Progress and Poverty









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Printed by Parkway Printing Company Bound by H Wolff 




Sax Francisco, March, 1879 




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Sax Francisco, March, 1879. 

Make for thyself a definition or description 
of the thing which is presented to thee, so as 
to see distinctly what kind of a thing it is, 
in its substance, in its nudity, in its complete 
entirety, and tell thyself its proper name, 
and the names of the things of which it has 
been compounded, and into which it will be 
resolved. For nothing is so productive of 
elevation of mind as to be able to examine 
methodically and truly every object which is 
presented to thee m life, and always to look 
at things so as to see at the same time what 
kind of universe this is, and what kind of use 
everything performs in it, and what value 
everything has with reference to the whole, 
and what with reference to man, who is a 
citizen of the highest city, of which all other 
cities are like families; what each thing is, and 
of what it is composed, and how long it is the 
nature of this thmg to endure. 

— Marcus Aurelius Antomnus. 




The fame won by Henry George as writer, economist 
and philosopher, has not diminished with the years that 
have passed since his death in 1897. On the contrary, 
there has been a steadily broadening recognition of his 
intellectual eminence. Significant of this was the recent 
Appreciation by John Dewey, the famous American 
educator and professor of philosophy at Columbia Uni- 
versity, which contained these striking statements: 

“It would require less than the fingers of the two hands to 
enumerate those who, from Plato down, rank with Henry George 
among the worlds social philosophers. ... No man, no graduate 
of a higher educational institution, has a right to regard himself 
as an educated man in social thought unless he has some first- 
hand acquaintance with tl\e theoretical contribution of this great 
American thinker.” 

In this fiftieth year after the first publication of 
“Progress and Poverty” it must appear to that growing 
body of workers for social justice who in many lands 
are spreading George’s gospel, that there is at this time 
as great a need as ever for the comprehension of the 
truth he sought to make plain. For, as in 1879, there 
is widespread social unrest in the world. Industrial de- 
pression and unemployment are conditions common to 
many lands, and even in the nominally prosperous 
atmosphere of the United States, vast numbers are com- 
pelled to live in poverty or close to its border line. It 
would appear that in the half century since “Progress 
and Poverty” was published, there has been little abate- 
ment of the social and economic ills that have afflicted 

• • 


• • ■ 


the human family everywhere, and that recur, with 
unfailing regularity, in cycles that seem unexplainable 
except to the followers of Henry George. And, at a 
time when world opinion is demanding that statesman- 
ship shall outlaw war, it is important to recall that the 
World Economic Conference, held at Geneva in 1927 
at the call of the League of Nations, found a definite 
interdependence of the economic causes of war and 
industrial depression. It seems like a vindication of the 
philosophy of Henry George to find that this Conference, 
to which the representatives of fifty nations were called, 

unanimously arrived at the conclusion that: 


“The main trouble now is neither any material shortage of the 
resources of nature nor any inadequacy in man’s power to ex- 
ploit them. It is all, in one form or another, a maladjustment; 
not an insufficient productive capacity, but a senes of impedi- 
ments to the full utilization of that capacity. The main obstacles 
to economic revival have been the hindrances opposed to the free 
flow of labor, capital, and goods” 

This, in effect, is what Henry George maintained fifty 
years ago, contrary to the teachings of the accepted 
political economy. 

Greater need than ever exists for a re-examination 
by mankind of the remedy for the world’s social and 
economic ills that is involved in the fundamental pro- 
posals of Henry George — proposals which Tolstoy de- 
clared must ultimately be accepted by the W'orld because 
they are so logical and so unanswerable. 

Therefore, the trustees of the Robert Schalkenbach 
Foundation, of New York, which was formed to bring 
about a wider acquaintance with the social and economic 
philosophy of Henry George, have considered this an 
appropriate time to produce from new plates this Fiftieth 
Anniversary Edition of “Progress and Poverty.” 


In the Introduction to the Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition, 
Henry George, Jr. told interestingly, as follows, how “Progress 
and Poverty” came to be written: 

Out of the open West came a young man of less than 
thirty to this great city of New York. He was small 
of stature and slight of build. His alma mater had been 
the forecastle and the printing-office. He was poor, 
unheralded, unknown. lie came from a small city ris- 
ing at the western golden portals of the country to set 
up here, for a struggling little newspaper there, a tele- 
graphic news bureau, despite the opposition of the com- 
bined powerful press and telegraph monopolies. The 
struggle was too unequal. The young man was over- 
borne by the monopolies and his little paper crushed. 

This man was Henry George and the time was 1869. 

But though defeated, Henry George was not van- 
quished. Out of this struggle had come a thing that was 
to grow and grow until it should fill the minds and 
hearts of multitudes and be as “an army with banners.” 

For in the intervals of rest from his newspaper strug- 
gle in this city the young correspondent had musingly 
walked the streets. As he walked he was filled with 
wonder at the manifestations of vast wealth. Here, as 
nowhere that he had dreamed of, were private fortunes 
that rivaled the riches of the fabled Monte Cristo. But 
here, also, side by side with the palaces of the princely 
rich, was to be seen a poverty and degradation, a want 
and shame, such as made the young man from the open 
West sick at heart. 

Why in a land so bountifully blest, with enough and 
more than enough for all, should there be such inequal- 
ity of conditions? Such heaped wealth interlocked with 
such deep and debasing want? Why, amid such super- 



I have been enabled to live to write it, and that you have been 
enabled to live to see it. It represents a great deal of work and 
i good deal of sacrifice, but now it is done. It will not be recog- 
nised at first — maybe not for some time— but it will ultimately 
be considered a great book, will be published in both hemispheres, 
and be translated into different languages. This I know, though 
neither of us may ever see it here. But the belief that I have 
expressed in this book — the belief that there is yet another life 
for us — makes that of little moment. 

The prophecy of recognition of the book’s greatness 
was fulfilled very quickly. The Appletons in New York 
brought out the first regular market edition in January, 
1880, just twenty-five years ago. Certain of the San 
Francisco newspapers derided book and author as the 
“hobby” of “little Harry George,” and predicted that 
the work would never be heard of. But the press else- 
where in the country and abroad, from the old 
“Thunderer” in London down, and the great periodical 
publications, headed by the “Edinburgh Review,” hailed 
it as a remarkable book that could not be lightly brushed 
aside. In the United States and England it was put 
into cheap paper editions, and in that form outsold the 
most popular novels of the day. In both countries, too, 
it ran serially in the columns of newspapers. Into all 
the chief tongues of Europe it was translated, there 
being three translations into German. Probably no 
exact statement of the book’s extent of publication can 
be made; but a conservative estimate is that, embracing 
all forms and languages, more than two million copies 
of “Progress and Poverty” have been printed to date; 
and that including with these the other books that have 
followed from Henry George’s pen, and which might 
be called “The Progress and Poverty Literature,” per- 
haps five million copies have been given to the world. 

Henry George, Jr. 

New York, 

January 24, 1905. 


The views herein set forth were in the main briefly stated in a 
pamphlet entitled “Our Land and Land Policy,” published in San 
Francisco in 1871. I then intended, as soon as I could, to present 
them more fully, but the opportunity did not for a long time 
occur. In the meanwhile I became even more firmly convinced 
of their truth, and saw more completely and clearly their rela- 
tions; and I also saw how many false ideas and erroneous habits 
of thought stood in the way of tjieir recognition, and how neces* 
sary it was to go over the whole ground. 

This I have here tried to do, as thoroughly as space would per- 
mit. It has been necessary for me to clear away before I could 
build up, and to write at once for those who have made no 
previous study of such subjects, and for those who are familiar 
with economic reasonings; and, so great is the scope of the argu- 
ment that it has been impossible to treat with the fullness they 
deserve many of the questions raised. What I have most en- 
deavored to do is to establish general principles, trusting to my 
readers to carry further their applications where this is needed. 

In certain respects this book will be best appreciated by those 
who have some knowledge of economic literature; but no previ- 
ous reading is necessary to the understanding of the argument or 
the passing of judgment upon its conclusions. The facts upon 
which I have relied are not facts which can be verified only by 
a search through libraries. They are facts of common observa- 
tion and common knowledge, which every reader can verify for 
himself, just as he can decide whether the reasoning from them 
is or is not valid. 

Beginning with a brief statement of facts which suggest this in- 
quiry, I proceed to examine the explanation currently given in 
the name of political economy of the reason why, in spite of the 
increase of productive power, wages tend to the minimum of a 
bare living This examination shows that the current doctrine of 
wages is founded upon a misconception; that, in truth, wages are 
produced by the labor for which they are paid, and should, other 
things being equal, increase with the number of laborers. Here 
the inquiry meets a doctrine which is the foundation and center 

of most important economic theories, and which has powerfully 





influenced thought in all directions — the Malthusian doctrine, that 
population tends to increase faster than subsistence. Examina- 
tion, however, shows that this doctrine has no real support either 
in fact or in analogy, and that when brought to $ decisive test it 
is utterly disproved. 

Thus far the results of the inquiry, though extremely impor- 
tant, are mainly negative. They show that current theories do 
not satisfactorily explain the connection of poverty with material 
progress, but throw no light upon the problem itself, beyond 
showing that its solution must be sought in the laws which govern 
the distribution of wealth. It therefore becomes necessary to 
carry the inquiry into this field. A preliminary review shows 
that the three laws of distribution must necessarily correlate with 
each other, which as laid down by the current political economy 
they fail to do, and an examination of the terminology in use 
reveals the confusion of thought by which this discrepancy has 
been slurred over. Proceeding then to work out the laws of 
distribution, I first take up the law ot rent. This, it is readily 
seen, is correctly apprehended by the current political economy. 
But it is also seen that the full scope of this law has not been 
appreciated, and that it involves as corollaries the laws of wages 
and interest — the cause which determines what part of the prod- 
uce shall go to the land owner necessarily determining what 
part shall be left for labor and capital. Without resting here, I 
proceed to an independent deduction of the laws of interest and 
wages. I have stopped to determine the real cause and justifica- 
tion of interest, and to point out a source of much misconception 
— the confounding of what are really the profits of monopoly 
with the legitimate earnings of capital. Then returning to the 
main inquiry, investigation shows that interest must rise and fall 
with wages, and depends ultimately upon the same thing as rent 
— the margin of cultivation or point in production where rent 
begins. A similar but independent investigation of the law of 
wages yields similar harmonious results. Thus the three laws of 
distribution are brought into mutual support and harmony, and 
the fact that with material progress rent everywhere advances is 
seen to explain the fact that wages and interest do not advance. 

What causes this advance of rent is the next question that 
arises, and it necessitates an examination of the effect of material 
progress upon the distribution of wealth. Separating the factors 
of material progress into increase of population and improve- 
ments in the arts, it is first seen that increase in population tends 
constantly, not merely by reducing the margin of cultivation, but 
by localizing the economies and powers which come with in* 



creased population, to increase the proportion of the aggregate 
produce which is taken in rent, and to reduce that which goes as 
wages and interest. Then eliminating increase of population, it 
is seen that improvement in the methods and powers of produc- 
tion tends in the same direction,* and, land being held as private 
property, would produce in a stationary population all the effects 
attributed by the Malthusian doctrine to pressure of population. 
And then a consideration of the effects of the continuous increase 
in land values which thus spring from material progress reveals 
in the speculative advance inevitably begotten when land is pri- 
vate property a derivative but most powerful cause of the increase 
of rent and the crowding down of Wages. Deduction shows that 
this cause must necessarily produce periodical industrial depress 
sions, and induction proves the conclusion; while from the analy* 
sis which has thus been made it is seen that the necessary result 
of material progress, land being private property, is, no matter 
what the increase in population, to force laborers to wages which 
give but a bare living. 

This identification of the cause that associates poverty with 
progress points to the remedy, but it is to so radical a remedy 
that I have next deemed it necessary to inquire whether there 
is any other remedy. Beginning the investigation again from 
another starting point, I have passed m examination the measures 
and tendencies currently advocated or trusted in for the improve- 
ment of the condition of the laboring masses. The result of this 
investigation is to prove the preceding one, as it shows that 
nothing short of making land common property can permanently 
relieve poverty and check the tendency of wages to the starva- 
tion point. 

The question of justice now naturally arises, and the inquiry 
passes into the field of ethics. An investigation of the nature and 
basis of property shows that there is a fundamental and irrecon- 
cilable difference between property in things which are the product 
of labor and property m land; that the one has a natural basis 
and sanction while the other has none, and that the recognition 
of exclusive property in land is necessarily a denial of the right 
of property in the products of labor. Further investigation shows 
that private property in land always has, and always must, as 
development proceeds, lead to the enslavement of the laboring 
class; that land owners can make no just claim to compensation 
if society choose to resume its right; that so far from private 
property in land being in accordance with the natural perceptions 
of men, the very reverse is true, and that in the United State* 



we are already beginning to feel the effects of having admitted 
this erroneous and destructive prmciple. 

The inquiry then passes to the field of practical statesmanship. 
It is seen that private property in land, instead of being neces- 
sary to its improvement and use, stands in the way of improve- 
ment and use, and entails an enormous waste of productive 
forces; that the recognition of the common right to land involves 
no shock or dispossession, but is to be reached by the simple and 
easy method of abolishing all taxation save that upon 1 land 
values. And this an inquiry into the principles of taxation shows 
to be, in all respects, the best subject of taxation. 

A consideration of the effects of the change proposed then 
.‘shows that it would enormously increase production; would se- 
cure justice in distribution; would benefit all classes; and would 
make possible an advance to a higher and nobler civilization. 

The inquiry now rises to a wider field, and recommences from 
another starting point. For not only do the hopes which have 
been raised come mto collision with the widespread idea that 
.social progress is possible only by slow race improvement, but 
the conclusions we have arrived at assert certain laws which, if 
they are really natural laws, must be manifest in universal his- 
tory. As a final test, it therefore becomes necessary to work out 
the law of human progress, for certain great facts which force 
themselves on our attention, as soon as we begin to consider this 
«ubject, seem utterly inconsistent with what is now the current 
theory. This inquiry shows that differences m civilization are 
not due to differences in individuals, but rather to differences in 
social organization; that progress, always kindled by association, 
always passes into retrogression as inequality is developed; and 
that even now, in modern civilization, the causes which have de- 
stroyed all previous civilizations are beginning to manifest them- 
selves, and that mere political democracy is running its course 
toward anarchy and despotism. But it also identifies the law of 
social life with the great moral law of justice, and, proving previ- 
ous conclusions, shows how retrogression may be prevented and 
a grander advance begun. This ends the inquiry. The final 
chapter will explain itself. 

The great importance of this inquiry will be obvious. If it 
has been carefully and logically pursued, its conclusions com- 
pletely change the character of political economy, give it the 
coherence and certitude of a true science, and bnng it into full 
sympathy with the aspirations of the masses of men, from which 
it has long been estranged. What I have done m this book, if 
I have correctly solved the great problem I have sought to in- 




vestigate, is, to unite the truth perceived by the school of Smith 
and Ricardo to the truth perceived by the schools of Proudhon 
and Lasalle; to show that loissez jaire (in its full true meaning) 
opens the way to a realization of the noble dreams" of socialism; 
to identify social law with moral law, and to disprove ideas 
which in the minds of many cloud grand and elevating percep- 

This work was written between August, 1877, and March, 1879, 
and the plates finished by September of that year. Since that 
time new illustrations have been given of the correctness of the 
views herein advanced, and the march of events — and especially 
that great movement which has begun in Great Britain in the 
Irish land agitation — shows still more clearly the pressing nature 
of the problem I have endeavored to solve. But there has been 
nothing in the criticisms they have received to induce the change 
or modification of these views — in fact, I have yet to see an 
objection not answered in advance in the book itself. And ex- 
cept that some verbal errors have been corrected and a preface 
added, this edition is the same as previous ones. 

Henry George. 

New York, November , 1880. 

Henry George, bom September 2, 1839, died October 29, 1897. 
During the last months of his life “Progress and Poverty” was 
reset for new electrotype plates. Mr. George then made some 
slight alterations m syntax and punctuation; clarified the phrase- 
ology of the plane illustration in the chapter on interest (Book 
III, Chapter III) ; added a reference to the recantation of Her- 
bert Spencer (note to Book VII, Chapter III) ; and made a dis- 
tinction between patents and copyrights (note to Book VHI, 
Chapter III). With these minor exceptions, the book is identical 
with the fourth edition described in the above preface.* The 
present edition (1929) has been reset for new plates, and except 
for a slight difference in pagmg, conforms to previous editions. 

There must be refuge f Men 
Perished in winter winds till one smote fire 
From flint stones coldly hiding what they held, 

The red spark treasured from the kindling sun; 

They gorged on flesh like wolves, till one sowed com, 
Which grew a weed, yet makes the life of man; 

They mowed and babbled till some tongue struck speech, 
And patient fingers framed the lettered sound. 

What good gift have my brothers, but it came 
From search and strife and loving sacrifice? 

— Edwin Arnold 

Never yet 

Share of Truth was vainly set 
In the world’s wide fallow; 

After hands shall sow the seed, 
After hands, from hill and mead, 
Reap the harvests yellow. 





The Problem 3 

Book I. — Wages and Capital 


I. — The current doctrine of wages — its insufficiency . . 17 

II. — The meaning of the terms 31 

III. — Wages not drawn from capital, but produced by the 

lcubor 50 

IV. — The maintenance of laborers not drawn from capital . 71 

V. — The real functions of capital 80 

Book II. — Population and Subsistence 

I. — The Malthusian theory, its genesis and support ... 91 

II. — Inferences from facts 103 

III. — Inferences from analogy ... 129 

IV. — Disproof of the Malthusian theory 140 

Book III. — The Laws op Distribution 

I. — The inquiry narrowed to the laws of distribution — 

necessary relation of these laws 153 

II. — Rent and the law of rent 165 

III. — Interest and the cause of interest 173 

IV. — Of spurious capital and of profits often mistaken for 

interest 189 

V. — The law of interest 195 

VI. — Wages and the law of wages 204 

VII. — Correlation and co-ordination of these laws .... 218 

VIII. — The statics of the problem thus explained .... 221 

Book IV. — Effect of Material Progress 
upon the Distribution of Wealth 

I. — The dynamics of the problem yet to seek 227 

II. — Effect of increase of population upon the distribution 

of wealth 230 




III— Effect of improvements in the arts upon the distribu- 
tion of wealth •••••••• 

XV .— Effect of the expectation raised by material progress . 




Book V. — The Problem Solved 

I. — The primary cause of recurring paroxysms of industrial 

depression b 263 

II. — The persistence of poverty amid advancing wealth . . 282 


Book VI. — The Remedy 

I. — Insufficiency of remedies currently advocated . . . 299 

II. — The true remedy 328 

Book VII. — Justice op the Remedy 

I. — Injustice of private property in land 333 

II. — Enslavement of laborers the ultimate result of private 

III. — Claim of land owners to compensation 358 

IV. — Property in land historically considered 368 

V. — Property in land in the United States 385 


Book VIII. — Application op the Remedy 

I. — Private property in land inconsistent with the best use 

of land 397 

II. — How equal rights to the land may be asserted and 

secured 403 

III. — The proposition tried by the canons of taxation . . . 408 

IV. — Indorsements and objections 422 

Book IX. — Effects op the Remedy 

I. — Of the effect upon the production of wealth .... 433 
II. — Of the effect upon distribution and thence upon pro- 
duction 440 

III. — Of the effect upon individuals and classes .... 447 

IV. — Of the changes that would be wrought in social organi- 

zation and social life 454 

Book X. — The Law op Human Progress 

I. — The current theory of human progress — its insufficiency 
II. — Differences in civilization — to what due 

III. — The law of human progress 

IV. — How modem civilization may decline 

V. — The central truth 







The problem of individual life • . . 




Ye build! ye build! but ye enter not in, 

Like the tribes whom the desert devoured in their sin 
From the land of promise ye fade and die, 

Ere its verdure gleams forth on your wearied eye. 

— Afrs. Sigourney 



The present century has been marked by a prodigious 
increase in wealth-producing power. The utilization of 
steam and electricity, the introduction of improved proc- 
esses and labor-saving machinery, the greater subdivi- 
sion and grander scale of production, the wonderful 
facilitation of exchanges, have multiplied enormously 
the effectiveness of labor. 

At the beginning of this marvelous era it was natural 
to expect, and it was expected, that labor-saving inven- 
tions would lighten the toil and improve the condition 
of the laborer; that the enormous increase in the power 
of producing wealth would make real poverty a thing of 
the past. Could a man of the last century — a Franklin 
or a Priestley — have seen, in a vision of the future, the 
steamship taking the place of the sailing vessel, the rail- 
road train of the wagon, the reaping machine of the 
scythe, the threshing machine of the flail; could he have 
heard the throb of the engines that in obedience to 
human will, and for the satisfaction of human desire, 
exert a power greater than that of all the men and all 
the beasts of burden of the earth combined; could he 
have seen the forest tree transformed into finished lum- 
ber — into doors, sashes, blinds, boxes or barrels, with 
hardly the touch of a human hand ; the great workshops 
where boots and shoes are turned out by the case with 
less labor than the old-fashioned cobbler could have 
put on a sole; the factories where, under the eye of a 
girl, cotton becomes cloth faster than hundreds of stal- 
wart weavers could have turned it out with their hand- 




looms; could he have seen steam hammers shaping 
mammoth shafts and mighty anchors, and delicate ma- 
chinery making tiny watches; the diamond drill cutting 
through the heart of the rocks, and coal oil sparing the 
whale; could he have realized the enormous saving of 
labor resulting from improved facilities of exchange and 
communication — sheep killed in Australia eaten fresh in 
England, and the order given by the London banker in 
the afternoon executed in San Francisco in the morning 
of the same day; could he have conceived of the hun- 
dred thousand improvements which these only suggest, 
what would he have inferred as to the social condition 
of mankind? 

It would not have seemed like an inference; further 
than the vision went it would have seemed as though 
he saw; and his heart would have leaped and his nerves 
would have thrilled, as one who from a height beholds 
just ahead of the thirst-stricken caravan the living 
gleam of rustling woods and the glint of laughing 
waters. Plainly, in the sight of the imagination, he 
would have beheld these new forces elevating society 
from its very foundations, lifting the very poorest above 
the possibility of want, exempting the very lowest from 
anxiety for the material needs of life; he would have 
seen these slaves of the lamp of knowledge taking on 
themselves the traditional curse, these muscles of iron 
and sinews of steel making the poorest laborer’s life a 
holiday, in which every high quality and noble impulse 
could have scope to grow. 

And out of these bounteous material conditions he 
would have seen arising, as necessary sequences, moral 
conditions realizing the golden age of which mankind 
have always dreamed. Youth no longer stunted and 
starved; age no longer harried by avarice; the child at 
play with the tiger; the man with the muck-rake drink- 
ing in the glory of the stars. Foul things fled, fierce 

the problem 


things tame; discord turned to harmony! For how 
could there be greed where all had enough? How could 
the vice, the crime, the ignorance, the brutality, that 
spring from poverty and the fear of poverty, exist where 
poverty had vanished? Who should crouch where all 
were freemen; who oppress where all were peers? 

More or less vague or clear, these have been the hopes, 
these the dreams born of the improvements which give 
this wonderful century its preeminence. They have 
sunk so deeply into the popular mind as radically to 
change the currents of thought, to recast creeds and dis- 
place the most fundamental conceptions. The haunting 
visions of higher possibilities have not merely gathered 
splendor and vividness, but their direction has changed 
— instead of seeing behind the faint tinges of an expiring 
sunset, all the glory of the daybreak has decked the 
skies before. , 

It is true that disappointment has followed disap- 
pointment, and that discovery upon discovery, and in- 
vention after invention, have neither lessened the toil of 
those who most need respite, nor brought plenty to the 
poor. But there have been so many things to which it 
seemed this failure could be laid, that up to our time the 
new faith has hardly weakened. We have better appre- 
ciated the difficulties to be overcome; but not the less 
trusted that the tendency of the times was to overcome 

Now, however, we are coming into collision with facts 
which there can be no mistaking. From all parts of the 
civilized world come complaints of industrial depres- 
sion; of labor condemned to involuntary idleness; of 
capital massed and wasting; of pecuniary distress among 
business men; of want and suffering and anxiety among 
the working classes. All the dull, deadening pain, all 
the keen, maddening anguish, that to great masses of 
men are involved in the words “hard times,” afflict the 


world to-day. This state of things, common to com- 
munities differing so widely in situation, in political 
institutions, in fiscal and financial systems, in density 
of population and in social organization, can hardly 
be accounted for by local causes. There is distress 
where large standing armies are maintained, but there 
is also distress where the standing armies are nominal; 
there is distress where protective tariffs stupidly and 
wastefully hamper trade, but there is also distress 
where trade is nearly free; there is distress where auto- 
cratic government yet prevails, but there is also distress 
where political power is wholly in the hands of the peo- 
ple; in countries where paper is money, and in countries 
where gold and silver are the only currency. Evidently, 
beneath all such things as these, we must infer a com- 
mon cause. 

That there is a common cause, and that it is either 
what we call material progress or something closely 
connected with material progress, becomes more than an 
inference when it is noted that the phenomena we class 
together and speak of as industrial depression are but 
intensifications of phenomena which always accompany 
material progress, and which show themselves more 
clearly and strongly as material progress goes on. 
Where the conditions to which material progress every- 
where tends are most fully realized — that is to say, 
where population is densest, wealth greatest, and the 
machinery of production and exchange most highly 
developed — we find the deepest poverty, the sharpest 
struggle for existence, and the most of enforced idle- 

It is to the newer countries — that is, to the countries 
where material progress is yet in its earlier stages — that 
laborers emigrate in search of higher wages, and capital 
flows in search of higher interest. It is in the older 
countries — that is to say, the countries where material 



progress has reached later stages — that widespread desti- 
tution is found in the midst of the greatest abundance. 
Go into one of the new communities where Anglo-Saxon 
vigor is just beginning the race of progress; where the 
machinery of production and exchange is yet rude and 
inefficient; where the increment of wealth is not yet 
great enough to enable any class to live in ease and 
luxury ; where the best house is but a cabin of logs or a 
cloth and paper shanty, and the richest man is forced 
to daily work — and though you will find an absence of 
wealth and all its concomitants, you will find no beg- 
gars. There is no luxury, but there is no destitution. 
No one makes an easy living, nor a very good living; 
but every one can make a living, and no one able and 
willing to work is oppressed by the fear of want. 

But just as such a community realizes the conditions 
which all civilized communities are striving for, and ad- 
vances in the scale of material progress — just as closer 
settlement and a more intimate connection with the rest 
of the world, and greater utilization of labor-saving ma- 
chinery, make possible greater economies in production 
and exchange, and wealth in consequence increases, not 
merely in the aggregate, but in proportion to population 
— so does poverty take a darker aspect. Some get an 
infinitely .better and easier living, but others find it 
hard to get a living at all. The “tramp” comes with 
the locomotive, and almshouses and prisons are as 
surely the marks of “material progress” as are costly 
dwellings, rich warehouses, and magnificent churches. 
Upon streets lighted with gas and patrolled by uni- 
formed policemen, beggars wait for the passer-by, and 
in the shadow of college, and library, and museum, are 
gathering the more hideous Huns and fiercer Vandals of 
whom Macaulay prophesied. 

This fact — the great fact that poverty and all its con- 
comitants show themselves in communities just as they 



develop into the conditions toward which material prog- 
ress tends — proves that the social difficulties existing 
wherever a certain stage of progress has been reached, 
do not arise from local circumstances, but are, in some 
way or another, engendered by progress itself. 

And, unpleasant as it may be to admit it, it is at last 
becoming evident that the enormous increase in produc- 
tive power which has marked the present century and is 
still going on with accelerating ratio, has no tendency 
to extirpate poverty or to lighten the burdens of those 
compelled to toil. It simply widens the gulf between 
Dives and Lazarus, and makes the struggle for exist- 
ence more intense. The march of invention has clothed 
mankind with powers of which a century ago the bold- 
est imagination could not have dreamed. But in fac- 
tories where labor-saving machinery has reached its 
most wonderful development, little children are at work ; 
wherever the new forces are anything like fully utilized, 
large classes are maintained by charity or live on the 
verge of recourse to it; amid the greatest accumulations 
of wealth, men die of starvation, and puny infants 
suckle dry breasts; while everywhere the greed of gain, 
the worship of wealth, shows the force of the fear of 
want. The promised land flies before us like the mirage. 
The fruits of the tree of knowledge turn as we grasp 
them to apples of Sodom that crumble at thg touch. 

It is true that wealth has been greatly increased, and 
that the average of comfort, leisure, and refinement has 
been raised; but these gains are not general. In them 
the lowest class do not share.* I do not mean that the 

♦It is true that the poorest may now in certain ways enjoy 
what the richest a century ago could not have commanded, but 
this does not show improvement of condition so long as the 
ability to obtain the necessaries of life is not increased. The 
beggar in a great city may enjoy many things from which the 
backwoods farmer is debarred, but that does not prove the con- 



condition of the lowest class has nowhere nor in anything 
been improved; but that there is nowhere any im- 
provement which can be credited to increased produc- 
tive power. I mean that the tendency of what we call 
material progress is in nowise to improve the condition 
of the lowest class in the essentials of healthy, happy 
human life. Nay, more, that it is still further to de- 
press the condition of the lowest class. The new forces, 
elevating in their nature though they be, do not act upon 
the social fabric from underneath, as was for a long time 
hoped and believed, but strike it at a point intermediate 
between top and bottom. It is a S’ though an immense 
wedge were being forced, not underneath society, but 
through society. Those who are above the point of 
separation are elevated, but those who are below are 
crushed down. 

This depressing effect is not generally realized, for it 
is not apparent where there has long existed a class just 
able to live. Where the lowest class barely lives, as has 
been the case for a long time in many parts of Europe, 
it is impossible for it to get any lower, for the next low- 
est step is out of existence, and no tendency to further 
depression can readily show itself. But in the progress 
of new settlements to the conditions of older communi- 
ties it may clearly be seen that material progress does 
not merely fail to relieve poverty — it actually produces 
it. In the United States it is clear that squalor and 
misery, and the vices and crimes that spring from them, 
everywhere increase as the village grows to the city, 
and the march of development brings the advantages of 
the improved methods of production and exchange. 
It is in the older and richer sections of the Union that 
pauperism and distress among the working classes are 

dition of the city beggar better than that of the independent 



becoming most painfully apparent. If there is less deep 
poverty in San Francisco than in New York, is it not 
because San Francisco is yet behind New York in all 
that both cities are striving for? When San Francisco 
reaches the point where New York now is, who can 
doubt that there will also be ragged and barefooted 
children on her streets? 

This association of poverty with progress is the great 
enigma of our times. It is the central fact from which 
spring industrial, social, and political difficulties that 
perplex the world, and with which statesmanship and 
philanthropy and education grapple in vain. From it 
come the clouds that overhang the future of the most 
progressive and self-reliant nations. It is the riddle 
which the Sphinx of Fate puts to our civilization, and 
which not to answer is to be destroyed. So long as 
all the increased wealth which modern progress brings 
goes but to build up great fortunes, to increase luxury 
and make sharper the contrast between the House of 
Have and the House of Want, progress is not real and 
cannot be permanent. The reaction must come. The 
tower leans from its foundations, and every new story 
but hastens the final catastrophe. To educate men who 
must be condemned to poverty, is but to make them 
restive; to base on a state of most glaring social in- 
equality political institutions under which men are 
theoretically equal, is to stand a pyramid on its apex. 

All-important as this question is, pressing itself from 
every quarter painfully upon attention, it has not yet 
received a solution which accounts for all the facts and 
points to any clear and simple remedy. This is shown 
by the widely varying attempts to account for the pre- 
vailing depression. They exhibit not merely a diver- 
gence between vulgar notions and scientific theories, 
but also show that the concurrence which should exist 
between those who avow the same general theories 



breaks up upon practical questions into an anarchy of 
opinion. Upon high economic authority we have been 
told that the prevailing depression is due to over-con- 
sumption; upon equally high authority, that it is due 
to over-production; while the wastes of war, the ex- 
tension of railroads, the attempts of workmen to keep 
up wages, the demonetization of silver, the issues of 
paper money, the increase of labor-saving machinery, 
the opening of shorter avenues to trade, etc., are sepa- 
rately pointed out as the cause; by writers of reputation. 

And while professors thus disagree, the ideas that 
there is a necessary conflict between capital and labor, 
that machinery is an evil, that competition must be re- 
strained and interest abolished, that wealth may be 
created by the issue of money, that it is the duty of 
government to furnish capital or to furnish work, are 
rapidly making way among the great body of the peo- 
ple, who keenly feel a hurt and are sharply conscious of 
a wrong. Such ideas, which bring great masses of men, 
the repositories of ultimate political power, under the 
leadership of charlatans and demagogues, are fraught 
with danger; but they cannot be successfully combated 
until political economy shall give some answer to the 
great question which shall be consistent with all her 
teachings, and which shall commend itself to the per- 
ceptions of the great masses of men. 

It must be within the province of political economy 
to give such an answer. For political economy is not 
a set of dogmas. It is the explanation of a certain set 
of facts. It is the science which, in the sequence of cer- 
tain phenomena, seeks to trace mutual relations and to 
identify cause and effect, just as the physical sciences 
seek to do in other sets of phenomena. It lays its 
foundations upon firm ground. The premises from 
which it makes its deductions are truths which have the 
highest sanction; axioms which we all recognize; upon 



which we safely base the reasoning and actions of every- 
day life, and which may be reduced to the metaphysical 
expression of the physical law that motion seeks the line 
of least resistance — viz., that men seek to gratify their 
desires with the least exertion. Proceeding from a basis 
thus assured, its processes, which consist simply in 
identification and separation, have the same certainty. 
In this sense it is as exact a science as geometry, which, 
from similar truths relative to space, obtains its con- 
clusions by similar means, and its conclusions when valid 
should be as self-apparent. And although in the do- 
main of political economy we cannot test our theories 
by artificially produced combinations or conditions, as 
may be done in some of the other sciences, yet we can 
apply tests no less conclusive, by comparing societies 
in which different conditions exist, or by, in imagination, 
separating, combining, adding or eliminating forces or 
factors of known direction. 

I propose in the following pages to attempt to solve 
by the methods of political economy the great problem 
I have outlined. I propose to seek the law which associ- 
ates poverty with progress, and increases want with 
advancing wealth; and I believe that in the explanation 
of this paradox we shall find the explanation of those 
recurring seasons of industrial and commercial paralysis 
which, viewed independently of their relations to more 
general phenomena, seem so inexplicable. Properly 
commenced and carefully pursued, such an investigation 
must yield a conclusion that will stand every test, and 
as truth, will correlate with all other truth. For in the 
sequence of phenomena there is no accident. Every 
effect has a cause, and every fact implies a preceding 

That political economy, as at present taught, does 
not explain the persistence of poverty amid advancing 
wealth in a manner which accords with the deep-seated 



perceptions of men; that the unquestionable truths which 
it does teach are unrelated and disjointed; that it has 
failed to make the progress in popular thought that 
truth, even when unpleasant, must make; that, on the 
contrary, after a century of cultivation, during which 
it has engrossed the attention of some of the most subtle 
and powerful intellects, it should be spurned by the 
statesman, scouted by the masses, and relegated in the 
opinion of many educated and thinking men to the rank 
of a pseudo-science in which nothing i3 fixed or can 
be fixed — must, it seems to me, be due not to any in- 
ability of the science when properly pursued, but to 
some false step in its premises, or overlooked factor in 
its estimates. And as such mistakes are generally con- 
cealed by the respect paid to authority, I propose in 
this inquiry to take nothing for granted, but to bring 
even accepted theories to the test of first principles, and 
should they not stand the test, freshly to interrogate 
facts in the endeavor to discover their law. 

I propose to beg no question, to shrink from no con- 
clusion, but to follow truth wherever it may lead. Upon 
us is the responsibility of seeking the law, for in the 
very heart of our civilization to-day women faint and 
little children moan. But what that law may prove 
to be is not our affair. If the conclusions that we 
reach run counter to our prejudices, let us not flinch; 
if they challenge institutions that have long been deemed 
wise and natural, let us not turn back. 








He that is to follow philosophy must be a freeman in mind. 

— , Ptolemy . 



Reducing to its most compact form the problem we 
have set out to investigate, let us examine, step by step, 
the explanation which political economy, as now accepted 
by the best authority, gives of it. 

The cause which produces poverty in the midst of 
advancing wealth is evidently the cause which exhibits 
itself in the tendency, everywhere recognized, of wages 
to a minimum. Let us, therefore, put our inquiry into 

this compact form: 


Why, in spite of increase in productive power , do wages 
tend to a minimum which will give but a bare living t 

The answer of the current political economy is, that 
wages are fixed by the ratio between the number of 
laborers and the amount of capital devoted to the em- 
ployment of labor, and constantly tend to the lowest 
amount on which laborers will consent to live and repro- 
duce, because the increase in the number of laborers 
tends naturally to follow and overtake any increase in 
capital. The increase of the divisor being thus held in 
check only by the possibilities of the quotient, the divi- 
dend may be increased to infinity without greater result. 

In current thought this doctrine holds all but undis- 
puted sway. It bears the indorsement of the very high- 
est names among the cultivators of political economy, 
and though there have been attacks upon it, they are 





generally more formal than real.* It is assumed by 
Buckle as the basis of his generalizations of universal 
history. It is taught in all, or nearly all, the great Eng- 
lish and American universities, and is laid down in 
textbooks which aim at leading the masses to reason cor- 
rectly upon practical affairs, while it seems to harmonize 
with the new philosophy, which, having in a few years all 
but conquered the scientific world, is now rapidly per- 
meating the general mind. 

Thus entrenched in the upper regions of thought, it is 
in cruder form even more firmly rooted in what may be 
styled the lower. What gives to the fallacies of protec- 
tion such a tenacious hold, in spite of their evident in- 
consistencies and absurdities, is the idea that the sum to 
be distributed in wages is in each community a fixed one, 
which the competition of “foreign labor” must still 
further subdivide. The same idea underlies most of the 
theories which aim at the abolition of interest and 
the restriction of competition, as the means whereby the 
share of the laborer in the general wealth can be in- 
creased; and it crops out in every direction among those 
who are not thoughtful enough to have any theories, as 
may be seen in the columns of newspapers and the 
debates of legislative bodies. 

* This seems to me true of Mr. Thornton's objections, for while 
he denies the existence of a predetermined wage fund, consisting 
of a portion of capital set apart for the purchase of labor, he yet 
holds (which is the essential thing) that wages are drawn from 
capital, and that increase or decrease of capital is increase or de- 
crease of the fund available for the payment of wages. The most 
vital attack upon the wage fund doctrine of which I know is that 
of Professor Francis A. Walker (The Wages Question : New York, 
1876), yet he admits that wages are in large part advanced from 
capital — which, so far as it goes, is all that the stanchest supporter 
of the wage fund theory could claim — while he fully accepts the 
Malthusian theory. Thus his practical conclusions in nowise differ 
from those reached by expounders of the current theory. 

Chap* !• 

the current doctrine 


And yet, widely accepted and deeply rooted as it is, 
it seems to me that this theory does not tally with 
obvious facte. For, if wages depend upon the ratio be- 
tween the amount of labor seeking employment and the 
amount of capital devoted to its employment, the rela- 
tive scarcity or abundance of one factor must mean the 
relative abundance or scarcity of the other. Thus, 
capital must be relatively abundant where wages are 
high, and relatively scarce where wages are low. Now, 
as the capital used in paying wages must largely consist 
of the capital constantly seeking investment, the cur- 
rent rate of interest must be the measure of its relative 
abundance or scarcity. So, if it be true that wages 
depend upon the ratio between the amount of labor 
seeking employment and the capital devoted to its em- 
ployment, then high wages, the mark of the relative 
scarcity of labor, must be accompanied by low interest, 
the mark of the relative abundance of capital, and 
reversely, lotf wages must be accompanied by high 

This is not the fact, but the contrary. Eliminating 
from interest the element of insurance, and regarding 
only interest proper, or the return for the use of capital, 
is it not a general truth that interest is high where and 
when wages are high, and low where and when wages 
are low? Both wages and interest have been higher 
in the United States than in England, in the Pacific 
than in the Atlantic States. Is it not a notorious fact 
that where labor flows for higher wages, capital also 
flows for higher interest? Is it not true that wherever 
there has been a general rise or fall in wages there has 
been at the same time a similar rise or fall in interest? 
In California, for instance, when wages were higher 
than anywhere else in the world, so also was interest 
higher. Wages and interest have in California gone 
down together. When common wages were 96 a day. 



Book I, 

the ordinary bank rate of interest was twenty-four per 
cent, per annum. Now that common wages are $2 or 
$2.50 a day, the ordinary bank rate is from ten to 
twelve per cent. 

Now, this broad, general fact, that wages are higher 
in new countries, where capital is relatively scarce, 
than in old countries, where capital is relatively abun- 
dant, is too glaring to be ignored. And although very 
lightly touched upon, it is noticed by the expounders 
of the current political economy. The manner in which 
it is noticed proves what I say, that it is utterly incon- 
sistent with the accepted theory of wages. For in ex- 
plaining it suph writers as Mill, Fawcett, and Price 
virtually give up the theory of wages upon which, in 
the same treatises, they formally insist. Though they 
declare that wages are fixed by the ratio between capital 
and laborers, they explain the higher wages and interest 
of new countries by the greater relative production of 
wealth. I shall hereafter show that this is not the fact, 
but that, on the contrary, the production of wealth is 
relatively larger in old and densely populated countries 
than in new and sparsely populated countries. But at 
present I merely wish to point out the inconsistency. 
For to say that the higher wages of new countries are 
due to greater proportionate production, is clearly to 
make the ratio with production, and not the ratio with 
capital, the determinator of wages. 

Though this inconsistency does not seem to have been 
perceived by the class of writers to whom I refer, it has 
been noticed by one of the most logical of the expound- 
ers of the current political economy. Professor Caimes* 
endeavors in a very ingenious way to reconcile the fact 
with the theory, by assuming that in new countries, 

* Some Leading Principles of Political Economy Newly Ex- 
pounded, Chapter 1, Part 2. 

Chap. I. 



where industry is generally directed to the production of 
food and what in manufactures is called raw material, a 
much larger proportion of the capital used in produc- 
tion is devoted to the payment of wages than in older 
countries where a greater part must be expended in 
machinery and material, and thus, in the new country, 
though capital is scarcer, and interest is higher, the 
amount determined to the payment of wages is really 
larger, and wages are also higher. For instance, of 
$100,000 devoted in an old country to manufactures, 
$80,000 would probably be expended for buildings, ma- 
chinery and the purchase of materials, leaving but 
$20,000 to be paid out in wages; whereas in a new 
country, of $30,000 devoted to agriculture, etc., not 
more than $5,000 would be required for tools, etc., leav- 
ing $25,000 to be distributed in wages. In this way it 
is explained that the wage fund may be comparatively 
large where capital is comparatively scarce, and high 
wages and high interest accompany each other. 

In what follows I think I shall be able to show that 
this explanation is based upon a total misapprehension 
of the relations of labor to capital — a fundamental error 
as to the fund from which wages are drawn ; but at pres- 
ent it is necessary only to point out that the connection 
in the fluctuation of wages and interest in the same 
countries and in the same branches of industry cannot 
thus be explained. In those alternations known as “good 
times” and “hard times” a brisk demand for labor and 
good wages is always accompanied by a brisk demand 
for capital and stiff rates of interest. While, when 
laborers cannot find employment and wages droop, there 
is always an accumulation of capital seeking investment 
at low rates.* The present depression has been no less 

* Times of commercial panic are marked by high rates of dis- 
count, but this is evidently not a high rate of interest, properly 
so called, but a high rate of insurance against risk. 


marked by want of employment and distress among 
the working classes than by the accumulation of un- 
employed capital in all the great centers, and by nomi- 
nal rates of interest on undoubted security. Thus, 
under conditions which admit of no explanation con- 
sistent with the current theory, do we find high interest 
coinciding with high wages, and low interest with low 
wages — capital seemingly scarce when labor is scarce, 
and abundant when labor is abundant. 

All these well known facts, which coincide with each 
other, point to a relation between wages and interest, 
but it is to a relation of conjunction, not of opposition. 
Evidently they are utterly inconsistent with the theory 
that wages are determined by the ratio between labor 
and capital, or any part of capital. 

How, then, it will be asked, could such a theory arise? 
How is it that it has been accepted by a succession of 
economists, from the time of Adam Smith to the present 

If we examine the reasoning by which in current 
treatises this theory of wages is supported, we see at 
once that it is not an induction from observed facts, 
but a deduction from a previously assumed theory — 
viz., that wages are drawn from capital. It being 
assumed that capital is the source of wages, it neces- 
sarily follows that the gross amount of wages must be 
limited by the amount of capital devoted to the em- 
ployment of labor, and hence that the amount individual 
laborers can receive must be determined by the ratio 
between their number and the amount of capital exist- 
ing for their recompense.* This reasoning is valid, but 

♦For instance McCulloch (Note VI to Wealth of Nations) 
says: “That portion of the capital or wealth of a country which 
the employers of labor intend to or are willing to pay out in the 
purchase of labor, may be much larger at one time than another 
But whatever may be its absolute magnitude, it obviously forms 


the conclusion, as we have seen, does not correspond 
with the facts. The fault, therefore, must be in the 
premises. Let us see. 

I am aware that the theorem that wages are drawn 
from capital is one of the most fundamental and appar- 
ently best settled of current political economy, and that 
it has been accepted as axiomatic by all the great think- 
ers who have devoted their powers, to. the elucidation 
of the science. Nevertheless, I think it can be demon- 
strated to be a fundamental error — the fruitful parent 
of a long series of errors, which vitiate most important 
practical conclusions. This demonstration I am about 
to attempt. It is necessary that it should be clear and 
conclusive, for a doctrine upon which so much important 
reasoning is based, which is supported by such a weight 
of authority, which is so plausible in itself, and is so 
liable to recur in different forms, cannot be safely 
brushed aside in a paragraph. 

The proposition I shall endeavor to prove, is: 

That wages , instead of, being drawn from capital, are 
in reality drawn from tK&product of the labor for which 
they are paid.* 

Now, inasmuch as the current theory that wages are 

the only source from which any portion of the wages of labor 
can be derived. No other fund is m existence from which the 
laborer, as such, can draw a single shilling. And hence it follows 
that the average rate of wages, or the share of the national capi- 
tal appropriated to the employment of labor falling, at an aver- 
age, to each laborer, must entirely depend on its amount as 
compared with the number of those amongst whom it has to be 
divided.” Similar citations might be made from* all the stand- 
ard economists. 

* We are speaking of labor expended in production, to which 
it is best for the sake of simplicity to confine the inquiry. Any 
question which may arise in the reader’s mind as to wages for 
unproductive services had best therefore be deferred. 



Book l 


drawn from capital also holds that capital is reimbursed 
from production, this at first glance may seem a distinc- 
tion without a difference — a mere change in terminology, 
to discuss which would be but to add to those unprofit- 
able disputes that render so much that has been written 
upon politico-economic subjects as barren and worthless 
as the controversies of the various learned societies 
about the true reading of the inscription on the stone 
that Mr. Pickwick found. But that it is much more 
than a formal distinction will be apparent when it is 
considered that upon the difference between the two 
propositions are built up all the current theories as 
to the relations of capital and labor; that from it are 
deduced doctrines that, themselves regarded as axio- 
matic, bound, direct, and govern the ablest minds in 
the discussion of the most momentous questions. For, 
upon the assumption that wages are drawn directly 
from capital, and not from the product of the labor, is 
based, not only the doctrine that wages depend upon 
the ratio between capital and labor, but the doctrine 
that industry is limited by capital — that capital must 
be accumulated before labor is employed, and labor 
cannot be employed except as capital is accumulated; 
the doctrine that every increase of capital gives or ia 
capable of giving additional employment to industry; 
the doctrine that the conversion of circulating capital 
into fixed capital lessens the fund applicable to the 
maintenance of labor; the doctrine that more laborers 
can be employed at low than at high wages; the doctrine 
that capital applied to agriculture will maintain more 
laborers than if applied to manufactures; the doctrine 
that profits are high or low as wages are low or high, or 
that they depend upon the cost of the subsistence of 
laborers ; together with such paradoxes as that a demand 
for commodities is not a demand for labor, or that cer- 
tain commodities may be increased in cost by a reduc- 


tion in wages or diminished in cost by an increase in 

In short, all the teachings of the current political 
economy, in the widest and most important part of its 
domain, are based more or less directly upon the assump- 
tion that labor is maintained and paid out of existing 
capital before the product which constitutes the ultimate 
object is secured. If it be shown that this is an error, 
and that on the contrary the maintenance and payment 
of labor do not even temporarily trench on capital, but 
are directly drawn from the product of the labor, then 
all this vast superstructure is left without support and 
must fall. And so likewise must fall the vulgar theories 
which also have their base in the belief that the sum 
to be distributed in wages is a fixed one, the individual 
shares in which must necessarily be decreased by an 
increase in the number of laborers. 

The difference between the current theory and the one 
I advance is, in fact, similar to that between the mer- 
cantile theory of international exchanges and that with 
which Adam Smith supplanted it. Between the theory 
that commerce is the exchange of commodities for 
money, and the theory that it is the exchange of com- 
modities for commodities, there may seem no real dif- 
ference when it is remembered that the adherents of the 
mercantile theory did not assume that money had any 
other use than as it could be exchanged for commodi- 
ties. Yet, in the practical application of these two 
theories, there arises all the difference between rigid 
governmental protection and free trade. 

If I have said enough to show the reader the ultimate 
importance of the reasoning through which I am about 
to ask him to follow me, it will not be necessary to 
apologize in advance either for simplicity or prolixity. 
In arraigning a doctrine of such importance — a doctrine 


supported by such a weight of authority, it is necessary 
to be both clear and thorough. 

Were it not for this I should be tempted to dismiss 
with a sentence the assumption that wages are drawn 
from capital. For all the vast superstructure which 
the current political economy builds upon this doctrine 
is in truth based upon a foundation which has been 
merely taken for granted, without the slightest at- 
tempt to distinguish the apparent from the real. Be- 
cause wages are generally paid in money, and in many 
of the operations of production are paid before the 
product is fully completed, or can be utilized, it is in- 
ferred that wages are drawn from pre-existing capital, 
and, therefore, that industry is limited by capital — 
that is to say that labor cannot be employed until 
capital has been accumulated, and can only be employed 
to the extent that capital has been accumulated. 

