The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson - Part 4
Every the favoured aims of mankind, but every
one of these is the seed of vice, war, and useful, every elegant art, every exercise
national disorganization. It is our part of imagination, ihe height of reason, the
to carry out to the last the ends of liberty noblest affection, the purest religion will
and justice. We shall stand, then, for find their home in our institutions, and
7ast iateresU; north and south, east and write our laws for the benefit of men,
“! Delicate omens traced in air
To the lone bard true witness bare;
Birds with auguries on their wings
Chanted undeceiving things
Him to beckon, him to warn ;
Well might then the poet scorn
To learn of scribe or courier
Hints writ in vaster character;
And on his mind, at dawn of day,
Soft shadows of the evening lay.
For the prevision is allied
Unto the thing so siguihed ;
Or say, tuc forc.sigut that awaits
Is the same Genius that cieates.*'
It chanced during one winter, a few years
^go, that our cities were bent on dis-
cussing the theory of the Age. 13y an
odd coincidence, four or five noted
men were each reading a discourse to the
citizens of Boston or New York, on the
Spirit of the Times. It so happened that
the subject had the same prominence in
some remarkable pamphlets and journals
issued in London in the same season.
To me, however, the question of the times
resolved itself into a practical question of
the conduct of life. How shall I live ?
We are incompetent to solve the times.
Our geometry cannot span the huge orbits
of the prevailing ideas, behold their re-
turn, and reconcile their opposition. We
can only obey our own polarity. ’Tis fine
for us to speculate and elect our course,
if we must accept an irresistible dicta-
in our first steps to gain our wishes, we
come upon immovable limitations. We
are fired with the hope to reform men.
After many experiments, we find that we
must begin earlier — at school. But the
boys and girls are not docile ; we can
make nothing of them. We decide that
tliey are not of good stock. We must begin
our reform earlier still — at generation;
that is to say, there is Fate, or laws of the
But if there be irresistible dictation,
this dictation understands itself. If we
must accept Fate, we are not less com-
pelled to affirm liberty, the significance
of the individual, the grandeur of duty,
the power of character. This is true, and
that other is true. But our geometry can-
not span these extreme points, and recon-
cile them. What to do ? By obeying
each thought frankly, by harpir/g, or, if
you will, pounding on each string, we
learr at last its power. By the same
obedience to other thoughts, we learn
theirs, and then comes some reasonable
hope of harmonising them. We are sure,
that, though we know not how, neces-
sity does comport with liberty, the indi-
vidual with the world, my polarity with
the spirit of the times. The riddle of
the age has for each a private solution.
If one would study his own time, it must
be by this method of taking up in turn
each of the leading topics which belong to
our scheme of human life, and, by firniiy
stating all that is agreeable to experience
on one, and doing the same justice to the
opposing facts in the others, the true
limitations will appear. Any excess of
emphasis, on one part, would be cor-
rected, and a just balance would bo made.
But let us honestly state the facts. Our
America has a bad name for superficial-
ness. Great men, great nations, have not
been boasters and buffoons, but perceivers
of the terror of life, and have manned
themseves to face it. The Spartan, em-
bodying his religion in his country, dies
before its majesty without a question.
The Turk, who believes his doom is writ-
ten on the iron leaf in the moment when
he entered the world, rushes on the
enemy’s sabre with undivided will. The
Turk, the Arab, the Persian, accepts the
foreordained fate,
On two days, it steads not to run hroin thy
The appointed, and the unappointed day ;
On the first, neither balm nor physician can
Nor thee, on the secona, the Uni verso
cotjbvcr oP LiPP.
The Hindoo, under the wheel, is as firm.
Our Calvinists, in the last generation, had
something of the same dignity. They
felt that the weight of the universe held
them down to their place. What could
they do ? Wise men feel that there is
something which cannot be talked^ or
voted away — a strap or belt which girds
the world.
•• The Destiny, minister general.
That executeth in the world o’er all.
The purveyance which God hath seen beforne,
So strong it is, that though the worldhad sworn
The contrary of a thing by yea or nay,
Vot sometime it shall fallen on a day
That falleth not oft in a thousand year;
For, certainly, our appetites here,
Be it of war, or peace, or hate, or love,
All this is ruled by the sight above.
Chaucer; The Knighte's Tale,
The Greek Tragedy expressed the same
sense : “ Whatever is fated, that will take
place. The great immense mind of Jove
is not to be transgressed.”
Savages cling to a local god of one
tribe or town. The broad ethics of Jesus
were quickly narrowed to village theolo-
gies, which preach an election of favouri-
tism. And, now and then, an amiable
parson, like Jung Stilling, or Robert
Huntington, believes in a pistareen-Provi-
dence, which, whenever the good man
wants a dinner, makes that somebody
shall knock at his door, and leave a half-
dollar. But Nature is no sentimentalist
— doesinot cosset or pamper us. We must
see that the world is rough and surly, and
will not mind drowning a man or a woman ;
but swallows your ship like a grain of
dust. The cold, inconsiderate of persons,
tingles your blood, benumbs your feet,
freezes a man like an apple. The diseases,
the elements fortune, gravity, lightning,
respect no persons. The way of Provi-
dence is a little rude. The habit of snake
and spider, the snap of the tiger, and other
ieapers and bloody jumpers, the crackle
of the bones of his prey in the coil of the
anaconda — these are in the system, and
our habits are like theirs. You have just
dined, and, however scrupulously the
slaughter-house is concealed in the grace-
ful distance of miles, there is complicity
•—expensive races— race living at the ex-
pense of race. The planet is liable to
shocks from comets, perturbations from
planets, rendings from earthquake and
volcano, alterations of climate, preces-
sions of equinoxes. Rivers dry up by
opening of the forest. The sea changes
its bed. Towns and counties fall into it.
At Lisbon, an earthquake killed men !!ko
flies. At Naples, three years ago, ten
thousand persons were crushed in a few
minutes. The scurvy at sea ; the sword
of the climate in the west of Africa, at
Cayenne, at Panama, at New Orleans, cut
off men lik# a massacre. Our Western
prairie shakes with fever and ague. The
cholera, the small-pox, have proved as
mortal to some tribes as a frost to the
crickets, which, having filled the summer
with noise, are silenced by a fall of the
temperature of one night. Without un.
covering what does not concern us, or
counting how many species of parasites
hang on a bombyx, or groping after in-
testinal parasites, or infusory biters, or
the obscurities of alternate generation —
the forms of the shark, the labrus, the jaw
[ of the sea-wolf paved wilh crushing teeth,
the weapons of the grampus, and otlier
warriors hidden in the sea — are hints of
I ferocity in the interiors of nature. Let us
not deny it up and down. Providence has
a wild, rough, incalculable road to its end,
and it is of no use to try to whitewash its
huge, mixed instrumentalities, or to dress
up that terrific benefactor in a clean shirt
and white neckcloth of a student in
Will you say, the disasters which
threaten mankind are exceptional, and
one need not lay [his account for cata-
clysms every day ? Ay, but what happens
once may happen again, and so long as
these strokes are not to be parried by
us, they must be feared.
these shocks and ruins are less
destructive to us than the stealthy power
of other laws which act on us daily. An
expense of ends to means is fate — organi-
sation tyrannising over character. The
menagerie or forms and powers of the
spine, is a book of fate ; the bill of the
bird, the skull of the snake, determines
tyrannically its limits. So is the scale of
races, of temperaments ; so is sex ; so
is climate ; so is the reaction of talents
imprisoning the vital power in certain
directions, tivery spirit makes its house ;
but afterwards the house confines the
The gross lines are legible to the dull I
the cabman is phrenologist so far: he
looks in your face to see if his shilling if
sure. A dome of brow denotes one thing ;
a pot-belly another : a squint, a pug-nose,
mats of hair, the pigment of the epi-
dermis, betray character, People seem
sheathed in their tough organisation. Ask
Spurzheim, ask the doctors, ask Quetelet*
If te!np6ramen(3 decide nothing ? or if
there be anything they do not decide ?
Read the description in medical books of
the four temperaments, and you will think
you are reading your own thoughts which
you had not yet told. Find the part which
black eyes, and whicxi blue eyes, play
severally in the company. How shall a
man escape from his ancestors, or draw off
from his veins the black drop which he
drew from his father’s or his mother’s i
life ? It often appears in a family as if all |
the qualities of the progenitors were
potted in several jars — some ruling quality
in each son or daughter of the house —
and sometimes the unmixed tempera-
ment, tho rank unmitigated elixir, the
family vice, is drawn off in a separate in-
dividual, and the others are proportionally
relieved. We sometimes see a change of
expression in our companion, and say, his
father, or his mother, comes to the win-
dows of his eyes, and sometimes a remote
relative. In different hours a man repre-
sents each of several of his ancestors, as
if there were seven or eight of us
rolled up in each man's skin — seven or
eight ancestors at least— and they consti-
tute the variety of notes for that new piece
of music which his life is. At the corner
of the street you read the possibility of
each passenger, in the facial angle, in the
complexion, in the depth of his eye. His
parentage determines it. Men arc what
their mothers made them. Yon may as
well ask a loom which weaves huckaback
why it does not make cashmere as expect
poetry from this engineer, or a chemical
discovery from that jobber. Ask the digger
in the ditch to explain Newton’s laws ; the
fine organs of his brain have been pinched
by overwork and squalid poverty from
father to son, for a hundred years. When
each conies forth from his mother’s womb,
the gate of gifts closes behind him. Let
him value his hands and feet, he has but
one pair. So he has but one future, and
that is already predetermined in his lobes,
lind described in that little fatty face, pig-
eye, and squat form. All the privilege
and all the legislation of the world cannot
meddle or help to make a poet or a prince
of him,
Jesus said, " When he looketh on her, I
he hath committed adultery.” But he is
an adulterer before he has yet looked on
the woman, by the superfluity of animal
and the defect of thought in his constitu-
tion. Who meets him, or who meets her,
in the street, sees that they are ripe to be
each other’s victim.
In certain nlen, digestion and sex absorb
the vital force, and the stronger these are,
the individual is so much weaker. The
more of these drones perish, the better
for the hive. If, later, they give birth
to some superior individual, with force
enough to add to this animal a new aim,
and a complete apparatus to work it out,
all the ancestors are gladly forgotten.
Most men and most women are merely
one couple more. Now and then, one has
a new cell or camarilla opened in his
brain — an architectural, a musical, or a
philological knack, some stray taste or
talent for flowers, or chemistry, or pig-
ments, or story-telling, a good hand for
drawing, a good foot for dancing, aa
athletic frame for wide journeying, «S:c. —
which skill nowise alters rank in the scale
of nature, but serves to pass the time, the
life of sensation going on as before, At
last, these hints and tendencies are fixed
in one, or in a succession. Each absorbs
so much food and force as to become itself
a new centre. The new talent draws off
so rapidly the vital force, that not enough
remains for the animal functions, hardly
enough for health ; so that, in the second
generation, if the like genius appear, the
health is visibly deteriorated, and the
generative force impaired.
People are born with the moral or with
the material bias ; uterine brothers
with this diverging destination : and I
suppose, with high magnifiers, Mr. Frau-
enhofer or Dr. Carpenter might come
to distinguish in the embryo at the
fourth day, this is a Whig, and that a
It was a poetic attempt to lift this
mountain of Fate, to reconcile this despo-
tism of race with liberty, which led the
Hindoos to say, “ Fate is nothing but the
deeds committed in a prior state of exist-
ence.” I find the coincidence of tho
extremes of Eastern and Western specu-
lation in the daring statement of Schelling;
** There is in every man a certain feeling,
that he has been what he is from all
eternity, and by no means became such
in time.” To say it less sublimely, in the
history ot' the individual is always an
account of his condition, and he knows
hiiTiself to bo a party to his present
A good deal of our politics Is physiolo-
gical. Now and then, a man of wealth in
the heyday of youth adopts the tenet of
broadest freedom. In England, there is
always some man of wealth and largo
connection planting himself, during ^
his years of health, ou the side of pro-
gress, who, as soon as he begins to die,
checks his forward play, calls in his troops,
and becomes conservative. All conserva-
tives are such from personal defects.
They have been effeminated by position
or nature, born halt and blind, through
luxury of their parents, and can only,
like invalids, act on the defensive. But
strong natures, backwoodsmen. New
Hampshire giants, Napoleons, Burkes,
Broughams, Websters, Kossuths, are ine-
vitable patriots, until their life ebbs, and
their defects and gout, palsy and money,
warp them.
The strongest idea incarnates itself in
majorities and nations, in the healthiest
and strongest. Probably, the election
goes by avoirdupois weight, and, if you
could weigh bodily the tonnage of any
hundred of the Whig and the Demo-
cratic party in a town on the Dearborn
balance, as they passed the hayscales,
you could predict with certainty which
party would carry it On the whole, it
would be rather the speediest way of
deciding the vote, to put the select men
or the mayor and aldermen at the hay-
In science, we have to consider two
things ; power and circumstances. All
we know of the egg, from each successive
discovery, is, another vesicle ; and if, after
five hundred years, you get a better ob-
server, or a better glass, he finds within
the last observed another. In vegetable
and animal tissue, it is just alike, and all
that the primary power or spasm operates,
is, still, vesicles, vesicles. Yes, but the
tyrannical Circumstance I A vesicle in
new circumstances, a vesicle lodged in
darkness, Oken thought, became animal ;
in light, a plant. Lodged in the parent
animal, it suffers changes, which end in
unsheathing miraculous capability in the
unaltered vesicle, and it unlocks itself to
fish, bird, or quadruped, head and foot,
©ye and claw. The Circumstance is Na-
ture. Nature is what you may do. There
is much you may not. We have two
things, the circumstance and the life.
Once we thought positive power was all.
Now we learn that negative power, or
circumstance, is half. Nature is the
tyrannous circumstance, the thick skull,
the sheathed snake, the ponderous, rock-
like jaw ; necessitated activity ; violent
direction ; the conditions of a tool, like
the locomotive, strong enough on its
track, but which can do nothing but
cnifichicf off of it ; or skstes. which
are wings on the Ice, but fettdffi 6a tilQ
The book of Nature is the book of Fate«
She turns the gigantic pages — leaf after
leaf — never re-turning one. One leaf bL#
lays down, a floor of granite ; then a
thousand ages, and a bed of slate ; a thou-
sand ages, and a measure of coal ; a
thousand ages, and a layer of marl and
mud : vegetable forms appear ; her first
misshapen animals, zoophyte, trilobium,
fish : then saurians — rude forms, in which
she has only blocked her future statue,
concealing under these unwieldly mon-
sters the fine type of her coming king.
The face of the planet cools and dries, thu
races meliorate, and man is born. But
when a race has lived its term, it comes
no more again.
The population of the world is a condi-
tional population; not the best, but the
best that could live now ; and the scale of
tribes, and the steadiness with which vic-
tory adheres to one tribe, and defeat co
another, is as uniform as the superposition
of strata. We know in history what weight
belongs to race. We see the English,
French, and Germans planting themselves
on every shore and market of America and
Australia, and monopolising the com
merce of these countries. We like the
nervous and victorious habit of our own
branch of the family. We follow the step
of the Jew, of the Indian, of the Negro.
We see how much will has been expended
to extinguish the Jew, in vain. Look at
the unpalatable conclusions of Knox, in
his “Fragment of Races” — a rash and
unsatisfactory writer, but charged with
pungent and unforgetable truths. “ Nature
respects race, and not hybrids.” “ Every
race has its own habitat." “ Detach a
colony from the race, and it deteriorates
to the crab.” See the shades of the pic-
ture. The German and Irish millions,
like the Negro, have a great deal of guano
in their destiny. They are ferried over
the Atlantic, and carted over America, to
ditch and to drudge, to make corn cheap,
and then to lie down prematurely to make
a spot of green grass on the prairie.
One more fagot of these adamantine
bandages, is, the new science of Statistics.
It is a rule, that the moat casual and ex-
traordinary events — if the basis of popula-
tion is broad enough — become matter of
fixed calculation. It would not be safe to
say when a captain like Bonaparte, a singer
like Jenny Lind, or a navigator like Bow-
ditch, would be born in Boston ; but, on
a population of twenty or two hundred
millions, something like accuracy may be
'Tis frivolous to fix pedantically the
date of particular inventions. They have
all been invented over and over fifty times.
Man is the arch machine, of which all
these shifts drawn from himself are toy
models. He helps himself on each emer-
gency by copying or duplicating his own
structure, just so far as the need is. ‘Tis
hard to find the right Homer, Zoroaster,
or Menu ; harder still to find the Tubal
Cain, or Vulcan, or Cadmus, or Copernicus,
or Fust, or Fulton, the indisputable inven-
tor. There are scores and centuries of
them. “ The air is full of men.” This
kind of talent so abounds, this constructive
tool-making efficiency, as if it adhered to
the chemic actions, as if the air he breathes
were made of Vaucansons, Franklins, and
Doubtless, in every million there will be
an astronomer, a mathematician, a comic
poet, a mystic. No one can read the his-
tory of astronomy without perceiving that
Copernicus, Nei^'ton, Laplace, are not
new men, or a new kind of men, but that
Thales, Anaximenes, Hipparchus, Empe-
docles, Aristarchus, Pythagoras, CEni-
podes, had anticipated them : each had
the same tense geometrical brain, apt for
the same vigorous computation and logic,
a mind parallel to the movement of the
world. The Roman mile probably rested
on a measure of a degree of the meridian.
Mahometan and Chinese know what we
know of leap-year, of the Gregorian calen-
dar, and of the procession of the equinoxes.
As in every barrel of cowries brought to
New Bedford there shall be one orangia,
BO there will, in a dozen millions of Malays
and Mohometans, be one or two astrono-
mical skulls. In a large city the most
casual things, and things whose beauty
lies in their casualty, are produced as
punctually and to order as the baker’s
muffin for breakfast. Punch makes ex-
actly one capital joke a week ; and the
journals contri ve to furnish one good piece
of news every day.
And not less work the laws of repres-
sion, the penalties of violated functions.
Famine, typhus, frost, war, suicide, and
♦ “ Everything which pertains to the human
species, considered as a whole, belongs to the
order oi physical facts. The greater the num-
ber of individuals, the more does the influence
of the individual will disappear, leaving pre- 1
dominance to a series of general facts depen-
dent on causes by which society exists, and is
pf«Berved.'*— Q wstblbti
effete races, must be reckoned calculable
parts of the system of the world.
These are pebbles from the mountains,
hints of the terms by which our life is
walled up, and which show a kind of me-
chanical exactness, as of a loom or mill, in
what we call casual or fortuitous events.
The force with which we resist these
torrents of tendency looks so ridiculously
inadequate, that it amounts to little more
than a criticism or a protest made by a
minority of one, under compulsion of
millions. I seemed, in the height oi a
tempest, to see men overboard struggling
in the waves, and driven about here and
there. They glanced intelligently at each
other, but it was little they could do for
one another ; it was much if each could
keep afloat alone. Well, they had a right to
their eye-beams, and all the rest was Fate,
We cannot trifle with this reality, this
cropping-out in our planted gardens of the
core of the world. No picture of life can
have any veracity that does not admit the
odious facts. A man’s power is hooped in
by a necessity, which, by many experi-
ments, he touches on every side, until ho
learns its arc.
The element running through entire
nature, which we popularly call Fate, is
known to us as limitation. Whatever
limits us we call Fate. If we are brute
and barbarous, the fate takes a brute and
dreadful shape. As we refine, our cheeks
become finer. If we rise to spiritual
culture, the antagonism takes a spiritual
form. In the Hindoo fables, Vishnu
follows Maya through all her ascending
changes, from insect and craw-fish up to
elephant; whatever form she took, he
took the male form of that kind, until she
became at last woman and goddess, and
he a man and a god. The limitations
refine as the soul purifies, but the ring of
necessity is always perched at the topi
When the gods in the Norse heaven
were unable to bind the Fenris Wolf with
steel or with weight of mountains— the
one he snapped and the other he spurned
with his heel — they put round his foot a
limp band softer than silk or cobweb, and
this held him : the more he spurned it,
the stiffer it drew. So soft and so staunch
is the ring of Fate. Neither brandy, nor
nectar, nor sulphuric ether, nor heil-firo,
nor ichor, nor poetry, nor genius, can get
rid of this limp band. For if we give it
the high sense in which the poets use it,
even thought itself is not above Fate;
that too must act according to eternal
laws, and all is wilful and fantastic in
it is in opposition to its fundamental
And last of all, high over thought, in
the world of morals, Fate appears as vindi-
cator, leveiling the high, lifting the low,
requiring justice in man, ^ and always
striking soon or late, when justice is not
done. What is useful will last ; what is
hurtful will sink. “ The doer must suffer,”
said the Greeks : ” you would soothe a
Deity not to be soothed.” ” God himself
cannot procure good for the wicked,” said
the Welsh triad. ” God may consent, but
only for a time,” said the bard of Spain.
The limitation is impassable by any
insight of man. In its last and loftiest
ascensions, insight itself, and the freedom
of the will, is one of its obedient mem-
bers. But we must not run into generali-
sations too large, but show the natural
bounds or essential distinctions, and seek
to do justice to the other elements as
Thus we trace Fate, in matter, mind,
and morals, in race, in retardations of
strata, and in thought and character as
well. It is everywhere bound or limita-
tion. But Fate has its lord ; limitation its
limits ; is different seen from above and
from below ; from within and from without.
For, though Fate is immense, so is power,
which is the other fact in the dual world,
immense. If Fate follows and limits
power, power attends and antagonizes
Fate. VVe must respect Fate as natural
history, but there is more than natural
history. For who and what is this criti-
cism that pries into the matter ? Man is
not order of nature, sack and sack, belly
and members, link in a chain, nor any
ignominious baggage, but a stupendous
antagonism, a dragging together of the
poles of the Universe. Ho betrays his
relation to what is below him — thick-
skulled, small-brained, fishy, quadru- !
manous — quadruped ill-disguised, hardly
escaped into biped, and has paid for the
new powers by loss of some of the old
ones. But the lightning which explodes
and fashions planets, maker of planet and
Buns, is in him. On one side, elemental
order, sandstone and granite, rock-ledges,
peal-bog, forest, sea and shore ; and, on
the other part, thought, the spirit which
composes and decomposes nature— here
they are side by side, god and devil, mind
and matter, king and conspirator, belt |
and spasm, riding peacefully together in ,
tbe eye and brain of every man. I
Nor can he blink the freewill. To hazard
the contradiction, freedom is necessary.
If you please to plant yourself on the side
of Fate, and say, Fate is all ; then we say,
a part of Fate is the freedom of man. For-
ever wells up the impulse of choosing and
acting in the soul. Intellect annuls Fate.
So far as a man thinks, he is free. And
though nothing is more disgusting than
the crowing about liberty by slaves, as
most men are, and the flippant mistaking
for freedom of some paper preamble like
a *‘ Declaration of Independence,” or the
statute right to vote, by those who have
never dared to think or to act, yet it is
wholesome to man to look not at Fate, but
the other way ; the practical view is the
other. His sound relation to these facts
is to use and command, not to cringe to
them. ” Look not on nature, for her name
is fatal,” said the oracle. The too much
contemplation of these limits induces
meanness. They who talk much of des-
tiny, their birth-star, «&c., are in a lower
dangerous plane, and invite the evils they
I cited the instinctive and heroic races
as proud believers in Destiny. They con-
spire with it ; a loving resignation is with
the event. But the dogma makes a dif-
ferent impression, when it is held by the
weak and lazy. 'Tis weak and vicious
people who cast the blame on Fate. The
right use of Fate is to bring up our conduct
to the loftiness of nature. Rude and in-
vincible except by themselves are the
elements. So let man be. Let him empty
his breast of his windy conceits, and show
his lordship by manners and deeds on the
scale of nature. Let him hold his purpose
as with the tug of gravitation. No power,
no persuasion, no bribe, shall make him
give up his point. A man ought to com-
pare advantageously with a river, an oak,
or a mountain. He shall have not less the
flow, the expansion, and the resistance of
’Tis the best use of Fate to teach a fatal
courage. Go face the fire at sea, or the
cholera in your friend’s, or the
burglar in your own, or what danger lies
ia the way of duty, knowing you are
guarded by the cherubim of Destiny. If
you believe in Fate to your harm, believe
it, at least, for your good.
For, if Fate is so prevailing, man also iti
part of it, and can confront fate with fate.
If the Universe have these savage acci-
dents, our atoms are as savage in resist-
ance. We should be crushed by the
atmosohere but for the reaction of the
air within the body. A tube made of a
film of glass can resist the shock of the
ocean, if filled with the same water. If
there be omnipotence in the stroke, there
is omnipotence of recoil.
I. But Fate against Fate is only parry-
ing and defence : there are, also, the noble
creative forces. The revelation of Thought
takes man out of servitude into freedom.
We rightly say of ourselves, we were born,
and afterward we were born again, and
many times. We have successive expe-
riences so important, that the new forgets
the old, and hence the mythology of the
seven or the nine heavens. The day of
days, the great day of the feast of life, is
that in which the inward eye opens to the
Unity in things, to the omnipresence of
faw; secs that what is must be, and ought
to be, or is the best. This beatitude dips
from on high down on us, and we see. It
is not in us so much as we are in it. If the
air come to our lungs, we breathe and
live; if not, we die. If the light come to
our eyes, wc see ; else not. And if truth
come to our mind, we suddenly expand to
its dimensions, as if we grew to worlds.
We are as lawgivers ; we speak for Na-
ture ; we prophesy and divine.
This insight throws us on the party and
interest of the Universe, against all and
sundry; against ourselves, as much as
others. A man speaking from insight
affirms of himself what is true of the
mind: seeing its immortality, ho says, I
am immortal; sceing 'its invincibility, he
says, 1 am strong. It is not in us, but we
are in it. It is of the maker, not of what
is made. All things are touched and
changed by it. This uses, and is not
used. It distances those who share it,
from those who share it not. Those who
share it not are flocks and herds. It dates
from itself — not from former men or better
men— gospel, or constitution, or college,
or custom. Where it shines. Nature is no
longer intrusive, but all things make a
musical or pictorial impression. The
world of men show like a comedy without
laughter : populations, interests, govern-
ment, history; 'tis all toy figures in a toy
house. It does not over-value particular
truths. We hear eagerly every thought
and word quoted from an intellectual man.
But, in his presence, our own mind is
roused to activity, and we forget very fast
what he says, much more interested in the
new play of our own thought, than in any
thought of his. 'Tis the majesty into which
we have suddenly mounted, the imperson-
ality, 5CQr4QC spber^ of
laws, that engage us. Once we were step*
ping a little this way, and a little that way »
now, we are as men in a balloon, and do
not think so much of the point we have
left, or the point we would make, as of the
liberty and glory of the way.
Just as much intellect as you add, so
much organic power. He who sees
through the design, presides over it. and
must will that which must be. We sit
and rule, and, though we sleep, our dream
will come to pass. Our thought, though
it were only an hour old, affirms an oldest
necessity, not to be separated from
thought, and not to be separated from
will. They must always have co-existed.
It apprises us of its sovereignty and god-
head, which refuse to be severed from it.
It is not mine or thine, but the will of all
mind. It is poured into the souls of all
men, as the soul itself which constitutes
them men. I know not whether there be,
as is alleged, in the upper region of our
atmosphere, a permanent westerly current,
which carries with it all atoms which rise
to that height, but I see, that when souls
reach a certain clearness of perception,
they accept a knowledge and motive
above selfishness. A breath of will blows
eternally through the universe of souls in
the direction of the Right and Necessary,
It is the air which all intellects inhale and
exhale, and it is the wind which blows the
worlds into order and orbit.
Thought dissolves the material universe,
by carrying the mind up into a sphere
where all is plastic. Of two men, each
obeying his own thought, he whoso
thought is deepest will be the strongest
character. Always one man more than
another represents the will of Divine Pro-
vidence to the period.
2 . If thought makes free, so docs the
moral sentiment. The mixtures of spiri-
tual chemistry refuse to be analyzed. Yet
we can see that with the perception of
truth is joined the desire that it shall pre-
vail. That affection is essential to will.
Moreover, when a strong will appears, it
usually results from a certain unity of
organization, as if the whole energy of
body and mind flowed in one direction.
All great force is real and elemental.
There is no manufacturing a strong will.
There must be a pound to balance a
pound. Where power is shown in will, it
must rest on the universal force. Alaric
and Bonaparte must believe they rest on
a truth, or their will can be bought or
bent. There is a bribe possible for any
fi^ife wilt ^ut ^he pure ^ytnpj^thy y\(itk
universal ends is an infinite force, and
cannot be bribed or bent. Whoever has
had experience of the moral sentiment
cannot choose but believe in unlimited
power. Each pulse from that heart is an
oath from the Most High. I know not
what the word sublime means, if it be not
the intimations in this infant of a terrific
force. A text of heroism, a name and
anecdote of courage, are not arguments,
but sallies of freedom. One of these is
the verse of the Persian Hafiz, “ ’Tis writ- j
ten on the gate of heaven, * Woe unto !
him who suffers himself to be betrayed by
Fate ! ’ '* Does the reading of history
make us fatalists ? What courage does
not the opposite opinion show 1 A little
whim of will to be free gallantly contend-
ing against the universe of chemistry.
But insight is not will, nor is affection
will. Perception is cold, and goodness
dies in wishes ; as Voltaire said, 'tis the
misfortune of worthy people that they are
cowards ; un des plus grands malheurs des
honnHes gens c'est quHls sont des Idches.*'
There must be a fusion of these two to
generate the energy of will. There can
be no driving force, except through the
conversion of the man into his will, mak-
ing him the will, and the will him. And
one may say boldly, that no man has a |
right perception of any truth, who has not
been reacted on by it, so as to bo ready to
be its martyr.
The one serious and formidable thing
in nature is a will. Society is servile from
want of will, and therefore the world wants
saviours and religions. One way is right
to go: the hero sees it, and moves on that
aim, and has the world under him for root
and support. He is toothers as the world.
His approbation is honour ; his dissent, in-
famy. The glance of his eye has the force
of sunbeams. A personal influence towers
up in memory only worthy, and we gladly
forget numbers, money, climate, gravita-
tion, and the rest of Fate.
We can afford to allow the limitation, if
we know it is the meter of the growing
man. We stand against Fate, as children
stand up against the wall in their father’s
house, and notch their height from year
to year. But when the boy grows to man,
and is master of the house, he pulls down
that wall, and builds a new and bigger.
’Tis only a question of time. Every brave
youth is in training to ride and rule this
dragon. His science is to make weapons
and wings of these passions and retarding
forces. Now whether, seeing these two
things, fate and power, we ar£ permitted
to believe in unity ? The bulk 0/ mankind
believe in two gods. They are under one
dominion here in the house, as friend and
parent, in social circles, in letters, in art,
in love, in religion ; but in mechanics, in
dealing with steam and climate, in trade,
in politics, they think they come under
another ; and that it would be a practica
blunder to transfer the method and way
of working of one sphere, into the other.
What good, honest, generous men at
home, will be wolves and foxes on ’Change I
What pious men in the parlour will vote
for what reprobates at the polls ! To a
certain point, they believe themselves the
I care of a Providence. But, in a steam-
boat, in an epidemic, in war, they believe
a malignant energy rules.
But relation and connection are not
somewhere and sometimes, but every-
where and always. The divine order does
not stop where their sight stops. The
friendly power works on the same rules,
in the next farm, and the next planet.
But, where they have not experience, they
run against it, and hurt themselves. Fate,
then, is a name for facts not yet passed
under the fire of thought ; for causes which
are unpenetrated.
But evei7 jet of chaos which threatens
to exterminate us, is convertible by intel-
' lect into wholesome force. Fate is urn
penetrated causes. The water drowns
ship and sailor, like a grain of dust. But
learn to swim, trim your bark, and the
wave which drowned it will be cloven by
it, and carry it, like its own foam, a plume
and a power. The cold is in considerate of
persons, tingles your blood, freezes a man
like a dew-drop. But learn to skate, and
the ice will give you a graceful, sweet, and
poetic motion. The cold will brace your
limbs and brain to genius, and make you
foremost men of time. Cold and sea will
train an imperial Saxon race, which
nature cannot bear to lose, and, after
cooping it up for a thousand years in
yonder England, gives a hundred Englandg
a hundred Mexicos. All the bloods it
shall absorb and domineer : and more than
Mexicos, the secrets of water and steam,
the spasms of electricity, the ductility pjf
metals, the chariot of the air, the rud-
dered balloon, are awaiting you.
The annual slaughter from typhus far
exceeds that of war ; but right drainage
destroys typhus. The plague in the sea-
service from scurvy is he^ed by lemoii^
juice and other diets portable or procur-
able : the depopulation by cholera and
•ffl^lpox is ended by drainage and vacci-
nation ; and every other pest is not less in
the chain of cause and effect, and may be
fought off. And, whilst art draws out the
venom, it commonly extorts some benefit
from the vanquished enemy. The mis-
chievous torrent is taught to drudge for
man ; the wild beasts he makes useful for
food, or dress, or labour ; the chemic ex-
plosions are controlled like his watch.
These are now the steeds on which he
rides. Man moves in all modes, by legs
of horses, by wings of wind, by steam, by
gas of balloon, by electricity, and stands
on tiptoe threatening to hunt the eagle in
his own element. There’s nothing he
will not make his carrier.
Steam was, till the other day, the devil
which we dreaded. Every pot made by
any human potter or brazier had a hole in
its cover to let off the enemy, lest he should
lift pot and roof, and carry the house away.
But the Marquis of Worcester, Watt, and
Fulton bethought themselves, that, where
was power, was not devil, but was God ; that
it must be availed of, and not by any
means let off and wasted. Could he lift
pots and roofs and houses so handily ?
he was the workman they were in search
of. He could be used to lift away, chain,
and compel other devils far more reluc-
tant and dangerous, namely, cubit miles
of earth, mountains, weight or resistance
of water, machinery, and the labours of
all men in the world ; and time he shall
lengthen, and shorten space.
It has not fared much otherwise with
higher kinds of steam. The opinion of
the million was the terror of the world,
and it was attempted either to dissipate
it, by amusing nations, or to pile it over
with strata of society, a layer of soldiers;
over that, a layer of lords ; and a king on
the top ; with clamps and hoops of castles,
garrisons, and police. But, sometimes,
the religious principle would get in, and
burst the hoops, and ride every mountain
laid on lOp of it. The Fultons and Watts
of politics, believing in unity, saw that it
was a power, and, by satisfying it (as
justice satisfies everybody), through a dif-
ferent disposition of society, grouping it on
a level, instead of piling it into a mountain,
they have contrived to make of this terror
the most harmless and energetic form of
a State.
Very odious, I confess, are the lessons
of Fate. Who likes to have a dapper
phrenologist pronouncing on his fortunes ?
Who likes to believe that he has hidden
in his skull, spine and pelvis, all the vices
of a Saxon or Celtic race, which will D€
sure to pull him down with what grandeur
I of hope and resolve he is fired, into a
[ selfish, huckstering, servile, dodging ani-
mal ? A learned physician tells us, the
fact is invariable with a Neapolitan, that,
when mature, he assumes the forms of
the unmistakable scoundrel. That is a
little overstated — but may pass.
But these are magazines and arrenals,
A man must thank his defects, and stand in
some terror of his talents. A transcen-
dent talent draws so largely on his forces,
as to lame him ; a defect pays him reven-
ues on the other side. The suffrance, which
is the badge of the Jew, has made him, in
these days, the ruler of the rulers of the
earth. If Fate is ore and quarry, if evil is
good in the making, if limitation is power
that shall be, if calamities, oppositions,
and weights are wings and means, we are
Fate involves the melioration. No
statement of the Universe can have any
soundness, which does not admit its
ascending effort. The direction of the
whole, and of the parts, *s towards bene-
fit, and in proportion to the health.
Behind every individual closes organisa-
tion : before him opens liberty, the Better,
the Best. The first and worst races are
decid. The second and imperfect races
are dying out, or remain for the maturing
of higher. In the latest race, in man,
every generosity, every new perception,
the love and praise he extorts from his
fellows, are certificates of advance out of
fate into freedom. Liberation of the will
from the sheaths and clogs of organisa-
tion which he has outgrown, is the end
and aim of this world. Every calamity
is a spur and valuable hint ; and where
his endeavours do not yet fully avail, they
tell as tendency. The whole circle of
animal life, tooth against tooth, devour-
ing war, war for food, a yelp of pain and
a grunt of triumph, until, at last, the
whole menagerie, the whole chemical
mass is mellowed and refined for higher
use, pleases at a sufficient perspective.
But to see how fate slides into freedom,
and freedom into fate, observe how far
the roots of every creature run, or find, if
you can, a point where there is no thread
of connection. Our life is consentaneous
and far-related. This knot of nature is so
well tied, that nobody was ever cunning
enough to find the two ends. Nature is
intricate, overlapped, and interweaved,
and endless. Christopher Wren said of
the beautiful King’s College chapel,
“ that, If anybody would tell him where to
lay the first stone, he would build such
another.” But where shall we find the
first atom in this house of man, which is
all consent, inosculation, and balance of
parts ?
The web of relation is shown in habitat,
shown in hybernation. When hyberna-
tion was observed, it was found, that,
whilst some animals became torpid in
winter, others were torpid in summer :
hybernation then was a false name. The
long sleep is not an effect of cold, but is
regulated by the supply of food proper to
the animal. It becomes torpid when the
fruit or prey it lives on is not in season,
and regains its activity when its food is
Eyes are found in light ; ears in auric-
ular air ; feet on land ; fins in water ;
wings in air ; and, each creature where it
was meant to be, with a mutual fitness.
Every zone has its own Fauna. There is
adjustment between the animal and its
food, its parasite, its enemy. Balances
are kept. It is not allowed to diminish
in numbers, nor to exceed. The like ad-
justments exist for man. His food is
cooked, when he arrives : his coal in the
pit ; his house ventilated ; the mud of the
deluge dried ; his companions arrived at
the same hour, and awaiting him with
love, concert, laughter, and tears. These
are coarse adjustments, but the invisible
are not less. There are more belongings
to every creature than his air and his
food. His instincts must be met, and he
has predisposing power that bends and
fits what is near him to his use. He is
not possible until the invisible things are
right for him, as well as the visible.
Of what changes, then, in sky and earth
and in finer skies and earths, does the
appearance of some Dante or Columbus
apprise us !
How is this effected ? Nature is no
spendthrift, but takes the shortest way to
her ends. As the general says to his
soldiers, ” If you want a fort, build a fort,”
80 nature makes every creature doits own
work and get its living, is it planet,
animal, or tree. The planet makes itself.
The animal cell makes itself ; then,
what it wants. Every creature, wren or
dragon, shall makes its own lair. As soon
as there is life, there is self-direction, and
absorbing and using of material. Life is
freedom, life in the direct ratio of its
amount. You may be sure, the new-born
man is not inert. Life works both volun-
tarily and iupernaturally io jts peighpour-
hood. Do you suppose he can be estima-
ted by his weight in pounds, or that he
is contained in his skin, this reaching,
radiating, jacnlating fellow ? The small-
est candle fills a mile with its rays, and
the papillae of a man run out to every
When there is something to be done,
the world knows how to get it done. The
vegetable eye makes leaf, pericarp, root,
bark, or thorn, as the need is; the first
cell converts itself into stomach, mouth,
nose, or nail, according to the want ; the
world throws its life into a hero or a shep-
herd ; and puts him where he is wanted.
Dante and Columbus were Italians, in
their time ; they would be Russians or
Americans to-day. Things ripen, new
men come. The adaptation is not capri-
cious. The ulterior aim, the purposrO
beyond itself, the correlation by which
planets subside and crystallize, then ani-
mate beasts and men, will not stop ; but
will work into finer particulars, and from
finer to finest.
The secret of the world is, the tie be-
tween person and event. Person makes
event, and event person. The “ times,”
“ the age,” what is that, but a few profound
persons and a few active persons who
epitomise the times? — Goethe, Hegel,
Metternich, Adams, Calhoun, Guizot, Peel,
Cobden, Kossuth, Rothschild, Astor,
Brunei, and the rest. The same fitness
must be presumed between a man and the
time and event, as between the sexes, or
between a race of animals and the food it
eats, or the inferior races it uses. He
thinks his fate alien, because the copula is
hidden. But the soul contains the event
that shall befall it, for the event is only, the
actualisation of its thouglits ; and what
we pray to ourselves for is always granted.
The event is the print of your form. It
fits you like your skin. What each does
is proper to him. Events are the children
of his body and mind. We learn that the
soul of Fate is the soul of us, as Hafiz
“Alas I till now I had not known,
My guide and fortune’s guide are one.**
All the toys that infatuate men, and which
they play for — houses, land, money,
luxury, power, fame, are the selfsame
thing, with a new gauze or two of illusion
overlaid. And of all the drums and rattles
by which men are made willing to have
their heads broke, and are led out
solemnly every morning to parade — the
mo^t atjmjrabl^ *3 by whjffb w® giyp
brought to believe that events are arbi-
trary, and independent of actions. At the
conjurer’s, we detect the hair by which he
moves his puppet, but we have not eyes
sharp enough to descry the thread that
ties cause and effect.
Nature magically suits the man to his
fortunes, by making these the fruit of his
character. Ducks take to the water, eagles
to the sky, waders to the sea margin, hun-
ters to the forest, clerks to the counting-
rooms, soldiers to the frontier. Thus
events grow on the same stem with per-
sons ; are sub-persons. The pleasure of
life is according to the man that lives it,
and not according to the work or the place.
Info is an ecstacy. We know what mad-
ness belongs to love — what power to paint
a vile object in hues of heaven. As insane
persons are indifferent to their dress, diet,
and other accommodations, and, as we do
in dreams, with etpianimity, the most ab-
surd acts, so, a drop more of wine in our cup
of life will reconcile us to strange com-
pany and work. Flach creature puts forth
from itself its own condition and sphere,
as the slug sweats out its slimy house on
the pear leaf, and the woolly aphides on
the apple perspire their own bed, and the
hsh its shell. In youth, we clothe our-
selves with rainbows, and go as brave as
the zodiac. In age, we put out another
sort of persx^iration — gout, fever, rheuma-
tism, caprice, doubt, fretting and avarice.
A man’s fortunes are the fruit of his
character. A man’s friends are his mag-
netisms. We go to Herodotus and Plutarch
for examples of Fate ; but we are exam-
ples. “ Qnisque suos patimur manes."'
The tendency of every man to enact all
that is in his constitution is expressed in
the old belief, that the efforts which we
make to escape from our destiny only
serve to lead us into it : and I have noticed,
a man likes better to be complimented on
his position, as the proof of the last or
total excellence, than on his merits.
A man will see his character emitted in
the events that seem to meet, but which
exude from and accompany him. Events
expand with the character. As once he
found himself among to^s, so now he plays
a part in colossal systems, and his growth
is declared in his ambition, his compa-
nions, and his performance. He looks
like a piece of luck, but is a piece of causa-
tion ; the mosaic, angulated and ground
to fit into tlie gap he tills. Hence in each
town there is some man who is, in his
brain and performance, an explanation of
the production- factories, banks,
churches, ways of living, and soc.ety, oi
that town. If you do not chance to meet
him, all that you see will leave you a little
puzzled : if you see him, it will become
plain. We know in Massachusetts who
built New Bedford, who built Lynn,
Lowell, Lawrence, Clinton, Fitchburg,
Holyoke, Portland, and many another
noisy mart. Each of these men, if they
were transparent, would seem to you not
so much men, as walking cities, and,
wherever you put them, they would build
History is the action and reaction of
these two— Nature and Thought; two
boys pushing each other on the curb-stone
of the pavement. Everything is pusher or
pushed : and matter and mind are in per-
petual tilt and balance, so. Whilst the
man is weak, the earth takes up to him.
He plants his brain and affections. By
and by he will take up the earth, and have
his gardens and vineyards in the beautiful
order and productiveness of his thought.
Every solid in the universe is ready to be-
come fluid on the approach of the mind,
and the power to flux it is the measure of
the mind. If the wall remain adamant, it
accuses the want of thought, To a subtler
force, it will stream into new forms, ex-
pressive of the character of the mind.
What is the city in which we sit here, but
an aggregate of incongruous materials,
which have obeyed the will of some man ?
The granite was reluctant, but his hands
were stronger, and it came. Iron was
deep in the ground, and well combined
with stone, but could not hide from his
fires. Wood, lime, stuffs, fruits, gums,
were dispersed over the earth and sea, in
vain. Here they are, within reach of every
man’s day-labour — what he wants of them.
The whole world is the flux of matter over
the wires of thought to the poles or points
where it would build. The races of men
rise out of the ground preoccupied with a
thought which rules them, and divided
into parties ready armed and angry to fight
for this metaphysical abstraction. The
quality of the thought differences the
Egyptian and the Roman, the Austrian and
the American. The men who come on
the stage at one period are all found to be
related to each other. Certain ideas are
in the air. We are all impressionable, for
we are made of them ; all impression-
able, but some more than others, and
these first express them, This explains
the curious contemporaneousness of in-
ventions and discoveries, The truth is in
the ^ir, the mgs^ Impressionable brain
3 K
will announce it first, but all will an-
nounce it a few minutes later. So women,
as most susceptible, are the best index of
the coming hour. So the great man, that
is, the man most imbued with the spirit of
the time, is the impressionable rnan— of a
fibre irritable and delicate, like iodine to
light. He feels the infinitesimal attrac-
tions. His mind is righter than others,
because he yields to a current so feeble as
can be felt only by a needle delicately
The correlation is shown in defects.
Moller, in his Essay on Architecture,
taught that the building which w'as fitted
accurately to answer its end, would turn
out to be beautiful, though beauty had not
been intended. I find the like unity in
human structures rather virulent and per-
vasive ; that a crudity in the blood will
appear in the argument ; a hump in the
shoulder will appear in the speech and
handiwork. If his mind could be seen, the
hump would be seen. If a man has a see-
saw in his voice, it will run into his
sentences, into his poem, into the structure
of his fable, into his speculation, into his
charity. And, as every man is hunted by
his own demon, vexed by his own disease,
this checks all his activity.
So each man, like each plant, has his
parasites. A strong, astringent, bilious
nature has more truculent enemies than
the slugs and moths that fret my leaves.
Such a one has curculios, borers, knife-
worms : a swindler ate him first, then a
client, then a quack, then smooth, plau-
sible gentlemen, bitter and selfish as
This correlation really existing can be
divined. If the threads are there, thought
can follow and show them. Especially
when a soul is quick and docile: as
Chaucer sings : —
Or if the soul of proper kind
Be so parfect as men find.
That it wot what is to come,
And that be warneth all and soin€
Of every of their averitures.
By previsions or figures ;
But that our flesh hath not might
It to understand aright
For it is warned too darkly.”
Some people are made up of rhyme, coin-
cidence, omen, periodicity, and presage :
they meet the person they seek; what
their companion prepares to say to them,
they first say to him ; and a hundred
signs apprise them of what is about to
Wonderful iatricacy in the web, won-
derful constancy in the design, this vaga«
bond life admits. We wonder how the
fly finds its mate, and yet year after yeai
w'e find two men, two women, without
legal or carnal tie, spend a great part of
their best time within a few feet of each
other. And the moral is, that what we
seek we shall find ; what we flee from flees
from us; as Goethe said, “what we wish
for in youth, comes in heaps on us in old
age,” too often cursed with the granting
of our prayer : and hence the higu caution,
that, since we are sure of having what wo
wish, we beware to ask only for high
One key, one solution to the mysteries
of human condition, one solution to the
old knots of fate, freedom and foreknow-
ledge exists, the propounding, namely, of
the double consciousness. A man must
ride alternately on the horses of his pri-
vate and his public nature, as the eques-
trians in the circus throw themselves
nimbly from horse to horse, or plant one
foot on the back of one, and the other foot
on the back of the other. So when a man
is the victim of his fate, his sciatica in his
loins, and cramp in his mind ; a club-foot
and a club in his wit ; a sour face, and a
selfish temper ; a strut in his gait ; and a
conceit in his affection ; or is ground to
powder by the vice of his race ; he is to
rally on his relation to the Universe,
which his ruin benefits. Leaving the
demon who suffers, he is to take sides with
the Deity who secures universal benefit
by his pain.
To offset the drag of temperament and
race, which pulls down, learn this lesson,
namely, that by the cunning co-presence
of two elements, which is throughout
nature, whatever lames or paralyses you,
draws in with it the divinity, in some
form, to repay. A good intention clothes
itself with sudden power. When a god
wishes to ride, any chip or pebble wull bud
and shoot out winged feet, and servo him
for a horse.
Let us build altars to the Blessed
Unity which holds nature and souls in
perfect solution, and compels every atom
to serve a universsil end. I do not won-
der at a snow-flake, a shell, a summer
landscape, or the glory of the stars ; but
at the necessity of beauty under which
the universe lies ; that all is and must be
pictorial ; that the rainbow, and the curve
of the horizon, and the arch of the blue
vault, are only results from the organism
of the eye. There is no need for foolish
amateurs to fetch me to admire a garden
cf flowers, or a sun-gilt cloud, or a water-
fall, when I cannot look without seeing
splendour and grace. How idle to choose
a random sparkle here or there, when the
indwelling necessity plants the rose of
beauty on the brow of chaos, and discloses
the central intention of nature to be
harmony and joy.
Let US build altars to the Beautiful
Necessity. If we thought men were free
in the sense, that, in a single exception
one fantastical will could prevail over the
law of things, it were all one as if a child's
hand could pull down the sun. If, in the
least particular, one could derange the
order of nature, — who would accept the
gift of life ?
Let us build altars to the Beautiful
Necessity, which secures that all is made
of one piece ; that plaintiff and defend-
ant, friend and enemy, animal and planet,
food and eater, are of one kind. In astro-
nomy is vast Ipace, but no foreign system *
in geology, vast time, but the same laws
as to-day. Why should we be afraid of
Nature, which is no other than “philo-
sophy and theology embodied”? Why
should we fear to be crushed by savage
elements, we who are made up of the
same elements? Let us build to the
Beautiful Necessity, which makes man
brave in believing that he cannot shun a
danger that is appointed, nor incur one
that is not ; to the Necessity which rudely
or softly educates him to the perception
that there are no contingencies ; that Law
rules throughout existence, a Law which
is not intelligent but intelligence — not
personal nor impersonal — it disdains
words and passes understanding ; it dis-
solves persons; it vivifies nature; yet
solicits the pure in heart to draw on all iti
His toniTue was framed to music,
And his band was armed with skill,
His face was the mould of beauty,
And his heart the throne of will.”
There is not yet any inventory of a man’s
faculties, any more than a biblo of his
opinions. Who shall set a limit to the
influence of a human being ? There are
men, who, by their sympathetic attrac-
tions, carry nations with them, and lead
the activity of the human race. And if
there be such a tie, that, wherever the
mind of man goes, nature will accompany
him, perhaps there are men whose mag-
netisms are of that force to draw material
and elemental powers, and, where they
appear, immense instrumentalities organ-
ize around them. Life is a search after
power ; and this is an element with which
the world is so saturated — there is no
chink or crevice in which it is not lodged —
that no honest seeking goes unrewarded.
A man should prize events and posses-
sions as the ore in which this fine mineral
is found : and he can well afford to let
events and possessions, and the breath of
the body go, if their value has been added
to him in the shape of power. If he have
secured the elixir, he can spare the wide
gardens from which it was distilled. A
cultivated man, wise to know and bold to
perform is the end to which nature works,
and the education of the will is the flower-
ing and result of all this geology and
All successful men have agreed in one
thing— they were causationists. They
believed tliat things went not by luck, but
I by law ; that there was not a weak or a
cracked link in the chain that joins the
I first and last of things. A belief in cau-
sality, or strict connection between every
pulse-beat and the principle of being, and,
in consequence, belief in compensation,
or, that nothing is got for nothing, charac-
terizes all valuable minds, and must
control every effort that is made by an
industrious one. The most valiant men
are the best believers in the tension of the
laws, “ All the great captains,” said
Bonaparte, “ have performed vast achieve-
ments by conforming with tlie rules of the
art— by adjusting efforts to obstacles.”
The key to the age may be this, or that,
or the other, as the young orators de-
scribe ; the key to all ages is, imbecility ;
imbecility in the vast majority of men, at
all times, and, even in heroes, in all but
certain eminent moments ; victims of
gravity, custom, and fear. This gives
force to the strong— that the multitude
have no habit of self-reliance or original
We must reckon success a coastitutlOBai
trait. Courage— the old physicians taught
(and their meaning holds, if their physi-
ology is a little mythical) — courage, or the
degree of life, is as the degree of circula-
tion of the blood in the arteries. “ During
passion, anger, fury, trials of strength,
wrestling, fighting, a large amount of
blood is collected in the arteries, the
maintenance of bodily strength requiring
it, and but little is sent into the veins.
This condition is constant with intrepid
persons.” Where the arteries hold their
blood, is courage and adventure possible.
Where they pour it unrestrained into the
veins, the spirit is low and feeble. For
performance of great mark, it needs ex-
traordinary health. If Eric is in robust
health, and has slept well, and is at the
top of his condition, and thirty years old,
at his departure from Greenland, he will
Bteer west, and his ships will reach New-
foundland. But take out Eric, and put in
a stronger and bolder man — Biorn, or
Thorfin — and the ships will, with just as
much ease, sail six hundred, one thousand,
fifteen hundred miles farther, and reach
Labrador and New England. There is no
chance in results. With adults, as with
children, one class enter cordially into
the game, and whirl with the whirling
world ; the others have cold hands, and
remain bystanders : or are only dragged
»n by the humour and vivacity of those
who can carry a dead weight. The first
wealth is health. Sickness is poor-
spirited, and cannot serve any one : it
must husband its resources to live. But
health or fulness answers its own ends,
and has to spare, runs over, and inundates
the neighbourhoods and creeks of other
men’s necessities.
All power is of one kind, a sharing of
the nature of the world. The mind that
is parallel with the laws of nature will be
in the current of events, and strong with
their strength. One man is made of the
j^amc stuff of which events are made ; is in
sympathy with the course of things ; can
redict it. Whatever befalls, befalls him
rst : so that he is equal to whatever shall
Happen. A man who knows men, can
talk well on politics, trade, law, war,
religion. For, everywhere, men are led
in the same manners.
The advantage of a strong pulse is not
to be supplied by any labour, art, or con-
cert. It is like the climate, which easily
rears a crop, which no glass, or irrigation,
or tillage, or manures, can elsewhere
rival. It is like the opportunity of a city
like New York, or Constantinople, which
needs no diplomacy to force capital Of
genius or labour to it. They come of
themselves, as the waters flow to it. So
a broad, healthy, massive understanding
seems to lie on the shore of unseen rivers,
of unseen oceans, which are covered with
barks, that, night and day, are drifted to
this point. That is poured into its lap,
which other men lie plotting for. It is in
everybody’s secret ; anticipates every-
body’s discovery ; and if it do not com-
mand every fact of the genius and the
scholar, it is because it is large and
sluggish, and does not think them worth
the exertion which you do.
This affirmative force is in one, and is
not in another, as one horse has the spring
in him, and another ia the whip. “On
the neck of the young man,” said Hafiz,
‘‘ sparkles no gem so gracious as enter-
prise.” Import into any stationary dis-
trict, as into an old Dutch population in
New York or Pennsylvania, or among the
planters of Virginia, a colony of hardy
Yankees, with seething brains, heads full
of steam-hammer, pulley, crank, and
toothed wheel, and everything begins to
shine with values. What enhancement to
all the water and land in England, is the
arrival of James Watt or iSrunel ! In
every company there is not only the ac-
tive and passive sex, but in both men and
women a deeper and more important sex
0/ mind, namely, the inventive or creative
class of both men and women, and the
uninventive or accepting class. Each
plus man represents his set, and, if he
have the accidental advantage of personal
ascendency, which implies neither more
nor less of talent, but merely the tem-
peramental or taming eye of a soldier or
a schoolmaster (which one has, and one
has not, as one has a black moustache and
one a blonde), then quite easily and with-
out envy or resistance, all his coadjutors
and feeders will admit his right to absorb
them. The merchant works by book-
keeper and cashier ; the lawyer’s authorn-
ties are hunted up by clerks; the geologist
reports the surveys of his subalterns;
Commander Wilkes appropriates the re-
sults of all the naturalists attached to the
Expedition ; Thorwaldsen’s statue ia
finished by stone-cutters ; Dumas has
journeymen ; and Shakespeare was
theatre-manager, and used the labour of
many young men, aa well as the play-
There is always room for a man of force,
and he makes room for many, Society is
a troop of thinkers, and the best heads
amdng them take the best places. A
feeble man can see the farms that are
fenced and tilled, the houses that are
built. The strong man sees the possible
houses and farms. His eye makes estates,
as fast as the sun breeds clouds.
When a new boy comes into school,
when a man travels, and encounters
strangers every day, or, when into an old
club a new comer is domesticated, that
happens which befalls, when a strange
ox is driven into a pen or pasture where
cattle are kept ; there is at once a trial of
strength between the best pair of horns
and the new comer, and it is settled
thenceforth which is the leader. So now,
there is a measuring of strength, very
courteous, but decisive, and an acquies-
cence thenceforward when these two
meet. Each reads his fate in the other’s
eye.s. The weaker party finds that none
of his information or wit quite fits the
occasion. He thought he knew this or
that : he finds that he omitted to learn the
end of it. Nothing that he knows will
quite hit the mark, whilst all the rival’s
arrows are good, and well thrown. But if
he knew all the facts in the encyclopaedia,
it would not liclp him : for this is an affair
of presence of mind, of attitude, of
aplomb ; the opponent has the sun and
wind, and, in every cast, the choice of
weapon and mark; and, when he himself
is matched with some other antagonist,
his own shafts (ly well and hit. ’Tis a
question of stomach and constitution.
T/ie second man is as good as the first,
perhaps better ; but has not stoutness or
stomach, as the first has, and so his wit
seems over-fine or under-fine.
Health is good, power, life, that resists
disease, poison, and all enemies, and is
conservative, as well as creative. Here
is question, every spring, whether to graft
with wax, or whether with clay ; whether
to whitewash or to potash, or to prune :
but the one point is the thrifty tree. A
good tree, that agrees with the soil, will
grow in spite of blight, or bug, or pruning,
or neglect, by night and by day, in all
weathers and all treatments. Vivacity,
leadership, must be had, and we are not
allowed to be nice in choosing. We must
fetch the pump with dirty water, if clean
cannot be had. If we will make bread,
we must have contagion, yeast, emptyings,
or what not, to induce fermentation into
the dough : as the torpid artist seeks in-
spiration at any cost, by virtue or by vice,
by friend or by fiend, by prayer or by
wiae. And we have a cettain instinct, that
where is great amount of life, though gross
and peccant, it has its own checks and
purifications, and will be found at last in
harmony with moral laws.
We watch in children with pathetic
interest the degree in which they possess
recuperative force. When they are hurt
by us, or by each other, or go to the bottom
of the class, or miss the annual prizes, or
are beaten in the game— if they lose heart,
and remember the mischance in their
chamber at home, they have a serious
check. But if they have the buoyancy and
resistance that preoccupies them with new
interest in the new moment— the wounds
cicatrise, and the fibre is the tougher for
the hurt.
One comes to value this plus health,
when he sees that all difficulties vanish
before it. A timid man listening to tho
alarmists in Congress, and in the news-
papers, and observing the profligacy of
party — sectional interests urged with a
fury which shuts its eyes to consequences,
with a mind made up to desperate extre-
mities, ballot in orre hand, and rifle in the
other — might easily believe that he and
his country have seen their best days, and
he hardens himself the best he can against
the coming ruin. But, after this has been
foretold with equal confidence fifty times,
and Government six per cents, have not
declined a quarter of a mill, ho discovers
that the enormous elements of strength
which are here in play make our politics
unimportaut. Personal power, freedom,
and the resources of nature strain every
faculty of every citizen. We prosper with
such vigour that, like thrifty trees, which
grow in spite of ice, lice, mice, and borers,
so we do not suffer from the profligate
swarms that fatten on the national trea-
sury. The huge animals nourish huge
parasites, and the rancour of the disease
attests the strength of the constitution.
The same energy in the Greek Demos
drew the remark, that the evils of popular
government appear greater than they are ;
there is compensation for them in tho
spirit and energy it awakens. The rough-
and-ready style which belongs to a people
of sailors, foresters, farmers, and mecha-
nics, has its advantages. Power educates
the potentate. As long as our people
quote English standards they dwarf their
own proportions. A Western lawyer of
eminence said to me he wished it were a
penal offence to bring an English law-book
into a court in this country, so pemicioua
bad he found in his experience our defer-
ence to English precedent The very
word ** commerce ” has only an English
meaning, and is pinched to the cramp
exigencies of English experience. The
commerce of rivers, the commerce of rail-
roads, and who knows but the commerce
of air-balloons, must add an American
extension to the pond-hole of admiralty.
As long as our people quote English
standards, they will miss the sovereignty
of power ; but let these rough riders — legis-
lators in shirt-sleeves — Iloosier, Sucker,
Wolverine, Badger — or whatever hard
head Arkansas, Oregon, or Utah sends,
half orator, half assassin, to represent its
wrath and cupidity at Washington — let
these drive as they may ; and the disposi-
tion of territories and public lands, the
necessity of balancing and keeping at bay
the snarling majorities of German, Irish,
and of native millions, will bestow prompt-
ness, address, and reason, at last, on our
buffalo -hunter, and authority and majesty
of manners. The instinct of the people is
right. Men expect from good whigs, put
into office by the respectability of the
country, much less skill to deal with
Mexico, Spain, Britain, or with our own
malcontent members, than from some
strong transgressor like Jefferson, or
Jackson, who first conquers his own
government, and then uses the same
genius to conquer the foreigner. The
senators who dissented from Mr. Polk’s
Mexican war were not those who knew
better, but those who, from political posi-
tion, could afford it; not Webster, but
Benton and Calhoun.
This power, to be sure, is not clothed in
satin. 'Tis the power of Lynch law, of
soldiers and pirates ,* and it bullies the
peaceable and loyal. But it brings its own
antidote ; and here is my point— -that all
kinds of power usually emerge at the same
time ; good energy, and bad ; power of
mind, with physical health ; the ecstasies
of devotion, with the exasperations of de-
bauchery. The same elements are always
present, only sometimes these conspicu-
ous, and sometimes those; what was
yesterday foreground, being to-day back-
ground — what was surface, playing now a
not less effective part as basis. The longer
the drought lasts, the more is the atmo-
sphere surcharged with water. The faster
the ball falls to the sun, the force to fly off
IS by so much augmented. And, in morals,
wild liberty breeds iron conscience ;
natures with great impulses have great
resources, and return from far. In politics,
the^ sons of democrats will be whigs;
srbilst red republicanism, in the father, is
a spasm of nature to engender an intoler*
able tyrant in the next age. On the other
hand, conservatism, ever more timorous
and narrow, disgusts the children, and
df''‘ves them for a mouthful of fresh air
into radicalism.
Those who have most of this coarse
energy — the “ bruisers,” who have run the
gauntlet, of caucus and tavern through the
county or the state, have their own vices,
but they have the good-nature of strength
and courage. Fierce and unscrupulous,
they are usually frank and direct, and
above falsehood. Our politics fall into
bad hands, and churchmen and men of
refinement, it seems agreed, are not fit
persons to send to Congress. Politics is
a deleterious profession, like some poison-
ous handicrafts. Men in power have no
opinions, but may be had cheap for any
opinion, for any purpose — and if it bo only
a question between the most civil and the
most forcible, I lean to the last. Thcrie
Hoosiers and Suckers are really better
than the snivelling opposition. Theil
wrath is at least of a bold and manly cash
They see, against the unanimous declara-
tions of the people, how much crime the
people will bear ; they proceed from step
to step, and they have calculated but too
justly upon their Excellencies the New
England Governors, and upon their
Honours the New England legislators.
The messages of the Governors and the
resolutions of the legislatures are a pro-
verb for expressing a sham virtuous indig-
nation, which, in the course of events, is
sure to be belied.
In trade, also, this energy usually car-
ries a trace of ferocity. Philanthropic and
religious bodies do not commonly make
their executive officers out of saints. The
communities hitherto founded by Social-
ists— the Jesuits, the Port-Royalists, the
American communities at New Harmony,
at Brook Farm, at Zoar, are only possible,
by installing Judas as steward. The rest
of the offices may be filled by good bur-
gesses, The pious and charitable proprie-
tor has a foreman not quite so pious and
charitable. The most amiable of country
gentlemen has a certain pleasure in the
teeth of the bulldog which guards his
orchard. Of the Shaker society, it was
formerly a sort of proverb in the country,
that they always sent the devil to market.
And in representations of the Deity, paint-
ing, poetry, and popular religion have
ever drawn the wrath from hell. It is an
esoteric doctrine of society, that a little
wickedness is good to make museb ; m M
conscience were not good for hands and
legs, as if poor decayed formalists of law
and order cannot run like wild goats,
wolves, and conies ; that, as there is a use
in medicine for poisons, so the world can-
not move without rogues; that public
spirit and the ready hand are as well
found among the malignants. ’Tis not
very rare, the coincidence of sharp private
and political practice, with public spirit,
and good neighbourhood. I knew a burly
Boniface who for many years kept a public-
house in one of our rural capitals. He
was a knave whom the town could ill
spare. He was a social, vascular creature,
grasping and selfish. There was no crime
which he did not or could not commit.
Rut he made good friends of the selectmen,
served them with his best chop, when they
supped at his house, and also with his
honour the Judge, he was very cordial,
grasping his hand. He introduced all the
fiends, male and female, into the town,
and united in his person the functions of
bully, incendiary, swindler, bar-keeper,
and burglar. He girdled the trees, and
cut off the horses’ tails of the temperance
people, in the night. Ho led the “ rum-
mies ” and radicals in town-meeting with
aspeech. Meantime, he was civil, fat, and
easy, in his house, and precisely the most
public-spirited citizen. He was active in
getting the roads repaired and planted
with shade-trees ; he subscribed for the
fountains, the gas, and the telegraph ; he
introduced the new horse-rake, the new
Bcraper, the baby-jumper, and what not,
that Connecticut sends to the admiring
citizens. He did this the easier, that the
pedlar stopped at his house, and paid his
keeping, by setting up his new trap on the
landlord’s premises.
Whilst thus the energy for originating
and executing work deforms itself by
excess, and so our axe chops off our own
fingers — this evil is not without remedy.
All the elements whoso aid man calls in
will sometimes become his masters, espe-
cially those of most subtle force. Shall
he, then, renoxmee steam, fire, and electri-
city, or shall he learn to deal with them ?
The rule for this whole class of agencies
is— all plm is good ; only put it in the
right place.
Men of this surcharge of arterial blood
cannot live on nuts, herb-tea, and elegies ;
cannot read novels, and play whist ; cannot
satisfy all their wants at the Thursday
Lecture, or the Boston Athenaeum. They
Pawnee, than sit all day and every day at a
counting-room desk. They are made for
war, for the sea, for mining, hunting, and
clearing; for hair-breadth adventures,
huge risks, and the joy of eventful living.
Some men cannot endure an hour of calm
at sea. I remember a poor Malay cook,
on board a Liverpool packet, who, when
the wind blew a gale, could not contain
his joy ; “ Blow I ” he cried, “ me do tell
you, blow ! ” Their friends and governers
must see that some vent for their explosive
complexion is provided. The roisters who
are destined for infamy at home, if sent to
Mexico, will “cover you with glory,” and
come back heroes and generals. There
are Oregons, Californias, and Exploring
Expeditions enough appertaining to Ame-
rica, to find them in files to gnaw, and in
crocodiles to eat. The young English are
fine animals, full of blood, and when they
have no wars to breathe their riotous
valours in, they seek for travels as dan-
gerous as war, diving into Maelstroms;
swimming Hellesponts ; wading up the
snowy Himmaleh ; hunting lion, rhinocer-
ous, elephant, in South Africa ; gypsying
with Borrow in Spain and Algiers ; riding
alligitors in South America wiUi Waterton ;
utilising Bedouin, Sheik, and Pacha, with
Layard ; yachting among the icebergs of
Lancaster Sound ; peeping into craters on
the equator; or running on the creases of
Malays in Borneo.
The excess of virility has the same im-
portance in general history, as in private
and industrial life. Strong race or strong
individual rests at last on natural forces,
which are best in the savage, who, like the
beasts around him, is still in reception of
the milk from the teats of Nature. Cut off
the connection between any of our works,
and this aboriginal source, and the work
is shallow. The people lean on this, and
the mob is not quite so bad an argument
as we sometimes say, for it has this good
side. “ March without the people,” said
a French deputy from the tribune, “ and
you march into night : their instincts are
a finger-pointing of providence, always
turned toward real benefit. But when you
espouse an Orleans party, or a Bourbon,
or a Montalembert party, or any other but
an organic party, though you mean well,
you have a personality instead of a prin-
ciple, which will inevitably drag you into
a comer.”
The best anecdotes of this force are to
be had from savage life, in explorers,
soldiers, and buccaneers. But who cares
for fallings-out of assassins, and fights oi
bears, oi grindings of icebergs ? Physical
force has no value, where there is nothing
else. Snow in snow-banks, fire in vol-
canoes and solfataras is cheap. The luxury
of ice is in tropical countries, and mid-
summer days. The luxury of fire is, to
have a little on our hearth : and of elec-
tricity, not volleys of the charged cloud,
but the manageable stream on the battery-
wires. So of spirit, or energy ; the rests
or remains of it in the civil and moral man
are worth all the cannibals in the Pacific.
In history, the great moment is, when
the savage is just ceasing to be a savage,
with all his hairy Pelasgic strength di-
rected on his opening sense of beauty :
and you have Pericles and Phidias — not
yet passed over into the Corinthian
civility. Everything good in nature and
the world is in that moment of transition,
when the swarthy juices still flow plenti-
fully from nature, but their astringency or
acridity is got out by ethics and humanity.
The triumphs of peace have been in
some proximity to war. Whilst the hand
was still familiar with the sword-hilt,
whilst the habits of the camp were still
visible in the port and complexion of the
gentleman, his intellectual power culmi-
nated ; the compression and tension of
these stern conditions is a training for the
finest and softest arts, and can rarely be
compensated in tranquil times, except by
some analagous vigour drawn from occu-
pations as hardy as war.
We say that success is constitutional;
depends on a plus condition of mind and
body, on power of work, on courage ; that
it is of main efficacy in carrying on the
world, and, though rarely found in the
right state for an article of commerce,
but oftener in the supersaturate or excess,
which makes it dangerous and destructive,
yet it cannot be spared, and must be had
in that form, and absorbents provided to
take off its edge.
The affirmative class monopolize the
homage of mankind. They originate and
execute all the great feats. What a force
was coiled up in the skull of Napoleon !
Of the sixty thousand men making his
army at Eylau, it seems some thirty thou-
sand were thieves and burglars. The
men whom, in peaceful communities, we
hold if we can, with iron at their legs, in
prisons, under the muskets of sentinels,
this man dealt with, hand to hand, dragged
them to their duty, and won his victories
by their bayonets.
This aboriginal might gives a surprising
pl^Bure when it appears under conditions
of supreme refinement, as In the proflclentl
in high art. When Michel Angelo was
forced to paint the Sistine Chapel in
fresco, of which art he knew nothing, he
went down into the Pope’s gardens behind
the Vatican, and with a shovel dug out
ochres, red and yellow, mixed them with
glue and water with his own hands, and
having, after many trials, at last suited
himself, climbed his ladders, and painted
away, week after week, month after month,
the sibyls and prophets. He surpassed
his successors in rough vigour, as much
as in purity of intellect and refinement.
He was not crushed by his one picture
left unfinished at last. Michel was wont
to draw his figures first in skeleton, then
to clothe them with flesh, and lastly to
drape them. “ Ah ! ” said a brave painter
to me, thinking on these things, " if a
man has failed, you will find he has
dreamed instead of working. There is no
way to success in our art, but to take off
your coat, grind paint, and work like a
digger on the railroad, all day and every
Success goes thus invariably with a
certain plus or positive power : an ounce
of power must balance an ounce of weight.
And, though a man cannot return into his
mother’s womb, and be born with new
amounts of vivacity, yet there are two
economies, which are the best succ^^aiiea
which the case admits. The first is, the
stopping off decisively our miscellaneous
activity, and concentrating our force on
one or a few points ; as the gardener, by
severe pruning, forces the sap of the treo
into one or two vigoiirous limbs, instead
of suffering it to spindle into a sheaf of
" Enlarge not thy destiny," said the
oracle: “endeavour not to do more than
is given thee in charge.” The one pru-
dence in life is concentration ; the one
evil is dissipation : and it makes no differ-
ence whether our dissipations are coarse
or fine ; property and its cares, friends,
and a social habit, or politics, or music, of
feasting. Everything is good which takes
away one plaything and delusion more,
and drives us home to add one stroke of
faithful work. Friends, books, pictures,
lower duties, talents, flatteries, hopes— all
are distr- ctions which cause oscillations
in our giddy balloon, and make a good
poise and a straight course impossible.
You must elect your work ; you shall take
what your brain can, and drop all the rest,
Only so, can that amount of vital force
accumulate, which can make step from
knowing to doing. No matter how much
faculty of idle seeing a man has, the step
from knowing to doing is rarely taken.
*Tis a step out of a chalk circle of imbe-
cility into fruitfulness. Many an artist
lacking this, lacks all : he sees the mascu-
line Angelo or Cellini with despair. He,
too, is up to Nature and the First Cause
in his tnought. But the spasm to collect
and swing his whole being into one act, he
has not The poet Campbell said, that “ a
man accustomed to work was equal to
any achievement he resolved on, and, that,
for himself, necessity, not inspiration,
was the prompter of his muse.”
Concentration is the secret of strength
in politics, in war, in trade, in short, in all
management of human affairs. One of
the high anecdotes of the world is the
reply of Newton to the enquiry, ” how he
had been able to achieve his discoveries ?”
” By always intending my mind.” Or if
you will have a text from politics, take
this from Plutarch : “ There was, in the
whole city, but one street in which Peri-
cles was ever seen, the street which led
to the market-place and the council house.
He declined all invitations to banquets,
and all gay assemblies and company.
During the whole period of his adminis-
tration, he never dined at the table of a
friend.” Or if we seek an example from
trade, ” I hope,” said a good man to Roths-
child, ” your children are not too fond of
money and business : I am sure you would
not wish that.” ” I am sure I should
wish that : I wish them to give mind, soul,
heart, and body to business — that is the
way to be happy. It requires a great deal
of boldness and a great deal of caution to
make a great fortune, and when you have
got it, it requires ten times as much wit
to keep it. If I were to listen to all the
projects proposed to me, I should ruin
snysclf very soon. Stick to one business,
young man. Stick to your brewery (he
said this to young Buxton), and you will
be the great brewer of London. Be
brewer, and banker, and merchant, and
manufacturer, and you will soon be in the
Many men are knowing, many are ap-
prehensive and tenacious, but they do not
rush to a decision. But in our flowing
affairs a decision must be made — the best,
if you can ; but any is better than none.
There are twenty ways of going to a point,
and one is the shortest ; but set out at
once on one. A man who has that presence
of mind which can bring to him on the
instant all be knows, is worth for action a
dozen men who know as much, but can
only bring it to light slowly. The good
Speaker in the House is not the man who
knows the theory of parliamentary tactics,
but the man who decides off-hand. The
good judge is not he who does hair-split-
ting justice to every allegation, but who,
aiming at substantial justice, rules some-
thing intelligible for the guidance of
suitors. The good lawyer is not the man
who has an eye to every side and angle of
contingency, and qualifies all his qualifi-
cations, but who throws himself on your
part so heartily, that he can got you out
of a scrape. Dr. Johnson said, in one of
his flowing sentences : ” Miserable beyond
all names of wretchedness is that unhappy
pair, who are doomed to reduce before-
hand to the principles of abstract reason
all the details of each domestic da/^
There are cases where little can be saja,
and much must be done.”
The second substitute for temperament
is drill, the power of use and routine. The
hack is a better roadster than the Arab
barb. In chemistry, the galvanic stream,
slow, but continuous, is equal in power to
the electric spark, and is, in our arts, a
better agent. So in human action, against
the spasm of energy, we offset the conti-
nuity of drill. We spread the same
amount of force over much time, instead
of condensing it into a moment. ’Tis the
same ounce of gold here in a ball, and
there in a leaf. At West Point, Colonel
Buford, the chief engineer, pounded with a
hammer on the trunnions of a cannon, un-
til he broke them off. He fired a piece of
ordnance some hundred times in swift suc-
I cession, until it burst. Now which stroke
broke the trunnion ? Every stroke. Which
blast burst the piece ? Every blast. “DtZt-
gtnoe stnz," Henry VIII. was wont
to say,; or, great is drill. John Kemble
said, that the worst provincial company
of actors would go through a play better
than the best amateur company. Basil
Hall likes to show that the worst regular
troops will beat the best volunteers.
Practice is nine tenths. A course of mobs
is good practice for orators. All the great
speakers were bad speakers at first.
Stumping it through England for seven
years made Cobden a consummate de-
bater, Stumping it through New England
for twice seven trained Wendell Phillips,
The way to learn German, is, to read the
same dozen pages over and over a hundred
times, till you know every word and par-
ticle in them and can pronounce and
repeat them by heart No genius can
recite a ballad at first reading, so well as
mediocrity can at the fifteenth or twen-
tieth reading. The rule for hospitality
and Irish “ help,” is, to have the same
dinner every day throughout the year.
At last, Mrs. O’Shaughiiessy learns to cook
it to a nicety, the host learns to carve it,
and the guests are well served. A humour-
ous friend of mine thinks, that the reason
why Nature is so perfect in her art, and
gets up such inconceivably fine sunsets,
is, that she has learned how, at last, by
dint of doing the same thing so very often.
Cannot one converse better on a topic on
which he has experience, than on one
which is new ? Men whose opinion is
valued on ’Change, are onlv such as have i
a special experience, and off that ground '
their opinion is not valuable. ‘‘ More
are made good by exercitation than by
nature,” said Democritus. The friction
in nature is so enormous that we cannot
*pare any power. It is not question to
express our thought, to elect our way, but
to overcome resistances of the medium
and material in everything we do. Hence
the use of drill, and the worthlessness of
amateurs to cope with practitioners. Six
hours every day at the piano, only to give j
facility of touch ; six hours a day at paint- j
ing, only to give command of the odious i
materials, oil, ochres, and brushes. The
masters say that they know a master in
music, only by seeing the pose of the
hands on the key ; so difficult and vital
an act is the command of the instrument.
To have learned tlie use of the tools, by
thousands of manipulations ; to have |
learned the arts of reckoning, by endless
adding and dividing, is the power of the
mechanic and the clerk.
I remarked in England, in confirma-
tion of a frequent experience at home,
that, in literary circles, the men of trust
and consideration, bookmakers, editors, i
university deans and professors, bishops, i
too, were by no means men of the largest j
literary talent, but usually of a low and j
ordinary intellectuality, with a sort of mer- j
cantile activity and working talent. In- j
different hacks and mediocrities tower, by
pushing their forces to a lucrative point,
or by working power, over multitudes of
superior men, in Old as in New England. |
I have not forgotten that there are ;
sublime considerations which limit the I
value of talent and superficial success. |
We can easily overpraise the vulgar hero. |
There are sources on which we have not j
drawn. I know what I abstain from. 1 1
vdiourn what I have to say on this topic '
to the chapters on Culture and Worship.
But this force or spirit, being the means
relied on by Nature for bringing the work
of the day about — as far as we attach im-
portance to household life, and the prizes
of the world, we must respect that. And
I hold, that an economy may be applied to
it; it is as much a subject of exact law
and arithmetic as fluids and gases are ; it
may be husbanded, or wasted ; every man
is efficient only as he is a container or
vessel of this force, and never was any
signal act or achievement in history, but
by this expenditure. This is not gold, but
the gold-maker; not the fame, but the
If these forces and this husbandry are
within reach of our will, and the laws of
them can be read, we infer that all suc-
cess, and all conceivable benefit for man,
is also, first or last, within his reach,
and has its own sublime economies by
which it may be attained. The world
is mathematical, and has no casualty, in
all its vast and flowing curve. Success
has no more eccentricity, than the gingham
and muslin we weave in our mills. I know
no more affecting lesson to our busy,
plotting New England brains, than to go
into one of the factories with which we
have lined all the water-courses in the
States. A man hardly knows how much
he is a machine until he begins to make
telegraph, loom, press, and locomotive, in
his own image. But in these, he is forced
to leave out his follies and hindrances, so
that when we go to tlie mill, the machine
is more moral than we. Let a man dare
go to a loom, and see if he be equal to it.
Let machine confront machine, and see
how they come out. The world-mill ia
more complex than the calico-mill, and
the architect stooped less. In the ging-
ham mill, a broken thread or a shred
spoils the web through the piece of a
hundred yards, and is traced back to the
girl that wove it, and lessens her wages.
The stockholder, on being shown this,
rubs his hands with delight. Are you so
cunning, Mr. Profitloss, and do you expect
to swindle your master and employer, in
the web you weave ? A day is a more
magnificent cloth than any muslin, the
mechanism that makes it is infinitely
cunninger, and you shall not conceal the
sleezy, fraudulent, rotten hours you have
slipped into the piece, nor fear that any
honest thread, or straighter steel, or more
inflexible shaft, will not testify in the
Who shall tCil what did befalli
Far away in time, when once,
Over the lifeless ball,
Hung idle stars and suns?
What god the element obeyed 7
Wings of what wind the lichen borai
Waiting the puny seeds of power,
Which, lodged in rock, the rock abrade?
And well the primal pioneer
Knew the strong task to it assigned
Patient through Heaven’s enormous year
To build in matter home for mind.
From air the creeping centuries drew
The matted thicket low and wide,
This must the leaves of ages strew
The granite slab to clothe and hide,
Kre wheat can wave its golden pride.
What smiths, and in what furnace, rolled
(In dizzy aeons dim and mute
The reeling brain can ill compute)
Copper and iron, lead, and gold ?
What oldest star the fame can save
Of races perishing to pave
The planet with a floor of lime ?
Dust is their pyramid and mole;
Who saw what ferns and palms wore pressed
Under the tumbling mountain’s breast.
In the safe herbal of the coal ?
But when the quarried means were piled.
All is waste and worthless, till
Arrives the wise selecting will,
A ad, out of slime and chaos, Wit
Draws the threads of lair and tit.
