Killi- 
grew’s servants and other Penryn men, her goods rifled and the 
ship carried out to sea. The pinnace which had carried the men 
out to her, so it was said, was Sir John’s own. Upon hearing 
the protest of de Chavis, the merchant-owner, and de Orio, the 
ship’s master, the Council at once wrote to Sir John to come up. 
He went up to London, remained there in cover for a while, and 
when he thought it safe, returned home to Cornwall. 

Sir John must have thought that in London the coast was 
clear; certainly he had taken what steps he could as regards the 
regrettable occurrence, before leaving home. There had been a 
very speedy investigation of the affair by the Commissioners for 
Piracy, with himself at the head.^ It was perhaps not surprising 
that the story they elicited was hard to make out; but still it 
looked suspicious. As regards the whereabouts of Sir John’s 
servants that Sunday night, they were oddly innocent. Henry 
Kendall and John Hawldns, two of them, agreed that they had 
spent from nine o’clock at night to midnight at Penryn, in the 

1 A.P.C., XIII, 315, 356. ^ S.P. Doin. Eliz. 152, no. 5. 



house of one Bess Moore; they were there so long, because the 
lady was 'a drying one of their shirts’ : the lady agreed with this, 
though she did not remember whose. Then they went straight 
home to Arwennack ‘without any man calling of them.’ Before 
leaving Arwennack that evening, they had tied the pinnace to 
the stake outside the house, it being then half-ebb. But Am- 
brose Cox when examined, said that one Timothy Duncalsc’s 
boy knew who carried the boat to and fro the Spanish ship in the 
harbour the night she was taken away, and that he had named 
two of Sir John’s servants, Bewse and Kendall. 

It was evidently necessary to probe further into the affair. 
Sir John who had ridden from Falmouth immediately before the 
capture and stayed away while the ship was carried off to Balti- 
more in Ireland and there disposed of, now returned to the 
West but remained in hiding. The Council wrote in March to 
Bedford as Lord Lieutenant in the West, either to go into the 
affair himself or to appoint his deputies to inquire thoroughly 
into it, ‘to do their best endeavour to come by Sir John him- 
self’ and to take bonds of him in a thousand pounds to make ap- 
pearance before the Council. Bedford transferred his authority 
to Grenville and Edmund Tremayne, both of them experienced 
in such matters. They held their inquiry at Penryn on 27 and 
28 April; it was a very full story, with many picturesque details 
that they elicited in the end.^ 

Ambrose Cox, the keeper of the tavern in Penryn to which 
the Spaniards resorted the night before the capture, deposed 
that two servants of Sir John’s had come to him at nine o’clock 
that night, requiring him ‘as so commanded by their master, 
that the Spaniards should go presently aboard, alleging the 
cause to be, for that there was sickness in the ship.’ Henry 
Piper of Penryn, to whose inn they that carried the ship away 
often resorted, had come to him that night and required the 
return of the boat which he had lent to the Spaniards for a 
groat a day; ‘for if the Spaniards happen to be robbed and 
carried away,’ he said, ‘it will be said that my boat doth put 
them aboard that shall do it. And so shall I forfeit my boat to 
the Vice-Admiral.’ Henry Piper could not be called himself, for, 
^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 153, no. 37. 


as a note in the margin has it - ‘Nota that this Piper is now 
gone to the sea with Don Antonio’ - a tiny tell-tale bit of evi- 
dence which shows that there were at any rate some English- 
men with Don Antonio in his expedition this year to the Azores, 
One wonders whether this Gornishman ever came back again; 
or whether he was one of the hundreds of sailors hanged by 
Santa Cruz after his victory. 

Next there came evidence that considerable parcels of holland 
cloth had been handed about the district. One John Bailie of 
Mawnan had had twenty yards sent to him by Mistress Wolver- 
ston, Sir John’s daughter, in part payment of a debt. Then it 
was found that various persons, including one of the constables, 
had become sureties for Sir John’s servants, Henry Kendall and 
John Hawkins, who were chiefly implicated; and that it was 
Lady Killigrew who had entreated them to it, by her son Mr. 
Knyvett who gave them his word to discharge them. Armed 
with these promises, Kendall and Hawkins had previously de- 
nied all knowledge of the affair. But being brought face to face 
with Mrs. Wolverston, who had deposed to receiving a bolt of 
holland cloth from Kendall and two leather chairs, Kendall 
confessed all. 

He admitted 

‘tiiat he and John Hawkins did carry aboard about a dozen 
persons that went away with the Spanish ship, who met alto- 
gether at the lime kiln. And after the setting of them aboard, 
this examinate and the said Hawkins came back with the boat 
and moored her unto the stake by the smith’s bridge near Sir 
John Killigrew’s house.’ 

Then came the tale of cloth which had been rifled from the 
ship; four bolts each for Lady Killigrew, himself and Hawkins, 
one bolt each for the maids of the house, ‘old Renodon and 
long William, servants of that house,’ young Mistress Killigrew, 
Mrs. Wolverston, Mr. Knyvett and eighteen yards for Piper’s 
wife. He had also brought ashore six leather chairs, one each 
for Lady Killigrew, and Mrs. Killigrew, two each for Mrs. 
Wolverston and Mr. Knyvett. The false evidence of the poor 
folk was breaking down: Bess Moore now denied her former 



Story protecting Kendall and Hawkins, while Mrs. Piper ad- 
mitted to receiving a parcel of holland cloth, which Hawkins 
Tetched out of a ditch ... by the way as they went’ and which 
she was to keep safe for her Ladyship. 

John Hawkins thereupon made a full confession, from which 
it appeared that 

‘he was not made privy to this enterprise of taking the ship till 
the same Sunday at night, after that he came from the Road. 
Then my Lady Killigrew brake it unto him . . . And when 
they came aboard the ship they bound the Spaniards. But two 
of the Flemings that were aboard the ship were agreed before to 
go with this company and help to bind the Spaniards and had 
put away all their weapons before’. 

“ an interesting indication of how national feeling could be 
worked upon in such cases. There were some thirteen or four- 
teen Spaniards aboard, whom they carried out to sea beyond 
the bar, before they began to cut open the packs of holland. It 
appeared that Lady Killigrew was the leading spirit in the 
undertaking, led on by the report which the Flemings put about 
of the ship’s great wealth; when the stuff came in ‘she found 
herself very ill contented that it was of no more value.’ Haw- 
kins confessed that she 

‘did often deal with him to keep this matter secret, and took an 
oath of him to that purpose, saying for her own part she would 
never confess it. And she, misliking that any of the chairs should 
be brought into her house, gave order to this examinate to put 
them in a cask and bury them in the garden.’ 

What a picture of the times it affords! - it is not very often 
that the documents which remain permit such a view into the 
heart of an affair like that and the motives and feelings of those 
who took part in it. 


This period in Grenville’s life - he was now, in 1581, in his 
fortieth year - was one of a peaceable and uneventful enough 
activity. He was kept busy, and increasingly so, by all sorts of 



private and public affairs. He was an active and hard-working 
man, the leading figure in his county, a public servant who came 
more and more to be relied upon by the Government in the 
west. Soon we shall find him called in to give his advice in a 
wider sphere. All the same, to a man of Grenville’s ambition 
and temper, we cannot but think it must have been a source 
of disappointment to him that so far no opportunity of render- 
ing a first-class service, of making a great name, had yet pre- 
sented itself. It may not be fanciful to suppose that something 
of the passionate outbursts that were characteristic of him may 
be due to the effects of disappointment working upon a natur- 
ally impatient temper. The one great opportunity he had 
forged for himself, the projected South Seas Voyage, had been 
denied him and its fruits had fallen to another; there is evidence 
later that he bore no good will to Drake, who was more fortun- 
ate. Very curiously, Grenville’s great chance came when Drake 
was in disgrace and retirement; it was almost too late, so that 
no wonder Grenville snatched at it so avidly, and in the event 
achieved death and fame together. 

These middle years were full of the ordinary business of a 
country gentleman of the time, private responsibilities, public 
duties, law-suits, disputes, attendance at sessions and in Parlia- 
ment, things which in themselves give us a picture of the life of 
the time. On 15 September 1580, his friend John Arundell of 
Trerice died: that delightful mansion of Cornish elvan, of which 
something still remains, time- and weather-beaten, near Newlyn 
East in the church of which Arundell was buried. He left a 
large family of children by his two wives; and by his will he 
appointed Grenville, with Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, Sir 
John Chichester and others as overseers. ^ Since Sir John 
Arundell could hardly act now, as he was a recusant and much 
away from the county, while Chichester lived in Devon, the 
responsibility fell mainly upon Grenville. The young Arundells, 
John, Dorothy and Mary, became his wards. ^ 

Various law-cases at this period, though it is hard to come at 
the truth of them, portray Grenville in a less favourable, though 
no less characteristic attitude. At Michaelmas 1580, one 
1 P.G.C. 40 Arundell 2 Pat. Rolls Eliz. 1 198, 1200. 



William Spencer sued Grenville in the Exchequer. Spencer was 
the lessee of some of the extensive woods attached to Launceston 
Castle; he had assigned his lease to Anthony Garew, who some 
five or six years before, had conveyed it to Grenville. That 
would be about 1574-55 when we found Grenville much 
engaged with property transactions, no doubt to raise money 
for his voyage. At any rate he had cut down and sold the trees, 
on those slopes on the steep hill going out of Launceston by the 
Castle gate, and so taken, as the plaintiff said, the whole benefit 
of the lease without paying any rent. Grenville’s answer was 
that he had bought the lease from Carew discharged of the rent, 
and that it was by ‘the folly of the said complainant’ that he got 
no assurance beforehand from Carew.’- It seems to have been 

We have already seen how, in the case of Thomas Hilling of 
Bodmin v. Grenville and Christopher Walker in the Star Cham- 
ber, Grenville was not averse to using the Stannary jurisdiction 
to serve his turn.^ Whether technically right or no, Grenville 
seems to have been justified in bringing Hilling to book. He was 
a noisy braggart; in addition to his insulting remarks about Sir 
John St. Leger, he stirred up trouble at the tavern in Bodmin 
kept by George Mapowder, a tenant of Walker’s. This gave 
Walker his opportunity, who took him to various justices in 
the neighbourhood to make out a warrant against him. When 
this failed, according to Hilling, ‘the said Walker then called to 
mind that the said Sir Richard Grenville was capital enemy of 
your said subject and was the likeliest man in that country to 
favour and farther any action against your said subject,’ took 
horse and rode off to Stowe to procure a warrant. Sir Richard, 
being at home, made out the order and appointed a number of 
persons to execute it in as public a manner as possible and to 
bring Hilling ‘strongly guarded as if he were a felon before the 
said Sir Richard at his house.’ 

Next day, when they all arrived at Stowe, Sir Richard ‘mind- 
ing to prevent the testimony of Malachias Mallett who came 
as a witness on Hilling’s behalf, ‘sent forth one of his servants to 

^ Exchequer Bills and Answers Eliz. Cornwall, no. 24. 

® V. ante p. 150; and Star Chamber Proceedings, Eliz. H 6/16. 



command the said Malachias Mailett to stay without the doors 
and not to come into the said house until he was sent for.’ When 
Hilling was brought in, he was ‘so threatened, taunted, and re- 
viled, the said Sir Richard calling him rascal” “rogue” and 
other opprobrious names and threatening him to make him flee 
his country, that your said subject a good space might not be 
suffered to speak or answer one word.’ One can imagine the 
scene: it sounds veracious enough, when one considers Gren- 
ville’s temper and Hilling’s previous provocation. On Hilling’s 
refusal to find sureties for good behaviour, he was committed to 
Launceston gaol where he cooled his heels for three weeks. At 
the end of March the Council wrote to Bedford committing the 
whole affair to his judgment,^ The judgment went entirely 
against Hilling; and on receiving Bedford’s report, the Council 
called the pertinacious man before them and committed him to 
the Marshalsea until he had put in his bonds for good be- 
haviour. 2 Moreover, since it was considered he had demeaned 
himself ill towards the Justices of the Peace in Cornwall, at 
which they had written their protest to the Council, he was 
ordered upon release to make open submission before the Bench 
there at the next Assizes,. So was law and order vindicated, and 
authority in the person of Grenville backed up by the Lord 
Lieutenant whose good opinion of him we know, and by the 
Council no less. 

Two years later, in June 1584, we find another Star Chamber 
case in which Grenville and some of his supporters were defend- 
ants; this time a conflict about property, which had led as usual 
to some disorder.® In sixteenth-century society, which was even 
more primitive than our own and where human beings acted 
and reacted more spontaneously, more vigorously and with 
a still more infantile unself-consciousness, no dispute seems to 
have been capable of being settled without disorder. This was 
a dispute between one Richard Taverner of St. Teath, a gentle- 
man, and John Stidson, a retainer of Grenville’s, over some 
property in the parishes of St. Teath, Advent and Blisland. 
Grenville had naturally, but according to Taverner by undue 

^ A,P.C. r^8i~2, 367. ^ ibid. 416. 

® Star Chamber Proceedings, Eliz. 5T 13/21, and 19 39- 



means, supported his retainer. Taverner had leased the pre- 
mises to one Saunders, and to try his title had served a process 
upon Stidson, which was to be tried at the next Assizes, 1583. 
According to Taverner, Stidson had held up the due course of 
law and was backed by Grenville in so doing; 

‘the said Stidson, being a retained servant with one Sir Eichard 
Grenville, Knight, a man of great countenance and power in 
these parts, and having received the badge and livery of the 
said Sir Richard Grenville and usually ever since weareth the 
same, being neither his domestical servant, nor any way toler- 
ated nor allowed by your Majesty’s laws or statutes to take any 
such badge or livery.’ 

He complained that Sir Richard had influenced the sheriff and 
under-sheriff to return among the jury persons favourable to 
Stidson’s cause and even ‘hath conferred and instructed the said 
jurors or some or one of them ... to think well of the cause.’ 

Knowing what we do of Elizabethan justice, and of Gren- 
ville’s behaviour in the Mayne case, it does not sound at all 
unlikely. Taverner pleaded that the judgment had gone in his 
favour, but that Grenville had dealt with Richard Carew, the 
sheriff, not to execute the writ. Then Stidson had been advised 
to take away the doors of the house in dispute and to expel the 
plaintiff, so that if he resisted he would be indicted under the 
Statute of 8 Henry VI; Grenville was to be present as a Justice 
of the Peace, consenting unto the same. This was accordingly 
done in April last; Sir Eichard was present ‘with a great multi- 
tude all armed,’ and requiring the plaintiff to yield possession, 
had read the Riot Act. Sir Richard had ‘brought an hourglass 
with him and did hang the same up in the view of your said 
subject upon a pole’; while Stidson on the feast of St. Philip and 
St. James, ‘in the time of divine service came to the parish 
churches of St. Teath and Michaelstowe and willed the persons 
there assembled to leave off service and prepare themselves in 
armour to expel your subject giving out that the said Sir 
Richard should bear them out therein.’ And so he, the plaintiff, 
was ejected. 



Grenville’s answer was that Stidson 

‘was one of the first men that served this defendant in his youth, 
which was about six and twenty years past . . . And so con- 
tinued in his service until he married; since which time because 
this defendant found the said Stidson a trusty and faithful serv’ant, 
he appointed Stidson bailiff of some of his lands and tenements.’ 

He declared that as a Justice of the Peace, he had been present 
at sessions at Bodmin when an indictment was found against 
the plaintiff upon the Statute of 8 Henry VI, for forcing an 
entry and disseizing Stidson of the land. The Justices awarded 
Stidson a writ of restitution, but the under-sheriff wrote to 
Grenville that when he went to execute it, ‘certain of the persons 
who kept the said tenements with force did shoot guns at him 
and made great resistance’; he had therefore called upon Gren- 
ville as a Justice to assist him. ‘Coming thither they found the 
said messuage farded and defended with a multitude of people 
in warlike manner in such sort as the like hath seldom been seen 
in these parts.’ Grenville had accordingly 

‘caused the statute of rebellion to be read . . . and the more to 
terrify the said lawless and rude people, the said defendant hav- 
ing a. dial about him and the sun there shining, took forth his 
dial and showed to them by the same what the hour of the day 
then was, advising them not to continue in their riotous and 
rebellious manner more hours than the statute required.’ 

He thought this wise, for if he and the under-sheriff ‘upon their 
first coming had used violence or force in putting forth the said 
unruly persons, this defendant feareth lest some inconvenience 
would have happened.’ This apparently was enough; after a 
little they quickly laid down their arms and allowed the writ to 
be executed. One cannot but admire the gesture and its effec- 
tiveness; Grenville evidently understood how to handle people. 

But it is the gesture that remains to us long after, the centuries 
passing: certain persons of great force have the gift of expressing 
themselves in so immediate and memorable a way, leaving the 
imprint of their personality upon time and circumstance in their 
action. It is not different in kind, though less memorable, than 


Grenville's refusing to leave the Revenge^ it isonly a little more cir- 
cumscribed: an unruly mob in a Cornish parish, armed and pre- 
pared to resist, while Grenville takes out Ms dial, shows them what 
hour of the day it then was, "the sun there shining,’ until quietened 
they go home. What children, what fools, human beings are! 

The Council Registers are missing from this time, 1582 to 
1586, years which cover a very important period in Grenville’s 
life, the first voyage to Virginia. A good deal that might throw 
light on both his public and private activities is therefore miss- 
ing. He seems to have been involved, in his private capacity, 
in more trouble in this last year before the Virginia voyage, this 
time over the case of the parson of Kilkhampton and the ejection 
of his wife from the parsonage. It led to some disorder and 
riotous assembly, with Grenville at the centre of it. Again wefind 
him resorting conveniently to the Stannary jurisdiction in deal- 
ing with his opponents, and again having to exculpate himself, 
which as usual he doesvery plausibly, with thehigher authorities. 

The person whom Grenville had presented to the rectory of 
Kilkhampton on the death of his great-uncle in 1 580, was Euse- 
bius Paget, already well-known as a Puritan. We heard of him 
first in the company of Grenville, supping very pleasantly at 
the expense of the town of Plymouth.^ Paget had begun in the 
world as a chorister at Christ Church, Oxford, where according 
to Fuller, "he broke his right arm with carrying the pax’; so 
that in later years he was in the habit of signing himself "lame 
Eusebius Paget’ ~ clearly a suitable subject for Puritanism. At 
the time of his presentation, he had informed Grenville, as 
patron, and Woottpn, the Bishop of Exeter, that "he could not 
with quietness of conscience use some rites, ceremonies and 
orders appointed in the service-book’; on this understanding 
he accepted the charge and was inducted.^ No doubt he was 
godly, and his ministrations were apparently popular; he was a 
preacher, travelling indefatigably up and down the neighbour- 
ing country. But there was, as always with such devout persons, 
a vein of self-righteousness in him which roused others of his 
clerical brethren to fury. 

^ V. ante p, 146. 2 Neal, History of the Puritans ^ i, 297. 



The Cornish clergy were certainly in an interesting condition 
at this time: many of them were pluralists and most were ignor- 
ant. The Rector of Philleigh, so the Puritans said, was ‘a good 
dicer and carder both night and day’ ; the vicar of Lanteglos-by- 
Fowey was ‘a common gamester and the best wrastler in Corn- 
wall’; the vicar of St. Issey was ‘a common dicer and burnt in 
the hand for felony and full of all iniquity’; the vicar of Gulval 
was 'a drunkard and hath lately married a common harlot.’ 
Of the Rector of Week St. Mary it was said, ‘he keepeth his 
house for debt; he payed so much for it (i.e. the living) to Sir 
Richard Grenville.’ Such were the Cornish clergy according to 
the brethren in Christ, the Puritans.^ 

A person such as Paget who set himself up for righteousness, 
rendered himself a conspicuous target, and he opened himself 
to his enemies by not conforming to the Prayer Book, omitting 
to use certain portions of the prescribed services, and objecting 
to the surplice and the sign of the cross in baptism. Just at this 
time, the Queen who had no love for the Puritans appointed 
Whitgift as Archbishop, a strong disciplinarian, to reduce them 
to order. Paget was informed against and brought before the 
High Commission; on refusing to follow the prescribed forms in 
every particular and appealing to his bishop’s promise to refrain 
from urging him, he was suspended. Paget proceeded to show 
the stuff these fanatics were made of, by producing a list of 
articles against Wootton, the Bishop of Exeter, charging him 
with never visiting the whole diocese in person, nor attending 
at preachings, ‘yea he will be in his bed, or be in his stable 
among his horses, or in his kitchen among his serv’ants, when 
there are sermons in the Church hard by his house, and he not 
come at them’ (unpardonable offence!); and winding up by 
charging him with nepotism, and that ‘he had two harlots 
begotten with child in his own house, which accused two of his 
men, and none of them brought to penance, yea the men do yet 
wait upon him,’ ^ It was perhaps a pity that he could not accuse 
the Bishop of begetting them himself; but there was something 
in his charge. The Bishop was under the unfortunate necessity 

^ T/t^ Seconde Parte of a Register (ed. Peel), j i, 98-1 10. 

2 Lansdowne MSS. 45, no. 412. 



of making a lengthy explanation. But to Paget it was of no 
avail; he was put out of his living. 

Grenville must have been sympathetic to Paget in the first 
instance to have presented him to it. But there is no evidence 
that he was actively Puritan in his sympathies, as Drake and 
Hawkins were. He was a Protestant, and by now probably a 
convinced one; but he was a supporter of the Grown and of the 
Church as by law established. He was probably the less reluct- 
ant to see Paget put out of his rectory, since he had now another 
candidate of his own, a cousin, a certain William Tucker. But 
though Eusebius had gone, Mrs. Paget was by no means so 
easily disposed of. She had but recently recovered from child- 
birth - the minister’s quiver was full of arrows - and filling the 
parsonage-house with her friends and connections, including 
two Scots, David Black and his wife, and one Fullerton, she 
determined to remain on. She had a whole party of sym- 
pathisers in the country-side, headed by John Kempthorne (of 
the delightful manor of Tonacombe) — 

‘one John Kempthorne,’ Grenville wrote scornfully, ‘whom Mr. 
Paget called his Justice of peace, otherwise a mean person, came 
thither, who not only advised them to stay there, but further 
offered himself to assist them with his authority, which he hath 
only almost used as an engine of small account to oppugn me 
in these causes with Mr. Paget.’ ^ 

One day in the winter of 1584-5 Grenville arrived at Stowe 
from his house at Bideford; the day before being Sunday, there 
had been a sermon in the parish church, and Fullerton and the 
inhabitants of the parsonage not coming, the churchwardens 
sent to ask them why not. Mrs. Paget’s supporters barricaded 
themselves in, put the house into a state of defence and appealed 
to Kempthorne as a Justice to help them. Grenville upon this 
warned them to depart, and procured a precept from the Stan- 
nary Court to arrest them as trespassers. Under this he arrested 
Kempthorne and Black’s wife, and himself went - so he put it - 
with a company of gentlemen to reason with Mrs. Paget, who 
was in no mood for reasoning and challenged him to throw her 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 176, no. 58. 



out of the house. Grenville stated afterwards that he had offered 
her to remain there for a month or two or three, pro\ ided she 
gave up some room to the incoming incumbent, Ivir. Tucker, 
and would accept the same at his hand. 

The account of these proceedings we derive from Grenville 
himself; for the rumour of them reached the Court - somebody 
had been busy reporting them - and he thought it necessaiy^ for 
his credit with Walsingham and other Puritan sympathisers 
who were his friends, to make a full explanation. He was just 
about to depart on his voyage to Virginia, and would certainly 
need Walsingham’s support and good opinion in the future, as 
he had had it in the past. Untrue reports had been put about 
to lower his credit with sundry honourable personages, he wrote 
to Walsingham: 

‘whereas I being now prepared to commit myself to the plea- 
sure of God on the seas, having a desire not to leave so great 
an infamy as this laid on my poor name unanswered before my 
departure, have thought it convenient even in plain sort to set 
down to your honour and other my honourable friends the 
whole and true course of all my dealings in this behalf.’ 

He wrote out a full account of his proceedings, claiming that 
he was entirely within his rights, since Paget had been lawfully 
deprived, and in the vacancy the living lapsed to him as lord 
of the manor and patron of the parish; and protesting that he 
had acted with courtesy and politeness to Mrs. Paget. His 
account was subscribed by various persons, Richard Prideaux, 
Richard Bellew, Arthur and Diggory Tremayne, John Harris - 
almost all of them his relatives. Having cleared his conscience, 
or, what was more important, re-established his credit with his 
friends at Court, he was free to depart for Virginia. 

Perhaps Grenville protested too much, for in all the affairs of 
these years there is an element of violence which one cannot 
fail to observe. It was not entirely due to the rawness and 
crudity of the time; Francis Godolphin for instance managed his 
affairs in the westernmost part of the county with smoothness 
and ease. It was Grenville’s way of doing things; we cannot but 
regard it as in part the character of the man. 





In spite of the absence of Council Registers for these years, and 
with them information about many of Grenville’s activities, 
there is evidence to show a constant increase in the pressure of 
public business upon him. Nor is it so miscellaneous in char- 
acter. As the years move on to the great crisis of the war with 
Spain, we find him more and more caught up into the work of 
organising the defence of the country, overlooking the annual 
musters in Cornwall, surveying forts and likely places of descent 
upon the sea-coast, superintending the building and repair of 
fortifications, in which last sphere he had come to be regarded 
as an expert. Evidence of his private avocations becomes, if 
anything, rarer even than before: no word of his family, not a 
single letter to his wife has survived, hardly a mention of his 
business transactions which must have been considerable. 

In 1583 we find him serving on two special Commissions of 
the Exchequer; the first, in June, to inquire concerning debtors 
of the Crown within the county - a more or less routine inquiry 
set on foot by the Exchequer from time to time.^ The second 
was more interesting; it concerned the lands which had been 
given in time past for the endowment of a chantry in the parish 
church of St. Michael Penkivel.^ It brings back vividly to mind 
the not far-distant time when mass was celebrated in these 
Cornish churches with all the old rites, the annual obits and 
commemorations of the faithful departed. The manor of 
Fentongollan had been left by one Trenowth for an obit in the 
Church of St. Michael Penkivel on St. Gregory’s day. John 
Harry deposed before Grenville at Launceston, that mass used 
to be celebrated on that day with great solemnity. John Michell 

^ Exchequer K. R. Special Commission 139. * ibid. 541. 



of Truro 'saith that about fifty years past he, this examiuate, 
repaired with his mother to the parish of St. Michael Penkivel 
and saw to the number of — people and upwards and mass [was 
said].’ Every priest coming to the mass received a groat for 
his attendance; and there was usually great concourse in the 
church on that day. The scene appeals movingly to the histor- 
ical imagination: the faithful people, the priests hurrying 
along the tangled woodland lanes of that Roseland parish to 

In December he was appointed along with Bernard Drake to 
examine into a case of suspected popery at Great Torrington ^ 
- one finds him rarely employed in the capacity of a Justice now 
in Devon, his work in Cornwall occupied so much of his time. 
One Alexander Barry examined before him, deposed that 
William Edmunds, servant to Mr. Chappell, had brought with 
him to church at Great Torrington, a popish catechism by 
Laurence Vaux, a well-known Catholic frequently imprisoned, 
a relative of Lord Vaux’s. Edmunds protested that he brought 
the book from Mr. Coplestone’s, who was further inculpated by 
Barry for his views on the sacraments; for he held the suspicious 
view that though only two were essential, the other five Vere 
sacraments and had their mysteries and significations as matri- 
mony did express the unity betwixt Christ and his church.’ A 
distinctly high-church view; but nothing further emerged to 
incriminate Goplestone, which would have been a serious 
matter, for he was the head of a family important in the county. 

Among the State Papers there has survived too a certificate of 
this year, from Michaelmas 1 582 to July 1 583, of the amounts 
of corn which had been exported abroad under Gren\ilie’s 
license as Commissioner.^ The quantities were considerable: it 
must have been a year of plenty or permission would not have 
been given, for the Tudors were guided by the conception of the 
well-being of the whole in their economic policy. What is re- 
markable is that though some went to Ireland, most of it was 
exported to Spain; and it is amusing to find that the biggest 
individual shipment (280 quarters of wheat and a little barley) 
was made from Padstow by John Sparke, the Plymouth mer- 
^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 164, nos. 59-61. ® ibid. 161, no. 42, 



chant who went with Hawkins on his second voyage to Guinea 
and the West Indies in 1564, and wrote the delightful account 
of it in Hakluyt’s Principal J^avigations, 

By this time, he was much more occupied with the prepara- 
tions for national defence, in the widest, not merely a negative 
siense: he was naturally drawn along with the ablest and most 
energetic leaders of the nation into the work of keying up the 
spirit of the people for the struggle to come. In the summer of 
1583, the Council ordered the Cornish Justices to take the 
Musters again; it was very short notice, and as the county 
extends a great way in length, they reported, there were many 
deficiencies ‘too intricate to trouble your Honours withal.’ ^ 
And so they gave the gentlemen of the county a new day, till 
6 November to remedy defaults in the musters, by which time 
they would be sufficiently provided. At the same time the 
Council ordered the leading Justices to make a return of all the 
parks and commons in the county, evidently with a view to 
discovering what number of horses it could support in case of 
war. They returned a full report, and wrote with Grenville at 
the head, 

‘we have signified to your Honours of the barrenness of our said 
commons, being wet moors in some part. And for the most 
part very dry heath-grounds, altogether unable and unmeet to 
nourish and breed such mares and horses as should be service- 
able for the wars.’ 

Cornwall was at this time very poorly off for horses and cattle: 
the local breeds were undersized and in number very few. 
Only the gentry, and a few of the most substantial yeomen were 
in a position to supply a horse in case of need. 

On 6 October, orders were issued by the Government for the 
survey and repair of forts along the coasts, in Essex, the Isle of 
Sheppey, Dorset, the Isle of Wight, and in Devon and Corn- 
wall.^ For the last a Commission was made out to Bedford, 
Grenville, Godolphin and others.® They were to survey the 
forts, castles, platforms on the sea-coast, and to place fit persons 

S.P. Dom. Eliz., 162, no. 38. * ibid. 163, no. 5. 

8 Westley Manning MSS.: Elizabethan Exhibition Catalogue, no. 371. 



to look after them; at the same time they were to have 'some 
care and foresight not to increase her Majesty’s charges at this 
time, but with that shall be very needful, in respect her Majesty’s 
charges (even for this kind of service) is like to be very great 
through the realm.’ It has been well said that finance was the 
essence of Elizabeth’s success; without the constant and in- 
creasing pressure of the Government for strict watchfulness as 
to every item of expenditure, English resources would have been 
fatally dissipated as Spain’s were. It was 'the disparity between 
Elizabeth’s resources and achievements’ which was 'the miracle 
of her age.’ ^ 

It was clear that the main responsibility in the work would 
fall upon Grenville; Bedford’s name was placed at the head of 
the Commission, but he hardly ever crossed the Cornish border, 
though he was frequently enough in Devonshire. On 9 Decem- 
ber, the Council wrote to Grenville specially to view the state 
of the castle at Tintagel - that fantastic headland stronghold 
going back into remote antiquity. At the end of the month, he 
reported: ^ 

'I presently rode thither and sending for him that hath the 
charge thereof went up into it. At the entry of the island there 
is a door and certain walls standing with certain ruinate rooms 
which were lodgings and may yet with some small charges be 
repaired and made fit to be dwelt in. From the utter great gate 
on the main there hath been within the memory of some that 
dwell thereby a drawbridge which is now gone, by reason that 
the seas have undermined and fretted out some part of the 
rocks whereon the bridge stood.’ 

He goes on to give a complete and practised survey of the island, 
the state of its fortifications and landing-places and makes a 
number of suggestions for repairs. This was evidently a strong 
point with him: we find him being used shortly by the Govern- 
ment to give advice about the important works going forward 
at Dover at the entrance to the harbour. 

Then he goes on to consider the keeping of the castle, for 

Neale, Queen Elizabeth^ 284. * S.P. Dom. Eliz. 164, no. 62. 



‘the Isle itself as it is now left, is a dangerous receptacle for an 
evil affected person that shall attempt to take it, either by land 
or sea, for he who now hath the charge of the castle and the 
island, is one John Hendey a very tall young man and one that 
is thought to be evil affected in religion; his father now dead who 
had the charge before him, was accounted a papist and accused 
and long imprisoned in the gaol for seditious words against her 
Majesty; this young man’s mother known to be a papist and not 
caring for her bonds wherein she stood bound to her Majesty’s 
use to appear before us at the Sessions as a recusant for not 
coming to the Church, forfeiting the same, hath forsaken this 
house and her county and is gone to a house of Sir John 
Arundell’s in Dorsetshire called Chideock, where she and many 
such are received and harboured, and where this John Hendey 
hath of late been with her, coming and going this Michaelmas 
term last to and from London where he hath had access to Sir 
John Arundell, no cause known.’ 

It was true that Sir John Arundell’s Dorsetshire house, 
Chideock Castle, had become a refuge for a number of his 
Catholic dependants and sympathisers who resorted there. 
And the withdrawal of Sir John from Cornwall to residence 
partly at Chideock and partly in London, which later became 
confinement, left all this part of the coast void of its natural 
guardian. Grenville had been asked to certify whom he thought 
meet for the charge, and he replied, 

‘that part of the country is so barren of such gentlemen [i.e. 
those well-affected in religion] of any account ... as I know 
none more fit dwelling near to the place than Mr. Geo. Gren- 
ville, now sheriff of the county, whom I assure your honours to 
be a gentleman well inclined to religion and to her Majesty’s 

The Government was not content with the way in which the 
organisation of the Musters was being handled in most counties 
— in Devonshire the Justices were not even making any efforts, 
which they certainly were in Cornwall, and the Council 
addressed a pretty stiff remonstrance to the former.^ It was 
^ S.P, Dom- Eliz., 170, no. 32. 



arranged to send into each county a person experienced in 
martial matters to serve as Muster Master and organise the 
levies professionally. Thomas Horde was sent down to Cora- 
wall.i While his cousin George Grenville, the Sheriff, and other 
Justices were tackling the Musters with Horde’s expert advice, 
Grenville was away from the county giving his advice on the 
question of the harbour-works at Dover. 

It was a very considerable problem; for some time the har- 
bour had been silting up, there were extensive repairs to be 
undertaken, and it was a question on which side of the Crane to 
open the mouth of the haven. Work had been going on, but 
there was much dispute and doubt about it. In Spring 1584 
Grenville and George Cary of Gockington were appointed at 
the head of a Commission to go down to Dover and take 
evidence on the matter.^ The work was of great complexity and 
difficulty, and gave rise to innumerable disputes among the 
experts. It occupied Grenville all the early summer. 

By 6 August, he was back again in the west, at Penheale with 
the Sheriff; for together they wrote from there to the Council 
explaining why they had not yet moved the county to contri- 
bute to the relief of Nantwich, which had been burned and 
for which an appeal was being made throughout the country.® 

^Because our poor country hath been somewhat busied ever 
sithence and before the receipt of the said letters with musters, 
and since with the trainings and the constables continually 
followed the same . . . and now those charges being inter- 
mitted and the people ready busily to employ their harvest,’ 

they ask that they may forbear for the time to move the county 
for a collection. Captain Horde, they report, has won golden 
opinions in the county, having shown himself "among all de- 
grees to be a man of a very modest expert and discrete govern- 
ment in all his actions and thereby hath won the good com- 
mendation of all men.’ The bands have very much profited by 
his instructions, and by his discreet and courteous usage of them 
he has 

^ ibid. 171, no. 8. * ibid. 170, no. 99; 171, nos. 17, 18, 30, 31. 

» ibid. 172, no. 57. 



‘won them generally to such a willingness to be employed and 
trained that they that erst were abashed, yea and as would have 
given good sums of money to have been exempted from the 
service, rejoice in that they have profited by this training. And 
generally they wish that there were allowance of powder for 
them that they might the more often be exercised.’ 

Such was the spirit of the country in the golden days before the 

Nor did Grenville lose much time in getting into touch with 
the work in building a new pier at Boscastle, which had been 
begun under his direction in April and was now two parts done; 
he forwarded the account of the charges as delivered to him by 
the townsmen^ The pier and quay at Boscastle, that narrow 
little entry between the cliffs, but so necessary since it was the 
only harbour in forty miles between Padstow and Ilfracombe, 
had been twice built within recent memory and had cost 
the poor inhabitants and their well-wishers £ 200 , ‘But the 
same quay,’ so the townsmen say, being ‘now begun and set in 
a new place by the good aid and directions of the right worship- 
ful Sir Richard Grenville Knight, is thought of the skilful 
workmen and others by God’s grace most like for ever to con- 
tinue.’ One is not sure whether it is the aid and directions of 
Sir Richard Grenville, or God’s grace, which is expected to be 
the more effectual. 

On 17 October Grenville wrote to Walsingham to report the 
result of his and the Sheriff’s endeavours to raise a subscription 
for the relief of Nantwich, at the same time taking the oppor- 
tunity to introduce his cousin to the Secretary’s favourable 
notice and assuring him of their family’s good wishes and sup- 

‘We having motioned the county thereunto do find them 
generally to complain of the great burdens that have of late been 
laid on them, and yet nevertheless there is collected to the value 
of £ 20 , which is to be delivered at your honour’s direction, by 
the sheriff of this county my kinsman the bearer hereof; who 
also most humbly presenteth himself to your honour as one that 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz., i7i2, no. 57 (i). 



will be always most ready at your commandment, as myself and 
the residue of my poor house are by your honourable fav^our 
most bounden, therein so do we most humbly desire the con- 
tinuance of your favour towards us, and we shall rest ready 
with hand and heart at your honours commandment during our 
lives as knoweth our good god, to whom we continually pray for 
your good preservation, and so most humbly I take my leave, 
from my poor house of Stowe this x\m[ of October 1584.J ^ 

It is not merely politeness, the form of the time, that accounts 
for the excessive courtesy of the letter; it signifies that Grenville 
looked to Walsingham for his lead, and for the protection of 
his interests at Court. Nor was it an empty expectation: w’hat 
significance Grenville attached to it may be seen from the 
alacrity with which he wrote to defend himself in the affair of 
Mrs. Paget: it was important to him to maintain his credit at 
Court through the Secretary. 

He was, then, at Stowe in the middle of October: one thinks 
of the leaves falling in the woods below the house, the even- 
ings drawing in, and around the great house on the hill the 
autumn gales beginning to blow. The days were full as ever 
of business, but no doubt - since those were more leisurely days 
all told - there was time for hawking and hunting, coursing the 
hare and for bowls in the bowling alley. 

The days moved on: towards the end of the month a mes- 
senger brought him a letter from the Secretary concerning the 
works at Dpver for his opinion. ‘Whereupon I rode presently to 
a place called Dodding-castle,’ he wrote, meaning Boscastle, 
‘where I caused a pier to be made this summer which as yet is 
not fully finished, to the end I would confer with the master 
workman, who hath great experience as a manual workman in 
that kind of work.’ “ He has there tried out the use of stone 
mixed with chalk in building the pier, and is opposed to it, as 
the stone sinks into the chalk and soon comes loose. His letter 
is full of protestations of service and devotion, because ‘the 
work is commanded by her Royal Majesty.’ He is grateful for 
being sent a full account of what was done at Dover this sum- 

^ ibid. 1 73, no. 76. ® ibid. no. 95. 



mer, and to see the good effect of his directions, ‘wherein it 
plainly appeareth that to observe the course of nature with the 
unruly seas is the best school-master/ 

With the questions and answers of the master- workmen, and 
his own comments on them, he enclosed a sketch of his device 
for a pier at Dover, the core of which was of chalk, but entirely 
encased in hard stone. It is interesting to observe that though 
he was reluctant again to embark upon computations, perhaps 
because he was unable, he very competently performed the 
drawing of the sketch-plan to indicate his design. This is the 
last we hear of him in connection with the works at Dover; 
George Cary continued to act as Commissioner for a time. 
Grenville became caught up in the Virginia projects of his 
cousin, Walter Ralegh, now rapidly rising to power and wealth. 
By April, a new Commissioner for Dover was appointed; ^ Gren- 
ville was at Plymouth awaiting a favourable wind, and on the 
ninth sailed. 

Before this, however, one or two more services in the county 
and at Westminster remained. In January he was drawn into 
the investigations proceeding as regards the Winslade in- 
heritance. It was a complex and tangled affair, going back to 
the Rising of 1549; but it was an extremely moving story that 
was revealed, involving as it did the ruin of a whole family, the 
formal depositions of witnesses unfolding layer upon layer of 
human suffering. 

John Winslade, with whom the trouble began, was a leader 
along with Humphrey Arundell in the Rebellion; and like him 
was executed and his lands, which were extensive, forfeited to 
the Crown. Some time before, perhaps fearing some such 
trouble in those unquiet days, he had made over to his wife 
Agnes a number of his manors, Bochym, Tregarrick, Talcarne, 
Penfugh and Killiow, as her jointure. He seems to have been a 
generous, good-hearted nature, just such a man as the Rising 
would have swept in with it. After his death, his widow married 
John Trevanion of Carhayes, bringing her jointure saved from 
the wreck of Winslade’s fortunes with her. When she was dead, 
the lands were to go to Winslade’s son William, or his heirs. 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 178, no. 2. 


But Trevanion kept the evidences, nor would he give them up 
when his wife lay on her death-bed beseeching him to deliver 
them to the Winslades. Instead, Trevanion handed them over 
with the lands which he granted partly to Francis Buller, partly 
to Sir William Mohun and John Trelawny, for certain sums of 
money paid down and so much income for life. Poor Agnes, 
the wife, was kept from knowing the details of the transaction; 
she was willing enough for him to be made secure for life, but 
anxious that the children of John Winslade should come into 
their rights after. Buller and Mohun made themselves as 
sure as they could legally. Then, on 17 November 1582, she 

The position of the Winslades was weakened by the fact that 
William Winslade had fled the country some time before. But 
there was evidence enough to warrant a full inquiry, and on 
28 December 1584, Grenville was put at the head of a Com- 
mission to investigate.^ They sat at Launceston on 2 1 January. 
Evidence was brought that Daniel Winslade, William’s son, had 
come to his grandmother at Tregariick, and asked her "^by 
the way of conscience’ to deliver the evidences which he thought 
to be in her keeping. It was clear that she meant them to come 
to the Winslades after her death, she ‘had already taken such 
order with Master Trevanion.’ But upon her death-bed she 
was cheated of her wish by Trevanion and her daughter and 
son-in-law. The scene in her house at Tregarrick was patheti- 
cally described by an old serving-woman there, Alice King of 
Talland: how again and again Agnes besought her husband to 
give her the deeds that belonged to the Winslades, and was 
continually put off; how on the day of her death, her daughter 
and son-in-law called for a fire and a wad of straw to burn 
evidences of a debt due by the latter to Winslade, and how John 
Connock, a lawyer from Liskeard, handed over certain deeds 
to Trevanion, with the words: ‘Keep you that safe and I will 
keep this; which if we do, the Winslades shall never be able to 
recover their lands except they seek it out above, which through 
poverty they shall never be able to do.’ 

And so it came about: the Winslades never came by their 
^Exchequer K.R. Special Commission 531. 



lands again. The stumbling-block seems to have been, not so 
much that, John Winslade having been attainted, they were cor- 
rupt in blood, but that William Winslade was a fugitive from 
the country. Evidence was given by a number of mariners from 
round about Helford Passage, who said 'that about four years 
past, William Winslade in a small bark called the Peter of Hel- 
ford, in the compstny of these deponents, passed from Helford 
into the parts of Brittany being the dominion of the French 
King, to a place there called Lantregar.’ That would have 
been about 1581. And so all was lost, and the Bullers came to 
live in the hall at Tregarrick, where they were comfortably 
seated by the time Carew came to write his Survey of Cornwall 
and had adopted a satisfactory legend how they came by it. 

‘The warmth of this hundred, siding the south,’ says Carew, 
‘hath enticed many gentlemen here to make choice of their 
dwellings, as Mr. Buller, now sheriff, at Tregarrick, the Wide- 
slades’ inheritance, until the father’s rebellion forfeited it to the 
Prince; and the Prince’s lai'gess rewarded therewith his sub- 
jects. Wideslade’s son led a walking life with his harp, to 
gentlemen’s houses, wherethrough, and by his other active 
qualities, he was entitled Sir Tristram: neither wanted he (as 
some say) a “belle Isoult,” the more aptly to resemble his pat- 
tern.’ ^ 

And sure enough, we find that in his wanderings, by 1583 
he had reached the kindly shelter and hospitality of Douai; 
for we find an entry in the Diary of the College saying that on 
28 August there arrived ‘Tristram Winslade.’ ^ It shows where 
his sympathies were: his family had lost everything by their 
loyalty to Catholicism: at Douai at this time he would find the 
solace of several other Cornish Catholics. 

But the Mohuns and the Trevanions went on; the former till 
they came to an end with the fifth Baron, an infernal brawler 
and duellist who was no better than a murderer and was him- 
self killed in a duel with the Duke of Hamilton in Hyde Park on 
15 November 1712 ~ an affair of which Swift sent such a vivid 
account to Stella; while the latter, the Trevanions, went on at 
^ Carew, 308-9. 2 Knox, Douai Diaries, 



Carhayes until early in the nineteenth century they came to an 
end in a riot of drink and wild escapades. 

So much for the characteristic and many-sided activities of a 
leading Justice of the Peace at this time in his county - a posi- 
tion to which Grenville had attained in these years by his assidu- 
ous attention to business, by the force and vigour of his char- 
acter and the historic place of his family in the county’s affairs. 
It was a position which he was to continue to occupy until, after 
the Armada, he found a wider sphere of service, at first in Ire- 
land and then at sea. Nevertheless it is easy to underestimate 
the importance of these local and very varied services rendered 
within the bounds of his own county. In fact, it was upon this 
structure of efficient and voluntary local administration that the 
success of Tudor government rested. 