Yet in the very treatises in which the limitation of in- 
dustry by capital is laid down without reservation and 
made the basis for the most important reasonings and 
elaborate theories, we are told that capital is stored- 
up or accumulated labor — “that part of wealth which 
is saved to assist future production.” If we substitute 
for the word “capital” this definition of the word, the 
proposition carries its own refutation, for that labor 
cannot be employed until the results of labor are saved 
becomes too absurd for discussion. 

Should we, however, with this reductio ad absurdum, 
attempt to close the argument, we should probably be 
met with the explanation, not that the first laborers were 
supplied by Providence with the capital necessary to set 
them to work, but that the proposition merely refers to 
a state of society in which production has become a 
complex operation. 

But the fundamental truth, that in all economic rea- 
soning must be firmly grasped, and never let go, is that 

Chop. I. 



society in its most highly developed form is but an 
elaboration of society in its rudest beginnings, and that 
principles obvious in the simpler relations of men are 
merely disguised and not abrogated or reversed by the 
more intricate relations that result from the division 
of labor and the use of complex tools and methods. The 
steam grist mill, with its complicated machinery ex- 
hibiting every diversity of motion, is simply what the 
rude stone mortar dug up from an ancient river bed 
was in its day — an instrument for grinding corn. And 
every man engaged in it, whether tossing wood into the 
furnace, running the engine, dressing stones, printing 
sacks or keeping books, is really devoting his labor 
to the same, purpose that the prehistoric savage did 
when he used his mortar — the preparation of grain for 
human food. 

And so, if we reduce to their lowest terms all the 
complex operations of modern production, we see that 
each individual who takes part in this infinitely sub- 
divided and intricate network of production and ex- 
change is really doing what the primeval man did when 
he climbed the trees for fruit or followed the receding 
tide for shell-fish — endeavoring to obtain from nature 
by the exertion of his powers the satisfaction of his 
desires. If we keep this firmly in mind, if we look 
upon production as a whole — as the co-operation of all 
embraced in any of its great groups to satisfy the vari- 
ous desires of each, we plainly see that the reward 
each obtains for his exertions comes as truly and as 
directly from nature as the result of that exertion, as 
did that of the first man. 

To illustrate: In the simplest state of which we can 
conceive, each man digs his own bait and catches his 
own fish. The advantages of the division of labor soon 
become apparent, and one digs bait while the others 
fish. Yet evidently the one who digs bait is in reality 



Book l 

doing as much toward the catching of fish as any of 
those who actually take the fish. So when the advan- 
tages of canoes are discovered, and instead of all going 
a-fishing, one stays behind and makes and repairs 
canoes, the canoe-maker is in reality devoting his labor 
to the taking of fish as much as the actual fishermen, 
and the fish which he eats at night when the fishermen 
come home are as truly the product of his labor as of 
theirs. And thus when the division of labor is fairly 
inaugurated, and instead of each attempting to satisfy 
all of his wants by direct resort to nature, one fishes, 
another hunts, a third picks berries, a fourth gathers 
fruit, a fifth makes tools, a sixth builds huts, and a 
seventh prepares clothing — each one is to the extent he 
exchanges the direct product of his own labor for the 
direct product of the labor of others really applying 
his own labor to the production of the things he uses 
— is in effect satisfying his particular desires by the 
exertion of his particular pow r ers; that is to say, what 
he receives he in reality produces. If he digs roots 
and exchanges them for venison, he is in effect as truly 
the procurer of the venison as though he had gone in 
chase of the deer and left the huntsman to dig his own 
roots. The common expression, “I made so and so,” 
signifying “I earned so and so,” or “I earned money 
with which I purchased so and so,” is, economically 
speaking, not metaphorically but literally true. Earning 
is making. 

Now, if we follow these principles, obvious enough 
in a simpler state of society, through the complexities 
of the state we call civilized, we shall see clearly that 
in every case in w r hich labor is exchanged for com- 
modities, production really precedes enjoyment; that 
wages are the earnings — that is to say, the makings of 
labor — not the advances of capital, and that the laborer 
who receives his wages in money (coined or printed, 


it may be, before his labor commenced) really receives 
in return for the addition his labor has made to the 
general stock of wealth, a draft upon that general stock, 
which he may utilize in any particular form of wealth 
that will best satisfy his desires; and that neither the 
money, which is but the draft, nor the particular form 
of wealth which he useu it to call for, represents advances 
of capital for his maintenance, but on the contrary 
represents the wealth, or a portion of the wealth, his 
labor has already added to the general stock. 

Keeping these principles in view we see that the 
draughtsman, who, shut up in some dingy office on the 
banks of the Thames, is drawing the plans for a great 
marine engine, is in reality devoting his labor to the 
production of bread and meat as truly as though he 
were garnering the grain in California or swinging a 
lariat on a La Plata pampa; that he is as truly making 
his own clothing as though he were shearing sheep in 
Australia or weaving cloth in Paisley, and just as ef- 
fectually producing the claret he drinks at dinner as 
though he gathered the grapes on the banks of the 
Garonne. The miner who, two thousand feet under 
ground in the heart of the Comstock, is digging out 
silver ore, is, in effect, by virtue of a thousand ex- 
changes, harvesting crops in valleys five thousand feet 
nearer the earth’s center; chasing the whale through 
Arctic icefields; plucking tobacco leaves in Virginia; 
picking coffee berries in Honduras; cutting sugar cane 
on the Hawaiian Islands; gathering cotton in Georgia 
or weaving it in Manchester or Lowell; making quaint 
wooden toys for his children in the Hartz Mountains; 
or plucking amid the green and gold of Los Angeles 
orchards the oranges which, when his shift is relieved, 
he will take home to his sick wife. The wages which he 
receives on Saturday night at the mouth of the shaft, 
what are they but the certificate to all the world that 


he has done these things — the primary exchange in the 
long series which transmutes his labor into the things he 
has really been laboring for? 


All this is clear when looked at in this way; but to 
meet this fallacy in all its strongholds and lurking places 
we must change our investigation from the deductive 
to the inductive form. Let us now see, if, beginning 
with facts and tracing their relations, we arrive at the 
same conclusions as are thus obvious when, beginning 
with first principles, we trace their exemplification in 
complex facts. 



Before proceeding further in our inquiry, let us make 
sure of the meaning of our terms, for indistinctness in 
their use must inevitably produce ambiguity and in- 
determinateness in reasoning. Not only is it requisite 
in economic reasoning to give to such words as “wealth,” 
“capital,” “rent,” “wages,”, and the like, a much more 
definite sense than they bear in common discourse, but, 
unfortunately, even in political economy there is, as to 
some of these terms, no certain meaning assigned by 
common consent, different writers giving to the same 
term different meanings, and the same writers often 
using a term in different senses. Nothing can add to 
the force of what has been said by so many eminent 
authors as to the importance of clear and precise defini- 
tions, save the example, not an infrequent one, of the 
same authors falling into grave errors from the very 
cause they warned against. And nothing so shows the 
importance of language in thought as the spectacle of 
even acute thinkers basing important conclusions upon 
the use of the same word in varying senses. I shall 
endeavor to avoid these dangers. It will be my effort 
throughout, as any term becomes of importance, to 
state clearly what I mean by it, and to use it in that 
sense and in no other. Let me ask the reader to note 
and to bear in mind the definitions thus given, as other* 
wise I cannot hope to make myself properly understood- 
f shall not attempt to attach arbitrary meanings to 




Book I. 

words, or to coin terms, even when it would be con- 
venient to do so, but shall conform to usage as closely 
as is possible, only endeavoring so to fix the meaning of 
words that they may clearly express thought. 

What we have now on hand is to discover whether, 
as a matter of fact, wages are drawn from capital. As 
a preliminary, let us settle what we mean by wages and 
what we mean by capital. To the former word a suf- 
ficiently definite meaning has been given by economic 
writers, but the ambiguities which have attached to the 
use of the latter in political economy will require a 
detailed examination. 

As used in common discourse “wages” means a com- 
pensation paid to a hired person for his services; and 
we speak of one man “working for wages,” in contra- 
distinction to another who is “working for himself.” 
The use of the term is still further narrowed by the 
habit of applying it solely to compensation paid for 
manual labor. We do not speak of the wages of pro- 
fessional men, managers or clerks, but of their fees, 
commissions, or salaries. Thus the common meaning 
of the word wages is the compensation paid to a hired 
person for manual labor. But in political economy the 
word wages has a much wider meaning, and includes all 
returns for exertion. For, as political economists explain, 
the three agents or factors in production are land, labor, 
and capital, and that part of the produce which goes to 
the second of these factors is by them styled wages. 

Thus the term labor includes all human exertion in 
the production of wealth, and wages, being that part of 
the produce which goes to labor, includes all reward 
for such exertion. There is, therefore, in the politico- 
economic sense of the term wages no distinction as to 
the kind of labor, or as to whether its reward is re- 
ceived through an employer or not, but wages means the 
return received for the exertion of labor, as distin- 

Chap. II. 



guished from the return received for the use of capital, 
and the return received by the landholder for the use 
of land. The man who cultivates the soil for himself 
receives his wages in its produce, just as, if he uses his 
own capital and owns his own land, he may also receive 
interest and rent; the hunter’s wages are the game he 
kills; the fisherman’s wages are the fish he takes. The 
gold washed out by the self-employing gold-digger is 
as much his wages as the money paid to the hired coal 
miner by the purchaser of his labor,* and, as Adam 
Smith shows, the high profits of retail storekeepers are 
in large part wages, being the recompense of their labor 
and not of their capital. In short, whatever is received 
as the result or reward of exertion is “wages.” 

This is all it is now necessary to note as to “wages,” 
but it is important to keep this in mind. For in the 
standard economic works this sense of the term wages 
is recognized with greater or less clearness only to be 
subsequently ignored. 

But it is more difficult to clear away from the idea of 
capital the ambiguities that beset it, and to fix the 
scientific use of the term. In general discourse, all sorts 
of things that have a value or will yield a return are 
vaguely spoken of as capital, while economic writers 
vary so widely that the term can hardly be said to have 
a fixed meaning. Let us compare with each other the 
definitions of a few representative writers: 

“That part of a man’s stock,” says Adam Smith 
(Book II, Chap. I), “which he expects to afford him a 
revenue, is called his capital,” and the capital of a 
country or society, he goes on to say, consists of (1) 
machines and instruments of trade which facilitate and 

* This was recognised in common speech in California, where 
the placer miners styled their earnings their “wages,” and spoke 
of making high wages or low wages according to the amount of 
gold taken out. 


abridge labor; (2) buildings, not mere dwellings, but 
which may be considered instruments of trade — such 
as shops, farmhouses, etc.; (3) improvements of land 
which better fit it for tillage or culture; (4) the ac- 
quired and useful abilities of all the inhabitants; (5) 
money; (6) provisions in the hands of producers and 
dealers, from the sale of which they expect to derive 
a profit; (7) the material of, or partially completed, 
manufactured articles still in the hands of producers 
or dealers; (8) completed articles still in the hands of 
producers or dealers. The first four of these he styles 
fixed capital, and the last four circulating capital, a dis- 
tinction of which it is not necessary to our purpose to 
take any note. 

Ricardo’s definition is: 

“Capital is that part of the wealth of a country which is em- 
ployed in production, and consists of food, clothing, tools, raw 
materials, machinery, etc., necessary to give effect to labor.” — 
Principles of Political Economy, Chapter V. 

This definition, it will be seen, is very different from 
that of Adam Smith, as it excludes many of the things 
which he includes — as acquired talents, articles of mere 
taste or luxury in the possession of producers or deal- 
ers; and includes some things he excludes — such as food, 
clothing, etc., in the possession of the consumer. 

McCulloch’s definition is: 

"The capital of a nation really comprises all those portions of 
the produce of industry existing in it that may be directly em- 
ployed either to support human existence or to facilitate pro- 
duction .” — Notes on Wealth of Nations, Book It, Chap. /. 

This definition follows the line of Ricardo’s, but is 
wider. While it excludes everything that is not capable 
of aiding production, it includes everything that is so 
capable, without reference to actual use or necessity for 
use— -the horse drawing a pleasure carriage being, ao- 

Chap, //• 


cording to McCulloch’s view, as he expressly states, 
as much capital as the horse drawing a plow, because he 
may, if need arises, be used to draw a plow. 

John Stuart Mill, following the same general line as 
Ricardo and McCulloch, makes neither the use nor the 
capability of use, but the determination to use, the test 
of capital. He says: 

“Whatever things are destined .to supply productive labor with 
the shelter, protection, tools and materials which the work re- 
quires, and to feed and otherwise maintain the laborer during the 
process, are capital.” — Principles of Political Economy, Book I, 
Chap. IV. 

These quotations sufficiently illustrate the divergence 
of the masters. Among minor authors the variance is 
still greater, as a few examples will suffice to show. 

Professor Wayland, whose “Elements of Political 
Economy” has long been a favorite text-book in Amer- 
ican educational institutions, where there has been any 
pretense of teaching political economy, gives this lucid 

“The word capital is used in two senses. In relation to product 
it means any substance on which industry is to be exerted. In 
relation to industry, the material on which industry is about to 
confer value, that on which it has conferred value; the instru- 
ments which are used for the conferring of value, as well as the 
means of sustenance by which the being is supported while he is 
engaged in performing the operation.” — Elements of Political 
Economy, Book I, Chap. I. 

Henry C. Carey, the American apostle of protection- 
ism, defines capital as “the instrument by which man 
obtains mastery over nature, including in it the physical 
and mental powers of man himself.” Professor Perry, 
a Massachusetts free trader, very properly objects to 
this that it hopelessly confuses the boundaries between 
capital and labor, and then himself hopelessly con- 
fuses the boundaries between capital and land by de- 




fining capital as “any valuable thing outside of man 
himself from whose use springs a pecuniary increase or 
profit.” An English economic writer of high standing, 
Mr. Wm. Thornton, begins an elaborate examination 
of the relations of labor and capital (“On Labor”) by 
stating that he will include land with capital, which is 
very much as if one who proposed to teach algebra 
should begin with the declaration that he would con- 
sider the signs plus and minus as meaning the same 
thing and having the same value. An American writer, 
also of high standing, Professor Francis A. Walker, 
makes the same declaration in his elaborate book on 
“The Wages Question.” Another English writer, N. 
A. Nicholson (“The Science of Exchanges,” London, 
1873), seems to cap the climax of absurdity by declar- 
ing in one paragraph (p. 26) that “capital must of 
course be accumulated by saving,” and in the very next 
paragraph stating that “the land which produces a crop, 
the plow which turns the soil, the labor which secures 
the produce, and the produce itself, if a material profit 
is to be derived from its employment, are all alike 
capital.” But how land and labor are to be accumu- 
lated by saving them he nowhere condescends to ex- 
plain. In the same way a standard American writer, 
Professor Amasa Walker (p. 66, “Science of Wealth”), 
first declares that capital arises from the net savings of 
labor and then immediately afterward declares that 
land is capital. 

I might go on for pages, citing contradictory and 
self-contradictory definitions. But it would only weary 
the reader. It is unnecessary to multiply quotations. 
Those already given are sufficient to show how wide a 
difference exists as to the comprehension of the term 
capital. Any one who wants further illustration of the 
“confusion worse confounded” which exists on this sub- 
ject among the professors of political economy may find 

Chap. II. 



it in any library where the works of these professon 
are ranged side by side. 

Now, it makes little difference what name we give to 
things, if when we use the name we always keep in 
view the same things and no others. But the difficulty 
arising in economic reasoning from these vague and 
varying definitions of capital is that it is only in the 
premises of reasoning that the term is used in the pe- 
culiar sense assigned by the definition, while in the 
practical conclusions that are reached it is always used, 
or at least it is always understood, in one general and 
definite sense. When, for instance, it is said that wages 
are drawn from capital, the word capital is understood 
in the same sense as when we speak of the scarcity or 
abundance, the increase or decrease, the destruction or 
increment, of capital — a commonly understood and defi- 
nite sense which separates capital from the other factors 
of production, land and labor, and also separates it 
from like things used merely for gratification. In fact, 
most people understand well enough what capital is 
until they begin to define it, and I think their works 
will show that the economic writers who differ so widely 
in their definitions use the term in this commonly un- 
derstood sense in all cases’ except in their definitions 
and the reasoning based on them. 

This common sense of the term is that of wealth de- 
voted to procuring more wealth. Dr. Adam Smith cor- 
rectly expresses this common idea when he says: “That 
nart of a man’s stock which he expects to afford him 
revenue is called his capital.” And the capital of a 
community is evidently the sum of such individual 
stocks, or that part of the aggregate stock which is ex- 
pected to procure more wealth. This also is the deriva- 
tive sense of the term. The word capital, as philologists 
trace it, comes down to us from a time when wealth was 
estimated in cattle, and a man’s income depended upon 



the number of head he could keep for their increase. 

The difficulties which beset the use of the word capital, 
as an exact term, and which are even more strik- 
ingly exemplified in current political and social discus- 
sions than in the definitions of economic writers, arise 
from two facts — first, that certain classes of things, the 
possession of which to the individual is precisely equiva- 
lent to the possession of capital, are not part of the 
capital of the community; and, second, that things of 
the same kind may or may not be capital, according to 
the purpose to which they are devoted. 

With a little care as to these points, there should be 
no difficulty in obtaining a sufficiently clear and fixed 
idea of what the term capital as generally used properly 
includes; such an idea as will enable us to say what 
things are capital and what are not, and to use the 
word without ambiguity or slip. 

Land, labor, and capital are the three factors of pro- 
duction. If we remember that capital is thus a term 
used in contradistinction to land and labor, we at once 
see that nothing properly included under either one of 
these terms can be properly classed as capital. The 
term land necessarily includes, not merely the surface 
of the earth as distinguished from the water and the 
air, but the whole material universe outside of man 
himself, for it is only by having access to land, from 
which his very body is drawn, that man can come in 
contact with or use nature. The term land embraces, in 
short, all natural materials, forces, and opportunities, 
and, therefore, nothing that is freely supplied by nature 
can be properly classed as capital. A fertile field, a 
rich vein of ore, a falling stream which supplies power, 
may give to the possessor advantages equivalent to the 
possession of capital, but to class such things as capital 
would be to put an end to the distinction between land 
and capital, and, so far as they relate to each other. 

Chap. //. 



to make the two terms meaningless. The term labor, 
in like manner, includes all human exertion, and hence 
human powers whether natural or acquired can never 
properly be classed as capital. In common parlance 
we often speak of a man’s knowledge, skill, or industry 
as constituting his capital; but this is evidently a meta- 
phorical use of language that must be eschewed in rea- 
soning that aims at exactness. Superiority in such 
qualities may augment the income of an individual 
just as capital would, and an increase in the knowledge, 
skill, or industry of a community may have the same 
effect in increasing its production as would an increase 
of capital; but this effect is due to the increased power 
of labor and not to capital. Increased velocity may 
give to the impact of a cannon ball the same effect as 
increased weight, yet, nevertheless, weight is one thing 
and velocity another. 

Thus we must exclude from the category of capital 
everything that may be included either as land or labor. 
Doing so, there remain only things which are neither 
land nor labor, but which have resulted from the union 
of these two original factors of production. Nothing 
can be properly capital that does not consist of these — 
that is to say, nothing can be capital that is not wealth. 

But it is from ambiguities in the use of this inclusive 
term wealth that many of the ambiguities which beset 
the term capital are derived. 

As commonly used the word “wealth” is applied to 
anything having an exchange value. But when used as 
a term of political economy it must be limited to a 
much more definite meaning, because many things are 
commonly spoken of as wealth which in taking account 
of collective or general wealth cannot be considered as 
wealth at all. Such things have an exchange value,, and 
are commonly spoken of as wealth, insomuch as they 
represent as between individuals, or between sets of 


Book I. 


individuals, the power of obtaining wealth; but they 
are not truly wealth, inasmuch as their increase or de- 
crease does not affect the sum of wealth. Such are 
bonds, mortgages, promissory notes, bank bills, or other 
stipulations for the transfer of wealth. Such are slaves, 
whose value represents merely the power of one class 
to appropriate the earnings of another class. Such are 
lands, or other natural opportunities, the value of which 
is but the result of the acknowledgment in favor of 
certain persons of an exclusive right to their use, and 
which represents merely the power thus given to the 
owners to demand a share of the wealth produced by 
those who use them. Increase in the amount of bonds, 
mortgages, notes, or bank bills cannot increase the 
wealth of the community that includes as well those who 
promise to pay as those who are entitled to receive. 
The enslavement of a part of their number could not 
increase the wealth of a people, for what the enslavers 
gained the enslaved would lose. Increase in land values 
does not represent increase in the common wealth, for 
what land owners gain by higher prices, the tenants 
or purchasers who must pay them will lose. And all this 
relative wealth, which, in common thought and speech, 
in legislation and law, is undistinguished from actual 
wealth, could, without the destruction or consumption 
of anything more than a few drops of ink and a piece of 
paper, be utterly annihilated. By enactment of the 
sovereign political power debts might be canceled, slaves 
emancipated, and land resumed as the common prop- 
erty of the whole people, without the aggregate wealth 
being diminished by the value of a pinch of snuff, for 
what some would lose others would gain. There would 
be no more destruction of wealth than there was crea- 
tion of wealth when Elizabeth Tudor enriched her 
favorite courtiers by the grant of monopolies, or when 

Chap. II. 



Boris Godoonof made Russian peasants merchantable 

All things which have an exchange value are, there- 
fore, not wealth, in the only sense in which the term 
can be used in political economy. Only such things 
can be wealth the production of which increases and 
the destruction of which decreases the aggregate of 
wealth. If we consider what these things are, and what 
their nature is, we shall have no difficulty in defining 

When we speak of a community increasing in wealth 
— as when we say that England has increased in wealth 
since the accession of Victoria, or that California is a 
wealthier country than when it was a Mexican terri- 
tory — we do not mean to say that there is more land, or 
that the natural powers of the land are greater, or that 
there are more people, for when we wish to express that 
idea we speak of increase of population; or that the 
debts or dues owing by some of these people to others 
of their number have increased ; but we mean that there 
is an increase of certain tangible things, having an ac- 
tual and not merely a relative value — such as buildings, 
cattle, tools, machinery, agricultural and mineral prod- 
ucts, manufactured goods, ships, wagons, furniture, and 
the like. The increase of such things constitutes an 
increase of wealth; their decrease is a lessening of 
wealth; and the community that, in proportion to its 
numbers, has most of such things is the wealthiest com- 
munity. The common character of these things is that 
they consist of natural substances or products which 
have been adapted by human labor to human use or 
gratification, their value depending on the amount of 
labor which upon the average would be required to 
produce things of like kind. 

Thus wealth, as alone the term can be used in politi- 
cal economy, consists of natural products that have 




been secured, moved, combined, separated, or in other 
ways modified by human exertion, so as to fit them for 
the gratification of human desires. It is, in other words, 
labor impressed upon matter in such a way as to store 
up, as the heat of the sun is stored up in coal, the 
power of human labor to minister to human desires. 
Wealth is not the sole object of labor, for labor is also 
expended in ministering directly to desire; but it is the 
object and result of what we call productive labor — 
that is, labor which gives value to material things. 
Nothing which nature supplies to man without his labor 
is wealth, nor yet does the expenditure of labor result 
in wealth unless there is a tangible product which has 
and retains the power of ministering to desire. 

Now, as capital is wealth devoted to a certain pur- 
pose, nothing can be capital which does not fall within 
this definition of wealth. By recognizing and keeping 
this in mind, we get rid of misconceptions which vitiate 
all reasoning in which they are permitted, which befog 
popular thought, and have led into mazes of contra- 
diction even acute thinkers. 

But though all capital is wealth, all wealth is not 
capital. Capital is only a part of wealth — that part, 
namely, w’hich is devoted to the aid of production. It 
is in drawing this line between the wealth that is and 
the wealth that is not capital that a second class of 
misconceptions are likely to occur. 

The errors which I have been pointing out, and which 
consist in confounding with wealth and capital things 
essentially distinct, or which have but a relative exist- 
ence, are now merely vulgar errors. They are wide- 
spread, it is true, and have a deep root, being held, not 
merely by the less educated classes, but seemingly by 
a large majority of those who in such advanced coun- 
tries as England and the United States mold and guide 
public opinion, make the laws in Parliaments, Con- 

Chap. II. 



grasses and Legislatures, and administer them in the 
courts. They crop out, moreover, in the disquisitions 
of many of those flabby writers who have burdened the 
press and darkened counsel by numerous volumes which 
are dubbed political economy, and which pass as text- 
books with the ignorant and as authority with those who 
do not think for themselves. Nevertheless, they are 
only vulgar errors, inasmuch as they receive no counte- 
nance from the best writers on political economy. By 
one of those lapses which flaw his great work and strik- 
ingly evince the imperfections of the highest talent, 
Adam Smith counts as capital certain personal qualities, 
an inclusion which is not consistent with his original 
definition of capital as stock from which revenue is 
expected. But this error has been avoided by his most 
eminent successors, and in the definitions, previously 
given, of Ricardo, McCulloch, and Mill, it is not in- 
volved. Neither in their definitions nor in that of 
Smith is involved the vulgar error which confounds 
as real capital things which are only relatively capital, 
such as evidences of debt, land values, etc. But as to 
things which are really wealth, their definitions differ 
from each other, and widely from that of Smith, as to 
what is and what is not to be considered as capital. 
The stock of a jeweler would, for instance, be included 
as capital by the definition of Smith, and the food or 
clothing in possession of a laborer would be excluded. 
But the definitions of Ricardo and McCulloch would ex- 
clude the stock of the jeweler, as would also that of 
Mill, if understood as most persons would understand 
the words I have quoted. But as explained by him, it 
is neither the nature nor the destination of the things 
themselves which determines whether they are or are 
not capital, but the intention of the owner to devote 
either the things or the value received from their sale 
to the supply of productive labor with tools, materials, 


and maintenance. All these definitions, however, agree 
in including as capital the provisions and clothing of the 
laborer, which Smith excludes. 

Let us consider these three definitions, which repre- 
sent the best teachings of current political economy: 

To McCulloch’s definition of capital as “all those por- 
tions of the produce of industry that may be directly 
employed either to support human existence or to facili- 
tate production,” there are obvious objections. One 
may pass along any principal street in a thriving town 
or city and see stores filled with all sorts of valuable 
things, which, though they cannot be employed either 
to support human existence or to facilitate production, 
undoubtedly constitute part of the capital of the store- 
keepers and part of the capital of the community. And 
he can also see products of industry capable of sup- 
porting human existence or facilitating production being 
consumed in ostentation or useless luxury. Surely these, 
though they might, do not constitute part of capital. 

Ricardo’s definition avoids including as capital things 
which might be but are not employed in production, by 
covering only such as are employed. But it is open to 
the first objection made to McCulloch’s. If only wealth 
that may be, or that is, or that is destined to be, used 
in supporting producers, or assisting production, is cap- 
ital, then the stocks of jewelers, toy dealers, tobacco- 
nists, confectioners, picture dealers, etc. — in fact, all 
stocks that consist of, and all stocks in so far as they 
consist of articles of luxury, are not capital. 

If Mill, by remitting the distinction to the mind of 
the capitalist, avoids this difficulty (which does not 
seem to me clear), it is by making the distinction so 
vague that no power short of omniscience could tell in 
any given country at any given time what was and 
what was not capital. 

But the great defect which these definitions have in 

Chap. II. 



common is that they include what clearly cannot be 
accounted capital, if any distinction is to be made be* 
tween laborer and capitalist. For they bring into the 
category of capital the food, clothing, etc., in the pos- 
session of the day laborer, which he will consume 
whether he works or not, as well as the stock in the 
hands of the capitalist, with which he proposes to pay 
the laborer for his work. 

Yet, manifestly, this is not the sense in which the 
term capital is used by these writers when they speak of 
labor and capital as taking separate parts in the work 
of production and separate shares in the distribution of 
its proceeds; when they speak of wages as drawn from 
capital, or as depending upon the ratio between labor 
and capital, or in any of the ways in which the term 
is generally used by them. In all these cases the term 
capital is used in its commonly understood sense, as 
that portion of wealth which its owners do not pro- 
pose to use directly for their own gratification, but foi 
the purpose of obtaining more wealth. In short, by 
political economists, in everything except their defini- 
tions and first principles, as well as by the world at 
large, “that part of a man’s stock,” to use the words of 
Adam Smith, “which he expects to afford him revenue 
is called his capital.” This is the only sense in which 
the term capital expresses any fixed idea — the only 
sense in which we can with any clearness separate it 
from wealth and contrast it with labor. For, if we 
must consider as capital everything which supplies the 
laborer with food, clothing, shelter, etc., then to find a 
laborer who is not a capitalist we shall be forced to 
hunt up an absolutely naked man, destitute even of a 
sharpened stick, or of a burrow in the ground — a situa- 
tion in which, save as the result of exceptional circum- 
stances, human beings have never yet been found. 

It seems to me that the variance and inexactitude m 


these definitions arise from the fact that the idea oi 
what capital is has been deduced from a preconceived 
idea of how capital assists production. Instead of de- 
termining what capital is, and then observing what 
capital does, the functions of capital have first been 
assumed, and then a definition of capital made which in- 
cludes all things which do or may perform those func- 
tions. Let us reverse this process, and, adopting the 
natural order, ascertain what the thing is before settling 
what it does. All we are trying to do, all that it is neces- 
sary to do, is to fix, as it were, the metes and bounds of 
* term that in the main is well apprehended — to make 
definite, that is, sharp and clear on its verges, a com- 
mon idea. 

If the articles of actual wealth existing at a given 
time in a given community were presented in situ to a 
dozen intelligent men who had never read a line of 
political economy, it is doubtful if they would differ in 
respect to a single item, as to whether it should be ac- 
counted capital or not. Money which its owner holds 
for use in his business or in speculation would be ac- 
counted capital; money set aside for household or per- 
sonal expenses would not. That part of a farmer’s crop 
held for sale or for seed, or to feed his help in part 
payment of wages, would be accounted capital; that 
held for the use of his own family would not be. The 
horses and carriage of a hackman would be classed as 
capital, but an equipage kept for the pleasure of its 
owner would not. So no one would think of counting 
as capital the false hair on the head of a woman, the 
cigar in the mouth of a smoker, or the toy with which 
a child is playing; but the stock of a hair dealer, of a 
tobacconist, or of the keeper of a toy store, would be 
unhesitatingly set down as capital. A coat which a 
tailor had made for sale would be accounted capital, 
but not the coat he had made for himself. Food in the 

Chap. II. 



possession of a hotel-keeper or a restaurateur would be 
accounted capital, but not the food in the pantry of a 
housewife, or in the lunch basket of a workman. Pig 
iron in the hands of the smelter, or founder, or dealer, 
would be accounted capital, but not the pig iron used 
as ballast in the hold of a yacht. The bellows of a 
blacksmith, the looms of a factory, would be capital, 
but not the sewing machine of a woman who does only 
her own work; a building let for hire, or used for busi- 
ness or productive purposes, but not a homestead. In 
short, I think we should find that now, as when Dr. 
Adam Smith wrote, “that part of a man’s stock which 
he expects to yield him a revenue is called his capital.” 
And, omitting his unfortunate slip as to personal quali- 
ties, and qualifying somewhat his enumeration of 
money, it is doubtful if we could better list the different 
articles of capital than did Adam Smith in the passage 
which in the previous part of this chapter I have con- 

Now, if, after having thus separated the wealth that 
is capital from the wealth that is not capital, we look 
for the distinction between the two classes, we shall not 
find it to be as to the character, capabilities, or final 
destination of the things themselves, as has been vainly 
attempted to draw it; but it seems to me that we shall 
find it to be as to whether they are or are not in the 
possession of the consumer.* Such articles of wealth 
as in themselves, in their uses, or in their products, are 

* Money may be said to be in the hands of the consumer when 
devoted to the procurement of gratification, as, though not in 
itself devoted to consumption, it represents wealth which is; and 
thus what in the previous paragraph I have given as the common 
classification would be covered by this distinction, and would b« 
substantially correct. In speaking of money in this connection, 
I am of course speaking of coin, for although paper money may 
perform all the functions of coin, it is not wealth, and cannot 
therefore be capital. 




yet to be exchanged are capital ; such articles of wealth 
as are in the hands of the consumer are not capital. 
Hence, if we define capital as wealth in course of ex - 
change, understanding exchange to include not merely 
the passing from hand to hand, but also such transmu- 
tations as occur when the reproductive or transforming 
forces of nature are utilized for the increase of wealth, 
we shall, I think, comprehend all the things that the 
general idea of capital properly includes, and shut out 
all it does not. Under this definition, it seems to me, for 
instance, will fall all such tools as are really capital. 
For it is as to whether its services or uses are to be 
exchanged or not which makes a tool an article of capi- 
tal or merely an article of wealth. Thus, the lathe of 
a manufacturer used in making things which are to be 
exchanged is capital, while the lathe kept by a gentle- 
man for his ow r n amusement is not. Thus, wealth used 
in the construction of a railroad, a public telegraph line, 
a stage coach, a theater, a hotel, etc., may be said to 
be placed in the course of exchange. The exchange is 
not effected all at once, but little by little, with an in- 
definite number of people. Yet there is an exchange, 
and the “consumers” of the railroad, the telegraph line, 
the stage coach, theater or hotel, are not the owners, but 
the persons who from time to time use them. 

Nor is this definition inconsistent with the idea that 
capital is that part of wealth devoted to production. 
It is too narrow an understanding of production which 
confines it merely to the making of things. Production 
includes not merely the making of things, but the bring- 
ing of them to the consumer. The merchant or 
storekeeper is thus as truly a producer as is the manufac- 
turer, or farmer, and his stock or capital is as much 
devoted to production as is theirs. But it is not worth 
while now to dwell upon the functions of capital, which 
we shall be better able to determine hereafter. Nor is 

Chap. II. 



the definition of capital I have suggested of any impor- 
tance. I am not writing a text-book, but only attempt- 
ing to discover the laws which control a great social 
problem, and if the reader has been led to form a clear 
idea of what things are meant when we speak of capital 
my purpose is served. 

But before closing this digression let me call attention 
to what is often forgotten — namely, that the terms 
"wealth,” “capital,” “wages,” and the like, as used in 
political economy are abstract terms, and that nothing 
can be generally affirmed or denied of them that cannot 
be affirmed or denied of the whole class of things they 
represent. The failure to bear this in mind has led to 
much confusion of thought, and permits fallacies, other' 
wise transparent, to pass for obvious truths. Wealth 
being an abstract term, the idea of wealth, it must be 
remembered, involves the idea of exchangeability. The 
possession of wealth to a certain amount is potentially 
the possession of any or all species of wealth to that 
equivalent in exchange. And, consequently, so of' 




The importance of this digression will, I think, be- 
come more and more apparent as we proceed in our 
inquiry, but its pertinency to the branch we are now 
engaged in may at once be seen. 

It is at first glance evident that the economic mean- 
ing of the term wages is lost sight of, and attention is 
concentrated upon the common and narrow meaning 
of the word, when it is affirmed that wages are drawn 
from capital. For, in all those cases in which the 
laborer is his own employer and takes directly the 
produce of his labor as its reward, it is plain enough 
that wages are not drawn from capital, but result 
directly as the product of the labor. If, for instance, I 
devote my labor to gathering birds’ eggs or picking 
wild berries, the eggs or berries I thus get are my wages. 
Surely no one will contend that in such a case wages are 
drawn from capital. There is no capital in the case. 
An absolutely naked man, thrown on an island where 
no human being has before trod, may gather birds’ eggs 
or pick berries. 

Or if I take a piece of leather and work it up into a 
pair of shoes, the shoes are my wages — the reward of 
my exertion. Surely they are not drawn from capital — 
either my capital or any one else’s capital — but are 
brought into existence by the labor of which they be- 
come the wages; and in obtaining this pair of shoes as 


Chap. III. 



the wages of my labor, capital is not even momentarily 
lessened one iota. For, if we call in the idea of capital, 
my capital at the beginning consists of the piece of 
leather, the thread, etc. As my labor goes on, value is 
steadily added, until, when my labor results in the 
finished shoes, I have my capital plus the difference in 
value between the material and the shoes. In obtain- 
ing this additional value — my wages — how is capital at 
any time drawn upon? 

Adam Smith, who gave the direction to economic 
thought that has resulted in the current elaborate the- 
ories of the relation between wages and capital, recog- 
nized the fact that in such simple cases as I have 
instanced, wages are the produce of labor, and thus 
begins his chapter upon the wages of labor (Chapter 
VIII) : 

“The produce oj labor constitutes the natural recompense or 
wages of labor. In that original state of things which precedes 
both the appropriation of land and the accumulation of stock, 
the whole produce of labor belongs to the laborer. He has 
neither landlord nor master to share with him.” 

Had the great Scotchman taken this as the initial 
point of his reasoning, and continued to regard the 
produce of labor as the natural wages of labor, and the 
landlord and master but as sharers, his conclusions 
would have been very different, and political economy 
to-day would not embrace such a mass of contradictions 
and absurdities; but instead of following the truth obvi- 
ous in the simple modes of production as a clew through 
the perplexities of the more complicated forms, he mo- 
mentarily recognizes it, only immediately to abandon 
it, and stating that “in every part of Europe twenty 
workmen serve under a master for one that is inde- 
pendent, n he recommences the inquiry from a point of 
view in which the master is considered as providing 
from his capital the wages of his workmen. 




It is evident that in thus placing the proportion of 
self-employing workmen as but one in twenty, Adam 
Smith had in mind but the mechanic arts, and that, 
including all laborers, the proportion who take their 
earnings directly, without the intervention of an em- 
ployer, must, even in Europe a hundred years ago, have 
been much greater than this. For, besides the indepen- 
dent laborers who in every community exist in consider- 
able numbers, the agriculture of large districts of 
Europe has, since the time of the Roman Empire, been 
carried on by the metayer system, under which the 
capitalist receives his return from the laborer instead 
of the laborer from the capitalist. At any rate, in the 
United States, where any general law of wages must 
apply as fully as in Europe, and where in spite of the 
advance of manufactures a very large part of the people 
are yet self-employing farmers, the proportion of la- 
borers who get their wages through an employer must be 
comparatively small. 

But it is not neeessarv to discuss the ratio in which 


self-employing laborers anywhere stand to hired labor- 
ers, nor is it necessary to multiply illustrations of the 
truism that where the laborer takes directly his wages 
they are the product of his labor, for as soon as it is 
realized that the term wages includes all the earnings 
of labor, as well when taken directly by the laborer in 
the results of his labor as when received from an em- 
ployer, it is evident that the assumption that wages are 
drawn from capital, on which as a universal truth such 
a vast superstructure is in standard politico-economic 
treatises so unhesitatingly built, is at least in large part 
untrue, and the utmost that can with any plausibility 
be affirmed is that some wages (i. e., wages received by 
the laborer from an employer) are dr^wn from capital. 
This restriction of the major premise at once invalidates 
all the deductions that are made from it; but without 

Chap. Ill . 



resting here, let us see whether even in this restricted 
sense it accords with the facts. Let us pick up the clew 
where Adam Smith dropped it, and advancing step by 
step, see whether the relation of facts which is obvious 
in the simplest forms of production does not run through 
the most complex. 

Next in simplicity to “that original state of things,” 
of which many examples may yet be found, where the 
whole produce of labor belongs to the laborer, is the 
arrangement in which the laborer, though working for 
another person, or with the capital of another person, 
receives his wages in kind — that is to say, in the things 
his labor produces. In this case it is as clear as in the 
case of the self-employing laborer that the wages are 
really drawn from the product of the labor, and not 
at all from capital. If I hire a man to gather eggs, to 
pick berries, or to make shoes, paying him from the eggs, 
the berries, or the shoes that his labor secures, there 
can be no question that the source of the wages is the 
labor for which they are paid. Of this form of hiring 
is the saer-and-daer stock tenancv, treated of with such 
perspicuity by Sir Henry Maine in his “Early History 
of Institutions,” and which so clearly involved the rela- 
tion of employer and employed as to render the ac- 
ceptor of cattle the man or vassal of the capitalist who 
thus employed him. It was on such terms as these 
that Jacob worked for Laban, and to this day, even in 
civilized countries, it is not an infrequent mode of em- 
ploying labor. The farming of land on shares, which 
prevails to a considerable extent in the Southern States 
of the Union and in California, the metayer system of 
Europe, as well as the many cases in which superinten- 
dents, salesmen, etc., are paid by a percentage of profits, 
what are they but the employment of labor for wages 
which consist of part of its produce? 

The next step in the advance from simplicity to com- 



Book h 

plexity is where the wages, though estimated in kind, 
are paid in an equivalent of something else. For in- 
stance, on American whaling ships the custom is not to 
pay fixed wages, but a “lay,” or proportion of the catch, 
which varies from a sixteenth to a twelfth to the captain 
down to a three-hundredth to the cabin-boy. Thus, 
when a whaleship comes into New Bedford or San 
Francisco after a successful cruise, she carries in her 
hold the wages of her crew, as well as the profits of 
her owners, and an equivalent which will reimburse 
them for all the stores used up during the voyage. Can 
anything be clearer than that these wages — this oil and 
bone which the crew of the whaler have taken — have 
not been drawn from capital, but are really a part of 
the produce of their labor? Nor is this fact changed or 
obscured in the slightest degree where, as a matter of 
convenience, instead of dividing up between the crew 
their proportion of the oil and bone, the value of each 
man's share is estimated at the market price, and he 
is paid for it in money. The money is but the equiva- 
lent of the real wages, the oil and bone. In no way 
is there any advance of capital in this payment. The 
obligation tc Day wages does not accrue until the value 
from which they are to be paid is brought into port. 
At the moment when the owner takes from his capital 
money to pay the crew he adds to his capital oil and 

So far there can be no dispute. Let us now take 
another step, which will bring us to the usual method of 
employing labor and paying wages. 

The Farallone Islands, off the Bay of San Francisco, 
are a hatching ground of sea-fowl, and a company who 
claim these islands employ men in the proper season to 
collect the eggs. They might employ these men for a 
proportion of the eggs they gather, as is done in the 
whale fishery, and probably would do so if there were 

Chap . Ill* 



much uncertainty attending the business; but as the 
fowl are plentiful and tame, and about so many eggs 
can be gathered by so much labor, they find it more 
convenient to pay their men fixed wages. The men go 
out and remain on the islands, gathering the eggs and 
bringing them to a landing, whence, at intervals of a 
few days, they are taken in a small vessel to San 
Francisco and sold. When the season is over the men 
return and are paid their stipulated wages in coin. Does 
not this transaction amount to the same thing as if, 
instead of being paid in coin, the stipulated wages were 
paid in an equivalent of the eggs gathered? Does not 
the coin represent the eggs, by the sale of which it was 
obtained, and are not these wages as much the product 
of the labor for which they are paid as the eggs would 
be in the possession of a man who gathered them for 
himself without the intervention of any employer? 

To take another example, which shows by reversion 
the identity of wages in money with wages in kind. In 
San Buenaventura lives a man who makes an excellent 
living by shooting for their oil and skins the common 
hair seals which frequent the islands forming the Santa 
Barbara Channel. When on these sealing expeditions 
he takes two or three Chinamen along to help him, 
whom at first he paid wholly in coin. But it seems that 
the Chinese highly value some of the organs of the seal, 
which they dry and pulverize for medicine, as well as 
the long hairs in the whiskers of the male seal, which, 
when over a certain length, they greatly esteem for 
some purpose that to outside barbarians is not very 
clear. And this man soon found that the Chinamen 
were very willing to take instead of money these parts 
of the seals killed, so that now, in large part, he thus 
pays them their wages. 

Now, is not what may be seen in all these cases — the 
identity of wages in money with wages in kind — true 




of all cases in which wages are paid for productive 
labor? Is not the fund created by the labor really the 
fund from which the wages are paid? 

It may, perhaps, be said: “There is this difference — 
where a man works for himself, or where, when working 
for an employer, he takes his wages m kind, his wages 
depend upon the result of his labor. Should that, from 
any misadventure, prove futile, he gets nothing. When 
he works for an employer, however, he gets his wages 
anyhow — they depend upon the performance of the 
labor, not upon the result of the labor.” But this is evi- 
dently not a real distinction. For on the average, the 
labor that is rendered for fixed wages not only yields 
the amount of the wages, but more; else employers could 
make no profit. When wages are fixed, the employer 
takes the whole risk and is compensated for this assur- 
ance, for wages when fixed are always somewhat less 
than wages contingent. But though when fixed wages 
are stipulated the laborer who has performed his part 
of the contract has usually a legal claim upon the em- 
ployer, it is frequently, if not generally, the case that 
the disaster which prevents the employer from reaping 
benefit from the labor prevents him from paying the 
wages. And in one important department of industry 
the employer is legally exempt in case of disaster, al- 
though the contract be for wages certain and not con- 
tingent. For the maxim of admiralty law is, that 
“freight is the mother of wages,” and though the sea- 
man may have performed his part, the disaster which 
prevents the ship from earning freight deprives him of 
claim for his wages. 

In thiB legal maxim is embodied the truth for which I 
am contending. Production is always the mother of 
wages. Without production, wages would not and could 
not be. It is from the produce of labor, not from the 
advances of capital that wages come 


Wherever we analyze the facts this will be found to 
be true. For labor always precedes wages. This is as 
universally true of wages received by the laborer from 
an employer as it is of wages taken directly by the 
laborer who is his own employer. In the one class of 
cases as in the other, reward is conditioned upon exer- 
tion. Paid sometimes by the day, oftener by the week 
or month, occasionally by the year, and in many 
branches of production by the piece, the payment of 
wages by an employer to an employee always implies 
the previous rendering of labor by the employee for the 
benefit of the employer, for the few cases in which ad- 
vance payments are made for personal services are evi- 
dently referable either to charity or to guarantee and 
purchase. The name “retainer,” given to advance pay- 
ments to lawyers, shows the true character of the trans- 
action, as does the name “blood money” given in 
longshore vernacular to a payment which is nominally 
wages advanced to sailors, but which in reality is pur- 
chase money — both English and American law consider- 
ing a sailor as much a chattel as a pig. 

I dwell on this obvious fact that labor always pre- 
cedes wages, because it is all-important to an under- 
standing of the more complicated phenomena of wages 
that it should be kept in mind. And obvious as it is, as 
I have put it, the plausibility of the proposition that 
wages are drawn from capital — a proposition that is 
made the basis for such important and far-reaching de- 
ductions — comes in the first instance from a statement 
that ignores and leads the attention away from this truth. 
That statement is. that labor cannot exert its produc- 
tive power unless supplied by capital with mainte- 
nance.* The unwary reader at once recognizes the fact 
that the laborer must have food, clothing, etc., in order 

* Industry is limited by capital. . . . There cam be no more 
industry than is supplied with materials to work up and food to 



Book I. 

to enable him to perform the work, and having been 
told that the food, clothing, etc., used by productive 
laborers are capital, he assents to the conclusion that 
the consumption of capital is necessary to the applica- 
tion of labor, and from this it is but an obvious de- 
duction that industry is limited by capital — that the 
demand for labor depends upon the supply of capital, 
and hence that wages depend upon the ratio between 
the number of laborers looking for employment and 
the amount of capital devoted to hiring them. 

But' I think the discussion in the previous chapter 
will enable any one to see wherein lies the fallacy of this 
reasoning — a fallacy which has entangled some of the 
most acute minds in a web of their own spinning. It is 
in the use of the term capital in two senses. In the 
primary proposition that capital is necessary to the 
exertion of productive labor, the term “capital” is un- 
derstood as including all food, clothing, shelter, etc.; 
•whereas, in the deductions finally drawn from it, the 
term is used in its common and legitimate meaning of 
wealth devoted, not to the immediate gratification of de- 
sire, but to the procurement of more wealth — of wealth 
in the hands of employers as distinguished from 
laborers. The conclusion is no more valid than it would 
be from the acceptance of the proposition that a laborer 
cannot go to work without his breakfast and some 
clothes, to infer that no more laborers can go to work 

eat. Self-evident as the thing is, it is often forgotten that the 
people of a country are maintained and have their wants sup- 
plied not by the produce of present labor, but of past. They 
consume what has been produced, not what is about to be pro- 
duced. Now, of what has been produced a part only is allotted 
to the support of productive labor, and there will not and can- 
not be more of that labor than the portion so allotted (which 
is the capital of the country) can feed and provide with the 
materials and instruments of production . — John Stuart Mill, Prin- 
ciple* of Political Economy, Book 1, Chap . V, Sec. 1. 

Chap. hi. 



than employers first furnish with breakfasts and clothes. 
Now, the fact is that laborers generally furnish their 
own breakfasts and the clothes in which they go to 
work; and the further fact is, that capital (in the sense 
in which the word is used in distinction to labor) in 
exceptional cases sometimes may, but is never com- 
pelled to make advances to labor before the work be- 
gins. Of all the vast number of unemployed laborers 
in the civilized world to-day, there is probably not a 
single one willing to work who could not be employed 
without any advance of wages. A great proportion, 
would doubtless gladly go to work on terms which did 
not require the payment of wages before the end of a 
month; it is doubtful if there are enough to be called a 
class who would not go to work and wait for their 
wages until the end of the week, as most laborers habit- 
ually do; while there are certainly none who would not 
wait for their wages until the end of the day, or if you 
please, until the next meal hour. The precise time of 
the payment of wages is immaterial; the essential point 
— the point I lay stress on — is that it is after the per- 
formance of work. 