Then temples rose, and towns, and marts,
The shop of toil, the hall of arts ;
Then flew the sail across the seas
To feed the North from tropic trees ;
The storm-wind wove, the torrent span,
Where they were bid the rivers ran ;
New slaves fulfilled the poet’s dream,
Galvanic wire, strong-shouldered steam.
Then docks were built, and crops were stored,
And ingots added to the hoard.
But, though light-headed man forget,
Remembering Matter pays her debt:
Still, through her motes and masses, draw
Electric thrills and ties of Law,
Which bind the strengths of Nature wild
To the conscience of a child.
As soon as a stranger is introduced into
any company, one of the first questions
which all wish to have answered, is, How
does that man get his living? And with
reason. He is no whole man until he
knows how to earn a blameless livelihood.
Society is barbarous, until every indus-
trious man can get his living without
dishonest customs.
Every man is a consumer, and ought to
be a producer. He fails to make his place
g ood in the world, unless he not only pays
is debt, but also adds something to the j
common wealth. Nor can he do justica
to his genius, without making some larger
demand on the world than a bare subsis-
tence. He is by constitution expensive,
and needs to be rich.
Wealth has its source in applications of
the mind to nature, from the rudest strokes
of spade and axe, up to the last secrets of
art. Intimate ties subsist between thought
and all production ; because a better order
is equivalent to vast amounts of brute
labour. The forces and the resistances
are Nature’s, but the mind acts in bringing
things from where they abound to where
they are wanted ; in wise combining ; in
directing the practice of the useful arts,
and in the creation of finer values, by fine
art, by eloquence, by song or the repro-
ductions of memory. Wealth is in appli-
cations of mind to nature ; and the art cA
getting rich consists not in industry, much
less in saving, but in a better order, in
timeliness, in being at the right spot. One
man has stronger arms, or longer legs ;
another sees by the course of streams, and
growth of markets, where land will be
wanted, makes a clearing to the river, goes
to sleep, and wakes up rich. Steam is no
stronger now, than it was a hundred years
ago ; but is put to better use. A clever
fellow was acquainted with the expansive
force of steam ; he also saw the wealth of
wheat and grass rotting in Michigan, Then
he cunningly screws on the steam-pipe to
the wheat- crop. Puff now, O Steam 1 The
steam puffs and expands as before, but
this time it is dragging all Michigan at its
back to hungry New York and hungry
England. Coal lay in ledges under the
ground since the Flood, until a labourer
with pick and windlass brings it to the
surface. We may well call it black dia-
monds. Every basket is power and civili-
zation. For coal is a portable climate. It
carries tlie heat of the tropics to Labrador
and the polar circle ; and it is the means
of transporting itself whithersoever it is
wanted. Watt and Stephenson whispered
in the ear of mankind their secret, that
a half-ounce of coal will draw two tons a
mile, and coal carries coal, by rail and by
boat, to make Canada as warm as Calcutta,
and with its comfort brings its industrial
When the farmer’s peaches are taken
from under the tree, and carried into town*
they have a new look, and a hundred-fold
value over the fruit which grew on the
same bough, and lies fulsomely on the
ground. The craft of the merchant is this
bringing a thing from where it abounds,
to where it is costly.
Wealth begins in a tight roof that keeps
the rain and wind out; in a good pump
that yields you plenty of sweet water ; in
two suits of clothes, so to change your
dress when you are wet ; in dry sticks to
burn; in a good double-wick lamp; and
three meals ; in a horse, or a locomotive,
to cross the land ; in a boat to cross the
sea; in tools to work with; in books to
read ; and so, in giving, on all sides, by
tolls and auxiliaries, the greatest possible
extension to our powers, as if it added
feet, and hands, and eyes, and blood,
length to the day, and knowledge, and
Wealth begins with these articles of ne-
cessity. And here we must recite the
iron law which Nature thunders in these
northern climates. First, she requires
that each man should feed himself. If.
happily, his fathers have left him no in-
heritance, he must go to work, and by
making his wants less, or his gains more,
he must draw himself out of that state of
pain and insult in which she forces the
beggar to lie. She gives him no rest until
this is done ; she starves, taunts, and tor-
ments him, takes away warmth, laughter, j
sleep, friends, and daylight, until he has
fought his way to his own loaf. Then, less
peremptorily, but still with sting enough, j
she urges him to the acquisition of such
things as belong to him. Every warehouse
and shop-window, every fruit-tree, every
thought of eve^ hour, opens a new want
to him, which it concerns his power and
dignity to gratify. It is of no use to argue
the wants down ; the philosophers have
laid the greatness of man in making his
wants few; but will a man content him-
self with a hut and a handful of dried
pease ? He is born to be rich. He is
thoroughly related ; and is tempted out by
his appetites and fancies to the conquest
of this and that piece of nature, until he
finds his well-being in the use of his
planet, and of more planets than his own.
Wealth requires, besides the crust of bread
and the roof— the freedom of the’ city, the
freedom of the earth, travelling, machin-
ery, the benefits of science, music, and
fine arts, the best culture, and the best
company. He is the rich man who can
avail himself of all men’s faculties. Ha
il tbe richest man who knows how tr>
draw a benefit the laboufS 6f t&a
greatest number of men, of men in distant
countries, and in past times. The same
correspondence that is between thirst in
tlio stomach, and water in the spring,
exists between the whole of man and the
whole of nature. The elements offer
their service to him. The sea, washing
the equator and the poles, offers its peril-
ous aid, and the power and empire that
follow it — day by day to his craft and
audacity. “ Beware of me.” it says, *' but
if you can hold me, I am the key to all
the lands.” Fire offers, on its side, an
equal power. Fire, steam, lightning,
gravity, ledges of rock, mines of iron, lead,
quicksilver, tin, and gold ; forests of all
woods ; fruits of all climates ; animals of
all habits ; the powers of tillage ; the
fabrics of his chcmic laboratory ; the webs
of his loom ; the masculine draught of his
locomotive ; the talismans of the machine-
shop ; all grand and subtle things,
minerals, gases, ethers, passions, war,
trade, government, are his natural play-
mates. and. according to the excellence of
the machinery in each human being, is
his attraction for the instruments he is to
employ. The world is his tool-chest, and
he is successful, or his education Is carried
on just so far, as is the marriage of his
faculties with nature, or, the degree in
which he takes up things into himself.
The strong race is strong on these
terms. The Saxons are the merchants of
the world; now, for a thousand years, the
leading race, and by nothing more than
their quality of personal independence,
and, in its special modification, pecuni-
ary independence. No reliance for bread
and games on the government, no clan-
ship, no patriarchal style of living by the
revenues of a chief, no marrying-on — no
system of clientship suits them ; but every
man must pay his scot. The English are
prosperous and peaceful, with their habit
of considering that every man must take
care of himself, and has liimself to thank,
if he do not maintain and improve hia
position in society.
The subject of economy mixes itself
with morals, inasmuch as it is a peremp-
tory point of virtue that a man's indepen-
dence is secured, Poverty demoralizes.
A man in debt is so far a slave ; and Wall
Street thinks it easy fora millionaire to be
a man of his word, a man of honour, but,
that, in failing circumstances, no man can
be relied on to keep his integrity. And
when one observes in the hotels and
palaces of our Atlantic capitals the habit
of expense, the riot of the senses, the
absence of bonds, clanship, fellow-feeling
of any kind, he feels, that, when a man or
woman is driven to the wall, the chances
of integrity are frightfully diminished, as
if virtue were coming to be a luxury which
few could afford, or, as Burke said, “ at a
market almost too high for humanity.”
He may fix his inventory of necessities
andjof enj oy ments on what scale he pleases,
but if he wishes the power and privilege
of thought, the chalking out his own
career, and having society on his own
terms, he must bring his wants within his
proper power to satisfy.
The manly part is to do with might and
main what you can do. The world is full
of fops who never did anything, and who
have persuaded beauties and men of
genius to wear their fop livery, and these
will deliver the fop opinion, that it is not
respectable to |be seen earning a livingl;
that it is much more respectable to spend
without earning ; and this doctrine of the
snake will come also from the elect sons
of light ; for wise men are not wise at all
hours, and will speak five times from
their taste or their humour, to once from
their reason. The brave workman, who
might betray his feeling of it in his
manners, if he do not succumb in his
practice, must replace the grace or
elegance forfeited, by the merit of the
w'ork done. No matter whether he make
shoes, or statues, or laws. It is the privi-
lege of any human work which is well
done to invest the doer with a certain
haughtiness. He can well afford not to
conciliate, whose faithful work will answer
for him. The mechanic at his bench
carries a quiet heart and assured manners,
and deals on even terms with men of any
condition. The artist has made his pic-
ture so true, that it disconcerts criticism.
The statue is so beautiful that it contracts
no stain from the market, but makes the
market a silent galiery for itself. The
case of the young lawyer was pitiful to
disgust — a paltry matter of buttons or
tweezer-cases ; but the determined youth
saw in it an aperture to insert his danger-
ous wedges, made the insignificance of the
thing forgotten, and gave fame by his
sense and energy to the name and affairs
of the Tittleton snuff-box factory.
Society in large towns is babyish, and
wealth is made a toy. The life of pleasure
Is so ostentatious, that a shallow observer
must believe that this is the agreed best
use of wealth, and, whatever is pretended,
It ends in cosseting. But, if this were the
main use of surplus capital, It would bring
us to barrica 3es, burned towns, and toma-
hawks, presently. Men of sense esteem
wealth to be the assimilation of nature to
themselves, the converting of the sap and
juices of the planet to the incarnation and
nutriment of their design. Power is what
they want — not candy — power to execute
their design, power to give legs and feet,
form and actuality, to their thought,
which, to a clear-sighted man, appears the
end for which the Universe exists, and
all its resources might be well applied.
Columbus thinks that the sphere is a pro-
blem for practical navigation, as well as
for closet geometry, and looks on all kings
and peoples as cowardly landsmen, until
they dare fit him out. Few men on the
planet have more truly belonged to it.
But he was forced to leave much of his
map blank. His successors inherited his
map, and inherited his fury to complete it.
So the men of the mine, telegraph, mill,
map, and survey — the monomaniacs, who
talk up their project in marts, and offices,
and entreat men to subscribe : how did
our factories get built ? how did North
America get netted with iron rails, except
by the importunity of these orators, who
dragged all the prudent men in ? Is party
the madness of many for the gain of a
few ? This speculative genius is the mad-
ness of few for the gain of the world. The
projectors are sacrificed, but the public is
the gainer. Each of these idealists,
working after his thought, would make it
tyrannical, if he could. He is met and
antagonized by other speculators, as hot
as he. The equilibrium is preserved by
these counteractions, as one tree keeps
down another in the forest, that it may not
absorb all the sap in the ground. And the
supply in nature of railroad presidents,
copper-miners, grand-junctioners, smoke-
burners, fire-annihilators, &c., is limited
by the same law which keeps the propor-
tion in the supply of carbon, of alum, and
of hydrogen.
To be rich is to have a ticket of admis-
sion to the masterworks and chief men of
each race. It is to have the sea, by voyag-
ing ; to visit the mountains, Niagara, the
Nile, the desert, Rome, Paris, Constanti-
nople ; to see galleries, libraries, arsenals,
manufactories. The reader of Hum-
boldt’s *' Cosmos ” follows the marches of
a man whose eyes, ears, and mind are
armed by all the science, arts, and imple-
ments which mankind have anywhere
accumulated, and who is using these to
^dd to $tock. So if it with Denon*
Beckford, Belzoni, Wilkinson, Layard, |
Kane, Lepsius, and Livingston. " The
rich man,” says Saadi, ” is everywhere
expected and at home.” The rich take
up something more of the world into
man’s life. They include the country as
well as the town, the ocean-side, the White
Hills, the Far West, and the old European
homesteads of man, in their notion of
available material. The world is his who
has money to go over it. He arrives at
the sea-shore, and a sumptuous ship has
floored and carpeted for him the stormy
Atlantic, and made it a luxurious hotel,
amid the horrors of tempests. The Per-
sians say, ” 'T is the same to him who
wears a shoe, as if the whole earth were
covered with leather.”
Kings are said to have long arms, but
every man should have long arms, and
should pluck his living, his instruments,
his power, and his knowing, from the sun,
moon, and stars. Is not then the demand
to be rich legitimate ? Yet, I have never
seen a rich man. I have never seen a
man as rich as all men ought to be, or,
with an adequate command of nature.
The pulpit and the press have many
commonplaces denouncing the thirst for
wealth ; but if men should take these j
moralists at their word, and leave off
aiming to be rich, the moralists would i
rush to rekindle at all hazards this love 1
of power in the people, lest civilization
should be undone. Men are urged by
their ideas to acquire the command over
nature. Ages derive a culture from the
wealth of Roman Csesars, Leo Tenths,
magnificent Kings of France, Grand Dukes
of Tuscany, Dukes of Devonshire, Town-
leys, Vernons, and Peels, in England ; or
whatever great proprietors. It is the in-
terest of all men, that there should be
Vaticans and Louvres full of noble works
of art , British museums, and French
Gardens of Plants, Philadelphia Academies
of Natural History, Bodleian, Ambrosian,
Royal, Congressional Libraries. It is the
interest of all that there should be Ex-
ploring Expeditions ; Captain Cooks to
voyage round the world, Rosses, Franklins,
Richardsons, and Kanes, to find the
magnetic and the geographic poles. We
are all richer for the measurement of a
degree of latitude on the earth’s surface.
Our navigation is safer for the chart.
How intimately our knowledge of the
system of the Universe rests on that !— and
a true economy in a state or an individual
will forget its frugality in behalf of claims
like the^.
Whilst it is each man's Mterest, that«
not only ease and convenience of living,
but also wealth or surplus product should
exist somewhere, it need not be in his
hands. Often it is very undesirable to
him. Goethe said well, ** Nobody should
be rich but those who understand it”
Some men are born to own, and can ani-
mate all their possessions. Others can-
not : their owning is not graceful ; seems
to be a compromise of their character;
they seem to steal their own dividends.
They should own who can administer ; not
they who hoard and conceal ; not they
who, the greater proprietors they are, are
only the greater beggars, but they whose
work carves out work for more, opens a
path for all. For he is the rich man in
whom the people are rich, and he is the
poor man in whom the people are poor ;
and how to give all access to the master-
pieces of art and nature, is the problem of
civilization. The socialism of our day has
done good service in setting men on think-
ing how certain civilizing benefits, now
only enjoyed by the opulent, can be en-
joyed by all. For example, the providing
to each man the means and apparatus of
science, and of the arts. There are many
articles good for occasional use, which
few men are able to own. Every man
wishes to see the ring of Saturn, the satel-
lites and belts of Jupiter and Mars ; tho
mountains and craters in the moon : yet
how few can buy a telescope ! and of
those, scarcely one would like the trouble
of keeping it in order, and exhibiting it.
So of electrical and chemical apparatus,
and many the like things. Every man
may have occasion to consult books which
he does not care to possess, such ascyclo-
p£?dias, dictionaries, tables, charts, maps,
and public documents ; pictures also of
birds, beasts, fishes, shells, trees, flowers,
whose names he desires to know.
There is a refining influence from the
arts of Design on a prepared mind, which
is as positive as that of music, and not to
be supplied from any other source. But
pictures, engravings, statues, and casts,
beside their first cost, entail expenses, as
of galleries and keepers for the exhibition ;
and the use which any man can make of
them is rare, and their value, too, is much
enhanced by the numbers of men who ccji
share their enjoyment. In the Greek
cities, it was reckoned profane, that any
person should pretend a property in a
work of art, which belonged to all w'ho
could behold it. I think sometiirpf^
could 1 9Qly have music on my own tenps^—
could I IIto in a great cit^« and know
where I could go whenever I wished the
ablution and inundation of musical waves
— that were a bath and a medicine.
If properties of this kind were owned
by states, towns, and lyceums, they would
draw the bonds of neighbourhood closer.
A town would exist to an intellectual pur-
pose. In Europe, where the feudal forms
secure the permanence of wealth in cer-
tain families, those families buy and pre-
serve these things, and lay them open to
the public. But in America, where demo-
cratic institutions divide every estate into
small portions, after a few years, the pub-
lic should step into the place of these
proprietors, and provide this culture and
inspiration for the citizen.
Man was born to be 'rich, or, inevitably
grows rich by the use of his faculties : by
the union of thought with nature. Property
is an intellectual production. The game
requires coolness, right reasoning, prompt-
ness, and patience in the players. Culti-
vated labour drives out brute labour. An
infinite number of shrewd men, in infinite
years, have arrived at certain best and
shortest ways of doing, and this accumu-
lated skill in arts, cultures, harvestings,
curings, manufactures, navigations, ex-
changes, constitutes the worth of our world
Commerce is a game of skill, which
every man cannot play, which few
men can play well. The right merchant
Is one who has the just average of facul-
ties we call common sense ; a man of a
strong affinity for facts, who makes up
his decision on what he has seen. He is
thoroughly persuaded of the truths of
arithmetic. There is always a reason, in
the man, for his good or bad fortune, and
10, in making money. Men talk as if
there were some magic about this, and
believe in magic, in all parts of life. He
knows, that all goes on the old road,
pound for pound, cent for cent — for every
effect a perfect cause — and that good luck
is another name for tenacity of purpose.
He insures himself in every transaction,
and likes small and sure gains. Probity
and closeness to the facts are the basis,
but the masters of the art add a certain
long arithmetic. The problem is, to com-
bine many and remote operations, with
the accuracy and adherence to the facts,
which is easy in near and small transac-
tions ; so to arrive at gigantic results,
without any compromise of safety. Napo-
leon was fond of telling the story of the
Marseilles banker, who said to his visitor.
surprised at the contrast between tha
splendour of the banker’s chateau and
hospitality, and the meanness of the
counting-room in which he had seen him :
“ Young man, you are too young to under-
stand how masses are formed — the true
and only power— wl.ether composed of
money, water, or men, it is all alike— a
mass is an immense centre of motion,
but it must be begun, it must be kept
up and he might have added, that the
way in which it must be begun and kept
up, is, by obedience to the law of par-
Success consists in close appliance to
the laws of the world, and, since those
laws are intellectual and moral, an intel-
lectual and moral obedience. Political
Economy is as good a book wherein to
read the life of man, and the ascendency
of laws over all private and hostile influ-
ences, as any Bible which has come down
to us.
Money is representative, and follows
the nature and fortunes of the owner.
The coin is a delicate metre of civil, social,
and moral changes. The farmer is covet-
ous of his dollar, and with reason. It is
no waif to him. He knows how many
strokes of labour it represents. His bones
ache with the day’s work that earned it.
He knows how much land ‘it represents ;
how much rain, frost, and sunshine. Ha
knows that, in the dollar, he gives you so
much discretion and patience, so much
hoeing and threshing. Try to lift his
dollar ; you must lift all that weight. In
the city, where money follows the skit of a
pen, or a lucky rise in exchange, it comes
to be looked on as light. I wish the farmer
held it dearer, and would spend it only for
real bread ; force for force.
The farmer’s dollar is heavy, and the
clerk’s is light and nimble; leaps out of
his pocket ; jumps on to cards and faro-
tables : but still more curious is its sus-
ceptibility to metaphysical changes. It is
the finest barometer of social storms, and
announces revolutions.
Every step of civil advancement makes
every man’s dollar worth more. In Cali-
fornia, the country where it grew, what
would it buy ? A few years since, it
would buy a shanty, dysentery, hunger,
bad company, and crime. There are wide
countries, like Siberia, where it would buy
little else to-day, than some petty mitiga-
tion of suffering. In Rome, it will buy
beauty and magnificence. Forty years
ago, a dollar would not buy much in
Boston. Now it will buy a great dai
more in our old town, thanks to railroads,
telegraphs, steamers, and the contempo-
raneous growth of New York, and the
whole country. Yet there are many goods
appertaining to a capital city, which are
not yet purchasable here, no, not with a
mountain of dollars. A dollar in Florida
is not worth a dollar in Massachusetts. A
dollar is not value, but representative of
value, and, a^ last, of moral values. A
dollar is rated for the corn it will buy, or
to speak strictly, not for the corn or house-
room, but for Athenian corn, and Roman
house-room — for the wit, probity, and
power, which we eat bread and dwell in
houses to share and exert. Wealth is
mental ; wealth is moral. The value of a
dollar is, to buy just things : a dollar goes
on increasing in value with all the genius,
and all the virtue of the world. A dollar
in a university is worth more than a dollar
in a jail; in a temperate, schooled, law-
abiding community, than in some sink of
crime, where dice, knives, and arsenic
are in constant play.
The “ Bank-Note Detector” is a useful
publication. But the current dollar, silver
or paper, is itself the detector of the right
and wrong where it circulates. Is it not
instantly enhanced by the increase of
equity ? If a trader refuses to sell his
vote, or adheres to some odious right, he
makes so much more equity in Massachu-
setts ; and every acre in the State is more
worth, in the hour of his action. If you
take out of State Street the ten honestest
merchants, and put in ten roguish persons,
controlling the same amount of capital —
the rates of insurance will indicate it ; the
soundness of banks will show it : the high-
ways will be less secure ; the schools will
feel it ; the children will bring home their
little dose of the poison: the judge will
sit less firmly on the bench, and his deci-
sions be less upright ; he has lost so much
support and constraint — w'hich all need ;
and the pulpit will betray it, in a laxer rule
of life. An apple-tree, if you take out
every day for a number of days, a load of
loam, and put in a load of sand about its
roots, will find it out. An apple-tree is a
stupid kind of creature, but if this treat-
ment be pursued for a short time, I think
it would begin to mistrust something.
And if you should take out of the powerful
class engaged in trade a hundred good
men, and put in a hundred bad, or, what
h just the same thing, introduce a demo-
ralizing institution, would not the dollar,
which is not much stupider than an apple-
presently find it out ? The value of
a dollar is social, as it is created by society.
Every man who removes into this city,
with any purchasable talent or skill in
him, gives to every man’s labour in the
city a new worth. If a talent is any^vhere
born into the world, the community of
nations is enriched; and, much more,
with a new degree of probity. The ex-
pense of crime, one of the principal
charges of every nation, is so fai’ stopped.
In Europe, crime is observed to increase
or abate with the price of bread. If the
Rothschilds at Paris do not accept bills,
the people at Manchester, at Paisley, at
Birmingham, are forced into the highway,
and landlords are shot down in Ireland.
The police records attest it. The vibra-
tions are presently felt in New York, New
Orleans, and Chicago. Not much other-
wise, the economical power touches the
! masses through the political lords. Roths-
child refuses the Russian loan, and there
is peace, and the harvests are saved. He
takes it, and there is war, and an agitation
through a large portion of mankind, with
every hideous result, ending in revolution,
and a new order.
Wealth brings with it its own checks
and balances. The basis of political econ-
omy is non-interference. The only safe
rule is found in the self-adjusting meter
of demand and supply. Do not legislate.
Meddle, and you snap the sinews with
your sumptuary laws. Give no bounties :
make equal laws : secure life and property,
and you need not give alms. Open the
doors of opportunity to talent and virtue,
and they will do themselves justice, and
property will not be in bad hands. In a
free and just commonwealth, property
rushes from the idle and imbecile, to the
industrious, brave, and persevering.
The laws of nature play through trade,
as a toy-battery exhibits the effects of
electricity. The level of the sea is not
more surely kept, than is the equilibrium
of value in society, by the demand and
supply ; and artifice or legislation punishes
itself by reactions, gluts, and bankrupt-
cies. The sublime laws play indifferently
through atoms and galaxies. Whoever
knows what happens in the getting and
spending of a loaf of bread and a pint of
beer; that no wishing will change the
rigorous limits of pints and penny loaves;
that, for all that is consumed, so much
less remains in the basket and pot ; but
what is gone out of these is not wasted,
but well spent, if it nourish his body, and
enable him to finish his task ; knows all
gf political economy that thf budgets oi
empires can teach him. . The interest of
petty economy is this symbolization of the
great economy ; the way in which a house,
and a private man’s methods, tally with
the solar system, and the laws of give and
take, throughout nature ; and however
v.^ary we are of the falsehoods and petty
tricks which we suicidally play off on each
otlier, every man has a certain satisfaction,
whenever his dealing touches on the inevi-
table facts ; when ho sees that things
themselves dictate the price, as they al-
ways tend to do, and, in large manufac-
tures, are seen to do. Your paper is not
fine or coarse enough — is too heavy, or
too thin. The manufacturer says, he will
furnish you with just that thickness or
thinness you want; the pattern is quite
indifferent to him ; here is his schedule ;
any variety of paper, as cheaper or dearer,
with the prices annexed. A pound of
paper costs so much, and you may have
it made up in any pattern you fancy.
There is in all our dealings a self-regu-
lation that supersedes chaffering. You
will rent a house, but must have it cheap.
The owner can reduce the rent, but so he
incapacitates himself from making proper
repairs, and the tenai'it gets not the house
ho would have, but a worse one ; besides,
that a relation a little injurious is estab-
lished between landlord and tenant. You
dismiss your labourer, saying, “ Patrick, I
shall send for you as soon as I cannot do
without you.” Patrick goes off contented,
for he knows that the weeds will grow with
the potatoes, the vines must be planted,
next week, and, however unwilling you
may be, the cantelopes, crook-necks, and
cucumbers will send for him. Who but
must wish that all labour and value should
stand on the same simple and surly mar-
ket ? If it is the best of its kind, it will.
We must have joiner, locksmith, planter,
priest, poet, doctor, cook, weaver, ostler;
each in turn, through the year.
If a St. Michael’s pear sells for a shilling,
It costs a shilling to raise it. If, in Boston,
the best securities offer twelve per cent for
money, they have just six per cent of in-
security. You may not see that the fine
pear costs you a shilling, but it costs the
community so much. The shilling repre-
sents the number of enemies the pear has,
and the amount of risk in ripening it. The
price of coal shows the narrowness of the
coal-field, and a compulsory confinement
of the miners to a certain district. All
salaries are reckoned on contingent, as
well as on actual services. “If the wind
were always south-west by west,” said the
skipper, '* women might take ships to sea.**
One might say, that all things are of ono
price ; that nothing is cheap or dear; and
that the apparent disparities that strikw
us are only a shopman’s trick of conceal-
ing the damage in your bargain. A youth
coming into the city from his native New
Hampshire farm, with its hard fare still
fresh in his remembrance, boards at a first-
class hotel, and believes he must somehow
have outwitted Dr. Franklin and Malthus,
for luxuries are cheap. But he pays for
the one convenience of a better dinner, by
the loss of some of the richest social and
I educational advantages. He has lost what
guards ! what incentives 1 He will perhaps
find by and by, that he left the Muses
at the door of the hotel, and found the
Furies inside. Money often costs too
much, and power and pleasure are not
cheap. The ancient poet said, ” The
gods sell all things at a lair price.”
There is an example of the compensa-
tions in the commercial history of this
country. When the European wars threw
the carry ing-trade of the world, from 1800
to 1812, into American bottoms, a seizure
was now and then made of an American
ship. Of course, the loss was serious to
the owner, but the country was indemni-
fied ; for we charged threepence a pound
for carrying cotton, sixpence for tobacco,
and so on ; which paid for the risk and
loss, and brought into the country an im-
mense prosperity, early marriages, private
wealth, the building of cities, and of states ;
and, after the war was over, we received
compensation over and above, by treaty, for
all the seizures. Well, the Americans
grew rich and great. But the pay-day
comes round. Britain, France, and Ger-
many, which our extraordinary profits
had impoverished, sent out, attracted by
the fame of our advantages, first their
thousands, then their millions, of poor
people, to share the crop. At first, wo
employ them, and increase our prosperity ;
but, in the artificial system of society and
of protected labour, which vve also havo
adopted and enlarged, there come pre-
sently checks and stoppages. Then we
refuse to employ these poor men. But
they will not so be answered. They go
into the poor rates, and, though we refuse
wages, we must now pay the same amount
in the form of taxes. Again, it turns out
that the largest proportion of crimes are
committed by foreigners. The cost of
the crime, and the expense of courts, and
of prisons, we must bear, and the standing
army of preveotiYO police we must pay.
? V
The cost of edncstion of the posterity of
this great colony, I will not compute. But
the gross amount of these costs will begin
to pay back what we thought was a net
gain from our Transatlantic customers of
1800. It is vain to refuse this payment.
We cannot get rid of these people, and we
cannot get rid of their will to be supported.
That has become an inevitable element
in our politics; and, for their votes, each
of the dominant parties courts and assists
them to get it executed. Moreover, we
have to pay, not what would have con-
tended them at home, but what they have
learned to think necessary here ; so that
opinion, fancy, and all manner of moral
considerations complicate the problem.
These were the prevalent opinions in
1850. Yet this result is no more final than
the last. We have hardly time to study
this adjustment and deplore these disad-
vantages, before the scale rights itself
again, this time disclosing new and im-
mense benefits. For this countless host
of immigrants are now seen to be adding
by their labour to the wealth of the country.
They plant the wilderness with wheat and
corn, work the mines for coal and lead and
copper and gold, build roads and towns
and states, create a market for the manu-
factures and commerce of eitlier sea coast,
and swell by their taxes the national
There are a few measures of economy
which will bear to be named without dis-
gust ; for the subject is tender, and we may
easily have too much of it ; and therein
resembles the hideous animalcules of
which our bodies are built up — which,
offensive in the particular, yet compose
valuable and effective masses. Our nature
and genius force us to respect ends, whilst
we use means. We must use the means,
and yet, in our most accurate using, some-
how screen and cloak them, as we can only
give them any beauty, by a reflection of
the glory of the end. That is the good
head, which serves the end, and commands
the means. The rabble are corrupted by
their means : the means are too strong for
them, and they desert their end.
I. The first of these measures is that
each man’s expense must proceed from his
character. As long as your genius buys,
the investment is safe, though you spend '
like a monarch. Nature arms each man
with some faculty which enables him to do
easily some feat impossible to any other,
and thus makes him necessary to society.
This native determination guides his labour
and his spending. He wants an equip-
ment of means and tools proper to his
talent. And to save on this point, were
to neutralize the special strength and help-
fulness of each mind. Do your worlr,
respecting the excellence of the work, and
not its acceptableness. This is so much
economy, that, rightly read, It is the sum
of economy. Profligacy consists not in
spending years of time or chests of money,
but in spending them off the line of your
career. The crime which bankrupts men
and states, is, job work — declining from
your main design, to serve a turn here or
there. Nothing is beneath you, if it is in
the direction of your life : nothing is great
or desirable, if it is off from that. I think
we are entitled here to draw a straight
line, and say, that society can never pros-
per, but must always be bankrupt, until
every man does that which he was created
to do.
Spend for your expense, and retrench
the expense which is not yours. Allston,
the painter, was wont to say, that he
built a plain house, and filled it with plain
furniture, because he would hold out no
bribe to any to visit him, who had not
similar tastes to his own. We are sym-
pathetic, and, like children, want every-
thing we see. But it is a large stride to
independence — when a man, in the dis-
covery of his proper talent, has sunk the
necessity for false expenses. As the be-
trothed maiden, by one secure affection,
is relieved from a system of slaveries — the
daily inculcated necessity of pleasing all —
so the man who has found what he can
do, can spend on that, and leave all other
spending. Montaigne said : “ When ha
was a younger brother, he went brave in
dress and equipage, but afterward his
chateau and farms might answer for him/’
Let a man who belongs to the class of
nobles, those, namely, who have found
out that they can do something, relieve
himself of all vague squandering on ob-
jects not his. Let the realist not mind
appearances. Let him delegate to others
the costly courtesies and decorations of
social life. The virtues are economists,
but some of the vices are also. Thus, next
to humility, 1 have noticed that pride is a
P'.etty good husband. A good pride is, as
I reckon it, worth from five hundred to
fifteen hundred a year. Pride is hand-
some, economical : pride eradicates so
many vices, letting none subsist but itself,
that it seems as if it were a great gain to
exchange vanity for pride. Pride can go
without domestics, without fine clothes,
eaa live in a house with ^wo rooms, can
•at potato, purslain, beans, lyed corn, can
work on the soil, can travel afoot, can talk
with poor men, or sit silent well-contented
in fine saloons. But vanity costs money,
labour, horses, men, women, health, and
peace, and is still nothing at last, a long
way leading nowhere. Only one draw-
back ; proud people are intolerably selfish,
and the vain are gentle and giving.
Art is a jealous mistress, and, if a man
have a genius for painting, poetry, music,
architecture, or philosophy, he makes a
bad husband, and an ill provider, and
should be wise in season, and not fetter
himself with duties which will embitter
his days, and spoil him for his proper work.
We had in this region, twenty years ago,
among our educated men, a sort of Arca-
dian fanaticism, a passionate desire to go
upon the land, and unite farming to intel-
lectual pursuits. Many effected their
purpose, and made the experiment, and
some became downright ploughmen *, but
all were cured of their faith that scholar-
ship and practical farming (I mean, with
one’s own hands) could be united.
With brow bent, with firm intent, the
pale scholar leaves his desk to draw a
freer breath, and get a juster statement of
his thought, in the garden-walk. He
stoops to pull up a purslain, or a dock, that
is choking the young corn, and finds there
are two : close behind the last, is a third ;
he reaches out his hand to a fourth ; be-
hind that are four thousand and one. He
ts heated and untuned, and, by and by,
wakes up from his idiot dream of chick-
weed and red-root, to remember his morn-
ing thought, and to find, that, with his
adamantine purposes, he has been duped
by a dandelion. A garden is like those
pernicious machineries we read of, every
month, in the newspapers, which catch a
man’s coat-skirt or his hand, and draw in
his arm, his leg, and his whole body to
irresistible destruction. In an evil hour
he pulled down his wall, and added a field
to his homestead. No land is bad, but
land is worse. If a man own land, the
land owns him. Now let him leave home,
if he dare. Every tree and graft, every
hill of melons, row of corn, or quickset
hedge, all ho has done, and all he means
to do, stand in his way, like duns, when
he would go out of his gate. The devo-
tion to these vines and trees he finds
poisonous. Long free walks, a circuit of
miles, free his brain, and serve his body.
Long marches are no hardship to him.
He believes he cornposes easily on the
hills. But this pottering In a few square
yards of garden is dispiriting and drivel-
ling. The smell of the plants has drugged
him, and robbed him of energy. He finds
a catalepsy in his bones. He grows
peevish and poor-spirited. The genius 0/
reading and of gardening are antagonistic,
like resinous and vitreous electricity, Ona
is concentrative in sparks and shocks ; the
other is diffuse strength ; so that each dis-
qualifies its workman for the otlier's
An engraver whose hands must be o(
an exquisite delicacy of stroke should net
lay stone-walls. Sir David Brewster gives
exact instructions for microscopic obser-
vation : “ Lie down on your back, and
hold the single lens and object over your
eye,” &c., &c. How much more the
seeker of abstract truth, who needs periods
of isolation, and rapt concentration, and
almost a going out of the body to think !
2. Spend after your genius, and by sys-
tern. Nature goes by rule, not by sallies
and saltations. There must be system in
the economies. Saving and unexpensive-
ness will not keep the most pathetic family
from ruin, nor will bigger incomes make
free spending safe. The secret of success
lies never in the amount of money, but in
the relation of income to outgo ; as if,
after expense has been fixed at a certain
point, then new and steady rills of income,
though never so small, being added,
wealth begins. But in ordinary, as means
increase, spending increases faster, so
tliat, large incomes, in England and else-
where, are found not to help matters — the
eating quality of debt does not relax its
voracity. When the Colerado is in the
potato, what is the use of planting larger
crops? In England, the richest country
in the universe, I was assured by shrewd
observers, that great lords and ladies had
no more guineas to give away than other
people ; that liberality with money is as
rare, and as immediately famous a virtue
as it is here. Want is a growing giant
whom the coat of Have was never large
enough to cover. I remember in Warwick-
shire, to have been shown a fair manor,
still in the same name as in Shakespeare’s
time. The rent-roll, I was told, is soma
fourteen thousand pounds a year; but,
when the second son of the late proprietor
was born, the father was perplexed how
to provide for him. The eldest son must
inherit the manor ; what to do with this
supernumerary ? He was advised to breed
him for the Church, and to settle him in
the rectorship, which was in the gift ol
the family ; which was done. It is a gene-
ral rule in that country, that bigger
incomes do not help anybody. It is com-
monly observed, that a sudden wealth,
like a prize drawn in a lottery, or a large
bequest to a poor family, does not per-
manently enrich. They have served no
apprenticeship to wealth, and, with the
rapid wealth, cOmo rapid claims: which
they do not know how to deny, and the
treasure is quickly dissipated.
A system must be in every economy, or
the best single expedients are of no avail.
A farm is a good thing when it begins and
ends with itself, and does not need a
salary, or a shop, to eke it out. Thus,
the cattle are a main link in the chain-
ring. If the nonconformist or Esthetic
farmer leaves out the cattle, and does not
also leave out the want which the Rattle
must supply, he must fill the gap by
begging or stealing. When men nowalive
were born, the farm yielded everything
that was consumed on it. The farm
yielded no money, and the farmer got on
without. If he fell sick, his neighbours
came into his aid : each gave a day’s
work ; or a half-day ; or lent his yoke of
oxen, or his. horse, and kept his work
even : hoed his potatoes, mowed his hay,
reaped his rye ; well knowing that no man
could afford to hire labour, without selling
his land. In autumn, a farmer could sell
an ox or a hog, and get a little money to
pay taxes withal. Now, the farmer buys
almost all he consumes — tin-ware, cloth,
sugar, tea, coffee, fish, coal, railroad
tickets, and newspapers,
A master in each art is required, be-
cause the practice is never with still or
dead subjects, but they change in your
hands. You think farm buildings and
broad acres a solid property : but its
value is flowing like water. It requires as
much watching as if you were decanting
wine from a cask. The farmer knows
what to do with it, stops every leak, turns
all the streamlets to one reservoir, and
decants wine ; but a blunderhead comes
out of Cornhill, tries his hand, and it all
leaks away. So is it with granite streets,
or timber townships, as with fruit or
flowers. Nor is any investment so per-
manent, that it can be allowed to remain
without incessant watching, as the history
of each attempt to lock up an inheritance
through two generations for an unborn
Inheritor may show.
When Mr. Cockayne takes a cottage
in the country, and will keep his cow,
ha thinka a cow is a creature that is
fed on hay, and gives a pail of milk twice
a day. But the cow that he buys gives
milk for three months ; then her bag dries
up. What to do with a dry cow ? who will
buy her ? Perhaps he bought also a yoke
of oxen to do his work ; but they get blown
and lame. What to do with blown and
lame oxen ? The farmer fats his after the
spring work is done, and kills tliem in the
fall. But how can Cockayne, who has no
pastures, and leaves his cottage daily in
the cars, at business hours, he pothered
with fatting and killing oxen ? He plants
trees ; but there must be crops, to keep
the trees in ploughed land. What shall
be the crops ? He will have nothing to do
with trees, but will have grass. After a
year or two, the grass must be turned up
and ploughed : now what crops ? Credu-
lous Cockayne !
3. Help comes in the custom of the
country, and the rule of Jmpera partndo.
The rule is not to dictate, nor to insist on
carrying out each of your schemes by
ignorant wilfulness, but to learn practi-
cally the secret spoken from all nature,
that things themselves refuse to be mis-
managed, and will show to the watchful
their own law. Nobody need stir hand or
foot. The custom of the country will do
it all. I know not how to build or to
plant ; neither how to buy wood, nor what
to do with the house-lot, the field, or the
wood-lot, when bought. Never fear ; it is
all settled how it shall be, long beforehand,
in the custom of the country, whether to
sand, or whether today it, when to plough,
and how to dress, whether to grass, or to
corn ; and you cannot help or hinder it.
Nature has her own best mode of doing
each thing, and she has somewhere told
it plainly, if we will keep our eyes and
ears open. If not, she will not be slow in
undeceiving us, when we prefer our own
way to hers. How often wa must re-
member the art of the surgeon, which, in
replacing the broken bone, contents itself
with releasing the parts from false posi-
tion ; they fly into place by the action of
the muscles. On this art of nature all our
arts rely.
Of the two eminent engineers in the
recent construction of railways in England,
Mr. Brunei went straight from terminus
to terminus, through mountains, over
streams, crossing highways, cutting ducal
estates in two, and shooting through thig
man’s cellar, and that man’s attic window,
and so arriving at his end, at great plea-
sure to geometers, but with cost to hia
company. Mr. Stepberisou, ou tho coa
ira’fy, believing that the fiver knows the
way, followed his valley, as implicitly as
our Western Railroad follows the West-
field River, and turned out to be the safest
and cheapest engineer. We say the cows
laid out Boston. Well, there are worse
surveyors. Every pedestrian in our pas-
tures has frequent occasion to thank the
cows for cutting the best path through the
thicket, and over the hills ; and travellers
and Indians know the value of a buffalo-
trail, which is sure to be the easiest pos-
sible pass through the ridge.
When a citizen, fresh from Dock Square,
or Milk Street, comes out and buys land
in the country, his first thought is to a
fine outlook from his windows ; his library
must command a western view : a sunset j
every day bathing the shoulder of Blue
Hills, Wachusett, and the peaks of Mo-
nadnoc and Uncanoonuc. What, thirty
acres, and all this magnificence for fifteen
hundred dollars ! It would be cheap at
fifty thousand. He proceeds at once, his
eyes dim with tears of joy, to fix the spot
for his corner-stone. But the man who is
to level the ground thinks it will take
many hundred loads of gravel to fill the
hollow to the road. The stone-mason
who should build the well thinks he shall
have to dig forty feet : the baker doubts
he shall never like to drive up to the door :
the practical neighbour cavils at the posi-
tion of the barn ; and the citizen comes
to know that his predecessor the farmer
built the house in the right spot for the
Bun and wind, the spring, and water-
drainage, and the convenience to the
pasture, the garden, the field, and the
road. So Dock Square yields the point,
and things have their own way. Use has
made the farmer wise, and the foolish
citizen learns to take his counsel. From
step to step he comes at last to surrender
at discretion. The farmer affects to take
his orders ; but the citizen says. You may
ask me as often as you will, and in what
ingenious forms, for an opinion concern-
ing the mode of building my wall, or sink-
ing my well, or laying out my acre, but
the ball will rebound to you. These are
matters on which I neither know, nor
need to know anything. These are ques-
tions which you and not I shall answer.
Not less, within doors, a system settles
itself paramount and tyrannical over
master and mistress, servant and child,
cousin and acquaintance. ’Tis in vain
that genius or virtue or energy of character
strive and cry against it. This is fate.
Aod 'tis very well that the poor husband
reads in a book of a new way of living, and
resolves to adopt it at home ; let him go
home and try it, if he dare.
4. Another point of economy is to look
for seed of the same kind as you sow ; and
not to hope to buy one kind with another
kind. Friendship buys friendship ; justice,
justice; military merit, military success.
Good husbandry finds wife, children, and
household. The good merchant, large
gains, ships, stocks, and money. The
good poet, fame, and literary credit ; but
not either, the other. Yet there is com-
monly a confusion of expectations on
these points. Hotspur lives for the mo-
ment ; praises himself for it ; and despises
Furlong, that he does not. Hotspur, of
course, is poor; and Furlong, a good
provider. The old circumstance is, that
Hotspur thinks it a superiority in himself,
this improvidence, which ought to be
rewarded with Furlong’s lands.
I have not at all completed my design.
But we must not leave the topic, without
casting one glance into the interior re-
cesses. It is a doctrine of philosophy,
that man is a being of degrees ; that there
is nothing in the world, which is not re-
peated in his body; his body being a sort
of miniature or summary of the world;
then that there is nothing in his body,
which is not repeated as in a celestial
sphere in his mind ; then, there is nothing
in his brain, which is not repeated in a
higher sphere, in his moral system.
5. Now these things are so in Nature.
All things ascend, and the royal rule of
economy is, that it should ascend also, or,
whatever we do must have a higher aim.
Thus it is a maxim, that money is another
kind of blood, Pecunia alter sanguis: or,
the estate of a man is only a larger kind or
body, and admits of regimen analogous to
his bodily circulations. So there is no
maxim of the merchant, which does not
admit of an extended sense, e.g., “ The
best use of money is to pay debts ; ”
" Every business by itself; ” “ Best time
is present time ; ” “ The right investment
is in tools of your trade; ” and the like.
The counting-room maxims liberally ex-
pounded are laws of the Universe. The
merchant’s economy is a coarse symbol of
the soul’s economy. It is, to spend for
power, and not for pleasure. It is to in-
vest income ; that is to say, to take up
particulars into generals ; days into integ-
ral eras — literary, emotive, practical, of
its life, and still to ascend in its invest*
ment. The merchant has but one rule,
absorb and invest ; he is to be capitalist I
tba scraps and filings must be gathered
back into the crucible ; the gas and smoke
must be burned, and earnings must not go
to increase expense, but to capital again.
Well, the man must be capitalist. Will
he spend his income, or will he invest ?
His body and every organ is under the
same law. His body is a jar, in which the
liquor of life is stored. Will he spend for
pleasure ? The way to ruin is short and
facile. Will he not spend, but hoard for
power ? It passes through the sacred fer-
mentations, by that law of Nature where-
by everything climbs to higher platforms,
and bodily vigour becomes mental and
moral vigour. The bread he eats is first
strength and animal spirits ; it becomes, in
higher laboratof ies, imagery and thought }
and in still higher results, courage antj
endurance. This Is the right compound
interest; this is capital doubled, quad-
rupled, centupled ; m?n raised to his
highest power.
The true thrift is always to spend on
the higher plane; to invest and invest,
with keener avarice, that he may spend in
spiritual creation, and not in augmenting
animal existence. Nor is the man en-
riched, in repeating the old experiments
of animal sensation, nor unless through
new powers and ascending pleasures, he
knows himself by the actual experience of
higher good, to be already on the way to
the highest*
Can rules or tutors educate ^
The seraigod wliom we await?
He must be musical.
Tremulous, impress ional,
Alive to gentle influence
Of landscape and of sky,
And tender to the spirit-touch
Of man's or maiden’s eye :
But, to his native centre fast,
Shall into Future fuse the Past,
And the world’s flowing fates in his own
mould recast.
The word of ambition at the present day
is Culture. Whilst all the world is in pur-
suit of power, and of wealth as a means of
power, culture corrects the theory of suc-
cess. A man is the prisoner of his power.
A topical memory makes him an almanac ;
a talent for debate, a disputant ; skill to
get money makes him a miser, that is, a
beggar. Culture reduces these inflamma-
tions by invoking the aid of other powers
against the dominant talent, and by appeal-
ing to the rank of powers. It watches
success. For performance, Nature has no
mercy, and saorifices the performer to get
it done ; makes a dropsy or a tympany of
him. If she wants a thumb, she makes
one at the cost of arms and legs, and any
excess of power in one part is usually paid
for at once by some defect in a contiguous
Our efficiency depends so much on our
concentration, that Nature usually in the
instances where a marked man is sent in-
to the world, overloads him with bias,
sacrificing his symmetry to his working
power. It is said, a man can write but one
^ook ; and if a man have a defect, it is apt
to leave its impression on all his perform
mances. If she creates a policeman like
Fouclie, he is made up of suspicions and
of plots to circumvent them. "The air,"
said Fouch6, " is full of poniards." The
physician Sanctorious spent his life in a
pair of scales, weighing his food. Lord
Coke valued Chaucer highly, because tha
Canon Yeman’s Tale illustrated the statute
fifth Hen, /F,, Chap, 4, against alchemy.
I saw a man who believed the principal
mischiefs in the English state were deri-
ved from the devotion to musical concerts.
A freemason, not long since, set out to ex-
plain to this country, that the principal
cause of the success of General Washing-
ton, was the aid he derived from the free-
But worse than the harping on one
string. Nature has secured individualism,
by giving the private person a high conceit
of his weight in the system. The pest of
society is egotists. There are dull and
bright, sacred and profane, coarse and
fine egotists. 'Tis a disease that, like
influenza, falls on all constitutions. In
the distemper known to physicians as
chorea, the patient sometimes turns round,
and continues to spin slowly on one spot.
Is egotism a metaphysical variety of this
malady? The man runs round a ring
formed by his own talent, falls into an
admiration of it, and loses relation to the
world. It is a tendency in all minds. One
of its annoying forms is a craving for syra-
! pathy. The sufferers parade their miseries,
I tear the lint from their bruises, reveal
I their indictable crimes, that you may pity
^lem like «icknc*s, because phy-
sical pain will extort some show of interest
jErom the by-standers, as we have seen
children, who, finding themselves of no
account when grown people come in, will
cough till they choke, to draw attention.
This distemper is the scourge of talent
artists, inventors, and philosophers.
Eminent spiritualists shall have an inca-
pacity of putting their act or word aloof
from them, and seeing it bravely for the
nothing it is. Beware of the man who
says, “ I am on the eve of a revelation.” ;
It is speedily punished, inasmuch as this '
habit invites men to humour it, and by
treating the patient tenderly, to shut him
up in a narrower selfism, and exclude him
from the great world of God's cheerful
fallible men and women. Let us rather
be insulted, whilst we are insultable.
Religious literature has eminent exam-
ples, and if we run over our private lists
of poets, critics, philanthropists, and
philosophers, we shall find them infected
with this dropsy and elephantiasis, which
we ought to have tapped.
This goitre of egotism is so frequent
among notable persons, that we must infer
some strong necessity in nature which it
subserves ; such as we see in the sexual
attractions. The preservation of the
species was a point of such necessity, that
Nature had secured it at all hazards by
immensely overloading the passion, at the
risk of perpetual crime and disorder. So
egotism has its root in the cardinal neces-
sity by which each individual persists to
be what he is.
This individuality is not only not incon-
sistent with culture, but is the basis of it.
Every valuable nature is there in its own
right, and the student we speak to must
have a mother wit invincible by his cul-
ture, which uses all books, arts, facilities,
and elegancies of intercourse, but it never
subdued and lost in them, He only is a
well-made man who has a good deter-
mination. And the end of culture is not |
to destroy this, God forbid I but to train I
away all impediment and mixture, and !
leave nothing but pure power. Our stu- !
dent must have a style and determination, j
and be a master in his own specialty.
But, having this, he must put it behind
him. He must have a catholicity, a power
to see with a free and disengaged look
every object, Yet is this private interest
and self so over-charged, that, if a man
seeks a companion who can look at
ejects for their own sake, and without
affectioii or self-reference, he will find the
fewest who will give him that satisfaction ;
whilst most men are afflicted with a cold-
ness, an incuriosity, as soon as any -abject
does not connect with their self-love.
Though they talk of the object before
them, they are thinking of themselves,
and their vanity is laying little traps for
your admiration.
But after a man has discovered that
there are limits to the interest which
his private history has for mankind, hs
still converses with his family, or a few
companions — perhaps with half a dozen
ersonalities &at are famous in his neigh-
ourhood. In Borion, the question of life
is the names of sc«ne eight or ten men,
Have you seen Mr, Allston, Doctor Chan-
ning, Mr. Adams, Mr. Webster, Mr.
Greenough ? Hava you heard Everett,
Garrison, Father Taylor, Theodore Par-
ker? Have you talked with Messieurs
Turbinewheel, Summitlevel, and Lacof-
rupees ? Then you may as well die. In
New York, the question is of some other
eight, or ten, or twenty. Have you seen
a few lawyers, merchants, and brokers —
two or three scholars, two or three capi-
talists, two or three editors of newspapers ?
New York is a sucked orange. All con-
versation is at an end, when we have
discharged ourselves of a dozen person-
alities, domestic or imported, which make
up our American existence. Nor do we
expect anybody to be other than a faint
copy of these heroes.
Life is very narrow. Bring any club or
company of intelligent men together again
after ten years, and if the presence of
some penetrating and calming genius
could dispose them to frankness, what a
confession of insanities would come up I
The *' causes ” to which we have sacri-
ficed, Tariff or Democracy, Whigism or
Abolition, Temperance or Socialism,
would show like roots of bitterness and
dragons of wrath ; and our talents are aa
mischievous as if each had been seized
upon by some bird of prey, which had
whisked him away from fortune, from
truth, from the dear society of the poets,
some zeal, some bias, and only when he
was now gray and nerveless, was it relax-
ing its claws, and he awaking to sober
Culture is the suggestion from certais
best thoughts, that a man has a range of
affinities, through which he can modulate
the violence of any master-tones that have
a droning preponderance in bis scale, and
succour him against himself. Culture
redresses his Mlancei puts 1dm amoa#
his equals and superioi's, reTives the
delicious sense of sympathy, and warns
him of the dangers of solitude and re
’Tis not a compliment but a disparage-
ment to consult a man only on horses, or
on steam, or on theatres, or on eating, or
on books, and, whenever he appears,
considerately to turn the conversation to
the bantling he is known to fondle. In
the Norse heaven of our forefathers,
Thor’s house had five hundred and forty
floors ; and man’s house has five hundred
and forty floors. His excellence is facility
of adaptation and of transition through
many related points, to wide contrasts and
extremes. Culture kills his exaggeration,
his conceit of his village or his city. We
must leave our pets at home, when we go
into the street, and meet men on broad
grounds of good meaning and good sense.
No performance is worth loss of geniality.
'Tis a cruel price we pay for certain fancy
goods called fine arts and philosophy. In
the Norse legend. Allfadir did not get a
drink of Mimir’s spring, (the fountain of
wisdom,) until he left his eyi pledge.
And here is a pedant that cannot unfold
his wrinkles, nor conceal his wrath at
interruption by the best, if their conver-
sation do not fit his impertinency — here is
he to afflict us with his personalities. ’Tis
incident to scholars, that each of them
fancies he is pointedly odious in his com-
munity. Draw him out of this limbo of
irritability. Cleanse with healthy blood
his parchment skin. You restore to him
his eyes which he left in pledge at Mimir’s
gpring. If you are the victim of your
doing, who cares what you do ? We can
spare your opera, your gazetteer, your
chemic analysis, your history, your syllo-
gisms. Your man of genius ^ays dearly
for his distinction. His head runs up
into a spire, and instead of a healthy man,
merry and wise, he is some mad dominie.
Nature is reckless of the individual.
When she has points to carry, she carries
them. To wade in marshes and sea
margins is the destiny of certain birds,
and they are so accurately made for this,
that they are imprisoned in those places.
Each animal out of its habitat would
starve. To the physician, each man, each
woman, is an amplification of one organ.
A soldier, a locksmith, a bank-clerk, and
a dancer could not exchange functions.
And thus we are victims of adaptation.
The antidotes against this organic ego-
tUZfli are, the range and variety of attrac-
itons, ta gained by acquaintance with the
world, with meipof merit, \vith classes ^
society, with travel, with eminent persons,
and with the high resources of philosophy,
art, and religion ; books, travel, society,
The hardiest sceptic who has seen »
horse broken, a pointer trained, or, who
has visited a menagerie, or the exhibition
of the Industrious Fleas, will not deny the
validity of education. “ A boy,” says
Plato, ” is the most vicious of all wild
beasts;” and, in the same spirit, the old
English poet Gascoigne says, “ A boy is
better unborn than untaught.” The city
breeds one kind of speech and man-
ners ; the back country a different style •
the sea, another ; the army, a fourth.
We know that an army which can be con-
fided in, may be formed by discipline ;
that, by systematic discipline all men may
be made heroes : Marshal Lannes said to
a French officer, “ Know, Colonel, that
none but a poltroon will boast that he
never was afraid.” A great part of cour-
age is the courage of having done the
thing before. And, in all human action,
those faculties will be strong which are
used. Robert Owen said, "Give mo a
tiger and I will educate him.” ’Tis in-
human to want faith in the power of edu^
cation, since to meliorate is the law of
nature ; and men are valued precisely as
they exert onward or meliorating force,
On the other hand, poltroonery is tlie
acknowledging a fault to be incurable.
Incapacity of melioration is the only
mortal distemper. There are people who
can never understand a trope, or any
second or expanded sense given to your
words, or any humour; but remain liter-
alists, after hearing the music, and poetry,
and rhetoric, and wit, of seventy or eighty
years. They are past the help of surgeon
or clergy. But even these can under-
stand pitchforks and the cry of Firei
and I have noticed in some of this class a
marked dislike of earthquakes.
Let us make our education brave and
preventive. Politics is an after^work, a
poor patching. We are always a little
late. The evil is done, the law is passed,
and v/e begin the uphill agitation for re-
peal of that of which we ought to have
prevented the enacting. We shall one day
learn to supersede politics by education.
What we call our root-and-branch reforms
of slavery, war, gambling, intemperance,
is only medicating the symptoms. Wo
must begin higher up, namely, in Educa-
Our artf and tools gifo to him who can
bAn^e them much the seme advantage
over the novice, as if you extended his
life ten, fifty, or a hundred years. And I
think it the part of good sense to provide
every fine soul with such culture, that it
shall not, at thirty or forty years, have to
say, “ this which I might do is made hope-
less through my want of weapons. *
But it is conceded that much of our
training fails of effect ; that all success is
hazardous and rare ; that a largo part of
our cost and pains is thrown away. Nature
takes the matter into her own hands, and,
though we must not omit any jot of our
system, we can seldom be sure that it
has availed much, or, that as much good
would not have accrued from a different
Books, as containing the finest records
of human wit, must always enter into our
notion of culture. The best heads that
ever existed, Pericles, Plato, Julius Caesar,
Shakespeare, Goethe, Milton, were well-
read, universally educated men, and quite
lOO wise to undervalue letters. Their opin-
ion has weight, because they had means of
knowing the opposite opinion. We look
that a great man should be a good reader,
or, in proportion to the spontaneous
power, should be the assimilating power.
Good criticism is very rare, and always
precious. I am always happy to meet
persons who perceive the transcendent
superiority of Shakespeare over all other
writers. I like people who like Plato.
Because this love does not consist with
But books are good only as far as a boy
is ready for them. He sometimes gets
ready very slowly. You send your child
to the schoolmaster, but 'tis the school-
boys who educate him. You send him to
the Latin class, but much of his tuition
comes, on his way to school, from the
■hop-windows. You like the strict rules
and the long terms ; and he finds his best
leading in a by-way of his own, and refuses
any companions but of his choosing. He
hates the grammar and Gradus, and loves
guns, fishing-rods, horses, and boats.
Well, the boy is right ; and you are not
fit to direct his bringing up, if your
theory leaves out his gymnastic training.
Archery, cricket, gun and fishing-rod,
horse and boat, are all educators, liberal-
izers ; and so are dancing, dress, and the
street talk ; and — provided only the boy
has resources, and is of a noble and in-
cenuous strain — these will not serve him
toss then the books. He learns chess,
whist, dancing, and theatricala. The
father observes that another boy has
learned algebra and geometry in the same
time. But the first boy has acquired
much more than these poor games along
with them. He is infatuated for weeks
with whist and chess ; but presently will
find out, as you did, than when he rises
from the game too long played he is
vacant and forlorn, and despises himself.
Thenceforward it takes place with other
things, and has its due weight in his ex-
perience. These minor skills and accom-
plishments, for example, dancing, are
tickets of admission to the dress-circle
of mankind, and the being master of them
enables the youth to judge intelligently
of much, on which otherwise he v/ould
give a pedantic squint. Landor said, “ I
have suffered more from my bad dancing,
than from all the misfortunes and miseries
of my life put together.” Provided always
the boy is teachable (for we are not pro-
posing to make a statue out of punk), foot-
ball, cricket, archery, swimming, skating,
climbing, fencing, riding, are lessons in
the art of power, which it is his main
business to learn; riding, specially, of
which Lord Herbert of Cherbury said,
I ” A good rider on a good horse is as much
' above himself and others as the world can
make him.” Besides, the gun, fishing-rod,
boat, and horse, constitute, among all who
use them, secret freemasonries. They are
as if they belonged to one club.
There is also a negative value in these
arts. Their chief use to the youth, is,
not amusement, but to be known for what
they are, and not to remain to him occa-
! sions of heartburn. We are full of super-
stitions. Each class fixes its eyes on the
advantages it has not ; the refined, on
rude strength, the democrat, on birth and
breeding. One of the benefits of a college
education is, to show the boy its little
avail. I knew a leading man in a leading
city, who, having set his heart on an edu-
cation at the university, and missed it,
could never quite feel himself the equal
of his own brothers who had gone thither.
His easy superiority to multitudes of pro-
fessional men could never quite counter-
vail to him this imaginary defect. Balls,
riding, wine-parties, and billiards pass to a
poor boy for something fine and romantic,
which they are not ; and a free admission
to them on an equal footing, if it were pos»
sible, only once or twice, would be worth
ten times its cost, by undeceiving them.
I am not much an advocate for travel-
ling, and 1 observe that men run away to
other countries, because they are not good
In their own, and run back to their own,
because they pass for nothing in the new
places. For the most part, only the light
characters travel. Who are you that have
no task to keep you at home ? I have
been quoted as saying captious things
about travel; but I mean to do justice.
I think there is a restlessness in our
people, which argues want of character.
All educated Americans, first or last, go
to Europe ; perhaps, because it is their
mental home, as the invalid habits of this
country might suggest. An eminent
teacher of girls said, “ The idea of a girl’s
education, is, whatever qualifies her for
going to Europe.” Can we never extract
this tapeworm of Europe from the brain
of our countrymen ? One sees very well
what their fate must be. He that does
not fill a place at hpme, cannot abroad.
He only goes there to hide his insignifi-
cance in a larger crowd. You do not
think you will find anything there which
you have not seen at home ? The stuff
of all countries is just the same. Do you
suppose, there is any country where they
do not scald milkpans, and swaddle the
infants, and bum the brushwood, and broil
the fish ? What is true anywhere is true
everywhere. And let him go where he
will, ho can only find so much beauty or
worth as he carries.
Of course, for some men, travel may be
useful. Naturalists, discoverers, and
sailors are bom. Some men are made
for couriers, exchangers, envoys, mission-
aries, bearers of despatches, as others are
for farmers and working men. And if the
man is of a light and social turn, and
Nature has aimed to make a legged and
winged creature, framed for locomotion,
we must follow her hint, and furnish him
with that breeding which gives currency,
as sedulously as with that which gives
worth. But let us not be pedantic, but
allow to travel its full effect The boy
grown up on the farm, which he has never
left, is said in the country to have had no
chance, and boys and men of that condi-
tion look upon work on a railroad, or
drudgery in a city, as opportunity. Poor
country boys of Vermont and Connecticut
formerly owed what knowledge they had
to their peddling trips to the Southern
States. California and the Pacific Coast
is now the university of this class, as
Virginia was in old times. "To have
tome chance'* is their word. And the
S hrase ** to know the world,” or to travel ,
\ synonymous with all men’s ideas of
Advantage and superiority. No doubt, to
a man of sensev travel offers advantages.
As many languages as he has, as many
friends, as many arts and trades, so many
times is he a man. A foreign country is
a point of comparison, wherefrom to judge
his own. One use of travel, is, to recom-
mend the books and works of home — foi
we go to Europe to be Americanized ; and
another, to find men. For, as Nature
has put fruits apart in latitudes, a new
fruit in every degree, so knowledge and
fine moral quality she lodges in distant
men. And thus, of the six or seven
teachers whom each man wants among
his contemporaries, it often happens that
one or two of them live on the other side
of the world.
Moreover, there is in every constitution
a certain solstice, when the stars stand
still in our inward firmament, and when
there is required some foreign force, some
diversion or alterative to prevent stagna-
tion. And, as a medical remedy, travel
seems one of the best. Just as a man
witnessing the admirable effect of ether
to lull pain, and meditating on thecontin*
gencies of wounds, cancers, lockjaws,
rejoices in Dr. Jackson’s benign discovery*
so a man who looks at Paris, at Naples,
or at London, says : "If I should be
driven from my own home, here, at least,
my thoughts can be consoled by the most
prodigal amusement and occupation which
the human race in ages could contrive and
I Akin to the benefit of foreign travel, the
aesthetic value of railroads is to unite the
advantages of town and country life,
neither of which we can spare. A man
should live in or near a large town,
because, let his own genius bo what it
may, it will repel quite as much of agree-
able and valuable talent as it draws, and,
in a city, the total attraction of all the
citizens is sure to conquer, first or last,
every repulsion, and drag the most im-
probable hermit within its walls some day
in the year. In town, he can find the
swimming-school, the gymnasium, the
dancing-master, the iiooting-gallery,
opera, theatre, and panorama; the che-
mist’s shop, the museum of natural
history; the gallery of fine arts; the
national orators, in their turn; foreign
travellers, the libraries, and his club. In
the country, he can find solitude and
reading, manly labour, cheap living, and
his old shoes ; moors for game, hills for
geology, and groves for devotion. Aubrey
writes: "I have heard Thomas Hobbes
say, that, in the Earl of Devon’s house, io
Derbyshife, there was a good library and
books enough for him, and his lordship
stored the library with what books he
thought fit to be bought. But the want of
good conversation was a very great incon-
venience, and, though he conceived he
could order his thinking as well as another,
yet h 0 found a great defect. In the coun-
try, in long time, for want of good con-
versation, one’s understanding and inven-
tion contract a moss on them, like an old
paling in an orchard.”
Cities give us collision. ’Tis said, Lon-
don and New York take the nonsense out
of a man. A great part of our education
is sympathetic and social. Boys and girls
who have been brought up with well-in-
formed and superior people show in their
manners an inestimable grace. Fuller
says, that ” William, Earl of Nassau, won
a subject from the King of Spain, every
time he put off his hat.” You cannot have
one well-bred man, without a whole
society of such. They keep each other up
to any high point. Especially women ; it
requires a great many cultivated women,
saloons of bright, elegant, reading women,
accustomed to ease and refinement, to
spectacles, pictures, sculpture, poetry,
and to elegant society, in order that you
should have one Madame de StaSl. The
head of a commercial house, or a leading
lawyer or politician is brought into daily
contact with troops of men from all parts
of the country, and those too the driving-
wheels, the business men of each section,
and one can hardly suggest for an appre-
hensive man a more searching culture.
Besides, we must remember the high
social possibilities of a million of menu
The best bribe which London offers to-day
to the imagination, is, that, in such a vast
variety of people and conditions, one can
believe there is room for persons of roman-
tic character to exist, and that the poet,
the mystic, and the hero may hope to
confront their counterparts.
I wish cities could teach their best les-
son— of quiet manners. It is the foible
especially of American youth — pretention.
The mark of the man of the world is
absence of pretension. He does not make
a speech ? he takes a low business-tone,
avoids all brag, is nobody, dresses plainly,
promises not at all, performs much, j
speaks in monosyllables, hugs his fact, j
He calls his employment by its lowest
name, and so takes from evil tonnes their
sharpest weapon. His conversation clings
to the weather and the news, ye^ he
allows himself to be surprised into
thought, and the unlocking of his learning
and philosophy. How the imagination ia
piqued by anecdotes of some great man
passing incognito, as a king in gray clothei
of Napoleon affecting a plain suit at his
glittering levee; of Burns, or Scott, or
Beethoven, or Wellington, or Goethe, or
any container of transcendent power,
passing for nobody ; of Epaminondas,
** who never says anything, but will listen
eternally ; ” of Goethe, who preferred
trifling subjects and common expressions
in intercourse with strangers, worse rather
than better clothes, and to appear s little
more capricious than he was. Thete are
advantages in the old hat and box-coat,
I have heard, that, throughout this coun-
try, a certain respect is paid to good
broadcloth ; but dress makes a little re-
straint : men will not commit themselves.
But the box-coat is like wine ; it unlocks
the tongue and men say what they think.
An old poet says,
“ Go far and go sparing.
For you’ll find it certain.
The poorer and the baser you appear,
The more you’ll look through still." *
Not much otherwise Milnes writes, in the
** Lay of the Humble,”
To me men are for what they are,
They wear no masks with me."
'Tis odd that our people should have-
not water on the brain — but a little gas
there. A shrewd foreigner said of the
Americans, that, ” whatever they say has
a little the air of a speech.” Yet one of
the traits down in the books as distin-
guishing the Anglo-Saxon, is, a trick of
self-disparagement. To be sure, in old,
dense countries, among a million of good
coats, a fine coat comes to be no distinc-
tion, and you find humourists. In an Eng-
lish party, a man with no marked man-
ners or features, with a face like red
dough, unexpectedly discloses wit, learn-
ing, a wide range of topics, and personal
familiarity with good men in all parts of
the world, until you think you have fallen
upon some illustrious personage. Can it
be that the American forest has refreshed
some weeds of old Pictish barbarism just
ready to die out — the love of the scarlet
feather, of beads, and tinsel ? The Italians
are fond of red clothes, peacock plumes,
and embroidery; and 1 remember one
rainy morning in the city of Palermo, the
Street was in a blaze with scarlet umbrellasi
* Beaoxuoot and Fletcher. Tk$ Tanur TamiA
The English ha?d A pl&iii taste. The
equipages of the grandees are plain. A
gorgeous livery indicates nev7 and awkward
city wealth. Mr. Pitt, like Mr. Pym,
thought the title of Mister good against
any king in Europe. They have piqued
themselves on governing the whole world
in the poor, plain, dark Committee-room
which the House of Commons sat in,
before the fire.
Whilst we want cities as the centres
where the best things are found, cities
degrade us by magnifying trifles. The
countryman finds the town a chop-house,
a barber’s shop. He has lost the lines of
grandeur of the horizon, hills and plains,
and with tliem, sobriety and elevation. He
has come among a supple, glib-tongued
tribe, who live for show, servile to public
opinion. Life is dragged down to a fracas
of pitiful cares and disasters. You say the
gods ought to respect a life whose objects
are their own ; but in cities they have be-
trayed you to a cloud of insignificant an-
noyances :
** Mirmidons, race f^condc,
Plnfin nous commandons ;
Jupiter livre le monde
Aux mirmidons, aux mirmidoni.'**
*Tis heavy odds
Against the gods,
When they will match with myrmidons.
We spawning, spawning myrmidons,
Our turn to-day ! we lake command,
Jove gives the globe into the hand
Of myrmidons, of myrmidons.
What is odious but noise, and people
who scream and bewail ? people whose
vane points always cast, who live to dine,
who send for the doctor, who coddle them-
selves, who toast their feet on the register,
who intrigue to secure a padded chair, and
a corner out of the draught. Suffer them
once to begin the enumeration of their in-
firmities, and the sun will go down on the
unfinished tale. Let these trifles put us
out of conceit with petty comforts. To a
man at work, the frost is but a colour :,the
rain, the wind, he forgot them when ho
came in. Let us learn to live coarsely,
dress plainly, and lie hard. The
least habit of dominion over the palate
has certain good effects not easily esti-
mated. Neither will we be driven into a
quiddling abstemiousness. ’Tis a super-
stition to insist on a special diet All is
made at last of the same chemical atoms.
A man in pursuit of greatness feels no
• Biraoger.
little wants. Ho' if can you mind diet, bad
dress, or salutes or compliments, or the
figure you make in company, or wealth,
or even the bringing things to pass, when
you think how paltry are the machinery
and the workers ? Wordsworth was
praised to me, in Westmoreland, for hav-
ing afforded to his country neighbours an
j example of a modest household Where
comfort and culture were secured, with-
out display. And a tender boy who wears
his rusty cap and outgrown coat, that ha
may secure the coveted place in college,
and the right in the library, is educated to
some purpose. There is a great deal of
self-denial and manliness in poor and
middle-class houses, in town and country,
that has not got into literature, and never
will, but that keeps the earth sweet ; that
saves on superfluities, and spends on
essentials ; that goes rusty, and educates
the boy ; that sells the horse, but builds
the school ; works early and late, takes
two looms in the factory, three looms, six
looms, but pays off the mortgage on tho
paternal farm, and then goes back cheer-
fully to work again.
We can ill spare the commanding social
benefits of cities ; they must be used ; yet
cautiously, and haughtily — and will yield
their best values to him who best can do
without them. Keep the town for occa-
sions, but the habits should be formed to
retirement. Solitude, the safeguard of
mediocrity, is to genius the stern friend,
the cold, obscure shelter where moult
the wings which will bear it farther than
suns and stars. He who should inspire and
lead his race must be defended from
travelling with the souls of other men,
from living, breathing, reading, and writ-
ing in the daily, time-worn yoke of thtfir
opinions. “ In the morning — solitude,”
said Pythagoras ; that Nature may speak
to the imagination, as she does never in
company, and that her favourite may make
acquaintance with those divine strengths
which disclose themselves to serious and
abstracted thought. 'Tis very certain
that Plato, Plotinus, Archimedes, Hermes,
Newton, Milton, Wordsworth, did not
live in a crowd, bnt descended into it
from time to time as benefactors ; and
me wise instructor will press this point
of securing to the young soul in the dis-
position of time and the arrangements of
living, periods and habits of solitude.
The high advantage of university life is
often the mere mechanical one, I may call
it, of a separate chamber and fire — which
parents will allow the boy without hesita-
tion at Cambridge, but df not think need-
ful at home. We say solitude, to mark
the character of the tone of thought;
but if it can be shared between two or
more than two, it is happier, and not less
noble. “ We four,” wrote Neander to his
sacred friends, “ will enjoy at Halle the
inward blessedness of a civita^ Deiy whose
foundations are for ever friendship.
The more I know you, the more I dis-
satisfy and must dissatisfy all my wonted
companions. Their very presence stupefies
me. The common understanding with-
draws itself from the one centre of all
Solitude takes off the pressure of present
importunities that more catholic and
humane relations may appear. The
saint and poet seek privacy to ends the
most public and universal ; and it is the
secret of culture, to interest the man more
in his public than in his private quality.
Here is a new poem, which elicits a good
many comments in the journals, and in
conversation. From these it is easy, at
last, to eliminate the verdict which
readers passed upon it ; and that is, in the
main, unfavourable. The poet, as a
craftsman, is only interested in the praise
accorded to him, and not in the censure,
though it be just. And the poor little
poet hearkens only to that, and rejects
the censure, as proving incapacity in the
critic. But the poet cultivated becomes
a stockholder in both companies — say Mr.
Curfew — in the Curfew stock, and in the
humanity stock ; and, in the last, exults
as much in the demonstration of the
unsoundness of Curfew, as his interest in
the former gives him pleasure in the cur-
rency of Curfew. For, the depreciation of
his Curfew stock only shows the immense
values of the humanity stock. As soon as
he sides with his critic against himself,
with joy, he is a cultivated man.
We must have an intellectual quality in
all property and/in all action, or they are
naught. I must have children, I must have
events, I must have a social state and his-
tory, or my thinking and speaking want
body or basis. }3ut to give these accessories
any value, I must know them as contingent
and rather showy possessions,' which pass
for more to the people than to me. We see
this abstraction in scholars, as a matter of
course ; but what a charm it adds when
observed in practical men. Bonaparte,
like CjEsar, was intellectual, and could
look at every object for itself, without
fiflection. Though an egotist d VouU
rancf? he could criticise a play, a building,
a character, on universal grounds and
give a just opinion. A man known to us
only as a celebrity in politics or in ti’ade
gains largely in our esteem if we discover
that he has some intellectual taste or
skill ; as when we learn of Lord Fairfax,
the Long Parliament’s general, his passion
for antiquarian studies ; or of the French
regicide, Carnot, his sublime genius in
mathematics ; or of a living banker, his
success in poetry ; or of a partisan jour-
nalist, his devotion to ornithology. So, if
in travelling in the dreary wildernesses of
Arkansas or Texas, we should observe on
the next seat a man reading Horace, or
Martial, or Calderon, we should wish to
hug him. In callings that require roughest
energy, soldiers, sea-captains, and civil
engineers sometimes betray a fine insight,
if only through a certain gentleness when
off duty ; a good natured admission that
there are illusions, and who shall say that
he is not their sport ? We only vary the
phrase, not the doctrine, when we say
that culture opens the sense of beauty.
A man is a beggar who only lives to be
useful, and, however he may serve as a
pin or rivet in the social machine, cannot
be said to have arrived at self-possession.
I suffer, every day, from the want of percep-
tion of beauty in people. They do not know
the charm with which all moments and ob-
jects can be embellished, the charm of man-
ners, of self-command, of benevolence.
Repose and cheerfulness are the badge of
the gentleman— repose in energy. The
Greek battle-pieces are calm ; the heroes,
in whatever violent actions engaged,
retain a serene aspect ; as we say of
Niagara, that it falls without speed. A
cheerful, intelligent face is the end of
culture, and success enough. For it indi-
cates the purpose of Nature and wisdom
When our higher faculties are in acti-
vity, we are domesticated, and awkward-
ness and discomfort give place to natural
and agreeable movements. It is noticed,
that the consideration of the great periods
and spaces of astronomy induces a dignity
of mind, and an indifference to death.
The influence of fine scenery, the presence
of mountains, appeases our irritations
and elevates our friendships. Even a
high dome, and the expansive interior of
a cathedral, have a sensible effect on man-
ners. I have heard that stiff people lose
something of tlieir awkwardness under
high ceilings, and in spacious halls. I
think sculpture and painting have an effect
to teach us manners, and abolish hurry.
But, over all, culture must reinforce
from higher influx the empirical skills of
eloquence, or of politics, or of trade, and
the useful arts. There is a certain loftiness
of thought and power to marshal and ad-
just particulars, which can only come from
an insight of their whole connection. The
orator who has once seen things in tlieir
divine order, will never quite lose sight of
this, and will come to affairs as from a
higher ground, and, though ho will say
nothing of philosophy, he will have a cer-
tain mastery in dealing with them, and an
incapableness of being dazzled or frighted,
which will distinguish his handling from
that of attorneys and factors. A man who
stands on a good footing with the heads of
parties at Washington, reads the rumours
of the newspapers, and the guesses of pro-
vincial politicians, with a key to the right
and wrong in each statement, and sees
well enough where all this will end. Ar-
chimedes will look through your Connecti-
cut machine, at a glance, and judge of its
fitness. And much more, a wise man who
knows not only what Plato, but what Saint
John can show him, can easily raise the
affair he deals with to a certain majesty.
Plato says Pericles owed his elevation to
the lessons of Anaxagoras. Burke de-
scended from a higher sphere when he
would influence human affairs, Franklin,
Adams, Jefferson, Washington, stood on a
fine humanity, before which the brawls of
modern senates are but pot-house politics.
But there are higher secrets of culture,
which are not for the apprentices, but for
proficients. These are lessons only for
the brave. We must know our friends
under ugly masks. The calamities are our
friends. Ben Jonson specifies in his ad-
dress to the Muse ;
** Get him the time’s long grudge, the court*!
And, reconciled, keep him suspected still,
Make him lose all bis friends, and, what is
Almost all ways to any better course ;
With me thou leav’st a better Muse than
And which thou brought’st me, blessed
We wish to learn philosophy by rote, and
play at heroism. But the wiser God says,
Take the shame, the poverty, and the
penal solitude, that belong to truth -speak-
ing. Try the rough water as well as the
smooth. Rough water can teach lessons
worth knowing. When the state is un-
quiet, personal qualities are more than
ever decisive. Fear not a revolution which
will constrain yc^ to live five years in one,
Don’t be so tender at making an enemy
now and then. Be willing to go to Coven-
try sometimes, and let the populace bestow
on you their coldest contempts. The fin-
ished man of the world must eat of every
apple once. He must hold his hatreds
also at arm’s length, and not remember
spite. He has neither friends nor enemies,
but values men only as channels of power.
He who aims high must dread an easy
home and popular manners. Heaven
sometimes hedges a rare character about
with ungainliness and odium, as the burr
that protects the fruit. If there is any
great and good thing in store for you, it
will not come at the first or the second
call, nor in the shape of fashion, ease, and
city drawing-rooms. Popularity is for
dolls. “ Steep and craggy,” said Por-
phyry, “ is the path of the gods.” Open
your Marcus Antoninus. In the opinion
of the ancients, he was the great man who
scorned to shine, and who contested the
frowns of fortune. They preferred the
noble vessel too late for the tide, contend-
ing with winds and waves, dismantled and
unrigged, to her companion borne into
harbour with colours flying and guns
firing. There is none of the social goods
that may not be purchased too dear, and
mere amiableness must not take rank with
high aims and self-subsistency.
Bettine replies to Goethe’s mother, who
chides her disregard of dress, ” If I can-
not do as I have a mind, in our poor
Frankfort, I shall not carry things far.”
And the youth must rate at its true mark
the inconceivable levity of local opinion.
The longer we live, the more wo must
endure the elementary existence of men
and women ; and every brave heart must
treat society as a child, and never allow
it to dictate.
*• All that class of the severe and restric-
tive virtues,” said Burke, “ are almost too
costly for humanity.” Who wishes to be
j severe ? Who wishes to resist the emi-
nent and polite, in behalf of the poor, and
low, and impolite ? and who that dares do
it, can keep his temper sweet, his frolio
spirits ? The high virtues are not debon-
air, but have their redress in being
illustrious at last. What forests of laurel
we bring, and the tears of mankind, to
those who stood firm against the opinion
of their contemporaries! The measure
of a master is his success in bringing all
men round to his opinion twenty years
Let me say here, that culture canned
begin too early. In talkii^ with scholars,
1 obsorvo that they lost^n ruder com-
panions those years of boyhood which
alone could give imaginative literature a
religious and infinite quality in their
esteem. I find, too, that the chance for
appreciation is much increased by being
the son of an appreciator, and that these
boys who now grow up are caught not
only years too late, but two or three births
too late, to make the best scholars of.
And I think it a presentable motive to a
scholar, that, as, in an old community, a
W’ell-born proprietor is usually found,
after the first heats of youth, to be a care-
ful husband, and to feel a habitual desire
that the estate shall suffer no harm by
his administration, but shall be delivered
down to the next heir in as goqd condi-
tion as he received it ; so, a considerate
man will reckon himself a subject of that
secular melioration by which mankind is
mollified, cured, and refined, and will
shun every expenditure of his forces on
pleasure or gain, which will jeopard this
social and secular accumulation.