As difficulties thickened round the Queen’s government, so 
the gentry as the natural leaders of her people drew in around 
her person. At the end of 1583, Throckmorton’s conspiracy 
against the Queen’s life, and for combined invasion and in- 
surrection, was unveiled. Mendoza, the Spanish Ambassador, 
had been acquainted with it at every stage and even insti- 
gating it. He was told ignominiously to leave the country. It 
was too much for his intolerable pride; he said to Elizabeth in 
his farewell audience: ‘Don Bernardino de Mendoza was born, 
not to disturb countries, but to conquer them.’ 1588 was the 
answer to all that. On the day that Throckmorton was exe- 
cuted, 10 July 1584, the great William of Orange died at the 
hand of an assassin. In September, Elizabeth heard of the plots 
of Guise and Allen for replacing her by Mary. The Earls of 
Northumberland and Arundel were arrested and sent to the 
Tower. All this aroused a fever of resentment and indignation. 
Throughout the country Instruments of Association for the 
preservation and defence of the Queen were signed by all the 
leading persons, binding themselves with all their power to 
serve and defend her against ‘all Estates, Dignities, and earthly 
Powers whatsoever,’ and to pursue to utter extermination all 
that should attempt anything against her Royal Person. The 
Instrument of Association for the county of Cornwall was very 
widely signed - it contains twice the number of names on that 



for Devonshire; at the head of it stood the names of the Sheriff 
and Grenville.^ 

A new Parliament was elected in the autumn of 1 584; by the 
time it met, at the end of November, feeling had somewhat sub- 
sided. Grenville and Sir William Mohun were returned as 
Knights of the shire.® Sir Francis Drake sat for the borough 
of Bossiney; Sir John Killigrew’s brother, William, Groom of 
the Chamber to the Queen, and the son, John, sat for Penryn. 
Old Sir John St. Leger, now very decrepit, was returned for 
Tregony. Grenville and Drake, on the other hand, were very 
active and served on Several Committees of the House, on some 
of them together. 

Parliament was opened by the Queen on 23 November, ‘in 
her accustomed Pompous and Royal manner.’ ® Its first bill 
legalised the Association for her defence. The second banished 
all Jesuits and seminary priests who would not take the oath and 
prohibited their return on pain of treason. Parliament was 
prepared to go much further than the Government, which had 
no desire for merciless measures; and the Queen amended the 
bill legalising the Association so as to restrain the possibility of 
private vengeance. After this, their passion somewhat abated. 
Parliament settled down to less important measures. 

The one which occupied a good deal of time and gave rise to 
much dispute and discussion, was a Bill for the better and more 
reverent observing of the Sabbath day. On Friday, 27 Novem- 
ber, it was given a second reading, and committed to a large 
committee, upon which both Grenville and Drake served.^ On 
3 December, an unimportant Bill concerning Hue and Cry was 
read a second time and committed to Grenville, Sir Henry Cock, 
Mr. Richard Lewkenor and others.® On the same day the Bill 
for the true answering of tithes was given a second reading and 
committed to Grenville, Sir John Petre, Sir William Herbert 
and Mr. Dale, one of the Masters of Requests. 

Much more important for the next phase in Grenville’s life 
was the Bill for the confirmation of Walter Ralegh’s Letters 
Patent for the discovery of foreign countries. Humphrey Gil- 

1 S.P. Dorn. Eliz. 174, no. 5. 2 Official Return, i, 413. 

* D’Ewes, Journal, 311. * ibid. 333. * ibid. 335. 



bert, Ralegh’s half-brother, had been granted a Royal Charter 
in June 1578 to discover and occupy ""such remote and bar- 
barous lands . . . not actually possessed of any Christian prince 
or people.’ ^ It was in fulfilment of this charter that Gilbert made 
his last voyage to Newfoundland in 1583; and upon his death, 
Ralegh, who had been associated with his enterprises, immedi- 
ately sued for the renewal of Gilbert’s Charter for himself. In 
March 1584, his Letters Patent were made out, and he at once 
dispatched a small scouting expedition under Captains Amadas 
and Barlow to North America. They came back with a favour- 
able report of the bounty and good prospects of the land they 
had hit upon - the later Virginia. Ralegh at once set in hand 
preparations for an expedition on a large scale, which w^as to 
occupy and colonise the newly discovered territory'. He in- 
tended to go himself at the head of it and take possession. 

The Bill before Parliament was to confirm the very' wide powers 
which Royal prerogative, and the Queen’s personal favour, had 
conferred upon him. It received its first and second reading on 
the same day, Monday 14 December; and upon that was com- 
mitted to a Committee consisting of the Vice-Chamberlain, 
Secretary Walsingham, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir William Court- 
enay, Sir William Mohun and others, with Grenville and Sir 
Francis Drake.® It was a powerful Committee, with a strong 
West-Country representation, wholly sympathetic to Ralegh’s 
colonising project. No wonder therefore, as D’Ewes tells us, 
three days later the Bill ‘was brought in by the Committees not 
altered in any word; and upon motion for ingrossing, was after 
some arguments upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.’ 
Next day, it had its third reading, and ‘after many Arguments 
and a Proviso added unto it, passed upon the Question.’ 

There followed the Christmas adjournment: 

‘Her Majesty graciously considering the great pains and care- 
ful travail of this House in the service and affairs of the Realm, 
hath determined upon Monday next to adjourn the Court of 
Parliament until some other convenient time after Christmas, 
that such Gentlemen and other Members of this House may the 

^Edwards: Sir Walter Ralegh, 1, 84. 

a D’Ewes, 339. 


more conveniently repair home to their houses in the mean time 
for their better ease and recreation/ ^ 

It is to be noticed that Grenville who had taken a very active 
part in the business of the House before the adjournment, took 
none of which there is any mention after. At some time during 
the proceedings oyer the Bill in Parliament, Ralegh not being 
permitted by the Queen to go on the voyage himself, persuaded 
Grenville to take the command in his place; and Grenville out of 
the ‘love he bore unto Sir Walter Ralegh, together with a dis- 
position he had to attempt honourable actions worthy of honour, 
was willing to hazard himself in this voyage/ ^ 

^D’Ewes, 342. ^ Holinshed, Chronicle, 1402. 





‘I soarvel not a little that since the first discovery of 
America (which is now full fourscore and ten years) after so 
great conquest and plantings of the Spaniards and Portingales 
there, that we of England could never have the grace to set 
fast footing in such fertile and temperate places, as are left as 
yet unpossessed by them.’ 

RICHARD HAKLUYT, Dims Voyages, 1582 

It was at this time, and in this way, that Walter Ralegh makes 
his first known entry into Grenville’s life. Hitherto, there is no 
evidence of their having come into contact; which, although 
they were cousins, is not surprising, considering the largeness of 
the cousinage and the disparity of age between them. Ralegh 
was some ten years younger than Grenville, so that, though 
their early careers followed the same pattern, service in the wars 
abroad and in Ireland, they never coincided. Their relation- 
ship was in the first instance on their mother’s side, through the 
Ghampernownes. Ralegh’s mother was Katherine Ghamper- 
nowne, sister of Sir Arthur and widow of Otto Gilbert - hence 
the Gilberts were Ralegh’s half-brothers; while Grenville’s 
uncle, William Gole of Slade, his mother’s brother, married 
another Ghampemowne sister. But further back than this, their 
families had intermingled. Sir Thomas Grenville, whose tomb 
is in Bideford church, had married a Gilbert; while a daughter 
of Sir Thomas’s, Joan Grenville, married Wymond Ralegh, Sir 
Walter’s grandfather. 

Such were the connections of the families; they both belonged 
to the gentry of long-standing in the western counties, though 
the Grenvilles were the more prominent, and the Raleghs had 

193 N 


become somewhat impoverished in recent generations. Both 
too, as befitted their social class, were in favour of the changes 
consequent upon the Dissolution and the reforming movement, 
from which they drew advantage. 

The career of Walter Ralegh is too well known to need des- 
cribing here; it is sufficient to note the close parallel its early 
stages afford to those of Humphrey Gilbert and Grenville, and 
those are less well known. At the age of fourteen or fifteen he 
was at Oxford, at Oriel College. Then in 1569, when Gilbert 
and Grenville were in Ireland at the time of the Fitzmaurice 
Rebellion, Ralegh was a young volunteer with his cousin 
Henry Champernowne going to the aid of the Huguenots at the 
battle of Moncontour in October; this was three years after 
Grenville’s similar venture in Hungary. Ralegh’s sojourn 
abroad lasted much longer; he was in France for some six 
years, in the midst of the civil wars, and he must have become 
an experienced soldier. By 1576 he was back in England, a 
resident at Islington, a hanger-on of the Court. Gilbert was at 
this time living at Limehouse, plunged in his schemes for a 
voyage of discovery and colonisation; his early Irish exploits 
and his expedition to the Netherlands were behind him. In 
1578 he was fitting out his first voyage, a large affair into which 
he threw all his resources. In June he obtained his Charter 
from the Crown to hold and occupy the lands he discovered; 
Ralegh in September was at Dartmouth helping him. When it 
set sail it was largely a family enterprise, Gilbert being in com- 
mand of the admiral, Carew Ralegh of the vice-admiral and 
Walter of the Falcon^ a bark of 100 tons. But the enterprise came 
to no good. What happened to it is something of a mystery; it 
seems that it became engaged in an encounter with Spaniards, 
of which no details are known, except that Gilbert lost a tall 
ship and came back with the rest ‘sore battered and disabled.’ 

Next year Gilbert and Ralegh intended to make another at- 
tempt and perhaps exact retribution for their losses; but before 
they could leave Dartmouth, word came down from the Council 
that they were ‘to surcease from proceeding any further’ and 
Gilbert was to put in sureties for his good behaviour. He went 
straight to Ireland, a field of action always open to the dis- 



gnintled Elizabethan, and took part in the fighting against 
Fitzmaurice and Desmond. Ralegh followed next year, being 
given command of loo soldiers. Here he remained for a year, 
making a reputation for valour and severity. He rescued a 
fellow west-countryman from an ambush with great daring and 
at much personal risk to himself. In November he commanded 
on the first three days and the final day of the assault on the 
Spaniards and Italians at Smerwick, and on their surrender had 
them all put to the sword. But he was not contented with Ire- 
land; we find him writing in August 1581 to Leicester who had 
become in some sort his patron: ‘I have spent some time here 
under the Deputy, in such poor place and charge, as, were it 
not for that I knew him to be one of yours, I would disdain it as 
much as to keep sheep.’ ^ It is the true Ralegh spirit, pride and 
discontentment with his present lot. 

It was soon to be remedied; in December he was in England 
with dispatches, and somehow or other - it is still a mystery how 
or when - he gained the favourable attention of the Queen. 
Posterity has enshrined its romantic suddenness in the story of 
the cloak laid for the royal feet to pass over a muddy place. 
There is nothing inherently improbable in it - tradition is often 
a useful guide; and there is a worldly parable to be read into 
the action. The next generation was not even certain how it 
was that Ralegh gained the Queen’s ear. Sir Robert Naunton 
suggests that it may have been over some variance with his 
superior Lord Grey in Ireland, which drew them both to the 
Council-table, where Ralegh had a marked advantage; ‘but 
true it is, he had gotten the Queen’s ear at a trice, and she began 
to be taken with his elocution, and loved to hear his reasons to 
her demands : and the truth is, she took him for a kind of Oracle, 
which nettled them all,’ ^ Perhaps a more lasting recommenda- 
tion to a lady so susceptible to masculine charms as Elizabeth 
was his handsome personal appearance; moreover he was un- 
married. Naunton witnesses: ‘He had in the outward man, a 
good presence, in a handsome and well-compacted person, a 
strong natural wit, and a better judgment, with a bold and 

^ Harleian MSS, 6993, f. 3. 

2 Naunton, Fragmenta Regalia (ed. Arber), 48-9. 



plausible tonguCj whereby he could set out his parts to the best 
advantage.’ It should be added, what posterity knows, that he 
was a man of scintillating and original genius; and that Eliza- 
beth, whose judgment of men was faultless, was justified in her 

Armed with these advantages, he rose rapidly into the 
splendour of royal favour. The pay of his Irish establishment he 
continued to receive - it was a way of providing for him till 
better could be found. It was not long in coming; in 1584 and 
later he was given very profitable grants of licences to export 
woollen cloths, and in the same year a very lucrative grant of 
the farm of wines, power to grant licences for their sale and to 
regulate prices. This latter brought in a large regular income; 
the impecunious second son of impoverished though gentle 
family (‘the Queen in her choice never took into her favour 
a meer new man, or a Mechanick’) was financially safe and able 
to support the position of conspicuous splendour to which he 
had so suddenly risen. Thereafter lands also were granted to 
him, and he obtained possession of the desired Sherborne from 
the see of Salisbury, with the aid of a tart letter from the Queen 
to the reluctant Bishop. 

In July 1585, while Grenville was captaining his expedition 
on the other side of the Atlantic, Ralegh had succeeded Bed- 
ford as Lord Warden of the Stannaries; and in September as 
Lieutenant of the county of Cornwall, and Vice-Admiral 
of both Devon and Cornwall. In 1587 he became Captain 
of the Guard in succession to Sir Christopher Hatton, a 
position of constant personal attendance upon the Queen, with 
all the great advantages that it offered. The position was com- 
plete: Ralegh from being one of the obscurer and unprosperous 
members of the great West Country cousinage, was through the 
favour of the Queen raised to a pivotal position within it. He 
was from now on the most important man in the government of 
the western counties; the Devon and Cornish gentry looked to 
him for their support - Carew, when he came to write his Survey 
of Cornwall^ dedicated it to him; he was in a position to advance 
the interests of his friends and relatives. From now on we find 
Grenville and Ralegh working in close and friendly association, 



not only as regards the Virginia schemes but in the government 
and defence of the West Country. 

It is to Ralegh’s eternal honour that he used his good fortune 
and new-found wealth to advance the great schemes for dis- 
covery and colonisation which he had set his heart upon. In 
1583 Gilbert set out upon his last voyage. The Queen had tried 
to hold him back, as Gilbert wrote pathetically to Walsingham:^ 
‘Her Majesty of her especial care had of my well-doing and 
prosperous success hath wished my stay at home from the 
personal execution of my intended discovery as a man noted of 
not good hap by sea,’ - one more indication of the rightness of 
her judgment. But Gilbert had gone too far: he had sold his 
lands and even spent his wife’s jointure upon his dream of 
discovery. When the time came for him to sail, the Queen gave 
him a meaning little token, ‘an anchor guided by a lady,’ but 
prudently forbore to subscribe to the adventure. Ralegh con- 
tributed £2^000 in equipping the Ark Ralegh^ but the ship re- 
turned early to harbour with fever aboard her. 

A sort of fatality overhung the expedition from the first. 
Gilbert sailed with his remaining ships for Newfoundland, 
which he took possession of and then turned south to explore 
the American coast. But he lost two of his ships and turned 
home defeated and discouraged. The rest we know from the 
famous words of Edward Hay’s report in Hakluyt:^ how Gilbert 
shifted into the tiny ten-ton frigate the Squirrel^ where 

‘the General sitting abaft with a book in his hand, cried out unto 
us in the Hind (so oft as we did approach within hearing) : “We 
are as near to heaven by sea as by land”; reiterating the same 
speech, well beseeming a soldier, resolute in Jesus Christ, as I 
can testify he was.’ 

The same night the lights of the little ship went suddenly 
out; ‘whereof as it were in a moment we lost the sight, and 
withal our watch cried, the General was cast away, which 
was too true. For in that moment, the frigate was devoured 
and swallowed up of the sea.’ The single surviving ship, 
^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 157, no. 59. * Hakluyt, VIII, 74. 



the Golden Hind^ arrived in Falmouth, not without peril, on 
Sunday 22 September. 

Ralegh was the heir to Gilbert's originating spirit; and at 
once he set about to resume the enterprise. His half-brother’s 
charter had now expired and in March he obtained a new one, 
with somewhat larger powers. The objective that Gilbert had 
had in mind was not merely Newfoundland but the mainland 
of North America. The English claim to possession was based 
upon the voyages of John and Sebastian Cabot nearly a century 
before. The early promise of these voyages for this country was 
somehow not fulfilled; the difficulties and problems of the Re- 
formation years for a time confined English energies and 
directed our attention inwards. In consequence, not only the 
Spanish but the French had stolen a march upon us in North 
America. Jacques Cartier and others had explored the St. 
Lawrence and into Canada; while at the southern end, in 
Florida, to the short-lived Huguenot colony under Ribault, 
there had succeeded the permanent Spanish settlements at St. 
Augustine and St. Helen’s. But there remained all the Ameri- 
can coast north of Florida; and this was what these and suc- 
ceeding voyages were designed to bring into English possession: 
as Edward Hay wrote, ‘God hath reserved the same to be re- 
duced unto Christian civility by the English nation.’ 

Ralegh’s determination to carry forward his half-brother’s 
projects for colonisation in North America, in spite of his ill- 
success, attracted the ardent support of the younger Hakluyt, 
already well known for his geographical knowledge and a pas- 
sionate believer in England’s fortune upon the sea and in the 
New World.^ Ralegh had requested Hakluyt to set down in 
writing his views on the question of colonisation; and in July 
1 584, he came over from Paris and working through the sum- 
mer in London, in close proximity to Ralegh, wrote his famous 
Discourse of Western Planting, Its real purpose was to persuade 
the Queen to take up the project and give it the backing of the 
state; Hakluyt seems to have realised that only the resources of 
the state could ultimately see the thing through to success. But 
Elizabeth was in no mood for such commitments; she was per- 

^ Taylor, Writings and Correspondence of the Hakluyts, I, 32—44. 



fectly willing to see the favourite whom she had raised to afflu- 
ence spend his wealth, if not himself, upon the venture. Not all 
Hakluyt’s eloquence could persuade her. While he was writing 
away through the hot summer in London, Ralegh’s first scout- 
ing expedition, two small barks under Captains Amadas and 
Barlow, were already in the new country. 

Immediately upon the issue of his charter, Ralegh had sent 
out the two barks to spy out the new country and prepare the 
way for a larger enterprise later. Philip Amadas, of that Ply- 
mouth and Launceston family which was connected with the 
Hawkinses, and Arthur Barlow, who had served under Ralegh 
in Ireland, were in command. The latter in addition wrote the 
delightful report of the voyage which is printed in Hakluyt;^ 
fresh, taut and vigorous as is always the writing of Elizabethan 
sea-captains, this one, an otherwise unknown man, surpasses 
most in the natural ease and beauty with which he wrote. There 
is a singular nostalgia about his writing: one can only put it 
down to this time being the morning of the language. 

They departed from the west of England on 27 April. They 
took the southward course via the Canaries and the West 
Indies; the prevailing winds and currents on this route and 
thence up the coast of Florida being better known and more 
favourable than the northern route. After remaining for a little 
in the West Indies to refresh themselves with sweet water and 
fresh victual, they struck up the coast of Florida. And on 

‘the second of July, we found shoal water, when we smelt so 
sweet, and so strong a smell, as if we had been in the midst of 
some delicate garden abounding with all kinds of odoriferous 
flowers, by which we were assured that the land could not be 
far distant. And keeping good watch, and bearing but slack 
sail, the fourth of the same month we arrived upon the coast, 
which we supposed to be a continent and firm land; and we 
sailed along the same a hundred and twenty English miles 
before we could find any entrance, or river issuing into the sea.’ 

At the first entry that appeared, they entered and took possession 
in the name of the Queen; ‘the land about us, being, whereat we 

^ Hakluyt, VIII, 297-3IO. 


first landed, very sandy and low towards the water’s side, but so 
full of grapes, as the very beating and surge of the sea over- 
flowed them*’ 

When they passed from the sea-side to the higher ground, 
they found that there was sea on both sides and that they were 
on an island. The fact was that they had hit upon the long 
chain of narrow islands running for some two hundred miles or 
more, roughly north and south, off the coast of what is now 
North Carolina. They had struck this low sandy coast some- 
where to the north of the modern Gape Lookout, the most 
southerly point of the sequence; thence their northerly run of a 
hundred miles had brought them to the New Inlet, as it is now 
called, and the island they were at was the isle of Wokokon. 
Inside the barrier stretched the great inland seas, now known as 
Pamlico Sound and Albemarle Sound, which they began 
straightway to explore. They were at once struck with the 
richness of the woods and the variety of game. 

‘Under the bank or hill whereon we stood, we beheld the 
valley replenished with goodly cedar trees, and having dis- 
charged our harquebus-shot, such a flock of cranes (the most 
part white) arose under us, with such a cry redoubled by many 
echoes, as if an army of men had shouted all together.’ 

The islands were not much peopled, and it was not until the 
third day that a few native Indians appeared in a boat; one of 
them allowed himself to be rowed over to the ships, ‘never 
making any show of fear or doubt.’ There they gave him a 
shirt and a hat, and ‘made him taste of our wine, and our meat, 
which he liked very well.’ Next day there came several boats, 
bringing some forty or fifty men, ‘very handsome and goodly 
people, and in their behaviour as mannerly and civil as any 
of Europe,’ Among them came the King’s brother with great 
ceremony. ‘After he had made a long speech unto us, we pre- 
sented him with divers things, which he received very joyfully, 
and thankfully. None of the company durst speak one word all 
the time: only the four which were at the other end, spoke one 
in the other’s ear very softly,’ A few days after, they fell to 
trading with the Indians, exchanging a few shiny metal things 



for chamois, buff and deer skins. ‘We exchanged our tin dish 
for twenty skins, worth twenty crowns, or twenty nobles: and a 
copper kettle for fifty skins worth fifty crowns.’ 

Gaining greater confidence, the King’s brother brought his 
wife and children to see the ships. The English noted that ‘she 
was very well favoured, of mean stature, and very bashful,’ 
and with even greater interest that ‘in her ears she had brace- 
lets of pearls hanging down to her middle (whereof we delivered 
your worship a little bracelet), and those were of the bigness of 
good peas.’ Each day the King’s brother, who was ver>^ friendly 
and just of his promise, sent them 

‘a brace or two of fat bucks, coneys, hares, fish the best of the 
world; with divers kinds of fruits, melons, walnuts, cucumbers, 
gourds, peas and divers roots, and fruits very excellent good, 
and of their country corn, which is very white, fair and well- 

Indeed, Barlow wrote, ‘the soil is the most plentiful, sweet, 
fruitful and wholesome of all the world.’ 

Several days later, a party went some miles farther up into the 
Sound and came to the large island of Roanoke, where their 
friend the King’s brother lived. Here they were entertained to 
a solemn banquet in the large family-house in the native village. 
All was as friendly as could be: ‘We found the people most 
gentle, loving, and faithful, void of all guile and treason, and 
such as live after the manner of the golden age.’ Roanoke was 
near the mainland, and while there they gathered as much in- 
formation as they could about its geography, inhabitants, the 
state of the tribes and their relations with each other - like most 
groupings of human beings external to each other, their re- 
lations were those of incessant warfare. Beyond Roanoke was 
another great inland water [Albemarle Sound] and many 
islands ‘very plentiful of fruits and other natural increases, to- 
gether with many towns, and villages, along the side of the 
continent, some bounding upon the islands, and some stretching 
up farther into the land.’ 

So Barlow rendered his report of this goodly, pleasant land 
to Ralegh. He brought home with him two Indians, ‘being 



lusty men, whose names were Wanchese and Manteo.’ What is 
interesting is that when at the end of his report he gives the 
names of the chief persons who were of the company on the 
voyage, a William Grenville stands at the head. We do not 
know for certain who he was, though it is to be presumed that he 
was a relative of Sir Richard’s. George Grenville of Penheale 
had a brother called William, and it may have been he. Next 
year in the great expedition with which Drake went running 
‘through the Indies like a conqueror,’ storming San Domingo 
and Carthagena, there was a Captain Grenville among those 
who were killed. It is not fanciful to identify these two, since 
we know that George Grenville’s brother William died un- 
married and he was not among those who accompanied Sir 
Richard to Virginia. However, he may well have given the 
latter some verbal report of it. 

Encouraged by this report of the new country, Ralegh re- 
doubled his efforts to plant a new England beyond the seas. 
The literary powers of the Hakluyts were further drawn upon 
to create an atmosphere favourable to the enterprise.^ The 
younger Hakluyt completed his Discourse. The elder Hakluyt, 
who had not been yet superseded as a colonial adviser by his 
more brilliant and more enthusiastic cousin, was called in to 
write a pamphlet to encourage the venture: Inducements to the lik- 
ing of the voyage intended towards Virginia. This tract was intended 
for the information and instruction of the prospective colonists. 
As such it dealt chiefly with the commodities and trading pros- 
pects of the colony. The region marked out for the enterprise, 
lat. 40° to 42°, lay in the latitude which Hakluyt had always 
regarded as best for settlement, with a climate like that of Spain 
and Italy, and similar produce, olives, vines, mulberries, sugar 
and other Mediterranean products. All this was part of the 
psychological preparation for the enterprise; and it is notable 
that when it set sail, it included a number of friends from the 
circle of the Hakluyts, Cavendish, Harriot and Ralph Lane 
among them. 

In the winter of this year, in order to give Ralegh’s project 
the greater security, a Bill was introduced in Parliament to con- 
^ Taylor, 36-40. 



firm his Charter. He certainly intended to lead the expedition 
which was to plant the first English colony in America himself; 
and when this was made impossible by the Queen’s desire to 
retain him by her side, it was arranged that Grenville, who had 
taken part in the committee-work on the Bill in the House and 
so was acquainted with Ralegh’s plans, should take his place. 
After the Christmas recess, Grenville devoted himself to the 
preparations for the voyage, at first in London, but mainly in 
the West Country. We hear no more of him in Parliament, nor 
indeed was he ever returned to Parliament again: for the last 
crowded years of his life, action and constant service abroad 
and at home claimed him. 

It was at this time (February 1 585) that we found him writing 
a propos of Mrs. Paget, ‘being now prepared to commit myself to 
the pleasure of God on the seas.’ We realise with a start that this 
was actually Grenville’s first voyage; so far as we know, his 
experience of the sea up to this had been mainly concerned with 
the ownership of ships. At the same time there was a project on 
foot, and preparations were being secretly made at Plymouth 
and elsewhere for a very different voyage by a more practised 
hand. Elizabeth had at last been brought round, owing to the 
critical posture of affairs in Europe, the assassination of William 
of Orange, and the growth of Spanish sea-power, which 
was now reaching its apogee under the far-reaching plans of 
the great Admiral Santa Cruz, to sanction an unmistakable and 
responsible act of aggression against Spain, a powerful arma- 
ment under Drake to attack the very strongholds of Spanish 
power in the West Indies. The Queen, as usual having com- 
mitted herself to so decisive a step, which could not but mean 
open war, hung back. Drake was in London up to March and 
perhaps later, making what headway he could; in the summer 
he was at Plymouth gathering and victualling the fleet, and 
having got his commission signed, he slipped away to sea on 
14 September. 

Grenville was by that time on his way homeward, making no 
great hurry, hanging about off the Azores to pick up what he 
could. He had departed from Plymouth on 9 April, The Black 
Book of Plymouth, in which the town recorded events of historical 



importance under its successive mayoralties, has the following 
entry under that of Christopher Brooking for 1584-5: ‘Sir 
Richard Grenville Knight, departed from Plymouth with vi 
ships and barks for Wingane Dehoy, where he carried vi 
hundred men or thereabouts/ 




The little fleet which Grenville commanded consisted of seven 
sails: the Tiger of 140 tons, a flieboat called the Roebuck of the 
same burden, the Lion of 100 tons, the Elizabeth of 50 tons, and 
the Dorothy, a small bark, with two pinnaces for speedy service. 
There were aboard a number of gentlemen, mostly young men, 
who had volunteered to make trial of the new country. There 
was Ralph Lane, one of the Queen’s equerries, whom Grenville 
appointed to take charge of the colony on his return. Thomas 
Cavendish, the brilliant young navigator who repeated Drake’s 
exploit of circumnavigating the globe, was another; he was now 
twenty-five, and it seems to have been his first introduction to 
the sea. Equally interesting was the presence of Thomas 
Harriot, who became the foremost scientist and mathematician 
in England; he was now about the same age as Cavendish, but 
unlike him he remained a whole year in the new country under 
Lane’s government, and later wrote the True Report of Virginia, 
a document full of close observation and scientific curiosity. 
Grenville took with him a considerable west-country contin- 
gent: there was Philip Amadas, who remained on under Lane as 
‘Admiral of the country’; John Arundell, Grenville’s half- 
brother; his brother-in-law, John Stukeley, a Kendall, one of the 
Prideaux of Padstow, a Courtenay, Anthony Rowse, the friend 
and later an executor of Drake’s, along with others. 

Five days out from Plymouth, after a storm in which Caven- 
dish was separated from Grenville in his flagship the Tiger, the 
rest of the fleet fell in with the Canaries and continued their 
course across the Atlantic to the West Indies. They reached 
Dominica on 7 May, and three days later came to anchor at 
Cotesa, a little island off Porto Rico, ‘where we landed, and re- 



freshed ourselves all that day.’ ^ Grenville was determined to 
land in Porto Rico, in spite of the Spaniards, to build a new 
pinnace in place of that which had been lost in the storm. So 
on 12 May they anchored in the Bay of Moskito, 

‘within a falcon shot of the shore: where our General Sir 
Richard Grenville, and the most part of our company landed, 
and began to fortify very near to the sea-side: the river ran by 
the one side of our fort, and the other two sides were environed 
with woods.’ 

Next day they began to build their pinnace within the fort, with 
the timber which they felled in the country, some part of which 
had to be fetched from three miles inland, the Spaniards not 
daring to offer any resistance. 

A few days later, a small company of eight Spanish horsemen 
appeared out of the woods, and stayed some distance from the 
fort viewing the English forces: Grenville dispatched ‘ten of our 
shot’ against them, and they retired into the woods. On the 
19th, Cavendish came up with the rest of the fleet, arriving at 
Cotesa, within sight of the Tiger: 

‘we thinking him a far off to have been either a Spaniard or 
French man-of-war, thought it good to weigh anchor, and to go 
room with him, which the Tiger did, and discerned him at last 
to be one of our consorts, for joy of whose coming our ships dis- 
charged their ordnance, and saluted him according to the 
manner of the seas.’ 

A very natural, if somewhat schoolboyish exhibition of good 
spirits; for there they were in the great spaces of the Caribbean 
with their diminutive forces: any reinforcement must have been 
highly welcome in the unfriendly temper of the Spaniards on the 

Three days later, a troop of twenty Spanish horsemen showed 
themselves on the other side of the river. Grenville sent twenty 
footmen against them, with two horsemen mounted upon 

All quotEtions in the following account of the voyage, unless otherwise 
stated, are from Hakluyt, VIII, 310-18, 



Spanish horses which they had taken. The Spaniards produced 
a flag of truce, and made signs for a parley; whereupon two men 
from each side went half-way to meet each other upon the sands. 
‘The two Spaniards offered very great salutations to our men, 
but began according to their Spanish proud humours, to ex- 
postulate with them about their arrival and fortifying in their 
country.’ The Englishmen explained discreetly enough that 
their only intention was to furnish themselves with water and 
victuals, and other things which they needed, and that they 
wished to obtain them by fair and friendly means, otherwise 
they would be reduced to relieving themselves by the sword. 
Upon this the Spaniards ‘yielded to our requests with large 
promises of all courtesy and great favour, and so our men and 
theirs departed.’ 

Two days later, when the pinnace was finished and launched, 
Grenville marched with his captains and gentlemen some four 
miles up into the country, where 

‘in a plain marsh they stayed expecting the coming of the 
Spaniards according to their promise, to furnish us with 
victuals: who keeping their old custom for perjury and breach 
of promise, came not, whereupon our General fired the woods 
thereabout, and so retired to our fort, which the same day was 
fired also, and each man came aboard to be ready to set sail the 
next morning.’ 

It was like Grenville to fire the woods: Drake would have done 
the same; the Spaniards recognised very well what it meant. 

Before leaving the island, Grenville sent Ralph Lane in a 
frigate which they had taken round to the south-west side to 
fetch salt, being conducted by a Spanish pilot. Here too they 
met with the same unfriendly reception and refusal to traffic 
with the English. Lane landed twenty men who entrenched 
themselves upon the sands, encompassing one of the salthills, 
and so brought away as much salt as they w^anted, unmolested 
by the Spaniards who did not dare attack. They returned on 
the 29th to St. Germans’ Bay, and from here the fleet sailed the 
same day, ‘being many of us stung before upon shore with the 
mosquitoes.’ That night they took a Spanish frigate which its 



crew had deserted upon sight of them, and next morning an- 
other one 'with good and rich freight, and divers Spaniards 
of good account in her, which afterwards we ransomed for 
good round sums and landed them in St. John^s’ [i.e. Porto 

On I June they anchored at Isabella on the north side of the 
island of Hispaniola, Here their reception was very different, 
for the rumour had reached the Governor of the town and the 
Captain of the port that there were a number of English gentle- 
men aboard, and that they had very civilly entertained the 
Spaniards on their ships. More probably, the Governor thought 
discretion the better part of valour and was unwilling to bring 
down an attack upon his head and depredations upon the 
island. There thereupon followed an elaborate exchange of 
courtesies and a singular entertainment, which very curiously 
reflects the fluctuating state of international relations in the 
Caribbean, with England and Spain on the verge of war in 

The Spanish Governor, accompanied by 'a lusty friar’ with 
some twenty other Spaniards attended by their servants and 
negroes, came down to the sea-side where the ships rode at 
anchor. Grenville immediately 

‘manned the most part of his boats with the chief men of our 
fleet, every man appointed, and furnished in the best sort: at 
the landing of our General, the Spanish Governor received him 
very courteously; and the Spanish gentlemen saluted our Eng- 
lish gentlemen, and their inferior sort did also salute our soldiers 
and seamen, liking our men, and likewise their qualities; 
although at the first they seemed to stand in fear of us, 
whereof they desired that all might not land their men, yet 
in the end, the courtesies that passed on both sides were so 
great, that all fear and mistrust on the Spaniards’ part was 

Underneath it is clear that suspicion and mutual watchfulness 
remained in spite of the formal courtesies that ensued. 

While Grenville and the Spanish Governor conversed, mainly 



of matters concerning the island, its population and commodi- 

‘our men provided two banqueting houses covered with green 
boughs, the one for the gentlemen, the other for the servants, 
and a sumptuous banquet was brought in sensed by us all in 
plate, with the sound of trumpets, and consort of music, where- 
with the Spaniards were more than delighted.’ 

What a picture it is: the amenities of this marauding, seafaring 
life at the other end of the new routes across the Atlantic. It was 
like them, too, to make such a show; we are reminded of Drake, 
who on his world-voyage did not ‘omit to make provision also 
for ornament or delight, carrying to this purpose with him 
expert musicians, rich furniture (all the vessels for his table, yea, 
many belonging even to the cook-room being of pure silver).’ ^ 
Moreover, the Spaniards well might be grateful, while keeping 
a sharp look-out: colonial life in the island of Hispaniola must 
have been tedious in the extreme and such a visit a conspicuous 
excitement. Nor to Grenville, dining with the Spaniards under 
a canopy of boughs to ward off the hot summer sun, can it have 
been without a spice of mingled bravado and irony: the more so 
if he could have had any intuition of what would some day befall 
him at their hands! 

The banquet, which was the English contribution to these 
gaieties, over, the Spaniards provided the sport. They had 
drawn together from the mountains a great herd of white bulls 
and kine, and they provided a horse ready saddled for every 
gentleman and captain that would ride. Then they singled out 
three of the best bulls ‘to be hunted by horsemen after their 
manner, so that the pastime grew very pleasant for the space of 
three hours, wherein all three of the beasts were killed, whereof 
one took the sea, and there was slain with a musket.’ After the 
sport, presents and gifts were exchanged; and next day Sve 
played the merchants in bargaining with them by way of truck 
and exchange of divers of their commodities, as horses, mares, 
kine, bulls, goats, swine, sheep, bull-hides, sugar, ginger, pearls, 
tobacco, and such like commodities of the Island.’ To obtain 

1 Fletcher, The World Encompassed. 




these things was the real object on the EngKsh side of those 
courtesies; for Grenville it was vitally necessary to obtain cattle 
to stock the new colony with. His dealings with the Spaniards in 
Hispaniola were, therefore, a triumphant success, and without 
any further delay they departed ‘with great good will from the 

So much for the English account, as given in Hakluyt, of 
their doings in the West Indies. It so happens that one or two 
Spanish documents remain, which have hitherto been over- 
looked by English writers, that enable us to see these events 
from the Spanish side.^ They entirely corroborate the English 
account, and add some illuminating and picturesque details 
which complete the picture for us. At the end of this month, on 
22 June, the Spanish Governor of Havana, Diego Hernandez de 
Quinones, wrote home to Philip a report containing the in- 
formation which had come in to him. 

He was alarmed for the trading fleet from Mexico, which, 
with the ships of the Honduras, Jamaica and Campeche, had 
just arrived in harbour at Havana, under their commander 
Pedro Menendez Marques. At the same time warning came 
from the Governor of Porto Rico that two big English ships had 
arrived there, at a port called Guardianilla, ten leagues from 
Porto Rico; that here they had landed some 400 men and were 
building an entrenched fort and cutting timber to build pin- 
naces. The Governor had sent a Lieutenant, living at San 
German, with 40 men to view the position, and dispatched 35 
arquebusiers to harass the enemy whenever they left the fort to 
cut wood or get water. When the enemy were embarking, hav- 
ing finished their pinnaces, the Lieutenant sent two men to 
parley with them and ask who they were. The pirates raised a 
flag of truce and sent two men in return, who told him that they 
were Englishmen, bearing hostages for a good sum whom they 
were going to set to ransom in New Spain. As they were sailing 
towards La Mona they captured a bark on its way from San 

^ Coleccion Navarrete, XXV, nos. 48, 49. These documents, which 
derive originally from the Archives of the Indies and the Secretariat of New 
Spain respectively, are merely referred to by Duro in his Armada Espahola^ 



Domingo, and next day a large frigate with a great cargo of 
cloth for Porto Rico, causing much loss to the dwellers round 

At the time of writing, the Governor had reported that there 
were still three big ships and two pinnaces at San German, that 
they were asking for horses, pigs, calves and mares; and that 
they had on board two Indians, richly dressed. They said that 
they were going to settle, but did not say where. Upon this, the 
Spanish Commanders in the Islands took alarm for the safety 
of the fiotas and the Governor of Havana wrote to Philip to send 
out some warships to protect them, since the trading ships of 
the flotas were incapable of defending themselves- Little did 
they know that a far more powerful force, under the redoubt- 
able Drake, was shortly to follow Grenville to the Islands, to 
wreak destruction upon their commerce and security. 

A little later news came to the Governor of Gremdlle’s five 
ships anchored in the port of Isabella, one of them a big galleon, 
and that they were demanding horses, dogs, cattle and sheep. 
The information was that they had been given some horses for 
ransoms and that they were staying on that coast- There were 
two more big ships on the south coast at the Cabo de Cruz, 
which tallied with the news sent out from Seville; but who they 
were, the Spaniards did not know, nor do we. The Governor 
thought they were the ships which had a little while before been 
at Cape St. Anthony, preying upon commerce. The purpose of 
Grenville’s expedition, and ‘whither their thoughts are set’ the 
Spaniards could not make out. Pedro Menendez w^as, how^ever, 
reporting his opinion to his Majesty; and since the Governor 
and he agreed that he should return to Florida, it seems that his 
suspicions lay in the right direction. 

A second Spanish document gives us a much nearer close-up 
of Grenville and his proceedings, since it is an account of what 
happened by a Spanish gentleman, Don Fernando de Alta- 
mirano, who was captured in the frigate taken by Grenville 
and held to ransom. The frigate had been taken in the Straits 
about four leagues from the Island of Porto Rico. There were 
four English ships present, the largest about 200 tons, another of 
about 100 according to his estimation; there was the small vessel 

21 1 


they had taken the day before and the pinnace they had built on 
the Island, on the southern side at a place called Mosquetal, 
where they had made a fort and set up a forge to make nails 
for the pinnace. Altamirano says that they had been twelve 
days repairing their ships because they had been damaged by 
a storm, in which thirteen or fourteen ships as they said, had 
been separated from them and they were looking for them there. 
We do not know that Grenville’s squadron set out in company 
with any other ships from Plymouth. The information seems 
designed to spread the rumour of much larger forces than they 
had at their disposal. Altamirano was also told that they had 
the intention of peopling Trinidad and Dominica, and other 
lands which the King did not wish to settle, since he had so 
much on his hands already. Here again the English were dis- 
guising the real destination of the expedition. They told Alta- 
mirano a tall story of their wanting the Indies to be the joint 
possessions of England and Spain, and that they had been 
commanded not to kill anybody by a great lord of England 
(i.e. Ralegh) who had so instructed the General of this fleet, 
Fulano de Verde Campo, a certain Grenville, many times. 

There were in the fleet some twenty people who seemed per- 
sons of distinction, and among the rest were officers in all posts; 
they were served upon much silver plate, chased and gilt. They 
brought with them two Indians who were tall of stature and 
well cared for, and who already spoke English. They also 
brought much music, clarions and other instruments, and some 
organs, because they said the Indians were lovers of music. 
And they brought the Bible translated into Spanish in their 
fashion and begged him to take a copy to Porto Rico so that 
people should understand how their preachers were deceiving 
them. At San German, Altamirano relates, they asked to be 
given horses and mares and other animals, in exchange for his 
person and the others who were with him. When the people on 
shore refused, they threatened to hang him and the other 
captives. The day before they set sail they set him and his com- 
panions ashore, so that they should not see what course they 
were taking; and next day, since they had been becalmed, they 
saw them go towards the Cape to deceive the island of San 



Domingo. When Don Fernando and his companions had been 
taken, the papers which they found in their possession were read 
to them by a Portuguese whom they had as their pilot and who 
was a Lutheran; there was another odd Portuguese who went 
with them too. All this time they were asking if there was any 
news of their ships in the Indies. They carried a great many 
plants, plantains and other fruits that they found on the sea- 
shores, and they drew pictures of both fruits and trees. They 
brought with them a Treasurer and Comptroller from their 
home; and they asked questions about the forces holding Porto 
Rico and San Domingo and whether the Inquisition were there. 

From this it is clear that Grenville was expecting Drake’s 
expedition to follow close upon his heels; but it was delayed all 
through the summer by the hesitations of the Queen. It was not 
until September that Drake was at length free to set sail; and 
by then, the Spanish authorities had received a warning from 
Grenville’s presence. Drake’s task was made all the more diffi- 
cult, and the board swept correspondingly clean before his 
appearance. As we have seen from the Governor of Havana’s 
dispatch, Pedro Menendez went on immediately with the flotas 
of New Spain, and so they at least eluded Drake’s grasp. But 
it is an interesting deduction from this, that it was the function 
of Grenville’s squadron in part, to act as a scout for Drake’s 
larger force coming behind. Had their movements synchronised 
as was intended, the damage done to Philip’s dominions in the 
West Indies and on the mainland would undoubtedly have been 
far heavier than it was. But Grenville could not wait on in- 
definitely in the Indies; his prime object was to plant his colony 
and he was already delayed in arriving upon the coast of 
Virginia - as Lane was later to complain, very unfairly, for 
it was not Grenville’s fault. More amusing, though less im- 
portant, are the glimpses that Altamirano gives us of Grenville 
and his ship: the distinguished company, the honoured position 
of the two Anglophile Indians, John White drawing the strange 
fruits and plants, the plate upon which the gentlemen were 
served, and the many instruments of music. Doubtless the 
clarions had an heraldic significance, as much as musical; for 
the three clarions were the crest of the Grenvilles, Whether the 



Indians were lovers of music or no, we know that Elizabethan 
Englishmen were. 

To resume the English account of the expedition: leaving 
Hispaniola on 7 June, they took a north-westerly course towards 
the Caicos Islands, a sort of connecting ridge with Florida, to 
the north of Cuba. Next day they anchored at a small island to 
take seals, which they had heard were in great quantity there. 
But instead, Grenville was almost cast away by some accident 
that happened to the pinnace, in which he and others were 
sailing, presumably, to or from the shore; ‘but by the help of 
God they escaped the hazard, and returned aboard the Admiral 
in safety-’ Next day they landed upon Caicos, to search for salt- 
ponds, ‘upon the advertisement and information of a Portugal: 
who in deed abused our General and us, deserving a halter for 
his hire, if it had so pleased us.’ In the next four days they 
passed along the other islands of this northerly group, landing 
at Guanima and at Cyguateo. On the i20th, they came to the 
mainland of Florida, three days later were ‘in great danger of a 
wreck on a beach called the Cape of Fear,’ and next day came 
to anchor in a harbour ‘where we caught in one tide so much 
fish as would have yielded us twenty pounds in London.’ 

This was their first landing in Florida, and on the 26th they 
came to anchor at Wokokon. They weighed anchor again three 
days later to bring the Tiger through the inlet between the 
islands into the Sound; but the passage was very difficult 
among those shoals, and ‘through the unskilfulness of the Master 
whose name was Fernando, the Admiral struck on ground, and 
sunk.’ The ship was not lost, only grounded; but we learn from 
Hooker’s account that a good deal of damage was done to the 
stores she carried for the provision of the colony, the ‘ship was 
so bruised, that the salt water came so abundantly into her, 
that the most part of his corn, salt, meal, rice, biscuit, and other 
provisions that he should have left with them that remained 
behind him in the country was spoiled.’ ^ 

3 July’s word of their arrival was sent from Wokokon to 
the King Wingina at Roanoke: Amadas and Barlow in the pre- 
^ Holinshed’s Chronicle^ Continuation to 1586, p. 1402. 



vious year had not seen him, for he had been wounded in battle 
with a neighbouring people and during the time that they were 
in the country was lying at his chief town, some six days’ 
journey off. Granganimeo, his brother, was their particular 
friend. The geography of this region has changed a good deal 
since then, for it is all low-lying swampy ground liable to be 
silted up; some of the inlets have become closed in course of 
time and certain of the long islands of the barrier been joined 
together. Wokokon, however, which was their first anchorage, 
seems to be the modern Ocrocoke between Portsmouth island 
and Hatteras which has kept its old name. 