The payment of wages, therefore, always implies the 
previous rendering of labor. Now, what does the ren- 
dering of labor in production imply? Evidently the 
production of wealth, which, if it is to be exchanged or 
used in production, is capital. Therefore, the payment 
of capital in wages pre-supposes a production of capital 
by the labor for which the wages are paid. And as the 
employer generally makes a profit, the payment of 
wages is, so far as he is concerned, but the return to 
the laborer of a portion of the capital he has received 
from the labor. So far as the employee is concerned, it 
is but the receipt of a portion of the capital his labor 
has previously produced. As the value paid in the 
wages is thus exchanged for a value brought into being 



Book I. 

by the labor, how can it be said that wages are drawn 
from capital or advanced by capital? As in the ex- 
change of labor for wages the employer always gets 
the capital created by the labor before he pays out capi- 
tal in the wages, at what point is his capital lessened 
even temporarily? # 

Bring the question to the test of facts. Take, for in- 
stance, an employing manufacturer who is engaged in 
turning raw material into finished products — cotton 
into cloth, iron into hardware, leather into boots, or so 
on, as may be, and who pays his hands, as is generally 
the case, once a week. Make an exact inventory of his 
capital on Monday morning before the beginning of 
work, and it will consist of his buildings, machinery, 
raw materials, money on hand, and finished products in 
stock. Suppose, for the sake of simplicity, that he 
neither buys nor sells during the week, and after work 
has stopped and he has paid his hands on Saturday 
night, take a new inventory of his capital. The item of 
money will be less, for it has been paid out in wages; 
there will be less raw material, less coal, etc., and a 
proper deduction must be made from the value of the 
buildings and machinery for the week’s wear and tear. 
But if he is doing a remunerative business, whicn must 

*1 speak of labor producing capital for the sake of greater 
clearness. What labor always procures is either wealth, which 
may or may not be capital, or services, the cases m which noth- 
ing is obtained being merely exceptional cases of misadventure. 
Where the object of the labor is simply the gratification of the 
employer, as where I hire a man to black my boots, I do not pay 
the wages from capital, but from wealth which I have devoted, 
not to reproductive uses, but to consumption for my own satis- 
faction. Even if wages thus paid be considered as drawn from 
capital, then by that act they pass from the category of capital 
to that of wealth devoted to the gratification of the possessor, 
as when a cigar dealer takes a dozen cigars from the stock he has 
for sale and puts them in his pocket for his own use. 

/- ^ J, w 

Chap. 111. 



on the average be the case, the item of finished products 
will be so much greater as to compensate for all these 
deficiencies and show in the summing up an increase of 
capital. Manifestly, then, the value he paid his hands 
in wages was not drawn from his capital, or from any 
one else’s capital. It came, not from capital, but from 
the value created by the labor itself. There was no 
more advance of capital than if he had hired his hands 
to dig clams, and paid them with a part of the clams 
they dug. Their wages were as truly the produce of 
their labor as were the wages of x he primitive man, 
when, long “before the appropriation of land and the 
accumulation of stock,” he obtained an oyster by knock- 
ing it with a stone from the rocks. 

As the laborer who works for an employer does not 
get his wages until he has performed the work, his case 
is similar to that of the depositor in a bank who cannot 
draw money out until he has put money in. And as by 
drawing out what he has previously put in, the bank de- 
positor does not lessen the capital of the bank, neither 
can laborers by receiving wages lessen even temporarily 
either the capital of the employer or the aggregate capi- 
tal of the community. Their wages no more come from 
capital than the checks of depositors are drawn against 
bank capital. It is true that laborers in receiving wages 
do not generally receive back wealth in the same form 
in which they have rendered it, any more than bank de- 
positors receive back the identical coins or bank notes 
they have deposited, but they receive it in equivalent 
form, and as we are justified in saying that the deposi- 
tor receives from the bank the money he paid in, so are 
we justified in saying that the laborer receives in wages 
the wealth he has rendered in labor. 

That this universal truth is so often obscured, is 
largely due to that fruitful source of economic obscuri- 
ties, the confounding of wealth with money; and it is 



Book i. 

remarkable to see so many of those who, since Dr. 
Adam Smith made the egg stand on its head, have 
copiously demonstrated the fallacies of the mercantile 
system, fall into delusions of the very same kind in 
treating of the relations of capital and labor. Money 
being the general medium of exchanges, the common 
flux through which all transmutations of wealth from 
one form to another take place, whatever difficulties 
may exist to an exchange will generally show themselves 
on the side of reduction to money, and thus it is some- 
times easier to exchange money for any other form of 
wealth than it is to exchange wealth in a particular 
form into money, for the reason that there are more 
holders of wealth who desire to make some exchange 
than there are who desire to make any particular ex- 
change. And so a producing employer who has paid 
out his money in wages may sometimes find it difficult 
to turn quickly back into money the increased value 
for which his money has really been exchanged, and is 
spoken of as having exhausted or advanced his capital 
in the payment of wages. Yet, unless the new value 
created by the labor is less than the wages paid, which 
can be only an exceptional case, the capital which he 
had before in money he now has in goods — it has beep 
changed in form, but not lessened. 

There is one branch of production in regard to whicl 
the confusions of thought which arise from the habit 
of estimating capital in money are least likely to occur, 
inasmuch as its product is the general material and 
standard of money. And it so happens that this busi- 
ness furnishes us, almost side by side, with illustrations 
of production passing from the simplest to most com- 
plex forms. 

In the early days of California, as afterward in 
Australia, the placer miner, who found in river bed or 
surface deposit the glittering particles which the slow 

cA ap. ///. 



processes of nature had for ages been accumulating, 
picked up or washed out his “wages” (so, too, he called 
them) in actual money, for coin being scarce, gold 
dust passed as currency by weight, and at the end of 
the day had his wages in money in a buckskin bag in 
his pocket. There can be no dispute as to whether 
these wages came from capital or not. They were mani- 
festly the produce of his labor. Nor could there be any 
dispute when the holder of a specially rich claim hired 
men to work for him and paid them off in the identical 
money which their labor had taken from gulch or bar. 
As coin became more abundant, its greater convenience 
in saving the trouble and loss of weighing assigned gold 
dust to the place of a commodity, and with coin ob- 
tained by the sale of the dust their labor had procured, 
the employing miner paid off his hands. Where he had 
coin enough to do so, instead of selling his gold dust 
at the nearest store and paying a dealer’s profit, he 
retained it until he got enough to take a trip, or send 
by express to San Francisco, where at the mint he could 
have it turned into coin without charge. While thus 
accumulating gold dust he was lessening his stock of 
coin; just as the manufacturer, while accumulating a 
stock of goods, lessens his stock of money. Yet no 
one would be obtuse enough to imagine that in thus 
taking in gold dust and paying out coin the miner was 
lessening his capital. 

But the deposits that could be worked without pre- 
liminary labor were soon exhausted, and gold mining 
rapidly took a more elaborate character. Before claims 
could be opened so as to yield any return deep shafts 
had to be sunk, great dams constructed, long tunnels 
cut through the hardest rock, water brought for miles 
over mountain ridges and across deep valleys, and ex- 
pensive machinery put up. These works could not be 
constructed without capital. Sometimes their construe- 



tion required years, during which no return co^ild be 
hoped for, while the men employed had to be paid their 
wages every week, or every month. Surely, it will be 
said, in such cases, even if in no others, that wages do 
actually come from capital; are actually advanced by 
capital; and must necessarily lessen capital in their pay- 
ment! Surely here, at least, industry is limited by capi- 
tal, for without capital such works could not be carried 
on! Let us see: 

It is cases of this class that are always instanced as 
showing that wages are advanced from capital. For 
where wages are paid before the object of the labor is 
obtained, or is finished — as in agriculture, where plow- 
ing and sowing must precede by several months tht 
harvesting of the crop; as in the erection of buildings, 
the construction of ships, railroads, canals, etc. — it is 
clear that the owners of the capital paid in wages can- 
not expect an immediate return, but, as the phrase is, 
must “outlay it,” or “lie out of it” for a time, which 
sometimes amounts to many years. And hence, if first 
principles are not kept in mind, it is easy to jump to 
the conclusion that wages are advanced by capital. 

But such cases will not embarrass the reader to whom 
in what has preceded I have made myself clearly under- 
stood. An easy analysis will show that these instances 
where wages are paid before the product is finished, or 
even produced, do not afford any exception to the rule 
apparent where the product is finished before wages are 

If I go to a broker to exchange silver for gold, I lay 
down my silver, which he counts and puts away, and 
then hands me the equivalent in gold, minus his com- 
mission. Does the broker advance me any capital? 
Manifestly not. What he had before in gold he now has 
in silver, plus his profit. And as he got the silver before 

Chap. 111. 



he paid out the gold, there is on his part not even mo- 
mentarily an advance of capital. 

Now, this operation of the broker is precisely analo- 
gous to what the capitalist does, when, in such cases as 
we are now considering, he pays out capital in wages. As 
the rendering of labor precedes the payment of wages, 
and as the rendering of labor in production implies the 
creation of value, the employer receives value before he 
pays out value — he but exchanges capital of one form 
for capital of another form. For the creation of value 
does not depend upon the finishing of the product; it 
takes place at every stage of the process of production, 
as the immediate result of the application of labor, and 
hence, no matter how long the process in which it is en- 
gaged, labor always adds to capital by its exertion 
before it takes from capital in its wages. 

Here is a blacksmith at his forge making picks. 
Clearly he is making capital — adding picks to his em- 
ployer’s capital before he draws money from it in 
wages. Here is a machinist or boilermaker working on 
the keel-plates of a Great Eastern. Is not he also just 
as clearly creating value — making capital? The giant 
steamship, as the pick, is an article of wealth, an instru- 
ment of production, and though the one may not be 
completed for years, while the other is completed in a 
few minutes, each day’s work, in the one case as in the 
^ther, is as clearly a production of wealth — an addition 
to capital. In the case of the steamship, as in the case 
of the pick, it is not the last blow, any more than the 
first blow, that creates the value of the finished product 
— the creation of value is continuous, it immediately 
results from the exertion of labor. 

We see this very clearly wherever the division of 
labor has made it customary for different parts of the 
full process of production to be carried on by different 
sets of producers — that is to say, wherever we are in 



Book 1. 

the habit of estimating the amount of value which the 
labor expended in any preparatory stage of production 
has created. And a momenta reflection will show that 
this is the case as to the vast majority of products. 
Take a ship, a building, a jack-knife, a book, a lady’s 
thimble or a loaf of bread. They are finished prod- 
ucts. But they were not produced at one operation or 
by one set of producers. And this being the case, we 
readily distinguish different points or stages in the crea- 
tion of the value which as completed articles they repre- 
sent. When we do not distinguish different parts in 
the final process of production we do distinguish the 
value of the materials. The value of these materials 
may often be again decomposed many times, exhibiting 
as many clearly defined steps in the creation of the 
final value. At each of these steps we habitually esti- 
mate a creation of value, an addition to capital. The 
batch of bread which the baker is taking from the oven 
has a certain value. But this is composed in part of 
the value of the flour from which the dough was made. 
And this again is composed of the value of the wheat, the 
value given by milling, etc. Iron in the form of pigs 
is very far from being a completed product. It must 
yet pass through several, or, perhaps, through many, 
stages of production before it results in the finished 
articles that were the ultimate objects for which the 
iron ore was extracted from the mine. Yet, is not pig 
iron capital? And so the process of production is not 
really completed when 'a crop of cotton is gathered, nor 
yet when it is ginned and pressed; nor yet when it ar- 
rives at Lowell or Manchester; nor yet when it is con- 
verted into yarn; nor yet when it becomes cloth; but 
only when it is finally placed in the hands of the con- 
sumer. Yet at each step in this progress there is clearly 
enough a creation of value — an addition to capital. 
Why, therefore, although we do not so habitually dis- 

Chap. III. 



tinguish and estimate it, is there not a creation of 
value — an addition to capital — when the ground is 
plowed for the crop? Is it because it may possibly be 
a bad season and the crop may fail? Evidently not; 
for a like possibility of misadventure attends every one 
of the many steps in the production of the finished 
article. On the average a crop is sure to come up, and 
so much plowing and sowing will on the average result 
in so much cotton in the boll, as surely as so much spin- 
ning of cotton yarn will result in so much cloth. 

In short, as the payment of wages is always condi- 
tioned upon the rendering of labor, the payment of 
wages in production, no matter how long the process, 
never involves any advance of capital, or even tempo- 
rarily lessens capital. It may take a year, or even 
years, to build a ship, but the creation of value of which 
the finished ship will be the sum goes on day by day, 
and hour by hour, from the time the keel is laid or 
even the ground is cleared. Nor by the payment of 
wages before the ship is completed, does the master 
builder lessen either his capital or the capital of the 
community, for the value of the partially completed 
ship stands in place of the value paid out in wages. 
There is no advance of capital in this payment of 
wages, for the labor of the workmen during the week 
or month creates and renders to the builder more 
capital than is paid back to them at the end of the 
week or month, as is shown by the fact that if the 
builder were at any stage of the construction asked to 
sell a partially completed ship he would expect a profit. 

And so, when a Sutro or St. Gothard tunnel or a 
Suez canal is cut, there is no advance of capital. The 
tunnel or canal, as it is cut, becomes capital as much as 
the money spent in cutting it — or, if you please, the 
powder, drills, etc., used in the work, and the food, 
clothes, etc., used by the workmen — as is shown by the 




fact that the value of the capital stock of the company 
is not lessened as capital in these forms is gradually 
changed into capital in the form of tunnel or canal. On 
the contrary, it probably, and on the average, increases 
as the work progresses, just as the capital invested in a 
speedier mode of production would on the average 

And this is obvious in agriculture also. That the 
creation of value does not take place all at once when 
the crop is gathered, but step by step during the whole 
process which the gathering of the crop concludes, and 
that no payment of wages in the interim lessens the 
farmer’s capital, is tangible enough when land is sold or 
rented during the process of production, as a plowed field 
will bring more than an unplowed field, or a field that 
has been sown more than one merely plowed. It is 
tangible enough when growing crops are sold, as is some- 
times done, or where the farmer does not harvest him- 
self, but lets a contract to the owner of harvesting 
machinery. It is tangible in the case of orchards and 
vineyards which, though not yet in bearing, bring prices 
proportionate to their age. It is tangible in the case of 
horses, cattle and sheep, which increase in value as they 
grow toward maturity. And if not always tangible be- 
tween what may be called the usual exchange points in 
production, this increase of value as surely takes place 
with every exertion of labor. Hence, where labor is 
rendered before wages are paid, the advance of capital is 
really made by labor, and is from the employed to the 
employer, not from the employer to the employed. 

“Yet,” it may be said, “in such cases as we have been 
considering capital is required!” Certainly; I do not 
dispute that. But it is not required in order to make 
advances to labor. It is required for quite another pur- 
pose. What that purpose is we may readily see. 

When wages are paid in kind — that is to say, in wealth 

Chap. III. 



of the same species as the labor produces; as, for in- 
stance, if I hire men to cut wood, agreeing to give them 
as wages a portion of the wood they cut, a method some- 
times adopted by the owners or lessees of woodland, it 
is evident that no capital is required for the payment of 
wages. Nor yet when, for the sake of mutual conven- 
ience, arising from the fact that a large quantity of wood 
can be more readily and more advantageously exchanged 
than a number of small quantities, I agree to pay wages 
in money, instead of wood, shall I need any capital, 
provided I can make the exchange of the wood for money 
before the wages are due. It is only when I cannot 
make such an exchange, or such an advantageous ex- 
change as I desire, until I accumulate a large quantity 
of wood that I shall need capital. Nor even then shall 
I need capital if I can make a partial or tentative ex- 
change by borrowing on my wood. If I cannot, or do 
not choose, either to sell the wood or to borrow upon' it, 
and yet wish to go ahead accumulating a large stock of 
wood, I shall need capital. But manifestly, I need this 
capital, not for the payment of w’ages, but for the accu- 
mulation of a stock of wood. Likewise in cutting a 
tunnel. If the workmen were paid in tunnel (which, if 
convenient, might easily be done by paying them in 
stock of the company), no capital for the payment of 
wages would be required. It is only when the under- 
takers wish to accumulate capital in the shape of a tun- 
nel that they will need capital. To recur tc our first 
illustration: The broker to whom I sell my silver cannot 
carry on his business without capital. But he does not 
need this capital because he makes any advance of 
capital to me when he receives my silver and hands me 
gold. He needs it because the nature of the business 
requires the keeping of a certain amount of capital on 
hand, in order that when a customer comes he may be 
prepared to make the exchange the customer desires. 




And so we shall find it in every branch of production. 
Capital has never to be set aside for the payment of 
wages when the produce of the labor for which the wages 
are paid is exchanged as soon as produced; it is only 
required when this produce is stored up, or what is to 
the individual the same thing, placed in the general cur- 
rent of exchanges without being at once drawn against 
— that is, sold on credit. But the capital thus required 
is not required for the payment of wages, nor for ad- 
vances to labor, as it is always represented in the prod- 
uce of the labor. It is never as an employer of labor 
that any producer needs capital; when he does need 
capital, it is because he is not only an employer of 
labor, but a merchant or speculator in, or an accumula- 
tor of, the products of labor. This is generally the case 
with employers. 

To recapitulate: The man who works for himself gets 
his wages in the things he produces, as he produces them, 
and exchanges this value into another form whenever 
he sells the produce. The man who works for another 
for stipulated w r ages in money works under a contract 
of exchange. He also creates his wages as he renders 
his labor, but he does not get them except at stated 
times, in stated amounts, and in a different form. In 
performing the labor he is advancing in exchange; when 
he gets his wages the exchange is completed. During 
the time he is earning the wages he is advancing capital 
to his employer, but at no time, unless wages are paid 
before work is done, is the employer advancing capital 
to him. Whether the employer who receives this prod- 
uce in exchange for the wages immediately re-exchanges 
it, or keeps it for awhile, no more alters the charactei 
of the transaction than does the final disposition of the 
product made by the ultimate receiver, who may, per- 
haps, be in another quarter of the globe and at the end 
of a series of exchanges numbering hundreds. 




But a stumbling block may yet remain, or may recur, 
in the mind of the reader. 

As the plowman cannot eat the furrow, nor a partially 
completed steam engine aid in any way in producing the 
clothes the machinist wears, have I not, in the words of 
John Stuart Mill, “forgotten that the people of a coun- 
try are maintained and have their wants supplied, not 
by the produce of present labor, but of past?” Or, to 
use the language of a popular elementary work — that 
of Mrs. Fawcett — have I not “forgotten that many 
months must elapse between the sowing of the seed and 
the time wdien the produce of that seed is converted into 
a loaf of bread,” and that “it is, therefore, evident that 
laborers cannot live upon that which their labor is assist- 
ing to produce, but are maintained by that wealth which 
their labor, or the labor of others, has previously pro- 
duced, which wealth is capital?” * 

The assumption made in these passages — the assump- 
tion that it is so self-evident that labor must be subsisted 
from capital that the proposition has but to be stated 
to compel recognition — runs through the whole fabric 
of current political economy. And so confidently is it 
held that the maintenance of labor is drawn from capi- 

* Political Economy for Beginners, by Millicent Garrett Faw- 
cett, Chap. Ill, p. 25. 




Book I. 

tal that the proposition that “population regulates itself 
by the funds which are to employ it, and, therefore, al- 
ways increases or diminishes with the increase or diminu- 
tion of capital,” * is regarded as equally axiomatic, and 
in its turn made the basis of important reasoning. 

Yet being resolved, these propositions are seen to be, 
not self-evident, but absurd; for they involve the idea 
that labor cannot be exerted until the products of labor 
are saved — thus putting the product before the producer. 

And being examined, they will be seen to derive their 
apparent plausibility from a confusion of thought. 

I have already pointed out the fallacy, concealed by 
an erroneous definition, which underlies the proposition 
that because food, raiment and shelter are necessary to 
productive labor, therefore industry is limited by capi- 
tal. To say that a man must have his breakfast before 
going to w T ork is not to say that he cannot go to work 
unless a capitalist furnishes him with a breakfast, for 
his breakfast may, and in point of fact in any country 
where there is not actual famine will, come not from 
wealth set apart for the assistance of production, but 
from wealth set apart for subsistence. And, as has been 
previously shown, food, clothing, etc. — in short, all ar- 
ticles of wealth — are only c apital so long as they remain 
in the possession of those who propose, not to consume, 
but to exchange them for other commodities or for pro- 
ductive services, and cease to be capital when they pass 
into the possession of those who will consume them; for 
in that transaction they pass from the stock of wealth 
held for the purpose of procuring other wealth, and pass 
into the stock of wealth held for purposes of gratifica- 
tion, irrespective of whether their consumption will aid 
in the production of wealth or not. Unless this distinc- 

*Thc words quoted are Ricardo's (Chap. II); but the idea if 
common in standard works. 



tion is preserved it is impossible to draw the line be- 
tween the wealth that is capital and the wealth that is 
not capital, even by remitting the distinction to the 
“mind of the possessor,” as does John Stuart Mill. For 
men do not eat or abstain, wear clothes or go naked, as 
they propose to engage in productive labor or not. They 
eat because they are hungry, and wear clothes because 
they would be uncomfortable without them. Take the 
food on the breakfast table of a laborer who will work 
or not that day as he gets the opportunity. If the dis- 
tinction between capital and non-capital be the support 
of productive labor, is this food capital or not? It is 
as impossible for the laborer himself as for any philoso- 
pher of the Ricardo-Mill school to tell. Nor yet car 
it be told when it gets into his stomach; nor, supposing 
that he does not get work at first, but continues the 
search, can it be told until it has passed into the blood 
and tissues. Yet the man will eat his breakfast all the 

But, though it "would be logically sufficient, it is hardly 
safe to rest here and leave the argument to turn on the 
distinction between wealth and capital. Nor is it neces- 
sary. It seems to me that the proposition that present 
labor must be maintained by the produce of past labor 
will upon analysis prove to be true only in the sense 
that the afternoon's labor must be performed by the 
aid of the noonday meal, or that before you eat the 
hare he must be caught and cooked. And this, mani- 
festly, is not the sense in which the proposition is used 
to support the important reasoning that is made to 
hinge upon it. That sense is, that before a work which 
will not immediately result in wealth available for sub- 
sistence can be carried on, there must exist such a stock 
of subsistence as will support the laborers during the 
process. Let us see if this be true: 

The canoe which Robinson Crusoe made with such 



Book I. 

infinite toil and pains was a production in which his 
labor could not j f ield an immediate return. But was it 
necessary that, before he commenced, he should accumu- 
late a stock of food sufficient to maintain him while he 
felled the tree, hewed out the canoe, and finally launched 
her into the sea? Not at all. It was necessary only 
that he should devote part of his time to the procure- 
ment of food while he was devoting part of his time to 
the building and launching of the canoe. Or supposing 
a hundred men to be landed, without any stock of pro- 
visions, in a new country'. Will it be necessary for them 
to accumulate a season’s stock of provisions before they 
can begin to cultivate the soil? Not at all. It will be 
necessary only that fish, game, berries, etc., shall be so 
abundant that the labor of a part of the hundred may 
suffice to furnish daily enough of these for the mainte- 
nance of all, and that there shall be such a sense of 
mutual interest, or such a correlation of desires, as shall 
lead those who in the present get the food to divide (ex- 
change) with those whose efforts are directed to future 

What is true in these case** is true in all cases. It is 
not necessary to the production of things that cannot be 
used as subsistence, or cannot be immediately utilized, 
that there should have been a previous production of 
the wealth required for the maintenance of the laborers 
while the production is going on. It is only necessary 
that there should be, somewhere within the circle of ex- 
change, a contemporaneous production of sufficient sub- 
sistence for the laborers, and a willingness to exchange 
this subsistence for the thing on which the labor is being 

And as a matter of fact, is it not true, in any normal 
condition of things, that consumption is supported by 
contemporaneous production? 

Here is a luxurious idler, who docs no productive work 



either with head or hand, but lives, we say, upon wealth 
which his father left him securely invested in govern- 
ment bonds. Does his subsistence, as a matter of fact, 
come from wealth accumulated in the past or from the 
productive labor that is going on around him? On his 
table are new-laid eggs, butter churned but a few days 
before, milk which the cow gave this morning, fish which 
twenty-four hours ago were swimming in the sea, meat 
which the butcher boy has just brought in time to be 
cooked, vegetables fresh from the garden, and fruit from 
the orchard — in short, hardly anything that has not re- 
cently left the hand of the productive laborer (for in 
this category must be included transporters and distribu- 
tors as well as those who are engaged in the first stages 
of production), and nothing that has been produced for 
any considerable length of time, unless it may be some 
bottles of old wine. What this man inherited from his 
father, and on which we say he lives, is not actually 
wealth at all, but only the power of commanding wealth 
as others produce it. And it is from this contemporane- 
ous production that his subsistence is drawn. 

The fifty square miles of London undoubtedly contain 
more wealth than within the same space anywhere else 
exists. Yet w'ere productive labor in London absolutely 
to cease, within a few- hours people would begin to die 
like rotten sheep, and within a few w r eeks, or at most 
a few months, hardly one would be left alive. For an 
entire suspension of productive labor would be a disaster 
more dreadful than ever yet befell a beleaguered city. 
It would not be a mere external wall of circumvallation, 
such as Titus drew r around Jerusalem, which w T ould pre- 
vent the constant incoming of the supplies on winch a 
great city lives, but it would be the drawing of a similar 
wall around each household. Imagine such a suspension 
of labor in any community, and you will see how true it 
is that mankind really live from hand to mouth; that 



Book I, 

it is the daily labor of the community that supplies the 
community with its daily bread. 

Just as the subsistence of the laborers who built the 
Pyramids was drawn not from a previously hoarded 
stock, but from the constantly recurring crops of the 
Nile Valley; just as a modern government when it un- 
dertakes a great work of years does not appropriate to 
it wealth already produced, but wealth’ yet to be pro- 
duced, which is taken from producers in taxes as the 
work progresses; so it is that the subsistence of the 
laborers engaged in production which does not directly 
yield subsistence comes from the production of sub- 
sistence in which others are simultaneously engaged. 

If we trace the circle of exchange by which work done 
in the production of a great steam engine secures to the 
worker bread, meat, clothes and shelter, we shall find 
that though between the laborer on the engine and the 
producers of the bread, meat, etc., there may be a thou- 
sand intermediate exchanges, the transaction, when re- 
duced to its lowest terms, really amounts to an exchange 
of labor between him and them. Now the cause which 
induces the expenditure of the labor on the engine is 
evidently that some one who has power to give what is 
desired by the laborer on the engine wants in exchange 
an engine — that is to say, there exists a demand for an 
engine on the part of those producing bread, meat, etc., 
or on the part of those who are producing what the pro- 
ducers of the bread, meat, etc., desire. It is this demand 
which directs the labor of the machinist to the produc- 
tion of the engine, and hence, reversely, the demand of 
the machinist for bread, meat, etc., really directs an 
equivalent amount of labor to the production of these 
things, and thus his labor, actually exerted in the pro- 
duction of the engine, virtually produces the things in 
which he expends his wages. 

Or, to formularize this principle: 



The demand ]or consumption determines the direction 
in which labor will be expended in production. 

This principle is so simple and obvious that it needs 
no further illustration, yet in its light all the complexi- 
ties of our subject disappear, and we thus reach the 
same view of the real objects and rewards of labor in 
the intricacies of modern production that we gained by 
observing in the first beginnings of society the simpler 
forms of production and exchange. We see that now, 
as then, each laborer is endeavoring to obtain by his ex- 
ertions the satisfaction of his own desires; we see that 
although the minute division of labor assigns to each 
producer the production of but a small part, or perhaps 
nothing at all, of the particular things he labors to get, 
yet, in aiding in the production of what other producers 
want, he is directing other labor to the production of 
the things he wants — in effect, producing them himself. 
And thus, if he make jack-knives and eat wheat, the 
wheat is really as much the produce of his labor as if 
he had grown it for himself and left wheat-growers to 
make their own jack-knives. 

We thus see how thoroughly and completely true it 
is, that in whatever is taken or consumed by laborers 
in return for labor rendered, there is no advance of 
capital to the laborers. If I have made jack-knives, 
and with the wages received have bought wheat, I have 
simply exchanged jack-knives for wheat — added jack- 
knives to the existing stock of wealth and taken wheat 
from it. And as the demand for consumption determines 
the direction in which labor will be expended in produc- 
tion, it cannot even be said, so long as the limit of wheat 
production has not been reached, that I have lessened 
the stock of wheat, for, by placing jack-knives in the 
exchangeable stock of wealth and taking wheat out, I 
have determined labor at the other end of a series of 



book /. 

exchanges to the production of wheat, just as the wheat 
grower, by putting in wheat and demanding jack-knives, 
determined labor to the production of jack-knives, as 
the easiest way by which wheat could be obtained. 

And so the man who is following the plow — though 
the crop for which he is opening the ground is not yet 
sown, and after being sown will take months to arrive at 
maturity — he is yet, by the exertion of his labor in plow- 
ing, virtually producing the food he eats and the wages 
he receives. For, though plowing is but a part of the 
operation of producing a crop, it is a part, and as neces- 
sary a part as harvesting. The doing of it is a step to- 
ward procuring a crop, which, by the assurance which it 
gives of the future crop, sets free from the stock con- 
stantly held the subsistence and wages of the plowman. 
This is not merely theoretically true, it is practically and 
literally true. At the proper time for plowing, let plow- 
ing cease. Would not the symptoms of scarcity at once 
manifest themselves without waiting for the time of the 
harvest? Let plowing cease, and would not the effect at 
once be felt in counting-room, and machine shop, and 
factory? Would not loom and spindle soon stand as idle 
as the plow? That this would be so, we see in the effect 
which immediately follows a bad season. Anri if this 
would be so, is not the man who plows really producing 
his subsistence and wages as much as though during the 
day or week his labor actually resulted in the things for 
which his labor is exchanged? 

A3 a matter of fact, where there is labor looking for 
employment, the want of capital does not prevent the 
owner of land which promises a crop for which there is 
a demand from hiring it. Either he makes an agree- 
ment to cultivate on shares, a common method in 
some parts of the United States, in which case the labor- 
ers, if they are without moans of subsistence, will, on the 
strength of the work they are doing, obtain credit at the 



nearest store; or, if he prefers to pay wages, the fanner 
will himself obtain credit, and thus the work done in 
cultivation is immediately utilized or exchanged as it 
is done. If anything more will be used up than would 
be used up if the laborers were forced to beg instead of 
to work (for in any civilized country during a normal 
condition of things the laborers must be supported any- 
how), it will be the reserve capital drawn out by the 
prospect of replacement, and which is in fact replaced 
bv the work as it is done. For instance, in the purely 
agricultural districts of Southern California there was 
in 1877 a total failure of the crop, and of millions of 
sheep nothing remained but their bones. In the great 
San Joaquin Valley were many farmers without food 
enough to support their families until the next harvest 
time, let alone to support any laborers. But the rains 
came again in proper season, and these very farmers 
proceeded to hire hands to plow and to sow. For even’ 
here and there was a farmer who had been holding back 
part of his crop. As soon as the rains came he was 
anxious to sell before the next harvest brought lower 
prices, and the grain thus held in reserve, through the 
machinery of exchanges and advances, passed to the 
use of the cultivators — set free, in effect produced, by 
the work done for the next crop. 

The series of exchanges which unite production and 
consumption may be likened to a curved pipe filled with 
water. If a quantity of water is poured in at one end, 
a like quantity is released at the other. It is not identi- 
cally the same water, but is its equivalent. And so 
they who do the work of production put in as they take 
out — they receive in subsistence and wages but the 
produce of their labor. 



It may now be asked, If capital is not required for 
the payment of wages or the support of labor during 
production, what, then, arc its functions? 

The previous examination has made the answer clear. 
Capital, as we have seen, consists of wealth used for the 
procurement of more wealth, as distinguished from 
wealth used for the direct satisfaction of desire; or, as 
I think it may be defined, of wealth in the course of 

Capital, therefore, increases the power of labor to pro- 
duce wealth: (1; By enabling labor to apply itself in 
more effective ways, as by digging up clams with a 
spade instead of the hand, or moving a vessel by shovel- 
ing coal into a furnace, instead of tugging at an oar. 
(2) By enabling labor to avail itself of the reproductive 
forces of nature, as to obtain com by sowing it, or ani- 
mals by breeding them. (3) By permitting the division 
of labor, and thus, on the one hand, increasing the 
efficiency of the human factor of wealth, by the utiliza- 
tion of special capabilities, the acquisition of skill, and 
the reduction of waste; and, on the other, calling in the 
powers of the natural factor at their highest, by taking 
advantage of the diversities of soil, climate and situa- 
tion, so as to obtain each particular species of wealth 
where nature is most favorable to its production. 

Capital does not supply the materials which labor 
works uo into wealth, as is erroneously taught; the 


Chap. V. 



materials of wealth are supplied by nature. But such 
materials partially worked up and in the course of 
exchange are capital. 

Capital does not supply or advance wages, as is erro- 
neously taught. Wages are that part of the produce of 
his labor obtained by the laborer. 

Capital does not maintain laborers during the progress 
of their work, as is erroneously taught. Laborers are 
maintained by their labor, the man who produces, in 
whole or in part, anything that will exchange for articles 
of maintenance, virtually producing that maintenance. 

Capital, therefore, does not limit industry, as is er- 
roneously taught, the only limit to industry being the 
access to natural material. But capital may limit the 
form of industry and the productiveness of industry, by 
limiting the use of tools and the division of labor. 

That capital may limit the form of industry is clear. 
Without the factory, there could be no factory opera- 
tives; without the sewmg machine, no machine sewing; 
without the plow*, no plowman ; and without a great capi- 
tal engaged in exchange, industry could not take the 
many special forms which are concerned with exchanges. 
It is also as clear that the wrant of tools must greatly 
limit the productiveness of industry. If the farmer 
must use the spade because he has not capital enough 
for a plow r , the sickle instead of the reaping machine, 
the flail instead of the thresher; if the machinist must 
rely upon the chisel for cutting iron; the weaver on the 
hand loom, and so on, the productiveness of industry 
cannot be a tithe of what it is w r hen aided by capital in 
the shape of the best tools now’ in use. Nor could the 
division of labor go further than the very rudest and 
almost imperceptible beginnings, nor the exchanges which 
make it possible extend beyond the nearest neighbors, 
unless a portion of the things produced w f ere constantly 
kept in stock or in transit. Even the pursuits of hunt- 



Book l 

ing y fishing, gathering nuts, and making weapons could 
not be specialized so that an individual could devote 
himself to any one, unless some part of w T hat was pro- 
cured by each was reserved from immediate consump- 
tion, so that he who devoted himself to the procurement 
of things of one kind could obtain the others as he 
wanted them, and could make the good luck of one day 
supply the shortcomings of the next. While to permit 
the minute subdivision of labor that is characteristic of, 
and necessary to, high civilization, a great amount of 
wealth of all descriptions must be constantly kept in 
stock or in transit. To enable the resident of a civilized 
community to exchange his labor at option with the 
labor of those around him and with the laber of men in 
the most remote parts of the globe, there must be stocks 
of goods in warehouses, in stores, in the holds of ships, 
and in railway cars, just as to enable the denizen of a 
great city to draw at will a cupful of water, there must 
be thousands of millions of gallons stored in reservoirs 
and moving through miles of pipe. 

But to say that capital may limit the form of industry 
or the productiveness of industry is a very different 
thing from saying that capital limits industry. For the 
dictum of the current political economy that ‘‘capital 
limits industry,” means not that capital limits the form 
of labor or the productiveness of labor, but that it limits 
the exertion of labor. This proposition derives its 
plausibility from the assumption that capital supplies 
labor with materials and maintenance — an assumption 
that we have seen to be unfounded, and which is indeed 
transparently preposterous the moment it is remembered 
that capital is produced by labor, and hence that there 
must be labor before there can be capital. Capital may 
limit the form of industry and the productiveness of in- 
dustry; but this is not to say that there could be no 
industry without capital, any more than it is to say 

Chap. V. 



that without the power loom there could be no weaving; 
without the sewing machine no sewing; no cultivation 
without the plow; or that in a community of one, like 
that of Robinson Crusoe, there could be no labor be- 
cause there could be no exchange. 

And to say that capital may limit the form and pro- 
ductiveness of industry is a different thing from saying 
that capital does. For the cases in wdiieh it can be truly 
said that the form of productiveness of the industry of 
a community is limited by its capital, will, I think, ap- 
pear upon examination to be more theoretical than real. 
It is evident that in such a countrv as Mexico or Tunis 
the larger and more general use of capital would greatly 
change the forms of industry and enormously increase 
its productiveness; and it is often said of such countries 
that they need capital for the development of their re- 
sources. But is there not something back of this — a 
want which includes the want of capital? Is it not the 
rapacity and abuses of government, the insecurity of 
property, the ignorance and prejudice of the people, that 
prevent the accumulation and use of capital? Is not 
the real limitation in these things, and not in the w^ant 
of capital, which would not be used even if placed 
there? We can, of course, imagine a community in which 
the want of capital would be the only obstacle to an 
increased productiveness of labor, but it is only by 
imagining a conjunction of conditions that seldom, if 
ever, occurs, except by accident or as a passing phase. 
A community in which capital has been swept away by 
war, conflagration, or convulsion of nature, and, possibly, 
a community composed of civilized people just settled 
in a new land, seem to me to furnish the only examples. 
Yet how quickly the capital habitually used is repro- 
duced in a community that has been swept by w f ar, has 
long been noticed, while the rapid production of the 



Book L 

capital it q an, or is disposed to use, is equally noticeable 
in the case of a new community. 

I am unable to think of any other than such rare and 
passing conditions in which the productiveness of labor 
is really limited by the want of capital. For, although 
there may be in a community individuals who from want 
of capital cannot apply their labor as efficiently as they 
would, yet so long as there is a sufficiency of capital in 
the community at large, the real limitation is not the 
want of capital, but the want of its proper distribution. 
If bad government rob the laborer of his capital, if un- 
just laws take from the producer the wealth with which 
he would assist production, and hand it over to those 
who are mere pensioners upon industry, the real limita- 
tion to the effectiveness of labor is in misgovernment. 
and not in want of capital. And so of ignorance, or 
custom, or other conditions which prevent the use of 
capital. It is they, not the want of capital, that really 
constitute the limitation. To give a circular saw to a 
Terra del Fuegan, a locomotive to a Bedouin Arab, or 
a sewing machine to a Flathead squaw, would not be to 
add to the efficiency of their labor. Neither does it 
seem possible by giving anything else to add to their 
capital, for any wealth beyond what they had been ac- 
customed to use as capital would be consumed or suffered 
to waste. It is not the want of seeds and tools that 
keeps the Apache and the Sioux from cultivating the 
soil. If provided with seeds and tools they would not 
use them productively unless at the same time restrained 
from wandering and taught to cultivate the soil. If all 
the capital of a London were given them in their present 
condition, it would simply cease to be capital, for they 
would only use productively such infinitesimal part as 
might assist in the chase, and would not even use that 
until all the edible part of the stock thus showered upon 
them had been consumed. Yet such capital a3 they do 


want they manage to acquire, and in some forms in spite 
of the greatest difficulties. These wild tribes hunt and 
fight with the best weapons that American and English 
factories produce, keeping up with the latest improve- 
ments. It is only as they became civilized that they 
would care for such other capital as the civilized state 
requires, or that it would be of any use to them. 

In the reign of George IV, some returning mission- 
aries took with them to England a New Zealand chief 
called Hongi. His noble appearance and beautiful 
tatooing attracted much attention, and when about to 
return to his people he was presented by the monarch 
and some of the religious societies with a considerable 
stock of tools, agricultural instruments, and seeds. The 
grateful New Zealander did use this capital in the pro- 
duction of food, but it was in a manner of which his 
English entertainers little dreamed. In Sydney, on his 
way back, he exchanged it all for arms and ammunition, 
with which, on getting home, he began war against an- 
other tribe wdth such success that on the first battle field 
three hundred of his prisoners were cooked and eaten, 
Hongi having preluded the main repast by scooping out 
and swallowing the eyes and sucking the w r arm blood of 
his mortally wounded adversary, the opposing chief.* 
But now’ that their once constant wars have ceased, and 
the remnant of the Maoris have largely adopted Euro- 
pean habits, there are among them many who have and 
use considerable amounts of capital. 

Likewise it would be a mistake to attribute the simple 
modes of production and exchange which are resorted 
to in new communities solely to a want of capital* 
These modes, which require little capital, are in them- 
selves rude and inefficient, but w’hen the conditions of 

* New Zealand and its Inhabitants. Rev. Richard Taylor* 
London, 1855. Chap. XXI. 



Book I. 

such communities are considered, they will be found in 
reality the most effective. A great factory with all the 
latest improvements is the most efficient instrument 
that has yet been devised for turning wool or cotton 
into cloth, but only so where large quantities are to 
be made. The cloth required for a little village could 
be made with far less labor by the spinning wheel and 
hand loom. A perfecting press will, for each man re- 
quired, print many thousand impressions while a man 
and a boy would be printing a hundred with a Stanhope 
or Franklin press; yet to work off the small edition of 
a country newspaper the old-fashioned press is by far 
the most efficient machine. To carry occasionally two 

V V 

or three passengers, a canoe is a better instrument than 
a steamboat; a few sacks of flour can be transported 
with less expenditure of labor by a pack horse than by 
a railroad train; to put a great stock of goods into a 
cross-roads store in the backwoods would be but to 
waste capital. And. generally, it will be found that the 
rude devices of production and exchange which obtain 
among the sparse populations of new countries result 
not - 
sistence as 1 . 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9 In two cent lines the popula- 
tion would be to the means of subsistence as 256 to 9, m three 
centuries, 4,096 to 13, and m two thousand years the difference 
would be almost incalculable. ” 

Such a result is of course prevented by the physical 
fact that no more people can exist than can find subsist- 
ence, and hence Malthus’ conclusion K that this tend- 
ency of population to indefinite increase imwt be held 
back either by moral restraint upon the reproductive 
faculty', or by the various causes which increase mor- 
tality, which he resolves into vice and misery. Such 
causes as prevent propagation he styles the preventive 
check; such causes as increase mortalitv he erv. And thus reforms which would 
interfere with the interests of any powerful class are 
discouraged as hopeless. As the moral law' forbids any 
forestalling of the methods by which the natural law 
gets rid of surplus population and thus holds in check 



Book 11 

a tendency to increase potent enough to pack the sur- 
face of the globe with human beings as sardines are 
packed in a box, nothing can really be done, either by 
individual or by combined effort, to extirpate poverty, 
save to trust to the efficacy of education and preach the 
necessity of prudence. 

A theory that, falling in with the habits of thought of 
the poorer classes, thus justifies the greed of the rich 
and the selfishness of the powerful, will spread quickly 
and strike its roots deep. This has been the case with 
the theory advanced by Malthus. 

And of late years the Malthusian theory has received 
new support in the rapid change of ideas as to the origin 
of man and the genesis of species. That Buckle was 
right in saying that the promulgation of the Malthusian 
theory marked an epoch in the history of speculative 
thought could, it seems to me, be easily shown; yet to 
trace its influence in the higher domains of philosophy, 
of which Buckle’s own work is an example, would, 
though extremely interesting, carry us beyond the scope 
of this investigation. But how much be reflex and how 
much original, the support which is given to the Malthu- 
sian theory by the new' philosophy of development, now 
rapidly spreading in every direction, must be noted in 
any estimate of the sources from which this theory de- 
rives its present strength. As in political economy, the 
support received from the doctrine of wages and the 
doctrine of rent combined to raise the Malthusian theory 
to the rank of a central truth, so the extension of similar 
ideas to the development of life in all its forms has the 
effect of giving it a still higher and more impregnable 
position. Agassiz, W'ho, to the day of his death, was a 
strenuous opponent of the new' philosophy, spoke of 
Darwinism a« “Malthus all over,” # and Darw'in himself 

* Addreaa before MaiwachusetU Stale Board of Agriculture, 
1872. Rej»ort U S. Department of Agriculture, 1873. 

Chap. /. 



says the struggle for existence “is the doctrine of Mal- 
thus applied with manifold force to the whole animal 
and vegetable kingdoms.” # 

It does not, however, seem to me exactly correct to 
say that the theory of development by natural selection 
or survival of the fittest is extended Malthusianism, for 
the doctrine of Malthus did not originally and does not 
necessarily involve the idea of progression. But this was 
soon added to it. McCullochf attributes to the “prin- 
ciple of increase” social improvement and the progress 
of tiie arts, and declares that the poverty that it engen- 
ders acts as a powerful stimulus to the development of 
industrv, the extension of science and the accumulation 
of wealth by the upper and middle classes, without which 
stimulus society would quickly sink into apathy and de- 
cay. What is this but the recognition in regard to 
human society of the developing effects of the “struggle 
for existence” and “survival of the fittest,” which we 
are now told on the authority of natural science have 
been the means which Nature has employed to bring 

forth all the infinitely diversified and wonderfully 

* * 

adapted forms which the teeming life of the globe as- 
sumes? What is it but the recognition of the force, 
which, seemingly cruel and remorseless, has yet in the 
course of unnumbered ages developed the higher from 
the lower type, differentiated the man and the monkey, 
and made the Nineteenth Century succeed the age of 

Thus commended and seemingly proved, thus linked 
and buttressed, the Malthusian theory — the doctrine 
that poverty is due to the pressure of population against 
subsistence, or, to put it in its other form, the doctrine 
that the tendency to increase in the number of laborers 
must always tend to reduce wages to the minimum on 

* Origin of Spocioa. Chap. Ill 

t Not* JV to Wealth of Nations 




which laborers can reproduce — is now generally accepted 
as an unquestionable truth, in the light of which social 
phenomena are to be explained, just as for ages the 
phenomena of the sidereal heavens were explained upon 
the supposition of the fixity of the earth, or the facts of 
geology upon that, of the literal inspiration of the Mosaic 
record. If authority were alone to be considered, for- 
mally to deny this doctrine would require almost as much 
audacity as that of the colored preacher who recently 
started out on a crusade against the opinion that the 
earth moves around the sun, for in one form or another, 
the Malthusian doctrine has received in the intellectual 
world an almost universal indorsement, and in the best 

as in the most common literature of the dav mav be seen 

•> « 

cropping out in every direction. It is indorsed by econo- 
mists and bv statesmen, bv historians and bv natural 

+ • » 

investigators; by social science congresses and by trade 

unions; bv churchmen and bv materialists; bv conferva- 

tives of the strictest sect and by the most radical of 

radicals. It is held and habitiiallv reasoned from bv 

* % 

many who never heard of Malthus and who have not 
the slightest idea of what his theory is. 

Nevertheless, as the grounds of the current theory of 
wages have vanished when subjected to a candid exami- 
nation, so, do I believe, will vanish the grounds of this, 
its twin. In proving that wages are not drawn from 
capital we have raised this Anteus from the earth. 



The general acceptance of the Malthusian theory and 
the high authority by which it is* indorsed have seemed 
to me to make it expedient to review its grounds and 
the causes which have conspired to give it such a domi- 
nating influence in the discussion of social questions. 

But when we subject the theory itself to the test of 
straightforward analysis, it will, I think, be found as 
utterly untenable as the current theory of wages. 

In the first place, the facts which are marshaled in 
support of this theory do not prove it, and the analogies 
do not countenance it. 

And in the second place, there are facts which con- 
clusively disprove it. 

I go to the heart of the matter in saying that there is 
no warrant, either in experience or analogy, for the as- 
sumption that there is any tendency in population to 
increase faster than subsistence. The facts cited to 
show this simply show that where, owing to the sparse- 
ness of population, as in new r countries, or where, owing 
to the unequal distribution of wealth, as among the 
poorer classes in old countries, human life is occupied 
with the physical necessities of existence, the tendency 
to reproduce is at a rate which would, were it to go on 
unchecked, some time exceed subsistence. But it is 
not a legitimate inference from this that the tendency 
to reproduce would show itself in the same force where 
population was sufficiently dense and wealth distributed 
with sufficient evenness to lift a whole community above 



the necessity of devoting their energies to a struggle foi 
mere existence. Nor can it be assumed that the tend- 
ency to reproduce, by causing poverty, must prevent 
the existence of such a community; for this, manifestly, 
would be assuming the very point at issue, and reason- 
ing in a circle. And even if it be admitted that the 
tendency to multiply must ultimately produce poverty, 
it cannot from this alone be predicated of existing pov- 
erty that it is due to this cause, until it be shown that 
there are no other causes which can account for it — a 
thing in the present state of government, laws, and 
customs, manifestly impossible. 

This is abundantly shown in the “Essay on Popula- 
tion” itself. This famous book, which is much oftener 
spoken of than read, is still well worth perusal, if only 
as a literary curiosity. The contrast between the merits 
of the book itself and the effect it has produced, or is at 
least credited with (for though Sir James Stewart, Mr. 
Townsend, and others, share with Malthus the glory of 
discovering "the principle of population,” it was the 
publication of the “Essay on Population” that brought 
it prominently forward), is, it seems to me, one of the 
most remarkable things in the history of literature; and 
it is easy to understand how Godwin, whose “Political 
Justice” provoked the “Essay on Population,” should 
until his old age have disdained a reply. It begins with 
the assumption that population tends to increase in a 
geometrical ratio, while subsistence can at best be made 
to increase only in an arithmetical ratio — an assumption 
just as valid, and no more so, than it would be, from the 
fact that a puppy doubled the length of his tail while 
he added so many pounds to his weight, to assert a geo- 
metric progression of tail and an arithmetical progres- 
sion of weight. And, the inference from the assumption 
is just such as Swift in satire might have credited to the 
savans of a previously dagless island, who. by bringing 

Chop, II. 



these two ratios together, might deduce the very “strik- 
ing consequence” that by the time the dog grew to a 
weight of fifty pounds his tail would be over a mile long, 
and extremely difficult to wag, and hence recommend 
the prudential check of a bandage as the only alterna- 
tive to the positive check of constant amputations. 
Commencing with such an absurdity, the essay includes 
a long argument for the imposition of a duty on the im- 
portation, and the payment of a bounty for the exporta- 
tion of corn, an idea that has long since been sent to the 
limbo of exploded fallacies. And it is marked through- 
out the argumentative portions by passages which show 
on the part of the reverend gentleman the most ridicu- 
lous incapacity for logical thought — as, for instance, 
that if wages were to be increased from eighteen pence 
or two shillings per day to five shillings, meat would 
necessarily increase in price from eight or nine pence to 
two or three shillings per pound, and the condition of 
the laboring classes would therefore not be improved, a 
statement to which I can think of no parallel so close as 
a proposition I once heard a certain printer gravely ad- 
vance — that because an author, whom he had known, 
was forty years old when he was twenty, the author 
must now be eighty years old because he (the printer) 
was forty. This confusion of thought does not merely 
crop out here and there; it characterizes the whole 
work.* The main body of the book is taken up with 
what is in reality a refutation of the theory which the 

*Malthus’ other works, though written after he became fam- 
ous, made no mark, and are treated with contempt even by 
those who find in the Essay a great discovery. The Encyclo- 
paedia Britannica, for instance, though fully accepting the Mal- 
thusian theory, says of Malthus’ Political Economy: “It is very 
ill arranged, and is in no respect either a practical or a scientific 
exposition of the subject. It is in great part occupied with an 
examination of parts of Mr. Ricardo’s peculiar doctrines, and 
with an inquiry into tbs nature and causes of value. Nothing. 