The fossil strata show us that Nature
began with rudimental forms, and rose to
the more complex, as fast as the earth was
fit for their dwelling-place; and that the
lower perish, as the higher appear. Very
Tew of our race can be said to be yet
finished men. We still carry sticking to
US some remains of the preceding iufe- i
VJOUR. 533
rior quadruped organization. We call
these millions men ; but they are not yet
men. Half engaged in the soil, pawing to
get free, man needs all the music that can
be brought to disengage him. If Love,
red Love, with tears and joy; if Want
with his scourge ; if War with his can-
nonade; if Christianity with his charity;
if Trade with its money ; if Art with its
portfolios ; if Science with her telegraphj
through the deeps of space and time ; can
set his dull nerves throbbing, and by loud
taps on the tough chrysalis, can break its
w^ls, and let the new creature emerge erect
and free — make way, and sing paean I The
age of the quadruped is to go out — the age
of the brain and of the heart is to come
in. The time will come when the evil
forms we have known can be no more
organized. Man’s culture can spare no*
thing, wants all the material. He is to
convert all impediments into instruments,
all enemies into power. The formidable
mischief will only make the more useful
slave. And if one shall read the future of
the race hinted in the organic effort of
Nature to mount and meliorate, and the
corresponding impulse to the Better in
the human being, we shall dare affirm
that there is nothing he will not overcome
and convert, until at last culture shall
absorb the chaos and gehenna. He will
convert the Furies into Muses, and the
hells into benefit*
Grace, Beauty, and Caprice
Build this golden portal ;
Graceful women, chosen men
Dazzle every mortal ;
Their sweet and lofty countenance
His enchanting food ;
He need not go to them, their forms
Beset his solitude.
He looketh seldom in their face.
His eyes explore the ground,
The green grass is a looking-glass
Whereon their traits are found.
Little he says to them,
So dances his heart in his breast^
Their tranquil mien bereaveth him
Of wit, of words, of rest.
Too weak to win^ too fond to shun
The tyrants of his doom.
The much deceived Endymion
Slips behind a tomb.
Tbb soul which animates Nature is not
L«es significantly published in the figure,
mevement, and gesture of animated bt^ies,
than in its last vehicle of articulate speech.
This silent and subtile language is Man-
ners ; not what, but how» Life expresses.
A statue has no tongue, and needs none.
Good tableaux do not need declamation.
Nature tells every secret once. Yes, but
in man she tells it all the time, by form,
attitude, gesture, mien, face, and parts of
the face, and by the whole action of the
machine. The visible carriage or action
of the individual, as resulting from hia
organization and his will combined, we
call manners. What are they but thought
entering the hands and feet, controlling
the movements of the body, the speech
and behaviour ?
There is always a best way of doing
everything, if it be to boil an egg. Man-
ners are the happy ways of doing things ;
each once a stroke of genius or of love--*
now repeated and hardened into uaagei
They form at last a rich varnish, with
which the routine of life is washed, and its
details adorned. If they are superficial,
80 are the dew-drops which give such a
depth to the morning meadows. Manners
are very communicable ; men catch them
from each other. Consuelo, in the ro-
mance, boasts of the lessons she had given
the nobles in manners, on the stage ; and,
in real life, Talma taught Napoleon the
arts of behaviour. Genius invents fine
manners, which the baron and the baroness
copy very fast, and, by the advantage of
a palace, better the instruction. They
stereotype the lesson they have learned
into a mode.
The power of manners is incessant — an
element as unconcealable as fire. The
nobility cannot in any country be dis-
guised, and no more in a republic or a
democracy, than in a kingdom. No man
can resist their influence. There are cer-
tain manners which are learned in good
society, of that force, that, if a person have
them, he or she must be considered, and
is everywhere welcome, though without
beauty, or wealth, or genius. Give a boy
address and accomplishments, and you
give him the mastery of palaces and for-
tunes where he goes. He has not the
trouble of earning or owning them ; they
solicit him to enter and possess. We
send girls of a timid, retreating disposition
to the boarding-school, to the riding-
school, to the ball-room, or v/heresoever
they can come into acquaintance and
nearness of leading persons of their own
sex, where they might learn address, and
see it near at hand. The power of a woman
of fashion to lead, and also to daunt and
repel, derives from their belief that she
knows resources and behaviours not
known to them ; but when these have
mastered her secret, they learn to con-
front htr, and recover their self-posses-
Every day bears witness to their gentle
rule. People who would obtrude, now do
not obtrude. The mediocre circle learns
to demand that which belongs to a high
state of nature or of culture. Your man-
ners are always under examination, and
by committees little suspected— a police
in citizens’ clothes— but are awarding or
denying you very high prizes when you
least think of it.
We talk much of utilities — but 'tis our
manners that associate us. In hours of
business, we go to him who knows, or has,
or does this or that which we want, and
fre do not let our taste or feeling stand in
the way. But ^lis activity over, we return
to the indolent Stale, and wish for those we
can be at ease with ; those who will go
where we go, whose manners do no.
offend us, whose social tone chimes with
ours. When we reflect on their persup.sivo
and cheering force ; how they recommend,
prepare, and draw people together ; how,
in all clubs, manners make the members;
how manners make the fortune of tho
ambitious youth ; that, for the most part,
his manners marry him, and, for the most
part, he marries manners ; when we thinls
what keys they are, and to what secrets :
what high lessons and inspiring tokens of
character they convey ; and what divina-
tion is required in us, for the reading of
this fine telegraph, wo see what range the
subject has, and what relations to con-
venience, power, and beauty.
Their first service is very low— when
they are the minor morals : but ’tis the
beginning of civility — to make us, I mean,
endurable to each other. We prize them
for their rough-plastic, abstergent force ;
to get people out of the quadruped state ;
to get them washed, clothed, and set up
on end ; to slough their animal husks and
habits ; compel them to be clean ; overavvo
their spite and meanness, teach them to
stifle the base, and choose the generous
expression, and make them know how
much happier the generous behaviourg
Bad behaviour the laws cannot reach.
Society is infested with rude, cynical,
restless and frivolous persons who prey
upon the rest, and whom, a public
opinion concentrated into good man-
ners-forms accepted by the sense of
all — can reach : the contradictors and
railers at public and private tables, who
are like terriers, who conceive it the duty
of a clog of honour to growl at any passer-
by, and do the honours of the house by
barking him out of sight : I have seen men
who neigh like a horse when you contra-
diet them, or say something which they
do not understand : then the overbold,
who make their own invitation to your
hearth ; the persevering talker, who gives
you his society in large, saturating doses ;
the pitiers of themselves — a perilous
class ; the frivolous Asmodeus, who relies
on you to find him in ropes of sand to
twist ; the monotones ; in short, every
stripe of absurdity ; these are social in*
fiictions which the magistrate cannot cure
or defend you from, and which must be
intrusted to the restraining force of cus-
tom, and proverbs, and familiar rules of
Iwhariour impressed on ^oung people in
their school-days.
In the hotels on the banks of the Mis-
sissippi, they print, or used to prirrt,
among the rules of the house, that “ no
gentleman can be permitted to come
to the public table without his coat
and in the same country, in the pews
of the churches, little placards plead
with the wetshipper against the fury of
expectoration. Charles Dickens self-sacri-
ficingly undertook the reformation of our
American manners in unspeakable par-
ticulars. I think the lesson was not quito
lost ; that it held bad manners up, so that
the churls could see the deformity. ^ Un-
happily, the book had its own deformities.
It ought not to need to print in a reading-
room a caution to strangers not to speak
loud ; nor to persons who look over fine
engravings, that they should be handled
like cobwebs and butterflies’ wings ; nor to
persons who who look at marble statues,
that they shall not smite them with canes.
But, even in the perfect civilization of this
city, such cautions are not quite needless
in the Athenoeum and City Library.
Manners are factitious, and grow out of
circumstances as well as out of character.
If you look at the pictures of patri-
cians and of peasants, of different periods
and countries, you will see how well
they match the same classes in our
towns. The modern aristocrat not only
is well drawn in Titian’s Venetian doges,
and in Roman coins and statues, but also
in the pictures which Commodore Perry
brought home of dignitaries in Japan.
Broad lands and great interests not only
arrive to such heads as can manage them,
but form manners of power. A keen eye,
too, will see nice gradations of rank, or see
In the manners the degree of honiage
the party is wont to receive. A prince
who is accustomed every day to be courted
and deferred to by the highest grandees,
acquires a corresponding expectation, and
a becoming mode of receiving and reply-
ing to this homage.
There are always exceptional people
and modes. English grandees affect to
be farmers. Claverhouse is a fop, and,
under the finish of dress, and levity of
behaviour, hides the terror of his war.
But nature and Destiny are honest, and
never fail to leave their mark, to hang out
a sign for each and for every quality. It
is much to conquer one’s face, and per-
haps the ambitious youth thinks he has
got the whole secret when ho has learned,
that disengaged manners are commanding.
Don't be deceived by a tacile exterior.
Tender men sometimes have strong wills.
We had, in Massachusetts, an old states-
man, who had sat all his life in courts and
in chairs of state, without overcoming an
extreme irritability of face, voice, and
bearing : when he spoke, his voice would
not serve him ; it cracked, it broke, it
wheezed, it piped; little cared he; ho
knew that it had got to pipe, or wheeze,
or screech his argument and his indigna-
tion. When he sat down, after speaking,
he seemed in a sort of fit, and held on to
his chair with both hands: but under-
neath all this irritability was a puissant
will, firm, and advancing, and a memory
in which lay in order and method like
geologic strata every fact of his history,
and under the control of his will.
Manners are partly factitious, but,
mainly, there must be capacity for culture
in the blood. Else all culture is vain. The
obstinate prejudice in favour of blood,
which lies at the base of the feudal and
monarchical fabrics of the Old World, has
some reason in common experience.
Every man— mathematician, artist, sol-
dier, or merchant — looks with confidence
for some traits and talents in his own
child, which he would not dare to presume
in the child of a stranger. The Orientalists
are very orthodox on this point. “ Take
a thorn-bush," said the emir Abdel-Kader,
“ and sprinkle it for a whole year with
water; it will yield nothing but thorns.
Take a date-tree, leave it without culture,
and it will always produce dates. Nobility
is the date-tree, and the Arab populace is
a bush of thorns.”
A main fact in the history of manners is
the wonderful expressiveness of the hi>
rnan body. If it were made of glass, or of
air, and the thoughts were written on steel
tablets within, it could not publish more
truly its meaning than now. Wise men
read very sharply all your private history
in your look and gait and behaviour. The
whole economy of nature is bent on ex-
pression. The tell-tale body is all tongues.
Men are like Geneva watches with crystal
faces which expose the whole movement.
They carry the liquor of life flowing up
and down in these beautiful bottles, and
announcing to the curious how it is with
them. The face and eyes reveal what tha
spirit is doing, how old it is, what aims it
has. The eyes indicate the antiquity of
the soul, or, through how many forms it
has already ascended. It almost violates
the proprieties, if we say above the breath
here, what the confeswg eyes do not
2 M
hesitate to utter to every street passen- times terrific* ^The confession of a low«
ger. usurping devil is there made, and the ob-
Man cannot fix his eye on the sun, and server shall seem to feel the stirring of
BO far seems imperfect. la Siberia, a late owls, and bats, and horned hoofs, where
traveller found men who could see the sat- he looiced for innocence and simplicity,
ellites of Jupiter with their unarmed eye. 'Tis remarkable, too, that the spirit that
In some respects the animals excel us. appears at the windows of the house does
The birds have a longer sight, beside the at once invest himself in a new form
advantage by their wings of a higher ob- of his own, to the mind of the beholder,
servatory. A cow can bid her calf, by The eyes of men converse as much as
secret signal, probably of the eye, to run their tongues, with the advantage, that the
away, or to lie down and hide itself. The ocular dialect needs no dictionary, but is
jockeys say of certain horses, that “ they understood all the world over. When the
look over the whole ground." The out- eyes say one thing, and the tongue
door life, and hunting, and labour, give another, a practised man relies on the
equal vigour to the human eye. A farmer language of the first. If the man is off
looks out at you as strong as the horse ; his centre, the eyes phow it. You can
his eye-beam is like the stroke of a staff, read in the eyes of your companion.
An eye can threaten like a loaded and whether your argument hits him, though
levelled gun, or can insult like hissing or his tongue will not confess it. There is a
kicking ; or, in its altered mood, by beams look by which a man shows he is going to
of kindness, it can make the heart dance say a good thing, and a look when he has
with joy. said it. Vain and forgotten are all the
The eye obeys exactly the action of the fine offers and offices of hospitality, if
mind. When a thought strikes us, the there is no holiday in the eye. How
eyes fix, and remain gazing at a distance ; many furtive inclinations avowed by thv
in enumerating the names of persons or eye, though dissembled by the lips I One
of countries, as France, Germany, Spain, comes away from a company, in which, it
Turkey, the eyes wink at each new name, may easily happen, he has said nothing,
There is no nicety of learning sought by and no important remark has been ad-
the mind, which the eyes do not vie in ac- dressed to him, and yet, if in sympathy
quiring. " An Artist," said Michel An- with the society, he shall not have a sense
gelo, " must have his measuring tools not of this fact, such a stream of life has been
in the hand, but in the eye ; " and there is flowing into him, and out from him,
no end to the catalogue of its performan- through the eyes. There are eyes, to bo
ces, whether in indolent vision (that of sure, that give no more admission into
health and beauty), or, in strained vision the man than blueberries. Others are
(that of art and labour). liquid and deep— wells that a man might
Eyes are bold as lions— roving, running, fall into ; others are aggressive and de-
leaping, here and there, far and near, vouring, seem to call out the police, take
They speak all languages. They wait for all to much notice, and require crowded
no introduction ; they are no Englishmen ; Broadways, and the security of millions,
ask no leave of age or rank ; they respect to protect individuals against them. The
neither poverty nor riches, neither learn- military eye I meet, now darkly sparkling
ing nor power, nor virtue, nor sex, but under clerical, now under rustic brows,
intrude, and come again, and go through 'Tis the city of Lacedeemcn ; tis a stack
and through you, in a moment of time, of bayonets. There are asking eyes, as-
What inundation of life and thought is serting eyes, prowling eyes ; and eyes full
discharged from one soul into another, of fate— some of good, and some of sinister
through them ! The glance is natural omen. The alleged power to charm down
magic. The mysterious communication insanity, or ferocity in beasts, is a power
established across a house between two behind the eye. It must be a victory
entire strangers, moves all the springs of achieved in the will, before it can be sig-
wonder. The communication by the nified in the eye. ’Tis very certain that
glance is in the greatest part not subject each man carries in his eye the exact in-
to the control of the will. It is the bodily dication of his rank in the immense scale
symbol of identity of nature. We look of men, and we are always learning to
into the eyes to know if this other form is read it. A complete man should need no
another self, and the eyes will not lie, but auxiliaries to his personal presence. Who^
make a faithful confession what inhabi- ever looked on him would consent to his
tant is there. The ;reveUtlQim are some- will, being certified that his aims were.
generous and universal. The reason why
men do not obey us, is bfecausa they see
the mud at the bottom of our eye.
If the organ of sight is such a vehicle
of power, the other features have their
own, A man finds room in the few
square inches of the face for the traits
of all his ancestors ; for the expression of
all his history, and his wants. The sculp-
tor, and Winckelmann, and Lavater, will
tell you how significant a feature is the
nose : how its forms express strength or
weakness of will, and good or bad temper.
The nose of Julius Caesar, of Dante, and
of Pitt suggest “ the terrors of the beak."
What refinement, and what limitations,
the teeth betray ! " Beware you don’t
laugh," said the wise mother, " for then
you show all your faults."
Balzac left in manuscript a chapter,
which he called " Thdorie de la ddmarche,**
in which he says : " The look, the voice,
the respiration, and the attitude or walk,
are identical. But, as it has not been
given to man, the power to stand guard,
at once over these four different simul-
taneous expressions of his thought, watch
that one which speaks out the truth, and
you will know the whole man."
Palaces interest us mainly in the ex-
hibition of manners, which in the idle
and expensive society dwelling in them
are raised to a high art. The maxim of
courts is that manner is power, A calm
and resolute bearing, a polished speech,
an embellishment of trifles, and the art of
hiding all uncomfortable feeling, are es-
sential to the courtier ; and Saint Simon,
and Cardinal de Retz, and Roederer, and
an encyclopaedia of Memoires, will instruct
you, if you wish, in those potent secrets.
Thus, it is a point of pride with kings, to
remember faces and names. It is re-
ported of one prince, that his head had
the air of leaning downwards, in order not
to humble the crowd. There are people
who come in ever like a child with a piece
of good news. It was said of the late Lord
Holland, that he always came down to
breakfast with the air of a man who had
just met with some signal good-fortune.
In ** Notre Dame,'' the grandee took his
place on the dais, with the look o£ one
who is thinking of something else. But
we must not peep and evesdrop at palace-
Fine manners need the support of fine
manners in others. A scholar may be a
well-bred man, or ho may not. The en-
thusiast is introduced to polished scholars
in society, and is chilled and silenced l?y
finding himself not in their element.
They all have somewhat which he has
not, and, it seems, ought to have. But U
he finds the scholar apart from his com-
panions, it is then the enthusiast’s turn,
and the scholar has no defence, but murt
deal on his terms. Now they must fight
the battle out on their private strengths.
What is the talent of that character so
common — the successful man of the world
— in all marts, senates, and drawing-
rooms ! Manners : manners of power ;
sense to see his advantage, and manners
up to it. See him approach his man. He
knows that troops behave as they are
handled at first ; that is his cheap secret ;
just what happens to every two persons
who meet on any affair, one instantly per-
ceives that he has the key of the situation,
that his will comprehends the other’s will,
as the cat does the mouse ; and he has
only to use courtesy, and furnish good-
natured reasons to his victim to cover up
the chain, lest he be shamed into re-
The theatre in which this science of
manners has a formal importance is not
with us a court, but drcss-circles, wherein,
after the close of the day’s business, men
and women meet at leisure, for mutual
entertainment, in ornamented drawing-
rooms. Of course, it has every variety of
attraction and merit: but, to earnest per-
sons, to youths or maidens who have great
objects at heart, we cannot extol it highly.
A well-dressed, talkative company, where
each is bent to amuse the other — yet the
high-born Turk who came hither fancied
that every woman seemed to be suffering
for a chair ; that all the talkers were
brained and exhausted by the deoxygen-
ated air ; it spoiled the best persons ;
it put all on stilts. Yet here are the secret
biographies written and read. The aspect
of that man is repulsive ; I do not wish to
deal with him. The other is irritable,
shy, and on his guard. The youth looks
humble and manly : I choose him. Look
on this woman. There is not beauty, nor
brilliant sayings, nor distinguished power
to serve you ; but all see her gladly ; her
whole air and impression are healthful.
Here come the sentimentalists, and tha
invalids. Here is Elise, who caught cold
in coming into the world, and has always
increased it since. Here are creep-mouse
manners ; and thievish manners. " Look
at Northcote," said Fuseli ; *’ he looks
like a rat that has seen a cat." In tha
shallow company, easily excited, easily
tired, here is the columnar Bernard : ib»
Alleghanies do not express more repose
than his behaviour. Here are the sweet
following eyes of Cecile : it seemed always
that she demanded the heart Nothing
can be more excellent in kind than the
Corinthian grace of Gertrude’s manners,
and yet Blanche, who has no manners, has
better manners than she ; for the move-
ments of Blanche are the sallies of a spirit
which is suflicient for the moment, and
she can afford to express every thought
by instant action.
Manners have been somewhat cynically
defined to be a contrivance of wise men
to keep fools at a distance. Fashion is
shrewd to detect those who do not belong
to her train, and seldom wastes her atten-
tions. Society is very swift in its instincts,
and, if you do not belong to it, resists and
sneers at you ; or quietly drops you. The
first weapon enrages the party attacked ;
the second is still more effective, but is
not to be resisted, as the date of the trans-
action is not easily found. People grow
up and grow old under this infliction,
and never suspect the truth, ascribing the
solitude which acts on them very injuri-
ously to any cause but the right one.
The basis of good manners is self-reli-
ance. Necessity is the law of all who are
not self-possessed. Those who are not
self-possessed obtrude and pain us. Some
men appear to feel that they belong to a
Pariah caste. They fear to offend, they
bend and apologize, and walk through life
with a timid step. As we sometimes
dream that we exe in a well-dressed com-
p.any without any coat, so Godfrey acts
ever as if he suffered from some mortify-
ing circumstance. The hero should find
himself at home, wherever he is ; should
impart comfort by his own security and
good-nature to all beholders. The hero
is suffered to be himself. A person of
strong mind comes to perceive that for him
an immunity is secured so long as he ren-
ders to society that service which is native
and proper to him— an immunity from all
the observances, yea, and duties, which
society so tyrannically imposes on the
rank and file of its members. “ Euripides,”
says Aspasia, ” has not the fine manners
of Sophocles: but,” she adds, good-hum-
ouredly, ” the movers and masters of our
souls have surely a right to throw out their
limbs as carelessly as they please, on the
world that belongs to them, and before the
creatures they have animated.*’*
Manners require time, as nothing is
* Ld^ndor, PericU$ and Aipasia*
more vulgar thaq haste. F riendship should
be surrounded with ceremonies and re
spects, and not crushed into corners:
Friendship requires more time than poor
busy men can usually command. Here
comes to me Roland, with a delicacy of
sentiment leading and inwrapping him like
a divine cloud or holy ghost. ’Tis a great
destitution to both that this should not be
entertained with large leisures, but con-
trariwise should be balked by importunate
But through this lustrous varnish, the
reality is ever shining. 'Tis hard to keep
the what from breaking through this
pretty painting of the how. The core will
come to the surface. Strong will and keen
perception overpower old manners, and
create new ; and the thought of the pre-
sent moment has a greater value than all
the past. In persons of character, we do
not remark ms^nners, because of their in-
stantaneousness. We are surprised by the
thing done, out of all power to watch the
way of it. Yet nothing is more charming
than to recognize the great style which
runs through the actions of such. People
masquerade before us in their fortunes,
titles, offices, and connections, as academic
or civil presidents, or senators, or pro-
fessors, or great lawyers, and impose on
the frivolous, and a good deal on each
other, by these fames. At least, it is a
point of prudent good manners to treat
these reputations tenderly, as if they were
merited. But the sad realist knows these
I fellows at a glance, and they know him ;
as when in Paris the chief of the police
enters a ball-room, so many diamonded
pretenders shrink and make themselves
as inconspicuous as they can, or give him
a supplicating look as they pass. ” I had
received,” said a sibyl — ” I had received at
birth the fatal gift of penetration ; ” and
these Cassandras are always born.
Manners impress as they indicate real
power. A man who is sure of his point,
carries a broad and contented expression,
which everybody reads. And you cannot
rightly train one to an air and manner;
except by making him the kind of man of
whom that manner is the natural expres
sion. Nature forever puts a premium on
leality. What is done for effect, is seen
to be done for effect ; what is done for
love, is felt to bo done for love. A man
inspires affection and honour, because he
was not lying in wait for these. The things
of a man for which we visit him, wern done
in the dark and the cold. A little intregity
is better than any career. So deep are
tho sources of this BU|face-action. that
even the size of your companion seems
to vary with his freedom of thought. Not
only is he larger, when at ease, and his
thoughts generous, but everything around
him becomes variable with expression.
No carpenter’s rule, no rod and chain,
will measure the dimensions of any house
or house-lot: go into the house: if the
proprietor is constrained and deferring,
•tis of no importance how large his house,
how beautiful his grounds— you quickly
come to the end of all ; but if the man is
self-possessed, happy, and at home, his
house is deep-founded, indefinitely large
and interesting, the roof and dome buoy-
ant as the sky. Under the humblest roof,
the commonest person in plain clothes sits
there massive, cheerful, yet formidable
like the Egyptian colossi.
Neither Aristotle, nor Leibnitz, nor
Junius, nor Champollion has set down the
grammar-rules of this dialect, older than
Sanscrit ; but they who cannot yet read
English, can read this. Men take each
other’s measure, when they meet for the
first time — and every time they meet.
How do they get this rapid knowledge,
even before they speak, of each other’s ,
power and dispositions ? One would say, |
that the persuasion of their speech is not
in what they say — or, that men do not
convince by their argument — but by their
personality, by who they are, and what
they said and did heretofore. A man
already strong is listened to, and every-
thing ho says is applauded. Another
opposes him with sound argument, but
the argument is scouted, until by and by
it gets into the mind of some weighty
person ; then it begins to tell on the com-
Self-reliance is the basis of behaviour,
as it is the guaranty that the powers are
not squandered in too much demonstra-
tion. In this country, where school edu-
cation is universal, we have a superficial
culture, and a profusion of reading and
writing and expression. We parade our
nobilities in poems and orations, instead
of working them up into happiness.
There is a whisper out of the ages to him
who can understand it — ” whatever is
known to thyself alone has always very
great value.” There is some reason to
believe, that, when a man does not write
his poetry, it escapes by other vents
through him, instead of the one vent of
writing ; clings to his form and manners,
whilst poets have often nothing poetical
Ikbout them except their verses, Jacobi
said, that “ when a man has fully expressed
his thought, he has somewhat less pos-
session of it.” One would say, the rule
is— What a man is irresistibly urged to
say, helps him and us. In explaining his
thought to others, he explains it to him-
self: but when he opens it for show, it
corrupts him.
Society is the stage on which manners
are shown ; novels are their literature.
Novels are the journal or record of man-
ners ; and the new importance of these
books derives from the fact, that the
novelist begins to penetrate the surface,
and treat this part of life more worthily.
The novels used to be all alike, and had a
quite vulgar tone. The novels used to
lead us on to a foolish interest in the for-
tunes of the boy and girl they described.
The boy was to be raised from a humble
to a high position. He was in want of a
wife and a castle, and the object of the
story was to supply him with one or both.
We watched sympathetically, step by step,
his climbing, until, at last, the point is
gained, tlie wedding-day is fixed, and we
follow the gala procession home to the
bannered portal, when the doors are
slammed in our face, and the poor reader
is left outside in the cold, not enriched by
so much as an idea, or a virtuous im*
But the victories of character are in-
stant, and victories for all. Its greatness
enlarges all. We are fortified by every
heroic anecdote. The novels are as useful
as Bibles, if they teach you the secret,
that the best of life is conversation, and
the greatest success is confidence, or per-
fect understanding between sincere people,
’Tis a French definition of friendship,
rien que s'entendre, good understanding,
I The highest compact we can make wi3i
our fellow, is — ” Let there be truth be-
twe^in us two forevermore." That is the
charm in all good novels, as it is the charm
in all good histories, that the heroes
mutually understand, from the first, and
deal loyally, and with a profound trust in
each other. It is sublime to feel and say
of another, I need never meet, or speak,
or write to him : we need not reinforce
ourselves, or send tokens of remembrance ;
I rely on him as on myself : if he did tlius
or thus, I know it was right.
In all the superior people I have met, 1
notice directness, truth spoken more truly,
as if everything of obstruction, of malfor-
mation had been trained away. Whai
have they to conceal ? What have they ta
exhibit ? Between simple and noble pex
tons, there is always a quick intelligence :
they recognize at sight, and meet on a
better ground than the talents and skills
they may chance to possess, namely, on
iincerity and uprightness. For, it is not
srhat talents or genius a man has, but how
he is to his talents, that constitutes friend-
ship and character. The man that stands
by himself, the universe stands by him
blIso. It is related of the monk Basle,
that, being excommunicated by the Pope,
he was, at his death, sent in charge of an
angel to find a fit place of suffering in hell ;
but, such was the eloquence and good-
humour of the monk, that, wherever he
went he was received gladly, and civilly
treated, even by the most uncivil angels :
and, when he came to discourse with
them, instead of contradicting or forcing
him, they took his part, and adopted his
manners: and even good angels came
from far, to see him, and take up their
abode with him. The angel that was sent
to find a place of torment for him at-
tempted to remove him to a worse pit,
but with no better success ; for such was
the contented spirit of the monk, that he
found something to praise in every place
and company, though in hell, and made a
kind of heaven of it. At last the escorting
angel returned with his prisoner to them
that sent him, saying, that no phlegethon
could be found that would burn him ; for
that, in whatever condition, Basle re-
mained incorrigibly Basle. The legend
says, his sentence was remitted, and he
was allowed to go into heaven, and was
canonized as a saint.
There is a stroke of magnanimity in the
correspondence of Bonaparte with his
brother Joseph, when the latter was King
of Spain, and complained that he missed
in Napoleon’s letters the affectionate tone
which had marked their childish corres-
pondence. "lam sorry," replies Napoleon,
"you think you shall find your brother
again only in the Elysian Fields. It is
natural, that at forty, he should not feel
towards you as he did at twelve. But his
feelings towards you have greater truth
and strength. His friendship has the
features of his mind."
How much we forgive in those who yield
ns the rare spectacle of heroic manners!
We will pardon them the want of books,
of arts, and even of the gentler virtues.
How tenaciously we remember them!
Here is a lesson which I brought along
with me in boyhood from the Latin
School, and which ranks with the best of
anecdotes. Marcus Scaurus was
accused by Quiiffus Vanus Hispanus, that
he had excited' the allies to take arms
against the Republic. But he, full of
firmness and gravity, defended himself in
this manner: " Quintus Varius Hispaaus
alleges that Marcus Scaurus, President of
the Senate, excited the allies to arras :
Marcus Scaurus, President of the Senate,
denies it. There is no witness. Which
do you believe, Romans ? " “ Utri cre-
ditis, Quirites ? " When he had said these
words, he was absolved by the assembly
of the people.
I have seen manners that make a
similar impression with personal beauty ;
that give the like exhilaration, and refine
ns like that ; and, in memorable expe-
riences, they are suddenly better than
beauty, and make that superfluous and
ugly. But they must be marked by fine
perception, the acquaintance with real
beauty. They must always show self-
control : you shall not be facile, apolo-
getic, or leaky, but king over your word ;
and every gesture and action shall indicate
power at rest. Then they must be in-
spired by the good heart. There is no
beautifier of complexion, or form, or be-
haviour, like the wish to scatter joy and
not pain around us. 'Tis good to give a
stranger a meal, or a night’s lodging.
'Tis better to be hospitable to his good
meaning and thought, and give courage to
a companion. We must be as courteous
to a man as we are to a picture, which we
are willing to give the advantage of a good
light. Special precepts are not to be
thought of: the talent of well-doing con-
tains them all, Every hour will show a
duty as paramount as that of my whim
just now; and yet I will write it — that
there is one topic peremptorily forbidden
to all well-bred, to all rational mortals,
namely, their distempers. If you have
not slept, or if you have slept, or if you
have headache, or sciatica, or leprosy, or
thunder-stroke, I beseech you, by all
angels, to hold your peace, and not pollute
the morning, to which all the housemates
bring serene and pleasant thoughts, by
corruption and groans. Come out of the
azure. Love the day. Do not leave the
sky out of your landscape. The oldest
and the most deserving person should
come very modestly into any newly awaked
company, respecting the divine communi-
cations, out of which all must be pre-
sumed to have newly come. An old man
who added an elevating culture to a large
experience of Ufei said to me : " When
you come into the room, I think I will
study how to make humr^ity beautiful to
you.” "
As respects the delicate question of
culture, I do not think that any other than
negative rules can be laid down. For
positive rules, for suggestion, Nature
alone inspires it. Who dare assume to
guide a youth, a maid, to perfect manners ?
the golden mean is so delicate, difficult —
say frankly, unattainable. What finest
hands would not be clumsy to sketch the
genial precepts of the young girl’s de-
meanour ? The chances seem infinite
against success ; and yet success is con-
tinually attained. There must not be
secondariness, and ’tis a thousand to one
that her air and manner will at once be-
tray that she is not primary, but that there
is some other one or many of her class,
to whom she habitually postpones herself.
But Nature lifts her easily, and without
knowing it, over these impossibilities, and
we are continually surprised with graces
and felicities not only unteachable^ but
This is he, who, felled by foes,
Sprung harmless up, refreshed by blows :
He to captivity was sold,
But him no prison-bars would hold :
Though they sealed him in a rock,
Mountain chains he can unlock:
Thrown to lions for their meat,
The crouching lion kissed his feet :
Bound to the stake, no flames appalled.
But arched o’er him an honouring vault.
This is he men miscall Fate,
Threading dark ways, arriving late,
But ever coming in time to crown
The truth, and hurl wrongdoers down. {
He is the oldest, and best known,
More near than aught thou caU’stthy own,
Yet, greeted in another’s eyes,
Disconcerts with glad surprise.
This is Jove, who, deaf to prayers,
Floods with blessings unawares.
Draw, it thou canst, the mystic line.
Severing rightly bis from thine,
Which is human, which divine.
SOMB of my friends have complained,
when the preceding papers were read,
that we discussed Fate, Power, and Wealth,
on too low a platform ; gave too much line
to the evil spirit of the times ; too many
cakes to Cerberus ; that we ran Cudworth’s
risk of making, by excess of candour, the
argument of atheism so strong, that he
could not answer it. I have no fears of
being forced in my own despite to play, as
we say, the devil’s attorney. I have no
infirmity of faith; no belief that it is of
much importance what I or any man may
say ; I am sure that a certain truth will be
said through me, though I should be dumb,
or though I should try to say the reverse.
Nor do I fear scepticism for any good soul.
A just thinkir will fa;l swing to his
scepticism, 1 dip my pen in the blackest
ink, because I am not afraid of falling into
my inkpot 1 have no sympathy with a
poor man I knew, who, when suicides
abounded, told me he dared not look at
his razor. We are of different opinions at
different hours, but we always may be
said to be at heart on the side of truth.
I see not why we should give ourselves
such sanctified airs. If the Divine Provi-
dence has hid from men neither disease,
nor deformity, nor corrupt society, but has
stated itself out in passions, in war, in
trade, in the love of power and pleasure,
in hunger and need, in tyrannies, litera-
tures, and arts, let us not be so nice that
we cannot write these facts down coarsely
as they stand, or doubt but there is a
counter-statement as ponderous, which we
can arrive at, and which, being put, will
make all square. The solar system has
no anxiety about its reputation, and
the credit of truth and honesty is as safe ;
nor have I any fear that a sceptical bias
can be given by leaning hard on the sides
of fate, of practical power, or of trade,
which the doctrine of Faith cannot down-
weigh. The strength of that principle is
not measured in ounces and pounds ; it
tyrannizes at the centre of Nature. We
may well givesceptism as much line as we
can. The spirit will return and fill us. It
drives the drivers. It counterbalances
any accumulations of power,
“ Heaven kindly gave our blood a moral flow."
We are born loyal. The whole creation it
made of hooks and eyes, of bitumen, of
sticking-plaster, and whether your com
munity is made in Jerusalem or in Cali-
fornia, of saints or of wreckers, it coheres
hi a perfect ball. Men as naturally make
a state, or a church, as caterpillars a web.
If they were more refined, it would be less
formal, it would be nervous like that of
the Shakers, who, from long habit of think-
ing and feeling together, it is said, are
affected in the same way, at the same time,
to work and to play, and as they go with
perfect sympathy to their tasks in the field
or shop, so are they inclined for a ride or
a journey at the same instant, and the
horses come up with the family carriage
unbespoken to the door.
We are born believing. A man bears
beliefs, as a tree bears apples. A self-
poise belongs to every particle ; and a rec-
titude to every mind, and is the Nemesis
and protector of every society. I and my
neighbours have been bred in the notion,
that, unless we came soon to some good
church — Calvinism, or Behmenism, or
Romanism, or Mormonism — there would
be a universal thaw and dissolution. No
Isaiah or Jeremy has arrived. Nothing
can exceed the anarchy that has followed
in our skies. The stern old faiths have all j
pulverized. ’Tis a whole population of j
gentleman and ladies out in search of
religions. ’Tis as flat anarchy in our
ecclesiastic roalms,!as that which existed in
Massachusetts, in the Revolution, or which
prevails now on the slope of the Rocky
Mountains or Pike's Peak. Yet we may shift
[olive. Men are loyal. Nature has self-poise
in all her works; certain proportions in
which oxygen and azote combine, and, not
less a harmony in faculties, a fitness in
the spring and the regulator.
The decline of the influence of Calvin,
or Fenelon, or Wesley, or Channing, need
give us no uneasiness. The builder of
heaven has not so ill constructed bis crea-
ture as that the religion, that is, the public
nature, should fall out : the public
and the private element, like north and
south, like inside and outside, like centri-
fugal and centripetal, adhere to every soul,
and cannot be subdued, except the soul is
dissipated. God builds his temple in the
heart on the ruins of churches and religions.
In the last chapters, we treated some
particulars of the question of culture.
Bui the whole state of man is a state of
culture ; and its flowering and completion
maybe described as Religion, or Worship.
There is always some religion, some hope
and fear extended into the invisible — from
the blind boding which nails a horseshoe
to the master the threshold, up to the song
of the Elders in the Apocalypse. But the
religion cannot rise above the state of
the votary. Heaven always bears some
proportion to earth. The god of the canni-
bals will be a cannibal, of the crusaders
a crusader, and of the merchants a mer-
chant, In all a^3, s6ulS out 6f tiMe,
traordinary, prophetic, are born, who are
rather related to the system of the world,
than to their particular age and locality.
These announce absolute truths, which,
with whatever reverence received, are
speedily dragged down into a savage in-
terpretation. The interior tribes of our
Indians, and some of the Pacific-Islanders,
flog their gods, when things take an un-
favourable turn. The Greek poets did
not hesitate to let loose their petulent
wit on their deities also. Laomedon, in
his anger at Neptune and Apollo, who
had built Troy for him, and demanded
their price, does not hesitate to menace
them that he will cut their ears off.*
Among our Norse forefathers. King Olaf s
mode of converting Eyvind to Christianity
was to put a pan of glowing coals on his
belly, which burst asunder. “ Wilt thou
now, Eyvind, believe in Christ ? ” asks
Olaf, in excellent faith. Another argu-
ment was an adder put into the mouth of
the reluctant disciple Rand, who refused
to believe.
Christianity, in the romantic ages, sig-
nified European culture— the grafted or
meliorated tree in a crab forest, And to
marry a pagan wife or husband was to
marry Beast, and voluntarily to take a
step backwards towards the baboon.
** Hengist had verament,
A daughter both fair and gentf
But she was heathen Sarazine,
And Vortigern for love fine
Her took to fere and to wife,
And was cursed in all his life ;
For he let Christian wed heathen,
And mixed our bloodas flesh and mathen.‘'t
What Gothic mixtures the Christian creed
drew from the pagan sources, Richard of
Devizes’s chronicle of Richard I.’s crusade
in the twelfth century may show. King
Richard taunts God with forsaking him :
“ O fie 1 O how unwilling should I be to
forsake thee in so forlorn and dreadful a
position, were I thy lord and advocate, as
thou art mine. In sooth, my standards
I will in future bo despised, not through my
fault, but through thine ; in sooth, not
through any cowardice of my warfare, art
thou thyself, my king and my God, con-
quered this day, and not Richard thy
vassal.” The religion of the early English
oets is annomalous, so devout and so
lasphemous, in the same breath. Sucb
is Chaucer’s extraordinary confusion \
heaven and earth in the picture of Dido.
* Iliad, Book 1, 455* t Moths or worms*
l5he was so fair,
Si> young, io liiftty, with her eycn glad,
That if that God that heaven and earthe made
Would have a love for beauty and goodness,
And womanhede, truth, and seemliness,
Whom should he loven but this lady sweet?
There n’ is no woman to him half so meet.'*
With these grossnesses, we compla-
cently compare our own taste and de-
corum. We think and speak with more
temperance and gradation — but is not
indifferentism as bad as superstition ?
We live in a transition period, when the
old faiths which comforted nations, and
not only so, but made nations, seem to
have spent their force. I do not find the
religions of men at this moment very
creditable to them, but either childish
and insignificant, or unmanly and effemi-
nating. The fatal trait is the divorce
between religion and morality. Here are
know-nothing religions, or churches that ,
prescribe intellect ; scortatory religions ;
slave-holding and slave-trading religions ;
and, even in the decent populations,
idolatries wherein the whiteness of the
ritual covers scarlet indulgence, The lover
of the old religion complains that our
contemporaries, scholars as well as mer-
chants, succumb to a great despair — have
corrupted into a timorous conservatism,
and believe in nothing. In our large cities,
the population is godless, materialized —
no bond, no fellow-feeling, no enthusiasm.
These are not men, but hungers, thirsts,
fevers, and appetites walking. How is it
people manage to live on— so aimless as
they arc ? After their peppercorn aims
are gained, it seems as if the lime in their
bones alone held them together, and not
any worthy purpose. There is no faith in
the intellectual, none in the moral uni-
verse. There is faith in chemistry, in
meat, and wine, in wealth, in machinery, |
in the steam-engine, galvanic battery,
turbine wheels, sewing machines, and in
public opinion, but not in divine causes,
A silent revolution has loosed the tension
of the old religious sects, and, in place of
the gravity and permanence of those so-
cieties of opinion, they run into freak and
extravagance. In creeds never was such
levity ; witness the heathenisms in Chris-
tianity, the periodic “ revivals,” the
Millennium mathematics, the peacock
ritualism, the retrogression to Popery, the
maundering of Mormons, the squalor of
Mesmerism, the deliration of rappings,
the rat and mouse revelation, thumps in
table-drawers, and black art. The archi-
tectttxf, the music, the prayer, partake of
the madness : the arts sink into shift and
make-believe. Not knowing what to do,
we ape our ancestors ; the churches stag-
ger backward to the mummeries of the
Dark Ages. By the irresistible maturing
of the general mind, the Christian tradi-
tions have lost their hold. The dogma of
the mystic offices of Christ being dropped,
and he standing on his genius as a moral
teacher, ’tis impossible to maintain the
old emphasis of his personality ; and it
recedes, as all person’s must, before the
sublimity of the moral laws, From this
change, and in the momentary absence of
any religious genius that could offset the
immense material activity, there is a
feeling that religion is gone. When Paul
Leroux offered his article Dieu ” to the
conductor of a leading French journal, ha
replied, ‘‘Z.a question, de Dieu manque
d'actualiU'' In Italy, Mr. Gladstone said
of the late King of Naples, ” It has been
a proverb, tliat he has erected the negation
of God into a system of government.” In
this country, the like stupefaction was in
the air, and the phrase ‘‘higher law '* be-
came a political jibe. What proof of infi-
delity, like the toleration and propagan-
dism of slavery ? What, like the direction
of education ? What, like the facility ol
conversion ? V/hat, like the externality of
churches that once sucked the roots of
right and wrong, and now have perished
away till they are a speck of whitewash
on the wall ? What proof of scepticism
like the base rate at which the highest
mental and moral gifts are held ? Let a
man attain the highest and broadest
culture that any American has possessed,
then let him die by sea-storm, railroad
collision, or other accident, and all
America will acquiesce that the best
thing has happened to him ; that, after
the education has gone far, such is the ex-
pensiveness of America, that the best use
to put a fine person to, is, to drown him
to save his board.
Another scar of this scepticism is the
distrust in human virtue. It is believed
by well-dressed proprietors that there is
no more virtue than they possess ; that
the solid portion of society exist for the
arts of comfort: that life is an affair to
put somewhat between the upper and
lower mandibles. How prompt the sug-
gestion of a low motive I Certain patriots
in England devoted themselves for years
to creating a public opinion that should
break down the corn-laws and establish
free trade. *' Well,” says the man in the
street, ” Cobden got a stipend out of it”
Kossuth fled nither across the ocean to You say, there ,^0 no religion now. ''ll*
try if he could rouse the New World to like saying in rainy weather, there is no
a sympathy with European liberty, ** Ay,” sun, when at that moment we are witness-
says New York, ” he made a handsome ing one of his superlative effects. The
thing of it, enough to make him comfort- religion of the cultivated class now, to be
able for life.” sure, consists in an avoidance of acts and
See what allowance vice finds in the engagements which it was once their
respectable and well-conditioned class. If religion to assume. But this avoidance
a pickpocket intrude into the society of will yield spontaneous forms in their due
gentlemen, they exert what moral force hour. There is a principle which is the
they have, and he finds himself uncom- basis of things, which all speech aims to
fortabie, and glad to get away. But if an say, and all action to evolve, a simple,
adventurer go through all the forms, pro- quiet, undescribed, undescribable pres-
cure himself to be elected to a post ence, dwelling very peaceably in us, our
of trust, as of senator, or president — rightful lord ; we are not to do, but to let
though by the same arts as we detest in do ; not to work, but to be worked upon ;
the house-thief — the same gentlemen who and to this homage there is a consent of
agree to discountenance the private rogue, all thoughtful and just men in all ages and
will be forward to show civilities and conditions. To this sentiment belong
marks of respect to the public one : and vast and sudden enlargements of power,
no amount of evidence of his crimes will 'Tis remarkable that our faith in ecstasy
prevent them giving him ovations, compli- consists with total inexperience of it. It
mentary dinners, opening their own houses is the order of the world to educate with
to him, and priding themselves on his ac- accuracy the senses and the understand-
quaintance. We were not deceived by ing ; and the enginery at work to draw out
the professions of the private adventurer these powers in priority, no doubt, has its
— the louder he talked of his honour, the office. But we are never without a hint
faster we counted our spoons ; but we that these powers are mediate and servile,
appeal to the sanctified preamble of the ar»d ^hat we are one day to deal with real
messages and proclamations of the public being— essences with essences, Even the
sinner, as the proof of sincerity. It must fury of material activity has some results
be that they who pay this homage have friendly to moral health. The energetic
said to themselves, On the whole, we don’t action of the times develops individualism,
know about this that you call honesty; a and the religious appear isolated. I esteem
bird in the hand is better, this a step in the right direction. Heaven
Even well-disposed, good sort of people deals with us on no representative sys-
are touched with the same infidelity, and tern. Souls are not saved in bundles,
for brave, straightforv’ard action, use half- The Spirit saith to the man, ” How is it
measures and compromises. Forgetful with thee ? thee personally ? is it well ? is
that a little meaure is a great error, for- it ill ? ” For a great nature, it is a happi-
getful that a wise mechanic uses a sharp ness to escape a religious training — relig-
tool, they go on choosing the dead men of ion of character is so apt to be invaded,
routine. But the official men can in no Religion must always be a crab fruit: it
wise help you in any question of to-day, cannot be grafted and keep its wild beauty,
they deriving entirely from the old dead “ I have seen,” said a traveller who had
things. Only those can help in counsel or known the extremes of society — ” I have
conduct who did not make a party pledge seen human nature in all its forms, it is
to defend this or that, but who were everywhere the same, but the wilder it is,
appointed by God Almighty, before they the more virtuous.”
came into the world, to stand for this Wo say, the old forms of religion de-
which they uphold. cay, and that a scepticism devastate*
It has been charged that a want of the community. I do not think it can be
sincerity in the leading men is a vic*^' cured or stayed by any modification of
general throughout American society, theologic creeds, much less by theologic
Bat the multitude of the sick shall not discipline. The cure for false theology is
make us deny the existence of health. In mother-wit. Forget your books and tra-
tpite of our imbecility and terrors, and ditions, and obey your moral perception*
'* uiniversal decay of religion,” {&c., &c., at this hour. That which is signified by
the moral sense reappears to-day with the the words ” moral ** and '* spiritual ” is a
same morning newness that has been from lasting essence, and, with whatever illu-
of old the fountain of beauty and strength, sions we have loaded them, will certainlv
bring back the words, after age, to
their ancient meaning. I know no words
that mean so much. In our definitions,
we grope after the spiritual by describing
it as invisible. The true meaning of
ipi^itual is real; that law which executes
itself, which works without means, and
which cannot be conceived as not existing.
Men talk of “mere morality" — which is
much as if one should say, ** Poor God,
with nobody to help him. I find the
omnipresence and the almightiness in the
reaction of every atom in Nature. I can
best indicate by examples those reactions
by which every part of Nature replies to
the purpose of the actor — beneficently to
the good, penally to the bad. Let us re-
place sentimentalism by realism, and
dare to uncover those simple and terrible
laws, which, be they seen or unseen,
pervade and govern.
Every man takes care that his neigh-
bour shall not cheat him. But a day
comes when he begins to care that he do
not cheat his neighbour. Then all goes
well. He has changed his market-cart
into a chariot of the sun. What a day
dawns, when we have taken to heart the
doctrine of faith 1 to prefer, as a better
investment, being to doing; being to
Ifeeing; logic to rhythm and to display;
the year to the day ; the life to the year ;
character to performance ; and have come
to know that justice will be done us ; and,
if our genius is slow, the term will be long.
’Tis certain that worship stands in some
commanding relation to the health of man,
and to his highest powers, so as to be, in
some manner, the source of intellect. All
the great ages have been ages of belief. I
mean, when there was any extraordinary
power of performance, when great national
movements began, when arts appeared,
when heroes existed, when poems were
made, the human soul was in earnest,
and had fixed its thoughts on spiritual
verities, with as strict a grasp as that of
fhe hands on the sword, or the pencil, or
the trowel. It is true that genius takes
its rise out of the mountains of rectitude ;
that all beauty and power which men
covet are somehow born out of that Alpine
district ; that any extraordinary degree of
beauty in man or woman involves a moral
charm. Thus, I think, we very slowly
admit in another man a higher degree of
moral sentiment than our ovm — a finer
conscience, more impressionable, or,
which marks minuter degrees; an ear
to hear acuter notes of right and wrong,
than wo^can. 1 think we listen suspiciously
and very slowly to any evidence to that
point. But, once satisfied of such supe»
riority, we set no limit to our expectation
of his genius. For such persons are nearer
to the secret of God than others are
bathed by sweeter waters ; they near
notices, they see visions, where others are
vacant. We believe that holiness confers
a certain insight, because not by our
private, but by our public force, can we
share and know the nature of things.
There is an intimate interdependence
of intellect and morals. Given the equality
of two intellects — which will form the most
reliable judgments, the good, or the bad
hearted ? “ The heart has its arguments,
with which the understanding is not ac-
quainted." For the heart is at once aware
of the state of health or disease, which is
the controlling state, that is, of sanity or
of insanity, prior, of course, to all ques-
tion of the ingenuity of arguments, the
amount of facts, or the elegance of
rhetoric. So intimate is this alliance of
mind and heart, that talent uniformly
sinks with character. The bias of errors
of principle carries away men into perilous
courses, as soon as their will does not
control their passion or talent. Hence
the extraordinary blunders, and final
wrong head, into which men spoiled by
ambition usually fall. Hence the remedy
for all blunders, the cure of blindness,
the cure of crime, is love, ‘ ' As much
love, so much mind," said the Latin pro-
verb. The superiority that has no su-
perior; the redeemer and instructor of
souls, as it is their primal essence, is
The moral must be the measure of
health. If your eye is on the eternal,
your intellect will grow, and your opinions
and actions will have a beauty which no
learning or combined advantages of other
men can rival. The moment of your loss
of faith, and acceptance of the lucrative
standard, will be marked in the pause, or
solstice of genius, the sequent retrogres-
sion, and the inevitable loss of attraction
to other minds. The vulgar are sensible
of the change in you, and of your descent,
though they clap you on the back, and
congratulate you on your increased com*
mon sense.
Our recent culture has been in natural
science. We have learned the manners
of the sun and of the moon, of the rivers
and the rains, of the mineral artd
mental kingdoms, of plants and animals*
Man has learned to weigh the sun, and ita
weight neither loses nor gains. The path
S 46 conduct
of A Star, the moment of an eclipse, can
be determined to the fraction of a second.
Well, to him the book of history, the book
of love, the lures of passion, and the com-
mandments of duty are opened ; and the
next lesson taught, is, the continuation of
the inflexible law of matter into the sub-
tile kingdom of will, and of thought ; that,
if, in sidereal ages, gravity and projection
keep their craft, and the ball never loses
its way in its wild path through space — a
secreter gravitation, a secreter projection,
rule not less tyrannically in human his-
tory, and keep the balance of power from
age to age unbroken. For, though the
new element of freedom and an individual
has been admitted, yet the primordial
atoms are prefigured and predetermined
to moral issues, are in search of justice,
and ultimate right is done. Religion or
worship is the attitude of those who see
this unity, intimacy, and sincerity ; who
see that, against all appearances, the
nature of things works for truth and right
for ever.
’Tis a short sight to limit our faith in
laws to those of gravity, of chemistry, of
botany, and so north. Those laws do not
stop where our eyes lose them, but push
the same geometry and chemistry up into
the invisible plane of social and rational
life, so that, look where we will, in a boy’s
game, or in the strifes of races, a perfect
reaction, a perpetual judgment keeps
watch and ward. And this appears in a
class of facts which concerns all men,
within and above their creeds.
Shallow men believe in luck, believe in
circumstances: It was somebody’s name,
or he happened to be there at the time,
or, or it was so then, and another day it
would have been otherwise. Strong men
believe in cause and effect. The man was
born to do it, and his father was born to
be tlie father of him and of this deed,
and, by looking narrowly, you shall see
there was no luck in the matter, but it
was all a problem in arithmetic, or an
experiment in chemistry. The curve of
the flight of the moth is preordained, and
all things go by number, rule, and weight.
Scepticism is unbelief in cause and
effect. A man does not see, that, as he
eats, so he thinks : as he deals, so he is,
and so he appears ; he does not see, that
his son is the son of his thoughts and of
his actions ; that fortunes are not excep-
tions but fruits ; that relation and connec-
tion are not somewhere and sometimes,
but everywhere and always; no miscel-
lany, no exemption, no anomaly— but
I method, and {in even wob ; and what
comes out, that was put in. As ♦ve are.
so we do ; and as wo do, so is it done to
us ; we are the builders of our fortunes ;
cant and lying and the attempt to secure
a good which does not belong to us, are,
once for all, balked and vain. But, in the
human mind, this tie of faith is made
alive. The law is the basis of the human
mind. In us, it is inspiration ; out there
in Nature, we see its fatal strength. We
call it the moral sentiment.
We owe to the Hindoo Scriptures a de-
finition of Law, which compares well with
any in our Western books. " Law it is,
which is without name, or colour, or hands,
or feet ; which is smallest of the least, and
largest of the large ; all, and knowing all
things; which hears without ears, sees
without eyes, moves without feet, and
seizes without hand*.”
If any reader tax me with using vagsae
and traditional phrases, let me suggest to
him, by a few examples, what kind of a
trust this is, and how real. Let mo show
him that the dice are loaded; that the
colour* are fast, because they are the native
colours of the fleece ; that the globe is a
battery, because every atom is a magnet ;
and that the police and sincerity of the
Universe are secured by God’s delegating
his divinity to every particle ; that there is
no room for hypocrisy, no margin for
The countryman leaving his native vil-
lage, for the first time, and going abroad,
finds all his habits broken up. In a new
nation and language, his sect, as Quaker,
or Lutheran, is lost. What ! it is not then
necessary to the order and existence of
society ? He misses this, and the com-
manding eye of his neighbourhood, which
held him to decorum. This is the peril of
New York, of New Orleans, of London, of
Paris, to young men. But after a little
experience, he makes the discovery that
there are no large cities — none largo
enough to hide in ; that the censors of
action are as numerous and as near in
Paris, as in Littleton or Portland ; that the
gossip is as prompt and vengeful. There
is no concealment, and, for each offence, a
several vengeance ; that, reaction, or
nothing for nothing, or, things are as
broad as they are long, is not a rule for
Littleton or Portland, but for the Uni-
We cannot spare the coarsest muni-
ment of virtue. We are disgusted by gos-
sip ; yet it is of importance to keep tho
angels in their proprieties. The sm^les^
fly will draw blood, and gossip is a weapon
impossible to exclude froli the privatest,
highest, selectest. Nature created a police
of many ranks. God has delegated him-
self to a million deputies. From these
low external penalties, the scale ascends.
Next come the resentments, the fears,
which injustice calls out; then, the false
relations in which the offender is put to '
other men ; and the reaction of his fault
on himself, in the solitude and devastation
of his mind.
You cannot hide any secret. If the
artist succour his flagging spirits by opium
or wine, his work will characterize itself
as the effect of opium or wine. If you
make a picture or a statue, it sets the be-
holder in that state of mind you had, when
you made it, If you spend for show, on
building, or gardening, or on pictures, or
on equipages, it will so appear. We are
all physiognomists and penctrators of
character, and things themselves are de-
tective. If you follow the suburban fashion
in building a sumptuous-looking house
for a little money, it will appear to all eyes
as a cheap dear house. There is no
privacy that cannot be penetrated. No
secret can be kept in the civilized world.
Society is a masked ball, where every one
hides his real character, and reveals it by
hiding. If a man wish to conceal any-
thing he carries, those whom he meets
know that he conceals somewhat, and
usually know what he conceals. Is it
otherwise if there be some belief or some
purpose he would bury in his breast ?
’Tis as hard to hide as fire. He is a strong
man who can hold down his opinion. A
man cannot utter two or three sentences,
without disclosing to intelligent ears pre-
cisely where he stands in life and thought,
namely, [whether in the kingdom of the
senses and the understanding, or, in that
of ideas and imagination, in the realm of
intuitions and duty. People seem not to
see that their opinion of the world is also
a confession of character. We can only
see what we are, and if we misbehave we
suspect others. The fame of Shakespeare
or of Voltaire, of Thomas i Kempis, or of
Bonaparte, characterizes those who give
it. As gaslight is found to be the best
nocturnal police, so the universe protects
itself by pitiless publicity.
Each must bo armed— not necessarily
with musket and pike. Happy, if, seeing
these, he can feel that he has better mus-
kets and pikes in his energy and con-
Btancy. To every creature is his own
weapon j however skilfully concealed from
himself, a good while. His work ia sword
and shield. Let him accuse none, let him
injure none. The way to mend the bad
world is to create the right world. Hera
is a low political economy plotting to cut
the throat of foreign competition, and es-
tablish our own ; excluding others by
force, or making war on them ; or, by
cunning tariffs, giving preference to worse
wares of ours. But the real and lasting
victories are those of peace, and not of
war. The way to conquer the foreign
artisan, is not to kill him, but to beat his
work. And the Crystal Palaces and World
Fairs, with their committees and prizes on
all kinds of industry, are the result of this
feeling. The American workman who
strikes ten blows with his hammer whilst
the foreign workman only strikes one, iei
as really vanquishing that foreigner, as if
the blows were aimed at and told on his
person. I look on that man as happy,
who, when there is question of success,
looks into his work for a reply, not into
the market, not into opinion, not into pat-
ronage. In every variety of human em-
ployment, in the mechanical and in tho
fine arts, in navigation, in farming, in
legislating, there are among the numbers
who do their task perfunctorily, as we say,
or just to pass, and as badly as they dare
— there are the working men, on whom the
burden of the business falls — those who
love work, and love to see it rightly done,
who finish their task for its own sake ; and
the state and the world is happy, that has
the most of such finishers. The world
will always do justice at last to such finish-
ers: it cannot otherwise. He who has
acquired the ability may wait securely the
occasion of making it felt and appreciated,
and know that it will not loiter. Men talk
as if victory were something fortunate.
Work is victory, Wherever work is done,
victory is obtained. There is no chance,
j and no blanks. You want but one verdict :
I if you have your own, you are secure of
the rest. And yet, if witnesses are wanted,
witnesses are near. There was never a
man born so wise or good, but one or
more companions came into the world
with him, who delight in his faculty and
report it. I cannot see without awe, that
no man thinks alone, and no man acts
alone, but the divine assessors who came
up with him into life — now under one dis-
guise, now under another — like a police ia
citizens’ clothes, walk with him, step for
step, through the kingdom of time.
This reaction, this sincerity, is the pro-
perty of all things. To make our word or
act sublime, we must make it real. It is I
our system that counts, not the single
word or unsupported action. Use what'
language you will, you can never say any-
thing but what you are. What I am, and
what I think, is conveyed to you, in spite
of my efforts to hold it back. What I am
has been secretly conveyed from me to
another, whilst I was vainly making up my
mind to tell him it. He has heard from
me what 1 never spoka.
As men get on in life, they acquire a love
for sincerity, and somewhat less solicitude
to be lulled or amused. In the progress of
the character, there is an increasing faith
In the moral sentiment, and a decreas-
ing faith in propositions. Young people
admire talents, and particular excellencies.
As we grow older we value total powers
and effects, as the spirit, or quality of the
man. We have another sight, and a new
standard; an insight which disregards
what is done for the eye, and pierces to
the doer; an ear which hears not what
men say, but hears what they do not say.
There was a wise, devout man who is
called, in the Catholic Church, St. Philip
Neri, of whom many anecdotes touching
his discernment and benevolence are told
at Naples and Rome. Among the nuns
in a convent not far from Rome, one had
appeared, who laid claim to certain rare
gifts of inspiration and prophecy, and the
abbess advised the Holy Father, at Rome,
of the wonderful powers shown by her
novice. The Pope did not well know what
to make of these new claims, and Philip
coming in from a journey, one day, he
consulted him, Philip undertook to visit
the nun, and ascertain her character. He
threw himself on his mule, all travel-
soiled as he was, and hastened through
the mud and mire to the distant convent.
He told the abbess the wishes of his Holi-
ness, and begged her to summon the nun
without delay. The nun was sent for, and,
as soon as she came into the apartment,
Philip stretched out his leg all bespattered
with mud, and desired her to draw off his
boots. The young nun, who had become
the object of much attention and respect,
drew back with anger, and refused the
office : Philip ran out of doors, mounted
his mule, and returned instantly to the
Pope ; ' ' Give yourself no uneasiness,
Holy Father, any longer; here is no
miracle, for here is no humility.”
We need not much mind what people
please to say, but what they must say ;
what their natures say though their busv,
artful Yankee understandings try to bold
back, and choke that word, and to artica«
late something^different. If we will sit
quietly — what they ought to say is said,
with their will, or against their will. Wa
do not care for you, let us pretiend what
we will ; we are always looking through
you to the dim dictator behind you.
Whilst your habit or whim chatters, we
civilly and impatiently wait until that
wise superior shall speak again. Even
children are not deceived by the false
reasons which their parents give in answer
to their questions, whether touching natu-
ral facts, or religion, or persons. When
the parent, instead of thinking how it
really is, puts them off with a traditional
or a hypocritical answer, the children
perceive that it is traditional or hypo-
critical. To a sound constitution the
defect of another is at once manifest ; and
the marks of it are only concealed from
us by our own dislocation. An anatomical
observer remarks, that the sympathies of
the chest, abdomen, and pelvis tell at last
on the face, and on all its features. Not
only does our beauty waste, but it leaves
word how it went to waste. Physiognomy
and phrenology are not new sciences, but
declarations of the soul that it is aware
of certain new sources of information.
And now sciences of broader scope are
starting up behind these. And so for our-
selves, it is really of little importance
what blunders in statement we make, so
only we make no wilful departures from
the truth. How a man’s truth comes to
mind, long after we have forgotten all his
words I How it comes to us in silent
hours, that truth is our only armour in all
passages of life and death ! Wit is cheap,
and anger is cheap ; but if you cannot
argue or explain yourself to the other
party, cleave to the truth against me,
against thee, and you gain a station from
which you cannot be dislodged. The other
party will forget the words that you spoke,
but the part you took continues to plead
for you.
Why should I hasten to solve every
riddle which life offers me ? I am well
assured that the Questioner, who brings
me so many problems, will bring the
answers also in due time. Very rich,
^^ery potent, very cheerful Giver that he
is, he shall have it all his own way for me.
Why should I give up my thought, because
I cannot answer an objection to it ? Con-
sider only, whether it remains in my life
the same it was. That only which wo
have within, can we see without. If
meet no gods, it is because we baibouf
none. If there ia gttindeur in you» you
will find grandeur in portirs and sweeps.
He only is rightly immortal, to whom all
things are immortal. I have read some-
where, that none is accomplished, so long
as any are incomplete; that the happi-
ness of one cannot consist with the misery
of any other.
The Buddhists say, “ No seed will die : ’*
every seed will grow. Where is the ser-
vice which can escape its remuneration ?
What is vulgar, and the essence of all
vulgarity, but the avarice of reward ? 'Tis
the difference of artisan and artist, of
talent and genius, of sinner and saint.
The man whose eyes are nailed not on
the nature of his act, but on the wages,
whether it be money, or office, or fame,
is almost equally low. He is great, whose
eyes are opened to see that the reward of
actions cannot bo escaped, because he is
transformed into his action, and taketh
its nature, which bears its own fruit, like
every other tree. A great man cannot be
hindered of the effect of his act, because
it is immediate. The genius of life is
friendly to the noble, and in the dark
brings them friends from far. Fear God,
and where you go, men shall think they
walk in hallowed cathedrals.
And so I look on those sentiments which
make the glory of the human being, love,
humility, faith, as being also the intimacy
of Divinity in the atoms; and, that, as
soon as the man is right, assurances and
previsions emanate from the interior of
his body and his mind ; as, when flowers
reach their ripeness, incense exhales
from them, and, as a beautiful atmos-
phere is generated from the planet by the
averaged emanations from all its rocks
and soils.
Thus man is made equal to every event.
Ha can face danger for the right. A poor,
tender, painful body, he can run into
flame or bullets or pestilence, with duty
for his guide. He feels the insurance of
a just employment. I am not afraid of
accident, as long as I am in my place. It
is strange that superior persons should
not feel that they have some better resist-
ance against cholera, than avoiding green
peas and salads. Life is hardly respect-
able— is it ? if it has no generous, guaran-
teeing task, no duties or affections, that
constitute a necessity of existing. Every
man’s task is his life-preserver. The con-
viction that his work is dear to God and
cannot be spared, defends him. The
lightning-rod that disarms the cloud of its
l,hreat is his body in its duty. A high aim
reacts on the means, on the days, cn the
organs of the body. A high aim is cura-
tive, as well as arnica. ** Napoleon,**
says Goethe, “visited those sick of the
plague, in order to prove that the man
who could vanquish fear, could vanquish
the plague also ; and he was right. 'Tis
incredible what force the will has in such
cases : it penetrates the body, and puts it
in a state of activity, which repels all hurt-
ful influences ; whilst fear invites them.”
It is related of William of Orange, that
whilst he was besieging a town on the
continent, a gentleman sent to him on
public business came to his camp, and,
learning that the King was before the
walls, he ventured to go where he was.
He found him directing the operation of
his gunners, and, having explained his
errand, and received his answer, the King
said : ” Do you not know, sir, that every
moment you spend hero is at the risk of
your life ? ” ‘‘I run no more risk,” replied
the gentleman, ** than your Majesty.”
“Yes,” said the King, “but my duty
brings me here, and yours does not.” In a
few minutes, a cannon-ball fell on the
spot, and the gentleman was killed.
Thus can the faithful student reverse
all the warnings of his early instinct,
under the guidance of a deeper instinct.
He learns to welcome misfortune, learns
that adversity is the prosperity of the
great. He learns the greatness of humil-
ity. He shall work in the dark, work
against failure, pain, and ill-will. If he is
insulted, he can be insulted; all his affair
is not to insult. Hafiz writes : —
At the last day, men shall wear
On their heads the dust,
As ensign and as ornament
Of their lowly trust.
The moral equalizes all ; enriches, em-
powers all. It is the coin which buys all,
and which all find in their pocket. Under
the whip of the driver, the slave shall feel
his equality with saints and heroes. In
the greatest destitution and calamity, it
surprises man with a feeling of elasticity
which makes nothing of loss.
I recall some traits of a remarkable
person whose life and discourse betrayed
many inspirations of this sentiment.
Benedict was always great in the present
time. He had hoarded nothing from the
past, neither in his cabinets, neither in
his memory. He had no designs on the
future, neither for what he should do to
men, nor for what men should do for him.
lie 9ai(} : '* I am never beaten until 1 know
that I am beaten. 1 meet powerful brutal
people to whom I have no skill to reply.
They think they have defeated me. It is
so published in society, in the journals; I
am defeated in this fashion, in all men’s
sight, perhaps on a dozen different lines.
My leger may show that I am in debt, can-
not yet make my ends meet, and vanquish
the enemy so. My race may not be pros-
pering: we a/0 sick, ugly, obscure, un-
popular. My children may be worsted. I
seem to fail in my friends and clients, too.
That is to say, in all the encounters that
have yet chanced, I have not been
weaponed for that particular occasion, and
have been historically beaten ; and yet, I
know, all the time, that I have never been
beaten ; have never yet fought, shall cer-
tainly fight, when my hour comes, and
shall beat.” ” A man,” says the Vishnu
Sarma, ‘‘who having well compared his
own strength or weakness with that of
others, after all doth not know the differ-
ence, is easily overcome by his enemies.”
“ I spent,” he said, “ ten months in the
country. Thick-starred Orion was my
only companion. Wherever a squirrel or
a bee can go with security, I can go. I
ate whatever was set before me ; I touched
ivy and dogwood. When I went abroad,
I kept company with every man on the
road, for I knew that my evil and my good
did not come from these, but from the
Spirit, whose servant I was. For I could
not stoop to be a circumstance, as they
did, who put their life into their fortune
and their company. I would not degrade
myself by casting about in my memory
for a thought, nor by waiting for one. If
the thought come, I would give it enter-
tainment. It should, as it ought, go into
my hands and feet ; but if it come not
spontaneously, it comes not rightly at all.
If it can spare me, I am sure I can spare
it. It shall be the same with my friends.
I will never woo the loveliest. I will not
ask any friendship or favour. When I
come to my own, we shall both know it.
Nothing will be to be asked or to be
granted.” Benedict went out to seek
his friend, and met him on the way;
but he expressed no surprise at any coin-
cidences. On the other hand, if he called
at the door of his friend, and he was not
at home, he did not go again ; concluding
that he had misinterpreted the intima-
He had the whim not to make an apo-
logy to the same individual whom he had
wronged. For this, he said, was a piece
of personal vanity ; but he would correct
his conduct in that respect in which hO
had faulted, tu the next person he should
meet. Thus, he said, universal justice
was satisfied.
Mira came to ask what she should do
with the poor Genesee woman who had
hired herself to work for her, at a shilling
a day, and, now sickening, was like to be
bedridden on her hands. Should she keep
her, or should she dismiss her ? But
Benedict said, ‘‘ Why ask ? One thing
will clear itself as the thing to be done,
and not another, when the hour comes.
Is it a question, whether to put her into
the street. Just as much whether to thrust
the little Jenny on your arm into the
street. The milk and meal you give the
beggar will fatten Jenny, Thruci the
woman out, and you thrust your babe out
of doors, whether it so seem to you or
In the Shakers, so called, I find one
piece of belief, in the doctrine which they
faithfully hold, that encourages them to
open their doors to every wayfaring man
who proposes to come among them ; for,
they say, the Spirit will presently manifest
to the man himself, and to the society*
what manner of person he is, and whether
he belongs among them. They do not re-
ceive him, they do not reject him. And
not in vain have they worn their clay coat,
and drudged in their fields, and shuffled
in their bruin dance, from year to year, if
they have truly learned thus much wis-
Honour him whose life is perpetual
victory; him, who, by sympathy with the
invisible and real, finds support in labour,
instead of praise; who does not shine,
and would rather not. With eyes open,
he makes the choice of virtue, which out-
rages the virtuous ; of religion, which
churches stop their discords to burn and
exterminate : for the highest virtue is al-
ways against the law.
Miracle comes to the miraculous, not to
the arithmetician. Talent and success
interest me but moderately. The great
class, they who affect our imagination, the
men who could not make their hands
meet around their objects, the rapt, the
lost, the fools of ideas — they suggest what
they cannot execute. They speak to the
I ages, and are heard from afar. The Spirit
does not love cripples and malformations.
I If there ever was a good man, be certain
there was another, and will be more.
And so in relation to that future hour,
that spectre clothed with beauty at our
curtain by night at our table by day— ^
55 1
apprehension, the assurance of a coming
change, The race of manlind have always
offered at least this implied thanks for the
iftof existence — namely, the terror of its
eing taken away ; the insatiable curiosity
and appetite for its continuation. The
whole revelation that is vouchsafed us, is,
the gentle trust, which, in our experience
we find, will cover also with flowers the
elopes of this chasm.
Of immortality, the soul, when well em-
ployed, is incurious. It is so well, that it
IS sure it will be well. It asks no questions
of the Supreme Power. The son of Antio-
chus asked his father, when he would join
battle. “ Dost thou fear,” replied the
King, “ that thou only in all the army
wilt not hear the trumpet ? ” Tis a higher
thing to confide, that, if it is best we
should live, we shall live — ’tis higher to
have tliis conviction than to have the lease
of indefinite centuries and millenniums
and aeons. Higher than the question of our
duration is the question of our deserving.
Immortality will come to such as are fit
for it, and he who would be a great soul
in future, must be a great soul now. It is
a doctrine too great to rest on any legend,
that is, on any man’s experience but our
own, It must be proved, if at all, from
our own activity and designs, which imply
an interminable future for their play.
What is called religion effeminates and I
demoralizes. Such as you are, the gods
themselves could not help you. Men are
too often unfit to live, from their obvious
inequality to their own necessities, or, they
suffer from politics, or bad neighbours, or
from sickness, and they would gladly know
that they were to be dismissed from the
duties of life. But the wise instinct asks,
” How will death help them ? ” These are
not dismissed when they die. You shall
not wish for death out of pusillanimity.
The weight of the Universe is pressed
down on the shoulders of each moral agent
to hold him to his task. The only path of
escape known in all the worlds of God is
performance. You must do your work,
before you shall be released. And as far
as it is a question of fact respecting the
government of the Universe, Marcus An-
toninus summed the whole in a word : ” It
is pleasant to die, if there be gods ; and
sad to liyOi if there bo Qoae,”
And so I think that the last lesson oC
life, the choral song which rises from all
elements and all angels, is, a voluntary
obedience, a necessitated freedom. Man
is made of the same atoms as the world
is, he shares the same impressions, pre-
dispositions, and destiny. When his mind
is illuminated, when his heart is kind, ha
throws himself joyfully into the sublima
order, and does, with knowledge, what tha
stones do by structure.
The religion which is to guide and fulfil
the present and coming ages, whatever
else it be, must be intellectual. Tha
scientific mind must have a faith which
is science. ” There are two things,” said
Mahomet, ** which I abhor, the learned
in his infidelities, and the fool in his de-
votions.” Our times are impatient of
both, and specially of the last. Let us
have nothing now which is not its own
evidence. There is surely enough for th^
heart and imagination in the religion
itself. Let us not be pestered with as-
sertions and half-truths, with emotions
and snuffle.
There will be a new church founded on
moral science, at first cold and naked, a
babe in a manger again, the algebra and
mathematics of ethical law, the church of
men to come, without shawms, or psaltery,
or sackbut ; but it will have heaven and
earth for its beams and rafters; science
for symbol and illustration; it will fast
enough gather beauty, music, picture,
poetry. Was never stoicism so stern and
exigent as this shall be. It shall send
man home to his central solitude, shame
these social, supplicating manners, and
make him know that much of the time ho
’ must have himself to his friend. He shall
expect no co-operation, he shall walk with
no companion. Tha nameless Thought,
the nameless Power, the super-personal
Heart— he shall repose alone on that.
He needs only his own verdict. No good
fame can help, no bad fame can hurt him.
The Laws are his consolers, the good
Laws themselves are alive, they know
if we have kept them, they animate him
with the leading of great duty, and an
endless horizon. Honour and fortune
exist to him who always recognizes th«
neighbourhood of the great, always feoli
bimself in the presence of high causes.
Hear what British Merlin sung,
Of keenest eye and truest tongue.
Say not, the chiefs who first arrive
Osurp the seats for which all strive:
The forefathers this land who found
Failed to plant the vantage-ground ;
Ever from one who comes to-morrow
Men wait their good a^d truth to borrow.
But wilt thou measure all thy road,
See thou lift the lighten \ load.
Who has little, to him who has less, can
And thou, Cyndyllan's son I beware
Ponderous gold and stuffs to bear.
To falter ere thou thy task fulfil —
Only the light-armed climb the hill.
The richest of all lords is Use,
And ruddy Health the loftiest Muse.
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea,
Drink the wild air’s salubrity :
Where the star Canope shines in May,
Shepherds are thankful, and nations gay.
The music that can deepest reach,
And cure all ill, is cordial speech :
Mask thy wisdom with delight,
Toy with the bow, yet hit the white.
Of all wit’s uses, the main one
Is to live well with who has none.
Cleave to thine acre: the round year
Will fetch all fruits and virtues here ;
Fool and foe may harmless roam,
Loved and lovers bide at home,
A day for toil, an hour for sport.
But lor a friend is life too snort.
Although this garrulity of advising is
DOrn with us, I confess that life is rather
a subject of wonder, than of didactics.
So much fate, so much irresistible dicta-
tion from temperament and unknown
inspiration enters into it, that we doubt
we can say anything out of our ov/n experi-
ence whereby to help each other. All the
professions are timid and expectant agen-
cies. The priest is glad if his prayers or
his sermon meet the condition of any
soul ; if of two, if of ten, ’tis a signal suc-
cess. But he walked to the church with-
out any assurance that he knew the
distemper, or could heal it. The physi-
cian prescribes hesitatingly out of his few
resources, the same tonic or sedative to
this new and peculiar constitution, which
he has \ pplied with various success to a
hundred men before. If the patient
mends, ha is glad and surprised. The
lawyer advises the client, and tells his
story to the jury, and leaves it with
them, and is as gay and as much relieved
as the client, if it turns out that he has a
verdict. The judge weighs the arguments,
and puts a brave face on the matter, and,
since there must be a decision, decides ai
he can, and hopes he has done justice,
and given satisfaction to the community ;
but is only an advocate afte^* Jill. And so
is all life a timid and unskilful spectator.
We do what we must, and call it by the
best names. We like very well to be
praised for our action, but our conscience
says, “ Not unto us.” 'Tis little we can
do for each other. We accompany the
youth with syn.pathy, and manifold
old sayings of the wise, to the gate of the
arena, but 'tis certain that not by strength
of ours, or of the old sayings, but only on
strength of his own, unknown to us or to
any, he must stand or fall. That by which
a man conquers in any passage, is a pro-
found secret to every other being in the
world, and it is only as he turns his baoi
on us and all men, and draws on this most
private wisdom, that any good can com«
to him. What we have, therefore, to say
of life, is rather description, or, if you
please, celebration, than available rules.
Yet vigour is contagious, and whatever
makes us either think or feel strongly,
adds to our power and enlarges our field
of action. We have a debt to every great
heart, to every fine genius ; to those who
have put life and fortune on the cast of an
act of justice; to those who have added new
sciences ; to those who have refined life
by elegant pursuits. ’Tis the fine souls
who serve us, and not what is called fine
society. Fine society is only a self-pro-
tection against the vulgarities of the street
and the tavern. Fine society, in the
common acceptation, has neither ideas nor
aims. It renders the service of a perfu-
mery, or a laundry, not of a farm or fac-
tory. ’Tis an exclusion and a precinct,
Sidney Smith said, " A few yards in
London cement or dissolve friendship.”
It is an unprincipled decorum ; an affair
of clean linen and coaches, of gloves,
cards, and elegance in trifles. There are
other measures of self-respect for a man,
than the number of clean shirts he puts on
every day. Society wishes to be amused,
I do not wish to be amused. I wish that
life should not be cheap, but sacred. I
wish the days to be as centuries, loaded,
fragrant. Now we reckon them as bank-
days, by some debt which is to be paid us,
or which we are to pay, or some pleasurp
wo are to taste. Is all we have to do to
draw the breath in, and Blow it out again?
Porphyry's definition is better : “ Life is
that which holds matter together.” The
babe in arms is a channel through which
the energies we call fate, love, and reason,
visibly stream. See what a cometary
train of auxiliaries man carries with him,
of animals, plants, stones, gases, and
imponderable elements. Let us infer his
ends from this pomp of means. Mirabeau
said : “ Why should we feel ourselves to
be men, unless it be to succeed in every-
thing, everywhere. You must say of
nothing, is beneath me, nor feel that
anything can be out of your power. Nothing
is impossible to the man who can will.
Js that necessary ? That shall be : this is
the only law of success.” Whoever said
it, this is in the right key. But this is
not the tone and genius of the men in the
street. In the streets, we grow cynical.
The men we meet are coarse and torpid.
The finest wits have their sediment.
What quantities of fribbles, paupers, in-
valids, epicures, antiquaries, politicians,
thieves, and triflers of both sexes, might
be advantageously spared I Mankind
divides itself into two classes — benefactors
and malefactors. The second class is
vast, the first a handful. A person sel-
dom falls sick, but the bystanders are
animated with a faint hope that he will
die: quantities of poor lives; of distress-
ing invalids ; of cases for a gun. Franklin
iaid : ” Mankind are very superficial and
dastardly; they begin upon a tning, out,
meeting with a difficulty, they fly from it
discouraged ; but they have capacities, if
they would employ them.” Shall we then
judge a country by the majority, or by
the minority? By the minority, surely.
'Tis pedantry to estimate nations by the
census, or by square miles of land, or other
than by their importance to tiie mind of
the time.
Leave this hypocritical prating about
the masses. Masses are rude, lame, un-
made, pernicious in their demands and
influence, and need not to be flattered but
to be schooled. 1 wish not to concede
anything to them, but to tame, drill, divide,
and break them up, and draw individuals
out of them. The worst of charity is,
that the lives you are asked to preserve
are not worth preserving. Masses! the
calamity is the masses. I do not wish
any mass at all, but honest men only,
lovely, sweet, accomplished women only,
and no shovel-handed, narrow-brained,
gia*drinking million stackingers of lapcza-
roni at all. If government knew how, 1
should like to see it check, not multiply
the population. When it reaches its true
law of action, every man that is born will
be hailed as essential. Away with this
hurrah of masses, and let us have the con-
siderate vote of single men spoken on
their honour and their conscience. In old
Egypt, it was established law, that the
vote of a prophet bo reckoned equal to a
hundred hands. 1 think it was much
underestimated. ” Clay and clay differ in
dignity,” as we discover by our prefer-
ences every day. What a vicious practice
is this of our politicians at Washington
pairing off! as if one man who votes
wrong, going away, could excuse you,
who mean to vote right, for going away ;
or, as if your presence did not tell in more
ways than in your vote. Suppose the
three hundred heroes at Thermopylae had
paired off with three hundred Persians ;
would it have been all the same to Greece,
and to history ? Napoleon was called by
his men Cent Mille, Add honesty to him,
and they might have called him Hundred
Nature makes fifty poor melons for one
that is good, and shakes down a tree full
of gnarled, wormy, unripe crabs, before
you can find a dozen dessert apples ; and
she scatters nations of naked Indians, and
nations of clothed Christians, with two or
three good heads among them. Nature
works very hard, and only hits the white
once in a million throws. In mankind,
she is contented if she yields one master
in a century. The more difficulty there is
in creating good men, the more they are
used when they come. I once counted in
a little neighbourhood, and found that
every able-bodied man had, say from
twelve to fifteen persons dependent on
him for material aid — to whom he is to bo
for spoon and jug, for backer and sponsor,
for nursery and hospital, and many func-
tions beside : nor does it seem to make
much difference whether he his bachelor
or patriarch ; if he do not violently decline
the duties that fall to him, this amount of
helpfulness will in one way or another be
brought home to him. This is the tax
which his abilities pay. The good men are
employed for private centres of use, and
for larger influence. All revelations,
whether of mechanical or intellectual or
moral science, are made, not to communi-
ties, but to single persons. All the marked
eventsof our day, all the cities, all the colo-
nizations, may be traced back to their ori-
gin in a private brain. AU the feats whtcli
make our civhity were the thou«;hts of a
fov/ good heads.