On the sixth, Captains Aubrey and Bonython were sent up 
the next island, Croatoan, where they Tound two of our men 
left there with 30 other by Captain Reymond, some 20 days 
before.’ Evidently he had arrived there considerably ahead of 
the other ships. It took two days to bring these men back to the 
base at Wokokon. On the same day, John Arundell was sent 
across to the mainland, that would be to Secoton and the dis- 
trict round, now known as Hyde county: it was then much more 
cut up by inlets of the sea and by a great inland sea called 
Paquipee, later Lake Mattamuskee. He was accompanied by 
Manteo as guide, one of the two Indians whom Amadas had 
taken back with him to England. Manteo remained a staunch 
friend to the English all the time they were there under Lane’s 
governance; indeed it was due to him that Lane heard in time 
of the chief Wingina’s conspiracy against him, and so was saved. 
The other Indian, Wanchese, later turned against the English. 
The two are commemorated in the two townships upon 
Roanoke island which are called by their names. 

Grenville led an expedition a few days later to the mainland. 
He went in his tilt-boat, with his relatives Arundell and 
Stukeley; Lane, Cavendish, Harriot and others went in the new 
pinnace; and two ship’s-boats followed with a score of others. 
They were victualled for eight days, and they spent a week 
exploring the country about the mouth of the Pamlico River. 
They discovered several native settlements, Pomejok, Aquas- 
cogoc and Secoton, where they were well entertained by the 
natives, ‘and also the great lake called by the savages Paquipee.* 



But at Aquascogoc one of the Indians stole a silver cup from 
them; and Grenville, sending a boat to demand it and not re- 
ceiving it according to promise, set fire to the settlement and 
burnt and spoiled their corn, ‘all the people being fled/ It was 
a characteristically harsh, and probably unfortunate, way of 
enforcing a lesson upon them. 

The expedition returned on the i8th, and three days later 
the fleet sailed for Hatteras, a good deal farther up the coast 
towards Roanoke. They arrived there on the 127th, and there 
the King’s brother Granganimeo came aboard Grenville’s ship 
with Manteo. During August, Grenville explored up the other 
great sound (Albemarle Sound), mainly it appears on the north 
side to Weapomeiok, about where the modern Hertford is, and 
to where the Chowan river, which has retained its old name, 
comes into the Sound. At this time Lane was very busy writing 
letters home to England, to Walsingham and Sir Philip Sidney, 
explaining the situation there between himself and Grenville as 
he saw it. On the 5th, John Arundell left for England, and on 
the 25th, Grenville, leaving the command in the hands of Lane 
and a plentiful supply of provisions for the colony, sailed for 
home too. Some 107 men elected to remain behind under 
Lane’s command, among them Harriot, Acton, Edward Staf- 
ford, and among the west-countrymen, Philip Amadas, Kendall, 
Prideaux and Anthony Rowse, Grenville had performed his 

On the voyage home, when not many days out from Virginia 
- the name conferred upon the new country with the Queen’s 
good liking - Grenville, according to the account in Holinshed, 

‘descried a tall ship of four hundred tons or thereabouts, mak- 
ing the same course that he did, unto whom he gave chase, and 
in few hours by goodness of sail overtook, and by violence won, 
richly laden with sugar, hides, spices and some quantity of gold, 
silver and pearl: she was the vice-admiral of the fleet of Sancto 
Domingo that year for Spain.’ ^ 

The account in Hakluyt says that the Spanish ship was of 300 
tons, ‘richly loaden’; but its brief entry as to the manner of her 

^ Holinshed, 1402. 



capture is more excitingly specific, if it is to be believed. It says 
that Grenville boarded her ‘with a boat made with boards of 
chests, which fell asunder, and sunk at the ship’s side as soon 
as ever he and his men were out of it.’ He then shipped in the 
prize and completed his journey in her in a short time, ‘having 
a merry gale.’ 

On 10 September, he lost sight of the Tiger in foul 
weather, which came in at Falmouth on 6 October. Grenville 
arrived at Plymouth on the i8th, ‘and was courteously received 
by divers of his worshipful friends.’ Drake had left harbour just 
a month before on that destructive West Indies expedition 
which marked the opening of the war. But the Chronicle says 
that Ralegh met with Grenville at Plymouth, where he ‘did 
presently resolve upon another voyage, to supply Ralph Lane, 
and his company that were left with him in Virginia, the next 
spring following.’ ^ 

It so happens that for the taking of the Spanish prize and 
other accidents of Grenville’s homeward journey, we have much 
new detailed information in another Spanish document, an 
account given by Enrique Lopez, a Lisbon merchant, who was a 
passenger with other merchants on board the ship taken by 
Grenville.^ We learn that her name was the Santa Maria of St, 
Vincent. She set out from San Domingo as flagship of seventeen 
other merchant ships, the San Domingo flota^ carrying a cargo 
chiefly of hides and sugar. At Havana in July, after Grenville 
had left the Islands, the San Domingo contingent joined the 
Jlota of New Spain and the Mainland, under the command of 
Don Antonio Osorio. When they all set sail for Spain, they 
were some thirty-three sail. 

Two days out they were caught in a storm, and the Santa 
Maria was forced to drop anchor and lay to all night. Next 
morning there were only six or seven sail of the Jlota in sight, and 
these the ship, being a poor sailor, could not catch up. How- 
ever they went on their course lagging behind in the rear, until 

^ Plymouth Muniments: VVidey Court Book, 1584-5. Ralegh was at 
Plymouth about this time, for in the Town Accounts we find Mr. Hawkins 
paid £‘4 and Martin White i u. ^d, for his entertainment. 

* Goleccidn Navarrete, XXV, 53- 



they were in line with the Bermudas. Here, on 4 September, 
about 10 o’clock in the morning, they suddenly saw a sail 
following in their track, which they took to be one of their 
company which had waited for them; so they took in sail to 
await her, so that they might go on together in company. As 
the ship came up with them, to windward, they fired a round 
from a gun to greet her as a sign of friendship. Immediately the 
ship opened fire on them, disabling their rigging and partly 
cutting down their shrouds. Since they had no arms nor 
artillery, they tried to fly; but they were outsailed, the pirate- 
ship firing shot after shot at them, killing one of the crew and 
wounding several, and then gave them two rounds of cannon at 
the waterline so that they feared they were going to the bottom. 
So they took in their sails and lay to: there was nothing else to 
be done. 

Immediately a boat from the pirate-ship came to board them 
with thirty armed soldiers, and among them an officer whom 
they called the General, whose name is Richard Grenville 
(Richarte de Gampo Verde). He said that they had set out 
&om England for the Indies armed with fourteen ships. Com- 
ing on board, the General ordered the master and the other 
passengers to deliver up all the gold and silver and other things 
they had, promising to spare their persons. The passengers gave 
him the keys of the boxes; he opened some, broke open others 
and took out of them many packets of gold, silver and pearls 
that they were carrying. He took also the inventory of the ship 
and went through it asking for the gold, silver and pearls cata- 
logued in it. They were handed over to him without exception, 
to the value of more than 40,000 ducats. In addition there were 
some 200 boxes of sugar of about 40 arrobas ^ each, 7,000 calf- 
hides and 1,000 quintals of ginger, and other things, worth 
altogether 120,000 ducats. Grenville ordered twenty sailors to 
be taken out of the prize into his own ship, leaving only some 
20 Spaniards all told, merchants and sailors, in the prize. With 
his 35 men he stayed in her, continuing the voyage together 
with his own ship, until they were some 400 leagues from the 
Bermudas, when they were separated in a storm and did not see 

^ An arroba = 25 lbs. 



the English ship again. So the Santa Maria continued on her 
voyage alone, suffering great hardship from lack of supplies, 
for they had hardly any left; Grenville had taken off most of 
what they were carrying into his ship which was in want. They 
were driven in the end to eating no more than a little r\-e 
cooked in salt water. So they went on until 1 2 October (Spanish 
Calendar) when they got sight of the Island of Flores. 

As soon as they sighted land they drew near so that some boat 
might come out and show them a harbourage; and Gren\ille 
arranged that no English should be found or appear, but only 
the passengers and sailors of the ship. So they had speech with 
some of the islanders and asked them to send a boat to board 
them because they were in want; and the islanders recognising 
them for their countrymen sent out a boat with five men. When 
they came alongside the General forced them to come into the 
ship and seized them, saying that he would not let them go until 
they gave him the supplies of which there w^as need, for pay- 
ment, The islanders, knowing him for a pirate, refused. One 
of the most important passengers went ashore and begged the 
islanders to give them the supplies they asked, for payment; 
for if they did not, he said that they would throw him and the 
rest of them, passengers and sailors, into the sea; the General 
seemed to be so resolved. When the islanders saw that he was 
so, they gave them the supplies they needed in return for 
money. As soon as the General had got his supplies on board, 
he set the Spaniards, some 22 in all, on shore; before they left 
the ship he stripped them to see if they had anything hidden on 

The Portuguese merchant reports that Grenville’s ship was a 
galleon in type, which made good sail and w^as well-armed and 
rigged. She had two tiers of artillery on each side, besides many 
other firearms; as pilot she had one Simon Fernandez, a Portu- 
guese of the island of Tercera. He says that he had talked with 
some distinguished persons whom Grenville had with him; they 
told him that they had been in the Indies, on the north side of 
Porto Rico, where they had taken two frigates carrying mer- 
chandise, and that thence they had gone towards Florida, where 
they were to lose themselves among certain islands; the General 



had set ashore some 300 men there with orders to begin building 
a fort for settlement. He had dispatched a frigate to England - 
this must have been that which left under the command of John 
Arundell on 5 August — to get tools and munitions and men 
ready on his arrival to return at once to where he had left his 

‘This Richard Grenville appeared to be a man of quality, for 
he was served with much show, and vessels of plate and gold, 
and servants, and many musical instruments which they played 
while he ate; and in his appearance he seemed a distinguished 
person, (en su aspeto del parecia hombre principal) 



VIRGINIA 1585-6 

Grenville arrived home to find himself under the necessity of 
defending his conduct, not so much over the taking of the 
Spanish prize, but as regards certain particulars in his conduct 
of the voyage. He waited for some days, doubtless rendering 
a full report to Ralegh, and then on 29 October, wrote to 
Walsingham.^ He does not make much of the unfavourable 
rumours; he merely says, ‘by the ignorance of such as have come 
before me a large report hath been made of great quantities of 
pearl and metal of gold and silver’ taken in the prize. On the 
contrary, he says: 

‘I do assure your honour that I have found but little; neither 
doth any such quantity pass firom St. Domingo from whence 
they came unto Spain. That which was here belonged only to 
private persons who were passengers into Spedn from St. Dom- 
ingo. And the same when the ship yielded, was embezzled by 
the company.’ 

We need not attach much importance to this last statement, 
any more than to his account of the manner in which the prize 
was taken: 

‘In my way homewards I was encountered by a Spanish 
ship, whom assaulting me and offering me violence, god 
be thanked, with defence and safety of my self and all my 
company, after some fight I overcame and brought into Eng- 
land with me; her lading is ginger and sugar.’ 

Suchstatementsweremoreor less pro formain such circumstances 

^ S.P. Colonial, i, no. 7. 

22 1 


with Elizabethans: everybody would know how much import- 
ance to attach to them. What was of more importance to 
Walsingham, for he was a co-adventurer in the voyage, was the 
value of the prize. Grenville says that the whole estimate of 
the ship by the confession of the Spaniards and view of their 
books ‘amounteth only to 40,000 or 50,000 ducats.’ One must 
allow a good margin to this, the figure is so very round. But 
whatever the precise value was, the voyage was ‘made’ : he was 
enabled to pay back what each adventurer had subscribed 
with a profit, whatever there was left over for Ralegh and 
himself. ‘The same being sufficient to answer the charge of each 
adventurer, wherein I am glad that my hope is to yield your 
honour the return of your adventure with some gain.’ 

That was a strong argument with which to meet any diffi- 
culties that might be brought up as regards his conduct of the 
voyage. Nor does Grenville anticipate objections; he was con- 
scious of his own rectitude in having accomplished his mission. 

T have, god be thanked,’ he writes, ‘performed the action 
whereunto I was directed as fully as the time wherein I have 
been absent from hence and all possibilities would permit me. 
I have possessed and peopled the same to Her Majesty’s use; 
and planted it with such cattle and beasts as are fit and neces- 
sary for manuring the country and in time to give relief with 
victual, as also with such fruits and plants as by my travail by 
the way thitherwards I might procure.’ 

For any further report of the commodities of the new country 
he refers him to his cousin Ralegh, and promises to let him have 
a report later of such as he has brought with him, ‘the account 
whereof with other relations of the whole course of the voyage 
at my repair to the Court, which god willing shall be shortly, 
I will my self impart unto you.’ One notices the increased god- 
liness of the language with Grenville as with the seamen 
generally, as time went on and the impending struggle with 
Spain drew nearer: it was no impediment however to their 
somewhat pragmatic attitude towards telling the truth. 

It does not appear that Grenville was acquainted with Lane’s 



charges against him; but for some time Lane had been boiling 
over. There had evidently been open quarrelling between the 
two men on the voyage, and Lane may have been the head of 
a second party within the expedition, opposed to Grenville, as 
was frequently the case with Elizabethan enterprises. Drake 
had only obtained the unity necessary for his great scheme of 
circumnavigating the globe, by trying and executing his rival, 
Thomas Doughty, who led the opposition to his command. 
Lane laid the charge against Grenville that the latter had pur- 
posed to do the same by him: 

‘he not only purposed but even propounded the same, to have 
brought me by indirect means and untrue surmises to the ques- 
tion for my life, and that only for an advice in a public consulta- 
tion by me given, which if it had been executed, had been for 
the great good of us all, but most chiefly of himself’ ^ 

Lane arrived at this charge in a long indignant letter to Wal- 
singham, written on 8 September from Roanoke. 

But he had already begun his campaign as early as 1 2 August, 
writing ‘from the Port Ferdinando, in Virginia’ - the first letter 
to be written from Virginia that survives.^ Either it is wrongly 
dated by a fortnight, or Lane took Grenville’s departure to 
explore the Sound beyond Roanoke as his departure for Eng- 
land. He begins circumspectly enough, writing to Walsingham: 
‘The General’s return in his own person into England doth 
presently cut me off from using circumstances in report of the 
particularities of this country.’ He goes on to hint that they 
have arrived in the country late in the year, ‘and that wholly 
through the fault of him that intendeth to accuse others.’ It 
should be said that there is no evidence whatever to show that 
Grenville did accuse Lane; he seems to have been content with 
establishing his authority. And the fact that he left Lane in 
command on his return, and next year hastened to bring him 
supplies, suggests that, the perils and disputes of the voyage 
over, Grenville bore him no grudge. 

Lane wrote at the same time to Walsingham and Sir William 
Russell, commending the bearer of these letters, a Mr. Atkinson, 

1 S.P. Colonial, i, no. 6. ® ibid. no. 3. 



who had borne himself honestly and industriously throughout 
the voyage, ‘notwithstanding the GeneraFs displeasure towards 
him and his complaints.’ ^ It is not difficult to see that Atkinson 
was one of Lane’s supporters. But there were others according 
to Lane. In the letter in which, after Grenville’s departure 
when he was now left in control, Lane’s indignation reached its 
height, he names particularly Cavendish, the high marshal on 
the expedition, Edward Gorges, Francis Brooke, the treasurer, 
and Captain Clark, Captain of the fly-boat. Lane thought that 
Grenville had returned home to accuse them, for he wrote to 
inform Walsingham 

‘that it is not possible for men to behave themselves more 
faithfully and more industriously in our action . . . Contrary 
wise how Sir Richard Grenville, General, hath demeaned 
himself from the first day of his entry into government at 
Plymouth, until the day of his departure from hence over 
the bar in the Port Ferdinando, far otherwise than my hope 
of him, though very agreeable to the expectations and pre- 
dictions of sundry wise and godly persons of his own country, 
that knew him better than my self.’ 

The circumstances of Elizabethan seafaring, with high- 
tempered and explosive men cooped up in small ships for long 
spaces together, and when they commanded separate ships so apt 
to disagree about the course to be followed, were conducive to 
disagreement and quarrelling. But Lane felt venomously about 
Grenville, who had evidently given him a fright when Lane 
ventured to disagree, if indeed he had intended in his passion 
to make him pay the death-penalty. Lane refers Walsingham 
for a full account of all the General’s dealings, especially to- 
wards himself, to ‘an ample discourse of the whole voyage’ 
dedicated and sent to Sir Walter Ralegh. It is a pity that this 
book has not survived; it perished along with most of Ralegh’s 
private papers in the wreck which overtook his fortunes. Lane 

‘So as for mine own part, I have had so much experience of 

^ S.P. Colonial, i, no. 4. 


his government, as I am humbly to desire your honour and the 
rest of my honourable friends, to give me their favours to be 
freed from that place, where Sir Richard Gren\ille is to carr\^ 
any authority in chief. Assuring you, Sir, with all that the Lord 
hath miraculously blessed this action, that in the time of Ms 
being amongst us, even through his intolerable pride, and in- 
satiable ambition, it hath not at three several times taken a final 

However, it had not, and that was the strong point in Gren- 
ville’s case; his great argument, if it came to that, was the 
success of the enterprise. 

We know no more than this of the quarrel between the parties 
within the command: through the perishing of the documents 
it has remained obscure. But it left Lane in a queer temper, at 
the beginning of a difficult and nerve-racking task. He sought 
relief in letter- writing; in a stream of letters at tMs time, to 
Walsingham, Sir Philip Sidney, Richard Hakluyt, he sings the 
praises of the new country. To the last, he writes that before 
Grenville’s departure and after, they have 

‘discovered the main to be the goodliest soil under the cope of 
heaven . . . and the climate so wholesome, that we had not one 
sick since we touched the land here. If Virginia had but horses 
and kine in some reasonable proportion, I dare assure my self 
being inhabited with English, no realm in Christendom were 
comparable to it.’ ^ 

Left to his own resources, with his company of 107 men, Lane 
built a fort at the north end of Roanoke Island, and with tMs 
as his base started upon the exploration of the country. We are 
greatly aided in following Mm about his travels, and in gather- 
ing the character of the country and the people, their villages 
and manner of life, by the charming water-colour maps and 
drawings made by John White, the artist and cartographer of 
the expedition, as Harriot was its scientist — a fine series now 
reposing in the British Museum, the first artistic product of the 
new country. The farthest Lane travelled to the South was, like 
1 Hakluyt VIII, 319--20. 




Grenville, to Secoton, the district that lies now between the 
Pamlico and Neuse Rivers. To the north, their farthest dis- 
covery was the country of the Chesapians, 1 30 miles distant, on 
the way towards Chesapeake Bay. This country earned Lane’s 
enthusiastic commendations, and he had some intention of 
moving up the coast to it. His inclination was right, for it was 
upon one of the inlets of Chesapeake Bay that the final and per- 
manent planting of Virginia took place. 

But Lane did not get so far up the coast as this; indeed explor- 
ing by water was made dangerous by the shallows of these wide 
Sounds; as he says, once come to grief upon one of them, there 
was no hope of obtaining help, the shore was so far away. To 
the North-West they explored as far as Chawanook, beyond 
Weapomeioc which Grenville had reached; it was the country- 
lying on both sides of the modern Chowan River, ‘where it 
groweth to be as narrow as the Thames between Westniinster 
and Lambeth.’ ^ The chief of this country was called Mena- 
tonon, ‘a man impotent in his limbs, a very grave and wise man, 
and of a very singular good discourse in matters concerning the 
state, not only of his own country, but also of his neighbours 
round about him as well far as near.’ He certainly entertained 
Lane with some strange tales of a country four days’ journey to 
the North-East (again on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay), 
where there were pearls to be had in great quantity. Of the 
second great river which flowed into the Sound, the Moratoc 
(now the Roanoke), he told an even stranger tale. Its head, 
they gathered, was some thirty or forty days’ journey away, 
where it sprang out of a rock, ‘which standeth so near unto a sea, 
that many times in storms the waves thereof are beaten into the 
said fresh stream, so that the fresh water groweth salt and 
brackish.’ This aroused their excitement: did the river rise 
somewhere close by the Bay of Mexico? Or could it be that 
they were so near the Pacific, or at least an arm running into it: 
the long-sought North-West Passage at last? 

Lane and his men determined to put it to the trial. The diffi- 
culty was that the river was almost impossible to navigate with 
oars, there was such a violent current from the west: ‘for the 

^ Hakluyt VHI, 320-45. 



space of thirty miles rowing, it is as broad as the Thames 
betwixt Greenwich and the Isle of Dogs, in some places more, 
and in some less : the current runneth as strong, being entered 
so high into the river, as at London bridge upon a vale water.’ 
To this, there was added the greater difficulty of a complete 
change of attitude among the Indians. After the death of Gran- 
ganimeo, the friend of the English, his brother the King 
Wingina had changed his name to Pemisapan, and with that 
his attitude of former friendliness to secret hostility. He played 
upon the powerful Indian tribes along the course Lane was to 
take, with tales that the English meant to kill them; ‘on the 
other side he told me (Lane), that they had the like meaning 
towards us.’ The consequence was that the Indians by con- 
certed action withdrew as Lane went up into the country, taking 
their corn and victual with them, which ‘made me and my 
company as narrowly to escape starving in that discovery before 
our return, as ever men did, that missed the same.’ Still the 
English struggled forward, led on by the hope of a mine of 
‘marvellous and most strange mineral’ at the end of their 
journey; until all their corn being exhausted they were 
reduced to making the two mastiffs they had brought with 
them into a pottage with sassafras leaves, and subsisting 
on that, they dropped exhausted down the river again to 

Pemisapan never expected to see them again, having taken 
good order as he thought to get rid of them. On their return he 
was suitably impressed and ready to submit to their demands 
again for a while. Some of the Indians thought that the English 
could not be killed, for ‘we be dead men returned into the world 
again, and that we do not remain dead but for a certain time, 
and that then we return again.’ Pemisapan sowed his ground 
at the end of April, besides giving the English a plot to sow^ 
themselves; by July when the harvest came, they would be safe. 
But during the intervening months, Pemisapan suffered a re- 
lapse and took to his old courses of starving them out, putting 
off their demands for corn with excuses, while he brought 
together a confederacy of the Indians against the colony- Lane 
was forced to disperse his forces about the islands to live off 



crabs and oysters, while he sent Prideaux to Cape Hatteras and 
Stafford to Croatoan to feed themselves and look out for 

The Indians were gathering in force, planning to fire the 
settlement and kill Lane and Harriot in the confusion. Lane 
preferred to precipitate matters rather than to wait, and in an 
attempt to surprise all their canoes upon Roanoke, which mis- 
carried, Pemisapan and his chiefs were set upon, Lane giving 
the watchword, ‘Christ our victory,’ 

‘and immediately those his chief men and himself had by the 
mercy of God for our deliverance, that which they had purposed 
for us. The King himself being shot through by the Colonel 
with a pistol, lying on the ground for dead, I looking as watch- 
fully for the saving of Manteo’s friends, as others were busy 
that none of the rest should escape, suddenly he started up, and 
ran away as though he had not been touched, insomuch as he 
overran all the company, being by the way shot thwart the 
buttocks by mine Irish boy with my petroneL’ 

The Irishman, one Nugent, pursued him into the woods alone, 
and later came back with Pemisapan’s head in his hand. 

A week after this unhappy event, there came news of a large 
fleet of twenty-three sail upon the coast; not knowing whether 
they were friends or foes, the whole colony stood on guard. But 
it was Drake returning from his triumphant rake’s progress 
through the Indies, in which he had stormed and taken Santi- 
ago, San Domingo, Carthagena and St. Augustine, inflicting a 
vast amount of damage and carrying away their defences, 
besides much booty. Drake anchored in the roads outside, 
being unable to venture in because of the shallows. Lane went 
out to him, and Drake offered them forthwith a bark, the 
Francis^ two pinnaces and four small boats, with victual for 
loo men for four months, and all kinds of necessaries, hand 
weapons, boots, match, besides artificers and masters to take 
them back to England if need arose. 

Lane, who was very discouraged by the accidents that had 
happened and ‘seeing our hope for supply with Sir Richard 
Grenville, so undoubtedly promised us before Easter, not yet 



come, neither then likely to come this year, considering the 
doings in England for Flanders, and also for America/ derived 
a new lease of hope and courage from Drake’s generous offer 
and elected to remain on in the new country. But immediately 
after, a great storm arose which lasted for days and Drake’s fleet 
had to put out to sea before it, if it was not to be wTecked upon 
those shoals, and with it the bark Francis with all Lane’s pro- 
visions and hopes was driven clear to sea. It was too much to 
endure. The storm subsiding in a few days, Drake made a new 
offer, putting the bark Bonner at their disposal to take them and 
all their provisions home. This time it was the wish of all the 
colony to accept: they had had enough. Setting sail with the 
fleet on 19 June, they arrived in Portsmouth 27 July. 

It was the end of Ralegh and Grenville’s first and chief 
attempt at founding the colony, 

"being of all others’ wrote the judicious Harriot in his admirable 
True Report of Virginia^ "the most principal, and as yet of most 
effect, the time of their abode in the country being a whole 
year, when as in the other voyage before they stayed but six 
weeks, and the others after were only for supply and transporta- 
tion, nothing more being discovered than had been before.’ ^ 

Harriot was inclined upon reflection to lay some blame for 
the unfortunate turn of events upon this, that "some of our com- 
pany towards the end of the year, showed themselves too fierce 
in slaying some of the people in some towns, upon causes that 
on our part might easily enough have been borne withal.’ 
Perhaps it was that the strangeness of the conditions, and the 
strain of their labours and of constant watchfulness, had an 
effect upon their nerves, for when they left it was by a sudden 
panic. When they saw Drake’s fleet being driven from their 
anchors to sea, we learn that "the rest on land perceiving this, 
hasted to those three sails which were appointed to be left there; 
and for fear they should be left behind they left all things con- 
fusedly, as if they had been chased from thence by a mighty 
army.’ It seemed little enough that remained from so much 

1 Hakluyt VIII, 348-^6. 



effort - a few letters and writings, John White’s drawings and 
some confusion. 

And yet in reality the colony achieved something of the 
highest importance: it founded the tradition; from that every- 
thing else sprang. Voyage after voyage, often after an interval 
of years, was despatched - and so strong was the tradition that 
they made for Roanoke, when the country was not really 
favourable for colonisation and that to the north along the 
shores of Chesapeake Bay offered a far better foothold; until 
in the end, in the latter area, a permanent colony was planted. 
But all went back to these earlier efforts, in particular to Gren- 
ville’s colony of 1585. A more curious, though not less far- 
reaching, by-product of this year’s residence in the new world, 
was the introduction of tobacco into the old. One can never 
be sure who has the first claim to the honour, or according to 
Camden, the dishonour; but we may be certain that tobacco 
was among the commodities that Grenville brought back in the 
Tiger. Harriot wrote immediately after: ^We ourselves, during 
the time we were there, used to smoke it after their manner, 
as also since our return, and have found many rare and wonder- 
ful experiments of the virtues thereof.’ 




T shall yet live to sec it an English nation.’ 


Ralegh and Grenville were not unmindful of the colony and 
spared no pains in the winter of this year to gather reinforce- 
ments and supplies. Ralegh was extremely pressed with busi- 
ness at this time; he had only just been appointed to his new 
and important offices in the west, and at the same time he was 
engaged upon schemes for the colonisation of Munster, laid 
waste and depopulated in the Desmond Rebellion, and where 
he had been granted some twelve thousand acres. The main re- 
sponsibility as regards Virginia fell therefore upon Grenville; 
and during this winter and spring he was gathering supplies and 
fitting out ships, this time at his home-port of Bideford. 

In February the Council wrote him and the deputy-lieuten- 
ants of Cornwall concerning the plantation of Munster; they 
were to treat with the gentlemen of the county, making offer of 
certain grants of land there to be taken up and settled.^ On 27 
April, the deputy-lieutenants wrote back: ‘We have generally 
made known through this country her Majesty’s offers, and do 
find none of sufficient ability offer to undertake the same.’ They 
suggested that it would ‘further the people’s willingness if some 
principal gentleman of each county, of whose discretion and 
fidelity the people are persuaded, be sent with them as their 
captain or governor’; the people then would follow.* This was 
indeed the crux of the question of planting Munster as of other 
colonies: to be successful it needed the transplantation of the 

1 A.P.C. XIV, 8-9. * S.P. Doitt. Eli2. 148, no. 42. 



social structure men were accustomed to, with its dependence 
upon the gentry. It was not until Grenville turned his attention 
to Munster that Cornwall took a part in the plantation, a band 
of a hundred men following Grenville's lead into this new field 
of enterprise, so much nearer home than Virginia, but in the 
end no less heart-breaking. 

Then too there was Grenville's place in the defence of the 
country to be filled in his absence: he commanded a body of 300 
trained men, the forces of Stratton hundred. The deputy-lieu- 
tenants advertised the Council that 

"Sir Richard Grenville now being ready to depart to the sea, 
hath signified unto us that he hath left the charge of the 300 
men whereof he was by your Lordships appointed captain unto 
Digory Grenville, John Facey and John Bligh gent, his petty 
captains, and to his kinsman George Grenville as their captain, 
whom we do for the present necessity confirm and allow so to 
be, until it shall please your lordships otherwise to direct.’ 

Before leaving for whatever perils the new voyage might 
hold, Grenville put his affairs into order, executing a trust deed 
on 16 March to regulate the uses of his real estate and the suc- 
cession thereto.^ The trustees whom he appointed were Ralegh, 
Sir Arthur Basset, Sir Francis Godolphin; Henry Killigrew, 
Richard Bellew, his brother-in-law, John Hele and Christopher 
Harris; Thomas Docton and John Facey, gentlemen. His 
estates are set out in full: the mansion house and demesne lands 
of Stowe, the manor of Kilkhampton with all lands, tenements, 
hereditaments, etc., in the parishes of Kilkhampton, Stratton 
and Morwinstow; the manors of Wolston and Widemouth; the 
manor of Swanacott and lands in Week St. Mary; the manors of 
Bideford, Littleham and Lancras, with all lands in Devonshire; 
and the manor and island of Lundy. 

All these were to be held by the trustees to the use of his wife 
after his death, so long as she remained unmarried, in recom- 
pense of the jointure she might claim. After her death, or 
second marriage, the trustees are to pay the debts, marriage of 
the daughters and performance of Grenville’s will, and then the 
1 Granville, 124-7. 


estate is to go to the use of Bernard, his son and heir, and in 
turn to the next heirs in carefully elaborated succession. On 
Dame Mary Grenville’s marriage after his death, her interest 
in the premises determined, and she was to be paid an annuity 
of £200 per annum ~ a goodly sum, indicative perhaps of the 
jointure he obtained with her. Finally, it is provided that if 
Grenville at any time in his natural life, in person or by writing, 
demand of the trustees at the parish church of Kilkhampton 
the sum of :£‘50,ooo and is not paid, the above grant is then void 
and all the estates and rights in it shall stand to the only use and 
behalf of Grenville and his heirs. This sufficiently safeguarded 
himself; for ;;{^50,ooo was out of all proportion to the value of his 

Having made his preparations, Grenville was ready to depart 
by the middle of April. It was already late. Ralegh had des- 
patched a ‘bark of aviso,’ a small express-boat ‘freighted with all 
manner of things in most plentiful manner for the supply and 
relief of his colony then remaining in Virginia: but before they 
set sail from England it was after Easter, so that our colony half 
despaired of the coming of any supply.’ ^ By the time the bark 
reached Cape Hatteras, the colony had already been taken off 
by Drake; and after spending some time in seeking for them up 
in the country, the ship returned with all its provisions into 
England. A slight accident on leaving harbour at Bideford de- 
layed Grenville a little further. We hear from the useful Philip 
Wyot, Town Clerk of Barnstaple, who kept a diaiy^: 

‘16 April Sir Richard Grenville sailed over the bar with his 
fly-boat and frigate; but for want of sufficient water on the bar, 
being near upon the neap, he left his ship. This Sir Richard 
Grenville pretended [i.e. intended] his going to Wyngandecora, 
where he was last year.’ ^ 

The fly-boat and frigate were the Roebuck and the Tiger^ each of 
140 tons; it would seem that Grenville w^as sailing in the Span- 

^ V. the account of the Third Voyage, Hakluyt V^III, 346-8; cf. W. 
Strachey, Historie of Travaile into Virginia (Hakluyt Society), 149, and W. 
Stith, History of Virginia (New York 1865), 22. 

* Chanter, Literary History of Barnstaple, 91. 



ish prize, in which he had returned last year, and that being of 
much greater burden got stuck on the bar. 

However, he arrived in Virginia fourteen or fifteen days after 
Ralegh’s bark had departed; 

‘who not finding the aforesaid ship according to his expecta- 
tion, nor hearing any liames of our English colony there seated, 
and left by him anno 1 585, himself travelling up into divers 
places of the country, as well to see if he could hear any news of 
the colony left there by him the year before, under the charge of 
Master Lane his deputy: but after some time spent therein, not 
hearing any news of them, and finding the places which they 
inhabited desolate, yet unwilling to loose the possession of the 
country which Englishmen had so long held : after good delibera- 
tion, he determined to leave some men behind to retain posses- 
sion of the country: whereupon he landed fifteen men in the Isle 
of Roanoke, furnished plentifully with all manner of provisions 
for two years, and so departed for England.’ ^ 

It must have been a great disappointment to him and even 
more, matter for bewilderment. He cannot have known at this 
time that it was Drake who had taken off the colony and was 
even now bringing them home; nor, we may be sure, would it 
have contented Grenville any the more if he had known. The 
score against Drake was running up; later on we shall find an 
unmistakable indication that their personal relations were not 
good. On his way home, not long after this, we read, Grenville 

Tell with the Isle of Azores, on some of which Islands he landed, 
and spoiled the towns of all such things as were worth carriage, 
where also he took divers Spaniards. With these and many other 
exploits done by him in this voyage, as well outward as home- 
ward, he returned into England.’ 

This seems to have been his first landing in the Azores; no 
wonder his name afterwards aroused such terror among the 
islanders. It was out of this and similar experiences that the 
islanders conceived the great fear they had of him; and fear 
gave rise to the sort of stories reported by the Dutchman, van 
1 Hakluyt, VIII, 347-8. 



Linschoten, who was in the Islands at the time of the last fight 
of the Revenge. There is, for example, the tale that everybody 
knows that ‘while at dinner or supper, he would carouse three 
or four glasses of wine, and in a bravery take the glasses between 
his teeth and crash them in pieces and swallow them down, so 
that often times the blood ran out of his mouth without any 
harm at all unto him.’ ^ All sixteenth-century people relished 
incredible tales of this sort: nor to them were they incredible; a 
later, more critical generation regards them, not so much as 
true, but as having their value in revealing the age no less than 
the man. 

There is no need to extenuate or excuse Grenville’s descent 
upon the Azores; it was now open war with Spain. The long 
period of doubt and hesitation, when it was neither war nor 
peace, was considered by the English seamen to have passed 
into war with Philip’s arrest of the English cornships in Spanish 
ports in May 1585. Even Elizabeth regarded Drake’s West 
Indies expedition as an act of retaliation; and in descending 
upon the Azores Grenville was following in his footsteps. We do 
not know what spoil he brought home with him, nor even when 
he arrived again in England. 

On 2 June of this year, his daughter Mary was married to 
her cousin Arthur Tremayne of Collacombe.^ It is unlikely that 
her father was present; after all, privateering was a more profit- 
able occupation than even marrying one’s daughters. Again, 
we do not know if the interesting entiy that Wyot records in his 
Diary for December, means that Grenville kept the seas all the 
latter part of this year, or put out a second time; there may be 
a mistake simply in the month, when he says: ‘In December 
this year Sir Richard Grenville came home bringing a prize 
with him, laden with sugar, ginger and hides.’ ^ 

These incursions into what he considered his own privileged 
sphere of the New World were watched with close attention by 
one great person in Europe, the King of Spain. To the English, 

^ The Last Fight of the Revenge (Arber’s Reprints 1871): J. H. van Lin- 
schoten: ‘The Fight and Cyclone at the Azores,’ 91- 

* Kilkhampton Parish Register. * Chanter, 92. 



Ralegh and Grenville’s new country was Virginia, named so by 
the to the Spaniards it was the northward extension of 

their Florida. Sitting into the early hours at his writing-table in 
the Escurial, endlessly annotating the reports from his agents 
concerning his interests all over the known world, Philip was 
astonishingly well-informed, if a little late. He knew very well 
what was going on in England and had no desire to be involved 
in war. From the days when he had reigned as King in England 
- gone were the happy days when he could rely on the English 
alliance to protect his sea-communications in the Channel- 
from those days he had remembered a good deal of the political 
life of the country and had taken trouble since to keep in touch 
with innumerable Englishmen. But the new generation grow- 
ing up he did not know. He would hardly have known a Drake, 
who had only recently thrust himself into the forefront from 
obscure beginnings; but neither did he know Grenville. 

It so happened that when Grenville was at Plymouth in 1585 
preparing for his first Virginia voyage, he pressed a German 
captain into going with him. At some time this German con- 
trived to remain behind in the West Indies, whence his account 
of Drake’s expedition was dispatched to the King. In July 1586 
Philip wrote to Mendoza, now in Paris, urging him to send con- 
stant reports of what was happening in England, and take 
occasion to note as regards the German who had recently ar- 
rived in Spain: ‘I do not understand that he was a prisoner of 
Drake’s, but of him whom he mentions in his relation.’ ^ This 
was Grenville: evidently Philip had not yet heard of him. 

On 7 August, Mendoza wrote a letter of information, which 
must have crossed Philip’s; he says: 

‘The ships of Richard Grenville, on board of which he (the 
German captain) says he was pressed at Plymouth, are those 
which I mentioned to your Majesty as soon as I came to France 
were being fitted out by Ralegh, the Queen’s favourite, to sail 
for the coast of Florida; which voyage was under discussion for 
two years before the ships left England as I informed your Maj- 
esty. The ship that this captain says was captured from Santo 

^ Cal. S.P. Spanish 1580-6, 591. 



Domingo with so large a treasure in gold, silver, pearls, cochi- 
neal, ivory and hides, was one I advised your Majesty of 
months ago as having arrived in England, and that Ralegh 
himself had gone down to the port to take possession of her 
cargo and not to allow it to be distributed among the sailors.’ ^ 

Mendoza goes on to describe the way in which the English 
pirates undertook these long voyages to the West Indies, plun- 
dering ships on the way to provide them with victuals, or at 
least with goods to barter with the King’s subjects there when 
short of stores. The voyages were evidently self-subsisting. In the 
Indies traffickers on shore even made fires at night in the creeks 
as a signal for them to come and take victuals in exchange for 
merchandise, which they give at a fair price. At this, Philip 
wrote in the margin, in his rapid, crabbed hand: ‘Notice! I 
believe this is true. It will be advisable to have it remedied. 
Remind me.’ Mendoza states that so long as this continued, 
there was no hope of extirpating the pirates; and that the King’s 
officers had not acted with energy in this respect, as the Ger- 
man captain’s Relation shows that in Porto Rico and Santo 
Domingo, Richard Grenville was offered victuals for money. 
He corrects the statement that ‘General Grenville’ had sailed 
with twenty-eight, and Hawkins with fifteen, of the Queen’s 
ships: the ^ueen had not so many in all, and they were all in 
England on 20 July. 

On 1 3 August, Mendoza sent the King a report of the sailing 
of Cavendish’s expedition, with the design of getting to the East 
Indies through the Straits of Magellan, a design which, as we 
know, was brilliantly accomplished. He adds that 

‘news had arrived in England that Richard Grenville with 
seven ships had been captured by five of your Majesty; that the 
story went round that the Spaniards seeing the English superior 
in number pretended to take to flight; that the English gave 
chase and encountered separately were captured.’ ^ 

Mendoza had no certainty of the news, except that it was sent 
from England. The air was thick with such rumours; the inter- 

^ ibid. 599-600. ® ibid. 61 1. 



est of this one is that it relates to Grenville’s homeward voyage 
from Virginia via the Azores: the rumour curiously pre-figures 
what was to happen to him at no distant date in those very 
waters. But Philip had heard nothing of it, nor perhaps as yet 
of Grenville’s descent upon the islands. He wrote upon the 
margin:/! do not know what ships these could be. I do not be- 
lieve it.’ The point remains that Grenville’s name was becoming 
known to the King: the account against him was mounting up 
in Spain. 

From now on, with an open state of war at sea and in the 
Netherlands, and an invasion impending, the situation had 
very much worsened for Ralegh’s hope of carrying through his 
plans for a colony to success. Moreover, both Ralegh and 
Grenville were exceedingly occupied in the work of concerting 
measures for the defence of the country against the approaching 
emergency, overseeing the defences, drilling the trained bands. 
They were both members of the small body of ‘experienced 
captains’ which was called into consultation by the govern- 
ment to consider and report on the defences of the Realm. 
Since the most exposed position, the western coast-line, was in 
their charge, they were both kept hard at work, particularly 
Grenville who was resident there. Nevertheless they continued 
to carry on with their Virginia enterprise, in spite of increasing 
difficulties and great losses in these years. 

In 1587, ‘intending to persevere in the planting of his country 
of Virginia,’ Ralegh sent out a new expedition of three ships 
with 150 men under John White, as Governor.^ They followed 
the old route to the West Indies and up the coast, but they were 
directed by Ralegh after making search at Roanoke for the 
fifteen men left there the previous year by Grenville, to make 
farther up the coast and plant their settlement in Chesapeake 
Bay. This last the master and sailors flatly refused to do, on the 
ground that the summer was too far spent; 

‘wherefore it booted not the Governor to contend with them, 
but passed to Roanoke, and the same night at sunset went 

^ Hakluyt VIII, 386-404. 




aland on the Island^ in the place where our fifteen men were 
left; but we found none of them, nor any sign that they had 
been there, saving only we found the bones of one of those fif- 
teen, which the savages had slain long before.’ 

Next day, John White and some of the company walked to the 
north end of the island, where Lane had built his fort and some 
dwelling-houses . 

‘When we came thither, we found the fort rased down, but all 
the houses standing unhurt, saving that the nether rooms of 
them and also of the fort, were overgrown with melons of divers 
sorts, and deer within them, feeding on those melons: so we 
returned to our company, without hope of ever seeing any of the 
fifteen men living.’ 

Nor did they ever see them. 

At the isle of Groatoan, which being inhabited by Manteo’s 
mother and kindred was ever friendly, they heard how the 
year before, the fifteen men Grenville had left on Roanoke had 
been set upon by a company of Indians from the mainland, 
men of Secoton and Aquascogoc with whom the hostile Wan- 
chese and the remnant of Wingina’s men kept company. The 
Indians had come suddenly out of the wood upon the houses 
where the Englishmen were living carelessly off their guard, 
killed one of them in a parley and drove the rest into a house 
which they set fire to. The English fought their way out to the 
water-side where their boat was, and retired to ‘a little island 
on the right hand of an entrance into the harbour of Hatorask, 
where they remained a while, but afterwards departed, whither 
as yet we know not.’ On 13 August, Manteo for his faithful ser- 
vice, was by Ralegh’s commandment christened in Roanoke, 
and named Lord of the island. Five days later, a child was born 
to Eleanor, the Governor’s daughter, and wife of Ananias Dare 
- the first English child to be born in America, and so they 
named her Virginia. 

Soon after there arose disputes among the colonists as to who 
should be sent back to England for supplies; in the end they all 
settled upon Governor White. White allowed himself to be per- 



suaded and set sail with two ships, leaving a hundred or so 
persons to form a plantation in his absence. There was some 
idea that they were to go fifty miles up-country to settle; it was 
all very vague, and in the event, the fate of the settlers equally 
so. Of all the attempts so far made, this should have been the 
most promising for a permanent settlement, since there was a 
proportion of women to accompany the men; instead, it was the 
most ignominious and its fate the most mysterious. 

In spite of discouragements, on hearing White’s plea for sup- 
plies, Ralegh appointed a pinnace forthwith with such neces- 
saries as the colony was crying out for, and promising them 

‘a good supply of shipping and men with sufficiency of all 
things needful, which he intended, God willing, should be with 
them the summer following. Which pinnace and fleet were 
accordingly prepared in the west country at Bideford under 
the charge of Sir Richard Grenville.’ ^ 

This was now 1588: the country had entered the danger-zone of 
imminent invasion. It was hardly to be expected that Grenville, 
a leading captain, would be permitted to leave the country at 
such a moment; though after the insubordination displayed by 
the colonists under the leniency of White, it must have been 
evident to Ralegh that what was needed was the hard hand of 

The ships were got together at Bideford, by the usual time in 
April; they were probably the same three in which Grenville 
sailed in 1585 and 1586, with two pinnaces; or they may have 
been five in number: it is not certainly known. Just as they 
were about to sail, ‘this fleet being now in a readiness only 
staying but for a fair wind to put to sea,’ the news that the 
Armada was ready to sail came to England; practically all ships 
capable of fighting were stayed for service at home, ‘and Sir 
Richard Grenville was personally commanded not to depart out 
of Cornwall.’ 

This was a serious situation for the stranded colonists in Vir- 
ginia, if they, poor things, had known of it: ‘the voyage for Vir- 

' V. account in first edition of Hakluyt 1589, reprinted by R. P. Chope in 
Trans, Devon. Assoc. ^ 1917, 274-8. 



ginia by these means for this year thus disappointed.’ Governor 
White pleaded so earnestly with Ralegh and Grenville that he 
obtained two small pinnaces, one of 30 tons called the Brave, the 
other of 25 called the Roe, and departed with fifteen planters and 
their provision, with some relief for those that were wintering in 
the colony. But the relief never reached them. In the disturbed 
state of the seas in that year, it was too much to expect two 
heavily-armed if diminutive boats not to think of gain by the 
way rather than of distant relief. Their course from Bideford 
to Madeira was one of continual giving chase and being chased; 
one of them, after a disastrous fight with two much bigger 
French ships, in which she suffered very badly and was ran- 
sacked and spoiled of everything worth carrying away, stag- 
gered home at the end of May, anchoring ‘between Lundy and 
Harting [Hartland] point near unto Chavell [Clovelly] ^uay, 
where we rode until the next tide, and thence we put over the 
bar, and the same day landed at Bideford.’ Some weeks later, 
the other pinnace from whom they had parted company, after 
similar experiences, also returned ‘without performing our in- 
tended voyage for the relief of the planters in Virginia, which 
thereby were not a little distressed.’ They were more than dis- 
tressed, they were irretrievably lost. 