Be this S3 it may, the only continent which we can be 
sure now contains a larger population than ever before 
is Europe. But this is not true of all parts of Europe. 
Certainly Greece, the Mediterranean Islands, and Tur- 
key in Europe, probably Italy, and possibly Spain, have 
contained larger populations than now, and this may be 
likewise true of Northwestern and parts of Central and 
Eastern Europe. 

America also has increased in population during the 
time we know of it ; but this increase is not so great as is 
popularly supposed, some estimates giving to Peru alone 
at the time of the discovery a greater population than 
now exists on the whole continent of South America. 
And all the indications are that previous to the discov- 
ery the population of America had been declining 
What great nations have run their course, what empires 
have arisen and fallen in “that new world which is the 
old,” we can only imagine. But fragments of massive 
ruins yet attest a grander pre-Incan civilisation; amid 
the tropical forests of Yucatan and Central America are 
the remains of great cities forgotten ere the Spanish 
conquest; Mexico, as Cortes found it, showed the super- 
imposition of barbarism upon a higher social develop- 
ment, while through a great part of what is now the 
United States are scattered mounds which prove a once 
relatively dense population, and here and there, as in 
the Lake Superior copper mines, are traces of higher arts 

Mexico noticeable for its antiquities. Yet Hugo Fink, of Cor- 
dova, writing to the 8mithsonian Institution (Reports 1870), says 
there is hardly a foot in the whole State in which by excavation 
either a broken obsidian knife or a broken piece of (lottery is 
not found; that the whole country is intersected with parallel 
lines of stones intended to keep the earth from washing away 
m the rainy season, which show that even the very poorest land 
was put into requisition, and that it is impossible to resist the 
conclusion that the ancient population was at least as dense as 
it is at present in the most populous districts of Europe. 


than were known to the Indians with whom the whites 
came in contact. 

As to Africa there can be no question. Northern 
Africa can contain but a fraction of the population that 
it had in ancient times; the Nile Valley once held an 
enormously greater population than now, while south 
of the Sahara there is nothing to show increase within 
historic times, and widespiead depopulation was cer- 
tainly caused by the slave trade. 

As for Asia, which even now contains more than half 
the human race, though it is not much more than hali 
as densely populated as Europe, there are indications 
that both India and China once contained larger popu- 
lations than now, while that great breeding ground of 
men from which issued swarms that overran both coun- 
tries and sent great waves of people rolling upon Europe 
must have been once far more populous. But the most 
marked change is in Asia Minor, Syria, Babylonia, Per- 
sia, and in short that vast district which yielded to the 
conquering arms of Alexander. Where were once great 
cities and teeming populations are now squalid villages 
and barren wastes. 

It is somewhat strange that among all the theories 
that have been raised, that of a fixed quantity to human 
life on this earth has not been broached. It would at 
least better accord with historical facts than that of the 
constant tendency of population to outrun subsistence. 
It is clear that population has here ebbed and there 
flowed; its centers have changed; new nations have 
arisen and old nations declined ; sparsely settled districts 
have become populous and populous districts have lost 
their population; but as far back as we can go without 
abandoning ourselves wholly to inference, there is noth- 
ing to show continuous increase, or even clearly to show 
an aggregate increase from time to time. The advance 
of the pioneers of peoples has, so far as can discerxv 



Book ilm 

never been into uninhabited lands — their inarch has 
always been a battle with some other people previously 
in possession; behind dim empires vaguer ghosts of em- 
pire loom. That the population of the world must have 
had its small beginnings we confidently infer, for we 
know that there was a geologic era when human life 
could not have existed, and we cannot believe that men 
sprang up all at once, as from the dragon teeth sowed 
by Cadmus; yet through long vistas, where history, tra-* 
dition and antiquities shed a light that is lost in faint 
glimmers, we may discern large populations. And dur- 
ing these long periods the principle of population has not 
been strong enough fully to settle the world, or even so 
far as we can clearly see materially to increase its ag- 
gregate population. Compared with its capacities to 
support human life the earth as a whole is yet most 
sparsely populated. 

There is another broad, general fact which cannot fail 
to strike any one who, thinking of this subject, extends 
his view beyond modern society. Malthusianism predi- 
cates a universal law — that the natural tendency of 


population is to outrun subsistence. If there be such a 
law, it must, wherever population has attained a certain 
density, become as obvious as any of the great natural 
laws which have been everywhere recognized. How is 
it, then, that neither in classical creeds and codes, nor 
in those of the Jews, the Egyptians, the Hindoos* the 
Chinese, nor any of the peoples who have lived in close 
association and have built up creeds and codes, do we 
find any injunctions to the practice of the prudential re- 
straints of Malthus; but that, on the contrary, the wis- 
dom of the centuries, the religions of the world, have 
always inculcated ideas of civic and religious duty the 
very reverse of those which the current political econ- 
omy enjoins, and which Annie Besant is now trying 
to popularise in England? 


And it must be remembered that there have been so- 
cieties in which the community guaranteed to every 
member employment and subsistence. John Stuart Mill 
says (Book II, Chap. XII, Sec. 2), that to do this with- 
out state regulation of marriages and births, would be 
to produce a state of general misery and degradation. 
“These consequences,” he says, “have been so often and 
so clearly pointed out by authors of reputation that ig- 
norance of them on the part of educated persons is no 
longer pardonable.” Yet in Sparta, in Peru, in Para- 
guay, as in the industrial communities which appear 
almost everywhere to have constituted the primitive 
agricultural organization, there seems to have been an 
utter ignorance of these dire consequences of a natural 

Besides the broad, general facts I have cited, there 
are facts of common knowledge which seem utterly in- 
consistent with such an overpowering tendency to mul- 
tiplication. If the tendency to reproduce be so strong 
as Malthusianism supposes, how is it that families so 
often become extinct — families in which want is un- 
known? How is it, then, that when every premium is 
offered by hereditary titles and hereditary possessions, 
not alone to the principle of increase, but to the pres- 
ervation of genealogical knowledge and the proving up 
of descent, that in such an aristocracy as that of Eng- 
land, so many peerages should lapse, and the House of 
Lords be kept up from century to century only by fresh 

For the solitary example of a family that has sur- 
vived any great lapse of time, even though assured of 
subsistence and honor, we must go to unchangeable 
China. The descendants of Confucius still exist there, 
and enjoy peculiar privileges and consideration, form- 
ing, m fact, the only hereditary aristocracy. On the 
presumption that population tends to double every 


twenty-five years, they should, in 2,150 years after the 
death of Confucius, have amounted to 859,559,193,106,- 
709,670,198,710,528 souls. Instead of any such unimag- 
inable number, the descendants of Confucius, 2,150 
years after his death, in the reign of Kanghi numbered 
11,000 males, or say 22,000 souls. This is quite a dis- 
crepancy, and is the more striking when it is remem- 
bered that the esteem in which this family is held on 
account of their ancestor, “the Most Holy Ancient 
Teacher,” has prevented the operation of the positive 
check, while the maxims of Confucius inculcate any- 
thing but the prudential check. 

Yet, it may be said, that even this increase is a great 
one. Twenty-two thousand persons descended from a 
single pair in 2,150 years is far short of the Malthusian 
rate. Nevertheless, it is suggestive of possible over- 

But consider. Increase of descendants does not show 
increase of population. It could only do this when the 
breeding was in and in. Smith and his wife have a son 
and daughter, who marry respectively some one else’s 
daughter and son, and eafch have two children. Smith 
and his wife would thus have four grandchildren; but 
there would be in the one generation no greater number 
than in the other — each child would have four grand- 
parents. And supposing this process were to go on, the 
line of descent might constantly spread out into hun- 
dreds, thousands and millions; but in each generation of 
descendants there would be no more individuals than in 
any previous generation of ancestors. The web of gen- 
erations is like lattice-work or the diagonal threads in 
cloth. Commencing at any point at the top, the eye 
follows lines which at the bottom widely diverge; but 
beginning at any point at the bottom, the lines dn erge 
in the same way to the top. How many children a man 
may have is problematical. But that he had two par- 

Chap. 11. 



ents is certain, and that these again had two parents 
each is also certain. Follow this geometrical progres- 
sion through a few generations and see if it does not lead 
to quite as “striking consequences” as Mr. Malthus’ 
peopling of the solar systems. 

Bnt from such considerations as these let us advance 
'o a more definite inquiry. I assert that the cases com- 
monly cited as instances of over-population will not 
bear investigation. India, China, and Ireland furnish 
the strongest of these cases. In each of these countries, 
large numbers have perished by starvation and large 
classes are reduced to abject misery or compelled to 
emigrate. But is this really due to over-population? 

Comparing total population with total area, India and 
China are far from being the most densely populated 
countries of the world. According to the estimates of 
MM. Behm and Wagner, the population of India is but 
132 to the squ&re mile and that of China 119, whereas 
Saxony has a population of 442 to the square mile; Bel- 
gium 441; England 422; the Netherlands 291; Italy 234 
and Japan 233.* There are thus in both countries large 
areas unused or not fully used, but even in their more 
densely populated districts there can be no doubt that 
either could maintain a much greater population in a 
much higher degree of comfort, for in both countries is 
labor applied to production in the rudest and most in- 
efficient ways, and in both countries great natural re- 
sources are wholly neglected. This arises from no 

*1 take these figures from the Smithsonian Report for 1873, 
leaving out decimals. MM. Behm and Wagner put the popular 
tion of China at 446,500,000, though there are some who contend 
that it does not exceed 150,000,000. They put the population of 
Hither India at 206,225,580, giving 132.29 to the square mile; of 
Ceylon at 2,405,287 or 9736 to the square mile; of Further India 
at 21,018,062, or 27.94 to the square mile. They estimate the 
population of the world at 1,377,000,000, an average of 26.64 to 
the square mile. 



Book Ih 

innate deficiency in the people, for the Hindoo, as com- 
parative philology has shown, is of our own blood, and 
China possessed a high degree of civilization and the 
rudiments of the most important modem inventions 
when our ancestors were wandering savages. It arises 
from the form which the social organization has in both 
countries taken, which has shackled productive power 
and robbed industry of its reward. 

In India from time immemorial, the working classes 
have been ground down by exactions and oppressions 
into a condition of helpless and hopeless degradation. 
For ages and ages the cultivator of the soil has esteemed 
himself happy if, of his produce, the extortion of the 
strong hand left him enough to support life and furnish 
seed; capital could nowhere be safely accumulated or to 
any considerable extent be used to assist production ; all 
wealth that could be wrung from the people was in the 
possession of princes who were little better than robber 
chiefs quartered on the country, or in that of their 
fanners or favorites, and was wasted in useless or worse 
than useless luxury, while religion, sunken into an elab- 
orate and terrible superstition, tyrannized over the mind 
as physical force did over the bodies of men. Under 
these conditions, the only arts that could advance were 
those that ministered to the ostentation and luxury of 
the great. The elephants of the rajah blazed with gold 
of exquisite workmanship, and +he umbrellas that sym- 
bolized his regal power glittered with gems; but the 
plow of the ryot was only a sharpened stick. The ladies 
of the rajah's harem wrapped themselves in muslins so 
fine as to take the name of woven wind, but the tools of 
the artisan were of the poorest and rudest description 
and commerce could only be carried on, as it were, by 

Is it not clear that this tyranny and insecurity have 
produced the want and starvation of India; and not, as 

Chap. II. 



according to Buckle, the pressure of population upon 
subsistence that has produced the want, and the want 
the tyranny.* Says the Rev. William Tennant, a chap- 
lain in the service of the East India Company, writing 
in 1796, two years before the publication of the “Essay 
on Population : 9 ' 

"When we reflect upon the great fertility of Hindostan, it is 
amazing to consider the frequency of famine. It is evidently not 
owing to any stenlity of soil or climate; the evil must be traced 
to some political cause, and it requires but little penetration to 
discover it in the avarice and extortion of the various govern- 
ments. The great spur to industry, that of security, is taken 
away. Hence no man raises more grain than is barely sufficient 
for himself, and the first unfavorable season produces a famine. 

"The Mogul government at no period offered full security to 
the prince, still less to his vassals; and to peasants the most 
scanty protection of all. It was a continued tissue of violence 
and insurrection, treachery and punishment, under which neither 
commerce nor the arts could prosper, nor agriculture assume the 
appearance of a system. Its downfall gave rise to a state still 
more afflictive, since anarchy is worse than misrule. The Mo- 
hammedan government, wretched as it was, the European na- 
tions have not the merit of overturning. It fell beneath the 
weight of its own corruption, and had already been succeeded 
by the multifarious tyranny of petty chiefs, whose rignt to 
govern consisted in their treason to the state, and whose exac- 
tions on the peasants were as boundless as their avarice. The 
rents to government were, and, where natives rule, still are, 
levied twice a year by a merciless banditti, under the semblance 
of an army, who wantonly destroy or carry off whatever part 
of the produce may satisfy their caprice or satiate their avidity, 
after having hunted the ill-fated peasants from the villages to 
the woods. Any attempt of the peasants to defend their per* 
sons or property within the mud walls of their villages only 

i — — - - - - - - - — — - --- — — - — - — — ■ — 

♦History of Civilization. Vol. I, Chap. 2. In this chapter 
Buckle has collected a great deal of evidence of the oppression 
and degradation of the people of India from the most remote 
times, a condition which, blinded by the Malthusian doctrine 
he has accepted and made the cornerstone of his theory of the 
development of civilization, he attributes to the ease with which 
food can there be produced. 

A 16 


Book II 

calls for the more signal vengeance on those useful, but ill- 
fated mortals. They are then surrounded and attacked with 
musketry and field pieces till resistance ceases, when the sur- 
vivors are sold, and their habitations burned and leveled with 
the ground. Hence you will frequently meet with the ryots 
gathering up the scattered remnants of what had yesterday 
been their habitation, if fear has permitted them to return; 
but oftener the ruins are seen smoking, after a second visitation 
of this kind, without the appearance of a human being to inter- 
rupt the awful silence of destruction. This description does not 
apply to the Mohammedan chieftains alone; it is equally appli- 
cable to the Rajahs in the districts governed by Hindoos.”* 

To this merciless rapacity, which would have pro- 
duced want and famine were the population but one to 
a square mile and the land a Garden of Eden, suc- 
ceeded, in the first era of British rule in India, as merci- 
less a rapacity, backed by a far more irresistible 
power. Says Macaulay, in his essay on Lord Clive: 

“Enormous fortunes were rapidly accumulated at Calcutta, 
while millions of human beings were reduced to the extremity 
of wretchedness. They had been accustomed to live under 
tyranny, but never under tyranny like this. They found the 
little finger of the Company thicker than the loins of Surajah 
Dowlah. * * * It resembled the government of evil genii, 
rather than the government of human tyrants. Sometimes they 
submitted in patient misery. Sometimes they fled from the white 
man as their fathers had been used to fly from the Maharatta, 
and the palanquin of the English traveler was often 
tarried through silent villages and towns that the report of his 
approach had made desolate.” 

Upon horrors that Macaulay thus but touches, the 
vivid eloquence of Burke throws a stronger light — whole 
districts surrendered to the unrestrained cupidity of the 
worst of human kind, poverty-stricken peasants fiend- 
ishly tortured to compel them to give up their little 
hoards, and once populous tracts turned into deserts. 

* Indian Recreations. By Rev. Wm. Tennant. London, 1804, 
Vol. L Sec. XXXIX. 

Chap. 11. 



But the lawless license of early English rule has been 
long restrained. To all that vast population the strong 
hand of England has given a more than Roman peace; 
the just principles of English law have been extended by 
an elaborate system of codes and law officers designed to 
secure to the humblest of these abject peoples the rights 
of Anglo-Saxon freemen; the whole peninsula has been 
intersected- by railways, and great irrigation works hav*' 
been constructed. Yet, with increasing frequency 
famine has succeeded famine, 'raging with greater in- 
tensity over wider areas. 

Is not this a demonstration of the Malthusian theory? 
Does it not show that no matter how much the possibili- 
ties of subsistence are increased, population still con- 
tinues to press upon it? Does it not show, as Malthus 
contended, that, to shut up the sluices by which super- 
abundant population is carried off, is but to compel 
nature to open .new ones, and that unless the sources of 
human increase are checked by prudential regulation, 
the alternative of war is famine? This has been the 
orthodox explanation. But the truth, as may be seen in 
the facts brought forth in recent discussions of Indian 
affairs in the English periodicals, is that these famines, 
which have been, and are now, sweeping away their mil- 
lions, are no more due to the pressure of population 
upon the natural limits of subsistence than was the deso- 
lation of the Carnatic when Hyder Ali’s horsemen burst 
upon it in a whirlwind of destruction. 

The millions of India have bowed their necks beneath 
the yokes of many conquerors, but worst of all is the 
steady, grinding weight of English domination — a weight 
which is literally crushing millions out of existence, and, 
as shown by English writers, is inevitably tending to a 
most frightful and widespread catastrophe. Other con- 
querors have lived in the land, and, though bad and 
tyrannous in their rule, have understood and been un- 


derstood by the people; but India now is like a great 
estate owned by an absentee and alien landlord. A 
most expensive military and civil establishment is kept 
up, managed and officered by Englishmen who regard 
India as but a place of temporary exile; and an enor- 
mous sum, estimated as at least £20,000,000 annually, 
raised from a population where laborers are in many 
places glad in good times to work for l^fed. to 4d. a day, 
is drained away to England in the shape of remittances, 
pensions, home charges of the government, etc. — a trib- 
ute for which there is no return. The immense sums 
lavished on railroads have, as shown by the returns, 
been economically unproductive; the great irrigation 
works are for the most part costly failures. In large 
parts of India the English, in their desire to create a 
class of landed proprietors, turned over the soil in abso- 
lute possession to hereditary tax-gatherers, wlfo rack- 
rent the cultivators most mercilessly. In other parts, 
where the rent is still taken by the State in the shape 
of a land tax, assessments are so high, and taxes are 
collected so relentlessly, as to drive the ryots, who get 
but the most scanty living in good seasons, into the 
claws of money lenders, who are, if possible, even more 
rapacious than the zemindars. Upon salt, an article of 
prime necessity everywhere, and of especial necessity 
where food is almost exclusively vegetable, a tax of 
nearly twelve hundred per cent, is imposed, so that its 
various industrial uses are prohibited, and large bodies 
of the people cannot get enough to keep either them- 
selves or their cattle in health. Below the English offi- 
cials are a horde of native employees who oppress and 
extort. The effect of English law, with its rigid rules, 
and, to the native, mysterious proceedings, has been 
but to put a potent instrument of plunder into the hands 
of the native money lenders, from whom .the peasants 
are compelled to borrow on the most extravagant terms 

Chap. II. 



to meet their taxes, and to whom they are easily induced 
to give obligations of which they know not the meaning. 
“We do not care for the people of India,” writes Flor- 
ence Nightingale, *with what seems like a sob. “The 
saddest sight to be seen in the East — nay, probably in 
the world — is the peasant of our Eastern Empire.” And 
she goes on to show the causes of the terrible famines, 
in taxation which takes from the cultivators the very 
means of cultivation, and the actual slavery to which 
the ryots are reduced as “the consequences of our own 
law's;” producing in “the most fertile country in the 
world, a grinding, chronic semi-starvation in many places 
where what is called famine does not exist.” * “The 
famines which have been devastating India,” says H. M. 
Hyndman,t “are in the main financial famines. Men 
and women cannot get food, because they cannot save 
the money to buy it. Yet we are driven, so we say, to 
tax these people more.” And he shows how, even from 
famine stricken districts, food is exported in payment 
of taxes, and how the whole of India is subjected to a 
steady and exhausting drain, which, combined with the 
enormous expenses of government, is making the popu- 
lation year by year poorer. The exports of India con- 

*Miss Nightingale (The People of India, in “Nineteenth 
Century” for August, 1878) gives instances, which she says 
represent millions of cases, of the state of peonage to which the 
cultivators of Southern India have been reduced through the 
facilities afforded by the Civil Courts to the frauds and oppres- 
sions of money lenders and minor native officials. “Our Civil 
Courts are regarded as institutions for enabling the rich to grind 
the faces of the poor, and many are fain to seek a refuge from 
their jurisdiction within native territory,” says Sir David Wed-* 
derbum, in an article on Protected Princes in India, in a pre- 
vious (July) number of the same magazine, in which he also 
gives a native State, where taxation is* comparatively light, as 
an instance of the most prosperous population of India. 

t See articles in “Nineteenth Century” for October, 1878, ami 
March, 1879. 


gist almost exclusively of agricultural products. For at 
least one-third of these, as Mr. Hyndman shows, no re- 
turn whatever is received; they represent tribute — re- 
mittances made by Englishmen in India, or expenses 
of the English branch of the Indian government.* And 
for the rest, the return is for the most part government 
stores, or articles of comfort and luxury used by the 
English masters of India. He shows that the expenses 
of government have been enormously increased under 
Imperial rule; that the relentless taxation of a popula- 
tion so miserably poor that the masses are not more 
than half fed, is robbing them of their scanty means for 
cultivating the soil; that the number of bullocks (the 
Indian draft animal) is decreasing, and the scanty im- 
plements of culture being given up to money lenders, 
from whom “we, a business people, are forcing the culti- 
vators to borrow at 12, 24, 60 per cent.t to build and 
pay the interest on the cost of vast public works, which 
have never paid nearly five per cent.” Says Mr. Hynd- 
man: “The truth is that Indian society as a whole has 
been frightfully impoverished under our rule, and that 
the process is now going on at an exceedingly rapid 
rate” — a statement which cannot be doubted, in view 
of the facts presented not only by such writers as I have 
referred to, but by Indian officials themselves. The very 
efforts made by the government to alleviate famines 
do, by the increased taxation imposed, but intensify and 
extend their real cause. Although in the recent famine 

♦Prof. Fawcett, in a recent article on the Proposed Loans to 
India, calls attentions to such items aa £1,200 for outfit and 
passage of a member of the Governor General’s Council; £2,450 
for outfit and passage of Bishops of Calcutta and Bomba> . 

t Florence Nightingale says 100 per cent, is common, and even 
then the cultivator is robbed in ways which she illustrates. It 
is hardly necessary to say that these rates, like those of the 
pawnbroker, are not interest in the economic sense of the term. 

Chap. II. 



in Southern India six millions of people, it is estimated, 
perished of actual starvation, and the great mass of 
those who survived were actually stripped, yet the taxes 
were not remitted and the salt tax, already prohibitory 
to the great bulk of these poverty stricken people, was 
increased forty per cent., just as after the terrible Ben- 
gal famine in 1770 the revenue was actually driven up, 
by raising assessments upon the survivors and rigor- 
ously enforcing collection. 

In India now, as in India in past times, it is only the 
most superficial view that can attribute want and star- 
vation to pressure of population upon the ability of the 
land to produce subsistence. Could the cultivators re- 
tain their little capital — could they be released from the 
drain which, even in non-famine years, reduces great 
masses of them to a scale of living not merely below 
what is deemed necessary for the sepoys, but what Eng- 
lish humanity gives to the prisoners in the jails — reviv- 
ing industry, assuming more productive forms, would 
undoubtedly suffice to keep a much greater population. 
There are still in India great areas uncultivated, vast 
mineral resources untouched, and it is certain that the 
population of India does not reach, as within historical 
times it never has reached, the real limit of the soil to 
furnish subsistence, or even the point where this power 
begins to decline with the increasing drafts made upon 
it. The real cause of want in India has been, and yet 
i§, the rapacity of man, not the niggardliness of nature. 

What is true of India is true of China. Densely 
populated as China is in many parts, that the extreme 
poverty of the lower classes is to be attributed to causes 
similar to those which have operated in India, and not 
to too great population, is shown by many facts. In- 
security prevails, production goes on under the greatest 
disadvantages, and exchange is closely fettered. Where 
the government is a succession of squeezings, and secu- 



Book It 

rity for capital of any sort must be purchased of a man- 
darin; where men’s shoulders are the great reliance for 
inland transportation; where the junk is obliged to be 
constructed so as to unfit it for a sea-boat; where piracy 
is a regular trade, and robbers often march in regi- 
ments, poverty would prevail and the failure of a crop 
result in famine, no matter how sparse the population.* 
That China is capable of supporting a much greater 
population is shown not only by the great extent of un- 
cultivated land to which all travelers testify, but by the 
immense unworked mineral deposits which are there 
known to exist. China, for instance, is said to contain 
the largest and finest deposit of coal yet anywhere dis- 
covered. How much the working of these coal beds 
would add to the ability to support a greater popula- 
tion, may readily be imagined. Coal is not food, it is 
true; but its production is equivalent to the production 
of food. For, not only may coal be exchanged for food, 
as is done in all mining districts, but the force evolved 
by its consumption may be used in the production of 
food, or may set labor free for the production of food. 

• Neither in India nor China, therefore, can poverty 
and starvation be charged to the pressure of population 
against subsistence. It is not dense population, but the 
causes which prevent social organization from taking 
its natural development and labor from securing its full 
return, that keep millions just on the verge of starva- 
tion, and every now and again force millions beyond it. 
That the Hindoo laborer thinks himself fortunate to get 
a handful of rice, that the Chinese eat rats and puppies, 
is no more due to the pressure of population than it is 
due to the pressure of population that the Digger In- 
dians live on grasshoppers, or the aboriginal inhabitants 
of Australia eat the worms found in rotten wood. 

* The seat of recent famine ix\ China was not the most thickly 
settled districts. 

Chap. II, 



Let me be understood. I do not mean merely to say 
that India or China could, with a more highly developed 
civilization, maintain a greater population, for to this 
any Malthusian would agree. The Malthusian doctrine 
does not deny that an advance in the productive arts 
would permit a greater population to find subsistence. 
But the Malthusian theory affirms — and this is its es- 
sence — that, whatever be the capacity for production, 
the natural tendency of population is to come up with 
it, and, in the endeavor to press beyond it, to produce* 
to use the phrase of Malthus, that degree of vice and 
misery which is necessary to prevent further increase; 
so that as productive power is increased, population will 
correspondingly increase, and in a little time produce 
the same Results as before. What I say is this: that no- 
where is there any instance which will support this the- 
ory; that nowhere can want be properly attributed to 
the pressure of population against the power to procure* 
subsistence in the then existing degree of human knowl- 
edge; that everywhere the vice and misery attributed to 
over-population can be traced to the warfare, tyranny, 
and oppression which prevent knowledge from being 
utilized and deny the security essential to production. 
The reason why the natural increase of population does 
not produce want, we shall come to hereafter. The fac 
that it has not yet anywhere done so, is what we are 
now concerned with. This fact is obvious with regard 
to India and China. It will be obvious, too, wherever 
we trace to their causes the results which on superficial 
view are often taken to proceed from over-population. 

Ireland, of all European countries, furnishes the great 
stock example of over-population. The extreme pov- 
erty of the peasantry and the low rate of wages there 
prevailing, the Irish famine, and Irish emigration, are 
constantly referred to as a demonstration of the Mal- 
thusian theory worked out under the eyes of the civil- 



Book It 

used world. I doubt if a more striking instance can be 
cited of the power of a preaccepted theory to blind men 
as to the true relations of facts. The truth is, and it 
lies on the surface, that Ireland has never yet had a 
population which the natural powers of the country, in 
the existing state of the productive arts, could not have 
maintained in ample comfort. At the period of her 
greatest population (1840-45) Ireland contained some- 
thing over eight millions of people. But a very large 
proportion of them managed merely to exist — lodging in 
miserable cabins, clothed with miserable rags, and with 
but potatoes for their staple food. When the potato 
blight came, they died by thousands. But was it the 
inability of the soil to support so large a population 
that compelled so many to live in this miserable way, 
and exposed them to starvation on the failure of a 
single root crop? On the contrary, it was the same re- 
morseless rapacity that robbed the Indian ryot of the 
fruits of his toil and left him to starve where nature 
offered plenty. A merciless banditti of tax-gatherers 
did not march through the land plundering and tortur- 
•og, but the laborer was just as effectually stripped by 
as merciless a horde of landlords, among whom the soil 
had been divided as their absolute possession, regardless 
of any rights of those who lived upon it. 

Consider the conditions of production under which 
this eight million managed to live until the potato 
blight came. It was a condition to which the words 
used by Mr. Tennant in reference to India may as ap- 
propriately be applied — “the great spur to industry, that 
of security, was taken away.” Cultivation was for the 
most part carried on by tenants at will, who, even if the 
rack-rents which they were forced to pay had per- 
mitted them, did not dare to make improvements which 
would have been but the signal for an increase of rent. 
Labor was thus applied in the most inefficient and 

Zknp. U . 



wasteful manner, and labor was dissipated in aimless 
idleness that, with any security for its fruits, would 
have been applied unremittingly. But even under these 
conditions, it is a matter of fact that Ireland did more 
than support eight millions. For when her population 
was at its highest, Ireland was a food exporting coun- 
try. Even during the famine, grain and meat and 
butter and cheese were carted for exportation along 
roads lined with the starving, and past trenches into 
which the dead were piled. For these exports of food, 
or at least for a great part of them, there was no return. 
So far as the people of Ireland were concerned, the food 
thus exported might as well have been burned up or 
thrown into the sea, or never produced. It went not as 
an exchange, but as a tribute — to pay the rent of ab- 
sentee landlords; a levy wrung from producers by those 
who in no wise contributed to production. 

Had this food been left to those who raised it; had 
the cultivators of the soil been permitted to retain and 
use the capital their labor produced ; had security stimu- 
lated industry and permitted the adoption of economical 
methods, there would have been enough to support in 
bounteous comfort the largest population Ireland ever 
had, and the potato blight might have come and gone 
without stinting a single human being of a full meal. 
For it was not the imprudence “of Irish peasants,” as 
English economists coldly say, which induced them to 
make the potato the staple of their food. Irish emi- 
grants, when they can get other things, do not live upon 
the potato, and certainly in the United States the pru- 
dence of the Irish character, in endeavoring to lay by 
something for a rainy day, is remarkable. They lived 
on the potato, because rack-rents stripped everything 
else from them. The truth is, that the poverty and 
misery of Ireland have never been fairly attributable 
to over-population. 


McCulloch, writing in 1838, says, in Note IV to 
"Wealth of Nations:” 

“The wonderful density of population in Ireland* is the im- 
mediate cause of the abject poverty and depressed condition 
of the great bulk of the people. It is not too much to say that 
there are at present more than double the persons in Ireland it 
is, with its existing means of production, able either fully to 
employ or to maintain in a moderate state of comfort.” 

As in 1841 the population of Ireland was given as 
8,175,124, we may set it down in 1838 as about eight 
millions. Thus, to change McCulloch's negative into an 
affirmative, Ireland would, according to the over-popu- 
lation theory, have been able to employ fully and main- 
tain in a moderate state of comfort something less than 
four million persons. Now, in the early part of the 
preceding century, when Dean Swift wrote his "Modest 
Proposal,” the population of Ireland was about two 
millions. As neither the means nor the arts of produc- 
tion had perceptibly advanced in Ireland during the 
interval, then — if the abject poverty and depressed con- 
dition of the Irish people in 1838 were attributable to 
over-population — there should, upon McCulloch's own 
admission, have been in Ireland in 1727 more than full 
employment, and much more than a moderate state of 
comfort, for the whole two millions. Yet, instead of 
this being the case, the abject poverty and depressed 
condition of the Irish people in 1727 were such, that, 
with burning, blistering irony, Dean Swift proposed to 
relieve surplus population by cultivating a taste tor 
roasted babies, and bringing yearly to the shambles, as 
dainty food for the rich, 100,000 Irish infants! 

It is difficult for one who has been looking over the 
literature of Irish misery, as while writing this chapter 
I have been doing, to speak in decorous terms of the 
complacent attribution of Irish want and suffering to 
over-population which is to be found even in the works 

Chap. II, 



of such high-minded men as Mill and Buckle. I know 
of nothing better calculated to make the blood boil 
than the cold accounts of the grasping, grinding tyranny 
to which the Irish people have been subjected, and to 
which, and not to any inability of the land to support 
its population, Irish pauperism and Irish famine are 
to be attributed; and were it not for the enervating ef- 
fect which the history of the World proves to be every- 
where the result of abject poverty, it would be difficult 
to resist something like a feeling of contempt for a race 
who, stung by such wrongs, have only occasionally mur- 
dered a landlord! 

Whether over-population ever did cause pauperism 
and starvation, may be an open question; but the 
pauperism and starvation of Ireland can no more be at- 
tributed to this cause than can the slave trade be attrib- 
uted to the over-population of Africa, or the destruction 
of Jerusalem, to the inability of subsistence to keep pace 
with reproduction. Had Ireland been by nature a grove 
of bananas and bread-fruit, had her coasts been lined 
by the guano-deposits of the Chinchas, and the sun of 
lower latitudes warmed into more abundant life her 
moist soil, the social conditions that have prevailed 
there would still have brought forth poverty and star- 
vation. How could there fail to be pauperism and 
famine in a country where rack-rents wrested from the 
cultivator of the soil all the produce of his labor except 
just enough to maintain life in good seasons; where 
tenure at will forbade improvements and removed in- 
centive to any but the most wasteful and poverty- 
stricken culture; where the tenant dared not accumulate 
capital, even if he could get it, for fear the landlord 
would demand it in the rent; where in fact he was an 
abject slave, who, at the nod of a human being like him- 
self, might at any time be driven from his miserable 
mud cabin, a houseless, homeless, starving wanderer, 




forbidden even to pluck the spontaneous fruits of the 
earth, or to trap a wild hare to satisfy his hunger? No 
matter how sparse the population, no matter what the 
natural resources, are not pauperism and starvation 
necessary consequences in a land where the producers 
of wealth are compelled to work under conditions which 
deprive them of hope, of self-respect, of energy, of 
thrift; where absentee landlords drain away without 
return at least a fourth of the net produce of the soil, and 
when, besides them, a starving industry must support 
resident landlords, with their horses and hounds, agents, 
jobbers, middlemen and bailiffs, an alien state church 
to insult religious prejudices, fend an army of policemen 
and soldiers to overawe and hunt down any opposition 
to the iniquitous system? Is it not impiety far worse 
than atheism to charge upon natural laws misery so 

What is true in these three cases will be found upon 
examination true of all cases. So far as our knowledge 
of facts goes, we may safely deny that the increase of 
population has ever yet pressed upon subsistence in 
such a way as to produce vice and misery ; that increase 
of numbers has ever yet decreased the relative produc- 
tion of food. The famines of India, China, and Ireland 
can no more be credited to over-population than the 
famines of sparsely populated Brazil. The vice and 
misery that come of want can no more be attributed to 
the niggardliness of Nature than can the six millions 
slain by the sword of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane’s pyra- 
mid of skulls, or the extermination of the ancient 
Britons or of the aboriginal inhabitants of the West 



If we turn from an examination of the facts brought 
forward in illustration of the Malthusian theory to con- 
sider the analogies by which it is supported, we shall 
find the same inconclusiveness. 

The strength of the reproductive force in the animal 
and vegetable kingdoms — such facts as that a single 
pair of salmon might, if preserved from their natural 
enemies for a few years, fill the ocean; that a pair of 
rabbits would, under the same circumstances, soon over- 
run a continent; that many plants scatter their seeds by 
the hundred fold, and some insects deposit thousands 
of eggs; and that everywhere through these kingdoms 
each species constantly tends to press, and when not 
limited by the number of its enemies, evidently does 
press, against the limits of subsistence — is constantly 
cited, from Malthus down to the text-books of the 
present day, as showing that population likewise tends 
to press against subsistence, and, when unrestrained by 
other means, its natural increase must necessarily result 
in such low wages and want, or, if that will not suffice, 
and the increase still goes on, in such actual starvation, 
as will keep it within the limits of subsistence. 

But is this analogy valid? It is from the vegetable 
and animal kingdoms that man’s food is drawn, and 
hence the greater strength of the reproductive force in 
the vegetable and animal kingdoms than in man simply 
proves the power of subsistence to increase faster than 




Book JL 

population. Does not the fact that all of the things 
which furnish man’s subsistence have the power to mul- 
tiply many fold — some of them many thousand fold, 
and some of them many million or even billion fold — 
while he is only doubling his numbers, show that, let 
human beings increase to the full extent of their re- 
productive power, the increase of population can never 
exceed subsistence? This is clear when it is remem- 
bered that though in the vegetable and animal king- 
doms each species, by virtue of its reproductive power, 
naturally and necessarily presses against the conditions 
which limit its further increase, yet these conditions 
are nowhere fixed and final. No species reaches the 
ultimate limit of soil, water, air, and sunshine; but the 
actual limit of each is in the existence of other species, 
its rivals, its enemies, or its food. Thus the conditions 
which limit the existence of such of these species as 
afford him subsistence man can extend (in some cases 
his mere appearance will extend them), and thus the 
reproductive forces of the species which supply his 
wants, instead of wasting themselves against their for- 
mer limit, start forward in his service at a pace which 
his powers of increase cannot rival. If he but shoot 
hawks, food-birds will increase; if he but trap foxes 
the wild rabbits will multiply; the honey bee moves 
with the pioneer, and on the organic matter with which 
man’s presence fills the rivers, fishes feed. 

Even if any consideration of final causes be excluded; 
even if it be not permitted to suggest that the high and 
constant reproductive force in vegetables and animals 
has been ordered to enable them to subserve the uses 
of man, and that therefore the pressure of the lower 
forms of life against subsistence does not tend to show 
that it must likewise be so with man, “the roof and 
crown of things;” yet there still remains a distinction 
between man and all other forms of life that destroys 

Chap. 111. 



the analogy. Of all living things, man is the only 
who can give play to the reproductive forces, more 
powerful than his own, which supply him with food. 
Beast, insect, bird, and fish take only what they find. 
Their increase is at the expense of their food, and when 
they have reached the existing limits of food, their food 
must increase before they can increase. But unlike that 
of any other living thing, the increase of man involves 
the increase of his food. If bears instead of men had 
been shipped from Europe to the North American con- 
tinent, there would now be no more bears than in the 
time of Columbus, and possibly fewer, for bear food 
would not have been increased nor the conditions of 
bear life extended, by the bear immigration, but prob- 
ably the reverse. But within the limits of the United 
States alone, there are now forty-fivq millions of men 
where then there were only a few hundred thousand, 
and yet there is now within that territory much more 
food per capita for the forty-five millions than there 
was then for the few hundred thousand. It is not the 
increase of food that has caused this increase of men; 
but the increase of men that has brought about the in- 
crease of food. There is more food, simply because 
there are more men. 

Here is a difference between the animal and the man. 
Both the jay-hawk and the man eat chickens, but the 
more jay-hawks the fewer chickens, while the more men 
the more chickens. Both the seal and the man eat 
salmon, but when a seal takes a salmon there is a 
salmon the less, and were seals to increase past a certain 
point salmon must diminish ; while by placing the 
spawn of the salmon under favorable conditions man 
can so increase the number of salmon as more than to 
make up for all he may take, and thus, no matter how 
much men may increase, their increase need never out- 
run the supply of salmon. 



Book II. 

In short, while all through the vegetable and animal 
kingdoms the limit of subsistence is independent of the 
thing subsisted, with man the limit of subsistence is, 
within the final limits of earth, air, water, and sunshine, 
dependent upon man himself. And this being the case, 
the analogy which it is sought to draw between the 
lower forms of life and man manifestly fails. While 
vegetables and animals do press against the limits of 
subsistence, man cannot press against the limits of his 
subsistence until the limits of the globe are reached. 
Observe, this is not merely true of the whole, but of 
all the parts. As we cannot reduce the level of the 
smallest bay or harbor without reducing the level not 
merely of the ocean with which it communicates, but 
of all the seas and oceans of the world, so the limit of 
subsistence in any particular place is not the ph sica > 
limit of that place, but the physical limit of the globe. 
Fifty square miles of soil will in the present state of the 
productive arts yieH subsistence for only s~me thou- 
sands of people, but on the fifty square n les which 
comprise the city of London some three and a half 
millions of people are maintained, and subsistence in- 
creases as population increases. So far as the limit of 
subsistence is concerned, London may grow to a popu- 
lation of a hundred millions, or five hundred millions, or 
a thousand millions, for she draws for subsistence upon 
the whole globe, and the limit which subsistence sets to 
her growth in population is the limit of the globe to 
furnish food for its inhabitants. 

But here will arise another idea from which the Mal- 
thusian theory derives great support — that of the di- 
minishing productiveness of land. As conclusively 
proving the law ot diminishing productiveness it is said 
in the current treatises that were it not true that be- 
yond a certain point land yields less and less to addi- 
tional applications of labor and capital, increasing 

Chap. III. 



population would not cause any extension of cultiva- 
tion, but that all the increased supplies needed could 
and would be raised without taking into cultivation any 
fresh ground. Assent to this seems to involve assent to 
the doctrine that the difficulty of obtaining subsistence 
must increase with increasing population. 

But I think the necessity is only in seeming. If the 
proposition be analyzed it will be seen to belong to a 
class that depend for validity upon an implied or sug- 
gested qualification — a truth relatively, which taken ab- 
solutely becomes a non-truth. For that man cannot 
exhaust or lessen the powers of nature follows from the 
indestructibility of matter and the persistence of force. 
Production and consumption are only relative terms. 
Speaking absolutely, man neither produces nor con- 
sumes. The whole human race, were they to labor to 
infinity, could not make this rolling sphere one atom 
heavier or one atom lighter, could not add to or dimin- 
ish by one iota the sum of the forces whose everlasting 
circling produces all motion and sustains all life. As 
the water that we take from the ocean must again re- 
turn to the ocean, so the food we take from the reser- 
voirs of nature is, from the moment we take it, on its 
way back to those reservoirs. What we draw from a 
limited extent of land may temporarily reduce the pro- 
ductiveness of that land, because the return may be 
to other land, or may be divided between that land and 
other land, or, perhaps, all land; but this possibility 
lessens with increasing area, and ceases when the whole 
globe is considered. That the earth could maintain a 
thousand billions of people as easily as a thousand mil- 
lions is a necessary deduction from the manifest truths 
that, at least so far as our agency is concerned, matter 
is eternal and force must forever continue to act. Life 
does not use up the forces that maintain life. We come 
into the material universe bringing nothing; we take 



Book II. 

Qothing away when we depart. The human being, 
physically considered, is but a transient form of mat- 
ter, a changing mode of motion. The matter remains 
and the force persists. Nothing is lessened, nothing is 
weakened. And from this it follows that the limit to 
the population of the globe can be only the limit of 
space. % 

Now this limitation of space — this danger that the 
human race may increase beyond the possibility of find- 
ing elbow room — is so far off as to have for us no more 
practical interest than the recurrence of the glacial 
period or the final extinguishment of the sun. Yet re- 
mote and shadowy as it is, it is this possibility which 
gives to the Malthusian theory its apparently self-evi- 
dent character. But if we follow it, even this shadow 
will disappear. It, also, springs from a false analogy. 
That vegetable and animal life tend to press against the 
limits of space does not prove the same tendency in 
human life. 

Granted that man is only a more highly developed 
animal ; that the ring-tailed monkey is a distant relative 
who has gradually developed acrobatic tendencies, and 
the hump-backed whale a far-off connection who in 
early life took to the sea — granted that back of these 
he is kin to the vegetable, and is still subject to the 
same laws as plants, fishes, birds, and beasts. Yet there 
is still this difference between man and all other animals 
— he is the only animal whose desires increase as they 
are fed; the only animal that is never satisfied. The 
wants of every other living thing are uniform and fixed. 
The ox of to-day aspires to no more than did the ox 
when man first yoked him. The sea gull of the English 
Channel, who poises himself above the swift steamer, 
wants no better food or lodging than the gulls who 
circled round as the keels of Caesar's galleys first grated 
on a British beach. Of all that nature offers them, be 

Chap . III. 



it ever so abundant, all living things save man can take, 
and care for, only enough to supply wants which are 
definite and fixed. The only use they can make of addi- 
tional supplies or additional opportunities is to mul- 

But not so with man. No sooner are Lis animal wants 
satisfied than new wants arise. Food he wants first, 
as does the beast; shelter next, as does the beast; and 
these given, his reproductive instincts assert their sway, 
as do those of the beast. But here man and beast 
part company. The beast never goes further; the man 
has but set his feet on the first step of an infinite pro- 
gression — a progression upon which the beast never 
enters; a progression away from and above the beast. 

The demand for quantity once satisfied, he seeks 
quality. The very desires that he has in common with 
the beast become extended, refined, exalted. It is not 
merely hunger, "but taste, that seeks gratification in 
food; in clothes, he seeks not merely comfort, but 
adornment; the rude shelter becomes a house; the un- 
discriminating sexual attraction begins to transmute 
itself into subtile influences, and the hard and common 
stock of animal life to blossom and to bloom into shapes 
of delicate beauty. As power to gratify his wants in- 
creases, so does aspiration grow. Held down to lower 
levels of desire, Lucullus will sup with Lucullus; twelve 
boars turn on spits that Antony’s mouthful of meat may 
be done to a turn; every kingdom of Nature be ran- 
sacked to add to Cleopatra’s charms, and marble colon- 
nades and hanging gardens and pyramids that rival the 
hills arise. Passing into higher forms of desire, that 
which slumbered in the plant and fitfully stirred in the 
beast, awakes in the man. The eyes of the mind are 
opened, and he longs to know. He Braves the scorch- 
ing heat of the desert and the icy blasts of the polar 
sea, but not for food; he watches all night, but it is to 



Book It 

trace the circling of the eternal stars. He adds toil to 
toil, to gratify a hunger no animal has felt; to assuage 
a thirst no beast can know. 

Out upon nature, in upon himself, back through the 
mists that shroud the past, forward into the darkness 
that overhangs the future, turns the restless desire that 
arises when the animal wants slumber in satisfaction. 
Beneath things, he seeks the law; he would know how 
the globe was forged and the stars were hung, and 
trace to their origins the springs of life. And, then, as 
the man develops his nobler nature, there arises the 
desire higher yet — the passion of passions, the hope of 
hopes — the desire that he, even he, may somehow aid 
in making life better and brighter, in destroying want 
and sin, sorrow and shame. He masters and curbs the 
animal; he turns his back upon the feast and renounces 
the place of power; he leaves it to others to accumulate 
wealth, to gratify pleasant tastes, to bask themselves 
in the warm sunshine of the brief day. He works for 
those he never saw and never can see; for a fame, or 
maybe but for a scant justice, that can only come long 
After the clods have rattled upon his coffin lid. He toils 
in the advance, where it is cold, and there is little cheer 
from men, and tKe stones are sharp and the brambles 
thick. Amid the scoffs of the present and the sneers 
that stab like knives, he builds for the future; he cuts 
the trail that progressive humanity may hereafter 
broaden into a highroad. Into higher, grander spheres 
desire mounts and beckons, and a star that rises in the 
east leads him on. Lo! the pulses of the man throb with 
the yearnings of the god — he would aid in the process 
of the suns! 

Is not the gulf too wide for the analogy to span? 
Give more food, open fuller conditions of life, and the 
vegetable or animal can but multiply; the man will de- 
velop. In the one the expansive force can but extend 

Chap. 111. 



existence in new numbers; in the other, it will inevi- 
tably tend to extend existence in higher forms and wider 
powers. Man is an animal; but he is an animal plus 
something else. He is the mythic earth-tree, whose 
roots are in the ground, but whose topmost branches 
may blossom in the heavens 1 

Whichever way it be turned, the reasoning by which 
this theory of the constant tendency of population to 
press against the limits of subsistence is supported shows 
an unwarranted assumption, an undistributed middle, 
as the logicians would say. Facts do not warrant it, 
analogy does not countenance it. It is a pure chimera 
of the imagination, such as those that for a long time 
prevented men from recognizing the rotundity and mo- 
tion of the earth. It is just such a theory as that under- 
neath us everything not fastened to the earth must fall 
off; as that a ball dropped from the mast of a ship in 
motion must f$ll behind the mast; as that a live fish 
placed in a vessel full of water will displace no water. 
It is as unfounded, if not as grotesque, as an assump- 
tion we can imagine Adam might have made had he 
been of an arithmetical turn of mind and figured on 
the growth of his first baby from the rate of its early 
months. From the fact that at birth it weighed ten 
pounds and in eight months thereafter twenty pounds, 
he might, with the arithmetical knowledge which some 
sages have supposed him to possess, have ciphered out 
a result quite as striking as that of Mr. Malthus; 
namely, that by the time it got to be ten years old it 
would be as heavy as an ox, at twelve as heavy as an 
elephant, and at thirty would weigh no less than 
175,716,339,548 tons. 

The fact is, there is no more reason for us to trouble 
ourselves about the pressure of population upon sub- 
sistence than there was for Adam to worry himself 
about the rapid growth of his baby. So far as an in- 



Book II. 

ference is really warranted by facts and suggested by 
analogy, it is that the law of population includes such 
beautiful adaptations as investigation has already 
shown in other natural laws, and that we are no more 
warranted in assuming that the instinct of reproduc- 
tion, in the natural development of society, tends to 
produce misery and vice, than we should be in assuming 
that the force of gravitation must hurl the moon to the 
earth and the earth to the sun, or than in assuming from 
the contraction of water with reductions of tempera- 
ture down to thirty-two degrees that rivers and lakes 
must freeze to the bottom with every frost, and the 
temperate regions of earth be thus rendered uninhabit- 
able by even moderate winters. That, besides the posi- 
tive and prudential checks of Malthus, there is a third 
check which comes into play with the elevation of the 
standard of comfort and the development of the intel- 
lect, is pointed to by many well-known facts. The 
proportion of births is notoriously greater in new settle- 
ments, where the struggle with nature leaves little 
opportunity for intellectual life, and among the poverty- 
bound classes of older countries, who in the midst of 
wealth are deprived of all its advantages and reduced 
to all but an animal existence, than it is among the 
classes to whom the increase of wealth has brought 
independence, leisure, comfort, and a fuller and more 
varied life. This fact, long ago recognized in the 
homely adage, “a rich man for luck, and a poor man 
for children,” was noted by Adam Smith, who says it 
is not uncommon to find a poor half -starved Highland 
woman has been the mother of twenty-three or twenty- 
four children, and is everywhere so clearly perceptible 
that it is only necessary to allude to it. 