Meantime, this spawning productivity
is not noxious or needless. You would
say, this rabble of nations might be spared.
But no, they are all counted and depended
on. Fate keeps everything alive so long
as the smallest thread of public neces-
sity holds it on to the tree. The coxcomb
and bully and thief class are allowed as
proletaries, every one of their vices being
the access or acridity of a virtue, The mass
are animal, in pupilage, and near chim-
panzee. But the units, whereof this mass
is composed are neuters, every one of
which may be grown to a queen-bee. The
rule is, we are used as brute atoms, until
we think : then, wo use all the rest. Na-
ture turns all malfaisance to good. Na-
ture provided for real needs. No sane
man at last distrusts himself. His exist-
ence is a perfect answer to all sentimental
cavils. If he is, he is wanted, and has the
precise properties that are required. That
we are here, is proof we ought to be here.
We have as good right, and the same sort
of right to be here, as Cape Cod or Sandy
5iook have to be there.
To say then, the majority are wicked,
means no malice, no bad heart in the
observer, but, simply, that the majority
are unripe, and have not yet come to them-
selves, do not yet know their opinion.
That, if they knew it, is an oracle for them
and for all. But in the passing moment,
the quadruped interest is very prone to
prevail : and this beast-force, whilst it
makes the discipline of the world, the
school of heroes, the glory of martyrs, has
provoked in every age the satire of wits,
and the tears of good men. They find the
journals, tlie clubs, the governments, the
churches, to bo in the interest, and the
pay of the Devil. And wise men have
met this obstruction in their times, like
Socrates, with his famous irony ; like
Bacon, with life-long dissimulation ; like
Erasmus, with his book “ The Praise of
Folly:” like Rabelais, with his satire
rending tlie nations. “They were the
fools who cried against me, you will say,”
wrote the Chevalier de Boufflers to Grimm;
” ay, but the fools have the advantage of
numbers, and 'tis that which decides. |
’Tis of no use for us to make war with
them : we shall not weaken them ; they I
will always be the masters. There will 1
not be a practice or an usage introduced, I
of which they are not the authors.”
In front of these sinister facts, the first
9f bi9t9i^y W thp good pf eyil, Good
is a good doctor, but Bad is sometimes a
better. ’Tis the ‘oppressions of William
the Norman, savage forest-laws, and
crushing despotism, that made possible
the inspirations of Magna Charta under
John. Edward I. wanted money, armies,
j castles, and as much as he could get. It
I was necessary to call the people together
by shorter, swifter ways — and the House
of Commons arose. To obtain subsidies,
he paid in privileges. In the twenty-
fourth year of his reign, he decreed,
” that no tax should bo levied without
consent of Lords and Commons ; ” which
is the basis of the English Constitution.
Plutarch affirms that the cruel wars which
followed the march of Alexander, intro-
duced the civility, language, and arts of
Greece into the savage East i introduced
marriage ; built seventy cities ; and united
hostile nations under one government.
The barbarians who broke up the Roman
empire did not arrive a day too soon.
Schiller says, the Thirty Years’ War made
Germany a nation. Rough, selfish despots
serve men immensely, as Henry VIII. ia
the contest with the Pope ; as the infatua-
tions no less than the wisdom of Crom-
well ; as the ferocity of the Russian czars ;
as the fanaticism of the French regicides
of 1789. The frost which kills the harvest
of a year, saves the harvests of a century,
by destroying the weevil or the locust.
Wars, fires, plagues, break up immovable
routine, clear the ground of rotten races,
and dens of distemper, and open a fair
field to new men. There is a tendency in
tilings to right themselves, and the war or
revolution or bankruptcy that shatters a
rotten system, allows things to take a new
and natural order. The sharpest evils
are bent into that periodicity which makes
the errors of planets, and the fevers and
distempers of men, self-limiting. Nature
is upheld by antagonism. Passions, re-
sistance, danger, are educators. We ac-
quire the strength we have overcome.
Without war, no soldier ; without enemies,
no hero. The sun were insipid, if tho
universe were not opaque. And the glory
of character is in affronting the horrors of
depravity, to draw thence new nobilities
of power : as Art lives and thrills in new
use and combining of contrasts, and mining
into the dark evermore for blacker pits of
night. What would painter do, or what
would poet or saint, but for crucifixions
and hells ? And evermore in the world in
this marvellous balance of beauty and
disgust, magnificence and rats. Not An
tonintis, but a poqr washerwQmaa said
•• The more trouble, thamore lion ; that’s
my principle.” ^
I do not think very respectfully of the
dasigns or the doings of the people who
went to California, in 1849. It was a rush
and a scramble of needy adventurers, and,
in the western country, a general jail-
delivery of all the rowdies of the rivers.
Some of them went with honest purposes,
some with very bad ones, and all of them
with the very commonplace wish to find a
short way to wealth. But Nature watches
over all, and turns this malfaisance to
good. California gets peopled and sub-
dued — civilized in this immoral way — and,
on this fiction, a real prosperity is rooted
and grown. ’Tis a decoy-duck ; 'tis tubs
thrown to amuse the whale: but real
ducks, and whales that yield oil, are
caught. And out of Sabine rapes, and
out of robbers’ forays, real Romes and
their heroisms come in fulness of time.
In America, the geography is sublime,
but the men are not : the inventions are
excellent, but the inventors one is some-
times ashamed of. The agencies by which
events so grand as the opening of Cali-
fornia, of Texas, of Oregon, and the junc-
tion of the two oceans, are effected, are
paltry — coarse selfishness, fraud, and
conspiracy : and most of the great results
of history are brought about by discredit-
able means.
The benefaction derived in Illinois, and
the great West, from railroads is inestim-
able, and vastly exceeding any inten-
tional philanthropy on record. What is
the benefit done by a good King Alfred, or
by a Howard, or Pestalozzi, or Elizabeth
Fry, or Florence Nightingale, or any lover,
less or larger, compared with the involun-
tary blessing wrought on nations by the
selfish capitalists who built the Illinois,
Michigan, and the network of the Missis-
sippi valley roads, which have evoked not
only all the wealth of the soil, but the
energy of millions of men. ’Tis a sen-
tence of ancient wisdom, ” that God hangs
the greatest weights on the smallest
What happens thus to nations, befalls
every day in private houses. When the
friends of a gentleman brought to his no-
tice the follies of his sons, with many hints
of their danger, he replied, that he knew
so much mischief when he wa.s a boy, and
had turned out on the whole so success-
fully, that he was not alarmed by the dis-
sipation of boys ; 'twas dangerous water,
but, he thought, they would soon touch
bottom, and then swim to the top. This
is bold practice, and there are manj*
failures to a good escape. Yet one would
say, that a good understanding would suf-
fice as well as moral sensibility to keep
one erect ; the gratifications of the pas-
sions are so quickly seen to be damaging,
and — what men like least — seriously
lowering them in social rank. Then all
talent sinks Vvfith character.
” Croyez moi, I’erreur aussi a son merits,*
said Voltaire. We see those who sur»
mount, by dint of some egotism or infatua*
tion, obstacles from which the prudent
recoil. The right partisan is a heady narrow
man, who, because he does not see many
things, sees some one thing with heat and
exaggeration, and, if he falls among other
narrow men, or on objects which have a
brief importance, as some trade or politics
of the hour, he prefers it to the universe,
and seems inspired, and a godsend to
those who wish to magnify the matter,
and carry a point. Better, certainly, if
we could secure the strength and fire which
rude, passionate men bring into society,
quite clear of their vices. But who dares
draw out the linchpin from the waggon-
wheel ? ’Tis so manifest, that there is no
moral deformity but is a good passion out
of place ; that there is no man who is not
indebted to his foibles : that, according to
the old oracle, ” the Furies are the bonds
of men; ” that the poisons are our princi-
pal medicines, which kill the disease, and
save the life. In the high prophetic
phrase, He causes the wrath of man to
praise him, and twists and wrenches our
evil to our good, Shakespeare wrote ; —
’Tis said, best men are moulded of their
and ^eat educators and lawgivers, and
especially generals, and leaders of colonies,
mainly rely on this stuff, and esteem men
of irregular and passional force the best
timber. A man of sense and energy, the
late head of the Farm School in Boston
Harbour said to mo : "I want none of
your good boys— give me the bad ones.”
And this is the reason, I suppose, why, as
soon as the children are good, the mothers
are scared, and think they are going to die,
Mirabeau said : ” There are none but men
of strong passions capable of going to
greatness ; none but such capable of merit-
ing the public gratitude.” Passion, though
a bad regulator, is a powerful spring. Any
absorbing passion has the effect to deliver
from the little coils and cares of every
day : ’tis the heat which sets our human
atoms spinning, overcomes the friction
crossing thresholds, and first addresses in
society, and gives us a good start and
speed, easy to continue, when once it is
begun. In short, there is no man who is
not at some time indebted to his vices, as
no plant that is not fed from manures.
We only insist that the man meliorate,
and that the plant grow upward, and con-
vert the base into the better nature.
The wise workman will not regret the
poverty or the solitude which brought out
his working talents. The youth is charmed
with the fine air and accomplishments of
the children of fortune : but all great men
come out of the middle classes. ‘Tis
better for the head ; ’tis better for the j
heart. Marcus Antoninus says, that
Fronto told him, “ that the so-called high- |
bom are for the most part heartless ; ”
whilst nothing is so indicative of deepest
culture as a tender consideration of the
ignorant. Charles James Fox said of Eng-
land : “ The history of this country proves,
that we are not to expect from men in
affluent circumstances the vigilance,
energy, and exertion without which the
House of Commons would lose its greatest i
force and weight. Human nature is prone
to indulgence, and the most meritorious
public services have always been per-
formed by persons in a condition of life
removed from opulence.” And yet what we
ask daily, is to be conventional. Supply,
most kind gods ! this defect in my address,
in my form, in my fortunes, which puts
me a little out of the ring : supply it, and
let me be like the rest whom I admire,
and on good terms with them. But the
wise gods say. No, we have better things
for thee. By humiliations, by defeats, by
loss of sympathy, by gulfs of disparity,
learn a wider truth and humanity than
that of a fine gentleman. A Fifth- Avenue
lardlord, a West-End householder, is not
the highest style of man ; and, though
good hearts and sound minds are of no
condition, yet he who is to be wise forj
many, must not be protected. Ha must i
know the huts where poor men lie, and the |
chores which poor men do. The first-
class minds, Homer, ^sop, Socrates,
Alfred, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Franklin,
had the poor man’s feeling and mortifica-
tion. A rich man was never insulted in
bis life ; but this man must be stung. A
rich man was never in danger from cold,
or hunger, or war, or ruffians, and you can
see he was not, from the moderation of
his ideas. ’Tis a fatal disadvantage to be
cockered, and to eat too much cake. What
. tests of manhood could be stand ? Take
him out of his protections. He Is a good
book-keeper ; or be is a shrewd adviser in
the insurance office : perhaps he could
pass a college examination, and take his
degrees : perhaps he can give wise
counsel in a court of law. Now plant him
down among farmers, firemen, Indians,
and immigrants. Set a dofe on him : seta
highwayman on him : try him with a
course of mobs : send him to Kansas, to
Pike’s Peak, to Oregon : and, if he have
true faculty, this may be the element he
wants, and he will come out of it with
broader wisdom and manly power, i^tsop,
Saadi, Cervantes, Regnard, have been
taken by corsairs, left for dead, sold for
slaves, and know the realities of human
Bad times have a scientific value.
These are occasions a good learner would
not miss. As we go gladly to Faneuil
Hall, to be played upon by the stormy
winds and strong fingers of enraged
patriotism, so is a fanatical persecution,
civil war, national bankruptcy, or revolu*
tion, more rich in the central tones than
languid years of prosperity. Wha6
had been, ever since our memory, solid
continent, yawns apart, and discloses its
composition and genesis. We learn geology
the morning after the earthquake, on
ghastly diagrams of cloven mountains,
upheaved plains, and the dry bed of
the sea.
In our life and culture, everything is
worked up and comes in use — passion,
war, revolt, bankruptcy, and not less,
folly and blunders, insult, ennui, and bad
company. Nature is a rag-merchant, who
works up every shred and ort and end into
new creations ; like a good chemist, whom
I found, the other day, in his laboratory,
converting his old shirts into pure white
sugar. Life is a boundless privilege, and
when you pay for your ticket, and get into
the car, you have no guess what good
company you shall find there. You buy
much that is not rendered in the bill.
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares,
when working to another aim.
If now in this connection of discourse,
we should venture on laying down the
first obvious rules of life, I will not here
repeat the first rule of economy, already
propounded once and again, that every
man shall maintain himself— but I "'Ul
say, get health. No labour, pains, tem-
perance, poverty, nor exercise, that can
gain it, must be grudged. For sickness
I is a cannibal which eats up all the life
I and youth it can lay hold of, and absorbs
Its own sons and daughters. I figure it as
a pale, wailing, distracttH phantom, abso-
lutely selfish, heedless of what is good
and great, attentive to its sensations,
losing its soul, and afflicting other souls
with meanness and mopings, and with
ministration to its voracity of trifles. Dr.
Johnson said severely, " Every man is a
rascal as soon as he is sick.” Drop the
cant, and treat it sanely. In dealing with
the drunken, we do not affect to be drunk.
We must treat the sick with the same
firmness, giving them, of course, every aid
— but withholding ourselves. I once asked
a clergyman in a retired town, who were
his companions ? what men of ability he
saw ? He replied, that he spent his time
with the sick and the dying. I said, he
seemed to me to need quite other com-
pany, and all the more that he had this :
for if people were sick and dying to any
purpose, we would leave all and go to
them, but, as far as I had observed, they
were as frivolous as the rest, and some-
times much more frivolous. Let us en-
gage our companions not to spare us.
I knew a wise woman who said to her
friends, ” When I am old, rule me.” And
the best part of health is fine disposition.
It is more essential than talent, even in
the works of talent. Nothing will supply
the want of sunshine to peaches, and, to
make knowledge valuable, you must have
the cheerfulness of wisdom. Whenever
you are sincerely pleased, you are
nourished. The joy of the spirit indi-
cates its strength. All healthy things are
sweet-tempered. Genius works in sport,
and goodness smiles to the last ; and, for
the reason, that whoever sees the law
which distributes things does not despond,
but is animated to great desires and en-
deavours. He who desponds betrays that
he has not seen it.
’Tis a Dutch proverb, that ” paint costs
nothing,” such are its preserving qualities
in damp climates. Well, sunshine costs
less, yet is finer pigment. And so of
cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more
it is spent, the more of it remains. The
latent heat of an ounce of wood or stone
is inexhaustible. You may rub the same
chip of pine to the point of kindling, a
hundred times ; and the power of happi-
ness of any soul is not to bo computed or
drained. It is observed that a depression
of spirits develops the germs of a plague
in individuals and nations.
It is an old commendation of right be-
haviour, "AZu’s l(£tuSt sapiens which
our English proverb translates, ” ^ merry
wise.” I know how easy it is to men
of the world to look grave and sneer at
your sanguine youth, and its glittering
dreams. But I find the gayest castles in
the air that were ever piled, far better for
comfort^ and for use, than the dungeons
in the air that are daily dug and cavemed
out by grumbling, discontented people.
I know those miserable fellows, and I
hate them, who see a black star always
riding through the light and coloured
clouds in the sky overhead : waves of light
pass over and hide it for a moment, but
the black star keeps fast in the zenith.
But power dwells with cheerfulness ; hope
puts us in a working mood, whilst despair
is no muse, and untunes the active powers.
A^ man should make life and Nature hap-
pier to us, or he had better never been
born. When the political economist
reckons up the unproductive classes, he
should put at the head this class of pitiers
of themselves, cravers of sympathy, be-
wailing imaginary disasters. An old
French verse runs, in my translation ■
Some of your griefs you have cured.
And the sharpest you still have survived ;
Lut what torments of pain you endured
From evils that never arrived I
There are three wants which never can
be satisfied : that of the rich, who wants
something more; .that of the sick, who
wants something different; and that of
me traveler, who says: “Anywhere but
here. The Turkish cadi said to Layard,
After the fashion of thy people, thou
hast wandered from one place to another,
until thou art happy and content in none.”
My countrymen are not less infatuated
with the rococo toy of Italy, All America
seems on the point of embarking for
Europe. But we shall not always traverse
seas and lands with light purposes, and
for pleasure, as we say. One day we shall
cast out the passion for Europe, by the
passion for America. Culture will give
gravity and domestic rest to those who
now travel only as not knowing how else
. money. Already, who provoke
pity like that excellent family party just
arriving in their well-appointed carriage,
as far from home and any honest end as
^ Each nation has asked successively,
What are they here for?” until at last
the party are shamefaced, and antici-
pate the question at the gates of each
Genial manners are good, and power* of
accommodation to any circumstance, but
tlie high prize of life, the croweisg Ss»«
tune of a man is to be born with a bias
to some pursuit, which finds him in em-
ployment and happiness — whether it be
to make baskets, or broadswords, or canals,
or statutes, or songs. I doubt not this was
the meaning of Socrates, when he pro-
nounced artists the only truly wise, as be-
ing actually, not apparently so.
In childhood,we fancied ourselves walled
in by the horizon, as by a glass bell, and
doubted not, by dislpj”!! travel, we should
reach the baths of the descending sun and
stars. On experiment, the horizon flies
before us, and leaves us on an endless
common, sheltered by no glass bell. Yet
tis strange how tenaciously we cling to
that bell-astronomy, of a protecting do-
mestic horizon. I find the same illusion
in the search after happiness, which I
observe, every summer, recommenced in
this neighbourhood, soon after the pairing
of the birds. The young people do not
like the town, do not like the sea-shore,
they will go inland ; find a dear cottage
deep in the mountains, secret as their
hearts. They set forth on their travels in
search of a home : they reach Berkshire ;
they reach Vermont ; they look at the
farms—good farms, high mountain-sides,
but where is the seclusion ? The farm is
near this ; 'tis near that ; they have got far
from Boston, but ’tis near Albany, or near
Burlington, or near Montreal. They ex-
plore a farm, but the house is small, old,
thin ; discontented people lived there, and
are gone ; there’s too much sky, too much
out-doors; too public. The youth aches
for solitude. When he comes to the
house, he passes through the house.
That does not make the deep recess he
sought. “ Ah I now, I perceive," he says,
" it must be deep with persons ; friends
only can give depth." Yes, but there is a
great dearth, this year, of friends ; hard
to find, and hard to have when found;
they are just going away ; they too are in
the whirl of the flitting world, and have
engagements and necessities. They are
just starting for Wisconsin ; have letters
from Bremen — see you again, soon. Slow,
slow to learn the lesson, that there is but
one depth, but one interior, and that is —
his purpose. When joy or calamity or
genius shall show him it, then woods, then
farms, then city shopmen and cab-drivers,
indifferently with prophet or friend, will
mirror back to him its unfathomable
heaven, its populous solitude.
The uses of travel are occasional, and
abort; but the best fruit it finds, when it
lads it, la conversation; and this ia a
main function of lilo. What a differencs
in the hospitality of minds I Inestimable
is he to whom we can say what we cannot
say to ourselves. Others are involuntarily
hurtful to us, and bereave us of the power
of thought, impound and imprison us.
As, when there is sympathy, there needs
but one wise man in a company, and all
are wise — so a blockhead makes a block-
head of his companion. Wonderful power
to benumb possesses this brother. When
he comes into the office or public room,
the society dissolves ; one after another
slips out, and the apartment is at his
disposal. What is incurable but a frivo-
lous habit ? A fly is as untamable as a
hyena. Yet folly in the sense of fun,
fooling, or dawdling can easily be borne ;
as Talleyrand said, “ I find nonsense
singularly refreshing;" but a virulent,
aggressive fool taints the reason of a
household. I have seen a whole family
of quiet, sensible people unhinged and
beside themselves, victims of such a
rogue ; for the steady wrongheadedness
of one perverse person irritates the best ;
since we must withstand absurdity. But
resistance only exasperates the acrid fool,
who believes that Nature and gravitation
are quite wrong, and he only is right
Hence all the dozen inmates are soon
perverted, with whatever virtues and in-
dustries they have, into contradictors
accusers, explainers, and repairers of this
one malefactor : like a boat about to be
overset, or a carriage run away with — not
only the foolish pilot or driver, but every-
body on board is forced to assume strange
and ridiculous attitudes, to balance the
vehicle and prevent the upsetting. For
remedy, whilst the case is yet mild, I
recommend phlegm and truth : let all the
truth that is spoken or done be at the
zero of indifferency, or truth itself will bo
folly. But, when the case is seated and
malignant, the only safely is in amputa-
tion; as seamen say, you shall cut and
run. How to live with unfit companions ?
for, with such, life is for the most part
spent ; and experience teaches little better
than our earliest instinct of self-defence,
namely, not to engage, not to mix yourself
in any manner with them ; but let their
madness spend itself unopposed.
Conversation is an art in which a man
has all mankind for his competitors, for it
is that which all are practising every day
while they live. Our habit of thought-
take men as they rise— is not satisfying ;
in the common experience, I fear, it 1s
poor and squalid. The success which
#M1 OOGteat them is a bar^in, a lucrative
employment, an advantage gained over a
competitor, a marriage, a patrimony, a
legacy, and the like. With these objects,
their conversation deals Nvith surfaces :
politics, trade, personal defects, exag-
gerated bad news, and the rain. This is
forlorn, and they feel sore and sensitive.
Now, if one comes who can illuminate
this dark house with thoughts, show them
their native riches, what gifts they have,
how indispensable each is, what magical
powers over nature and men ; what access
to poetry, religion, and the powers which
constitute character; he wakes in them
the feeling of worth, his suggestions re-
quire new ways of living, new books, -new
men, new arts and sciences — then we come
out of our egg-shell existence into the
great dome, and see the zenith over and
the nadir under us. Instead of the tanks
and buckets of knowledge to which we
are daily confined, we come down to the
shore of the sea, and dip our hands in
its miraculous waves. ’Tis wonderful the
effect on the company. They are not the
men they were. They have all been to
California, and all have come back mil-
lionnaires. There is no book and no
pleasure in life comparable to it. Ask
what is best in our experience, and we
shall say, a few pieces of plain-dealing
with wise people. Our conversation once
and again has apprised us that we belong
to better circles than we have yet beheld ;
that a mental power invites us, whose
generalizations are more worth for joy and
for effect than anything that is now called
philosophy or literature. In excited con-
versation, we have glimpses of the Uni-
verse, hints of power native to the soul,
far-darting lights and shadows of an
Andes landscape, such as we can hardly
attain in lone meditation. Here are
oracles sometimes profusely given, to
which the memory goes back in barren
Add the consent of will and tempera-
ment, and there exists the covenant of
friendship. Our chief want in life, is,
somebody who shall make us do what we
can. This is the service of a friend.
With him we are easily great. There is
B sublime attraction in him to whatever
virtue is in us. How he flings wide the
doors of existence 1 What questions we
ask of him 1 what an understanding wo
have I how few words are needed ! It is
the only real society. An Eastern poet,
Ali Ben Abu Taleb, writes with sad
** He who has a thousand friends tas not a
friend to spare,
And he who has one enemy shall meet him
But few writers have said anything better
to this point than Hafiz, who indicates
this relation as the test of mental health;
“ Thou learnest no secret until thou
knowest friendship, since to the unsound
no heavenly knowledge enters.” Neither
is life long enough for friendship. That
is a serious and majestic affair, like a
royal presence, or a religion, and not a
postilion’s dinner to be eaten on the run.
There is a prudency about friendship, as
about love, and though fine souls never
lose sight of it, yet they do not name it.
With the first class of men our friendship
or good understanding goes quite behind
all accidents of estrangement, of condi-
tion, of reputation. And yet we do not
provide for the greatest good of life. We
take care of our health ; we lay up money ;
we make our roof tight, and our clothing
sufficient; but who provides wisely that
he shall not be wanting m the best pro-
perty of all — friends ? We know that all
our training is to fit us for this, and we do
not take the step towards it. How long
shall we sit and wait for these benefactors ?
It makes no difference, in looking back
five years, how you have been dieted or
dressed ; whether you have been lodged on
the first floor or the attic ; whether you
have had gardens and baths, good cattle
and horses, have been carried in a neat
equipage, or in a ridiculous truck : these
things are forgotten so quickly, and leave
no effect. But it counts much whether
wa have had good companions, in that
time — almost as much as what we have
been doing. And see the overpowering
importance of neighbourhood in all asso-
ciation. As it is marriage, fit or unfit,
that makes our home, so it is who lives
near us of equal social degree — a few
people at convenient distance, no matter
how bad company — these, and these only,
shall be your life’s companions: and all
those who are native, congenial, and by
many an oath of the heart, sacramented
, to you, are gradually and totally lost.
You cannot deal systematically with this
fine element of society, and one may taka
I a good deal of pains to bring people to-
gether, and to organize clubs and debat-
ing societies, and yet no result come of it.
But it is certain that there is a great deal
of good in us that does not know itself,
and that a habit of union and competition
brings people up and keeps them up to
their highest point; that life would be
twice or ten times life, if spent with wise
fruitful companions. The obvious
inference is, a little useful deliberation
and preconcert, when one goes to buy
house and land.
But we live with people on other plat-
forms ; we live with dependents, not only
with the young whom we are to teach all
we know, and clothe with the advantages
we have earned, but also with those who
serve us directly, and for money. Yet the
old rules hold good. Let not the tie be
mercenary, though the service is measured
by money. Make yourself necessary to
somebody. ^ Do not make life hard to any.
This point is acquiring new importance in
American social life. Our domestic ser-
vice is usually a foolish fracas of unrea-
sonable demand on one side, and shirking
on the other. A man of wit was asked, in
the train, what was his errand in the
city ? He replied, “I have been sent to
procure an angel to do cooking.” A lady
complained to me, that, of her two
maidens, one was absent-minded, and the
other was absent-bodied. And the evil
increases from the ignorance and hostility
of every ship-load of the immigrant popu-
lation swarming into houses and farms.
Few people discern that it rests with the
master or the mistress what service comes
from the man or the maid ; that this
identical hussy was a tutelar spirit in one
house, and a haridan in the other. All
sensible people are selfish, and nature is
tugging at every contract to make the
terms of it fair. If you are proposing
only your own, the other party must deal
a little hardly by you. If you deal
generously, the other, though selfish and
unjust, will make an exception in your
favour, and deal truly with you. When
1 asked an iron-master about the slag and
cinder in rail-road iron — ” O,” he said,
” there’s always good iron to be had : if
there’s cinder in the iron, ’tis because
there was cinder in the pay.”
But why multiply these topics, and their
illustrations, which are endless ? Life
brings to each his task, and, whatever art
you select, algebra, planting, architec-
ture, poems, commerce, politics — all are
attainable even to the miraculous
triumphs, on the same terms, of selecting
that for which you are apt ; begin at the
beginning, proceed in order, step by step.
'Tis as easy to twist iron anchors, and
braid cannons, as to braid straw, to boil
granite as to boil water, if you take all the
•teps in ord^r, Wber-aver is faUum;
there is some giddiness, some supersCb
tion about lucK, some step omitted, which
Nature never pardons. The happy con-
ditions of life may be had on the same
terms. Their attraction for you is the
pledge that they are within your reach.
Our prayers are prophets. There must
be fidelity, and there must be adherence.
How respectable the life that clings to its
objects! Youthful aspirations are fine
things, your theories and plans of life are
fair and commendable: but will you
stick ? Not one, I fear, in that Common
full of people, or, in a thousand, but one :
and when you tax them with treachery,
and remind them of their high resolutionS j
they have forgotten that they made a vow^
The individuals are fugitive, and in the
act of becoming something else, and
irresponsible. The race is great, the
ideal fair, but the men whiffling and
unsure. The hero is he who is immov-
ably centred. The main difference
between people seems to be, that one man
can come under obligations on which you
can rely — is obligable; and another is
not. As he has not a law within him,
there’s nothing to tie him to.
'Tis inevitable to name particulars of
virtue, and of condition, and to exag-
gerate them. But all rests at last on that
integrity which dwarfs talent, and can
spare it. Sanity consists in not being
subdued by your means. Fancy prices
are paid for position, and for the culture
of talent, but to the grand interests,
superficial success is of no account. The
man — it is his attitude — not feats, but
forces — not on set days and public occa-
sions, but at all hours, and in repose
alike as in energy, still formidable, and
not to be disposed of. The populace
says, with Horne Tooko, ” If you would
be powerful, pretend to be powerful.” I
prefer to say, with the old prophet,
” Seekest thou great things ? seek them
not : ” or, what was said of a Spanish
prince, ” The more you took from him,
the greater he looked,” Plus on lui ole,
plus il est grand.
The secret of culture is to learn, that a
few great points steadily reappear, alike
in the poverty of the obscurest farm, and
in the miscellany of metropolitan life, and
that these few are alone to be regarded — >
the escape from all false ties ; courage to
be what we are; and love of what is
simple and beautiful ; independence, and
cheerful relation, these are the essentials
— these, and the wish to serve — to add
somewhat to the well-being of men,
Was never form and never face
So sweet to Seyd as only grace
Which did not slumber like a stone
But hovered gleaming and was gone.
Beauty chased he everywhere,
In flame, in storm, in clouds of air.
He smote the lake to feed his eye
With the beryl beam of the broken wave ;
He flung in pebbles well to hear
The moment’s music which they gave.
Oft pealed for him a lofty tone
From nodding pole and belting zone*
He heard a voice none else could hear
From centred and from errant sphere.
The quaking earth did quake in rhyme,
Seas ebbed and flowed in epic chime.
In dens of passion, and pits of woe,
He saw strong Eros struggling through,
To sun the dark and solve the curse.
And beam to the bounds of the universe.
While thus to love he gave his days
In loyal worship, scorning praise.
How spread their lures for him, in vain.
Thieving Ambition and paltering Gainl
He thought it happier to be dead,
To die for Beauty, than live for bread.
The spiral tendency of vegetation infects
education also. Our books approach very
slowly the things we most wish to know.
What a parade we make of our science,
and how far off, and at arm’s length, it is
from its objects ! Our botany is all names,
not powers : poets and romancers talk of
herbs of grace and healing ; but what does
the botanist know of the virtues of his
weeds? The geologist lays bare the
strata, and can tell them all on his fingers ;
but does he know what effect passes into
the man who builds his house in them ?
what effect on the race that inhabits a
granite shelf ? what on the inhabitants of
marl and of alluvium ?
We should go to the ornithologist with
a new feeling, if he could teach us what
the social birds say, when they sit in the
autumn council, talking together in the
trees. The want of sympathy makes his
record a dull dictionary. His result is a
dead bird. The bird is not in its ounces
and inches, but in its relations to Nature;
and the skin or skeleton you show me is
no more a heron, than a heap of ashes or a
bottle of gases into which his body has
been reduced, is Dante or Washington.
The naturalist is led from the road by the
whole distance of his fancied advance.
The boy had juster views when he gazed
at the shells on the beach, or the flowers
In the meadow, nnable to call them by
their names, than the man in the pride of
his nomenclature. Astrology interested
us, for it tied man to the system. Instead
of an isolated beggar, the farthest star felt
him, and he felt the star. However rash
and however falsified by pretenders and
traders in it, the hint was true and divinoj
the soul’s avowal of its large relations,
and that climate, century, remote natures,
as well as near, are part of its biography.
Chemistry takes to pieces, but it does not
construct. Alchemy which sought to trans-
mute one element into another, to prolong
life, to arm with power — that was in the
right direction. All our science lacks a
human side. The tenant is more than the
house. Bugs and stamens and spores, on
which we lavish so many years, are not
finalities, and man, when his powers un-
fold in order, will take Nature along with
him, and emit light into all her recesses.
The human heart concerns us more than
the poring into microscopes, and is larger
than can be measured by the pompous
figures of the astronomer,
i We are just so frivolous and sceptical.
Men hold themselves cheap and vile : and
yet a man is a fagot of thunderbolts. All
the elements pour through his system : ha
is the flood of the flood and fire of the
fire : he feels the antipodes and the pole,
as drops of his blood : they are the exten-
sion of his personality. His duties are
measured by that instrument he is ; and a
right and perfect man would be felt to the
centre of the Copemican system. 'Tis
curious that we only believe as deep as
we live. We do not think heroes can
exert any more av/ful power than that
surface-play which amuses us. A deep
man believes in miracles, waits for them,
believes in magic, believes that the orator
will decompose his adversary; believes
that the evil eye can wither, that the
heart’s blessing can heal ; that love can
exalt talent ; can overcome all odds. From
a great heart secret magnetisms flow in-
cessantly to draw great events. But we
prize very humble utilities, a prudent hus-
band, a good son, a voter, a citizen, and
deprecate any romance of character ; and
perhaps reckon only his money value,
his intellect, his affection, as a sort of
bill of exchange, easily convertible into
fine chambers, pictures, music, and
tttotive ol sclent Was the extension
of man, on all sides, into Nature, till his
hands should touch the stars, his eyes see
through the earth, his ears understand the
language of beast and bird, and the sense
of the wind ; and, through his sympathy,
heaven and earth should talk with him.
But that is not our science. These geo-
logies, chemistries, astronomies, seem to
make wise, but they leave us where they
found us. The invention is of use to the
inventor, of questionable help to any other.
The formulas of science are like the papers
in your pocket-book, of no value to any but
the owner. Science in England, in Ame-
rica, is jealous of theory, hates the name
of love and moral purpose. There’s a re-
venge for this inhumanity. What manner
of man does science make ? The boy is
not attracted. He says, I do not wish to
be such a kind of man as my professor is.
The collector has dried all the plants in
his herbal, but he has lost weight and hu-
mour. He has got all snakes and lizards
in his phials, but science has done for him
also, and has put the man into a bottle.
Our reliance on the physician is a kind of
despair of ourselves. The clergy have
bronchitis, which does not seem a cer-
tificate of spiritual health, Macready
thought it came of the falsetto of their
voicing. An Indian prince, Tisso, one
day riding in the forest, saw a herd of elk
sporting. “ See how happy,” he said,
“these browsing elks are! Why should
not priests, lodged and fed comfortably in
the temples, also amuse themselves ? ”
Returning home, he imparted this reflec-
tion to the king. The king, on the next
day, conferred the sovereignty on him,
saying, “ Prince, administer this empire
for seven days : at the termination of that
period, I shall put thee to death.” At the
end of the seventh day, the king inquired,
“ From what cause hast thou become so
emaciated ? ” He answered, “ From the
horror of death. ’ ' The monarch rejoined :
“ Live, my child, and be wise. Thou hast
ceased to take recreation, saying to thy-
self, In seven days I shall be put to death.
These priests in the temple incessantly
meditate on death ; how can they enter
into healthful diversions ? ” But the men
of science or the doctors or the clergy are
not victims of their pursuits, more than
others. The miller, the lawyer, and the
merchant dedicate themselves to their own
details, and do not come out men of more
force. Have they divination, grand aims,
hospitality of soul, and the equality to any
•vent, which we demand in man, or only
the reactions pf the mill, of the wafdiS, of
the chicane ? ^
No objects really interests us but man,
and in man only his superiorities ; and
though we are aware of a perfect law in
Nature, it has fascination for us only
through its relation to him, or, as it is
rooted in the mind. At the birth of
Winckelmann, more than a hundred years
ago, side by side with this arid, depart-
mental, post-mortem science, rose an
enthusiasm in the study of Beauty ; and
perhaps some sparks from it may yet light
a conflagration in the other. Knowledge of
men, knowledge of manners, the power of
form, and our sensibility to personal influ-
uence, never go out of fashion. These
are facts of a science which we study
without book, whose teachers and subjects
are always near us.
So inveterate is our habit of criticism,
that much of our knowledge in this direc-
tion belongs to the chapter of pathology.
The crowd in the street oftener furnishes
degradations than angels or redeemers ;
but they all prove the transparency.
Every spirit makes its house ; and we can
give a shrewd guess from the house to the
inhabitant. But not less does Nature
furnish us with every sign of grace and
goodness. The delicious faces of children,
the beauty of school-girls, ” the sweet seri-
ousness of sixteen,” the lofty air of well-
born, well-bred boys, the passionate histor-
ies in the looks and manners of youth and
early manhood, and the varied power in
all that well-known company that escort
us through life — we know how these forms
thrill, paralyze, provoke, inspire, and
enlarge us.
' Beauty is the form under which the intel-
lect prefers to study the world. All privi-
lege is that of beauty ; for there are many
beauties; as, of general nature, of the
human face and form, of manners, of
brain, or method, moral beauty, or beauty
of the soul.
The ancients believed that a genius or
demon took possession at birth of each
mortal, to guide him ; that these genii
were sometimes seen as a flame of fire
partly immersed in the bodies which they
governed ; on an evil man, resting on his
head ; in a good man, mixed with his sub-
stance. They thought the same genius,
at the death of its ward, entered a new-
born child, and they pretended to guess
the pilot, by the sailing of the ship. We
recognize obscurely the same fact, though
wo give it our own names. We say, that
every man is entitled to be valued by bis
best moment. We measure our friends
so. We know, they hafs intervals of
folly, whereof we take no heed, but wait
the reappearings of the genius, which are
sure and beautiful. On the other side,
everybody knows people who appear bed-
ridden, and who, with all degrees of ability,
never impress us with the air of free
agency. They know it too, and peep
with their eyes to see if you detect their
sad plight. We fancy, could we pro-
nounce the solving word, and disenchant
them, the cloud would roll up, the little
rider would be discovered and unseated,
and they would regain their freedom.
The remedy seems never to be far off,
since the first step into thought lifts this
mountain of necessity. Thought is the
pent air-ball which can rive the planet,
and the beauty which certain objects have
for him is the friendly fire which expands
the thought, and acquaints the prisoner
that liberty and power await him.
The question of Beauty takes us out of
surfaces, to thinking of the foundations of
things. Goethe said : “ The beautiful is
a manifestation of secret laws of Nature,
which, but for this appearance, had been
for ever concealed from us.” And the
working of this deep instinct makes all
the excitement— much of it superficial
and absurd enough — about works of art,
which leads armies of vain travellers
every year to Italy, Greece, and Egypt.
Every man values every acquisition he
makes in the science of beauty, above his
possessions. The most useful man in the
most useful world, so long as onl j com-
modity was served, would remain unsatis-
fied. But, as fast as he sees beauty, life
acquires a very high value.
I am warned by the ill fate of many
philosophers not to attempt a definition
of Beauty. I will rather enumerate a few
of its qualities. We ascribe beauty to
that which is simple ; which has no super-
fluous parts ; which exactly answers its
end; which stands related to all things;
which is the mean of many extremes. It
is the most enduring quality, and ^e most
ascending quality. We say love is blind,
and the figure of Cupid is drawn with a
bandage round his eyes. Blind — yes,
because ho does not so?» what he does not
like; but the sharpest-sighted hunter in
the universe is Love, for finding what he
seeks, and only that; and the mythologists
tell us, that Vulcan was painted lame and
Cupid blind, to call attention to the fact,
that one was all limbs, and the other, all
«ye». lo the true mythglogy, Love is m
immortal child, and Beauty leads him as
a guide : nor can we express a deepejf
sense than when we say, Beaut> Is tha
pilot of the young soul.
Beyond their sensuous delight, tha
forms and colours of Nature have a new
charm for us in our perception, that not
one ornament was added for ornament,
but each is a sign of some better health, or
more excellent action. Elegance of form
in bird or beast, or in the human figure,
marks some excellence of structure: or
beauty is only an invitation from what
belongs to us. It is a law of botany, that
in plants, tha same virtues follow the
same forms. It is a rule of largest appli-
cation, true in a plant, true in a loaf of
[ bread, that in the construction of any
fabric or organism, any real increase of
fitness to its end, is an increase of beauty.
The lesson taught by the study of Greek
and of Gothic art, of antique and of Pre-
Raphaelite painting, was worth all the
research — namely, that all beauty must
be organic ; that outside embellishment is
deformity. It is the soundness of tha
bones that ultimates itself in a peach-
bloom complexion : health of constitution
that makes the sparkle and the power of
the eye. It is the adjustment of the size
and of the joining of the sockets of the
skeleton, that gives grace of outline and
the finer grace of movement. The cat
and the deer cannot move or sit in-
elegantly. The dancing-master can never
teach a badly-built man to walk well.
The tint of the flower proceeds from its
root, and the lustres of the sea-shell begin
with its existence. Hence our taste in
building rejects paint, and all shifts, and
shows the original grain of the wood :
refuses pilasters and columns that support
nothing, and allows the real supporters of
the house honestly to show themselves.
Every necessary or organic action pleast s
the beholder. A man leading a horse to
water, a farmer sowing seed, the labours
of haymakers in the field, tha carpenter
building a ship, the smith at his forge,, or
whatever useful labour, is becoming to
the wise eye. But if it is done to be seen,
it is mean. How beautiful are ships on
the sea 1 but ships in the theatre — or ships
kept for picturesque effect on Virginia
Water, by George IV., and men hired to
stand in fitting costumes at a penny an
hour! What a difference in effect be-
tween a battalion of troops marching to
action, and one of our independent com-
panies on a holiday ! In the midst of a
military show, a^d a fostal procession
with banners, 1 saw a boy seize an old tin
pan that lay resting under a wall, and
poising it on the top of a stick, he set it
turning, and made it describe the most
elegant imaginable curves, and drew away
attention from the decorated procession
by this startling beauty.
Another text from the mythologists.
The Greeks fabled that Venus was born
of the foam of the sea. Nothing interests
us which is stark or bounded, but only
what streams with life, what is in act or
endeavour to reach somewhat beyond.
x ne pleasure a palace or a temple gives
the eye, is, that an order and method has
been communicated to stones, so that they
speak and geometrize^ become tender or
sublime with expression. Beauty is the
moment of transition, as if the form were
just ready to flow into other forms. Any
fixedness, heaping, or concentration on
one feature — a long nose, a sharp chin, a
hump-back — is the ^reverse of the flowing,
and therefore deformed. Beautiful as is
the symmetry of any form, if the form can
move, we seek a more excellent symmetry.
The interruption of equilibrium stimu-
lates the eye to desire the restoration of
symmetry, and to watch the steps through
which it is attained. This is the charm
of running water, sea-waves, the flight of
birds, and the locomotion of animals.
This is the theory of dancing, to recover
continually in changes the lost equilibrium,
not by abrupt and angular, but by gradual
and curving movements. I have been
told by persons of experience in matters
of taste, that the fashions follow a law of
gradation, and are never arbitrary. The
new mode is always only a step onward in
the same direction as the last mode ; and
a cultivated eye is prepared for and pre-
dicts the new fashion. This fact suggests
the reason of all mistakes and offence in
our own modes. It is necessary in music,
when you strike a discord, to let down the
ear by an intermediate note or two to the
accord again : and many a good experi-
ment, born of good sense, and destined to
succeed, fails, only because it is offen-
sively sudden. I suppose, the Parisian
milliner who dresses the world from her
imperious boudoir, will know how to recon-
cile the Bloomer costume to the eye of
mankind, and make it triumphant over
Punch himself, by interposing the just
gradations. I need not say how wide the
same law ranges ; and how much it can be
hoped to effect All that is a little harshly
claimed by progressive parties may easily
come to be conceded without questiooi if
this rule be observed. Thus the circum-
stances may br easily imagined, in which
woman may speak, vote, argue causes,
legislate, and drive a coach, and all the
most naturally in the world, if only it come
by degrees. To this streaming or flowing
belongs the beauty that all circular move-
ment has ; as, the circulation of waters,
the circulation of the blood, the periodical
motion of planets, the annual wave ot
vegetation, the action and reaction of
Nature; and, if we follow it out, this
demand in our thought for an ever-onward
u:tion is the argument for the immor-
One more text from the mythologists is
to the same purpose — Beauty rides on a
lion. Beauty rests on necessities. The
line of beauty is the result of perfect
economy. The cell of the bee is built at
that angle which gives the most strength
with the least wax ; the bone or the quill
of the bird gives the most alar strength
with the least weight. "It is the purga-
tion of superfluities," said Michel Angelo.
There is not a particle to spare in natural
structures. There is a compelling reason
in the uses of the plant, for every novelty
of colour or form : and our art saves
material, by more skilful arrangement,
and reaches beauty by taking every super-
fluous ounce that can bo spared from a
wall, and keeping all its strength in the
poetry of columns. In rhetoric, this art of
omission is a chief secret of power, and,
in general, it is proof of high culture, to
say the greatest matters in the simplest way
Veracity first of all, and forever. Rien
de beau que le vrai. In all design, art lies
in making your object prominent, but
there is a prior art in choosing objects that
are prominent. The fine arts have nothing
casual, but spring from the instincts of the
nations that created them.
Beauty is the quality which makes to
endure. In a house that I know, I have
noticed a block of spermaceti lying about
closets and mantel-pieces, for twenty
years together, simply because the tallow-
man gave it the form of a rabbit; and, I
suppose, it may continue to be lugged
about unchanged for a century. Let an
artist scrawl a few lines or figures on the
Oack of a letter, and that scrap of paper is
rescued from danger, is put in portfolio,
is framed and glazed, and, in proportion
to the beauty of the lines drawn, will be
kept for centuries. Burns writes a copy
of verses, and sends them to a newspaper,
and the human race take charge ot them
that they shall not perish.
Ag the flute ia heard farther than the
eart, see hew surely a beautiful form
strikes the fancy of men, and is copied
and reproduced without end. How many
copies are there of the Belvedere Apollo,
the Venus, the Psyche, the Warwick Vase,
the Parthenon, and the Temple of Vesta ?
These are objects of tenderness to all. In
our cities, an ugly building is soon re-
moved, and is never repeated ; but any
beautiful building is copied and improved
upon ; so that all masons and carpenters
work to repeat and preserve the agree-
able forms, whilst the ugly ones die out.
The felicities of design in art, or in
works of Nature, are shadows or fore-
runners of that beauty which reaches its
perfection in the human form. All men
pe its lovers. Wherever it goes, it creates
joy and hilarity, and everything is per-
mitted to it. It reaches its height in
woman, “ To Eve,*’ say the Mahometans,
“ God gave two thirds of all beauty.” A
beautiful woman is a practical poet, taming
her savage mate, planting tenderness,
hope, and eloquence in all v/hom she ap-
proaches. Some favours of condition
must go with it, since a certain serenity is
essential, but we love its reproofs and
superiorities. Nature wishes that woman
should attract man, yet she often cunningly
moulds into her face a little sarcasm,
which seems to say, ” Yes, I am willing to
attract, but to attract a little better kind
of man than any I yet behold.” French
mdmoires of the fifteenth century celebrate
the name of Pauline de Viguiere, a virtu-
ous and accomplished maiden, who so
fired the enthusiasm of her contempo-
raries, by her enchanting form, that the
citizens of her native city of Toulouse
obtained the aid of the civil authorities to
compel her to appear publicly on the
balcony at least twice a week, and, as
often as she showed herself, the crowd
was dangerous to life. Not less, in Eng-
land, in the last century, was the fame of
the Gunnings, of whom Elizabeth married
the Duke of Hamilton; and Maria, the
Earl of Coventry, Walpole says : The
concourse was so great, when the Duchess
of Hamilton was presented at court, on
Friday, that even the noble crowd in the
drawing-room clambered on chairs and
tables to look at her. There are mobs at
their doors to see them get into their
chairs, and people go early to get places
at the theatres, when it is known they
will be there.” Such crowds,” he adds,
elsewhere, ” flock to see the Duchess of
Hamilton, that seven hundred people sat
up all night, in and about an inn, in York-
shire. to see her get into her post-chaise
next morning.”
But why need we console ourselves with
the fames of Helen of Argos, or Corinra,
or Pauline of Toulouse, or the Duchess
of Hamilton ? We all know this magic
very well, or can divine it. It does not
hurt weak eyes to look into beautiful eyes
never so long. Women stand related to
beautiful Nature around us, and the ena-
moured youth mixes their form with moon
and stars, with woods and waters, and the
pomp of summer. They heal us of awk-
wardness by their words and looks. We
observe their intellectual influence on the
most serious student. They refine and
clear his mind ; teach him to put a pleas-
ing method into what is dry and difficult.
We talk to them and wish to be listened
to; wa fear to fatigue them, and acquire a
facility of expression which passes from
conversation into habit of style.
That Beauty is the normal state, is
shown by the perpetual effort of Nature
to attain it. Mirabeau had an ugly face
on a handsome ground ; and we see faces
every day which have a good type, bu^
have been marred in the casting : a prooi
that we are all entitled to beauty, should
have been beautiful, if our ancestors had
kept the laws — as every lily and every
rose is well. But our bodies do not fit us,
but caricature and satirize us. Thus, short
legs, which constrain to short, mincing
steps, are a kind of personal insult and
, contumely to the owner ; and long stilts,
again, put him at perpetual disadvantage,
and force him to stoop to the general
level of mankind. Martial ridicules a
gentleman of his day whose countenance
resembled the face of a swimmer seen
under water. Saadi describes a school-
master ” so ugly and crabbed, that a sight
of him would derange the ecstasies of the
orthodox.” Faces are rarely true to any
ideal type, but are a record in sculpture
of a thousand anecdotes of whim and
folly. Portrait painters say that most
faces and forms are irregular and unsym-
metrical ; have one eye blue, and one gray ;
the nose not straight; and one shoulder
higher than another; the hair unequally
distributed, &c. The man is physically
as well as metaphysically a thing of shreds
and patches, borrowed unequally from
good and bad ancestors, and a misfit from
the start.
A beautiful person, among the Greeks,
was thought to betray by this sign some
secret favour of the immertal gods ; and
we can pardon pride, when a woman pos-
sesses such a ngure, that wherever she
stands, or moves, or throws a shadow on
the wall, or sits for a portrait to the artist,
she confers a favour on the world. And
yet — it is not beauty that inspires the
deepest passion. Beauty without grace is
the hook without the bait. Beauty, with-
out expression, tires. Abb6 Manage said
of the President Le Bailleul, “ that he was
fit for nothing but to sit for his portrait."
A Greek epigram intimates that the force
of love is not shown by the courting of
beauty, but when the like desire is in-
flamed for one who is ill-favoured. And
petulant old gentlemen, who have chanced
to suffer some intolerable weariness from
pretty people, or who have seen cut
flowers to some profusion, or who see,
after a world of pains have been success-
fully taken for the costume, how the least
mistake in sentiment takes all the beauty
out of your clothes— affirm, that the secret
of ugliness consists not in irregularity
but in being uninteresting.
We love any forms, however ugly, from
which great qualities shine. If command,
eloquence, art, or invention exist in the
most deformed person, all the accidents
that usually displease, please, and raise
esteem and wonder higher. The great
orator was an emaciated, insignificant
person, but he was all brain. Cardinal
De Retz says of De Bouillon, " With the
physiognomy of an ox, he had the perspi-
cacity of an eagle." It was said of Hooke,
the friend of Newton, " He is the most,
and promises the least, of any man in
England." "Since I am so ugly," said
Du Guesclin, "it behooves that I be
bold." Sir Philip Sidney, the darling of
mankind, Ben Jonson tells us, "was no
pleasant man in countenance, his face be-
ing spoiled with pimples, and of high
blood, and long." Those who have ruled
human destinies, like planets, for thou-
sands of years, were not handsome men.
If a man can raise a small city to be a
great kingdom, can make bread cheap,
can irrigate deserts, can join oceans by
canals, can subdue steam, can organize
victory, can lead the opinions of mankind,
can enlarge knowledge, ’tis no matter
whether his nose is parallel to his spine,
as it ought to be, or whether he has a nose
at all; whether his legs are straight, or
whether his legs are amputated ; his de-
formities will come to be reckoned orna-
mental and advantageous on the whole.
This is the triumph of expression, de-
grading beauty, charming U9 wj^h a ppwer
so fine and friendly and intoxicating, that
it makes admiir:d persons insipid, and the
thought of passing our lives with them in-
supportable. There are faces so fluid with
expression, so flushed and rippled by the
play of thought, that we can hardly find
what the mere features really are. When
the delicious beauty of lineaments loses its
power it is because a more delicious beauty
has appeared ; that an interior and durable
form has been disclosed. Still, Beauty
rides on her lion, as before. Still, " it was
for beauty that the world was made."
The lives of the Italian artists, who estab-
lished a despotism of genius amidst the
dukes and kings and mobs of their stormy
epoch, prove how loyal men in all times
are to a finer brain, a finer method, than
their own. If a man can cut such a head
on his stone gate-post as shall draw p nd
keep a crowd about it all day, by its grace,
good-nature and inscrutable meaning ; if a
j man can build a plain cottage with such
I symmetry, as to make all the fine palaces
look cheap and vulgar ; can take such ad-
vantage of Nature that all her powers serve
him ; making use of geometry, instead of
expense ; tapping a mountain for his water-
jet ; causing the sun and moon to seem
only the decorations of his estate ; this is
still the legitimate dominion of beauty.
The radiance of the human form, though
sometimes astonishing, is only a burst of
beauty for a few years or a few months,
at the perfection of youth, and in most,
rapidly declines. But we remain lovers
of it, only transferring our interest to in-
terior excellence. And it is not only ad-
mirable in singular and salient talents, but
also in the world of manners.
But the sovereign attribute remains to
bo noted. Things are pretty, graceful,
rich, elegant, handsome, but, until they
speak to the imagination, not yet beauti-
ful. This is the reason why beauty is still
escaping out of all analysis. It is not yet
possessed, it cannot be handled. Proclus
says, " It swims on the light of forms,"
It is properly not in the form, but in the
mind. It instantly deserts possession, and
flies to an object in the horizon. If I
could put my hand on the north star,
would it be as beautiful ? The sea ia
lovely, but when we bathe in it, the beauty
forsakes all the near water. For the im-
agination and senses cannot be gratified at
the same time. Wordsworth rightly
speaks of " a light that never was on sea
or land," meaning, that it was supplied by
the observer, and the Welsh bard
bi? couiilrywohJ^Ui that ;-r
" Half of their charms with Cadwallon shall
die.’* I
The cew virtue which constitutes a thing
beautiful is a certain cosmical quality, or,
a power to suggest relation to the whole
world, and so lift the object out of a piti-
ful individuality. Every natural feature —
sea, sky, rainbow, flowers, musical tone —
has in it somewhat which is not private,
but universal, speaks of that central bene-
fit which is the soul of Nature, and there-
by is beautiful. And, in chosen men and
women, I find somewhat in form, speech,
and manners, which is not of their person
and family, but of a humane, catholic, and
spiritual character, and we love them as
the sky. They have a largeness of sug-
gestion, and their face and manners carry
a certain grandeur, like time and justice.
The feat of the imagination is in show-
ing the convertibility of everything into
every other thing. Facts which had never
before left their stark common sense sud-
denly figure as Eleusinian mysteries. My
boots and chair and candlestick are fairies
in disguise, meteors and constellations.
All the facts in Nature are nouns of the
intellect, and make the grammar of the
eternal language. Every word has a
double, treble, or centuple use and mean-
ing. What ! has my stove and pepper-pot
a false bottom ! I cry you mercy, good
shoe-box ! I did not knov/ you were a
jewel-case. Chaff and dust begin to
sparkle, and are clothed about with im-
mortality. And there is a joy in perceiving
the representative or symbolic character
of a fact, which no bare fact or event can
ever give. There are no days in life so
memorable as those which vibrated to
some stroke of the imagination.
The poets are quite right in decking
their mistresses with the spoils of the
landscape, flower-gardens, gems, rain-
bows, flushes of morning, and stars of
night, since all beauty points at identity,
and whatsoever thing does not express to
me the sea and sky, day and night, is some-
what forbidden and wrong. Into every
beautiful object there enters somewhat
immeasurable and divine, and just as
much into form bounded by outlines, like
mountains on the horizon, as into tones
of music, or depths of space. Polarized
light showed the secret architecture ol
bodies ; and when the second-sight of the
mind is opened, now one colour or form
or gesture, and now another, had a pun-
gency, as if a more interior ray had be«n
emitted, disclosing its deep holdings in
the frame of things.
The laws of this translation we do no\.
know, or why one feature or gesture en-
chants, why one word or syllable intoxi-
cates, but the fact is familiar that the fine
touch of the eye, or a grace of manners,
or a phrase of poetry, plants wings at our
shoulders ; as if the Divinity, in his ap-
proaches, lifts away mountains of obstruc-
tion, and deigns to draw a truer lino
which the mind knows and owns. This
is that haughty force of beauty, " vis
siiperba formcCt" which the poets praise
— under cairn and precise outline, the im-
measurable and divine. Beauty hiding all
wisdom and power in its calm sky.
All high beauty has a moral element in
it, and I find the antique sculpture as
ethical as Marcus Antonius : and the
beauty ever in proportion to the depth of
thought. Gross and obscure natures,
however decorated, seem impure sham-
bles; but character gives splendour to
youth, and awe to wrinkled skin and grey
hairs. An adorer of truth we cannot
choose but obey, and the woman who has
shared with us the moral sentiment — her
locks must appear to us sublime. Thus
there is a climbing scale of culture, from
the first agreeable sensation which a
sparkling gem or a scarlet stain affords
the eye, up through fair outlines and de-
tails of tlie landscape, features of the
human face and form, ,;signs and tokens
of thought and character in mannere, up
to the ineffable mysteries of the intellect.
Wherever we begin, thither our steps
tend : an ascent from the joy of a horsvs
in his trappings, up to the perception of
Newton, that the globe on which we ride
is only a larger apple falling from a larger
tree ; up to the perception of Plato, that
globe and universe are rude and early ex-
pressions of an all-dissolving Unity — th^
first stair on the scale to the temple o.
the Mind.
FloWi flow the waves hated, |
Accursed, adored,
The waves of nrutation ;
No anchorage is.
Sleep is not, death is not j
Who seem to die live.
House you were bora ia|
Friends of your spring-timei
Old man and young maid, |
Day’s toil and its guerdon,
They are all vani^ing,
Fleeing to fables,
Cannot be moored.
See the stars through them,
Through treacherous marbles.
Know, the stars yonder,
The stars everlasting,
Are fugitive also,
And emulate, vaulted,
The lambent heat-lightning,
And fire-fly’s flight.
When thou dost return
On the wave's circulation,
Beholding the shimmer.
The wild dissipation.
And, out of endeavour
To change and to flow,
The gas necomes solid.
And phantoms and nothings
Return to be things,
And endless imbroglio
Is law and the world—
Then first shalt thou know.
That in the wild turmoil.
Horsed on the Proteus,
Thou ridest to power,
And to endurance.
Some years ago, in company with an
agreeable party, I spent a long summer
day in exploring the Mammoth Calve in
Kentucky. We traversed, through spacious
galleries affording a solid masonry founda-
tion for the town and county overhead,
the six or eight black miles from the
mouth of the cavern to the innermost
recess which tourists visit — a niche or
grotto made of one seamless stalactite,
and called, I believe, Serena’s Bower. I
lost the light of one day. I saw high
domes, and bottomless pits ; heard the
voice of unseen waterfalls ; paddled three-
quarters of a mile in the deep Echo River,
whose waters are peopled with the blind
fish; crossed the streams “ Lethe” and
“ Styx" ; plied with music and guns the
echoes in these alarming galleries : saw
every form of stalagmite and stalactite in
the sculptured and fretted chambers —
icicle, orange-flower, acanthus, grapes,
and snowball. We shot Bengal lights
li^to the vaults and groins of the sparry
cathedrals, and examined all the master-
pieces which the four combined engi-
neers, water, limestone, gravitation, and
time, could make in the dark.
The mysteries and scenery of the cave
had the same dignity that belongs to all
natural objects, and which shames the fine
things to which we foppishly compare
them. I remarked, especially, the mi-
metic habit, with which Nature, on new
instruments, hums her old tunes, making
night to mimic day, and chemistry to ape
vegetation. But I then took notice, and
still chiefly remember, that the best thing
which the cave had to offer was an illu-
sion. On arriving at what is called the
” Star Chamber,” our lamps were taken
from us by the guide, and extinguished or
put aside, and, on looking upwards, I savr
or seemed to see the night heaven thick
with stars glimmering more or less brightly
over our heads, and even what seemed a
comet flaming among them. All the party
were touched with astonishment and
pleasure. Our musical friends sung with
much feeling a pretty song, ” The stars
are in the quiet sky,” etc., and I sat
down on the rocky floor to enjoy the
serene picture. Some crystal specks in
the black ceiling high overhead, reflecting
the light of a half-hid lamp, yielded this
magnificent effect.
I own, I did not like the cave so well
for eking out its sublimities with this
theatrical trick. But I have had many
experiences like it, before and since ; and
we must be content to be pleased without
too curiously analyzing the occasions.
Cur conversation with Nature is not just
what it seems. The cloud-rack, the sun-
rise and sunset glories, rainbows and
northern lights, are not quite so spheral
as our childhood thought them ; and the
part our organization plays in them is too
large. The senses interfere everywhere,
and mix their own structure with all they
report of. Once, we fancied the earth a
plane, and stationary. In admiring the
sunset, we do not yet deduct the round-
ing, co-ordinating, pictorial powers of the
1 The same interference from our organ-
I ization creates the most of our pleasure
and pain. Our first mistake is the belief
that the circumstance gives the joy which
we give to the circumstance. Life is an
ecstasy. Life Is sweet as nitrous oxide |
and the fisherman dripping all day over
a cold pond, the switchman at the railway
intersection, the farmer in the field, the
negro in the rice-swamp, ^he fop in the
street, the hunter in the woods, the bar-
rister with the jury, the belle at the ball,
all ascribe a certain pleasure to their
employment, which they themselves give
it. Health and appetite impart the sweet-
ness to sugar, bread, and meat. We
fancy that our civilization has got on far,
but we still come back to our primers.
We live by our imaginations, by our
admirations, by our sentiments. The
child walks amid heaps of illusions, which
he does not like to have disturbed. The
boy, how sweet to him is his fancy ! how
dear the story of barons and battles I
What a hero he is, whilst ho feeds on
his heroes ! What a debt is his to
imaginative books I Ho has no better
friend or influence than Scott, Shak-
speare, Plutarch, and Homer. The man
lives toother objects, but who dare affirm
that they are more real ? Even the prose
of the streets is full of refractions. In the
life of the dreariest alderman, fancy enters
into all details, and colours them with
rosy hue. ilo imitates the air and
actions of people whom ho admires, and j
s raised in his own eyes. He pays a ^
debt quicker to a rich man than to a poor
man. He wishes the bow and compli-
ment of some leader in the state, or in
society ; weighs what ho says ; perhaps he
never comes nearer to him for that, but
dies at last better contented for this
amusement of his eyes and his fancy.
The world rolls, the din of life is never
hushed. In London, in Paris, in Boston,
in San Francisco, the carnival, the mas-
querade, is at its height. Nobody drops
his domino. The unities, the fictions of
the piece, it would be an impertinence to
break. The chapter of fascinations is
very long. Great is paint: nay, God is
the painter; and we rightly accuse the
critic who destroys too many illusions.
Society does not love its unmaskers. It
was wittily, if somewhat bitterly, said by
D’Alembert, “ 6tai vapour Halt
unHat trtsfdcheux, par cequ'il nous faisait
voir les choses comme tiles sont” I find
men victims of illusions in all parts of
life. Children, youths, adults, and old
men, all are led by one bawble or another.
Yoganidra, the goddess of illusion, Pro-
teus or Momus, or Gylfi’s Mocking — for
the Power has many names — is stronger
than the Titans, stronger than Apollo.
F^w have overheard the gods or surprised
their secret. Life is a succession ot
lessons which must be lived to bo under-
stood. All is riddle, and the key to a
riddle is another riddle. There are as
many pillows of illusions as flakes in a
snow-storm. We wake from one dream
into another dream. The toys, to be sure,
are various, and are graduated in refine-
ment to the quality of the dupe. The
intellectual man requires a fine bait ; the
sots are easily amused. But everybody
is drugged with his own frenzy, and the
pageant marches at all hours, with music
and banner and badge.
Amid the joyous troop who give in to
the charivari comes now and then a sad-
eyed boy, whose eyes lack the requisite
refractions to clothe the show in duo
glory, and who is afflicted with a tendency
to trace home the glittering miscellany of
fruits and flowers to one root. Science is
a search after identity, and the scientific
whim is lurking in all corners. At the
State Fair, a friend of mine complained
that all the varieties of fancy pears in our
orchards seem to have been selected by
somebody who had a whim for a particu-
lar kind of pear, and only cultivated such
as had that perfume ; they were all alike.
And I remember the quarrel of another
youth with the confectioners, that, when
ho racked his wit to choose the best
comfits in the shop, in all the endless
varieties of sweetmeat he could only find
three flavours, or two. What then ? Pears
and cakes are good for something ; and
because you, unluckily, have an eye or
nose too keen, why need you spoil the
comfort which the rest of us find in them ?
I knew a humourist, who, in a good deal
of rattle, had a grain or two of sense. He
shocked the company by maintaining that
the attributes of God were two — power
and risibility ; and that it was the duty of
every pious man to keep up the comedy.
And I have known gentlemen of great
stake in the community, but whose
sympathies were cold — presidents of
colleges, and governors, and senators — •
who held themselves bound to sign every
temperance pledge, and act with Bible
societies, and missions, and peacemakers,
and cry Hist-a-hoy ! to every good dog.
We must not carry comity too far, but wo
all have kind impulses in this direction.
When the boys come into my yard for
leave to gather horse-chestnuts, I own I
enter into Nature’s game, and affect to
grant the permission reluctantly, fearing
that any moment they will find out the
imposture of that showy chaff. But this
tenderness is quite tuuiecessary ; the
enchantments are laid on very thick.
Their young life is thatched with them.
Bare and grim to tears is the lot of the
children in the hovel I saw yesterday ; yet
not the less they hung it round with
frippery romance, like the children of the
happiest fortune, and talked of “ the dear
cottage where so many joyful hours had
flown.” Well, this thatching of hovels is
the custom of the country. Women,
more than all, are the element and king-
dom of illusion. Being fascinated, they
fascinate. They see through Claude-Lor-
raines. And how dare anyone, if he
could, pluck away the coulisses, stage
effects, and ceremonies, by which they
live ? Too pathetic, too pitiable, is the
region of affection, and its atmosphere
always liable to mirage.
We are not very much to blame for our
bad marriages. We live amid hallucina-
tions; and this especial trap is laid to
trip up our feet with, and all are tripped
up first or last. But the mighty Mother
who had been so sly with us, as if she felt
that she owed us some indemnity, insinu-
ates into the Pandora-box of marriage
some deep and serious benefits, and some
great joys. We find a delight in the
beauty and happiness of children, that
makes the heart too big for the body. In
the worst-assorted connections there is
ever some mixture of true marriage.
Teague and his jade get some just relations
of mutual respect, kindly observation,
and fostering of each other, learn some-
thing, and would carry themselves wise-
lier, if they were now to begin,
'Tis fine for us to point at one or
another fine madman, as if there were
any exempts. The scholar in his library
is none. I, who have all my life heard
any number of orations and debates, read
poems and miscellaneous books, con-
versed with many geniuses, am still the
victim of any new page ; and, if Marma-
dukc, or Hugh, or Moosehead, or any
other, invent a new style or mythology, I
fancy that the world will be all brave and
right, if dressed in these colours, which I
had not thought of. Then at once I will
daub with this new paint ; but it will not
stick. ’Tis like the cement which the
pedlar sells at the door ; he makes broken
crockery hold with it, but you can never
buy of him a bit of the cement which will
make it hold when he is gone.
Men who make themselves felt in the
world avail themselves of a certain fate in
tbeir constitutioOf which they know how
to use. But they never deeply interest
us, unless they fift a corner of the curtain,
or betray never so slightly their penetra-
tion of what is behind it. ’Tis the charm
of practical men, that outside of their
practicality are a certain poetry and play,
as if they led the good horse Power by
the bridle, and preferred to walk, though
they can ride so fiercely. Bonaparte is
intellectual, as well as Caesar ; and the
best soldiers, sea-captains, and railway
men, have a gentleness, when off duty ; a
good-natured admission that there are
illusions, and who shall say that he is not
their sport ? We stigmatiro the cast-iron
fellows, who cannot so detach themselves,
as “dragon-ridden,” “ thunder-stricken,”
and fools of fate, with whatever powers
endowed. Since our tuition is through
emblems and indirections, ’tis well to
know that there is method in it, a fixed
scale, and rank above rank in the phan-
tasms. We begin low with coarse masks,
and rise to the most subtle and beautiful.
The red men told Columbus, “they had
an herb which took away fatigue ; ” but
he found the allusion of “ arriving from
the east at the Indies ” more composing
to his lofty spirit than any tobacco. Is
not our faith in the impenetrability ot
matter more sedative than narcotics i
You play with jack-straws, balls, bowls,
horse and gun, estates and politics ; but
there are finer games before you. Is not
time a pretty toy ? Life will show you
masks that are worth all your carnivals,
Yonder mountain must migrate into your
mind. The fine star-dust and nebulous
blur in Orion, “ the portentous year oi
Mizar and Alcor,” must come down and
be dealt with in your household thought.
What if you shall come to discern that
the play and playground of all this pom-
pous history are radiations from yourself,
and that the sun borrows his beams ?
What terrible questions we are learning
to ask! The former men believed in
magic, by which temples, cities, and men
were swallowed up, and all trace of them
gone. We are coming on the secret of a
magic which sweeps out of men’s minds
all vestige of theism and beliefs which
they and their fathers held and wert
framed upon.
There are deceptions of the senses,
deceptions of the passions, and the struc-
tural, beneficent illusions of sentiment
and of the intellect. There is the illusion
of love, which attributes to the beloved
person all which that person shares with
HIS or bov family, sex, age, or condition,
ftay with the human mind itself. 'Tis
these which the lover l(>ve3, and Anna
Matilda gets the credit of them. As if
one shut up always in a tower, with one
window, through which the face of heaven
and earth could be seen, should fancy
that all the marvels he beheld belonged to
that window. There is the illusion of
time, which is very deep ; who has dis-
posed of it ? or come to the conviction
that what seems the succession of thought
is only the distribution of wholes into
causal series ? The intellect sees that
every atom carries the whole of Nature ;
that the mind opens to omnipotence ;
that, in the endless striving and ascents,
the metamorphosis is entire, so that the
soul doth not know itself in its own act,
when that act is perfected. There is
illusion that shall deceive even the elect.
There is illusion that shall deceive even
the performer of the miracle. Though
he make his body, he denies that he
makes it. Though the world exist from
thought, thought is daunted in presence
of the world. One after the other we
accept the mental laws, still resisting
those which follow, which however must
be accepted. But all our concessions only
compel us to new profusion. And what
avails it that science has come to treat
space and time as simply forms of thought,
and the material world as hypothetical,
and withal our pretension of property
and even of selfhood are fading with the
rest, if, at last, even our thoughts are not
finalities ; but the incessant flowing and
ascension reach these also, and each
thought which yesterday was a finality,
to-day is yielding to a larger generaliza-
tion ?
With such volatile elements to work in,
'tis no wonder if our estimates are loose
and floating. We must work and affirm,
but we have no guess of the value of what
we say or do. The cloud is now as big
as your hand, and now it covers a county.
That story of Thor, who was set to drain
the drinking-horn in Asgard, and to
v/restle with the old woman, and to run
with the runner Lok, and presently found
that he had been drinking up the sea,
and wrestling with Time, and racing with
Thought, describes us who are contend-
ing, amid these seeming trifles, with the
supreme energies of Nature. We fancy
we have fallen into bad company and
squalid condition, low debts, shoe-bills,
broken glass to pay for, pots to buy,
butcher’s meat, sugar, milk, and coal.
'* Sol me some great task, ye gods I and I
57 *
will show my spirit.” ” Not so,” says the
good Heaven; "plod and plough, vamp
your old coats and hats, weave a shoe-
string ; great affairs and the best wine by
and by.” Well, 'tis all phantasm; tndf
if we weave a yard of tape in all humflity,
and as well as we can, long hereafter we
shall see it was no cotton tape at all, but
some galaxy which we braided, and that
the threads were Time and Nature.
We cannot write the order of the vari .
able winds. How can we penetrate the
law of our shifting moods and suscepti-
bility ? Yet they differ as all and nothing.
Instead of the firmament of yesterday,
which our eyes require, it is to-day an
eggshell which coops us in ; we cannot
even see what or where our stars of
destiny are. From day to day, the capital
facts of human life are hidden from our
eyes. Suddenly the mist rolls up, and re-
veals them, and we think how much good
time is gone, that might have been saved,
had any hint of these things been shown.
A sudden rise in the road shows us the
system of mountains, and all the summits,
which have been just as near us all the
year, but quite out of mind. But these
alternations are not without their order,
and we are parties to our various fortune.
If life seem a succesision of dreams, yet
poetic justice is done in dreams also.
The visions of good men are good ; it is
the undisciplined will that is whipped
with bad thoughts and bad fortunes.
When we break the laws, we lose our
hold on the central reality, Like sick
men in hospitals, wo change only from
bed to bed, from one folly to another ;
and it cannot signify much what becomes
of such castaways — wailing, stupid, coma-
tose creatures — lifted from bed to bed,
from the nothing of life to the nothing of
In this kingdom of illusions we gropa
eagerly for stays and foundations. There
is none but a strict and faithful dealing
at home, and a severe barring out of all
duplicity or illusion there. Whatever
games are played with us, we must play
no games with ourselves, but deal in our
privacy with the last honesty and truth.
I look upon the simple and childish
virtues of veracity and honesty as the
root of all that is sublime in character.
Speak as you think, be what you are, pay
your debts of all kinds. I preferred to bo
owned as sound and solvent, and my
word as good as my bond, and to be what
cannot be skipped, or dissipated, or un-
dermined, to ^1 the iclat in the universa*
This reality is the foundation of friend-
ship, religion, poetry, and art. At the
top or at the bottom of all illusions, I set
the cheat which still leads us to work and
live for appearances, in spite of our con-
viction, in all sane hours, that it is what
we really are that avails with friends,
with strangers, and with fate or fortune.
One would think from the talk of men,
that riches and poverty were a great
matter ; and our civilization mainly
respects it. But the Indians say, that
they do not think the white man with his
brow of care, always toiling, afraid of heat
and cold, and keeping within doors, has
any advantage of them.^ The permanent
interest of every man, is never to be in a
false position, but to have the weight of
Nature to back him in all that he does.
Riches and poverty are a thick or thin
costume ; and our life — the life of all of
us — identical. For we transcend the cir-
cumstance continually, and taste the real
quality of existence ; as in our employ- |
ments, which only differ in the manipula-
tions, but express the same laws ; or in
our thoughts, which wear no silks, and
taste no ice-creams. We see God face
to face every hour, and know the savor
of Nature.
The early Greek philosophers Hera-
clitus and Xenophanes measured their
force on this problem of identity.
Diogenes of Apollonia said; that unless
the atoms were made of one stuff, they
could never blend and act with one
another. But the Hindoos, in their
sacred writings, express the liveliest feel-
ing, both of the essential identity, and of
that illusion which they conceive variety
to be. “ The notions, ‘ I am,' and ‘ This
is mine,' which influence mankind, are
but delusions of the mother of the world.
Dispel, O Lord of all creatures I the con-
ceit of knowledge which proceeds from
Ignorance.' And the beatitude of man
they hold to lie in being freed from fasci-
nation. t.
The intellect is stimulated by the state-
ment of truth in a trope, and the wtU by
clothing the laws of life in illusions. But
the unities of Truth and of Right are not
broken by the disguise. iThere need
never be any confusion in these. In a
crowded life of many parts and perform-
ers, on a stage of nations, or in the ob-
scurest hamlet in Maine or California, the
same elements offer the same choices to
each new-comer, and, according to his
election, he fixes his fortune in absolute
Nature. It would be hard to put more
mental and moral philosophy than the
Persians have thrown into a sentence
“ Fooled thou must be, though wisest of tha
Then be the fool of virtue, not of vice.”
There is no chance, and no anarchy, in
the universe. All is system and grada-
tion. Every god is there sitting in his
sphere. The young mortal enters the
hall of the firmament ; there is he alone
with them alone, they pouring on him
benedictions and gifts, and beckoning
him up to their thrones. On the instant,
and incessantly, fall snow-storms of illu-
sions. He fancies himself in a vast crowd
which sways this way and that, and
whose movement and doings he must
obey ••he fancies himself poor, orphaned,
insignificant. The mad crowd drives
hither and thither, now furiously com-
manding this thing to be done, now that.
What is ho that he should resist their
will, and think or act for himself? Every
moment, new changes, and new showers
of deceptions, to baffle and distract him.
And when, by and by, for an instant, the
air clears, and the clouds lift a little,
there are the gods still sitting around
him on their thrones— they alone with
him alone.
The perception of matter is made the
common-sense, and for cause. This was
the cradle, this the go-cart, of the human
child. We must learn the homely laws of
fire and water ; we must feed, wash, plant,
build. These are ends of necessity, and
first in the order of nature. Poverty, frost,
famine, disease, debt, are the beadles and
guardsmen that hold us to common-sense.
The intellect, yielded up to itself, cannot
supersede this tyrannic necessity. The
restraining grace of common-sense is the
mark of all the valid minds — of JEsop,
Aristotle, Alfred, Luther, Shakspeare,
Cervantes, Franklin, Napoleon. The
common-sense which does not meddle
with the absolute, but takes things at their
word — things as they appear— believes in
the existence of matter, not because we
ian touch it, or conceive of it, but because
It agrees with ourselves, and the universe
3oes not jest with us, but is in earnest —
is the bouse of health and life. In spite
of all the joys of poets and the joys of
saints, the most imaginative and abstracted
person never makes, with impunity, the
least mistake in this particular — never
tries to kindle his oven with water, nor
carries a torch into a powder-mill, nor
seizes his wild charger by the tail. We
should not pardon the blunder in another,
nor endure it in ourselves.
But whilst we deal with this as finality,
early hints are given that we are not to
stay here ; that wo must be making ready
to go ; a warning that this magnificent
hotel and conveniency we call Nature is
not final. First innuendoes, then broad
hints, then smart taps, are given, suggest-
ing that nothing stands still in nature but
death ; that the creation is on wheels, in
transit, always passing into something
else, streaming into something higher;
that matter is not what it appears— that
chemistry can blow it all into gas. Fara-
day, the most exact of natural philoso-
phers, taught that when we should arrive
at the monads, or primordial elements
(the supposed little cubes or prisms of
which all matter was built up), wa
should not find cubes, or prisms, or
atoms, at all, but spherules of force. It
was whispered that the globes of the
universe were precipitates of something
more subtle ; nay, somewhat was mur-
mured in our ear that dwindled astronomy
into a toy ; that too was no finality ;
only provisional — a makeshift ; that under
chemistry was power and purpose : power
and purpose ride on matter to the last
atom. It was steeped in thought — did
everywhere express thought ; that, as
great conquerors have burned their ships
when once they were landed on the
wished-for shore, so the noble house of
Nature we inhabit has temporary uses,
and we can afford to leave it one day. The
ends of all are moral, and therefore the
beginnings are such. Thin or solid,
everything is in flight. I believe this con-
viction makes the charm of chemistry —
that we have the same avoirdupois matter
in an alembic, without a vestige of the
old form ; and in animal transformation
not less, as in grub and fly, in egg and
bird, in embryo and man ; everything un-
dressing and stealing away from its old
into new form, and nothing fast but thoso
invisible cords which we call laws, on
which all is strung, Then we see tliat
things wear different names and faces,
but belong to one family ; that the secret
cords, or laws, show their well-known
virtue through every variety — be it animal,
or plant, or planet— and the interest is
gradually transferred from the forms to
the lurking method.
This hint, however conveyed, upsets
our politics, trade, customs, marriages,
nay, the common-sense side of religion
and literature, which are all founded on
low nature, on the clearest and most
economical mode of administering the
material world, considered as final. The
admission, never so covertly, that this is
a makeshift, sets the dullest brain in fer-
I ment ; our little sir, from his first tottering
1 steps— as soon as he can crow— does not
like to be practised upon, suspects that
some one is “ doing " him, and, at this
alarm, everything Is compromised ; gun-
po'wder is laid under every man’s break-
But whilst the man is startled by this
closer inspection of the laws of matter,
his attention is called to the independent
action of the mind — its strange sugges-
tions and laws — a certain tyranny which
springs up in his own thoughts, which
have an order, method, and beliefs of
their own, very different from the order
which this common-sense uses.
Suppose there were in the ocean certain
strong currents which drove a ship, caught
in them, with a force that no skill of sail-
ing with the best wind, and no strength of
oars, or sails, or steam, could make any
head against, any more than against the
current of Niagara: such currents — so
tyrannical — exist in thoughts, those fin-
est and subtilest of all waters — that, as
soon as once thought begins, it refuses
to remember whose brain it belongs to
— what country, tradition, or religion —
and goes whirling off — swim we merrily —
in a direction self-chosen, by law of
thought, and not by law of kitchen clock
or county committee. It has its own
polarity. One of these vortices or self-
directions of thought is the impulse to
search resemblance, affinity, identity, in
all its objects, and hence our science,
from its rudest to its most refined theories.
The electric word pronounced by John
Hunter a hundred years ago — arrested
and progressive developement — indicating
the way upward from the invisible proto-
plasm to the highest organisms — gave the
poetic key to Natural Science — of which
the theories of Geoffrey St. Hilaire, of
Oken, of Goethe, of Agassiz, and Owen,
and Darwin, in zoology and botany, are
the fruits~a hint whose power is not yet
exhausted, showing unity and perfect
order in physics.
The hardest chemist, the severest ana-
lyzer, scornful of all but dryest fact, is
forced to keep the poetic curve of nature,
and his result is like a myth of Theocritus.