Ralegh was by now so discouraged, and so taken up by other 
and more necessary work at home, that he was prepared to give 
over for the time; and with him Grenville. The former had 
spent, so he claimed, ^40,000 on these enterprises. He made 
an agreement granting liberty to carry on the planting of Vir- 
ginia to Thomas Smith, Governor White and a number of Lon- 
don merchants and adventurers. A curious relic of Grenville’s 
arduous efforts at establishing the colony is to be found in the 
Parish Register of Bideford. An Indian whom he brought 
back with him on one of his two voyages was baptised in Bide- 
ford church on Sunday, 26 March 1588. He was given the 
name of Ralegh. It was just before Grenville hoped to go on 
his third voyage; and perhaps he intended to take the Indian 
back with him, like the faithful Manteo who had behaved with 
the utmost constancy to the English. But Grenville was to be 
disappointed; and next year the Indian died, and was buried in 

241 0. 


Bideford churchyard on 7 April 1589. He is described in the 
Register as a native of Wynganditoia. 

The London adventurers seemed in no great hurry to take up 
their appointed task - though we must remember the excite- 
ments and stress of these years 1588, 1589, 1590; so that it was 
not until the last of these years that John White departed once 
more from Plymouth with three ships for Virginia^ They made 
first for the West Indies and plunder, gaining considerable 
booty. Passing by Wokokon and Croatoan, they came to Hat- 
teras, whence they descried smoke rising at the place in Roan- 
oke where the colony had been left three years before. On 
landing, White found traces of their having been there; en- 
graved upon a tree in Tair Roman letters’ he recognised the 
sign CRO which had been agreed when he left them should 
instruct him where to look for them on his return; if they were 
in distress a cross was to be carved over the letters. 

Arrived at the settlement he found all the houses had been 
taken down and the place enclosed with a high palisade of great 
trees. On a post at the entrance there was again engraved the 
word CROATOAN, without any sign of distress. Within, 
various heavy pieces of iron and lead and sacre-shot had been 
thrown down and were now overgrown. Some of the sailors 
found traces of chests having been buried and again dug up. 
White went to the place, 

‘which was in the end of an old trench, made two years past by 
Captain Amadas: where we found five chests, that had been 
carefully hidden of the planters, and of the same chests three 
were my own; and about the place many of my things spoiled 
and broken, and my books torn from the covers, the frames of 
some of my pictures and maps rotten and spoiled with rain.’ 

White concluded that this had been done by the hostile In- 
dians of the mainland, who had watched until the colony had 
departed for Croatoan and dug up wherever they suspected 
things to be buried; but he was ‘greatly joyed’ to find some 
certain token of the colony being safe at Croatoan. 

Almost inexplicably, they never went there to seek them. 

^ Hakluyt VIII, 406-22. 



Travelling about in the shallow waters of these sounds was al- 
ways dangerous, and several accidents had already overtaken 
them. At last, when they came to depart for Croatoan, foul 
weather arose and their ship lost two of its anchors; frightened 
of the narrow escapes they had along these shoals, they put to 
sea intending to make again for the West Indies to winter there 
and return in the spring. It was only an excuse they made to 
themselves for their unforgivable behaviour; at sea they were 
forced to run before a westerly gale to the Azores and so made 
straight for England. No doubt it was the profits they had in 
hold and which they wanted to see safely home, which made 
them put to sea and shirk their duty to the colony. 

No one knows, or will ever know, what happened to those 
hundred or so English men and women, who left for their last 
token that they were going to Croatoan. They must have been 
too many for the inhabitants of that island to support indefi- 
nitely; they may have left for the mainland and been set upon 
there. Or again, some of them giving up all hopes of rescue, 
may have been received into the Indian tribes. There is a 
tradition that remains that in the veins of some of these Indian 
tribes there flows the blood of white people; and that is all. 

After this humiliating end to so many attempts, nothing more 
was done for twelve years. Grenville was killed; Ralegh turned 
his attention to the fabulous wealth of Guiana. In 1602 a 
voyage was made by Bartholomew Gosnold, who made a land- 
fall much higher up the coast, at Cape Cod: it was ‘the first that 
came in a direct course to America.’ ^ Four years later there 
set sail the expedition which arrived in Chesapeake Bay, where 
Ralegh had directed White to plant his colony in 1587. Now, 
twenty years later, when Ralegh was a prisoner under attainder 
in the Tower, it was under other auspices that the first perma- 
nent settlement at Jamestown was made. But there can be no 
doubt who was the real founder of English rule in North 
America; a year before his fall, Ralegh had written, T shall 
yet live to see it an English nation.’ In this work, Grenville had 
been his right hand. 

^ W. Stith, History of Virginiay 3 1 . 




When at last the war came which so many had done their best 
to make inevitable, but which Elizabeth had always hoped to 
avoid, the country was by no means unprepared for it. The 
popular conception of an innocent defenceless isle, fighting with 
the aid of the Almighty against the overwhelming might and 
wickedness of Spain, is like most popular conceptions untrue - 
untrue in both its terms. The English chances in a war with 
Spain were very good; all the better for thirty years’ careful 
husbanding of resources under Elizabeth. They were under- 
rated, certainly by the Spaniards, and by a good deal of con- 
temporary opinion abroad; but not by those who were in the 
best position to know - the sea-captains. When the war actu- 
ally came, English sea-power was at the highest level of effi- 
ciency it had yet attained; the great efforts made by Henry VIII 
reached their fruition and their reward under his daughter. 

For years now, since the early seventies, Hawkins at the head 
of the Navy Board had worked unceasingly to equip the state 
with first-class fighting ships; when the test came, the seamen 
were as proud of them as Hawkins himself ‘The ships sit 
aground so strongly and are so staunch as if they were made of a 
whole tree,’ wrote William Hawkins from Plymouth in Febru- 
ary 1588 to his brother John, who had had the labour and 
anxiety of making them.^ When the latter himself came down 
to Plymouth in July, to see the Queen’s ships riding there, he 
wrote back to Burghley, ‘the four great ships, the Triumph, the 
Elizabeth Jonas, the Bear, and the Victory are in most royal and 
perfect estate’; you could not tell that they have been at sea, he 

^ S.P. Dom. Elia. 208, no. 72. 



said, ‘more than if they had ridden at Chatham.’ ^ Yet they 
had been out sweeping the Channel and off the coast of Spain 
in all the gales and storms of that summer. 

Spanish sea-power was at its height too in these years, when 
the maritime resources of Portugal had been joined to those of 
Spain. But the nature of that sea-power was different in its 
basis from the English; with Spain it depended upon the strictly 
regulated traffic with the Indies, it was shaped and controlled 
from the top downwards by the royal government ~ in the end 
by Philip’s own command. In England, it had a healthier basis - 
the manifold and natural activities of the sea going on all round 
the busy English coasts. And when the crisis came, the English 
had the advantage of a numerous body of seamen all with their 
own individual experience of the sea, and, thanks to the dis- 
turbed conditions that had long prevailed, practised and skilful 
fighters. In this struggle, it was the English who were the 

The sea, then, was England’s front-line of defence - or of- 
fence— it came to the same thing. From 1585, when the em- 
bargo had been placed upon the English ships in Spain, there 
was a tightening up of the government’s activity. As the full 
extent of the preparations in Spanish harbours became known, 
the English government came more into the open. In Decem- 
ber 1586, Drake’s cherished plan for a raid on these prepara- 
tions, after the pattern of his West Indies raid the winter before, 
was sanctioned. He set sail from Plymouth in April 1587, and 
in two months, by his attack on the shipping in Cadiz harbour 
and his seizure of Cape St. Vincent, did a great deal of actual 
damage to Philip’s preparations and disorganised the concen- 
tration of his fleets upon Lisbon. In consequence, the sailing of 
the Armada had to be postponed till next year, with all that 
meant in increasing the burden of upkeep and supplies. Nor 
were Drake and the seamen in favour of using the inter\^al 
gained to stand on the defensive; they all without exception 
were in favour of making a great attack in force upon the 
Spanish coast before the Armada could get going. Elizabeth, 
however, was engrossed up till the last moment in negotiations 
^ ibid. 212, no. 61. 



which she thought might yield a durable peace; not so en- 
grossed, though, but that she kept the fleet ready in skeleton- 
formation, and continued to put the country in a state of defence 
on land. 

We have already seen that on land, the state of military pre- 
paredness had been advancing for some years past. Each year 
now, musters of all the able men of the county were held 
throughout the southern and midland counties; a proportion of 
them were trained, and as far as the resources of the county 
allowed, tUey were armed, some with calivers and muskets, most 
with pikes, bills and bows. There was no professional army, 
though bands of English troops were becoming seasoned fighters 
in the Netherlands, in France and in Ireland. The training of 
the bands at home depended upon captains and gentlemen who 
had had some experience of war. In addition, in the last few 
years the Government had sent into each of the southern coun- 
ties a professional soldier as muster-master, to be actually re- 
sponsible for training. It was the counties along the south coast 
which were most exposed to the danger of invasion, and here to 
other duties was added that of inspecting all likely places of 
descent for the enemy, and as far as possible arranging for their 
defence. All this was especially Grenville’s field; he was by 
origin a ‘martial’ man, not a sea-captain, and so accounted 
until the fame of his last commission at sea put out of mind his 
earlier life. 

Devon and Cornwall were in the most exposed and dangerous 
position of all; and of these two, as Ralegh wrote a few years 
later, ‘Devon may better spare men than Cornwall . . . which 
hath fewer men and is nearer the enemy.’ ^ After all, the plan 
drawn up by the great Menendez in 1574 for an attack upon 
England, rested on a descent upon Falmouth. Grenville 
was given the especial charge of the oversight of Cornwall’s 

Among Burghley’s memoranda of business relating to the 
defence of the country, we find in his notes on the situation in 
Devon and Cornwall on the last day of the year 1585: 

^ Edwards, Ralegh^ ii, 96. 



‘Sir Walter Ralegh to show all the force of the stannary and of 
the duchy to the Lieutenant’s deputies. And that he also see the 
Musters and make report. Cornwall: the Lord Admiral to do 
the like. Sir Ric. Grenville, having charge of 300, gone to the 
seas.’ ‘ 

Much of 1586 he was away at sea, towards the end of the year 
returning (according to Philip Wyot) with a prize. By January 
1587 he was attending upon his duties as Justice of the Peace 
again; for we find his name among those of the Justices 
who had assembled according to the Council’s directions and 
taken order for supplying the markets with grain. ^ Nothing 
would be more disturbing to the morale of the country-side in 
time of war than the dearth of corn which was prevailing in the 
west. We find Grenville named, along with Richard Chamond 
and John Kempthorne, as responsible for collecting such grain 
as could be spared for distribution from the hundred of Strat- 
ton. Later the Sheriff wrote up to the Council: ‘There is found 
a great scarcity within the country, but the people are very 
willing to do their best for the relief of their poor neighbours.’ ® 

In February, the Council drafted its orders for putting in 
readiness the forces of the maritime counties.^ The Deputy- 
Lieutenants were to call the bands together, and view them, 
supplying deficiencies in equipment; they were to repair to the 
sea-side, to view likely landing-places, to cover them with 
stakes and throw up ramparts. Ammunition would be supplied 
by the Queen, but they were not to use it for pleasure or 
it would be charged to them. Watch was to be kept on the 
beacons, according to the orders sent out in 1585. There were 
additional instructions ‘because of the increasing danger of the 
times.’ Grenville was already taking his part in these exercises, 
for we read in Wyot’s Diary of a general muster at Barnstaple 
on 24 February, 

‘before my Lord of Bath, Sir Richard Grenville, Mr. Hugh 
Acland, and Mr. George Wyot, Justices, of all the able men 

1 S.P. Dom. Eliz. 185, no. 36. ® ibid. 197, no. 42. 

3 ibid. 199, no. 37. * ibid. 198, no. 63. 



with a show of their arms and furniture of the hundreds of 
Braunton, Sherwell, and Fremington. And on Wednesday 
following the inhabitants of this town and parish mustered be- 
fore the said Justices in the Church with a show of their arms 
and artillery.’ ^ 

Grenville was residing now at Bideford, for three days later 
he wrote a letter from there to Dr. Julius Caesar, the Judge of 
the Admiralty Court, concerning a prize which had come into 
his possession, a hulk of Amsterdam: we do not know whether it 
was the same he had brought in in December, or another 
brought in by one of his ships.® A factor of one Lemon had 
come into the West Country armed with a commission from 
the Court of Admiralty, to demand certain goods which he 
claimed to have proved before the Court. Grenville wrote with 
politic address to the Judge: 

‘Good Mr. Doctor, I do understand by my servant and others 
how troublesome some causes which partly concern me have 
been unto you, and withal your good will professed towards me, 
for the which albeit hitherto I have not been so grateful unto 
you as I should, yet in the end I trust to be found neither un- 
mindful nor unthankful to so good a friend.’ 

With this polite introduction, signifying what previous en- 
counters in the Court of Admiralty we do not know, Grenville 
goes on to claim that this Lemon is just a common dealer in 
such causes: 

‘upon some intelligence that he hath gotten that such a ship is 
come into my hands, and thereon at hap-hazard hath made 
some unjust proof of something as by his factor’s instructions ap- 
peareth; for neither knoweth he the just quantity of the goods, 
nor the prices, by which means he is inforced to send to his 
master to understand the same, (as I doubt not but his master 
hath since sent into Holland to have the promotion of this 

^ Chanter, Literary History of Barnstaple, 93. 
2 Lansdownc MSS. 158, 48. 



He then maintains that the goods belonged to Spanish 
Flemings and had been consigned to liegers in Spain, ‘which 
cause I think the States relinquishing the government and their 
subjection to the King of Spain, would never allow of.’ Besides, 
the goods were contraband: there was ‘some good proportion of 
victual for the Spanish Fleet, as butter, bacon, cheese, whereby 
it may appear unto all men that these goods do rather belong to 
such as are wholly Spanish than any way assured to this estate.’ 
Nevertheless, because of the favourable letters they had ob- 
tained from the Lord Admiral, he says that he is willing to deal 
with Lemon in the matter, but that 

‘the ship being taken by some of my company, that account hath 
never come to my sight which Lemon demandeth. And that 
which hath come hath been so spoiled with wet and other sea 
accidents, as it amounteth not by far to that quality and 
quantity, that is imagined; and you know how hardly such a 
company as men in like actions must use at sea will be kept from 
spoil of such things as come to their fingers.’ 

So concluding, he asks the Judge to give him ‘that favour that a 
true English subject to Her Majesty and his countiy shall 

It is, as usual, a plausible case that Grenville makes out; but 
reading between the lines, one suspects that his case in law was 
not a good one and that the Admiralty Court had declared 
against him. To give a decision, however, and to get it exe- 
cuted were two different things. The Court was at its wits’ ends 
in these years to hold the balance fairly between English sub- 
jects and neutral traders. We do not know in this case whether 
Grenville succeeded in getting away with it; what is more im- 
portant is to observe that the ships with which he would have 
made another voyage to Virginia are engaged this winter in 

Another voyage was out of the question this year, he was so 
fully occupied in carrying out the government’s orders for pre- 
paring the defences in the west. In March he was given the 
special charge of surveying and reporting on the places of 
descent in both Devon and Cornwall, and giving his opinion on 



the measures to be taken to prevent the enemy’s landing. To 
this the Council later added the instructions that 

‘before his coming up he should also take a view of the trained 
bands of the said two counties, and of their armour and furni- 
ture; and to see them mustered and exercised in his presence, to 
the end he may be able to bring a true and sound report as of 
the choice of the persons and the sufficiency of their armour, as 
also of the profit they have made by the exercise of training in 
the pse of the several weapons they are appointed unto, and of 
such- defects as he shall find in their persons, furniture or skill, 
that order may be taken for repairing of the same.’ 

Orders were at the same time sent to the Earl of Bath, Lord 
Lieutenant of Devon and to the Deputy Lieutenants of Corn- 
wall, to assist Grenville ‘in the execution of his charge that is 
laid upon him, wherein her Highness wisheth as great expedi- 
tion to be used as may be, for that she very earnestly desireth to 
be truly informed of the state of that country.’ ^ 

The work must have taken some months, and its impulse went 
right on through the year. It is to this that we owe the certifi- 
cates of musters, the abstracts, the returns from the western 
counties that are so frequent among the State Papers this year. 
They make dry reading; yet it is not difficult to capture the 
atmosphere from these scraps of paper - the living urgency, the 
immediacy of the hour speaks in them no less than in the winged 
words of a Drake. It was the habit of Tudor government to ex- 
pect the localities to provide for and look after themselves; but 
in this emergency the Government sent down a certain pro- 
vision of powder and shot and ordnance: for Devon 7,200 lb. 
each of powder and lead, and half as much for Cornwall,^ Of 
ordnance, each county received two sacres, two minions, and 
two falcons, which were to be mounted; together with a pro- 
portion of match, and all necessaries for the cannon. Certifi- 
cates of the musters were delivered to Grenville to be handed on 
by him to the Council; possible landing-places were viewed by 

^ A.P,C> 1586-7, 370-1; V. also Hist. MSS. Com., Foljambe Papers, 22; S.P. 
Dom. Eliz. 199, no. 19. 

2 S.P. Dom. Eliz. 198, no. 43; 203, no. 17. 



him, and the Councirs instructions to the Deputy-Lieutenants 
to confer with him for the trenching of these places carried out A 
In June the certificate of the Cornish musters was complete - it 
is worth noting that the returns were more fully and perfectly 
made from Cornwall than from Devon or Somerset - doubtless 
there was a greater feeling of urgency where the fear of invasion 
was greatest. The Cornish certificate returns some i,6oo men 
as trained; they were divided into six divisions, each under its 
captain: Grenville himself stands at the head of one of the 
larger divisions of 300 men.^ 

There are few traces of other activities than this, doubtless so 
much of his time was taken by his charge. But in April we find 
the Council writing to him ‘for the release of the two French 
men,* probably two ships which had either been stayed by him 
in port or else brought in by his own company;^ and in May we 
find a Devonshire gentleman, James Woodley of Ilsington, who 
had been bound over by him, making appearance before the 
Council - probably for some failure to do his duty as regards 
defence.^ About this time too, at the christening of the Earl of 
Bath’s son, Grenville stood as godfather for the Lord Chancellor, 
Sir William Mohun for the Earl of Essex and Lady Denys for 
the old Countess of Bedford.® With the summer there comes a 
lull; the preliminary work of surveying and organising having 
been tackled, exercises and training follow and then the har- 
vest. It was now the turn of the seamen. 

Drake had been at Plymouth through the winter, organising 
his expedition for the attack on the preparations in Spanish 
ports. He was on tenterhooks lest the (Queen’s permission given 
in December should be withdrawn before he had sailed. But 
the revelation of the Babington Plot and the decision to bring 
Mary Queen of Scots to execution kept the Government firm 
upon its course; while the news of Mary’s death steeled Philip’s 
resolution and determined him upon the invasion of England - 
Drake had collected a force of some twenty-three ships, to 

1 ibid. 199, no. 76. ® ibid. 202, no. 37. 

® ibid. 205, no, 28. * A.P.C. 64. 

Wyot’s Diary, p. 15 (in Chanter, Lit. Histy. Barnstaple). 




which the Queen, the Lord Admiral, himself and the West 
Country ports contributed. On the day of his leaving harbour, 2 
April, he wrote from the Elizabeth Bomventure to Walsingham: 

‘there was never more likely in any fleet of a more loving 
agreement than we hope the one of the other, I thank God . . 

If your honour did now see the fleet under sail and knew with 
what resolution men’s minds do enter into this action, so you 
would judge a small force would not divide them. Each wind 
commands me away, our ship is under sail, God grant we may 
so live in his fear as the enemy may have cause to say that God 
doth fight for her Majesty as well abroad as at home, and give 
her long and happy life and ever victory against God’s enemies 
and her Majesty’s.’ ^ 

This was the spirit in which the famous exploit, ‘the singeing 
of the King of Spain’s beard,’ was carried through. Drake made 
straight for Cadiz, where he arrived in the Road on 19 April, 
ran his ships into the harbour beneath the fortifications on 
either side, and wreaked destruction upon all the shipping 
gathered in the outer harbour in preparation for the invasion of 
England. A great Biscayan of 1,200 tons, a galleon of the Mar- 
quis of Santa Cruz of 1,500 tons and 30 lesser ships were all 
burnt. The extent of Philip’s preparations was a revelation: ‘the 
like preparation,’ Drake wrote home, ‘was never heard of nor 
known as the King of Spain hath and daily maketh to invade 
England.’ ^ Thanks to Drake the invasion had to be postponed 
till next year. Lisbon proved too strong to be assaulted with his 
present forces, but he took possession of Sagres and St. Vincent, 
and from this vantage-point disorganised the Spanish attempts 
to concentrate their forces. Making for the Azores, he there cap- 
tured a great East Indiaman, the San Felipe - the richest prize 
that had yet been brought to England, with which he more than 
covered the costs of the expedition. On 26 June he arrived back 
again in Plymouth Sound. 

When Drake’s report of the immense character of the pre- 
parations in Spain reached England, it appears that the Gov- 
ernment considered sending out reinforcements to him to en- 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 200, no. 2. * ibid. no. 42. 



able him to continue the good work of holding them up. The 
Spanish intelligence from England early in June was that four 
of the Queen’s ships guarding the west end of the Channel, and 
her armed merchantmen of the West Country ports, were to be 
sent out to him. But ‘it was uncertain whether they would be 
commanded by Grenville, a gentleman who has been sailing as 
a pirate, or Frobisher, who they thought would agree with 
Drake better than the other.’ ^ This is extremely interesting 
news, and this is the only source in which it appears: it may be 
that this is what accounts for our lack of information regarding 
Grenville’s whereabouts this summer. It is still more interesting, 
if the Government contemplated appointing Grenville to lead 
a squadron to reinforce Drake, to know that it was common in- 
formation that their personal relations were difficult, so that it 
was doubtful whether Grenville would serve under Drake. 

Mendoza’s information to Philip towards the end of the 
month, while Drake was still at sea, was even more positive on 
this point. 

Tt was proposed in the Council,’ he writes, ‘that Grenville, a 
gentleman who has always sailed with pirates, should command 
the squadron, but it was objected that he would not serve under 
Drake, and it was necessary to send some person who would not 
raise questions but would obey Drake unreservedly, and it was 
therefore thought that Frobisher would be put into command.’ ® 

This is specific enough, whatever the Government’s plans might 
be as regards the reinforcement. Grenville indeed had no reason 
to love Drake, who had stolen his laurels with the voyage 
into the Pacific in 1577, and had adversely interfered with his 
Virginia projects in bringing home the colonists in 1586. It is 
true that there is no evidence of an open quarrel; there is, in- 
stead, the very suspicious absence of any reference on either side 
to the other. We may presume at least a coldness in their re- 
lations; and with the family pride of the Grenvilles which must 
have made Grenville regard Drake as a parvenu, we may be 
sure that the Spanish information that he would not serve 
under him, was correct. 

^ CaL S.P. Spanish^ 1587—1603, 93. 


2 ibid. no. 


By the end of the year the government felt that the invasion 
was inevitable, and full plans for defence were set in motion all 
over the country. To co-ordinate them and advise the govern- 
ment, a committee of ‘noble and experienced captains’ was ap- 
pointed to report on ‘such means as are considered to be fittest 
to put the forces of the Realm of England in order to withstand 
an invasion pretended [i.e. intended] by the King of Spain.’ ^ 
Members of the Committee were Lord Grey, the Lord Deputy 
of Ireland under whom Ralegh had served, Ralegh himself. Sir 
Francis Knollys, Sir Thomas Leighton, Sir John Norris, Sir 
Richard Bingham, Sir Roger Williams, Ralph Lane and Gren- 
ville. At the end of November it presented a report, which was 
a fully drawn scheme for the land defences of the realm. In 
December, the Spanish intelligence service reported that fever- 
ish preparations were being made; that the Earls of Cumber- 
land and Huntingdon were being sent to the North, Sir John 
Norris to Milford Haven, Grenville to Plymouth and Ralegh 
into Cornwall.^ 

Ralegh was at Exeter on 2 1 December, when he reported to 
Burghley that he had 

‘attended the Earl of Bath and conferred with the deputies of 
Devon and Cornwall for the drawing together of 2,000 foot 
and 200 horse, and I find great differences of opinion among 
them. Some are of opinion that this burden will be grievous 
unto the country standing at this time void of all traffic, the 
subsidy not being yet gathered and the past musters having 
been very chargeable. Sir John Gilbert, Sir Richard Grenville 
and the Earl himself being more zealous both in religion and 
her Majesty’s service, who have always found a ready disposi- 
tion in their divisions and willingness to bear whatsoever shall 
be thought meet for her Majesty’s service by their people, are of 
opinion that the matter and service will be very feasible.’ ^ 

It appears that some of the Commissioners for Devonshire were 
‘vehemently malcontent,’ while the citizens of Exeter refused to 

^ q. from Harleian MSS. 168, by R. P. Chope, Trans. Devon. Assoc., , 


* Cal. S.P. Spanish 1587-1603, 174. » S.P. Dom. Eliz. 206, no. 40, 



bear the part thought meet by the Deputy-Lieutenants of Devon. 
Ralegh wrote that he was now ready to repair into Cornwall 
with all diligence to perform the commands laid upon him. 

It seems that the plan that was under consideration was for 
the drawing together of a western army, to concentrate upon 
whichever of the ports the Spaniards attacked. The \iew was 
held that Plymouth was the likeliest of all, for the Spaniards 
would not care to engage ‘too far within the Sleeve [i.e, the 
Channel] before he have mastered some one good harbour, of 
which Plymouth is the nearest to Spain.’ ^ It was arranged 
therefore that if Plymouth should be attacked, 6,000 trained 
men of the western counties should converge upon it for its 
defence; and some similar proportion for Falmouth in like case. 
It was also recommended that some one person should be ap- 
pointed to the head of the western forces in both Devon and 
Cornwall, where there were ten Deputy-Lieutenants in all, ‘so 
that there may be no straining of courtesy, lest there be confu- 
sion and delay to the advantage of the enemy.’ By April, the 
certificates of musters, as the result of the work put in, were able 
to show much fuller returns: Devonshire had a total of 10,000 
able men, of whom 6,200 were furnished with some sort of 
weapon; of these 3,650 were trained, and 2,550 untrained.^ 
Cornwall could show some 5,776 able men all told, of whom 
3,600 were furnished, 1,500 were trained and 2,100 untrained. 
The larger totals of 10,000 and 5,776 respectively represented all 
the men of fighting age, between sixteen and sixty, in the two 

Meanwhile, since returning from Spain, Drake had remained 
at Plymouth with the nucleus of a fleet; his task was to keep 
watch on movements in the Spanish ports, and as the time of 
invasion drew near to collect the contingents of ships from all 
the ports of the West Country under his command. Grenville, 
having performed his especial charge, was at Bideford fitting 
out his ships for the voyage with which he intended to relieve 
and supply the colony which had been planted the previous 

^ ibid. 209, nos. 49 and 51. 

* ibid- 210, no. 42; and Harleian MSS. 286, 92. 



year under the command of John White. A rumour that 
Grenville’s ships were to be used upon some service of the 
Queen reached Mendoza in Paris at the end of February; for he 
wrote on the fzSth to Philip that 

‘the Queen had ordered Grenville (an Englishman who, as I 
have informed your Majesty, has several times gone on plunder- 
ing voyages, and was lately on the coast of Spain) to remain 
with twenty merchantmen and pirate ships on the English 
coast opposite Ireland.’ ^ 

The news had not lost anything in the telling, nor was it exact; 
however, there was something in it. 

We hear further too, if belatedly, of the Spaniards whom 
Grenville took in the prize near the Bermudas on his way home 
from Virginia in 1 585. For two Spanish prisoners in England at 
this time, writing to Mendoza, suggest that one James Lomas, 
an English merchant in Seville, 

‘be held for the liberty of the poor pilots who were captured by 
Richard Grenville of Cornwall, and are now held prisoners by 
him. He is a pirate; and brought to England twenty-two 
Spaniards whom he treated as slaves, making them carry stones 
on their backs all day for some building operations of his, and 
chaining them up all night. Twenty of them have died or 
escaped, but he still keeps the two pilots.’ ^ 

To a Spaniard, all the English seamen were pirates; they made 
no distinction between piracy and privateering, especially when 
the latter was directed against Spain. We know no more of this 
episode, nor even whether the information of these two Span- 
iards was accurate. It would be interesting to know what 
building operations of Grenville’s these were — probably at 
Bideford if anywhere. It is always the misdeeds of the other side 
that arouse men’s moral indignation; it is not likely that the 
Spanish gentlemen would have been roused to protest by the 
spectacle of the English prisoners serving in the galleys. 

On the last day of March, an embargo was placed on all 

^ Cal. S.P. Spanish, 1587-160$, 223. 


2 ibid- 220. 


shipping throughout the kingdom; and the Council wrote a 
special letter to Grenville, saying that 

‘whereas he hath seven or eight ships and pinnaces ready for a 
voyage heintendethtomake tosomepart of the West Indies; for- 
asmuch as her Majesty doth receive daily advertisement of the 
preparations of the King of Spain to increase, whereupon it is 
also thought necessary her navies on the seas should be rein- 
forced and strengthened, and to that end order is given both 
for the stay of all ships in all the port towns of the Realm, and 
to the said towns to furnish a certain number of vessels etc. ; he is 
also straightway charged and commanded in her Majesty’s name 
and upon his allegiance to forbear to go his intended voyage, 
and to give the ships so by him prepared to be in readiness to 
join with her Majesty’s Navy as he shall be directed hereafter.’ ^ 

Grenville’s ships, as we saw, were already at this time in readi- 
ness for his voyage, ‘only staying but for a fair wind to put to 
sea.’ Without a word he complied and wrote to inform the 
Council of his intention to ‘repair unto the Cape of Cornwall or 
the Scillies for commodity of wind, to be better able upon any 
occasion to repair where most use might be of his seivdce.’ 
There was no use in being caught on the north coast of Devon, 
with the Armada in full sail up the Channel.^ 

It may be supposed that beneath this ready compliance, 
Grenville may have hoped to keep his ships together under his 
own command and to perform his service at sea. But it was not 
to be: his services were more urgently required on land. The 
Council approved of his plan, but directed him 

‘to send presently unto Sir Francis Drake such ships as were of 
greatest burden and fittest for service according unto such 
direction as he should receive from him, the others of less bur- 
den, and such as Sir Francis should not think fit to be retained, 
he might dispose of and employ in his intended voyage as he 
should think good.’ 

Since Grenville’s ships were already victualled for many months, 
Mr. Darrell, who was in charge of the victualling of the Na\y 
1 A,P,C, 15S8, 7-8. ibid. 27. 


in the west, was to come to an arrangement with him for pay- 

‘Moreover, Her Majesty considering the danger of this present 
time and his knowledge and experience in martial affairs, did 
think it convenient he himself should remain in those parts 
where he now was, to give his assistance and advice to the 
Lieutenants of Cornwall and Devon.* 

A letter was sent to Drake informing him of this recruitment to 
his forces. 

Grenville’s conduct, regarding only the service of the state 
and sacrificing his own projects and interests, was in marked 
contrast to Sir John Gilbert’s. In spite of the embargo, and 
Drake’s command, Gilbert had allowed a large ship of his, of 
great burden and fit for service, to depart out of the Realm, and 
‘in a letter of his did seem little to regard the authority of the 
said Sir Francis.’ ^ Such were the difficulties of co-ordinating 
defence in the conditions of Elizabethan individualism. Gilbert 
was severely reprimanded by the Council. Grenville’s ships, 
according to the Council, were seven or eight in number; at the 
end of April, as we saw, two small pinnaces, the Brave and the 
RoBy were detached for John White to take a supply to Virginia. 
Wyot’s Diary tells us that ‘five ships went over the bar to join 
Sir Francis Drake at Plymouth.’ ^ Grenville was still at Bide- 
ford on 17 April, for on that day John Hender, a messenger, 
was paid a shilling ‘to run to Bideford with post letters to Sir 
Richard Grenville that came from Sessions,’ probably at 

Soon after this he set sail, joining forces with the Bristol squad- 
ron on the way, for they had arrived together at Plymouth by 
12 May. Captains Fenner and Crosse wrote to report to Drake 
then in London: ‘Here are arrived all the ships from Bristol and 
all the west parts, with Sir Richard Grenville and Mr. St. Leger, 
for which two we pray your consideration in moneys they de- 
mand for victual.’ ^ Grenville certainly remained with his 

^ A.P.C. J388, 17. 2 Chanter, 94, 

® Gould ing, Records of Blanchminster*s Charity y p. 72 . 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 210, no. 17. 



Kttle squadron at Plymouth till the end of May, by which time 
Drake had returned and the Lord Admiral himself had arrived 
with the main body of the Queen’s ships; for Howard writes to 
Burghley on 28 May, complaining that the fleet has only 
eighteen days’ victual left and they must not tarry, 

Tor even this morning Mr. Gary, the sheriff of Devonshire, and 
Sir Ric. Grenville have brought me word of a bark that is 
newly come from the South Cape [i.e. St. Vincent] and was 
there within these seven days and did take two or three fisher- 
men of that place who told them that the Spanish fleet was to 
come out with the first fair wind.’ ^ 

Of the ships which Grenville brought round to Plymouth to 
serve under Drake, three were his own: the galleon Dudley of 
250 tons, the Virgin God Save Her of 200 tons and the Tiger} 
The first, which was the largest, may be identified with the 
Spanish prize that Grenville took on his way home from Vir- 
ginia in 1585. Against the Armada she was now commanded 
by James Eiisey, Grenville’s cousin, who had previously com- 
manded the White Lion in Drake’s West Indies expedition, of 
two years before. The God Save Her had for her captain John 
Grenville, Grenville’s second son, who died on Ralegh’s Guiana 
Voyage in 1595. In addition to these three, there were the 
bark St, Leger, commanded by Sir John St. Leger’s son; and the 
Golden Hind, which was the first to bring the news of the 
Armada’s approach. 

Grenville returned to Stowe, while the fleet at Plymouth 
passed these months in an agony of expectation. The seamen 
were all in favour of a descent upon Spain, seeking out the 
Spanish fleet and destroying it before it could set sail. Drake had 
written to the Queen in April: 

‘The advantage of time and place in all martial actions is half 
a victory, which being lost is irrecoverable, wherefore if your 
Majesty will command me away, with those ships that are here 

1 ibid. no. 35. 

2 ibid. 216, no. 54; 237, f. 15; and cf. Chope, Trans. Devon, 265-9. 



already and the rest to follow with all possible expedition, I 
hold it in my poor opinion the surest and best course.’ ^ 

It was not adopted: Elizabeth took the peace negotiations with 
Parma in the Netherlands seriously and did not want to pre- 
judice their chances. As it happened too, the defensive waiting 
policy was usually the best in sixteenth-century conditions: they 
had so much less command then over external forces and con- 
ditions that whichever side put forth an aggressive effort on 
a large scale exposed himself to far greater risk of losses. 

The long delay, due mainly to the storms of this summer, ate 
into the English provisions and put a great strain upon the 
government’s resources to victual such a large body of ships and 
men. The Lord Admiral wrote at the end of May: 'God send 
the wind to serve to put us out, for I believe surely if the wind 
hold here but six days they will knock at our door.’ ® The spirit 
in the fleet was excellent. Howard scribbled in his own fist a 
postscript to his secretary’s letter to Burghley, saying, 'My 
good Lord, there is here the gallantest company of captains, 
soldiers and mariners that I think ever was seen in England. 
It were pity they should lack meat, when they are so desirous to 
spend their lives in her Majesty’s service.’ ® He concludes with a 
little joke against the landsmen, knowing full well how much 
Burghley was in favour of negotiating peace: 'God send us the 
happiness to meet with them before our men on the land dis- 
cover them; for I fear me a little sight of the enemy will fear the 
land men much.’ 

Then in the middle of June, a storm swept down upon the 
Channel. Howard wrote to Walsingham: 

'Sir, we have endured these three days, Wednesday, Thurs- 
day and Friday, an extreme continual storm. Myself and four 
or five of the greatest ships have ridden it out in the Sound, be- 
cause we had no room in Cattewater for the lesser ships that 
were there; nor betwixt the shore and the Island, because Sir 
Francis Drake with some four or five other ships did ride there. 
Myself and my company in these ships do continually tarry and 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. 209, no. 89. 2 ibid. 210, no. 35. 

® ibid. no. 36. 



lie aboard in all the storm, where we may compare that we 
have danced as lustily as the gallantest dancers in the Court.’ 

Still the victuals have not come, and the ships are running 
short; ‘and if it do not come, yet assure yourself we will not 
lose any opportunity nor we will not lack; there is good fishing 
in the seas.’ ^ 

At the end of June, word came that the Spanish Fleet was on 
the way: Sir Francis Godolphin wrote to say that a little bark of 
Mousehole had encountered nine sail of great ships at the en- 
trance of the Channel.^ At the same time, a new supply of pro- 
visions came for the fleet, and, writes Howard, ‘we will not cat 
nor sleep till it be aboard us. We must not lose an hour of 
time.’ ^ Ralegh, meanwhile, had taken steps with the land 
forces for a body of 2 ,ooo foot, and 200 pioneers for incamping, 
to march from Cornwall to the royal camp upon invasion; ‘and 
if I shall not be commanded down myself, I have thought good 
to direct Sir Ric. Grenville to have the conduction of this 
regiment to bring them to the camp.’ * 

But they were not needed: the Spanish ships, an advance 
division of the Armada, were driven back to Spain by the 
storms which raged this unnatural June. The English fleet dis- 
posed itself in three divisions across the entrance of the Channel, 
between Scilly and Ushant, to keep watch. For a moment at 
the beginning of July, the wind was favourable for a descent 
upon Spain; then it changed to south-west again. There was no 
hope now of a preventive attack on the Armada; there was 
nothing for it but to await its arrival. On land, the Deputy- 
Lieutenants of Cornwall, with Grenville at their head, speeded 
up their precautions and screwed an increase out of the exiguous 
resources of the county in horse and weapons. They reported to 
Ralegh that they had ‘dealt with the gentlemen of the best sort, 
whom we find very willing to increase their proportion to the 
uttermost of their powers’; but they cannot equip themselves 
‘with such speed as is requisite, because there is not armour to be 
bought here for money.’ ® But they had raised the number of 

^ ibid. no. 47. ^ ibid. no. 51. 

® ibid. 212, no. 22. 


^ ibid. 211, no. 18. 

ibid. no. 90. 


horsemen, and taken order for the little army of 2,000 men to be 
ready to march when the word was given. 

Then at the end of July the Armada was suddenly there. 
Some fifty sail were first descried off the Scilly Islands, where 
they waited for the rest to come up; on Friday 19 July, the 
whole fleet was off the Lizard, 120 sail in all, moving up-Chan- 
nel in a half-moon formation, the great ships flying their flags 
with the red cross - the crusade for the conversion of England. 
All day and night before, the English fleet had been getting 
their last supply of provisions on board; so great was the haste 
that not all the ships were fully victualled; when at night, the 
wind being against them, they warped out under the lee of 
Mount Edgcumbe and Rame Head, and on Saturday afternoon 
at three o’clock came in full view of the Armada. That evening 
and through the night they continued tacking along the Cornish 
coast, and on Sunday morning, having gained advantage of 
the wind, they began the running fight which continued off and 
on all that week up the Channel. 

‘Sir, for the love of God and our country let us have with some 
speed some great shot sent us of all bigness, for this service will 
continue long, and some powder with it’ : so wrote Howard to 
Walsingham on 21 July, when the fleet had come up thwart of 
Plymouth again. ^ The good citizens of Plymouth could see the 
splendid but dangerous spectacle out beyond the Sound: 

‘Our last intelligence we gave to your Lordships,’ wrote the 
Mayor, William Hawkins, to the Council, ‘was that the Spanish 
fleet was in view of this town yesternight and that my Lord 
Admiral was passed to the sea before our said view and was out 
of our sight. Since which time we have certain knowledge both 
by certain pinnaces come from his Lordship as also by plain 
view this present morning, that my Lord being to the windwards 
of the enemy are in fight, which we beheld.’ ^ 

The Mayor kept sending out such reinforcements of men as 
came in from town and country as the fight went on off the 
coast. The alarm was given throughout the country from the 

^ S.P. Dom. Eliz. no. 80. 


^ ibid. no. 81. 


Though nothing survives from Grenville to tell us where he 
was and what he was doing at this moment of crisis, there are 
traces, footmarks as it were, to reveal the agitation. In the 
records of Blanchminster’s charity at Stratton, there appear 
these tell-tale entries: 

to Harry Juell the 21 July to run to Stowe with a letter 
in post haste for her majesty’s service iijd. 

to Richard Juell of Launceston (with five others) for 
their horses to go in post to Launceston for Sir Richard 
Grenville to ride to Plymouth when the Spaniards were 
come to Plymouth, viijd. for every horse iiijs. 

to John Short for his horse to carry the victuals the same 
time viijd. 

to Thomas Juell Cordener for his horse to carry the 
armour to Launceston for the same time viijd; proven- 
der for the said horses at Launceston xd; for setting 3 
new shoes unto them ixd; for John Juell’s labour to go 
to Launceston to fetch back the same post horses & for 
going to Stowe with a post letter xiijd. 

paid to Jasper Bedlime the same night to warn the par- 
ish that they should be ready at an hour’s warning iijd. ^ 

These are but diminutive and unimportant relics of the agita- 
tion of that night when the news of the Armada came to one 
remote Cornish parish: how many thousands in all the parishes 
of the West Country must have passed that night with their 
harness, their bills and pikes ready at hand in case the call 

But in the event it was not needed. The turning-point came 
with Howard’s successfully warping out of Plymouth Sound and 
gaining the wind of the Armada: had he not done so, the fleet 
might have been caught bottled up in harbour and no one can 
tell the consequences. As it was, the Armada passed on up- 
Channel - the danger to Plymouth was removed by the time 
Grenville got there; the great fleet sailed on its course to the 
rendezvous off Calais, the fire-ships, the storms of the North 

1 q. by Chope from Goulding, Records of Blanckminster's Charity, 73. 



Sea and to the wreck of Philip’s hopes upon the cruel shores of 

Throughout August, the levies were kept up throughout the 
southern counties; but at the end of the month, the danger 
having passed, Howard and Drake discharged the volunteer 
ships from the western ports. They asked for payment to be 
made for Grenville’s ships which had been Taken into service 
by Sir Francis Drake then over and above his warrant, yet by 
order from the Council, as Sir Richard Grenville and he hath to 
show.’ ^ 

The Council could not be sure that all danger had passed 
from the quarter of Ireland: it was known that a number of 
Spanish ships were upon that coast and that numbers of 
Spaniards were landing. It was decided to send a small force 
into Ireland, to stay shipping upon the north coast of Devon and 
Cornwall to transport it, and to form a small squadron to keep 
a look out in the Irish Channel. Grenville was chosen for the 
service. The Queen wrote him on 14 September: 

‘We require you that upon the north coast of Devon 
and Cornwall towards Severn, you make stay of all shipping 
meet to transport soldiers to Waterford, and to give charge that 
the same ships be made ready with masters, mariners and all 
other maritime provisions needful; so as upon the next warning 
given from us or from our Council they may be ready to receive 
our said soldiers, which shall be 300 out of Cornwall and 
Devon, and 400 out of Gloucester and Somersetshire. We have 
also some other further intention to use your service in Ireland 
with these ships aforesaid, whereof Sir Walter Ralegh, Knight, 
whom we have acquainted therewith, shall inform you; who 
also hath a disposition for our service to pass into Ireland, either 
with these forces or before that they shall depart.’ ^ 

^ The month before, Howard and Hawkins had sent up an estimate of 
charges for eight ships of this little squadron, mostly Grenville’s: 700 men 
in all for four months, which would amount to 1,960, and for the tonnage 
of the ships, 800 tons in all, £^^0. Laughton, The Defeat of the Spanish 
Armada^ ii, 163. 

* S.P. Dom. Eliz. 216, no. 24. 



This document is a draft in Burghley’s hand, but it has the 
Queen’s signature at the top and the commission went forth. 

Next day the Council wrote to Ralegh recommending him to 
see that the hundred soldiers appointed out of Cornwall for 
Ireland were well chosen and their oflScers able and well dis- 
posed, and to help Grenville to stay shipping in Devon and 
Cornwall and in transporting 700 soldiers to Ireland upon in- 
telligence that they were needed there. ‘The ships shall be 
under the leading of Sir Richard Grenville to use them as he 
informed to destroy the Spaniards’ ships, wherein he is required 
to assist him.’ ^ Grenville’s device, it seems, was the same that 
Drake had used so successfully off Calais, to send in a number 
of fire-ships among the Spaniards; for the Mayor of Bristol was 
ordered to make provision of fifty barrels of tar, with brimstone, 
pitch and pitch-boards and ‘to deliver the things above men- 
tioned to such as Sir Richard Grenville shall appoint to receive 
the same.’ ^ A general Warrant was issued to all officers to aid 
and assist Ralegh and Grenville in taking up such ships as they 
thought needful for the Irish service.^ Three Queen’s ships, the 
Foresight^ the Aid^ and the Tiger were allotted to this task, being 
ready victualled for 370 men for 14 days. 

Ralegh and Grenville then kept the western seas with this 
little force, until all doubt about the capacity of the Spaniards 
to make a return blow was dispelled. A number of the finest 
ships of the Armada, some twenty in all, w’-ent on the rocks of 
the Irish coast in the storms of this stormy autumn, and with 
them there perished some thousands of men and many of the 
gallant est names among the chivalry of Spain. The remnants 
of the Armada -* forty ships in all with the unfortunate Duke of 
Medina Sidonia intact - were in no condition but to struggle 
helplessly back to Spain, their crews dying in hundreds. In 
November, the last fears from Ireland removed, the Council 
gave orders for the stay of the western bands that were to have 
been dispatched there.* 

So passed that year of crisis, the greatest in Elizabeth’s reign, 
a determining point in the history of the English people. As we 

^ A.P.C. 1^88, 277. ® ibid. 276. ® ibid. 278. 