If the real law of population is thus indicated, as I 
think it must be, then the tendency to increase, instead 
of being always uniform, is strong where a greater popu- 

Chap. III. 



lation would give increased comfort, and where the 
perpetuity of the race is threatened by the mortality 
induced by adverse conditions; but weakens just as the 
higher development of the individual becomes possible 
and the perpetuity of the race is assured. In other 
words, the law of population accords with and is sub- 
ordinate to the law of intellectual development, and any 
danger that human beings may be brought into a world 
where they cannot be provided for arises not from the 
ordinances of nature, but from ‘social mal-adjustments 
that in the midst of wealth condemn men to want. The 
truth of this will, I think, be conclusively demonstrated 
when, after having cleared the ground, we trace out the 
true laws of social growth. But it would disturb the 
natural order of the argument to anticipate them now. 
If I have succeeded in maintaihing a negative — in show- 
ing that the Malthusian theory is not proved by the 
reasoning by which it is supported — it is enough for 
the present. In the next chapter I propose to take the 
affirmative and show that it is disproved by facts. 



So deeply rooted and thoroughly entwined with th(, 
reasonings of the current political economy is this doc^ 
trine that increase of population tends to reduce wage*? 
and produce poverty, go completely does it harmonize? 
with many popular notions, and so liable is it to recur 
in different shapes, that I have thought it necessary to 
meet and show in some detail the insufficiency of the 
arguments by which it is supported, before bringing it 
to the test of facts; for the general acceptance of this 
theory adds a most striking instance to the many which 
the history of thought affords of how easily men ignore 
facts when blindfolded by a preaccepted theory. 

To the supreme and final test of facts we can easily 
•bring this theory. Manifestly the question whether in- 
crease of population necessarily tends to reduce waged 
and cause want, is simply the question whether it tends 
to reduce the amount of wealth that can be produced by 
a given amount of labor. 

This is what the current doctrine holds. The ac- 
cepted theory is, that the more that is required from 
nature the less generously does she respond, so that 
doubling the application of labor will not double the 
product; and hence, increase of population must tend 
to reduce wages and deepen poverty, or, in the phrase 
of Malthus, must result in vice and misery. To quote 
the language of John Stuart Mill: 

"A greater number of people cannot, in any given state oi 
civilisation, be collectively so well provided for as a smaller. 



The niggardliness of nature, not the injustice of society, is the 
cause of the penalty attached to over-population. An unjust 
distnbution of wealth does not aggravate the evil, but, at most, 
causes it to be somewhat earlier felt. It is in vain to say that all 
mouths which the increase of mankind calls into existence bring 
with them hands. The new mouths require as much food as 
the old ones, and the hands do not produce as much. If all in- 
struments of production were held in joint property by the 
whole people, and the produce divided with perfect equality 
among them, and if in a society thus constituted, industry were 
as energetic and the produce as ample as at the present time, 
there would be enough to make "all the existing population 
extremely comfortable; but when that population had doubled 
itself, as, with existing habits of the people, under such an 
encouragement, it undoubtedly would in little more than twenty 
years, what would then be their condition? Unless the arts 
of production were in the same time improved in an almost un- 
exampled degree, the inferior soils ffhich must be resorted to, 
and the more laborious and scantily remunerative cultivation 
which must be employed on the superior soils, to procure food 
for so much larger a population, would, by an insuperable 
necessity, render every individual in the community poorer than 
oefore. If the population continued to increase at the same rate, 
a time would soon arrive when no one would have more than 
mere necessaries, and, soon after, a time when no one would have 
a sufficiency of those, and the further increase of population 
would be arrested by death.” * 

All this I deny. I assert that the very reverse of 
these propositions is true. I assert that in any given 
state of civilization a greater number of people can col- 
lectively be better provided for than a smaller. I assert 
that the injustice of society, not the niggardliness of 
nature, is the cause of the want and misery which the 
current theory attributes to over-population. I assert 
that the new mouths which an increasing population 
calls into existence require no more food than the old 
ones, while the hands they bring with them can in the 
natural order of things produce more. I assert that, 
other things being equal, the greater the population, the 

* Principles of Political Economy, Book I, Chap. XIII, Sec. 2. 



Book 11. 

greater the comfort which an equitable distribution of 
wealth would give to each individual. I assert that in 
a state of equality the natural increase of population 
would constantly tend to make every individual richer 
instead of poorer. 

I thus distinctly join issue, and submit the question 
to the test of facts. 

But observe (for even at the risk of repetition I wish 
to warn the reader against a confusion of thought that 
is observable even in writers of great reputation), that 
the question of fact into which this issue resolves itself 
is not in what stage of population is most subsistence 
produced? but in what stage of population is there ex- 
hibited the greatest power of producing wealth? For 
the power of producing wealth in any form is the power 
of producing subsistence — and the consumption of 
wealth in any form, or of wealth-producing power, is 
equivalent to the consumption of subsistence. I have, 
for instance, some money in my pocket. With it I may 
buy either food or cigars or jewelry or theater tickets, 
and just as I expend my money do I determine labor to 
the production of food, of cigars, of jewelry, or of 
theatrical representations. A set of diamonds has a 
value equal to so many barrels of flour — that is to 
say, it takes on the average as much labor to produce 
the diamonds as it would to produce so much flour. If 
I load my wife with diamonds, it is as much an exertion 
of subsistence-producing power as though I had devoted 
so much food to purposes of ostentation. If I keep a 
footman, I take a possible plowman from the plow. The 
breeding and maintenance of a race-horse require care 
and labor which would suffice for the breeding and 
maintenance of many work-horses. The destruction 
of wealth involved in a general illumination or the firing 
of a salute is equivalent to the burning up of so much 
food; the keeping of a regiment of soldiers, or of a war- 



ship and her crew, is the diversion to unproductive uses 
of labor that could produce subsistence for many thou- 
sands of people. Thus the power of any population to 
produce the necessaries of life is not to be measured by 
the necessaries of life actually produced, but by the 
expenditure of power in all modes. 

There is no necessity for abstract reasoning. The 
question is one of simple fact. Does the relative power 
of producing wealth decrease with the increase of popu- 

The facts are so patent that it is only necessary to 
call attention to them. We have, in modern times, seen 
many communities advance in population. Have they 
not at the same time advanced even more rapidly in 
wealth? We see many communities still increasing in 
population. Are they not also increasing their wealth 
still faster? Is there any doubt that while England has 
been increasing her population at the rate of two per 
cent, per annum, her wealth has been growing in still 
greater proportion? Is it not true that while the popu- 
lation of the United States has been doubling every 
twenty-nine* years her wealth has been doubling at 
much shorter intervals? Is it not true that under sim- 
ilar conditions — that is to say, among communities of 
similar people in a similar stage of civilization — the 
most densely populated community is also the richest? 
Are not the more densely populated Eastern States 
richer in proportion to population than the more 
sparsely populated Western or Southern States? Is not 
England, where population is even denser than in the 
Eastern States of the Union, also richer in proportion? 
Where will you find wealth devoted with the most 
lavishness to non-productive use — costly buildings, fine 
furniture, luxurious equipages, statues, pictures, pleasure 


gardens and yachts? Is it not where population is 
densest rather than where it is sparsest? Where will 
you find in largest proportion those whom the general 
production suffices to keep without productive labor on 
their part — men of income and of elegant leisure, 
thieves, policemen, menial servants, lawyers, men of 
letters, and the like? Is it not where population is 
dense rather than where it is sparse? Whence is it that 
capital overflows for remunerative investment? Is it 
not from densely populated countries to sparsely popu- 
lated countries? These things conclusively show that 
wealth is greatest where population is densest; that the 
production of wealth to a given amount of labor in- 
creases as population increases. These things are ap- 
parent wherever we turn our eyes. On the same level 
of civilization, the same stage of the productive arts, 
government, etc., the most populous countries are al- 
ways the most wealthy. 

Let us take a particular case, and that a case which 
of all that can be cited seems at first blush best to sup- 
port the theory we are considering — the case of a com- 
munity where, while population has largely increased, 
wages have greatly decreased, and it is not a matter of 
dubious inference but of obvious fact that the gener- 
osity of nature has lessened. That community is Cali- 
fornia. When upon the discovery of gold the first wave 
of immigration poured into California it found al country 
in which nature was in the most generous mood. From 
the river banks and bars the glittering deposits of thou- 
sands of years could be taken by the most primitive 
appliances, in amounts which made an ounce ($ 16 ) per 
day only ordinary wages. The plains, covered with 
nutritious grasses, were alive with countless herds of 
horses and cattle, so plenty that any traveler was at 
liberty to shift his saddle to a fresh steed, or to kill 
a bullock if he needed a steak, leaving the hide, its 


only valuable part, for the owner. From the rich soil 
which came first under cultivation, the mere plowing 
and sowing brought crops that in older countries, if pro* 
cured at all, can only be procured by the most thorough 
manuring and cultivation. In early California, amid 
this profusion of nature, wages and interest were higher 
than anywhere else in the world. 

This virgin profusion of nature has been steadily giv- 
ing way before the greater and greater demands which 
an increasing population has made upon it. Poorer and 
poorer diggings have been worked, until now no dig- 
gings worth speaking of can be found, and gold mining 
requires much capital, large skill, and elaborate machin- 
ery, and involves great risks. “Horses cost money,” 
and cattle bred on the sage-brush plains of Nevada are 
brought by railroad across the mountains and killed in 
San Francisco shambles, while fanners are beginning to 
save their straw and look for manure, and land is in cul- 
tivation which will hardly yield a crop three years out 
of four without irrigation. At the same time wages and 
interest have steadily gone down. Many men are now 
glad to work for a week for less than they once de- 
manded for the day, and money is loaned by the year 
for a rate which once would hardly have been thought 
extortionate by the month. Is the connection between 
the reduced productiveness of nature and the reduced 
rate of wages that of cause and effect? Is it true that 
wages are lower because labor yields less wealth? On 
the contrary! Instead of the wealth-producing powei 
of labor being less in California in 1879 than in 1849, 
I am convinced that it is greater. And, it seems to me, 
that no one who considers how enormously during these 
years the efficiency of labor in California has been in- 
creased by roads, wharves, flumes, railroads, steamboats, 
telegraphs, and machinery of all kinds; by a closer con- 
nection with the rest of the world; and by the number- 



Book II. 

less economies resulting from a larger population, can 
doubt that the return which labor receives from nature 
in California is on the whole much greater now than it 
was in the days of unexhausted placers and virgin soil 
— the increase in the power of the human factor having 
more than compensated for the decline in the power of 
the natural factor. That this conclusion is the correct 
one is proved by many facts which show that the con- 
sumption of wealth is now much greater, as compared 
with the number of laborers, than it was then. Instead 
of a population composed almost exclusively of men in 
the prime of life, a large proportion of women and chil- 
dren are now supported, and' other non-producers have 
increased in much greater ratio than the population; 
luxury has grown far more than wages have fallen; 
where the best houses were cloth and paper shanties- 
are now mansions whose magnificence rivals Europeai* 
palaces; there are liveried carriages on the streets of 
San Francisco and pleasure yachts on her bay; the class 
who can live sumptuously on their incomes has steadily 
grown; there are rich men beside whom the richest of 
the earlier years would seem little better than paupers 
— in short, there are on every hand the most striking and 
conclusive evidences that the production and consump- 
tion of wealth have increased with even greater rapid- 
ity than the increase of population, and that if any 
class obtains less it is solely because of the greater in- 
equality of distribution. 

What is obvious in this particular instance is obvious 
where the survey is extended. The richest countries 
are not those where nature is most prolific; but those 
where labor is most efficient — not Mexico, but Massa- 
chusetts; not Brazil, but England. The countries where 
population is densest and presses hardest upon the capa- 
bilities of nature, are, other things being equal, the 
countries where the largest proportion of the produce 
can J>e devoted to luxury and the support of non-pro- 



ducers, the countries where capital overflows, the coun- 
tries that upon exigency, such as war, can stand the 
greatest drain. That the production of wealth must, in 
proportion to the labor employed, be greater in a densely 
populated country like England than in new countries 
where wages and interest are higher, is evident from 
the fact that, though a much smaller proportion of the 
population is engaged in productive labor, a much larger 
surplus is available for other purposes than that of sup- 
plying physical needs. In a new country the whole 
available force of the community is devoted to produc- 
tion — there is no well man who does not do productive 
work of some kind, no well woman exempt from house- 
hold tasks. There are no paupers or beggars, no idle 
rich, no class whose labor is devoted to ministering to 
the convenience or caprice of the rich, no purely literary 
or scientific class, no criminal class who live by preying 
upon society, no large class maintained to guard society 
against them. Yet with the whole force of the com- 
munity thus devoted to production, no such consumption 
of wealth in proportion to the whole population takes 
place, or can be afforded, as goes on in the old country; 
for, though the condition of the lowest class is better, and 
there is no one who cannot get a living, there is no one 
who gets much more — few or none who can live in any- 
thing like what would be called luxury, or even comfort, 
in the older country. That is to say, that in the older 
country the consumption of wealth in proportion to 
population is greater, although the proportion of labor 
devoted to the production of wealth is less — or that 
fewer laborers produce more wealth; for wealth must 
be produced before it can be consumed. 

It may, however, be said, that the superior wealth of 
older countries is due not to superior productive power, 
but to the accumulations of wealth which the new coun- 
try has not yet had time to make. 

It will be well for a moment to consider this idea of 


Accumulated wealth. The truth is, that wealth can be 
accumulated but to a slight degree, and that communi- 
ties really live, as the vast majority of individuals live, 
from hand to mouth. Wealth will not bear much ac- 
cumulation; except in a few unimportant forms it will 
not keep. The matter of the universe, which, when 
worked up by labor into desirable forms, constitutes 
wealth, is constantly tending back to its original state. 
Some forms of wealth will last for a few hours, some 
for a few days, some for a few months, some for a few 
years; and there are very few forms of wealth that can 
be passed from one generation to another. Take wealth 
in some of its most useful and permanent forms — ships, 
houses, railways, machinery. Unless labor is constantly 
exerted in preserving and renewing them, they will al- 
most immediately become useless. Stop labor in any 
community, and wealth would vanish almost as the jet 
of a fountain vanishes when the how of water is shut 
off. Let labor again exert itself, and wealth will almost 
as immediately reappear. This has been long noticed 
where war or other calamity has swept away wealth, 
leaving population unimpaired. There is not less wealth 
in London to-day because of the great fire of 1666; nor 
yet is there less wealth in Chicago because of the great 
fire jn 1870. On those fire-swept acres have arisen, 
under the hand of labor, more magnificent buildings, 
filled with greater stocks of goods; and the stranger 
who, ignorant of the history of the city, passes along 
those stately avenues would not dream that a few years 
ago all lay so black and bare. The same principle — 
that wealth is constantly re-created — is obvious in every 
new city. Given the same population and the same 
efficiency of labor, and the town of yesterday will pos- 
sess and enjoy as much as the town founded by the 
Romans. No one who has seen Melbourne or San 
Francisco can doubt that if the population of England 



were transported to New Zealand, leaving all accumu- 
lated wealth behind, New Zealand would soon be as 
rich as England is now; or, conversely, that if the 
population of England were reduced to the sparseness 
of the present population of New Zealand, in spite of 
accumulated wealth, they would soon be as poor. Ac- 
cumulated wealth seems to play just about such a part 
in relation to the social organism as accumulated nutri- 
ment does to the physical organism. Some accumulated 
wealth is necessary, and to a certain extent it may be 
drawn upon in exigencies; but the wealth produced by 
past generations can no more account for the consump- 
tion of the present than the dinners he ate last year 
can supply a man with present strength. 

But without these considerations, which I allude to 
more for their general than for their special bearing, it 
is evident that superior accumulations of wealth can 
account for greater consumption of wealth only in cases 
where accumulated wealth' is decreasing, and that wher- 
ever the volume of accumulated wealth is maintained, 
and even more obviously where it is increasing, a greater 
consumption of wealth must imply a greater production 
of wealth. Now, whether we compare different com- 
munities with each other, or the same community at 
different times, it is obvious that the progressive state, 
which is marked by increase of population, is also 
marked by an increased consumption and an increased 
accumulation of wealth, not merely in the aggregate, 
but per capita. And hence, increase of population, so 
far as it has yet anywhere gone, does not mean a reduc- 
tion, but an increase in the average production of wealth. 

And the reason of this is obvious. For, even if the 
increase of population does reduce the power of the 
natural factor of wealth, by compelling a resort to poorer 
soils, etc., it yet so vastly increases the power of the 
human factor as more than to compensate. Twenty 



Book //. 

men working together will, where nature is niggardly ( 
produce more than twenty times the wealth that one 
man can produce where nature is most bountiful. The 
denser the population the more miaftite becomes the sub- 
division of labor, the greater the economies of produc- 
tion and distribution, and, hence, the very reverse of the 
Malthusian doctrine is true; and, within the limits in 
which we have reason to suppose increase would still go 
on, in any given state of civilization a greater number 
of people can produce a larger proportionate amount 
of wealth, and more fully supply their wants, than can 
a smaller number. 

Look simply at the facts. Can anything be clearer 
than that the cause of the poverty which festers in the 
centers of civilization is not in the weakness of the pro- 
ductive forces? In countries where poverty is deepest, 
the forces of production are evidently strong enough, if 
fully employed, to provide for the lowest not merely 
comfort but luxury. The industrial paralysis, the com- 
mercial depression which curses the civilized world to- 
day, evidently springs from no lack of productive power. 
Whatever be the trouble, it is clearly not in the want of 
ability to produce wealth. 

It is this very fact — that want appears where produc- 
tive power is greatest and the production of wealth is 
largest — that constitutes the enigma which perplexes the 
civilized world, and which we are trying to unravel. 
Evidently the Malthusian theory, which attributes want 
to the decrease of productive power, will not explain it. 
That theory is utterly inconsistent with all the facts. 
It is really a gratuitous attribution to the laws of God 
of results which, even from this examination, we may 
infer really spring from the mal-adjustments of men — 
an inference which, as we proceed, will become a demon- 
stration. For we have yet to find what does produce 
poverty amid advancing wealth. 
















The machines that are first invented to perform any particular 
movement are always the most complex, and succeeding artists 
generally discover that with fewer wheels, with fewer principles 
of motion than had originally been employed, the same effects 
may be more easily produced. The first philosophical systems, 
in the same manner, are always the most complex, and a par- 
ticular connecting chain, or principle, is generally thought 
necessary to unite every two seemingly disjointed appearances, 
but it often happens that one great connecting principle is 
afterward found to be sufficient to bind together all the discord- 
ant phenomena that occur in a whole species of things. — Adam 
Smith , Essay on the Principles Which Lead and Direct Philo- 
sophical Inquiries, as Illustrated by the History of Astronomy. 



The preceding examination has, I think, conclusively 
shown that the explanation currently given, in the name 
of political economy, of the problem we are attempting 
to solve, is no explanation at all. 

That with material progress wages fail to increase, 
but rather tend to decrease, cannot be explained by the 
theory that the increase of laborers constantly tends to 
divide into smaller portions the capital sum from which 
wages are paid. For, as we have seen, wages do not 
come from capital, but are the direct produce of labor. 
Each productive laborer, as he works, creates his wages, 
and with every additional laborer there is an addition 
to the true wages fund — an addition to the common 
stock of wealth, which, generally speaking, is consid- 
erably greater than the amount be* draws in wages. 

Nor, yet, can it be explained by the theory that nature 
yields less to the increasing drafts which an increasing 
population make upon her; for the increased efficiency 
of labor makes the progressive state a state of continu- 
ally increasing production per capita, and the countries 
of densest population, other things being equal, are al- 
ways the countries of greatest wealth. 

So far, we have only increased the perplexities of the 
problem.* We have overthrown a theory whicn did, in 
Borne sort of fashion, explain existing facts ; but in doing 
$o have only made existing facts seem more inexplicable. 




Book 111 

It is as though, while the Ptolemaic theory was yet in 
its strength, it had been proved simply that the sun and 
stars do not revolve about the earth. The phenomena 
of day and night, and of the apparent motion of the 
celestial bodies, would yet remain unexplained, inevi- 
tably to reinstate the old theory unless a better one took 
its place. Our reasoning has led us to the conclusion 
that each productive laborer produces his own wages, 
and that increase in the number of laborers should in- 
crease the wages of each; whereas, the apparent facts 
are that there are many laborers who cannot obtain 
remunerative employment, and that increase in the num- 
ber of laborers brings diminution of wages. We have, 
in short, proved that wages ought to be highest where 
in reality they are lowest. 

Nevertheless, even in doing this we have made some 
progress. Next to finding what we look for, is to dis • 
cover where it is useless to look. We have at least nar- 
rowed the field of inquiry. For this, at least, is now 
clear — that the cause which, in spite of the enormous 
increase of productive power, confines the great body of 
producers to the least share of the product upon which 
they will consent to live, is not the limitation of capita', 
nor yet the limitation of the powers of nature which 
respond to labor. As it is not, therefore, to be found in 
the laws which bound the production of wealth, it must 
be sought in the laws which govern distribution. To 
them let us turn. 

It will be necessary to review in its main branches the 
whole subject of the distribution of wealth. To discover 
the cause which, as population increases and the pro- 
ductive arts advance, deepens the poverty of the lowest 
class, we must find the law which determines what part 
of the produce is distributed to labor as wages. To find 
the law of wages, or at least to make sure when we have 


found it, we must also determine the laws which fix the 
part of the produce which goes to capital and the part 
which goes to land owners, for as land, labor, and capi- 
tal join in producing wealth, it is between these three 
that the produce must be divided. What is meant by 
the produce or production of a community is the sum 
of the wealth produced by that community — the general 
fund from which, as long as previously existing stock is 
not lessened, all consumption must be met and all reve- 
nues drawn. As I have already explained, production 
does not merely mean the making of things, but includes 
the increase of value gained by transporting or exchang- 
ing things. There is a produce of wealth in a purely 
commercial community, as there is in a purely agricul- 
tural or manufacturing community ; and in the one case, 
as in the others, some part of this produce will go to 
capital, some part to labor, and some part, if land have 
any value, to the owners of land. As a matter of fact, 
a portion of the wealth produced is constantly going to 
the replacement of capital, which is constantly consumed 
and constantly replaced. But it is not necessary to take 
this into account, as it is eliminated by considering capi- 
tal as continuous, which, in speaking or thinking of it, 
we habitually do. When we speak of the produce, we 
mean, therefore, that part of the wealth produced above 
what is necessary to replace the capital consumed in 
production; and when we speak of interest, or the return 
to capital, we mean what goes to capital after its re- 
placement or maintenance. 

It is, further, a matter of fact, that in every com- 
munity which has passed the most primitive stage some 
portion of the produce is taken in taxation and con- 
sumed by government. But it is not necessary, in 
seeking the laws of distribution, to take this into con- 
sideration. We may consider taxation either as not 
existing, or as by so much reducing the produce. And 



Book III. 

so, too, of what is taken from the produce by certain 
forms of monopoly, which will be considered in a subse- 
quent chapter (Chap. TV), and which exercise powers 
analogous to taxation. After we have discovered the 
laws of distribution we can then see what bearing, if 
any, taxation has upon them. 

We must discover these laws of distribution for our- 
selves — or, at least, two out of the three. For, that they 
are not, at least as a whole, correctly apprehended by 
the current political economy, may be seen, irrespective 
of our preceding examination of one of them, in any of 
the standard treatises. 

This is evident, in the first place, from the terminol- 
ogy employed. 

In all politico-economic works we are told that the 
three factors in production are land, labor, and capital, 
and that the whole produce is primarily distributed into 
three corresponding parts. Three terms, therefore, are 
needed, each of which shall clearly express one of these 
parts to the exclusion of the others. Rent, as defined, 
clearly enough expresses the first of these parts — that 
which goes to the owners of land. Wages, as defined, 
clearly enough expresses the second — that part which 
constitutes the return to labor'. But as to the third 
term — that which should express the return to capital — 
there is in the standard works a most puzzling ambiguity 
and confusion. 

Of words in common use, that which comes nearest 
to exclusively expressing the idea of return for the use 
of capital, is interest, which, as commonly used, implies 
the return for the use of capital, exclusive of any ’labor 
in its use or management, and exclusive of any risk, ex- 
cept such as may be involved in the security. The word 
profits, as commonly used, is almost synonymous with 
revenue; it means a gain, an amount received in excess 
of an amount expended, and frequently includes receipts 

Chap. 1. 



that are properly rent; while it nearly always includes 
receipts which are properly wages, as well as compensa- 
tions for the risk peculiar to the various uses of capital. 
Unless extreme violence is done to the meaning of the 
word, it cannot, therefore, be used in political economy 
to signify that share of the produce which goes to capi- 
tal, in contradistinction to those parts which go to labor 
and to land owners. 

Now, all this is recognized in the standard works on 
political economy. Adam Smith well illustrates how 
wages and compensation for risk largely enter into 
profits, pointing out how the large profits of apothe- 
caries and small retail dealers are in reality wages for 
their labor, and not interest on their capital; and how 
the great profits sometimes made in risky businesses, 
such as smuggling and the lumber trade, are really but 
compensations for risk, which, in the long run, reduce 
the returns to capital so used to the ordinary, or below 
the ordinary, rate. Similar illustrations are given in 
most of the subsequent works, where profit is formally 
defined in its common sense, with, perhaps, the exclusion 
of rent. In all these works, the reader is told that profits 
are made up of three elements — wages of superintend- 
ence, compensation for risk, and interest, or the return 
for the use of capital. 

Thus, neither in its common meaning nor in the mean- 
ing expressly assigned to it in the current political econ- 
omy, can profits have any place in the discussion of the 
distribution of wealth between the three factors of pro- 
duction. Either in its common meaning or in the mean- 
ing expressly assigned to it, to talk about the distribution 
of wealth into rent, wages, and profits is like talking of 
the division of mankind into men, women, and human 

Yet this, to the utter bewilderment of the reader, is 
what is done in all the standard works. After formally 



B*ok III 

decomposing profits into wages of superintendence, com- 
pensation for risk, and interest — the net return for the 
use of capital — they proceed to treat of the distribution 
of wealth between the rent of land, the wages of labor, 
and the profits of capital. 

I doubt not that there are thousands of men who have 
vainly puzzled their brains over this confusion of terms, 
and abandoned the effort in despair, thinking that as 
the fault could not be in such great thinkers, it must be 
in their own stupidity. If it is any consolation to such 
men they may turn to Buckled “History of Civiliza- 
tion,” and see how a man who certainly got a marvel- 
ously clear idea of what he read, and who had read 
carefully the principal economists from Smith down, 
was inextricably confused by this jumble of profits and 
interest. For Buckle (Vol. I, Chap. II, and notes) per- 
sistently speaks of the distribution of wealth into rent, 
wages, interest, and profits. 

And this is not to be wondered at. For, after 
formally decomposing profits into wages of superintend- 
ence, insurance, and interest, these economists, m as- 
signing causes which fix the general rate of profit, speak 
of things which evidently affect only that part of profits 
which they have denominated interest; and then, in 
speaking of the rate of interest, either give the meaning- 
less formula of supply and demand, or speak, of causes 
which affect the compensation for risk; evidently using 
the word in its common sense, and not in the economic 
sense they have assigned to it, from which compensation 
for risk is eliminated. If the reader will take up John 
Stuart Mill's “Principles of Political Economy,” and 
compare the chapter on Profits (Book II, Chap. 15) with 
the chapter on Interest (Book III, Chap. 23), he will 
see the confusion thus arising exemplified in the case of 
the most logical of English economists, in a more strik- 
ing manner than I would like to characterize, 

Chap. I. 



Now, such men have not been led into such confusion 
of thought without a cause. If they, one after another, 
have followed Dr. Adam Smith, as boys play “follow 
my leader,” jumping where he jumped, and falling where 
he fell, it has been that there was a fence where he 
jumped and a hole where he fell. 

The difficulty from which this confusion has sprung 
is in the preaccepted theory of wages. For reasons 
which I have before assigned, it Jias seemed to them a 
self-evident truth that the wages of certain classes of 
laborers depended upon the ratio between capital and 
the number of laborers. But there are certain kinds of 
reward for exertion to which this theory evidently will 
not apply, so the term wages has in use been contracted 
to include only wages in the narrow common sense. 
This being the case, if the term interest were used, as 
consistently with their definitions it should have been 
used, to represent the third part of the division of the 
produce, all rewards of personal exertion, save those of 
what are commonly called wage-workers, would clearly 
have been left out. But by treating the division of 
wealth as between rent, wages, and profits, instead of 
between rent, wages, and interest, this difficulty is 
glossed over, all wages which will not fall under the 
preaccepted law of wages being vaguely grouped under 
profits, as wages of superintendence. 

To read carefully what economists say about the dis- 
tribution of wealth is to see that, though they correctly 
define it, wages, as they use it in this connection, is what 
logicians would call an undistributed term — it does not 
mean all wages, but only some wages — viz., the wages 
of manual labor paid by an employer. So other wages 
are thrown over with the return to capital, and included 
under the term profits, and any clear distinction between 
the returns to capital and the returns to human exertion 
thus avoided. The fact is that the current political 


Book III. 

economy fails to give any clear and consistent account 
of the distribution of wealth. The law of rent is clearly 
stated, but it stands unrelated. The rest is a confused 
and incoherent jumble. 

The very arrangement of these works shows this con- 
fusion and inconclusiveness of thought. In no politico- 
economic treatise that I know of are these laws of 
distribution brought together, so that the reader can 
take them in at a glance and recognize their relation 
to each other; but what is said about each one is en- 
veloped in a mass of political and moral reflections and 
dissertations. And the reason is not far to seek. To 
bring together the three laws of distribution as they are 
now taught, is to show at a glance that they lack neces- 
sary relation. 

The laws of the distribution of wealth are obviously 
laws of proportion, and must be so related to each other 
that any two being given the third may be inferred. 
For to say that one of the three parts of a whole is in- 
creased or decreased, is to say that one or both of the 
other parts is, reversely, decreased or increased. If 
Tom, Dick, and Harry are partners in business, the 
agreement which fixes the share of one in the profits 
must at the same time fix either the separate or the 
joint shares of the other two. To fix Tom’s share at 
forty per cent, is to leave but sixty per cent, to be di- 
vided between Dick and Harry. To fix Dick’s share at 
forty per cent, and Harry’s share at thirty-five per cent, 
is to fix Tom’s share at twenty-five per cent. 

But between the laws of the distribution of wealth, as 
laid down in the standard works, there is no such rela- 
tion. If we fish them out and bring them together, we 
find them to be as follows: 

Wages are determined by the ratio between the 
amount of capital devoted to the payment and subsist- 


ence of labor and the number of laborers seeking on* 
ployment. ' 

Rent is determined by the margin of cultivation; all 
lands yielding as rent that part of their produce which 
exceeds what an equal application of labor and capital 
could procure from the poorest land in use. 

Interest is determined by the equation between the 
demands of borrowers and the supply of capital offered 
by lenders. Or, if we take what is given as the law of 
profits, it is determined by wages, falling as wages rise 
and rising as wages fall — or, to use the phrase of Mill, 
oy the cost of labor to the capitalist. 

The bringing together of these current statements 
of the laws of the distribution of wealth shows at a 
glance that they lack the relation to each other which 
the true laws of distribution must have. They do not 
correlate and co-ordinate. Hence, at least two of these 
three laws are either wrongly apprehended or wrongly 
stated. This tallies with what we have already seen, 
that the current apprehension of the law of wages, and, 
inferentially, of the law of interest, will not bear exami- 
nation. Let us, then, seek the true laws of the distribu- 
tion of the produce of labor into wages, rent, and 
interest. The proof that we have found them will be 
in their correlation — that they meet, and relate, and 
mutually bound each other. 

With profits this inquiry has manifestly nothing to 
do. We want to find what it is that determines the 
division 6f their joint produce between land, labor, and 
capital; and profits is not a term that refers exclusively 
to any one of these three divisions. Of the three parts 
into which profits are divided by political economist* 
— namely, compensation for risk, wages of superintend- 
ence, and return for the use of capital — the latter falls 
under the term interest, which includes all the returns 
for the use of capital, and excludes everything else; 



Book JIL 

wages of superintendence falls under the term wages, 
which includes all returns for human exertion, and ex- 
cludes everything else; and compensation for risk has 
no place whatever, as risk is eliminated when all the 
transactions of a community are taken together. I shall, 
therefore, consistently with the definitions of political 
economists, use the term interest as signifying that part 
of the produce which goes to capital. 

To recapitulate: 

Land, labor, and capital are the factors of produc- 
tion. The term land includes all natural opportunities 
or forces; the term labor, all human exertion; and the 
term capital, all wealth used to produce more wealth. 
In returns to these three factors is the whole produce 
distributed. That part which goes to land owners a? 
payment for the use of natural opportunities is called 
rent; that part which constitutes the reward of human 
exertion is called wages; and that part which consti- 
tutes the return for the use of capital is called interest. 
These terms mutually exclude each other. The income 
of any individual may be made up from any one, two, 
or all three of these sources; but in the effort to discover 
the laws of distribution we must keep them separate. 

Let me premise the inquiry which we are about to 
undertake by saying that the miscarriage of political 
economy, which I think has now been abundantly 
shown, can, it seems to me, be traced to the, adoption 
of an erroneous standpoint. Living and making their 
observations in a state of society in which a capitalist 
generally rents land and hires labor, and thus seems to 
be the undertaker or first mover in production, the great 
cultivators of the science have been led to look upon 
capital as the prime factor in production, land as its 
instrument, and labor as its agent or tool. This is ap- 
parent on every page — in the form and course of their 

Thap. J. 



reasoning, in the character of their illustrations, and 
even in their choice of terms. Everywhere capital is the 
starting point, the capitalist the central figure. So far 
does this go that both Smith and Ricardo use the term 
“natural wages” to express the minimum upon which 
laborers can live; whereas, unless injustice is natural, all 
that the laborer produces should rather be held as his 
natural wages. This habit of looking upon capital as 
the employer of labor has led both to the theory that 
wages depend upon the relative abundance of capital, 
and to the theory that interest varies inversely with 
wages, while it has led away from truths that but for 
this habit would have been apparent. In short, the 
misstep which, so far as the great laws of distribution 
are concerned, has led political economy into the jun- 
gles, instead of upon the mountain tops, was taken 
when Adam Smith, in his first book, left the standpoint 
indicated in the sentence, “The produce of labor consti- 
tutes the natural recompense of wages of labor,” to 
take that in which capital is considered as employing 
labor and paying wages. 

But when we consider the origin and natural se- 
quence of things, this order is reversed; and capital in- 
stead of first is last; instead of being the employer of 
labor, it is in reality employed by labor. There must 
be land before labor can be exerted, and labor must 
be exerted before capital can be produced. Capital 
is a result of labor, and is used by labor to assist it in 
further production. Labor is the active and initial force, 
and labor is therefore the employer of capital. Labor 
can be exerted only upon land, and it is from land that 
the matter which it transmutes into wealth must be 
drawn. Land therefore is the condition precedent, the 
field and material of labor. The natural order is land, 
labor, capital; and, instead of starting from capital 
as our initial point, we should start from land. 



Book 111. 

There is another thing to be observed. Capital is 
not a necessary factor in production. Labor exerted upon 
land can produce wealth without the aid of capital, and 
in the necessary genesis of things must so produce 
wealth before capital can exist. Therefore the law of 
rent and the law of wages must correlate each other and 
form a perfect whole without reference to the law of 
capital, as otherwise these laws would not fit the cases 
which can readily be imagined, and which to some de- 
gree actually exist, in which capital takes no part in 
production. And as capital is, as is often said, but 
storcd-up labor, it is but a form of labor, a subdivision 
of the general term labor; and its law must be sub- 
ordinate to, and independently correlate with, the law 
of wages, so as to fit cases in which the whole produce 
is divided between labor and capital, without any de- 
duction for rent. To resort to the illustration before 
used: The division of the produce between land, labor 
and capital must be as it would be between Tom, 
Dick, and Harry, if Tom and Dick were the original 
partners, and Harry came in but as an assistant to and 
sharer with Dick. 



The term rent, in its economic sense — that is, when 
used, as I am using it, to distinguish that part of the 
produce which accrues to the owners of land or other 
natural capabilities by virtue of their ownership — differs 
in meaning from the word rent as commonly used. In 
some respects this economic meaning is narrower than 
the common meaning; in other respects it is wider. 

It is narrower in this: In common speech, we apply 
the word rent to payments for the use of buildings, ma- 
chinery, fixtures," etc., as well as to payments for the 
use of land or other natural capabilities; and in speak- 
ing of the rent of a house oi the rent of a farm, we do 
not separate the price for the use of the improvements 
from the price for the use of the bare land. But in the 
economic meaning of rent, payments for the use of any 
of the products of human exertion are excluded, and of 
the lumped payments for the use of houses, farms, etc., 
only that part is rent which constitutes the consideration 
for the use of the land — that part paid for the use of 
buildings or other improvements being properly interest, 
as it is a consideration for the use of capital. 

It is wider in this: In common speech we speak of 
rent only when owner and user are distinct persons. 
But in the economic sense there is also rent where the 
same person is both owner and user. Where owner and 
user are thus the same person, whatever part of his 
income he might obtain by letting the land to another 




Book III. 

is rent, while the return for his labor and capital are 
that part of his income which they would yield him 
did he hire instead of owning the land. Rent is also 
expressed in a selling price. When land is purchased, 
the payment which is made for the ownership, or right 
to perpetual use, is rent commuted or capitalized. If 
I buy land for a small price and hold it until I can 
sell it for a large price, I have become rich, not by wages 
for my labor or by interest upon my capital, but by the 
increase of rent. Rent, in short, is the share in the 
wealth produced which the exclusive right to the use of 
natural capabilities gives to the owner. Wherever land 
has an exchange value there is rent in the economic 
meaning of the term. Wherever land having a value 
is used, either by owner or hirer, there is rent actual; 
wherever it is not used, but still has a value, there is 
rent potential. It is this capacity of yielding rent which 
gives value to land. Until its ownership will confer 
some advantage, land has no value.* 

Thus rent or land value does not arise from the pro- 
ductiveness or utility of land. It in no wise represents 
any help or advantage given to production, but simply 
the power of securing a part of the results of production. 
No matter what are its capabilities, land can yield no 
rent and have no value until some one is willing to give 
labor or the results of labor for the privilege of using it; 
and what any one will thus give depends not upon the 
capacity of the land, but upon its capacity as compared 
with that of land that can be had for nothing. I may 
have very rich land, but it will yield no rent and have 
no value so long as there is other land as good to be 
had without cost. But when this other land is appro- 

* In speaking of the value of land I use and shall use the 
words as referring to the value of the bare land. When I wish 
to speak of the value of land and improvements I shail use those 


priated, and the best land to be had for nothing is 
inferior, either in fertility, situation, or other quality, 
my land will begin to have a value and yield rent. And 
though the productiveness of my land may decrease, 
yet if the productiveness of the land to be had without 
charge decreases in greater proportion, the rent I can 
get, and consequently the value of my land, will steadily 
increase. Rent, in short, is the price of monopoly, aris- 
ing from the reduction to individual ownership of 
natural elements which human exertion can neither 
produce nor increase. 

If one man owned all the land accessible to any com- 
munity, he could, of course, demand any price or condi- 
tion for its use that he saw fit; and, as long as his 
ownership was acknowledged, the other members of the 
community would have but death or emigration as the 
alternative to submission to his terms. This has been 
the case in many communities; but in the modem form 
of society, the land, though generally reduced to indi- 
vidual ownership, is in the hands of too many different 
persons to permit the price which can be obtained for its 
use to be fixed by mere caprice or desire. While each 
individual owner tries to get all he can, there is a limit 
to what he can get, which constitutes the market price 
or market rent of the land, and which varies with differ- 
ent lands ana at different times. The law, or relation, 
which, under these circumstances of free competition 
among all parties (the condition which in tracing out the 
principles of political economy is always to be assumed) , 
determines what rent or price can be got by the owner, 
is styled the law of rent. This fixed with certainty, we 
have more than a starting point from which the laws 
which regulate wages and interest may be traced. For, 
as the distribution of wealth is a division, in ascertain- 
ing what fixes the share of the produce which goes as 
rent, we also ascertain what fixes the share which is left 




for wages, where there is no co-operation of capital; and 
what fixes the joint share left for wages and interest, 
where capital does co-operate in production. 

Fortunately, as to the law of rent there is no necessity 
for discussion. Authority here coincides with common 
sense,* and the accepted dictum of the current political 
economy has the self-evident character of a geometric 
axiom. This accepted law of rent, which John Stuart 
Mill denominates the pons asinorum of political econ- 
omy, is sometimes styled “Ricardo’s law of rent,” from 
the fact that, although not the first to announce it, he 
first brought it prominently into notice.f It is: 

The rent of land is determined by the excess of its 
produce over that which the same application can secure 
from the least productive land in use . 

This law, which of course applies to land used for 
other purposes than agriculture, and to all natural 
agencies, such as mines, fisheries, etc., has been exhaust- 
ively explained and illustrated by all the leading econo- 
mists since Ricardo. But its mere statement has all the 
force of a self-evident proposition, for it is clear that the 
effect of competition is to make the lowest reward for 

* I do not mean to say that the accepted law of rent has never 
been disputed. In all the nonsense that m the present dis- 
jointed condition of the science has been printed as political 
economy, it would be hard to find anything that has not been 
disputed. But I mean to say that it has the sanction of 
all economic writers who are really to be regarded as authority. 
As John Stuart Mill says (Book II, Chap. XVI), “there are 
few persons who have refused their assent to it, except from not 
having thoroughly understood it. The loose and inaccurate way 
in which it is often apprehended by those who affect to refute 
it is very remarkable. 11 An observation which has received 
many later exemplifications. 

t According to McCulloch the law of rent was first stated in 
a pamphlet by Dr. James Anderson of Edinburgh in 1777, and 
simultaneously in the beginning of this century by Sir Edward 
West, Mr. Malthus, and Mr. Ricardo. 

Chap. II. 



which labor and capital will engage in production, the 
highest that they can claim; and hence to enable the 
owner of more productive land to appropriate in rent all 
the return above that required to recompense labor and 
capital at the ordinary rate — that is to say, what they 
can obtain upon the least productive land in use, or at 
the least productive point, where, of course, no rent is 

Perhaps it may conduce to a fuller understanding of 
the law of rent to put it in this form: The ownership 
of a natural agent of production will give the power 
of appropriating so much of the wealth produced by 
the exertion of labor and capital upon it as exceeds the 
return which the same application of labor and capital 
could secure in the least productive occupation in which 
they freely engage. 

This, however, amounts to precisely the same thing, 
for there is no occupation in which labor and capital 
ean engage which does not require the use of land; and, 
furthermore, the cultivation or other use of land will 
always be carried to as low a point of remuneration, 
all things considered, as is freely accepted in any other 
pursuit. Suppose, for instance, a community in which 
part of the labor and capital is devoted to agriculture 
and part to manufactures. The poorest land cultivated 
yields an average return which we will call 20, and 20 
therefore will be the average return to labor and capital, 
as well in manufactures as in agriculture. Suppose that 
from some permanent cause the return in manufactures 
is now reduced to 15. Clearly, the labor and capital 
engaged in manufactures will turn to agriculture; and 
the process will not stop until, either by the extension of 
cultivation to inferior lands or to inferior points on the 
same land, or by an increase in the relative value of 
manufactured products, owing to the diminution of pro- 
duction — or, as a matter of fact, by both processes — the 



Book XXL 

yield to labor and capital in both pursuits has, all 
things considered, been brought again to the same level, 
so that whatever be the final point of productiveness at 
which manufactures are still carried on, whether it be 
18 or 17 or 16, cultivation will also be extended to that 
point. And, thus, to say that rent will be the excess 
in productiveness over the yield at the margin, or low- 
est point, of cultivation, is the same thing as to say 
that it will be the excess of produce over what the 
same amount of labor and capital obtains in the least 
remunerative occupation. 

The law of rent is, in fact, but a deduction from the 
law of competition, and amounts simply to the assertion 
that as wages and interest tend to a common level, all 
that part of the general production of wealth which 
exceeds what the labor and capital employed could 
have' secured for themselves, if applied to the poorest 
natural agent in use, will go to land owners in the shape 
of rent. It rests, in the last analysis, upon the funda- 
mental principle, which is to political economy what the 
attraction of gravitation is to physics — that men will 
seek to gratify their desires with the least exertion. 

This, then, is the law of rent. Although many stand- 
ard treatises follow too much the example of Ricardo, 
who seems to view it merely in its relation to agricul- 
ture, and in several places speaks of manufactures yield- 
ing no rent (when, in truth, manufactures and exchange 
yield the highest rents, as is evinced by the greater 
value of land in manufacturing and commercial cities), 
thus hiding the full importance of the law, yet, ever 
since the time of Ricardo, the law itself has been clearly 
apprehended and fully recognized. But not so its corol- 
laries. Plain as they are, the accepted doctrine of wages 
(backed and fortified not only as has been hitherto.ex- 
plained, but by considerations whose enormous weight 
will be seen when the logical conclusion toward which 

Chap, II, 



we are tending is reached) has hitherto prevented their 
recognition.* Yet, is it not as plain as the simplest 
geometrical demonstration, that the corollary of the 
law of rent is the law of wages, where the division of 
the produce is simply between rent and wages; or the 
law of wages and interest taken together, where the 
division is into rent, wages, and interest? Stated re- 
versely, the law of rent is necessarily the law of wages 
and interest taken together, for it is the assertion, that 
no matter what the production which results from the 
application of labor and capital, these two factors will 
receive in wages and interest only such part of the prod- 
uce as they could have produced on land free to them 
without the payment of rent — that is, the least produc- 
tive land or point in use. For, if, of the produce, all 
•wer the amount which 'labor and capital could secure 
^‘rom land for which no rent is paid must go to land 
owners as rent, then all that can be claimed by labor 
and capital as wages and interest is the amount which 
they could have secured from land yielding no rent. 

Or to put it in algebraic form: 

As Produce=Rent+Wages+ Interest, 

Therefore, Produce— Rent<«Wages-)- Interest. 

• Thus wages and interest do not depend upon the 
produce of labor and capital, but upon what is left 
after rent is taken out; or, upon the produce which they 
could obtain without paying rent — that is, from the 
poorest land in use. And hence, no matter what be the 
increase in productive power, if the increase in rent 
keeps pace with it, neither wages nor interest can in- 

The moment this simple relation is recognized, a 

* Buckle (Chap. II, History of Civilization) recognizes the 
necessary relation between rent, interest, and wages, but evi- 
dently never worked it out. 


flood of light streams in upon what was before inex- 
plicable, and seemingly discordant facts range them- 
selves under an obvious law. The increase of rent 
which goes on in progressive countries is at once seen to 
be the key which explains why wages and interest fail 
to increase with increase of productive power. For 
the wealth produced in every community is divided 
into two parts by what may be called the rent line, 
which *is fixed by the margin of cultivation, or the 
return which labor and capital could obtain from such 
natural opportunities as are free to them without the 
payment of rent. From the part of the produce below 
this line wages and interest must be paid. All that is 
above goes to the owners of land. Thus, where the 
value of land is low, there may be a small production 
of wealth, and yet a high rate' of wages and interest, 
as we see in new countries. And, where the value of 
land is high, there may be a very large production 
wealth, and yet a low rate of wages and interest, as we 
see in old countries. And, where productive power 
increases, as it is increasing in all progressive countries, 
wages and interest will be affected, not by the increase, 
but by the manner in which rent is affected. If the 
value of land increases proportionately, all the increased 
production will be swallowed up by rent, and wages and 
interest will remain as before. If the value of land in- 
creases in greater ratio than productive power, rent 
will swallow up even more than the increase; and while 
the produce of labor and capital will be much larger, 
wages and interest will fall. It is only when the value 
of land fails to increase as rapidly as productive power, 
that wages and interest can increase with the increase of 
productive power. All this is exemplified in actual 



Having made sure of the law of rent, we have ob- 
tained as its necessary corollary the law of wages, 
where the division is between rent and wages; and the 
law of wages and interest taken together, where the 
division is between the three factors. What proportion 
of the produce is taken as rent must determine what 
proportion is left for wages, if but land and labor are 
concerned; or to be divided between wages and interest, 
if capital joins in the production. 

But without Reference to this deduction, let us seek 
each of these laws separately and independently. If, 
when obtained in this way, we find that they correlate, 
our conclusions will have the highest certainty. 

And, inasmuch as the discovery of the law of wages 
is the ultimate purpose of our inquiry, let us take up 
first the subject of interest. 

I have already referred to the difference in meaning 
between the terms profits and interest. It may be worth 
while, further, to say that interest, as an abstract 
term in the distribution of wealth, differs in meaning 
from the word as commonly used, in this: That it in- 
cludes all returns for the use of capital, and not merely 
those that pass from borrower to lender; and that it 
excludes compensation for risk, which forms so great 
a part of what is commonly called interest. Compensa- 
tion for risk is evidently only an equalization of return 
between different employments of capital. What we 




Book III 

want to find is, what fixes the general rate of interest 
proper? The different rates of compensation for risk 
added to this will give the current rates of commercial 

Now, it is evident that the greatest differences in 
what is ordinarily called interest are due to differences 
in risk; but it is also evident that between different 
countries and different times there are also considerable 
variations in the rate of interest proper. In California 
at one time two per cent, a month would not have been 
considered extravagant interest on security on which 
loans could now be effected at seven or eight per cent, 
per annum, and though some part of the difference 
may be due to an increased sense of general stability, 
the greater part is evidently due to some other general 
cause. In the United States generally the rate of inter- 
est has been higher than in England; and in the newer 
States of the Union higher than in the older States; 
and the tendency of interest to sink as society progresses 
is well marked and has long been noticed. What is the 
law which will bind all these variations together and 
exhibit their cause? 