All multiplicity rushes to be resolved into
unity. Anatomy, osteology, exhibit
arrested or progressive ascent in each
kind ; the lower pointing to the higher
forms, the higher to the highest, from the
fluid in an elastic sack, from radiate,
mollusk, articulate, vertebrate — up to
man; as if the whole animal world were
only a Hunterian museum to exhibit the
genesis of mankind,
Identity of law, perfect order in physics,
perfect parallelism between the laws of
Nature and the laws of thought exist. In
botany we have the like, the poetic per-
ception of metamorphosis — that the same
vegetable point or eye which is the unit of
the plant can be transformed at pleasure
into every part, as bract, leaf, petal, sta-
men, pistil, or seed.
In geology, what a useful hint was given
to the early inquirers on seeing in the
possession of Professor Playfair a bough
of a fossil tree which was perfect wood at
one end, and perfect mineral coal at the
other. Natural objects, if individually
described, and out of connection, are not
yet known, since they are really parts of
a symmetrical universe, like words of a
sentence; and if their true order is found,
the poet can read their divine significance
orderly as in a Bible. Each animal or
vegetable form remembers the next 'In-
ferior, and predicts the next higher.
There is one animal, one plant, one
matter, and one force. The laws of light
and of heat translate each other; — so do
the laws of sound and of colour; and so
galvanism, electricity, and magnetism are
varied forms of the selfsame energy.
While the student ponders this immense
unity, he observes that all things in na-
ture, the animals, the mountain, the river,
the .seasons, woed, iron, stone, vapour —
have a mysterious relation to his thoughts
and his life : their growths, decays, qual-
ity, and use so curiously resemble himself,
in parts and in wholes, that he is com-
pelled to speak by means of them. His
words and his thoughts are framed by
their help. Every noun is an image.
Nature gives him, sometimes in a flattered
likeness, sometimes in caricature, a copy
of every humour and shade in his charac-
ter and mind. The world is an immense
picture-book of every passage in human
life. Every object he beholds is the mask
of a man.
*The privates of man’s heart
They speken and sound in his ear
As tho’ they loud winds were ; ”
for the universe is full of their echoes.
Every correspondence we observe in
mind and matter suggests a substance
older and deeper than either of these old
nobilities. We see the law gleaming
through, like the sense of a half-translated
ode of Hafiz. The poet who plays with it
with most boldness best justifies himself—
is most profound and most devout. Pas-
sion adds eyes — is a magnifying-glass#
Sonnets of lovers are i^ad enough, but
are valuable to the philosopher, as are
prayers of saints, for their potent symbo-
Science was false by being unpoetical.
It assumed to explain a reptile or mollusk,
and isolated it — which is hunting for life
in graveyards. Reptile or mollusk or man
or angel only exists in system, in relation.
The metaphysician, the poet, only sees
each animal form as an inevitable step in
the path of the creating mind. The Indian,
the hunter, the boy with his pets, have
sweeter knowledge of these than the
savant. We use semblances of logic until
experience puts us in possession of real
logic. The poet knows the missing link
by the joy it gives. The poet gives us the
eminent experiences only — a god stepping
from peak to peak, nor planting his foot
but on a mountain.
Science does not know its debt to ima-
gination. Goethe did not believe that a
great naturalist could exist without this
faculty. He was himself conscious of its
help, which made him a prophet among
the doctors. From this vision he gave
brave hints to the zoologist, the botanist,
and the optician,
Poetry , — The primary use of a fact is
low ; the secondary use, as it is a figure
or illustration of my thought, is the real
worth. First, the fact ; second its impres-
sion, or what I think of it. Hence Nature
was called “ a kind of adulterated reason."
Seas, forests, metals, diamonds, and fos-
sils interest the eye, but ’tis only with
some preparatory or predicting charm.
Their value to the intellect appears only
when I hear their meaning made plain in
the spiritual truth they cover. The mind,
penetrated with its sentiment or its
thought, projects it outward on whatever
it beholds. The lover sees reminders of
his mistress in every beautiful object ; the
saint, an argument for devotion in every
natural process ; and the facility with
which Nature lends itself to the
thoughts of man, the aptness with which
a river, a flower, a bird, fire, day, or night,
can express his fortunes, is as if the world
were only a disguised man, and, with a
change of form, rendered to him all his
experience. We cannot utter a sentence
in sprightly conversation without a simili-
tude. Note our incessant use of the word
like fire, like a rock, like thunder,
like a bee, like a year without a spring."
Conversation is not permitted without
tropes ; nothing but great weight in things
can afford a quite literal Speech. It is
ever enlivened by inversion and trope.
God himself does not speak prose, but
communicates with us by hints, omens,
inference, and dark resembla ices in cb-
jects lying all around us.
Nothing so marks a man as imagina-
tive expressions. A figurative statement
arrests attention, and is ren; ^mbereu and
repeated. How often has a phrase of this
kind made a reputation. Pythagoras’s
Golden Sayings were such, and Socrates’s,
and Mirabeau’s, and Burke’s, and Bona-
parte’s. Genius thus makes the transfer
from one part of Nature to a remote part,
and betrays the rhymes and echoes that
pole makes with pole. Imaginative minds
cling to their images, and do not wish
them rashly rendered into prose reality,
as children resent your showing them that
their doll Cinderella is nothing but pino
wood and rags ; and my young scholar
does not wish to know what the leopard,
I the wolf, or Lucia, signify in Dante’s
Inferno, but prefers to keep their veils on.
I Mark the delight of an audience in an
! image. When some familiar truth or
fact appears in a new dress, mounted as
on a fine horse, equipped with a grand pair
of ballooning wings, we cannot enough
testify our surprise and pleasure. It is
like the new virtue shown in some un-
prized old property, as when a boy finds
that his pocket-knife will attract steel
filings and take up a needle ; or when the
old horse-block in the yard is found to be
a Torso Hercules of the Phidian age.
Vivacity of expression may indicate this
high gift, even when the thought is of no
great scope, as when Michel Angelo,
praising the terra cottas, said, “ If this
earth were to become marble, woe to the
antiques ! " A happy symbol is a sort of
evidence that your thought is just. I had
rather have a good symbol of my thought,
or a good analogy, than the suffrage of
Kant or Plato. If you agree with me, or
if Locke or Montesquieu agree, I may yet
be wrong ; but if the elm-tree thinks the
same thing, if running water, if burning
coal, if crystals, if alkalies, in their several
fashions, say what I say, it must be true.
Thus, a good symbol is the best argument,
and is a missionary to persuade thou-
sands. The Vedas, the Edda, the Koran,
are each remembered by their happiest
figure. There is no more welcome gift
to men than a new symbol. That satiates,
transports, converts them. They assimi-
late themselves to it— deal with it in all
ways, and it will last a hundred years.
Then comes a new genius, and brings
another. Thus the Greek mythology
called the sea “ the tear of Saturn.” The
return of the soul to God was described
as “a flask of water broken in the sea.”
St. John gave us the Christian figure of
“ souls washed in the blood of Christ.”
The aged Michel Angelo indicates his per-
petual study as in boyhood — ” I carry my
satchel still.” Machiavel described the
papacy as ‘‘ a stone inserted in the body
of Italy to keep the wound open.” To the
Parliament debating how to tax America,
Burke exclaimed, ” Shear the wolf.” Our
Kentuckian orator said of his dissent
from his companion, “I showed him the
back of my hand.” And our proverb
of the courteous soldier reads : ” An iron
hand in a velvet glove.”
This belief that the higher use of the
material world is to furnish us types or
pictures to express the thoughts of the
mind is carried to its logical extreme by
the Hindoos, who, following Buddha, have
made it the central doctrine of their reli-
gion, that what we call Nature, the external
world, has no real existence — is only
phenomenal. Youth, age, property, con-
dition, events, persons — self, even — are
successive maias (deceptions) through
which Vishnu mocks and instructs the
soul. I think Hindoo books the best
gymnastics for the mind, as showing
treatment. All European libraries might
almost be read without the swing of this
gigantic arm being suspected. But these
Orientals deal with worlds and pebbles
For the value of a trope is that the
hearer is one ; and indeed Nature itself is
a vast trope, and all particular natures
are tropes. As the bird alights on the
bough, then plunges into the air again,
so the thoughts of God pause but for a
moment in any form. All thinking is ana-
logizing, and ’tis the use of life to learn
metonymy. The endless passing of one
element into new forms, the incessant
metamorphosis, explains the rank which
the imagination holds in our catalo^e of
mental powers. The imagination is the
reader of these forms. The poet accounts
all productions and changes of Nature as
the nouns of language, uses them repre-
sentatively, too well pleased with their
ulterior to value much their primary
meaning. Every new object so seen gives
a shock of agreeable surprise. The im-
pressions on the imagination make the
great days of life : the book, the landscape,
or the ^rsonalty which did not stay on
the surface of the eye or ear, but penetra-
ted to the inwaf'd sense, agitates us, and
is not forgotten. Walking, working, or
talking, the sole question is how many
strokes vibrate on this;mystic string — how
many diameters are drawn quit^ throtgh
from matter to spirit ; for, wher^ever you
enunciate a natural law, you discover that
you have enunciated a law of the mind.
Chemistry, geology, hydraulics, are sec-
ondary science. The atomic theory is
only an interior process produced, as
geometers say, or the effect of a foregone
metaphysical theory. Swedenborg saw
gravity to be only an external of the irre-
sistible attractions of affection and faith.
Mountains and oceans we think we under-
stand : yes, so long as they are contented
to be such, and are safe with the geologist,
but when they are melted in Promethean
alembics, and come out men, and then
melted again, come out words, without
any abatement, but with an exaltation of
power !
In poetry we say we require the miracle.
The bee flies among the ilowers, and gets
mint and majoram, and generates a new
product, which is not mint and majoram,
but honey ; the chemist mixes hydrogen
and oxygen to yield a new product, which
is not these, but water: and the poet liS'
tens to conversation, and beholds all
objects in nature, to give back, not them,
but a new and transcendent whole.
Poetry is the perpetual endeavour to
express the spirit of the thing, to pass tho
j brute body, and search the life and reason
which causes it to exist ; to see that tho
object is always flowing away, whilst tho
spirit or necessity which causes it subsists.
Its essential mark is that it betrays in
every word instant activity of mind, shown
in new uses of every fact and image — in
preternatural quickness or perception of
relations. All its words are poems. It is
a presence of mind that gives a mira-
culous command of all means of uttering
the thought and feeling of tlio moment.
The poet squanders on the hour an
amount of life that would more than fur-
nish the seventy years of the man that
stands next him.
The term genius, when used with
emphasis, implies imagination ; use of
symbols, figurative speech. A deep in-
sight will always, like Nature, oltimate its
thought in a thing. As soon as a man
masters a principle, and sees his facts in
relation to it, fields, waters, skies, offer to
clothe his thoughts in images. Then all
men understand him: Prrthian, Mede#
Chinese, Spaniard, and Indian bear their
own tongue. For he cau now find sym-
bols of universal significance, which are
readily rendered into any dialect ; as a
painter, a sculptor, a musician, can in
their several ways express the same senti-
ment of anger, or love, or religion.
The thoughts are few ; the forms many ;
the large vocabulary or many-coloured
coat of the indigent unity. The savans
are chatty and vain, but hold them hard
to principle and definition, and they be-
come mute and near-sighted. What is
motion ? what is beauty ? what is matter ?
what is life ? what is force ? Push them
hard, and they will not be loquacious.
They will come to Plato, Proclus, and
Swedenborg. The invisible and impondera-
ble is the sole fact. “ Why changes not the
violet earth into musk ? ’ ' What is the
term of the everflowing metamorphosis ?
I do not know what are the stoppages, but
I see that a devouring unity changes all
into that which changes not.
The act of imagination is ever attended
by pure delight. It infuses a certain
volatility and intoxication into all nature.
It has a flute which sets the atoms of our
frame in a dance. Our indeterminate
size is a delicious secret which it reveals
to us. Trio mountains begin to dislimn,
and float in the air. In the presence and
conversation of a true poet, teeming with
images to express his enlarging thought,
his person, his form, grows larger to our
fascinated eyes. And thus begins that
deification which all nations have made of
their heroes in every kind— saints, poets,
lawgivers, and warriors.
Imagination. — Whilst common-sense
looks at things or visible nature as real
and final facts, poetry, or the imagination
which dictates it, is a second sight, look-
ing through these, and using them as
types or words for thoughts which they
signify. Or is this belief a metaphysical
whim of modern times, and quite too
refined ? On the contrary, it is old as the
human mind. Our best definition of
poetry is one of the oldest sentences, and
claims to come down to us from the Chal-
daean Zoroaster, who wrote it thus:
“ Poets are standing transporters, whose
employment consists in speaking to the
Father and to matter ; in producing
apparent imitations of unapparent natures,
and inscribing things unapparent in the
apparent fabrication of the world ; ’* in
other words, the world exists for thought ;
It ia to make appear things which hide :
mountains, crystals, plants, animals, are
seen ; that which makes them is not seen :
these, then, are “ apparent copies of un-
apparent natures.” Bacon expressed
the same sense in his definition, “Poetry
accommodates the shows of things to the
desires of the mind and Swedenborg,
when he said, “ There is nothing existing
in human thought, even though related to
the most mysterious tenet of faith, but
has combined with it a natural and sen-
sous image.” And again: “ Names, coun-
tries, nations, and the like are not at all
known to those who are in heavei? ] they
have no idea of such things, but of the
realites signified thereby.” A symbol
always stimulates the intellect ; therefore
is poetry ever the best reading. The very
design of imagination is to domesticate
us in another, in a celestial, nature.
This power is in the image because this
power is in nature. It so effects, because
it so is. All that Is wondrous in Sweden-
borg is not his invention, but his extra-
ordinary perception ; that he was necessi-
tated so to see. The world realizes the mind.
Better than images is seen through them.
The selection of the image is no more
arbitrary than the power and significance
of the imago. The selection must follow
fate. ^ Poetry, if perfected, is the only ver-
ity : is ' the speech of man after the real,
and not after the apparent.
Or, shall we say that the imagination
exists by sharing the ethereal currents ?
The poet contemplates the central identi-
ty, sees it undulate and roll this way
and that, with divine flowings, through
remotest things; and, following it, can
detect essential resemblances in natures
never before compared. He can class
them so audaciously, because he is sen-
sible of the sweep of the celestial stream,
from which nothing is exempt. His own
body is a fleeing apparition, his person-
ality as fugitive as the trope he employs.
In certain hours we can almost pass our
hand through our own body. I think the
use or value of poetry to be the suggestion
it affords of the flux or fugaciousness of
the poet. The mind delights in measuring
itself thus ;with matter, with history, and
flouting both. A thought, any thought,
pressed, followed, opened, dwarfs matter,
custom, and all but itself. But this ^cond
sight does not necessarily impair the
primary or common sense. Pindar and
Dante, yes, and the gray and timeworn
sentences of Zoroaster, may all be parsed,
though we do not parse them. The poet
has a logic, though it be subtile. He
observes higher laws than he transgresses.
“ Poetry must first be good sense, though
it is something better."
This union of first and second sight
reads nature to the end of delight and
of moral use. Men are imaginative,
but not overpowered by it to the extent of
confounding its suggestions with ex-
ternal facts. We live in both speres, and
must not mix them. Genius certifies its
entire possession of its thought, by trans-
lating it into a fact which perfectly repre-
sents it, and is hereby education. Charles
James Fox thought " Poetry the great re-
freshment of the human mind — the only
tiling, after all : that men first found out they
had minds, by making and tasting poetry."
Man runs about restless and in pain
when his condition or the objects about him
do not fully match his thought. He
wishes to be rich, to be old, to be young,
that things may obey him. In the ocean,
in fire, in the sky, in the forest, he finds
facts adequate and as large as he. As his
thoughts are deeper than he can fathom,
so also are these. ’Tis easier to read
Sanscrit, to decipher the arrowhead char-
acter, than to interpret these familiar
sights. ’Tis even much to name them.
Thus Thomson’s " Seasons " and the best
parts of many old and many new poets
are simply enumerations by a person who
felt the beauty of the common sights and
sounds, without any attempt to draw a
moral or affix a meaning.
The poet discovers that what men value
as substances have a higher value as
symbols ; that Nature is the immense
shadow of man. A man's action is only a
picture-book of his creed. He does after
what he believes. Your condition, your
employment, is the fable of you. The
world is thoroughly anthropomorphized,
as if it had passed through the body and
mind of man, and taken his mould and
form. Indeed, good poetry is always per-
sonification, and heightens every species
of force in nature by giving it a human
volition. We are advertised that there is
nothing to which he is not related ; that
everything is convertible into every other.
The staff in this hand is the radius vector
of the sun. The chemistry of this is the
chemistry of that. Whatever one act we
do, whatever one thing we learn, we are
doing and learning all things— marching
in the direction of universal power. Every
healthy mind is a true Alexander or
Sesostris, building a universal monarchy.
The senses imprison us, and we help
them with metres as limitary, with a pair
of scales and a foot-rule, and a clock.
How long it tofi'k to find out what n. day
was, or what this sun, that makes lays!
It cost thousands of years only to make
the motion of the earth suspected. Slowly,
by comparing thousands of observations,
there dawned on some mind a theory of
the sun — and we found the astronomical
fact. But the astronomy is in the mind :
the senses affirm that the earth stands
still and the sun moves. The senses
collect the surface facts of matter. The
intellect acts on these brute reports,
and obtains from them results which are
the essence or intellectual form of the
experiences. It compares, distributes,
generalizes, and uplifts them int,'^ its own
sphere. It knows that these transfigured
results are not the brute experiences, just
as souls in heaven are not the red bodies
they once animated. Many transfigura-
tions have befallen them. The atoms of
the body were once nebulie, then rock,
then loam, then corn, then chyme, then
chyle, then blood ; and now the beholding
and co-energizing mind sees the same re-
fining and ascent to the third, the seventh,
or the tenth power of the daily accidents
which the senses report, and which make
the raw material of knowledge. It was sen-
sation ; when memory came, it was experi-
ence ; when mind acted, it was knowledge ;
when mind acted on it as knowledge, it
was thought.
This metonymy, or seeing the same
sense in things so diverse, gives a pure
pleasure. Every one of a million times
wo find a charm in the metamorphosis.
It makes us dance and sing. All men
are so far poets. When people tell me
they do not relish poetry, and bring mo
Shelley, or Aikin’s Poets, or I know not
what volumes of rhymed English, to show
that it has no charm, I am quite of their
mind. But this dislike of the books only
proves their liking of poetry. For they
relish ^sop— cannot forget him, or not
use him ; bring them Homer’s Iliad, and
they like that ; or tho Cid, and that rings
well : read to them from Chaucer, and
they reckon him an honest fellow. " Lear "
and Macbeth " and " Richard III." they
know pretty well without guide. Give
them Robin Hood’s ballads, or " Griselda,"
or " Sir Andrew Barton," or *' Sir Patrick
Spens,” or " Chevy Chase,*' or *' Tam
O’Shanter," and they like these well
enough. They like to see statues ; they
like to name the stars ; they like to talk
and hear of Jove, Apollo, Minerva, Venus,
and the Nine, See bow tenacious we are
ti the old names. They like poetry with-
out knowing it as such, ^hey like to go
to the theatre and bo made to weep ; to
Faneuil Hall, and be taught by Otis,
Webster, or Kossuth, or Phillips, what
great hearts they have, what tears, what
new possible enlargements to their narrow
horizons. They like to see sunsets on the
hills or on a lake shore. Now, a cow
does not gaze at the rainbow, or show or
affect any interest in the landscape, or a
peacock, or the song of thrushes.
Nature is the true idealist. When she i
serves us best, when, on rare days, she
speaks to the imagination, we feel that
the huge heaven and earth are but a web
drawn around us, that the light, skies,
and mountains are but the painted vicissi-
tudes of the soul. Who has heard our
hymn in the churches without accepting
the truth —
** As o’er our heads the seasons roll.
And soothe with change of bliss the soul?”
Of course, when we describe man as
poet, and credit him with the triumphs of
the art, we speak of the potential or ideal
jftian — not found now in any one person.
You must go through a city or a nation,
and find one faculty here, one there, to
build the true poet withal. Yet all men
know the portrait when it is drawn, and it
is part of religion to believe its possible
He is the healthy, the wise, the funda-
mental, the manly man, seer of the secret ;
against all the appearance, he sees and
reports the truth, namely, that the soul
generates matter. And poetry is the only
verity — the expression of a sound mind
speaking after the ideal, and not after the
apparent. As a power, it is the percep-
tion of the symbolic character of things,
and the treating them as representative ;
as a talent, it is a magnetic tenaciousness
of an image, and by the treatment demon-
strating that this pigment of thought is as
palpable and objective to the poet as is the
ground on which he stands, or the walls of
houses about him. And this power ap-
pears in Dante and Shakespeare. In
some individuals this insight, or second
sight, has an extraordinary reacli which
compels our wonder, as in Hehmen, Swe-
denborg, and William Blake, the painter.
V/illiani Blake, whose abnormal genius,
Wordsworth said, interested him more
than the conversation of Scott or of Byron,
writes thus : “ He who does not imagine
in stronger and better lineaments, and in
itronger ^nd better light than his perish-
ing mortal eye can see, does not imagine
at all. The painter of this work asserts
that all his imaginations appear to him
infinitely more perfect and more minutely
organized, than anything seen by his
mortal eye I assert for myself
that I do not behold the outward creation
and that to me it would be a hindrance,
and not action. I question not my cor-
poreal eye any more than I would question
a window concerning a sight. I look
through it, and not with it."
'Tis a problem of metaphysics to define
the province of Fancy and Imagination.
The words are often used, and the things
confounded. Imagination respects the
cause. It is the vision of an inspired soul
reading arguments and affirmations in all
nature of that which it is driven to say.
But as soon as this soul is released a little
from its passion, and at leisure plays with
the resemblances and types for amuse-
ment and not for its moral end, we call
its action Fancy. Lear, mad with his
affliction, thinks every man who suffers
must have the like cause with his own.
“ What, have his daughters brought him
to this pass ? " But when, his attention
being diverted, his mind rests from this
thought, he becomes fanciful with Tom,
playing with the superficial resemblances
of objects. Bunyan, in pain for his soul,
wrote ” Pilgrims’s Progress ; ’’ Quarles,
after he was quite cool, wrote “ Emblems."
Imagination is central ; fancy, super-
ficial. Fancy relates to surface, in which
a great part of life lies. The lover is
riglitly said to fancy the hair, eyes, com-
plexion of the maid. Fancy is a wilful,
imagination a spontaneous act; fancy, a
play as with dolls and puppets which wo
choose to call men and women ; imagina-
tion, a perception and affirming of a real
relation between a thought and some ma-
terial fact. Fancy amuses ; imagination
expands and exalts us. Imagination uses
anorganic classification. Fancy joins by
accidental resemblance, surprises and
amuses tho idle, but is silent in the pres-
ence of great passion and action. Fancy
aggregates ; imagination animates. Fancy
is related to colour ; imagination, to form.
Fancy paints ; imagination sculptures.
Veracity . — I do not wish, therefore, to
find that my poet is not partaker of tha
feast he spreads, or that he would kindle
or amuse me with that which does not
kindle or amuse him. He must believe
in bis poetry, Homer, Milton, Hafiz
Herbert, Swedenborg, Wordsworth, are
heartily enamoured of their sweet thoughts.
Moreover, they know that this correspon-
dence of things to thoughts is far deeper
than tliey can penetrate-^-defying adequate
expression ; that it is elemental, or in the
core of things. Veracity, therefore, is that
which we require in poets — that they shall
say how it was with them, and not what
might be said. And the fault of our pop-
ular poetry is that it is not sincere.
“What news?” asks man of man
everywhere. The only teller of news is
the poet. When he sings, the world
listens with the assurance that now a
secret of God is to be spoken. The right
poetic mood is or makes a mere complete
sensibility — piercing the outward fact to
the meaning of the fact ; shows a sharper
insight: and the perception creates tlie
strong expression of it, as the man who
sees his way walks in it.
’Tis a rule in eloquence, that the mo-
ment the orator loses command of his
audience, the audience commands him.
So, in poetry, the master rushes to deliver
his thought, and the words and images fly
to him to express it ; whilst colder moods
are forced to respect the ways of saying it,
and insinuate, or, as it were, muffle the
fact, to suit the poverty or caprice of their
expression, so that they only hint the
matter, or allude to it, being unable to fuse
and mould their words and images to
fluid obedience. See how Shakspeare
grapples at once with the main problem
of the tragedy, as in “ Lear ’’ and “ Mac-
beth,” and the opening of “ The Merchant
of Venice.”
Ail writings must bo in a degree ex-
oteric, written to a human should or would,
instead of to the fatal is : this holds even
of the bravest and sincerest writers.
Every writer is a skater, and must go
partly where he would, and partly
where the skates carry him ; or a sailor,
who can only land where sails can bo
blown. And yet it is to bo added, that
high poetry exceeds the fact, or nature
itself, just as skates allow the good skater
far more grace than his best walking
would show, or sails more than riding.
The poet writes from a real experience,
the amateur feigns one. Of course, one
draws the bow with his fingers, and the
other with the strength of his body ; one
speaks with his lips, and the other with a
chest voice. Talent amuses, but if your
verse has not a necessary and autobi-
graphic basis, though under whatever gay
poetic veils, it shall not waste my time.
For poe^ is faith. To the poet the
world is virgin^ soil: all is practicable;
the men are ready for virtue ; it is always
time to do right. He is a true re-com-
mencer, or Adam in the garden again, He
affirms the applicability of the ideal law
to this moment and the present knot of
affairs. Parties, lawyers, and men of the
world will invariably dispute such an
application as romantic and dangerous:
they admit the general truth, but they and
their affair always constitute a case in bar
of the statute. Free-trade, they concede,
is very well as a principle, but it is never
quite the time for its adoption without
prejudicing actual interests. Chastity,
I they admit, is very well — but then think
of Mirabeau’s passion and temperament !
Eternal laws are very well, which admit
no violation — but so extreme were the
times and manners of mankind, that you
must admit miracles, for the times con-
stituted a case. Of course, we know what
you say, that legends are found in al/
tribes — but this legend is different. And
so, throughout, the poet affirms the laws ;
prose busies itself with exceptions — with
the local and individual.
I require that the poem should impress
me, so tliat after I have shut the book, it
shall recall me to itself, or that passages
should. And inestimable is the criticism
of memory as a corrective to first impres-
sions. We are dazzled at first by new
words and brilliancy of colour, which
occupy the fancy and deceive the judg-
ment. But all this is easily forgotten.
Later, the thought, the happy imago which
expressed it, and which was a true ex-
perience of the poet, recurs to mind, and
sends me back in search of the book.
And I wish that the poet should forsee
this habit of readers, and omit all but the
important passages. Shakspeare is made
up of important passages, like Damascus
steel made up of old nails. Homer has
his own —
“ One omen is good, to die for one’s country j”
and again—
They heal their griefs, for curable are the
hearts of the noble.’*
Write, that I may know yon. Style
betrays you, as your eyes do. Wo detect
at once by it whether the writer has a firm
grasp on his fact or thought — exists at the
moment for that alone, or whether he has
one eye apologizing, deprecatory, turned
on his reader. In proportion alwayu to
his possession of bis thought is his de*
fiance of his readers. There is no choice
of words for him who clharly sees the
truth. That provides him with the best
Great design belongs to a poem, and is
better than any skill of execution— but
how rare! I find it in the poems of
Wordsworth—" Laodamia," and the "Ode
to Dion," and the plan of " The Recluse."
We want design, and do not forgive the
bards if they have only the art of en-
amelling. We want an architect, and
they bring us an upholsterer.
If your subject do not appear to you the
flower of the world at this moment, you
have not rightly chosen it. No matter
what it is, grand or gay, national or pri-
vate, if it has a natur^ prominence to
you, work away until you come to the
heart of it: then it will, though it were a
sparrow or a spider-web, as fully represent
the central law, and draw all tragic or
joyful illustration, as if it were the book of
Genesis or the book of Doom. The sub-
ject— we must so often say it — is indif-
ferent. Any word, every word in language,
every circumstance, becomes poetic in the
hands of a higher thought.
The test or measuresof poetic genius
is the power to read the poetry of affairs
—to fuse the circumstance of to-day ; not
to use Scott’s antique superstitions, or
Shakspeare’s, but to convert those of the
nineteenth century, and of the existing
nations, into universal symbols. 'Tis
easy to repaint the mythology of the
Greeks, or of the Catholic church, the
feudal castle, the crusade, the martyrdoms
of mediaeval Europe ; but to point out
where the same creative force is now
working in our own houses and public
assemblies, to convert the vivid energies
acting at this hour, in New York and
Chicago and San Francisco, into universal
symbols, requires a subtile and com-
manding thought. 'Tis boyish in Sweden-
borg to cumber himself with the dead
scurf of Hebrew antiquity, as if the
Divine creative energy had fainted in his
own century. American life storms about
us daily, and is slow to find a tongue.
This contemporary insight is transubstan-
tiation, the conversion of daily bread into
the holiest symbols ; and eve^ man would
be a poet, if his intellectual digestion were
perfect. The test of the poet is the power
to take the passing day, with its news, its
cares, its fears, as he shares them, and
hold it up to a divine reason, till he sees
it to have a purpose and beauty, and to
be related to astronomy and history, and
the eternal order of the world. Thet the
dry twig blossoms in his hand. Ha is
calmed and elevated.
The use of " occasional poems ** is to
give leave to originality. Every one de-
lights in the felicity frequently shown in
our drawing-rooms. In a game-party or
picnic poem each writer is released from
the solemn rhythmic traditions which
alarm and suffocate his fancy, and the
result is that one of the partners offers
a poem in a new style that hints at a new
literature. Yet the writer holds it cheap,
and could do the like all day. On the
stage, the farce is commonly far better
given than the tragedy, as the stock actors
understand the farce, and do not under-
stand the tragedy. The writer in the
parlour has more presence of mind, more
wit and fancy, more play of thought, on
the incidents that occur at table, or about
the house, than in the politics of Germany
or Rome. Many of the fine poems of
Herrick, Jonson, and their contemporaries
had this casual origin.
I know there is entertainment and room
for talent in the artist’s selection of ancient
or remote subjects ; as when the poet goes
to India, or to Rome, or Persia, for his
fable. But I believe nobody knows better
than he, that herein he consults his ease,
rather than his strength or his desire. Ho
is very well convinced that the great mo-
ments of life are those in which his own
house, his own body , the tritest and nearest
ways and words and things, have been
illuminated into prophets and teachers.
What else is it to be a poet ? What are
his garland and singing robes ? What
but a sensibility so keen that the scent of
an elder-blow, or the timber-yard and
corporation works of a nest of pismires is
event enough for him— all emblems and
personal appeals to him. His wreath and
robe is to do what he enjoys ; emancipa-
tion from other men’s questions, and glad
study of his own ; escape from the gossip
and routine of society, and the allowed
right and practice of making better. Ho
does not give his hand, but in sign of
giving his heart; he is not affable with all,
but silent, uncommitted, or in love, as his
heart leads him. There is no subject that
does not belong to him — politics, econ-
omy, manufactures, and stock-brokerage,
as much as sunsets and souls ; only, these
things, placed in their true order, are
poetry ; displaced, or put in kitchen order,
they are unpoetic. Malthus is the right
order of the English proprietors ; but we
shall never understand political economy,
until Burns or B6ranger or some poet
shall teach it in songs, and he will not
teach Malthusianism.
Poetry is the gai science. The trait and
test of the poet is that he builds, adds,
and affirms. The critic destroys; the
poet says nothing but what helps some-
body ; let others be distracted with cares,
he is exempt. All their pleasures are
tinged with pain. All his pains are edged
with pleasure. The gladness ho imparts
he shares. As one of the old Minne-
singers sung—
“ Oft have I heard, and now believe it true,
Whom man delights in, God delights in too.**
Poetry is the consolation of mortal men.
They live cabined, cribbed, confined, in a
narrow and trivial lot — in wants, pains,
anxieties, and superstitions, in profligate
politics, in personal animosities, in mean
employments — and victims of these ; and
the nobler powers untried, unknown. A
poet comes, who lifts the veil; gives them
glimpses of the laws of the universe;
shows them the circumstance as illusion ;
shows that nature is only a language to
express tlie laws, which are grand and
beautiful— and lets them, by his songs,
»nto some of the realities. Socrates; the
Indian teachers of the Maia ; the Bibles
of the nations ; Shakspeare, Milton, Hafiz,
Ossian, the VVelsh Bards — these all deal
with nature and history as means and
symbols, and not as ends. With such
guides they begin to see that what they
had called pictures are realities, and the
mean life is pictures. And this is achieved
by words ; for it is a few oracles spoken
by perceiving men that are the texts on
which religions and states are founded.
And this perception has at once its moral
sequence. Ben Jonson said, “The prin-
cipal end of poetry is to inform men in
the just reason of living."
Creation — But there is a third step
which poetry takes, and which seems
higher than the others, namely, creation,
or ideas taking forms of their OAm— when
the poet invents the fable, and invents the
language which his heroes speak. He
reads in tne word or action of the man its
yet untold results. His inspiration is
power to carry out and complete the
metamorphosis, which, in the imperfect
kinds, arrested for ages — in the perfecter, |
proceeds rapidly in the same individual.
For poetry is science, and the poet a
truer logician. Men in the courts or in
the street think themselves logical, and
the poet whimsical. Do they think there
is chance or wilf»ilness in what he sees and
tells ? To be sure, we demand of him
what he demands of himself— veracity,
first of all. But with that, he is the law-
giver, as being an exact reporter of the
essential law. He knows that he did not
make his thought — no, his thought made
him, and made the sun and the stars. Is
the solar system good art and architec-
ture ? the same wise achievement is in
the human brain also, can you only wile it
from interference and marring. We can-
not look at works of art but they teach us
how near man is to creating. Michel
I Angelo is largely filled with the Creator
that made and makes men. How much
of the original craft remains in him, and
he a mortal man ! In him and the like
perfecter brains the instinct is resistless,
knows the right way, is melodious, and at
all points divine. The reason we set so high
a value on any poetry — as often on a lino
or a phrase as on a poem — is, that it is a
new work of Nature, as a man is. It
must be as new as foam and as old as tho
rock. But a new verse comes once in a
hundred years; therefore Pindar, Hafiz,
Dante, speak so proudly of what seems to
the clown a jingle.
The writer, like tho priest, must bo
exempted from secular labour. His work
needs a frolic health; he must be at the
top of his condition. In that prosperity
he is sometimes caught up into a percep-
tion of means and materials, of feats and
fine arts, of fairy machineries and funds
of power hitherto utterly unknown to him,
whereby ho can transfer his visions to
mortal canvas, or reduce them into iambic
or irociiaic, into lyric or, heroic rhyme.
These successes are not less admirable
and astonishing to the poet than they are
to his audience. He has seen something
which all the mathematics and the best
industry could never bring him unto
Now at this rare elevation above his usual
sphere, he has come into new calcula-
tions ; the marrow of the world is in his
bones, the opulence of forms begins to
pour into his intellect, and he is per-
mitted to dip his brush into the old paint-
pot with which birds, flowers, tho human
cheek, the living rock, tho broad land-
scape, the ocean, and tho eternal sky were
These fine fruits of judgment, poesy,
and sentiment, when once their hour is
struck, and the world is ripe for them,
know as well as coarser how to feed and
replenish themselves, and maintain their
Stock alive, and multiply ; for roses and
violets renew their rac^ like oaks, and
flights of painted moths are as old as
the Alleghanies. The balance of the world
is kept, and dewdrop and haze and the
pencil of light are as long-lived as chaos
and darkness.
Our science is always abreast of our
self-knowledge. Poetry begins, or all be-
comes poetry, when we look from the
centre outward, and are using all as if the
mind made it. That only can we see
which we arc, and which we make. The
weaver sees gingham ; the broker sees the
stock-list ; the politician, the ward and
county votes ; the poet sees the horizon,
and the shores of matter lying on the sky,
the interaction of the elements — the large
effect of laws which correspond to the
inward laws which he knows, and so are
but a kind of extension of himself. “ The
attractions are proportional to the des-
tinies.” Events or things are only the
fulfilment of the prediction of the facul-
ties. Better men saw heavens and earths ;
saw noble instruments of noble souls.
We see railroads, mills, and banks, and
we pity the poverty of these dreaming
I 3 udLlhists. There was as much creative
force then as now, but it made globes, and
astronomic heavens, instead of broad-
cloth and wine-glasses.
The poet is enamoured of thoughts and
laws. These know their way, and, guided
by them, he is ascending from an interest
In visible things to an interest in that
which they signify, and from the part
of a spectator to the part of a maker.
And as everything streams and advances,
as every faculty and every desire is pro-
creant, and every perception is a destiny,
there is no limit to his hope. ” Anything,
child, that the mind covets, from the milk
of a cocoa to the throne of the three
worlds, thou mayest obtain, by keeping
the law of thy members and the law of thy
mind.” It suggests that there is higher
poetry than we write or read.
Rightly, poetry is organic. We cannot
know things by words and writing, but
only by taking a central position in the
imiverse, and living in its forms. We sink
to rise.
** None any work can frame,
Unless himself become the same."
All the parts and forms of nature are the
expression or production of divine facul-
ties, and the same are in us. And the
fascination of genius for us is this awful
oearoesa to Nature’^ oreatioog.
I have heard that the Germans think
the creator of Trim and Uncle Toby,
though he never wrote a verse, a greater
poet than Cowper, and that Goldsmith’s
title to the name is not from his ” Deserted
Village,” but derived from the ” Vicar oi
Wakefield.” Better examples are Shaks-
peare’s Ariel, his Caliban, and his fairies
in the “Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Barthold Niebuhr said well, “There is
little merit in inventing a happy idea, or
attractive situation, so long as it is only
the author’s voice which we hear. As a
being whom we have called into life by
magic arts, as soon as it has received
existence acts independently of the
master’s impulse, so the poet creates his
persons, and then watches and relates
what they do and say. Such creation is
poetry, in the literal sense of the term,
and its possibility is an unfathomable
enigma. The gushing fulness of speech
belongs to the poet, and it flows from the
lips of each of his magic beings in the
thoughts and words peculiar to its
This force of representation so plants
his figures before him that he treats them
as real ; talks to them as if they were
bodily there ; puts words in their mouth
such as they should have spoken, and is
affected by them as by persons. Vast is
the difference between writing clean verses
for magazines, and creating these new
persons and situations — new language
with emphasis and reality. The humour
of Falstaff, the terror of Macbeth, have
each their swarm of fit thoughts and
images, as if Shakspeare had known and
reported the men, instead of inventing
them at his desk. This power appears
not only in the outline or portrait of his
actors, but also in the bearing and be-
haviour and style of each individual. Ben
Jonson told Drummond “that Sidney did
not keep a decorum in making every one
speak as well as himself.”
This reminds me that we all have one
key to this miracle of the poet, and the
dunce has experiences that may explain
Shakspeare to him — one key, namely,
dreams. In dreams we are true poets ;
we create the persons of the drama ; we
give them appropiate figures, faces, cos-
tume : they are perfect in their organs, at-
titude, manners; moreover, they speak
after their own characters, not ours ; they
speak to us, and we listen with surprise to
what they say. Indeed, I doubt if th«
* )|fbuhr, ^UerSf Vol III., p. 196.
best poet has yet written any five-act play
that can compare in thoroughness of in-
vention with this unwritten play in fifty
acts, composed by the dullest snorer on
the floor of the watch-house.
Melody^ Rhyme, Form . — Music and
rhyme are among the earliest pleasures
of the child, and, in the history of litera-
ture, poetry precedes prose. Every one
may see, as he rides on the highway
through an uninteresting landscape, how a
little water instantly relieves the mono-
tony : no matter what objects are near it —
a grey rock, a grass-patch, an alder-bush,
or a stake~they become beautiful by
being reflected. It is rhyme to the eye,
and explains the charm of rhyme to the
ear. Shadows please us as still finer
rhymes. Architecture gives the like plea-
sure by the repetition of equal parts in a
colonnade, in a row of windows, or in
wings; gardens, by the symmetric con-
trasts of the beds and walks. In society,
you have this figure in a bridal company,
where a choir of white-robed maidens
give the charm of living statues ; in a
funeral procession, where all wear black ;
in a regiment of soldiers in uniform.
The universality of this taste is proved
by our habit of casting our facts into
rhyme to remember them better, as so
many proverbs may show. Who would
hold the order of the almanac so fast but
for the ding-dong,
*' Thirty days hath September,*’ &c. ;
or of the Zodiac, but for
The Ram, the Bull, the heavenly twins,*’ &c. ?
We are lovers of rhyme and return,
period and musical reflection. The babe
is lulled to sleep by the nurse’s song.
Sailors can work better for their yo-heave-o.
Soldiers can march better and fight better
for the drum and trumpet. Metre begins
with pulse-beat, and the length of lines in
songs and poems is determined by the in-
halation and exhalation of the lungs. If
you hum or whistle the rhythm of the com-
mon English metres — of the decasyllabic
quatrain, or the octosyllabic with alternate
sexisyllabic, or other rhythms, you can
easily believe these metres to be organic,
derived from the human pulse, and to be
therefore not proper to one nation, but to
mankind. I think you will also find a
charm heroic, plaintive, pathetic, in these
cadences, and be at once set on searching
for the words that can rightly fill these
vacant beats. Young people like rhyme,
drum-beat, tune? things in pairs ani alter-
natives ; and, in higher degrees, wo know
the instant power of music upon our tem-
peraments to change our mood, and give
U2 its own : and human passion, seizing
these constitutional tunes, aims to fill
them with appropriate \^*ords, or marry
music to thought, believing, as we believe
of all marriage, that matches are made in
heaven, and that for every thought its
proper melody or rhyme exists, though
the odds are immense against our finding
it, and only genius can rightly say the
Another form of rhyme is iterations of
phrase, as the record of the death of
Sisera : —
“ At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down :
at her feet he bowed, he fell; where he bowed,
there he fell down dead.”
The fact is made conspicuous, nay,
colossal, by this simple rhetoric.
” They shall perish, but thou shall endure;
yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment ;
as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they
shall be changed: but thou art the same, and
thy years shall have no end.’*
Milton delights in these iterations
“ Though fallen on evil days,
On evil days though fallen, and evil tongiKts '*
“ Was I deceived, or did a sable cloud
Turn forth its silver lining on the nigtii?
I did not err, there does a sable cloud
Turn forth its silver lining on *he night,**
“ A little onward lend thy guiding hand,
To these dark steps a little farther on.’*
So in our songs and ballads the refrain
skilfully used, and deriving some novelty or
better sense in each of many verses : —
” Busk thee, busk thee, my bonny bonny bride.
Busk thee, busk thee, my winsom marrow.”
Of course rhyme soars and refines with
the growth of the mind. The boy liked
the drum, the people liked an overpower-
ing jewsharp tune. Later they like to trans-
fer that rhyme to life, and to detect a
melody as prompt and perfect in their
daily affairs. Omen and coincidence show
the rhythmical structure of man; hence
the taste for signs, sortilege, prophecy and
fulfilment, anniversaries, &c. By and
by, when they apprehend real rhymes,
namely, tlie corhespondence of parts in
nature— acid and alkali, body and mind,
man and maid, character and history,
action and reaction— thd^ do not longer
value rattles and ding-dongs, or barbaric
word-jingle. Astronomy, Botany, Chemis-
try, Hydraulics, and the elemental forces
have their own periods and returns, their
own grand strains of harmony not less
exact, up to the primeval apothegm ** that
there is nothing on earth which is not in
the heavens in a heavenly form, and no-
thing in the heavens which is not on the
earth in an earthly form.” They furnish
the poet with grander pairs and alterna-
tions, and will require an equal expansion
in his metres.
There is under the seeming poverty of
metres an infinite variety, as every artist
knows. A right ode (however nearly it
may adopt conventional metre, as the
Spenserian, or the heroic blank-verse, or
one of the fixed lyric metres) will by any
sprightliness be at once lifted out of con-
ventionality, and will modify the metre.
Every good poem that I know I recall
by its rhythm also. Rhyme is a pretty
good measure of the latitude and opulence
of a writer. If unskilful, he is at once
detected by the poverty of his chimes.
A small, well-worn, sprucely brushed vo-
cabulary serves him. Now try Spenser,
Marlow, Chapman, and see how wide they
fly for weapons, and how rich and
lavish their profusion. In their rhythm is
no manufacture, but a vortex, or musical
tornado, which falling on words and the
experience of a learned mind, whirls these
materials into the same grand order as
planets and moons obey, and seasons, and
There are also prose poets. Thomas
Taylor, the Platonist, for instance, is really
a better man of imagination, a better
poet, or perhaps I should say a better
feeder to a poet, than any man between
Milton and Wordsworth. Thomas Moore
had the magnanimity to say, “ If Burke
and Bacon were not. poets (measured
lines not being necessary to constitute
ine), he did not know what poetry meant.”
And every good reader will easily recall
expressions or passages in works of pure
science, which have given him the same
pleasure which he seeks in professed poets.
Richard Owen, the eminent paleontologist,
said :
** All hitherto observed causes of extirpation
point either to continuous slowly operating
geologic changes, or to no greater sudden cause
than the, so to speak, spectral appearance of
mankind on a limited tract of land not before
St Augustine complains to God of his
friends offering him the books of the phil-
osophers ;
“ And these were the dishes in which they
brought to me, beiftg hungry, the Sun and the
Moon instead of Thee.”
It would not bo easy to refuse to Sir
Thomas Browne’s ” Fragment on Mum-
mies ” the claim of poetry :
** Of their living habitations they made little
account, conceiving of them but as hospitia, or
inns, while they adorned the sepulchres of the
dead, and, planting thereon lasting bases,
defied the crumbling touches of time, and the
misty vaporousness of oblivion. Yet all were
but Babel vanities. Time sadly overcometh
all things, and is now dominant, and sitteth
upon a Sphinx, and looketli unto Memphis and
old Thebes, while his sister Oblivion rcclineth
semi-sornnous on a pyramid, gloriously tri-
umphing, making puzzles of Titanian erections,
and turning old glories into dreams. History
sinkoth beneath her cloud. The traveller a3
he paceth through those deserts asketh of her,
Who biiilded them? and she miimbleth some-
thing, but what it is he heareth not.”
Rhyme, being a kind of music, shared
this advantage with music, that it has a
privilege of speaking truth which all
Philistia is unable to challenge. Music is
the poor man’s Parnassus. With the first
note of the flute or horn, or the first strain
of a song, we quit the world of common-
sense, and launch on the sea of ideas and
emotions : we pour contempt on the prose
you so magnify ; yet the sturdiest Philis-
tine is silent. The like allowance is the
prescriptive right of poetry. You shall not
speak ideal truth in prose uncontradicted :
you may in verse. The best thoughts
run into the best words ; imaginative and
affectionate thoughts into music and
metre. We ask for food and fire, wa talk
of our work, our tools, and material neces-
sities in prose, that is, without any eleva-
tion or aim at beauty, but when we rise
into the world of thought, and think of
these things gnly for what they signify,
speech refines into order and harmony^
I know what you say of mediaeval barbar-
ism and sleigh-bell rhyme, but we have
not done with music, no, nor with rhyme,
nor must console ourselves with prose
poets so long as boys whistle and girls
Let Poetry then pass, if it will, into
music and rhyme. That is the form which
itself puts on. We do not enclose watches
in wooden, but in crystal cases, and
rhyme is the transparent frame that
allows almost the pure architecture gl
thought to become visible to the mental
eye. Substance is much, but so are mode
and form much. The poet, like a de-
lighted boy, brings you heaps of rainbow
bubbles, opoline, air-bprne, spherical as
the world instead of a few drops of soap
and water. Victor Hugo says well, “ An
idea steeped in verse becomes suddenly
more incisive and more brilliant: the
iron becomes steel." Lord Bacon, we are
told, " loved not to see poesy go on other
feet than poetical dactyls and spondees ; "
and Ben Jonson said, "that Donne, for
not keeping of accent, deserved hanging.”
Poetry being an attempt to express *,
not the common-sense, as the avoirdupois
of the hero, or his structure in feet and
inches, but the beauty and soul in his as-
pect as it shines to fancy and feeling —
and so of all other objects in nature —
iruns into fable, personifies every fact : —
" the clouds clapped their hands " — " the
hills skipped " — " the sky spoke.’’ This i
is the substance, and this treatment al-
ways attempts a metrical grace. Outside
of the nursery the beginning of literature
is the prayers of a people, and they are
always hymns, poetic— the mind allowing
itself range, and therewith is ever a cor-
responding freedom in the style which be-
comes lyrical. The prayers of nations are
rh)rthmic — have iterations and allitera-
tions, like the marriage-service and burial-
service in our liturgies.
Poetry will never be a simple means, as
when history or philosophy is rhymed, or
laureate odes on state occasions are
written. Itself must be its own end, or it
is nothing. The difference between poetry
and stock-poetry is this, that in the latter
the rhythm is given, and the sense adapted
to it ; while in the former the sense dic-
tates the rhythm. I might even say that
the rhythm is there in the theme, thought,
and image themselves. Ask the fact for
the form. For a verse is not a vehicle to
carry a sentence as a jewel is carried in a
case ; the verse must be alive, and insep-
arable from its contents, as the soul of
man inspires and directs the body ; and
we measure the inspiration by the music.
In reading prose, I am sensitive as soon
as a sentence drags ; but in poetry as soon
as one word drags. Ever as the thought
mounts, the expression mounts. 'Tis
cumulative also ; the poem is made up of
lines each of which filled the ear of the
poet in its turn, so that mere synthesis
produces a work quite superhuman.
Indeed, the masters sometimes rise
above themselves to strains which cherm
their readers, and which neither any com-
petitor could outdo, nor the bard himself
again equal. Try this strain of Beaumont
and Fletcher;—
“ Hence, all ye vain delightai
As short as are the nights
In which you spend your foI!f I
There’s naught in this life sweeti
If men were wise to see’t,
But only melancholy.
Oh ! sweetest melancholy !
Welcome, folded arms and fixed eyes,
A sigh that piercing mortifies,
A look that’s fastened to the ground,
A tongue chained up, without a sound ;
Fountain-heads and pathless groves,
Places which pale Passion loves,
Midnight walks, when all the fowls
Are warmly housed, save bats and owls ;
A midnight bell, a passing groan,
These are the sounds we feed upon,
Then stretch our bones in a still, gloomy
Nothing’s so dainty sweet as lovely melan-
Keats disclosed by certain lines in hi#
" Hyperion ’’ this inward skill ; and Cole
ridge showed at least his love and appe-
tency for it. It appears in Ben Jonson’s
songs, including certainly " The faery
beam upon you," &c., Waller’s "Go,
lovely rose!" Herbert’s "Virtue" and
"Easter," and Lovelace’s lines "To
Althea " and “ To Lucasta,” and Collins’s
" Ode to Evening," all but the last verse,
which is academical. Perhaps this dainty
style of poetry is not producible to-day,
any more than a right Gothic cathedral.
It belonged to a time and taste which is
not in the world.
! As the imagination is not a talent of
some men, but is the health of every nan,
so also is this joy of musical expression.
I know the pride of mathematicians and
materialists, but they cannot conceal from
me their capital want. The critic, tho
philosopher, is a failed poet. Gray avowi
" that he thinks even a bad verse as good
a thing or better than the best observation
that was ever made on it." I honour the
naturalist ; I honour the geometer, but he
has before him higher power and happiness
than he knows. Yet we will leave to the
masters their own forms. Newton may
be permitted to cull Terence a play-book,
and to wonder at the frivolous taste for
rhymers ; he only predicts, one would say,
a grander poetry : he only shows that he
is not yet rear:hed ; that the poetry which
satisfies more youthful souls is not such to
a mind like his, accustomed to grander
barmoQies ; tfeia b«ing a ct)ii4’8 wbistle to
bl8 ear; that the music must rise to a
loftier strain, up to Hansel, up to Beet-
hoven, up to the thorough-bass of the sea-
shore, up to the largeness of astronomy :
at last that great heart will hear in the
music beats like its own: the waves of
melody will wash and float him also, and
set him into concert and harmony.
Bards and Trouveurs, — The metallic
force of primitive words makes the supe-
riority of the remains of the rude ages.
It costs the early bard little talent to chant
more impressively than the later, more
cultivated poets. His advantage is that
his words are things, each the lucky sound
which described the fact, and we listen to
him as we do to the Indian, or the hunter,
or miner, each of whom represents his
facts as accurately as the cry of the wolf
or the eagle tells of the forest or the air
they inhabit. The original force, the
direct smell of the earth or the sea, is in
these ancient poems, the Sagas of the
North, theNibelungen Lied, thesongs and
ballads of the English and Scotch.
I find or fancy more true poetry, the
love of the vast and the ideal, in the Welsh
and bardic fragments of Taliessin and
his successors than in many volumes of
British Classics. An intrepid magnilo-
quence appears in all the bards, as :
" The whole ocean flamed as one wound."
King Regner Lodbtok.
" God himself cannot procure good for the
Welsh Triad,
A favourable spcjcimen Is Taliessin’s
"Invocation of the Wind " at the door of
Castle Teganwy.
*• Discover thou what it Is —
The strong creature from before the flood,
Without flesh, without bone, without head,
without feet,
It will neither be younger nor older than at
the beginning;
It has no fear, nor the rude wants of created
Great God! how the sea whitens when it
comes 1
It is in the field, it is in the wood.
Without hand, without foot,
Without age, without season,
It is always of the same age with the ages of
And of equal breadth with the surface of the
It was not born, it sees not.
And is not seen; It does EOt come when
desired ;
It has no form. It bears no bnrdeoi
For It is void of sin.
It makes no perturbation In the place where
God wills it,
On the sea, on the land."
In one of his poems he asks :
" Is there but one*course to the wind ?
But one to the water of the sea?
Is there but one spark in the tire of bound-
less energy ? "
He says of his hero, Cunedda—
** He will assimilate, he will agree with ths
deep and the shallow.*'
To another —
** When I lapse to a sinful word,
May neither you nor others hear*"
Of an enemy —
" The caldron of the sea was bordered round
by bis land, but it would not boil the food of a
To an exile on an island he saya—
" The heavy blue chain of the sea didst thou,
O just man, endure.**
Another bard in like tone says —
" I am possessed of songs such as no son of
man can repeat; one of them is called tho
* Helper; * it will help thee at thy need in sick-
ness, grief, and all adversities. I know a song
which I need only to sing when men have
loaded me with bonds: when I sing it, my
chains fall in pieces and 1 walk forth at
The Norsemen have no less faith in
poetry and its power, when they describe
it thus :
“Odin spoke everything in rhyme. He and
his temple-gods were called song-smiths. He
could make his enemies in battle blind or deaf,
and their weapons so blunt that they could no
more cut than a willow-twig. Odin taught
these arts in runes or songs, which are called
incantations." *
The Crusades brought out the genius of
France, in the twelfth century, when
Pierre d’Auvergne said —
“ I will sing a new song which resounds in
my breast : never was a song good or beautiful
which resembled any other.**
And Pons de Capdeuil declares—
“ Since the air renews itself and softeni^, so
must my heart renew itself, and what buds in
it buds and grows outside of it."
There is in every poem a height which
attracts more than other parts, and is best
* Hsimikringla, Vol. I», p. tsx«
remembered. Thus, in “ Morte d’ Arthur,’*
I remember nothing so well as Sir Gawain’s
parley with Merlin in his wonderful
prison :
“After the disappearance of Merlin from
King Arthur’s court he was seriously missed,
and many knights set out in search of him.
Among others was Sir Gawain, who pursued
his search till it was time to return to the
court. He came into the forest of Broceliande,
lamenting as he went along. Presently, he
heard the voice of one moaning on his right
hand ; looking that way, he could see nothing
save a kind of smoke which seemed like air,
and through which he could not pass; and
this impediment made him so wrathful that it
deprived him of speech. Presently he heard a
voice which saicl, ‘Gawain, Gawain, be not
out of heart, for everything which must
happen will come to pass.* And when he
heard the voice which thus called him by his
right name, he replied, * Who can this be
who hath spoken to me?’ ‘How,’ said the
voice, ‘Sir Gawain, know you me not? You
were wont to know me well, but thus things
are interwovan and thu» the proverb says
true, “ Leave the court and the court will
leave you.” So is it with me. Whilst I served
King Arthur, I was well known by you and
by other barons, but because I have left the
court, I am known no longer, and put in for-
getfulness, which I ought not to he if faith
reigned in the world.’ When Sir Gawain
heard the voice which spoke to him thus, he
thought it was Merlin, and he answered, * Sir,
certes I ought to know you well, for many
times 1 have heard your words. I pray you
appear before me so that I may be able to
recognize you.’ ‘ Ah, sir,* said Merlin, ‘ you
will never see me more, and that grieves me,
but I cannot remedy it, and when you shall
have departed from this place, I shall never-
more speak to you nor to any other person,
save only my mistress ; for never other person
will be able to discover this place for anything
which may befall ; neither shall I ever go out
from hence, for in the world there is no such
strong tower as this wherein I am confined ;
and it is neither of wood, nor of iron, nor of
stone, but of air, without anything else ; and
made by enchantment so strong, that it can
never be demolished while the world lasts,
neither can I go out, nor can any one come in,
save she who hath enclosed me here, and who
keeps me company when it pleaselh her: she
cometh when she listeth, for her will is here.’
* How, Merlin, my good friend,’ said Sir Ga-
wain, * are you restrained so strongly that you
cannot deliver yourself nor make yourself
visible unto me; now can this happen, seeing
that you are the wisest man in the world?’
•Rather,’ said Merlin, ‘ the greatest fool ; for I
well knew that all this would befall me, and I
have been fool enough to love another more
than myself, for I taught my mistress that
whereby she hath imprisoned me in such
manner that none can set me free.* * Certes,
Merlin,* replied Sir Gawain, ‘of that 1 am
right sorrowful, and so will King Arthur, my
uncle, be, when he shall know it, as one who
If making search after you throughout all
countries.' ‘Well,* said Merlin, *it must lA
borne, for never will he see me, nor I him ;
neither will any o'de speak with me again after
you, it would be vain to attempt it; for you
yourself, when you have turned away, will
never be able to find the place ; but salute lor
me the king and the queen, and all the barons,
and tell them of my condition. You will find
the king at Carduel in Wales ; and when you
arrive tnere you will find there all the com-
panions who departed with you, and who at
this day will return. Now then go in the name
of Goa, who will protect and save the King
Arthur, and the realm of Logres, and you also,
as the best knights who are in the world.
With that Sir Gawain departed joyful and
sorrowful ; joyful because of what Merlin had
assured him should happen to him, and sorrow-
ful that Merlin had thus been lost.”
Morals. — We are sometimes apprised
that there is a mental power and creation
more excellent than anything which is
commonly called philosophy and litera-
ture ; that the high poets — that Homer,
Milton, Shakspeare, do not fully content
us. How rarely they offer us the heavenly
bread 1 The most they have done is to
intoxicate us once and again with its taste,
They have touched this heaven and retain
afterwards some sparkle of it: they be-
tray their belief that such discourse is
possible. Thera is something — our
brothers on this or that side of the sea
do not know it or own it ; the eminent
scholars of England, historians and re-
viewers, romancers and poets included,
might deny and blaspheme it — which is
setting us and them aside and the whole
world also, and planting itself. To true
poetry we shall sit down as the result and
justification of the age in which it appears,
and think lightly of histories and statutes.
None of your parlour or piano verse — none
of your carpet poets, who are content to
amuse, will satisfy us. Power, new power,
is the good which the soul seeks. The
poetic gift we want, as the health and
supremacy of man— not rhymes and son-
neteering, not bookmaking and booksel-
ling ; surely not cold spying and author-
Is not poetry the liale chamber in the
brain where is generated the explosive
force which, by gentle shocks, sets in ac-
tion the intellectual world ? Bring us th®
bards who shall sing all our old ideas out
of our heads, and new ones in ; men-mak-
ing poets ; poetry which, like the verses
inscribed on Balder’s columns in Breida-
blik, is capable of restoring the dead to
life ; poetry like that verse of Saadi,
which the angels testified “ met the appro-
bation of Allah in Ueaven ; ” poetry which
finds its rhymes and cadences in the
rhymes and iterations of nature, and is
the gift to men of new images and symbols,
each the ensign and oracle of an age ;
that shall assimilate men to it, mould
itself into religions and mythologies, and
impart its quality to centuries; poetry
which tastes the world and reports of it,
upbuilding the world again in the thought ;
“Not with tickling rhymes,
But high and noble matter, such as flies
From brains entranced, and filled with
Poetry must be affirmative. It is the
piety of the intellect. “ Thus saith the
Lord,” should begin the song. The poet
who shall use nature as his hieroglyphic
must have an adequate message to convey
thereby. Therefore, when we speak of
the Poet in any high sense, we are driven
to such examples as Zoroaster and Plato,
St. John and Menu, with their moral bur-
dens. The muse shall be the counterpart
of Nature, and equally rich, I find her
not often in books. We know Nature,
and figure her exuberant, tranquil, mag-
nificent in her fertility, coherent ; so that
every creation is omen of every other.
She is not proud of the sea, of the stars,
of space or time, or man or woman. All
her kinds share the attributes of the select-
est extremes. But in current literature I
do not find her. Literature warps away
from life, though at first it seems to bind
it. In the world of letters how few com-
manding oracles ! Homer did what he
could-' Pindar, ^Eschylus, and the Greek
Gnomic poets and the tragedians. Dante
was faithful when not carried away by
his fierce hatreds. But in so many alcoves
of English poetry I can count only nine
or ten authors who are still inspirers
and lawgivers to their race.
The supreme value of poetry is to edu-
cate us to a height beyond itself, or which
it rarely reaches ; the subduing mankind
to order and virtue. He is the true
Orpheus who writes his ode, not with
syllables, but men. ” In poetry," said
Goethe, ” only the really great and pure
advances us, and this exists as a second
nature, either elevating us to itself, or
rejecting us.” The poet must let Human-
ity sit with the Muse in his head, as the
charioteer sits with the hero in the Iliad.
“Show me,” said Sarona in the novel,
“ one wicked man who has written poetry,
and I will show you where his poetry is
not poetry ; or rather, I will show you in
his poetry no poetry at all.” ♦
• Mist Shepard’s " Counterparts,” Vol, I. p. Cy.
I have heard that there is a hope wb' .h
precedes and must precede all scienc of
the visible or the invisible world ; and
that science is the realization of that hope
in either region. I count the genius of
Swedenborg and Wordsworth as the
agents of a reform in philosophy, the
bringing poetry back to nature — to the
marrying of nature and mind, undoing the
old divorce in which poetry had been
famished and false, and nature had been
suspected and pagan. The philosophy
which a nation receives, rules its religion,
poetry, politics, arts, trades, and whole his-
tory. A good poem— say f Shakspeare’s
” Macbeth,” or ” Hamlet,” or the ” Tem-
pest ” — goes about the world offering itsell
to reasonable men, who read it with joy and
carry it to their reasonable neighbours.
Thus it draws to it the wise and generoui
souls, confirming their secret thoughts, and
through their sympathy, really publishing
itself. It affects the characters of its
readers by formulating their opinions and
feelings, and inevitably prompting their
daily action. If they build ships, they
write “Ariel ” or “ Prospero ” or “ Ophe-
lia ” on the ship’s stern, and impart a
tenderness and mystery to matters of fact.
The ballad and romance work on the
hearts of boys, who recite the rhymes to
their hoops or their skates if alone, and
these heroic songs or lines are remem-
bered and determine many practical
choices which they make later. Do you
think Burns has had no influence on the
life of men and women in Scotland — has
opened no eyes and ears to the face of
nature and the dignity of man and the
charm and excellence of woman ?
We are a little civil, it must be owned,
to Homer and ^Eschylus, to Dante and
Shakspeare, and give them the benefit of
the largest interpretation. We must be a
little strict also, and ask whether, if we
sit down at home, and do not go to
Hamlet, Hamlet will come to us ? whether
we shall find our tragedy written in his
— our hopes, wants, pains, disgraces,
described to the life — and the way
opened to the paradise which ever in the
best hour beckons us ? But our over-
praise and idealization of famous masters
is not in its origin a poor Boswellism.but
an impatience of mediocrity. The praise
we now give to our heroes we shall unsay
when we make larger demands. How fast
we outgrow the books of the nursery-
then those that satisfied our youth*
What we once admired as poetry hat long
since come to be a sound of tin pans ; ana
many of our later books iwe have out-
grown. Perhaps Homer and Milton will
be tin pans yet. Better not to be easily
leased. The poet should rejoice if he
as taught us to despise his song ; if he
has so moved us as to lift us — to open the
©ye of the intellect to see farther and better.
In proportion as a man’s life comes into
union with truth, his thoughts approach to
a parallelism with the currents of natural
laws, so that he easily expresses his mean-
ing by natural symbols, or uses the ec-
static or poetic speech. By successive ,
states of mind all the facts of nature are
for the first time interpreted. In propor-
tion as his life departs from this simpli-
city, he uses circumlocution — by many
words hoping to suggest what he
cannot say. Vexatious to find poets,
who are by excellence the thinking and
feeling of the world, deficient in truth
of intellect and affection. Then is con-
science unfaithful, and thought unwise.
To know the merit of Shakspeare, read
“Faust.” I find “Faust” a little too
modern and intelligible. We can find
such a fabric at several mills, though a
little inferior. “Faust” abounds in the
disagreeable. The vice is prurient, learned,
Parisian. In the presence of Jove, Priapus
may be allowed as an offset, but here he
is an equal hero. The egotism, the wit, is
calculated. The book is undeniably writ-
ten by a master, and stands unhappily
related to the whole modern world ; but it
is a very disagreeable chapter of litera-
ture, and accuses the author as well as the
times. Shakspeare could, no doubt, have
been disagreeable, had he less genius, and
if ugliness had attracted him. In short,
our English nature and genius has made
us the worst critics of Goethe,
** We, who speak the tongue
That Shakspeare spake, tho. faith and
morals hold
Which Milton held.”
It is not style br rhymes, or a new image
more or less, that imports, but sanity ;
that life should not bo mean ; that life
should be an image in every part beau-
tiful : that the old forgotten splendours
of the universe should glow again for us ;
that we should lose our wit, but gain our
reason, i^nd when life i.*? true to the
poles of nature, the streams of truth wiU
toll through us in song.
Transcendency. ^In a cotillon some per-
sons dance and others await their turn
when the music and the figure come to
them. In the dance of God there is not
one of the chofus but can and will begitl
to spin, monumt3ntal as he now looks,
whenever the music and figure reach hitf
place and duty. O celestial Bacchus I
drive them mad, — this multitude of vaga-
bonds, hungry for eloquence, hungry for
poetry, starving for symbols, perishing for
want of electricity to vitalize this too
much pasture, and in the long delay
indemnifying themselves with the false
wine of alcohol, of politics, or of money.
Every man may be, and at some time
a man is, lifted to a platform whence he
looks beyond sense to moral and spiritual
truth ; and in that mood deals sovereignly
with matter, and strings worlds like beads
upon his thought. The success with which
this is done can alone determine how
genuine is the inspiration. The poet is
rare because he must be exquisitely vital
and sympathetic, and, at the same time,
immovably centred. In good society, nay.
among the angels in heaven, is not every
thing spoken in fine parable, and not so
servilely as it befell to the sense ? All is
symbolized. Facts are not foreign, as
they seem, but related. Wait a little and
w'e see the return of the remote hyperbolic
curve. The solid men complain that the
idealist leaves out the fundamental facts ;
the poet complains that the solid men
leave out the sky. To every plant there
are two powers ; one shoots down as root-
let, and one upward as tree. You must
have eyes of science to see in the seed its
nodes; you must have the vivacity of the
poet to perceive in the thought its futuri-
ties. The poet is representative — whole
man, diamond - merchant, symbolizer,
emancipator ; in him the world projects
a scribe’s hand and writes the adequate
genesis. The nature of things is flowing,
a metamorphosis. The free spirit sympa-
thizes not only with the actual form, but
with the power or possible forms ; but
for obvious municipal or parietal uses,
God has given us a bias or a rest on to-
day’s forms. Hence the shudder of joy
with which in each clear moment we re-
cognize the metamorphosis, because it is
always a conquest, a surprise from the
heart of things. One would say of the
force in the works of nature, all depends
on the battery. If it give one shock, we
shall get to the fish form, and stop ; if two
shocks, to the bird ; if three, to tho quad-
ruped ; if four, to the man. Power of
generalizing differences men. The num-
ber of successive saltations the nimble
thought can make, measures the difference
between the highest nod lowest of mash
kind. The habit of saliency, of not paus-
ing but going on, is a sort^of importation
or domestication of the Divine effort in a
man. After the largest circle has been
drawn, a larger can be drawn around it.
The problem of the poet is to unite free-
dom with precision ; to give the pleasure
of colour, and be not less the most power-
ful of sculptors. Music seems to you
sufficient, or the subtle and delicate scent
of lavender ; but Dante was free imagina-
tion—all wings — yet he wrote like Euclid.
And mark the equality of Shakspeare to
the comic, the tender and sweet, and to
the grand and terrible. A little more or
less skill in whistling is of no account.
See those weary pentameter tales of Dry-
den and others. Turnpike is one thing
and blue sky another. Let the poet, of
all men, stop with his inspiration. The
inexorable rule in the muses’ court, either
inspiration or silence, compels the bard to
report only his supreme moments. It
teaches the enormous force of a few words,
and in proportion to the inspiration checks
loquacity. Much that we call poetry is
but polite verso. The high poetry which
shall thrill and agitate mankind, restore
youth and health, dissipate the dreams
under which men reel and stagger, and
bring in the new thoughts, the sanity and
heroic aims of nations, is deeper hid and
longer postponed than was America or
Australia, or the finding of steam or of
the galvanic battery. We must not con-
clude against poetry from the defects of
poets. They are, m our experience, men
of every degree of skill — some of them
only once or twice receivers of an inspira-
tion, and presently falling back on a low
life. The drop of ichor that tingles in
their veins has not yet refined their blood,
and cannot lift the whole man to the di-
gestion and function of ichor — that is, to
godlike nature. Time will be when ichor
shall be their blood, when what are now
glimpses and aspirations shall be the
routine of the day. Yet even partial j
asceaU to poetry and ideas are forerun- ]
ners, and announce the dawn. In the
mire of the sensual life, their religii^n,
their poets, their admiration of heroes
and benefactors, even their novel and
newspaper, nay, their superstitions also,
are hosts of ideafs — a cordage of ropes
that hold them up out of the slough. Poetry
is inestimable as a lonely faith, a lonely
protest in the uproar of atheism.
But so many men are ill-born or ill*
bred — the brains are so marred, so imper-
fectly formed, unheroically — brains of the
sons of fallen men — that the doctrine is
imperfectly received. One man sees a
spark or shimmer of the truth, and re-
ports it, and his saying becomes a legend
or golden proverb for ages, and other men
report as much, but none wholly and well,
Poems — we have no poem. Whenever
that angel shall be organized and appear
on earth, the Iliad will be reckoned a poor
ballad-grinding. I doubt never the riches
of nature, the gifts of the future, ihe im-
mense wealth of the mind. O yes, poets
we shall have, mythology, symbols, reli-
gion, of our own. We, too, shall know
how to take up all this industry and em-
pire, this Western civilization, into
thought, as easily as men did when arts
were few ; but not by holding it high,
but by holding it low. The intellect uses
and is not used— uses London and Paris
and Berlin, east and west, to its end.
The only heart that can help us is one that
draws, not from our society, but from it-
self, a counterpoise to society. What if
we find partiality and meanness in us ?
The grandeur of our life exists in spite of
us —all over and under and within us, in
what of us is inevitable and above our con-
trol. Men are facts as well as persons,
and the involuntary part of their life so
much as to fill the mind and leave them
no countenance to say aught of what is so
trivial as their selfish thinking and doing.
Sooner or later that which is now life shall
be poetry, and every fair and manly trait
shall add a richer strain to tbo song.
Much ill-natured critialsm has been di-
rected on American manners. I do not
think it is to be resented. Rather, it we
are wise, we shall listen and mend. Our
critics will then be our best friends, though
they did not mean it. But in every sense
the subject of manners has a constant
interest to thoughtful persons. Who does
not delight in fine manners ? Their charm
cannot be predicted or overstated. 'Tis
perpetual promise of more than can be
fulfilled. It is music and sculpture and
picture to many who do not pretend to
appreciation of those arts. It is even
true that grace is more beautiful than
beauty. Yet how impossible to overcome
the obstacle of an unlucky temperament,
and acquire good manners, unless by
living with the well-bred from the start ;
and this makes the value of wise fore-
thought to give ourselves and our children
as much as possible the habit of cultivated
*Tis an inestimable hint that I owe to a
few persons of fine manners, that they
make behaviour the very first sign of
force — behaviour, and not performance,
or talent, or, much less, wealth. Whilst
almost everybody has a supplicating eye
turned on events and things and other
persons, a few natures are central and for
ever unfold, and these alone charm us.
He whose word or deed you cannot pre- 1
diet, who answers you without any sup-
plication in his eye, who draws his deter-
mination from within, and draws it in-
stantly —that man rules.
The staple figure in novels is the man
of aplomb, who sits, among the young
aspirants and desperates, quite sure and
compact, and, never sharing their affec-
tions or debilities, hurls his word like a
bullet when occasion requires, knows his
way, and carries his points. They may
scream or applaud, he is never engaged
or heated. Napoleon is the type of this
class in modem history; Byron’s heroes
in poetry. But we, for the most part, are
all drawn into the charivari; we chide,
lament, cavil, and recriminate.
I think Hans Andersen’s story of the
cobweb cloth woven so fine that it was
invisible — woven for the king’s garment —
must mean manners, which do really
clothe a princely nature. Such a one can
well go in a blanket, if he would. In the
gymnasium or on the sea-beach his sn*
periority does not leave him. But he
who has not this fine garment of be-
haviour is studious of dress, and then not
less of house and furniture and pictures
and gardens, in all which he hopes to lie
perdu, and not be exposed.
“ Manners are stronger than laws.”
Their vast convenience I must always
admire. The perfect defence and isola-
tion which they effect makes an insuperable
protection. Though the person so clothed
wrestle with you, or swim with you, lodge
in the same chamber, eat at the same
table, he is yet a thousand miles off, and
can at any moment finish with you.
Manners seem to say, You are you, and I
am I. In the most delicate natures, fine
temperament and culture build this im-
passable wall. Balzac finely said : “ Kings
themselves cannot force the exquisite
politeness of distance to capitulate, hid
behind its shield of bronze.”
Nature values manners. See how she
has prepared for them. Who teaches
manners of majesty, of frankness, of
grace, of humility— who but the adoring
aunts and cousins that surround a young
child ? The babe meets such courting
and flattery as only kings receive when
adult; and, trying experiments, and at
perfect leisure with these posture-masters
and flatterers all day, he throws himself
into all the attitudes that correspond to
theirs. Are they humble ? he is com-
posed. Are they eager ? he is nonchalant.
Are they encroaching? he is dignified
and inexorable. And this scene is daily
repeated in hovels as well as in high
Nature is the best posture-master. An
awkward man is graceful when asleep, or
when hard at work, or agreeably amused,
The attitudes of children are gentle, per-
suasive, royal, in their games and in
their house-talk and in the street, before
they have learned to cringe. ’Tis impos-
sible but thought disposes the limbs and
the walk, and is masterly or secondary.
No art can contravene it, or conceal it.
Give me a thought, and my hands and
legs and voice and face will all go right
And we are awkward for want of thought.
The inspiration is scanty, and does not
arrive at the extremities.
It is a commonplace of romances tkf
•how the ungainly manners of the pedant
who has lived too long college. Intel-
lectual men pass for vulgar, and are timid
and heavy with the elegant. But, if the
elegant are also intellectual, instantly the
hesitating scholar is inspired, transformed,
and exhibits the best style of manners.
An intellectual man, though of feeble
spirit, is instantly reinforced by being put
into the company of scholars, and, to the
surprise of everybody, becomes a law-
giver. Wo think a man unable and de-
sponding. It is only that he is misplaced.
Put him with new companions, and they
will find in him excellent qualities, un-
suspected accomplishments, and the joy
of life. It is a great point in a gallery,
how you hang pictures ; and not less in
society, how you seat your party. The j
circumstance of circumstance is timing
and placing. When a man meets his
accurate mate, society begins, and life is
What happiness they give — what ties
they form ? Whilst one man by his
manners pins me to the wall, with another
I walk among the stars. One man can,
by his voice, lead the cheer of a regiment ;
a;:ol!ier will have no following. Nature
iiiade us all intelligent of these signs, for
rur safety and our happiness. Whilst
certain faces are illumined with intelli-
gence, decorated with invitation, others
are marked with warnings : certain voices
are hoarse and truculent ; sometimes they *
even bark. There is the same difference
between heavy and genial manners as
between the perceptions of octogenarians
and those of young girls who see every-
thing in the twinkle of an eye.
Manners are the revealers of secrets,
the betrayers of any disproportion or
want of symmetry in mind and character.
It is the law of our constitution that every
change in our experience instantly indi-
cates itself on our countenance and car-
riage, as the lapse of time tells itself on
the face of a clock. We may be too obtuse
to read it, but the record is there. Some
men may be too obtuse to read it, but
some men are not obtuse and do read it.
In Borrow’s “ Lavengro,” the gypsy in-
stantly detects, by his companion’s face
and behaviour, that some good fortune
has befallen him, and that he has money.
We say, in these days, that credit is to
be abolished in trade: is it? When a
stranger comes to buy goods of you, do
you not look in his face and answer
according to what you read there ? Credit
!• to be abolished ? Can’t you abolish
faces and character, of which credii Is the
reflection? As long as men are born
babes they will live on credit for the first
fourteen or eighteen years of their life.
Every innocent man has in his counten-
ance a promise ta pay, and hence credit.
Less credit will there be ? You are mis-
taken. There will always be more and
more. Character must be trusted ; and,
just in proportion to the morality of a
people, will be the expansion of the credit
There is even a little rule of prudence
for the young experimenter which Dr.
Franklin omitted to set down, 5'et which
the youth may find useful — Do not go to
ask your debtor the payment of a debt on
the day when you have no other resource.
He will learn by your air and tone how it
is with you, and will treat you as a beggar.
But work and starve a little longer. Wait
till your affairs go better, and you have
other means at hand ; you will then ask in
a different tone, and he will treat your
claim with entire respect.
Now, we all wish to be graceful, and do
justice to ourselves by our manners ; but
youth in America is wont to be poor and
hurried, not at ease, or not in society
where high behaviour could be taught.
But the sentiment of honour and the wish
to serve make all our pains superfluous.
Life is not so short but that there is
always time enough for courtesy. Self-
command is the main elegance. " Keep
cool, and you command everybody,” said
St. Just ; and the wily old Talleyrand would
! still say, Surtout, messieurs, pas de z^le —
” Above all, gentlemen, no heat.”
Why have you statues in your hall, but
to teach you that, when the door-bell
rings, you shall sit like them. ” Eat at
your table as you would eat at the table of
the king,” said Confucius, It is an excel-
lent custom of the Quakers, if only for a
school of manners~the silent prayer
before meals. It has the effect to stop
mirth, and introduce a moment of reflec-
tion. After the pause all resume their
usual intercourse from a vantage-ground.
What a check to the violent manners
which sometimes come to the table— of
wrath, and whining, and heat in trifles I
It is a rule of manners to avoid ex-
aggeration. A lady loses as soon as she
admires too easily and too much. In man
or woman, the face and the person lose
power when they are on the strain to
express admiration. A man makes his
inferiors his superiors by heat Why
need you, who are not a gossip, talk as a
gossip, and teil eagerly what the neigh- has not firm nerves, and has keen seosl*
hours or the journals say ? State your bility, it is perha;ns a wise economy to go
opinion without apology. The attitude is to a good shop and dress himself irre*
the main point, assuring your companion proachably. He can then dismiss all care
that, corne good news or come bad, you from his mind, and may easily find that
remain in good heart ^nd good mind, performance an addition of confidence a
which is the best news you can possibly fortification that turns the scale in soc'a]
communicate. Self-control is the rule, encounters, and allows him to go gaily
You have in you there a noisy, sensual into conversation where else he had been
savage which you are to keep down, and dry and embarrassed. I am not ignorant,
turn all his strength to beauty. For ex- I have heard with admiring submission
ample, what a seneschal and detective is the experience of the lady who declared
laughter I It seems to require several “ that the sense of being perfectly well-
generations of education to train a squeak- dressed gives a feeling of inward tranquil-
ing or a shouting habit out of a man. lity which religion is powerless to be-
Sometimes, when in almost all expres- stow."
sions the Choctaw and the slave have Thus much for manners: but we are
been worked out of him, a coarse nature not content with pantomime; we say, this
still betrays itself in his contemptible is only for the eyes. We want real rela-
squeals of joy. It is necessary for the tions of the mind and the heart ; we
purification of drawing-rooms, that these want friendship ; we want knowledge ; we
entertaining explosions should be under want virtue ; a more inward existence to
strict control.! Lord Chesterfield had early read the history of each other. Welfare
made this discovery, for he says, "lam requires one or two companies of intelli-
sure that since I had my reason, no gence, probity, and grace, to wear out life
human being has ever heard me laugh." with, persons with whom we can speak a
I know that there go two to this game, few reasonable words every day, by whom
and in the presence of certain formidable we can measure ourselves, and who shall
wits, savage nature must sometimes rush hold us fast to good sense and virtue ;
out in some disorder. and these we are always in search of. He
To pass to an allied topic, one word or must be inestimable to us to whom we
two in regard to dress, in which our civili- can say what we cannot say to ourselves,
zation instantly shows itself. No nation Yet now and then we say things to our
is dressed with more good sense than mates, or hear things from them, which
ours. And everybody sees certain moral seem to put it out of the power of the
benefit in it. When the young European parties to be strangers again. Either
emigrant, after a summer’s labour, puts death or a friend," is a Persian proverb,
on for the first time a new coat, he puts I suppose I give the experience of many
on much more. His good and becoming when I give my own, A few times in my
clothes put him on thinking that he must life it has happened to me to meet persons
behave like people who are so dressed; of so good a nature and so good breeding,
and silently and steadily his behaviour that every topic was opened and discussed
mends. But quite another class of our without possibility of offence, persons
own youth, I should remind, of dress in who could not bo shocked. One of my
general, that some people need it, and friends said in speaking of certain
others need it not. Thus a king or a gene- associates, " There is not one of them but
ral does not need a fine coat, and a com- I can offend at any moment." But to the
nianding person may save himself all company I am now considering, were no
solicitude on that point. There are terrors, no vulgarity. All topics were
always slovens in State Street or Wall broached, life, love, marriage, sex, hatred,
Street, who are not less considered. If suicide, magic, theism, art, poetry, reli-
a man have manners and talent he may gion, myself, thyself, all selves, and what-
dress roughly and carelessly. It is only ever else, with a security and vivacity
when mind and character slumber that which belonged to the nobility of the
the dress can be seen. If the intellect parties and to their brave truth. The life
were always awake, and every noble sen- of these persons was conducted in the
timent, the man might go in huckaback same calm and affirmative manner as
or mats, and his dress would be admired their discourse. Life with them was an
and imitated. Remember George Her- experiment continually varied, full ofre-
bert's maxim, '• This coat with my discre- suits, full of grandeur, and by no means
ton will be brava," If. however, a mao the hot and hurried buiinesa which
passes in the world. The delight in good
company, in pure, brilli^t, social atmos-
phere ; the incomparable satisfaction of a
society in which everything can be safely
said, in which every member returns a
true echo, in which a wise freedom, an
ideal republic of sense, simplicity, know-
ledge, and thorough good -meaning abide,
doubles the value'of life. It is this that jus-
tifies to each the jealousy with which the
doors are kept. Do not look sourly at the set
or the club which does not choose you.