* ibid. 330-1. 



have seen, Grenville played a not inconsiderable part at a 
danger-point in the English defences. It may have been a 
matter of disappointment to him that his role was not a more 
spectacular one - like Drake's on board the Revenge (for it was 
Drake’s hour), or the Howards, or Ralegh who had rushed 
down to the coast to join the fleet — that after the Armada had 
passed by Plymouth, his chance had once more slipped by. If 
it were so, as it may well have been, no murmur of his dis- 
appointment escaped his lips. 




Xhe Irish service with which Grenville was charged in the 
autumn of 1588 brought him once more into direct contact 
with that field of plantation and colonisation in Munster, in 
which he had been an early, a too early pioneer, twenty years 
before. Then, the great Desmond power in the south of Ireland 
had been still unbroken; it was under a temporary eclipse, 
while the Earl, upon whom centred the devotion and the 
national aspirations of the native Irish, wore away his years in 
confinement in London. In the interval, after many years of 
partial resistance, semi-rebellion, reconciliations and lapses, 
that power had been broken; but not without four years of war- 
fare on an extensive scale and of great savagery on both sides. 

In November 1583, the last Earl of Desmond -the ‘Earl 
Garrett of the Risings’ of Irish Legend - driven to his last des- 
perate lair in the woods of Ahurlow, in the extreme 
mountainous west, was killed by an Irish clansman. The wide 
and fertile spaces of Munster, after so much fighting and laying 
waste on both sides, were a scene of desolation. The orderly 
mind of the Devonshireman, John Hooker, was revolted by it: 

‘The curse of God was so great,’ he wrote, ‘and the land so 
barren, both of man and beast, that whosoever did travel from 
one end to the other of all Munster, even from Waterford to 
Smerwick, about six score miles, he should not meet man, 
woman or child, saving in cities or towns, nor yet see any beast, 
save foxes, wolves or other ravening beasts.’ ^ 

The English Government agreed that it was desirable to re- 

^ Hooker’s Supplement to Holinshed’s ChronicU, q. Edwards, Ralegh 1, 95. 



people the province, as far as might be, with ‘well-afFected’ 
English settlers; it turned to the gentry of the western counties 
to provide them. The appeal was not without its effect on 
Grenville, who had made a premature attempt in this direction 
in 1569 and must have kept in some contact with southern 
Ireland through his shipping interests and the port of Bideford; 
but for the time he was taken up by the Virginia project. 
Ralegh took an immediate interest in the scheme, in addition to 
Virginia, hoping to make a princely patrimony for himself in 

The scheme was to get a number of undertakers, gentlemen of 
substance, who would take up the lands escheated to the Crown 
by the treason of Desmond and his supporters. These lands 
were of enormous extent, but there were many difficulties in the 
way. A rough survey of Munster was made, and a seignory of 
1 2,000 acres was fixed as the basis of a plantation. The younger 
sons of gentlemen and substantial yeomen were encouraged to 
take up leases under the undertakers, who were to provide 
English artisans and labourers. The scheme hung fire, partly 
because of the increasing tension in England due to the war, 
and partly because of the general uncertainty in Ireland regard- 
ing the titles to the land. The Irish took advantage of the delay 
to regain or take possession of the land, creeping back into the 
fertile lands from their mountains and bogs, welcoming the 
enforced peace after the horrors of the Desmond rebellion. All 
kinds of difficulties arose - the troubles that one famous under- 
taker, the poet Spenser, had with the Lord Roche are well 
known and typical. 

In August 1588 the Government sent over Chief Justice 
Anderson with a commission to try out and settle all questions 
of title, and from then on the plantation began in earnest. 
Ralegh took up a large seignory in Waterford and Cork; with 
his usual energy he proceeded to settle English families upon it 
and set to work on the estate, introducing the potato from 
Virginia, developing the timber trade, building houses for him- 
self at Lismore and Youghal. In the earlier lists of undertakers, 
Grenville’s name does not appear; but Sir Warham St. Leger, 
who had gone back to Ireland in 1579 as provost-marshal of 



Munster, was there to partner Grenville’s interests. From a 
letter of St. Leger’s to Walsingham in February 1588, it appears 
that already by then Grenville had got together a number of 
settlers for Munster. Though he was as determined as ever to 
establish the Virginia colony — we saw that on the eve of the 
Armada he had an expedition ready to sail - he doubtless felt 
that he could send over his settlers to St. Leger who would look 
after his interests in Ireland until such time as he was free to see 
to them himself. 

St. Leger was claiming certain lands that had been mortgaged 
to him by ‘the late wicked Earl of Desmond’ - it was de rigeur 
among the English to refer to poor Desmond, the sport of fate 
and ineluctable circumstance if ever a man was, as ‘the wicked 
Earl.’ St, Leger’s grant, like so many others, was being held 
up for legal reasons; a most grievous matter, he writes, since he 
has been put to the charge of ^£“500 in furnishing himself and 
his company to go there, ‘besides the preparation that Sir 
Richard Grenville and his friends hath bestowed in furnishing 
themselves to set down here with me.’ ^ St. Leger had made 
over a half of his grant of Kerrycurrihy, the fertile country to 
the west and south of Cork, the scene of their previous un- 
successful experiment in settling. Grenville was a desirable, or 
even a necessary partner, having the greater ability to draw 
followers to settle in Ireland through his influence in the West 

By May 1589, Grenville had brought over 99 settlers and 
St. Leger 46; but as yet the lands which they were to hold as 
tenants had not been apportioned, because of the delay in mak- 
ing out their patent. The settlers meanwhile had been main- 
tained to their great charges; ‘and as many more we have in 
readiness in England to come over, upon understanding what 
lands we shall be able to assure them.’ But they did not as yet 
know how many Irish were occupying the land, nor had it been 
decided how many of their claims to freehold were recognised, 
if any. Grenville returns that he had had the use of five plough- 
lands since midsummer 1588; and so far his stock there 
amounted to 

^ S.P. Ireiand 133, no. 85. 



‘xx Irish kine, two English bulls, vn English rams, xn English 
oxen, four Irish oxen, one Irish bull, vn Irish caples [i.e. 
small horses], four English horses able to serve for light horse- 
men. I have no crops of corn nor able to till any as yet.’ 

Among the settlers who had accompanied Grenville, the chief 
were members of his own family circle. There was his second 
son John, who had fought in the Virgin God Save Her against the 
Armada; and there was his half-brother, John Arundell, who 
had accompanied him on the Virginia voyage in 1 585. Then 
there were Christopher Harris of Radford, who later married 
Grenville’s daughter Bridget; Thomas Stukeley, who may have 
been brother of the John who went on the 1 585 voyage, and was 
Grenville’s brother-in-law; John Bellew, another brother-in- 
law; John Facey who signed Grenville’s family settlement as a 
witness in 1586. There were besides a number of farmers and 
labourers like the family of Cornish Teagues who formed part 
of St. Leger’s following. 

Grenville evidently spent the winter months of 1588-9, 
following straight upon the heels of his temporary service at sea, 
in Ireland, For St. Leger, who was very dissatisfied with the state 
of affairs in Munster and the delay in the final arrangements for 
the land-settlement, wrote to Walsingham on 20 January 1589: 
‘Sir Richard Grenville now departing hence to the Court of 
England ... is so thoroughly able to inform you touching the 
estate of this Province, as I hold it superfluous to write thereof.’ ^ 
A week later, St. Leger wrote to Burghley, requesting him to 
have some conference with Grenville regarding the former’s 
proposals for preventing foreign invasion. St. Leger, who was 
not at aU popular at Court because of his hostility to Ormonde, 
was now in the absence of the Vice-President in charge of 
Munster. At the same time, St. Leger took the opportunity of 
sending a letter to the Queen by Grenville as bearer, giving her 
an account of the situation in Munster, and inveighing against 
‘those who be undertakers in word and not in action.’ ^ 

Whether Grenville had an interview with Burghley we do not 
know; but at any rate his ideas on the situation reached him, 

^ S.P. Ireland, 140, no. 25. ^ ibid. no. 14. 



for a draft of his "Remembrances’ exists, which was endorsed by 
Burghley.^ Probably Grenville saw him, for it was Burghley’s 
way to fix a conversation which he considered of importance by 
having it drafted in memorandum. Though it is incomplete, 
it is a statesmanlike document, combining the political realism 
of the Elizabethan with a genuine consideration of the course to 
improve conditions for the Irish no less than the English. 

He recommended that the various fees which were charge- 
able by tribal custom upon the Irish and were a great burden, 
should be swept away; and in their place a revenue raised by 
an annual tax upon ploughlands and the sale of cattle. The 
lords of the countries should be made to let their lands to the 
Irish for fixed terms and rents ‘by which means they shall be 
freed of the bondage and fear that now they be in under their 
lords, and so become more obedient to her majesty, they being 
by her majesty’s laws made to enjoy the benefiit of their labours.’ 
Officers should be appointed to account for the Queen’s profits, 
fines and other issues at assizes and sessions, and the hundred 
courts be kept as in England. All the ecclesiastical livings which 
never yet paid any dues to the Crown should be rated, and those 
livings, by far the majority, in which there were no ministers 
should be converted to the Queen’s use until such time as they 
have inhabitants and ministers: these revenues would defray 
the cost of the President and garrison in Munster. Good care 
should be taken that each undertaker should have the full 
number of Englishmen resident on his seignory as he w^as bound. 
Finally, he recommended that the question of tenure between 
the freeholders’ titles and the Queen’s should be decided; until 
which time the undertakers could hardly be held responsible for 
not peopling their seignories. 

It is clear that the remedies Grenville saw for the unsatisfac- 
tory state of affairs in Munster were first settlement and then 
assimilation to English conditions. Nor can it be denied that 
such assimilation would have been to the advantage of the poor 
Irish on the land, no less than to the incoming English. For the 
latter, Grenville’s proposals were precisely such as to make their 
position strong, that they might live long in the land. He him- 

^ ibid. no. 16. 



self took his part in the scheme with the utmost responsibility 
- unlike such nominal undertakers as Sir Christopher Hatton, 
who never came near the place, or Sir William Courtenay of 
Powderham, who backed out at the commencement. Grenville 
contemplated spending a number of years in the country getting 
his seignory in order, building himself houses, equipping the 
rich but ravaged land; and he saw how important it was that all 
the undertakers equally should fulfil their responsibilities. It 
was the fact that they did not that ruined the prospects of this 
first plantation. It was as much an experiment in colonisation 
as Virginia; but in the end, it was for Grenville and his family 
no less of a disappointment. 

Grenville’s attitude on the problem is expressed even more 
clearly in the letter which he wrote to Walsingham on 1 7 March 
1589, recommending Nicholas Skiddy, one of that Cork family 
which was ever loyal to the Crown and, it will be remembered, 
had remained so in the Fitzmaurice Rising of 1 569.^ The letter 
is dated from ‘my poor house of Gilly abbey by Cork,’ a ruined 
Cistercian house just outside the walls of the city on the west; 
Grenville had built a house within its precincts, repaired the 
walls and made it his Irish residence. It is interesting to think 
what would have happened if the Grenvilles had held on to 
their very large Irish estates - Sir Richard was about to double 
their extent. It would have been the Grenvilles who would have 
become Earls of Cork, instead of the Boyles, possessors of an 
enormous Anglo-Irish patrimony which would have entitled 
them to a dukedom in the palmy days of the peerage in the 
eighteenth century. 

Grenville’s letter recommends Skiddy for his honest disposi- 
tion to the English Government, in relation to which he was in a 
position to be notably useful; for he had married the sister of 
Cormoke mac Dermod, the chieftain of the Muskerry country, 
who was very loyal and willing to co-operate. Further, the chief 
practises with his tenants and clansmen 

‘to draw them from their wandering and uncertain dwelling 
[so shocking, and rightly, to an English gentleman used to the 

^ S.P. Ireland, 142, no. 53. 


settled conditions of the English country-side] and seeks to set 
his land unto them by lease for xx years, or three lives. If the 
like course were held by the other lords and captains of coun- 
tries here, there were nothing that would breed a more 
assurance to her Majesty for the obedience of the common sort 
of this country people.’ 

There speaks the English settler who wanted order and the 
cultivation of the soil, instead of the ro\dng, restless, lazy tribal 
life of the Irish hitherto. A very small point here is worth notic- 
ing in the manuscript: Grenville has difficulty in mastering the 
Irish use of ‘mac’ and ‘O’; he first wrote ‘O Dermod’ and 
then crossed it out. He was obviously not familiar with the 
Celtic forms; one imagines Skiddy standing by him in the room 
prompting him with the correct style. 

On 22 April, the Queen wrote to the Lord Deputy directing 
that a lease of the abbeys of Gilly and Fermoy should be made 
out to Grenville for forty yearsA The processes of the Irish law 
were slow; and there was many a slip between even royal wishes 
as expressed in England and dieir execution in Ireland. It was 
not until June 1591, when Grenville was in the Azores on the 
eve of his last fight, that the Irish Chancery made out its grant 
in his name.^ The site and precincts of Fermoy Abbey, some 
sixteen miles north-east of Cork in the midst of what was then 
the Lord Roche’s country, contained three acres within; the 
stone walls of the monastic church remained, a vault, two 
chambers, a close, a garden, a messuage, six cottages, with 
various parcels of lands containing 340 acres arable, 160 acres 
pasture, and mountain, and 40 acres of wood in all: a fine site 
for a baronial mansion and park at a somewhat later date. At 
Gilly, late the monastery of St. Finbar, the precincts were four 
acres, in which were a church, a belfry, several stone walls 
uncovered and a cemetery; three gardens, a close, a mill, two 
salmon weirs, 40 acres arable, 20 acres pasture; with all the 
townland of Kilmoney in Kerrycurrihy containing 120 acres 
arable, 140 acres pasture and several other lands and islands. 
So much for the character of the properties which Grenville 

^ CaL Pat. and Close Rolls Ireland, 1 1 , 195. 

^ ibid. 201 . 


made his residences upon the wide-spread lands of his seignory. 
But there was, as the way is with Irish lands, to be more trouble 
before he came into secure possession of them; and, more 
surprising, the trouble was to come from a St. Leger, 

Some periods of the year 1 589, after March and again in the 
autumn, Grenville spent in England- For on 20 March, the 
Council wrote to the Mayor, Recorder and Justices of Exeter, 
putting Grenville’s name into the Commission, along with 
Richard Champernowne and others, to try an important 
murder case, in which two or three servants of Sir William 
Courtenay were charged with murdering two of the servants of 
William Fortescue.^ In May, we find him at Bideford, con- 
templating a journey to London to discuss various matters of 
business with Dr. Julius Caesar, Judge of the Court of Admir- 
alty- He writes to the Judge for his favour to a kinsman, who 
had made a seizure on a ship laden with wines at Padstow.^ 
Others are making claim to it, he says, ‘yet I think and hope 
that the first seizure by a commission of reprisal is good’ ; from 
which we understand that Grenville’s kinsman, either George 
Grenville or a Roscarrock, had a ship out with letters of marque 
to prey on trade with Spain, or else the seized ship had been 
arrested in Padstow by virtue of a commission of reprisal for 
some ship which he had previously lost. 

Grenville was already in negotiation for the sale of the wines, 
and had gone so far as to bring down a couple of merchants at 
their great charge which should be recompensed if the seizure 
is not valid. But he hopes that it is and begs the Judge’s favour 
for his kinsman to enjoy the seizure. It is interesting to note 
that the merchant who came down to Cornwall to deal for the 
wines was a Mr. Guinness, whom Grenville recommends the 
Judge to see, as he has taken great pains in following the case. 
One wonders if this is not among the earliest notices of that well- 
known name in such a connection. Finally, Grenville has taken 
order with Mr. Guinness to pay a certain Dutchman ^^120 Tor 
the oils and figs’ upon Caesar’s making out a discharge for 
them. For the other causes ‘according to my speech with you 
^ A.P.C. 1388-^, III. 2 Lansdowne MSS- 143, f. 264. 



the next week (god willing) , I shall be able to advertise you to 
the performance thereof.’ 

Whether Grenville got up to London and back in time for 
his daughter Catherine’s marriage on i July, we do not know. 
She was married on that date in Hartland Church, to Justinian 
Abbot, second son of William Abbot of Hartland Abbey. ^ The 
Abbots of Hartland were Grenville’s obvious neighbours be- 
tween Stowe and Bideford; but apart from this marriage there 
seems to have been very little or no relations between them. The 
Abbots belonged to the new class of Reformation gentry, having 
obtained the abbey for a song - William Abbot as a Groom of 
the Chamber had been in a good position for picking up un- 
considered trifles -at the Dissolution. We do not find the 
Abbots interested in any of Grenville’s ventures, or among his 
circle of west-country kith and kin. This marriage was their 
first introduction into it; but it seems curious, if a match 
between the families had been arranged by the parents, why 
Grenville did not marry his daughter to the elder son. Perhaps 
he was not disposed to be generous enough in the matter of a 
dowry; or it may have been a love-match; we cannot tell. All 
we know is that Justinian died early, being buried at Bideford 
where he lived, 6 February 1602. The Abbots of Hartland died 
out, as their reverend predecessors before them; and that lovely 
estate, one long deep valley, twisting between its wooded slopes 
to its mouth upon the sea, passed from them to the Luttrells, 
from the Luttrells to the Orchards, and from the Orchards to 
the Stucleys with whom the Grenville blood enters into long- 
deferred possession. On 9 June, a family event of a different 
kind took place: Grenville’s fourth daughter, Rebecca, w^as 
buried at Bideford. 

This summer he was back in Ireland, in time to meet the 
Commissioners who had been sent over to investigate a number 
of troublesome questions connected with the plantation of 
Munster. These w^ere three in number: the confused (and con- 
fusing) question of the titles to the chargeable lands; an attempt 
to change the cess, which was a customaiy^ charge upon the land 

^ Granville, 124. 



for the maintenance of soldiers, into a regular revenue payable 
to the Queen; and thirdly, to make a survey of the number of 
Englishmen each undertaker had brought over. 

From the returns, we learn that Grenville had considerably 
added to his interests and responsibilities: he had taken over 
from one Hugh Worth, one-half of the country of Kinallmeky, 
a double seignory of 24,000 acres, which Worth had taken up 
along with Phane Beecher. The latter asked that an equal 
division might be made between him and Grenville -so that they 
might know how to place their people.^ From Grenville’s 
answers we learn that the rent of his portion of 12,000 acres was 
100 marks, and that it contained no chargeable land.^ No 
settlement had as yet been proceeded with, for one Daniel 
Granoe "pretended to be lord of that country, became a rebel, 
spoiling and wasting that country till March last, whereby no 
tenants durst to undertake to dwell there.’ So far, only one pr 
two undertakers of English birth had been placed in the whole 
seignory, but he promises that "the gentlemen that are to enjoy 
this seignory will before midsummer next, bring over to inhabit 
upon the same seignory the full number required by the articles 
so as the rebels that are out upon the same country may be 
suppressed.’ Lastly, Grenville informs the Commissioners that 
he had bought the seignory on behalf of two of his relatives, one- 
half for Richard Bellew, his brother-in-law, the other for his 
half-brother, Alexander Arundell, ‘who hath sent over at this 
present the one his son, the other his brother to view and take 
the conveyance of the country, and so return in to England 
to bring over people to plant the seignory according to her 
Majesty’s plat.’ 

Altogether, the Grenville interests were at this time the largest 
of any of the Undertakers in Munster. Even Ralegh had as yet 
no more than one seignory of 12,000 acres; but that was the best 
cultivable land of all, and Ralegh had already settled more 
Englishmen than any of the others, 1 20 men, many of them with 
families. Sir Christopher Hatton, Sir George Bourchier and Sir 
Edward Fitton were among the next largest Undertakers; 
Edmund Spenser had a grant of only some 4,000 acres, which, 

^ S.P. Ireland 146, no. 45 (8). ^ ibid. 148, no. 36. 



he complained, was reduced to less than 3,000 acres by the 
claims and depredations of Lord Roche. 

With regard to the chargeable lands, the Commissioners 
frankly confessed to the Council the almost insuperable difficul- 
ties they had met with. These lands were those upon which the 
Earls of Desmond had charges by Celtic custom, considerably 
diminishing their value. There was the right of the Lord with 
all his followers to take meat and drink from the inhabitants one 
day in a fortnight. Similarly his huntsmen and hounds had to 
be fed for a day and a night. The Lord might charge upon 
them the cost of his journeys to Dublin, or of entertaining 
strangers. Nor were these by any means all; there were other 
charges equally burdensome.^ 

It is obvious that these fantastic expressions of the primitive 
Celtic system of land-tenure would be regarded by the English 
Undertakers as the unmitigated nuisance, thoroughly un- 
economic in character, which they were; and that they woiild 
desire some definite arrangement with the occupiers, by which 
the latter received in freehold a portion of the land they 
occupied, while the rest went to the Queen to whom all Des- 
mond’s rights had escheated. The Commissioners offered a 
fourth part of the land to the customary tenants, and to those 
of them who had written evidences, a third part; retaining the 
remainder in the Queen’s hands to grant to her Undertakers. 
But the occupiers w'ould come to no agreement, and some of 
them put forward ancient charters to show that their titles to 
the lands existed before ever the Desmonds had any footing in 
those parts. The poor baffled Commissioners reported from 

‘The question of the chargeable lands hath often been 
debated, but it could never be decided whether the chargeable 
lands were the traitor’s inheritance that had the rents and 
spending thereof, or whether they were the iawTui inheritance of 
such the tenants whose ancestors had enjoyed the possession 
thereof many descents. It is probable that in the beginning 
some of the tenants were freeholders, and others but tenants-at- 

^ ibid. 144, no. 84. 



will to Desmond, but how to distingidsh them, wanting the 
traitor’s evidences and rentals, we know not.’ ^ 

It was a matter of the first importance for the success of the 
Plantation; lacking this certainty^ how could those of the 
Undertakers who were affected by it, settle their followers? 
Grenville and St. Leger were most of all concerned, for their 
cantred of Kerrycurrihy, being of Desmond inheritance, was 
largely chargeable land. Upon his coming over to England in 
October, Grenville wrote from Stowe a long letter to Walsing- 
ham, stating his considered opinion upon each of the three 
questions before the Commissioners. It is a very full and states- 
manlike document, which enables us to appreciate what must 
have been the representative view of the Undertakers, as ex- 
pressed by one of the most important of them.^ 

‘Being newly arrived out of Ireland,’ he writes on 14 October, 
‘I have thought meet to make known to your honour how the 
estate of the undertakers standeth in the county of Cork, where 
my self is one that have an earnest care for the performance of 
that which her Majesty hath directed to be done for the 
peopling thereof.’ 

He continues, after reciting the questions submitted to the 

‘The first part concerning the chargeable lands both more 
concern Sir Warham St. Leger and me than any other of the 
undertakers, because there is not so much chargeable land 
found in any other place, which caused me the more earnestly 
to follow her Majesty therein, at my being at the Court. At 
which time her Majesty having Justice Anderson and Mr. 
Attorney before her, they delivered their opinions, that in re- 
spect of the charge which was found by office that the traitor 
Earl had on the land, her Majesty might justly take three parts 
of four parts of the land into her own hands for the undertakers 
... Yet her Majesty’s pleasure was that some sorts of the free- 
holders should have a third part.’ 

^ S.P. Ireland, 147, no. 51. 


2 ibid. no. 20. 


From this it is clear that when earlier in the year he had 
attended the Court, he had had an audience of the Queen, who 
took a personal interest in the affairs of the plantation. 

Now, he continued, the freeholders had been called before 
the Commission, but would yield to no composition; it was well- 
known that 

'of themselves they will never yield to better conformity. 
Wherefore except her Majesty please to direct a certain course 
by the advice of her learned counsel (who have heard all their 
titles) according to that which by law she may do, her Majesty 
shall greatly prejudice herself and hinder her purpose of plant- 
ing that country with Englishmen. As for my own part I 
mustered before them 100 Englishmen that I brought over 
with me to plant there, yet have I not five ploughlands to place 
them in. I was very earnest with the Commissioners to procure 
them to set down order, according as I had heard the Judge and 
Mr. Attorney yield their opinions, but nothing was done, which 
hath been to my great harm.’ 

Yet he is sure, he says, in spite of the refusal of the freeholders 
to come to an agreement, that they do not really expect to have 
more than a fourth; for one of them before the Commissioners 
came, had sold Grenville the fourth part of his ploughland and 
claimed no more. The frowardest of the freeholders claim that 
the earfs charges were by extortion. But this, Grenville says, 
was not so: there were divers sorts of freeholders, some yielding 
only a small rent and suit of court, and the Earl never took 
more than that from those freeholders. He claims that a third 
part of all the land that he and his uncle St. Leger hold, was 
held thus only by rent and suit [i.e. were not chargeable] . Of the 
rest which was chargeable, the Earl often made leases to 
strangers, when the freeholders would not inhabit the same, by 
which the Earl was to have three parts and the freeholder the 
remaining fourth. 

'And when my uncle St. Leger and I first planted there, 
being more than twenty years past, we being then tenants to the 
Earl, all those that now seek to keep the whole of the chargeable 
land, yielded then to give us as much rent for every of those 



ploughlands, as any lord or captain of the Irishry do make of 
their own private land at this day . . . And if this chargeable 
land be held as the freeholders now seek the same, I do protest 
unto your honour I would not exchange the poor portion I have 
in England for the greatest lord’s living in Munster.’ 

As regards the cess which was charged upon the Irish lords 
and chiefs for the maintenance of soldiers, and which the 
government desired to change into a regular revenue out of 
their lands, Grenville reported that they were unwilling to yield 
to such a composition; 

Tor that might somewhat touch themselves, where now though 
the cess be very grievous, yet it never hurteth them, for that the 
whole burden thereof lighteth on the freeholders and inhabit- 
ants, who nevertheless yield unto their lords their whole 
demands. But a great number of the freeholders were very will- 
ing to agree unto it.’ 

Short of the decisive intervention of the Government, it was 
clear that nothing could be done; each class stuck to its own 
interest, with no thought of what was the best interest of the 
whole country: the chiefs were only prepared to give way on 
what was the interest of the freeholders, the freeholders to accept 
what was their own interest against the lords. It was all very 
human. We are forced to conclude that the only power which 
was looking to the interest of Ireland as a whole was the English 
government. The tragedy of the situation was that in the six- 
teenth century, as in later centuries, it was never strong enough 
continuously to impose this solution upon the shifting and 
treacherous currents of Irish discontents. 

Grenville goes, on to attack the uncertain and brief tenures 
upon which the Irish chiefs set their lands to their tenants, 

‘who hold the same not above four years, and so wander from 
one place to another; which course being redressed, and they 
commanded to set their lands as the undertakers must do, would 
do much good to breed civility generally in the country; for 
whereas now the poor man is never certain to enjoy the fruits 
of his own labour and knoweth not in certainty what his lord 



will have of him. For fear, he must depend on him and follow 
all his actions, be they good or bad; whereas otherwise, if the 
poor tenant held his land by lease for his life or for twenty-one 
years at a certain rent, then were he sure of his charge and that 
the overplus were his own; so would he depend on her Majesty 
and her laws to be defended against the .oppressions w^hich now 
too commonly every lord useth.’ 

It was a penetrating diagnosis of Irish troubles; and there can 
be no doubt that if, as Grenville saw, the Irish system of land- 
tenure could be assimilated to the English, it would lead to an 
improved economy, a better social order and much greater 
prosperity for the ordinary tillers and cultivators of the soil. 
Unhappily the resources of Elizabethan government w^erc in- 
sufficient for so vast a task. 

As was usual in that age, though particularly so whenever 
Grenville was writing to a friend at Court, he concludes with 
a request for a personal favour: 

'whereas I having settled my mind to follow the planting of the 
Seignory that I have undertaken, am for some years to make my 
abode in that country, so for my poor credit’s sake amongst 
my neighbours and friends here, I shall become an humble 
suitor unto your honour that my eldest son, being now of some 
ripe years, and I hope able to serve her Majesty and his country 
in civil as in martial actions, may by your honour’s means have 
such charge of private bands of men as are now" under me, and 
to supply a place with the rest injustice, wherein my care shall 
be such over him, while I am, as he shall be able to do her 
highness and his country the better service w"hen I am gone.’ 

Alas, Grenville did not know how soon that was to be! His 
idea was to leave his eldest son Bernard to take his place in the 
West Country ~ it would be good training for the position he 
was to occupy when his father was gone, and meanwhile he 
would deputise for him among the Cornish Justices and in com- 
mand of the trained bands. We do not know if the scheme com- 
mended itself to the Government; Bernard was still very young 
to be a Justice of the Peace - he w^as only twenty- two. It w’ould 
seem that he was not put into the Commission of the Peace 



until after his father’s death and he had become the head of the 
family. His father’s plan was now to remain in Ireland building 
up a patrimony there for his second son John. It was, as always, 
the interests of the family that he had in mind. 

This year 1589 witnessed the Drake-Norris expedition to Lis- 
bon, which was England’s reply to the Armada. Its failure 
meant a loss of some of the prestige gained in 1588; yet the 
humiliation to Spain of an English army invading its soil, shook 
the country out of the dazed condition the disaster to the 
Armada had left it in. New preparations were made in the 
northern parts of Spain for concentrating a fleet; and many 
of the new ships laid down in Spanish yards incorporated the 
lessons learnt in English waters and followed English designs.^ 
The fleets of Spain, and the system of guarding the annual 
treasure fleet by convoys of fast cruisers, were being ably and 
gallantly reorganised. Spain was becoming stronger again. 

In England there was no serious fear of another invasion, 
but it was feared that the Spanish preparations meant a descent 
upon Ireland. Through the winter of 1589 and the spring of 
1590, speedy efforts were set on foot to organise the defence of 
Munster, so disorganised by the Desmond Rebellion, where the 
blow was likely to fall. In December the Council sent over 
Edmund Yorke, an experienced officer, to survey the likely 
places of descent and take measures for their strengthening and 
defence. He was instructed in Munster to take the advice of 
Grenville and St. Leger, ‘'in what sort the towns of Waterford, 
Cork and Limerick may be strengthened and fortified in short- 
est time by rampering the said towns within the walls or by 
raising up of forts or sconces with earth.’ ^ In January, Ralegh 
undertook for himself and Grenville to raise 200 of the 600 men 
appointed to be levied in Ireland for service.^ Later Ralegh 
changed his offer to that of raising 50 horse in place of 1 00 foot; 
we do not know how far Grenville proceeded with the job 
allotted him over his head, but the emergency seems to have 
passed with the summer months. 

Levies were raised, however, in the early months in the 

1 Corbett, II, 364. a A.P.C. i58g-go, 299, 331. s ibid. 333, 372. 



counties of Pembroke, Somerset, Shropshire, Wanvick and 
Chester, and the work of fortifying the towns in Ireland pro- 
ceededA Grenville and St. Leger were to meet Yorke and Sir 
Thomas Norris at Waterford in February; but for some reason 
they failed to appear. Nevertheless, the works went merrily 
forward, and by the end of May Yorke could report: ‘Dun- 
cannon is one of the prettiest fortresses in Christendom, and so 
is the Rock over the water’ [i.e. at Waterford] . He was so much 
in love with his handiwork that he desired to have the keeper- 
ship of the former.^ By October, there was a considerable body 
of troops in Ireland under the command of the great Sir John 
Norris, Black John Norris, the most famous of English soldiers 
of the time. All was ready for the attack which, as usual, did 
not come. 

Throughout 1590, at least right up to the end of October, 
Grenville remained in Ireland, working upon his land; for at 
the end of that time we hear of his having built a house for 
himself at Gilly Abbey, 

‘purchased other lands adjoining to it, erected a mill and made 
divers other commodious and necessary things, greatly to the 
ease and good of the inhabitants of that part of the country and 
to the furtherance of our service there, with his great costs and 
charges.’ ^ 

Having got this much into order, he found himself up against 
a difficulty which all too frequently dogged the steps of the 
sanguine undertaker: a legal claim advanced to the property 
by his cousin, Warham St. Leger the younger, nephew of Sir 
Warham, who doubtless thought it would be a nice little thing 
to succeed to, now that some work had been put into it. 

Some seven years before, at the time of the Desmond Rebel- 
lion, when all was wasted, he had been offered a grant of the 
property, but refused it at the rent demanded by the Crown. 
Now that Grenville had improved it and made the place habit- 
able again, he procured letters from the Lord Deputy, with 
whom he was in closer contact than Grenville, who confined 

1 Cal. S.P. Ireland 315. ^ ibid, 348. 

® S.P. Ireland, 155, no. 14. 



himself to the south, to have Grenville's grant stayed, and 
accepted the abbey himself at the rent he had previously re- 

^Whereby,’ wrote the Queen to the Lord Deputy in her 
magnificent style, her large late signature scrawled across the 
top of the brief, 'this being as it is informed us, we may have 
good cause to conceive no direct nor sound dealing in St. Leger, 
both in respect of the hindrance grown to us through want of 
the said best rent for so long time, and otherwise also. And do 
find it likewise strange that you should in such sort grant the 
same to him, who had so long time refused it.’ 

Apparently the distracted Deputy had also promised the 
grant to Grenville upon the strength of the royal letters of 
22 April 1589, upon which assurance Grenville had begun to 
build and lay out his charges. The Queen commanded the 
Deputy forthwith to resume into his hands the letters-patent 
granted to the younger St. Leger, and to report on the whole 
proceedings to her or the Council. Meanwhile he was to take 
order that Grenville should not be disturbed in the quiet occu- 
pancy and enjoyment of the property and that no disorder or 
quarrel should be suffered by occasion of it: 'Being our meaning 
nevertheless, in lieu of this, to extend our gracious favour to 
St. Leger in some other thing there to the like value.’ This 
seems to have been sufficient: there was no quarrel or disorder, 
such as were endemic over Irish land; and shortly after, St. 
Leger was appointed to the Irish Privy Council. 

Four months elapsed, and Grenville, now in England with a 
more exalted sphere of service before him - his great oppor- 
tunity come at last - took the occasion to petition the Queen 
for a more favourable grant of the fee-farm of Fermoy and Gilly 
abbeys.^ The Queen’s missive of April 1 589 had been for a 
lease to be made out to him for a term of forty years. It was like 
Grenville to use the fact of his service being required, to extract 
a further concession; but in that he was very typical of his class 
and time. It was the way these men made their own greatness 
and the greatness of their country. 

^ S.P. Ireland, 157, no. 19- 


True, it was no great suit; and since Grenville intended to 
make Gilly and Fermoy his Irish residences, the nuclei of his 
estates, it was only natural that he should wish to obtain a 
freehold of the houses and demesnes, at least. The Queen was 
very willing and wrote forthwith her letters to the Lord Deputy 
to expedite the grants to 'our wellbeloved serv-ant. Sir Richard 
Grenville.’ ^ It was the first time that he was addressed accord- 
ing to the formula which indicated the new service of the crown 
to which he had been called. It was a foretaste of its rewards : 
the first-fruits of which the full harvest was his own heroic death. 

Tn consideration of the good service of the said Sir Richard,’ 
the Queen now commands the Lord Deputy to make out 
patents for Grenville and his heirs male to enjoy the sites and 
demesnes of the two abbeys in fee-farm at the regular rents of 
£40 ys, 6d, and ^^33 gs. 4^. respectively; the remainder of the 
properties, outlying lands, parsonages, tithings, were granted on 
lease, with fines payable on renewal. So that the Crown was 
not being unduly generous with its own; it was fortunate rather 
to have a tenant who meant to put all he could into the pro- 
perty. After Grenville’s death, we learn from a petition of his 
son John, that he had expended in his efforts to plant an estate 
in Ireland and by his losses in the Fitzmaurice Rebellion in 
1569, some j^8,ooo.^ In his lifetime there was no return w^hat- 
ever on this large outlay of capital: time was not granted him to 
see any fruit for all his efforts. Whatever return they might 
yield in the end could only depend upon the continuance of his 
work by his posterity. 

In the matter of the chargeable lands, the Queen directed the 
Deputy to make out a Commission to the Vice-President of 
Munster and others to hear Grenville and St. Leger’s case for 
their enjoying the lands; and to call all parties advancing titles 
to the lands before them and hear their claims, 'and thereupon 
to decide their titles to the benefit of the said Sir Warham St. 
Leger and the said Sir Richard Grenville, as far forth as by law 

^ S.P. Ireland, 155, no. 17, The correct date is 7 March 1591 not 24 
October 1590 as given in the Calendar; cf. Hatfield Papers {Hist. MSS. Com.), 
IV, no. 98 and Cal. Pat. and Close Rolls Ireland, II, p. 207. 

® ibid. 169, no. 7. 



and justice, the same ought to be/ Thus prodded by the Qiieen, 
the long delays of the Irish Chancery came to an end. On 
26 June, the patents were made out: ^ Grenville was already in 
the Azores. 

For, sandwiched into the State Papers between the Queen’s 
letters relating to Gilly and Fermoy, on the back of the draft of 
the first, is the following docquet: letter to Sir Richard Gren- 
ville to make his repair to her Majesty, for some causes of service 
as he shall understand, and to make the Deputy acquainted 
with this her pleasure.’ ^ This was at the end of October, and 
Grenville must have repaired to Court immediately. It is all 
that we have of the Commission which was to lead to 
such fateful consequences in the Azores. 

^ Cal. Pat. and Close Rolls Ireland, II, 201. 

2 S.P. Ireland, 155, no. 16. 




Drake’s great expedition to Lisbon, which was our reply to 
the Armada, had failed. It was a very spectacular affair, and 
its failure produced a corresponding sense of disappointment. 
From the first its success had been jeopardised by divided coun- 
sels, a divided command, and the usual delays inseparable from 
the conditions of sixteenth-century warfare, and particularly 
from the subtle hesitations of the Queen’s mind. 

It was intended to be both a land- and sea-enterprise. As 
such the troops and landsmen were placed under Sir John 
Norris, Black Norris, most famous of our commanders in the 
Netherlands, and the command was divided between him and 
Drake. The magic of their names - for it was a semi-private 
enterprise, to which the Queen contributed six of her ships, in- 
cluding the Revenge in which Drake sailed - brought together a 
motley crowd of men and ships. When they set sail, ill-fed, over- 
crowded, delayed by bad weather so that provisions were run- 
ning short, they were some 130 ships in all and 23,000 men. 
The objectives of the expedition were confused from the start. 
Drake and Norris were to attempt to establish Don Antonio 
upon the throne of Portugal, and if possible to capture some of 
the Islands, the Azores, as a base from which to sever the sea- 
communications of the Spanish Empire. But they were in- 
structed first to scatter the remnants of the Armada which had 
collected in the Biscayan ports, and this led to the attack upon 
Corunna which delayed the expedition, gave warning to the 
Spaniards of its presence and an opportunity, owing to the 
wines which the men took in the sack of the town, for disease 
to spread through the fleet. 

After this all went wrong. Norris landed his troops at Pen- 



iche some fifty miles from Lisbon, but marched them through 
the country in vain, for he could not get at the capital. Drake 
arrived at the mouth of the Tagus, but could not take the city 
without the troops whose movements had failed to synchronise. 
Now starving and with a gale blowing upon the coast, all they 
could do was to re-embark the troops and return home, giving 
up the projected descent upon the Azores. Off the coast at the 
height of the storm, the Revenge sprang a leak, and it was only 
with the greatest difficulty that Drake managed to bring her 
into Plymouth. 

The consequences of this ill-success were important. Our 
naval strategy was overhauled and a new plan of action adopted. 
Drake was left to languish in retirement at Buckland; though he 
was still the chief influence at Plymouth and was employed 
about its fortification. But he was not given another command 
at sea, until that of the expedition to the West Indies in 1595 
which proved to be his last. For six years he was virtually un- 
used, at the height of the war, when the new phase of the sea- 
fighting most suited his genius. In the curious way in which 
his fortune was connected with Grenville’s, indirectly, almost 
as if by mutual exclusion, Drake’s reversal opened the way to 
Grenville’s opportunity. 

The connection, as is the way these intricate strands of cir- 
cumstance are woven, was not obvious; it may even seem in- 
consequent: but time brought them together. While Grenville 
was oblivious of them, hard at work in Ireland, the new plan 
of campaign was worked out and set in being. It was mainly 
the work of Hawkins, who expressed its guiding principle of 
policy to be, 'that first we have as little to do in foreign coun- 
tries as may be (but of mere necessity), for that breedcth great 
charge and no profit at alP: ^ a principle which became the 
classic tradition of English policy. The plan was to hold the 
seas between Spain and the Azores by successive small squad- 
rons of six of the Queen’s ships, with their supports, so as to 
exert continuous pressure upon the vital route by which the 
flotas^ the treasure-fleets from the Indies, replenished Spain with 
the resources of her Empire. 

^ Williamson, Sir John Hawkins^ 45 1 . 



It was a good plan, but it depended upon two assumptions: 
first, that the squadrons should succeed each other without in- 
termission upon the Azores station and the coast of Spain, so 
that Xhtflotas should not slip home unobserved in the interv^al: 
a matter very difficult to accomplish in the conditions of those 
days, dependent as they were upon wind and weather, with 
very inadequate provisions for supply and a faltering and dis- 
continuous command of material resources. Secondly, these 
tactics assumed that Spanish sea-power was so crippled by the 
disaster of 1588 that Philip would be unable to raise forces 
sufficient to sweep even these small squadrons from the sea. 
But it was a matter of life and death for Spain that he should 
do so. 

Slowly, laboriously, but surely, as his manner was, Philip 
planned to repair the damage, and to construct the nucleus 
of a fighting force which he might send to sea to keep his com- 
munications open. In 1589 he contracted for twelve galleons, 
the twelve ‘Apostles,’ to be built on the English model in the 
Biscayan ports; nine more were laid down on the Portuguese 
model at Lisbon. Next year he contracted for twelve Ragusan 
galleons to enter his service.^ With the assassination of Henry 
III, the religious wars in France entered upon their final phase 
and Philip was drawn into intervention on the side of the Catho- 
lic League, as Elizabeth was on behalf of Henry of Navarre. 
Philip sent an expedition to Brittany; its presence there, right 
on the flank of the Channel opposite Plymouth and the Cornish 
coast, occasioned far more alarm in England than its actual 
strength warranted. 

Most important of all was the question of safeguarding the 
homecoming treasure from the Indies. For this purpose, 
Alonso de Bazan proposed a small number of fast vessels of a 
new type - gallizabras - small but heavily armed, in which the 
treasure was to be carried, capable of outsailing whatever they 
could not fight. The reconstitution of Spain’s naval forces was 
proceeding under the influence of Bazan, a commander of long 
experience in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts; he 
was the brother of the great Admiral Santa Cruz and the in- 

^ C. F. Duro, HLstoria de la Armada Elspaiiola^ III, 79; Corbett II, 364. 

289 T 


heritor of his tradition. It was Bazan who had led the attack 
of the galleys upon Drake in Lisbon harbour; now he was placed 
in charge of the collection of an ocean fleet in the northern 

But that would take time; meanwhile the hour was to the 
English. For a variety of reasons, chiefly through difficulties of 
supply and in the way of co-ordinating movements, they did not 
do so well as expected. Cumberland was out in the Azores with 
a few ships of his own all the summer of 1589 and right up to 
October. But he did not know the Isles well, and somehow both 
the Jlota of New Spain and the great East Indian carracks man- 
aged to evade him. The one rich prize he took, worth 100,000 
and laden with hides, sugar and cochineal, was wrecked in 
Mount’s Bay when nearly in port and became a total loss. In 
September, Frobisher was at sea taking his station off the coast 
of Portugal with the aim of intercepting what might elude Cum- 
berland. Had the two joined forces they might have captured 
the flota; as it was, Frobisher got a couple of rich prizes which 
more than recompensed him for his pains. Spain was quite 
unable to get a fleet to sea this year to protect her trade. But 
the bulk of the treasure was not on this flota which got through 
the blockade; it was coming on the flota from the Mainland, 
whose sailing was delayed till next year. Philip had therefore 
to get through the winter without the precious means for the 
sustenance of his wide-flung forces throughout Europe. 

Hawkins knew that the treasure had been delayed, and 
through the winter he pushed on the preparations to take the 
sea himself as early as possible. Suddenly the Council took 
fright at Bazan’s preparations at Corunna and Ferrol: they 
supposed the new Spanish fleet could only mean another des- 
cent upon England. Hawkins’s squadron was countermanded. 
In his laconic, repressed way he wrote with bitterness to 
Burghley: ‘Being out of hope that ever I shall perform any 
royal thing, I do put on a mean mind and humbly pray your 
lordship to be a good lord to me.’ ^ He might well be bitter: 
he had missed the chance of achieving the ‘royal thing.’ The 
second flota^ trusting to the winter seas rather than the summer 

^ Williamson, 456. 



or the autumn when they were alive with English ships on the 
look-out, crossed in the early months of 1590, arriving in port 
in March, with five million ducats on board. 

Too late for this catch, the Council permitted both Hawkins 
and Frobisher, each with a squadron of six Queen’s ships, to 
depart in May. Frobisher went to the Azores, with the Rivenge 
as his flagship, while Hawkins lay oflT the coast of Spain to watch 
for the sailing of the Brittany expedition which had caused such 
trepidation in England, and for the homecoming trade. This 
time Frobisher was too late; a consignment of treasure in the 
new gallizabras had just passed through before his arrival and 
reached Portugal in August. However, his presence created 
alarm throughout the Islands and frightened Philip into coun- 
termanding the dispatch of any more treasure till 1591. When 
Frobisher’s supplies were exhausted, Hawkins took his place in 
the Azores. But there was now nothing to intercept. At the 
end of September Bazan had collected sufficient forces to put 
to sea; with some forty ships, of which perhaps twenty were of 
any size or strength, he made for the Azores.^ A battle might 
have taken place in less unequal conditions than came about 
next year: no doubt Hawkins would have considered six Queen’s 
ships a match for twenty Spaniards. But when within ten 
leagues of the Islands, Bazan was driven back by bad weather; 
and at the end of October, Hawkins was recalled. 