It is not worth while to dwell more than has hitherto 
incidentally been done upon the failure of the current 
political economy to determine the true law of interest. 
Its speculations upon this subject have not the definite- 
ness and coherency which have enaDled the accepted 
doctrine of wages to withstand the evidence of fact, 
and do not require the same elaborate review. That 
they run counter to the facts is evident. That interest 
does not depend on the productiveness of labor and 
capital is proved by the general fact that where labor 
and capital are most productive interest is lowest. That 
it does not depend reversely upon wages (or the cost of 
labor), lowering as wages rise, and increasing as wages 
fall, is proved by the general fact that interest is high 

Chap. III. 


when and where wages are high, and low when and 
where wages are low. 

Let us begin at the beginning. The nature and func- 
tions of capital have already been sufficiently shown, 
but even at the risk of something like a digression, let 
us endeavor to ascertain the cause of interest before 
considering its law. For in addition to aiding our 
inquiry by giving us a firmer and clearer grasp of the 
subject now in hand, it may lead to conclusions whose 
practical importance will be hereafter apparent. 

What is the reason and justification of interest? Why 
should the borrower pay back to the lender more than 
he received? These questions are worth answering, not 
merely from their speculative, but from their practical 
importance. The feeling that interest is the robbery of 
industry is widespread and growing, and on both sides 
of the Atlantic shows itself more and more in popular 
literature and in popular movements. The expounders 
of the current political economy say that there is no 
conflict between labor and capital, and oppose as injuri- 
ous to labor, as well as to capital, all schemes for re- 
stricting the reward which capital obtains; yet in the 
same works the doctrine is laid down that wages and 
interest bear to each other an inverse relation, and that 
interest will be low or high as wages are high or low.* 
Clearly, then, if this doctrine is correct, the only objec- 
tion that from the standpoint of the laborer can be 
logically made to any scheme for the reduction of in- 
terest is that it will not work, which is manifestly very 
weak ground while ideas of the omnipotence of legisla- 
tures are yet so widespread; and though such an objec- 
tion may lead to the abandonment of any one particular 
scheme, it will not prevent the search for another. 

* This is really said of profits, but with the evident meaning 
of returns to capital. 



Book III. 

Why should interest be? Interest, we are told, in all 
the standard works, is the reward of abstinence. But, 
manifestly, this does not sufficiently account for it. Ab- 
stinence is not an active, but a passive quality ; it is not 
a doing — it is simply a not doing. Abstinence in itself 
produces nothing. Why, then, should any part of what 
is produced be claimed for it? If I have a sum of 
money which I lock up for a year, I have exercised as 
much abstinence as though I had loaned it. Yet, 
though in the latter case I will expect it to be returned 
to me with an additional sum by way of interest, in 
the former I will have but the same sum, and no in- 
crease. But the abstinence is the same. If it be said that 
in lending it I do the borrower a service, it may be re- 
plied that he also does me a service in keeping it safely 
— a service that under some conditions may be very 
valuable, and for which I would willingly pay, rather 
than not have it; and a service which, as to some forms 
of capita], may be even more obvious than as to money. 
For there are many forms of capital which will not 
keep, but must be constantly renewed; and many which 
are onerous to maintain if one has no immediate use 
for them. So, if the accumulator of capital helps the 
user of capital by loaning it to him, does not the user 
discharge the debt in full when he hands it back? 
Is not the secure preservation, the maintenance, the 
re-creation of capital, a complete offset to the use? 
Accumulation is the end and aim of abstinence. 
Abstinence can go no further and accomplish no more; 
nor of itself can it even do this. If we were merely 
to abstain from using it, how much wealth would disap- 
pear in a year! And how little would be left at the 
end of two years! Hence, if more is demanded for 
abstinence than the safe return of capital, is not labor 
wronged? Such ideas as these underlie the widespread 
opinion that interest can accrue only at the expense 0/ 

Chap* III • 


labor, and is in fact a robbery of labor which in a 
social condition based on justice would be abolished. 

The attempts to refute these views do not appear to 
me always successful. For instance, as it illustrates 
the usual reasoning, take Bastiat’s oft-quoted illustra- 
tion of the plane. One carpenter, Jatnes, at the expense 
of ten days* labor, makes himself a plane, which will 
last in use for 290 of the 300 working days of the year. 
William, another carpenter, proposes to borrow the 
plane for a year, offering to give back at the end of 
that time, when the plane will be worn out, a new plane 
equally as good. James objects to lending the plane on 
these terms, urging that if he merely gets back a plane 
he will have nothing to compensate him for the loss of 
the advantage which the use of the plane during the 
year would give him. William, admitting this, agrees 
not merely to return a plane, but, in addition, to give 
James a new pfank. The agreement is carried out to 
mutual satisfaction. The plane is used up during the 
year, but at the end of the year James receives as good 
a one, land a plank in addition. He lends the new plane 
again and again, until finally it passes into the hands of 
his son, “who still continues to lend it,” receiving a 
plank each time. This plank, which represents interest, 
is said to be a natural and equitable remuneration, as 
by giving it in return for the use of the plane, William 
“obtains the power which exists in the tool to increase 
the productiveness of labor,” and is no worse off than 
he would have been had he not borrowed the plane; 
while James obtains no more than he would have had if 
he had retained and used the plane instead of lending it. 

Is this really so? It will be observed that it is not 
affirmed that James could make the plane and William 
could not, for that would be to make the plank the 
reward of superior skill. It is only that James had 
abstained from consuming the result of his labor until 



Book III. 

he had accumulated it in the form of a plane — which is 
the essential idea of capital. 

Now, if James had not lent the plane he could have 
used it for 290 days, when it would have been worn out, 
and he would have been obliged to take the remaining 
ten days of the working year to make a new plane. If 
William had not borrowed the plane he would have 
taken ten days to make himself a plane, which he could 
have used for the remaining 290 days. Thus, if we 
take a plank to represent the fruits of a day’s labor 
with the aid of a plane, at the end of the year, had no 
borrowing taken place, each would have stood with 
reference to the plane as he commenced, James with 
a plane, and William with none, and each would have 
had as the result of the year’s work 290 planks. If 
the condition of the borrowing had been what William 
first proposed, the return of a new plane, the same 
relative situation would have been secured. William 
would have worked for 290 days, and taken the last 
ten days to make the new plane to return to James, 
lames would have taken the first ten days of the year 
to make another plane which would have lasted for 
290 days, when he would have received a new plane 
from William. Thus, the simple return of the plane 
would have put each in the same position at the end 
of the year as if no borrowing had taken place. James 
would have lost nothing to the gain of William, and 
William would have gained nothing to the loss of James. 
Each would have had the return his labor would other- 
wise have yielded — viz., 290 planks, and James would 
have had the advantage with which he started, a new 

But when, in addition to the return of a plane, a 
plank is given, James at the end of the year will be in 
a better position than if there had been no borrowing: 

William in a worse. James will have 291 plank* 


and a new plane, and William 289 planks and no plane. 
If William now borrows the plank as well as the plane 
on the same terms as before, he will at the end of the 
year have to return to James a plane, two planks and 
a fraction of a plank; and if this difference be again 
borrowed, and so on, is it not evident that the income 
of the one will progressively decline, and that of the 
other will progressively increase, until at length, if the 
operation be continued, the time will come when, as 
the result of the original lending of a plane, James will 
obtain the whole result of William’s labor — that is to 
say, William will become virtually his slave? 

Is interest, then, natural and equitable? There is 
nothing in this illustration to show it to be. Evidently 
what Bastiat (and many others) assigns as the basis of 
interest, “the power which exists in the tool to increase 
the productiveness of labor,*’ is neither in justice nor in 
fact the basis 6f interest. The fallacy which makes 
Bastiat’s illustration pass as conclusive with those who 
do not stop to analyze it, as we have done, is that with 
the loan of the plane they associate the transfer of the 
increased productive power which a plane gives to labor. 
But this is really not involved. The essential thing 
which James loaned to William was not the increased 
power which labor acquires from using planes. To sup- 
pose this, we should have to suppose that the making 
and using of planes was a trade secret or a patent right, 
when the illustration would become one of monopoly, 
not of capital. The essential thing which James loaned 
to William was not the privilege of applying his labor 
in a more effective way, but the use of the concrete 
result of ten days’ labor. If “the power which exists in 
tools to increase the productiveness of labor” were the 
cause of interest, then the rate of interest would in- 
crease with the march of invention. This is not so. Nor 
yet will I be expected to pay more interest if I borrow 



a fifty-dollar sewing machine than if I borrow fifty 
dollars’ worth of needles; if I borrow a steam engine 
than if I borrow a pile of bricks of equal value. Capi- 
tal, like wealth, is interchangeable. It is not one thing; 
it is anything to that value within the circle of exchange. 
Nor yet does the improvement of tools add to the repro- 
ductive power of capital; it adds to the productive power 
of labor. 

And I am inclined to think that if all wealth con- 
sisted of such things as planes, and all production was 
such as that of carpenters — that is to say, if wealth con- 
sisted but of the inert matter of the universe, and pro- 
duction of working up this inert matter into different 
shapes, that interest would be but the robbery of 
industry, and could not long exist. This is not to say 
that there would be no accumulation, for though the 
hope of increase is a motive for turning wealth into 
capital, it is not the motive, or, at least, not the main 
motive, for accumulating. Children will save their 
pennies for Christmas; pirates will add to their buried 
treasure; Eastern princes will accumulate hoards of coin; 
and men like Stewart or Vanderbilt, having become 
once possessed of the passion of accumulating, would 
continue as long as they could to add to their millions, 
even though accumulation brought no increase. Nor 
yet is it to say that there would be no borrowing or 
lending, for this, to a large extent, would be prompted 
by mutual convenience. If William had a job of work 
to be immediately begun and James one that would 
not commence until ten days thereafter, there might 
be a mutual advantage in the loan of the plane, though 
no plank should be given. 

But all wealth is not of the nature of planes, oi 
planks, or money, which has no reproductive power; 
nor is all production merely the turning into other forms 
of this inert matter of the universe. It is true that 

Chap, HI. 


if I put away money, it will not increase. But suppose, 
instead, I put away wine. At the end of a year I will 
have an increased value, for the wine will have improved 
in quality. Or supposing that in a country adapted 
to them, I set out bees; at the end of a year I will have 
more swarms of bees, and the honfey which they have 
made. Or, supposing, where there is a range, I turn 
out sheep, or hogs, or cattle; at the end of the year I 
will, upon the average, also have an increase. 

Now what gives the increase in these cases is some- 
thing which, though it generally requires labor to 
utilize it, is yet distinct and separable from labor — the 
active power of nature; the principle of growth, of re- 
production, which everywhere characterizes all the forms 
of that mysterious thing or condition which we call 
life. And it seems to me that it is this which is the 
cause of interest, or the increase of capital over and 
above that due to labor. There are, so to speak, in 
the movements which make up the everlasting flux of 
nature, certain vital currents, which will, if we use 
them, aid us, with a force independent of our own 
efforts, in turning matter into the forms we desire — 
that is to say, into wealth. 

While many things might be mentioned which, like 
money, or planes, or planks, or engines, or clothing, 
have no innate power of increase, yet other things are 
included in the terms wealth and capital which, like 
wine, mil of themselves increase in quality up to a cer- 
tain point; or, like bees or cattle, will of themselves 
increase in quantity; and certain other things, such as 
seeds, which, though the conditions which enable them 
to increase may not be maintained without labor, yet 
will, when these conditions are maintained, yield an in- 
crease, or give a return over and above that which is to 
be attributed to labor. 

Now the interchangeability of wealth necessarily in- 



Book III. 

volves an average between all the species of wealth of 
any special advantage which accrues from the possession 
of any particular species, for no one would keep capital 
in one form when it could be changed into a more ad- 
vantageous form. No one, for instance, would grind 
wheat into flour and 'keep it on hand for the convenience 
of those who desire from time to time to exchange 
wheat or its equivalent for flour, unless he could by 
such exchange secure an increase equal to that which, 
all things considered, he could secure by planting his 
wheat. No one, if he could keep them, would exchange 
a flock of sheep now for their net weight in mutton 
to be returned next year; for by keeping the sheep he 
would not only have the same amount of mutton next 
year, but also the lambs and the fleeces. No one would 
dig an irrigating ditch, unless those who by its aid are 
enabled to utilize the reproductive forces of nature would 
give him such a portion of the increase they receive 
as to make his capital yield him as much as theirs. 
And so, in any circle of exchange, the power of increase 
which the reproductive or vital force of nature gives to 
some species of capital must average with all; and he 
who lends, or uses in exchange, money, or planes, or 
bricks, or clothing, is not deprived of the power to 
obtain an increase, any more than if he had lent or put 
to a reproductive use so much capital in a form capable 
of increase. 

There is also in the utilization of the variations in the 
powers of nature and of man which is effected by ex- 
change, an increase which somewhat resembles that 
produced by the vital forces of nature. In one place, 
for instance, a given amount of labor will secure 200 in 
vegetable food or 100 in animal food. In another place, 
these conditions are reversed, and the same amount of 
labor will produce 100 in vegetable food or 200 in ani- 
mal. In the one place, the relative value of vegetable 

Chap. Ill • 


10 animal food will be as two to one, and in the other 
as one to two; and, supposing equal amounts of each 
to be required, the same amount of labor will in either 
place secure 160 of both. But by devoting labor in the 
one place to the procurement of vegetable food, and 
in the other, to the procurement of animal food, and 
exchanging to the quantity required, the people of each 
place will be enabled by the given amount of labor to 
procure 200 of both, less the Josses and expenses of 
exchange; so that in each place the produce which is 
taken from use and devoted to exchange brings back an 
increase. Thus Whittington’s cat, sent to a far country 
where cats are scarce and rats are plenty, returns 
in bales of goods and bags of gold. 

Of course, labor is necessary to exchange, as it is to 
the utilization of the reproductive forces of nature, and 
the produce of exchange, as the produce of agriculture, 
is clearly the produce of labor; but yet, in the one case 
as in the other, there is a distinguishable force co-operat- 
ing with that of labor, which makes it impossible to 
measure the result solely by the amount of labor ex- 
pended, but renders the amount of capital and the time 
it is in use integral parts in the sum of forces. Capital 
aids labor in all of the different modes of production, 
but there is a distinction between the relations of the 
two in such modes of production as consist merely of 
changing the form or place of matter, as planing boards 
or mining coal; and such modes of production as avail 
themselves of the reproductive forces of nature, or of 
the power of increase arising from differences in the 
distribution of natural and human powers, such as the 
raising of grain or the exchange of ice for sugar. In 
production of the first kind, labor alone is the efficient 
cause; when labor stops, production stops. When the 
carpenter drops his plane as the sun sets, the increase 
of value, which he with his plane is producing, ceases 


until he begins his labor again the following morning . 
When the factory bell rings for closing, when the mine 
is shut down, production ends until work is resumed. 
The intervening time, so far as regards production, 
might as well be blotted out. The lapse of days, the 
change of seasons, is no element in the production that 
depends solely upon the amount of labor expended. But 
in the other modes of production to which I have re- 
ferred, and in which the part of labor may be likened 
to the operations of lumbermen who throw their logs 
into the stream, leaving it to the current to carry them 
to the boom of the sawmill many miles below, time is 
an element. The seed in the ground germinates and 
grows while the farmer sleeps or plows new fields, and 
the everflowing currents of air and ocean bear Whitting- 
ton’s cat toward the rat-tormented ruler in the regions 
of romance. 

To recur now to Bastiat’s illustration. It is evident 
that if there is any reason why William at the end of 
the year should return to James more than an equally 
good plane, it does not spring, as Bastiat has it, from 
the increased power which the tool gives to labor, for 
that, as I have shown, is not an element; but it springs 
from the element of time — the difference of a year be- 
tween the lending and return of the plane. Now, if the 
view is confined to the illustration, there is nothing to 
suggest how this element should operate, for a plane at 
the end of the year has no greater value than a plane 
at the beginning. But if we substitute for the plane a 
calf, it is clearly to be seen that to put James in as good 
a position as if he had not lent, William at the end 
of the year must return, not a calf, but a cow. Or, if 
we suppose that the ten days’ labor had been devoted to 
planting com, it is evident that James would not have 
been fully recompensed if at the end of the year he had 
received simply so much planted com, for during the 
year the planted com would have germinated and grown 

Chap, III . 


and multiplied; and so if the plane had been devoted to 
exchange, it might during the year have been turned 
over several times, each exchange yielding an increase 
to James. Now, therefore, as James’ labor might have 
been applied in any of those ways— or what amounts to 
the same thing, some of the labor devoted to making 
planes might have been thus transferred — he will not 
make a plane for William to use for the year unless he 
gets back more than a plane. And William can afford 
to give back more than a plane, because the same gen- 
eral average of the advantages of labor applied in dif- 
ferent modes will enable him to obtain from his labor 
an advantage from the element of time. It is this 
general averaging, or as we may say, “pooling” of ad- 
vantages, which necessarily takes place where the exi- 
gencies of society require the simultaneous carrying on 
of the different modes of production, which gives to 
the possession of wealth incapable in itself of increase an 
advantage similar to that which attaches to wealth 
used in such a way as to gain from the element of time* 
And, in the last analysis, the advantage which is given 
by the lapse of time springs from the generative force 
of nature and the varying powers of nature and of 

Were the quality and capacity of matter everywhere 
uniform, and all productive power in man, there would 
be no interest. The advantage of superior tools might 
at times be transferred on terms resembling the pay- 
ment of interest, but such transactions would be irregular 
and intermittent — the exception, not the rule. For the 
power of obtaining such returns would not, as now, in- 
here in the possession of capital, and the advantage of 
time would operate only in peculiar circumstances. 
That I, having a thousand dollars, can certainly let it 
out at interest, does not arise from the fact that there 
are others, not having a thousand dollars, who will 
gladly pay me for the use of it, if they can get it no 



Book III. 

other way ; but from the fact that the capital which my 
thousand dollars v represents has the power of yielding 
an increase to whomsoever has it, even though he be a 
millionaire. For the price which anything will bring 
does not depend upon what the buyer would be willing 
to give rather than go without it, so much as upon 
what the seller can otherwise get. For instance, a manu- 
facturer who wishes to retire from business has ma- 
chinery to the value of $100,000. If he cannot, should 
he sell, take this $100,000 and invest it so that it will 
yield him interest, it will be immaterial to him, risk 
being eliminated, whether he obtains the whole price at 
once or in installments, and if the purchaser has the 
requisite capital, which we must suppose in order that 
the transaction may rest on its own merits, it will be 
immaterial whether he pay at once or after a time. If 
the purchaser has not the required capital, it may be 
to his convenience that payments should be delayed, 
but it would be only in exceptional circumstances that 
the seller would ask, or the buyer would consent, to 
pay any premium on this account; nor in such cases 
would this premium be properly interest. For interest 
is not properly a payment made for the use of capital, 
but a return accruing from the increase of capital. If 
the capital did not yield an increase, the cases would be 
few and exceptional in which the owner would get a 
premium. William would soon find out if it did not pay 
him to give a plank for the privilege of deferring pay- 
ment on James’ plane. 

In short, when we come to analyze production we find 
it to fall into three modes — viz: 

Adapting, or changing natural products either in 
form or in place so as to fit them for the satisfaction of 
human desire. 

Growing, or utilizing the vital forces of nature, as 
by raising vegetables or animals. 

Chap. III. 


Exchanging, or utilizing, so as to add to the general 
sum of wealth, the higher powers of those natural forces 
which vary with locality, or of those human forces which 
vary with situation, occupation, or character. 

In each of these three modes of production capital 
may aid labor — or, to speak more precisely, in the first 
mode capital may aid labor, but is not absolutely neces- 
sary; in the others capital must aid labor, or is neces- 

Now, while by adapting capital in proper forms we 
may increase the effective power of labor to impress 
upon matter the character of wealth, as when we adapt 
wood and iron to the form and use of a plane; or iron, 
coal, water, and oil to the form and use of a steam 
engine; or stone, clay, timber, and iron to that of a 
building, yet the characteristic of this use of capital is, 
that the benefit is in the use. When, however, we em- 
ploy capital in £he second of these modes, as when we 
plant grain in the ground, or place animals on a stock 
farm, or put away wine to improve with age, the benefit 
arises, not from the use, but from the increase. And so, 
when we employ capital in the third of these modes, and 
instead of using a thing we exchange it, the benefit is in 
the increase or greater value of the things received in 

Primarily, the benefits which arise from use go to 
labor, and the benefits which arise from increase, to 
capital. But, inasmuch as the division of labor and 
the interchangeability of wealth necessitate and imply 
an averaging of benefits, in so far as these different 
modes of production correlate with each other, the bene- 
fits that arise from one will average with the benefits 
that arise from the others, for neither labor nor capital 
will be devoted to any mode of production while any 
other mode which is open to them will yield a greater 
return. That is to say, labor expended in the first mode 

- 188 


Book III. 

of production will get, not the whole return, but the 
return minus such part as is necessary to give to capital 
such an increase as it could have secured in the other 
modes of production, and capital engaged in the second 
and third modes will obtain, not the whole increase, 
but the increase minus what is sufficient to give to labor 
such reward as it could have secured if expended in the 
first mode. 

Thus interest springs from the power of increase 
which the reproductive forces of nature, and the in 
effect analogous capacity for exchange, give to capital. 
It is not an arbitrary, but a natural thing; it is not the 
result of a particular social organization, but of laws 
of the universe which underlie society. It is, therefore, 

They wh6 talk about abolishing interest fall into an 
-error similar to that previously pointed out as giving 
its plausibility to the doctrine that wages are drawn 
from capital. When they thus think of interest, they 
think only of that which is paid by the user of capital 
to the owner of capital. But, manifestly, this is not all 
interest, but only some interest. Whoever uses capital 
and obtains the increase it is capable of giving receives 
interest. If I plant and care for a tree until it comes 
to maturity, I receive, in its fruit, interest upon the 
capital I have thus accumulated — that is, the labor I 
have expended. If I raise a cow, the milk which she 
yields me, morning and evening, is not merely the re- 
ward of the labor then exerted; but interest upon the 
capital which my labor, expended in raising her, has ac- 
cumulated in the cow. And so, if I use my own capital 
in directly aiding production, as by machinery, or in 
indirectly aiding production, in exchange, I receive a 
special and distinguishable advantage from the repro- 
ductive character of capital, which is as real, though 
perhaps not as clear, as though I had lent my capital 
to another and he had paid me interest. 




The belief that interest is th§ robbery of industry is, 
I am persuaded, in large part due to a failure to dis- 
criminate between what is really capital and what is not, 
and between profits which are properly interest and 
profits which arise from other sources than the use of 
capital. In the speech and literature of the day every 
one is styled a capitalist who possesses what, independ- 
ent of his labor, will yield him a return, while what- 
ever is thus received is spoken of as the earnings or 
takings of capital, and we everywhere hear of the conflict 
of labor and capital. Whether there is, in reality, any 
conflict between labor and capital, I do not yet ask 
the reader to make up his mind ; but it will be well here 
to clear away some misapprehensions which confuse 
the judgment. 

Attention has already been called to the fact that 
land values, which constitute such an enormous part 
of what is commonly called capital, are not capital at 
all; and that rent, which is as commonly included in the 
receipts of capital, and which takes an ever-increasing 
portion of the produce of an advancing community, is 
not the earnings of capital, and must be carefully sepa- 
rated from interest. It is not necessary now to dwell 
further upon this point. Attention has likewise been 
called to the fact that the stocks, bonds, etc., which 
constitute another great part of what is commonly 
called capital, are not capital at all; but, in some of 



Book I 1 1. 

their shapes, these evidences of indebtedness so closely 
resemble capital and in some cases actually perform, or 
seem to perform, the functions of capital, while they 
yield a return to their owners which is not only spoken 
of as interest, but has every semblance of interest, that 
it is worth while, before attempting to clear the idea 
of interest from some other ambiguities that beset it, to 
speak again of these at greater length. 

Nothing can be capital, let it always be remembered, 
that is not wealth — that is to say, nothing can be capital 
that does not consist of actual, tangible things, not the 
spontaneous offerings of nature, which have in them- 
selves, and not by proxy, the power of directly or in- 
directly ministering to human desire. 

Thus, a government bond is not capital, nor yet is it 
the representative of capital. The capital that was once 
received for it by the government has been consumed 
unproductively — blown away from the mouths of can- 
non, used up in war ships, expended in keeping men 
marching and drilling, killing and destroying. The bond 
cannot represent capital that has been destroyed. Io 
does not represent capital at all. It is simply a solemn 
declaration that the government will, some time or 
other, take by taxation from the then existing stock of 
the people, so much wealth, which it will turn over to 
the holder of the bond; and that, in the meanwhile, it 
will, from time to time, take, in the same way, enough 
to make up to the holder the increase which so much 
capital as it some day promises to give him would 
yield him were it actually in his possession. The im- 
mense sums which are thus taken from the produce 
of every modern country to pay interest on public 
debts are not the earnings or increase of capital — are 
not really interest in the strict sense of the term, but 
are taxes levied on the produce of labor and capital, 
leaving so much less for wages and so much less for real 



Put, supposing the bonds have been issued for the 
deepening of a river bed, the construction of lighthouses, 
or the erection of a public market; or supposing, to em- 
body the same idea while changing the illustration, they 
have been issued by a railroad company. Here they 
do represent capital, existing and applied to productive 
uses, and like stock in a dividend paying company may 
be considered as evidences of the ownership of capital. 
But they can be so considered -only in so far as they 
actually represent capital, and not as they have been 
issued in excess of the capital used. Nearly all .our 
railroad companies and other incorporations are loaded 
down in this way. Where one dollar’s worth of capital 
hits been really used, certificates for two, three, lour, i, * . , 

or even ten, have been issued, and upon this fictitious 
amount interest or dividends are paid with more or less 

regularity. Now, what, in excess of the amount due as 
interest to the real capital invested, is thus earned by 
these companies and thus paid out, as well as the large 
sums absorbed by managing rings and never accounted 
for, is evidently not taken from the aggregate produce 
of the community on account of the services rendered 
by capital — it is not interest. If we are restricted to 
the terminology of economic writers who decompose 
profits into interest, insurance, and wages of superin- 
tendence, it must fall into the category of wages of 

But while wages of superintendence clearly enough 
include the income derived from such personal qualities 
as skill, tact, enterprise, organizing ability, inventive 
power, character, etc., to the profits we are speaking 
of there is another contributing element, which can only 
arbitrarily be classed with these — the element of mo- 

When James I granted to his minion the exclusive 
privilege of making gold and silver thread, and prohib- 
ited, under severe penalties, every one else from making 



Book III. 

such thread, the income which Buckingham enjoyed in 
consequence did not arise from the interest upon the 
capital invested in the manufacture, nor from the skill, 
etc., of those who really conducted the operations, but 
from what he got from the king — viz., the exclusive 
privilege — in reality the power to levy a tax for his own 
purposes upon all the users of such thread. From a 
similar source comes a large part of the profits which 
are commonly confounded with the earnings of capital. 
Receipts from the patents granted for a limited term of 
years for the purpose of encouraging invention are 
clearly attributable to this source, as are the returns 
derived from monopolies created by protective tariffs 
under the pretense of encouraging home industry. But 
there is another far more insidious and far more general 
form of monopoly. In the aggregation of large masses 
of capital under a common control there is developed a 
new and essentially different power from that power of 
increase which is a general characteristic of capital 
and which gives rise to interest. While the latter is, 
so to speak, constructive in its nature, the power which, 
as aggregation proceeds, rises upon it is destructive. It 
is a power of the same kind as that which James granted 
to Buckingham, and it is often exercised with as reck- 
less a disregard, not only of the industrial, but of the 
personal rights of individuals. A railroad company ap- 
proaches a small town as a highwayman approaches 
his victim. The threat, “If you do not accede to our 
terms we will leave your town two or three miles to one 
side! ,, is as efficacious as the “Stand and deliver,” when 
backed by a cocked pistol. For the threat of the rail- 
road company is not merely to deprive the town of the 
benefits which the railroad might give; it is to put it 
in a far worse position than if no railroad had been 
built. Or if, where there is water communication, an 
opposition boat is put on; rates are reduced until she is 
forced off, and then the public are compelled to pay the 



cost of the operation, just as the Rohillas were obliged 
to pay the forty lacs with which Sura j ah Dowlah hired 
of Warren Hastings an English force to assist him in 
desolating their country and decimating their people. 
And just as robbers unite to plunder in concert and 
divide the spoil, so do the trunk lines of railroad unite 
to raise rates and pool their earnings, or the Pacific 
roads form a combination with the Pacific Mail Steam- 
ship Company by which toll gates are virtually estab- 
lished on land and ocean. And just as Buckingham’s 
creatures, under authority of the gold thread patent, 
searched private houses, and seized papers and persons 
for purposes of lust and extortion, so does the great tel- 
egraph company which, by the power of associated capi- 
tal, deprives the people of the United States of the full 
benefits of a beneficent invention, tamper with corre- 
spondence and crush out newspapers which offend it. 

It is necessary- only to allude to these things, not to 
dwell on them. Every one knows the tyranny and 
rapacity with which capital when concentrated in large 
amounts is frequently wielded to corrupt, to rob, and to 
destroy. What I wish to call the reader’s attention to 
is that profits thus derived are not to be confounded 
with the legitimate returns of capital as an agent of pro- 
duction. They are for the most part to be attributed 
to a maladjustment of forces in the legislative depart- 
ment of government and to a blind adherence to ancient 
barbarisms and the superstitious reverence for the 
technicalities of a narrow profession in the adminis- 
tration of law; while the general cause which in ad- 
vancing communities tends, with the concentration of 
wealth, to the concentration of power, is the solution 
of the great problem we are seeking for, but have not 
yet found. 

Any analysis will show that much of the profits which 
are, in common thought, confounded with interest are 
in reality due, not to the power of capital, but to the 


power of concentrated capital, or of concentrated capi- 
tal acting upon bad social adjustments. And it will also 
show that what are clearly and properly wages of 
superintendence are very frequently confounded with 
the earnings of capital. 

And, so, profits properly due to the elements of risk 
are frequently confounded with interest. Some people 
acquire wealth by taking chances which to the ma- 
jority of people must necessarily bring loss. Such are 
many forms of speculation, and especially that mode of 
gambling known as stock dealing. Nerve, judgment, 
the possession of capital, skill in what in lower forms 
of gambling are known as the arts of the confidence 
man and blackleg, give advantage to the individual; 
but, just as at a gaming table, whatever one gains some 
one else must lose. 

Now, taking the great fortunes that are so often re- 
ferred to as exemplifying the accumulative power of 
capital — the Dukes of Westminster and Marquises of 
Bute, the Rothschilds, Astors, Stewarts, Vanderbilts, 
Goulds, Stanfords, and Floods — it is upon examination 
readily seen that they have been built up, in greater 
or less part, not by interest, but by elements such as 
we have been reviewing. 

How necessary it is to note the distinctions to which 
I have been calling attention is shown in current dis- 
cussions, where the shield seems alternately white or 
black as the standpoint is shifted from one side to 
the other. On the one hand we are called upon to 
see, in the existence of deep poverty side by side with 
lrast accumulations of wealth, the aggressions of capital 
on labor, and in reply it is pointed out that capital aids 
labor, and hence we are asked to conclude that there is 
nothing unjust or unnatural in the wide gulf between 
rich and poor; that wealth is but the reward of industry, 
intelligence, and thrift; and poverty but the punish- 
ment of indolence, ignorance, and imprudence. 



Let us turn now to the law jof interest, keeping in 
mind two things to which attention has heretofore been 
called — viz: 

First — That it is not capital which employs labor, 
but labor which employs capital. 

Second — That capital is not a fixed quantity, but can 
always be increased or decreased, (1) by the greater 
or less application of labor to the production of capita^ 
and (2) by the conversion of wealth into capital, 01 
capital into wealth, for capital being but wealth applied 
in a certain way, wealth is the larger and inclusive 

It is manifest that under conditions of freedom the 
maximum that can be given for the use of capital will be 
the increase it will biing, and the minimum or zero 
will be the replacement of capital; for above the one 
point the borrowing of capital would involve a loss, and 
below the other, capital could not be maintained. 

Observe, again: It is not, as is carelessly stated by 
some writers, the increased efficiency given to labor by 
the adaptation of capital to any special form or use 
which fixes this maximum, but the average power of 
increase which belongs to capital generally. The power 
of applying itself in advantageous forms is a power of 
labor, which capital as capital cannot claim nor share. 
A bow and arrows will enable an Indian to kill, let us 
say, a buffalo everv day, while with sticks and stones 



he could hardly kill one in a week; but the weapon 
maker of the tribe could not claim from the hunter 
six out of every seven buffaloes killed as a return for 
the use of a bow and arrows; nor will capital invested 
in a woolen factory yield to the capitalist the difference 
between the produce of the factory and what the same 
amount of labor could have obtained with the spinnings 
wheel and handloom. William when he borrows a plane 
from James does not in that obtain the advantage of 
the increased efficiency of labor when using a plane for 
the smoothing of boards over what it has when smooth- 
ing them with a shell or flint. The progress of knowl- 
edge has made the advantage involved in the use of 
planes a common property and power of labor. What 
he gets from James is merely such advantage as the 
element of a year's time will give to the possession of 
so much capital as is represented by the plane. 

Now, if the vital forces of nature which give an ad- 
vantage to the element of time be the cause of interest, 
it would seem to follow that this maximum rate of inter- 
est would be determined by the strength of these forces 
and the extent to which they are engaged in production. 
But while the reproductive force of nature seems to vary 
enormously, as, for instance, between the salmon, which 
spawns thousands of eggs, and the whale, which brings 
forth a single calf at intervals of years; between the 
rabbit and the elephant, the thistle and the gigantic 
redwood, it appears from the way the natural balance 
is maintained that there is an equation between the 
reproductive and destructive forces of nature, which 
in effect brings the principle of increase to a uniform 
point. This natural balance man has within narrow 
limits the power to disturb, and by the modification of 
natural conditions may avail himself at will of the vary- 
ing strength of the reproductive force in nature. But 
when he does so, there arises from the wide scope of hi* 


desires another principle which brings about in the in- 
crease of wealth a similar equation and balance to that 
which is effected in nature between the different forms 
of life. This equation exhibits itself through values. 
If, in a country adapted to both, I go to raising rabbits 
and you to raising horses, my rabbits may, until the 
natural limit is reached, increase faster than your 
horses. But my capital will not increase faster, for 
the effect of the varying rates of increase will be to 
lower the value of rabbits as compared with horses, 
and to increase the value of horses as compared with 

Though the varying strength of the vital forces of 
nature is thus brought to uniformity, there may be a 
difference in the different stages of social development 
as to the proportionate extent to which, in the aggre- 
gate production of wealth, these vital forces are enlisted. 
But as to this, there are two remarks to be made. In 
the first place, although in such a country as England 
the part taken by manufactures in the aggregate wealth 
production has very much increased as compared with 
the part taken by agriculture, yet it is to be noticed that 
to a very great extent this is true only of the political 
or geographical division, and not of the industrial com- 
munity. For industrial communities are not limited by 
political divisions, or bounded by seas or mountains. 
They are limited only by the scope of their exchanges, 
and the proportion which in the industrial economy of 
England agriculture and stock-raising bear to manu- 
factures is averaged with Iowa and Illinois, with Texas 
and California, with Canada and India, with Queens- 
land and the Baltic — in short, with every country to 
which the world-wide exchanges of England extend. In 
the next place, it is to be remarked that although in 
Ihe progress of civilization the tendency is to the rela- 
tive increase of manufactures, as compared with agri- 



Book 111. 

culture, and consequently to a proportionately less 
reliance upon the reproductive forces of nature, yet this 
is accompanied by a corresponding extension of ex- 
changes, and hence a greater calling in of the power 
of increase which thus arises. So these tendencies, to a 
great extent, and, probably, so far as we have yet gone, 
completely, balance each other, and preserve the equi- 
librium which fixes the average increase of capital, or 
the normal rate of interest. 

Now, this normal point of interest, which lies be- 
tween the necessary maximum and the necessary mini- 
mum of the return to capital, must, wherever it rests, 
be such that all things (such as the feeling of security, 
desire for accumulation, etc.) considered, the reward 
of capital and the reward of labor will be equal — that is 
to say, will give an equally attractive result for the exer- 
tion or sacrifice involved. It is impossible, perhaps, to 
formulate this point, as wages are habitually estimated 
in quantity, and interest in a ratio; but if we suppose 
a given quantity of wealth to be the produce of a given 
amount of labor, co-operating for a stated time with a 
certain amount of capital, the proportion in which the 
produce would be divided between the labor and the 
capital would afford a comparison. There must be 
such a point at, or rather, about, which the rate of 
interest must tend to settle; since, unless such an equi- 
librium were effected, labor would not accept the use of 
capital, or capital would not be placed at the disposal 
of labor. For labor and capital are but different forms 
of the same thing — human exertion. Capital is pro- 
duced by labor; it is, in fact, but labor impressed upon 
matter — labor stored up in matter, to be released again 
as needed, as the heat of the sun stored up in coal is 
released in the furnace. The use of capital in produc- 
tion is, therefore, but a mode of labor. As capital can 
be used only by being consumed, its use is the expendi- 


ture of labor, and for the maintenance of capital, its 
production by labor must be commensurate with its 
consumption in aid of labor. Hence the principle that, 
under circumstances which permit free competition, oper- 
ates to bring wages to a common standard and profits 
to a substantial equality — the principle that men will 
seek to gratify their desires with the least exertion — 
operates to establish and maintain this equilibrium 
between wages and interest. 

This natural relation between interest and wages — 
this equilibrium at which both will represent equal re- 
turns to equal exertions — may be stated in a form which 
suggests a relation of opposition; but this opposition is 
only apparent. In a partnership between Dick and 
Harry, the statement that Dick receives a certain pro- 
portion of the profits implies that the portion of Harry 
is less or greater as Dick’s is greater or less; but where, 
as in this case, each gets only what he adds to the com- 
mon fund, the increase of the portion of the one does 
not decrease what the other receives. 

And this relation fixed, it is evident that interest and 
wages must rise and fall together, and that interest 
cannot be increased without increasing wages; nor wages 
lowered without depressing interest. For if wages fall, 
interest must also fall in proportion, else it becomes 
more profitable to turn labor into capital than to apply 
it directly; while, if interest falls, wages must likewise 
proportionately fall, or else the increment of capital 
would be checked. 

We are, of course, not speaking of particular wages 
and particular interest, but of the general rate of wages 
and the general rate of interest, meaning always by 
interest the return which capital can secure, less insur- 
ance and wages of superintendence. In a particular 
case, or a particular employment, the tendency of wages 
and interest to an equilibrium may be impeded; but 

a n 

Af A 

• 1 


Book III. 

between the general rate of wages and the general rate 
of interest, this tendency must be prompt to act. For 
though in a particular branch of production the line 
may be clearly drawn between those who furnish labor 
and those who furnish capital, yet even in communities 
where there is the sharpest distinction between the gen- 
eral class laborers and the general class capitalists, 
these two classes shade off into each other by imper- 
ceptible gradations, and on the extremes where the two 
classes meet in the same persons, the interaction which 
restores equilibrium, or rather prevents its disturbance, 
can go on without obstruction, whatever obstacles may 
exist where the separation is complete. And, further- 
more, it must be remembered, as has before been stated, 
that capital is but a portion of wealth, distinguished 
from wealth generally only by the purpose to which it 
is applied, and, hence, the whole body of wealth has 
upon the relations of capital and labor the same equaliz- 
ing effect that a fly-wheel has upon the motion of ma- 
chinery, taking up capital when it is in excess and 
giving it out again when there is a deficiency, just as 
a jeweler may give his wife diamonds to wear when he 
has a superabundant stock, and put them in his show- 
case again when his stock becomes reduced. Thus any 
tendency on the part of interest to rise above the equi- 
librium with wages must immediately beget not only 
a tendency to direct labor to the production of capital, 
but also the application of wealth to the uses of capital; 
while any tendency of wages to rise above the equilib- 
rium with interest must in like manner beget not only a 
tendency to turn labor from the production of capital, 
but also to lqssen the proportion of capital by diverting 
from a productive to a non-productive use some of the 
articles of wealth of which capital is composed. 

To recapitulate: There is a certain relation or ratio 
between wages and interest, fixed by causes, which, if 

Chap. V. 



not absolutely permanent, slowly change, at which 
enough labor will be turned into capital to sup- 
ply the capital which, in the degree of knowledge, state 
of the arts, density of population, character of occupa- 
tions, variety, extent and rapidity of exchanges, will be 
demanded for production, and this relation or ratio the 
interaction of labor and capital constantly maintains; 
hence interest must rise and fall with the rise and fall 
of wages. 

To illustrate: The price of flour is determined by the 
price of wheat and cost of milling. The cost of milling 
varies slowly and but little, the difference being, even 
at long intervals, hardly perceptible; while the price of 
wheat varies frequently and largely. Hence we correctly 
say that the price of flour is governed by the price of 
wheat. Or, to put the proposition in the same form as 
the preceding: There is a certain relation or ratio be- 
tween the value of wheat and the value of flour, fixed 
by the cost of milling, which relation or ratio the inter- 
action between the demand for flour and the supply of 
wheat constantly maintains; hence the price of flour 
must rise and fall with the rise and fall of the price of 

Or, as, leaving the connecting link, the price of wheat, 
to inference, we say that the price of flour depends upon 
the character of the seasons, wars, etc., so may we put 
the law of interest in a form which directly connects 
it with the law of rent, by saying that the general rate 
of interest will be determined by the return to capital 
upon the poorest land to which capital is freely applied 
— that is to say, upon the best land open to it without 
the payment of rent. Thus we bring the law of interest 
into a form which shows it to be a corollary of the law 
of rent. 

We may prove this conclusion in another way: For 
that interest must decrease as rent increases, we can 



Book III, 

plainly see if we eliminate wages. To do this, we must, 
to be sure, imagine a universe organized on totally dif- 
ferent principles. Nevertheless, we may imagine what 
Carlyle would call a fool’s paradise, where the produc- 
tion of wealth went on without the aid of labor, and 
solely by the reproductive force of capital — where sheep 
bore ready-made clothing on their backs, cows presented 
butter and cheese, and oxen, when they got to the proper 
point of fatness, carved themselves into beefsteaks and 
Toasting ribs; where houses grew from the seed, and a 
jackknife thrown upon the ground would take root and 
in due time bear a crop of assorted cutlery. Imagine 
certain capitalists transported, with their capital in ap- 
propriate forms, to such a place. Manifestly, they would 
get, as the return for their capital, the whole amount of 
wealth it produced only so long as none of its produce 
was demanded as rent. When rent arose, it would come 
out of the produce of capital, and as it increased, the 
return to the owners of capital must necessarily dimin- 
ish. If we imagine the place where capital possessed 
this power of producing wealth without the aid of labor 
to be of limited extent, say an island, we shall see that 
as soon as capital had increased to the limit of the 
island to support it, the return to capital must fall to 
i trifle above its minimum of mere replacement, and the 
!and owners would receive nearly the whole produce as 
rent, for the only alternative capitalists would have 
would be to throw their capital into the sea. Or, if we 
imagine such an island to be in communication with 
the rest of the world, the return to capital would settle 
at the rate of return in other places. Interest there 
•rould be neither higher nor lower than anywhere else. 
Aent would obtain the whole of the superior advantage, 
and the land of such an island would have a great 

To sum up, the law of interest is this: 


The relation between wages and interest is determined 
by the average power of increase which attaches to capi- 
tal from its use in reproductive modes. As rent arises, 
interest will fall as wages fall, or wiU be determined by 
the margin of cultivation. 

I have endeavored at this length to trace out and 
illustrate the law of interest more in deference to the 
existing terminology and modes .of thought than from 
the real necessities of our inquiry, were it unembar- 
rassed by befogging discussions. In truth, the primary 
division of wealth in distribution is dual, not tripartite. 
Capital is but a form of labor, and its distinction from 
labor is in reality but a subdivision, just as the division 
of labor into skilled and unskilled would be. In our 
examination we have reached the same point as would 
have been attained had we simply treated capital as 
a form of labor, and sought the law which divides the 
produce between rent and wages; that is to say, be- 
tween the possessors of the two factors, natural sub- 
stances and powers, and human exertion — which two 
factors by their union produce all wealth. 



We have by inference already obtained the law of 
wages. But to verify the deduction and to strip the 
subject of all ambiguities, let us seek the law from an 
independent starting point. 

There is, of course, no such thing as a common rate 
of wages, in the sense that there is at any given time 
and place a common rate of interest. Wages, which in- 
clude all returns received from labor, not only vary 
with the differing powers of individuals, but, as the 
organization of society becomes elaborate, vary largely 
as between occupations. Nevertheless, there is a cer- 
tain general relation between all wages, so that we ex- 
press a clear and well-understood idea when we say 
that wages are higher or lower in one time or place than 
in another. In their degrees, wages rise and fall in 
obedience to a common law. What is this law? 

The fundamental principle of human action — the law 
that is to political economy what the law of gravita- 
tion r to physics — is that men seek to gratify their 
desires with the least exertion. Evidently, this principle 
must bring to an equality, through the competition it 
induces, the reward gained by equal exertions under 
similar circumstances. When men work for themselves, 
this equalization will be largely effected by the equa- 
tion oi prices; and between those who work for them- 
selves and those who work for others, the same tendency 
to equalization will operate. Now, under this principle, 


Chap. VI. 



what, in conditions of freedom, will be the terms at 
which one man can hire others to work for him? Evi- 
dently, they will be fixed by what the men could make 
if laboring for themselves. The principle which will 
prevent him from having to give anything above this, 
except what is necessary to induce the change, will alse 
prevent them from taking less. Did they demand more, 
the competition of others would prevent them from 
getting employment. Did he offer less, noiie would ac- 
cept the terms, as they could obtain greater results by 
working for themselves. Thus, although the employer 
wishes to pay as little as possible, and the employee 
to receive as much as possible, wages will be fixed by 
the value or produce of such labor to the laborers them- 
selves. If wages are temporarily carried either above 
or below this line, a tendency to carry them back at 
once arises. 

But the result/ or the earnings of labor, as is readily 
seen in those primary and fundamental occupations hi 
which labor first engages, and which, even in the most 
highly developed condition of society, still form the base 
of production, does not depend merely upon the inten- 
sity or quality of the labor itself. Wealth is the prod- 
uct of two factors, land and labor, and what a given 
amount of labor will yield will vary with the powers 
of the natural opportunities to which it is applied. This 
being the case, the principle that men seek to gratify 
their desires with the least exertion will fix wages at 
the produce of such labor at the point of highest natural 
productiveness open to it. Now, by virtue of the same 
principle, the highest point of natural productiveness 
open to labor under existing conditions will be the low- 
est point at which production continues, for men, im- 
pelled by a supreme law of the human mind to seek 
the satisfaction of their desires with the least exertion, 
will not expend labor at a lower point of productiveness 




while a higher is open to them. Thus the wages which 
an employer must pay will be measured by the lowest 
point of natural productiveness to which production 
extends, and wages will rise or fall as this point rises 
or falls. 

To illustrate: In a simple state of society, each man, 
as is the primitive mode, works for himself — some in 
hunting, let us say, some in fishing, some in cultivating 
the ground. Cultivation, we will suppose, has just be- 
gun, and the land in use is all of the same quality, 
yielding a similar return to similar exertions. Wages, 
therefore — for, though there is neither employer nor 
employed, there are yet wages — will be the full produce 
of labor, and, making allowance for the difference of 
agreeableness, risk, etc., in the three pursuits, they 
will be on the average equal in each — that is to say, 
equal exertions will yield equal results. Now, if one of 
their number wishes to employ some of his fellows to 
work for him instead of for themselves, he must pay 
wages fixed by this full, average produce of labor. 

Let a period of time elapse. Cultivation has ex- 
tended, and, instead of land of the same quality, em- 
braces lands of different qualities. Wages, now, will 
not be as before, the average produce of labor. They 
will be the average produce of labor at the margin of 
cultivation, or the point of lowest return. For, as men 
seek to satisfy their desires with the least possible exer- 
tion, the point of lowest return in cultivation must yield 
lo labor a return equivalent to the average return in 
hunting and fishing * Labor will i ]p longer yield equal 
returns to equal exertions, but those who expend their 
labor on the superior land will obtain a greater produce 
for the same exertion than those who cultivate the in- 
ferior land. Wages, however, will still be equal, for this 

* This equalisation will be effected by the equation of price* 

Chap. VI. 



excess which the cultivators of the superior land receive 
is in reality rent, and if land has been subjected to indi- 
vidual ownership will give it a value. Now, if, under 
these changed circumstances, one member of this com- 
munity wishes to hire others to work for him, he will 
have to pay only what the labor yields at the lowest 
point of cultivation* If thereafter the margin of culti- 
vation sinks to points of lower and lower productiveness, 
so must wages sink; if, on the contrary, it rises, so also 
must wages rise; for, just as a free body tends to take 
the shortest route to the earths center, so do men seek 
the easiest mode to the gratification of their desires. 

Here, then, we have the law of wages, as a deduction 
from a principle most obvious and most universal. That 
wages depend upon the margin of cultivation — that they 
will be greater or less as the produce which labor can 
obtain from the highest natural opportunities open to 
it is greater or less, flows from the principle that men 
will seek to satisfy their wants with the least exertion. 

Now, if we turn from simple social states to the com- 
plex phenomena of highly civilized societies, we shall 
find upon examination that they also fall under this law. 