Every highly organised person knows the
value of the social barriers, since the
best society has often been spoiled to him
by the intrusion of bad companions. lie
of all men would keep the right of choice
sacred, and feel that the exclusions are in
the interest of the admissions, though
they happen at this moment to thwart his
The hunger for company is keen, but it
must be discriminating, and must be eco-
nomized. 'Tis a defect in our manners
that they have not yet reached the pre-
scribing a limit to visits. That every
well-dressed lady or gentleman should be
at liberty to exceed ten minutes in his or
her call on serious people, shows a civili-
zation still rude. A universal etiquette
should fix an iron limit after which a
moment should not be allowed without
explicit leave granted on request of either
the giver or receiver of the visit. There
is inconvenience in such strictness, but
vast inconvenience in the want of it To
trespass on a public servant is to trespass
on a nation’s time. Yet Presidents of the
United States are afllicted by rude Western
and Southern gossips (I hope it is only by
them) until the gossip's immeasurable
legs are tired of sitting; then he strides
out and the nation is relieved.
It is very certain that sincere and happy
conversation doubles our powers ; that,
in the effort to unfold our thought to a
friend, we make it clearer to ourselves,
and surround it with illustrations that
help and delight us. It may happen that
each hears {^om the other a better wisdom
than any one else will ever hear from
either. But these ties are taken care of
by Providence to each of us. A wise man
once said to me that “ all whom he knew,
met:” — meaning that he need not take
pains to introduce the persons whom he
valued to each other: they were sure to
be drawn together as by gravitation. The
Boul of a man must be the servant of an-
other. The true friend must have an
•ttraetjop tp wbatever virtue ip ue.
Our chief want in life — is it not somebody
who can make us do what we can ? And
we are easily ^eat with the loved and
honoured associate. We come out of our
eggshell existence and see tl e great dome
arching over us ; see the zenith above and
the nadir under us.
Speech is power : speech is to persuade,
to convert, to compel. It is to bring an-
other out of his bad sense into your good
sense. You are to be missionary and
carrier of all that is good and noble.
Virtues speak to virtues, vices to vices —
each to their own kind in the people with
whom we deal. If you are suspiciously
and dryly on your guard, so is he or she.
If you rise to frankness and generosity
they will respect it now or later.
In this art of conversation. Woman, if
not the queen and victor, is the lawgiver.
If every one recalled his experiences, he
might find the best in the speech of
superior women — which was better than
song, and carried ingenuity, character,
wise counsel, and affection, as easily as
the wit with which it was adorned. They
are not only wise themselves, they make
us wise. No one can be a master in con-
versation who has not learned much from
women ; their presence and inspiration
are essential to its success. Steele said
of his mistress, that “ to have loved her
was a liberal education.” Shensiono
gave no bad account of this influence in
his description of the French woman :
” There is a quality in which no woman
in the world can compete with her— it is
the power of intellectual irritation. She
will draw wit out of a fool. She strikes
with such address the chords of self-love,
that she gives unexpected vigour and
agility to fancy, and electrifies a body
that appeared non-electric.” Coleridge
esteems cultivated women as the deposi-
taries and guardians of ” English unde-
filed ; ” and Luther commends that ac-
complishment of ” pure German speech ”
of his wife.
Madame de Sta6l, by the unanimous
consent of all who knew her, was the
most extraordinary converser that was
known in her time, and it was a time full
of eminent men and women ; she knew all
distinguished persons in letters or society,
in England, Germany, and Italy, as well
as in France, though she said, with cha-
racteristic nationality, ” Conversation, lik®
talent, exists only in France.” Madam®
de Sta^l valued nothing but conversation.
When they showed her the beautiful Lak®
she e^tciaimecli ” O for the gutt^
of the Rue de Bad” the street in Paris
in which her house stood. And she said
one day, seriously, to M. Mol6, ” If it
were not for respect to human opinions, I
would not open my w.ndow to see the
Bay of Naples for the first time, whilst I
would go five hundred leagues to talk
with a man of genius whom I had not
seen.” Ste. Beuve tells us of the privi-
leged circle at Coppet, that, after making
an excursion one day, the party returned
in two coaches from Chamb^ry to Aix, on
the way to Coppet. The first coach had
many rueful accidents to relate — a terrific
thunderstorm, shocking roads, and danger
and gloom to the whole company. The
party in the second coach, on arriving,
heard this story with surprise — of thunder-
storm, of steeps, of mud, of danger, they
knew nothing ; no, they had forgotten
earth, and breathed a purer air : such a
conversation between Madame de Stael
and Madame R^camier and Benjamin
Constant and Schlegel ! they were all in
a state of delight. The intoxication of
the conversation had made them insen-
sible to all notice of weather or rough
roads. Madame de Tessd said, ” If I
were Queen, I should command Madame
de Stael to talk to me every day,” Con-
versation fills all gaps, supplies all defici-
encies. What a good trait is that recorded
of Madame de Maintenon, that, during
dinner, the servant slipped to her side,
” Please, madame, one anecdote more,
for there is no roast to-day.”
Politics, war, party, luxury, avarice, fash-
ion, are all asses with loaded panniers to
serve the kitchen of Intellect, the king.
There is nothing that does not pass into
lever or weapon.
And yet there are trials enough of nerve
and character, brave choices enough of
taking the part of truth and of the op-
pressed against the oppressor, in privates! ,
circles. A right speech is not well to be
distinguished from action. Courage to
ask questions ; courage to expose our ig-
norance. The great gain is, not to shine,
not to conquer your companion — then you
learn nothing but conceit —but to find a
companion who knows what you do not ;
to tilt with him and be overthrown, horse
and foot, with utter destruction of all your
logic and learning. There is a defeat that
is useful. Then you can see the real and
the counterfeit, and will never! accept
the counterfeit again. You will adopt the
art of war that has defeated you. You
will ride to battle horsed on the very logic
which you found irresistible, You will
accept the fertile truthi instead of the
solemn customal^y lie.
Let nature bear the expense. The
attitude, the tone, is all. Let our eyes
not look away, but meet. Let us not look
east and west for materials of conversa-
tion, but rest in presence and unity. A
just feeling will fast enough supply fuel
for discourse, if speaking be more grat ful
than silence. When people come to see
us, v/e foolishly prattle, lest we be inhospi-
table. But things said for conversation
are chalk eggs. Don’t say things. What
you arc stands over you the while, and
thunders so that I cannot hear what you
say to the contrary. A lady of my ac-
quaintance, said, ” I don’t care so much
for what they say as I do for what makes
them say it.”
The main point is to throw yourself on
the truth, and say with Newton, ” There’s
no contending against facts.” When
Molyneux fancied that the observations
of the nutation of the earth’s axis de-
stroyed Newton’s theory of gravitation, ha
tried to break it softly to Sir Isaac, who
only answered, “It may be so; there’s
no arguing against facts and experi-
But there are people who cannot be
cultivated — people on whom speech makes
no impression — swainish, morose people,
who must be kept down and quieted as
you would those who are a little tipsy ;
others, who are not only swainish, but are
prompt to take oath that swainishness is
the only culture ; and though their odd
wit may have some salt for you, youi
friends would not relish it. Bolt these
out. And I have seen a man of genius
who made me think that if other men were
like him co-operation were impossible.
Must we always talk for victory, and never
once for truth, for comfort, and joy ? Here
is centrality and penetration, strong un-
derstanding, and the higher gifts, the in-
sight of the real, or from the real, and the
moral rectitude which belongs to it : but
all this and all his resources of wit and
invention are lost to me in every experi-
ment that I make to hold intercourse with
his mind ; always some weary, captious
paradox to fight you with» and the time
and temper wasted. And beware of jokes ;
too much temperance cannot be used : in-
estimable for sauce, but corrupting for
food : we go away hollow and ashamed.
As soon as the company give in to this en-
joyment, we shall have no Olympus, True
wit never made us laugh. Mahomet
seems to have borrowed by anticipatioo of
sereral centuries a leaf from the mind of
Swedenborg, when ho •wrote in the
** On the day of resurrection, those who have
Indulged in ridicule will be called to the door
of Paradise, and have it shut in their faces
when they reach it. Again, on their turning
back, they will be called to another door, and
again, on reaching it, will see it closed against
them ; and so on, ad infinitum^ without end.”
Shun the negative side. Never worry
people with your contritions, nor with dis-
mal views of politics or society. Never
name sickness; even if you could trust
yourself on that perilous topic, beware of
unmuzzling a valetudinarian, who will
soon give you your fill of it.
The law of the table is Beauty — a re-
spect to the common soul of all the guests.
Everything is unseasonable which is
private to two or three or any portion of
the company. Tact never violates for a
moment this law ; never intrudes the orders
of the house, the vices of the absent, or a
tariff of expenses, or professional priva-
cies ; as we say, we never “talk shop"
before company. Lovers abstain from
caresses, and haters from insults, whilst
they sit in one parlour with common
Stay at home in your mind. Don’t
recite other people’s opinions. See how
it lies there in you ; and if there is no
counsel offer none. What we want is, not
your activity or interference with your
mind, but your content to be a vehicle of
the simple truth. The way to have large
occasional views, as in a political or social
crisis, is to have large habitual views.
When men consult you, it is not that they
wish you to stand tiptoe, and pump your
brains, but to apply your habitual view,
your wisdom, to the present question, for-
bearing all pedantries, and the very name
of argument: for in good conversation
parties don’t speak to the words, but to
the meanings of each other.
Manners first, then conversation. Later,
we see that, as life was not in manners,
so it is not in talk. Manners are external;
talk is occasional : these require certain
material conditions, human labour for
food, clothes, house, tools, and, in short,
plenty and ease — since only so can certain
finer and finest powers appear and expand.
In a whole nation of Hottentots there shall
not be one valuable man — valuable out of
his tribe. In every million of Europeans
or of Americans there shall be thousands
who would be valuable on any spol oo the
The consideration the rich possess In all
societies is not without meaning or right.
It is the approval given by the human un-
derstanding to the act of creating value by
knowledge and labour. It is the sense of
every human being, that man should have
this dominion of nature, should arm him-
self with tools, and force the elements to
drudge for him and give him power.
Every one must seek to secure his inde-
pendence ; but he need not be rich. The
old Confucius in China admitted the bene-
fit, but stated the limitation: "If the
search for riches were sure to be success-
ful, though I should become a groom with
whip in hand to get them, I will do so. As
the search may not be successful, I will
follow after that which I love." There is
in America a general conviction in the
minds of all mature men, that every young
man of good faculty and good habits can
by perseverance attain to an adequate
estate ; if he have a turn for business, and
a quick eye for the opportunities which
are always offering for investment, he can
come to wealth, and in such good season
as to enjoy as well as transmit it.
Every human society wants to be officered
by tlie best class, who shall be masters in-
structed in all the great arts of life ; shall
be wise, temperate, brave, public men,
adorned with dignity and accomplish-
ments. Every country wishes this, and
each has taken its own method to secure
such service to the State. In Europe,
ancient and modern, it has been attempted
to secure the existence of a superior class
by hereditary nobility, with estates trans-
mitted by primogeniture and entail. But
in the last age, this system has been on
its trial and the verdict of mankind is
pretty nearly pronounced. That method
secured permanence of families, firmness
of customs, a certain externad culture and
good taste ; gratified the ear with preserv-
ing historic names : but the heroic father
did not surely have heroic sons, and still
less surely heroic grandsons ; wealth and
ease corrupted the race.
In America, the necessity of clearing the
forest, laying out town and street, and
building every house and barn and fence,
then church and town house, exhausted
such means as the Pilgrims brought, and
made the whole population poor ; and the
like necessity is still found in each new
settlement in the Territories. These needs
gave their character to the public debates
in every village and State. I have been
often impressed at our country town*
meetings with the accumulated virility, in
each village, of five or six or eight or ten
men, who speak so well, and so easily
handle the affairs of the town. I often
hear the business of a little town (with
which I am most familiar) discussed with
a clearness and thoroiighness, and with a
generosity, too, that would have satisfied
me had it been in one of the larger capitals.
I am sure each one of my readers has a
parallel experience. And every one knows
that in every town or city is always to be
found a certain number of public-spirited
men, who'perform, unpaid, a great amount
of hard work in the interest of the
churches, of schools, of public grounds,
\yorks of taste and refinement. And as in
civil duties, so in social power and duties.
Our gentlemen of the old school, that is,
of the school of Washington, Adams, and
Hamilton, were bred after English types,
and that style of breeding furnished fine
examples in the last generation ; but,
though some of us have seen such, I
doubt they are all gone. But nature is
not poorer to-day. With all our haste,
and slip-shod ways, and flippant self-
assertion, I hav^ seen examples of new
grace and power in address that honour
the country. It was my fortune not long
ago, with my eyes directed on this subject,
to fall in w'ith an American to be proud of.
I said never was such force, good mean-
ing, good sense, good action, combined
with such domestic lovely behaviour, such
modesty and persistent preference for
others. Wherever he moved he was the
benefactor. It is of course that he should
ride well, shoot well, sail well, keep house
well, administer affairs well, but he was
the best talker, also, in the company ;
what with a perpetual practical wisdom,
with an e5^e always to the working of the
thing, what with the multitude and distinc-
tion of his facts (and one detected con-
tinually that he had a hand in everything
that has been done), and in the temperance
with which he parried ail offence, and
opened the eyes of the person he talked
with without contradicting him. Yet I
said to myself, How little this man sus-
pects, with his sympathy for men and his
respect for lettered and scientific people,
that he is not likely in any company to
meet a man superior to himself. And I
think this is a good country, that can bear
such a creature as he is.
The young men in America at this mo-
ment take little thought of what men in
England are thinking or doing. That is
the point which decides the welfare of a
doesifloQhl Utoan^
other people, it is not well with them. II
occupied in it%owii affairs and thoughts
and men, with a heat which excludes al-
most the notice of any other people — as
the Jews, the Greeks, the Persians, the
Romans, the Arabians, the French, the
English, at their best times have done —
they are sublime ; and we know that in
this abstraction they are executing excel-
lent work. Amidst the calamities which
war has brought on our country this ono
benefit has accrued — that our eyes are
withdrawn from England, withdrawn from
France, and look homeward. We have
come to feel that “ by ourselves our safety
must be bought ; ” to know the vast re-
sources of the Continent, the good-will
that is in the people, their conviction of
the great moral advantages of freedom,
social equality, education, and religious
culture, and their determination to hold
these fast, and, by them, to hold fast the
country and penetrate every square mile
of it with this American civilization.
The consolation and happy moment of
life, atoning for all shortcomings, is sen-
timent ; a flame of affection or delight in
the heart, burning up suddenly for its
object— as the love of the mother for her
child ; of the child for its mate ; of tho
youth for his friend ; of the scholar for his
pursuit; of the boy for sea-life, or for
painting, or in the passion for his country ;
or in the tender-hearted philanthropist to
spend and be spent for some romantic
charity, as Howard for the prisoner, or
John Brown for tho slave. No matter
what the object is. so it be good, this llama
of desire makes life sweet and tolerable.
It reinforces the heart that feels it, makes
all its acts and words gracious and inter-
esting. Now society in towns is infested
by persons who, seeing that the sentiments
please, counterfeit the expression of them.
These we call sentimentalists — talkers who
mistake the description for the thing, say-
ing for having. They have, they tell you,
an intense love of nature ; poetry — O,
they adore poetry, and roses, and the
moon, and the cavalry regiment, and the
governor; they love liberty, “dear li-
berty 1“ they worship virtue, “dear vir-
tuol" Yes, they adopt whatever merit
is in good repute, and almost make it
hateful with their praise. The warmer
their expressions, the colder we feel ; we
shiver witli cold. A little experience ac-
quaints us with the unconvertibility of the
sentimentalist, the soul that is lost by
mimicking soul. Cure the drunkard, head
the insane, mollify the homicide, ciYilise
the Pawnee, but what lessons can be de-
vised for the debaucheJto of sentiment?
Was ever one converted ? The innocence
and ignorance of the patient is the first
difficulty : he believes his disease is
blooming health. A rough realist, or a
halanx of realists, would be prescribed ;
ut that is like proposing to mend your
bad road with diamonds. Then poverty,
famine, war, imprisonment, might be tried.
Another cure would be to fight fire with
fire, to match a sentimentalist with a sen-
timentalist. I think each might begin to
suspect something was wrong.
Would we codify the laws that should
reign in households, and whoso daily
transgression annoys and mortifies us,
and degrades our household life — we
must learn to adorn every day with sacri-
fices. Good manners are made up of petty
sacrifices. Temperance, courage, love, are
made up of the same jewels. Listen to
every prompting of honour. “ As soon
as sacrifice becomes a duty and necessity
to the man, I see no limit to the horizon
which opens before him.”*
♦ Ernest Renan,
Of course those people, and no otherSj
interest us who believe in their thought,
who are absorbed, if you please to say so,
in their own dream. They only can give
the key and le§.ding to better society;
those who delight in each other only be-
cause both delight in the eternal laws;
who forgive nothing to each other ; who,
by their joy and homage to these, are
made incapable of conceit, which destroys
almost all the fine wits. Any other affec-
tion between men than this geometric one
of relation to the same thing, is a mere
mush of materialism.
These are the bases of civiJ and polite
society; namely, manners, conversation,
lucrative labour, and public action, whe-
ther political, or in the leading of social
institutions. We have much to regret,
much to mend, in our society; but I
believe that with all liberal and hopeful
men there is a firm faith in the beneficent
results which we really enjoy ; that intel-
ligence, manly enterprise, good education,
virtuous life, and elegant manners have
been and are found here, and, we hope, in
the next generation will still more abound,
I DO not know any kind of history, except
the event of a battle, to which people
listen w'ith more interest than to any anec-
dote of eloquence ; and the wise think it
better than a battle. It is a triumph of
pure power, and it has a beautiful and
prodigious surprise injit. For all can see
and understand the means by which a
battle is gained : they count the armies,
they see the cannon, the musketry, the
cavalry, and the character and advantages
of the ground, so that the result is often
predicted by the observer with great cer-
tainty before iho charge is sounded. Not
so in a court of law, or in a legislature.
Who knows before the debate begins
what the preparation, or what the means
are of the combatants ? The facts, the
reasons, the logic— above all, the flame of
passion and the continuous energy of will
which is presently to be let loose on this
bench of judges, or on this miscellaneous
assembly gathered from the streets — are
all invisible and unknown. Indeed, ranch
power is to be exhibited which is not yet
called into existence, but is to be sug-
gested on the spot by the unexpected turn
things may take— at the appearance of
new evidence, or by the exhibition of an
unlooked-for bias in the judges, or in the
audience. It is eminently the art which
only flourishes in free countries. It is an
old proverb, that “ Every people has
its prophet ; ” and every class of the
people has. Our community runs through
a long scale of mental power, from the
highest refinement to the borders of
savage ignorance and rudeness. There
are not only the wants of the intellectual
and learned and poetic men and women
to be met, but also the vast interests of
property, public and private, of mining, of
manufactures, of trade, of railroads, etc.
These 'uust have their advocates of each
improvement and each interest. Then th«
political questions, which agitate millions,
find or form a class of men liy nature and
habit fit to discuss and deal with these
measures, and make them intelligible and
acceptable to the electors. So of educa-
tion, of art, of philanthropy.
Eloquence shows the power and possi-
bility of man. There is one of whom we
took no note, but on a certain occasion it
appears that he has a secret virtue never
suspected— that be can paint what bai
occurred, and what must occur, with such
clearness to a company, as if they saw it
done before their eyes. By leading their
thought he leads their will, and can make
them do gladly what an hour ago they
would not believe that they could be led
to do at all : he makes them glad or
angry or penitent at his pleasure : of ene-
mies makes friends, and fills desponding
men with hope and joy. After Sheridan’s
speech in the trial of Warren Hastings,
Mr. Pitt moved an adjournment, that the
Hoflse might recover from the overpower-
ing effect of Sheridan’s oratory. Then
recall the delight that sudden eloquence
.gives — the surprise that the moment is so
rich. The orator is the physician.
Whether he speaks in the Capitol or on
the cart, he is the benefactor that lifts
men above themselves, and creates a
higher appetite than he satisfies. Tire
orator is he whom every man is seeking
when he goes into the courts, into the
conventions, into any popular assembly —
though often disappointed, yet never giving
over the hope. He finds himself perhaps
in the Senate, when the forest has cast
out some wild, black-browed bantling to
show the same energy in the crowd of
officials which he had learned in driving
cattle to the hills, or in scrambling
through thickets in a winter forest, or
through the swamp and river for his game.
In the folds of his brow, in the majesty of
his mien, Nature has marked her son ;
and in that artificial and perhaps un-
worthy place and company shall remind
you of the lessons taught him in earlier
days by the torrent in the gloom of the
pine-woods, when he was the companion
of the mountain cattle, of jays and foxes,
and a hunter of the bear. Or you may
find him in some lonely Bethel, by the
r-.easide, where a hard-featured, scarred,
and wrinkled Methodist becomes the poet
of the sailor and the fisherman, whilst he
pours out the abundant streams of his
thought through a language all glittering
and fiery witla imagination — a man who
never knew the looking-glass or tlie critic,
a man whom college drill or patronage
never made, and whom praise cannot spoil
—a man who conquers his audience
by infusing his soul into them, and
•peaks by the right of being the person in
the assembly who has the most to say,
and so makes all other speakers appear
little and cowardly before his face. For
the time, his exceeding life throws all
other gifts into shade — philosophy specu-
lating on its own breath, taste, leaining,
and all— and yet how every listener gladly
consents to be nothing in his presence, and
to share this surprising emanation, and
be steeped and ennobled in the new wine
of this eloquence ! It instructs in the
power of man over men ; that a man is a
mover; to the extent of his being, a
power ; and, in contrast with the efficiency
he suggests, our actual life and society
appears a dormitory. Who can wonder
at its influence on young and ardent
minds ? Uncommon boys follow uncom-
mon men ; and I think every one of us
can remember when our first experiences
made us for a time the victim and wor-
shipper of the first master of thi^ art
whom we happened to hear in the ccurt-
houso or in the caucus. We reckon the
bar, the senate, journalism, and the pulpit
peaceful professions ; but you cannot
escape the demand for courage in these,
and certainly there is no true orator who
is not a hero. His attitude in the rostrum,
on the platform, requires that he counter,
balance his auditory. He is a challenger
and must answer all comers. The orator
must ever stand with forward foot, in the
attitude of advancing. His speech must
be just ahead of the assembly— ahead of
the whole human race— or it is superfluous.
His speech is not to be distinguished from
action. It is the electricity of action. It
is action, as the general’s word of com-
mand, or chart of battle, is action. I must
feel that the speaker compromises him-
self to his auditory, comes for something —
it is a cry on the perilous edge of the
fight— or let him bo silent. You go to a
town-meeting where the people are called
to some disagreeable duty, such as, for
example, often occurred during the war,
at the occasion of a new draft. They
come unwillingly : they have spent their
money once or twice very freely. They
have sent their best men : the young and
ardent, those of a martial temper, went at
the first draft, or the second, and it is not
easy to see who else can be spared, or can
be induced to go. The silence and cold-
ness after the meeting is opened, and the
purpose of it stated, are not encourag-
ing. When a good man rises in the cold
and malicious assembly, you think, Well,
sir, it would be more prudent to be silent ;
why not rest, sir, on your good record ?
Nobody doubts your talent and power ;
but for the present business, we know all
about it, and are tired of being pushed
Into patriotism by people who stay at
home. But he, taking no counsel of past
things, but only of the inspiration of l)if
t^day’g feeling, surprises them with his
tidings, with his bett^ knowledge, his
larger view, his steady gaze at the new
and future event, whereof they had not
thought, and they are interested, like so
many children, and carried off out of all
recollection of their malignant considera-
tions, and he gains his victory by pro-
phecy, where they expected repetition.
He knew very well beforehand that they
were looking behind and that he was
looking ahead, and therefore it was wise
to speak. Then the observer says, What
a gfodsend is this manner of man to a
town! and he, what a faculty I He is
put together like a Waltham watch, or like
a locomotive just finished at the Tredegar
No act indicates more universal health
than eloquence. The special ingredients
of this force are : clear perceptions ;
memory ; power of statement ; logic ;
imagination, or the skill to clothe your
thought in natural images ; passion, which
is the heat ; and then a grand will, which,
when legitimate and abiding, we call cha-
racter, the height of manhood. As soon
as a man shows rare power of expression, I
like Chatham, Erskine, Patrick Henry,
Webster, or Phillips, all the great in-
terests, whether of State or of property,
crowd to him to be their spokesman, so
that he is at once a potentate, a ruler of
men. A worthy gentleman, Mr. Alexander,
listening to the debates of the General
Assembly of the Scottish Kirk, in Edin-
burgh, and eager to speak to the ques-
tions, but utterly failing in his endeavours
— delighted with the talent shown by Dr.
Hugh Blair, went to him, and offered him
one thousand pounds sterling if he would
teach him to speak with propriety in pub-
lic, If the performance of the advocate
reaches any high success, it is paid in
England with dignities in the professions,
and in the State with seats in the Cabinet,
earldoms, and woolsacks. And it is easy
to see that the great and daily growing
interests at stake in this country must
pay proportional prices to their spokes-
men and defenders. It does not surprise
us, then, to learn from Plutarch what
great sums were paid at Athens to the
teachers of rhetoric ; and if the pupils got
what they paid for, the lessons were
But this power which so fascinates and
astonishes and commands is only the
exaggeration of a talent which is univer-
sal. All men are competitors in this art.
Wo have all attended meetings called
for some object in which no one had
beforehand any warm interest. Every
speaker rose unwillingly, and even his
speech was a bad excuse ; but it is only
the first plunge ^which is formidable, and
deep interest or sympathy thaws the ice,
loosens the tongue, and will carry the
cold and fearful presently into self-posses-
sion, and possession of the audience. Go
into an assembly well excited, some angry
political meeting on the eve of a crisis.
Then it appears that eloquence is as
natural as swimming — an art which all
men might learn, though so few do. It
only needs that they should be once well
pushed off into the water, overhead,
without corks, and, after a mad struggle
or two, they find their poise and the use
of their arms, and henceforward they pos-
sess this new and wonderful element.
The most hard-fisted, disagreeably rest-
less, thought-paralyzing companion some-
times turns out in a public assembly to
be a fluent, various, and effective orator.
Now you find what all that excess of
power which so chafed and fretted you in
a tete-a-tete with hin¥ w'as for. What is
I peculiar in it Is a certain creative heat,
which a man attains to perhaps only once
in his life. Those whom we admire~the
great orators— have some habit of heat,
and, moreover, a certain control of it, an
art of husbanding it, as if their hand was
on the organ-stop, and could now use it
temperately, and now let out all the lengtb
and breadth of the power. I remember
that Jenny Lind, when in this country,
complained of concert-rooms and town-
halls, that they did not give her room
enough to unroll her voice, and exulted in
the opportunity given her in the great
halls she found sometimes built over a
railroad depot. And this is quite as true
of the action of the mind itself, that a
man of this talent sometimes finds him-
self cold and slow in private company,
and perhaps a heavy companion ; but give
him a commanding occasion, and the in-
spiration of a great multitude, and ha
surprises by new and unlooked-for powers.
Before, he was out of place, and unfitted
as a cannon in a parlour. To be sure
there are physical advantages, some enii
iiently leading to this art. I mentioned
Jenny Lind’s voice. A good voice has a
charm in speech as in song ; sometimes
of itself enchains attention, and indicates
a rare sensibility, especially when trained
to wield all its powers. The voice, like
the face, betrays the nature and disposi-
tion, and soon indicates what is the raogs
of the speaker’s mind. Many people
have no ear for music, but every one has
an ear for skilful reading. Every one of
ns has at some time been the victim of a
well-toned and cunning voice, and perhaps
been repelled once for •‘all by a harsh,
mechanical speaker. The voice, indeed,
is a delicate index of the state of mind.
I have heard an eminent preacher say,
that he learns from the first tones of his
voice on a Sunday morning whether he is
to have a successful day. A singer cares
little for the words of the song ; he will
make any words glorious. I think the
like rule holds of the good reader. In
the church I call him only a good reader
who can read sense and poetry into any
hymn in the hymn-book. Plutarch, in his
enumeration of the ten Greek orators, is
careful to mention their excellent voices,
and the pains bestowed by some of them
in training these. What character, what
infinite variety, belong to the voice !
sometimes it is a flute, sometimes a trip-
hammer; what range of force! In mo-
ments of clearer thought or deeper sym-
pathy, the voice will attain a music and
penetriition which surprises the speaker
as much as the auditor: he also is a
sharer of the higher wind that blows over
his strings. I believe that some orators
go to the assembly as to a closet where
to find their best thoughts. The Persian
poet Saadi tells us that a person with a
disagreeable voice was reading the Koran
aloud, when a holy man, passing by, asked
what was his monthly stipend. lie an-
swered, “ Nothing at all.” ” But why then
do you take so much trouble?” He
replied, ” I read for the sake of God.”
The other rejoined, ” For God's sake, do
not read ; for if you read the Koran in
this manner you will destroy the splendour
of Islamism.” Then there are persons
of natural fascination, with certain frank-
ness, winning manners, almost endear-
ments in their style ; like Bouillon, who
could almost persuade you that a quartan
ague was wholesome; like Louis XI. of
P'rance, whom Commines praises for “the
gift of managing all minds by his acct-nt ;
and the caresses of his speech;” luce’
Galiani, Voltaire, Robert Burns, Barclay,
Fox, and Henry Clay. What must have
been the discourse of St, Bernard, when
mothers hid their s(;ns, wives their hus-
bands, companions their friends, lest they
•hould be led fcy his eloquence to join the
It is said that one of the best readers
ipbif tim^ was the late President John
Quincy Adams. I have heard that no man
could read the Pvble with such powerful
effect. I can easily believe it, though I
never heard him speak in public until his
fine voice was much broken by ago But
the wonders he could achieve w’ith that
cracked and disobedient organ showed
what power might have belonged to it in
early manhood. If “ indignation makes
good verses,” as Horace says, it is not
less true that a good indignation makes an
excellent spcecli. In the early years of
this century, Mr. Adams, at that time a
member of the United States Senate at
Washington, was elected professor of
Rhetoric and Oratory in Havard College.
[ When he read his first lectures in 1806,
I not only the students heard him with de-
light, but the hall was crowded by the
Professors and by unusual visitors. I
remember when, long after, I entered col-
lege, hearing the story of the numbers of
coaches in wliich his friends came from
Boston to hear him. On his return ’n
the winter to the Senate at VV^ashington,
he took such ground in the debates of the
following session as to lose the sympathy
of many of his constituents in Boston.
When, on his return from Washington, ho
resumed his lectures in Cambridge, his
class attended, but the coaches from Bos-
ton did not come, and, indeed, many of
his political friends deserted him. In
1809 ho was appointed Minister to Russia,
and resigned his chair in the University.
His last lecture, in taking leave of his
class, contained some nervous allusions
to the treatment he had received from liis
old friends, which showed how much it had
stung him, and which mafle a profound
impression on the class. Here is the con-
cluding paragraph, which long resounded
in Cambridge :
“At no Iionr ot your life will the love ol
letters ever oppress you as a huiflcn, or fail
you as a r‘source. In llie vain and foolish
exultation of tlie heart, which the brighter
prospects ot lile will soiiu.tjjues excite*, tiio
ptaibive {>01 tress of Science sliall call you to
the sober pleasures of her holy cell. In the
UKirtifications of disapijoiiuinent, her soothing
voice siiall whispt.r serenity and peace. In
social converse with the ini(;hty (h ad of anrieu
da>s, you will never srn.ut uinlcr the gallina
sense of dependence ujron the nii;.'hty living ol
the present age. And in your sti uggles w’ith
the world, should a crisis ever occur, when
even friendsiiip may deem it prudent to desert
you, when even your country may seem ready
to abandon herself and yon, when priest anl
Levite shall come and kjck on you and pass
by on the other side, seek refuge, rny ««lailinif
friends, and be assured you shall find it, in the
friendship of Laelius and Scipio,!n the patriot-
ism of Cicero, Deiixjsiherifes, and Burke, as
well as in the precepts and example of Him
whose law is love, and who taught us to re-
member injuries only to forgive them.’*
The orator must command the whole
scale of the language, from the most
elegant to the most low and vile. Every
one has felt how superior in force is the
language of the street to that of the aca-
demy. The street must be one of his
schools. Ought not the scholar to be able
to convey his meaning in terms as short
and strong as the porter or truckman uses
to convey his ? And Lord Chesterfield
thought “ that without being instructed in
the dialect of the Halles no man could be a
complete master of French.” The speech
of the man in the street is invariably
strong, nor can you mend it by making it
what you call parliamentary. You say,
“ if he could only express himself” ; but
he does already better than any one can
for him — can always get the car of an
audience to the exclusion of everybody
else. Well, this is an example in point.
That something which each man was
created to say and do, he only or he best
can tell you, and has a right to supreme
attention so far. The power of their
speech is, that it is perfectly understood
by all ; and I believe it to be true, that
when any orator at the bar or in the Sen-
ate rises in his thought, he descends in
his language — that is, when he rises to
any height of thought or of passion he
comes down to a language level with the
ear of all his audience. It is the merit of
John Brown and of Abraham Lincoln —
one at Charlestown, one at Gettysburg —
in the two best specimens of eloquence we
have had in this country. And observe
that all poetry is written in the oldest and
simplest English words. Dr. Johnson
said, "There is in every nation a style
wdiich never becomes obsolete, a certain '
mode of phraseology so consonant to the
analogy and principles of its respective
language as to remain settled and unal-
tered. This style is to be sought in the
common intercourse of life among those
who speak only to be understood, without
ambition of elegance. The polite are al-
ways catching modish innovations, and tlie
learned forsake the vulgar, when the
vulgar is right ; but there is a conversa-
tion above grossness and below refine-
ment, where propriety resides.”
But all these are the gymnastics, the
education of eloquence, and not itself.
They cannot be too much considered and
practiced as preparation, but the piiwers
are those I first named, If I should tr aka
the shortest list of the qualifications of the
orator, I should begin with manliness:
and perhaps it ^eans here presence of
mind. Men differ so much in control of
their faculties ! You can find in many,
and indeed in all, a certain fundamental
equality. Fundamentally all feel alike aad
think alike, and at a great heat they can all
express themselves with an almost equal
force. But it costs a great heat to enable
a heavy man to come up with those who
have a quick sensibility. Thus we have
all of us known men who lose their tal-
ents, their wit, their fancy, at any sudden
call. Some men, on such pressure, col-
lapse, and cannot rally. If they are to
put a thing in proper shape, fit for the
occasion and the audience, their mind is
a blank. Something which any boy would
tell with colour and vivacity they can only
stammer out with hard literalness — say it
in the very words they heard, and no
other. This fault is very incident to men
of study— as if the more they had read the
less they knew. Dv. Charles Chauncy
was, a hundred years ago, a man of
marked ability among the clergy of New
[England. But when once going to preach
the Thursday lecture in Boston (which in
those days people walked from Salem to
hear), on going up the pulpit stairs he was
informed that a little boy had fallen into
F'rog Pond on the Common, and was
drowned, and the doctor was requested to
improve the sad occasion. The doctor
was much distressed, and in his prayer ho
hesitated — he tried to make soft ap-
proaches — he prayed for Harvard Col-
lege, he prayed for the schools, he im-
plored the Divine Being ” to-to-to bless
to them all the boy that was this morning
drowned in Frog Pond,” Now this is not
want of talent or learning, but of manli-
ness. The doctor, no doubt, shut up in
his closet and his theology, had lost some
natural relation to men, and quick appli-
cation of his thought to the course of
events, I should add what is told of him
— that ho so disliked the " sensation ”
preaching of his time that he had once
prayed that ” he might never be elo-
quent; ’’and, it appears, his prayer was
granted. On the other hand, it would
be easy to point to many masters whose
readiness is sure ; as the French say of
Guizot, that " what Guizot learned thia
morning he has the air of having known
from all eternity.” This unmanliness is
so common a result of our half-edncation
— teaching a srouth Latin and metaphysics
and history, and ;:'jgtecting to 2;;ve him
the rough traininjj a bs)y-~allow 5 ng him
to skulk from the ^litnec of ball and skates
and coasting down the hills on his sled,
and whatever else woul6 lead him and
keep him on even terms with boys, so
that he can meet them as an equal, and
lead in his turn— that I wish his guardians
to consider that they are thus preparing
him to play a contemptible part when he
is full-grown. In England they send the
most delicate and protected child from
his luxurious home to learn to rough it
with boys in the public schools. A few
bruises and scratches will do him no harm
if he has thereby learned not to be afraid.
It is this wise mixture of good drill in
Latin grammar with good drill in cricket,
boating, and wrestling, that is the boast of
English education, and of high importance
to the matter in hand.
Lord Ashley, in 1606, while the bill for
regulating trials in cases of high treason
was pending, attempting to utter a pre-
meditated speech in Parliament in favour
^f that clause of the bill which allowed
the prisoner the benefit of counsel, fell
into such a disorder that he was not able
to proceed; but having recovered his
spirits and the command of his faculties,
he drew such an argument from his own
confusion as more advantaged his cause
than all the powers of eloquence could
have done. “For,” said he, “If I, who
had no personal concern in the question,
was so overpowered with my own appre-
hensions that I could not find words to
express myself, what must be the case of
one whose life depended on his own abili-
ties to defend it?” This happy turn did
f reat service in promoting that excellent
These are ascending stairs— a good
voice, winning mariners, plain speech,
chastened, however, by the schools into
correctness ; but we must come to the
main matter, of power of statement —
know your fact ; hug your fact. For the
essential thing is heat, and heat comes of
sincerity. Speak what you do know and
believe, and ;are personally in it, and are
!inswerable for every word. Eloquence is
ihe por^sr to translate a truth into Ian-
gtiage perfectly intelligible to the person to
whom you speak. He who would convince
the worthy Mr. Dunderhead of any truth
which Dunderhead does not see, must be
a master of his art. Declamation is com-
mon ; but such possession of thought as
It here required, such practical chemistry
as the conversion of a truth written in
God’s language into a truth in Dundtr-
head’s language, is one of the most beau-
tiful and cogent weapons that is forged in
the shop of the Divine Artificer.
It was said of Robespierre’s audience,
that though they understood not the word?,
they understood a fury in the words, and
caught the contagion.
I This leads us to the high class, the men
of character who bring an overpowering
personality into court, and the cause they
maintain borrows importance from an
illustrious advocate. Absoluteness is re-
quired, and he must have it or sira/jlata
it. If the cause be unfashionable, he will
make it fashionable. ’Tis the best man in
the best training. If he does not know
your fact, he will show that it is not worth
the knowing. Indeed, as great generals
do not fight many battles, but conquer l.'y
tactics, so all eloquence is a war of posts.
What is said is the least part of the
oration. It is the attitude taken, the
unmistakable sign, never so casually
given, in tone of voice, or manner, or
word, that a greater spirit speaks from
you than is spoken to in him.
But I say, provided your cause is really
honest. There is always the previous
ouestica ; How came you on that side ?
Your argument is ingenious, your language
copious, your illustrations brilliant, but
your major proposition palpably absurd.
Will you establish a lie ? You are a very
elegant w'riter, but you can’t write up
what gravitates down.
An ingenious metaphysical writer, Dr.
Stirling of Edinburgh, has noted that intd-
lectual works in any department breed each
other by what he calls zymosis, i.e. fermen-
tation; thus in the Elizabethan Age therr»
was a dramatic zymosis, v/hen all the ge-
niusran in that direction, until it culminated
in Shakspeare ; so in Germany we have
seen a metaphysical zymosis culminating
in Kant, Schelling, Schleiermachcr, Scho-
penhauer Hegel, and so ending. To this
we might add the great eras not only in
painters but of orators. The historian
Paterculus says of Cicero, that only in
Cicero’s lifetime was any great eloquence
in Rome ; so it was said that no member
of either house of the British Parliament
will he ranked among the orators whom
Lord North did not see, or who did not
see Lord North. But I should rather say
that when a great sentiment, as religion
or liberty, makes itself deeply felt in at,
age or country, then great orators appeal
As the Andes and AUeghanies indicaU t V*
line of the fissufe in the crust of the earth ing, as all good men trust, into a vast
along which tiicy were lifted, so the great future, and so compelling the best thought
ideas that suddeniy expand at some mo- and noblest administrative ability that the
ment the mind of mankind indicate them- citizen can offer. And here are the service
selves by orators. of science, the demands of art, and the
If there ever was a country where elo- lessons of religion to be brought home
quence was a power, it is in the United to the instant practice of thirty millions of
States. Here is room for every degree of people. Is it not worth the ambition of
it, on every one of its ascending stages — every generous youth to train and arm
that of useful speech, in our commercial, his mind with all the resources of , .know-
manufacturing, railroad, and educational ledge, of method, of grace, and of charac-
conventions; that of political advice and ter, to serve such a constituency?
persuasion on the grandest theatre, reach-
Men are made up of potences. We are give me affirmatives — if you tell me that
magnates in an iron globe. We have keys there is always life for the living; that
to all doors. We are all inventors, each what man has done man can do ; that this
Bailing out on a voyage of discovery, world belongs to the energetic ; that thero
guided each by a private chart, of which is always a way to everything desirable
there is no duplicate. The world is all that every man is provided, in the new
gates, all opportunities, strings of tension bias of his faculty, with a key to Nature,
waiting to be struck ; the earth sensitive and that man only rightly knows himself
as iodine to light; the most plastic and as far as he has experimented on things—
impressionable medium, alive to every I am invigorated, put into genial and
touch, and, whether searched by the working temper; the horizon opens, and
plough of Adam, the sword of Cmsar, the we are full of good-will and gratitude to
toat of Columbus, the telescope of Gali- the Cause of Causes. I like the senti-
leo, or the surveyor’s chain of Picard, or ment of the poor woman who, coming
the submarine telegraph, to every one of from a wretched garret in an inland manu-
these experiments it makes a gracious re- facturing town for the first time to the sea-
Bponse. I am benefited by every observa- shore, gazing at the ocean, said “ she was
tion of a victory of man over nature — by glad for once in her life to sea something
seeing that wisdom is better than strength ; which there was enough of.’’
by seeing that every healthy and resolute Our Copernican globe is a great factory
man is an organizer, a method coming in- or shop of power, with its rotating constel-
to a confusion and drawing order out it. lations, times, and tides. The machine is
We are touched and cheered by every such of colossal size ; the diameter of the water-
example. We like to see the inexhaust- wheel, the arms of the levers, and the
ible riches of Nature, and the access of volley of the battery, out of all mechanic
every soul to her magazines. These ex- measure; and it takes long to understand
amples wake an infinite hope, and call its parts and its workings. This pump
every man to emulation. A low, hopeless never sucks ; these screws are never
spirit puts out the eyes ; scepticism is slow loose ; this machine is never out of gear.
Buicido. A philosophy which sees only The vat, the piston, the wheels and tires,
the worst ; believes neither in virtue nor never wear out, but are self-repair-
In genius ; which says 'tis all of no use, ing. Is there any load which water can-
life is eating us up, ’tis only question who not lift ? If there be, try steam ; or if not
ehall be last devoured—dispirits us; the that, try electricity. Is there any exhaust-
Bky shuts down before us. A Schopen- ing of these means ? Measure by barrels
hauer, with logic and learning and wit, the spending of tlie brook that rum
teaching pessimism-teaching that this is through your field. Nothing is great but
the worst of all possible worlds, and infer- the inexhaustible wealth of Nature. She
ring that sleep is better than waking, and shows us only surfaces, but she is millioa
death than sleep— all the talent in the fathoms deep. What spaces I what dura-
world cannot save him from being odious, tionsi dealing with races as merely pre-
But if, instead of these negatives, you parations of somewhat to follow; or in
humanity, millions of lives of men to col-
lect the first observations on which our
astronomy is built ; millions of lives to add
only sentiments and guesses, which at
at last, gathered in by an ear of sensibility,
make the furniture of thA poet. See how
children built up a language ; how every
traveller, every labourer, every impatient
boss, who sharply shortens the phrase or
the word to give his order quicker, reduc-
ing it to the lowest possible terms — and
there it must stay— improves the national
tongue. What power does Nature not
owe to her duration of amassing infin-
itesimals into cosmical forces !
The marked events in history, as the
emigration of a colony to a new and more
delightful coast ; the building of a large
ship ; the discovery of the mariner’s com-
pass, which perhaps the Phoenicians
made ; the arrival among an old stationary
nation of a more instructed race, with new
arts: each of these events electrifies the
tribe to which it befalls ; supples the
tough barbarous sinew, and brings it into
that state of sensibility which makes the
transition to civilization possible and sure.
By his machines man can dive and remain
under water like a shark ; can liy like a
hawk in the air; can see atoms like a
gnat ; can see the system of the universe
like Uriel, the angel of the sun ; can carry
whatever loads a ton of coal can lift ; can
knock down cities with his fist of gun-
powder; can recover the history of his
race bj the medals which the deluge, and
every creature, civil or savage or brute,
has involuntarily dropped of its existence ;
and divine the future possibility of the
planet and its inhabitants by his percep-
tion of laws of nature. Ah ! what a plastic
little creature he is! so shifty, so adap-
tive 1 his body a chest of tools, and he
making himself comfortable in every cli-
mate, in every condition.
Here in America are all the wealth of
soil, of timber, of mines, and of the sea,
put into the possession of a people who
wield all these wonderful machines, have
the secret of steam, of electricity, and
have the power and habit of invention in
their brain. We Americans have got
suppled into the state of melioration, j
Life is always rapid here, but what accele- 1
ration to its pulse in ten years — what in
the four years of the war I We have seen
the railroad and telegraph subdue our
enormous geography ; wo have seen the
snowy deserts on the northwest, seats of
Esquimaux, become lands of promise.
When our population, swarming west,
had reached the boundary of arable landi
as if to stimulate* our energy, on the faco
of the sterile waste beyond, the land was
suddenly in parts found covered with gold
and silver, floored with coal. It was
thought a fable, what Guthrie, a traveller
in Persia, told us, that “ in Taurida, in
any piece of ground where springs of
naphtha (or petroleum) obtain, by merely
sticking an iron tube izi the earth, and
applying a light to the upper end, the
mineral oil will bum till the tube is de-
composed, or for a vast number of years.’*
But we have found the Taurida in Penn-
sylvania and Ohio. If they have not the
lamp of Aladdin, they have the Aladdin
oil. Resources of America ! why, one
thinks of St. Simon’s saying, “ The
Golden Age is not behind, but before
you.” Here is a man in the Garden of
Eden ; here the Genesis and the Exodus.
We have seen slavery disappear like a
painted scene in a theatre ; vve have seen
the most healthful revolution in the politics
of the nation— the Constitution not only
amended, but construed in a now spirit
W'e have seen China opened to European
and American ambassadors and com-
merce ; the like in Japan ; our arts and
productions begin to penetrate both. As
the walls of a modern house are per-
forated with water-pipes, sound-pipes,
gas-pipes, heat-pipes, so geography and
geology are yielding to man’s con-
venience, and we begin to perforate
and mould the old ball, as a car-
penter does with wood. All is ductile and
plastic. We are working the new Atlantic
telegraph. American energy is over-
riding every venerable maxim of political
science. America is such a garden of
plenty, such a magazine of power, that at
her shores all the common rules of politi-
cal economy utterly fail. Hero is bread,
and wealth, and power, and education for
every man who has the heart to use his
opportunity. The creation of power had
never any parallel. It was thought that
the immense production of gold would
make gold cheap as pewter. But the
immense expansion of trade has wanted
every ounce of gold, and it has not lost its
See how nations of customers are
formed. The disgust of California hai
not been able to drive nor kick the China-
man back to his home ; and now it turni
out that he has sent home to China Ameri-
can food and tools and luxuries, until ha
has taught his people to use them, and a
new market has grown up for our com-*
merce. The emancipation has brought a
whole nation of negroes jft customers to
buy all the articles which once their few
masters bought, and every manufacturer
and producer in the North has an interest
in protecting the negro as the consumer
of his wares.
The whole history of our civil war is
rich in a thousand anecdotes attesting the
fertility of resource, the presence of mind,
the skilled labour of our people. At
Annapolis a regiment, hastening to join
the army, found the locomotives broken,
the railroad destroyed, and no rails. The
commander called for men in the ranks
who could rebuild the road. Many men
stepped forward, searched in the water,
found the hidden rails, laid the track, put
the disabled engine together, and con-
tinued their journey. The world belongs
to the energetic man. Ilis will give him
new eyes. He sees expedients and means
where we saw none. The invalid sits
shivering in lamb’s wool and furs ; the
woodsman knows how to make warm
garments out of cold and wet themselves.
The Indian, the sailor, the hunter, only
these know the power of the hands, feet,
teeth, eyes, and ears. It is out of the
obstacles to be encountered that they
make the means of destroying them. The
sailor by his boat and sail makes a ford
out of deepest waters. The hunter, the
soldier, rolls himself in his blanket, and
the falling snow, which he did not have to
bring in his knapsack, is his eider-down, I
in which he sleeps warm till the morning.
Nature herself gives the hint and the
example, if wo have wit to take it. See
how Nature keeps the lakes warm by
tucking them up under a blanket of ice,
and the ground under a cloak of snow.
The old forester is never far from shelter ;
no matter how remote from camp or city,
he carries Bangor with him. A sudden
shower cannot wet him, if he cares to be
dry ; he draws his boat ashore, turns it
over in a twinkling against a clump of
alders, with cat-briers, wliich keep up the
lee-sides, crawls under it, witli his com-
rade, and lies there till the shower is over,
happy in his stout roof. The boat is full
of water, and resists all your strength to
drag it ashore and empty it. The fisher-
man looks about him, puts a round stick
of wood underneath, and it rolls as on
wheels at once. Napoleon says, the Cor-
sicans at the battle of Golo, not having
had time to cut down th(3 bridge, which was
of stone, made use of the bodies of their
to form an intreachment. Malus,
6c, 7
known for his discoveries in the polariza-
tion of light, was captain of a corps of
engineers in Bonaparte’s Egyptian cam-
paign, which was heinously unprovided
and exposed. “^Wanting a picket to
which to attach my horse,” he says, “I
tied him to my leg. I slept, and dreamed
peaceably of the pleasures of Europe.”
M. Tissenet had learned among the
Indians to understand their language, and,
coming among a wild party of Illinois,
he overheard them say that they would
scalp him. He said to them, ‘ Will you
scalp me ? Here is my scalp,'* and con-
founded them by lifting a little periwig ha
wore. He tlien explained to them that he
was a great medicine-man, and that they
did great wrong in wishing to harm him,
who carried them all in his heart. So ha
opened his shirt a little and showed to
each of the savages in turn the reflection
of his own eyeball in a small pocket-
mirror which he had hung next to his
skin. He assured them that if they
should provoke him he would burn up
their rivers and their forests ; and, taking
from his portmantea:: ^ small phial of
white brandy, he poured it into a cup,
and, lighting a straw at the fire in tho
wigwam, he kindled the brandy (which
they believed to be water), and burned it
up before their eyes. Then taking up a
chip of dry pine, he drew a burning-
glass from his pocket and set the chip oa
What a new face courage puts on every-
thing! A determined man, by his very
attitude and the tone of his voice, puts a
slop to defeat, and begins to conquer.
“ For they can conquer who believe they
can.” Everyone hears gladly that cheer-
ful voice. He reveals to us the enormous
power of one man over masses of men ;
that oae man whose eye commands the
end in view, and the means by which it
can be attained, is not only better than
ten men or a hundred men, but victor
I over all mankind who do not see the
issue and the means. ” When a man is
I once possessed with fear,” said the old
j French Marshal Montluc, ” and loses his
judgment, as all men in a fright do, ho
knows not what he docs. And it is tho
principal thing you are to beg at the hands
of Almighty God, to preserve your
understanding entire ; for what danger
soever there may be, there is still ono
way or other to get off, and perhaps to
your honour. But when fear has once
possessed you, God ye good even I You
think you are flying towards the s>oop
when you are running towards the prow,
and for one enemy think you have ten
before your eyes, as drunkards who see a
thousand candles at once.”
Against the terrors of the mob, which,
intoxicated with passioh, and once suffer-
ed to gain the ascendant, is diabolic and
chaos come again, good sense has rnany
arts of prevention and of relief. Disor-
ganization it confronts with organization,
with police, with military force. But in
earlier stages of the disorder it applies
milder and nobler remedies. The natural
offset of terror is ridicule. And we have
noted examples among our orators, who
have on conspicuous occasions handled
and controlled, and, best of all, converted
a malignant mob, by superior manhood,
and by a wit which disconcerted, and at
last delighted the ringleaders. What can
a poor truckman who is hired to groan
and to hiss do, when the orator shakes
him into convulsions of laughter so that
he cannot throw his egg ? If a good story
will not answer, still milder remedies
sometimes serve to disperse a mob. Try
sending round the contribution-box. Mr.
Marshall, the eminent manufacturer at
Leeds, was to preside at a Free-Trade
festival in that city; it was threatened
that the operatives, who were in bad
humour, would break up the meeting by a
mob. Mr. Marshall was a man of peace;
he had the pipes laid from the water-
works of his mill, with a stopcock by his
chair from which he could discharge a
stream that would knock down an ox, and
sat down very peacefully to his dinner,
which was not disturbed.
See the dexterity of the good aunt in
keeping the young people all the weary
holiday busy and diverted without know-
ing it: the story, the pictures, the ballad,
the game, the cuckoo-clock, the stereo-
scope, the rabbits, the mino bird, the pop-
corn, and Christmas hemlock spurting in
the fire. The children never suspect how
much design goes to it, and that this un- 1
failing fertility has been rehearsed a
hundred times, when the necessity came
of finding for the little Asmodeus a rope
of sand to twist. She relies on the same
principle that makes the strength of
Newton — alternation of employment. See
how he refreshed himself, resting from the
profound researches of the calculus by
astronomy : from astronomy by optics ;
from optics by chronology. ’Tie a law of
chemistry that every gas is a vacuum to
every other gas ; and when the mind has
exhausted its energies for one employ-
ment, it is still fresh and capable of a
different task.« We have not a toy or
trinket for idle amusement, but some-
where it is the one thing needful for solid
instruction or to save the ship or army
In the Mammoth Cave in Kentucky
the torches which each traveller carries
I make a dismal funeral procession, and
serve no purpose but to see the ground.
When now and then the vaulted roof rises
high overhead, and hides all its possi-
bilities in lofty depths, 'tis but gloom on
gloom. But the guide kindled a Roman
candle, and held it here and there shoot-
ing its fireballs successively into each
crypt of the groined roof, disclosing its
starry splendour, and showing for the first
j time what that plaything was good for.
Whether larger or less, these strokes
and all exploits rest at last on the won-
! derful structure of the mind. And wo
j learn that our doctrine of resources must
I be carried into higher application, namely,
j to the intellectual sphere. But every
power in energy speedily arrives at its
limits, and requires to be husbanded
the law of light, which Newton said pro-
ceeded by ‘‘fits of easy reflection and
transmission;” the come-and-go of the
pendulum is the law of mind ; alternation
of labours is its rest. I should like to
have the statistics of bold experimenting
on the husbandry of mental power.
In England men of letters drink wine ;
in Scotland, whiskey ; in France, light
wines ; in Germany, beer. In England
everybody rides in the saddle ; in France
the theatre and the ball occupy the night.
In this country we have not learned how
to repair the exhaustions of our climate.
Is not the seaside necessary in summer ?
Games, fishing, bowling, hunting, gym-
nastics, dancing — are not these needful to
you ? The chapter of pastimes is very
long. There are better games than bil-
liards and whist. ‘Twas a pleasing trait
in Goethe’s romance, that Makaria retires
from society ” to astronomy and her cor-
I do not know that the treatise of
Brillat-Savarin on the Physiology of Taste
deserves its fame, I know its repute, and
L have heard it called the France of
France. But the subject is so large and
exigent that a few particulars, and those
the pleasures of epicure, cannot satisfy.
I know many men of taste whose single
opinions and practice would interest
much more. It should be extended to
gardens and grounds, and mainly one
thing should be illustrated: that life in
the countiy wants all things on a low tone
— wants coarse clothes, old shoes, no fleet
horse that a man cannot hold, but an old
horse that will stand tied in a pasture half
a day without risk, so allowing the picnic-
party the full freedom of the woods. Nat-
ural history is, in the country, most
attractive ; at once elegant, immortal,
always opening new resorts. The first
care of a man settling in the country
should be to open the face of the earth
to himself, by a little knowledge of nature,
or a great deal, if he can, of birds, plants,
rocks, astronomy; in short, the art of
taking a walk. This will draw the sting
out of frost, dreariness out of November
and March, and the drowsiness out of
August. To know the trees is, as Spenser
says of the ash, for nothing ill.” Shells,
too ; how hungry I found myself, the other
day, at Agassiz's Museum, for their names !
But the uses of the woods are many, and
some of them for the scholar high and
peremptory. When his task requires the
wiping out from memory
” all trivial fond record!
That youth and observation copied there,”
he must leave the house, the streets, and
the club, and go to wooded uplands, to
the clearing and the brook. Well for him
if he can say with the old minstrel, ” I
know where to find a new song.”
If I go into the woods in winter, and am
shown the thirteen or fourteen species of
willow that grow in Massachusetts, I learn
that they quietly expand in the warmer
days, or when nobody is looking at them,
and, though insignificant enough in the
general bareness of the forest, yet a great
change takes place in them between fall
and spring ; in the first relentings of
March they hasten, and long before any- j
thing else is ready, these osiers liang out
their joyful flowers in contrast to all
the woods. You cannot tell when
they do bud and blossom, these viva-
cious trees, so ancient, for they ar«
almost the oldest of all. Among fossil
remains, the willow and the pine appear
with the ferns. They bend all day to
every wind : the cart-wheel in the road
may crush them;* every passenger may
strike off a twig with his cane ; every boy
cuts them for a whistle ; the cow, the rab-
bit, the insect, bite the sweet and tender
bark : yet, in spite of accident and enemy,
their gentle persistency lives when the
oak is shattered by storm, and grows in
the night and snow and cold. When I see
in these brave plants this vigour and im-
mortality in weakness, I find a sudden
relief and pleasure in observing the
mighty law of vegetation, and I think it
more grateful and health-giving than any
news I am likely to find of man in the
journals, and better than Washington
It is easy to see that there is no limit to
the chapter of Resources. I have not, in
all these rambling sketches, gone beyond
the beginning of my list. Resources of
Man— it is the inventory of the world, the
roll of arts and sciences ; it is the whole
of memory, the whole of invention ; it is
all the power of passion, the majesty of
virtue, and the omnipotence of will.
But the one fact that shines through all
this plenitude of powers is, tha-t, as is tha
receiver, so is the gift ; that all these ac-
quisitions are victories of the good brain
and brave heart ; that the world belongs
to the energetic, belongs to the wise. It
is in vain to make a paradise but for good
men. The tropics are one vast garden ;
yet man is more miserably fed and condi-
tioned there than in the cold and stingy
zones. The healthy, the civil, the indus-
trious, the learned, the moral race —
Nature herself only yields her secret to
these. And the resources of America and
its future will be immense only to wise
and virtuous men.
A TASTE for fun is all but universal in
our species, which is the only joker in
nature. The rocks, the plants, the beasts,
the birds, neither do anything ridiculous,
nor betray a perception of anything
absurd done in their presence. And as
the lower nature does not jest, neither
does the highest. The Reason pronounces
its omniscient yea and nay, but meddles
never with degrees or fractions ; and it is
in comparing fractions with essential
integers or wholes that laughter begins, .
Aristotle’s definition of the ridiculous
is, *' what is out of time and place, with-
out danger.” If there be pain and danger,
it becomes tragic ; if not, comic. 1 coo
fess, this definition, though by an admir-
able definer, does not satisfy me, does not
say all we know.
The essence of all jokes, of all comedy,
seems 10 be an honest or well-intended
halfness ; a non-performance of what is
pretended to be performed, at the same
time that one is giving loud pledges of
performance. The balking of the intellect,
the frustrated expectation, the break of
continuity in the intellect, is comedy ; and
it announces itself physically in the plea-
sant spasms we call laughter.
With the trifling exception of the
stratagems of a few beasts and birds,
there is no seeming, no halfness in nature,
until the appearance of man. Uncon-
scious creatures do the whole will of
wisdom. An oak or a chestnut undertakes
no function it cannot execute ; or if there
be phenomena in botany which we call
abortions, the abortion is also a function
of nature, and assumes to the intellect the
like completeness with the further func-
tion, to which in different circumstances
it had attained. The same rule holds
true of the animrds. Their activity is
marked by unerring good-sense. But
man, through his access to Reason, is
capable of the perception of a whole and
a part. Reason is the whole, and whatso-
ever is not that is a part. The whole of
nature is agreeable to the whole of
thought, or to the Reason ; but separate
any part of nature, and attempt to look
at it as a whole by itself, and the feeling
of the ridiculous begins. The perpetual
game of humour is to look with considerate
good-nature at every object in existence
aloof ^ as a man might look at a mouse,
comparing it with the eternal Whole ; en-
joying the figure which each self-satisfied
particular creature cuts in the unrespect-
ing All, and dismissing it with a benison.
Separate any object, as a particular bodily
man, a horse, a turnip, a flour-barrel, an
umbrella, from the connection of things,
and contemplate it alone, standing there
in absolute nature, it becomes at once
comic; no useful, no respectable qualities
can rescue it from the ludicrous. In
virtue of man's access to Reason or the
Whole, the human form is a pledge of
wholeness, suggests to our imagination
the perfection of truth or goodness, and
exposes by contrast any h^fness or im-
.perfection. We have a primary associa-
tion between perfectness and this form.
But the facts that occur when actual men
enter do not make good this anticipation ;
a discrepancy which is at once detected
by the intellect, and the outward sigfl ii
the muscular irfitation of laughter.
Reason does not joke, and men of
reason do not ; a prophet, in whom the
moral sentiment’predominates, or a philo-
sopher, in whom the love of truth predo-
minates, these do nat joke, but they bring
the standard, the ideal whole, exposing
all actual defect ; and hence, the best of
all jokes, is the sympathetic contemplation
of things by the understanding from the
philosopher's point of view. There is no
joke so true and deep in actual life, as
when some pure idealist goes up and
down among the institutions of society,
attended by a man who knows the world,
and who, sympathizing with the philoso-
pher’s scrutiny, sympathizes also with the
confusion and indignation of the detected
skulking institutions. His perception of
disparity, his eye wandering perpetually
from the rule to the crooked, lying,
thieving fact, makes the eyes run over
with laughter.
This is the radical joke of life and then
of literature, The pj-esence of the ideal
of right and of truth in all action makes
the yawning delinquencies of practice
remorseful to the conscience, tragic to the
interests, but droll to the intellect. The
activity of our sympathies may for a time
hinder our perceiving the fact intellectu-
ally, and so deriving mirth from it ; but all
falsehoods, all vices seen at sufficient dis-
tance, seen from the point where our moral
sympathies do not interfere, become
ludicrous. The comedy is in the intellect’s
perception of discrepancy. And whilst
the presence of the ideal discovers the
difference, the comedy is enhanced when-
ever that ideal is ernbodied visibly in a
man. Thus FalstalT, in Shakspeare, is a
character of the broadest comedy, giving
himself unreservedly to his senses, coolly
ignoring the Reason, whilst he invokes its
name, pretending to patriotism and to
parentival virtues, not with any intent to
deceive, but only to make the fun perfect
by enjoying the confusion betwixt reason
and the negation of reason - in other w'ords,
the rank rascaldom he is calling by its
name. Prince Mai stands by, as the acuta
understanding, who sees the Right and
sympathizes with it, and in the hey-day
of youth feels also the full attractions of
pleasure, and is thus eminently qualified
to enjoy the joke. At the same time ho is
to that degree under the Reason, that it
does not amuse him as much as it amuses
another spectator.
If the essence of the comic be the ooa*
traat in the intellect between the idea and
the false performance, thexe is good reason
why we should be affected uy the exposure.
We have no deeper interest than our in-
tegrity, and that we should be made aware
by joke and by stroke, of any lie we enter-
tain. Besides, a perception of the comic
seems to be a balance-wheel in our meta-
physical structure. It appears to be an
essential element in a fine character.
Wherever the intellect is constructive, it
will be found. We feel the absence of it
as a defect in the noblest and most oracu-
lar soul. The perception of the comic is
a tie of sympathy with other men, a pledge
of sanity, and a protection from those per-
verse tendencies and gloomy insanities in
which fine intellects sometimes lose them-
selves. A rogue r live to the ludicrous is
still convertible. If that sense is lost, his
fcllow-mcn can do little for him.
It is true the sensibility to the ludicrous
may run into excess. Men celebrate
their perception of halfness and a latent
lie by the peculiar explosions of laughter.
So painfully susceptible are some men to
these impressions, that if a man of wit come
into the room where they are, it seems to
take them out of themselves with violent
convulsions of the face and sides, and ob-
streperous roarings of the throat. How
often and with what unfeigned compassion
we have seen such a person receiving like a
willing martyr the whispers into his ear of
a man of wit. The victim who has just
received the discharge, if in a solemn com-
pany, has the air very much of a stout vessel
which has just shipped a heavy sea; and
though it docs not split it, tlie poor bark is
for the moment critically staggered. The
peace of society and the decorum of tables
seem to require that next to a notable wit
Bhoiiid always be posted a phlegmatic
bolt-upright man, able to stand without
movement of muscle whole broadsides of
this Greek fire. It is a true shaft of Apollo,
and traverses the universe, and unless it
encounter a mystic or a dumpish soul,
goes everywhere heralded and harbingered
by smiles and greetings. Wit makes its
own welcome, and levels all distinctions.
No dignity, no learning, no force of char-
acter, c;iii make any stand against good
wit. It is like ice, on which no beauty of
form, no majesty of carriage, can plead
any immunity— they must walk gingerly,
according to the laws of ice, or down they
must go, dignity and all. “ Dost thou
think, because thou art virtuous, there
httail be no more cakes and ale?” Plu-
tarch happily expresses the value of the
jest as a legitimate Weapon of the philo-
sopher. “ Men cannot exercise their
rhetoric unless they speak, but their philo-
sophy even whilst they are silent or jest
merrily ; for as it the highest degree of
injustice not to bc^ust and yet seem so, so it
is the top of wisdom to philosophize yet
not appear to do it, and in mirth to do the
same with those that are serious and seem
in earnest ; for as in Euripides, the Bacchae,
though unprovided of iron weapons and
unarmed, wounded their invaders with the
boughs of trees, which they carried, thus
the very jests and merry talk of true philo-
sophers move those that are not altogether
insensible, and unusually reform.”
In all the parts of life, the occasion of
laughter is some seeming, some keeping
of the word to the ear and eye, whilst it is
broken to the soul. Thus, as the religious
sentiment is the most vital and sublime of
all our sentiments, and capable of the
most prodigious effects, so is it abhorrent
to our whole nature, when, in the absence
of the sentiment, the act or word or officer
volunteers to stand in its stead. To tho
sympathies this is shocking, and occasions
grief. But to the intellect the lack of the
sentiment gives no pain ; it compares in-
cessantly the sublime idea with the bloated
nothing which pretends to be it, and the
sense of the disproportion is comedy. And
as the religious sentiment is the most real
and earnest thing in nature, being a meie
rapture, and excluding, when it appears,
all other considerations, the vitiating this
is the greatest lie. Therefore, the oldest
gibe of literature is the ridicule of false
religion. This is the joke of jokes. In
religion, the sentiment is all ; the ritual
or ceremony indifferent. But the inertia
of men inclines them, when the sentiment
sleeps, to imitate that thing it did ; it goes
through the ceremony omitting only the
will, makes the mistake of the wig for tho
head, the clothes for the man. The older
the mistake and the more overgrown the
particular form is, the more ridiculous to
the intellect. Captain John Smith, the
discoverer of New England, was not want-
ing in humour. The Society in London
which had contributed their means to
convert the savages, hoping doubtless to
see the Keokuks, Black Hawks, Roaring
Thunders, and Tustanuggees of that day
converted into church-wardens and deacons
at least, pestered the gallant rover with
frequent solicitations out of England
touching the conversion of tho Indians,
and the enlargement of the Church.
Smith, in his perplexity how to satisfy the
Society, sent out a party into the swamp,
caught an Indian, and sent him home in
v^he first ship to London, telling the Society
they might convert one themselves.
The satire reaches its climax when the
actual Church is set in (hrect contradiction
to the dictates of religious sentiment, as
in the sketch of our Puritan politics in
Hudibras :
•* Our brethren of New En^^Iand use
Choice malefactors to excuse,
Anvi hang the guiltless in their stead.
Of whom the churches have less need ;
As lately happened, in a town
Where lived a cobler, and but one,
That out of doctrine could cut use,
And mend men’s lives as well as shoei.
This precious brother having slaini
In times of peace, an Indian,
Not out of malice, but mere zeal
(Because he was an intidel),
The mighty Tottipottyrnoy
Sent to our elders an envoy,
Complaining loudly ot the breech
Df league held forth by Brother Patch,
Against the articles in force
Between both churches, his and ours,
For which he craved the saints to render
Into his hands, cv hang the oht nder ;
But they, maturely having weighed
They had no more but him o’ th’ tra«le
(A man that served them in the double
Capacity to teach and cobble), |
Resolved to spare him ; yet to do
The Indian Hoghan Moghan too
Impartial justice, in his stead did
Hang an old weaver that was bedrid.'*
ill science the jest at pedantry is
analogous to that in religion which lies
against superstition. A classification or
nomenclature used by the scholar only as
a memorandum of his last lesson in the
laws of nature, and confessedly a make-
shift, a bivouac for a night, and implying
a march and a conquest to-morrow, be-
comes through indolence a barrack and a
prison, in which the man sits down im-
movably, and wishes to detain others.
The physiologist Camper humorously con-
fesses the effect of his studies in dislocat-
ing his ordinary associations. I have
been employed," he says, “ six months on
the Cetacea ; I understand the osteology
of the head of all these monsters, and have
made the combination with the human
head so well, tliat everybody now appears
to me narwhale, porpoise, or marsouins.
Women, the prettiest in society, and those
whom I find less comely, they are all
either narwhales or porpoises to my eyes."
I chanced the other day to fall in with an
odd illustration of the remark I had heard,
that the laws of disease are as beautiful as
the laws of health ; I was hastening to
visit an old and honoured friend, who, 1
was informed, was in a dying condition,
when I met his physician, who accosted
me in great spirits, with joy sparkling in
his eyes. " And how is my friend, the
reverend Doctor?" I inquired. " O, I
saw him this morning ; it is the most
correct apoplexy I have ever seen : face
and hands livid, breathing stertorous, all
the symptoms perfect." And he rubbed
his hands with delight, for in the country
we cannot find every day a case that agrees
with the diagnosis of the books. I think
there is malice in a very trifling story
which goes about, and which I should not
take any notice of, did I not suspect it to
contain some satire upon my brothers of
the Natural History Society. It is of a
boy who was learning his alphabet.
“That letter is A," said the teacher;
" A," drawled the boy. “ That is B," said
the teacher ; “ B," drawled the boy, and
so on. " That is W," said the teacher.
“The devil I" exclaimed the boy, “is
that W?"
The pedantry of literature belongs to
the same category. In both cases there
is a lie, when the mind, seizing a classifi-
cation to help it to a sinccrer knowledge
of the fact, stops in the classification; or
learning languages, and reading books, to
the end of a better acquaintance with man,
stops in the languages and books : in both
the learner seems to be wise, and is not.
Tlic same falsehood, the same confusion
of the sympathies because a pretension.j^s
not made good, points the perpetual satire
against poverty, since, according to Latin
poetry and English doggerel,
Poverty ]oes nothing worse
Th.iU to make man ridiculous.
In this instance the halfiicss lies in the
pretension of the parties to some con-
sideration on account of their condition.
If the man is not ashamed of his poverty,
there is no joke. Tlie poorest man who
stands on his manhood destroys the jest.
The poverty of the saint, of the rapt philo-
sopher, of the naked Indian, is not
omic. The lie is in the surrender of thf
man to his appearance ; as if a man
should neglect himself and treat his
shadow on the wall with marks of irfmito
respect. It affects us oddly, as to sea
things turned upside down, or to see a
man in a high wind run after his hat,
which is always droll. The relation of tha
parties is inverted— hat being for lb a
moment master, the by-standers cheering
the hat The multiplication of artificial
wants and expenses in cFVilized life, and
the exaggeration of all trifling forms, j
present Innumerable occasions for this
discrepancy to expose itself. Such isj
the story told of the painter Astley, who, ’
going out of Rome one day with a party
for a ramble in the Campagna, and the
weather proving hot, refused to take off
his coat when his companions threw off
theirs, but sweltered on ; which, exciting
remark, his comrades playfully forced off
his coat, and behold on the back of his
waistcoat a gay cascade was thundering
down the rocks with foam and rainbow,
very refreshing in so sultry a day — a pic-
ture of his own, with which the poor pain-
ter had been fain to ropairthe shortcomings
of his wardrobe. The same astonishment
of the intellect at the disappearance of the
man out of nature, through some super-
stition of his house or equipage, as if
truth and virtue should be bowed out of
creation by the clothes they wore, is the
secret of all the fun that circulates con-
cerning eminent fops and fashionists, and,
m like manner, of the gay Rameau of
Diderot, who believes in nothing but
hunger, and that the sole end of art,
virtue, and poetry is to put something for
mastication between the upper and lower
Alike in all these cases and in the in-
stance of cowardice, or fear of any sort,
from the loss of life to the loss of spoons,
the majesty of man is violated. He, whom
all things should serve, serves some one
of his own tools. In fine pictures the
head sheds on the limbs the expression of
the face. In Raphael’s Angel driving
Heliodorus from the Temple, the crest of
the helmet is so remarkable, that but for
the extraordinary energy of the face, it
would draw the eye too much ; but the i
countenance of the celestial messenger
subordinates it, and we see it not. In
poor pictures tlie limbs and trunk degrade
the face. So among ihe women in the
street: you sliall see one whose bonnet
and dress are one thing, and the lady her-
self quite another, wearing withal an ex-
pression of meek submission to her bonnet
and dress ; and another whose dress obey*
and heightens the expression of her form.
More food for the comic is afforded
whenever the personal appearance, the
face^ form, and manners, are subjects of
thought with the man himself. No fashion
Is the best fashion for those mattere which
will take care of themselves. This is the
butt of those jokes of the Paris drawingf-
rooms, which Napoleon reckoned *0 for-
midable, and which are copiously re-
counted in the French M(5moires. A lady
of high rank, but of lean figure, had given
the Countess Dulauloy the nickname of
“ Le Grenadier tr!colore,” in allusion to
her tall figure, as well as to her republi-
can opinions; the Countess retaliated by
calling Madame " the Venus of the P^re-
la-Chaise,” a compliment to her skeleton
which did not fail to circulate. “ Lord
C.,” said the Countess of Gordon, “ O, h^»
is a perfect comb, all teeth and back.’
The Persians have a pleasant story of
Tamerlane which relates to the same
particulars; “Timur was an ugly man;
he had a blind eye and a lame foot. One
day when Chodscha was with him, Timur
scratched his head, since the hour of the
barber was come, and commanded that
the barber should be called. Whilst he
was shaven, the barber gave him a looking-
glass in his hand. Timur saw himself in
the mirror and found his face quite too
ugly. Therefore he began to weep ;
Chodscha also set himself to weep, and so
they wept for two hours. On this, some
courtiers began to comfort Timur, and
entertained him with strange stories in
I order to make him forget all about it.
1 Timur ceased weeping, but Chodscha
j ceased not, but began now first to weep
I amain, and in good earnest. At last said
Timur to Chodscha, ‘Hearken! I have
looked in the mirror, and seen myself
ugly. Thereat I grieved , because, although
I am Caliph, and have also much wealth,
and many wives, yet still I am so ugly ;
therefore have I wept. But thou, why
weepest thou without ceasing ? * Chodscha
answered, ' If thou hast only seen thy faca
once, and at once seeing hast not been
able to contain thyself, but hast wept,
what should we do— we who see thy faca
every day and night ? If we weep not,
who should weep ? Therefore have I
wept.’ Timur almost split his sides with
Politics also furnish the same mark for
satire. What is nobler than the expansive
sentiment of patriotism, which would find
brothers in a whole nation ? But when
this enthusiasm is perceived to end in the
very intelligible maxims of trade, so much
for so much, the intellect feels again the
half-man. Or what is fitter than that wa
should espouse and carry a principle
against all opposition ? But when the
men appear who ask our votes as repra*
sentatives of this ideal, we are sadly ou|
of countenance.
But there is no end to this analysis.
We do nothing that is not laughable when-
ever we quit our spontaneous sentiment.
All our plans, managements, houses,
poems, if compared with the wisdom and
love which man reproients, are equally
imperfect and ridiculous. But we cannot
afford to part with any advantages. We
must learn by laughter, as well as by tears
and terrors ; explore the whole of nature —
the farce and buffoonery in the yard below,
as well as the lessons of poets and phi-
losophers upstairs, in the hall — and get
the rest and refreshment of the shaking of
the sides. But the comic also has its own
speedy limits. i Mirth quickly becomes
intemperate, and the man would soon die
of inanition, as some persons have been
tickled to death. The same scourge whips
the joker and the enjoy er of the joke.
When Carlini was convulsing Naples with
laughter, a patient waited on a physician
in that city, to obtain some remedy for
excessive melancholy, which was rapidly
consuming his life. The physician en-
deavoured to cheer his spirits, and advised
him to go to the theatre and see Carlinii
He replied, “ I am Carlini,"
Whoever looks at the insect world, at
flies, aphides, gnats, and innumerable
parasites, and even at the infant mam-
mals, must have remarked the extreme
content they take in suction, which consti-
tutes the main business of their life. If
we go into a library or news-room, we see
the same function on a higher plane,
performed with l^ike ardour, with equal
impatience of interruption, indicating the
sweetness of the act. In the highest
civilization the book is still the highest
delight. He who has once known its
satisfactions is provided with a resource
against calamity. Like Plato’s disciple
who has perceived a truth, "he is pre-
served from harm until another period."
In every man’s memory, with the hours
when life culminated are usually associ-
ated certain books which met his views.
Of a large and powerful class we might
ask with confidence, What is the event j
they most desire ? what gift ? What but
the book that shall come, which they have
sought through all libraries, through all
languages, that shall be to their mature
eyes what many a tinsel-covered toy
pamphlet was to their childhood, and
shall speak to the imagination ? Our
high respect for a well-read man is praise
enough of literature. If we encountered
a man of rare intellect, we should ask
him what books he read. We expect a
great man to be a good reader ; or in pro-
ortion to the spontaneous power should
e the assimilating power. And though
such are a more difficult and exacting
class, they are not less eager. " He that
borrows the aid of an equal understand-
ing," said Burke, " doubles his own ; he
that usos that of a superior elevates his
own to the stature of that he (x>iitem«
We prize books, and they prize them
most who are themselves wise. Ouf
debt to tradition through reading and
conversation is so massive, our protest or
private addition so rare and insignificant
— and this commonly on the ground of
other reading or hearing — that, in a large
sense, one would say there is no pure
originality. All minds quote. Old and
new make the warp and woof of every
moment. There is no thread that is not
a twist of these two strands. By necessity,
by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote,
We quote not only books and proverbs,
but arts, sciences, religion, customs and
laws ; nay, we quote temples and houses,
tables and chairs by imitation. The
Patent-Office Commissioner knows that
all machines in use have been invented
and re-invented over and over ; that the
mariner’s compass, the boat, the pen-
dulum, glass, movable types, the kaleido-
scope, the railway, tiito power-loom, etc.,
have been many times found and lost,
from Pgy[)t, China and Pompeii down ;
and if we liavo arts which Rome wanted,
so also Romo had arts wliich we havo
lost; that the invention of yesterday of
making wood iiuh^structible by means of
vapour of coal-oil or paraffine was
suggested by the Egyptian method which
has preserved its mummy-cases four
thousand years.
The highest statement of new philo-
sophy complacently caps itself with some
prophetic maKim from the oldest learn-
ing. There is something mortifying in
this perpetual circle. This extreme
economy argues a very small capital of
invention. The stream of affection flows
broad and strong ; the practical activity
is a river of supply; but the dearth of
design accuses the penury of intellect.
How few thoughts I In a hundred years,
millions of men, add nofea hundred lines
of poetry, not a theory of philosophy that
offers a solution of the great problems,
not an art of education that fulfils the
conditions. In this delay and vacancy of
thought we must make the best amends
we can by seeking the wisdom of others
to fill the time.
If we confine ourselves to literature, it
is easy to see that the debt is immense to
past thought. None escapes it. The
originals are not original. There is
imitation, model, and suggestion, to the
very archangels, if we knew their history.
The first book tyranises over the second.