The alarm created in the Spanish world, in the colonies and 
in Spain no less than in the Islands, was intense. Linschoten, a 
Dutch merchant who was in the Azores at this time, wrote that 
the English ‘are become lords and masters of the sea, and need 
care for no man,’ and that the Spaniards themselves ‘cursed 
those that had been the cause to provoke the Englishmen to 
fight.’ The colonies in America had their own troubles to deal 
with, in addition to the King clamouring for treasure; but they 
were incapable of dealing with them. John Watts, lying in wait 
off Havana in the summer of 1590, had captured two ships of 
the New Spain fleet attempting to collect there. In the end it 
was decided to winter in the harbour, news which caused a 
panic in Seville. The governor of Havana declared that the 

^ Oppenheim, Af orison's Tracts, I, 251. 



Spaniards were bottled up, while the audacious Englishmen 
dared them at their very doors. The winter wore on, and the 
colony itself, under the inspiration of the governor, Texeda, 
constructed its own frigates for the transport of treasure. Four 
were finished and left Havana on lo February 1591 ; three made 
Gascaes, at the mouth of the Tagus, on the night of 12 March, 
the fourth arrived at San Lucar on 19 March. The treasure 
was loaded on mule-trains and dispatched to Seville; and be- 
cause money was desperately needed in Spain, the frigates were 
at once sent back to Carthagena for more.^ 

It was known in England that there was last year’s Jlota in 
addition to the current year’s to cross, but there was no know- 
ledge at what time they were to be expected. Monson after- 
wards wrote that the King of Spain, ‘being sensible how much 
the safety of that fleet concerned him, caused them to disem- 
bogue so late in the year that it endangered the shipwreck of 
them all.’ He adds that there were two motives in bringing 
home the flota so late; one was to exhaust the supplies of the 
English squadron watching, the other to give him more time 
to prepare a strong fleet under Bazan to meet the flota at the 
Azores and convoy it home. In England it had not been realised 
what efforts Philip had put forth to reconstitute an ocean-going 
fleet, nor what measure of success Bazan had attained. The 
Government therefore went on with its policy of sending out 
small cruising squadrons, which in spite of the absence of any 
signal coup had been very promising of result, at a minimum 
of cost. 

There was a good deal of discussion as to who should be sent 
out and what form the force should take. The first plan was 
for some twenty ships and pinnaces to be sent under the joint 
command of Lord Thomas Howard and Ralegh.^ The latter, 
for some reason, perhaps because it was thought he would not 
agree with Howard, was not permitted to go. But he continued 
to participate in the expedition, for he victualled the Revenge 
and the Crane, while the Defiance, the flagship, was victualled by 

^ I am indebted for the infoimatiun in this paragraph to the kindness of 
Miss 1 . A. Wright. 

2 Oppcnheim, I, 257. 



Lord Thomas Howard, and the Bonaventure, Charles and Moon 
by the Lord Admiral. Doubtless it was through Ralegh's influ- 
ence, and in some sense as occupying his place, as happened 
before over the Voyage to Virginia in 1585, that Grenville was 
appointed Vice-Admiral of the squadron. He had had no part 
in these proceedings; he had simply received, as we saw, at the 
beginning of March, the command to come direct to Court and 
there the order to serve. Almost immediately, we hear from a 
letter to the Earl of Shrewsbury on 10 March, giving him news 
of the Court: 

"My Lord Thomas Howard hath kissed her Majesty’s hand, 
and is gone down to his ships. Sir Richard Gren\ille being his 
Viceadmiral, and they and their partners I assure your Lord- 
ship make a very goodly fleet. God send them good speed, 
and a safe return: My Lord of Cumberland is not yet ready.’ ^ 

The fleet with which Howard and Grenville were to put to 
sea consisted of the Defiance^ Howard’s flagship, the Revenge^ in 
which Grenville sailed as Vice-Admiral, the Bonaventun^ the 
Nonpareil^ all of them medium-sized fighting ships of about 500 
tons, the Crane of 250 tons, with the two smaller ships, the Charles 
and the Moon of 60 and 70 tons.^ Later on, after some months 
at sea, there were changes: the Moon was sent home in July to 
hasten the supplies which had been promised, the Nonpareil fol- 
lowed because of ‘the great infection of the ship’; and before the 
action off Flores, Howard was reinforced by two more Queen’s 
ships, the Golden Lion of 500 tons and the Foresight of 300. In- 
structions sent later to Howard warned him that there was a 
Spanish fleet between Cape St. Mary and Cape St. Vincent, 
low down upon the south-w-est of the Spanish peninsula, and 
left it ‘to my Lord Thomas’s judgment by such intelligence as 
he shall learn, whether it be surer lying at the Islands for the 
Indian fleet, or at St. Mary’s Cape, but it is thought by men 
of good judgment and experience that the Cape is the surer.’ 
Howard was promised that victuals for two months would be 
sent after him. Cumberland, with a force of his own and backed 

^ Lodge, Illustrations of Biitish History (cd. 1791), HI, 28. 

2 Oppenheim, I, 256-9. 



by Ralegh, Drake and others, was to take up a post off the coast 
of Spain. 

In June, the Council made efforts to whip up reinforcements 
for the ships at sea; letters were written round to various ports 
to fit out ships for service in the Azores, for the most part elicit- 
ing despondent replies. Padstow replied that they had no ship 
exceeding 23 tons; Barnstaple and Bideford replied that of their 
ships of 100 tons burden, ‘two are at the Newfoundland’ and 
one, serving under a commission of reprisal, was already ‘we 
verily think, before this time with one of her Majesty’s fleets.’ ^ 
But from their reply we obtain a last glimpse of Howard and 
Grenville making their final preparations at Plymouth: 

‘Also here are few mariners left at this time, because there are 
a great number forth in the said reprisal men, another company 
at the Newfoundland, and divers were pressed here hence by the 
Earl of Cumberland, Lord Thomas Howard and Sir Richard 
Grenville at their last being at Plymouth.’ 

It so happens that for what occurred on the expedition, par- 
ticularly on board the Revenge^ up to the time of their arrival in 
the Azores, we are more than usually well-informed. For there 
sailed in the Revenge with Grenville, a young gentleman- volun- 
teer, Philip Gawdy, cadet of a Norfolk family, whose letters 
home — it is by singular good fortune that they have survived 
— give us a vivid picture of his time on board, and much use- 
ful information. His letters begin before their departure; they 
are very characteristic of a young man of the time, expressive, 
eager, elated with the chance of seeing action, full of a naive 
pride at going to sea and at the attentions he receives at Gren- 
ville’s hands, with quick changes of mood from the gay and 
whimsical to homesickness and a regret for the fields of Norfolk. 
The younger son of a younger son, Philip had no obvious pros- 
pects in the world; for some years, nominally attendant upon 
the Inns of Court, and having chambers at Clifford’s Inn, he 
hung about the Court, was excited by the deeds of Drake and 
Frobisher and Howard, and longed for an opportunity for active 

1 HatfUld MSS., IV, 1 19-20. 



service. Once already, in 1588, he had been disappointed; now 
his chance had come. 

‘Sweet Brother/ he writes before leaving; ‘over-charged with 
haste I will make me write with the shorter style, till it please 
God that I may write from Plymouth, when I will load you with 
news. How Sir Richard Grenville and my Lord Thomas have 
sought for me I will not tell you. Let Tom in his simplicity tell 
you whether he saw them make any reckoning of me or no. To 
be short, the news I know is thus much. The Queen hath com- 
manded all possible speed to be made. Sir Richard and other 
captains will presently go to the court with whom I will go. 
And so away as fast as the ships will fall down [sc. the Thames]. 
I have already bought my arms and target, the very fellows to 
my Lord Thomas and Sir Richard. My apparel will be made 
to night, what is necessary else I do provide, besides the great 
kindness I find both at Sir Richard’s hands and at Mr. Lang- 
horne’s [the captain of soldiers on board the R€venge\.' ^ 

Philip’s next letter to his brother is written from on board the 
Revenge^ 3 April. There seems to have been a strong affection 
between the two brothers, in spite of the excessive good fortune 
of the elder in marrying an heiress. Philip sends his sister-in- 
law his good wishes, ‘And I trust she will ever love me, till I 
give her other cause. And that shall not be till the salt seas be 
dried up and then we shall come home for want of water.’ 

He sends friendly commendations to all the neighbourhood; 
and upon the margin of the letter. Sir Richard himself wrote 
a few words to the elder brother in testimony of Philip’s con- 
duct of himself, that ‘no sickness, no danger, no fear . . . nor 
no extremities of weather, mutiny, hard[ship] or other peril or 
grief could provoke’ him from his duty. From a postscript by 
Captain Langhorne, we gather that they had already experi- 
enced ‘the extremest fury of the weather,’ which drove Lord 
Thomas’s ships to take shelter at Falmouth, while the Revenge 
rode out the gale at the mouth of the Channel.- 

From his next letter, which is very long and informative, and, 
it is not too much to say, delightfully written, we have a com- 

^ Letters of Philip Gawdy, Roxburghe Club 1 906, 53. * pp. 54“5* 



plete journal of their proceedings from the time of leaving Ply- 
mouth, till midway between Cape St. Vincent and San Miguel 
in the Azores they captured a hulk which they sent home with 
their letters. This one was dated from the Defiance^ 24 April, for 
Lord Thomas had sent for Philip that day; he was writing at it 
when he was sent for and completed it on board the flagship, to 
be despatched on the prize that night. He describes the storm 
that overtook them, and becomes ingenuously nautical about 
the Revenge which rode it out between Scilly and Ushant. ‘We 
spent both our masts, but by God's grace, they were espied in 
good time, and strengthened with fishes, wolding and caulking, 
and now, thanks be to God, they be in very good plight.' The 
Revenge^ being a fast ship, went on ahead of the rest, and off 
Finisterre met with four or five ships of Hamburg from which 
*we borrowed some victual, for other good thing had they not 

Off the Burlings about 1 8 April, seven or eight sail were des- 
cried from the topmast, with one large ship which they took to 
be a carrack among them. The Revenge prepared for action; but 
the big ship proved to be a great hulk of Liibeck, of i ,000 tons, 
laden with masts and deal, which was being chased by some of 
Lord Thomas's ships. The Lubecker yielded herself to Gren- 
ville, who placed a crew in her; she turned out to be good prize, 
for her lading was bound for the King of Spain, and worth 
£10^000. Off Gape St. Vincent, Lord Thomas with five of his 
ships came up with them, and ‘we made great joy to meet him.’ 

Howard and Grenville determined to send the prize home, 
and in her went someone who promised to deliver Philip’s letter 
to his brother in Norfolk. 

‘Sweet brother, I am become a reasonable good mariner, and 
thanks be to God as strong at the sea as any in our company. 
I want nothing but thy sweet company. I do continually medi- 
tate upon thee, and verify the old proverb ^^Celum non animum 
mutant^ qui trans mare curruntN Sweet brother, my lord sent for 
me this day to be with him, so that I am hasted by him won- 
derfully to dispatch my letter, for he sends away with all speed. 
I honour him much and have great cause to love him. I thank 



God I am contented with this life which I have framed myself 
to. We want the sweet flowers and herbs to breathe upon, for 
here we find nothing but only Celum undique^ et undique mare. 
There is not a good ale-house within twenty leagues of us.’ 

He continues with innumerable commendations to The good 
company of Harling’ which ‘maketh me long home. And when 
I think of Norfolk and your sweet company, and someone be- 
sides of that country, I sigh and say the sea doth not content 
me.’ Then, with a touch of pride in such a home-bred country- 
man, ‘And hitherto I may justly say that I have travelled 
further than any of my name.’ He bids his brother look in his 
map at home for the course they have so far followed, which 
he describes for him in detail. ‘These seas that we be now in 
are almost as sweet as a river in the country’; yet again, ‘the 
southern seas cannot blow the remembrance of my friends out 
of my mind.’ The fleet had heard the news of the four treasure- 
ships arriving at San Lucar, and was now immediately bound 
for the Islands. 

A little later, he adds a postscript with the information that 
they had met the hulk again, being an unwieldy vessel, midway 
between San Miguel and Cape St. Vincent. 

‘There hath not anything else happened worth the writing, 
but only this: we sunk a carvel, where we only saved three score 
jars of oil, the men and a bushel of letters which they carried of 
intelligence to the Islands to meet with the fleet coming home, 
whither we are now going. The most of us like lions that have 
been almost famished for want of prey, or rather like a bear 
robbed of her whelps. Sweet brother, I do this day wish myself 
a-maying at Harling, with a sudden return. Once again fare- 
well to thy sweet self, this first of May.’ ^ 

It is evident that so far the cruise had been singularly unpro- 
ductive; apart from Grenville’s capture of the great Liibecker, 
only one hulk had been taken and a carvel sunk. On i8 May, 
the Council wrote to Howard saying that they still could give 
him no reliable information when the Jlota was to be expected, 

1 pp. 56-62. 



but it was thought either in September or October A A month 
later, Burghley and the Lord Admiral wrote that two months’ 
victuals had been sent out, and that having learnt that the Jlota 
would be convoyed by twenty men-of-war and more, besides 
the fleet going out from Spain to meet it, they thought it advis- 
able to reinforce him with two ships of the Queen, the Lion and 
the Foresight^ and six armed merchantmen. The two Queen’s 
ships sailed at the end of June or the beginning of July to join 
Howard without delay; but the armed merchantmen, powerful 
ships of their class, the Susariy the Centurion^ the Mayflower^ the 
Cherubim^ all round about 300 tons, with the Margaret and John 
and the Corselet of 200 — a very desirable reinforcement, were 
held up by bad weather at Plymouth and did not leave the 
Sound till 17 August. 

For three months there is no news of Howard and Grenville’s 
doings in the Islands, except that, as we gather from Philip 
Gawdy, they ran up to Flores to water. We are not told whether 
they came back again to the midst of the Islands, Flores being 
in the extreme north-west about 1 10 miles from Terceira in the 
centre, but that would be their likeliest course; the Spanish in- 
formation was that they were cruising about. Gawdy wrote 
home again on 6 July by the pinnace which brought the 
Council’s letters: 

‘We stay and pray every day heartily for the Spanish fleet’s 
coming; and if they come not suddenly I thank God we are and 
shall be sufficiently provided to look for their longer coming. 
Since my last writing we have had some adventures. We 
watered at Flores. And I saw the dolphin course the flying 
fish, whereof I saw one fly as far as your young partridges will 
do at the first flight. I thank God we have good ships with us, 
both of her Ma,jesty’s and otherwise. I never had my health 
better in my life, thanks be to God; and the better for the good 
usage both of Sir Richard, and Captain Langhorne, whose 
commendations I willed to remember to you, and to my Uncle 
Anthony, also from his kinsman Sir Richard Grenville. I am 
bound to them both in many courtesies. I like the sea and the 

^ Oppexiheim, I, 260. 


sea life, and the company at sea, as well as any that ever I lived 
withal. The place is good and healthful to a willing mind.^ 

There follow the usual bantering commendations to his rela- 
tions; his sister-in-law is bidden ‘let her imagine that I am now 
so in love with the sea as I had rather be married to a mermaid, 
except only in Norfolk.’ He concludes: T can appoint no cer- 
tainty of my coming . . . Commend me lastly to thine own 
heart and most loving thoughts, and think sometimes of him 
that daily museth, and nighdy dreameth of thy welldoing. 
From aboard her Majesty’s good ship the Revenge.^ ^ 

It was the last letter which Philip Gawdy wrote, or at least 
dispatched from on board the Revenge. His next was to be 
written as a prisoner from the castle at Lisbon. 

^ Gawdy, pp. 62-3. 




It was after this that their troubles began. From Gawdy’s letter 
it is clear that sickness had not yet broken out in the squadron, 
or not to any serious extent, or he would have mentioned it. 
But by the end of the month, it had gained a terrible hold in 
the fleet; half the crews of the ships were down with it, and on 
23 July, the Nonpareil had to be sent home because of the ‘great 
infection’ reigning in her.^ Howard must have been anxiously 
awaiting by now the tight little squadron of armed merchant- 
men promised him. He had given them a rendezvous some 
sixty leagues west of the island of Fayal, ‘spreading North and 
South betwixt 37^ or 38 I degrees.’ If he were not to be found 
there, Captain Robert Flicke, who was in command of the 
rherchantmen, was to run up to Flores or Corvo, where, if 
Howard had gone, a pinnace would be left to meet him until 
31 August, After this date, the place of meeting was to be the 
coast of Portugal, west of Cape Roca. Since he was already so 
late, Flicke went first down to Cape Roca, and on 29 August 
bore away westwards for the Azores. On the 31st, when his 
presence might have made all the difference to Howard and 
enabled him to engage the Spaniards, he was only two days 
out in the Atlantic. Don Alonso de Bazan, with a strong 
force of some fifty-five ships, of which twenty were fighting 
vessels, and with 7,000 men on board, was already in the 

The forces which were to make the name of Flores in the 
Azores so celebrated in maritime history, were converging upon 
the Island. The English knew that the fota from the West 
Indies might be expected any time now. But they were forced, 

^ Oppenheim, I, 256. 



owing to the prevalence of the sickness and the foul condition 
of their ships after four months’ cruising in southerly waters, 
to set their sick ashore and thoroughly ‘rummage’ and clean the 
ships. The operation meant clearing out the old ballast into 
which all the drippings and the waste of the ship had run, 
scrubbing out the interior and fumigating with vinegar, and 
finally taking on board new clean ballast from the shore. 
Doubtless they thought there was time, and kept a pinnace to 
warn them of the approach of the floia from the west. What 
they did not know was that Don Alonso was approaching from 
the east. 

In the Indies, meanwhile, the Spanish Jiotas were collecting 
at Havana, losing individual vessels right and left to the English 
privateers. The fleet from New Spain [i.e. Mexico] left San Juan 
de Ulloa on 13 June with twenty-two sail ; two of these which 
straggled from the convoy were taken by John Watts, one of 
them carried plate. Watts lying off Havana had previously 
captured seven ships of the San Domingo fleet. The Governor 
of Havana described himself as sitting in rage upon a piece of 
ordnance Navarro brought him, surrounded by horse and foot, 
but unable to lay hand on the enemy who sailed by under his 
very nose. On 27 July, Ribera, commander of the mainland 
flota^ set out for Spain from Havana with some seventy-three or 
more sail: the armada, the merchantmen who had wintered 
there, the New Spain fleet which Navarro had just brought in, 
and various oddments from the Honduras and other quarters. 
This was the quarry that Howard and Grenville were lying 
in wait for at Flores, with little suspicion that they them- 
selves had now become the quarry for someone else.^ 

A Spanish Relation written from on board Bazan’s flagship 
a day or two after the action, enables us for the first time to 
follow events from the Spanish side.*’ It is the only first-hand 
account of what happened at Flores. Hitherto we have had 
to rely for our knowledge of the engagement upon the English 
accounts, none of which was written by anyone present at it. 

^ For these details I am indebted to Miss I. A. Wright. 

2 Coleccidn Sanz de Barutell (Madrid^ Art 4, no. 11121. 



If only Philip Gawdy had used his long and enforced leisure at 
Lisbon, or even in after years, to write as informative an account 
as some of his earlier letters: we may imagine that as the years 
went on, and he became old and garrulous, he often spoke of 
those last days of the Revenge. But nothing has come down to us, 
and he missed his one chance of being remembered by posterity. 

Of the English authorities, the chief is Ralegh’s famous 
pamphlet, A Report of the Truth of the Fight about the Isles of 
AgoreSy which was written that same autumn A Ralegh’s must 
rank almost as a first-hand account since it is based upon the 
examinations of survivors from the Revenge: ‘two of the Revenge's 
own company, brought home in a ship of Lyme from the 
Islands, examined by some of the Lords, and others,’ and an 
examination of four others of her company taken by Sir Francis 
Godolphin on their arrival in Cornwall. But Ralegh’s pamphlet 
was written to serve a controversial purpose: to glorify his own 
nation and to vindicate his cousin Grenville’s action. We have 
therefore to remember his bias in making a judgment upon 
disputed points. The other English authorities are Sir William 
Monson, in his Xaval Tracts^ and Sir Richard Hawkins, in his 
Observations] ^ but these were written some twenty or thirty 
years later. There are lastly the recollections of the Dutchman, 
van Linschoten, who was resident in the Islands at the time of 
the action, and reported what was the current gossip about it 
there. ^ 

But none of these is equal to the Spanish Relation, an official 
account, in giving the precise facts and movements of the ships, 
concretely and objectively. There has never been an adequate 
account of the battle so far, for want of information, though 
attempts have been made to reconstruct it. ® In consequence it 
has given rise to a flood of controversy and supposition as to 
Grenville’s motives. The latter can in any case never be any 
other than uncertain; but one can at least give an account 
which is consistent with his whole life and character, now that 

^ Arber's English Reprints (1871). 

^ Ed. Oppenheim. ^ Ed. Williamson. ^ Reprinted in Arber. 

^Notably Professor Callender's ‘The Battle of Flores,' History (1919), 
vol. IV. 



it has been explored. And for the course of the action - though 
there still remain points which are doubtful, and others on 
which we are ignorant - we can now take both the English and 
the Spanish accounts, checking each by the other, and draw a 
fairly full picture of the whole. 

Don Alonso de Bazan with his fleet, arrived at Terceira, the 
Spanish stronghold among the Islands on 30 August, by their 
reckoning.^ Here he learned from a despatch-boat which was 
sent him that the English were at Flores and Corvo, the two 
extreme north-westerly isles of the group. But for a week he was 
kept beating about in the channel between San Jorge and 
Graciosa by bad weather. During this time he learned from a 
Franciscan friar and a pilot, who had been captured by the 
English on their way from Havana and were some days on 
board the English flagship^ the exact strength of their forces: 
they were not more than twenty-two ships, and of these there 
were only six great galleons of the Queen and one small one. 
The English fleet was commanded by Lord Thomas Howard, 
second son of the Duke of Norfolk, ‘hombre mogo y no marinero’ 
(an inexperienced man and not a sailor) and ‘Almirante 
Ricardo de Campo Verde gran cossario y de mucha estimacion 
entrellos’ (Admiral Richard Grenville a great corsair and of 
great estimation among them). From this we already learn 
something of the light in which Howard and Grenville respec- 
tively were regarded in the fleet. 

On 7 September, the wind came fair from the east and Don 
Alonso went forward on his course to Flores. Next day in the 
evening they met their pilots fifteen leagues due east from 
Flores, and having such certain information of the English it 
was agreed to put on sail so as to arrive upon them at dawn next 
morning when the wind was fresh; and that they should enter 
the channel between the two islands in several squadrons and 
others on both sides of the islands, surrounding the enemy on all 
sides. After proceeding some way with this plan in mind. 
General Saiicho Pardo sent to Don Alonso to tell him that he 

The following paragraphs follow the Spanish Relation - are virtually a 
translation of it; and here I retain their dating. 



was carrying a broken bowsprit on his galleon - one of the 
Santander squadron - so that he could not put on much weight 
of sail. It was agreed to keep company and not to leave the 
ship on its own where the enemy was cruising about. Hence 
Don Alonso was unable to arrive upon the Islands at dawn, but 
about eight leagues from them with a fresh east wind. He at 
once sent a pinnace to the islands to report how things were 
and to order General Marcos de Aramburu with a squadron 
of eleven ships - seven galleons of Castille, the flagship of the 
despatch-boats and the San Francisco of the prizes, with two fly- 
boats, the Leon Rojo and the Cavallero de la mar - to enter the 
channel between the islands. 

Don Alonso himself with the rest of the fleet was going round 
by the left side of the isle of Flores, so as to catch the enemy 
whom he understood to be watering there, in the midst. On the 
windward side there sailed Don Luis Cuitiho with the eight 
fly-boats in his charge, on the leeward there were Generals 
Martin de Bertendona, Sancho Pardo and Antonio Urquiola; 
the rear was brought up by Don Bartholome de Villavicencio. 
In this formation they were sailing when the pinnace Bazan had 
sent to reconnoitre, signalled that she had seen the enemies hoist 
and lower their main-topsail four times and fire two pieces at 
the same time. Simultaneously with this Aramburu signalled 
that he saw the enemy fleet coming out from the isle of Flores 
on the side of Corvo, and he fired two pieces to tell Bazan that 
he had seen it and to put on sail because he was going in the 
direction of it. Don Alonso at once sent to tell Cuitiho, who 
was in command of the fly-boats to windward, ordering him to 
leave the first course they were taking and to follow him, Don 
Alonso; so that Cuitiho’s squadron, which before was going in 
front of the wind of all the fleet, now brought up the rear upon 
the new course. 

^At Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville lay,’ says the 
poet very truly; but the difficulty has always been that nobody 
knows precisely where, in relation to the island. Mr. Oppen- 
heim in his edition of Monsords Tracts quotes observations to the 
effect that the prevailing winds in the Azores in these months 
are from north-east and north-west, and suggests therefore that 


7/7 under Cuiti 
V///a\/'Jcencio . 


the anchorage would be on the east of the island. But it is 
fairly clear from the Spanish Relation that the English were on 
its west side, probably to the north-west near the channel 
between it and Corvo; while the wind, we are informed, held 
from the east. That same morning -it was 31 August in the 
English reckoning - Howard received warning of the approach 
of the Spanish fleet. Bazan had been observed upon leaving 
Ferrol by some of Cumberland’s squadron keeping watch there, 
and the Earl despatched a pinnace, the Moonshine^ Captain 
Middleton, to warn Howard. Middleton kept company with 
Bazan’s fleet by way of discovering their strength some three 
days prior, and then sped on to Flores with the news of their 

Time was very short, even if not quite so short as Ralegh 

had no sooner delivered the news but the Fleet was in 
sight: many of our ships’ companies were on shore in the Island; 
some providing ballast for their ships; others filling of water 
and refreshing themselves from the land with such things as 
they could either for money, or by force recover. By reason 
whereof our ships being all pestered and rummaging every 
thing out of order, very light for want of ballast. And that 
which was most to our disadvantage, the one half part of the 
men of every ship sick, and utterly unserviceable. For in the 
Revenge there were ninety diseased: in the Bonaventure^ not so 
many in health as could handle her main-sail. For had not 
twenty men been taken out a bark of Sir George Gary’s, his 
being commanded to be sunk, and those appointed to her, she 
had hardly ever recovered England. The rest for the most part, 
were in little better state.’ 

Besides this, the English were fairly taken by surprise, since 
they were expecting the Jiota from the west; and some odd- 
ments of the Spanish fleet, pinnaces or fly-boats, were taken to 
be the expected fiota, which added confusion to surprise. 

The English fleet consisted of the six ships of the Queen, the 
Defiance^ the Revenge^ the Bonaventure, the Lion^ the Foresight and 
the Crane; the last two being small ships, the rest of middle size. 

305 ^ 


In addition there were six victuallers of London, the bark 
Ralegh and two or three pinnaces riding at anchor. 

‘The Spanish fleet/ says Ralegh, ‘having shrouded their 
approach by reason of the Island: were now so soon at hand, 
as our ships had scarce time to weigh their anchors, but some 
of them were driven to let slip their cables and set sail. Sir 
Richard Grenville was the last weighed, to recover the men 
that were upon the Island, which otherwise had been lost. The 
Lord Thomas with the rest very hardly recovered the wind, 
which Sir Richard Grenville not being able to do, was 
persuaded by the master and others to cut his main-sail, and cast 
about, and to trust to the sailing of his ship: for the squadron 
of Seville were on his weather bow.^ But Sir Richard utterly 
refused to turn from the enemy, alleging that he would rather 
choose to die, than to dishonour his sdf, his country, and her 
Majesty’s ship, persuading his company that he would pass 
through two squadrons, in despite of them; and enforce those 
of Seville to give him way. Which he performed upon divers 
of the foremost, who as the mariners term it, sprang their luff, 
and fell under the lee of the Revenge. But the other course had 
been the better, and might right well have been answered in so 
great an impossibility of prevailing. Notwithstanding out of the 
greatness of his mind, he could not be persuaded.’ 

When Bazan first caught sight of the English ships they were 
coming out from Flores ‘on the side of the island of Corvo, to 
the windward of it, giving their right side to our fleet whose 
aim was to grapple the first ships of the enemy.’ ^ The English 
had only their main-topsails and foresails out, their great sails 
taken in. Howard’s flagship was leading, the rest behind her. 
From this it appears that Howard was tacking up against the 
wind, so as to get the windward of the Spanish fleet: the very 
manoeuvre which Drake and the Lord Admiral Howard had 

1 This shows that Grenville had the Spaniards on his right; and it would 
be the Seville squadron that would first come in contact with him, for after 
Bazan had given the order to change course, the Seville squadron, which had 
previously been on the right wing, became the van of the whole fleet. 

^ Spanish Relation. 



successfully brought off under the lee of Mount Edgcumbe and 
along the Cornish coast when the Armada was oflF Plymouth 
Sound. It was a close thing then; it was still closer now. In 
fact, the Revenge, which was the last ship to weigh anchor, could 
not manage it; and her commander, who could almost certainly 
have run back before the wind, showing the Spaniards a clean 
pair of heels, refused to do so. It was not in his nature to run. 
Soon it would be too late, anyhow. 

At five o’clock in the afternoon, Aramburu was sufficiently 
near to exchange shots with Howard. There was a good deal of 
firing on both sides as the Spaniards advanced in two squadrons 
into the Channel, broadsides from the guns, and arquebus and 
musketry fire; but he was unable to grapple with the English 
flagship, which was besides unrigged. Bazan followed with the 
rest of the .fleet, putting on more sail; and the great galleon 
San Phelipe and the San Barnabe now coming level with Howard 
tried to board the English flagship, and not being able to, gave 
her a great broadside at close range. Then passing on with the 
wind filling her sails, the San Phelipe caught i^p with the Revenge, 
which, according to the Spaniards, putting its trust in being the 
best sailing-ship of the fleet, came swaggering up [gallardeando) 
~ the word catches the very spirit of the ship and of the man. 
Now, Ralegh says, 

‘the great San Philip being in the wind of him, and coming 
towards him, becalmed his sails in such sort, as the ship could 
neither weigh nor feel the helm: so huge and high carged was 
the Spanish ship, being of a thousand and five hundred tons. 
Who after-laid the Revenge aboard.’ 

The Revenge, remember, was a ship rated at 500 tons, though 
actually more like 450. The Spanish account of this episode 
is that the San Phelipe boarded her, and at the first encounter 
threw nine or ten soldiers into her; but not having grappled 
with grappling irons, but with a rope, it could not stand the 
strain and broke, so that the ships parted. 

In this interval, General Bertendona came up in the San 
Barnabe, which grappled to the Revenge so well that he could not 
disengage to throw the grappling-iron. Bertendona was the 



commander of the Biscayan galleons - son of the captain of the 
ship which conducted Philip to his marriage in England in 
1554A He had a score to pay off against the Revenge: he had 
been on duty at Corunna when Drake arrived there in her in 
1 589 and he had been forced to set his great galleon on fire to 
save it from falling into Drake’s hands. So he held on, while the 
great San Phelipe sheered off; according to Ralegh, she 'having 
the lower tier of the Revenge^ discharged with crossbar-shot, 
shifted herself with all diligence from her sides, utterly misliking 
her first entertainment.’ The San Phelipe was the largest of 
Bazan’s newly-built 'Apostles.’ 

It was now nightfall, and according to the Spaniards, the rest 
of the English ships hoisted their mainsails and took to flight. 
Don Alonso went in pursuit of them and if night had not come 
down at once, they said, he would have taken several ships, at 
the least Howard’s flagship because it was the least good of 
sail; but through the obscurity of the night they were lost from 
sight and Bazan returned to collect his ships together. This was 
the end of Howard’s part in the action. The Revenge received no 
more help; though Ralegh tells us that 

‘in the beginning of the fight, the George Jsfoble of London, having 
received some shot through her by the Armados, fell under the 
lee of the Revenge^ and asked Sir Richard what he would com- 
mand him, being but one of the victuallers and of small force: 
Sir Richard bade him save himself, and leave him to his 

The Revenge meanwhile lay locked in the embrace of Berten- 
dona’s galleon; the English at the first shock of the encounter 
put themselves into the high works of the ship fore and aft, 
whence they fired their artillery and musketry, and threw 
grenades. Of the soldiers that the San Phelipe had thrown into 
her seven were killed, but the rest gave such a good account of 
themselves that when Bertendona came up they went aboard 
his ship, whence no more were thrown into her because of night 
falling. Bertendona’s ship lay on the larboard of the Revenge. 
Now Aramburu came up to give aid and boarded her poop with 

^ C. F. Duro, La Armada Invencible, i , 2 1 1 . 



his prow, throwing some men on to her quarter-deck who cap- 
tured the ship’s ensign, killed some of her men and got as far as 
the mainmast. But Aramburu’s ship was so badly damaged by 
the encounter, all her prow being destroyed down to the water, 
that she too had to sheer off, and burnt flares for Bazan and his 
ships to come to her aid. She was then succeeded by the galleon 
Ascension^ under Don Antonio Manrique, who boarded by the 
Revenge's prow and Bertendona’s. Next came up Don Luis 
Cuitiho who boarded by joining on to Manrique. So the firing 
continued at intervals all night long.^ 

Ralegh says: 

‘The Spanish ships were filled with companies of soldiers, in 
some two hundred besides the mariners; in some five, in others 
eight hundred. In ours there were none at all, beside the 
mariners, but the servants of the commanders and some few 
voluntary gentlemen only. After many interchanged volleys of 
great ordnance and small shot, the Spaniards deliberated to 
enter the Revenge^, and made divers attempts, hoping to force 
her by the multitudes of their armed soldiers and musketeers, 
but were still repulsed again and again, and at all times beaten 
back, into their own ships, or into the seas.’ 

But as often as they attacked and were beaten off, 

‘so always others came in their places, she having never less 
than two mighty galleons by her sides, and aboard her. So that 
ere morning, from three of the clock the day before, there had 
fifteen several Armados assailed her; and all so ill approved their 
entertainment, as they were by the break of day, far more 
willing to hearken to a composition, than hastily to make any 
more assaults or entries.’ 

Don Alonso de Bazan cruised about all night collecting his 
ships, and ordered them to circle round this tangle of locked, 
splintered and sputtering ships that could no longer move on 
their own. Ralegh says that the Revenge was ‘not able to move 
one way or other, but as she was moved with the waves and 
billow of the sea.’ The Spanish account tells us that she was 
1 Spanish Relation. 



unrigged and without her masts. But their own ships that had 
engaged her were in even worse case. The galleon Ascension 
and Cuitiho’s ship, the flagship of the hulks, were so badly 
damaged by each other and by the Revenge that both went to the 
bottom. The Ascension went down that night, saving most of her 
maririers and soldiers in Bertendona’s ship; Don Luis Cuitifio’s 
ship next day, her men having been taken out. 

Day broke: 

‘And the night went down, and the sun smiled out far over the 
summer sea, 

And the Spanish fleet, with broken sides lay round us all in 
a ring’; 

‘But,’ Ralegh says, ‘as the day encreased, so our men 
decreased: and as the light grew more and more, by so much 
more grew our discomforts. For none appeared in sight but 
enemies, saving one small ship called the Pilgrim, commanded 
by Jacob Whiddon [a Plymouth ship: a Plymouth man], who 
hovered all night to see the success; but in the morning bearing 
. with the Revenge, was hunted like a hare amongst many rave- 
nous hounds, but escaped.’ 

The total result of the night’s fighting and of the evening 
before, was that the Revenge was still unbeaten: she had beaten 
off every assault, and the Spaniards were reluctant to push 
conclusions any further home. But her condition was desperate: 
Ralegh compares it to a slaughter-house, ‘the ship being marvel- 
lous unsavery, filled with blood and bodies of dead and 
wounded men.’ Sir Richard himself had remained on the 
upper deck till an hour before midnight, when he was wounded 
with a musket-shot in the body; then as he was being dressed, 
he was dangerously wounded in the head, his chirurgeon being 
killed beside him. The powder of the Revenge was spent by the 
morning, all her pikes broken, forty of her best men slain, and 
most of the remainder hurt. At the beginning of the fight she 
had but a hundred men free from sickness, and ninety sick laid 
in hold upon the ballast. She had no hope of supply either of 
ships, men or weapons, as against the large reserves of the 



Spaniards: her ‘masts all beaten over board, all her tackle cut 
asunder, her upper work altogether razed, and in effect evened 
she was with the water, but the very foundation or bottom of a 
ship, nothing being left over head either for flight or defence/ 

It was in this desperate condition that Grenville’s courage rose 
to heroic heights: a sort of fixed, daemonic will, a gesture against 
the world and fate, by which a man is for ever remembered. 
Perhaps it was due to his being a dying man; but he was in full 
command of his senses and capable of still imposing his will 
upon the ship. One might have thought that there was no 
alternative but surrender. But no; there remained another, a 
more absolute way out, his deliberate and determined choice. 

‘Sir Richard finding himself in this distress,’ says Ralegh, 
‘commanded the master gunner, whom he knew to be a most 
resolute man, to split and sink the ship’ - there was evidently 
enough powder left for that - ‘that thereby nothing might re- 
main of glory or victory to the Spaniards . . . And persuaded 
the company, or as many as he could induce, to yield themselves 
unto God, and to the mercy of none else; but as they Lad like 
valiant resolute men, repulsed so many enemies, they should 
not now shorten the honour of their nation, by prolonging their 
own lives for a few hours or a few days. The master gunner 
readily condescended and divers others. But the Captain and 
the Master were of an other opinion, and besought Sir Richard 
to have care of them; alleging that the Spaniard would be as 
ready to entertain a composition, as they were willing to offer 
the same; and that there being divers sufficient and valiant men 
yet living, and whose wounds were not mortal, they might do 
their country and prince acceptable service hereafter. And 
(that where Sir Richard had alleged that the Spaniards should 
never glory to have taken one ship of her Majesty’s, seeing 
that they had so long and so notably defended themselves) they 
answered, that the ship had six foot of water in hold, three shot 
under water which were so weakly stopped, as with the first 
working of the sea, she must need sink, and was besides so 
crushed and bruised, as she could never be removed out of the 

3 ” 


What an extraordinary scene it is! It is more like the daemonic 
determination, the self-dedication to death of those early Norse 
seamen, whose blood, the Grenvilles boasted, ran in their veins, 
than it was like sixteenth-century warfare. No wonder the 
Islanders believed that Grenville’s soul was possessed by devils. 
It may be that his resolve was due to the oncoming of death, as 
conversely it was an argument to those ‘whose wounds’ they 
pointed out ‘were not mortal,’ that they should live. Their case 
was a strong one: they had made one of the most heroic fights 
against odds in the annals of the sea: no-one could say that they 
were not ‘valiant resolute men’ as Grenville called them in 
persuading them to death. And they were right: the Spaniards 
would not long enjoy the glory of possessing the carcase of the 
Revenge) she was in a desperate state, and in the storm that 
followed was one of the first ships to go to the bottom. Never- 
theless it is probable that if Grenville had not been mortally 
wounded, he would have had his way, and he and the master- 
gunner would have blown up the ship themselves. 

The issue entered a new phase, a no less extraordinary 

‘And as the matter was thus in dispute,’ Ralegh wrote, ‘and 
Sir Richard refusing to hearken to any of those reasons: the 
master of the Revenge (while the Captain won unto him the 
greater party) was conveyed aboard the General, Don Alfonso 
Bazan. Who finding none over-hasty to enter the Revenge again, 
doubting lest Sir Richard would have blown them up and him- 
self, and perceiving by the report of the master of the Revenge 
his dangerous disposition: yielded that all their lives should be 
saved, the company sent for England, and the better sort to 
pay such reasonable ransom as their estate would bear, and in 
the mean season to be free from galley or imprisonment. To 
this he so much the rather condescended as well as I have said, 
for fear of further loss and mischief to themselves, as also for the 
desire he had to recover Sir Richard Grenville; whom for his 
notable valour he seemed greatly to honour and admire. When 
this answer was returned, and that safety of life was promised, 
the common sort being now at the end of their peril, the most 



drew back from Sir Richard and the master gunner, being no 
hard matter to dissuade men from death to life. 

'The master gunner finding him self and Sir Richard thus 
prevented and mastered by the greater number, would have 
slain himself with a sword, had he not been by force witheld 
and locked into his cabin. Then the General [i.e. Bazan] sent 
many boats aboard the Revenge^ and divers of our men fearing 
Sir Richard's disposition, stole away aboard the General and 
other ships. Sir Richard thus overmatched, was sent unto by 
Alonso Bazan to remove out of the Revenge^ the ship being 
marvellous unsavoury, filled with blood and bodies of dead, and 
wounded men like a slaughter-house. Sir Richard answered 
that he might do with his body what he list, for he esteemed it 
not; and as he was carried out of the ship he swooned, and 
reviving again desired the company to pray for him. The 
General used Sir Richard with all humanity, and left nothing 
unattempted that tended to his recovery, highly commending 
his valour and worthiness, and greatly bewailed the danger 
wherein he was; being unto them a rare spectacle, and a resolu- 
tion seldom approved.' 

Thus much Ralegh says he derived from a Spanish captain in 
Bazan's fleet, who afterwards became separated in the storm 
and captured by a small English ship, the Lyon^ was brought 
home prisoner to London. It is borne out also by the Spanish 
Relation, which says that Don Alonso had him brought aboard 
his flagship, where, because he was wounded, a head-wound 
from an arquebus-shot, he might be taken care of and refreshed, 
receiving good treatment and being consoled for his loss; mas la 
herida era grande y murio otro dia (but his wound was grievous 
and in a day or two he died). The Spaniards, as was to be 
expected, behaved like great gentlemen, and when he died, the 
Relation writes his epitaph: el Almirante de los may ores marinerosy 
cosarios de Inglaterra gran hereje y perseguidor de catholicos. And 
Ralegh wrote, on his information: 

'Sir Richard died as it is said, the second or third day aboard 
the General, and was by them greatly bewailed. What became 
of his body, whether it were buried in the sea or on the land we 



know not: the comfort that remaineth to his friends is, that he 
hath ended his life honourably in respect of the reputation won 
to his nation and country, and of the same to his posterity, and 
that being dead, he hath not outlived his own honour.’ 

There is some further evidence of Grenville’s last hours, that 
of the Dutchman Linschoten, which is not to be neglected. It 
is true that it is not first-hand, and there are points in it which 
are doubtful. On the other hand, he was resident at Terceira 
at the time of the action, and when Bertendona’s ship came in 
there, the very one which lay all the time of the fight beside the 
Revenge^ he went on board and was received by Bertendona. 

'He seeing us called us up into the gallery, where with great 
courtesy he received us, being as then set at dinner with the 
English Captain [i.e. Langhorne] that sat by him, and had on 
a suit of black velvet, but he could not tell us anything, for that 
he could speak no other language but English and Latin, which 
Bertendona also could a little speak. The English Captain got 
licence of the governor that he might come on land with his 
weapon by his side, and was in our lodging. The Governor of 
Terceira had him to dinner, and showed him great courtesy. 
The Master likewise with licence of Bertendona came on land, 
and was in our lodging, and had at the least ten or twelve 
wounds, as well in his head, as on his body, whereof after that 
being at sea, between Lisbon and the Islands he died.’ 

It may be seen that Linschoten was in a position to pick up 
information directly after the engagement; for the rest he is 
useful in that he records the gossip current in the Islands, the 
impression that these events made upon the Islanders. Lin- 
schoten tells us, quite correctly, the name of the Spanish flag- 
ship (the San Pablo) on board which Grenville was taken in a 
dying condition, and he says that his wounds were dressed; but 
he continues that 

‘Don Alonso himself would neither see him, nor speak with him: 
all the rest of the captains and gentlemen went to visit him, 
and to comfort him in his hard fortune, wondering at his cour- 



age, and stout heart, for that he showed not any sign of faintness 
nor changing of colour.’ 

Whether it be true or no that Bazan would not see Grenville, 
it is not incompatible with the otherwise good treatment that 
Grenville received from the Spaniards. After all, the action 
reflected little or no credit upon Bazan; what credit there was 
on the Spanish side was due to Bertendona, whose prize the 
Revenge became. Bazan may have been chagrined by the long 
resistance the Revenge put up, and when he arrived in Spain 
was much criticised for not having taken the rest of the English 
ships. On the other hand, there is no hint of this in the Spanish 
Relation which appears to come from the flagship itself. Lin- 
schoten goes on to report the gist of Grenville’s last words on 
board the San Pablo. 

Teeling the hour of death to approach, he spake these words 
in Spanish, and said! ‘‘Here die I Richard Grenville, with a 
joyful and quiet mind, for that I have ended my life as a true 
soldier ought to do, that hath fought for his country. Queen, 
religion and honour, whereby my soul most joyful departeth 
out of this body, and shall always leave behind it an everlasting 
fame of a valiant and true soldier that hath done his duty, as 
he was bound to do. But the others of my company have done 
as traitors and dogs, for which they shall be reproached all their 
lives and leave a shameful name for ever.” ’ 

This last speech as reported by Linschoten is much disputed 
and has given rise to controversy. It may indeed be a Thucydi- 
dean speech, truer in drift and intention than as a report of 
Grenville’s actual words. Then, too, when Linschoten’s account 
was translated into English, the last sentence of scorn and re- 
proach was omitted. But it is precisely this sentence which is so 
true in character to Grenville; he was not the man to spare the 
feelings of those who had crossed his will, in order to make a 
good, a more pious ending. It has usually been considered that 
the target of Grenville’s contempt was Howard and the rest of 
the English ships that had got away. It would seem, however, 
that it is those of his own company, those on board the Revenge 



who had thwarted his will, who incurred his wrath; that his 
mind had become fixed in the determination to blow up his 
ship and that their crossing of his will was what possessed his 
dying thoughts. 

The Spaniards were proud to have got possession of the 
Revenge^ even in her present condition and upon terms. The 
Spanish Relation says of her: 

‘This Admiral-galleon was one of the best there were in 
England; they called her the Revenge, She was the flagship that 
carried Drake to Corunna . . . She carried 42 pieces of artillery 
of bronze without three which were given to another ship a 
few days before, the 20 on her lower-deck of 40 to 60 quintals, 
and the remaining 22 of 20 to 30 quintals, all good.’ 