In such societies, wages differ widely, but they still 
bear a more or less definite and obvious relation to each 
other. This relation is not invariable, as at one time a 
philosopher of repute may earn by his lectures many fold 
the wages of the best mechanic, and at another can 
hardly hope for the pay of a footman; as in a great 
city occupations may yield relatively high wages, which 
in a new settlement would yield relatively low wages; 
yet these variations between wages may, under all con- 
ditions, and in spite of arbitrary divergences caused by 
'custom, law, etc., be traced to certain circumstances. In 
one of his most interesting chapters Adam Smith thus 
enumerates the principal circumstances “which make 
up for a small pecuniary gain in some employments 



Book III. 

and counter-balance a great one in others: First, the 
agreeableness or disagreeableness of the employments 
themselves. Secondly, the easiness and cheapness, or the 
difficulty and expense of learning them. Thirdly, the 
constancy or inconstancy of employment in them. 
Fourthly, the small or great trust which must be re- 
posed in them. Fifthly, the probability or improbability 
of success in them.” * It is not necessary to dwell in 
detail on these causes of variation in wages between 
different employments. They have been admirably ex- 
plained and illustrated by Adam Smith and the econo- 
mists who have followed him, who have well worked 
out the details, even if they have failed to apprehend 
the main law. 

The effect of all the circumstances which give rise to 
the differences between wages in different occupations 
may be included as supply and demand, and it is per- 
fectly correct to say that the wages in different occupa- 
tions will vary relatively according to differences in the 
supply and demand of labor — meaning by demand the 
call which the community as a whole makes for services 
of the particular kind, and by supply the relative amount 
of labor which, under the existing conditions, can be 
determined to the performance of those particular serv- 
ices. But though this is true as to the relative differ- 
ences of wages, when it is said, as is commonly said, 
that the general rate of wages is determined by supply 
and demand, the words are meaningless. For supply 
and demand are but relative terms. The supply of labor 
can only mean labor offered in exchange for labor or 
the produce of labor, and the demand for labor can only 
mean labor or the produce of labor offered in exchange 
for labor. Supply is thus demand, and demand supply, 

* This last, which is analogous to the element of risk in profits, 
accounts for the high wages of successful lawyers, physicians, 
contractors, actors, etc. 

Chap . VI . 



and, in the whole community, one must be co-extensive 
with the other. This is clearly apprehended by the cur- 
rent political economy in relation to sales, and the rea- 
soning of Ricardo, Mill, and others, which proves that 
alterations in supply and demand cannot produce a gen-, 
eral rise or fall of values, though they may cause a rise 
or fall in the value of a particular thing, is as applicable 
to labor. What conceals the absurdity of speaking gen- 
erally of supply and demand in* reference to labor is 
the habit of considering the demand for labor as spring- 
ing from capital and as something distinct from labor; 
but the analysis to which this idea has been heretofore 
subjected has sufficiently shown its fallacy. It is in- 
deed evident from the mere statement, that wages can 
never permanently exceed the produce of labor, and 
hence that there is no fund from which wages can for 
any time be drawn, save that which labor constantly 

But, though all the circumstances which produce the 
differences in wages between occupations may be con- 
sidered as operating through supply and demand, they, 
or rather, their effects, for sometimes the same cause 
operates in both ways, may be separated into two 
classes, according as they tend only to raise apparent 
wages or as they tend to raise real wages — that is, to 
increase the average reward for equal exertion. The 
high wages of some occupations much resemble what 
Adam Smith compares them to, the prizes of a lottery, 
in which the great gain of one is made up from the 
losses of many others. This is not only true of the 
professions by means of which Dr. Smith illustrates 
the principle, but is largely true of the wages of superin- 
tendence in mercantile pursuits, as shown by the fact 
that over ninety per cent, of the mercantile firms that 
commence business ultimately fail. The higher wages 
of those occupations which can be prosecuted only in 



Book I II, 

certain states of the weather, or are otherwise inter- 
mittent and uncertain, are also of this class; while 
differences that arise from hardship, discredit, unhealthi- 
ness, etc., imply differences of sacrifice, the increased 
compensation for which only preserves the level of 
equal returns for equal exertions. All these differences 
are, in fact, equalizations, arising from circumstances 
which, to use the words of Adam Smith, “make up for 
a small pecuniary gain in some employments and 
counterbalance a great one in others.” But, besides 
these merely apparent differences, there are real differ- 
ences in wages between occupations, which are caused 
by the greater or less rarity of the qualities required 
— greater abilities or skill, whether natural or acquired, 
commanding on the average greater wages. Now, these 
qualities, whether natural or acquired, are essentially 
analogous to differences in strength and quickness in 
manual labor, and as in manual labor the higher wages 
paid the man who can do more would be based upon 
wages paid to those who can do only the average 
amount, so wages in the occupations requiring superior 
abilities and skill must depend upon the common wages 
paid for ordinary abilities and skill. 

It is, indeed, evident from observation, as it must be 
from theory, that whatever be the circumstances which 
produce the differences of wages in different occupa- 
tions, and although they frequently vary in relation 
to each other, producing, as between time and time, 
and place and place, greater or less relative differences, 
yet the rate of wages in one occupation is always de- 
pendent on the rate in another, and so on, down, until 
the lowest and widest stratum of wages is reached, in 
occupations where the demand is more nearly uniform 
and in which there is the greatest freedom to engage. 

For, although barriers of greater or less difficulty may 
exist, the amount of labor which can be determined 

Chap . V/. 



to any particular pursuit is nowhere absolutely fixed. 
All mechanics could act as* laborers, and many laborers 
could readily become mechanics; all storekeepers could 
act as shopmen, and many shopmen could easily become 
storekeepers; many farmers* would, upon inducement, 
become hunters or miners, fishermen or sailors, and many 
hunters, miners, fishermen, and sailors know enough of 
farming to turn their hands to it on demand. In each 
occupation there are men who unite it with others, or 
who alternate between occupations, while the young men 
who are constantly coming in to fill up the ranks of 
labor are drawn in the direction of the strongest induce- 
ments and least resistances. And further than this, all 
the gradations of wages shade into each other by im- 
perceptible degrees, instead of being separated by 
clearly defined gulfs. The wages, even of the poorer 
paid mechanics, are generally higher than the wages of 
simple laborers, but there are always some mechanics 
who do not, on the whole, make as much as some labor- 
ers; the best paid lawyers receive much higher wages 
than the best paid clerks, but the best paid clerks make 
more than some lawyers, and in fact the worst paid clerks 
make more than the worst paid lawyers. Thus, on the 
verge of each occupation, stand those to whom the in- 
ducements between one occupation and another are so 
nicely balanced that the slightest change is sufficient to 
determine their labor in one direction or another. Thus, 
any increase or decrease in the demand for labor of a 
certain kind cannot, except temporarily, raise wages in 
that occupation above, nor depress them below, the 
relative level with wages in other occupations, which is 
determined by the circumstances previously adverted 
to, such as relative agreeableness or continuity of em- 
ployment, etc. Even, as experience shows, where arti- 
ficial barriers are imposed to this interaction, such as 
limiting laws, guild regulations, the establishment of 



Book 111. 

caste, etc., they may interfere with, but cannot prevent, 
the maintenance of this equilibrium. They operate 
only as dams, which pile up the water of a stream above 
its natural level, but cannot prevent its overflow. 

Thus, although they may from time to time alter in 
relation to each other, as the circumstances which deter- 
mine relative levels change, yet it is evident that wages 
in all strata must ultimately depend upon wages in the 
lowest and widest stratum — the general rate of wages 
rising or falling as these rise or fall. 

Now, the primary and fundamental occupations, upon 
which, so to speak, all others are built up, are evidently 
those which procure wealth directly from nature; hence 
the law of wages in them must be the general law of 
wages. And, as wages in such occupations clearly de- 
pend upon what labor can produce at the lowest point 
of natural productiveness to which it is habitually ap- 
plied; therefore, wages generally depend upon the margin 
of cultivation, or, to put it more exactly, upon the high- 
est point of natural productiveness to which labor is 
free to apply itself without the payment of rent. 

So obvious is this law that it is often apprehended 
without being recognized. It is frequently said of such 
countries as California and Nevada that cheap labor 
would enormously aid their development, as it would en- 
able the working of the poorer but most extensive 
deposits of ore. A relation between low wages and a 
low point of production is perceived by those who talk 
in this way, but they invert cause and effect. It is not 
low wages which will cause the working of low-grade 
ore, but the extension of production to the lower point 
which will diminish wages. If wages could be arbi- 
trarily forced down, as has sometimes been attempted 
by statute, the poorer mines would not be worked so 
long as richer mines could be worked. But if the mar- 
gin of production were arbitrarily forced down, as it 

Chap. VI. 



might be, were the superior natural opportunities in the 
ownership of those who chose rather to wait for future 
increase of value than to permit them to be used now, 
wages would necessarily fall. 

The demonstration is complete. The law of wages 
we have thus obtained is that which we previously 
obtained as the corollary of the law of rent, and it 
completely harmonizes with the law of interest. It 
is, that: 

Wages depend upon the margin of production , or upon 
the produce which labor can obtain at the highest point 
of natural productiveness open to it without the pay- 
ment of rent . 

This law of wages accords with and explains uni- 
versal facts that without its apprehension seem un- 
related and contradictory. It shows that: 

Where land is T free and labor is unassisted by capital, 
the whole produce will go to labor as w&ges. 

Where land is free and labor is assisted by capital, 
wages will consist of the whole produce, less that part 
necessary to induce the storing up of labor as capital. 

Where land is subject to ownership and rent arises, 
wages will be fixed by what labor could secure from the 
highest natural opportunities open to it without the 
payment of rent. 

Where natural opportunities are all monopolized, 
wages may be forced by the competition among labor- 
ers to the minimum at which laborers will consent to 

This necessary minimum of wages (which by Smith 
and Ricardo is denominated the point of “natural 
wages,” and by Mill supposed to regulate wages, which 
will be higher or lower as the working classes consent 
to reproduce at a higher or lower standard of comfort) 
is, however, included in the law of wages as previously 



Book 111 

stated, as it is evident that the margin of production 
cannot fall below that point at which enough will be 
left as wages to secure the maintenance of labor. 

Like Ricardo’s law of rent, of which it is the corollary, 
this law of wages carries with it its own proof and be- 
comes self-evident by mere statement. For it is but an 
application of the central truth that is the foundation of 
economic reasoning — that men will seek to satisfy their 
desires with the least exertion. The average man will 
not work for an employer for less, all things considered, 
than he can earn by working for himself; nor yet will 
he work for himself for less than he can earn by work- 
ing for an employer, and hence the return which labor 
can secure from such natural opportunities as are free 
to it must fix the wages which labor everywhere gets. 
That is to say, the line of rent is the necessary measure 
of the line of wages. In fact, the accepted law of rent 
depends for its recognition upon a previous, though in 
many cases it*seems to be an unconscious, acceptance 
of this law of wages. What makes it evident that land 
of a particular quality will yield as rent the surplus of 
its produce over that of the least productive land in use, 
is the apprehension of the fact that the owner of the 
higher quality of land can procure the labor to work 
his land by the payment of what that labor could pro- 
duce if exerted upon land of the poorer quality. 

In its simpler manifestations, this law of wages is 
recognized by people who do not trouble themselves 
about political economy, just as the fact that a heavy 
body would fall to the earth was long recognized by 
those who never thought of the law of gravitation. It 
does not require a philosopher to see that if in any 
country natural opportunities were thrown open which 
would enable laborers to make for themselves wages 
higher than the lowest now paid, the general rate of 
wages would rise; while the most ignorant and stupid 

Char- VI. 



of the placer miners of early California knew that aii the 
placers gave out or were monopolized, wages must fall. 
It requires no fine-spun theory to explain why wages 
are so high relatively to production in new countries 
where land is yet unmonopolized. The cause is on the 
surface. One man will not work for another for less 
than his labor will realty yield, when he can go upon 
the next quarter section and take up a farm for him- 
self. It is only as land becomes monopolized and these 
natural opportunities are shut off from labor, that 
laborers are obliged to compete with each other for 
employment, and it becomes possible for the farmer to 
hire hands to do his work while he maintains himself 
on the difference between what their labor produces 
and what he pays them for it. 

Adam Smith himself saw the cause of high wages 
where land was yet open to settlement, though he failed 
to appreciate the -importance and connection of the fact. 
In treating of the Causes of the Prosperity of New 
Colonies (Chapter VII, Book IV, “Wealth of Na- 
tions”) he says: 

“Every colonist gets more land than he can possibly cultivate. 
He has no rent and scarce any taxes to pay. * * He is eager, 
therefore, to collect laborers from every quarter and to pay 
them the most liberal wages. But these liberal wages, joined 
to the plenty and cheapness of land, soon make these laborera 
leave him in order to become landlords themselves, and to 
reward with equal liberality other laborers who soon leave them 
for the same reason they left their first masters.” 

This chapter contains numerous expressions which, 
like the opening sentence in the chapter on The Wages 
of Labor, show that Adam Smith failed to appreciate 
the true laws of the distribution of wealth only because 
he turned away from the more primitive forms of so- 
ciety to look for first principles amid complex social 
manifestations, where he was blinded by a pre-accepted 



Book 111. 

theory of the functions of capital, and, as it seems to 
me, by a vague acceptance of the doctrine which, two 
years after his death, was formulated by Malthus, 
And it is impossible to read the works of the econo- 
mists who since the time of Smith have endeavored to 
build up and elucidate the science of political economy 
without seeing how, over and over again, they stumble 
over the law of wages without once recognizing it. Yet, 
"if it were a dog it would bite them!” Indeed, it is 
difficult to resist the impression that some of them really 
saw this law of wages, but, fearful of the practical con- 
clusions to which it would lead, preferred to ignore and 
cover it up, rather than use it as the key to problems 
which without it are so perplexing. A great truth to 
an age which has rejected and trampled on it, is not a 
word of peace, but a sword! 

Perhaps it may be well to remind the reader, before 
closing this chapter, of what has been before stated — 
that I am using the word wages not in the sense of a 
quantity, but in the sense of a proportion. When I say 
that wages fall as rent rises, I do not mean that the 
quantity of wealth obtained by laborers as wages is 
necessarily less, but that the proportion which it bears 
to the whole produce is necessarily less. The propor- 
tion may diminish while the quantity remains the same 
or even increases. If the margin of cultivation descends 
from the productive point which we will call 25, to the 
productive point we will call 20, the rent of all lands 
that before paid rent will increase by this difference, 
and the proportion of the whole produce which goes 
to laborers as wages will to the same extent diminish; 
but if, in the meantime, the advance of the arts or 
the economies that become possible with greater popula- 
tion have so increased the productive power of labor 
that at 20 the same exertion will produce as much wealth 
as before at 25, laborers will get as wages as great a 

Chap , VI, 



quantity as before, and the relative fall of wages will 
not be noticeable in any diminution of the necessaries 
or comforts of the laborer, but only in the increased 
value of land and the greater incomes and more lavish 
expenditure of the rent-receiving class. 



The conclusions we have reached as to the laws which 
govern the distribution of wealth recast a large and 
most important part of the science of political economy, 
as at present taught, overthrowing some of its most 
highly elaborated theories and shedding a new light on 
some of its most important problems. Yet, in doing 
this, no disputable ground has been occupied; not a 
single fundamental principle advanced that is not al- 
ready recognized. 

The law of interest and the law of wages which we 
have substituted for those now taught are necessary 
deductions from the great law which alone makes any 
science of political economy possible — the all-compel- 
ling law that is as inseparable from the human mind as 
attraction is inseparable from matter, and without which 
it would be impossible to previse or calculate upon any 
human action, the most trivial or the most important. 
This fundamental law, that men seek to gratify their 
desires with the least exertion, becomes, when viewed 
in its relation to one of the factors of production, the 
law of rent; in relation to another, the law of interest; 
and in relation to a third, the law of wages. And in 
accepting the law of rent, which, since the time of 
Ricardo, has been accepted by every economist of 
standing, and which, like a geometrical axiom, has but 
to be understood to compel assent, the law of interest 
and law of wages, as I have stated them, are inferen- 



tially accepted, as its necessary sequences. In fact, it 
is only relatively that tjiey can be called sequences, as 
in the recognition of the law of rent they too must be 
recognized. For on what depends the recognition of the 
law of rent? Evidently upon the recognition of the 
fact that the effect of competition is to prevent the re- 
turn to labor and capital being anywhere greater than 
upon the poorest land in use. It is in seeing this that 
we see that the owner of land will be able to claim as 
rent all of its produce which exceeds what would be 
yielded to an equal application of labor and capital on 
the poorest land in use. 

The harmony and correlation of the laws of distribu- 
tion as we have now apprehended them are in striking 
contrast with the want of harmony which characterizes 
these laws as presented by the current political econ- 
omy. Let us state them side by side: 

The Current Statement The True Statement 

Rent depends on the mar- Rent depends on the mar- 
gin of cultivation, rising gin of cultivation, rising 
as it falls and falling as as it falls and falling as 
it rises. it rises. 

Wages depend upon the Wages depend on the mar- 
ratio between the num- gin of cultivation, fall* 

ber of laborers and the ing as it falls and rising 

amount of capital de- as it rises, 

voted to their employ- 

Interest depends upon Interest (its ratio with 
the equation between wages being fixed by the 

the supply of and de- net power of increase 

mand for capital; or, as which attaches to cap- 

is stated of profits, upon ital) depends on the 

wages (or the cost of margin of cultivation, 

labor), rising as wages falling as it falls and 

fall, and falling as wages rising as it rises, 




Book 211. 

In the current statement the laws of distribution have 
no common center, no mutual relation; they are not 
the correlating divisions of a whole, but measures of 
different qualities. In the statement we have given, 
they spring from one point, support and supplement 
each other, and form the correlating divisions of a com- 
plete whole. 



We have now obtained a clear, simple, and consistent 
theory of the distribution of wealth, which accords with 
first principles and existing facts, and which, when 
understood, will commend itself as self-evident. 

Before working out this theory, I have deemed it 
necessary to show conclusively the insufficiency of cur- 
rent theories; for, in thought, as in action, the majority 
of men do but follow their leaders, and a theory of 
wages which has not merely the support of the highest 
names, but is firmly rooted in common opinions and 
prejudices, will, until it has been proved untenable, pre- 
vent any other theory from being even considered, just 
as the theory that the earth was the center of the uni- 
verse prevented any consideration of the theory, that 
it revolves on its own axis and circles round the sun, 
until it was clearly shown that the apparent movements 
of the heavenly bodies could not be explained in ac- 
cordance with the theory of the fixity of the earth. 

There is in truth a marked resemblance between the 
science of political economy, as at present taught, and 
the science of astronomy, as taught previous to the 
recognition of the Copernican theory. The devices by 
which the current political economy endeavors to ex- 
plain the social phenomena that are now forcing them- 
selves upon the attention of the civilized world may 
well be compared to the elaborate system of cycles and 

aoicycles constructed by the learned to explain tho 





celestial phenomena in a manner according with the 
dogmas of authority and the rude impressions and 
prejudices of the unlearned. And, just as the observa- 
tions which showed that this theory of cycles and epi- 
cycles could not explain all the phenomena of the 
heavens cleared the way for the consideration of the 
simpler theory that supplanted it, so will a recognition 
of the inadequacy of the current theories to account for 
social phenomena clear the way for the consideration of 
a theory that will give to political economy all the sim- 
plicity and harmony which the Copemican theory gave 
to the science of astronomy. 

But at this point the parallel ceases. That "the fixed 
and steadfast earth’’ should be really whirling through 
space with inconceivable velocity is repugnant to the 
first apprehensions of men in every state and situation; 
but the truth I wish to make clear is naturally per- 
ceived, and has been recognized in the infancy of every 
people, being obscured only by the complexities of the 
civilized state, the warpings of selfish interests, and the 
false direction which the speculations of the learned 
have taken. To recognize it, we have but to come back 
to first principles and heed simple perceptions. Nothing 
can be clearer than the proposition that the failure of 
wages to increase with increasing productive power is 
due to the increase of rent. 

Three things unite to production — labor, capital, and 

Three parties divide the produce — the laborer, the 
capitalist, and the land owner. 

If, with an increase of production the laborer gets no 
more and the capitalist no more, it is a necessary infer- 
ence that the land owner reaps the whole gain. 

And the facts agree with the inference. Though 
neither wages nor interest anywhere increase as material 
progress goes on, yet the invariable accompaniment and 



mark of material progress is the increase of rent — the 
rise of land values. 

The increase of rent explains why wages and interest 
do not increase. The cause which gives to the land 
holder is the cause which denies to the laborer and capi- 
talist. That wages and interest are higher in new than 
in old countries is not, as the standard economists say, 
because nature makes a greater return to the applica- 
tion of labor and capital, but because land is cheaper, 
and, therefore, as a smaller proportion of the return is 
taken by rent, labor and capital can keep for their 
•share a larger proportion of what nature does return. 
It is not the total produce, but the net produce, after 
rent has been taken from it, that determines what can 
be divided as wages and interest. Hence, the rate of 
wages and interest is everywhere fixed, not so much by 
the productiveness of labor as by the value of land. 
Wherever the value of land is relatively low, wages 
and interest are relatively high; wherever land is rela- 
tively high, wages and interest are relatively low. 

If production had not passed the simple stage in 
which all labor is directly applied to the land and all 
wages are paid in its produce, the fact that when tfye 
land owner takes a larger 'portion the laborer must put 
up with a smaller portion could not be lost sight of. 

But the complexities of production in the civilized 
state, in which so great a part is borne by exchange, 
and so much labor is bestowed upon materials after 
they have been separated from the land, though they 
may to the unthinking disguise, do not alter the fact 
that all production is still the union of the two factors, 
land and labor, and that rent (the share of the land 
holder) cannot be increased except at the expense of 
wages (the share of the laborer) and interest (the share 
of capital). Just as the portion of the crop, which in 
the simpler forms of industrial organization the owner 


Book 111. 

agricultural land receives at the end of the harvest 
as his rent, lessens the ^amount left to the cultivator as 
wages and interest, so does the rental of land on which 
a manufacturing or commercial city is built lessen the 
amount which can be divided as wages and interest 
between the laborer and capital there engaged in the 
production and exchange of wealth. 

In short, the value of land depending wholly upon 
the power which its ownership gives of appropriating 
wealth created by labor, the increase of land values 
is always at the expense of the value of labor. And, 
hence, that the increase of productive power does not 
increase wages, is because it does increase the value of 
land. Rent swallows up the whole gain and pauperism 
accompanies progress. 

It is unnecessary to refer to facts. They will suggest 
themselves to the reader. It is the general fact, observ- 
able everywhere, that as the value of land increases, so 
does the contrast between wealth and want appear. It 
is the universal fact, that where the value of land is 
highest, civilization exhibits the greatest luxury side by 
side with the most piteous destitution. To see human 
beings in the most abject, the most helpless and hope- 
less condition, you must go, not to the unfenced prairies 
and the log cabins of new clearings in the backwoods, 
where man single-handed is commencing the struggle 
with nature, and land is yet worth nothing, but to the 
great cities, where the ownership of a little patch of 
ground is a fortune. 











Hitherto, it is questionable if all the mechanical inventions 
yet made have lightened the day’s toil of any human being. — 
John Stuaart Mill. 

Do ye hear the children weeping, 0 my brothers, 

Ere the sorrow comes with years? 

They are leaning their young heads against their mothers, 
And that cannot stop their tears. 

The young lambs are bleating in the meadows; 

The young birds are chirping in the nest; 

The young fawns are playing with the shadows; 

The young flowers are blowing toward the west — 
But the young, young children, O, my brothers, 

They are weeping bitterly! 

They are weeping in the playtime of the others, 

In the country of the free. 




In identifying rent as the receiver of the increased 
production which material progress gives, but which 
labor fails to obtain; in seeing that the antagonism of 
interests is not between labor and capital, as is popu- 
larly believed, but is in reality between labor and 
capital on the one side and land ownership on the 
other, we have reached a conclusion that has most im- 
portant practical bearings. But it is not worth while 
to dwell on them now, for we have not yet fully solved 
the problem which was at the outset proposed. To say 
that wages remain low because rent advances is like 
saying that a steamboat moves because its wheels turn 
around. The further question is, What causes rent to 
advance? What is the force or necessity that, as pro- 
ductive power increases, distributes a greater and 
greater proportion of the produce as rent? 

The only cause pointed out by Ricardo as advancing 
rent is the increase of population, which by requiring 
larger supplies of food necessitates the extension of 
cultivation to inferior lands, or to points of inferior pro- 
duction on the same lands, and in current works ol 
other authors attention is so exclusively directed to the 
extension of production from superior to inferior lands 
as the cause of advancing rents that Mr. Carey (fol- 
lowed by Professor Perry and others) has imagined 
that he has overthrown the Ricardian theory of rent 




Book IV, 

by denying that the progress of agriculture is from bet- 
ter to worse lands.* 

Now, while it is unquestionably true that the increas- 
ing pressure of population which compels a resort to 
inferior points of production will raise rents, and does 
raise rents, I do not think that all the deductions com- 
monly made from this principle are valid, nor yet that 
it fully accounts for the increase of rent as material 
progress goes on. There are evidently other causes 
which conspire to raise rent, but which seem to have 
been wholly or partially hidden by the erroneous views 
as to the functions of capital and genesis of wages 
which have been current. To see what these are, and 
how they operate, let us trace the effect of material 
progress upon the distribution of wealth. 

The changes which constitute or contribute to ma- 
terial progress are three: (1) increase in population; 
(2) improvements in the arts of production and ex- 
change; and (3) improvements in knowledge, education, 
government, police, manners, and morals, so far as they 
increase the power of producing wealth. Material 

♦As to this, it may be worth while to say: (1) That the 
general fact, as shown by the progress of agriculture in the 
newer States of the Union and by the character of the land left 
out of cultivation in the older, is that the course of cultivation 
is from the better to the worse qualities of land. (2) That, 
whether the course of production be from the absolutely better 
to the absolutely worse lands or the reverse (and there is much 
to indicate that better or worse in this connection merely 
relates to our knowledge, and that future advances may discover 
compensating qualities in portions of the earth now esteemed 
most sterile), it is always, and from the nature of the human 
mind, must always tend to be, from land under existing condi- 
tions deemed better, to land under existing conditions deemed 
warst. (3) That Ricardo’s law of rent does not depend upon 
the direction of the extension of cultivation, but upon the propo- 
sition that if land of a certain quality will yield something, 
land of a better quality will yield more. 


progress, as commonly understood, consists of these 
three elements or directions of progression, in all of 
which the progressive nations have for some time past 
been advancing, though in different degrees. As, con- 
sidered in the light of material forces or economies, the 
increase of knowledge, the betterment of government, 
etc., have the same effect as improvements in the arts, 
it will not be necessary in this view to consider them 
separately. What bearing intellectual or moral prog- 
ress, merely as such, has upon our' problem we may 
hereafter consider. We are at present dealing with 
material progress, to which these things contribute only 
as they increase wealth-producing power, and shall see 
their effects when we see the effect of improvements in 
the arts. 

To ascertain the effects of material progress upon 
the distribution of wealth, let us, therefore, consider 
the effects of increase of population apart from improve- 
ment in the arts, and then the effect of improvement in 
the arts apart from increase of population. 




The manner in which increasing population advances 
rent, as explained and illustrated in current treatises, 
is that the increased demand for subsistence forces pro- 
duction to inferior soil or to inferior productive points. 
Thus, if, with a given population, the margin of culti- 
vation is at 30, all lands of productive power over 30 will 
pay rent. If the population be doubled, an additional 
supply is required, which cannot be obtained without 
an extension of cultivation that will cause lands to 
yield rent that before yielded none. If the extension 
be to 20, then all the land between 20 and 30 will yield 
rent and have a value, and all land over 30 will yield 
increased rent and have increased value. 

It is here that the Malthusian doctrine receives from 
the current elucidations of the theory of rent the sup- 
port of which I spoke when enumerating the causes that 
have combined to give that doctrine an almost undis- 
puted sway in current thought. According to the 
Malthusian theory, the pressure of population against 
subsistence becomes progressively harder as population 
increases, and although two hands come into the world 
with every new mouth, it becomes, to use the language 
of John Stuart Mill, harder and harder for the new 
hands to supply the new mouths. According to 
Ricardo’s theory of rent, rent arises from the difference 
in productiveness of the lands in use, and as explained 


Chap. II. 



by Ricardo and the economists who have followed him, 
the advance in rents which, experience shows, accom- 
panies increasing population, is caused by the inability 
of procuring more food except at a greater cost, which 
thus forces the margin of pppulation to lower and lower 
points of production, commensurately increasing rent. 
Thus the two theories, as I have before explained, are 
made to harmonize and blend, Ihe law of rent becoming 
but a special application of the more general law pro- 
pounded by Malthus, and the advance of rents with 
increasing population a demonstration of its resistless 
operation. I refer to this incidentally, because it now 
lies in our way to see the misapprehension which has 
enlisted the doctrine of rent in the support of a theory to 
which it in reality gives no countenance. The Mal- 
thusian theory has been already disposed of, and the 
cumulative disproof which will prevent the recurrence 
of a lingering doubt will be given when it is shown, 
further on, that the phenomena attributed to the pres- 
sure of population against subsistence would, under 
existing conditions, manifest themselves were popula- 
tion to remain stationary. 

The misapprehension to which I now refer, and 
which, to a proper understanding of the effect of in- 
crease of population upon the distribution of wealth, it 
is necessary to clear up, is the presumption, expressed or 
implied in all the current reasoning upon the subject of 
rent in connection with population, that the recourse to 
lower points of production involves a smaller aggregate 
produce in proportion to the labor expended; though 
that this is not always the case is clearly recognized in 
connection with agricultural improvements, which, to 
use the words of Mill, are considered “as a partial re- 
laxation of the bonds which confine the increase of popu* 
lation.” But it is not involved even where there is no 
advance in the arts, and the recourse to lower point* 



Book IV* 

of production is clearly the result of the increased de- 
mand of an increased population. For increased popu- 
lation, of itself, and without any advance in the arts, 
implies an increase in the productive power of labor. 
The labor of 100 men, other things being equal, will 
produce much more than one hundred times as much as 
the labor of one man, and the labor of 1,000 men much 
more than ten times as^much as the labor of 100 men; 
and, so, with every additional pair of hands which in- 
creasing population brings, there is a more than pro- 
portionate addition to the productive power of labor. 
Thus, with an increasing population, there may be a 
recourse to lower natural powers of production, not 
only without any diminution in the average production 
of wealth as compared to labor, but without any diminu^ 
tion at the lowest point. If population be doubled, land 
of but 20 productiveness may yield to the same amount 
of labor as much as land of 30 productiveness could 
before yield. For it must not be forgotten (what often 
is forgotten) that the productiveness either of land or 
labor is not to be measured in any one thing, but in all 
desired things. A settler and his family may raise as 
much corn on land a hundred miles away from the near- 
est habitation as they could raise were their land in the 
center of a populous district. But in the populous dis- 
trict they could obtain with the same labor as good a 
living from much poorer land, or from land of equal 
quality could make as good a living after paying a 
high rent, because in the midst of a large population 
their labor would have become more effective; not, 
perhaps, in the production of corn, but in the produc- 
tion of wealth generally — or the obtaining of all the 
commodities and services which are the real object of 
their labor. 

But even where there is a diminution in the produc- 
tiveness of labor at the lowest point — that is to say, 


where the increasing demand for wealth has driven pro- 
duction to a lower point of natural productiveness than 
the addition to the power of labor from increasing popu- 
lation suffices to make up for — it does not follow that 
the aggregate production, as compared with the aggre- 
gate labor, has been lessened. 

Let us suppose land of diminishing qualities. The 
best would naturally be settled first, and as population 
increased production would take* in the next lower 
quality, and so on. But, as the increase of population, 
by permitting greater economies, adds to the effective- 
ness of labor, the cause which brought each quality of 
land successively into cultivation would at the same 
time increase the amount of wealth that the same quan- 
tity of labor could produce from it. But it would also 
do more than this — it would increase the power of pro- 
ducing wealth on all the superior lands already in 
cultivation. If the relations of quantity and quality 
were such that increasing population added to the ef- 
fectiveness of labor faster than it compelled a resort 
to less productive qualities of land, though the margin 
of cultivation would fall and rent would rise, the mini- 
mum return to labor would increase. That is to say, 
though wages as a proportion would fall, wages as a 
quantity would rise. The average production of wealth 
would increase. If the relations were such that the in- 
creasing effectiveness of labor just compensated for the 
diminishing productiveness of the land as it was called 
into use, the effect of increasing population would be 
to increase rent by lowering the margin of cultivation 
without reducing wages as a quantity, and to* increase 
the average production. If we now suppose population 
still increasing, but, between the poorest quality of 
land in use and the next lower quality, to be a differ- 
ence so great that the increased power of labor which 
comes with the increased population that brings it into 



Book. IV. 

cultivation cannot compensate for it — the minimum 
return to labor will be reduced, and with the rise of 
rents, wages will fall, not only as a proportion, but as 
a quantity. But unless the descent in the quality of 
land is far more precipitous than we can well imagine, 
or than, I think, ever exists, the average production 
will still be increased, for the increased effectiveness 
which comes by reason of the increased population that 
compels resort to the inferior quality of land attaches 
tc all labor, and the gain on the superior qualities of 
land will more than compensate for the diminished pro- 
duction on the quality last brought in. The aggregate 
wealth production, as compared with the aggregate ex- 
penditure of labor, will be greater, though its distribution 
will be more unequal. 

Thus, increase of population, as it operates to extend 
production to lower natural levels, operates to increase 
rent and reduce wages as a proportion, and may or may 
not reduce wages as a quantity ; while it seldom can, and 
. probably never does, reduce the aggregate production 
of wealth as compared with the aggregate expenditure 
of labor, but on the contrary increases, and frequently 
largely increases it. 

But while the increase of population thus increases 
rent by lowering the margin of cultivation, it is a mis- 
take to look upon this as the only mode by which rent 
advances as population grows. Increasing population 
increases rent, without reducing the margin of cultiva- 
tion; and notwithstanding the dicta of such writers as 
McCulloch, who assert that rent would not arise were 
there an unbounded extent of equally good land, in- 
creases it without reference to the natural qualities of 
land, for the increased powers of co-operation and ex- 
change which come with increased population are equiva- 
lent to — nay, I think we can say without metaphor, 
that they give — an increased capacity to land. 


I do not mean to say merely that, like an improve* 
ment in the methods or tools cf production, the increased 
power which comes with increased population gives to 
the same labor an increased result, which is equivalent 
to an increase in the natural powers of land; but that 
it brings out a superior power in labor, which is local- 
ized on land — which attaches not to labor generally, but 
only to labor exerted on particular land; and which thus 
inheres in the land as much as any qualities of soil, 
climate, mineral deposit, or natural situation, and 
passes, as they do, with the possession of the land. 

An improvement in the method of cultivation which, 
with the same outlay, will give two crops a year iw 
place of one, or an improvement in tools and machinery 
Tyhich will double the result of labor, will manifestly; 
on a particular piece of ground, have the same effect 
on the produce as a doubling of the fertility of the land. 
But the difference is in this respect — the improvement 
in method or in tools can be utilized on any land; but 
the improvement in fertility can be utilized only on the 
particular land to which it applies. Now, in large part, 
the increased productiveness of labor which arises from 
increased population can be utilized only on particular 
land, and on particular land in greatly varying degrees. 

Here, let us imagine, is an unbounded savannah, 
stretching off in unbroken sameness of grass and flower, 
tree and rill, till the traveler tires of the monotony. 
Along comes the wagon of the first immigrant. Where 
to settle he cannot tell- -every acre seems as good as 
every other acre. As to wood, as to water, as to fer- 
tility, as to situation, there is absolutely no choice, and 
he is perplexed by the embarrassment of richness. Tired 
out with the search for one place that is better than 
another, he stops — somewhere, anywhere — and starts to 
make himself a home. The soil is virgin and rich, game 
is abundant, the streams flash with the finest trout. 



Book IV. 

Nature is at her very best. He has what, were he in a 
populous district, would make him rich; but he is very 
poor. To say nothing of the mental craving, which 
would lead him to welcome the sorriest stranger, he 
labors under all the material disadvantages of solitude. 
He can get no temporary assistance for any work that 
requires a greater union of strength than that afforded 
by his own family, or by such help as he can per- 
manently keep. Though he has cattle, he cannot often 
have fresh meat, for to get a beefsteak he must kill a 
bullock. He must be his own blacksmith, wagonmaker, 
carpenter, and cobbler — in short, a “jack of all trades 
and master of none.” He cannot have his children 
schooled, for, to do so, he must himself pay and main- 
tain a teacher. Such things as he cannot produce him- 
self, he must buy in quantities and keep on hand, or 
else go without, for he cannot be constantly leaving his 
work and making a long journey to the verge of civili- 
zation; and when forced to do so, the getting of a vial 
of medicine or the replacement of a broken auger may 
cost him the labor of himself and horses for days. 
Under such circumstances though nature is prolific, the 
man is poor. It is an easy matter for him to get enough 
to eat; but beyond this, his labor will suffice to satisfy 
only the simplest wants in the rudest way. 

Soon there comes another immigrant. Although every 
quarter section of the boundless plain is as good as every 
other quarter section, he is not beset by any embarrass- 
ment as to where to settle. Though the land is the same, 
there is one place that is clearly better for him than 
any other place, and that is where there is already a 
settler and he may have a neighbor. He settles by the 
side of the first comer, whose condition is at once greatly 
improved, and to whom many things are now possible 
that were before impossible, for two men may help 
each other to do things that one man could never do. 

Chap, II. 



Another immigrant comes, and, guided by the same 
attraction, settles where there are already two. Another, 
and another, until around our first comer there are a 
score of neighbors. Labor has now an effectiveness 
which, in the solitary state, it could not approach. If 
heavy work is to be done, the settlers have a log-rolling, 
and together accomplish in a day what singly would 
require years. When one kills a bullock, the others take 
part of it, returning when they kill, and thus they have 
fresh meat all the time. Together they hire a school- 
master, and the children of each are taught for a frac- 
tional part of what similar teaching would have cost 
the first settler. It becomes a comparatively easy mat- 
ter to send to the nearest town, for some one is always 
going. But there is less need for such journeys. A 
blacksmith and a wheelwright soon set up shops, and 
our settler can have his tools repaired for a small part 
of the labor it formerly cost him. A store is opened 
and he can get what he wants as he wants it; a post- 
office, soon added, gives him regular communication 
with the rest of the world. Then come a cobbler, a 
carpenter, a harness-maker, a doctor; and a little church 
soon arises. Satisfactions become possible that in the 
solitary state were impossible. There are gratifications 
for the social and the intellectual nature — for that part 
of the man that rises above the animal. The power of 
sympathy, the sense of companionship, the emulation 
of comparison and contrast, open a wider, and fuller, 
and more varied life. In rejoicing, there are others to 
rejoice; in sorrow, the mourners do not mourn alone. 
There are husking bees, and apple parings, and quilting 
parties. Though the ballroom be unplastered and the 
orchestra but a fiddle, the notes of the magician are 
yet in the strain, and Cupid dances with the dancers. 
At the wedding, there are others to admire and enjoy;, 
in the house of death, there are watchers; by the open- 



Both iV. 

grave, stands human sympathy to sustain the mourners. 
Occasionally, comes a straggling lecturer to open up 
glimpses of the world of science, of literature, or of 
art; in election times, come stump speakers, and the 
citizen rises to a sense of dignity and power, as the 
cause of empires is tried before him in the struggle of 
John Doe and Richard Roe for his support and vote: 
And, by and by, comes the circus, talked of months 
before, and opening to children whose horizon has been 
the prairie, all the realms of the imagination — princes 
and princesses of fairy tale, mail-clad crusaders and 
turbaned Moors, Cinderella’s fairy coach, and the giants 
of nursery lore; lions such as crouched before Daniel, 
or in circling Roman amphitheater tore the saints of 
God; ostriches who recall the sandy deserts; camels such 
as stood around when the wicked brethren raised Joseph 
from the well and sold him into bondage; elephants 
such as crossed the Alps with Hannibal, or felt the 
sword of the Maccabees; and glorious music that thrills 
and builds in the chambers of the mind as rose the 
sunny dome of Kubla Khan. 

Go to our settler now, and say to him: “You have 
so many fruit trees which you planted; so much fenc- 
ing, such a well, a barn, a house — in short, you have 
by your labor added so much value to this farm. Your 
land itself is not quite so good. You have been cropping 
it, and by and by it will need manure. I will give you 
the full value of all your improvements if you will give 
it to me, and go again with your family beyond the 
verge of settlement.” He would laugh at you. His 
land yields no more wheat or potatoes than before, but 
it does yield far more of all the necessaries and com- 
forts of life. His labor upon it will bring no heavier 
crops, and, we will suppose, no more valuable crops, 
but it will bring far more of all the other tilings for 
which men work. The presence of other settlers — the 

Chap, II, 


increase of population — has added to the productive- 
ness, in these things, of labor bestowed upon it, and 
this added productiveness gives it a superiority over 
land of equal natural quality where there are as yet no 
settlers. If no land remains to be taken up, except such 
as is as far removed from population as was our set- 
tler’s land when he first went upon it, the value or rent 
of this land will be measured by the whole of this added 
capability. If, however, as we have supposed, there is 
a continuous stretch of equal land, over which popula- 
tion is now spreading, it will not be necessary for the 
new settler to go into the wilderness, as did the first. 
He will settle just beyond the other settlers, and will get 
the advantage of proximity to them. The value or rent 
of our settler’s land will thus depend on the advantage 
which it has, from being at the center of population, 
over that on the verge. In the one case, the margin of 
production will remain as before ; in the other, the mar- 
gin of production will be raised. 

Population still continues to increase, and as it in- 
creases so do the economies which its increase permits, 
and which in effect add to the productiveness of the 
land. Our first settler’s land, being the center of popu- 
lation, the store, the blacksmith’s forge, the wheel- 
wright’s shop, are set up on it, or on its margin, where 
soon arises a village, which rapidly grows into a town, 
the center of exchanges for the people of the whole 
district. With no greater agricultural productiveness 
than it had at first, this land now begins to develop a 
productiveness of a higher kind. To labor expended in 
raising corn, or wheat, or potatoes, it will yield no more 
of those things than at first; but to labor expended in 
the subdivided branches of production which require 
proximity to other producers, and, especially, to labor 
expended in that final part of production, which con- 
sists in distribution, it will yield much larger returns. 



Blok IV. 

The wheat-grower may go further on, and find land on 
which his labor will produce as much wheat, and nearly 
as much wealth; but the artisan, the manufacturer, the 
storekeeper, the professional man, find that their labor 
expended here, at the center of exchanges, will yield 
them much more than if expended even at a little dis- 
tance away from it; and this excess of productiveness 
for such purposes the land owner can claim just as he 
could an excess in its wheat-producing power. And 
so our settler is able to sell in building lots a few of his 
acres for prices which it would not bring for wheat- 
growing if its fertility had been multiplied many times. 
With the proceeds, he builds himself a fine house, and 
furnishes it handsomely. That is to say, to reduce the 
transaction to its lowest terms, the people who wish to 
use the land build and furnish the house for him, on 
condition that he will let them avail themselves of the 
superior productiveness which the increase of popula- 
tion has given the land. 

Population still keeps on increasing, giving greater 
and greater utility to the land, and more and more 
wealth to its owner. The town has grown into a city — 
a St. Louis, a Chicago or a San Francisco — and still it 
grows. Production is here carried on upon a great scale, 
with the best machinery and the most favorable facil- 
ities; the division of labor becomes extremely minute, 
wonderfully multiplying efficiency; exchanges are of 
such volume and rapidity that they are made with the 
minimum of friction and loss. Here is the heart, the 
brain, of the vast social organism that has grown up 
from the germ of the first settlement; here has developed 
one of the great gan'glions of the human world. Hither 
run all roads, hither set all currents, through all the 
vast regions round about. Here, if you have anything 
to sell, is the market; here, if you have anything to 
buy, is the largest and the choicest stock. Here intel- 




lectual activity is gathered into a focus, and here springs 
that stimulus which is born of the collision of mind with 
mind. Here are the great libraries, the storehouses 
and granaries of knowledge, the learned professors, the 
famous specialists. Here are museums and art gal- 
leries, collections of philosophical apparatus, and all 
things rare, and valuable, and best of their kind. Here 
come great actors, and orators, and singers, from all 
over the world. Here, in short, is a center of human 
life, in all its varied manifestations. 

So enormous are the advantages which this land now 
offers for the application of labor, that instead of one 
man with a span of horses scratching over acres, you 
may count in places thousands of workers to the acre, 
working tier on tier, on floors raised one above the other, 
five, six, seven and eight stories from the ground, while 
underneath the surface of the earth engines are throb- 
bing with pulsations that exert the force of thousands o f 

All these advantages attach to the land; it is on this 
land and no other that they can be utilized, lor here is 
the center of population — the focus of exchanges, the 
market place and workshop of the highest forms of 
industry. The productive powers which density of 
population has attached to this land are equivalent to 
the multiplication of its original fertility by the hum 
dred fold and the thousand fold. And rent, which 
measures the difference between this added produc- 
tiveness and that of the least productive land in use, 
has increased accordingly. Our settler, or whoever 
has succeeded to his right to the land, is now a mil- 
lionaire. Like another Rip Van Winkle, he may have 
lain down and slept; still he is rich — not from anything 
he has done, but from the increase of population. 
There are lots from which for every foot of frontage 
the owner may draw more than an average mechanic 



Book tV. 

can earn; there are lots that will sell for more than 
would suffice to pave them with gold coin. In the prin- 
cipal streets are towering buildings, of granite, marble, 
iron, and plate glass, finished in the most expensive 
style, replete with every convenience. Yet they are 
not worth as much as the land upon which they rest 
— the same land, in nothing changed, which when our 
first settler came upon it had no value at all. 

That this is the way in which the increase of popu- 
lation powerfully acts in increasing rent, whoever, in a 
progressive country, will look around him, may see for 
himself. The process is going on under his eyes. The 
increasing difference in the productiveness of the land 
in use, which causes an increasing rise in rent, results 
not so much from the necessities of increased popula- 
tion compelling the resort to inferior land, as from the 
increased productiveness which increased population 
gives to the lands already in use. The most valuable 
lands on the globe, the lands which yield the highest 
tent, are not lands of surpassing natural fertility, but 
lands to which a surpassing utility has been given by 
the increase of population. 

The increase of productiveness or utility which in- 
crease of population gives to certain lands, in the way 
to which I have been calling attention, attaches, as it 
Were, to the mere quality of extension. The valuable 
quality of land that has become a center of population 
is its superficial capacity — it makes no difference 
whether it is fertile, alluvial soil like that of Philadel- 
phia; rich bottom land like that of New Orleans; a 
filled-in marsh like that of St. Petersburg, or a sandy 
waste like the greater part of San Francisco. 

And where value seems to arise from superior natural 
qualities, such as deep water and good anchorage, rich 
deposits of coal and iron, or heavy timber, observation 
•Iso shows that these superior qualities are brought out. 

Chap . II. 


rendered tangible, by population. The coal and iron 
fields of Pennsylvania, that to-day are worth enormous 
sums, were fifty years ago valueless. What is the 
efficient cause of the difference? Simply the difference 
in population. The coal and iron beds of Wyoming 
and Montana, which to-day are valueless, will, in fifty 
years from now, be worth millions on millions, simply 
because, in the meantime, population will have greatly 

It is a well provisioned ship, this on which we sail 
through space. If the bread and beef above decks seem 
to grow scarce, we but open a hatch and there is a new 
supply, of which before we never dreamed. And very 
great command over the services of others comes ta 
those who as the hatches are opened are permitted to 
say, “This is minel” 

To recapitulate: The effect of increasing population 
upon the distribution of wealth is to increase rent, and 
consequently to diminish the proportion of the produce 
which goes to capital and labor, in two ways: First, 
By lowering the margin of cultivation. Second, By 
bringing out in land special capabilities otherwise latent^ 
and by attaching special capabilities to particular lands. 

I am disposed to think that the latter mode, to which 
little attention has been given by political economists, 
is really the more important But this, in our inquiry, 
iB not a matter of moment. 




Eliminating improvements in the arts, we have seen 
the effects of increase of population upon the distribu- 
tion of wealth. Eliminating increase of population, let 
us now see what effect improvements in the arts of 
production have upon distribution. 

We have seen that increase of population increases 
rent, rather by increasing the productiveness of labor 
than by decreasing it. If it can now be shown that, irre- 
spective of the increase of population, the effect of im- 
provements in methods of production and exchange is 
to increase rent, the disproof of the Malthusian theory 
— and of all the doctrines derived from or related to it 
—will be final and complete, for we shall have accounted 
for the tendency of material progress to lower wages 
and depress the condition of the lowest class, without 
recourse to the theory of increasing pressure against 
the means of subsistence. 

That this is the case will, I think, appear on the 
slightest consideration. 

The effect of inventions and improvements in the 
productive arts is to save labor — that is, to enable the 
same result to be secured with less labor, or a greater 
result with the same labor. 

Now, in a state of society in which the existing powei 
of labor served to satisfy all material desires, and there 
r r as no possibility of new desires being called forth by 


Chap. II I. 



the opportunity of gratifying them, the effect of labor- 
saving improvements would be simply to reduce the 
amount of labor expended. But such a state of society, 
if it can anywhere be found, which I do not believe* 
exists only where the human most nearly approaches 
the animal. In the state of society called civilized, and 
which in this inquiry we are concerned with, the very 
reverse is the case. Demand is not a fixed quantity, 
that increases only as population increases. In each 
individual it rises with his power of getting the things 
demanded. Man is not an ox, who, when he has eaten 
his fill, lies down to chew the cud; he is the daughter ' 
of the horse leech, who constantly asks for more. 
“When I get some money,” said Erasmus, “I will buy 
me some Greek books and afterward some clothes.” 
The amount of wealth produced is nowhere commensu- 
rate with the desire for wealth, and desire mounts with 
every additional opportunity for gratification. 

This being the case, the effect of labor-saving im- 
provements will be to increase the production of wealth. 
Now, for the production of wealth, two things are 
required — labor and land. Therefore, the effect of labor- 
saving improvements will be to extend the demand for 
land, and wherever the limit of the quality of land in 
use is reached, to bring into cultivation lands of less 
natural productiveness, or to extend cultivation on the 
same lands to a point of lower natural productiveness. 
And thus, while the primary effect of labor-saving im- 
provements is to increase the power of labor, the sec- 
ondary effect is to extend cultivation, and, where this 
lowers the margin of cultivation, to increase rent. Thus, 
where land is ontirely appropriated, as in England, or 
where it is either appropriated or is capable of appro- 
priation as rapidly as it is needed for use, as in the 
United States, the ultimate effect of labor-saving ma- 



Book IT. 

chinery or improvements is to increase rent without 
increasing Wages or interest. 