Read Tasso, and you think of Virgil ; read
Virgil, and you think of Homer ; and
Milton forces you to reflect how narrow
are the limits of human invention. The
“Paradise Lost” had never existed but
for these precursors ; and if we find in
India or Arabia a book out of our horizon
of thought and tradition, we are soon
taught by new researches in its native
country to discover its foregoers, and its
latent, but real connection with our own
Read in Plato, and you shall find
Christian dogmas, and not only so, but
stumble on our evangelical phrases.
Hegel pre-exists in Proclus, and, long
before, in Heraclitus and Parmenides.
Whoso knows Plutarch, Lucian, Rabelais,
Montaigne, and Bayle will have a key to
many supposed originalities, Rabelais is
the source of many a proverb, story and
jest, derived from him into all modern
languages; and if we knew Rabelais’s
reading, we should see the rill of the
Rabelais river, Swedenborg, Behmcn,
Spinoza, will appear original to unin-
structed and to thoughtless persons ; their
originality will disappear to such as are
either well-read or thoughtful ; for scholars
will recognise their dogmas as re-appear-
ing in men of a similar intellectual eleva-
tion throughout history. Albert, the
*• wonderful doctor,” St. Buenaventura,
the “ seraphic doctor,’ Thomas Aquinas,
the “Angelic doctor” of the thirteenth
century, whose books made the sufficient
culture of these ages, Dante absorbed and
ho survives for us. “ Renard the Fox,”
a German poem of the thirteenth century,
was long supposed to be the original
work, until Grimm found fragments of
another original a century older. M. Le
Grand showed that in the old Fabliaux
were the originals of the tales of Molidre,
La Fontaine » Boccaccio, and of Voltaire.
Mythology is no man’s work: bu. what
we daily observe w regard to the bo^-mot%
that circulate in society — that every talker
helps a story in repeating it, until, at last,
from the slenderest filament of fact a good
fable is constru\:ted— the same growth
befalls mythology ; the legend is tossed
from believer to poet, from poet to
believer, everybody adding a grace or
dropping a fault or rounding the form,
until it gets an ideal truth.
Religious literature, the psalms and
liturgies of churches, are of course of this
slow growth—a fagot of selections gathered
through ages, leaving the worse, and
saving the better, until it is at last the
work of the whole communion of wor-
shippers. The Bible itself is like an old
Cremona ; it has been played upon by the
devotion of thousands of years, until every
word and particle is public and tunable.
And whatever undue reverence may have
been claimed for it by the prestige of
philonic inspiration, the stronger tendency
we are describing is likely to undo. What
divines had assumed as the distinctive
revelations of Christiaiaity, theologic criti-
cism has matched by exact parallelisms
from the Stoics and poets of Greece and
Rome. Later, when Confucius and the
Indian scriptures were made known, no
claim to monopoly of ethical wisdom
could be thought of; and the surprising
results of the new researches into the
history of Egypt have opened to us the
deep debt of the churches of Rome and
England to the Egyptian heirology.
The borrowing is often honest enough,
and comes of magnanimity and stoutness.
A great man quotes bravely, and will not
draw on his invention when his memory
serves him with a word as good. What
he quotes, he fills with his own voice and
humour, and the whole cyclopaedia of his
table-talk is presently believed to be his
own. Thirty years ago, when Mr. Webster
at the bar or in the Senate filled the eyes
and minds of young men, you might often
heal cited as Mr. Webster’s three rules ;
first, never to do to-day what he could
defer till to-morrow ; secondly, never to
do himself what he could make another
do for him ; and, thirdly, never to pay
any debt to-day. Well, they are none the
worse for being already told, in the last
generation, of Sheridan ; and we find in
Grimm’s Mimoires that Sheridan got them
from the witty D’Argenson ; who, no
doubt, if we could consult him, could tell
of whom he first heard them told. In our
own college days we remember heating
3 R
other pieces of Mr. Webster’s advice to
students— among others, this : that, when
he opened a new book, he turned to the
table of contents, took a pen, and sketched
a sheet of matters and topics — what he
knew and what he thought — before he read
the book. But we find in Southey’s
“ Common-place Book ” this said of the
Earl of Strafford: " I learned one rule of
him,” says Sir G. Radcliffe, ” which I
think worthy to be remembered. When
he met with a well penned oration or tract
upon any subject, he framed a speech
upon the same argument, inventing and
disposing what seemed fit to be said upon
that subject, before he read the book ;
then, reading, compared his own with the
author’s, and noted his own defects and
the author’s art and fulness ; whereby he
drew all that ran in the author more
strictly, and might better judge of his own i
wants to supply them.” I remember to
have heard Mr. Samuel Rogers, in London,
relate, among other anecdotes of the Duke
of Wellington, that a lady having ex-
pressed in his presence a passionate wish
to witness a grea victory, he replied :
” Madam, there is nothing so dreadful as
a great victory — excepting a great defeat.”
But this speech is also D’Argenson’s, and
is reported by Grimm. So the sarcasm
attributed to Lord Eldon upon Brougham,
his predecessor on the woolsack, ” What j
a wonderful versatile mind has Brougham 1 1
he knows politics, Greek, history, science; !
if he only knew a little of law, he would
know a little of everything.” You may
find the original of this gibe in Grimm,
w'ho says that Louis XVI., going out of
chapel after hearing a sermon from the
Abbd Maury, said ” Si V Abhe nous avail
parle un peu do religion, il nous aurait
parle de tout.'^ A pleasantry which ran
through ail the newspapers a few years
since, taxing the eccentricities of a gifted
family connection in New England, was
only a theft of Lady Mary Wortley
Montagu’s mot of a hundred years ago.
that ” the world was made up of men and
women and Herveys.”
Many of the historical proverbs have a
doubtful paternity. Columbus’s egg is
claimed for Brunelleschi. Rabelais’s dying
words, “I am going to see the great
Perhaps” (le grand Peuietre), only repeats
the ” IF ” inscribed on the portal of the
temple at Delphi. Goethe’s favourite
phrase, ” the open secret,” translates
Aristotle’s answer to Alexander, ** These
Dooks are published and not published.”
Madame de Stall's ” Architecture U firoxen
music ” is borrowed from Goethe’s “dumb
music,” which ir Vitruvius’s rule, that
” the architect must not only understand
drawing, but music.” Wordsworth's hero
acting “ on the plan which pleaded his
childish thought,” is Schiller’s “iTell him
to reverence the dreams of his youth,” and
earlier. Bacon’s Consilia juventutis plu%
divinitatis habent,"
In romantic literature examples of this
vamping abound. The fine verse in the
old Scotch ballad of ” The Drowned
“ Thou art roaring ower loud, Clyde water,
Thy streams are ower strang :
Make me thy wrack when 1 come back.
But spare me when I gang.”
is a translation of Martial’s epigram on
Hero and Leander, where the prayer of
Leander is the same : —
“Parcite dum propero, mergite dum redeo.*
Hafiz furnished Burns with the song of
” John Barleycorn,” and furnished Moori
with the original of the piece,
” When in death I shall calm recline,
Oh, bear my heart to my mistress dear,” etc.
There are many fables which, as they
are found in every language, and betray
no sign of being borrowed, are said to be
agreeable to the human mind. Such are
“The Seven Sleepers,” “Gyges’s Ring,”
“ The Travelling Cloak,” ” The Wandering
Jew,” “The Pied Piper,” “Jack and his
Beanstalk,” the “ Lady Diving in the Lake
and Rising in the Cave” — whose omnipre-
sence only indicates how easily a good
story crosses all frontiers. The popular
incident of Baron Munchausen, who hung
his bugle up by the kitchen fire, and the
frozen tune thawed out, is found in Greece
in Plato’s time. Antiphancs, one of Plato’s
friends, laughingly compared his writings
to a city where the words froze in the air
as soon as they were pronounced, and the
next summer, when they were warmed and
melted by the sun, the people heard what
had been spoken in the winter. It is only
within this century that England and
America discovered that their nuiocry-talci
w*re old German and Scandinavian stories;
and now it appears that they came from
1 India, and are the property of all the
; nations descended from the Aryan race,
and have been warbled and babbled be-
tween nurses and children for unknown
thousands of years.
If we observe the tenacity with which
nations cling to their first types of costume,
of architecture, of tools and methods in
tillage, and decoration— if we learn how
old are the patterns of pur shawls, the
capitals of our columns, tfle fret, the beads,
and other ornaments on our walls, the
alternate lotus-bud and leaf-stem of our
iron fences — wo shall think very well of
the first men, or ill of the latest.
Now shall we say that only the first men
were well alive, and the existing genera-
tion is invalided and degenerate ? Is all
literature eavesdropping, and all art
Chinese imitation ? our life a custom, and
our body borrowed, like a beggar’s dinner,
from a hundred charities ? A more subtle
and severe criticism might suggest that
some dislocation has befallen tlie race;
that men are off their centre ; that multi-
tudes of men do not live with Nature, but
behold it as exiles. People go out to look
at sunrises and sunsets who do no trecog-
nize their own quietly and happily, but
know that it is foreign to them. As they
do by books, so they quote the sunset and
the star, and do not make them theirs.
Worse yet, they live as foreigners in the
world of truth, and quote thoughts, and
thus disown them, Quotation confesses
inferiority. In opening a new book we
of^en discover, from the unguarded devo-
tion with which the writer gives his motto
or text, all we have to expect from him. If
Lord Bacon appears already in the preface,
I go and read the “ Instauration ” instead
of the new book.
The mischief is quickly punished in
general and in particular. Admirable
mimics have nothing of their own. In
every kind of parasite, when Nature has
finished an aphis, a teredo, or a vampire
bat — an excellent sucking-pipe to tap
another animal, or a mistletoe or dodder
among plants — the self-supplying organs
wither and dwindle, as being superfluous, j
In common prudence there is an early
limit to this leaning on an original. In
literature quotation is good only when the
writer whom I follow goes my way, and,
being better mounted than I, gives me a
cast, as we say; but if I like the gay
equipage so well as to go out of my road, I
had better have gone afoot.
But it is necessary to remember there
are certain considerations which go far to
qualify a reproach too grave. This vast !
mental indebtedness has every variety that
pecuniary debt has — every variety of merit.
The capitalist of either kind is as hungry ,
to lend as the consumer to borrow ; and !
the transaction no more indicates intel-
lectual turpitude in the borrower than the
•imple fact of debt involves bankruptcy.
f On the contrary, in far the ^eater nw mbei
I of cases the transaction is honourable
j to both. Can we not help ourselves as
! discreetly by the force of two In literature ?
1 Certainly it only needs two well place 1
and well tempered for co-operation, to get
somewhat far transcending any privSle
enterprise 1 Shall we converse as spies ?
Our very abstaining to repeat and credil
the fine remark of our friend is thievish.
Each man of thought is surrounded by
wiser men than he, if they cannot write as
well. Cannot he and they combine ? Can-
not they sink their jealousies in God’s
love, and call their poem Beaumont and
Fletcher, or the Theban Phalanx’s ? The
city will for nine days or nine years m^ka
differences and sinister comparisons: there
is a new and more excellent public that
will bless the friends. Nay, it is an inevita-
ble fruit of our social nature. The child
quotes his father, and the man quotes his
friend. Each man is a hero and an oracle
to somebody, and to that person whatever
he says has an enhanced value. Whatever
we think and say is wonderfully better for
our spirits and trust in another mouth.
There is none so emiilfent and wise but he
knows minds whose opinion confirms or
qualifies his own : and men of extraordinary
genius acquire an almost absolute ascen-
dant over tlieir nearest companioni. The
Comte de Crillon said one day to M.,
d’AUonville, with French vivacity, *' If the
universe and I professed one opinion, and
M. Necker expressed a contrary one, I
should be at once convinced that the uni-
verse and I were mistaken."
Original power is usually accompanied
with assimilating power, and we value in
Coleridge his excellent knowledge and
quotations perhaps as much, possibly
more, than his original suggestions. If an
author give us just distinctions, inspiring
lessons, or imaginative poetry, it is not so
important to us whose they are. If we are
fired and guided by these, we know him as
a benefactor, and shall return to him as
long as he serves us so well. We may like
well to know what is Plato’s and what is
Montesquieu’s or Goethe’s part, and what
thought was always dear to the writer
himself; but the worth of the sentences
consists in their radiancy and equal apti-
tude to all intelligence. They fit all ouf
facts like a charm. We respect ourselves
the more that we know them,
Next to th^ originator of a good senten#ft
is the first qtioter of it. Many will read
the book before one thinks of quoting a
passage. As soon as ha has done this, thai
line will be quoted east and west. Then
there are great ways of borrowing. Genius
borrows nobly. When Shakspeare is
charged with debts to his authors, Landor
replies : *' Yet he was more original than
his originals. He breathed upon dead
bodies and brought them into life.” And
we must thank Karl Ottfried Muller for the
just remark, “ Poesy, drawing within its
circle all that is glorious and inspiring,
gave itself but little concern as to where
its flowers originally grew.” So Voltaire
usually imitated, but with such superiority
that Dubuc said : ” He is like the false
Amphitryon ; although the stranger, it is
always he who has the air of being master
of the house.” Wordsworth, as soon as
he heard a good thing, caught it up, medi-
tated upon it, and very soon reproduced it
in his conversation and writing. If De
Quincey said, "That is what I told you,”
he replied, " No: that is mine — mine, and
not yours.” On the whole, we like the
valour of it. ’Tis on Marmontel’s principle,
pounce on what is mine, wherever I
find it ” ; and on Bacon’s broader rule, “I
take all knowledge to be my province.” It
betrays the consciciusness that the truth is
the property of no individual, but is the
treasure of all men. And inasmuch as any
writer has ascended to a just view of man’s
condition, he has adopted this tone. In so
far as the receiver’s aim is on life, and not
on literature, will be his indifference to the
source. The nobler the truth or sentiment,
the less imports the question of author-
ship. It never troubles the simple seeker
from whom he derived such or such a
sentiment. Whoever expresses to us a
just thought makes ridiculous the pains of
the critic who should tell him where such
a word had been said before. " It is no
more according to Plato than according to
me.” Truth is always present; it only
needs to lift the iron lids of the mind’s eye
to read its oracles. But the moment there
is the purpose of display, the fraud is ex-
posed. In fact, it is as difficult to appro-
priate the thoughts of others, as it is to
invent. Always some steep transition,
some sudden alteration of temperature, of
point or of view, betrays the foreign inter-
There is, besides, a new charm in such
intellectual works as, passing through
long time, have had a multitude of authors
and improvers. We admire that poetry
t/hich no man wrote— no poet less than
the genius of humanity itself— -which is to
be read in a mythology, in the effect of a I
^ed or national style of pictures, of]
sculptures, or drama, or cities, or sciences,
on us. Such 9 poem also is language.
Every word in the language has once been
used happily. The ear, caught by that
felicity, retains it, and it is used again
and again, as if the charm belonged to
the word, and not to the life of thought
which so enforced it. These profane
uses, of course, kill it, and it is avoided.
But a quick wit can at any time reinforce
it, and it comes into vogue again. Then
people quote so differently ; one finding
only what is gaudy and popular ; another,
the heart of the author ; the report of his
select and happiest hour ; and the reader
sometimes giving more to the citation
than ho owes to it. Most of the clas hcal
citations you shall hear or read in the
current journals or speeches were not
drawn from the originals, but from pre-
vious quotations in English books ; and
you can easily pronounce, from the use
and relevancy of the sentence, whether it
had not done duty many times before —
whether your jewel was got from the rniiiQ
or from an auctioneer, We are as much
informed of a writer’s genius by what he
selects as by what he originates. Wo
read the quotation with his eyes, and find
a new and fervent sense ; as a passage
from one of the poets, well recited, bor-
rows new interest from the rendering.
As the journals say, " the italics are ours.’*
The profit of books is according to ilio
sensibility of the reader. The profouudest
thought or passion sleeps as in a mine,
until an equal mind and heart finds and
publishes it. The passages of Shakspeara
that we most prize were never quoted
until within this century; and Milton’s
prose, and Burke, even, have their best
feme within it. Every one, too, remem-
bers his friends by their favourite poetry
or other reading.
Observe, also, that a writer appears to
more advantage in the pages of another
book than in his own. In his own, |ho
j waits as a candidate for your approba-
I tion ; in another’s, he is a lawgiver.
Then another’s thoughts have a certain
I advantage with us simply because they
1 are another's. There is an illusion in
a new phrase. A man hears a fine sen-
tence out of Swedenborg, and wonders at
the wisdom, and is very merry at heart
that he has now got so fine a thing.
Translate it out of the new words into
his own usual phrase, and he will wonder
again at his own simplicity, such tricks do
fine words play with us.
’Tis curious what new interest an ol4
ijiuthor acquires by oflScial canonization
In Tiraboschi, or Dr. Johnson, or Von
Hammer-Purgstall, or Hallam, or other
historian of literature. Their registra-
tion of his book, or citation of a passage,
carries the sentimental value of a college
diploma. Hallam, though never profound,
is a fair mind, able to appreciate poetry,
unless it becomes deep, being always
blind and deaf to imaginative and analogy-
loving souls, like the Platonists, like
Giordano Bruno, like Donne, Herbert,
Crashaw, and Vaughan ; and Hallam cites
a sentence from Bacon or Sidney, and
distinguishes a lyric of Edwards or Vaux,
and straightway it commends itself to us
as if it had received the Isthmian crown.
It is a familiar expedient of brilliant
writers, and not less of witty talkers, the
device of ascribing their own sentence to
an imaginary person, in order to give it
weight — as Cicero, Cowley, Swift, Landor,
and Carlyle have done. And Cardinal
de Retz, at a critical moment in the Par-
liament of Paris, described himself in an
extemporary Latin sentence, which he
pretended to quote from a classic author,
ind which told admirably well. It is a
curious reflex effect of this enhancement
of our thought by citing it from another,
that many men can write better under a
mask than for themselves — as Chatterton
in archaic ballad, Le Sage in Spanish
costume, Macpherson as “ Ossian ” — and,
I doubt not, many a young barrister in
chambers in London, who forges good
thunder for the Times, but never works
as well under his own name. This is a
sort of dramatizing talent ; as it is not rare
to find great powers of recitation, without
the least original eloquence — or people
who copy drawings with admirable skill, I
but are incapable of any design. j
In hours of high mental activity we
sometimes do the book too much honour,
reading out of it better things than the
author wrote — reading, as we say, between
the lines. You have had the like ex-
perience in conversation ; the wit was in
what you heard, not in what the speakers
said. Our best thought came from others.
We heard in their words a deeper sense
than the speakers put into them, and
could express ourselves in other people’s
phrases to finer purpose than they knew.
In Moore’s Diary, Mr. Hallam is reported
as mentioning at dinner one of his friends
who had said, *' I don’t know how it is, a
thing that falls flat from me seems quite
an excellent joke when given second-hand
by Sheridan. I never like my own both
mots until he adopts them." Dumont was
exalted by being used by Mirabeau, by
Bentham, and by Sir Philip Francis, who,
again, was less than his own “Junius";
and James Hogg (except in his poems
“ Kilmeny " and • The Witch of File ") is
but a third-rate author, owing his fame to
his effigy colossalized through the lens of
John Wilson— -who, again, writes belter
under the domino of “ Christopher North "
than in his proper clothes. The bold
theory of Delia Bacon, that Shakspeare’s
plays were written by a society of wits —
by Sir Walter Raleigh, Lord Bacon, and
others around the Earl of Southampton —
had plainly for her the charm of the
superior meaning they would acquire
when read under this light ; this idea of
the authorship controlling our apprecia-
tion of the works themselves. We once
knew a man overjoyed at the notice of his
pamphlet in a leading newspaper. What
range he gave his imagination ! Who
could have written It ? Was it not Colonel
Carbine, or Senator Tonitrus, or, at the
least, Professor Maximilian ? Yes, he
could detect in the stjile that fine Roman
hand. How it seemed the very voice of
the refined and discerning public, inviting
merit at last to consent to fame, anc.
come up and take place in the reserved
and authentic chairs I He carried the
journal with haste to the sympathizing
Cousin Matilda, who is so proud of all we
do. But what dismay, when the good
Matilda, pleased with his pleasure, con-
fessed she had written the criticism, and
carried it with her own hands to the post-
I office I “ Mr. Wordsworth," said Charles
Lamb, “ allow me to introduce to you my
only admirer."
Swedenborg threw a formidable theory
into the world, that every soul existed in
a society of souls, from which all its
thoughts passed into it, as the blood of
the mother circulates in her unborn child ;
and he noticed that, when in his bed —
alternately sleeping and waking— sleeping,
he was surrounded by persons disputing
and offering opinions on the one side and
on the other side of a proposition ; waking,
the like suggestions occurred for and
against the proposition as his own
thoughts; sleeping again, he saw and
heard the speakers as before ; and this as
often as he slept or waked. And if wn
expand the image, does it not look as
we men were thinking and talking out of
an enormous antiquity, as if we stood,
not in a coterie of prompters that filled a
sitting-room, but in a circle of intelligencer
that reached through all thinkers, poets, truth. To all that can be said of the
inventors, and wits, men and women, preponderance 6i the Past, the single
English, German, Celt, Aryan, Ninevite, word Genius is a sufficient reply. The
Copt — back to the first geometer, bard, divine resides in the new. The divine
mason, carpenter, plainer, shepherd — never quotes, but is, and creates. The
back to the first negro, who, with more profound apprehension of the Present s
health or better perception, gave a shriller Genius, which makes the Past forgotten,
sound or name for the thing he saw and Genius believes its faintest presentiment
dealt with ? Our benefactors are as many against the testimony of all histcry ; for
as the children who invented speech, it knows that facts are not ultimates, but
word by word. Language is a city, to that a state of mind is the ancestor of
the building of which every human being everything. And what is Originality ?
brought a stone; yet he is no more to It is being, being one’s self, and reporting
be credited with the grand result than accurately what we see and are. Genius
the acaleph which adds a cell to the is, in the first instance, sensibility, the
coral reef which is the basis of the conti- capacity of receiving just impressions
nent. ^ from the external world, and the power of
noKTa pet: all things are in flux. It is co-ordinating these after the laws of
inevitable that you are indebted to the thought. It implies Will, or original
past. You are fed and formed by it. The force, for their right distribution and
old forest is decomposed for the composi- expression. If to this the sentiment of
tion of the new forest. The old animals piety be added, if the thinker feels that
have given their bodies to the earth to the thought most strictly his own is not
furnish through chemistry the forming his own, and recognizes the perpetual
race, and every individual is only a suggestion of the Supreme Intellect, the
momentary fixation of what was yesterday oldest thoughts become new and fertile
another’s, is to-day^ his, and will belong whilst he speaks them,
to a third to-morrow. So it is in thought. Originals never lose their value. There
Our knowledge is the amassed thought is always in them a style and weight of
and experience of innumerable minds: speech, which the immanence of th«
our language, our science, our religion, oracle bestowed, and which cannot be
our opinions, our fancies we inherited, counterfeited. Hence the permanence of
Our country, customs, laws, our ambitions, the high poets. Plato, Cicero, and Plu-
and our notions of fit and fair — all these tarch cite the poets in the manner in
we never made; we found them ready- which Scripture is quoted incur churches,
made ; we but quote them. Goethe frankly A phrase or a single word is adduced,
^id, “ What would remain to me if this with honouring emphasis, from Pindar,
art of appropriation were derogatory to Hesiod, or Euripides, as precluding all
genius ? Every one of my writings has argument, because thus had they said :
been furnished to me by a thousand dif- importing that the bard spoke not bis
ferent persons, a thousand things : wise own, but the words of some god. True
and foolish have brought me, without poets have always ascended to this lofty
Buspectingit, the offering of their thoughts, platform, and met this expectation,
faculties, and experience. My work is Shakspeare, Milton, Wordsworth, were
an aggregation of beings taken from the very conscious of their responsibilities,
whole of nature ; it bears the name of When a man thinks happily, he finds no
Goethe.” fool-track in the field he traverses. All
But there remains the indefeasible per- spontaneous thought is irrespective of all
•istency of the individual to bo himself, else. Pindar uses this haughty defiance.
One leaf, one blade of grass, one meri- as if it were impossible to find his
di^, does not resemble another. Evei^ sources : *' There are many swift darts
mind is different ; and the more it is within my quiver, which have a voice for
unfolded, the more pronounced is that those with understanding ; but t* the
difference. He must draw the elements crowd they need interpreters. He is
into him for food, and, if they be granite gifted with genius who knoweth much by
and silex, will prefer them cooked by sun natural talent.”
a»d rain, by time and art, to his hand. Our pleasure in seeing each mind take
But, however received, these elements the subject to which it has a proper right
pass into the substance of his constitution, Is seen in mere fitness in time. He that
will be assimilated, and tend always to comes second must needs quote him that
form, not a partisan, but a possessor of comes first* The earliest desoribers ol
eavage life as Captain Cook’s account of
the Society Islands, or iJexander Henry’s
travels among our Indian tribes, have a
charm of truth and just point of view.
Landsmen and sailors freshly come from
the most civilized countries, and with no
false expectation, no sentimentality yet
about wild life, healthily receive and
report what they saw— seeing what they
must, and using no choice ; and no man
.inspects the superior merit of the descrip-
tion, until Chateaubriand, or Moore, or
Campbell, or Byron, or the artists arrive,
and mix so much art with their picture
that the incomparable advantage of the
first narrative appears. For the same j
reason wo dislike that the poet should
choose an antique or far-fetched subject
for his muse, as if he avowed want of
insight. The great deal always with the
nearest. Only as braveries of too prodi-
gal power can we pardon it, when the life
of genius is so redundant that out of
petulance it flings its fire into some old
mummy, and, lol it walks and blushes
again here in the street.
We cannot overstate our debt to the
Past, but the moment has the supreme
claim. The Past is for us ; but the sola
terms on which it can become ours are
its subordination to the Present. Only
an inventor knows ihow to borrow, and
every man is or should be an inventor.
We must not tamper with the organic
motion of the soul. ’Tis certain that
thought has its own proper motion, and
the hints which flash from it, the words
overheard at unawares by the free mind,
are trustworthy and fertile, when obeyed,
and not perverted to low and selfish
account. This vast memory is only raw
material. The divine gift is ever the
instant life, which receives and uses and
creates, and can well bury the old in the
omnipotency with which Nature decom-
poses all her harvest fof recomposition,
Address read before the B K Society at Cambridge, July i8, 1867.
We meet to-day under happy omens to
our ancient society, to the commonwealth
of letters, to the country, and to mankind.
Ivo good citizen but shares the wonderful
prosperity of the Federal Union. The
heart still beats with the public pulse of
joy, that the country has withstood the
rude trial which threatened its existence,
and thrills with the vast augmentation of
strength which it draws from this proof.
The storm which has been resisted is a
crown of honour and a pledge of strength
to the ship. We may be well contented
with our fair inheritance. Was ever such
coincidence of advantages in time and
place as in America to-day ? — the fusion
of races and religions ; the hungry cry for
men which goes up from the wide con-
tinent ; the answering facility of immi-
gration, permitting every wanderer to
choose his climate and government. Men
come hither by nations. Science sur-
passes the old miracles of mythology, to
fly with them over the sea, and to send
their messages under it. They come from
crowded, antiquated kingdoms to the easy
sharing of our simpler forms, Land
without price is offered to the settler,
cheap education to his children. The
temper of our people delights in this
whirl of life. Who would live in the stone
age, or the bronze, or the iron, or the
lacustrine ? Who does not prefer tlie age
of steel, of gold, of coal, petroleum, cot-
ton, steam, electricity, and the spectro-
scope ?
•' Prisca juvent alios, ego me nunc denique
All this activity has added to the value of
life, and to the scope of the intellect. I
will not say that American institutions
have given a new enlargement to our idea
of a finished man, but they have added
important features to the sketch.
Observe the marked ethical quality of
the innovations urged or adopted, The
new claim of woman to a political status
is itself an honourable testimony to the
civilization which has given her a civil
status new in history. Now that, by the
increased humanity of law she controls
her property, she inevitably takes the
next step to her share in power. The
war gives us the abolition of slavery, the
success of the Sanitary Commission and
of the Freedmen’s Bureau. Add to tj;Lesa
the new scope of social science; the
abolition of capital punishment and of
imprisonment for debt ; the improvement
of prisons ; the efforts tho buppressioa
of intemperance ; the search for just rules
affecting labour ; the co-operative so-
cieties ; the insurance of life and limb ;
tlie free-trade league ; the improved alms-
houses ; the enlarged scale of charities to
relieve local famine, or Ipurned towns, or
the suffering Greeks ; the incipient series
of international congresses—all, one may
say, in a high degree revolutionary —
teaching nations the taking of government
into their own hands, and superseding
The spirit is new. A silent revolution
has impelled, step by step, all this
activity. A great many full-blown con-
ceits have burst. The coxcomb goes to
the wall. To his astonishment he has
found that this country and this age belong
to the most liberal persuasion ; that the
day of ruling by scorn and sneers is
past; that good sense is now in power,
and i/tai resting on a vast constituency of
intelligent labour, and, better yet, on
perceptions less and less dim of laws the
most sublime Men are now to be as-
tonished by seeir/g acts of good-nature,
common civility, and Christian charity
proposed by statesman, and executed by
justices of the peace — by policemen and
the constable. The fop is unable to cut
the patriot in the street ; nay, he lies at
his mercy in the ballot of the club.
Mark, too, the largo resources of a
statesman, of a socialist, of a scholar, in
this age. When classes are exasperated
against each other, the peace of the world
Is always kept by striking a new note.
Instantly the units part, and form in a
new order, and those who were opposed
are now side by side. In this country
the prodigious mass of work that must be
done ,has either made new divisions of
labour or created new professions. Con-
sider, at this time, what variety of issues,
of enterprises public and private, what
genius of science, what of administration,
what of practical skill, what masters,
each in his several province, the railroad,
the telegraph, the mines, the inland and
marine explorations, the novel and power-
ful philanthropies, as well as agriculture,
the foreign trade, and the home trade
(whose circuits in this country are as
spacious as the foreign), manufactures,
the very inventions, all on a national
scale, too, have evoked I — all implying the
appearance of gifted men, the rapid ad-
dition to our society of a class of true
nobles, by which the self-respect of each
town and State is enriched.
Take aa a type the boundleia freedom
here in Massachusetts. Peop'e have fa
all countries beej^ burned and stoned for
saying things which are commonplaces at
all our breakfast-tables. Every one who
was in Italy twenty-five years ago will
remember the caution with which his host
or guest, in any house looked around him,
if a political topic were broached. Here
the tongue is free, and the hand; and the
freedom of action goes to the brink, if not
over the brink, of license.
A controlling influence of the times has
been the wide and successful study of
Natural Science. Steffens said, " The re-
ligious opinions of men rest on their views
of nature.” Great strides have been made
within the present century. Geology,
astronomy, chemistry, optics, have yielded
grand results. The correlation of forces
and the polarization of light have carried
us to sublime generalizations — have ef-
fected an imaginative race like poetio
inspirations. We have been taught to
tread familiarly on giddy heights of
thought, and to wont ourselves to daring
conjectures. The narrow sectarian can-
not read astronomy with impunity. The
creeds of his church shrivel like dried
leaves at the door of the observatory, and
a new and healthful air regenerates the
human mind, and imparts a sympathetio
enlargement to its inventions and method.
That cosmical west-wind which meteoro-
logists tell us, constitutes by the revolution
of the globe, the upper current, is alono
broad enough to carry to every city and
suburb — tothe farmer’s house, the miner’s
shanty, and the fisher’s boat — the inspira-
tions of this new hope of mankind. Now,
if any one say we have had enough of
these boastful recitals, then I say, Happy
is the land wherein benefits like these
have grown trite and commonplace.
Wo confess that in America everything
looks new and recent. Our towns are still
rude— the make-shifts of emigrants— and
the whole architecture tent-like, when
compared with the monumental solidity
of mediaeval and primeval remains in
Europe and Asia. But geology has effaced
these distinctions. Geology, a science of
forty or fifty summers, has had the effect
to throw an air of novelty and mushroom
speed over entire history. The oldest em-
pires— what we called venerable antiquity
— now that we have true measures of dura-
tion, show like creations of yesterday,
'Tis yet quite too early to draw sound con-
clusions. The old six thousand years of
chronology become a kitchen clock — no
more a measure of time than an hour*
glass Of ftn egg- glass — since the duration
of geologic periods hascxiome into view.
Geology itself is only chemistry with the
element of time added ; and the rocks of
Nahant or the dykes of the White Hills
disclose that the world is a crystal, and the
soil of the valleys and plains a continual
decomposition and recomposition. No-
thing is old but the mind.
But I find not only this equality between
new and old countries, as seen by the eye
of science, but also a certain equivalence
of the ages of history ; and as the child is
in his playthings working incessantly at
problems of natural philosophy — working
as hard and as successfully as Newton —
BO it were ignorance not to see that each
nation and period has done its full part to
make up the result of existing civility.
We are all agreed that wo have not on the
instant better men to show than Plutarch’s
heroes. The world is always equal to
itself. We cannot yet afford to drop
Homer, nor ACschylus, nor Plato, nor
Aristotle, nor Archimedes. Later, each
European nation, after the breaking up of
the Roman Empire, had its romantic era, |
and the productions of that era in each
rose to about the same height. Take for!
an example in literature the Romance of \
Arthur, in Britain, or in the opposite pro- j
vince of Brittany : the Chansons dc Roland,
in France ; the Chronicle of the Cid, in
Spain ; the Niebelungen Lied, in Germany ;
the Norse Sagas, in Scandinavia; and, I
may add, the Arabian Nights on the Afri-
can coast. But if these works still survive
and multiply, what shall we say of names
more distant, or hidden through their very
superiority to their coevals — names of men
who have left remains that certify a height
of genius in their several directions not
since surpassed, and which men in pro-
portion to their wisdom still cherish — as
Zoroaster, Confucius, and the grand scrip-
tures, only recently known to western
nations, of the Indian Vedas, the Institutes
of Menu, the Puranas, the poems of the
Mahabarat and the Ramayana ?
In Modern Europe, the Middle Ages
were called the Dark Ages. Who dares
to call them so now ? They are seen to
be the feet on which we walk, the eyes
with which we see, ’Tis one of our
triumphs to have reinstated them. Their
Dante and Alfred and Wickliffe and
Abelard and Bacon ; their Magna Charta,
decimal numbers, mariner's compass, gun-
powder, glass, paper, and clocks ; chemis-
try, algebra, astronomy ; their Gothic
architecture, their paiating are the
delight and tuition of ours. Six hundred
years ago Roger Bacon explained the
precession of the equinoxes, and the
necessity of reform in the calendar ;
looking over how many horizons as far as
into Liverpool • and New Yoik, he
announced that machines can be con-
structed to drive ships more rapidly than
a whole galley of roweis could do, nor
would they need any1:hing but a pilot to
steer; carriages, to n^ove with incredible
speed, without aid of animals ; and
machines to fly into the air like birds.
Even the races that we still call savage or
semi-savage, and which preserve their
arts from immemorial traditions, vindicate
their faculty by the skill with which they
make their yam-cloths, pipes, bows, boats,
and carved war-clubs. The war-praa of
the Malays in the Japanese waters struck
Commodore Perry by its close resemblance
to the yacht " America."
As we find thus a certain equivalent in
the ages, there is also an equipollcnce of
j individual genius to the nation which it
: represents. It is a curious fact, that a
certain enormity of ctiture makes a man
invisible to his contemporaries. 'Tis
always hard to go beyond your public.
If they are satisfied with cheap perfor-
mance, you will not easily arrive at better,
! If they know what is good, and require it,
you will aspire and burn until you achieve
it. But, from time to time, in history,
men are born a whole age too soon. The
founders of nations, the wise men and
inventors, who shine afterwards as their
gods, were probably martyrs in their own
time. All the transcendent writers and
artists of the irorld — 'tis doubtful who
they were — they are lifted so fast into
mythology — Homer, Menu, Viasa, Daeda-
lus, Hermes, Zoroaster, even Sweden-
borg and Shakspeare. The early names
are too typical—Homer, or blifid man;
Menu, or man ; Viasa, compiler ; DasdaluSj
cunning; Hermes, interpreter: and so
on. Probably, the men were so great, so
I self-fed, that the recognition of them by
others was not necessary to them. And
everyone has heard the remark (too often,
I fear, politely made), that the philosopher
was above his audience. I think I have
seen two or three great men who, for that
reason, were of no account among
But Jove is in his reserves. The trutl^
the ho^ of any time, must always bo
sought in the minorities, Michael Angelo
was the conscience of Italy. We grow
free with his name, and find U oraa*
mental now; but in his own days, his
friends were few; and you would need
to hunt him in a conventicle with the
Methodists of the era, namely, Savonarola,
Vittoria Colonna, Contafini, Pole, Occhino
— superior souls, the religious of that day,
drawn to each other, and under some
cloud with the rest of the world — re-
formers, the radicals of the hour, banded
against the corruptions of Rome, and as
lonely and as hated as Dante before them.
I find the single mind equipollent to a
multitude of minds, say to a nation of
minds, as a drop of water balances the
sea ; and under this view the problem of
culture assumes wonderful interest.
Culture implies all which gives the mind
possession of its own powers ; as language
to the critic, telescope to the astronomer.
Culture alters the political status of an
individual. It raises a rival royalty in a
monarchy. 'Tis king against king. It is
ever the romance of history in all dynas-
ties — the co-presence of the revolutionary
force in intellect. It creates a personal
independence which the monarch cannot
look down, and to which he must often
succumb. If a man know the laws of
nature better than other men, his nation
cannot spare him ; nor if he knows the
power of numbers, the secret of geometry,
of algebra, on which the computations of
astronomy, of navigation, of machinery,
rest. If he can converse better than any
other, he rules the minds of men where-
ever he goes ; if he has imagination, he
intoxicates men. If he has wit, he
tempers despotism by epigrams : a song,
a satire, a sentence, has played its part
in great events. Eloquence a hundred
times has turned the scale of war and
peace at will. The history of Greece is
at one tinva reduced to two persons —
Philip, or the successor of Philip, on one
Bide, and Demosthenes, a private citizen,
on the other. If he has a military genius,
like Belisarius, or administrative faculty,
like Chatham or Bismarck, he is the king’s
king. If a theologian of deep convictions
and strong understanding carries his
country with him, like Luther, the state
becomes Lutheran, in spite of the Em-
peror, as Thomas i. Becket overpowered
the English Henry, Wit has great
charter. Popes and kings and Councils
pi Ten are very sharp with their censor-
fhips and inquisitions, but it is on dull
people. Some Dante or Angelo, Rabelais,
Hafiz, Cervantes, Erasmus, Stranger,
Bettine von Amim, or whatever genuine
^it of the old iniautable class, is always
allowed. Kings feel that this IS that
which they thefiiselves represent ; there
is no red-kerchiefed, red-shirted rebel,
but loyalty, kingship. This is real king-
ship, and their own only titular. Even
manners are a distinction, which, we
sometimes see, are nc^t to be overborne
by rank or official power, or even by other
eminent talents, since they too proceed
from a certain deep innate perception of
fit and fair.
It is too plain that a cultivated labourer
is worth many untaught labourers ; that a
scientific engineer, with instruments and
steam, is worth many hundred men, many
thousands ; that Archimedes or Napoleon
is worth for labour a thousand thousands i
and that in every wise and genial soul we
have England, Greece, Italy, walking, and
can dispense with populations of navvies.
Literary history and all history is a
record of the power of minorities, and of
minorities of one. Every book is written
with a constant secret reference to the
few intelligent persons whom the writer
believes to exist in the million. The
artist has always the masters in his eye,
though he affect to flout them. Michael
Angelo is thinking of Da Vinci, and
Raffaella is thinking of Michael Angelo*
Tennyson would give his fame for a ver-
dict in his favour from Wordsworth.
Agassiz and Owen and Huxley affect to
address the American and English people,
but are really writing to each other,
Everett dreamed of Webster. McKay,
the ship-builder, thinks of George Steers ;
and Steers, of Pook, the naval constructor.
The names of the masters at the head of
each department of science, art, or func-
tion are often little known to the world,
but are always known to the adepts ; as
Robert Bro\m in botany, and Gauss in
mathematics. Often the master is a
hidden man, Ixit not to the true student ;
invisible to all the rest, resplendent to
him. All his own work and culture form
the eye to see the master. In politics,
mark the importance of minorities of one,
as of Phocion, Cato, Lafayette, Arago,
The importance of the one person who
lias the truth over nations who have it
not, is because power obeys reality, and
not appearance ; according to quality,
and not quantity. How much more are
men than. nations! the wise and good
souls, the stoics in Greece and Romo,
Socrates in Athens, and saints in Judaea,
Alfred the king, Shakspearo ,tho poet,
Newton the philosopher, the perceiver,
and obeyer of truth--tbaa the foolish and
lensual millions around them! so that
wherever a true man appears, everything
usually reckoned great dwarfs itself; he is
the only great event, and it is easy to lift
him into a mythological personage.
Then the next step in the series is the
equivalence of the soul to nature. I said
that one of the distinctions of our cen-
tury has been the devotion of cultivated
men to natural science. The benefits
thence derived to the arts and to civiliza-
tion are signal and immense. They are
felt in navigation, in agriculture, in manu-
factures, in astronomy, in mining, and in
war. But over all their utilities, I must
hold their chief value to be metaphysical.
The chief value is not the useful powers
he obtained, but the test it has been of
the scholar. He has accosted this im-
measurable nature, and got clear answers.
He understood what he read. He found
agreement with himself. It taught him
anew the reach of the human mind, and
that it was citizen of the universe.
The first quality we know in matter is
centrality — we call it gravity — which holds
the universe together, which remains
pure and indestructible in each mote, as
in masses and planets, and from each
♦torn rays out illimitable influence. To
this material essence answers Truth, in
Ihe intellectual world — Truth, whose
centre is everywhere, and its circum-
ference nowhere, whose existence we
cannot disimagine — the soundness and
health of things, against which no blow
can be struck but it recoils on the striker
—Truth, on whose side we always heartily
are. And the first measure of a mind is
its centrality, its capacity of truth, and its
adhesion to it.
When the correlation of the sciences
was announced by Oersted and his col-
leagues, it was no surprise ; we were
found already prepared for it. The fact
stated accorded with the auguries or
divinations of the human mind. Thus, if
we should analyze Newton’s discovery,
we should say that if it bad not been
anticipated by him, it would not have
been found. We are told that, in posting
his books, after the French had measured
on the earth a degree of the meridian,
when he saw that his theoretic results
were approximating that empirical one,
his hand shook, the figures danced, and
he was so agitated that he was forced to
call in an assistant to finish the computa-
tion. Why agitated ? but because, when
he saw, in the fall of an apple to the
ground, the fall of the earth to the sun, of
? CULTURE, 62 %
the sun and of all suns to the centre, that
perception was accompanied by the spasm
of delight by which the intellect greets a
fact more immense still, a fact really
universal — holdpg in intellect as in matter
in morals as in intellect — that atom draws
to atom throughout nature, and truth to
truth throughout spirit? His law was
only a particular of the more universal
law of centrality. Every law in nature,
as gravity, centripetence, repulsion;
polarity, undulation, has a counterpart in
the intellect. The laws above are sisters
of the laws below. Shall we study the
mathematics of the sphere, and not its
causal essence also ? Nature is a fable,
whose moral blazes through it. There is
no use in Copernicus, if the robust perio-
dicity of the solar system does not show
its equal perfection in the mental sphere
— the periodicity, the compensatory
errors, the grand reactions. I shall never
believe that centrifugence and centri-
petence balance, unless mind heats and
meliorates, as well as the surface and
soil of the globe. ^
On this power, this all-dissolving unity *
the emphasis of heaven and earth is laid.
Nature is brute but as this soul quickens
it ; Nature always the effect, mind the
flowing cause. Nature, we find, is ever
as is our sensibility ; it is hostile to igno-
rance — plastic, transparent, delightful, to
knowledge. Mind carries the law ; his-
tory is the slow and atomic unfolding,
All things admit of this extended sense,
and the universe at last is only prophetic,
or, shall we say, symptomatic, of vaster
interpretation and results. Nature an
enormous system, but in mass and in
particle curiously available to the humblest
need of the little creature that walks on
the earth I The immeasurableness of
Nature is not more astounding than his
power to gather all her omnipotence into
a manageable rod or wedge, bringing it
to a hair-point for the eye and hand of
the philosopher.
Here stretches out of sight, out of con-
ception even, this vast Nature, daunting,
bewildering, but all penetrable, all self-
similar — an unbroken unity — and the
mind of man is a key to the whole. Ho
finds that the universe, as Newton said,
** was made at one cast ; ” the mass is
like the atom— the same chemistry,
gravity, and conditions. The asteroldo
are the chips of an old star, and a mete^.
oric stone is a chip of an asteroid. Aa
language is in the alphabet, so is entire
Nature—the play of all its laws — in one
atom. The good wit finds the law from a
single observation— the law, and its limi-
tations, and its correspondences — as the
farmer finds his cattle by a footprint.
* State the sun, and you state the planets,
and conversely,”
Whilst its power is offered to his hand,
its laws to his science, not less its beauty
speaks to his taste, imagination, and sen-
timent. Nature is sanative, refining,
elevating. How cunningly she hides
every wrinkle of her inconceivable anti-
quity under roses, and violets, and morn-
ing dew ! Every inch of the mountains is
scarred by unimaginable convulsions, yet
the new day is purple with the bloom of
youth and love. Look out into the July
night, and see the broad belt of silver
flame which flashes up the half of heaven,
fresh and delicate as the bonfires of the
meadow-flies. Yet the powers of num-
bers cannot compute its enormous age —
lasting as space and time— embosomed
in time and space. And time and space
— what are they ? Our first problems,
which we ponder all our lives through,
and leave where wt, found them ; whose
outrunning immensity, the old Greeks
believed, astonished the gods themselves ;
of whose dizzy vastitudes all the worlds of
God are a mere dot on the margin ; im-
possible to deny, impossible to believe.
Yet the moral element in man counter-
oises this dismaying immensity, and i
ereaves it of terror. The highest flight
to which the muse of Horace ascended
was in that triplet of lines in which he
described the souls which can calmly
confront the sublimity of nature : —
Hunc solem, et Stellas, et dccedentia certis
Tempora monientis, sunt qui formidine nulla
Imbuti spectant.”
The sublime point of experience is the
value of a sufficient man. Cube this
value by the meeting of two such — of two
or more such— who understand and sup-
port each other, and you have organised
victory. At any time, it only needs the
contemporaneous appearance of a few
superior and attractive men to give a new
and noble turn to the public mind.
The benefactors we have indicated
were exceptional men, and great because
exceptional. The question which the
present age urges with increasing em-
phasis, day by day, is, whether the high
qualities which distinguish them can be
Imparted ? The poet Wordsworth asked,
** What one is, why may not millions be ?”
Why not? Knowledge exists to be im-
parted. Curiosity is lying In «rait for
every secret. Thd inquisitiveness of the
child to hear runs to meet the eagerness
of the parent to explain. The air does not
rush to fill a vacuum with such speed as
the mind to catch the expected fact
Every artist was first an amateur. The
ear outgrows the tongue, is sooner ripe
and perfect ; but the tonyue is always
learning to say what the ear has taught it,
and the hand obeys the same lesson.
There is anything but humiliation in
the homage men pay to great men ; it is
sympathy, love of the same things, effort
to reach them — the expression of their
hope of what they shall become, when the
obstructions of their mal-formation and
mal-education shall bo trained away.
Great men shall not impoverish, but en-
rich us. Great men— the age goes on
their credit; but all the rest, when their
wires are continued, and not cut, can do
as signal things, and in new parts of
nature. ” No angel in his heart acknow-
ledges any one superior to himself but
the Lord alone.” There is not a person
here present to whom omens that should
astonish have not predicted his future,
have not uncovered his past. The dreams
of the night supplement by their divina-
tion the imperfect experiments of the
day. Every soliciting instinct is only a
hint of a coming fact, as the air and
water that hang invisibly around us hasten
to become solid in the oak and the
animal. Bat the recurrence to high
sources is rare. In our daily intercourse,
we go with the crowd, lend ourselves to
low fears and hopes, become the victims
of our own arts and implements, and dis-
use our resort to the Divine oracle. It is
only in the sleep of the soul that we help
ourselves by so many ingenious crutches
and machineries. What is the use of
telegraphs ? What of newspapers ? To
know in each social crisis how men feci
in Kansas, in California, the wise man
waits for no mails, reads |no telegrams,
He asks his own heart. If they are made
as he is, if they breathe the like air, cat
of the same wheat, have wives and chil-
dren, he knows that their joy or resent-
ment rises to the same point as his own.
The inviolate soul is in perpetual tele-
graphic communication with the Source
of events, has earlier information, a
private despatch, which relieves him of the
terror which presses on the rest of the
The foundaticQ of culture, as of charac-
ter, is at last the txoral sentiment. This
in the fountain of power, preserves its
eternal newness, draw^ its own rent out
of every novelty in science. Science cor-
rects the old creeds ; sweeps away, with
every new perception, our infantile cate-
chisms ; and necessitates a faith commen-
surate with the grander orbits and uni-
versal laws which it discloses. Yet it
does not surprise the moral sentiment.
That was older, and awaited expectant
these larger insights.
The affections are the wings by which
the intellect launches on the void, and is
borne across it. Great love is the inven-
tor and expander of the frozen powers,
the feathers frozen to our sides. It was
the conviction of Plato, of Van Helmont,
of Pascal, of Swedenborg, that piety is an
essential condition of science, that great
thoughts come from the heart. It happens
sometimes that poets do not believe their
own poetry ; they are so much the less
poets. But great men are sincere. Great
men are they who see that spiritual is
stronger than any material force, that
thoughts rule the world. No hope so
bright but is the beginning of its own ful-
filment. Every generalization shows the
Way to a larger. Men say. Ah I if a man
could impart his talent, instead of his
performance, what mountains of guineas
would be paid ! Yes, but in the measure
of his absolute veracity he does impart it.
NVhen he does not play a part, does not
wish to shine, when he talks to men with
the unrestrained frankness which children
use with each other, he communicates
himself, and not his vanity. All vigour
is contagious, and when we see creation
wo also begin to create. Depth of charac-
ter, height of genius, can only find
nourishment in this soil. The miracles
of genius always rest on profound convic-
tions which refuse to be analyzed. En-
thusiasm is the leaping lightning, not to
bo measured by the horse-power of the
understanding. Hope never spreads her
golden wings but on unfathomable seas.
The same law holds for the intellect as
for the will. When the will is absolutely
surrendered to the moral sentiment, that
is virtue ; when the wit is surrendered to
intellectual truth, that is genius. Talent
for talent’s sake is a bauble and a show.
Talent working with joy in the cause of
universal truth lifts the possessor to new
power as a benefactor. I know well to
what assembly of educated, reflecting,
guccossful, and powerful persons I speak.
Yours is the part of those who have
received much« It is an old legend of
just men, Noblesse oblige; or, superior
advantages bind you to larger generosity.
Now I conceive that, in this economical
world, where every drop and every crumb
is husbanded, the transcendent powirs of
mind were not aneant to be misused. The
Divine Nature carries on its administra-
tion by good men. Here you are set
down, scholars and idealists, as in a bar-
barous age ; amidst insanity, to calm and
guide it ; amidst fools and blind, to see
the right done ; among violent proprie-
tors, to check self-interest, stone-blind
and stone-deaf, by considerations of
humanity to the workman and to his
child ; amongst angry politicians swelling
with self-esteem, pledged to parties,
pledged to clients, you are to make valid
the large considerations of equity and
good sense ; under bad governments, to
force on them, by your persistence, goed
laws. Around that immovable persis-
tency of yours, statesmen, legislatures,
must revolve, denying you, but not less
forced to obey.
We wish to put the ideal rules into
practice, to offer libei^y, instead of chains,
and see whether liberty will not discloso
its proper checks ; believing that a free
press will prove safer than the censor-
ship; to ordain free trade, and believe
that it will not bankrupt. us; universal
suffrage, believing that it will not carry
us to mobs, or back to kings again. I
believe that the checks are as sure as the
springs. It is thereby that men are great,
and have great allies. And who are the
allies? Rude opposition, apathy, slander
— even these. Difficulties exist to be
surmounted. The great heart will no
more complain of the obstructions that
make success hard, than of the iron walls
of the gun which hinder the shot from
scattering. It was walled round with iron
tabe with that purpose, to give it irresis-
tible force in one direction. A strenuous
soul hates cheap successes. It is the
ardour of the assailants that makes the
vigour of the defender. The great are
not tender at being obscure, despised,
insulted. Such only feel themselves in
adverse fortune. Strong men greet war,
tempest, hard times, which search til!
they find resistance and bottom. They
wish, as Pindar said, “ to tread the floors
of hell, with necessities as hard as iron.”
Periodicity, reacting, are laws of mind |s
well as of matter. Bad kings and gover-
nors help us, if only they are bad enough.
In England, it was the game laws which
exasperated the farmers to carry tht*
Reform Bill. It was what we call planta-
tion manners which drove peaceable, for-
giving New England to emancipation
without phrase. In the Rebellion, who
were our best allies ? Always the enemy.
The community of scholars do not know
their own power, and dishearten each
other by tolerating political baseness in
their members. Now, nobody doubts the
power of manners, or that wherever high
society exists, it is very well able to
exclude pretenders. The intruder finds
himself uncomfortable, and quickly de-
parts to his own gang. It has been our
misfortune that the politics of America
have been often immoral. It has had the
worst effect on character. We are a
complaisant, forgiving people, presuming,
perhaps, on a feeling of strength. But it
is not by easy virtue, where the public is
concerned, that heroic results are ob-
tained. We have suffered our young men
of ambition to play the game of politics
and take the immoral side without loss!
of caste — to come and go without rebuke.
But that kind of loose association does
not leave a man his own master. He
cannot go from the good to the evil at
pleasure, and then back again to the good.
There is a text in Swedenborg, wdiich tells
in figure the plain truth. He saw in vision
the angels and the devils ; but these two
companies stood not face to face and hand
in hand, but foot to foot — these perpen-
dicular up, and those perpendicular down.
Brothers, I draw new hope from the
atmosphere we breathe to-day, from the
healthy sentiment of th€ American people,
and from the avowed aims and tenden-
cies of the educated class. The age has
new convictions. We know that in cer-
tain historic periods there have been times
of negation— a decay of thought, and a
consequent national decline ; that in
France, at one time, there was almost a
repudiation of the moral sentiment, in
what is called, by distinction, society—
not a believer within the Church, and
almost not a theist out of it. In England,
the like spiritual disease affected the
upper class in the time of Charles II., and
down into the reign of the Georges. But
it honourably distinguishes the educated
class here, that they believe in the succour
which the heart yields to the intellect, and
draw greatness from its inspirations. And
when I say the educated class, I know
what a benignant breadth that word has
I — new in the world — reaching millions
j instead of hundreds. And more, when 1
look around me, and consider the sound
material of which the cultivated class hero
is made up — what high personal worth,
what love of men, what hope, is joined
with rich information and practical
power, and that the most distinguished
by genius and culture are in this class of
benefactors — I cannot distrust this great
knighthood of virtue, or doubt that the
interests of science, of letters, of politics
and humanity, are safe. I think their
hands are strong enough to hold up the
Republic. I read the promise of better
times and of greater men,
To Baron von Hammer Purg stall, who
died in Vienna in 1856, we owe our best
knowledge of the Persians. He has
translated into German, besides the
“Divan,” of Hafiz, specimens of two
hundred poets, who wrote during a period
of five and a half centuries, from a.d.
050 to 1600. The seven masters of the
Persian Parnassus — P'irdousi, Enweri,
Nisami, Dschelaleddin, Saadi, Hafiz, and
Dschami— have ceased to be empty names ;
and others, like Ferideddin Attar and
Omar Chiam, promise to rise in Western
estimation. That for which mainly books
exist is communicated in these rich
extracts. Many qualities go to make a
good telescope— as the largeness of the
field, facility of sweeping the meridian,
icbromatic purity of lenses, and so forth
— but the one eminent value is the space-
penetrating power; and there are many
virtues in books — but the essential value
is the adding of knowledge to our stock,
by the record of new facts, and, better, by
the record of intuitions, which distribute
facts, and are the formulas which super-
sede all histories.
Oriental life and society, especially in
the Southern nations, stand in violent
contrast with the multitudinous detail,
the secular stability, and the vast average
of comfort of the Western nations. Life
in the East is fierce, short, hazardous,
and in extremes. Its elements are few
and simple, not exhibiting the long range
and undulation of European existence,
but rapidly reaching the best and the
worst. The rich feed on fruits and gamib
the poor on a watermelon’s peel. All or
nothing is the genius Oriental life.
Favour of the Sultan, or his displeasure,
is a question of Fate. A war is under-
taken for an epigram or a distich, as in
Europe for a duchy. The proiinc sun,
and the sudden and rank plenty which his
heat engenders, makes subsistence easy.
On the other side, the desert, the simoom,
the mirage, the lion, and the plague
endanger it, and life hangs on the contin-
gency of a skin of water more or less.
The very geography of old Persia showed
these contrasts. “ My father’s empire,”
said Cyrus to Xenophon, "is so large,
that people perish with cold, at one
extremity, whilst they are suffocated with
heat, at the other.” The temperament
of the people agrees with this life in
extremes. Religion and poetry are all
their civilization. The religion teaches
an inexorable destiny. It distinguishes
only two days in each man’s history — his
birthday, called the Day of the Lot, and
the Day of Judgment. Courage and
absolute submission to what is appointed
him are his virtues.
The favour of the climate, making sub-
sistence easy, and encouraging an outdoor
life, allows to the Eastern nations a highly
intellectual organisation — leaving out of
view, at present, the genius of the Hin-
doos (more Oriental in every sense), whom
no people have surpassed in the grandeur
vf their ethical statement. The Persians
and the Arabs, with great leisure and few
books, are exquisitely sensible to the
pleasures of poetry. Layard has given
some details of the effect which the im~
provvisatori produced on the children of
the desert. " When the bard improvised
an amatory ditty, the young chief’s
excitement was almost beyond control.
The other Bedouins were scarcely less
moved by these rude measures, whicn
have the same kind of effect on the wild
tribes of the Persian mountains. Such
verses, chanted by their self-taught poets,
or by the girls of their encampment, will
drive warriors to the combat, fearless of
death, or prove an ample reward, on their
return from the dangers of the ghason, or
the fight. The excitement they produce
exceeds that of the grape. He who would
understand the influence of the Homeric
ballads in the heroic ages should witness
the effect which similar compositions
have upon the wild nomads of the East.”
Elsewhere he adds, ” Poetry and flowers
are the wine and spirits of the Arab; a
eoupiet is equal to a bottle, and a rose
to a dram, without the evil effect of
The Persian Poetry rests on a myth-
ology whose few iegenab are connected
with the Jewish history, and the anterior
traditions of the §entateuch. The princi-
pal figure in tna illusions of Eastern
poetry is Solomon. Solomon had three
talismans : first, the signet-ring, by which
he commanded the spirits, on the stone
of which was engraven the name of God ;
second, the glass, in which he saw the
secrets of his enemies, and all the causes
of all things, figured ; the third, the east
wind, which was his horse. His counsellor
was Simorg, king of birds, the all-wise
fowl, who had lived ever since the begin-
ning of the world, and now lives alone on
the highest summit of Mount Kaf. No
fowler has taken him, and none nov/ living
has seen him. By him Solomon was taught
the language of birds, so that he heard
secrets whenever he went into his gar-
dens. When Solomon travelled, his
throne was placed on a carpet of green
silk, of a length and breadth sufficient for
all bis army to stand upon — men placing
themselves on his right hand, and the
spirits on his left. When all were in
order, the east wind, at his command,
took up the carpet and transported it,
with all that were upon it, whither ha
pleased — the army of birds at the same
time flying overhead, and forming a canop>
to shade them from the sun. It is related
that, when the Queen of Sheba came to
visit Solomon, he had built, against her
arrival, a palace, of which the floor or
pavement was of glass, laid over running
water, in which fish were swimming. The
Queen of Sheba was deceived thereby,
and raised her robes, thinking she was to
pass through the water. On the occasion
of Solomon’s marriage, all the beasts,
laden with presents, appeared before his
throne. Behind them all came the ant
with a blade of grass : Solomon did not
despise the gift of the ant. Asaph, the
vizier, at a certain time, lost the seal of
Solomon, which one of the Dews, or evil
spirits, found, and, governing in the name
of Solomon, deceived the people.
Firdousi, the Persian Homer, has written
in the " Shah Nameh” the annals of the
fabulous and heroic kings of the country t
of Karun (the Persian Croesus), the im-
measurably rich gold-maker, who, with
all his treasures, lies buried not far from
the Pyramids, in the sea which bears hia
name ; of Jamschid, the binder of demons,
whose reign lasted seven hundred years?
of Kai Kaus, in whose palace, built by
demons on Alberz, gold and silver and
precious stones were used so lavishly
that, in the brilliancy produced by their
combined effect, night and day appeared
the same; of Afrasiyab, strong as an
elephant, whose shadow extended for
miles, whose heart was bounteous as the
ocean, and his hands like the clouds when
rain falls to gladden the earth. The
crocodile in the rolling stream had no
safety from Afrasiyab. Yet when he came
to fight against the generals of Kaus, he
was but an insect in the graso of Rustem,
who seized him by the girdle, and dragged
him from his horse. Rustem felt such
anger at the arrogance of the King of
Mazinderan, that every hair on his body
started up like a spear. The gripe of his
hand cracked the sinews of an enemy.
These legends — with Chiser, the foun-
tain of life, Tuba, the tree of life — the
romances of the loves of Leila and Med-
schum, of Chosru and Schirin, and those
of the nightingale for the rose— pearl-
diving, and the virtues of gems — the
cohol, a cosmetic jby which pearls and
eyebrows are indelibly stained black —
the bladder in which musk is brought —
the down of the lip, the mole on the
cheek, the eyelash — lilies, roses, tulips,
and jasmines— make the staple imagery
of Persian odes.
The Persians have epics and tales, but,
for the most part, they affect short poems
and epigrams. Gnomic verses, rules of
life conveyed in a lively image, especially
in an image addressed to the eye, and
contained in a single stanza, were always
current in the East ; and if the poem is
long, it is only a string of unconnected
verses. They use an inconsecutiveness
quite alarming to Western logic, and the
connection between the stanzas of their
longer odes is much like that between
the refrain of our old English ballads.
The sun shines fair on Carlisle wallf"
“The rain it raineth every day,”
and the main sto^.
Take, as specimens of these gnomic
verses, the following : —
The secret that should not be blown.
Not one of thy nation must know j
You may padlock the gate of a town,
But never the mouth of a foe."
Q: this of Omar Chiam : —
*»On earth’s wide thoroughfares below
Two only men contented go:
Who knows what's right and what's forbid,
And ho from whom is knowledge bid,”
Here is a poem on a melon by Adsched
of Meru : —
** Colour, taste, and smell, smaragdus, sugafi
and musk—
Amber for the tongue, for the eye a picture
If you cut the fruit in slices, every slice a
crescent fair —
If you leave it whole, the full harvest mooa
is there,”
Hafiz is the prince of Persian poets,
and in his extraordinary gifts adds to soma
of the attributes of Pindar, Anacreon,
Horace, and Burns, the insight of a mystic,
that sometimes affords a deeper glance
at Nature than belongs to either of tlieso
bards. He accosts all topics with an
easy audacity. ” He only,” ho says, "is
fit for company, who knows how to prize
earthly happiness at the value of a night-
cap. Our father Adam sold Paradise for
two kernels of wheat, then blame me
not, if I hold it dear at one grapestonc.”
He says to the Shah, “Thou wlio rulest
after words and thoughts which no ear
has heard and no mind has thought, abid4
firm until thy young destiny tears off his
blue coat from the old graybeard of the
sky,” He says : —
** 1 batter the wheel of heaven
When it rolls not rightlv by;
I ani not one of the snivellers
Who fall thereon and die.”
The rapidity of his turns is always
surprising us ; —
” See how tlie roses burn I
Bring wine to (jueiich the fire I
Alas I the flames come up with U8—
We perish with desire.’*
After the manner of his nation, he
abounds in pregnant sentences which
might be engraved on a sword-blade and
almost on a ring.
” In honour dies he to whom the great
seems ever wonderful.”
” Here is the sum, that, when one door
opens, another shuts.”
” On every side is an ambush laid by
the robber-troops of circumstance ; hence
it is that the horseman of life urges on his
courser at headlong speed.”
“The earth is a host who murders hia
“ Good is what goes on the road of
Nature. On the straight way the travelled
never misses.”
“Alas \ till now I had not known
My guide and Fortune’s guide are one***
“The understanding’s copper coin
Counts DVt with the tjold of love#’*
•*Tis writ on Paradise s gate,
* Woe to the dupe that yields to Fate I •
'Tho world is a bride superbly dressed—
Who weds her for dowry must pay his
** Loose the knots of the heart ; never think
on thy fate :
No Euclid yet has disentangled that snarl.”
” There resides in the grieving
A poison to kill ;
Beware to go near them
'Tis pestilent still.”
Harems and wine-shops only give him
a new ground of observation, whence to
draw sometimes a deeper moral than
regulated sober life affords — and this is
foreseen : —
'* I will be drunk and down with wine ;
Treasures we find in a ruined house.”
Riot, he thinks, can snatch from the deeply
hidden lot tho veil that covers it
“To be wise the dull brain so earnestly throbs,
Bring bands of wine for the stupid head.”
“ The Builder of heaven
Hath sundered the earth,
So that no footway
Leads out of it forth.
“On turnpikes of wonder
Wine leads the mind forth,
Straight, sidewise, and upward,
West, southward, and north,
“ Stands the vault adamantine
Until the Doomsday;
The wine-cup shall ferry
Thee o'er it away.'*
That hardihood and self-equality of
every sound nature, which result from
tlve feeling that the spirit in him is entire
and as good as the world, which entitle
the poet to speak with authority, and
make him an object of interest, and his
every phrase and syllable significant, are
in Hafiz, and abundantly fortify and en-
noble his tone.
His was the fluent mind in which every
thought and feeling came readily to the
lips. ” Loose the knots of the heart,” he
says. We absorb elements enough, but
have not leaves and lungs for healthy
perspiration and growth. An air of
sterility, of incompetence to their proper
aims, belongs to many who have both
experience and wisdom. But a large
utterance, a river that makes its own
shores, quick perception and correspond-
ing expression, a constitution to which |
every morrow is a new day, which is equal
to the needs of life, at once tender and
bold, with great arteries— this generosity
of ebb and flow satisfies, and we should
be willing to die when our time comes
having had our swing and gratification.
The difference is not so much in the
quality of men’s thoughts as in the power
of uttering them. What is pent and
smouldered in tht> dumb actor is not pent
in the poet, but passes over into new
form, at once relief and creation.
The other merit of Hafiz is his intel-
lectual liberty, which is a certificate of
profound thought. We accept the religions
and politics into which we fall; and it is
only a few delicate spirits who are sufficient
to see that the whole web of convention is
the imbecility of those whom it entangles
— that the mind buffers no religion and no
empire but its own. It indicates this
respect to absolute truth by the use it
makes of the symbols that are most stable
I and reverend, and therefore is always pro-
I Yoking the accusation of irreligion.
I Hypocrisy is the perpetual butt of hia
I arrows.
” Let us draw the cowl through the brook of
He tells his mistress, ^hat not the dervis,
or the monk, but the lover, has in his heart
the spirit which makes the ascetic and the
saint; and certainly not their cowls and
mummeries, but her glances, can impart
to him the fire and virtue needful for such
self denial. Wrong shall not be wrong to
Hafiz for the name’s sake. A law or
statute is to him what a fence is to a
nimble school-boy— a temptation for a
jump. *' We would do nothing but good,
else would shame come to us on the day
when the soul must hie hence ; and should
they then deny us Paradise, the Houris
themselves would forsake that, and coma
out to us. •
His complete intellectual emancipation
he communicates to the reader. There ia
no example of such facility of allusion,
such use of all materials. Nothing is too
high, nothing too low, for his occasion. He
fears nothing, he stops for nothing. Love
is a leveller, and Allah becomes a groom,
and heaven a closet, in his daring hymns
to his mistress or to his cupbearer. This
boundless charter is the right of genius.
We do not wish to strew sugar or bottled
spiders, or try to make mystical divinity
out of the song of Solomon, much less out
of the erotic and bacchanalian songs of
Hafiz. Hafiz himself is determined to de^
all such hypocritical interpretation, ana
tears off his turban and throws it at tho
head of the meddling dervis, and throws
his glass after the turban. But the love ot
z s
the wine of Hafiz is not to be confounded
with vulgar debauch. It is the spirit in
which the song is written that imports,
and not the topics. Hafiz praises wine,
roses, maidens, boys, birds, mornings, and
music, to give vent to his^xmmense hilarity
and sympathy with every form of beauty
and joy ; and lays the emphasis on these to
mark his scorn of sanctimony and base
prudence. These are the natural topics
and language of his wit and perception.
But it is the play of wit and the joy of song
that he loves ; and if you mistake him for
a low rioter he turns short on you with
verses which express the poverty of sensual
joys, and to ejaculate with equal fire the
most unpalatable affirmations of heroic
sentiment and contempt for the world.
Sometimes it is a glance from the height
of thought, as thus : —
“ Bring wine; for, in the audience-hall
of the soul’s independence, what is sentinel
or Sultan ? what is the wise man or the
intoxicated ? ”
And sometimes his feast, feasters, and
world are only one pebble more in the
eternal vortex and r', volution of Fate : —
I am : what I am
My dust will be again.**
A saint might lend an ear to the riotous
fun of Falstaff ; for it is not created to
excite the animal appetites, but to vent
the joy of a supernal intelligence. In all
poetry Pindar’s rule holds — rui'«T 09 ipoivti,
it speaks to the intelligent ; and Hafiz is a
poet for poets, whether he write, as some-
times, with a parrot’s, or, as at other
limes, with an eagle’s quill.
Every song of Hafiz affords new proof of ^
the unimportance of your subject to suc-
ccr>s, provided only the treatment be
cordial. In general, what is more tedious
than dedications or panegyrics addressed
to grandees? Yet in the “Divan” you
would not skip them, since his muse
seldom supports him better.
“ What lovelier forms things wear,
Now that the Shah comes back 1 ”
And again ;
“Thy foes to hunt, thy enviers to strike down*
Poises Arcturus aloft morning and evening hia
It is told of Hafiz, that, when he had
written a compliment to a handsome
y^uth —
^ Take my heart in thy band, O beautiful boy
of Shiraz t
1 would give for the mole on tby cheek
Samarcand and Buebara I *
the verses came to the ears of Timour in
his palace. Ti.nour taxed Hafiz with
treating disrespectfully his two cities, to
raise and adorn which he had conquered
nations. Hafiz replied, “ Alas, my lord, if
I had not been so prodigal, I had not been
so poor I ”
The Persians had a mode of establishing
copyright the most secure of any con-
trivance with which we are acquainted.
The law of the ghaselle^ or shorter ode,
requires that the poet insert his name in
the last stanza. Almost everyone of several
hundreds of poems of Hafiz contains his
name thus interwoven more or less closely
with the subject of the piece. It is itself
a test of skill, as this self-naming is not
quite easy. Wo remember but two or
three examples in English poetry • that
of Chaucer, in the “House of Fame”;
Jonson’s epitaph on his son —
“ Ben Jonson his best piece of poetry ” (
and Cowley’s —
“ The melancholy Cowley lay.”
But it is easy to Hafiz, It gives him the
opportunity of the most playful self-asser-
tion, always gracefully, sometimes almost
in the fun of Falstaff, sometimes with
feminine delicacy. He tells us, “The
angels in heaven were lately learning his
last pieces.” He says, “ The fishes shod
their pearls, out of desire and longing as
soon as the ship of Hafiz swims liie
“ Out of the East, and out of the West, no man
understands rne ;
O, the happier I, who confide to none but tlia
wind I
This morning heard I how the lyre of the
stars resounded,
* Sweeter tones have we heard from llaliz l’ ”
Again —
“ I heard the harp of the planet Venus,
and it said in the early morning, “ I am tho
disciple of the sweet-voiced Hafiz 1 ’ ”
And again —
“ When Hafiz sings, the angels hearken,
and Anaitis, the leader of the starry host,
calls even the Messiah in heaven out to tho
“ No one has unvailed thoughts liko
Hafiz, since tho locks of the Word-brido
were first curled.”
“Only he despises the verse of Hafu
who is not himself by nature noble.”
But wo must try to give some of these
poetic flourishes tho metrical form which
they seem to require ; —
“ Fit for the Pleiads’ azure chord
Xbe soDg.« 1 snngi tbo pcaiU 1 bored.**
1 have no hoarded treasnrei
Yet have 1 rich content;
The first from Allah to the Shaih,
The last to Hafiz went.”
Another : —
" Hi>»h heart, O Hafiz ! though not thine
Fine gold and silver ore ;
More worth to thee the gift of song,
And the clear insight more.*’
Again : —
“ O Hafiz 1 speak not of thy need:
Are not these verses thine?
Then all the poets are agreed,
No man can less repine,”
He asserts his dignity as bard and in-
spired man of his people. To the vizier
returning from Mecca he says —
“ Boast not rashly, prince of pilgrims, of
thy fortune. Thou hast indeed seen the
temple; but I, the Lord of the temple.
Nor has any man inhaled from the musk-
bladder of the merchant, or from the
musky morning-wind, that sweet air which
I am permitted to breathe every hour of
the day.”
And with still more vigour in the following
lines : —
" Oft have I said, I say it once more
1, a wanderer, do not stray from myself,
i am a kind of pairot ; the mirror is holden to
me ;
What the Eternal says, I stammering say
Give rno what you will; I eat thistles as
And according to my food I grow and I give.
Scorn me not, but know I have the pearl,
And am only seeking one to receive it.*’
And his claim has been admitted from
the first. The muleteers and camel driverg,
on their way through the desert, sing
snatches of his songs, not so much for the
thought, as for their joyful temper and
tone ; and the cultivated Persians know his
poems by heart. Yet Hafiz does not appear
to have set any great value on his songs,
since his scholars collected them for the
first time after his death.
In the following poem the soul is figured
as the Phoenix alighting on Tuba, the tree
of Life : —
** My phoenix long ago secured
His nest in the sky-vault’s cope;
In the body’s cage immured,
He was weary of lite’s hope.
** Bound and round this heap of ashes
Now flies the bird amain,
But in that odorous niche of beavefi
Nettles the bird again.
'* Once flies he upward, he will perch
On Tuba’s golden bough ;
His home is on that fruited arch
Which cools the blest below.
If over this world of ours
His wings r»y phoenix spread,
How gracious fails on land and sea
The soul-refreshing shade 1
“Either world inhabits he
Sees oft below him planets roll ;
His body is all of air compact.
Of Allah’s love his soul.”
Here is an ode which is said to be a
favourite with all educated Persians ; —
“Cornel the palace of heaven rests on aciy
pillars —
Come, and bring me wine ; our days arc wind.
I declare myself the slave of that masculine
Which ties and alliance on earth once for-
ever renounces.
Told I thee yester-morn how the Iris of
Brought to me in my cup a gospel of joy ?
0 high-flying falcon 1 the Tree of Life is thy
peich ;
This nook of grief fits thee ill for a nest.
Hearken 1 th^ call to thee down from tb#
rail) parts ofheaven^
1 cannot divine w'hat holds thee here in a net
I, too, have a counsel foi thee ; O, mark it and
keep it,
Since I received the same from the Master
above ;
Seek not for faith or for truth in a world of
light-minded girls;
A thousand suitors reckons this dangcroua
Cumber thee not tor the world, and this my
precept forget not,
'Tis but a toy that a vagabond sweetheart
has left us.
Accept whatever befalls ; uncover thy brow
from thy locks ;
Never to m© nor to thee was option im-
parted ;
Neither endurance nor belongs to the
laugh of the rose.
The loving nightingale mourns — cause enow
for mourning—
Why envies the bird the streaming verses of
Hafiz ?
Know that a god bestowed ou him eloquent
The cedar, the cypress, the palm, the
olive, and fig tree, the birds that inhabit
them, and the garden flowers, are never
wanting in these musky verses, and are
always named with effect. “ The willows,'
he says, ” bow themselves to every wind,
out of shame for their unfruitfulness.”
We may open anywhere on a floral cata-
logue. *
By breath of beds of roses drawn,
I found the grove in the morning pure,
In the concert of the nightingales
My drunken brain to cure.
" With unrelated glance
1 looked the rose in the eye;
The rose in the hour of gloaming
Flamed like a lamp hard-by.
‘ She was of her beauty proud,
And prouder of her yputh,
The while unto her flaming heart
The bulbul gave his truth.
•* The sweet narcissus closed
Its eye, with passion pressed ;
The tulips out of envy burned
Moles in their scarlet breast.
‘‘The lilies white prolonged
Their sworded tongue to the smell ;
The clustering anemones
Their pretty secrets tell.”
Presently we have, —
All day the rain
Bathed the dark hyacinths in vain,
The flood may pour from morn till night
Nor wash the pretty Indians white.'*
And so onward, through many a page.
This picture of the first days of Spring,
from Enweri, seems to belong to Hafiz : —
” O’er the garden water goes the wind alone
To rasp and to polish the cheek of the
wave ;
The fire is quenclfed on the dear hearth-
But it burns again on the tulips brave.*'
Friendship is a favourite topic of the
Eastern poets, and they have matched on
this head the absoluteness of Montaigne.
Hafiz says —
“Thou learnest no secret until thou
knowest friendship ; since to the unsound
no heavenly knowledge enters,”
Ibn Jemin writes thus : —
** Whilst I disdain the populace,
I find no peer in higher place.
Friend is a word of royal lone,
Friend is a poem all alone.
Wisdom is like the elephant.
Lofty and rare Inhabitant :
He dwells in deserts or in courts •
With hucksters he has no resorts.”
Dschami says —
* A friend is he, who, hunted as a foe,
So much the kindlier shows him than
before ;
Throw stones at him, or ruder javelins
He builds with stone and steel a firmer
Of the amatory poetry of Hafiz we must
be very sparing in our citations, though
it forms the staple of the ” Divan.” He
kas run through the whole gamut of pas-
sion — from the sacred to the borders, and
over the borders, of the profane. The
•ame confusion of high and low, the
celerity of flight and aumion which our
colder muses forbid, is habitual to hiiil«
From the plain ^:ext —
” The chemist of love
Will this perishing mould,
Were it made out of mire.
Transmute into ;^old
he proceeds to the celtbration of his pas-
sion ; and nothing in his religious c/r in
his scientific traditions is too sacred or
too remote to afford a token of his mis-
tress. The Moon thought she knew her
own orbit well enough ; but when she saw
the curve on Zuleika’s cheek, she was at
a loss : —
” And since round lines are drawn
My darling’s lips about,
The very Moon looks puzzled on.
And hesitates in doubt
If the sweet curve that rounds thy mouth
Be not her true way to the South."
His ingenuity never sleeps : —
** Ah, could I hide me in my song,
To kiss thy lips from which it flows I —
and plays in a thousand pretty court-
esies : —
** Fair fall thy soft heart I
A good work wilt thou do ?
O, pray for the dead
Whom thine eyelashes slew I ”
And what a nest has he found for hia
bonny bird to take up her abode in ! —
" They strew in the path of kings and czars
Jewels and gems of price;
But for thy head I will plcck down stars,
[ And pave thy way with eyes,
” I have sought for thee a costlier dome
I Than Mahmoud’s palace high,
And thou, returning, find thy home
In the apple of Love’s eye.’’
Then we have all degrees of passionate
abandonment -
” I know this perilous love-lane
No whither the traveller leads.
Yet my fancy the sweet scent of
Thy tangled tresses feeds.
**In the midnight of thy locks,
I renounce the day;
In the ring of thy rose-lips.
My heart forgets to pray,"
And sometimes his love rises to a re-
ligious sentiment : —
** Plunge in ;^on angry waves,
Renouncing doubt and care;
The flowing of the seven broad seas
Shall never wet thy hair.
” Is Allah’s face on thee
Bending with love benign,
And thou not less on Allah’s eye
O fairest I tumest thine.”
We to thede fragments of Hafiz a
few specimens from othe( poets.
• While roses bloomed along the plain.
The nightingale to the falcon said,
‘ Why, of all birds, must thou be dumb ?
With closed mouth thou utterest.
Though dying, no last word to man.
Yet sitt’st thou on the hand of princes,
And feedest on the grouse’s breast,
Whilst I, who hundred thousand jewels
Squander in a single tone,
Lo I I feed myself with worms,
And my dwelling is the thorn.’ —
The falcon answered, ‘ Be all ear :
I, experienced in affairs.
See nfty things, say never one ;
But thee the people prizes not,
Who, doing nothing, say’st a thousand.
To me, appointed to the chase.
The king’s hand gives the grouse’s breast;
Whilst a chatterer like thee
Must gnaw worms in the thorn. Farewelll"*
The following passages exhibit the
strong tendency of the Persian poets to
contemplative and religious poetry and to
••A painter in China once painted a hall—
Such a web never hung on an emperor’s
One half from his brush with rich colours
did run.
The other he touched with a beam of the sun:
So that all which delighted the eye in one
The same, point for point, in the other re-
•* In thee, friend, that Tyrian chamber is found ;
Thine the star-pointing roof, and the base on
the ground :
Is one half depicted with colours less bright ?
Beware that the counterpart blazes with
light I ”
• I read on the porch of a palace bold
In a purple tablet letters cast —
'A house though a million winters old,
A house of earth comes down at last ;
Then quarry thy stones from the crystal All.
And build the dome that shall not fall.' ”
“ What need," cries the mystic Feisi,
f of palaces and tapestry ? What need
even of a bed ? ’*
“ The eternal Watcher who doth wake
All night in the body’s earthen chest.
Will of thine arms a pillow make,
And a bolster of thy breast,”
Ferideddin Attar wrote the “ Bird Con-
versations, ’ a mystical tale, in whic!i the
POEtUY. 63s
birds, coming together to choose their
king, resolre on a pilgrimage to Mount
Kaf, to pay their homage to the Simorg.
From this poem, written five hundred
years ago, we cite the following passage,
as a proof Of the identity of mysticism in
all periods. The tone is quite modern.
In the fable, the birds wtre soon weary of
the length and difficulties of the way, and
at last almost all gave out. Three only
persevered, and arrived before the throne
of the Simorg.
** The bird-soul was ashamed ;
Their body was quite annihilated:
They had cleaned themselves from the dust.