She was rated among the Queen’s ships as a second-rater; but 
she was the crack ship of her class, the middle-sized fighting 
galleon. She was laid down in 1 575, and represented the new 
ideas of fast, but heavily-armed ocean-going galleons, which 
Hawkins introduced into the Navy Board. When built she was 
actually 441 tons, though rated at 500; she was 92 feet in 
length, 32 in beam, and 15 in depth, and was regarded by Drake 
as the perfect warship of her time.^ Alas that no picture of her 
has survived! But there is her fighting record, most of it, though 
not all, accomplished under Drake’s command. She was over- 
hauled and made readier for the approaching war, in 1583; 
she was off the coast of Spain with Hawkins in 1586; in the 
triumphant year 1 588 she was Drake’s flagship and as such the 
glory of that year reflected her name; in 1590 she was in the 
Azores with Frobisher. It is another of the ironies of history 
that in the end, and to all posterity, her name should go down 
with another’s name. 

The younger Hawkins, Sir Richard, in his Observations des- 
cribes her as ‘ever the unfortunatest ship the late Queen’s 
majesty had during her reign,’ and he recounts the accidents 
that happened to her in her crowded life: how she was nearly 
cast away upon the Kentish coast, coming out of Ireland with 
Sir John Perrot; how she struck aground at Plymouth before 

^ Corbett, I, 371-2. 



the voyage with Hawkins in 1 586, and sprang a leak upon her 
return with Drake from Lisbon which nearly sank her; then 
coming into Plymouth ran upon the Winter stone, and at Ports- 
mouth was twice aground; and now at last, "the cost and loss 
she wrought, I have too good cause to remember, in her last 
voyage, in which she was lost, when she gave England and 
Spain just cause to remember her.’ ^ Of the men in her, she 
carried 250, the Spanish Relation says; and only 100 remained, 
who were divided among all the ships of the Spanish fleet, "not 
having among them any person of quality except for a young 
gentleman who is not a soldier nor a sailor, and another who 
was killed who was a sailor.’ The former of these is evidently 
Philip Gawdy. One wonders with what party he had sided, 
with Grenville or with Captain Langhorne, when the ship might 
have been blown up on Grenville’s orders? Perhaps those last 
hours on board were a nightmare to him, a sufficient reason for 
him never, so far as we know, to have written down the 

The Spaniards admitted to greater damage to their ships 
than actual loss of men: the Relation says only 100 men, includ- 
ing those drowned in the Ascension who were most in number. 
Two of their captains were killed: Luis de San Juan and Don 
Jorge Broano. They claimed that in the running fight Howard’s 
flagship received a good deal of damage by the San Christobal 
and the San Phelipe. They say nothing about the Foresight^ 
which Ralegh says 

‘performed a very great fight, and stayed two hours as near the 
Revenge as the weather would permit him, not forsaking the 
sight, till he was like to be encompassed by the squadrons, and 
with great difficulty cleared himself. The rest gave divers volleys 
of shot and entered as far as the place permitted and their own 
necessities, to keep the weather gauge of the enemy, until they 
were parted by night.’ 

The Spanish Relation states that they 

"took to flight in disorder, some bearing west and others towards 

^Hawkins, Observations (Hakluyt Society), p. 9. 



the Isles [i.e. east] taking advantage of the obscurity of the 
night, and others by different ways; of whom up to now we do 
not know that they have collected together, nor seen them, 
except for one very far off plying to windward; though we have 
gone with the Fleet more than 40 leagues in the direction in 
which the fiotas have to come, carrying light ships on the 
flanks separated some eight leagues from the Fleet so as to 
discover them, besides others sent still further ahead for that 

It had been a notable scattering of the English; but a still 
greater scattering of the Spaniards was to come. The autumn 
of that year was an exceptionally stormy one, and the com- 
mercial fleets in the Indies had been at sea in those tropical 
waters so long, that they could not withstand the gales that 
blew. Before ever they reached the Havana, the fleets of New 
Spain, the Mainland, San Domingo and Honduras had endured 
losses, from weather and by the depredations of the English, 
which reduced their number from 120 to something over 70. 
Further storms while they were on their way across the Atlantic 
weakened them still more. When Don Alonso met them off 
Flores and Corvo, having collected all his ships in the vicinity 
together, there were in all some 140 sail under his command, 
according to Linschoten. 

Then when they were all proceeding under his convoy to 
Terceira, a storm far worse than all those preceding, one which 
reached the velocity of a cyclone, suddenly swept down upon 
them. It wrought tremendous havoc in Bazan’s fleet but even 
more among the jiotas, Ralegh says, and he is not exaggerating, 
that fifteen or sixteen of Bazan’s ships of war were lost upon the 
Islands, and of the Indies fleets, what with those lost on the 
way and in the cyclone, more than seventy perished. 

‘The 4 of this month of November, we received letters from 
Tercera, affirming that there are 3,000 bodies of men in that 
Island, saved out of the perished ships: and that by the 
Spaniards own confession, there are 10,000 cast away in this 
storm, besides those that are perished between the Islands and 
the main.’ 



Linschoten bears this out. There had never been such a storm 
in the Azores in living memory, he says. It lasted not a day or 
two, but for seven or eight days continually. On Terceira where 
he was living, twelve ships were cast away, on every side there 
was nothing but crying and lamenting that here was a ship cast 
ashore, and here another and all the men drowned, so that for 
twenty days after the storm the drowned men came driving 
continually ashore. On San Jorge, two ships were cast away, 
on Pico two more, on Graciosa three, on San Miguel four, while 
between Terceira and San Miguel ‘three more were sunk, which 
were seen and heard to cry out, whereof not one man was 

Among those cast away in the storm, as the Captain and the 
Master had predicted, was the Revenge herself. It must have 
pleased them as it did Ralegh, who wrote of that great destruc- 
tion and the last of the Revenge with a touching emotion; ‘So it 
pleased them to honour the burial of that renowned ship the 
Revenge^ not suffering her to perish alone, for the great honour 
she achieved in her life-time.* Linschoten tells us that she was 

‘cast away upon a cliff near to the Island of Tercera, where it 
brake in a hundred pieces and sunk to the ground, having in 
her 70 men gallegos [i.e. Galicians], Biscayans and others, 
with some of the captive Englishmen, whereof but one was 
saved that got up upon the cliffs alive, and had his body and 
head all wounded, and he being on shore brought us the news, 
desiring to be shriven, and thereupon presently died.* 

Of all the ships of the Indies fleets that year, a double flota^ 
only some twenty-five or thirty ever reached Spain. Fortun- 
ately for Philip the treasure was not on board; that was waiting 
for the fast frigates at Havana and did not reach Spain until 
next year. The losses suffered by Spain were enormous, and 
in that country people were forbidden under severe penalties 
to speak of them. But in the Azores they talked, and Linschoten 
reported what was said. They said that Spain lost even more 
this year than she had by the Armada; 

‘that, the taking of the Revenge was jusdy revenged upon them, 



and not by the might or force of man, but by the power of God, 
as some of them openly said in the Isle of Tercera, that they 
believed verily God would consume them, and that he took 
part with Lutherans and heretics: saying further that so soon as 
they had thrown the dead body of the Viceadmiral Sir Richard 
Grenville overboard, they verily thought that as he had a 
devilish faith and religion, and therefore the devils loved him, 
so he presently sunk into the bottom of the sea, and down into 
Hell, where he raised up all the devils to the revenge of his 

A credulous people: but then this was the sixteenth century. 
Grenville was an even greater torment to them in death 
ever he had been in life. The Revenge had justified her name in 
a whirlwind of disaster. 




Give me a spirit that on this life’s rough sea 
Loves to have his sails filled with a lusty wind, 

Even till his sail-yards tremble, his masts crack. 

And his rapt ship run on her side so low 
That she drinks water, and her keel ploughs air. 

There is no danger to a man who knows 
What life and death is; there’s not any law 
Exceeds his knowledge: neither is it lawful 
That he should stoop to any other law. 

He goes before them and commands them all. 

That to himself is a law rational. 


The action in the Azores gave satisfaction neither in England 
nor in Spain. In Spain it was asked why the English squadron 
had not been totally destroyed; in England how it was that the 
Revenge should have been caught in that manner. This led to 
much public discussion, and the discussion, in a sense, has gone 
on ever since. With the aid of the Spanish Relation newly 
brought into light, we have been able to determine more clearly 
than ever before, what precisely happened off Flores. But still we 
do not reach certainty as to what it was that determined Gren- 
ville’s action. All depends upon our interpretation of his char- 
acter; and it is only now that all the facts regarding his life, such 
as they have survived the passage of time, have been brought 
together into a coherent whole. It is upon his life as a whole 
that we must base our reading of that action upon which rests 
his popular, his world-wide fame: one of the great myths of the 
English people. 

We have shown in this book that there is a solid basis of 

321 X 


achievement for his name to have been remembered in the 
ordinary way, and to have come down to us as one of the most 
active of those who fashioned the Elizabethan triumph. There 
is his record of consistent and crowded service to Crown and 
country; there were his sea-enterprises, his development of the 
trade of Bideford, his great project for the South Seas, unaccom- 
plished through no fault of his own; he was the first planter of 
Virginia, by far the most important step, for it was the first of 
all those by which, in the usual English method of trial and 
error, the mainland of North America was colonised by the 
English people. But it is not upon any of these achievements 
- few indeed have ever known of them - that his legendary fame 
rests: that is due simply to the heroic quality of his last action. 
Nevertheless, that final quality has nothing inconsistent with 
the general tenor of his life — now that the mystery of that has 
been lifted. Indeed, we may say, as frequently is the case with 
men who turn out to have genius, that the predisposing condi- 
tions were there: that his nature, from what we have seen of 
it in other actions of his life, and however little we may be 
attracted by its qualities - harsh, hard-hitting, as hard upon 
himself as upon others, with a strain of nervous over-balance in 
it - was just the nature to have accomplished such an end, the 
heroic gesture which sets the imagination of a people on flame. 

So perhaps, in view of this consistency -- that the end is of a 
piece with his life, that it was just to him of all the Elizabethan 
fighting-men that this thing would happen - we may not be so 
uncertain after all, even in the realm of character and motive. 

The Spaniards could not but be expected to make the most 
of their capture of one of the Queen’s great ships - the first, and 
the last, that was to be captured in the whole war. Monson, 
who had been himself taken in a small ship off the Burlings, 
tells us that he saw one of Bazan’s twelve apostles coming into 
harbour at Lisbon all decked for the capture of the Revenge. 

Tt happened on St, Andrew’s day following, that being upon 
the wails [i.e. of Lisbon Castle] at our usual hour, we beheld 



a great galleon of the King’s turning up the river in her fight- 
ing sails, being sumptuously decked with ancients [ensigns], 
streamers and pendants, with all other ornaments to show her 
bravery. She let fly all her ordnance in a triumphant manner 
for the taking Sir Richard Grenville in the Revenge at the 
island of Flores, she being one of that fleet and the first voyage 
she ever made.’ ^ 

This ship was the St, Andrew; and whether we are to believe 
him or no, Monson tells us that in his annoyance he wagered 
the other Englishmen in his company ten to one that he would 
live to see her taken yet. He did: in 1596 in the descent upon 
Cadiz, it fell to Ralegh’s good fortune to tackle the great St, 
Philip and the St, Andrew^ both ships which had boarded the 
Revenge, It was a chance of war that Ralegh leaped at, ^being 
resolved,’ as he said, ‘to be revenged for the Revenge^ or to second 
her with mine own life.’ ^ The attack was so furious that the 
Spaniards themselves set fire to the St. Philip to prevent her fall- 
ing into English hands; the St. Andrew was captured and brought 
back to England. 

It was only natural that one of Bazan’s fleet should have made 
the most of the ‘victory’; but in Spain itself, when the extent of 
its losses became known, there was general murmuring against 
Bazan for not having utterly destroyed Howard so that not a 
ship escaped, since he had had such a large force under his 

Similarly, in England, the first news of the loss of the Revenge 
created much concern and a host of rumours.'* She was already 
such a famous ship, Drake’s favourite, her name associated in 
the public mind with the triumphs of 1588. As yet the public 

^ Monson, V, 17 1—2. ^ Edwards, Ralegh^ II, 151. 

® cf. Duro, Armada Espanola, III, 81: ‘viendolas estampadas en Espatia 
contra D. Alonso de Bazan por no haber destruido a Howard sin que un solo 
navio se escapase, teniendo tantos a sus ordenes.’ 

^ cf. the evidence of Gonzalo Gonzales del Castillo, one of the prisoners of 
1588, who was in England at the time: ‘They were much grieved at the loss 
of one of the Queen’s galleons, called the Revenge. They say that she was the 
best ship the Queen had, and the one upon which she relied the most.’ CaL 
S.P. Spanish 1587-1603^ 597. 



did not know the circumstances of her last fight, nor whether 
she had gone to the bottom or not. At the end of October, Sir 
Henry Killigrew, writing from Dieppe to the Earl of Essex, had 
heard that she had been towed, a complete wreck without deck 
or mast, into Lisbon by two galleysA This, as we know, was 

On 3 1 October, a letter was written by Thomas Phillips the 
decipherer, to an English spy in Paris to be sent on to Charles 
Paget, from which we may learn something. He 

‘can write him no good news from hence,’ the draft says, ‘the 
loss of the Revenge with Sir R. Grenville being now stale, which 
you keep quiet, as they disguised it here with the sinking of so 
many ships of the King of Spain and loss of so many men, be- 
sides that she should be since sunk in the sea with so many 
Spaniards that were in her. Here they condemn the Lord 
Thomas infinitely for a coward and some say he is for the King 
of Spain. The quarrel and offer of combat between the Lord 
Admiral and Sir Walter Ralegh about the matter you are sure 
he hath heard of. Here be seven prizes brought in as they say 
parcel of the West India fleet by the merchants that went to 
second my Lord Thomas and they give out that the great part 
of the rest and the King’s ships of war are drowned by tempest 
and but twenty-six arrived in Spain.’ ^ 

This takes us a good deal further on in the reception of the news 
by the English public. It is interesting to hear of a challenge 
between Lord Admiral Howard and Ralegh; later there was no 
love lost between Ralegh and the Howards, and the news may 
well be true. The rest of the information is substantially cor- 
rect; by the end of October, people in London knew pretty well 
what had happened. 

For the benefit of the public, which was a prey to all sorts of 
rumours, and as a statement of the English view of the action, 
as well as a defence of his cousin’s conduct, Ralegh wrote his 
famous pamphlet, which was published anonymously that 
autumn. Its full title was: Report of the truth of the fight about 

the Isles of Agores^ this last summer, betwixt the Revenge f one of her 
^ Hatfield MSS., IV, 155. 2 3 Dom. Eliz. 240, no. 53. 



Majesty s Skips, and an Armada of the King of Spain,^ ^ It was his 
first prose- work to appear, the first proof he gave of that mag- 
nificent command of English prose which was to find full expres- 
sion in his History of the World. 

It was not so much European opinion that he had in mind, 
though he began his tract with a recital of Spanish expectations 
of the Armada and their grievous disillusionment in 1588. After 
all, the Spaniards had not been able to make much of their cap- 
ture of the Revenge; the official Relation which was sent home 
from Bazan’s fleet was singularly objective, unimpassioned, 
faithful reporting. It was the English who were more uncer- 
tain of themselves, new to power, and therefore more exagger- 
ated, more Italianate in the sixteenth century; Ralegh more 
than any. What he set himself to do was to still the unfavour- 
able rumours which questioned Grenville’s conduct, to recon- 
struct the action in a manner that would convince and vindicate 
the memory of the man who was no longer there to speak for 

For there was a case against Grenville: why had he delayed 
so that his ship was caught by overwhelming numbers? Ralegh 
says that Grenville was the last to weigh anchor, 'to recover the 
men that were upon the Island, which otherwise had been lost.’ 
That made it too late to follow Howard’s course in tacking to 
windward of the Spaniards. It remained for him either to run 
away from them before the wind, or - what seemed incredible 
for anyone to attempt - to try and cut his way through the 
whole Spanish fleet. Dr. Williamson has constructed a defence 
of Grenville’s action, mainly on the ground that we do not know 
what his conditions were.^ But the evidence points to an ex- 
planation, not in technical but in psychological terms. Gren- 
ville would not ‘cut his main sail, and cast about, and trust to 
the sailing of his ship,’ as the ship’s master and others tried to 
persuade him; he 

‘utterly refused to turn from the enemy, alleging that he would 
rather choose to die, than to dishonour himself, his country, and 

1 Printed for William Ponsonbie, London, 1591; reprinted under Ralegh’s 
name in Hakluyt, Principal Navigations. Text in Arber’s English Reprints, 

2 ‘Sir Richard Grenville’ in The Great Tudors^ 445. 



her Majesty’s ship, persuading his company that he would pass 
through the two squadrons in despite of them: and enforce those 
of Seville to give him way.’ 

Thus much Ralegh admits, and he comments a little sadly - 
it is an adverse judgment: ‘But the other course had been 
the better, and might right well have been answered in so 
great an impossibility of prevailing. Notwithstanding out of 
the greatness of his mind, he could not be persuaded.’ There 
was perhaps one chance in a hundred, or, more exactly, in 
fifty, that he might get through; if he should not, he did not 
fear the consequences. In that act of will - it is not rational, 
nor perhaps even intelligent - lies the quality of the heroic. 

The judgments of the experts, both those who were friendly 
and those who were unfavourable, seem to converge upon this 
explanation in terms of Grenville’s character, rather than of 
technical conditions. Sir William Monson, writing his account 
of the action some years afterwards, strongly approved of 
Howard’s ‘wary and discreet’ conduct in getting clear of the 

‘But Sir Richard Grenville, being astern, and imagining this 
fleet to come from the Indies, and not to be the Armada of 
which they were informed, would by no means be persuaded 
by his master or company to cut his cable to follow his Admiral, 
as all discipline of war did teach him, nay so headstrong, rash 
and unadvised he was that he offered violence to all that coun- 
selled him to the contrary.’ ^ 

This is rather exaggerated, and it is hardly likely that Grenville 
imagined Bazan’s fleet to be the flotas from the Indies, after the 
warning that Captain Middleton had delivered the night before. 
Nevertheless, the substantial point remains, and it is borne out 
by the impression the Spaniards got that Grenville trusted in 
his ship being the best sailing ship of the fleet.^ 

Since Ralegh’s pamphlet was virtually an official account of 

1 Oppenheim, I, 254. 

2 *La Almiranta que fiada en ser el mejor Navio de vela de su Armada,’ 
Spanish Relation. 



the action, it fell to him at the same time to exonerate Howard’s 
conduct. This he did very handsomely. If there had been a 
quarrel and a challenge between him and the Lord Admiral, 
there had evidently been a reconciliation, for Ralegh now wrote 
defending Lord Thomas: 

‘Notwithstanding it is very true, that the Lord Thomas would 
have entered between the squadrons, but the rest would not 
condescend; and the master of his own ship offered to leap into 
the sea, rather than to conduct that her Majesty’s ship and the 
rest to be a prey to the enemy, where there was no hope nor 
possibility either of defence or victory. Which also in my opinion 
had it sorted or answered the discretion and trust of a General, 
to commit himself and his charge to an assured destruction, 
without hope or any likelihood of prevailing: thereby to dimin- 
ish the strength of her Majesty’s Navy, and to enrich the pride 
and glory of the enemy.’ 

Such was Ralegh’s reconciliation of the conflicting points of 
view with regard to the action, the picture which he wished to 
impress upon the public mind. In this he was entirely success- 
ful; posterity came to view the last fight of the Revenge through 
his eyes - a proof, if any be needed, of the power of literary 
genius to impress its views upon men’s minds. The growth of the 
pamphlet’s influence can be traced in the literature of the time. 

But first, to gather together the few remaining recorded facts, 
last floating spars of the wreckage of the Revenge, Philip Wyot’s 
Diaryl^t^ us know how, towards the middle of October, the news 
came home to Barnstaple and Bideford: ‘ 12 October . . . report 
came that her Majesty’s ship at sea, Sir Richard Grenville, Cap- 
tain, was taken by the Spaniards after encountering the whole 
Spanish Fleet for two days.’ ^ One can imagine the sensation 
the ill news caused through all that Grenville countryside; but 
of its reception at Stowe, now suddenly turned into a house of 
mourning, not a word remains. How much one regrets the 
destruction of its records at such a time! 

The Government, to mark its sense of the exceptional services 
of the men who had fought in the Revenge^ paid them, according 
1 f. 46 Diary, ed. Chanter. 



to Hawkins, six months’ wages; ^ or according to a more certain 
source of information, a gratuity of six months’ pay to the 
widows of the men who had perished in her.=^ The Spaniards 
had been as good as their word, and allowed the men they had 
taken in the ship to come home free. That autumn and winter, 
the prisoners came dribbling back, most of them evidently be- 
longing to the West Country. There is an examination of 
Thomas Meade of Topsham, preserved among the State Papers; 
he was taken in the Revenge and landed at Dartmouth, 15 
December.® Among the business before the Privy Council in 
that month, there was an appeal from a woman 

‘pretending herself to be the wife of one John Carew, mariner, 
said to have served in her Majesty’s ship the Revenge^ doth in- 
form us that her said husband hath been slain in the said ship 
and she, left poor, with child and without relief, doth desire 
such wages as was due unto him before his death.’ ^ 

A pathetic piece of the wreckage left; hers was a case of what 
not seldom happens when a sailor goes to sea and never returns. 

Lastly there is Philip Gawdy, who after such ardours and 
expectations from a sea-life, found himself downcast and de- 
jected in Lisbon Castle, with Captain Monson for company. 
He was lucky, indeed, to be alive. The Spaniards on this occa- 
sion had treated their captives handsomely, but since Philip was 
almost the only person of quality left on the ship, they kept him 
at Lisbon for ransom.® Whether Lord Thomas Howard inter- 
vened on Philip’s behalf or no, we are not told; but almost 
certainly he did - were they not both Norfolk men? For next 
year, we find Philip once more in England, having ‘^now passed 
my long and wearisome troubles, and by the help of good friends 
I am now returned into mine own country,’ With his return, 
we may say that the last account of the action in the Azores 
was liquidated. 

Not so its fame: that went on mounting with the years. Nor was 
it so much due to Ralegh’s pamphlet: action in itself was what 

1 Observations (ed. Williamson), 16. 2 Oppenhcim, I, 256. 

^ S.P. Dom. 240, no. 97. * A.P.C. 12 1. ® Gawdy, 63"4. 



appealed to the mind of the Elizabethan public^ unusually sus- 
ceptible as it was to the appeal of the heroic, the dare-devil, the 
bloody “ witness their early drama just entering on its astonish- 
ing efflorescence. Such events as the fight of the Revenge have 
their importance for the development of mind which led to such 
creative activity. In 1595, there appeared a long poem. The 
Most Honorable Tragedy of Sir Richard Grenville^ Knight, by Gervase 
Markham.^ Tedious as it is, the poem is not without merit; 
indeed, one may doubt whether it has ever had justice done to 
it, so few can have got through it. To some extent it may have 
suffered from Markham’s later reputation, as a hack-writer on 
every conceivable subject from the arts of love and war to those 
of farriery and husbandry. The Grenville poem is, however, a 
poem of his youth; he was only twenty when he wrote it: it has 
therefore something of the freshness as well as the naivete and 
the longueurs of youth. 

It is for the most part an exercise in verse, a sort of exhibition 
piece, taking the compact and moving prose of Ralegh and ex- 
panding it until all genuine emotion has gone out of the thing. 
Markham was something of a scholar and knew the classical 
languages. The result is that his poem cannot move for classical 
machinery, the action is made the consequence of a dispute 
between the goddesses of Good and 111 Fortune, and there is 
a good deal about Phoebus and Neptune, the loves of Jove and 
(of course) the shears of Atropos. The only tolerable way of 
regarding the poem is as a baroque piece, comparable to the 
furniture and the building of the age. One stanza has a fair 
baroque seascape: 

By this, the sun had spread his golden locks. 

Upon the pale green carpet of the sea, 

And opened wide the scarlet door which locks 
The easeful evening from the labouring day; 

Now Night began to leap from iron Rocks, 

And whip her rusty wagon through the way. 

Whilst all the Spanish host stood maz’d in sight, 

None daring to assail a second fight. 

Reprinted in Arber, English Reprints. 



When all is said, it is but poor stuff. It is odd that it was not 
until three hundred years later, out of a far subtler and more 
sophisticated age, that there came the simple and direct ‘Ballad 
of the Revenge' of Tennyson, a perfectly satisfying poem. The 
inspiration of that, even to verbal echoes, came direct and 
immediate from Ralegh’s prose. 

It was only natural that Carew, whose Survey of Cornwall 
appeared in 1602, should in his own quaint way, commemorate 
the dead hero: who 

‘made so glorious a conclusion in her Majesty’s ship the Revenge 
. . . that it seemed thereby, when he found none other to com- 
pare withal in his life, he strived through a virtuous envy to 
exceed it in his death: a victorious loss for the realm; and of 
which the Spaniard may say with Pyrrhus, that many such 
conquests would beget his utter overthrow.’ ^ 

Sir Richard Hawkins’s commemoration of Grenville in his 
Observations, is altogether warmer as befits a fellow seaman and 
one who went through a similar ordeal to Grenville, fighting 
an action against odds, though not such odds, in the Bay of 
Atacames off the coast of Peru. It is a complete vindication of 
Grenville’s conduct at Flores; Hawkins belonged to the same 
school of thought, but he must have had plenty of opportunity 
of hearing the whole action thrashed out in discussion: 

Tn this point, at the Isle of Flores, Sir Richard Grenville got 
eternal honour and reputation of great valour, and of an experi- 
mented [i.e. experienced] soldier, choosing rather to sacrifice 
his life, and to pass all danger whatsoever than to fail in his 
obligation, by gathering together those which had remained 
ashore in that place, though with the hazard of his ship and 
company . . . and I account that he, and his country, got much 
honour in that occasion . . ^ 

Such was the code of honour among the Elizabethan seamen, 
and such the view that prevailed. 

Last of all comes the tribute of the noblest intellect, if not the 
noblest mind, of the age - all the more moving because in that 
^ Carew, 176. 2 Hawkins, 16. 


C^%7CVtLX^^^i*'‘i ^ ^t^iPC4^ ^uas '• 



way at any rate after a lifetime of rivalry and mutual dislike, 
Bacon was at one with Ralegh: ‘that memorable fight of an 
English ship called the Revenge . . . memorable (I say) even 
beyond credit, and to the height of some heroical fable,’ ^ 


The concentration of posterity upon this one episode, even 
though it is the last and most exciting in his life, meant that 
the sense of Grenville’s career as a whole became submerged, 
and, when to this was added the destruction of Stowe and its 
archives, was forgotten. We have to attempt to assess his career 
as a whole, and to fix the character of the man in the light of 

He was a man very representative of his time. His career was 
an embodiment of those tendencies which were characteristic 
of the age and made it what it was. We can see that he was 
neither the romantic and chivalrous survival from the Middle 
Ages such as Corbett imagined, nor the inhuman and ravening 
figure of the islanders’ legend in the Azores. He was very typi- 
cal of his age and class - that small class of captains and com- 
manders by land and sea, which set the pace for the Eliza- 
bethan Age. Like them he was strenuous, hard-working, ac- 
quisitive, restless, devoted; more selfless than most: there was 
nothing of the egoist in him, as in so many of those others. He 
had the passion for action that was common to them all; in- 
deed, he was solely the man of action; for though he was very 
capable of giving an opinion on public matters, for example the 
vexed question of the settlement of Munster, he was, unlike 
Ralegh, singularly unspeculative. We may be sure that such 
doubts as he had were not of an intellectual character. 

Again, it is notable that when he was consulted on public 
matters, it was usually on technical affairs: matters relating to 
defence, or harbour-works, which were regarded in much the 
same light as fortification; or questions of detail relating to the 
administration of his county - musters, the supply of corn, 

^ Bacon, ‘Considerations touching a war with Spain.* Letters and Life, ed. 
Spedding, VII, 491. 



keeping the peace, bringing offenders to book. It is obvious 
that he would not be consulted on high policy; he had not the 
mind or temperament for that in an age when, the political 
system not being democratic, politics moved upon a higher in- 
tellectual plane. He was used upon committees in the House of 
Commons; that in itself was only another tribute to his local 
importance and the possession of average business ability. The 
field of action was his real sphere; he was a devoted public 
servant, the chosen instrument of the government in the West 
and of Ralegh in the wider fields of colonisation and plantation. 

How wide that sphere of action was, we have seen in this 
book. The foundation of his career rested upon a long record of 
work in his county. Long before his career came to its prema- 
ture end, he had come to occupy a pre-eminent place in Corn- 
wall: in itself evidence of his competence, at a time when Godol- 
phins and Carews and Hawkins’, men of ability, were also con- 
tent to spend themselves upon local affairs - critical as they 
were in the west in those years before and after 1588! Over and 
above this local work as Justice of the Peace, and serving at 
Westminster as member for the shire, there were his military 
qualifications which meant that further services and his advice 
were required relating to more general questions of defence. In 
addition there was his early interest in exploration and dis- 
covery; his very great services towards colonisation and planting 
in Virginia and in Ireland; and his fairly constant interest in 
privateering, a favourite avocation with west-country gentry on 
the sea-board, more professional in his case, as with the Haw- 
kins’ and Ralegh, since it grew naturally out of shipping in- 

Of his private virtues (or otherwise) we have no speaking evi- 
dence: not a letter of any intimate character, which might en- 
able us to descry his emotional life, has survived. Perhaps that 
in itself is some evidence. It is clear that family pride was a 
strong instinct with him as with all Grenvilles; a sense of the 
family, the maintenance of its tradition and the constant pur- 
pose of advancing its interests, no less ardent than with Drake 
or Hawkins, though they had the spur of belonging to new 
families which had their name yet to make. Though his was one 



of the oldest in the land, Grenville was no less ambitious for it. 
That too was very Elizabethan: the elbowing struggle, the 
competitiveness, the vulgarity. 

In this sphere, as in his public life, he displayed an equal and 
a passionate devotion to business and duty. He must have 
cared for his sons, at any rate for his second son, John, who was 
a lad after his own heart. In this region we really know nothing. 
It all appears rather hard and bleak; the passion of his nature 
was concentrated upon action. I do not suppose that he was a 
likeable man; what is more important, he lived a significant life. 
It may be that the hardness is in part due to the absence of in- 
formation. Those all too brief glimpses of him at his cousin 
Roscarrock’s with other friends among the Cornish gentry, 
playing bowls and fidling and trifling the time away,’ enable us 
to guess what a picture in the round would be like if the mate- 
rials existed for it. We have had some glimpses of him as Justice 
of the Peace at his house, hot-tempered and rough-handed with 
obstreperous disturbers of the peace, hanging his dial up upon a 
pole and dispersing a mob of country-people with the gesture - 
we can imagine with what contempt. For the rest we are to 
suppose him like his fathers before him, taking his part in all 
the life of country and town: coursing the hare, flying his fal- 
cons, gathering in his wheat in the high corn-fields towards 
Kilkhampton where he went to church on Sundays, receiving 
his rents, or sitting over his accounts in the town house on the 
quay at Bideford, the ships passing in or out of the river beneath 
his eyes. 

In religion also he was a man of his time, and moved with the 
times. We can be sure that the subject did not arouse his intel- 
lectual curiosity as it did Ralegh’s very remarkably. In the early 
years of the Elizabethan settlement these issues were not so 
clear as they subsequently became; and it may be that he would 
have preferred then to remain attached to the ways of his 
fathers, stare super antiquas vias. But the movement of the time, 
like a tide, was too strong for that and with such a man, whose 
whole instinct was for action. He was no religious devot like the 
Arundells or Tregian - indeed it is likely that their attitude in- 
spired him with anger and contempt. He was anything but a 



mystic; he was essentially worldly, finding his satisfaction in the 
things of this world and judging by its standards. 

So was the age - taking its cue from the extraordinary woman 
who stood at the apex of their society, and had led them to such 
success. Those who put themselves against that movement be- 
came defeatists, or if by instinct men of action, like Parsons, 
were driven into conspiracy. Grenville went with it, with an 
increasing conviction as the years went on and the struggle in 
Europe and upon the high seas developed, giving great outlet 
to men of action like him, so that in the end he was prepared to 
die for it. But there is no sign that the religious formula had 
any inner meaning for him. Of course he had God on his lips, 
like the rest of them as the years passed and times became more 
dangerous. But everthing points to this being but form, con- 
ventional acceptance of what society in general thought, a 
simple but sufficient faith. There is not the same personal con- 
viction as Drake and Hawkins had; but they were bourgeois and 
Puritans. Grenville was an aristocrat: his attitude was more 
like the Queen’s or the Howards’. 

Deep down, however, at the root of the man, there was, 
surely, an element of unbalance, of overstrain. It comes out in 
his impulsive temper, terrifying to his subordinates, which made 
him unloved where Drake was adored. It is not without signi- 
ficance that his very first appearance upon the public scene was 
an act of manslaughter. No doubt it was an accident, and the 
Elizabethans thought little of an affray; but the rashness, the 
intemperateness were there, and the determination to see a 
thing through. One wonders if this overbalance, this nervous 
strain, may not have been due to the absence of the restraining 
influence of a father, acting upon a passionate temperament. 
A young heir, he must have been left a good deal to himself. 
We do not hear of his guardian concerning himself with him in 
any way. He must have had to learn to discipline himself by his 
own experience; the experience was a hard one and we cannot 
say that it was ever wholly learned. He remained to the end a 
man with whom passion and pride were the fundamental ele- 
ments in his character: again, the Elizabethan man. Yet that 
he did try to subject himself to discipline is equally evident from 



his public career: the long laborious service to the State in so 
many fields, and on the whole, as was Elizabeth’s way, so little 
rewarded. Yet there was no word of recrimination or complaint 
from him that greater reward did not come his way, a fuller 
share of the dazzling light from the throne so amply permitted 
to Ralegh, and even, so much more generously than to himself, 
to Drake. Perhaps he was unattractive to the Queen, a hard 
man, without gallantry; she may not have felt entire confidence 
in him, and, shrewd judge of men that she was, she would not 
have been wrong. 

Over so much of his character, as we have analysed it, Gren- 
ville is not dissimilar from his fellow-men of action, Ralegh, 
Drake, Hawkins, Howard, Only in this case there was some- 
thing added, this element of undependability, of strain: Essex 
had it too and we know where it led him. There burned in 
Grenville the same intemperate ardour for action, even though 
it was less romantic, a headlong taking to a course, and a fixity 
of will in persisting in it - evident in his pouncing upon Mayne 
and the Cornish Catholics in 1577, no less than in the end he 
brought upon himself. That he had the extreme of courage 
that goes with such a nature, this whole book is evidence of. 
We know of no occasion when he drew back: clearly he deliber- 
ately determined not to, off Flores; and the knowledge that he 
really intended to blow up his ship rather than surrender, shows 
what an intensity the flame of that courage had blown into. 

Out of such a mbcture of qualities is the quality of the heroic 
made. There is the element of the undependable about it. as 
with genius: some sport of nature. Grenville was not a genius 
like Ralegh, but he was a hero. In the end, it is by this daemo- 
nic quality of the heroic that he survives to us. He would not 
have made the indelible impression he has upon the tradition of 
the English people without that; he would have been but one 
more Elizabethan commander. As it is, everybody knows the 
name of Grenville, however few know anything of his life beyond 
that one solitary action, lighting up the horizon with its dark 
glow. There is historic justice in that: the sense, the tradition 
of a nation is a better test of these values than any rational 
calculation of chances of survival. 



For it was by this last action alone that Grenville emerged as 
the legendary hero of Elizabethan sea-warfare. The manner of 
his death won him that place which he could never have at- 
tained to in life. In life, he was disappointed of the opportuni- 
ties and the good fortune which came to Drake, nor anyhow 
had he Drake’s genius as a commander. It is the irony of fate 
that by his death, the chief legend in all that legendary time in 
our history should be his and not after all Drake’s, who died 
quietly enough at sea a few years later and was buried off 
Portobello in the Spanish Main. 




A man’s life does not begin, nor does it end with himself. His 
life is but a link, unless he wills it to be otherwise, between all 
the generations that went before and those that come after. 
We have traced with Grenville something of the tradition of his 
fathers that went to make him the man he was; we must not 
leave him without a word of what he handed on to the genera- 
tions succeeding him. 

We have to draw together the few threads that are left, con- 
cerning Grenville himself. There is no will of Grenville’s re- 
maining; he died intestate, yet not without having made cer- 
tain settlements and arrangements regarding his property which 
he may have thought sufficient for any contingency. The usual 
Commission to inquire post-mortem was issued to Sir Richard 
Bevil and five others on 15 December 1591.^ The return, which 
was made at Bodmin on 27 September in the next year, deals 
with certain properties about which there may have been some 
uncertainty, outside the main entailed estate at Kilkhampton 
and Bideford. ** What is of more interest is that it refers to the 
settlement not now remaining, which Grenville made on 6 Feb- 
ruary 1591, for the marriage of his heir Bernard and for the 
jointure of Lady Mary Grenville his wife. For the latter’s bene- 
fit, a number of trustees were appointed, including Sir William 
Bevil and William Langhorne, evidently the Captain of the 
soldiers on board the Revenge, to hold the manors of Kilkhamp- 
ton, Wolston and Bideford to her use after Grenville’s death, and 
so long as she remained unmarried. 

^ S.P. 38, vol. 2 (Docquet). 

2 Inq. post-mortem. Chancery Series II, vol. 233, no. 1 19; and for Devon- 
shire property, vol. 237, no. 138. 



Lady Mary did not marry again, but lived on to a ripe old 
age at Bideford where she died in 1623. There were other sor- 
rows yet to come to her, so that it is not surprising that in her 
will, the only personal document that we have left of her - in- 
deed the only glimpse of her it is possible to obtain “• she should 
speak of her ‘departure out of this vale of misery,’ a phrase rare 
in the wills of that time.^ She affixed her sign to the document, 
not her signature; so that it is probable she could not write and 
that may help too to account for the absence of personal letters 
between her and Grenville. A charitable soul, with the good 
nature of the St. Legers, she left small legacies to the poor of 
the parishes of Winkleigh, Broadwood Kelly, Monk Okehamp- 
ton and Bideford; further small sums to her manservant and 
three women-servants; a ring to a godson; the rest of her 
property, houses, land and goods, she bequeathed to her 
daughters Katherine Abbot and Bridget Grenville. Bridget 
afterwards married Sir Christopher Harris of Radford, the 
friend and executor of Drake, through whom the sale of Buck- 
land had been arranged. Their sister Ursula was left in the 
care and ‘under the government and tuition’ of Katherine 
and Bridget, who were to receive her yearly allowance from 
their brother for her maintenance. She may have been an 
invalid: victim of the over-nervous strain in the Grenvilles or 
of the weakness and debility of the St, Legers. She died at 
Bideford in the same year that Sir Bevil, her famous nephew, 
was killed at Lansdown.^ 

It is interesting to know that Grenville provided for his son 
Bernard’s marriage, before he left on his last voyage. It was a 
very eligible match that he had arranged: Elizabeth Bevil of 
Brinn, in the parish of Withiel, was the sole heiress of her 
father and eventual heiress of her uncle. Sir William Bevil. 
The marriage, which took place at Withiel, that little granite 
church on the edge of the moor overlooking the Camel valley, 
on 10 July 1592, ten months after Sir Richard’s death, brought 
both Brinn and Killigarth and other properties in mid- and 
south-Cornwall into the Grenville family. 

At the time of his father’s death, Bernard was twenty-four. 

1 Exeter Wills J.C. 24/934. 2 Granville, 123. 



His was an unexciting personality: it was as if the land, ex- 
hausted by so much energy, such restless spending of itself, lay 
fallow. He did his duty well enough; he too in his turn became 
the chief servant of the Crown in Cornwall, and his was a long 
record of service in a quiet way. In his earlier years, succeeding 
to his brother’s interests in Ireland, he had some experience of 
Irish affairs and was knighted in 1608. Then, having had, no 
doubt, more than enough of the troubles and disappointments 
of Ireland, it was he who slipped the connection; and Sir 
Richard’s Irish estates, upon which such efforts had been ex- 
pended, came, like so much else in Munster, into the possession 
of the great Earl of Cork. In the West Country, Sir Bernard was 
a single-minded and devout supporter of Charles I in all his 
causes, particularly against Sir John Eliot’s immense personal 
influence which carried over with it into the Opposition, Sir 
Bernard’s own son BeviL In the end, Sir Bernard’s main raison 
d^itre seems to have been the begetting of his two sons, Bevil and 
Richard, the one famous, the other infamous. 

Much more exciting than Bernard’s is the all too short career 
of John, Grenville’s second son, who must have been a lad after 
his father’s heart. Grenville took him with him in the contin- 
gent of ships that he brought round from Bideford to Plymouth 
to serve against the Armada; and John commanded the Virgin 
God Save Her in those anxious, glorious days. At the time of his 
father’s death, he was serving in the Low Countries, taking hold, 
as Garew says, ‘of every martial occasion that was ministered 
him.’ ^ Next year, we find him in Ireland, whither he had 
gone to enter upon his patrimony; which makes it clear that 
Grenville’s aim in his Irish ventures was to provide an estate for 
his second son. The difficulties there were as great as ever, the 
discouragements as sickening, the situation intractable. 

Sir Warham St. Leger and John Grenville, who had suc- 
ceeded his father in the partnership, were driven to appeal to 
Burghley to permit them to enjoy their seignory of Kirry 
whirry.^ The Commissioners who were surveying the land 
settlement of Munster had granted away 39 ploughlands out of 
the 56 in their seignory. Out of the whole there remained to 
1 Carew, 176. ^ S.P. Ireland Eliz. 167, no. 37. 



them only some 15^. Yet the lands had been mortgaged by 
Desmond to St. Leger and Grenville, upon a statute of £ t ^ oqo ; 
and without regarding that, ;^8,ooo had been spent within the 
last six years in bringing people over and settling them upon the 
land, besides the losses that they had sustained in the Fitz- 
maurice and Desmond rebellions. They ask Burghley to con- 
sider Sir Warham’s old age and long service, 

‘and then to think on the sudden death of Sir Richard in her 
Majesty’s service, whereby his youngest son, your poor suppliant, 
had not left him any other portion but this poor Irish patri- 
mony to live on, being also at the time of his death in her 
Majesty’s service, in the Low Countries, where he performed 
the part of a faithful soldier. Neither hath he any means to 
relieve himself if this be taken from him.’ 

Sir Warham added a postscript: 

T most humbly beseech you to consider of the estate of your 
poor suppliant, Sir Richard Grenville’s son, whose father even 
to the end, carried a true testimony of his loyal mind towards 
his prince and country, as the world generally doth witness . . . 
and that you will vouchsafe to have that remorse of him as that 
he may be the better encouraged to good actions and be able 
to relieve himself as the son of him who lived and died her 
Majesty’s most loyal and vowed soldier and servant; or other- 
wise he shall be driven to wander as a distressed soul to seek his 
relief, which were a case most lamentable.’ 

Nor was this the end of their troubles. It is a mistake to sup- 
pose that most people made anything out of the attempt to settle 
and civilise that unhappy country: far more frequently fortunes 
were swallowed up in its bogs, legal and political no less than 
physical. It is clear that Grenville had overspent himself on the 
Irish venture and made nothing but losses by it. He would have 
been better off if he had stayed at home. Later on we find Sir 
Bevil Grenville complaining against the burdens laid upon the 
estate by his ‘wasteful predecessors.’ 

Is it any wonder that life in Ireland did not appeal to John 
Grenville? That same year, 1 593, we find him at sea, serving as 



a captain in the fleet set out by Ralegh to watch off Spain and 
the Azores for the great East Indian carracks.^ Two great ships 
of the Queen, the Garland and the Foresight were of the com- 
pany. The fleet was divided into two squadrons; John Gren- 
ville being on board the Garland under Frobisher which was de- 
tailed to watch off the Spanish coast; the other squadron, under 
Sir John Borough, off the Azores captured the Madre de Dios, the 
richest carrack ever brought to these shores, and burned an- 
other, the Santa Cruz- Two years later the young Grenville 
joined Ralegh’s great expedition for the discovery of Guiana: 
the first voyage of exploration which Ralegh was to lead him- 
self, and the beginning of that life-long preoccupation with the 
idea of an English Empire in South America which brought him 
to his end. 

In the superb account which Ralegh wrote of the voyage, we 
frequently hear of John Grenville in the forefront of adventure, 
exploring the numerous and intricate channels of those great 
rivers, going sometimes forward in the galley-boat with Ralegh 
himself (^my cousin John Grenville’), sometimes coasting along 
the fever-laden river-banks in the barge; but always with a 
gallant company of west-countrymen whom Ralegh’s call had 
brought forth to the adventure: his cousin young Gilbert, Cap- 
tain Thynne, or Captain Whiddon, Butshead Gorges or William 
Connock, or Captain Facey, his father’s friend.^ So that there 
were west-country faces around him to the last; for though 
Ralegh does not tell us how, upon this voyage he died, and, as 
Carew says, ‘under the command of Sir Walter Ralegh, the 
ocean became his bed of honour.’ 

So much for the family which Grenville begot; his son and 
successor. Sir Bernard, had a long and peaceful reign, and did 
not die until well on in the reign of Charles I, in 1636. The 
specific qualities of the Grenville character remained latent 
with him; he was not at all venturesome, but rather a stay-at- 
home; so far from being passionate, he was inclined to be easy- 
going, good-tempered, pacific; something of an antiquarian. 
Only the devotion to duty was there. There was no doubt also 
the living influence of his father’s heroic quality, of his life of 
1 Hakluyt VII, 108. ® Hakluyt X, 350, 396, 403, 417, 422. 


service to the state, ever present with the family and increasing 
its hold on the mind of later generations. It is a thing in its 
nature intangible, impossible to calculate. 