It is important that this be fully understood, for it 
shows that effects attributed by current theories to in- 
crease of population are really due to the progress of 
invention, and explains the otherwise perplexing fact 
that labor-saving machinery everywhere fails to bene- 
fit laborers. 

Yet, to grasp fully this truth, it is necessary to keep 
in mind what I have already more than once adverted 
to — the interchangeability of wealth. I refer to this 
again, only because it is so persistently forgotten or 
ignored by writers who speak of agricultural production 
as though it were to be distinguished from production 
in general, and of food or subsistence as though it were 
not included in the term wealth. 

Let me ask the reader to bear in mind, what has 
already been sufficiently illustrated, that the possession 
or production of any form of wealth is virtually the 
possession or production of any other form of wealth 
for which it will exchange — in order that he may clearly 
see that it is not merely improvements which effect a 
saving in labor directly applied to land that tend to 
increase rent, but all improvements that in any way 
save labor. 

That the labor of any individual is applied exclu- 
sively to the production of one form of wealth is solely 
the result of the division of labor. The object of labor 
on the part of any individual is not the obtainment of 
wealth in one particular form, but the obtainment of 
wealth in all the forms that consort with his desires. 
And, hence, an improvement which effects a saving in 
the labor required to produce one of the things desired, 
Is, in effect, an increase in the power of producing all 
the other things. If it take half a man’s labor to keep 
him in food, and the other half to provide him clothing 

Chap* III. 


24 ? 

and shelter, an improvement which would increase his 
power of producing food would also increase his power 
of providing clothing and shelter. If his desires for 
more or better food, and for more or better clothing 
and shelter, were equal, an improvement in one depart- 
ment of labor would be precisely equivalent to a like im- 
provement in the other. If the improvement consisted 
m a doubling of the power of his labor in producing 
food, he would give one-third less labor to the pro- 
duction of food, and one-third more to the providing of 
dothiug and shelter. If the improvement doubled his 
jower to provide clothing and shelter, he would give one- 
third less labor to the production of these things, and 
one-third more to the production of food. In either 
case, the result would be the same — he would be enabled 
with the same labor to get one-third more in quantity 
or quality of all the things he desired. 

And, so, where production is carried on by the divi-. 
sion of labor between individuals, an increase in the 
power of producing one of the things sought by pro- 
duction in the aggregate adds to the power of obtaining 
others, and will increase the production of the others, to 
an extent determined by the proportion which the sav- 
ing of labor bears to the total amount of labor expended, 
and by the relative strength of desires. I am unable 
to think of any form of wealth, the demand for which 
would not be increased by a saving in the labor required 
to produce the others. Hearses and coffins have been 
selected as examples of things for which the demand is 
little likely to increase; but this is true only as to 
quantity. That increased power of supply would lead 
to a demand for more expensive hearses and coffins, no 
one can doubt who has noticed how strong is the desire 
to show regard for the dead by costly funerals. 

Nor is the demand for food limited, as in economic 
Reasoning is frequently, but erroneously, assumed. Sub- 


Book IV. 

sistence is often spoken of as though it were a fixed 
quantity; but it is fixed only n having a definite mini- 
mum. Less than a certain amount will not keep a 
human being alive, and les3 than a somewhat larger 
amount will not keep a human being in good health. 
But, above this minimum, the subsistence which a 
human being can use may be increased almost indefi- 
nitely. Adam Smith says, and Ricardo indorses the 
statement, that the desire for food is limited in every 
man by the narrow capacity of the human stomach; 
but this, manifestly, is true only in the sense that when 
a man’s belly is filled, hunger is satisfied. His demands 
for food have no such limit. The stomach of a Louis 
XIV, a Louis XV, or a Louis XVI, could not hold or 
digest more than the stomach of a French peasant of 
equal stature, yet, while a few rods of ground would 
supply the black bread and herbs which constituted 
the subsistence of the peasant, it took hundreds of 
thousands of acres to supply the demands of the king, 
who, besides his own wasteful use of the finest qualities 
of food, required immense supplies for his servants, 
horses and dogs. And in the common facts of daily 
life, in the unsatisfied, though perhaps latent, desireB 
which each one has, we may see how every increase in 
the power of producing any form of wealth must result 
in an increased demand for land and the direct products 
of land. The man who now uses coarse food, and 
lives in a small house, will, as a rule, if his income be 
increased, use more costly food, and move to a larger 
house. If he grows richer and richer he will procure 
horses, servants, gardens and lawns, his demand for the 
use of land constantly increasing with his wealth. In 
the city where I write, is a man — but the type of men 
everywhere to be found — who used to boil his own beans 
and fry his own bacon, but who, now that he has got 
rich, maintains a town house that takes up a whole' 

Chap. III. 



block and would answer for a first-class hotel, two or 
three country houses with extensive grounds, a large 
stud of racers, a breeding farm, private track, etc. It 
certainly takes at least a thousand times, it may be 
several thousand times, as much land to supply the de- 
mands of this man now as it did when he was poor. 

And, so, every improvement or invention, no matter 
what it be, which gives to labor the power of producing 
more wealth, causes an increased, demand for land and 
its direct products, and thus tends to force down the 
margin of cultivation, just as would the demand caused 
by an increased population. This being the case, every 
labor-saving invention, whether it be a steam plow, a 
telegraph, an improved process of smelting ores, a per- 
fecting printing press, or a sewing machine, has a ten- 
dency to increase rent. 

Or, to state this truth concisely: 


Wealth in all its forms being the product of labor 
applied to land or the products of land, any increase in 
the power of labor, the demand for wealth being unsat- 
isfied, will be utilized in procuring more wealth, and 
thus increase the demand for land. 

To illustrate this effect of labor-saving machinery 
and improvements, let us suppose a country where, as 
m all the countries of the civilized world, the land is in 
the possession of but a portion of the people. Let us 
suppose a permanent barrier fixed to further increase 
of population, either by the enactment and strict en- 
forcement of an Herodian law, or from such a change 
in manners and morals as might result from an exten- 
sive circulation of Annie Besant’s pamphlets. Let the 
margin of cultivation, or production, be represented by 
20. Thus land or other natural opportunities which, 
from the application of labor and capital, will yield a 
return of 20, will just give the ordinary rate of wages 



Boot IV. 

and interest, without yielding any rent; 'while all lands 
yielding to equal applications of labor and capital more 
than 20 will yield the excess as rent. Population re- 
maining fixed, let there be made inventions and improve- 
ments which will reduce by one-tenth the expenditure 
of labor and capital necessary to produce the same 
amount of wealth. Now, either one-tenth of the labor 
and capital may be freed, and production remain the 
same as before; or the same amount of labor and capital 
may be employed, and production be correspondingly 
increased. But the industrial organization, as in all 
civilized countries, is such that labor and capital, and 
especially labor, must press for employment on any 
terms — the industrial organization is such that mere 
laborers are not in a position to demand their fair share 
in the new adjustment, and that any reduction in the 
application of labor to production will, at first, at least, 
take the form, not of giving each laborer the same 
amount of produce for less work, but of throwing some 
of the laborers out of work and giving them none of the 
produce. Now, owing to the increased efficiency of 
labor ' secured by the new improvements, as great a 
return can be secured at the point of natural produc- 
tiveness represented by 18, as before at 20. Thus, the 
unsatisfied desire for wealth, the competition of labor 
and capital for employment, would insure the exten- 
sion of the margin of production, we will say to 18, and 
thus rent would be increased by the difference between 
18 and 20, while wages and interest, in quantity, would 
be no more than before, and, in proportion to the whole 
produce, would be less. There would be a greater pro- 
duction of wealth, but land owners would get the whole 
benefit, subject to temporary deductions, which will be 
hereafter stated. 

If invention and improvement still go on, the efficiency 
of labor will be still further increased, and the amount 

Chap. III. 


of labor and capital necessary to produce a given result 
further diminished. The same causes will lead to the 
utilization of this new gain in productive power for the 
production of more wealth; the margin of cultivation 
will be again extended, and rent will increase, both in 
proportion and amount, without any increase in wages 
and interest. And, so, as invention and improvement 
go on, constantly adding to the efficiency of labor, the 
margin of production will be pushed lower and lower, 
and rent constantly increased, though population should 
remain stationary. 

I do not mean to say that the lowering of the margin 
of production would always exactly correspond with the 1 
increase in productive power, any more than I mean to* 
say that the process would be one of clearly defined' 
steps. Whether, in any particular case, the lowering of 
the margin of production lags behind or exceeds the 
increase in productive power, will depend, I conceive; 
upon what may be called tbe area of productiveness 
that can be utilized before cultivation is forced to the 
next lowest point. For instance, if the margin of cul- 
tivation be at 20, improvements which enable the same 
produce to be obtained with one-tenth less capital and 
labor will not carry the margin to 18, if the area having 
a productiveness of 19 is sufficient to employ all the 
labor and capital displaced from the cultivation of the 
superior lands. In this case, the margin of cultivation 
would rest at 19, and rents would be increased by the 
difference between 19 and 20, and wages and interest 
by the difference between 18 and 19. But if, with the 
same increase in productive power the area Of produc- 
tiveness between 20 and 18 should not be sufficient to 
employ all the displaced labor and capital, the margin 
of cultivation must, if the same amount of labor and 
capital press for employment, be carried lower than 18. 
|n this case, rent would gain ttore than the increase in 



Book IV 

the product, and wages and interest would be less than 
before the improvements which increased productive 

Nor is it precisely true that the labor set free by each 
improvement will all be driven to seek employment in 
the production of more wealth. The increased power of 
satisfaction, which each fresh improvement gives to a 
certain portion of the community, will be utilized in 
demanding leisure or services, as well as in demanding 
wealth. Some laborers will, therefore, become idlers 
and some will pass from the ranks of productive to those 
of unproductive laborers — the proportion of which, as 
observation shows, tends to increase with the progress 
of society. 

But, as I shall presently refer to a cause, as yet un- 
considered, which constantly tends to lower the margiu 
of cultivation, to steady the advance of rent, and even 
carry it beyond the proportion that would be fixed by 
the actual margin of cultivation, it is not worth while 
to take into account these perturbations in the down- 
ward movement of the margin of cultivation and the 
upward movement of rent. All I wish to make clear 
is that, without any increase in population, the progress 
of invention constantly tends to give a larger propor- 
tion of the produce to the owners of land, and a smaller 
and smaller proportion to labor and capital. 

And, as we can assign no limits to the progress of 
invention, neither can we assign any limits to the in- 
crease of rent, short of the whole produce. For, if labor- 
saving inventions went on until perfection was attained, 
and the necessity of labor in the production of wealth 
was entirely done away with, then everything that the 
earth could yield could be obtained without labor, and 
the margin of cultivation would be extended to zero. 
Wages would be nothing, and interest would be nothing, 
while rent would take everything. For the owners of 

Chap. III. 



the land, being enabled without labor to obtain all the 
wealth that could be procured from nature, there would 
be no use for either labor or capital, and no possible 
way in which either could compel any share of the 
wealth produced. And no matter how small population 
might be, if anybody but the land owners continued to 
exist, it would be at the whim or by the mercy of the 
land owners — they would be maintained either for the 
amusement of the land owners, or, $s paupers, by their 

This point, of the absolute perfection of labor-saving 
inventions, may seem very remote, if not impossible of 
attainment; but it is a point toward which the march 
of invention is every day more strongly tending. And 
in the thinning out of population in the agricultural 
districts of Great Britain, where small farms are being 
converted into larger ones, and in the great machine- 
worked wheat-fields of California and Dakota, where 
one may ride for miles and miles through waving grain 
without seeing a human habitation, there are already 
suggestions of the final goal toward which the whole 
civilized world is hastening. The steam plow and the 
reaping machine are creating in the modern world lati- 
fundia of the same kind that the influx of slaves from 
foreign wars created in ancient Italy. And to many a 
poor fellow as he is shoved out of his accustomed place 
and forced to move on — as the Roman farmers were 
forced to join the proletariat of the great city, or sell 
their blood for bread in the ranks of the legions — it 
seems as though these labor-saving inventions were in 
themselves a curse, and we hear men talking of work, 
as though the wearying strain of the muscles were, in 
itself, a thing to be desired. 

In what has preceded, I have, of course, spoken of 
inventions and improvements when generally diffused. 
It is hardly necessary to say that as long as an inven- 


Book IV. 

tion or an improvement is used by so few that they 
derive a special advantage from it, it does not, to the 
extent of this special advantage, affect the general dis- 
tribution of wealth. So, in regard to the limited monop- 
olies created by patent laws, or by the causes which 
give the same character to railroad and telegraph lines, 
etc. Although generally mistaken for profits of capital, 
the special profits thus arising are really the returns 
of monopoly, as has been explained in a previous chap- 
ter, and, to the extent that they subtract from the bene- 
fits of an improvement, do not primarily affect general 
distribution. For instance, the benefits of a railroad 
or similar improvement in cheapening transportation 
are diffused or monopolized, as its charges are reduced 
to a rate which will yield ordinary interest on the 
capital invested, or kept up to a point which will yield 
an extraordinary return, or cover the stealing of the 
constructors or directors. And, as is well known, the 
rise in rent or land values corresponds with the reduc- 
tion in the charges. 

As has before been said, in the improvements which 
advance rent are not only to be included the improve- 
ments which directly increase productive power, but also 
such improvements in government, manners, and morals 
as indirectly increase it. Considered as material forces, 
the effect of all these is to increase productive power, 
and, like improvements in the productive arts, their 
benefit is ultimately monopolized by the possessors of 
the land. A notable instance of this is to be found in 
the abolition of protection by England. Free trade has 
enormously increased the wealth of Great Britain, with- 
out lessening pauperism. It has simply increased rent. 
And if the corrupt governments of our great American 
cities were to be made models of purity and economy, 
the effect would simply be to increase the value of land, 
not to raise either wages or interest. 




We have now seen that while advancing population 
tends to advance rent, so all the causes that in a pro- 
gressive state of society operate to increase the produc- 
tive power of labor tend, also, to advance rent, and not 
to advance wages or interest. The increased produc- 
tion of wealth goes ultimately to the owners of land in 
increased rent; and, although, as improvement goes 
on, advantages may accrue to individuals not land hold- 
ers, which concentrate in their hands considerable por- 
tions of the increased produce, yet there is in all this 
improvement nothing which tends to increase the general 
return either to labor or to capital. 

But there is a cause, not yet adverted to, which must 
be taken into consideration fully to explain the influence 
of material progress upon the distribution of wealth. 

That cause is the confident expectation of the future 
enhancement of land values, which arises in all pro- 
gressive countries from the steady increase of rent, and 
which leads to speculation, or the holding of land for a 
higher price than it would then otherwise bring. 

We have hitherto assumed, as is generally assumed in 
elucidations of the theory of rent, that the actual mar- 
gin of cultivation always coincides with what may be 
termed the necessary margin of cultivation — that is to 
say, we have assumed that cultivation extends to less 
productive points only as it becomes necessary from 




Book nr. 

the fact that natural opportunities are at the more pro- 
ductive points fully utilized. 

This, probably, is the case in stationary or very slowly 
progressing communities, but in rapidly progressing com- 
munities, where the swift and steady increase of rent 
gives confidence to calculations of further increase, it 
is not the case. In such communities, the confident 
expectation of increased prices produces, to a greater 
or less extent, the effects of a combination among land 
holders, and tends to the withholding of land from use, 
in expectation of higher prices, thus forcing the margin 
of cultivation farther than required by the necessities 
of production. 

This cause must operate to some extent in all pro- 
gressive communities, though in such countries as Eng- 
land, where the tenant system prevails in agriculture, 
it may be shown more in the selling price of land than 
in the agricultural margin of cultivation, or actual rent. 
But in communities like the United States, where the 
user of land generally prefers, if he can, to own it, and 
where there is a great extent of land to overrun, it 
operates with enormous power. 

The immense area over which the population of the 
United States is scattered shows this. The man who 
sets out from the Eastern seaboard in search of the mar- 
gin of cultivation, where he may obtain land without 
paying rent, must, like the man who swam the river to 
get a drink, pass for long distances through half-tilled 
farms, and traverse vast areas of virgin soil, before he 
reaches the point where land can be had free of rent — 
i. e., by homestead entry or pre-emption. He (and, with 
him, the margin of cultivation) is forced so much 
farther than he otherwise need have gone, by the specu- 
lation which is holding these unused lands in expectation 
of increased value in the future. And when he settles 
he will, in his turn, take up, if he can, more land than 

Chap. tV. 



he can use, in the belief that it will soon become valu- 
able; and so those who follow him are again forced 
farther on than the necessities of production require, 
carrying the margin of cultivation to still less produc- 
tive, because still more remote points. 

The same thing may be seen in every rapidly growing 
city. If the land of superior quality as to location were 
always fully used before land of inferior quality were 
resorted to, no vacant lots would be. left as a city ex- 
tended, nor would we find miserable shanties in the 
midst of costly buildings. These lots, some of them 
extremely valuable, are withheld from use, or from the 
full use to which they might be put, because their 
owners, not being able or not wishing to improve them, 
prefer, in expectation of the advance of land values, to 
hold them for a higher rate than could now be obtained 
from those willing to improve them. And, in conse- 
quence of this land being withheld from use, or from 
the full use of which it is capable, the margin of the 
city is pushed away so mtich farther from the center. 

But when we reach the limits of the growing city — 
the actual margin of building, which corresponds to the 
margin of cultivation in agriculture — we shall not find 
the land purchasable at its value for agricultural pur- 
poses, as it would be were rent determined simply by 
present requirements; but we shall find that for a long 
distance beyond the city, land bears a speculative value, 
based upon the belief that it will be required in the 
future for urban purposes, and that to reach the point 
at which land can be purchased at a price not based 
upon urban rent, we must go very far beyond the actual 
margin of urban use. 

Or, to take another case of a different kind, inH tannpa 
similar to which may doubtless be found in every local- 
ity. There is in Marin County, within easy access of 
San Francisco, a fine belt of redwood timber. Nat- 



Book IV. 

urally, this would be first used, before resorting for the 
supply of the San Francisco market to timber lands at 
a much greater distance. But it yet remains uncut, 
and lumber procured many miles beyond is daily hauled 
past it on the railroad, because its owner prefers to 
hold for the greater price it will bring in the future. 
Thus, by the withholding from use of this body of tim- 
ber, the margin of production of redwood is forced so 
much farther up and down the Coast Range. That 
mineral land, when reduced to private ownership, is 
frequently withheld from use while poorer deposits are 
worked, is well known, and in new States it is common 
to find individuals who are called “land poor” — that is, 
who remain poor, sometimes almost to deprivation, be- 
cause they insist on holding land, which they themselves 
cannot use, at prices at which no one else can profitably 
use it. 

To recur now to the illustration we made use of in the 
preceding chapter: With the margin of cultivation 
standing at 20, an increase in the power of production 
takes place, which renders the same result obtainable 
with one-tenth less labor. For reasons before stated, 
the margin of production must now be forced down, and 
if it rests at 18, the return to labor and capital will 
be the same as before, when the margin stood at 20. 
Whether it will be forced to 18 or be forced lower 
depends upon what 1 have called the area of produc- 
tiveness which intervenes between 20 and 18. But if the 
confident expectation of a further increase of rents 
leads the land owners to demand 3 rent for 20 land, 
2 for 19, and 1 for 18 land, and to withhold their land 
from use until these terms are complied with, the area 
of productiveness may be so reduced that the margin 
of cultivation must fall to 17 or even lower; and thus, 
as the result of the increase in the efficiency of labor, 
laborers would get less than before, while interest would 


be proportionately reduced, and rent would increase in 
greater ratio than the increase in productive power. 

Whether we formulate it as an extension of the margin 
of production, or as a carrying of the rent line beyond 
the margin of production, the influence of speculation 
in land in increasing rent is a great fact which cannot 
be ignored in any complete theory of the distribution of 
wealth in progressive countries. It is the force, evolved 
by material progress, which tends constantly to increase 
rent in a greater ratio than progress increases produc- 
tion, and thus constantly tends, as material progress 
goes on and productive power increases, to reduce wages, 
not merely relatively, but absolutely. It is this expan- 
sive force which, operating with great power in new 
countries, brings to them, seemingly long before their 
time, the social diseases of older countries; produces 
“tramps” on virgin acres, and breeds paupers on half- 
tilled soil. 

In short, the general and steady advance in land 
values in a progressive community necessarily produces 
that additional tendency to advance which is seen in 
the case of commodities when any general and continu- 
ous causQ operates to increase their price. As, during 
the rapid depreciation of currency which marked the 
latter days of the Southern Confederacy, the fact that 
whatever was bought one day could be sold for a higher 
price the next, operated to carry up the price of com- 
modities even faster than the depreciation of the cur- 
rency, so does the steady increase of land values, which 
material progress produces, operate still further to 
accelerate the increase. We see this secondary cause 
operating in full force in those manias of land specula- 
tion which mark the growth of new communities; but 
though these are the abnormal and occasional mani- 
festations, it is undeniable that the cause steadily oper- 




ates, with greater or less intensity, in all progressive 

The cause which limits speculation in commodities, 
the tendency of increasing price to draw forth additional 
supplies, cannot limit the speculative advance in land 
values, as land is a fixed quantity, which human agency 
can neither increase nor diminish; but there is never- 
theless a limit to the price of land, in the minimum 
required by labor and capital as the condition of en- 
gaging in production. If it were possible continuously 
to reduce wages until zero were reached, it would be 
possible continuously to increase rent until it swallowed 
up the whole produce. But as wages cannot be per- 
manently reduced below the point at which laborers 
will consent to work and reproduce, nor interest below 
the point at which capital will be devoted to production, 
there is a limit which restrains the speculative advance 
of rent. Hence speculation cannot have the same scope 
to advance rent in countries where wages and interest 
are already near the minimum, as in countries where 
they are considerably above it. Yet that there is in all 
progressive countries a constant tendency in the specu- 
lative advance of rent to overpass the limit where pro- 
duction would cease, is, I think, shown by recurring 
seasons of industrial paralysis — a matter which will be 
more fully examined in the next book. 







To whomsoever the soil at any time belongs, to him belong 
the fruits of it. White parasols, and elephants mad with pride 
are the flowers of a grant of land. — Sir Wm. Jones * translation 
of an Indian grant of land, found at Tanna. 

The widow is gathering nettles for her children’s dinner; a 
perfumed seigneur, delicately lounging m the CEil de Bceuf, 
hath an alchemy whereby he will extract from her the third 
nettle, and call it rent. — Carlyle. 





Our long inquiry is ended. We may now marshal the 

To begin with the industrial depressions, to account 
for which so many contradictory and self-contradictory 
theories are broached. 

A consideration of the manner in which the specula- 
tive advance in land values cuts down the earnings of 
labor and capital and checks production leads, I think, 
irresistibly to the conclusion that this is the main cause 
of those periodical industrial depressions to which every 
civilized country, and all civilized countries together, 
seem increasingly liable. 

I do not mean to say that there are not other proxi- 
mate causes. The growing complexity and interde- 
pendence of the machinery of production, which makes 
each shock or stoppage propagate itself through a widen- 
ing circle; the essential defect of currencies which 
contract when most needed, and the tremendous alterna- 
tions in volume that occur in the simpler forms of com- 
mercial credit, which, to a much greater extent than 
currency in any form, constitute the medium or flux of 
exchanges; the protective tariffs which present artificial 
barriers to the interplay of productive forces, and other 
similar causes, undoubtedly bear important part in pro- 
ducing and continuing what are called hard times. But, 
both from the consideration of principles and the obser- 




Book V. 

vation of phenomena, it is clear that the great initiatory 
cause is to be looked for in the speculative advance of 
land values. 

In the preceding chapter I have shown that the specu- 
lative advance in land values tends to press the margin 
of cultivation, or production, beyond its normal limit, 
thus compelling labor and capital to accept of a smaller 
return, or (and this is the only way they can resist the 
tendency) to cease production. Now, it is not only 
natural that labor and capital should resist the crowding 
down of wages and interest by the speculative advance 
of rent, but they are driven to this in self-defense, inas- 
much as there is a minimum of return below which 
labor cannot exist nor capital be maintained. Hence, 
from the fact of speculation in land, we may infer all 
the phenomena which mark these recurring seasons of 
industrial depression. 

Given a progressive community, in which population 
is increasing and one improvement succeeds another, 
and land must constantly increase in value. This 
steady increase naturally leads to speculation in which 
future increase is anticipated, and land values are car- 
ried beyond the point at which, under the existing con- 
ditions of production, their accustomed returns would 
be left to labor and capital. Production, therefore, 
begins to stop. Not that there is necessarily, or even 
probably, an absolute diminution in production; but 
that there is what in a progressive community would be 
equivalent to an absolute diminution of production in a 
stationary community — a failure in production to 
increase proportionately, owing to the failure of new 
increments of labor and capital to find employment at 
the accustomed rates. 

This stoppage of production at some points must 
necessarily show itself at other points of the industrial 
network, in a cessation of demand, which would again 

CZo} uJ. 



check production there, and thus the paralysis would 
co mmun icate itself through all the interlacings of indus- 
try and commerce, producing everywhere a partial dis- 
jointing of production and exchange, and resulting in 
the phenomena that seem to show over-production or 
over-consumption, according to the standpoint from 
which they are viewed. 

The period of depression thus ensuing would continue 
until (1) the speculative advance in. rents had been 
lost; or (2) the increase in the efficiency of labor, owing 
to the growth of population and the progress of improve- 
ment, had enabled the normal rent line to overtake the 
speculative rent line; or (3) labor and capital had be- 
come reconciled to engaging in production for smaller 
returns. Or, most probably, all three of these causes 
would co-operate to produce a new equilibrium, at which 
all the forces of production would again engage, and a 
season of activity ensue; whereupon rent would begin 
to advance again, a speculative advance again take 
place, production again be checked, and the same round 
be gone over. 

In the elaborate and complicated system of production 
which is characteristic of modem civilization, where, 
moreover, there is no such thing as a distinct and inde- 
pendent industrial community, but geographically or 
politically separated communities blend and interlace 
their industrial organizations in- different modes and 
varying measures, it is not to be expected that effect 
should be seen to follow cause as clearly and definitely 
as would be the case in a simpler development of indus- 
try, and in a community forming a complete and dis- 
tinct industrial whole; but, nevertheless, the phenomena 
actually presented by these alternate seasons of activity 
and depression clearly correspond with those we have 
inferred from the speculative advance of rent. 

Deduction thus shows the actual phenomena as result- 



Book V. 

mg from the principle. If we reverse the process, it is 
as easy by induction to reach the principle by traciqg 
up the phenomena. 

These seasons of depression are always preceded by 
seasons of activity and speculation, and on all hands 
the connection between the two is admitted — the depres- 
sion being looked upon as the reaction from the specu- 
lation, as the headache of the morning is the reaction 
from the debauch of the night. But as to the manner 
in which the depression results from the speculation, 
there are two classes or schools. of opinion, as the at* 
tempts made on both sides of the Atlantic to account for 
the present industrial depression will show. 

One school says that the speculation produced the 
depression by causing over-production, and point to the 
warehouses filled with goods that cannot be sold at 
remunerative prices, to mills closed or working on half 
time, to mines shut down and steamers laid up, to 
money lying idly in bank vaults, and workmen com- 
pelled to idleness and privation. They point to these 
facts as showing that the production has exceeded the 
demand for consumption, and they point, moreover, to 
the fact that when government during war enters the 
field as an enormous consumer, Jbrisk times prevail, as 
in the United States during the civil war and in Eng- 
land during the Napoleonic struggle. 

The other school says that the speculation has pro- 
duced the depression by leading to over-consumption, 
and point to full warehouses, rusting steamers, closed 
mills, and idle workmen as evidences of a cessation of 
effective demand, which, they say, evidently results 
from the fact that people, made extravagant by a fic- 
titious prosperity, have lived beyond their means, and 
are now obliged to retrench — that is, to consume less 
wealth. They point, moreover, to the enormous con- 
sumption of wealth by wars, by the building of unre- 

Chap. /. 


26 ? 

munerative railroads, by loans to bankrupt govern- 
ments, etc., as extravagances which, though not felt at 
the time, just as the spendthrift does not at the molnent 
feel the impairment of his fortune, must now be made 
up by a season of reduced consumption. 

Now, each of these theories evidently expresses one 
side or phase of a general truth, but each of them evi- 
dently fails to comprehend the full truth. As an ex- 
planation of the phenomena, each is equally and utterly 

For while the great masses of men want more wealth 
than they can get, and while they are willing to give 
for it that which is the basis and raw material of wealth 
— then* labor — how can there be over-production? And 
while the machinery of production wastes and producers 
are condemned to unwilling idleness, how can there be 

When, with the desire to consume more, there co- 
exist the ability and willingness to produce more, indus- 
trial and commercial paralysis cannot be charged either 
to over-production or to over-consumption. Manifestly, 
the trouble is that production and consumption cannot 
meet and satisfy each other. 

How does this inability arise? It is evidently and 
by common consent the result of speculation. But of 
speculation in what? 

Certainly not of speculation in things which are the 
products of labor — in agricultural or mineral produc- 
tions, or manufactured goods, for the effect of specula- 
tion in such things, as is well shown in current treatises 
that spare me the necessity of illustration, is simply to 
equalize supply and demand, and to steady the inter- 
play of production and consumption by an action anal- 
ogous to that of a fly-wheel in a machine. 

Therefore, if speculation be the cause of these indus- 
trial depressions, it must be speculation in things not 




Boot V, 

the production of labor, but yet necessary to the exertion 
of labor in the production of wealth— of things of fixed 
quantity; that is to say, it must be speculation in land. 

That land speculation is the true cause of industrial 
depression is, in the United States, clearly evident. In 
each period of industrial activity land values have 
steadily risen, culminating in speculation which carried 
them up in great jumps. This has been invariably fol- 
lowed by a partial cessation of production, and its cor- 
relative, a cessation of effective demand (dull trade), 
generally accompanied by a commercial crash; and then 
has succeeded a period of comparative stagnation, dur- 
ing which the equilibrium has been again slowly estab- 
lished, and the same round been run again. This 
relation is observable throughout the civilized world. 
Periods of industrial activity always culminate in a 
speculative advance of land values, followed by symp- 
toms of checked production, generally shown at first 
by cessation of demand from the newer countries, where 
the advance in land values has been greatest. 

That this must be the main explanation of these 
periods of depression, will be seen by an analysis of the 

All trade, let it be remembered, is the exchange of 
commodities for commodities, and hence the cessation 
of demand for some commodities, which marks the de- 
pression of trade, is really a cessation in the supply of 
other commodities. That dealers find their sales de- 
clining and manufacturers find orders falling off, while 
the things which they have to sell, or stand ready to 
make, are things for which there is yet a widespread 
desire, simply shows that the supply of other things, 
which in the course of trade would be given for them, 
has declined. In common parlance we say that “buyers 
have no money,” or that “money is becoming scarce,” 
but in talking in this way we ignore the fact that money 

Chap, /• 



is but the medium of exchange. What the would-bc 
buyers really lack is not money, but commodities which 
they <;an turn into money — what is really becoming 
scarcer is produce of some sort. The diminution of the 
effective demand of consumers is therefore but a result 
of the diminution of production. 

This is seen very clearly by storekeepers in a manu- 
facturing town when the mills are shut down and opera- 
tives thrown out of work. It is the cessation ol 
production which deprives the operatives of means to 
make the purchases they desire, and thus leaves the 
storekeeper with what, in view of the lessened demand, is 
a superabundant stock, and forces him to discharge some 
of his clerks and otherwise reduce his demands. And 
the cessation of demand (I am speaking, of course, of 
general cases and not of any alteration in relative de- 
mand from such causes as change of fashion), which 
has left the manufacturer with superabundant stock and 
compelled him to discharge his hands, must arise in the 
same way. Somewhere, it may be at the other end of 
the world, a check in production has produced a check 
in the demand for consumption. That demand is les- 
sened without want being satisfied, shows that produc- 
tion is somewhere checked. 

People want the things the manufacturer makes as 
much as ever, just as the operatives want the things the 
storekeeper has to sell. But they do not have as much 
to give for them. Production has somewhere been 
checked, and this reduction in the supply of some things 
has shown itself in cessation of demand for others, the 
check propagating itself through the whole framework 
of industry and exchange. Now, the industrial pyramid 
manifestly rests on the land. The primary and funda- 
mental occupations, which create a demand for all 
others, are evidently those which extract wealth from 
nature, and, hence, if we trace from one exchange point 



Book V 

to another, and from one occupation to another, this 
check to production, which shows itself in decreased 
purchasing power, we must ultimately find it in some 
obstacle which checks labor in expending itself on land. 
And that obstacle, it is clear, is the speculative advance 
in rent, or the value of land, which produces the same 
effects as (in fact, it is) a lock-out of labor and capital 
by land owners. This check to production, beginning at 
the basis of interlaced industry, propagates itself from 
exchange point to exchange point, cessation of supply 
becoming failure of demand, until, so to speak, the 
whole machine is thrown out of gear, and the spectacle 
is everywhere presented of labor going to waste while 
laborers suffer from want. 

This strange and unnatural spectacle of large num- 
bers of willing men who cannot find employment is 
enough to suggest the true cause to whomsoever can 
think consecutively. For, though custom has dulled us 
to it, it is a strange and unnatural thing that men who 
wish to labor, in order to satisfy their wants, cannot 
find the opportunity — as, since labor is that which pro- 
duces wealth, the man who seeks to exchange labor for 
food, clothing, or any other form of wealth, is like one 
who proposes to give bullion for coin, or wheat for flour. 
We talk about the supply of labor and the demand for 
labor, but, evidently, these are only relative terms. The 
supply of labor is everywhere the same — two hands al- 
ways come into the world with one mouth, twenty-one 
boys to every twenty girls; and the demand for labor 
must always exist as long as men want things which 
labor alone can procure. We talk about the “want of 
work,” but, evidently, it is not work that is short while 
want continues; evidently, the supply of labor cannot 
be too great, nor the demand for labor too small, when 
people suffer for the lack of things that labor produces. 
The real trouble must be that supply is somehow pre- 

Chap. 1. 



vented from satisfying demand, that somewhere there 
is an obstacle which prevents labor from producing the 
things that laborers want. 

Take the case of any one of these vast masses of un- 
employed men, to whom, though he never heard of Mal- 
thus, it to-day seems that there are too many people in 
the world. In his own wants, in the needs of his anx- 
ious wife, in the demands of his half-cared-for, perhaps 
even hungry and shivering children, there is demand 
enough for labor, Heaven knows! In his own willing 
hands is the supply. Put him on a solitary island, and 
though cut off from all the enormous advantages which 
the co-operation, combination, and machinery of a civil- 
ized community give to the productive powers of man, 
yet his two hands can fill the mouths and keep warm 
the backs that depend upon them. Yet where produc- 
tive power is at its highest development they cannot. 
Why? Is it not because in the one case he has access 
to the material and forces of nature, and in the other 
this access is denied? 

Is it not the fact that labor is thus shut off from 
nature which can alone explain the state of things that 
compels men to stand idle who would willingly supply 
their wants by their labor? The proximate cause of en- 
forced idleness with one set of men may be the cessation 
of demand on the part of other men for the particular 
things they produce, but trace this cause from point to 
point, from occupation to occupation, and you will find 
that enforced idleness in one trade is caused by enforced 
idleness in another, and that the paralysis which pro- 
duces dullness in all trades cannot be said to spring 
from too great a supply of labor or too small a demand 
for labor, but must proceed from the fact that supply 
cannot meet demand by producing the things which 
satisfy want and are the object of labor. 

Now, what is necessary to enable labor to produce 


Book V 

these things, is land. When we speak of labor creating 
wealth, we speak metaphorically. Man creates nothing. 
The whole human race, were they to labor forever, could 
not create the tiniest mote that floats in a sunbeam — 
could not make this rolling sphere one atom heavier or 
erne atom lighter. In producing wealth, labor, with ths 
aid of natural forces, but works up, into the forms de- 
sired, pre-existing matter, and, to produce wealth, must, 

therefore, have access to this matter and to these forces 
— that is to say, to land. The land is the source of all 
wealth. It is the mine from which must be drawn the 
ore that labor fashions. It is the substance to which 
labor gives the form. And, hence, wnen labor cannot 
satisfy its wants, may we not with certainty infer that 
it can be from no other cause than that labor is denied 
access to land? 

When in all trades there is what we call scarcity of 
employment; when, everywhere, labor wastes, while de- 
sire is unsatisfied, must not the obstacle which prevents 
labor from producing the wealth it needs, lie at the 
foundation of the industrial structure? That founda- 
tion is land. Milliners, optical instrument makers, 
gilders, and polishers, are not the pioneers of new settle- 
ments. Miners did not go to California or Australia be- 
cause shoemakers, tailors, machinists, and printers were 
there. But those trades followed the miners, just as 
they are now following the gold diggers into the Black 
Hills and the diamond diggers into South Africa. It io 
not the storekeeper who is the cause of the farmer, but 
the farmer who brings the storekeeper. It is not the 
growth of the city that develops the country, but the 
development of the country that makes the city grow. 
And, hence, when, through all trades, men willing to 
work cannot find opportunity to do so, the difficulty 
must arise in the employment that creates a demand 

Oof- /. cause or industrial depression 273 

for all other employments — it must be because labor is 
shut out from land. 

In Leeds or Lowell, in Philadelphia or Manchester, in 
London or New York, it may require a grasp of first 
principles to see this; but where industrial development 
has not become so elaborate, nor the extreme links of 
the chain so widely separated, one has. but to look at 
obvious facts. Although not yet thirty years old, the 
city of San Francisco, both in population and in com- 
mercial importance, ranks among the great cities of the 
world, and, next to New York, is the most metropolitan 
of American cities. Though not yet thirty years old, 
she has had for some years an increasing number of un- 
employed men. Clearly, here, it is because men cannot 
find employment in the country that there are so many 
unemployed in the city ; for when the harvest opens they 
go trooping out, and when it is over they come trooping 
back to the city again. If these now unemployed men 
were producing wealth from the land, they would not 
only be employing themselves, but would be employing 
all the mechanics of the city, giving custom to the store- 
keepers, trade to the merchants, audiences to the the- 
aters, and subscribers and advertisements to the 
newspapers — creating effective demand that would be 
felt in New England and Old England, and wherever 
throughout the world come the articles that, when they 
have the means to pay for them, such a population con- 

Now, why is it that this unemployed labor cannot 
employ itself upon the land? Not that the land is all 
in use. Though all the symptoms that in older coun- 
tries are taken as showing a redundancy of population 
are beginning to manifest themselves in San Francisco, 
it is idle to talk of redundancy of population in a State 
that with greater natural resources than France has not 
yet a million of people. Within a few miles of San 




Francisco is unused land enough to give employment to 
every man who wants it. I do not mean to say that 
every unemployed man could turn farmer or build him- 
self a house, if he had the land; but that enough could 
and would do so to give employment to the rest. What 
is it, then, that prevents labor from employing itself on 
this land? Simply, that it has been monopolized and is 
held at speculative prices, based not upon present value, 
but upon the added value that will come with the future 
growth of population. 

What may thus be seen in San Francisco by whoever 
is willing to see, may, I doubt not, be seen as clearly in 
other places. 

The present commercial and industrial depression, 
which first clearly manifested itself in the United States 
in 1872, and has spread with greater or less intensity 
over the civilized world, is largely attributed to the un- 
due extension of the railroad system, with which there 
are many things that seem to show its relation. I am 
fully conscious that the construction of railroads be- 
fore they are actually needed may divert capital and 
labor from more to less productive employments, and 
make a community poorer instead of richer; and when 
the railroad mania was at its highest, I pointed this out 
in a political tract addressed to the people of Califor- 
nia;* but to assign to this wasting of capital such a 
widespread industrial dead-lock seems to me like at- 
tributing an unusually low tide to the drawing of a few 
extra bucketfuls of water. The waste of capital and la- 
bor during the civil war was enormously greater than it 
could possibly be by the construction of unnecessary 
railroads, but without producing any such result. And, 
certainly, there seems to be little sense in talking of the 

waste of capital and labor in railroads as causing this 

* — - — 

* The Subsidy Question and the Democratic Party, 1871. 

Chap, /. 



depression, when the prominent feature of the depres- 
sion has been the superabundance of capital and labor 
seeking employment. 

Yet, that there is a connection between the rapid con- 
struction of railroads and industrial depression, any one 
who understands what increased land values mean, and 
who has noticed the effect which the construction of 
railroads has upon land speculation, can easily see. 
Wherever a railroad was built or projected, lands sprang 
up in value under the influence of speculation, and thou- 
sands of millions of dollars were added to the nominal 
values which capital and labor were asked to pay out- 
right, or to pay in installments, as the price of being 
allowed to go to work and produce wealth. The inevi- 
table result was to check production, and this check to 
production propagated itself in a cessation of demand, 
which checked production to the furthest verge of the 
wide circle of exchanges, operating with accumulated 
force in the centers of the great industrial common- 
wealth into which commerce links the civilized world. 

The primary operations of this cause can, perhaps, be 
nowhere more clearly traced than in California, which, 
from its comparative isolation, has constituted a pecu- 
liarly well-defined community. 

Until almost its close, the last decade was marked in 
California by the same industrial activity which was 
shown in the Northern States, and, in fact, throughout 
the civilized world, when the interruption of exchanges 
and the disarrangement of industry caused by the war 
and the blockade of Southern ports is considered. This 
activity could not be attributed to inflation of the cur- 
rency or to lavish expenditures of the General Govern- 
ment, to which in the Eastern States the comparative 
activity of the same period has since been attributed; 
for, in spite of legal tender laws, the Pacific Coast ad- 
hered to a coin currency, and the taxation of ' the Federal 



Boot V 

Government took away very much more than was re- 
turned in Federal expenditures. It was attributable 
solely to normal causes, for, though placer mining was 
declining, the Nevada silver mines were being opened, 
wheat and wool were beginning to take the place of gold 
in the table of exports, and an increasing population and 
the improvement in the methods of production and ex- 
change were steadily adding to the efficiency of labor. 

With this material progress went on a steady en- 
hancement in land values — its consequence. This steady 
advance engendered a speculative advance, which, with 
the railroad era, ran up land values in every direction. 
If the population of California had steadily grown when 
the long, costly, fever-haunted Isthmus route was the 
principal mode of communication with the Atlantic 
States, it must, it was thought, increase enormously with 
the opening of a road which would bring New York 
harbor and San Francisco Bay within seven days’ easy 
travel, and when in the State itself the locomotive took 
the place of stage coach and freight wagon. The ex- 
pected increase of land values which would thus accrue 
was discounted in advance. Lots on the outskirts of 
San Francisco rose hundreds and thousands per cent., 
and fanning land was taken up and held for high prices, 
in whichever direction an immigrant was likely to go. 

But the anticipated rush of immigrants did not take 
place. Labor and capital could not pay so much for 
land and make fair returns. Production was checked, 
if not absolutely, at least relatively. As the transcon- 
tinental railroad approached completion, instead of in- 
creased activity symptoms of depression began to 
manifest themselves; and, when it was completed, to 
the season of activity had succeeded a period of depres- 
sion which has not since been fully recovered from, dur- 
ing which wages and interest have steadily fallen. What 
I have called the actual rent line, or margin of cultiva- 


tion, is thus (as well as by the steady march of im- 
provement and increase of population, which, though 
slower than it otherwise would have been, still goes on) 
approaching the speculative rent line, but the tenacity 
with which a speculative advance in the price of land is 
maintained in a developing community is well known.* 

Now, what thus went on in California went on in 
every progressive section of the Union. Everywhere 
that a railroad was built or projected, land was mo- 
nopolized in anticipation, and the benefit of the im- 
provement was discounted in increased land values. 
The speculative advance in rent thus outrunning the 
normal advance, production was checked, demand was 
decreased, and labor and capital were turned back from 
occupations more directly concerned with land, to glut 
those in which the value of land is a less perceptible 
element. It is thus that the rapid extension of railroads 
is related to the succeeding depression. 

And what went on in the United States went on in a 
greater or less obvious degree all over the progressive 
world. Everywhere land values have been steadily in- 
creasing with material progress, and everywhere this 
increase begot a speculative advance. The impulse of 
the primary cause not only radiated from the newer 
sections of the Union to the older sections, and from the 
United States to Europe, but everywhere the primary 
cause was acting. And, hence, a world-wide depression 
of industry and commerce, begotten of a world-wide 
material progress. 

* It is astonishing how in a new country of great expectations 
speculative pnces of land will be kept up. It is common to 
hear the expression, “There is nonmarket for real estate; you 
cannot sell it at any price/’ and yet, at the same time, if you go 
to buy it, unless you find somebody who is absolutely com- 
pelled to sell, you must pay the prices that prevailed when 
speculation ran high. For owners, believing that land values 
must ultimately advance, hold on as long as they can. 



Book V. 

There is one thing which, it may seem, I have over- 
looked, in attributing these industrial depressions to the 
speculative advance of rent or land values as a main 
and primary cause. The operation of such a cause, 
though it may be rapid, must be progressive — resem- 
bling a pressure, not a blow. But these industrial 
depressions seem to come suddenly — they have, at their 
beginning, the character of a paroxysm, followed by a 
comparative lethargy, as if of exhaustion. Everything 
seems to be going on as usual, commerce and industry 
vigorous and expanding, when suddenly there comes a 
shock, as of a thunderbolt out of a clear sky — a bank 
breaks, a great manufacturer or merchant fails, and, as 
if a blow had thrilled through the entire industrial or- 
ganization, failure succeeds failure, and on every side 
workmen are discharged from employment, and capital 
shrinks into profitless security. 

Let me explain what I think to be the reason of this: 
To do so, we must take into account the manner in 
which exchanges are made, for it is by exchanges that 
all the varied forms of industry are linked together into 
one mutually related and interdependent organization. 
To enable exchanges to be made between producers far 
removed by space and time, large stocks must be kept 
in store and in transit, and this, as I have already ex- 
plained, I take to be the great function of capital, in 
addition to that of supplying tools and seed. These ex- 
changes are, perhaps necessarily, largely made upon 
credit — that is to say, the advance upon one side is 
made before the return is received on the other. 

Now, without stopping to inquire as to the causes, it 
is manifest that these advances are, as a rule, from 
the more highly organized and later developed indus- 
tries to the more fundamental. The West Coast Afri- 
can, for instance, who exchanges palm oil and cocoanuts 
ior gaudy calico and Birmingham idols, gets his return 

Chap. 1. 



immediately; the English merchant, on the contrary, 
has to lay out of his goods a long while before he gets 
his returns. The farmer can sell his crop as soon as it is 
harvested, and for cash; the great manufacturer must 
keep a large stock, send his goods long distances to 
agents, and, generally, sell on time. Thus, as advances 
and credits are generally from what we may call the 
secondary, to what we may call the primary industries, 
it follows that any check to production which proceeds 
from the latter will not immediately manifest itself in 
the former. The system of advances and credits con- 
stitutes, as it were, an elastic connection, which will give 
considerably before breaking, but which, when it breaks, 
will break with a snap. 

Or, to illustrate in another way what I mean: The 
great pyramid of Gizeh is composed of layers of 
masonry, the bottom layer, of course, supporting all the 
rest. Could we by some means gradually contract this 
bottom layer, the upper part of the pyramid would for 
some time retain its form, and then, when gravitation 
at length overcame the adhesiveness of the material, 
would not diminish gradually and regularly, but would 
break off suddenly, in large pieces. Now, the industrial 
organization may be likened to such a pyramid. What 
is the proportion which in a given stage of social de- 
velopment the various industries bear to each other, it 
is difficult, and perhaps impossible, to say; but it is ob- 
vious that there is such a proportion, just as in a print- 
er’s font of type there is a certain proportion between 
the various letters. Each form of industry, as it is de- 
veloped by division of labor, springs from and rises out 
of the others, and all rest ultimately upon land; for, 
without land, labor is as impotent as would be a man 
in void space. To make the illustration closer to the 
condition of a progressive country, imagine a pyramid 
composed of superimposed layers — the whole constantly 



Book V. 

growing and expanding. Imagine the growth of the 
layer nearest the ground to be checked. The others will 
for a time keep on expanding — in fact, for the moment, 
the tendency will be to quicker expansion, for the vital 
force which is refused scope on the ground layer will 
strive to find vent in those above — until, at length, there 
is a decided overbalance and a sudden crumbling along 
all the faces of the pyramid. 

That the main cause and general course of the recur- 
ring paroxysms of industrial depression, which are be- 
coming so marked a feature of modern social life, are 
thus explained, is, I think, clear. And let the reader 
remember that it is only the main causes and general 
courses of such phenomena that we are seeking to trace 
or that, in fact, it is possible to trace with any exact- 
ness. Political economy can deal, and has need to deal, 
only with general tendencies. The derivative forces are 
so multiform, the actions and reactions are so various, 
that the exact character of the phenomena cannot be 
predicted. We know that if a tree is cut through it 
will fall, but precisely in what direction will be deter- 
mined by the inclination of the trunk, the spread of the 
branches, the impact of the blows, the quarter and force 
of the wind; and even a bird lighting on a twig, or a 
frightened squirrel leaping from bough to bough, will 
not be without its influence. We know that an insult 
will arouse a feeling of resentment in the human breast, 
but to say how far and in what way it will manifest it- 
self, would require a synthesis which would build up the 
entire man and all his surroundings, past and present. 

The manner in which the sufficient cause to which I 
have traced them explains the main features of these 
industrial depressions is in striking • contrast with the 
contradictory and self-contradictory attempts which 
have been made to explain them on the current theories 
of the distribution of wealth. That a speculative ad- 

Chop. /. 



vance in rent or land values invariably precedes each 
of these seasons of industrial depression is everywhere 
clear. That they bear to each other the relations of 
cause and effect, is obvious to whomsoever considers 
the necessary relations between land and labor. 

And that the present depression is running its course, 
and that, in the manner previously indicated, a new 
equilibrium is being established, which will result in an- 
other season of comparative activity, may already be 
seen in the United States.