And were by the light ensouled.
What was, and was not— the Past—
Was wiped out from their breast.
The sun from near-by beamed
Clearest light into their soul ;
The resplendence of the Simorg beamed
As one back from all three.
They knew not, amazed, if they
Were either this or that.
They saw themselves all as Simorg,
Themselves in the eternal Simorg.
When to the Simorg up they looked,
They beheld him among themselves;
And when they looked on each other.
They saw themselves the Simorg.
A single look grouped the two parties,
The Simorg emerged, the Simorg vanished
This in that, and that in this,
As the world has never heard.
So remained they, sunk in wonder.
Thoughtless in deepest thinking,
And quite unconscious of themselves.
Speechless prayed they to the Highest
To open this secret,
And to unlock Thou and We,
There came an answer without tongue.
‘The highest is a sun mirror;
Who comes to Him sees himself therein.
Sees body and soul, and soul and body ;
When you came to the Simorg,
Three therein appeared to you,
And had fifty of you come,
So had you seen yourselves as many.
Him has none of ns yet seen.
Ants see not the Pleiades.
Can the gnat grasp with his teeth
The body of the elephant ?
What you see is He not ;
What you hear is He not.
The Vvolleys which you traverse,
The actions which you perform,
They He under our treatment
And among our properties.
You as three birds are amazed,
Impatient, heartless, confused;
Far over you am I raised,
Since I am in act Simorg.
Ye blot out my highest being.
That yc may find yourselves on my throne |
For ever ye blot out yourselves, ^
As shadows in the sun. Farewell I ' **
It was Watt who told King George III.
that he dealt in an article of which kings
were said to be foncf — Power. 'Tis
certain that the one thing we wish to
know is, where power is to be bought.
But we want a finer kind than that of
commerce ; and every reasonable man
would give any price of house and land,
and future provision, for condensation,
concentration, and the recalling at will of
high mental energy. Our money is only
a second best. We would jump to buy
power with it, that is, intellectual percep-
tion moving the will. That is first best.
But we don’t know where the shop is. If
Watt knew, he forgot to tell us the
number of the street, There are times
when the intellect is so active that every-
thing seems to run to meet it. Its supplies
are found without much thought as to
studies. Knowledge runs to the man, and
the man runs to knowledge. In spring,
when the snow melts, the maple-trees
flow with sugar, anU you cannot get tubs
fast enough ; but it is only for a few days.
The hunter on the prairie, at the right
season, has no need of choosing his
ground ; east, west, by the river, by the
timber, he is everywhere near his game.
But the favourable conditions are rather
the exception than the rule.
The aboriginal man in geology, and in
the dim lights of Darwin's microscope, is
not an engaging figure. We are very glad
that he ate his fishes and snails and
marrow-bones out of our sight and hear-
ing, and that his doleful experiences were
got through with so very long ago. They
combed his mane, they pared his nails,
ciU off his tail, set him on end, sent him
to school, and made him pay taxes, before
he could begin to write his sad story for
the compassion or the repudiation of his
descendants, who are all but unanimous
to disown him. We must take him as we
And him, pretty well on in his education,
and, in all our knowledge of him, an
interesting creature, with a will, an in-
vention, an imaginatiorv a conscience^
and an inextinguishable hope.
The Hunterian law of arresied develop-
ment is not confined 'to vegetable and
animal structure, but reaches the human
intellect also. In the savage man, thought
is infantile ; and in the civilised, unequal,
and ranging up and down a long scale.
In the best races it is rare and imperfect.
In happy moments it is reitforced, and
carries out what were rude suggestioos to
larger scope, and to clear and grand con-
clusions. The poet cannot see a natural
phenomenon which does not express to
him a correspondent fact in his mental
experience ; he is made aware of a power
to carry on and complete the metamor-
phosis of natural into spiritual facts.
Everything which we hear for the first
time was expected by the mind; the
newest discovery was expected. In the
mind we call this enlarged power Inspira-
tion. I believe that nothing great and
lasting can be done except by inspiration,
by leaning on the secret augury. The
man’s insight and power are interrupted
and occasional ; he can see or do this or
that cheap task at will, but it steads him
not beyond. He is fain to make the
ulterior step by mechanical means. It
cannot so be done. That ulterior step is
to be also by inspiration ; if not through
him, then by another man. Every real
step is by what a poet called " lyrical
glances,” by lyrical facility, and never by
main strength and ignorance. Years of
mechanic toil will only seem to do it ; it
will not so be done.
Inspiration is like yeast. 'Tis no
matter in which of half a dozen ways
you procure the infection; you can apply
one or the other equally well to your
purpose, and get your loaf of bread. And
every earnest workman, in whatever kind,
knows some favourable conditions for his
task. When I wish to write on any topic,
'tis of no consequence what kind of book
or man gives me a hint or a motion, nor
how far off that is from my topic.
Power is the first good. Rarey can
tame a wild horse ; but if he could give
sp«ed to a dull horse, were not that
better ? The toper finds, without asking,
the road to the tavern, but the poet does
not know the pitcher that holds his nec-
tar. Every youth should know the way
to prophecy as surely as the miWer
uDcltirstands how to let on the water or the
engineer the steam. A rush of thoughts
is the only conceivable prosperity tliat
can come to U3. Fine clothes, equipages,
villa, park, social consideration, cannot
cover up real poverty and insignificance
l^rom my own eyes, or from others like
Thoughts let us into realities. Neither
miracle, not magic, nor any religious tra-
dition, not the immortality of the private
soul, is incredible, aftftr we have ex-
perienced an insight, a thought, I think
it comes to some men but once in their
h te, sometimes a religious impulse, some-
times an intellectual insight. But what
jve want is consecutiveness. 'Tis with us
a flash of light, then a long darkness,
then a flash again. The separation of
our days by sleep almost destroys iden-
tity. Could we but turn these fugitive
sparkles into an astronomy of Copernican
worlds ! With most men, scarce a link of
memory holds yesterday and to-day
together. Their house and trade and
families serve them as ropes to give a
coarse continuity. But they have forgot-
ten the thoughts of yesterday; they say
to-day what occurs to them, and some-
thing else to-morrow. This insecurity of
possession, this quick ebb of power — as
if life were a thunder-storm wherein you
can see by a flash the horizon, and then
cannot see your hand— -tantalizes us. We
cannot make the inspiration consecutive.
A glimpse, a point of view that by its
brightness excludes the purview, is
granted, but no panorama. A fuller in-
spiration should cause the point to flow
and become a line, should bend the line
and complete the circle. To-day the
electric machine will not work, no spark
will pass; then presently the world is
all a cat’s back, all sparkle and shock, |
Sometimes there is no sea-fire, and again
the sea is aglow to the horizon. Some-
times the i-Eolian harp is dumb all day
in the window, and again it is garrulous,
and tells all the secrets of the w'orld. In
June the morning is noisy with birds; in
August they are already getting old and
Hence arises the question, Ate these
moods in any degree within control ? If
W’e knew how to command them 1 But
where is the Franklin with kite or rod for
this fluid ?~a Franklin who can draw off
electricity from Jove himself, and convey
it into the arts of life, inspire men, take
them off their feet, withdraw them from
the life of trifles and gain comfort, and
make the world traiisparer.t, so that they
can read the symbols of nature ? What
metaphysician has undertaken to enu-
merate the tonics of the torpid mind, the
rules for the recovery of inspiration?
That is least within control which is best
In them. Of the modus of inspiration we
have DO knowledge. But in the experience
of meditative men tliere is a certain agree-
ment as to the conditions of reception.
Plato, in his seventh Epistle, notes that
the perception is only accomplished by
long familiarity with the objects of intel-
lect, and a life according to the things
themselves. “ Then a light, as if leaping
from a fire, will dn a sudden be enkindled
in the soul, and will then itself nourish
He said again, “The man who is his
own master knocks in vain at the doors
of poetry.” The artists must be sacrificed
to their art. Like the bees, they must
put their lives into the sting they give.
What is a man good for without enthu-
siasm ? and what is enthusiasm but this
daring of ruin for its object ? There are
thoughts beyond the reaches of our souls ;
we are not the less drawn to them. The
moth flies into the flame of the lamp ;
and Swedenborg must solve the problems
that haunt him, though he be crazed or
There is genius as well in virtue as in
intellect. ’Tis the doctrine of faith over
works. The raptures of goodness are
as old as history and new with this
morning’s sun. The# legends of Arabia,
Persia, and India are of the same com-
plexion as the Christian. Socrates,
Menu, Confucius, Zertusht — we recognize
in all of them this ardour to solve the
hints of thought.
I hold that ecstasy will be found nor-
mal, or only an example on a higher plana
of the same gentle gravitation by which
stones fall and rivers run. Experience
identifies. Shakspeare seems to you
miraculous ; but the wonderful juxta-
positions, parallelisms, transfers, which
his genius affected were all to him locked
together as links of a chain, and the mode
precisely as conceivable and familiar to
higher intelligeiica as the index-making
of the literary hack. The result of the
hack is inconceivable to the type-setter
who waits for it.
We must prize our own youth. Later,
we want heat to execute our plans : the
good-will, the knowledge, the whole
armoury of means, are all present; but
a certain heat that once used not to fail
refuses its office, and all is vain until this
capricious fuel is supplied. It seems a
semi-animal heat : as if tea, or wine, or
sea-air, or mountains, or a genial com-
panion, or a new thought suggested ia
book or conversation, could fire the tr%n,
wake the fancy, and the clear perception.
Pit-coal— where to find it ? ’Tis of no uso
that your engine is made like a watch^
that 70U are a good workman, and know
how to drive it, if there is no coal. We
are waiting until some tyrannous idea
emerging out of heaven shall seize and
bereave us of this liberty with which we
are falling abroad. \\^ell, we have the
same hint or suggestion, day by day. " I
am not,” says the man, “ at the top of
my condition to-day, but the favourable
hour will come when I can command all
my powers, and when that will be easy to
do which is at this moment impossible.”
See how the passions augment our force
— anger, love, ambition 1 sometimes sym-
pathy, and the expectation of men.
Garrick said, that on the stage his great
paroxysms surprised himself as much as
his audience. If this is true on this low
plane, it is true on the higher. Sweden-
borg’s genius was the perception of the
doctrine “ that the Lord flows into the
spirits of angels and of men;”!and all
poets have signalized their consciousness
of rare moments when they were superior
to themselves — when a light, a freedom,
a power came to them, which lifted them
to performances far better than they could
reach at other time^ so that a religious
poet once told me that ” he valued his
poems, not because they were his, but
because they were not.” He thought the
angels brought them to him.
Jacob Behmen said : " Art has not
wrote here, nor was there any time to
consider how to set it punctually down
according to the right ufriderstanding of
the letters, but all was ordered according
to the direction of the spirit, which often
went on haste — so that the penman’s
hand, by reason he was not accustomed
to it, did often shake. And, though I
could have written in a more accurate,
fair, and plain manner, the burning fire
often forced forward with speed, and the
hand and pen must hasten directly after
it, for it comes and goes as a sudden
shower. In one quarter of an hour I saw
and knew more, than if I had been many
years together at an university.”
The depth of the notes which we acci-
dentally sound on the strings of nature is
out of all proportion to our taught and
ascertained faculty, and might teach us
what strangers and novices we are, vaga-
bond in this universe of pure power to
which we have only tht& smallest key.
^lerrick said
not every day that I
Fitted am to prophesy ;
No, but when the spirit fills
The fantastic panicleti
Full of fire, then I write
As the Goddess doth indite.
Thus, enraged*, my lines are hu.led.
Like the Sibyl’s, through the werid t
Look how next the holy fire
Either slakes, or doth retire;
So the fancy cools— till when
That brave spirit comes again.”
Bonaparte said : ” There is no man mors
pusillanimous than I, when I make a
military plan. I magnify all the dangers
and all the possible mischances. I am in
an agitation utterly painful. That does
not prevent me from appearing quite
serene to persons who surround me. I
am like a woman with child, and when
my resolution is taken, all is forgot except
whatever can make it succeed.”
There are to be sure, certain risks in
this presentiment of the decisive per-
ception, at In the use of ether or al-
** Great wits to madness nearly are allied ;
Both serve to make our poverty our pride.**
Aristotle said : “No great genius was
ever without some mixture of madness,
nor can anything grand or superior to the
voice of common mortals be spoken
except by the agitated soul.” We might
say of these memorable moments of life,
that we were in them, not they in us. We
found ourselves by happy fortune in an
illuminated portion or meteorous zone,
and passed out of it again, so aloof was
it from any will of ours. “ ’Tis a principle
of war,” said Napoleon, “ that when you
can use the lightning, ’tis better than
How many sources of inspiration can
we count ?.As many as our affinities. But
to a practical purpose we may reckon a
few of these.
I. Health is the first muse, comprising
the magical benefits of air, landscape, and
bodily exercise on the mind. The Arabs
say that ” Allah does not count from life
the days spent in the chase,” that is,
those are thrown in. Plato thought
“ exercise would almost cure a guilty
conscience.” Sydney Smith said : ” You
will never break down in a speech
on the day when you have walked twelve
I honour health as the first muse, and
sleep as the condition of health. Sleep
benefits mainly by the sound health it
produces ; incidentally also by dreams, Into
whose farrago a divine lesson is sometimes
slipped. Life is in short cycles or periods ;
we are quickly tired, but we have rapid
rallies. A man it spent by his worki
itdrved, pr^iStfatd ; hd will not lift his |
hand to save his life ; h^can never think I
more. He sinks into deep sleep and wakes |
with renewed youth, with hope, courage, j
fertile in resources, and keen tot daring
adventure. j
•* Sleep is like death, and after sleep
The world seems new begun ;
White thoughts stand luminous and firm,
Like statues in the sun ;
Refreshed from supersensuous founts,
The soul to clearer vision mounts.*’*
A man must be able to escape from his
cares and fears, as well as from hunger
and want of sleep ; so that another Arabian
proverb has its coarse truth : “ When the
belly is full, it says to the head, sing,
fellow ; ’* The perfection of writing is
when mind and body are both in key;
when the mind finds perfect obedience in
the body. And wine, no doubt, and all
fine food, as of delicate fruits, furnish
some elemental wisdom. And the fire,
too, as it burns in the chimney ; for I
fancy that my logs, which have grown so
long in sun and wind by Walden, are a
kind of muses. So of all the particulars
of health and exercise, and fit nutriment,
and tonics. Some people will tell you
there is a great deal of poetry and fine
sentiment in a chest of tea.
a. The experience of writing letters is
one of the keys to the modus of inspiration.
When we have ceased for a long time to
have any fulness of thoughts that once
made a diary a joy as well as a necessity,
and have come to believe that an image or
a happy turn of expression is no longer at
our command, in writing a letter to a
friend wo may find that we rise to thought
and to a cordial power of expression that
costs no effort, and it seems to us that
this facility may be indefinitely applied
and resumed. The wealth of the mind in
this respect of seeing is like that of a
looking-glass, which is never tired or worn
by any multitude of objects wnich it re-
flects. You may carry it all round the
world, it is ready and perfect as ever for
pew millions.
3. Another consideration, though it will
not so much interest young men, will
cheer the heart of older scholars, namely,
that there is diurnal and secular rest. As
there is this daily renovation of sensi-
bility, so it sometimes, if rarely, happens
that after a season of decay or eclipse,
darkening months or years, the faculties
revive to their fullest force, One of the
* AUlnghauit
best facts I know in metaphysical science
is Niebuhr’s joyful record that, after his
genius for interpreting history had failed
him for several years, this divination re-
turned to him. As this rejoiced me, so
does Herbert’s pjem “ The Flower.’ His
health had broken down early, he had lost
his muse, and in this poem he says : —
Aud DOW in age 1 bud aga ji,
After so many deaths I live and write;
I once more smell the dew and rain.
And relish versing : O my only lights
It cannot be
That 1 am he
On whom thy tempests fell all night,**
His poem called “The Forerunners’*
also has supreme interest. I understand
“ The Harbingers ’’ to refer to the signs
of age and decay which he detects in him-
self, not only in his constitution, but in
his fancy and his facility and grace in
writing verse; and he signalises his de-
light in this skill, and his pain that the
Herricks, Lovelaces, and Marlows, or who-
ever else, should use the like genius in
language to sensual purpose, and consoles
himself that his own ^ith and the divine
life in him remain to Sim unchanged, un-
4. The power of the will is sometimes
sublime ; and what is will for, if it cannot
help us in emergencies ? Seneca says of
an almost fatal sickness that befell him,
“ The thought of my father, who could not
have sustained such a blow as my death,
restrained me; I commanded myself to
live.'* Goethe said to Eckermann, “ I
work more easy when the barometer is
high than when it is low. Since I know
this, I endeavour, when the barometer is
low, to counteract the injurious effect by
greater exertion, and my attempt is suc-
“To the persevering mortal the blessed
immortals are swift.’’ Yes, for they know
how to give you in one moment the solu-
tion of the riddle you have pondered for
months. “ Had I not lived with Mirabeau,’’
says Dumont, “ 1 never should havefcnown
all that can be done in one day, or, rather,
in an interval of twelve hours. A day to
him was of more value than a week or a
month to others. To-morrow to him was
not the same impostor as to most others.”
5. Plutarch affirms that “ souls are
naturally endo\^d with the faculty of
prediction, and the chief cause that excites
this faculty and virtue is a certain teih-
perature of air and winds.” My anchorite
thought it “ sad that atmospheric influ-
ences should bring to our dust ih%
communion of the soul with the Infinite.”
But I am glad that the atmosphere should
be an excitant, glad to find the dull rock
itself to be deluged with Deity — to be
theist, Christian, poetic. The fine influ-
ences of the morning few can explain, but
all will admit, GoetKe acknowledges
them in the poem in which he dislodges
the nightingale from her place as Leader
of the Muses.
“Often in deep midnights
I called on the sweet muses.
No dawn shines,
And no day will appear:
But at the right hour
The lamp brings me pious light,
That it, instead of Aurora or Phoebus,
May enliven my quiet industry.
But they left me lying in sleep
Dull and not to be enlivened,
And alter every late morning
Followed unprofitable days.
When now the spring stirred,
1 said to the nightingales;
‘ Dear nightingales, trill
Early, O, early before my lattice,
Wake me out of the deep sleep
Which mightily chains the young man.’
But the love-filled singers
Poured by night before my window
Their sweet melodies. —
Kept awake my dear soul,
Roused tender new longings
In my lately touched bosom,
And so the night passed.
And Aurora found me sleeping;
Yea, hardly did the sun wake me«
At last it has become summer,
And at the first glimpse of morning
The busy early fly stings me
Out of my sweet slumber.
Unmerciful she returns again :
When often the half-awake victim
Impatiently drives her ofi,
Siic calls hither the unscrupulous sisters,
And from my eyelids
Sweet sleep must depart.
Vigorous, I spring from my couch.
Seek the beloved Muses,
Find them in the beech grove,
Pleaded to receive uie ;
And I thank the annoying insect
For many a golden hour.
Stand, then, for me, ye tormenting creatures.
Highly praised by the poet
As the true Musagetes,"
The French have a proverb to the
effect that not the day only, but all things
have their morning—"// ny a qu 6 U
matin en toutes choses^ * And it is a
primal rule to defend your morning, to
k(j^p all its |dews on, and with fine fore-
sight to relieve it from any jangle of
affairs, even from the question, Which
task ? 1 remember a capital prudence of
old President Quincy, who told me that h«
never went to bed at night until he had
laid out the studiGs for the next morning,
I believe that in our good days a well-
ordered mind has a new thought awaiting
it every morning. And hence, eminently
thoughtful men, from the time of Pyth-
agoras down, have insisted on an hour of
solitude every day to meet their own
mind, and learn what oracle it has to
impart. If a (new view of life or mind
gives us joy, so does new arrangement. I
don’t know but we take as much delight
in finding the right place for an old
observation, as in a new thought.
6. Solitary converse with nature ; for
thence are ejaculated sweet and dreadful
words never uttered in libraries. Ah 1
the spring days, the summer dawns, the
October woods I I confide that my reader
knows these delicfous secrets, has per-
‘ Slighted Minerva’s learned tongto.
But leaped with joy when on the wind the sUelJ
of Clio rung."
Are you poetical, impatient of trade^
tired of labour and affairs ? Do you want
Monadnoc, Agiocochook—or Ilelvellyn.
or Piinlimmon, dear to English song, in
your closet— Caerleon, Provence, Ossian,
and Cadwallon ? Tie a couple of strings
across a board and set it in your window,
and you have an instrument which no
artist’s harp can rival. It needs no in-
structed ear ; if you have sensibility, it
admits you to sacred interiors ; it has the
sadness of nature, yet, at the changes,
tones of triumph and festal notes ringing
out ail measures of loftiness. " Did you
never observe," says Gray, " ‘ While rock-
ing winds are piping loud,' that pause, as
the gust is recollecting itself, and rising
upon the ear in a shrill and plaintive
note like the swell of an Aiolian harp ? I
do assure you there is nothing in the
world so like the voice of a spirit," Per-
haps you can recall a delight like it, which
spoke to the eye, when you have stood by
a lake in the woods, in summer, and saw
where little flaws of wind whip spots or
patches of still water into fleets of ripple.s,
so sudden, so slight, so spiritual, that it
was more like the rippling of the Aurora
Borealis, at night, than any spectacle of
7. But the solitudo of nature is not so
essential as solitude of habit. 1 have
found my advantage in going in summer
to a country inn, in winter to a city hotel,
with a task which would not prosper at
home. 1 thus secured a more absolute
seclusion ; for it is almost impossible for a
housekeeper, who is in the country a small
farmer, to exclude interftiptions, and even
necessary orders, though I bar out by
system all I can, and resolutely omit, to
my constant damage, all that can be
omitted. At home, the day is cut into
short strips. In the hotel, I have no hours
to keep, no visits to make or receive, and
I command an astronomic leisure. I
forget rain, wind, cold and heat. At home
I remember in my library the wants of
the farm, and have all too much sympathy.
I envy the abstraction of some scholars I
have known, who could sit on a curbstone
in vStato Street, put up their back, and
solve their problem. I have more womanly
eyes. All the conditions must be right for
my success, slight as that is. What un-
tunes is as bad as what cripples or stuns
me. Novelty, surprise, change of scene,
refresh the artist — “ break up die tiresome
old roof of heaven into new forms,” as
Hafiz said. The sea-shore, and the taste
of two metals in contact, and our enlarged
powers in the presence, or rather at the
approach and at the departure of a friend,
eirid the mixture of lie in truth, and the
experience of poetic creativeness which is
not found in staying at home, nor yet in
travelling, but in transitions from one to
die other, which must therefore be
adroitly managed to present as much
transitional surface as possible— these
are the types or conditions of this power.
” A ride near the sea, a sail near the
shore,” said the ancient. So Montaigne
travelled with his books, but did not read
in them, ‘‘/.a Nature aUnt les croise-
ments" says Fourier.
I know there is room for whims here ;
but in regard to some apparent trifles
there is great agreement as to their an-
noyance. And the machine with which we
are dealing is of such an inconceivable
delicacy that whims also must be re-
spected. Fire must lend its aid. Wo not
only want time, but warm time. George
Sand says, ” I have no enthusiasm for
nature which the slightest chill will not
instantly destroy.” And I remember that
Thoreau, with his robust will, yet found
certain trifles disturbing the delicacy of
that health which composition exacted —
namely, the slightest irregularity, even to
the drinking too much water on the pre-
ceding day. Even a steel pen is a nuisance
to some writers. Some of us may remem-
ber, years ago, in the English journals,
the petition, signed by Carlyle, Browning,
Tennyson, Dickens, and other writers in
London, against the license of the organ-
grinders, who infested the streets near
their houses, to levy on them blackmail.
Certain localities, as n?.ountain tops, the
sea-side, the shores of rivers and rapid
brooks, natural parks of oak and pine,
where the grounct is smooth and unencum-
bered, are excitants of the muse. Every
artist knows well some favourite retirement.
And yet the experience of some good
artists has taught them to prefer the
smallest and plainest chamber, with one
chair and table, and with no outlook, to
these picturesque liberties. William Blake
said, ” Natural objects always did and do
weaken, deaden, and obliterate imagina-
tion in me.” And Sir Joshua Reynolds
had no pleasure in Richmond ; he used to
say ” the human face was his landscape.”
These indulgencies are to be used with
great caution. Allston rarely left his
studio by day. An old friend took him,
one fine afternoon, a spacious circuit into
the country, and he painted two or three
pictures as the fruits of tliat drive. But
he made it a rule not to go to the city on
two consecutive days. One was rest:
more was lost time. •The times of force
must be well husbanded, and the wise
student will remember the prudence of
Sir Tristram in Morie d' Arthur, who
having received from the fairy an enchant-
ment of six hours of growing strength
every day, took care to fight in the hours
when his strength increased ; since from
noon to night his strength abated. What
prudence, again, does every artist, every
scholar, need in the security of his easel
or his desk ! These must be remote from
the work of the house, and from all know-
ledge of the feet that come and go therein.
Allston, it is said, had two or three rooms
in different parts of Boston, where he
could not be found. For the delicate
muses lose their head, if their attention is
once diverted. Perhaps if you were sue
ccssful abroad in talking and dealing with
men, you would not come back to your
book-shelf and your task. When the
spirit chooses you for its scribe to publish
some commandment, it makes you odious
to men, and men odious to you, and you
shall accept that loathesomeness with joy.
The moth must fly to the lamp, and you
must solve those questions though you
die. ^
8. Conversation which, when it is best,
is a series of intoxications. Not Aristofle,
Bot Kant or Hegel, but conversation, is the
right metaphysica professor. This is the
true school of philosophy — this the college
64 * WSPlRATiOit.
where you learn What thoughti are, what
powers lurk in those fugitive gleams, and
what becomes of them ; how they make
history. A wise man goes to this game to
play upon others, and to be played upon,
and at least as curious tp know what can
be drawn from himself as what can be
drawn from them. For, in discourse with
a friend, our thought, hitherto wrapped in
our consciousness, detaches itself, and
allows itself to be seen as a thought, in a
manner as new and entertaining to us as
to our companions. For provoi^ation of
thought, we use ourselves and use each
other. Some perceptions — I think the
best— are granted to the single soul ; they
come from the depth, and go to the depth,
and are the permanent and controlling
ones. Others it takes two to find. We
must be warmed by the fire of sympathy
to be brought into the right conditions and
angles of vision. Conversation ; for in-
tellectual activity is contagious. We are
emulous. If the tone of the companion
is higher than ours, we delight in rising
to it. ’Tis a historic observation that a
writer must find an audience up to his
thought, or he will* no longer care to
impart it, but will sink to their level, or
be silent. Homer said, “ When two come
together, one apprehends before the
other ; " but it is because one thought
well that the other thinks better : and two
men of good mind will excite each other’s
activity, each attempting still to cap the
other’s thought. In enlarged conversa-
tions we have suggestions that require
new ways of living, new books, new men,
new arts and sciences. By sympathy,
each opens to the eloquence, and begins
to see with the eyes of his mind. We
were all lonely, thoughtless ; and now a
principle appears to all : we see new rela-
tions, many truths ; every mind seizes
tliem as they pass ; each catches by the
mane one of these strong coursers like
horses of the prairie, and rides up and
down in the world of the intellect. We
live day by day under the illusion that it
is the fact or event that imports, whilst
really it is not that which signifies, but the
use we put it to, or what we think of it.
We esteem nations important, until we
discover that a few individuals much more
concern us ; then, later, tliat it is not at
last a few individuals,' or any sacred
heroes, but the lowliness, the outpouring,
tht large equality to truth, of a single
mind— as if in the narrow walla of a
human heart the whole realm of truth,
the world of morals, the tribunal by which
the universe Is Judged, fOuhd room tO
9. New poetry'; by which I mean
chiefly, old poetry that is new to the
reader. I have heard from persons who
had practice in rhyming, that it was
I sufficient to set them on writing verses,
I to read any original poetry. What is best
I in literature is the affirming, prophesying,
spermatic words of men-making poets.
Only that is poetry which cleanses and
mans me.
Words used in a new sense, and figura-
tively, dart a delightful lustre ; and every
word admits a new use, and hints ulterior
meanings. We have not learned the law
of the mind — cannot control and domesti-
cate at will the high states of contempla-
tion and continuous thought. “ Neither
by sea nor by land," said Pindar, canst
thou find the way to the Hyperboreans ; "
neither by idle wishing, nor by rule of
three or rule of thumb. Yet I find a
mitigation or solace by providing always
a good book for my journeys, as Hoiace
or Martial, or Goethe — some book which
lifts me quite out of prosaic surroundings,
and from which I draw some lasting
knowledge. A Greek epigram out of the
anthology, a verse of Herrick or Lovelace,
are in harmony both with sense and
You shall not read newspapers, nor
politics, nor novels, nor Montaigne, nor
the newest French book. You may read
Plutarch, Plato, Plotinus, Hindoo my-
thology, and ethics. You may read
Chaucer, Shakspeare, Ben Jonson, Milton
— and Milton’s prose as his verse ; read
Collins and Gray; read Hafiz and the
Trouveurs; nay, Welsh and British my-
thology of Arthur, and (in your ear) Ossian ;
fact-books, which all geniuses prize as
raw material, and as antidote to verbiage
and false poetry. Fact-books, if the facts
be well and thoroughly told, are much
more nearly allied to poetry than many
books are that are written in rhyme.
Only our newest knowledge works as a
source of inspiration and thought, as only
the outmost layer of liber on the tree,
l^coks of natural science, especially those
written by the ancients — geography,
botany, agriculture, explorations of the
sea, of meteors, of astronomy — all the
better if written without literary aim or
ambition. Every book is good to read
which sets the reader in a working mood.
The deep book, no matter bow remote the
subject, helps us best.
Neither are these all the sources, nor
can 1 name all. The receptivity is rare.
The occasions or predisposing circum-
stances I could neeer tabulate ; but now
one, now another landscape, form, colour,
or companion, or 4 )erhaps one kind of
sounding word or syllable, “ strikes the
electric chain with which we are darkly
bound,” and it is impossible to detect and
wilfully repeat the fine conditions to which
v/e have owed our happiest frames of
mind. The day is good in which we have
had the most perceptions. The analysis
is the more difficult, because poppy-leaves
are strewn when a generalization is made ;
for I can never remember the circum-
stances to which I owe it, so as to repeat
the experiment or put myself in the con-
* 'Tis the most difficult of tasks to keep
Heights which the soul iscompeteut to gain.”
I value literary biography for the hints
it furnishes frcm so many scholars, in so
many countries, of what hygiene, what
ascetic, what gymnastic, what social prac-
tices their experience suggested and ap^
proved. They are, for the most part, men
who needed on^ a little wealth. Lai ge
estates, political relations, great hospitali-
ties, would have been impediments to
them. They are men whom a book could
entertain, a new thought intoxicate, and
hold them prisoners for years perhaps,
Aubrey and Burton and Wood tell ma
incidents which I find not insignificant.
These are some hints towards what is
in all education a chief necessity, the
right government, or, shall I not say, the
right obedience to the powers of the
human soul. Itself is the dictator; the
mind itself the awful oracle. All our
power, all our happiness, consists in our
reception of its hints, which ever become
clearer and grander as they are obeyed,
There is a prize which we are all aiming
at, and the more power and goodness we
have, so much more the energy of that
aim. Every human being has a right to
it, and in the pursuit we do not stand in
^ach other’s way. For it has a long scale
of degrees, a w’ide variety of views, and
every aspirant, by his success in the pur-
suit, does not hinder but helps his com-
etitors. I might call it completeness,
ut that is later — perhaps adjourned for
ages. I prefer to call it Greatness. It is
the fulfilment of a natural tendency in
each man. It is a fruitful study. It is
the best tonic to the young soul. And no
man is unrelated ; therefore we admire
eminent men, not for themselves, but as
representatives. It is very certain that
we ought not to be, and shall not be con-
tented with any goal we have reached.
Our aim is no less than greatness ; that
which invites all, belongs to us all — to
which we are all sometimes untrue,
cowardly, faithless, but of which we never
quite despair, and which, in every sane
moment, we resolve to make our own. It
is also the only platform on which all
men can meet. What anecdotes of any
man do we wish to hear or read ? Only
the best. Certainly not those in which
he was degraded to the level of dulness or
vice, but those in which he rose above all
competition obeying a light that shone
to him alone. This is the worthiest his-
tory of the world.
Greatness — what is it? Is there not
some injury to us, some insult in the
word ? What we commonly call great-
ness is only such in our barbarous or
infant experience, 'Tis not the soldier,
not Alexander or Bonaparte or Count
Moltke surely, who represent the highest
force of mankind ; not tlie strong hand,
but wisdom and civility, the creation of
laws, institutions, letters, and art. These
we call by distinction the humanities ;
these, and not the strong arm and brave
heart, which are also indispensable to
their defence. For the scholars represent
the intellect, by which man is man ; the
intellect and the moral sentiment — which
in the last analysis can never be sepa-
rated. Who can doubt the potency of an
individual mind, who sees the shock given
to torpid races — torpid for ages — by
Mahomet ; a vibration propagated over
Asia and Africa ? What of Menu ? what
of Buddha ? of Shakspeare ? of Newton ?
of Franklin ?
There are cagtain points of identity in
which these masters agree. Self-respect
is the early form in which greatness
appears. The man in the tavern main-
tains his opinion, though the whole crowd
takes the other side ; we are at once
drawn to him. The porter or trackman
refuses a reward for finding your purse,
or for pulling you drowning out of the
river. Thereby, with the service, you
have got a moral lift. You say of some
new person, That man will go far — for
you see in his mariners that the recogr%
tion of him by others is not necessary to
him. And what a bitter-sweet sensation
when we have gone to pour out our ac-
knowledgment of a man’s nobleness, and
found him quite indifferent to our good
opinion ! They may well fear Fate w^ho
have any infirmity of habit or aim ; but
he who rests on what he is, has a destiny
above destiny, and can make mouths at
Fortune. If a man’s centrality is incom-
prehensible to us, we may as well snub
the sun. There is something in Archi-
medes or in Luther or Samuel Johnson
that needs no protection. There is some-
what in the true scholar which he cannot
be laughed out of, nor bo terrified or
bought off from. Stick to your own;
don’t inculpate yourself in the local,
social, or national crime, but follow the
path your genius traces like the galaxy of
heaven, for you to \s«ilk in.
A sensible person will soon see the
folly and wickedness of thinking to please.
Sensible men are very rare. A sensible
man does not brag, avoids introducing
the names of his creditable companions,
omits himself as habitually as another
man obtrudes himself in the discourse,
and is content with putting his fact or
theme simply on its ground. You shall
not tell me that your commercial house,
your partners, or yourself are of import-
ance : you shall not tell mo that you have
learned to know men ; you shall make me
feel that ; your saying so unsays it. You
shall not enumerate your brilliant ac-
quaintances, nor tell me by their titles
what books you have read. I am to infer
that you keep good company by your
better information and manners, and to
infer your reading from the wealth and
accuracy of your conversation.
Young men think that the manly cha-
racter requires that they should go to
California, or to India, or into the array.
When they have learned that the parlour
and the college and the counting-room
demand as much courage as the sea or
the camp, they will be vihling to consult
their own strength and education in their
chpice of place.
There are to each function and depart-
ment of nature supplementary men : to
geology, sinewy, out-of-doors men, with a
taste for mountains and rocks, a quick
eye for differences and for chemical
changes. Give sjcb, first, a course in
chemistry, and then a geological survey.
Others find a charm and a profession in
the natural history of man and the mam-
malia, or related animals ; others in orni-
thology, or fishes, or insects; others in
plants ; others in the elements of which
the whole world is made. These lately
have stimulus to their study through the
extraordinary revelations of the spectro-
scope that the sun and the planets are
made in part or in whole of the same
elements as the earth is. Then there is
the boy who is born with a taste for the
sea, and must go thither if he has to run
away from his father’s house to the fore
castle; another longs for travel in foreign
lands; another will be a lawyer; another,
ac astronomer ; another, a painter, sculp-
tor, architect, or engineer. Thus there
is not a piece of nature in any kind, but
a man is born, who, as his genius opens,
aims slower or faster to dedicate himself
to that. Then there is the poet, the
philosopher, the politician, the orator,
the clergyman, the physician. 'Tis grati-
fying to see this adaptation of man to
the world, and to every part and particle
of it.
Many readers remember that Sir
Humphrey Davy said, when he was praised
for his important discoveries, My best
discovery was Michael Faraday,” In
1848 I had the privilege of hearing Pro-
fessor Faraday deliver, in the Royal In-
stitution in London, a lecture on what ho
called Dianicigiietism — by which he meant
cross-magnetism ; and ho showed us
various experiments on certain gases, to
prove that whilst, ordinarily, magnetism
of steel is from north to south, in other
substances, gases, it acts from east to
west. And further experiments led him
to the theory that every chemical sub-
stance would be found to have its own,
and a different, polarity, I do not know
how far his experiments and others have
been pushed in this matter, but one fact
is clear to mo, that diamagnetism is a law
of the mind, to the full extent of Faraday’s
' idea ; namely, that every mind has a new
compass, a new north, a new direction of
its own, differencing its genius and aim
from every other mind — as every man, with
whatever family resemblances, has a now
countenance, new manner, new voice,
new thoughts, and new character. Whilst
he shares with all mankind the gift of
reason and the moral sentiment, there is
a teaching for him from within, which if
leading him in a new path, and the more
it is trusted, separates a«d signalises him,
while it makes him more important and
necessary to society, We call this spe-
ciality the bias of each individual. And
none of us will ever accomplish anything
excellent or commanding except when he
listens to this whisper which is heard by
him alone. Swedenborg called it the
proprium— not a thought shared with
others, but constitutional to the man. A
point of education that I can never too
much insist upon is this tenet, that every
individual man has a bias which he must
obey, and that it is only as he feels and
obeys this that he rightly develops and
attains his legitimate power in the world.
It is his magnetic needle, which points
always in one direction to his proper
path, with more or less variation from
any other man’s. He is never happy nor
strong until he finds it, keeps it ; learns
to bo at home with himself : learns to
watch the delicate hints and insights that;
come to him, and to have the entire
assurance of his own mind. And in this
self-respect, or hearkening to the privates!
^)racle, he consults his ease, I may say, or
/leed never be at a loss. In morals this is
conscience ; in intellect, genius ; in prac-
tice, talent — not to imitate or surpass a
particular man in his way, but to bring
out your own new way; to each bis own
method, style, wit, eloquence. 'Tis easy
for a commander to command. Clinging
to Nature, or to that province of nature
which he knows, ho makes no mistakes,
but works after her laws and at her own
pace, so that his doing, which is perfectly
natural, appears miraculous to dull
people. Montluc, the great Marshal of
France, says of the Genoese admiral,
Andrew Doria, “ It seemed as if the sea
stood in awe of this man.” And a kindred
genius, Nelson, said, ” I feel that I am
fitter to do the action than to describe it”
Therefore I will say that another trait of
greatness is facility.
This necessity of resting on the real, of
speaking your private thought and ex-
perience few young men apprehend. Set
ten men to write their journal for one
day, and nine of them will leave out their
thought, or proper result — that is, their
net experience — and lose themselves in
misreporting the supposed experience of
other people. Indeed, I think it an essen-
tial caution to young writers, that they
shall not in their discourse leave out the
one thing which the discourse was written
to say, Let that belief which you hoki
alone have free course. I have observid
that in all public speaking, the rule of the
orator begins, not in the array of his
facts, but when his deep conviction and
the right and necessity he feels to convey
that conviction %to his audience — when
these shine and burn in his address;
when the thought which he stands for
gives its own authority to him— adds to
him a grander personality, gives liim
valour, breadth, and new intellectual
power, so that not he, but mankind, seems
to speak through his lips. There is a
certain transfiguration ; all great orators
have it, and men who wish to be orator?
simulate it.
If we should ask ourselves what is this
self-respect — it would carry us to the
highest problems. It is our practical
perception of the Deity in man. It has
its deep foundations in religion. If you
have ever known a good mind among
the Quakers, you will have found that is
the element of their faith. As they
express it, it might be thus : “I do not
pretend to any commandment or large
revelation, but if at time I form soma
plan, propose a journey, or a course of
conduct, I perhaps find a silent obstacle
in my mind that I cannot account for.
Very well — I let it lie, thinking it may
pass away, but if it do not pass away, I
yield to it, obey it. You ask me to
describe it. I cannot describe it. It is
not an oracle, nor an angel, nor a dream,
nor a law ; it is too simple to be described,
it is but a grain of mustard seed, but such
as it is, it is something which the contra-
diction of all mankind could not shake,
and which the consent of all mankind
could not confirm.”
You are rightly fond of certain books
or men that you have found to excite
yo ir reverence and emulation. But none of
these can compare with the greatness of
that council which is open to you in happy
solitude. I mean that there is for you
the following of an inward leader — a slow
discrimination that there is for each a
Best Counsel which enjoins the fit word
and the fit act for every moment. And
the path of each pursued leads to great-
ness. How grateful to find in man or
woman a new emphasis of their own.
But if the fiMit rule is to obey your
native bias, to accept that work for which
you were inwardly formed, the secemd
rule is concentration, which doubles us
force. Thus if you are a scholar, be that.
The same laws hold for you as for the
labourer, The shoemaker makes a good
shoe because he makes nothing else. Let
the student mind his own charge ; sedu-
lously wait every morning for the news
concerning the structure of the world
which the spirit will give him.
No way has been foynd for making
heroism easy, even for the scholar.
Labour, iron labour, is for him. The
world was created as an audience for him ;
the atoms of which it is made are oppor-
tunities. Read the performance of Bent-
ley, of Gibbon, of Cuvier, Geoffroy St.
Hilaire, Laplace. “ He can toil terribly,”
said Cecil of Sir Walter Raleigh, These
few words sting and bite and lash us when
we are frivolous. Let us get out of the
way of their blows, by making them true
of ourselves. There is so much to be
done that w^e ought to begin quickly to *
bestir ourselves. This day-labour of ours,
we confess, has hitherto a certain em-
blematic air, like the annual ploughing
and sowing of the Emperor of China. Let
us make it an honest sweat. Let the
scholar measure his valour by his power
to cope with intellectual giants. Leave
others to count voteq^and calculate stocks.
His courage is to weigh Plato, judge Lap-
lace, know Newton, Faraday, judge of
Darwin, criticize Kant and Swedenborg,
and on all these arouse the central
courage of insight. The scholar's courage
should be as terrible as the Cid’s, though
it grow out of spiritual nature, not out of
brawn. Nature when she adds difficulty
adds brain.
With this respect to the bias of the in-
dividual mind, add, what is consistent
with it, the most catholic receptivity for
the genius of others. The day will come
when no badge, uniform, or medal will be
worn ; when the eye, which carries in it
planety influences from all the stars, will in-
dicate rank fast enough by exerting power.
For it is true that the stratiflcation of
crusts in geology is not more precise than
the degrees of rank in mind, A man will
say : ” I am born to this position ; I must
take it, and neither you nor I can help or
hinder me. Surely, then, I need not fret
myself to guard my own dignity.” The
great man loves the conversation or the
book that convicts him, not that which
soothes or flatters him. He makes him-
self of no reputation ; Jpu conceals his
learning, conceals his cnarity. For the
highest wisdom does not concern itself
with particular men, but with man
enamoured with the law and the Eternal
Source. Suy with Antoninus, If the pic-
ture is goad, who cares who made it ?
What matters it by whom the good is done,
by yourself or ^jnother ? ” If it is the
truth, what matters who said it ? If it was
right, what signifles who did it? All
greatness is in degree, and there is more
above than below. Where were your own
intellect, if greater had not lived ? And
do you know what the right meaning of
Fame is ? ’Tis that sympathy, rather
that fine element by which the good be-
come partners of the greatness of their
Extremes meet, and there is no better
example than the haughtiness of humility.
No aristocrat, no prince born to the pur-
ple, can begin to compare with the self-
respect of the saint. Why he is so lowly,
but that he knows that he can well afford
it, resting on the largeness of God in
him ? I have read in an old book that
Barcena, the Jesuit, confessed to another
of his order that when the Devil appeared
to him in his cell, one night, out of his pro-
found humility he rose up to meet him,
and prayed him to sit down on his chair
for he was more worthy to sit there than
Shall I tell you the secret of the true
scholar? It is this: Every man I meet
is my master in some point, and in that I
learn of him. The populace will say,
with Horne Tooke, ” If you would be
powerful, pretend to be powerful.” 1
prefer to say, with the old Hebrew pro-
phet, ” Seekest thou great things, seek
them not ; ” or, what what was said of
the Spanish prince, ” The more you took
from him the greater he appeared,” Plus
on lui ote plus il est grand.
Scintillations of greatness appear here
and there in men of unequal character,
and are by no means confined to the
cultivated and so-called moral class. 'Tis
easy to draw traits from Napoleon, who
was not generous nor just, but was inteL
lectual, and knew the law of things,
Napoleon commands our respect by his
enormous self-trust — the habit of seeing
with his own eyes, never the surface, but
to the heart of the matter, whether it was
a road, a cannon, a character, an officer,
or a king — and by the speed and security
of his action in the premises, always now.
He has left a library of manuscripts, a
multitude of sayings, every one of widest
application. He was a man who always
fell on his feet. When one of his favourite
schemes missed, he had the faculty of
taking up his genius, as be said, and ol
carrying it somewhere else. ** Whatever
they may tell you, believe ttiat me fights
With cannon as with fistaj when once the
fire is begun, the least wkat of ammuni-
tion renders what you have done already
useless.” I find it easy to translate all
his technics into all of mine, and his
official advices are to me more literary
and philosophical than the memoirs o£ the
Academy. His advice to his brother,
King Joseph of Spain, was : ” I have only
one counsel for you— Be Master." Depth
of intellect relieves even the ink of crime
with a fringe of light. We perhaps look
on its crimes as experiments of a univer-
sal student ; as he may read any book who
reads all books, and as the English judge
in old times, when learning was rare, for-
gave a culprit who could read and write.
*Tis difficult to find greatness pure. Well,
I please myself with its diffusion — to find
a spark of true fire amid much corruption.
It is some guaranty, I hope, for the health
of the soul which has this generous blood.
How many men, detested in contemporary
hostile history, of whom, now that the
mists have rolled away, we have learned
to correct our old estimates, and to see
them as, on the whole, instruments of
great benefit. Diderot was no model, but
unclean as the society in which he lived ;
yet was he the best-natured man in France,
and would help any wretch at a pinch. 1
His humanity knew no bounds. A poor
scribbler who had written a lampoon
against him, and wished to dedicate it to
a pious Due d’Orleans, came with it in his
poverty to Diderot, and Diderot, pitying
the creature, wrote the dedication for him,
and so raised five-and-twenty louistosave
bis famishing lampooner alive.
Meantime we hate snivelling. I do not
wish you to surpass others in any narrow i
Dr professional or monkish way. We like
the natural greatness of health and wild
ower. I confess that I am as much taken
y it in boys, and sometimes in people
not normal, nor educated, nor present-
able, nor church-members — even in per-
sons open to the suspicion of irregular
and immoral living — in Bohemians — as in
more orderly examples. For we must
remember that in the lives of soldiers,
sailors, and men of large adventure, many
of the stays and guards of our household
life are wanting, and yet the opportunities
and incentives to sublime daring and per-
formance are often close at hand. We
must have some charity for the sense of
the people which admires natural power,
and will elect it over virtuous men who
have less. It has this excuse, that natural
is really allied to moral power and may
always be expected to approach it by its
own instincts. Intellect at least is not
stupid, and will see the force of morads
over men, if it does not itself obey:
Henry VII. of England was a wise king.
When Gerald, Earl of Kildare, who was
in rebellion against him, was brought to
London and examined before the Privy
Council, one said, ” All Ireland cannot
govern this Earl.” “Then let this Earl
govern all Ireland,” replied the King.
'Tis noted of some scholars, like Swift-
and Gibbon, and Donne, that they pre^
tended to vices which they had not, so
much did they hate hypocrisy, William
Blake, the artist, frankly says, “ I never
knew a bad man in whom there was not
something very good." Bret Harte has
pleased himself with noting and recording
the sudden virtue blazing in the wild repro-
bates of the ranches and mines of Cali-
Men are ennobled by morals and by
intellect ; but those two elements know
each other and always beckon to each
other, until at last they meet in the man,
if he is to be truly great. The man who
sells you a lamp shows you that the dame
of oil, which contented you ^fore, casts
a strong shade in the path of the petroleum
which he lights behind it ; and this again
casts a shadow in the path of the electric
light. So does intellect when brought
into the presence of character ; character
puts out that light. Goeihe, in his corre-
spondence with hisGrand Duke of Weimar,
does not shine. We can see that the Prince
had the advantage of the Olmypian genius.
It is more plainly seen in the correspond-
ence between Voltaire and Frederick of
Prussia. Voltaire is brilliant, nimble, and
various, but Frederick has the superior
tone. But it is curious that Byron writes
down to Scott ; Scott writes up to him.
The Greeks surpass all men till they face
the Romans, when Roman character pre-
vails over Greek genius. Whilst degrees
of intellect interest only classes of men
who pursue the same studies, as chemists
or astronomers, mathematicians or lin-
guists, and have no attraction for the
crowd, there are always men who have a
more catholic genius, are really great as
men, and inspim universal enthusiasm,
A great style of^ero draws equally all
classes, all the extremes of society, till w 6
say the* very dogs believe in him. W
have had such examples in this country,
in Daniel Webster. Henry Cl^, and tha
seamen's preacher. Father Taylor; in
England, Chfirles Jamas Fox ; in ScotiandU
2 T
Robert Bums ; and in France, though it is
less intelligible to us, Voltaire. Abraham
Lincoln is perhaps tiie most remarkable
example of this class that we have seen—
a man who was at homo and welcome
with the humblest, and yyith a spirit and a
practical vein in the times of terror that
commanded the admiration of the wisest.
His heart was as great as the world, but
there was no room in it to hold the
memory of a wrong.
These may serve as local examples to
indicate a magnetism which is probably
known better and finer to each scholar in
the little Olympus of his own favourites,
and which makes him require geniality
and humanity in his heroes. What are
these but the promise and the preparation
of a day when the air of the world shall
be purified by nobler society ; when the
measure of greatness shall be usefulness
in the highest sense — greatness consisting
in truth, reference, and good-will ?
Life is made of illusions, and a very
common one is the opinion you hear
expressed in every village; “O yes, if I
lived in New York ,or Philadelphia, Cam-
bridge or New Haven or l^oston or
Andover there might be fit society ; but it
happens that there are no fine young men,
no superior women in my town." You may
hear this every day ; but it is a shallow
remark. Ah ! have you yet to learn that
the eye altering alters all ; " that the
world is an echo which returns to each of
us what we say ? ” 'Tis not examples of
greatness, but sensibility to see them, that
is wanting. Th^. good botanist will find
flowers between the street pavements, and
any man filled with an idea or a purpose
will find exanvples and illustrations and
coadjutors wherever he goes. Wit is a
magnet to find wit, and character to find
character. Do you not know that people
are as those with whom they converse ?
And if £dl or any are heavy to me, that
fact accuses me. Why complain, as if a
man’s debt to his inferiors were not at
least equal to his debt to his superiors ?
If men were equals, the waters would not
move ; but the difference of level which
makes Niagara a cataract, makes elo-
quence, indignation, poetry, in him who
finds there is much to communicate.
With self-respect, then, there must be in
the aspirant the strong fellow-feeling, the
humanity, which makes men of all classes
warm to him as their leader and repre-
We are thus forced to express onr
instinct of tho truth, by exposing the
failures of experience. The man whom
we have not seen, in whom no regard of
self degraded the adorer of tho laws — who
by governing himself governed others !
sportive in manner, but inexorable in
act; who sees longevity in his cause;
whose aim is always distinct to him ; who
is suffered to be himself in society ; who
carries fate in his eye — he it is whom wo
seek, encouraged in every good hour that
here or hereafter he shall be found,
In the year 636 of our era, when Edwin, |
the Anglo-Saxon king, was deliberating j
on receiving the Christian missionaries,
one of his nobles said to him : " The
present life of man, O King, compared
with that space of time beyond, of which
v/e have no certainty, reminds me of one
of your winter feasts, where you sit with
your generals and ministers. The hearth
blazes in the middle and a grateful he\t
is spread around, while storms of rain
and snow are raging without. Driven by
the chilling tempest, ja little .sparrow
enters at one door and flies delighted
around us till it departs through the
other. Whilst it stays in our mansion it
feels not the winter storm ; but when
this short moment of happiness has been
enjoyed, It is forced again into the same
I dreary tempest from which it had escaped,
i and wo behold it no more. Such is tho
life of man, and we are as ignorant of the
state which preceded our present exist-
ence as of that which will follow it.
Things being so I feel that if this new
faith can give us more certainty, it de-
serves to be received,"
In the first records of a nation in any
degree thoughtful and cultivated, some
belief in the life beyond life would of
course be suggested. Tho Egyptian
people furnish us tho earliest details of
an established civilization, and I read, in
tho second book of Herodotus, this
memorable sentence; "The Eg)mtians
are the first of mankind who have affirmed
tho immortality of the soul.” Nor do I
road it with less interest, that the bit*
torian connects it presently with the doc-
trine of metempsychosis ; for I know well
that, where this belief tonce existed, it
would necessarily take a base form for
the savage and a pure form for the wise ;
BO that I only look on the counterfeit as
a proof that the genuine faith had been
there. The credence of men, more than
race or climate, makes their manners and
customs ; and the history of religion may
be read in the forms of sepulture. There
never was a time when the doctrine of a
future life was not held. Morals must be
enjoined, but among rude men moral
judgments were rudely figured under the
forms of dogs and whips, or of an easier
and more plentiful life after death. And
as the savage could not detach in his
mind the life of the soul from the body,
he took great care for his body. Thus
the whole life of man in the first ages was
ponderously determined on death: and,
as we know, the polity of the Egyptians,
the by-laws of towns, of streets and houses,
respected burial. It made every man an
undertaker, and the priesthood a senate
of sextons. Every palace was a door to
a pyramid ; a king or rich man was a
py rumidaire. The labour of races was
spent on the excavation of catacombs.
Tile chief end of man being to be buried
well, the arts most in request were ma-
sonry and embalming, to give imperish-
ability to the corpse.
Tile Greek, whh his perfect senses and
perceptions, had quite another philosophy,
He loved life and dedighted in beauty.
He set his wit and taste, like elastic gas,
under these mountains of stone, and
lifted them. Ho drove away the em-
balmcrs ; he built no more of those dole-
ful mountainous tombs. He adorned
death, brought wreaths of parsley and
laurel ; made it bright with games of
strength and skill, and chariot-races. He
looked at death only as the distributor of
imperishable glcry. Nothing can excel
the beauty of bis sarcophagus. He carried
bis arts to Home, and built his be.autiful
tombs at Pompeii. The poet Shcdlcy
says of these deli lately carved white
marble cells, " they seem not so much
tombs, as voluptuous cha nbers for im-
mortal spirits.” In the same spirit the
modern Greeks, in their songs, ask that
they may be buried where the sun can
see them, and that a little window may
be cut in the sepulchre, from which the
Bwallow might be seen when it comes
back in the spring.
Christianity brought a new wisdom,
But learning depends on the learner.
No more truth can be conveyed than the
popular mind can bear; and the bar-
barians who received the cross took the
doctrine of the resurrection as the Egyp-
tians took it. It was an affair of the
body, and narrowed again by the fury of
sect ; so that grounds were sprinkled with
holy water to receive only orthodox dust ;
and to keep the body still more sacredly
safe for resurrection, it was put into the
walls of the church : and the churches of
Europe are really sepulchres. I read at
Melrose Abbey the inscription on the
ruined gate : —
“The Earth goes on the Earth glittering with
The Earth goes to the Earth sooner than it
should ;
The Earth builds on the Earth castles and
towers :
The Earth says to the Earth, All this is
Meantime the true disciples saw through
the letter the doctrine of eternity which
dissolved the poor corpse and nature
also, and gave grandeur to the passing
hour. The most remarkable step in the
religious history of recent ages is that
made by the genius of Swedenborg, who
described the moral faculties and affec-
tions of man, with the hard realism of an
astronomer describing the suns and planets
of our system, and explained his opinion
of the history and destiny of souls in a
I narrative form, as of one who had gona
in a trance into the society of other worlds,
j Swedenborg described an intelligiblg
[ heaven, by continuing the like employ-
ments in the like circumstances as those
we know —men in societies, in houses,
towns, trades, entertainments — continua-
tions of our earthly experience. We shall
pass to the future existence as we enter
int-^ an agreeable dream. All nature will
accompany us there. Milton anticipated
the leading thought of Swedenborg, when
he wrote, in •' Paradise Lost ”
“ What if Earth,
Be but I’ shadow of Heaven, and things
th .ein
Each to the other like mere than on earth is
thought ?”
Swedenborg had a vast genius, and
announced many things true and admir-
able, though al\^vs clothed in somewhat
sad and Stygian colour-, These truths
passing out of his system into general
circulation, are now met with every dfy,
qualifying the views and creeds of all
churches, and of men of no church. And
I think we are all aware of a revolution in
opinion. Sixty years ago, the books read,
the sermons and prayers heard, the habits
of thought of religious persons, were all
directed on death. All were under the
shadow of Calvinism ryid cf the Roman
Catholic purgatory, and death was dread-
ful. The emphasis of all the good books
given to young people was on death. Wo
wefe all taught tliat we were born to
die ; and over that, all the terrors that
tlieology could gather from savage nations
were added to increase the gloom. A
great change has occurred. Death is seen
as a natural event, and is met with firm-
ness. A wise man in our time caused to
be written on his tomb, “ Think on living."
That inscription describes a progress in
opinion. Cease from this antedating of
your experience. Sufficient to to-day are
the duties of to-day. Don’t waste life in
doubts and fears; spend yourself on the
work before you, well assured that the
right performance of this hour’s duties
will be the best preparation for the hours
or ages that follow it.
“ The name of deat,b was never terrible
To him that knew to live.”
A man of thought is willing to die,
willing to live ; I suppose, because he has
.seen the thread on which the beads are
.strung, and perceived that it reaches up
and down, existing quite independently
of the present illusions. A man of affairs
is afraid to die, is pestered with terrors,
because he has not this vision, and is the
victim of those who have moulded the
religious doctrine into some neat and
plausible system, as Calvinism, Romanism,
or Swedeuborgism, for household use.
It is the fear of the young bird to trust its j
wings. The experiences of the soul will
fast outgrow this alarm. The saying of
Marcus Antoninus it were hard to mend:
“ It were well to die if there be gods, and
sad to live if there be none." I think all
sound minds rest on a certain preliminary
conviction, namely, that if it be best that
conscious personal life shall continue, it
will continue ; if not best, then it will not :
and we, if we saw the whole, should of
course see that it was better so. Schiller
said, " What is so universal as death,
must be benefit.’* A friend of Michael
Angelo saying to him ►Vat his constant
labour for art must make him think of
defth with regret, "By no means," he
said ; " for if life be a pleasure, yet since
death also is sent by the hand of the
same Master, neither should that displease
us." Plutarch, In Grecie, has a deep
faith that the da'.trine of the Divine Pro-
vidence and that of the immortality of the
soul rest on one and the same basis.
Hear the opinion of Montesquieu : '* If
the immortality of the soul were an error,
I should be sorry not to believe it. I avow
that I am not so humble as the atheist ;
I know not how they think, but for me, I
do not wish to exchange the idea of im-
mortality against that of the beatitude of
one day. I delight in believing myself as
immortal as God himself. Independently
of revealed ideas, metaphysical ideas give
me a vigorous hope of my eternal well-
being, which I would never renounce." *
I w'as lately told of young children who
feel a certain terror at the assurance of
life without end. "What! will it never
stop?" the child said; "what! never
die ? never, never ? It makes me feel so
tired." And I have in mind the expres-
sion of an older believer, who once said
to me, " The thought that this frail being
is never to end is so overwhelming that
my only shelter is God’s presence." This
disquietude only marks the transition.
The healthy state of mind is the love of
life. What is so good, let it endure.
I find that what is called great and
powerful life— the administration of largo
affairs, in commerce, in the courts, in
the state— is prone to develop narrow and
special talent ; but, unless combined with
a certain contemplative turn, a taste for
abstract truth, for the moral laws — does
not build up faith, or lead to content.
There is a profound melancholy at the
base of men of active and powerful talent,
seldom suspected. Many years ago, thera
were two men in the United States Senate,
both of whom are now dead. I have seen
them both ; one of them I personally knew.
Both were men of distinction, and took
I an active part in the politics of their day
and generation. They were men of in-
tellect, and one of them, at a later period,
gave to a friend this anecdote: Ho said
that when he entered the Senate ho be-
came in a short time intimate with one
of his colleagues, and, though attentive
enough to the routine of public duty, they
daily returned to each other, and spent
much time in conversation on the im-
mortality of the soul, and other intellectual
questions, and cared for little else. When
my friend at last left Congress, they
parted, his colleague remaining there,
and, as their homes were widely distant
* Pens^s Divertes, p. ms.
^rom each other, it chanced that he never
met him again, until iftventy-five years
after they saw each other, through open
doors, at a distance, in a crowded recep-
tion at the President’s house in Washing-
ton. Slowly they advanced towards each
other, as they could, through the brilliant
company, and at last met said nothing,
but shook hands long and cordially. At
last his friend said, “ Any light, Albert ? ”
“ None,” replied Albert. ” Any light,
Lewis?” "None,” replied he. They
looked in each other’s eyes silently, gave
one more shake each to the hand he held,
and thus parted for the last time. Now I
should say that the impulse which drew
these minds to this inquiry through so
many years was a better affirmative evi-
dence than their failure to find a con-
Crmation was negative. I ought to add
that, though men of good minds, they
were both pretty strong materialists in
their daily aims and way of life. I admit
that you shall find a good deal of scepti-
cism in the streets and hotels and places
of coarse amusement. But that is only
to say that the practical faculties are
faster developed than the spiritual. Where
there is depravity there is a slaughter-
house style of thinking. One argument
of future life is the recoil of the mind in
such company — our pain at every scepti-
cal statement. The sceptic affirms that
the universe is a nest of boxes with
nothing in the last box. All laughter at
man is bitter, and puts us out of good
activity. When Bonaparte insisted that
the heart is one of the entrails ; that it is
the pit of the stomach that moves the
world — do we thank him for the gracious
instruction ? Our disgust is the protest
of human nature against a lie.
The ground of hope is in the infinity of
the world, which infinity reappears in
every parbclc ; the powers of all society
in every individual, and of all mind in !
every mind. I know against all appear- !
ances that the universe can receive no
detriment ; that there is a remedy for
every wrong and a satisfaction for every
soul. Hera is this wonderful thought.
But whence came it ? Who put it in the
mind ? It was not I, it was not you ; it is
elemental — belongs to thought and virtue,
and whenever wo have either, we see the
beams of this light. When the Master of
the universe has points to carry in his
government he impresses his will in the
structure of minds.
But proceeding to the enumeration of
the few simple elements of the natural
faith, the first fact that strikes us is our
delight in permanence. All great natures
are lovers of stability and permanence, as
the type of the Eternal. After science
begins, belief of permanence must follow
in a healthy minti. Things so attractive,
designs so wise, the secret workman So
transcendently skilful that it tasks suc-
cessive generations of observers onl^ to
find out, part with part, the delicate con-
trivance and adjustment of a weed, o la
moss, to its wants, growth, and perpetua-
tion, all these adjustments becoming
perfectly intelligible to our study — and
the contriver of it all forever hidden I To
breathe, to sleep, is wonderful. But never
to know the Cause, the Giver, and infer
his character and will I Of what import
this vacant sky, these puffing elements,
these insignificant lives full of selfish love**
and quarrels and ennui ? Everything i(j
prospective, and man is to live hereafter*,
That the world is for his education is
the only sane solution of the enigma.
And I think that the naturalist works not
for himself, but for the believing mind,
which turns his discoseries to revelations,
receives them as private tokens of the
grand good-will of the Creator.
The mind delights in immense time;
delights in rocks, in metals, in mountain-
chains, and in the evidence of vast geo-
logic periods which these give; in the
age of trees, say of the Sequoias, a few of
which will span the whole history of man-
kind ; in the noble toughness and imper-
ishableness of the palm-tree, which thrives
under abuse ; delights in architecture
whose building lasts so long — ” a house,”
says Ruskin, ” is not in its prime until it
is five hundred years old,” and here are
the Pyramids, which have as many thou-
sands, and cromlechs and earth-mounds
much older than these.
We delight in stability, and really are
interested in notliing that ends. What
lasts a century pleases us in comparison
with what lasts an hour. But a century,
when we have once made it familiar and
compared it with a true antiquity, looks
dwarfish and recent ; and it does not help
the matter adding numbers, if we sea
that it has an end, which it will reach
just as surely as the shortest. A candle
a mile long or ^i|undred miles long does
not help the imagination ; only a self-
feeding fire, an inextinguishable
like the sun and the star, that we ha^
not yet found date and origin for, But
the nebular theory threatens their data*
tion also, bereaves them of this gloffi
and will make a shift to eke out a sort of
eternity by succession, as plants and
animals do.
And what are these delights in the
vast and permanent and strong, but ap-
proximations and reseihblances of what
is entire and sufficing, creative and self-
sustaining life ? For the Creator keeps
his V. word with us. These long-lived or
long-enduring objects are to us, as we see
them, only symbols of somewhat in us
far longer-lived. Our passions, our en-
deavours, have something ridiculous and
mocking, if we coma to so hasty an end.
If not to be, how like the bells of a fool is
the trump of fame 1 Nature does not,
like the Empress Anno of Russia, call
together all the architectural genius of
the Empire to build and finish and furnish
a palace of snow, to melt again to water
in the first thaw. Will you, with vast
cost and pains, educate your children to
be adepts in their several arts, and, as
soon as they are ready to produce a
masterpiece, call out a file of soldiers to
shoot them down ? We must infer our
destiny from the preparation. We are
driven by instinct to hive innumerable
experiences, which are of no visible value,
and which we may revolve through many
lives before we shall assimilate or ex-
haust them. Now there is nothing in
nature capricious, or whimsical, or acci-
dental, or unsupported. Nature never
moves by jumps, but always in steady
and supported advances. The implant-
ing of a desire indicates that the gratifica-
tion of that desire is in the constitution
of the creature that feels it; the wish for
food, the wish for motion, the wi^h for
sleep, for society, for knowledge, are not
random whims, but grounded in the
structure of the creature, and meant to
be satisfied by food, by motion, by sleep,
by society, by knowledge. If there is the
desire to live, and in larger sx:>here, with
more knowledge and power, it is because
life and knowledge and power are good
for 113, and we are the natural depositaries
of these gifts. The love of life is out of
all proportion to the value set on a single
day, and seems to indicate, like all oui
other experiences, a conviction of im-
mense resources and possibilities proper
to us, on which we havef'never drawn.
All the comfort I have found teaches
nY» to confide that I shall not have Jess in
eimes and places that I do not yet know.
I have knov.^n admirable persons, without
feeling that they exhaust the possibilities
of virtue and talent. I have seen what
glories of climate, of summer mornings
and evenings, of midnight sky — I have
enjoyed the benefits of all this complex
machinery of arts and civilization, and
its results of comfort. The good Power
can easily provide me millions more as
good. Shall I hold on with both hands
to every paltry possession ? All I have
seen teaches me to trust the Creator for
all I have not seen. Whatever it be
which the great Providence prepares for
us, it must be something large and
generous, and in the great style of his
works. The future must be up to the
style of our faculties— of memory, of hope,
of imagination, of reason. I have a house,
a closet which holds my books, a table, a
garden, a field : are these, any or all, a
reason for refusing the angel who beckons
me away — as if there were no room or
skill elsewhere that could reproduce for
me as my like or my enlarging wants may
require ? We wish to live for what if
great, not for what is mean. I do not
wish to live for the sake of my warm
house, my orchard, or my pictures. I do
not wish to live to wear out my boots.
As a hint of endless being, we may
rank that novelty which perpetually
attends life. The soul does not age with
the body. On the borders of the grave,
the wise man looks forward with equal
elasticity of mind, or hope ; and why not,
after millions of years, on the verge of
still newer ? — for it is the nature
of intelligent beings to be for ever new to
life. Most men are insolvent, or promise
by their countenance and conversation
and by their early endeavour much more
than they ever perform — suggesting a de-
sign still to be carried out ; the man must
have new motives, new companions, new
condition, and another term. Franklin
said, “ Life is rather a state of embryo, a
preparation for life. A man is not com-
pletely born until he has passed through
death.” Every really able man, in what-
ever direction he work — a man of large
affairs, an inventor, a statesman, an
orator, a poet, a painter —if you talk sin-
cerely with him, consirlers his work,
however much admired, as far short of
what it should bo. What is this P.etter,
this flying Iileal, but the perpetual pro-
mise of his Creator ?
The fable of the Wandering Jew is
agreeable to men, because they want
more time and land in which to execute
their thoughts. But a higher poetic use
must be made of the legend. Take os
I as we are, with our experience, and trans-
fer us to a new planet, and let us digest
for its inhabitants whai we could of the
wisdom of this. After we have found our
depth there, and assimilated what we
could of the new experience, transfer us
to a new scene. In each transfer we shall
have acquired, by seeing them at a dis-
tance, a new mastery of the old thoughts,
in which we were too much immersed.
In short, all our intellectual action, not
promises, but bestows a feeling of abso-
lute existence. We are taken out of time
and breathe a purer air. I know not
whence we draw the assurance of pro-
longed life, of a life which shoots that
gulf we call death, and takes hold of what
is real and abiding, by so many claims as
from our intellectual history. Salt is a
good preserver; cold is: but a truth
cures the taint of mortality better, and
“ preserves from harm until another
period.” A sort of absoluteness attends
all perception of truth — no smell of age,
no hint of corruption. It is self-sufficing,
sound, entire.
Lord Bacon said : ” Some of the philo-
sophers who were least divine denied
generally the immortality of the soul, yet
came to this point, that whatsoever
motions the spirit of man could act and
perform without the organs of the body
might remain after death, which were
only those of the understanding, and not
of the affections ; so immortal and incor-
ruptible a thing did knowledge seem to
them to be.” And Van Helmont, the
philosopher of Holland, drew his sufficient
proof purely from the action of the intel-
lect. “ It is my greatest desire,” he said,
” that it might be granted unto atheists to
have tasted, at least but one only moment,
what it is intellectually to understand ;
whereby they may feel the immortality of
the mind, as it were, by touching.” A
farmer, a labourer, a mechanic, is driven
by his work all day, but it ends at night;
it has an end. But, as far as the mechanic
or farmer is also a scholar or thinker, his
work has no end. That which ho has
learned is that there is much more to be
learned. The wiser he is, he feels only
tlie more his incompetence. ” What wo
know is a point to what wo do not know.”
A thousand years — tenfold, a hundred-fold
his faculties, would not suffice. The de-
mands of his task are such that it becomes !
omnipresent. He studies in his walking,
at his meals, in his amusements, even in
his sleep. Montesquieu said, ‘*The love
of study is in us almost the only eternal
passion. All the others quit us in pro-
portion as this miserable machine which
holds them approaches its ruin.” “ Art
is long,” says the thinker, “ and life is
short.” He is but as a fly or a worm to
this mountain- this continent, which his
thoughts inhabit^ It is a perception that
comes by the activity of the intellect;
never to the lazy or rusty mind. Courage
comes naturally to those who have the
habit of facing labour and danger, •and
who therefore know the power of their
arms and bodies ; and courage or confix
dence in the mind comes to those who
know by use its wonderful forces and
inspirations and returns. Belief in its
future is a reward kept only for those
who use it. ” To me,” said Goethe, “ the
eternal existence of my soul is proved
j from my idea of activity. If I work
' incessantly till my death, nature is bound
to give me another form of existence, when
the present can no longer sustain my
It is a proverb of the world that good-
will makes intelligence, that goodness
itself is an eye ; and the one doctrine in
which all religions agree, is that new light
is added to the mind in proportion as it
uses that which it has. ” He that doeth
the will of God abideth for ever.”
Ignorant people confound reverence for
the intuitions with egotism. There is
no confusion in the things themselves.
Health of mind consists in the percep-
tion of law. Its dignity consists in being
under the law. Its goodness is the most
generous extension of our private interests
to the dignity and generosity of ideas.
Nothing seems to me so excellent as a
belief in the laws. It communicates
nobleness, and, as it wore, an asylum in
temples to the loyal soul.
I confess that everything connected with
our personality fails. Nature never spares
the individual ; we are always balked of a
complete success ; no prosperity is pro-
mised to our self-esteem. We have our
indemnity only in the moral and intel-
lectual reality to which we aspire. That
is immortal, and we only through that.
The soul stipulates for no private good.
That which is private I see not to be good.
** If truth live, I live ; if justice live, I
live,” said one of the old saints, “and
these by any n^^'s suffering are enlarged
and enthroned.
The moral sentiment measures ittdl
by sacrifice, It risks or ruins propAtyi
health, life itself, without hesitation, for
its thought, and all men justify the man
by their praise for this act. And Mahomet
in the same mind declared, “ Not dead
but living ye are to account all those who
kre slain in the way of God.”
On these grounds I think that wherever
man ripens, this audacious belief pre-
sently appears — in the savage, savagely;
in the good, purely. As' soon as thought
is exercised, this belief is inevitable; as
soon as virtue glows, this belief confirms
itsel/. It is a kind of summary or com-
pletion of man. It cannot rest on a
legend ; it cannot be quoted from one to
another: it must have the assurance of a
man’s faculties that they can fill a larger
theatre and a longer term than nature
here allows him. Goethe said : ” It is to
a thinking being quite impossible to think
himself non-existent, ceasing to think and
live ; so far does every one carry in him-
self the preof of immortality, and quite
spontaneously. But so soon as the man
will be objective and go out of himself, so
soon as he dogmatically will grasp a per-
sonal duration to bolster up in cockney
fashion that inward assurance, he is lost
in contradiction,” The doctrine is not
sentimental, but is grounded in the neces-
sities and forces wt possess. Nothing
will hold but that which we must be and
must do,
Man's heart the Almighty to the Future iet
By secret but inviolable springs.”
The revelation that is true is written on
the palms of the hands, the thought of
our mind, the desire of our heart, or
nowhere. My idea of heaven is that there
is no melodrama in it at all; that it is
wholly real. Here is the emphasis of
conscience and experience; this is no
speculation, but the most practical of doc-
trines. Do you think that the eternal
chain of cause and effect which pervades
nature, which threads the globes as beads
on a string, leaves this out of its circuit —
leaves out this desire of God and men as
a waif and a caprice, altogether cheap and
common, and falling without reason or
merit ?
We live by desire to live; we live by
choice ; by will, by thought, by virtue, by
the vivacity of the laws which we obey,
and obeying share their life — or we die by
sloth, by disobedience, by losing hold of
life, which ebbs out of us. But whilst I
find the signatures, the h^ts and sugges-
tions, noble and wholesome-— whilst I find
tha^all the ways of virtuous living tlead
upward and not downward — yet it is not
my duty to prove to myself the immor-
lality of the soul. That knowledge ia!
hidden very cunningly. Perhaps the arck«
angels cannot find the secret of their exist-
ence, as the ey^ cannot see itself ; but,
ending or endless, to live whilst I live.
There is a drawback to the value of all
statements of the doctrine ; and I think
that one abstains from writing or printing
on the immortality of the soul, because,
when he comes to the end of his state-
ment, the hungry eyes that run through it
will close disappointed ; the listeners say,
That is not heio which we desife — and I
shall be as much wronged by their hasty
conclusion as they feel themselves wronged
by my omissions. I mean that I am a
better believer, and all serious souls are
better believers, in the immortality that
we can give grounds for. The real evi-
dence is too subtle, or is higher than we
can write down in propositions, and there-
fore Wordsworth’s “Ode” is the best
modern essay on the subject.
We cannot prove our faith by syllogisms.
The argument refuses to form in the mind.
A conclusion, an inference, a grand augury,
is ever hovering ; but attempt to ground
it, and the reasons are all vanishing and
inadequate. You cannot make a written
theory or demonstration of this as you can
an orrery of the Copernican astronomy.
It must be sacredly treated. Speak of the
mount in the mount. Not by literature
or theology, but only by rare integrity, by
a man permeated and perfumed with airs
of heaven— with manliest or womanliest
enduring love — can the vision be clear to
a use the most sublime. And hence the
fact that in the minds of men the testi-
mony of a few inspired souls has had such
weight and penetration. You shall not
say, O my bishop, O my pastor, is there
any resurrection ? What do you think ?
Did Dr. Channing believe that we should
know each other ? did Wesley ? did Butler?
did Fenelon ? ” What questions are these I
Go read Milton, Shakspearo, or any truly
ideal poet. Read Plato, or any seer of
the interior realities. Read St. Augustine,
Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant. Let any
meister simply recite to you the substan-
tial laws of the intellcx:t, and in the pre-
sence of the laws themselves you will
never ask such primary-school questions.
Is immortality only an intellectual qual-
ity, or, shall I say, only an energy, there
being no passive ? He has it, and he
alone, who gives life to all names, persons,
things, where he cornea. No religion, not
the wildest mythology, dies for him ; no
art ia lost. He vivifies what he touches.
Future state is an illusion for the ever*
present state. It fs not length of life but
depth of life. It is nof duration, but a
taking of the soul out of time, as all high
action of the mind does: when we are
living in the sentiments we ask no ques-
tions about time. The spiritual world
takes place — that which is always the
same. But see how the sentiment is wise.
Jesus explained nothing, but the influence
of him took people out of time, and they
felt eternal. A great integrity makes us
immortal ; an admiration, a deep love, a
strong will, arms us above fear. It makes
a day memorable. We say we lived years
in that hour. It is strange that Jesus
is esteemed by mankind the bringer of
the doctrine of immortality. He is never
once weak or sentimental; he is very
abstemious of explanation, he never
preaches the personal immortality; whilst
Plato and Cicero had both allowed them-
selves to overstep the stem limits of the
spirit, and gratify the people with that
How ill agrees this majestical immor-
tality of our religion with the frivolous
population ! Will you build magnificently
for mice ? Will you offer empires to such
as cannot set a house or private affairs in
order ? Here are people who cannot
dispose of a day : an hour hangs heavy on
their hands; and will you offer them
rolling ages without end ? But this is the
way we rise. Within every man’s thought
is a higher thought— within the character
he exhibits to-day, a higher character.
The youth puts off the illusions of the
child, the man puts off the ignorance and
tumultuous passions of youth ; proceeding
thence puts off the egotism of manhood,
and becomes at last a public and uni - 1
versal soul. He is rising to greater heights,
but also rising to realities : the outer
relations and circumstances dying out,
he entering deeper into God, God into
him, until the last garment of egotism
falls, and he is with God — shares the will
and the immensity of the First Cause.
It is curious to find the selfsame feeling,
that it is not immortality, but eternity —
not duration, but a state of abandonment
to the Highest, and so the sharing of His
perfection — appearing in the farthest east
and west. The human mind takes no ac-
count of geography, language, or legends,
but in all utters the same instinct.
Yama. the Lord of Death, promised
Nachiketas, the son of Gautama, to grant
him three boons at his own choice. Nachi-
ketas, knowing that his father Gautama
was offended with him. said. O Death I
let Gautama be appeased In mind, and
forget his anger against me ; this I choose
for the first boon.” Yama said, ” Through
my favour, Gautama will remember thee
with love as before.” For the second
boon, Nachiketag asks that the fire by
which heaven is gained be made known
to him ; which also Yama allows, and
says, “Choose the third boon, O Nachi-
ketas!” Nachiketas said, there is this
inquiry. Some say the soul exists after
the death of man ; others say it does not
exist. This I should like to know, in-
structed by thee. Such is the third of the
boons. Yama said, " For this question,
it was inquired of old, even by the gods ;
for it is not easy to understand it. Subtle
is its nature. Choose another boon, O
Nachiketas 1 Do not compel me to this.”
Nachiketas said, “ Even by the gods was
it inquired. And as to what thou sayest,
O Death, that it is not easy to understand
it, there is no other speaker to be found
like thee. There is no other boon like
this.” Yama said, “Choose sons and
grandsons who may live a hundred years ;
choose herds of cattle; choose elephants
and golden horses ; cnoose the wide ex-
panded earth, and live thyself as many
years as thou listeth. Or, if thou knowest
a boon like this, choose it, together with
wealth and far-extending life. Be a king,
0 Nachiketas I On the wide earth I will
make thee the enjoyer of all desires. All
those desires that are difl!icult to gain in
the world of mortals, all those ask thou
at thy pleasure — those fair nymphs of
heaven with their chariots, with their
musical instruments ; for the like of them
1 are not to be gained by men. I will give
them to thee, but do not ask the question
of the state of the soul after death.”
Nachiketas said, ” All those enjoyments
are of yesterday. With thee remain thy
horses and elephants, with thee the dance
and song. If we should obtain wealth,
we live only as long as thou pleasest.
The boon which I choose I have said.”
Yama said, " One thing is good, another
is pleasant. Blessed is he who takes the
good, but he who chooses the pleasant
loses the object of man. But thou, con-
sidering the objects of desire, hast aban-
doned them. These two, ignorance (whose
object is what i^leasant) and knowledge
(whose object is what is good), are known
to be far asunder, and to lead to different
goals. * Believing this world exists, a»d
not the other, the careless youth is subject
to my sway. That knowledge for which
thou hast Mked is not to be obtained bj
argument. I know worldly happiness is
transient, for that firm one is not to be
obtained by what is not firm. The wise
by means of the union of the intellect
with the soul, thinking him whom it is
hard to behold, leaves bf th grief and joy.
Thee, O Nachiketas ! I believe a house
whose door is open to Brahma. Brahma
the fupreme, whoever knows him, obtains
whatever he wishes. The soul is not
born; it does not die: it was not pro-
duced from any one. Nor was any pro-
duced from it. Wnbom, ©tern^, it ii not
slain, though thi« body is slain; subtler
than what is subtle, greater than what ii
great, sitting it goes far, sleeping it goei
everywhere. Thinking the soul as unbodily
among bodies, firm among fleeting things,
the wise man casts off all grief. Thi
soul cannot be gained by knowledge,
not by understanding, not by manifold
science. It can be obtained by the soul
by which it is desired, It reveal* its own
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