But we have something more striking, and more certain, in 
the family’s heredity. It is remarkable how the Grenville 
qualities come out in the second generation, with Bevil and 
Richard, Grenville’s grandchildren, and how they seem to 
bifurcate into these two. All the best qualities of Grenville, the 
adventurousness, the high mettle, the devotion to duty, with 
an added tenderness and charm which made him a figure so 
poetic and appealing, went into Bevil; and all the bad into 
Richard, intensified to such a degree that he becomes a carica- 
ture of his grandfather. His temper made him impossible to 
live with; he quarrelled with everybody; his acquisitiveness was 
such that in the Civil Wars he embarked on a career of high- 
handed plundering on the grand scale; the harshness and un- 
balance of the man came near to insanity. Yet he was a good 
soldier. He had courage, and, being a Grenville, could somehow 
carry off all the bravado and swagger. When he was deposed 
from his command by the Prince’s Council in the west in 1645, 
Hyde was astonished to find that in spite of all his depredations 
and his consistent record of oppression, the country people 
besieged the Prince on his retreat through the west with peti- 
tions to pardon and release him. So high stood the name of the 
Grenvilles in the west country in the darkest days of defeat for 
their cause! 

That their name stood so high in the land was due to Bevil 
Grenville, the ‘most generally loved man’ in the west. His was 
a nature singularly gallant and lovely. He had not always been 
on the King’s side; as a young man, he had been Sir John 
Eliot’s closest friend and supporter: Eliot, with that fascination 
he must have had, exercised an empire over his mind. As the 
years went on (Eliot now dead), and it became clearer that the 
ancient foundations of the monarchy were being challenged by 
the Parliamentarian party, Bevil Grenville, like many of the 
choicest spirits in the country, like Hyde and Falkland, came 
over to the King. They were the heart and soul of the King’s 
cause, and not all the Endymion Porters, the Finches and 



Windebanks. When the war with Scotland came, Bevil Gren- 
ville wrote: 

‘I cannot contain myself within my doors when the King of 
England’s standard waves in the field upon so just occasion: 
the cause being such as must make all those that die in it little 
inferior to martyrs. And for mine own part, I desire to acquire 
an honest name or an honourable grave. I never loved my life 
or ease so much as to shun such an occasion, which if I should, 
I were unworthy of the profession I have held as to succeed 
those ancestors of mine who have so many of them sacrificed 
their life for their country.’ 

Such was the spirit in which Sir Bevil answered the call in 
the King’s hour of still greater need with the outbreak of the 
Civil War. His services to the Royalist cause in the west were 
inestimable. He was the first to raise the King’s standard there 
and to call his friends and tenantry to arms; his influence in the 
country was enormous. He it was who, with Hop ton, organised 
the royalist forces and made such a wonderful fighting instru- 
ment of the Cornish foot. He led them to victory at Braddock 
Down, Stratton and Lansdown, where at the last he fell; on 
the battlefield his young son John was lifted on to his charger 
to lead his men. But with his death, the heart went out of the 
cause; and with the terrible decimations which the Cornish 
army suffered at Round way Down and the siege of Bristol, even 
though victorious, they ceased to be the fighting force they had 
been. Bevil Grenville had not, as his brother Richard had done, 
received any training as a soldier. But he was a born leader of 
men, an instinctive soldier, all the fighting qualities of his race 
came out in him, pure and unadulterated, with any selfish 
passion. As the historian of that splendid moment in the history 
of the Cornish people has said: ‘his death, in the moment of 
victory for a cause in which he believed implicitly, was happy.’ ^ 

There were other qualities too, very endearing, in Bevil Gren- 
ville’s nature: his affectionateness to his friends, the concern he 
felt for them in their troubles, the love that passed between him 
and his wife, so that they were never happy away from each 
^ M. Coate, Cornwall in the Civil War, 88. 



Other. A few years after they were married, about 1 625, they 
went to live at Stowe, which Sir Bernard handed over to them, 
himself retiring for the last ten years of his life to one of his 
other Cornish houses, Killigarth or Brinn.^ Bevil in these early 
years was much engaged in repairing and rebuilding at Stowe, 
making walls for sheltered closes, planting trees, buying pictures 
and carpets for the house. His wife writes to him while he was 
away in London attending Parliament; 'Your case of pictures 
was loose and almost open, before I had it, and the King’s and 
Sir John Eliot’s hath received some hurt in carriage, but none 
since it came hither. I pray you make haste and come home, so 
God keep you well and be not angry with me.’ Or Bevil writes 
home: 'Your beds are amaking, and some Turkey work for 
stools and chairs I have seen, but not yet bargained for; it is 
very dear, but if money hold out I will have them’; with a post- 
script: 'Charge Postlett and Hooper that they keep out the pigs 
and all other things out of my new nursery and the other 
orchard too. Let them use any means to keep them safe, or 
my trees will be all spoiled if they come in, which I would not 
for a world.’ Or he sends home a box of dried sweetmeats to 
his wife, the best that he can get, of all sorts saving only 
apricots: 'The note of particulars is herein enclosed, wanting 
only one box of the Quidiniock, which I have eaten.’ 

Then there are more important matters to worry him: money, 
Sir John Eliot’s imprisonment, or his son Dick’s wasting his time 
at Oxford. To the latter he writes recommending him to keep 
to his logic and his Aristotle, and to give over reading so much 
history and poetry: 

T am my self in this very point a woeful example; I pray God 
you be not such too. I was left to my own discretion when I was 
a youth in Oxford, and so fell upon the sweet delight of reading 
Poetry and History, in such sort as I troubled no other books, 
and do find my self so infinitely defective by it, when I come to 
manage any occasions of weight, as I would give a limb it were 

But Dick went his own way, even as Bevil himself had gone his 
^ For following paragraphs cf. Granville, and Diet, Nat. Biog. 



against his father; and we find him writing to his wife later: 'He 
shall stand or fall by his own judgment for mine is despised by 
him’ - a frequent sentiment with fathers. Then, a year or two, 
and the lad was dead. 

The Civil War sweeps down upon them all; Bevil is caught 
up into it from the first, every moment occupied, and yet has 
time to write to his wife of the progress of their arms. He sends 
her immediate news of the first Cavalier victory at Braddock 
Down; how the night before 'we could march no further than 
Boconnock Park where (upon my Lord Mohun’s kind motion) 
we quartered all our Army by good fires under the hedge.’ In 
the midst of these employments he thinks of his orchards at 
Stowe and remembers to send home graftings of fruit trees: T 
did send home some pear grafts from Truro about Michaelmas; 
let them be carefully grafted also, and note which is one and 
which the other.’ 

It is very fortunate that these letters, at least, have been pre- 
served, giving us the details, intimate and trifling, by which we 
may reconstruct the picture of their daily life. Lady Grace’s 
letters are no less charming than his, with her 'Sweet Mr. Gren- 
ville’ answering his 'Dear Love.’ It is only by these fragments 
that remain, and sometimes when one looks upon their memo- 
rials in the quiet Cornish churches, the seasons racing by outside 
the windows, that one has a sudden apprehension of these men 
and women long dead and of what they were when they were 
alive, going about the countryside on their concerns. In those 
moments, it is as if one were listening to the beating of their 
hearts, and they all the more intimate and moving, being dead. 

All was very different with Sir Richard, BeviTs brother. His 
was the life of a turbulent soldier; we are back in an earlier 
Grenville atmosphere, earlier and coarser. Richard began life 
fighting in the Palatinate and the Netherlands: the Thirty 
Years’ War is the background against which to see him. Then 
he served in the various unsuccessful expeditions of Bucking- 
ham, to Cadiz and the Isle of Rhe; he was knighted and 
appointed to command a regiment against Rochelle. Through 
Buckingham’s influence, too, he was married to a rich Devon- 
shire widow, the daughter of Sir John Fitz of Fitzford, widow 



of Sir Charles Howard. The pair were not unequally matched; 
the one was a brute, and the other a vixen, and no better than 
she should be into the bargain. Needless to say, their married 
life was one prolonged contest, in which, in the end the lady 
came off best. For by the Howard influence, Grenville was 
ruined at law by being fined large sums for insulting the family. 
He went abroad; but on the outbreak of the Irish Rebellion 
took service there. He fought energetically, bravely, savagely. 
In 1643 he returned. 

Since he had not declared himself for either King or Parlia- 
ment, the latter invited him to London, made much of him, 
thanked him for his services, paid his arrears in full and gave 
him command of a troop of horse. The plan for a surprise attack 
on Basing House was also confided to him. Equipped with this, 
with a troop of horse and ;^6oo, he drove out of London in 
coach and six - and straight to Oxford to place himself under 
the King’s orders. Parliament was furious, not unnaturally; 
he was proclaimed 'traitor, rogue, villain and skellum’ and a 
gibbet was set up for him in Palace Yard. Henceforth, he was 
always called Skellum Grenville in all their proclamations and 
excepted by name from those malignants who might be par- 
doned, in all negotiations set on foot by Parliament. It seems 
he had a pretty sense of humour. The Royalists were vastly 
amused: 'O credulous Parliament!’ one of their newsletters 
wrote, Tf Sir Richard Grenville was indeed a Red Fox, what 
were the sagacious ones who hearkened to him?’ 

Within a few days of his arrival at Oxford, he was given a 
command in the West and was particularly charged with the 
siege of Plymouth. Operations around Plymouth lasted for the 
rest of the war and the town never capitulated. But one of the 
consequences of this charge was that Grenville took up his 
residence at Buckland Abbey; the Drakes were Parliamen- 
tarians and driven out of possession. So once more, for a brief 
period, a Grenville ruled at Buckland: a curious ghostly hark- 
ing-back to an earlier period in its history. The King seques- 
trated the estate to him, and with it also the large estates of the 
Earl of Bedford and then Lord Robartes. Sir Richard now ruled 
with a high hand; during the last years of the Royalist cause in 



the West, he was the leading west-countryman on the spot and 
that gave him a popular hold in spite of all his misdeeds. He 
hanged the solicitor who had conducted his wife’s case in the 
Star-Chamber: that was a good joke, to him. His quarrels with 
the other commanders were incessant; he was at daggers drawn 
with Hyde, the leading member of the Prince’s Council, a sort 
of Royalist Prime Minister (‘So fat a Hide ought to be well 
tanned,’ he wrote) ; and when he was at length laid by the heels, 
the whole West Country rose up in protest. When the debacle 
came, he was permitted to get away from St. Michael’s Mount, 
where he had been confined; he escaped to France and there 
died, after further recriminations with Hyde and being at 
length forbidden to come into the Prince’s presence. This he 
took very seriously, became a misanthrope - of which he had the 
makings already; shut himself up and died two years before his 
Majesty’s happy Restoration, which might have recovered him. 

In bringing about the Restoration, the Grenvilles had a very 
significant, if necessarily backstairs part. Sir Bevil Grenville 
had left two sons, John and Bernard. John, though very young, 
fought on in the Civil War, his father’s heir; he was severely 
wounded, in fact left for dead, at the second battle of Newbury, 
when only sixteen. On the execution of the King, he left the 
country for Jersey, whence he sailed to assume the command of 
the Scilly Islands, which were held in force for Charles. For 
two years he maintained himself here, building up a formidable 
force of privateers - again a harking back to an old family 
tradition - which preyed upon the shipping and trade of the 
Commonwealth. At last, the Islands had to be reduced; but it 
took a large force under Blake, with the help of the Dutch under 
van Tromp, to do it. By the articles of surrender, Grenville was 
permitted to visit Charles abroad and then to return. This he 
did, made his submission, lived on at Stowe helping Charles 
financially all he could and with his finger in every western 
conspiracy against the Protectorate. 

It so happened that Grenville was on close terms of intimacy 
with the Monks - they were cousins of his, a Devonshire family; 
of whom one, George Monk, was a Cromwellian general, left in 
a dominating position at the head of the army by Cromwell’s 



death. John Grenville established contact with the General in 
these uncertain decisive days, 1 658-9, through Nicholas Monk, 
the General’s brother, whom he had presented to the living of 
Kilkhampton, Grenville himself made the contacts with 
Charles II abroad; and after a long period of negotiation, 
Monk’s going over to the King’s side enabled the Restoration 
to be brought about. 

This small group was, of course, richly rewarded by the King 
on his return, and remained in high favour and influence 
throughout his reign. Monk was given a dukedom: he became 
Duke of Albemarle. Charles I had intended to make Sir Bevil 
an Earl for his services; they were rewarded now in the person 
of his son, who became Earl of Bath, Viscount Lansdowne and 
Baron Grenville of Kilkhampton. This was the hey-day of the 
Grenvilles; it rained titles upon them. Now was the time when 
the great rococco legend was fabricated, of their descent from 
the Earls of Granville in Normandy: the inflated and bogus 
antiquarianism which so much appealed to later generations of 
Grenvilles, and so aroused the ire of the learned Dr. Round. 
Very ridiculously, they changed the spelling of their name to 
Granville. The new Earl of Bath was given permission to use the 
titles of Earl of Corbeil, Thorigny and Granville ‘as his an- 
cestors had done.’ They had a good enough Norman descent 
without this absurdity. Bath maintained throughout Charles’s 
life a position of very intimate friendship with the King. As 
first gentleman of the bedchamber and Groom of the Stole, he 
was constantly with the King; and when Charles on his death- 
bed was received into the Roman Church, Bath and Fever- 
sham were the only Protestants admitted into the room.^ 

In the west, the Earl’s position was tremendous and beyond 
comparison; for the time, at any rate, the Grenvilles had out- 
soared all competitors. At the very beginning of the reign, he 
had been made Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, of all the 
castles and other offices belonging to it, and Rider of Dartmoor 
Forest. A little later he was made Lord-Lieutenant of the 
county and Lord Warden of the Stannaries. Then, in addition 
to his offices at Court, he became Captain and Governor of 

^ cf. the vivid description of the scene in Bryant, Charles 77, 368-9. 



Plymouth, with the castle and fort. To this period belongs the 
building of the Citadel overlooking Plymouth Hoe, with the 
great gate which we still see with the Earl of Bath’s arms over 
it, the famous (if obscure) Grenville clarions. Further pro- 
motions and appointments were still to come. Perhaps the most 
interesting in view of Sir Richard Grenville’s part in first plant- 
ing an English colony in Virginia, was the constitution of Caro- 
lina, all the country between Albemarle Sound and the river 
St.John, into a colony under eight Lords Proprietors, of whom 
Bath was one and Albemarle another. The Grenville connec- 
tion with Carolina was maintained after Bath’s death by his 
second son, John, who was created Baron Granville by Queen 
Anne and was also a Lord Proprietor. He died without issue 
in 1707, his title lapsing with him. 

But there was a certain insecurity in the foundation of this 
too exalted position; the fact was that the Grenvilles were not 
a rich family, and their estates were not adequate to support 
such grandeur. Much of their wealth must have been drained 
generation after generation from the time of Sir Richard for 
their various enterprises and their costly services to the Crown. 
It was only right that the Crown should recoup them, and 
Charles did his best by making Bath a number of grants, 
various fees, the grant of deodands and felons’ goods in certain 
Cornish manors, the agency for issuing wine-licences, a lease of 
the duties on the pre-emption and coinage of tin in Devon 
and Cornwall - some iC3>ooo a year which was later charged 
upon the revenue from tin and made a grant to him and his 
heirs in perpetuity. Fortified by these grants, Bath embarked 
upon pulling down the old medieval mansion at Stowe which 
had served so many generations of Grenvilles, and putting up 
a superb great classical building in the new style in brick. It 
was sumptuously furnished, wainscoted with cedar. 

What all this ostentation ignored, was that the position 
depended so much upon royal favour. With James II, who re- 
sented Bath’s stubborn Protestantism, it was withdrawn. Nor 
was the position ultimately made any better by the Revolution 
of 1688, though Bath after long hesitation threw in his lot with 
the Prince of Orange; for the Grenvilles were far too much 



bound up with the loyalist cause and with the exiled Stuarts, to 
feel happy under Dutch William. Moreover, the Earl received 
a bitter disappointment over the dukedom of Albemarle. It had 
always been understood that the dukedom should devolve upon 
the Grenvilles, on the failure of heirs to the Monks. Charles II 
had made a promise to that effect, but he was of course unable 
to commit his successors. It was the wish of the second and last 
Duke, who died in 1688, a hopeless drunkard and without 
children, that his cousins should succeed to his title and pro- 
perty, Bath spent the next seven years trying to make good his 
claim to the latter, upon which enormous sums were spent at 
law. Then in 1696 the Albemarle title was suddenly granted by 
William III to his friend Keppel. 

The Grenvilles were bitterly mortified; the dream, or rather 
the confident expectation, of a dukedom was disappointed, 
their estate burdened, and in his last years Bath was made to 
resign his lord-lieutenancies and some of his other appoint- 
ments. This was the position to which his heir, Lord Lans- 
downe, succeeded; it is said that when he learnt the full facts 
of the position, a fortnight after his father^s death, he shot him- 
self, and both were carried down to Cornwall and buried the 
same day at Kilkhampton. The only significant thing in the 
young Lansdowne’s life was that he served, like his great an- 
cestor before him, in the wars of Austria and Hungary against 
the Turk; he fought in the last siege of Vienna, among the 
foreign contingents under John Sobieski who delivered the city 
when it was at its last gasp in 1683. For his services he was 
created a Count of the Holy Roman Empire. 

He left a young son, William Henry, who became third Earl. 
He also took to the profession of his family, and quite young, 
fought two campaigns in Flanders. While he was on one of 
these, his cousin George Granville, wrote a long letter of advice 
to the young head of the family, which, sententious though it is, 
like everything that George Granville wrote, is remarkably 
interesting as expressing the Grenvilles’ conception of their 
family and of its place and duty in the west. 

‘You are placed at the head of a body of gentry entirely dis- 



posed in affection to you and your fanaily ... You are upon an 
uncommon foundation in that part of the world, your ancestors 
for at least five hundred years never made any alliance, male or 
female, out of Western Counties. Thus there is hardly a gentle- 
man either in Cornwall or Devon but has some of your blood, or 
you some of theirs. I remember the first time I accompanied 
your grandfather into the West, upon holding his Parliament of 
Tinners as Warden of the Stannaries, when there was the most 
numerous appearance of gentry of both counties that had ever 
been remembered together. I observed there was hardly any- 
one but whom he called cousin, and I could not but observe at 
the same time how well they were pleased with it. Let this be a 
lesson for you when it comes to your turn to appear amongst 
them . . . 

‘There is another particular in my opinion of no small con- 
sequence to the support of your interest, which I would recom- 
mend to your imitation: and that is to make Stowe your 
principal residence. I have heard your grandfather say that, 
if ever he lived to be possessed of New Hall, he would pull it 
down that your father might have no temptation to withdraw 
from the ancient seat of his family. From the Conquest to the 
Restoration your Ancestors constantly resided amongst their 
country men, except when the public service called upon them 
to sacrifice their lives for it. Stowe in my grandfather’s time till 
the Civil Wars broke out was a kind of academy for all young 
men of family in the country; he provided himself with the best 
masters of all kinds for education, and the children of his neigh- 
bours and friends shared the advantage of his own. Thus he in 
a manner became the father of his country, and not only 
engaged the affection of the present generation but laid a 
foundation of friendship for posterity, which is not worn out at 
this day.’ ^ 

Alas, that such good advice should have been of no effect, on 
either point! For it never came to the young Earl’s turn to 
appear amongst the gentry of the west-country like his grand- 
father. The very next year he died on service in Flanders under 

^ Granville, 397-8. 


Marlborough; and within ten years Stowe was pulled down and 
the materials all sold^ the place made desolate. It is said and 
it is quite credible - that a man of Stratton remembered the 
place where Bath built his great house, a little away from the 
old one, first a cornfield, and then a cornfield again forty years 
after. The egregious woman who was responsible for this was 
the Countess Granville, created so in her own right in 1714, 
daughter, and a coheiress, of the first Earl. 

Tlxe male line continued for some time longer in the descend- 
ants of Bernard Granville, Sir Be\drs second surviving son, 
Bath’s brother. Bernard’s eldest son, another Bevil, served in 
the army in the Low Countries, there fought a duel in which he 
killed his man, the Marquis de Rada; was made Governor of the 
Barbadoes under Anne and died of fever at sea on his way 
home in 1706. His brother George, Lord Lansdowne, was one 
of the peers created by the Tories in 171 1 to secure a majority 
in the House of Lords. He had a somewhat variegated, but 
dilettante, career in politics and literature. Like his uncle, 
Denis Granville, Dean of Durham, Lansdowne was a Jacobite; 
the Dean went into exile for the sake of the Stuarts, but had the 
satisfaction of living at Corbeil for the sake of his ‘ancestors,’ 
where he died. Lansdowne compromised, and led an active 
political career under Queen Anne; but this was ruined with 
the accession of the Hanoverians and he took to literature: an 
unattractive frigid figure, from whom all the Grenville fire had 
departed, an unpleasant mixture of the pompous and the frivo- 
lous. Indeed the male line, with such a fearful mortality in the 
early years of the century, what with deaths by fever and by 
their own hand, like the deaths on the field of battle or at sea 
in earlier generations, was becoming exhausted. A certain 
rigidity, a lack of the old ilan^ becomes noticeable with the men 
of the stock; the talent and the attractiveness come out only in 
the women. 

There remained only Bernard Granville’s third son, another 
Bernard, who had any boys to carry on the line. This second 
Bernard also served in the wars in Flanders and accompanied 
his eldest brother, the Governor of the Barbadoes, to the West 
Indies; on his return he became Lieut. -Governor of Hull, But 



his only significance was in his children; for he was the father 
of the vivacious and universally admired Mary Granville, sub- 
sequently Mrs. Delany. She was one of the most attractive of all 
the Grenville women, witty, clever, kind-hearted and of the 
most exquisite manner and breeding; rather a highbrow: the 
friend and correspondent of Wesley (she was Aspasia to his 
Cyrus), of Pope and of Swift in his later years. She was a 
counterpart among all the later Grenville women, the only 
one who is comparable in attractiveness and vitality to Lady 
Lisle among the earlier. When she was a very old woman, she 
became the close friend of George III and Queen Charlotte: 
their simple and unaffected kindness to her was one of the most 
charming features in their rather dreary domesticity. 

There were two brothers of Mary Granville’s; Bernard the 
third and Bevil. The latter was a clergyman, and died without 
progeny •“ at least without any legitimate progeny. The former, 
Bernard, was the last male heir of the Grenvilles. He began in 
the army, but on the death of his uncle, Lord Lansdowne, who 
seems to have had an affection for him and left him his heir, he 
retired. About the same time, he benefited considerably by the 
death, at last, of the old Duchess of Albemarle who had caused 
the Earl of Bath so much trouble a generation before; her 
property was divided between the Countess Granville, Lord 
Gower and Bernard Granville as the heirs of Lord Bath, though 
the old lady had lived till 1734 to spite them all. 

With his considerable fortune, Bernard Granville bought an 
estate in Staffordshire, Calwich Abbey. His desertion of Corn- 
wall after so many centuries of the Grenville connection has 
something peculiar in it; and it is said that a disappointment in 
love, while he was staying there with his sister Mary, then Mrs. 
Pendarves, turned him against the place and soured his dis- 
position. Certainly he never married, and he was a queer 
character for the Grenvilles to come to an end with. He was 
accomplished and well-bred, a musician and a connoisseur of 
pictures. Among his few close friends were Jean Jacques Rous- 
seau, while the latter lived in this country, and Handel who 
was a frequent visitor at Calwich, where an organ was built 
for him by Father Smith and where a magnificent collection 

353 z 


of his original manuscriptis accumulated, along with the rare 
antiquarian books, the choice pictures and family portraits. 

But there was another side to his nature. He was stern and 
unbending, unloving and unlovable in character. He had all 
the family haughtiness and family pride; he never forgave his 
spirited and charming sister for her marriage to Dr. Delany. 
The old Countess Granville gave Mary and her husband a 
mauvais quart (Theure when they went to call on her; they literally 
stopped there no longer than a quarter of an hour. Bernard 
kept up his resentment throughout the rest of his life; and 
though he liked corresponding with his sister, he would not 
have her near him when he lay dying. Mary wrote of him that 
his unhappiness was due To a temper never properly subdued"; 
the last of the Granvilles was evidently a true Grenville. 

Upon the death of the young William Henry, last Earl of 
Bath, his aunts, Lady Leveson-Gower and Lady Carteret (after- 
wards Countess Granville) laid claim to the estates. It would 
seem that Lord Lansdowne had a better claim, but as he was 
a prisoner in the Tower at the time, he was glad to accept a 
composition for 3(^30,000. The estates in the West Country, 
instead of descending in the male line, thus descended in the 
female line; the Gowers and through them the Sutherlands, got 
the Devonshire property, and the Carterets the Cornish. It is 
through the latter that the Thynnes inherited what remains of 
the Grenville lands in Cornwall, mostly in the parish of Kilk- 
hampton and including the site of Stowe. Through the various 
lines of female descent, the Grenville blood has disseminated 
itself through the peerage: the Sutherlands, Ellesmeres, Gran- 
villes, Dysarts, Baths and Spencers. The last Bernard Granville, 
the last male branch, are represented by the Granvilles of 
Wellesbourne, who descend from Anne Granville, Mrs. Delany’s 
younger sister, who married into the D’Ewes family which took 
the name of Granville. Last there are the far-flung relation- 
ships of the west-country gentry, among whom the Stucleys of 
Hartland represent the chief female Grenville descent. 

But it should not be forgotten that in the numerous and 
fascinating clan of Cornish Grenfells - the spelling is an indica- 
tion of how the Grenvilles pronounced their name in earlier 



centuries - the male stock in its junior line going back to the 
time of Sir Richard Grenville of the Revenge^ though not to the 
hero himself, goes on. The Grenvilles were a very prolific 
family in the fifteenth and early sixteenth century; and it is from 
that time that the numerous Grenfells scattered over Cornwall, 
and to be met with beyond, descend. It is astonishing how faith- 
fully too they reproduce the family characteristics, for they 
have been mostly fighters, adventurers, explorers. And in the 
last generation, their exploits in capturing peerages - three of 
them, the Grenfell, Desborough and St. Just peerages - almost 
equal those of the Granvilles at the Restoration. But the domin- 
ant note has been that of fighting and adventuring. A family 
which has produced in short space Admiral Grenfell of the 
Brazilian exploits, Grenfell of the Congo, explorer and 
missionary, Field-Marshal Lord Grenfell, and Grenfell of 
Labrador, remains true to type. 

And never was it truer than in producing those fighting men, 
the soldier-sons of Lord Desborough, Julian and Billy Grenfell, 
both killed in the War. Julian Grenfell was the incarnation of 
the fighting-man, as much as Sir Richard Grenville himself. 

T adore War,’ he wrote home from the Front. T have never 
felt so well, or so happy, or enjoyed anything so much. It just 
suits my stolid health, and stolid nerves, and barbaric disposi- 
tion. The fighting-excitement vitalizes everything, every sight 
and word and action. One loves one’s fellow-man so much 
more when one is bent on killing him.’ ^ 

It is what so many generations of Grenvilles felt, though they 
could not have put it in words; Sir Richard, Marshal of Calais, 
Roger drowned in the Mary Rosey his son Richard killed in the 
Azores, John who died at sea upon Ralegh’s expedition to 
Guiana, Sir Bevil killed at Lansdown in the Civil War, the 
young Earl who died in Flanders fighting under Marlborough 
and his cousin who died at sea on his way home from the Bar- 
badoes. It is curious to reflect that so many centuries should 
have passed and then the spirit of the family achieve belated 
expression in Julian Grenfell’s poem: 

^ iVar Letters of Fallen Englishmen^ i ly-iS. 



The fighting man shall from the sun 
Take warmth, and life from the glowing earth; 

Speed with the light-foot winds to run, 

And with the trees to newer birth; 

And find when fighting shall be done. 

Great rest, and fullness after dearth . . . 

And when the burning moment breaks. 

And all things else are out of mind. 

And only joy of battle takes 
Him by the throat, and makes him blind, 

Through joy and blindness he shall know. 

Not caring much to know, that still 

Nor lead nor steel shall reach him, so 
That it be not the Destined Will. 

The thundering line of battle stands. 

And in the air death moans and sings; 

But Day shall clasp him with strong hands, 

And Night shall fold him in soft wings. 

On the day on which his poem was published, his death in 
France was announced, leaving, as so often before in the history 
of the Grenvilles, a place desolate and empty. What does it all 
mean? one asks, reading his poem and his letters glorying in war, 
or casting back over all that history; to what purpose? 

In the end, one comes to rest upon the place they all sprang 
from, no less empty and desolate. There are the emplacements 
where the last house stood, there are even portions of its brick 
foundations, the levelled spaces beneath the grass where the 
terraces were. But beyond those empty spaces through which 
passed so much crowded life for so long a time, the country has 
not much changed. There it is, just as Sir Richard surely saw 
it in his mind’s eye in those last hours in the Azores: the corn- 
fields are still there and something of the orchards; below are 
the woods of Coombe, in the east the tower of Kilkhampton 
church putting a term to the horizon, and in the west, the sea. 


Abbot, Justinian, 275; William, 275 
Allen, William, Cardinal, 131, 137--8, 140 
Altamirano, Fernando de, aii-13 
Amadas, Captain, 191, 199, 214, 215, 216, 242 
America, geography of, 85-6; colonisation, 198. (See also 
Virginia, and West Indies) 

Anian, Straits of, 85-6, 102-5, m-is 
Antonio, Don, Portuguese Pretender, 158-9, 167 
Antwerp, sack of, 127, 128 
Aramburu, Marcos de, 304, 307, 309 
Armada, the Spanish, 245, 257, 261, 262-4, 265-6 
Arundel, Ven. Philip, Earl of. 133 

Arundells, of Lanheme, 17, 18, 27, 13 1-2; Humphrey, 41-2; 
Sir John (nth), 27, 131-2; (13th), 74, 75, loi, 132, 133, 
136, 143, 152, 169, 182; Sir Thomas, 30, 132 
- Thomas, of Leigh, 37, 49, 57; Alexander, 43, 95 
Arundells of Trerice, 27, 49; Sir John, loi, 169; John, 169, 205, 
215, 216, 220 
Australis, Terra, 86-94, 

Azores, the, 158-9, 167, 234-5, 286, 290-1, 298, 300-20, 324-8, 


Bacon, Francis, 330-1 
Barlow, Captain, 191, 1 99-201 
Barnstaple, 77, 114, 233, 247, 294, 327 
Bassets, the, 31-2, 56, 122; Sir Arthur Basset, 33, 56, 57, 78, 95, 
122, 128 

Bazan, Alonso de, 289-90, 292, 300-1, 303-5, 306-9, 313-15, 
318, 322-3 

Bedford, Francis, 2nd Earl of, loo-i, 139, 140, 152, 162, 171, 
181, 196 

Bertendona, Martin de, 304, 307-8, 309, 314, 315 



Bideford, 15-19. 1 13-15. ” 7 . 232-3, 240-2, 248, 255, 275, 294, 

327. 337-8 

Bodmin, 41, 75, 173, 337 
Boleyn, Queen Anne, 30 
Boscastle, 16, 184-5 
Bristol, 153, 265 

Buckland Abbey, 15, 36, 44, 57, iir, 123-6, 155-6, 288, 346 
Budockshide, Philip, 50, 62-3 
Bullers, the, 186-8 

Burghley, William Lord, 19, 82-3, 118, 153, 246-7, 260, 270-1 

Cabot, John and Sebastian, 198 
Cadiz, 245, 252, 323 
Caesar, Dr. Julius, 120, 248-9, 274-5 
Calais, 21, 26, 32-5, 1 1 7, 263 
Campion, Edmund, 130, 159-60 

Carews, 51-2; Sir Peter Carew, 51, 60, 66; Richard, 28, 44, 63, 
126, 172, 188, 330, 339 
Carnsew, William, 126-9 
Carrigaline Castle, 66, 68-9 

Cathay, North-West Passage to, 84-6, 101-2, 226; North-East 
Passage, 84-6 

Catholicism, 130-1, 142-3, 144, 159-60, 179 
Cavendish, Thomas, 205, 224, 237 

Champernownes, the, 50, 62-3; Sir Arthur Champernowne, 62, 
n > 973 993 loi, 1 18 

Channel, the English, 39, 51, 72, 81-2, 100, 165, 245, 253, 260- 
263, 289 

Charles II, 347-8, 349-50 
Chesapeake Bay, 226, 230, 238, 243 
Clifton, 37-8, 43, 49, 57 
Cork, 65-70, 268, 272, 273 
Cornelius, Fr. John, 142 

Cornwall, disorders of 1548, 40; the Rebellion of 1549, 41-3; 
defence of, 246, 249-51, 254-5; Musters in, loo-i, 144-5, 
180-2, 247; Parliamentary representation, 76, 78, 
190; and the plantation of Munster, 231-2; state of clergy 




Courtenays, i8, 51; Edward, Earl of Devon, 51 
Croatoarij isle of, 215, 239, 242—3 
Cromwell, Thomas Lord, 3^5 33“45 35 
Cumberland, George, 3rd Earl, 290, 293 

DSmond^GeraldtiS* Earl, 65-7, 100, 101, 267-9, 277 
-James Fitzmaurice of, 66-70, 100, 153 
Devon, 30, 52, 62, 181-2, 246, 249-51, 254-5 

Dover Harbour, 183, 185-6 „ Or. t fto or 106- 

Drake, Sir Francis, 37, 49 - 50 , 60, 63, 71 2, , 3 , 95 , 

1 12, 154-6, 158, 190-1, 203, 209, 213, 228-9, 245, 251 3, 

257—9, 282, 287—8, 33 ^ 

Edgcumbe, Peter, 50, 76, 95-6, loi, 128, 152; Sir Piers, 29, Sir 
Richard, 19 

Eliot, Sir John, 339, 342, 344 „ „ , .g 78-0 82, 

256, 258, 260, 284-6 
Elizabethan Age, the, 22—5, 33 ^ 

of (WaUamBradbridge). .37-K John 

Wootton, 174-5 

Falmouth, i6, 147, 164-8, 198, 217, 246, 295 
Fermoy Abbey, 273, 283-6 
Flores, 219, 300-1, 303-6, 318, 323 7, 33 
Florida, 199, 214 

with, .543-6, 38-40; Socond ReUgious War in. 


Frobisher, Martin, 105, 290-1, 34 ^^ 

Gawdy, Philip, 294 9, 3^7, 328 Qo—fi 101—2 iQi, t94, 

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 61, 69-70, 76-7,83 6, 0 3, 9 , 9 

197-8; Sir John, 258 



Gilly Abbey, 272, 273, 283-6 

Godolphin, Sir Francis, 161, 261; Sir William, 74, 75 
Grainville, Richard de, 17 

Granville, Bernard (ist), 347, 352; (2nd), 352“3; (S^d), 353-4 

- Countess, 352, 354; Denis, Dean of Durham, 17; George, 

Lord Lansdowne, 15, 350-2; Mary, Mrs. Delany, 353-4; 
William Henry, 3rd Earl of Bath, 350-2, 354 
Grenfells, the, 354-6; Julian Grenfell, 355”6 
Grenville, Sir Bernard, 58, 281, 337-9, 341; Sir Bevil, 22, 340, 
342-5, 347~S; George, 76, 78, 126, 128-9, HL 162, 183; 
Lady Grace, 343-5; Honor, Lady Lisle, 21, 26-33; John, 
Rector of Kilkhampton, 28; John, 2nd son of Sir Richard, 
21, 259, 270, 339-41 ; John, ist Earl of Bath, 347-50, 35^-3; 
Lady Mary, 58-9, 67-70, 337-8; Dame Maude, 41-2, 44, 
48; Sir Richard, Marshal of Calais, 21, 26-47, 4^ 

- Sir Richard, birth, 36-7; wardship and education, 48-53; 

student of Inner Temple, 53; pardon for manslaughter, 
54-6; Member of Parliament, 56, 76-9, 190-2; marriage, 
58-9; in Hungary, 61-4; Ireland, 66-70, 264-5, 267-86; 
portrait, 79-80; prepares South Sea Voyage, 83-112; ob- 
tains charter for Bideford, 1 13-16; shipping interests, 1 17, 
privateering, 1 1 8, and the Castle of Comfort^ 1 1 8-2 1 ; recon- 
structs Buckland Abbey, 123-6; social life in Cornwall, 
126-9; Sheriff of Cornwall, 130-56; knighted, 144; law- 
suits, 150, 169-74; piracy cases, 146, 162-8; the Rectory of 
Kilkhampton, 174-8; first voyage to Virginia, 192-220; 
captures Spanish prize, 216-21; second Virginia voyage, 
233-4; descent upon the Azores, 234-5; prepares third 
voyage, 255-7; contingent of ships to serve against Armada, 
257-9; defences of Cornwall against Armada, 246-8; Irish 
service, 264-5; ^^e Azores, 293-320; battle of Flores, 

303-13; death, 313-16; controversy over last Action, 32 1-7; 
fame, 23, 328-31 ; character, 331-6; religion, 333-4; family, 
337-42; his memory, 9; and the Elizabethan Age, 22-5 

- Sir Richard, Royalist Commander, 342, 345-7; Sir Roger, 

29; Roger, 21, 36, 38-9; Sir Thomas, 19, 20, 27-8; William, 
Archbishop of York, 18; William, 202 
Guinness, Mr. 274 



Hakluyt, Richard, i8o, 198-9, 202 
Harriot, Thomas, 24, 205, 216, 228, 229, 230 
Hartland, 17, 275 
Havana, 291-2, 301 

Hawkins, Sir John, 50, 71-2, 78, 81-2, 244-5, ^88, 290-1; Sir 
Richard, 302, 316-17, 330; William, 50, 72-3, 95-6, 118- 
121, 244, 262 

Henry VIII, 27, 32, 33, 39 
Hilling, Thomas, 150, 170-1 
Hispaniola, 208 

Howard, Lord Admiral, 259-64, 324; Queen Katherine, 30, 
132; Lady Margaret, 30, 132; Lord Thomas, 152, 293-6, 
298, 303, 305-7, 324-7; Thomas, Viscount Bindon, 151-2; 
Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk, 74, 77-9 
Hungary, war in, 61-3 

Ireland, 64-70, 100, 153, 160-1, 264-5, 267-86, 339-40 
Jamestown, 243 

Kerrycuirihy, 66-7, 269, 273, 278 

Kilkhampton, 15-16, 28, 43, 58, 75, 146, 232, 233, 333, 350, 

354) 356 

Killigrews, the, 51, 167; Sir Henry Killigrew, 76, 78, 324; Sir 
John, 76, 140, 146-7, 164-8; William, 76, 78, 190 

Lane, Ralph, 205, 207, 213, 216-17, 222-9 
Langhorne, Captain William, 295, 298, 314, 337 
Lanherne, 18, 74, 131-2, 136, 152 

Launceston, 40, 42, 56, 76, 78, 135, 139, 140, 142, 143-4, 170, 
171, 199, 263 

Launceston Priory, 35, 139 
Lee, Sir Richard, 33-4 
Lepanto, 64 

Linschoten, J. H. van, 235, 291, 302, 3 H-i 5 > 319-20 
Lisbon, 245, 287-8, 322, 328 
Liskeard, 78 

Lisle, Arthur, Lord, 26, 27, 30, 32-3 



Lizard, the, 262 
Lopez, Enrique, 217-20 
Lundy Island, 149-50, 163, 232 

Magellan, 86-7; Straits of, 85, 97, 103, 105-9, 237 

Manteo, 215, 239 

Marco Polo, 87 

Markham, Gervase, 329-30 

Marlowe, Christopher, 24-5, 54-5 

Mary, Queen, 50-2, 53 

- Queen of Scots, 73-4, 77 " 9 > 251 

Maximilian II, Emperor, 61-3 

Mayne, Cuthbert, 133-44, 335 

Mendoza, Bernardino de, 155, 159, 189, 236-7, 253, 256 

Menendez, Pedro, 210, 21 1, 213 

Mohuns, the, 186-8; Lord Mohun, 345 

Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle, 347-8 

Monson, Sir William, 302, 322-3, 326 

Munster, 65-6, 69-70, 231-2, 267-73, 275-81, 282-5 

Nantwich, 183, 184-5 
Newfoundland, 191, 198 
Nombre de Dios, 80-1, 109 
Norris, Sir John, 287-8 

Ormonde, Thomas, loth Earl of, 67, 69-70 
Oxenham, John, 106-9, ^54 

Pacific Ocean, the, 85-112, 154 
Padstow, 16, 28, 162-4, ^ 79 ^ 274, 294 
Paget, Eusebius, 146, 174-7 
Palaeologus, John, 38 
Panama, Isthmus of, 80-1, 106 

Parliament, Reformation, 29-30; of 1571, 76-7; 1572, 77-9; 

1581, 160; 1584, 190-2, 202-3 
Parsons, Robert, 159-60 
Paulet, Sir Hugh, 48-9, 78 

Pemisapan {alias Wingina), Indian chief, 214, 215, 227-8 



Petiheale, 126, 128, 183 
Penryn, 40, 165-6 

Philip II, King of Spain, 51, 53, 72, 157-8, 235-8, 289, 291, 292 
Piracy, 39-40, 146-7, 161, 162-4, 164-8 
Plymouth, 15, 36, 41, 59, 78, 81, 118, 124, 145-6, 154-6, 186, 
203, 217, 236, 244, 245, 251-2, 254-5, 259. 262, 263, 288, 
294 -> 346, 348 

Porto Rico, 206, 208, 210-11, 212, 219 
Portugal, 157-8, 287 
Privateers, 39-40, 82 

Quinones, Diego Hernandez de, 210-11, 213 

Ralegh, Sir Walter, 21, 61, 62-3, 161, 186, 190-2, 193-9, 221, 
222, 231, 233, 236, 238-41, 243, 254-5, 261, 264-5, 302, 
305-6, 308-13. 318, 323, 324-7> 332. 333> 335. 34i 
Reformation, the, 20-1, 22, 29, 35, 64 
Roanoke Island, 201, 214-16, 223-5, 227-8, 230, 238-9, 242 
Roscarrock, 28, 126-8, 162; John Roscarrock, 27; Thomas, 128, 
162; Nicholas, 128, 141 
Rowse, Sir Anthony, 205, 216 
Russell, John, ist Lord, 35, 41, 42 

St. Legers, the, 58, 149, 15 1; Sir John St. Leger, 58-9, 76, 78, 
149-50, 190; Lady, 67-9; Sir Warham, 58, 65-70, 268-70, 

278-9. 339-40 

St. Leger House, 121-2 

St. Malo, 118-21 

St. Michael Penkivel, 178-9 

St. Vincent, Cape, 245, 293, 297 

Saltash, 43, 73, 146 

San Domingo, 21 1, 213, 217, 221, 228, 237 
San Juan de Ulloa, 60, 71 
Santa Cruz, Admiral, 158, 159, 203 
Scilly Isles, 81, 257, 261, 262, 347 
Secoton, 215, 226, 239 

Ships: Aidy 265; Ark Ralegh^ 197; Ascension, 309-10, 317; BeaVy 
244; bark Bonner, 229; Brave, 241; Castle of Comfort, 96-7, 



117-21; Cavallero de la Mar, 304; Centurion, 298; 
Charles, 293; Cherubim, 298; Corselet, 298; Crane, 292, 305; 
Ip.hance, 2Q2, 296, 305; Dorothy, 205; Dragon, 80; Dudley, 
, 1^05: Elizabeth Bonaventure, 293, 305; Elizabeth 
4; Foresight, 265, 293, 298, 305, 341; hs^vk Francis, 
1 ; Garland, 241; George Noble, 308; Golden Hind 
Golden Hind (Gilbert’s ship), 197-8; 
Harry, ; Jesus of Liibeck, 
71-2; Leon Rojo, 304; Lion (Grenville’s), 20 
(ypeen’s ship), 298, 305; Lyon, 313; Madre de Dios, 341; 
Margaret and John, 298; Marie, 1 17; Marie of San Sebastian, 
165-8; Mary Rose, 21, 38-9, 355; Mayflower, 298; Minion, 71 ; 
Moon, 293; Moonshine, 305; Nonpareil, 293, 300; Our Lady of 
Aransusia, 146-17; Pascoe, 80; Pilgrim, 310; Revenge, 21, 23, 
235, 265, 287-8, 292-3, 295-6, 299, 302, 305-H> 3^6-17, 
319-20, 322-8, 330-1, 337, 355; Roe, 241; Roebuck, 205; 
Royal George, 39; St, Andrew, 323; SL Leger, 259; San Barnabe, 
307-8; San Francisco, 304; San Pablo, 314-15; San Phelipe 
(carrack), 252; San Phelipe (galleon), 307-8, 317; Santa Cruz, 
3^1*, Santa Maria oiSt. Vincent, 217-19; Sauveur Malo, 
118-21; Squirrel, 197; Susan, 298; Swan, 80; Tiger (Gren- 
ville’s), 205-6, 214, 217, 230, 259; Tiger (Queen’s ship), 
265; Triumph, 244; Victory, 244; Victory (Nelson’s), 23; 
Virgin God Save Her, 259, 339; White Lion, 259 
Sidney, Sir Henry, 65, 69-70; Sir Philip, 191, 225 
Solomon Islands, 88-9 
Solyman the Magnificent, Sultan, 61-2 
Spain, relations with, 72, 82, 90, iio~ii, 157, 

Specott, Nicholas, 54-5, 57 
Spencer, Edmund, 276-7 
Stannary Court, 150 
John, 17. ^ 

5» 34. 37. 57”8, 170-1, 176, 185, 263, 344, 347, 349, 

351. 352, 356 

Stukely, Captain Thomas, 93, 153; Thomas, 270 

Taverner, Richard, 171-3 
Tintagel Castle, 181-2 



Tregarrick, 186-8 

Tregian, Francis, 34, 132-43; John, 33-4 
Trelawny, John, 187 
Trematon Castle, 41-2 

Tremaynes, the, 50-2; Arthur Tremayne, 235; Edmund, 50, 
59, 95, 141; Nicholas and Andrew, 50, 60-1 
Trevanions, the, 186-8 

Uniformity, subscriptions to Act of, 75-6 

Virginia, 2, 4, 116, 117, 191, 199-202, 214-16, 223-30, 236, 
8 - 42 , 332 

Walker, Christopher, 170-1 

Walsingham, Sir Francis, 177, 221-2, 223, 225, 270 

Wanchese, 215, 239 

Waterford, 67, 282-3 

Wentworth, Paul, 78; Peter, 77, 78 

West Indies, 80-1, 106, 199, 205-14, 236, 237, 243, 300-1 

White, John, 213, 225, 238-43 

Winslades, the, 186-8 

Wokokon, Isle of, 200, 214-15 

Wyot, Philip, 233, 246, 247-8, 258, 327